genderqueerdykes · 3 months
getting sex reassignment surgeries willingly is not gross. getting top surgery is not gross. having breasts removed is not gross. having breast enlargement surgeries is not gross. getting bottom surgery is not gross. bodies with phalloplasties are not gross. bodies with metoidioplasties are not gross. bodies with orchiectomies are not gross. bodies with vaginoplasties are not gross. bodies with hysterectomies are not gross. bodies with penectomies are not gross. post-op top surgery chests are not gross. post-op bottom surgery genitals are not gross.
we need to do people who have gotten surgeries better. trans bodies are beautiful and people deserve to be the happiest they can in their own bodies. trans bodies are not gross. you will encounter people who have gotten surgeries and you'll never be any the wiser. trans bodies are beautiful.
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papercranesandpride · 9 months
It’s very funny to me when TERFs and transphobes talk about how fake and ugly neovaginas are because I know exactly how full of shit they are. I’m a certified nursing aide. If you’re not familiar, 90% of our job is toileting. We also help with feeding, dressing, cleaning, and transferring, but if you think of how many times a day you need to pee versus the rest of that, you can understand just how much time your average CNA spends looking at genitalia. I haven’t even been doing this for two years and I’ve seen way more vaginas than I could count. 
Anyway, when I was doing some training, I overheard two CNAs from a different facility saying this:
CNA 1: Did you know that [patient] is transgender?
CNA 2: Wait really? 
CNA 1: Yeah, she was telling me about it. I never would have guessed.
CNA 2: Oh yeah I definitely couldn’t tell.
These people look at vaginas for God only knows how many hours a week with the amount that most CNAs pick up shifts. Plus they work in a nursing home, so this was an elderly woman. She could have gotten her bottom surgery 40 years ago when surgical techniques weren’t as advanced as they are now. These people who professionally work with genitalia still had no clue she wasn’t born with hers until she told them. 
So next time you see someone talking about how neovaginas are don’t look real or are just open wounds or whatever, please know they’re just wrong. If a CNA can’t tell a neovagina from before current advances in vaginoplasty apart from the cis ones they look at every day, neither can they. 
(Obvious disclaimer that a) with absolutely any surgery, some people will get bad results, so not every single neovagina is impossible to tell apart from a cis one, and b) being indistinguishable from a cis person is not every trans person’s goal, we shouldn’t have to pass to be valid, and some surgical techniques like zero-depth or phallus-preserving vaginoplasty won't be identical to a cis vagina by design. Neither of those detract from my point)
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8aeddel-vriska · 10 months
It's so funny when people say "AFAB body" in reference to like, having a vagina. Trans women can and have vaginas, you know this, right? It's called vaginoplasty and has existed for fucking decades.
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dhddmods · 3 months
Trans-women & cis-women can't be told apart.
So tired of people saying they "aren't attracted to trans-women" or "aren't attracted to intersex women."
You cannot tell who is cis or trans by looking at them. You cannot tell who is intersex or dyadic. You can have genital preferences, but you can't know what's in someone's pants by looking at them.
Intersex women can be cisgender. They can be AFAB. They can appear fully female externally, while having "male" or ambiguous organs internally. Or they can be fully female internally and externally, with only their chromosomes or hormones being different. (If you want to actually learn what it means to be intersex, read our post on it and reblog to spread awareness.)
And even if a cisgender woman is female, they can be altersex. They can choose to have their genitals altered. They can choose to go on hormones of some kind.
Equally, trans women can be intersex. They can have a vulva. Or they can be transsex, and have a vaginoplasty or vulvoplasty.
A cis woman could be intersex and have atypical genitals.
A trans woman could be intersex and have a vulva.
A trans woman could have a vulva from bottom surgery.
A cis woman could have been born with a vulva, but due to being altersex, have their genitals changed through bottom surgery.
A cis woman could be bulky, have a deep voice, have lots of body or facial hair, and a prominent Adams apple, due to being intersex, altersex and using hormones, or just straight up genetics.
A trans woman could be petite, have a light voice, have very little hair, and no Adams apple due to being intersex, altersex/transsex, or just straight up genetics.
A cis woman could have no uterus and/or ovaries, due to being intersex or having a hysterectomy or oophorectomy.
A cis woman could have testicles due to being intersex, or being altersex and having prosthetic testes.
A trans woman could have a uterus and/or ovaries due to being intersex.
Saying you are "only attracted to cis-women" is just ignorance, transphobia, intersexism, and altersexism. You don't know what you are talking about. You are implying that trans or intersex women look "less feminine" or "less like a woman." You are WRONG if you think that.
Yes, transphobes and intersexists unfortunately can sometimes clock a trans or intersex women, but cisgender dyadic women are also being accused of "not passing" constantly by transvestigators. That's our point. PASSING AND NOT PASSING IS CISNORMATIVE AND RIDICULOUS.
This goes for people who claim not to be attracted to trans or intersex men too. But its more often seen for trans and intersex women.
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tranzjen · 3 months
One week since my Surgery
People liked hearing about my trans journey, so for those interested, here's my first week update to having vaginoplasty (one type of mtf bottom surgery).
Of course, I hope this helps any transfem interested in this surgery. But, I understand that other people will be curious. And that's ok! There's nothing wrong with curiosity. Just be respectful ❤️ which a lot of people been (and I block those who aren't)
No pictures but I will go get a bit graphic with my description so here's your warning before hearing more.
So first off some disclaimers. There's a lot of variety in procedure and treatment when it comes to vaginoplasty. For example, I live pretty close to the hospital I had the surgery at which influenced how early they let me go home. So, my experiences are definitely not universal.
So, I had breast augmentation at the same time. And for me, that was definitely the easiest surgery I've ever gotten. Like pretty painless (with painkillers ofc).
Now, vaginoplasty is definitely the most painful procedure I've had! The best way to describe the pain day one would be like when you've tucked all day but more intense (I know not a lot of people have tucked on this app but it's the best metaphor I could come up with 🤷‍♀️). But as the week went on, the catheter definitely became the most painful part. It felt like my urethra was burning 🔥😬 (I bet a lot more people can understand that feeling lol). Interestingly, it was at its least painful while moving and moving is also good for recovery!
I stayed in the hospital for two nights before they removed the covering and sent me home with a catheter and packing in my vagina. Again, they probably only did it this way because I live 20 minutes away. As the weak went on, it swelled up a lot and brushing spreads from it across my thighs (in honestly a cool pattern!)
When my catheter and packing was removed they gave me a "tour" of my new vagina. I don't remember the names well but here's what I remember. The Major flaps (the main thing you see when you see a vulva) we're still pretty swollen but starting to loosen and get that wrinkly quality. My nurse likes calming them dog ears at this stage and they really did look like dog ears 🥺🐶. I saw my clitoral hood and she said my clitoris is packed behind all of that but I don't need to worry about that for now. She also pointed out the urethral plating which was formally part of the urethra proper but with the inside on the outside now. It's super blue now but in time it'll start developing a mucus to keep my vagina from getting bone dry (will still need lube for dilation and eventually sex). And then the vagina hole itself.
To keep my vagina from healing shut, I'll need to dilate at least 4 times daily for 20 minutes this first week and a while longer and then slowly ramp down as the hole heals up. But, the nurse stressed that there are no hard rules with dilation and I just need to really listen to my body if I want to get the depth and width I want. Which I do want plenty of depth and width bc tbh my partner will be able to fill it 🤭 they key thing they said was to try to be as relaxed as possible while doing so 🪻
They also filled my bladder with sterile water as a "practice run" to make sure I can pee on my own.
I want to say I got a lot of wonderful nurses! All except the one I had when I first got out of surgery, I could tell actually saw me as and treated me like a woman. And they did a great job at welcoming me vagina ownership in a very understanding way without being condensing 💕
Despite the horrible pain, it's been a very euphoric experience 🥰 and I would definitely recommend it for anyone who wants it.
Feel free to ask any questions, I can't promise I'll have the best answers but I'll try my best 🥺
Also feel free to look through #my trans journey tag for more info on my transition if you're curious ✨
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notsocheezy · 2 months
V-Day - The First Twenty-Four Hours
Guess who's got two thumbs and no penis? That's right, this girlish-shaped thing!
My "the surgery" went off without a hitch! And it couldn't have happened at a weirder time. The news has been absolutely wild this week, hasn't it? Mass Windows system outages, Biden dropping out of the presidential race... probably some other stuff... I'll be honest, I'm a little woozy from the Oxycodone, so a lot of the past week escapes me at the moment. But let me tell you all about the first day. I still remember most of that.
I arrived at the hospital at about 5AM yesterday, and they had me wipe down with CHG wipes even though I'd just taken a CHG shower. I guess they like to be safe. But it leaves a residue that isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. It's kind of like when you step out of the ocean and the salt dries onto your skin in a fine, well-seasoned flaky layer.
After that, they gave me a morphine injection into my spinal fluid, which according to the pain management guy, reduces the overall necessary intake of opiates/opioids (what is the difference between those anyway?). So far that seems to be very true. My new bits don't hurt in the slightest even now, after the injection has worn off.
On the other hand, though, there has been excruciating pain in my chest and shoulders. You see, this was a laparoscopic surgery performed with a fancy robot - the DaVinci XI - and they had to pump me full of CO2 so they'd have room to work. That's right folks - I'm carbonated. And they didn't just give me one new hole, but an additional five incisions on my abdomen, which also don't really hurt but damn are they itchy. It turns out though, being a human balloon is a really bad experience. If I'd had an inflation kink before, this would probably have killed it in its tracks.
When I woke up in Recovery, I was at 10/10 on the pain scale. It was truly miserable. They had to inject me with Fentanyl (Ooooooh, scary!) just so I could breathe. Once they did, though, I was fine. That is, until they moved me onto the bed in my room several hours later. Now the pain comes and goes, but I'm on pills for that.
Other than the chest pain, the most uncomfortable thing is the catheter. It constantly feels like I've just gotten back from a long road trip without pit stops, or the credits just rolled on an IMAX screening of Oppenheimer (I saw that twice, by the way). I have to pee so damn bad, but I'm just kinda... always peeing. Very weird. Nice not to have to get up, but I'm not even really allowed to get up. Which is a shame, because I'm told moving around will help the CO2, ahem, escape. Via the most obvious channel, of course.
On that note, I was on a liquid diet until about an hour ago, and now I've got an omelet and some oatmeal that they forgot to put sugar or salt in. They really want to get my guts up and running again - they gave me a laxative and a stool softener. But I'm nervous about getting up from the bed. I've got more wires attached to me than my PC at home, so I'll need to unhook everything to get to the bathroom.
Anyway, other than being misgendered a concerning amount of times by people who should be able to read the word "vaginoplasty" on my chart, everyone has been very kind. I thought I'd be more scared and depressed being left in the hospital by myself, with all my loved ones hours away, but I've been able to make friends with the nurses.
If you're on the fence about getting this done because you're scared of the recovery process, don't worry. I'm only a day in and I'm doing just fine. Electrolysis was significantly more painful down there than this is. Can't speak for more traditional methods, but the robot is damn good. I, for one, welcome our new robotic sex-change overlords.
Anyway, stay tuned for more. I'm here all week.
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sparkssys · 5 months
"getting a vaginoplasty sterilizes you!!1!" okay, so? what's the downside? i won't be able to have kids huh? you think i care?
getting locked out of the gene pool doesn't concern me. i never opted in to being in it, nothing will meaningfully change. it's like if you told me i can't join your wasp petting discord server. i don't wanna anyways.
you can buzz on the cooch all you wanna, tho. just leave me out of it :3
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knowsexeducation · 2 years
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Have you ever watched Brokeback Mountain and thought to yourself: "Wait, did they not use lube up there?" As a sense of horror looms over you? No? Just me?
Well, if they had read SEX EDUCATION!, they would have known the correct way to handle that! Because open education is important, there is also a free plain-text version available to anyone by clicking here (it's a google drive PDF link.) You can also contact [email protected] for the direct PDF or for questions. 
The booklet includes easy-to-read topics on STIs, STD testing recommendations, temporary and chronic contraceptives, lubrication, how to have socially safe sex, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, frictional sex, dispelling popular myths on anal and vaginal sex, masturbation, how hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery impacts sex, kinks, fun facts, a glossary, popular resources, and a list of references that are easily accessed in one medium.
Please consider leaving a review or supporting the author by viewing the published version here: Illustrated Sex Education! ; Plain Text Sex Education!
Thanks :]
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"Hi, my name is Shape. I started identifying as transgender at 22 while still in college. Before that, I was just a feminine gay man.
Being asked about my pronouns led me to research transgender ideology, and pretty quickly I got convinced that I was [a] transgender woman.
I was able to get hormones relatively easily through Fenway Health and was only on them for a year before receiving facial feminization and breast augmentation surgeries at 23.
Taking hormones actually worsened my mental health, but therapists thought that it was because I was stuck in the wrong body. They cleared me for sex-reassignment surgery by diagnosing me with Gender Identity Disorder.
Immediately after SRS, I was super-excited to start a new life. I was happy for a few months while recovering, however soon I realized that my new part wasn't what doctors promised me.
My neo vagina started constricting despite rigorous dilation, which resulted in me developing vaginal stenosis. This left me unable to have penetrative sex, which adversely impacted my mental health. I also lost my sex drive, my motivation to achieve anything, and became brain-fogged and lethargic.
I had multiple unsuccessful revisions attempting to get a few inches of neo vaginal tunnel. I even had colon vaginoplasty. The last revision was at the University of Miami by Dr. Christopher Sargara in 2018, and it left me with a colorectal fistula.
I've been all over the country trying to seek help but I have received none.
Earlier this year after hitting rock bottom with my depression, I reached out to a new therapist. The therapist helped me realize that I have Complex PTSD from a traumatic childhood, and also pointed out that I have body dysmorphia, OCD, borderline personality and bipolar disorders. I also realized I had internalized homophobia.
I realize now that medical transition was sold to me as a hardware fix for software issues.
A few months ago I started detransitioning by taking testosterone, however it is traumatic to be on testosterone without having functional genitals. Moreover, my back hurts every day due to osteoporosis and scoliosis that I developed post-SRS.
I'm now dependent on synthetic hormones for life. I traded my perfectly healthy genitals for an artificial 1-inch tunnel that is sexually non-functional.
I realize that I'm never getting back a functional penis, and full detransition is not really possible in my case. I feel stuck in a surgically created body.
I believe nobody under 18 should be allowed to medically transition. Sex-reassignment surgery should only be allowed in very rare cases after full psych evaluations. Patients should be made aware that what they're really getting is cosmetic surgery, and it's a genital approximation surgery that does not change biological sex.
Thank you."
What do you do when you're a detransitioner who can't detransition?
Meet Shape Shifter. His body has an open wound that it keeps trying to close over, because it's not supposed to be there.
This isn't "healthcare," it's cosmetic surgery. It's no more "healthcare" than getting a new haircut is a cure for depression.
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your-queer-dad · 1 year
Vaginoplasty should be called DingDong Ditch
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queenwendy · 26 days
Sometimes I get morbidly curious and scroll through the terf tag (bad idea) and half the time it makes me sad but the other half it makes me laugh my ass off because like… they seem to think anybody can walk into a doctor’s office, declare “I am trans!” And just get sex reassignment surgery??? Like, what???? That isn’t how that works at all
I’m a trans woman in the western US, and I am lucky enough to have A) supportive family and B) really fucking good healthcare through my family. To be clear, if you do not have A and especially if you do not have B good fucking luck getting blockers, much less hormones or dear god surgery! It’s nigh impossible!
In early 2018 when I was almost 15, I came out to my parents. Immediately I was put in therapy (that had more to do with the depression and suicidal ideation I experienced while in the closet than being trans). While social transition (different name, different clothes) happened pretty quickly, it wasn’t until my mental health stuff was dealt with that my therapist and doctor, both on the trans youth specialist team, started talking HRT.
The first step was puberty blockers. To get that approved I not only needed parent permission and a ton of forms, I was all but required to bank sperm (as a 15 year old!) and I had to socially transition and meet a bunch of WPATH requirements (I actually like WPATH a lot, to be clear) and wait through a months long waiting list just to get an appointment with a psychiatrist, who then asked me a bunch of questions (he was nice, I do not remember the questions, this was years ago) to ensure I didn’t have some other problem. After passing that, I got a prescription for nogonadotropin as a puberty blocker.
From the time I first told doctors I was trans to the time I had my first blockers shot, a little over 6 months had passed. To be clear, in the US, that’s fast. In the UK? That’s impossibly fast.
It then took another 6 months of blood test, questioners, meetings with my doctor and my parents and my therapists before I was finally cleared for estradoil tablets. 1 mg/day. I got them nearly on the year to the day from when I came out. I was nearly 16
Again, that is crazy fast.
Within a year and a half my estradoil doseage had increased to 6mg/day and I was on 100mg/day of progesterone as well. Eventually that became 200mg/day. Years later I switched from estradoil tablets to estradoil shots.
The entire time I have seen the same therapist, not just for trans healthcare but also mental health stuff. I got SSRIs for anxiety, got an ADHD diagnosis, etc.
In fall of 2022 (I was 19), I reached out to my doctor to say I wanted bottom surgery. We had talked about doing it before, but I had always said “I don’t know if I’m ready.” I was unsure. And even though I could have gotten at least an orchiectomy after I turned 16 if I really wanted to (with parental permission and I am sure so much medical red tape I would have been an adult by the time it happened), I never wanted it. My doctors were surprised I wanted it, so were my folks.
I had to meet with my therapist several times, coordinate with a social worker, and get 2 or 3 letters of recommendation from doctors. Then I needed to unravel who and what my insurance cost and find surgeons I wanted to consult with. That took MONTHS. It wasn’t until fall of 2023, a full year later, that I was FINALLY was able to schedule with two of the three surgeons I wanted (we’ll get to that third one in a bit).
It is now the last days of august 2024. I had my first consultation, which was out of state, earlier this month. It went well. If I had scheduled a surgery date right then and there, there would have been a year long wait time. Which again, is a very very small wait time. I didn’t though, because I wanted to consult with other surgeons and I knew that would be smack in the middle of graduate school.
My second consultation (which, ugh, I need to do some phone calls for to figure out transportation!) is in a few months. The third one? I’m still on a waiting list to GET A CONSULTATION.
To be clear, neither my parents nor my doctors ever pressured me into anything. My folks were completely blindsided when I came out and had basically no idea how to proceed besides using a different name. My doctors always said “well, here’s your options and all the risks. You want that? Okay, think on it for a month and we’ll discuss next steps at our next appointment.” All of this was my choice. Mine. And they never tried to stop me either, just make sure I was being safe and following procedure.
Both my younger sister and my cousin on my mom’s side are trans as well. Considering we have several blood relatives on that side of the family who are also LGBTQ+ going back at least to the 1940s, assume there’s a genetic predisposition for it. Both my sister and my cousin have had a lot harder of a time getting HRT, even though my sister has the same insurance, same provider, same psychologist as me (idk what my cousin’s insurance situation is).
Odds are, I will have my graduate degree (environmental engineering) before I undergo surgery. Maybe even before I have a date for undergoing surgery. If all goes well, I graduate in may 2026. I’ve agreed with my girlfriend that once we graduate in 2026 if we’re still together I’ll feel comfortable getting engaged, so it’s very possible that I will be fucking married before I get SRS. Y’know, assuming it isn’t outlawed or anything.
When I was 14, I figured out I was a girl. Without talking to anybody, I knew I wanted a female body and that the puberty I was going through wasn’t right. Looking back, there were times I almost knew when I was 11, when I was 7, when I was only 3. At that age, I considered “surgery is something I might do when I’m older. I dunno. Right now I have crippling depression and cheat dysphoria, I really just want to be called the right name and pronouns and have HRT.”
I am now 21. I haven’t undergone any surgeries in that time, at all (except wisdom teeth removal ig. Does that count?). I have had one (1) SRS consultation, and the soonest I could get surgery is a year from now, but odds are it will be in two years. Maybe three even.
There is no epidemic of children being told they are trans and getting surgeries. That doesn’t fucking happen. If you’re really worried about kids getting unnecessary surgery look into the weird world of rich white girls getting facelifts and breast enlargement surgeries and stuff. At no doctor’s office in this country can you walk in with one set of genitals and walk out with another at the drop of a hat. There is a YEARS long medical process that happens before a consultation is even scheduled. And before that there is a trans person’s entire earlier life of doubt and questioning and fear and pain.
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draafty · 1 year
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gastromancer · 5 months
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like a good 40-50% of posts in the ‘neovagina’ tag on here are by terfs voyeuristically “documenting”/reposting transfems just describing their bodies or experiences with the operation, and like almost all of them are tagged or captioned w smthg like “sorry i made u read this” or some vitriolic, disgusted sentiment abt the bodies of the ppl whose personal experiences they are excavating & displaying to others solely to gawk at & mock it.
“sorry u had to read this”. you did not have to prowl the blogs of random transgender women you do not know, or the tags that trans people use to discuss surgery, and find personal posts about surgery experiences. you did not have to repost these posts for the sole purpose of bandying people together to mock this person, to treat their body like a medical freakshow, to comment invasively about their sex life or how they pee, you did not have to commiserate about how you “pity” them or how “gross” and “broken” you think they are. all comments on that post and on others.
the obsessive voyeurism terfs (and cis people at large) do regarding trans people’s bodies— like this kind of digging up private posts about personal surgeries or medical experiences, to repost them on their mains & invite others to comment on this person’s body— needs to be studied tbh.
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notsocheezy · 8 days
V-Day - Diminishing Returns
(Or: Two In of Three Ain't Good)
Eight weeks. I'm a stone's throw from eight weeks.
Eight weeks ago, to the day, it was my final night at home before departing. I didn't sleep much - or at least, I don't remember sleeping. I had just prepared a flash drive to leave behind for the (nearly zero) chance that I didn't make it. I wanted at least one thing important to me to escape the prison that was my head, even if it wasn't finished. It was a love song. A bittersweet one which had been kicking around in my brain for the better part of a decade. I felt - accepted, perhaps - that even if it was a remote possibility, this could be the final recording of my voice.
There have been plenty more since then, but in a way, I did die that Monday morning. I wasn't the same after that day, or that week, or that month. I am regrowing the parts that form my capital-S Self.
I had my first gynecologist appointment, kind of, last Thursday. It didn't occur to me until my friend pointed it out, but it was specifically a women's clinic. I'm "included" now. For all the good that'll do me. My UTI was declared cured and I was instructed to start using dilator #3 - undeniably an intimidating proposal.
I went home and tried it the next day. I got it in - kind of. But no more than a third of the way - I hit a wall. Could go no further no matter how hard I tried. By Monday, I was still making no progress, despite being told to get it halfway in by then. I felt like I was just wasting expensive lubricant and hurting myself. When I told my surgical team, they said to stop and come back to it in a week or two.
I also asked, while my legs were up on the table, if I was cleared to masturbate. Mostly only because it was on my list of questions to ask - I had no interest. Everything down there was pain and suffering.
Something changed, though. The lingering UTI symptoms faded. Dilating got easier (with dilator #2, anyway). My pain was under control.
And it had been seven fuckless weeks.
I did as I was told - a finger or two above the labia, rubbing to stimulate the clitoris. It was... Something. But it wasn't what I was looking for. The need was becoming too much to bear. I could think of little else. Everything - everything - became dull and boring, I needed release, I NEEDED RELEASE.
No good. An hour of trying - including an extra dilation session as a cheat - didn't work. But today I was determined, today I pulled out all the stops, I got all my favorite toys and did what used to work in the ol' "basement." With the old equipment, I could have pulled a good shot. Two hours and a cup of lube later, I had a sort of good time, but still. No release. There's no steam in my fucking milk.
I can't help but think of December 2019 - my orchiectomy. By the new year, I already knew I'd made the right choice. I laid in bed, on my side, with my legs together, and I saw my whole world light up. The following months were rough for that world, but I'd never felt so comfortable in my skin.
I haven't had a moment like that yet. I worry I never will. The closest I've gotten was a dilation session or two that felt kind of nice when mixed with the right fantasy. But everything is only ever "kind of" so far. And "kind of" feels like a sick joke after the most painful month of my life.
I got so much out of my orchiectomy. Why doesn't this feel like it was worth it?
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transroadwarrior · 28 days
i slowly unwrap my dilator carrier like the deranged transfemme Sweeney Todd I am and waggle my fingers over the candy-colored dildos like a mad scientist selecting the right tool, before picking up Mr. Blueberry the blue one, tripping over my underwear, and bonking myself on the head with the stupid blue rod, instantly concussing myself
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bottomsugeryneeded · 4 months
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one of the most beautiful medical procedures ever conceived 😍🤩
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