#This is where I end my career on Tumblr to recover. If I ever come back?
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*extremely deep sigh*
I am begging, can we stop making fun of Victor for being a "college dropout" as if it was a personal failure on his part? Because considering the historical and plot context that is literally not what happened.
The post might be less well-structured than previously intended but Tumblr managed to erase the whole thing before I could post it and I'm too tired to spend more than a couple minutes on rewriting the whole thing, anyway
First of all, Victor has not spent two months, four months or a semester at Ingolstadt before starting to work on the Creature, he has been there for two years studying primarily chemistry. In those two years he, quote:
"...improved so rapidly that at the end of two years I made some discoveries in the improvement of some chemical instruments, which procured me great esteem and admiration at the university. When I had arrived at this point and had become as well acquainted with the theory and practice of natural philosophy as depended on the lessons of any of the professors at Ingolstadt, my residence there being no longer conducive to my improvements, I thought of returning to my friends and my native town, when an incident happened that protracted my stay."
In two years he managed to learn every single thing the university had to offer and even improved on their methods. Had he wanted, he could have gotten a doctorate in two years which is less than anyone with a bachelor's degree could ever hope for. And he would have learned more but the university did not have the capacity to teach more.
Mind you, back then there was no pressure to actually get a degree as there is today. Very few students actually got a degree, most of them went to university simply to learn stuff and to gain experience, which is something I really wish was still a thing today because I would love to go to uni just to learn stuff and then leave when I'm no longer interested, without it being treated as a failure and a waste of time but alas, gotta have a degree and a career, that's all universities are good for I guess.
After those two years he switched to biology (universities back then weren't strictly split into majors and you could go to whichever lectures you wanted anytime) and in about half a year he learned all of the information he needed to begin working on Creech. In half a year he learned enough to build an entire fucking person from scratch. Another half a year he was busy gathering materials and then spent the following year actually working on the project. This entire time his teachers were aware of this, so it was not like he "dropped out", they knew he is doing his own project.
After the November night it took about half a year for him to recover from his stress- and exhaustion-induced illness, and after that he spent roughly a year and half studying languages and literature with Henry. Only after this he did leave university and that's only because of the literal death of his baby brother, which is something most people would at the very least take a gap year for. Yes he never came back to uni but can you really blame him considering everything that happened since then?
To summarize, in six years he has mastered two majors and was well on his path to master a third one and was forced to leave only due to tragic events in his family. This was in an era where a degree was in no way something expected or all that frequent to get.
So can we please stop shaming Victor Frankenstein for being a "loser college dropout", I am begging you, I'm tired
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, gonna go work on my own thesis now
Bonus detail I found while doing research for this post:
"Professor Krempe often asked me, with a sly smile, how Cornelius Agrippa went on, whilst M. Waldman expressed the most heartfelt exultation in my progress."
Krempe called Victor Cornelius Agrippa as a nickname
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fablepaint · 2 years
Hey there! I’m a massive fan of your work and I’ve been following for a while, only just recently found your tumblr. I was wondering if your still working on Umbagog and when/if it will come back? I hope it’s not a rude question I’m not very good with words
It's never far from my mind, but it was a labor of love that had to be put aside so I could literally earn money to eat. I've been financially struggling for years (consequence of the recession hamstringing my career just as I emerged from college in 2010) and if I wasn't breaking my body constantly to get jobs, finish jobs, and look for jobs (all at the same time), survival wasn't possible. No lucky breaks I found could solve the constant poverty cycle either. Most jobs I took, most the money went to paying off debt during the period I was scrambling to find work.
End of 2016, I finally had a nervous breakdown and had to pause the comic. It took about a year to recover any mental stability, all while still struggling to stay solvent. I finally got some medical treatment for my depression, but it took years to convince anybody to take my physical and mental issues seriously enough to do anything about them when I sought professionals.
Within that space I had time for only tiny art pieces for myself. Usually offhand doodles to express a thought. But it's still been mostly trying to finish commissions taken during emergencies and getting studio work where I can. Whatever impression folks have of me from the outside, I'm not a person who has ever commanded high enough prices on my commissions to justify the amount of time I actually spend on them (never enough money to cover monthly expenses). Any side work I did for myself felt like a betrayal of the clients who I still owed work to, like it was evidence I was "slacking off" or just stealing money. An accusation I've seen levied at many a struggling artist in the same situation as myself.
Often times there's a refrain you hear about working artists, especially independent ones. "There's someone in the background helping them out financially until they make it big". I won't say I have received NO assistance. I have friends and family that have, on occasion, helped me during especially dire times. But it's not something I am able to lean on consistently. They're struggling too. And between me and my partner, we've switched places as "breadwinner" very frequently. We're both serial job-hunters. Nobody keeps us for long. Job over, you're gone. Quality of work be damned.
Applying for non-art jobs didn't work either. Zero coffee shop jobs or retail work wanted me. Delivery and taxi gigs paid less than what I was making doing furry commissions, while costing me more in gas and car repair.
Passive income sources like print-on-demand services netted me maybe 20 or 30 USD annually, at best.
Merch I invested money into or made myself simply didn't sell. Nobody comes to me looking for charms, sculptures, or anything else I could premake and sell at volume.
So I had zero alternatives.
At some point I said "fuck it, if I'm working this hard and dying for it, I might as well start pursuing indie as more than a side job and instead as the only reliable thing I have". But investing in yourself when you have so little left means everything takes an excruciatingly long time to compose. And it still meant seeking out commissions, but I had to do a very expensive move (which left me in even more enormous debt) and take on more roomates just to get to a place where that was a remote possibility. And the possibility was simply "a place where my brain will be less on fire".
When will Umbagog come back? It'll come back when I am no longer drowning.
When will that happen? That's for my audience to determine.
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violetsystems · 1 year
People following me around in the alley lately that I've never seen before are definitely either detectives or high ranking gang members. A lot of people moving out of the neighborhood. I've been surrounded by a lot of people for a long while that do nothing but follow me and stare. One weird neighbor moves out. Another weird neighbor moves in to take their place. Nobody ever talks to me. Nobody ever asks how I'm doing. Everyone scared of me or hates me. Maybe one older neighbor who is a retiring police officer has talked to me at length. So you know it's something way out of the normal if I bother to talk to someone who identifies as a police officer. I don't hate public servants. I hate people who have no business surveilling me for years with no due process. Regardless if you read my social media or not for clues for stuff you haven't been able to figure out. I've been in this place for about twelve years. You would think somebody would move in that wasn't weird, antagonistic, passive aggressive, or straight up shady. And it never happens. It is always somebody that gives me the impression they moved in to fuck with my life. And the entire city is starting to feel like that. I applied for jobs in New York, Los Angeles, and even China to figure out a way to get away from this the last three years. It felt like I was intentionally stuck here until people could find a way to entrap me. I apply for a job at a fashion brand or public transit only to get watched for six months then sent a rejection letter. I travelled to Korea back and forth twice a year to figure out a different network of people . And about the only people who understand or empathize is online on Tumblr which is about as decentralized as you get. This I understand. But if this is America? You say something on a dead website and essentially every batman villain and Gotham police officer starts to torment you as the batman? Or spiderman? Or even slenderman. And you fight for reference letters from a career a group of people literally made sure you never recovered from? What does that say about things? Eventually the hero of any story has a time when things get better. You all have been reading my blog enough to know that it gets worse for me. These days. It just gets weirder and weirder. I'm not writing fan fiction on the internet here. Pulp noir or something. I've literally been asking for help for the last three years. People leaving the laundry room door open so other people can damage things. Sending secret messages with dead animals. The longer I'm stuck here the more people figure out a way to fuck with me. And they just come up with new shit every year. I'm stubborn. I think that one day someone interesting or positive will move into my life. But honestly today I feel like there is no escape. That I'm living in hell. And these people are simply the wardens of a jail I've been sentenced to. And the cruel joke where they make you hope you'll move on for awhile then trap you when you least expect it. There has to be an end to this. People talking shit about me to figure out ways to spy on me year after year illegally. But I don't know how to end it other than disappearing completely. And I'm just not weak enough as a person to relent to this mediocre garbage class of human being trying to punk me in a city I've lived and bled in for over two decades. At least I finally got to the reference letter stage of the job search. Even that I feel is a sick joke. Like a prank where they'll pull the rug out from under me. I just keep trying to stay positive while everyone else has nothing to say. Other than professional compliments in a reference letter.
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killian-whump · 2 years
I'm trying so hard not to "cancel" Colin over this whole NFT thing but I don't know if I'll be able to keep loving him. I wish I could believe this was a bad move on his part and that he innocently got duped but I can't help but feel that he knows very well what he's doing and is trying to take advantage of his fans. The way he kept being friends with Michael Coleman and interacting with him on twitter already left a sour taste in my mouth. I think this is the last straw for me and it HURTS
I've spoken about the whole Michael Coleman thing on this blog many times before. I don't want to repeat myself all over again - but I will say that I don't like the guy, I've had bad run-ins with him online, and I believe the allegations made against him are likely true.
That said, I'm not Colin. Colin's knowledge of Coleman is entirely different than mine - he's actually spent a lot of time with the guy, on the show and off, and knows him far better than any of us do. I support Colin's right to make his own decisions about whether he thinks Coleman is guilty or not - and, for that matter, I support his right to maintain the relationship (if there even IS one anymore) even if he thinks the allegations are true.
If anyone wants to know more about my opinions on Coleman or Colin's continued interaction with him, there's plenty to read at the link above - and if you have further questions, go ahead and ask.
Now... for the NFT nonsense.
I mean, ALL of the offensive nonsense has all come from one direction thus far - and I think we all know that's who spearheaded this whole cockamamie plan. Colin's merely a cog in that plan - a cog that grants credibility, a larger platform, and access to an already-existing fanbase.
It's Occam's Razor, Nonny. And as always, follow the money. Or, in this case, follow where the money was intended to go. It was all intended to fund Rothberg's TSR/Xataverse nonsense - which is all NFT bullshit from beginning to end. And look, despite this whole debacle, Colin's not really an NFT Bro. He's not running around with "eth" in his usernames and ugly ass monkeys for pfps. Rothberg, on the other hand, IS a total NFT Bro.
The only thing I think Colin's actually guilty of here is falling for a pitch he shouldn't have - and considering he seems to be the only one around here who did... Well, I said before he had more to lose in this debacle than any of us do, and that's still true. No harm, no foul as far as I'm concerned 🤷‍♀️ I just hope his career recovers from it.
And seriously... he needs to fire a guy. Or hire a guy. I don't even care which. He just... clearly there isn't anyone on his payroll giving him good career advice, because if there was, this wouldn't have happened. Like, there are people whose entire career is helping celebrities not completely fuck things up for themselves. If Colin doesn't have someone like that on his side, he needs to get someone like that on his side so shit like this doesn't happen.
Or, shit, he could just send an anonymous Ask to one of us here on Tumblr - "Hey, what if Colin started selling NFTs?" and see what happens. When we all laugh and say that would be The Worst Thing Ever and A Humungous Failure, maybe don't do that thing.
I dunno, Nonny. For me, the issue isn't whether I'm gonna cancel Colin or stop liking him... it's more like when you're riding on a bus, having a nice time, and then suddenly you realize the bus is being driven by a raccoon.
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kiranatrix · 4 years
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Need some Death Note fanfic to read while avoiding family, recovering exams/work, or just cause? Here’s everything I wrote in 2020 for Death Note. I’ll be updating this post for 2021 eventually. I organized them by type of work (in-progress fics, finished chaptered fics, tumblr fics, and one-shots).
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Dial K for Kira: Lawlight//Rated E. Summary: Light needs some easy money to finance his Kira plans, and notices there’s a big demand for Kira roleplay phone sex. So he figures, “Why not? Pretty sure I’ll be convincing.” He raises some fast cash and plans to shut the whole thing down and get back to writing names, until he gets a request from somebody who wants to “roleplay” as L.
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Catch Perfect [with @resilicns]: Lawlight/Rated M. Summary: Light’s desk catches on fire during the placement of L’s illegal surveillance cameras in the Yagami household, burning up the Death Note. Light forgets everything, the killings suddenly stop, and Kira fades away from the public consciousness but never from L’s. Six years later, Ryuk returns to Earth with a new Death Note for Light, now an agent in INTERPOL, ready for Round 2. L’s ready too.
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Good Bones [with @main-exam]: Lawlight/Rated E. Summary: Mello and Matt have a seance with a cursed Ouija board but summon a very annoyed Ryuk from the Shinigami Realm into the attic of a gothic mansion. Fast forward a few years and Light Yagami is a realtor in England, vying for the title of Realtor King from the current champ. He's determined to sell this discount mansion with a bad reputation, but just as Light starts to make friends with the mansion's ghost, a ghost-hunting detective gets wind that something spooky is going on.
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Koi No Yokan [with @ghostoftasslehoff​]: Lawlight//Rated E. Light decides to take a little risk and seek a no-strings-attached hookup and gets a surprising (accidental) match. Light and L gradually open up to each other over the course of a night, not knowing who the other is. However, as they go back to their lives in the morning, suspicions take hold and secrets come to light. The chance meeting starts to feel a lot more like fate as L closes in on Kira, and both must decide whether they felt anything real for the other and what that means. 
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Lux Aeterna [with @ghostoftasslehoff​]: Lawlight//Rated E. Vampire AU. The world’s greatest vampire hunter, L Lawliet, heads to Romania with his mentor Watari to investigate some odd disappearances. Meanwhile, the 400-year-old vampire, Light, has recently awoken from his century-long slumber to find the world has changed, but his thirst for the blood of sinners hasn’t. 
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Enemy of My Enemy [with @my-one-true-l​]: Light Yagami/Beyond Birthday//Rated T. It’s just another day for To-Oh’s top student Light Yagami, until he runs into a mysterious new student in class who can see Ryuk. Beyond is set on getting to Kira before L does but things take a twist when Light gets him alone.
Strange Fiction: Death Note Ficlets: Various//Rated Gen to T. Thirty-nine ficlets and more added periodically. Lawlight, Ryuk & Light being bros, MikaLight, gen fic, Remisa, Android AU, stories of Light and L’s childhood, etc.
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Get Well Soon [with art by @sketchyspirit​]: Lawlight//Rated E. Summary: Light buys Misa a birthday present which L jealously intercepts. Possessiveness and misunderstandings threaten to rock the precarious agreement between Light and L, where each has made dangerous sacrifices to stay together after the end of the Kira case. 
Phototaxis: Lawlight//rated G. Summary: L comes over to the Yagami's household for dinner and to work on a project with Light. On the menu are suspicions, ulterior motives, and nobody saying what they mean.
Orbit: Lawlight//Rated T. Summary: Light’s having lunch under the cherry trees with his friends at To-Oh, but L unexpectedly shows up and runs everyone else off but Light. A missing scene, a private conversation with L's 'first friend' and rival under the spring sakura.
Appetites: Lawlight//Rated T. Summary: It was never about cake.
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Main Attraction [with @ghostoftasslehoff​, with art by @ohgodplsdontlook​]: Lawlight//Rated E. Summary: Light invites L to the movies but L expects to be bored since Light picked the flick. Light has a secret plan to make sure that L will be on the ‘edge’ of his seat the whole time-- a toy that L doesn't know is remote-controlled. L finds out the hard way, and at the worst (best) moments.
Obsolete: Ryuk/Light//Rated T. Summary: Light lives all his life in the span of a day, but Ryuk will live that day over an eternity.
Beholder’s Eye: Lawlight//Rated M. Summary: Light's rudely awoken and seemingly kidnapped to face his execution, but all is not what it seems.
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One of a Pair [with @ghostoftasslehoff​]: Lawlight//Rated M. Fencing AU. Summary: Light has just quit the To-Oh fencing team and the team Captain, Ryuzaki, will do just about anything to provoke him to come back, including challenging Light to an illegal duel.
Restitution: Lawlight//Rated T. Summary: L tries to pay Light a salary for his work on the Task Force to assuage the prickling of guilt he feels, but that’s not what Light wants.
Kodama [with @ghostoftasslehoff​]: Lawlight//Rated T. Summary: Seven years after L’s death, Light feels compelled to visit his grave and take solace under the strange, dead tree nearby. L’s watching from Mu and takes residence in the sacred tree, changing it and Light, who can’t see him.
Still Life: Light/Light//Rated T. Summary: Light stumbles upon a painting that he bears an uncanny resemblance to and discovers a magical secret behind who was cursed to dwell within it for 300 years. It might just be the best luck of his life (or the worst).
Dark Horse [with art by @daathdweller]: Gen fic. Linda left Wammy's House for a brilliant art career, but never forgot how she'd been passed over as one of L's successors. She decides to work in the shadows as the detective L2 when a new Kira appears in 2019, moving fast to tackle the case that the 'official' L seems content to ignore. Roger told her art never helped solve a case, but he was wrong. 
Technology Liaison: Light & Ryuk. Light gets curious about what the Death Note is really made of and asks Ryuk. What happens when paper becomes obsolete in the increasingly digital world?
Yosuzume [with art by @ikathemadhatter​]: Beyond-centric//Rated T. Summary: Beyond’s shinigami eyes have always set him apart and given him knowledge no human should possess. His obsession with divining and controlling the future has led him to develop his own rituals, which weave themselves into his life and the events of the LABB case.
Names and Distant Things [with art by @ikathemadhatter]: Beyond/L// Rated T. Summary: Beyond knew when L was planning to visit Wammy’s House because a padlock would appear on the second refrigerator in the kitchen. A day or so later, a green Aston Martin would roll up the long, oak-lined driveway in the dead of night, headlights off and practically invisible. Not to Beyond, though; his strange eyes had always seen more than others could-- names and distant things; an antique car in the darkness or the date someone will die.
Copper and Silver: Beyond/L//Rated M. Magician AU. Summary: There had always been two types of magic in the world. One was quite real but elusive, and more of a curse than a blessing on those who could channel it. The other was the magic of mankind-- the sleight of hand or memory trick, the careful distraction or well-placed mirror. It was the business of the famed illusionist Lazarus, also (un)known as L Lawliet, that no one in his audience should ever know the difference.
For fics before 2020, check out my AO3 (ZombieJesus) here!
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indipindy16 · 4 years
Heyyyyy, so about that doc with the AU ideas.... (Please feed me I yearn for content)
im obsessed with the idea of monoma and aizawa being related to afo lol. you only see like 3 quirks in the whole series that are based on other quirks - what i would call ‘meta quirks,’ that would only have any function in a world of quirked people. so ofc these 3 quirks have to be related:
afo decided to have a bunch of kids, to see if he could make noumus out of them which retained their brains after being given a bunch of quirks. he impregnated a bunch of women lol, but he kept tabs on them. as soon as the kids turned 4 and presented their quirk, they would be kidnapped by the doctor and brought into the lab. most of the kids had quirks based on quirks (seeing quirks, stealing quirks, copying quirks, erasing quirks…) and are various ages. aizawa, monoma and midoriya were some of them, but aizawa got saved by his badass mother when he was still a kid, so he was already gone by the time midoriya and monoma came around. the two of them manage to escape while afo is still recovering from his fight with all might, and since monoma’s mother was killed by afo, he goes to live with midoriya and his mother. they go off the grid and run away from afo. in this au midoriya is quirkless, up until he meets all might and it goes as usual. umm could be from monoma’s pov, and include monoshin because that’s cute. basically after the sports festival, afo finds monoma again and in the summer camp they kidnap him instead of bakugou. (the reason why aizawa was never caught or taken back by afo is because he won the whole sports fest and became too famous/well protected to be easily stolen back - since monoma didn’t make the fight rounds, he’s a perfect target. afo only knew the kids by their quirks, he never actually met them, so he doesn’t realise that midoriya is one of his kids as well because mido has a quirk now.) anyway so after they kidnap monoma back, he and midoriya spill the beans to the ua faculty, aizawa has a midlife crisis over the fact that he now has younger siblings, and afo continues to be a dick who doesn’t pay child support.
just some sweets stuff as well:
Christmas cake: Japanese slang for an unmarried woman over 25 who is considered undesirable as a wife, in the same way that Christmas cakes are considered useless after Christmas Day.
Good thing for Jirou, she never cared much about being ‘desirable’ to the opposite sex anyway.
-> a momojirou story about jirou’s 26th birthday and momo reassuring her that she is the best gf ever, and that she loves her very much. pro hero gfs <3
like. the trope of aizawa adopting shinsou? well what about instead… hawks adopting tokoyami?? maybe he comes from a super religious family and they tried to exorcise the ‘demon’ from him, protective services put him in the foster system, and he ends up with really shitty foster families, and his quirk is considered ‘dangerous.’ but then our boy hawks swoops in and goes ‘u know what? i’m not letting my intern get disrespected like this’ and adopts him. obviously hawks is still young himself (22 i think), so he’s not very good at the whole parenting thing, but miruko helps him out. he becomes an older brother figure for tokoyami. gen found family fluff ensues
thats it, thats the idea
HAIKYUU AU - no quirks. just volleyball
so the ua boys volleyball team is on the rocks. its been pretty much non-existent and turned to dust at this point. but, it once own the nationals.
izuku’s mum runs this second hand / antique / trinket store, and izuku helps out sometimes. one day, he finds some old sports tapes in the back and watches them - they’re of the year when ua was at nationals, and their striker, yagi toshinori, inspires izuku to play volleyball.
bakugo is on the school team and he threatens / bullies izuku not to join, so izuku has to train on his own. he learns shitty technique, but he ends up building some muscle by clearing out the beach.
izuku gets into ua, and when he goes to apply for the volleyball team, ofc bakugo picks a fight. the other first-years who join the team are todoroki, kaminari, shinsou, kirishima, and iida. there aren’t any second years - they all got expelled - but mirio and tamaki are on the team as third years, and nejirou is the team manager. their teacher sponsor is a new teacher this year, and it’s left ambiguous. there’s the whole ‘get over ur differences if u want to join’ thing, and then woohoo! team!
turns out their teacher sponsor is aizawa. he drags in the now-retired-due-to-injury yagi toshinori to be the coach. when aizawa went to ua, the volleyball team was too small to go to any tournaments - he’s determined to turn it around and let these kids live their dreams.
some ‘canon? what’s that?’ ideas:
just a really wholesome story about inko and mitsuki being besties. met in middle school or something, supported each other through everything… just gals being the best of pals...
or i mean u could make it gay, that’s always an option (and have izuku and katsuki grow up as actual bros, and actually be friendly to one another? what a shocker) - like, the two of them get sperm donors and are pregnant at the same time so the kids can be twins or something. and ofc you’d expect katsuki to be closest to mitsuki and for inko to be closest to izuku, but then to make it a TWIST add some great bonding between inko + katsuki and mitsuki + izuku!! i’ve never really seen any mitsuki + izuku bonding in stories before, so that’d be pretty cool
izuku gets hit by a villain’s quirk during a big villain attack when he’s 7, turning him part-cat. the villain dies during the attack, so they can’t erase his quirk’s effects - they’d have to surgically remove the ears and tail, or get an expensive quirk specialist in. izuku decides he likes being a nekomimi, so he keeps them and gets being part-cat officially registered as his quirk. he has better senses and agility, and he can talk to cats now i guess. also his eyes are cat eyes. he doesn’t pass the ua exam, so he goes into the general department instead, but he does really well in the sports festival and gets transferred into the hero course with shinsou. (this is all just because i need a valid excuse to make izuku have cat ears.)
some ‘future au’ ideas:
all of the pro heroes merch lines - deku’s ’t-shirt’ shirts, tokoyami’s edgy emo/goth hoodies, iida’s ingenium trainers, bakugou’s popping candy chocolate, todoroki’s own brand of scar cream, HAGAKURE’S CAMO COLLECTION OMG the possibilities are endless  
---i made hagakure’s camo for her bday drawing
(i use a strikethrough so i know which ideas i’ve used or posted anywhere. i think that once i put an idea on the internet, it’s probably free reign, so if you want to use any of these for fics or art go ahead. i’d just appreciate it is you could link back to me haha)
5 years after graduating from the General Studies department of UA, Hitoshi opened his own agency. As a private detective.
By the time he’s 25, he’s settled in and relatively comfortable with his career choice. So when his work phone rings one day and he’s still half-asleep he easily opens with, “Shinsou Detective Agency. Before you ask, I do not investigate cheating spouses or missing dogs and I do not screen potential employees for companies.” He paused. “I’ll investigate missing cats, though.”
The person on the other end took a harsh breath, like an almost-laugh, and responded gruffly, “Hm. Good to know if Jelly ever gets lost.”
-> aka shinsou is a PI and aizawa contacts him for help on a case. aizawa never sought out shinsou after the sports festival, being too busy with 1-a’s insane antics, and so shinsou went on to never become a hero. maybe he’s also a vigilante on the side? idk. anyway so yeah aizawa gives him temporary permission to use his quirk during the case. they investigate, blah blah, the point is that afterwards aizawa gets shinsou a licence and takes him on as a sidekick (the same way ingenium offered to koichi in vigilantes)
i have new ideas on the daily. this doc is just growing
keep in mind, i have given to you here only a few of the shortest ones. there are several huge paragraphs of full-au ideas (like where izuku has a quirk, and the entire story follows canon)
these are, ostensibly, ideas for fics that i never write because i’m lazy. but some of them i do end up using for art or comics, so... yeah. most of the comics i’ve posted were originally just little scripts in this doc. an example:
yamada and reformed!shirakumo are walking together, with coffees
shirakumo: so then i - oh, your phone’s wringing
(yamada’s ringtone is the nyancat song, and the contact name is ‘daddy’)
shirakumo: haha, you still call ur dad ‘daddy’? i thought you got over that in high school (taking a sip on the coffee)
yamada: (answering the phone, keeping eye contact with shirakumo) hey, shouta, what’s up?
shirakumo: (spits out coffee)
—- made this a comic on tumblr
damn this post is longer than i expected
whelp, i hope you liked it
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goffilolo · 5 years
Revival of Midoriya Izuku chapter 3
It’s been 84 years huh? As always the fanfic is up on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16929483/chapters/52652386
also im aware of like some formatting issues with the fic when it comes to tumblr, so reading it on ao3 might be better if you particularly care about like italics and what not, but otherwise it’s all the same stuff.
“Move your ass Boom Boom Bitch, I wanna get there early!” shouted Izuku, as him and Bandit sat on rather stylish, but uncomfortable couch in the Bakugous’ living room that was probably worth more than both of them put together, which probably wasn’t even that much anyway since they’re both garbage, but it’s about the principle of the thing.
“Shut your mouth you Trash Twink, I’ll get there when I get there! And what the fuck are you doing in my house?” screamed Bakugou all the way from upstairs, although with his voice being as explosive as his quirk he might as well be standing right next to you considering the damage he does to everyone’s eardrums.
Speaking of hearing damage “Katsuki!!! Is that how you talk to our guest you rude brat?! Get over here!” exclaimed Aunt Mitsuki.
“Shut it old hag! Deku’s not a guest, he’s just an annoying cockroach that invites himself wherever he wants and does whatever he wants!” which is a fair point, considering Izuku has invited himself to Bakugou’s first day at UA for less than wholesome reasons. Some people might see it as the ultimate bitch slap to Bakugou’s ego (partially true), but for the most part it’s merely a testament of how far Izuku has come, considering he now only sees UA as a place where he can flirt with Tensei’s hot brother, rather than a means of accomplishing some bullshit dreams... But it’s not like Kacchan knows any of this, so he can fuck off.
If you were to ask Izuku what his deal with Bakugou was, he would reply “Best friends, duh” with enough sarcasm to last you the next ten years. If you were to press for any specifics his reply would be more along the lines of “I dunno, get the fuck out of my apartment” followed by having Trash Bandit sent after you. The bottom line was, his relationship with Bakugou was complicated, as were most thing in Izuku’s life, but that’s not unusual.
Izuku’s presence at the Bakugou household though? That’s quite unusual, yet more likely than you’d think.
And although the screaming match between the two Bakugous was ever so entertaining Izuku had places to be, and guys to seduce, so “Leave it Auntie” he exclaims in a dismissive manner “We don’t want to rile him up too much, otherwise he ain’t gonna get that 30-day chip from the anger management that he’s been gunnin’ for” he adds half-jokingly.
“I know, I know” she says “But you’d think he would act a little nicer by now, after all these months of therapy.”
“Wouldn’t expect miracles if I were you Auntie, you know what the say; Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree ” replies the boy with a shiteating grin as he motions towards Bakugou descending down the stairs, not missing the way Mitsuki flinched ever so slightly at his rather obnoxious comment.
“And to think you used to be such a nice boy yourself, I used to always tell your mother how great it would’ve been if Katsuki was more like you” she says in a mix of bittersweet nostalgia and regret.
“Yeah well, considering the shit I got for being nice , I think from now on I’d rather be a bastard and then some” exclaimed Izuku as he got up from the couch with Bandit in tow and made his way towards Bakugou. The other boy was getting ready to leave as well and his excitement for the day was concealed even more poorly than his mother’s discomfort at the current conversation “Have a good one Auntie!”
And with that, the two teenagers and one (1) sheep were on their way.
“Kacchan please , not everything is about you” said Izuku exasperatedly, hurrying over to the only empty seat on the train.
“Like hell it isn’t! This was supposed to be MY DAY, my first day at the school of my fucking dreams, and you’re trying to ruin it by following me around dressed like a dollar stripper!” replied Bakugou in a whisper-scream. He may have anger issues but he wasn’t a dumbass and the two of them were already drawing enough attention as it was. It wasn’t exactly easy to remain unnoticed on a train while carrying a green sheep; a task which fell on Bakugou, because Izuku was a weak-noodle-arm-bitch.
“First of all, I’m flattered that you think I’m worth a dollar” said the weak-noodle-arm-bitch in question “And second of all, this is my best outfit.” Said best outfit consisted of a worn out tank top that had THE HOES written on it in what once was a glittery pink; a pair of booty shorts with ENEMY OF STATE hand stitched onto the backside and rainbow patterned knee socks. The look was completed with a pair of pink platform crocs, because Izuku had standards ... and because he was short.
“God I hate you” murmured Bakugou.
“Don’t I know it Kacchan?”
The rest of the train ride was spent in silence.
It wasn’t until they actually reached the gates of the school that Bakugou had a thought; one that he probably should’ve had before they even left his house, but having a coherent thought while carrying a sheep and bickering with the sheep’s owner about whether the sheep should be referred to as a dog or not is in all fairness not possible.
“They won’t let you in” he said, voicing the sudden epiphany.
“Sure they will” replied Izuku.
“Oh yeah? How? Deku, you don’t fuckin’ go to this school, you don’t go to ANY school!” shouted Bakugou, because they were no longer on the train, therefore arguing with a lunatic stripper looking guy was now acceptable.
Izuku for the most part did not have a problem with that, because not only did he love having petty fights with people, he also loved proving them wrong, especially when everyone and their grandma accuses him of being a high school drop out.
“Shinjuku Metropolitan would beg to differ” he says, dropping the metaphorical bomb on the unsuspecting dipshit that is his childhood friend, after which he continues to walk, crossing the gates of UA High like he owns the damn place.
After about a minute of Bakugou standing frozen in shock, he finally snapped out of it when Bandit decided to start chewing on his uniform “Oi, hold the fuck up!” screamed the blond as he followed Izuku inside, while the sheep was being dragged along like a betrayed ragdoll  “Did you just say Shinjuku Metropolitan?!”
“Kacchan, you know I can’t hold you, you’re too heavy” replies the other teen, while pointedly ignoring Bakugou’s question and the looks he’s been getting from the students.
“Don’t change the subject shitty Deku! How the fuck did your ass get into a top non-hero high school in the whole damn Tokyo you bitch?”
“What, like it’s hard?”
“I fuckin’ swear to God-”
“Do it! Pull the trigger piglet!”
Their pointless quarrel, which was on a steady way into becoming a straight up brawl (Izuku having already pulled out his axe and lighted a cigarette using one of Bakugou’s warning explosions) came to a stop when they were interrupted by one of UA’s teachers, although in Izuku’s opinion she made a wrong career choice, considering being a Dominatrix probably paid more.
On another note, when someone asks you ‘what’s going on?’ that doesn’t mean they’re actually interested in whatever is happening at the moment, it means ‘stop’, therefore Izuku’s answer to that question, which usually involves something along the lines of “You see, I’m small, horny and full of rage, and I have no outlet for these emotions” is rarely appreciated. That is not to say that the lack of appreciation is going to stop him from spawning whatever dumb shit comes to his mind when faced with the judgement from authority figures. If anything it makes everything worse.
“That’s just how we flirt” replied the teen instead, all the while looking THE Pro-Hero Midnight dead in the eye and putting out his cigarette on Bakugou’s uniform jacket. Bakugou, for the most part was unable to even be mad at the cigarette burn considering he was busy recovering from being metaphorically punched in the kidneys by that line.
“And why aren’t you wearing uniform?” she asks suspiciously, pointing at Izuku’s attire.
“Oh, I don’t go here” he replied casually.
“Then pray tell , why are you in this school?”
“To get laid”
“TO WHAT?!” screamed Bakugou in surprise.
At this point Midnight took out her phone (no, her costume doesn’t have pockets, please don’t ask where she keeps it) and clicked on one of three contacts she keeps on her speed dial.
“Principal Nedzu, we got a situation…”
After telling Bakugou not to worry and that he will see him later in class, Izuku was dragged to the principal’s office by Midnight.
On the way there he tried cracking up another joke, telling her that his safe word was ‘avocado’. She did not appreciate that one either. For those of you wondering what happened to Bandit, the sheep ended up following Bakugou, much to the blond’s dismay.
Now, being sent to a principal’s office, especially of a school that you don’t even attend is usually a sign that you have royally fucked up. Not for Izuku though, because he had a plan! Contrary to the common belief, Izuku is not dumb. The fall didn’t kill off any of his brain cells, only his ability to give a shit, which made life much easier since he no longer had to worry about things like: people’s opinions, social norms, laws and heteronormativity.
Anyway, back to the plan. Izuku was not dumb, therefore even he knew that wandering around UA while not attending the school would not fly. He needed a way to stay, and for that he needed the guy who runs the whole shitshow; Nedzu.
Which is why the moment Midnight opens the door to the office Izuku stomps in like a man on a mission and stops right in front of an animal of questionable origin in a suit that is allegedly UA’s principal. A little unusual, but if a scumbag like Endeavour can hold the title of No. 2 Hero in Japan, then an animal can run a school.
The principal in question was calmly sitting on a couch and drinking tea, totally unconcerned with whatever bullshit Izuku was about to throw at him.
“Now, what seems to be the issue with this young man?” asked Nedzu.
“This young man-” said Izuku, pointing to himself in a rather cocky manner “has a message for you!”
“And what would that message be?”
The principal’s question was answered with what Izuku can only think of as the ultimate power move, or in this case; a literal ace up the sleeve. The boy proceeded to pull out a Monopoly “Get out of Jail” card out of his shorts (since he technically wasn’t wearing any sleeves) and slam it on the table right in front of Nedzu.
While to an outsider the current situation might seem absurd, it is important to remember that Izuku had a plan; one that could’ve never come to a fruition without a little help from the most unexpected person, which is why that card was no ordinary Monopoly card, but a very specific reminder that only Principal Nedzu would know the meaning of, and when he picked it up and flipped it around, the neatly written message on the back made its presence known.
It read: “You owe me one. - Hisashi”
“My dad says ‘Hi!’ ” exclaimed Izuku, taking one look at Nedzu’s face and knowing that he already won.
Was cashing in on a favour that his dad secured like 10 years ago a morally good decision? Debatable, but it got the job done so he’s not gonna complain. All that mattered was that Izuku now had a pass to enter the UA grounds whenever he pleased and nobody could stop him, and so here he was about to enter the classroom where Kacchan is supposed to be in. The bell hasn’t rung yet so he still had some time and who knows, maybe the handsome guy from the police station was in the same class?
With that in mind he opened the gigantic door and made his way into the classroom and was met with what looked like a pissing contest between his crush and his childhood friend.
Ah yes, pissing contest at its finest, which meant that Izuku had options . The most obvious course of action would be siding up with Tenya and taunting Kacchan, which is not something Izuku would ever say no to. However , it also happens that the object of his affections had a massive boner for rules and authority, which is the exact opposite of everything Izuku stands for, so siding up with Kacchan it is.
And so he made his way to the pair of bickering teenagers and promptly pushed Kacchan’s feet off the desk, earning a scoff from the blond and an approving but baffled look from Iida, which only lasted for about 2 seconds, because Izuku being the gay disaster that he is simply HAD to ruin it all by claiming the desk as his sitting spot and giving Tenya the most ridiculous bedroom eyes that had Kacchan fake gagging like his life depended on it.
“Umm...Izuku, was it?” asked Tenya, feeling awkward under the other boy’s intense gaze.
“It sure was” replied the boy, feeling happy about leaving enough of an impression to be remembered from all those weeks ago “Fancy seeing you here, huh?”
“Oh for fuck’s sake Deku!” exclaimed Bakugou, completely fed up with the cringeworthy display in front of him “Just tell four-eyes that you came here because you wanted to see him and be done with it!”
“Kacchan, not now! I’m trying to put on some moves!”
“Well your moves are shit-”
“Hey, aren’t you that guy from the news who stabbed a villain in the eye with an axe?!” shouted one of the students while pointing at Izuku. There was something ironic about the fact that it was his stunt on live TV from 2 weeks ago that got everyone’s heads turning and not his iconic outfit, or inappropriate behaviour, or literally anything else about him. Like that’s just rude ok? And interrupting him while he’s trying to flirt? Also rude.
“Bitch, I might be” he replied anyway, because his reputation was on the line and because at this point literally everyone has gathered around the desk that he sat on, so things were way past the point of return. People were throwing questions and accusations at him left and right, Trash Bandit is nowhere to be found and his quil flask is not full enough for this bullshit. At this point Bakugou simply got up from his seat and sat at the back of the room, as far away from this nonsense as possible.
“It’s you!”exclaimed the boy with dual coloured hair and equally mismatched eyes “You’re the guy who keeps T-posing in front of my house. Can you please stop?!” he asked with the most deadpan face Izuku has ever seen despite his voice being filled with desperation.
“Look, I T-pose in front of a lot of houses so you’re gonna have to be more specific” he replied sarcastically — despite knowing exactly who he was talking to — since it probably wasn’t a good moment to mention that you’re besties with that person’s mom because you were both stuck in the same loony bin and so you already know all the family drama and have dedicated a good portion of your time to harassing her abusive piece of shit husband…especially with like 20 people around you.
“You’re the one who egged my limo!” shouted one of the girls at the back. She was a very tall girl with long, dark hair tied in a seemingly gravity defying ponytail and a kind face. She had an air of a distinguished lesbian about her, which Izuku could respect even if she was rich if the limo comment was anything to go by. He egged several limos in his lifetime because seeing rich people out in public makes him go apeshit, as it should, so really how is he supposed to remember everyone?
“And I will egg it again!” promised Izuku “When I see rich people out and about it triggers my fight-or-fuck response”
“Don’t you mean fight-or-flight?” she asked.
“Are you ok?”
“Not in the slightest”
And with that more people joined in on the conversation, including a particular girl who very much looked like an alien with her bright pink skin and black sclera who ended up complementing his outfit, which thank fuck someone here actually had good taste , as well as a guy who ended up being Ms Shouji’s son, and the only reason he found out was because the guy recognised his antics based on the gossip his mom told him and isn’t that a small fuckin world? And in the middle of it all laid an inconspicuous yellow sleeping bag that has been conveniently ignored by everyone for the sake of the plot up until now.
The sleeping bag began to seemingly unzip by itself and soon enough Bandit’s head poked out of it.
“Bandit! There you are”
“Guys! Look at this dog!” exclaimed one of the students who Izuku thought looked like a personification of weed, but he wasn’t going to say that. At least the guy knew what he was talking about.
“I’m pretty certain it’s a sheep-” added Tenya, taking his role as the last standing voice of reason in this room very seriously, even though his voice has practically drowned in the sea of teenagers chanting ‘good doggo’, similarly to how one might feel if they were standing at a dance floor while Baby Got Back started playing.
It’s also important to note that while all of this was happening, Bakugou who has sat himself at the back of the room was forced to witness the chaotic force that is Izuku interacting with multiple people at once while being able to convince about 20 of them to refer to his sheep as a dog, and in that moment he turned around staring into the void and asked himself “Am I having a fuckin stroke?”
“Nah, he’s always like that” replied the one person who was sat at the back along with him that Bakugou previously did not bother to notice.
“And how would you know, you damn extra?” asked Bakugou somewhat offended, because sure him and Izuku were not on the friendliest terms and the whole incident from last year really changed him and what not. But they still knew each other their whole lives, so really that had to count for something and Bakugou was not willing to compromise on that with some random extra who looked like a Tinky Winky humansona on drugs.
Unfortunately Bakugou was not able to get an answer because the entire class was interrupted by a homeless looking guy coming out of the yellow sleeping bag to shame student kind. “If you’re here to socialise, then get out” he said. Soon enough the room was filled with a tense silence as the students were unsure of what to expect next.
“It took 8 seconds for you to quiet down. Time is a precious resource. You lot aren’t very rational, are you?” asked the man as he walked to the front of the classroom, making it very clear that he was in fact their teacher. The man was rather tall and unkept, his hair was long and slightly curled, similar to Izuku’s own and the outfit he wore could only be described as a goth onesie. There was something very familiar about him but Izuku couldn’t quite make out what it was supposed to be.
However, just because Izuku’s memory aligns very closely with a slice of swiss cheese doesn’t mean that the same can be said about the teacher in question. As soon as he turned around to get a good look at his new class his eyes fell on Izuku and his face has swiftly shifted from that of practiced disinterest to shock and recognition that Izuku honestly was not expecting.
“What are you doing here problem child?” asked the man with a certain degree of disbelief in his voice. Once again there was something very familiar about him and the way he addressed Izuku and wait a minute did he just call me a problem child? That can’t be-
“Uncle Shouta” exclaimed the boy in a way that felt uncertain, yet childishly hopeful “Is that you?”
“Of course it is brat, who else would I be?” he replied with a hint of amusement.
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bereaving · 4 years
Haha I definitely to that too 😅 I always know about the gays before I start to watch a new show, okay thats probably the only reason why I start them 😅 but here I have to say, I loved Hill House and so for me it was clear that I would watch Bly Manor too without even knowing anything about it. So I was even more happy to see a gay love story. But it was probably the first show I've started without knowing anything about the story or characters. And no other show was ever stucked in my head like this one. So its a relief to have people to talk to about it, cause there's a lot to talk about in general, about the whole story and all the little details. So I'm glad i
It is! I mean I loved her from the start and she's like all tough and she always knows what to say yk what I mean? At first glance she seems like a really outgoing person but she's not. She keeps isolating herself and only opens up to a few people, her chosen family. And she slowly opens up to Dani, too. That's so special in their relationship. Her character is just portrayed perfectly and I identify with Jamie so much and yeah it's just great to see how Amelia is bringing that to us as viewers. There are some movies with her coming up and I can't wait to see them 😍
Haha yeah I get that 😂 I've been thinking about it a lot. I mean she might have noticed all the signs but then I think about Jamie's character and idk maybe her fear of being let down again, from people she really cares about, would've been bigger than her desire for love? She's definitely good at reading people so what if she would know that there's something bothering Dani (like seeing the ghost of her ex) and she wouldn't want to put much pressure on her by making a move on her? To not like scare her away? And tbh I'd never thought that Dani would be the one to show Jamie she likes her 😇 it was so bold and I was like shocked 😅👌
I'm so glad to hear that actually. It is for me too. I'm really glad I've found Tumblr and all these amazing people on here. It's just such a great place to make new friends and also finding new shows (with gays) 😅 I'm being honest, I'm obsessed with these two, too. Cause not only do I love both of the actresses but I also love how their relationship is portrayed and how Amelia and Victoria bring them to life. I mean, their chemistry was off the charts 😍 it's so amazing to watch, not thinking of how the ending completely destroyed me, cause I'm still recovering from that 😪
“ I always know about the gays before I start to watch a new show, okay that’s probably the only reason why I start them 😅” Anon, I feel and relate to this with every fiber of my being. More answer below the cut because this got long, oh my god. I apologize for my tendency to ramble.
Horror and supernatural genres are really non-starters for me. When Hill House first came out, a lot of my friends were talking about it and praising it, but that didn’t really intrigue me, cause I was very much on the “Horror? Nah” camp. What piqued my curiosity with Bly seeing this set on my dashboard, and then this one too. Safe to say I was a goner. IDK how common it is, but I’m on a completely opposite train of having watched Bly first before I saw Hill House.
Jamie is honestly like the cure to toxicity I never knew I needed. So many characters in tv shows or movies that I’ve seen have been on a similar road with her in terms of having a traumatic childhood and a rough life prior to us knowing her. Most of them all would take the “I had a shit life so I will be Grumpy™️ all the time and treat everyone like crap.” They become dicks. And I embrace them anyway because the background I’ve been given -or the handful of times when they don’t act like an absolute wanker- have made me excuse their shitty behavior and dismiss their awfulness. It’s not until Jamie comes along that I properly paused and said, “Wait... hang on a minute.” You get the notion that she’s acting all chill and casual, she tells it like it is, she’s patient towards everyone but especially to Dani, and then... her monologue happened. And that fully made me realize that: 1). I love her with my whole heart, and 2). characters don’t have to be dicks to be interesting. Mind=blown. Seeing her arc from this person who’s kinda in the background, and then slowly approached a more central and integral role to the storyline is really like seeing a flower bloom. 
There is definitely that possibility, in hypothetically thinking about Jamie making the first move, that her fear of disappointment and heartbreak could stop her from taking the first step, or holding herself back because she knows Dani’s got issues that she needs to resolve and Jamie doesn’t want to put that kind of pressure on her. There are always expectations when it comes to these things, so to put it off or just not do it altogether, no matter what the reason is, is understandable.  That being said, if we’re still on this Jamie Making Her First Move train, I imagine that once she’s got a hint that Dani is ready, or that Dani wants her to, she’ll either take it straight away or she’d go, “Does this mean what I think it means?” first, just to assure herself.
Dani is BOLD. Like a font 😆 She is smol and fierce when it comes to what she wants and who she wants, and it’s so refreshing to see! When she reached out for Jamie’s hand I was full on squealing into my pillow, and when Jamie turned and said, “Who the hell knew?” I was on the floor. I fucking lost it. I mean I knew it was coming... but I lost it anyway. It was fucking awesome.
Bly (and to an extent, Mike Flanagan) has changed the course of my 2020, and I know that can come off as an exaggeration, but it well and truly did. The ending has for sure destroyed me, but I’m one of the people who actually find enjoyment in seeing a good tragedy unfold on screen. It was fucking brutal; the way you know where Jamie and Dani are inevitably going, and it pains me to no end when we finally see it unfold, but it brings me great comfort and satisfaction, too. It was a story well told. More than well told - masterfully told. When I finally started Hill House, the shock that I had that Victoria is the one who played Nell AND Dani did not go away until episode 5, and by the time I finished the episode, I lost it all over again. She really is Duchess of Microexpressions, and the way she can imbue her performances with such distinct physicalities is a goddamn marvel. It’s been... how long now since I finished Bly and Hill House, and Dani and Nell are still in my head. I think about Dani, and I think about Nell, and every idle thought I have would often lead me back to them. I’m excited to see what Amelia has in store in terms of her career. If this means I have to follow her into the horror path... I suspect I would, tbh. Her and Victoria can make me watch just about anything (except Netflix’s You). I would also not oppose to them being back on The Haunting series, or play together on screen again either with similar or different dynamics to Bly.
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hi steph!! im looking for some domestic johnlock, could you direct me to some?? i want my heart to burn from the domesticity bahaha
Hi Lovely!!
BWAH OF COURSE I HAVE DOMESTIC JOHNLOCK. A huge list of them in fact, and I just checked my offline list and I can totally update the lists with some new fics I’ve recently filed! :D
See also:
Platonics and Domestics
Platonics & Domestics Pt 2 / Hugs, Cuddles & Kisses Pt. 3 / Tooth-Rotting Fluff Pt. 5 / Love Confessions, Slow Burn & Dev. Rel. Pt. 2 / Established Relationship Pt. 3
Platonics / Bromance / Friendship Pt. 3 
Domestic Johnlock Pt. 4
And When The Night Is Over by Simply Isnt On (K, 329 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Platonic Bed Sharing / Not Slash) – Sherlock and John sleep together.
You Should Have Let Me Sleep! by theraggedypond (T, 1,542 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Sleepy Sherlock, Cranky Sherlock, Domestics) – After a three day case with no sleep and hardly any food, Sherlock is recovering from it by playing comatose. John finds out what happens when you wake up London’s favorite consulting detective.
Happy Birthday John by Starlight05 (K, 1,580 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Friendship, John’s Birthday, Shopping, 3rd Person POV John) – When an important date comes up, Sherlock finds himself doing something he never has before - shopping! But will he succeed and manage to get his best friend a present?
Baskerville After Dark by Ttime42 (T, 1,921 w., 1 Ch. || THoB, Friendship, Humor, Bed Sharing, Missing Scenes, Cranky John, Cuddles) – John and Sherlock have to share a bed at Baskerville. Gen, but can be preslash.
Nothing Left Untouched by ForeverShippingJohnlock (K+, 2,617 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Romance, Bed Sharing, Oblivious Sherlock, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Grumpy John, Fluff and Cuddles) – Sherlock rearranges the flat. So what if John’s bedroom is now a research library. It’s not like John needs a bedroom, he can share with Sherlock. They’re friends and John has obviously slept in close quarters with men before and it’s not like Sherlock sleeps much anyway. It’ll be fine.
Insomnia by TheSingingGirl (K+, 2,635 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Humour, Bed Sharing, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sleep is merely the next frontier in what has become the battle to keep Sherlock alive. It’s because of this that John ends up in bed with a sociopath.
The General Idea by agirlsname (T, 3,022 w., 1 Ch. || Retirement, Promise of Forever / Proposal, POV John, First Kiss, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Soft Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Crying / Emotional Sherlock, Love Confessions) – After twenty years of friendship, John is used to Sherlock acting weirdly. But the news Sherlock finally brings himself to deliver change the carefully built dynamics between them, and John realises it’s time to act.
It’s Just Another Birthday by Vintage Tea Party (K, 3,207 w., 2 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Sherlock’s Birthday, Sherlock 3rd Person POV) – When John makes a birthday cake for Sherlock he thinks its an innocent enough gesture. But nothing is ever normal with Sherlock and this isn’t just another birthday.
Human Body Pillow by Lunavere (K, 4,122 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Five and Ones, Sleepy Johnlock, Bed Sharing) – A story about the five times John fell asleep on Sherlock, and the one time Sherlock fell asleep on him.
Sleepless nights by El loopy (T, 5,467 w., 3 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Panic Attack, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock has a nightmare and John wants to know what it was about. Set during season 1. Three-shot.
On Favors and Keeping Score by Ewebie (G, 7,622 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Sick Fic, Fluff, John Whump) –  John woke up to the horribly unpleasant sound of his clock alarm. Which meant he’d slept through his phone’s alarm. And for a moment he glared blearily at the noisemaker before smacking at it with his palm. Ugh, he felt like rubbish. The back of his throat was burning with the irritation that heralded a proper dose, his nose was threatening to drip every few seconds, and he had the uncomfortable flush that normally suggested a fever. Nothing high, just uncomfortable. Nothing deadly, just irritating. Nothing worth calling in sick with, just a full day of discomfort in the face of other people’s discomfort. It was going to be a day where he was forced to bite his tongue from telling people off. “You’re not as sick as I am, so off you pop.” Part 7 of Tumblr Shorts
Sometimes When We Touch by kedgeree (M, 7,755 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, First Kiss/Time, Inappropriate Giggling, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Virgin Sherlock, John Whump, Touching) – John might be touching Sherlock a little more often than is strictly necessary. Sherlock probably hasn’t even noticed. Right…?
You fit me, Sherlock Holmes by orphan_account (G, 10,077 w., 1 Ch. || It’s An Experiment, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Questionable Science) – An unfortunate series of events leads to John accepting being a part of Sherlock’s study in physical intimacy. As the days pass by, John realizes he might be in for more than he bargained for. He doesn’t entirely mind.
London Gods by a_different_equation (E, 11,092 w., 5 Ch. || American Gods Fusion || Magical Realism, Sex Magic, True Love, PTSD John, First Kiss/Time, Marathon Sex, Sensuality, Genie Sherlock, Human John, Internalized Homophobia, Star-Crossed Lovers, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes is a jinn who does not grant wishes. However, when Dr. John H. Watson, recently returned from the war in Afghanistan, gets into his cab by “accident”, it might not even need magic to grant both men their deepest wish: love.
A Silver Sixpence by _doodle (NC-17, 16,400 w., 2 Ch. || LJ Fic || For a Case / Case Fic, Fake Relationship, Humour, Romance, Marriage Proposal, Awkward Idiots, Cuddling, Touching, Kissing, Love Confessions, Bed Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fake Until It’s Not, Schmoop and Fluff, Bottomlock) – “John, we need to get married. It’s for a case, not any romantic notions on my part pertaining to our partnership,” Sherlock said, with brutal honesty, and without even looking up.
The Winter Garden by Callie4180 (T, 31,213 w., 13 Ch. || Post-S4, Retirement, Christmas, Slow Burn, Grown-Up Rosie, Parenthood, Rosie’s Cat, Angst with Happy Ending, Holidays, Beekeeping, Magical Realism, Sherlock POV, Sherlock’s Violin, Future Fic, Sussex, Honey, Magical Healing Honey, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Scar, First Kiss, Touching) – As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he’s given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost… magical.
carrying up his morning tea by darcylindbergh (E, 34,504 w., 5 Ch. || Post S3, Minor Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Wakes/Funerals, Estranged John, Pining Sherlock, Depression/Insecurity, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Chronic Pain/Injury, Reconciliation, Awkwardness, Loneliness, Scars, Angst With Happy Ending) – His fingers tremble as he dials and he can’t force them steady. Familiar number, even though he hasn’t used it in two years. He isn’t even sure he should be calling it now, but she’d asked. She’d made him promise.
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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madelvnisms · 4 years
Tumblr media
tw: slight mention of drug use?? i just wanted to tag to be safe 
yall i literally love essy so much i’ll follow her to the end of the rp world :/// and thats on loyalty. PERIODT. but hi !!! hello !!! i am courtney and this is my dangerously pessimistic devil child whose life is just. i like to make tragic okay, because otherwise, where’s the fun in that??? I HOPE YA’LL LOVE HER AS MUCH AS I DO. also i haven’t rped in a hot minute so please bear with me tumblrs done a whole 360 on me and nothing is the SAME 
madeline woodrow didn’t actually have a name for the first??? three months of her life?? she was born on an unusually cold september night, to two incredibly young teen parents who just so happened to be addicted to illicit substances, her ‘mother’ abandoned her at the hospital with a weak immune system and pretty much fighting for her life. she was born with holes on the heart, resulting in surgery during the first week of her life. however, her ailments soon came right ( for now ) and madeline was adopted into a well-off, seemingly loving family; the Woodrow’s, who happened to have a young child already,,,, you guessed it,,, named.... darcy. eyyyyyy [ tik tok vc ] sibling check 
growing up into a family that valued achievements and success over, well... anything, really, madeline had always felt a little out of place. Her parents were well-off academics who took pride in their work, her older brother seemed to be a genius, whereas school work had never been madeline’s strong-suit. like, yeah, okay, she was smarter than the average person in class, but learning was never something she was interested in. books didn’t interest her like they did darcy and while she was passing all of her classes, there were no outstanding academic awards for barely trying. 
instead, madeline seemed to have a naturally affinity for sports. she loved the outdoors, she was the kid that was always picked to be team leader,,,, u know the kids who think they’re better than everyone on the field..... akskskskks that was HER. she may not have been as academically gifted as the rest of her family, but she would bet none of them could throw an object further than her, that was for sure. 
it was an accident, finding out she was adopted. Robert & Stephanie Woodrow had many quiet discussions over the years as to what would be best for Mads, they both felt she should know, but ig they were just scared??? bc they never??? really. mentioned it to her. buT MORE ON THAT SOON 
madeline loved tennis. it was her favourite sport, she was literally on track to go to the olympics at one point in her life, when disaster struck. she was in the middle of an intense game when randomly, mads passed out on the court and fell on her leg the wrong way. not only had her heart problems come crashing through the door; she now had to have another surgery on her leg along with months of rehabilitation. 
the kicker???? this was around the same time grandfather Woodrow had passed away, leaving the remaining kin to deal with his crippling debt. she was barely sixteen when this happened. well - technically grandfather Woodrow had left her mother, father and brother a huge amount of crippling debt, whereas madeline wasn’t even mentioned in the will. no inheritance to her name, especially no debt to her name - there was no mention of a madeline woodrow in his last will and testament at all. 
that was when madeline found out about her true origins; she was left in a hospital by her birth parents, she was born with holes in the heart and now, now she couldn’t even play tennis again. Ever. 
Madeline, once held on a high pedestal due to her athletic achievements, held on a high pedestal by being a Woodrow, had come tumbling down to reality. She didn’t know, and still doesn’t know who she really is to this day. 
Now that all her athletic careers are out the window - her leg never fully recovered and now on top of taking medications for her heart problems every day, she has a barely noticeable limp while she’s walking or jogging, madeline is majoring in creative writing. she needed a back up plan, and while this is nowhere near what she wanted to do with her life at all, not even close, she has to deal with the hand she’s been dealt. 
because of everything she’s been lowkey trying to find her birth parents without the Woodrow’s finding out bc she doesnt wanna break :// their hearts :// but she wants to KNOW WHO SHE IS 
it doesn’t take a lot to get madeline to do anything. she’s down for an adventure (within reason bc she is !! not as healthy !! as she likes to think anymore), pretty easy to get along with. admittedly, her IQ is not as high as darcy’s (she’d never admit that, obV) but she’s witty and sharp with her tongue. because of everything she has been through, has a very warped sense of the world atm. 
won’t admit it but second guesses everything. she genuinely believes?? she’s not good enough??? for the life she’s been given, which is why she excelled in sports, but now that’s out the window too she’s kind of just... flailing. 
despite being a woodrow,,,, does noT have as big of a stick up her ass like the rest of them. but she’s still a woodrow, the stick is still there. sometimes. 
Madeline is used to the finer things in life, however has adjusted since their grandfather royally did a number on them. she wont admit it, but she misses how easy money had been to access. 
she carries !!! a walking stick in her bag sometimes in case her leg is just Extra Bad. she hates to use it. probably never will admit to needing to use it 
is on heart medication. does not stop her from doing Stupid Things 
will literally be like Darcy who??? to your face but as soon as someone say something about him, she will literally fight you. leg and heart problems and all this bitch will throw the fuck down for her brother, and that’s that. 
Acts like nothing is bothering her at all, when in fact.... everything bothers her 
bisexual queen 
love is love af 
is terribly afraid of ants. 
wanted connections !! 
ex best friends - i literally just imagine them being ‘best friends’ because their parents were in the same affluent circle until the woodrow’s crushing debt, now they literally cannot stand each other. could be more in-depth. i love all the angst 
exes - could have ended great, or terribly. i just LOVE ANGST OK 
best friends - i imagine best friends from like ??? kids ??? family friends?? who have stuck by her always??? 
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
Announcement for the CHC -11/1/2019
Okay, so, here’s the thing.
Some of you may not know this, but I do not work or go to school. A couple years ago, I suffered from a near total breakdown of my mental and physical health, and as such I had to put everything on hold to focus on stabilizing and getting better.
In that time, I really came into my own with writing fanfiction, especially for the Colossus Hyperfixation Collection. I love doing it; it’s one of my favorite things.
However, since I’m finally getting better, I need to try and at least get my career back on track. I was working on writing a novel before my health spiraled, and I still want to get it finished and try to get it published. I also have a massive series and novel-verse entailed with that novel that I want to do, along with some e-reader stories that I want to try my hand at.
The only way I’ve ever been able to post once a week for this series is because I’ve literally had nothing else going in my life. It’s been fun, and at times challenging, but... my life is changing. And that means that I won’t be able to post as often.
None of that is easy for me to admit. I have OCD, which means that any sort of deviation from my routine is very distressing for me. I’ve been keeping this schedule for over a year, so I’m sure you can imagine how deeply ingrained it is in my head.
I also don’t know what my new posting schedule is going to look like in the wake of getting back to living life and doing adult things --which is also not comfortable for my OCD. The CHC is not going away, by any means; I intend to see it through to the end of its story because I love it dearly. I’m just not sure how fast that story is going to be told after a certain point.
This change will be coming at the beginning of 2020, since that’s the time marker I set for myself to try and step back into being a professional novelist. I’ll be posting as usual up until then, but after that... we’re just going to have to see where the chips fall. The schedule will be dependent on my health and capacity first, time available second. Just because you have “time” doesn’t mean you should necessarily spend it in certain ways.
Thank you all in advance for understanding and bearing with me while I get this all figured out. This is a challenging time for me, with my OCD and whatnot, and I appreciate your patience as I try to navigate the next part of my journey.
However, since we’re about at the halfway point of the CHC (at least as far as storytelling goes, if not fic count), I thought it’d be a good time to introduce some fic concepts I’ve been toying with for a while to y’all! They’ll be listed under the cut with little descriptions and their respective “main” pairing(s). Feel free to peruse the list, and if anything strikes your fancy, let me know via reblogging, commenting, sending in an ask, and/or DM-ing me! (Hopefully, Tumblr will be nice and let me see everything.)
[Also, these aren’t all the fics I’ve been toying with, just the ones I feel most confident/passionate about. I also reserve the right to strike any of these fics from the list in the future depending on my interest and ability at the time.]
Something Wicked This Way Comes -Piotr Rasputin x Reader: Piotr winds up meeting and dating the Reader who, unbeknownst to him, is a reincarnation of Baba Yaga and operates as a vigilante in Hell’s Kitchen. He also keeps his identity as a mutant and X-Man a secret from the Reader due to fear of persecution (and also plot drama). Shit hits the fan when they discover each other’s secret identities --and then again when it’s revealed that an ancient goddess is meddling in the affairs of Hell’s Kitchen with intentions for evil. It’s up to the X-Force, the Reader, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, and the Punisher to save the day before it’s too late. (Piotr’s POV; features Frank Castle x Karen Page, Matt Murdock x Elektra Natchios, and Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson. Would probably be around 15-20 chapters.)
High School/Non-Mutant AU -Piotr Rasputin x Reader: Begins at start of sophomore year and follows through until senior year/after senior year. Follows Reader as she recovers from car accident wherein she lost both her parents and adjusts to living in New York and with her uncle. Reader meets Piotr, a Russian transfer student, in class and assigned to him as a study partner. The two initially butt heads, but eventually manage to resolve their differences and become friends. Piotr loops the Reader into his friend group (featuring Wade, Nathan, Neena, Karen Page, and Frank Castle), and the group spends the rest of high school going on adventures together and dealing with school. The Reader and Piotr also develop feelings for each other, but will they ever be brave enough to act on them? (Yes, yes they will. Reader’s POV; features Frank Castle x Karen Page and Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson. Would probably be around 30-40 chapters.)
Cinderella/Non-Mutant Retelling -Piotr Rasputin x Reader: Essentially Cinderella, but with a lot of liberties taken and extra plot jammed in. Set somewhere in Russia-ish, don’t ask me what time period. (Reader’s POV; would probably be around 12-14 chapters.)
Storyteller/Non-Mutant -Piotr Rasputin x Reader: The Reader, after dealing with too much stress while living in New York, decides to head to Maine for a multi-month sabbatical to work on her latest novel. The house she rents in next to an artist and teacher’s named Piotr Rasputin. The Reader, despite being eccentric and awkward, manages to charm Piotr with her quirky behavior, and the two wind up becoming fast friends. Set during winter, lots of fireside fluff, very meta oops. (Reader’s POV; feeling around 18 chapters but I could be wrong.)
Mafia/Non-Mutant AU -Piotr Rasputin x Reader: Aka the one I reserve the right not to do because of how much sin will be in it, but essentially: the Reader is a sex worker who meets Piotr when he hires Nathan and Wade for some mercenary work. The two decide to strike up a “professional” relationship --meaning he hires her for sex and they have a lot of it. Over the course of the story, the two grow closer and closer together, until they finally wind up in a relationship of sorts. Unfortunately, Hell’s Kitchen isn’t even a safe place for the Wicked, what with vigilantes looming around every corner. (Reader’s POV; features Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson and Frank Castle x Karen Page. Easily over 30 chapters.)
If You Get Yourself a Duckling -Frank Castle x Karen Page: Probably the one I’ve talked most about on my blog. Essentially, Frank Castle winds up accidentally adopting a murder!kid who then helps him get together with Karen. Follows the events after Season 2 of Daredevil, the events of the Punisher Seasons One and Two, Season 3 of Daredevil, and my take on Season 3 of the Punisher/Season Four of Daredevil, and yes in that order because I want Frank around when Bullseye shows up. Also has two different “after” stories attached to it, so this one’s a chonker. (Frank Castle POV.)
Rock Star/Music Critic AU -Frank Castle x Karen Page: Frank Castle is a frontman for a rock band, Karen is a music critic/journalist. The two meet through Karen’s work and hit it off. The story follows their relationship as it buds and blossoms. (Mixed POV; either 15 chapters or over 40, no way of telling until I write it.)
Close to Home -Frank Castle x Karen Page: Frank and Karen reconnect after the events of Season Two of the Punisher and try to work together (along with Matt and Foggy) to solve a string of mob-perpetrated crimes and catch whoever’s behind them. However, the true mastermind of the crimes is much closer than they ever realized... and seems to be gunning for Karen. (Frank POV; probably around 20 chapters.)
Stripper!Reader Fic -Frank Castle x Reader: The Reader is a stripper who works at one of the clubs that Frank cleans the Irish out of in Season Two of Daredevil. The two wind up running into each other several times and helping each other with various problems. Eventually, they develop a camaraderie (and feelings for each other). (Frank’s POV; definitely over 30 chapters. This one also has two AU fics based on the main fic... so yeah.) 
Your Love is My Drug -Frank Castle x Reader: The Reader is a friend of Jessica Jones and is introduced to Frank Castle --whereupon she realizes he’s her soulmate. However, the Reader is certain that he’ll want nothing to do with her due to her issues with substance abuse and her family’s history as a “mob” type family. She does her best to stay away from him and her demons, but she can’t outrun either of them forever. (Reader’s POV; definitely over 30 chapters.)
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achillmango · 5 years
Flowers that Hide the Heart
Hey there! So i’ve never posted my writing on Tumblr before so here goes. I’ve doubted myself a low writing this because it’s the first thing i’ve written in a long time. Creative/constructive feedback would be much appreciated. 
This was inspired by a comic Myetie did where Jumin sees MC and V in front of fireworks and he hides a bouquet of flowers when he sees them laughing together. I’ve looked, but haven't been able to find it, otherwise i would post the link here. 
Genre: Fluff 
Pairing: JuminxMC
Word count: 2369
Jumin saw V and MC from afar. A small smile played on his lips as he approached them. MC and V were laughing heartily together. Jumin stopped. They looked good together. He looked at the flowers in his hands. He was going to dispose of them before MC spotted him.He swiftly maneuvered the flowers behind his back. If he were lucky, she didn’t see them.
A smile spread wide across MC’s face when she saw him.
“Jumin!” She waved and started walking toward him.
He resumed walking as she trotted forward, urging his feet to move forward. 
“I was afraid you would miss the fireworks, they just started.”
“Traffic was horrendous on the way here, but I’d do everything in my power to be here tonight after all you’ve gone through planning this. Everything looks amazing. You did a fantastic job with this fundraiser, MC.”
“Oh.” MC almost blushed and looked sheepish. “Jaehee and Yoosung took on a lot of work in the end, which helped so much.”
“Still, you’ve gone through a lot these past few days and still managed to take care the party in the midst of everything.”
MC had been planning the Christmas fundraiser for months. She fell sick over the last three weeks. Work didn’t help the situation as deadlines got tighter when the holiday season neared. Jaehee and Yoosung opted to take on some work organizing last minute details, which MC was grateful for.
“Thank you, Jumin. It’s rewarding to hear you say that.” She smiled up at him sincerely. “Make sure you say thank you to Yoosung and Jaehee too, they’ve kept me sane these past few weeks.”  
He nodded. “I will.”
“Jumin, are you hiding something?” She tilted her head to the side trying to see what was behind his back.
“Oh um, it’s a bouquet, from the company congratulating the organizers on a job well done.” He took the flowers out from behind him, realizing there wasn’t much he could do now that MC had seen it.
“Oh!” Jumin held out a dozen red roses in front of MC. “Thank you! They’re beautiful.” Roses seemed excessive for a congratulatory bouquet, but MC decided not to question it. It’s not like he’d give her flowers with any other intent, as much as she might want him to.
She looked him in the eyes. “Thank you again, really.” He smiled and nodded.
“C’mon let’s go watch the fireworks.” He nodded and followed her.
V waved with a smiled as they approached.
“Ooh, what pretty flowers.” V cooed.
“Aren’t they? Jumin gave them as a congratulations to the organizers.” MC said.
“Really?” V looked with slightly raised eyebrows. “There are 3 organizers and only 1 bouquet.” V pointed out in an almost teasing tone.
“It’s appropriate to gift the leader when thanking a team.” Jumin hoped that half-baked explanation would ward off further questions from V.
“MC come stand by me.” Jaehee waved to MC. She walked away from Jumin and V toward Zen and Jaehee.
“Ooh somebody got a gift.” Zen cooed as he saw the flowers.
“They’re beautiful.” Jaehee said in amazement.
“They’re a gift from Jumin to all the organizers.” MC smiled.
“3 organizers and 1 bouquet? He’s pretty cheap for a rich guy.” Zen snorted
“Oh c’mon don’t be like that Zen, its’ Christmas.” MC said.
“Guys look!” Seven shouted as golden sparks lit up the sky in the shape of reindeer.  “Wooooow!!” Yoosung gazed in child-like awe at the sky.
MC was holding the flowers close to her when something sharp poked her stomach. Funny, she thought the roses shouldn’t have any thorns. She looked down and saw what looked like a small card. She opened it.
To my dearest MC, you’ve made my world brighter with your warm kindness and radiant smile. I hope you’ll accept these flowers and my heart.
MC’s heart dropped to her stomach and heat rush to her cheeks in the frigid winter air. She looked to Jumin. A small smile was on his lips and his eyes reflected the lights dancing across the sky.  
“Jumin.” MC’s voice was inaudible and her breath left smoke in the air.
MC had a flurry of questions that drowned out the booms of the fireworks.  
Was this real?
How could she not have seen it?
Why did he lie about the flowers?
Did he really mean what the card said?
Maybe she was overthinking. Maybe she misunderstood.
The Jumin mere feet away from her was so calm and collected. He emitted a regal air that was untouchable. But in the chatroom, he was just another person. In the chatroom it felt like they lived in the same world, only separated by a phone screen.  
She knew that wasn’t true. In reality he was the next in line CEO. The future of the company rested on his shoulders. He proved every day that he was a valuable asset by negotiating tough deals and picking up slack when his father’s attention was diverted.
Everyone in the RFA thought that Jumin had everything he could ever want because of his wealth. MC felt sympathy for him. He must have made so many sacrifices to come this far in his career at his age. In the chatroom she felt comfortable talking to him as if he was right there with her, but in the real world it was like they lived on different planets. Could he really like her?
MC was pulled back to reality after she heard thunderous applause. The fireworks had ended. MC had to talk to Jumin. She needed to know that what the note said was real.
Zen’s voice shattered MC’s racetrack of thoughts. “MC, weren’t the fireworks lovely?” Zen asked. Right now, she needed to be the host everyone wanted.
“They were, Jaehee you did such a good job putting it together.”
“Oh, it was nothing.” She was being modest. Like always.
Zen started to say something else, but MC tuned him out.
“If you both will excuse me, there’s something I need to do.” Zen started to protest, but MC’s eyes were locked on Jumin.
MC turned to make her way to Jumin. He was surrounded by businessmen and their wives. He smiled and laughed while shaking hands. He has no idea the pain he was causing her. People had been asking for him since the start of the event, but he was nowhere to be found till now.
MC wanted to run and scream on the inside, she wanted to cry her eyes out. It took every ounce of control she could muster to keep from screaming his name out in the middle of the party. “MC!” She heard Seven’s voice above the crowd. He was waving her over. Talking to Jumin would have to wait. Right now, she had to be the host everyone needed her to be. She took a breath and speed-walked to Seven as fast as her heels would let her.
“There’s someone I want you to meet.” MC smiled and bowed in greeting. She had to put her feelings aside for now, like Jumin had to do so many times in his own life. But as sure as Seven liked Honey Butter Chips, MC wasn’t going to let tonight pass without talking to Jumin.
The last guest didn’t leave the party hall until hours later. MC felt like she was going to fall over. The past couple days hadn’t been the easiest as one detail after another seemed to come undone and she had to put out fires as they came. She had considered once or twice throwing a shoe guests who didn’t leave. Of course, that wouldn’t leave a good impression of the RFA.  
“MC you did such a great job.” V said as the last guest left.
“Jaehee and Yoosung did so much to help, really I couldn’t have done this without them.”
“Oh, we only did what we could.” Yoosung said.
“Yes, you’re really the one who did much of the work, MC.” Jaehee said.
MC laughed. “You 2 really helped me out, I don’t know what I would have done without you guys.” She said as she wrapped her arms around both of them. “Thank you both, so much.”
“You all did a great job.” V said and put her hand on MC’s shoulder. “A round of applause for our talented organizers.” The room filled with applause and laughter. “Seeing that it’s pretty late, I think we should all go home since we’ve cleaned up.”
“Merry Christmas, everyone.” V waved on his way out.
“Merry Christmas!” They all chimed back.
“MC, do you need a ride?” Seven asked. “Yoosung and Jaehee are coming with me, but there’s still room.”
“No I’m alright, thanks Seven.” MC smiled.
“In that case, see you in the new year!” Seven called as he walked out with Jaehee and Yoosung.  
MC waved. “Happy New Year.”
MC took a deep breath.
“Jumin, can we talk for a second?
“Sure, but let’s talk quickly. Elizabeth the 3rd is waiting. Is something wrong?”
“In that case, I’ll cut to the chase.” MC steeled herself and straightened her back to stand taller. “I read the card attached to the flowers.”
Jumin’s face fell into a mix of embarrassment and realization. “I forgot about the card.”
“I’ll be frank, Jumin-“ MC staggered. Jumin caught her by her shoulders and steadied her.
“MC, are you alright?”
“I-I think I need to sit down.” She said.
Jumin led her to a cloth bench. “I’ll get you some water.” MC’s head was throbbing as she sat alone at the table. She hadn’t fully recovered from being sick and the lack of sleep was finally getting to her.
“Here. Drink up.”
“Thank you.” MC drank and the throbbing calmed slightly.
“MC, you should go home. We can talk later. You’re not well.”
“No.” Mc said resolutely. “I’ve waited all night to talk to you and that’s what we’re going to do.”
Jumin had a look of slight surprise in his eyes. “Okay. Did you want to discuss the card?”
“Yes.” MC put the bottle of water on the floor next to her and turned herself to face him. “What did the card mean, Jumin?”
“It meant what it said.”
“No.” She her tone was sharp. “If you like me romantically, I need to hear it from your mouth. I don’t want my feelings toyed with.” With all the thoughts that swirled in her head over the past few hours, she needed to hear him say it.  
He looked surprised. “I like you.” Her heart dropped and swelled at the same time. Those words brought to the surface feelings she tried hard to bury. It terrified her that this was real.
She was quiet for a moment too long. “MC?” Jumin’s tone was laced with concern. Was she going to faint?
“I pushed my feelings aside because I never thought you would like me.”
“Why would you think that?” He was dumbfounded. Did she just say she liked him?
“Because I thought you wouldn’t notice or care. You’re surrounded by beautiful women and constantly reject them. You’re surrounded by luxury every day. I don’t have anything to do with that, so why would you want me?” MC looked stared at the floor as she talked. She couldn’t bear to look at him.
Jumin angled her chin at him and took her hands in his. “Why wouldn’t I want you? You’re kind, hardworking, responsible, and committed. Even after everything you’ve been through lately, the party and the reputation of the RFA was your priority. I admire you work ethic.” He paused, looking down at their hands in his lap. “I pushed my feelings away at first. Over time I found myself looking at my phone hoping your name would appear in the chatroom, or that every time my phone rang your face would show on the caller ID and I decided I couldn’t ignore my feelings. I didn’t want to.”
It was MC’s turn to ask. “Why?”
“Thinking about you made me happy. You laughing at my jokes made me smile. You understood me even no one else did, even when I didn’t understand myself. When we talked, we saw things on the same level, even if others thought differently. Talking with you made my world brighter.” He was smiling at her. She wanted to capture that smile forever. She helped someone she liked feel better, someone she thought could never like her. She felt tears well up in her eyes and the corners of her lips turned upwards. Jumin looked surprised again.
“MC why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” She gave a small laugh and reached to wipe away the tears pooling at her eyes. “Hearing you say that makes me happy. Thinking about you makes me happy too. I started to looked for your name in the chatroom too. I missed you while you were away. Hearing your voice after a long day made me feel better. And for the first time I could share my views with someone.” MC felt hot tears roll down her cheeks. “Ah, I’m sorry, I can’t stop crying.”
Jumin’s right hand reached up to wipe the tears on her cheeks. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”
After a few minutes the tears stopped. “There, there’s the beautiful MC I know.”
“You think I’m beautiful?” She asked with surprised, wide eyes.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, inside and out.” MC looked down as the space between them as she She laughed again.
“MC do you like me? Now I want to hear you say it.”
MC looked him square in the eyes. “Jumin Han, I like you. I like you more than I know how to handle and it scares me, but I won’t push my feelings aside anymore. I sincerely like you, Jumin Han.”
He put his forehead on hers. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that.” MC laughed and more tears came. She threw her arms around his neck and held him close. He held her tight in response and buried his head on her shoulder.
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weirdlandtv · 6 years
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Part... Three? Four? Where am I? Five?
The character of Melody—a naive (fine, dumb), pure-hearted blonde—basically was a continuation of an earlier comic character that Dan DeCarlo had drawn, MY FRIEND IRMA (1950). Written by ol’ Stan Lee, the comic was based on a popular radio show that had already spun off into television and the movies, launching the cinematic careers of Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin.
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Rimshots. Rimshots everywhere. The comic never really took off, partly because its original artist before DeCarlo took over didn’t succeed in making Irma look appealing enough, a bad start that the comic never really recovered from. Also, Irma more or less was a one-note character, a Stan Lee female fantasy (sorry Stan), whereas I’ve always felt there was more to Melody—a kind of cosmic synchronicity. In her case, her dumbness was an antidote against the scheming evils of the world, like the light-hearted giggle of an enlightened guru. The Universe provided for her.
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Melody reminds me of 1950s Dutch sect leader, Lou de Palingboer (Lou the Eel Vendor), who claimed to be God, or rather, that God was him. Before he was God, or rather before God was him, Lou could tell when his tea was being poisoned: he could sense it. But ever since he was God, or rather since God was him, things had changed. If someone now tried to poison him, he wouldn’t sense it—he simply wouldn’t feel like having tea that day.
That’s Melody in the comics.
Yes, Tumblr friends, we are truly entering the capital of Weirdland now.
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Melody also is the only character who can read speech bubbles.
What I say is true though—the Universe provided for her. In one story, Pepper and Josie lose a notebook with embarrassing secrets to Alex. Desperately they try to get it back but nothing works. Then Melody comes along: she kisses Alex, who then accidentally burns the notebook, and that’s the end of it: her mere presence is all it takes to solve the issue. Other times, she accidentally stumbles upon a secret door so that the whole gang can escape from some evil castle, or she casually utters that one word that helps to solve the story’s big problem. Hidden cosmic forces constantly work through her to right all wrongs around her.
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Stories would often end that way, by the way. Melody exists the stage, with that odd, dancing walk of hers, which makes her look like her torso and legs have only recently been introduced to each other, while her friends stand there in amazement, only able to blurt out some last, perplexed insults.
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Sometimes Melody even seemed quite calculating, such as in the story “Mighty Tidy”, drawn by Stan Goldberg (who never got her face right I feel). In it, Josie and Valerie warn her about a pushy vacuum cleaner salesman who’s in town. When he arrives at her house, she opens the door and invites him in anyway. As her friends settle into the routine of prematurely judging her and insulting her, Melody asks the salesman to thoroughly demonstrate his product; then, after he has cleaned her entire house, she shows him the door and asks him to leave. The score: a free housecleaning.
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Remember that ice skating panel of her falling that I posted a few days ago? Here’s the sting: she isn’t falling because she’s clumsy, she’s falling—mastering the art of it—because it lures boys to her, who then pamper her.
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Melody, a boy magnet with casual supernatural gifts, is the Fonzie of JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS (boring Josie is Richie).
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saint-patrice · 5 years
it’s time for another one, friends!! today we are loving and appreciating mr charles patrick mcavoy (i, personally, do this every day). this one is for @softboybradenholtby/@cheeksavoy​, thank you for encouraging my nonsense!
Note: a few people have said they like these posts, so i’m happy to take requests if there’s a particular player you’d like to see! see this page for details, and a list of ones i’ve done so far :)
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is a young charlie mcavoy attacking his usa teammate with a hug not the best thing you have seen all day? perhaps not, but it has to rank pretty high, because it’s adorable. also makes for a good meme template, for example i would label charlie as “me” and colin white as “the bruins,” “my mutuals,” or even “charlie mcavoy”
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(gif via @gaudreau) quick!! someone arrest him for Too Handsome crimes
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(gif via @davidpastrnak) the only thing better than charlie mcavoy is charlie mcavoy with glasses!!! and that is a scientific fact. i’m not sure i can cope with how much i love him
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there are so many pictures of our boys with pups and i appreciate that to no end. this one in particular
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(gif via @werenski) this is the first gif of charlie i have saved on my phone and i think that’s very valid of me. are there any pictures of the rest of this suit anywhere? because it looks amazing - i love the blue on him!! he is positively radiant here, and that single loose corl improved my quality of life by 250%
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(gif via @phillymyers) how can you not love him???? he’s just laughing his life away after his first career fight (against none other than pld), and then when he got out of the box he proceeded to provide an assist to get a gordie howe hat trick!!! fucking legend and a half right here. oh, and he was 19 at the time
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“This kid's fucking jacked. Thick, dense, built whatever you wanna call him he's got it. Legs thicker than my chest, and shoulders wider than my wingspan. Making full use of his frame and with the golden flow to top it off. He dwarfed us all. Bonafide stallion.”  (if you’re currently wondering what sort of crack i smoked before making this post, just click the link)
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if these 2 aren’t your favoruite d-pair you may need to re-evaluate your life choices. i just love them so much, and i love that every clip of cmac hugging zee just has him looking like he’s clinging onto a tree for dear life. heavy father-son vibes,, very adorable
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how does he actually do it...how does he look this good all of the goddamn time. if i didn’t love him i would hate him for it yknow
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every single photo and piece of video from charlie at world juniors is so premium - and he won gold!!! i’m very proud. i want to kiss his face so bad okay
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don’t let his sweet face deceive you though, this is a “big boy” we are dealing with, to use hockey terms. and looking at this it is immediately obvious that he could kill me with extreme ease, so i am slightly afraid. luckily he only uses his v strong arms for good, like holding dogs and beating the living shit out of p*narin!!
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this is such a mess of a photo and i love it. what the fuck is he doing. i showed this to a friend (non-hockey literate) and asked her to guess what height both of them were. i forget her answer but when i told her charlie was 6′ she had an existential crisis that only got worse when i told her how tall zee actually was. basically charlie is just our 6 foot baby long beach dman
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i went from learning that charlie had a tattoo, with a dodgy quality picture where it was barely visible, to then seeing this video and this photo in the space of 2 days and i think it’s going to take me a long time to recover from that having those revelations at such breakneck speed. this man is a mf Machine
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(gif via @chuckersbean) okay i promise this is my last slightly self-indulgent inclusion of proof that this man is Lorge. i mean jesus christ just run me over already, i’m begging you
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when i said earlier that the only thing better than charlie mcavoy was charlie mcavoy in glasses, i may have failed to take charlie mcavoy in glasses with a santa hat holding a 4ft teddy bear into consideration - my bad. this is very endearing and i am kin with whoever put the heart stickers on this photo 
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bahhhhh look at this ridiculous man. who gave him the right to be this handsome in his coat and his glasses and his beanie?? he’s nothing short of amazing and i will not be taking questions on that opinion
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(gif via @marchnds) baby! baby boy!!!! if you don’t cherish him i will appear in your room at 4am holding a large wordsearch book which i will use to beat some sense into you
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) i included this gif in my top 5 chuckie post, but i love it to the moon and back, and this is my blog dammit, so i’m putting it in again. i cannot explain why but something about this is so goddamn cute it makes my heart do things and i just adore this boy and his backward cap and shitty beard so fuckin much okay
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this is the cryptid i see in the corner of my room when i wake up with sleep paralysis in the middle of the night
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looks like he has no idea what’s going on here and like,, me the fuck neither charlie
(this is an elusive gif that i can find no real source for despite trawling through tumblr for 20 minutes. google just says it’s from giphy. if it’s yours please hmu)
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there it is folks!! the smile that brightens my day no matter what!!!! charlie really does have the most infectious of smiles though, you just love to see it (at least, i do) i am desperately hoping we make a move to keep him in boston this offseason. because, even with my emotional attachments aside, i think he is going to go on to do incredible things with his career, and i totally agree with people saying they think he’ll be wearing the C someday. i mean just look at what he’s already achieved by the age of 21 for christ sakes 
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(gif via @i-hate-hockey) i literally never want to see chuckie sad. ever. he is perfect in every way always. also what’s his skincare routine holy moly
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(gif via @gaudreau) stunning!!!! magical!!!! ravishing!!!!! handsome!!!! gorgeous!!!! divine!!!!! and so much more! this whole interview with him is just delightful, tbh i always find his media stuff v enjoyable. he gives really genuine answers (not that other people don’t but like,, maybe he’s just young enough to not have had to revert to cliches constantly because he’s answered every question before idk), and i think his personality comes across well. he seems like a very fine young man
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this is literally just every hockey player trying to use all 3 of their brain cells to come up with a sentence that doesn’t include ‘chip it in’ or ‘get pucks deep’. not that i can hold it against any of them, i only have 2 brain cells, and i use both of them for loving charlie mcavoy. his expression makes me laugh but i mostly included this because that suit he wore to the nhl media day is my favourite thing on the planet, and i’m glad there is so much content of him wearing it
tl;dr - op loves charlie mcavoy. thank you once again to @softboybradenholtby :)) as mentioned, i am taking requests for more of these, although i’m currently sitting on 5 or 6 in my inbox so it might take a while - feel free to keep em coming though! 
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mr-entj · 6 years
Can you talk about the quality(ies) or trait(s) that contributed most to your success? I read about your adversity and I want to know what is your personal mindset of getting through those challenges.
Combined with the following asks:
Hello, Mr. ENTJ. Have you ever been depressed? How did you manage to come out of the rut and find the will to live on? I realize that this is a personal question, and you don’t really have to answer but it’d help in understanding different paradigms and help someone who else who is struggling. Thank You
Related answers:
What do you think is required from a person to succeed ?
Dealing with failure and overcoming adversity
What are some of your top habits that have helped your success? What are some habits in your life you think you need to change?
Did the qualities you’ve mentioned (emotional self-regulation, mental fortitude) come naturally to you? Was it something you had to develop? How can I develop them? Thanks for dedicating your time to this blog. Helped a lot.
The answer is grit (resilience). I have an abundant supply of resilience that’s carried me through a childhood rife with crushing poverty, domestic abuse, physical danger, health crises (hip reconstruction, cancer), rejection, failure, and all the in-betweens that life threw at me to get to where I am today.
To develop and maintain grit, there are 3 core values carved into my soul:
1. “I am not a victim, I am my own hero.”
This stops spirals of self-pity and feelings of helplessness. This creates hope and courage. This reminds me that while I’ve been on the receiving end of some awful events (I mean, truly, ridiculous shit), I still have within me to change my circumstances– then I do it.
Poverty? I put myself through school (I paid 100% of my own tuition, no help from my parents– not a single penny– for undergraduate and graduate school), grinded through 6+ years of studies to graduate from 2 elite universities at the top of my class, hustled through my career, and now I’m wealthy. My parents never have to worry about money again, ever, my wife is taken care of, my daughter is spoiled rotten, my vacations are booked, my bank account is fat, my stock portfolio is cruising, and my career is skyrocketing. I have clothes on my back, a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and a smile on my face.
Physical danger? I fulfilled a lifelong dream to move my family out of the ghetto, buy our parents a home a few years back, and they now live in an affluent neighborhood within a gated community.
Health crisis? I saw the best physicians available, ate healthy, exercised, and continue to take care of my health to the best of my ability. I’ve recovered, I’m well, I’m healthy, I’m cancer free, I’m pain free.
There are many things in life that are unfair and out of your control; but how you prepare for the worst, plan for the best, and respond to those circumstances are in your power. That’s where you need to step up and shine. There will be amazing people along this journey that will help by providing advice, encouragement, and support but at the end of the day they have their own lives to live, their own problems to solve, and their own mountains to climb so you must always be your own advocate. You can’t hitch a ride on their wagon because they’re not going where you’re going. This is your ship and you are the captain, it’s your responsibility to steer it in the right direction so master the things within your control.
2. “Tomorrow will be better.”
This helps with impatience when progress is slow and fights off doubts and despair when changes don’t come as quickly as I want. This creates discipline and consistency. I always tell my wife, the INTJ, after every setback that “I feel like something good is waiting for me around the corner. I don’t know what it is, how it’ll come, or when it’ll come, but I feel it.” And it inevitably does as long as I show up, give 100%, and keep working towards my goals.
“Tomorrow will be better” helps me take things step by step because I have the tendency to look a hundred miles down the road and cringe at the distance still left to travel. I’ve repeated this over and over again, through my crap retail job at Target, through being a janitor scrubbing toilets in the mall, through my long hours cramming for the MCAT, through high stress in my consulting job, and so on and so forth. 1 day becomes 1 week, 1 week becomes 1 month, 1 month becomes 1 year, 1 year becomes 10 years, and suddenly we’re in 2019 and I’ve graduated from my dream schools, I work in my dream job, I’m married to my dream girl, I drive my dream car, and I’ve traveled to destinations around the world I used to only dream about.
Confucius wasn’t playing around when he said “a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step.” It won’t be an overnight thing. If your goal is to lose weight, then you’re not going to do 100 push-ups today and get a six-pack tomorrow. If your goal is to raise your grades, then you’re not going to read a chapter and magically get a 4.0 GPA tomorrow. I didn’t snap my fingers one day and suddenly my dream life appeared at my doorstep the next morning. That’s not how it works. However, if today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow is better than today, then those wins will add up over time until you finally get to where you’re going.
3. “You’re going to have to kill me to stop me.”
This is not an exaggeration, this is a fact. This creates tenacity and stamina. You may be smarter than me, you may be taller than me, you may be richer than me, you may be more handsome than me, you may be better than me in every facet but you are not going to outwork, outhustle, or outlast me. Period.
Learn to fight like hell.
This is a mentality I take towards every goal I’ve set because it keeps me alert, prepared, and responsive to seize opportunities as soon as they pop up. I always tell people around me whenever we’re working on their goals to “be ready” because if you’re ready, then you don’t need to waste time getting ready. Opportunities in life fly by in a blink of an eye like a job posting that opens and closes because you didn’t have a resume prepared, a scholarship perfectly matched for your background that got away because your grades weren’t high enough, or the love of your life that gets away because you weren’t available when you two crossed paths. Be ready and stay ready so when the opportunities present themselves you can immediately seize them.
I achieve this by being in constant motion in my life; I am reading, I am exercising, I am traveling, I am working, I am mentoring, I am meeting new people, I am growing relationships with the people I already know, I am perfecting my craft, I am expanding my network, I am learning a new skill, I am building my knowledge, I am recharging, I am reflecting on my life, priorities, mistakes, and next steps– I am improving every single day and I don’t stop. I stay insanely busy, which you might’ve noticed if it’s taken me 6 years to respond to your ask or Tumblr message (my bad), with meaningful things that add to my life. I move with purpose, I work like I’m possessed.
The United States Armed Forces has a saying:
“Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.”
There are many people in this world who fall short of their full potential because they aren’t willing to work or fight for what they want. They hit a little speed bump, lose heart, and give up, but with a little digging it becomes obvious they didn’t try hard enough to push through the barriers. I worked 3 jobs from 3AM to 8AM and 12PM to 10PM while taking classes to pay tuition and rent, I scrubbed toilets, I bussed tables, I lived on packets of ramen for weeks because that was the only food I could afford, I studied by flashlight, I slept in my car, I walked to work in the rain when I couldn’t afford gas, I studied from outdated textbooks in the library because I didn’t have the money to buy or rent new ones, I attended every career recruiting event, I showed up at office hours to every class I struggled in, I chased every tutoring session until I understood the subject matter, and I was always the first one in and last one out of the classroom or the office wherever I was. I always fought for it. I exhausted every option so that even if I failed, I could sleep peacefully knowing I had done everything in my power to succeed, I had closure that I did my absolute best.
And that’s how I did it.
That’s how a scrappy kid born in poverty in the slums of a third world Southeast Asian country, raised in an unstable home, and burdened with too many challenges to list, became educated, graduated, elevated, and gainfully compensated. To not only survive in life, but to thrive.
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azalynestudios · 6 years
(I don't have a tumblr so you'll have to deal with anonymity, I'm afraid) What I came to ask you: when will you admit that you have lost the drive and motivation to continue the project? It has been made clear by now that you bit off more than you can chew, both by constant delays and excuses and by how the writing quality in alpha version have steadily deteriorated. I don't want yo be mean, but someone had to say it. Whatever interest and hype there were for your game, they're mostly gone.
I seriously debated whether I should answer this one or not. Not because I’m not on board with full honesty, but because there’s enough unhappy things in the world and I have been purposefully trying to keep my personal unhappy away from everyone here because you are all so lovely.
But ultimately I decided I should respond just in case there’s lots of people thinking the same thing.
Here’s a short version for people who aren’t up for a discussion of health/mental health/world talk/real talk (and don’t feel bad if that is you!): I have 100% not lost interest or drive for the game. Although it has been taking much longer than anticipated, It’s coming along. And while your opinion on the writing quality may vary, I personally think these last weeks have some of the best moments in the game. If it’s not to your taste anymore or you are sick of waiting, that’s totally fair. Thank you for your support this far and I wish you all the best!
okay the rest under the happy kittens cut:
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Okay, real talk time, full disclosure. With a possible side of TMI.
So I don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone when I admit that I haven’t been as great about responding in a timely fashion and this last update took way longer to complete than I would ever have guessed. And it’s recently gotten out of hand in a way I am deeply ashamed of. I feel very much like I have let you all down and I am really truly very sorry. It doesn’t have anything to do with any of you, you have all been (for the most part) completely lovely and kind and patient.
So here the honest story of how we got here.
-So despite everything, I definitely underestimated how much increasing work every week would take. Like I knew it would compound but I didn’t have any idea HOW MUCH it could compound. A big part of the delays is just how much more complicated everything is to write in these later parts of the game. It’s no exaggeration to say just this week seven update took HUNDREDS of hours of HARD work. (Some scenes used to be relatively easy to write. Nothing in week seven is fluff, nothing was easy to write.)
-A couple years ago I was getting a massive amount of asks a day. Trying to keep up with everything was seriously cutting into my work time as well as making me feel stressed and always behind. I started to cut back on responding and noticed that delays led to much less asks/emails. Less asks meant less stress. As things got worse for me the temptation to have delays so I didn’t have so much to respond to also got worse. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t working on other things, it just meant I wasn’t updating and answering properly.
-You guys have to remember that except for the art, I am doing 98% of this game completely solo. It is a lot for any game, especially one of this size.
okay with that all in mind, here’s what’s been happening on my end.
-Trump is elected. Faith in humanity takes a major hit. News/internet becomes a trash fire of bad. 
My stress levels and anxiety levels (already high because of the game and always, always feeling like I’m behind and not doing enough) spike to epic levels. I even get a few early gray hairs. (They seem to be gone now, thankfully.)
-For the sake of my mental health I have to drastically cut down on my general internet use and where I go (including tumblr, sadly)
-My health starts to take mysterious nosedives. For like 6 months I’m having serious stomach pain that is keeping me up at night. I’m also puking 3-6 times a week during this time. 
Things start to get better and I get back on track.
-My grandma dies out of nowhere from a brain aneurysm. I don’t get into my family situation on purpose, but my grandma is the only person in my entire giant family outside of my mom and my brothers that I have ever really believed actually cared about/loved me as I am.
And presto, I’m back in a bad place.
My stomach issues finally work themselves out, but my immune system still hasn’t recovered. I’m getting minor infections, colds and flus at least once or twice a month even now. 
All this time I have been working hard both on the game and on getting my mental and physical health back on track. I have my good moments and my bad.
There are two major ways how all of this has affected the game/my communication with you guys. 
1) Like I said, everything is 100% me. If I’m sick or in an anxiety spiral there is no one else to take over to communicate or bug check or whatever. Progress is completely tied to me. Which leads to the next point…
2) There’s a really bad loop. When I’m feeling anxious/stressed/depressed I can’t get everything done that I want to. Which leads to me feeling like shit/super guilty. Which leads to more anxiety and stress. And a deep, deep fear that when I check my email/asks, it will be full of people who are mad at me or disappointed or whatever, and the cycle continues.
I don’t say any of this to make anyone feel bad, or guilty or anything. In my good place, I truly love communicating with you guys and I truly think you are the most amazing people ever.
And I don’t say this as an ‘excuse’ in the sense that I think any of it is anyone’s responsibility to handle but my own. No one is obligated to wait for this game or for me. When I took money, I was taking on a professional obligation. All failures to live up to that and handle things in a more professional and responsible manner are on me and I deeply apologize for not being live up to your expectations. 
But no matter how bad things were for me, I never for a moment thought about on giving up on the game. And I promise you, I will finish the game. And it’s honestly very close. (Not that I don’t anticipate the epilogues and million game ending variations to take a long time to write and debug) but compared to where we started we have come lightyears.
You can be assured that everything that has happened during this development I have learned from and taken from heart. I now have a much better idea of what works for me and what doesn’t. In the future, if I manage enough support and interest to continue this as a career, I won’t be making the same mistakes again. Rather than doing a backer/alpha system I most likely will only release major news/announce games when they are close to finished. 
Thank you all for your patience support and interest all this time. 
(p.s. While I appreciate your concern in advance, I assure I am already on top of what I can to work things out on my end. While I appreciate your good wishes, no health/mental health advice please. Thank you!
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