#Uk pastry team
chefkevinashton · 2 years
My interview in Chef & Restaurant Magazine
My interview in Chef & Restaurant Magazine
My interview with the UK pastry team was published in October’s 2022 copy of Chef and Restaurant magazine.  It was part of an eight page article on the upcoming Pastry World Cup that happens in Lyon, in January 2023. You can also see a flick through of the magazine on Instagram If you wished to read the whole interview you can read it here.
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totaly-obsessed · 8 months
The Great British Bake Off
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Leah Williamson x reader blurb
-> Reader and Leah have too many cakes to handle and feed the Arsenal girls
➳ Masterlist
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“Uhmmm, do you have a new hobby?”
Lia was quite confused when Leah entered the Arsenal cafeteria where most of the team was currently having breakfast.
You see, Lia’s question was warranted. It is not every day that you see the Leah Williamson carry more cakeboxes than you would think she could. “Nah. Not me.” And with that, the Swiss knew the answer – you, her teammate's girlfriend must have gotten bored while injured.
Turns out that playing football is quite hard with a broken leg – watching the great British bake off, however? Works wonderfully.  And while you probably will not make a realistic burger cake any time soon, you were quite good at the easier cakes.
However, there was only so much cake a two-person household could eat, so the next best solution was to visit Leah’s family. And while Amanda was very thankful for the cakes and the nice afternoon you had all spent together, she did not need five more of them. She had however taken a batch of cupcakes that she would distribute at work – guaranteeing you, that everyone would love them.
After a little consideration, it was decided that you would join Leah at training that Monday, which is why she was carrying the cakes.
“Where is she then?” You could hear Katie’s booming voice as you limped down the unnecessary long hallway to the cafeteria. “Oh she’s here, don’t ya worry your pretty little head, McCabe!”
It was Beth who was the first at your side, helping you to the chair next to Leah and taking care of your crutches for you.
Alessia came stumbling towards you, a big dopey grin on her face “My favorite Williamson!” and with that, she tumbled over, taking an empty chair with her.
“Careful Less, otherwise you might be the next one with crutches.” A deep blush overtook her cheeks, “Yes, Mom.” While you certainly were not Alessia’s mother, you had taken on the role of an older sister when she had played in Chelsea’s youth academy where you had coached a couple of years ago before switching to Arsenal’s academy after meeting Leah.
While you liked playing, coaching gave you a little more of a kick – shaping young players and helping them discover themselves. But that clearly did not work with a broken leg.
“So… Cake anybody?” There was no hesitation, all the girls just digging straight in – no forks or anything.
Collin the Caterpillar style.
“Leah, no cake for you?” Kyra’s mouth was barely empty as she nudged the older player. “Nah, think I’ve eaten my weight in cake this week.”
“No problem with that.” Jonas joined the girls and sat down right next to Stina and Lina, his fellow Swedes.
“Ooh! That reminds me – Leah had me that box!” Your girlfriend did as you had requested, handing you the box while bowing forwards “Yes – my queen.”
You ignored her jab in favor of opening the box with as much drama as you could “Tada! Prinsesstårta!”
Four excited Swedes practically thew themselves on the cake – Jonas leading the pack, followed by Stina, Amanda, and Lina. “What even is that?”
“Just the best thing in the entire world.” Stina tried to swat away Katie’s hands as she prodded at her piece of tårta.
“It’s a sponge cake base topped with vanilla pastry cream and fluffy whipped cream – Sweden’s national cake.”
Leah, the proud Brit that she was immediately set back the piece she had taken out “Sweden? Why not the UK, baby? You are British baby.” 
“No, I’m not Leah – I’m German.”
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months
That'll be the back up generator! George Russell x CoffeeShopOwner! Reader
Plot: George Russell finds himself in a coffee shop after the Italian Grand Prix but a storm makes him get stuck in the shop.
A/N: Tell me your views on Sam and Colby and like other youtubers in the comments and if you like them!
Credit to disneyprincemuke for the GIF
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It was a really slow and hot day in the cafe, it had been your dream since you were a child to own a coffee shop on the street you grew up in, in Milan.
You got a degree in the UK at the request of your parents before coming back to your home country to set up the shop. You had the exact shop in mind on the street and it was the same one that had been run down an abandoned for years.
You completely re-done up the shop, making it exactly how you envisioned it. You had loads of plants running throughout and a little street section with seats out the front and a small balcony that looked over the whole street.
You were very busy today, everyone seemed to be wanting iced coffee's and smoothies. Loads of tourists came in for water, making you chuckle each time when they enunciated their words assuming you couldn't understand English.
But it started to get a little later and darker and people were now choosing to go to bar's as they were opening now. It was a Saturday so you new it would be busy because of the race in Monza and most people coming back to Milan centre to spend their evening.
There was no-one in the store right now and you let the last two staff go home from their shift early as you'd heard them talking about going clubbing tonight. You were making yourself a smoothie the blender so loud you didn't hear the bell chime. Just as the blender stopped you tuned into the conversation.
"This looks pretty quiet, lets stay here" one of their voices said that sounded British but had a slight American twang to it.
"I forgot cafe's were a thing!" a louder American voice out of the group added as you watched as they took the booth at the back. That's also when you noticed the team wear they were in, they worked for the racing teams.
"Yeah, Carlos' life hack apparently!" a fully British voice says and you walk slowly over to the table.
"Hey guys, what can I sort out for you today?" you ask, and they all push up their glasses, their faces were red and a some of their foreheads were lined with sweat.
"Oh, hello erm could be just get some water for now and food menu's please" another guy asks in Williams gear and you smile nodding, grabbing them from the counter next to them. You grab a jug of ice cold water and four glasses placing them down on the table.
They eventually give you their orders and you make yourself busy in the back small kitchen putting together the sandwiches and salads they'd requested.
You make light conversation with them handing them out eventually finding out they they are some of the drivers, Lewis and George who both drove for the Mercedes team, and Alex and Logan who drove for the Williams team.
You saw how they were struggling with the heat of the shop, you kept the water consistent and move the fan that was behind the counter with you to face them, you couldn't imagine how exhausted they felt after a race.
Eventually, Logan left first saying that Oscar and Lando wanted to hang out which you can only assume were other drivers. Then Lewis and Alex left at the same time with different reasons, one being Alex girlfriend just landed and Lewis wanted to do some shopping.
"And then there was one!" George sighed with a shake of his head, taking a bite of the pastry you'd brought him over.
"Hey, you want a smoothie, on the house of course. I'm just trying out some new things" you smile, trying to engage him in conversation.
He looked up at you with a huge smile and a nod of his head.
"Yeah, I'm down to try anything!" he smiled. You go behind the counter starting on cutting the fruit for the smoothie. You would look up every now and then catching eyes with George who always seemed to be gazing at you when you would meet his eye.
You bring him the smoothie over on the tray, making it a little fancier than you probably would when you put it on the menu.
"One, smoothie by yours truly!" you joke, smiling down at him.
"Your accent is strange" he says smiling up at you with his head tilting to the side.
"Thanks?" you offer with a small laugh not exactly sure what to say.
"No-no not like that, you obviously are Italian but you have an English twang to it?" he offers looking over your features.
George didn't think he'd ever met someone so beautiful. And it was an effortless kind of beauty as well, your hair up in a claw clip and a little messy from a hard day at work, flour covering the bottom part of your apron and a little sweat building under your eyes from the heat in the cafe.
"Ah, I studied in the UK for a while before I came back here, but i was born here in Milan!" you explain knowing what he was on about, you'd easily picked up on some British slang in your time their and the speech patterns to make your English sound easier on the ear.
"What did you study?" he asks, a look of shock on his face.
"Business management!" you smile. And he takes his first sip of the smoothie you gave him, his eyes going wide.
"That's amazing! And I'm guessing that's how you came to own this place?" his eyes light up taking another sip.
"This is really good, what's in it?" he interrupts his own question looking up at you.
"That is a secret!" you grin before walking off and over to the counter grabbing your own smoothie you'd made earlier. You check the time seeing it's around half an hour till you close, you walk out the front to bring the street chairs and tables in until you see and feel the weather.
It was really windy, and you felt the spotting of rain. The sky had turned awfully dark. You bring all the tables and chairs in before locking and bolting the door.
"Er, are you kidnapping me?" George asks seeing you latch the bottom bit of the door tightly.
"No no, I'm sorry the weather out there it just really picked up and the doors the original so it's pretty loose unless it's latched and I don't want it flying off!" you explain, worried he genuinely thought you were trying to hold him hostage.
"Holy shit yeah!" he exclaims looking out the front windows seeing the wind affecting some of the other shop owners who are hurriedly trying to pull their chairs or stock in depending what kind of place it was.
You both sit together but the storm only picks up and after what feels like an hour, you and George started to play uno which he had on him for some reason.
The door of the cafe was rattling and you could hear the whistling of the wind flow its way from the upstairs balcony and down the stairs.
"It's getting worse" you explain. Looking out the window and he nods. It was way past closing now but the streets looked so bad, no-one was out on them and George didn't feel like risking walking back to the hotel with the amount of debris flying around.
However within seconds, the room went dark and you gasped, not being able to see anything.
"Did, did we just loose power?" he asks, feeling around for his phone only for his hand to rest on your thigh, another gasp coming from your mouth and a string of apologies from George.
"It's okay, I just didn't expect it and it's so dark right now and I'm scared shitless!" you offer with a small chuckle.
"Where's like, your power supply and stuff!" he asks, finally turning the torch on his phone on, sending light up into the room when he turns the phone face down leaving it in between you two.
"I have a back up generator, that should kick in once it realizes there's no power" you smile, looking at his handsome face light up by the torch.
However, it also looked really creepy the way the light shaped his sharper features. It made you laugh a little.
"What?" he asks laughing along with you.
"Sorry, I feel like I'm in a Sam and Colby YouTube video right now, telling ghost stories while in a haunted house" you admit, changing so your on your knees.
"Well, this place isn't haunted right?" he laughs nervously.
"Nope, not as far as I'm aware!" you smile, it's gone extremely cold since the storm started and you shivered a little. There had been no predicted cold areas today so you hadn't brought anything with you.
"Oh, you look cold take this!" he smiles handing you his team jacket. You shrug it on with a small thank you. You both talk about everything you could think of to ask one another. From questions about his driving to your time in university. You told him all your funny club night story's from your first year where you still weren't really accustomed to British Culture and what is right and what was seen as wrong. He told you about how he used to be in Alex and Logan's team but basically got moved into a better car. You didn't really understand how it worked and you listened before asking your questions that he was more than happy to answer.
He's looking at you, holding your eye contact the whole time you both talk even if you look away to use your hands to embellish what your saying. Sometimes you used Italian words that George didn't know but in the context of the sentence he'd be able to work out the English for it and explain to you.
He's so impossibly close to you, that you think he might be leaning in closer and closer.
Before anything happens, a whirring from the back startles you both.
"That'll be the back up generator" you smile looking at the low level lighting and small strip lights all turning on.
"Er yeah, i guess it is!" he smiles looking over you. You get up onto your knees seeing that the wind is slowly dying down.
"I recon you can go now, it looks like the wind had died down enough!" you smile unlatching the door.
"Yeah, thank you. Er, yeah thanks" he smiles walking out the door. You follow him out locking up from the outside before taking off in the other direction. You didn't know if you'd ever see him again but you hoped he would.
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katz-chow · 5 months
i remember everything...
synopsis: in which johnny deals with the lingering feelings he has with his coworker 🏷| fluff, american!reader, gn!reader, reader is described as having hair long enough to have to towel dry (its like one sentence), mostly in johnny's pov, prompt 29, culture clash, part of @glitterypirateduck's soap it up challenge
masterlist | taking orders | main menu
“Strange words come on out of a grown man’s mouth when his mind’s broke. Pictures and passing time, you only smile like that when you’re drinkin’…”
“Do you like it?” You ask him, as you both sit on your respective beds in the hotel room. The soft glow of the hotel lamps mixed with the pristine, white sheets gave off the allusion of an ethereal heaven. You both untucked the sheets and wrapped them around you and on the bed in your nests of bedding, shielding away from the blasting AC air. 
Johnny groans, falling back onto the firm queen-sized mattress. “If I have to hear another Southern accent, I’m gonna blow my brains out. Yours is enough!”
“Bitch!” You scream and laugh as you throw a pillow, aiming for his crotch. A sharp breath stopped itself in his throat as he groaned in discomfort. Another laugh was pulled from you as you too, squirm around in bed. 
Eventually, he recovers and sat back up. “Bonnie, you remember when we first went on this world tour of ours?”
A world tour, that’s what you both referred it to. In reality, it was just a guest speaker program on international joint bases. You were there in the UK as an American, part of a joint company operation. Then Kyle pointed you out when you shared some memories in North Carolina together. Hitting it off with Johnny was just pure fate (maybe, he thinks). 
The first time he saw you, you and your squadron stood shiny in the unfamiliar dress blues in front of that board meeting. An hour later, he discovered you’re all American service members, here on an ally program. 
The second time, fate forced you both together. Chow Hall at dinner time proved to be both bliss and the Thunderdome at the same time– which was no foreign territory for the Americans. They were loud, Johnny thought. The more he heard their wide range of accents, the more intrigued he became with this new group.
He gazed at them, you included, deciding when would be the right time to bud into the conversation. That’s when you spoke up, hinting at the cutest, slowest speech he’s ever heard; a real, Texan accent. 
“I dunno about all this, y’all…It kinda looks, like, bland…” You say as you look at the food on your tray. Kyle right over your shoulder with your friends crowding around the “experimental plate”. 
Kyle laughed and cut open the pastry with a knife, moving the peas around. The meat inside spilled out of the puff pastry as everyone oo-ed and ah-ed and not in a good way. “You telling me you’ve never had a meat pie?”
“Closest thing would be chicken pot pie…and even with that the peas are inside and I don’t have to look at it when I eat it.” One American laughed. Johnny noted that his accent sounded “standard” compared to your more regional one.
Another woman piped up as she shoved his arm with hers, “Chicken pot pies aren’t all that, Johnson, you’re fucking weird.”
“Cut that shit out, Phillips…I’m gonna…fuck your husband.”
Johnny snickered and interjected himself into the appropriate conversation. “How about you shag me instead? A true Scotsman right here.”
“I mean, if you want…” The Standard American, now he knew as Phillips, responded as he turned towards him and smiled. 
He noticed the group of Americans all turned their bodies to include him in their small circle, even when he was about three feet away and on a different table. They were kind and eager, friendly even. 
From then on, he decided to always stick around the group of funny Americans, who always seemed to do the weirdest things. He also got to know the mirage of people within this seemingly rag-tag team. From Edward Phillips, the Washingtonian Linguist, Michelle Hernandez, the New Mexican demolitions expert,  and then you, the Texan. 
After that, he just gravitated towards you, like an asteroid in your presence. He revolved around you, hovering when you need him and jumping in. Never far for you to hold onto, he was right beside you, an equal rather than someone to catch you if you fall or a subordinate waiting upon your every command. You liked that about Johnny, how he’s a partner, and thus on par with you. Your strengths are his weaknesses (reading comprehension) and your weaknesses are his strengths (chemistry). 
Johnny often questions whether fate is real or not, must be the Catholic in him, but the critical, logical part of his brain won’t let him fully believe. He wonders if fate is real if there truly is a bigger spirit that predetermines whether or not he will die horrifically in battle, or how many kids he’ll have— if he is allotted more than one. More often than not, however, he finds himself wondering if he somehow made the right choice to speak up with that lewd comment that led to meeting his best friend. Or was it how God had intended it? Or, perhaps, it was the Roman Moirai that had strung your paths together. In either case, he could only hope that he was making the right choice now. 
The AC continued to blast in the dim light, something he had to get used to. Months ago, when you were merely just a coworker, he had to adjust to the fact that you were afraid of sleeping in the dark. Teases and playful jabs seemed relentless, night after night as soon as you went to turn on the bathroom light and crept the door closed. But now, as whoever’s above fated it, he quite likes the addition to his nightly routine. 
Things are simpler, more clear, and more concise. It’s a lot different building bombs, and awaiting the next mission than simply giving a briefing on demolition safety and code of conduct. One might even say it’s boring, but what’s more boring than your job? At least he’s talking about something interesting! Says the man who eavesdrops on your talk whenever he’s not busy. 
Johnny has more time to journal, draw, and…think. It became routine, you getting ready for bed while Johnny props himself up on his pillows, thinking and scribbling away. So here he is, nightstand lamp casting its low, orange glow against his even yellower pages. Odd drawings of the desk chair in front of his bed, some notes about your lecture, and an odd sticky note drawing on your side profile he did while he waited for you to finish your talk. 
Never leave a man with his thoughts, one of the lessons he had learned when he started to let his mind wander from station to station, train of thought visiting back on when you caught his eye, or when you fell down the stairs and your nose started to bleed (Johnny had never felt his stomach sink so low), and just last week when you convinced him to try authentic Indian food…he thinks of you.
It's almost as if he no longer even lets his mind wander but now he lets his thoughts loose into Your World. His bonnie. His. Fuck him, He rubbed his face with his palms, exasperated.
“You good?” Your voice snapped him away from his consuming thoughts, hands falling to close his leather-bound journal with a snap. 
He looks at you. You had your head tilted, hair falling into the towel that you’re crunching up to dry it. “‘m fine, Birdie.”
Birdie, his songbird. His ears hear the way you scoffed, swinging back into the bathroom to set the towel up and get yourself into the twin bed next to his, the space separated by just a small nightstand holding the phone and now his journal. 
You hop onto bed, throwing the already jostled-up sheets onto you as Johnny stands to turn off the light on the opposite wall. Your laptop, which had now been turned off per his request, tucked itself under your bed, barely peeking out just for a reminder for when you both leave the next morning. 
“I don’t want to go on base tomorrow. I hate Newport.” You say to break the silence between the both of you, simply sitting in the not-so-dark. 
Johnny groans, having heard you say this since the two of you had landed here in Rhode Island. “Oh haud yer wheesht, we’re only here for another day,” he reasons.
You’ve heard that phrase a lot lately, especially as your World Tour is coming to an end soon. Two more bases, a fortnight left. But you can’t blame him, your whining was getting a bit much. 
A comfortable silence fills the air again as you hum in reply to him. Both of you find yourselves lost—or leashed in your worlds, thinking about what’s next.
He’s going to miss this; miss waiting for you to get ready for bed, miss listening in on your colloquies, miss the way your body wash smells, miss your awful music…”Fuck, I’m gonna miss you.”
Johnny freezes, he takes back about the time you fell: this was when his heart dropped the furthest and fastest it’s ever fallen. Almost like the New Year's ball in New York. Fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck.
“Johnny, what did you just say?” In his peripheral, he sees your head turn to look at him. he turns his head to you. 
He prays that you don’t see the way sweat begins to fall from his skin or hear the quiver in his voice. “I said, I’ll miss you.”
You giggle a bit, letting your head fall back onto the plush headboard, eyes up at the popcorn ceiling. “It’s not like I’m going to die anytime soon, I’ll still be here.”
“I don’t want you to ever leave.” He blurts out quicker than his brain can even pick up. Blood rushes into his ears, he feels his body get hot as he awaits your reaction. 
The tension grows thicker, even as the AC hums. He sees your feet under the sheets moving side to side, you’re thinking of how to respond, formulating the perfect response. God, you were perfect, thinking about what you wanted to say rather than just blurting things out like how he is. You’re so different than him, so precise in your doings, always thinking ahead, always planning for the worst outcomes. And not to mention how good of a teacher you are with those in your field, you spoke eloquently, formally– yet just enough casualty that not only demanded respect but provided a sense of comfort. 
He looks back over to you quickly, your head still in the same position as before, eyes closed, however. For a quick moment, he sighs in relief, thinking you had fallen asleep from talking and whining too much. But instead, when he snaps back into reality, he sees your face smiling at him. 
“I think I’d like that a little too much.” You scrunch up your nose just a bit at the end of your sentence.
He doesn’t know what to make of them, but he smiles back nonetheless. “Yeah?”
You hum again, thinking. Silence washes over the two of you again. You two don’t look at each other, Johnny can feel disappointment wash over him, ready to just retire for the night.
“You wanna watch a movie?” You blurt out, already reaching down to pull your laptop out from under the bed. He looks at you quizzically, but agrees anyway.
To his surprise, however, you find yourself throwing the laptop gently on his bed, shooing him over (which he obeys), and getting under the sheets with him. His heart flutters as he instinctively rests his arm behind you. You scoot closer to him, pulling your laptop onto your lap. But you stop, and his breathing does to match. 
“Is this okay?” 
Johnny nods and smiles softly at you, seeing your worried expression dissipate. You decide that Johnny gets no say in what the two of you watch, and honestly, Johnny seems more interested in the fact that he can smell your shampoo and feel how soft the tips of your hair are in between his fingertips. He zones out after that, rejoicing in the moment as your breathing steadies his old heart. 
You turn your head up to look at him, raising your head slightly from his chest. He looks down at you, an eyebrow raised. “Hm?”
“I’m tired.”
He smiles wider at how your eyes droop down, even after insisting the two of you watch a movie. The screen pauses as he presses the spacebar, timestamp at 23:09. He huffs a laugh. “It’s late, I ken, I ken…”
“Can I sleep here?” You ask, already resting your head on his chest and sinking further into the now-warm sheets. Johnny shifts over a bit, closing your laptop and tossing it carefully over to your empty bed. The strands of your hair lift up a bit as he absent-mindedly messes with them. Your arm found itself hooked under his bicep, the other arm thrown over his chest.
His lips reach down and places a soft kiss on the crown of your head, burying his nose into the inviting smell of almonds and cherries. 
You hum in contentment, yet sleepily mumbling out something just a tab bit too quiet for his ears to pick up. “Speak up, Bonnie.”
You whine and his heart skips a beat. He wonders how long this can go on before he dies of cardiac arrest. Hopefully for decades. “It was always going to be you.” You pout, before nuzzling into him again, not once opening your eyes.
Johnny freezes, and the stands of your hair fall from the tips of his fingers. He looks down and sees how your chest rises evenly now, body heavy and warm against his. “Birdie?”
When you don’t respond, he knows you’re dead asleep. He sits there for a while thinking about the choices he made that led him to this position, as a body pillow for you– not that he is complaining. Surely it wasn’t when he tripped over a pinecone in year 5 right? Or when he decided to disobey orders and blow up a base anyway right? No, it has to be much simpler than that– when he had decided to skip lunch that day the two of you met? He thinks about the choices he made, and how he could’ve missed all the signs you gave him showing him that you were also in a state of yearning for him. And why did you turn on a lame rom-com, knowing you were going to fall aslee– oh. Oh.
Was this your plan the entire time? Clever Birdie. Of course, you had planned this out, had planned on turning the AC up, whining about the cold. Leaving your laptop on a movie website already, drying your hair even when you never really do. You just had to find a window of opportunity: him. 
It was always going to be the two of you. He was just a bit behind. 
masterlist | taking orders
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Hi Fen!!! Popping in to ask what you think the moon boys’ hobbies would be (if they weren’t so busy moon knighting). (For Steven, I feel like studying ancient Egypt is more like a passion, so like what else do you think he’d be into?)
K. Love you! Byeeeee.
IDJIDHVDHFH Oh my gosh, I love this ask so much! Thank you so, so, SO much for sending it! ❤️(ILY!) Did I think about this at work for a good 1 and 30 mins instead of working on a spreadsheet? No, of course not, I would never do that… 👀
I have narrowed it down to one each to save everyone from seeing my absolute madness.
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Moon Knight Boys Headcanons & Hobbies
Rating: PG  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: Swearing
Steven: Cooking
Okay, here me out. So, I’ve seen opposite ends of opinion on this one (both are valid) but I’m going with Steven is a very good cook, and he likes cooking. 
He’s been vegan for a while and it’s only in the last couple of years that food places have really been trying with vegan and vegetarian options that aren’t salad… bread… (chips if you’re lucky) So, I think he enjoys making lots of different recipes. 
It started out with him just making vegan ones and then, over time, became him changing other recipes to make them vegan and coming up with his own. 
Absolute master at vegan cakes, no one can ever tell the difference, and, in fact, a lot of people compliment him on ‘the best cake they’ve ever had’, ‘so light and fluffy? How do you do it?’ “Well, that’s the secret, innit?” (whisk the aquafaba like your life depends on it and sweet potato) 
Steven is absolutely horrified by the food Marc makes himself. (Plain chicken, rice, spinach) 
“Where are the flavours Marc? At least some herbs? Spices for fuck’s sake? I can’t believe you’re eating plain steamed chicken?” (He doesn’t even care that it’s meat, it's just the lack of flavour.)
“It’s boiled chicken actually.”
Steven loses his goddamn mind. 
“I don’t care what bloody macronutrient you are monitoring, you are not eating that.”
It’s not that Marc can’t cook, he just doesn’t see the reason to put the effort in when it’s just for himself (doesn’t feel like he deserves it.)
Steven grumbles to himself and refuses to let Marc cook his own dinner if he can help it. “If you’re going to eat meat, at least treat it with respect, yeah? Bring out the flavour?” He usually preps something for Marc, so he can cook it quickly when he’s hungry. 
Makes so many cakes and pastries for Jake. Leaves them in boxes with ‘Jake :)’ written on a post stick note on the top. Jake is always so touched and surprised when he does. They have taken to playing a little game where sometimes the food is vegan and sometimes it’s not and Jake has to guess. He’s more accurate than most people, but it still only averages around 70% right. (69% if we’re being exact, and Marc is sure Jake’s messing with the correct statistics on purpose.)
Marc: Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Football
Literally takes it so seriously. Has spreadsheets filled with information and pours over every single statistic like it holds the answers to the universe. It only got more intense when he found a forum for people with the same interest and he literally will spend hours talking online about it.
“It’s not about getting the best players, it’s about making the best team.”
Jake has joked that he puts Steven and his love for history to shame and if those spreadsheets weren’t saved on the computer Marc would have boxes and boxes and folders upon folders of printed out info and then there would be zero space in the flat. 
When Marc annoys Steven, Steven tells him to “go play with your pretend american cricket and american rugby” to piss him off. 
(Marc retaliates by incorrectly pronouncing UK places. 
“Steven, maybe we should take a trip to Ed-in-b-row” 
“It’s Ed-in-bruh.” 
“How about Sus-SEX or Es-SEX?” 
“It’s Sus-SIX and Es-SIX.” 
“I do love Green-WITCH at this time of year.” 
“IT’S GREN-ITCH! Jake, you're from New York, how is Greenwich pronounced?” 
“I’m not getting involved.” 
“Ha! That’s because he agrees with me!”
When things get really heated, Marc threatens to make a cup of tea in the microwave. Steven says he doesn’t care because he makes coffee in the microwave all the time and it’s fine. Jake puts an end to it by saying hot chocolate tastes best with water and then laughing when both Marc and Steven gang up on him. 
“I cannot believe you think that mate.”
“You know how many different types of milk there are?”
“Absolutely disgusting.”
“Cow, goat, soya, almond, coconut, literally any of them instead.”)
Jake: Knitting
Wanted something to keep his hands busy, that he could pick up and put down, and that he could take in his cab when he was stationary and waiting for fares. 
Took to it a lot quicker than he thought it would, and can just zone out and knit. It helps keep him grounded. 
He feels like he has spent a lot of his time destroying and there is something so satisfying about being able to create. 
Once he mastered the stitch he quickly moved onto making clothes. Before Marc and Steven knew about him he used to knit jumpers for Steven and hide them in the wardrobe. 
Jake makes Marc a cartoony style baseball jumper that he also loves, and a thick cardigan for Steven that is covered in hieroglyphics (he spends months researching the language to get it to make some sense, and works in a dig at Khonshu in there and has Steven crying with laughter.) 
When they know about him Steven excitedly requests the “most garish and over the top Hanukkah jumper anyone has ever seen!” Jake does his best, presenting it to Steven (and trying to hide how nervous he feels) Steven loves it and refuses to take it off all winter. 
Most people think Jake has a stern glare when he wants, but you can never be sure if he’s planning your destruction or trying to work out how many balls of wool it would take to make someone your size a jumper.
Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @welcometostayingawake @mbakubabe @solobagginses @melodygatesauthor @romanarose @pimosworld @jake-g-lockley
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storiesofsvu · 5 months
Solace in Solitude Ch 11
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, mentions of alcohol and tobacco, smut. Welcome to the beginning of the time jump chapters. in my mind each ** means that it's been at least two weeks since the last bit.
“Do you ever stop working?” Emily’s voice rang through the apartment, jolting you out of your hyper fixation spiral of the day when you glanced up at her.
“You look like you’re cramming for finals right now.” She swiped a pastry off the counter, dropping down into the chair perpendicular beside the couch as you glanced around the room, letting out a small, embarrassed laugh.
“Oh god.” You dropped your hand into your face for a moment while she chuckled, what had started out as some research to combat the boredom of the day ended up with a bit of an explosion, and Emily was right. You had multiple pages open on your laptop, tablet beside you with a medical journal open and a pile of notebooks and textbooks spread out on the couch and coffee table. “Sorry, I didn’t meant to turn the apartment into a dorm room.”
You began to flip closed some of the books you were no longer working, piling them up so you weren’t taking up so much of the shared space. Groaning when a handful of high lighters toppled from inside a notebook to the floor.
“Don’t worry about it.” Emily shrugged, leaning forward to scoop them back up, dropping them into an empty coffee mug on the table, “what’s got you so invested?”
“Boredom.” You replied with a huff of a laugh.
“Okay but when I’m bored on a day off I end up numbing my brain with stupid tv not pouring over case files or true crime. You should’ve gotten out of the house, take advantage before the weather turns to shit.”
“I’m not just bored on days off, that’s the problem.” You sighed, relaxing back into the couch as you started to stretch out your body, realizing just how stiff your muscles and joints were.
“A trauma surgeon who’s bored at work? Okay, we definitely have a problem.” Emily half teased from her chair and you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t get a lot of patients out here and honestly being on your feet for that long is tedious enough but when you aren’t really in it anymore, it’s even worse.”
“Looking for a career change?”
“No.” You laughed, “before I got shipped out here I was working on start ups for a couple of different trials and I’ve always been super passionate about those kind of things. The medical field is incredible already but there’s so much that we either don’t know or can’t execute properly and figuring those things out just makes my brain happy.”
“You were a really big science nerd in high school, hey?”
“Oh shut up.” You tossed a pad of post it’s at her with a laugh.
“The hospital have any programs like that here?”
“Not really.” Your nose scrunched, “that’s what the other half of the research was, finding a home base to set up. There’s one in Germany that has insane tech but the language barrier has been tough enough trying to get information, a handful across the UK and a couple in France but nothing here.”
“Are you looking for an out?” She asked, cocking a brow in your direction and you shrugged.
“No... I mean as far as I know I’m here ‘til you’re cleared, I just… wanna have a back up plan, ya know?”
“Yeah…” she nodded, tugging her lip into her mouth and chewing on it as her gaze drifted out the window. You watched her for a minute, the way her brow scrunched, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly as she began to get lost in thought.
“Are you gonna go back?” You asked, almost timidly, continuing to watch her and her head tilted when she registered your voice.
“To your team? Or like, DC in general. From what I’ve gathered the world is basically your oyster.”
“It’s complicated.” She replied, her eyes still latched on the afternoon sky, “they were my family and I felt more at home with them than any place before but I don’t know how things are going to go… or if that’ll ever be home again.”
“Does that make sense?” She asked, suddenly looking up to you and you nodded.
“Yeah. But hey, Federal Agent means federal, you could pick up a job anywhere in the country. You’ve got tons of options.”
“Yeah...” She smiled tightly over at you before standing from the chair, “I was thinking stir fry for dinner? Use the rest of that chicken?”
“Sounds great.”
Emily jumped when the apartment door slammed shut, looking up toward the door to see you dropping your bag to the floor, kicking off your shoes and tossing your coat in the direction of the closet before you instantly disappeared into your room. By the muffled yell it was safe to assume that you’d dropped face first into your pillows to let out a scream. She thought about leaving you be, but you had left the door completely wide open and maybe you needed to talk, or a smoke and she’d be lying if she hadn’t been jonesing for one.
So she put down her book and tentatively approached the door, a chuckle escaping her lips as she found you having not moved an inch, face buried in the pillows, flat on your stomach. You were still in your scrubs, which she had never seen, you almost always changed at the hospital. It didn’t take a profiler to figure out that you had wanted to get out of there and home as fast as you could.
“You okay in there?” She asked with a smirk, crossing her arms over her chest as she leant against the door frame.
“Uggghhhh!” Was the response you gave without moving a muscle.
“I’m sensing a little bit of anger here… I’m guessing this isn’t a lost patient kinda thing?”
“No.” You grumbled, rolling onto your side to prop yourself up on your elbow, “just the most terrible, impatient, demanding, nit picky bitch I have ever met.”
“What was she in for?”
“Seriously? Why were you working with her?”
“She needed a couple of incisions redone, her doctor was out today and the resident didn’t want to go near her. I figured after you no one could be that bad, but boy was I wrong…. No offence.”
Emily barked out a laugh, “none taken.” Her arms dropped to her side as she stepped into the room, “you seem pent up, I think I may know how to help.” With a smirk she crawled onto the bed, gripping your hip to flip you fully onto your back.
“Oh?” You raised a brow.
“Yeah.” She nodded, her fingers delicately undoing the tie on your scrub pants, “think of it as an apology for being your second worst patient.” You laughed softly, your breath hitching in your throat at the feeling of her fingertips on your skin as they snuck into the waistband of your pants, “relax…”
With a gentle smile Emily tugged down your pants, tossing them to the floor before her hands softly glided up your legs, thumbs rubbing relaxing circles as she went. She massaged lightly, continuing higher up your thighs as you let out a satisfied breath and your legs easily fell open for her. She tugged at your panties, nudging at you to lift your hips so she could rid you of them, tossing them over her shoulder before she settled on her stomach between your legs.
Her lips softly kissed up your inner thigh, breath just barely hot enough where you were already craving it before she repeated the action on the other side, her hands soothing across your skin as she went. You let out an impatient whine and she chuckled, choosing to nip at your inner thigh instead, resulting in a gasp leaving your lips. Not wanting to frustrate you further her tongue darted out, flattening and licking through your pussy. The gasp you let out this time was louder, a hand shooting downward to tangle into her hair as your hips rocked upward. She chuckled softly into your cunt, kissing it gently before she began to eat you out.
Pleasure almost immediately began to soar through you, there was no doubt Emily was skilled at this and it wouldn’t take her long to figure out exactly what it was that made you tick. Her tongue sank into you, coaxing out your arousal, letting it smear across your pussy and down her chin. She licked up again, flicking at your clit and you moaned, fingers tightening in her hair.
She repeated the motion, her tongue slowly dragging through you before circling around your pulsing nub, creating a steady rhythm as your hips began to rock up against her mouth. You could already feel your pussy fluttering around nothing, the sparks flying through your body relaxing it, making all the worries of the day completely melt away. Your eyes slowly shut, letting the moment take over as you practically melted into the mattress, little moans and whines escaping your lips as Emily continued to eat you with expertise.
“Oh God…” You groaned when her lips wrapped around your clit, sucking it into her mouth, “more…”
You could nearly feel the way her lips curved up into a grin against your body, her tongue dancing patterns across your pulsing clit. A hand snuck up between your legs, the tips of her fingers toying with your juices before sinking into your pussy.
“Yes!” You moaned, nails scratching at her head, your hips jolting up off the bed.
Emily’s fingers pumped in the same pattern that she sucked on your clit, sucking harder when she curled them perfectly to hit the sensitive spot inside your pulsing walls. It didn’t take very long before you let out a soft cry, your thighs clenching around her as your orgasm washed over you. You heard her laugh softly as her lips finally popped off you, her fingers gently fucking you through your orgasm. She pressed a light kiss right above your clit before her tongue cleaned you up, careful not to overstimulate you before she nipped at your thigh again.
“Feeling any better?”
“Much.” You replied with a relaxed sigh as Emily shifted between your legs, sitting up at the edge of the bed so she could toss your clothes back to you, “could probably still use a drink though.”
“Yeah? How ‘bout a smoke?” She raised a playful brow and you laughed.
“Why the fuck not?”
“I’ll pour the wine.” She swatted at your calf, “grab a sweater, balcony’s a little chilly.”
You were standing in the kitchen, laptop open in front of you as you chewed on your lip, scrolling through page after page of recipes. Every so often your movement would catch Emily’s gaze over the top of her book and she would watch as you pulled open the pantry, staring into it. You’d shuffle a couple of cans or bags around, pulling things to the front before letting out a huff and moving back to the laptop. Her eyes would flick up again when only a couple of minutes later you would repeat the process with the fridge this time.
“Didn’t you pick up groceries like two days ago?” She finally asked and you let out a huff, dropping onto your elbows on the counter.
“Yeah. But my sister called a couple of days ago, freaking out cause she couldn’t find mom’s stuffing recipe. I didn’t even realize Thanksgiving was this weekend and now I feel like I’m missing out.”
“You wanna make a dinner?” She asked and you snorted.
“For just two of us? We’d be eating leftovers til Christmas. Besides,” you glanced over your shoulder, “a turkey isn’t fitting in that oven.”
“It’s overrated.” She shrugged, placing her book down on her lap, “everyone knows the side dishes and dessert are the best part of the dinner.”
“Yeah.” You sighed, your chin coming to rest in your palm, “but without it, the stuffing’s always dryer than it should be.”
“Could use a chicken?”
“Nah. Not enough space for how much stuffing a person needs.” Your nose crinkled and she laughed.
“Your mom make one of those over the top gourmet kinds with apples, cranberries and shit?”
“Ew, no.” You laughed, “bread, spices and practically a pound butter, the way it should be.”
“Well,” she pushed off the couch, padding over to the kitchen where she pulled open the fridge and pantry, “let’s figure this out. What do we need to go pick up?”
“Bread, potatoes,” you ticked off on your fingers, “gravy mix if we’re not actually gonna cook any meat, carrots… maybe brussels sprouts? I don’t like green beans, but if you want them.” You glanced over to her and she shrugged.
“We were never big on Thanksgiving. Wasn’t that much of a priority, and by the time I was an adult I was always working.”
“You never did dinner?” Your brow scrunched.
“Oh there was dinner.” She laughed, “mother would never waste an opportunity to host or show off, but she wouldn’t have even raised a finger when it came to cooking. Most years I’d finish a small plate, ask to be excused and go hide in my room.”
“What? No board games, football?” You asked and Emily barked a laugh.
“I was the only kid. This wasn’t like, a family gathering thing, this was my parents coworkers and people to make connections and network with, it was a place for a kid to be seen and not heard. Until of course my Mother was insistent I share what I was thankful for.”
“Ugh, the worst part of the meal.”
“Yeah, let’s get back to the best parts.” She grabbed the pad of paper you usually used for grocery lists, sliding it across to you, “you do main course I’ll do dessert.”
“Sure, as long as by main you mean sides.” You teased and she laughed.
“Of course.” She tossed you a grin, “and Carter…you’re not roping me into any fucking football.”
“Please,” you mocked, “you’re not ready for combat sports right now and I don’t wanna have to fix your rib again. I will however absolutely destroy you in Scrabble.”
“You sure about that?” She smirked.
“English words only!”
Emily shivered, pulling the blankets tighter around her and tucking them up right under her chin as her eyes wandered to the window. The weather had taken a turn for the worst, thick fluffy flakes of snow drifting through the air and coating the city. She’d already swapped her regular pyjama shorts for a set of pants, pulled a sweater over her shirt and grabbed a pair of wool socks. She’d stolen one of the blankets from the couch and still couldn’t manage to get warm enough in order to fall asleep.
You were faintly aware of noise outside your bedroom door and you did your best to ignore it, curling tighter under the blankets to hold onto sleep. Instead you heard your door open then swing shut and felt the weight of someone on your bed and you let out a small grumble.
“It is fucking freezing!” Emily’s groggy voice broke the silence of your room and you gasped when she pulled up the blankets, letting in a blast of cold air, “shove over.”
“What the fuck...” You grumbled, moving backwards on your side on the bed as Emily dove in next to you, quickly fitting herself right next to your body.
 Letting out a reluctant sigh you wrapped yourself around her, spooning her from behind as you knew there was no fighting it. She snuggled deeper into your arms as one of her hands adjusted the blankets and you realized she’d brought the blankets from her room too. Her hand grabbed at your wrist, pulling it around her body in an attempt to get more body heat and you nearly shrieked.
“Jesus you are frozen!”
“I wouldn’t be in your bed if I wasn’t.” She replied, burrowing into the pillow.
You held back an eye roll, letting your arm settle around her body, hugging her closer to you as you readjusted back to a comfortable position, your hand softly rubbing at her arm. As you settled against her your hand slid down her waist, wrapping around the hip she had against the bed, making sure she was snug to you before it rested there, just barely sneaking under the hem of her shirt. Your fingers moved absentmindedly, drawing what you thought were soothing patterns on her skin, movement that would lull her to sleep. Instead Emily let out a soft sigh, her back beginning to arch into the touch as her ass pushed backward into you and you couldn’t help but let out a dark chuckle.
“You know..” you murmured, your lips nearly brushing the shell of her ear, “I’ve got an idea that may just warm you up, even relax you to sleep.”
“Is that so?” She asked and you just knew her eyebrow was raised.
“Mmhmm.” You nipped at her neck and her breath caught in her throat.
“Whatever you’ve got in mind, go for it.”
Your hand easily slipped into the waist band of her pants, sneaking down until your finger tips found her clit, starting to lazily rub it until she was letting out breathy moans, her hips gently rocking in time with your hand. Even with you barely touching her she could already feel the heat beginning to spark through her body, each brush of your hands on her skin warming her up, her pussy tingling, sending different kinds of shivers through her.
“That’s it…” you murmured, lips kissing at her neck as you coaxed her to keep rolling her hips and she let out a moan.
A small laugh escaped your lips, nipping at her earlobe as your hand sunk further between her legs, fingers swiping through her folds before they sank into her pussy, earning a gasp from her. Emily tossed her top leg over yours to spread herself open for you and you took full advantage. The heel of your hand continued to grind against her clit while you fingered her, thrusting faster and harder than you had been before. She was already squirming in your arms, little whines breaking free from her lips, ones that turned into moans as your other arm wound around her so you could start to play with her tits through her shirt.
“Oh god…” she groaned, hips grinding down against your hand, practically begging you to never stop.
Your fingers curled inside her, hitting that sweet spot right as you pinched at her nipple and she gasped, her body jolting in your grasp. Your lips formed a smirk against her skin, continuing your motions, beginning to suck on her neck as your fingers thrusted in and out of her dripping pussy. Not wanting to leave her hanging your thumb shifted, starting to rub at her clit in time with your thrusts and she let out a louder moan.
“Fuck!” She muttered through gritted teeth, “oh god, don’t stop. I’m gonna come.”
Her hips continued to grind down on your hand, her pussy fluttering around your fingers as you curled them a few times more, your hands toying with her body in just the way she needed it. It didn’t take much longer before she reached her peak, shaking in your arms, whimpers leaving her lips. Your hand slipped out of her pants, settling against her abdomen again as you felt her fully relax into your embrace.
You certainly had warmed her up, a sheen of sweat coating her skin under all the fabric that brought warmth to the both of you. She was fast asleep minutes later, finally content with the temperature in the room and you weren’t far behind her.
@mickey-gomez @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra  @leftoverenvy @dextur @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart  @its-soph-xx  @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @peanutbutterprincess @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm  @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar  @scorpsik  @happenstnces  @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss  @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28   @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @romanoffsho @ratsnestinmyhair @assgardangod  @originalbrunettecharacter @hopedoesntknow  @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex@imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx @lesbodietco @momily
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mecachrome · 5 months
Hi I would love to hear about the elaborate secret wag au you hinted at in the pastries post if youre up to talking about it. I think I need it injected directly into my veins I love it so much
ok note to self i have to stop calling things elaborate when in reality i mean that i think about them really hard before i fall asleep and then promptly forget anything interesting afterward. but of course i'd love to discuss this very vague universe some more!! :')
honestly this is all an extremely self-indulgent exercise because i'm just a huge sucker for the combined secret relationship + famous/non-famous trope, and i will always read/write it for any ship iteration that presents itself! like there is nothing i love more than understated displays of devotion, especially when it plays into the 4th wall socmed fuckery space of one half being famous and having an otherwise large social profile and the other being very lowkey and resisting any publicity about themselves... in that vein i can't tell whether the concept is super cringe & embarrassing (well i can & i know it is, but the question is whether that is enough to Stop Me!!!) because obviously lando dating some Boring Dude requires a er... certain suspension of disbelief (also sorry for any unintentional disrespect to maxf), but what is fandom for if not making stupid shit up <3
anyway the secretwag concept also developed from two things, 1) how much i enjoy & endorse oscar's private-not-secret relationship philosophy + 2) lando's extreme loyalty to & dependence on all of his childhood relationships, so the idea kind of took root as "what if oscar→lando what lily→oscar (and also kind of what maxf→lando)" but just with more of lando's friendgroup dynamix & his streamer identity folded into the mix. the origins of their rship are what remain the most ambiguous & handwavey 2 me but in short they'd somehow meet when they were younger (maybe oscar is the same age as lando, maybe lando stayed in school longer, maybe oscar moved to the uk earlier and they met during their karting days... idk!!!) except then because of finances oscar decides to go into engineering and gives up on motorsport pretty early on.
(tbh i always struggle with justifying non-driverness in canon divergence fic because i'm like WELL REALISTICALLY oscar would just go into another professional racing category if f1 weren't feasible, BUT ignoring that) i think oscar would objectively be a super adjusted engineering student and would thrive academically / not stew in self-pity about giving up racing, so i really like this idea of like... sure, oscar is One Of The Lads, but unlike most people in lando's life who revolve around his work somehow or otherwise reflect his level of celebrity—drivers, the quadrant team, d-grade influencers & djs & social media personalities—oscar is just... Oscar. he's the smartest person lando knows and his love language is quality time and lando is the one usually doing acts of service for all his friends but oscar always wordlessly & unquestionably reciprocates that for him (lando annoying oscar into giving him a massage every night and oscar conceding immediately like ok... jon who❤️) and while lando has to go out of his way to navigate/manage the emotions of those around him and feels indebted to all his friendships he's never had to do that for oscar because oscar is the steadiest part of his life. and then obviously at some point when they're young dumb & drunk they get fucked up about it and start dating on the dl
(waves hands) anyway IDK but i'm just stuck on the image of like lando at 19 starting his first season of f1 and being raw and uncertain of himself and constantly catastrophizing about the future and trying to build out his brand and prove himself, and even like maxf is racing full-time that year, but at least he has oscar who's away at uni (in slightly aged up verse) and shows up at his place every weekend to ground him... like oscar never sugarcoats anything OR doubts himself OR needs lando to be any less open about his irrational fears so lando is like damnnn your cringefail earnestness and clear-eyed perspective of reality has kind of bewitched me *momentarily healed* etc. ft. domestic bants & the birth of master baker oscarpastry when covid hits and everything goes virtual & they quarantine together... lando starts streaming regularly and there's just this random dude in the background of half his streams and chat is like "???" every time like. Who is that + Why is he australian + Why is he cooking you dinner at 1am. his only social media profile is a private ig page with 50 followers.
+ after grad they keep living together and oscar becomes a wfh developer and i imagine him being very financially steady and self-sufficient but also like... deeply LAZY, so he has 0 ambition or intention to chase anything more demanding and is happy to just do his boring software job + be lando's househusband after hours LOL. like bringing lando pastries at quadrant shoots (ty chel 4 this image) between dull code reviews & expertly ducking away from the landolog camera & letting lando drive them around in his stupid gimmick cars and just generally toeing the line perfectly of being invested in lando's success and caring as deeply about motorsport as he does and even kicking his ass in iracing sometimes because he's kept up with sim racing but also keeping his ego in check and not making him engage in the world/politics/circus of f1 more than he has the capacity for on their off-weekends *__* finally lando is like babe i need to go commit tax fraud in monaco and oscar is just like ❤️ ok ❤️ we can move out tomorrow ❤️ and they find a tiny flat that's deeply overpriced but it's Them and it works. oscar plans his days off so he can go to half the races but nobody ever even notices him because the photographers don't know he exists.... except for maxv who lives in their building and met oscar once and was immediately like I Respect You #fellowsimracer so now whenever he sees oscar they get caught up in a conversation for like 30 minutes about random nerd shit and lando is very discombobulated about it every time. on the other hand maxf has been trying to be chill about lando of all people having been in a healthy committed relationship for the past 6-ish years so he frequently gets into trouble for making bad jokes about their sex life on stream that everyone thinks is them being homophobic etc. etc. ANYWAY YOU GET THE GIST OF IT!!!
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sleekervae · 10 months
Yoü & I [1.9]
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A/N: as usual, just popping on here to say thanks for your continued support <3
A few drunk texts was one thing. But after a few days it turned to phone calls from a blocked number. Charlotte was more perplexed than anything, why would Ben keep trying to call her? He had made it clear that afternoon in the airport, he wanted nothing more to do with her. Unless she was just the victim of some telemarketing scam...
The tour had taken the two bands to Brighton, a lively and quaint beach town that broke the mold of what a small town in the UK could look like. There were buildings of multi-rainbow colours and a boardwalk and carnival. Their hotel was even right across from the water, and Charlotte and Kimberly had a stunning view of the ocean from their window.
Luke had picked it off first: something was off with Charlotte. Every time her phone even buzzed with a notification she went a shade whiter. He put it aside at first, thinking it was just her mom driving her crazy. He too had seen Penelope flip her shit and it could be considered legendary. However, when the tour reached Vienna and it kept happening, he knew something wasn't right. 
The management team had rented two buses for the cross-country trip, packed with hours of sleeping, video games, and a few hours to wander around Vienna and take in the almost renaissance-esque beauty. 
In the middle of the city, looming over the town with a watchful presence was St. Stephen's Cathedral. Gothic and romanesque, it had captured Charlotte's attention; every tile and stone brick withered from the elements of time and now withstanding its greatest feat yet: restoration. The ladders and scaffolding couldn't even take away from the architecture's haunting magnificence.
Luke licked his fingers from the apple strudel he was currently enjoying; the others were still scanning the delectable treats at the bakery one block over from the cathedral. Harry still kept Charlotte well within his sights, knowing Terryn would give him an earful should anything happen to the young singer. Luke had another strudel wrapped and tucked in his elbow for Charlotte, still warm from the oven. 
He cleared his throat as he approached her from behind, she smiled at him, "Beauty, ain't it?" 
She grinned, "Like the Evil Queen's castle from Snow White,"
"This whole town could star in a Disney film," he marveled, "Like you never left the renaissance,"
"Minus the lead makeup, plagues, and lice infestations," she said. Luke was just bringing his strudel back for another bite when she mentioned those awful nesting bugs, and he paused, dismayed.
Charlotte glanced at the pastry, its heavenly scent of cinnamon and baked apples wafting up her nose, "Did I put you off?"
"Nonsense," Luke shook his head and handed her the fresh strudel, "For you," 
"Aren't you sweet," she grinned at him, her smile broadening when she noticed the apple compote under his lip, "You got a little..." 
"Oh," he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket, much to Charlotte's dismay, but she said nothing, "Thanks," 
"OI! YOU TWO!" they both turned when they heard Ashton's echoing shout, "You're gonna' get left behind!"
"They'd probably prefer it," Michael snickered, "Finally going on a date,"
"Oh, knock it off, Michael," Kimberly elbowed him. 
They quickly caught up with their friends and spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the imperial city. Afterwards, having had lunch at a small little restaurant -- and Chloe picked up a Viennese cookbook that was all written in Austrian -- they retired to their hotel for a small rest before the show. 
However, Charlotte and Luke weren't sleeping much. He resided on the couch of his room, sprawled out and trying to listen in to Charlotte's conversation in the bedroom. She had been on the phone for over an hour and some, he could see the shadow of her feet pacing back and forth under the door.
Soon enough, Luke's curiosity got the better of him. He stealthily sneaked up to the door and pressed his ear to the wood, trying to garner a listen. However, just as he was comfortable, the door suddenly swung open and he tumbled forward, narrowly missing and crashing into Charlotte. 
Needless to say, Charlotte was stunned as Luke hit the floor, "Luke, I know I'll regret asking," she huffed, "But what are you doing?"
Luke looked up at her sheepishly, pushing to sit on his knees, "Just checking on you," he replied.
Charlotte rolled her eyes and helped him up, pushing him back into the living room, "Grab your phone. I just changed my number,"
"Really?" Luke though didn't seem so surprised, "How come?" 
"Because my ex has been phone stalking me for the last two weeks, forcing me to undergo the very tedious task of contacting everyone I know and giving them my new number," she replied, falling to sit on the couch.
At least that explained some things, Luke thought. He took a seat beside her, "What the fuck does he want from you?" 
"I don't know, I haven't answered," Charlotte replied, "I mean -- do you think he's sorry, maybe? Maybe he wants me back?"
Just the thought alone, thinking that Ben would want to get his slimy hands on Charlotte again made his blood boil. 
"Absolutely not!" he suddenly exclaimed, much to Charlotte's surprise, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. But you can't go back to him! He sees how well you're doing without him and he wants in on the action. That must be why he's calling you," 
Charlotte shook her head, trying not to be hurt by his words, "I never said I wanted him back," she assured him, and he settled down, "I'm a little curious though, obviously it's not all drunk texts and calls," 
"Well, fuck him," Luke grumbled, "He had his chance, he blew it in the most unprofessional way possible, and if he thinks you're just gonna' come running back to him with one phone call, there's a special place in hell for --"
"Luke," she grabbed his hands to shut him up, "I don't want Ben back. I'm happy, and I have no time for his bullshit. Besides, I have to worry more about you guys,"
"Why do you have to worry about us?" he asked.
"For the day you guys push the security just a little too far," she replied, "Give Rob the chance, he'll tuck the four of you into the nearest dumpster,"
Luke smirked at the mention of the usually grumpy security guard, "He'd throw in a skunk just for good measure," he chuckled, going to his jacket to find his phone, "I didn't mean to get so upset, but just the thought of that guy -- I mean, I watched him fuck you 'round for three whole years!"
"You watched him fuck me 'round for one and a half," Charlotte corrected.
"Whatever," he shrugged, "The point is I saw you at your lowest too many times with him, and I never wanna' see you like that again. You deserve better,"
Charlotte's jaw clenched, that familiar agony riddling through her veins and she was angry once again. However, it was anger stemming from jealousy and greed. The words he was saying to her were words she just wanted to scream at him, tell him that Melody was no good for him. 
"So do you," she said suddenly. Luke glanced up from his bag, hands still stuffed deep in the mess of collected trash and knick knacks and his face seemingly paling. 
"W-What?" he stammered.
Charlotte stood up slowly, "I think you deserve much better than Melody. She's an awful person, and you ask anybody they'll tell you just as much. She makes you cry and cuts you down and all of your friends! No person in their right mind is so fucking cruel! 
"Charlotte --"
"You should be with me instead!" she said suddenly, unable to stop the word vomit, "I could be so much better to you than she ever could," 
Luke stood up straight, unmoving, and he didn't say a word. He just stared at Charlotte -- through her -- perplexed and notably upset by her words. However, Charlotte heard a sudden loud snapping noise, right next to her ear.
"Hey, where'd you go?" Charlotte was sitting back on the couch. Luke was standing over her, his fingers snapping next to her face. 
"Huh?" she'd zoned out. And snapped out of it in an instant; like hell she'd be brave enough to actually confess how she felt. Even though the truth was what Luke needed to hear more than anything. 
"I said because Ben's an impotent dipshit, he's calling you 'cause he can't find no girls in New York who'd put up with a limp noodle like you did," Luke huffed.
Charlotte grimaced, "God, have you been taking lessons from Chloe?" 
"I'm just saying, I could list hundreds of selfish reasons as to why the fucker's calling you," he replied.
"And as I told you before, I'm not picking it up," she promised him, " -- and for the record it wasn't limp all the time, it just... it was okay," 
Luke flopped down next to her, phone in his hand, "Shorty, don't lie to me. It's embarrassing," 
Charlotte glowered at him, "Like you have anything to brag about, Casanova," she grabbed his phone and started to change her contact.
"Well, I'd be happy to oblige ya, but I don't kiss and tell," he smirked back. 
Charlotte elbowed his ribs, "Like I'd wanna' know," Luke's response was to shift and lie down, his head fell perfectly in her lap, "Nuisance,"
"But you still love me, right?" he grinned up at her. She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, I still love you,"
Kimberly rubbed what little sleep was left from her eyes, not looking forward to running through the exact same list of songs they'd played over and over again for the last year, just for an empty arena. She understood why soundcheck was so important, but sometimes it became truly tedious. 
She gingerly sipped at her tea, not registering the heavy pattering of footsteps that were rapidly catching up to her from behind. 
"Lookout, Kim!" Chloe suddenly went whizzing past the sleepy bassist. And then Charlotte ran past. Kimberly stood on the spot, perplexed as her friends charged into the rain. And then Ashton and Luke came running past, hot on the girls' tail.
"Make way! Stop those thieves!" Ashton cried.
"Sorry, Kim!" and they ran into the rain as well, with Luke careful not to spill his own cup of tea (because running with hot liquids isn't dangerous at all). Kimberly just shook her head and took another sip of her tea.
"Kids today..."
With Ashton's drumsticks clutched in her sweater, Chloe ducked into the oncoming downpour, sure to clear up by the time the concert would begin. Charlotte was right behind her, both of them clamouring to get on the bus and lock the door before the guys could reach them. Don't ask why Chloe stole the drumsticks, and don't ask why Ashton forgot he had another pair in his bag. It was purely all for fun. 
"Close the door! Close the door!" Chloe urged as they jumped into the bus. Charlotte pulled the lever that closed the bus doors, effectively trapping the guys in the rain. Luke tried to seek shelter under the side mirror, while Ashton pressed his face to the glass in a dismorphed pout.
"Let us in! Before they kill us!" he exclaimed dramatically.
"Come on guys! My hair!" Luke piped in.
"You have constant helmet head, Hemorrhoid!" Chloe shouted back. 
"Fuck you, Mayflower!"
Charlotte was amused, nonetheless, but she wasn't heartless enough to let the guys stand in the rain until the bus driver would finally arrive, "Come on, Chlo. Give him his sticks back," 
Chloe shook her head, "Not until he admits who the better drummer is!" she replied defiantly. 
Charlotte shrugged and turned to the dampening boys, "Ball's in your court, Ash," 
Luke smacked the stubborn boy's arm, clutching his hot tea to his chest as a means to stay warm, "C'mon mate! It's freezing!"
"Alright!" Ash huffed, "Chloe Mayfair's the best fucking drummer in the world since Travis Barker! Now let us in!"
Chloe's face twisted into thought, only long enough to draw out the agony. She then nodded to Charlotte, "Alright, let them in," 
Charlotte pulled the lever again and the bus doors sprang open, and the guys dashed inside. Ashton immediately snatched back his drumsticks from the smug Chloe. They both shook their hair out like dogs, effectively getting blowback on the girls.
"Oh, gross!" Chloe cried, "Sweaty dude hair!"
"It's not sweat!" Luke chided, "Somebody locked us in the rain," 
"Don't look at me!" Chloe replied, "Your girlfriend did it!" Charlotte rolled her eyes.
"Because she was under your evil influence!" Ashton scolded back. 
"Yeah, Charlotte would never intentionally lock us in the rain!" Luke added.
"Oh, wouldn't I?" Charlotte replied coyly, reaching up to ruffle his damp hair. Instead, Luke grabbed her and shook his head again, cold water droplets falling over her and a cold burn splattered over her skin.
"Ah! Get off!" she whined, trying to push him away. Chloe meanwhile glanced at Ashton and pulled a gagging face. Ashton shook his head, the smile on Luke's face brighter than he'd seen in weeks. It was a sweet yet frustrating thing to watch. 
Charlotte sat in the makeup chair, half of her long brown locks tied up while Kimberly put in loose curls with the iron. She scrolled aimlessly through her Instagram, half paying attention to the somewhat curious conversation Maria and Chloe were discussing about pop tarts.
"It's a stuffed pocket that you serve hot, and you can eat it with a fork," Chloe argued.
"No person in their right mind would actually consider a pop tart to be a ravioli," Maria replied strongly. 
"It can be considered as a dessert ravioli," Chloe said, waving her hands frantically.
Maria scowled at her, "You say that to any Italian, they'll bop you over the head with your own drumsticks," 
Chloe huffed and looked over to Kimberly, who was sat next to Charlotte as she was applying her eyeliner, "Kimberly, weigh in here: can pop tarts be considered ravioli?"
Kimberly closed her perfectly smokey eyes, dreading the moment when she would be inevitably dragged into a pointless debate. Without a word, she set the iron down gently and turned to Chloe slowly.
"A Pop-Tart is a hand-held pie," she explained slowly and calmly, much to Charlotte's amusement, "An overly sugary, artificially flavoured, trans-fat-filled pastry made with a biscuit dough and stuffed with fake sugary fillings. You can either bake it, toast it, or fry it. Raviolis are savoury and filled with either meat or cheese, then boiled. So the answer to your question is a resounding and unmoving no," 
And with that, Kimberly took a show-stopping seat in the chair. Charlotte and Maria clapped for her, leaving Chloe pouting like a baby.
"Nuff said," Charlotte smirked. 
"Fine," Chloe huffed, charging for the mini fridge, "But you still can't convince me that a hot dog is a sandwich," 
"I'm not going to listen to somebody who bought a cookbook written entirely in Viennese," Maria replied. 
Charlotte and Kimberly rolled their eyes, glancing at each other with knowing grins as the next debate took its course. 
"So I made a stupid mistake. It must be Tuesday," Chloe continued to argue her point until she pulled open the mini fridge door, but instead of reaching for the can of beer she craved, she was gobsmacked when she came face-to-face with a wall of blue. 
"Uh -- girls?" she called with uncertainty.
"What is it?" Kimberly asked, not paying attention as she applied her mascara. 
"C'mere for a minute?" she asked, "I think you all need to see the fridge," 
Charlotte's interest was peaked, "What's wrong with the fridge?" she asked, trying to get a glimpse in the mirror. 
Maria went to investigate. She figured maybe the guys had come in and taken a few cans of drinks, or maybe there was a small leak? It was a cheap little fridge they traveled with after all, she wouldn't have been surprised if it sustained a few bruises. Instead, what she found was beyond anything she could've imagined. Blue jello; the entire fridge was filled in a block of cool, jiggly blue jello.
"Okay, what the actual fuck?" she gasped. 
Kimberly and Charlotte then went to see, "What is that?" Kimberly asked.
"It's jello!" Charlotte exclaimed, partly surprised, partly impressed. This had 5sos written all over it, and she had to give the guys their props for being so creative -- and patient. 
Chloe stood up straight, cross, "Is this their payback for the toilet bowl thing?" she asked, "And why did they wait two months to come up with it?" 
"Gotta' give 'em credit, though," Kimberly shrugged, "We never would've thought of that,"
"Why'd they have to pack the drinks in there, though?" Maria asked, gawking at the cans of soda and beer frozen in the jello. 
"Well, what do we do with it?" Charlotte looked around, "You guys hungry?"
"I don't like jello," Kimberly pouted.
Maria checked the time on her phone, "We got an hour," she replied, "Grab some garbage bags from maintenance and let's start scooping," 
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
My bad habits lead to you pt. 2
Sequel to We lie awake in love and fear
From a prompt by @lilacmermaid25:
5 times Ted returns from Kansas for a wedding, one time he returns 'just because'.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Nate and Jade - April 2024
Nate had insisted on a small, intimate wedding with only their closest friends and family. They decided on the registry office on Wandsworth high street followed by a reception at Le Gothique. Jade's family had travelled from Poland for the occasion and everyone was in high spirits. Rebecca was grateful to be able to get ready in her own home. She'd opened the house up to the Higgins', Trent, Beard, Jane and baby Teddy, Roy and Keeley to meet up for brunch before making the journey into South London. Ted was booked in at Mae’s b&b and was also planning to join them and she'd extended the invitation to any of the team and staff. She’d arranged catering from the little bakery in paved court - bagels, smoked salmon, pastries, fruit platters. She made bucks fizz and alperol spritz en mass, happily pottering around in a simple spring dress. Her dress for the wedding itself hung on the back of the bathroom door, but everyone else had arrived dressed up and ready to go. It was mornings like this which had her questioning how she'd allowed Rupert to ever turn her into such a cold, anti social, heartless woman. She hadn't been like that before him, and she was definitely glad to be rid of those traits now she was rid of him. From the depths of the fridge (looking for avocados), she heard a happy cheer go up in her sitting room. Ted. She guessed with a happy smile. As nice as he was,  Matt didn't invoke that reaction from any of the group. 
"Hey Rebecca! What did the mayo say when you opened the fridge?"
"Close the door, I'm dressing." Came the distant reply. 
"God, I wish you were."
"That's not the punchline, Ted." She emerged successfully. 
"You're never the punchline, beautiful."
"You should stop flirting."
"Why, your boyfriend around?"
"Not today, he's in Amsterdam for a few days."
"Well then consider me flirtin' with you for the rest of the day then. Maybe tomorrow as well. Actually, heck just whenever we're alone. And sometimes when we're not."
"At this rate Ted you'll be flirting 24/7."
"How 'bout a blanket 'whenever I'm in the UK'?" She shook her head, throwing an indulgent smile his way. 
"It's lovely to see you. You're looking very handsome." She moved away from the fridge to step into his arms. He held her tightly.
"You look gorgeous."
"Thank you. I'm just going to have a snuggle with baby Teddy and then I'm going to get changed for the wedding."
"I'm sure there's a dirty joke there but I'm not gonna take the bait."
"Wise move, Lasso."
"Ohh. You last naming me now?"
"I seem to recall you doing the same thing a couple of times."
"Slightly different circumstances."
"Just very slightly." She said with a knowing grin, leaving him to pick some brunch. When he joined her a few minutes later with a plate, he perched on the arm of the sofa next to Leslie. Rebecca had squeezed in next to Keeley to cuddle Teddy. 
3 months old and all cheeks, he was a calm and placid baby. It had been the hardest task, welcoming a baby into her life. She hadn't been close to a baby since Nora, she met Phoebe, Henry and Jelka as precocious pre-teens. She'd had the occasional coffee with Bex, who usually brought Diane, but Teddy was the first baby. Babies were harder for her, she'd realised quite quickly. The smell and weight of them in her arms had moved her more than she expected. She'd cut her first visit short, unable to maintain her facade for long. She'd spent many late nights on the phone to Ted, taking a while to open up about the full reason for the calls but once she'd come clean he'd spend hours helping her unpick how she felt and things she should do to open up a corner of her heart for Teddy. She hadn't considered how freeing it would be to let him in on her hardest secret. How much it would help. He watched her so intently as she balanced little Teddy on her knees, giving him wide smiles and making patterns in the air with her fingers for him to marvel at. He knew how she struggled with missing out on having a baby of her own, but he was also mesmerised with the way she managed those feelings and allowed herself to love her friends children. 
"We should think about getting over to Wandsworth." Leslie said, checking his watch. 
"I need to change, and Ted needs to meet Teddy." Rebecca shared a look with Jane who seemed quite happy to have the use of both of her hands for a change and nodded for Rebecca to pass Teddy to his uncle Ted. Rebecca moved away quite quickly, she knew she couldn't avoid it forever but she also wasn't ready to see Ted holding a tiny baby. He watched her hurry upstairs, desperate to follow and check in with her, but equally desperate to love his new nephew-of-sorts. In the scrimmage of getting coats, shoes, finishing drinks etc, Teddy took the time to initiate his uncle Teddy by spitting up on the shoulder of his shirt. Ted gratefully let Keeley clean it up as much as she could, thankfully his suit jacket hid the worst of it. 
"I'll go see if Rebecca is ready to go." He volunteered, handing Teddy over to Beard. He took the stairs two at a time, reminded of the layout from his previous visit. The room he'd stayed in had been decorated with rainbow colours he noted on his way past. Jelka, he reasoned. They didn't talk much about Matt and Jelka, preferring to exist in a bubble which consisted of their shared found family only. Ted didn't want to consider a time when that found family might have to extend. "Hey Becca, you ready?" He knocked softly at her door, she was across the room putting in earrings and trying to step into her shoes at the same time. "You could do one thing at a time?"
"I don't want to be late, are we still OK for time?"
"We got plenty, don't worry. You ok?"
"Yeah, how was Teddy?"
"Threw up on me."
"Badge of honour. Also, you probably deserved it."
"I'm hurt, how'd you figure that?"
"Because a little birdy tells me that you're dating someone in Kansas." 
"Hmm. You weren't going to tell me?"
"I was, I just wasn't sure when. Or how. And there's something I needed to do first." He crowded her in her bedroom doorway as she went to leave, the bustle and laughter from downstairs filtering up to them. 
"What's that then?" She queried, feeling her chest tighten at his sudden proximity. His hand moved to the hip of her wrap dress, where the split skirt opened up. He flicked his wrist to get underneath the fold of the skirt, catching her eye for the briefest second to seek permission. She nodded, putting a hand on his shoulder to steady herself just in time - his fingers slipped her underwear to one side and he pushed two inside her, curling them just so. She gasped and he leaned in to kiss her. 
"Shhh baby, don't want the rabble to hear ya. You gonna keep quiet for me?" She nodded, resting her head in the crook of his neck. His hand rocked against her clit, his fingers fucking her as she moaned quietly into his collar. 
"Fuck, Ted I-"
"I know baby, I've got you. I needed to see you like this again, I always need to see you like this. Sometimes, thinking of you like this is the only thing that gets me through the day." 
"Come on, you two!" Keeley's voice shouted out. Rebecca froze, but Ted didn't stop. He pressed his palm harder into her clit and kept his fingers moving inside her.
"Just coming Keeley, Rebecca had to switch shoes." Rebecca was just coming, she wobbled against him, moaning into his ear. He held her hip a little tighter, "Come on, baby, you got it."
"She's got too many pairs! If only I didn't have such teeny feet!" 
"She's chosen some now, it's like Sarah Jessica Parker's closet up here!" He called out with a smile as Rebecca came down from her earth shattering high. She hit his bicep, barely any true strength behind it. He took his hand away, going to lick his fingers, but she grabbed his wrist and licked them herself while holding his gaze. She straightened her dress and steadied herself in her shoes. 
"Do I look OK?" She asked, concerned that she'd be caught out as soon as she got downstairs. He reached out to brush her hair from her forehead and placed a warm kiss on her lips."You look beautiful." She breezed down the stairs, sweeping her coat from the coatstand as she hustled her gathered friends through the front door to the waiting selection of cars. If Leslie noticed her hands shaking in the car, he didn't say anything. She was grateful when Ted jumped in the car behind with Keeley and Roy. 
Nate's family were incredibly warm and welcoming considering they received three cars and ten people all at once. Once they made it through to the ceremony room, the reason became clear - they'd just received 22 footballers, their plus ones and a selection of support staff. A group of ten was nothing. At the front of the room, Nate stood alongside Will. Keeley and Rebecca blew him kisses as they made their way down the aisle to their seats. They exchanged hushed greetings with the team and all sat, except Ted, who went to shake Nate’s hand warmly. They shared a quick moment before Ted was encouraged into the empty seat next to Rebecca just in time for the ceremony. Rebecca brushed a stray tear or two from her face as the couple exchanged rings, Ted squeezed her hand. The functional service was short, and they were soon driving ten minutes down the road to the reception venue. 
"I want to hear about her you know?" Rebecca told him once they were settled with a drink in the spring sunshine. 
"Who," she scoffed, "your mystery woman. I cannot believe you didn't tell me. I had to find out from Keeley. You can’t distract me here, so you might as well tell me."
"I'm sorry 'bout that, I really am."
"The distraction? Don't be."
"Oh no, I'm never gonna be sorry for that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. We don't talk about Matt, and that's fine - I don't really want to, I wasn't sure if you'd feel the same way. I know you've struggled with what happened between us the last time I was here, and I've probably made it worse with what happened earlier-"
"I know it's… wrong. I do. And I care very much for Matt, I just can’t help but think of the night before your last match. I can't help it." She stole a glance around the gardens, hoping they weren't being overheard. "I feel so guilty, but then when you're here, I just feel relief. I'm not sure how long I can carry the guilt around with me." 
"Do you love him?"
"You're really asking me that?"
"No. I don't want to know the answer." She rolled her eyes. 
"And yet here's me, asking to hear about the woman you're dating."
"Her name is Marie. She works in Sports Science."
"Where did you meet?"
"At one of Hen's matches. She's a parent of one of the other kids in the team."
"Is she nice to you?"
"She is. She's fun, smart."
"Pretty?" Rebecca chanced.
"Do you love her?".
"It's early days." Rebecca stared at him. 
"So earlier was…? For old times sake? You ask if I love Matt, but you're awfully cagey when I ask the same question."
"No, no, I wanted you, Rebecca."
"Wanted? Hmm. I think I've heard enough. I'm going to find Keeley." Rebecca turned to leave.
"Now hold on, you can't get mad that I'm dating. You've been with Matt for nearly a year. You're not mad at me, you're mad at yourself for cheating on him."
"Don't tell me what you think you know about me, Ted. This isn't biscuits with the fucking boss anymore." She looked away, too angry to look directly at him. "You know exactly what you do to me, exactly what effect you have on me. This isn't a game, I'm fed up of you fucking me one day and being over 4000 miles away the next. One night, I said. A weird parting gift for myself, so I'd always know how you'd feel against me, inside me. One night and then never again." She shook her head. "I mean it this time, never again."
She spent the rest of the night ignoring him as much as possible. She danced with Keeley for the majority of the night, some of the players too, Roy - as usual. Despite the angry words with Ted, she did have a good night. Nate and Jade were gloriously happy, Trent kept her topped up with gin as if he knew she was trying to keep her thoughts at bay. She hadn't felt this grateful for her family since Ted had left them nearly a year before, when they'd rallied around each other and pulled each other along until they could all stand upright again. 
"He has no idea what he's doing to us all, coming back and reminding us all of how much we love him and then he leaves again like it's nothing! Like we don't even fucking matter to him!" She said to Trent, beginning to regret the last drink she knocked back. 
"Do you want me to get him, so you can talk?"
"Absolutely not, I've had far too much to drink. I think I need to go home, Trent. Thank you."
"Anytime. Come, I'll walk you out, have you called your driver?"
"Yes, he should be here. I just need to say goodbye to Nate and Jade." Rebecca gratefully took Trent’s arm, she wasn't embarrassingly drunk, but she felt ever so slightly beyond her limit given that she was a fairly prominent public figure. The last thing she needed now was photos of 'Wrecked Rebecca' splashed across the front pages. She put on her game face and let Trent escort her around the room, saying her goodbyes to the team and their partners, who all stopped whatever they were doing to sling an arm around her, or offer her a kiss. She spent slightly longer with Colin and Michael and Sam and Simi, she was enveloped in a group hug by Keeley, Roy and Jamie. Keeley had made plans with Simi for a team meal after the match on Sunday while they had Ted visiting. From the edge of it all, with baby Teddy asleep on his shoulder, Ted watched as the team surrounded their 'soccer mom' with love. The very reason she could never leave, the very reason he'd never ask her to. Richmond had gained reputation as a team who (after the Jamie Tartt to Man City and Zava debacles) seldom moved players on without good reason, a team where players were vocal about not wanting to leave. They weren't a pitstop team, they valued consistency and loyalty, and the loyalty went both ways. He loved watching her like this, her guard down as she made sure her boys were all ok, had they organised cars home? Had they got house keys? Had they eaten? Forever taking care of everyone else ahead of herself. He watched as she made her way to the new Mr & Mrs Shelley, complimenting Nate on his wonderful bride who suited him so brilliantly. She came over to say goodbye to Beard and Jane, gently stroking Teddy's head where it rested on Ted’s shoulder. She murmured a quiet goodnight in his direction and left. Trent returned moments later.
"How is she?" Ted asked, warily. 
"She finds it difficult to see you. We all do, Ted. Events like this, where you're here, remind us of the missing piece in our day to day lives. When you're here, it's like we're a complete unit again. By Monday morning, we'll all be one card short of a full deck again."
"Come on now Trent, I already told you - it was never about me."
"And that may well be true, it's about everyone. Everyone, including you."
"He's right, Coach." Beard offered. "You're the Yorkshire pudding to our roast dinner, the lime slice in our gin, the salt to our tequila. It all works fine without you, but it's a lot better with you."
"I miss you guys too. There's a lot more of you, feels like I'm missing more pieces if I'm honest. It's like I've got a person for every situation here. Back in Kansas, it's just not the same."
The hangovers were fortunately in short supply the next morning. It was a short training day - a Saturday before a Sunday lunchtime match kick off. Ted was staying until the Monday morning flight out of Heathrow. He'd planned to spend the Saturday watching training and then with whoever else had made plans to pull him into their busy Saturday. In this instance, it was Roy, Keeley and Jamie who'd insisted that he join them at Phoebe's school fayre for the afternoon. 
"Bring your wallet, the school will fuckin' rinse you for every penny." Roy suggested.
"I tell you what, two quid on the bouncy castle, a fiver for a hotdog, ice creams, tombolas, hook a duck… I spent £50 last time! I'm sure between us we paid for that new school library!" Keeley laughed with him in the stands while the lads ran drills on the pitch. "Roy donated three signed footballs to the raffle, and I'm sure he bunged them a couple of grand as well."
"He's a good benefactor for them."
"It's a lovely afternoon, Rebecca said she might join us for an ice cream as well. Phoebe's properly taken a shine to her recently. I think as she's getting older, seeing her mum, me and Rebecca being boss ass bitches is really helping her find her place in the world."
"Well that's great news, it's good for kids to have such strong role models."
"And Henry, he's got you. And he's got all of us here."
"Not sure I'm the best role model for him right now, but thanks Keels."
"You're one of the best men I know, Ted. I mean, you do make some odd decisions but then so do those lot." She shrugged, pointing down to the pitch. 
The school playground was packed, there was no shade and it was a hot day. There were craft stalls, cakes, sweets, a dance troop, and a community band. Ted walked with Jamie a few steps behind Roy and Keeley, with Phoebe leading them all though the maze of people, occasionally sticking her hand out for more cash. They were stood in the longest line for the ice cream van when the crowd seemed to part like the red sea for Rebecca who breezed through in a beautiful sundress, wide brimmed hat and large glasses. Keeley whistled at the sight. 
"Holy shi-..rts Rebecca!"
"Afternoon all. Are you in the queue?"
"Yeah, what do you want?"
"99 please, Roy. Here, I'll get these. I bet Phoebe's fleeced you already." She handed him some cash and leaned down to look at the glittery face paint Phoebe had chosen which was rapidly sweating off her face. "You look like a mermaid! It's beautiful!"
"You should have yours done too!"
"Maybe next time. Have you been on the trampolines yet?" Phoebe shook her head. "Hmm, maybe a bit later. You both having fun?" She asked Ted and Jamie. 
"Yeah, they've roped me into doing a penalty shootout later." Jamie faux complained. 
"Ya didn't seem too put out by that, Jamie. Mind those kids don't beat you though, you might get bumped from the team." Ted teased. He handed Rebecca her ice cream and gestured towards a space which had opened up in the shade of the building. She led Phoebe to claim the spot and the others followed. They enjoyed the sun all afternoon before decamping to the Crown and Anchor for the evening. Keeley in particular, it seemed, was out to remind Ted of what he was missing out on. 
"Where are you watching the match tomorrow, Ted? You're coming up to the box aren't you? You've never sat with us for a game."
"Was thinking I might sit in the stands."
"You can't do that! You're a super special guest, you should have the best seat in the house. Isn't that right, Rebecca?" Rebecca felt a sharp jab to her ribs, 
"Ouch, fuck, Keeley! Of course Ted can sit with us, he can sit wherever he likes! I'm the owner, I can sit wherever I like."
"Ohhh I know where you'd like to sit." Keeley replied under her breath. She didn't think the rest of the table had heard the sunstruck, slightly drunk Keeley, until Ted spluttered into his pint. 
The next day dawned cooler, thankfully. Nelson Road was in good spirits, the team were 5th in the table with 4 games still to go so another chance in the Champions League was looking within grasp. It was the oddest feeling sitting with Ted next to her. They hadn't spoken alone since Nate's wedding reception, Rebecca reverting back to her default protection method of keeping a buffer person around them at all times. She, Keeley and Leslie were their usual boisterous selves during the game, jumping up and screaming bloody murder when Colin had a shot on target which was saved by the keeper. When Richmond were awarded a penalty late in the game, she found herself holding Ted's hands in hers while Keeley buried her face into Leslie’s shoulder. Jamie passed the ball to Dani to take the shot. When the goal went in, the roof nearly came off the stadium. Rebecca was on her feet instantly  throwing her arms around Ted's neck. 
The win meant a  jubilant atmosphere at Ola's that evening. Simi had outdone herself, the food and wine were perfect. Rebecca smiled fondly as Simi put Sam to work, he looked so enamoured with the young chef. Across the room, Keeley and Roy were talking privately, heads together. Rebecca could see that Ted was on the phone. 
"Yeah OK, we'll catch up when I get back in a few days. OK, you take care. Bye." He hung up as she took the seat next to him at the huge table set out for everyone. 
"The wonderful Marie?"
"Just checking in with her. I missed her call earlier."
"Sounds pretty serious between you both."
"Says you coming up on nearly a year with Matt." Rebecca tapped the stem of her wine glass.
"I wouldn't place bets on my meeting any upcoming milestones."
"That so?" She didn't reply. 
"I'd get another flight booked soon if I were you." She said instead. Ted looked confused, she nodded towards Roy and Keeley. "That'll be the next one."
"You think?" 
"Just a feeling. I could be wrong."
"Not in my lifetime." 
"Oh, I don't know. I've made some terrible mistakes."
"So you've said."
"None of them involving you, though."
"Not even everything we talked about on Friday?"
"Nothing about you - hiring you, sleeping with you, loving you, none of it will ever be a mistake." This time, he didn't reply. "I hope she knows how lucky she is, this Marie. I hope she loves you for exactly who you are. I hope she's worthy of you. Because I'm yet to find anyone who is." She smiled softly at him and walked away to catch up with Julie Higgins. They had a wonderful night, they always did when everyone was together. Late into the evening,  Keeley and Roy pulled Rebecca to one side. 
"Can you keep a straight face?" Roy demanded. 
"I was married to Rupert. Of course I can. What's happened?"
"Nothing bad," Keeley started, "Roy and I have decided to get married." Rebecca squealed quietly but kept a total poker face. "In 10 weeks."
"Why the rush?"
"We wanted to have a surprise wedding in the summer break before the new season starts. We're going to get everyone there by disguising it as Roy's 40th."
"So why do I have to know?"
"Because neither of us can keep a secret from you! Also, we want you to officiate?"
"You want what?!" Rebecca shouted, eyes swiveled to see what the fuss was. She smiled and waved their looks away, "Sorry, Roy wants us to ermm… do a ermmm…"
"Nude charity calendar for next year! All of you and Rebecca as well." Keeley supplied. Rebecca agreed with a tight smile. 
"Yep. Yep, that's it." A handful of cheers and whoops went up around the room and everyone went back to business. Ted raised his eyebrows and went back to talking to Leslie. "You want me to do what?" She hissed. 
"You wouldn't be a maid of honour, you'll tell me you're too old."
"You won't be my best woman, you'll fob me off with one of these knobs instead."
"So we wanted a role for you which shows exactly what you mean to us. We want you to marry us. Also we want you to sing our wedding dance song, but I felt like I should lead with the legal bit. You have to apply for the license so we needed to tell you straight away." Keeley beamed adoringly at her best friend. 
"Will you do it, blondie?" She sighed.
"Of course I will you fucking idiots. I'd be honoured." Her bottom lip wobbled slightly. 
"Keep it together, big secret remember." Roy hugged her gratefully. She nodded. 
"I guess I'll see you in my office in the morning?" Keeley nodded,
"Oh, looks like Ted is off." He made his way over, poised for a goodbye. "Time to go already, Ted?"
"Sure is. At least I got to see y'all for a bit longer this time."
"You'll be back again before you know it." Keeley said with a twinkle.
"I'm sure I will. Bye guys, you take care." He made his way round with hugs and kisses, reaching Rebecca last. "See you soon," he started before holding her tightly and whispering into her ear, "I swear it gets harder to leave you. Goodnight Becca." He kissed under her earlobe, warmth spread through her body like wildfire and before he could move away, he heard her wimper. He gave her a last look before calling out and waving to everyone else. 
She lasted 10 minutes before she left as we'll, passing it off as being a late night and expecting a busy Monday. She caught Mae just as the front of the pub was getting locked up. 
"You can go up through the bar, love. He's not long got back. You'll have to leave out the back though - that's the out of hours b&b door. Room 6."
"Thanks, Mae."
"Good result today."
"It was indeed. Shame you can't come to a match, you'll have to leave this place in safe hands and come spend a day in the owners box with me."
"I'd love to darlin', but I don't trust none of those wankers with my pub on match day!" The elder woman replied with a laugh. Rebecca crept upstairs, not wanting to disturb other guests. If he was surprised to see her, he didn't show it. He just held the door open and stepped behind her to close it quietly again. She pushed him back against the door, pressing her body against him. 
"I thought you said-" she silenced him with a kiss, biting his bottom lip, requesting access. He granted it, letting her deepen the kiss as her hands trailed to the bottom of his t-shirt. She slipped her hands underneath and tickled her fingertips across his stomach. 
"If you don't want this, say so now and I'll leave." She could feel him hardening against her and palmed him over his khakis, making him groan into her mouth. "This ok?" She asked, pulling back a little. He nodded and she raised an eyebrow. 
"Yes, don't stop." He understood the silent request. She pulled his t-shirt off first before moving to undo his belt. She got to her knees in front of him, pulling the khakis and his boxers down as she went. She took his hard length in hand, running her thumb over the tip. He bucked against her and she grinned up at him. "Jesus, fuck Rebecca."
"Something wrong?" She stroked him slowly, taking her time. 
"Seeing you like this, I ain't gonna last long baby-"  She ignored him and carried on before running her tongue along the underside of his cock. His head fell back against the door, hands clenched at his sides. Once she'd taken him fully into her mouth and found her rhythm, she moved her hands from the front of his thighs to hold his hands, unclenching the fists and giving him a reassuring squeeze. She guided his hands to her head, moaning around him in response to his pleasure. It didn't take long for him to run a hand through her hair and give it a gentle pull. She pulled off, the sound an obscene pop. "Please, Becca, I want you." He offered her a hand so she could get up. He went to undo the buttons of her dress but she batted his hands away, shaking her head. Instead she guided him to the sofa and pushed him to sit down. She took a step back and unhooked the buttons herself, pulling the dress over her head and leaving her only in lingerie before him. She straddled his lap, moving her underwear to one side. 
"I thought of you when I brought this set." She admitted, sliding down onto him. He held her hips, letting her set the pace. "Everytime I come, I think about you." She ground her hips down, moaning with the relief of finally having him inside her again. His hands roamed her back, unclipping her bra and then pulling her closer. Her hands dragged up his chest, winding around his neck and up to pull his hair. "I thought I had my feelings for you locked away enough so that they'd never get out." He couldn't take his eyes off her as she rocked down into him, inviting him deeper and deeper. "You've fucking wrecked me, Ted-" she continued with a groan "I just need you. I only ever need you."
"You got me baby, fuck Becca you feel so good." He bit into the soft flesh of her shoulder and roughly palmed her nipple as she increased her pace but held him tighter, the friction and angle turning her confessions into babbling expletives until his name over and over was the only coherent sound. 
"Ted-" she whined frantically, begging him to save her, release her. 
"Come on now sweetheart, come for me." He caught her mouth in a filthy kiss, wrapped an arm around her waist and met her thrusts, holding her in place and helping her stuttering hips get her through to her peak. She came with a sob, returning his kiss and continued riding his cock until he came into her moments later. She came to a gradual stop and fell against him. They sat still for a few minutes, her forehead on his shoulder, breathing steadying. She felt him soften inside her and brought herself up onto her knees to move off the sofa. He held her hands until she settled on her shaky legs. "Will you stay?" He asked quietly. 
"No, Ted. Not this time." She cleared up quickly and left him at the top of the stairs, "I'll see you in a few months." He looked confused, "Roy and Keeley are getting married. Don't tell anyone. I'm not supposed to tell anyone but apparently I can't keep secrets from you any more." She rolled her eyes and snuck out the back as Mae had requested. 
Ted didn't sleep before his 6am flight back to Kansas.
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scarletunit6 · 4 months
Afternoon Tea
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Afternoon tea, a very English custom! Read the history behind this most English tradition; china tea cups, scones, jam and clotted cream…
Afternoon tea, that most quintessential of English customs is, perhaps surprisingly, a relatively new tradition. Whilst the custom of drinking tea dates back to the third millennium BC in China and was popularised in England during the 1660s by King Charles II and his wife the Portuguese Infanta Catherine de Braganza, it was not until the mid 19th century that the concept of ‘afternoon tea’ first appeared.
Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. The Duchess would become hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon. The evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at eight o’clock, thus leaving a long period of time between lunch and dinner. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter (some time earlier, the Earl of Sandwich had had the idea of putting a filling between two slices of bread) and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her.
This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880’s upper-class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o’clock.
Traditional afternoon tea consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches (including of course thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches), scones served with clotted cream and preserves. Cakes and pastries are also served. Tea grown in India or Ceylon is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups.
Nowadays however, in the average suburban home, afternoon tea is likely to be just a biscuit or small cake and a mug of tea, usually produced using a teabag. Sacrilege!
To experience the best of the afternoon tea tradition, indulge yourself with a trip to one of London’s finest hotels or visit a quaint tearoom in the west country. The Devonshire Cream Tea is famous world wide and consists of scones, strawberry jam and the vital ingredient, Devon clotted cream, as well as cups of hot sweet tea served in china teacups. Many of the other counties in England’s west country also claim the best cream teas: Dorset, Cornwall and Somerset.
Of course, of all the regional variations of how a cream tea should be served the titans in this battle always boil down to just two… The Devonshire Cream Tea versus the Cornish Cream Tea. In terms of this, once the warm scone has been split in two the all-important question is in what order should the clotted cream and strawberry jam be added? Of course the Team at Historic UK must be seen to be completely unbiased in their views on this issue, however as we are based in Devon it is always… Cream First!
Johnson, B. (2015). The history of afternoon tea - a great British tradition. [online] Historic UK. Available at: https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Afternoon-Tea/. ‌
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fuwafuwapancakesuk · 9 months
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Heavenly Delights in Bristol: Unveiling the Tempting World of a Dessert Franchise
Bristol is a city that embraces delectable culinary experiences. Bristol is known for its dynamic cultural scene and thriving food culture. Dessert franchises have built a name for themselves among the many culinary delicacies, capturing the hearts and palates of locals and tourists alike. This infographic delves into the alluring world of a Bristol dessert franchise, revealing the delectable treats, welcoming atmosphere, and pleasant indulgence on offer.
An Orchestra of Delectable Desserts 
A Bristol dessert business offers a mouthwatering symphony of delicious sweets to satisfy any sweet tooth. The menu is a veritable treasure trove of decadence, with decadent cakes and pies, handmade chocolates, creamy ice creams, and delicate pastries. Every palate is catered to by the business, which takes pleasure in offering various flavours and dishes. Whether consumers are looking for tried-and-true favourites or cutting-edge, ground-breaking desserts, the dessert franchise in Bristol provides a symphony of decadent delights that send taste buds into a frenzy.
Meticulous Craftsmanship and Uncompromising Quality 
Bristol-based brand serving desserts places a strong emphasis on craftsmanship and quality. Each dessert is painstakingly made carefully, guaranteeing the ideal harmony of flavours, textures, and appearance. The brand upholds unshakable standards of excellence in everything it does, from choosing the best ingredients to hiring talented pastry chefs. Every bite demonstrates the dedication to unwavering quality, giving customers a unique experience. The Brl's dessert brand is known for its extraordinary quality and steadfast commitment to providing the best sweets, with each dish expressing the passion and culinary team's skill.
Embracing the Community, Celebrating Bristol 
A dessert franchise in Bristol provides more than sweet treats; it also gets deeply ingrained in the neighbourhood. These franchises actively interact with the community through celebrations, events, and charitable endeavours. They promote Bristol's thriving culinary industry by frequently working with regional vendors and artisans to celebrate the city's distinctive spirit. The business fosters a sense of pride and belonging by embracing the neighbourhood and creating an appreciation for Bristol's culinary history. Dessert franchises in Bristol have become more than just a location to sate desires thanks to their involvement in the community; they have become a treasured component of the city's fabric.
In addition to providing delicious sweets, a dessert business in Bristol also delivers an experience that delights the senses and promotes a sense of community. Dessert franchises in Bristol create a beautiful and memorable landscape with a mouthwatering variety of sweets, a welcoming atmosphere, a dedication to quality, and a celebration of Bristol's unique culture. So whether you're a native or just passing through, indulge in some of Bristol's divine dessert franchises and send your taste buds on a memorable adventure.
Visit https://www.fuwafuwapancakes.com/uk-dessert-franchise/bristol/
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chefkevinashton · 1 year
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These chocolate, sugar and ice sculptures were the work of the UK pastry team at the Pastry World Cup 2023 , watch out for more!
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Easter Egg Scramble
Holiday Pet Sleuth Mysteries
Genre: Cozy Mysteries
By Annee Jones
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
US https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPVT2ZGR/
UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPVT2ZGR/
CA https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BPVT2ZGR/
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Available on Kindle Unlimited
There’s a bad egg in town…can Lily and her friends find out who’s trying to ruin Easter? Lily is a new baker at Paws-N-Pastries, and she has her eye on Jellybean, the newest cat to be welcomed to the refuge there. Like Jellybean, Lily doesn’t have a family to love, and she really wants a companion. While she’s thinking about bringing the kitty home with her, Lily decides to take part in some local events to learn more about the people in town and who they are. She volunteers to work at the local Easter Egg Hunt at the high school and gets to know Evan Rogers, a single dad with captivating eyes and an adorable little girl. A week before the Easter Egg Hunt Lily finds out some awful news. Someone has covered the high school football field with cement. Was it an act of rivalry against the football team or a ruse to stop the children from having fun on Easter? Lily tries to figure out who it was and gets some unexpected help from Miss Louise, One-Eyed Willie, and Jellybean, the calico kitty Lily wants to adopt. Can they solve the mystery and find a new place to host the egg hunt in time to save Easter?
Follow Annee Jones Here:
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2022: Round 10 - Great Britain
Finally, a race I actually remember stuff from!! (and saw in full, bc it’s the only one Channel 4 get to air live, woo!)
Ferrari strategy clownery and in-fighting, a Lewis podium, and Seb and Mick both scoring points 🥺
Let’s jump in!
I’m watching from the start, bc autism brain, but I will not be discussing Zhou’s crash because we do not profit off crashes here.
I’m v annoyed that Sky is the only English comms options bc I miss Alex Jacques and Billy Monger. How can I be put in charge and put together my dream F1 broadcasting team???
ANYWAY, the starting grid
Mick and Lance in last and Seb in 18th 😭
NICKY IN 10TH?!?!?
I mean good for him but that’s WILD
Lewis up in 5th we love to see it
I BRIEFLY HEARD THE CHAIN. Many kisses on the head to whoever started playing that over the circuit speakers.
Excuse me Ted, The Chain is not “dance music” it’s an icon.
ugh I’d forgotten about Tom Cruise being in the Merc garage. ew.
[Start/Lap 1]: Lewis’ start. Noice
and red flag for Zhou’s crash.
Pitlane Seb, Chris and Antti sighting!!!
(For anyone who wants to re-watch the race on F1 TV, we get the initial all-clear about Zhou just before the 20 minute mark, if you want to skip bits)
Cut to poor George arguing to get back in the race.
Ah, the Bono sighting that launched a thousand gif sets (23mins05 for anyone that wants it for... reasons)
Quickly followed by Lewis and Bono sighting. nice.
Ah, everyone’s having to do a pitlane shuffle so the cars are in grid order, not the order they were in after turn 2. #JustF1Things
stop cutting to Tom Cruise ffs no one cares
Thank you, cutting to car 5 and co is what I signed up for
Esteban clapping for his mechanics for fixing his car 🥺
everyone in the paddock having to bring their braincells together to try and figure out the grid order at the restart. F1 is a Serious Sport™️
Lewis and his mechanics!!!!!! 11/10 extremely wholesome🥰🥰🥰 
The person in the crowd with the Happy Birthday Seb banner 🥺😭💚
Another Seb and Antti sighting, the TV director is getting a belated basket of pastries
Oh to be Lewis and Angela, scooting down the pitlane, mostly unbothered
He parked in the AM garage???? On Seb’s side???
Seb sighting, Happy Birthday edition 💚💚💚
I also adore all the crowd shots, the vibes at Silverstone are always great.
“I’ve got a text from the FIA” Love Island: F1 Edition
(proper race start is at the 1 hour mark on the F1TV replay if anyone wants to skip the red flag period)
British GP 2 electric boogaloo let’s go.
[Restart/Lap 3]: Verstappen and Sainz continuing their Canada beef at the restart.
Very nice to see most of the grid having their braincells on the first proper lap of racing.
[Lap 5]: ngl it’s actually really nice to see cars actually being able to follow each other round the lap without losing much time. The new regs do work, who knew!!
Lewis v Lando. spicy.
aaaaand Lewis into P4!! having been to Silverstone twice I can confirm the crowd are indeed v v loud whenever Lewis makes an overtake. When we talk about the King of the UK it’s actually Lewis sorry not sorry Charlie
[Lap 8]: oh Seb pitted and is in plum last 😭
[Lap 10]: Race has calmed down a bit, I am awaiting pit stop/strategy drama.
asdfghjkl I looked up at my Mum as she spoke to me for a second and Verstappen got past Sainz for the lead.
ohhh he went off at Becketts. ty replay.
and Pierre and Yuki doing the dance of the sugarplum fairies.
[Lap 12]: Charles closing in on Sainz. Incoming internal Ferrari violence.
The saga of Ferrari vs itself continues
And Sainz suddenly retakes the lead bc Verstappen has a problem???
oh it’s a puncture.
[Lap 14]: Apparently the pit stop did not fix anything bc he’s still not happy on the radio.
ahhhh it’s bodywork damage.
[Lap 15]: Meanwhile there’s the Alonso train making a return.
And back to Ferrari v Ferrari
Comms, fans in the grandstands, people watching at home: Ferrari shouldn’t be letting their cars battle for so long like this! Ferrari: Read at 3:45PM.
No one has a lack of braincells quite like Ferrari
Meanwhile Lewis is collecting fastest laps like Pokémon
[Lap 17]: Seb watch - he’s up into P15!!! Progress!!!
oh jeez listening to these Ferrari team radio interactions is almost painful.
asdfghjkl cut to Binotto while Charles and Sainz are scrapping.
[Lap 20]: I have now lost count of the number of fastest laps Lewis has now amassed.
Every time I see one of the McLaren’s I weep at the hideous exposed carbon livery, I demand full papaya 😭
“It’s like dangling out an overly sized carrot” “Bono’s like a shark smelling blood” Nope I’ve got nothing to say to any of that. #JustCroftyAndBrundleThings
[Lap 23]: Angela and Nicholas sighting 🥰
[Lap 24]: SEB OVERTAKING A RED BULL ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!! 11/10. I could also swear I heard the crowd cheer as it happened 😭
Everyone is a Sebastian Vettel fan. Even if they say they’re not, they’re a Sebastian Vettel fan.
11/10 onboard. Also don’t ask me about his helmet for longer than a second because I will cry.
[Lap 26]: Right, back to the race, Lewis into the lead as Charles pits.
I forgot that they put Charles on Hards. Another hit for Clowneria Ferrari.
Another Bono sighting 🤍. I’m getting the vibes f1blr possessed the spirit of TV direction at this point.
stop cutting to Tom Cruise
[Lap 28]: SEB INTO P7!!!!
[Lap 29]: Oh boy more Ferrari on Ferrari violence. I’m not strong enough I still haven’t recovered from the Seb years.
[Lap 31]: And The Ferraris finally swap round.
Helmet Watch: Lewis’s pride helmet >>>>>
[Lap 33]: Mick passes Nicky for P10!!!!
[Lap 34]: Oh jeez now Sainz is asking for team orders. I must have burned all these team radios from memory bc I am not having a good time and I feel attacked.
[Lap 37]: Esteban v Verstappen you say? 👀
ohhhhh he gets it done into Stowe!!! Nice!!
and cut to the delighted Alpine mechanics, as they should be!!!
[Lap 38]: Seb is behind Fernando. Is it 2012 again?
ahhh Mick closing on Verstappen and Ocon
[Lap 39]: NOOOOOOO Esteban has a problem
Cut to sad Alpine mechanics 😭. The emotional whiplash of F1 continues.
Safety Car for very obvious reasons.
[Lap 40]: Where can I get an emotional support Bono??? asking for a friend.
Oh. Charles is on Hards, while Sainz, Lewis and Perez on on Softs. All together now: Clowneria Ferrari
Granted the timing meant that they might not have been able to pit Charles but yeah. Ouch.
“A good job from Aston Martin” Hell yeah!!!! Write it into the sky the green team are doing good!!!!!
[Lap 42]: Safety car ending, spice is coming
Sainz says fuck Ferrari’s strategy calls.
[Lap 43]: And off they go!!!
ahhhhhhhh Lewis on Perez violence and Ferrari on Ferrari violence at the same time
Seb still in P7 PHEW
[Lap 44]: Top 4 separated by two seconds. SPICY.
“Why did Mercedes look out at sea?” Because the W13 was a monster next question
Oh jeez more Lewis and Perez violence I can’t keep up.
(maybe watching this right before bed wasn’t a good idea dfavhfvuh)
Charles v Perez v Lewis going into Copse. Batshit insane.
oh, here it comes. *clears throat*
Fucking. GOREGOUS.
[Lap 45]: sduvhuavhe Fernando and Lando turning up late with snacks mid-brawl asking if they missed anything
That was just... such fun racing though. MUCH DRAMA, MUCH FUN.
[Lap 47]: Oh Lewis v Charles round 2.
...Lewis really tried round the outside of Stowe. SIR. THINK OF MY BLOOD PRESSURE.
Okay he got it done going into Stowe I can breathe and check on Seb now.
The way the last 8 laps of the race were more dramatic than the first 40 odd. Silverstone always provides the entertainment in some way.
Oh jeez louise the replay of Charles going round the outside of Copse. INSANE.
[Lap 50]: Mick fighting Verstappen for 7th. Seb watching on from P9 giving Mick good vibes I hope.
[Lap 52/Finish]: Sainz drives home unbothered while everyone’s fist fighting behind him.
LEWIS P3 HELL YEAH!!! With fasted lap. King of Silverstone.
ahhhhh Mick so nearly had Verstappen
no but Seb scoring points on his birthday with the helmet his kids made for him I 😭😭😭😭😭
And lastly, the most important sighting of the race, Zhou back in the paddock safe and sound ❤️
Whew. Watching this right before bed was not the right idea bc I somehow forgot how insane the closing laps were. ngl watching all the Ferrari in-fighting was STRESSFUL, and the race was actually alright before the Safety Car but WHEW THERE WAS SO MUCH GOING ON. Lewis v Perez v Charles was literally insane to watch, in the best way for how intense it was.
Overall (from the Lap 3 restart onwards) 8 front wings out of 10. Next up: Austria!
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thefoodadvice · 1 year
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UK Pastry team sculptures at the Pastry World Cup 2023, Lyon France by Kevinashton | Follow on Instagram, Pinterest& check our Website
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trustforfree · 2 years
Unveiled brewing co
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The classics are classics for a reason, but that’s no reason not to give them a fresh twist. Bringing their iconic vanilla flavours to this one-off beer, the Pastry Stout promises a crème brulee inspired, rich vanilla flavour, finished off with sweet caramel dough-nutty goodness. What do you get when you combine handmade sourdough doughnut aficionados, Crosstown, with a beer? The Pastry Stout of course.
Packed full of hops (Cascade, Centennial, Columbus, Citra and a bit of Simcoe for those interested), this IPA is for lovers of classically resinous, strong hoppy flavours and beautifully bitter IPAs. £īrewed with long-time buddies of Beavertown, Soffles, the all-natural pita chip snack and perfect pairing for a crisp pint is the West Coast IPA. Imagine rich Alphonso mango with a side order of sweet mango, followed up with notes of sour mango, and that’s what the Mango Sour is all about. This summer, Beavertown has hooked up with the iconic Indian eatery to bring you something a bit different with their brand-new mango lassi inspired brew. Bringing their iconic vanilla flavours to this one-off beer, the Pastry Stout promises a crème brulee inspired, rich vanilla flavour, finished off with sweet caramel dough-nutty goodness.Īnyone that’s had the chance to visit Bombay-inspired hotspot Dishoom will know it lives up to its hype. The perfect drink for when you want a cool, refreshing lager, but you crave those citrusy hop flavours, the Hoppy PILS is the easy-drinking style that never gets old. This August, Beavertown Brewery is marking the occasion with its Birthday Blastoff, a music filled, beer packed knees up, and to mark the occasion it has teamed up with friends including big names from the food & drink world, top-notch brewers and even a radio station to bring you some awesome beer collabs.įrom the mango smoothie inspired brew from one of the UK’s most talked-about restaurants, Dishoom, to the crème brulee flavoured stout crafted in collaboration with Crosstown Doughnuts, get immersed in Beavertown’s brand new, limited edition beers this summer for the ultimate celebration of the brewery’s birthday.īrewed with Beavertown and Mikkeller, the Copenhagen based craft brewery, the Hoppy PILS is the ultimate crowd pleaser at 5%. Beavertown has unveiled a raft of collaboration beers brewed to celebrate its 9th birthday.
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