#This is part of the story line of one of the Outsider POVs I'm working on
violent138 · 29 days
I kind of like the idea that at the highest levels of the U.S. government, FBI, whatever, they are fully aware of who each member of the Batfam is and have dossiers that could fill libraries detailing their crimes and whatnot. Furthermore, they have filled Bruce Wayne in on this fact and told him that while he does net-positive things as a Gotham-exclusive vigilante and member of the Justice League (the government is more than happy to let a billionaire pay for that), they have no reason to come after him. In fact, the Feds are exhausted with Gotham and dealing with all the problems it brings.
However, they're very clear that if they wanted to, they could put him and his kids away, or force them into working for the government.
Bruce is entirely unsurprised by this, and it's just another chess move in the long-brewing cold war where the Bats routinely destroy/delegitimize evidence/hack them/gather counter-intelligence and blackmail and the Feds continue their reconnaissance, rebuild their case, and put up heavy opposition to any Batfamily members or allies entering government office.
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gotholdladywithadhd · 2 months
Unpopular opinion, probably.
So I've read many metas, and thought a lot about it and have come to my own personal conclusion about the final 15.
I'm taking it at face value.
Because it was the most human Crowley and Aziraphale have probably ever been and I think that is at least part of the point. Love makes people stupid and they are navigating a very human thing in very unhuman circumstances, and it's hard enough to do as a human in human circumstances!
I think Aziraphale believed the Metatron about Crowley bc he was expecting the worst when TM mentioned Crowley but instead got the one thing he wanted most (him and Crowley together and safe, not Crowley being an angel. ) Crowley was absolutely the carrot here. (and no I do not think Crowley would have been safe or happy, but that's besides the point.) I can't tell you how many times I've believed patently ridiculous things because I wanted to believe them so badly even though if I was looking at the same situation objectively from an outside POV I would see how ridiculous it was, so I totally get it. This isn't to say I think Azi had a real choice to go to Heaven or not and I think he did understand that as well, but I get the temptation the Metatron threw out to him, I really do.
As for Aziraphale literally saying all the wrong things to try and get Crowley to come with him? Um yeah been there done that too, the nerves take over, the brain shuts off, the mouth goes into autopilot pulling stuff out its ass, and "WITAF did I just say?" happens.
Crowley not taking any of it well and only hearing what he expected to hear (I'm not good enough for you bc I'm a demon and you only really want me if I can be an angel) *and* also being more able to see through heavens bullshit bc he has lived it, and can see it from the outside, *and* all whilst being the most honest and vulnerable he has ever been with Aziraphale in 6,000 plus years (or in fact possibly to anyone, ever. the closest before this admitting he was lonely to Azi during the Job minisode,) *then* hearing what he took to be the same Heaven will save us line from Azi was enough to trigger a massive bout of RSD and a broken heart. Everything was supposed to "vavoom and sorted! " and instead the stupid awning broke and everything went wrong. I think I've said it before that at this point Crowley can't hear anything over the sound of his heart breaking into a million pieces.
That's a whole lot to pack into the brief moments before Azi has to leave with the Metatron (who let's be honest was rushing him before he could change his mind) esp when neither of them are used to discussing their relationship openly. They didn't have time to think, to ask questions, to share information, (like hey guess what really happened to Gabriel?) Crowley tried to communicate as much as he could about his feelings with the kiss but Azi didn't have the time to properly process all that and said the wrong thing again and Crowley was rejected (he thought) again and it all just went so very wrong. You can't fix a 6,000 year relationship in 15 minutes, you just can't no matter what the story books say.
It's about two people wanting the same thing but not being able to get it (yet) because of circumstances and personalities. All of S2 was about them seeming to be closer than ever (and in many ways they were) but really they were opposed at almost every turn. (in RL not the minisodes, those actually showed them working together and coming out okay mostly, if you don't count wee Morag or Crowley getting dragged to hell) The way they both handled the Gabriel situation, how they both worked to solve the mystery, even how they tried to make Nina and Maggie fall in love were all either done alone, or in opposite ways. I've said it before and I'll say it again, as it was pointed out right in ep1, their exactlies aren't the same and until they are, they aren't going to be able to be together. The one time they did work together in the season, they produced a 25 lazuri miracle. That is the point of the final 15, and the whole season 2 in my opinion.
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They'll get there in the end though!
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
POV: Oscar saves reader
Just before she is due to marry Carlos, Oscar takes her away
For this, i'm pretending all the US immigration stuff doesn't exist, like, I know its seriously difficult to get a visa to live and work in the US, but i've ignored that here
Series Masterlist
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It was the night before the wedding and Y/N was crying into her pillow
You know how the story goes, what happens when she marries Carlos
And, in a way, she knew it too
She knew what was going to happen to her, the impending tragedy she could feel coming
No amount of consoling from Oscar had any effect
In our original story, Oscar disappears to get some beers and let her have one last fun night
But, in this story, Oscar didn't do that
While she had been sleeping, Oscar was wide awake, putting things in place to get her away from Carlos's house
The hardest part had been getting a car and stashing it outside of the gates
If it was still there when they went to escape, he would have been incredibly surprised
"Pack your bags," said Oscar as he gently pulled her away from the pillow and wiped the tears from beneath her eyes
"Osc," she began, but he threw a bag onto the bed and pulled an already packed one from beneath it
Wordlessly, she got on with it, packing her things into the bag
The bag was tiny, not nearly big enough to pack all of her things
But she did what she could
"What're we doing?"
Oscar took her hand and kissed the back of it
He pulled open her bedroom door, keeping his hand on his gun as she looked up and down the corridor
When he saw nothing, he walked out, Y/N trailing behind him
He went to the stairs, kept his gun pointed down as he looked for any of Carlos's men
They had a clear run to the stairs
Oscar kept a tight hold of Y/N as they ran towards the front door
Outside would be a different story - there would be cameras everywhere and probably some men too
"When we're out there, run like hell," he said and waited for Y/N to nod before he opened the door
They did just like that, ran like hell
The gates weren't the most sophisticated and Oscar easily got them open
He took Y/N's hand and pulled her towards the car that was still stashed away
Within seconds they were driving towards the airport, and nobody even knew they had left
"Where are we going, Osc?" Y/N asked as she leaned her head against the window
Finally, he answered her, "The Sargeants have offered us a place to stay in the United States," he said as they drove on the highway
The flight from Spain to the US was long and Y/N slept through most of it
Oscar didn't, though
He kept his arms wrapped around her, alert and protective
When they touched down in Florida, Logan and two other men in suits were there to greet them
"I'm putting my ass on the line for you, mate," (because I love the way logan says mate) he said as he pulled Oscar in close
Oscar looked at the girl behind him
"She's worth it," he said
The Sargeants had multiple safehouses
That was where Oscar and Y/N found themselves, in one of the Sargeant's safehouses
It was their perfect little haven
It was hard for Y/N not to fall in love with Oscar
If she wasn't already in love with him when she lived in Carlos's house, she certainly was now
The safehouse had one bed (because I love that trope)
At first Oscar refused to sleep in the same bed as her
He took a couple of pillows and slept on the floor
But then Y/N insisted that he sleep in the bed with her
They fell into a domestic sort of bliss, and that was how they got together
They didn't think about it the first time they kissed, laying in the bed they now shared
It had become normal for Oscar to hold her close while they slept, still protective
For a full year, their life was normal
Y/N wanted to get a job, she wanted that sort of normality, so she did
She went by her middle name, calling herself Piastri instead of Norris
That made Oscar wear his polite cat smile
Oscar got a job too, working for the Sargeant family
It was really nice, working with his best friend
They went karting together, taking Oscar back to the days before he began working for Webber, when his Formula One dreams were close to being a reality
After a year of peace, Lando found them
It had been a solo mission, something he hadn't told anybody about
His men didn't know, the man that should have been his brother in law didn't know
Lando made the trip to Florida alone, letting Sargeant know that he was on his way
The Sargeants pulled Y/N and Oscar in
Oscar was immediately protective when Lando walked into the room, but the Brit held his hands up defensively
"Relax, nobody knows I'm here," he said, looking at his sister (who had been pushed behind Oscar)
"I'm proud of you," he said, "both of you"
"Both of us?" Asked Oscar, unable to stop the face he was pulling
Lando nodded his head
"You got my little sister away from a marriage that i never wanted to happen"
Y/N stepped forward. "Why are you here, Lando?"
Truth was that Lando wasn't going to come, not until he found out that she was going by Piastri
That gave a certain idea (that they were together) and Lando couldn't not check it out
He was right, it seemed
The way Oscar was protectively in front of her told Lando everything he needed to know
The way Y/N was holding the back of Oscars white button up shirt told him
"I'm here giving my blessing"
"I don't need it," Y/N replied quickly
"I don't care, you've got it"
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @chonkybonky @shobaes @celesteblack08 @watermelonworries @gracielukey @cassie0sstuff @goldenharrysworld @venusesworld @sparklyperfectionstranger @evans-dejong @graciewrote @formulaal
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north-blue-hearts · 10 months
Doctor's Orders
Character: Trafalgar Law Reader: Gender Neutral
Word Count: 1151
CW: smut, explicit, established relationship, unseen blowjob, no gendered description of the reader at all. 18+ only
Synopsis: Law has provided you part of body to make sure he doesn't over work himself. Story's mostly from his pov
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Law sits at his desk in the Polar Tang and finishes up the last of his paperwork. All the supplies are accounted for, and the outside medical jobs they had done were paid in full. For the first time in a long time, he had a few spare moments for himself.
Before he could stand from the desk a sensation bubbles up from between his thighs almost causing him to gasp out loud. He could feel your warm, wet tongue licking along the shaft of his cock. He had handed it over to you willingly a couple hours ago, under the premise that you'd make sure he took a break from his work.
One way or another.
Being able to see you suck him off was always a treat, but feeling you without being able to see or hear you was a new sensation. One that was intense in its own way.
Gripping the side of the desk, his hips buck against the pleasure in vain, he can feel the rush building, and he can do nothing to control it. It was disgraceful, being so close to orgasm so soon, but you knew his body well at this point and you weren't holding back. It didn't matter how much he twitched or twisted; he couldn't mitigate what you were doing to him. All he could do now was brace himself against the desk and try to stifle the growing need to moan.
He couldn't even demand you slow down, you were in a completely different part of the ship, and your tongue was shattering his train of thought. 
Heavy shuddering gasps are pulled from him, heat rushing to his face as his body tenses. Your tongue and lips shift around him, and the building pleasure plateaus. He can't force the shivering orgasm over the edge and you're keeping him right at the line. If he was able to reach you, he'd already be shoving his cock down your throat with hardly any apology.
"Fuck," he huffs into the air. Much more of this and he's going to have to hobble his way to your room. There was no telling how long you'd deny him if he just sat back and accepted it.
There's a knock at the door. For a cold moment he's worried you've walked from your room to his with his disembodied dick in your mouth.
"Captain, can I come in?" Sachi asks from the other side of the door.
Absolutely not. Willing himself under control, Law takes a few steady breaths and sits up. A hard suck on his tip crumples him before he can reply to Sachi, and he nearly slams his face into the desk.
Putting his arms around his head like he's been napping, he grumbles a reply.
"Make it quick."
The door swings open and Law glares at Sachi from under his hat. The smile on Sachi's face twists a little, and gives Law the impression he's aware of what - or who - is ailing his captain.
"We'll be at the next island tomorrow, here's the leave requests." Sachi says handing over a short stack of papers.
"Anything of note?"
"They requested leave for the first time." Sachi says and this time his grin is more knowing than Law would like.
"It's been a few months, it's not surprising." Law replies looking up at Sachi. "Anything else?"
Sachi's expression changes to one of worry. "No, but are you okay Captain? You look like you have a fever."
"I'm-." Law's body tightens against renewed pleasure and cuts his sentence short. "Fine." He growls through clenched teeth before relaxing a little. "I'm fine."
"(Y/N) was worried you were working yourself sick and it looks like-."
"Sachi." Law wasn't about to orgasm in front of his good friend and crew mate. "If that's all, then you're dismissed."
Sachi recognizes the tone of voice and stiffens before bowing and excusing himself. "Aye, aye, Captain."
The door closes and Law leans back in the chair, hands white-knuckle gripping the arms of it as his legs tense and twitch.
"Fuck, (Y/N)-ya..." His shivering voice fades into the empty room and even as he's getting ready to cum all he can think of is how much he wants to just rail you into oblivion. Pounding into that surprisingly sensitive body of yours filling you up and covering you with his cum until your eyes are hazy, and your tongue is hanging out of your mouth.
You, under him, too blissed out to care about the mess you had become. Begging for his cock to be buried wherever he pleases so long as you could scream his name in pleasure just one more time.
His hips buck into nothing as he cums into the air, your hand wrapped around him and pumping for all he's worth. Before he can even begin to calm down, he feels you push him into your mouth, sucking more out of him and nearly making him cry out.
The rush of pleasure causes spots to appear in his vision as he's panting heavily, sunk into the chair in exhaustion. He has a few seconds to catch his breath before he feels your tongue tentatively lapping against his tip, urging him to hardness again for another round.
"Hungry little pet," he muses with a grin. Expanding his room to cover the whole ship he finds you easily, shambling you into his room.
On your knees, on his desk, holding his cock, you look over at him with a cheeky smile, licking along the length. You're in nothing more than a collar, with leather cuffs on your wrists and ankles, lines of his cum drying on your face.
Standing up he hooks a finger under your collar and pulls you to his face. "You're dressed for more than just a simple break."
You lick your lips. "I figured you were done by now."
Gold eyes regard you, the amused and dangerous smirk sending chills down your back as he hums positively. A tug on the collar compels you to lean up to him as he leans down and kisses you.
The soft cool kiss pushes into you after a brief moment, and the captain's long fingers squeezing your ass and eliciting a happy moan from you. Catching your breath between kisses he pulls you in deeply, tongue pushing into you as his hands hold you tight against him. The embrace and kiss stealing the air from you as the heat rises into your face, making you euphorically dizzy.
"Your shore leave request is denied." He says sternly. You feel an odd pang, you were looking forward to spending a day on land with him and had hoped to coax him off the ship.
He grips your hair tightly forcing your head back as he smirks down at you, aware of at least some of what was going through your mind. "You're going to need a few days to recover from what I'm going to do to you." He promises, leaning down until his breath is hot against your neck, his voice lower than usual, heavy and full of promise and need.
"Doctor's orders."
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n--n · 2 months
So can you elaborate on the lyrics of Poison being uninspired? I think a big problem with them is that there’s supposed to be a dramatic switch up in tone at the end, but it’s not actually big because the song has no dark subtext, the darkness is pure text. You can’t have a character say “My stories gonna end with me dead from your poison” then expect us to be shocked when the song gets sad in the end.
Addict was something people could have actually comfortably danced to in the club, which makes it hit when the concept is flipped to the dark side of itself, and it fits thematically, because it’s him coming down from his high, and he’s taking in what’s become of his life. Angel wasn’t happy before the ending of Poison so why is the song suddenly sad now like anything has changed?
But to me the lyrics seem unique enough. Like I can’t say any of them are cliches or platitudes. Though it kind of annoys me that the second verse like a regular pop song, but a real pop song has eight lines in verse one, this one has six and the Yeah yeah yeahs don’t count, so the second verse has an odd number of lines and just feels incomplete. That could be an example of it being uninspired.
Thank you for this ask it gives me an excuse to surgically open this song and really understand why it bothers me so much. Also it's 12 and I haven't rewatched it in a while so I might come back tomorrow and rewrite this so take it w a grain of salt sorry abt that.
In a nutshell- it's uninspired to me bc its such a nothingburger of a song. Like what do we get from it that we don't already know about Angel- either from the show itself, side content like the Addict video, or even from posts about him? Nothing. And lyrics aside, although the beat is good it's just a generic pop tune like Addict was a generic Kesha tune ya'know? Nothing about the melody particularly stood out to me as unique on its own or helping the storytelling. Even the fact that it's so upbeat in spite of the lyrics and visuals works against it when it gets towards the end and fails at trying to surprise you that it's sad.
"...so the second verse has an odd number of lines and just feels incomplete"
^^See thank you for articulating this bc I don't actually know much about how to articulate my thoughts on music, but this does help me make sense of why the actual tune just didn't grab me/felt off.
Also, going w/ the comparison to All You Wanna Do again- it's uninspired in that it also tries to do the thing where it makes a character use sexual innuendo to cope/describe the sa but falls so flat. Like,
"So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp
Yeah, I know it's poison You're feedin' me poison I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice and Every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow"
Angel Dust does his dance as he sings this-and the images of him in his fetish gear/parts of the assault appear on screen, and he even poses in the positions it's implied he's being assaulted in. Like, was ALL of that necessary when the lyrics are already telling us directly what's happening to him??? Katherine made sex jokes abt her sa too, but we get to see her as her own character outside of the assaults and we learn so much about her pov, how it affected her entire life, etc. I feel like I wouldn't find it even that egregious if we had gotten to have scenes where the audience gets to see Angel be himself outside of the performative mask he wears+his suffering, but he was only used for cheap sex jokes when interacting w the others at the hotel. And now in his song, he redundantly sings abt his situation which we have already been shown:
"I got so good at bein' untrue I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear I disassociate, disappear Yeah, yeah, yeah"
We saw his conflict w Husk over how fake he is, saw him placate Val over the phone, and I can't recall if we saw him disassociate but regardless. The point is we know all this, it didn't need to be a song let alone a whole music video. If we left the scene after Val abused Angel in the backroom and made Charlie leave it would have been waaayyyyy more weighty and foreboding than this song/MV.
"You can’t have a character say “My stories gonna end with me dead from your poison” then expect us to be shocked when the song gets sad in the end." + "...and it fits thematically, because it’s him coming down from his high, and he’s taking in what’s become of his life."
^^^^THIS!! They really tried leaning into the tragedy of his situation but really just ended up making him a tool for whump instead. Addict was put together wayyy better musically, thematically and visually- it actually felt impactful when we're left with Angel Dust crying on the bed w his pet comforting him, whereas Poison leaving him on the ground left me feeling nothing but annoyance.
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frownyalfred · 5 months
Hi, Res! Glad you're back! I love your writing (and your posting in general) and missed it. I hope everything good for you and your family!
I was wondering how you come up with fic ideas? That are so natural and realistic yet never came into my mind, like "let the light in" or "end of line" or "come morning light" or–
And also also!!! How you're able to write while you post (like post the first chapter and not have the rest completely planned) and not lose yourself on the plot/details?
Sorry if that's annoying in any way! I I just love love love your writing and I look up to you a lot!
Thanks 🥰🥰🥰
Hi! Not annoying at all, I appreciate you asking. For those fics, they kind of just came to me in slice of life moments? Maybe I can explain below a little better:
let the light in - this came to me while I was thinking about shoulder injuries (my parents both had rotator cuff injuries and PT afterward) and how it must feel very vulnerable for the human members of the League. Especially Ollie who would never want to appear weak because of his stubborn pride. Bruce as a foil/complement made sense as soon as I tried thinking it out. I knew I wanted to write a scene where Bruce inevitably confronts/witnesses Ollie's weakness, and the dialogue kind of spun out from there.
end of line - this fic bloomed into existence because I was pondering what would happen if you full-force punched Clark in the face. If you punch a normal person you can break bones, so what happens when you clock Superman? Again, this was another fic where the dialogue just kind of led the story forward. I knew I wanted it to be outsider!POV for added angst, and swiftly realized I could add in Bruce as Clark's "fixer" for even more hilarity.
come morning light - this one came from me pondering Clark's anxiety at his own near-immortality. I was trying to come up with the best scene to showcase that fear/anxiety, and the morning of his wedding made sense. It also allowed Bruce's careful adjustments and reassurance to shine through in contrast. I also wanted to challenge myself to write something with them both that was purely platonic, which I think I somewhat achieved (mixed reviews LOL).
so I guess a lot of these fics tend to come from "what if" moments, usually prompted by irl events.
As for being able to post a WIP and not know where the story is going, that might be because I am a "feel" writer. I don't think that's a good thing but I digress. I "feel" like I know where the story is going, but I don't know exactly what will happen between point A and point B until I'm writing dialogue. Usually it leads me to the right place, so I know if I post the first chapter without a solid plan for the next 3-4, I can still "feel" I'm on the right path.
Diving in to update is probably the easiest and hardest part of this method. I find that if I re-read the entire fic, my brain generally knows where it wants to go next and the story just naturally continues as I write. However, with borderline that meant I was rereading a 60k fic every few days and definitely wasn't efficient. Plotting the final act of stories generally requires me to abandon this method and reach out to my lovely beta, who is a mensch.
I'm not sure if that was very helpful, but that's kind of an overview of how my brain works while writing. It might not work for you, and that's okay! Try out some different methods and just keep writing! Do it as often as you can, even if it's stupid or never shared or only a few snippets here and there.
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
@lucdarling replied to your post “so all of the fic where the GAR and Coruscant...”:
pls give me your fic recs, friend. this sounds very relevant to my interests.
​oh heckie yes i got u boo @lucdarling
Fics Being Mean to the Coruscant Guard:
Two Strikes / Crowning Glory A variety of steps Cody takes to ensure the Guard doesn't get abused as horribly -- Fox and his men might not be on the front lines, but they're still Vod'e -- and their consequences.
linking to the first fic in the series, the story starts out mostly with Cody being a slut (affectionate) but then goes on to get into the Tragedy of Darth Plageius the Coruscant Guard and Fixing It and tbh if you read nothing else read this series it is So Good. make sure to follow the links, things are slightly confusing and non-sequential if you don't
it also actually addresses post-trauma stuff too which is AMAZING, yes def read this but be sure to put some time aside for it the series is like 500k and you Will want to read it all in one sitting and then you might get yelled at by your wife for not sleeping for three days or that might just be me, 100/10
Galaxy-Saving Memes You can only access the page if you're GAR. The Coruscant Guard decides to infiltrate it because they are tired of being ignored, and honestly? Their memes are way better. Or, the Guard saves millions of lives through stupid internet posts.
second on the 'if nothing else read this' list, unless you dislike epistolary stories, in which case you can skip. but it is short and it is fucking HILARIOUS which you would think wouldn't be possible given the subject matter but no, it is great, 100/10
The Adoption Wars The only thing stronger than the dark side is Rex's ability to get adopted. Or: the one where Rex would really like everyone to know that he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Oh, and Fox finally gets to kill a sith.
only somewhat about Being Mean to the Guard but by god it is cute and adorable but also makes you Feel Emotions, excellent story 10/10
Their Days Are Darker After the death of ARC Trooper Fives, an altercation at 79's leads Wolffe to spend his leave snooping around the Coruscant Guard. Fox assumes he'll drop it and leave the Corries to their fate; it's what everyone else has done. He is very, very wrong.
so this is heartbreaking in the whole 'doesn't understand that what is happening is wrong' kind of way and tbh Cody is a little bit more of a dick than i usually imagine him but it is still Quite Excellent 10/10
exploitation, hesitation The Coruscant Guard makes a mistake while working with the 212th Attack Battalion. Fox prepares to take the heat.
EXCELLENT writing with the whole 'pov character thinks one thing is happening while outside characters Definitely Do Not', fox is so self-sacrificing which is why and how we love him 10/10
learning solitude It's a gradual, insidious thing, Fox's absorption into the Chancellor's office. The Chancellor wants a clone commander of his own, so he gets one. All Fox gets is a position far away from his brothers, a lesson in how to work around natborns who detest his very existence, and a seemingly endless list of monotonous jobs to keep him occupied through all his waking hours and beyond. Fox misses Kamino.
less Guard more Fox, but man what a way to emotionally stab you in the face! lots of gaslighting and manipulation and it is part of a series but the series also gets Extremely Dark at the end before having a recovery/happy ending, so ymmv 10/10
Blood Iron Fox has seen many things seized during raids. Illegal weapons, Spice and other assorted of banned drugs, slaves, carnivorous beasts trained for the fighting rings, the list goes on. Nothing prepared him for finding beskar among the crates of contraband and bad life choices.
so much worldbuilding fuck yeah! semi-the mandalorian crossover, the Guards have it Real Fucking Rough but then they run into some traditional mandos with hearts of gold beskar, v excellent 10/10
i'm sure there are others! well i know there are others, but these are the ones i remember standing out/have read so far. all of these have happy endings, i wouldn't do that to you (and tbh don't really read stuff w/o happy endings myself)
go forth and read whump!
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mirjam-writes · 19 days
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @suavissimapenna <3 Sorry it took so long!
How many works do you have on ao3?
7 for Sherlock and 23 Good Omens that are completely mine. 6 collaborative fics I have either partly written, or just made art for. So, 36.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens! I used to write for Sherlock too, but that's now in the past.
Top five fics by kudos:
Truth Or Dare (E, 6.5K words), my first proper smut ever! Post s1 gettig together story.
Angel Of Justice (T, 9.5K), my first ever Good Omens fanfic. Post S1 from Michael POV, A/C as a background couple.
!False (It's funny because it's true) (E, 5.4k), an office romance human AU set in software company.
A Stable Relationship (E, 9.9k), horse rider AU with trans Aziraphale. Friends with benefits becoming a romantic relationship.
Girls Just Wanna Have Sun (G, 1.7k), outsider pov scene about Robin's day at the beach, where she meets two weird gentlemen who have never been to a beach before.
Do you respond to comments?
YES I DO! Slowly, possibly, but yes I do, and I read and reread them!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh... angsty ending? What is that? Technically Be Still My Soul: The Rift, but does that count if it's a middle part of a trilogy? That's definitely my angstiest fic of all time BUT I tried to write the happiest ending possible to it. But also, yeah, people died in the war (just not A or C), so maybe I'll count that story.
Edit: WAIT NO! To Love Somebody, a story from Shadwell pov about how he fell in love both Aziraphale and Crowley, and how that changed him. That's sort of angsty and the ending is bittersweet!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmmmmm. I have so many. I can't compare. Maybe Watching You (Watching Me), it's the porniest porn i have ever written, and it has...uh... several happy endings :D
Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far!
Do you write smut?
Yessss. I'm in my porn writer era at the moment :D
Craziest crossover:
I did some super weird anime crossovers as a teen (I hope those are long lost) but haven't dabbled on that since apart from very vague blink-and-you-miss-it references.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
One of my Sherlock fics was translated into french in 2018!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only for one round robin event, which produced four stories! Not sure if that really counts as collaborating since we weren't allowed to talk about it when we did it, we just got the fic, read it, and added 600 words and gave it to the next one! It was super fun though.
All time favorite ship?
Aziraphale and Crowley. No competition there.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't usually start posting unless I'm 100% confident I'll finish the story, so I don't have public wips.
I had one pretty cool Sherlock post-apocalypse story idea, which I'd love to talk about if someone is interested, but writing it? Hmm probably not. But it's not really a wip, if I have only like two bullets in a doc?
What are your writing strengths?
I think I write pretty good bickerflirting and humour even in dark situations. And, uh... historical research.
What are your writing weaknesses?
LONG ASS SENTENCES. I need to cut them down. Chop chop chop. Also, I over-use commas and em-dashes.
Also, not being a native english speaker, but I think I've got a lot more fluent during the past years, so maybe that's not my biggest weakness anymore.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I have done it myself, in a situation when my pov character wasn't supposed to understand what was being discussed, but I did only a couple of lines.
My languages (apart from english) are finnish, very rough swedish, and teeny tiny bit of german, but many fics I've read that have used another language in dialogue, use French or Spanish (which are popular languages for English speakers to learn in school!), and with those I'm woefully lost!
But honestly, i don't need to understand every fic under the sun! You do you, I bet there are people who can understand whichever languages you'd like to mix in your story, and that will be amazing for them!
First fandom you wrote in?
The Book Series That Must Not Be Named. I projected so much of my teenage angst into wizard school drama.
Favorite fic you've written?
You monster! Making me choose. Uh.
Okay, fair. It's easy. Be Still My Soul, hands down. @be-still-my-soul-fanfic
No pressure tagging: @hkblack, @ambrasue, @tawnyontumblr , @ack-emma and @zehwulf and anyone else who wants to answer!
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crossbowandwitches · 7 days
What Should I Say? (Fred Weasley x OC)
A/N: Hi! I'm so sorry for the long wait, I was so nervous to carry this on, as this is the first story I've ever actually put out. Hope you enjoy the next part though!
Summary: In the bustling streets of Muggle London, Fred Weasley, known for his mischievous charm and quick wit, stumbles into an unexpected encounter that will turn his world upside down. At an ordinary acting class, he finds himself face to face with the enigmatic Delphine Howard, a woman who seems to have stepped right out of his dreams. However, he soon comes to a heart-wrenching realization: the love he's found in Delphine is a love he can never truly have. Or can he?
Warnings: Use of alcohol, swearing, but eventual smut, angst, stress etc.
Chapters 1 & 2
Word Count: 1540
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Chapter 3: Delphine’s POV
I really disliked taking the tube after 8 pm, especially on a warm Friday night, and particularly on the Central line. It always reeked of alcohol or sweat, or both, since this line barely had air conditioning and it was still 23 degrees outside.
I put on my headphones and immersed myself in my favourite album, "If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power" by Halsey, as I embarked on my 15-stop journey from acting class to home.
My phone buzzed, and I saw a message from Russel: "Five Guys tonight?? x" Russel is my boyfriend, although it's complicated. The last thing I wanted was to entertain him tonight. Fridays were always the worst in the office, with endless weekly updates and making sure everything was sorted for the weekend, so I didn’t have to work over the weekend.
"I'm too tired tonight! x," I replied. Instantly, he sent me a sad face emoji. I should be used to this by now, the way he makes me feel bad because I won’t put out for him. He can be a dick, but I always end up going back to him because it's easier than trying again with someone new.
"Next Stop: Bethnal Green Station," I barely heard the announcement over my headphones, but then I realised I was one stop away. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the exit - not before accidentally hitting someone with my bag.
"Shoot, I’m so so-," I looked up and realized I had hit Fred Weasley, the tall and lanky redhead from Wednesday’s acting class.
"Delphine! Delphi!" He quickly corrected himself, knowing I’d prefer to be called Delphi. "Hey! How are you?" he asked.
"I’m good! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you. Are you OK?" My cheeks were going red; I could feel it. I was embarrassed!
“It’s all good, hah!” He reassured me with a little smile. "Are you heading home?" I realized then that I was pulling into my stop and panicked - I didn’t want this chat to end, and I didn’t know why.
"Yes! Oh god, this is my stop! It was lovely to see you." I offered him an apologetic smile before saying a quick goodbye and hopping on the train. I quickly turned around, and we waved at each other.
“I’ll text you!” He shouted out before the doors closed between us. Something about that comment made me excited.
Why was my heart racing? It’s just this tall guy from my acting class, this tall, ginger guy, this tall, handsome, cute- I stopped myself from thinking like that. He’s my student, I’m his teacher and that’s that. 
As I came round the corner to my flat, I saw Russel standing outside and instantly dreaded coming home. Russel was around 5’8, with shoulder length brown hair. He wasn’t unattractive, far from it. He reminded me a little of Jake Gyllenhaal.
I let out a deep sigh as he came over to hug me, “Did you not see my text? I’m tired. Go home please.” He went in to kiss me and I instantly moved my face away. 
“Oh come on, Delphine. I brought dinner.” He grinned and held up a Five Guys takeaway bag, “Your favourite!”
I shook my head, “It’s /your/ favourite.” I headed up the two flights of stairs that lead to my flat with Russel following suit. “I’m really not in the mood tonight. Let's just plan something Sunday, please?” I pleaded but he was in the door the second after I unlocked it. 
“I’m here now, gorgeous. Come on, don’t be rude to your guest!” He shouted out, he was already heading to the kitchen to find drinks, probably something alcoholic. 
I let out an internal scream before kicking my Converse off at the door and locking it. I wish I was still on the tube with Fred. 
Chapter 4: Fred’s POV
As the train pulled away, I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. Was it wrong that I was thinking about her like this? 
“Fuck it.” I muttered to myself before pulling my phone out and the business card she gave me. I saved her number and sent her a quick text, ‘It’s Fred, from acting class. Hope you got home safe.’ 
The train finally reached my stop, and I stepped out into the busy station. I was heading to a party that George invited me to, he practically forced me to come. When I arrived, it was already packed, with music blaring from speakers, and people dancing, laughing and chatting in every corner. 
“There you are, Freddie!” George was already ushering me over to a group of friends before I had a chance to breathe, “Come and meet my friends.”
I constantly checked my phone and I could see George giving me weird looks, no way was I going to tell him why, but I must have been three drinks down when Delphi texted me back; 
‘Hey Fred, thanks! I got home safe :)’ I was grinning ear to ear, but instantly stopped myself when George came over. 
“Who you texting?” He asked, one eye raised. He was onto me. 
“Huh? Nothing.” I was bright red, George wasn’t going to let this go, so I popped my phone into my back pocket and went back to the party. 
By the time I decided to call it a night, it was well past 2 am and I had quite a bit to drink. I called George and me an Uber since neither of us was in a position to get any form of public transport. 
When we finally reached my flat, it was already 3 am. I fumbled with my keys, eventually managing to unlock the door and stumble inside. I collapsed onto my bed, my head spinning and my thoughts instantly on Delphi. 
Without even thinking, I grabbed my phone and texted her back, ‘Hey Delphi. Just got back from a party. Hope you had a good night. See you in class. :)’. 
“Shit!” I shouted, almost throwing my phone across the room. “Why did I do that?!” I took a deep sigh before popping my phone down. There was nothing I could do about it now. 
Chapter 5: Delphine’s POV
Russel was already rummaging through my kitchen cabinets. "Where do you keep the wine glasses?" he called out.
"Top shelf, left side," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. I followed him into the kitchen, feeling the weight of the evening pressing down on me.
He found the glasses and poured two generous servings of white wine. "Here you go," he said, handing me one.
I took the glass but didn't drink. "Russel, I really am tired. I just want to relax tonight."
He took a sip of his wine and leaned against the counter, looking at me with a mix of frustration and something else I couldn't quite place. "You always say that, Delphine. When are we going to spend some real time together?"
I sighed, setting the glass down. "It's been a long week. Can we just plan something for Sunday? I promise I'll make it up to you."
Russel's eyes narrowed. "You always say that too. I'm starting to think you don't want to spend time with me at all." …I wonder why.
“I don’t want an argument tonight, Russel.” I said sternly, “Please, go home.”
“God, Delphine. Fine!” He practically threw his glass into the sink, “I’ll just get it somewhere else…” I wasn’t surprised to hear him mutter that under his breath - this is what he did. 
“Yeah, you do that.” I said as I was practically shoving him out the door and slamming the door in his face. I know what you’re thinking, why is she even with this dude? I ask myself this daily, weekly, hourly. It’s like a form of self-punishment, I just keep crawling back. 
“Now that he was gone, I can get on with my evening,” I said to myself as I unpacked my work bag and plugged my laptop in to charge. I rummaged around the bag for my phone and saw I had a text message from Fred. 
When he said he’d text, he meant it - a man that actually delivered.  -
I very rarely check my phone when I wake up, I’m usually rushing to the bathroom or prioritising a coffee first thing. I also don’t set alarms most of the time, I always wake up around 6.30 am, and this morning wasn’t any different. 
I was mid coffee-making when I heard my phone ringing. I didn’t make it back in time to get the call but it was from Russel, no surprise there. He probably hadn’t even gone home yet. I also saw a text message from Fred and chuckled to myself - a drunk text! 
‘Hey Fred, hope the hangover isn’t too bad, see you Wednesday!’ I was debating inviting him to Monday’s class, it was a smaller class, with more experienced actors which wouldn’t be a bad thing, but he’d probably be even more out of his comfort zone. 
I put my phone back and got on with my morning - there was no way he’d text back until this afternoon. 
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quinloki · 1 year
Doctor's Orders
Character: Trafalgar Law Reader: Gender Neutral Word Count: 1151 CW: smut, explicit nsfw content, established relationship, unseen blowjob, no gendered description of the reader at all. Synopsis: Law has provided you part of body to make sure he doesn't over work himself. Story's mostly from his pov
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Law sits at his desk in the Polar Tang and finishes up the last of his paperwork. All the supplies are accounted for, and the outside medical jobs they had done were paid in full. For the first time in a long time, he had a few spare moments for himself.
Before he could stand from the desk a sensation bubbles up from between his thighs almost causing him to gasp out loud. He could feel your warm, wet tongue licking along the shaft of his cock. He had handed it over to you willingly a couple hours ago, under the premise that you'd make sure he took a break from his work.
One way or another.
Being able to see you suck him off was always a treat, but feeling you without being able to see or hear you was a new sensation. One that was intense in its own way.
Gripping the side of the desk, his hips buck against the pleasure in vain, he can feel the rush building, and he can do nothing to control it. It was disgraceful, being so close to orgasm so soon, but you knew his body well at this point and you weren't holding back. It didn't matter how much he twitched or twisted; he couldn't mitigate what you were doing to him. All he could do now was brace himself against the desk and try to stifle the growing need to moan.
He couldn't even demand you slow down, you were in a completely different part of the ship, and your tongue was shattering his train of thought. 
Heavy shuddering gasps are pulled from him, heat rushing to his face as his body tenses. Your tongue and lips shift around him, and the building pleasure plateaus. He can't force the shivering orgasm over the edge and you're keeping him right at the line. If he was able to reach you, he'd already be shoving his cock down your throat with hardly any apology.
"Fuck," he huffs into the air. Much more of this and he's going to have to hobble his way to your room. There was no telling how long you'd deny him if he just sat back and accepted it.
There's a knock at the door. For a cold moment he's worried you've walked from your room to his with his disembodied dick in your mouth.
"Captain, can I come in?" Sachi asks from the other side of the door.
Absolutely not. Willing himself under control, Law takes a few steady breaths and sits up. A hard suck on his tip crumples him before he can reply to Sachi, and he nearly slams his face into the desk.
Putting his arms around his head like he's been napping, he grumbles a reply.
"Make it quick."
The door swings open and Law glares at Sachi from under his hat. The smile on Sachi's face twists a little, and gives Law the impression he's aware of what - or who - is ailing his captain.
"We'll be at the next island tomorrow, here's the leave requests." Sachi says handing over a short stack of papers.
"Anything of note?"
"They requested leave for the first time." Sachi says and this time his grin is more knowing than Law would like.
"It's been a few months, it's not surprising." Law replies looking up at Sachi. "Anything else?"
Sachi's expression changes to one of worry. "No, but are you okay Captain? You look like you have a fever."
"I'm-." Law's body tightens against renewed pleasure and cuts his sentence short. "Fine." He growls through clenched teeth before relaxing a little. "I'm fine."
"(Y/N) was worried you were working yourself sick and it looks like-."
"Sachi." Law wasn't about to orgasm in front of his good friend and crew mate. "If that's all, then you're dismissed."
Sachi recognizes the tone of voice and stiffens before bowing and excusing himself. "Aye, aye, Captain."
The door closes and Law leans back in the chair, hands white-knuckle gripping the arms of it as his legs tense and twitch.
"Fuck, (Y/N)-ya..." His shivering voice fades into the empty room and even as he's getting ready to cum all he can think of is how much he wants to just rail you into oblivion. Pounding into that surprisingly sensitive body of yours filling you up and covering you with his cum until your eyes are hazy, and your tongue is hanging out of your mouth.
You, under him, too blissed out to care about the mess you had become. Begging for his cock to be buried wherever he pleases so long as you could scream his name in pleasure just one more time.
His hips buck into nothing as he cums into the air, your hand wrapped around him and pumping for all he's worth. Before he can even begin to calm down, he feels you push him into your mouth, sucking more out of him and nearly making him cry out.
The rush of pleasure causes spots to appear in his vision as he's panting heavily, sunk into the chair in exhaustion. He has a few seconds to catch his breath before he feels your tongue tentatively lapping against his tip, urging him to hardness again for another round.
"Hungry little pet," he muses with a grin. Expanding his room to cover the whole ship he finds you easily, shambling you into his room.
On your knees, on his desk, holding his cock, you look over at him with a cheeky smile, licking along the length. You're in nothing more than a collar, with leather cuffs on your wrists and ankles, lines of his cum drying on your face.
Standing up he hooks a finger under your collar and pulls you to his face. "You're dressed for more than just a simple break."
You lick your lips. "I figured you were done by now."
Gold eyes regard you, the amused and dangerous smirk sending chills down your back as he hums positively. A tug on the collar compels you to lean up to him as he leans down and kisses you.
The soft cool kiss pushes into you after a brief moment, and the captain's long fingers squeezing your ass and eliciting a happy moan from you. Catching your breath between kisses he pulls you in deeply, tongue pushing into you as his hands hold you tight against him. The embrace and kiss stealing the air from you as the heat rises into your face, making you euphorically dizzy.
"Your shore leave request is denied." He says sternly. You feel an odd pang, you were looking forward to spending a day on land with him and had hoped to coax him off the ship.
He grips your hair tightly forcing your head back as he smirks down at you, aware of at least some of what was going through your mind. "You're going to need a few days to recover from what I'm going to do to you." He promises, leaning down until his breath is hot against your neck, his voice lower than usual, heavy and full of promise and need.
"Doctor's orders."
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acourtofthought · 8 months
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It's still very difficult for me to grasp how anyone thinks the future plots for Elain and Az line up.
In the novella, Rhys's words tell us that the Illyrian storyline (which after SF now involves the Valkryie's winning the Rite) stands alone from that of the current unrest outside their borders. I'm paraphrasing but he says, "the Illyrians are a problem but.....they're not a problem we need to focus on until we deal with the climate elsewhere first". And we know that Az's story is going to revolve around the Illyrians which means his path heads in that direction while the unrest in the rest of Prythian heads in another.
In SF, Nesta reminds us that the most pressing issues in their world are the fae who are trying to gain more territory as well as the treatment of the humans. She has the thought that maybe there's a new problem but decides not to worry about it right then and there only for us to later find out that Koschei and Briallyn are working together and up to no good (leading to the search for the Trove storyline).
Koschei / Briallyn set out to capture Cassian, NOT Azriel. They let Az fly free therefore he was not the one they spent months planning for. Azriel has never once met Vassa who is running out of time in regards to her freedom. Had SJM wanted to tie Az into Vassa to set him up for the next books, she would have had Az winnow Cassian to the human lands so he could join in on their meeting. Instead she had Mor take him and Rhys remind us that Az isn't a courtier.
Lucien and Jurian are her friends, the ones who will actually care when she's forced back to Koschei's lake. Through Cassian it's established that Lucien had been there with the Archeron's father. Lucien is the one setting his sights on Koschei's lake as if he's plotting how to help his friend.
Therefore it is ridiculous to think that Az, not Lucien, is the MMC tied to the Koschei storyline. It is also ridiculous to think that SJM had Nesta wonder if Elain would still go to the continent (and not just any part of the continent, the one further south away from the tulip fields) unless ....... Elain is going to end up traveling to Koschei's lake as well.
Also, Az has never stepped foot in Spring in any kind of significant way yet Spring is another one of their concerns based off the information they've gathered from his spies and Lucien. Tamlin not enforcing his borders and his refusal to allow "Rhys's ilk" to help with them will lead to devastating consequences for the rest of the courts and the humans. That storyline is not getting resolved in an Az POV when it's obvious it belongs to Lucien.
Like the above paragraph.....why would Sarah have Nesta think of how Spring had been made for someone like Elain, that she would tell Elain to go there, if Elain is not going to end up in Spring at some point? It's so far out of the realm of plausibility that Az would be there with her.
All these theories, that Az and Elain will end up in Dusk together, that Az and Elain will defeat Koschei together, that Elain will end up as a Mystic in the crossover, etc. ignores the actual information SJM has given us in the actual series these characters belong to. SJM has never said you need to read CC in order to understand the next ACOTAR book. She only said "yeah, read the ACOTAR series if you made it to the end of CC2" but it was more of an afterthought and a marketing strategy, not a "you'll be completely lost if you don't". And if CC readers do read ACOTAR, they're going to see that Elain hasn't used her powers. That her sisters only thinks of her as a pleasant companion and a dog. That Az hasn't thought of a future with Elain beyond his sexual fantasies. Reading the ACOTAR series to better understand the people and world Bryce just landed in doesn't mean Sarah is going to reveal new ACOTAR information in CC3 that she hasn't yet told us in ACOTAR.
"Four books of buildup" (which isn't even accurate) means nothing when Silver Flames tells us exactly which characters are going to end up where in future books and from there, it's not very difficult to figure out endgame pairings.
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rmd-writes · 7 months
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weekend wip game (I stole your banner Lola, soz)
Tagged by @welcometololaland @jesuisici33 💖
1. WIP List:
I don't really have any real wips currently (okay, there is one), I'm in that weird limbo where I finished my last project and am about to start another, but I guess I can do this for anything I've given a little thought to - some have an actual plot, some have a line or two or dialogue, some are just a concept
Call Me (By My Name) - a Tarlos collab with @welcometololaland this is actually the thing I'm about to start working on
SC Frozen Over 2023 fic
Tarlos gym AU series
Firstprince dog meet cute AU (aka Frida fic)
Tarlos model AU
Tarlos spy AU
Vet!TK/social worker!Carlos fwb to lovers AU
Firstprince childhood friends to exes to lovers tattoo shop AU
Lawyer AU pt 3
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
The firstprince dog meetcute is the only one that I've actually put words to
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Either Call Me (By My Name) because Lola and I have no control over words when we write together, or the Tarlos model AU has the potential to spiral into something lengthy
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
Pass. See above re not actually working on any of them yet. But the collab is going to be super fun because it's low pressure and we just vibe
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
The firstprince tattoo shop AU because the way I want to tell the story, it has two timelines and I want it to be non-linear. Also the Tarlos spy AU because it's so out of my wheelhouse
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
See above
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I have almost everything that isn't just PWP beta read! I like having trusted friends in my docs, it gives me motivation to write and also I am needy and require validation while I'm writing. Beta readers make such a difference though - I can edit my own work and come up with a pretty clean copy when I don't use a beta reader - but it's always good to get fresh perspective to address any plot holes or just add that little bit extra. And also to remind me that sentences should not be 5 lines long all the time and point out when I use the same word 3 times in one paragraph 😅
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Oh it's not on the list because I don't know if I'll ever go back to it, but
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
Lawyer AU part 3, because Brianna (Alex's PA) is an absolute queen
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
either the gym AU (I mean, if you've read the earlier parts of the series, you'll know why) or the Tarlos spy AU or Call Me (By My Name) (the things Lola and I have ✨planned✨ 😌😌😌)
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Probably the firstprince tattoo shop au because it has an exes element
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
lol none of them yet
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
I never remember my dreams!
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
As above, the firstprince tattoo shop au will have dual timelines and be told in a non linear way
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
Call Me (By My Name) because it's Lola and I, so expect sexy vibes with a healthy dose of chaose
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
Lawyer AU pt 3 is going to be mostly outsider pov!
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
If I manage to get my shit together and actually write some SC fic for the Frozen Over fest this year, that will make it three years in a row that I've participated in that fest 💖
Tags and questions for artists/gifmakers under the cut!
Tagging: @orchidscript @carlos-in-glasses @goodways @lightningboltreader @reasonandfaithinharmony @guardian-angle22 @herefortarlos @fitzherbertssmolder @never-blooms @liminalmemories21 @freneticfloetry @ambiguouspenny @lizzie-bennetdarcy @wandering-night19 @sherryvalli @heartstringsduet @iboatedhere @clottedcreamfudge @kiwiana-writes @cricketnationrise @sunshinestrand @stereopticons @ramonaflow @chelle-68 @hearitinthesilencesilence @leaves-of-laurelin @maxbegone and anyone else who wants to play
Questions for artists/gifmakers
1. WIP List:
2. Which WIP is your most complex?
3. Do any of your WIPs involve you using a technique/style that you haven't used before? What inspired you to try it?
4. Which WIP do you expect will take you the longest?
5. Which WIP are you finding the most enjoyable to create?
6. Do you have a favourite character to draw/stitch/paint/depict? Are they in many of your WIP projects?
7. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of creator's block?
9. Do any of your WIPs contain characters outside the main ship? How are you finding creating those?
10. What emotions are you hoping to convey through your WIPs?
11. Are there any features/details you are finding challenging in your WIPs?
12. Which WIP has the most complex shading/colouring?
13. Which WIP has the most complex background?
14. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for?
15. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
16. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other art doesn't?
17. Are any of your WIPs commissions?
18. Do you have a character that is more difficult to draw/stitch/paint/depict? Are they in many of your WIP projects?
19. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
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rorywritesjunk · 12 days
Be gentle with yourself as you uncover Your best kept secrets yet to be discovered
Buggy meets an infamous pirate who dabbles in magic that everyone seems to be after, but they only have eyes for Buggy. Why is he so special?
Rating: PGish. Warning: None. Buggy is Buggy. This chapter has a brief moment of nudity, however. A/N: My "Howl's Moving Castle" fic based off the movie because I never read the book. It will have different moments than the movie just to omit some things. This story uses "You" but I couldn't not give the character a name and for some reason "Shore" is what I thought of. And Shore is referred to as they/them, nonbinary, and breaks hearts wherever they go. Buggy is Sophie in this fic, is 22, and not always in a good mood. Extra Note: Wow, 2 and a half months later and here's the fifth chapter! I'm really taking my time, I'm sorry! Thank you for reading! Also realizing with this primarily being Buggy's POV I should have just written this without the 'You' pronouns, but it's okay!
Title comes from "Better In The Morning" by Birdtalker.
Taglist: @lostfirefly @fanaticsnail  @youreinthewind 
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5
Chapter V
The ship rested along a lake that Luffy told Buggy was called Star Lake. He had never heard of it but wasn’t about to tell the kid that. Buggy just figured this would be a good time to get some of the laundry out to dry and air linens out. Even if he focused on maintenance, regular chores needed to still be done. After a week on the ship, the amount of laundry that accumulated was surprising for three people.
Things were… calm, for the most part, except for the surprise of the scarecrow that seemed to have been caught on the figurehead of the ship. This was the first Buggy could really see the ship after rescuing the scarecrow and setting it upright. It seemed pleased, bounding around as Luffy chased after it. 
The figurehead at the front of the ship was of a wolfish beast, its teeth bared, snarling at anyone who faced it. Buggy would have thought it was some kind of canine had it not been for the scales that were along the front paws that were positioned in an attack position. The claws looked sharp, the look in its dull, wooden eyes was frightening. Buggy was glad he didn’t see this when he first saw the ship or he would have had a heart attack.
The rest of the ship was in… okay condition. Barnacles and dried seaweed encrusted the underside of it while there were a few rotten spots on the top half that he could see. How long had this ship been around? It seemed old but you seemed to be the same age as Buggy, so were you some ageless entity or did you inherit or steal the ship? He was curious.
There wasn’t much time to think as things needed to get done. Buggy went in to retrieve the linen basket, a mixture of things he was going to help Luffy wash and hang the rest of the articles that needed to see daylight for a little while. He didn’t trust the boy to do it the right way by himself so Buggy was there to show him even though he ended up doing the rest of it by himself. The scarecrow hung around, even helping with the laundry by grasping one end of the line and bouncing around to get the clothes to dry faster.
Buggy felt proud of the work they managed to get done so far. Him and Luffy took a break outside with a snack and drink, relaxing with a little table between them as the boy nearly inhaled the plate of food Buggy placed in front of him.
“That scarecrow’s probably a demon or something!” The boy grinned, his mouthful of food. Buggy grimaced at the sight. He wished the boy would finish chewing before he spoke. “Shanks didn't seem bothered.”
Buggy shrugged. “Maybe so, but that thing helped me get on the ship so it can't be a bad demon.” He took a bite of his food, a piece of toast with jam and butter. He thought for a moment when he met you, how you were there at the right time to save him for the Marines. He never imagined seeing you again and now here he was, working on your ship as the maintenance man. He wondered how long he could keep up the act.
They finished their food in silence. Luffy got up and took the dishes in while Buggy kept an ear out for dishes breaking. He sighed and sat back in his chair, looking around and taking in the scenery. He never did this sort of thing as a young man. He was constantly moving, there was always some kind of noise around him: people laughing, animals making noise, lights buzzing and the tents flapping in the wind. To just sit and listen to silence was quite nice. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. He wanted to remember this place, how the water sparkled, the clouds reflected on the surface, the hills dropping right down to the lake. The mountains cast a shadow as the sun moved behind them.
It was peaceful and for a moment Buggy wished he could stay there forever.
The wheel above the door spun around before opening. You walked in, body aching from the evening. With the threat of war looming over the towns, you did what you could. An evening sea battle with a fleet threatening to enter the harbor was what you partook in, becoming a monstrous scaly sea creature with the head of a wolf, tearing apart the ships and any sailor who tried to fight. There were smaller creatures bubbling up from the bottoms of the sea, trying to attack you, but you tore them apart. Your wounds didn’t phase you, feeling like mosquito bites in the fearsome form. 
You returned back to the ship, exhausted and sore.
“You look worse for wear.” Shanks commented as you fell into the chair in front of him. He watched you flinch and groan softly as your body shifted back, the scales and fur retreating, your body returning to your true form. It was always uncomfortable, like your body being pulled and twisted during the process. Shanks had his eyes on you the entire time as he hung on a log in the burning embers of the fireplace. “Y'know, you stay in that form for too long you won't change back. We'll have to get you some kind of fish tank to keep you alive.”
“They were trying to attack from the sea.” You rasped out as you closed your eyes, leaning back in the chair. “They already attacked other ports.”
“Ugh, I can't stand those flames from weapons.” Shanks said as he grabbed a log from beside him. “Hey, hey, look what Mister Buggy made me! He put a little holder of logs for me to grab so I can feed myself! That’s pretty great!”
“There were others out there.” You sighed as you put your feet up on the hearth. “They tried to attack me from the sea.”
“Other pirates?” The flame asked as he made himself comfortable on the fresh log. “Or Alvida?”
“Pirates who turned themselves into sea creatures using magic.” You winced. “No doubt under order from him.”
“They won't be able to change back, will they?”
“Their bodies are at the bottom of the harbor.” You told him as you opened your eyes and sat up. “I'm tired. Make some hot water for my bath.”
“Whaaaaat?” Shanks whined.
You said nothing as you stood up from your chair and looked over to the cot against the wall. Buggy had made himself a sleeping space over there, bundled under several wool blankets as he slept. You approached him quietly, sighing softly upon seeing the blue hair and young face looking peaceful as he dreamed. You stroked his cheek gently with the back of your knuckles, wishing he would have pleasant dreams, before you turned and headed up the stairs to your room.
Buggy woke up to the pipes shrieking and Shanks grumbling. Daylight peaked through the small windows of the ship, letting him know it was morning. He rubbed his face and sat up, squinting over at the fire putting logs on himself.
“What's going on?” He asked, voice raspy from sleep. “Is Shore back?”
“Yes, they're using up all the hot water.” Shanks complained as he rested on a fresh log. “Hope you didn't want to bathe this morning. They'll be in there all day.”
Buggy shrugged and rubbed his face again. He needed to get some supplies and provisions for the three of them this afternoon and he had to prepare himself to wrangle Luffy along with him.
He never did see Shore as he made a quick breakfast, leaving a plate of toast and potatoes for them before he and Luffy stepped out of the faux store front.
“What do we need? I want food!” Luffy said as the two made their way to the market at the port. Buggy glanced at the boy before he approached the stalls, checking for vegetables, meats, breads, and other things. 
“When aren't you hungry?” Buggy grumbled as he purchased some things, setting them in the basket Luffy was carrying. “Don't eat any of this, understand? I'll buy you something else to hold you over until we're done.”
The boy's eyes lit up and Buggy sighed, grabbing a few extra pieces of fruit for him to snack on. He had to make sure Luffy didn't try to sneak anything out of the basket as they shopped. 
It was going fine at first until people started rushing for the docks. Buggy frowned and turned around, demanding, “What's going on?!”
“Some ships are coming into the harbor!” A man younger than Buggy said as he passed by. “Looks like there was a battle!”
Others rushed by, some of the booths closing as their vendors rushed to see the damage. Buggy and Luffy shared a look before they followed after, keen to see what was happening. 
The ships were heavily damaged. Some were smoking, fires smoldering in the ruins as sailors tried to steer the damaged vessels safely. It didn't look like any other ship did that, but something larger. Buggy swallowed heavily and grabbed Luffy by the back of his shirt to keep the boy from going further.
“I think we should go.” He said, glancing around. “I want to leave.”
Buggy stiffened when he saw a funny looking shape nearby. It looked like one of the shadows he saw when he first met Shore as they walked him safely through the air. The shadow seemed as though it was looking for something, sniffing the air like a hunting dog as the crowds paid it no mind.
“We need to leave now.” Buggy hissed, grabbing the boy by the hand before he started to pull him along. He didn't want to wait to see what else might happen.
The two made it back to the store front. Buggy’s heart was racing and he went for the chair in front of the fireplace while Luffy went to get him something to drink. He hated how scared he had been, but what if something had happened to him or Luffy? Would you have known and come to look for the two of them?
As soon as Buggy sat down, a scream from the bathroom shook the ship. He could hear the door fly open (he wondered if he'd have to fix it) and you rush down the stairs, crying and screaming about something.
“Buggy!” You shrieked as you ran down the stairs, a towel just around your waist, your hair dripping from the bath as you grasped it. “What did you do?! I told you to be careful in the bathroom!” When you came down, tugging at the now green hair, once a beautiful silver, Buggy stood his ground though internally he was terrified. “You ruined my beautiful hair!”
“M-Maybe some bottles got mixed up while I was in there fixing the cabinets?” Buggy suggested as you stumbled over to the chair in front of Shanks. “Green… green looks fine!”
“I'm hideous.” You bemoaned as you slumped forward. “Hideous. Who would ever see me as beautiful now? My hair looks like mold growing out of forgotten cheese. Everything is ruined.”
“Now, h-hang on-” Buggy reached out to touch your shoulder only to jerk his hand away. Your skin felt weird, almost sticky to the touch, but not from the bathwater or soap. You slumped forward, head resting on the hearth as your eyes filled with tears, the sticky substance on your skin seeming to bubble up and drip to the floor. “Sh-Shore, it's just hair, we… we can dye it back! It's going to be fine!”
“My beautiful hair… I'm just a hideous monster now.” You whined loudly, ignoring Buggy. “Who would ever find someone as ugly as me beautiful now?”
Buggy’s jaw dropped. You really thought you were ugly because your hair color changed? He heard enough of this nonsense from the overly vain performers at the circus, he didn't need to hear it from you.
“You think you're ugly because your hair is a different color?!” He shrieked at you. “You?! Try looking like me every day of your life! I've been called far worse and managed, Shore, okay?! Your stupid hair changing color isn't a reason to have a tantrum! I've never once been seen as beautiful or anything and I've had to live with that!”
He gave the chair a kick before storming out, ignoring Luffy yelling for him. The outside led him to the lake, though rain was pouring down, matching Buggy’s mood. He hated that he could feel tears welling up in his eyes, hated that you called yourself ugly, and he hated how those words seemed to trigger him. He wiped at his eyes, not sure what were the tears or the raindrops, but he needed a few minutes to himself.
The green hair looked fine to him, he thought it reminded him of the grassy field he was standing on as he faced the lake. It reminded him of the green stems of fresh flowers, or of apples he picked up at the market. There was nothing ugly about it.
A sound behind him caught his attention. That scarecrow was still around, its blue hair vibrant in the rain. It was carrying an umbrella, holding it over Buggy as he wiped his eyes.
“You're still around?” He chuckled. “Thanks, I guess, didn't need you to do that for me.”
“Mister Buggy!” Luffy yelled from the doorway. “Mister Buggy, help!”
He sniffled and took a few deep breaths before glancing at the scarecrow and heading back inside. He heard the concern in the boy’s voice and he needed to be the one in charge now. Luffy was too young and you were too upset.
When he came in, seeing you encased in some… thing, he sighed and walked over to you, reaching under your shoulders to pull you to your feet. He ignored how the substance felt, wondering if this was a result of magic.
“C’mon, you crybaby, let's get you cleaned up.” Buggy said as you let him lead you back up the stairs. Halfway up your towel slipped and fell, which surprised Buggy, he thought with how weirdly sticky you were it wouldn't have bugged, but he ignored it and kept walking. Anyone else would have blushed at the sight of your naked body, but with his time in the circus, it didn't phase Buggy one bit. He just hoped this wouldn't become a habit.
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lexiklecksi · 4 months
Writers Q&A (tag game)
Thanks @hyuccubus so much for tagging me!
What motivates you to write?
My characters are living rent-free in my head and when they get too loud and demand their stories have to be told I oblige and put pen to paper (or fingers on the keyboard for that matter). My poetry is just a form of self-therapy and suffices to make sense of my feelings and thoughts.
A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not, maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
It's difficult to find a writing snippet that makes sense outside the context of a story or poem, but here is one. No English translation would do it justice, so I hope my German readers enjoy reading it. Also here is the full snippet written from the pov of my phoenix oc.
Die Zeit zieht an mir vorbei, sie berührt mich nur selten, viel zu oft vergesse ich mich. Zeit verliert an Bedeutung, wenn man schon so viele Leben gelebt hat wie ich. Zeit ist ein Konstrukt für die Sterblichen, es schafft Ordnung in einem Universum voller Chaos. Doch letztendlich ist ein Leben so kurz im Vergleich zu dem Baum des Lebens, so bedeutungslos wie ein Sandkorn im Wind, nur ein Wimpernschlag in der Geschichte der Welt. Man werfe mir Verdrossenheit vor und man möge Recht behalten, doch nur wenige können nachvollziehen, wie es ist, solange zu leben. Nur wenige fühlen meinen Schmerz, denn sie sterben nur einen kleinen Tod. Der Tod hat mich schon unzählige Male in die Arme genommen, hat mich vergessen lassen, wo ein Leben beginnt und ein anderes endet.
What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Writing dialogue comes naturally because I can weave in my weird sense of humour. It's so much fun to write my characters talking to each other! Also, I love making up new words, word plays and metaphors, especially in German.
What do you enjoy most about the Writeblr community?
I love the writeblr community for the lovely feedback and ongoing inspiration! Writing can be quite a lonely hobby, so joining writeblr opened my eyes for how wonderful it is to share my stories with others and be inspired by their stories. I am very thankful for my writing family @writeblrcafe which is a safe space for writers that I co-founded. My favourite writeblr activity is collaborations! I'm always up for merging my writing style with others and create something beautiful together!
A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I love using Bibisco! I'm writing my wip Drachenbrut in it. I can highly recommend this novel software, it has a timeline, character profiles with questions for better character development, character relationship diagrams, notes, chapters, scenes, location and object pages, an analysis tool for everything, statistics about your writing progress and it exports your book document in pdf, docx and epub files.
A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
My magic system is that different fantasy species have different kinds of magic. In short, there is intuitive magic, chaos magic, elemental magic, spell casting, potion making and everyday magic.
What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
The world needs to hear your stories, so write them. And even if only one person reads your story and gains a new perspective, it was worth writing it, because you have changed the life of someone with your words, and what's more powerful than that?
What motivates you to write?
A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
What do you enjoy most about the Writeblr community?
A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
I'm tagging @the-down-upside-finch @charlies-storybook @aether-wasteland-s @akiwitch @joswriting @basalamander-corner @betweenthetimeandsound @sodaliteskull (template under the cut).
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piratejenna · 2 years
Prompt: favorite spooky/creepy/unsettling fic
Title: For Pennies
Author: @phantomrose96
Fandom: Danny Phantom
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 1272
Summary: The Fentons were selling their house for pennies. When it sold, it sold to a man keen on flipping properties in need of a touch up. The Fentons--husband wife and daughter--met with him to sign the final paperwork. They had only one request for him: that he not enter the basement.
Decided to save this one for Halloween, so now I present to you my favorite creepy and unsettling fic!
I'm not a huge fan of outright horror, but a love a good creepy, unnerving story that just sits with you. And Chrissy (Phantomrose96) is an expert at those kinds of stories.
I could honestly pick almost any of Chrissy's stories for this prompt, but this is my current favorite for the way that the horror slowly builds up over the course of the story.
This is one of those fics I would strongly urge you to read first if it sounds interesting, cause I am going to mention spoilers and it plays so well the first time through when you don't know anything. But, again much like the rest of her writing, the story is still fantastic on a reread where the subtle hints towards the conclusion stand out more in retrospect.
This fic uses one of my (previously mentioned) favorite tropes of the outsider pov and masterfully uses it to the suspense's advantage. The most clear example of this being the comment about the Fenton's daughter, which flew by on my first read through, but still leaves a bit of unease even if you don't notice (cause why does it only mention Jazz?).
Even as you may start to piece together what's happening, the suspense and horror lasts up to the last line, because the story is playing off a familiar fandom trope without ever explicitly confirming it. That's probably one of my favorite parts of the fic; that even though we do know basically what happened, it's all inferred. We don't know for certain and we never see it. And that just adds to the way this fic sits with you after reading.
And, again a common factor in Chrissy's writing, the last line really sticks the landing. It's such a gut punch when you read "The brand new hardwood flooring that stretched through the whole first floor was immaculate." Cause when that factor was mentioned earlier, you might suspect something. And we can infer why the floor was replaced. But I think it's genius to leave all of this unsaid. It's never outright stated. You are left to make that connection on your own.
I strongly recommend this fic if you're looking for something unsettling and creepy (and honestly check out the rest of Chrissy's stuff too).
Happy Halloween!
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
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Or, me gaining respect for Lightyear 🚀⏰
Disney works harder than the devil himself to keep the original Buzz Lightyear cartoon hidden from society. But maybe that's a good thing, I say as more and more I'm starting to see the movie in a different light.
One of the most common beats in the Toy Story franchise is the consistent struggles between Buzz and his identity. The 2022 movie follows up on this by a twist absolutely no one saw coming. But I see why it was done, and from a franchise POV it actually makes sense.
In the very first toy story Buzz believed himself to be an actual space ranger, much to the exasperation of Woody. Throughout the first half the poor cowboy tries to convince Buzz that he is not the character but a toy. Buzz refuses, insisting that he is a real ranger. In one scene he tries to fly but after failing he suffered an existential crisis
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Fortunately after an honest conversation with Woody, Buzz accepted the truth and helped to save the day.
In TS2, Buzz is shown to be more comfortable with his role as a child's toy. He even used Woody's iconic line to call him out for abandoning Andy. Along with an unexpected encounter with his counterpart, Buzz got a firsthand look at how ridiculous his actions were in TS1.
By the third movie, Buzz is willing to avvpt the jext stage kf his life: being part ol the preschool. Only for that to be shattered once he found out how rough children can be. As punishment for trying to escape, Buzz gets brainwashed by Lotso, effectively removing his identity&the freedoms that came with it. He becomes cold, obedient the perfect space ranger but without the moral code or his previous personality holding him back. Then he had to experience loss of memory & a different language&personality. He gets restored in the end, but under Lotso we saw Buzz at his worse; perfectly obedient, icy and serious.
The original Buzz Lightyear cartoon was lighthearted so a lot of moments played for laughs. Here, Buzz is content with his life as a ranger. Occasionally it gets him and his team into trouble. So attached to fighting evil, he even mistakes random blobs of ink for. Zurg! Then there's his tendency to kinda underestimate other's potential, like with Mira and Ty. And his complicated relationship with Warp who tricked him into believing he was his friend. Buzz often felt like a failure and didn't want anyone else to get hurt. Which is explored again twenty years later.
While the 2d cartoon paints a lighthearted picture, the 2022 movie deconstructs how harmful attaching your identity to a label is. Since Buzz wants to be a perfect space ranger he feels like a total failure if he doesn't reach high expectations. Everything comes to a head when he mets the face behind the robot. Himself.
Now this is actually where it starts making sense. Buzz has a history of meeting other versions of himself, all the back in 1999. There were a couple of episodes of the old cartoon where he fought his evil counterpart from another dimension. Then in one of the shorts he met a tiny version of himself.
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Just look at him! Isn't he a cutie?
So Buzz meeting an old man version is another example of theae occurrences. "Zurg" is weary, grizzled and yet still hold onto the hopes of changing his past. When he tries to persuade his younger counterpart to give him a precious power cell, Young Buzz refuses. He'd seen how His Alisha and their crew had settled into happy lives. He wouldnt have met her granddaughter Izzy and her teammates. They had accepted him not as this space hero but as a person deserving of his own life. In order for Buzz to truly embrace this lesson he had to take a good long look at himself and the misery his stubborn brought. He refuses to ruin everyone else's lives, and a new chance for himself. That's when Buzz actually became a true ranger. By finally allowing himself to embrace his humanity outside shallow labels.
Old Buzz fell from grace because he let one mistake consume him. He couldn't see himself outside of his career. His warped perception bleeds into his perception of others. Old Buzz thinks Alisha needed to be a ranger again, ignoring that she was content with her family. He turned on his younger self, and killed his own Sox, because since the latter two disagreed with him, they become a threat when all they did was disagree with him. Old Buzz desire to be the perfect ranger nearly ruined millions of lives. Young Buzz avoided because he chose to detach himself from his title and mistake and focus on being a person, his OWN person. He also gained the clarity to value his teammates as people not just talk over them to satisfy his ego.
Overall, I think we should give Lightyear credit for being consistent with the franchise exploration of Buzz's identity. It's not as wild or out there as we assume, it's just another take on Buzz and who he is. That he is more than just a space ranger, or a mistake or a children's toy. He is Buzz. And that's admirable.
Now how about we discuss how this movie was a thinly veiled Take That to the horrid mess that was Endgame Steve?
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