#To try and run away from it all but it risks loosing your status' and your life.
achillean-knight · 1 year
2023 is the year of gay knights and I'm LIVING FOR IT
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Zuko x reader - one more time
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Hey can I get a Zuko x reader where the it’s Legend of Korra era but what it is is that Korra or Bolin just anyone in the main group ask about his past s/o who was the reader and he talks about them in a sad old man way taking about his deceased lover 😭 thank you - Anon 💜
Korra had been trying to figure everything out, and she realised the only connection she had to Aang, the one that knew him when he was going through the same thing was Zuko.
So she visited him, and spent as much time as she could asking questions, asking for advice and help.
“I’m sorry Korra, but this is not something I’m so good at, (Y/N) was better at giving advice than I ever could have hoped to be.”
“(Y/N)? You’re partner?” Korra asked.
Zuko nodded his head and gestured for her to follow him.
He led her through a lavish garden, nearly cared for, and when they reached the middle he showed her a large statue and Korra stared at it.
You were absolutely stunning, you looked young, beautiful, elegant, yet powerful and a fair ruler.
“Wait.. I think.. I think I spoke to them. In the spirit realm.”
“You did?”
They both sat down in the bench opposite the statue of you.
“Yeah, they were the one that told me to come speak to you, that you would know what to do.” She said.
Zuko smiled and chuckled softly as he stared up at the statue in fondness.
“They always said I knew what to do, even if I didn’t realise it straight away.”
Korra looked at the former fire Lord, and she looked up at the statue of you.
“What were they like?” She asked softly.
Zuko smiled softly, turning his head to the floor before he looked back up at the statue.
“They were… they were strong, stubborn, like Katara, but peaceful and loving like Aang. They saw the beauty in everything around, but they were one of the bravest people I had ever met.”
Korra listened carefully as Zuko told her all about you.
He told her stories from when you two first met, how you had left the nation to fight with Aang, and you would always mock him for not being able to defeat you.
Then how he fell in love with you, on the day of the war ended, while he was fighting with his sister you risked your life for not only Katara, but for him too.
He loved your stubbornness, and your smiled that could light up a room on the darkest night.
“They were more then anything I could’ve ever asked for, they gave me the love and the forgiveness I never have asked for from anyone else…”
Zuko sighed, running his finger alone the lone wedding band on his finger.
“They were the love of my life and more…”
Korra reached out, placing her hand on his arm, making him look at her.
“You’ve done them proud, they told me how proud they were of you, and how much they miss you.” She said.
He smiled softly and looked at her.
“Yeah, of course.”
He nodded his head and looked at your statue before turning to the young avatar.
“Do you think you can talk to them again?”
“I.. don’t know. Maybe.”
“If you do please give them this. I was going to give it to them on the our anniversary before they passed, I’ve carried it ever since.”
He handed over an old letter, and she took it, slipping it into her pocket.
“Of course, will you tell me more about them?”
Zuko smiled and carried on talking, and Korra just sat there listened to his stories.
She knew he was lonely, she heard from Katara how you were never without one another.
To loose your lover so early and have to go on through life without them? She couldn’t imagine how lonely and how painful it must be.
She heard the way he talked, the sadness in his voice, the tears brimming his eyes as all he could do was stare at the statue.
Korra looked at the statue and she saw something behind it, and all she could do was stare at the spirit.
She didn’t need to compare the looks to know immediately who it was.
She watched as you walked over and sat in front of your statue, resting your elbow on your knee, and you rested your chin on your palm as you smiled at Zuko.
“Ask him to tell you about the time he proposed to me.” You whispered softly.
“Can you tell me about the time your proposed to (Y/N)?”
“You really want to hear about that?”
Katara flicked her eyes to your spirit, and you gently nodded your head.
“I.. (Y/N) wants to hear it.”
“They’re here?”
Zuko knew the avatar could see spirits, talk with them, and he knew since the spirit realm was opened more and more were pouring through.
He never thought that you would come through though.
“They’re here…” she smiled.
Zuko looked around and Korra pointed to where you were sat, and all she could do was smile as he smiled to himself.
“It was supposed to be elegant, I had a large ball planned, everyone was invited, everyone was waiting for me. (Y/N) wore the most beautiful clothes you had ever seen, made out the finest silk you could ever see. I was walking down the stairs, and I tripped, falling the rest of the way and I knocked (Y/N) over along the way.” He laughed.
You laughed as well and nodded your head.
“I was so embarrassed I quickly left and (Y/N) followed me, out to this very garden and we stood in very spot. They kissed me, and told me that it was okay, and I asked them there and then if they would marry me.”
He twisted the wedding band on his finger.
“They teased me and kept putting off the answer, and I went to walk away thinking it was them rejecting me… I tripped again…”
“But they said yes.” Korra smiled.
“They did. But not before laughing at me first.” He chuckled.
Korra watched as his face turned to sadness.
“It was the best marriage I could’ve ever ask for… but they got sick… they tried to fight, to hold on but they wouldn’t do it anymore. They passed away in their sleep, they never got to watch our children grow up, they never saw the kingdoms grow closer.”
Korra couldn’t handle it anymore, she knew she shouldn’t do this, but she felt like she owed it to Zuko, for everything he’d done.
“Close your eyes.” She said softly.
Zuko did as he was told and she placed a hand on his head, whispering something she stepped away.
“I.. I don’t know how long it’ll last, but I hope this helps.”
She handed him the letter he gave her and stepped a few steps back, watching him open his eyes and he stared directly at you.
He smiled and you stood up, walking over to touch his face.
Maybe she was breaking a lot of rules, but Korra knew he was breaking inside without you, he’d been so alone without you for so long she wanted him to have some time with you, even if it was just a few minutes
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skellymom · 3 months
The Bad Batch Fan Fic x Non Gendered Reader
(My first ever TBB Fan Fic posted 7/31/23. Unfortunately, I didn't realize at the time putting the MATURE label on the bottom of the post would make Tumblr hide it's presence)
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Background: Force Sensitive learns to grow their Force powers. This timeline is several months after leaving Crosshair on Kamino, near the end of working for Cid. The Batch is trying to figure a hook to be independent and possibly start actively rebelling against the Empire. This is set well before Mt Tantiss. 
Warnings: Canon and non-canon violence, swearing, momentary and possibly gruesome death of main characters (no worries, they don’t stay dead forever), Crosshair is an angry psychopathic killer with a vengeance (no hate, I love his problematic ass), mild Hunter fluff, touchy concerned Tech, Echo swears (of course).
Word count:  2.1 K
You hadn’t expected to be separated from the rest of the Batch, however, Omega had other ideas “to help” on this mission. The Batch infiltrated this Imperial base for intel and possible chain codes to steal. You volunteered to run after and bring her back.  Spotted by Imperial stormtroopers in a corridor, you and Omega try to lose them, but they are hot on your tail. Omega hears the Batch’s voices down a hallway and runs to them. 
You and Omega skid to a halt at the edge of a missing bridge while the rest of the Batchers are on the other side.  The precipice between is a several hundred story drop within the Imperial base. The group of stormtroopers rocked up behind you, guns lowered.  Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker looked on impotently across the chasm, weapons trained on the stormtroopers.  The Batch are poised, holding fire, trying to avoid any possibility of you and Omega getting caught in any crossfire. 
Unfortunately, you had not finished training with your Master. Your Master did not survive Order 66. You were SO CLOSE to obtaining Jedi status.  Now it was up to YOU to save yourself and Omega.  Being captured was not an option at this point.  Although, allowing the Empire to take you and Omega might allow time for the Batch to retreat safely to fight later.  That carried serious risks.  You were very limited in options as far as your Force abilities.  Master had not given you a light saber, remarking that the Force had a different path for you. 
The lead stormtrooper immediately grabbed you as a human shield, just as Wrecker let loose a shot from his blaster.  He intended to shoot the stormtrooper but hit you in the chest.  You slipped out of the stormtroopers grasp and off the edge of the bridge. You met Omega’s eyes as she called your name, while being dragged away by the same trooper.  As your body went into free fall down the chasm, you could hear your Batchmates scream, curse, and start blasting away.  
As consciousness slips from your body, you close your eyes.  The sense of falling disappears, but you expected that by eventually reaching terminal velocity from this height.  You open your eyes and are standing on an outstretched infinite path within an ever-expanding universe.  Before you is a HUGE hulking creature with glowing eyes. 
“What’s happening?  Where am I?”  You are simultaneously shocked, afraid, and unsure if this is all a dream. 
The creature stares down, sizing you up. 
“ In The World Between Worlds.” 
“Am I dead???” 
“No. It is not yet your time.  You are here to finish your training.” 
“My friends need my help!  I need to get back to them!!!” 
“You will return to help them; it is part of your training.” 
“Who are you?” 
“That matters not.  Only your path is of importance.  You cannot progress until your training is finished.  The lives within your care hang in the balance.  You and your group are linked together in that realm.  Your failure will be their failure…until you succeed.  Then you will be released from this realm to continue your path.” 
It feels like the creature is staring into your soul, “The point of entry is behind you.” 
You turn around to see…a doorway?  A dark threshold surrounded by cryptic symbols, suspended among stars.  
“Are you ready?” 
“No! I…” 
Your vision becomes a blur as you leave that place and return to where you were standing before falling off the platform.  The vertigo messes with your senses, and it all feels like you had a momentary hallucination.  Now back in this moment, you quickly spring into action. 
You yell “NO WRECKER” immediately and Wrecker stops in his tracks.  Hunter is sensing something, but unsure what it is.  The Stormtrooper grabs you as a shield.  A second trooper grabs Omega and drags her away.  Omega starts using swears that only Echo could come up with as she is taken.  The Batch stand with blasters trained on the stormtroopers in defense but not wanting to hit you in the crossfire.  The trooper violently puts a foot in your ass and kicks you off the platform, then commences to start firing on the Batch.  You free fall down the chasm and… 
…pass The World Between Worlds for a split second, and then appear back onto the platform.   
You try again. 
Omega is led away swearing up a storm while the stormtrooper is holding onto you.  Hunter calls to you, and in that moment, you sense the concern and love in his heart.  You also sense a dark presence in the Force, look up to the platform above and see Crosshair with his Firepuncher trained on you.  He was watching this exchange the whole time, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.  In his jealousy and anger, he fires, hitting you dead center between the eyes.  The very last thing you see is Cross grinning as he hears Hunter lose his shit. 
The fabric of the connected realms brushes past you. 
You yank the stormtrooper into Crosshairs blaster bolt as his body is hit, he stumbles into Omega and both fall off the platform to their impending deaths.  The stormtrooper behind him, seeing the target they were looking to take is now gone, opens fire on you.  You fall off the platform. 
Before the trooper can grab you, you grab Omega and jump off the platform into the chasm.  With any luck, you can use the force to stop yourselves before hitting bottom.  Unfortunately, you and Omega’s fall velocity was too much for your Force abilities.   
You grab Omega but try to save only her.  As you fall past hundreds of platforms, you try to yeet her onto one as you fall.  You are falling too fast, and your throw was severely off.  You hear a sickening thud as she hits something. 
You attempt to Force jump, and only make it just short of the other side.  You yeet Omega across the chasm towards the Batch, Hunter jumps for her from the other side, and she slips from his grasp.  You hear them both scream above you as you fall.  Fortunately, Tech and Wrecker send out their grappling cables and catch both.  Blaster fire starts from the stormtroopers.  Tech is hit, falls off the platform, and takes Omega with him since she is attached to his cable.   
You Force jump again, Hunter jumps but misses Omega.  Knowing Wrecker will catch Hunter with his grappling hook, you send out a Force block in front of Tech. He is shielded from blaster fire, but Wrecker is hit by several bolts.  He falls off the platform taking Hunter with him.  You hear Wrecker’s insanely terrified scream as you all fall.  Hunter sends out his grappling cable and it catches.  His fall is stopped, but Wrecker’s weight wrenches Hunters body horribly.  He screams out in agony as he feels muscles tear.  They are hanging and safe momentarily…or so it seems.  A shot is heard from Firepuncher and Hunters cable is severed.  Both Batchers scream as they fall. 
You try to hold onto the edges of the realm as you pass through, but it evades your grasp. 
You grab the lead stormtroopers gun while he is still holding onto it and keep pushing his finger onto the trigger, you shoot him and several other imps.  You fire several shots towards Crosshair, preventing him from shooting at you.  However, one hotshot trooper in the back squeezes off and hits you right in the back fatally.  
Same scenario, but you spin the trooper around and use him as a human shield and the hotshot misses you.  However, Crosshair blasts you at the base of your skull.  The last thing you see is Omega’s terrified expression as you fall onto the platform next to your teeth his shot loosened in the blast. 
You are getting sick of playing this fucked up reset game already.  In your anger, you quickly grab the stormtrooper and throw his ass off the platform.  The Batch and Omega watch shocked at your anger.  The other stormtroopers are taken by surprise, as you advance on them and grab another.  Crosshair is attempting to aim, but you are moving too much. The hotshot trooper aims his weapon. You and the trooper in your grasp struggle violently. The hotshot cannot get a good clear shot.  Finally, he squeezes one off and misses you. However, he didn’t consider where Omega is standing, and she takes a direct hit. You hear your Batchmates scream in outrage. You scream in outrage. The hotshot screams in frustration, then double taps you and the trooper in your grasp in the head simultaneously. 
You grab the stormtroopers gun while still in his hand and shoot yourself in the head.  You just want this exhausting mess to be over. 
You fall onto the platform in a crumpled pile crying.  Stormtroopers AND Crosshair shoot you at the same time, resulting in a horrible, charred mess. 
You scream bloody murder and obscenities at Crosshair.  He shoots you between the eyes. 
You jump off the edge of the platform screaming obscenities like a crazy person. 
Before reset, you see the expression on the creatures face.  He looks disappointed and replies, “You aren’t even trying.  Reach out beyond the boundaries of your realm” As you angrily try to spout off to him, you are thrown violently into the next reset. 
Standing on the platform, you take a deep breath and survey the scene.  You mull over the creatures words.  Time seems to slow down: You sense the stormtroopers behind you, looking into each of eyes of the Batch; Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, up to Crosshair, finally resting on Omega.  You mouth, “Trust me” to her and she nods. 
Time suddenly slams into overdrive, and you instantly pivot to bearhug Omega.  The trooper misses your shoulder and grabs open air.  The shot from Crosshair’s Firepuncher, originally meant for you, hits the trooper right between the eyes and he falls off the platform.  You reach deep within the Force, grab the thin tether of this realm and open it wide.  You then realize you were only meant to grasp it at the start of your actions, not at the end.  You “push” through with the Force, taking Omega with you.  As you “slide” from one location to another, you pass the creature.  He nods as you pass from the world you left only a millisecond ago, through the timeless World Between Worlds. 
“Congratulations, Jedi!  Your training is complete.” 
You part the curtain to your world again, entering behind the Batch.  Hunter, before his eyes even register your disappearance on the opposite platform, senses a presence behind them.  His head whips around to see you and Omega are now out of harm’s way.  His jaw drops inside his helmet.  Tech, seeing Hunters reaction, immediately spins around, his eyes are visibly dumbfounded “What?  How?”  Wrecker calmly looks behind him, seeing you and Omega there safely, doesn’t question.  He barks, “MUAHAHAHA!  YEAH!!!” and opens fire on all the befuddled stormtroopers standing on the opposite platform.   
With Wreckers cover fire, Hunter grabs Omega and runs down the hallway while yelling, “Let’s go!”  Tech runs past and grabs your hand.  He’s usually not touchy feely, but somewhere deep in his logical brain he understands that whatever happened saved your and Omega’s life.  All the quick calculations he was running in his brain logically ended in you both dying.  Wrecker is happily hopped up on blaster fire and the relief you are both safe.  He follows running behind. 
Crosshair is left on his sniper’s roost.  He hasn’t EVER missed a target.  This was his first time. You were there one second and gone next to his surprise.  Stares down at all the dead troopers laying on the platform below, gnawing hard on his toothpick.  He’s angry…but intrigued.  Maybe instead of killing you outright next time, he can land a stunning blow.  The Empire might be VERY interested if he brought you in alive.  Cross sprints away down a shortcut. 
Your group reaches the end of the hallway and bursts out into the ship hangar bay.  A large battalion of stormtroopers meet you there, with guns aimed.  You all stop, out of breath, and possibly out of luck.  Echo swoops in with the Marauder hovering and laying down suppressive cannon fire.  Unfortunately, there are too many imps for him to dispatch while also landing successfully.  Hunter and Tech are furiously looking for a way out.   
You reach out with the Force and envelope Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega.  Before opening the fabric of this realm, you feel eyes on you.  Looking to a ledge several stories up, Crosshair meets your gaze.  You both stare intensely into each other.  Without even realizing it, you reach out and speak with the Force: 
“Because…” Slight shock registering on Crosshair’s face “…I can.” 
“You’ll regret this someday…when you’re all alone.” 
“I already am.”  He’s angry and hurt.  There is nothing more you can say. 
You slide through, taking all the Batchers with you and suddenly appearing within the Marauder.   
Wrecker: “WHOA!” 
Tech: Speechless, wide eyed…and STILL holding your hand. 
Omega: Dizzy and winded. 
Hunter: Rips helmet off his head. His expression is wild eyed and looks like he saw some serious shit.  “What was that place? Who was that creature?” 
Echo:  Spins around in the pilot’s chair, eyes wide “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” 
You grin.  And watch the Batch trying to piece together their sudden location movement and glimpse of the creature between worlds. 
Giving the order to Echo you bark, “Let’s go, soldier!” 
He’s still sitting there with a shocked expression, then laser blasts pepper the ship, and he regains composure.  Echo flies the Marauder out of the Imperial facility, off the planet, scrambles the ships jump signature, and punches it into hyperspace. 
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whispersinthedawn · 4 months
Concealed in the Coriolis ch 3
“Is this ... an assassination attempt?” the voice of the priest asked from behind him, sounding bemused.
Abruptly, rage filled Percy’s veins. The man had just watched Percy attack someone unprovoked and hadn’t even attempted to help – merely stood by as an indifferent observer unrelated to the happenings.
Percy whirled around. “Why, are you important?” he sneered.
He crawled a threatening inch closer to the man, willing to claw at his face and leave him as disfigured as the putrid nature of his soul if he wouldn’t lift a single finger to help a woman possibly dying right in front of him.
Lee would have never allowed any of this. This man didn’t deserve to share any resemblance to a boy who had unflinchingly rushed into battle with giants even knowing the consequences, who had once poured all his energies into healing a demigod until forcefully dragged away because the body in front of him had long since gone cold.
Galene could be slipping beyond the Styx. She could be dying inch by inch that very moment, even her sluggishly flowing blood not enough to rejuvenate cells deprived of oxygen for too long.
The priest didn’t even glance at Galene.
“I am Apollonius!” the priest growled out, flapping his cloak so that the winglike protrusions on it flared into view.
“Of Rhodes?” Percy scorned. “Because that’s the only Apollonius worth remembering.”
And that in itself was a comment about his lack of remarkableness since all Percy could recall was that Annabeth both admired and resented the man. Something about a talented poet with a habit of choosing deplorable topics on which to compose a poem. 
History would just have to make do with one less epic poet if this priest was Apollonius of Rhodes.
Apollonius barked a sharp laugh full of rage. “Do you think your status as a princess will protect you from my wrath?” he hissed. “You, who have already proven your inability to recognise your family, displayed a callous willingness to kill trusted retainers, and have fortuitously removed any witnesses from the room? Who is to gainsay me if I were to say you attacked me?”
The Iliad’s beginning ran through Percy’s mind. Sing, oh goddess, of Achilles’s rage. The tale of animosity between Achilles and Agamemnon, two of the greatest Greek warriors – and yet, was the anger of Achilles not incited by Apollo when he set plague loose on the Greeks? All because of a love for his priest, who failed to ransom his daughter from Agamemnon.
The God of Truth might discern the truth of his priest’s falsehoods, but who would dare risk divine wrath by harbouring someone who would harm a priest?
Percy clenched his teeth together, fuming, heartsore, but with the faint flickers of cold reason cooling his impetuousness. “She is not dead,” he said stiffly. “You may check for yourself.”
‘Not due to your lack of trying!’ Coronis accused him.
“I didn’t try to kill her!” Percy shouted at her.
He hadn’t, he hadn’t. Why couldn’t she just understand that and stop transmitting hatred, panic, and rage at him? Didn't she know he couldn’t think with her emotions running rampant through his head?
A moment of silence before Apollonius asked, “Who are you talking to?”
Coronis’s silver, translucent eyes widened. ‘Can you see me?’ she asked the priest.
Percy experienced a moment of mingled hope and terror, but Apollonius just studied him with cold calculation in his eyes. 
“Someone ...” Percy started before pausing. What guarantee did he have that this priest was not a gingerbread house built to conceal the cauldron to boil his flesh? Simply because he invoked a trust and longing that rightfully belonged to Lee? Was that not a tally against the sincerity of this illusion?
Someone who reminded Percy so acutely of Lee might as well have been built with the son of Apollo as the template. And Ixion – couldn’t that be the Triton Percy had hoped for in fanciful dreams he’d nonetheless half-convinced himself to be prophetic instead of the stiff, resentful merman who’d confronted him in Atlantis instead? There was even something of a resemblance.
Phlegyas – Phlegyas might as well be a Poseidon who had foresworn his wife and the gates of Olympus, or a kind-faced Paul who had raised Percy. And Cleophema the version of Sally who had never ruined her life to protect Percy’s, who had never torn apart every shred of her happiness to chain herself to Gabe and wasted her youth for Percy, who was queen of a prosperous kingdom, had a Muse for a mother who’d bless all her literary leanings, and a husband who’d stand by her side.
“You’re just an illusion,” Percy breathed out in relief. “You’re not real.”
‘You’re delusional,’ Coronis whispered in horror. ‘You don’t even think we’re real. None of us – you're going to just kill everyone because we aren’t alive in the first place.’
“Just because you’re not real doesn’t mean I’m going to kill everyone,” Percy protested. He wasn’t – he hadn’t even tried to kill Galene. Merely remove her from the way with the means at his disposal. Or would Coronis have preferred that he crack Galene’s head open just like her own had been?
Percy swayed with dizziness.
But Coronis wasn’t real either.
“Can you sit down, dear?” Apollonius asked softly, eyes pinched in wariness. “You look like you’re in pain.”
‘Don’t be taken in by him!’ Coronis shouted in warning. ‘He’s going to hurt you too!’
“I’m not going to hurt him,” Percy snapped, losing his temper. He wasn’t a monster lashing out indiscriminately at everyone around him. This was the priest he’d planned to obtain aid from.
But whatever glimpse of his intentions Coronis received from the river flooding their two banks instilled the deepest panic in her.
She rose to her feet, the caved-in side of her head with its matted strands on full display, and flung herself at Apollonius, shrieking, ‘You have to leave.’
She passed straight through the priest and crashed onto the floor behind him but Apollonius ... froze.
“What was that?” he breathed out, lips barely moving.
Percy stared at the spooked priest in shock. Had ... had he felt Coronis? Had a figment of Percy’s imagination experienced the healing rush, the cooling breeze, the eerie intermingling, with another figment of Percy’s imagination?
A crack appeared in the wall around Percy’s mind that he frantically shored up with wet sand and limp hopes.
“Did you feel something?” Percy asked in Coronis’s tiny voice.
Apollonius trembled.
Tentatively, uncertain yet unable to abandon all hope, Coronis swiped a hand through Apollonius’s bare calf.
This time the reaction was more prominent. Apollonius shivered and swivelled around in a panic, but try as he might, his wildly darting eyes failed to find anything. He backed towards the wall, suspicion settling into harsh lines on his face.
“What are you?” he demanded.
‘I’m Coronis,’ the dead spirit on the floor cried out.
“I’m,” Percy tried, instantly drawing Apollonius’s attention.
Coronis screamed – a high-pitched shriek that had Percy slamming his palms against his ears.
And threw herself at Apollonius.
The wall, perhaps spelled to repel spirits or perhaps it was merely a remnant of her soul’s belief that humans couldn’t cross ten-foot tall obstacles of mud and wood plastered with tiles, crushed her nose.
But for a few fraught seconds, Apollonius and Coronis shared the same space, breathed the same air, and might as well have been the same people.
‘Kill him, kill him, kill him,’ Coronis chanted.
“Who are you?” Apollonius whispered again, eyes glowing with the impending signs of a magical outburst.
“I’m, I’m Percy,” Percy stuttered. “And that’s Coronis. I just woke up in her body. And ... and I think she’s dead. She's dead and this isn’t real, and I just want to wake up.”
‘Kill him, he hurt Galene, he’s going to hurt everyone,’ Coronis pleaded.  
“An eidolon,” Apollonius concluded.
“No, this is a Mist illusion,” Percy corrected like a broken tape recorder.
He hoped this was an illusion.
The alternative was too terrible to contemplate.
“An illusion, you say?” Apollonius asked, voice a strange sort of dispassionate that made Percy wary.
'Please, you must stop him. I can’t. I tried, but I just pass through him. It's my body but he keeps doing terrible things with it!’ Coronis cried out, lying without shame.
Percy glared at her, and indirectly, at Apollonius too. Percy had committed only one terrible act with Coronis’s hands, and even then, had he but known Galene was the shade of loyal who would let her mistress kill her, he would have simply insisted harder that she leave the room.
But he hadn’t known. Because he wasn’t Coronis. Even though he’d displaced her from her own body and replaced her with no one the wiser, which he supposed gave her ample reason to claim he’d committed atrocities.
He'd stolen her body.
Except this was an illusion so no one had stolen anything.
Apollonius blinked before his drawn-up shoulders relaxed into a loose-limbed fighter’s stance. He smiled. “Illusion, delusion, or displacement – there's a very simple way to find out.”
Because most of the comments on Coronis on AO3 seem to be how much people dislike her - as far as she knows, she got murdered so Percy could steal her body, seduce a god with her body, then cheat on Apollo so obviously that he kills her and sends her father to Tartarus. And, even if she were to withhold judgment because he doesn't particularly want to do this, Percy goes and nearly kills the woman who might as well be an aunt. Percy is the villain in her story, and if she must get her body made permanently beyond habitation, then that's what she will do. Because that's what heroes do. Sacrifice themselves to protect others.
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Draw your swords, pt. 3
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Summary: While his bride is exacting her plans from the very first day in Little Palace, the Darkling finds he has a soft spot for the enemy.
Warnings: sexual references, swearing, angst
Part one // Part two
The last thing Y/N expected upon waking up was to wake up alone. Spreading out in the bed, she huffed a loose strand of her hair off her face. Narrowing her eyes, she stared up at the canopy with her wicked husband on her mind.
After the way he had acted the night before, she found herself wondering what game he’s playing. They were meant to be married in paper only, yet he seems to have a possessive streak that extends to her as well. A part of her wasn’t sure if he truly had a shred of decency within considering he didn’t take advantage of their marital status, but the other part of her wasn’t easily swayed. That part of her remained defiant as it was forged in a fire the Darkling set. Intentionally or not, his actions have damaged her before they ever even met and she wasn’t very forgiving.
Opening the door, unannounced, strolled in the most beautiful woman Y/N had ever seen. Her long, auburn hair was perfectly styled and framed her face without obscuring an inch of her stunning beauty.
Genya, she realized. Even on the other side of the fold, Y/N knew of the empresses’ tailor.
Large, amber eyes fix on Y/N who slowly sat up. She stared at Genya without shame, admiring her appearance.
“Well, from what the general told me, I expected I’d have more work on my hands.” Genya huffs, her hands on her hips as her lips form a thin line.
“I have nothing wrong with me”, Y/N defends, graciously getting out of the bed that was far too comfy considering who she shared it with. “And where is the general?” Raising her eyebrow, Y/N folded her arms. No matter where he disappeared to, she couldn’t let him wander too far in case he tries to break their agreement and attend a meeting alone.
Humming, Genya didn’t try to hide her curiosity as she looked Y/N up and down. “Are you sure you don’t need my services?”
Glancing at the door, Y/N saw the servants waiting in front for a command. “Leave us”, Y/N waves them off, swiftly closing the door behind them. Her eyes settle on a seemingly startled Genya who cocks her head to the side.
“Interesting. So you do need me?”
Inhaling deeply, Y/N nods. Coming closer, her eyes remain on Genya’s whose gaze drifts at first. Once Y/N stopped before her, their eyes met.
“I need you, but not as a tailor.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Genya steps back. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N licked her lips. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you hate the emperor and you’d do anything to make sure he never lays a hand on you?”
Genya’s nostrils flare, her lips drawing back between her pearly whites. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m loyal to my emperor.”
“I know”, Y/N reaches for her hand, “I’m saying if your loyalties shifted, I’d make sure that fat fuck died in agonizing pain.”
Yanking her hand out of Y/N’s reach, Genya stepped back with wide eyes.
Gnawing on the inside of her bottom lip, Y/N wished she was more tactful. Hearing of Genya and her fate, she assumed she’d gladly ally with her in this fight. Not only does she need Genya on her side to fight against Kirigan, but the emperor as well. Genya would have been an ideal ally if only she was willing to hear her out. But she should have waited, befriended the Grisha. She should have been more tactful.
“Does the general know of the treasonous plans you speak of?”
Chuckling in disbelief, Y/N shakes her head, “Do you truly believe I’d be breathing if he did?”
Pursing her lips, Genya turned her back on Y/N, contemplating all the possibilities that could stem from her decision.
“It’s a lot, I know, but I am here with a few secrets of my own.” Y/N takes a step closer, her hand clasping Genya’s shoulder as a show of support. “I realize you barely know me, but we can change that now.”
“How?” Genya whispers, more to herself than Y/N who released a shaky sigh.
“By revealing a secret that would be lethal for me if you shared it with anyone.”
Glancing over her shoulder, Genya’s eyes narrowed at Y/N who felt genuine, more than anyone had been since the day she arrived in the Palace. Despite the initial mistrust, Genya nods.
The guards stationed outside of Y/N’s room only heard a loud gasp behind closed doors, unaware that very gasp was a start of a friendship that would define Ravka’s future.
Meanwhile, the Darkling had spent the morning out in the fields. Riding his favorite horse usually served as a way to distract his mind from ongoing worries, but it had no such effect today. No amount of speed or distance could possibly erase the feeling of Y/N’s hand on his body, much less of her body pressing against him.
He behaved as a pious man, an honorable gentleman with self-restrain of a saint. If he could, he’d have taken her without regrets, but he never crossed that line and doing so with a woman meant to be his wife would set him on a path of no return – of true evil.
The Darkling may have done some heinous things, but they were never without reason. If he had done anything against her wishes, he’d be beyond redemption and he couldn’t help but grit his teeth every time he imagined himself losing his mind around her long enough for her to turn him into the villain she sees him as.
Another thing he’s decided to do is break the rule he knew she expected him to uphold – sleeping in separate chambers was the worst thing for them now. He had to be in her bed every night, regardless if she wanted to let him between her legs or not. He wouldn’t force her, that much would be true, but he wouldn’t sleep in his own room anymore. The room they were given last night would be the one he goes to, stumbles to, crawls to, in order to fall asleep beside her. And though it’s a risk as he could easily find himself with his throat cut, he refused to back down.
Dismounting, he headed to the map room where his subordinates waited for further instructions regarding the war.  
“Shall we start?” The Darkling tossed his riding gloves on the desk as he looked at his people. A new face caught his attention, making him do a double take until his dark skies narrowed at her.
“Now that you’ve arrived”, Y/N stands, smiling sweetly. “I believe we can present to you what we’ve discussed while you were off on a joy ride.”
There’s nothing sweet about her, Darkling realizes. Even her smile is coated in honey but laced with poison.
 He licked his lips, “Well, if you want my opinion-“
“I don’t”, she stood her ground, “I have my own.”
Chuckling darkly, he leans forth on the table. His nostrils are flared, his hands gripping the edges until his knuckles turn white. “And what exactly is that?”
“We agreed on having the First army general having a vote in the decision making process as you all do, and since I’m his proxy, I’ve decided you will no longer use humans as canon meat.”
Gliding the tip of his tongue over the inner side of his teeth, he stared at Y/N as if she were made of glass he had every intention on shattering. That would be a mistake – glass is only brittle until it breaks, the shards can cause more damage.
“We will train Grisha to protect humans and humans will use their weapons to protect the Grisha in a more effective manner with the emperor’s gold.”
“Gold?” Kirigan says through gritted teeth as she approaches him, her hands behind her back and he has no doubts she’s stashed a weapon in them and the blue kefta she wore. He’d tell her to take it off and never wear one since she’s but a human, yet as his wife, she was entitled to a kefta. Besides, she looked like a dream in one.
“The emperor agreed to fund the First army’s armory during breakfast”, she smirks, lifting her head up to maintain eye contact.
“Get out”, he grumbles.
Raising her eyebrow, she giggles, “Are you that incapable of admitting I may have opinions and capabilities with potential to do better than the ones you brought before the emperor?” Hardening her gaze, she cups his cheek so tenderly he felt a shiver run down his back. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
“GET OUT!” He turns to the others, watching them scramble to leave before he unleashes the darkness everyone feared. Once the last one left, the door slamming behind them, Kirigan locked his eyes on hers.
“Don’t ever try to get inside my head”, he snarled, slamming her against the door. As his heartbeat echoed in his ears, they stayed there with his grip crushing her wrists, keeping them pinned to the wall.
She didn’t breathe, trying to guess his next move. There was a risk she’d push him over the edge and she quite liked herself in one piece, so she waited – waited for him to move first despite the aching pain in her wrists. Releasing a shuddered breath, her chest deflates.
Finally, his eyes soften as he realizes he might have scared her and while he’d usually triumph, he found no satisfaction in being rough with her. He imagined himself releasing her from his grip, cupping her cheeks and asking for forgiveness, but the way she refused to blink made him unsteady. Yet he whispered still, “It’s too dark for you.”
Squinting, Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line. She easily breaks out of his grasp, shoving him against the wall with her forearm on his chest. Trailing her hand lazily towards his neck, she tightens her grip, lightly choking him. Pulling him down, she stands on her tiptoes as well. Leaning in, her lips brush against his ear; whispering, "Darling, you may wield darkness but you don't know the meaning of dark."
Stepping away, she raised her chin defiantly and he wished he could grasp it and pull her lips to his until her jaw relented and her mouth opened for his. And that’s when he realized – why would he hold back?
Her eyes drifted up to his and she knew his resolve was gone. His lips captured hers in a hard kiss, driving them apart with the force of it. There was something gentle about it, regardless of the brute strength he used to push her into the door. She felt the door rattle against her back as he shifted, pressing her into it, taking her face between his hands.
When he kissed her, she felt as if she were losing his mind. She couldn’t comprehend why her hand wasn’t holding her dagger at his neck, or why she allowed herself to moan into the kiss as if he had brought her pleasure.
Every thought she once had evaporated as the darkness of lust drew her in, bending all her rules, stealing the last trembling bit of restraint. She tries to pull away, to stand firm and turn away his affection if she could call it that.
“No”, he whispers, bringing her lips back to his.
And when he kissed her again, she wasn’t sure she wanted her sanity back. She slid her hands under his kefta, wrapping arms around him to press him closer. The low groan at the back of his throat, a small, pleading noise set every inch of her skin on fire.
Opening her eyes, they widen as she notes his are closed as he lost himself in their passionate exchange. A single intelligent thought formed inside her mind, sparking others to appear as well. Playing with fire is her favorite hobby, but this wasn’t a game – not when she was losing.
Pushing against him with all her might, Y/N gasped for breath as he stumbled back. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she narrowed her eyes at him. Lifting her chin, Y/N met his gaze decidedly. After all, she couldn’t avoid her marital duty if she allowed him to kiss her like that. He may not be an old, unattractive, undeveloped man she had imagined in her mind, but Y/N still wasn’t quite keen on giving herself to him. She had kept her maidenhood all those years only to lose it to a man who shall never be more to her than a husband in name only. She’d never love him…she promised herself that. She never broke a promise before and he would not be the one who changes that.
“Don’t touch me”, she spoke through clenched teeth.
He looked at her in surprise. There was hatred in her enchantingly cold eyes, her cheeks flushed red. If possible, her anger made her even more beautiful. Never had he felt such a raging desire.
His hand went around her neck, his thumb digging into the soft flesh. “You are my wife,” he said in a low voice. “You are mine!”
“I believe we have already covered that. I’m not yours and I never will be.” Y/N told him with such spite, such determination that he let her go immediately.
“You’re untouched, aren’t you?” Darkling’s voice softened, his eyes holding more understanding than she liked. Had he acted unreasonably and taken her against her will the night before or now, she’d at least be right about his horrid heart and vile mind…but he didn’t. Instead of being a savage she imaged him to be, he offered her gentle understanding.
“I’m sorry I was rough. I’ll try and be gentler. If you don’t want to go through with this, I won’t force you.” Running a hand across his face, he leaned back on the table. “I want you…really fucking bad, but I won’t take you against your will.” The Darkling sighed as she stared at him with her doe eyes, seeing confusion pass her features.
“Good to know where you draw your line. Murder – good, rape – bad.”
Rolling his eyes, he squinted as he looked at her again, “We can’t sacrifice Grisha for your men.”
Knitting her eyebrows, Y/N could hardly believe he just forgot the kiss they shared. In seconds, he crossed his arms and the lustful look was gone. The man before her was a general once more, and though he tried to hide it, he was still a man who had a hard-on despite the subject change. She wished she could ignore the evidence his blood is still boiling for a touch, more so because he was fucking right – he wasn’t small at all.
“If you keep wasting human lives, we will stop defending yours entirely.”
Raising an eyebrow, his face hardened, “We’ll kill you.”
Scoffing, she raises her eyebrow to mimic him. “It’s you or Volcra or the Druskelle and Fjerdans or Shu. We end up dying either way.” Stepping closer, she folded her hands behind her back. “We can work together and lessen our losses or you can do it your way and have a massacre instead.”
In less than a minute, her eyes turned from ice to flame and he found himself captivated by the change.
“I’ll agree on one condition.”
His gaze roamed over her as if he is unable to fully comprehend her beauty. Only when he looked back at her eyes did he see she was troubled. Was that expression fear? The possibility struck him as so humorous he nearly laughed out loud.
“State your terms”, she snapped, refusing to concede when she’s close enough to do something she’s wanted for years – to protect the soldiers used as a shield for those who are perfectly capable of protecting themselves.
“I plan on getting to know you better”, he leaned in closer. He raised his hand, cupping her cheek just as he imagined – tenderly, enough to show dominance but not quite capable of harming her. “If you let me.”
Heart fluttering inside her chest had made her doubt herself. She stared at him, stubborn and unrelenting. “I’m still not sleeping with you.”
Chuckling, Kirigan drops his hand, noticing her relax as he steps back. With a tightness in his chest, he looked back at his wife, so small, so alone and still so fierce. He would never admit it, but he had already a sliver of love for her and knowing she did not had hurt him.
His smile falls and he nods. Clearing his throat, “How about we go for a ride in a few days?” He took her hand in his and gave her a gentle squeeze, looking up at her weary eyes.
“Does that mean I have the bed all to myself?” Raising her eyebrows expectantly, she squeezed his hands right back, as bold as ever. Genya seemed to trust him, yet Y/N couldn’t understand why. He’s too charming to be trustworthy.
Using his grip on her hand as an advantage, he tugged her closer to him and she found herself between his legs as he remained, leaning against the table behind him. His eyes flicker to her lips, “Better find more pillows, my wife. We wouldn’t want you to be the big spoon again, would we?”
With that, he turned them so swiftly, she had barely blinked as he pulled her up on the table and she gasped in surprise. Heart beating fast, she nearly gripped his kefta and claimed his lips, but he leaned in on his own accord and she had no need for brutish behavior.
The tip of his nose brushes hers and just as she begins to lean in, he takes a step back. Winking, he takes another step back.
“If you want a taste, you’ll have to ask.”
Watching his retreating figure in shock, she remained perched on the table with her mouth open and her eyes wide.
Covering her mouth, Y/N shakes her head. Her mind was right, the heart cannot be trusted.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9​ @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x​ 
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thran-duils · 3 years
Lost In Your Current (P.1)
Title: Lost In Your Current (Part One) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Tony Stark. After the snap, the team realizes that certain males were given Alpha status and certain females were assigned as Omegas, all across the galaxy, as a way to control procreation. Only Omega can give birth now. Both are marked and their DNA is tied through their marks. Tony lost Pepper and fell into depression after being rescued by Carol. Even the information that he could have happiness again could not pull him out. Until the loneliness and his new Alpha gene got to be too much. When Steve contacts him that his Omega had been found, Tony cannot resist to collect her. Words: 2,033 Warnings (for the whole fic): Dub-con, a/b/o elements, smut, forced mating
Part Two || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
After he had been brought back from space and found Pepper gone, Tony had been devastated. He isolated himself despite the remaining Avengers efforts. He only let them know he was alive and was reviving himself from being starved and dehydrated in space. When he had received the intel that in the snap, males were given mates, an Alpha and Omega pairing, he had rejected the idea at first, ignoring the small A that had engrained itself on the web of his hand between his forefinger and thumb. But as time waned on, he found himself empty and even admitting that to Rhodes opened up the conversation again about finding his Omega. Rhodes was convinced Tony would find healing in that connection. Thanos had done it to set couples, control procreation. No out of wedlock. There would not be another overpopulation problem. Only Omega were able to breed now. In any corner of the galaxy, it seemed.
Somehow despite his isolation, Tony had gotten word an Omega had been captured and her imprinting mark, an outline on her gland yet to be penetrated, matched his DNA. It was not a surprise to Natasha considering his incessant need for information and adept ability to hack practically any system.
Or maybe it was because Steve had told him. That’s what Tony divulged to her upon his arrival.
“I did not tell you yet for a reason,” Natasha told him.
They were standing in the observation room. Like many Omega after the snap, she had gone into hiding as soon as the information was out, and she had noticed the mark on her neck. People were not keen on being forced into submission and this situation was no different. Quickly, a drug had been developed and distributed. Still, the Omega had stayed in hiding, still fearful they could be detected despite the suppressants.
“Yeah, I’m used to you not telling people things,” Tony told her coldly. “You learned that from Fury well enough.”
Natasha swallowed his insult, knowing he was getting himself riled up just at the sight of her. She needed to be delicate about this. She had planned on telling him and inviting him to the compound but she had wanted to give Y/N time, get her as calm as possible to meet her Alpha. Steve had ruined that. So, she had to just go ahead now that Tony was here, ready to pounce. He had held off for so long, but the loneliness and loss had gotten to him. Or the drive to find himself buried in his Omega had sunk in; hormones were a bitch.
“She’s been on the suppressants. It may take a while for her to feel her heat,” Natasha told him.
“’A while’? How long has she been off them?”
“We’ve had her in here a few days. But a week at least.”
Tony growled and turned away from her. His eyes found Y/N again on the other side of the glass, watching her meander in the room serving as her cell to keep her safe. “She’s so close! A few days at best!”
Tony could already see it, smell it. It did not matter there was a wall separating, she was coming in through the circulation. And she already smelled deserving of his veneration.
Natasha inhaled sharply and took a step towards him. Firmly, she asked, “Do you need to leave, Tony?”
“No!” he spat, shooting her a threatening glare. He was just daring her to try to force him to leave.
As if he would let his prize out of his sight. He had been lost the moment he had laid eyes on her, smelled her sweet scent of sea breeze and jasmine.
Natasha would threaten him in return. She was not afraid of him, unlike most people. She was firm when she told him, “I won’t allow you to mate an Omega without their consent. She won’t realize she’s in heat yet. You need to wait until next cycle. Even if it is your soulmate and you think it’s for the best. And by think, I use it lightly cause I can see your fingers are white with how hard you are trying to hold onto that ledge to keep a grip on control.”
Tony snorted impatiently. Next cycle? Fuck that. He had been stuck in space and been screwed over by Thanos. He lost Pepper. He deserved this. He deserved her, he deserved this new start. He had gotten himself healthy again. And why not for this?
His Alpha was rearing its head; he had his soulmate so close, and he was so convinced he could trip her into heat early.
His eyes were fixated on his mate on the other side of the glass. She was moving around unbeknownst that he could see her, that he was watching her. His cock was tight against his jeans, and he adjusted, shooting a glance at Natasha who did not miss the movement.
He paced more, keeping his eyes set on her. She licked her lips, her hands wringing together as she sat down on the bench at the window she was allowed. She would have so much to look at when she was at his house. He had moved north, bought a large house settled in the mountains. So much space for her to wander, under his direction of course. He could not risk losing her either. But he wanted her happy. Only if happy meant she was with him though. He would not settle for anything less. He would force that mating bond on her if that is what it took to ensure she would warm his bed.
Out of Tony’s sight, Natasha cocked her head towards the door and Carol followed her. They thought Tony did not even notice them leave. Not that that was unexpected considering how zoned in he was.
Outside the room, door closed behind them, Natasha told her, “I’m gonna kill Steve. She needed a week—”
“Steve is just as meat headed as Tony. As little of time I’ve known him, I’ve realized that I’m not shocked he gave him the tip. He has been pretty happy with his mate that he found. I thought someone as virtuous as Captain America would have at least given the situation a second though, but…”
“Hormones are not a joke,” Natasha murmured. She swore and said exasperated, “Tony is not going to leave that fucking room without an armed guard dragging him out.”
Carol shrugged. “Then leave him in there! Let him watch her and keep the eye out he thinks he needs to. As long as he doesn’t break the glass—"
“He’s on edge already, Carol. If he sees anyone enter that room — even IF they’re beta, which is the only people I will send in there now regardless — he could lose it. Send himself into a rut. But she needs testing still and food. She has to interact with our doctors.”
Tony had certainly noticed them leave though. And he smirked as soon as the door closed. Idiots.
Waiting for the door to close after Carol and Natasha stepped outside the room, Tony hit his watch.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y…. Hit the ventilation. Knock them out outside the room I am in and hers.”
Tony stepped over Natasha and Carol slumped on the ground and then over the guards in the hallway. He held up his watch to the keypad and F.R.I.D.A.Y unlocked the door, giving him access. He shivered physically smelling Y/N full on, her wafting out to him as he pushed the door open. The room was penetrated with her and it was intoxication. The alcohol had done nothing for him since he had returned, no amount of money spent, no amount of women he had taken to his bed. But he actually felt something when he stepped into the room.
She turned away from the window, eyes wide and curious. He made sure to close the door behind him, a barrier to her escaping. He had read in the information he had been given all those months ago that Omega were unruly when they were not claimed yet and the thought made him growl internally. If she tried to run from him… his Alpha was furious at the thought, ready to pin her.
The two of them stared at each other and he could hear her heart beating faster, reacting to him. Natasha was right; she was not ready quite yet but just being in his presence was having an impact. Yes, he could trip her if he got her home, immersed her in his environment. If he was all she could see.
His eyes raked over her and he said, “Well, they certainly don’t know how to dress you all here.”
She looked down at her loose gown and then flicked her gaze back up to his, looking embarrassed. “I’m sorry…”
She was delectable. Submissive. She already wanted to please him, and she had not been properly introduced to him yet. Tony felt his cock hardening. If only he could take her here and now. But he needed to drive her home. He tried to fight the hormones trying to hijack his psyche.
“No, sweet one, don’t apologize. You still look lovely. You’re so fertile….. look at you. Dripping.”
You perked up at the compliment. The multiple compliments. You were doing good. Weren’t you? On many levels. Fertile. And wet.
Wait, wait?
He came closer. Still looking entirely in the brink of losing it but he smelled good. He smelled like home.
And that instantly set you on edge, a clear thought cutting through your arousal.
It was him. The Alpha you had been assigned to. And Jesus. It was Tony fucking Stark. Why else would he have this effect on you? Natasha had promised to speak to you and let you decide as you weaned off the suppressants. She had lied and now you were being thrown to the wolves. And no wonder. Tony was her friend. Why would she deny him anything?
You stood quickly and your back hit the wall. You were closing in on yourself, trying to be small. He bristled at your squirrely movement and cocked his head. He immediately placed himself between you and the door to prevent you leaving, holding up his hand. Your heart was hammering.
He was here. He was here to take you away, lock you away.
“You don’t have to be afraid…” Tony said, his voice rolling over you like a high. It was sugary, sweet. “You are safe with me, sweet one.”
Safe. Yes. He would protect you.
You shook your head, closing your eyes tight, trying to shake his influence. Safe meant under his thumb.
Tony was closing the space quickly and you cowered. He was stronger than you and would undoubtedly win a fight.
“Omega…” he said, the title falling from his lips like a song. You froze and he took a few more steps. He shivered, seeing your response. “Be good. You don’t have to be trapped in here anymore. This room is so small, confining. You can come with me… up to our cabin.” Our, the word usage was not lost on you. “There’s a lake. Space to wander. You will have freedom there. With me.”
Half of you was screaming to listen to him, go to him, obey. The other half was screaming at you to try to duck around him and find an escape to make sure you would not fully come off the suppressants and be his puppet, his breeding machine.
Tony was there, inches between you and your chest pulled towards him, wanting him to touch you. He noticed the movement, hunger swimming in his eyes, pupils blown wide.
“That’s it, Omega. Be good.”
A soft whine left your lips, embarrassingly, at the command to be good.
Yet, another thought flashed. This was not right. And your eyes hardened. His jaw clenched at the sight, and you knew you were in trouble. Before you could react, he brought his hand up, and all you felt was cold metal against your neck before you saw black.
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx @buttercupfangirl
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mochi-marie · 4 years
I hope this isn’t too much but can you do some bnha characters comforting the reader? Maybe she has low self esteem and thinks down of herself? Maybe with hawks, Shigaraki, Bakugou and Todoroki? Sorry it’s just I’m not in the best mood > <
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author’s note : it's not too much at all, love!! i love writing comfort, this is more than okay! and no need to apologize, everyone gets upset sometimes <3 just remember that you're loved, and take care of your mental health — that goes for everyone reading this! also, i ended up writing two small blurbs for bakugou and todoroki, so i hope they're okay? <3
perspective : gender neutral
characters : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shoto, keigo takami, shigaraki tomura
warning : angst to comfort, themes of self-hate / self-esteem issues
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♡ … bakugou may not seem like it, but he is very observant. he tends to notice slight changes in routines, or in attitudes. this often times includes noticing changes of mentality.
♡ … the moment that he realizes you're upset, specifically upset with yourself, he understands. he's been through similar feelings of inferiority, and a part of him aches at the idea of you feeling the way he did.
♡ … over time, katsuki tries to reach out to you in subtle ways. making you food more often, offering small glances and holding your gaze with his own with a hidden questioning look while he wished he could say : "hey, i'm here for you"
♡ … but subtlety often doesn't work. he realizes it when your issues seem to finally bubble up and you're nowhere in sight...
bakugou found himself staring into dark wood, eyes downcast at the slit under the door with low, yellow light illuminating from the crack. Taking a deep breath, going over the words in his head for what felt like the one-hundredth time, his hand lifted up to meet the door — your door — and his knuckles bounced, the rapping jolting him out of the haze he had been trapped under. bakugou's mouth felt dry, mind blanking and words dying on his lips when he heard a soft voice call out; "who is it?"
"open the door." strong, stable, calm. katsuki's eyes trailed the length of the illuminated slit, watching for any movement that would be caught by shifting shadows. "wh-" "just let me in, (name)." his voice was quick and sharp to respond, a stark contrast to the worry swimming in his scarlet red eyes. surprisingly, the click and shift of a lock was heard, and the door cracked open, revealing you. you could only imagine how disheveled you appeared — large, oversized lounge clothes draping over your figure, hair messy, and no doubt bags under your eyes, deprivation of mental rest clearly written across your face. "b-bakugou, why're you-"
arms wrapped around your shoulder tightly, surprise making you stumble back as your own instinctively wrapped around bakugou's mid-section. his face was pushed against your head, his spikey blonde hair tickling your face as the realization dawned. bakugou knew, he was there. he knew the deepest, darkest depths of his own mind that was tainted with ideas of inferiority, of guilt and regret, and of self-hate. he knew more than anyone how you felt in that moment, and he silently enveloped you in the comfort of attention and understanding.
"how'd you know?" you murmured softly, trying your best to swallow back the hot sting behind your eyes.
"it's my job to know." was his only response.
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♡ … todoroki can be a bit oblivious with childish things such as jokes, or with some types of emotions, but he understands self-esteem and the issues surrounding the concept.
♡ … watching your facial expressions, he immediately takes notice of the way you avoid mirrors, or in the way you seem to dodge compliments and brush off insults with a hidden frown and hurt bleeding from your expressive eyes.
♡ … todoroki would not waste any time, and would be quick to come and confront you about what's bothering you.
♡ … he may not fully understand the extent of your issues, but he will not stand aside and watch a loop of self-destruction start...
todoroki watches the smile on your lips fade to a thin line as others laughed around you, watching carefully as your gaze wandered to your hands that rested in your lap, fiddling nervously with your fingers. his stomach twisted into knots as he observed you silently, blank look on his face ever-present as he watched you get left behind once again. he watched the corner of your lips twitch, observed as the sigh flew harshly from your lips, and as your head dropped to stare into your lap.
furiously blinking, doing your best to hide your distraught face from others, a hand pressed itself to your upper back. the positioning was awkward, yet safe; hand curving to the upset hunch of your back. the hand was warm, and as you lifted your head, meeting his dual-colored eyes that matched his white and red split hair. "(name)?" his voice was calm and soft, eyebrows creasing in furrowed worry as his hand traveled to yours that had continued fiddling, taking your fingers into his palm. his thumb absentmindedly rubbed over your knuckles softly, having paused.
"are you okay?" sincerity dripped from his honeyed voice, genuine worry for a close one obvious. the tears that slipped from your eyes didn't startle him; todoroki calmly waited, until your head dropped to lean against his shoulder, feeling terrible for letting him see you in such a weak moment.
"it's okay, (name). speak when you're ready. i'm here for you." was his soft response to your silence, his heart pounding in his chest.
no one dared to disturb you two, as he listened to you let your emotions out.
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♡ … climbing in through your apartment window to be greeted with a surprised gasp was confusing.
♡ … when his head snapped up to see tear streaks on your cheeks with rosy eyes and a red nose, his heart climbed into his throat.
♡ … keigo's normal cockiness drained from his person, replaced with a side of him that doesn't normally show all too often -- seriousness and care overtakes his features, being emotionally intelligent.
♡ … he drops anything that he may have been carrying in favor of scooping you up into his arms after pulling off some of his pro-hero equipment ( visor, gloves, etc ).
♡ … keigo looks down to you, cradled in his arms with tears brimming that nearly draw water to his own eyes.
♡ … "what happened?" he asks softly, in a low voice as to avoid any more tears that would slip if he spoke any louder. his voice was barely above a whisper.
♡ … if you choose to say what's been bothering you, he'll listen closely, still holding you close to his chest with his chin resting on the crown of your head, sitting down on a sofa or a bed.
♡ … if you choose to stay silent, not yet ready or not quite in the right mind to convert bitter thoughts into coherent words that would make sense, he'll simply hold you to his figure until you're ready to talk!
♡ … will be a bit clingy, if it doesn't annoy you too much! he'll grumble a bit if you try to push away, and will sit outside the bathroom door if you needed to use it.
♡ … for the rest of the night he's never too far away, sticking near you as much as possible to offer any and all comfort that you need, only getting up to follow you to the bathroom or to grab you any snacks or drinks you may want, or blankets and pillows.
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♡ … shigaraki is known to not care for others and their qualms, acting childish and not being the best in understanding certain emotions or knowing how to deal with them within himself or others.
♡ … but having a relationship with you ( in some way or another ), he may have learned a bit. that doesn't mean he won't hesitate greatly though, once met with your tearful expression and curled up figure.
♡ … all you see is his frozen, ridged form, standing as still as a statue. yet his heart is pounding wildly in his chest, breath caught in his throat and skin starting to irritatingly itch.
♡ … his hand crawls up to his neck to absent-mindedly scratch, observing the way you opted to turn from his view. yet it was hard to miss the way you tried your best to stop the small bobbing of your shoulders that ached in the suppression of your cries.
♡ … an awkward, uncomfortable presence was sat next to you after a few minutes. no touching, just company. his company, unsure of what was appropriate, not knowing what to do, or what you would want from him.
♡ … if you don't tell him want you want, or what you need, the most he might do is place a tentative hand on your shoulder to test the waters, unsure of what he was doing, fingers twitching in uncomfortable tenseness.
♡ … he wants to help, he knows that he should help, but he doesn't know how to interact with people who are suffering with these emotions.
♡ … you'll have to be to one to move; to crawl into his embrace and manually wrap his arms around your frame, to be the one to initiate so that he can finally loosely wrap his arms around you — still hesitant and rigid, but wanting to help you in any way you would need — and let you bury your head into the crook of his neck.
♡ … while he may not be sure about physical or emotional connection, he understands that you need him, and that you need time to be able to explain the self-disparaging thoughts that run wild in your head.
♡ … will let you sit and cling to him for the rest of the day, and doesn't dare move unless you yourself moves first, not wanting to risk worsening any thoughts -- the absolute opposite of what he would wish.
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© — mochi-marie.tumblr 2021 ⊱ please do not plagerize, repost, reproduce, edit / alter, or claim any works as your own.
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514 notes · View notes
moonbaby26 · 4 years
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Title: Escape
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Notes: Actual pairing interaction starts in the second section after the Reader character gets out of the elevator, feel free to skip down to that if you like. Reader thinks about Peter in the first section, but it is more setting up how they got so separated from the others, plus a Wolvie cameo. I wanted Peter x Reader to be able to have more interaction away from the group.
Summary: Continuation of previous chapter. Set during X-Men: Age of Apocalypse. You and the others have been taken to Stryker’s base and must survive to find your way out together.
Warnings: Wolverine cameo advisory with a 100% chance of stabby stab. Mild language.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @drikawinchester , @n0obmaster69 , @alexloveskili , @what-a-silver-lining , @bluesprings18 , @weakmoony-stuff , @slytherinsi-mp
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
“The day of reckoning is here.”
Your eyes opened at once, that unmistakeable voice now reverberating through your mind as fluorescent lights passed one after another above you.
“Professor?” You breathed aloud, immediately trying to sit up on the moving gurney.
But the restraints were drawn too tightly as your head only rebounded backward just as quickly when your torso didn’t rise in tandem.
“Shit!” the guard to your left cursed, his hand drawing back from the gurney rail at your sudden movement.
You turned your head towards him, confused, even as the professor’s words continued in your mind.
Yet Xavier’s voice sounded strange, forced. And you didn’t understand the context. Was it a warning? A threat to someone?
It didn’t really seem to fit the current circumstances to say it was directed at you or your captors. But he only kept speaking.
“The dawn of a new era will emerge. For there is nothing you can do...to stop what is coming.”
The two guards were looking around too then, reacting in sync with the telepathic message leaving you no doubt that they could hear it as well.
But why would Xavier be in their heads too? Did he already know where you were?
One guard chided the other, as if the two of them didn’t both have the same frightened expression. “Damn stun pulse is wearing off it is all, just hurry up and finish this transport. Colonel Stryker wants it taken to the lower testing bay,”
“Don’t tell me you aren’t hearing that voice?” The other guard retorted, “What the hell is that?”
Did they just call you an ‘it’? What was this place? Not a hospital surely. But you could barely dwell on the implications of the guard’s words ‘lower testing bay’, and the impending threat that represented as your last memories finally began to bubble up.
The X-Mansion in rubble, the helicopters swooping in over the trees, the students and staff unconscious in the grass, that soldier cracking your ribs, and-
He was a stranger to you still, but he’d been right there against you. Surely you had drawn more attention to him just because your powers had let you resist a few moments longer than the others. Because you’d been so stubborn, not going down until you’d been forced to.
If these men had hurt any of your friends, you would be furious. But if Peter, who had also saved so many of your friends was now in more severe danger because of your actions, you wouldn’t forgive yourself.
“Where did you take the others!?” You arched against the restraints abruptly, your palms opening to face upward, trying to summon any bit of your energy at all. A wisp, an orb, anything that could have helped you right now. You had to find your friends.
But nothing came. Not even a glow or flicker of what you truly were as you now had both guards’ full attention.
“Freak! Just shut up!” One of them shoved the gurney in retaliation to your outburst, the caster wheels rattling across the concrete floor before the bed rail hit against one of the walls, jarring you painfully.
“Those with the greatest power. Protect those without. That's my message to the world.”
Xavier concluded his words then. And somehow, that sounded more like himself than any of the rest of it. The real meaning still eluded you, but hearing him in that tone at least meant he was okay. He was somewhere urging the rest of you on. At least this part you knew was true as you took a calming breath, realizing panic and anger would serve you nothing right now.
Something was blocking your powers. That much was obvious. It would be unrealistic to think that the effects of any stun weapon would be this long lasting though.
On the other hand, you knew chemicals existed that could also temporarily block mutations. Hank used one almost medicinally whenever he didn’t wish to be in his true “Beast” form. But it had to be injected direct into the veins to have any real effect.
You could feel that they hadn’t removed any of your clothing, nor had they rolled up the long sleeves you were wearing. You doubted they would risk a chemical like that wearing off at an inopportune time and likely would have started an IV if they possessed anything of that nature.
There were no tubes or lines attached to you that you could tell, only the restraints now holding you to this bed. Leather straps across your body, metal cuffs on your ankles and wrists-
But wait, you were able to move your head as you’d already discovered. You shifted it again, trying to get a better feel of what was around your neck. Metal as well, but loose as you could still lift your head up enough to see it just a bit. It and its dull, red status light.
Inhibitor collar, you realized with an all new dread sinking in. You had heard of these of course, but it was the kind of thing that students sheltered at Xavier’s school would never have to dream of really. Something you never thought you’d have to experience personally.
How naive.
But you still couldn’t give up. Your mind was racing as you tried to come up with any strategies now. Your options were so limited, but they couldn’t keep you tied down forever. Surely they’d have to move you to a more permanent containment at some point, untie you if even for a moment.
Yet, there were guns as well. You hadn’t missed that detail, but you considered it more fully now as you glanced to the long barrells swaying behind each guard’s back as they pushed you along.
They were slowing now though. You raised your head enough again to see elevator doors nearing. The lower testing bay, you remembered them saying.
But just as one guard had started to reach for the keypad beside the doors, an alarm blared, all three of you startling at the sound.
Orange lights lit up along the walls, spinning in time with the sirens.
“Weapon X is loose. I repeat, Weapon X is loose!” A man’s unnerved voice sounded over speakers you couldn’t see, echoing down the corridors.
You could only watch as both guards spun around on their heels at that, guns immediately drawn. The one thing you could be absolutely sure of then, was that you were now the very least of their concerns.
Before you could consider how to use this surprise in your favor though, screams and the echo of gunfire erupted seemingly on top of you all.
The guards were terrified. This could be your only chance.
“Take this collar off of me, please! I can help you!” You weren’t begging as much as you were truly trying to reason with them. “Look, this is serious right!?”
More men were screaming just around the corner. Only feet away now. Clearly their time to consider had run out.
You saw one of the guards glance down at you, weighing your offer if just for that moment. The other was still staring straight ahead, gun braced, body rigid.
“FIRE!” The one not looking at you screamed, and that was it. It was too late.
You flinched as the gunfire rang deafening in your ears, the muzzle flashes just above you while empty bullet shells rained onto the floor.
You didn’t know how many bullets their gun magazines could hold, but the barrage seemed to just go on and on until an inhuman snarl rose even above the pounding gunshots.
Like a blur he was upon them. One guard was immediately thrown against a nearby wall, as if he were made of paper. His gun didn’t even faze the attacker.
You were frozen as you had to watch him die in front of you. Metal blades impaled the guard, blood splatter running down the wall as his body fell. You wished the other guard would have just turned and ran, but that probably would have been fruitless now too if you were being honest.
The attacker had turned immediately back around, one slash knocking the gun away from the remaining guard, and the second taking out his throat.
You were too in shock to do anything but close your eyes in the moment you felt some of the blood hit you. It was warm was all you could really process, before you opened your eyes again to now see the killer standing over you.
His breath was fast, eyes black, no emotion evident but rage. He had no clothing on him above the waist, just muscular and bloodied with metal cords coming out of his body and attaching to some sort of helmet.
You heard the random sound of more bits of metal hitting the ground, and thought you saw a few bullets working out in reverse from his flesh.
He was one of you then, a mutant.
But you were afraid to speak. Anything could set him off again.
He was looking down at you, through you really. You thought you saw his eyes go to your throat. The collar? Or maybe you just imagined it. Everything was happening in just seconds.
His arm swung suddenly, those blades were part of him you realized, attached to his fists as they came for you. At least it would be a quick death.
You felt a burning, heard ripping and even the metal of the bed breaking as he struck more than once.
“He’s here!” Someone else screamed from back down the hallway and the gunfire started all over again.
You moved at the sound, why you didn’t know, it should have been all over regardless. But in your amazement, you realized you could move. His claws had broken through the restraints, broken the bolts that held you to the bed. You were bleeding, but only from cuts as he’d grazed you.
He’d freed you.
The gurney tumbled over with a clatter as you jumped from it. But bullets were hitting all around you as the guards continued to fire at him. You still had the inhibitor collar on, so you couldn’t defend from that. You weren’t bulletproof like him.
And he was already charging them again, but there were so many this time. A bullet grazed your arm, and you knew you had to get out of there now.
You turned, hitting the elevator keypad. You had no choice as you wouldn’t make it out of this hallway otherwise. You ducked inside as soon as the doors opened, trying to stay against the sides even as bullets were now hitting the back of the elevator. The only way was down, and you took it.
As the doors closed, and the elevator finally sank below the firing line, you allowed yourself some real breaths.
To think, just hours ago your main concern had only been whether or not you were ready for Hank’s organic chemistry final. You’d laugh if you weren’t still trembling a little, clothes torn and blood all over, most of it not even your own.
Now it was time to find the others and a way out.
“(Y/N)?” You heard in your mind, pausing in the abandoned hallway you were now wandering down. You’d left the elevator behind some time ago, but hadn’t yet found any other way back off this level.
“Jean?” You answered aloud, both surprised and relieved. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. We are now. I saw them take you too, but where are you?”
Talking to a telepath was always a bit strange. You could feel her own stress and anxiety as she began to fill your mind. She wanted to see what you were seeing.
You looked around you to oblige her, but from what you could tell every corridor only looked like more of the same in this labyrinth.
“I got into an elevator when all the shooting started, when that man-“
“Logan. We met him too. He’s escaped now, he-” She paused, your recent memories now visible to her. “He helped you.”
“He did.” You felt she both was and wasn’t surprised at this.
“Anyway,” She continued as if something was distracting her, like she was physically talking to someone else, while mentally talking to you. “The Professor needs us. We’re sending Peter to find you. He’ll bring you to us and then we’re leaving together.”
“Okay,” Was all you could answer, as you felt Jean leave your mind abruptly at that. You remembered Xavier’s odd speech earlier, something you really hadn’t had time to deconstruct any further with everything else that had happened immediately after. You supposed they would fill you in when you were all reunited.
But you did feel a significant weight leave your shoulders at the mention of Peter’s name, even though it sounded like this horrific day was still far from over. He was okay too then at least. You hadn’t screwed up enough to get him hurt in a way you couldn’t take back.
Yet how long would it take for him to find you? Should you just stay in place, or go back to the elevator now? You hadn’t found any stairwells or other-
You’d be lying to say you didn’t almost fall over in surprise as a tiny gust of air was the only other thing that announced him as Peter was suddenly standing beside you.
“You’re as bad as Kurt!” You gasped, before you could stop yourself. You clenched one fist at your side, at least having the self control not to punch him right in the arm as you might have done with some of the boys at school if they had given you that kind of scare.
“That’s the blue kid with the tail right? Not to be confused with the big blue hairy guy, he’s the one that told me your name by the way, or the blue famous chick from TV?” He shook his head, but his eyes were amused. “You guys have some kind of quota on the color blue or what?”
You stared at him. He did like to talk didn’t he?
When you didn’t respond right away, you saw his eyes wander down, then back up. “Red said you’d be a bit of a mess, but you sure you’re okay?”
Your shirt was torn from well, now you knew him as Logan...that man’s claws. Those cuts were still bleeding a bit, but the guard’s blood was on you as well. The metal shackles were also still on your wrists and ankles, though their chains had been broken, and the inhibitor collar was around your neck. Yes, you must look quite a sight.
“You mean Jean,” you corrected. She must have given him some warning at least before sending him. “Yeah, I’m fine. So you found another way out of here, we should-”
But he didn’t seem to be listening, either that or you weren’t very convincing on the being okay sentiment.
He looked quite serious all of the sudden. “I’m sorry I didn’t help you when Colonel douchebag was trying to work you over.”
You blinked. What was he talking about?
“Stryker I guess they said his name was, the guy that kicked you back at the house.” He just continued. “That piece of shit bailed already.”
“How did you know about that?” You asked honestly. Peter had been unconscious as far as you’d known.
“I mean I was in and out,” He answered, seemingly understanding your confusion now. “But uh...” He hesitated, kind of an awkward smirk building then. “I definitely remember you laying on me. The impact wasn’t that great, but afterward was pretty nice.”
Your felt a heat rising to your face immediately. The absurdity of being physically embarrassed at his implication and tone, as you stood here literally bleeding in the belly of some mutant torturing black ops lab was not lost on you.
“Look, I...” You didn’t even know what to say, but you knew if you didn’t start talking now you were never going to recover control here. “I’m really glad they didn’t hurt you, and I’m sorry too if I got you involved deeper in all of this. And I want to thank you for pulling everyone out of the mansion this morning. We owe you so much. I just-” Oh man, where were you even going with this? You looked to him still feeling like you were just digging yourself deeper, “You can stop me anytime now you know?”
He was now outright grinning. “You’re welcome, babe.”
Not helping. AT ALL.
You were staring at him again. “They’re going to be waiting on us, you know,” You felt you were going to be pleading with him in a moment.
“I know, places to be, worlds to save...” He just moved closer and you tensed a little bit. He noticed, but stood his ground. “I have to brace you or you’re just going to be hurt even more when I run you back to them.”
“So is that how you do it, then? You’re just that fast?” You asked honestly. His actual mutation wasn’t something there’d been any chance to discuss. You could infer only so many ways he would have been able to evacuate those in the mansion almost instantaneously. But you knew teleporters too, even people who could move through reality on other planes. There was always more than one way to do something.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” He chuckled, smirking enough for you to know he was still just picking with you as one of his hands went behind your head and the other to your ribs to brace you. He really did know where you’d been hit then.
His hands were warm, and you could smell that damn cologne again now as you tried to ready yourself for whatever was about to happen.
You didn’t know what you had expected. You knew how it felt to take off in a jet, or slam the gas pedal down in one of the Professor’s expensive cars, or ride on a really intense roller coaster. But this wasn’t that. There wasn’t even any time for your brain to register the acceleration. It felt like just a single heartbeat before you were standing back in front of those elevator doors with him.
It was the deceleration that hit you. By the time your body knew it was moving, it had already stopped again, your organs lurching and your equilibrium completely thrown off as vertigo took over. You leaned forward immediately, trying not to dry heave as puking seemed almost imminent.
He took one of your hands, his other hand moving down from your ribs to your waist as he helped support you still.
“It’ll pass. It happens to everyone the first time,” He spoke, probably the softest tone you’d heard from him to this point.
“You’re telling me there are people who have been-” You swallowed, fighting that nausea back down. “have been with you multiple times?” You meant to say multiple times like that. People who needed to be rescued this way multiple times. You stood up, still queasy as you tried to face him and correct this blunder immediately. Why did this guy have you so flustered!?
“I’m not normally like this,” you stammered, waiting for some great retort from him as you’d just left yourself wide open with that slip.
It was only then that you realized he still had one hand on your waist, and you were now facing him, just inches apart. And the silence was worse. It was much worse while he was just looking back at you.
“No,” He finally said, “I uh...I don’t have anyone that’s stayed around long enough for that.”
He wasn’t joking at all now and you knew it.
“I didn’t mean...” You started, but stopped again when you didn’t know how to finish.
But the vulnerability was gone just as soon as it’d come. His smirk returned as he let go of you, moving forward to hit the keypad for the elevator. “I did look for stairwells by the way, if you were wondering. It only took me as long as it did to find you down here because this damn elevator is slow as hell.”
You actually were a little relieved to finally be focusing back to the task at hand. But you still felt an unspoken conversation lingering that would need to be continued later. You wanted him to know who you really were.
And honestly...you now wanted to know who he really was.
The harsh buzz from the keypad brought you back to attention as Peter hit it again.
A tiny screen blinked “CODE ERROR” in red as he groaned. “It didn’t need a damn code to come down, that makes no sense!”
You responded in a few moments, realizing the likely truth fairly quickly. “But it would make sense if you were more concerned about things getting out of the lab than you were of things getting in.” The same would be true for the lack of entry and exit points. They surely weren’t concerned with fire safety or anything else but keeping their specimens captive when they built this place.
“Ugh, that’s dark,” He answered, glancing at you and then back to the keypad. “You’re almost making me not feel so bad for all the guys that looked like swiss cheese on the way down here. But lucky for you, you’ve got me, and these five hombres.” He waved his fingers at you before immediately beginning to punch in multiple codes in faster succession than of course would have been possible for anyone else.
“Peter, I don’t think-” You started, already having a good suspicion of how this might play out, before the keypad abruptly quit accepting inputs, the tiny screen then blinking LOCKOUT. The only thing that did surprise you was a new even thicker door suddenly closing over the original elevator doors.
And you couldn’t help it then. You laughed. A real laugh. It was just the dumbest icing on the cake. “Okay, Han Solo. I think that will do.” You didn’t care if he would understand the reference or not. You needed that laugh right now.
But he didn’t let you down. Not even for a moment. “Okay then Leia, then you show me how we’re getting past here to save the ugly little ewoks.”
You were still snickering a little, but you shook your head. “I can’t,” You motioned to the inhibitor collar still around your neck. “Not with this on. It’s blocking my powers.” You had hoped once you were all back topside that Hank would be able to disarm the thing. It was probably radio controlled or something like that. “We’ll have to wait on Jean and the others to realize we’re taking too long, they’ll come for us.”
“I don’t wait,” Peter retorted. “Besides, like I said, I showed you mine. Time to show me yours.” He tilted his head, eyeing you. “Really, I’ve been dying to know.”
“Sure you have,” You were skeptical, but it was actually hard to read him right now. Was he actually that curious about you? “And I’ve already tried to take it off, it doesn’t budge.”
“Again, babe. You didn’t have me before.” The smug tone was back, as he evidently had some plan you didn’t know if you were going to like or not.
“You realize, this thing is nearly against my jugular veins, right? What are you going to do?” You had every right to be hesitant you thought. Especially after the keypad failure.
“Just be still. I’m going to vibrate it apart.” He answered confidently.
Okay, now you really didn’t like this. “Again, head, throat, things I need to stay in one piece. What if it has some self destruct thing and explodes?”
“I can pull you away from that before it even burns you. How do you think your friends lived when your house blew up this morning?”
You could have mentioned Alex’s fate then, but that would have been needlessly cruel. Alex must have already been gone before Peter even entered the building. He did save everyone else you thought.
“Trust me,” Peter looked you in the eyes and you could feel yourself relenting.
You really did believe him it seemed. Hopefully that faith was not misplaced. “Please be careful,” You closed your eyes, going stock still.
“For you? Of course.”
You heard his jacket move, which told you he was raising his arms. Internally you tensed-
And then all you heard were pieces of metal and circuitry skittering across the floor in every direction. You were still standing exactly as you had been as you opened your eyes to a too pleased with himself Peter.
“Some shrapnel did try to go into your face, but I moved the pieces. No kaboom though.” His expression changed then to happily expectant, “So come on, I’ve helped three times now, the stage is now yours,” He made an exagerrated motion to the big metal door now blocking the elevator. “What’s your poison?”
Poison? An interesting way to put it, but you knew what he meant. All mutant abilities were both a gift and a curse. Yet even after all these years of meeting people of your own kind, it was still very personal to show someone your real self for the very first time.
Especially when you evidently cared what he thought of you as you realized your nerves were suddenly about much more than just being able to get open a door or not. How would he react?
You took a breath, still extremely aware of his eyes on you as you turned your palms upward. It was always easiest to start with your hands. But you’d need to bring the energy all the way through you to get the kind of power it was going to take to pull this door out.
There was a slight relief in you as your hands began to glow white after a moment. At least you knew you were no longer defenseless, that these people hadn’t taken your abilities permanently.
In your peripheral vision you could see Peter shift, but you didn’t look to him, trying to concentrate as the energy spread up your arms and you closed your eyes. It always felt so warm, like being in the sun on a clear day. It spread to your chest, legs, up your shoulders and over your face. Even through your hair as you willed the energy to lift you up, now completely enveloped until you were a silhouette of a person. Glowing in soft white light and levitating about a foot off the floor.
You opened your eyes again, feeling you had things in control enough now to speak to him. The tone of your voice changed slightly in this form though. There was a hum to it, the energy moving across your vocal chords like every other part of you.
“I’m going to try and pull the door out of the way and into the hall. Please be ready to move as I won’t have a lot of control over it once it gives. My effort is going to all be on breaking it.”
You looked to him after a moment though when he didn’t respond. You knew he was fast enough to keep himself safe obviously, but you had to be sure he was ready. Was he really just staring at you? “Peter?”
He blinked. “Yeah, uh. That’s...” He stepped back from the door, but never took his eyes off you, this weird expression on his face. “That’s cool.”
“Please mind the door,” You reiterated gently, not quite sure what to make of his reaction to your powers.
“Sure, sure thing.” He sounded more like himself then. “Do your deal.”
Your deal as he put it, involved willing this same energy now in a field around the door as you rose your hand up to control it. Once you were sure you had it solidly, you began pulling your hand back, trying to pull the door out of its railing.
It gradually started to creak, but like you’d thought, this was going to take some real doing. You pulled harder and harder, the metal just groaning louder. “Come on,” You spoke, not really sure if you were talking more to yourself or the door.
Your arm was starting to really ache with the effort. But just when you thought you might have to try something else after all, you finally felt the door give. And when it gave, it did so spectacularly. This massive chunk of metal collapsed, exploding out of its rail as it rocketed down the hallway. You just moved to the side to avoid it, the smaller pieces hitting you harmlessly in this form.
To your eyes it only looked like Peter disappeared and then reappeared as he also easily missed all the debris.
Once that obstacle was out of the way, you glided down, back to the normal elevator doors. They were slightly damaged from the removal of the larger door. But now it only took minimum effort to force them open.
You entered the elevator, the inner keypad was also blinking that same “LOCKOUT” error from earlier. So the elevator itself was going nowhere. But this was now no longer an issue for you.
“I can carry us up,” You looked to Peter, though unsure how comfortable he would be with this new idea.
He was standing at the entrance of the elevator already, watching you still. You could see the wheels in his head turning. And then he finally asked. “So, you’re glowing...and flying. Is this like radioactive glow, or I just need some sunscreen kind of glow?”
“It’s just light energy in the visible spectrum.” You answered reflexively. “But not even UV, the wavelength itself doesn’t cause any damage. It’s only when I make it solid or make it unstable that I can do anything harmful with it.”
You could see he may have skipped the lessons on long and short wave energy and radiation in science class as he just kept staring.
“You’re fine, it’s safe” You smiled. Certainly not the first time you had heard such questions. “The Professor and Hank had me tested from the very beginning, I never would have been allowed so close to other students without more precautions if I was that dangerous.”
“So you’re...close to some other students?” He asked almost tauntingly, one eyebrow raised, and it took you a moment before you realized he may be getting back at you for your comments from before.
It was probably just the fact that you were in your energy form now, but you felt confident enough to respond just as quickly, “It’s more like the Brady Bunch than what you’re thinking. Like having a whole house of little brothers and sisters.”
You had already opened up the ceiling of the elevator while the two of you talked, looking up now to the empty shaft and elevator cables. It’d be much easier to move the two of you rather than to try and lift the whole elevator. You reached a hand out to Peter. “I can lift us up the shaft to the floor that the others are on and open the doors, then you can take us to them. Deal?”
You had trusted him to bring you here, as well as to remove that collar from you. Would he now trust you to bring him up several floors without dropping him?
He was looking at your hand. “I probably could just run up the walls you know.”
You paused, realizing you hadn’t considered that. You didn’t really know what all he was capable of truly. But just as you started to lower your hand, he surprised you by grabbing and holding it.
“Yet how many guys can say they flew with you, huh?”
“Practically none,” You admitted. “I don’t make a habit of picking up my friends.”
“You aren’t quite building confidence here.”
“I’m sure that door weighed more than you.”
“And look how it ended up. Again, not comforting.”
This guy was truly something else. “Come here, we take much longer and they really are going to be sending a search party for us.”
You extended the energy from your hand across his body gently. He was obviously much lighter than the door, and the closer you kept him, the easier it would be to move the both of you.
You tried not to make eye contact with him again as you levitated the two of you through the top of the elevator and up through the shaft. Even though you knew you were fully capable of doing this, you still didn’t want to lose focus.
But his voice didn’t sound frightened at all as he spoke up to let you know how high to go. “They’re on the top floor, we’re stealing a jet to get out of here.”
“Wow, but okay. Got it,” You sped up a little at that, no longer worried about passing your landing point as you went straight to the top.
When you reached the highest doors, you were able to force them open with a turn of your free hand, bringing you and Peter safely through and back onto solid ground.
You powered down immediately as your feet met the floor, the light fading back into your body until you were just standing there in your torn, bloody clothes once more. “Okay, I’m ready to get nauseous again, let’s go.”
He actually squeezed your hand before he let go of it in order to brace your head and ribs again. “For the record that felt pretty good. You’re really warm. Zero g’s was cool too. Thanks.”
“Um...you’re welcome?” You answered, a little flustered all over again to your own dismay, and really not knowing what else to say before he whisked you away in an instant.
It really was going to be the longest day ever.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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hobidreams · 4 years
july 1869.
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does some part of him still remember the smiles you once shared?
pairing: joseon king!yoongi x reader genre: fluff, angst, very brief smut words: 1.2k contains: old friends. memories.
moonlit throne index. this is drabble 22. start from the beginning?
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Today, the sky is an overcast of grey clouds, promising at least a few drops of rain before hopefully giving way to the sun as you weave through the crowd in the town marketplace with a package in hand.
“Uinyeo-nim!” A bright voice cuts through the bustle of citizens trying to do their best to earn their living.
You turn, and smile when you see a face you’ve come to know rather well in the past month. “Scholar Park!”
He clutches a bundle of books in his arms as he walks up to you. “If I had known you were going to town, I would have waited for you.”
“You are kind, but I always have an escort.” You gesture to the guard assigned to you today, another stern-faced man with one hand on his sword at all times.
Scholar Park presses his full lips tightly together at the subtle reminder of your status. “Right. Well, at least we can walk together now! Are you finished with your errands?”
“Not yet. I have one last stop. We’re almost there, actually.” You fall into a comfortable step, keeping your pace light as you begin to walk forward again. “What’re you studying today?”
He groans. “I have to memorize all the guidelines on taxation. Even though they seem needlessly complicated, and I am far from interested in that area. I would much rather focus on agriculture.”
“But you’re working hard on it anyway, right? Not sneaking in any romance novels in with the texts?” You grin, giving the books a light poke with a finger.
“Um! No, of course not!” He denies it too quickly, and you make a note to bring him one of your favorite books later to see if he’ll take. Master Taehyun’s novels have only gotten better as the years pass, and his latest is a riveting story about a dashing young soldier and his childhood friend, who disguises herself as a man to bravely join him in the military ranks.
For now, you let Scholar Park off with a smile. “We’re here.”
Before you, Chun-ja scowls down at her son with a loose fistful of his hair caught between her fingers. “Yah!” She yells, “how could you break another plate?! I told you, no more running inside!”
“Sorry mom…” The kid shuffles from foot to foot, glancing to the side for a way out. His guilt-ridden face lights up when he sees you approach: the perfect escape plan. “Uinyeo-nim!” He runs towards you, slipping out of Chun-ja’s grasp before barreling right into your stomach.
You laugh as fondly pat his head. “Hey there, Han-jae.” Then you give him a knowing look. “You’re causing trouble for your mom again?”
“When is he not, is the question.” Chun-ja rolls her eyes, but in good humor now that you’re here. “It’s so great to see you. Grandma’s going to be overjoyed you could come. Let me go get her.”
“Here. Take these books I brought for you first.” You hand her the package, which she accepts with a grateful bow. “Oh, and Eunuch Kim included some for you as well. With a letter.”
Chun-ja flushes, her smile easily pulled wider at the mention of the kind man before she disappears through the door.
Left alone, Han-jae turns his head to the man beside you. “Who’re you?” Han-jae asks Scholar Park, regarding him with some suspicion. “Are you with uinyeo-nim?”
“A scholar. Who’re you?” is the reply, said with the same amount of maturity in the tone (though you can tell Scholar Park is mostly playing along. You think.)
They stare each other down, and you leave them be to sort out whatever man to man fixation they’ve got going on as Sook-ja opens the door. “Uinyeo-nim!” With a huge smile, she immediately pulls you into a warm hug. She soon proceeds to interrogate you about your health and the importance of drinking hot water, even in summer, before she pushes a box of colorful dasik treats into your arms, making you promise to give some to the young lord that is still most definitely not your betrothed. Inevitably, Han-jae tries to steal a sweet before long and you’re forced to play keep-away from the rambunctious boy for a little while until you’re breathless, but smiling so hard your face hurts.
Even as the rain starts to fall on your way back to the palace, today is, without a doubt, a good day.
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At the palace gate, upon your return, you are immediately instructed to go to the king’s quarters. You bid goodbye to Scholar Park as the guard escorts you through the palace grounds. You wish you could change, as your hanbok is rather soaked, but there is no time.
As soon as you enter his room, you sense a tension in the air, a thickness that makes you feel uneasy. The king sits at his desk, his back straight as he intently studies parchments. You know he was scheduled to have a particularly grueling meeting today, and it seems to have taken its toll on him by the scowl on his face. You aren’t sure whether to announce your presence again, and are just mulling it over when—
“Where were you?” He snaps, his stare still on the papers. “You weren’t in your room.”
“I was in town, jeonha.”
“With the guard. And with Scholar Park.”
Now he looks up. His eyes are narrowed as he takes in your damp appearance. “Park? That recently acquired academic?”
“Yes, we met by coincidence in the market.”
“I see.” His attention is drawn downward once more as he flips the page. “Strip.”
“N-Now, jeonha?” He will have you, even when he seems wrapped up in his reading?
“Unless you would rather catch ill, su-uinyeo-nim.”
Oh. Your chest tightens ever so slightly at the unexpected reason. You do as he instructs, peeling off the outer layer of your blouse and skirt before hanging them over a nearby chair.
“I, um, saw Sook-ja-nim in town. She’s doing well. She asked after you, and asked me to bring you these dasik.”
You wonder if he remembers her. And if he does, if he even cares. Still, you pick up the box and approach the desk to set it carefully on the solid surface. He watches you lift the lid to reveal the assortment of sweets, but doesn’t reach for them.
“You don’t wear it anymore,” he says suddenly, his eyes concentrating on your skin. “The bracelet.”
Instinctively, you wrap fingers around your bare wrist. “I’m sorry. It broke.” (An accident with a sharp edge just last week. You still keep the pieces in a small case buried beneath your clothes, but you don’t tell him that.)
“I’ll send Eunuch Kim for another one.”
“But that’s not the…” You shake your head, biting off the truth. “No, thank you, jeonha. There is no need to go to the trouble. It’s fine.” It could never be the same.
His brow wrinkles at your answer, but he seems to accept what you’ve said, so he doesn’t fight you. Instead, he stands. Takes you in his arms as he leads you to the bed, always the solution when he no longer wants to talk and risk letting you in that tangled, thorny mind of his. Among the luxurious fabrics, he claims you again. Reaffirms over and over with his head between your thighs that you are his, with a fervor that makes you want desperately to believe that he needs you as much as you do him.
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stardustprompts · 3 years
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the poppy war - r.f kuang   sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw :   drugs , death , murder , nsfw , prostitution mention , language
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‘take off your clothes.’
‘why would anyone drug themselves before a test?’
‘you’re about to be a very lucky girl, sweet.’
‘wow that’s great. really great. Terrific.’
‘your folks are assholes.’
‘well fuck the heavenly order of things.’
‘don’t you have actual responsibilities?’
‘I don’t want to get on _____ ‘s bad side.’
‘you would make a terrible prostitute. no charm.’
‘what is so wrong with getting married?’
‘do you want to die?’
‘everything is spilling out of my head as quickly as I put it in.’
‘please do not commit spousal homicide.’
‘give me a way out of this shithole.’
‘hello, I’m praying.’
‘I seduced him with my nubile young body. you caught me.’
‘you can’t scare me into a confession, because I’m telling the truth.’
‘and that means you’re shit at your job.’
‘if you cross them—- if they even think you’ve looked at them funny—- they can and will hurt you.’
‘it’s easy to lose a language when you never speak it.’
‘you’re offending them with your very presence.’
‘they’ll make you an outsider, because you’re not like them.’
‘no matter what they say, you deserve to be here.’
‘I’ll kill you. I will fucking kill you.’
‘I went out in the sun once. you should try it sometime.’
‘oh, you’re the one ____ hates.’
‘you’d be a prick too if your family was both rich and attractive.’
‘honestly? I think he just comes in here to get high.’
‘I think you’re flattering yourself.’
‘unless you’ve got a weapon, don’t aim for the face. the neck’s a better target.’
‘we aren’t here to be sophisticated. we’re here to fuck people up.’
‘this is the only kick you’ll ever need, really. a kick to bring down the most powerful warriors.’
‘power dictates acceptability.’
‘he hasn’t done anything to earn my respect. all he’s done is act high and mighty.’
‘you’re nothing. you shouldn’t even be here.’
‘consider me bullied and intimidated, just let me sleep.’
‘he’s playing with her. he’ll end it soon.’
‘they’re good at fighting, but not much else.’
‘spend a lot of time looking at ____’s eyes do you?’
‘a betrayal of that sort would not have been out of character.’
‘come on, you belong here too.’
‘they’re not going to get rid of me like this. not this easily.’
‘I’m calm! I’m extremely calm!’
‘you’d rather kill your own people than let the opponent’s army walk away?’
‘you don’t let an enemy walk away if they’ll certainly be a threat to you later.’
‘he can’t stop raving about you.’
‘oh, don’t pretend to be bashful. you love it.’
‘you’re a walking disaster.’
‘anyone this obstinate deserves some attention, if only to make sure you don’t become a walking hazard to everyone around you.’
‘I heard he got drunk on rice wine last week and pissed into ____’s window. he sounds awesome.’
‘it’s me, your favorite person in the whole wide world.’
‘I do not have a problem. you are making up this problem for reasons unbeknownst to me.’
‘you’re killing the mood.’
‘they were weak as shit. scrawnier than you, even.’
‘you’re a real asshole. you know that right?’
‘your state of mind is just as important as the state of your body.’
‘sometimes you must loose the string to let the arrow fly.’
‘because I want to break his stupid face.’
‘he’s the most dangerous when he’s desperate.’
‘from this point on you’re just going to be a danger to yourself and everyone around you.’
‘you’re too reckless. you hold grudges, you cultivate your rage and let it explode, and you’re careless about what you’re taught.’
‘I knew I was the only one that could help him.’
‘they honed his rage like a weapon, instead of teaching him to control it.’
‘one urinating statue for my easily entertained friend.’
‘I don’t believe in gods. but I believe in power.’
‘one might say you’ve been obsessed with ____.’
‘don’t look to your left. pretend you’re taking to me.’ / ‘I am talking to you.’
‘we’re studying very weird things.’
‘I don’t actually know what I’m getting into.’
‘here is what happened: you called a god, and the god answered.’
‘you know that if you don’t get answers now, the hunger will consume you and your mind will crack.’
‘you’ve glimpsed the other side and you can’t rest until you fill in the blanks.’
‘supernatural is a word for anything that doesn’t fit your present understanding of the world.’
‘I’m supposed to take it as true that you’re a god?’
‘I’m not a god. I am a mortal who has woken up, and there is power in awareness.’
‘are we getting high? oh, wow. we’re getting high.’
‘ah. the law. so inconvenient. so irrelevant.’
‘we are not madmen. but how can we convince anyone of this, when the rest of the world believes it so?’
‘the price of power is pain.’
‘I understand the truth of things. I know what it means to exist.’
‘prey do not question the motives of the predator. the dead do not question the living. mortals do not challenge the gods.’
‘I killed for you. I would have done anything for you.’
‘I have seen the end of things. the shape of the world has changed.’
‘war doesn’t determine who’s right. war determines who remains.’
‘it’s alright. I know what you are.’
‘I thought I was the only one left.’
‘we have developed the power to rewrite the fabric of this world. if we don’t use it, then what’s the point?’
‘I don’t mess with that shit. it screws you up.’
‘I understand the appeal, I really do, but I like having my mind to myself.’
‘he’s a charmer. like a new puppy. you think he’s adorable until he pisses on the furniture.’
‘there’s no routine. no discipline. nothing you’re used to. am I right?’
‘so you’re the last of your kind. that’s sad.’
‘If you hold the fate of the country in your hands, if you have accepted your obligation to your people, then your life ceases to be your own.’
‘____ feared, and so he held you back.’
‘great danger is always associated with great power. the difference between the great and the mediocre is that the great are willing to take that risk.’
‘don’t ever let go on that anger. rage gives you power. caution does not.’
‘don’t give in... you’ve been so brave... but it takes more bravery to resist the power.’
‘the nature of this god is to destroy. the nature of this god is to be greedy, to never be satisfied with what he has consumed.’
‘so. screaming at rocks. is that, like, normal behavior here?’
‘fix this. prove your worth. do your fucking job or get out.’
‘I saved your life. doesn’t that make us at least a little square?!’
‘I was scared of you. and I lashed out.’
‘I thought I was better than you, and I’m not. I’m sorry.’
‘when I killed it, it felt like murder.’
‘look, I’m happy to discuss this, really, but I’m currently leaking life out three different wounds and I think I may pass out. would you give me a moment?’
‘well maybe ____ should get his head out of his ass.’
‘ ____ is more fragile than you think.’
‘look, asshole, I don’t need you to tell me what to do.’
‘they say he can read the future. shatter minds.’
‘you misunderstand the nature of our relationship. I am not your friend.’
‘he’s not human. he—- I don’t know what he is.’
‘but ___ was never allowed to be human.’
‘do you trust me?’ / ‘no. but that’s irrelevant.’
‘you don’t know what true suffering is.’
‘I have seen more than my fair share of suffering.’
‘that boy is beyond redemption. that boy is broken like the rest.’
‘I don’t want to be saved! I want power!’
‘that power will destroy everything you’ve ever loved. you will defeat your enemy, and the victory will turn to ashes in your mouth.’
‘we’ve missed something. something’s been laid out for us, but we can’t see it.’
‘fretting won’t make the dead come back to life.’
‘there was nothing human in those eyes.’
‘It was a nightmare, and I couldn’t wake up.’
‘I don’t need your pity. I need you to kill them for me.’
‘whatever it takes. swear it on your life. swear it for me.’
‘I won’t judge him. I don’t dare, because I don’t have the right. and neither do you.’
‘you asked me why I wouldn’t stop him. now you understand. you can’t stop an avenger. you can’t reason with a madman.’
‘I am afraid of what he might do in his quest for vengeance. and I am afraid that he is right.’
‘I am about to do something terrible. and you will have a choice.’
‘they give nothing to the universe, and the universe owes them nothing in return.’
‘you cannot survive my death.’
‘you’re trying to deceive me. you don’t get to deceive me.’
‘this is not the way. this path leads only to darkness.’
‘when are you going to stop being such a damn coward? what are you running from?’
‘you will turn the world to ash, and only demons will live in the rubble.’
‘you dress up your crusade with moral arguments, when in truth you would let millions die if it means you get your so-called justice.’
‘you have not cared about anything for a very long time. you are broken.’
‘I am terrified. but only because I’m starting to remember who I once was. don’t go down that path.’
‘your country is ash. you can’t bring it back with blood.’
‘I’m so sorry. I tried to warn you.’
‘you know the worst part? we’re so close to home.’
‘did you miss me? did you miss this?’
‘I just gave him some of his favorite medicine.’
‘resistance here means suffering. there is no escape. no future.’
‘you have nothing to fight for anymore’
‘what are you defending? you owe ____ nothing.’
‘we were disposable. we were tools. tell me that doesn’t make you furious.’
‘I am sick with fury.’
‘I will die on my feet. I will not die a coward. and neither will you.’
‘we could stay here. we could stay here forever. we wouldn’t have to go back.’
‘you’ll have to live with the consequences. but you’re brave ... you’re the bravest person I’ve ever met.’
‘I have lost everything I care about. I don’t want peace, I want revenge.’
‘I don’t need to sleep. I need to feel nothing.’
‘do you want forgiveness? I can’t give you that.’
‘we avenged him. he’s gone, but avenged.’
‘you have to believe that it was necessary. that it stopped something worse. and even if it wasn’t, it’s the lie we’ll tell ourselves, starting today and every day afterward.’
‘aren’t you supposed to be a seer? do you ever see anything useful?’
‘we have an enemy whom we love.’
‘I’m going to find and kill everyone responsible. you cannot stop me.’
‘oh I’m not going to stop you.’
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rafael-silva · 3 years
you never know when the wave's gonna break but I'll be there: a tarlos fic
A firefighter!Carlos AU where a collapse during a rescue traps Carlos under a beam, pinning him as the fire gets closer, while TK watches from outside, heart in his throat, praying that it isn’t the day he loses the love of his life. In the aftermath, TK takes care of Carlos, in more ways than one. 
major character injury, hurt carlos reyes, worried tk strand, paramedic tk, hurt/comfort, soft carlos/tk, whump, comfort, angst with a happy ending 
whumptober 2021: day 1 - trapped (alternate prompt 10) 
4.3k | rated T | on ao3
title from carry on by young rising sons
“Reyes, report!”
“Still searching the north east room, Cap!” Carlos replies over the sound of the raging fire coming from down the hall.
The fire was quickly eating at the structure of the house, the wood creaked and moaned around Carlos with every step he takes. The team managed to get the parents and son out but the daughter was still unaccounted for. They were running out of both places to look and time. And it’s so hot, the smoke getting heavier and Carlos can feel the heat even through the protection of his turnout coat and his gear, can feel the sweat rolling down his neck and back under his Austin FD t-shirt.
“Copy, make your final rounds and get out, the house is losing stability,” Owen orders, watching the two-story house engulfed in flames from the front lawn.
The captain senses a presence and turns to see his son coming to a halt on his right.
TK gives his father a worried look, but only for a few seconds, they’re all he can spare, before he redirects his attention back to the house where his boyfriend is currently making his way through a blazing fire.
He, Tommy and Nancy had looked over the parents and son before other paramedics took over their care and then TK finds himself standing next to his father.
“He’ll be out soon,” Owen tells TK in a reassuring tone.
TK starts to nod and before he can say anything, the radio comes to life with Carlos’s voice.
“Found the little girl, Cap!” Carlos reports. “Making our way out now.”
“Copy,” Owen responds.
Along with Carlos, Judd and Paul were still inside the burning house but Owen’s evacuation order stops in his throat when a loud rumbling followed by a crash is heard, originating from the north east side.
TK’s heart drops into his stomach, an involuntary gasp escaping his mouth as his eyes go impossibly wide. He freezes, everything around him suddenly muted and movements are in slow motion, and he feels detached, he feels so far away. But his heart is racing, his thoughts are racing and it’s an odd sensation, experiencing time slowly and rapidly in the same exact moment. He turns to face his father so quickly he thinks he gets whiplashed but he doesn’t really care about that right now. He wants to scream for Carlos but he can’t find his voice.
Owen is ahead of him, however, already clutching his radio tight and howling into it. “Reyes, report!”
Again. “Reyes, report!”
TK’s heart sinks further down, into his knees now and he feels them go weak, his whole body getting hotter as the worry takes over. His heart is beating wildly in his chest, thumping heavily against his ribcage. Part of him isn’t even sure he’d hear if Carlos responds, not sure he’d hear it over the rushing of his blood in his ears. But TK knows no response has come from the love of his life judging by the worried look etched on his father’s face.
He closes his eyes, doing his best to calm himself because he can’t afford to lose control now, Carlos can’t afford to have him loose control right now. Carlos might be hurt, and he needs TK and TK won’t let him down. TK tells himself he can freak out later, but in this moment, he needs to be at the top of his game for Carlos.
It seems to work because his father’s voice next to him is becoming clearer but the dread is still spreading in TK’s gut at the lack of response from Carlos.
“Carlos!” Owen doesn’t coat the sheer worry in his voice now, professionalism going out the window.
And then they hear a click, followed by a few moments of static then finally, the firefighter’s voice filters through.
“C-Cap,” Carlos heaves, his voice low and strained.
“Carlos!” Owen immediately replies, “are you okay? What’s your status?”
“Trapped,” Carlos groans. “Pinned under a beam, can’t move it.”
“Okay, try to stay as still as you can. How’s your breathing?”
Carlos draws in a short breath but it’s too much to handle and he ends up coughing roughly. “Can’t breathe all the way, it hurts…may have broken…a couple of ribs.”
“Save your energy, Carlos. And the little girl?” Owen asks.
“She’s okay…protected her,” Carlos replies but his voice is getting lower now, getting weaker.
“He’s starting to fade,” TK finds his voice, immediately picking up on the change in Carlos’s tone. The panic bleeds from his voice now, his green eyes glittering with unshed tears as he turns to look at Owen.
“Stay awake, Carlos,” Owen says into the radio. “Judd, Paul, can you get to him?”
“Yeah, Cap,” Judd instantly replies. “Hang on, Carlos, we’re coming.”
TK sucks in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. Knowing their team is going to help Carlos makes the situation just a little bit easier but still, TK is a paramedic, he can’t help but think about all the complications that could arise from what Carlos has just experienced. Broken ribs, punctured lung, collapsed lung, internal injuries…and what if they don’t get to him on time? If they don’t get him out on time? TK trust their team, knows they’re the best in the business but he’s seen how quickly things can go from bad to worse and Carlos…he can’t lose Carlos.
TK shakes his head. Carlos is going to be fine, they’ll get him out and he’ll be fine. He has to be. Because the alternative isn’t an option.
He’s brought back from his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder, and he turns to face Tommy. She gives him a small, comforting smile, very much in her soft motherly way, and TK attempts to return the smile but falls short. Nancy is next to her and she gives him a slight nod and a smile. TK senses their support and it helps him compose himself some more.
Tommy watches TK closely as his eyes meet her’s again, and she asks a silent question.
TK understands and nods, standing up a little more straight and sniffs, reminding himself of the most important thing in this moment: Carlos needs him.
He can do this and when Owen gives him a nod, TK knows what he needs to do. He takes a deep breath and wraps his hand around his radio, pressing down the button on the side.
“Carlos,” TK calls, praying his voice is steadier than how it sounds to his own ears. “You gotta stay awake, babe, help is on the way.”
“Ty,” Carlos whispers.
“I’m here,” TK reassures him. “And I’ll be right here when they bring you out,” he promises. “Judd and Paul are coming for you, just hang on.”
“I’ll try…”
“Judd, Paul, what’s your position?”
“Nearing the north east side,” Paul reports. “Almost there.”
“You hear that, babe?” TK speaks to Carlos.
“Y-Yeah,” Carlos replies but his reply is followed by a throaty groan.
TK’s heart breaks some more at hearing Carlos in pain and he feels helpless that he can’t do anything to help him until they get Carlos out. “Just breathe slowly for me, okay? I know it’s not easy but I need you to try.” He keeps his tone calm, hoping to transfer some of that to Carlos through his voice.
Carlos follows TK’s instructions and a few moments later he mumbles, “better.”
“That’s good, that’s good,” a ghost of a smile flashes over TK’s face. “You’ll be out of there in no time and everything is going to be okay.”
“We see them, Cap!” Judd’s strong voice echoes off the radio.
TK feels his heart pick up speed again and he worries his bottom lip between his teeth, holding his breath as he listens in.
“Be careful, we can’t risk a secondary shift,” Owen replies. “Keep comms open.”
Inside, Judd and Paul tread as lightly as they can once they approach the room, eyeing the fallen wood that’s mangled with steel and wires. There’s a considerable amount of debris, and in the middle of it, they spot the back of Carlos’s turnout coat, the light catching the fluorescent REYES stitched at the bottom.
They’re at least glad to see that the young firefighter’s helmet stayed on once their eyes trail up his body, protecting his head.
“Carlos!” Paul calls out. “We’re here, man, just hang on.”
Carlos doesn’t say anything back but Judd can see the wobbly movement of his chest by the rise and fall of his back.
“Captain Vega, Carlos’s breathing isn’t right, it’s short and quick,” Judd says into his radio.
“Copy that,” Tommy’s voice returns. “He may have a collapsed lung along with broken ribs, or it could be the pressure preventing his lungs from expanding the whole way but you need to be very careful when you move him to prevent any further internal injuries.”
The beam that’s currently lying on Carlos’s back is thick and round, and it’s going to take considerable strength and mobility to shift it backwards and off Carlos. Judd knows he and Paul can lift it and move it away but he’s worried about the domino effect that would have on the surrounding debris. He quickly assess the situation with a professional eye and nods.
They need to get Carlos and the little girl out, so Judd sends a prayer and turns to Paul.
“Go over to that side,” he points to the opposite end of the beam. “On three, we carefully lift and wait a few seconds in case anything shifts then we place the beam on that side of the room. It’s the most stable surface I can see and that’s a loading beam that can carry this one.”
“Got it,” Paul confirms.
Judd counts down and they get to work. Thankfully, lifting the beam doesn’t cause a shift or ripple effect and a small sigh is heard from Carlos once the pressure is lifted off him.
They hurry back to Carlos and help him move, gently helping him sit up and Judd places his hands Carlos’s shoulders.
It took a toll on Carlos’s body and Judd suspects the younger man would have toppled backwards if it weren’t for his steady support.
“Hey, hey, easy,” Judd says.
Carlos leans back and inhales sharply, wanting and needing to get as much air into his lungs as possible and squeezes his eyes as he exhales, grinding his teeth together as the wave of pain washes away. He opens his eyes and finds Judd’s concerned face.
“You with me, Reyes?” Judd frowns.
“We got them, Cap,” Judd announces into his radio.
Paul leans down in front of Carlos and picks up the little girl. She’s shaking but otherwise seems to be okay, thanks to Carlos shielding her with his body.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Paul says softly, holding her tightly. “Are you okay?”
The little girl nods, wrapping her arms around Paul’s neck and her legs around his waist. She holds onto him for dear life.
“Let’s get you out of here,” Paul adds and then looks at Judd.
Judd nods. “Go, I got him.”
“Coming out with the girl now,” Paul relays into his radio.
“Can you stand up?” Judd asks Carlos once Paul and the little clear out of the debris.
“I think so,” Carlos nods.
Judd carefully lifts Carlos’s arm and drapes it over his shoulder, gently helping Carlos up to his feet.
Carlos has to bite back a hiss as the movement jostles his battered ribs and he has to take a moment to breathe as best as he could.
Judd only starts moving when Carlos nods again.
TK starts to breathe a little easier upon hearing Judd announcing that they’re making their way out. But he doesn’t allow himself to relax because he knows they aren’t out of the woods yet. He only lets out a sigh of relief, after what felt like a lifetime and two, once he sees Judd supporting Carlos as their bodies emerge from the black smoke pouring out of the front door. His shoulders sag forward for only a moment before he’s pulling himself together again.
He hears Owen order to open the hoses and TK barely registers Paul and Mateo’s copy, Cap! It’s all background noise as TK’s legs quickly carry him to meet the two firefighters, Carlos is so close now and that’s all he focuses on.
“Hey, hey,” TK says, moving to Carlos’s other side and helping carry his weight. “We got you.”
Judd’s a big, strong man, but TK knows out of experience how tiring it is to help anyone through and out of a fire, let alone someone injured and carrying the same heavy gear.
Besides, TK needs to feel Carlos, needs to hold him, to make sure he’s actually here, that he’s actually next to him.
They stop for a second to remove Carlos’s helmet and mask followed by Judd lifting the oxygen tank off his shoulders and lowering it to the ground. Together, Judd and TK support Carlos over to the ambulance, where Tommy and Nancy are waiting by the gurney. Carlos groans and an arm moves to cover his middle as he’s lowered down on the soft material, a stark contrast to the wood and debris he was lying in just minutes prior.
The sigh he pushes out can be attributed to the comfort the material provides for his worn out body or the slight pressures lying down eases off his chest and ribs. TK thinks it’s most likely both.
As much as TK wants to gently hold Carlos and never let go, he pushes past it and shifts into paramedic mode; he’ll get to hold Carlos once he’s out of danger, right now, Carlos needs his paramedic experience. This is the moment TK’s been waiting for, the moment when he can help Carlos, when he can ease some of his pain away and slowly, the helpless he had felt earlier starts to drain away as he gets to work.
TK removes Carlos’s gloves and starts unfastening his turnout coat so they can inspect his chest and ribs, while Nancy works on taking Carlos’s vitals and Tommy closely observes.
Judd watches the paramedics work for a few minutes then he’s about to walk back to Owen when a brush of a hand over his sleeve stops him.
He turns back to see Carlos looking at him, the brown in the younger man’s irises bright and vivid against the tears swimming in his eyes. Tears from pain and exhaustion, Judd suspects, but he also sees gratitude and trust in the way Carlos is looking at him.
“Thank you,” Carlos whispers, wheezing a little.
“Don’t mention it, brother,” Judd replies, giving Carlos a comforting smile. “Save your strength, you’ll be back on your feet in no time. Your boy and his team are taking great care of you.”  
Carlos responds with a small smile as Tommy covers his face with the oxygen mask.
TK and Judd share a quick look, TK giving him an appreciative nod and Judd responding with a light clap on TK’s back.
“Vitals are all over the place, Cap,” Nancy reports. “Increased heart rate and low blood pressure, respiration is labored.”
Tommy pushes the head of the stethoscope around Carlos’s now-bare chest, listening closely to his breathing, then she moves her hands to either side of his middle.
TK swallows as his eyes roam over the large bruises already formed over Carlos’s chest and ribs. He knew beforehand what to expect, but seeing them staining Carlos’s skin red is still something he wasn’t fully prepared for. He’s seen bruised ribs and chests before, but this is Carlos and he’s in pain and it breaks TK’s heart all over again.  
“This is going to hurt, Carlos, I’m sorry,” Tommy warns.
TK immediately takes Carlos’s hand and squeezes, silently tell him to squeeze back when he’s in pain in hopes of relieving some of it. And Carlos does, he squeezes TK’s hand so tightly and clamps his eyes shut once Tommy starts examining his ribs. A tear rolls down the side of Carlos’s face and disappears into his hair.
Carlos heaves once Tommy finishes her exam and he takes a second to breathe, but even with the oxygen mask, it’s difficult to get air into his lungs without his ribs screaming at him. The action causes him to cough several times, ending the series with a painful groan.
“At least three fractured or broken ribs,” Tommy confirms. “We’ll know more once they get an x-ray at the hospital. We’ll give you something for the pain, Carlos, it will help.”
Carlos nods, his hand still clutching TK’s.
“I’m right here, babe, I’m right here,” TK promises, watching as the mask fogs and clears with every short breath Carlos takes.
“Is your breathing a little better compared to when you were trapped?” Tommy asks before injecting the mediation into the IV line Nancy had inserted.
“A little,” Carlos replies, his voice muffled a bit by the mask.
Tommy nods, administering the medication. “You may have a bruised lung, not a collapsed one. We’ll know more at the hospital.”
They push Carlos into the ambulance and Nancy walks around the rig, getting into the driver’s seat as TK jumps in once the gurney is inside.
“We’ll meet you there as soon as we wrap up here,” Owen tells TK, sympathy drawn on his face.
TK nods and turns back to look at Carlos when Owen shuts the doors and taps on the glass.
The siren begins to wail as the ambulance moves and Nancy drives towards the hospital.
Carlos finds TK’s eyes through the haze that has become his vision, locking in on the vivid green he adores, the green he’d willingly get lost in for days.  
TK gives him the best smile he could muster, his eyes not leaving Carlos’s, those brown eyes that for a second, he thought he’d never see again. That thought alone almost brought TK’s whole world crashing down.
TK swallows, pushing that thought away. Carlos is going to be okay. He needs to focus on that. And now that they’re both here, TK never wants to look away from those beautiful, soulful eyes.
He runs the pad of his thumb over Carlos’s hand, knowing it helps calm his boyfriend, it’s reassuring and grounding, for both of them.
TK’s other hand finds its way to Carlos’s face and cups his cheek, gently caressing the skin left uncovered by the oxygen mask.
TK’s smile grows a little when Carlos leans into his touch.
“Do you need anything else, babe?” TK asks, handing Carlos an ice pack.
Carlos shakes his head, wincing a little as he carefully presses the ice pack to his injured ribs. “I’m good, thank you.”
TK watches Carlos for a few moments before nodding and dropping a kiss to the top of Carlos’s head.
It’s been a few days since Carlos’s accident. The doctor had preferred for him to spend the first night at the hospital, to keep him under observation and to monitor his oxygen level. After more than a few objections from Carlos and him insisting that he’s fine, which he was not, he deflating and finally nodded when TK pretty much pleaded with him to agree.
The next day, satisfied that Carlos will be in the care of a paramedic, the doctor agreed to let him go home under strict instructions to take it easy and that if anything out of the ordinary happens or if his pain increases, that they return to the ER right away.
Carlos easily agreed, happy to get out of the hospital and to return home.
“Your mom called earlier,” TK says from where he’s standing in the kitchen, filling up two glasses of water. “She was checking on you and said she and your dad will visit soon, when you’re better.”
“It’ll be good to see them,” Carlos replies from his position on the couch, moving slightly against the pillow to try to get more comfortable.
“You know,” TK places one of the glasses on the table next to Carlos where it’s easy for him to reach, “I almost played the I’ll call your mom and tell her you’re being stubborn card at the hospital if you had still insisted on leaving that first night.”
That makes Carlos chuckle but he immediately holds his ribs as a pang of pain echoes across his chest.
“I don’t doubt it,” Carlos says after breathing through the pain. “It’s going to be a while before I go back to work, so we should probably make room in the fridge for the food my mom will bring over.”
“Yeah, I do love your mother’s cooking,” TK agrees with a nod as he sits next to Carlos. “And yours, too, of course. I’ll get on it. And I’m glad your mom will be stopping by when I eventually have to go back to work.”
“I’ll be fine, baby,” Carlos reassures him.
“Can you promise me something?”
“I know your mom will be around most of the time while I’m at work, but there will be times you’ll be alone and if anything happens or if you need anything when your mom isn’t here, call one of us? I’m not saying you can’t take care of yourself, but your body has been through a lot, healing is going to take a while and that’s okay. At least until you start to heal more and movement gets easier. I don’t want you to feel like you have to power through this alone or mask your pain, you’re not alone, Carlos. And that goes for when me or your mom are here, too. We’re here for you and we want to help you. Please?”
Carlos lets TK’s words sink in and then he nods. “Okay, I promise.”
“Good. Besides, I don’t want to be the one to call your mom and explain what happened if you got hurt even more,” TK shrugs and raises an eyebrow.
Carlos’s carefully raises both his hands in a surrendering gesture before chuckling in the lightest way possible so he doesn’t hurt his ribs again.
They lapse into comfortable silence, watching the movie on TV but neither of them are really focused on it.
“What are you thinking about?” Carlos asks, his voice breaking the quiet, his ability to read TK unwavering and ever present.
TK takes a few moments to answer. “I just…hated feeling so helpless,” he eventually replies, but his eyes don’t find Carlos. Instead, his eyes fall on his hands sitting in his lap.
TK knows Carlos is okay, he knows because he’s right next to him, he can feel him, he can touch him, but he can’t help it when the images of the bruises on Carlos’s chest start to replay in his mind along with Carlos’s face crunched up in agony as he tried to breathe. He can’t help but feel the dread he felt then, worried that Carlos would slip right through his fingers.
Itching to do something with his hands, TK starts to fiddle with the strings of his hoodie.
Carlos frowns, eyebrows knitting together. “What are you talking about?”
“You were down, and there wasn’t anything I could do. You were hurt, and I…”
“TK, look at me,” Carlos pleads.
TK slowly lifts his gaze to meet Carlos’s, and there’s so much rawness and vulnerability in those green eyes, it momentarily takes Carlos’s breath away.
“You helped me, babe, you kept me awake, you did that,” Carlos starts. “Right after it happened, all I could feel was the pain and it was so cold, but when you started speaking to me, I felt warmth, I felt it everywhere and focusing on your voice took away some of the pain. You kept me calm, you gave me strength, and you do, every day.”
Carlos reaches out for TK’s hand, and TK wastes no time in letting go of the strings and taking the offered hand.
“I was so scared, when I heard and saw the collapse,” TK sniffs.
“I know, I was scared, too,” Carlos admits. “It felt like the ground was being torn from under me, and I guess it was, but you brought me back, you gave me something to hold on to, your voice lead me back. And even after Judd and Paul got me out and on the way to the hospital, you grounded me when I was free falling.”
TK lifts their connected hands and brushes his lips against Carlos’s knuckles. “I’ll always be here for you.”
“Come here,” Carlos gently lifts his arm, an invitation for TK.
TK hesitates. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t,” Carlos matter of factly replies.
Carlos raises his eyebrows at TK and the paramedic knows his boyfriend isn’t taking no for an answer.
TK lightly chuckles and scoots closer to Carlos, carefully closing the gap between them without moving too much.
TK has his head settled on Carlos’s shoulder a few moments later, with his arm resting on Carlos’s thigh, avoiding having it add pressure on chest.
Carlos joins their fingers together and caresses the back of TK’s hand with his thumb, his other hand going to TK’s shoulder.
TK gazes up at Carlos and Carlos gives him a soft smile when their eyes meet.
TK leans up a little and places a kiss first to the corner of Carlos’s mouth and then another one to his lips. Carlos smiles against the kiss before returning it.
TK nuzzles against Carlos’s neck and takes a deep breath, inhaling Carlos’s mint-scented shampoo, the scent that is so Carlos, the scent that has become TK’s home.
They’re both still a little shaken from the accident, and TK knows it’s going to take a bit of time before they can completely move past it. But being curled up in Carlos’s arms, hearing his steady and strong heartbeat, TK knows they’re going to be just fine.
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desiredmalfoy · 4 years
Champagne Problems (G.W. x Reader)
House: Slytherin 
Universe: Not Canon (I think by now its safe to say I don’t like to follow canon much in my writing )
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader 
TW: Talks about blood purity. Controlling Parents
Word Count: 3.5 K
Get ready for some angst! Based loosely on Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift because I got inspiration for it while listening to this song. It turned out way longer then I expected. Sorry if there is any mistakes, I haven’t fully edited it. Enjoy!
Note: I aged up Draco, Pansy & Blaise to be the same age as the reader and George.
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(The picture above was made by me. I tried to make the handwriting seem a bit messy on purpose) Plus George would be the one to draw doodles on a note.)
One for the money, two for the show. I never was ready, so I watch you go
Growing up in a rich pure blood family, (y/n) knew what was always expected of her. She was to know her place at all times. Whether that meant knowing she was better then half-bloods and muggle-borns. You are to never be seen with their kind darling her mother would tell her since she was very little. She was also raised to not go against her parents wishes. Sit straight and make sure you always look your best her mother had ingrained in her brain. Ever since she was a little girl her mother had fretted over her looks and manners. If you want a good husband you must be your best darling. 
She was to only be friends with the children of other pure-blood families. Make strategic friendship and make sure that she kept those who benefited her the most close. Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy surprisingly had become close friends of hers. They aren’t a group of friends who share their deepest secrets but they brought comfort to each other. They knew what the other was going through as they were all basically destined for the same fate. To keep their pure-blood lineage strong. 
Her future was set in stone before she could even talk. She was to marry someone of her same blood status and continue their bloodline. She was never given the option to choose who she wanted to love. She was expected to give up her life. And that’s exactly what she did as she gave up on the only man she’s loved. George Weasley. 
She had met George at Hogwarts back when they were both students. He was in the same year as her. She had heard of him, I mean who had not with the way him and Fred were infamous with their prank pulling. Life was cruel at times and she wondered if she was being punished in a way when she fell for him.
Bustling crowds or silent sleepers. You're not sure which is worse
She shared a dorm with Pansy for her final year. They had a very complicated friendship. They cared about each other and they would often share their thoughts with each other. Pansy’s parents expected the same out of her. It was nice to have another person who understood what she was going through. Although she knew to never share her deepest secrets with Pansy, she was an opportunist who would use anything against her in the end. Her and Pansy often spoke on who they thought their parents were thinking of marrying them off to. Being a part of the sacred 28 meant that there was a decent sized list of options of who they’d be married off to. It was such a twisted conversation for two young girls to be having. Childhood and lives continuously being controlled by others. 
“I wouldn’t mind Adrian Pucey”, Pansy said from her desk as she continued to write her DADA homework. “Or even Draco or Blaise.”
“Really?” (Y/N) responded all the way from her bed. She was looking for her shoes as she was about to go out for one of her nightly walks around the school. 
“Yeah. I heard he’s still single.”
“What about you”, Pansy questioned with an eyebrow raise as she dropped her quill and turned to face (y/n). 
“Not Marcus Flint that's for sure. Remember how creepy he was during the Yule Ball last year”, (y/n) laughed with an eye roll. 
“Yeah, he wouldn’t stop trying to touch your waist.”
“Anyway, enough about Flint. I’m going to go for my nightly walk. Do you want to go Pansy?”
“Nope. I have to finish this and I still have a bit to finish before I go to sleep.”
“I’ll be back later.”
That one cold October night changed her life for the better. Even if it wasn’t meant to last. This was her last and final year here before she was to return home and do what was expected of her. The days dwindled until she completely lost her freedom. At least here she had some control over her life. She on one of her nightly walks in an attempt to clear her mind when he had bumped into her. She didn’t fear being caught by anyone, her last name alone let her get away with many things. Plus Draco was the Head Boy and wouldn’t get her in trouble. Lost in her train of thought, she didn’t notice a certain ginger running down the hallway. Probably from another prank. Not looking where he was going he knocked straight into (y/n) causing her to stumble back and surely hit the floor hard. But his strong hold prevented her from falling onto the stone ground. Time seemed to freeze as she felt his touch electrify her entire body. (Y/N) stared into his brown eyes as neither said a word to each other. This was the first time they had even crossed paths with each other.
“I’m so sorry love”, he spoke as he helped her stand up straight and let go of her waist. 
“It’s quite alright”, she answered softly. “Just be careful next time.”
“Of course.”
Silence followed for a couple of seconds before he spoke up again. His face showing he was deep in thought.
“You’re not going to run and tell your friend Malfoy that you’ve caught me”, he questioned her. 
“Should I be informing Draco of something you did?”
“No. But I thought you’d be running off now to let him know. After all, you are his friend.”
“No, why would I go and let him know that? It’s not my job to patrol at night.”
A smile formed on his face as he looked at you. His smile made you weak and you didn’t even know why.
From there on a secret friendship blossomed with the red headed boy. (Y/N) wasn’t able to see him in public because word was sure to get your parents. Plus her friends aren’t exactly the nicest people to the Weasleys. Constantly looking down on them and their financial status. Last thing she needed was her mother writing (y/n) about being seen with a “blood traitor”. Merlin, she hated that word. Her relationship with him started slow as a friendship first. Fred was very skeptical of (y/n) in the beginning and it took a lot for him to trust her. Fred knew his brother had fallen for her and he wanted to do nothing more than protect his heart. (Y/N) couldn’t blame him for that. Although she was never truly cruel like the rest of her friends, their reputation was attached to her.  
Because I dropped your hand while dancing. Left you out there standing
He wasn’t able to ask (y/n) to be his date for the Yule Ball, it was too much of a risk. Instead he watched from afar as she danced the night away with a boy from Durmstang. As (y/n) danced with him all she was wishing was that it was George that was holding her tonight. 
That night after the dance she sneaked with George to the room of requirements where the room had become the same winter wonderland as earlier in the evening. This time though, she was able to dance with the one person she truly wanted to hold her in their arms. 
“I really like you (y/n)”, George spoke as they swayed to the music.
“I like you too George.”
“Do you want  to be my girlfriend? I know it will have to be in secret but I want nothing more than to be with you.”
“Of course”, she said smiling up at him. With that, she brought his face down to her level and placed a long awaited kiss on his lips. It was one of hunger and need. A need for him to be closer to her. 
Months passed where she would sneak around and have dates with George. With the help of Fred, the two were able to see each other often. It was hard keeping it a secret as you wanted nothing more than to show the world he was her boyfriend.  But (y/n) knew she couldn’t do that. They would send each other longing looks throughout the day waiting to be able to see each other again. He had once found a picture of her inside her school bag. It had fallen from one of her photo albums she had placed in her bag. He told her he was going to keep that picture in his wallet so that he would always have her near. 
Crestfallen on the landing. Champagne problems
One Saturday while her friends were off to Hogsmeade, she had decided to stay back and spend time with George. While sitting in the room of requirements like she always did with her boyfriend she couldn’t stop thinking about the letter she had received from her mother. The one week spring holiday that the school offered was coming up and her mom expected her to be back home. She couldn’t even stay back and spend it with her boyfriend. She was expected to go home and attend an upcoming ball the Pucey family was organizing. 
Lost in her own mind, (y/n) tried to listen to George. George spoke about wanting to start his own shop with Fred. (Y/N) placed her head on his chest as he continued to speak about what their plans would be after graduation. She played with his hands as he continued on about all the products they would have and how it would be such a great shop. She wishes she could freeze time for a while more.
Spring holiday had come quickly and before (y/n) knew it she was back home and attending countless fancy balls and dinner parties with her parents. As the oldest of her siblings, (y/n) had spent her life at countless balls and dinners with her parents as soon as she turned fifteen. Each and every event they would talk to others looking for the perfect husband for their daughter. It wasn’t until one night after a ball that her parents had informed her that they had found the perfect husband for her. She looked at them with a bit of hesitation as she waited for them to drop who she was supposed to be marrying. 
“Draco Malfoy”, your mother spoke with great excitement in her voice. Mother must be ecstatic about this. 
“Draco Malfoy?” She can start to feel her mouth become dry. 
“Yes, you know that the Malfoy’s are a good family to be marrying into darling. Your life is set”, (y/n)’s mother said as she stroked her hair. “The Flint family also inquired about you marrying their son but they don’t quite have the same status as the Malfoy’s.”
At least it’s not Marcus Flint...
“I know mother.”
“We’ll be having dinner with the Malfoy’s tomorrow night so you two can talk more.”
“Of course father”, (y/n) responded obediently. Your expression never faltering in front of your parents. Although inside you were panicking. What about George?  “I’m familiar with Draco since we are in the same house and have the same friend group.”
“You’ll be the most beautiful bride ever darling”, your mother whispered to you as she hugged you tightly. Too bad the man you want at the end of the aisle won’t be there.
Dinner with the Malfoy’s was quite uneventful other than the talk of the upcoming wedding after the both of you had left Hogwarts. Narcissa continuously complimented her on her beauty and grace. She hugged (y/n) when they entered Malfoy Manor and whispered into her ear, “We couldn’t have picked a better young lady to carry on our name.” She felt like she was about to be sick. (Y/N) did what she was taught to do, smile when appropriate and be as charming as ever. She knew she was nothing more than an object with no feeling to them. 
“Draco darling”, Narcissa spoke once they had finished dinner. “We have some things to discuss, why don’t you show (y/n) around the garden?”
“Of course mother”, Draco responded as he stood up and walked over (y/n). He helped her stand from her chair with an extended hand. He offered (y/n) his elbow as he escorted her out of the dining room and out of the manor into the garden. 
“Are you okay with this”, Draco questioned her once they had found a bench in the stunning garden. 
“I don’t know how I feel” she responded truthfully. “But I am glad it’s you. You’ve been nothing but respectful to me.”
“How do you feel about this?”
“That we have never been given a chance. But I’m glad it’s you too.”
“Were you hoping for Pansy?”, she teased him as everyone knew of Pansy’s big crush on him back in fourth year. . 
He laughed genuinely at her joke. “Anyone but her.”
It became quiet after that as they both knew what they had to do. 
“We’ll be okay”, he whispered as he squeezed (y/n)’s hand.
“We will.”
Neither of you wanted this. Seeing as Draco himself was heads over heels for a muggle-born girl in your year. He had been secretly seeing her for a while. In the shadows with the same fears you had about your parents finding out. (Y/N) had actually caught him with her on one of (y/n)’s nightly walks on her way to see George. She had let him know that she wouldn’t run to his parents and let them know what she had seen. (Y/N) had sympathized with his situation and she’d be a hypocrite if she went and told on him. She felt his pain as (y/n) told him how she was in love with George. The both of you understood the pain you’d have to face as you returned to Hogwarts in the upcoming days. 
Both of you cried that night knowing what you had to do. Neither of you had a way out. You both were just pawns in your parents games.
Your mom's ring in your pocket. My picture in your wallet. Your heart was glass, I dropped it
(Y/N) had made it back to school after the short school holiday. The end of the school year was fast approaching and exams loomed near. She avoided George at first, trying to live a few more days of bliss where she was still happy with him. But that didn’t last long, he had eventually found her after their shared class had ended. He secretly slipped a small paper in her hand. 
“Meet me in the Room of Requirements Tonight after curfew. Love George xx”
(Y/N) was dreading this meeting with him because she knew her time with him was ending. The next time she saw George he had seemed very nervous. He was pacing in the room and kept looking at the ground. He was so distracted that he had failed to notice her presence. 
“What’s wrong”, she questioned him as he suddenly lifted his head up.
“Darling I have something important to talk to you about.”
“What is it?”
“Well, you know how we’re almost graduating? I want you to come with me. I need you by my side.”
“What”, you breathed out as your eyes became wide. 
“I want you by my side” he whispered as he gently placed a hand on your cheek. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. Inside it sat a beautiful ring with a red stone in the center of it. 
“George”, she gasped as tears welled in her eyes. She’s crying because she knows she’ll never have the life she wants. It’s like fate was taunting her.
“I can’t do this George.”
“Please (y/n) come with me”, George pleaded with her. 
“You know I can’t Georgie”, (y/n) whispered as she wiped the tears pouring down her cheeks. 
“I know I can’t give you the same you’re used to but I promise I love you!”
“I can’t go with you because I never loved you”, she said suddenly as her expression became stoic. It’s better to have him hate her then love her. It would help ease her pain.
“What”, he breathed out as he stared at her bewildered with her recent confession. He placed the box with the only ring she’s ever wanted back in his pocket. 
“I never loved you”, (y/n) repeated.
“What about every moment we shared (y/n)! You can’t fake that!”
“Please! You were nothing but a game George. You were nothing more than my entertainment for a while. I’d never thought we’d ever get this far”
“Look at me right now and tell me I never meant anything to you (y/n)”, George whimpered as cupped your cheeks. His eyes pleaded with yours to let this be nothing more than a cruel joke of yours. 
You roughly got out of his hold but not before looking right at him. “I could never love someone like you.”
“I could never love a Weasley. Especially not a blood traitor.”
His expression changed from hurt to anger in seconds. As he looked at you with pure disgust. “I can’t believe I ever thought you were different from those other pure-bloods.” 
He opened the wallet in his pocket and ripped out her picture. Along with her heart. The picture fell slowly to the ground. She watched it as it floated to the floor.
“Goodbye. Hope you have a good life (y/l/n). I hope you can find happiness in your bitter existence.”
“Because only someone with such hatred in their heart plays with the feelings of others.”
As he exited the room, (y/n) broke down in tears. This isn’t the life she wanted. She hated that she was destined for this. She would do anything for another life. She wanted to have the strength to run up and tell him what she was going through. To ask him to save him from her future. But she couldn’t leave her siblings alone. If (y/n) walked out of her parents grasp, she’d be walking away from them too. She felt her chest starting to tighten and her breaths getting shorter and shorter. 
You had a speech, you're speechless. Love slipped beyond your reaches
The days seemed to go by with no color in her life. This week has been pouring rain nonstop. The mood of the sky clearly matches her current situation. Pansy had noticed her slight shift in mood but she blamed her emotional turmoil on the nerves of her upcoming graduation. She seemed to believe her or simply just dropped it as not trying to intrude anymore. She watched as he walked the halls of the school with sadness clearly on his face. He’d look her way every once in a while. Some days it was also pure anger when he looked her way.  She had attempted to stay clear of him and Fred. After their shared classes she always left first or walked different routes to her next destination. 
“You know you have some nerve”, she heard a voice behind her. She turned around and came face to face with Fred Weasley. His face red with anger.
“What do you want”, she responded to him as she turned to face him. 
“You took his heart and you bloody broke it”, Fred responded angrily. “He loved you. He probably still does.”
“That’s no longer my problem”, (y/n) responded calmly. All these years of having to mask her true feelings were being used currently. 
“You see, I don’t understand how this was a game to you! You don’t just fake all that!”
“You’ll never understand”, she said in a monotonous manner. 
“Is everything alright here”, Draco questioned as he walked up to them. He took her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. 
“Oh I see now”, Fred sneered as he looked down at her intertwined hand with Draco’s. “It was some twisted game between you two.”
“Look you don’t talk to her like that”, Draco responded as he stepped in front of you. Fully blocking Fred from your view.
“I’d hit you right now but I’m sure you’d get your daddy to fight your battles.” Fred said as he shoulder checked Draco on his way out. He didn’t bother to turn back around and look at you. 
“Don’t listen to him”, Draco said as embraced her. 
But you'll find the real thing instead. She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
She knew that George wouldn’t have a problem finding someone else. Someone who would love him like he truly deserved. Someone who could help piece back together what she had broken. He would find some who truly deserved him. Because in her opinion, she had never deserved George Weasley. She could never deserve someone like him.
Challenge to self: write angst with a happy ending??
Reminder: None of my work can be reposted anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you give credit, please do not repost!
Tag List: @keepsmilingandstayhappy​
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mmmleckerlecker · 3 years
I was reading the questions you've answered, and I'm curious now: you said that the co-existence between preds and prey is very recently. So I was thinking the HP world from years ago, when pred could snatch up whoever prey they wanted... How was the society in that time? How did they live? (Headcanon: prey lived underground?) Did the preds have no qualms in consuming whoever they could find? (prey children/teens or the elderly, for example?)... The harmony was founded by a prey or pred? (1/2)
What was the reason for the preds to make the jump from consuming indiscriminately to the public/private contracted prey? (another headcanon: preykind severely disminishing in numbers?) I find your worldbuilding so enchanting, I'm sorry for the avalanche of questions. You're awesome! (2/2)
AHHHH YES!!! THE QUESTION I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! No need to apologize!!! I have considered making a post about stuff like this for awhile now but I’m always like “do people REALLY wanna hear all that?” But now i have the perfect excuse. Thank you, anon! You’re awesome too!! (WARNING this kinda turned into a chapter length read. So I hope y’all like to read history about fictional worlds.)
Okay so. This is all stuff I’ve sorta kept in my head and have built upon when I’ve had ideas, so sorry if there are some gaps currently haha.
So I imagine preds and prey started trying to “make peace” about five centuries ago but didn’t start living in true “harmony” until about two hundred years ago. And I use the term “harmony” loosely because clearly there’s still a lot of infighting happening. Before that, the preds and prey lived in two entirely separate cultures. The prey lived in larger, more stationary groups while the preds lived in much smaller, more nomadic groups. They also DEFINITELY didn’t speak the same language.
So for preds, the groups they would live in were more like traveling pods that consisted of maybe 1-3 families living/working together. Having groups of preds getting too large was… not sustainable. It would create too much competition for food. So each group would usually give other groups of preds a wide berth. Granted there were definitely still spats for territory, especially if said territory had a good supply of prey available.
Prey, much like in modern times, were never really the preds’ main food source, however. Preds would still hunt and gather like normal. It would usually take some organizing to get a raid together on a prey village (or a pred could just get lucky and stumble across one that wandered off alone). Consuming prey all the time was just too much effort. They weren’t a practical food source nor a completely sustainable one if they were over-predated. Also! Keep in mind, the more a pred consumes, the more their body acclimates to handling such a large meal. It would be better for the preds to consume every once in awhile and have their prey take longer to digest (hence, keeping them fueled longer) than to consume ALL THE TIME and risk addiction. I think consuming would probably become more regular in the cold months too, when it was harder for preds to find other food sources.
As for WHO the preds would consume? Definitely adults would make for the best meals. Children? Well, I imagine prey would be very protective of their children, first of all, making them difficult to obtain. But also they would just make… not as filling meals? Also prey children are mostly the same size as pred children so there might be that little hesitation there on the pred’s end as they’re reminded of their own kind. I guess if the pred is desperate? There’s always gonna be a time and place for special circumstances. As for the elderly… I imagine they also live in places that are harder for preds to get to. I also think if a prey managed to live that long, they would have a trick or two up their sleeve. But like I said, there’s always a possibility for things to happen.
Now for how prey live…. Like I said, they live in larger groups. There is safety in numbers, after all. These groups were basically villages, sometimes even cities where prey could really know their territory and set up defenses against any invading preds. (An underground dwelling is really cool idea tho! I also believe that prey evolved to be able to fold themselves up and be comfortable/feel safe in tight spaces that preds could never reach them in, so prey living in like a cave system might actually work really well!) Like it’s been stated in the story, prey tend to have a lot more children than preds for “just in case.” This could cause their towns to become rather large and populous sometimes.
Prey, also unlike preds, usually tried to keep in contact with neighboring towns/villages/cities. This was one of the key factors for what made it possible for the shift to both sides living in harmony to happen. Since the prey lived in settlements and kept in contact with other prey settlements, it allowed for a certain development of culture as well as the sharing and recording of knowledge that preds… just didn’t have. Prey were able to develop things like farming and running water. They could study math and science and share their knowledge in libraries and schools. They were really on their way to becoming an advanced society, they just had one big (both figurative and literal) problem holding them back. They constantly had preds attacking and killing off their people.
Despite their efforts to fight them off, the prey just weren’t winning. So they decided, if a war against preds wasn’t going to get them anywhere, then why not make peace? The first step for this was the prey learning the preds’ language. This was… dangerous, of course. But it was done enough that the prey were able to open conversation with preds. Just this move alone caused a huge shift between both sides. What are you supposed to do when your food, which for centuries has only babbled nonsense at you before you swallowed it down, suddenly starts speaking to you like an equal? It certainly gave preds pause, but not enough to stop consuming. Not that the prey didn’t expect this. They approached the preds with more than just a common language. Their first big move was offering them food. And not just any food, but GOOD FOOD. Cooked food, decadent food, spiced foods, foods that preds didn’t have the resources (nor the patience) to prepare.
Sharing food took… probably a little more effort than one might expect. Prey and preds view food fundamentally different. To prey, it’s sustenance but also something to enjoy and connect with. To preds, it’s simply something to stop hunger. There was a sort of learning curve for preds to actually learn to ENJOY food for its flavor, but once they got it… OH BOY!!! A door was opened! Because despite LIKING prey food, the preds weren’t always so good at preparing it, so it gave the prey something they could exchange for safety. (This is also something that persists into modern times. Preds are still often stereotyped as not having very refined palates and not being very good at preparing food. This is referenced a little in Heart Pangs itself as well as the one-shot I posted last week!) Once the food trade became established, it opened up relations enough to exchange other things!
The prey shared would they could with the preds in exchange for their own survival. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes it SEEMED to work but then the preds turned on them and things went downhill very quickly. But the prey had the advantage of sheer numbers and determination on their side (that and if they didn’t keep pushing they would literally be eaten alive). It took generations of negotiations, but the preds and prey eventually came to a sort of truce, though consuming never stopped entirely.
The preds weren’t stupid, they saw the prey had a lot of good stuff to offer them. At first they took what they needed and went their separate ways, but as they gained more trust from the prey, the preds encroached more and more into their territories until both sides were more or less neighbors. There were some advantages to this. If both sides cooperated enough, they were able to make further advances as civilized societies. But there were also disadvantages… like the fact that the preds were always bigger and the prey were always making sure not to anger them so it became very easy for the preds to take whatever they wanted and leave the prey with less than they deserved.
The prey even began to lose their own language as most of the preds couldn’t be bothered to learn the prey’s language (although a lot of prey terms for food and science stuck around). The preds stopped being the enemy who lived outside the prey’s walls and suddenly became the bully who lived next door. Yes, technically the prey were a little safer than before, but the advantages they once held over the preds were slipping away as the preds claimed more and more of what the prey had until the preds were able to start developing their OWN advantages.
For a long time, the preds and prey operated as two different societies that lived in one space, meaning each group had their own leaders and their own laws. But as things began getting more and more strained between each side (as they tend to do when two natural enemies live side-by-side), the prey (once more) tried to make peace. They made the bold move of reaching out to the pred leaders in an attempt to work together and function as a singular society (although both sides more or less continued to live as two societies, just under the rule of one government). The preds were surprisingly open to this change, which was a relief to the prey… at first. But then it became clear that this was mostly just a power grab for the preds to acquire more status and wealth and power amongst the prey.
Besides the fact that a lot of prey were falling into poverty because of this, the most glaring issue was that the “unification” had made it even easier for a lot of preds to break the peace and consume prey with barely any consequences. This caused a lot of prey to flee and seek out safer, more remote places to live. Eventually it got to the point where the prey leaders threatened to break away from pred society completely. The preds didn’t like this, though, as they’d gotten very used to having prey within easy reach. They also knew that losing half the people in their society would cause a lot of problems in terms of keeping everything running smoothly. However, the preds very much did not want to give up consuming entirely. It was in their nature after all, they argued.
So after A LOT of negotiations, both sides came to a compromise. The preds would actually start enforcing consuming as something illegal UNLESS the prey being consumed had agreed to it beforehand. Obviously the prey leaders couldn’t see any prey ever AGREEING to being consumed, so they settled on the compromise thinking that was the end of it. This was the true beginning of the “harmony” between preds and prey, but of course, the preds always have something up their sleeves.
Rich preds began offering up money and food and shelter to all those desperate prey in poverty. Those prey could get everything they could ever want for, the only payment was their lives ending in said pred’s gut (after a specified amount of time). These ventures started slow, but once they started to catch on, BOY DID THEY CATCH ON. The desperate prey began hearing about certain preds who were practically giving away wealth, all it took was a signature written in (figurative) blood. Meanwhile preds began hearing about other preds who had found a loophole in the consuming law and wanted in on the action. Like any good entrepreneur, the preds turned their contracts into a business and started selling them to other preds.
The prey leaders, of course, despised this, but what could they do? It all aligned with the compromise they had made. The only thing they could do was stand by and help come up with regulations for this new practice. So they did. Over the decades, the contracting businesses grew to what they are today (large corporate monsters… although the smaller, more private contracts still exist) as well as became the core to keeping the peace. Even the government itself offers contracting services now.
Society has shifted considerably in the years since harmony was reached. The two sides have mostly learned to live with each other. Prey have fought viciously to be treated as equals while a lot of preds go their whole lives without consuming (particularly fatally) even once. And, as you know, the development of neutralizers allowed preds to experience consuming without having to hurt anyone. A lot of progress has been made, but a lot of progress still needs to happen.
And I think that pretty much catches us up to the setting of Heart Pangs (whew)! I keep thinking it would be really cool to write a story that takes places in an earlier time period to further explore how different the relations between preds and prey would be, but I have yet to come up with a plot haha. Maybe someday. I’m sure an idea will come to me at a proper time. Anydays, thank you for your interest! It was really nice to be able to (finally) type all this up somewhere!!
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skellymom · 1 year
Bad Batch x Non-Gendered Character - ONE SHOT
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This is my FIRST fan fic. Working on a much longer series fic with an OC that will drop...when it’s done. Criticism is welcome AS LONG AS IT’S KIND AND CONSTRUCTIVE. PLEASE feel free to contact me! I really want to hear feedback. Also, open to questions. All my work will be 18+ just because of my nasty mouth, nasty mind, and inappropriate dark humor. REMINDER: Please REBLOG if you like what you read! Thanks!!!  
Summary: Action, Jedi learns to grow Force powers. This timeline is several months after leaving Crosshair on Kamino, near the end of working for Cid. The Batch is trying to figure a hook to be independent and possibly start actively rebelling against the Empire. This is set well before Mt Tantiss. 
Content and Warnings: Canon and non-canon violence, swearing, momentary and possibly gruesome death of main characters (no worries, they don’t stay dead forever), Crosshair is an angry psychopathic killer with a vengeance (no hate, I love his problematic ass), mild Hunter fluff, touchy concerned Tech, Echo swears. 
Word count:  2.1 K
You hadn’t expected to be separated from the rest of the Batch, however, Omega had other ideas “to help” on this mission. The Batch infiltrated this Imperial base for intel and possible chain codes to steal. You volunteered to run after and bring her back.  Spotted by Imperial stormtroopers in a corridor, you and Omega try to lose them, but they are hot on your tail. Omega hears the Batch’s voices down a hallway and runs to them. 
You and Omega skid to a halt at the edge of a missing bridge while the rest of the Batchers are on the other side.  The precipice between is a several hundred story drop within the Imperial base. The group of stormtroopers rocked up behind you, guns lowered.  Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker looked on impotently across the chasm, weapons trained on the stormtroopers.  The Batch are poised, holding fire, trying to avoid any possibility of you and Omega getting caught in any crossfire. 
Unfortunately, you had not finished training with your Master. Your Master did not survive Order 66. You were SO CLOSE to obtaining Jedi status.  Now it was up to YOU to save yourself and Omega.  Being captured was not an option at this point.  Although, allowing the Empire to take you and Omega might allow time for the Batch to retreat safely to fight later.  That carried serious risks.  You were very limited in options as far as your Force abilities.  Master had not given you a light saber, remarking that the Force had a different path for you. 
The lead stormtrooper immediately grabbed you as a human shield, just as Wrecker let loose a shot from his blaster.  He intended to shoot the stormtrooper but hit you in the chest.  You slipped out of the stormtroopers grasp and off the edge of the bridge. You met Omega’s eyes as she called your name, while being dragged away by the same trooper.  As your body went into free fall down the chasm, you could hear your Batchmates scream, curse, and start blasting away.  
As consciousness slips from your body, you close your eyes.  The sense of falling disappears, but you expected that by eventually reaching terminal velocity from this height.  You open your eyes and are standing on an outstretched infinite path within an ever-expanding universe.  Before you is a HUGE hulking creature with glowing eyes. 
“What’s happening?  Where am I?”  You are simultaneously shocked, afraid, and unsure if this is all a dream. 
The creature stares down, sizing you up. 
“ In The World Between Worlds.” 
“Am I dead???” 
“No. It is not yet your time.  You are here to finish your training.” 
“My friends need my help!  I need to get back to them!!!” 
“You will return to help them; it is part of your training.” 
“Who are you?” 
“That matters not.  Only your path is of importance.  You cannot progress until your training is finished.  The lives within your care hang in the balance.  You and your group are linked together in that realm.  Your failure will be their failure...until you succeed.  Then you will be released from this realm to continue your path.” 
It feels like the creature is staring into your soul, “The point of entry is behind you.” 
You turn around to see...a doorway?  A dark threshold surrounded by cryptic symbols, suspended among stars.  
“Are you ready?” 
“No! I...” 
Your vision becomes a blur as you leave that place and return to where you were standing before falling off the platform.  The vertigo messes with your senses, and it all feels like you had a momentary hallucination.  Now back in this moment, you quickly spring into action. 
You yell “NO WRECKER” immediately and Wrecker stops in his tracks.  Hunter is sensing something, but unsure what it is.  The Stormtrooper grabs you as a shield.  A second trooper grabs Omega and drags her away.  Omega starts using swears that only Echo could come up with as she is taken.  The Batch stand with blasters trained on the stormtroopers in defense but not wanting to hit you in the crossfire.  The trooper violently puts a foot in your ass and kicks you off the platform, then commences to start firing on the Batch.  You free fall down the chasm and... 
...pass The World Between Worlds for a split second, and then appear back onto the platform.   
You try again. 
Omega is led away swearing up a storm while the stormtrooper is holding onto you.  Hunter calls to you, and in that moment, you sense the concern and love in his heart.  You also sense a dark presence in the Force, look up to the platform above and see Crosshair with his Firepuncher trained on you.  He was watching this exchange the whole time, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.  In his jealousy and anger, he fires, hitting you dead center between the eyes.  The very last thing you see is Cross grinning as he hears Hunter lose his shit. 
The fabric of the connected realms brushes past you. 
You yank the stormtrooper into Crosshairs blaster bolt as his body is hit, he stumbles into Omega and both fall off the platform to their impending deaths.  The stormtrooper behind him, seeing the target they were looking to take is now gone, opens fire on you.  You fall off the platform. 
Before the trooper can grab you, you grab Omega and jump off the platform into the chasm.  With any luck, you can use the force to stop yourselves before hitting bottom.  Unfortunately, you and Omega’s fall velocity was too much for your Force abilities.   
You grab Omega but try to save only her.  As you fall past hundreds of platforms, you try to yeet her onto one as you fall.  You are falling too fast, and your throw was severely off.  You hear a sickening thud as she hits something. 
You attempt to Force jump, and only make it just short of the other side.  You yeet Omega across the chasm towards the Batch, Hunter jumps for her from the other side, and she slips from his grasp.  You hear them both scream above you as you fall.  Fortunately, Tech and Wrecker send out their grappling cables and catch both.  Blaster fire starts from the stormtroopers.  Tech is hit, falls off the platform, and takes Omega with him since she is attached to his cable.   
You Force jump again, Hunter jumps but misses Omega.  Knowing Wrecker will catch Hunter with his grappling hook, you send out a Force block in front of Tech. He is shielded from blaster fire, but Wrecker is hit by several bolts.  He falls off the platform taking Hunter with him.  You hear Wrecker's insanely terrified scream as you all fall.  Hunter sends out his grappling cable and it catches.  His fall is stopped, but Wrecker’s weight wrenches Hunters body horribly.  He screams out in agony as he feels muscles tear.  They are hanging and safe momentarily...or so it seems.  A shot is heard from Firepuncher and Hunters cable is severed.  Both Batchers scream as they fall. 
You try to hold onto the edges of the realm as you pass through, but it evades your grasp. 
You grab the lead stormtroopers gun while he is still holding onto it and keep pushing his finger onto the trigger, you shoot him and several other imps.  You fire several shots towards Crosshair, preventing him from shooting at you.  However, one hotshot trooper in the back squeezes off and hits you right in the back fatally.  
Same scenario, but you spin the trooper around and use him as a human shield and the hotshot misses you.  However, Crosshair blasts you at the base of your skull.  The last thing you see is Omega’s terrified expression as you fall onto the platform next to your teeth his shot loosened in the blast. 
You are getting sick of playing this fucked up reset game already.  In your anger, you quickly grab the stormtrooper and throw his ass off the platform.  The Batch and Omega watch shocked at your anger.  The other stormtroopers are taken by surprise, as you advance on them and grab another.  Crosshair is attempting to aim, but you are moving too much. The hotshot trooper aims his weapon. You and the trooper in your grasp struggle violently. The hotshot cannot get a good clear shot.  Finally, he squeezes one off and misses you. However, he didn’t consider where Omega is standing, and she takes a direct hit. You hear your Batchmates scream in outrage. You scream in outrage. The hotshot screams in frustration, then double taps you and the trooper in your grasp in the head simultaneously. 
You grab the stormtroopers gun while still in his hand and shoot yourself in the head.  You just want this exhausting mess to be over. 
You fall onto the platform in a crumpled pile crying.  Stormtroopers AND Crosshair shoot you at the same time, resulting in a horrible, charred mess. 
You scream bloody murder and obscenities at Crosshair.  He shoots you between the eyes. 
You jump off the edge of the platform screaming obscenities like a crazy person. 
Before reset, you see the expression on the creatures face.  He looks disappointed and replies, “You aren’t even trying.  Reach out beyond the boundaries of your realm” As you angrily try to spout off to him, you are thrown violently into the next reset. 
Standing on the platform, you take a deep breath and survey the scene.  You mull over the creatures words.  Time seems to slow down: You sense the stormtroopers behind you, looking into each of eyes of the Batch; Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, up to Crosshair, finally resting on Omega.  You mouth, “Trust me” to her and she nods. 
Time suddenly slams into overdrive, and you instantly pivot to bearhug Omega.  The trooper misses your shoulder and grabs open air.  The shot from Crosshair’s Firepuncher, originally meant for you, hits the trooper right between the eyes and he falls off the platform.  You reach deep within the Force, grab the thin tether of this realm and open it wide.  You then realize you were only meant to grasp it at the start of your actions, not at the end.  You “push” through with the Force, taking Omega with you.  As you “slide” from one location to another, you pass the creature.  He nods as you pass from the world you left only a millisecond ago, through the timeless World Between Worlds. 
“Congratulations, Jedi!  Your training is complete.” 
You part the curtain to your world again, entering behind the Batch.  Hunter, before his eyes even register your disappearance on the opposite platform, senses a presence behind them.  His head whips around to see you and Omega are now out of harm's way.  His jaw drops inside his helmet.  Tech, seeing Hunters reaction, immediately spins around, his eyes are visibly dumbfounded “What?  How?”  Wrecker calmly looks behind him, seeing you and Omega there safely, doesn’t question.  He barks, “MUAHAHAHA!  YEAH!!!” and opens fire on all the befuddled stormtroopers standing on the opposite platform.   
With Wreckers cover fire, Hunter grabs Omega and runs down the hallway while yelling, “Let’s go!”  Tech runs past and grabs your hand.  He’s usually not touchy feely, but somewhere deep in his logical brain he understands that whatever happened saved your and Omega’s life.  All the quick calculations he was running in his brain logically ended in you both dying.  Wrecker is happily hopped up on blaster fire and the relief you are both safe.  He follows running behind. 
Crosshair is left on his sniper's roost.  He hasn’t EVER missed a target.  This was his first time. You were there one second and gone next to his surprise.  Stares down at all the dead troopers laying on the platform below, gnawing hard on his toothpick.  He’s angry...but intrigued.  Maybe instead of killing you outright next time, he can land a stunning blow.  The Empire might be VERY interested if he brought you in alive.  Cross sprints away down a shortcut. 
Your group reaches the end of the hallway and bursts out into the ship hangar bay.  A large battalion of stormtroopers meet you there, with guns aimed.  You all stop, out of breath, and possibly out of luck.  Echo swoops in with the Marauder hovering and laying down suppressive cannon fire.  Unfortunately, there are too many imps for him to dispatch while also landing successfully.  Hunter and Tech are furiously looking for a way out.   
You reach out with the Force and envelope Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega.  Before opening the fabric of this realm, you feel eyes on you.  Looking to a ledge several stories up, Crosshair meets your gaze.  You both stare intensely into each other.  Without even realizing it, you reach out and speak with the Force: 
“Because...” Slight shock registering on Crosshair’s face “...I can.” 
“You’ll regret this someday...when you’re all alone.” 
“I already am.”  He’s angry and hurt.  There is nothing more you can say. 
You slide through, taking all the Batchers with you and suddenly appearing within the Marauder.   
Wrecker: “WHOA!” 
Tech: Speechless, wide eyed...and STILL holding your hand. 
Omega: Dizzy and winded. 
Hunter: Rips helmet off his head. His expression is wild eyed and looks like he saw some serious shit.  "What was that place? Who was that creature?” 
Echo:  Spins around in the pilot’s chair, eyes wide “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” 
You grin.  And watch the Batch trying to piece together their sudden location movement and glimpse of the creature between worlds. 
Giving the order to Echo you bark, “Let’s go, soldier!” 
He’s still sitting there with a shocked expression, then laser blasts pepper the ship, and he regains composure.  Echo flies the Marauder out of the Imperial facility, off the planet, scrambles the ships jump signature, and punches it into hyperspace. 
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Should I pursue certain plot points further and make this MORE than a one shot? What develops with Crosshair? Tech's hand holding awakening? Why was Hunter the only one to actually see the creature? Or whatever else you might want to explore? PLEASE message me or leave a comment! AND, PLEASE REBLOG! Thanks!!!
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monicashipsnickyjoe · 4 years
A Treasure Worthy of a King - Pirate AU - 3k words
Nicolo has been the terror of the seas for a solid decade. He’s plundered many ships, evaded many privateers. He’s feared by his crew and the world alike, an image he’s cultivated with carefully selected targets, few words, and several well-timed glares.
Only a handful of his most trusted know the truth. That Nicolo hesitates to take a life. That when he chooses their targets, he specifically picks the King’s vessels with fat payloads, not small merchant ships. That his portion of the earnings is regularly delivered to an orphanage in a small, seaside village.
His trusted few help him pick the targets most deserving of plunder.
So when Nicolo raids a King’s vessel he heard carries wealth only to find a foreign dignitary, a prince no less, with a handful of guards and a skeleton crew, Nicolo is confused. Moreso, when the prince does not look at him with fear, but with a type wide-eyed adoration, like Nicolo is his salvation and not an agent of death.
“We should take him for ransom,” says Nicolo’s first mate Keane, a man Nicolo doesn’t trust or like much, but who has been around long enough to know the job.
“Yes, yes,” says the prince, gold and jewels glittering, though none as bright as his eyes. “That sounds a good plan.”
Nicolo is rendered momentarily speechless by the beauty of this man – for he has much, from the ocean of tight curls on his head to his well-groomed beard to his wide shoulders poorly concealed with silk robes.
“You...” Nicolo pauses.
The prince points at himself. “Yusuf.”
Nicolo shakes his head. That’s not what he’s asking. “You wish to be kidnapped?”
Keane gives Nicolo a strange look. “What are you asking him for?”
Nicolo has never been questioned before. He glares at Keane until he lowers his head.
Yusuf, meanwhile, only brightens, even when Nicolo turns the same glower on him.
“I’m very impressed,” Yusuf says, smiling. “Very... afraid? Is that what you’re after? Please, let’s hurry this along. I would like not to be prematurely rescued.” Finally, Yusuf’s brightness begins to dim, and Nicolo is struck with a rush of regret so sudden that he’s startled.
“To the ship, then,” he says, when he’s recovered enough.
The crew starts for Yusuf, but Nicolo is there first, taking him under the arm and tugging him forward. He wants to be gentle, but forces some roughness for show. Even so, he is much kinder than any of the crew would have been.
“This man is our ransom,” Nicolo tells them. “Any harm that comes to him will be returned tenfold.”
The crew murmur their agreement. Those closest eye Yusuf’s many jewels.
“You will turn over any valuables,” Nicolo says. He is softer than he means to be, in front of his crew.
“A small price to pay.” Yusuf removes them. Keane is the first to take them from his hands.
Nicolo escorts Yusuf to his ship, staring down any who look too long. No one dares question him now.
He starts for the brig, but changes his mind after a single step. He cannot see a man like Yusuf behind bars. Until he is returned to where he should be, Yusuf will remain in the best comfort Nicolo can offer. So he takes him to the captain’s quarters instead.
With the door closed behind them, Nicolo lightens his touch. He guides Yusuf a few steps further, then pulls away entirely.
“Have I hurt you?” he asks.
“No.” Yusuf stretches out his arm. “I expected manhandling.” He’s smiling again. “Your touch is not so unpleasant.”
Nicolo’s mind is caught in a storm. It takes some time for it to clear. “You... ‘expected?’”
“Oh? Of course.” Yusuf turns toward the room, walks the short distance from the map table to the foot of the bed. “Andromache explained everything.”
“Yes.” Yusuf leans forward and tests the strength of the bed. The storm in Nicolo’s brain becomes a hurricane. “Though she did not mention how terribly handsome my rescuer would be.”
Yusuf stands fully upright again, and glances over his shoulder to Nicolo. “Are you well, Captain? Your face is turning very red.”
Nicolo feels underwater, like he’s moving and thinking in slow-motion. “This is a pirate ship, your highness.”
Yusuf waves his hand. “Call me Yusuf.” He must not understand the dire nature of his present circumstances, to be so flippant.
“We are pirates,” Nicolo says slowly, so that even if Yusuf struggles with the language - which does not appear to be the case - he will understand. “I am a pirate. And you are being held for ransom.”
“Yes.” Yusuf claps his hands together. “It’s wonderful.” Before Nicolo can even begin to try again, to somehow explain that if Yusuf is not overly careful, he could very well be killed, Yusuf steps away from the bed. “Here I was in a dark hour of need. I pleaded with Andromache for help. She was not terribly eager at first, but when I explained...” He sidesteps the map table, and does not stop walking until he is very near Nicolo.
Nicolo stands still as a statue.
“I know you will not ransom me, Captain. Andromache made that clear.”
“It seems,” Nicolo licks his lips, watching with wonder as Yusuf tracks the movement, “that Andromache has revealed much.”
Yusuf blinks and looks again into Nicolo’s eyes.
“She did not tell you,” Yusuf says. He leans back and Nicolo exhales, unsure if in relief or disappointment.
Nicolo forces out, “No.”
“You are my savior, Captain, from a life of misery.” He steps back, stretches his arms out. “A life I have no desire of returning to.”
“You are a prince,” Nicolo says. Why would Yusuf risk his life to give up such luxury?
“Betrothed,” Yusuf says. He pauses. “To a very beautiful woman.” He drops his arms.
Nicolo still doesn’t understand. Yusuf must see it in his face, because he comes forward again, back into Nicolo’s space, stealing his breath away.
Yusuf says, a whisper, “It is not a woman I want.”
Oh. Oh.
Nicolo’s whole body ignites in fire. He’s suppressed it for so long, resigning himself to the sea and his duty to the crew and the orphanage. He cannot remember the last time he has allowed himself to consider carnal pleasures.
He has never before been so sorely tempted.
“Do you understand now, Captain?” Yusuf’s voice is a sultry promise.
Nicolo’s every nerve itches to reach out, to touch, to – no.
Regardless of intent, Yusuf is his captive. Until Nicolo can free him, he will not –
He won’t –
Yusuf tilts his head slightly, moving a hair closer.
Nicolo jerks backwards, knocking into the closed door.
“Nicolo. My name is Nicolo.” He’s proud his voice only shakes a little. “You... You must stay here, until I can find some way to help you escape.”
Yusuf, watching him, begins to frown. “Escape?”
“I will find a way,” Nicolo promises and flees.
“We must make port,” Nicolo tells the crew. He lies, “So that we can send word of our ransom.”
He gives them the heading to a pirate-friendly port town where he knows Andromache will be.
She pulled him into this mess. She can help him out of it.
At dinnertime, Nicolo takes a full portion to the door of the Captain’s quarters. With his crew watching, he shouldn’t knock, though he desperately wants to. Instead, he fumbles with the door handle, giving Yusuf inside fair warning of his entering.
Yusuf does not get the warning.
He is asleep on the bed, but it is not restful. He thrashes out against the blankets, whimpering.
Nicolo drops the plate on the table and hurries toward his side. He catches a sleepy punch thrown his way, and eases Yusuf’s arm back to the bedding. Yusuf leans into him, curling toward where he’s placed his knees on the bed.
Not knowing what to do but wishing to comfort him, Nicolo reaches a hand and places his palm to Yusuf’s cheek.
Yusuf’s whimpers ease into softer hums. A moment’s calm, and then Yusuf’s eyes flutter open.
Nicolo has not heard his name aloud since the last time he sat with Andromache in a run-down tavern, when she told him of a ship carrying gold that carried Yusuf instead. He has not heard his name aloud, like this, spoken with reverence, in as long a time as he can recall.
“You were having a nightmare,” Nicolo says.
“It was, yes,” Yusuf whispers. “But then you arrived.” He smiles and puts the sun to shame. “I dreamed you.” His blinks are slow. His eyelids heavy. Nicolo keeps his hand to his face and watches as sleep again pulls him under.
Nicolo stays, longer than he needs to, longer than he should, touching Yusuf’s cheek, then his shoulder, then his hand, guarding him from nightmares, both waking and asleep.
When he falls asleep himself, it is on the floor, his hand on the edge of the bed waiting, in case he is needed once more.
Though Nicolo had demanded that Yusuf stay in the Captain’s quarters for his own safety, he is not surprised to find him escaped and out among the crew. What does surprise him is both how the crew indulges him – although that smile of his is disarming – and the way he is dressed.
Gone are the silk robes. In their place, Yusuf has stolen a pair of Nicolo’s breeches and one of his loose linen shirts.
Nicolo’s mouth goes dry. When had he picked those out? Had he gone through all of Nicolo’s clothing until he found what he liked? How had he decided?
And what kind of prince had any right to muscles like those, now clearly defined beneath the near-transparent linen?
Nicolo thought all royalty pretty and useless, locked behind their walls, their cares tended to by others.
The crewman shows Yusuf how to tie a sailor’s knot, and Yusuf easily replicates it. He is a fast learner, and eager. So unlike Nicolo’s idea of a royal.
“We’ll be at port in two days’ time,” Keane says from the helm.
Nicolo, realizing he has been staring at Yusuf, looks towards his first mate instead. “Yes.” He hasn’t been listening, really.
Keane seems to notice, because he repeats, “Port. Two days.”
“Right.” Nicolo dares another glance at Yusuf, and finds him staring back.
When their eyes catch, Yusuf waves.
Nicolo only just stops himself from waving back.
He hopes Keane didn’t notice, though with Keane’s hawk eyes, he worries.
 The worries come to a head the next night, while Nicolo is standing on the deck, peering up at the stars from near the railing, when he suddenly, inexplicably, finds himself being shoved over it.
He reaches out and grabs the banister at the last moment, but his feet are dangling. The banister’s wet. It’s too dark to find him if he topples over.
Bathed in moonlight, Keane is there. He does not reach out a hand to help. Instead, he pulls out a knife.
“Why don’t you call for help, Captain?” Keane says. “Let the crew see the coward you are.” He crouches, bringing his face closer to Nicolo, though on the safe side of the railing. “I have watched you these years. You are weak.”
“If this is a mutiny,” Nicolo says through gritted teeth. His hands are slipping. He holds on with his fingernails. “Where are the rest of the crew? Why are you alone?”
Keane’s face twists with anger.
Pride swells in Nicolo, for his loyal crew. “They would not join you. They would not even listen to you. They believe as I do, that you are coward.”
Keane brings his knife closer. It flashes dangerously in the moonlight. “Big words from a man about to die.”
Nicolo thinks that he has always known it would eventually come to this. He knew Keane doubted not just his leadership but all that he stood for. Yet even knowing it, he has kept Keane on.
A pirate lived and died by the sea. And maybe, Nicolo has been too willing to test it.
Keane lifts up the knife, readying an attack.
A figure knocks into the side of him. Keane falls. The knife flies, skittering across the wooden planks of the deck. The figure, Nicolo’s savior, rights himself, and it’s Yusuf.
Yusuf hurries to the railing, reaches over it. He begins to lift Nicolo, enough that he can get a better grip on the banister, but then Keane is there, yanking him back.
Yusuf twists in Keane’s hold and punches him. Keane stumbles back, but not for long, not long enough for Yusuf to do anything other than prepare for the next attack.
They grapple, equally matched.
With his new hold, Nicolo has leverage he didn’t before. He exerts all his strength and swings up his legs, finding footing on the edge of the deck. With it, he easily pulls himself up the banister to the top of the railing and over it to safety.
He steadies himself. His arms ache and his fingers burn, but he will help Yusuf no matter – oh.
Yusuf, Nicolo’s protector, his savior, and his captive, does not need help.
Keane is dead at his feet, neck broken.
And Yusuf stares down at the body in pity. “He was your first mate.” He’s out of breath, chest heaving. Nicolo moves to his side, as close as he can without touching.
“He tried to kill you.”
Yusuf leans into Nicolo, brushing their shoulders together. “When I came looking for you, and I saw...” He breathes deeply. “I feared the worst.”
“It’s not yet my time,” Nicolo says quietly. He thinks on Yusuf’s words. “You came looking for me?”
Yusuf is slow to answer. “I cannot sleep without you.”
Nicolo frowns. “I sleep on the floor.”
“Your presence is soothing.” Yusuf runs a hand down his face. He stares down at the body. “Should we leave it for the others to find? Some kind of warning?”
“No. This was a mutiny of one. I’d rather send him to the sea and be done with it.”
Together they lift the body and cast it over the side. A moment, then a splash, and Keane is forever gone.
Yusuf and Nicolo stand at the railing. Though Nicolo could stay longer, Yusuf tugs on the back of his coat.
“I would like to see you away from the ledge for the rest of the night, if you don’t mind.”
Nicolo obliges him.
Later, in the captain’s quarters, Yusuf washes the blood from Nicolo’s hands and tends them.
“I haven’t thanked you yet,” Nicolo says. “I owe you my life.”
Yusuf waves the words away like he saves lives every day. Perhaps he does.
“You can sleep in the bed tonight,” Yusuf says instead, when he’s finished wrapping Nicolo’s raw hands.
“The floor is comfortable enough.”
“I will convince you.”
“Not in this,” Nicolo says, a whisper. “Not tonight.”
“Not tonight?” Yusuf watches him, a spark in his eye. “Does that imply perhaps a someday?”
Nicolo gives him a small smile, but that is all he can give for now. “Ask me again when I have helped you escape.”
Confusion spreads over Yusuf’s face. “Nicolo, I do not think you understand that –”
“Yusuf, I am tired.” Too tired to argue. Too tired to think of reasons he shouldn’t lie with this man. Too tired to voice them.
Yusuf’s face holds no smile now, all dire lines and darkness. “You are trembling.”
“I am so tired.”
“Lie down,” Yusuf says. “Let me hold you. Nothing untoward, I swear to you.”
Nicolo is a miserable wretch. “You will not hate me?”
Yusuf cups Nicolo’s face with both hands. He leans forward and places a soft kiss to each of Nicolo’s eyelids. “I could never, my heart.”
Nicolo lies down on the bed, as does Yusuf behind him. Yusuf wraps him in his arms, swallows him in warmth. In comfort.
Nicolo has belonged nowhere for so long. Now he feels as if he has returned to a home he didn’t know he had.
He closes his eyes, and sleep finds him easier than it ever has before.
In the dark, as the sea rocks them like babies in a cradle, Yusuf whispers into the back of Nicolo’s neck, “Andromache told me of a lonely man, heart as big as an ocean, who stole from kings to give to children.” He presses his smile to Nicolo’s skin. “I loved you before I met you. And meeting you, I love you more.”
Nicolo hears the words, but believes them to be a dream.
The morning comes too quickly, and the day brings them to port.
No one mentions Keane. His duties are quietly filled by others. Only one crewman is brave enough, and mutters, “Good riddance,” to the empty bunk.
 As the crew disembarks at the port, Nicolo lingers, watching. Yusuf stands at his side. He’s still wearing Nicolo’s clothes, even though Nicolo had set out his silk robes earlier across the back of a chair.
The day grows long. Most of the crew has left. Nicolo and Yusuf linger.
Nicolo doesn’t want to say goodbye.
For Yusuf, though, he must.
“Andromache is here,” Nicolo says. “We will go to her, and... I’m certain she will find you safe passage wherever you wish to go.”
Yusuf laughs.
Nicolo, startled, looks to him.
His smile is the north star. “I think you purposefully misunderstand.”
Nicolo straightens. “What do you mean?”
“Nicolo.” Yusuf turns to him. He takes one of Nicolo’s hands in both of his. “Do you truly not know?”
Maybe he does. Or at least, suspects. But. But. “You cannot want this life, Yusuf.”
“I wanted freedom,” Yusuf says, “And I found it in your eyes.”
Those pretty words muddy Nicolo’s thoughts, and he has to think clearly. He removes his hand from Yusuf’s and backs away. “You have been on the ship a handful of days. That is not enough time to know if it suits you.”
“I came here wanting this, Nicolo. The freedom of the sea and the wind at my back.” Yusuf, following Nicolo, steps forward. “I asked Andromache to help me become a pirate. She brought me you.” Another step, closer still – dangerously close. “I thank you for trying to protect me, but I do not need protecting. Not from this ship. Not from this life. And not from you.”
“I am more pirate than I ever was prince.” Yusuf places both hands on Nicolo’s chest. Nicolo’s heart thunders beneath them. “And if you will have me, I would also be yours.”
Nicolo swallows. “This is a terrible idea.” He’s not pulling away. Not anymore. Instead, he leans forward, brushing noses with Yusuf.
“All of the best ideas are, my heart,” Yusuf says and kisses him.
Nicolo sits at a table across from Andromache. Not far off, at the bar, Yusuf laughs with Quynh and Lykon, who apparently he’s met once before and already befriended. Nicolo isn’t the least surprised. He knows now, to expect the unexpected with Yusuf.
“I see you found your prize,” Andromache says, grinning into her mug.
“You said, and I’m quoting, ‘A treasure worthy of a king.’” Nicolo tries to sound accusatory but he cannot keep the smile from curling his lips. It’s so easy to smile, when he can hear Yusuf laughing. When Nicolo glances over and finds him watching.
“Was I lying?” Andromache asks.
And Nicolo knows, “He’s more.”
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elleonmybeloved · 4 years
For the city of song, wind, and wine, it was a regular occurrence every other month to hold a music competition. Onlookers would gather around the large open space surrounding the statue of Barbatos and anybody above the age of thirteen could compete as follows: perform three songs, one of which had to be an original composition, solo in front of the audience. There was no limit to the number of instruments one could use, but since the rule was for solo performance only, it was unusual to see the use of more than one instrument.
The prize was 10,000 mora, 3 free meals from Good Hunter, and a commemorative feather artifact meant to honor the wind archon. There was of course, clout associated with the victory however, so naturally all the bards in the city of Mondstadt competed fiercely for the victory.
Lumine had the pleasure of finding out about the competition as a result of trying to buy some mint and honey and being told by Blanche that she would likely be out of stock by eight a.m. every day for the next week and a half. Mint tea with honey was one of the best ways to soothe the throat, so the city’s bards were snatching it off the shelves and shutting themselves in to compose and practice their songs without risking anybody hearing and ruining the impact of their performance.
For the young woman, it meant no sticky honey roast, radish veggie soup, calla lily seafood soup... unless she felt like picking it herself or going to Liyue just to buy some. And she sure as hell wasn’t about to attempt finding and messing with a bee hive in the wild. Unintentionally acquired powers of wind or not.
At the moment though, Amber was taking it harder than she was.
“Ugh I totally forgot that the Good Hunter doesn’t sell sticky honey roast this week because of the competition... I was totally looking forward to a nice hot plate of sweet ham after all the hilichurls I had to chase off the roads today too.”
“Why not have a sweet madame instead?” Lumine suggested. “It’s basically the same thing.”
Amber gawks at her. “How can you say that? See, this is what makes it so obvious you’re not from around here. Everybody knows the taste of those two dishes are not even remotely similar to each other.”
She’s teasing, it’s obvious from the exaggerated shock and pout of her lip, but something about what she said makes the neutral smile slip from Lumine’s face.
“Hey, if you think about it, she’s right you know!” Paimon comes to Lumine’s defense. “One ingredient is sugar, and the other is meat!”
“You eat slimes.” Amber says. “On purpose. Sorry but that automatically disqualifies you from giving culinary advice.”
“Wait a minute. On purpose? That implies a story I think I’d very much like to hear.” She turns to see Kaeya walking up behind them, a bag of something in his hands. It seems he had been shopping. And eavesdropping on their conversation.
“Oh no, there’s nothing like that.” Amber waves her hand in a nonchalant motion that would be convincing if she could lie with her face as well.
“Mmhm, sure.” He says with that smirk that never seems to leave his face.
“I should get going.” Lumine says, cutting off Amber’s reply before she can open her mouth. Once these two get started they can really argue, and she doesn’t have the time or energy to stick around for that. Especially when Charles made a deal with her to probe customers for info on her brother if she could find and bring back all of the lost business records that had been spewed from the tavern during the storm.
“Okay, see ya later!” Amber says with a salute.
“Yes, run along now.” Kaeya makes a shooing gesture.
The sun is setting by the time she is looking for the last one, hasty now that the natural light is fading. She had found some on the roof of all places, and she had all but scoured the ground, so here she was looking down dusty chimneys and clinging to the roof tiles like a squirrel every time the wind made her spook.
“Gotta be around here somewhere.” She mumbles to herself. Paimon had since gotten hungry and was presumably out eating, or looking for something to eat.
It’s a bit of a habit to use her elemental sight when searching for something, even though there wouldn’t be any traces she knows of on the documents. That’s how she ends up seeing it. At the top of the windmill, bright teal anemo energy, leaking out from the door and window in a slow trickle. Above the window, papers, caught in the gear that connects the wooden support to the spinning white blades of the mill.
“Aha.” Those must be the documents. Lumine gets a running start off the roof of the house and launches herself in the air. Thank the stars for the wind crystal Venti gave her- with a whoosh it pushes her up and gives her the altitude necessary to skip what would’ve been a sketchy climb up the curved wooden wall of the mill. Below her, she sees a young woman at the base of the mill reading and writing something in a notebook, and prays she doesn’t look up. Sure she has her license but it would still be embarrassing to be seen. Or asked questions of.
Landing with a modicum of grace, she very carefully steps across the roof tiles over to where the papers are stuck. It takes a bit of gentle wiggling but they come loose, and she puts them in her pack.
No sooner had she buttoned the flap than had the door to the balcony below her slammed open, and a “Who’s there?!” startle the absolute daylights out of her.
Lumine looses her footing.
She doesn’t hear the “oh crap” someone says because she is falling with a panicked shout, but before she can even open her glider wings, she’s being gently floated through the air. Wind carries her back up and places her gently down on the floor of the balcony. Standing above her with a distressed look on his face, Venti abandons his lyre to rush over and pat her in several places, checking for injuries.
“Oh no, are you okay? I swear I didn’t mean to make you fall!”
“I’m fine.” She says breathlessly. Behind them the door is open and there’s a small room filled with straw, crates, and some random items strewn about.
“I’m so sorry.” He says, hands still patting at her, blue eyes wide. “I didn’t even know it was you, traveler.”
“I’m okay.” She gets to her feet. In the room there is paper strewn about everywhere like a tornado hit. “...What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” He casts a glance down and behind her. “But not out here.”
He scoots back inside the room and motions at her to come in. Curious, she does so. He closes and locks the door behind him.
“So...” She prompts.
“So,” He says, “You found me! Good job. How’d you do it?”
“Uh, what do you mean found you? I wasn’t looking for you.”
“You weren’t?” He looks genuinely surprised to hear this.
“I was looking for some tavern documents blown away in the storm, I found them on the roof.” She explains. “Why would I be looking for you?”
“Heheh.” Venti laughs nervously instead of answering. “Oh! I see!”
“What’s with all the papers?” They are seriously everywhere. Lumine knows him well enough to know he’s not the scholarly type.
“I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”
“... Okay. Never mind then.”
“Just kidding!” He’s quick to quip when she doesn’t get the joke. “But it is a secret so if you want to know you have to swear you won’t tell a soul!”
“I swear.” She says curiously. “Aren’t I already keeping one of your secrets well?”
“That you are.” He nods. “Very well. I’m in the middle of composing a new song. And practicing my other one.”
He announces it with a lot of weight, like it’s something super important and not exactly the type of thing she would expect a bard to say.
“And that’s a secret because?”
“A new song to use in the upcoming music competition. Surely you’ve heard of it? It’s a new tradition most people in Mondstadt know about.”
“Oh, that. Yeah I have heard. It’s why I can’t buy any mint or honey for the next week or so.”
“That’s right! I have some though, do you want some?”
“No, it’s okay.” Seemed like he needed it more anyways. “Is it going okay though?” She refers to the papers strewn willy nilly.
“Sort of.” He says, absentmindedly plucking at his lyre. “I’ve got my first song down, it’s one of the old ones from a few hundred years ago called Lion Heart, a ballad about the bravery of the great hero Venessa.”
Venti’s eyes go wide. “Who’s Venessa? You mean you haven’t heard of her? She’s the most famous hero in Mondstadt’s history.”
“... Not from around here.” She says. “Not really familiar with history yet.”
“Wanna hear the story? I have several songs you can choose from that tell it.”
“Hmm. Will it cost me?”
“Ahahaha! Of course not. For you Lumine, my performances are always free.”
“Okay then.” His enthusiastic smile is contagious, and although Lumine has no interest in Teyvat’s history beyond what could be relevant in finding Aether, she can’t help returning it with one of her own as she takes a seat on the floor.
The next hour is spent regaling her of the tales of a young woman whom she could not forget was a redhead even if she tried. Venti’s voice is beautiful, and he sings with such reverence and fervent adoration of this hero that she almost suspects a deeper relationship existed than that of the sung supporting role of Barbatos in this historic rebellion.
“You must really admire Venessa.” She says after clapping and giving a small smile at his formal bow.
“Everybody does.” He says with a shrug. “She was something special.”
Something squeezes hollowly in her chest.
“Now that I think of it, she’s the one Jean mentioned when she got sick from overworking and I had to help out.” Lumine pulls forward the relevant memory, blocking out the strange aching feeling. “She must have been a force to be reckoned with to make Jean feel inferior.”
“I could sing her praises forever.” A rare seriousness passes over Venti’s face. “So brave. Fiery hair like a flame that would never die out.”
Lumine has never seen a woman with red hair. It must be rare in Teyvat. It must be considered very beautiful.
“What about the other song?”
“Ehe, right, the other song. That is, the one that I’m composing. Well I’m not having much luck. But I think you could help me.”
“Me?” She asks. “What can I do?”
“Tell me about your most recent adventures.” He replies. “For inspiration.”
Lumine is flattered. “Wait, you’re writing a song about me- my adventures?” It’s kind of embarrassing to say from the pure self importance it assumes but she is sure she hasn’t misunderstood him.
“Heheh. Would you like that?” He’s rubbing the back of his neck. Lumine forgets about redheads.
“It’s a little embarrassing.” She claps her hands together in her lap, feeling warm. “What are you going to say?”
“Nothing weird, don’t worry!” He’s quick to say. “Nothing private either.” He’s probably talking about the unknown god and the loss of her powers.
“It’s fine with me.” Lumine acquiesces. “Just don’t get carried away. I don’t want a bad reputation.”
“It’s not that kind of song.” Venti is quick to assure her. “It’s uhhh... well, you’ll find out.”
“You’re not going to tell me?”
“And ruin the surprise? Heheh, nah, you’re just going to have to wait and hear it when everybody else does.”
Before she can say anything in response, she covers a yawn. It must be well into the night by now.
“Oh, you must be getting tired. Sorry for keeping you so long. Didn’t you need to go do something? I totally forgot about that.”
So had she.
“It’s okay. I do need to get going now though.” She says it with a sigh, getting up to leave. “Good night... and good luck with your song.”
Venti beams like the sun. “Thanks! I have a feeling it’s going to go just swimmingly now. Good night!”
Leaving the room feels like re-entering the world as the lights and sounds of the city surround her once more. Funny, despite the music, it had felt so quiet in there. Like they were the only two people for miles.
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