#Vlad is morally gray
moonlight-stalker · 1 year
# 77 Dc x Do
Ellie is turned into a baby Danny is turned into a toddler and Vlad is turned into a teenager they are in Gotham trying to survive and not be adopted by Bruce Wayne, and not get caught by the bats or the GIW.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 317
IMAGINE THIS: Lil baby Damian, bored and being not quite old enough to start learning how to use proper weapons (curse these wooden ones, he wants true steel!) is wandering the base. This is not out of the ordinary, he’s the prince after all. What is out of the ordinary is that his shadow, his Akhi, is not here. 
Technically, he should be napping, but he woke up and neither his mother or his brother- who is quiet but gentle and isn’t a good speaker (mother said it was from a head injury)- is there. Which is how he finds his way to the Pit, which he’s not supposed to be at. Or at least not alone. 
But! His mother and Akhi are there! And- and Akhi is screaming and he’s never heard him scream like that, like he’s in agony- His eyes are green- they were blue, had, had Mother placed him in the Waters- 
And then the pool is bubbling- he should be running away, get assistance or something, he’s five, he shouldn’t be running towards it when everything is screaming to flee. But one moment he’s at the doorway, the next he’s clinging to his akhi as something writhes in the Pit, a mighty bellow echoing even as the Shadows take defensive positions. 
The water cascades, laps at their feet, splashes everywhere as a scaled form rises from the depths, wings like a bloodied sunset spreading as fur bursts into flames. Crimson eyes glare down at them all, pupils slits as they bare down at his Akhi. 
The creature- the dragon- dips its head down, its breath warm as it chuffs at his akhi, wings folding as though it is bowing. His akhi is clinging to Mother, shivering, several scars glowing as they fade and a burst of hair burned white. 
@fairy-lights-and-blobs @f4nd0m-fun @hdgnj @radiance1 pspspspsps
#DCxDP#DPxDC#Prompts#Ghosts are Dragons#Or at least Halfas are#Let Jason & Damian be brothers#Jordan looking at Jason: This lil shit is my partner in this world? Damn could be worse#Danny wriggling from the pool & climbing up Damian’s back: My Partner >:D#Ellie bouncing through the caves to Respawn & dragging him into the room: My partner :)#Ras honestly kind of shrugs because ‘well they were chosen by the pits so hi extra grandsons he supposes#Ras turning to giant dragon Vlad & giving scritches: What do I do with two wholeass new grandchildren#Jazz the sea dragon sprawled behind Dusan & playing chess with him:#Does Bruce even know about the fact Ras has a giant fuck-you dragon? Who knows#He sure wasn’t expecting his son (EXCUSE HIM HE HAS A SON?!) to have a dragonet#Hood with big sun dragon behind him: >8)#Sun Core Dan#Ocean Core Jazz#Space Core Danny#Moon Core Ellie#They’re having fun with this httyd vibes honestly#Redeemed Vlad#Sort of- morally gray & complex Vlad & co#It’s similar to platonic soulmates but also not#They can share emotions with their chosen#Danny & Ellie are the size of medium dogs but the size of small horses by the time Damian goes to Gotham#Dan is the size of a semi-truck & will slowly get bigger#Jazz? The size of a plane but longer#Vlad is the size of a skyscraper (yes he came to this world first time isn't exactly linear in the realms all the time)#If you want pics of designs they're under the ghosts are dragons tag on my blog#(though haven't designed Jazz yet)
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kaezer · 2 years
Me: Yeah, I think I’m asexual
Villains/Morally gray father-figures: *exist*
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ecto-stone · 10 months
sometime when i said i hate a charater. It is more of an interpitation and bad execution of a charater that i hate rather then the Charater it self
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A DC X DP IDEA #9 The Nightgale’s
Imagine this…
Here we have a three-way relationship between Vlad, Maddie, and Jack. The grandfather Clockwork, the children which consist of Jazz, Dan, Danny, and Dani, and a morally gray Fenton clan. The Fenton’s might be descendants of the witches from the Salem trials but what about the name Nightgale?
It was not well-known knowledge that the name Nightgale is a well-known yet old name in the underworld. If you want information, firearms, drugs, protection, and many more it is the Nightgale that you should go as they have been ruling the underground for the past centuries building up their empire from scratch. Ruthless to those they consider their enemies, and saviors to those who are under their care.
Rogues from different parts of the world as well the rogues that the JL members are having trouble as well they pay their respects to the Nightgale’s as the last example namely the Joker disrespected them in the face, got paler, and found at the inch of death and they never mentioned nor crossed territories with them. Lex who tried his shot, almost got an aneurysm due to the fact that a single member of that family merely got to his most secured safe house and waved a black USB in front of him that will destroy him after a tongue lashing as that person explained in the politest voice, he ever heard threatening his entire empire.
Danny shouldn’t know whether to feel ecstatic or not, on one hand, his parents had accepted him as Phantom, and the number of tears and hugs involved was never to be talked about again. On the other Vlad’s wish came true, how? well, it was when Vlad realized that the reason, he hated his dad for so long is because he was stuck in the pulling the girl’s pig-tails phase. Instead of elementary, it started during their college time together up until now.
Now that both Maddie and Jack knew that both Danny and Vlad are halfas as well realizing his feelings and being added to the family due to the short and small wedding that the three of them had. Vlad revealed that he has children from Jack, namely Dani, and Dan, which sparked an argument between Maddie and Vlad, something he wouldn’t imagine seeing before, about who made their significant other happier or even loved more.
But the problems of the newly made family don’t end there. GIW agents began appearing more frequently and being more aggressive as they leave a destructive path to find Phantom as they believe that he is the most powerful of them all and needed to be eradicated.
Moving to a place where there is an abundance of ectoplasm in the air well-being able to mask their presence as the rest of the members who isn’t a ghost are infected to a certain degree that the GIW considered them as part of the Anti-Ecto laws. Jack told the family to go back to his birthplace as well going back to the family business to protect themselves from the GIW.
Danny had blinked at that statement he thought that the Fenton’s were descendants of witches that survived the Witch Trials and had made their settlement here in Amity when they had initially escaped.
Jack admitted he never wanted such an environment his future family can get into but seeing that their opponent is the government itself he realized that those secrets from his past can now keep his family safe.
He changed his last name to Fenton when he moved city in hope that their enemies may never find the true heir of the Nightgale’s. Ever since he was a kid, he dreamed of living a normal life with a normal family. Don’t get him wrong he loves the family where he was raised but lives a life where everyone will not kill you nor acknowledge you for having a fancy last name. With the support of his family, he embarked on his journey the moment he turned 14, creating a fake identity complete with paperwork that no one would the keenest eyes can make out whether it is real or fake.
Created a nonexistent identity with history in one of the most secluded areas in the world. Secured an identity and was able to intermingle and blend in with the locals to the point he was considered one of them despite not being a local.
Jack explained that being a normal person is quite hard as he was raised in a quite not-so-normal house. When he saw that being a ghostbuster/ scientist is an actual branch of science he immediately took the subject as his cover for his unusual strength, intelligence as well the fact that carries various exotic-looking weapons that can be brushed off as ways to contain ecto-entities.
What he didn’t think through is to be actually interested in the topic to the point he wrote an entire thesis and book about the so-called ghosts. Nor the fact he was able to create a gateway to another dimension on the said subject, married to people who saw and took interest in the said subject, have his son become that said entity as well having an entire family including him to be dead or infected in some sort of shape or form, he still remembers the way he jokingly thought to himself that he only suppose took as a joke as well being a cover seeing that nobody will actually take him seriously or even suspect him as a Nightgale if he took such career path where they were called mad and a joke by the science community itself.
Racing through the roads using the GAV with an injured Vlad and Danny on the tow along with the entire Fenton’s, Jack raced to Gotham with the only people who he thought can help them.
Apparently, Plasmius was caught by the GIW and was in the middle of live dissection when Phantom broke through the door and rescued the Fruit loop, he may still have slight anger issues towards the man for all the troubles he caused for Danny but the fact he was getting better and made his parents happy made him give the Fruit loop one last chance, but he never said that being petty is off the table.
Rushing in without a plan ended up with him being shoot and skewered a bunch of times but it was his supposed step-father’s life on the line here and he wouldn’t dare to give up.
Releasing as well as destroying everything they have on Ghosts is now a requirement to each GIW facility they encountered may also be a factor on why he now has a bleeding shoulder.
Upon entering Gotham borders they were greeted with chaos, Lady Luck was with them that day as well Lady Gotham, there had been a mass Arkham breakout and each Bat is busy containing the destruction and chaos around Gotham that they didn’t see a weirdly shaped vehicle racing through Downtown Gotham.
Lady Gotham had covered the vehicle with her shadows as she had felt her king and his father in great danger and protected the family from his knights and cities by steering away her knights and destroying any cameras that have caught them.
Knocking franticly on a wooden door of a fairly large house at the just edges of the border of Gotham, a lean young man wearing what looks like a butler’s uniform opened the door and was surprised to see Jack carrying a bloodied teen on his arms and an even bloodier man on his back, behind him a multitude of people carrying various emotions like anger, worry, scared and exhaustion in their faces, the mysterious young man immediately ushered the entire group inside the house.
Elias Nightgale never thought that he would ever see his son again, nor he expected to have the first meeting between him as well his grandchildren in such a manner.
He knew the existence of his grandchildren as he and Jack had been exchanging letters sick Jack decided to look at the world.
Barking orders his men to guard the premise as well as the group that came with Jack, calling in each of his men to learn everything that his son looks like has hidden from him because last time he checks he used to have only 2 grandchildren it seems now they have multiplied.
Calling in on a family meeting made every Nightgale member from immediate cousins, aunts, and uncles to their great uncles and aunts as well as cousins who were once or thrice removed.
Never once the entire family ever saw the day the current head Elias Nightgale of the Nightgale family ever called for a family emergency family meeting, so they dropped everything and went to the main base where they were greeted by Jack’s family with clear exhaustion and worry etched on their faces.
Jack began explaining to his dad what he might forget to write in their monthly exchange of letters.
Explaining about the ghosts, his son and spouse, and additional members as well as having an entire branch of government hunting them down just for existing.
It was twice that Jack had seen such murderous rage painted on his father’s space, first when he was tortured and kidnapped by an opposing group and the 2nd one today.
Elias Nightgale as well as the rest of the family are now ready to raid, destroy and raid everything to the ground, but Jazz had stopped them as attacking them might have the blame put on the ghost and have an entirely powered hero after them.
When Danny woke up and had gotten better, he was ushered to meet up with his paternal grandfather. Upon arriving at the study room he took his time to observe each of his family members, he is quite curious when he saw that his grandfather was 6ft at most and now questioned where his dad had gotten his height, but he saw a beautiful yet scarily tall 6 and 12 ft red-haired woman with the brightest hazel eyes he ever saw immediately concluded that she is his grandmother.
They have discussed that while he and his other father were unconscious that it is best to stay at the home of the Nightgale’s to have some sort of protection against the GIW as not only did they have the latest technology but also nobody wanted to mess with the Nightgale’s
Jack’s family is now intergraded into the Nightgale’s completely, despite the black dealings around them they didn’t bat an eye, as they have developed morally grey morals from the past years, they even had their own roles.
Jack Nightgale became the head of weapon making, using a new type of energy while masking the ectoplasm signature of it pose a problem but was able to overcome, now the Nightgale’s now have one of the most dangerous weapons that were ever made and begin strictly monitoring each one.
Maddie became part of the assassination section of the Family Business, with a ninth-degree black belt as well as a marksman made her the perfect assassin that specifically hunts down rapists and child murderers as well GIW agents that dared to hunt down their families.
Vlad Masters who is currently on par with being the richest man in the country focused on his business, as much as he loved his in-laws, he made such that Vlad Co. stays up and running as well as able to thrive. They needed a continuous flow of funds to be able to renovate the house to a mini-mansion to accommodate the small family, complete with built-in security from both humans and ghosts.
Dan began training the guards as well as being one of their heavy hitters, always out with a mission for their family as well the one sent out to check on the family’s business and dealings in and out of the country.
Jazz has a normal job as a physiatrist building her own little clinic near Criminal alley during the day but by night she is one of the best information specialists gatherers. In interrogation is where she blossoms playing the minds of her victims into telling her the information they hold.
Danny began his training in both being the heir of the Infinite Realms as well the potential next head of the Nightgale’s, Danny pointed out that he is the middle child but sadly all of his siblings voted him as the next head of the family.  Training that included weapon handling and execution, using and not using his ghost powers as an advantage, briefings with high-profile people, and private instruction from "constitutional experts".
Lastly, Dani, who is un doubly the best spy there is, able to slip into about anything and able to extract information without alerting their intended target. Having the ability to engage with others as naturally, adaptive, and highly functioning as possible. As a spy, social interaction will take numerous forms, requiring her to be comfortable engaging with people from many walks of life.
Batman sat in front of the Bat computer for an hour still reviewing the new case about the Nightgale’s.
During his teen years, he was saved by one of their own as his ancestor as well as the first holder of the Wayne name had a long-standing relationship between the Waynes and Nightgale’s, thus saving the heir of the Waynes seemed only right and they have already taken the liberty of torturing and killing his parent’s murderer.
As much as he wanted to cut off any ties the Wayne family between to the Nightgale. It is quite impossible as his family has allotted a considerable size of life debts towards the Nightgale’s and opted to merely watch and observe the family.
It has been a year and a half since their activity has spiked as well as the new cruelty towards specific people who all wore white suits with black shades, having been brutally killed before dumping their bodies. They are still killing people in their usual kills as well as the people who had dared to defy them to the point of extreme torture.
It was also been 6 months since he and his entire family decided to investigate the recent killings of the Nightgales.
It has also been 9 months since Red Hood joined and helped the Nightgale’s in the crusade of killing the people who wore white suits and black shades.
It has also been a year since the new students of the Gotham family aka the Adia siblings namely Jasmine, Danny, and Dani Adia became close friends as civilians of some of the members of the Bat-family.
Just what are the Nightgale's are up to and what are the Adia Siblings hiding?
 PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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lexosaurus · 1 year
Hi uhh i have a question i was scrolling at ao3 and i keep seeing pompous pep fiction a lot but i thought it was illegal because there is at least 20 year age gap im getting confused
AO3 is a creative writing/fanfiction archive that allows anything that's legal under US creative writing law. There are some limitations, like scripting out an episode of DP would not be allowed because that's copyright infringement, and posting something disguised as a fic that's not actually one (say, posting your headcanons list or your grandma's cookie recipe) isn't allowed because that's not a transformative work. But otherwise, people are allowed to post any fictional content that they so wish so long as it's tagged properly.
The tags are an awesome feature of the site and are why many people, myself included, choose to use AO3 as their main fanfiction domain. It allows you to opt in or opt out of any tag that you do or don't want to see. For example, I read/write a ton of gore, so I often filter in tags like "Dissection" (using the sidebar) so I can only see those types of fics. But there are tons of people who get squicked out by gore/dissection, so they might prefer to filter those tags out. Maybe they just wanna read a good smut fic, so they'd filter in that tag, while for me, I'm not so interested in that content, so I almost always filter it out before I browse.
I know this seems a bit long winded of me, but what I'm trying to get at is that because fanfiction is fictional, that means that ships and tags that you or I might argue are morally gray or even morally unethical are totally allowed on the site (aka no real children were harmed in the making of said fic, so not illegal). This includes Pompous Pep, which is Danny/Vlad. And if you don't want to see that, as many people probably don't, then the site makes it extremely easy to filter that stuff out! Woo!
The DP Phandom is a really really old phandom and we've had a history of "true vs anti" ship wars back in the 00's, which while a bit different than the kinds of shipping wars you see in other fandoms today, they still happened and were incredibly destructive within our spaces. People were fighting, there was lots of bullying, angry cliques, and overall moral policing "you can't sit with us" behavior to people who frankly didn't deserve it. There's not a lot of creatives left from that era, and the ones that did come back don't have a lot of positive things to say about it.
So yeah, maybe some people on AO3 write things that might squick you out, but from experience we've found it to be far more beneficial to just do our own things. Write the content you wanna write, read the content you wanna read, interact with the people you wanna interact with, and block/mute/filter out/whatever the rest. It's honestly not worth your mental health or sanity to try to police fics/art in here. We're too old, most of us got jobs, bills to pay, maybe even kids to feed, and it's honestly not worth our time. Besides, it's much more fun to participate in phandom events and nerd out with other creatives about silly AUs and tropes and geek out over art styles and colors than it is to worry about that stuff!
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picturejasper20 · 6 months
Vlad Masters/Plasmius fanon lore and headcanons (in phics or other phanworks)
-He almost always has a fire ghost core in contrast to Danny's ice core. His elemental power is usually electricity but in some phanworks he uses fire powers
-He often has a ghost sense like Danny, with red smoke from his mouth/nose
-Often has ghost butlers working on his mansion
-Has one or two cats as pets
-Usually headcanoned as Russian or slavic descendant
-He is usually written as more ¨morally gray¨ in fanworks. He is more capable of showing that he cares about others, specially Danny or Danielle.
-Often portayed as heavy drinker/ has the habit of passing out and getting drunk
-May have the habit of just showing up at Danny's house to beat the shit out of him
-Pretty common for him to get redemption arcs or making a truce with Danny. It comes in multiple ways, one of the most typical is him having to work together with Danny and realize that he doesn't want to keep being enemies.
-Other ways of him getting redemption arcs are: Him realizing that what he is doing didn't make him happy/ won't make him happy- Him missing the times he used to be friends with Jack and Maddie and reaching out to them.
-Time the redemption arcs take place: Many around near the end of Season 2 or Season 3. Others earlier in the show and/or pre-Kindred Spirits. Some take place after Phantom Planet.
-Some phics potray him as having family. He usually has a distant relationship with his parents, who may be abusive depending on the phanwork. His relationship with his siblings or cousins can be pretty strained as well.
-May have PTSD and suffer from huge abandonment issues
-What happened between him and Jack depends on the phanwork. However, it is quite common the idea that Jack abandoned Vlad (out of fear or negligence) after the ghost portal accident took place and hasn't properly apologized for it.
-In a lot of phics he doesn't forgive Jack, but there are some exceptions where he does
-A lot of stories involve him being the reason Dan gets accidentally free from the thermos (Not surprising)
-May get cursed for stealing or using an ancient ghost artifact that doesn't belong to him.
-AUs where he isn't a villain and he is more or less an ally.
-Some phics explore the idea of him adopting Danny or becoming Danny's temporal guardian after Danny comes out to his parents about being half ghost and it doesn't go well for him.
-May adopt Danielle in some AUs or makes up with her and allows her to stay with him.
-His parenting is often potrayed strict, demanding and puntual. He dislikes how negligent the Fentons can be with their kids and doesn't see them as good parents. He may struggle a lot with being a father himself, not knowing what to do.
-Although a bit rare, there are a few fics that have him being experimented and dissected by the Fentons or GIW. If it is the Fentons, he may develop trauma and forget about chasing after Maddie.
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omegasmileyface · 1 year
The Forest, the Trees, the Fire I: CATALYST
Chapter 5
chaptor 5 lets go Authors: @attackradish, @ectolemonades, me. Artist: @/crunchysart
For the full characters list, word count, content warning, and a directory to all the currently available chapters and related content, see the Table of Contents!
full summary: The world outside of Amity Park has learned about the existence of ghosts, and the time for first impressions has arrived. The delicate public consciousness could be disrupted by the slightest ripple. Danny Fenton is being ripped apart from all sides, and when he finally breaks, the ripples will be very big indeed.
warnings: mind control
words: 3778
AO3 link
first chapter
previous chapter
next chapter
Jack Fenton was shocked at the verdict discussed in the GIW's leaked paper. Vlad? A ghost? Sure, he probably would have reached those same conclusions himself given that data, but the paper was very new, only a few days old. It hadn't been through a peer review process. It was only an unproven hypothesis that Vlad was dead. If the paper had been thorough enough to have a valid conclusion, it would have been published officially. This was still in its workshopping stages, leaked before it could finish incubating. Sure, the readings were concerning and deserved to be looked into some more, but it would be unscientific to say his friend was dead. It would be unfair.
Maddie Fenton was less confident. She distrusted the bureaucratic process of the GIW and loathed an unreviewed paper as much as her husband, but there were some things clicking together in her memories. Some hazy events starting to make a lot more sense.
Valerie Gray was hesitant to trust a group that shot at anything with an ectosignature— like she used to— but she had never been a fan of Vlad Masters. An appreciative business partner, sure, but… he was just a sponsor. And he had never set off her suit's alarms or anything, but he had made it, and even when she altered it… there were lots of varieties of ghosts. She wouldn't be surprised if there were types that were specialized in pretending to be human. So when the very agency that had been benefiting from his support was convinced that he wasn't human… Valerie remembered his massive living room and his face on the cover of a magazine and his board position at the company that had fired her dad. She felt tears of anger build behind her eyes.
Jazz Fenton saw the headlines— "Richest Man Alive in the Midwest… Not So Alive?"— in a city that wasn't even completely sure it believed in ghosts. And wasn't that fun? Going from a place where it was a simple fact of life, and you accepted it or died, to the terrifying outside world where reputable sources and established worldviews and "seeing is believing" all fought for dominance on the daily? And amid all the debate, there was the face of her awful godfather on the news with the scariest captions she could imagine. All she could think to do to help was call her brother. 
Vlad had no choice but to call for a press conference that evening. Waiting would only make things worse. This was not the kind of thing people could go without word on for more than a few hours. He could say something there that would make things worse, yes, but if he waited any longer to speak, he was good as gone. Ruined like a croissant made with warm butter. Thrown out like a dropped cupcake. Fucked.
It was just too bad that he hadn't thought of what in the fondue to say.
And, oh goodie, there was Daniel the moment he closed the door to his office. Looks like he wouldn't even have a chance to think of something.
"Daniel, I appreciate the moral support, but I really need to prepare for this."
"What are you going to say out there?"
"Straight to the chase, are we? Look, it's a very sensitive matter, and it requires more thought—"
"You don't know? The great chessmaster played with fire and didn't have a plan for what to say when he got burned?"
"Bold words coming from you! I'm surprised you even heard about what happened, with the way your parents tell me you've been missing in action!"
"You know damn well where I've been! I've been actually trying to fix this whole mess, unlike you on the inside, playing around—"
They both heard a car pulling up the driveway. They shared a look.
"Probably GIW," said Daniel. "If they can't be sure you're human, they definitely can't be sure you're not planning something."
"Mm," Vlad agreed. "Let's go to the lab."
The two went downwards, beyond the floor and into Vlad's lab. Oh, Vlad realized, the authorities will probably be clearing the place out as a crime scene after this. The lab was supposed to be inaccessible to humans, but… well, it wouldn't be the first time they'd destroyed one of his houses. He figured he should move his important data before he left for the conference.
"Here, help me pack up or destroy anything the GIW shouldn't get to find. Just stick it through the portal if you think it's worth keeping."
"Fine," said Daniel, "as long as you listen to me while we do that."
Vlad walked to his computer station to update his backups. "Of course."
"So, it's just as well that you don't know what to say. I've got ideas."
"Do tell?"
Danny opened a fridge to find an array of plastic vials labelled with his name and a date from 2004. Ew. He burned those up with an ectoblast. "Your options are pretty much to tell the truth, dispute their findings, or claim to be a full ghost, and I think you can see how two of those would be no-gos."
"Are you certain? You've seemed awfully sure before that having a human side would prevent humans from doing anything unthinkable. Why the new attitude? Are you afraid of getting caught out yourself?"
Danny sighed. "Vlad, if they find out that there's a grey-area between ghostliness and humanity, they'll have a whole new playing field. They could… like, try to make people liminal on purpose as soldiers. It's really better that they have as little information as possible."
"You're so confident that they wouldn't see right through me!" Vlad tossed a box-shaped construct full of hard disks through the portal. "Besides, it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe they'll start to believe in our humanity! Ha."
"Yeah, no way. That's out of the question. And I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single way to deny the ghost allegations without that backfiring immediately."
"So I'm going to have to pretend that I've been 'just Plasmius' the whole time. Great. I look forward to that conversation. Is there a point to this?"
Danny threw some boxes of paper files through the portal without caring if they spilled out. "If you agree to stick to that plan, and don't do anything that could rat either of us out, I'll get you a good place to stay in the Zone and a ride there after the press conference."
Vlad paused. His face was blank, tired.
"…You do know you can't stay here, right? They're gonna know your face everywhere. I don't know if you've figured out shapeshifting, but I think it would be hard to keep it up for long. Your life on Earth is done for, at least until this whole thing is over."
Vlad straightened up. "What about outside the US? There are communities just taking ghosts as another part of life in other countries. I imagine I could hit it off well enough in a small town in China somewhere."
As if Danny hadn't bargained the same thing with himself a thousand times by now. "The GIW haven't hesitated to work abroad before. I can't imagine them stopping once they have a grudge against you."
"I bet I could even find some sort of willing overshadow host—"
"No!" Danny stepped out of the weapon cache he was sorting into "useful (save)", "creepy (burn)", and "God only knows (steal)" piles to look Vlad in the eye. "We both know you don't want to run away to somewhere where you could never see anyone you know, or build another portal, or get too far into the public eye. That lifestyle just isn't for you. You're too desperate to fulfill your ego."
Vlad tried to defend himself, but Danny didn't let him.
"I'm offering you a free ride to a place in the middle of the familiar part of the Infinite Realms, defended from all the enemies you've made, no restrictions. I even made sure it's safe for your cat. Just accept, and it'll be that easy."
Vlad's eyes filled with a manic energy Danny hadn't seen since he turned fifteen. "Goodness, Daniel, I thought you weren't the type for deals. Are you losing yourself in your little jaunt with the High Throne?"
Danny ran his hands through his hair and wondered if Vlad would take going back to cleaning up as a sign of weakness. Then he wondered if he really cared what Vlad thought. "God, dude! Just shut up and take the deal."
"You know, Daniel, if I told them the truth, they would put the clues together and find you. I'm sure you wouldn't like that very much. Either they'd take you away for good or you'd have to leave this dimension behind. Either way, you wouldn't be able to contact any of your friends and family." His eyes were wide and looking behind Danny somewhere. He was smiling. It was the least controlled smile he'd ever seen on Vlad. Something was wrong. "Of course, I'd already be running away. You don't have the resources to stay on Earth on your own, but I have cash. If you wanted to talk to anyone you knew, anyone who could understand, I'd be your only option. You would have to come with me."
"What the hell are you talking about?" There were GIW agents stomping around upstairs and the press conference was in a few minutes. They were running out of time.
"I'm going to tell them about us, Daniel, and you're going to have to come with me! You don't have a choice! You never DID!"
Vlad was actually breaking down! He was panicking because everything was over for him, and reverting to familiar plans! Was he gonna listen? Could he listen? They were both screwed. What was Danny supposed to do? 
His mouth was open before he knew what he was doing. Vlad always did make him a little impulsive.
"You have to take the deal."
He realized he had fucked up when Vlad didn't even hesitate. "Okay." His tone and face were flat, as if he hadn't been experiencing a crisis a second ago. Then his face curled up like he had eaten something bitter.
They both looked into each other's eyes for a moment, and in both faces there was barely hidden fear. Then Danny grabbed the last few bags of tech and tossed them through the portal so he didn't have to see Vlad's face. He had just used a Command. Like, capital C, barely written in the books, "rare Ghost King shit" Command. It only got brought up once in his lessons and he had already hated the idea. He hated even more that he had used it less than two weeks after getting coronated.
He didn't even mean to! But he was so sure that he wouldn't get through to Vlad, and that he and Dani and every liminal Amity Parker would be screwed over permanently, and he was desperate…
Maybe Vlad was right, and neither of them had a choice.
Vlad finally got his voice reconnected to his thoughts. "Are we going to talk about that, little King?"
Danny shut off the portal, then ripped some components out of the tunnel so it hopefully couldn't be easily repaired. "Make sure everything from the mansion that you want to keep is ready to be moved. I'll grab your cat. Meet me at my place when they stop listening and start shooting."
Danny flew off without looking at Vlad's face again.
Mayor Vlad Masters took the stage just late enough to spur concern, at 5:03 PM. The sun was already gone, and under the portable lights the news station had brought, he looked absolutely normal. There was less of an in-person audience than usual.
"Hello, Amity Park.
"This morning, a research report from the Garrison Irving Walker Commission was leaked on a number of public websites. The report centered around myself: specifically, an investigation into my history and relationship with ectoplasm. In short, the authors concluded that my ectoplasmic readings suggested that I am a ghost, or that something similar is the case, and pointed to some events in my past as a businessman and ectologist which might support that."
From off the platform, a single person booed.
"For the sake of transparency, I have decided to publically share my side of the story. I would like to preface this by saying that I apologize for the times I have misled anyone before about my identity. I did so knowingly and willingly in hopes that I could go about my business without being interrupted. I have made many selfish and damaging choices before, and I am choosing to cast light on them now. Please allow me to tell you…"
Vlad barely caught the piercing eyes of Phantom— probably a duplicate made solely to intimidate him— hiding behind a light pole across the street.
"…the whole truth.
"In February of 1984, I… Vlad Masters was enrolled in an Ectology graduate program at the University of Wisconsin Madison. The program was even smaller and more ridiculed then than it was a few months ago, and most of the research being done in the program was very experimental and quite risky. Masters and… his lab partners had spent the rest of the school year theorizing the existence of a dimension adjacent to this one, where ectoplasmic events and entities originated. By spring, they were working on a prototype of a portal meant to make such a dimension visible from this one.
"Against all odds, they were able to make some kind of a connection, but it wasn't how they intended it. J— some idiot didn't—"
Vlad clutched his lectern and took a breath. He was clinical. He was neutral. He was an outside observer.
"Not all safety checks were followed on the portal. When Masters was investigating the portal after a failed test, it suddenly activated and expelled a massive amount of ectoradiation into his face, along with some mundane radiation and raw ectoplasm. It was not his fault, but he was severely injured and came down with an ectoradiation sickness which took him out of college and left him in the hospital for a year, slowly dying.
"My name is Plasmius. You may know me as the Wisconsin Ghost."
He avoided transforming, still, in case it might make the audience more trigger happy. Or somehow spark an investigation into half-ghosts.
"When the prototype portal activated, it made a small connection with the ghost dimension, and I just happened to be present to feel it. I followed, and I was subsequently shot into the body of Vlad Masters. He was present, but very ill, and as he slowly died, I slowly gained control. I also gained access to some of his memories, and I could still use my powers in his body without stopping it from being human and looking like him. It seemed the perfect opportunity to pick up his life after he died and I made his body healthy enough to leave the hospital.
"I started using his identity as my own. He became something like a skin to me, so much so that my own form was influenced by his appearance and now looks something like him, but more ghostly. Later on, I would learn to leave his body temporarily, if I needed— rather, wanted, to do something like fight other ghosts. For the most part, though, the life and body Vlad Masters left behind became my home.
"As remorseful as I am to admit it after all this time, I would occasionally use my powers to influence business partners and rivals to gain more money and power. While I was on Earth, living something like a human life, I wanted to see all it had to offer me, and money seemed like the only way to do that.
"Eventually, I, like many ghosts of our time, grew a fondness for picking fights with the Phantom. That, alongside a developing friendship with my— Vlad Masters's godson and his family, led me to relocate to Amity Park."
Across the street, Daniel's duplicate rolled his eyes. Well, Vlad couldn't exactly mention the prank war, now, could he?
"I campaigned for mayorship out of that same desire to experience the full human gambit, and I did influence some voters into voting for me. I apologize for my disruption of the local democracy.
"Since I started to li— reside here, I have focused on my work as mayor as much or more than my business as a ghost. I have—"
Someone threw a shoe at Vlad. He stepped aside.
"I have recently been genuinely attempting to work with the Garrison Irving Walker Commission to keep the humans of Amity Park secure and free among new knowledge about ghosts. I okayed the construction of the research facility in town, and permitted local rights to use defensive ectoweaponry not yet approved outside town. The investigation into me was sudden, and was triggered by my pushback against a policy which would result in the constant surveillance and reporting of every Amity Park citizen's biological information via a tracking of ectocontamination.
"As far as I know, I am the only ghost who was pretending to be a human in Amity Park, and this particular investigation did in fact reveal my presence. In a few minutes, I am going to leave this town once and for all and you won't have to worry about me anymore, but I urge you to think about the fact that the GIW were so ready to write a report like this as soon as I, a consistent supporter of theirs ideologically and monetarily, questioned a proposed move to start monitoring innocent civilians.
"One bit of potentially critical response, and they were pulling up confidential medical information on an individual they had no proof was guilty or inhuman. They were tracing all of my past correspondences and records, without my knowledge or permission, when they thought I was human. They are not the government, or the police, or the court. They are a private institution, and the moment I did something they didn't like, they went behind my back to upheave my life.
"Perhaps, in your eyes, I deserved it. But someday they will do the same to someone who does not.
"Personally, I am glad to return to the realm of the dead, where those in power never do something like this without being physically attacked in response."
Vlad turned invisible, and the small audience turned into a cacophony. The GIW agents in the group immediately started firing. But he was already gone, shooting off toward the Fenton portal, where he was expected.
Jack and Maddie Fenton had been paying rapt attention the whole press conference, united in their confusion. Neither of them knew what to feel.
Was it considerate or cold that he refused to mention them by name, despite their massive part in his story? Were his claims about the GIW acting out without good reason true or manipulative?
Should Jack feel remorseful that his honest mistake had killed his friend, or victorious that the Wisconsin Ghost hated the memory so much it stopped him in his tracks? Should Maddie feel sad that her old friend's image had been dirtied in her memory, or vindicated that he really had been different in recent years?
With their hearts full and minds blank, the only thing they could be sure of was that everything was moving very quickly, and without their involvement.
Whether they were there to help fight the good fight or to change the system from the inside, it was finally time the Drs. Fenton gave in and joined the GIW.
Valerie Gray had planned on watching the press conference alone, but her dad had asked her to join him. She figured, now, that his presence was the only thing keeping her from throwing something at the TV.
The Guys in White had kept going too far, just like she was afraid, and the very man she had said she trusted to keep that from happening turned out to be a ghost. Not just a ghost, either, but the Wisconsin Ghost, one of the worst ones. He came, did as much damage as possible without engaging anyone, and left. Val was even pretty sure she saw him threatening Dani, way back when.
He never showed up except to wreak havoc. Of course he was the same as "Vlad Masters", who took over companies just to make life worse for teenagers and got voted in despite nobody wanting him. He had been an okay benefactor, but…
He had been seen naked on live television. She only put up with him so she could do her job. Of course he was a lying, manipulative, stealing ghost!
If there was a proper afterlife, for people who didn't become ghosts, Valerie hoped the real Vlad Masters was there, laughing that Plasmius had finally been forced to own up.
And back on Earth, Valerie locked herself in her room and vowed to never again trust someone who hadn't proven themself.
It was a beautiful day in Victoria, British Columbia. Sure, there was a foot of fresh snow, and it really didn't look the same without its summer blooms, but Danielle Phantom had snuck into the Butchart Gardens anyway. They were still magical! A thousand different kinds of leaves, hidden by frost blankets… she loved to see it in any season!
She couldn't resist twirling around in the air when she finally left the Gardens to go back to the levy. Yes, she was visible, and maybe Victoria was just a tad too populated for that to be safe, but… she was living life! How could she turn down a chance to live her day to the fullest when she never knew which one would be her last?
The sunset over the ocean was stunning in its greys and blues and oranges. She almost wished she had saved some film in that disposable camera she bought for her journey through Alaska.
There was only one boat on the water, approaching the harbor. She didn't question it, even when they weren't stopped for nearly long enough to complete a safe border check. They just pulled into the harbor, unboarded, and then Danielle's vision was going blurry, and she was forgetting where she was, and three men in white suits were dragging her over to the boat.
What a vacation, huh?
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entireblockofcheese · 9 months
Hi, im Sky or Vlad, he/him, definitely not a bunch of opossums in a trench coat
@cryptidseeker is my second main-ish blog
Also im known at some places as caelumperiwinkle — here this name is taken by me too but i lost password? So another blog of mine is @lumperiwinkle, though i dont post there a lot
Also i have a telegram channel, it’s ✨here✨, and i almost never post in english there bc my brother doesn’t speak it, but nowadays one is able to easily translate most things if they’re really interested
I don’t think i have rules that go beyond common sense:
we love people here
moral is gray and ambiguous at most times, but sometimes you really need to draw the line
family is important, chosen family = family
unnecessary violence is, well, unnecessary
salads are supreme, everything is salad, i will elaborate
soup is wet salad
cheese (also a “salad”) have good chemicals make brain go brrrr
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moonlight-stalker · 3 months
# Dcu x Dp 193
Batman and Robin had broken into Vlad Masters Hotel because they found something that was extremely similar to Lazarus water as Damian looks around he ends up in the bed room where he finds a crib that has a sleeping baby in it underneath the crib he finds injections filled with Lazarus water and comes to the conclusion that he is experimenting on this baby. Damian decides that he needs to take her when he leave.
After creating Dani Vlads decided not to age her up and raise her himself. Vlad is using ecto injection keep her stable until he find a permanent solution.
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Season 2 - Episode 4
Official title: Reign storm
AKA: There's a king now
Villain of the week: Vlad's stupidity. And also the ghost king I guess, but he wouldn't be a problem if Vlad ever thought about the consequences of his actions.
Oh, this is going to go so badly.
And badly it went.
This is the episode of "don't say it can't get any worse, because it will".
And Maddie just burned his crotch. Eh, fair.
Vlad... bad touch. Also, bad move with freeing the evil ancient demon king. But also, bad touch.
Damn, I just realized how long this bitch is. I mean, I guess it is kinda hard to fit that much dumb shit into 20 minutes.
"Ma'am, you married him, removing his pants is your job."
"Want to be my villain son/apprentice? The position is still open."
Oh, I want the to team up more often, they're funnier when they do. Unfortunately, he never graduates to morally gray wine uncle status, from what I've been informed.
3... 2... 1... Bonk.
Ghost hour storytime. Nice.
You need to work on your heroic pitch, Danny.
And you need to work on your villain pitch, Vlad.
This is definitelly not going to end well.
Nice cinematic shot... cut to Danny looking like a fucking sticker.
Boss Battle. Nice.
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elegantmantaray · 2 years
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So... these are actually for my dp oc, Varjo Thorn. In my own canon adjacent fanon, and in a fantasy au, she's a witch! A morally gray one, however.
Before becoming a Amity Park's resident witch, she was doing a job closer to that of a Witcher, killing the worst of what the magical community had to offer. Government sanctioned kills, but kills none the less. She retired from that line of work recently, and now she does a job closer to that of witches of Discworld. She helps the other members of the local magic community with potions and spells and stuff.
Varjo is also one eigth of sapient creatures I made up called shadow shifters, so on top of her magic spells she has powers of light and shadow manipulation. She has a second form from her human appearance, an abstract version of her face in this second form is behind her weapons above. I can't draw humanoids well enough to do her justice.
To be honest, I created Varjo to be a love interest for Vlad, but also a friend for him. The idiot needs a badass to set him on the right path, but I don't want to nor do I have the mental capacity to go into depth on their relationship today. I will say they're the friends to lovers trope because that's my fave, however.
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ecto-stone · 4 months
Okay okay. You know How Evil morally gray charater look like and feel like a Plain watered down Bisuit Square after their Redemtion arc. I think Vlad is the Opposite he got Promoted from a Salted Biscuit to a Premium Delux ChocolateChip Cookies. (He got even fruitier when he have a healthy support system that he can comfortable around)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 11 months
by XysidheQueen Daniel Fenton lost everything, his family, his friends, his home. Daniel Fenton was never strong enough to protect anything that mattered to him. Daniel Fenton died twice. Once when he was fourteen, and again in a destroyed lab. Phantom died with him. Reaper rose from the ashes, and now he's trying to find a balance between who he once was, and the monster he's not scared enough of becoming.   Alternately: There's a new mask on Jason's turf, and this one refuses to leave. Will Jason be able to scare him off, or will they enter into a partnership that can either save them both or drag them screaming into the darkness that hides in both their hearts? Words: 1696, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Danny Fenton, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom), Jazz Fenton, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Vlad Masters, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake Relationships: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd Additional Tags: Angst, So much angst in this one guys, Hurt/Comfort, Not Canon Compliant, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Morally Gray Danny Fenton, Dark Danny Fenton, The character death is NOT a joke this time, people die, a lot of people die, Dead On Main - Freeform, How Do I Tag, Blood and Violence, no beta we die like danny AND jason, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Good Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton, Jack and Maddie Fenton Know Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom, Depression, Dissociation, Ghost King Danny Fenton, But its not entirely relevant to the plot, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, its gets a lot worse before it gets better, Angst with a Happy Ending, dark au, POV Alternating via https://ift.tt/GJhIzQp
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audiofictionuk · 1 year
New Fiction Podcasts - 15th September
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RED ODYSSEY New Audio Drama! The year is 1983. The threat of war simmers between the Soviet Union and the US. The moon watches the Earth like a slowly blinking eye, and within the black depths of the cosmos... something watches the moon. Cosmonaut Ilia Zakharov (award-winner PETER WICKS) sits in a dark room in Moscow; a broken man with the soul of a poet. He controls a lunar rover called FANTOM IX (ALLISON COSSITT), the newest model in a series of machines designed to explore the surface of the moon. Together they uncover secrets that could determine the fate of all life on Earth and form a bond that transcends space and barriers. East and West stand at the brink of nuclear war. And yet, something far, far worse is coming. Something the human race is not ready to greet. Something unknowable. Something malevolent. Make no mistake, this eldritch horror story isn't your usual sci-fi. Be prepared to be led on a journey where the stakes are larger than life itself. You'll never look at the night sky the same again. And whatever you do—don't let IT see you. https://denouncermedia.com https://feeds.captivate.fm/red-odyssey/
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picturejasper20 · 7 months
Cartoon characters you think had the biggest fall off in terms of writing?
Well, can think of a few examples
Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom
This one is quite obvious: He was a pretty interesting villain with unique motivations in the first two seasons and had a specific relationship with Danny that moved his character arc forward. He was a really good foil for Danny in the way their morals clashed.
Then Season 3 comes and sends most of that characterization to the trash, leaving a superficial version of him. He acts more as a generic villain, his motivations seem to change every episode he shows up. He is introduced as main antagonist in the season and barely does anything, with D-Stabilized being the closest you get to that, etc.
I would include Valerie Gray in the spot as well, but honestly i feel like she was more mistreated than her writing ¨fell off¨. She still acts like her usual self in D-Stabilized and it is probably her best episode along with Flirting With Disaster.
2- Marco Diaz from Star vs The Forces of Evil
Marco is a character that was having some pretty solid development in the first two seasons. He even forgave and befriended Star ex-boyfriend who only saw him as a rival. He learned to overcome his own insecurities and date a girl he really liked since he was like 10.
...And around Season 3 he like... started to flirt or date with half of the teenager girl cast. He almost started to gain a harem for all the girls that were into him. Not to mention that he kissed Star when she was dating Tom... after he spent a lot of time trying to be in good terms with him and telling him that he wasn't a thing with Star. That's not to say Star didn't mess it up big but at least she was improving in other areas like helping the monsters.
The writers took a character that was overall likable and turned him into harem dude. It was like they didn't know what to do with him after Season 2 and just matched him with every girl they could think off.
3-Mordecai from Regular Show
This case is well known and self explanatory. He was in general a good character in the first seasons. Then he got tangled in all this romance between Margaret and CJ, he messed it up so badly that CJ never spoke to him again and she didn't appear in the series later on.
The irony is that while Mordecai was getting worse, Rigby was improving in some ways by taking classes and finally graduating from school. He grows into someone more mature and responsible.
And this drama romance in the end didn't seem to have importance later on since Mordecai didn't end up with Margaret, instead he ends up with a bat girl he meets in the time skip montage.
4-Morty Smith from Rick and Morty
This is a bit weird because it isn't that his character got ruined but it feels like in some ways he has regressed to the way he was on Season 1 and Season 2.
I feel like the main issues that many have pointed out is that Rick is allowed to get better, while Morty can't. He can't process his own trauma and the way he is treated by his own family (yes, it isn't only Rick the problem). So he is stuck going back and forth with his evolution as character.
My theory is that, because the show has this thing of trying to keep the status quo, changing Morty too much would mean that the writers have to change his dynamic with Rick and... that would mean the show changing its status quo as well.
5-Charmcaster from the original Ben 10 series
I don't recall that much about her but i do remember she was someone who practiced dark magic and was mistreated by her uncle in the original show. Then in the series that followed she became someone a lot worse?? Like she started killing a lot of people for some reason. It was super weird.
6- Nine from Sonic Prime
I wouldn't call it character assassination. However, he feels like he becomes a very different character from who he was in Season 1 and Season 2.
In Season 1 and 2 he was someone who was looking out for himself. He didn't want to cause harm on purpose and just wished to live in a place he could be safe. He is just a kid who hasn't had the best life and wants someone that can be his friend.
Then in Season 3 he starts putting people in danger intentionally? He actually attacks people and threatens others. There isn't exactly a proper build up to this character change. It just happens.
It doesn't help that he doesn't have that many moments he seems to regret his actions. He just keeps going and going. So when his heel turn comes it feels... cheap, again because there wasn't enough build up to that.
I would include Chloe from Miraculous Ladybug but i haven't watched that series so..
These are the ones that come to my mind at the moment. Maybe there are others that i'm not able to recall at the moment.
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