#Tw cage
serickswrites · 5 months
Get Back In There
Warnings: captivity, restraints, gag, muzzle, cage, cruel whumper
"Please," Whumpee begged as they struggled to get away from Whumper. "I promise I'll be good. Please, you don't have to do this."
"You did this to yourself, Whumpee," Whumper said coldly as they shoved Whumpee to the ground. "You did this, not me."
Whumpee's glasses had gone skittering across the floor. They blindly scuttled away from Whumper, hands always reaching for what they hoped would be their glasses. "I didn't know, I'll be better. I promise."
"I grow tired of your incessant mewling," Whumper growled as they grabbed Whumpee by the hair, yanking Whumpee up. Whumpee squealed with pain. "Just shut up already."
Whumper pulled something over Whumpee's face. Whumpee struggled as the straps pulled tight across the sides of their head, their mouth forced shut by whatever Whumper had pulled over their face.
"I've had dogs that are better behaved than you, Whumpee." Whumper said as they pulled out a screw driver. "Maybe this muzzle will teach you to behave."
Whumpee sobbed as they could feel Whumper tightening the muzzle on their head. They could hear them working to screw the straps on as tight as they would go. But Whumpee could no longer open their mouth to beg. They could barely fight back.
Whumper shoved Whumpee forward once more. "Get back in there," they said as they pointed at the cage they had been keeping Whumpee in for the last day. "Don't make me tell you twice."
Whumpee gazed up at Whumper, their face blurred and fuzzy. Whumpee couldn't go back in the cage. They couldn't do any of it. They just wanted to go home.
"Get!" Whumper grabbed Whumpee by the collar and shoved. "You won't like what I do to dogs who don't listen."
Whumpee scrambled forward. They couldn't face Whumper's anger. They didn't want the pain. And so they cowered in the corner of the cage as Whumper shut the door. "I'm going to let you sit and think about your actions. Maybe a few days in here will do you good."
And before Whumpee could whine in protest, Whumper flipped the lights off and left the room. Whumpee sobbed as they sat, alone in the dark, unable to open their mouth wide enough to scream.
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
haiii it’s the anon who forgot the prompts :3 let’s go with cages, comfort, and a smidge of angst. thank u!!!!!!
It's for your own safety
M!Kylar x Suicidal F!Reader
Closed Prompt Event: Caged, Comfort, & Angst
Words: 589
Tw: Suicidal reader, attempted suicide?, self-harm, knife, blood, angst, caged
Note: Of course!! I like exploring the more darker ones. I've been through some of this myself so I used that experience to write this :)
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The thoughts got louder and louder as I laid there in bed with Kylar. Between the loud thoughts and his suffocating grip, I couldn't get comfortable let alone sleep. I stared up at the skylight, looking at the beautiful night sky with my mind going a mile a minute. Despite the beauty, it couldn’t distract me from my thoughts.
It was hard, but I eventually slipped out of Kylar’s grasp and sat at the edge of the bed, staring at his knife on the bedside table. He always kept it near, and it was sharp enough for what I wanted to do. My fingers twitched at the thought alone. It’s been a while, but I needed to scratch that itch.
Slipping off the bed, I grabbed the knife and took it to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, not thinking to lock it. I leaned against the sink, staring at myself in the mirror with empty eyes. After a while I pulled away from the sink and sat on the toilet, staring at the knife in my hands. The light reflected off it and showed my reflection, a girl with dead eyes and nothing to live for.
I traced the knife against the skin of my left arm, thoughts getting louder and louder as I did. I teetered on the edge of hurting myself or going back to Kylar. Hurting myself gives me a few moments of euphoria, but Kylar holds me till the thoughts eventually pass. Impulsively I chose the former, putting pressure on the knife and cutting into my skin. I watched the blood run down my forearm and drip onto my bare thighs. Gripping the handle tighter, I prepared myself to cut deeper. The brief euphoria wasn’t enough, I needed more. 
Before I could plunge the knife deeper into my arm, it was yanked from my hands and thrown across the bathroom. I started to yell angrily but looked up to find a distressed and crying Kylar. “M-My love…?” I didn’t answer and he reached out to hold my arm, inspecting the fresh cut. “I have to clean it…” He gently put my arm down, afraid to hurt me, and started digging under the sink for a first aid kit of some kind. I kept silent, numbly staring at the wall while Kylar frantically searched. My arms hung limp at my sides, blood dripping and staining the expensive tile beneath me. 
He kneeled before me, equipped with a first aid kit. “This might sting.” He whispered and began to clean the cut as gently as possible, “I would have helped…I’m always here for you.” I stared past him, feeling numb to everything around me.
When he finished cleaning and bandaging my arm, he pulled me into his arms and held me close. “You can’t leave me, I’m nothing without you.” He cupped my face, “I love you, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I can’t lose you.”
Kylar scooped me up and carried me back into the bedroom, placing me on the floor beside a cage. I looked up at him in mild confusion. I knew he had a cage, but I’ve only been put in it a few times as punishment. “I can’t take the chance of losing you.” He opened the cage and shoved me inside, locking it behind me. He sat on the floor staring at me with tears in his eyes, as if this hurt him more than it hurt me. “It’s for your own safety.”
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luigigirl12 · 4 months
What pizza head did once he caught Nala
⚠️⚠️tw cage⚠️⚠️
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He caged her all because she wouldn't destroy a peppino plushie like he wanted her to
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the-whumpening · 5 months
The Pet Tiger, #5 [nsfwhump AU]
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CW: Dehumanization, treated as a pet, threats of/references to violence and/or noncon, forced nudity, humiliation, pet whump, pet training, food restriction, caged, isolation, emotional abuse, absolute nonsense from Ozmund like holy shit dude, he’s way past gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss rn
5: Begging
Ash’s nose wakes first, aroused by the alluring scent of food. His body follows soon after, his muscles aching in protest at their cramped positions. The last, as usual, is his mind. Dreams hadn’t come easily to him the night before—mostly fitful flashes, abstract and vague—and he hardly feels rested. But the smell, at once sweet and savory and spiced, prods him to consciousness.
He cracks his eyes open, only enough to sweep the room for danger. Right, his crumpled spine recalls. The cage. As long as he stays in the cage, he would be safe—that’s the promise Ozmund had made. Even so, Ash makes himself as still as possible; if Ozmund thinks he’s asleep, then maybe—
“I know you’re awake, pet,” Ozmund says, shattering Ash’s hope for a few more minutes of peace. How did he know? “You’ll have to pretend better than that, silly thing. But go on; relax for a bit longer. Once I’ve finished my breakfast, we've got work to do.”
The shudders that had been kept at bay all night return to Ash’s limbs. He wobbles onto his hands and knees, turning and twisting to find a comfortable way to sit—perhaps he’s just too large for this tiny cage. From his vantage point so low to the ground, he can’t see Ozmund or the source of the tantalizing smell. His view is blocked by heavy, ornate furniture and the partially-covered frame of his cage. Without his vision, he can only rely on his hearing and smell to keep track of his captor.
Before long, the sharp taps of Ozmund’s shoes draw nearer. Ash had begun to suspect it would happen soon, as the delicious aromas gradually faded along with the clinking of silverware. Even so, he finds himself pressing against the wall of his cage; if only he could be smaller, if only he could disappear, if only—
The padlock drops into Ozmund’s hand, and the door falls open.
“Come,” Ozmund orders, his voice still calm and casual. As if he’s not ordering another man to kneel at his feet. As if he expects Ash to be at his beck and call. As if he knows Ash will comply.
Fuck that, and fuck him.
“No.” Ash isn’t sure where this surge of bravery came from—or how long it will last.
Ozmund tilts his head. “No?” His rage isn’t exploding yet, but Ash can feel the tension in the air. Even so, he stands his ground.
“No,” he growls, low in his throat. “You can’t do this to me, Ozmund. I’m not your pet—I’m not . . .” He steels his resolve; can he even believe it himself? “I’m not an animal.”
Still, Ozmund’s expression is serene, unbothered. He crouches down to the ground, meeting Ash’s eyeline and smiling placidly. Panic bubbles in Ash’s chest—this is a bad idea. Just behave; maybe it won’t be so bad, he argues with himself. No, I can’t. I have to fight. I have to, I have to, I have to—
Ozmund reaches a hand through the bars of the cage, stroking Ash’s hair as if he’s a frightened animal. Ash’s throat tightens, and words tumble out with false confidence. “Y-you can’t hurt me in here; you said so yourself. I’m not—I’m not scared of you!”
“You’re right, darling,” Ozmund coolly replies, his hand gentle on Ash’s sweaty face. “No one will hurt you in there, least of all me. I won’t force you out, either.”
Ozmund withdraws his hand, instead closing the door and replacing the padlock.
“You’ll stay here, safe in your little cage,” he purrs, “until you beg and plead to be let out.”
Ash isn’t sure how much time has passed while he’s been locked in the too-small cage. His stomach aches with hunger; he can’t remember how long it’s been since he last ate. It’s been so long since his body has known hunger like this—not since his mother died, before Kane came into his life. In those days, his belly was rarely full. He was still so small, so weak, and not clever enough to outsmart his prey.
Thinking about Kane is too hard; he can’t let his mind wander there for long. But, stuck in his own rash decision, he has little else to do but think. No one has let him out to relieve himself, or to eat, or to stretch his cramping muscles—the few servants who have floated in and out of the room have ignored both his presence and his pleas for help. But that’s what I wanted, right? he chastises himself. To be left alone and stay in the “safe” cage . . .
Ozmund hasn’t returned, either. Ash had figured he would want to come back at some point—to mock him, or threaten him, or offer him a chance to beg for forgiveness—but so far, that hasn’t happened. He hasn’t even come back to sleep in his own bed. Ash wonders if that means it hasn’t truly been very long; surely Ozmund wouldn’t change his routine, go out of his way, just to subject Ash to more isolation.
But as the hours drag on, he becomes more and more convinced of his fate. The servants have come and gone multiple times—multiple days, maybe? He’s lost feeling in his limbs, aside from the occasional jab of pain or uncontrollable tremor. Even his vision seems to fade at the edges, pulling him again and again into unsatisfying sleep until he can barely keep his eyes open at all. How long can a human last without water? More appropriately, how long can a half-beast like him last? Would Ozmund leave him here to die of thirst?
As Ash drifts in and out of consciousness, limply clinging to life, the sharp taps of Ozmund’s polished shoes finally return. They echo almost too loudly in Ash’s ears, his senses frayed from so long without stimulation.
The lock and door fall open once more.
“Hello there, pet,” Ozmund gently whispers. Ash’s eyelids flutter, but stubbornly refuse to fully open.
“Oz . . . mun . . .” Ash mumbles, bleary and weak. He can’t even summon the will to be afraid. As before, Ozmund reaches in to place a hand on Ash’s cheek. Ash leans into the touch, the warmth—I can hate myself later, he offers the raging disgust in his chest. It feels . . . nice.
“Master,” Ozmund softly corrects as he thumbs over Ash’s cracked lips. “Are you ready to come out now, darling? Ready to obey?”
I don’t care. I have to live. Just say it.
“Yes . . . m-master.” With nothing in his stomach, Ash can’t even summon the bile those words elicit; his gut just twists painfully instead. At the same time, Ozmund smiles brightly and caresses his face.
“That’s a good boy. Come, now. Let’s clean you up.” Ozmund tugs Ash’s half-limp body out onto the floor, resting Ash’s head in his lap. He dabs Ash’s face with a damp cloth; spores of bright green magic travel down Ash’s body, cleaning the filth he had accumulated while locked in the cage. Ash tries to hold onto consciousness, despite the painful haze in his brain.
“See, darling: this is why you can’t make your own choices,” Ozmund continues. “A silly, stupid thing like you? You’ve just left yourself in your own mess for nearly a week, without a scrap of food or a drop of water. Now that you’re mine, I have to make these choices for you. It’s a hefty responsibility, pet—to train you, to ensure your health, to keep you safe. Even from yourself.”
“Please . . .” Ash croaks in a broken whisper. “Water.”
Ozmund’s gentle fingers on his face turn hard, his nails dragging down Ash’s jaw. “Your begging needs refinement, pet. You will receive water when I give it to you. You will receive food when it suits me. All your needs, all your desires—they come through me.” Despite the calm and even tone in his voice, Ash can feel the malice beneath it all. He shivers pitifully. “But if you’re truly so desperate, I’ll help you. Open.”
Ash allows his jaw to fall open, though every cell in his exhausted brain is screaming not to. It has to be a trick—it just has to.
With a breathy chuckle, Ozmund tenderly lifts Ash’s head off his lap, supporting him like a newborn as he bends to meet Ash’s face. He forces a wet, invasive kiss on Ash’s mouth, using his thumb to hold Ash’s chin in place as they break apart. Ash’s eyes burn; he’s too dehydrated to cry.
Ozmund spits into his still-open mouth.
“There. That’s better, isn’t it?”
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whumpinthepot · 2 years
2023 Year of whump: January (Week one)
Whump prompt: Caged
Whumpee being put into a smaller and smaller cage gradually over time until they have to learn to curl their body into itself and control their breathing to be more shallow so they don’t suffocate. Its such a slow process that whumpee isnt sure if it’s actually happening or if they’re just imagining it, causing them to spiral every time they feel the bars pressing closer to their skin. Until eventually they can’t manage it and end up passing out from the restriction once the cage ends up too small.
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Yandere Man x Fem Reader
Y/n was crying, staring out the window, wondering what it would be like to be out there. With him by her side she would never know.
“Hi, darling.” He walked in, she turned.
“Hello,” she got up, walking over to him, the chain tugging at her leg.
“Awhh, you can’t even reach me,” he stepped towards her, hugging her, she nuzzled into him.
“It’s okay, just keep behaving like this for a while, and soon enough we can go to the backyard,” he grinned.
“I want to go see stars,” she said as she walked back over to the window, staring outside.
“Why? They’re boring,” He looked up at the sky.
“The constellations, and everything. You know Orion? It’s that one right there, with the three dots, that’s his belt,” she smiled.
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ol1veflower · 2 years
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Silly sad Duck
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
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Context I was thinking about my like version of the Pokemon world so obviously the one inhabited by my ocs but was also considering the crossover au of the Rosy Maple Moth squad and how in my friend Cinnatwos lore their mew Maple is the mother of Mewtwo and Newtwos as their offspring were stolen. But Moths lore he canonically had a run in with a mewtwo that tried to kill him and I don't think that makes sense for it to have been one of Maples kids especially as he would've sensed similar aura but is completely unaware of her lore
SO to get around this and also desperately try to be unique for my pokemon world I tried to come up with new lore for my version of the og mewtwo, if other blogs get to have the og then so do I XD so in moth squad au there's like 2 separate version of the og, too powerful lmao
My version of mewtwo is similar to xxtcs who was originally a mew first, but unlike Scarfy he had lived most of his life as an adult full grown mew before his capture, the initial string shot did not register as malicious and the speed drop left him incredibly overwhelmed when he was grabbed by more shots of webbing before being hit by a powerful dark pulse, he basically got like 10 speed reduced status effects in one instant mobility severely limited then smacked in the back before his head was yanked back with yet another string shot to receive a nose breaking Shadow Ball.
The metal electric cage thing was inspired mostly by Phlurri (do check out all these brilliant artists BTW I haven't @ them as it feels inappropriate but like go look), but also by the canon ones used in multiple movies like on the legendary birds, the electric fidget spinner thing in the Celebi movie, the zappy shock machines in the second mewtwo movie and those used on newt, the electric netting in the Latios Latias movie, the metal box cage in Zoroark...im seeing a pattern here... Pokemon really likes their bad guy with electrical restraint devices
Anyways these guys clearly knew what they were doing and mew was overwhelmed and severely injured.
My thinking is as its never said what Amber died from/how she died (and like, I checked! I was on her wiki page this morning I couldn't see anything), I've decided Amber had some kind of genetic disease/issue which killed her likely very quickly just she's suddenly really unwell and then she's gone and they couldn't have predicted this. Now you'd think then cloning a new Amber who'd have the exact same genetic structure and would have the same disease and die the same way would be cruel but Dr Fugi had what he considered a big brain moment. Mew is the genetic pokemon, humans and Pokemon were at some point the same, so he wants to splice Mews perfect dna into Amber's to fix and replace the damages to her dna structure to clone a better healthier Amber and maybe even add more benefits like better immune system expression of human Psychic powers ect which that's leaning into very heavy genetic tampering of your own daughter there Fugi. Of course Ambertwos dna genetics rejects the mew sequencing because that's Pokemon dna you absolutely tool. So Dr Fugi goes "the dna is too different, I need to make it easier for Amber's genetic sequencing to accept it," which sir, just get therapy it's probably cheaper. And so he splices HIS dna into the mew because adding Amber's damaged dna into the mew would be counter intuitive but as her dad she has half his dna so by using his which is healthier (tho still a carrier of this genetic disease I imagine), Amber's body should be less likely to reject it. If you're an actual genetic scientist please don't come for me I know this is probably vastly incorrect. So mew gets forcefully spliced with human genetics, resulting in becoming mewtwo.
At some point they likely give the now mewtwo LOTS of drugs both painkillers because of the genetic splicing rejection, forceful immune system suppressant and subsequently merging of dna and altering of his physical form as the new dna is incorporated is hella ouch and also they try to amnesia him when he tries to fight, won't want to escape if no memories of freedom. So Dr Fugi kind of because Mewtwo human genetic father. Also while Ambertwo rejected mew dna, mew probably is unable to reject Fugis dna because of a mix of drugs and probably a lot more aggressive implantation of dna they would've added significantly more of Dr Fugis coding into Mews body to force acceptance but would've been more delicate with Ambertwo naturally.
The new mewtwo dna is then taken and put in Ambertwo and it stabilises her for a while allowing her Psychic access to Mewtwo. I think Ambertwo holds some awareness of things and sees the scared small traumatised confused mewtwo struggling to grasp at fading memories and knows what has happened was wrong, so very wrong. And like in the movie she still dies, I think to some degree she willingly kind of goes "I don't want my life to be made this way," and let's herself slip peacefully back to sleep once more leaving Mewtwo alone.
And then like usual plot lore he starts growing bigger due to human dna, wakes up, kills people, gets manipulated by Giovanni, commits crimes and murder, questions Giovanni and bails when he realises he was lied to and used and goes fuck it I'm taking ALL you bitches out. A very grumpy man
He's probably a lot more cynical than others due to his vague memories of being a mew knowing his life was stolen because of one selfish human and he hates the mew he encounters in the movie as they're like a mockery of himself giggling blissfully at his agony a reflection of look what you were look what you've lost.
He's a lot more hateful of other twos as well he thinks generally they shouldnt exist ever, he has a lot of projected hate, he believes the others genetic freaks and abominations because they're made as twos off the bat, he's different he tells himself he's better than them because he was a natural creature first. But really he hates himself the most because of what he lost and envies the kind of innocence the others have of not having lost a life. He's just going through a lot don't worry he'll get put in therapy
But yea this is the weird short comic thing of my boy and introduction to him and if I never draw him then oops.
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lildevyl · 2 years
Whumptober Day 1: Cage/Unconventional Restraints
Summary:  Tommy’s parents are well renowned Hunters.  Capture and kill many Mythical/Magical Creatures and freeing countless Villages.  They’re latest hunt came up with something more dangerous than anything before.  The Winter Court’s Royal Son, the Blood God.
Based on A Blessing Bestowed by just_arandomfangirl and The Perils of Being Kind by Poker
TW: Caging, Hunting, Dehumanizing, Fae AU, Magic AU
I think I got them all!
It was an hour or two after sunrise when Tommy made his way downstairs for breakfast and realized that something was amidst.  It wasn’t the fact that every time Tommy saw his reflection in the hallway mirror that the morning sun made his hair look like spun gold.  Or his eyes tend to look like sapphire gemstones or that -
Alright Tommy, stop that!  You’re human!  Clearly that encounter with the last fae has you rattled!  You’re human not fae.  Tubbo’s fine!  He’s in the most guarded part of the Hunter’s Academy.  Right?  Right.
As Tommy made his way to the Kitchen the smell of waffles and pancakes filled the air.  As Tommy entered the Kitchen his suspicion that something was terribly wrong just been confirmed.  His Mom was on the stove making waffles, a plate full of stack of pancakes was on the table, fruit bowl full, eggs and bacon were on the table as well.  Yep something was definitely up!  Tommy’s Mom only did this when there was bad news.  It was her way of trying to “lighten the load” of the bad news so it didn't hit so hard when it came.
The only thing that Tommy could think of for why his Mom would be doing this was if they got Tubbo.  The Autumn King of the Fae Court took an interest in Tubbo and has been trying to get Tubbo to be his son.  If his Mom was making Waffles and Pancakes then that could only mean one thing.
“Please tell me the bastard didn’t get Tubbo?”  Tommy begged as he sat down at the table.
“No,” his Mom answered, turning around with a plate of Waffles and putting them on the table.  “Tubbo is fine as far as we know.”
“Then what’s with the Waffles and Pancakes?!”  Tommy demanded.  He knew that if it wasn’t because of bad news then it was something major and this was some kind of bribe.
Both his parents shared a look before his father continued.  “Well, son, since what has happened with Tubbo and from what we were able to capture in our last hunt.  We think you are more than ready for Field Training.”
Tommy whooped!  He’s been stuck at home for so long making charms and weapons that it was about time his parents thought that he was ready!  Tommy just turned sixteen, so he was pumped and ready to go hunting with his parents and help save lives!
“So, what am I going to do then?  And what is the news?”  Tommy wasn’t a child; he knew a tasty bribe when he saw one.  If Tubbo was truly safe and sound at the Hunter’s Academy then what would his parents need him to do?
His parents shared a look with another that Tommy didn’t know how to decipher on what it meant.  “I think it would be better to show you.”  His Mother sighed at the look and noise of protest his father gave.  “It’s the only way that he’ll understand fully!  We trust you Toms and this is going to be the biggest thing we put you in charge of.”
Tommy gapped at his parents.  The biggest thing that he would be in charge of?  Holy shit, holy shit!  He’s really going on a Hunting trip with his parents?!  Oh fuck yeah!
“Then hurry up and let’s go see it!”  Tommy said, shoving the last piece of waffles in his mouth before remembering to chew and then swallow.
“Before we go, do you have red clothing?”  Tommy rolled his eyes gesturing to his sleeves and the sides of his favorite shirt.  “And cold iron?  Salt?  Clover?  Golden flowers?”
“Yes, yes, and yes!”  Making a frown appear on his father’s face.  “And what feels like nearly every single protection charm there is in this house.”
Tommy started to trace the patterns in the wooden table readying himself for the umbteenth lecture that he knew he would be getting when he said this.  “We just want to make sure that you're safe!  A Hunter’s Child can and will be seen as a major trophy to the Fae!  This will be very tricky and quite dangerous but we trust you with this.”
Tommy nodded his head with a grimace.  That was one of the reasons why Tubbo was sought after.  The Autumn King saw Tubbo when Tubbo first got introduced into Field Training.  At first Tubbo thought it was just some traveler that he wanted to try and scam some goods off of but still give the guy some actually decent charms.  The Autumn King saw how clever Tubbo was and when he found out that he was the son of some of the most pronounced Hunters.  Well, the Autumn King instantly took an interest in Tubbo.
It was also why Tommy had to stay in the cabin when his parents and several witches went around the property line to draw, carve and activate every single protection charm and spell that they could think of!  And why Tommy was specifically restricted to stay within the property lines where the protection is the strongest.  The protection charms and spells were on the property lines but the house itself was enclosed in protection charms and magic as well.  It would literally take a Royal Fae to break through them.  But even then they would be severely weakened.
“I’m ready!  I’ll be safe, I promise.  Those Fae won’t know what hit them!”  Tommy exclaimed.
His Mother gave a small laugh.  “I’m sure they won’t!  Finish your breakfast then we’ll be heading to the Bunker!”
The Bunker?  The Bunker was where all the charms, protection spells, weapons, cages, chains and even specially made magically infused cuffs were made.  The cuffs were literally a magic suppressor.  Put them on the thing and their powers are severely weakened to useless.  Tommy never saw them be put to use, but he had heard a story from a fellow Hunter that went to save a Seaside Town from a bunch of Sirens and had used the cuffs to trap one.  What could his parents have caught that they needed to use the Bunker for?
Tommy quickly finished his breakfast, scarfing down the eggs and bacon and even finishing off a few pieces of fruit.  He pushed his chair back and followed his parents out the door.  Tommy shivered slightly when the cold mountain air hit him.
Another reason why Tubbo was taken to the Academy.  It was late Autumn and the first frost would be coming soon.  Autumn and Winter.  Two Courts that coincide with one another, allies with each other.  There have been rumors that the Winter Court’s Prince Siren is actually friends with the Autumn King himself.  But there hasn't been anything found to back that up.  Tommy just prayed that Tubbo will be okay and once they find the Autumn King then Tommy could rest easy knowing that the threat was taken care of.
Tommy followed his parents to the Bunker.  The Bunker was an underground sanctuary to get to it.  You have to walk a ways from the house towards the wood where there were wooden doors sticking out of the ground that would remind you of Cellar Doors.
“Why here?”  Tommy asked.
“This one required a lot more measures to be taken,” his Mother said, pulling a chain from her neck revealing a key made of cold iron.
His Mother took the key and put on the padlock on the Bunker and then removed the chains and the heavy iron bar latch.  When that was done, his parents led him down the steps.  The further down they went Tommy couldn’t help but shiver at the cold.  He knew Winter was weeks away but it felt like it had just come in the Bunker.  Tommy’s Father stopped in front of a very complicated looking door.  It was made out of iron and there were so many runes, intricate patterns and many, many, many, symbols and charms that Tommy recognized carved, raised, woven, and literally part of the actual door itself.
“This Tommy is where your training begins!”  His father smiled proudly at him.  “So, I want you to step up here.  Now, to enter the Bunker you need to press these runes and charms in a very specific order.  Like so.”  His father then showed Tommy the order that he had to put in.  
The Runes glowed and Tommy could feel the magic from the runes and charms.  One of them was a Reveal Charm.  It was used to Reveal the person's true identity but it can also reveal any charms, spells and enchantments that one might be under or have on them.  It was really a way to see if anyone was under any spell or mind control and know how to combat it.
There was a buzz that sounded like bees and a click then the door opened slightly.  Tommy’s Father grabbed the handle and pulled the door open all the way and went in first.
“Now, son before we go any further I must warn you that you must be at the top of your game and you must tread with the utmost caution.  Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Dad.”
“Good now follow.”
Tommy’s Father in front led the way, with Tommy right behind and his Mother bringing up the rear.  Tommy couldn’t help but shiver more down here.  He noticed that the temperature must have dropped ten or so degrees from what it was up above the bunker.  Tommy also notices a very light layer of frost covering the floor of runes.  They came to the center of the room where they have their cages and Tommy nearly toppled over.
In the center of the room was a salt circle that was about ten centimeters wide all around the outside of the runes that were carved into the floor.  On top of the runes that the Salt Circle was surrounding was the biggest  iron cage Tommy has ever seen.  The bars were about as big as his wrist, the shackles and chains were as big as Tommy’s fists.  But what caught Tommy’s attention the most was the pair of Power Suppressor Cuffs that Tommy had just made last month but never had the chance to test, it.
Tommy also noticed a layer of frost covered the chains and runes like it was trying to turn it to ice.  But what caught Tommy’s attention the most and why he nearly toppled over was what was actually in the cage.
Did his parents have a goddamn death wish?!  There sitting in the middle of the cage was none other than the second son of the Winter Court.  The most feared Fae Warrior of all.  The Blood God, Technoblade.
@weirdmixofweirdness, @10ths-writing-corner, @tracobuttons, @a-humble-narcissus, @whumptober
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the-graveyard-is-full · 2 months
I would give just anything I have right now for life in the middle of the woods, being forgotten by everyone, with money only for food and some clothes. Like this childhood dream of having a secret room or base, but it didn't go away when I grew up
I have a crate in my room, like for dogs, but it's covered in some cloth so it doesn't look like an actual cage and I can lock it from inside. It doesn't really help, but it does at least something, because my room doesn't feel like a safe space at all, even if it's fully mine and is also lockable
So sometimes I sleep, eat or spend free time in my crate
But man.
What would I giveee to be in an abandoned building in the middle of the nowhere, knowing well that the world doesn't know about my existence.
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yanderestarangel · 11 months
TW: size kink, afab anatomy, pet names, v!sex, hard smut, not reviewed.
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Fucking him on top of you was always too intense to be true, he was a big man compared to you - and he made a point of making this dynamic very clear, he loved power, how it made him feel so powerful and relentless in compared to your small body, he could easily break you and that was fucking exciting for him. You opened your legs for him like a needy slut for his cock, while he poured a series of delicious degradations in your direction, going with two fingers up your wet and needy hole, while his other thick hand came against your face, forcing you to watch his fingers aggressively work on you, saccharistically placing the blame on you for having such a tight pussy - he loved how tight you were, but he also loved seeing you blush with embarrassment.
"-Oh come on angel... Don't be shy..." He moaned, smiling roguishly, while placing his dick on top of your pussy, making a comparison to your entrance, his hard dick reached your navel easily. He made a quick movement, without any warning, making you jump and arch your sides in a loud moan that echoed through the walls, he placed his hands on your hips, running his thumbs over your skin, soon seeing the bulge that formed on your skin, he could see his own cock taking you, it was too much for him, a primitive moan, perhaps even animalistic, left his lips, as he accelerated with all his might, moaning with every movement he could see under your skin, knowing that he was filling you completely, he is totally arrogant about it, taking one of your hands and taking you to the place.
"-Feel it baby... This is the power I have over you, only I can fuck you like this, you hear? Only I can fill you like this." he moaned hoarsely, smiling as he sped up even more, he was going crazy with every movement seen outside of your womb, he loved it, he loved being so strong compared to you.
"-You're going to cum, right? After all, you love a huge cock inside your little pussy." He placed his hand on your waist again, marking with his thumb where his dick went, while he leaned in and whispered in your ear between screams of pleasure. "-I'm going to fill your fucking uterus with my semen, and breed in that beautiful pussy, right?"
Fucking him while you sit on his dick, with his body sitting on the messy bed - sex before bed, with all the passion and with the intention of killing the longing he felt for you during the day, he knew it was a: A big, strong man, his muscles overcame the clothes he wore - he loved holding you in his arms, suspending you around, while he fucked you in every corner of the house.
He would kiss you passionately, while your hands went behind the back of his head, while his eyes slowly opened, seeing his hard cock, close to your pussy, the comparison was huge, he was always afraid of breaking you, often he just he would let you rub yourself against his thigh or over his dick, without any penetration or even inserting just the tip of his shaft, but when you asked for more he would back away, even if you begged for more, he was a patient man.
But that patience ended a while ago, and he needed that. He moaned more, as he watched you slowly sit on his cock, warming him with your heat, the sound of your wetness, he grinds his teeth as he felt the paradise of your walls squeeze him, he would try to ask you if you were okay, but soon he would see the bulge in your belly, making him tense with desire and moan loudly as he threw his head back.
"-Fuck dear, look at this... Mmm- Ah I can't control myself Mmm-" he then made a quick movement with his hips, thrusting everything inside you, stretching you wide open, as he always wanted. His strong, veiny hands met your hips, squeezing the soft flesh, while his eyes focused on the length that was exposed under your belly, making him grunt and sputter, passing his fingers with each thrust of your cunt. on him, drooling the thick length inside you - he was addicted, the vision of filling you up completely, and seeing you feeling pleasure with him slamming the fat head of his dick repeatedly into your sweet spot, made the big guy cum without warning someone, filling you with cum, with hard thrusts and even bordering on pain with so much pleasure, like a thin line of desire.
"-Ah- fuck, I'm going to fill you up... C-cuming-" he screamed as he emptied his thick and viscous contents into you, the sensation was overwhelming, leaving you with even more volume in the uterus, even with him slowly leaving you.
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serickswrites · 11 days
EEEEEE I would love to make a request!!!
How about a Whumper that sees Whumpee as this fragile little thing that needs to be secured somewhere safe? Dehumanizing them by seeing them as some precious doll rather than a person with choices and freedom.
-the 5 croissant anon
Happy to answer this for you, Anon! I'm getting gilded cage type vibes :D
Please enjoy!
Warnings: captivity, dehumanization, drugging, cage, gilded cage
"You are such a tiny, lovely, little thing," Whumper cooed as they entered Whumpee's room. Whumper had done everything they could to secure the room such that Whumpee couldn't fall and hurt themself. Couldn't find something to hurt themself with. And couldn't get out because they might get hurt.
"Let me out of here," Whumpee said from the bed. It was all they could manage. Whumper had drugged them hours ago so they stay in bed. Whumper didn't need to restrain them to keep them from trying to escape.
But still, they wanted out.
"You can't leave. This is your home! I'm going to take excellent care of you," Whumper said with a smile. They held up an antique brush. "You are the most beautiful doll I've had yet. And your hair is so lovely."
Whumpee wanted to say something. Wanted to shout and try to hurt Whumper. But they simply didn't have the energy. Whatever drugs Whumper had injected them with were strong. "'m not a doll."
Whumper chuckled. "But of course you are, precious! And the best one in my collection might I add." Whumper sat on the edge of the bed, pushing Whumpee onto their side. Whumper ran their fingers through Whumpee's tangled hair, yanking hard.
"OW!" Whumpee shouted.
"And this is exactly why I need to brush your hair! Dolls' hair gets so easily tangled. I'm going to brush it, curl it, and tie it back. You'll be so pretty."
Whumpee groaned. They hated every moment of this.
"And then after that we can put you in the new outfit I bought. Won't that be nice?"
Whumpee closed their eyes. They didn't want to see Whumper's sick joy. Didn't want to see Whumper brush their hair and dress them. And most of all, Whumpee didn't want Whumper to see them cry.
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letsventstuff · 27 days
Tumblr is such a wonderful zone. I can talk about the most intrusive thoughts, while nobody even cares. They simply reblog it and silently relate to it. Ily fellow sufferer.
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mawapeach · 7 months
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Gosh it’s huge shame that I cannot seem to finish this drawing I’ve been working on for months all because I cannot figure out how LIGHTING WORKS ON THE BODY (cropped body to the left and above head) … Anyway, here’s the only “completed” portion of the drawing… Yeah it’s Johnny Cage, hope it still looks like him.
DONT COME AT ME WITH ANATOMY, life’s hard without references. I’ll do more studies for sure
Also college has been slowing down my art motivation 😭 I’ll try my best to draw random doodles of the characters I love! Who would you guys like to see though?
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those-green-eyes · 16 days
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the devil's in the details || LONGLEGS (2024)
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sandswirls · 10 months
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A brief moment of sweet freedom
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