#Vow of Absolution
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Wrath and Glory: Vow of Absolution - Absolver Space Marine by Sam Manley
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lesbicastagna · 9 months
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went down a rabbit hole of this subject.
Filippo Lippi, painter and carmelitan friar, and Lucrezia Buti, a nun, meet and fall in love while she poses as model for an altarpiece. Classic.
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triaelf9 · 14 days
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Look, I'm just saying all the non-game DA rogues need to form an Oops All Rogues group and travel around Thedas fighting evil together XD
Some mixed media fun! Trying out some tone style things for a Future Project ^_-
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I really don’t think we should be treating morality as a linear thing in ASOIAF because what often happens is that we start to stray from the actual conversations that we need to be having regarding the depths of making a moral choice and even the circumstances involved. To try and blankly paint any one character as the “most morally good” isn’t really taking us anywhere. And it certainly isn’t helpful when people in this fandom want to try and prove that characters are “grey” but not moral (what does that even mean??) because they did one “bad” thing. If ASOIAF stans were to have their way, then:
Jon is not a morally good person because he threatened Gilly
Dany cannot be considered to be compassionate because she sanctioned torture against the wine seller’s daughters
Arya cant be good because she has killed people
and so on, and so on….
But this is such a draining, and oft times frustrating, conversation to have because you see just how shallow the above listed examples are? Readers are listing only singular instances across a narrative that spans thousand and thousands of pages, and there’s absolutely no context involved. Why did Jon threaten Gilly? Why did Dany resort to torture and at one point did she do it? Who did Arya kill and why? And why do those singular instances negate everything else in their arcs?
What usually happens when we have the 12847647282th unnecessary conversation about who is the “most good” character in ASOIAF is that we start getting blanket statements with no elaboration. And the only people ever considered are Ned, Brienne, and Davos, and sometimes the children like Shireen or Tommen. Mind you, Ned and Davos are not perfect or without their own faults either; much has been said about Ned’s abilities as a father and it’s implied that Davos was not entirely faithful to his wife. And based on her current arc, Brienne will surely have to make morally tough choices regarding oaths and knightly honor. Plus theres the irony of including literal children when they have not been put in situations where they actually have to make morally difficult choices and live with the consequences.
ASOIAF shows us that people who are capable of incredible kindness and compassion are also capable of doing unpleasant things.
Jon threatened Gilly….because he was trying to save another child whom he believed to be at risk of human sacrifice(!!) and was stuck between a rock and a hard place. But why does that singular instance negate the fact that his arc has been about him standing up for the “lesser than”? Why does that negate the fact that he stood up for Sam against a superior when there was nothing to gain for him? Why does it negate the fact that he went out of his way to equip Arya in a way that society would have deemed inappropriate? Why does it negate the fact that he dedicated the entirety of his time as Lord Commander to fight an institution that had upheld racism/xenophobia for millennia? Why should we filter out all those moments of kindness, compassion, and deep empathy that Jon has even without him thinking?
Dany sanctioned torture….but she was trying to solve the murder of an innocent victim AND this brought her no joy. But why does that negate the fact that when she gained unimaginable power, she could’ve high tailed to Westeros to use it to her benefit and become queen, but instead chose to stay in Essos where she has no personal responsibility just so she could fight the institutional evil that is slavery? Why does it negate Dany who went to personally treat plague victims at great risk to herself?
Arya has killed some….but it’s in self defense or in defense of others who are disenfranchised. But why does this negate that she is one of the few people in the series how goes out of her way to show kindness and friendship to those who are not as economically or politically advantaged as she is (e.g., Mycah)? Why does it negate that she took fellow slaves under her protection when she herself had little power to fight for her own survival at Harrenhall? Why does it negate that when she saw those caged soldiers whom she was angry with for their actions, instead of leaving them to die instead offered them the only kindness she could at the moment: a drink of water?
Trying to have arguments about morality but stripping everything down to ‘x character did y bad thing (regardless of context) and that’s why they can’t be good’ is, to be blunt, ridiculous. And it isn’t a particularly interesting way to engage with the text. Character journeys, especially well written ones, are rarely ever in a straight line. There’s amazing highs and terrible lows. GRRM gives us so many characters like Jon, Dany, Arya, Sansa, Ned, etc. who even in their lows, have gleams of compassion and exceptional kindness. It doesn’t do anyone any good to filter those moments out to make the books more digestible; and I’m being a little generous here, because so many readers have a very shallow level of engagement with the series and it shows in conversation. And we also shouldn’t pit these characters unfairly against those who have never been in similarly difficult situations that required them to make hard choices. Because when we do, we start to completely miss the point all together.
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its-hyperfixation · 1 year
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take me as i am and i will take you as you are.
to my most beloved,
where do i even begin? words cannot describe the place you have in my heart and what you truly mean to me. i’m not sure how i ever survived a time where you weren’t in my life, it’s simply not possible anymore. you are an incredible light in my life, my reason to keep going, my biggest supporter, and dare i say the actual love of my life. you are the sun to my moon, the merlin to my arthur, the heart to my soul. thank you for choosing me and blessing me with your gorgeous self. i’m not sure how i got so lucky to be blessed with you.
i love you endlessly, happy anniversary @bellamyblakru <3
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dreams-of-the-dead · 10 months
Arthur is better than me I simply would not be able to repeat The Ancient Portal Opening Texts word for word with only a half second delay
My ass would "wait wait hold on" us straight into hell fr
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dwtdog · 6 months
dream loves george so much he wants him involved in EVERYTHINGGGGG he fawking adores that boy 😭😭😭😭
come with me more like i love you
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zer0point5ive · 1 year
i just know adam (saw 2004)’s myspace was crazy
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kennimu · 1 year
My personal favourite Tim Drake headcanon is that he's secretly photogenic (cause he's a photographer, he knows how to capture the best side and angle of people) but he purposefully only takes bad photos of himself.
This is so everyone thinks he isn't photogenic so he never has to partake in modelling for Wayne brand deals and just gets free shit
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applepixls · 1 month
"every time i go against impulse i lose. ... i'm wrong every time we're split cause he is the better one."
-skizz in his most recent phasmo vod ("we got scar back!" at 1:37:40)
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purplecritter · 29 days
Dragon Age: Vows and Vengeance (Ep. 1)
Official episode transcript here
My notes while I was listening under the cut... Spoilers ahead!
“People have been saying the ground be feeling like it’s gonna give”... cool cool so now it’s just a question of if it’s Ghil and Dark Spawn or if it’s Titans underground 👀
What’s this about looking a Qunari in the eyes being disrespectful?? Olen what are you saying
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^ Makes me hopeful to hear snippets of previous parts of the soundtrack in The Veilguard! Lost Elf Theme / Dark Solas Theme my beloveds...
“Every Templar, guard, warden, bounty hunter this side of Thedas is looking for the now notorious Nadia Carcosa” they got the Wardens too????
Ohh Andraste’s Grace flowers are poetic… In general or for Nadia and Elio specifically? Nevermind--what is poetic to me is that there was a ring in DAII named Andraste' Grace which boosted defense and health regen... And Elio says the ring he proposed with had been "embued with a protective spell" :3
Nadia doesn’t know her birthday… Abandoned or a former slave? <- Yep liberati
Wow what a conversation… Ogh if he died after they had an argument about marriage without closure I can excuse the poisoning of Olen lmao
Nadia referring to her and Elio as a “break from reality” :(  
Arcanis Hall, the Archives = part of the Magisterium
“Many lives depend on [stopping Nadia]”. How close is Vows&Vengeance to the start of The Veilguard and compared to The Missing? Because Neve seems to already be at least a little acquainted with Solas' plans here. She seemed to know the consequences of having/using the Eye, saying it will “destroy” Neve&Elio, and she was also sure that it was Solas who tipped the Templars on Nadia (and Elio by proxy).
Silver coins mentioned yippee (I love when the economy is not just gold. I miss my shitty 7 copper items okay)
“holds every object, scrap of writing, relic, antiquity that’s even remotely interesting to the Empire” this description of the Archives makes me understand why Dorian was bitching about the size and contents of our Skyhold library. Sorry king Ferelden really was a nerf for you
So Templars in Tevinter are glorified guards for the Mages rather than over them. But they at least have authority to arrest people part of the Magisterium
Neve warning Elio not to draw magic from the Fade means she casts spells avoiding it? Ma'am👀 <- nevermind she probably knew about the Andante thing
Silent Plains huh? THE TOWN CALLED ‘SOLAS’ IS RIGHT ABOVE THERE!! Mr Dreadwolf is sooo cheeky I know he was giggling when he passed by that location
The Eye of Kethisca. Ancient artifact. (according to Solas so take with a grain of salt) Drawing (magic) power from the Fade triggers an explosion of energy, specifically Elio using magic near it created a bond that amplified its powers. Crafted centuries ago by a powerful dreamer An’dante using a rare gem mined from caves in the Silent Plains, where the Veil is thin because of the unspeakable sacrifice of many.
Solas says there’s “nothing to fear about this relic” I'M NOT TRUSTING THOSE WORDS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH IN PARTICULAR
“Ar dirthan’as ir elgara / Ma’sula e’var vhenan” ⇒ saying this somehow deactivated the Eye ^ It’s also what Solas says to Sera in an attempt to make her feel the rhythm of the language 🧐
“Heruamin litirien. / Alai uethri maeria. / Halurocon yalei nam bahna. / Dolin nareba maome… / Ame amin. / Halai lothi amin. / Aloamin Heruamin. / Heruamin oh lonai. / Imwe anine beriole…” ⇒ chanted by Solas and Elio in the caves while holding the Eye. When Elio lets go the caves & Veil collapse
Solas: “I do not play games.” The Iron Bull, who played mind-chess with him 10 years ago: “So that's a fucking lie.”
Elio: “I was told the Eye would end the world, not mend it.” Solas: “Some people confuse a reckoning as an ending.” Elio: “So you seek reform?” Solas: “I seek regeneration.” ^ noting this down since it smells like foreshadowing
I wonder who The Dreadwolf's intermediary with Olen is!
We're going back to the Hinterlands everyone 💀
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Interesting that "Carcosa" is Nadia's surname, from a meta perspective at least since it's been used a lot for ominous place-names
Speaking of names, "Andante" is a real surname but it's also a tempo in music which is cool to me since it subtly references the lyrium described to be singing + him being stuck in the Fade where lyrium flows more liberally
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sleeping-sea-echo · 6 days
I can FINALLY share The Greatest Nagireo Scene that has been animated 🙌
Dear god this scene has it all, the feelings, the soft intimate voices, the banger emotional ost, ego looking like he wants to die, it's so perfect, the team really went all out for it 😭
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favvn · 6 months
Once again, I am dissecting words, but the parallels and implications they hold are just.... too compelling. For the sake of this meta/commentary, I am taking the episode as it is played out before the reveal, wherein Spock truly believes he has killed Kirk. All of this is centered on Spock's pledge before the ceremony and his rejection of the Vulcan blessing and how those things are linked together by his life.
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When T'Pau sees that Spock has brought two humans along with him to his marriage-or-challenge, she initially questions him about it with the implication that no outsiders are allowed to bear witness to the ceremony. But Spock declares them his friends, prompting T'Pau to say, "Thee names these outworlders "friends." How does thee pledge their behavior?"
Spock replies, "With my life, T'Pau."
Spock essentially vows that, should Kirk or McCoy completely desecrate their customs, he will pay for it with his own life. (It is, of course, unclear that if by doing so Spock is to die outright or that the rest of his life would be spent back on Vulcan under service to T'Pau or something of that nature. Regardless of the difference, it's still a kind of death for Spock to be limited to his home planet, away from the very people he has chosen as his friends.) The converse of this means that Spock has such complete trust in both Kirk and McCoy that he can offer his life as collateral for their behavior. What a bond! Wow!
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The only one to die in the ceremony, as it turns out, is Kirk.
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Now, this is what gets to me: between the Vulcan blessing--"live long and prosper"--and Spock's refusal of it, is the very thing Spock pledged earlier for the sake of his friends, his life. Now that Kirk--his friend--is dead, he rejects a blessing that speaks to the future. He has unknowingly kept his initial pledge after all: his life for his friend's sake, but it is now in reverse. Spock pledged his life for his friends, but now that one of them is dead by his own hands, so goes his life.
(Like. Had the episode taken the events to a negative conclusion, Spock won't prosper because he has killed his captain. Starfleet is hardly going to excuse the death of a captain due to a ritual they will have never heard of nor would Spock wish to speak of it, so Spock will be put on trial for his captain's death, and he would plead guilty to boot. Whatever punishment would await him, he'd take wholeheartedly, which would alter the rest of his future as a consequence. To say nothing of if it would later crack through his Vulcan training and leave him grappling with terribly strong and terribly dire emotions. But this is all supposition / I need to look for the fanfics about a tragic end to Amok Time. Or add it to my to-write/daydream about list shfgbdhjk.)
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3amsnek · 2 years
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a very merry birth to our most logical boy :]
click for better quality
reblogs >> likes!! don’t like if you don’t reblog!
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tswwwit · 2 years
Wait, does the cheating thing on the bond always works? bcs that would be kinda freaky for R!Dipper like imagine you get pinned down by someone in the corner of a br or smthng and then said person kissed you and proceeded to explode into red mist and you literally have no idea what happened.
Also, would the constellation mark be a "cursed" Mark over the years, like you would give birth to a baby and the doctor says "😟 I am so sorry ma'am,,, I'm afraid your baby has the Cipher Companion mark. ( could also be something equally as science-y like Ursa Major, Constellation Calamation, etc idk)" And you just burst into tears.
Would that mean that dipper would get into a special program(demon wrangling program or smthng, demonologist? Maybe)? Or would the parents hide it away hoping that Bill would never take their child away?
(Sorry this au is just very interesting to me,,,, I hope u get more motivation, keep writing author 💪)
These are all options! The fun part of reincarnation AU being left ambiguous is that technically any of them could happen.
#Answers#Okay but for full transparency#I never really figured out what the 'cheating' consequence is#It's a nebulous concept since I've never had to write it happening#And left ambiguous because neither of these two are into anyone else - and as a writer I like to leave my options open!#I would assume that one of the few things they agreed on when making the contract was that unwelcome advances didn't count as cheating#But that the villain in question would get what was coming to them. Very Violently. They wanna step on a landmine? Let 'em have it#Dipper would have made a frowny face at the violence but agreed. Privately thinking well that's actually a *bonus*#A built-in defense system of sorts#(Something Bill was also thinking but absolutely phrased in the possessive aspect)#Whether or not the Consequences kick in before they meet again - their equivalent of their vow renewal - is up for grabs#Dipper trying to fend off someone only to have them burst into flames and/or blood would feel a terrified sense of relief#Who knows! Maybe Dipper has protection but has a chance for other actions before they meet again!#But the odds of that occurring are very slim. Partly due to his general awkwardness#And distinct hesitation on Dipper's part. Even though he *thinks* he should be enthusiastic#He looks at the person he's in bed with and just. It feels weird. Maybe because he hasn't (in his memory) done this before#Great job Dipper!! Someone in your bed and the best you can do is kinda grimace. Real sexy.#If he does ever manage to get up to something it's not even a tenth of the time he has with his husband#Dipper reincarnations are all very unfortunately attracted as hell to Bill Cipher and they're deeply alarmed by it#I do like the idea of different parental groups finding Dipper's birthmark and having different reactions#Perhaps a random incarnation of one of his family members ends up in charge of him one time#The results would vary *wildly* depending on who it was#On a scale of Mabel Mom to Ford Uncle how are you preparing this person for his invitable enhusbanding#(Stan remains pretty much the same but has a lot of bad marriage advice)#Wow that's a lot of tags even for me#I am going to queue this and sleep
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tennessoui · 1 year
omg time traveler ahsoka au! she gets obi-wan to leave the order for satine in the hopes that he’d be weird with someone else but anakin gets sent on a mission to mandalore and wow there’s this handsome duke he has to look after. what a shame he’s married and definitely wouldn’t leave his wife for this jedi he feels immediately weird about
hmmmmmmm this is one of Ahsoka’s closest attempts because obi-wan’s personal sense of loyalty wouldn’t let him cheat on his wife, and he’s spent so long building a family and a life on Mandalore that he would never toss it aside to be romantically involved with a kid (read: 22yo) that he doesn’t even know even though he feels a very strong pull towards him….obi-wan is adept at lying to himself
It gets easier to lie to himself when he realizes that Skywalker is also married, though secretly…..it offends part of Kenobi, but that’s just because Skywalker is making a mockery of the Jedi order with his secret marriage!! Kenobi is no longer a Jedi of course but he still has great respect for the Order!!!
That’s the only reason he feels so strange when he thinks of Skywalker’s marriage even long after Skywalker and the senator he was guarding as she came to a celebratory feast on Mandalore leave again.
(Ahsoka tenses on her reset button as anakin makes his way back to mandalore a few months later, but they’re being….normal…this anakin requests to study ancient mandalorian and Jedi texts that are housed in the capital city and it’s weird because he’s never really cared about history but he’s being very…respectful….and master obi-wan is also being very respectful if a little stand offish….he accompanied him down to read the texts and they spend hours down there together but as far as Ahsoka can tell there is nothing inappropriate happening —she has gotten very good at telling when something inappropriate is happening between her old masters—they really are just…talking and reading and they’re being…sort of weird…but sort of normal….it’s the closest they’ve come to the original timeline in fact…Ahsoka relaxes on her reset button)
War breaks out anyway of course and obi-wan lasts only a month or so after anakin is pulled to the front lines before donning an old beat up and anonymous suit of mandalorian armor and flying to fight with him. The Duchess of Mandalore offers no comment. The official story is that her husband is sick in bed from a nasty case of Flafu flu. No one knows that it’s the Duke of mandalore in the red armor, supporting Skywalker’s troops.
Ahsoka wonders if Anakin knows, up until the moment some droid gets a lucky shot in and obi-wan goes down on the battlefield and anakin levels an entire field of droids to get to him looking half out of his mind with worry and rage….then she knows he knows and maybe that he’s always known
She’s tensed up over the reset button again, but after obi-wan’s been seen to by the medic, anakin sends him back to his wife on mandalore and, miraculously, after 2 years fighting to be by anakin’s side, obi-wan…stays, but he looks so beaten down over it, so without half his heart, like he’s suddenly aged 20 years and lived in a desert for all of them. But he stays.
The war ends eventually and the Jedi triumph. Ten years later, leia runs through Anakin’s study with an old red helmet over her head as Luke runs after her, playing war. anakin gently takes it off her and sets her on the ground. He cradles the helmet though in battle worn hands, but thankfully before either of them can ask, padmes speeder arrives and they shoot off to go welcome their mom home - anakin stays for a second longer, just staring at the helmet with such a naked expression of wistfulness longing heartbreak and acceptance that Ahsoka almost wants to turn away. Before she does she sees anakin touch his forehead to the helmet’s once before rising and putting it away, turning instead to go greet his wife
and it leaves Ahsoka with such a WEIRD feeling in her own heart that she’s pressing the reset button before she can think it through because she wants them to be apart and she wants the Jedi to win the war and everyone to get their happy endings but…but not like this…not if they’re not happy….she gets 1 reset where she gets to be selfish ok she’s gone through thousands now probably.
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