#Top 5 Myths
kabeerconsulting-blog · 5 months
Top 5 Myths about SAP Business One
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lucilassie · 6 months
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Map by dionpowder (map code: 8945-5854-0618)
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oflights · 1 year
Hello! Top 5 fave folklores/fairytales? :)
ohhhh i LOVE this one! wow okay this is so much fun:
Petrosinella by Giambattista Basile, which is one of the origins of the Rapunzel fairytale! It's a Neapolitan fairytale where a pregnant woman steals parsley from an ogress and has to give up her baby as punishment. The ogress teaches the baby magic and when she grows up, she escapes using magic acorns that turn into animals to attack the ogress. It's very fun even aside from the whole hair thing.
Pintosmalto, again by Basile, where a woman who doesn't want to marry anyone her father chooses makes her perfect husband out of treasures that her father brings her instead; a queen steals the husband away and she has to go get him back.
I'm a sucker for the genre of Irish fairytales where a fairy king steals a queen or a bride and then her husband goes crazy trying to get her back. The one where Fionbharr steals Ethna is fun, the king literally digs all the way down into the fairy realm under a hill until he's close to destroying the palace and Fionbharr is like fiiine, take her back just don't mess up my house.
Similarly I love anything set in Tír na nÓg. I love Niamh and Oisín (and I really like Yeats' version!) Niamh takes Oisín to live in Tír na nÓg with her for what he thinks is 3 years, but is actually 300. He wants to go back to Ireland and she's like okay, but don't touch the ground; he goes back and falls off his horse and immediately ages 300 years and dies.
The Brown Bear of Norway is long and twisty and honestly needs a good retelling someday. When my dad read this story to me as a kid, I went around telling people I was going to marry a bear when I grew up, because to me the point of the story was she should've just dealt with him being a bear sometimes (I was unconcerned about the kidnapped children).
ask me top 5 anything! 🌱🌰🧚🏻🐻
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corvidonia · 7 months
I was talking with a moot a couple of days ago and it made me realize that I've been turning my Ares into someone who is really tragic in a forgivable way I guess? 😭 compared to other Ares adaptations (including their own). We came to the conclusion that I've sort of done it because most Ares adaptations give 0 room for any like sympathy/growth and I've sort of turned that into a 180° and have him largely being a victim of circumstance in the situation
I don't want him to be 100% forgivable and I do want him to be a bit unhinged when it comes to certain things but also I'm tired of the slander that makes 0 sense. He is many things but most of it isn't what modern media says. He sure is a homewrecker tho !! Just like his daddy! Good for him !
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lady-arryn · 1 year
babe, babe, wake up!!! hades 2 early access officially coming in 2024!!!!
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troythecatfish · 7 months
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nguyenfinity · 2 years
top 5 fav enstars songs? :33
You can’t just do this to me right off the bat hhsgjshdkshdj
Psyche’s Butterfly
The Genesis
Moonlight Disco
Risky Venus
Distorted Heart
Honorable mentions:
Awakening Myth (Hiyori and Nagi harmony SO GOOD)
Crazy Roulette (THE FULL VERSION WITH THE RAP. THE RAP COMPLETES IT.) or literally any other crazyB song I just can’t pick
Ryusei Hanabi
Fantastic Days
Honey Milk wa Okonomi de
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mik-youtube · 1 year
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olyshahriar · 7 months
5 Best Upcoming RPGs 2024
With the release of the most hyped game of the year Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the gaming community experienced a smooth experience. The release of Hogwarts Legacy, Final Fantasy XVI, Baldur’s Gate 3, Alan Wake 2 and other games was a thrilling roller coaster ride for gamers. Not to forget the late 2022 released God of War: Ragnarok which was still rocking this year too. Next year will be more entertaining as the ‘5 Best Upcoming RPGs 2024’ will be released along with some deserving honorable mentions – Rise of the Ronin and Avowed.
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deshigeek · 9 months
5 Best Upcoming RPGs 2024
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acti-veg · 29 days
Leather vs. Pleather: 8 Myths Debunked
Since we are all beyond tired of seeing the same regurgitated leather posts every day, I've compiled and briefly debunked some of the most common myths peddled about leather and pleather… So hopefully we can all move on to talk about literally anything else.
1) Leather is not sustainable.
Approximately 85% of all leather (almost all leather you'll find in stores) is tanned using chromium. During the chrome tanning process, 40% of unused chromium salts are discharged in the final effluents, which makes it's way into waterways and poses a serious threat to wildlife and humans. There are also significant GHG emissions from the sheer amount of energy required to produce and tan leather.
Before we even get the cow's hide, you first need to get them to slaughter weight, which is a hugely resource-intensive process. Livestock accounts for 80% of all agricultural land use, and grazing land for cattle likely represents the majority of that figure. To produce 1 pound of beef (and the subsequent hide), 6-8 pounds of feed are required. An estimated 86% of the grain used to feed cattle is unfit for human consumption, but 14% alone represents enough food to feed millions of people. On top of that, one-third of the global water footprint of animal production is related to cattle alone. The leather industry uses greenwashing to promote leather as an eco-friendly material. Leather is often marketed as an eco-friendly product, for example, fashion brands often use the Leather Working Group (LWG) certificate to present their leather as sustainable. However, this certification (rather conveniently) does not include farm-level impacts, which constitute the majority of the negative environmental harm caused by leather.
2) Leather is not just a byproduct.
Some cows are raised speciifically for leather, but this a minority and usually represents the most expensive forms of leather. This does not mean that leather is just a waste product of beef and dairy, or that it is a completely incidental byproduct; it is more accurate to call leather a tertiary product of the beef and dairy industries. Hides used to fetch up to 50% of the total value of the carcass, this has dropped significantly since COVID-19 to only about 5-10%, but this is recovering, and still represents a significant profit margin. Globally, leather accounts for up to 26% of major slaughterhouses’ earnings. Leather is inextricably linked to the production of beef and dairy, and buying leather helps make the breeding, exploitation and slaughter of cows and steers a profitable enterprise.
3) Leather is not as biodegradable as you think.
Natural animal hides are biodegradable, and this is often the misleading way leather that sellers word it. "Cow hide is fully biodegradable" is absolutely true, it just purposely leaves out the fact that the tanning process means that the hide means that leather takes between 25 and 40 years to break down. Even the much-touted (despite it being a tiny portion of the market) vegetable-tanned leather is not readily biodegradable. Since leather is not recyclable either, most ends up incinerated, or at landfill. The end-of-life cycle and how it relates to sustainability is often massively overstated by leather sellers, when in fact, it is in the production process that most of the damage is done.
4) Leather is not humane.
The idea that leather represents some sort of morally neutral alternative to the evils of plastic is frankly laughable, at least to anyone who has done even a little bit of research into this exploitative and incredibly harmful industry. Cows, when properly cared for, can live more than fifteen years. However, most cows are usually slaughtered somewhere around 2-3 years old, and the softest leather, most luxurious leather comes from the hide of cows who are less than a year old. Some cows are not even born before they become victim to the industry. Estimates vary, but according to an EFSA report, on average 3% of dairy cows and 1.5 % of beef cattle, are in their third-trimester of pregnancy when they are slaughtered.
Slaughter procedures vary slightly by country, but a captive bolt pistol shot to the head followed by having their throats slit, while still alive, is standard industry practice. This represents the “best” a slaughtered cow can hope for, but many reports and videos exist that suggest that cows still being alive and conscious while being skinned or dismembered on the production line is not uncommon, some of these reports come from slaughterhouse workers themselves.
5) Leather often involves human exploitation.
The chemicals used to tan leather, and the toxic water that is a byproduct of tanning, affect workers as well as the environment; illness and death due to toxic tanning chemicals is extremely common. Workers across the sector have significantly higher morbidity, largely due to respiratory diseases linked to the chemicals used in the tanning process. Exposure to chromium (for workers and local communities), pentachlorophenol and other toxic pollutants increase the risk of dermatitis, ulcer nasal septum perforation and lung cancer.
Open Democracies report for the Child Labour Action Research Programme shows that there is a startlingly high prevalence of the worst forms of child labour across the entire leather supply chain. Children as young as seven have been found in thousands of small businesses processing leather. This problem is endemic throughout multiple countries supplying the global leather market.
6) Pleather is not a ‘vegan thing’.
Plastic clothing is ubiquitous in fast fashion, and it certainly wasn’t invented for vegans. Plastic leather jackets have been around since before anyone even knew what the word vegan meant, marketing department have begun describing it as ‘vegan leather’ but it’s really no more a vegan thing than polyester is. Most people who wear pleather are not vegan, they just can’t afford to buy cow’s leather, which remains extremely expensive compared to comparable fabrics.
It is striking how anti-vegans consistently talk about how ‘not everyone can afford to eat plant-based’ and criticise vegans for advocating for veganism on that basis, yet none of them seem to mind criticisms directed at people for wearing a far cheaper alternative than leather. You can obviously both be vegan and reduce plastic (as we all should), but vegans wear plastic clothing for the same reason everyone else does: It is cheaper.
7) Plastic is not the only alternative.
When engaging in criticism of pleather, the favourite tactic seems to be drawing a false dilemma where we pretend the only options are plastic and leather. Of course, this is a transparent attempt to draw the debate on lines favourable to advocates of leather, by omitting the fact that you can quite easily just buy neither one.
Alternatives include denim, hemp, cork, fiber, mushroom fiber, cotton, linen, bamboo, recycled plastic, and pinatex, to name a few. There are exceptions in professions like welding, where an alternative can be difficult to source, but nobody needs a jacket, shoes or a bag that looks like leather. For most of us, leather is a luxury item that doesn’t even need to be replaced at all.
8) Leather is not uniquely long-lasting.
The longevity of leather is really the only thing it has going for it, environmentally speaking. Replacing an item less often means fewer purchases, and will likely have a lower environmental impact than one you have to replace regularly. Leather is not unique in this respect, however, and the idea that it is, is mostly just effective marketing.
As your parents will tell you, a well-made denim jacket can last a lifetime. Hemp and bamboo can both last for decades, as can cork and pinatex. Even cotton and linen can last for many years when items are looked after well. While some materials are more hard wearing than others, how long an item will last is mostly the result of how well made the product is and how well it is maintained, not whether or not the item is leather.
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lucilassie · 6 months
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plaguedocboi · 8 months
Bottomless Pits
We post holes here, sir.
Sinkholes, pit caves, wells and cenotes all have one thing in common; sometimes they’re bottomless. Not truly “bottomless”, of course, but in appearance, reputation, or of incredible depth. We’ve seen a few of these “bottomless pits” in prior lists such as the Lost Sea in Tennessee or the Devil’s Hole in Nevada, but today we will focus on those strange places in the earth that seem to be endless.
1. Laguna Kaan Luum, Mexico
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This one threw me for a loop because I was originally only seeing pictures like the one above, so I was like ‘oh, that’s cool, so it’s kinda like Dean’s Blue Hole, where it’s an ocean sinkhole right off the shore…’
No. It’s not that. Let’s zoom out a bit.
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Yeah. This is a lake with one giant sinkhole in the middle! It’s about 2,000 feet across and reaches depths of 278 feet, with the surrounding shallows a very pleasant 4 feet deep! I’m mostly including it on the list because the full image hit me like a bus.
2. Sima Humboldt, Venezuela
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Tepuis are large plateau mountains found across Venezuela, often with sheer sides and inaccessible tops that inspired explorers to imagine dinosaurs still surviving on these isolated mesas. Even on their own, tepuis are incredible, beautiful and mysterious. Add a sinkhole with an even more isolated forest at the bottom, and you have all the ingredients for some crazy shit to happen. Sima Humboldt and Sima Martel are two enormous sinkholes at the top of Cerro Sarisariñama. Humboldt is the largest at over a thousand feet across and nearly the same in depth, with a jungle flourishing at the bottom. The sinkhole forests are home to many endemic species of both plant and animals, but so far, no prehistoric monsters have been found in any of them.
3. Well of Barhout, Yemen
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The “well of hell” is a massive sinkhole in the desert, measuring about 100 feet in diameter and plunging down over 300 feet. Understandably, there are many myths and legends about this place, including a story about an evil djinn which lives at the bottom and takes the head of anyone foolish enough to climb in. In fact, so pervasive are these legends that the sinkhole was only formally explored in 2021! Luckily they did not find any evil spirits, but they did find stalagmites which reached 30 feet tall, cave pearls, and waterfalls which provided refuge for frogs and snakes.
4. Myakka sinkhole, Florida
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This murky abyss is filled with more than just water, it is also home to over a hundred alligators. Due to the poor visibility and very high concentration of large carnivores, it is very difficult to study this pit. Only a few people have ever glimpsed the bottom of this 134-foot deep sinkhole, but apparently we aren’t missing much because the water down there is stagnant and inhospitable to most life. Exactly why this area is so popular among alligators is still unknown, but it’s likely due to a combination of food availability and ideal temperatures.
5. The Pit cenote, Mexico
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Like Cenote Angelita, The Pit is a layered cenote. The first 88 feet is freshwater, then there is a “fog” of hydrogen sulfide, below which lies over 300 feet of brackish water. The Pit is a spectacular-looking cenote, with an almost otherworldly quality, which makes it very popular among divers. So far, this pit has been explored to a depth of 390 feet, but unexplored passages extend further.
6. Thor’s well, Oregon
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Like a drainpipe continuously swallowing an unbroken stream of ocean water, Thor’s well is often likened to a bottomless pit. However, it is actually only about 20 feet deep, and the drain effect is due to the fact that it connects back to the ocean, not swallowing the water but simply rerouting it. This does not mean that there is no danger, though. The rocks are slippery and sharp, and this area sees a higher than average number of ‘sneaker waves’; waves that look normal as they roll in but are actually much larger than they appear, potentially sweeping people out to sea as they retreat. The true danger here is the ocean, not the well.
7. Vouliagmeni Lake, Greece
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This incredibly beautiful saltwater lake has been rumored to have healing properties for thousands of years, and today continues to draw in visitors for its medicinal minerals and “doctor fish”. But this famous lake hides a secret; a labyrinth of caves whose depths have never been fully explored, and whose connection to the ocean remains undiscovered. Passages stretch over a mile into the mountains, with an average depth of 260 feet. The largest of these caverns is nearly 500 feet wide and full of warm sea water. Although a spectacular diving spot, these unknown caverns are best not underestimated.
8. Santa Rosa blue hole, New Mexico
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A gorgeous natural swimming hole, this cenote is roughly 80 feet wide and 80 feet deep (in most places) and is a popular destination for tourists. It was also used for diving certification tests, until an incident in 1976. There is one spot in this picturesque cenote that goes down much further than 80 feet; the entrance to a cave. In the dark, twisting passages, two young divers got lost and died, and the cave was later sealed with a metal grate to prevent other divers from attempting to enter. The cave was mostly forgotten about until 2013, when cave divers were given permission to attempt to map the area. The blue hole is at least 200 feet deep, but the bottom of the cave still has not been found.
9. Roaring River Spring, Missouri
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This turquoise river bubbles up from a ten-foot wide pool of deep water hidden within a sheer-sided canyon. But despite its peaceful appearance, this spring discharges 20 million gallons of water a day, and the exact source is still unknown. In 1979, divers attempted to map the cave, but reached a point 225 feet down where the passage constricted and had a water flow like “the force of an open fire hydrant”, preventing them from going any further. In 2020, divers waited until the water flow was lowest in the summer and descended to a depth of 472 feet with no bottom in sight, making this the deepest spring in the US!
10. Your Mom.
I jest, of course. Here’s the real one:
Hranice Abyss, Czech Republic
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A tiny greenish lake in the forest is the opening to the deepest freshwater cave in the world, deeper than the Empire State Building is high and still seemingly bottomless. It is so deep that scientists think it may have been formed by a totally different process than most freshwater caves; instead of water eroding away the ground from above, it may have been created by acidic groundwater coming up from below. And this water is extremely acidic, able to burn a diver’s skin if not covered properly. This, combined with fallen trees and other debris, poor visibility, and the sheer vertical drop of the cave, creates incredibly dangerous conditions for diving. Because of this, no diver or ROV has reached the bottom yet. But with a recent study using seismic sensors, scientists have estimated that the abyss may be over a kilometer deep, twice what was previously thought.
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troythecatfish · 1 year
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Here’s my personal recommendation of a YouTube video to check out:
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great-and-small · 1 month
do you like platyhelminths? :) flatworms are some of my favorite animals, particularly planarians (<33) and tapeworms. i know they really scare some people but i adore them and think they're really underappreciated!
I love platyhelminthes! Totally underrated group of critters. Fun fact the word “Platyhelminthes” can be rearranged into “Lethal Penis Myth” (I have a thing for anagrams and was bored in marine bio once).
I love how much balls to the wall insanity is present in the phylum. They really just do whatever the hell they want and it rules. Here are my top five crazy platyhelminthes behaviors
1. The tapeworm that somehow triples the lifespan of an ant in order to facilitate its own life cycle.
2. The marine flatworms that engage in penis fencing to decide who has to carry the offspring.
3. The tapeworm with such a complex life cycle that it is capable of influencing the brains of two wildly different host species (crustacean copepods and bony fish).
4. The fluke that turns a snail’s eyes into pulsating caterpillar-like sacs for a bird to eat.
5. The tapeworms that are being studied for their immunomodulatory properties that could someday lead to treatments for everything from colitis to arthritis.
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retroaria · 1 month
Chuuya Nakahara. That’s it, that’s the post.
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summary: in my head Chuuya is lowkey crazy and would do anything and everything for you. Some of his more outrageous displays of love to you.
warnings: suggestive themes (MDNI!!!), slight yandere?, mentions of gang violence, my terrible potty mouth, these are just silly chuuya thoughts i had they are so unserious lol
BSD M.LIST | enjoy 🧸 -aria
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That time when Chuuya took you to the roof of the port mafia headquarters and ordered for the entire Yokohama power grid to be shut off just so you could see the stars. Also so he could watch them sparkle in your eyes.
That time when Chuuya and his subordinates wiped out an entire enemy organization against the bosses orders just bc he thought the cathedral they were based in would be a perfect place for you guys to get married. He’s stationed guards there until it’s ready to be used, he’s got that shit on lock down. (he did this before you were even dating) (he’s a man of his prospects)
That time when Chuuya wasn’t sure how to get you to notice his affections and love him back so he threw an entire plane into your work building as an excuse to save you. Not the first catastrophe he’s caused as an excuse to carry you out of the rubble bridal style.
That time when Chuuya saw you in a giggly conversation with someone about 5 inches taller than him so he had Akutagawa break the guys legs “Yeah Aku totally went against my orders, poor guy will never walk again” *queue evil smirk*
That time when Chuuya cleared out the entire 7th arrondissement of Paris so he could fly you to the top of the Eiffel Tower. this is definitely how he proposes
That time when Chuuya had a literal bed made out of all your favorite flowers for the two of you only for him to fuck you later that night and absolutely defile it. This man is so devious.
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The man, the myth, the legend. I’d let Chuuya burn down a city for me ngl. Sorry this was so short it was just some silly thoughts I had to get out. Alright that’s it byeeee. -aria
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