#Thing and Namor Team-Up
keycomicbooks · 3 months
Marvel Two-In-One #2 (1973) Gil Kane and Gaspar Saladino Cover, Gil Kane Pencils, Story by Steve Gerber, Thing and Namor Team-Up, 1st Appearances of Zeneg, Tuumar & Mortoid
#MarvelTwoInOne #2 (1973) #GilKane and #GasparSaladino, Gil Kane Pencils, Story by #SteveGerber, #Thing and #Namor Team-Up, 1st Appearances of Zeneg, Tuumar & Mortoid "Manhunters from the Stars!" Wundarr arrives in New York City and comes into conflict with the Thing, with Namor and #Namorita chasing after #Wundarr. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Marvel%20Two%20In%20One.html#2  #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #ComicBooks #NerdyGifts #KeyIssue
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evilhorse · 8 months
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Fantastic Four Annual #11
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marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Super-Villain Team-Up #6 (Englehart/Trimpe, June 1976). A bonus issue of Fantastic Four! The fam race to rescue Namor from Latveria, but Doom leverages his forced alliance with Atlantis to gain recognition from America as a sovereign nation.
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
Some random fan: CAN YOU BELIEVE NAMOR AND DOCTOR DOOM TEAMED UP? Wow that's the worst!
Me: *looks up from pasting Doom and Namor pictures in a heart collage* ah haha well this is embarrassing... for you
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merrymarvelite · 1 year
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Cover of the Day: Super-Villain Team-Up #5 (April, 1976) Art by Rich Buckler
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cryptidcasanova · 2 years
The Depths You’ll Go
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Namor x Reader
This is a big ol’ fever dream. It’s been a while since I felt this way about a Marvel character.
Summary: The price of protecting a an advanced civilization from the rest of the world is high, but the rewards? Priceless.
Warnings: 18+ Content. Angst, cannon level violence, mutual pining. Namor is overwhelmingly protective. I’m a sucker for a happy ending.
Words: 2.5k
Dividers by the stunning @firefly-graphics​.
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You had to keep moving.
You were close to the water; you could feel it deep in your bones.
The little boy in your arms must have felt the saltwater lingering in the air. He was frantic, twisting in your hold as you rushed through the corridor. 
His blue skin was pale, and he was trying to breathe in the air you knew wouldn't sustain him.
"Just a little longer," You cradled him close, whispering reassurances in his hair. "I'm getting you out of here."
But you were biting back tears.
You never expected to be followed home by the young Talokan boy. He was so little and curious and full of love. He had hardly left your side while you watched Namor teach a sparring session. How he trained, moved, and spoke with his people made your heart swell.
And you didn't expect the raid on your home soon after you returned to the beach. You didn't stand a chance against the swat team busting down your door. The boy was the most important thing. You weren't going to let anything happen to him.
Shuri warned you to be careful. The agencies have kept an eye on you since you left Wakanda.
It was everything Namor feared. All he wanted to do was protect his people; you were the reason they were in danger.
Oh, Namor.
Your stomach ached. You wanted to scream and call out for help, but the best thing you could do was sneak around the guards and get the boy back to the water. The boy. The adored one.
You treasured him more than you thought possible. He was strong and curious in the water but bashful and wide-eyed above ground.
Dark hair fell against his cheeks, and his eyes drooped as you turned a corner. You cradled him close.
But you were running out of time.
And then, when you finally kicked open the metal door at the end of the hall, you cried out with joy.
You were close to the water. Closer than you thought. 
It was a sheer drop from the cliffside base into the Atlantic, and it was only then you heard the clinking of footsteps not far behind you. The guards found you.
The boy pushed out of your arms just in time and dove into the brink as the guards pulled you back. You should have jumped. And then you watched the little boy poking his head out of the water and staring up at you with a fearful expression. He didn't know what was happening. 
You cried out when the guards pointed their guns at the top of the water.
"Taavi, go. Get out of here!"
You were wrestled back into the base, frantically throwing your body toward the water. You weren't even sure if you could make the dive. But before you could slip out of their grip, something hit you hard in the back of your head.
And everything went dark.
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Your cell turned into an interrogation room. 
The soldiers wanted to know about the little blue boy, that thing. They didn’t even treat him like a child, but an experiment. They wanted to know what was in the water. About the vibranium. 
Interrogation turned from fear tactics to torture. And you were no soldier.
You were trained in the sciences, to know biology, to understand life and nature. That's why Banner recommended you go to Wakanda in the first place.
And with Talokan? You still had so much to learn. Their livelihoods and families were on the line. Hundreds of years of culture were preserved. 
And you cared about them.
You weren't going to betray their trust. That is, if Namor didn't think you already had.
His fatalist streak made you fear the worst. He was fiercely protective of his people, and the way he was around the children? Patient and compassionate. Taavi's disappearance must have caused an uproar.
You hoped he would be merciful.
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Time passed. Days passed.
You thought you would rot in that jail cell, battered and bruised, until you just drifted away one day. That they'd forget about you until it was too late. Until you were lost to the wind.
And one day, the guards were given new orders.
They all knew something was in the water. But didn't know what to look for, and they never did catch that little boy. 
If he could make his way out of their surveyed waters, the people in power were convinced something could find its way back in.
All they needed was some new bait. 
There must have been a reason why the boy was with you. You were their best bet for finding out why.
The soldiers changed. At first, it was the Americans, then the French, and the Germans, and then you couldn't tell after a while. 
The thought of all the surface countries working together made your head spin.
They waited until the tide was at its lowest. That's when they drug you out of the cell by your arms, until you were too tired to fight back. 
You were too tired to think. It felt hopeless. You were taken to a different side of the base, where paths of rocks were cut out down to the water.
And then you saw the chains. 
The guards attached arm restraints to the rocky walls, where the water kissed the land. One look at the guards was all it took, and then you knew. They wanted their intel. 
They wanted to know about Talokan, and they weren't above drowning a scientist to get it.
"Last chance, sweetheart," One of the men said, all dressed up to fight off the chill in the air. He was different from the others; you'd never seen him before. He must have been the man in charge.
Your stomach roiled in frustration.
He sauntered up to you, pulling your chin up with a firm grip. You hated his clever expression and bad breath.
"We just want to know about your little blue friend," He tormented, looking out to the water. "It's a little cold for a swim, don't you think?"
Your chest ached. But you had come so far; you couldn't hand them over. Namor would never give up like this.
You choked on a cry before taking a breath of sea air.
"He's in New York.”
The man turned around. You caught his attention.
"Come again?" He smirked, urging you to continue. The others were looking now, waiting for an answer.
"New York," You repeated tiredly. "But he turns green once in a while, not blue. Maybe you should get your eyes checked-"
You were kicked down to your knees without compunction.
"You think you're real funny, eh?” He scoffed. “String her up."
Your fate was sealed. You were gagged and bound like a worm on a hook and couldn't go crying out for help. 
And then they dragged you into the water.
The cold plunge made your teeth chatter, but there was no time to consider it. Your arms were strung against the rocky walls on either side of your shoulders. Your legs were bound and weighed down. The saltwater only came up to your waist, but you knew it wouldn't last. 
You rested your head against the wall in defeat.
And at last, you understood Namor's resentment. It pierced through years of you trying to help people and fight for the right causes. 
At the end of the day, people in power wanted to keep their knowledge, power, and strengths. They wanted it all for themselves.
The water spray against the rocks gave you an excuse to cry, to mourn the life you couldn't live. 
You should have told Namor the truth. You stayed in Talokan to learn, but it was more than that. As time went on, your trips into the sea lost focus. You were enamored by the Talokan people and how their lives were completely untouched by the outside world. 
They were considerate and humble. They cared for one another.
Namor cared for them, for all of them. His icy demeanor was an act. He could talk strategy with his advisors and turn around to celebrate a new baby in their city. He could help by collecting food and scouting the perimeter of their sanctuary. It was no wonder why people worshipped him. 
And his animosity towards outsiders didn't touch you. As much as he resented the world above, it was as though he wanted to show just how far they had come. They were a prosperous and independent nation. Completely indigenous. It was breathtaking.
It was hard not to swoon over him. You should have told Namor how you felt sooner.
Shuri could see it. M'Baku could see it. Hell, you were sure Namora could tell how you felt for their leader. But you could keep them safe. 
They were the best warriors you had ever seen, and now it was your turn to protect them.
When the water cupped around your shoulders, you were pulled away from your thoughts. It was much colder than you thought. Your arms were shaking, and your fingers were numb. 
The water was ruthless against the scrapes and cuts along your body. The weight was doing its job. It was keeping you from being buoyant. You swore you could feel something against your legs and panicked, pulling yourself up as best you could.
But the next wave came at you fast, making you choke on the gag in your mouth. You were running out of time.
The soldiers were looking out over the water with their guns ready, waiting for the call. 
They were waiting to find something in the water. But the night was quiet.
In the last attempt to rectify yourself, you begged for his forgiveness. Namor let you into his home and world, and you almost ruined it. Your heart was hammering as the wave receded, and your pleas were lost behind your water-soaked gag.
You'd never see him again. You'd never hear the low timber of his words or see the passion in his eyes. Your eyes were squeezed shut.
Your heart was breaking and you couldn't stop it. 
The water was rising, but all you could see was his profile. You could remember the curve of his nose and how his eyebrows moved when he told a story.
Another wave hit hard, and you choked on the icy water. But you could still see Namor guiding you through his sanctuary, pointing to the paintings on the walls.
The next wave didn't recede as far as you hoped. Another wave struck you, but you could still see him. You could smell the salt on his skin and hear how his necklaces moved when he walked. You could almost hear his voice. 
He was - the bubble burst.
You couldn't breathe. 
Your body was on auto pilot, thrashing and kicking wildly. Your body was fighting off the water that burned in your chest. It surrounded you in a coccon, murky and frothing against the rocks. 
But you weren't as alone as you thought.
You couldn't feel the little grouping of octopuses at your feet trying to find a way to undo your chains.
You couldn't hear the soft singing above the water, urging soldiers into the brine.
And Namor - you couldn't see the carnage. 
You couldn't see the rage and anguish on his face as he barreled through the base. Their water explosives shook the ground. You couldn't have known he was scouring the ocean for you.
Taavi made it home because of you. 
You protected the little boy like he was your own, no matter the cost, and Namor couldn't see past it. You put your life on the line for them. It was his turn to serve you. 
His chest ached with some long-lost realization, something he never dared to put into words but was forced to face. His heart beat a little faster when you were around. His focus swayed. He cared about you most ardently.
You were his to protect.
After all the time he had to dance around it, humbly flaunting his world to an outsider, Namor finally understood. The moment he let you see his world, he knew; he would protect you. 
The way he flew into the water and pulled the chains away from the rock was terrifying. 
His blood boiled as your hands fell limp into the water. He tugged the gag away from your face and cradled you above the water’s surface. 
But you weren't breathing. 
There was too much water in your lungs. Your heartbeat was faint, straining against your ribcage. 
In a moment of hesitation, Namor pulled you from the water and up the rocky shore. The singing stopped. The chaos stopped. 
And all eyes were on K'uk'ulkan. 
The sea was claiming you for itself, but Namor wasn't going to give you up so easily. His expression welled with power, even when his jaw locked with uncertainty. 
He needed to get the water out of your lungs. You needed air. 
His hand spread over your heart before pressing down, the ridges of his palm digging into your skin. A command left his lips that was sharper than any blade. 
"You cannot have her."
He began chanting in his native tongue, commanding the seas. 
"Her heart beats for my people. It beats for me," He realized. "You cannot have her."
A rush of wind swept through the sky. And the sea, fearful of his wrath, receded from the shore. 
His other hand cupped your face, leaning in with intention. He had never been so close, but it made perfect sense now. It felt important, felt right.
There was another way. 
His eyes lit up. And when he leaned in to kiss you, it was met with lifetimes of bottled-up affection. Slow and intentional, he poured out his power. It was his breath, a kiss from a god. 
The unspoken command broke the spell. 
When Namor pulled back, your body lurched up with a frightful cough. 
The sting of saltwater burned in your throat. Your hands were clammy, reaching out to hold on tight. Your chest ached, and your eyes burned as you tried to move. It was disorienting. 
And then you heard it; the lull of your voice being called out, followed by a string of native words you couldn't understand.
Then you felt it; a strong hand covering yours, warmer and firmer than your own. He wasn't going to let you go.
And you saw it, saw him. Namor looked down at you like you could have hung all the stars in the sky. He was careful, like you could break under his stare. 
But he brushed the tears out of your eyes. You didn't even realize you were crying.
He had more love in his heart than anyone gave him credit for. He deserved the world. 
And when he pulled you up into his arms, you held on tight. 
Namor wanted to burn the world down. He wanted to fight, but for a moment it was stolen by the way you called his name. It was the sweetest sound he ever heard.
He wasn't going to let anything else happen to you. Because while your heart beat for his people, his heart was beating for you.
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wint3r-h3art · 1 year
Pairing: Namor x Fem!Reader x Attuma
Synopsis: This is a No Powers AU. Namor and Attuma are renowned businessmen who built business empire around the globe. As best friends and business partners, they share everything, and that include you.
While on his business trip, Namor’s attention shifts toward his business empire and less on you. Feeling unloved and unneeded, you decide to runaway. Of course, it doesn’t take long for you other lover to seek after you and bring you back to them.
Word count: 8.2K
Warnings: smut with plot!! slight angst! Established poly relationship. Predator/prey play, praise kink, finger kink, fingering, vaginal sex, car sex, oral (male & female receiving), dom/sub undertone, spit roasting, cum eating/dumping
18+ ONLY | MINORS DNI | By clicking readmore, you agree that you are 18 and over. Your media consumption are your own!
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**** DO NOT COPY, TRANSLATE, PLAGIARIZE, OR REPOST MY WORKS ANYWHERE ESLE !  If you enjoy my works, please reblog/comment for support!
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You could feel his unyielding gaze on you even from this far out. His presence alone should intimidate anyone that came within his vicinity, after all, he had always been a presence unto himself. His height and build had always been overwhelming to many, especially by the way he was carrying himself. 
The man was close to 6’5” and built like a tank with broad shoulders and chest. His waist and legs were thick with muscles. He could easily be mistaken for an athlete, and it wasn’t so far off either.
Attuma was a businessman through and through despite his past with Talokan’s Elite Special Forces. You came into his life after he retired, so you didn’t know much about what exactly he did. You just knew that the man served his country well, and now he’s working on his own thing. 
Perhaps it was why he’s renowned for running his business like his battlefield–ruthless and unyielding. His tactic has always been aggressive–an all-for-nothing sort of way that drives his competitors up the wall, which was unlike Namor who was more cautious and guarded. 
But that was how it made them the perfect team.  
Attuma’s gaze burned you in a way that you couldn't explain–it was awakening something primal inside that both were terrifying and exhilarating. He was looking more and more like a predator the way his deep, brown eyes bore down on you. His jet-black hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail as he leaned his massive frame against the marble column inside the luxury boutique. He was sucking on a lollipop as he was eyeing you.
The all-black suit did nothing to hide his impeccable biceps and the massive plane of his chest. No one dared to question him or what the hell he was doing because they knew who he was, and everyone knew to mind their own business when he showed up. The septum piercing was a dead giveaway, but it was also the aura that he was emitting as well that everyone just knew he was the owner of the whole damn place.
A smile spread across your face as you weaved through the crowded boutique. Attuma shook his head in warning. Despite his relaxing composure, you know exactly what that means. 
No games. It was time to go. 
You wanted to play—you craved the thrill, primarily when Attuma got all worked up. 
You haven’t seen him for almost a week since Namor brought you along for his business trip here in America. Being all cooped up alone in the hotel room by yourself was making you antsy. It didn’t help that Namor was so focused on his work that he barely spent any time with you, so now that you were out and about, it was only natural to want to seek a little thrill–y’know, giving him a little taste of what it feels like to be left all alone.
Attuma loved the little game of cat and mouse. It drove him crazy whenever he had gotten a chance to just let himself lose. He knew the instance when you began to walk away from him with that little smile on your face. It wasn’t the first time that you act up, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last either.
As you took a step back, he took a huge step forward, pushing through the crowd. He knew that goddamn look, and he knew he had to work for it.
A quick dial on his phone and Namor picked up the call at the first ring.
“[I found our Birdy, but we’re going to run a little later than planned. She wants to play.]”
Namor grumbled knowingly, throwing the document across his desk. He could feel his head throbbing, trying to figure out what the hell he wants to do with you. He understood that he wasn’t great at keeping you happy or entertained. On the other hand, you needed to stop acting like a brat. His patient could only go so far.
“[You’re enabling her.]”
“[Well, you should have thought of that when you brought her here and left her in the hotel room all by herself. You could have waited for me. You know how she gets when you don’t give her enough attention. But what do I know?]” 
Sarcasm drenched his tone as continued to follow you. Attuma could feel his friend rolling his eyes even through the phone. If no one was going to say, he would. He had no problem with that.
“[That is not my point.]”
“[My point is, you pissed her off, and she takes it out on me, and it ends up being me doing all the work just trying to get her back. Have you ever stopped and considered that perhaps she needs you, which is why she acted this way? We agree on this that we will try to make this work together, but you just can’t keep doing to her, K’uk’ulkan.]”
Namor fell silent. He knew how you could get when you don’t get your way, especially when he doesn’t let you do anything you want. The past couple of days had been hectic for him, and he admitted that his busy schedule made him spend less time with you…It still didn’t justify the way you act up though. The bratty behavior needed to stop, and the fact that Attuma let you get your way all the time was unacceptable.
They knew that you know the sort of power you have over them, and how much you love to abuse it, knowing full well that they can’t say no to you. They may be in control when it comes to sex, but at the end of the day, it was you who held all the power over them in the palm of your well-manicured hands. Even if Namor had always been stern with you, he still let your behavior slip 9 times out of 10. 
Running his fingers through his hair, he sighed in defeat. 
“No funny business, Attuma. Do not drag this little game of yours for more than 20 minutes. Or I will kick you out of the suit together,” he warned. 
A sarcastic laugh left his lips, making the people inside the boutique stare at him, but Attuma didn’t care. It was almost comical in a way that Namor’s love for control seeped into their everyday lives. As nonchalant as Attuma could be, sometimes, he asserted his own authority over his friend as well, especially when it comes to you.
He knew what was at stake here. Under normal circumstances, Attuma would take his sweet time, dragging out the little game until you were too exhausted to run from him. But now, he had to put in the effort to actually catch you. The little cat and mouse game has just gotten interesting, and here he thought this little trip was boring. It brought him back to his time as Talokan’s soldier.
“15 minutes is all I need. Also, fucking get something to make it up to her. I can only do so much. If you love her, do something about it.”
Namor had already gone ahead and ordered all the made-up gifts and flowers, even dinner reservation for the three of them at a three-Michelin star restaurant that you have always loved. He was going all out on his apology. Of course, that would come after the little punishment, of course.
“And one other thing. I owned that fucking hotel. You can’t lock me out of my damn property, you jerk.” Attuma hung up before his friend could utter anything, leaving Namor exasperated and annoyed.
You watched from a distance as Attuma placed his phone in his suit pocket. You knew who he was calling. The look he was giving you now was a complete 180. He wasn’t in the mood to play with his food anymore–no, he was going in for the kill, and you knew your time starts now.
Without any hesitation, you took off. There was zero chance that you could beat him in this little chase. You were set up for failure too many times to count, but it didn’t stop you from trying. Perhaps this once, you can outrun him. 
Weaving through the rush of people, you looked back to find Attuma walking–no, he wasn’t walking. That damn man was stalking you with the look of a starved predator. His stride widened, and each time he took a step forward, he seemed to gain another foot or so closer to you. It was like you made no progress at all.
Damn his long legs, you muttered under your breath as you continued to run.
You turned right, then left, hoping to throw him off his game. This was a luxury mall after all, there was no way he could just breeze past the patrons without causing any issues, you thought to yourself as you turned left. 
There was fucking way he can catch you now that you have thrown him off with all the turns.
Your legs were burning as you tried to pull air into your lungs. Your blood was practically pounded inside your eardrums the faster you were going. Every ounce of you was buzzing with adrenaline. It felt like it was not going to end, but your hope swells when you find the exit. There was a twinkling of hope shining dimly. The victory was so close that you could almost taste it on your tongue. Just a couple of more feet and you would win.
Your hand grasped the handle of the door and yanked it open.
But nothing.
Your heart felt like it dropped to the pit of your stomach as you tried to yank the door open again, not daring to look behind you.
Anxiety bubbled up inside of you when the realization finally dawned on you. You finally turned around in hopes to make it out of this section at least before Attuma got there, but it was too late. He was already there, leaning against the wall, sucking on that God-forsaken lollipop as if he hadn't just dashed through the crowd to get here. 
Not a single hair on his head was out of place, and not a single drop of sweat poured down his face. The man was the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. This place was his playground, and he knew every entrance like it was the back of his hand. Your chance of running away for less than 1% the moment he entered here.
“Alright, Lil Birdy. The Big Fish is getting impatient, so we have to go back before he gets mad at us.”
“You haven’t won yet,” you pointed out. There was a fire in your eyes, and he loved that a lot. A woman who was as fierce as you deserves only the best challenge he could give you. 
You sized him up, walking slowly closer to the opposite wall, creating enough distance that you could just bolt right past him.  As long as he hasn't physically captured you yet, you still have a chance to win. All you had to do was sprint past him.
Yes. That was it.
And as if Attuma had read your thought, he took a small step closer. His larger body looms close to you. He was built like a goodman fortress, so to get past him, meant you had to be quicker than him.
“Sweetheart, no funny business, remember. Acting bratty with me will only get you into more trouble.” There was a warning in his eyes as he slowly approached you, but of course, you took off, or at least you tried to.
A pair of strong arms wound around your waist as your body was being hauled back. Before you knew it, your world was being turned upside down. A loud, surprised yelp left your lips as you found yourself being slung over his shoulder. You tried to flail your arms, hitting him, smacking at his ass or whatever part of you can reach, but Attuma just laughed as he smacked your ass in return.
“How many times have I told you that you can’t win at this kind of game?”
You didn’t answer him. Instead, you let out a whining noise as you flailed in his arms. Attuma didn’t seem to be bothered by it as he stood there, waiting for the staff to unlock the entrance doors for him.
“You cheated.”
“It is simply an aggressive tactic, that is all.”
“Still cheated,” you whined, pursing your lips as you continued to wiggle over his shoulder.
A large blacked-out car pulled up at the entrance. Its door had already opened by the time Attuma put you down and ushered you inside. 
“And you are still a brat,” he muttered as he sat beside you. 
You were more annoyed and frustrated at this point as Attuma sat there quietly, not even bothering to look at you. You crossed your arms and looked the other way. If he wants to play this game, you can do the same too.
“Why are you always taking it out on me whenever Namor pisses you off?” Attuma finally asked after some time.
His tone was light, but there was a heavy undertone to it. Perhaps annoyance…or worst hurt. You couldn’t help but look at him for a long moment. You knew exactly what he meant. It seemed like you always went to him whenever your other love upset you. Attuma has always been your rock now that you think about it.
He was the first to approach you and the first to court you between the two. You only met Namor because Attuma introduced you to him, so why have you always treated him this way? Was it because he never showed you anger or resentment? Or was it because of something else? Your love for him was as equal as your love for Namor, but why has it always been him that you always take your attitude on?
“I don’t know,” you admitted after some time. The answer didn’t satisfy you or him, and you were fully aware of it. “Maybe because I know you would come looking for me?”
He didn’t look at you. He didn’t often express his anger or hurt around you, but it often showed up in his attitude and action. Like for this instance: his silence.
He was often boisterous and loud when someone else pissed him off. Oftentimes, he acted on his urges, but with you though, it always ended in silence as if he was holding himself back as if he didn’t want to scare you off.
You said sorry to him. This time you place your hand on his cheek so that he could look at you. His expression was still unreadable, but then again, you could never read him when he doesn’t want you to.
You slowly perched yourself up on the seat, so that you were looking at him at the same eye level. He had gone ahead and pulled up the partition so whatever you two were doing in the backseat of the SUV wouldn’t be known to the driver, but it was still nothing.
“I just know you will be there, that’s why I keep doing it. If Namor won’t come after me, I know you would…That was enough for me to know that at least I have you, so if you’re still mad at me, now it’s a good time to push me away,” you said softly. 
Your breath brushed against his lips, making them tingle slightly. Attuma was still silent, except that his eyes were bored into yours with an interest now. Those deep, earthy brown eyes of his seemed to melt as your words finally sank into his head.
“To be quite honest with you, I am more hurt about it than angry at you.”
His words made your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. You stared up at him and felt the worst possible emotion. There was no playfulness in his tone, which made you even more guilty.
“I am the worst, aren’t I?”
Attuma sighed as he noticed your tearful gaze. Oh fuck, he really hated it when you cried. You really didn’t mean to, but when you think about all the times you caused all the trouble, you realized that you were being unfair to him.
“You’re not…I just spoil you too much and let you get your way too often,” he sighed. “I just wish you would treat me less of a punching bag, and more of your partner…Can you do that for me moving forward?”
You nodded. 
“I need you to say it,” he whispered against your lips, brushing them almost feathery that making your skin prick with goosebumps.
“I can. For you, anything.”
“Good girl.” Attuma leaned in, kissing your forehead first before capturing your lips. 
It wasn’t a hot kiss that you often shared, but something softer, more intimate than your usual antics with him. It felt more like a reassuring kiss–something along the lines of him validating his words and feeling for you.
Attuma felt it in his bones when his lips moved against yours, creating a soft friction that he has been craving since he arrived here. The slow, tantalizing kiss soon melted into a heated one, filled with needs and fervor that burned you to the core.
Your body buzzed as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth. Every ounce of uncertainty seemed to melt away as the kiss deepened. Soon, you find his large body covering yours. Heavy and hot. His lips were soft yet demanding. There was just enough pressure and suction as his lips rubbed against yours. His tongue caresses your lips before he nipped your lower lips just before he drew it in to gently suck on it.
Your hands clung onto his massive back. Your hips moved on their own as you were rubbing your aching pussy against his thick thigh, hoping and wishing that the thick muscles of his thigh were enough to sate your throbbing pussy. 
You were breathless and panting as excitement coursed through your vein like liquid fire. Your hands were everywhere–fingers dug into his thick back, feeling the way his muscles rippled beneath your palms every time he moved.
His mouth slid along the column of your throat, lips grazed over the thrumming flutter of your pulse and along your jaws. Attuma paused at your ear. You could feel his warm, wet breath brushing against the shell as words spilled out of his mouth, full of sweetness and promise of never letting you go. Even through the haze of your arousal, you knew he was speaking the truth. 
His fingertips sought out the buttons of your blouse. His lips found the center of your collarbones before his mouth traveled down to the space between the valley of your breasts. He lingered there longer, kissing and sucking on the soft skin. His large palms cupped and kneaded through your bra like he hadn’t touched you in ages.
The thing about Attuma that you loved the most was his devotion to your pleasure. He had always put you first above all else. Every touch was meant to bring you closer to your release. He had never asked too much in return, yet you always make sure to reciprocate the same love he had given you.
Attuma went lower still. His dexterous fingers made quick work on your jeans, pulling them off you easily. He could have torn the things to pieces, but he refrained. There was no use of brute strength here.
Soft, mewling sounds slipped past your lips as your body succumbed to the soft pleasure that slowly built up inside of you. Your legs fell apart easily once Attuma tossed your jeans over his shoulder. Then his mouth bored down upon your flesh once more. Soft and wet, licking and sucking, stroking every nerve ending in your body, devouring you alive.
His low, deep guttural moans were like quiet words whispered against your skin. When he delved his thick finger inside you, you felt your body being consumed by the fire he set. Your body easily molded into whatever shape he wanted, yet he had never asked for more than what you have given him.  
It was a slow and tortuous touch, yet you opened up to him, allowing him to take whatever he wanted. Attuma slipped another thick finger inside you, and you knew you were done for. His fingers moved slowly at first, dragging out the sweet and delicious friction that you longed for. Your hips bucked upward as he pushed them all the way to his knuckle until your juices leaked out and rolled down till they pooled under your ass. 
Pleaded words left your lips as he continued to administer his slow, and desirous torture. 
His thumb pressed firmly against your small bundle of nerves, circling it and rubbing it until your legs started to shake. Pathetic whimpers left your lips as you clung to him with all of your might. No longer was the feeling of resentment and anger, and instead, your heart was filled with love and adoration that this man simply could give you with simply by his touch alone. You came not too long, but you didn’t let yourself catch any breath.
Attuma found himself being pushed back as you made quick work of his zipper. Your mouth watered at the sight of his cock. He was so hard and so ready for you. You gave him a tentative stroke from base to tip. You eyed him, watching the way the corner of his mouth twitched at the friction you have given him.
With your hand gripping his broad shoulders, you lifted yourself up and lined the tip of his cock against your opening before you slowly sank down onto his shaft.
Soft gasps slipped through his lips as the sensation of being enveloped by your warm, wet heat slowly consumed him. No matter how many times he had taken you, it always felt like it was the first. His length and girth had always intimidated you, even now, after years of being together, you were still unnerved by him.
You could only grunt as you slowly lift your hips up before slowly sinking down on him again. Each time you moved, you felt like you were about to split apart. Attuma stretched you out so deliciously that you felt like your mind was splitting. It was hard to concentrate on anything else when your mind was trying to focus on pleasing him.
As you began to find your pace, Attuma’s patience was running out as well. Without a word, his hands grasped your hips, holding you still as he began to piston his hips upward, driving himself deeper and after into you.
No noise came out of your mouth as he drove into you with such vigor. It was too overwhelming and just too much that you couldn’t think of anything else except for the way his cock was practically splitting you apart. Every time he slammed you back onto him, you felt like you were going to bust right then and there.
Of course, it didn’t take long for you to come. Your body convulsed and spasmed in his arms. It took you a while to realize that he hadn’t come yet. You pushed back and looked at him, but of course, you noticed that the car had come to a halt.
Your eyes were still bleary. Your skin was still feverish of the way your lover had made you feel. Attuma’s gaze was still burning into you. His arousal was still prominent against your thigh. You know the moment you leave this car and make your way up the hotel, you will be punished.
“Time to face your music, Little Bird. You can’t keep running away from your problems forever.”
You sighed. He was right. It was childish to even do the thing that you do, but you wanted attention from them, so it was the only thing you could think of at that moment. 
You took his hand in surrender. It was time to face the music.
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You ended up staying in Attuma’s suit instead of Namor’s.
Your nervous energy was far too palpable that Attuma didn’t have the heart to let you face Namor immediately. His friend could wait some more. After all, it was his fault that you did what you did. It was a reminder for both of them that you cannot be controlled and tied down, and that if you wish to leave, they cannot stop you from doing so. It was a reality check for the two men and a greater one for Namor.
His way of loving you was perhaps a bit more extreme than Attuma's.
He had always had a sense of overprotectiveness over you to the point where it becomes smothering at times. He knew that his career often gets in the way of his life too. He’s managing multiple businesses globally. It was difficult to balance work and life altogether. There was no doubt about how much you meant to him, and he was confident that you could hold your own as well, but he understood that even the strongest person needed support, and he couldn’t be there.
Stepping outside the bathroom, you sighed constantly as you wrapped your body with a soft plush bathrobe. Your nerves seemed to relax a bit more, but of course, once you looked up, you found your heart sank.
Attuma was sitting on one of those large, plush sofas, looking at you with an unreadable expression once again. On his left stood your other lover, dressing in a deep navy suit, looking at you with a stern expression. 
Though Namor was not as tall as Attuma, his presence was his own. There was a regal air about him, almost like an air of authority. His presence commanded attention. His words commanded respect. No one ever dared to speak over him, and most important of all, no one ever dared to disrespect him. 
You couldn’t tell which one he was feeling at the moment by the way those brown eyes bored you. You didn’t know if he was mad, annoyed, or disappointed. Whatever it was, you really didn’t want to deal with him. No words had uttered out of his mouth, yet you knew what they were going to be.
Silence lingered inside the room. The quietness was almost deafening and the tension made the air thick, almost unbreathable. You waited, but nothing as the silence continued to stretch out further. Your first thought was to run to Attuma because you knew he would comfort you, but all sense of rationality seemed to slip out of your mind when Namor took a few steps toward you. His deep, brown eyes bored into you with an unreadable expression. The heaviness in the room only grew heavier once he was in front of you, intercepting your path and preventing you from reaching Attuma. You halted immediately as you stumbled backward, clearly surprised by his sudden movement.
A gasp slipped out of your lips when you found his thick strong arm snaking around your waist, caging you and holding you close to him. Heat radiated off his body, flooding your nostrils with nothing but his deep, masculine cologne–the one that you gifted him. His eyes bored into you with an intensity that made you want to crawl under the cover. 
Blood rushed to your face as you struggled to look him in the eyes, so you cast your gaze elsewhere, but Namor would have none of that. He grabbed you by the nape of your neck and force you to look at him. You could smell the sweetness on his breath when he exhaled. The warm heat tickled your skin, making your nerves buzz and hum.
Your mouth went dry in an instant as you tried to swallow. Whatever you planned to say to him seemed to dissolve the moment he touched you, and it scared you the fact that Namor had such power over you.
“Why did you leave me?”
His voice came out like a soft tremor, making your body hum with anticipation. Namor knew the reason already. It was more than obvious. He just wanted you to say it out loud. 
He knew he fucked up on his part, and there was no amount of gifts or apology that could remedy what he had done. He just wanted to know why you always do this–making him some sort of a bad guy. He was not perfect, and he tried to be the best partner he could be for you. He wasn’t as attentive to your needs as Attuma was, and he knew that. He wanted to be better. He would have given you the whole damn world you wanted because that’s the kind of man he was. 
At the same time though, you were the only person on this Earth that knew how to push every single one of his buttons. He wasn’t sure whether your defiance came from your attention deprivation or not, but he didn’t appreciate being tested and questioned all the damn time.
“You know why,” you answered. You were surprised by how small your voice sounded. Your hands shook from your nerves as you tried to hold his gaze. Those deep brown eyes felt like a fortified fortress, hardened and unyielding–almost unforgivable the way they could just pierce into the depth of your soul without realizing it.
Namor wasn’t happy with your answer, and you knew this by the way his grip got a little firmer than before, making you gasp in an instant. You could almost taste his breath on your tongue as he closed in the distance.
“I want you to say it.”
“Why should I? You’ve never had to justify yourself whenever you do something wrong, so why should I do that?”
Attuma’s lips quirked, trying to hide his smirk at your defiance. Only you could speak such works to Namor, and Attuma was quite amused by that. As a matter of fact, he was so proud of you for standing up to Namor that it started to make him stiff all over again.
Namor let out a warning grunt as his eyes bored into you. 
“You are in no position to demand anything from me, my love.” His fingers dug into your skin, almost imprinting his fingertips straight to your bones.
You winced at the dull pain as you continued to stare at him defiantly. You could feel his patience fraying the more you were egging him on, and it excited you in some way. You wanted him angry–hell, you wanted him to be furious, just anything to show that he cared or felt something for you.
“I think I do…and you know it too, dearest love of mine.”
Namor grunted and took a step back. He looked over Attuma, then at you. His expression soon shifted into something else entirely–something that you knew would make your knees weakened. He looked at you darkly. There was an underlying hunger that made you swallow thickly. 
“Take off your robe,” he said firmly as he slowly took off his suit jacket. His dexterous fingers made quick work on his tie. His eyes were trained on you as he slowly rolled up his sleeves. You could see the way his arms flexed by the way the muscles strained and corded. The image made your core throb. 
“Do not make me ask twice, in yakunaj,” he warned. His voice was firm, full of authority. “Attuma will not be able to help you now that you are here with me, so what’s it going to be?”
You stood there silently for a long moment, and the realization finally dawned on you once you let out a sharp exhale breath that you were holding your breath this whole time. Reluctantly, you took off the plush bathrobe, letting it fall off your shoulders and pooled by your feet. A cold shudder shot through your spine as cold air brushed against your naked form. Attuma looked at you with much interest now, eying your body from head to toe. He could feel his cock twitch at the way you were clamping your thighs together. He could clearly see the way your wetness slowly seeped out and rolled down your inner thigh.
“Good girl,” he said as he stroked your cheek, caressing it almost so lightly that it made you shudder. “But being a good girl is not enough to get you off the hook with me, darling…What should I ever do with you?”
You stayed silent, but you could feel your body warm. Your pussy was throbbing to your frantic heartbeat as you stood there, wishing that he would punish you already. This drawn-out game wasn’t for you. 
“I don’t know,” you answered. Your voice was no more than a whisper. Namor didn’t miss the tremor in your voice as his hand now cupped your face, pulling you ever closer to him. 
Warm, wet breath brushed against your skin, awakening the carnal hunger that you have been yearning for.
“That’s not a good answer.”
You chewed on your lips momentarily, but he didn’t give you enough time to think when the next words left his lips.
“On your knees.”
You felt your stomach do a flip, and your first instinct was to turn and look at Attuma, but Namor’s hand was firm on your head, holding it there, allowing you to only look at him.
“You know what to do next. Do not make me spell it out for you.”
With trembling hands, you made quick work of unbuckling his belt, then unbuttoned his pants. You noticed how much your fingers were trembling when you pulled his zipper down. You eyed him with a nervous look as you slid down his pants, and you were met with his bulge. 
Namor’s hand was still stroking your face, watching you as you lowered his boxer brief.
Your hand gently wrapped around his half-hardened shaft, stroking it slowly in your hand. Namor clenched his jaw tightly, trying to hold in the little noise that threatened to leave his mouth as he stared down at you. 
Attuma was watching both of you intensely. He could feel his cock aching and twitching in his pants as he sat there. When your mouth slowly closed around the head of Namor’s cock, more fire burst through his body, threatening to explode in his balls. His hand gripped around his bulge. He was so hard by the time you started to suck on Namor’s cock that he didn’t think he was able to walk or move.
“Ah..fuck, I love the way that mouth of yours feels,” Namor said with a deep, husky voice as he tipped his head back. His hips bucked forward, pushing himself further into your mouth. “Oh, fuck, that’s it, sweetheart. You love sucking on this cock, don’t you?”
You moaned onto his shaft as you replied. Your eyes never wavered from his.
Attuma eyed you closely as you slid up and down Namor’s shaft, dark and ridged with veins. He wasn’t as long or as thick as he was, but Attuma always found it arousing, watching the way Namor’s cock would stretch out your mouth, especially the way you struggle to breathe whenever his friend decides to fuck your little mouth. He couldn’t help but take out his own erection and started to stroke himself, wishing to feel the way your mouth felt on his cock too.
You rested your hand on Namor’s hips, fingers dug into the hard flesh of his muscled thighs as your head bobbed, trying to swallow his whole length. Namor groaned deeply in his chest when you pulled back and let his fat bulbous head slide out of your mouth. A string of saliva trailed down your chin before you swallowed him to the base again. Namor’s eyes shifted toward Attuma, who was watching tentatively, jerking his own cock off too as he was mesmerized by you. 
You gagged a couple of times before you took a step back to catch your breath, your hand was still on his shaft, stroking and jerking him off, worshiping him like a god.
“Come here,” he said as he moved over to the large bed. You followed him, crawling on all four, giving a full view of your drenching and pussy to Attuma before you knelt in between Namor’s legs. Without a single word, he turned you over and laid you on your back. His palm kneaded your breast slowly as he eyed the other man, gesturing to come over.
“Come over here and eat her pussy,” he ordered Attuma. 
Namor didn’t have to say it twice as the bigger man hastily stripped himself off of his clothing. His heavy erection was in hand as he crawled onto the large bed. You watched the way the mattress dipped below him as he slowly approached you like a hungry predator. The sight made your pussy clench and unclench as anticipation filled your veins. He was so hard and heavy, his cock was practically dragging over the mattress as he moved.
“Fuck her with your mouth until she can’t take it anymore,” Namor muttered against your skin. His fingers were around your stiff nipple, pulling at it and twisting it between his rough digits. “I want her to beg, you hear me?”
Attuma didn’t need any more urging. His mouth found your stomach first, kissing his way down your torso, nibbling at your soft skin along the way. He knelt in between your legs, draping each one over Namor’s thick thighs, spreading you even wider. You let out a soft moan when you felt his rough palm massaging your flesh. A warm, familiar heady feminine scent drifted up to his nostrils, and it made his mouth water.
“Ah fuck, such a pretty pussy you have, Lil Birdy. I always love playing with it. So pretty and so perfect for us.”
Your legs twitched and Attuma eyed Namor as he continued to tease your breasts, palming them in your hands, kneading them until the buds were stiff and almost painful.
Without a word, Attuma dipped his head, inhaling deeply, and ran his tongue over the slippery pussy. You jerked against him and sobbed softly. Your hand flew to his long, dark mane, fisting it in your hand. He licked again at your slippery folds, pressing a kiss and there, suckling on one side first, before suckling on the other. He kissed you higher before he finally pressed his mouth over your clit and kissed you there, sucking on the small bud until you were wreathing in Namor’s arms. Your clit pulsed against his lips and you gasped and tugged harder at his hair.
Attuma licked, and swallowed your juices, feeling the way your body shuddered below him. His tongue slipped between your slipper folds and dipped into your warm, inviting heat. He fucks you slowly with his tongue, thrusting shallowly into your tight holes. 
Once he had enough, he pulled back slightly and pushed his thick fingers inside you, filling you and stretching you with them. He moaned deeply at the way your body clenched and closed in around his digit so hotly. Your moaning was only getting louder when he added his third finger, and his gaze was on Namor as he was attending to your breasts. His tongue once again found your clit as he continued to tease at the sensitive bud.
“Oh my God, please, please, please,” you panted. “Please, I can’t take it anymore. Please…”
“Not yet,” Namor said, smirking before shoving his fingers inside your mouth. Gone was your rationality as you suckle on his digits with desperation while Attuma was fucking you with his own fingers. He would want to make you come, but not yet. He wanted to draw this out as much as your body could.
Attuma licked some more, flicking at your clit before sucking on it with intent. Your hips lifted off the mattress, but with his vice-like grip, he held you there, sucking on you and drawing out your orgasm until your muscles tightened.
And when you felt like you could go over the edge, he would pull back, making you sob softly in Namor’s arms. It really was unfair, and you couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
You were at their mercy after all.
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It felt like an eternity when Attuma finally gave in, and let you come. Your body tightened to the point of pain. Heat rushed out of your body and poured out onto his tongue. His cock was throbbing almost too much now. His balls felt tight, and for a brief second, he thought he was going to come too. Breathing out his mouth, he managed to control his own.
Namor rubbed his face as he watched. His cock was aching and throbbing. What a wicked sight it was to watch you come undone by Attuma’s mouth. Something about watching you writhing and begging with your frantic sobbing really turned him into a different person.
Without a word, he rolled you over onto your stomach. He commanded Attuma to switch places with him while they gave you a brief moment to catch your breath.
“Attuma, move over in front of her,” Namore ordered. His voice was gruffed as he, himself, moved between your legs. His fingers stroke at your quivering pussy lazily, allowing your juice to coat his own fingers, which made you whine in response. 
A smirk etched on his lips. It had always been Namor who did all the commanding and ordering around, and Attuma never had any issue with it–as a matter of fact, he enjoyed it. He didn’t have to think too much. He knew his role, and he liked the idea of just letting go and focusing more on your needs than anything else.
You looked up to find Attuma’s cock jutting up, almost brushing against your face. He was so much thicker and longer, and every time you sucked on his dick, you felt like your jaws were going to dislocate or some sort. 
“Since Attuma worked hard today, you need to reward him too, darling. Make him come with just your mouth. I want to see the way his cock stretches you out and fills you up—show me what that pretty mouth can do, sweetheart,” he said as he spread your legs apart. 
One hand gripped firmly at your hip, while the other lined the head of his cock at your entrance. He waited, watching you intensely as your mouth slowly closed in around Attuma’s thick, fat cock, and then he pushed his body into you, sheathing himself all the way to the base.
You responded with a muffled moan as the motion made your body surge forward, forcing you to swallow Attuma halfway through. You felt like you almost choked as tears rolled down your cheeks. It was too much, being filled at both ends. You felt like you could be torn apart at any moment as you tried to breathe through your nose. 
Your jaws ached, and your pussy was quivering, on the verge of coming again from simply so overstimulated by the way your two lovers were giving to you. 
Namo hissed at the way your pussy was clenching around him as he moved inside you, thrusting slowly at first. It didn’t take much resistance because of how dripping wet you were already. 
“Fuck, love,” he moaned as spread you wider so he fuck you deeper. It was to the point where if he wasn’t holding onto you this firmly, you would have collapsed onto your stomach by now. “That’s right, make him come, baby. Suck on him like that,” he murmured almost incoherently.
“You love sucking on that cock so much, don’t you?”
You couldn’t answer as you tried to focus on pleasing Attuma. 
Namor didn’t like that, so he bucked his hips a little too hard and made your body surge forward, taking a couple more inches of Attuma’s dick.
You let out a muffled whine before you let out a little, “Mmmmhmmm.”
“Hmmm, aren’t we lucky to have such a good girl being our little cockslut,  Attuma?”
The other man grinned, flashing his dimples at you as he stroked your tear-stained cheeks. 
“Yeah, we do. She’s always so good at being a hole for us to fuck—A-ah, fuck, Little Bird, you’re gonna make me come if you keep doing that.”
You moaned before bobbing your head along his shaft quicker, hollowing your cheeks to create enough suction onto his cock. Your jaws were tired at this point. The sensation was fading between pleasure and pain.
Attuma’s breath quickened. He was fighting the urge to fuck your little mouth. Namor was watching him, noting the way Attuma’s hand was gripping his hair, bunching it into a tight fist. It wouldn’t be long. He was very close to his release.
“Keeping going, darling. Keep sucking on him. I want you to drink up all of his cum, you hear me?”
You moaned as best as you could as you continued to bob your head, sucking on him, stringing him up until he couldn’t take it anymore.
“At, fuck,” Attuma groaned as he came.
You could feel the warm, thick fluid shot down your throat, making you choke out.
Attuma watched you through the haze as your mouth left his dick, and a string of the thick fluid sputtered from your mouth and onto the mattress. 
It was a messy affair as your face was marred with tears and cum. He didn’t think he could love you any more than he could, but every time he made a mess out of you, he just knew he wanted to spend the rest of your life with you, and one day watch you round and full with his babies.
Namor reached around under you and found your clit, which made you jump with his heated touch. He rubbed at it as he continued to plunge into you with an unforgivable force until you cried softly. Your pussy clenched and convulsed around him, and he knew you came.
He stayed there, kneeling with his dick still hard as a rock, plunging in and out of you more erratically now, using you to satisfy his need. Your body surged forward like a rag doll as Namor fucks you with intensity and vigor, sending heat from the base of his spine before it exploded outward as he poured himself into you, filling you until he was dripping out.
Namor let out a string of cursing that you didn’t understand as you lay there on your stomach, feeling so worn out and so spent. Your body felt boneless and heavy. Your nerves still hummed from pure electricity that coursed through you as you tried to recover from the mind-blowing orgasms that both of your men just gave you. 
You could feel Attuma move from the mattress momentarily by the way his weight shifted off the large bed. He came back a few minutes later with a warm towel, wiping your face and lips before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
Behind you, Namor moved to snuggle and spooned you. His arm wrapped protectively around your waist as he laid his cheek on your arm. His lips kissed whatever skin he could touch as you lay there, completely exhausted. 
Attuma joined you a bit after, letting you lay your head on his broad chest.
“Promise us you won’t leave us again,” Namor murmured. His tone was softer now, almost lulling you to sleep.
“Hmmm,” was all you could say.
“You have to promise us,” Attuma added. 
“I promise,” you said tiredly. 
“Don’t you have anything else to say to her as well, K’uk’kulkan?”
The other man sighed and moved to rest his weight on his elbow so he could look at you.
“I’m sorry as well for not being a good lover to you. I promise that I will try to be better at attending to your needs.”
The words felt genuine, and you couldn’t help but shed a couple of tears as you looked at him. Namor leaned in and kissed the tears away.
“Thank you,” you said softly as he leaned in to kiss you. 
“Well, now that you both are made up. Let me just take a little nap…the jet lag is killing me.” 
Namor rolled his eyes before he laid back in bed. You, on the other hand, were rubbing Attuma’s chest in an effort to soothe him. 
“Alright, big guy. Take a nap. You earned it,” you said cheekily.
Attuma only grunted before his noises were were slowly replaced by his deep snore. You and Namor soon found yourself passed out from exhaustion as well.
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614 notes · View notes
acciopietro · 1 year
doctor pt. 3
pairing: namor x fem! reader
summary: you take an opportunity despite the repercussions. namor’s determination to protect his people blinds him.
part one part two part four
word count: 6,939
tw: lots and lots of death. forced suicide (because of the talokanil sirens). the typically stuff. lots of angsty and sadness
a/n: i was listening to happiness is a butterfly while writing so this took a turn for sure... it took a hot minute but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!! i’m nervous ab this so pls let me know your honest opinions...it kind of took a turn 
part one part two
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IT REALLY ONLY TOOK ONE email to make your heart drop. It was a phone call and a series of texts, too, but it was the email that did it for you. Arial, Size 12 font, formal greeting, body paragraph, half-hearted thank you, polite goodbye. Signed Doctor Reynolds, Ph.D., with the name of your team and company. Message subject: Wakanda.
You read it with vigilant eyes, still hands resting on the metal of your laptop, blue light from the screen casting a cool glow onto your tired skin. The music in your earbuds continued to play, but the sound of The Weeknd wasn’t helping calm the way your heart’s steady beat began to pick up. The words on the email flashed out at you as if they were bolded: Wakanda, harvesting, vibranium, testing, trip. Trip?
“Hi, Doctor Reynolds,” you spoke casually into your telephone, despite your palms sweating around the handle of it. Twisting the coiled cord of it with your index finger, you said, “Yeah, I just got the email. I just had some questions...”
Long story short, a team of marine scientists had ventured into the pacific, delving into the deep seas in search of the vibranium you had found a little over a year ago. You had abandoned that research per Namor’s (tacit) request (more like demand), however, you had known that it was bound to be looked at at some point. The issue was that ships were now apparently being hijacked, their tracking machines being destroyed under water as well as large groups of scientists somehow falling off ship and into the waters to their tragic death. No one knew why.
Reynolds believed Wakanda had something to do with it. He believed that since they were well known for being the sole producers and protectors of all the Earth’s vibranium, he was under the impression that they were trying to stop the United States scientists from harvesting it. Which, you had thought to yourself, would be plausible considering the United States was notorious for taking things that weren’t necessarily theirs.
“Why are we getting involved?” you asked Reynold, gripping your scalp anxiously as you listened to Reynolds explain the situation. “It’s not like if we take a boat out there, we, somehow, will miraculously end up okay. If boats are being hijacked, then... oh, I don’t know...”
Reynold went on and on.
“Wait... you mean to tell me that you already booked it?” you shrilled. “Please excuse me if I’m stepping out of line here, but it’s very likely that our boat will just get hijacked, too. And besides, why do we care so much about vibranium, again? It doesn’t harm any marine life or ecosystems...”
Reynolds spewed a bunch of nonsensical answers, beating around the bush and never quite landing on the reason you know was true: getting money and getting power. Often the root of many of Reynolds’s aspirations.
“You’re more than welcome to deny the job,” Reynold says. “But I’ve decided that I want you on that boat. You’re a useful member of this team. Whether you like it or not, this could be very big.”
You clenched your jaw. “I’ll think about it.”
“You’ve got a week.”
You had only been home from Yucatán for one month. You had a wonderful four months of being with your sister and her family in the days and sneaking off with your man from the sea at night. You couldn’t have gotten closer to Namor; well, unless he took off his shorts and... well, you wouldn’t let him do it, anyways. He had asked. A few times. More than a few times. But for some reason, you just couldn’t do it. For starters, you weren’t on the pill and you were sure there wasn’t contraception under the sea (you asked if he had a condom one time, and he asked you what language that word was in. For someone who is immortal, he sure didn’t know a lot). 
You felt like sleeping with him for real for real would make things realer. It made him more of a commitment, gave him more power. And you told yourself you wouldn’t let it happen unless you were absolutely sure that he deserved it. It was really hard to say no sometimes, though. He sure knew how to persuade you.
Accepting the job and getting on the damn boat would for sure cause an issue if Namor found out. You didn’t want to search for vibranium, especially knowing the damage it would do to Wakanda if the United States got access to such a resource, and to Talokan if the States got knowledge of their existence. But... Reynolds personally invited you, and it could do wonders for your career if it went well. 
“I don’t see why not,” your sister said when you told her of your predicament the next day. “I mean, I understand the hesitation, especially if boats are being hijacked. But who knows, maybe they’ll get an Avenger and put them on board with you to keep you safe. Hopefully it’s Captain America.”
“As much as I’d love to have Sam Wilson on a boat with me for two weeks, I’m still not sure,” you groaned, plopping down onto your couch and opening up your laptop, the blue light hitting your face as you held your phone against your ear with your shoulder. Scrolling through the news, you said, “It just feels like a thing just for money. And, like, yeah, it is, but I... wait a second...”
You stopped scrolling, eyes casting across the headline of the latest CNN article, your lips falling apart. Wakanda’s King T’Challah dead at 41.
“Oh my gosh,” you breathed. Your sister asked you what it was on the other side of the phone, and you hastily forwarded the article to hear. She cursed, and both of you fell silent as you read. “Jesus Christ. I can’t go on that boat.”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU won’t get on the boat?” asked Reynolds the followed week when you went into office. You shook your head, clenching your jaw.
“King T’Challah just died,” you told him matter-of-factly. “And if there really is more vibranium out there, and the States gets access to it, that’ll do a lot of damage to Wakanda.”
“We are not giving the States access to it,” Reynolds furrowed his brow, the hair of his grey mustache fluttering as he spoke. “We’re just figuring out how much of its in the water. It’s not our job to start harvesting it, that’s up to Archeology.”
“It doesn’t matter who does what,” you said feverishly. “We’re still helping do something that will eventually lead to bad things for Wakanda. And I don’t feel comfortable doing that, especially after their king just passed away.”
Reynolds narrowed his eyes at you, and said nothing before circling around to his desk and clicking the mouse of his computer. You blinked, watching him search around for something with a stern face. You waited a minute for him to speak, and when he didn’t, you cleared your throat.
“Look, L/N,” Reynolds looked at you from over his bifocals. “I understand where you stand on these more... well, political aspects of the job. But this is a big opportunity I’m offering you. If you decline, fine, but I’ll know that you’re not up to the task. I’ll give the job to Quade.”
You clenched your jaw, feeling something bubble in your stomach. Ugh, you thought. Quade. He was the worst. You knew it was wrong to take this job. Morally, it was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
“Okay,” you sighed defeatedly. “I’ll... I’ll do it.”
“Good,” Reynolds gave you a nod and stopped typing. He pressed the delete button and held it down. “I can get rid of this email to Quade then. We leave Friday. Back your bags and tell your family you love ‘em.”
UNDER THE THRASHING WAVES OF the Gulf of Mexico sat a king on his throne, his forearms resting on his strong, tensed thighs as he read a piece of torn paper. He had to put the paper under pieces of surface-dweller plastic so the pages didn’t fall apart under the water, but even still, the ink had smeared a bit. Nonetheless, Namor sat, his jaw clenched, and he read.
Namor, the letter read. 
Hopefully this letter got to you all right-- my niece isn’t always too reliable. I’m writing to you in an attempt to explain myself so you don’t find out from other sources. Some people from my team will be sailing out into the Gulf with another team that’s mining for vibranium. I wanted to deny the job, but I need to take whatever opportunities they throw my way if I want to keep my head above water. I’m going to do my best to protect you and your people, but there’s only so much I can do. I’m sorry. Really, I am. If there’s anything I can do that you can think of (without totally tarnishing my reputation and/or getting fired), find a way to let me know, and I’ll do it. Again, I’m really sorry. I hope you can forgive me. Hopefully I’ll see you soon.
Sincerely Apologetically Love
From, Y/N
Namor gripped the paper tight between his calloused, jewelry covered hands. Lifting his head, he glanced up at his people, the civilization they had built together, the vibranium everyone wore. He glanced at the chest plate he wore, the cuffs around his arms, at the vibranium he wore. It was everything.
He clenched his jaw, bowing his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. He laid the paper down on his lap, squeezing his eyes shut to think. 
“Namora!” he called out hastily, and after a little over a minute, the woman emerged into the space and walked up to him, standing before his throne. She knelt, opening up her palms to him in a greeting before standing up. “K'abéet in actualizaciones yóok'ol le láak' rastreador. Yaan in biin ta wéetel (I need updates on the next tracker. I’ll be going with you).”
THE DRIVE TO THE PORT was peaceful, palm trees swaying in the breeze and reminding you that, although it wasn’t Mexico, you were appreciative for the beauty and pleasantries of the place you lived in. Florida, with all of its ups and downs-- and you meant all of them-- was nice. The giant boat was astonishing once your Uber pulled up. People were hustling and bustling about the port, and you simply stared up at the giant ship, clutching the strap of your bag and admiring its beauty.
“Ah, Doctor L/N, good to see you. All packed?” asked Doctor Mishra, one of the men of the group who you actually liked to be around. You were thankful he was on the trip. “Boat’s giant, no?”
“Oh, yeah,” you whistled. “Y’know, I’ve never been on a boat like this.”
“I’ve been on a couple of cruises,” Doctor Mishra told you. “Wonderful vacations. However, we will not be waited on on this boat.”
“Fine with me,” you shrugged. “Do we just... go inside, or what?”
“Not sure,” he said. Smiling, he heaved his duffel bag over his shoulder and said, “Let’s find out!
Everything went smoothly for the first week and three days. All the men had to share rooms with at least one other person, and you were lucky enough that everyone agreed that you should have the single room. Your research seemed to be going fairly, however, you never caught a glimpse of the research of the others aside from Doctor Mishra, who you were doing a lot of your work with these days.
One evening, after a nice warm shower, you ventured out onto the deck of the ship, letting the ocean breeze cool your warm cheeks. You caught a glimpse, however, of Dr. Reynolds and Bernstein exchanging words on the deck, standing quite close and speaking under their breaths. You crept closer around the corner, trying to eavesdrop. 
“We found it around thirty-five miles from the west tip of Cuba, so we’re thinking if we move closer towards Cancún and Yucatán and all that, we’ll find more,” Bernstein said quietly but firmly. Reynolds nodded his head in understanding.
“But what of the machines?” he asked. “The last one was destroyed, you said, signal lost?”
“Something’s hungry down there,” Bernstein shrugged. “Or however far down the vibranium is, it’s too deep for our computers. We need higher tech to harvest it.”
Your stomach turned. The team wasn’t supposed to be thinking about harvesting vibranium. Reynolds had told you that was up to Archaeology. You gulped and kept listening, fighting the urge to jump out and ask a million questions.
"I’m in contact with some people up north who’ve got new stuff that could work,” Reynolds scratched his white beard pensively. “They’ve had limited success too, but it could be helpful.”
“Us getting this vibranium could change the game,” Bernstein said emphatically. “I mean, can you imagine if the government realized we had this stuff? They’d pay us a lot of money to take it off our hands.”
“This is more than just money, Bernstein,” Reynolds said lowly. “If Wakanda found out that the States got hold of the one thing they’ve got on us? We’re back on top.”
“Holy shit,” Bernstein ran a hand through his oily blonde hair and grinned. “I went into the right profession, that’s for damn sure!”
“Yes, well, let’s just see what the other men have gathered in the past week and compare,” Reynolds told him. “Maybe there’s something right under our noses that we haven’t noticed.”
You clenched your jaw and stepped out from behind the corner. You squeezed a fist in one hand to prevent yourself from lashing out, and it wasn’t until you cleared your throat that the two men noticed you.
“Oh, L/N!” Reynolds gave a gasp of surprise and then a chuckle. “Wasn’t expecting you to be out so late. Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“I don’t have a bedtime, sir, I’m a grown woman,” you said firmly. “But you’ve got about twenty years on me, so I’m confused as to why you’re not in bed either.”
Bernstein and Reynolds shared a glance.
“I’m also confused about all this I’m hearing about harvesting vibranium,” you said, not saying anything for a heartbeat to give them room to defend themselves. “I didn’t think that was what we were doing here. I also thought that as a team we were supposed to be, I don’t know, working together?”
“Look, L/N, you’ve got your own research, and so do we. We chose not to include you because you, for some reason, seemed very against delving deeper into this vibranium business,” Reynolds explained in a slow and calm voice as if he were speaking to a child. “This could be very lucrative for us and helpful for American forces.”
“You’re hiding shit from everyone,” you spat.
“No, I’m not,” Reynolds sneered. “Just from you.”
As if someone had pressed a button, all of a sudden Reynolds and Bernstein stood upright, their faces blank, eyes fogged over. You furrowed your brow and snapped in front of the former's face. A song began to echo the ship, as if someone was playing it on the loudspeakers, and you glanced around as if to see if someone else noticed it. 
You glanced up to the top deck, where a man stood next to a large scope. He was walking very uniformly, his face blank as well, and you watched as he continued to walk and walk and walk until--
You screamed bloody murder. The man walked until he reached the railing, where he hopped over it and simply threw himself off the ledge and into the depths of the ocean below. Breathing heavily, you whipped yourself around and watched as Reynolds, mesmerized by the song, began to walk towards the railing, Bernstein at his heels.
“No!” you cried, grabbing ahold of Reynolds’s arm to hold him back; he thrashed himself out of your grasp and climbed over the railing. You grappled at the back of his shirt, trying to tug him back, but he too, like a rag doll, plummeted into the crashing waves below. Bernstein was looming closer to the railing, and you wrapped your arms around his torso to hold him back.
You kept seeing men out of the corner of your eyes walk over the edge and throw themselves into the sea. You hadn’t realized it, but tears were pricking out of the corners of your eyes as you mustered up all your strength to try and hold Bernstein back from the edge.
“Snap-- out-- of-- it!” you cried, and brought one of your hands to slap him clean across the face. To no avail. Balling up a fist, you let go of him and stood between him and the railing; you wound up your arm and socked him clean across the face, to which he toppled onto his back. Blood was now seeping from his nose, but at least he wasn’t walking to his death. 
You squinted out into the sea, to try and figure out the source of the sound, but all you saw was the water and the midnight blue horizon. A groan from behind you alerted your attention; you dropped to your knees, shaking Bernstein awake.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you cried. He wiped his nose, the blood staining the sleeve of his white shirt.
“You fuckin’ punched me!” Bernstein muffled, sitting upright and punching you straight across the face, hard enough for you to topple back onto the deck. He got to his feet, and as if nothing had happened, his face became blank again. You groaned, sitting upright and clutching your bleeding nose as he walked towards the railing again. 
“No, no-- stop!” you called out, getting to your feet, but it was too late; Bernstein climbed over the railing and fell face first into the ocean. You saw the tail of a dolphin in the distance as his body disappeared, and you squeezed your eyes shut, covering your face with your hands, blood from your nose seeping through your fingers. “Jesus christ, what the fuck? What the actual fuck? What the fuck is happening?”
SPLASH! You drew your hands away from your face, and to your horror, saw the fins of sharks circling around the boat, the occasional tale of a dolphin, or the splashes of other marine life you couldn’t identify from so far away. The beating of your heart was so fast that at this rate you were sure you could die of a heart attack. Unable to take your eyes away from the sea of troubles below you, you were terrified to see the body of a whale rise close enough to the surface for you to see, and what shocked you the most was the outline of a person riding on its back. Your jaw dropped.
Without a second thought, you sprinted towards the hatch that led to the inside of the ship. You ran at top speed across the creaky wooden floor until you reached your room, grabbing your bag that held your journal, your phone, your laptop, and your camera. A knock at your door made you jump and almost yelp.
“It’s just me,” it was Doctor Mishra, his hair disheveled and his eyes wild. He had on a large pair of earmuffs. “Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding!”
“No!” you practically screeched. “I just fucking watched the entire crew kill themselves!”
“Well, I don’t know about everyone,” you stammered, shoving anything and everything important to you into your bag. You grabbed the printed map of the gulf, with annotations and drawings and other kinds of markings, and rolled it quickly before shoving it into your bag. Picking up your taser, you blinked at it before shoving it into your bag, too. “Bernstein and Reynolds are gone, same with the rest of the crew on the deck, and the man from the mast, and the--”
“Slow down,” Mishra said to you, squatting down next to you and handing you his handkerchief for your nose. “There’s almost no signal, and the only ways we can send out an S.O.S. are either from the red flare device on the mast, or by the radio in the control room.”
“Okay,” you breathed, putting the straps of your bag over your shoulders and tightening it so it wouldn’t fall off, wiping your nose despite it continuing to bleed. “But... what if we get all weird too and try and walk off?”
“Here,” Mishra fumbled with something in his pocket: wired earbuds. “Plug them into your phone and blast some music. Should do the trick. My earmuffs worked pretty well.”
You grabbed the earbuds from him, untangling them before plugging them into your ears. Grabbing your phone, you shuffled a playlist and turned up the volume. Mishra beckoned you to follow him out the door, to which you complied, Tyler, the Creator’s “ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?” blaring from the earbuds. Not the time, you thought, but you couldn’t afford to stand there a pick a good song for the occasion.
“I’ll head up to the mast,” you offered. “The control room is safer for you since it’s pretty contained.”
“Are you sure?” he asked. “The mast is insanely high, you could get hurt.”
You clenched your jaw. “It’s fine. I’ll send out the flares. Good luck, okay?”
“Take care of yourself,” Mishra told you firmly. “Meet back on the deck in ten minutes or so.”
You nodded and turned, sprinting back up onto the deck and opening the hatch. There were people on the deck, with beautiful feathered headdresses and jaded armor. You stared at them for a moment, but before they could see you, you ran behind one of the poles, trying to focus on getting up to the mast. The ladder was on the other side of the deck, leading you to inch your way around the center portion until you could find the ladder with your eyes.
There were tons of the soldiers across the deck, running around, whispering to one another. They all held massive, sharp spears, the jade and gold glinting under the pale moonlight. It reminded you of Namor, you thought, until you realized it was possible they were his people. As much as you trusted him, you didn’t trust the spears; you weren’t about to risk your life, and even Doctor Mishra’s life, just to reunite with the man from the sea. 
You bolted towards the ladder, grabbing the bars and climbing up it with no hesitation. Someone from below shouted something. You didn’t look down, moving at a speed you were sure you had never moved at before, until you reached the top level where the light machine and the red flare device were located. You practically threw yourself onto the bright red button, pressing it over and over again so tens of red flares shot up into the night sky.
Your earbuds were playing Childish Gambino, now, and despite it being one of your favorite songs of all time, you couldn’t find it in you to enjoy it. You kept pressing the button, red flare after red flare firing into the sky. People were shouting from below you, in a language you couldn’t decipher, especially with “Me and Your Mama” blasting into your ears.
You took a brief moment to glance at the deck, peering over the railing. Someone was climbing up the mast, the gold of their armor glinting under the light of the mast. You panicked, unzipped your bag and grabbed your taser. You ran to the other side of the table-like desk in the center of the platform and crouched behind it.
Feet adorned in golden-plated sandals planted onto the platform. You swallowed your breath, holding out your taser for when they rounded the desk. You cursed your earbuds; you were sure they could hear the Childish Gambino blasting from them. When they rounded the corner, you shot up and stuck out the taster onto their stomach, to which they convulsed and stumbled backwards. You pressed the red button a handful more times, but before you could act again, you felt a hand grab you by the neck and heard the cling of a blade being unsheathed.
“Suelta a arma (Drop your weapon),” the person holding you said firmly, to which you shakily dropped your taster. It clattered onto the wooden platform. The soldier let you go, your back towards the ladder, and with the shear pointed right at you, commanded, “Péeksik (Move).”
You couldn’t understand them, but you had enough context clues to understand what the soldier wanted. You caught a long enough glimpse at them to see a strange mask over their mouth and nose, water splashing around inside of it. You wanted to look for longer, but they nudged you with the butt of their spear, so without protest, you climbed down the ladder.
By the time you reached the floor of the deck, you barely had a moment of freedom before the soldier grabbed you again, holding you by the shoulders with their spear at your neck. They spoke to another soldier, the blade of the spear dangerously close to your skin. 
One of the soldiers wore a tall, orange-feathered headdress, with the same feathers donned around the necklace she wore that looked like it was made out of something woven. The soldier holding you shoved you forward, hard enough that you stumbled over your feet and almost fell flat on your face. As soon as you were released, the other soldiers circled you, spears pointed.
“Vacíe u póoj (Empty your bag),” she commanded. You blinked, not understand. At your silence, one of the soldiers poked your bag with their spear, nudging it off. You reluctantly shook it off of your shoulders, letting it fall onto the deck. “Je'e le! (Open it!)”
Another soldier poked it with your spear before another nudged you forwards. Lowering to your knees, you grabbed the back and opened the zipper pocket so the contents of your bag was visible. One of the soldiers snatched it from you, turning it upside down and shaking it so everything fell out; your map tumbled to the ground, along with your computer, camera, and journal. Cringing at the sound of your computer and camera dropping onto the deck, you made a move to stand, but the feeling of a spear pressed against the back of your neck kept you down.
The woman in the headdress, who you assumed was in charge, bent down and picked up the map, unrolling it. She ran her finger where you had outlined the hypoxic zone in red pen, the notes near the southern border of the United States, as well as the circle around your sister’s town in Yucatán.
“Talokan ma' u dibujado (Talokan is not drawn),” she said. In broken English, she read the notes and pronounced. “Hi-gh con-cen-tra-ti-on.”
You gulped, watching them interact with one another. The one behind you holding the spear to your neck said, “Ba'ax le kíins wa ma'? (Do we kill her, or not?)”
“Le ajawo' tu ya'alaj ma' u testigos (The king said no witnesses),” another soldier proclaimed. “Kíisa (Kill her).”
“Pa'atik! (Wait!)” one exclaimed, leaning down and grabbing your wrist. “Ilawil u x-oron (Look at her wrist).”
“Lelo' u Talokan (That is from Talokan),” another said, to which gasps and murmurs spun around the circle of soldiers. You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment; the word Talokan was circling your brain. Namor. These were his people. Where was he? Why were they on your ship, killing your team? About to kill you?
“K'aaba' ti' le ajawo' (Call the king),” the woman said, to which one of the soldiers held up a large conch shell. After a beat of silence, the soldier brought it up to their lips and blew through it, a loud clarion call resounding through the air. After the call ended, the woman announced to the soldiers, “Leti' jach le ts'ook viva (She is the last alive).”
“Le ajawo' yéetel complacido (The king will be pleased),” a soldier said. 
“Y/N!” came someone's voice from above. Your heart lurched when you saw Doctor Mishra from atop one of the platforms where the radio room was. You internally cursed him for revealing his presence to the soldiers. The soldiers shouted something, and one moved to go after Mishra, but before he could, a figure shot through the air towards where the doctor was.
The figure landed on the platform next to Mishra, who, before he could run away, was struck in the head with the butt of a spear; Mishra fell to the floor, alive, but unconscious. The figure flew up into the air, circled the mast, before soaring towards where you and the soldiers were, landing with a hand on the deck.
The soldiers knelt, joining their hands at the wrists and opening their palms to him. The figure moved, the wings at his angles fluttering as he stood up. Your breath caught in your throat when he set eyes on you, breaking through the circle of soldiers to stand before your kneeling figure.
“You,” was all you could breathe when Namor stared down at you, his spear gripped in his hand. His hair was slicked back with the water of the ocean, his eyes narrowed in one of the deadliest glares you had ever witnessed. A chill went up your spine.
“I gave you that because I trusted you,” Namor poked the bracelet on your wrist with the tip of his spear. Your hands were shaking now, tears pearling at the corners of your eyes. “And here you are... harvesting vibranium. Just as you promised me you would not do.”
“I... you didn’t read my letter?” you stammered out. He was scaring you. There were drops of saltwater on his eyelashes, those ebony eyes of his making you simultaneously melt with adoration and freeze with fear. “I thought... they... they lied to me, they said we were just finding the concentration, I didn’t know they were harvesting it here--”
“You lied to me,” Namor said slowly with composure. His jaw clenched. Something in his eyes changed. “You tricked me.”
“I didn’t,” you were crying now. “I didn’t. I promise, K’uk’ulkan--”
“You do not deserve to call me that,” he gave a dry scoff. He gulped. He wasn’t just angry, you saw; he was upset. Devastated. “You are now an enemy.”
“Look at the map!” you urged him, scrambling to find it. “Look at my notes! I didn’t-- it’s not even near Yucatán, it’s-- it’s just where the concentration was higher, I swear--”
“High Concentration,” the woman from before said, handing the map to Namor. He took it, unrolling it and eyeing the area you had outlined.
“What is this?” Namor asked you, not meeting your eyes. You sniffed, swallowing the frog in your throat.
“It’s-- it’s just where I found the high concentration of vibranium in the first place. I thought we were just supposed to go back to that area, in the northern Gulf, to test the concentration, and that’s what I thought we were researching! That’s what my-- that’s my project. My work.”
“Your project,” Namor repeated. 
“Remember?” you practically begged. “Remember how I spent all that time working and you stopped me from getting data? That’s what I was researching! That’s what I’m doing here! I didn’t know that fucking Bernstein and Reynolds were trying to harvest vibranium! I had no idea!”
“How am I supposed to believe you?”
You could barely catch your breath. “I-- I don’t know. My map, my computer, my journal, my goddamn phone, everything’s in there. Take it all, I don’t care. Read everything I’ve ever written, you’ll see!”
Namor bent down and picked up your journal, flipping open to the first page and starting to read. Your knees were starting to hurt from how long you’ve been sitting on them. The silence was deafening, watching him flip through the journal. He read every single word, and you tried to calm your breathing as you watched his face change as he continued to flip.
When he reached the last page, he closed the journal and held it by his side. His glare was gone; he was frowning now, refusing to look at your face. Glancing up at the soldiers, he lifted a hand, to which they lowered their spears away from you and backed up. Namor extended a hand to you as if to help you to your feet. You eyed it hesitantly, but seeing the grimace on his face, you took it and stood.
He didn’t say anything. It was like he couldn’t. He avoided your eyes, and without a word, he turned around towards the railing, resting his forearms on it with a sigh. You were still shaking, but as your fear subsided, you felt the anger bubbling up in your stomach. A drop of blood fell from your nose, touching your top lip.
“You killed everyone,” you muttered, wiping the blood off of your lip. He turned his head and said nothing. “Your people almost killed me.”
“I will do anything for my people,” he told you carefully. His voice was wavering. “If they are threatened, I do not care what it takes. I will protect them.”
You weren’t sure what to say. You walked up beside him, resting your arms on the railing, too. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his chest rising and falling with a quick cadence, and despite not being able to hear his fast breathing, you could see he was becoming flustered.
“I pray you can find it in you to understand my motives,” he continued. You, again, said nothing. You could barely form words, your mouth dry. There was something warm on the back of your neck; you brought your hand up to touch it, only to find fresh blood on the pads of your fingers. The spears had cut you. Namor glanced over at your bloodied hand, brows twitching. He reached towards you, “Allow me to--”
You flinched back. You couldn’t look at him. He dropped his hands and bowed his head, staring at the waters below. They were calm, now, the sharks and dolphins no longer splashing about. That whale you had seen had gone, too. You willed your rapid beating heart to cease, wishing your chest would stop twisting and turning.
“I get it,” you murmured, using the collar of your shirt to wipe the last bit of blood from your nose. Namor’s head twitched up, eyes on you in less than a second. “Gotta protect your people, just like you were when you wouldn’t let me take those samples. But this... this is... what I saw...”
“If I had known you weren’t apart of it, I would never have let--”
“I wish you had trusted me,” you sniffled, finally looking at him. His ebony eyes were wider than you had ever seen them, brown brows tilted upwards in a form of desperation you would have never picture them having. He was beautiful. “My letter, I thought... I thought I explained it.”
“You did,” Now that Namor had caught your eyes, he didn’t dare look away in fear of losing them again. “You did, I... jumped to conclusions.”
“You jumped to conclusions,” you repeated, breaking the eye contact. You clenched your jaw. “So you killed my entire team.”
Namor’s mouth opened and closed like a fish for a second, unable to find proper words. “You have to understand where I’m coming from, here. These ships harvesting our vibranium-- Talokan’s vibranium-- would put us at risk. It could lead to the end of my people.”
“I know,” you sighed, closing your eyes and putting your head on your hands where they rested against the railing. The ocean’s breeze struck at your forehead, cooling your skin and blowing your hair off your face. Namor didn’t say anything, but you could feel him looming closer. You hid your face from him.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice so soft you almost didn’t hear him over the breeze. “Please look at me.”
After a prolonged second, you lifted your head from your arms, the breeze chilling the tears that had rolled down your cheeks. You couldn’t meet his eyes. You couldn’t bear it.
“Take me home,” you said quietly. He blinked. “Please.”
“To... to Yucatán?” he inquired, a layer of hope underneath his words.
“No,” something was twisting in your chest. “To Miami.”
“...right now?”
Namor didn’t move, just staring at you with those puppy dog eyes that made you want to wrap your arms around him and pull him into you. 
“Are you sure?” he asked. “Please, Y/N, we have to--”
“Yes, I am sure,” you said pointedly, despite the wobbling of your voice. “It’s not like there’s anything for me to do here, anyways. Everyone’s dead.”
Namor raised an arm, and the female Talokanil soldier from earlier came to his side. He muttered something to her in his native language; you hadn’t bothered to listen, for one because you didn’t speak a word, but for two because for some reason, hearing his voice was making it difficult to hold your ground.
“Come,” he said to you, holding his hand out. You glanced over at him; he began to rise from the ground, wings on his ankles keeping him suspended in the air. You glanced at his hand. “Do you trust me?”
You felt your lower lip tremble. 
“I don’t know,” you said, grabbing his hand anyways. He frowned, his eyes more glassy than ever. You wondered if he would cry. He pulled you up, gently wrapping an arm around your waist and holding you tight on his side, his other arm holding his spear.
In a flash, you were soaring towards the horizon, the cold, salty air whipping you in the face as he flew. His skin was cold against yours, and despite your anger, you pushed yourself against him, wondering when the next time you’d feel him would be.
The gold of his jewelry pressed against your skin, and you stared at the way in glinted under the pale moonlight. You stared at him, the jade in his septum, the point of his ears, the bronze of his skin. There were tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, prevented from rolling down his face and simply flying away from the force of the wind.
You hadn’t realized how quickly you were flying. The shore was near, you could see the lights of the city as you approached it. You slowed, your hair relaxing from the absence of the harsh wind. Scrunching your nose to get some feeling back in it, your feet skimmed the top layer of the ocean as he brought you to the sand and let you go.
You dusted your self off, fixing your head and allowing yourself to adjust to being back on the ground. You had gotten dizzy from the flight, but came to it in less than a minute. You glanced at where his hand still held his spear. When he saw you look at it, he lowered it without hesitation. You finally laid eyes on Namor. The tears from earlier had fallen onto his cheek. 
“Do you fear me?” he asked.
“I fear what you’re capable of,” you muttered. “Because I don’t think you’ll ever trust me.”
“I trust you,” he breathed. You frowned. “I trust you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do,” he insisted, falling to his knees in front of you. His ebony hair was partially covering his eyes, but the wind suddenly pushed it back so you could see his face. Your eyes widened, gaze lowering to where he sat. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I trust you. Fully.”
You could barely believe the sight before you; Namor, on his knees. You were cruel, you thought. You were still crying. 
“I just need some time,” you said, feeling your heart change at the sight of him. His eyes kept flickered around your face, to one eye, to your nose, to your lips, to the other eye, back to your lips. “Okay?”
“Time?” he repeated, nodding, knees digging into the sand, wings on his ankles fluttering a bit. “Yes, that’s-- as much time as you want.”
“Okay,” you sighed. Namor slowly rose to his feet, reminding you of the way he towered over you. He didn’t let his eyes leave yours, as if he were trying to tell you something tacitly. He looked at your lips. 
He lifted his hands towards your face, and when you didn’t flinch away, he cupped both of your cheeks with his palms. You closed your eyes, heart thumping. 
“Whenever you are ready,” he began, his thumb rubbing over your cheekbone. “I’ll be here. All right?”
“Mm-hm,” you said, letting yourself look at him. He nodded, biting the inside of his cheek. 
“Good-bye,” he said. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your hairline so tenderly you thought you might start sobbing right then and there. Before you could say anything more, he soared up into the air, flying away and disappearing into the midnight sky. You wiped at your cheeks, ridding the tears, and with a sigh, you turned around and made for your apartment.
@childishnewt @criesinlies @fairydxll @cassiestars777 @mcximvffs @kaqua @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @eichenhouseproperty @aliyahsomerhalder @lovenewfandoms @justkay2 @only-his3  @deadlydahlias @nellycanwrite @vlamley @seraphimcollections @kingtwhiddleston @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @doimakeyounervous @blue-chup @myotakureprieve @lulu-83 @seraphimcollections @kingtwhiddleston @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @atabeyguabancex @doimakeyounervous @chaoticevilbakugo @theamericanjewitch @tian-monique @kentucky-criedfricken​ @takeyour-pants-off
a/n: please remember to update your privacy settings so i can tag you!! so many people asked to be on the taglist but then i can’t tag them for some reason... please make sure you update it! thanks everyone <3
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dmysterioblog · 2 years
Masterlist II
WARNING! Most of the following contain SMUT and/or have a DARK theme!
Disclaimer! These Fanfics aren't mine! They're just some of my favorites. This masterlist will keep being updated. Check at the bottom to see when it was last updated.
Masterlist I
Dark-♤ Angst-♧ Fluff-♡ Smut-♢
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I think you promised me a date
Paring; Agatha x F!Reader
Summary: a guy is following you and you find Agatha (a stranger) and asked her to pretend to be your partner.
Pacify Her
Paring: Agnes x reader
Summary: Agnes reminds you who you belong to after watching you flirt with Wanda all night.
Next Door Neighbor
Paring; Alice Chambers x Reader
Summary: the Victory project might be messing with Alice’s head but at least one person believes her.
Rated- ♧♡
Paring; Claire debella x f!intern!assistant!reader
Summary: you’re an intern for the debella campaign on her road to her becoming a senator, and one of the hardest working on the team. no one notices how hard you work... or so you thought.
Offer Me That Deathless Death
Paring; Hela x valkyrie!reader
Summary: odin sending the valkyries to prevent hela from escaping was a present in disguise.
Feeling Neglected
Paring; Larissa Weems x fem!reader
Summary: You are laying down playing video games, not paying attention to her. To get her attention back, she fucks you while you play.
Paring; Larissa Weems x f!reader
Summary: Larissa fucks you dumb
My Little Helper
Paring; Larissa Weems x f!reader
Summary: Reader is visiting home from college for summer break and can't help but notice the new neighbor and your mom has already offered you up to help her with anything she needs.
Ms.Romanoff's sweet girl
Paring; Teacher!Nat x innocent!reader
Summary: you grew up in a conservative household and you know nothing about sex, but you have a crush on your teacher who leaves you with weird feelings downstairs, what happens when she finds out?
Paring; toxic!shuriri x blackfemreader
Summary: you’re fed up with how shuri and riri have been in the lab, and giving less and less attention everyday…but it gets resolved.
Don't Play With Me Princess
Pairing: Shuri x Reader
Summary: You get too close with Riri and Shuri doesn't like that.
When I Had The Chance
Pairing: Dark!Shuri x Reader
Summary: Namor hurts you and Shuri makes sure that doesn't happen again.
Touch Me
Pairing; dom!Shuri x brat!Fem reader
Summary: Reader is feeling neglected as Shuri takes on responsibilities as both the Black Panther and the leader of the Design Group. Instead of talking it out, she tries to get Shuri’s attention in other ways.
Rated- ♢♡
Sweet Girl
Pairing; Dom!Shuri x fem!Black Reader
Summary: smut with no plot…
Rated- ♢♢♢
The Panther's Muse
Paring; shuri x fem!reader
Summary: Shuri pays a visit to Riri’s new apartment but is surprised that she no longer lives alone.
Take it off before, I tear it
Paring; Shuri x reader
Summary: You've been feeling neglected and decide to send nude pictures to Shuri while she is in the lab. When she got back, she put you in your place.
Watching a “Movie”
Pairing; Shuri x Fem!Reader
Summary: Shuri and the reader have a fun sleepover. 
The Gardener
Paring; Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Y/n was the gardener's daughter, she used to help her father to yard work for Wanda. Now she does some of the work on her own. Wanda has a thing for the college aged girl and finds a way to get what she wants.
Rated- ♡♢
Pairing: g!p Wanda x g!p Natasha x little!fem!reader
Summary: y/n doesn’t want to go to bed, so Wanda and Natasha find another way to make her sleepy…
Rated- ♡♢
My Best Girl
Paring; stepmom!wanda x reader
Summary: Wanda spoils her best Girl for getting good grades in school.
Stress Relief
Pairing; Stepmom!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Whenever you're overwhelmed, your loving stepmom is there to make it better.
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Last updated 04/22/23
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addict-rat · 1 year
Your Eyes Betray You
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Summary: You have a rivalry with Zemo and his team, but you also have mixed feelings with him, in one mission you both finally end up saying what you feel and more.
Words count: 2880
Paring: Helmut Zemo x F!Reader
Warnings: +18 Explict, swering, very poorly written smut, wall sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, fingering, p in v. 
Author’s note: Buenas, I just want to say a few things, frist this is my frist smut written in english, that leads to the second thing english not my first language I know a bit of the language but still learning so I used a translator from time to time if you see a mistake in the grammar or in general please let me know, I accept criticism but I don’t tolerate hate comments or similar. I probably gonna write more fanficons so I accept request in the future and I in the process of writing a Namor fanfic x!Reader. Gracias enjoy the fic :D
My masterlist.  
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Your career as a government agent was going pretty well. Not long ago you had been promoted to a position now you have your own team of agents to lead although you still had to follow orders from your superior, Secretary Ross. you could say that you had done everything to be where you were now, and you knew that one day you would be in a higher position than the one you were currently in, you worked hard to have a record of success in most of your missions, that was one of the reasons why you were given this position, however everything changed when you met your now "enemies" the Thunderbolts.
Thunderbolts was a team similar to yours except they had two supersoldiers, Ava Starr better known as Phantom, Justin Hammer and criminal mastermind who more than once could take you down. While your team was not bad, the problem was that it turns out you were not the best person to lead, since most of your life you had and preferred to work on your own.
Valentina and Ross were on the same path, therefore Thunderbolts and your team ended up on the same mission so you saw them very often, they were a headache for you because you knew you had a half chance of succeeding in the mission and a half chance of losing because of them.
Everyone already knew each other, it was like seeing co-workers who had been together for many years, but as team leader you knew all the opposing team better, especially their leader.
Helmut Zemo.
Being both team leaders you had faced him before, at first you could say you had no opinion of him, after meeting him on a mission where you lost, you began to hate him especially when you realized how much you found yourself thinking about him, you were not going to admit the obvious you had to stay focused on what mattered.
                                                             You weren't a fan of missions that involved having to infiltrate parties and looking like you were enjoying being there, usually these types of missions you would send someone from your team, but this time you had to go, so there you were finishing your fifth drink. You were waiting for the host of the party to come out of his office so you could go and get some files that could put a big f behind bars, you heard in one of your headphones that he had already left his office and that you could move on, so you preferred to go and finish the mission instead of having your sixth drink, you walked straight to where there was a crowd of people dancing.
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"I thought you didn't like these kinds of events" you pulled away a little when you saw how close you were to him "I don't I'm here beacuse of work, look like you a really having fun" you said in a mocking tone "I'm here beacuse of work too and your distracting me, can you even fight in that? "You tried to ignore the previous comment even though you still felt that feeling that had become recurrent in your stomach and you knew that he was the reason for your behavior. Your thoughts left you when you heard one of your colleagues telling you to hurry before he went back to his office "I don't have time for this and yes I can fight in this" you said walking to where you should have been a few minutes ago.
You felt someone pulling you by your arm so hard that you ended up glued to the body of the man who had pulled you, obviously it had to be the last person you wanted to see here and who in fact you were expecting to see.
The mansion you were in was so ridiculously big that it took you a little longer to get there, in some corridors there were people around so you had to find another way or wait for them to leave. You were a little more relieved that you were so close, you just had to look for the files and leave being as cautious as possible. Already in front of the door you looked to the sides before placing your hand on the door handle but before you could open the door, you were a little scared since no one had warned you that someone was already inside but your concern was gone when you saw Zemo in the door frame, the two looked at each other for a few minutes, you still did not understand how he had arrived so fast.
"If you are looking for the same as me, good luck, I doubt you will find a copy" whenever he was in advantage or beat you he always put that mocking smile, you saw him walking away while you doubted if you were really looking for the same or were different motives of the mission, but still you went after him, you approached him and he stopped walking when you reached him "Do you really want took me into a fight in that dress?" he asked this time looking at you again from head to toe "Do you want to try me? Baron" he approached you, cornering you in the wall "Do you know I love when you use my title?" you were going to answer him but you both became alert when you heard footsteps and you heard your team warning you that someone was coming in the corridor, obviously it was going to be suspicious to see you two standing near the office and there was no time to go anywhere else.
You grabbed Zemo by his coat and pulled him closer to you, you whispered an almost inaudible "sorry" before you started kissing him, obviously nobody was going to suspect two lovers looking for a place to be alone, at first Zemo was a little astonished he didn't expect you to do that, but he understood that it was to cover the two of you and not to raise suspicions, so he didn't let go of you, his leg got between yours applying some pressure, which made you moan in the kiss, he took the opportunity to dominate more the kiss and taste inside you, you didn't want to admit it but it was the first time you had been kissed so well.
You remembered that this was your chance to look for the files in his coat, your hands traveled through Zemo's coat, trying to find the files but he noticed what you were doing, he took your hands and slammed them against the wall, pulling something out of you between a sigh and a moan, something you were going to regret later "You like that don't you? You like it when someone else takes control" He said close to your lips, you started to move your hips a little on the leg he had between yours, you did it by mere instinct you hadn't even noticed, " Egear are we? " He murmured as he left a path of kisses from your jaw to your neck, you let out a gasp as you felt his wet kisses, your weak legs brought you back to reality and you saw that there was no one but the two of you in the hallway "T- they're already gone" Zemo let go of your wrists "Yes, I know they left like two minutes ago" he left a kiss on your cheek "Looking for this, Draga? "He took out a small usb from his coat and put it back almost immediately, while you were still stunned and bewildered by what had just happened a few seconds ago.
You followed him down another corridor when you had already put your feet on the ground again, when you got to the corner where he had crossed he was not there, you looked around, but it was useless, there was no one there, you walked back from where you came but you saw from afar that a group of people were coming and you saw that from the other side of the corridor as well. For a moment you were paralyzed, but they dragged you to another small room, that looked like a cellar or something similar, the room was only illuminated by the small lines of the shutter that almost completely covered the window of the door.
You couldn't finish.
"Don't shhh to me"
He put his hand on your mouth "Shhhh" you heard murmurs that were going to close where you were, you did not pay attention to what they were talking, you were more focused on watching him even with the little light that came from the hallway, his dark eyes staring at the door where he had you nailed, you saw how he frowned to concentrate on what the other people were talking, his dark hair well combed and how soft it seemed to be, you wanted to pass your hand touching him.
"Enjoying the view?" He ask with that cooky smirt and removed his hand from your mouth "I do, although I preferred the way you looked in the hallway" he tilt his head, his hands went to your hips "You didn't look at me like you hated me... but you don't, do you? Well you did at first, but then you pretended to" Your eyes widened in amazement, after all this time you were still impressed by how capable he was of reading you despite how good you were at pretending.
"Your eyes, your eyes betrayed you" he replied as if he knew what you were going to ask, it was no secret that he no longer saw you as if his gaze could kill you, at first he detested you especially you being the one who had beaten him a few times, but that had been a long time ago.
Your lips approached his, when it finally looked like your lips were about to touch his, he moved a few inches away from you "Tell me what do you want, darling?" You bite your lip, his hand slowly went down to the hem of your dress, caressing your thighs under your dress "Please, please Helmut... Touch me, make me yours please fuck me please" you begged pathetically for the other man to touch you, you never thought you would beg like that for anyone ever in your life, but for him, you didn't mind doing it.
This time it was his lips that found you and he drank you in almost the same way he had done in the past kiss, his kisses went down to your neck and his hands this time went up your dress to your waist and into your panties playing with the now wet fabric, you were about to beg for more, when you heard the rustle of the fabric tearing, You gave a gasp of astonishment that quickly turned into a more erotic one as you felt his fingers in your wet folds "You won't need these" he said finishing removing your panties "You already so wet for me" one of his hands took your leg to lift it a little, your fingernails dug into his shoulders to steady you.
"Don't stop Zemo ples...Ah" Two of his long and thick fingers penetrated into your wet cunt, his fingers curled in that place that made you forget where you were. "Ah" you moaned loudly feeling how his fingers stretched you and at the same time his thumb started massaging circles in your clit. You began to feel that sensation in your belly that indicated your orgasm was beginning to form, your nails dug deeper into his shoulders. His lips so close to yours that you could feel his breaths heaving and he could feel your gasps and moans.
"Zemo... I..." His lips caught your lips in a kiss before you could raise your voice any more, you heard footsteps and murmurs outside, across the hall but they gradually receded. "You have to be a little more quite, my love... As much I would love to hear you, we can't let anyone hear us, do you understand?" Zemo asked you shortly after you came down from your state of pleasure. "Yes, Baron" you said he kissed you again, this time a little shorter "Good girl" you were surprised when he turned and your face pressed into the door, you heard the sound of his belt unbuckling as well as the zipper of his pants, one of his hands was on your hip gripping you tightly then you were to find the bruise in the shape of his hand on your hip, with his other hand he said the tip of his cock was moving in your wet folds "Stop teasing me, baron please" a choked moan came from your lips as you felt him slowly penetrate you, it was much bigger than you had thought, your count trembling with the strecht as inch after inch.
You both let out a sigh when he fully stettled, both of his hands on your hips "Fuck, you're so thigt" He whisper in your ear leaving a path of kisses and hickeys in your neck, you moved your head to the side leaving him more space, you let out a loud moan when you felt his teeth penetrating the skin between your neck and shoulder "Oh! Don't mark me you possesive... Oh fuck" you whimper when you felt how he came out completely and penetrated you again in a single movement, his nails dug into your hips while he came out and entered you in a constant pace, Zemo grabbed you by the neck turning your head so he could kiss you, his kisses were hungry, a little violent, you tried to follow the same rhythm as him returning him with kisses full of lust and needy, you didn't separate until you were both out of breath, a loud moan came from your lips when he hit that place that left you wanting more, your back arched and he noticed it by the way your legs weakened and by the way your walls squeezed his cock, his pace this time faster hitting that sweet place. Even though you wanted to be quiet because you were not exactly alone, anyone could pass through the hallway and hear you, but Zemo made it difficult for you to be quiet, his arm grabbed your hips while the other one massaged your clitoris, a gasp escaped your lips from the pleasure he was giving you, it wasn't a few minutes later when you felt your second orgasm come again.
"I'm so close... I'm gonna come" you let out a loud moan "Come for my draga" he grabbed your neck bringing your head to his shoulder, he applied a little pressure to your neck, which brought you to your second orgasm with a sigh and a gasping moan, Zemo waited until your breathing was no longer so agitated and came back with the same pace he had before. You felt his seed fill you deep inside your walls, you heard profanities between Sokovian and Ingles in between cut off by his agitated breathing.
After a few minutes you both had come down from your euphoria, you felt Zemo's lips on your bare shoulder, his short but affectionate kisses were going up to your cheek, his hand grabbed your jaw returning it to his face leaving a soft and affectionate kiss on your lips, you kissed him back, you let out a whimper in the middle of the kiss when he came out of you, you felt his semen going down your thighs "We could have had fun a long time ago... you know it was much better than I had fantasized..." you weren't going to admit that you had also dated him in this way, but that wasn't something you would say out loud at least not today. you know it was much better than I had fantasized" you weren't going to admit that you had also fooled around with him in this way, but that wasn't something you would say out loud to him at least not today. You both began to arrange yourselves to hide any kind of evidence. You looked for your panties on the floor, when you found them they were torn "Great, now I have to go back without underwear thanks Zemo" you said showing him your ruined panties, Zemo took them out of your hands and put them in his coat "I will buy you new ones, and next time I won't tear them" you both left the room and walked down the hall "So now we will do this on every mission we see each other" You smirk devilish "I can't promise you that I won't, but I'd prefer it to be somewhere more private" they both laughed a little "What a strange way to propose a date but ok I'll take it" they both headed for the exit and went their separate ways to where each team was waiting for them, and there Zemo noticed that you had removed the usb.
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aboutzatanna · 9 months
Hey, remember that JLU episode titled ‘The Once And Future Thing: Weird Western Tales’ where a couple of JL members ended up stranded in the old West thanks to time travel?  
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Well, turns out there was a comic book very similar to it written by Gerry Conway with art by Don Heck but starring a different set of JL members which may or may not have been the inspiration for the episode:   
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The episode was written by the late Dwayne McDuffie who was no stranger to writing in references to older comics. For instance, the two parter ‘Brave and the Bold’ Flash’s hallucinations were references to various Silver Age Flash comic covers and he was also very open about the fact that the line up for the Terra Beyond two parter was based on Marvel comics Defenders (no not the Netflix team, the one with Namor and Dr Strange). Even the episode title itself, ‘Weird Western Tales’ is a reference to the long running anthology series of the same name featuring DC’s western characters. 
The story arc in the comics ran from Justice League of America Vol 1 #198-199.     
While it’s hard to conclusively say that the episode was inspired by the comic, there are some interesting similarities like Batlash’s introduction here:   
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I posted Zatanna’s meeting with Cinnamon earlier in another post but here is a little excerpt:  
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Interesting to note that one of the goons calls her an ‘Eastern Filly’ (is it because of the way she was dressed or a subtle hint that she is not 100% Caucasian?).  The heroes and their new Western cowboy friends all meet at a Saloon: 
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Then they all ride off on horses out of town to confront the villain and of course, faces robot cowboys:   
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The differences begin with the choice of the time travelling villain, the comic went with classic JL villain: the Lord of Time:   
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JLU went with David Clinton, aka Chronos. He’s a different villain who is primarily the enemy of the Atom/Ray Palmer but has also fought the JL on occasion.   
The Lord of Time on the other hand, is a conqueror from the future who travelled back in time with future technology to conquer the past and rule the future. Sound familiar? He was Kang before Kang.  Since JLU’s version of Chronos comes from the future, you could make a case that version is a combination Chronos and Lord of Time.   
Then of course,  there is the line up, the comic features Zatanna, Elongated Man, Barry Allen and Hal Jordan whereas the show features Wonder Woman, Batman and Green Lantern.  Superman also appears trying to thwart the Lord of Time in the present day.     
On the Western heroes side, we got Diablo instead of Cinnamon and Scalphunter is replaced by Pow Wow Smith (and it only takes a cursory glance at the characters wikipedia pages to see why the socially conscious Dwayne McDuffie made that choice).   
The plot of the JLU episode involved a corrupt sheriff using future technology to take over the town but the plot of the comic is a little different. The Lord of Time sent the heroes back in time, erased their memories, because an anti matter meteor was set to strike earth on that day.   The LoT is counting on the heroes to stop the meteor so he can have it for himself so he can use it to conquer the world.  (Why he doesn’t just get the meteor himself? Maybe he didn’t have the technology to?) 
Anyway, the heroes learn about the anti matter meteor heading towards them, Zatanna is reluctant to leave her new found cowgirl girlfriend with her friends to fight the robots:
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But she ends up going anyway:   
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Can I just say, I really like this shot of Zee and Green Lantern flying together? Even though she is depowered during this period, they never really stuck strictly to the ‘she can only manipulate the elements’ ethos.  Having her flying alongside GL and being unabashed powerhouse is really cool and shows her place among the DCU. There is no ‘she has to be taken out so someone else can shine’ bs here.  Also, reading these comics, I have felt that GL makes the most sense as the field leader of the JL; power based on creativity and will power and they are specifically trained to work together and take on strange extra terrestrial or otherwise threats. I think any of the human GL’s (except maybe Guy) can lead the team.  
Zatanna and GL  manage to stop the meteor. But in present timeline the Lord of Time ends up defeated by Superman (early on he got in a kryptonite trap set by the LoT but managed to escape) just as the time trapped Leaguers make their way back.      
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Awww, a krytonite waterfall wasn’t that bad, Clark.    
Overall, the issue was alright. It does feel like placeholder (albeit a fun one) before the big #200 celebration issue (I posted some scans from that here). Come to think of it, the episode came off as filler as well, with the Western parts feeling like a fun romp and ultimately inconsequential to the arcs of the main heroes but the follow up portion set in the Batman Beyond timeline was more impactful and memorable.   
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axailslink · 1 year
Revenge is sweet but so is love
Shuri Udaku x Taloakan FEM reader
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SongFic: Revenge by Mariah the scientist (Part 1)
word count: 1011
Summary: K'uk'ulkan was dead he was killed by her hand and she wants peace? Namor has been killed in the fight against Wakanda but he requested that not any of them be slaughtered instead that the people of Taloakan should use this as a peace wager and move on to be one with the Wakandans. Peace? After she slaughtered your king? Your God? asking for a piece of taffy was too much in your books.
Disclaimer: all of my information was provided by google while some things may be altered most of this is true at least in Aztec mythology.
Your king was dead while their queen remains well alive and all-powerful if it were up to you you'd have each Wakandan slaughtered except the children. You have no choice you have no power but that's alright one should never underestimate the power of body language and flirtatious glances. well... because that is what catches her attention.
The princess as a wave of peace decided that if the Talokan people were interested they were welcome to come upon their land and share it with them. You could scoff at her being so honorary as if she holds any honor she slaughtered. Her people slaughtered.
You were one of the only ones like K'uk'ulkan born a defect. A mutant. You didn't have little wings attached to your feet you had something else something far more interesting. K'uk'ulkan got the feathered God part of your deity while you are the snake yourself you have a tongue easy with lies and the wind moves at your command. Many people forget that the feathered serpent God was also the God of twins. One being the serpent and one being the bird. You are K'uk'ulkan's twin although you were not born at the same time and come from different mothers you grew like siblings and just like him you age differently.
Yet here you are laying in Shuri Udaku's bed watching her as she gets undressed "you move slow princess I've been told otherwise" she raises her brow and approaches you her hand gently sliding to your throat you hold in yor instincts as her fingers gently glide down your throat "it's queen" you smile and nod "my queen" you want to immediately pray to the Gods for the forgiveness of the many things you are about to do for your brother.
It's a lot more fun than you expected there's so much emotion in everything she does when she plants soft kisses down your body it feels electric her hands never stop roaming your body you're like a fresh new canvas to her and she's going to paint you black and gold. When you finally reach your climax you're surprised to see she wants nothing in return "so how exactly does that work?" She glances at the strap and smiles "you are interested in my work?" You turn on your side and come face to face with her and you find yourself giving her a true smile "maybe." You two spend the rest of the night talking each other's heads off well...Shuri does most of the talking while you decide to listen. She tells you everything about her little gadgets and you listen making mental notes just in case.
You were disgusted by her when you first entered her room but now you find just how easily she can enchant you. This wasn't good you have a mission and you can't let it be distracted by some amazing time you have once.
Once. It was supposed to be amazing once but it just kept happening and each time she found something new or she did something new and it had you in her iron-tight grip. She of course gets tired though not of sex with you she gets tired of hiding you "date me out in the open" you laugh and shake your head "absolutely not" she frowns and your laughing dies down.
"My people will see me as a traitor."
Translation: I'm already attracted to you which would make this even harder.
"I can't I know we're on the same team now but I can't forgive and forget."
Translation: I have to kill you I can't fall in love.
She nods slowly as she grabs your hands and squeezes them comfortingly "I understand what I did was Ts'u'ut yéetel implacable- (selfish and unforgivable.)" You widen your eyes when she speaks your native tongue and she nods "-and I have no reason I have no apology to make but I don't want that to come between what we can b-" you quickly get up and grab your clothes. "Shuri no I will not date you I won't. I can't." You hurriedly get dressed in the civilian clothes she got you. Shuri sits up gently grabbing your hands you see the hurt in her eyes why should you care that she's hurt? Your brother is dead you have no feelings for her stop entertaining this and just do it. You've entertained this for long enough it's been a month.
Kill her. Finish the job you've won her trust now finish the job.
Kill her.
You snatch your hands away and finish getting dressed "I knew this would push you away but is this all I'm good for? A good fuck?" You found something out really quick when it comes to Shuri she's one hell of a manipulator. You ignore her and quickly walk to the door but you find yourself pausing and looking back at her tear-streaked face "that's good to know I'm willing to piss off my own people why you're willing to give up what!?" You leave her room without a word.
The next few nights are hard you don't go to see her in fact you go back home to your people to remind you of who you truly are. You surround yourself with the beauty of the culture that you were raised with yet you can think of nothing else but the woman from the other culture. You can't sleep without thinking of her your dreams are filled with passionate lovemaking, not sex but love making and in those dreams, you find yourself ready to kill her. When her eyes are closed and you're slowly grinding on top of her gasping and moaning as loud as you want you're holding your staff to her neck and you can feel your Gods pressuring you to do what you know is the right thing somewhere in your heart but you can't. The dreams always stop before the climax leaving you with one constantly unanswered question why can't I kill her?
What's stopping me?
Tag list of the people who liked my post previously regarding this fic
@jordyn-laufeyson @bananineno @studiouschica @happyfrogos @alovese @realovesworld7 @marice23top @jillqvalentine-simp @shuris1princess @verachii @misguidedsierra @playgurlxoxo @iyana101 @xellabrownx @iwillbiteabitch @lucillele @kittyo2018 @hoesluvkani @thatrichhoe @shuris-whore @sklevenfourtyfour @missinmya @mocha-aya @poeith5 @szalipcombo @liv444me @idkducker @ppawmpkin @rayrayvan
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evilhorse · 8 months
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Marvel Two-In-One #28
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marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Super-Villain Team-Up #5 (Englehart/Trimpe, Apr 1976). Doom zaps Namor, rendering his cool black life support suit useless. Back to the green trunks! Meanwhile a mysterious prowler catches Johnny’s attention.
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keira-kaz2y5 · 4 months
Finally got around to watching The Marvels on Disney +!!!!! It’s the best mcu film this phase istg omg it’s SO GOOD and immediately you can tell it was written by a woman NOT TO MWNTION THE INSANE END CREDIT SCENES WTFFFFF KATE BISHOP PIZZA THE DOG AND XMEN?!?!??!!!!!!! Omg I’m ecstatic this is the best marvel film in years it’s finally giving avengers early phase vibes! And I’m actually happy with every single plot moment! Unlike no way home where there were many questionable plot moments and bad scenes and bad cgi and multiverse of madness was something different entirely like I loved the horror and stuff and it made sense but as a whole that works with the rest of the marvel universe I didn’t like how it went and wandas “death” or “fake death” and the whole x men stuff. Loved America in that tho! Her whole moment made sense and ugh I can’t explain it properly plus the shitshow that was the She Hulk series and overall it just made me lose faith in marvel and that’s why I didn’t see The marvels in cinema like I usually do bc guardians of the galaxy 3 was so shite and I thought this would too maybe that’s why it flopped cuz the hype on past films wasn’t lived up to. But this FINALLY brings back early marvel vibes and I’m so into it. (Plus the reign of the cats 🐈‍⬛ 🐈😆)
Cuz as much as I liked NWH there were questionable parts yk, Dr Strange characterised Wanda badly from start to finish and didn’t do her justice, Wakanda Forever was amazing don’t get me wrong I really loved it and cried A LOT, but I wasn’t too keen on the whole Namor thing or unnecessary deaths, and some characters really just deserved better than what they got, like Okoye.. and Black Widow was great but it could’ve been a bit better with cgi and plot-wise like the deleted scenes should’ve been kept and so on.
For the first time I just really enjoyed every part of this film, since marvel has gone downhill lately, this is new for me. also I loved the queer undertones for Kamala and Carol, although they should’ve been braver and put it in explicitly if they wanted to show Carol and Valkyrie together instead of the kiss on the cheek and no talk of them being together. But headed in the right direction for sure and not to mention the Kate and Kamala scene? Female avengers team? Finally not outnumbered by men? Also I really ship Kate and Yelena so I hope she comes onto the team too, though she might just stick with the Thunderbolts antihero theme. I love that it’s so clearly written by women and directed by them plus the brilliant casting and having the villain also be a woman and with a realistic villainisation like I get why she turned out the way she did, she just wanted her home back for her people, also it’s Zawe Ashton, Tom Hiddlestons wife so it would be cool to see them act together perhaps, but either way brilliant casting and script and everything, I love Kamala really speaking for the fans in a lot of it, and the musical scene was fun in a mystical way, like when we first got introduced to Asgard way back when, I just wish we saw what happened there at least a small look in at the end with Carol checking in on them because they left in the middle of a battle and then we don’t find out what happened to that planet. But other than that small detail the film was fantastic and I loved how even Goose got a good storyline.
(My dreamteam avengers would be Bucky🦾, Yelena🕷️, Kate🏹, Carol💫, Kamala👊, Monica🌠, Shuri🐾, Riri 🛠️(ironheart), America⭐️ and Cassie 🐜 and Morgan Stark. Plus some xmen if that’s now an option?? And AOS team but marvel would never do that
Maybe Peter🕸️ Sean⭕️, Wanda and Moon Knight🌙🤺 boys too but idk )
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
If deep sea mermaid is free in some way she dosent just leave. She liked meeting the team and loves steve .
The time they went in the deepest trench in the world (thanks to tonys tech that went smooth trials and they are able to go there) they are surprised of what they saw assides their intended mission to find the bad guys hiding there as they look around a familiar tail sways and this time it glows
Steve smiled and knew who it was and assured everyone its alright
Tony joked steve fucked a mermaid
Wanda hears someone then at the front part of the submarine there she is Tail swaying in joy while waving her hand as a "Hi!!!!" Tony shrugs " yep shes not hangry
Bucky is also facinated in a curious way "So this is why you took too long punk
Bruce simply stunded theres folks like here here
Nat straight to the point to her" anything suspicious?"
Y/n simply nod and beckons them to follow her with her eletric glowing tail for them to follow her direction there . Is a bad guy hiding here
a continuation of the Sun, Salt, And Shield miniverse. (Also, this ask is from October. I am so sorry it took me so long to get to!) Warnings for action/adventure, vague innuendo, bad jokes (from everyone), and mild language have you met me?. Lightly edited. WC 1.8k
Pairing: steve rogers x deep sea mermaid!reader
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"Is that...is that a Segway?" Sam Wilson completely fails to hide his amusement as you test out Tony's motorized way to let you 'walk' on land.
"Heavily modified, but--" Tony takes the handle from you for a second to lower the max speed while you learn "--essentially, yeah."
It wasn't easy. In fact, the part they thought would be the hardest turned out to have a quick fix. You can only breathe outside of the water for so long, so Atlantian technology was formed to fit over your gills and mouth. Thanks, Namor.
Then Tony was faced with a wholly new problem. You live in the deep sea, naturally, under a great deal of pressure, and as a non-bipedal lifeform who maneuvers that fast underwater, outside of the water, you are made up of over 250 lbs of muscle. Most of that lies in your tail which they've witnessed crush a man's skull on impact.
That...should not make Steve feel the things he does. It really shouldn't.
He did always think he'd fall for a strong woman though. So. There's that.
You listen carefully to Tony's instructions, eyes shielded by enormous black sunglasses the billionaire obsessed over designing. He made you look like an old Hollywood movie star--albeit with vivid green hair and pale purple skin--and Steve wonders if the style was a purposeful jab at him.
"Right, the direction is pretty sensitive at the moment," Tony slowly explains to you. "You've got to really control your weight distribution so it doesn't overshoot your target."
That three-layer grin comes out in an instant, and you nod. No hesitation, barely a glance around, you start the contraption rolling, circling Sam, then Tony, then Steve with pinpoint precision, pausing in the middle of them all to cock your head.
"Coral reefs require sharp turns."
Tony stares at you, the nine-foot-long crown-to-fin specimen before him. It's clear he both adores and loathes how adept you are despite your wildly different backgrounds. You've grown on him. A lot. So much so that Tony has not made a fish-fucking joke in two whole weeks.
Steve won't chance calling attention to it though. The more he lets Tony delve into tech to keep you here longer and tech that allows humans to be where you live longer, the more Steve gets to see you. Win-win.
"Show off," Tony grumbles with deeply proud eyes. "Let's see what you can do then."
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Steve himself has never gotten to go in one of the new Divers. Tony always insisted on manning the crafts himself until all the bugs were worked out. The first prototypes fit one person (one not-very-large-person) anyway, so it wasn't going to be Steve piloting one.
The new models can fit approximately six people comfortably.
While Namor's city has a bright source of light to help surface folk see, you and your people function without.
That means a mix of infrared, night-vision, and sonar are all the team can use to 'see' your home.
Unfortunately, they aren't here on a social visit. A mutant named Tiger Shark is rumored to be hiding within a few hundred nautical miles. It's imperative he be found.
As great as Tony's tech is, it's clunky and slow compared to how fast the mermaids can swim and search. You can also survive at greater depths than Atlantians while maintaining your speed. There's a boing-hollow tap above Steve's head and he snaps to look through the low-light adjusted glass.
You wave enthusiastically before pressing a webbed hand to the window.
"Hey, doll," Steve whispers automatically.
Tony groans. "Right. Grariel, we are looking for the man--uh, thing I sent you a picture of. Have any of your people seen him before? Do you know if he's been nearby?"
The pressed hand turns into one held-out finger as you look away from the Diver. There are bizarre noises that send the sonar haywire until Tony switches it off.
Your tail glows again, something Steve hasn't seen since the first time he met you in the Raft, scales lifting slightly to show bright pink bioluminescence.
And then magic.
As far as is possible to see in the Diver, lights of different sizes sprout up in shades of blue, pink, and purple. Your people. They're telling you what they know. It's the first time Steve considers you might be a leader of your own people, too. It's his turn to be proud like Tony who looks duly impressed.
Quickly, faster than it can register in the infrared scans, you're off like a shot, and Steve feels almost sick to his stomach trying to follow your deft swimming.
"Well, ok," Tony scrambles, "I guess we're doing this damn thing."
He pushes it, but the Diver cannot move anywhere near as fast as you can. Steve loses the light of your tail and stiffens, gripping a hand over Tony's shoulder.
"I got her. I got her, Cap." Tony flicks a few switches on the panel in front of him. "She's a good girl. Keeps her tracker on. We'll catch up."
It takes too long to get to you once your tracking signal stops advancing, but then Tony grimaces.
"Uh, slight problem. She's ascending."
"How is that an issue," Nat asks. "Can't we help her more in shallower water?"
"Based on her heart rate--"
"Just get us there," Steve booms, franticly searching the scans above them for signs of you. The water shines blue now, and they can see some light, but Tony has them at a pretty sharp angle to get higher.
"Found 'em. Right there."
Suspended in cerulean blue, it looks like you're dancing, swirling and circling with odd twists and turns. It's almost beautiful until--
Bucky croaks. "Is that blood?"
"WHAT? Tony--"
"Hold your horses. It's red," Tony dismisses.
"Yes, blood tends to be that color," Steve deadpans. "Now help--"
"Black," Tony chirps. "Your girlfriend's blood is black, for the record."
They progress closer, and then a much darker gush of blood floats in the liquid sky but remains mostly red. Tiger Shark is a transformed human, after all; his blood remains close to human.
"Yeah, that's about what it looked like when she ate Chuck..." He swivels in his seat. "Do you know, I still can't buy ground chuck? Almost put me off burgers. Feels so wrong."
"Focus, Tony."
Swift like a cheetah on land, you roll your tail around Tiger Shark's legs and squeeze, stretching out behind him to grab at the corners of his mouth and below the huge shark's jaw. It's as if you purposefully display your catch, sharp ends to your long webbed fingers digging at the mutant's thick flesh.
"Atta girl," Tony cheers.
You beam but aren't looking at them.
Something huge, big enough to shadow the Diver completely, whips over their heads.
Another mermaid.
Actually, a male, something which Steve has never seen before. He supposes he knew they existed, of course, but this guy is enormous. Possibly two feet longer than you with a body almost twice as wide.
He completely blocks their view of you for a few seconds.
"We got something to secure him with," Tony announces to your comm.
When the merman flicks his tale to move away, you sport your Hollywood shades with gusto. The male brought you your sunglasses, and suddenly, Steve's...more than curious.
The Diver ejects a grappling hook and you and the male lash the unconscious Tiger Shark to the top of the submersible.
You are hugging the new arrival, who keeps his head facing down away from the surface light. Whatever the conversation, which is completely incoherent noise to everyone in the Diver, it's very animated. The male is protective, holding your shoulders and looking at your wound with a very clear frown.
You bat the guy's concern away and motion toward the sub where four humans watch in confusion.
You touch the center of the male's chest.
Steve swallows hard. That's your dad? Holy shit, he is in so much trouble. People tease him for looking like a Greek statue, but your father is like...is like...really freakin' buff.
Everyone in the Diver stares daggers at Steve, and he knows it. All the years he's been off the ice, all the time he's had to get used to women--well, females, let's say,--and he is not at all prepared to handle Merman Goliath as an in-law, or...uh...sorta...oh gosh.
He raises his hand because he doesn't have any other ideas. "Hi, I'm Steve."
Bucky snorts. "Oh, buddy. Wow."
Too many thoughts flood him at the same time, and Steve freezes in place.
Father? He looks no older than you. Wait. How old are you? Steve's never asked. How long do mermaids live? Do they ever age? Do they just keep getting bigger or is your dad, like, the biggest?
"Tony," Steve finally whispers, "do you...do you know from your research how...?"
Thank goodness Tony takes pity on poor, panicked Steve, not stalling to admit he has no clue what age you are.
You return to speaking (a mix of sounds with rippling shimmers of light along your tail), so you aren't paying attention when Steve bends down to add, "can you though? Can you carbon date her?"
He's heard about science on that. Steve knows it's a thing.
A strange sort of elation blooms on Stark's face, and he turns to Bucky and Nat.
"That counts," Tony yells. "That totally counts!"
"Shit," Bucky grumbles, running his vibranium hand down his face.
Natasha is, for once, genuinely stunned and looking back and forth between Tony and Steve. "I'll be damned," she murmurs.
Steve gives in. "What's happened?"
"You," Tony boasts, "just asked me for dating advice. You asked me specifically to assist you in dating someone, and thus I have won a very, very large bet."
Before Steve can bemoan that, another tap sounds above them. You point to the prize catch of the day.
"Help take in," you say, quickly turning to swim up to the lighter blue waters.
"I've got so much to teach you, Cap. Promise I'll be gentle. Maybe I can teach Grariel a little something about--"
"NO" comes the immediate and emphatic response of everyone else inside.
Tony simply shrugs.
"What a great day," he bubbles, humming as he takes the Diver to the surface right behind your beautiful, ageless tail.
Steve realizes he has so, so many things he wants to ask you about that he'd never thought of before, top on the list being "what have you told your father about me?"
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A/N: Tiger Shark is a real Marvel character who I have included in other fics before. It was fun to use him again!
I do not have words to describe how enjoyable this was to write. I just want to torment poor Steve with awkwardness. I can't help it.
I...I may have figured out a way to incorporate...uh, some smut into this universe...but I don't know if that's a thing y'all would read. I'm gonna hold off on that.
[Main Masterlist]
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