#They gotta make money somehow I understand
limeade-l3sbian · 1 month
I love how ads have intercepted and infested the few things that I enjoy haha omg I love that Pinterest has started using ads that look like pins and that if I'm not on my laptop I have to scroll through pages where literally only 1-2 pins show up and where everything else is an ad hahahaha that's so great!
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liefst · 2 years
it is of the utmost importance to buy yourself fresh luxurious fruit. strawberries, cherries, watermelon, peaches, pineapple, mango... as often as you can afford within reason
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astyrra · 1 year
suggestion for improving tumblr
tl;dr: allow users to add “tags” to their blog as a whole, then make those searchable, so it’s easier to find people to follow who post/reblog about what you’re interested in
so, tumblr corporate wants to get new users/get occasional tumblr users to make an account and use it. as far as im concerned, that’s fine, as long as they don’t wreck the things existing tumblr users like about tumblr.
because all other social media is algorithmic garbage, it seems like a lot of new users join, don’t understand that they have to find people to follow themselves and/or don’t know where to start looking for people to follow, so they leave.
this is my proposed solution to that. basically, as well as having a url, icon, header image, etc, users can also add “tags” to their blog, describing what they post about. adding tags would be completely optional, and what they contain would be entirely written by blog owners with no algorithms involved.
either include in current search or make a new search for just this (and also just like. have a functional search lol). for new users have a thing pointing out that this exists and they should use it to find people to follow
this would also be useful for older users in that like. when i get into a new fandom i want to follow people who post about it frequently, but current search only shows me original posts about it - i also want to follow people who reblog a lot even if they don’t make original content
potential issues/solutions:
scammers and spammers: make it so u can’t add “tags” to ur blog until it reaches a certain age, or has a certain number of posts, or something, so they cant just create 100000 blogs at once and “tag” them all
people “tag” literally anything theyve ever been interested in even if they never really post about it: limit it to like, 5 “tags” total. possibly still some issues with people who forget to update theirs over time but id prefer that to algorithmic bullshit
people deliberately tagging themselves to trick others into following them for malicious reasons (eg someone who posts racist shit tags themselves as BLM or something bc they wanna hurt people): bannable offense. also tumblr fix moderation pls
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jinjeriffic · 5 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 2
Part 1
Damian glared at the envelope. He and Father were in the process of analysing the letter for any signs of toxins, explosives or other traps. Obviously he wasn’t fool enough to open a missive from a questionable source without taking precautions. So far, all their scans had come up empty. Literally. The letter was defying all their attempts at chemical or spectroscopic testing, x-ray and magnetic resonance scans were inconclusive, it defied all properties of ordinary matter. It was frustrating. It was vexing. He was blaming magic.
For all intents and purposes, the letter looked like ordinary paper, with an ordinary wax seal, bearing the initials CW. The looping handwriting addressing it to Damian was precise and neat. Swiping the surface of the letter for chemical traces yielded no results. When Damian had tried to cut off a corner of the paper for analysis it had resisted all attempts, including a laser and a diamond headed cutting tool. Damian’s only satisfaction was that when Father had grunted and taken over the task from Damian, he had no more success than his son. As if Damian didn’t know how to perform the standard array of tests!
It certainly didn’t help that his siblings wouldn’t stop their incessant chattering!
“I’m just saying, ghosts wouldn’t be the weirdest thing we’ve encountered, Red. I’m not sure it would even make my personal Top 5.”
It seemed gossip among heroes travelled faster than the speed of light.
“Really, Nightwing? Ghosts? It’s far more likely to be a meta with something to hide. Or a few screws loose.” Damian could practically hear the eyeroll in Drake’s voice “And since when do ghosts act as glorified mailmen?”
“I don’t know Red, since when do aliens pretend to be Kansas farmboys? C’mon, we deal with magic users all the time!”
“And lets not forget people coming back from the dead” Red Hood interjected over the open comm line.
“Magic is just science we don’t understand yet. Any sufficiently analysed magic becomes indistinguishable from science!”
“B, a little help here?”
“Hn” Father straightened up from his position at the lab table “Oracle, any progress on clearing up the footage from Robin’s mask?”
Grayson threw up his hands with a frustrated huff while Drake smirked.
“The program is almost finished rendering. Whatever scrambler they used did a real number on the video quality. I’m surprised the audio is as clear as it is.” Oracle replied.
“Hn. And the isotope tracer on the money?”
“Sorry B, no hits on the local sensors. Wherever the guy went it’s either outside Gotham or shielded somehow.” she said, mildly frustrated.
“Maybe it’s ghost magiiiiic” Drake sing-songed. Grayson lightly cuffed the back of his head, to which the former Robin responded with a firm shove. Their interaction quickly devolved into a childish tussle.
Damian gave an annoyed huff. “Don’t you two imbeciles have anything better to do?”
“Aww, we’re just here to look out for our baby brother!” Nightwing teased.
“Yeah, we gotta make sure your ghost encounter didn’t leave any lasting psychological damage!” Red Robin added.
Before Damian could retaliate for their needling, Oracle chimed in. “Uh, guys? You’re going to want to see this. Most of the footage was corrupted beyond repair, but I was able to pull some partial stills and, well…” she threw a handful of pictures up on the screen. There was artifacting marring them, but parts of the stranger were visible in each of them. Oracle magnified one that had a pretty good view of his face.
“Holy shit” Drake whispered.
Damian frowned. “What?”
“Dami, he looks like you. Just… older.” Grayson said softly.
“What are you talking about?” Damian snapped.
“Disregard the pale colouring for a second. The nose, the chin… he looks like you if you had a growth spurt,” Drake wrinkled his nose “and went through puberty.”
The commlines erupted into chaos. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Spoiler exclaimed “are you telling me there’s an older version of Robin running around Gotham?!”
“Copy?” Batgirl inquired.
“Don’t tell me Talia cooked up Demon Brat 2.0!”
“Given that he looks older it’s more likely version 0.1 if anything,” Drake snarked, “though there’s the possibility of artificially accelerated growth rates…”
Damian had had enough. “Tt. You are ignoring the obvious - if this is some kind of supernatural entity it likely copied aspects of my appearance in an attempt to engender feelings of familiarity.” he said haughtily, pushing down the uncomfortable churning in his stomach. There was no way Mother would replace him with a cheap copy. She couldn’t! “Besides, the creature has obvious powers and neither of my bloodlines has any trace of the meta gene.”
“That’s ignoring the ghostly elephant in the room.” Grayson chimed in, “Maybe it’s a dead ancestor?”
Drake gave their older brother an annoyed look “Even a time travelling descendant from the future is more likely than that. And delivering a ‘prophecy’ to boot?”
Oracle pulled up an aged up picture of Damian next to the stranger’s, highlighting several reference points. “On closer inspection, there’s a couple of discrepancies. The cheekbones for one - Robin definitely takes after his mother, while our mystery meta looks more like… well… Robin’s grandmother on the paternal side.” she finished hesitantly. “B?”
They turned to look at Batman, who had remained silent during the whole exchange. If they hadn’t known him so well they would have thought him unaffected, but the tightening around his mouth betrayed his agitation.
“There’s no use in pointless speculation until we have more data to work from,” he growled, “Oracle, look for any reports of a meta matching the target. Since our regular methods have failed to yield results, I will contact the JLD about running tests on the letter.” He turned to Drake, “Red Robin, see what you can find on recent League activities. If this is another scheme by Ra’s or Talia we need to know about it.”
“The last thing we need is more demon spawn running around!” Red Hood groaned over the comms.
Damian was furious. This was absurd! To even indulge the possibility that that creature was in any way related to him was making him feel like he had swallowed battery acid. He was the Demon’s Heir! He was not replaceable! There was only one thing to do.
“Robin? Stop!”
He ignored his Father’s shout. He stomped over to the lab table, snatched up the envelope and broke the seal.
Nothing happened.
He unfolded the paper and saw the same handwriting that had been on the outside.
Brother of blood, brother of soul
Never buried but already mourned
In lightning and ice the scorned child returned
To strike down the Demon’s Head
With all that Death earned
Damian’s hand shook. He reread the lines over and over again, refusing to comprehend. He could feel his Father standing behind him, scrutinising the letter as well.
Suddenly, the paper burst into green flames, going up into smoke that dissipated unnaturally quickly.
Silence reigned for a few moments. Then…
“Well that was needlessly melodramatic” Nightwing remarked.
Part 3
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merakiui · 3 months
risky rascality (tsum sex).
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azutsum x (female) reader x azul ashengrotto cw: nsfw, non-con, tsum sex, tsum has a dick, ntr, shameless smut, loss of virginity, cumflation, characters written as 18+ note - don't underestimate the importance of body language. (or: azul's tsum misreads your intentions and fucks you.)
You’ve found yourself in Azul’s VIP room plenty of times in the past, so it’s impossible to explain the anxiety that washes over you. Sudden like a devastating tidal wave, it rocks you to your core the moment Azul offers you a casual smile. He’s so charming. You almost forget you’re here for your usual tutoring session and not a study date. One can dream.
“Before we begin, I’ll have to step out for a moment. There’s something that requires my immediate attention. I shouldn’t be too long. In the meantime, would you mind getting your notes out and turning to the chapter we last left off at?”
Having been so caught up in admiring the way he stands in the doorway, you startle at the sound of his smooth voice. “Next chapter… R-Right! Yes, of course! I’ll do that. You do your thing. I’m not going anywhere.”
With a nod of acknowledgement, he shuts the door behind him. The stiffness in your shoulders ebbs away then, and you slouch back against the sofa. With an embarrassed groan, you drag your hands down your face.
Be normal for one minute, (Name). This isn’t anything special.
Something nudges your thigh and you lower your arms to find Azul’s tsum pushing your textbook towards you. He struggles more than he makes any apparent success, and it’s a cute sight that has a smile sprouting on your lips.
“Thanks, little guy.” You lift the book up to spare him of the burden and set it on the table. A cup of tea rests inches away, steam curling from the liquid in fragrant tendrils. The tsum blinks up at you, wordless like always. “You don’t have to stay for this, you know. I’m sure you’d much rather explore campus.”
The tsum stares and then, as if your words have somehow offended him, he rears forward to knock his head into your thigh again. His fedora falls off in the process, but he pays it no mind and continues to bump into your leg.
“Okay, okay! You can stay.” You laugh and hold your hands up in surrender. “I never said you had to leave.”
Lifting the tiny fedora from the sofa, you place it atop the tsum’s head. It’s uncanny how much of Azul you see in him. Even the beauty mark is in the right place… How peculiar.
Seeming pleased with this, the tsum scrambles to get into your lap. You place your hand under him and help him up. Even though he doesn’t have a mouth, he looks very happy here, bouncing up and down with what you think is a show of enthusiasm.
“You’re adorable, Azutsum. I wish I could say that to your counterpart. He’s great, you know? The most amazing guy I’ve ever met.” You squish Azutsum between your hands and sigh dreamily. “I’m actually not that bad at magic history. I just pretended so I could spend more time with Azul outside of class.”
Azutsum narrows his eyes at you.
“You disapprove?”
He squirms out of your grasp and jumps up towards your chest. You catch him before he can fall back onto your lap. It doesn’t look like open disapproval. Maybe the tsum just doesn’t understand your feelings. You don’t expect him to. If he’s anything like Azul, he’s probably more focused on the lounge or money. Azul did mention he spent a good half of the morning testing the tsum’s affinity for business.
You glance at your textbook. One day you’ll confess. It won’t be today, though. With a sigh, you resign yourself to your reality and place the tsum on the table. You manage to open the book and flick through a few pages before Azutsum pounces on top. He glowers at you, demanding attention. In a way, when he isn’t being expressive like this, he reminds you of a turtle. That thought prompts a chuckle from you and you nudge him away gently.
“I’d love to play more, but I’ve gotta start reviewing. It’ll look odd if Azul walks in and I haven’t made any progress.”
Despite this, Azutsum persists. He prods at your hand, squeaking at you in what sounds like annoyance. A needy thing, this tsum. You’ve never known Azul to be so shamelessly direct, so it takes you by surprise when his tsum rolls around to wrinkle the pages. You gasp just as it tears.
“Don’t be so careless!” You grab hold of the tsum before he can cause further damage to your precious book. Pinching his cheek in light admonishment, you hold him close to your face. “All right, you have my attention. Please don’t destroy my books.”
The tsum beams.
“Aren’t you proud? Seriously… I’m only forgiving you because you look like my crush,” you mutter, your cheeks warming.
If only Azul was this hungry for my attention…
Azutsum wriggles happily in your hands. It’s a challenge to stay angry at such a cute plush. A prisoner to his charms, you pet him affectionately. He seems to bask in your touch, turning over on his back so that you can give his belly the same amount of love.
“Maybe not a turtle. You’re more like a puppy.”
Smiling to yourself, you rub the tsum’s belly. He seems to appreciate the gesture, for he squeaks in excitement. If he wasn’t sentient, you’d probably mistake him for a pillow. He’s soft like one, squishy like a plush. You knead him every now and then, pressing your fingers into his abdomen. You’re sure there’s nothing but stuffing inside, but a morbidly curious part of you wonders if he has organs and blood. Unlikely. But it’s still fun to fantasize over the wildly impossible.
“Do you like that?” You watch gleefully as the tsum squeezes his eyes shut and squirms. His squeaks are loud. “Seems like it. After this, though, I need to get back to work.”
You’re so swept up in toying with the tsum that it shocks you out of your skin when he jumps out of your arms abruptly. You assume he’s gotten tired of the teasing, but then he’s launching himself at you to tackle you onto the sofa. The force knocks you down, and you gasp as the leather cushions cradle you in the aftermath of your fall.
“Hey! What was that for?” You lift your head up to look at him. A familiar weight settles on top of you. “You’re stronger than you look…”
You gaze at Azutsum and the laughter sticks in your throat. There’s a distinctly human cock curving up along the length of your stomach, grotesquely thick and leaking pre-cum, maddeningly disproportionate. Your eyes widen, and a shard of horror lodges itself in your heart.
“W-Wait… Hold on!” You scramble to get away, but the tsum shifts so that the head of his cock presses against your skirt. You yelp when he moves again to prod at your clothed pussy. “Don’t touch there—you can’t!”
He presses inwards, blocked only by your panties, and squeaks sadly. You claw at the sofa, desperate to escape. Azutsum isn’t listening. He continues to rut uselessly between your thighs. Much to your disbelief, the pressure of his cock straining to find its home inside your tight hole leaves you soaking through your panties. If you aren’t thinking about it—about the fact that this insane cock belongs to this little tsum—you almost trick yourself into picturing Azul leaning over you on the sofa. He’d grab your hips, yank you to meet him halfway, slot himself inside slowly… He’d praise you for taking him so well, whisper the sweetest of filth, kiss you dizzy!
That sugar-encrusted delusion shatters the moment his fleshy head catches on your panties. Somehow they’re pushed aside as he bullies his way closer to your cunt. Your eyes snap open just as he pushes inside.
“No, no, no! A-Azutsum, don’t do—ooh!”
Your pleas taper off into a low groan just as he slides in. It feels strange, a foreign fit. Is this really going to be your first time? With withering resolve, you reach for the tsum in hopes of tugging him away from your pussy. He draws back, searching for the right rhythm, and sinks further into wet walls. The breath is punched out of your lungs once he’s managed to fit half of his absurd length inside you.
Tears gather in your eyes. “Take it out… Please… It feels weird and—” he bucks forwards and you suck in a breath through your teeth— “h-hurts!”
Azutsum squeaks softly at you. Consolation? Maybe. Or perhaps it’s a parody of a sweet nothing. How is this possible? He shouldn’t be this big. He shouldn’t even have this anatomy to begin with! Where was he even hiding such a monstrous size?
Your arm falls over your face. Despite everything, the fit is snug. You’re not sure you can take another inch. Azutsum disagrees with this unvoiced sentiment, instead choosing to fuck in and out of you until you’re properly slick. It leaves you shuddering with a strange desire—whether that’s to get away or stay, you can’t determine.
Submitting to your fate—though your hips flinch with every thrust—you allow your mind to wander. You envision Azul and wish he was here in place of this devious tsum. Maybe then you’d be more receptive. Maybe then you wouldn’t be crying. Maybe then the drag of his cock along your walls would actually feel satisfying.
Azutsum’s squeaks join the obscene squelch of skin on skin. It’s noisy and gross. You smell yourself on the air—the unmistakable odor of salt and sin. He fucks like he’s running late, driving his cock as deep as it can possibly go. Your back arches up towards the invisible body that ought to be hovering over you right now. If it was Azul, you’d loop your arms around his neck and pull him down to taste him.
It’s not Azul. It will never be Azul.
All you can do is lie there and take it. At some point, the stretch is less of a pain and more of a unique fullness. It’s not unpleasant, weirdly. Rather, you find yourself grinding down to meet each of his sporadic thrusts, chasing a high that’s so conflicting.
What am I doing? This is so wrong! you think, writhing like a fish out of water. And yet you can’t stop.
“Azutsum, please—” You gasp sharply when he hits a particular spot deep within you, your eyes rolling back into your skull. That’s…not your cervix, is it? There’s no way… Surely he didn’t do that. But then the tip of his cock prods at it again, this time with more insistence, and you throw your head back and howl. “Wait, slow down! Hurts—that hurts!”
Tears trail down your cheeks. You wipe them away to no avail. They just keep pouring, made plentiful by the cock ramming against a place that’s never been reached before. You cry out again when he eases out partially and slams back in with forceful determination. His motions are sloppy now, a stuttering, jerky movement that fills you with more cock than you’ve ever taken in your life before. Your fingers and dildo can’t compare to this—nothing can.
In just a few more riotous strokes, the tsum burrows his cock all the way to the hilt and releases inside with a strangled squeak. Thick, warm cum floods your womb at once, so copious it leaves your stomach with a slight bloat. Dazed, just managing to collect yourself, you press down against your belly to feel the bulge of his cock.
“Please…” you whisper, panting, “pull out already…”
Azutsum starts to do that, only to thrust back in. His cock keeps all of his cum effectively plugged.
“No more… I can’t take anymore. Please…”
But he’s already moving, intent on going at it until his balls are drained and you’re properly filled. In the meantime, you shut your eyes and welcome the chimera of an absentee Azul.
You’re not sure how long it’s been or how many rounds you’ve gone, but by the end of it you’re stuffed. Azutsum finally eases out after so much time spent thrust up inside. Shivering, you peer over the deceptive dome that is your stomach. If anyone were to see you, they’d certainly think you were pregnant and not just packed full of cum. You don’t want to know where such a little tsum gets so much virility. Best not to question it, otherwise you’ll drive yourself mad trying to figure it out.
Azutsum climbs up onto your rounded belly, gazing down at you with newfound fondness in his blue eyes. You’re not sure where his cock’s retreated to now. At least it’s over. Defeated, you reach up and pat his head.
The door to the VIP room creaks open then. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, (Name). Some nuisances—ah, I mean customers—don’t know when to—” Azul chokes on the rest of his sentence, his wide-eyed gaze drawn to you splayed out on the leather sofa. Cum dribbles from your abused cunt, pooling below on the cushion.
You can’t bear to look at him, so you bury your face in your hands. “S-Sorry. I’m sorry! I’ll clean it. Just please… Please don’t look.” Shyly, you squeeze your legs shut in hopes of preserving what’s left of your dignity. You’ve never felt humiliation as hot and heavy as this before.
Azutsum squeaks a joyful greeting.
You can’t see him, but his face has exploded with a fiery embarrassment. He’s doing everything he can to avoid staring at you. No matter how hard he tries, his eyes are drawn to your stomach, to your pussy clenched around nothing and leaking cum, to the devilishly proud tsum perched on top… Most importantly, you miss the way his slacks tighten in the crotch and the way he swallows thickly.
Clearing his throat, his words awkward, Azul says, “P-Perhaps we ought to postpone today’s session…”
It’s for the best. He’s not sure he’d be able to explain his reaction if you were to catch it.
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callsign-rogueone · 3 months
study season
fourth wing characters (Aaric, Bodhi, Brennan, Dain, Garrick, Imogen, Liam, Mira, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Sawyer, Sloane, Violet, and Xaden) x reader the ways our faves help you study for exams. words: ~900 🏷: no book spoilers, no triggers. gender neutral. and I included the girls this time!! some of these can be read as platonic and others mention kisses / cuddles, implying you’re a couple. idk, I just work here. I’m really liking this format lately, and it’s (fairly) quick and easy so you can expect more of these in the future while I procrastinate all the girlfriendverse chapters and smut I have to write lol
First, the more studious of the bunch:
Brennan is all-in, no hesitation, pulling up a chair next to you and learning this with you for moral support, but also for fun (can you believe this guy?) though you suppose it’s easier to enjoy this if it doesn’t count for a grade. Either way, he’s a very nice study partner, and he encourages you to take breaks every hour / chapter / etc. Brings snacks, too.
Violet somehow already knows all of the material, and explains it better than the textbook or the professor. Walks things back if you don’t get it and gets into the why and how, which so many teachers skip over, even though it helps explain the what (pet peeve of mine showing here lol). 
Aaric’s study skills are unmatched -- years of the best private tutors money can buy really paid off. Teaches you new strategies that you’ve never heard of in your life, and when you ask, he admits a bit shyly that he came up with it himself, but it works, and you get it done in half the time you would have before. (work smarter, not harder, baby)
Rhiannon gives you the pep talk of your life (we all need a Rhiannon in our lives) and convinces you that you’ve got this. Packs you a little snack for the day of your exam with a little note reminding you that you know this, just breathe and think. 
Xaden sees you struggling and forces you to take a break. During said break, he’s reading the book himself and figuring out what exactly has you so stressed and exhausted. Breaks down the tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and guides you through it -- “find three reasons why XYZ happened.” done with that? “Now make them into paragraphs.” etc etc, and an hour later, you have a passable essay. 
Dain is taking this more seriously than you are, and his discipline is like no other; you’re not stopping until the work is done, or until midnight, whichever comes first (because sleep is important for the brain, or whatever. Definitely not just because he misses you and wants to cuddle). 
Garrick may have no idea what you’re talking about, but he suffers through it with you, offering to let you explain things to him, because teaching is a good way to test if you understand something. Though you get what you pay for -- he’s a total smartass about it, asking questions about the littlest details even if they’re common knowledge -- he’s gotta be thorough, right? 
Ridoc may be the class clown type, but he’s smarter than a lot of people think. He comes up with a bunch of jokes that actually help you remember things. Somehow manages to relate the most complex topic in your book to a sandwich, and it actually works. He’s incredibly smug about this for the rest of the week, especially when you get the highest score in the class (he’ll take payment in kisses, thank you.)
Bodhi makes flashcards with you, quizzing you and giving you a kiss if you get it right (this definitely is not a distraction, and things definitely don’t escalate from here, nope.) He’s also really good at proofreading essays, and gives excellent feedback regarding the structure and the order of the information.
Liam sits there with you all the while, completely silent, working on one of his wood carvings at the other end of the table, but you know he’s there and he’s watching -- and that provides a healthy amount of peer pressure and keeps you on task. He’s an incredibly observant person, and he can see the stress building; he knows when to intervene and suggest that you take a break.
Sloane is the best person to commiserate with. She doesn’t want to be doing this either, but she’s also incredibly stubborn, and she doesn’t give up; after a healthy amount of complaining, she’s forcing you both to keep trying until it works / until it’s done, and then you’re treating yourselves to something for getting it over with, because you deserve it.
Sawyer is gentle and supportive, having a heart-to-heart conversation with you and reminding you that yes, this is important, but the world will not stop turning if you fail one exam. He knows how it feels to be compared to his peers, especially in how long it takes you to accomplish something (poor bb) and doesn’t want you stressing yourself out about that, either. 
Imogen is the opposite, all tough love, giving you gentle but firm reminders: “you didn’t make it this far just to give up,”, “I know you can do this, so do it,” but she balances it out with tender affirmation when you’re done. She’ll even let you skip out on training for the day since you’ve been studying so hard (and she takes training seriously, so this is more of a reward than it seems). 
Mira’s default approach is similar to Imogen’s, but she can see that you’re reaching your limit and dials it back, being more gentle with you and doing whatever you need -- encouragement? someone to just sit there? help / explanation / etc? she’s got you covered. herds you into bed at a reasonable hour so you’ll be well rested for the classes and exams.
And all of them are incredibly proud of you for working so hard and getting good grades 🤍
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cosmicmunsonwrites · 11 months
Can I just please request anything Rafe x pogue!reader x Barry preferably smut
you got me down on my knees
pairing(s): bf!rafe cameron x gf!pogue!fem!reader x dealer!barry
warnings: smut, sharing, oral (m receiving), fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, pet names, degrading kink, nipple play, praise kink
summary: after being late on a payment, rafe makes a big offer to his dealer.
authors note: thank you so much for the request, love! i hope you enjoy :)
not edited
do not copy my works. i do not condone rewrites, translations, or edited versions. all my content is my content that i wrote.
not my gif
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“no rafe,” you said firmly. “i don’t have the money you need, and even if i did, i wouldn’t lend it to you so you can feed your drug addiction.”
“baby, you know i’m good for it though,” he basically begged.
you shook your head. “you’re not understanding, rafe. i don’t have the amount of money you need.”
“look, barry’s been on my ass lately, ok? i need to pay him back, like, yesterday or he’ll cut off my supply,” he said lowly.
you just rolled your eyes instead. “i don’t have anything for you, rafe.”
he groaned and pulled out his phone. his fingers moved fast against the screen before a loud notification sounded through the room. “lets go,” he ordered.
“what?” you asking in confusion. “go where?”
he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “can you just trust me for once, sweetheart? go get in the car.”
“you wasn’t lying, country club. you got a real pretty little thing,” barry said as he walked outside of his trailer.
rafe smiled, his hand on your lower back as he pushed you forward with him. “i’m telling you, man. you gotta have a little more faith in me.”
“what’s going on?” you asked rafe, stopping to look up at him.
his hands came up to cradle the sides of your face. “you trust me?” you nodded. “then listen to me and do whatever i say.”
“what’s happening?” you asked, growing more scared as you looked up at him with big pleading eyes.
he kissed your forehead and turned his head to look at barry. “you’re gonna help me repay him.”
“what?” you felt your heart drop. “what do you mean? how am i supposed to do that?”
his hand returned to your lower back and began to guide you to the entrance of his trailer. “you’re gonna show him a good time, baby.”
you shook your head frantically, planting your feet. “no. no, i don’t even know him. why would i do that?”
“hey hey hey, you’re fine, sweetheart. you’re gonna be fine. he won’t hurt you. and i’ll be right here with you,” he said reassuringly. somehow, it didn’t make it any better.
“don’t worry, hun, i don’t bite,” barry said with a smile.
you didn’t like this. you didn’t like the idea of being with anyone other than rafe.
“hey, it’s ok, baby,” he spoke, a gentle kiss pressing to your lips after. “we’re gonna treat you good. i promise.”
barry stepped aside and held the trailer door open. “we’ll take real good care of you.”
you let your body loosen a little more. you knew rafe would never intentionally hurt you and god knows he’d never, ever let anyone else lay a finger on you with the thought of hurting you.
you let him guide you into the living room and almost immediately, his lips were on yours and his hands were holding your waist in a vice like grip. he pushed you down onto the couch. “take it all off,” he ordered.
you felt both of their eyes burning holes through you and you slowly stripped out of your clothes and let them fall to the floor. rafe stalked towards you before his lips were attacking your neck. “you can touch her, man,” your boyfriend mumbled against your skin.
barry jumped at the opportunity, his mouth taking in your nipple while his hand toyed with the other. you bit your lip to suppress the moan begging to escape, thighs clenching together at the feeling they were giving you.
suddenly barry’s hand was trailing between your thighs and to your cunt, running up your slit before slowly sliding his middle finger in. your eyes shut tight and your head tipped back, giving rafe better access as his friend began to move it inside you.
“fuck,” you whimpered when he added another, your back arching off the couch and you moaned louder when he sped up. “oh. shit. ‘m close,” you mumbled.
if your eyes were open, you’d have seen the look shared between the two boys. they stopped everything and began to move around each other. before you could ask any questions, rafe was manhandling you onto your hands and knees, his tip running through your lips.
barry was now sitting up against the armrest in front of you in nothing but his boxers. “i want you to show barry what your pretty mouth can do while i fuck your greedy little cunt, alright sweetheart? think you can do that for me?” rafe asked almost teasingly. you nodded, almost screaming when he thrusted into your quickly. “c’mon baby, get to work.”
you whimpered when his tip pressed up against your cervix as you pulled barry’s boxers down enough to reveal his cock. you quickly took him into your head, running your thumb over the head to smear the precum then proceeding to kitty lick the head. he groaned and locked eyes with you, watching your every move.
“i know you can do more than that, sweetheart,” rafe taunted.
you cried out at the feeling of him resting against that spongey spot, your legs feeling weak like they were about to give out. you took the head into your mouth and sucked on it, moaning around him when your boyfriend started to fuck you again. “there you go, hun. such a good girl,” barry praised.
you took him deeper into your throat, tears spilling from your cheeks when rafe started to pound into you. “look at you, baby. such a slut for us. suckin’ him off while i fuck you. makin’ us both feel so good.”
barrys hand came to rest at the back of your head, pushing it down and making you gag around him. “fuck, country club. you got a real good one here.”
rafe grinned proudly. “tell me about it.”
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that-punk-adam · 5 months
This is not at all a new take on life here in the US of A however I feel as though I will peel my skin off if I don’t say it;
People are seeing death as a valid option to the current state of the world + the future and now I am fully understanding why.
There is no more ‘village’. There are no reliable social safety nets installed that are realistic or easy to access. You H A V E to drive EVERYWHERE if you’re even able to drive. If your area has a bus it has to fight on the road with every other driver. To get 9 miles away from point A to B takes 2 hour out of your day. No one is hiring or they are paying minimum wages for you to run their whole circus operation damn near by yourself. Average 1 bedroom apartments are $1.1k a month for 500 sqf and if you SOMEHOW get a roommate and get them to agree to split rent and utilities then y’all are going to battle for personal space. A 2 bed is out of the question bc there is no way in hell that you can save anything if you are spending more then half of your wages on rent. You want to go out and have a sense of what it means to be fulfilled as a human? Don’t even dream about it, you have your bills coming up.
Get a second or 3rd job? Wait… you were able to find one? They didn’t ghost? Lucky you; now you are better off & you can now sleep knowing that the 2nd job will be able to pay for the gas ($3+/gal), insurance (3X what it used to be but still making you open up ur wallet before they step in), and your car note! (Wayyy too much for a used).
What is fun? What are get togethers? What is a ‘cheap meal’? What’s a bucket list? What’s a vacation? What’s a hobby? Wait, you can afford to replace items and not get anxiety over it? You can afford more then an arm full of groceries?? Will you be able to retire by the time you’re 60 with enough money in the bank to not just exist, but to do the things you’ve always wanted to do during those working decades? What will elder and death care look like? Will your children be able to not live in poverty?
We as young people are seeing death as a valid option because we know we will NEVER see an adult life like those before us prior to the 90’s. Starting a family or adding on to your family will put you in poverty. Buying a house if you’re fortunate enough will put you in poverty. Renting will put you in poverty. Working more jobs will put you in poverty. Having a car will put you into poverty, not having one will keep you from ever getting one. We will just work and work to never ever have anything to show for it. This is not the lifestyle that I’d doom more life to do for the rest of their lives. Something’s gotta change sooner rather then later and it’s gotta be grass roots. We have to be willing to break some rules to get to where we need to be.
Things. Must. Change.
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griefabyss69 · 5 months
Written for @steddiemicrofic!
[ AO3 ] [ Tip / Commissions post ]
‘HOLE’ wc: 404 | rated: G | cw: Mention of Christmas, Steve's parents
Steve has been buying from Eddie for a while now; desperate tips included. Eddie makes him an unexpected offer.
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Eddie sits across from him, fingers tapping on the picnic table, breath turning to ghosts in the cold air.
"I'm closing for the holidays next week," he says, carefully watching him. "You wanna stock up tomorrow?"
"Wouldn't you make tons of cash selling over Christmas?" Steve asks. "You were complaining about your bills last week."
"Everyone's busy with their families, Harrington," Eddie replies, emphasizing a point that just hammers another nail into the coffin of Steve's chest. "And I'll be okay, Wayne's working Christmas to get the extra pay."
Steve nods slowly, trying to radiate "not only am I personally doing great but I am also so understanding and kind", to not wonder how much weed it'll take him to survive his mother's vacation drunk voice wishing him a Merry Christmas a day late.
Last year he had tried to find the joy and the warmth with whiskey, a mistake that still turns his stomach to think about.
"I'm gonna need like, a lot," he says. "However much I buy in a week, triple it… No, quadruple it."
Eddie's eyebrows raise and he gives an obnoxious little whistle; such a Tommy reaction honestly, but he's nicer underneath it.
"Gotta get through all of those stuffy soirees somehow, right?" He asks, smiling wryfully.
His tongue is a quick flash of pink as he runs it along his bottom lip.
"Uh-huh," Steve says, staring.
"I'll give you a discount, for buying in bulk," Eddie continues, and Steve shakes his head, holds his hand up, looks back up to his eyes.
"Don't bother, it's my parent's money. It's only a little bit stolen," he says, expecting rolled eyes, punctuated with a scoff - not the glimmer of mischief in Eddie's smile. "And it's burning a hole in my wallet."
"Bad boy, huh?" Eddie laughs, and Steve wishes.
Maybe then Eddie would find him impressive and fall in… lust, or whatever.
"Nah. Resourceful," he laughs. "Just don't thank them for the tip or there might be trouble."
Eddie laughs with his whole body, delighted as he knocks his knuckles against Steve's.
"If you get bored of being a good boy for all of those fancy people, gimme a shout, we can smoke together," he offers.
Steve doesn't bother getting paranoid about it before he accepts.
"Could be fun…," he trails off, watching Eddie's tongue lick at the corner of his mouth, utterly distracted.
"Hell yeah," Eddie says, winking.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 11 days
For the love of Merlin please give me Percy Wesley x older!Potter!sister — the ultimate yandere
Percy who is determined and headstrong stepping onto the Hogwarts Express for the very first time and taking one look at the pretty girl with dark hair and green eyes and a scar on her face that she’s baring proudly, just as he’s baring his second hand robes proudly, and deciding that that’s the one he wants before even getting her name
Introducing himself with confidence and is pleased to be met with a beaming smile, no judgement present
Molly would be horrified hearing Percy is in Slytherin
Her most rule following, intelligent and sophisticated son a snake??? Not understanding why until Charlie breaks out into a fit of laughter and sputters something about Percy following a pretty girl into the house and Molly whips around looking like she wants to smack sense into him because he’s obviously lost his mind and he just raises his brows and is like “yes but it’s Potter!Reader soooooo” and she has to compose herself
He’s determine to become everything his family isn’t, everything his father isn’t, making a silent promise to be better and to take care of their family that way Arthur Weasley just couldn’t
It’s funny though cause she’s already rich. Having money isn’t a driving factor for a relationship, she just wants to be seen and loved.
Yesssss, I love it!!!! But hear me out though; Yan!poly Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood with Older!sibling!Potter!Reader👀🤗. Thoughts??
Percy would totally have a much darker streak, mainly cause his darling is always ending up it shitty situations or having to deal with shitty people so he’s gotta compensate somehow to be able to help/protect her. Not to mention he’s gotta be slick to move his way up in life to be at the point he feels he can thoroughly provide for his darling and their future family.
Also, I totally see him being an absolute fucking simp for Potter!Reader, you can’t tell me otherwise. And he takes such pride in it too. Boy loves his darling so much and so early on that he is utterly willing to do absolutely whatever for them at any given second, whether she asks him to or not. After older!sister!Potter!Reader comes into Percy’s life, his whole world revolves around her and only her. She and their future together is his top priority and it makes him only strive all the harder in his education and later in his career. Everything he does and will do is for the two of them, no one else.
I just can’t help but to imagine how totally stressed out Percy is during the whole Prisoner of Azkaban plot. Like, mans is out on the hunt for Sirius Black himself to ensure his darling stays safe and sound. He would completely forbid Potter!Reader from leaving their dorm whatsoever, especially without him. His head would be on a swivel with how much he’s looking over both his and his darling’s shoulders. Not to mention also needing to keep an eye out on Harry too cause Merlin forbid anything happens to him.
Not to mention, Percy would always come in clutch for his darling when it came to them getting into trouble. He’ll cover for them as much as he possibly can too. Doing the same for Harry too, albeit a bit more reluctantly.
I love the idea of Percy and Potter!Reader moving in together after they graduate, like right after. Percy has been waiting for this moment for so long, just him and his darling and no more being at the Burrow. I could see him moving into Grimmauld Place with the Reader, Harry and Sirius, cause you know Sirius wasn’t gonna part so easily with the Reader let alone let the two move in together right away. Besides, Percy probably may as well have already moved in with how much he was over there. Or I could see Petunia giving the house on Spinner’s End to the Reader as a graduation gift/cause it belongs to her now (or the Reader just fucking breaks into it and moves in herself cause it is hers and Harry’s after all) and the Reader of course takes Harry with her to live there, cause you know damn well older!sister!Potter!Reader promised him when she first started attending Hogwarts that the second she graduated they would never have to go home to the Dursley’s ever again. Percy ends up moving in shortly after, or he’s already been moved in having taken to setting everything up while his darling got Harry and whatever things they needed.
I also could see Percy visiting the Dursley home a lot. Vernon and Petunia actually quite enjoy him and his company, he’s prim and proper, but most importantly he doesn’t come off as being anything remotely ‘unordinary’. Meanwhile, you know damn well he spent countless sleepless nights memorizing muggle related things to come off as ‘normal’ as possible to his darling’s aunt and uncle. Vernon especially takes to Percy given their bonding over talks about career plans. Percy particularly earns Vernon’s good graces when he mentions his want for an ‘office job’ and moving his way up the workplace latter when he eventually does get said job.
But let’s be honest, Percy is only trying to make nice with his darling’s family, he absolutely detests them and wishes nothing but hardship for the people who have made his darling and her brother’s lives hell. The look of utter horror and disdain when Percy sees the way the Reader and Harry live, he vows in that moment that he will do everything in his power to take his darling away from the abusive and neglectful situation they’ve been forced to endure and to give them everything they deserve and more. After that, I think Percy’s respect for/trust in Dumbledore would be nonexistent. Like, how fucking dare you to know about the situation my darling and her brother have grown up in and continue to let it take place. The situation you willingly handed them into. Percy would totally have mad beef with Albus, to the point where he just flat out calls and refers to Dumbledore as Albus, saying it with nothing but seething disgust. No more Sir, Professor or Headmaster. I think it would be Percy’s first true heel turn from being the respectful, rule abiding boy he was.
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pseudosis · 4 months
ᴥ 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐀 | plug!jet x reader {teaser}
ᴥwarning(s): reader calls jet “jee” , jet calls reader “kid” , drugs , mentions of death/violence , minor ocs
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“I don’t like my money being fucked with kid…”
“Jee hush, I’m a little behind on bills right now. You’ll get your last sixty next week sometime.”
New york’s opening year climate had your hands all clammy, wrapping up in various layers of winter clothes somehow couldn’t stop the frigid whoops of air snaking their way to your body. Grip wavering visibly, trying to flip through your wallet of fresh cash and pull out a sum of money just short of sixty dollars to Jee. One thing about him is that he didn’t really like the whole ‘i’ll pay the rest later’ excuse, his policy is you either pay it or go home with nothing. Years of being a dealer had his paranoia constantly on a high most failed to understand.
Yet he found himself remorseful towards you, the both of you knowing each other since grade school, always making your payments on time. It wasn’t like you were the kind to grab and run from him anyway, an excuse this time would be tolerated by his rare patience. As soon as the paper made it into his expectant open palm, he balled it up, and replaced your empty hand with a solid pound of green in a plastic baggie.
“We hotboxing tonight or you going home?”
“Gotta go home, got work tomorrow.”
The discipline of a real job was a foreign idea to Jee, constantly running through streets for as long as he could remember. His longest ever consistent job was selling drugs. Never holding down a real home either, just constantly on the move. He says this business gets demanding like a normal job, seeing the bulge of a loaded pistol tucked into his waistband under his oversized hoodie.
“How Brooklyn been treating you Jee?”
Moving from Pasadena just a week ago had him new to the whole environment that made up the east coast, “Everything up here so damn expensive, but I’m coming from Pasadena, so it ain’t nothing I’m not used to. I hate the cold, but the rest of my group is up here so…”
He never looked at you, staring off into the distance in the park that was gradually collecting snow. Bare hands going a mild red from the dropped temperatures, then being shoved into his hoodie pockets. Kicking an accumulating pile of snow out of sheepishness during the silence between words, you decided to say something since you wanted to talk before heading off back home.
“I’m sorry about what happened to Chico…have you been at least doing well after his funeral?”
Jee said nothing for a long moment, face going unreadable and eyebrows hunching slightly together as he was seemingly thinking. Maybe bringing up a sensitive subject like that wasn’t the best social move you could’ve made, but that was your friend, and Chico happened to be his best friend as well. They were like brothers as close as they were, only to lose the man in a gunfight back when he was in Cali.
“…it’s been cool, you know. Things ain’t been ideal but shit happens, that’s life.”
As nonchalant about it as he wanted to be, you could sense his grief through his numb attitude. Eyebrows relaxing and his vision jolted to the ground, a moment before hearing the ding of his phone which softened the solemn energy around you two. Fishing the device out of his pocket, he checked the notification from some other buyer ready to purchase their products from him.
“Alright kid, see you around, don’t forget my damn sixty. I’ll blow your head off if you do.” Jee playfully hit your arm, a gesture native to the friendly relationship you two had for years now. Smacking the back of his head and laughing before you two parted off, returning to the very different lives the both of you lived.
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astaraels · 2 months
so I know I'm in the no galladads side of the fandom but hear me out on this one—
so it's maybe five years after the end of the show, Ian and Mickey are still going with their security business, maybe they've even branched out and hired some extra help, making good money, swapped out the stolen ambulance for actual SUVs that Debbie has fixed up for them, and they've maybe even bought a house back on the South Side with a dog and a cat and they're close to all of Ian's siblings (Debbie and Carl and Liam all still live in the old Gallagher house, Lip and Tammi are a few blocks over)
and one day they're on a lunch break together, leaving some diner when some rando kid bumps into Ian, turns out it was a pickpocket, and Mickey takes off after the jerk who tried to steal from his husband (he may not be a South Side thug anymore but like hell is he gonna let that shit slide)
he knocks the pickpocket over and it's some kid, like thirteen or fourteen with bright pink streaks in her dark hair and fierce brown eyes, and Mickey is like wtf kid do you wanna die
and the kid is like oh fuck you, very much an angry kitten type because she's definitely a scrawny thing—by this time Ian's caught up to them and his bleeding heart is like look if you give me my wallet back I'll buy you lunch (Mickey complains that "we just ate, Gallagher" but Ian insists)
so they either go back to the diner or find some McDonald's and this kid practically inhales some burgers and fries, and both Mickey and Ian know the look of a kid on the streets, but she's giving off those vibes that say don't touch me don't talk to me don't fucking perceive me
but Ian probably sees something like Mickey, and Mandy, in this girl and we all know he wants to help people, so he asks her if she's okay or if she needs anything, and even though he can feel Mickey starting to grumble next to him Ian still offers her their couch to crash on after she mentions getting kicked out of a salvation army shelter because they found out she was trans
and after some very intense eye to eye communication between the husband Mickey's like okay yeah fine but if one thing is outta place in the house then we're gonna have words
and the girl—they find out her name is Starr, or something like that—is like wtf why are you people being nice (they understand the suspicion, obvs, they aren't stupid), and Ian's like uhhhh we're gay and we've gone through some shit of our own so maybe we just wanna help?? (although he does notice she relaxes a little bit when he tells her that they're gay)
so they drive back home and Starr is absolutely enamored by the gallapets (a beautiful fluffy black cat and a big pittie mix, both of these animals are Ian and Mickey's baby girls), while Ian fixes up the spare bedroom with fresh sheets—usually it's where Franny or Fred stay when they come for weekend visits
and at first Starr is like okay yeah I'll stay one night but then I gotta go, and somehow it ends up that one night turns into two, then Ian and Mickey come home one afternoon and the house looks amazing because Starr is like "yeah your place was a fucking mess so I figured I'd clean" because she's not a freeloader gdi
and before they know it she's been there for a few weeks and Ian's trying to help get her back in school, because one night they were sitting around and talking and she offhandedly said that she does kinda miss school but the last place she went they were assholes about her transition, and Mickey is like just do that homeschooling course thing that maybe Tammi talked about one of her bougie friends doing for their kids
and then it's been a month or two and they bring Starr to a Gallagher family get together—Debbie hosts the family at the house at least twice a month, but everyone's been super busy lately so it's been a while since the last family dinner—and Debs gives Starr a hug and is like "oh so you're the kid my brothers adopted" (she and Sandy worked things out btw and have been back together for a while now, they've even maybe talked about getting married)
and Starr is like oh no I'm just crashing for a bit but by this point Ian has already got her the homeschooling correspondence courses, and Mickey's taken her to find a doctor who can prescribe her HRT ("it was on our route anyway, fuck off, Gallagher") and their pets adore her—Ian jokes that their cat is the one who actually adopted Starr, they just went along with it
and basically I just love the idea of them taking care of a young queer girl, and being like the cool gay uncles, and yeah :')
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randomlifex · 5 months
Don’t you dare
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Go Kyungjun x fem!reader
Plot:your bully turns out to be something way different than what you expected
This story is a request
Author’s notes:hello guys,I’m back. I gotta say that the past days have been painful, but I promised that I would’ve been strong,so here’s a new story for you. I’m sorry if this work isn’t as good as usual,I’m trying my best to process everything. Please,enjoy♡
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You turned the corner, head low in hope to avoid Kyungjun and his friends, as the only thing you cared about was to arrive to class on time.
You believed you would’ve done it, until someone grabbed your shoulder and pushed you against the wall of the corridor.
“Look who’s here” Kyungjun smirked. His right forearm was resting on the wall as he was pressing your body against its cold surface.
Next to him Jinha and Seungbin were staring at the scene with their arms crossed
“I-I have to go to class” you mumbled, trying to sneak away, but Kyungjun stopped you
“Without saying good morning to me?” he lifted your chin up with a finger
“I don’t have money today, please let me go” you talked, collecting the strength to stand his eye-contact
“Let’s see if that’s true,then” he grabbed your backpack, handling it to Seungbin who started spreading your pens and notebooks everywhere on the ground
“I need to go to class, please!” you exclaimed again, trying to stop the blonde guy, but Kyungjun blocked your arms behind your back,pressing your body against his chest.
“No need to be so whiny babygirl, just let him check” he whispered to your ear, warming your cheeks with his breath.
While Seungbin was doing his job, Kyungjun’s eyes were fixed on you,piercing your soul. He couldn’t do much as somehow you were his magnet.
He didn’t give a shit about your money, all he wanted was your attention. That was why, when he bothered you, he was never cruel:the maximum he did was stealing a few won from you, or taunting you a little bit during class; besides that he had never harmed an hair on you.
“There’s nothing in here, just school stuff” the blonde bully mumbled with a disappointed face
“Let me check her pockets” Jinha scoffed, sliding his hands in your jacket.
“Ya! -Kyungjun suddenly yelled, pushing Jinha away- have I told you to do so?”
“Answer me! Have I told you to do that?”
“Then don’t, idiot”
Kyungjun freed your arms, dragging the other two bullies away.
You were confused, extremely confused, however you had no time to look for answers as you had to ran to class:you were still able to make it on time.
During the whole lesson Kyungjun didn’t stopped staring at you for a single moment, nor he did for the rest of the day.
When he met you at the cafeteria, he made sure he found the perfect spot to admire your sweet eyes and pinky lips.
When you spent the after lunch in the garden with your friends, he made sure to sit at the window which allowed him to see your dimples appear at every smile of yours.
And when classes were over, when outside it was dark and cold, he made sure to walk down the same street as yours to not leave you alone.
Even tho he wasn’t good at showing his feelings, he couldn’t avoid but worry about you.
You turned the corner, freezing on the spot when you saw Jinha resting against a nearby wall.
“What are you doing here? You don’t live in this neighbourhood” you mumbled,holding onto your plaid skirt
“You’re right, I don’t. I was looking for you” he replied with a vicious smirk on his lips
“W-why?” you stepped back
“Do you really think you can fool me?”
“I don’t understand why Kyungjun turns into an harmless puppy when you’re around, letting you do whatever you want, but I am not like that with losers”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” you whispered, trying to leave, but Jinha grabbed your wrist and pushed you against the wall
“You have no idea what it means to mess with us, and if Kyungjun doesn’t wanna show you, I’ll do -he paused, pulling your hair- you own me today’s money, where are you keeping it?!”
“I had no money with me today, I swear” you cried in pain, trying to push the bully away
“Stop messing with me, it gets on my nerves!” he exclaimed, sliding his hands in your pockets one mode time. Nothing was there so, after growling, he pushed you on the ground and opened you backpack, spreading your things everywhere.
“Seungbin has already checked in there, please let me go!” you were sobbing in fear
“Shut the fuck up!” Jinha yelled. You slid back, against the wall, hiding your face in your hands.
“This is enough! -Kyungjun approached Jinha, grabbing his shirt- the fuck are you doing?!”
“I swear, if you don’t leave her alone I’ll beat your ass”
“She-she owns us her money!” Jinha tried to justify himself, but the more he spoke the more his friend got mad.
“Have I told you that she owns us anything? Have I told you to follow her home? I didn’t. You have no right to mess with her”
“No buts! If I catch you bothering her one more time I swear you won’t see the light of another day,got that,Jinha?! Kyungjun freed the boy, who ran away.
“Are you okay?” he then asked you, kneeling next to you
“T-thank you…I was so scared” you sobbed
“I’ll take care of him, no one messes with my favourite girl” he spoke, collecting your things before walking you home.
You didn’t know what had just happened, nor why he was suddenly acting like that, but you swore you had never felt safer while going back home.
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
i was wondering how Joel would react to Doc spoiling him ROTTEN after she got that big girl money 🫦 (in the lavender au)
(because i know she will spoil him so much as a thank you for his unwavering support throughout her career 🥹)
OMG Hi Bestie!
I love this ask so so SO much. Joel is so soft with his girls and he deserves all the good things, including his wife treating him to all the best things once she's a big time surgeon.
This is just the perfect prompt for our favorite man's birthday, too! I hope this is just what you were hoping for. Love you!
After years of Joel taking care of you, you take care of Joel. A one shot set in the Lavender AU timeline.
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Yes I know it's not a Joel gif but it fits the fic so well I had to.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (Joel and Doc from the Lavender AU)
Warnings: Fluff and smut, smut and fluff. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 4.4K
It started with a shopping trip in Houston for Sarah’s wedding. 
She needed a dress for the rehearsal and her bachelorette party and the malls in Austin just weren’t cutting it. 
“I’m telling you,” she said after coming up empty handed on another Saturday spent shopping as the two of you ate salads and drank sweet tea at a patio cafe. “We need to go to Houston. We haven’t found anything for you, either.”
“I can just…” you began, but Sarah cut you off. 
“Mom,” she raised her brows. “You do not get to say ‘just’ anything about my wedding, come on.” 
You rolled your eyes a little but smiled. 
“Alright,” you put your hands up in surrender. “I’ve got the weekend off again in two weeks, I’ll get us a hotel room in Houston and we can shop til we drop.” 
“I’m going to get you comfortable with spending some of those big surgeon bucks one of these days,” she said. “You need to treat yourself! Live a little!” 
“I live plenty, thank you,” you replied. “And I do it just fine in my Goodwill jeans.” 
“Whatever you say,” she smirked a little, flagging down the server and grabbing the bill before you had a chance to fight her on it. 
Sarah might have had a point. You’d been an attending for the better part of a year now and the jump in pay had been staggering. You were making more now in a year than you had your entire life - or it felt that way, anyway. You’d already made good progress paying off your student loans but you made quick work of the rest. Joel had asked if you wanted to move - something bigger or better somehow - now that you could easily afford it but you’d just frowned at him, almost hurt. 
“This is our home,” you said. “I fell in love with you here, Sarah grew up here, we made Evie here. This is the first place I ever really felt like I belonged, I don’t want to leave.” 
Joel just smiled and kissed your forehead. 
“Then we’ll stay,” he said. “Moving’s a fuckin’ hassle anyway.” 
You’d just been saving money, not really sure what to do with it. You donated some of it, stopped spending time clipping coupons, finally bought a car that was from this decade (but still used). But actually spending it made you anxious. You’d never had money before. You weren’t poor, exactly. You’d always had enough to eat and a roof over your head but you almost never bought new clothes, had never really traveled outside of places that you could easily get to by car. You were pretty sure you’d never even been in a car that wasn’t at least 10 years old before you came to college and your friend Cassie gave you a ride to the store in her new BMW. It was hard to get used to the idea that money could be spent at all, that it wasn’t already earmarked for some bill or, if there was any left, that it had to be saved for a rainy day. 
“You gotta actually spend some of that hard earned money on yourself, Baby,” Joel said as you headed outside to meet Sarah for your weekend in Houston. “Buy some ridiculously expensive dress that I’m gonna want to rip off you in seconds or some purse that’s $1,000 for reasons I don’t understand.” 
“That’s two mortgage payments,” you said, eyes wide. 
“Right, right,” you nodded. “On a mission, spend money. Got it.” 
“On yourself,” he added. “Not Sarah. Or not just Sarah, anyway. You two have fun.” 
“You too,” you said, stretching up to kiss him goodbye. “Don’t let Evie con you into giving her candy when she gets home from school.” 
“What wild thing and I get up to when you’re not around is none of your business,” he gave you one last peck on the lips. “Now go, stop worryin’, live a little.” 
The mall in Houston was almost overwhelming. Not in the crowds way malls sometimes were for you, thank goodness, but with the kinds of stores. There were names you recognized from Cassie’s closet and from some of the trust fund girls in your med school program but you realized quickly you had no concept of what things like this actually cost. 
Sarah picked a dress for the rehearsal that was nearly $600 and you choked on the champagne the sales person had given you to sip while Sarah tried on options. 
“You really buy $600 dresses?” You gaped at her as you wandered back into the store from the dressing rooms. 
“Not all the time,” she shrugged. “But we make good money and sometimes it’s fun to buy something nice.” 
She held up a floor length gown to you, the bottom pooling on the ground. 
“That’s too long,” you said. 
“Well we’d get it tailored,” she laughed a little. “Come on, try it on.” 
Another sales person wandered over and offered to set up a fitting room and you snuck a peek at the price tag. Your eyes went wide. 
“That dress is $1200!” You whispered at Sarah as you trailed after the attendant. 
“And it’s for my wedding,” she replied. “And don’t you have that gala thing every spring for work? You can wear it for that, you need a new dress for that anyway. Plus I’m the bride and I say you have to try it on. You can’t disappoint the bride.” 
You sighed and went into the fitting room, feeling utterly out of place in your second hand Levis and vintage top you’d picked up on a shopping trip a few weeks back that felt much more your speed. 
But the dress - outside of the length - looked like it had been made for you. The silk hugged your every curve, the neckline dipping just low enough to display just enough cleavage to be sexy but not so much that it would be scandalous. It was simple, no embellishments beyond the structure of the dress and the deep emerald green of the fabric. Normally you’d have scoffed at something so basic fetching such a high price but, now that it was on your body, you understood it. It was like you’d put on a work of art and, in doing so, become art yourself. 
“OK you can’t laugh,” you said. “But I’m coming out.” 
Sarah was waiting patiently in the little show room attached to your fitting room and you had to hold up the hem of the dress to not trip but she gasped all the same. 
“Oh Mom,” her hand went to her mouth, her eyes wide. “You look incredible.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, turning in the mirrors to look at yourself from every angle. “I don’t look like I’m playing dress up?” 
“Not at all,” she spoke with almost a sense of reverence, looking you up and down. “You’re getting that dress. I’ll buy it for you if you won’t…” 
“No, Sarah,” you protested but she pulled out her phone and snapped a picture before you had a chance to really realize what she was doing. “What was that for?” 
“I’m sending this to Dad…” her voice trailed off and she took a sip of champagne just as her phone rang. She smirked and answered, putting it on speaker phone. “Speak of the devil. Hey old man, your wife is trying to tell me this dress costs too much.” 
“I don’t care if that dress costs $200,000 she’s bringing it home,” Joel said. “She hear me?” 
“Yes,” Sarah smiled, a shit eating grin if there ever was one. 
“Good,” he said. “Baby, you look so damn amazing I’m about to jump in the truck and drive over there just to see you in that thing in person sooner. Save me a trip, bring it home, alright?” 
“Alright,” you sighed. 
“Didn’t quite hear that,” Joel said. 
“I said alright you dork,” you said a little, grinning in spite of yourself. 
“That’s my girl.” 
You bought the dress. And a bag that Sarah insisted you needed for work because she was tired of seeing you haul around a canvas tote. And shoes for the dress. 
When you passed the jeweler window, you were on the way to the car after spending so much money you were surprised you hadn’t fainted. You stopped, the hanger with the garment bag for the dress hooked in your fingers over your shoulder, and looked at the watch sitting in the window. 
It was large and silver but not too ornate, no diamonds or anything like that. The face of the watch was black with elegant white roman numerals on the face. 
“What?” Sarah asked, stopping next to you. 
“Do you think your dad would like that?” You asked, head cocked a little, still looking at the timepiece through the glass. 
“Yeah,” Sarah said after a moment. “Seems like a him watch, if he were going to wear a nice watch, anyway.” 
Joel did already have a watch. A simple one with a green strap and silver colored case and a black face. You and Sarah had picked it out together for his birthday one year. She’d been giddy about it, you had to all but beg her to keep it a secret for a few days until it came time to give it to him. He loved the thing, wore it every day, even more than a decade later. 
But your career wasn’t the only one that had advanced. Joel was no longer doing the manual labor of a contractor every day. More often than not, he was going to meet with clients and arrange contracts and make plans. For a lot of those meetings, he wore a suit and, for a lot of those meetings, you saw him stick his watch in his pocket before leaving the house instead of putting it on. 
“Hard sometimes,” he said when you’d asked him about it. “Fittin’ in with these clients.” 
“Let me just…” you doubled back to the entrance to the store and went inside. 
The watch was more than you thought it would be. A lot more. So, so much more. You watched as the sale’s person’s eyes went from encouraging and hopeful to let down when you reacted to the price. 
“One second,” you smiled sheepishly and pulled out your phone, going into your banking app. Even after spending an arm and a leg on yourself that day, the number in your personal checking account seemed obscenely high. More money than you’d ever had at once until very, very recently. You could afford the watch. You looked at the sales person and smiled. 
“I’ll take it.” 
You had several very strong cocktails when out to dinner with Sarah that night to make yourself feel a little better about spending thousands of dollars on things like clothes and a watch and she just smiled. 
“See, Mom? You spent some money on yourself and the apocalypse did not happen, I think you can actually buy yourself things from time to time.” 
“And things for your dad,” you said. “Because he needs nice things, too.” 
When you got home, Joel insisted that you model the dress for him. 
“It needs to be tailored,” you tried to protest. 
“Not for me to take it off you it doesn’t,” he smiled from his spot on the couch, beer in hand. 
“Fine,” you said. “But only if you let me model everything I bought and you can’t return any of it.” 
You went to your bedroom and put on the dress and the shoes and took the watch out of the bag, the face almost comically large on your wrist, before going back to the living room, hem of the dress in hand. 
“Jesus Christ Baby,” he looked at you, his eyes wide. “You look… fuck me.” 
“That is the idea,” you winked. “You like it?” 
“Like is a fuckin’ understatement,” he said, getting up and walking around you slowly, his eyes going up and down your body. “You know, Evie’s at a friend’s for two more hours…” 
“So you’re not going to make me return anything I have on?” You asked. 
“Fuck no.” 
“Not this dress?” You started unzipping the side before sliding the straps down your arms. 
“Dress stays,” he said, gently tugging it down and exposing your chest, kissing the swell of your breasts. 
“What about the shoes?” You asked, putting a sandaled foot out from below the hem. He glanced down, eyes ranging over the straps. 
“Those stay, too,” he said, going back to kissing your chest. “Everything you’ve got on stays, already agreed to that.” 
“Good,” you said as he made it to your neck. “Even this?” 
You held up your wrist, the watch sliding down your arm. 
He frowned, looking at it. 
“Don’t look like you’re style,” he said. “But if it makes you happy, Baby, keep it.” 
“Never said it was for me, Joel,” you smiled a little. You watched him piece it together, taking a moment for him to dawn on him. 
“No,” he shook his head, looking from your arm to your face. “No, you were supposed to get stuff for yourself for a change not…” 
“I did get stuff for me,” you said. “And I got this for you. Because you’re wearing suits more now and I wanted you to have the watch for that. So really, it is for me.” 
He took your wrist gently in one hand, elbow in the other, tilting your arm this way and that to look at the watch in different lights. 
“Baby, this…” he shook his head again. “This is too much, this is…” 
“Not for you,” you cut him off. “Not after everything you’ve given me. This is not enough. But it’s a start. Besides, you said I got to keep everything I was wearing. You already agreed to it, Miller.” 
“Baby,” he sighed. 
“Joel,” you smiled a little. “You’re my husband. Let me give you something nice. Please.” 
He brought the inside of your wrist to his lips and kissed you there, making your pulse flutter against his mouth. 
“Already gave me the best thing there is,” he said. “Anything more feels like I’m stealin’ it.” 
“Steal whatever you want, Miller,” you teased. “But you’re keeping the watch.” 
Joel ended up wearing the watch often. Not as much as the Sarah watch - and he stuck with the Sarah watch for her wedding - but at least once a week for meetings where he needed to dress up for. Every time you gave him a little knowing smile and every time he rolled his eyes a little before kissing you goodbye. But you had yet to get him to accept anything like it in the years since, Joel trying to dodge everything every time you spent money on him. 
So when his birthday was around the corner, you were bound and determined to get him something good. 
“Anything you want for your birthday?” You asked as you, Joel and Ellie wandered around a street fair, meandering towards the car show. “Anything you want to do?” 
“S’not like it’s a big one,” he shrugged. “Just 56. Would love to see all my girls, of course. Could use some new tongs for the grill.” 
“Tongs?” Ellie said, brows raised. “Seriously? Old people are so WEIRD.” 
“You know what kiddo?” Joel smiled a little, faking exasperation. “We’ll see how you’re doin’ when you’re pushin’ 60.” 
“Ew,” she crinkled her nose and wandered to the first car in the row of vehicles on display. You laughed, strolling along with Joel until he stopped at a beautiful old convertible, giving a low whistle. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Just a pretty fuckin’ car,” he said, his hands in his pockets as he walked slowly around it. “Always wanted one of these when I was a kid.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, getting an idea. 
“Neighbor had one,” he nodded. “Let me ride in the back once. Coolest fuckin’ car.” 
He looked over every inch of the thing and Ellie caught up with you while he did, pouting a little as she leaned on the door of the car, her chin propped on her folded arms. 
“I’m starving,” she groaned. “Can I go get some fries at least?” 
“Sure,” you laughed a little, pulling some cash out of your pocket. “Grab me a lemonade, too?” 
You watched as she went to the food stands and you and Joel moved on, walking slowly down the row of cars when Ellie caught up with you again, passing you the lemonade. Joel stole a fry from her cup. 
“Hey!” She protested. “Go get your own!” 
“Might have to,” he said, giving her a wink. “Back in a sec.” 
You waited until he was out of earshot before you grabbed Ellie. 
“Do me a favor,” you said. “That car we were looking at? The blue one? Can you go talk to the owner and find out what make, model and year it is?” 
“I guess,” she frowned. “Why?” 
“Because,” you said. “I found something your dad wants besides tongs.” 
You went and stood in line with Joel, keeping him distracted while Ellie did recon. She took some pictures of the car and texted you all the information which you texted to Andrew as Joel drove home from the fair. 
“Can you help me find this car?” You asked him. “One that’s for sale?”
“Becoming a collector?” He texted back. 
“Joel’s birthday,” you added a smilie face emoji. 
“Excellent,” he replied. “I’ll find you something, don’t worry.” 
It took a few weeks but Andrew found the car. A blue 1967 Mustang Convertible that was being sold down in San Antonio. He went down with you to help you test drive it - you didn’t know a damn thing about cars - and you bought it on the spot. 
“He’s going to freak the fuck out,” Andrew said, driving it home since you couldn’t drive stick. “Seriously, you might give the man a heart attack…” 
You rolled your eyes but laughed all the same. 
“I really hope he loves it,” you said, running your fingers over the dash. 
“I’ll take it off your hands if he doesn’t,” Andrew smiled. “Just don’t tell Jess.” 
Tommy agreed to store the car in his garage until Joel’s party at his house in two weeks and you were giddy as you drove home, feeling like a kid at Christmas as you tried to keep the car a secret. 
By the time the party rolled around, even Ellie was excited and having a hard time holding it together. 
“It’s really just a cookout at Tommy’s,” Joel said as the three of you piled in the car to head over. “Not sure why you two are actin’ like we’re going to fuckin’ Six Flags…” 
“Tommy’s cooler than you,” Ellie said. “Nice to spend time with someone who isn’t a total dinosaur…” 
“Alright, in the car kiddo,” Joel smiled and shook his head a little. “Can’t take you anywhere ’til seatbelts are on, let’s go!” 
You texted Tommy that you were on the way and he responded with a picture of the car, shiny in his driveway with a big, red bow on the hood. 
“He’s going to lose his mind, Kid,” he texted back. “Please tell Maria I want this same treatment when I’m old.” 
“Better put in some work to deserve it, Miller,” you replied, smiling a little. 
Joel parked on the street, frowning at the car in Tommy’s driveway. 
“When the hell’d Tommy get a Mustang?” He got out, his frown deepening. You almost laughed. 
“He didn’t,” you smiled, so big it was like your face was going to crack. 
Joel looked confused for half a moment before his mouth dropped open in shock. 
“No,” he shook his head. Ellie leaned between the front seats, grinning hugely, “No, no that’s… Baby. No.” 
“Suck it up, old man,” Ellie smirked as Sarah and Brandon came out of the house, little Carson making a beeline for the car. Sarah and Brandon waved as Tommy and Maria joined them in the yard. Ellie pulled the keys out of her pocket and dangled them between you and Joel. He took them, staring at them in his hand for a second.
“Should take it before I do,” Tommy hollered and you laughed as you got out of the car and followed an almost dazed Joel toward the Mustang. 
He walked, in awe, around the car twice. 
“I…” he said but stopped, staring at the convertible for a moment. “I don’t….” 
“Do you like it?” You asked, coming up beside him and wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“Fuckin’ love it,” he said, immediately looking at you. “But Baby, this is too much, way too much, I can’t…” 
“Yes you can,” you smiled up at him. He looked down at you, the awed expression still on his face. “After everything you’ve done for me? For us? Everything you’ve sacrificed, all the ways you take care of me and our girls? The life you gave me? Still not enough, Joel. Not for you.” 
He pulled you tight to him and kissed the top of your head. 
“I love you,” he said, his voice wet. “So goddamn much, Baby.” 
Tommy set up chairs and a table in the front yard so everyone could sit near the car while celebrating Joel. He kept looking over at it in disbelief before looking at you with eyes filled with gratitude and wonder. You couldn’t remember the last time your heart felt quite so full. 
You drove Ellie home, following slowly behind Joel in the new convertible. 
“OK I know what this shit means,” Ellie said, gesturing between you and Joel after you got home, your husband clutching you to his side. “Try to keep it down and not be gross about it because ugh.” 
“Was actually going to see if you wanted to take the car for a spin,” you smiled up at Joel. “Just you and me. Assuming Ellie will behave herself and actually go to bed at a reasonable time.” 
“Anything to get away from whatever that is,” Ellie said, smiling a little as she went to her room. You laughed. 
“So,” you said, once she closed the door to her room. You looked up at Joel, smiling. “Care to take me for a ride, Mr. Miller?” 
He grinned.
“Whatever you say, Mrs. Miller.” 
He took you through town slowly, down quiet side streets filled with sleeping people and past businesses that had closed for the night, until the two of you ended up at a large park on the edge of town where things were a little darker and you could see some of the stars. 
“I can’t believe you got me a car, Baby,” he said, his hands running over the steering wheel. His smile was so big you could see it even in the dim light of the moon. “It’s really…” 
“If you say it’s too much again, Joel, I will go and buy you a second one on principle.” 
He laughed at that. 
“I was gonna say it was the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” he said, turning to look at you. “Besides you and the girls of course.” 
“Oh, of course,” you smiled. 
He leaned in and kissed you gently. 
“Not sure what I did to deserve you,” he said. “But I sure am grateful for it.” 
Your kiss shifted and you started climbing over the center console, Joel taking a second to move his seat all the way back. You bunched your skirt around your hips and settled over him, kissing him harder, more eager. 
“I’m pretty damn grateful for you,” you whispered against his mouth, his hands going to your hips. You ground down on him and he moaned, pressing his hard length up against you through his jeans. “And I think the birthday boy should get laid in his dream car.” 
“Dream car,” he said, kissing you. “Dream woman.” He kissed you again. “Perfect fuckin’ birthday.” 
You unzipped his fly as you kissed him and tucked your panties to the side, notching his cock against your entrance. He moaned as you sank slowly down onto him, taking all of him inside of you, savoring how he filled you. 
You started slowly, just grinding him deeper into you as you kissed him, his tongue licking into your mouth. 
“You feel fuckin’ amazing Baby,” he moaned, kissing down your throat until he reached your breasts, cleavage bared in your v-neck top. “Always feel so damn good…” 
He was thrusting up into you, trying to set his own pace, and you decided to allow that, matching him stroke for stroke as he groaned below you. His hands ranged up your back, pawing at your shirt until be was able to raise it enough to slide below it and get at your skin with a satisfied moan. He clutched you close, so close that you could hardly move over him anymore. Instead, he fucked up into you, making you whimper and your channel tighten around him. 
“C’mon Baby,” he grunted, voice strained. “Want you to come for me. All I want now is you to come for me, come all over me, fuck Baby…” 
You bit down on his shoulder to keep quiet, the sounds of crickets and cicadas on the air as you came, your sex throbbed around him. You whimpered against him as you came down from your high and he kept working you, his grip on you tightening. 
“Fuck Baby,” he gasped. “Feel too good, I’m gonna… fuck… I’m…” 
He cut himself off with a groan, thrusting deep and filling you, his grip on you relaxing enough that you could sit up a little. You looked at him in the moonlight his eyes closed, a blissed out look on his face. You smiled a little, brushing his more unruly curls back from his forehead. 
“I love you so much, Baby,” he smiled a little, eyes still closed. 
“So I did alright for your birthday?” You teased lightly, his softening cock still buried inside you. 
He laughed. 
“Did perfect,” he tugged you close enough that he could kiss you again, careful to not push you back against the horn. “Perfect fuckin’ birthday, perfect fuckin’ woman, perfect fuckin’ wife.” 
“Good,” you smiled, kissing him. “You deserve it, Joel. You deserve the world.” 
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cringe-but-proud · 5 months
Muggleborn reader taking Reggie to a sport game
I'm alive.
Regulus Black x reader
A/n TYSM FOR 100 FOLLOWERS HOLY SHIT???? This is the most American baseball game you could possibly think of despite the fact that this supposedly takes place in Britain. Sorry if anything's super inaccurate I'm not a sports person 😕 Anyways requests are open.
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"I can't believe I'm actually doing this." Regulus said as you dragged him along behind you.
A cool summer breeze drifted through the air as you and your best friend walked toward the line for the ticket booth.
"I can't either. I thought you'd chicken out on me last minute." You teased and he rolled his eyes.
You'd somehow managed to convince your best friend, Regulus, to accompany you to a baseball game over the summer break. And it really did take some major convincing. His parents were quite adamant about his total lack of engagement with anything even slightly related to muggles. That's why they didn't know about you, and that's why they didn't know Regulus had snuck out to spend time with you.
Once the two of you found a spot in line, you turned to Regulus and smiled. "But, seriously. I'm glad you could make it." You said sweetly.
Regulus' eyes darted down to where your hands were still interlinked.
"Oh," You let go of his hand and nervously looked away. "Sorry."
"No, it's okay." His cheeks turned slightly pink as he put his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
After standing in the line for about 10 minutes, the two of you finally got your tickets and walked into the stadium.
Regulus' eyes seemed to be constantly moving, looking at all of the things he'd probably never seen before.
"Do you wanna get food right now or should we wait?" You asked.
Regulus looked back to you. "They serve food here?"
"I don't have muggle money." Regulus stated.
"You can't go to a muggle sports event without them serving food." You chuckled as you led him to one of the concession stands.
"Who said I was making you pay?" You pulled out your wallet and handed him $20
Regulus blinked, suprised. "You don't have to pay for me, Y/n." He tried to hand the money back.
"No!" You made him close his hand around the money and pushed it back to him. "This is your first time going to a baseball game! You can't go to a baseball game without getting concessions."
Regulus, once again, blushed when you touched his hand. "... Fine."
The two of you were finally in your seats with all of your concessions. You had to explain how the game worked to Regulus and he seemed to understand after a while.
Once the game started Regulus glanced over to you. "So... What team are we supposed to be cheering for?" He asked.
"The guys wearing red." You answered.
"And that's because?"
"Because they're superior."
"What if I don't agree?" He challenged.
"Then I'll leave you at this stadium in the cold and dark to fend for yourself." You replied sarcastically.
He gasped. "You wouldn't!" He chuckled. "You love me too much."
You let a smile play on your lips. "Yeah. You're right."
Regulus felt his cheeks grow hot and he quickly looked away, turning his attention back to the game.
By the time the game was over, the sun was down. Regulus has spent most of the game feeling a bit flustered, blushing everytime your hands brushed against one another, his glances lingering a second too long.
"So, time to go now?"
"Nope." You shook your head. "We've gotta stay for the fireworks."
"The fireworks?"
"Yeah. They shoot off fireworks after the games every weekend." You said. "I wanna watch them, if that's okay with you."
"Yeah... Yeah, it sounds nice."
A few minutes passed before the first firework shot into the sky, painting the night sky with a stunning blue color.
You gasped and excitedly shook Regulus' arm a bit. "They're starting!"
Regulus looked over to you. Your eyes were wide and seemed to sparkle as they looked up at the firework display.
You were so beautiful.
"Y/n..." His voice was soft. Like he was whispering something only your ears would ever get to hear.
"Yeah?" You turned your attention to him.
"I uh..." He felt his heart beat fast. "Can I tell you something?"
You silently nodded and he continued. "I should've told you this way sooner, and I totally get it if you're weirded out by this or whatever... I... Like you. I like you a lot. And I have for a while now."
You sat there, stunned for a moment. His heart beat faster in anticipation for your response.
You finally spoke. "Seriously?"
"Seriously." He nodded. "Is... That okay?"
You paused for a split second. "More than okay." You leaned toward him and softly kissed his lips.
Fireworks went off as he kissed you and he knew this would be the best summer of his life.
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eddie munson x popular!hyperfem!reader where he works at Scoops Ahoy with Robin and Steve. he hates it there, mainly because of the ‘god-awful outfits’ (his words), but he needs extra money on the side and the movie theater wasn’t hiring, so here he is.. (he refuses to wear the hats though--but his hair is loosely tied back so he gets away with it (which steve is jealous of because for some reason he still has to wear them (probs because eddie sold the manager weed for free as long as he didn’t need to wear those dumb hats)).
so, he’s just scooping icecream to little brats, his ringed fingers tired from mainly erica demanding to try more flavors for the past hour before she decides to leave without buying anything. 
but, when he sees you come in, he forgets anything. ‘m thinking of that one scene with rachel mcadams in the move ‘the hot chick’ (iykyk) (you’ll understand maybe later hehe)..
your hips sway as eddie swallows thickly, his grip on the icecream scooper making an indent on his palm..god, why did he have to work there?! he’s wearing possibly the most dorky thing known to man-kind, and here you come, your posse and all; short skirts, heels, and lipgloss galore. eddie’s been obsessed with you since middle school, and you know that (you take advantage of it alot (and you admit that he is cute (even with that uniform on))
the girls behind you giggle as they see him, steve hiding in the backroom with robin because they are quite literally terrified (and embarrassed to be seen by such a popular group) of you.
though, your eyes set sweetly on eddie as you smile warmly.
“h-hi,” he stammers, his voice cracks a little and he just curses himself in his head for sounding like a fuckin dork. 
you giggle, “hi,” you twirl your hair, “i didn’t know you worked here..”
eddie chuckles nervously, “e-yeah, gotta earn money somehow..”
you smile, knowing what he does on the side, but choose not to comment on it anyway.
“right, well, can i get a strawberry milkshake, please? small. annn’...that’s all!” you bite your bottom lip, bouncing a little on your heeled feet.
eddie clears his throat, “y-yeah, sure.” and you smile, turning back around to talk to your friends.
he turns to face the blender, beginning to make your drink, muttering a small, “fuck,” his eyes clenched shut as he cringes at his lack of game. you chatter away with your friends, most of them fawning over you (because...who wouldn’t?). but you just thank them kindly, or respond with a nice compliment to them back.
that’s what eddie liked about you. you were kinda mean..fiesty-- but never have you made fun of someone that didn’t deserve it. you were nice. nice to his friends in Hellfire, but most importantly, you were nice to him.
once your milkshake is done, he rings the bell on the counter with jest, his arm extended out in front of him. you turn around, and he swears he feels like he’s gonna pass out by the smell of your shampoo that makes him weak. how do you smell so fucking good?
you giggle, biting your bottom lip before you drag your tongue across the whipped cream, humming exaggeratedly at the test. 
yeah, he’s definitely gonna pass out. he smiles, a breathy laugh falling from his lips as his eyes watch your glossy lips move. 
“so,” you say slowly, “uhm, how much do i owe you?”
your eyes wide, a small flirtatious smile settling on your lips--and immediately, eddie can’t think properly.
“d-don’t worry about it,” he stutters out, and you tilt your head like a small puppy. “’s on the house.” 
you smile wide and gasp softly. “really?” your voice is high, and--so so nice.
eddie nods quickly, his eyes flipping from your lips to your eyes. 
“thanks!” you say, and your friends laugh girlishly, squealing. 
you give him a little wriggle of your fingers as he watches you walk away, his hand waving back slightly. 
he’s sick with love until he hears Robin clear her throat behind the break room’s counter. 
“shit.” eddie mumbles, turning around to face the smiling girl.
“yeah, ‘shit’, is right; your game sucks, dude.”
“also, you gonna be the one to cover for her order? because, neither of us are gonna be doing that for you, buddy.” steve speaks behind robin, hands on his hips as a shit-eating grin creeps up on his face.
“don’t worry ‘bout it,” eddie grits out, annoyed. “i’ll pay for it,, i got it.”
“good, because i’m not covering for you, man..”
“ah, don’t worry steve, eddie’s gonna be covering two things: y/n’s drink order and the front of his pants..”
eddie quickly looks down, his eyebrows furrowed as he realizes that he has a fucking semi..
jesus, fu--
“sooo.. do you needa take a small bathroom break to fix your..situation?” she smile smugly, gesturing her hand to eddie’s crotch-area. steve’s laugh is boisterous from behind her at the white board.
“fuck, fuck, fuck! i hate you guys, this is all your fault--fuck!” eddie’s hands immediately cover himself, as he pushes the door open to the break room, flipping both robin and steve off when they laugh, as he tries to find the nearest bathroom to fix his...issue.
“God, i love working here..” robin sighs, wiping tears from her eyes. steve nods in agreement, and the pair burst out laughing again.
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