#Thranduil the straight man
dontfearrr · 8 months
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ask and you shall receive! @elia-the-bibliophile
i have a few warnings, i’m coming out of fan fiction retirement so bare with me. i didn’t proofread that well so don’t mind any spelling mistakes, i used some shitty sindarin translator on google so i do apologize if it’s incorrect, and. i think that’s all! :)
In my arms
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gif not mine!
Summary: Thranduil isn’t very fond of you and legolas’s relationship but nonetheless he bares it.
Pairing: Thranduil x reader
Warnings: small hint toward sex (nothing specific)
Word count: idk tbh i forgot to check
Category: hurt/comfort(?)
“final count, forty-two.” Legolas spoke matter-a-factly across from you as he ran his fingers over his perfectly crafted, elvish bow. You gave him a raised eyebrow and drew your sword in a blink of an eye, plunging it into an orc that had its axe raised behind Legolas’s back.
“forty four”
It was midday in middle earth, you and Legolas had volunteered to clear the rogue orcs that ravaged near by villages, burning and spilling blood mercilessly. It wasn’t often you got to spend time with him due to your other duties in Mirkwood.
The Woodland Realm had been your home for many ages, you were an elf but a fool in their eyes. Woodland elves aren’t the wisest of the bunch but nonetheless, they’re your home. Legolas was the closest you’d ever get to a brother, he cared for you as family.
However that could never sit right with Thranduil.
He was a stubborn man, possessive some may say, which is why you and Legolas’s little adventure wasn’t mentioned to the elven king. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest choice considering he will find out eventually, he had men everywhere you look. At the end of the day, you’re accompanied by one of the most skilled princlings you’ve ever came across, so what could justify Thranduils brooding this time?
You and Legolas were on your way back to your residence, small talk was made but you both enjoyed simply just each others company, even if it was in silence.
“and what do you suppose daddy dearest will have to say once we return?” you inquired, not looking up from the ground as the both of them walked walked. “something along the lines of ‘no one leaves here without my knowledge, i’ve told you many times legolas’ then send me off as if i’m some child” He mocked his father, which earned a small smile in amusement from you.
As you entered the throne room, you and Legolas stood near the doors for a moment, exchanging farewells for the day. He embraces you in a warm comforting hug as he always did before he let you be, smoothing down the back of your hair and nodding his head before exiting to mind his duties. You took a deep breath to prepare yourself for what was to come as you walked down the long stone walk way to the throne, which sat the most beautiful man you’ve ever laid eyes upon. He sat nearly diagonal, legs crossed with his arms on either side of the throne. Glittery gems littered his fingers and crown that complimented his usual flawless elven apparel.
His long white hair shifted with his gaze as he spotted the smaller elf before him. He gave her no expression which was expected. He stared, waiting for you to speak, you could feel his mood from where you stood, it reeked of attitude.
Thranduil had spotted the interaction between you and legolas, it burned a fire of rage inside of him, only he was allowed to lay even a finger upon the elf. She belonged to him. His mind raced with thought but never cracked even a sliver of visible emotion.
“my lord” you began to bow before him until he raised a hand, putting a halt to your actions. You stood back up straight in confusion and shifted on your feet, Thranduils eyes staggering into you.
He finally spoke. “i don’t think i remember warranting your leave.”
You stood your ground, after all, the king would do anything for this she-elf.
“orcs were bringing treachery over near by villages, surely you saw the fires, my lord.”
You dipped your toe into the water, testing him.
His eyes narrowed at you, his thick dark eyebrows coming together, he was unimpressed. “and what does that have to do with me?”
“nothing, my lord. Me and Legolas simply volunteered.” you took no more than five steps closer toward the tall man. “we both had a free morning, i see not the problem.” Thranduil uncrossed his legs slowly, rising from his seat. His garments fell into place, the long white, detailed over coat trailed behind him as he made his way down the wooden steps. You were eyeing him like the finest piece of treasure, his grace and royalty always intimidated you.
“very well. however, i see no reason why my son had to accompany you.” he challenged, standing only a few feet from you, hands intertwined at his front.
“i mean not to disrespect you, my lord, but i don’t see a problem with the company of your son. would you have had me go alone? perhaps getting killed?” you know he would react to that, and he did. A long sigh drew from his nostrils, getting quite impatient despite having lived for more than 8,000 years.
“Thranduil, it is to you.” he steps even closer to you and peers down at you like an animal hunting prey. “you two seem.. close.” he followed up, taking the knuckle of his index finger to push a strand of misplaced hair behind your ear. “yes. he’s the only one who will even speak to me in this realm, other than you.” you finally raised your head up to meet his piercing blue eyes. “he is the only one who treats me like family. a brother.” you continued to further solidify your point.
This wasn’t the first time you’ve had a conversation like this with Thranduil. He’s a curious yet jealous mess, whether he likes to admit it or not. This conversation was slowly taking a toll on his heart, nasty remarks threatened his throat and boiling tears threatened his eyes. He remained calm, the elf in front of him reminding him of his purpose.
“he touched you.” Thranduil simply said while tilting his head to the side a bit. If this was his attempt at intimidating you, it sure as hell was working. He made something in your heart weak, yearning for him. “surely you aren’t jealous of your very own son, right?” your tone changed, attempting to take the upper hand in this situation, and based on his expression, it was working. your crossed your arms behind your back and gave him your best doe eyes.
“i mean not to make you feel this way, you know Legolas doesn’t think of me that way, and nor do i.”
Thranduils hand fell from your cheek down to your waist, gripping fairly tight as if you were going to disappear. “i know my son shall never dare to try my woman, but you are special and you know that. it wouldn’t take a lot for him to change his mind.” At this point you were bored of the conversation, you only ever had eyes for Thranduil, but that is hard for him to understand. He’s not used to this kind of love and anything that happens under his nose makes him rethink every single thing that has ever come to him. you were his star.
“oh meleth nin” Your heart ached for the king in front of you. He has seen many a heartbreak. He couldn’t bare to handle another. You were much younger than the elven king, but you knew when his heart was hurting, and you were going to fix that. Both of your hands raised to his face, his skin was like porcelain, flawless and pale. Your thumbs ran over his cheekbones, he instinctively leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut. He may seem intimidating, but sometimes even the most wretched need comfort and reassurance.
“Legolas is no more than a brother to me. you need not worry. I pledged my heart to you a long time ago Thranduil and that is how it will stay.” you got as close as you could to him to where you could still reach him. Your hands never left his face and his arms came to wrap around your waist completely. “Im nifred i er aur im lothron ú- n- farn an cin.”(i fear that one day i may not be enough for you) He whispered just loud enough for you to hear. Your heart shattered at the broken man. You wished you could take all of his trouble for yourself so he’d never have to bare them again. His head fell to your shoulder, nuzzling his face into your neck. You’d never seen him so vulnerable before. You held the back of his head, gently smoothing over his hair and scratching his scalp.
“meleth nin, my heart and soul belongs to you. there’s nothing in this earth that could give me the love you do.” You whispered into his ear, kissing the pointy tips and they flushed red. You felt his body shudder at the action and held him closer. “don’t let a simple adventure spoil your mind.”
you lifted his head to face you and leaned yours against his. “im mel cin”(i love you).
Thranduil sighed in content and took your small hand in his, holding it to his cheek as his eyes fell shut once again. He kisses your wrist and opens his eyes. “i apologize for my behavior. it was unnecessary” he drops your hand and pulls you into his large figure, engulfing you in a warm embrace. You returned the embrace by holding him tight, breathing in his woodsy scent as you did so. your head just barely reached his chest, you felt like a princess in his arms. “your apology is accepted. you never have to question my devotion to you. Ask for reassurance and i will give it to you, sweet king.”
He released you and captured your lips in a soft but passionate kiss, he tasted of pine and elvish wine. you savored the kiss as your hands cupped his face, using your thumb to draw gentle circles over the points of his ears. You always loved his body language especially since you’re the only one who ever sees him express emotion besides Legolas. As the kiss ended, you smiled up at him, to which he returned but quickly was replaced with a huff of defeat, his eyes dared to close and his legs nearly trembling.
“you witch” he feigned the insult, merely joking as you gave his ears attention. Causing him to sweep you off your feet into his arms and head toward his chambers.
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Those Hands.
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Insecurity, comparison, angst, sexual references, mutual pining, idiots in love.
Comments/Notes: From the imagine, "Imagine that Thorin is in love with you (from the race of Men) but constantly compares his body and features with other men, thinking you find him disgusting." Requested by multiple readers and anons. (THANK YOU!)
I hope you like the fic. As always, like, reblog and comment if you enjoy. If you wish to be added to any of my tag lists, let me know.
Thorin watched every little interaction that you had with other males, whether they be Dwarves, Men or Elves. He couldn’t help but watch you blush, avert eye contact and use self-soothing gestures, such as touching your face, curling your hair with your fingers, or rubbing your upper arms. 
Since Thorin had been crowned King of Erebor, and re-building was underway, many people visited the mountain. Bard came from Esgaroth, often meeting with Thorin in council, to discuss trade deals and assistance in building. Much to Thorin’s distain, Thranduil of the Woodland Realm, also came. Again, he joined the council to converse around the subject of trade deals in precious metals and gemstones.  
Your relationship with Thorin was entirely built on trust. The two of you had been companions out on the road during the quest to re-take Erebor. He had always valued your opinion, spoke with you in private, and kept you close to him on his council of advisors. Erebor was now your home, despite you being of the race of Men. Your family were all gone, meaning that the Dwarves had now taken that place, welcoming you into the fold and treating you as one of their own. 
One morning, council was busy. Neldra, one of the kitchen staff, was on hand with jugs of cold drinks and pots of tea. Then once all the drinks were laid out neatly on intricately laced doilies, she came back with a trolley of fresh pastries. 
The smell was divine; you took an inhale and let the scent overtake you. Apple and cinnamon were among the selection: your favourite. 
You reached out to take one of the pastries, only to feel another hand graze yours. “I apologise,” a voice came, from the direction of the hand. 
It was Bard, from two seats down to your right hand side, who had stretched across to grab one of Neldra’s famous delicacies. “It was no bother,” you replied. “You first.” 
“Ladies first. I insist.” 
Thorin’s blue eyes studied the scene going on before him. No one else had noticed the exchange between you and Bard. Upon the impact of yours and Bard’s hands, Thorin felt a jolt in his chest. It rose up into his throat, and he closed his eyes for a brief second. The red hot sensation bore into him, feeling as if it were forming a hole straight through him. Upon opening his eyes, Thorin looked at his hands, then glanced across to Bard’s. The man’s hands were broad, but his fingers long and slender. Very much unlike Thorin’s. The Dwarf King’s fingers were short and bulky, with stubby ends. Surely Bard’s hands would have the dexterity and skill to caress your skin, drawing shivers from you. A Dwarf’s hands would be too calloused and thick to evoke any kind of pleasurable sensation upon a woman from the race of Men. 
Chatter continued, along with eating and drinking. In that time, Thorin tried his hardest to push the negative thoughts from his mind, and concentrate on the conversation at hand, which involved the realms of Erebor and Esgaroth exchanging skilled workers and apprentices. 
Thranduil was also present and merely rolled his eyes as the conversation got underway between Bard and Thorin. The Elven King did not like to waste his time, and being in this council meant that there were stints of time where his input was not needed. 
“Would you like another drink?” you asked Thranduil, picking up the nearest china pot of tea. 
“I would much prefer wine, but since I’m not within my realm, I would not say no.”
Thorin’s gaze darted over to Thranduil, and then to you. He saw you brush a piece of hair behind your ear, and then look up at the Elven King sat opposite you. Your ears were small, with one golden hoop earring in each lobe. Then Thorin looked at Thranduil’s ears; pointed at the tip, finely structured. They weren’t big, round and sticking out. Thorin’s ears were ugly, and thankfully he could keep them hidden under his long hair. Secretly, he had always imagined you whispering against them, your lips brushing them. It made Thorin shiver. 
Once council had concluded, Thorin left the chamber and headed back to the royal wing. Once inside and he stood in front of his full length dress mirror, staring at the protruding ears on the side of his head. Then he studied his large hands, thinking back to Bard’s. 
The males from the races of Men and Elves made you blush in a way that Thorin never had. Their bodies were more finely crafted, which complemented yours. They had finer features with smaller noses and brows. 
Thorin shifted back and sat on his bed, his hands in his lap. He took one more glance at them, feeling disgusted at what he saw. They would never be good enough for you. None of his body would ever be good enough for you. Everything about him was oversized, not delicate and handsome like Bard and Thranduil. Both of them had lost their wives, and may have wished to re-marry, so they would make better husbands for you. 
The following day and Thorin was sat in the council room, signing documents. His quill scratched loudly against the parchment. 
You walked in, holding a further stack of documents in your hands. “These should be the last ones,” you said, offering a smile. 
Thorin looked up at you. No blush on your face to be seen. 
“Is everything alright?” you asked. There was something in his eyes, a thoughtfulness. Maybe even a sadness. You sat down in an empty seat next to Thorin. “What’s wrong?” On impulse, you placed your hand on top of his. 
Thorin looked at your hands, watching your thumb gently caress his knuckle. How huge his hand looked against yours. But how right it felt, as if the size did not matter, and they were still able to fit together as one. 
“There is nothing wrong,” Thorin said, forcing a weak smile. “I hear that Bard is leaving this afternoon. Will you not be wishing him farewell?” 
“I barely know him,” you replied. “I’d feel it strange to do so.” 
“Would you wish to get to know him?” 
“I don’t know. Why do you ask?”
“Surely you find him handsome,” Thorin continued, pulling the new stack of documents over towards him. 
“Not really. Can’t say I do. There’s some reason to you asking this, Thorin.” 
“Why would I have any reason?” 
“There’s always a reason to anything that you ask. I know you enough by now. Talk to me. You’ve always given me more trust than I deserve, and never questioned me liked this before.” 
Thorin took a deep inhale and looked at you, dropping his quill. “Who do you find handsome? If not Bard, maybe Thranduil?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Why ever would you think I’m attracted to King Thranduil?” The whole idea was so comical that you couldn’t help but keep giggling. “It takes….” You couldn’t stop the giggling. “A special….kind of woman….to…..” 
Thorin also began to chuckle, watching your face turn red in amusement and delight. His heart somehow felt lighter as he watched you, and that overwhelming love for you rose. It was a love that would allow him to do anything to make you happy. It was a love that would make him sacrifice his very life to keep you safe. It was sacrificial and unconditional. 
You could see the glow in Thorin’s eyes and the smile which curled his lips upwards. He was the one you found handsome, above all others. The intensity in his eyes made butterflies swarm in your stomach. His proud presence caused you to shiver whenever he entered a room. His voice was enough to make your imaginations travel to another place where only the two of you were, locked away in comfort, pursuing wondrous pleasure. 
You edged closer to Thorin. “You said you want to know who I find handsome?” 
Thorin’s heart was hammering now and he was sure that you would be able to hear it. 
“It’s you.” Your voice was a whisper. “It’s always been you. How could it not be you? Why would you ever think I’d be attracted to Bard and Thranduil?” 
Thorin closed his eyes in embarrassment. “My features and body are not like theirs.” 
“So why would that not make you handsome?” 
“My hands…” 
“Your hands?” you giggled. This time a blush did hit your cheeks, and it was even more vivid than it had ever been when in the company of any other man. “You have found out my secret.” 
“What secret?” Thorin asked, shifting ever so slightly closer to you. He had never wanted you any more than he did in those moments. The very thought that it was him that you found handsome was making his whole being rise, but anticipation was now racing down his spine in shivers. 
“I have had a fantasy for some time now, since meeting you, of what you could do to me with those hands,” you said, biting your lip. 
Thorin couldn’t hold back any more and moved even closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek. His breath was elevated and his eyes were sparkling with so much joy, but slight fear. 
His lips crashed against yours and you both groaned upon impact. Within seconds and the kiss had grown deep, your tongues both meeting. You couldn’t help but whimper as Thorin’s lips left yours and trailed down your neck. His beard tickled your skin and then as he grew more impatient, you could feel the tickle become a bristling, sharp sensation. Your hands became lost in his hair as he nuzzled at your neck, groaning and grunting. 
Thorin felt your fingertips brush over his ears, and it drew an overwhelming shiver from his very core. 
“I love you, Thorin,” you said again. “Now show me what you can do with those hands.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @knittastically @meganlpie @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @luna-xial @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @sazzlep @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindedwriter @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee
Thorin Oakenshield tag list: @braidedheart @dumbassunderthemountain
Middle-earth tag list: @mismaeve @sotwk @emmyspov @valkyrie-of-the-light @deadlymistletoe
The Hobbit tag list: @flowerniche
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r0se1111 · 24 days
I would absolutely love to see a Legolas or Thranduil x reader with a comfort stuffie
I’ve had the same orange fox squishmallow for years and I carry him everywhere (his name is Kyle). At first it was cause I wasn’t doing great, now I’m just used to having him with me and I think it’s silly and I’d love to know how either on of them would react to something like that
Ty Kyle for your service *insert the saluting emoji I can't figure out how to inset on desktop here*
We're going for Legolas today!
I think he might be a little confused at first, maybe brushing it off as some strange mortal thing. If you weren't very close, he might just ignore your stuffie is there.
However, once your relationship grew he started to see how you clung to it in stressful situations, and held it in your sleep with such care. Maybe he doesn't understand it fully, but he respects the comfort your stuffy brings you. Who is he to deny a friend such a gift as that? He def sits your stuffie up straight if he notices its fallen, and if anyone teases you about it he's there to defend you!
I do see him subtly teasing you about it, in a nice way. More of a being silly type of teasing than anything else. If you bring your stuffie to meals, he would seriously ask it if it would like a second serving, or drop a quick have you tried the wine it's delicious its way with a totally straight face save a subtle wink in your direction.
Also if you dress your stuffie up as him he will shed a tear. Silly elf man (affectionate)
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bitkahuna · 2 months
Frodo felt sick.
Bilbo wanted him to spy on Kíli, of all people.
“I can’t believe the dwarf king is already spoken for.” One woman murmured to another. “With his prized halfling, no less.”
“Indeed.” The other agreed. “It makes one wonder.”
“Does it?”
“Halflings were always inclined to magic.”
Frodo rolled his eyes. Humans had always seen hobbits as odd due to the very existence of wildlings.
“They are.” The first agreed.
“And you know, the little heathens they are, sorcery and witchcraft is in their veins.”
“You believe it a con?”
“Verily. The king is likely under magic trance.”
Prince Faenim tilted his head. “Well, Master Baggins and King Thorin seem … committed? I know there is time yet to sway him. But should I fail and move on to another so soon, would this not seem desperate? Perhaps I should pick a more certain target.”
“Marry an elf, for all I care, just as long as they’re of good breed.”
The prince’s jaw dropped at the insulting insinuation of his wedding to an elf. “Mother, please. I only meant, would the young Frodo Baggins not be of better stock? Or even so, one of the many daughters of the Shire’s Thain? After all, this Shire, it would seem, is becoming more and more important. Would having a foot-in-the-door not be advantageous?”
Frodo went red, but at the same time, he appreciated it. He’d used Frodo’s name not as a genuine consideration but as a transitional option to bargain for his own marital freedom. Really, Frodo felt bad for him. His initial thought was that he was glad that he did not have to deal with such worries. But a voice rang in his head. “Prince Frodo Baggins”. Thranduil had said it as if it were so obvious. So natural. Inevitable.
Would these strange problems soon become his own?
Even if it was only a bargaining chip, Faenim didn’t sound unhappy at the mention of marrying Frodo.
But Faenim was a man.
The hobbit’s eyes became downcast.
As the queen agreed with her son’s sentiment, Frodo grew hesitant and uneasy. Surely, Faenim being a man wasn’t a problem. But Frodo had always wanted children. Bilbo deserved grandchildren.
It was no secret that the Baggins family, in the last few generations, had developed a propensity for not marrying or producing. He didn’t want his name to die. He was already deeply unsettled by the way his family had been thinned by the harsh winters recently. He wanted children, that much he knew. And deep down, he wanted to see the pieces of his parents that lived within himself to continue. He didn’t want to be the last of them.
Hobbits had always been fast breeders.
Humans called them rabbits for a reason.
His eyes scanned the crowd. Dwarves were quite handsy. Eager too.
He needed his parents. He needed Bilbo. He needed an adult to tell him that he’s still just a stupid child who doesn’t know what he wants and isn’t thinking straight. Frodo desperately needed for all of this to just be the alcohol talking and that he didn’t want this. For the grand conspiracy in his mind to be just that; a crazed conspiracy to justify his own odd and selfish desires.
Where were Merry and Pippin to warn him of the dangerous seductions of dwarves? Or Mirabella to remind him with her sad face that getting involved with a dwarf was a bad idea.
He looked around, and all at once, felt smaller than he’d ever been.
There was no one around, and he was invisible.
Who was he? What did he want? Why didn’t he know?
Frodo-centric chapter
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sapphoismymuse · 2 months
the hottest moments of lotr/th (in no particular order
Kíli calling Tauriel Amrâlimê
"What's this? A ranger, caught off his guard?"
Aragorn's dream where he straight up just makes out with Arwen the entire time
Legolas flipping onto the horse
Legolas single-handedly taking down the Oliphaunt
Thranduil's introduction shots
"I am no man"
Galadriel intro scene
The dwarves singing Misty Mountains cold
Thranduil beheading the orc "there was nothing more he could say to me" smiles and tilts head
edit: can’t believe i forgot thranduil beheading several orcs before gracefully rolling off his elk
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orgxnas · 1 year
The Fellowship and their favorite Classic Frat Party Bangers™️
No Hands by Waka Flocka Flame
This is pre-Ring Frodo, ofc
Y’all remember how he was dancing at Bilbo’s birthday? Yeah dude def likes to get down
I just feel like after he’s had a few drinks in him and this song comes on, he grabs Sam and loudly says “OMG ITS MY SOONNGGGG!”
Can sing the whole song with no breaks (just like me fr)
Everything by Pitbull
Sam actually doesn’t really like the music they play at parties. He thinks some of the lyrics are crass
One time this song came on at a party that Rosie was at and she danced with him the entire song. He has not stopped thinking about it since
The next day he went straight to Merry (the Pitbull expert) and asked him what the song was called and then he immediately went and bought the song and listened to it everyday for the next two weeks
Now he requests it every time him and Frodo go out just in case Rosie is there
Shots by Lil Jon
He is the Snooki of the Shire let’s be real here
Loves lil Jon. Thinks he’s a lyrical genius
He’s always up on the damn tables and the bar
“IF YOU AINT GETTIN DRUNK GET THE FUCK OUT THE CLUB” and Pippin took that personally
Spills his drinks on everyone. Gets into a verbal altercation bc of said spillage. Merry comes in to back him up. Now Frodo and Sam have to break up a fight
Hotel Room Service by Pitbull
Pitbulls no. 1 fan
Right up there on the tables with Pippin
Also spills his drinks but not as much
Has in fact been decked in the face for asking a girl if he could take her back to the hotel room for some *service*
Pepas by Farruko
This man has never gone to a party of his own accord. He has only gone just to make sure that Merry and Pippin don’t die
BUT once he’s got a few drinks in his system and this song comes on, he’s ready to let lose
I feel like he would love the Spanish songs (he can speak fluently I just know it)
Does his own lil dancy dance while Merry and Pippin cheer him on
Legolas records it for when he’s sober and they can all laugh about it
Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira OR Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado
Oh he defff likes the “girlier” songs
Once he has enough in his system to get that lil tingle in his hands, bro is right in the middle of whatever dance circle formed around him
That man LOVES to flip his hair all over the place like he’s really got his hands in his hair feeling the music and everything
Learned all this from his father I just know that Thranduil made sure his son was properly educated
Gimli gives him shit for the entire night
Get Low by Lil Jon
Oh bro definitely likes to get low
His drunk self gets SO HYPE when this song comes on
Climbs right up on the table with Merry and Pippin (falls off soon after)
The rest of the fellowship watches in absolute terror as he tears up the dance floor
Danza Kuduro by Don Omar
Will he dance? Who knows
But one thing for certain is that his heart is filled with so much joy watching the Hobbits go absolutely crazy for this song
He thinks it’s so fun and endearing watching them dancing and enjoying the night
It’s one of those simple things that he loves so much. Watching a group of friends enjoying each others company and celebrating their friendship with music and dancing
You know what he WILL dance let him get in the middle of that silly little circle
DJ Got Us Fallin In Love by Usher
He may be daddy’s favorite, but being daddy’s favorite is stressful
At the end of the week, he just wants to cut lose and get drunk
And drunk he gets
He just likes to feel the musiiicccc
Has never gone home alone LMAO
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eileenslibrary · 11 months
Winter Juniper
Thranduil X F! Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, Suggestive Themes, OOC Thranduil Perhaps? Male OC Love Interest Being A Prick To Thranduil
Link To M! Reader
Winter Juniper M! Reader
Link To GN! Reader
Winter Juniper GN! Reader
Hey It’s Me, Eileen, I am extremely tired, a family crisis has happened, so I am a little down in the dumps, I promise to get back into shape and get the mini-series out
Lord Visnue was a character to know, his deep brown eyes and his freckled skin, the robes he always adorned could compete with any king always coiling around him like water, always glimmering, the king has never envied to be someone else as he has at this moment when he could see Visnue place a gentle palm on your shoulder and whisper in your ear making a deep blush appear upon your cheeks, your outfit was splendid and flattering to the eye, your mask as bejeweled with gems from any pile of jewels in the dwarven kingdoms, your eye color shining in the cut of the masquerade mask your lips curving to a bashful smile, one he wishes to be given instead. He watches as Visnue pulls you to dance holding you close to his chest making your already blushing face only go pinker as the lord twirls you around, bringing you back to his chest each time it would be a joyful sight to many but to Thranduil, it was nothing but pain. 
Thranduil feels a tap on his shoulder and looks to his side, Elrond stands by his side as he watches the two dance “You should ask her for a dance Mellon Nìn” Elrond speaks, Thranduil sighs and looks back at you and Visnue watching him twirl you around “Perhaps I will” Thranduil sighs leaning his chin on his hand, he watches as Visnue twirls you around a few more times before he dips you as the song ends before pulling you to the sides for a drink, the Lothlorien lord leans into your space his face close to yours, Visnue places a hand next to your head trapping you against the wall Thranduil feel liquid jealousy pump through his veins, he suddenly stands his robes fluttering around him as he begins making his way to you having enough of this show, the elves and others alike move as he approaches you watching with curious eyes. Thranduil’s orange and silver robes glimmer as he stops in front of you, catching your attention and bowing. “My King,” You say to him making Thranduil chuckle “There is no need to bow” he speaks nudging Visnue out of his way. Lifting your chin with his hand to look at him you give him a small smile before straightening, he watches as Lord Visnue’s expression sours “Good evening King Thranduil” he speaks in a fake surprised tone that is laced with offense. “I can see you are both having a wonderful night as I would hope,” Thranduil says taunting Visnue to step out of line, his piercing icy gaze staring straight through the half-elf Thranduil focuses his eyes back on you along Visnue following when you clear your throat “My lords I have many others to talk to if you wouldn’t mind I must go” you speak going to turn around, Thranduil grabs your hand before you can leave “Surely you could spare a dance with your king, I wouldn’t want to miss a dance with you,” he says bringing your hand to his lips a faint blush painting your cheeks, you nod shyly as he pulls you towards the dance floor, he glances at Visnue and sees the man with his arms crossed glaring at him. Thranduil smirks as he places his hand on your hip squeezing for emphasis, the blonde pulls you even closer to his chest watching your
expression, a deeper red covers your cheeks as he clasps his hand with yours, the jewels on your outfit sparkling when they catch the light, Thranduil twirls you before pulling your back to his chest, one of his hands catching yours. The other clasps your other hand crisscrossing your arms in front of you, and he twirls you out and then back into his arms, the tempo of the song increases, and he leans down to whisper in your ear “Are you enjoying this evening” “yes King Thranduil” you say placing your hand on his shoulder as your right-hand clasps his left as he leads you through the other dancers, “How do you know Lord Visnue may I inquire?” he hums in your ear making a shiver run down your back “I met him a few months back while I was in the wood of Lothlorien” you answer, his arms encircling your waist as he sways you to the song, one of your hands finding a place in his satin strands, he sighs as you run your fingers through it gently, “I see” he says rubbing his hands against the fabric of your dress his silver and orange mask gently bumping the side of your head as he takes in the sweetness of the moment as the song comes to a close “Meet me in the royal wing fifteen before three” he whispers before letting you go and walking off to his throne once again. Thranduil sits upon his throne again ordering a glass of wine to be poured, and he watches you wander around talking with others. Visnue comes up to you again but is pulled away by Lady Gina of Gondor ordered by a certain blonde prince with a green mask and a black-haired king with a red mask making sure to keep a brooding Lord as far away from you as possible.
As the party winds down around two thirty he watches you leave through the hall doors the moonlight appearing and then disappearing once again as the large doors close, fifteen more minutes pass and he steps down from his throne the tips of his pointy ears a slight red as the strong alcohol slowly affects him. Thranduil walks through the same doors you had left through, he walks through the halls until he approaches the royal wing the guards open the doors to let him in he
ees you standing and a certain lord Visnue alongside you, Thranduil feels that horrible feeling again, he strides until he is towering behind the half-elf “Didn’t you mother teach you to not touch what is not yours” Thranduil says grabbing Visnue’s shoulder Thranduil you look at him with surprise at what he had said, “My king I see you decided to join us” Vishnu says clenching his teeth, “I did not know this maiden here is yours last time I checked she wasn’t, Isn’t that right Madame?” he hums his face falling into a smirk you gape at the two of them before angrily saying “I belong to no one especially if they act like selfish little boys” with that you push past the two of them walking down the corridor. The two of them watch you slip away, Thranduil quickly walks after you hoping to catch you, but Visnue shoves himself in front of him before either of them can get to you, two heavy doors slam in front of both of them. Vishnu huffs and walks to the doors and exits. Thranduil heads into his room too annoyed to go after both of you, he sits in front of his vanity removing the orange and silver mask from his face, brushing through his hair with his fingers, and undressing into a sleep tunic and leggings. He calls for a servant to bring him a goblet and some wine.
You walk into your room remove your mask and call for a servant to help you out of your dress, the gorgeous fabric of the back untieing and goes slack on your body, you slip out of the dress into a silk nightgown, and the servant leaves shortly after helping you hang the dress in the wardrobe. A knock sounds at the door “Visnue leave me alone” you groan a deep voice answers, one you had talked with not even an hour ago you rush to the door and open it “My kin-” he cuts you off “Thranduil you can just call me Thranduil” he speaks his eyes going over your body in the silk of your nightgown, “Thranduil, why are you here” you question “Isn’t it obvious?” he asks placing a hand upon your waist you scoff “I am not yours” you whisper as you avert your gaze “Oh woman you drive me wild” he says tilting your head up to
look back at him, “I misspoke M’lady” he whispers his gaze going soft “Thranduil I will not be a puppet to your jealousy” Thranduil chuckles “I would never make you my puppet” he whispers “I intend to make you my queen” he hums as he pulls you closer you gasp at his confession “will you allow me to court you Mel Nìn” You nod “words my dear I need words” he hums a smirk over taking his smile “Yes my king” he leans down kisses you, you both deepen the kiss. You both hear guards approaching, grabbing his hand and leading him into your chambers making sure not to break the kiss, he pushes the door to a close with his other hand.
Yes, I intend to make a part two for the smut and they will also be in two parts for male and female I do not how to word GN sex so I will do headcanons for you GN people to get a treat if you’re interested I think I am better at hc than writing stories IMO but I am expanding my Horizons, I am not doing it tonight, but keep your eyes out.
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amethystina · 29 days
I want to ask sooooo many qurstions honestly but I'll settle on these 3:
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Alrighty! :D
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Until Death Do Us Unite, hands down. No contest, whatsoever.
I mean, first of all, the source material is questionable all on its own, what with Moon Jo being a cannibalistic serial killer. And then I take it a step further by turning him into an undead zombie. And then Jong Woo proceeds to not only fall in love with said zombie, but also have sex with him.
I had to tag the fic with necrophilia x'D
And have a very serious discussion with my wife regarding zombie sperm.
On top of that, there are several murders, a lot of violence, Jong Woo's questionable mental health, and the kinkiest sex I've written so far in my entire fanfic career (which honestly isn't saying much since I don't write sex scenes often — and especially not of the kinky kind).
So yeah. Definitely Until Death Do Us Unite. Because it also somehow ends with a disgustingly sweet happily ever after? Like, it starts as a straight-up horror and turns into a dark rom-com before the end. I'd call that a pretty wild ride xD
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Not really, but I know that I write more often in the evenings. But that's usually because I have work and chores that I have to do during the day. And I admit that there's something very cosy about sitting down with a cup of tea in the evenings to write. The vibes aren't quite the same during the day xD
But what I like about writing during the day is that I can get a flow going and know I don't have to stop for hours if I don't want to. I also tend to be more alert during the day since the fevers usually don't hit until after 2 PM — maybe even later than that if I'm lucky — so I can be a lot more efficient and get more done if I write during the day.
I also really like the feeling of writing first thing in the morning since that usually only happens when I'm so excited to write that I boot up my computer as soon as humanly possible. More often than not, it's because I was writing the night before and the hours of sleep have both recharged my brain and given it time to process what I want to write next.
So I guess the real answer is that I would have a hard time picking a favourite since all of the scenarios are ones I experience and enjoy for different reasons. There isn't one I prefer more than the other since I just love all instances when I can write and enjoy myself.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
This answer definitely depends on my mood and when in my writing career I am asked this question. Because, right now, the answer is probably Kang Yo Han from The Devil Judge, though it would have been Thranduil from The Hobbit movies a couple of years ago.
I want to point out that this doesn't mean they're necessarily my favourite characters in their respective fandoms — just that they're my favourite characters to write. And there's a subtle but important difference. I love writing arrogant assholes because their quirks and behaviours are fun to explore, but I also tend to think they're annoying and shitty people xD
But I love to portray complex characters and the challenge of trying to do them justice keeps things interesting, which also makes them more fun to write. Especially when they have certain traits that stand in stark contrast to their assholishness. Like, Yo Han may be a literal mass murderer and a master of schemes and manipulation, but he's also a dork who loves people so fiercely and loyally that it kind of makes him stupid.
Get you a man who can do both, and all that.
So yeah. Kang Yo Han, I guess? xD
Thank you so much for the ask! 💜
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 29
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]
Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village Taglist: @captainchrisstan​​​​​ @rebleforkicks​​​​​ @yjrevolution​​​​​ @majahu​​​​​ @honey-wine @accio-boys​​​​​ @achromaticerebus​​​​​ @solomonssimp​​​​​ @tired-ass-show-girl​​​​​ @dreamlessnight​​​​​ @daddy-long-legolas​​​​​ @sleepyamygdala​​​​​ @coopsgirl​​​​​ @penguinlovestowrite​​​​​ @midsommar-nights​​​ @whore-of-many-hot-men​​​
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The journey through the forest had been hard going for the large band of humans who had joined Vermund on his trek through Mirkwood. None had entered here before, save for Vermund and Oeric nearly two weeks past with your father, and many were feeling anxious. However, when Vermund said something was happening, everybody simply fell in line. He had the control and he liked to keep it that way. He was not used to people not falling at his feet to do his bidding, thus he was growing more and more frustrated by you and your refusal to wed him. Who would turn down him?! Only a fool!
Vermund was strong, good looking, and rich as far as your village went. What more could you possibly need? Vermund had decided that you were simply shy. That you were nervous about living up to his standards and about pleasing him as a wife and a lover. He would have to rid you of such idiocies because it was costing him a lot of time... once he finally found you, of course.
He wondered if he would truly find you within this Elf King’s halls. Elves had a long legend in your village of being vicious beings who stole into human settlements and carried off maidens and children. Their dark elven magic was said to bewitch and destroy entire villages and crops. They brought misfortune and death. They would curse and kill and if these beasts had you in their grasp, Vermund would not let it slide. You were, after all, his. Rescuing you would no doubt earn him extra favour with you, too... and your crazy father. Though if he could convince you the old man needed to stay in that cell then he would.
He found himself beginning to hope that you were being held prisoner by this elvish monarch. What a prize it would be - to return home victorious with the stolen wealth of the dead Elf King in his possession...
...and you, obviously.
He hacked his way through the undergrowth of the forest with his sword, cutting away with complete abandon, caring not for the life of the trees and plants around him.
“This way, men!” He called over his shoulder. “Hurry! And stay close. This forest is evil.” Vermund’s narrowed gaze was fixed upon the path beneath his feet as he moved, doing his best to ignore the suffocating weight of the very air in this place as he trudged on.
It had taken them since before dawn to finally come upon the realm of the elves. Vermund had expected to have been set upon from the trees above as they had come closer to a grand entrance that could only be where the elves lived. They had found the place by sending a few scouts ahead to check the area. The men had come back to tell him that the gates were ahead. That they would soon be upon the halls of the Elvenking.
He stepped forward into a crouch and peered through the bushes, Oeric by his side, and scanned the area. Vermund was an incredibly skilled hunter and a very proficient fighter. Oeric was alright and the men behind them could defend their own, he supposed, but they were more used to farming and shoeing horses. Still, they were the only army Vermund had, and they could keep the rest of the elves distracted while Vermund made straight for the king. He didn’t really care whether or not the rest of the people he’d brought with him ended up dead. So long as Vermund claimed what was his own, he would be satisfied.
“Alright, men.” He muttered, standing up and unsheathing his sword. “You know what to do. Onwards.” He sent them ahead of him, charging through the trees, which is when Feren and the rest finally noticed the humans approaching, weapons in hand, and knew why they had come.
Vermund had grabbed Oeric by the collar before rounding up a group of others and gestured for them to follow him instead. “This way, lads.” He muttered, turning and picking his way through the trees. “Follow me.”
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Thranduil had turned away from you, back towards Feren. “How many?” He asked, snapping back into focus as he strode across the floor.
“A hundred or so.” Feren stated, glancing at you still standing in place, before he too turned and hurried after his king.
One hundred. Your village was made up of almost three hundred altogether. There had been more people before that plague had ripped through the population, but you were confused. Why were one hundred of them here before Thranduil’s halls? From the sounds of it, they had come armed, and were about to launch an attack. Why would they do that? Why would they lock your father up like an animal? Why had Thranduil kissed you? There were too many things happening all at once and you couldn’t give any of them adequate attention.
Finding it in you to move, you forced one foot in front of the other, and hurried after Thranduil and Feren, who were now discussing strategy.
“What is happening?!” You exclaimed, coming up to Thranduil’s side and grasping his sleeve.
He turned to look at you, taking a moment to study your expression. You looked alarmed and his hard gaze softened. “They picked a good time to sneak up on us.” He muttered, glaring in the direction of the entrance, where elves were now moving around, arming themselves for the inevitable fight ahead. “With most of us at the festivities, they were more easily able to catch us practically unawares.” He was gritting his teeth, angry at having let the defences of the kingdom slide. It was just one night... he was usually so on top of orders for the guards on duty... he was usually far more insistent there be more on watch, especially beyond the entryway, keeping eyes in the trees. He couldn’t quite understand how he had let it slip but Thranduil told himself he didn’t have time to think on it. “Your father must have told them you were here. They are readying to attack.” He turned away again, walking away from you.
“Wait! Maybe I can talk to them.” You said, running forward again and catching Thranduil’s hand with your own.
He stopped, attention moving to you once more, not letting go of your hand. “Talk to them?” He was frowning. In the back of his mind, his thoughts flickered back to when Legolas had told him to talk to you, when he’d thought you were unhappy with him. It seemed even less of a good idea now than it had then. Thranduil said your name gently, shaking his head. “They did not come here to talk.”
“Yes... I know.” You nodded, ignoring Feren lingering awkwardly on the sidelines. “But if my father told them I was being held prisoner and they believe they are rescuing me... I can tell them it is not what they think!” Thranduil’s expression was still unsure as you looked up at him. “I can tell them that you are not what they believe you are. Let me try!” You implored, practically clutching his hand.
Thranduil looked back at you for a moment, thinking it over. He supposed there was a little logic to it but he could recall what you had told him about the people in your village and their belief of the elves... and the fact that, from what he heard, they did not seem to hold you in such high esteem made him worry they would not actually listen to you.
Still, as you looked up at him with those beautiful wide eyes, full of hope and obvious admiration, he nodded his head. “Very well. I shall allow it.” He held back a sigh, turning to Feren. “Stay alert. I do not trust this.”
Then he turned again and, still holding your hand, led you along the corridor. He paused only long enough for one of his people to rush up to him and secure his twin swords to him, before he gave the order.
“Open the gates!”
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When the doors opened, the large group of men had reached the end of the walkway, weapons at the ready in front of them. They were prepared to run straight into a fight but what they did not expect was to see the king himself walk calmly into view.
What they expected even less was the sight of you, walking at his side, unbound, looking healthy and cared for. Looking, in a word, well. A far cry from all they had been led to believe they would see of you if they were to actually find you here.
Thranduil’s face was expressionless, blank, far-removed from the emotions bouncing around inside of him. He would not show it but the king was gripped in a state of disquietude. He did not trust that this was simply a group of angry humans worried for the safety of one of their own. If this were the case, where had they been these last weeks? Why had they not descended upon his halls the day your father was returned? Why did they look so surprised to see you standing there?
You moved to step around Thranduil but his fingers closed around your wrist and tugged you back to his side, holding you in place. You looked up at him curiously. As much as you had felt left out in your village, you didn’t really believe that these people would hurt you... you didn’t believe that they would hurt anyone once you explained what was happening.
“Why do you come through the forest to the gates of the Elvenking armed as if for war?” Thranduil’s voice sounded out loud and clear as he turned his gaze from you to the group of men at his door.
There was a silence before one stepped forward. From behind you and Thranduil, the sound of elven soldiers pulling bow strings taut in preparation to defend their king rang out. The man hesitated briefly but when no arrow flew and the elves were still standing like statues, he relaxed just slightly.
“Why does the Elvenking hold one of our own hostage?” Was the reply that came.
“He is not holding anybody hostage!” You cried out before Thranduil could say anything else or even stop you. You wrenched your wrist from his grasp and took a few steps away from him. “Please! You must listen to me! The elves have been nothing but good to me. Nobody is a prisoner here. Put down your weapons, please! There is no need for any of this!”
The humans blinked back at you, some shifting uneasily in the silence that followed your words. They were unsure what to believe, what to say, what to do. Just as the man who had approached opened his mouth as if to speak again, he was cut off.
“Do not listen!” A voice suddenly came from above. “The Elf King has her under his spell!”
All eyes - human and elf alike - turned behind and up, where Vermund was standing on high, far up on a balcony slightly adjacent to the gates. Seeing him, your expression took on a slight look of panic and you found yourself moving a little closer to Thranduil on instinct. Thranduil, for his part, was taken utterly by surprise. Never before had this happened in his realm, yet in the last month, twice had some low man come into his realm and somehow scaled his walls. Now, this goblin was inside, and he was furious.
“Leithio i philinn!” Thranduil bellowed to his soldiers, anger coursing through his veins.
Immediately, all archers loosed their arrows at their king’s command, aiming directly for Vermund’s head.
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Upon leaving the main group, Vermund and his band of men had skirted a fair bit farther around, looking for some sort of weakness in the defences - some way to get inside.
Vermund knew that with the focus on the men at the front gates, he had more chance of sneaking in undetected. He wanted to get an advantage and he soon found a place he could clamber up to, using the large trees to help. Up, up, up they all climbed until they were standing on some sort of balcony and Vermund was feeling smug as ever as he looked briefly around for something to steal. 
His attention was then caught by the happenings down at the gate. The sight of that King, standing there looking as if he were the most celestial being in the whole of Arda.
Then you! His mild elation at having finally found you at last was short lived. His relish turned to anger as he watched you push forward and... and actually defend that... that beast of a creature!
He had obviously bewitched you!
Vermund had been unable to hold back, shouting down before he could even really stop himself. It pleased him to see the shock on the king’s face and he couldn’t keep the smug smirk off his own at the sight.
When the arrows had come, he had managed to evade them. Vermund was out of the way before they reached him - and though he attributed it to his skill, it was actually due to his grabbing another man from just behind him and using him as a shield. The man fell from the balcony, already dead, pierced by many an arrow.
You stared in horror at the baker’s unblinking gaze as his body hit the ground. You grasped Thranduil’s arm, gasping in horror. Thranduil gently pushed you behind him a little, enough so that your view would be obscured.
There was the briefest of lulls and then it was as if all hell suddenly broke loose.
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feanoryen · 11 months
What you're favorite Targ man says about you:
(not going past Dance Era)
Aegon I - You're favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla.
Aenys - You don't care that he's a dumbass, you just love his wholesome vibes.
Maegor - You don't care about personality AT ALL.
Aegon the Uncrowned - You're a Rhaena stan.
Jaehaerys I - You're a misogynist.
Aemon the Pale Prince - You want to marry a Disney prince.
Baelon - You wish you had a brother like him.
Vaegon - You're a genius born into a nuclear family of idiots that you avoid at all cost.
Viserys I - You think it's ok to neglect your children just if their mother sucks. You were also 100% the favorite child growing up.
Daemon - You are significantly younger than your BF if you like men. You likely self-insert into him if you're a straight man.
Laenor - You love a gay icon.
Aegon II - You're either horny (if you're a show watcher) or you like his narratively compelling character arc and golden dragon.
Aemond - You had a Thranduil phase in the past.
Daeron the Daring - You have good taste.
Jacaerys - You are also a Jon Snow enjoyer (+ you have good taste).
Lucerys - You better be a minor.
Joffrey - I don't think you exist.
Aegon III - You have a soft spot for uwu depressed men.
Viserys II - You like actual chads.
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Thranduil and Josie Part 104- The Other Side
Summary: Emotions run dangerously high in this poignant packed chapter. Legolas and Josie share some heart rending moments. Narcisse is a hero. Raven is cornered and the tale she tells is devastating. Love and an unknown power saves Josie and Leann's life as Josie returns the favor with her love. Thranduil is in deep despair as he learns what truly happened to him and that everyone believes he is dead.
Warning* Language, violence, angst
Legolas got up after being dragged to the ground by Narcisse when the warlock took Azog's strike for him. Stephane wasn't moving and you quickly ran to him while the guilt ridden Prince stood in rue as he watched you frantically check him over. It was no secret that he did not care for Narcisse, but he had no reason to want him dead, and definitely not on his account.
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"Is he....." Legolas began to ask in worry.
You felt for a pulse and listened to his chest for a heartbeat. "No...but he's badly injured. He's bleeding from his mouth. Stephane?? Hey...can you hear me?" You stroked his cheek but he did not respond. You then began coughing uncontrollably and couldn't see straight from the burning smoke.
"Jo, we have to get you out of here. All this smoke is not good for you and your child. The fire is spreading and Narcisse is the only one with the power to put it out." Haldir swiftly took control and gently forced you up off the ground.
"No! We cannot just leave him here!! I need to heal him!"
"We will not leave him Jo. The remains of the barn is not far from here. We can take him there and get you both out of the fumes."
"You shall take Lord Narcisse nowhere!" Asher, Stephane's captain of the guard approached with his Dorwinion squad, tripling your 6 of you, Julian, Haldir, Legolas, Rumil and Orophin. Selene, Garrett, Aragorn and Gandalf left in search of Michael and Raven to save time while you tended to Stephane and the Lothlorien guard were out scavenging the De Lioncourt grounds for more threats.
Asher was the big oaf you and Legolas were greeted by when you arrived in Dorwinion the week prior, who assumed you and Legolas were married and that he was the father of your child and dressed as if every woman wanted him with his shirt hanging open down to his navel. If he only knew it made you want to hurl.
"We shall take him back to Dorwinion where he belongs. Step aside woman."
"Are you insane?? He will die! He obviously has internal bleeding and needs me to heal him!" you reeled and coughed some more.
"He....we...should never have been here to begin with! I pleaded with him to remain neutral but he just had to come and help you. This is all your fault."
"You know what? You're right, it is all my fault. But what's happened has happened and I am done wasting time with you. Unlike you, Stephane is an honorable, selfless man. I feel sorry for you when he wakes up....no, actually I don't. We are going to take him and I am going to heal him. Now...get out of my way...." You proudly snarled just like Thranduil would and then scowled at him with your fist clenched at your side, ready to blast him if he tried to stop you. You had to wonder what Narcisse ever saw in Asher to make him his right hand man. His physical strength and skills maybe, plus the fact that he was just a complete asshole was needed in his position. It certainly couldn't be for his brains.
"No elf loving bitch commands me. My orders come from Lord Narcisse only and I am to protect him at all costs. We are taking him home...now YOU get out of MY way." Asher growled through his teeth as the barely taller than you man stepped up into your face and slightly nudged you with his chest. He was clearly resentful of you and even more clearly stupid for what he just did. All you could think of is that Asher would be dead right now if Thranduil were here.
Legolas and Haldir both would be happy to end the arrogant prick as they raised their bows at him while Julian swiftly appeared at your side. Unlike your husband, you had no patience at being man handled after everything Peter did to you and you got the distinct vibe that Asher was just like him.
Without even thinking, up came your hand in full swing and your nails dug right across his face, instantly drawing blood.
"Don't you ever touch me...." you hissed with a death glare at him.
"You fucking cunt." Asher reeled as he wiped the blood from his face and gazed at it on his fingertips.
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What you didn't expect but should have is that he would hit back. He clocked you back right across your cheek bone with a closed fist, knocking you into Julian's arms. Legolas immediately fired his bow, sending the arrow straight into his shoulder and catapulting him to the ground.
"I believe I told you once filth, how to address the Queen of Mirkwood. Consider this a warning. If you ever lay a hand on her again, I will put my arrow through your brainless brain." Legolas snapped as he stood over the wounded warlock with another arrow pointed at his forehead.
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Asher glanced back at his squad. "Do something you fools!"
Not a one of them moved. Julian was standing right there at your side and they ALL seemed to know not to mess with him and it seemed more apparent that they did not agree with Asher's actions. They also knew Narcisse would flip his shit from being prevented of receiving prompt care. Asher had already delayed it and they knew he would answer to that soon enough.
You then stood over the helpless and obviously powerless warlock, as not all possessed magic capabilities. Being a douchebag must have compensated for that is all you could think of.
"If I know Narcisse as well as I think I do, you may want to see if there is possibly a big enough rock on this planet for you to hide under." You then squatted down and got in his face, speaking in a most sinister tone. "If Thranduil were here right now...you'd already be dead."
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"Get him out of here before my fingers accidentally slip." Legolas snarked to the warlock guard. They did as the Prince ordered while Julian and Haldir swiftly carried the unconscious Narcisse off.
You and Legolas turned to each other and simultaneously asked if the other was alright which made you slightly chuckle.
"I should have killed him." Legolas vented and pushed your hair back with his fingers to view the shiner beneath your eye.
"No...you shouldn't have. Narcisse will deal with him. I am certain of it." You then brought your hand to his forehead where he himself had a nice bruise, but the Prince swiftly nudged it away.
"Why does it have to be him?" Legolas reeled in an obviously jealous tone.
"So that Narcisse does not hold you accountable for any reason. Are you going to stay mad at me forever? I am worried about you Legolas. I cannot stand this animosity from you. It...it's killing me...."
"I do not need a lecture nor a keeper. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Worry about your vampire, or warlock."
"Really? I beg the differ. You do realize if Narcisse hadn't intervened, it would be you in his position right now. What were you thinking trying to take on that beast?"
"I was thinking about my father who is dead and missing, which seems to be the least of your concern." Legolas snapped and walked off.
Now you were just pissed and stayed right on his heels.
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Legolas kept trekking through the forest in silence as if you were not even there.
"Hey!!!" You grabbed him roughly and spun him around. "How dare you! How dare you say something so horrible and hurtful. Seems you're on a role with that lately. I know you are hurting and want to blame someone. I feel the same way Legolas, but you don't see me being spiteful to you. Thranduil is my entire world and you know that!! and so are you believe it or not. I am so grateful to Narcisse for offering to protect you... What is this really about huh??"
"As if you do not know." His eyes softened for only a moment and then his pupils dilated again. "This is not the time nor place for this. Probably never will be." Legolas yanked his arm free of your grip and continued on while muttering. "Do you not have a warlock to save and sleep with next?"
Your heart sank. "What did you just say to me??" you shouted in shock.
The peeved Prince kept stomping on while completely ignoring you. The fury that ran through your body was incredulous and this time you jerked him around quite hard.
"If you are going to say something so cruel and insensitive, at least have the audacity to say it to my face, you coward!!!"
"Fine! I said.... do you not have a warlock to save and sleep with ne..."
Slap. Your palm connected with his cheek so strong, it stung your hand. Tears poured from your eyes like a waterfall as you glared at him in emotional pain.
""You son of a bitch." you squeaked and cried.
The look on his face was of pure agony and regret. "Josie...I...I am...I did not...I do not know what came over me....the evil here...it is too..."
"Save it Leggy. You and I are done here." You then ran off in tears.
Legolas then did something he never did. He swore...and quite loudly. "Fuck!"
You came running into the semi burnt stable with a tear soaked face and bee lined straight for Narcisse who laid on a bed of straw still unconscious. Haldir noticed your distress and then saw Legolas standing in the doorway with turmoil and red marks on his face.
"Narcisse, can you hear me?" The warlock didn't move and his breaths were shallow. "It's going to be ok. I am here now."
You placed your hand over his heart and a soft ice blue glow pulsated from it. Stephane gasped in panic as he opened his eyes and tried to sit up.
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"Easy! Easy now. You're alright. You're safe. Try to relax." You softly told him as you held his hand with one hand and the back of his head with the other.
"What...what happened? Where am I?"
You helped him slowly sit up. "Azog. He hit you with his mace. Are you in any pain?"
He looked at you confused. "No...I do not seem to be. You...you healed me?" Narcisse asked as he wiped the blood from his mouth. His eyes then grew wide. "I...I remember now. Azog..he was coming for the elf...I pulled him away. Where is he, the boy? Is he alright?"
"Oh he is just fine..." you answered with strong sarcasm.
"I am right here and I am no boy." Legolas huffed and stormed back outside.
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"You're welcome." Narcisse shouted. "And I am fine, thanks for asking." He then looked at you. "Jesus, what happened to your face Jo?"
You, Julian and Haldir all glanced at each other.
"It is obvious you all know something. Will someone please inform me of the events I have missed?" Narcisse demanded.
"I will." Julian insisted. "It was your man...Asher. He struck my daughter and it will cost him dearly."
Stephane was extremely dismayed and furious. "Indeed it will! What happened and where is the brute now?"
"I don't know. Your guards took him away after Legolas shot him in the shoulder with an arrow. Asher wasn't going to let us help you. He insisted that they take you back to Dorwinion in which I argued that you would die if they did so. I told him he was not taking you anywhere, that I was going to help you and then he became irate. I suppose I instigated it by striking him first but he had gotten in my face and shoved me so..."
"I do not care what you did to provoke him! He has no business striking a woman, and one with child at that! I will handle him in due time." Narcisse then stood up, wiped his clothes down and exhaled loudly while smiling. "In the meantime, we have a witch to hunt, do we not?"
You grinned. "Yes...we do.....Narcisse....thank you...for what you did for Legolas. I don't know what I would do if I lost him too. He means the world to me."
"You are most welcome...but it is I that should be thanking you. You saved my life."
"Well then. We are even." you smiled.
Legolas was standing just outside the door and had heard what you said about him. Even after how he had treated you, you still cared for him and it broke his heart. He couldn't take back what he said to you and it was tearing him apart because he certainly did not mean it. He didn't know what he would do if he lost you too and now that he was thinking more clearly, he vowed to himself that he would do everything in his power to repair the damage he had done. You both needed each other now more than ever with Thranduil gone.
Off you all went to find the others and the conniving and conspiring Ravenous Clover.
Raven was frantically searching for the portal as she had become lost trying to lose the tail she had on her from Michael who had soon been joined by Selene, Aragorn, Garrett and Gandalf.
She came to an old broken bridge and could smell blood. A scent that was familiar. Jareth's.
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She then saw trails of blood running down the rock embankment and approached it with caution.
"Jareth?" she whispered and looked around in worry. A crow came out of nowhere and flew at her, then took off. The crow was your crow, but she didn't know that or know that he was a spy who was now on his way to tattle to you of her whereabouts. He had hung around after you had seen him on your balcony back at the castle because he knew more bad things were going to happen.
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Julian and Narcisse walked side by side as you walked beside Haldir and Legolas led far ahead by himself. He was too ashamed to be near you. Haldir noticed your eyes had been fixated on him the entire walk.
"Would you like to tell me what transpired between you and Legolas? I can see how tormented you both are. How do you say it, the tension is so thick, one could cut it with a knife?"
"It's my fault Haldir. Everything...is all my fault. Just like Legolas said....and...and...." You began to choke up and just broke down. "My husband is dead and...and..I...I couldn't save him." You dropped to your knees and wailed hysterically. "What am I going to do?? I will die without him.....Thranduil!!!!! Thran...Thranduil come back!!!! Why did you leave me????"
Haldir fell to his knees and held you so tight while he glared at a guilt ridden Legolas. The Prince's eyes filled with tears.
Just then, the caws of the crow echoed from above as he circled about in a frenzy. Haldir knew the bird well enough to know he had a message of great importance.
"Jo...look!" he exclaimed as he pointed up to the sky.
You sniffled and caught your breath, then stood up and held your arm out. Down came the big black bird and landed gracefully on your hand, then hopped up onto your shoulder. He cocked his head at you and you could see your reflection in his dark glassy eye.
"CAW!!" he snapped loudly.
"What is it my friend???" you desperatley asked.
He flew up above you and hovered there, then flew towards the forest and flapped around in anxious circles.
"He wants us to follow him." Haldir announced. "This is what he did in Laketown to get me to follow him when you were in trouble."
"Let's go!" you shouted. You all began running after him and followed him into the forest where you eventually found the others.
"Josie....Raven is near." Selene informed.
You caught Garrett's eyes as he stared at your bruised face. He walked over to you and didn't ask what happened. All he did was place his hand on your cheek. His palm lit up with the same blue light that he healed you with before when the wolfsbane got into your system. Just like that, your contusion was gone. His eyes were so kind and full of love. He then stood with his arms crossed as he glanced at Legolas, then lowered his head to the ground. He was still hurt.
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You wanted to apologize. "Garrett...I...."
"Over here....she's over here!" Michael growled as he stood cornering her in the bushes.
You all went charging over to him and circled around her. Raven's glowing defensive eyes peered out from behind the leaves.
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"It's useless Raven, you're trapped. Just tell me what happened to Thranduil and I will let you live. You have my word." you negotiated but were lying through your teeth. You were going to make her suffer just as Thranduil did.
"As if I would ever believe a word you say big sister."
"You will not be harmed. All I want is my husband back so I can take him home and bury him. Raven...please....do you not have any kind of heart? You don't have to be dark...just ask Garrett?"
Raven began laughing. "This is your way of talking me down? Garrett only turned good for you and look where that has gotten him. Everyone still hates him. He will never be accepted and neither will I. Him and I are kindred spirits but I wasn't good enough for him. I have a real man now."
"How's that workin out for ya Clover? Jareth is nowhere around. Left you in the dust. He don't give a damn about you and no one ever will." Garrett ranted.
"Right back at ya G. You're going to be sad and alone for the rest of your pathetic existence. Serves you right, thinking you're all better than me now when you and I are one in the same."
"Oh I don't think it , I know it. I am nothing like you." Garrett whipped his hand out and snapped it upside down, then pulled it back towards him. Raven gasped and was swiftly drug out by the vampire's invisible force, then he wiggled his fingers and she floated right up into the air to where he grabbed her by the neck and held her there.
She kicked and squirmed while pawing at her throat for air. "Now who's sad, alone and pathetic?" Garrett grinned.
"You will...b..burn.for...this...J..Jareth...will come..for you."
Garret squeezed harder.
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"Now...you're going to answer all of Josephine's questions or I am simply going to rip your throat out. The choice is yours. Talk and live or choke and die. What's it gonna be Ravey baby."
"Garrett...no! Then I will never know where Thranduil is." you snapped.
"Josephine...she values her putrid life too much. She'll talk."
"Well she can't talk if you're choking her!"
His eyes darted to yours. "Your point is valid..." Garrett then lowered her to the ground so she could stand but he kept a firm grip around her scrawny neck. "Now speak...for time is short..." he smirked as that was one of Jareth's quotes.
"You're just going to kill me after I tell you so I would rather die now and let you suffer Josephine!"
"I have had enough!" Legolas shouted. He sped up to her, pulled out a poisoned arrow and stabbed her in the shoulder with it. Her scream was long and shrill. "Once the poison kicks in, Haldir will get the truth out of you and then we will all watch you die a slow painful death like my father suffered."
Garrett let her drop to the ground and you stood over her. "How does it feel? To know you are going to die...like my beautiful husband felt...helpless, confused, scared...because that's what the dead man's blood is going to do to you shortly and I am going to take the greatest pleasure in it. In fact, as I have said before, I am not patient like Thranduil was, so let me speed up the process."
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You bent over with pursed lips and twisted the arrow inside of her pushing it in deeper, then smiled at her as she screamed and cried.
"I will never tell you!!!" she raged.
You charged at her but arms grabbed you around your waist and drug you back. It was Haldir.
"Look at me Jo." he said as he firmly held your face in his hands. "I will get the truth from her. It won't be long, the poison will take effect."
"I..I can't take this anymore! I don't....feel right...I..." You then doubled over, screaming in pain and fell to your knees.
"Jo!! What is it??!" Haldir shouted in panic as Julian bolted to your side.
You felt something wet and warm gush through your pants. As you brought your hand up, your fingers were covered in blood. The dream you had all those months ago in Rivendell of being pregnant and being in the forest in pain and bleeding was coming true. At the time, you thought it was all about Malsha. This is why you hated your dreams. They usually didn't make sense until some time later.
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"No...no..noooooo! My baby! I can't lose her, she's all I have left of Thranduil!"
"You have me, forever in your heart. I will be with you always." Legolas assured as he knelt down and stroked your cheek with the back of his fingertips, so similar to how Thranduil touched you. His words deeply concerned you as it sounded like you would never see him again. "I will not let Leeanduil die. I will not let you die. My father lives in your blood as he lives in mine. I am so sorry for everything." He then paused as his lower lids held back tears and whispered something to you that he has never spoken. "I...love you."
Legolas gripped your bloodied fingers tightly in his hand. A vibrating hum sounded and a soft white light outlined your joined limbs as Legolas' eyes rolled back. The Prince began to convulse as all of your blood and pain relinquished, then he turned white as a ghost and toppled over to the ground.
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"Legolas!!??" you cried and shook him but he did not respond. "Don't you leave me too!! Not you!! Leggy please wake up!!"
You laid his head in your lap and caressed his face as your tears dripped upon his cheek. You had no clue what just happened or that Legolas had any powers as you had never witnessed him use any in the entire time you had known him, except for his shapeshifting ability into a white stag like Thranduil could do. Of course, you had never seen Thranduil's true capabilities either until a few days ago when he put Raven in her place. The elves only seemed to use magic when deemed absolutely necessary as they were skilled warriors and their weapons were their prize possessions.
Raven began to cackle. "How perfect. He's experiencing his father's last moments. A father and son's blood united. Thranduil is dead, dead, dead... just like I told you he was and now, so is his son. Legolas sacrificed his own life for you and his sister. What a martyr. How sweet that his last words were professing his "dying" love for you. I couldn't really say undying now could I?" she smirked through her pain.
You ripped the emerald pendant from your neck, kissed it and placed it on Legolas..."You will not die for me!!!" you swore with every breath in you but nothing happened, just like when you laid it upon Thranduil.
Haldir stared Raven down, using his magical candor on her. "Why is the pendant not working!?
The dead man's poison was kicking in and Haldir's power was beginning to coerce the truth out of the untrustworthy witch.
"My mother cursed Thranduil's bloodline upon the gem. Even if you had gotten to Thranduil in time, it would not have saved him, just as it is now useless for his son. Thranduil's wife and daughter would have perished too but the selfless Prince offered his own life for them. How bittersweet. The power of love is a force like no other. If you had gotten to Thranduil sooner, your love could have saved him from the spell."
Her words punched a hole right through your heart but she also just unwillingly told you how to save Legolas.
You had healing power but not the ability to raise the dead, just like Julian told you he did not possess for it was not possible. You cried so hard as your light came bursting out of you and covered Legolas' entire body.
"You have to live Legolas...for me and Leann...for your father! I will not let his death be in vain. Legolas Greenleaf, wake up!! I need you!" you sobbed with a squeaking voice. "I love you too...."
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Legolas began to cough as his alabaster skin tone returned and his baby blue eyes opened, peering straight up into your frightened and shocked ones.
"Oh my god, oh my god Leggy!!" You shouted in disbelief and threw your arms around him so hard, he grunted.
"My...la..lady...I...I cannot... breathe.." he stuttered with a light chuckle.
You simultaneously laughed and cried as you released him and stroked his cheeks with each of your hands. The others were greatly relieved and bewildered as they all flocked around you and the revived Prince. You all were so caught up in the miraculous resurrection, that none of you noticed Raven crawling off. She weakly pulled herself up a small hill with her eyes set on something. She could see the portal with Jareth standing inside of it reaching his hand out to her.
"Get up and come to me my love." his voice whispered, that only she could hear.
She wobbled her way up into a standing position and gave a hearty snicker. "Toodaloo bitches. It's been real."
She placed her hand in front of her at the invisible barrier and it lit up in blue sparkles as she pushed through it and vanished into thin air.
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"NOOOOOO!!!!" you fumed as you swiftly stood up and ran to the point of entry, frantically waving your hands all around in search of unseen gateway but nothing was there. Jareth had made it solely accessible to him and Raven. Just like that, your ticket to knowing all there was to be known about Thranduil was gone. The most important thing you did know though...that he was truly dead, or so you believed as did the others as Raven did not say otherwise while under Haldir's mind control.
You completely broke as you fell back to your knees. Your light exploded out of your heart, knocking everyone down as you screamed...."Thranduil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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The portal took Raven and Jareth instantly back to Goblin Town below the Misty Mountains just as Gandalf had suspected it would. The wizard's blinding light had injured Jareth to where it had made his eyes bleed. He had purposely left his blood that Raven found earlier, to help her fend off magic and harm, and to also help her find her way back as he was to weak to come through and retrieve her. She had licked the blood off the leaf she plucked, and because of it. she had the ability to partially lie under the marchwarden's interrogation, in which she did about Thranduil being dead. It also gave her the strength to get up and sneak off. Jareth then healed her from the dead man's poison, but he himself needed to heal so he went off to do so, leaving Raven to tend to their new guest. The Elvenking.
She pushed a door open, revealing a sleep induced Thranduil in bed. He was shirtless and bandaged around his waist where he had been speared by Caroline. Raven had tended to him much earlier after he had disappeared before his son's eyes. She traced her fingers over his bare abdomen and began bragging to him the tale of his so called demise in which she took great pride in doing.
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He could hear her too, but he could not move or open his eyes as Caroline's spell had not worn off yet. He had also heard you begging and crying for him to live and he had felt your kiss upon his lips. His agony was unbearable knowing of the pain you were in.
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"King Thranduil, what a pleasant sight you are. Welcome to your new home. You and I are going to have so much fun. My mother's plan was for all of us to be here together, but that bitch of a wife of yours fucked all that up and now it's just you and I because they killed her. I'm quite thrilled though that she thinks that you think she is the one who stabbed you...It was all quite easy though, carrying out my mother's plan of making you appear dead like she did to good old Jules. A little wolfsbane goes a long way, which the knife was laced with...It slowed your heartbeat enough to go undetected and her spell kept you from moving or waking up and of course she made sure your stab wound would not be fatal. But it was needed to look like it was the cause of your death. Of course, now they know you were poisoned as well but that's ok. To them, you are still dead as a doornail. Seeing my sister revel in misery was so extremely satisfying. And I got Legolas good too. I had placed a teleporting spell upon you when I had located you in the church which brought you here. You vanished right before his eyes. I definitely had the strength to carry you to the portal but I could not risk being seen and caught with you. Don't worry love, you will awake soon and be good as new while your wife and son mourn you. Don't worry though, I will make you forget all about them and your life for this is your new home now.....forever."
Thranduil was raging inside his head, fighting so hard to wake up and choke the life out of the devious dhampir. He was shouting your name over and over, praying that you could still hear him, because if Raven succeeded in what she said she was going to do to him, he would be lost to you. But he was trapped inside his own mind...helpless and alone....or so he thought. It was like he was in some other realm, having an out of body experience as he could see you and himself. Someone else was there with him as he heard an angelic familiar voice echo through the beautiful garden that surrounded him.....a woman's voice....his mother.
Updated Masterlist
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
Tolkien - Miscellaneous Polls
How old is Oropher?
When was Legolas born?
When was Thranduil born?
Did Fëanáro invent waffles?
If Fëanáro were to appear in the modern world, how long would it take before he's arrested?
Likelihood of going to jail - Telperinquar
Most likely to go to jail - Arafinwions
Most likely to go to jail - Fëanárions (minus Telperinquar :( )
Most likely to go to jail - Nolofinwions
Most likely to go to jail - Þingollions
Most likely to go to jail - Tyelcormo, Maeglin, Artanis, Lúthien
Should Fëanáro be given access to a car?
Should Fëanáro be given access to a plane?
What species of crab is Crablor?
Which Son is most likely to sell his brothers to Moringoþo for one corn chip?
Which Son is the most feral?
Who is the best son of Finwë?
Who is the better Vala - Melcor or Manwë?
Why didn't Námo mention Finwë's death earlier?
Why do Mahtan and Círdan have beards?
Why is Mahtan the only Elf with straight up red hair?
Would Fëanáro become Batman or Iron Man?
Did Maeglin go by Maeglin or Lómion in Gondolin?
Did the Vanyar and Teleri adopt the sá-sí?
How do you spell Míriel's second name?
Is it Tyelperinquar or Telperinquar?
Nityafinwë vs Pityafinwë?
Sindarin vs Thindarin vs Thindren
Therindë vs Serindë & th vs s
Assuming Fëanáro repented and the Oath was no longer an issue, would he choose to return to life?
Assuming Idril and Tuor made it to Aman, was Tuor made immortal?
Between Tyelco and Curvo, who is in charge?
Did Aicanáro ever leave Mandos?
Did Amrod die at Losgar?
Did Elrond ever see Elros after Elros left for Númenor?
Did Eluréd and Elurín choose immortality or the Gift of Men?
Did Eöl rule over Elves in Dol Elmoth?
Did Fëanáro burn the ships knowing Nolofinwë would cross the Helcaraxë?
Did Fëanáro repent of his deeds in the Halls of Mandos?
Did Finduilas love Túrin?
Did Gandalf find Macalaurë while he traveled?
Did Idril and Tuor make it to Aman?
Did Nolofinwë intend to usurp Fëanáro?
Did Nolofinwë learn about Areðel's death/Maeglin's existence before he died?
Did someone make Maeðros a new hand?
Did the Oath compel Maitimo to parlay with Moringoþo?
Did the Valar have the authority to banish Fëanáro for 12 Valian years (114 Sun years)?
Did Tyelcormo tell his servants to kill Eluréd and Elurín?
Did Yavanna own the swan ships, given she made the trees the Teleri used to make the ships?
Do Aulë and Yavanna still love each other?
Does Elrond know Quenya?
Doriath: Who Died First?
Doriath: Who Died Second?
Doriath: Who Died Third?
Doriath: Who Died Fourth?
Doriath: Who Died Last?
Eöl and Iríssë - Consensual?
Fëanáro's Love Language
Had Finwë waited, would Míriel have returned and had more children?
If Finwë knew all that would transpire after his death, would he have returned instead of Míriel?
If Maglor was Lindir or Erestor, would Elrond know?
If Tulkas had not interrupted, would Fëanáro have given up the Silmarilli?
Do reembodied Elves who saw the Trees have the light in their eyes?
Is the Oath of Fëanáro Eldritch?
More beautiful than the Two Trees?
More influential: Oath wording or intent?
The Fëanárions happen across Beren and Dior slaying the Dwarves near the River Ascar. Who do they side with?
Was Dior a Man by default, or was he given the Choice?
Was Fëanáro ever reembodied?
Was Maeglin tortured into giving up Gondolin's location?
Was Melian morally correct in leaving Doriath after Þingollo's death?
Was Míriel a Teler or with Teleri heritage?
Was Smaug the last dragon?
Was The Fellowship of the Ring the first time Legolas had left Green/Mirkwood?
Was the Oath of Fëanáro, for lack of a better term, legally binding?
Was Thranduil at the Dead Marshes when Oropher died?
Was Turgon disinherited?
Were Celegorm and Curufin in the wrong with the Nargothrond debacle? (Speaking against Finrod's quest?)
Were Elros' children given the same Choice Elrond's were?
What happened to Celegorm's servants in Doriath?
What happened to Daeron?
What happened to Lalwendë?
What happened to Mithrellas?
What happened to the Celebrimbanner?
What happened to the Entwives?
What happened to Thranduil?
When did Fëanáro and Nerdanel realize they were going to have twins?
When will Elwë Þingollo be reembodied?
Where did Findecáno get the gold ribbons from?
Where is Macalaurë?
Which Clan did Elrond consider himself to be part of most of the time?
Who would inherit the Noldor throne after Curufinwë?
Why did Tyelcormo kidnap Lúthien?
Why didn't Tuor and Idril beg assistance from the Valar?
Would the Valar have let Moringoþo destroy Middle Earth if Eärendil didn't have a Silmarillë?
Would Thingollo have still demanded the Silmaril if the Fëanárions had them?
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Thranduil: If you shaved your beard with a straight razor, you'd say the razor worked. That doesn't mean it won't cut your throat.
Gandalf: Spoken like a man who has never had to shave.
19 notes · View notes
🌙 Hi!! Can I please have a Tolkien, Harry Potter, Marvel and a Star Wars romantic matchup?? Thank You! (and forgive me if I make a mistake in the writing, I'm not fluent in english yet♡)
I'm pansexual and genderfluid, that uses all the pronouns.
I'm a brazilian, my house is Slytherin (but I have LOTS of Ravenclaw qualities), my sign is Leo and MBTI is INTJ. I have tan skin, dimples, brown eyes, straight black hair that goes below my waist and bangs. About my body, I think what stands out the most are the really thick thighs and the hands and feet that are really small. I wear glasses (I have astigmatism and myopia, my grade is VERY high); where i live is SO hot but i really like to wear sweats and pants so sometimes it's kind of hard but i think i wear any kind of clothes? I like to experiment with new styles and I really want to dye my hair but I didn't have the opportunity; I'm absolutely addicted to wearing necklaces, bracelets and especially rings, I'm always wearing several.
I have a quiet, observant, sarcastic and motherly personality, although from a distance it seems that I will be rude to you, I will actually be very calm and give you soft smiles. I can get stressed out easily but I don't show anything but glare, and above all I NEVER raise my voice, even in a fight the only thing I'm going to do is keep my voice calm with a firm, authoritative tone. I LOVE protecting and caring for people and listening to them talk about what they like, I always give them my FULLY attention. My love language is 100% touch, I am always touching the people I like and care about. Another thing is that I'm not a submissive person in a relationship, like NO, AT ALL; and i absolutely hate going into water, like, sea, pools, lake, I don't know how to swim and I panic.
I'm completely in love with all kinds of art, especially dancing (I'm ALWAYS dancing while listening to music, which is pretty much all day long) and drawing/painting (sometimes I end up doing a whole drawing and not even realize it). I love reading and I always have a book with me, physical or digital. I love animals, I have cats, dogs, parrots, turtles and cockatiels, and I would give my life for them all without a second thought. Oh, I also love anything horror related with passion and bake, most of the time I don't even eat, I just bake and give it to people because I love it when they say they like what I made.
Thank you so much for requesting a matchup! I hope you like it! (And I have a turtle too! His name is Turbo) <333
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🦌 You met Thranduil with the Company, the Elf King was immediately awestruck, he had never really seen anyone quite like you, like an deity; instead of throwing you in a cell, he went and asked your questions
🦌 The questions about your reasons of being with the Dwarves slowly bubbled into asking you about your hobbies and interests; even though you were a bit wary of the King, you told him that you were a huge baking fan and loved to dance and listen to music
🦌 This interested the King, he was almost tempted to ask you to ditch the Company and throw a ball, he wanted the chance to ask you to dance; but before he had the chance to say or do anything, the next morning you and the Company were gone
🦌 You saw Thranduil again during the battle, helping him with the orcs came a bit too close, you and the Elf King fought side by side, back to back; together you were unstoppable
🦌 In the end of the battle, when all orcs were dead and gone, Thranduil asked if you wanted to stay with him in his kingdom, and of course, you said yes; only then did Thranduil told you about his love for you, and only a few weeks later did you become a ruler beside him
Harry Potter;
Lucius Malfoy:
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🐍 You met Lucius back in Hogwarts, being in the same year and house as him, you did interact with the young man, but his ideals soft of spooked you; but that didn't stop you from being civil with him, though you were a Slytherin, you were kind to all and didn't believe in all the pure blood stuff
🐍 Lucius on the other hand, disliked you to a point, but by the end of the fifth year, he almost seemed to change, but that all seemed to crash down after he was arranged to marry Narcissa; he went back to being cold and cruel, and then you didn't see him for another ten or more years
🐍 As the new DADA professor, you ran into Lucius when he came to the school to talk to Dumbledore, and you were shocked; you froze actually, greeting each other awkwardly as your minds raced with unknown and mixed forgotten feelings, (you hadn't gotten over him)
🐍 When you saw Lucius again, he came to your class during your break, he asked about his son and how he was doing until the conversation went to what the two of you have done since your days at Hogwarts; it was... Nice, sort of, and you could almost see that sweet old Lucius with every gray glint in his eyes
🐍 That was when he said he got divorced a couple of years ago, or well, Narcissa left him, sharing custody of Draco, and Lucius wanted to let you know about the feelings he felt for you that he pushed away during your school days; you both didn't want to speed through any relationship, so day by day you both allowed yourselves to get closer, and really, everything went perfectly (until Voldy came back)
Erik Killmonger:
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🔪 You were partners with Everett, staying back with him in Wakanda to help the Queen, Princess Shuri, and T'Challa; but, you had a secret that not even Everett knows about
🔪 You used to know Erik, yeah, awkward... and he recognized you too, you never thought you'd see him again, after so many years; and even though Erik was a somewhat cold and calculating person, his old feelings for you resurfaced
🔪 He was panicking a bit actually, he had pushed himself for taking over Wakanda and avenging his father that when he saw you again, he sort of freaked out as his heart began to race and his mind ran with only thoughts of you; you were feeling the same, and you were going to do something about it
🔪 Sneaking away from M'Baku's people, T'Challa, the Queen, and Everett, you sneaked back into the kingdom, where you almost got skewered but Erik stopped his new royal guards; you both slid away for a more private conversation, where you both talked about what had happened, and you asked him if he'd stop trying to take over Wakanda, Erik seemed hesitant but agreed, (for you)
🔪 Erik surrendered, and you were happy that he wouldn't get killed, and since this was probably a big blow to his pride, you stayed with Erik as much as you could and made sure he was alright; he was grateful for you and grateful that T'Challa understood him as well (he loves the sunsets here when he watches them with you)
Star Wars;
Anakin Skywalker:
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✨ You met Anakin when you were a Jedi and he was still a Padawan, being friends with Obi-Wan, you were introduced to Anakin; immediately when Anakin saw you, he was like, "Wow, look at those dimples," and you were like, "Wow, can't wait until he's a Jedi and he grows out that hair,"
✨ You were sent on a lot of mission with Anakin and Obi-Wan, during that mission you were sure to protect Anakin as much as you could when you saw him struggling, (which was hardly ever); Anakin did the same, also feeling a need to protect you, (which you also hardly needed)
✨ After one particular mission, you confessed to Anakin that you had feelings for him, and good thing for you, he felt the same; and that's when you and Anakin began courting/dating
✨ When you two weren't busy, you and Anakin would walk about whatever planet you were on, looking at the nature while you spoke about animals, books, music, and food; most of the time you'd joke around and play childish games together
✨ You knew you truly loved him when he saved you from Palpatine, knowing that the man was tricking him about you; after the huge battle and feeling thankful that most Jedis found a way to escape, Anakin found a small hut to call home with you, and as a promise of his everlasting love, he bought you a necklace
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gildinbainas · 4 months
"Just… stop talking." 💋 //Hendrikson :3c
“Shut Up” Kiss starters
:。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ || @nvrcmplt
Thranduil didn't know why he allowed the halfling to cross barriers that few were allowed to where it concerned the Elvenking. Aside from Bard, another human whom he had come to appreciate a great deal, no other human had been allowed to sit near him, let alone share a cup of Elven wine. But he supposed his willingness to let his guard down around Hendrikson was rooted in the man's initial introduction months back. Elves were rather vain creatures --- even the ones who claimed not to be. He wasn't ashamed to say that part of the appeal to being an elf was the way their own natural aura seemed to hypnotize those around him. And he, as king, spent a great many years using that to his advantage.
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In the case of Hendrikson however, there was no need. He too was part elf, but it was the deformity surrounding his ears that fascinated the king. Upon his initial introduction, the nomad wasted no time revealing this part of himself that most elves would have hidden forever if possible. Elves were meant to be PERFECT, exotic creatures whom everyone longed to be or within their airspace in general. It shocked the king initially though he never revealed as much that day. It was something he pondered in silence half wondering if there was still some angle being worked with such a huge reveal. It had taken many months for Thranduil to drop his guard and though his son still wasn't buying Hendrikson's act, Thranduil cast his son's doubt aside hoping it wouldn't end badly for his people. And speaking of the halfling…
Thranduil was seated at his vanity when he looked up to find Hendrikson watching him from afar. A thick, wooden brush was being pulled through strands of snow white hair that seemed to always keep its perfect form. Silence ensued between them with the human finally approaching the Elvenking. It is only then would Thranduil set aside his brush and stand, turning to face him.
"I do believe this is the first time you have ever had the audacity to seek me within my sleeping quarters. How is it that you still have your head? Surely they didn't simply let you wander this far without questioning your---"
He blinked, standing there in something of a stunned silence as his brain took forever to process the moment at hand. He had been abruptly silenced --- something he was not accustomed to in the slightest --- and in a manner that would have his son firing arrows without thinking. Indeed it was a good thing no one was around. The shock written upon his features was more than enough to have his Elven Guard reacting at once with their best intentions except…
Except when the shock of what had happened finally wore off, Hendrikson pulled away leaving the Elvenking standing there in a stunned silence. Did he not know what it meant to kiss another elf in their culture? Was this an err on his part as a half human? Thranduil could not be certain, but rather than address it, he simply turned away composing himself despite being extremely flustered. When he was certain he could face the other with a straight face, he turned, sweeping past him rather quickly with his long golden gown sweeping the ground in his wake. "We will drink our nightcap downstairs then I must call it a night."
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neostriatum · 1 year
[AO3] [Dreamwidth]
The dragon is dead. Thranduil remembers what follows.
Laketown had always been dismal, not quite reaching the vibrancy that Dale had. It felt… temporary, as if the wood piles driven into the lake bed were an afterthought rather than the effort of many man-hours of labour to make a home out of the survivors.
Thranduil remembered when Laketown was built, and looking upon the ruins once again brought upon these Mannish people by a dragon, he felt something in his heart squeeze as he wondered how many times they would need to rebuild their home because of the follies of their neighbors. He tightened his grip upon the reins of his elk, scarcely feeling it over the thick leather gloves he knew would pad the armor that had been packed with the other supplies.
He hoped there would not be war – least of all for the people who had so tenuously survived the dragon twice-over, but also for the foolish, foolish dwarves who had woken it. That elves and dwarves had once called each other friend and now no longer was a bitter taste on his tongue, something he knew was shared by many of their kin. Whether they yet lived would be in question, but for now he had more pressing duties.
When he and his entourage of courtiers, soldiers, and healers arrived close enough for the Men of Laketown to see them, he breath caught at the combination of desperate misery and foul stench of deceased dragon. It was so like his last experience of dragons, with the only difference being that he sat upon the saddle intent to offer aid rather than being one of the bedraggled injured to receive it. He remembered that it had seemed like a blessing, even as his body burned and attempted to dissipate his spirit despite the studious panic of the healers.
How he had survived, he later ascribed to the ethics of those around him and no small intervention of the Valar. And looking upon the one Man who stepped forward from the crowd, looking rather determined but also so weary that his own shoulders stiffened in empathy, Thranduil wondered if he had been kept to the realm of the living for just this moment.
“Well met,” This leader of Men said, straight-backed and even-voiced. His soul shimmered even to Thranduil’s eyes, marking him as the only person he could be.
He smiled warmly, bowing his head in greeting, listening to the murmurs of the crowd as his heart thumped in his chest, “Well met, Dragonslayer.”
This is the one the Valar kept me for.
Bard clenched his hands, not knowing what to do with the grace of an elf. And this one, with the silver band across its forehead and looking composed enough to weather any dragon or other malediction, was surely the peak of elvish grace in a sea of otherworldly creatures. He thought of his children, only recently recovered alive from the chaos, the dead still strewn about the land and water, and the living the followed him as ducks in a row do, and exhaled.
“Dragonslayer I may be,” He acknowledged, tilting his head at what possibly was a compliment, “But such an act does not bind injuries, sate an empty belly, fend off the cold, nor bury the dead.”
Those were his first priorities – had always been his priorities – but now the net had been cast much wider than he was accustomed. He spied a sparkle in this elf’s eyes, and wondered if it meant earned respect the same as he had recently seen it reflected in the eyes of his neighbors.
“Indeed,” The elf intoned, some unnamed emotion that stirred the whisper of a breeze among the other’s kin. Before he could attempt discerning the whims of such people, the other straightened in their seat, “But a reputation it does grant, and one I am willing to heed.”
A pause followed, so slight that the next action seemed nigh instantaneous had he not been paying absolute attention – the elf had smoothly dismounted, and it was like a ripple of a stone thrown into a lake. It took but moments for all the elves to dismount, and it was then that Bard realized this was no mere courier.
“You are King Thranduil,” Bard said, lips feeling numb from shock. A part of him wanted to ask, Was the dragon that important? But he felt the self-chastisement on the heels of such a thought, relegating himself to staring at the man that seemed to have stepped right out of a child’s tale.
His words, which he himself could not categorize into either statement or question, bid a smile onto the king’s lips, “Indeed,” Said Thranduil, “You seem to have me at a disadvantage, Dragonslayer.”
While the Master had everyone well-trained into particular cues and eddies of unsaid sentiment, this one did not carry the sharp edge of lurking cruelty. Merely humor, well-cultivated to draw an audience in. Somewhere behind him, he heard a neighbor shifting on their feet, and it occurred to him that he was the fool obliged to respond.
Nevertheless, he licked his lips to steady his thoughts, attention barely pausing to the intrigued flicker on the elf’s face, “I am Bard,” He said, then gestured out to the ones who followed him, “These are who survived Laketown’s sinking.”
Elves though these people were, but he watched as they all seemed to count the survivors lingering near him. Thus far none had pursued any task other than finding each other and hastily bandaging what injuries they could with the clothes upon their backs. No food survived, and he knew his stomach was but one of dozens that twisted upon nothing.
Horror seemed to pass over them as they came to their own conclusions, and whatever varnish of dignity Bard thought they had seemed to be stripped away. All attention was routed to their king, who himself had a tight frown on his lips, likely calculating what a sorry lot they were.
Still, there was credit to the ephemeral grace of elves, for not a single unkind word was voiced, nor any expression souring in disgust. It spoke well of this Thranduil, who met Bard’s stare with his own. The king nodded at him, and it felt weighted with some emotion he was too exhausted to parse, “Bard of Laketown,” The man murmured, “By your leave, I would set our camp upon your shores. We have plentiful supplies and healers, and I would aid you and yours.”
Ignoring several of the emotions that spouted with such an unexpected display of humility and goodwill, Bard could only let his shoulders drop in abject relief, “I would accept your aid,” He said hoarsely, “Gladly.”
King Thranduil smiled at him, and Bard wondered if the expression was truly a confounding gratitude upon the man’s face.
Author's Notes
Written for @bi-widower-dads Barduil month's April 1st prompt, "First Meetings".
The noun is derived from Middle English socour,[1] interpreted as the singular form of socours (“help; encouragement; remedy; protection; helper, protector”),[2] which is from Anglo-Norman socurs, sucurs and Old French secors, secours, (modern French secours), from Medieval Latin succursus (participle), from Latin succurrēre (“to run to the help of”), from Latin sub- (“from below”) + Latin currere (“run”).[3] The verb is derived from Middle English socouren (“to help”),[4] from Anglo-Norman socure (compare modern French secourir), also from Latin succurrēre.
- Etymology for "succour" on Wiktionary
There doesn't seem to be anything recorded in the books about Thranduil being injured from dragon fire, as was alluded to in the Desolation of Smaug, but I imagine it might have happened during the Siege of Barad-dûr as part of the War of the Last Alliance, where only one-third of the Silvan army was led back to the Greenwood. As Sauron was pulling as many tricks as he could during that siege, I imagine any dragons he could call forth were pressed into his service - luckily for the plot, there is one unnamed dragon for use, which was described in Tolkien's poem "The Hoard" as having "red eyes, black wings and teeth like knives" (Tolkien Gateway).
In context, I can definitely see how Thranduil took one look at Smaug and Erebor, went "nope" and turned right around back home. On the other hand, I'm sure he empathized with the plight of Dale and the subsequent destruction of Laketown, because they were essentially bystanders to Smaug's ego. It wouldn't surprise me if he had helped supply aid in the construction of Laketown, only to return a few mortal generations later to see it all torn down.
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