#Vander x GN reader
just-a-sewer-goblin · 3 months
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SFW only
Sacrifice Reader takes Powder's crystals and hands them over to the enforcers presenting herself as the scapegoat. Being the last kid that Vander had taken in no one would even miss her, right?
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Vampire!Vi/Caitlyn/Jinx x gn!reader One scenario for each. When the bloodbank got robbed Caitlyn has nothing to feed on. You're more than willing to share your blood. - blood, blood sucking, petname bunny, kisses -
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Vampire!Vi/Caitlyn/Jinx x gn!reader One scenario for each. When you realize you're being stalked by a Vampire you don't see any other way besides confronting them. - blood, blood sucking -
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Silco x gn!reader Soft Silco as a dad hours. pure fluff
Silco x fem!reader Silco is late and his girls can't help but worry
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Vander x Bartender!Waitress!reader A series of little standalone fics following fem!reader and her relationship with Vander and their kids Warnings at the start of each chapter - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -
Vander x fem!reader When Vander wants to sacrifice himself you realize that you can't let him do it. The kids need him. The lanes need him. - angst, hurt/comfort, abduction, forced drug use, torture, character death -
Vander x fem!reader You have a panic attack, luckily Vander is there to help. - panic attack, explicit violence/gore -
Mother's Day Vander x fem!reader The kids and Vander prepare a surprise for you.
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Vampire!Vi/Caitlyn/Jinx x gn!reader One scenario for each. You're bad at fighting and Vi hates injustice. - blood, blood sucking, Vi punches people (surprise), hand/wrist kisses) -
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conretewings · 1 year
Don't imagine ducking into the Last Drop about closing time to find it quiet and peaceful for once, the old jukebox still going softly
The oddly inviting scent of old wood, with the faint traces of alcohol, age, and a metallic tinge pulls you further in
Don't imagine looking to see Vander sprawled in a booth, arms across the seat back, his pipe sending wisps of smoke skyward and heavy brow crooked curiously
He rests easily yet powerfully, his posture both vulnerable and intimidating, like a lion or wolf surveying his territory
Those gorgeous steel-blue eyes, the ones you secretly adore, study and entrap you and you find yourself temporarily frozen
"'Aven't seen ya around in a while, love. What brings ya in tonight?"
Don't imagine his voice like honeyed bourbon, deep and smooth but burning through you and sending sparks flying up your spine
You stutter out an apology for coming in so late and whirl to leave but-
"Ey! Where ya goin'? I'm still open, it's pourin' out, and 'sides, I could use the company."
You thank him, trying not to stare as he braces his hands on his knees to stand, the thick muscles of his arms on display
He goes around behind the bar to grab a bottle and two glasses, then returns to the booth, and to your surprise gestures for you to join him
Time passes easily, too quickly as you treasure this, chatting and sipping the liquor, some sort of high-quality stuff, the kind that goes right to your veins
Those veins that are now on fire with how he's gazing at you
When did you two move so close?
Don't imagine him casually putting an arm around you to pull you in fully
"It's gettin' chilly. Why don't ya come 'ere?"
Definitely don't imagine him giving you a devious grin, or reaching out to gently grasp your chin, his large thumb swiping your bottom lip
You feel like you'll burst into flame at this point and you've never wanted something more than the promise those eyes held
"Ya know...I've always liked ya. Was kinda hopin' we'd get a chance like this..."
Don't imagine resting your hand on his face, your heart hammering like a wild thing as you silently all but beg him to do it
Don't imagine his lips meeting yours, that flame roaring to life and you inhale sharply
He tastes faintly of bitter tobacco and the sweet liquor and you've never had something so wonderfully intoxicating
Don't imagine tangling your fingers in his thick, surprisingly soft hair, involuntarily letting out a soft groan as his tongue swipes across yours
He pulls back, cradling your jaw with one hand while the other grasps your thigh, a downright devilish grin on his slightly flushed face
And definitely don't imagine him murmuring, "Well then...now that we're on the same page, where this goes t'night is up to you, darlin'..."
@immortalbumblebee @archerofthemists @barbersjoy @band--psycho @vander-affectionate
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ijwrsmff · 8 months
Yandere! Vander x Reader
A request I got in DMs =~= It took a while to get to it, but here's the second story of the day! I got inspiration and knocked it out. I gotta head to work soon, but I hope y'all enjoy it!
Tw; swearing and yandere-typical behavior.
Word Count: 1,297
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You didn’t think anything was wrong…at first. You were a good bit older than Vander’s kids, and they became like your own as well. They were a rowdy bunch, and you considered yourself just as much of a cool parent as Vander was. Although he could be much more strict than you. Never wanting the kids to “risk” their lives or legal action when going topside. 
After a while, you began to go with them. Just in case things went awry. Vander wasn’t aware of it for a while, but when he found out he was livid. It was a side of him you rarely saw. Initially, you thought he was mad at you for taking the kids on a risky mission to help him afford their living expenses, but no. He was mad for something entirely different. 
“The hell is wrong with you?” It wasn’t an angry yell, but rather a venomous mutter. “You’re risking your life for a few coins, don’t you know how dangerous that is?” He walked closer, and you stood your ground. You would defend those kids, and yourself against him. It wasn’t the first time, but it still made you anxious. But in your heart, you knew he’d never hurt you or those kids. 
“How else are we gonna pay for everything? It’s not like running this place is cheap, we know you’ve been struggling with it.” As he walked towards you, his look became even more…unhinged. “We’re just trying to help, and I wouldn’t ever let those kids hurt at the cost of my own life.” You decided to play his game and take a step closer, but you were completely caught off guard by his next action. 
He grabbed you, not roughly by any means, but enough to keep you in place. He was stronger than you, by far. You knew no matter how much you struggled he would only let you go when he allowed it. “That’s the whole problem. You baby them too much, they can take care of themselves. Especially Vi. She’s the oldest, she’ll make sure they don’t get hurt. You, on the other hand, are weak. Sensitive, and naive.” He leaned forward and his look turned softer. “You’re better off to stay here with me.” 
You glared at him, and ended up trying to take a step back to get some space, but he didn’t let you. “Vander, they’re still kids. If you’re not going to go with them to make sure they’re safe then I will.” Your gaze almost faltered, but you tried to show your determination in that look. Even as you could see the wheels turning in his mind, you tried to show you were brave enough to stick up to him. 
“No…no you won’t.” His voice was soft, and it was clear he came to a decision. Without another word from him, he dragged you to the basement of your home, where you stayed with him and the kids. “I figured something like this might happen eventually…” Despite your words of protest there would be no way to stop him with how strong he was. 
The basement was a place no one was allowed, and only Vander had the key. Not that anyone could get in or out without help from several, with how big and heavy the door was. It was almost like a vault, and you and the kids had always thought it was a place where he kept the finds that wouldn’t sell, or a place with items of significant value to Vander. Even now…that might still be what it’s used for. 
But those thoughts were halted when he opened the door to find a large room. A fridge, kitchen, bed, closet, and desk. “Vander…what is this?” You looked around the room, which was almost like its own home although in a single room and looked at him in confusion. He wasn’t…going to keep you here…right? “Vander?” He wasn’t answering, but his eyes looked full of resolve. 
He thought long and hard about his words, and eventually dragged you to the bed and shoved you down. “Don’t worry…you’ll be safe here. No risk, no threats, any of it. You have everything you need. Food and water, a bed to sleep in, and most importantly…me.” He smiled softly, and eventually headed back to the door. “I’ll come see you every day, I promise. You’ll love it here. It’s not much, but it’s the best I have.” 
He opened the door, and you screamed as you rushed at him. “Vander you bastard! Let me out of here!” As you swung, he turned around and grabbed your fist. His look was calculating, and you couldn’t make out what he was thinking. “The kids will know something is up! They won’t just let you trap me here like this!” It was the best defense you had, but he didn’t seem to care. 
“People go missing in the lanes all the time. They’ll be sad you’re gone, but they’ll be okay. They’re tough kids.” He grabbed both your arms, preventing you from screaming again and said, “I can take care of them. Just as I can take care of you. I can even teach you to cook some of the dishes you like me to make for you.” He smiled for half a second before going to his usual cold expression. 
“Vander you’re crazy! You can’t just keep me here like some sort of prisoner!” You kicked him, but he wasn’t phased. Within seconds, you were on the ground several feet away from the door. “LET ME OUT OF HERE!” You rushed at him once more, but he was already out of the door as you banged against it. 
Within days, your will was nearly broken. He came in, talked to you and left. Every night. You became silent at some point, and simply did whatever he said. Ate when he told you to, slept when he told you to, anything. Hoping that eventually, he would let you see the kids again. He talked about them a lot, how they would still go topside to get some extra coins. How they missed you, but grew closer to them when they realized they could lose him too. 
After several days, of which you lost count, you were completely broken. When he entered, your eyes were glazed over. He smiled, and touched your cheek. You didn’t even flinch anymore. He talked to you, or rather at you, but you couldn’t form words. Those kids…they missed you. You considered them your own. And Vander…you loved him. You did before, but did you now? It was hard to say. 
Before he left, you walked up to him as he approached the door. The only words you could think to say, sat on your tongue as he looked back at you. This was the first time you’d willingly touched him without him prompting it. He turned, and smiled, but the smile was small when he heard your words…
“Vander…Please…Let me go.” Tears had fallen for days and days prior, there were none left for you to shed. Broken was the only word that seemed fitting of you. And even as he replied, you couldn’t find it in you to cry, or scream, or do anything, really. 
“Not before…not now…not ever.” He turned and kissed the top of your head, and left. 
This was your life now. Sitting alone, your only contact with another living soul being from the man you loved. In some form or another. He was all you needed…he was all you wanted. Sitting and waiting for him to come back, didn’t seem so bad. He loved you so much he couldn’t bear to let you go. And maybe…just maybe…
You didn’t want him to. 
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skeletonsweatshirt · 2 years
Vander dealing with a drunk customer flirting with his s/o?
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Vander when a drunk customer hits on his s/o
Vander x gn!reader
Tags: JEALOUS VANDER, protective Vander, just a lil self-indulgent, maybe a lil spicy if you squint hard enough
A/N: I am in love with him and also I love everything jealous and protective so I am on my knees thanking you like you are the lord themself. thankyouthankyouthankyou anon.
I feel like Vander gets so overprotective that he checks with other bartenders and trusted patrons to make sure he's not going insane or overthinking stuff.
But bitch when he figures out that one of the patrons is hitting on his partner, feral cannot even begin to explain what this man feels.
He'll try his best not to go ape shit. He really will. Because in his eyes, violence only gets ugly.
It'll start with him getting really touchy. A hand on your hip, an arm around your shoulders, a kiss maybe. He'll try to show the patron that you're his so they'll back off before he has to keep going.
The next step is words. He'll call you babe or say something flirty. He'll whisper gruffly into your ear.
If that still doesn't work, he'll stick to words, but towards the customer instead of you.
Little statements that are passive-aggressive. Like "Hey, buddy. You know saying things like that to someone isn't very polite. Especially when they're already taken."
Next is usually having them forcibly removed. There are very few times he's gotten physical with someone over you, but if their hands start to wander, he can't promise anything.
His protectiveness is 10x worse if you're oblivious to the situation. If you don't realize that the other party is attempting to court you.
Oh baby if you don't realize and he does, he's ready to throw hands.
He has dragged someone out by the collar and thrown them out into the street.
When he comes back and you look confused, asking why he would do that when they were being friendly, he very calmly explains to you that they were attempting to flirt with you.
Usually, on the nights that you get flirted with when the bar gets less busy, he'll take you to the back and either be all lovey-dovey or make out with you so roughly you don't know what hit you. Just so he can show you you're his and get over any insecurity he might've gotten from the events.
Okay, that's it hehe.
"I don't know why anyone would do something like that to someone so pretty." The customer cooed.
You grinned at the patron. This was one of your regulars, and he always paid you compliments. Of course, now he was visibly drunk, but a compliment is still a compliment, right?
Vander stood at the other side of the bar. He was serving customers, as usual, but when he caught a glimpse of a patron chatting you up in his peripherals, his hands halted. He placed down the glass he was cleaning and turned to the bar back that was coming back from a beer run.
You could only hear Vander's gruff voice, not actually what he said to the employee. You assumed he was just asking for a restock on something. You continued the conversation with your customer, ignoring your partner's words.
After a few minutes and a refill on his drink, you heard heavy steps approach you from behind. One of Vander's strong hands was placed on the small of your back and slid up to your waist.
"Hey, babe." He hummed. His eyes went from you to the customer sitting on the other side of the bar, nursing a half-full glass.
Vander's hand ran up and down your side softly. You were used to his random acts of affection. He was a very lovey guy. Like a giant stuffed bear. It was part of why you loved him so much. He wasn't afraid to just be romantic in front of people.
The customer continued to chat you up and compliment you, despite Vander's presence. His hand floated forward and brushed yours, fingers running over your knuckles. When you peeked over, Vander's expression had noticeably changed.
"Sir, it's not very polite to touch someone without asking them first." He spoke lowly.
"It's okay, Van. He's one of my regulars. I don't mind." You say with a soft smile.
"Yeah, buddy. Buzz off. Don't you have other customers to get to?" The patron spat at your boyfriend.
Vander's eye twitched. His hand fell from your waist and he basically stopped over to the gate separating the bar and the open floor of the Last Drop. He walked out to the other side of the bar and grabbed the man by the bicep without looking down."
"What's your problem, man?" The customer exclaimed.
"My problem is that you don't know your place. Now, you're gonna get up and leave or else it's going to get ugly between us. And trust me, you don't want it to get ugly." Vander spoke in a low voice with an oddly calm smile.
"You can't tell me what to-!" The customer started.
Vander glared daggers at the man from the corner of his eye. "I can. Because not only do I own this bar, but that's also my partner. So you can use your legs and walk away, or I can throw you out. Your pick."
The man groaned and stood up. Vander's hand left his bicep and dropped to his side. "Good choice." He whispered. The patron finished his drink and walked off, presumably to the exit.
Vander returned behind the bar where he cupped your jaw in his hand and kissed the top of your head.
"What did you do that for, love? We were just talking." You questioned.
"He was flirting with you. Very obviously flirting with you." He stated.
His fingers glided under your chin and forced you to look up at him. He made eye contact with you for a number of seconds before he leaned in, kissed you, and walked off to return to his duties.
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ace-of-zaun · 7 months
Don't Go (One-shot):
young!silco x gn!reader - 3.6k words - SFW 
cw: angst, fluff, breakup conversations, happy ending, reconciliation, arguments, silco struggling with his emotions, little bit possessive, soft silco, suggestive ending (this one is pretty angsty but don’t worry, it all works out in the end!)
summary: Silco, your long time boyfriend, does something you’d begged him not to, so you regretfully decide that you need a break from him. Silco has other plans. 
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You didn't want to go. Not really. 
But after Vander’s revelation, you felt like you had no choice. 
Silco had been all fired up the night before, ranting and raving about his latest (and quite frankly terrible) plan of breaking into the Sheriff’s office Topside to gain information about any upcoming raids in your neighbourhood. 
The surprise Enforcer raids had been hitting businesses across Zaun at random, an M.O of storming in and ransacking each place with no clear means or motive, and definitely without any warning. 
Understandably then, Vander, Silco, and you had been particularly concerned that a raid would hit The Last Drop any day now, and despite every effort to hide anything that could give you away, there was a real fear that your revolutionary group would be discovered and brutally dismantled. 
But the idea of breaking into the Sheriff’s office of all places was beyond dangerous and to your frustration, you just couldn’t get Silco to listen to reason.
You’d pleaded with him not to do something so risky. You’d tried to calm down, told him to just wait until you could all discuss it together as a group and come up with a plan that wasn’t so grandiose, and in your view, completely and utterly stupid. 
Eventually, Silco had gotten frustrated and rolled his eyes, grumbling that he wouldn’t go as he’d slunk off downstairs to no doubt drink the night away in the bar. 
This morning you’d woken with him fast asleep by the side of you in bed and, assuming he’d wasted the evening drinking himself dry, you thought nothing of it until later this afternoon when you’d found out the truth from Vander. 
Silco had gone Topside to scout out the building that housed the Sheriff’s office. 
Vander had desperately tried to reassure you that Silco wouldn’t have done anything stupid but it had done absolutely nothing to douse the flames of anger and hurt spreading through you. 
The damage was done. 
Now, salty tears finally drying on your cheeks, you stand in your shared bedroom packing your belongings into the rucksack laid out on your bed. 
Silco is still out running errands so there's a note placed carefully on the desk in your bedroom. It's not ideal, but it's for the best. 
However cowardly it makes you feel to reduce your breakup to a measly note, you're too emotionally drained to even think about having another argument with him.
You just can’t deal with it right now. 
Planning to stay with a friend until you found somewhere you could afford by yourself, you convince yourself that if he truly wants you back, if he truly wants to fix things, he’ll come and find you.
You’ve already packed the easy things, like most of your clothes and your toiletries from the bathroom. The real challenge now it would seem is the more sentimental items, like the pile of gifts currently lined up on the bed that you’d received from Silco over the years. 
The little toy poro he'd scrimped and saved to buy you for your birthday that one year. Or the matching sunglasses he'd stolen as a little souvenir from your third date. 
As you stare down at the gifts on the bed wondering if you’ll have enough room to bring them all, the door opens behind you.
You freeze, knowing exactly who it is before he’s even spoken. 
"There you are," Silco announces, his voice clearly tired but still laced with a hint of relief. "Vander said you were-" 
He cuts himself off as he undoubtedly takes in the state of the bedroom before speaking again in a tone of pure shock. 
"What are you doing?" 
You can’t bring yourself to answer so instead busy yourself with shoving all of the gifts into your bag before he can see them. 
"No," he breathes out from the doorway as it dawns on him. 
It sends a horrible pang of hurt ringing in your chest, only made worse when he pleadingly says your name.
"Please don't do this." 
"I have to, Silco," you sigh, trying to keep your heart as closed off as you can. It hurts enough as it is without you letting your emotions run wild. 
"You don't,” he says. “You don't have to." 
You stop answering because you can tell this particular line of conversation will just go in circles. 
Behind you, he shuts the door with a click and it irritates you into shoving more into the bag, no longer caring about being neat or if you should leave anything behind. 
"Is this because of what happened last week? I already told you that wasn't my fault," Silco continues when you don’t respond or turn to face him. 
He's referring to the incident where he almost got shot after taunting some enforcers for no good reason.
Truth be told, that incident had absolutely terrified you, but it was just one of the many reasons why you couldn’t keep doing this. 
"No, it isn't because of that," you say flatly. 
"Then why?" 
You finally turn to look at him, the first time since he’d left the bar this morning. (He looks gorgeous and like he's on the verge of heartbreak and you hate that you still love him despite it all.) 
"Where did you go last night?" you ask flatly, looking him square in the eyes.
As expected his expression instantly turns stony, but after years of learning and reading his tells, you can see the twitches of regret in his eyes. 
A few beats of silence pass and you know he’s too stubborn to admit it out loud. 
Your response is quiet. Resigned. 
"That's why."
Turning back round to face the bed, you begin to shove down all your belongings as far down into the bag as they can go, making sure you have enough room for the last bits that you know are in the wardrobe. 
"Look, I'm sorry for doing it behind your back, but I had to go," he starts, and it feels like the beginning of the heated argument that you were so desperately hoping to avoid.
Your cool facade broken, you whirl round to face him straight on, built-up ire finally pouring out of you in reams. 
"No, you didn't have to go! You went because you wanted to and you went even though I asked you- no, begged you not to," you yell at him.
He flinches minutely at the sudden raise in volume, but keeps his own voice calm and steady when he crafts his response. 
"You don't understand, this is important," he emphasises. "They cannot find out what we’re doing to fight against them, not when we’re this close to finally having the lives we deserve, that all of us deserve.”
It takes all your strength not to give in to his words and continue the argument with an incredulous scoff.
As if you don’t know all that. As if you didn’t spend your days fighting for Zaun as well. 
As if you didn’t fight every second for him. 
You shut it down immediately, twisting back round to face the bed. 
"I'm not doing this," you say blankly. 
"What?" he replies, clearly stunned. 
"I'm not arguing with you, Silco. I'm leaving." 
It breaks your heart to say it, but in this moment, you see no other way forward. Not if he’s going to keep on like this. 
Silco says nothing as you pack away the rest of your belongings into your bag, briefly recalling that you still have a few last bits in the wardrobe. You're almost certain that his anger is charging up in the silence, readying himself to launch into a whole speech about how wrong you are.
But when he does speak again, the sound of his choked-up voice feels like a shot directly to your heart.  
"You can't leave." 
Your heart sinks into your stomach and everything within you practically screams to cross the room and hug him, but you know that if you even look at him you’ll end up changing your mind. So, you move over to the wardrobe instead and pull open the doors to ensure he’s not in your line of sight. 
Silco says your name in that horribly soft timbre he only uses when he’s desperate and even though it pretty much tears you apart to ignore him, you focus on pulling the rest of your clothes from the closet.
He speaks your name again, this time even more desperately and you suddenly find yourself biting back tears. 
Fuck, why did he have to come home early? Why couldn't you just have some time to grieve by yourself? 
"Silco, it's over," you bite out, just wanting this horrible situation to be done with so you can work on healing. 
Finally moving into the room, you hear his footsteps creak on the old wooden floorboards behind you. 
You brace yourself for him to take your hand or wrap his arms around you but to your confusion, his footsteps halt in the centre of the room and you hear an unexpected rustling sound instead. 
Spinning around, you find Silco holding your backpack upside down in the air, emptying the contents back onto the bed with vigorous shakes. Your belongings drop onto the sheets in a crumpled mess, undoing all your work to get them all into the rucksack. 
Silco glares at the bag with tight-lipped hatred, as if it’s the reason you’re leaving, the longer strands of his hair falling down and bouncing with each rough movement of his arms. 
You stare at him in disbelief, your jaw slack until you find the words to confront him.  
"What the fuck, Silco? Put them back!"
He grips the bag even tighter. 
And just like that, your astonishment slides into anger. 
"Silco," you warn, eyes narrowing dangerously. "Put. Them. Back." 
"Not if it means you'll stay," he replies obstinately. 
He continues to shake the bag but, ever the impatient boy, gets too frustrated and decides to drop the bag onto the bed. Rapidly taking out handfuls of your belongings until the backpack is empty, he then throws it at the wall furthest from you with a grunt. 
Silco’s gaze slides to look at you from across the room and you both stare at each other breathlessly, chests borderline heaving. 
A clear challenge. 
Unfortunately for Silco, you can be stubborn too. 
Without another word, you reach into the wardrobe and pull out his backpack, moving over to the other side of the bed to restart your packing. 
This time, Silco rushes around the bed to you and tries to grab your hand, but you pull it away, taking a step back. 
"Just stop-" 
"Please don't leave me," he pleads in the most heartbreaking, riven timbre you’ve ever heard him speak in and your heart wrenches. 
He sounds like the little boy you’d met all that time ago in those dark mines, the one who was so desperate to no longer be alone. 
"I'll do anything, I can't do this without you," he begs. 
"Do what without me?" 
"Any of it," he blurts out, running a distressed hand through his hair. "Some days, the only thing that gets me through the day is knowing that you'll be here when I get home."
Your insides jolt at such a vulnerable confession from such a headstrong man, but it’s nothing compared to the feeling you get when he suddenly drops to one knee in front of you, taking one of your hands in both of his. 
Heart racing ten to the dozen, you watch in horror as he glances up at you. 
He’d better not be doing what you think he’s doing…
"I love you," he says. "I love you more than anything in the world." 
You watch as tears line his lashes and soon find yourself matching. 
Fuck, you were expecting yelling and anger, not this. 
You’ve never seen him like this before. 
"Please," he repeats and it cracks your mask in two.
Your knees give out and you let yourself sink down onto the floor with him. 
Silco immediately throws his arms around you, only just stopping you from falling back with how quickly he presses his body against yours, burying his head in the crook of your neck. 
On instinct, you wrap your arms around his frame, one hand rubbing his back whilst the other cards through his inky strands as he rocks you gently from side to side. 
Little whispers of “Don't go,” and “I need you,” are mumbled into your hair, and you’re almost certain the wetness on your neck is from those tears that had been threatening to break free. You kindly decide not to mention it. 
Eventually, you sigh and rest your forehead on his shoulder, squeezing your eyes shut in a pitiful attempt to ease the difficult conversation up ahead. 
"Sil, I can't keep doing this."
He sniffles a little and pulls back to look at you but doesn’t let go. (He never lets go.)
"Doing what?" he asks, brows furrowing in that cute little way he does when he’s confused about something. 
"Watching you destroy yourself." 
"I'm not-" 
"You are, Silco, and it's hurting me," you enunciate, holding his cheeks to force his gaze on you. He needs to understand how serious you are about this. 
The horrified expression on his face instinctively causes you to brush some of his hair back tenderly while he processes your words. 
"I want a better Zaun too, but not at the cost of you sacrificing yourself," you continue, keeping your voice quiet but firm. 
He’s clearly overwhelmed, seafoam eyes so wide and trenched in deep-rooted panic. But with a lack of response to distract you, you’re forced to take notice of the pain spreading through your back and legs at the awkward sitting position you’re in. 
You shift your body, pulling away from him to situate yourself in a comfier position, but the second you loosen your arms from his thin frame, his hand desperately grip you even tighter, clutching onto you like a child to their mother’s leg. 
"No, I-"
"I'm not going anywhere, I just need to move before my legs go numb," you’re quick to reassure him. 
At this, Silco relaxes slightly, allowing you to move so your back is resting against the side of the bed. His fingers clasp onto your shirt the entire time and the very second you’re planted in a spot that doesn’t completely ruin your spine, he pulls you against him once more. 
"What- What can I do to make you stay?" he says between a harsh swallow. 
 You sigh, swiping a hand across your face tiredly. 
"I need you to stop this ridiculous crusade you're on. Or," you add when he goes to protest, "at the very least, include the rest of us in it." 
He bites the inside of his lip and entwines his fingers with yours. 
"You can't keep making reckless decisions by yourself, Sil. It affects all of us. Especially me." 
Silco keeps quiet for a few moments, so you give him time to think while his thumb rhythmically traces your knuckles back and forth. 
This can’t be easy for him. He’s pretty independent by nature (most Undercity kids are), but Silco is especially so when it comes to the fight for Zaun’s freedom. 
But if he wants you to stay, you’re going to need some compromise. 
"Okay," he eventually says, breaking the silence to gaze at you with muted hope. 
You’re not letting him off that easily. 
"Okay what?" you say expectantly. 
He sighs and suddenly he’s transformed into that petulant little boy again. 
"Okay, I'll run things by you and Vander before making any big decisions," Silco heaves, like it physically pains him to say. 
"And?" you prompt with a raised eyebrow. 
Silco stares at you with a look of disbelief, but his lip is curled in clear disgust. 
"There's no way I'm running anything by Benzo," he scoffs. "It'd be more useful talking to a brick wall." 
You slap his arm half heartedly and bite back a laugh. 
"No! I meant, are you going to stop throwing yourself into stupid situations for no reason?" 
"I knew you were still upset about last week," Silco replies, a knowing expression melting across his features. 
"Of course I'm upset about it! They almost shot you!" you fire back with indignation. 
As if you wouldn’t be horrified at the idea of your boyfriend getting seriously hurt and potentially arrested just for being an idiot. 
Silco gently combs his fingers through your hair, eyes tracing your features as that smug little smirk you secretly adore colours his lips. 
"The key word in that sentence is almost, my lovely." 
The glare you level him with is met by a crooked grin, but it’s soon wiped off his face when you jab his stomach with your elbow, ignoring the “Oof,” in favour of cuddling up to him even closer.
Silco lets out a sigh of relief and rests his head against yours whilst one hand sneaks up behind you to surreptitiously wipe his eyes dry with his sleeve. 
You allow yourself to relax for a few quiet moments, slowly calming each other down with soft touches until your breathing syncs up with the boy holding you close to his chest. 
Silco soon murmurs into your hair, hand smoothing along your waist. 
"So you'll stay?" 
"Yes, I'll stay," you reply softly, nestling into the crook of his neck. 
It’s seemingly not enough to soothe his nerves because he leans back and tilts your chin up with one finger until you meet his anxious gaze. 
"You promise?" 
"I promise, Silco." 
Relief melts through his whole body, but with it brings a cool wash of physical and emotional exhaustion that you wish you could wipe clean. 
"You know you can always talk to me, right?” you tell him gently, pinky finger delicately tracing along one eyebrow until the lines of his face relax. “I know you're always so busy trying to keep us afloat but you don't have to do it all alone. You can tell me when things are bothering you, it doesn’t make you weak or ‘less of a man’." 
He gazes at you in profound wonder before lightly cupping one side of your face with his hand. 
"I really do love you," he whispers, tenderly tracing one thumb down your cheek.
It feels like the weight of your near-breakup is lifted off your shoulders when you finally say it back. 
"I love you too, Sil." 
He leans down to kiss your head and you find yourself desperately hoping that he keeps his promise. You never want to have to go through this again. 
But for now, graced with another chance to stay with the only person you’ve ever loved, you focus on the present, needing to change the heavy atmosphere stifling the room. Your tone shifts into a light, coy thing that immediately grabs his attention. 
"You know, if you hadn't rushed in all guns blazing last night you'd have had the chance to listen to my plan for getting the info we need," you tell him. "Y'know, one that wouldn't get you thrown in Stillwater." 
Silco stares at you with a frown and you struggle to keep in the smile that threatens to break. 
"What plan?" 
"The one where I seduce a poor, unsuspecting enforcer and use a bit of good old-fashioned lip service to get what we need," you say coquettishly, batting your eyelashes at him innocently despite the clear innuendo lacing your words. 
Instantly, (brilliantly), his seafoam eyes darken with a delicious combination of jealousy and lust, sending a spark of hot desire through your body. 
"Not in a million years," he says gruffly, pulling you even closer to him. 
You twirl a playful finger through your hair. 
"I don't know, I think it's a great plan if you ask me," you reply with an air of teasing nonchalance. 
"I wouldn't let you anywhere near them,” his grip tightens on the fabric by your waist. “You're mine.”
Leaning forward, you whisper in his ear, knowing exactly what it does to him. 
"Prove it." 
There’s a beat of electrified silence before Silco abruptly stands, pulling you up with him until you’re both on your feet.
He smoothly coils one arm around your waist, the other snaking around the nape of your neck until his lips hover tantalisingly above yours. And just when you think he’s about to finally close the gap, he pauses.
You frown, chest flooding with anxiety that you’ve done something wrong, or he’s changed his mind, or-
Silco removes the hand resting behind your head and before you can voice your concerns, he suddenly grabs the bed sheet, ripping it off the bed in a move that sends the mess of your once-packed belongings tumbling to the floor in a cacophony. 
"Silco!" you admonish him, already envisioning the amount of time and effort it would take to pick everything up and put it back in its rightful place. 
"What?” he says, like butter wouldn’t melt. “We can put it back in the morning." 
Then, he swiftly picks you up and tosses you onto the mattress, making you squeal in surprise. 
Silco kneels onto the bed and climbs until his body is hovering over yours, arms caging you in as you heat up, warmth flooding downwards in anticipation. 
"Now, I think it's time I make it up to you, sweetheart," he purrs, leaning down to hotly trace your ear with his lips. “I’m going to make sure you never want to leave this bed again.”
- A/N: don’t mind me, just casually obsessed with the idea of silco emptying out your bag to desperately stop you from leaving and then frenziedly trying to propose to you when he doesn’t know to deal with his emotions 💁‍♀️
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❛ master list ❜
▬ last updated: 02.05.2024
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♡ ▬ NSFW content (MDNI). | ☁ ▬ means it's angst. | ↺ ▬ means it's a WIP.
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Yandere Original Characters ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Kim Seo-Yun x gn!reader | Kim Jeong-Hyun x gn!reader | drabble: ♡ "You make me feel like I am clean again"
Arcane (2021) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
VANDER x ftm!prostitute!reader: ♡ "You better lock your door and look at me a little more (we both know I'm worth waitin' for)"
Avatar (2009) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Call of Duty (2022) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Konig x male!reader: ♡ "Oh, oh-oh"
Castlevania (2017) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
multi!characters x incubus!reader | drabble: ♡ "Just wanna be one of your toys, tonight"
DCU ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
JASON TODD x male!reader: "You get me so high"
Dead by Daylight (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Jutjutsu Kaisen (2018) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
GOJO SATORU x male!husband!reader: ☁ "I WANT THE YOU WHO WANTS ME AGAIN" [1/3] ☁ "WHY AM I IN LOVE ALONE? (WHY AM I HURTING ALONE?)" [2/3] ☁♡ "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME (PLEASE DON'T FALL)" [3/3] ☁ alternate ending [AU] ☁♡ "YOU ALREADY HAVE A PIECE OF MY HEART (WHICH I HAVE NEVER GIVEN TO YOU)" | au's and what ifs drabble ↳ ❛ __ ❜ [playlist link]
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ♡ "He's just like candy, he's so sweet"
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ☁♡ "You know what sinners do when they love too soon (are you ready to die?)"
Hein Era!RYOMEN SUKUNA X concubine!ftm!reader X Heian Era!GOJO SATORU: ♡ "Darling, won't you just plead, or should I begin to bleed?"
Marvel ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
PETER PARKER x male!superhero!reader: "You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you" [1/2] ♡ "Baby, you know that you won" [2/2]
My Hero Academia (2014) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
DABI (TOUYA TODOROKI) x ftm!reader: ♡ "Just like that, baby"
Resident Evil (1996) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
ghostface!LEON KENNEDY x ftm!ghostface!reader: ♡ "Comin' back for more?"
Sally Face (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ☁♡ "I was the boy who was on your side" SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ♡ "I'll show you how we're supposed to feel (when we meet at Orion's belt)"
LARRY JOHNSON: ↺ ♡ "'Cause it's not a figure of speech, you got me down on my knees"
Slashers ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
COREY CUNNINGHAM x gn!reader: ♡ "Helping Hand"
multi. characters x transmasc!reader | dating drabble: "beautiful (darling)"
multi.characters x male!slasher!reader | dating drabble: "take my soul (need control)"
poly!BILLY LOOMIS & STU MACHER x male!reader: "Line of Sight"
poly!COREY CUNNINGHAM & OG!MICHAEL MYERS x gn!reader "Say yes to heaven (say yes to me)"
The Legend of Korra (2012) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
TONRAQ x male!reader ♡ "situation might get sticky, icky"
Teen Wolf (2011) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
MIECZYSLAW "STILES" STILINSKI x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Burn for you" DEUCALION x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Show Me How" [1/2] ♡ "Show Me How" [2/2]
The Walking Dead (2010) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
The Witcher (2019) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
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silcoitus · 10 months
Rating: Mature
Silco x gn!reader, established relationship, angst, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort,
Word count: 6.1k
Beta readers: @spoczkot @deny-the-issue
I was absolutely inspired by this beautiful Silco fanart by @spoczkot. Kintsugi—repairing broken pottery with gold—is such an incredible concept that I couldn't help but think of when I saw the shiny gold ink used for this art. Naturally, it made me think of Silco and his scars. That spiraled into this one-shot.
Banner art by @scmkart . Be sure to also check out the full art here!
A storm in the Undercity has you remembering one from your past. Silco, fresh from Vander's betrayal, has to learn how to cope with his new face and broken revolution. You're there to comfort him and get him back on his feet.
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A/N: ngl, I'm super proud of this one, y'all. I've been trying to be a bit more flowery with my narrative and this fic (inspired by that amazing art) really feels like I've improved in that area.
Taglist: @averagecrastinator @mazikomo @writingmysanity @insult-2-injury @ariaud @jennrosefx @ins0mniac-whack @steponmesilco  @sherwood-forests @leave-me-alone-silco @givemebeansnow @aeryntheofficial @dreamyonahill @lostbunn @eurydicethesage @thepineapplesimp @whatisafandom @violet-19999 @juicboxd @sageandberries-png @delta-is-here  @mutedwordz @fly-like-egyptian-musk @jennithejester @mrsdelirium @witheringblooddemon
Join my taglist!
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cherubfae · 5 months
soft partner who is super strong || arcane x reader
with Vander, Silco, Viktor, Jayce, Caitlyn, Vi, & Jinx
tags: slight canon typical violence/explosions, alcohol consumption, cursing, established relationships, lots of fluff and silliness :3 gn!reader as usual! ;D
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He enjoyed teasing you, keeping things out of your reach so that you'd have to ask for his help. He adored being your big, strong man and coming to your aid. Need the jar opened? You've got it! Can't reach those cups at the top shelf? Hang on, darlin', your Vander's got it!
Remodeling The Last Drop had been a spur of the moment ordeal. Two patrons had destroyed half the booze display shelf in a drunken brawl, leaving Vander to clean up the mess and shell out some coin to order the replacements. He would've rebuilt it himself if he had any lumber, but carpentry wood had been scarce as of late.
"Hey, love, which side would you like this to go?"
Vander lifts his head at your words, his eyes damn near popping out of his skull as you casually stop carrying the shelf-- heavy wooden drawers and glass doors in and all-- with such ease. Like you were carrying a bin of trash to the edge of the street."How in the bloody fuck are you doing that, darlin'?" He baffles, watching as you easily squeeze the shelf along its matching partner.
"Oh, you know. You bend down-- it's very important to lift with your legs not your back-- and you grasp your hands on both sides and--"
"Very funny, smartass." Vander doesn't bother to hide his chuckle. He then realized you never needed his help to open those jars in the first place.
The last thing this kingpin expected was to be caught up in the crossfires between his own men and the Firelights especially not when he was out and about with you. Silco also wasn't expecting you to completely rip off an entire steel paneling of a scrapped boat beached near the murky water and use it as a bloody shield. The two of you were able to return to his office without harm, Silco immediately pouring himself a glass of whiskey. He slumps into his seat with a heavy sigh.
"Darling," he starts, already sounding exasperated. "Just when were you going to tell me you had such gorgeous strength?" Silco toys with the lip of his glass, his eyes flickering to you. You grin wide, unphased.
Quickly, you chirped, "You never asked!" With your signature beaming smile. Silco fights the urge to smack his face with his hand.
"...I hadn't ever considered it a possibility to even ask, but consider me intrigued, dearest. What more can you do? Show me."
He's lethally smart and typically a man who doesn't bother asking anyone for help, let alone you, his precious partner. Viktor is often determined to do everything on his own, with a very destructive mindset of 'I'm not useful if I'm not being productive' . Even for Piltover's smartest man, sometimes he did require extra help.
His latest invention was one of stealth and mass. A creation not unlike a Firelight's hovercraft, but much more heavy-duty. It wasn't built for a rider but to be used as a drone-- it was controlled completely by a remote device. Built to shoulder more cargo with an automated turret on the back. Somewhere buried in his mathematics, Viktor miscalculated the dimensions of the clamps meant to hold the mammoth device as he sat in front of it.
Before a ton of weight could come tumbling down on top of him, you had stopped it with ease. Lifting it high over your head, Viktor was in awe. What a true ethereal beauty you are.
"I was thinking about this new design for the Atlas gauntlents--... H-How are you lifting that? That's impossible!" Jayce gawks. The sheer amount of iron you carried was inhuman, yet you carried it with such ease that would have the toughest brawler crying to be done. Back and forth, you placed all of his ingots used for smelting off to the side of Jayce's barren new workshop.
You give him an easy grin, smile teasing. "Iron isn't that heavy, Jayce." Shooting him a playful wink, you set the last bulk of the iron aside to return to planning out the blueprint for the forge. Jayce could only blink in disbelief, speechless, and shook his head. Maybe next time he could hire you to help him versus paying others to do it.
There wasn't much that seemed to surprise Caitlyn anymore. Much of the true nature and cruelty of the world already lived right under Piltover's noses. The existence of Shimmer alone was proof of that.
While working a festival, an explosion near the city square alerted Caitlyn and the other Enforcers to the location. No doubt one of Silco's goons. She looked towards the booth where you had been worked, panic erupting in her stomach when she realized you weren't there.
Upon entering the scene, she was more alarmed than surprised to see you there, helping recover civilians trapped beneath the rubble using such super strength she'd never known you could do before.
Immediately she's at your side, assessing the damage and calling for backup and medical attention for those affected. She'll ask you of this later, for now, the civilians are more important. It was a miracle that you were there to help--and she was relieved you were unharmed. You were the miracle.
She knew you were strong and capabke of many things. She wasn't aware of one of those things being you could send an Enforcer through several brick and mortar walls. Let alone with a single punch! You truly never cease to amaze her!!
Vi's heart skips a beat in her chest. You wipe your hands across your pants, blowing away the remaining dust collected across your knuckles.
You haven't even broken skin, no sign of blood or marring across your seemingly delicate hands. When you face her, she's got a wide dopey grin on her face and makes the first comment that comes to mind.
"Holy shit, babe. That was hot."
She, like everyone else, was quite well-aware of your strength. You enjoyed carrying her around with ease-- she enjoyed it too! The exact magnitude of strength, however, was a mystery.
Until the day finally came where she would learn just how truly powerful her partner was. A foot chase broke out between you and a downed Firelight. The perpetrator in question towing a large rucksack of valuables meant for the Chem-Barons. Jinx had been following the chase along the rooftops of Zaun, doing her best to keep up.
With a snarl, Jinx watched as you hefted a sturdy steel pole that your arms barely wrapped around and slammed it in front of the Firelights, narrowly crushing them beneath its sheer weight.
"Got'cha." You snarked, picking up the rucksack and tossing it over your shoulder. "Let's leave this one for Silco to deal with, honey." You crouch down and grab the unconscious Firelight's shoulder.
Jinx grinned wide. She wasn't used to seeing you so, so feral! She loved it!! You were normally so composed and gentle. She liked this side of you.
"You got it, toots!"
The poor boy is a bit lost and confused. The Firelight's hoverboard gear was far from light, it certainly wasn't the heaviest, but he certainly hadn't expected his sweet partner to use the modified tech to smack an entire cargo blimp across the sky and into the sea near the docks.
Shimmering purple water bubbled to the surface, surely infested the already bizarre and chemically unnatural sea life that lurked beneath the water's depths.
"Whoa, I didn't know you had that sorta strength in ya!" Ekko folds his arms across his chest. "Not ideal that that stuff's in the ocean, but Zaun's done worse..." He shakes his head and hops onto his board, offering his hand to you. You accept and he hauls you up behind him. "Let's ditch this scene, yeah, babe?" He snickers, his mask distorting the sound slightly. His board zips to life, leaving green streaks in its wake.
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chaussetteblanche · 2 years
someone better
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pairing : sevika x gn!reader summary : sevika steps in when a customer at the last drop tries to be violent word count : 1.7k warnings : none, i think, maybe swearing ?
The room was filled with the buzz of conversation and clinking of glasses as you wiped the bar down. You pushed some hair out of your eyes and looked around you. The Last Drop was pretty full tonight, it being Friday evening. You had been hired as a bartender some time after Silco took over. You'd been reticent at the start, having always associated the bar with Vander, his death had been a painful shock to everyone, but you eventually realized that you needed a job to continue affording your rent and so you'd taken it. You got to know the regulars and they'd gotten to know you, you got along well with the other bartenders and never came along too much trouble. Everyone liked your easy, down-to-earth and open personality and you (and your drinks) soon acquired a reputation. The job came with a certain protection, which was always useful in the Undercity. People knew where you worked and very few would dare touch a hair on Silco's main bartender's head.
You handed a couple at the bar their drinks with a smile before your attention was called to the other end of the bar. You made your way to the man standing there, an empty glass in his hand. He was short, balding and his face looked extremely red, sweaty forehead glistening with the coloured lights. You noticed the way he swayed on his feet and how his eyes wandered around before settling on you. "Another," he slurred, pushing the glass towards you. You offered him a sympathetic smile. "I think you've had enough, my friend,"
"Oh, come on ! What are you paid to do ?" he groaned, frowning deeply at your reply. "Usually to pour drinks," you smiled, telling yourself to keep your calm. You didn't miss the way his eyes ran over you, your short shirt and low pants. It made your skin crawl and you wanted nothing more than to get away from him. "I can get you a non-alcoholic drink or something to eat if you like ?" you offered. "No," he snapped. "I'll take another. The same. And get to it, my friends are waiting." He glowered at you. "Look, I've already told you once, you've had enough. You're not getting another drink out of me, mate." "Are you paid to babysit ? Or do you just enjoy refusing clients a good time ?" "I'm usually paid to pour drinks, but sometimes I'm forced to babysit grown adults who don't know their limits, aren't I?" you finally drawled, leaning forward. "Now either order something else or get the hell out of my face," you spat. You made the mistake of turning your back to him to walk away and didn't see him throw his body forward. He suddenly grabbed your hand, pulling you back towards the bar. You ended up with the upper half of your body lying across the wood as forced his empty glass into your hand. He didn't notice the way the room going silent.
"Listen here, sugar tits, you're gonna get me another before I do something you're not gonna like at all," he threatened. Your hand was already on the gun taped to underneath the bar when you spoke. He didn't see half the bar get up, chairs scraping against the floor, waiting for your signal to act. "I suggest you let go of me before you lose your fuckin' hand, mate," you spoke lowly, your voice dangerous. He obviously didn't know the bar well enough to know that you could, and would, do him a lot of damage if someone else didn't step in before that. But before he could answer, he was harshly pulled to the side, a squeak-like noise leaving his lips as he let go of your hand. Your eyes showed no surprise as you looked up to see tall, dark and brooding holding him by the throat with her metal arm. She never waited for a signal and always stepped in before you could do anything to your attacker. "Sevika," you greeted, holding back a smile. Seeing her always brightened up your evening. "He been giving you trouble, honey ?" she asked, not even looking at the man now struggling to breathe. Ah, there it was. Honey. It seemed ironic that she insisted on calling you that when she had made your annoyance known multiple times. You leaned your forearms on the counter. "Oh, he's just another idiot who doesn't know how many drinks he can hold," The man struggled even harder against Sevika's restraint at your words. You both noticed this. "Got something to add ?" you asked him tauntingly. "Wh- whore," he managed to spit out despite Sevika's hold. The woman didn't take to that kindly and gave you one last look before dragging him outside the bar. You exaggeratedly waved at him as he was pulled out, knowing full well he would never dare show his face at The Last Drop again.
It wasn't the first time Sevika had intervened when a client would get violent or handsy. She'd started doing it when you first started working at The Last Drop. You'd been very surprised to see a man get his hand broken in front of you when he'd touched you. But you weren't surprised when Sevika showed up anymore. When you served her table, picking up the empty glasses amongst the cards and replacing them with full ones, she'd often ask you if anyone was giving you trouble, as if her eyes weren't darting over to you every few minutes to see if anyone was. You didn't know it, but Sevika's stormy gaze hadn't left your figure since you'd first told the man he'd had enough to drink. She could recognize your voice through a crowd of people and often listened to you laugh and make conversation with clients.
The room stayed silent until the door had closed behind Sevika and the man. Everyone then looked at you, expecting some sort of reaction. "Who's feeling good tonight ?!" you screamed, "I sure am !" Your exclamation was met with an uproar of cries and glasses clinking. The noise returned to normal and you busied yourself with attending to other customers. You looked up when Sevika came back inside, looking grim. She made her way over to you, leaning her forearms and hands on the wooden counter. "I can't believe some of these guys," she grunted, searching her pockets for a cigar. "Tell me about it," You watched as she cut its end off before offering her a light. She leaned forward to catch the flame, the reflection of the light dancing in her eyes. Your mouth turned dry as she inhaled, hollowing her cheeks. "He didn't hurt you did he ?" she asked, smoke pouring out of her mouth. She knew he hadn't, though, she'd been keeping an eye on you. "No, no," you looked down, "thanks, by the way." Smoke poured out of her nostrils as she shrugged her shoulders. "Don't mention it, honey," she sniffed, standing up and placing a hand on the counter. "We're gonna need more drinks," she added. "I'll be right there," you nodded. Sevika was hard to read. Your feelings for her weren't too hard to decipher, you were ridiculously attracted to her and very afraid of her as well. On the other hand, you couldn't tell what she felt for you. Some days she'd act like you were hers and other days she would act like you didn't even exist. She would always deal with people who bothered you, though. You hadn't once felt unsafe since you'd started working at The Last Drop and met Sevika.
You gave a lady her drink with a wink before making your way over to Sevika's table. She sat at the same table almost every night, it was almost as if it had her name written on it. The men she played with changed every now and then, but she always stayed. "Evening, boys," you greeted, taking the empty glasses and placing them on the tray balanced on your hand. A chorus of greetings was heard. "Busy evening tonight ?" Tony, one of the regulars that played with Sevika, asked. "Eh, not that busy," you waved your hand, "you've seen Saturday nights," you joked. Tony laughed, leaning towards you. "So you're not too busy to maybe do something when your shift ends ?" he asked, batting his eyelashes at you. You laughed, shaking your head. "I get off at two, Tony," you chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I can wait, y-" "I'll take the same, honey," Sevika interrupted. You raised your eyebrows, holding back an amused smile. "Right. And you boys ?" You jotted down their orders and made your way back to the bar. You prepared their drinks and started making your way back to the table when your colleague, Thieram, stopped you with a hand on your shoulder. "Listen," He jerked his head over to Sevika's table. You frowned but did as he told you, straining to listen to what the people around the table were saying.
"Damn, Sevika why'd you have to cock block me ?" Tony groaned. You saw Sevika send him a look that would make many people's bones shake. Tony didn't stop. "I mean, I been tryin' to get with 'em for weeks now ! They even remember my name now, d'ya see ? I was this close to taking them home, I swear," Sevika shook her head, a cloud of smoke making its way past her lips. "They deserve someone better than you, Tony," The man hummed in agreement. "Sure ! But are they gonna find someone like that 'ere ? Don't think so, I'm probably their best chance at an all right life 'round 'ere," he shrugged. "Don't be so sure," Sevika growled. A smile lit up your face as you turned to Thieram. "Told you she wants you," Thieram grinned, hitting your shoulder. You licked your lips and thanked him before making your way over to the table and starting set their drinks down.
"Thanks, baby," Tony grinned up at you. You offered him a smile as you placed her drink in front of Sevika, making sure to lean forward in her direction. You saw her eyebrows raise in the slightest and grinned. You served their drinks to the other men at the table and straightened back up. "You need a ride home tonight, honey ?" Sevika asked. This was the first time she'd ever asked you this. She knew lived close by. You didn't know what kind of ride, or what you'd be riding at the end of your shift, but you accepted nonetheless. "Uh, sure, thanks," You gave her a bright smile.
You heard Tony gasp when you walked away. "What ?! So when you meant someone better, you meant-" "Yep. Now shut up and play."
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liyawritesss · 1 year
Hi! Hope you having a great day, do you still taking Arcane request. If so can you do a Ekko x GN reader where the two of them having really bad fight then the reader said they should take a break of this relationship and left the Firelight place. Didn't come back for a while. Both of them regret that decision but they too stubborn to said it.
It's been a week since that fight, the reader was a mechanic. They trying to fix something for a friend but ran out of things to fix, so the reader go out to find some supply. At that time the firelight was out fighting Silco's people, At first the reader choose to ignored but notice Ekko got injured from one of the guys that when the reader run out to help Ekko and the firelight beating those bad guys.
After a while helping Ekko get back to the try to make the wound better. The reader about to leave, returning to their work place. But Ekko pulling back, want to make up the fight before and didn't want their relationship to end like that. The reader apologize about that fight and they make up!
(You can make it a little drama like having a boy or girl got too comfy with Ekko or not your choice! Angst at the beginning then fluff in the end and sorry if my grammar bad, English isn't my first language)
ꜱʜᴇ ɪꜱɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜ ɪᴛ, ᴅᴀʀʟɪɴɢ; ꜱʜᴇ'ꜱ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ
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Pairing: Arcane!Ekko x Black!Fem!Firelight!Reader
Type: Fic
Word Count: 5.0k
Synopsis: When a minor mistake leads a stakeout mission astray, Ekko’s choice of words has you wondering where his emotions for you lie. It becomes apparent that even after seven years, the toic of discussion is one that still cuts deep for the both of you.
Warnings: cursing, show-accurate violence, mentions of drugs and drug-use (shimmer), mentions of guns & explosions, mentions of injuries
A/N: havent written for my man in a hot minute so thank you for this request! Absolutely adore Ekko, and while I think this could be way better, i know if I mess with it it wont be as good as I want it to be lmao. Sooooo here it is, hope you enjoy! Song Inspiration: “Devil Doesn’t Bargain”, “Boy in the Bubble”, and “Let Me Down Slowly” by Alec Benjamin, “lovely” by Billie Eilish ft. Khalid, “Broken Clocks” by SZA, “like that” by Bea Miller
Tags: @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @cafehyunji @lulu-network @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @vander-affectionate @evermorewest
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The air that surrounded the Firelight soldiers as the squad returned to the hideout could be described as something akin to tension.
It was heavy, weighing on the soldiers shoulders as the squad of five hung their battle wear and accessories in their respective cubbies for housing. No one dared to speak, for fear that the unbridled temper that was thinly veiled by their leader’s quiet demeanor would be unleashed if a word was spoken into the unanimously agreed upon silence.
It was thick, evident in the way the squad members pushed through the hot and sticky summer air to hang their belongings. The hesitance slowed their movements, careful not to cause any abrupt disturbances in the carefully crafted momentum that would guarantee the three other squad members precise escape from the gear room and into the open clearing of the sanctuary, where although the air was still blazing hot, it was better to breathe than the air inside, looming with hostility.
Three would find their escapes successful, returning to their individual rooms to release the stress that had settled in their muscles from the night's events. And although they had escaped the worst of it, something still lingered in their stomachs as the distance between them and the last two remaining squad members in the gear room grew.
It wasn’t just tension. It was apprehension.
White locs were dirtied with gunpowder and sweat, a thin layer of it also coating his dark cacao skin. A deep frown makes its way onto the leader’s face, frown lines prominent on his forehead, thick nose scrunched in vexation. He leaned against a nearby table, arms swollen and toned with muscle folded across his chest as he stared at the woman before him. He was trying to calm himself, formulate the words he would say in a way that wouldn’t be regrettable, but as the events of the night continued to replay in his mind, he found his efforts nugatory.
It wasn’t just tension; it was apprehension.
He watched the woman before him take her precious time in putting up her gear. She wasn’t ignorant to the tension in the room. She wasn’t ignorant, but she knew the cause of it. She knew the reason why she was taking her time in stripping off her coat, making sure it hung on the right hook by the right tag. She knew the reason behind taking extra care in extracting her mask from her face, placing the facial ornament flat onto the floor of the cubby. She knew the reason why she was taking extra care in removing her gloves instead of ripping them off like normal.
It wasn’t just tension.
It was apprehension.
“So,” the leader’s voice echoes out into the room, the first vocal sound to do so outside of the rustle of clothing against wood and clacking of the same material against the frame of the cubby made from metal. His voice  was deep, laced with madden, restrained, “wanna talk about what the fuck that was out there?”
“Nothing,” you responded, short and curt. You were biting your tongue, the both of you knew it. You were restraining yourself just as much as he was, “it was nothing-”
“Bullshit,” the white haired boy interjects, “you don’t do shit like that and call it ‘nothing’, (Y/N).”
He could see your jaw flexing, attempting to keep your mouth closed and your resolve intact as you stored away your last glove, closing the cubby door, all without looking at him. 
“I’m not doing this with you.” You firmly announce. Your pair of feet that had been stuck in the same position finally followed your will to move as you turned to the doorway, preparing to leave the room.
“You don’t have a choice, Captain!”
His voice is booming, thunderous like a God, and it commands you to halt your movements. The use of your title makes you grit your teeth, a tight breath slipping past your lips in a gamble for reclaiming your composure.
The leader pushes himself from his leaning position, standing firmly on his own two feet, hands coming together in a prayer motion in front of his face to stifle the agitation in his voice he was sure to let slip.
“We had a plan,” he says securely, though ironic in the current situation, “we had a plan to track movement. We had a plan to solely track that shipment; why the fuck did you divert from the plan?”
This wasn’t just tension; it was apprehension.
“The fuck do you want me to say, Ekko?” You seeth through gritted teeth, slowly but surely turning to face the boy behind you. “What the fuck is there to say?”
There’s an intensity in the air that comes from the severity of the situation at hand. Both of you restraining yourselves from enacting a yelling match, attempting to prevent the inevitable; trying to remain civil for each other’s sakes. Because if anyone knew how badly this could end, it would be the both of you.
“I fucked up,” you admit, though that was already evident in the heated silence that followed the squad home, “I made a fucking mistake. Is that what you want to hear?”
“No,” Ekko answers imply, “no, that’s not what I want to hear. Because that’s bullshit, too.”
“Excuse me?” You scoff, your expression mixed with shock and disbelief. “How are you gonna tell me about what I did? You think I don’t know what a fucking mistake is-”
“That wasn’t no fucking ‘mistake’, (Y/N)!” Ekko interjects again, and it’s the subtlety of which he does so that begins to spark an ember in your core with him. 
“We been in this game- we been together- for seven years, (Y/N),” the brown eyed boy continues, “seven fucking years. You think I don’t know your mistakes by now? You think I don’t know you?”
Of course he does, you think. Otherwise he wouldn’t be as angered as he is right now. 
“I know what it was,” he proclaims, pointing at you in an accusatory motion “it was your head.”
“My head?” You reiterate, said limb on your body tilting to the side, a growing annoyance evident in your voice. “What about my head, Ekko?”
“You really gon’ make me say it out loud?”
“Yes, cuz I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
It was a lie; you knew very well what he was referencing. You weren’t sure how it was so easy for such words to spill from your lips. Maybe it was because of the suddenness of this confrontation, despite knowing it was bound to happen. You’d played every plausible scenario of how this exact moment would play out, attempting to prepare yourself for Ekko’s questioning, and the inevitable argument that would take place. Maybe it was because you wanted him to hurry this charade along, despising his natural skill of dragging things on for far longer than what they needed to be.
“I have you as my sniper for a reason,” Ekko begins, “I have you as my second in command for a reason. Not because you’re the only person I’ve got left-” a fib of his own spills from his lips, but addressing it would not steer the conversation anywhere but in circles, “-not because you’re my fucking girlfriend, but because you proved that you could always hold a chill head. That you could take the orders given. That you could make the calls when I can't.”
“I’m sure you’ll get to a point eventually, Ek.” You scoff, refraining from rolling your eyes as he lectured you as if you were still children, holled up in an alleyway on the streets of the Undercity, hiding from enforcer soldiers.
“Whatever the fuck that was out there, was not a calm and chill head. So I need you to tell me,” Ekko steps closer, the sound of his combat boots echoing throughout the tattered walls of the gear room, “what did you see that knocked you off?”
“This is ridiculous, Ekko,” you profess, “what’re you gonna do if I don’t?” Take me off the tracking team? Demote me?”
Perhaps it wasn’t wise to say such daring words to the very leader of the rebellion you swore your life to. If there was anything about Ekko that was redeeming, it was his unyielding devotion to owning his title and standing on his word. And as he stands before you, an arms length away with chocolate brown irises blazing into yours with a fire so hot it could scorch your own fierce ones, there’s a gnawing at your stomach that tells you that he absolutely would. 
“You think I won’t?”
Silence filled the already tension-thick atmosphere, seeping into the folds and making it all the more unbearable. You weren’t sure how long the two of you stared at each other in a battle of will, a common practice the two of you engaged in whenever a disagreement arised. Without an audience, the glares in exchange lasted for what felt like minutes, hours. 
And Ekko wasn’t backing down.
“Are you serious?” You muttered through gritted teeth. “All this over a dumb mistake that will never happen again?”
“It was a mistake that could have costed us lives!” Ekko bellows once more, and if it weren't for it being the second time he had raised his voice, you may have flinched by the volume it had risen to. “We can’t afford to make mistakes, (Y/N) - especially with what we do - you know that more than anyone here!”
“And it wont happen again!” You declared, garnering agitation in your voice from having to repeat yourself more than you would like to. 
“And how can I know that, (Y/N)!?” Ekko shouts, challenging your words once more, and it more than suggests to you that he doesn’t believe them. He knows you’re not telling him everything, and it irks him to his core.
You turn once again with a mission to leave, even getting your feet to start moving, but that doesn’t stop Ekko from continuing to speak his mind. “What’s so hard about telling me what you saw!?”
“How many times do I have to tell you that it was nothing?”
“You can tell me a thousand times and I still won’t believe you-” the white haired boy rebutted, “because this isn’t you, (Y/N)!”
You weren’t sure for how long your back and forth ensued. Countless minutes of shouting back and forth, overlapping words, pleas to come clean, pleas to forget. This kind of situation wasn’t unfamiliar territory for the two of you. Ekko had a lot of weight on his shoulders, a lot of trauma he hadn’t yet faced, that he had pushed deep down to never be addressed. You understood, because you related. 
You both were there that night. You both witnessed the same act of monstrosity from the sworn enemy of your people’s leader. It was the very catalyst for the current occupation the both of you shared as leaders in a dwindling community, striving for peace and unadulterated existence while simultaneously fighting against the overwhelming clutch Silco’s grasp held on Zaun.
The woman you had become was because of that bastard's treachery and cruelty, who played a game that cost the lives of thousands. A woman of practicality, precision and calculated action. In this world there was very little room for emotion. Years ago, you wouldn’t gotten roughed up a little, but now, it got you a one-way ticket to the green, polluted waters of the desolate sewer system to be feasted on by the rats…and whatever other poor monstrosities that came from SIlco’s Shimmer.
Ekko knows this. Ekko knows all of it. Which is why he finds himself so frustrated that you won’t talk to him. It’s only in the midst of his grunting and growling that it clicks to him. A possibility as to why you acted out of such a practiced routine. Yet, he doesn’t know if he should rejoice about his revelation, or grow even more heated.
“You saw her.”
Three words that seemed to silence the world spilled from his lips in a breathy gasp. He knows he’s right when your lips come together in a tight line, and for the first time since the confrontation was initiated, your eyes divert from his.
You saw her.
“You saw her, didn’t you?” He asks, but is met with silence once again.
The topic of Jinx was always a sensitive one. Ekko may have been able to fool himself into detachment from the blue haired girl, shredding whatever hope he had left of recovering the old Powder who loved to go on runs with the two of you and made trinkets for your birthdays out of scrap metal and hard work. However, the same could not be said for you.
“So what if I did?” The rebuttal is sharp tongued and weighty, heavy with emotion, and Ekko knows what is inevitable to come.
“So what if I did see her, Ekko? What would you say?” You ask through gritted teeth, words strained as you feel the dam of emotions inside of you starting to overflow. “The same old shit you say all the time? That she’s gone and there’s no path of redemption for her? That she’s not worth saving?”
He’d never said such words aloud, but Ekko was guilty of thinking them, and to hear them verbalized tore open the same wound in his heart he’d patched up time and time again with each mention of the long lost friend.
“You may be able to let go, Ekko,” you grumble through gritted teeth, eyes watering over, and Ekko doesn’t know if its the sight of you crying or if it's the way the conversation has shifted that has him stilling, jaw clenched tightly, “but I can’t do that…I just can’t.”
And then, you left. And suddenly the unbearably thick summer air turned bitingly cold against Ekko’s skin as he watched you walk away. And as Ekko wipes down the length of his face, he knows there’s nothing much left for him to do but wait.
Wait until the air has become more bearable to breath. Wait until the tension has subsided. Wait until apprehension no longer clogs his stomach heavily, so that regrettable words would not be spoken.
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“Hey, I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Going to the market?”
“Yeah. Your bike needs a rotator chain, I’m gonna see if I can find one on the west end.”
One week. Seven days. 168 hours since you’ve last seen Ekko.
“Be careful out there. Silco’s goons have been making rounds again, and they aren’t sparing anyone in these parts.”
You don’t remember leaving the sanctuary. You just remember waking up on your friends couch after, according to them, was a rough and stormy night. You probably blacked out after your screaming match with him, and had an overwhelming desire to just get away. Your friend’s place was the only spot safe enough for you to crash at until you got your head straight.
Though, after seeing what you saw, could you really expect to snap back in a mere few hours?
“I’ll be good. They won’t touch me if they know what’s good for them.”
You left the tiny home of your friend, clad in the same clothes you had left in and a jacket you were quick to grab from their wardrobe. They lived pretty high up above the marketplace - the homes of the residents of Zaun were built into the underside of the extravagant Piltover, where everything was dark, dank, and cold. Layers upon layers of makeshift apartments stacked on top of one another for conservation of what little space the undercity did have.
Your hand grabbed the pole of the crossbridge that led from the side your friend’s apartment was to the other, and with expert precision, you maneuvered your way down the several levels and layers of homes connected by bridges of wood, metal and concrete.
Memories of parkouring as a little girl began to flutter into your mind. How you loved to best Ekko, the self proclaimed ‘King of Parkour’, at his own game. How Powder would tag along with you because she wanted to be with her friends-
Fuck, you weren’t suppose to think about her.
You were thankful your feet met the ground before more thoughts of Powder filled your mind, because if you had still been swinging from pole to pole and jumping from wood to metal, you’d surely lose your balance and come falling down the rest of the way. It was the effect the past had one you; and an unfortunate one at that.
It’s as if the second you find landing and start to walk in the direction of the marketplace, your ears catch wind of commotion to your left. The muffled grunting and clamoring causes you to pause and turn, peering out of your hood to see what was happening.
You’d always been the one to answer a call to action, so there wasn’t much surprise when you found yourself inching closer to the alleyway of which was producing the concerning sounds. It had only been ingrained into you from your youth, and had become second nature in the wake of Silco’s reign. Having a knack for helping people was a blessing and a curse, and while it got you into more trouble than you would like, the favors that you’d stocked up on came in handy.
Approaching the alleyway closer you could make out two figures standing - Silco’s men, no doubt, given the way they dress and the horrible filth they speak. Then there’s a person on the ground, wearing green.
Green was the color of the Firelights, and so naturally, you assumed the worst.
With your ankle pressing against the small knife hidden in your boot, you knew what had to be done. You crouched down behind a stack of crates and whistled, catching one of the perp’s attention. As they approached your direction for inspection, in one quick motion, you slipped the knife from your boot, took hold of the perp’s arm and knocked him into the wall. The blade made itself a home in his neck, muffling any yell he would’ve mustered out.
By the time you were finished, the second perp had been taken care of as well by the victim they were cornering. Revealing yourself from behind the stack of crates, your worries had been confirmed when getting a closer look at the coat the other person was wearing.
It was indeed a Firelights coat - a deep forest green to blend in with the shadows but still be distinguishable. The Firelight had been injured it seemed, as they held their arm close and with care, wincing with every movement of it that was made.
“Hey,” you called out to them, advancing closer to them as you did so, “you alright? Where’s your partner? You know if you’re patrolling you gotta be in pairs-”
“(Y/N)!” The Firelight gasps out in relief, confusing you. “Lieutenant- you’ve gotta help us! We were outnumbered- a-and got split up, they jumped us!- from every corner, we didn’t see them coming-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” You quickly soothing, grounding the obviously frightened soldier with reassuring hands on their shoulder, guiding them to breathe, “you have to slow down for me, and breathe so you can clearly-”
“-a-and it’s Ekko- Ekko, he got hurt-”
And in that moment, your world slows, and there’s an instant pit in your stomach that comes from thinking the worst. If Ekko of all people got taken out of commission, whatever that was going on was serious.
“...okay,” you start after your shock passes over you. As if a switch in your brain is flipped, and now you’re in fight mode, “you need to take me to where you all split from. Now.”
Your voice is commanding and stern, leaving no room for discussion. The Firelight, still holding his arm, nods at your command. As the two of you leave, you pick up the weapon that the second perp had been carrying on his back; it wasn’t anything compared to your sniper gun, but it would have to do.
According to the Firelight, the mission was to stop one of Silco’s Shimmer transports to a hotspot location known for distribution of the drug. The normal prep for such a mission was done properly, but there was an underestimation of power in numbers on Silco’s end. What’s more, a certain blue haired girl decided to make her presence known as well, and her erraticness threw everyone off square. To save face, Ekko commanded everyone to split up.
Which meant Ekko was alone, and hurt, and probably wallowing in some form of guilt, and that could not do. A guilty Ekko was not a functional one.
“We were over there when the fight started,” said the Firelight as the two of you stood on top of a roof overlooking the distribution post, “when he made the call, I saw him go east in the direction of the Last Drop. The two other soldiers went west, and I ran south.”
Two large, burly men, littered with tattoos and hardened by the streets, guarded a small cart covered with blue metal barrels, a strip of thick translucent plastic going down the side, showing the bright magenta liquid inside. Four more paced around the small clearing area, seemingly on the lookout for someone.
Six men within a ten yard radius of each other. If you were right, that cart held about thirty gallons of Shimmer. Tests done on the drug proved that it was highly flammable, which normally meant that with your sniper gun, setting the scene ablaze would be easy. But with a mere regular shotgun in your possession, you’d need an extra boost.
“Look in your pouch for me,” you direct to the Firelight soldier, “do you got any of those spark pouches?”
The Firelight uses his good arm to fish in his thigh pouch, producing a small, red sack of gunpowder. “What’re you thinking, Lieutenant?”
“We need to take these guys out while destroying that shipment in the process,” you explain, pointing towards the triangular shape of trajectory between each of the guardsmen and the cart, “the spray of the Shimmer is about fifteen yards, which will cover more than enough of the ten yard radius those guys are in. I need you to throw that spark pouch right in between the two guards on my signal. When I shoot, it’s gonna be enough Shimmer spray to kill them…but we gotta move fast to avoid it.”
It wouldn’t have been the first time someone looked at you crazy for such a straightforward plan. You’d garnered many such stares since you first began in the Firelight ranks. There was a method to your madness, as Ekko would put it, and there had never been a reason for anyone to not trust your judgements or plans. Despite the Firelight’s initial questioning of the credibility of such a plan, there was no choice but for him to go along.
The two of you backed up as much as possible on the rooftop to make it easier for a clean getaway. Once in position, you pulled out the gun you had acquired earlier, checking the magazine for sufficient bullets. Then, you took aim at the center of the cart, inhaling a deep breath to steady your hand and focus your vision.
At one, the world began to slow when your aim focussed steadily.
At two, you prepared your wrist for the recoil that would shock your hand.
At three, the Firelight soldier threw the spark pouch with expert precision. Not a second later, the shot from your gun rung out.
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The sight that Ekko wakes up to is a pleasant one compared to the week he’s had.
The sun is blinding through his makeshift sunroof. There’s a dull pain on his side, and a ringing in his ears that subsides the more his vision focuses. It’s a great contrast to what he thought he’d be seeing when he awoke, but he welcomes the feeling of home that washes over his being.
His eyes turn to his side where he sees you, sitting next to his bed. His jacket is thrown loosely over your shoulders, and in your hands, you twirl a piece of folded paper. His eyebrows furrow at the sight; he isn’t expecting you to be here with him.
Noticing that he’d woken up, you focus your attention on the injured man. The folded letter is placed on the crate that acts as a nightstand next to Ekko’s bed, and you lean forward onto the bed to get closer to him. His hair is disheveled, locs splayed everywhere on his pillow and on his face. His abdomen is bandaged tightly, yet even the white gauze leaves little to the imagination. And the sun shines on his cocoa colored skin, contrasting against your own as you slip his larger hand into your own.
You needed to feel him, and be thankful that he was here.
“Hey, you,” Ekko croaks out, voice raspy and patchy from what you can only assume was yelling and sleep.
“Hi,” you mutter out against the back of his hand, lips pulled into a tight smile.
“Thought you were still mad at me.”
“”m not mad,” you mumble, shaking your head, “just glad you're okay.”
The fact that you’re not being snarky with him tells Ekko that there’s something weighing on you; something that’s not remorse for your absence, but something deeper. His eyes travel over to the nightstand, falling onto the letter once again.
“What’s that?” He points out, curiosity filling his patchy voice.
There’s a moment’s pause before you speak again, your voice somber and emotional; “It’s….what I saw.”
What I saw can only be referring to the incident a week prior, Ekko determines. His eyes turn back to you, his hand giving yours a gentle tug towards him, gesturing for you to climb into bed with him. He meets little resistance, and takes a little pride in how easily you slip into his side, molding against his form as you were made to. His arm wraps around your shoulders, helping you hide in the crook of his neck; a much needed escape you’ve wanted to indulge in for a while.
“Deal with it later,” he mumbles against your hairline, “jus’ stay with me.”
Resting against Ekko’s broad chest, you thought on his words. Knowing yourself, dealing with things later wouldn’t be as productive as he’d hope. You’d want to forget the subject entirely, revert back to the same concealment as before. Knowing the both of you, it couldn't be dealt with later.
“It was her eyes, Ekko,” You mumbled into his shirt, prompting the darker male to turn his attention to you, “there was something in them, Ekko. I swear there was.”
Seeing Jinx on that night wasn’t what any of you had intended. She’d very scarcely shown her face on the streets of Zaun, presumably at SIlco’s behest. As mad of a kingpin he was, he himself couldn’t deny the deranged nature the blue haired girl had. And yet, when she showed signs of stability, he seemed to allow her off on transportation missions at the very least. And it just so happened that after six years, a week ago was the first time you’d seen Jinx since the night Vander died.
When you saw those blue eyes, dulled and lifeless, it hurt. Hurt to know that the possibility of Powder truly being gone was higher than what you’d let yourself believe. Hurt to know that you would never have your friend back, and that there would never be any chance of recovering the family you’d list all those years ago.
You’d seen her, and then, she saw you. And when she did, the world slowed. And for a second, when your eyes caught each other, a flash of something came across her eyes that caused your body to react against your well-trained judgment. It was as if she had recognized you and felt a sense of…wistfulness.
Though it didn’t reflect anything of the like when she raised her gun towards you, and you had no choice but to act before she could.
“There was a moment where I…thought she recognized me,” you muttered, “but then she….raised her gun to me.”
Ekko’s chest stuttered as he released a shaky breath to your words. There’s a pause before you speak again, “Is it easier for you to just…believe she’s really gone?”
A long moment of silence passes…”Yeah, it is.”
Ekko has always thought about Jinx. It’s hard not to when her presence can change any of his plans on a whim, since he has people to protect and her mentality is as finicky as a time bomb. But Powder…he hates to think about her.
“If she was gone from the start,” Ekko mutters through a voice crack, “it means there wasn’t a chance to save her in the first place. Means I never failed in saving her, I guess.”
Your hand reaches up to caress Ekko’s face, jaw clenched tight from his own words, and when you look into his eyes, you can see the vulnerability he tries so hard to hide when talking about the blue haired girl. There was beauty in it, you always told him, though you never thought he truly believed you when you said it. Ekko was never given much grace to be vulnerable, to be a boy. He’d found that in you; so you knew it took a lot for him to even admit as such to your question.
You don’t really get to be a kid after watching the people you love die in front of you. Even the ones who still walk the land with another soul in their bodies.
You press a kiss onto his lips; gentle, affirming, and grounding. Your thumb runs the length of his cheekbones and  you find comfort in the crevice of his neck once again. When Ekko relaxes against your hold, you release a breath of air, and think that perhaps it’s best that you adopt his way of thinking as well.
Powder was gone, but at least in this hell, you had each other.
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ arcane masterlist ꒱ ˎˊ˗
~ a masterlist for my arcane fanfics ~
bark like you want it (vi x f!reader, sevika x f!reader)
just keep driving (vi x gn!reader, jinx x gn!reader)
get jinxed (jinx x f!reader)
just keep driving (vi x gn!reader, jinx x gn!reader)
bark like you want it (vi x f!reader, sevika x f!reader)
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conretewings · 1 year
I can't get the idea of the kids trying to get Vander and reader under the mistletoe. Hhhhheeeelllllppppp 🙏❤️
-Ahhhh yeeeeah baby! Getting into that Christmas spirit with some mistletoe shenanigans! ❤🎄
Vander x gn reader, pure fluff
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It started as an offhand joke from Mylo, but with some shared looks and gears turning quickly spiraled into a quest
Acquiring a ball of mistletoe wasn't easy but Ekko helped them find one
Claggor had to prop Vi onto his shoulders so she could tie it in a doorway
Vander soon came through, at first not seeing the decoration, then you joined a few minutes later
They keep making up reasons to lure Vander and you through the doorway at or almost at the same time
You two know something's up but aren't sure what until he spots it
"...Ah, I see."
You two exchange knowing looks; if this is what they want you're going to make them work for it
Over the next few days they continue to try and herd you both through the doorway together, but you keep thwarting their attempts
Now it's a game of wits and plausible excuses, and you two are winning much to the kids annoyance
Finally on the third day while carrying some laundry, Powder trips and falls in the doorway, yelping in pain and you both quickly come to her side
After a brief once over she seems fine so Vander pulls her to her feet-
She suddenly smirks at you both with a shit-eating grin, glances upward smugly, then darts away
You follow her look to the mistletoe and realize she won
Vander shakes his head and curses under his breath while you chuckle and lean your forehead against his chest
Then you feel fingers under your chin as he tilts your head up and gives you a tender, knee-weakening kiss and you're both lost in the moment-
Until you hear snorts and giggles from nearby
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viktorybell · 1 year
Tight Spaces
Jayce x Viktor x GN!Reader
Word Count: 3.8k (EXACTLY 3.8k I will never achieve this again.)
Warning: slightly suggestive at the end, but that’s it
Ask:  is it ok if i request some poly jayce and viktor x reader? if you dont do poly just jayce is fine =] maybe the reader is an artist and they love drawing their crush(es) but because theyre a journalist they cant normally show off their art, but while at the lab one day, the other notices their sketchbook and asks to flip through it - and reader, forgetting that its a sketchbook and not a notebook for articles, says yes. after that, everythings up to you >=]
You’ve always been good with tight spaces. It’s part of what makes you one of Piltover’s most prolific reporters. You’re willing to go places that the majority of the prim n’ proper Piltover journalists wouldn’t dare. Which is partly because you grew up in a shabby neighborhood on the edges of the Undercity and partly because you were just a damn good reporter.
Growing up in the Undercity was integral for developing your reporter skills. You didn’t have many toys or trinkets to fill your time with, so you found alternative ways for filling your afternoons as a child. Alternative ways meaning snooping. Creeping around the Lanes and finding new hiding places. Unseen and unnoticed places where you could camp out for an afternoon. Your favorite spot had been a gap in the wall behind Vander’s old bar. You’d sit there for hours, drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick while listening in on the dozens of conversations that felt infinitely more interesting than your life had at the time.
Your start in the Undercity also helped to endear you to a certain renowned inventor with similar origins. 
You were in his lab now, sketching out the shape of him and his lab partner where they’ve been hunched over a complicated set of blueprints for the last hour. This is usually how your sessions worked. With you wandering aimlessly around their lab while they bounced between assignments and answering your questions. The drawing was a more recent addition to the routine, though.
Viktor, who was from the Undercity despite the two of you having never met, was a dream to draw. For as much of a show he put on trying to scare you away during your first report, those sharp angles softened pretty quickly when he realized you didn’t startle easy. His long legs and messy hair just inspired the artist in you in a way that you hadn’t felt since you were young. It was like coming home after so long being stuck in the stuffy yet isolating atmosphere of Piltover.
Then there was Viktor’s partner, Jayce Talis. Jayce didn’t feel familiar like his counterpart, but was intriguing and alluring all the same. Where Viktor’s shape took form in sharp, wispy lines, Jayce’s were sturdy and bold. He was comforting and bright, like sunshine after a storm. And wasn’t that the most fitting way to describe it? Jayce had been full of apologies and little jokes during the first meeting between you three. Where Viktor was a little less than welcoming, Jayce doubled down on friendly smiles and encouraging pats on the back.
Not that either of them could scare you away now. You’ve moved far past the awkward first few interviews, your questions stilted and the atmosphere tense with the distrust coming off of Viktor in waves. It was hard to keep up with how many pieces you’ve done on these two so far, you stopped counting when you ran out of fingers to count them on.
Somewhere between your first article on an exclusive Hexbros interview and the piece you’re currently working on talking about the environmental benefits of Hextech technology, the three of you grew close. Viktor was comfortable, like sepia memories drenched in nostalgia. He was a man from the Undercity through and through, tough and resilient despite all the odds. Then there was Jayce, who was his opposite in every way besides how much he cares. He hadn’t needed more than a day to win your favor, it was like he always knew what to say to you. It did things to your brain. Hence why you’re sitting on the couch in their lab and scribbling down their likeness instead of pestering them for answers like you should.
“It’s been an hour and I’ve answered maybe a question and a half for this piece. Should I come back when you two come back down from outer space?” You call out just loud enough for them to hear as you put the finishing touches on your sketch.
“Sure, let me put a pin in our progress on life-saving, world-changing, investigative technology for your silly newspaper questions,” Viktor hums sarcastically, rummaging through his desk drawer for something. To his right, Jayce’s stomach growls loudly.
“Maybe a break wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Jayce grins sheepishly at you while you’re holding back a laugh. “Science can wait for lunch time, right?”
“How quickly you abandon our team when your stomach’s involved,” Viktor comments while moving over to rummage through Jayce’s desk now.
“Hey! I’m not abandoning anybody, ok?” Jayce scoffs, folding his arms defensively. “And besides, Y/N’s a part of the team too at this point.”
“For putting up with your never-ending appetite?” Viktor grins slyly at Jayce.
“I was thinking more for putting up with your attitude, but…” Jayce has to quickly dodge the balled up paper that Viktor beams at his head. It does nothing to dampen the goofy smile that’s burning your eyes from the sheer warmth and fond exasperation it exudes. “Hey! Stop screwing with my stuff!”
“I wouldn’t have to screw with your stuff if you just kept the lab tidy.”
“You’re messier than I am!”
“You cannot prove that.”
“You wanna bet?”
“Girls, girls! You’re both equally as disgusting as the other! Can we stop arguing now?” You groan, shutting your sketchbook and setting it on top of an identical notebook. Identical except for the paper inside that was lined instead of blank. You tried to keep your reporter’s notes and questions separate from the drawings you did as a hobby. Especially when your hobby mostly consisted of drawing the two other men in the room. “What’re you looking for, Viktor?
“My toolkit. The one I use for detailing,” Viktor huffs, knocking the desk drawer he’d been digging through shut. Both you and Jayce could tell in the tense line of his shoulders that he was actually getting frustrated now.
“Do you remember where you put it last?” Jayce asks, his voice softer as he steps closer to Viktor. You don’t think either of them even notice, but as Jayce moves in, Viktor unconsciously sways towards him. For as much as they bicker like an old married couple, they care deeply for each other.
Maybe it was your reporter’s habit of looking into things too much and drawing conclusions, but you’d thought the two were an item. FOR MONTHS. It’d been earth shatteringly awkward when you called Jayce ‘Viktor’s boyfriend’ in front of them and they had instantly stopped their playful arguing to stare at you, jaws dropped. You’d stopped talking outloud about the conclusions you drew from their behavior since then. For your sanity.
Which was probably for the best seeing as, despite their insistence that they were just friends, the two had obvious feelings for each other. It was clear in the way they spoke to each other, understood the other’s eccentricities and adored them for it. You got the feeling that the two didn’t get to fully be themselves often, making it that much more of a privilege that you can sit on their couch and be a part of it, no matter how minor. There was a sick jealous part of you that squeezed in on itself as you watched Jayce rest a hand on the side of Viktor’s arm. You weren’t sure who you’d rather be in that moment, as Jayce leaned in just that much closer, lowering his voice until it was soft enough only the two could hear it.
Notebook. Yes. Reporting. Mhm, yep. You were here to write a report about Hextech. You should probably stop gawking at the two and actually do what you’re paid to do.
Tearing your gaze away, trying to ignore the pit of longing in your gut and give the boys some privacy, you absently reach for your notebooks and pens and they topple to the floor. You roll your eyes as your favorite color pen rolls under the lab’s couch.
Getting on your hands and knees, you stack your notebooks and set them back on the coffee table. Then the hard part. You try and slip your arm under the small gap between the couch and the floor. It’s dusty and you try not to think about what you’re touching until you grab something decidedly un-penlike. Wondering what sort of horrific artifact you’ll find under the couch that has clearly never been cleaned under, you’re surprised to pull out the missing toolbox.
“Good find, Y/N!” Jayce cheers, making you jump where you were still kneeling in front of the couch. Turning to look, you find both men staring at you. You hadn’t even realized they stopped talking to watch you fighting for your life trying to find your pen. Aw, damn. Your pen…that thing’s gone forever now.
“Go figure, looking for my pen and I found your toolkit,” You chuckle goodnaturedly as you stand up from the floor, dusting yourself off.
“Our little lab good luck charm strikes again, however can we repay you?” Viktor teases, him and Jayce headed over to your side of the room now. Whatever Jayce had said to him certainly seemed to put him at ease, your face going red as you played Viktor’s words over and over in your mind. You could think of a couple ways he could repay you. Shit, focus, they’re both staring expectantly.
“You can repay me by getting some actual work done while I grab us lunch,” You make a big show of rolling your eyes as you hand over the box. Viktor gasps in mock offense while Jayce makes puppy dog eyes at you.
“Aw, you’re leaving us?” Jayce whines. “But I didn’t even get to read through your notes yet!”
“There’s not even notes to look through yet, we haven’t gotten anything done this last hour,” You point out. Jayce sighs dramatically, his big, sad eyes still staring pathetically back at you. Incapable of resisting, you grab a book off the table and shove it into his chest. “Here, you big baby. You can look through my old notes while I grab you ungrateful wretches some food.”
Jayce flutters his eyelashes and hugs the book to his chest, “Awww, you always know just the things to say!”
Viktor glares over at Jayce, “What? That’s not fair, what am I supposed to read?” Your heart nearly leaps out of your chest as you watch Viktor swipe the other book off the table.  
Drawing Viktor and Jayce in the lab wasn’t just a random thing you decided to do today. Your sketch book was almost entirely filled with different sketches of the men from almost every time you visited the lab for the last six months. If either of them looked through your sketch book you’d probably have to quit your job, move countries, and then completely change your identity so nobody will ever know you’re the poor schmuck falling for the brightest minds in Piltover.
“Not that one!” You yelped, quickly trying to snatch the notebook back from Viktor. Unfortunately, Viktor shoots his arm out of reach lightning fast, filling you with dread. Both men look at you in shock. Which quickly gave way into the most devious smirks you’ve ever seen.
“Why? What’s in here that you don’t want us to see, hm?” Viktor practically purrs, half lidded eyes making you stutter over your words.
“What? Nothing! Give it back!” Making another grab for it, this time Jayce swipes it from Viktor and lifts it high up above his head. You could kill him.
“Hmmmm, I dunno, Viktor. Sounds like there’s something pretty important in here,” Jayce has his free hand on his hip, carrying on a casual conversation with his partner as you jump up and down. You’re getting nowhere with snatching your notebook back. “Maybe we should keep it safe while our darling reporter gets lunch?”
“Oh how kind, Jayce! You wouldn’t mind, would you, doll?” Viktor hums at you. He’s not hiding his amusement at your struggle at all as Jayce chuckles and wiggles the book out of your reach.
Your face is burning from the energy you’re wasting trying to jump as high as you can and also because maybe you’re a little flustered. You’d almost missed the pet names the two had given you. Almost. It wasn’t helping out with your situation at all, though. Focus, time to think of a different tactic.
Neither inventor was prepared for you to take a running start and leap onto Jayce.
“Woah!” Jayce borderline squeaks as he immediately lets go of both books to wrap his arms around you. His big, strong arms that are built with muscle from all the time he spends in the forge. Big, strong arms that are wrapped around your waist to stop you from slipping where you're hanging from his shoulders. You almost don’t even notice that he dropped your books, too caught up in the sheer heat radiating off of him. “Are you ok??”
This hadn’t been your plan.
Originally, you had planned to just climb him until you reached the book, but now with your notebook free and one of the two most handsome men at the academy holding you tight…could you really call it a failed plan?
Right. Jayce asked you a question. And he was staring at you in shock. Viktor was doing the same. OK, yeah, time to be normal. You could do that…right?
After untangling yourself from Jayce’s arms and hopping to the ground, you snatch up your notebook and give the boys a sheepish smile.
“Oh geez, no idea what came over me, guys! Probably just hangry, I’ll go grab that lunch now, enjoy the old notes!” You manage to just duck out of the room as both scientists open their mouths to say something. The bang of the lab door slamming shut has never sounded so sweet before.
It’s a herculean task to not replay that awkward interaction over and over in your head. Feeling tortured as it plays through again and again in your mind’s eye, but it almost feels worse when you try to think of anything else.
You shake yourself mentally as you stand in line at the academy’s dining hall. Yes, you’re the world’s most socially inept reporter. BUT at least you grabbed your book and prevented the world from ending via your stupid crush drawings being exposed to said crushes. Flipping to a random page in your book, you nearly drop it when you open to lined paper and a paragraph detailing the top ten most unconventional uses for Hextech.
The book slams shut, your shaking hands doing so on impulse. Quickly you tear the book open to another page, maybe you were seeing things. It’s an interview on Viktor’s work ethic. Another page. A think piece on Jayce’s past and how it led to where he’s at today. Another page and another and another.
You grabbed the wrong book.
From behind you a student clears their throat, asking if you were gonna move up. The dining hall continued to slowly shuffle forward like your entire world didn’t just stop. On autopilot, you stumble to close the gap in the line, muttering some half-assed apology as your mind reels.
The notebook for your reports was here, which could only mean that your sketchbook was left behind with the last two people you’d ever want it to be left with. There’s no chance in hell they aren’t flipping through it right now and laughing over how hopelessly and desperately in love you are.
To your agony, the dining hall line was steadily shortening, even as you do your best to drag your feet the entire way. You were dreading coming back to the lab.
Maybe there was a chance they had opened to a life drawing of Piltover.
Yeah! Maybe they opened to a less damning picture and decided to respect your wishes for your sketchbook to remain untouched. You were worrying over nothing. It’ll all turn out fine in the end. Probably.
“Did you really draw all of these yourself??” You hadn’t even been back in the lab for five seconds before Piltover’s golden boy was in your face, holding a head shot of himself that you’d done in graphite last week.
“I quit. Find a new reporter who will pick up your stupid lunches.”
“Oh, Jayce, leave them alone,” Viktor looks entirely too amused where he’s sitting with his legs crossed. Jayce is leaning against the desk to Viktor’s right and flipping excitedly through the pages. “This is obviously personal to them.”
“What? My private sketches that I never let anyone touch? No, go ahead,” You shrug your shoulders, unpacking your bag on Viktor’s other side. The knowing look in his eyes was making you twitch, so you refused to look at either of them.
“These are incredible, Y/N. Seriously, I’m floored,” Jayce gushes, passing the book over to Viktor.
You fight back the urge to throw Jayce’s lunch across the lab and sprint out, never to return. “It’s just drawings, Jayce.” You mutter through gritted teeth. This was like torture. There’s no way in hell they didn’t know you had a crush on the both of them by now.
“Don’t sell yourself short, now,” Viktor hums as he thumbs through the pages and stops at the one you did today. Through the messy bits of his hair that are constantly falling into his eyes, he looks up at you. Almost right through you, honestly. It’s like he can see through your act, the way you play unbothered when you’re nothing but a hot mess inside. His golden eyes are piercing from this close, and when he points back to the drawing, you’re almost relieved at the excuse to look anywhere else. “There’s obviously a lot of passion that goes into these, hm?”
“Stop fucking with me, Viktor,” You grit out, not even pretending to keep yourself busy with the lunches anymore. In your ears you can practically hear all the blood rushing to your head. It’s fucking with your head, you don’t know what Viktor’s up to and you just want the games to be over with. You’re so busy glaring daggers at Viktor that you don’t even notice that Jayce has shifted from his partner’s side to right behind you until he places a gentle hand on your waist.
“Fucking with you? I’ve done nothing of the sort,” Viktor hums. The corner of his mouth twitches up as you jump at Jayce’s touch, and you almost don’t hear him add, under his breath; “Not yet anyways…”
“We just wanted to thank you for all the lovely art work you’ve made of us,” Jayce’s voice comes from directly beside your ear, and you absentmindedly sway backwards. Leaning into where you can feel the heat coming off of him in waves. Good lord, does he always run this hot? You feel like you’re melting. “That ok? You gonna let us thank you?”
“I - well, I wouldn’t say no, but-” It felt like your head was spinning. Jayce was practically snug against your back at this point, Viktor smirking in front of you while watching you slowly lose composure. You try to gather yourself enough for a full sentence, “Wait, I’m sorry. I’m confused. You guys aren’t…weirded out?”
“Of course not,” Viktor assures you as he takes one of your hands and uses the desk to help push himself to his feet. “I like getting to see this side of you. For someone who spends all their time digging into other’s secrets, you aren’t very forthright.”
“Although I kind of wish you had felt comfortable enough to show us yourself. I’m sorry you grabbed the wrong notebook,” Jayce says, pressing a kiss to the top of your shoulder. An action that nearly wipes every thought from your brain clean. There’s absolutely no way this is actually happening. You’re half tempted to pinch yourself.
“I wanted to,” You blurt out, the words surprising you with how much conviction you put into them. Once they were out in the air, you found that you meant them. The words came out easier this time, “I just didn’t know how. Honestly, I just felt like an asshole for assuming you guys were a couple and didn’t want to make things awkward again.”
You can feel more than hear Jayce chuckling behind you. In response, Viktor shoots him a fond look over your shoulder. You’re more than a little bit lost when Viktor makes a noncommittal sound in the back of his throat.
“Ehh, about that.”
“What. What?? Have you two been messing with me this entire time??” You try to turn around in Jayce’s hold, catching a glimpse of his red face before he turns you right back around.
“No, no! Nothing like that!” Jayce reassures you. Huffing and leaning back into where Jayce is standing sturdy and strong behind you, you raise an expectant eyebrow at Viktor. “We really were just friends when you asked if we were dating.”
“It’s just your little comment made the both of us realize we wanted something more than that,” Viktor is staring into your eyes again, although the golden hue’s less piercing this time. His eyes are full of intensity, but less like an interrogation this time and a bit more smug. Like everything was falling into place exactly how he wanted it to.
It took a large amount of restraint to hold back from yelling out a triumphant ‘I KNEW IT!!!’ Instead, you settled on “Oh? And where do I fit into all of this?”
Like a cat who got the canary, Viktor’s smirk widened. Apparently that had been just the right thing to say.
“Where you’ve been fitting in this entire time, my dear,” Viktor purrs, almost closing the gap between you two as he places his hand on your waist, opposite of Jayce’s.
“Right here next to us,” Jayce finishes Viktor’s thought, and you wonder if they rehearsed this beforehand. Not that you had much time to wonder after Jayce started placing a trail of kisses along your shoulder and up the side of your neck, effectively killing any and all brain function you had left.
Your head was still spinning but in some weird way you were growing used to it around your two muses. Fortunately, you’ve been growing fond of their brand of chaos. There wasn’t anybody else in all of Piltover or the Undercity that could leave you reeling like Viktor and Jayce. It was almost suffocating, the heat being generated from where you were stuck between the two of them, but you found yourself rather enjoying the feeling.
Afterall, you’ve always been good with tight spaces.
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skeletonsweatshirt · 2 years
How about something with Vander! What’s his morning routine like? Maybe something with Vander and his s/o? Only if you want to ofc!
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Vander's morning routine with his s/o
Vander x gn!reader
Tags: DOMESTIC FLUUUUUUFFFFFFF, Big guy lovin his partner, im so gay, I didn't proofread this, I was too tired
A/N: I am currently in a lot of pain so I'm laying in bed writing because its fun. Enjoy the domestic fluff people, I know I do. Also excuse the fact this post is a bit shorter than the Silco one, it's just there's only so much you can write about a morning routine, especially with a man as busy as Vander.
Context: For these headcannons I am imagining you and Vander living together, whatever stage of your relationship you are at.
He 100% wakes up earlier than he needs to just so he can cuddle with you for a bit before he actually has to get out of bed.
When he does get out of bed, he always leaves you with a kiss on the forehead and I mumbled "Love you" into your ear.
I see Vander as a man that has a long ass morning routine despite not seeming like it.
He showers every morning, cleans up his beard, deodorant, cologne, the whole nine yards.
I mean he owns a business and is the figurehead of the undercity, he has to look good.
Even if you don't get up as early as Vander, he is still usually in the house by the time you get up.
To be fair at that point he is usually fully dressed and almost finished making breakfast for the both of you, but it is a pleasant 30 minutes you guys get to enjoy together before Vander has to go work.
Vander is actually a really good cook. No matter what he's making, it's always delicious.
Vander is always really touchy right before he leaves, because if you don't work at the Last Drop, he won't be seeing you for a few hours, so he wants to make the time with you last.
Even after he leaves, you think about him all day because Vander leaves notes around the house reminding you about different things that either you often forget to do, he forgets to do, or they're just cute little notes reminding you how much he loves you.
As your eyes crack open, slowly adjusting to the sunlight that was beaming in through your ajar window. You haul your comforter over your head in an attempt to capture the few fleeting minutes of sleep you have left. That plan is quickly foiled, however, as the smell of bacon and eggs drifts down the hallway and into your shared bedroom.
You groan softly and gradually get out of bed. You start your walk out of your room and towards the kitchen, only taking a few moments to stop in front of your vanity mirror and tame the bird's nest atop your head.
Just as you reach the end of the hallway, whatever thoughts you may have been having previously are interrupted by Vander's cheery humming and his brief "good morning" as he continued on cooking.
You sit on a barstool right by the counter and gently rub your hands over your face in an attempt to wake yourself up. You let out a sigh just as Vander slides a plate of delectable-smelling food right under your nose.
"Eat up, honey. Maybe it'll help wake you a bit." He stated, sleep still evident in his voice despite how long he's probably been awake for.
You slowly take the fork he included with your dish and poke at a piece of egg before lifting it to your lips, briefly blowing on it, and popping it in your mouth. Vander soon joins and takes the seat next to yours. Your early morning brain can't help but wonder how that little bar stool can handle holding up Vander, who is probably 90% muscle at this point.
You both continue eating, exchanging small conversation and random early-morning small talk. Vander seems to be eating faster than normal, and when you finally let your eyes wander to the clock hanging above the stove, you realize why.
Although it seems Vander beat you to the thought as he stands, deposits his dishes into the sink and he makes his way over to where you sit, arms open in anticipation of a hug. You're hesitant to give it to him, you know once he gets his after-breakfast affection he's going to have to leave. You hate when he has to leave.
"Come on, love. I'm damn close to running late." He had now woken up a bit, but it barely changed his gruff accent.
You groan as you cave in and bury your head into his chest, allowing your arms to wrap around his middle. Vander was always so...comfy. If you hadn't just started to wake up you would fall asleep right there. But you can't, not when you have to get ready and Vander needs to leave.
"Have a good day, Van." You coo as he leans down and steals a goodbye kiss from you.
"You too, honey. I love you."
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ace-of-zaun · 1 year
For Forever (One-shot):
young!silco x gn!reader - 1.8k words - SFW
Warnings: depression, feeling low, struggling with self-care, mental health, established relationship, low self-esteem, self-doubt, brief mentions of alcohol and minor injury, fluff, comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, silco taking care of you, fluffy end
A/N: please mind the warnings on this one, my dears -el x
You wouldn’t wish this feeling on your worst enemy. That indescribably heavy feeling that means you have no energy and certainly no motivation to do anything but lie in your own sorrow. 
Today had been one of those days. The kind where you’d not been able to get up or really even move for that matter, and honestly, you’re more than happy to stay that way. 
But as the evening slowly approaches, it would seem that staying in bed for the rest of the day wasn’t in your cards. 
A loud knock at the door sounds through your apartment and you bury your head further under the blankets, hoping they’ll just go away.
You really don’t have the energy to deal with people right now. 
A few moments pass before they knock again and the identity of the visitor is soon revealed when Silco calls your name through the door. 
“Darling? I know you’re in, the window is open,” he adds when you don’t respond. 
You heave a wearied sigh.
You must have left it open overnight when you’d climbed into bed and he’d probably spotted it when entering your apartment building. 
Silco knocks and calls your name again, this time with clear worry lacing his tone. 
“I hate to do this, but if you don’t answer, I’m gonna have to kick the door in,” he informs you with careful resolve. 
If you didn’t feel so despondent, you’d have been rolling your eyes at him. 
Why did he have to be so dramatic all the time? Anyone else would just pick the lock.
It takes all your strength to lift your head and call across the single room to him. 
“I’m here, don’t break the door.”
“Can you let me in please, sweetheart?” he says, probably feeling confused as to why you weren’t answering him. 
And the reason was simple.
You could not let him see you like this. 
You’d only been dating the young revolutionary for a few months and you’d somehow managed to avoid letting him see you in this state.
You just couldn’t risk revealing this part of yourself to him. 
Curling even further into yourself, you mumble out your reply. 
“I can’t.”
“What? I can barely hear you,” he calls back. 
Another heavy sigh escapes you before you slowly drag yourself up and out of bed, taking the blanket with you as you crumple to the ground with your back resting against the front door. 
“I said I can’t,” you tell him dejectedly. 
“Why not?” he asks, his smooth voice filled with confusion and a tiny inkling of hurt that has your stomach twisting in guilt. 
Your heart clenches horribly when you imagine telling him the true reason. But you don’t want to lie to him either, so you chew on your words for a few moments before speaking again. 
“Because I don’t feel well.”
“If you open the door I can take care of you,” Silco replies softly. 
Tears line your eyes at his tenderness. But you just can’t stop yourself from feeling utterly terrified of what he’ll think when he finds out it’s not the kind of ‘unwell’ he’s thinking of. 
What if he judges you? Or calls you the sorts of names you already call yourself when you get like this?
What if he breaks up with you?
“Vander told me you haven’t been to The Drop all day, so I came to check on you,” Silco tells you gently, unknowingly interrupting your spiralling ruminations. 
You pull the blanket tighter around your shoulders in response to the guilt lining your stomach. 
You really should have gone down to the bar to pick up some work at some point in the day, but you just couldn’t. 
There’s a beat of silence before you hear Silco exhale quietly, his muffled voice suddenly sounding much closer as he sits down on the landing outside the door. 
“What’s wrong, my lovely?”
Those tears threaten to spill as your heart breaks from having to shut him out like this. 
“I just don’t feel great,” you whisper, your voice wobbling on the last syllable. 
“Has something happened?” he asks with gentle concern. 
You shake your head sadly even though he can’t see the glum movement. 
“Then why won’t you let me in?”
Part of you feels incredibly lucky that you have a boyfriend who is so patient (well, with you, at the very least), because he quietly waits while you struggle to find the words to answer his question.
You cast your gaze around the mess that is your apartment, finally looking down at yourself, still adorning your crumpled pyjamas and unkempt bed hair. 
Your teeth worry your bottom lip before finally spitting out the first of many reasons. 
“I… I’m worried you’ll think I’m disgusting,” you reply shamefully. 
“You could bathe in mud and I’d still think you were sweeter than a daisy,” Silco tells you kindly, a hint of that usual playfulness returning to his voice.
Unfortunately, you’re really not in the mood for it. 
“I’m serious, Silco,” you tell him gravely. 
You hear him sigh quietly through the thin piece of wood separating you both. 
“Darling, I just want to comfort you. I hate that you’re upset and I’m stuck out here.”
Then, you hear some light shuffling before his voice becomes slightly louder, and you imagine him having gotten on his knees and turned to face the door.
“Please, sweetheart,” he pleads softly. “Let me help you, let me be there for you.”
Your heart aches for him, aches to just let him in, but all your demons are screaming to keep him at arm’s length, convincing you he’ll never speak to you again if he finds out why you’re doing this. 
Silco says your name again, and it’s so soft and vulnerable, it has you slowly crawling to your feet against your better judgement and reaching for the lock on the door. 
Slowly… nervously, you unlock the latch and pull the door open slightly, stepping away from it to wrap the blanket around your shoulders protectively. 
He gently pushes the door open and steps into your apartment, his analytical, seafoam eyes quickly examining your apartment before dropping down to your face.
You stare up at him, your eyes wide with unshed tears, waiting for the worst.
But instead of confirming your fears, Silco carefully wraps his arms around your body, cradling you to his chest like you’re the most precious thing in the whole of Runeterra.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, I’m here now,” he says with a gentle possessiveness, like he fully intends to shield you from everything that could ever hurt you. 
It’s a wonder you don’t burst into tears in your overwhelming relief, as he gently sways you while your face is buried against his chest. 
You both stay there for a good few minutes, until Silco pulls away and gently persuades you to take a shower while he makes you a warm drink. 
It takes a while, given how difficult it is to move quickly when the sadness overwhelms you like this. 
But you manage it, finally exiting the bathroom in fresh pyjamas and Silco’s stolen jumper to find that not only has he tidied your apartment and changed your bedsheets, but has also made you both something to eat and drink. 
You stare at the room in disbelief, before catching sight of him watching you carefully, which is when you promptly burst into overwhelmed tears. 
You’d expected the worst of him and he’d been nothing but wonderful.
Silco strides over to you, pulling you into another hug with one hand around your waist as his free hand traces soothing patterns up and down your spine. 
“I know, my love, I know,” he murmurs into your hair. 
He pulls back slightly to wipe your tears away from your cheeks with his thumbs. Then, he gently leads you to the old, worn couch, pulling you to sit with your back against his chest whilst he encourages you to eat. 
Silco begins by telling you about his day in a low, comforting voice. He tells you about the potential clients he met and how he looked for your favourite snack at the market but couldn’t find any. 
By the way he’s talking, you have a feeling he’ll keep going back day after day until he finds some. 
After that, he gently coaxes you into telling him how you’re feeling, how you’ve felt for a while now. You pause and stutter and worry the whole time, but with the sensation of your lovely partner tracing reassuring constellations on your skin the entire time, it slowly gets easier. 
You feel like the gods have given you an angel as Silco listens to every word you say, only interjecting to carefully counter any negative comments you make about yourself. 
And once you’ve both finished eating, you turn in his hold so your ear is resting against his chest, his long legs and arms wrapped around you protectively. Listening to his steady heartbeat like it’s the only metronome that can calm your troubled soul. 
It’s the safest and calmest you’ve felt in a long time.
A few quiet minutes pass before Silco breaks the lull in conversation, his voice rumbling straight from his chest to yours. 
“Did I ever tell you about the time I accidentally embedded a dart in Benzo’s leg?”
You almost sputter as your head tips back to look at him in wide-eyed incredulity. 
“You did what?”
“Let’s just say we all learned our lesson about not playing darts when we’re drunk,” he says, a dopey smirk on his crooked lips. 
You giggle quietly and he tightens his arms around you in response.
There’s another period of reticence where Silco gently runs his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp in soothing, repetitive motions. 
And while it doesn’t make the heavy feeling in your bones disappear entirely, it helps. 
“Thank you,” you whisper to him shakily, turning your head to kiss his chest.
Silco doesn’t respond with words, instead choosing to move his fingers from your hair to your cheekbone, resuming his gentle ministrations.
But like it always does when you get this way, and especially when it’s this quiet, the doubt starts to creep back in. 
“I don’t deserve this,” you mumble, not daring to look up at him. “I don’t deserve you.”
His movements pause before his fingertips glide down to your jaw, softly tilting your head back until you meet his gaze. 
“You deserve the moon and every single star in the sky,” he tells you slowly and sincerely. 
Then, he leans down to kiss your head reverently, and something tells you that he won’t stop until you believe him. 
Eventually, as it reaches the late evening, Silco leads you to bed, closing the window before he takes off his boots, socks, and trousers. 
He climbs under the covers with you, holding your body so close against his that you can feel every exhale of his breath dance across your skin. 
And before you drift into a peaceful sleep, Silco whispers reassurances that he loves you. That he’ll always be there when you need him. 
That he’ll take care of you when you’re down and even when you’re not. 
For Forever. 
A/N: ♡♡♡
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nabateaprodigy · 10 months
Finally got around to making this! Here's a collection of my writing.
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Where are you y/n? (Rhea x GN!Reader)
By Your Side (M!Alear x Vander)
Heartache (M!Byleth x Seteth)
Fódlan Sibling Headcannons (Dimitri, Felix, Constance, Linhardt, Caspar, and Yuri)
A King and his Summoner (Dimitri x GN!Reader)
A Picnic and Flowers (Clanne x Citrinne)
Starlight Sky (Rhea x F!Byleth)
Byleth and Shez Comfort Headcannons (M!Shez and M!Byleth x GN!Reader)
Domestic Life Headcanons (M!Shez and Claude x GN!Reader)
Cuddle Time! (Arval, M!Shez, and M!Byleth x Fem!Reader)
The Prince and His Maiden of Death (Dimitri x Fem!Reader)
Alcryst, M!Alear, and Gregory Headcannons. (Alcyst, M!Alear, and Gregory x Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Jealous! (Hortensia x Clanne)
Hey! That Dance Is With Me! (Ferdinand, Caspar, and Dorothea x GN!Reader)
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A Friendship of Fire and Ice (Natsu x Male!Reader)
Papa Where do Babies Come From? (Juvia x Male!Reader)
My Lovely Rain Woman (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Can't Look Back (Juvia x Gray)
Angelic Care (Angel x Male!Reader)
Hidden Power (Mirajane x GN!Reader)
Love At First Drink? (Gray x Male!Reader)
Uninvited Guests (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Rude Awakening (Wendy x Male!Reader)
Musical Mishap (Team Natsu x Fem!Reader)
Talk To Me (Juvia x Male!Reader)
I Can't Lose you to (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Snakes Curse (Wendy x Male!Reader)
First Word (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Rain, Rain Go Away and Come Back Another Day (Gray x Male!Reader)
Overflow (Gray and Lucy x Male!Reader)
Dear Little Brother (Greige x Fem!Reader)
Moving On (Gray and Juvia x Male!Reader)
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Vs Y/N! (Omori, Kel, Hero, and Aubrey x GN!Reader)
Ice Skating Mania (Omori, Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil x Male!Reader)
Goodbye...Omori (Omori x GN!Reader)
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Hopeful Maid (Nagito x Mahiru)
Rantaro and Kokichi Headcannons (Kokichi and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Lady of Despair (Junko x Fem!Reader)
Music and Stars (Shuichi, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Kokichi and Nagito With a Sensitive S/O (Kokichi and Nagito x GN!Reader)
Please Don't Turn Me Into a Marketable Plushy! (Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia x GN!Reader)
Pain In His Eyes (Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi, and Leon x GN!Reader)
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Attention (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
Playful Tendencies (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
A Mountain of Plushies (Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Hajime x Male!Reader)
Hopefully Compassion (Nagito x Fem!Reader)
Cheerleader Star (Leon x Gn!Reader)
Deserved to be Loved (Mahiru x Male!Reader)
DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons (Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, and Nagito x AFAB!Reader)
Love of History (Kyoko, Mukuro, Ibuki and Kirumi x GN!Reader)
Life or Death (Kyoko and Mukuro x Male!Reader.)
Fire Emblem games i write for and character x character pairings
If i write for platonic x reader.
If I write for Naruto
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