#This is a topic I want to see one of those seven hour long deep dive youtube videos about
mayasaura · 4 months
I've finally finished the six games in the main Ace Attorney series! That's right!! It's time for my review!
I think it's fairly common knowledge that Ace Attorney is a political commentary on the Japanese legal system as it existed in 2001. I know I knew that going in.
What I didn't know was just how topical the games were. I didn't figure that out until I started looking into what the fuck was going on in Apollo Justice, and what I discovered makes Apollo Justice my favourite game in the series.
At the time the Phoenix Wright trilogy was first being released, Japan did not have any form of trial by jury, and boasted a conviction rate to make Edgeworth and Von Karma's records look almost credible. Four months after the release of the third game, the Japanese National Diet passed a piece of legislation implementing judicial reform with the explicit intention of “the promotion of the public’s understanding of the judicial system and … their confidence in it.”
The next installment of the series—Apollo Justice, released in April of 2007—builds the themes of legal corruption explored by the first trilogy into a passionate argument for reform by restoring judicial power to the citizens.
Phoenix Wright, seen through the eyes of the new protagonist, appears to be a jaded shell of his former self: retired from the legal profession, beaten down by trying to champion truth and justice from within a broken system. The circumstances leading to his forced retirement come to light in the game's climactic final case, hand in hand with the revelation that Phoenix never really gave up on his ideals. He just gave up on the system. Speaking directly to the player, he casts the player as one of a panel of six civilian judges in a new reformed system of trial he and Edgeworth developed together. At the end of the trial, the player directly casts the final vote to decide the verdict.
In May of 2009, two years after Phoenix Wright handed the player direct power over the outcome of a trial, the real Japanese legal system conducted its first trial utilising civilian lay judges under the newly reformed judicial system.
I don't know nearly enough about how the current Japanese system works to judge the accuracy of Apollo Justice's vision to the final real result of real Japanese lawyers and judges' efforts, but from my casual perspective, it's pretty close. Close enough for it to be clear the game developers were following the progress of the real reform. Perhaps the game was meant as a celebration, or maybe they hoped it could work as an educational tool to introduce the concept to the public. Either way, these games were made by someone or someones who cared deeply about criminal justice, and I love them for it.
I also love them for their fun and immersive mysteries, of course, and their ludicrously charming cast of characters. It's no wonder the series has withstood the test of time, thriving on their own solid merit as games even far removed by both time and distance from the context of their social commentary.
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catmansquad · 1 year
Unstable (3)
Here we go again... Even more Yandere!Miguel
You were filled with joy and mirth, a night out at a table at the Yew Crozier, surrounded by friends. The table was filled with empty glasses and half-drunk ones. But you were most grateful to your husband; the man who was nearly too large for the chair, long legs tucked awkwardly under the table. He was smiling, he was laughing, and he almost always had a hand on you. Either taking your own, when the moment struck him, or leaving you minutely flustered at his touch running up and down your thigh in gentle yet firm strokes only for you to witness. It was a welcome relief; to see him to so full of vitality again, a decent night’s sleep where you had been practically glued to his body, held in strong arms in a grip he did not relinquish until the late hours of the morning. It had always been “let’s not get up yet” or “just five more minutes”, accompanied by soft smooches that made his words very difficult to resist.
If you only knew just how shallow and forced his each and every reaction truly was. Deep in his chest, anger boiled and writhed like a hissing serpent. Miguel was irritated; he did not enjoy the noisy atmosphere, his heightened senses were being irritated by the stench of alcohol, the tiresome voices and laughter of your friends. He was sat at a table with a group of complete strangers, pretending to know them, pretending to laugh at their awful jokes. The only reason that he did not rise, grab the table and take them all out in one great swing was that you were right by his side. You were his. These friends of yours didn’t understand- they couldn’t grasp just how deep his affections ran for you. It didn’t matter. He had all their names, their faces, their addresses and those of their close family and friends. He was plotting, plotting so deeply. ‘Mig?’ Your voice drew Miguel from the dark palace of his mind, back into the hazy, heady atmosphere of the Yew Crozier, your eyes on him, almost expectantly. ‘Hm?’ At his questioning hum, your eyes narrowed, almost disappointed. ‘C’mon, Mig… I was just telling them about Spider-man. We have a Superhero now. A living, breathing Superhero; suited, masked, buff as hell…’ The murmurs of agreement flowed around the table, of people recounting the scant few sightings of the Superhero, of the accidents he had prevented and the lives he had saved. Miguel felt the tension gradually ease from his body- finally, a topic he could enjoy listening to. Pride was a beast all its own in his chest. ‘Seems like a nice guy. I haven’t seen him myself, but I see he’s already got quite the reputation among you.’ He squinted as one of your friends turned their phone to him; showing the blurry image of the red and blue clad Superhero swinging through the city by night. ‘Man is absolutely awesome. He’s also an absolute beast. Must be nearly seven feet tall and could probably juggle cars for fun. I’d let him web me up and take me wherever he wants.’ Miguel bit back the urge to laugh at their admittance. There was only one person he had eyes and urgings for, and you were sat right beside him. At a particularly filthy comment from one friend in particular about just how they would like Spider-man to treat them, answered by amused laughter by nearly everyone else at the table, Miguel quietly decided that he’d had enough of them for one night. He yawned into the palm of his hand, hiding his fangs, before stretching with a smile and a soft groan, settling an arm across your shoulders. ‘I think I’m gonna have to call it a night, mi amor, I’ll see you at home, mm?’ His kiss on your cheek was sweet, and lingered for slightly too long. You weren’t too bothered, just another sign of Miguel’s near-constant exhaustion finally breaking through his renewed energy. You smiled and tried to return the kiss, watching your husband try and move his head to draw your lips to his own at the last moment with a confident smirk, before finally he stepped away, hand ghosting warm across your shoulder. ‘I’ll see you when I get back, Miggy. Won’t stay here too late, I promise.’
Nearly two hours later, you and your friends stumbled, merry and tipsy into the moonlit streets. Swaying from each other’s shoulders for support. Some of your friends were trying to sing, but their words were slurred and half the lyrics were forgotten and replaced by hiccups. It was only halfway down a silent street did one friend in particular blink up at the moon and raise a shaking finger, pointing. ‘L-look! Look! There! ‘S…. It’s Sp-hic-tarantula-man!’ You followed his gaze, feeling slightly more sober than your friends for the sight of the red and blue Superhero who was swinging across the city with a majestic grace, spinning lines of webbing from wrists and flipping into a perfect somersault to land before you and your friends, much to their awe and appreciation. ‘Well, look who’s out for the night…’ The Superhero widened his stance, hands on hips, tone warm and joyful. ‘Does your husband know you’re out this late? He’s probably worried sick about you?’ You tried to ignore your friends’ growing hysteria at the Superhero’s proximity. ‘… You know about my wedded life?’ ‘Can I tell you a secret? I’m deep in love myself.’ You watched that expressive mask narrow in a wink. ‘Want me to walk you home, or do you think you’ll make it without being run over?’ He chuckled softly, watching Your flustered reaction. ‘… I think… I’ll shout for you if I need help.’ ‘Heh. Sure, looks like your friends want my help right now- they look like they’re about to pass out.’ He kept his gaze on you as he hurried off into the night. Lyla was keeping tabs; she would ensure you were home safely. But he would get back first, just one thing to do first. He held out his strong arms, beckoning softly. ‘C’mon then, guys. Huddle up if you want a photo! Other places to be tonight!’
As your friends gathered around, he draped his arms across as many as he could, chuckling good naturedly, bringing them closer and endured the flashing lights of primitive phones, photo after photo from hysterical people, resisting the urge to push them off from hugging him until finally they had their fill. ‘All good? Great! There was just one more thing…’ He waited to ensure he’d kept their attention before leaning in, voice low. ‘… So. Here’s what’s going to happen; you’re all going to leave them alone now. You’re not going to meet them; you’re not going to talk to them. At all. They don’t need you anymore. They’ve got me now. If I find out- and believe me, I will find out- that you’ve been talking to them… I’m going to find your family, and hurt them. Then I’m going to find you, and hurt you. I don’t want to do it, believe me, I’m a reasonable guy. But if you try my patience, you’ll find out just how strong I really am. Do we have an understanding?’ His masked face searched the crowd of horrified expressions that stared back at him. ‘I’m gonna take your stunned silence as a yes. Remember; I’ll know. Have a good night now.’ He was off once again, swinging through the streets. He could have run, he was easily faster than you, he was probably faster than most of the cars on the street if he pushed himself hard enough. He landed beside you, soft as a shadow, watching you nearly recoil straight into a wall, but his arm was around your waist, stabilizing you and softly guiding you closer against his body. ‘Let me walk you home, hmm? These are dangerous streets, better to have someone by your side. Even better… You…’ One finger playfully tapped your nose, drawing an amused giggle from you, you watched his mask’s expression crease up, like he was smiling beneath. ‘… You’re lucky. You get to have a Superhero by your side.’ The strong arm across your waist softly squeezed, pulling you closer against his broad body.
The night remained still and calm, you were more than happy in Spider-man’s embrace. It was comforting, almost familiar. Perhaps if you had been sober, you would have noticed the familiar warmth, or the equally familiar scent of cologne that clung to him. As it was, you were more than happy to lean into his broad body, walking down the silent streets like lovers. It brought to mind the memories of happier times; when you and Miguel had been first in love, before his work had taken over his life- even back then he had spoiled you, walking you home from nights out with friends, leaving you wrapped against the chill of night in a coat that was far too big for you. ‘Mm…. You remind me of my husband… He’s warm… ‘n now he’s big and strong, too….’ At your words, Spider-man chuckled softly. ‘Heh, I think you’re too drunk and tired to be out walking around like this. You look like you’re about to fall asleep, want me to carry you…?’ He didn’t wait for an answer, only chuckling at your surprised squeal as he crouched and effortlessly picked you up in his arms, cradling you close against his chest. ‘… Te amo, mi vida…’ His words were a soft whisper, masked face nuzzling against your forehead and you managed to push his head away with a whine of half-hearted effort. ‘No, no kisses... No, I’m married, I’ve got a husband… ‘M not cheatin’ on him…’ He laughed harder, huge form shaking with it before he calmed himself, striding down the street with you in his arms. ‘… No… You really aren’t…’
Your memories of last night were hazy; you had the vaguest recollection of being laid down into the familiar softness of your bed, then soon after, Miguel was there beside you, lavishing you with kisses and warm hugs, and that was how you had found sleep. It was also how you had found yourself the next morning. ‘Mm… Morning, Miggy…’ ‘Good morning, mi amor… You sleep like an angel…’ He pulled you closer, flush against his body with a fond hum, nuzzling into your neck to leave soft kisses there. ‘… I think I got carried home by Spider-man last night, Mig… He was very warm and friendly…’ He scoffed, pulling back to give you a grin. ‘Spider-man? No, no… You don’t remember? Mi vida, I brought you home last night. But, sure, if you want to think I’m a Superhero, I’m not going to complain… Now, did you want breakfast, or did you want to just stay in bed with me, for a while longer? I don’t mind, either way… I have everything I need right here in my arms….’ His eyes glinted with mirth, and something more intense, his smile was gentle and loving. You had a wonderful husband.
It was three days later, halfway through dinner, where Miguel had threatened to throw you outside for your pronunciation of “tortilla”. As soon as it had left your lips, he had frozen like a statue, then he slowly looked up, eyes meeting your own and he swallowed his food. ‘What did... you just say? Ay, dios mio- What the shock just left your mouth?’ ‘Tortillas?’ You spoke again, watching one of his eyelids twitch briefly. ‘… My love. If I ever hear that abomination “to-till-uh” escape your lips again, you’re going to be locked out of the house. Tortilla.’ ‘Tortilla.’ You repeated, following his pronunciation and seeing him nod gratefully and returning to his food. It was only a moment before he glanced up at you, tongue running over his lips. ‘You know… Now I’m pretty wound up from that. Tonight, I might have to teach you the error of your ways, mm?’ You couldn’t fight the smirk that was growing on your features and met his gaze. ‘That so, Miggy? What are you going to teach me…? Something fun? Do you think it might hurt?’ ‘Only if you want it to…’ Miguel purred with a wink. Almost simultaneously, the doorbell rang, as Miguel’s watch began to buzz. ‘Who the hell is calling at this hour…?’ You rose up from your seat, watching Miguel’s gaze stay firmly on whatever he was reading. Apparently, he wasn’t going to answer the door. So, the issue of the late night caller fell to you as the doorbell buzzed again. Out in the hall, you heard Miguel’s chair creak, almost clattering to the floor as if he were rising in a panic.
‘Alright! Alright!’ You answered as the doorbell was joined by a frantic knocking. Unlocking the door, you pulled back the bolts and chains before pulling the door open. Your eyes went wide at the sight of the trembling figure on the other side; shivering in dirty clothes, with healed cuts and a faint black eye, with messy, wild hair and a desperate look of relief. You caught your husband as he all but stumbled over the threshold, feeling him sink to his knees in your arms and drag you down with him. ‘…. Oh… Oh, mi amor… Mi vida….’ ‘M-Miguel?!’ Compassion and confusion were twin serpents in your chest, tugging you one way and another. ‘B-but…! M-Miguel! What happened?!’ ‘I was… He took everything… I’m so sorry, my love…’ He was exhausted, his voice was faint and tiny. He looked weary, wounded, and starving, and clung to you like his life depended on it. The little whimper that escaped him was heart-breaking as you pulled away and you ran through the house, sliding on the carpet as you stopped by the dinner table, two plates abandoned half-eaten, one chair upended, and the back door ajar. You hurried outside, peering into the darkness, spinning on the spot and dreading that you had gone utterly mad. How could you have been eating dinner with the man who was now on your doorstep?! If the light had been better, you might have noticed the clawmarks in the stone of the exterior, or the red eyed figure who watched you from the roof; teeth gritted, fangs and claws bared, and murder already burning in his heart. He watched you hurry back inside, locking the door behind you, ready to attend to your husband. ‘Apparently a warning wasn’t good enough for that hijo de puta, Lyla…’
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Non / Disney Villains x Reader || Headcanons [PART 2]
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More characters, more kinks- I hope you find something here! ^^ A part 2 to this post.
Topic: SMUT- again.
Warnings/kinks: NOT. SFW, I can tell ya that much!! Ruts, panty-sniffing and stealing, somnophillia, sex work, alien fucking, probable size difference, riding, tentacle sex, dub-con roleplay, cybug!king candy/turbo??, legit breeding, referenced non-con (Just saying you couldn't get away if you wanted to), monster fucking, one-night-stand, orgasm denial and edging, dumbification and teasing, hypnotism and possible non-con, voice kink, betrothal, age difference, sexual sacrifice?, Step Mother/Step 'Child' (Not really a child!!!! An adult!!!!!), finger-sucking kink, and manhandling.
Includes: Sheriff of Nottinhgam, Mr Scroop, Captain Gantu, Scar, Wheezy Weasel, Ursula, King Candy, Eris (Sinbad; Legend of the Seven Sea's), Steelbeak (2017), Smartass Weasel, Kaa, Shere Khan, Mr Swackhammer, Shan Yu, Queen Narissa, Prince John, and Oogie Boogie.
Okay, the Sheriff of Nottingham may not seem to be the type to be hounded by his animal instincts but he does indeed experience heats. It starts out pretty tame, he just starts to particularly enjoy your smell when you're around, getting a little more touchey feely with you and perking up when you're around- but then he's taking your underwear to work and visiting you multiple times throughout the day, and finally- he's got his snout buried in between your legs when you wake up in the morning. He couldn't help himself!, sorry.
The next time that Silver's crew turns up at your work (The Brothel), its Scroop that gets to you first. Now 'kind' is not a word you would use to describe this one but he is still experienced- the way that old alien uses your body that night is damn practised. He roughly spreads your legs to the perfect angles to receive his selfish thrusts, the mean smirk on his face punctuates all the awful things he says to you in just a way that has you even more turned on, and the cold way he looks at you sends tingles straight up your spine. When he leaves in the morning, the only tip he offers you is a warning not to leave here- he'll be back sometime.
I know someone has mentioned this before, but riding Captain Gantu?? He is so stressed and just needs to be enveloped by something nice, and hot, and all-encompassing for a good long while. Your cunt/ass is his first choice, so impale yourself on his huge cock and slowly rock your hips. Don't let it go too quick, either- Make it last for hours, just live with the full feeling for as long as you can. And watch the stress leave his body.
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Scar's a dom but he expects you to do all the work- And call him your majesty, hm? The only time that he'll service you, is when he thinks you're going to leave him or he wants something from you. Then the manipulative little shit will prove how king-like he really actually is... at oral. His licks dipping into you/leading up your length are lazy but deep, and purposeful, and strong, and he takes his damn time, too- dragging out your pleasure and your perfect orgasm until you're twitching and writhing underneath him. Until he's good and ready (A.K.A, when he's sure you're so absolutely tongue-drunk you'll agree to anything). And oh, he loves the sight of you like this. He thinks, maybe he should do this more often... then shrugs. We'll see.
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Another lazy one is Wheezy. You wouldn't think he has much sex drive, and to be honest it is rather low- or was. When he saw you, though, he knew he wanted you. And he wanted to make you feel good. He wont lift a finger until he deems it necessary, those cold eyes just watching you undress while he stands fully clothed and smokes, the tiniest smirk on his face. He might feel tired enough to even just keep standing there and let you suck him off, first. But then he knows he has to give back, though, so lie down now baby. Spread your pretty legs. Or he'll sit down at the edge of the bed himself and pat his lap, getting you to straddle him and ride him. His movements will be slow, but methodical.
And we've reached the tentacle sex and roleplay segment- with Ursula, of course. You get to be the innocent beach-goer and she gets to feel you up like you don't know eachother. Imagine you're relaxing, laying on a rock a little further out from the beach, in the deeper waters, with your eyes closed against the warm sun when something tubular and slimy prods and slips around the confines of your bikini bottoms- enough creeping over you lips. Because she's lubed up quite enough from being underwater and you've been slowly getting wetter and wetter waiting on her, it doesn't take long at all before one fat tentacle is pumping into and massaging your meaty walls, your back arched up, your shaking hands gripping at the rock and the towel beneath you and your moans muffled by the second tentacle gripping and squeezing around your mouth. Your orgasm is silent, explosive, and Ursula promises more later before disappearing back into the depths of the sea..
CYBUG KING CANDY FUCKS LIKE A DAMN RABBIT. Any time and anywhere- you are his mate and sometimes he wants you so bad that he drools... Luckily for him- he's so ginormous that you couldn't get away from him even if you wanted to. So he has you. And he can take you and shove his huge, seemingly eternally hard cock into your tiny perfect hole whenever he pleases- which is very very often. Also every time he mates with you, the intent is to breed, to make a horde of little him's and you's, because you're just so perfect and he loves you and- godddddddddddddddd he wants you so bad. Lay down gum drop, he needs you again now~
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Like with Sinbad, Eris makes it no secret that she wants you. It probably wouldn't change her intent to use you and probably ruin your life for some chaos~~ But if you wanted to, she would happily spend a night with you. Unlike Sinbad? You go for it. Her mouth tastes sweet like ambrosia and she kisses deeply, stroking your tongue almost soothingly... before she edges you for hours, denying your orgasm until you cry for her. She's the goddess of chaos, cutie... what'd you expect? She's going to destroy you.
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Oh my goodness, Syndrome is such a dick. He has you, his assistant and lover, going about business (At MEETINGS, with important potential BUYERS) with a powerful vibrator inside you that he has the remote for in his pocket. Most of the day its on, but on a lower mode, just steadily turning you on and making you sensitive so when other people ask you for things they find that you act... really nervous, and awkward. They figure its just nerves, though. Syndrome'll turn it up so you're dangerously close to just cumming on the spot when he asks you for something and you'll feel his eyes and smug smirk on you as you go to do that thing, legs shaking and just desperately trying to control yourself. And no- you cant go to the bathroom. This is very important meeting, Y/N. Damn.
Steelbeak LOVES dumbification. Just making you as cock-drunk (1) as fucking possible so he's the smart one, for once. And he's a big guy- so he can absolutely plow you until you're absolute mush. Definitely takes advantage of that, because he just Loves having you whine and not even be able to answer the simplest of questions as he slows down again to a terribly maddening speed and tucks some hair behind your ear- like what's four plus four baby??... What's our address?? Sugar, where we at right now? ... What time is it? ... Heh, no baby that's so wrong! He'll chuckle, when all you can manage is to beg him and call his name, squeezing tight around him. With you grinding against him and clenching him so freaken good he wont be able to hold off from giving you what you want for too long, but- It gives him such a trip and makes him so happy while it lasts. So when he gives you that look at the end of the day... you know you're in for a long night.
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On how Smartass listens to Greasy a whole lot more then anyone thought: You thought being with the gangster was going to pretty boring; You know, vanilla. You would get undressed, you'd kiss, he'd get off and you would fake it. But... good lord, you haven't even managed to get all your clothes off and you've already had an orgasm?? And he's not done???? Smartass knows exactly where the erogenous zones are and abuses them relentlessly. He's not gentle, of course, he touches your skin roughly and sneers in your face- but good god the way he uses his tongue is downright disgusting. In a textbook way, because he's not a big fuckboy and he just knows this stuff in theory- but fuck! it works.
Kaa... well I think you know where we're going with this one. You know we had to discuss it. Kaa and Hypnotism~~ Whether you're going into it having asked him for it, having wandered into the depths of the jungle in search for him, or you're just a poor~ unfortunate~ lost soul that accidentally found yourself in his coils- you will be totally at his mercy. This snake has a dark, dirty, demented mind despite the gentle sound of his voice, and he'll have plenty of creative ideas for what you can do for him: Starting with bending over at the waist to pick some flowers for him like a sweetheart while he 'watches over you'~ to holding your own legs open nice and wide for him~
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Shere. Khan's. Voice. He knows what his voice does to you, and he definitely abuses the advantage. He loves to prowl up silently behind you when your attentions are preoccupied and speak directly into your ear- making your squeak, or gasp, or sigh. Its just adorable. He also talks a lot during your private times~ together; Giving you directions, like- raise your behind, darling., Open your mouth, would you~ , and Take a walk, darling... lets see if you struggle at all. If not... well we aren't finished with each other, are we?
Imagine being the only other Larger Sized One of the alien species on moron mountain- this is because of evolution. And it means that you're supposed to be sacrificed married to Swackhammer. Become his partner. Now, imagine your wedding night. You don't know him very well, you've barley spent any real time with him... and he's peeling away your clothes and touching you like he owns you. Like you're his. He smokes in your face, too, and presses his mouth to your skin greedily, licking up and tasting you. And yet... you find yourself keening into him, arching your back towards him, moaning into his mouth... is this biology, or do you like this gross old man???
You're a sacrifice to Shan Yu from the people in a village who desperately want to be safe. So they take you from your bed one night, and throw you out into the snow before him in just your sleep-wear. You willingly, though, go with him when he flashes a dark smirk down. You willingly sleep in the same tent as him. And you willingly allow him to take you inside it every night, moaning loud enough to keep the other men awake. Since you were a virgin when you were given over, you know only the pleasures that he can provide to you and you know that makes you the naïve, sweet, innocent one of the group of men around you everyday, and you do get teased (And desired. Coveted. Watched). But when Shan Yu has you moaning like a very common whore in the nights, his mouth worshipping your cunt/cock or his powerful manhood grinding against you- you cant bring yourself to give a fuck.
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Oh my lord- Step Mother Queen Narissa!! Your father is a King, and she married him to develop her wealth and power, but you're the one that truly intrigued her. You reminded her of herself, when she was younger... prettier... untouched. Well... mostly untouched. Her fingers are buried inside you/curled firmly around you most every night, but... that's just a little fun between the two of you.
Prince John for sure has a finger sucking kink, for sure. Just tuck your thumb over his bottom teeth while you stroke him down there, or offer your pinky to him while your other slips under his tunic, or have him clean up all your fingers after he made a mess of them. He's quite good at it.
Oogie Boogie and manhandling!!! Yes!!! I've read stuff with this before but I love it. He throws you around like a sack of potatoes! Wrapping his canvas arm around your wrist or your waist and tugging you in quite suddenly against him, shoving you down onto that table so he can 'assess' you~, dragging you to him from across the floor or that table by your leg, grabbing you and twirling you back to him as if its all just a game... Anything to keep you close, keep his face and his chuckles against your neck, his 'hand' pressed against your hot as fuck crotch.
(... yeahhh that pun may have been intended)
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
Get me a picture of Solomon Shirtless
“The first person who can get me a picture of Solomon shirtless, I’m officially yours.”
The room fill with sound of spilt takes, things falling, and hand slamming on the table. All the brothers turn to you, some widen eyes and others mouths open.
Lucifer asks you why would want a picture of Solomon.
Your simple answer “I want to see his pact marks” you got up and walk out the room, leaving them with “I’m dead serious”
· Child’s play
· He calls Solomon over to discuss “human” topics
· They were in the library with books display about pacts and effects.
· He’ll asks Solomon about his pact marks.
· But Solomon natural self, asks Lucifer to make a pact with him.
· Lucifer refuse, and ask about a certain demon he “knows” if Solomon made a pact with that demon.
· His say yes, unbutton his uniform, and points on the pact mark.
· Lucifer quickly brought out his phone and took the picture.
· But Solomon hands were in the way.
· Darn, he wasn’t quick enough.
· Solomon tells Lucifer, he’ll let him take a picture, if he says please.
· he wants this to be over so, he took a deep breath, gives Solomon a fake smile and said please, through his teeth.
· With that, Solomon opens his uniform and let Lucifer take one photo.
· Thanking Solomon, and walks away.
· He asks you to meet him in his study.
· You came, sat on the chair right in front of his desk while sat on the opposite side.
· He brought out an envelop with the picture, and slowly bringing closer to you, but quickly taking it back.
· His ask to you to only seeing it once, you nod and he gave it to you.
· You took it out of the envelop, take a long good look of it, then tearing it in front of him.
· Shock Lucifer was about to get up, when you place a hand above his
· squishing his hand tell him.
· “You won Lucifer, I’m all yours”
· He will get that photo at all cause.
· A loud knock at the doors of Purgatory Hall.
· Poor Luke had to get up to answer the door.
· He opens it to see Mammon with a camera that he “borrowed” from Levi or Asmo.
· He asks where’s Solomon with an aggressive tone.
· Luke tells him to go home, but Mammon just repeats the question.
· Luke just wanting to go back to bed, he points Mammon to Solomon’s room.
· Solomon making potion, heard his door kick open, he turns to see Mammon in the middle of the door frame.
· “Mammon! What are doing here- “
· “Take off your shirt”
· “What!”
· “I need a picture of your pact marks”
· “NO!”
· Mammon ran toward Solomon, he quickly dodges the demon, he grabs a potion and throw it at Mammon.
· He got hit, but for whatever he powers through the effect of the potion. (Power of love, I guess.)
· AH! It hurts but I NEED THAT PHOTO
· And he starts throwing potion, this fight took why too long.
· Early in the morning, you heard a knock on your door, you got up and walk over there.
· You open to see a tired Mammon, half of his hair colored, his shirt and pants is complete mess.
· Before you could say anything, handed over the camera with Solomon picture display on the screen.
· He drags himself to your bed and complete collapse on it.
· You called to him, he looks up to you, you’re still looking at the photo, then you look at him, with the camera screen face him.
· With one press of a button, you deleted the photo right in front of him.
· Mammon jaw drop, but you sat next to him.
· Cupping his face, rubbing your thumb on his cheek you tell him.
· “Congratulation Great Mammon, I’m all yours”
· He didn’t believe it at first.
· But when he saw his brothers is thinking, especially Mammon, he knew this was for real.
· Then a light bulb lit up in his head, his face grows devious smile.
· He has a plan.
· He invited Solomon over to help him with something.
· He opens the door to Levi’s room to see, a green screen and four sets of cameras all facing the center of the room.
· Levi greets Solomon, and tells him that he needs someone to model for his 3D character his making.
· Solomon agrees, but Levi say that he has to be shirtless for first part.
· Solomon asks why.
· He answers because the character has to have a default look, so he can add outfit in the future.
· With that, Levi got the photos, and proud of himself for not making things awkward.
· But he didn’t expect for Solomon to stay and watch how to make a 3D model.
· Oh I didn’t think this through.
· After a couple of hours of faking doing 3D model in a computer, the results were horrible.
· Levi feeling embarrass, he hides his face on the desk with his arms covering his head.
· Solomon tells him to find a different hobby, and leaves.
· It was the middle of the night when you heard a knock on the door.
· You told them to come in.
· The door open to revel Levi exhausted and red on the face, he raises his hand with the picture of Solomon.
· You got up, walk over to Levi.
· The two of you walk to your bed and sat down, you took the photos.
· You stared in each photo, then tear it in to pieces.
· Levi was about to scream because of your action, when lean your head on his shoulder, nuzzling it.
· Then you when near his ear and whisper.
· “Lord of shadow, I’m all your”
· He got angry a little bit about the task.
· there’s has to have a reason.
· Being cautious he messages Solomon about this.
· A laughing emoji pop up, then a text “they’re that desperate”
· Rage did begin to describe how piss of Satan was.
· Solomon had the gall to call you desperate.
· Later the evening, Solomon was in the common room of Purgatory Hall.
· Still thinking about his text with Satan, when he notices the window is crack open.
· He walks over, he was about to close it, when a hand grabs his wrist.
· Solomon looks out the window to see Satan in his demon form, mouthing “TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT”.
· At breakfast, everyone was eating and planning, when suddenly Satan walks in with a smile on his face.
· He saw you eating your breakfast, he walks over place the picture of a scare shirtless Solomon next to your plate.
· You almost choke to see it.
· While everyone else is shock and disappointed that Satan manage to get the picture.
· You grab the picture off the table, took a long good look then tear it.
· Most of the brothers were shock, and Satan was about to break something, when you gesture him to come closer.
· He leans near you, then you whisper in his ear.
· “Thank you, Satan I’m all your”
· That’s easy, Solomon wouldn’t say no to him, right?
· The next day, Asmo want to Purgatory Hall to get the pictures he needed.
· But when he asks where’s Solomon, Luke said that his hiding from him and his brother.
· Oh so, he wants to this game… well challenge accepted old friend.
· Asmo use all his socials give out a message.
· “If you spot Solomon, DM me his location”
· Within the hour, Asmo knows where Solomon is.
· But every time he gets close, Solomon manages to get away.
· After 20 attempts of catching Solomon, Asmo finally cornered him, but at a cause.
· Determine, tired and anger, a messes Asmo tells Solomon to give up.
· Knowing Asmo rage can rivel Satan, Solomon gave up.
· After taking the photo, Asmo asks Solomon why he was hiding.
· Solomon simple answer “I like a challenge”
· You were in the common room, when Asmo show up with the photos.
· He was is a mess when gave you the photos.
· After giving them a good stare, you rip up the photos.
· Asmo gasp, then quickly engulf in your embrace, and tell him.
· “I’m all yours, Asmo”
· He’ll just ask him, what could go wrong.
· He just when over to Purgatory Hall to get the photo.
· When he saw Luke and Simeon speed walking away from their dorm.
· Are they going out somewhere?
· The door open, Solomon welcome Beel.
· I have a bad feeling.
· Once inside, Beel when straight to the point, and asks Solomon a picture of his pact marks.
· He would gladly accept, but he has to finish his dinner all on his own.
· Sweat drip down from Beel’s forehead, he knows where this is going.
· With one final breath, Beel tells Solomon that he’ll help him with his dinner.
· Solomon smile and asks Beel to follow him in to the dining hall.
· Dizzy, Beel awakes up from a food coma.
· He saw Solomon taking picture of himself in the mirror.
· He turns to greet Beel, and hand over his phone.
· However, Beel asks him one more thing.
· “Sure, what is it?”
· “Tell me all about your pact marks, while I write the down”
· You were at the kitchen making cupcakes, when Beel comes in.
· He gave you the photos and notes about the pacts.
· You folded the note and hide it in your pocket, but the photos you tear it up.
· Beel’s jaw drop, but you place a cupcake in it, and gave him hug.
· “You did so much Beel, I’m all yours.”
· He thought to himself “just a picture, hm easy”
· When luck comes his way, Belphie saw Solomon at their gate.
· Solomon was about to enter woods nearby, Belphie asks what he was doing here.
· He said that, he was get some ingredients for a potion his making.
· Belphie tells Solomon, he’ll help him in exchange he wants one photo of him showing his pact marks on his torso.
· Solomon agrees, and the two when into the woods.
· The first thing they need was salamander slim.
· However, those things are slippering every time Belphie grab on to it, the Salamander slide out of his hands.
· After 5 attempts, they manage to get the slim.
· Then a certain fur from a cougar fang.
· Belphie got scratch.
· Then finally 10 seven leafs clovers
· Fuck! those things are rare, are you insane.
· After hours of looking, they found ten clovers.
· Once they got out the woods, Belphie brought out his phone and gave to Solomon.
· “Deals a deal I don’t want to see you shirtless so, take them over there”
· You were in the music room listening to favorite songs, when Belphie walks in, phone in hand.
· He sat next to you and gave you his phone with the picture.
· You look at the picture, while you took of your earphone off.
· Belphie widen eyes when he saw you delete the photo.
· You hand over his phone back, with an angry look on his face grab hold on the phone, but you didn’t let go.
· Instead, you place your other hand over his, rubbing it, he looks back to you.
· You smile and grab his hand, and tell him.
· “Wonder work Belphie, I’m all yours”
You were leaning in bed with the winner, the room was peaceful and quiet, you turn over him seeing his calm and happy.
A moment of silent was break by a sound from your D.D.D, you grab it and got out of bed, you bend over to kiss him on top of his head, and told him that you were going to the bathroom, he sleepy nod, then you walk out.
You close the door of the bathroom, and see how texted you.
That was really daring of you to ask them that.
I told you, I’ll get you back
But I didn’t expect him to that.
I always make things hard for your “champion”
You really did, but that not what a reply to you.
Oh! What is it
I want to thank you
Thank me for what, I gave him a hard time, well hard time for him.
Exactly, he when so far to get a picture of you Shirtless.
He was confused at first but I show him that I don’t need a picture of some else.
So, Thank you, Solomon I got a Boyfriend out of it.
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Imagines - Some Sunny Day Part 3
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Summary: Before the Blip, you and Bucky were close. After you both returning and Tony’s funeral, you decided to go back to your home town to spend time with your family. When duty calls, you return.  
In this chapter: After finding Sharon in Madripoor, you learn about the creator of the soldier serum (Based on S1 EP3)
(PART 1) (PART 2)
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Sam Wilson x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 3,457
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 3, violence, strong language.
Once you arrived at Sharon’s you were itching to get out of the costume Zemo cooked up for you. 
“Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well.” Sam gawked at Sharon’s place which was full of art work and collectables. 
“I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler. You know how much I’ll get for a real Monet?” Sharon shrugged as she lead you through her gallery. 
“Easy...Deactivate your hustle mode. You sell fake Monets.” Sam didn’t believe her as he stared at the artwork. 
“No. She means real. This gallery is specialized in stolen artwork. Monet. Van Gogh. Classics.” Zemo defended Sharon as he followed her.
“It’s true. You know, half the artwork in museums like the Louvre is fake. Real stuff sits in places like this.” Bucky informed Sam. 
“Okay, guys, I see what you’re doing. You’re more worldly than good old Sam.” Sam pulled out his phone and started searching a nearby paining. 
“Yeah. What’s Google say?” Bucky teased him for it. 
“No shit.” Sam muttered as the realisation hit him. 
“You guys need to change. I’m hosting clients in an hour.” Sharon beckoned you along to which you were silently thankful for. 
Sharon was kind enough to let you look through her vast collection of clothes until you picked out something you liked. 
“Hey... You okay?” You asked softly. 
You and Bucky were alone with your backs to each other as you changed in one of Sharon’s many rooms.
“I’m fine.” Bucky replied quietly. 
You knew he wouldn’t be fine after having to act like the winter soldier again. You watched him at that bar. He didn’t hold back when he attacked those men. 
“Buck, you know you can’t lie to me.” You tried to keep it light but Bucky wasn’t having it. 
“I’m not.” 
You didn’t push.
“Hey, will you zip me up?” You asked after stepping into your dress. You didn’t turn but you could hear Bucky’s footsteps as he approached you. 
You felt the cold of his fingers brush against your back as he slowly zipped up the dress. 
You turned when the zip reached the top. 
“Thanks.” You whispered. 
Bucky’s eyes were burning through you as he admired your choice of dress. 
“You look beautiful.” Bucky murmured, his eyes taking in every detail. 
“You scrub up quite nicely yourself.” You smiled as you admired Bucky in the suit Sharon had given him. You couldn’t deny the butterflies in your stomach as you thought about a possible normal circumstance Bucky could wear something like this. Like a date. 
“Come on.” Bucky took your hand and lead you to the door that would take you back to the others. 
“It’s alright. I’m gonna sort my hair out. Running through Low-town didn’t exactly do it any favours.” You retracted your hand and returned to the mirror. Bucky hesitated didn’t question you. 
“What’s going on with you and Bucky?” Sharon’s voice filled the room as you  heard the door open again. “Thought the two of you’d be together by now.”
“We’re coworkers. We’ve always been coworkers.” You were wary of Sharon’s new found attitude.
“Oh please. You two have wanted to jump each others bones the whole time I've known you.” Sharon rolled her eyes at you as she slump down on the love seat beside you.
You remained silent as you brushed through your hair. 
“Oh come on.” Sharon rolled her eyes. “You two have never?” 
“No.” You said almost too quickly. 
“Well it’s only a matter of time. I don’t know why you are dragging it out so long.” Sharon sighed dramatically as she picked at the fabric on the settee. 
“I don’t know why everyone is so invested in mine and Bucky’s relationship.” You spun around to face her. “You. Sam. Steve. You all poke and prod but you don’t take into consideration all the factors.”
“No you don’t take into consideration that there’s only so much time before one day you’re shot or killed or you have to go on the run and never see him again. You need to grow some balls, (y/n).” Sharon didn't bother sticking around after that. 
You groaned and closed your eyes. 
When you finally decided to rejoin the group, they were discussing Sharon’s status in Madripoor.
“What’s going on, Sharon? You don’t ever wanna come back home?” Sam asked as he put on a shirt. 
“They’ll lock me up if I step foot back in the States. Madripoor doesn’t allow extradition.” Sharon replied pretty matter-of-factly as she walked over to her desk. 
“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t call, but after the Blip and the chaos, I just––” Sharon cut Sam off before he could explain himself. 
“––Look, you know the whole hero thing is a joke, right? The way you gave up that shield, deep down, you must know it’s all hypocrisy. 
“He knows. And not so deep down.” Zemo felt the need to jump in. 
“By the way, how is the new Cap?” Sharon asked.
“Don’t get me started.”Bucky grumbled.
“Please. You buy into all that stars and stripes bullshit. Before you were his pet psychopath, you were Mr. America! Cap’s best friend.” Sharon smirked as she sat down beside Bucky.
“Wow. She’s kind of awful now.” Bucky said as he looked over at you.
“Karli Morgenthau and at least seven others have taken the serum.” You took the initiative to change the topic back to the reason you were here in the first place. 
“You guys really should steer clear of all of this for your own safety.”Sharon warned you as she shook her head. 
“We know it’s a risk, but we won’t leave until we find the one who cracked the code.” Sam took the chair beside Sharon as he spoke. 
“We got a name. Wilfred Nagel.” Bucky told her. 
“Nagel works for the Power Broker.” Sharon informed you as she stood to pour herself a drink. 
“We need your help, Sharon. I can get your name cleared.” Sam offered. 
“You haggling with my life?” Sharon smirked again.
“Not like that.” Sam shook his head. 
“I don’t buy that. You pretending like you can clear my name.” Sharon leant back against her bar. 
“Okay, maybe it is hypocrisy. Maybe you’re right. What happened to you. But I’m willing to try if you are. They cleared the bionic staring machine, and he killed almost everybody he’s met.” Sam approached her with his good old puppy dog eyes. 
“I heard that.” Bucky frowned, unimpressed by Sam’s use of example. 
“I don’t trust charity.” Sharon sighed. 
“All right, a deal then. You help us out, and I get your name cleared.” Sam offered his hand. 
“Well, I sell to some pretty connected people. Lay low, blend in, enjoy the party. Try to stay outta trouble. I’ll see what I can find.” Sharon took the deal. 
The party seemed to suddenly start. 
Within minutes the whole place was jam packed. Music suffocated the space and the smell of sweat and alcohol was growing.
You stayed in between Sam and Bucky as you walked single file through the gathering. You reached back and linked fingers with Bucky’s to make sure you didn’t get parted in the crowd. 
As the bar came into view, you felt a hand grab your ass. 
“Hey!” Bucky took hold of the stranger and slammed him against the nearest wall. Holding him by the throat. 
Sam was there to diffuse the situation in a second. He placed a. hand on Bucky’s shoulder to pull him away. 
“Lay low remember.” Sam repeated what Sharon had told everyone over the blaring music. 
Bucky released the creep and stepped back. 
That gave you enough space to send your own punch. The man cried out, sliding down the wall and cradling his gushing nose. 
“Looks like she does not need help.” Zemo chimed in. 
You all left the guy without drawing too much attention to yourselves. 
The music wasn’t exactly your taste and you knew that it definitely wasn’t Bucky's but that didn’t stop you from taking him away from Sam and Zemo. 
“What are you doing?” Bucky asked you. 
“Got a bit boring just standing there, no?” You smirked. 
“You can’t expect me to dance to this, can you?” Bucky grimaced at the pulsing beat that classified as music. 
“You can try.” You smirked as you brought yourself closer to the man. 
You moved your body to the music, smiling widely him as he awkwardly tried to sway to it. 
“I thought you were a good dancer?!” You teased Bucky as you watched him. 
“I was!” Bucky defended himself. “When the music was Louis Armstrong and Glenn Miller!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the man before wrapping your arm around his neck. 
“You gotta move a bit more like this.” You tried to show him, taking his hand and placing it on your hip. 
Bucky was starting to look a little less like a grandpa as he got into the groove of it. 
His eyes were locked on you, a small smile on his lips. He looked undeniably handsome. 
“I think you’re getting it.” You leant up by his ear to tell him. 
“Well, we can’t look any worse than Zemo.” Bucky pointed through the crowd where Zemo was dancing. 
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You burst into laughter at the sight of the war criminal dancing and buried your face into Bucky’s neck. Bucky laughed next to your ear. It was a rare genuine sound that sent tingles through your head. 
“Come on.. Let’s get some water.” You left the dance floor and rejoined Sam by the bar where he had started to speak to some other guests.
Sharon approached you a little while later with some good news and so you all immediately left the party. 
“Madripoor could give New York a run for its money.” Sam stated as you arrived at the location of Nagel. 
“They know how to party.” Zemo agreed. 
You followed Sharon through the shipping container yard as she searched for the right one.
“With that bounty on your head, the longer you’re in Madripoor, the less likely you’re ever leaving.” Sharon stopped and pointed over to a red container. “All right. He’s in there. Container four-two-six-one. I’ll watch while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We’re on borrowed time.”
“You want me to stick around out here with you in case you run into trouble?” You asked her as you all took an ear piece. 
“I’ll be alright. I’ll call if I need any back up.” Sharon dismissed your offer before walking away. 
You all entered the container cautiously before Sam contacted Sharon. 
“Hey, Sharon. You sure this is the right one? It’s completely empty.” He was right. To the eye, it was empty. 
“Positive. It has to be.” Sharon replied. 
You shared a look between Sam and Bucky as Zemo felt around the. back of the container. 
Suddenly, it shifted and a hidden door opened. 
Soft music played from below along with a muffled voice. 
It has to be Nagel. 
Sam, Bucky and you all went in armed. 
You silently negotiated between each other which urged Sam to go ahead and cut the music. Nagel spun around at the intrusion. 
“Dr. Nagel?” Sam inquired. 
“Who are you? What do you want?” The man wasn’t intimidating and didn't seem to have any weapons around him but you had learnt in the past not to underestimate your opponent.
“We know you created the super-soldier serum.” Sam informed him. 
“Get out of my lab.” Nagel demanded pretty boldly considering Sam was the one with the gun. 
“Hey! You know who he is, right?” Sam asked as he caught the shocked look on Nagel’s face at the sight of Bucky.  This is Baron Zemo. I know you’ve heard of him, too, right? You seem like a pretty smart guy. So you better become conversational real quick.”
“How about a counter proposal? Make me a better offer and I’ll talk.”Nagel smirked. 
“Guys, we have company.” Sharon’s voice whispered through the ear piece. “Every bounty hunter in the city is here. We gotta go.” 
“I’ll go up.” You lowered your gun from Nagel and went to turn when Sam stopped you. 
“No, we might need you.” Sam meant he might need your powers. 
“But...” You gestured to your ear. 
“She didn’t ask for back up.” Sam argued. 
You sighed but listened to Sam. 
Bucky moved Nagel over to a chair. He held his gun to the man’s temple. 
“Here’s your counter offer.” Bucky shot next to Nagel’s head which worked wonders to make him talk. 
“Okay. Okay. I was brought into HYDRA’s Winter Soldier program to pick up their work after the five failed test subjects in Siberia. When HYDRA fell, I was recruited by the CIA. They had blood samples from an American test subject with semi-stable traces of serum in his system. After much labor, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood. I was a god. I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do. But mine was going to be different. No clunky machines or jacked up bodies. Mine was going to be subtle, optimized, perfect.”
“How have we never heard about this?” You asked, your eyes flicking over at Sam. 
“Because… Before I was able to complete my work, I turned to dust. Then when I returned, it was five years later, program had been abandoned, so I came here. The Power Broker was more than happy to fund the recreation of my work.” Nagel explained. 
“How many vials did you make?” Sam asked. 
“Twenty. Karli Morgenthau stole those, so I can only imagine what the Power Broker has planned for that poor girl.” 
“Where’s Karli now?”You stepped forward, rolling up your sleeve as a warning.
“I don’t know where she is. But a couple of days ago, she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Madani. Poor woman has tuberculosis. Typical of overpopulation in displacement camps like that.” You took a mental note of the name Nagel mentioned. 
“Well, what happened to her?” You pushed
“Not my pig. Not my farm.” Nagel shrugged. 
You looked back at Sam with a look asking if you should check if he's telling the truth but Sam shook his head. 
“Is there any serum in this lab?” Bucky asked. 
Nagel sent Bucky a deep glare but Bucky’s gun brought forth the answer. 
“Now what?” Bucky asked you and Sam. 
“Guys, we’re seriously outta time here.” Sharon bursted in, looking a little battered. 
All of a sudden, Zemo pulled a gun out and shot Nagel. 
“No!” Sam cried out
You lunged forward and reached for the man’s arm. If you could catch his final moments of life leaving his body you could still get the memories but as you hand touched his skin all you saw was darkness. 
You screamed as you went blind. 
You felt a pair of hands pull you up from the ground to which you could only assume was Bucky. 
“What did you do?!” Sharon gasped at Zemo’s action. 
“I can’t see, Buck.” You felt your whole body go limp in his arms as you muttered those final words before you passed out. 
When you felt your eyes open again, you were out of the container. Gun shots were muffled in your eyes as you heard Bucky and Sam arguing. 
You were covered in dust and you didn’t have your gun. 
“Where’s my gun?” You asked. That’s when the boys realised you were awake. 
You only managed to crawl over to Bucky to take it from him and start to fire. 
Your aim was off from how exhausted you were but the adrenaline was there enough for you to get a good few shots in. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked you as the firing stopped. Zemo was busy taking out the remaining bodies so it gave you time to sit back again. 
“Not really.” You shook your head. Your body felt cold and darkness still clouded the corners of your vision. It’s what happened when you tried to get the memories from a dead body, all you could see and feel is death. Your powers only worked on living people or people close to death. 
“Come on.” Bucky lifted you up, tucking his arm underneath you to keep you steady on your feet. 
You only lasted being half dragged/half running before Bucky picked you up. You hated being carried but this was a life or death situation. 
“Buck!” Sam shouted as some more bounty hunters appeared. Bucky put you down and you fell against the container door as he used a broken off pipe to fight them off. 
“Let’s go!” Sam tugged you both inside.
Bucky kicked open the back of the container so you could escape, only for you to be met by Zemo in a swanky getaway car. 
“Supercharged.” Zemo gestured to his ride. 
“You’re going back to jail.” Sam told Zemo. 
“Do you want to find Karli or not?” Zemo asked. 
“He’s right. We need him.” You tried to speak but your throat was hoarse. 
“And there’s only three of us, and at least 20 of them.” Bucky added. 
“Fine. But if you try that shit again...” Sam warned him. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Zemo stated. Not that he was to be trusted. 
Sam helped you into the back seat. There was concern painted across his face. 
“Well, that was one hell of a reunion.” Sharon sighed as she placed her hands on the car. 
“Come back to the States with us.” Sam tried to persuade her. 
“I can’t. Just get me that pardon you promised me.” Sharon reminded him of the deal they made. 
“Thanks for everything.” Sam nodded. “You’re not gonna move your seat up, are you?”
“No.” Bucky shook his head. 
You laughed weakly as you remembered the same conversation back when Steve was still around. 
Back on Zemo’s plane, you took a position on the small couch with Bucky. You were resting your eyes but trying to stay awake as you listened to the boys talk. 
“Donya Madani. She’s a refugee, yeah.” Sam had contacted Torres about the woman Nagel had mentioned. “Call me if you get a hit. --- Thanks, Torres.”
“You okay?” Bucky asked Sam as Sam slouched down.  
“Yeah. Just thinking about all the shit Sharon had to go through. And Nagel referring to the American test subject like Isaiah wasn’t even a real person. Just makes me wonder how many people have to get steamrolled to make way for this hunk of metal.”
“Well, it depends on who you ask. That hunk of metal saved a lot of lives.” Bucky looked up from cleaning his hand. 
“Yeah, I get that. All right. Maybe I made a mistake.” Sam confessed. 
“You did.” Bucky agreed with that statement and so did you but you kept your eyes closed. 
“Yeah. Maybe I shouldn’t have put it in a museum. Maybe I should have destroyed it.” Sam didn’t say what you expected. 
“Look, that shield represents a lotta things to a lotta people, including me. The world is upside down, and we need a new Cap, and it ain’t gonna be Walker. So before you destroy it, I’ll take it from him myself.” Bucky turned to face Sam as he spoke. You felt the couch shift.
Sam then got a call with the information on Madani. 
“They found Madani… Dead. She died in Riga, a city near the Baltic Sea.”
“I have a place we can go. I, for one, am looking forward to coming face to face with Karli. Oeznik, we’re changing the course.” Zemo’s voice was the last thing you remembered before waking up at landing. 
“Hey sleepy head.” Bucky whispered quietly. He’d rather be caught dead than let Sam hear him say that. 
“Have we landed?” You asked as you rubbed your eyes. 
“Yeah.” Bucky nodded. “Come on.” 
It didn’t take too long to get to Zemo’s place but when you did, Bucky decided to break away. 
“I’m gonna go on a walk.” Bucky announced before you entered the building. 
“You good?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah.” Bucky nodded as he stepped away. 
“Be careful.” You warned him. 
You knew Bucky needed his space sometime but now wasn’t the best time for him to just be wandering the streets. Especially if Walker clocks on it was you three that broke Zemo out of prison. 
“Always.” Bucky winked at you before finally leaving. 
But that was a bad feeling in your gut. 
(PART 4)
Bucky Barnes Tag List
@florencxs @mystictimetravelcolor @yourphotographyteen16@shannon-posts @darkbluenovember @sexwithhiddlesbatch@thefandomimagines @mydarkness-itsnotmyfriend @sad-huffle-nerd @glitchingghosts @themaddies-obx @avenging-parker @delilahsdaydream​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @purplewcrld​ @opheliaaaa​
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Hii☺️So, we have RFA+Minor trio being single fathers after Mc's death, what about reversing it?So that Mc is a single mother after they died(
I waited really long to finally make a request and I am very excited right now, especially since it's you.I really love your writings and I read all of them for like a dozen of times and I can't get enough of them😍Thank you so much for your work and stay healthy 🙏🏻
Mc being a single mom after the RFA + Minor Trio died    ( Trigger Warnings! ) 
Trigger Warnings, mention of death, parental death
RFA + Minor Trio as single fathers after Mc’s death (Parental death/ Trigger Warnings)
Did I mention that I like drama? Enjoy! 
You pressed your lips together as tears went down your cheek. The baby you just gave birth to was sleeping in Jaehee‘s arms as you sobbed into Zen‘s embrace.
,,It‘s as if he planned everything,“ you sobbed, making your red haired friend shake with his head.
,,When he found out you were pregnant, he made me do all this. He didn’t plan to die a month after the birth of your baby, really, he just feared that if something happened to him, his father would have acted the way he did,“ Seven explained.
The reason why you were currently staying over at Jaehee‘s place was that Jumin died a week ago. One day you let him go out of the front door, still smiling as he kissed your newborn, and not even half an hour later, you found yourself in the hospital.
Someone shot him.
And as if it wasn’t enough, your father in law tried to take away your baby, saying that he had to give his grandchild a better life.
But Jumin, even in heaven, saved you once again, saving a lot of money and having an external saving method thanks to Seven.
He even left behind a letter to his father filled with lies, explaining that the baby wasn’t his child.
Of course everything was a lie, but this lie made it possible for you to see your baby grow up.
,,I can’t even go to my husband’s-” your words died in tears.
,,He will always look over you, Mc, and we’ll help you. It will all be better soon…“ Zen patted your back. He too was mourning for his friend.
,,Mommy, do I really look like daddy?“ your youngest girl asked you as she brushed her long white hair.
You gulped as you looked over to your oldest daughter.
Her eyes were again filled with tears.
Zen died two years ago, leaving you behind with three wonderful children.
You had to give up your job as manager and instead began to work part time in a restaurant at night and other little jobs while the girls were at school.
,,Daddy… I don‘t even remember him,“ your middle child hissed as she entered the room.
,,I don’t even know him, that’s worse!“ your youngest began to sob.
She indeed looked like Zen. He would have been proud to see her beauty.
Well, he was proud of every daughter he had. He loved them with all his heart.
,,Trust me, I would rather not remember him than live with memories,“ your oldest daughter Mina hissed as she put down her lipstick and rushed out.
You sighed as you looked at your little family.
You were all sleeping in one single room. No one had their own space and instead they all argued with each other whenever they had the chance.
,,You’re always so negative, MINA!“ your middle child Hana hissed, followed by the youngest, Sera.
,,I HATE YOU GUYS! HE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!“ she screamed, making your heart stop.
Mina glared at her and fell on her feet as she began to scream a loud, high pitched scream.
,,SERA RYU!“ you screamed.
The house died down as only sniffles were heard.
,,Your father died when the three of you caught a virus. He was trying to go to the shop for some medicine, but that doesn’t mean that one of you is at fault, understand?“ you hissed.
You sat down and began to cry yourself as you called them over into your arms, ready to embrace your crying children.
,,No one is at fault. Please, please don’t fight, girls, your father would be devastated to see that,“ you begged.
,,Sera, you do look like dad,“ Mina sobbed and smiled, making your youngest smile brightly.
Your son finally fell asleep after a long crying session.
Nothing hurt you more than consoling your son who was in deep pain because he got bullied at school for not having a father.
Yoosung died six months ago, making you move into a tinier apartment which led to your son attending another school.
However, you regretted every single decision.
You pulled your phone out as you tried to dry your salty tears.
You entered a new chatroom as you asked for help.
,,What happened? Shall I come over?“ Jumin responded, being the first one online.
,,I can come quicker, I‘m omw,“ Zen shortly afterwards responded.
,,No no, I just…
Can you please bring Jinyoung to school tomorrow? He got bullied… I think if other children see him with you guys, they will respect him more,“ you wrote.
Of course Seven jumped in and wrote six lines about how happy he would be to play ⅓ of a father, making you actually choke on your tears.
,,Thank you,“ you typed and decided to bring your son to bed.
Indeed the three boys kept their promise, making him laugh like never before.
,,And that‘s how we met,“ you laughed as you told your son about the meeting between you and Jaehee.
He nodded as he looked at the picture over the table.
It portrayed you, him, and Jaehee on his first day of school.
Jaehee died a year ago from an illness.
It all went so quickly. One day she got diagnosed and a few months later the two of you prepared the funeral for her.
As if it was yesterday, you remembered picking up your son and driving him to the hospital to give Jaehee the chance to see him one last time.
And indeed, it was their last goodbyes.
Jaehee would never see him finishing school, university, or begin a job, fall in love, or try to cheer him up while being lovesick.
She would never see him get married or have his first child.
It hurt your heart to know that you were the only one left for him.
On the other side, Jaehee was happy that at least he had you. ,,How did your favorite TikTok go?“ she groaned.
,,Take him to the moon for me,“ she whispered.
,,Mom was a strong woman,“ you told your son as a tear left your eye.
,,You too, Mommy, you too.“
You sighed as you turned off your alarm to get off the bed.
It was still dark outside, but you had to wake up with the last strength you had. You pulled yourself together and walked back to the kitchen where you prepared some breakfast for your child.
Like every morning, reality hit you as you silently sobbed while putting some rice into the bento box.
Your hands trembled as you looked up, just to gasp for air and keep going.
It was hard ever since Saeyoung died. Things weren’t going well for you.
You thanked God daily for the remaining person you had, that you had friends and family who supported you.
But you also begged God to make this bad life end. Even though it was selfish, you just wanted to see your family again.
Even if Jaehee often tried to make you understand how lucky you were, even at the times where Jumin promised to help you with the medical expenses, even at those times when Yoosung came over to cook dinner, and even at those times when Zen promised to go with your and your child to the park, you just wanted this to end.
You inhaled again and dried your tears as you made yourself a cup of coffee.
,,Good morning, baby,’’ you whispered as you turned on the lights of your son’s room.
,,Mo….m,’’ the boy groaned, probably in pain as you helped him get up to sit on his wheelchair.
,,Wet…’’ he gasped as you noticed that he wet his bed again.
,,It’s okay, baby, don’t worry,’’ you smiled, pushing the chair through the door, passing at the picture of Saeyoung, Saeran, and your two perfectly healthy children.
That day, Saeyoung didn’t just die in a car accident from speeding, he also took his brother and one of your children with him, leaving you with your second son disabled by the accident.
,,It’s okay,’’ you whispered.
You looked up to the ceiling as you felt a warm, little hand on your chest.
Turning your head, you could see how relaxed the face of your daughter was as she slept safely and soundly, not worrying about anything or anyone.
You smiled as you saw how much she resembled Saeran, her father.
Your hand moved to stroke her head as you remembered the day you told him that you were pregnant, how he cared for you and his daughter in the pregnancy, how hard labor was, and how emotional it was when he once again decided to save his brother after seeing his own daughter.
,,He would be happy to see her,’’ he said after she was newly born and he was finally allowed to hold her in his embrace.
As if it was yesterday, you remembered how he taught her to walk, how he stood behind her while going to the park and how much he loved to feed her.
This all disappeared one day.
In the morning, he told you that he might have found Saeyoung and in the evening he came home, beaten up with a shotgun wound, collapsing in front of your porch.
It was your worst nightmare and you were honestly happy that this all happened at night, knowing that back then, your three year old daughter wouldn’t have seen anything.
Ever since then, life became harder.
You moved, fearing the Prime Minister or the agency Saeyoung was in would track you down and kill your daughter. The RFA kept helping you guys, but questions like, ,,Where is Dada’’ weren’t always easy to respond to.
,,Mommy,’’ she mumbled and opened her eyes, smiling brightly at you and rubbing her eyes to wake up.
,,Mhhh?’’ you asked her.
,,Daddy visited my dreams…’’ she giggled and fell asleep again, making you wander back to old memories too.
,,Mom, I don’t understand my homework,’’ Lucy said, whispering as she entered the room as quietly as possible.
You looked back to her and nodded as you looked back to the little bed your son was in before you walked away, your hand on Lucy’s hair as you smiled at her.
,,What topic?’’ you asked her.
You noticed that she was hesitating so it was probably art since it was related to her father.
,,Art?’’ you asked her to make it easier for her. She had a pretty hard time ever since Jihyun died, well, you too. You all had a pretty hard time.
Jumin wasn’t the same person anymore, or so Jaehee said. Yoosung seemed to regret a few things, and Saeran and Saeyoung were grieving, just like Zen.
Everyone was in pain after the painful death of that one special person.
,,Our teacher told us to draw a painful happy moment but… how am I supposed to make something happy if it’s supposed to be painful?’’ she asked you.
You nodded. ,,Well, describe something painful. What is painful?’’ you asked her.
,,Getting hurt is painful, falling is painful, getting hit is painful…’’
,,How about losing someone?’’ you asked her, making her think about it for a few seconds before she asked you if it wasn’t something sad instead of painful. 
You nodded. ,,When I told you that daddy wouldn’t come home anymore back then when you were younger, do you remember how you felt?’’ you asked her.
,,Did your heart hurt? Did you feel scared and suffocated? Wasn’t it painful?’’ you asked her and even though you could see that she was tearing up, you knew that this was something the two of you had to talk about.
Indeed, Lucy closed up about her feelings ever since then, but this was also a good opportunity.
,,Now, think of a happy moment with your father. Isn’t it something painful but a happy moment as well?’’ you asked her and got up, knowing that she knew what to do.
A week later, you were invited to see your daughter receive a prize for the most beautiful portrait of Jihyun as an angel looking down at the world, a painful and happy moment for everyone who knew him.
,,Mommy,’’ your son asked you, pulling at your shirt as you stood in front of the stove.
,,Mhhh?’’ you asked him without looking as you were cooking.
,,Why did Daddy leave us?’’ he asked you out of the blue, making you stop everything and look at him.
,,The fish is burning,’’ he suddenly said as he saw the flames, making you shriek and quickly take care of everything.
After everything was taken care of, you took him in your arms and showed him a few pictures of his father.
For now, you never showed him his father. You never dared to speak about Vanderwood, fearing that your son wouldn’t understand your words, but by now you learned that he was much stronger than you ever thought.
,,This is your father, Vanderwood. He didn’t leave because he wanted to, he was kind of forced to,’’ you told him, gulping down the bad feeling you had as your heart began to beat quickly.
,,And why is he gone?’’ he asked you, softly touching the picture of a cool looking brown haired man.
This was on the day you two went to eat after you craved a salad and ice cream.
,,He had an important job to do,’’ you explained. Of course you didn’t tell him that the agency tracked him down and killed him brutally while he tried to keep you, his heavily pregnant, hidden.
,,And what is he doing now?’’ he kept asking you as you remembered the day, as if it was yesterday, when he pushed you into the closet, begging you to close your ears and never come out until called you.
However, that call never came. Instead, Saeyoung pulled you out moments later. You didn’t remember how much time passed.
You just knew that he asked you to keep your eyes closed as he led the way out of the room.
,,He is now protecting you, me, uncle Saeyoung, uncle Saeran, uncle Jumin, uncle Zen, uncle Yoosung and aunt Jaehee,’’ you answered with a smile.
How much he would have loved to meet his son, you were sure.
He was your happiness after all, the last memento of Vanderwood.
26.07.2021// 00:13 MEST
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Miss you and your marvelous writing!!!! Just a prompt if you’re up to it 😊 exes wolfstar staying friends but sirius gets into a new relationship and he brings his new boo to somewhere he took remus and remus gets sad 😭 but they get back together eventually
Notes: OMFG BABEY! this is so SO beyond precious of you! i adore you to bits! thank you for the sweetness and for this scrumptious angst🥺🥺 i really hope you like it😭😘😘💜
SEND ME A PROMPT  |  A Reblog means SO SO much! I ADORE YOU💜💜
“He can just be so… So” James pauses right then, takes off his cap with the hand that’s still clutching his baseball bat, and ruffles his hair with the other.
“Un-opinionated,” Remus offers half heartedly as they turn the block to the small coffee shop nearest school, both of them freshly showered after the required morning workouts for Tuesday and Thursdays. It’s the first semester in which Remus has actually joined in on the seven minute track, considering the fact that even despite their crazy contradictory schedules with all the sports and extra curriculars they each had, Sirius always made it a point to buy their ice coffees and drop it off to Remus, sometimes leaving them a quarter of an hour late for first period, or as just a quick drop and dash if one of them had an exam. 
It was sweet, considerate. It was Sirius showing how much he cared because he’s never been one for words, even if he would frequently print off the little texts Remus would send him about how Sirius made him feel, and hang it up on the wall besides his bed, along with photos of them and Remus by himself and a few of their other friends too.
But yeah… None of that is really a thing anymore, not the coffees or the texts or the promises of being one another’s always. Not after calling it quits in early January because they knew by August they’d be working with thousands of miles between them and a three hour difference on top of that. It just wouldn’t have been feasible in the long run, and sure— Remus was the one to broach the topic and he knows that Sirius was hesitant about the logical side of it, but sometimes Remus wishes Sirius had fought harder, had argued louder, had wanted Remus more. But that’s a ridiculous expectation, and he had only admitted as much to Lily. And at the end of the day, it was the right choice, because it’s only early May now, and Remus can’t imagine how sick he’ll feel once catching his flight to Berkeley, and they’re steadfastly back in the best friends category of things. He can’t fathom how it would’ve been if they spent all these months and the ones after being together in all those intimate ways, knowing that they’ll be so far apart soon enough.
It was the right decision for the both of them and their friendship.
“Yeah, sure. Let’s go with that,” James says, bringing Remus out of his gloomy contemplations while opening the glass door to Three Broomsticks, sporting a thin smile that he always has on when he’s trying to be kind even when he’s irritated as all get out. 
Remus snorts at him, elbow checking his side as he walks past. “Well he’s sharing that dorm with you and Sirius in New Haven, so I guess you’ve got that to look forwards to.”
James’s face pulls into a grimace and their typical barista nods their way, already receiving their orders through the app and sparing them having to wait in the queue. “Maybe Pete’ll grow his own personality in university, yeah?”
“Sure Prongsie,” Remus says, noncommittal as he checks his phone and lies against the windowpane, already exhausted by the morning. “And if he doesn’t, I’m sure Sirius is about to blow his lid any day now.”
“It’s going to be funny as fuck, and you won’t even be there to see the debris,” James counters, sounding pleasant enough even though Remus knows that he’s nearly as pissed off as Sirius is about the decision for him to go back to his home state for undergrad. 
“You’ll send pictures though.”
“Of course Moony my old friend,” James jokes, tossing him a wink as they straighten once spotting their coffees being rung up. But as Remus takes a step forwards, he notices that a familiarly tan pair of hands are reaching for them, and when Remus looks up he feels like an idiot for not noticing him sooner. Because there Sirius is, dashing as ever in their school’s maroon blazer and tan pants, and his hair is windblown and shining as it falls midway of the nape of his neck. But Remus doesn’t really have the chance to appreciate just how damn good looking his ex-boyfriend is, rather, he’s more distracted by how Sirius doesn’t even notice him or James as he pivots around and hands over the second cup to a beaming Gideon Prewett. Their heads incline while they exchange a few words that are absolutely impossible to pick up in the crowded cafe before they bump their shoulders together and walk out the opposite door.
And it feels like nothing else watching that exchange— like their was a hammer and pick chipping away at his stupid, weeping heart.
“I think they’re just doing a project together,” James says lowly in Remus’s ear, clapping him on the back in reassurance, and Remus loves him, but he’s not in the mood for false platitudes, feels like there is a ugly, burning fire festering deep in his stomach and making Remus want to hurl all over the wooden floors.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” he replies instead, mild as he discretely picks up his phone again and opens up to the last conversation he had this morning.
R: need intel 
L: Say more sexy things to me, lover 
R: sirius and Gideon
R: what’s going on there
L: I’ll take a look, dw
Buoyed by Lily’s scary levels of detective skills, Remus returns his phone to his satchel and signals James to follow him to pick up their actual drinks. “C’mon, Flitwick hates it when we’re late.”
“Do you want the good news first, or the bad.” Lily asks Remus later that morning during their shared free period, dropping her bag on the tabletop that they typically commandeer towards the back of Hogwarts’s library, nearest the windows and tucked away by the shelves.
“Is there actually any good news? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better.” Remus asks, single brow cocked as he shuts his history book and tosses it to the side.
“Well your hair looks especially nice today,” she offers with a small smile, sitting besides him and ruffling his curls.
“Thanks, I suppose. But I’d rather just get to it. And don’t sigh at me like that! All long suffering and all.”
Rolling her eyes, Lily gathers her hair into a high pony before turning to Remus fully. “You’re my best friend, I love you more than just about anyone. You know that, right?” Lily asks him, stiff stance relaxing when he nods in turn. “Then understand that I’m saying this from a place of love, but you don’t get to be mad at him, okay. You’re the one who called it off Re, you’re the one who wanted you guys to go back to being friends to avoid that messiness in August. And you know I respect the decision, but also it wasn’t the only one to be had. I mean look at James and I—“
“You’re going to Columbia Lils,” Remus bristles, hates how defensive he’s getting all of a sudden. “That train ride is like two hours and some change at the very most. It’s not the same.”
“You guys could’ve made it work,” she insists, green eyes blazing in the dim light. “He’s crazy about you, and you’re in love with him— Like ass backwards in love. You can’t just cut that off like it’s nothing, damn it, Remus.”
He can feel his own ears reddening and Remus hates it, hates how today had started off so innocuous and now it’s an absolute shit show. Remus hates that Lily is always correct about everything, and hates how Sirius probably is regretting telling Remus he still fully intends to ask him out to prom, and hates how much he loves him— how whenever he looks at Sirius it’s just a deluge of wanting and adoring and regretting and needing to feel his lips against Sirius’s own again like a drug, how he’ll never forget how he tasted like coffee beans and cigarette smoke and the strawberries he ate every morning besides his breakfast. Remus hates it all and he can’t figure out how not to feel like suddenly everything is slipping out of his hands like sand drifting through his fingers.
“He’s probably not that crazy over me anymore considering he’s getting Gideon Prewett coffees now, so maybe it’s the right decision after all.” Is what Remus decides to tell Lily instead of that whirlwind of clashing feelings.
“Oh Christ,” Lily huffs, dropping her head back like she’s asking for strength from the heavens above. “Look, Dorcas tells me that they’ve only been out twice. And Marlene says that it’s nothing intense. Just a movie and then he went to go watch his nephew’s little league game.”
“Oh,” Remus intones, because, no. No he will not start crying like this is some fucking Nicholas Sparks novel, and he’s the wayward lead making all the worst decisions. He’s not going to cry damn it!
He is not a bird, and this is suppose to be happening, and none of this has any real consequence at the end of the day. He and Sirius broke up, and Sirius can go out with whoever he pleases— even if it’s good looking, ginger athletes.
Remus is fine.
“Remus,” Lily gently consoles, lacing her fingers into his own that’s resting on his lap, and squeezing for good measure. “Benjy told Mary, who told me during Calc that Gideon doesn’t expect anything. Sirius told him he’s not looking for anything long term.”
“That’s dumb,” Remus retorts, trying to hold everything in so that Lily doesn’t give him that concerned, doe eyed face of hers, like when he’s spent a week living off of protein bars and double shot espressos preparing for finals. “Gideon’s great, and there on the soccer team together, they would be perfect.”
“Remus, stop.”
“And he’s going to Dartmouth, so he’ll be super close for like weekend excursions and all of that.”
“The more I think about it, Lils, the more it makes sense. They just fit.”
“Sure, those are all nice attributes,” Lily says, peering up at him disappointedly. “But he’s not you.”
Like a legion of angels singing in the distance, the bell begins to shrill for next period and Remus is spared from giving that statement any mind.
He spends the rest of the week acting as if he hadn’t even seen Sirius that morning whenever around him, and internally analyzing each and every exchange between them, and comparing to them to when he sees Sirius chatting with Gideon. And it’s not fun to say the least. It’s like a flashback to when he was trying to hide his crush on Sirius back in Freshman and most of sophomore year, but somehow worse. It’s worse because Remus had him, had Sirius in all the ways someone could ever want an other. He had Sirius’s languid morning kisses, and Sirius’s bark like laughter. Remus had Sirius being nervous the first time Lyall came for his typical Christmas visit, and Sirius had to try and impress him along with Remus’s mom as more than just the friend he hung around with at school. Remus had Sirius’s gruff voice when they were in bed and getting tangled into one another, and Sirius’s dopey looks in the middle of class when he’d be gazing over at Remus instead of the board. And if Remus is being honest, he knows he still has all those things, but it’s suddenly and searingly clear that some time— sooner rather than later— they’ll all leave, abruptly disappearing and shattering Remus’s world in their wake. Because eventually all of those different facets of Sirius’s won’t be Remus’s anymore— they’ll be Gideon’s or some other boy he meets in New Haven. And Remus can’t even be upset at it, he doesn’t have a claim to any of Sirius anymore, doesn’t get to call any part of him his.
And it’s probably the worst Remus has felt since that first night after their break up, because he’s eating every moment he has with Sirius like he’s famished and Sirius is the last meal he’ll ever know. He wants to memorize every part of him before he can’t have any of it. He wants to unravel every layer of Sirius, and kiss it for the final time, and it’s like saying goodbye a thousand times over, strangling his heart and splintering something desperate deep inside of him.
Like now.
It’s edging on midnight, and they drove up to the lake front near their suburb, with Sirius lying with his head on Remus’s lap and his long, muscled body lying against the tattered blanket beneath them. And his eyes are fluttered shut while the speaker they brought croons out the indie playlist they like most from Spotify.
And Remus can’t help but feel like this is one of their last nights like this, alone and quiet and together without any other specter of some other partner. So he watches him, watches the moonlight pacing over his nose and the high bones of his cheeks and across Sirius’s eyelids too. Remus watches his ink  like lashes kissing his skin, and wants to touch the divot of his cupids bow like so many times before while his other hand cards through Sirius’s hair. 
And Remus lets himself want Sirius and wonders if he’ll ever stop wanting, craving, loving him.
“I can hear you thinking Moons,” Sirius says, fluttering his eyes open and crunching up before Remus can even respond. “What’s going on?”
“Huh? What do you mean? I’m fine.” Remus all but sputters, folding his knees against his chest and wrapping his arms around them, feeling somehow vulnerable in blistering ways. “Nothing is going on.”
“Pff,” Sirius gives him a pointed look, settles down so that they’re side by side and tries to get Remus to look at him head on. “You’ve been strange all week, Moony.” 
“That’s not—“
“And then tonight, you didn’t even tease your ma when she was telling us about that patient who puked all over her shoes.”
“Just tired is all.”
“But had enough energy to smoke half the joint I brought.” Sirius says with a snort, looking frustrated again when Remus didn’t even flinch a smile at the counter. “Remus, talk to me.”
“It’s fine Sirius,” Remus sighs, suddenly remembers how exhausting all their arguments were in the past. How Sirius tries getting him to speak everything in his mind, as if Remus could even put them into words. 
“Okay, then tell me why you rejected my offer to go to that Frank Ocean concert. You’re obsessed with him.”
“’S in July,” Remus reminds him lightly, focusses on the way they can see the North star glimmering against the horizon instead.
“And, so?” Sirius asks, sounding more than a bit scathing. “You’re not leaving for another month after that, you trying to cut me off completely by the summer or something?”
“Don’t be an idiot.”
“Don’t be condescending.”
“Sirius, just leave well enough alone. Holy shit.”
“I can leave it alone if you can actually tell me what the fuck is going on with you,” Sirius snaps, standing up now, probably because he always likes using his height advantage on most people whenever he gets all pissy.
“You can be such a prick sometimes, you know that?” Remus snarls at him, following suit and dipping his head back just slightly so that they’re eye to eye. “Not everything is on your schedule, you know that.”
“My schedule!” Sirius’s brows jump to his hairline, and he breaks into that manic laughter that springs up only when he’s so angry he can’t put his thoughts together. “I’m trying to do as much shit with you as possible before you leave, because for some stupid fucking reason I’m going to miss you when your across the fucking country! But yeah, whatever. If you’re actually just sick of me and my presence or what the fuck else, you can just—“
“I would’ve assumed you wanted to go with Gideon,” Remus blurts out, simply unable to hold it back any more, unable to pretend like he’s not suffering a thousand fresh paper cuts every time he even glances Sirius’s way these days. He can’t do this, can’t pretend to just be friends when they were— when they are— so much more than that. “To the concert I mean. I just assumed—“
“No,” Sirius says, seething as he storms up to Remus— close enough that the tips of their noses brush up against each other. 
“No? Excuse me?”
“No Remus you don’t get to do this!” Sirius repeats, voice going frayed at the edges as their glances level. “You don’t get to pretend as if I want anyone more than I want— than I’ve always wanted you. And you don’t get to float around for the rest of your life pretending as if this’ll ever change for me. As if you can’t hit me up in fifteen years when I’m married with kids, and ask to get back together, and think  that I wouldn’t drop it all for you.”
Remus’s heart begins to thud, loud and painful against his ribcage, and his lungs feel like they might collapse the instant Remus let’s the tears swimming in his eyes sprinkle out. “Sirius, I ca—“
“I’ve been in love with you since before we were suppose to mean what that meant, damn it, Remus! And you’re the one who called it off!”
“It was the right decision.” Remus croaks out, plunging his hands into his hoodie’s pockets, doesn’t want Sirius to see the way they’re shaking.
“”For you. The right decision for you.” Sirius presses, his gray eyes dark underneath the stars. “And you know I’d do anything you wanted of me, but you don’t get to be mad at the ways I cope. And you sure as fuck don’t get to be jealous of fucking Gideon Prewett, as if he can hold a match to you.”
“Oh.” Is all Remus can gather to say, peering back down at his shoes and pressing together his lips, feels the most lost he ever has while around Sirius. “I love you too, you know that. You know I love you so much that it hurts sometimes— That was never the problem.”
Sirius makes a strangled sound deep in his throat, and the next second, Remus can’t feel the warmth of his body besides him because Sirius is darting over to the cusp of the lake and kicking at a rock. “Fuck, Remus. You can’t just say that, all right! You can’t because none of this is fair, or okay. And I fucking hate it and I hate this and—“
“Maybe we can try,” Remus says, quiet but unshaken. And he watches as Sirius slowly turns back around, face scrunched up in utter confusion, but eyes glittering with something like hope. “I love you Sirius, and you love me. And Lily’s right, fucking hell she’s so right. I can’t just turn it off, okay. I’ve tried and I’ve tried, but I can’t. I can’t be around you and not want every part of you. But I also can’t let myself stay away from you. So let’s try, and it’s probably a stupid difficult decision, and we’re going to be frustrated and we’re going to miss one another but I know there’s going to be no one I want more and I think you migh— Oof.”
Remus can’t continue rattling off any of the reasons why they should get back together, because Sirius is somehow magically popping up in front of him— his large hands cupping against Remus’s jawline and his thin lips crashing against him, and Remus can only wrap his arms around Sirius’s torso and give him back all he’s pushing forwards.
And it might’ve been a minute or an hour that past, but Sirius is pulling back with a face that looks lighter in ways Remus hasn’t seen on him since the breakup all those months ago. “I’d literally agree to anything if it means we can stay together, Moony. Absolutely anything.”
Remus feels the strain against the apples of his cheeks as he beams at him at the sound of the oath. “Yeah, me too Padfoot. Always and forever, it’s you.”
My Other Wolfstar FIC💜
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noforkingclue · 3 years
I Just Want To Sleep (Bucky x reader)
Summary: If you had a chance to get rid of your nightmares forever would you take it? Even if that solution was to share a bed with someone you just about tolerated?
Paring: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: mutual pining, angst
MCU tag list: @geocookie21
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary
Everyone had nightmares, they were just another part of the job. It was known that most people got them, whether they lasted a couple of days after a mission or a lifetime. It was a fact that everyone knew about but just didn’t talk about it. That sort of thing wasn’t done.
Nightmares always varied from person to person but always involved what people were working on. The lives they failed to save whether from friends, colleagues or innocent bystanders. You were used to hearing people waking up screaming or sobbing, people going to therapy but never talking to anyone else about it. But those weren’t the worst types to have. The worst was when people remembered the lives of the innocents they had taken themselves. The sounds of breaking bones and skulls shattering, children crying over the bodies of their parents begging them to wake up although you knew they never would.
The nightmares that made you question whether or not you were the heroes or the villains. The ones that made you question your own morals.
You had forgotten the last time you had gotten a decent nights last as you laid awake looking up at the ceiling. Eventually you sighed and got out of bed knowing that you’d never get back to sleep. You walked into the small kitchen of the safe house and poured yourself a glass of water.
“Couldn’t sleep either?”
You jumped at the sound of Bucky’s voice breaking the silence of the night. You turned around and saw him lounging on the sofa, the blanket half hanging off of him. You made a point of only looking directly at his face, determined not to let your eyes wander over his bare chest.
“Same to you.” You said
“Everything alright?”
“Yes. Why shouldn’t it be?”
“Heard you scream.”
You hesitated for a moment before saying quietly,
“Just nightmares, nothing new. You?”
There was a beat of silence. You looked around, uncomfortable with where this conversation was going. You never spoke to anyone about your nightmares, even trying to avoid the topic with your therapist. Sam kept telling you it was unhealthy and while you knew he was right you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Bucky
“Do you want to talk about yours?”
Bucky’s silence told you anything. You gave him a pointed look as you took you water and left the room. Just because you and Bucky were working together didn’t mean that you had to open up completely to him. Not at all.
 It was late (or early depending on who you asked) by the time you and Bucky collapsed back into the safe house. The mission took longer than both of you were expecting and all you wanted to do was curl up and sleep.
“My turn to take the sofa.” You said
Bucky had been insistent that you took the bed when you two work together. He was strangely adamant that you shouldn’t share and you guessed that it was some hangover from the nineteen forties. You had argued that it was unfair that he was forced on the sofa each night and forced him to alternate who took the bed.
“You should take the bed again,” said Bucky, “You need it more than I do.
“Don’t bullshit me,” you said, “You might be a super soldier but I saw how hard you got hit. Take the bed.”
You and Bucky glared at each other and while you were tired you weren’t about to give in.  When Bucky smirked you knew he had a plan and when he laid down on the sofa he said,
“And where will you sleep now?”
“Move please.”
“Make me.”
“If you don’t move right now I’ll sleep on top of you.”
“I don’t think you will.”
You smirked back at him before walked over and put your full bodyweight on him. Bucky groaned as you rested your head on his chest. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around you to prevent you falling off and you had to resist the urge to blush as he did so.
“You’re really stubborn you know that?” he said
“It’s one of my most endearing features.”
“You’re not moving are you?”
“Fine.” He grumbled
“Night Bucky.”
“Night y/n.”
   You opened your eyes and groaned as the bright light assaulted them. Strong arms tightened around your waist and for a brief moment you had forgotten about what happened last night. You sat up with a jolt which caused Bucky’s grip on you to slip and for you to fall to the floor. Bucky sat bolt upright before looking down at you in amusement.
“Nice night Princess?” he asked
“What time is it?” you asked
Bucky shrugged and you glared up and you hunted for your watch. When you found it you blinked, not quite believing the time.
“Well?” Bucky asked as he lay back down
“What time did we get in last night?”
Bucky shrugged
“About three.”
“It’s ten in the morning.”
“Then you’re watch is wrong.”
“No it’s not. Fuck,” you ran your fingers through your hair, “I can’t remember the last time I slept for seven hours straight.”
“That isn’t healthy.”
“Oh and you’re the person who can comment on healthy sleeping patterns.”
“Never said I was doll.”
You looked over your shoulder and glared at Bucky when he used the nickname.
“Must’ve just been because we were tired,” you muttered, “That’s it!”
Bucky didn’t sound convinced and you rolled your eyes.
“You got a better idea?” you asked
Bucky sat up and swung his legs over the side of the sofa. You rested your back against the side of the sofa and looked up at him.
“Maybe,” he said slowly, “It has something to do with last night.”
“Last night?”
“When you fell asleep in my arms.”
“Only because you were being stubborn!”
You groaned and ran a hand over your face. You looked up at Bucky and you could see the hopeful uncertainty in his eyes. A way of helping your nightmares without having to openly discuss them with anyone else.
What did you have to lose?
 “You’re taking up the whole bed!”
“No I’m not.”
“Well your leg is on my side.”
“This is a single bed. There are no sides!”
You and Bucky were back to back trying to cram into a too small bed. When it was just one of you the bed was the perfect size but it definitely wasn’t made for two people. You tried to pull some of the blanket over you but Bucky kept a firm grip on it.
“Give me some of that!”
“You have plenty.”
“Ugh,” you sat up and glared at him, “This was a stupid idea. Why did I even agree to it? Move, I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
“No, you’re not going anywhere Princess.”
“Excuse me?”
“Err,” Bucky just realised what he had said, “That came out creepier than I intended.”
“You don’t say.”
“But please, just one more night.”
You wanted to say no, you really did, but one look at his pleading gaze had you melting. You sighed and nodded. He gave you a dazzling grin as you laid back down.
“But you need to move over.” You muttered
“Don’t blame me,” came the answer, “I’m not the person you decided it was a good idea to only supply single beds.”
You shifted again and your leg brushed Bucky’s. For a brief second he pressed back against yours and you closed your eyes enjoying the sensation. You had forgotten how nice it was to sleep next to someone again even if the both of you might end up waking each other up with your nightmares. Eventually you heard Bucky sigh.
“It isn’t working like this.”
“I told you- hey!”
To your surprise Bucky didn’t get out of bed. Instead he pulled you into his arms. You were practically lying on top of him, your head resting against his chest. It was different from last time then you were half asleep but now you had never been more awake. Bucky moved so your leg slipped in between his and he rested his chin on top of your head. If anyone broke in now they’d probably mistake the two of you as a couple. You had never been more grateful that Sam had been out of the country.
“Better?” asked Bucky
“You sure? You sound a bit-“
“I’m just tired.”
“Right. Night.”
And just like the night before you had the best night’s sleep in years, safely wrapped in the arms of a highly trained killer.
 “What’s going on between you and Bucky? I left the two of you for a month and now you’re practically on top of each other.”
You couldn’t contain your blush as Sam looked at you over the rim of his coffee cup. He raised an eyebrow at your reaction and you said quickly,
“It isn’t what you think.”
“And what’ll that be.”
“We’re not sleeping with each other.”
“I mean, technically we are sleeping with each other.”
Sam, who had just taken a sip of his coffee, choked on it. He looked at you incredulously as you clarified,
“We’re not fucking. We’re literally just sharing a bed. I have absolutely no desire to have sex with Bucky Banes.”
“You’re probably one of the few people on this planet who wouldn’t.”
“Would you?”
Sam shrugged and you just rolled your eyes.
“But why? I thought you hated him.”
“I don’t hate him,” you said, “It’s just… complicated.”
“He helps… he helps with the nightmares.”
“You’re still having them.”
“Doesn’t everyone.”
“Y/n,” Sam said gently, “You need help.”
“I have a therapist.”
“Sharing a bed with Bucky isn’t going to fix things for the long run.”
“Might do.”
Sam gave you a disapproving look which you pointedly avoided. You knew deep down that he was right but you just couldn’t face talking about what had happened with anyone. You were too afraid, too paranoid, that your secrets would be leaked. That the trust you spent years rebuilding would be broken again in a heartbeat. You just weren’t ready to lose everyone again and if the solution to your problems meant Bucky then you gladly take it.
 It was strange sharing a bed with someone after all these years. Bucky usually woke up early, usually after horrific nightmares about becoming the Winter Solider again and losing control. He would spend hours lying in bed, waiting for the sun to rise and the day to start again but now things were different.
Now he had you.
How calm and peaceful you looked when you slept, how your soft breaths made him feel at peace. The way your chest rose and fell and pressed against his. Bucky had been interested in your for a while, how most people avoided you and you only seemed to speak to Sam. How you avoided him when Sam first introduced the two of you until you were forced to work together. He wouldn’t lie, he was slightly jealous of how close you were to Sam even though he knew you relationship was strictly platonic.
Just like yours and his.
That’s the two of you were, colleagues, maybe even friends, cuddle buddies as you teasingly referred to it once. That’s something Bucky noticed, how you were slowly opening up to him. Slowly you once awkward conversations turned into slight teasing and, at least on his part, slightly flirting. Just the odd comment here and there just to see you blush and stumble over your words. Bucky thought it was cute how flustered you got over simple compliments and how you shyly returned them. He enjoyed the warm feeling he got whenever you flirted back even though neither of you were serious about it.
That was it, neither of you were serious about it. Bucky enjoyed your friendship at least that was what he was hoping this is. He liked the idea of you showing him your favourite films or books, showing him your favourite places around your home city. Him teaching you about his original time period, teaching you how to dance as he pulled you close while the two of you were awake. He closed his eyes and smiled as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
The two of you just being friends.
 “Hey, a new restaurant just opened want to try it?”
“Can’t tonight Sam. I promise Buck that we’d watch Blade Runner tonight.”
“Blade Runner?”
“Yeah, never thought that he’d be a fan of Ridley Scott’s films.”
You held your mobile between your cheek and your shoulder as you put a bottle of wine in the fridge. Saturday’s were film nights between you and Bucky and you always looked forward to them. The nights when it was just the two of you curled up on your sofa. Bucky’s arm over your shoulder, a bowl of popcorn between you and an empty pizza box on the table. It was quickly becoming your favourite night of the week. You could practically hear Sam’s raised eyebrow through the phone and you quickly added,
“But I’m free tomorrow afternoon.”
“And since when did you call him Buck?”
This made you pause. You didn’t know when that change happened. It just seemed to develop gradually and seemed to fit.
“And you guys spend most nights together.”
“It helps with the nightmares.” You said quietly
“Really? You sure there isn’t another reason?”
“What are you implying?”
“Are you going out.”
“What! Sam! No! Buck and I are just friends.”
Sam didn’t sound convinced and you rubbed your eyes. You were glad that he couldn’t see your face as you could feel yourself blushing. The sound of knocking at the door gave you your escape and you jumped out of your skin when you heard it.
“Sorry Sam,” you said quickly, “Got to go.”
“Don’t think this conversation is over.”
“Ok, whatever, bye.”
You hung up and dashed towards the door. As you opened it and looked up into Bucky’s smiling face you knew the Sam’s words were going to be harder to forget than you initially thought.
 You were right, you couldn’t get Sam’s words out of your head. They echoed around as Bucky pulled you close, seemingly engrossed in the film. You were just his friend but ow you longed to be more. How you wanted his eyes to light up whenever he saw you. In hindsight this was a stupid idea, sharing a bed with someone, even in a completely non-sexual way, something was bound to happen. Even if it was just missing the warmth of someone next to you while you slept.
You rolled over so you were facing Bucky. His arms were still wrapped around you and it surprised you about how easily it was to fall asleep in his arms, even with his metal arm curled tightly around you. You raised a hand and gently traced it alone his cheekbones and along his face.
Your gaze dropped to his lips as your fingers grazed along them. How you longed to feel them pressed against yours, to have his arms around you during the day and not just to help the both of you sleep at night.
Just then Bucky shifted in his sleep and rolled over. For a sickening moment you wondered if you had accidently woken him up, however, and much to your relief, that wasn’t the case. Bucky rolled onto his back and dragged you with him. You head was resting against his chest and you smiled as you rested against it and heard the steady thump of his heartbeat. You might as well make the most of it while it lasted.
After all, this couldn’t go on forever.
You looked at Bucky as he entered your kitchen while you poured yourself a cup of tea. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders but you quickly removed yourself from his arms. These touches were becoming less platonic and more romantic especially since your conversation with Sam. You didn’t want to give Bucky the wrong impression or to get your feelings crushed.
“You ok?” he asked, “Did you sleep alright.”
“I slept fine.”
“Ok.” Bucky said slowly
You inhaled deeply as you turned so your back was facing Bucky. This was hard to do but you didn’t want to lead him on. You never meant to develop feelings for Bucky or for him to imagine that there was more to this than was originally planned.
“I think we need to talk.” You said at last
“Nothing ever good happens after those words,” Bucky said, “What’s wrong?”
You looked over your shoulder at him. Bucky was smiling softly but his eyes told a different story. Anxiety was laced inn them and you winced and looked away. You took another sip of your tea and Bucky took a step towards you. He lifted your chin and you looked in his eyes. You pulled your chin free and said,
“We need to stop this.”
“This was a stupid idea,” you said, “I never should’ve agreed to it.”
“But it’s helping.”
You walked away as Bucky quickly followed you. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. He wasn’t meant to resist, he was meant to agree and let you go. It was supposed to be easy to let go of him.
“For you maybe.” You said
“What do you?”
“They’re back Bucky. My nightmares are back.
They weren’t, they hadn’t been back for months. You couldn’t stand seeing the pained look on Bucky’s face at your lie and you felt dirty for saying it. He took a step closer but stopped when you backed away.
“Why didn’t you say anything.” He said softly
“Because it was helping you.”
“So what are you going to do now?”
“See a therapist I suppose.”
“Good. I, umm, hope it helps.”
“I’ll umm, I should be going.”
“You can stay for breakfast.”
“No,” Bucky said sharply, then winced at his tone, “No,” he repeated softly, “I should leave. I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, sure.”
It was only when the door clicked softly behind him that you allowed yourself to crumple on the ground, tears pouring down your face.
 “What’s wrong.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“Drop it Sam.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Y/n can.”
Sam saw the way Bucky flinched when he said your name. Bucky was currently lying on Sam’s sofa which almost gave Sam a heart attack when he walked into his living room that morning. It was too early to deal with whatever happened between the two of you and Sam needed at least two cups of coffee before dealing with it.
“What happened.” He asked
“Then why does it feel like you’ve come here after she dumped you.”
“She didn’t dump me.”
“So you dumped her?”
“We weren’t dating.”
“But you were sharing a bed.”
“It wasn’t like that,” Bucky put a hand over his eyes, “It was just a way coping with our nightmares, at least,” he sighed, “I thought it was.”
“Turns out she was still having them. Stopped it this morning.”
Bucky looked over at Sam who was looking slightly guilty. He sat up and glared at his friend.
“Do you know what happened?” he asked
“What do you say to her?”
“Nothing I wouldn’t say to you.”
“Which is.”
“You like her.”
“She’s my friend.”
“I mean,” Sam sighed, “You want to date her.”
“She’s my friend.”
“So? It’s obvious that you’re in love with her and she’s in love with you.”
“I don’t love her and she certainly doesn’t love me.”
“Then why are you here looking like you’re about to cry yourself to sleep after eating all my ice cream and watching shitty rom coms?”
“This was a bad idea.”
“Look, you can crash on my sofa if it makes you feel better,” said Sam, “But you need to sort this out with y/n. It’s hard enough listening to her when she talks about you.”
“She talks about me?”
The soft smile on Bucky’s face told Sam everything.
“All the fucking time.”
“What does she say?”
“Oh no,” Sam held up his hands, “You should talk to her about that.”
He heard Bucky’s groan as he collapsed back against his sofa. Sam could only hope that the two of you would stop dancing around each other and actually talk for once. He was getting tired of seeing you pine over one another.
 “So, how long has it been since your last session with me?”
You shrugged.
“You have my notes Doc. You tell me.”
You therapist hummed in acknowledgement as she wrote a note in her notepad. You closed your eyes and tried to take calming breaths. This was a bad idea.
“So, tell me, how have you been?”
“Just that?”
“It’s been a shit couple of years. Give me some credit.”
“And what about your friends. You’ve been keeping in contact with them?”
“I talk to Sam.”
“Just Sam?”
“And Bucky.”
This earned you a raised eyebrow but nothing else.
“Sam introduced us,” you explained, “Couldn’t hang out with Sam without Bucky being there.”
“And are you two close?”
“Sam and I. Yes, he’s one of my closest friends. He was the only one who stuck with me after-“
You cut yourself off as your therapist said,
“Doesn’t matter. You know what.”
“And what about you and Bucky.”
“It’s… complicated.”
“Want to elaborate.”
You were silent for a moment, weighing up your options, before you said,
“Nothing leaves this room right?”
“Of course.”
“Just making sure. We’ve been sleeping together.”
“You’ve entered a sexual relationship with the Winter Solider?”
“He’s not the Winter Solider anymore!” you exclaimed, “And no, it’s not sexual. We’ve just been sharing a bed.”
“It helps…”
“Helps with what?”
“My nightmares.”
“Y/n,” she sighed, “What did I tell you about your nightmares. If you’ve been having them you need to tell me.”
“They stopped when I was with him. Bucky helped me and I fucked up by stopping seeing him.”
“Right,” another hurried note, “And is this because you want your relationship with Bucky to become sexual.”
You flushed angrily and stood up. The therapist held your gaze before you said,
“This is over.”
As you marched out of the room you heard her call,
“Same time next week!”
 You lasted one week, one week of constant nightmares before you cracked. You grabbed your phone and debated whether or not you should call him before swallowing your pride and calling him.
Bucky answered almost immediately. You smiled through your tears as you pulled your legs up to your chest.
“What happened? Are you ok? Talk to me.”
“I killed someone.”
“Where are you.”
“In bed,” you said, “My mentor, that’s why I have these nightmares. She was a good person who fucked up. She was more like a friend than a teacher, taking me under her wing when no one else would. She never abandoned me and when she needed me the most I betrayed her.”
You took a shaky breath and continued,
“She betrayed us, SHIELD, she was selling intelligence. She was only doing it was she was being blackmailed, at least that was what she told me, but no one listened to her. Fury told me to bring her in but she wouldn’t listen. Told me that she’d rather die than be remembered as a traitor. There was a fight and I… and I…”
“Go on.”
“I stabbed her. I killed her. I held her bleeding body in my arms as she died. She told me that she’d been lying, that she wasn’t being blackmailed, that she did it for the money. This person that I had been defending with my entire being was a traitor. Afterwards nobody could look me in the eye. I don’t know if it was out of pity or mistrust. Sam was the only one who didn’t treat me any differently. He understood my pain, my conflict, he defended me. I still have nightmares of her, laughing at my foolishness as I choke the life out of her each night for the pain she put me through. Does that make me a bad person?”
“Compared to me, you’re a saint. You’re a good person who was in a difficult situation. You didn’t want to betray your friend. You’ve been hurt and you want revenge on the person who caused that. You’re not a bad person and never think that.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“You’re a good person too.”
“I think you’re one too.”
That earned you a chuckled down the phone and you found yourself smiling at the sound.
“Princess,” Bucky said, “You don’t know how wrong you are.”
“I’m a fairly good judge of character.”
“Only when you’re awake. You sound half asleep. Get some rest.”
“What about y-“
“Don’t worry about me. Just try and get some sleep.”
“Anything for you Buck.”
“Good girl.”
“Good night.”
 You hadn’t heard from Bucky for several weeks and every day you were debating on whether or not to call him. To hear his voice down the phone, for him to come over, to launch yourself into his arms and tell him how sorry you were. How you regretted ever telling him that you needed to stop this, that you missed him, that you loved him.
For the third night in a row you lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. You couldn’t get off to sleep, fears of seeing your dead mentor’s face filling you with dread. You continued with therapy and while it was helping it made you realise how much you missed Bucky. Suddenly a pounding at your door caused you to sit bolt upright. You hardly ever got any visitors especially at two in the morning.
“Y/n, y/n it’s me. Open this door. Please.”
You wasted no time in jumping out of bed and sprinting to your door. You flung it open and Bucky practically fell inside. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you into a tight hug. You walked backwards, still in Bucky’s arms, and he kicked the door closed behind him. When you felt your shoulder getting damped your eyes widened and you slowly returned the embrace.
“Bucky,” you said quietly, “What happened.”
“I kill you.”
“Well, not me, he did. I wasn’t in control but I could feel everything. I was powerless to stop him as he took you away from me. I couldn’t… I couldn’t go on without knowing that it was all a nightmare. That you’re still alive.”
“I am,” you rested your head against Bucky’s shoulder, “I am. Fuck, I’m such an idiot.”
“Don’t say that.”
“No, I am. I never should’ve stopped this but I was afraid.”
Bucky looked up and you gave him a sad smile.
“I was afraid that you wouldn’t feel the same. That I have fucked up because I never expected to get used to this. To being with you and I knew that you didn’t feel the same. That I was just your friend, so I ended it before my feelings developed any further. I thought I was saving myself from pain and I ended up just hurting both of us. I lied Bucky, my nightmares did stop when I was with you but I was afraid of getting hurt.”
You buried your head against Bucky’s chest. His arms tightened around you as he rested his chin on top of your head.
“You have no idea,” he said at last, “How painful it has been to wake up in an empty bed. To know that you were out there and possibly in pain. That I was using you to actually fall asleep while you were in pain.”
“I hurt you though. I was selfish.”
“And I was being selfish as well.”
“No you weren’t.”
“Yes I was.”
“No you weren-“
You didn’t get to finish your sentence. Bucky had lifted your chin and pressed his lips against yours. You froze in his embrace. Of all the times you imagined kissing Bucky you never thought it would be with tears covering your face and on the verge of completely breaking down. When you weren’t returning the kiss Bucky reluctantly broke it. He moved away and opened his mouth but you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him back. You felt him smile against your lips and when you broke it gasping for air he rested his forehead against yours.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He said quietly
“I think I have some idea,” you said, “Forgive me?”
You relaxed and smiled up at him.
“Good. Now let’s get back to bed.”
“Princess, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
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A Story (Alec Volturi x Reader)
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You opened your eyes, sitting up straight. Your back was stiff. You were in your bathtub, fully clothed, soaked. The bathwater threatening to spill over and freezing. You frowned. “I need to stop drinking.” You grumbled before rolling out of the tub. You groaned, too sore to even consider standing up. You’d clean the mess later. You crawled into your bedroom before flopping onto the floor. This had to be the last time you drank, it had to be. Better ignoring that you definitely could have drowned, since you were so intoxicated that you tried to take a bath and didn't even take off your clothes. You couldn’t even remember the night before so really, it wasn’t worth it. Whilst you didn’t have a headache, thankfully, you just felt tired...and cold. Phone, where was it? You groaned, a sudden feeling you had left it in the bathroom. You didn't see it around your room and it wasn't in any pockets thankfully. With a sigh, you figured you couldn’t avoid the day any longer, although it would be very nice to try. Regardless, you slowly got up and trudged back into the bathroom. 
Your phone was on the floor, next to the bath. A couple of water droplets lay on the screen but remained undamaged...although it had twenty percent battery left. You had two missed calls from Alice. You checked your texts to find none. You decided to call Carlisle who picked up after two rings.  “Hello?”  “Carlisle, it’s (Y/N).” You said.  “Hello, are you okay?”  “Yeah, i’m good. I just...do you know if i was drinking last night?” Carlisle seemed amused. “No, why?”  “Oh, no reason. I just, woke up weird and tired.”  “Im sure you could have done that without alcohol.”You could hear his smile in his voice. You hummed in amusement.  “Are you coming to visit today?”  “Yeah, I can do that.”  “I just wanted to check since you said you would yesterday?” Carlisle responded. “I did? I must have forgotten but yeah, i can do that. I’ll come over later. I’m going to take a nap first, okay?”  “Alright, I’ll see you soon.”  “Bye, Carlisle.” 
When you arrived at the Cullen’s, they seemed as though they were waiting.  “The Volturi are coming to visit.” Carlisle informed you.  “The who?” You made a face of confusion.  “The Volturi.”  “I’m going to assume thats some vampire friends i don’t know about.” You shrugged. Carlisle turned to you with a look of confusion of his own. “You’ve-” He paused. Carlisle's eyes widened, a sickening thought rushed through him. Panic rushed through Carlisle realising the likelihood of his thought become more and more likely. "Stay here for a while. We have guests, I believe you'll have met them before." Carlisle swallowed hard trying not to scare you. You lightly shrugged. 
A group of seven arrived, all dressed in black and grey with cloaks, varying in the same colours. You could tell they were an older coven with how they moved. You were given their names and noted the odd looks they gave you. You figured it was down to being human, you were a big no-no from what you remember. "Do you know these people?" Carlisle asked you before putting his hand into Aro's in a weird bizarre handshake. You shook your head. "No. We haven't met." Carlisle inhaled.
This made Esme step towards you. "(Y/N), why don't you help me in the kitchen?" She smiled. "Carlisle will get our guests settled in before you make their acquaintance." You nodded. "Sure thing, Esme." Without a second glance you turned, heading for the kitchen, Esme sending Carlisle a glance. 
Half an hour passed and Esme led you to the living room where the Volturi awaited your presence. Your eyes immediately shot to Carlisle, nervous about meeting his friends but he nodded in encouragement. The leader in the middle was the first to greet you. "You must be young (Y/N), we've heard so much about you. We are delighted to meet you. My name is Aro." "Hi...it's nice to meet you too." You nodded. He held out a hand and you hesitantly reached out thinking it was a handshake. Instead, he cradled your hand in his own briefly. A flicker of an unrecognisable emotion passing his face before his wide smile returned. "These are my brothers, Caius and Marcus." The two men beside him nodded to you and you offered them shy smiles. He gestured to who you were told were their guards. "This is Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix." You nodded. "Hi." You said nervously as the four nodded at you. Later that night you huddled into your seat. "So you guys have been around for a long time?" You asked looking over the Volturi members. "Yes. Quite." Aro smiled slightly. "Do you guys have any good stories? Surely you've got at least one after all this time." The Volturi looked around amongst each other, Marcus kept his head down whilst the Cullen's looked around uncertain of how to continue the conversation. Marcus spoke up, meeting your gaze. "I have a story. It was quite some time ago but I believe it's one our coven cherishes." All eyes were on Marcus, uncertain just what he was doing. However, you seemed pleased. "I'd love to hear it...if you're willing to tell it." "I believe it would be a good one to tell." Marcus nodded. "This is a story about a human we once knew, one who after all this time will continue to be very special to us." 
(Y/N) caught Alec in their sights as he approached the door to the spare bedroom. "Alec!" They cried out with a grin. "You're here!" "So are you." Alec said peeking around the door. "What are you doing here? You don't live here." Alec couldn't help the amused smirk building upon his face as he watched (Y/N) struggle to reach for something on top of the closet. "I'm visiting but...! I can't reach my folder! I left it here the last time I stayed over. It has all my documents in there." With a defeated sigh, (Y/N) began to drag themselves down the closet doors. "I'd offer my assistance but I don't think I can't do anything without damaging furniture." Alec pondered. Alec's eyes suddenly glinted, clearly having an idea. "Come here." Alec bent down. "What am I doing?" They asked with confusion. "You're going to sit on my shoulders and I'll lift you up." Alec responded. (Y/N) made a noise of protest but couldn't think of a reason why. They couldn't necessarily tell him you were too heavy, tall or would hurt him given Alec was inhumanly strong. "...Promise you won't drop me?" They asked him. Alec looked unimpressed. "I have no reason to drop you now, come on." (Y/N) whined quietly in defeat once again moving to Alec. 
As they got into position they looked down at him nervously. "You're sure I won't hurt you?" (Y/N) asked and Alec rolled his eyes, wrapping his hands around their ankles and standing up with ease. (Y/N) squealed, although it seemed Alec was right. He wouldn't drop them. "Oh it's all the way at the back, I bet Emmett did that. Can you take a step forward please?" Alec complied and suddenly the folder was in arm's length. (Y/N) grabbed it. "Thank you!" "Did you know that it's very likely you couldn't get down now that I have a hold of your ankles?" Alec smirked and (Y/N)’s smile of accomplishment vanished. "You'd get tired quickly." They retorted. "Would I? Shall we see how long I last?" Alec responded. "If you don't put me down, I'll eventually pee on you. It's inevitable." Alec immediately pulled a face of disgust, crouching back down and letting (Y/N) stand up.  "So are you visiting the Cullen's or have you broke in? Oh! Oh! Did you run away from the Volturi and so have sought shelter with the Cullen's?" They asked. He scoffed. "My coven is visiting to check the progress of the hybrid." Alec answered. 
Later that night, (Y/N) and Alec were outside, sitting on the Cullen's balcony floor. "Why do you need those? Those documents?" Alec asked turning his head towards them. "Oh, it's just stuff to keep the state happy. It's documents saying that Carlisle is my emergency contact and stuff, he's my legal guardian though I'm not living with him. I'm in contact with him frequently and he gives me money for my house. All of that stuff. Boring really." "You still haven't been in contact with your parents?" Alec asked and (Y/N) smiled at him sadly before shaking their head. "You should reach out, (Y/N). The argument was a typical one. They have no reason to hold a grudge against their own child for this long over something so trivial." "It's a little more complicated than that. Although I guess deep down, I like to think that maybe I do have their forgiveness." They admitted. "You didn't do anything wrong. Besides, for the last option, you could always make them forget the argument ever happened and avoid the topic forever." Alec smirked at (Y/N) who playfully shoved him. "Thanks Alec." They said with sarcasm. "It'll be okay, I assure you." Alec said to them. "They'll come around if they aren't already waiting for you to come back to them." 
(Y/N)’s gift was phenomenal. Unique but dangerous due to its impact. They could make people forget things, everything really. Whether it were, events memories or thoughts, none of them were exempt. The only person it didn't work on was themselves. Since meeting the Cullen's and eventually Alec, (Y/N) had better control of their gift making them a very tempting addition to Aro's collection. Although that was still very much in discussion. Whilst they'd have to be changed at some point, it wasn't consensus that they were to join the Volturi. As a matter of fact, it was highly debated among both covens instead. 
"You talk about my ability like you can trust me with it. I'm still learning, you could be forgotten at any time." Alec chuckled. "First of all, it doesn't work on yourself. Secondly, you don't forget someone like me." Alec's smile faded. "Not for good reasons, might I add." "Good reasons for me... you've been nicer to me lately." (Y/N) said. "I'm trying...it's not your fault you're human." Alec smirked slightly. (Y/N) narrowed your eyes on him playfully. "It's all I can ask." Alec wasn't the most open individual nor the kindest. He certainly had nothing nice to say about (Y/N) when they first met. Although over time, he gradually warmed up to them- even if it was reluctantly. Now (Y/N) felt like Alec understood them better than anyone in the world and accepted them. It made their bond to him stronger than most bonds could ever be. (Y/N) was confident that a piece of them would always be connected to Alec, nothing could divide them from him.
None of the Volturi really understood why Carlisle had a form of guardianship over (Y/N) and what a conflict with their parents actually meant for them to no longer be around their parents. Whilst the Volturi wanted to respect their privacy, it was important to them if (Y/N) were to become a vampire eventually. It was necessary to have the details. Although even being close with Alec didn't give them any answers as (Y/N) never told him any complete details. 
There was an argument about (Y/N) wanting to be independent, treated less like a child and since then, they hadn't been near them since. Whilst this seemed logical that (Y/N) left, it didn't make sense why their parents hadn't reached out to them in so long. So much so (Y/N) was convinced that they couldn't be forgiven. 
Marcus asked (Y/N) about their parents when talking one night. "Do they know about your gift?" He asked. (Y/N) wanted to wince at the reference of their ability being a 'gift' when there was very little actually pleasant about it. "No, they don't. I never told them and after that argument, I guess I had made up my mind they could never know."  "Do you miss them?" Marcus asked. "I try to forget about them if I'm honest." (Y/N) answered. This response made Marcus tilt his head slightly. They looked at him, really scrutinizing him. Marcus was the most kind and gentle of the Volturi leaders. (Y/N) couldn't help but trust him, especially after he came to defence of their friendship with Alec to anyone who questioned it. Marcus had always made it clear that the bond Alec shared with them was undeniable. "Can I tell you the full story?" "If you wish." Marcus said quietly. 
(Y/N) could remember the moment that their house stopped being your home. Everything was as it always had been. Signs of life, nothing missing from it's usual place. However, it was no longer welcoming as it had been before. Even the photographs of (Y/N) and their family, scattered around the place. Things were different now. Instead of a family, there were just memories of one. It took some time for (Y/N) to understand how their gift worked. Although they were forced to learn the hard way. (Y/N) had been arguing with their parents when (Y/N) said something about forgetting (Y/N) ever existed. Their parents did. They never had any children by that name. Nor had they ever seen (Y/N) before. All memories of them gone in a matter of moments. From then on (Y/N) could only see their parents from a distance, outside their house. Their parents wondered why they had pictures with the strange person in their house and got rid of them too. "I wanted to remember every inch of them as they were. Their eyes, nose, mouth, hair. Every tiny detail, because I knew after today. I'd never see them again." (Y/N) told Marcus. "Why are you so determined to pretend this didn't happen rather than embrace it and carry on?" Marcus asked. There was a moment of silence. Neither of the two looking at one another. "You rejected Corin's gift when offered comfort after your loss. Why?" (Y/N) responded. Marcus thought about the answer but it didn't require much thought. He had spent decades thinking about that decision and why he made it. "Because I wanted to feel the pain. I didn't want to feel content about her death." (Y/N) thought over his answer before replying, sadness almost radiating from them. "See that's where you and I differ. I want nothing more than to forget." Their voice was quieter as they looked down at their hands. It was safe to say, Alec was furious at (Y/N) when he found they had left out such an important detail when it came to why their parents didn't speak to them. (Y/N) had more than one chance to tell him and they didn't. It felt like a betrayal, like they had lied. Alec only ever asked (Y/N) to be honest with him, no secrets. This secret was a pretty big one at the very least. (Y/N), on the other hand, didn't think anything wrong with that. They were allowed some privacy like every other person. They were sure Alec didn't tell them everything so why should they share something they simply hadn't been ready to speak about until that moment. It was how the argument had began and it seemed the more defensive (Y/N) got, the more angry Alec became. 
"This isn't a big deal, you're making something out of nothing!" (Y/N) said with exasperation. "It is something, (Y/N)! You didn't trust me with the full story and you told Marcus! Even Carlisle knew!" "Carlisle had to know!" (Y/N) argued back. "If he didn't I'd have been taken by social services! I told Marcus because I was ready to talk about it and I knew he wouldn't make a big deal out of it! It was nothing to do with trust!" Alec scoffed sending them a sneer. That was when their anger had begun to really build. "Am I honestly supposed to believe that you tell me everything!?" (Y/N) snapped. "That's different! There are parts of my life that aren't necessary and would only scare you." "Like your complete lack of trust and hatred towards humans for being burned at the stake? Like the dark, twisted things you and your coven have done in the name of justice?" "You don't know what you're talking about." Alec said icily. "You're just a little human who thinks they know everything when they know nothing. I have given you no reason not to trust me-" "Alec, I didn't do anything to you! Ever! I didn't accuse you of witch craft! So what did I ever do to you like the rest of the human population!?" Alec laughed darkly. "Of course, you wouldn't understand. How could I expect you to? You're only human." 
(Y/N) was stunned into silence before fury took over them. "You are cold." (Y/N) said, anger and disgust in their eyes. "Cold and empty. So empty you have to suck out the life of everyone around you to feel even an ounce of emotion. Perhaps that is what your village  saw in you! Perhaps that's what Aro sees in you! A monster just like the rest of your coven!" (Y/N) looked taken aback by their own words, stunned. When they saw the look of growing rage upon Alec's face, they knew they had done it again. Like they had with your parents, they lashed out with hurtful words they didn't mean. Alec was very hurt. (Y/N) knew by the emotion overpowering his stoic gaze. "I'm so sorry." (Y/N) whispered, their anger rushing away as they began to feel nothing but guilt. The look Alec gave (Y/N) could kill but instead he began to walk by them. (Y/N) reached out for him, grabbing his hand. "Alec, wait-" They began but gasped as they immediately felt cold numbness crawl up their arm. Alec roughly tore their hand off him and they were so caught off guard that they didn't even notice the slight pain you felt within their fingers. Suddenly (Y/N) felt like they were on fire. 
(Y/N) screamed, collapsing to the ground, seeing Jane was now beside her brother. The two watched (Y/N) scream without sympathy. "So that's how you really feel." Jane said simply. Alice and Carlisle were quick to rush by the twins and towards (Y/N). "Enough! Not in my house!" Carlisle barked.  The pain stopped, only (Y/N)’s hysterical crying being heard. "I didn't mean it!" They cried out as Alice pulled them into a hug, hushing them. "It's okay." She told (Y/N). "You're okay."
It was obvious that all the Cullen's and the Volturi knew what had happened and surprisingly enough the Volturi also seemed rather angry by (Y/N)’s outburst. Alec had made it known, (Y/N) wasn’t worth his time. (Y/N)’s true feelings had finally come to light. Yet none of the Volturi seemed to believe them when they said it wasn't true. Despite knowing (Y/N) sometimes said things they didn't mean. The last time they had seen their parents being one of them. 
It had been Marcus that suggested the two covens separated for the night for some space. Especially since the Volturi hadn't fed yet. However, much to (Y/N)’s surprise, someone of the Volturi had phoned the Cullen's. Whoever it was, was asking on the leaders behalf how they were. If (Y/N) had to guess it was Marcus. If they were hopeful, Alec would want to know too. (Y/N) stared at Carlisle, who stood at the entrance way. "Marcus wants to know if you're okay." Carlisle said. "However I'm not entirely sure what to tell him. So, how are you (Y/N)?" (Y/N) slowly met his eyes. They looked exhausted from how upset they had been. "Tell him what he wants to hear. Tell him that I'm fine." Their voice croaked slightly. "I don't think I can do that." Carlisle said softly. "Why?" (Y/N) responded flatly. "You're asking me to lie for you." Carlisle replied. "He thinks I'm a monster. So it's better he thinks that way." Carlisle began to protest but Esme appeared with the phone. "Would you be willing to speak to him?" Carlisle asked, taking the phone from Esme. Even as Carlisle put it on speaker, Marcus asked if (Y/N) was alright. He even acknowledged that Jane's behaviour wasn't necessary. Somewhat of an apology. However (Y/N) stayed put, simply staring at the phone. After another few moments of silence, Carlisle took the phone off speaker before putting the phone to his ear. "My apologies, Marcus. I don't think they're feeling well enough to come to the phone right now. They appreciate your concern." "Of course, Carlisle." Marcus responded. "I thought it best to express my concern given Jane's gift." Marcus lifted his gaze to the twins, Jane looking indifferent whilst Alec's eyes were latched onto Marcus. "Emotions are high right now, would you appreciate our return tomorrow?" "Of course." Carlisle responded. "I'm going to keep (Y/N) here over night to keep an eye on them but I'm sure they will be just fine." After some more conversation, Marcus bid farewell and hung up the phone. 
He turned to Alec. "I assure you, they didn't mean it." "That doesn't matter." Caius snapped. "They still said it." Marcus turned his gaze to Caius. "You suffer from the same flaw Caius. If anyone should be understanding, it's you." "Why should I take the time to understand? They're human. That's a waste of energy." Marcus turned back to Alec. "Trust me. I'd know if there were any truth in their words." 
"They're coming back tomorrow?" (Y/N) whispered. Carlisle nodded. "We can take you home before they get here if you like. However, I feel more comfortable keeping an eye on you tonight after..." Carlisle trailed off but (Y/N) knew. After Jane used her ability on them. (Y/N) nodded. They were given the option to stick around the next day. Although (Y/N) declined, deciding they'd go home instead. 
"I'll drop you off." Alice said brightly in attempt to keep the mood light. "Thanks." (Y/N) said quietly. Alice, Carlisle and Esme went quiet. "Let's go out the front." Alice smiled. "I'll go and get my keys and meet you at the car okay?" (Y/N) nodded. "Sure." "Come and visit tomorrow." Esme nodded to them with a smile, bringing (Y/N) into a hug. "Okay." They responded quietly, offering her a small brief smile before heading out the door. 
Just as the door shut behind (Y/N), the Volturi moved into the living room after being let in by Jasper. Carlisle was quick to welcome them. Before they could ask, Carlisle explained whilst Alice passed by with her keys in hand. "Alice will be back shortly. She's taking (Y/N) home." 
Alice grinned at (Y/N) as she walked down the path. "Alright, ready to go?" Even now she was trying to keep the mood light. (Y/N) nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for the ride." "Of course!" Alice responded. (Y/N) kept their eyes on her, not daring to look at the house until they were in the car. 
Two days passed and Alec still wasn't speaking to )Y/N). Although (Y/N) figured it would have been best if they were the one to reach out to him given the situation as well as knowing Alec wasn't necessarily one to do any kind of approaching unless it were to kill them. (Y/N) found him alone and decided that was a better opportunity than any. He sat his his back to them, seemingly reading in Carlisle's study. "Alec?" (Y/N) asked quietly. They didn't receive a response, not even the turn of his head. He remained unmoving. "Could we talk for a minute? I want to apologise again. I didn't mean it but I still said it and I shouldn't have. It was an awful thing to say and I'm so sorry." Their words still didn't earn even the turn of Alec's head. "I can't stand not talking to you." (Y/N) began. "You're my best friend and I miss you. I want to make it up to you. To show you that I’m sorry and that I'd never think such a thing of you." (Y/N) still received no response. They sighed. "I don't know what to do here." "What makes you think you can do anything?" Alec's voice was cold. Although (Y/N) considered it progress. Especially as he turned around to look at (Y/N). His face was unforgiving, gaze piercing and his mouth in a tight line. "We both know I'm going to hurt you regardless." Suddenly he was standing and slowly moving towards them. (Y/N) took a step back. "You're scaring me." They said, trying to maintain the distance. He looked at (Y/N) like he did everyone else. He looked at them like he wanted them to burn as he did, like (Y/N) deserved more than he ever did. Alec looked like he most certainly would hurt them or even kill them. "I didn't mean it!" (Y/N) pleaded. "I'm sorry!" Alec glared at (Y/N). "It was my fault. It won't happen again." (Y/N) faltered. "What?" “It’s my fault for thinking you were different from any other disgusting wretched human!” Alec had most certainly returned the favour, his words cut (Y/N) to the core. They felt tears well up in their eyes. "Get out." Alec snarled and they did. Without question. 
Another day or so passed and (Y/N) had an idea of how to fix all of it. Once again, (Y/N) waited until he was alone, this time he was outside by the tree line before the woods. "I'm mad at myself too, you know." (Y/N) began, crossing your arms over your chest. "I felt the same way when I made my parents forget about me. The confusion and fear they had to see someone claim to be their child, have photographs with them but have no recollection of them ever existing. I was so angry with myself for saying what I did and I'm even more angry that I did it again but this time to you. I meant what I said Alec. You're my best friend. What I'm trying to say is that I get it, if you hate me. I understand. Although I really do want to try anything I can to make this up to you." His back was still towards (Y/N). "You won't even look at me." (Y/N) said quietly. Alec turned to look at them with an empty stare. "Alec..." (Y/N) trailed off. "I want you to forget this happened." "What?" Alec's eyes narrowed on them. "I want you to be happy. I never wanted to hurt you. So I want you to forget-" "No!" Alec covered his ears and shut his eyes tightly. "Alec, look at me." (Y/N) stepped closer. "No! Get back!" Alec yelled. That was when Carlisle hurried in between them both. "What is it?" Carlisle asked, looking between them both. "They're trying to make me forget!" "It's better this way!" (Y/N) pleaded to Carlisle. "I never meant for any of this and it's hurting him! I can fix it!" "(Y/N), I want you to listen to me very carefully." Carlisle began, blocking them from Alec. “These thoughts, these memories, they don’t belong to you. They are not yours to take." "I-" (Y/N) struggled to respond. Feeling both the eyes of Alec and Carlisle on them. Carlisle put his hands on their shoulders. "This isn't the way." "I can't believe you!" Alec spat. "This is how you want to make it up to me? Wipe my memory and pretend it never happened!?" (Y/N) could see the hatred in Alec's eyes. Any second chance he had considered was long gone. 
In that moment (Y/N) gave in. They knew they couldn't fix it. (Y/N) couldn't make it up to him and he wasn't willing to forget. It was over. Jane was the first to storm up to (Y/N) when they came back into the house. She was immediately held back and to their surprise she didn't use her gift.  However, she did rant that they were lucky she couldn't slap you at the very least. Although she didn't need to. (Y/N) was suffering enough. They didn't look at anyone, instead walking out the front door. Alec and Carlisle entered the house, Alec yelling in outrage. Carlisle simply wasn't listening to him. His eyes immediately searching for (Y/N). "They left...what happened?" Rosalie asked. Carlisle said nothing, rushing out the door after (Y/N). 
It was night time and most certainly not safe for them to walk home alone but they were determined to. Tears running down their cheeks, arms crossed over their chest as they briskly walked down the road. "(Y/N)!" They heard Carlisle call out behind them. (Y/N) didn't respond, continuing to walk away. Suddenly Carlisle was behind them, tugging them back. "(Y/N), it's not safe out here. Come back inside, we can figure-" "No!" (Y/N) shouted back. "Get off of me! I'm going home!" "Let me take you home then, come back to the car." Carlisle said. "I'm not going back in there! I’ve lost everything! It's my fault! I lost my friend, I lost my parents and there's no one else to blame but myself!" (Y/N) yelled. "(Y/N), you are a wonderful person with a remarkable gift. You just need some guidance. We can help you, just come back. I'll take you home!" Carlisle pleaded. "You know what the cruel part about my gift is Carlisle?" (Y/N) said significantly more quiet, an eerie calmness taking over them. "I can't use it on myself. I can make everyone around me forget anything but the one who wants to forget the most is me." (Y/N) took a step forward. "Can you take me home please?" Carlisle nodded. 
Outside (Y/N)’s house, Carlisle pulled over. "Come to the house tomorrow. We'll have something figured out by morning." (Y/N) sighed before nodding. "Alright, I'll do it." "This will improve, (Y/N). We'll talk things over with them." Carlisle assured them. "Yeah, just at what cost?" (Y/N) mumbled. "I lost my friend. Alec will never speak to me again." "You don't know that." Carlisle responded hurriedly. "I do." (Y/N) said. "I'm just going to sleep this off. I'll see you tomorrow." 
(Y/N) decided to run a bath later that night. Kneeling on the floor they turned on the tap which began to fill the tub. They felt the weight of every decision they had made on their body and no longer could they even cry about it. Whilst (Y/N) thought a bath would be best, they didn't really care about it being too warm or too cold. As a matter of fact, they didn't think further than the action itself. 
"They hurt me." Alec ground out. Marcus wanted Alec to see reason. Not only that, Marcus wanted Alec to admit the reality of the situation and not hide from it. It was of no surprise to him considering (Y/N) was the first proper friend Alec had, the closest anyone had ever come to the twins. "Just as you hurt them." Marcus replied. "You've hurt many people, Alec. (Y/N) is one of many on that list. Yet regardless, they want you in their life. They want your friendship. You want to punish them but you don't realise they've already punished themselves. More so than is necessary. Furthermore, you aren't just punishing (Y/N), you're punishing yourself. I know you want to be their friend but you won't let yourself." "They-" "You're torturing yourself as much as your torturing them." Marcus said simply. "I think they frightened you, boy. I think you forgave them the minute they said it and that frightened you." Alec didn't have a response. As much as he tried. He couldn't tell Marcus he was wrong because he wasn't. "I can't trust them." Alec responded. "You can. You simply won't. They said awful things but still want you in their life. Apologizing the minute it was said. You've never experienced that and it bothers you that it makes it difficult to act in your usual response." "I don't know how." Alec said after a moment of silence. "I don't know how to show that I care about them and I don't know how to show it when I forgive them. I'm so used to pushing people away that...I don't know how to let people in." "You tell them." Marcus responded. "Even if it means you need to say it to yourself first. Put down the weight of the past. Even if it's only for them." Silence filled the room. "I forgive them." Alec said under his breath, it was quiet, barely audible but there none the less. 
Alice tilted her head, staring at nothing in particular. “What is it Alice?” Jasper asked. “I think i should check on (Y/N).” She responded. “I can’t be sure but i think something is wrong.”  “They’re upset.” Carlisle responded. “Do you suspect they’re in danger?” Alice tilted her head again. “I don’t think so. It’s hard to tell, I see them and then it just goes black.”  “Why not give them a call?” Esme asked lightly. Alice nodded, immediately going for her phone. 
(Y/N)’s phone buzzed beside them, as they sat and watched the running tap. It was a text from Bella, telling them that Jake and the pack were around the area, making sure they knew the Volturi wouldn’t come within their vicinity for the night. (Y/N) was about to respond when they got a phone call from Alice.  “Hello?” (Y/N) answered.  “Hi (Y/N), I just wanted to check in with you since things didn’t end too well tonight.” They paused and Alice noticed. “They’re just leaving now for the night.” Alice said, locking eyes with Alec as the Volturi moved towards the door.  “I’ll be fine.” (Y/N) responded.  “I... thought i had a vision of you but, I couldn’t see anything.” (Y/N) smiled slightly with a hum of amusement. “You don’t need to look out for me, Alice. I’m just going to go for a bath and head to bed.”  “Are you sure?” Alice asked.  “Of course. Besides, I’ve already began running the water...as you know.” Alice hummed quietly in amusement. “This will be fixed tomorrow.” (Y/N) swallowed. “I know.” (Y/N) said quietly.  “It’s a good sign they want to see you, you know?” Alice said.  “I can only hope.” They said simply.  “Anyway, get some sleep and i’ll speak to you tomorrow, yeah?”  “Yeah, have a good night Alice.”  “See you tomorrow, (Y/N).” 
When (Y/N) hung up the phone, a tear ran down their cheek. ‘disgusting wretched human!’ Alec’s voice rang in their head. (Y/N) put their phone on the floor next to them. (Y/N) felt their clothes stick to them as they sank into the water, leaning back in the bath. The calm luke-warm water peaceful, like their mind. (Y/N) felt a tear run down their cheek. (Y/N) shook their head biting back their tears. Before any more could fall, (Y/N) slowly sank underneath the water. After a brief moment,(Y/N) sat up, their hair dripped as they felt another wave of calm wash over them. (Y/N) noticed a reflection of the ceiling along the water. An idea rushed to their mind and that was when they knew, what they had to do. (Y/N) hunched over slightly, arms moving to the edge of the tub, more droplets falling down the sides. They looked at their reflection.  “You’re going to forget. You’re going to forget the Volturi, forget what happened. You’ll forget ever meeting them. You’re going to forget that you have a gift to make people forget things. You won’t think to even question it. If it’s brought up. It’ll be like a dream, or story that you made up. You’ll forget ever using it, you wont remember to question why your parents aren't around.” It wasn’t known when (Y/N) had stopped repeating those very words. Although it wouldn’t concern them, they’d forgotten they had ever done it. "If only (Y/N) would have waited. If only we were quicker. Then maybe we would have had the time to tell them that they were forgiven. That for some of us, there was nothing to forgive. Maybe if we had spent more thought, we'd have known how much hurt they truly felt. However by then, it was too late what was done was done. They'd forgotten who we were, forgotten what they had done and all the details in between, washed away by their gift. We'd never know if such a gift could be reversed but could only hope that they've found peace and happiness. They'd live out their life, never knowing the happiness they gave and the joy they spread to many."  Marcus finished.
Many in the room couldn't help but glance at you, wanting to see your reaction. Perhaps a flicker of recognition would show. Your head lowered and the two covens seemed almost hopeful. You lifted your head, wiping your eyes. "That's sad. I hoped for a happy ending." A pang hit some of their chests, that statement had remained the same even before you had forgotten. A quiet hum escaped you. "You know it's strange, you said the humans name was (Y/N). My name is (Y/N) too." "Oh?" Marcus responded lightly with a ghost of a smile. You nodded. "It's a funny coincidence, I suppose." You looked at Marcus with uncertainty. "I feel like I should hug you...?" You began. Marcus cracked a small smile. "That's alright." Marcus stood up and you met him half way.  The room was quiet, even after you both separated. 
You moved into the kitchen to refill your glass of water when you jumped. Alec was so quiet you had no clue he was even in there. "You scared me!" You laughed, a hand going to your chest. "Sorry." Alec felt a pang in his chest, remembering how tried to apologise to him and he completely rejected you. This time you were apologizing for nothing. In your eyes, you had apologised to a complete stranger and that broke Alec's heart. He wished he could turn back time, assure you that you were forgiven, that you'd always be his friend. He missed that chance, you got so good at your own gift you figured out a way to use it on yourself. "Alec, yeah?" You asked. Alec nodded. "I'm getting better at names." You smirked, pleased with yourself. "The human in Marcus' story was your friend right?" You asked nonchalantly as you filled your glass. "Yes." Alec responded. "Can I ask you something?" You turned, now with a full glass with a small smile on your face. Alec knew that smile well that you had sent him. It was the polite smile you wore to anyone you didn't know. In the hopes that it would cover up how nervous you actually are about meeting new people. "Yes." Alec said again, not entirely ready for the question but whatever it was, it meant you'd stay in the conversation. For all he knew, that last conversation he'd have with you. "Were they nice? Your friend?" You might as well have stabbed him in the chest in that moment. Alec did his best to hide it. "They were wonderful. The best friend I could have ever had." Alec responded. You slowly nodded, contemplating his answer. "That's nice. Anyway, I won't bother you anymore." You smiled, raising your glass. "See you around." You turned and walked out the room without even a second glance. Leaving Alec standing in the kitchen, alone once again. Jane moved passed (Y/N), casting them a quick look before entering the kitchen towards her brother. She said nothing as Alec looked at her. For what could she honestly say? "They forgot me." Alec said quietly.
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vicious-vixxxen · 4 years
Could I request older, pro-hero Deku with a chubby male s/o who gets ridiculed because people don't think someone of his size is good enough for the Number One hero
((Ah I may have gotten a little too deep with this one, so apologies nonnie in advance for the angst. Topics like this relate a lot to me personally. So here ya go.))
Izuku Midoriya x Chubby!Male!Reader
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“That’s...such /bullshit/,” You huffed, fist clenched into the folds of the magazine, before flicking it across the kitchen with a huff- tears already stinging at the corner of your eyes as it landed split open- your face plastered over the centerfold article. ‘Is #1 Pro Hero Deku’s Husband /TOO/ big?’ The article practically shouted up at you- big, bold red letters smeared over your face, hiding the smile you’d had that night. You’d managed to secure a spot at one of Izuku’s favorite restaurants- mostly by promising the owner you’d be in and out of there within half an hour- he wasn’t the type to fawn too heavily over Pro Hero work, so ‘Deku’ being your husband didn’t hold much weight with him. But you’d been excellent patrons of his since they’d opened, in your second year of high school together. So you managed with what seniority you held. And seeing as how Izuku had only been able to snag thirty minutes between patrols, it was the perfect opportunity to scarf down a quick bite, and chat in- what you thought had been- the privacy of one of the uppermost floors of the establishment. But of course, sleazy as they were, the paparazzi had found a way to catch the both of you eating. A little too fast, a little too messily, just to be able to enjoy the atmosphere together, and have ample room to chat with one another before Izuku had to get back to his patrols. Which was fine, for Pro Hero Deku- six foot seven inches tall, two hundred and ten pounds of pure, lean machine muscle. The epitome of health and wellness, and what it meant to be strong. Able. And then there was you. A little too soft around the sides, cheeks /too/ plump/. Stomach /too/ pudgy. Thighs /too/ thick. God, you looked like a pig, food smeared on your chin, a bowl between you and your husband. ‘I guess we know where his priorities really lie’ the magazine quoted, from some random asshole on the street no doubt. Jesus Christ. “Bunch of fucking assholes.” You were angry. Of course you were angry. Fists held over your eyes to keep the tears at bay. But you were sad too. So, so fucking sad that this shit kept happening. Izuku’s management tried and failed countless times to keep shit like this from spreading. But people loved a good slam piece, as much as they adored seeing Deku’s latest accomplishments splashed across every newspaper, and TV report. Sick fucks. Whatever. Water under the bridge, you told yourself. Throat feeling tight, eyes burning with unshed tears, as you took a few deep breaths, and headed back towards your bedroom. Turning out lights in the house as you went, before stripping and crawling into bed. Thoughts running a mile a minute, as you stared up at the ceiling in silence. The only real noise the quiet sound of a car or two passing the house every now and again. You couldn’t help the way your open palms slid against your chest. Pressing, and kneading at the soft, pillowy flesh of your sides, and stomach. Grimacing at yourself, you recalled how fit you used to be during your high school days. What a dynamic you and Izuku had. Fresh on the scene after high school, no one could compare to the two of you. Kiri and Katsuki came close, but never quite managed the spark you and Izuku had. Professionally speaking. But Izuku just kept climbing higher, and higher- your quirk was good, but limited in its capabilities, which meant a halt in your hero placement a year or two after graduation. But you did what you could. You helped people because you wanted to help people, ratings be damned. But the harder Izuku worked, the more help he needed managing the world that came with climbing to number one. So you patrolled less and less, in favor of working with his design team on costume upgrades. Merchandise. Izuku trusting you and Inko to work directly with his management team, as he knew you all shared a hive mind of sorts when it came to design, and marketing. Pro Hero life for Deku was saving people. Kissing babies, and countless interviews. It was grueling, and tiresome, and he needed a team behind him to take care of everything else. So that’s what you did. Long hours spent at home alone, working through the night on various Deku projects. Meant less patrols, less gym time. You had no need for those things when you were kept busy with Izuku’s team, and you did good work! Fuck, you did great work, and Izuku praised you nonstop. Sure you’d gained a little weight at first, but it looked good on you. At least you thought so. And so did Izuku, if the way he drooled all over the expanse of your thighs the first time you’d gotten a night alone in nearly a month was any indication.   But as time progressed, you cared a little less about your appearance each day. You took care of yourself, and you were far from unhealthy. But there was no denying you had filled out substantially. You didn’t care, and Izuku didn’t seem to care either...but the media sure did. Closing your eyes suddenly, you took a deep breath. Holding it in for several seconds, before letting it out shakily. Tears finally falling as you did so, and you rolled over to snuggle into Izuku’s side of the bed- face smushed into the other man’s pillow, to breath in the soft scent of his cologne. His musk. Drifting off to sleep sniffling, dreaming of the glory days the two of you held together. Izuku hadn’t planned on coming home tonight at all, it wasn’t in his schedule to. But when he’d taken five to break for a snack, he’d ran into Kirishima at the agency. Chatting quickly, recalling rather suddenly that it had been several days since he’d seen Y/N. Scratching at the nape of his neck awkwardly, hunched over slightly muttering excuses to himself. He may have been big, and strong, but to his friends, Midoriya still held fast to those traits that made him who he was. Even back at UA. One call to Bakugou from Kirishima later, and the two of them were taking Deku’s shift, sending him hurrying home- a smile as bright as the sun on his face as he charged up, and bolted from the agency as fast as he could. Fingers crossed that you weren’t asleep yet. His dreams were dashed, but not unpleasantly so, when he landed outside however, and found all the lights in the house were off. It was late, and he appreciated you getting your rest. Knowing all too well how often you’d stay awake working on things for him. Izuku’s heart overflowed with love for you when he recalled all you did for him. For the both of you. He couldn’t imagine being as cemented in the top spot, as capable of doing what he did, without you there. You and his mother were his whole world, keeping him afloat at even the hardest of times. He...he was nothing, without you. So knowing you were in bed, getting your rest, made him smile. A smile that was soon replaced with a recoiled snarl as he entered the house- beelining to the kitchen for a glass of water, wherein he found the magazine spread out, as though left for him on the kitchen floor. Another one. Another article attacking you. Shaming you. Making fun of you. The kitchen was alight with green sparks as Izuku picked up the magazine, sneering at it when it came clearly into focus, before promptly stomping over and throwing it into the trash. Chest heaving as he sat with the knowledge that you’d probably been worrying over this again all evening. While he was out. Combing the city for villains, while you were here, dealing with...god. Hero suit boots already at the front door, Deku removed his socks as he made his way back to your bedroom quietly- leaving them in the hall- a nasty habit of his he’d never been able to break. Letting himself into your room, his heart breaking at the site before him. He wasn’t sure how long you’d been crying, but it was long enough to leave the salty, humid scent of tears in the air as he entered. And there you were, huddled up with his pillows, breathing softly- face smeared with tears, their tracks glinting back at Izuku as he rounded the bed, and just stood there. Feeling so powerless. Too big. Normally he’d clean up first, but being sure he couldn’t wait one more second, let alone the twenty minutes it would take to shower, Midoriya acted quickly. Removing his Hero suit silently, left in nothing but a pair of fitted boxer briefs- before sliding into bed next to you. Pulling his pillow gently from your grasp, to settle behind his own head, before gathering you up and into his arms. Shifting you almost entirely onto his front, before you stirred. Izuku’s stopped breathing when your eyes fluttered open, and your nose wrinkled- wanting to smile as you noticed the heat beneath you, the strong scent of Izuku’s skin filling your senses. Glancing up at him, your sleep idled mind offered only one clear thought. ‘He’s home’. Try as you might, however, the pressure from earlier in the evening boiled over again- mixing with the overwhelming sense of love you felt at being able to see him. Feel him. Smell him. Just /be/ with him. Everything was still, and quiet, a pin drop could be heard. Until you hiccupped, once, twice, before choking on a sob as you pressed your face flush against Izuku’s chest, and cried. You cried, and cried, and cried. Trying to recall the last time you’d seen him, your sleep clouded mind coming up blank. All you could see was that stupid fucking picture in the magazine. Izuku held firm to you as you cried, eyes shut tight, tears threatening to spill right alongside yours. Old habits die hard, he thought idly. He didn’t shush you, or try and quiet you down. Offer words of encouragement, nor did he berate the magazines, or spew on about how much hell he was going to put them through for this. He simply held you, stroked your back, and kissed the top of your head over and over, as you covered his chest in tears. Finally settling down after a few minutes, and simply breathing together. Your ears pressed against Deku’s wet chest, listening to your husband's heartbeat. Allowing it to calm you. Arms finding their way under Izuku’s body, holding each other now. Tight, almost too much. But neither of you complained. “I love you,” Izuku finally whispered, though it was so full of sentiment- of meaning, almost harshly so, it caught you off guard. “I love you more than the world will ever know, or understand, and I’d drop off the face of the planet tomorrow, and leave them to fend for themselves, if it meant proving to you how wonderfully, beautifully, exquisitely perfect you are to me.” Fucking…”I wanted to /stop/ crying, you fucking jerk,” You laughed wetly, fresh tears spilling down your cheeks as you lifted a hand to swat at the side of Deku’s head- both of you snickering wetly now, as you began to card your fingers through his hair with the same hand. Snuggling impossibly deeper into the man’s chest, as his words rang in your ears. He meant it too, the voice in your head whispered. Your chest tight as you imagined him giving up all he’d ever worked for, just so you’d understand. You never held any doubt that he loved you. As you were, as you had been- however you’d be tomorrow, or the day after. But you struggled a lot, internally. You always had. It would be a struggle you’d live with till the day you died, you were sure of it. But even so, you reasoned, then and there, that if even then, you knew how deeply, and unequivocally Izuku cared for you- loved you. That thing’s would always be okay. No matter what. “I love you too,” you sighed back finally, clearing your throat, and closing your eyes as you felt yourself quickly drifting again. “So so much, ‘zuku.” Peppering Deku’s chest with kisses till you fell asleep, Izuku was sure if his heart swelled any more, it would burst. Waiting till you had fallen back asleep fully, he rolled the two of you over. Caging you into the mattress beneath him, and falling asleep that way. Guarding you even as the two of you slept. Keeping you safe from everyone, and everything.  Midoriya’s only other thought, besides you, before he slipped into unconsciousness, was to call into the agency the next day, because he wasn’t going to going in for a while. ((Really enjoyed writing this one, got me in my feels, and made me feel all warm, imagining Deku holding me at the end of a  long day, when I could care less about feeling good about myself. Thanks for the opportunity nonnie, hope you enjoy.))
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asterroidd · 4 years
cotton sweatshirt
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↬  College AU
↬  Pairing: Levi Ackerman/Reader
↬  Word count: 2.6k
↬  Synopsis:  Fatigue was slowly consuming you, luckily your roommate is there to save the day
↬  Notes: Thank you so much for the request anon! I apologize it took so long before I wrote it. Anw, I hope you enjoy it!
↬  no proofread whatsoever, capn’
5th and 12th prompts: “Give me back my keys! I’m fine!” and “Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
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    It was too much. All too much; the endless tasks, the studying, and numerous all-nighters that you had pulled by now.
    It was so taxing that your body couldn't keep up; eyes blood shot red from restless staring at the laptop screen, sunken cheeks due to the insufficient meal you are getting, and dark bags under your eyes that are evidently visible even from afar. If one would see you in such a state, one would assume you are a zombie or the living dead.
    Chewing your bottom lip, fingers anxiously taped against the wooden desk. Drained yes boring into the laptop screen as you tried your best to understand the text displayed in it. Your professor just had to be missing in action that week due to health reasons and as such couldn't attend most of the classroom session to teach. The replacement is just as worse—having no mastery over the lesson at hand that it only made it more confusing than before. So, you had to self-study for the sole sake of having a passing grade this semester. Finals weeks is looming around the corner and it's best that you understands the lessons beforehand so that you wouldn't have difficulty in studying once again later on.
    Your study session was supposed to be done before noon, yet here you are still hunched over the desk. A pencil at hand in attempt to take notes in the filler notebook. Your other hand curled up a fist full of hair, then ever so often tugging it in frustration. True, you did try to search online for other readings and videos that could potentially help you in your dilemma. Alas, you find yourself scratching your scalp and pulling your hair in frustration as you failed, yet again, to grasp the concept of the topic.
    Perhaps a book, you thought to yourself. There is a local library nearby—suppose a ten minute walk, could be even seven if you walked fast enough. For sure there are a handful of books there that could finally help you in understanding the lesson. And so with a drained sigh, you closed the lid of the laptop and stood up.
    You took in your surroundings; which was an utter mess. Eraser shards littered on top of your desk that some even fell to the floor due to you hastily sweeping them off. Mountains of books scattered around—some opened with a random item on top to act as a makeshift paper weight. Sticky notes plastered all over the walls and stacks upon stacks of paper everywhere. In short, your room looks like a battleground.
     Which it is; an academic battleground, that is.
    That said, you swiftly stuffed a handful of notebooks and pens into a small backpack so you could continue the study session at the library. Perhaps a change in environment would ease you off and clear your mind. When you exited from your room, you were surprised to see Levi lounging off the living room. A bowl of popcorn on his lap whilst lazily popping one in his mouth every so often. His eyes glued to the TV screen as it played a series, The Confession Tapes you presumed. Ever since you showed him the first episode a few days ago, he was so intrigued and thus became so hook with the story line.
    Oh, to have freedom and time for leisure activities like Levi. You would willingly kill just to have that.
    "I'll be heading off to the library for a while," you uttered under your breath. Levi turned his head towards your direction, slowly munching on the popcorn. "I might come home late so I'll bring the keys with me."
    He paused the movie momentarily to narrow his eyes at you. Levi looked at you from top to bottom, assessing and processing the current state you are in. Which was hell. You looked like a vampire that crawled out of your coffin after decades of isolation. Of all the years he and you had been roommate, Levi had practically memorised most of your mannerism and behaviour so much. And at the moment, he knew all to well that you would be, yet again, working yourself to the grave.
    With a sigh, Levi placed the bowl of popcorn on top of the coffee table before approaching you. "Can't you see yourself, idiot?"
    You scrunched up your nose in confusion. What does he mean by that?
    "When was the last time you ate?"
    You racked your brain for answers. When was it truly that last time you had a proper meal besides energy bars that you bought from the convenience store. You went silent for a moment, eyes cascading down.
    "I had instant noodles I think? Last night," you answered after a pregnant pause.
    "Then that means you have not eaten anything since this morning?"
    You only nodded in response, all too tired to argue back with him. All you wanted to do was to finally leave the apartment and resume your study session in the library. Where, in hopes, you could finally progress in.
    Levi clicked his tongue. No wonder you look like a living dead. You are barely getting any nutrition in your body at all! Being studious is a great thing—but being all too unforgiving and torturing one's body too much is an unacceptable habit.
    As swift as a fox, he snagged the keys from your hands. You, in your drained state, reacted poorly and sluggishly. Though, you gave him one ferocious glare.
    "Give it back, Levi." You held out your hand.
    "No. You should rest. You look like shit."
    "Give me back my keys. I'm fine!"
    Levi, much to your surprise, had a hint of worry in his eyes. Silence fell between you and him, eyes focused on each other. You thought of kicking him on the shin, then took the chance to grab the keys. But you find yourself unable to as your body slowly slumped over.
    You let out one tired sigh, eyes closing every now and then in drowsiness, but you can't give in. Not now. Not at least you'd finally understand and finish writing your notes. Still, exams is a couple of weeks away. Surely a brief break wouldn't hurt?
   You groaned, the floor beneath your feet swaying as you struggled to keep yourself upright. It was only then did you notice the ever growing itch in your throat which signifies tonsillitis, mucus flooding your nasal passages, and increased body temperature.
     "I'm fine. . ." you inhaled sharply. "Just—" you continued but was caught short when your knees buckled under your weight, causing you to lean forward. Luckily enough, Levi caught you just in the nick of time before you fell face first into the wooden floor.
     "Tch. Look at what you got yourself into," he huffed, palm pressing against your forehead. "You also have a fever, dumbass."
    Did you now? You let your head rest into his touch, relishing his cool touch against your flushed ones. Maybe you really need a rest.
   "How about you take a seat on the couch while I brew you a cup of tea?"
    "Sounds good. . ." you uttered under your breath.
    That said, Levi practically dragged your body towards the couch and helped you settle on it. Making sure that you are comfortable enough by placing pillows behind your head. The male crouched down to your level, bringing a hand up once again to your forehead to properly estimate your temperature this time.
    "Looks like a bad one. . ." he muttered.
    "You tell me. I feel like shit," you've managed to crack a joke despite your conditions. Levi rose his brow at you, shaking his head at your idiocy. Then you watched him as he removed his cotton sweatshirt that hung loosely on his figure. Suffice to say, you were beyond perplexed when Levi placed the article of clothing on top of your lap.
    "You're cold aren't you?" he shrugged his shoulders. "Wear that for the time being to keep you warm."
    That said, he soon disappeared inside the kitchen to perhaps brew you a cup of tea much to your delight. It is practically known that the male had an immense skill in brewing and perfecting the art of tea. And as his roommate, Levi practically forced you to learn how to brew yourself; mainly because he doesn't want you wasting precious tea leaves that are far too expensive to be wasted. You recalled the time spent with him, hours upon hours inside the kitchen while trying your best to not burn your hands as you, yet again, try to perfect boiling tea. Levi stood beside you, a scowl present on his face as he frowned at your blend.
    Do it again, he snarled. The temperature is not right.
    It was little moments such as those reminds you of how much of a stuck up bitch Levi is. Nonetheless, the male still have a special place in your heart as your roommate and perhaps crush.
    Gingerly holding his sweater in your hands, you took one deep whiff of his scent—despite mucus flooding your nose—relishing the soft floral scent of the detergent that he bought about a week ago. Yet, Levi's natural aroma gradually overflows your nasal cavity; refreshing and clean with a hint of musky scent. It was pure heaven.
    Blood rushed to your cheeks as you let his sweatshirt hug your body, encompassing you more with his scent. Truth to be told, it was your long time dream to wear one of Levi's clothing. Suppose it was the thought of you in his clothes that brings butterflies to your stomachs, or the pure concept of his smell flooding your senses. Either way, you liked it.
    "Hey. . ." Levi's voice boomed which slightly startled you. The male placed a mug full of tea on the coffee table before kneeling down and opening a pack of fever patch.
    "What flavor did you brew?" you mumbled.
    "Chamomile," Levi replied, brushing your hair away from your forehead. For a brief moment, he stopped to stare at your glossy eyes due to the fever. Small patches of sweat that peppered your skin that glistened slightly under the light. Not to mention your lips that he oh so long to get a taste of for months—but he wouldn't tell you that out loud. Red dusted his cheeks ever so lightly that you would've missed if it weren't for your keen attention to detail.
    Levi bit the insides of his cheeks, slapping himself internally to focus at the task at hand which it to place a fever patch on your forehead. That said, he carefully set it against your temples. Making sure that it is adhered on firmly as to not fall in case you tossed and turn in your sleep. A smile adorned your features as soon as the cool hydrogel rested against your skin. You mumbled a quick gratitude towards the male before snuggling deep into his sweatshirt.
    "Levi. . ." you started to which he hummed in response, helping you sit up. Then, the male gave you the mug with hot tea. Its heavenly aroma making you sigh in relax. "Come sit with me?" you asked, patting the space next to you.
    The male opened his mouth to argue; to refuse your request because he doesn't want to catch your germs and be sick himself. Though, with one look at your puppy-dog eyes and pouting lips, Levi knew that he wouldn't be able to resist you. "Fine. . ." he begrudgingly replied.
    You let out a small cheer of victory. Placing your head on top of his shoulder the minute he sat beside you. Even for just a moment—just for this day—you want to delve into your fantasies and revel in the company of the male. Levi looked at you from the corner of his eye, admiring how his sweatshirt that embraces your form. Due to him being quite short in stature, his clothes were not too big. So, naturally, most of his wardrobe would probably fit you. Which he has no complaints about.
    "Can we watch Kitchen nightmares?" you asked, taking one small sip of tea as to not burn your tongue.
    Levi shrugged, "Why not?" That said, he adhered to your request. Playing that one episode in the series that he knew you enjoyed watching despite the countless times you've already seen it.
    You relaxed back into the couch, letting more of your weight press against Levi as your hands cupped the warm mug in between. The brutal and fierce howls of criticism of Gordon Ramsey brings a small smile to your lips, and oddly enough, as well as Levi's. Watching Kitchen's Nightmares (as well as other shows that the iconic chef starred in) was a guilty pleasure, so to say, of both yours and the male's. There is just something so satisfying how the chef makes people humble down and admit their mistakes.
    One great thing that comes from watching his series was that Levi could learn a thing or two in cooking. Even though he was already great from the start. The male picks up a recipe or two just by watching the series, much to your satisfaction. Between you and Levi, he is the mother of the household, if you will. While you're just one lazy couch potato who would receive an ear full of scolding every now and then.
    Soon enough, you felt your eyelids closing involuntarily, yet you fought to keep them open. It was getting into the good part—the climax—of the episode and you didn't want to sleep through it. Though, you find yourself giving in and finally letting your eyes rest for once. You exhaled, rubbing your cheeks against Levi's shoulder blades in attempts to get more comfortable. The male shifted on the couch, allowing you to be cozy and warm with him beside you.
    In your dazed state, you swore that Levi slowly rest his head on top of yours. Nevertheless, you couldn't conclude if it was true since the sweet embrace of sleep consumed you. For the first time in that week, you finally had a good night's rest.
    Levi relaxed under your touch, finally relieved that you gave in and let your body get the rest it deserves after days upon days of continuous work. He contemplated whether to turn off the television so that the noise wouldn't bother you in your sleep, or keep it open since a part of him wants to finish the episode. Though, his thoughts were caught short when you murmured.
    "Levi. . ." you mumbled in your sleep, hands gripping his sweatshirt.
    "What?" he humored, despite knowing that you are in deep slumber and is probably sleep-talking.
    Then to his surprise, you whispered a phrase that he never anticipated would slip past your lips.
    "I love you. . ."
    He was taken a back, eyes wide while his mouth slightly hung open. Levi blinked once, then twice, trying to process if what he heard was real or was his imagination deceiving him.
    "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" Levi said, testing to see if you were truly asleep or was just toying with him. When he concluded that you were—in fact—knocked out and catching some Z's, he breathed lowly the three words he oh so wanted to tell you for months.
    "I love you, too. Brat." He snaked his hand around yours, intertwining his fingers around your hand.
    Little did Levi know, you were half-awake during his confession.
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the-bat-collector · 4 years
I love NO POWERS NO CAPES AUs but its been so hard to find them!! so decided to make this list to help y’all in your search  :D
The length varies, but I prefer long fics so most of these are 10-20k up to 200k 
Heart and Soul by Pandamomochan
E - 150,044
Clark Kent used to be a renowned composer who was said to be able to write masterpieces that were designed uniquely for each individual player. Famous musicians around the world would flock to him in hopes that he would write for them because his pieces were always said to bring out any player's crowning performance. That is, until one day Clark loses his wife in a tragic accident and decides never to write again.
Years later, Clark's son, Jon, gets admitted to the famous "Gotham School of Performing Arts". It is there that Clark meets Bruce Wayne, a strict, uptight, by the book piano instructor who is said to be able to craft the best musicians around the world.
this is one of my favorites. I'm not really into Hurt/Comfort but this is so beautiful!! highly recommended I'm biased cause I play the piano
Seeing Bruce Wayne by Evilpixie
E - 15,089
Clark Kent is the only male midwife working in Metropolis General. Bruce Wayne the residential pediatric surgeon.
I'm so into medicine/doctor AUs this is also one of my favorite fics!if you have to pick one from this list, pick this one!!!
On The Cusp by vesper_house
E - 47,378
Clark's life isn't going so well. He's in his thirties, he works at a coffee shop run by his old crush, his journalism career is going nowhere, and he's broke. It takes only one tall, dark and handsome stranger to change everything.
COFFE SHOP AU COFFESHOP AU!! We need more of these, the dynamic between Bruce and Clark is Great!!!!
A Game You Can't Win by NightFoliage
T - 78,328
Injustice is the hottest MMORPGs available to play! Set in a world where superpowers exist, players can become civilians, heroes, villains, and anybody in-between. Designed by Hiro “Toyman” Okamura, and Timothy Drake-Wayne, Injustice was created with the best Wayne Industries technology available and has the most human NPCs. The game is beyond it's time and is planned to be at the top of the charts for a while.
By accident, Clark finds himself pushed into the spotlight and new found fame. To him, Let’s Plays are a means to stay in touch with friends and to make money. He never got into LPing to become famous.
Bruce, who funded the game after Jason’s accident, is irritated (not jealous) that a video game player is such a big topic among the kids. After the nth time they mention him, Bruce decides to take matters into his own hands and see what all the fuss is about.
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ONE OF MY FAVORITE SUPERBAT FICS OUT THERE!!!!!! this is great and fun and Clark is the best!
As We Grow by butterflyslinky
E - 23,451
Clark Kent is a farmer deep in debt to Lex Luthor.
Bruce Wayne is a billionaire with seven children and no luck in love.
But their families have a scheme to get them together and hopefully make life a little bit better.
Modern Medicine by BuckinghamAlice
G - 5,208
Pediatrician Dr. Clark Kent becomes beloved to his patients, the Wayne boys... as well as to their doting father Bruce.
ABSOLUTELY lovely and adorable, you get the feels!
Hellooooo, nurse! by weirdraccoon INCOMPLETE WIP
T - ?????
Clark enjoys his job at the Free Clinic. He loves helping people and tending injuries. Saving lives. But this man... Bruce Wayne is going to kill him if he doesn't get killed first.
Bruce is still Batman on this one but HERE ME OUT, Clark is a nurse! is incomplete but looking forward to the following chapters!!
Two Cities by EllenD
E - 96,152
Clark Kent, is simply Clark Kent, junior reporter for the Daily Planet who moved to Metropolis from Smallville with big dreams. Bruce Wayne is a billionaire playboy from Gotham, who also happens to be Batman. They meet, date, and fall in love, though not without hurdles because mild-mannered Clark is also socially awkward as heck. But when the most dangerous criminals in Gotham are gunning for Batman, Clark gets caught in the middle of it all. (He's basically Batman's Lois Lane) Meant to be set in the Dawn of Justice movie universe, but also draws inspiration from video games, comics, and those awesome Batman cartoons.
This is part of a series, but this is the main fic of it. Love this trope of Clark is just a civilian and Bruce is Batman. Warning this fic does contain disturbing topics so read the tags.
Here Comes the Sun by batsy_rocks
T - 18,815
Clark Kent is a kind-hearted reporter working in the big city. Bruce Wayne is a stressed dad of four with no idea of what he's doing.
Then they meet.
Seasons of Love by littlechinesedoll
G - 4,603
Clark Kent took over that farm at the edge of the Town of Smallville. He likes Smallville's resident doctor, Bruce Wayne.
The best gifts for Bruce are ginger ale, salad, coffee, and any kind of flowers. He hates gems, and bars of copper, silver, and gold.
Petals and Ink by drunkraiinbow
T - 12,976
With a new kid joining the family, Bruce tries a new tattoo artist to continue the tradition of adding them to his sleeve, but he won't trust just any artist. Clark manages to win him over with his incredible talent and his farm-boy friendly demeanor, and he may even have begun to win Bruce's heart. However, Clark might have a few things to learn first.
FLOWER SHOP TATTOO PARLOUR AU! what else is there to say, this is extremely cute and a fast read! :D
Faceless Killer by Batsymomma11
E - 51,519
Detective Bruce Wayne from the GCPD and detective Clark Kent from the MPD have been asked to create a joint task force in an effort to catch the John Doe Killer that has been ravaging their sister-cities. Aside from their long-standing animosity towards one another, it should be a breeze to work together. Besides, lives depend on them getting along.
They never expected they'd trip headlong into a romantic entanglement that feels a lot more serious than even the killer they're chasing.
The Tailor by maderi
E - 16,026
When Clark is assigned to cover the Wayne gala, he finds himself in need of a professionally tailored suit. His tailor though is drop dead gorgeous, which brings up a lot of awkward situations during their appointments.
Heroes of the Squared Circle by Mithen
M - 226,687
They've gone by many names: Billionaire Brucie, Country Clark, the Kryptonian, the Dark Knight. But no matter what their stage names are, one thing has always been true: Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne are the world's finest wrestlers.
Six's a crowd by Untoward INCOMPLETE/ABANDONED
G - 10,133
When Alfred has to make an emergency trip back to England, Bruce soon finds out he can't manage running a business and taking care of six kids all alone.
He turns to a nanny agency for help, and is astonished when he finds Clark Kent, who seems like he can handle anything.
Clark not only can take care of the kids incredibly well but seems to be breaking Bruce's walls down rather well too.
After Hours by ????
E - 3,175
At the end of a long semester Clark can't hide his attraction to Professor Wayne any longer. Grad School AU.
This is practically a one-shot, not really my type of fic but worth adding!! Haven't come across this professor trope in Superbat so if you got any recs, send them my way!
Wings and Fangs by DanielleN3
E - 17,224
Clark thought he could never fall in love with anyone, especially not after being alone for such a long time… but all of that changes when he encounters a sexy vampire in Gotham.
TECHNICALLY they both have powers in this one but there are soooo different from cannon that I think this fic still qualifies for this list
thirteen by CapnWinghead
T - 22,890
Drowning in student loans, Clark Kent takes a summer job as the Wayne family nanny.
OKAY. so this is not entirely NO POWERS, but I mean Clark is a NANNY so this is great! TRUST ME
Kiss me, take my breath away by J_Jubilee
E - 37,934
There were legends about Gotham Reef. Legends that said it was haunted by a beast of foul temper. Stories told of a ravenous sea beast that feasted on the flesh of men, and was said to be more hideous than Satan himself. Others told of a woman with eyes that glowed like gold to lead sailors to their death. Some even spoke of a witch that cursed men and wreck their ships, taking all their treasures with it. When Clark’s catamaran is wrecked by a terrible storm, he learns that the stories were oh so far from true.
Baby Bats by AlmondRose
G - 4,003
this is a short series of adorable and simple domestic fluff
Haven't read this one but heeey the art is sooo pretty soo decided to add it anyways
Dragon Heart by Hells Angel 921
T - 27,660
Kal wants to make up for his past.
Bruce tries to move on with his future.
They eventually meet in the middle.
link to art
I didn't know that Dragon/DragonSlayer was a thing but hey... apparently it is, so here it is.
hehe and so my rant ends here! let me know if you know fics that fit any of these tropes! I’m all ears
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winterbanner · 3 years
I Would Give Her the Stars (Bruce Banner/ Reader)
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Summary: "In that moment I would have gone to the ends of the universe if she pleased. I would have given her all the stars in the galaxy." 
Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Slight Angst, This Is Really Cute 
Word Count: 1684
Warnings: None except for some brief language
Paring: Bruce Banner x Fem Reader (uses she/her pronouns)
Additional Note: I rewrote this because it was absolutely awful. I think it’s better now! ;)
It was early, the tower was absent of noise with the exception of the whistling tea kettle sat upon the stove. Tony and I had been working all night to calibrate a new GPS system for the quinjet. It was hard work that required precision and concentration. That was hard to perform, however, when my lab partner was blasting Black Sabbath as if he were at some sort of underground warehouse party. 
My eyes ached from staring at my screen for so many hours, the throbbing synced with that of the headache that had crept its way up to my temples. I just couldn’t take the work any longer, which is something I don’t often say. I have a passion for lab work; I mean, I wouldn’t have seven PHDs in the sciences if I didn’t. That night, however, I needed an escape. 
I needed to go see her. 
I knew where she’d be. Up on the rooftop, staring out over the urban skyline. That’s where she went  to think after her attempts to get some rest were tried and failed. New York truly is the city that never sleeps, and neither does Y/N. 
I rummaged through the cupboard until I had retrieved her favorite mug, and paired it with the one she had gifted me last month. There had been no special occasion, she said she saw it and thought of me. It was one of those novelty mugs you find at convenience stores. On the front were the words “science is my bitch” written in a large bold font. I laughed the hardest I had in months after opening that gift. The rest of the team gives me weird looks whenever I use it, but that mug was the first gift I had received in a very long time. 
I took the kettle off the stove and prepared the two mugs of tea. One spoonful of honey, just how Y/N liked it. Afterwards I made my way to the elevator before requesting JARVIS take me to my destination. As I began my ascent my nerves began to get the best of me. I have this habit of second guessing myself, of letting my mind spiral into anxiousness. These thoughts, however, came to a halt as the elevator doors opened to reveal Y/N sat upon her chair serenely gazing out over the bustling city streets. 
At the sound of the elevator ding she turned her head, her lips curving upwards into a smile as she took in my presence. 
Y/N always smiled when I walked in the room. 
“Well hey there genius” she greeted, her grinning face illuminated by that of the dimmed roof lighting, and the neon glow of the Avengers symbol plastered on the front of the tower. 
“Hey Y/N, um- I brought tea.” I responded, gesturing the two mugs I held in my hands. 
“Somebody pinch me. Not only has Dr. Banner escaped from his natural habitat, but he also comes bearing gifts! I’m in shock.” 
I laughed heartily, “Well, my natural habitat has been invaded by a wild and obnoxious Tony Stark.” I responded. 
“Anybody who manages to survive Stark is more than welcome here. Besides you've been down in that lab for hours, you’re gonna fucking suffocate if you don’t get some fresh air.” She said as she gave the seat next to her a pat, thus signaling her wish for me to sit there. 
I thanked her before sitting down and handing her the cup of tea. “Careful it’s hot.” I warned, not wanting her to burn her hands on the hot ceramic. As I handed over the mug I felt her fingers lightly brush over mine, causing my heart to flutter. 
She thanked me in return before reminding me that she always enjoyed my company. Her words filled my chest with a warmth that I rarely feel nowadays. A warmth that I only feel when I’m with her.  
Afterwards we sat and conversed for what felt like both several hours, and a few minutes all at the same time. Conversation with Y/N flowed with ease, our topics ranging from the books we were currently reading, philosophy and politics, to Thor’s new obsession with microwaved popcorn. I couldn’t care less what we talked about, the only thing that mattered was that I was with her, and it seems as though she just might have felt the same way. 
I have always considered myself to be an awkward person. Social interactions were never really my forte, especially after the accident. With the big guy around, I didn’t think that anybody would want to be friendly with me. I assumed that everyone was afraid. With Y/N, however, it was different. She never once looked at me with fear in her eyes. Her disposition was so warm, so welcoming. If I ever needed someone to talk to I knew she’d be there, and she knew I was there if she ever needed the same. Around her I could be myself. She just felt safe. 
After a while I noticed she had grown quiet, her mind drifting off to somewhere else. She sat in her chair, her head tilted upward towards the sky, her brow furrowed in deep thought. 
“You okay?” I asked, concerned that she was upset.
 “Yeah, I just- I wish I could see the stars.”
I looked up, my eyes met with the inky blackness that was the New York sky, all of its stars drowned out by the light pollution and smog. 
“Yeah, it really is a shame isn’t it?” I questioned, receiving an affirming hum from her in return.
At that point we both sat quietly, our eyes transfixed on the sky above in search for the stars that were never going to appear. The silence settled between us comfortably. I knew she was getting ready to say something, but I couldn’t be sure what. 
“When I was a kid,” she began, “We lived in this house out in the country. Out there the stars were breathtaking. You could see every constellation so clearly.” 
I saw her lips curve upwards in response to the happy memories replaying in her mind. 
“Before my mom died, whenever I was upset or stressed out, she would take me out to the backyard. Together we would lay in the grass and just stare up at the sky. We would stay like that for hours; it was peaceful.” 
Her head dropped, her eyes now gazing forward onto the cityscape before us. “I miss that”, she said, her voice barely above a whisper. 
In that moment, as I observed her melancholic gaze. I wanted nothing more than to give her what she wanted, to give her the stars.
Then after a moment of thought, I realized that I could. 
                                    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next night I found her in the very same spot, looking over the city lights and skyscrapers unable to sleep once more. 
At the sound of the elevator’s ding she turned to face me , her lips once again forming a smile at the sight of my presence. 
“Two nights in a row?” Y/N questioned, “ That big brain of yours must be really fucking tired.” 
“Actually,” I said,  “this big brain of mine has something to show you.” I waved my hand signaling for her to follow me. 
She smiled in both confusion and amusement as she stepped into the elevator. We stood side by side, our shoulders brushing up against one another as we made our descent down to the lab. 
“Now close your eyes.” I requested 
“Bruce what is this-” 
“It’s a surprise, now close your eyes.”
She complied, the corners of her lips turning upwards as I grabbed her hand and led her down the hall to the lab. I led her to the center of the room and requested her remain there as I went and turned off every light I could find within the vicinity. Afterwards I felt my way back to her through the darkness and positioned myself so we stood directly in front of one another. 
“Okay now open your eyes.” 
“Bruce, is the surprise the news that I’ve gone blind?” she questioned causing us both to laugh. 
“No, just watch.” 
At the press of a button the room became illuminated with starlight. Stars, galaxies and planets hovered above our heads, in majestic hues of purple and blue. The scene was nothing short of magic. The universe on full display, three dimensionally projected all around us. 
At the sight of the stars above her, I saw Y/N’s face light up. Her face filled with amazement as she beheld the multitude of constellations shining before her eyes. Her smile beamed, its brightness competing with that of the brightest stars in the room. 
To me she was the brightest star in the room. 
She slowly spun in a circle in the attempt to fully take in her surroundings, her eyes reflecting the twinkling of the floating stars. She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. 
She turned to me, her eyes glistening with moisture. “Bruce I-” 
“Do you like it?” I asked, her lack of words worrying me. Maybe this was too much?
Her silence, however, was replaced by her embrace. She took me in her arms as she gently wrapped them around my neck and pulled me close to her. 
“Thank you, Bruce. Thank you so much.” She whispered, her voice cracking at the end. 
I held her tighter in an attempt to pull her in even closer. Her embrace radiated pure love, a love I hadn't felt in a long long time. 
“Y-you’re welcome.” I answered, overwhelmed with adoration. 
As we pulled away I looked at her face illuminated by the glimmering starlight. I felt as though she was the only person that mattered, that she was the most precious thing this world had to offer. In that moment I would have gone to the ends of the universe if she pleased. I would have given her all the stars in the galaxy; and to this day, I still would.
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sooibian · 3 years
So Let's Runaway - Prologue
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photocreds @tuanzie​
Pairing: Kyungsoo x Fem!Reader ft. bff!Chanyeol
Genre / Themes: Fluff, mild angst, travel AU, road trip through Spain, travel buddies Chansoo!
Warnings: Themes of grief / loss, heartache, toxic relationships, strong language, i guess..
Description: An unlikely group of three comes together for the journey of a lifetime.
A/N: This fic is part of @supermwritersnet​ “Around the world in 31 days event”. Inspired by the Hindi movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. Uploading prematurely so as to stop obsessing over the prologue and get cracking on the travelogue which requires a tonne of research. Let me know if you’d like a tag on the upcoming chapter(s) due for upload on 19th July 2021.
Word Count: 3k *unedited*
Doh Kyungsoo had dragged his feet up the endless flight of stairs seeking solitude...not drama.
A stranger, just one misstep away from a fatal fall, was the last thing he’d expected to find on the rooftop of Seoul’s Park Hyatt at three in the morning. He slipped the rooftop access key card (that he’d borrowed from the security guard in exchange for a 50,000 won bill) in the back pocket of his trousers while simultaneously dwelling on the depths of the rot of corruption. He had half a mind to turn away and forget that he’d just seen someone contemplating their existence on the ledge of a highrise but there was something about you that rooted him to the spot. Dressed in fine evening wear, you’d stretched your arms out like wings as you looked up at the vast expanse of midnight blue, the wind kissing your wild, waist length hair. From his standpoint, you looked oddly at peace.
Kyungsoo had never been an idealist or a victim of the white knight syndrome. He wasn’t one to delve into the ethical and philosophical conundrums for most things in life because to him it was all just a waste of time. Seeing you on the parapet filled him with neither sympathy nor worry. It was your life after all and with it you could do whatever you deemed fit as long as you weren’t inconveniencing others. Scratch that.
As long as you weren’t inconveniencing him.
But right now, unbeknownst to you, you were inconveniencing Seoul’s hottest financial broker, Doh Kyungsoo.
He wasn’t invisible to the hotel’s security cameras and being labelled suspect in an abetment to suicide investigation wasn't exactly what he was looking for after the day he’d had. Albeit inebriated and heavy-eyed, he could effectively calculate the logistics involved in pulling you off the ledge with the cacophony of the omnipresent Seoul traffic drowning out the sound of his footsteps.
Bracing himself for superficial bruises from the impact of falling to the right side of the precipice with the weight of an adult human pressing down on his 173 cm high frame, he took off his custom tailored blazer (that had been flown in from Vietnam especially for that evening) and folded it in half, making sure that the lapels touched. Some habits are hard to shake. He put the blazer on the ground as a makeshift floorcloth for the rest of his belongings. With his back facing you, he allowed himself a moment's peace as he loosened his tie, languidly rolled the sleeves of his pristine white dress shirt up to his elbows, freed himself off the Rolex Cellini on his left wrist, his Bottega Veneta fine leather wallet, and the cursed Tiffany Blue Box that he simply couldn’t bear to look at anymore and neatly placed them all on the blazer.
Letting out a deep exhale, he muttered curses under his breath before turning to your silhouette only to find it...gone.
Kyungsoo’s eyes narrowed and then immediately grew into large circles as he grappled with the shocking turn of events. An inexplicable heaviness bloomed in his chest and he felt sick to the stomach which, in a state of denial, he chalked up to the dubious mixture of spirits he’d downed not too long ago.
Before he could find his bearings and figure out what to do next, a light tap on his shoulder made him jump. His jaw went slack and his heart threatened to leap out of his chest to find you casually smiling at him. In that moment, he wanted nothing more than to climb onto the very same ledge and scream into the void but he simply stood there, mouth agape, wanting to say a million things but he could hardly muster a peep.
Reading the confusion painted across his sharp, well defined features, you uttered an unsure, “Hi?”
“I thought you’d jumped,” he whispered, head tilted to the side, his compelling, bloodshot eyes locked with yours.
“Says someone who’s unusually jumpy,” you jested, but your expression immediately turned solemn when you caught the tremble in his right hand. “Are you on something?”
There came about a sudden shift in his aura. Hands on hips, he deadpanned, “Why? Are you with the cops?”
“No, don’t worry,” you let out a soft chuckle and he started scrambling for his things, “How long have you been standing here?”
Hastily stuffing everything into the pocket of his well fitted trousers, he muttered something along the lines of ‘Chaos. Just chaos everywhere!’
Leaning into his frame, you quipped, “What’s that?”
Alarmed and goggle-eyed, he snapped, “Nevermind,” and turned towards the exit.
“Hey! You seem to have forgotten something!” You called out after him upon finding his blazer on the ground, the silken sheen of it reflecting a myriad of citylights.
No answer.
“I wasn’t going to jump!” You yodelled childishly but the man was long gone.
Seven Hours Earlier
“Natasha -” Kyungsoo huffed.
The feather light Tiffany 1873 Blue Box in his left hand had suddenly started to feel like a giant boulder weighing down on his entire being. The sparkle of the uncut diamond reflected in his misty eyes as her uncharacteristically stoic silence left him struggling for words. He searched Natasha’s face for a hint of mischief...he so desperately wished for her to crack a sly smile and pull him in for a kiss and whisper ‘Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!’ against his lips like they do in the movies, that he’d almost started to imagine it. It had to have been some sort of an ugly prank.
What reason does she have to turn me down? he wondered.
Kyungsoo breached the uncomfortable spell of silence with a desperate plea, “Say something!” the throbbing in his head intensifying by the second.
Did these three years mean nothing to you? What did I do wrong? Do you hate the ring? Is this not the kind of proposal you wished for? Is it because I left the bathroom lights on all night? Or is it because I forgot to wish your mother on her birthday? A flurry of questions spawned in Kyungsoo’s mind only to die at the tip of his tongue.
“I’m sorry, Kyungsoo, but I can’t do this. I just -” Natasha spoke finally. Gingerly shifting the weight of the box onto the ebony restaurant table, she slammed it shut as if the ring had been eyeing her lecherously.
Meeting Kyungsoo’s gaze almost defiantly, she declared, “Kyungsoo, I don’t think that I could be the kind of wife that would make you happy and I don’t think you could make me happy either.”
Two Weeks Later
Setting your eyes on that distinct pair of Dumbo ears, you excitedly weaved through the peak hour coffee shop crowd with an Iced Americano held firmly in one hand. Slamming the beverage down on the table, you engulfed his giant frame in a back hug and squealed, “Park Chanyeol!”
His wide eyes turned into even bigger brown circles and his mouth rounded into an ‘o’ in surprise. Grinning, he got off the uncomfortably tiny coffee shop chair and wordlessly pulled you in for what was famously known in Uni as a ‘Classic Chanyeol Hug’. You didn’t know how much you missed it until you felt your worries immediately dissipate into nothingness.
He hugged you a little tighter the moment you started to pull away before taking your hands in his and stooping down to your eye level. “Shifu, my love! You’re back in Seoul?!” Chanyeol exclaimed with all the love in the world sparking in the depths of his dark eyes.
Even after all this time, it felt as if nothing had changed….you’d suddenly been whizzed into a not-so-distant ‘Gothic architecture and coffee shops’ past in which a cotton candy haired boy, dressed in a pair of freshly ironed beige chinos and a plain white tee, smiles his sweetest smile simply at the sight of you. Chanyeol always felt like home. Funnily enough, even more so at the moment.
Giving him a good natured smile, you nodded in response, albeit cringing a little on the inside. Having been President of the martial arts club back in the days, you got stuck with an ingenious moniker “Shifu” which you clearly couldn’t shake off even after half a decade since graduation. You did a double take when your gaze veered to acknowledge the person seated opposite Chanyeol who, dressed in an ivory business suit, almost blended into the background. Just the way you could spot Chanyeol’s ears from a million miles away, you could recognize those eyes anywhere and right now they were shooting daggers at you.
“OH! Hi!”
His response to your greeting was a curt nod accompanying a vague hand movement, something between a hi and a failed facepalm.
At this Chanyeol guffawed, “You two know each other?”, his keen gaze rapidly flitting between the two of you.
“Yes -”
“No -”
While gesturing you to take a seat at their table, Chanyeol slumped into his chair and pursued the conversation in a voice laced with amusement, “So which is it?”
You gave your head a little shake, signalling Chanyeol to drop the topic since his friend had made his apprehension quite evident with an unambiguous “No” when asked if he knew you. Which...wasn’t entirely untrue. Even though Chanyeol now seemed to be on the same page as you, for good measure, you deflected his question with a polite, “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”
“Absolutely not!” Chanyeol assured, deftly steering the conversation back to you, “We could actually use your advice on something but first, Shifu, look at you! How long has it been? Five years?”
“Five years!”
“Wahhh! What brings you back to Seoul?”
With a wistful smile, you answered, “Appa passed away in April...”
“Oh, I’m- I’m so sorry -” stuttered Chanyeol, immediately placing his hand on your arm and giving it a light squeeze. From the corner of your eye you noticed Chanyeol’s friend chewing on his bottom lip and listening to this exchange with rapt attention.
“No, no, it’s erm...we’re doing okay now, I guess-”
It had been two and a half months but every time you talked about it, a black hole burgeoned right in the middle of your chest, sucking you within itself and rendering you breathless. You still hadn’t picked up the art of condoling the “condoler”. What were you even supposed to say to the faultless “I’m sorry”? Who came up with condolence jargon, anyway?
“I’m sorry we haven’t been in touch - ”
“Oh, please. You know how it is after Uni, isn’t it,” you turned to Chanyeol’s friend to make him feel a little less left out, “what did you say your name was?”
“I didn’t,” he answered in a clipped tone while mindlessly scrolling through his phone.
“Yah!” Chanyeol chastised him with a deathly glare before continuing with an impish smile, “He’s Doh Kyungsoo.”
“Ah! So he’s Doh Kyungsoo! I’ve heard a great deal about you!” Your enthusiasm invoked a quick cursory smile from him. Doh Kyungsoo had apparently made it his life’s mission to make this unexpected rendezvous as icky as possible, leaving you to wonder if Chanyeol had ever discussed your brief relationship with him. Ex-girlfriend meets best friend? Not an ideal scenario in any part of the world.
Chanyeol and you had gone out for a couple of weeks towards the end of freshman year until you both realized that you were much better off as friends. Despite being joined at the hip in Uni, the two of you had gone your separate ways after post-grad. While he returned to Seoul to join the family business, you’d stayed back in Milan to explore job opportunities. Messages and phone calls became few and far between and it wasn’t long before both of you had completely lost touch with each other.
And it wasn’t until you met him again that you realized how desperately you needed a friend considering everything that had been going on in your life. You selfishly wished for Kyungsoo to leave you two to catch up on all these years spent apart but clearly that was a lot to ask considering how tacitly territorial he seemed to be getting about Chanyeol.
“So what was it that you wanted to talk about?” you asked in another feeble attempt to water down the rancour.
Chanyeol’s features flared into a bashful smile but the moment he opened his mouth to speak, Kyungsoo held a hand up to him and insisted, “Allow me to spare you the blushes,” before starting to explain the situation in an uncharacteristically eager tone, “This idiot is getting married in three months -”
Boisterously thumping Chanyeol’s back, you showered him with congratulations which he accepted with a shy ‘thank you.’
Kyungsoo continued, “- and we have a road trip planned for next month. As per the pact -”
Head tilted to the side, you shot, “What pact?”
“Some stupid pact that I have no memory of - ”
“That you conveniently have no memory of!” interrupted a salty Chanyeol.
Kyungsoo grimaced. Rubbing the corner of his eye, he continued with a heavy sigh, “It was supposed to be the three of us...Chanyeol, me, and our school friend Yixing.”
“Oh, okay?”
“So Yixing fell off a tractor and broke his back -”
“Oh, my gosh!” You exclaimed.
Kyungsoo’s mouth fell open. “I wasn’t there but I’d bet my ass that’s exactly what he said at the time.”
“What do you mean?”
“Wait, wait, slow down, why- how- a tractor?”
“He quit his CEO position to become a full time….farmer,” deadpanned Kyungsoo as if it was the stupidest thing Yixing could’ve done which rubbed you up the wrong way and coloured your otherwise neutral expression.
“He basically did what Kyungsoo doesn’t have the balls to do,” quipped Chanyeol, lips stretched into a gremlin-like grin. Kyungsoo returned his jibe with a strike to his arm causing him to let out a dramatic wail thus inviting the attention of everyone around you.
But none of it deterred Kyungsoo. He continued nonchalantly as if presenting a well crafted business proposal, “Since one of us is unavailable it only makes sense to postpone the trip and that’s exactly what I’ve been asking Chanyeol to do but he just won’t listen.”
“You’re getting married in three months and you’re taking this road trip next month. Will you be left with enough time for wedding planning?” you reasoned with Chanyeol, well aware of the kind of family he belonged to and the kind of weddings these families planned.
“Mr. Park here was way too eager,” Kyungsoo butted in.
“Shut up, Kyungsoo!”
“Wahhh you must really love her ~ ,” you sang, moon-eyed.
“Clearly. He couldn’t even wait for the rest of us to finish singing the birthday song for his Eomma.”
“Yeah! He popped the question to Aera right in the middle of it.”
“That’s a story for another day,” replied Chanyeol in an atypically calm tone, “but you’re right, Shifu, it’s not enough time and that’s why I’ve been asking this idiot to just -”
“All reservations are for three. It logistically makes more sense to reschedule,” declared Kyungsoo with a hint of finality in his tone.
It didn’t. It definitely didn’t make more sense to reschedule but as gullible as Chanyeol was, he said nothing to counter Kyungsoo’s illogical argument.
“Are you sure your friend Yixing would be okay with it, Yeollie? I’m sure you can wait for him to get better and -”
Firmly setting his jaw, Chanyeol looked you square in the eyes and stated, “It's now or never.”
Kyungsoo stole a glance at you and cleared his throat, hesitance betraying his voice when he spoke again, “Chanyeollah, you’re only getting married stop talking like you’re terminally ill.”
Chanyeol's expression softened to convey an implicit plea causing you to tweak your suggestion, “The two of you can still go? I’m sure Yixing won’t mind.”
But Chanyeol hit you with an unexpected proposal. He asked, “Do you want to come?”, in a tone that was way too serious for a road trip.
“What? No!”
“Why not? You’re here and - “
“- and Yixing’s not,” interrupted Kyungsoo.
Ignoring the sarcasm in Kyungsoo’s voice, you turned Chanyeol down gently, “No, Yeol, it’s just- it doesn’t make sense, bub.”
“Why not? We leave in a month and that’s plenty of time to get all your travel docs in order -”
“Travel docs? You mean….insurance?” You asked hesitantly.
“Yeah! Insurance...you won’t need a visa, though.”
“Visa? Yeah, obviously I won’t be needing a visa. Why would I need a visa for a road trip?”
Chanyeol slapped his forehead and wondered aloud, “Oh, shoot! We didn’t tell her, did we?”
Kyungsoo gave his head a little shake, prompting you to ask, “Tell me what?”
“It’s a road trip through uhhh northeastern Spain -”
Chanyeol’s elaborate account of the itinerary was drowned in the whirlpool of emotions that erupted within you at the mention of the country. That part of your life you had locked away in the deepest, darkest corners of your consciousness now stared you straight in the eyes, forcing you to acknowledge a reality far too jarring for your fragile state of mind. You took a sip of your long forgotten beverage to centre yourself but it didn’t take a genius to know that something was up.
Placing a hand on your head, he asked softly, “What is it, Shifu? I understand if you can’t leave Eomma alone at this point...”
“It’s not Eomma,” you took another sip of the drink to fight the lump in your throat, “Eomma is - Eomma is in Bucheon, visiting her sister. For I don’t know how long but...long.”
“Is it work?” contributed Kyungsoo.
“I quit my job,” you answered and he looked at you as if you, a total stranger, had just asked him his body count.
Chanyeol took your hand in his and reiterated, “Come, then? You need this.”
Your gaze bounced between the two men who wore the exact same expression in expectation of two entirely different answers. And whatever you chose to say next, you were sure to disappoint one of them.
Eyes unfocussed, a deafening ringing echoing in your ears, you declared softly, “I need this,” with a million unpleasant scenarios running through your head, making you sick to the stomach.
Chanyeol pulled you in for a bear hug. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and let out a deep, disappointed sigh.
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uniarycode · 3 years
Takari Week 2021, Day 1 - Sibling Shenanigans.
Things have gotten too bad, Taichi and Yamato need an intervention. And if they pay close attention, they might learn something important.
Nah, who we kidding.
Written as part of @takariweek
In some ways, Yamato was Taichi’s closest friend. They had gone through hell and back together, forming an unbreakable bond.
That said, they had different tastes in music, TV, and basically anything. Taichi preferred to watch sports and anime, Yamato preferred dramas and cooking shows. Taichi flourished in the company of others, Yamato demurred in the presence of anyone he wasn’t familiar with.
But one pastime they could both agree on was a good old fashion round of Smash. Whenever it was just the two of them, they generally sat down, fired up the N64, and just let their preferred characters bash one out.
As they were doing until a few seconds ago when an unsightly banner obscured their view of the television. “intervention” was proudly displayed, with one ‘i’ dotted with the crest of courage and the other with the crest of friendship. The phrase was repeated in Japanese, just underneath, in case the translation caused them to miss the point.
Either end of the banner was affixed to a small wooden tripod, being gently lowered to the ground by a devious sibling.
“What’s going on?” Yamato grumbled, still mashing buttons on the control in hopes of gaining an edge. “And when did you even have time to make that?”
Hikari ignored the protestation “We’re here because we’re your family and we care about you. We hoped that time would heal this wound, but time is no longer on our side. You two will be going to college soon, and we need to break through to you before too late.”
“What are you talking about?” Taichi asked. “We were in the middle of something.”
“Smash can wait, we can’t keep putting this off.” She took a deep breath. “This may be hard to hear, but please understand, it needs to be said: You are atrocious when talking to girls.”
“Look Taichi, you’ve already near exhausted all your high school options, if something doesn’t change, you’re going to end up alone and unloved, filling your apartment with pets for some form of companionship.”
“Don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic?” he asked. She solemnly shook her head ‘No’ in response.
“Can I go?” Yamato cut in. “I have a girlfriend, if you remember. We’ve been dating for years now.”
“Yes, and she still calls me to rant about it after every date.” Takeru cut. “I can only clean up your messes for so long Yamato, you have to learn how to do it yourself. Or better yet, don’t make messes in the first place.”
“Ouch.” Taichi said, casting a sideways glance at his co-captive.
“You aren’t any better Taichi,” Hikari shot, “You had seven people and eight Digimon wingmaning you on a simple phone call, and you still managed to mess it up.”
This time it was Yamato who glanced at Taichi.
“Now.” Takeru said “The first thing you need to learn is observation. If you pay attention to someone and signal that you notice when something changes. This shows you care enough about the other person to actually look at them and remember what they looked like yesterday.”
He cleared his throat, “For example, if say, your girlfriend decides to style her hair differently, you should maybe compliment the style change, instead of being oblivious. Wouldn’t you say, Yamato?”
“It was one time.” Yamato grumbled.
“Perhaps a practical demonstration would be better.” Hikari said. “Oh, Takeru, Honey, sorry I’m late, the train was delayed.”
“Don’t worry about it Babe, I’m just glad you’re here. Hey is that a new ring?”
“Why yes, thank you for noticing,” she said, bringing her hands up and giving the ring a twirl. “my BFF got it for me as an end-of-middle school present.”
“Ahh, I could tell it was someone close to you, that’s your birthstone on top right?”
Takeru turned back towards his unwillingly captive audience. “See how I not only noticed the ring, remarked upon it, but also showed I remember her birth date.”
Taichi looked across at Yamato, “Do you know any of the birthstones?” A shrug was the only answer.
“You may think observation is only for what you can see, but it’s deeper than that. Any piece of information falls under observation, and if you like a girl, you will do your best to remember anything you learn about her.” Hikari said.
“Observation is really important, right Hikari?” Takeru asked.
“Very, but knowing everything can’t help if you don’t know how to use it. Which brings us to lesson two.”
“Is this whole thing just a ploy for your sister to practice being a teacher?” Yamato muttered.
“Tact!” Hikari and Takeru declared in unison.
“Tact is pretty tricky. You mostly define it by what not to do. Like not being a dumbass.” Takeru said.
“True, tact can be hard to see when done well. It’s basically about avoiding the obvious traps. For example, when calling a girl whose Maine coon died recently, you should maybe try and avoid mentions about that dead cat, unless she needs to vent. Isn’t that right, Taichi?”
“That was one time.” He protested.
“Right, right, a demonstration?” Takeru asked, pulling a magazine out from behind his back, and pretending to flip through the pages.
“Oh Honey, there you are.” Hikari said looking him up and down. She paused for a few seconds, then pulled lightly on his arm. “Say, I hear there’s a Harry Potter-themed escape room running these days, how about we go there on our next date.”
Takeru put the magazine down “Oh, what’s that? Thanks Babe.” he asked.
Hikari turned back towards the couch. “Notice how I observed the story about his favorite basketball star being caught in a scandal, and deflected toward other interests, instead of stepping on that land mine.”
“How would we even think to notice that?” Yamato grumbled.
“With observation of course.” Takeru replied. “Notice everything, even the things that aren’t being conveyed directly.”
“Being perfect might work for you Takeru, but some of us are human.” Taichi said.
“Oh, I’m hardly the only guy with a girlfriend. You just have to put some effort in.” Takeru said, “Which is as good a segue as any to topic three: Compliments.”
“I know how to give a compliment.” Taichi said.
“Do you?” Hikari asked. “So if you were at the beach with say Sora, or Mimi, or Meiko, you would be able to properly compliment their swimsuits?”
“One time!” Yamato and Taichi yelled together.
“And yet three failures. Pretty poor performance when you think about it.” Takeru said.
“Compliments can be tricky; they require you to combine the previous two skills. You need to observe someone so the compliment makes sense, but you also need tact. Something that’s a compliment to one person may be a touchy subject to another.” Hikari explained.
“Especially when it comes to appearance and body parts,” Takeru said, “and you don’t want to get too accustomed to your compliments either, keep them fresh and exciting.”
“It’s amazing isn’t it Taichi?” Yamato asked.
“So many words and I don’t think they said anything.” He agreed.
“Perhaps the demonstration then.” Takeru said, turning to his partner. “Hikari, I saw you reading to some of the elementary students today, boy am I lucky to have such a kind girlfriend.”
“Don’t mention it. I enjoy it, and I like to think they did too. Say, can you open this jar for me? It should be easy for a strong man like you.” Hikari said.
Takeru mimed grabbing and opening a jar. “Anything for you Babe, say, is that a new shirt, you look positively radiant today.”
Hikari raised her hand to cover her giggle, “I’m so glad I have such a funny boyfriend. You know this is the school uniform, I’ve been wearing it for almost three years now.”
“Huh, you’re right. I guess I never noticed, every time I look at you I can’t help but be overwhelmed by those pools of milky hazel, whenever I see them, my troubles float away and I feel like I have the strength of a thousand men. I could spend hours just staring into those wells of pure emotion.”
“I, uh, uhh, I like your eyes too?”
Takeru let out a large laugh and the pair turned back to the couch to find it no longer occupied.
“That’s no good. They’ll never learn like this.” Takeru admonished
Hikari raised her hands again, twirling the promise ring on her finger. “Do you think they noticed?” she asked.
“Them? No way.” Takeru replied, “but that’s what makes it fun. See how long it takes before they catch on.”
“What if someone else tells them we’re dating first?”
Takeru shrugged, “Just say we already told them, they just weren’t paying enough attention.”
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solomonish · 4 years
longtime listener (solomon x reader)
“Hi, uh, I’m a longtime listener, first time caller. Is it just me, or are we two halves of the same soul?”
It felt like the late night talk show was made for you specifically….and you know what? Maybe it was.
ao3 link: here!
Tumblr media
3 a.m. It was 3 a.m. in this nowhere town of yours, the summer crickets screaming loud enough to become a steady thrum in the back of your mind. This insomniac routine had gone on long enough that your bedroom light was not off. You had gone past the empty attempts at counting sheep, spent countless hours relaxing your muscles from head to toe, everything. The orange bottle of melatonin mocked you each time you opened your medicine cabinet, half-full of pills that didn’t do a damn thing for you. Now, surrounded entirely by trees and the sounds of nature keeping you company, you had taken to merely entertaining yourself in the hours of the night when you should be asleep.
If idle hands bored you in the daylight, it was even worse at night. The cover of darkness seemed to bring with it a blanket over your mind, insulating your thoughts with slowly creeping dread and loneliness the longer you allowed yourself to stew. Scattered across your house were projects in varying degrees of completion: a crochet granny square half-completed, a needle still stuck in a loop lying on the small table beside your couch. Sad as it is, it is still better off than the elephant who’s box was opened and instructions spread out, but too indecipherable to a novice like you. On your desk lay scattered coloring book pages and paint-by-numbers, even an adhesive jewel coloring activity that was far too expensive for the one page, delivered by a man who’s baseball hat brim never revealed his face. It was the first unfamiliar face you had seen in a while, even though you technically hadn’t seen it at all.
A small stack of books that you tried to read stared at you from your dresser, begging you to open them again as if the words wouldn’t blur together immediately. Beside them sat your radio, an old thing that you hadn’t touched in years before your sleepless nights came to plague you. Most of the time, static veiled the music that you expected to be playing, even though you could catch slivers of familiar lyrics between the fuzzy noises. The only station you could seem to get was a talk show.
Unlike other radio shows you had heard, this one was uninterrupted by music or, like the other stations, static. There were no guests either, as all you ever heard was one voice. It was a calm voice with a playful lilt, neither too deep nor too high. To you, it was the kind of voice that seemed to pull you in a trance, as if it knew exactly which senses to numb until you were pliable to the way the sound crashed into you. If you hadn’t been having these sleepless bouts, you could probably fall asleep to his voice.
The topic of the show was lost on you. Sometimes, if you listened real close, you could hear the man talk about old urban legends or strange, magical creatures. Other times, he was murmuring about spells and recommending potion recipes. More often than not, though, you spent your time in a stupor, not listening to the yarns he was spinning. Instead, it was as if his voice pulled your spirit out of your body and led you down a path of memories lost to time.
Such an idea seemed scary, but...it was comforting, honestly, and maybe the little bit of rest you needed to prevent your body from crashing throughout the day.
With the voice in the backdrop, you found yourself going on wild adventures you felt like you lived but could not actually remember. Sometimes, you found yourself on the edge of a rocky outcrop on the coast, stormy clouds above warning you to turn away from the ocean as the ebb of the tide beckoned you closer. You could feel the salt in the wind brushing against your mist-soaked cheeks, your hair limp and wet but still blowing wildly around you. Others, you could feel the thick moss sink under your weight as you traipsed through a nameless bog, searching for a vivid, unnaturally colored mushroom you knew you had seen before but could not name. You could even see, on occasion, a dark land lit by multi-colored lanterns, a decrepit manor filled with seven rambunctious figures you thought you remembered fondly.
Then, just before the sun started to peer above the horizon, you were brought back to your body and the voice signed off, almost affectionately. The room around you, bathed in the light purple of an early dawn, almost seemed to shimmer until the sun broke the spell.
It was baffling, but you couldn’t exactly share the experience with anyone without them thinking that you were crazy. Besides, it all seemed too intimate to share, and the selfish part of you thought it’d be best to keep these moments tucked away.
As you settled in the swivel chair with the radio static in the background, aimlessly fiddling with the threads on your old shirt, you began to feel nerves bundling in your stomach. Though you couldn’t quite explain why, it seemed as if something was about to change. You eyed the radio nervously, listening to the static that would soon give way to the voice.
After a few more nerve-wracking moments, the static subsided and the relaxing, smooth voice started to poke through. There was no introduction music and he was starting to come through mid-sentence, but you already leaned back, convinced that whatever he was saying was true. The two of you were on the same wavelength, after all.
He droned on for longer than you remembered him taking, and you remain - frustratingly enough - with your body and painfully aware of the world around you. You can actually hear what he’s talking about - something about coincidences, fate, reincarnation - the stuff of a pre-teen branching into philosophical thought. You can feel your interest waning, and you even debate turning the channel and slipping back into your old attempts at falling asleep when he says something of interest.
“...and if it’s alright with you, I’ll open the line for any callers. I’ll wait for you. Whenever you’re ready.”
You froze. What? That wasn’t how this type of show was supposed to go. You had never heard him even speak about anybody else specifically, let along open up his world to anybody who was listening. The thought scared you in a weird way, the kind of fear that you were sure should only be felt in prehistoric times, an almost primal fear of invasion.
Reaching beside you, you grabbed your phone and dialed. You didn’t remember him saying the number to call, but you already knew it. You must have, because before you know it, you’re bringing the phone up to your ear.
For just a moment, as the phone in your ear rings but nothing changes on the radio.Like a child whose schoolyard crush just rejected them, you feel like a fool - until you hear a click, and the voice that greets you matches the one you’ve been listening to for endless nights.
Your voice doesn’t come through on the radio, a fact that both relieves and confuses you. Faintly, you can tell that your heart rate has picked up and your breathing has gotten shallower. The nerves from a few minutes ago pick up again. Gracelessly, you manage to stammer out a nervous, “H-hi…” while your brain catches up with the rest of your body.
“Hello, MC,” he responds, his smooth voice erasing all the bumps in your own introduction. You wonder how he knows your name, but decide to focus on how nice it sounds on his tongue. “What is it that you wish to learn tonight?”
That you’re talking to me. Me, and only me, is what your brain wants to say. Istead, your eyes dart around the room for a less...needy response. “I, uh- gosh, this is embarrassing, but I don’t think I caught your name.”
He hummed. You couldn’t tell if you were hearing his voice over the radio or the phone, but you could only hear him once - the rest of the world had been turned down to silence. “Perhaps you haven’t, in this life.”
In this life. For a moment, you swore you could see a familiar smirk in the darkest corner of your mind, one slim finger pressed against sly lips in a gesture to keep your secrets to yourself. Your face felt warmer than it had ever been, but your chest felt hollow, like you were grasping vaguely for something just out of reach.
“I didn’t mean to forget, Solomon.” The name felt right leaving your mouth, and now that you had said it, you wanted to repeat it over and over. On the other end of the line, Solomon seemed as pleased as you did.
“As long as you remember now.”
Honestly, what were you to say to that? Simply talking, really talking to Solomon had your breath robbed from your lungs. If you looked down, you could see your hands shaking, and you worried your voice might start trembling if you spoke too soon. The longer you let the silence linger, the colder you felt inside, an empty chill filling the space where something you briefly realized was torn from you should be. Whatever it was, talking to Solomon thawed you out, and you feared hanging up on him now would freeze you solid.
So you swallowed thickly and hesitantly spoke. “Do you ever dream about the ocean, Solomon?” You just wanted to say his name again.
“Who says those are dreams? Maybe they’re memories.” And surely he was right, because there was no way a simple dream could leave such a potent taste of salt in your mouth.
The way he spoke to you felt so familiar, almost safe and welcoming. Even if your conversation was only just beginning, you had the distinct sensation that you were picking up where you left off with an old companion, falling into an easy rhythm you used to find solace in. At the same time, you couldn’t shake the fact that you knew nothing about Solomon, and that this phone call was telling you that tonight was his last broadcast.
“Do you have memories of the ocean?” Your voice was breathy, and you had to catch yourself just before reciting his name a third time. What was your fascination with it? Perhaps you were trying to call out to him, to keep his attention on you. Maybe you were hoping to summon him back to you. You supposed it didn’t matter in the end, anyway.
“Yes. Not all of them are fond, though. Some parts are.”
You could practically see the way his mouth turned down at the corners, a practiced display of displeasure. He always managed to express himself without giving away too much information - he was the type of person where you knew he was upset, but you could never begin to fathom why. That’s what everyone else thought, but you were the exception. You could watch his face fall and know what he was thinking. You would be the one to lift his spirits again, once upon a time. That, you remembered. Could you ever forget?
The silence that stretched between you didn’t feel like something that needed filled. It was a language all its own, a space where you could hear the other speak without anything being said. This, you realized, is what it felt like to be so perfectly in tune with someone, to understand them completely, better than you knew yourself.
But how could you know Solomon so intimately when this was your first time speaking to him?
No...no, it wasn’t. You’ve known Solomon for longer than you’ve been alive.
“Which memories are fond?”
He didn’t answer the question. He didn’t need to. He was thinking of you in lifetimes you just learned had already come to pass.
“Are you still on air?” You asked, your voice soft and uneven. As if awaiting horrible, surprising news, you brought your free hand to your mouth and bated your breath. The world around you had come to a standstill as you awaited his answer - even turning yourself mindlessly in your chair seemed wrong, but you couldn’t force yourself to reach out with your foot and stop.
The chuckle you received was rich, velvety, and it sounded much closer and clearer than a man talking to you through a phone. “Who’s to say I was ever on air to begin with?”
Your face warmed, and you gasped. Despite the ominous words, something in your chest told you that you could trust him, that this was meant to be. All at once, the sounds of the world came back to you. The crickets were chirping, the katydids screaming, frogs calling out to one another in their summer song. From a distance away, a sudden low rumble sounded as something made impact with the ground, sending a light shockwave that shook the old branches above you and sent exhilarating chills down your spine. A shocking cloud of purple light, glimmering like all the stars in the galaxy came down to visit you, caught your attention through your window. You should be scared. You really should be, but you weren’t. You felt like the late-night bus just arrived to take you home.
Once you were out of your trance, you brought the phone back to your ear. The line had been quiet since you started asking your questions, but you could tell Solomon was still there. You didn’t need to tell him that you were back - he already knew.
“Why…?” You had no idea what you were asking about, but you did so with a hint of anticipation in your voice. This was the moment you had been waiting for all your life, but you only just realized you’d been waiting. His answer made your heart flip the way it used to.
“I was merely looking for you, my love.”
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