#This whole monologue hurt and was sweet at the same time
blue-sunflower-bee · 1 year
The Narrator's loneliness
"I used to make big decisions. I was passionate. I was sceptical. I weighed each decision with profound thoughtfulness. And then, somewhere along the way... I stopped making decisions. I became lazy. And I came up with-well... I came up with a character named Stanley to do my thinking for me."
It is strangely endearing to me that Stanley, canonically, is created to help the Narrator. He's a somewhat silent support to give him a direction, some orientation. Maybe it's just me projecting, but maybe making big decisions was linked to more and more anxiety for him so he came up with Stanley as additional help. Maybe sth happened in his life that left him numb and frozen and not having someone to lean on, he created Stanley to help with his overwhelming emotions.
"He would make the decisions, he would decide which way to go. I would cheer him on as he collected figurines for no reason."
This is so interesting to hear, cause even tho the Narrator is the one who wrote the story and seems to be in control at all times, he is still dependent on what Stanley decides to do, and that he pulls along with everything he does, that he's dependent on Stanley's decision making, he grew more and more dependent on Stanley being there and taking the lead. How truly lost he is when Stanley just stops doing so is very evident in the Not Stanley Ending.
"Why did I invent Stanley? Was I lonely? Yes, perhaps that's it. Perhaps I needed to imagine I had companionship."
This pretty much confirms what I thought mostly while going through the game... That the Narrator created Stanley to cope with his loneliness, the absence of companionship. To have someone to talk to... Even tho this someone isn't talking back. Like he said during the Skip Button ending... It's a difference when you know there is someone to take it all in. I notice this difference too. Even when I talk to my pet, that isn't able to talk back at me, or my house plants, it's so different to talking to myself or a mirror. It's even a difference when I play the game and response to some lines the Narrator says, I also always have the habit to somehow make Stanley nod or shake his head in response when he throws a question at me.
"And Stanley did make for a wonderful companion. Even if he was a fiction."
Everyone saying the Narrator hates Stanley can go home now.
"But I suppose it's grown old now. I- I want to think for myself again. I want to go back to how it used to be."
Healing process right there. The Narrator is basically admitting or realizing that he can't depend on Stanley forever and makes the step to be his own person again, not because he was forced to do so, but because he wants to. He wants to be better again.
It's like finally seeing the unhealthy dependancy in a relationship and deciding to move out of it because you know it can't go on like this. That you'll lose your sense of self when you continue on this pattern.
I also kind of like the slight hesitance when he says he wants to think for himself again.
"Yes. I can be on my own again. I can do it. I'll be stronger this time. I'll take care of myself."
Look at my boy reassuring himself. It's like he's repeating a positive mantra for himself to ease his anxiety like "I can do it. I could do so before, I can do so again." It's oddly endearing and heart wrenching at the same time.
"I don't need Stanley anymore. Oh... But he truly was so much fun to play with. You know what? Since we're in the memory zone, how about one more good memory? Let's go back just once and give Stanley one more run of the office. And then I'll retire him for good."
I saw so many people viewing this, especially the first two sentences, as if Stanley was a mere toy to the Narrator who gets tossed away when he is sick of him. To me, it's not like that at all. He more appears like he prepares himself to let go, to say goodbye, and it's so bittersweet. He says "I don't need Stanley anymore" not in a "I'm sick of him" way, more in a "I don't need his help anymore" way. He created Stanley to help him when he was struggling, to have someone to keep him company and grew sort of dependent on him, but now he is able and comfortable to be on his own again, so he doesn't have to clutch onto Stanley anymore cause that wouldn't be healthy and he knows this.
Because I like to drop a bit of pain in every Fandom, I sort of started headcanoning that the Narrator lost someone who's very dear to him, a lover/brother/friend you name it, and he modeled Stanley after this person, to deal with his grief and the void and loneliness this person left behind. He's in denial of his loss and once he has reached the stage of acceptance, and he is ready to let go of his loved one, ready to say goodbye, he retires his fictional Stanley too.
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thewanderingkaya · 2 months
when gentle meets calloused  .
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pairing: wriothesley x reader
summary: in which wriothesley wonders what’s so hypnotic about his hands (fluff + teensy bit of angst)
wordcount: 800
a/n: i love wriothesley and i love hands , why not combine the two? but seriously calloused and ruggedised arms and hands have me on the floor, especially if wrio is a boxer and has a backstory. g/n reader , a teeeeeeeny bit of wrio’s backstory , 2nd person (kinda omniscient) , lowercase on purpose , dividers : rookthornsartistry
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“did it hurt?” your hands trail over wriothesley's arms, fingers coming to trace the imperfections that littered his forearms. his bandages discarded which allowed you to have a clear view of his arms. strong biceps, he did nothing to stop you, only turning his head sheepishly.
as you lay idly on a small blanket splayed onto the grass, a breeze drifts, tousling yours and wrio’s hair. his eyes met yours as you looked up at him, awaiting his answer.
“well.. of course it did,” his gaze drifted to his hands then back to you, he tagged on, “you get used to it after a while.”
you hummed, your head rested on his shoulder. running you whole palm against his fore arm. you could feel wriothesley heat up, even without looking, you knew he was flushing. dry, his arm felt — not dry like sandpaper, but in a way more.. hardened — a contrast to your soft touch. 
wriothesley shivers as you trace a deep scar that hugged along the underside of his forearm, running down from his wrist all the way to the inside of his elbow. your smooth hands were so different compared to his rough and hardened hold, something that, even to this day, wriothesley always seems to be amazed at. you studied the mark, discovering that inside the scars, there seems to always be even more cuts and scrapes near the main body. who knew, something so brute could be so intricate at the same time.
these moments.. where you could study others, every blemish had a story. and with wriothesley, you knew that each scar would have a story, each scar contributed to the man you have come to love today. you treasured it.. 
 while you cherished his imperfections, wriothesley only saw them as such flaws. though he didn’t care if outsiders saw and judged them, he cared dearly about what you think. he tries to pull away every time they catch your attention, afraid something might spark and your feelings may suddenly change about him, or worse, you’d be afraid of him. wriothesley wasn’t prepared to take that risk.
“it’s not something i’m proud of either..” he breathes, just barely — though you caught his utterance. looking away as his hand relaxes in your touch.
“i think all your scars perfect.”  you sighed, your palm slid into his, “after all~ they are what made the most handsome and strong man i love today” you smiled cheekily up at him.
your comment made wriothesley crack a smile, along with a deep chuckle. you heaved yourself on top of him, his arms coming up to your waist to stabilise you. despite his cryo vision, he always had warmth emulating from him. like your own personal heater. 
“is that so?” he ran his hand through his hair in a mock flourish. “maybe i should show it off in public more often—“
“now hold on, mister,” you pressed a finger to his lips, wriothesley glanced down at you, “i don’t want anyone stealing my husband now.”
“but alas—“ you cut him off, straightening your posture but still perched on his stomach. placing a hand on your chest, as if preaching your own monologue in mock rejection “I guess i can’t have everything to myself.. even the duke of meropide himself.” 
you got up to make a dramatic exit, still playfully in character. a hand grabbed yours, yanking you back down before you could get any further. planting a kiss sweet on your lips; your facade dissolving as you melted into his hold. 
there was no doubt you were a fan of wriothesley’s kisses, they were gentle but firm. your hand flew up to his hair, the only thing separating you two was the need for air. leaving you flushed a bright crimson and him a satisfied smirk, you tried to turn away, but being straddled in wriothesley’s lap didn’t really do any good to hide from him.
a warm hand brought you back face to face, he chuckled. “woah now, no need to be so jealous. i’m not going anywhere.”
“what? i not jealous!” you sputtered out — though it came out mixed with a nervous laugh — shrugging your shoulders.
“no, no it’s okay,” wriothesley let out a sigh mixed with a snort, you caught a scent of earl grey tea, bringing you back to that cup you had shared before he suggested you both leave for a short while to enjoy one moment of sunlight. of course it was only meant to be a brief outing to relax, only at a shore just beside the fortress of meropide. 
wriothesley seemed to be in no rush, so were you. even if duty calls — even in that dark and cold fortress with little to no fresh air — you still treasured even the briefest of breaks you had with wrio, and delayed getting back anytime soon. 
a nonchalant voice brought you back from your thoughts. 
“you should know,” he flashed you a corny smirk, rough fingers intertwined with yours, “this duke is all yours.”
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Pairing: Mafia! Octavinelle and MC/Yuu/ Reader
Genre: Hurt/ Comfort ig? Slight crack
TW: Kidnapping, blood, minor character deaths, mc does get a little hurt, mentions of guns, usage of guns, violence (because mafia au), mc also curses at one point, talk of killing people, the prefect wears earrings and has hair (i saw someone use put this in warnings once). Let me know if I should add anything else!
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AN: First request for TWST ^^ It's my first time writing for the Octavinelle trio, so please forgive me if they're ooc, I tried my best. This was very fun to work on! Send me asks if you wanna know more about my version of mafia!twst because I had so many thoughts about this entire au but I couldn't fit everything in one post lol. Not really happy with the ending (when am I ever) but I hope you enjoy!
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"I'm telling you, you don't wanna do this," You warned your captors for the third time as they checked the cuffs holding you up by your arms. It was an uncomfortable position, kneeling with your arms restrained with metal chains above your head. Your shoulders felt sore, and with how every movement made the skin of your wrists rub against the harsh metal, you just knew that you were going to be sporting some pretty nasty bruises around them.
Vil was going to be furious about that.
You watched as the leader came into your range of vision, a self-satisfied smirk painting his face as he walked over to you. There was quite some distance for him to cross to reach you, and he took his sweet time as he leisurely walked over to you. Probably an intimidation tactic, just like how making you kneel was.
You looked at him, unperturbed. Your eyes roamed over the man, who for all his intimidation tactics, was nothing but a poor little boy way in over his head. A reckless little minnow who didn't know his place, as Floyd would say.
Speaking of Floyd. You grimaced at the monstrosity of an outfit the man was wearing. In all your time as a valued member of the mafia, you had seen many outlandish outfits, courtsey of the more openly unhinged Leech twin and the field of work you were in (power had a way of killing the fashion sense of people and letting it rot inside their head). But this... was on a whole another level.
You mentally lit a candle for everyone who had to witness the... very unique display.
A sharp slap snapped you out of your thoughts. 'Did this man, just backhand me? Well fuck you too bitch', You thought to yourself as you looked back at the still smirking man. You could feel a bit of wetness at the edge of your lip, a slight stinging also being felt at the same spot. Your tongue darted out, recognizing the metallic taste of blood as you gingerly licked at the small wound.
"So this is the little Prefect of Night Raven, hm? How... pathetic. Truly, the mafia organization has fallen if they allow the likes of you to hold any position higher than a discardable pawn," he huffed, and you resisted rolling your eyes. Here comes the villainous monologue, you thought to yourself.
As the man spoke, you took note of the people in the room. Apart from you and the man, there were five other men, all very familiar faces. All of them were earlier members of NRC, who left the organization 'honorably' before your appointment as the consigliere to Dire Crowley, the main boss.
There was nothing honorable about the way they were treating you right now though.
Very reluctantly, you listened to the man's speech about how he was basically aiming to cripple Night Raven Mafia by killing you. You forced back a yawn through the speech that was supposed to strike fear into your heart; unfortunately for him, you dealt with seven very unpredictable and occasionally difficult underbosses on a daily basis. Said underbosses must have already been informed of your forced absence.
Now it was just a matter of waiting and watching to see exactly who would come to your rescue...
The door slammed open as soon as you thought that, and the eyes of every person in the room turned to it. You smiled as a very familiar face entered the room, his mismatched eyes dark and foreboding.
"Hi Floyd," you chirped, unfazed by the frown on his face and the dangerous aura around him. Floyd's eyes met yours for a moment, brightening at seeing you, before turning even harsher when he saw the state you were in; clothes (gifted to you by Riddle) rumpled, carefully styled hair (courtesy of Vil) in a disarray, and a slight swelling on the side of your face you were struck at (which would send nearly everyone into a murderous frenzy).
"Who touched my Shrimpy?" Floyd growled out at the men. "Don'tcha know that I'm the only one allowed to rough them up? You're just begging to be squeezed to death."
At this point, the men, who were earlier frozen in fear, started to fumble with their guns. Before they could even get their weapons out, gunshots rang throughout the room, each man dropping to the floor one by one.
"Ah, pardon me, but I would prefer if you did not aim your weapons at my brother," a familiar voice spoke from behind Floyd to the now dead men in the room.
You grimaced at the blood now flowing out and seeping onto the floor, the puddle growing in size and inching closer to you.
"Jade, get me out of these things," you said, successfully getting his attention as you rattled the chains holding you up.
"Ah, of course dear Prefect," Jade hummed, and you did not need to look at his face to know that he was smiling. Jade walked over to you, stopping only to take the keys to your chains from the pocket of the leader. Placing the key into the lock and turning it released you from your uncomfortable position, and you yelped as you flopped onto the ground unceremoniously.
"Shrimpy~" Floyd's rapid changes in mood was one thing you did not believe you would ever get used to, "did you really get kidnapped by this sad little bunch of minnows?" He asked, pulling you to your feet and slightly spinning you.
"Shrimpy is so helpless~"
"Indeed," Jade smiled, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. You would never get used to the all too malicious upturn of Jade's lips either. He took you from Floyd's arms, ignoring his twin's grumbling as he dusted off your clothes. "Pray tell, how could such... insignificant little men capture you, dear Prefect?"
Before you could answer, a third voice rang through the room. "Jade! Floyd! I told you not to kill any of them!" Azul huffed as he entered your line of vision, glaring at the two men who sandwiched you.
"Ah, pardon me Azul, but they were going to aim their weapons at Floyd. Not to mention how terribly they were treating the Prefect," Jade hummed, not at all repentant of his actions. Azul huffed in frustration, glaring at his consigliere.
You gave him a little wave, and Azul's eyes softened as they met yours. He looked calm and collected as he walked over to you, but the trembling of his hands as he held yours gave his true feelings away. His eyes quickly scanned your body for wounds, narrowing in displeasure at the reddened skin around your wrists and the cut on the corner of your lip.
"Azul," you said, not missing the way his eyes relaxed considerably as he saw you wearing the seashell earrings he had gifted you. "Ah, so that was how Idia-san found out you were kidnapped almost immediately," he hummed. You raised an eyebrow at his words.
"The earrings have trackers in them," Jade helpfully explained.
"Well, in any case, we must take you back to the Lounge. Everyone else must have assembled there by now."
"Huh? Why?"
"Because, Prefect, we were supposed to bring your kidnappers so that a joint decision could be taken for their punishment," Azul sighed as he pushed his glasses up his nose slightly.
You glanced at your kidnappers, wrinkling your nose as the blood puddle slowly crept closer to your shoes. "They're dead."
"A most unfortunate incident, yes. But, nevertheless, their identities will suffice for now. This just goes to show that we must never leave any loose ties," Azul said ominously. "Perhaps my dear colleagues will learn a lesson from this."
"... Sure. And how did you three manage to make them stay back at the Lounge while you carried out this rescue mission?"
"The heads found it best to send us three since we were most likely to bring your captors back alive," Azul said, glaring at Floyd who just roamed around the room disinterested in the conversation. "Well, that is what Crewel and Trein thought, at least."
You chuckled. "I don't think the outcome would've been any different with the others either so... let's just get to the Lounge."
Azul smiled. "As you wish, Prefect."
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faelorelia · 7 months
"Will's love towards Mike is a really beautiful thing." – Finn Wolfhard
And he is absolutely right. Throughout the whole series, the "Stranger Things" creators have made it clear to the audience how special Will and Mike's bond is and how much Mike truly means to Will. They have consistently highlighted the depth of Will's feelings towards Mike, and his love has saved the day quite a few times already. ❤️
Will's love for Mike is sincere, pure, quiet and completely unconditional. It's a love unspoken, yet expressed a million times through his actions. Will couldn't keep the truth from Mike in S1, even though it was just a small detail related to D&D. Despite being possessed, Will drew strength from Mike's presence and care, as if Mike was his beacon of light in the darkness. Mike's heartfelt monologue to Will about how asking him to be his friend was "the best thing he's ever done" reached Will's soul thanks to the love he felt, and that helped them all to stop the Mind Flayer in S2. In that same season, Mike was the one who Will was able to recognize after his possession because of how strong his feelings for the boy were.
We also saw the tender and emotional moments between Will and Mike in S3 and S4. Will's heartbreaking confession of "not going to fall in love" when he was (probably) already aware of his romantic feelings for his childhood best friend hits even harder when you think about it. Despite the times Mike unintentionally hurt Will, Will's love for him has remained too strong for him to simply forget and move on. There is just no way Will could ever get that boy out of his heart.
Because that's the thing – Mike is his heart, and Will hinted at it himself (albeit in a veiled form). Will's unconditional love for Mike is what led this sweet, sensitive and traumatized kid to set aside his own desires and pain just to ensure the happiness of the boy he loves. Even if Mike's happiness lies with his girlfriend (who also happens to be Will's new sister). Even if it means Mike is happy without him. But Will has long accepted this because he's inherently selfless and caring. He prioritizes the happiness of his loved ones over his own.
Will promised Mike he'd never be replaced and stayed fiercely loyal, as we saw in that unforgettable "Not possible" moment in S3 and later on in the show. Will was always there for Mike in S4 when he needed support and encouragement. He tried his best to patch things up between Mike and El, thinking it was what Mike wanted. Will even pushed Mike to open up to El, reminding him of his irreplaceable role in the party. Through it all, Will did everything he could to lift Mike's spirits, making sure he felt needed, valued and loved (even if it was indirectly through others).
And to prove, once again, how beautiful Will's love towards Mike is, I want to remind you of his monologue in the van scene where he was expressing his feelings for Mike by disguising them as Eleven's (slightly adapted to fit the purpose):
“Anyway, my point is, see how you're leading us here? You're guiding the whole party, inspiring us. That… That's what you do. And see your coat of arms here? It's a heart. And I know it's sort of on the nose, but that's what holds this party together. Heart. Because, I mean, without heart, we'd all fall apart. Even [me]. Especially [me]. These past few months, [I've] been so lost without you. It's just, [I'm] so different from other people, and… when you're… when you're different, sometimes… you feel like a mistake. But you make [me] feel like [I'm] not a mistake at all. Like [I'm] better for being different. And that gives [me] the courage to fight on. If [I] was mean to you or [I] seemed like [I] was pushing you away, it's because [I'm] scared of losing you, like you're scared of losing [El]. And if [I] was going to lose you, I… I think [I'd] rather just get it over with quick. Like ripping off a Band-Aid. So, yeah, [I] need you, Mike. And [I] always will.”
If Will's love for Mike isn't beautiful, then I don't know what is. Because "Stranger Things" shows us the true power of love and how it can change the world for the better. I find it truly inspiring. ❤️‍🩹
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thanksjro · 5 months
More Than Meets the Eye #52 — The DJD Once Again Prove to Be an HR Nightmare
Ratchet and Drift, looking fresh as hell in their matching paint jobs, stand on the cliff they made their cool entrance on last issue, as they snipe at each other over whether or not Drift personally knows the DJD. Considering how Tarn and Friends had a space-cocaine induced freakout over seeing Drift on the quantum duplicate Lost Light, they may want to talk a little quieter, especially with the face Helex is making.
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You better watch out, Ratchet— this man's going to do Sakamoto-got-all-the-way-to-pencils shit to you!
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The Pet takes the opportunity presented by our recently returned newlyweds being too busy flirting to pay attention to the fight at hand, leaping to chew on Ratchet's head. Luckily, Ten is an ally, even when he’s been beat to shit, and punches the shitty little Pomeranian into the air. Kaon, card-carrying freak and dog dad, takes this abject display of animal abuse about as well as he can.
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Ratchet, having his gun eaten by the mouth pervert, is beginning to worry that he, his rich boytoy, and a mostly out of commission Ten might be sliiiiiiiiightly outnumbered against a dozen Decepticons, two of whom belong to the Super Murder Death Squad. Drift, after a bit of needling, heelies a dude’s face off, jumps into the air, does a bunch of sick flips, blocks a laser with a sword in such a way that it looks like he got shot in the dick, and then lands, like, 70 feet away to scoop up the Pet and threaten to chop its head off if Helex doesn’t stop trying to vore his boyfriend.
Kaon, #1 dog dad, orders everyone to fall back. Helex, who has Ratchet like 70% inside his smelting chamber by this point, can’t believe that Kaon’s ruining the fun. Helex releases Ratchet, letting him crowd onto Drama Point with Drift and most of Ten, as the Decepticons circle them. Drift, unfortunately, didn’t think past doing sweet flips to show off after his sabbatical from the comic run, and they’re back in the same situation they arrived to, but now one of them is holding a crusty little dog.
Then a platform descends from the sky, and we see what Ravage has been up to.
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Grand theft auto!
Yes, it turns out that this cat can drive, and well enough to get the boys up and out of danger, though Ten’s size means that the lovebirds have to dangle off of his remaining arm. Drift still hasn’t put down the Pet. Sure hope that thing’s been socialized to cats.
Oh, who am I kidding? Kaon wouldn’t have bothered.
Speaking of Kaon, he looks like he’s about to cry, because someone’s kidnapped his princess baby angel, and Helex doesn’t even CARE, the heartless bastard, as he orders the other Decepticons to fire on the shuttle. They, of course, hit it, as there’s at least ten of these guys firing, and they’re all decently tall. The shuttle begins to lose altitude, and Ravage, who does not have traditional hands and is currently using his tail to man the control stick, attempts to crash as close to the “fortress” as possible.
Meanwhile, over at Megatron’s plinth, we get back to that whole thing where he surrendered himself to Tarn. Tarn, feeling an excuse to monologue coming on, says that he’s well aware of Megatron’s new schtick, and he’s not a huge fan of it. Megatron clarifies that he wishes to give himself up so that the rest of the Lost Light crew stranded on this planet might live, because this is his fault to begin with. Tarn agrees, reminding him that he paid for Tarn’s plastic surgery. Megatron states that he only brought Tarn to his side to hurt “someone”.
Three guesses who Megatron could have possibly hurting by bringing Tarn over to the Decepticons, and the first two don’t count.
Megatron thinks that by bumming around space on a borderline vacation, he’s returned to who he used to be (maybe he got his teaching license, who knows) and that the war was a waste of time. Tarn gets kind of intense here, because if Megatron wasted his life, what does that make Tarn? Tarn, who has decorated his home with nothing but Decepticon symbols? Tarn, who has had corpses nailed to his wall for the last couple million years? Tarn, who wears a fuckoff stupid mask every single day of his life, even while eating and trying to kill himself with space meth cut with time travel and gas station dick pills? Also, what about all the other guys who died trying to realize Megatron's ideals? What about the little guys, the cogs that made the machine run? What about Steve from accounting, whose husband left him, because he was too busy trying to balance the budget on Megatron's body remodels and Optimus Prime punching bags that also doubled as body pillows to come home? What about Steve, huh?
Megatron basically regrets everything he’s ever done, not that Tarn cares. Megatron then reveals that whole thing where Rewind tried to retroactively kill him as an infant, and how he sort of wished it had worked.
Tarn starts beating the shit out of Megatron before the guy can start going on about how his parents are Brainstorm and Whirl, though Tarn promises that this is just a healthy dose of tough love, as surely the wimp before him isn’t actually who Megatron is. Megatron doesn’t fight back, instead just staring sadly at the Autobot badge Tarn slapped off of him. This is really starting to piss Tarn off, as he was really hoping to beat some of the fire back into his former mentor and idol. This is when he starts trying to choke Megatron, even though their species doesn’t breathe. Still, I’m sure Tarn’s stiletto nails hurt something fierce.
Megatron then recalls his conversation with Velocity, and states that if the fool’s energon DID alter his personality, it was probably for the best, and he wouldn’t want to go back. Tarn, who has based his entire selfhood on the thing that Megatron threw away to live out his probation on a cruise ship, takes this statement with all the tact and level-headedness we’ve come to know him for.
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Tarn is just one more double fusion cannon blast to the chest away from smiting Megatron utterly, and he’s fully committed to doing so. However, he gets distracted by the sound of Elton John’s “The Bitch is Back” coming from across the field.
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Anyway, it looks like Ravage can, in fact, drive pretty well, as the shuttle did crash pretty close to the “fortress”. Swerve, who still really wants to make up for his shitty boss behaviors and also accidentally dragging Ten into a microcosm of hell, lets Ten know that they saw his floor graffiti, and that it might actually work. Magnus, who still has his arm off, does his best to not kick Swerve across the room as he scurries underfoot, as he drags Ten inside the building.
Skids intercepts Ratchet to welcome him back, and also ask how the hell he knew to come to Necroworld. Apparently he and Drift had received a call from the handy dandy phone that he had given First Aid, who First Aid had then regifted to Velocity, just in case some bullshit happened. Velocity’s introduction to Ratchet is rough, as she manages to call him grumpy, old, and stubborn as a mule in the span of about fifteen seconds. Ratchet is mostly concerned with the fact that the Lost Light replaced him so soon after his return. Nobody tell him about Velocity’s track record with the medical exams, he might just shoot off into space to beat First Aid to a pulp for leaving her by herself.
Over in what might be a closet, Rodimus runs across Drift sitting in the dark and sharpening one of his swords. Drift seems to have used his exile to remember that he does, in fact, have some semblance of self-respect, as he doesn’t immediately forgive Rodimus for throwing him off the ship that he paid for, only to have given himself up as the real culprit behind the Overlordening, like, a week later, thus negating Drift’s sacrifice, and then never coming to find him, despite the fact that they’re supposedly friends, and, again, the ship is in Drift’s name, as was the crew’s allowance money. How the Lost Light has survived financially without Drift is unknown.
Rodimus knows that he sucks and is the worst, but he was really worried that Drift wouldn’t like him anymore, so he’d sort of been kicking the issue of “finding my ex-TIC to tell him he got publicly humiliated for nothing” down the road, to the point where Ratchet had gotten sick of it and went to solve the problem himself.
Of course, the meta reason for Drift not being found was so that Shane McCarthy could have his OC back, as well as Ratchet, for the miniseries Transformers: Drift— Empire of Stone, well known for being sort of silly and introducing the phrase “be shoosh” to Drift’s lexicon. In it, Ratchet found Drift traipsing around the edge of the galaxy being a neutral (in terms of war) hero to organic species affected by Decepticon aggressions, before crashing on a planet where Drift, back when he was “Deadlock”, had found a mystical stone army, one that Gigatron (a dude who totally isn’t anime Megatron) wanted to harness the power of, so that the Decepticons might claim victory over their enemies. Hellbat, Gigatron’s second in command, had gone mad doing nothing but killing over millions of years, and had been modifying the stone army in secret to do his bidding so he could "kill everything". Then the stone army woke up, Hellbat died, Gigatron died, and Ratchet went to take Drift to get detailed, because he looked like he'd been ridden hard and put away wet.
Also, if you think about it, having two former high-ranking Decepticons turning to the Autobot side being on the Lost Light’s high command might have been too many redundancies to make Megatron’s arc stand out. Perhaps, had Megatron not been added to MTMTE’s roster so late in the game, Rodimus WOULD have gone looking for Drift, finding him just in time for the DJD to catch wind that they hadn’t actually super nightmare death murdered Deadlock after all.
Drift, who can’t say no to Rodimus's puppydog face, lets Rodimus sit with him on the floor, as he apologizes for the fact that by coming here, Drift and Ratchet have unwittingly signed up for Tarn’s Political Theory and Dismemberment Slam Poetry Night, but he mega-promises that they’ll come up with something together to get through this. Drift appreciates the sentiment, but knows that Rodimus is just saying this to make him feel better.
Back at the worst fan club meetup in the galaxy, Tarn elbows Overlord in the throat and tells him to fuck off. Overlord tells him that he knows Tarn never finished his degree and only acts like an academic for the aesthetic. Tarn transforms to shoot him while reminding Overlord that at least Megatron’s spoken to him in the last few thousand years. The two duke it out with their tank modes, Overlord KRUMPing all over Tarn, before the theatre kid kicks him off and questions why exactly Overlord is even alive, given that he chainsawed his head off last year. No word on if he’s bothered to ask this same question about 75% of the people he’s here to super murder.
Overlord simply states that someone found him floating out in space and fixed him up, because it turns out that they both wanted to go after Megatron and kill his ass dead, because Overlord is sort of sick of not getting the attention he so obviously deserves. When Tarn, ever the opportunist, attempts to make a team up deal, Overlord tells him to shut up.
And then they realize they lost the old man they were fighting over.
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Great work, fellas.
Over with the Autobots (and Cyclonus), Rewind’s outside, looking at that memorial to the disappeared and trying to figure out why the Necrobot laid out the names in the way that he did. He’s currently near the top, where you can see most of Roller’s name, someone whose name ends in “gator”, and Dreamwave Production’s smoldering corpse, which makes me wonder if Alex Milne ever did get all the money he was owed from his work with them. Rewind, who last dealt with the DJD not even a year ago, is trying really, really hard to not think about how many needles they’re going to jam into Chromedome’s eyes this go around.
Of course, Nautica, who has come out to find Rewind, doesn’t give a shit about Rewind’s PTSD. She wants relationship advice! She’d ask Chromedome, but apparently he’s taking a nap, still worn out from stabbing Tailgate in the brain after he rainbow-exploded all over the ship. Which happened months ago.
You know, at the rate he’s been going, Chromedome probably wouldn’t have lived too far past sunset anyhow.
Anyway, Nautica wants to know if, on Cybertron, you have to be besties before you can get hitched, because that’s how it works on some of the other colonies. She specifies that this ISN'T how it works on Caminus, which is good, given how problematic that would be, considering you need to be best friends with someone by the time you're five weeks old, and there's no telling if they're cool with platonic polyamory. Rewind informs her that it’s either one or the other on Cybertron, no double-dipping, and god help you if it’s a situationship. Nautica is asking this because she’s realized that she can’t waffle about on committing anymore, seeing as she’s probably going to die in the next hour or so, and she’d rather use that time to enter a queer-platonic partnership than get her face fixed.
Back at the Peaceful Tyranny, Tarn has, in fact, managed to bring Overlord to reason, much to Deathsaurus’s confusion and derision, if his squiggle face is anything to go by. Overlord, smug as fuck, informs Deathsaurus that in exchange for his compliance, Tarn has agreed to let him personally murder Megatron while everyone watches, because surely Tarn couldn’t actually kill his idealogical idol, because he’s a pussy. Tarn is being very brave about this, only letting the spot blacking on his linework show on his face, as his fists shake with rage.
Then Kaon shows up, begging they pull back their forces until the Pet has been returned, and the spot blacking gets a little heavier.
Tarn, who has had a very long day of tactical meetings, phone calls, facing his fallen idol, having a very unsatisfying beatdown with said idol, and dealing with known freak Overlord, handles Kaon’s inability to be a big boy about misplacing his shitty little dog with all of the tact and decorum we’ve come to know him for— he gives Kaon a big, beefy hug, acknowledges just how much Kaon loves that shitty little dog, and then makes sure that Kaon never has to worry about a thing ever again.
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That’s a series wrap on Kaon! Let’s give him a hand, folks!
Tarn, who has had just about enough of Overlord in the last half hour, smashes Kaon’s head onto Overlord’s tits, covering him in viscera, as he demands he be treated with respect, because this is HIS house, where HE’S paying the bills and calling the shots, so help him god. Nickel is very displeased that Tarn’s killed one of the Twinksome Twosome. No word on how Deathsaurus feels about this, considering that a big reason he’s working with Tarn is because he refused to kill the rest of the DJD when demanded to do so, thus showing his dedication to his men. Also no word on how the rest of the DJD are going to handle Tarn decapitating their weed man.
Tarn tells everyone to pony up, as they’re about to go over and handle all the silly little bastards hiding out in the Necrobot’s “fortress”.
Speaking of which, it looks like Megatron made it home, despite Tarn blowing his tits clean off with that cannon blast. Rodimus and Ratchet carry him inside, as Magnus is probably too busy not getting his arm put back on to help, and Megatron is using the last of his energy to hold the Autobot badge Tarn slapped off his chest earlier.
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Sure hope Ratchet didn’t forget to tell Drift about his old boss being co-captain of the ship, or else this is going to be a very nasty surprise for both of them— we've already seen that Drift loves to freak out and kill sick people.
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mylovelies-docx · 1 year
Sorry, I Love You - Part 9
Oh wow, a new chapter? Who'd have thunk it.
My posting schedule is all off and I honestly don't know if I can get it back under control. I have no idea when I'll get time to sit down and write and when inspiration will strike, so I can't assure weekly updates. But I'll try my hardest to get this story out! I have future chapters written, it's just that I have no way of connecting them right now :/ Oops.
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Ah shit, here we go again. Angst, arguments, jealousy
Word Count: 2,250
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7][Part 8]
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Some moments are easier than others. Sometimes you feel like you’re not pining like a love-sick teenager enough to think that you can actually do this – you can actually be friends with the man you love.
But then there are moments like tonight.
A few weeks have passed since community get-together, and you and Bucky are the new kids in town. Everyone drops by to say hello, leave you with enough food to last the winter, and invite you both back to their homes for dinner. It’s all very sweet, and you would appreciate the hospitality in any other situation.
But the amount of mothers trying to marry their daughters off to Bucky is insane. 
Several have not-so-subtley seated Bucky next to daughters of marriageable age, while everyone else is silently discouraged from interrupting their conversations. It skeezes you out when the girls are barely out of their teens, but most of the girls are around your age or older. Morality-wise, that’s a whole lot more appropriate. Internal monologue-wise, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh doesn’t even begin to cover it. What you feel whenever he laughs at something they say, or looks at them with his intense blue eyes – it hurts. That’s how he used to look at you, once upon a time. Like his life wouldn’t be the same without you in it, like you’re one of the most important people in his world.
To be fair to Bucky, you probably read waaaay more into it than he ever meant. And you only ever really saw that look come out when you were straddling his waist and grinding hard on his cock, skin mottled with his teeth marks and wearing his metal hand as a necklace. 
Stop, stop, stop, stop!
You’re usually placed next to older, widowed relatives, as most of the young men in the town have already settled down and popped out a few kids with their spouses except for Petre. Tessa foists the two of you together at every possible opportunity, hoping you’ll hit it off and decide to get married in the near future. 
Petre is nice, smart, cute, but not really your type. You’re convinced that you’ve only ever had one type and he’s off-limits. But Petre’s company is much more enjoyable than the sad, lonely older men they try to pair you with – it never feels great to be compared to someone’s long lost love – so you don’t mind having someone around your age to talk during these things.
Speaking of.
“It’s a nice night, yeah?” Petre comments. The night is warmer than expected, but you and Petre are still bundled up in your coats as you stroll through the dead copse of trees near the latest dinner party. The sun had set only minutes ago and the stars are making their presence known. There’s next to no light pollution in this area, so you always take the time to admire the night sky when you have the chance. 
You often take walks with Bucky up and down your street as a way to decompress after your shifts at the HYDRA facility. After the first week or so of being everyone’s errand-runner, they’ve slowly built up your workload to include calculations and deductions based on redacted data – it’s not as much information as you’d like, but it’s enough to build a foundational understanding of what the experiment was about.
You hum in agreement and continue walking. It’s about time to turn around and head back, but you can’t bring yourself to return only to watch Bucky flirt with the pretty girls that were also invited.  
“Is something the matter?” Petre asks you.
You startle out of your petty, jealous thoughts. “Hm? Oh, no. Nothing’s wrong,” you reply with a smile.
“It’s just that you seem very distracted tonight,” he responds.
With your hands in your pocket, the only thing you can do is shrug your shoulders. “Just tired, is all. It’s been a long week at the office.”
“Ah, I know the feeling,” Petre commiserates. 
All of the sudden, a wailing, piercing shriek ricochets between the tree trunks and reverberates in your ears. Tensing with adrenaline, you take two steps forward, ready to intervene in whatever events are unfolding in the darkness.
Before you get much further, Petre reaches out and takes hold of your elbow. Turning you around, he starts leading the way back. You try to tug your arm from his grip, but he holds firm.
“The cry of a vixen who is looking to mate. They’re rather vicious creatures this time of year, foxes. We don’t want to get in her way,” Petre deters.
“But…” you begin, looking back over your shoulders and watching for unexpected movement among the swaying branches. “It sounds so real.”
“Terrifying, really. I was just as concerned when they began, as well.” Petre gives you a tight smile and relaxes his grip slightly when you stop trying to pull away.
“What do you mean?” you question.
“What?” Petre’s eyes flash around quickly, looking through the woods that surround you.
“‘When they began’. What do you mean by that?”
“Ah,” Petre replies. “When mating season began.”
There’s no more discussion on the eerily accurate sound of a woman in distress. You can only trust that Petre would know the local fauna and their habits better than you, since you’ve never spent an extended period of time in areas such as this.
The neighbor’s house finally comes into view. A lone figure stands silhouetted against the porch as they lean against the railings, their arms braced against the banister and posture rigid. When you get closer, you realize that the figure is Bucky. 
You can’t see his face, but you can feel his eyes on you. And apparently Petre can as well.
“He doesn’t like me?” Petre asks.
“Why do you say that?” The question puzzles you because Bucky has no reason to dislike Petre. He’s been incredibly helpful so far, allowing you to ask as many questions as you want about himself and others and he doesn’t seem bothered by it at all. In fact, you feel as if you and Petre have become friends.
“It just seems like he’s never happy to see me.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that – James just has RBF,” you reply nonchalantly.
“RBF?” Petre replies.
You laugh as you and Petre climb the stairs, only now realizing that he still has a hand on your arm. You’d forgotten all about it, but you miss the slight warmth that permeated through your jacket when he removes his touch. You turn to look at him, but Petre is looking away, his hands now deep in his pockets. Turning your focus onto Bucky, you see him watching Petre, his eyes squinted.
A large smile returns to your face as you reach up and grab Bucky’s chin, squishing his cheeks and making his lips pucker from the pressure. “This –” you say triumphantly, “is an RBF.”
Bucky glares down at you and swats your hand away. You cackle at the perfect example of Resting Bitch Face™ in front of you, throwing your head back in joy. When you right your posture again, you can see a small smile on Bucky’s face as he laughs along with you.
“Whatever,” he murmurs. He shakes his head in exasperation before circling his arm around your shoulders. Bucky begins dragging you back down the steps you had just ascended and you grunt in protest. “It’s time to go,” he says simply.
“Ugh, you’re so rude,” you say to him. Craning your neck as much as possible, you look back towards Petre who remains on the porch. “I’ll see you later!” you call backwards with a wave. Petre raises a hand in return, face hidden in shadow as Bucky’s had been.
Focusing back on the road in front of you, you can practically feel what little mirth Bucky had drains away. Looking up, you notice that his jaw is clenched and a hard look has entered his eye.
“What’s wrong?” Now you’re worried that something happened to Bucky while you were gone that has put him in a bad mood. Did someone say something to him? Did one of the women reject his advances? You can’t see who in their right mind would turn him down, but not everyone feels the same way about him as you do. But if it’s the latter, the guilt you feel only slightly outweighs the relief.
“You don’t think you’re spendin’ too much time with him?” Bucky says between clenched teeth.
A frown appears between your eyebrows as you continue to look up at him. “No?” you respond. “He doesn’t seem to mind.”
“Ofcoursehedoesn’t,” Bucky mutters under his breath, but you can still hear him.
You slide out from under Bucky’s hold, his agitation sparking flames of your own. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You don’t think you’re leadin’ him on a bit, Y/N?” Bucky asks you.
You scoff. “What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“You’re always hangin’ around him!” Bucky quips back. “You’re flirting with him and walking out of parties together. All these people, Petre included, are going to think you’re pitching for an engagement.”
The hurt and pitiful feelings from earlier tonight come flooding back. Only this time, instead of feeling them for what they are, you combine them with the anger his comment brings. How dare he accuse you of leading Petre on? As if he isn’t doing the same thing to all those girls?!
“And what about you?!” you yell, the last word ripping its way between your lips and setting your tongue ablaze. “You don’t think you’re stringing all these girls along behind you? You don’t have any intention of getting into a relationship with any of them, either, do you?” 
As the words escape, you remember how Bucky sat you down and asked for a friends-with-benefits situation. Said he wasn’t ready for a real relationship, but tired of one night stands. How the two of you could help each other out since you weren’t seeing anyone either. The old resentment towards yourself and how you let yourself fall for someone wholly unavailable whiplashes back into your mind after months of repressing it. 
If he could ask that of you, does that mean he’s asked someone else? You usually arrive home later than him, but on some occasions that you are released early, he’s not there. Instead of asking where he’s been, you had just let it slide since it could have been construed as possessiveness. Like your feelings – that Bucky believes to be long gone – entitle you to his life. You hadn’t wanted to risk anything at the time, but now your mind can’t help running wild at the possibilities.
“It’s not like I’m screwing his brains out every time we’re gone!” You shout at Bucky. You had been walking down the road away from the house party which was on a street with few homes, so there’s nobody around to hear your fight. “We’re not in the bathrooms having quickies, he’s not fucking me against a wall, or bending me over his motorcycle! He hasn’t proposed we fuck around with each other until someone better comes along!” 
Your chest heaves with the effort of expelling these vicious words from deep within your heart, and you can feel a burning beginning to creep behind your eyes. You hate getting angry – hate that any strong emotion makes your eyes well with tears and makes you look weak. And in this situation, you are weak – weak against Bucky, weak against yourself, weak against the knowledge that the one man you’ve ever loved never felt the same way and never will. Your inability to keep yourself from falling for someone you knew you could never have? Your jealousy that he is probably sleeping with one or more of the women in town? That makes you weak. 
And you can’t stand to be weak in front of Bucky again.
“Newsflash, Buck: I know how it feels to be lead on by you and it fucking sucks!” You lower your voice slightly and take another step away from him. “I know that wasn’t your intention, and I didn’t feel that way at first, but that’s how I feel now.”
“You were my best friend, Y/N – I didn’t want to lose that!” Bucky exclaims. “And I genuinely thought we were on the same page!” He takes a deep breath and clasps his hands over his eyes before saying, “And seeing you run off with Petre all the time just reminds me of us – how we’d always sneak away to get some time alone. It’s just –” He drops his hands and sighs heavily, looking up at the star-studded sky and then back down to you. “I’m jealous.”
“You’re jealous?” You ask incredulously. “Why?”
“Because –” You can tell that he’s struggling to get this out, and if he hadn’t started this argument and accused you of wronging Petre, you might have been more receptive to what he’s saying. More understanding. But right now, your anger swallows all empathy and hope that his words would usually supply. “Because that could have been us,” he breathes. Bucky takes a tentative step in your direction, but freezes solid at the icy glare you send his way.
“No,” you say flatly, “No, it couldn’t have. You made that abundantly clear when I asked.”
You turn your back on him and start running, ignoring the sound of your name as you leave Bucky behind.
Part 10
Taglist: @jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewifeife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshinee @happinessinthebeingg @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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royal-ruin · 6 months
f1 fanfic recs charles/carlos (charlos) part 4
other f1 fic rec lists here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise
in honor of carlos' win in the ausgp and his appendix removal (and his last year at ferrari, ignore me sobbing in the background), here are some of my fav fics of them.
if all of them are starred that just means they're all amazing.
i'll make you laugh by venerat (~7k)
[“You are cute,” says Carlos, waving his marker in emphasis. “Obviously. I am always saying this.”
“I am not cute.” Charles blinks at him. “When are you saying I am cute?”]
literally so adorable.
*what we felt by venerat (~14k)
[Imprinted, Charles should say, shocked. I hope he is alright. He should say that.
“My god,” he says instead. “On who?”]
so creative and amazing. def check out this author for more of other pairings, i know they have a bunch of hot smutty one-shots if you're into that.
*sweet tea in the summer by bloodmoonforme (~10k)
[Sometimes, when they first arrive at the circuit for a weekend, Charles will look decidedly paler, a little drawn. Then, he'll show up for FP1 on Friday seemingly much better all of the sudden, eyes unnaturally bright and cheeks red - that's how to tell how long it has been since he last drank.
Not that Carlos notices. Or keeps track of it, for that matter.
Except he does.]
Or the one where Charles is a vampire and Carlos struggles.
i don't remember this unfortunately, but i do remember loving it.
*the actor says he hates himself by bloodmoonforme (~5k)
[“You okay, mate?” Carlos asks, pitching his voice a bit louder in order to be heard over the music.
Charles doesn’t answer. Slowly, Carlos realizes that the way Charles is staring is one that he recognizes. It’s the same way he looks while he’s out racing, the same one he wears in the simulator. It’s a look of total focus. There’s something Charles wants and means to have.]
tags say that there's cheating so if you don't like that, don't read.
*dice che ti ama (ma lo sai che mente) by choripan (~3k)
[But Charles smiled, dimples out and about, back against the wall of Carlos’ driver’s room. Like he knew he wasn’t in danger.
Like he hadn’t entered a lions’ den looking like a three course meal.
(Like he knew Carlos was all bark and no bite, and toying with the metaphorical rubber band —stretch, stretch, stretching—wouldn’t ever make it snap into his straight nose.)]
kinda like a carlos-focused relationship study. it lowkey altered my brain chemistry for some reason
punctuated all wrong by Cloudcollector (~8k)
Prompt: "I don’t know if someone else agrees with me but I’m a sucker for the whole person A falls in love with person B but they think they don’t deserve person B’s love trope and I’d love to see how it would play out with charlos (not saying who’s person A and who person B, even though that should be pretty obvious)"
*the trials of 2022 by chiliconcarlos (~34k)
A partial summary of the 2022 season, as told by Charles or Carlos, following each race.
Friday is Just the Beginning by nottonyharrison (~3k)
On a Thursday in December, Caco had come to him with a proposal. A PDF attached to an email, emblazoned with the garish red Netflix logo, and consisting of a three paragraph, succinct concept that involved winter training, the mountains, and Carlos timing his schedule to overlap with Charles’ for a week.
On a Friday in January, he’s sitting in a private sauna long after the cameras have been packed away for the night, with Charles right next to him.
this is basically plot w porn, with a lot of carlos inner monologue which i love so enjoy!
Don't Do This To Me by pastrnaks_sainz (~2k)
[Carlos hands shake as he stares at his phone screen. The email from Caco is displayed and the brightness is turned all the way up. Like he’s being taunted. The big bold letters in the subject line might as well be saying ‘NOBODY WANTS YOU’ instead of ‘New Opportunities Ahead’.]
fair warning, one of the tags is hurt no comfort.
Loose Lips Sink Ships by kxleida (~2k)
Carlos finds out he's leaving Ferrari. Charles finds him in his hotel room, beer bottles scattered all across. They both know it's not fair.
A bit of hurt/comfort surrounding Charles, Carlos, and the Ferrari announcement for the F1 2024 silly season.
this isn't everything you are by shadil (~2k)
The news hit him again where he least expects it.
a prayer for which no words exist by transbrucewayne (~3k)
Charles has to assume Carlos knows by now; they should’ve told him. He doesn’t know how long they took to tell Sebastian, but it had been almost inevitable for him. He walked into the 2020 season with an air of resignation. With Carlos…everyone thought he was going to get another year, at least. Charles thought he was going to get another year. Then, Carlos would move to Audi, to the surprise of approximately no one, and the two of them would part, and Charles would spend the rest of his career smiling at him across the room, fist bumping him in press conferences, and never touching him more than the others deemed appropriate.
i know better (but you're still around) by shadil (~2k)
Sometimes, Carlos dreams about María.
He was his (but also he was not) by f1amboyant (~2k)
[Charles crossed his arms over his chest. “Why are you leaving?” he asked, no bullshit, staring straight at Carlos, peering into his soul.]
Shadowhunters AU
and the world was gone by Bluejay141519 (~12k)
It’s not entirely unfounded, having something like this happen. Charles knows of various stories of the past, where different drivers’ energies don’t mix well and it causes chaos. He’s even heard of magic being used to sabotage in F1.
Charles always thought these were just stories, until he got his seat.
tbh it's not completely relationship focused, but it's still amazing.
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same warnings as last time: mentions of drugging, non/dub con (not a lot of negative internal monologue but reader is more physically against it), james is a softie (yandere kinda), use of toys, gangbang, blood, ya get the gist
p in v and all the good stuff will be in the next part! <3
sorry dudes, dudettes, and dudoes, got lost in the depression sauce for about since birth a month (??) and i have done no writing. buckle up buttercups cuz i am sleep deprived, lexapro-riddled, and fucking batshit.
Cowering seems like a pretty good move. I sit up and use my legs to scoot me closer to the wall, feeling the damp cement sting my bruises. I'm tired, sore, and ever so desperate. Confused, too. I feel 4 pairs of eyes watch my movements, observing, noticing, deciding. I don't get a moment to myself. Before I know it, two arms are under me, one holding my back and one under my knees.
"Sweet things' already tuckered out."
I hear the tiniest shred of sympathy in James' voice before I feel him walking. I open my eyes and see his face tilted up, navigating the room. He laid me down on what felt like the coldest metal I've ever felt in my life. At this point, I didn't put an ounce of energy into my movements. My previous orgasm and drugged state were draining every last ounce of indignance. I found myself staring at the concrete ceiling (I know, shocker), waiting for someone to speak, move, anything. My lower legs felt like wet bags of sand sewn to my thighs. They hung off the end of the table, swinging slightly, trying to find the floor.A warm hand landed on my shoulder, and then another. Others touched down on my thigh, gently, so as to not disturb my bruises. One of James' hands left my shoulder and held the back of my head so I could see my body, the back of neck prickling from the instant change in temperature. I could see Kirk and Robert with one hand each on my thighs, Robert on the left, Kirk on my right. They were both watching Lars grab a bag from across the room, a black, leather satchel.
"Angel's not gonna know what hit her."
Lars sets the bag down in between Kirk and James before squatting down, opening it, and pulling out what looked like a vibrator. Black silicone, with a gold ring separating the head from the battery and controller part. My eyes widen, and Lars laughs.
"See, just like I said."
The rest roll their eyes and chuckle, before their grips on my skin become tighter, pressing me down onto the table. The toy's buzzing echoed through the room softly. Lars walked to the end of the table before stooping slightly to press the vibrator to my ankle. I gasped at the cold silicone, my hair standing on end. I instinctively jerked my leg, hitting his calf. His leg immediately pinned mine against the leg of the table.
"Oh Angel, you don't want to know what happens to little girls who fight back," he cooed.
"It was an accident!" I croak, trying to keep still.
The vibrator carried on up my leg, drawing circles around my bruises before settling on my vulva. Before I knew what was happening, he cranked the vibrator to the highest setting, and set it directly onto my clit. My whole body jerked but was held fast by their arms.
"Uh! Fuck!" I screamed.
"Lil' bitch can't even take a vibrator!" Kirk laughed.
Oddly enough, his name for me hurt more than the vibrator. Tears welled, threatening to spill over my cheeks. My legs twitched as I screamed, trying to squirm away from the torture. You could barely tell I was moving by how hard they held me down.
"Fuuck! P-please! Stop! Stop!"
"Uh-uh little girl, you don't tell us what to do."
A smug grin flooded James face as he whispered in my ear.
"Fuck. And to think you don't want this." Robert said. He kept on hand on my thigh while he swirled his pointer finger over my stomach. He nodded at Lars, who shifted the vibrator up so my hole was on display.
"So wet for someone who's begging for us to stop," he mocked. He gently pushed his pointer finger inside, making me scream even louder.
"Oh fuck. So tight she would bleed around a fucking pen."
"That's right little girl, keep screaming for Rob." James said before taking his hand off my shoulder and sliding it down my stomach.
His finger soon joined Robert's, thrusting at the same time.
"If she's this fucking tight around two fingers, just imagine how tight she'll be around two dicks." James breathed. Just below the table, I could see his obvious bulge, looking like it was about to pop both the button and zipper of his jeans.
"There's our girl!" Robert said happily before pulling out his finger to shove in my face. It was covered to the bottom knuckle with smooth, deep blood.
"You a virgin, sweetheart?"
I could barely scream out a yes, but he knew from my shattered words.
"Oh my fucking god. Who picked this one out?" Kirk asked.
Robert raised his eyebrows at Kirk before laughing.
Kirk laughed out, "Props to you, man! Beautiful and a virgin!"
They ignored me as I groaned out, my throat burning from my screams.
"P-please..." Kirk looked my way as the other three continued their assault.
"Keep beggin' sweetheart. You look so fuckin' pretty when your mascara runs."
Over the next few minutes orgasm after orgasm was brutally pulled from me with just the vibrator and their fingers. When Lars finally backed up and pulled the vibrator from my tortured clit, I sighed so loud it sounded like a moan.
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eeeeuuughggg · 3 months
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the whole confession thing
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anon: “ LET ME BE UR FIRST ANON😜 ill be 🎸 but anyways i loved ur larry general headcanons, i would love to see some headcanons of how you think he would confess his feelings, im a sucker for confessions🤭 ”
notes: THANK YEWWW omg i needed something to get me back into writing ur a saviour (i forgot to make it headcanons OOPS)
w/c: 478
warnings: none
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You and Larry were sitting outside 7-Eleven, slurpees in hand and your backs uncomfortably pressed against the brick wall. He's listening to you a lot more than he normally seems to be, because it feels like you're the only one that's really talking— and that's unusual. You wanna know why? Larry never shuts up when he's with you.
You turn to look at him, and that makes things a bit weird because he was already looking at you. He turns his head away and you sigh, brows furrowed in confusion. “Are you alright, dude?” There's silence for a second, and then he looks back over at you.
“Yeah, man, 'm good. Jus' chillin.” He hums in reply, trying to play it cool, and failing fucking miserably, which he usually does.
“..Alright, I'm just checking.” You murmur, staring at him for a second longer. Pausing, you add, “You know you can tell me anything, right?” Larry swallows. “Yeah,”
“I've just been thinking, lately. Like, a lot.” Trying to lighten the awkward situation you've gotten yourself into, you smile and poke fun at him. “You don't think a lot, do ya?”
“Shut up, man. I'm serious.” He groans, looking away yet again and down at his drink, focusing on anything but you.
“Do you really mean it, dude? Like, do you mean it when you say I can tell you anything? 'Cause, like, I don't want you to hate me, man. I couldn't handle that shit.”
“I mean it, Larry. Promise.” You're anxious, wondering about what he's going to say. Usually you can guess what's going to happen with him; you practically know him like the back of your hand, he's your best friend, right?
Nothing more, nothing less.. right? Right? Right. You reassure yourself that you're just setting yourself up to be hurt and zone back in just in time to listen to him.
“Look, man,” He turns to you, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I don't wanna ruin our friendship, 'kay? 'Cause you're like, fucking sick, y'know? It's just, like, lately, I feel like I don't want you to be just my friend. Do you know what I mean?”
Before you can answer, he cuts you off. “And if you don't like me like that, then that's totally cool, man, I understand. I just need to tell you how I feel in case you feel the same. I don't want it to be like, 'what could have been?', do you feel me?”
Beginning to start another mini-monologue, you cut him off. “I feel the same way.” Simple and short, and enough to shut Larry up. “You do?” He asks, looking at you almost dumbfounded. “Do you want to, like, do anything with that? It'd be awesome if we could, I dunno, maybe go out sometime. If you're cool with that.”
“I'm cool with that.” You smile.
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gayofthefae · 6 months
[shorter version of this basically if you want, also linked at the end if you want to read it as well]
Here's the thing though: Will didn't directly quote El and he never claimed to.
No matter if she said the heart line or not, to his claim, everything was more described as something he observed in her, the "different" section even being informed by his own experiences for him to be able to identify even within the idea of his lie. He didn't say "here's a whole monologue......end quote, -El". He said, "she asked me to make this and this is what it means, now here is my positive opinion and insight into the situation to bring you comfort".
No matter whether she told Will all that or not, at the end of the day, to us and more importantly to, Mike. It WAS Will talking. You passing along information is still you talking.
And, oh, doesn't it hurt. And, oh, doesn't it make you fall SO hard...the way that, yes, he's telling you your girlfriend loves you, but only he would say it that way.
Will is saying that El loves Mike but he's saying it in such a Will way. He's waxing poetry about how EL loves Mike but Mike is sitting there in aw and pain just going "I love a good poet".
Will thinks Mike is in love with the type of person to need him. But he is in love with the type of person to make him feel needed. No matter how you spin it, that's Will. Will made him feel needed by telling him about El, but WILL still made him feel needed because Will is the type of person to think of saying that. Even within the truth, only Will would come up with telling him that and make the choice to pass that information along and phrase it exactly the way he needed to hear, because you can phrase validating information in a way that makes it not work.
There's the Cyrano "Mike doesn't love El he loves the person who gave him the painting" argument. But there's also the self-aware "Mike doesn't love the person who needs him, he loves the person who knew to say it". which is something he would know now.
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It doesn't matter if he believes him or not because it isn't about the information. This season is about Mike falling for Will as he supports and validates him through his struggles. Before it was a few lines at a time, but here, it's grown to the point of Will responding to his self deprecation with a full speech, all just to make him feel better.
It isn't about the content. Mike is teetering over the edge every time Will forgives him, every time Will validates and supports him as he talks about the same relationship they fought about days ago, because that's just the type of person Will is. It's the concept. So this moment, the moment when Will hears Mike insulting himself and pulls out every stop he has in his book to convince him out of it, is what finally makes him take the final plunge and fall.
And maybe one of the stops he pulled out was the fact that El told him how much she loved Mike. It doesn't matter if it's the truth. Nothing matters but that Will was the one who did it.
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El had the painting made as a sweet, romantic gift because she missed him, but that's more in line with the flowers he gave her. Will was the one who knew how to use it. He IS in love with the person who gave it to him and NOT the person who had it made, because the person who gave it to him is the one who made it mean so much more.
When I look at this face, I see "you did this for me".
Will lied, Will told the truth, El made the painting, Will made the painting, who needs Mike? It's all much simpler than that. It boils down to all things that Mike already knows: He was sad. Will immediately and passionately did everything in his power to make him feel better, validating him and continued to talk until he ensured that Mike felt like enough. Because that's the type of person Will is.
Mike is already in love with Will and he knows it, regardless of him lying, because he never cared about the lie in the first place. He is in love with the fact that Will told him. And he is goddamn far gone because Will is sitting there telling him "El is in love with you" and he is sitting there thinking "You are so kind for telling me that, this is why I'm in love with you".
I just realized. It's just show vs tell again. El told Will (supposedly). Will showed Mike.
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Hm, I wonder how Leelathae writes in her diary? I mean, does she write them in just dialogue, or narrative, or what? Either she is writes in dialogue, or she described the witch pretty well for Gwen to recognize who the witch is.
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I mean, I didn't expect these ingredients, but sure. Does this imply there's a cemetery near The Pastel Kingdom? Cause Leelathae isn't allowed to be far from home, right? And I doubt she would ask someone to get dirt from cemetery for her...
I wonder what Leelathae plan was? Cause she didn't get the chance to execute it since her portrait was stolen by Leland. Or maybe she did execute it while in the Plaid Kingdom?
I agree with the witch so much. The painters fr did Leelathae dirty 💀
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Huh. How does the ingredient turn into a paint-like liquid?? None of the ingredients are liquid based. Maybe the dirt?
This whole spell thing is sick man. It's so dang cool!! I wonder if anyone notices Leelathae sparkling?? I mean, one of the maids has got to notice right?
Also I've never knew there's tea inside snickerdoodles (chai is tea, right?). Well, it's not like I've ever tried snickerdoodles, but last time I read the recipe, I don't remember tea being in the recipe. But that was years ago so it might just be my memory.
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Well, the mystery of the portrait is finally solved! And yet there's another mystery.. what writing did Leelathae put behind her portrait? Yes, the diary is one of them, but there are other things too. Like those brown and green papers. I'm guessing it's a message toward her kids?
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Ohh, that's why!! Leelathae was glowy because of the spell!
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BRUH SO WAS IT LIKE, A MISUNDERSTANDING THIS WHOLE TIME?? I did kinda predict it in my really old post, but I was joking T_T
Something's kinda bothering me about what Leelathae said in her 3rd wish. Why is she only talking about her daughters? What about Jamie? Or is there a hidden meaning that I am not getting here? If someone would enlighten me, that would be nice.
Aw. It's actually pretty sweet when you think about how they didn't even know how to speak to each other at first, but they still fell in love with each other <3
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Oh. Oohhh....okay. This doesn't justify what Leland is doing right now, but it sure give a big reason for it. Yikes. Damn. That must've hurt.
Okay okay, let me just remember the past episodes to realize all the causes here.
Leland's parents died due to tragic carriage accident (didn't a carriage accident happen more than once? Tho I can't remember to who besides Leland's parents)
His best friend, Jack, didn't arrive to Leland's parents' funeral, which is the moment he needed him the most (not Jack's fault though, since he was literally stranded in an island)
Leland obviously has a little crush on Jack, which is why it hurts him when he found out Jack brought Leelathae to Pastel Kingdom (again, not Jack's fault). I think this is where he jealousy starts, the point where Leland thinks he has to be better at every love things than Jack.
He overheard Jack saying he didn't need him, which is probably the nail in the coffin for Leland. I mean that monologue Leland has? That's kinda internal mental breakdown right there. (I gotta say, this scenario is kindaaa similar to Gwen overhearing Frederick calls her ugly. I wouldn't say it's the exact same thing of course. It's just the overhearing that makes it similar)
So! Looking at these 4 reasons, it is highly likely that Leland has some problems (no shit sherlock). HEAR ME OUT. I don't know what it is yet. I was thinking of abandonment issues, but I have yet to read much about it, so i'm not sure yet.
HAH! Glad Leelathae decided to haunt his dreams tho!
OH SHIT OH SHIT. NAH LELAND NAHHHH. HE BETTER NOT. ....well at the time i'm writing this the next episode is already out so.. guess we're gonna find out...IN THE NEXT REVIEW!!
Yeah I haven't read the episode yet lol. I bet it's gonna be chaotic though.
That's it for now, until next time.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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bunniekittiee · 1 year
Would it be easy to escape from Chop Top? I would love to see something from him because there aren't many writings... and the same from Nubbins
And by the way, I really like your writing, how you handle the characters and especially Johnny. ♡♡
What would Chop Top be like with his s/o? especially if she tells him that he makes her uncomfortable and that she wants him to stay away from her and even tries to find a way to leave so she can free herself from him...
I totally agree with you, there isn’t a whole lot of writing content for Chop and Nubbins and honestly they need to be in the spotlight too! And thank you! I enjoy writing as Johnny, the possibilities are endless with him lol
Escaping and being with Chop Top:
Like Nubbins, Chop Top has got an eye for trapping and sneaking.
He knows that he is quite skinny and doesn’t have the exact strength to overpower anyone for long periods of time.
Like yes ofc if he’s in a situation he can easily fight them off, but again, he and his twin are stick bugs.
Johnny and Bubba are the ones with the muscle, Chop and Nubbins are the ones that can catch/chase victims.
I think it would be hard to escape from Chop Top because he would do a lot to prevent you from trying to leave.
If he’s busy with orders from Drayton, then he will lock you in his room. He doesn’t fully trust you to let you roam, especially if you are known to run off.
And he would make extra efforts to have traps ready to catch you, even in the places that you can’t see.
He checks them everyday to make sure nothing else set them off.
He wants to trust you, but he has a hard time doing so because of how often you reject his advances.
He loves it when you put up a fight, he thinks it’s a game and it’s fun.
But after a while, he will get upset, especially if you antagonize him.
If he’s in a bad mood, he will become angrier and be ruthless.
He can be very hyper and will keep you up for long periods of time with his monologuing and talking.
Is a light sleeper, so if you were to move around too much, he will wake up.
Isn’t upset if you wake him up, but he gets worried that you are trying to leave.
“Get away from me you sick fuck!” you yelled out, lunging at him with your hands tied behind your back.
He frowned. “I’m tryin’ to be s-sweet on ya’, ya’ make this difficult!”
“Fuck you!”
His eyes burned with irritation. “That’s not nice at all, w-what’s with ya’? I’m doing everythin’ I can to be nice, but you make it so hard!”
“You make me uncomfortable. You’re disgusting! You and your whole family!” you screamed.
His heart felt a pang as you said these words, but his face was screwed up in anger. “Well ain’t th-that somethin’ sweetheart. Yer’ gonna’ fuckin’ get used to it w-whether ya’ like it or not!”
“Eat a fuckin’ dick!”
He slapped you. Hard. His unique eyes were narrowed and he frowned. “Watch yer’ mouth. Ya’ do realize I’m the only p-person keepin’ ya’ alive, right?”
“I don’t care. I don’t want anything to do with you! Just stay away!” you replied back, your cheek flaming red and stinging from his hit.
Glaring at you, he got up from the bed and left, locking the door behind him and leaving you in the cold atmosphere of his bedroom. Although he had decorated it to be comfortable, it was not comfortable for you. It was foreign.
He was hurt. All he wanted was for you to come around and enjoy being with him. He had to convince Drayton to keep you, and even then, Drayton bitched often at him to kill you. Get it over with. She was just another girl. But to Chop Top, you were much more than that. He had taken a liking to you and thought you would be a great addition to the family, but it was real hard to convince them to believe that when you rejected everything he tried to give you. He was starting to wonder if it was even a good idea in the first place to keep you.
After a few hours of Chop watching tv and you falling asleep, he retired to his bedroom that you laid in. Gently opening the door, he peeked inside to see your slowly-breathing form. He loved you when you were motionless, in a weird morbid way, but it was when you did not reject his advances. Your body would cuddle into him and find his warmth. That was, until you woke up and recoiled into a corner. So he cherished the moment, slipping inside the bed next to you. You did not awake from his movement.
Late into the night, you woke up with an incredible pressure on your bladder that was quite uncomfortable. Chop Top had an arm snaked around your waist which disgusted you. You started to squirm around and awoke him.
“Wh-what’s got ya’ all squirmy?” he asked sleepily.
“I need to pee.” you replied dryly.
He sighed quietly. “A-alright. Come on then.” He got up from the bed and led you out to the bathroom, waiting outside the door to give you some privacy which was new. The house was dark, adding to your paranoia. Relieving yourself, you glanced around the bathroom and got an idea. You could easily crawl out the window.
“What’s t-t-takin’ ya’ forever?” Chop questioned as he yawned. “Ya’ got me fallin’ asleep out here, hehe.”
You had the sink running as you gently pried the window open. It creaked, making you cringe slightly as you glanced at the bathroom door, but he did not hear it. Sliding your body through the tight space, you thudded onto the ground outside. This was your escape. You could leave. You got up quickly, running as fast as your feet could take you to an exit. It was dark and hard to see, but you maneuvered around sound makers. You did not want to alert the family.
Chop Top was getting impatient. What the hell was taking you so long to pee?
“Are you almost done?” he asked as he started to pick at the lock. The water was running but he did not hear you answer him back. Swinging the door open, his eyes widened as he saw the bathroom window was open. You escaped. You were gone.
Adrenaline pumping, he started to get out the window himself, screaming for Bubba to get his chainsaw like a banshee. He was not letting his prey get away.
You heard his yelling and took off faster, panting as you whipped your head around to make sure there was no one else chasing you. The sounds of Bubba’s chainsaw made your blood run cold. It was only a matter of time before he was mutilating your body with it. You glanced behind you and saw Chop Top gaining on you. He was fast, faster than you remembered.
“G-get back here!” he yelled while running. “Yer’ only g-gonna’ make it worse for ya’!”
The cold ground welcomed you as you fell hard. A warm, heavy body tackled you, slicing their knife on your leg and grinning wildly. “Hey there! Hahaha!”
“Get the fuck off!” you screeched as you tried to fight Johnny off of you.
“D-don’t hurt her ya’ m-motherfucker!” Chop Top screamed as he drew nearer and nearer.
“I ought ta’ put ya’ out of your misery, huh? Givin’ us a headache for no reason.” Johnny said smoothly as he held the knife to your throat. Bubba’s whirring chainsaw was much closer now. “You’re easily replaceable.”
“Johnny don’t fuckin’ hurt her!” Chop Top pushed Johnny off. “G-God fuckin’ dammit!”
He noticed your leg was wounded from the boy’s hunting knife. Nubbins ran up to Chop Top. “Ya’ got her brother?”
“Johnny wh-what the fuck did I say about h-hurting her?!” He yelled, getting up as he faced the young burly man.
“She fuckin’ escaped because of ya’ and your incompetence.” He spat at Chop, pointing his knife at him. “I should fuckin’ kill her, I’m the one who caught her.”
You whimpered as Johnny’s iron grip tightened on your wrists. Chop Top pulled out his own knife, waving it in Johnny’s face. “She’s mine, Johnny. So ya’ f-fuckin’ let her go and let me deal with her. She is not yer’ fuckin’ victim.”
Johnny stared hard at Chop Top, a weird staring contest between the two. Johnny sighed, getting up from you and shaking his head. “Whatever. Next time, I won’t be so fuckin’ nice about it.” He spit on the ground and stomped to the house, angry that he lost this fight.
Chop sighed as he put his knife away. “Come on, let’s get you up.”
Your leg was in a lot of pain from the slash Johnny gave you. Bubba made concerned noises at your state, tilting his head at you. Nubbins giggled to himself. “Lotsa’ blood. Hehehe. Blood.”
Your captor, yet savior, helped you up and held you close to him. He waved off his siblings and began to walk back with you slowly. As much as he was upset, he did not want you to get hurt. Especially by his family.
He carried you up the stairs, making sure to avoid hitting your leg on anything. He did not like to see you like this. You had the ghostly trace of tears on your face as you closed your eyes, waiting for death or for some relief. Sissy peeked out of her room and saw your sliced leg.
“Aww, poor darlin’,” she said as she got closer. “Want some help with her wound?”
“S-sure Sissy.” Chop replied quietly as he went into his room, setting you on the bed.
They both worked on your leg together, Chop Top stitching it up as carefully as possible as Sissy rubbed different soothing medication. You felt the pain begin to numb out. Sighing quietly with relief, you closed your eyes once more.
“Johnny just hates to lose a victim.” Sissy conversed while working. “He’s gonna’ be sulkin’ for a while about this.”
“She a-ain’t his victim.” Chop Top replied. “She’s mine.”
“Try tellin’ that to a man who enjoys killin’ more than anythin’ else in his life.” she said sarcastically. Chop Top let out a small chuckle.
Eventually finishing your leg, Sissy bid her goodbyes and left the two of you together. You opened your eyes and made eye contact with Chop Top. His eyes were swimming with irritation and fear. “Don’t ever do that again. Don’t kn-know what I would do w-without ya’.”
You nodded solemnly. He was right. They were out to kill her at any moment. But he saved her. He fought for her. That was… nice. The nicest thing he had done for you since he captured you.
“Thank you.” you murmured quietly as he sank onto the spot next to you.
“Don’t th-thank me.” he said back. “I w-would do it a th-thousand times over again.”
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wellntruly · 1 year
M*A*S*H - Season 11, misc. notes
It’s the last notes! Well, let’s be specific: the last notes I took as I was watching the show for the first time, THAT'S ALL.
As such, I’m taking this moment to editorialize on how I’ve editorialized, or perhaps, haven’t, so far. Namely, that I think Frequently about some of the things I wrote in public about BJ frickin Hunnicutt circa S4-5, and am like, honey who are you talking about! But the answer is, I have to keep reminding myself, that was BJ! He really was like that, in the early days! I have to leave them all, as an historical record. I will perhaps add a note on a note. “This was true then; it would not be true always,” that kind of thing.
For a little while I was definitely shying off from recommending some episodes due to strangeness from BJ, and that is where I could have failed as a viewguide-maker. By their nature, episodic shows can being picked & choosed, and through that, you can hide things. Or try to. I actually think that if I'd tried that would only have made it stranger, the way it would have still bubbled through just in these odd, off-handed moments, without the reference points of the wildest flights to allow you to say, ah yes, sometimes he is this way. 
And sometimes he isn’t! And yes, in my initial episode list (though babe, are the B-sides ever comin’), I admittedly have gone from a six or seven episode run of probably the most lovable late-seasons BJ, culminating in one that really hammers you with sweetness (& obsession) and tragic mystery, to then plummet directly into his unhinged (& tragic mystery) behavior in ‘Goodbye, Farewell and Amen’, and I do think that will play pretty beautifully, for all that this does mean that I did skip folks past the episode in Season 11 that had me going, oh, so that man is insane-insane, and that angle on Beej has its value too (the darkness!!!)
Anyway more on that below, in the Final Watch Notes. (I keep laughing, this is so not final.)
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Ohhh what the FUCK is this now. Every damn season with re-orchestrating the theme!
The gulf between the S3 episode where the nurses leave and the men are all so dejected because they wanna flirt, and this one where the nurses leave and the men are all losing it because they can’t do their jobs without them: cavernous
I love Nurse Kellye so, SO much, her monologue in this about her qualities and interests is The Greatest, the overall plot line that she has a secret crush on Hawkeye: no good. 😅 Resolution of that though, of her being too busy now hooking up with the young officer from the inspection: I laughed so heartily. Now that was a genius bit of writing.
If the Halloween episode’s turn into ghost and goblins stories gets properly eerie I’m gonna get mad, because that will be good, and then I’ll have to recommend this one even with the tedious beginning. [Ed. note: I didn’t]
Hoooooooohhhhhhh, spear bone is something I was Not ready for…!
Hey, it’s finally 1953
“He’s got a shoulder big enough for the whole world to lean on,” and other Hawkeye-on-Sidney lines that make my heart hurt.
Cannot express how much I want nothing to do with the shortened credits
It is so fascinating how they recycle the supporting actors. Personally to me this adds to the time-loop quality: things come back a little different this time, people are arranged a different way, but the cast of characters is the same. They’re all trapped in the snow globe, none of them get out when it shakes.
I think Charlie is like, fully in love
Wait a second, IS this Jeffrey Tambor???
Charles you gotta be kidding me
Here to report that I had an entire heart attack over the Japanese ‘Happy Days Are Here Again’ cover starting 'The Joker is Wild' like we were back in early days, and then [Mulaney voice] it got worse!
Hawkeye: [mentions that he and Trapper used to pull a lot of jokes together] Promptly, through my hands: “Don’t do this to me.” BJ, smiling too much: “You and Trapper were quite the pair weren’t you?” Hawkeye, relenting: “Yes! Yes, we were!” Hands now just hanging in the air like I’m being held up, rapidly: “Don’t do this to me, don’t do this to me, don’t do this to me!”
Klinger, eyes warm at Pierce: “Seems to me the pranks used to be more original in the old days.” BJ, still smiling big and cold: “Awww the good old days, you mean like when Trapper was here?” We can’t do this!!!! I’m literally shaking!!!
Hawkeye: “Well that would be incredible, because I would love to see you sing ‘You’re the Tops’ without your bottoms.” BJ: “Haha I can understand that, Hawk, because anybody who’d want to get everybody, would want to get you worst of all.” I think this episode is going to kill me?
I’m gonna come out of this one with WHITE HAIR, Jean Valjean style. THEY’VE SAID “TRAPPER” SO MANY TIMES. They SO rarely do and I can never take it even briefly and now to do this, in this context!! It’s maybe the most darkly jealous BJ has ever been and it’s the literal plot???!!
Oh my god wait it really is, it’s ALL against Hawkeye, I AM seeing what’s happening here, aren't I. And the “getting” just psychologically torturing him for 24 hours, oh honey!!! And for WHAT, BJ, just because he admitted a joke he was describing was one of Trapper’s? Oh no!!!!!! It’s the literal plot and it’s WORSE. I’m laughing and weeping, jesus!
I CAN’T SPIRAL ABOUT THIS. I CAN’T. BUT. The whole thing about Hawk & Trapper was that they were a pair. That’s what both BJ and Hawkeye were saying in the first scene, them joking around together. And now, BJ’s retaliation is to make Hawkeye feel entirely isolated. Can’t trust anyone, all on his own and persecuted. Hahahaha I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW EMOTIONALLY FUCKED UP THIS IS ACTUALLY. Who wrote this!!! The same person who wrote ‘Period of Adjustment’!?? Wait actually who did write each of these BJ eps… 
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I was making a joke, John turn your location on.
“Take it off, Hawkeye! I wanna see some skin!!” Father stop
Anyway this episode destroyed my mind.
Oh okay, so second episode in a row for Most Deranged Thing They’ve Ever Done contender: Hawkeye hooks up with a nurse and then she’s fucking killed by a mine. Nope?!
Are they suggesting Klinger invented the Hula Hoop
Oh, no, don’t read her diary…
My feelings about every part of 'Who Knew?' are just, 🙃 this was a mistake!
Charles and Hawkeye both vaguely gesturing to their shoulder: “You know, the- the wound.” The only reason I would want more seasons would be that we’re finally doing Hawkeye & Charles and it’s so dryly delicious.
Potter to Hawkeye: “You’re witty, swave [suave??], you lean toward handsome—” He leans.
Uh, that’s horrible. If BJ gets this medal all he’ll ever be able to think about is cutting the rope. Wow yikes.
Yes, yes, Charles & Hawkeye making phone calls, my favorite thing they do together. This Roxbury joke……now that goes out to the real ones (people who have lived in Boston).
BJ: “We sit around here in our Hawaiian shirts and red suspenders, thumbing our nose at the Army, drinking home-brewed gin and flouting authority at every turn and feeling ohh soo superior to those military fools who kill each other, and ohh soo…self-righteous, when we clean up after them. Well good luck to you pal, I hope you can...keep it up. The minute I cut that rope, that made me a soldier.” Haha good lord this season is miserable.
Margaret's phone performance is the greatest. This mortgage party plot is…odd. And meanwhile the sweet lieutenant plot is getting incongruously intense and not in the high-contrast way that usually works for them. Folks I am sorry but is this whole season mm, a Mistake?
Alright, time to get hawt
They have such LONG. LEGS. Why is it so much more apparent when they’re bare.
How come the lighting and color quality in the film distributor’s office is making me nostalgic for something
Potter is wearing Klinger’s Toledo Mudhens cap and has his bird pinned to the center, right over the T
Hawkeye: “Klinger it’s all in your head, just don’t be hot!” Klinger: “Don’t be hot??” He can’t ❤️
It’s great when Charles uses his power (intimidating baritone blue blood) for good
Margaret just doubling down on their betting scheme like well in for a penny, go big or go home, is sending me
Frankly all three of these visiting docs are babes
“Our summer home is in the Berkshires, just a baton’s throw away from Tanglewood.” Second Home Lane [REAL STREET], Lenox, MA, CONFIRMED Winchester residence
I like that Margaret and Charles both have crushes
[haltingly] It would, thrill me, beyond measure, if the kind silver fox Swedish doctor has a crush too, but it’s on Captain Pierce. Um, he needs that? I mean he’s sure not getting…. Don’t make me think about this…
[breathily] “So, you’re from Sweden. I’ve always loved Hans Christian Anderson.” Loretta help
Just gonna say: my idea of what the crushable Swedish officer plot could be, is honestly still plausible at this juncture! He’s laughing cutely at Hawkeye’s dumb jokes in the O Club! This injury-induced impotency story could be a careful lie, or rather, frankly, even a ruse, the carefullest of lies. If he asks for any sort of help with like, a pause, Hawk get your head on a swivel (and get on that, honey) (I'M NOT THINKING ABOUT THIS!)
Ohhh now the glasses…mega babe!
Mr. Dish and Margaret you guys are maybe being a little bit stupid though right, I mean you could still do a LOT
Thaaank you :)
Oh very fun, this actor’s last name was Holahan!
Hawkeye: “Charles, for the sake of our sanity, which is iffy at best—” Iffy.
First three minutes of this episode cumulatively more fond of everyone than the first 10 whole episodes of this season---hello Karen my girl
Wish the A and B plots were switched honestly
WOW perm! ’83 is here, baby
Loretta Swit invented Michelle Williams as Gwen Verdon after her vocal cord surgery
What are the void shoulder patches on some of these guys, kinda eerie and I've wondered
I really like Hawkeye’s vibes this episode. Not paying the expected deference to the general in such a classic Hawkeye way, meanwhile quietly very watchful of him and his injured son, and whatever is going on there.
This is definitely the most sophisticated thing they’ve ever done with a general. He’s humanized but also still a profoundly bleak representation of those who make war.
Charles is this really time for Mahler
Ohhh is the void just the I Corps patch?? Sick. The Voids are here.
Okay 11 seasons in it was time for me to finally find out what I Corps is anyway, and TURNS OUT they were already in my own fucking life, causing problems. They’re just an administrative corps, US headquarters at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, which straddles the major interstate that runs up Washington State, meaning I’ve gotten stuck in JBLM traffic For. Years. 
Being Mad at I Corps
The 4077 🤝 Me just trying to get to my parents’ house
Karen’s flavor of scheming BJ continues to be the best of its type. Lets him maintain his early days detail of being good at people management, it’s just for crimes.
Margaret: “Perfume! Charles! Oh it’s just so…scented!” Oh em gee
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This is very good. The two of them moving in on him, smiiiiling. The composition, Xtra Long BJ all folded up in this chair…
I spy: the cold weather coats
Margaret wants Charles’s book of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry, Sonnets From the Portuguese. Holy MO-ly!
Yeah :) it’s cold :)
“In the Bayou, legend has it that a selfish man will be possessed by demon bats, and never get no sleep ’til he does some good deed and mends his ways.” Rizzo…God bless u.
Beasts! Don’t throw beer on Klinger’s fur coat!
The B plot of the American soldier in the bed next to the North Korean he shot is very well done actually
Oh, full cassock, Father?
“Right on time. [points swiftly] I like that.” Harry Morgan :)
Wow that chopper pilot rules ass
I do quite like the Margaret v. Hawkeye time capsules thing, it feels very vintage them
OKAY! The fact of the M*A*S*H sleepover with Jody means I don’t actually have like, notes from the finale, I had a coupe glass holding a distressingly dry martini. But we’re cobbling, we’re cobbling! And that’s just a little cocktail shaker humor for you. (I actually have a Boston shaker.) (Charles looks up.)
I think the first thing I want to mention is that partway through Jody looked something up on her phone and was like hey, do you want to know who Soon-Lee is? And that’s how we learned that Klinger marries Keiko O’Brien. Yell!! Babe I hadn't recognized you!!! Anyway that whole plot, while sudden, nonetheless did have me going
And also unfortunately revealing to Jody that I do, in fact, do exactly this while watching this show. Always have! Never been more seen.
I also want to say just, thank god for Sidney Freedman. In every way. Imagine if we hadn’t had Sidney this whole time, if it was just some psychiatrist we’d never seen before treating Hawkeye? Weirdly, would immediately just feel, less real?? A fraction of the impact of how it actually plays out, where because it's Sidney, we know it's serious, but also because it's Sidney, we have something to hang on to.
Meanwhile, Hawkeye getting left by his best friend, again, no note, again, was like, this is nearly too much but also I’m falling fucking apart. Narrative cruelty in the way I 👍🏻 support. Top moments that have happened to Hawkeye Pierce that broke me in exciting new ways include: sopping wet in his clothes and Radar gives him Trapper’s goodbye kiss, and at separate tables in the mess tent, Hawkeye just trying to get BJ to say goodbye to him, and saying “What would you do if I was dying? Would you hold me and let me die in your arms, or would you just let me lay there and bleed?” and BJ just going “You’re not dying, you don’t even have a cold,” and walking away. And the way he goes “Goodbyyyye,” hey, I'm dying on the ground!!!!
Margaret is there for him at least. Yes, someone touch him, I thought, maybe said (Jody?), when she grabs his wrist in the scrub room and pulls him away with her. Y’know, I can tell you what I certainly said, and it was when they were standing there looking at each other and it’s time to say goodbye, and I sotto voce called out, because of the tightness in my throat, hand to the side of my mouth, “Make oout,” And They Do. And exactly in how I meant it: hold me bleeding in your arms, and I'll hold you bleeding in mine, here are my wounds pressed to yours, hearts, mouths, close as you can just for one last minute, it's the only way we know how to express it.
God, we won with that. Those two…my fucking heart !! I love them. They kinda secretly became everything to me? Oh god!
When I was rewatching the very end just now, BJ’s “I can’t imagine what this place would have been like if I hadn’t found you here” (found him there, he was just already there…), and then the ‘GOODBYE’ and the slow, minor key variation on ‘Suicide Is Painless’ started, just the simple horns like it was in the beginning, and rising up over the same view of the mountains as the ‘KOREA, 1950 - a hundred years ago’ opening golfing shot, and I sobbed. I know we say that a lot. I truly broke down crying, just set my hand to my face and cried so much. This show has been really, with me, you know? I started it so open, and it just, it got to me. I’ll never be able to shake you, either.
— — —
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kanato Dark [07]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Kanato: ...! Haah, haah...
I’ve had enough.
Of everything. All of it. Every single bitーー 
Nothing makes sense anymore. 
Everything is going wrong.
I am struggling to keep my own emotions in check,
even more so than before.
The whole time, I feel irritated. 
Of course, I know exactly why.
These powers ーー meant to rule the World,
which Father made me inherit. 
Because of these powers, Iーー
Kanato: ( If only I didn’t have these... )
( Then I would have nothing to worry about. )
( It could be just the two of us, surrounded by a bunch of delicious sweet treats... )
Kanato: Why...Why did this have to happen...Sniff...
ー Somebody enters the room
Kanato: Yui-saーー
Reiji: ...
Again, really?
Please stop acting like a lunatic. Haah...Just look at how much of a mess you made out of the living room...
Kanato: ...Shut up...Don’t talk to me...Uu...
Reiji: ...You are a disgrace.
Crying will not solve anything. You need to realize that you are now the head of this household.
...If you keep this up, you will never be acknowledged as a ruler by those around you. 
Kanato: ...I never asked for any of this...!
You can have these stupid powers!
Reiji: ...
ー Reiji grabs hold of him
Kanato: ...! You’re hurting me! Let go...!
Reiji: Face reality, Kanato!
Kanato: ...Uu...
Reiji: You can no longer turn back. There is nothing that can be done...!
Father chose you as his successor. Said reality cannot be altered. 
So make up your resolve already!
Kanato: ...Coff, coff!
Reiji: ...I shall have the Familiars clean up. Meanwhile you go and cool down.
*Flap flap flap* 
Reiji: I am counting on you all. 
*Flap flap flap*
ー Reiji walks away
Kanato: ...
I’ve never seen Reiji snap like that before...
( However...He also does not understand. )
( He can only say that because he has never had to deal with these powers.... )
( How dare he talk like he knows everything, when he’s not even in the same position as me...! )
ー The scene shifts to the park
Yui: ...Haah.
( Just like I thought, the cake shop was closed... )
...I’m sure they sell cake at the convenience store over there but...
...That won’t do, huh? 
Kanato-kun said that he’ll only accept the exact same one. 
( Besides, I’m sure that... )
( I doubt his mood will get any better, even if I buy him a new cake. )
Me simply being there for him,
will not get us anywhere. 
I came to the realization,
that unless Kanato-kun starts working on changing himself,
we will be stuck in this same situation,
As cruel as it may sound,
but if Kanato-kun is simply unable,
of giving his powers to someone else...
Then he has no other choice but to make up his mind and accept his fate. 
To learn to control his powers,
as well as develop a self-awareness of his role as a ruler,
so he can rule over the entire Vampire clan ーー 
That is exactly,
what Kanato-kun needs right now.
Because if things stay as they are,
he will only have to suffer...
Yui: ( But I wonder if Kanato-kun will be able to pull that off? )
( He is already incredibly unstable as is, so to accept his powers... )
→ It might be impossible
Yui: ( It’s impossible, isn’t it...? )
( I do believe Kanato-kun realizes that himself as well... )
→ Let’s have faith in him (❦)
Yui: ( Let’s have faith in him. )
( I’m positive...Everything will be fine, surely. )
Yui: ( ...Or rather, I guess there’s no point in me fretting over it by myself. )
( I know I should be discussing these kinds of things with him but... )
???: ーー Did you know that every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? 
Hey there! It’s been since our bathroom encounter, hasn’t it?
Yui: ( Kino-kun...!? )
ー Yui gets up and starts walking away
Kino: Eh? Hold up! You’re giving me the cold shoulder!?
ー She keeps on walking
Kino: Oh come on, I’m sorry about last time! So don’t run away...!
ー He grabs hold of her wrist
Yui: ...
Um...Do you need anything? 
Kino: My smartphone ran out of power so I’m bored out of my mind. So let’s have some fun together!
Yui: ...I’m sorry. I’m busy right now.
Kino: Eh? Why? How so? You don’t have some time to spare? 
Yui: I have a lot on my mind too, you know!? Right now that’s the least of my concerns... 
Kino: Least of your concerns? Did something happen? 
Why not try talking about it? I don’t mind listening.
Yui: I-It’s fine.
Kino: Eh? But...Hm?
How did you get this wound? Uwaah! Looks super painfulー
Yui: ...Well...
Kino: Come on, tell me. I’m curious now. Please?
Yui: ...Kanato-kun did it...
Kino: I see, I see. Makes sense. So Kanato-kun is the thing that’s weighing heavy on your mind. 
Yui: W-Well...
Kino: It’s fine! No need to try and cover it up now.
If I recall correctly, the explosion he caused the other day was pretty impressive too...
Actually, according to what Yuuri and the others told me, he’s pretty much deranged as of late, isn’t he? 
He became the head of the household, and on top of that he’s struggling to use his powers correctly. ...Fufu, must be quite rough.
Yui: ...You’re a Vampire, aren’t you? 
Yet, why do you keep talking as if none of this concerns you in the slightest...?
Depending on what Kanato-kun does, it could impact the future of all Vampires...
Kino: I mean, there’s all sorts of Vampires out there.
Take the guy I killed the other day for example. We don’t always share the same beliefs.
Yui: ( Which he killed the other day...? I wonder who he’s talking about? )
Kino: Huh? Could it be you don’t know yet? He’s related to your much beloved Kanato, I believe. His uncle, if I recall correctly? 
Yui: ...Don’t tell me, you killed Richter-san...?
Kino: Yup, I did! Put him six feet under. 
Yui: ...
( No way...How can he say that like it’s nothing...? )
Kino: I mean, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Just one hit, like taking down an enemy in a game? 
Yui:  ( ...How scary...What if I suffer the same fate as Richter-san...? )
ー Yui runs away
Kino: Ah! You want to play a game of tag? I’m pretty sure I’ll catch you in no time though. Oh well then!
A joyous laughter and cheerful footsteps,
echo from behind me. 
I wonder if in Kino-kun’s eyes,
taking another individual’s life,
is nothing but a game (ゲーム)? 
Will I perhaps...get killed off as well? 
I want to scream for help (助けを求めたい),
but Kanato-kun is not here with me. 
I desperately continued running through the darkness,
hoping he would not catch up to me. 
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i-sveikata · 1 year
I've finally had time to read the latest chapter!! I'm so excited!!!! Like I always feel nervous going through new chapter. Nervous for what is going to come and wanting for more horny VP.
I knew that the food wasn't from grandma! It's such a nice touch, how Vegas was involved with food in the series and definitely is his love language. I love how Pete finally decides to let himself have the pleasure he wants. I'm reading and thinking "aha! That's what she chose to change/leave in the story!" I'm constantly trying to figure out what events will be present from the canon and which not. Fully knowing we are mostly around 13 episode storyline of the series only bad things are waiting to happen. If I had a bingo then Bloody Vegas is being crossed now. Pete not wanting Vegas to die and tending his injuries is still waiting to come 👀 The amount of thoughts and character they received from you is why I still think The Graveyards are the best VP fic out there. Now they almost feel like original characters with how real you made them. Feels just like reading something whole, not just a fanfic.
They do match eachother and could be such a power couple. I would love to see Pete's darker side, more honest. Will his loyalty change when he learns who voted to kill him? (I have my opinions who was it 😅). I've smirked how quickly Pete went from "you hurt my friend" to being unable to resist him. Their bickering is what I love the most. And how Pete knew he wasn't choking him (cause he did it once already *cough*) and was just playing. They maybe are poor basterds but at least they get eachother unlike anyone else. My headcanon of them both being unhinged and fucked up is sitting so well with your depiction.
I kind of dislike Kinn so seeing him in a tight spot and being embarrassed by Tankhun was a fun time 😂
I'm going to patiently wait for more and simp over them for a while. I've been listening the unhinged playlist and I'm still shocked how much it's like "it's THEM".
I'm curious if you have already planned the story till the end? You said that you start a chapter by writing some scenes you wanted and then fill in the gaps. Are these scenes the spicy ones? Action? Plot twist? Or Pete's monologues? Or maybe it depends. I'm curious about the writing and thinking process 😅
Anyways. I've wrote a huge message already. So just going to say: Great job! I want more 😂 Thank you for writing and I hope the inspiration is going to stay for a long time.
Take care! ☺️🖤
Hola!! Omg I’m sorry it makes you nervous!! Lol but understandable as each chapter is A LOT. Oh so so true food is such a part of his love language- acts of service for sure! Yeah it’s interesting for Pete because the methods he was using to protect himself almost become the same things which are preventing him from being in the moment because he’s constantly overanalysing their dynamic and trying to figure out who is winning or dominating or in control at any point in time so he’s not able to fully let himself go. But we all know Vegas is desperate to help him lose control, relax and just enjoy himself
Oh lol that actually would be fun trying to figure out what’s still going to be in the fic vs what was in the show honestly I think most of the overarching themed are there but yes elements have definitely been fleshed out a lot more with a bigger focus on the characters and their emotional states. Which is kind of common for tv tbh- they never really seem to leave room for trauma and the characters addressing it. Lol yes can’t escape bloody Vegas the way he interacts with the world that is a given at any point in time. Ha yes might be wound tending for sure 😉 oh thank you that’s honestly so sweet of you to say I’m really glad you’re enjoying how in depth I went with this lol
Oh absolutely they could be SUCH a power couple if they learned to get out of their own way sometimes haha. Hahaha might keep the answers to that until the next chapter is out wouldnt want to spoil too much!! Omg lol the certainty in which Pete was like he’s not going to hurt me (and tbh he was totally right) there is a sense of trust and comfortableness that exists between them even if Pete isn’t quite aware of it/ acknowledging it yet. Oh yes they do get each other like nobody else v true! Lol they are both unhinged they’re a totally mess let’s be real
I get that! I’m not a huge fan of Kinn either so it is a little fun for the other characters to roast him for his behaviour m hahaha
Oh thank you I’m so glad you’re liking the playlist! Just fun to imagine their general vibe and it definitely makes me think about them a lot more if I’m like oh this song is so them 🥸
Oh good question! Well I am going to follow the show to it’s completion and let’s be real probably beyond that because an ending can always use more detail. Probably will be more of the same thing- Pete still trying to work himself and Vegas out and understand his feelings eventually. Yeah the process is really up in the air tbh I did start publishing way before I was ready so I caught up to my drafted bits much too quickly. I still have some future scenes already written some confrontational some spicy but yeah the rest is all floating around in my head somewhere. Truly wasn’t expecting the reception this fic has got so if I would change anything I might have waited a little bit longer/had a bit more written before I started but that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes!!
Thank you so much for your huge message I love to read them! You are all truly so kind and enthusiastic and it’s honestly been so great writing for this fandom ☺️☺️ ah you’re so welcome! Lots of inspiration still hanging about here that’s for sure!
Thanks angel you too!!
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carneflower13 · 11 months
perceives those character questions... how about ur man seymour anddd.. homura. variety. you don't gotta do both if you don't want
favorite thing about them: Oh god do I have to pick just one thing?? I love his hair, I love his glasses, I love his clothes, I love his voice....I love how sweet he is to Audrey and to his plants <3 I also love how he was immediately convinced to kill orin when he saw him hurting audrey like YESSSSS KING!!! THE GUY SURE LOOKS LIKE PLANT FOOD TO ME!! He is also so SO sopping wet and pathetic and that only makes me love him even more.
favorite line: "Hi, Audrey! You look radiant today~ <3" OR "Twoey, that's disgusting." OR "You watch your language!"
brOTP: i guess him and twoey but only in AUs where twoey is actually nice and isn't trying to eat the world. I would like for him to have more actual people to be friends with!!
OTP: Him and Audrey, obviously. Literally they made me believe love is real <3
nOTP: Seymour/Twoey or Seymour/Orin. He does not deserve that kind of suffering.
random headcanon: He has autism (just like me!) and his special interest is plants/botany, specifically weird and exotic plants (His monologue in "da-doo" could be interpreted as him infodumping). Also, he's prone to sensory overloads bc he gets overwhelmed easily ;w;
unpopular opinion: hmmmm. idk. i think some people give him too much credit for his actions. some people like to act like he was some secretly fucked up mastermind from the beginning but he's literally Just Some Guy who was talked into killing people by a giant plant bc his life sucked and as far as he knew, he didn't have any other chance to make things better. he was living in poverty and stuck in a dead-end job. he was desperate. did he make mistakes? yeah of course he did. but like. idk. i feel like everything was more twoey's fault than seymour's.
song i associate with them: "Put Your Head on My Shoulder" by Paul Anka. Its from around the same era the movie takes place in and I can picture him singing it for whatever reason.
favorite picture of them: LISTEN i have a whole folder of pictures of this man its impossible for me to pick just one BUT:
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this recent addition to my collection is pretty cute <3 he looks soft i just wanna kiss his cheeks and give him a big ol hug
aaaaaand now homura
favorite thing about them: SHE IS LITERALLY SO COOL. I like that she seems cold and distant but is actually feeling SO MUCH beneath the surface. I also like when she uses her guns or her time-shield thingy. OH and the sassy little hair-flips she does sometimes!!! ALSO she kicks kyubbey's ass all the time it's great. I also have a weakness for characters who have distinct "before" and "after" personalities (Homura's being her shy pre-magical girl/time loop self and her serious self that we see for most of the series)
least favorite thing about them: Her whole deal at the end of Rebellion is kind of weird I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it (I think the main series ended on a well-enough note) but her demon design is still pretty cool. Also she kind of gets into Madoka's business a lot like showing up at her window in the middle of the night?? It's funny but also girl what the hell are you doing?
favorite line: Uhhh I don't remember any of her actual quotes from the series so here's one from the legendary video Meduka Meguca: "MEDUKA DON'T GOOOOOOOOO"
brOTP: I feel like if her and Mami had a better, less antagonistic relationship they could be good friends.
OTP: Her and Madoka of course! <3
nOTP: I have no idea.
random headcanon: She is autistic and also a lesbian to me <3
unpopular opinion: ummmmm i don't know lol i don't really interact with the pmmm fandom much
song i associate with them: "In the End" by Linkin Park. I'm pretty sure I saw an AMV with her set to that song way back. Plus, the lyrics fit her situation pretty well
favorite picture of them: This one speaks to me
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