urloveangel · 9 days
who are your favourite pilates and yoga teachers on YouTube/IG? I want to do more variety of classes 🫶🏼
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oorjayiiyoga · 1 year
Embrace the Harmony Within Yoga- The Soulful Dance of Cells, in Perfect Rhythm with the Breath. In this fast-paced world, finding serenity amidst the chaos is a precious gift. Yoga, the ancient art of mindfulness, offer this precious opportunity.
Check our Yoga Retreat!
Welcome to our yoga retreat! We are thrilled to have you join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Our retreat is designed to provide you with a nourishing and holistic experience, allowing you to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit in a serene and supportive environment.
Throughout your time with us, you will have the opportunity to deepen your yoga practice, explore various meditation techniques, and cultivate mindfulness. Our experienced and passionate instructors will guide you through yoga sessions tailored to your needs and level of experience, helping you develop strength, flexibility, and inner awareness.
In addition to the yoga and meditation practices, we have curated a schedule that includes workshops and lectures on topics such as yoga philosophy, anatomy, nutrition, art and holistic wellness. These educational sessions aim to enhance your understanding of the yogic lifestyle and provide you with valuable tools for personal growth and well-being.
Our retreat takes place in a beautiful natural setting, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of nature. You will have the chance to immerse yourself in outdoor activities, such as hiking, nature walks, or simply taking in the peaceful atmosphere. This connection with nature will enhance your overall experience and promote a sense of harmony and tranquility.
At our yoga retreat, you will also have the opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for yoga and holistic living. The bonds and friendships formed during this retreat often become cherished and supportive connections that extend beyond our time together.
We are excited to embark on this transformative journey with you and create a space where you can nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Get ready to experience the healing power of yoga, embrace self-care, and rediscover your inner balance. Welcome to our yoga retreat!
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bluereevesphotography · 19 hours
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Silhouette poses
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adiyogaashram · 10 months
Ashtanga Vinyasa, a dynamic yoga practice, synchronizes breath with a series of progressive postures, generating internal heat. Rooted in tradition, this method builds strength, flexibility, and mental focus. Guided by a set sequence, practitioners experience a transformative flow, fostering physical prowess and a meditative state of mind.
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yogalayaa · 2 months
Enhance Your Health with Yoga: A Holistic Approach
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weightlossregime · 5 months
10 Vinyasa Yoga Poses to Ignite Your Weight Loss Journey
Unleash your inner fire with this Vinyasa flow designed to sculpt, sweat, and burn! These dynamic poses keep you moving, maximizing calorie burn and building lean muscle for a boosted metabolism.
Ready to flow? Save this post and follow along! #VinyasaYoga #WeightLossYoga
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar): The ultimate Vinyasa warm-up, building heat and flexibility. #SunSalutes
High Lunge (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Tones legs, core, and shoulders while improving balance. #HighLunge
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Strengthens legs, core, and opens hips for a powerful pose. #WarriorPose
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Classic pose for an inverted stretch, building strength and flexibility. #DownwardFacingDog
Plank Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana): Targets core, shoulders, and triceps for a full-body burn. #PlankPose
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Opens chest, strengthens back, and energizes the body. #CobraPose
Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana): Stretches sides, improves balance, and sculpts obliques. #TrianglePose
Boat Pose (Navasana): Engages core and strengthens abs for a toned midsection. #BoatPose
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): Opens chest, strengthens glutes and hamstrings, and improves circulation. #BridgePose
Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I): Strengthens legs, core, and opens hips for a grounded stance. #WarriorI
Remember to listen to your body, breathe deeply, and modify poses as needed. ‍♀️ Let's get this vinyasa flow started! #YogaForWeightLoss #FitnessMotivation #HealthyLifestyle #yoga #vinyasayoga #weightloss #healthyweightloss
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yogadaily · 2 years
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(via Βούλα Βλ (@stavr0u_laki)-✶ • • • #yoga #yogi #yo... | Yoga photoshoot, Yoga inspo, Yoga photography  || Curated with love by yogadaily)  
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atharvyogshala · 1 year
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Backbends help counteract the damage of bad posture by bending the spine in a direction it isn’t used to. They help to realign our vertebrae while at the same time stimulating the sympathetic nervous system. They open the chest, lengthen the spine and strengthen the upper back, all of which make our posture more straight.⁣ ⁣ Think of all the times you spend bending forward in a day. Whether you’re driving, eating at a table, typing at a computer, cleaning, or gardening, it is likely that you are spending a majority of your day in an unsupported forward bend. And for this reason, you need to practice backbends every day.⁣ ⁣ Too much forward bending, and as a result, poor posture, can lead to:⁣ • Back and neck pain⁣ • Restricted blood-flow to vital organs and glands (preventing them from working as they should)⁣ • Negative effects on self-esteem and mood⁣ ⁣ What most people fail to recognize is that our backs are meant to move in all directions – forward and back. Back-bending is actually a natural range of motion for the spine – take a look at children or monkeys, for instance. They have the ability to move their spine in more ways than you could imagine! Fluid and without restriction.⁣ ⁣ The posterior part of your spinal column is compressed as you bend backwards, which helps push the disks in your vertebrae away from the spinal nerves, and decompresses the front of the vertebrae. As a result, the damage from forwarding bending (over time) can be reversed.⁣
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venturama-yoga · 1 year
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mindfullofyoga · 9 months
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The value of community: Remove the illusory gap 
As you sit down on your yoga mat.. there is the tendency to immediately close the eyes and turn in. But for once.. please look around, with your eyes wide open. Notice the value of community. Notice the people around you.
‘’The eye can see what we have in common or focus on what keeps us apart. And the heart can feel what joins us with everything or replay its many cuts. And the tongue can praise the wind or warn against the storm. It can praise the sea of dread the floods. It’s not that there are no differences – the world is made of infinite variety – rather it is the fearing of differences – that keeps us from feeling grace. Paradoxically everything in life touches the same centre through its uniqueness – the way no two souls are the same, though every soul breathes the same air’’.
Mark Nepo wrote this in his book ‘’The book of awaking’’ that he wrote during his battle with cancer.
So, as you sit on your mat, relax your heart, breathe deeply.  You know, I’ve cried so deeply these last weeks. During Christmas I couldn’t stop crying anymore. I was frustrated and angry. I wanted the bullshit to stop, the fire to cease. I guess I ruined Christmas for my family members around me, with my torment.. I texted the wise friend about my despair. He said; ‘Rejoice the fact that you cry – if we wouldn’t in the face of current wounds of our fellow humans – who are we? What is left of us?’
Everything that removes the illusory gap between you and all those around you – is spiritual. When we fall into the illusion that one creation is better than the other – we enter the minds worst disease  - the endless deciding between want and don’t want – the endless war between for and against. In the Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali this disease is referred to as Raga and Dvesha as the effects of Avidya or ignorance.
My friend made me realize that all I have is the gift to be fully open. To let life touch me – to empathize. Not to numb, not to walk away, not to wash my hands in innocence ánd not to wallow in pity. Just to let life touch me and trust that the heart is big enough to hold it all. To empathize as my motor for knowing and living truth. 
The Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield shares: ‘’Even the most exalted states and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if we cannot touch one another and the life we have been given with our hearts. In undertaking a spiritual life, what matters is simple: We must make certain that our path is connected with our heart. In the end, spiritual life is not a process of seeking or gaining some extraordinary condition or special powers. In fact, such seeking can take us away from ourselves. If we are not careful, we can easily find the great failures of our modern society—its ambition, materialism, and individual isolation—repeated in our spiritual life. In beginning a genuine spiritual journey, we have to stay much closer to home, to focus directly on what is right here in front of us, to make sure that our path is connected with our deepest love.
When people come to the end of their lives and look back, the questions that they most often ask are not usually, “How much is in my bank account?” or “How many books did I write?” or “What did I build?” or the like. If you have the privilege of being with a person who is conscious at the time of their death, you find the questions such a person asks are very simple, “Did I love well?” “Did I live fully?” “Did I learn to let go?”
These simple questions go to the very core of spiritual life. When we consider loving well and living fully, we can see the ways our attachments and fears have limited us, and we can see the many opportunities for our hearts to open. Have we let ourselves love the people around us, our family, our community, the earth upon which we live? And, did we also learn to let go? Did we learn to live through the changes of life with grace, wisdom, and compassion? Have we learned to shift from the clinging mind to the joy of freedom?
We must look at the values we have chosen to live by. Where do we put our time, our strength, our creativity, our love? We must look at our life without sentimentality, exaggeration, or idealism. Does what we are choosing reflect what we most deeply value? If we are still and listen deeply, even for a moment, we will know if we are following a path with heart. All other spiritual teachings are in vain if we cannot love. Even the most exalted states and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if, we cannot touch one another and the life we have been given.
So, what matters is what we see and how we live. Ask yourself concerning the year that has past “Did I love well?” “Did I live fully?” “Did I learn to let go?” And let it be your guide for the year to come. For our passionate engagement in life. Keep opening up. Letting things in. Move. Protest. Care. Everything that removes the illusory gap between you and all those around you – is spiritual.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
Much warmth, 
Ida and All SvahaYoga staff
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natasha-rose-yoga · 1 year
30min Full Body Vinyasa Flow 🩷
This class will challenge and relax you. We will be working through each muscle group, stretching, toning and lengthening the entire body.
I hope you enjoy, Love Natasha ❤️
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venturama · 1 year
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oorjayiiyoga · 1 year
Words by our Founders Oorjayii Yoga was created to provide a welcoming and safe space for people. We started with sharing circles and self-love yoga retreats, inviting healers and organizing workshops to promote balance, love, and mindfulness. Along the way, we noticed a growing disconnection in the world, especially due to modern lifestyles. Our vision expanded to include teaching yoga in schools, instilling kindness and mindfulness from a young age. As we progressed, we recognized the need for more teachers, or "Gurus," who could guide others out of darkness and into light. Our goal at Oorjayii Yoga is to train teachers who can facilitate personal growth. We offer individual attention, focusing on teaching skills, philosophy, anatomy, and the development of each person's inner teacher. The journey as a yoga teacher truly begins when one steps into the world to teach, whether for self-exploration or to guide others.  Yoga brought a big change in both of our lives and that makes us more eager to bring change in other's lives who are in need of help. Any help to bring that change is always welcomed. You can reach us if you wish to be the part of our journey. We would love to hear from you :)
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qandreaq · 1 year
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Veja "VINYASA YOGA FLOW | Grounding 30-Minute Yoga | CAT MEFFAN" no YouTube
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iranajian · 1 year
I hear a lot lately about intuitive sequencing. 
Intuitive sequencing is what creates magic in your practice, I totally agree. However, intuitively does not mean random or unconscious when it comes to yoga sequencing. We must remember that yoga is very powerful so when misused can create a great imbalance in your nervous, energetic body or physical injury.
Sequencing in yoga is to be done always consciously, and purposefully as it is always aiming towards balance. So in order to be able to practice and teach intuitive sequencing you may want to first master the art of Krama (purposeful) sequencing. Once you embody the learnings of Krama Sequencing, then it is safe to allow yourself to intuitively sequence.
Then you can create magic & take your yoga practice & teaching to the next level. You need to experience this training.
Master the art of sequencing: Our program focuses on the principles of Krama sequencing, allowing you to create intelligent and effective sequences for your classes.
Understand yoga energetics: Deepen your understanding of the energetic components of #yoga and learn to integrate them into your teaching for a more powerful experience for your students.
Yoga Alliance International Certified: Our 100-Hr Krama Sequencing Training program is eligible for Continuing Professional Development, allowing you to advance your #yogacertification while expanding your knowledge and skills.
“I never realized the impact sequencing had until I took this training.I've been teaching for years but Krama Sequencing really took my teaching to the next level. It's been a game-changer.”-Kerry Partridge.
DM me to learn more about the #kramasequencing Training, you can elevate your teaching now!
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