#UK bathroom store
lialacleaf · 10 months
To Care For A Woman
Chapter 4
Simon Riley x Reader
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Summary: You join the army as a last-ditch effort to avoid destitution, but when you sustain an injury protecting Lieutenant Ghost and earn yourself a medical discharge, you're stuck all over again. Or maybe not...
Warnings: Tension, Simon wants to care for you, small reader, a little bit spicy but not NSFW, man worrying about a woman's safety, typical cannon violence, deception, I'm sorry it's unedited...
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
You were beginning to feel like Simon was hiding something. When he went out on missions he was insistent that you didn’t contact him. At all.
You never once wondered if there was another woman involved, Simon was too good to you for it to be that.
He was just so closed off when it came to the topic of work, and you weren’t sure why. Maybe he was battling PTSD, and trying not to let it color your relationship.
It had been six months since you had married Simon, two of which he’d spent deployed somewhere. Your parents had asked if you were coming home for the holidays, and you told them you would be working.
They still believed you had a job. In a way you did. When Simon wasn’t home you did light house chores, now that Dr. Radcliffe had cleared you for more movement.
Your leg was still weak, and running was out of the question. You’d begged Simon to let you get a dog but he’d bit his lip, given you a pained look, and explained that it wasn’t fair to the animal if you couldn’t care for it properly.
You’d nodded in agreement but it had hurt all the same. You were lonely when he was gone.
“So what are we doing for the holidays?” You asked as Simon washed the dinner dishes and handed them to you to be put away.
He shrugged as he scrubbed pasta sauce off one of the plates. “Haven’t celebrated in a while,” he admitted, handing you the next clean dish.
“Do you ever visit your family?” You asked.
“Have you ever been to Cambridge?” He went about scrubbing the cup your tea was in.
“I’ve never been to the UK, just the parts of Europe the 141 has taken me. Is that where you’re from?” You asked in excitement.
“No, I grew up in Manchester,” he said, passing you the cup.
“Is your family in Cambridge now?” You asked, feeling as if the conversation had gotten slightly off topic.
You blinked in confusion. “Wouldn’t it make more sense to spend the holidays in Manchester with your family?”
“It doesn’t have to be Cambridge, London is nice too,” he added, drying his hands on the spare dish towel. “We’ve got a few weeks to decide anyhow.” He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before disappearing into the bathroom.
You gaped slightly, blinking in confusion. What just happened? Had he really just swept your questions about his family under the rug with the distraction of a holiday vacation?
Maybe it was only fair. You’d made no effort to introduce Simon to your parents, but that was different. You were a daughter, not a son. If your parents found out their little baby girl had been injured, and married off to some strange man, your father would blow a fuse.
You knew very little about Simon though. The only thing you knew about him was his strange relationship with Ghost. Why was someone as sweet as Simon even mates with someone like Ghost?
Simon had started taking you into town once a week. He didn’t like to keep you cooped up, and Dr. Radcliffe had warned him you’d end up in trauma therapy if he kept you isolated during recovery.
Simon was relieved you didn’t display much interest in going to the mall. You were perfectly happy to go to the park and pet dogs, or go to the bookstore for hours on end.
You were begging to accumulate a small library, and sooner or later he’d need to build you a bookshelf.
“Out for the weekly book haul I see,” Jesse, the store owner said as you approached her counter, most of your books in Simon’s arms. You grinned at her as she scanned your latest finds. “You’re practically keeping me in business at this point.”
You shrugged and gave Jesse a bright smile. “You had new stuff in the gardening section, thought it might be helpful for the herbs we just planted,” you said, flashing Simon a grin.
He didn’t give you much of a reaction, but that was normal when he was in public. He wasn’t exactly fond of strangers, but he tolerated Jesse for the free cups of tea she bestowed on the two of you when you sat down to read in her cafe.
She’d never asked for the details of your relationship with Simon, but she always chuckled softly when he handed over his debit card without so much as a grumble for your somewhat expensive taste in books. A man that supported his partner's love of books was a good man in her opinion.
Jesse placed your books in a bag and handed them to Simon with a smile, unbothered by his flat expression and aversion to talking more than what was necessary.
“Have you decided where you want to go for Christmas yet?” He asked as he helped you load into his truck.
“Maybe we should stay home this year. I was just thinking it’d be harder to travel with my leg, and you already don’t like crowds, I can’t imagine how busy London must be this time of year…” you trailed off as Simon buckled into the driver’s seat. “But I would like to put up a tree!” You added.
Simon raised a brow at you as if he were amused by your declaration. “A tree?”
“Yeah! A Christmas tree! And we could have some of your teammates over-“
“They’ll be with their families,” he stated quickly.
Your smile fell. Oh. Right. “Maybe just the Captain then?”
Simon bit his lip but nodded. Price was aware of the situation, and the least likely to spill the beans. He supposed inviting his Captain over for a holiday meal would be alright.
“Speaking of family,” you began carefully, “Can we stop by the post office next week? I’d like to ship my parents' Christmas presents,” you requested softly.
Simon glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. “Would you like to see your family?” He asked, and you shook your head.
“No, I…” you trailed off, unsure of what to say.
“You haven’t told them.” It wasn’t a question. He’d heard your phone calls with them. They still thought you were working for Price.
“It’s…it’s not that I don’t want you to meet them. It’s just that I don’t want them to worry, and I know that they will.” Simon nodded, grasping your hand gently in his. “I’ll figure something out…eventually.”
“I have to go for a mission next week, but I’ll be back before Thanksgiving. We can put up the tree when I get back. I’ll…leave the truck with you, you can make it to town on your own?” He asked.
Your eyes widened in surprise. You hadn’t expected him to even offer, but now that you thought about it, it was a little ridiculous to expect you to stay put while he was gone. It was your left leg that was injured after all, you could still drive.
“Yeah, I know the way. Thanks, Simon,” you said, offering him a brilliant smile.
“Just be careful,” he reminded you. He’d leave a pistol with you just in case. The holidays were always more dangerous. He was starting to regret not getting you that dog. He would have to look into putting up a fence, but that was a long term project that he’d need a longer break from work to accomplish. Like hell he was gonna pay some stranger to come out to his home where his wife was to do the job.
Once the truck was parked and your books were unloaded, Simon went about doing his chores while you made lunch. At some point you heard the buzz of his saw outside. He seemed to always have some sort of project going.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the other night as you went about piling chicken salad on two croissants. Why was he so closed off concerning his family?
You eyed you bedroom door, wondering if you should just leave it alone, or put your detective skills to work.
You left your plates on the counter as you slipped into your bedroom. Simon didn’t keep many personal items, therefore your nightstand was always a little more cluttered than his between your laptop, medications, and other odds and ends.
You weren’t exactly sure what you were looking for. All you really knew about Simon was his name and that he’d grown up in Manchester. Your search would likely yield little result.
At least that was what you thought until you were starting at a death record. A death record for Simon Riley, bearing the same date of birth and identification information that was on your marriage certificate.
“Y/n?” You jumped, your head shooting up to see Simon in his sweaty work clothes standing in the doorway. “Gonna hop through the shower before lunch…everything alright?” He asked, noticing how pale you’d gone.
“I…um, yeah, yeah I’m fine.” You sputtered, closing your laptop screen. “I’ll go finish lunch,” you said, limping back into the kitchen.
Simon watched you, his head cocked to the side, before he shrugged, and stripped down to get a shower.
You tried to ignore the knots forming in your gut. Simon Riley was dead, and you had no unearthly clue who this man was. Did Ghost know? Had he unwittingly sent you right into the arms of someone dangerous, or was Ghost well aware of who Simon really was?
Your hands shook as you went about finishing the lunch preparations, and you quietly set the table, hyper aware of the other person in the house.
Simon was still in the shower, you had time to go back for your laptop. You quickly made your way into the bedroom, lifting the screen as you sat on the bed.
Your eyes scanned over the obituary with concern. Simon Riley…served in the royal army…died in a fire…no body…wait…no body?
You scrolled down a bit until you got to the photo at the bottom of the page. It was your Simon. You felt your throat tighten.
Why was your Simon supposedly dead? It made no sense. The man in the picture, albeit a little older, was currently showering in the bathroom.
You scanned through the rest of the obituary, noticing the mention of his family. Each name was highlighted, and you risked clicking on the name of the previous Mrs. Riley.
You felt like you were going to hurl when you were greeted with an even more morbid obituary. His entire family was gone. Murdered. Stolen right out from under him. It suddenly made sense. His overprotective nature was simply a trauma response. It still didn’t explain the falsified death certificate, but it was a start.
It wasn’t until you were staring into the photographed eyes of Tommy Riley that it clicked.
Tommy had brown eyes, practically identical to Simon’s. There was one other person you knew of with those eyes. One other person who’s voice sounded so similar to Simon’s, even if it was a little rougher.
Was Tommy…Ghost?
AN: OOOOOH Ya'll excited? We get spicy next chapter...
Tag List:
@warenai @livynicole @ghostlythots @hilowhiho @mrmountainman @miamia89 @shiraya92 @crocodilefeet2707
@zzariyahchan @gaida-511 @misshoneypaper @soldierlass @dazaiscum @mockerycrow @kaysav608 @classygardencroissantcolor @innerskylover @kristalhi @hotaruteba @tzutology @sushiumex @l3xiluve @immajustlikeok
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@betelrus @shiftedvoid @beebeechaos @bitchoftoji @katbug37
@thatgirlboss1 @homeofthe-80s-90s-andnow
@illyanam1011 @hrchyysnz @chxosangxl @animarix @happy-mushrooms @pearlm00n @cathnoneofyourbusiness @ray-rook
@novausstuff @copiasratscheese @i-feel-violated @itsagrimm
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I think what annoys me so much about living in the UK with the current real struggles (cost of living specifically) is the apathy that people seem to have towards actually being angry about it and finding it unacceptable.
Everyone seems to have just accepted that this is the way things are now (bad) and will always be (worse), but worst of all is the belief/acceptance that things WERE ALWAYS JUST LIKE THIS which is just plain wrong.
It used to be the case that EVEN SOMEBODY on the bottom rung of society, say somebody unemployed who wasn't ever going to be able to work again or get themselves out of that situation... would be provided an affordable WHOLE HOME for themself by the council, which would be paid automatically from benefits they were automatically entitled to without having to jump through hoops and be constantly re-tested by an agent trying to trip them up.
That home might be small, and it might not be the best quality. But it would have a bedroom, a kitchen space, a bathroom, and small lounge all for that person's use, maybe even a garden as well - and that used to be understood as THE BARE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE socially for any adult to have.
Nowadays you have working adults being charged what might be 60% or 70% of their salary just for A RENTED BEDROOM in a shared house. Never mind how people living on benefits are managing.
And what that means as well is in practice:
they might not have space to store food or belongings
they will probably only have partial use of a fridge
they won't have any control over who is in their home at any time because it is a shared house, including such basics as being able to use the bathroom whenever they like. etc.
It's great to see people protesting about causes abroad that matter to them and that the government here is turning a blind eye to or signing off on suffering related to, sure.
But there needs to be some outrage and will to change this kind of thing too. This isn't acceptable either, and rolling over to accept it now only opens the door for nothing ever to change and a mountain of ill mental health issues to be built up until one day sooner or later it suddenly explodes and leads to everyone affected spiralling irreversibly.
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ghostlywhiskey · 9 months
your probably like no shot that man is a boy dad through and through. i beg to differ. he'd be a single dad to one daughter. and if he marries anyone? he's having another 2 girls before the 4th kid is a boy.
girl dad!simon ✿ will sit on the floor by the coffee table and hold a tiny teacup because she wants to have a tea party
girl dad!simon ✿ looking so out of place when shopping for clothes, holding up a variety of pink colored articles of clothing while other moms in the store watch him
girl dad!simon ✿ trying to brush her hair in the morning before school while she stands on the stool brushing her teeth in the bathroom and does the most off-center ponytail
girl dad!simon ✿ holding a pink blankey and stuffed animal in his hands when they go to the park so she can run around and not get them dirty
girl dad!simon ✿ he tries getting her to play soccer, but she refuses and wants to do ballet
girl dad!simon ✿ with that being said, he lets her do ballet and sits in the parents section of the studio, shifting uncomfortably in the seat as he waits...once again, all the moms are staring at him and whispering
girl dad!simon ✿ 100% owns the cheesy shirt that says girl dad on it because for his birthday she had her babysitter help her buy it
girl dad!simon ✿ gets absolutely embarrassed when she tries to set up her non-married teachers with him and they bring it up at parent teacher conferences
girl dad!simon ✿ has two photos tucked away in the pocket of his uniform when on missions - one of her on his lap & the both of them wearing princess themed birthday hats and the other a picture of her from her first day of 1st grade (year 2 in uk?? idk how it works)
girl dad!simon ✿ price, gaz and soap are honorary uncles and always ask about her, never make fun of him for being a girl dad and how serious he is about it because they know they'd be knocked out
girl dad!simon ✿ both of them falling asleep on the couch when he lets her stay up late when he's home, a disney princess movie playing quietly in the background
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nut4shuri · 1 year
Since yall loved the first one ive decided to make a second one.
(this one is a little shorter tho)
Letitia grew up in the UK,meaning she didnt have much knowledge to how things work in the US,cultural,lifestyle,and just a new atmosphere wise.
She's always so in awe by everything about you.
Whys your hair so damn long? Is it so i can pull it."" She said as she combed through the long locks of silky hair.(That 40 inch,yall know it.)
"No it's not so you can pull it,pull my shit its gone be me an you."
She smirked "Or it could just be me in you." she said as she gathered your hair together playfully bending you over the bathroom sink.
"Nasty Ass"
"Where's the rest of your shirt baby" she said as she attempted to pull the cropped tee down lower.
"And yall these are the Good4thebody Blue jeans from shein they're so comfy and they really shape the body" you walked into the camera attempting to give a quick 360 but letita walked in front of you.
"Yall good. Yall dont gotta see all that" she said
"Girl get out my video."
Meeting Your Family
“Y/N who's your friend?“
"Your daughter is just a handful."
Your family chuckled as every one sat at the dinner table,taking in laughs,making jokes,and the atmosphere just felt so right.
Many different Dishes sat on the tables,Greens,Yams,Cornbread,Beans,Chicken,Etc.
"Shes been like that since she was younger"your mom said as she let of a big and vibrant smile.
"Y/N come help mama with the dishes" your mama spoke.
"I like her.."she said making you smile.
"I do to mommy."
"Is she good to you,she seems sweet and full of love"
"Shes amazing,i wouldn't ask for anyone else."
"Well you know what im finna say.."
"Mama..you do know she's a girl-“
“girl yesss“ your mama said laughing.
“I meant like are y'all planning on adoption or something..“
“hmm maybe we haven't really talked about children yet mama.“
"Well you know i want some grandbabies"
You walked and stopped in the door way of the living room. Letita sat talking to your aunts.
"Y/N girl you done got thick on us." Your aunt said as you walked past.
"You been eating good"
"I have."
"She has." Letita looked at you with a smirk.
Yall do fun things like Tik Toks,Vlogs,Pranks And ETC.
“girl no that's wrong way!“ you said as you attempted to teach your girlfriend a new trending dance.
“I be seeing them edits y'all be making about me.“ lettita said as she laid stretched out on the bed beside you,she had her hood on and low eyes. She smiled cocky at her camera making you mug her.
“yeah and y'all better just keep wishing the fuck.“ you said making her chuckle.
“yeah y'all know y/n crazy as he'll. .“
“whatever.“ you said mugging her. She was feeling herself a lil too much.
“come onnn“ you said attempting to pull your girlfriend to the backseat of the car.
She licked her lips and looked at you speaking in a raspy voice “if I come back their,you not gone be able to walk for a month. Now get your narrow ass back up here and put on this seat belt y/n.“
She was always so sweet to you no matter what.making sute you ate and making sure you got ate...
“ma you hungry?“
“ma you want some taco bell?“
“ma whatchu want from the store?“
“I bought you breakfast in bed mamass“
“you want some head?“
She always took you on set whenever she filmed. Making sure you got everything you wanted while their and where was comfortable as you could be.
“you ok ma? You need anything.“ she said as she rubbed your thigh lightly.
You smiled shaking your head and taking a sip of your water sitting back in your chair.
She treated you like the queen you where and would t let up for nun. She constantly reminded you that you where the baddest no matter what.
“ma you dont need no plastic surgery.“
“but nothing.“ she said using her hand to raise your chin.
“you beautiful as fuck.“
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kxyera · 6 months
What the Ghost ghouls were in their mortal lives (Headcanons!)
Just headcanons that ive thought of <3
I feel like she would've been an owner of a super aesthetic store, like the most ultimate place to get cute clothes that matched everyone's aesthetic, whatever it may be.
She gives off strong army vibes — She was an army cadet as a teenager (UK PEOPLE KNOW) at the very least. She was the sweetest cadet in the squad, but could definitely pin you down and beat your ass if needed. She doesn't take shit from no one (ahem- swiss.)
I feel like she would be an early years/kindergarten teacher, always in the most bright colours and taught the kids through singing and music. She's good with children and finds them adorable, even if it means she drinks coffee more than any other substance and marks worksheets with stickers.
I am telling you, this girl is a history BUFF, she worked in a museum — simply as an employee, but found happiness and love in every single day. She definitely lived her mortal life to the fullest.
He's done military service, like Cirrus, but he really found passion in singing. He was definitely the soldier bringing up everyone's spirits in hard times, while being the fastest and most agile.
He and Cirrus definitely have competitions and races in the Ministry/On tour just to have fun and keep fit. A real brother/sister relationship where they challenge literally everything.
Who can drink water the fastest, who can do the most press-ups, who can do the drills better? It’s always a competition between the two.
He was actually always a musician. He always was a lead guitarist, and he can't let go of that in his immortal ghoul life either. He enjoys the freedom of it, the thrill he gets on stage, the adrenaline of a show.
He owned a small bookstore in his hometown, a little cosy one where anyone could come along and read/buy books. He knew everyone that came in, chatted with them about life. He just was a calm boy with a lot of close friends, in all honesty. He enjoyed talking about books, the pure fact it could bring out long conversations about possible endings was his favourite thing in the world
He was a tattoo artist (totally not based off of @rainyhoursinhell, im totally not obsessed with 'there is a star in the sky', not at all! teehee)
He was definitely also the teenager that gave shitty stick and pokes in the school bathroom, his motto was "Once its on your body, its your problem" so he wouldn't get the blame if it got infected
He was a scare actor! He loved going around the theme parks, just being a little silly and getting reactions out of people. He also loved getting into costume — he said it was like halloween every day (He loves halloween)
He was a journalist for music -- A bit like Sodo, he couldnt give up the thrill of music, just in a separate way. He loves interviews specifically, writing up and meeting different artists and bands
He met Sodo's band once, but they've never realised since being in the Ministry for whatever reason. Maybe one day they'll realise they met before.
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blnk338 · 2 years
COD Headcanons!!
Pt 2 b/c you guys loved these sm
Relationship hcs!!
Good chef, GREAT at bbq
Taps his phone screen too hard and squints at it
Googled “Pegging” because Soap told him to
Regrets it dearly
“I’m just going to rest my eyes” and falls into comatose for 8-10 years
Was the best man at Laswell’s wedding and still cries today thinking about it
Does the dad-sneeze thing
Supporter of small businesses
Vanilla > chocolate ice cream will get into a heated argument over this
Will put on a 19th-century oil tycoon accent when asking questions about technology to make light of the situation
This started when he didn’t know how to change the wallpaper on his iPhone
Laswell does an incredible impression of his impression
Crazy emetophobia
HOLIDAY DAD! Absolutely shite with gifts but will wake up at 3 am to set up everything and give you a good holiday
Very comfortable in his masculinity from raising two daughters, made sure to teach himself how to raise them to be smart and safe, and actively does his best to keep himself in check and support the women in his life
Ultimate straight ally
His oldest, 15, made him and her little sister go to pride and he voluntarily wore a shirt that said “free dad hugs”
Got Price to say “Girl trust you will be dealt with” and had to get Soap to punch him so he could breathe again
Fluent in French!
Bisexual w/ a preference for women
Needs two triple-shot espressos every morning
Hates oat milk; thinks it's grainy
Is lactose intolerant though
But he’s not the shit-your-brains-out lactose intolerant, he’s the wallow-in-pain-on-the-bathroom-floor-for-eighty-minutes lactose intolerant
Turkey hater. Not the animal, the food. Thinks it’s dry and flavorless
Okayish cook, phenomenal baker.
Will leave baked goods in the sergeant's/lieutenant's and captain's offices/breakrooms and act surprised when he sees the plate of freshly baked brownies
Tried smoking weed, hated it.
Middle child of an older sister and a younger brother
Didn’t like The Office
Can make balloon animals out of anything balloon-like (condoms included)
Has a TikTok, makes TikTok references
Loves cats and dogs equally, but had only dogs growing up so he’s not really sure how to deal with cats
In a constant state of "trying his best"
Dick stick-n-poke tattoo on his calf
30-minute night routine
Double exfoliates
Disgusted at Ghost’s hygiene
Loves the holidays; this man goes fucking insane for Christmas lights and his house is the biggest source of light pollution in the entirety of the UK
RELIGIOUSLY a supporter of small businesses. Loves little family-run stores and buys local produce/groceries all the time
Highlighter kid in grade school
Blamed a fart on Gaz and asked him if he was feeling “Gazzy” (Garrick smacked the shit out of him)
Makes gagging noises over comms to fuck with Price
Knows what kinning is, kins Rainbow Dash
Coffee does the opposite for him; he’ll be bouncing off the walls and you’ll hand him a double shot espresso and he’s calm as all fuck
Really knows how to read body language and will step back if anyone gets uncomfortable
Youngest of 3 brothers and one older sister (she’s second to oldest amongst his siblings)
Will literally sit at home in full tactical gear
Chess master
Loves horror movies but gets super scared
Likes Scrabble
Bug kid!!!!!
Hates birds. No one knows why.
Doesn’t drink, prefers virgin versions of alcohol
Drunk König is a sad König
Wore headgear because of his teeth when he was in middle school
Favorite color is yellow but does love green!
Will accidentally man-handle people because he forgets his strength
Always so terribly sorry about it
Has had his license revoked an uncountable number of times (currently does not have a license)
No rizz
Horrifyingly good aim with anything and everything. Will chuck trash across the house and somehow land it in the bin
Will lean his head down slightly if someone he respects (and is shorter than him) is talking
One of those dog people that’s like “I fucking hate cats.” And then you find them napping together, and he’s carrying the cat in the hood of his jacket, and he sneaking them treats, and he’s talking to them in a baby voice…
Wins staring contests, always
Knows his staring is bad, but doesn’t really do anything to change it
Speaking of which, he’s got a horrible German stare (google it)
Spaces out and sways side to side slightly, unaware that he’s been glaring lasers into an unsuspecting private for like a solid forty seconds.
Doesn’t know what kinning is but would kin Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes
Likes sensory toys but will never buy one because he thinks they’re too obvious.
Really wants a sensory slug
Definitely the jealous type but will not say a single fucking word
Soft spot for animals and young children
Likes drinking for a buzz, but will easily stop himself. He doesn’t like being unaware of his surroundings
Edibles > mass amounts of alcohol
Little fidgeting -> rubbing his thumb across the side of his index finger, squeezing his hands, twitching his feet but not enough to tap them, playing with the hems of stuff
Mirrors in his house are covered/removed
Wants a pet but won’t get one because he doesn’t like the idea of something relying on him, only to abandon them or discard them. He’s away for work often so it’s not like they would be taken care of
Doesn’t actively seek partners because he doesn’t think he’s worth it
Behind the confident, stoic attitude, he’s a man who doesn’t value himself and therefore, if he does have feelings for anyone, doesn’t put in the effort to pursue them or he tries to kill the warm feelings in him.
Better to be alone than to hurt someone he cares about
Screams at Football (US) games
Thinks he can out-grill Price; cannot.
Lost his kids in the divorce
Thinks no-sock loafers are the way to go
Doesn’t wear socks that much, actually
Can’t handle spice
Mint n’ chip ice cream kinda guy
Fav beer is Natty Lit
Likes egg salad
Dog guy
Divorced twice, btw
“But if the roles were reversed…”
Doesn’t have a problem with climate change, and thinks that the weather is getting nicer so, if anything, the climate is just getting better
Uses Crest toothpaste
Left-handed and makes a big deal out of it
Gets really up in the ass about calling soccer “football” (not ironically)
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I was so taken by those stairs that Jay-Works submitted this morning, that I just felt that the house was something special. Never have I been attracted to any other death stairs. Coincidentally, I was browsing thru one of my favorite online mag’s this afternoon, “The Wealden Times,” and lo and behold, there it was!
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Alistair Hendy, the owner, is a chef, writer and photographer. After five years of painstaking restoration he has succeeded in returning his 16th century merchant’s house in Hastings Old Town, UK, to its pared-back Tudor glory.
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He calls it the Christmas House b/c he opens it to the public in December. Entering the house straight into the drawing room, its sizeable inglenook, stone floor and wood paneled walls stand out.
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Alastair brought his log store inside, so there’s a plentiful supply of bone-dry logs to stoke the open fires.
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In rooms where candle light isn’t enough, he installed simple lighting in the form of adjustable pendants.
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The shutters are rarely open b/c Alastair doesn’t like to see the modern street.  Sunlight illuminates wisps of smoke that swirl from the open fires.
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After peeling back centuries of updating, it has a pared down, utilitarian look and even the fixtures and fittings look as they might have when they were first installed.
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Previous owners actually did more harm than good, modernizing in a pedestrian and thoughtless way, adding carpets and curtains and other urbane fixtures and fripperies. “It’s been more of a re-creation than a restoration project,” says Alastair.
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Mod cons like plumbing and lighting are cunningly concealed out of sight in the rest of the house, but hints of modern-day living and appliances can be seen in the kitchen.
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Alastair’s remarkable and imaginative conversion of the kitchen area, which was once a little tv room.
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Alastair is also trained in theater and costume design so all the additions are meticulously executed, like the set of an elaborate production.
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You can see where the floor has been lowered and the ‘new’ stair carefully slotted into an original beam.
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The kitchen and dining room are situated in the rear wing of the house that was used as a mortuary, right up until the 1950s.
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And, here they are- the stairs. 
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This is the pretty room we glimpsed from the stairs. 
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Alistair’s vision and hard work have gone into creating a house so interesting and atmospheric that it’s turned into a tourist attraction.
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The Xmas decorations are subtle and understated, and also have a European feel.
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The main bedroom has a raised bed enclosed by wood paneling and shutters.
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The bathroom furnishings are from many different countries and periods, but they all share the same raw simplicity.
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In the attic bathroom, is an original bathtub lined with lead. Its sheer weight meant that the floor had to be reinforced to safely support it.
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A trap door in attic bedroom floor opens to reveal the room below.
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princesskitty5 · 1 year
Am I dreaming?
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut, Cheating
Word count: 3,576
Summary: You meet Jared at a convention but the innocent photo ops turn steamy
This is purley fiction based on the comic con Jared recently attended in England. This fiction is not meant to be harmful or offensive to Genevieve as I think she’s a sweetheart and they are a good match!  
The sunshine shinning through my bedroom curtains awoke me, yawning with a stretch of my arms above my head and a straightening of my legs a smile spread across my face. Today was the day. The day I meet Jared Padalecki, living in the uk and only being 21 meant I’ve never got to meet him before as times he’s came down before to the uk I didn’t really know about him. I have been watching supernatural since I was 14 but today is the day I finally see him and have his arms around me! Excited is definitely an understatement. Sitting myself up in bed I check my phone seeing it is just gone 7:30, with excitement I climb out of my bed and open my light purple curtains ready for what today has in store for me. My outfit for the day was already picked out, being a black thin strap dress with small cherries on it, the back also was made up of a thin strap showing most of my back to just above my ass.
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My shoes are a pair of black wedged sandals with stapes going around the ankles, with a small black cardigan incase I get cold. 
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My outfit was not exactly con appropriate due to all the standing I will have to do but I wanted to stand out from the crowd and hopefully catch his attention, I know wishful thinking. I know he has I wife and I have nothing against her, she’s beautiful and they have such cute kids but I mean can you blame a girl for trying? I have had a crush on this guy for years he’s such a stud if I get my chance hell yeah I’m taking it.
I head into my bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair then head straight into my kitchen for breakfast, I live in a studio apartment so my space is pretty small but still big, big enough for two even, again wishful thinking ha. I go ahead and make myself a sandwich, once finished I pop my dish in the sink that can be laters job and head straight for the shower. In the shower I make sure to come out smooth as a baby with my hair naturally curly, once out I proceed to defuse my hair and dry off then get my outfit on ready to head out. After grabbing my bag and making sure I have everything I need I go and head to the train station, the time only being 8:30 I should get there with plenty of time with entry being available for me from 9am and photo ops not being needed until 2:30pm. Away in my thoughts I was surprised when the train arrived 10 minutes before its estimated arrival, getting up off the bench I was sat on I headed towards my train and through the doors finding two seats free near a window. Sitting down I popped my headphones in ready for the long journey ahead of me and the train set off towards Wales.
After a two hour journey you arrived at the train station just past 10:30, with the train coming to a stop you gathered your things and called for a taxi, with the taxi arriving after 5 minutes you headed to the comic con. While in the taxi you checked to see if your hair was in the right place and you applied some cherry lip balm, when the taxi came to a halt I looked outside the window and was utterly shocked at how massive the queue was. The queue must of had at least 400 people in it, getting out the car I headed to the gates where one side said priority and the other general entry, unsure of what either of that meant I asked a security guy at the gate and he told me that priority meant early access meaning my ticket so I went were he told me and with a sigh of relief I passed though all of the crowd and got in first, I did feel bad for the people who had to wait but I did get a different ticket type and I’m more glad now then ever. Heading through the doors I entered into a big room where all the stalls where set up and different actors where doing autographs there was one room split into two by a stair case with overhead railing for actors to cross floors without coming into contact with too many fans. The first place I headed was directly into the first set of stalls near the Doctor Who phone box, there must have been around 12 stalls all filled with really intriguing things such as DC and Marvel merch with goody bags, there was also  crystals, dragon ordiments and dragon soaps dressed as characters, drawings and more.
There was also so many people in fancy dress it's amazing, looking around in aww I browsed all merch I liked the look of and brought a few bits while then headed straight to the cafe for a drink of hot chocolate, it was nice to have a relax while waiting for my three photo ops. Looking at my schedules I saw I had one with Samantha and Jared at 2:30 and two with jared at 2:45 luckily they was in the same room, with only a few hours to kill I had a nice drink and relax then headed to look around some more.
Rushing back into the building, I headed straight to the photo op room I was panicking that I was going to miss my ops, I had been late deciding to stay the night in Wales instead of rushing back home in time for a train so I booked myself a room at holiday inn which luckily was walking distance. By the time I reached the doors everyone was already in line and it looked like I was last, with a sigh I go to the end of the line for my Samantha and jared photo op, the queue was around four lines long so I decided to have a seat down on the floor like most people were doing while going on my phone to pass time. Surprisingly I wasn’t nervous I really thought I would be but I wasn’t at all, slowly the line went down and it become three lines instead of four, checking the time I could tell it looked like they was having scheduling issues, I would have missed my jared solo op if they didn’t move it up to a later time.
Three lines become two and then one and soon enough I was standing up, as the room was clearing and the line was disappearing I slowly came round the screens and seen jared and Samantha, I instantly got butterflies but I wasn’t about to let my nerves get ahead of me and make me sit this out. Standing next in line as the last person left and they both turned to me, the manager then announcing I was the last person before the solo ops. Jared had a big smile on his beard clad face and Samatha had a small smile too, they invited me into their arms and asked me what my name was while replying it was "(y/n)" Jared smiled and said “that’s a beautiful name”, making me blush I looked away and the person behind the camera said “ready?”, while the flash went off I felt Jared’s hand slowly make its way down my back touching just above my ass.
With each touch he made me shiver, in the photo Samantha was hugging me one side and Jared was close to me with his arm around me unaware to the camera it was very close to my ass. My head was resting against his chest., the photographer announced it was done and I said “thank you” to them both, Samantha told me I was “very welcome” and she headed off. Jared’s eyes where following me I got my ticket for the print out and walked round the screens, he followed me and said “I really liked that photo, I hope it turns out great!” I replied blushing “me too, thank you so much it has been amazing to meet you….. I’ve always been a sam girl” a chuckle left my lips, his smile appeared bigger and he said “will I see you anymore today? Do you have an autograph or solo op with me?” I smiled sweetly and replied “actually I have two solo ops with you!” “Great! Hopefully you’ll be last again” he said with a wink as he walked off. Making me weak in the knees as I grabbed my things and headed outside again to wait for my solo ops.
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After a fifteen minute wait the doors opened up again, as everyone pushed into the room Jared’s words played back into my mind “Great! Hopefully you’ll be last again”…. Sighing I decided it wouldn’t kill me to wait and see if his words had meaning behind them. Sitting down in the corridor I waited half an hour to see if others went in, seeing no one else enter I picked up my things and headed in grabbing my token. Walking up I was the last at the end of two lines, waiting patiently the line was going down fast luckily as I was getting impatient.
Jared's Pov
Smiling as a new person came through the screens expecting it to be (y/n) and trying not to be disappointed when it wasn’t. As person after person came I started to lose hope that (y/n) was coming at all and decided to just forget about her, I know I’m married but there was something about her that my mind and body just couldn’t shake off. Was it the fact she was gorgeous? I don’t think so, I know she absolutely stunning but that’s not it, it was something else and no matter what I just couldn’t pin point it, and boy was that frustrating. “How many people are left?” I asked “not many jar only around five” I nodded at my manager thinking I’ll just power through these people then head back to the hotel to see Gen and hopefully get my mind off this girl. As photos are being taken and while I was trying to take my mind off of her my manager announced there wasn’t anyone else left, frowning my head falling I looked up when I heard “sorry! I was late is it still okay to have my photos taken?”.
Before my manager could answer with a massive smile I replied “of course!” A little too excited “get over here!” She smiled. God she is beautiful, she looked into my soul with every gaze, I knew now I had passed the point of no return, I had to have her, I needed her! Pulling her closer in to me as we gaze into each others eyes we posed for the camera, my eyes got lost in hers almost missing the photographers words “perfect, what pose next?” Her smile never faulted when she replied “I was thinking a dancing dip pose… that’s of course if I’m not too heavy for you” she looked away embarrassed, I was taken back “what do you mean, if you’r not to heavy?” She looked at me confused “well I am a curvy women, I’m a size 18 uk, I don’t know what that is in American but that isn’t exactly skinny.” looking at her with adoration and love I replied “darling your perfect the way you are, dress size doesn’t matter your beautiful on the outside just as you are on the inside. Please don’t ever think differently and with regards to me handling how heavy you think you are, let me show you how light you actually are” and in one big swoop I lifted her up with no effort as she let out a squeal of excitement.
Y/N Pov
He lifted me up in one big swoop as I let out a shriek of excitement “Jesus Jared, you really are strong” I said laughing, looking up at him in the cradled position he is holding me in. “Did you think I wasn’t darlin?” He asked with a joking tone, I blushed and answered “well I guess I always thought you were but I never truly knew” with a smile on my face he put me down and we posed for the last photo. After we was done I looked at him with slight disappointment on my face as his manager perked up and said “let me show you out, come on jared go take a break, you have autographs soon.” I looked at him with a disappointing smile and said “thank you for making my day, honestly I never thought i'd meet you and I’m truly glad I did….. I guess I wish it didn’t have to end.” I smiled and turned to walk away as Jared perked up and turned to his manager “hey, I’m going to walk her out, you guys take a break I’ll see you at autos” “but Jared she’s a fan! She could be dangerous. We can’t leave you alone with her.” Jared’s face turned serious “ I appreciate you guys but I can handle myself, I pay you and I say take a break. I will be fine” “are you sure?” “Yes I’m sure” Jared replied his tone going soft. His manager nodded “okay”.
After a few minutes in silence we were left alone, looking at Jared with a smile he held his hand out “want to take a look around with me?” I smiled and took his hand “definitely!”. Walking through doors I had seen earlier I said to him “can I ask you something?” He looked at me while we walk down the quiet corridor “sure, what’s up?” “Why are you paying attention to me?, you’re being so sweet to me. You know you don’t have to right?” Jared paused turning to look at me with a smile “ you don’t see it do you?” “See what?” I asked with a look of confusion “here, let me show you?” He walked closed to me arms wrapping around my curvy waist pulling me into him, my breath hitched as his lips connected with mine. One of his arms moved up to cradle my face and I paused in astonishment, he then was pulling away assuming because he thought I wasn’t into it, I kissed him  back my tongue licking the bottom of his lip asking for entrance which he obliged, our tongues in each others mouths.
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Getting carried away with the kiss, I felt my back hit the wall as his right hand sneaked his way into the back of my curly (y/h/c) hair, coming back to reality I gasped pulling away, grunting “I’m going to probably regret this but, are you sure you want to do this…. You are married” Jared turned to look at his wedding ring and sighed “ I know you’re right I have a wife and three kids…. But (y/n) there is something about you I just can’t shake” after a pause he continued “you mesmerise me babe. I want you so unbelievably bad, I’ve never felt this way before even with the thousands of people I’ve met, your the first to make me act like this….. I don’t even think I’ve felt this way about me wife.” Taken back I grabbed his face and kissed him hard, no one has every made you feel the way he does, you didn’t care about anyone or anything, you wanted him too. After a few minutes I needed to catch my breath and I breathed out “Jared if you don’t want to do this tell me now, if you do then lets go back to my hotel room, I want you to fuck me”.
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No ones Pov
After being stunned by my words he grunted, panting out “can’t wait until hotel, come on there’s a bathroom this way” he grabbed my right hand with his left dragging me to the bathroom he had seen. He guided me to a bathroom, as we both went in I observed how clean it was, he broke me from my train of thought with his lips and tongue viciously attacking my neck, moaning he pushed me up against the wall his 6ft 4 figure towering over my 5ft 2 curvy figure. His hand tapping the back of my thighs as he hoisted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, he walked forward placing me on the counter pulling the straps to my dress down, my size E breasts being released from their confinement’s.
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With a moan he scooped up my breast pulling his face between them while sucking on my nipples, throwing my head back as moans are leaving my lips. His mouth biting and sucking at my breast eliciting all kind of noises for me, my hands grabbing at his belt and tugging it open. He pulled away from my breast and stepped back to undue his belt and his button, letting his jeans fall to the ground revealing his large bulge in his tight boxes, biting my lip he moved forward closer to me his hands snaking under my dress finding my purple thong, tugging it down my thick thighs it was discarded somewhere in the bathroom. Snaking his fingers between my thighs his lips found mine again as his fingers played with me, rubbing up and down my soft folds. Luckily preparing was something you did before coming, making sure to shave everywhere except your landing strip, a bit of hair never hurt anyone……I think. As the kisses got deeper I spread my thighs wide, leaning back a little so he had better access,his thumb finding my clit rubbing tight circles causing me to moan more and get wetter by the minute. After a couple minutes of playing he pulled away from the kiss to get on his knees wanting to eat me out, grabbing his shoulders I shook my head no “later, I need you inside me now!” with a slight chuckle he nodded “come her baby”. Moving closer to the edge surprising me he hoisted me up around him and lowered me onto his enlarged cock, moans explicating from my mouth like a porn star. 
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Completely shocked at the noises that are coming out of me, I didn’t care he felt so good, we fit just right. He walked us back towards the bathroom wall, my head thrown back moaning, he started off at a slow pace after a couple second I demanded “more baby! I need more! Harder” nodding he lowered his neck into the crook of mine sucking and kissing at all of my exposed skin as his arms rested under my thighs lifting me with his deep thrust’s, each thrust was deeper and faster, feeling so good inside me I felt that familiar feeling of being close. My moans were getting louder and they only edged him on more causing his orgasm to quickly make an appearance, grabbing the top of his shoulders I helped his thrusts by bouncing my ass against him harder. “God Jared please, I need to cum" nodding his head he said "cum with me baby” grunting and moaning “(y/n)” he came spilling inside me, feeling him pulsating his load inside my tight hole, you fell over the edge screaming into his neck shaking as the most powerful orgasm hit you. Jared feel forward resting his head against the wall and his arms still wrapped around you, he slowly thrusts until he comes to a stop, pulling out he asks me “are you okay? Do you want me to sit you down on the counter?”.
Smiling at him like I’m high I reply “I love how your being so sweet even after a heck of a ride” with a laugh he slowly walks to the counter and puts me down gently, he starts washing his hands and pulls his pants up, doing up his belt and sorting himself out. After a couple minutes of watching him I see him go into a stall and grab a hand towel “wow this bathroom really is posh isn’t it” I laughed out loud, he smiled “this is all I get now I’ve been leads in shows but before the bathrooms where terrible, don’t get me wrong I still use horrible bathrooms, I don’t really like the special treatment but I must admit the nice toilets are definitely a plus” nodding my head in acknowledgment I continue watching him as he grabbed the towel and ran it under some water. 
He comes over to me and starts cleaning the cum off of me where it had ran down my thighs out of my pussy, I look at him in aww and he says “what’s up? Has no one ever done this for you before?” “Honestly……no, is that bad?” “Yes. You should be treated like the princess you are babe” I smile at him and ask “do you regret it?” He replies looking in my eyes as he comes to a stop cleaning me “definitely not, I don’t want to scare you but I think I’m falling for you (y/n)” “really Jared?” He nods in agreement “I really must be dreaming” you whisper
To be continued?
Let me know if you guys crave more! I honestly loved writing this I had so much fun! Thinking I might turn this into a series. Where will this go from here, what will Jared do, he has a family. Will he choose her?
written by R-J_C (me)
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felizusnavidad · 6 months
haiku about the end of the year
it’s this time of the year
when you say goodbye
to moments of doubt and anger and tears
don’t let fuckers win
screw them
let’s focus on goodness and light
they will never know these feelings
goodbye bad bad people
once upon a time, in a faraway land in a small and shitty mall there was this "luxury" store and guess what was it called? ****Trend
there was a girl, poppy was her name she used to work in this place and oh, it was once her safe space but not anymore, what a shame
the job was shitty, that's not a lie her workmates were amazing though they made her laugh, laughed at her jokes (she even befriended the new guy)
and then one day no fun, no more she got the worst news ever "we are transferring you", the bad bitch witch tells her "to a different mall, a different store"
the store was far away from poppy's and her new team couldn't accept her there was one guy who fucking hated her she couldn't take it, she wrote her notice
i guess you can say she wrote her way out but she still had to stay for quite some time tried to be nice to them, was that a crime? "i will survive this, without a doubt"
crying sessions in the bathroom that was poppy's way to cope but then one day she just said "nope" new idea, sick leave, BOOM!
who's laughing now? i guess not them she's gonna have long christmas break she knows for sure that wasn't a mistake that's why now she is writing this poem
she also got a new job offer her teerico merch is on the way good things are coming, also, hey! she's taking the job, it starts next year!
she saw in the heights live in koszalin she met jakub gierszał with her bestie, bel she wrote her way out of this hell (maybe one day she will also meet lin?)
here's to new year, here's to the new chapter here's to uk trip and the eras tour in poland! here's to my friends, my moots from foreign land may poppy's life be full of laughter!
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misplacedmidlanders · 1 month
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Tuesday, May 14th 2024. Kaikōura > Christchurch.
Another travel day today, which had plenty of bussing but not much Rings-ing as we took the scenic route (a redundant statement in a country like this) from Nelson along the coast towards Christchurch. Whilst on the road we were given a pop quiz on the films and books, at which I did moderately okay-ish at when the questions weren't super hard (apparently Shelob's mother is not called Mommylob). The walking Tolkien encyclopedia that is Jake actually won first prize (some postcards and a copy of the One Ring) but unfortunately lost all of his remaining street cred in the process.
Passing through Blenheim, we stopped at a place called The Store (I'm assuming this is a placeholder name) in Kekerengu and took some snaps of the beach whilst recaffeinating, and then further along we pulled in just before the Half Moon Bay on the east of the island to see some fur seals frolicking around in the sunshine. Very much like the foxes we get in the UK, the fur seals of NZ looked adorable and playful yet screeched like they were also on a 6 hour coach journey.
After watching the fur seals, we arrived in Kaikōura for lunch, and we promptly visited a place called Coopers Catch Fish and Chips. As the Drs. in the UK will tell you, my diet consists of fruits and vegetables, protein, fats and oils, and chips. Going nine days without chips is unnatural for me, and replenishing this essential food group gave me the strength I needed to carry on with this journey. They also serve coleslaw as a standard side to fish and chips, something which I will absolutely be looking to continue back in the UK. I took the remainder of the vinegar they gave me (also something I've been deprived of) and will be making this last for the rest of the trip.
Stopping at Cheviot (excellent public bathroom facilities, no notes) we finally made our arrival at our hotel on the ourskirts of Christchurch. Tonight, we had dinner at a place called Little India (although I suppose most places are little compared to India) and I enjoyed a vindaloo that left me with a few singed tastebuds. Tomorrow is Edoras day, where we get to see Théoden's place - I hear it's quite lovely.
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mikeyddie · 4 months
hello hi i returned. requests will not be on for a little bit as i'm working on a specific story which i'll post here!!
Tom and Tord get upset and nervous at just the thought of each other. With Tord back in Norway all Tom can do is spiral, getting upset with himself over not being sure if he even hates Tord. While he wants to rip him apart, he also wants to pull him into an embrace. It's all too much to think about. Tord feels pathetic for being in love with Tom and eventually can't take the pain of the distance anymore. So he seeks out a trip to the UK.
one ; not ready
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Tom wakes. The last thing he wanted. Ever since everything happened with Tord five months ago no one's really been the same. Everything feels heavier.
He sits up and rubs his eyes. While yawning he reaches over to his night stand to grab a prescription bottle. He pops it open and lets two pills fall into the palm of his hand. He takes them without water, wincing at the way they slither down his throat. He shivers.
Begrudgingly, Tom stands and throws his hoodie on, then takes his phone off the bedstand and gently sets it in his back pocket. He slept in his jeans again and he couldn't bother to change. He made his way out of his room and to the bathroom. Edd hears him walking around and shouts,
"Making breakfast!"
Tom doesn't respond, but Matt yells back from his own room.
"What is it?"
"Bacon and eggs!" Edd replies.
"Stop yelling across the house!" Tom finally shouts.
There were no more responses after that. He rolled his eyes. Tom picked up his tooth brush and wet it, then squeezed some toothpaste on it. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it, opening a social media app out of habit. His face scrunched at the minty taste of the toothpaste but he kept brushing nonetheless.
As he scrolled he come across a picture of a dog. Nothing out of the ordinary, but the username of the person who posted it caught him a little off guard.
He recognized that. Not wanting to think about it further, Tom shut his phone off and tucked it away. He spat and rinsed off his toothbrush. He shook his head to himself and left the bathroom.
"Good morning, Tom," Matt greeted happily as they both entered the living room.
"Sure, for you it is." Tom droned, not even looking at him.
Matt's expression faltered but he just kept walking, situating himself in front of the TV. Tom sighed, sitting at the dining table, opening his phone once again. What else is there to do?
He tapped on a different app to avoid what happened earlier. It felt like hours were passing as he scrolled but it hadn't even been two minutes. A picture of a girl in a bikini, a picture of a dog, videos of cats, repeat. What a productive morning, Tom thought.
"You good, man?" Edd asked as he played some eggs.
"Never been better," Tom remarked.
Edd let out a disappointed sound. "I get your upset, but it's almost been six months, Tom. You can't keep being all edgy about this,"
That seemed to set Tom off.
"Right because you endured what I did." He mumbled.
"Hey I was there too! He almost killed all three of us not just you." Edd was getting mad now.
"Can we just eat breakfast?" Tom barked.
Silence filled the air. Edd took a deep breath and finished plating the food. He walked them over to the table and sat down. Matt looked at them with a concerned look as he rose from the couch. Once they'd all sat down no one spoke.
Tom continued to scroll, now angrily, not touching his breakfast. Edd kept giving him looks but he paid it no mind.
"Do you guys want to come to the store with me later?" Matt questioned, breaking the silence.
No one spoke for a second.
"Sure," Edd replied.
Tom paused. norski__ had appeared on his feed again. But this time he couldn't pass it up as coincidental name. It was a picture of him. Of Tord. Tom's breath hitched. Matt glanced at him but didn't say anything. The photo was Tord with a black scarf and earmuffs on. He had a huge smile on his face and the dog from earlier was with him, trying to lick his face. Tom wanted to rip his hair out. He liked the picture, he really did. It was cute and silly. But he also hated it. He wanted to print it out to burn it. He wanted to blow a hole in his phone with a shotgun. But instead he took a breath and clicked on the profile picture, an anime girl, and opened Tord's account. He had a lot of pictures posted and a pretty decent amount of followers. He wasn't following many people though. Tom combed through the photos indivually, taking long moments to inspect them each. Tord making snow angels, a picture taken by someone else of the dog, probably his, sleeping on him, photos of meals he ate at fancy restaurants, even a picture of him with Paul and Patryck. Tom was surprised they still spoke to each other. He continued looking through them until Edd spoke.
"Dude, your food is getting cold."
Tom stopped and looked up. Matt had finished eating and returned to the couch and Edd had his last bite on his fork. He took a breath.
"I'm not hungry. I'll eat it later." Tom stood and picked up his plate, walking into the kitchen and placing it in the microwave so it stayed warm.
He quietly returned to his room.
Tord, Paul and Patryck all sat in Tord's apartment on the couch and recliner.
"So you want to go to London next month?" Paul asked.
"Well it's far out enough to not be stupid expensive, but not so far that the anticipation kills me." Tord answered.
Paul nodded. "Makes sense."
"So who is paying for expenses here?" Patryck added.
"I assumed we would all pay for our own tickets." Tord began. "I mean you can afford it."
Patryck shook his head. "Right but I know you can't. You don't exactly make big bucks anymore."
"Hey I still have money put away. I didn't spend it all on comics." Tord gestured vaguely to the hall where his bedrooms and bathroom were.
Patryck nodded with a sarcastic expression. "Well either way, are you sure this is a great idea?"
"Yeah- I mean your...complicated feelings about that Tom guy is making me a little hesitant. You were almost killed the last time you were around them." Paul cautioned.
Tord rolled his eyes.
"That was different! I was trying to kill them! No thanks to you two." He sunk a bit into his seat.
"Right because we can casually disobey orders from a man who would kill us if we blinked wrong." Patryck slammed his hand on the arm of the sofa.
"Listen. Just let me come with you. It'll be fine. Yes I'm nervous, but this could be my chance to make everything up to the guys!"
"If my friend tried to kill me I don't think I would appreciate shit like this," Paul argued.
Tord rubbed his temples angrily. "I don't want to argue about this anymore."
"Tord, listen. The mere sight of a PICTURE of Tom makes you act like you're going to explode. I think you being around him, let alone two other people who hate you, is an awful idea." Patryck concluded. "I don't think you should come with us."
Instinctively, Tord bolted upward and stared daringly at Patryck. "You will take me with you."
It was a command; no longer a suggestion. Since he lost his job he lost his power over Paul and Patryck, which wasn't really an issue, however it left an unnecessary power dynamic that didn't hold legal status. So when things like this happened and Tord snapped into commander mode, Paul and Patryck tended to listen.
Patryck finally sighed. "Okay but you are paying for everything you do yourself. I am not helping you." He turned to Paul who nodded in agreement.
Tord smiled. "Great!"
After a moment of silence, Paul stood.
"Well I guess we have no more business here. We will buy our tickets for the 25th of next month. I'll text you the cost, pay me back immediately."
They exchanged nods and him and Patryck left through the front door. Tord let out a breath and relaxed back into the sofa.
"Finally," he mumbled to himself.
He grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV, switching through channels and finding nothing interesting. Eventually he gave up and turned it back off, taking his phone off the coffee table, muttering about how awful the channel selection is these days.
Opening a social app he noticed a lot of notifications. Confused, he clicked on the notification section. Sure he had a good following, but usually likes and comments would come periodically throughout the day and he had just been on his phone a couple minutes prior.
It was mostly likes on his most recent post, a photo of his dog Anders, which reminded him that he needed to feed her. Continuing to look through his notifications, he got up and, half paying attention, opened a cabinet to pull out a bag of dog food. The sound caused Anders to come running from Tord's bedroom, knocking into him. His phone flew out of his hand with the dog food, which spilled everywhere as he hit the ground.
"Augh- Anders!" he exclaimed, though his frown was soon gone as she began licking all over his face.
Trying to stop her and giggling uncontrollably, he managed to get off the floor and pick his phone up. He sighed at the new crack but shrugged it off because of the small size. Then he saw a notification that had somehow been clicked on when his phone fell.
'tommSKA_🏁 viewed your profile
5 minutes ago'
Tord felt his heart skip a beat and his breath hitched violently. He glanced between the phone and Anders who was staring at him, confused. He gently picked up his phone and tapped on it, revealing which posts of his Tom had viewed.
"What?" he whispered.
Every photo Tord had posted in the last year had been viewed by Tom five minutes ago. Why the hell would he do that? Stalk his account like that? Tord thought for a moment, sitting back down on the floor. Anders had begun eating the spilled dog food, occasionally stopping to pant happily. Tord took a deep breath to try to prevent himself from hyperventilating, but it only prolonged it a little. Did Tom no longer hate him? That wouldn't make sense. Maybe he just got over it. No, Tom doesn't let things go like that. Did he have feelings for Tord? That's stupid why would his mind go there? Soon Tord was breathing faster than he could process and he found his phone dropped on the ground again. Anders was staring at him worriedly. He was stammering under his breath and shaking fiercely. He couldn't escape the terrified spiral until Paul walked in the door again. Tord heard it but couldn't will himself to look.
"Tord?" Paul questioned, seeing him sat on the floor in the upwards fetal position.
"Oh god, Patryck!" he called, rushing up to Tord and taking a seat next to him.
He turned off Tord's phone and moved it away, around the island corner so he couldn't see it anymore. Paul took Tord's face into his hands and made them make eye contact. Was this a great way to stop a panic attack? No. Did it work? Yeah pretty well. At least for Tord.
"HEY!" Paul shouted in his face.
Tord gasped, holding his breath for a moment. Patryck quickly entered and took note of the scene, joining them on the floor and starting to pet Tord's back.
"Tord look at me. Look at me." Paul continued.
"He's not here."
Tord hated that Paul knew what was happening. And that Patryck probably did too. They knew all about his paranoia and what it did to him. He knew it was a good thing that they could help but it didn't feel like it.
"You're okay. You are okay. You're alive and breathing. He's not here." Paul repeated the same few phrases until Tord could begin to actually process the situation.
Patryck rubbing his back helped relax him enough to steady his breathing, and Anders had laid her head on his knee which helped him ground himself. Eventually he was back to normal- his normal- and could communicate again.
"Tord, I- I really don't think you should go to London again. Not now." Patryck said quietly.
Tord shook his head, glancing between the two.
"No, no, I have a month to get over this. I can get over this." he assured.
"I'm gonna make up for what I did, Pat."
Patryck and Paul looked at each other for a moment, not sure what to do now. Having the same thought, they turned back to Tord.
"We are not leaving your side when you see those three, okay? You can't do this alone." Patryck stressed.
Tord could only nod, exhausted from the panic attack. His chest hurt and his heart was beating fast. He needed water and a nap. But for now he would take this time to think about what would happen next. And how he was going to get himself to not do this in front of Tom. Or Edd and Matt.
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fyodorsmistress · 2 years
Hi my favorite little kinky twinky, I'm back again because I have my headcanons, I'm currently writing this instead of analyzing the cultural impact gothic writing, has on our modern literature today. Because ya know unhinged headcanons about a fictional war criminal is so much important than my grades <3
*Fyodor likes to take cold showers, even though he complains about always being cold??
*Fyodor accidentally set his hat on fire...several times (lmao)
Fyodor hates the color beige like so much that he tour up every single beige item of clothing at a store once. (he got away with it.)
Fyodor is allergic to chestnuts
Fyodor didn't know what the omega versus was and asked Dazai randomly what it was, Dazai didn't explain it to him, but he bought a shirt for Fyodor off of Etsy that reads "I'm daddy's omega" He still doesn't understand the reference and wears the shirt.
Fyodor got harassed by Ranpo online for like WEEKS. Neither one of them knew who the other was
Fyodor listened to Mistki one time and hasn't fully recovered since
Fyodor hates whole grain bread
Fyodor wears mismatching socks because he likes to stress Ivan out because he's not "dressed properly"
Fyodor accidentally made mustard gas when he was cleaning his bathroom. (it actually does happen, don't mix chemicals.)
Fyodor thought Atsushi was like 13 for the longest time and still thinks people are lying when they say he's actually 19
Fyodor crashed a random couple's wedding and ended up Djing for them??
Fyodor thought Kenji was homeless and bought him food because he felt just the tiniest bit bad. Kenji is not homeless and just gave him free food LMAO
Fyodor can do long division but if you ask him to do it he's going to literally jump out of a window, he finds it annoying.
Dazai accidentally got so drunk he went missing for a whole week and was in Belgium working as a baker.
Dazai did cocaine by accident and ended up having to sign an NDA with the Chinese Government.
Dazai is a certified pre-school teacher
Dazai has hijacked a truck that was caring bandages and stole like a year's supplies worth.
Dazai hates the color purple with a passion, like if he didn't know how to shut up now, he will be ranting for HOURS about the goddamn color.
Dazai actually did try to kill Mori by poisoning his coffee, but Dazai didn't read the label and he gave Mori probiotics.
Dazai met the Queen of England and is now not allowed to Step foot in any territories of the UK.
Dazai has one of the highest scores in pokemon and brags about it to ranpo.
Ranpo gifted Dazai alcohol for his birthday and Dazai still hasn't drank it because he's sentimental like that
Dazai can barely cook himself food so Atsushi often comes over and makes food for Dazai.
Dazai doesn't know how to tie his shoe without the bunny-ear technique, like its the only way he knows how.
Sincerely your one and only NDA with china
posting this so i can rb on my REAL blog😌
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Heyy! Hope you have/had a good day/night!
I was wondering. If you could take either Aemond or Daemon on a day out to see the sights in your locality, who would you take?
(Totally NOT inspired by the fact that I happened across the history section of the library today and how my mind immediately went to the one-eyed babygirl who studies history and philosophy)
I am having a good day so far, thank you, aside from the fact that my dog decided to rotisserie chicken herself in a huge muddy puddle while out on her walk earlier, and both myself and my entire bathroom got dirty trying to get her clean 😬 Hope you are doing okay!
Ooohhh, this is fun!
Okay, so if I wanted to torture them:
Daemon - take him to the local Primark on a Saturday afternoon and leave him there. I’m not sure how familiar non UK people are with Primark but it’s a discount clothing store chain. Everything is cheap because it’s made in sweatshops, they are built like labyrinths with several floors and are always, always heinously busy. If you’re short on patience then they are not the place to go. I’d get lots of amusement in watching Daemon get frustrated trying to leave and waiting to see how long it takes for him to lose his shit (not long I’d imagine)
Aemond - I’d take him to Chipotle. I don’t think he’s ever tasted seasoning or spice in his life, watching him meltdown over salsa verde would make me absolutely die of laughter.
If I wanted them to have an actual nice time:
Daemon - we’d go day drinking. My town has heaps of cocktail bars and places that do bottomless brunch, I think he’d love it. We see small glimpses of wine drunk Daemon in HotD, I think piña colada drunk Daemon would be a riot.
Aemond - I’d take him to the local Vue to see a horror movie. I think the big screen would blow his mind and sitting somewhere in the dark where you aren’t allowed to talk would be right up his alley.
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I’m fascinated by the floral decor in Wedding Florist, Becky’s, (and husband Rob’s), house in the village of Mayfield, UK. Isn’t the living room elegant? Of her Edwardian home she says, “I have secretly managed to decorate every room in the house with flowers.”  
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The bootroom (mudroom) is Becky’s favorite in the house. She did all the carpentry in there herself, putting up tongue and groove paneling and shelving to accommodate her collection of earthenware jars and floristry tools.
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Becky and Rob found the 1950s enamelled-metal sink and cupboard unit on eBay. They had it sandblasted to take it back to the steel and then polished it themselves.
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Essentials are stored in a dresser with glass doors, found on eBay, and reclaimed wood was used to make the shelves.
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Over the dining table is a wrought iron light that the couple had fabricated. Becky decorates it according to the holidays and seasons. 
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Becky papered the original hall of the house with the pages of a book of botanical prints that she found in a charity shop for £2.50  
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On the upstairs landing is a glass-fronted bookcase from Becky’s grandparents’ house.
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The botanical theme continues into the main bedroom, where Becky papered the chimney in a pattern called “Bamboo Garden.”
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Of course, plants thrive in the bathroom. 
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This child’s bedroom is rich in Becky’s floral theme – in fact there’s hardly a surface she hasn’t “flowered up.”
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The other child’s room is done in bright bold colors.
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The garden is a space that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Becky has cleverly ‘zoned’ it into different areas, with two levels of lawn, flower beds, a play area and vegetable garden.
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loafkingdom · 11 months
<Manga> Secret XXX by Meguru Hinoharsa
Bunny store owner x Bunny lover
Mito x Shohei
This story is by Meguru Hinohara sensei! One of my favorite BL manga artist. Go check out her other stories too! (Therapy Game & The dragon's betrothed)
So Shohei is a bunny lover. But he can't be near them due to his allergy. One day he walked passed a bunny shop, and had a love at first sight with the store owner - Itsuki Mito. (honestly my first impression of Mito is uke/bottom. Maybe because the way he dress. excuse my stereotype impressions...)
While Mito is trying to deliver three little bunnies to their new home, one got left behind in the store. So Shohei speed run to the store and fought the little guy munching on top of the hay bed. Trying to save the little one from falling, Shohei catches him with his bare hand and had his worst allergic reaction. Luckily Mito made it back on time and took him to the bathroom for a "rinse". So ya... Mito found out.
It's a really cute love story between Mito and Shohei. (at the same time the main characters from "Therapy Game" pops in once a while) If you like cute couple lovey dovey and 25% spicy scene I think you will like this story (and the artist!)
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ambergrief · 11 months
last night i had that recurring dream of being in the dream library with someone and we did that thing where we looked at picture books and then went inside the book and experienced the story. there was a story about wolves or coyotes in the mountains or soemthing vague.
and then later went to a city in china to find my long lost father who was a doctor. the sun was setting and i rented a car to his house but he didnt want to see me. he gave me an envelope of fuck off money. so i left and i went to a mall to get dinner and buy shit but all the stores and restaurants were closed. there were a lot of foreigners/anglophones in the mall, and when i went to the bathroom there was a group of women from the uk and they beat me up
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