Creepypasta As Hazbin Hotel
Ben: so what do you think
Jeff: I’m sorry what the fuck was that
Helen: we’re not filming a porn as a commercial
Puppeteer: why not
Nina: I like being forced
Jeff: keep that to yourself, Nina
Nina: Puppeteer sir
Puppeteer: call me dickmaster
Nina: Puppeteer.
Nina: it’s a solution to our biggest problem
Jeff: oh yeah herpes that’s a bitch
Nina: no our other biggest problem
Jeff: oh uh ugly people?
Jeff: math?
Jane: face my wrath
Jeff: who are you
Jane: I attacked you literally last week
Jeff: ?
Jane: we’ve done battle like twenty times
Jeff: well you must’ve been really bad at this
Liu: oh god, here I go, Jeff. just another fucking day with Jeff. hey hey hey fuck my life
Liu: looks like you have everything under control here
Lyra: of course I do, fuck you, now shoo, go take care of the piss baby
Liu: so you should…?
Jeff: do nothing?
Liu: great idea!!
Toby: you still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Jeff: uh fuck you
Toby: just saying
Sally: *gasp* the bad boy is back
Sally: never leave me again
Brian: we’re about 80% sure she’s harmless
Jeff: this is stupid
Lyra: this is not stupid!
Lyra: it’s just the GAMEEEEE
Lyra: Liu did it well so please try to do the same!
Jeff: I’m too sober for this
Jeff: I’m looking forward to stabbing the other residents
Slenderman: WHAT WHY
Slenderman: people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome
Jeff: *middle finger*
Liu: *middle finger*
Toby: *laughs evilly*
Nina: I have my doubts
Tim: Puppeteer’s minions are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them
Jeff: oh well in that case I’d be delighted to
Tim: humanely
Jeff: well that’s a lot less fun
Jeff: this time everyone has to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you
Jeff: I love to suck-
Tim: I swear to fuck if you say dicks
Jeff: popsicles, you sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter
Jeff: but you know, dicks too
Sally: sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others
Jeff: NINA?!
Clockwork: uh my name’s Clocky
Jeff: no one gives a shit
Jeff: call me fake one more time, motherfucker
Jeff: i dare you
Toby: fake
Jeff: fucking asshole- *hits his head on roof*
Toby: you done?
Liu: Lyra, sweetie, you uh you good?
Lyra: nope no not really!
Sally: maybe it’s time
Lazari: no
Sally: to ask
Lazari: don’t say it
Sally: your dad
Lyra: wait that’s it
Jeff: kill everyone?
Lyra: noooooo
EJ: what’s the hold up?
EJ: you got daddy issues?
Lulu: no we’ve just never been close
Lulu: after Mom died he never really wanted to see me
Lulu: he calls sometimes but only if he’s bored or needs me to do something
EJ: daddy issues
Brian: this is the first time she’s called you in years
Brian: this has to be perfect
Brian, picking up the phone: HEYYYY BITCH
Jeff: you may have heard of me from my radio broadcast
Tim: hmmm NOPE I guess that’s why Toby called it the Hazbin Hotel hahaha
Jeff: hahaha it was actually my idea
Tim: hahaha well it’s not very clever
Jeff: haha fuck you
Toby: OKAY
Brian: you like girls! so do I! We have so much in common
Clockwork: how you been?
Jeff: good! Until five minutes ago
Sadie: hey Sally what you been up to, girlie?
Sally: fighting bugs
Sadie: and how’s that going for you
Sally: they’re winning
Sally: but not for long
Lulu: how come he can have faith in me but my own father can’t?
Jeff: oooooh drama *pulls out popcorn*
Slenderman: hi
Slenderman: Slenderman
Slenderman: that’s my wall that you just blew up
Jeff: don’t fucking shush me bitch
Sadie: I need a break but hug a koala for me
Nina: omg can you imagine an actual KOALA
Jeff: anyway you sure fucked up didn’t you
Jeff: oh Lyra, you look an absolute mess
Sadie: I won’t hurt anyone for you
Jeff: who’s asking?!
Ben: Jeff and Toby just left like they were running away from their responsibilities
Ben: should we be alarmed?
Helen: are you fucking high?
Lulu: oh I’m just kidding
Lulu: I know you’re an ace in the hole
Ann: a what now?
Sally: I named all the stains on the carpet
Sally: that one’s Fred
Liu: look I can’t resist a fight okay
Liu, about Jeff: especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead
Lyra: live tonight however you want because-
Toby: we’re all gonna die!
Dina: alright let’s give it up for not dying!
Dina: love not dying!
Dina: … drinks?
Jeff: I mean personally I’m excited it’s been a long time since I stabbed someone and really meant it you know what I mean
Lazari: I dub thee king roach
EJ: oh to understand your twisted little mind
Jeff: anyway I guess
Jeff: please don’t die tomorrow
Jeff: okay bye
Lyra: rip Jane’s cunt mouth out her ass
Jeff: would you just- chill, Lyra, fuck
Zero: they appear to have some kind of shield sir
Puppeteer: oh really? I didn’t see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH NO SHIT
Jeff: I’m about to end your fucking life
Puppeteer: fuck you, you red piece of- too much fucking red- fuck shut up
Ben: hahaha poetry
Jeff: what just happened? Ffffuck
Toby: these fucking angels won’t stop coming
Jeff: HA
Toby: okay I walked right into that one
Jane: Before I take your life I’m going to tear that other eye out of your face
Clockwork: try it bitch
Jeff, to Jane: live
Jeff: live knowing that you only do because I let you
Slenderman: see you messed with my daughter so now I am going to FUCK you
Zalgo: …
Clockwork & Lyra: …
Jeff: 😏
LJ: well this just got interesting
Sally: it’s fuck you up, Dad
Slenderman: wait what did I say?
Liu: how’s mercy taste, you little bitch
Slenderman: take your little friends and GO HOME
Slenderman: please
Puppeteer: I’m The Puppeteer
Helen: and I’m-
Puppeteer: nobody gives a shit who you are, Helen
Zero: anyway congrats to Slenderman and his crew for not being totally fucking useless for once
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Omegaverse content but adding in the seraphim and Omega Buggy content
• Buggy probably wouldn't really like. Broadcast to the world that he's an Omega. I genuinely believe the Roger pirates and other previous era crews were semi old fashioned insofar as Omegas Are To Be Protected, a sort of Don't Ask Don't Tell type of deal. It was never a shameful thing but a safety thing, and if you were secure with your crew, it was fine. But it's a Need To Know Basis and based on personal discretion. Buggy, as the youngest on board, was the baby on top of being the only Omega so the protective urges were compounded.
• some in Buggy's crew knows, I think. He's very adamant that you do what makes you happy but you do NOT judge another for things beyond their control. Any primary and any secondary is welcome with open arms and intercrew relationships are fine so long as everyone keeps it from impacting the crew by and large in anegative way. He doesn't give a single flying fuck. But that said, he also doesn't have a large scale Secret Reveal. His closest people know bc he just vibes on a need to know basis.
• Mohji and Cabaji are Betas, and Alvida is an Alpha. While Buggy's Heats are essentially like menstrual cycles, he also gets slightly needier - it manifests as his temper being shorter, his tears coming quicker, and he's constantly On Edge. He demands SNUGGLES and AFFECTION /j ((honestly he almost never asks for it, but they offer it regardless. While pheromones are slightly lighter in Betas, Cab and Moh are His Pack and Alvida joins the Pack too, so between the three of them, he just kinda goes boneless. It's prime real estate for a lion to snuggle into, too. Win-win))
• When the cross guild starts rolling, Buggy absolutely does not offer information on his Secondary. Mihawk and Croc are both private people as well so they never ask or offer their own. Tensions are high for a while before everyone starts warming up and settling down
• everyone has hit Friendly Status ((pining stage 1)), when the seraphim show up. Rumors start absolutely FLYING because the Big Three are basically co-parenting these kids. Someone makes a remark that "captain Buggy must have blessed Sir Crocodile and Hawkeyes with children to deepen their ties", and it spreads like wild fire. Nobody ever mentions the logistics of it, because what is logic when you worship your clown god.
• S-Hawk (Birdie but open to options ig) and S-Croc (name pending but I like Angel for some reason) overhear it and go "oh papa and father and so of course Buggy must be mama".((Bonus points for cute kid logic of "you read us stories and moms in the stories do this, and you do that so obviously you're our mom"))
• Crocodile and Mihawk, while Angry (read: flustered) at first, eventually warm up to the idea and even begin seeing Buggy in a better light (pining, stage 2). It's a dramatic hot mess. Bets are being placed on the wedding date.
• Buggy actually eventually feels comfortable enough with them that he doesn't feel like he has to hide 24/7/365. So he winds up casually coming out to them, in a manner of speaking, for a stealth thing. They're trying to acquire backers, they're planning on the best method for infiltration, and Mihawk mentions off hand how majority for this sheltered branch of nobility only acknowledge Alpha and Omega couples. Croc just sighs, because his own scent could rarely be mistaken for an Omega, let alone Mihawk, and they don't want to leave it up to just any other person who happens to smell nice enough to pass and-
Buggy just arches a brow. "So I'll just go with one of you. I can Chop my nose, use a prosthetic. It's uncomfortable, but I've done it before."
"Clown what part of "an A-O couple is required" did you not comprehend-?"
"No, I got it all. You and Hawky are both Alphas. You need an Omega who can play the part. I'm right here, dude."
"An omega."
"Croccy? ...... Hawky....? OhMySeaseAreYouBreathing-?!"
• anyway they do go undercover and Croc and Hawk play rock paper scissors to be Buggy's "husband". Mihawk then threatens to remove Croc's other hand in retribution when he lost. He won't do it, but let it he known it was definitely said.
• the kids btw ADORE Buggy. And Buggy loves them!!! Both the seraphim and other kids. And the kids at the locatipm of the undercover mission. Croc almost chokes on his cigar when he catches a glimpse of Buggy giggling with a noble lady and holding a baby in one arm while cooing over another with the other Omegas.
That's all I have rn ily baaiiii
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georges-chambers · 6 months
❤️ 💚 🖤 for the ask game!
"Which character do you think is most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?"
This one is not easy, really. A lot of Terror characters I personally really enjoy I also know literally aren't given elaborate canon characters so I understand they're. Not really 'mischaracterized', their fan interpretations which might be most popular just Aren't Mine, Personally. And a lot is still just a matter of preference and phrasing a characters actions as like, 'their intentional, malicious inaction' versus 'their incredible struggle and relatable lack of initiative'. So taking all of this into account. Going to say Billy Gibson. I'm just. So tired of So many fans somehow seeing everything he did and making him out to be someone totally innocent taken advantage of and manipulated in every way. He absolutely. Wasnt? Did they somehow miss Hickey's, 'I pressed him?' Line entirely? Did they miss the fact that he came up with the idea for a mutiny? THE FACT THAT HE TOLD IRVING, THE WAY HE DID? But I also still really like him as a character because that makes him so much more interesting than just a helpless victim so I can't stand how some fans just take absolutely no interest there.
"What does everyone else get wrong about your favourite character?'
My chosen blorbo Chambers? Technically he has so few lines 90% of the character I think is there is my own hc but I will say this anyways: I feel like people make him out to be both 1. Something or an orphan of some kind, and 2. Just like. Really innocent. Way more often than they should. The second goes for basically any ships boy. Like yes their whole thing was being younger and inexperienced compared to the rest of the crew, but like. Idk. I feel like a lot of fans either make them even younger and/or more. 'Modern' standards for what they'd expect of 18/19 year olrs at the time and place and I just. Don't see it at all. Which also ties into why I don't personally like the first thing with Chambers specifically. It's clearly canon with Young and one can't rule it out for Evans and Golding, but like. What characterization we actually do get of Chambers shows him being the one who seems to look up to, even admire perceived authorities like Sir John and Bryant a lot. Way more than others anyways. Even until the very end, unlike someone who seems to have had a much more probably desperate life, like Golding, he just. Never does any sort of mutiny, despite being in what seems like the same sort of position as any who did. So while I still feel like the idea is definitely valid and sometimes like reading about ot, I just personally feel like there's no way he was a completely destitute little waif, definitely not compared to the other 3 ships boys. There's also the fact that the historical Chambers actually had a family who were still aware he'd gone away and waiting for his return and all, which is, again, much more than the other ships boys had. But also I feel like saying I dislike most of all when people combine the idea that they're just sopping wet pathetic Victorian orphans And Also innocent children who know/understand the harshness of life so little because that's. An oxymoron to me. Pick One. Tbh all 4 of them could be considered my favourite characters less because I like them and more because I have A Lot of Thoughts on them i guess.
"Which character is not as morally good as everyone seems to think?"
Of course there's obviously Gibson like I just mentioned, Goodsir for clear reasons, but keeping with my ships boy brand, I literally wanted so much to answer exactly this to say Fucking Golding. Tbh it's not really like anyone's defending him much, but I hear so often, 'Well, by that point what choice did he have?' Or some variation of him being like 'lead astray' by Hickey and oh my God. I get it, he's just a little ships boy or something, but did we watch the same show? (He's like one of the most tertiary characters who has So few lines so I do completely understand this and again, it's just my personal hcs. But like. Here's why I cannot see that.) Most use the idea that he 'didn't have anyone else' but this is the same or a similar idea to the idea that Gibson 'had no one else', an idea which makes a lot more sense in the context of Hickey and Gibsons whole relationship, but like. What. Does Golding have in common with Hickey? Like name 1 reason why he should trust more and be closer to Hickey than God only knows how many other just. Similar crew mates on Terror? And there is the fact that after/around when Strong and Evans die, they're seen together with Golding telling Hickey 'Take care of yourself' (this does in fact haunt me), but like. All that indicates is they had some sort of Connection, but not how deep it was in any way. Also there's the way we see Hickey interact with/talk about the men he does actively manipulate such as Manson, Armitage, and Hartnell, and of course correct me if I'm wrong but like. Goldings just about as able as any of them. One could probably argue less of a liability Because he could always try using his impressionability to his advantage. But yet Hickey did nothing with him, despite how apparently impressionable he'd be. And even if that were the case and somehow he takes a sort of solace in Hickey or Hickeys able to mastermindedly manipulate him slowly, so easily he doesn't even seem to. Be putting much premeditation or anything behind it. Even if that's true, what about when he was manipulating Crozier? How would Golding be able to come up with and do that (Actively Scheming though he did look of course) but see none of what Hickey did with him? And just. Why? The others loyal to Hickey by that point, we generally know about. We know about Hodgson and Tozer and why they're as loyal as they are. We even know more about Armitage and why he's involved. But like. We Don't know why the hell Goldings doing any of this, not as well as we do them. If he were really just the most pathetic, poor idiot being manipulated into it all, why wouldn't he just think, 'hm. Well there's . A lot of protection here with Crozier. And even if I'm not too fond of anyone here, we just have a lot more practical resources and all. And I could sell all of them out here and now and he probably couldn't or wouldn't punish me too harshly and I'd be protected.' Like. He could probably go on to assume that on some level. So the fact that he does all he does and chooses to go back to Hickey and bring back Crozier and others to them, to me, implies he was probably way closer to Hickey than we really saw, definitely had the premeditation to just. Do all that, and like. God only knows what else he'd do right?
I just think Goldings way more fucked up than most seem to acknowledge/think about and definitely not a complete idiot, arguably smarter than some of the other mutineers. Thank you for reading this manifesto of a post.
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loveysmoke6998 · 2 years
Jealousy- Lo’ak, Neteyam ( how they are when they are jealous)
Lo’ak was often jealous it was obvious since he was always the second choice it would make sense to why we was insecure. But you would never come to think that you’d see the day where Lo’ak would lose his shit in front of you.
You were always the oblivious type. You never understood the “hint” per say but you weren’t stupid. This guy has been following you around all day and has been talking to you non stop. Even when you told him to leave you alone. It was starting to get on your nerves. Men are infuriating if not stubborn then they are stupid and sometimes that are both. This guy was both and it was starting to piss you off, so you went to the only guy that could calm you down. Lo’ak he had just finished training with the Ilu when he saw you walking towards him. This made him beam with happiness and excitement you were truly the highlight of his day. That’s when he heard the guy outwardly flirting and making inappropriate comments towards you. Him and his brother were disgusted by what this man was saying does he have no shame. I mean you could clearly tell that you were uncomfortable with the situation and you were trying to get away from him. That’s all it took. Lo’ak was now boiling in rage as this man kept following you and talking to you like that.
“Hey dude come here I have something to show you it’s about _______ over there” now you were confused he was playing along with the other guys antics. Nevertheless you still stayed beside him.
“Hey bro I know you think your hot shit but I’m her fucking mate and I’m telling you to fuck the hell off bitch!”
“And… what you gonna do to me forest boy” that’s when the guy got punched in the nose. Neteyam a little disappointed that his brother would really stoop that low and hit him. However that guy was deserving of it so just for the hell of it Neteyam joined in as well. Now the both of them were kneeling in front of there fathers disappointed stare.
“Out of all the irresponsible children out there why would mine need to be this stupid as to fight someone they didn’t know in a territory that isn’t theirs?!” His father said glaring at them but before he was gonna reprimand them even more I came in. I looked furious while pulling the man by the ear yelling at him for getting Lo’ak and his brother in trouble.
“You think your so fucking funny then tell them the truth of what happened you pretentious prick!”
“It was my fault I thought it would be funny to see how’d they react to me flirting with ______. Your son was acting to protect ______ I was making very inappropriate comments about them. Sorry…”
“Ughhhh,… listen you guys are my sons and I love you dearly and I also understand why you did what you did now but please just try to be peaceful with the people here.” Jake said now regretting yelling at them.
“Yer sir” the both of them nodded still avoiding looking at their father. (Lo’ak is a jealous Navi but he’ll do anything if it means protecting you even if that’s his life)
(. This takes place in the forest )
Neteyam he wasn’t typically the jealous type knowing that you could handle yourself, but there is one thing that he absolutely despises. That specific thing would be catcalling. He finds it disrespectful and objectifying.
Today was your second year anniversary you two were going to celebrate it by spending the day with the tree of souls. So you two woke up earlier to start heading back to the forest on your Ikran. You two were just minding your own business joking around and enjoying each others company. That was until you heard a whistle.
“Damn ______ looking fine as always” says Aonung looking you up and down as if he was undressing you with his eyes.
Neteyam now being infuriated grabbed you by the waist possessively and moved you to the other side. Now blocking Aonung view of you. He reacted quite calm to the situation but despite that you could always see a certain glint in his eye when he is jealous. If not then he’ll have a scowl on his face. With that you both got on your Ikran and left to go to the tree of souls forgetting about Aonung’s childish antics.
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foegs · 5 years
sometimes I really question why I came home
#honestly cannot stomach my parents#I guess i came home so my sister doesnt have to be alone with them#evangelical christianity is a fucking cult that is tearing apart my family and my parents are utterly blind and hypocritical#my dad's prattling on at dinner abt this book he read about mormons and this girl who grew up in religion isolation#and was thus traumatised because her parents were blind to outside opinions and she was subject to their abuse#and the mindfuck it was for her to grow up and gtfo of there and realise that her upbringing had been bullshit#and my dad is like Sounds bad!! sounds horrible!! imagine being brainwashed like that and never taking correction and fucking up your kids#WELL SIR WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU DID TO YOUR OWN CHILDREN#whose SHITTY idea was it to raise me in fucking CHINA with no friends no teachers no one other than YOURSELF#you have a pretty big fucking mouth to talk about how tragic it was that in the book the girl's mother was a doormat to her father#when you bully your own wife and never let her have her own opinions#i cannot fathom how he will manage to be surprised when i leave the family entirely and still blame it on me#can he not accept anything about him maybe being WRONG#lmao fat chance from someone who deadass thinks abraham sacrificing isaac is a good story#if god told my dad to kill me i guarantee my dad would do it#i fucking hate christianity#i hate my childhood abd the abuse and the isolation#and im proud of how not fucked up i am#just wish my parents would love me aha rip#rip me#delete later#im cheesed#and i want to leave and never see them again#but sometimes i love them
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Hate Me, Love Me (Javier Peña)
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Pairing: Javier Peña X CIA Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Javi have known each other for a long time. He is the vane of your existence and you are his. And when he is reassigned to Bogota you are reminded of it, in the best way possible.
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, unprotected sex (be safe children), brief masturbation (f and m recieving), cursing, lovers to enemies to lovers relationship kind of, javi being a soft dom, angst
WC: 4.7k
A/N: I feel like Javi has such a fucking chokehold on me I've been only thinking about him. I promise I'll write for other people. But for now you'll get enemies to lovers sex with Javi. A favorite of mine. Enjoy
"You're going to have to work together on this one." 
You couldn't believe it. Your jaw fell open with disbelief and an equally dry chuckle left your lips. 
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You blurted out, too angry to realize you were still talking to your boss. Strechner gave you a look and you cleared your throat. "Respectfully, sir, there's no way in hell I'm working with him." 
"Listen, I get you and Peña have history, trust me I do too, but he's in charge on the DEA side, and you're the only one I can trust with taking the lead on Cali." You exhaled through your nose, jaw tight and arms folded over your chest as you listened, "You've been on Cali since you were reassigned, would you rather I put some other agent in charge because you're getting your panties all in a twist?" 
"Need I remind you I got pulled out of Medellin because of him?" You cocked an eyebrow and smiled humorlessly, the mere mention of it already making your blood boil. Strechner sighed, clearly done with your shit. 
"You either get your shit together and you work with Peña on Cali, or I'm going to assign you somewhere else and all the work you've done will go to someone else. Your choice sweetheart." 
You chewed on your bottom lip with frustration, nose slightly flaring as you inhaled deeply and simply nodded, "Work with Peña or go back home, again. You got it boss." You scoffed and stormed out of his office, absolutely fuming.
You didn't know who was the bigger asshole, him or Javier.
You couldn't fucking believe this. Just when you thought things were going your way, Javier Peña decided to come back and fuck it all up. But then again he had a habit of doing that to you. Much like he would often screw himself over, he would take you along with him, because of course, you having the poor judgment that you had, you would try to help him. When both of your agencies were on top of Escobar and the Medellin cartel, you often worked together, you had the same interest after all. That along with other things that often contributed to your poor judgement when it came to Javier. When things got complicated with Escobar, Javier resorted to more, desperate means. You would give him Intel, intervene phone lines and record phone calls. You didn't know what he was getting himself into, you figured it was DEA business. You should've known better than that. But then again, poor judgement and bit of feelings got in the way. You eventually caught on to what he had been doing with the information you gave him. As soon as more people got killed at the hands of Los Pepes, it couldn't be a coincidence and you knew that. And so did your superiors. Turned out that if an agent contributed to dozens of murders in a country they were guests in well, it didn't exactly made the Agency look good. And off home you were. 
You were a good agent, you were a damn good agent, and it took months, but after Escobar was killed you were assigned back to Bogota, but to work on the Cali cartel instead. It didn't exactly sit well with most agents to have you back after your inadvertent involvement with Javier and his mess, but everyone got over it eventually. Javier was no longer in Colombia, having suffered a reprimand of his own, so at least then you couldn't snap his neck with your bare hands. 
For some time at least. That didn't last very long as it was evident by the conversation that had just ensued with Strechner.
Hey by the way, Javier Peña, he got assigned to work on Cali, oh and he got a nice promotion, good luck!
Yeah he was going to fucking need it. 
Your heeled boots made contact with the floor, making noise with each angry step you took. You were absolutely fuming, you swore you could see smoke emanating from you because no one in the office dared to even look your way. You sat at your desk, the chair scratching the floor as you pulled it back. You placed your face into your hands, closed your eyes and took a long and uneven breath. Your skin felt beyond hot, like it was boiling. You truly had hoped you didn't have to see Javier again. The hatred you felt for him wasn't just because he screwed over your career, that was just a part of it. Deep down you felt betrayed and hurt. He used you, he got what he wanted out of you with some fucking in the process, but in the end it meant nothing to him. Not like it meant to you. He meant everything to you and you meant nothing. Or at least it felt that way. And fuck you hated that you ever allowed that to happen. 
"Excuse me, agent?" You heard someone clear their throat, making you take your face from your hands and look up at whoever decided to speak to you at that moment. You glared at the younger male, you didn't recognize him. He definitely wasn't CIA. But he was wearing a suit, so he had to work with one of the agencies at the Embassy. 
"Can I help you, uh agent?" You grumbled, straightening yourself in your chair and looked at him with a cold expression and a raised eyebrow. 
"Yeah uh, Feistl, DEA," He clarified, seeing the look on your face, but when your expression didn't change, he quickly spoke again, "My boss, he wants to see you. He asked me to let you know, something about some Cali files the CIA has." 
You stared at him with a blank face, blinked a couple of times and sighed through your nose, rubbing the side of your temple with exasperation, "And who is your boss? I'm not DEA kid, I don't know who's in charge there." 
"Agent Javier Peña, he's my boss now." 
Well fuck. 
You couldn't believe this. You couldn't believe the fucking audacity of this man. How could he ever have the balls to specifically ask for you knowing damn well what he did? He would be lucky if he left that office with both his testicles still intact. 
It took you a while to get to the DEA floor. Really, you were stalling. You did paperwork, looked over paperwork and old Cali files that you had probably read dozens of times. But those were probably better than having to go see Javier. But alas, if your boss found out you were not cooperating with the DEA you weren't going to hear the end of it. So there you were, walking along a collection of desks filled with agents. You passed Feistl's desk, there was another agent next to him. Probably another new recruit. 
You sighed heavily and cleared your throat, getting his attention, "So where's your boss?" You asked him, face hard as ever. 
He looked up from his paperwork and swallowed a lump before signaling to the bigger corner office at the end of the floor, "In his office but—" 
"Thanks," You didn't let him finish before you were heading to Javier's office. The sooner you got this shit over with, the better. 
You knocked once, just to be polite, even though he probably didn't deserve that, but you didn't wait for a response before you were opening the door. You took in a deep breath as you walked in his office, your pulse spiking the second your eyes landed on him. 
Javier was on the phone, getting his ear chewed off by a superior when you walked in his office. He was hoping you would come, but he wasn't actually prepared to see you if you did. And now that you were in front of him, he couldn't even breathe. 
"Sorry boss, something just came up. I'll get back to you on that." He was willing to take the yelling later, but he didn't care. He hung up the phone and looked at you. His eyes did a quick scan, it hadn't been that long since he last saw you, but fuck, it felt like an eternity. His eyes eventually found yours, and he was met with a storm of emotions, but he knew he deserved that much. "Hola bonita." 
The nickname, the raspiness in his voice and the semi smirk on his lips made you take a sharp inhale and you had to straighten yourself, "I don't want to be here longer than I need to, what do you want Peña?" 
"Damn, are you always that nice to your coworkers?" He chuckled softly and shook his head. He knew you could be the most caring and genuinely nice person he would ever met, but he also knew you could be nasty as hell. He should be thankful you hadn't broken his nose yet. He knew he deserved that other side of you. 
"You're not my coworker Peña, you're just an asshole I'm forced to work with." You said harshly, your tone bitter and eyes sharp as hell. You hadn't moved from the door, you refused to. You couldn't trust yourself not to suddenly have a moment of weakness. So you planted yourself in front of the door, arms folded tightly over your chest and face hard and cold, refusing to reveal any of your true emotions. You were trying really damn hard to feign indifference, but in reality you were an absolute wreck. He made you an absolute wreck.
"Now that's cruel," he frowned, a bit of genuine hurt in his tone. He walked around his desk with slow steps, his eyes never leaving you. 
You scoffed, "No te da vergüenza cabrón?" You huffed, your eyes met his own with a deep glare, but unlike you, his eyes weren't sharp with anger and resentment, but they were as soft as ever both with regret and the adoration he always felt for you. But you didn't give a fuck about that. "You wanna know what is cruel, Javier? You, what you did to me. I got reassigned because of your fuck up. Do you know how fucking hard it was to come back here when the whole Colombian police department looked at me like I was a killer? Or how hard it was for me to gain back the respect of my coworkers because I helped you start a bloodbath? How hard it was to move on without—" You had to stop yourself, your emotions getting the best of you. You took a sharp inhale and you shook your head, "You don't know shit about cruel, so don't you fucking come here and tell me I'm cruel." 
Javier didn't expect your harsh words to hit him as hard as they did. He knew you would have a whole world of things to say to him, but the hurt and genuine betrayal in your voice killed him. He didn't mean for any of it to blow back on you, and he sure as hell never meant to hurt you, he never wanted that. 
"Bonita I'm—" 
"You used me Javier, you used me, got Intel out of me and then you got me reassigned. And what did you get? A nice promotion. I hope you're happy with that asshole." You spat and you were already turning around to walk out, but Javier quickly grabbed the door handle and closed it, trapping you between his taller frame and the door. 
"Will you shut the fuck up for two seconds and let me talk?" He exhaled with frustration, his face a few inches away from yours. You turned your head away, refusing to meet his eyes, but you didn't make much effort to move away from him or interrupt him, so he continued. "I didn't mean for any of that shit to happen. What we had, it was.. It was real, the most real thing I've had in a long time, and I fucked up. I know, I have to live with that. And I'm so fucking sorry for what happened to you, I never wanted any of my shit to blow back on you. And I mean that." 
You didn't know whether you were angry, upset, or if you just wanted to throw yourself at him. Whatever it was, it had you breathing shakily. And his words weren't making it any better. The tension between the two of you was killing you, it was cutting into you like a sharp knife digging deeper and deeper into your skin. 
Maybe he meant that. Maybe he didn't mean to hurt you.
But he did.
You let out a shaky exhale and turned to look at him, your gaze was sharp and unforgiving when you looked at him. "You know what Javier? Take your fucking apology and shove it right up your ass, because guess what? You apologizing now doesn't change the fact that you used me, fucked me over and still didn't bother to reach out when my career was falling apart." 
"Who the fuck says I didn't try? I tried to get them to not reassign you, I tried to explain that you had nothing to do with Los Pepes. They didn't fucking listen. And when they sent you back home I fucking tried to reach out but Strechner was being an asshole and wouldn't tell me shit. I swear."
You couldn't do this, you thought you could. But you couldn't. It was easy to hate Javier, it was easy to tell yourself that he used you and that you meant nothing to him. The hard part was realizing that maybe you were wrong, that he was hurting as much as you were, and that maybe he cared about you too. Because once you realized that, you had to face what you felt for him, and it was something you had never felt for anyone else. No matter how hard you tried to convince yourself otherwise.
You shook your head, "I don't care what Strechner, or what the goddamn Ambassador says, I don't ever want to even breathe the same air as you. You can go fuck yourself for all I care." You weren't yelling, you didn't even raise your voice, but your words stunned him like you had been screaming in his face. He stared at you with a hurt look in his eyes as you pried his hand off the door handle and opened it. 
"Hey bonita wait—" 
"Come mierda Javier." Was the last thing you muttered out before you shoved him out of your way and stormed out of his office. You felt a collective pair of eyes follow you as you stormed down to the bathrooms. You hadn't been yelling, but you weren't exactly quiet either, so half of the floor probably heard your exchange with Javier. But you didn't give a fuck, it wasn't your department. 
You felt the hot tears finally stream their course down your cheeks as soon as you went into the bathroom. You placed your hands flat on the cold vanity sink as you tried to control your breathing. You did not need this right now. You didn't need Javier to open a whole pandora's box of emotions and buried feelings. You convinced yourself to hate him, but now that you knew the truth, you weren't so sure you could keep that up.
What the fuck were you doing? You couldn't be locked up in a bathroom crying like some high schooler. You had to get your shit together. You turned on the sink and water poured from the faucet. You splashed the cold fluid on your face in an attempt to calm yourself down. You took a few deep breaths, head hanging low as you tried to compose yourself. But you quickly snapped your head up when you heard the bathroom door open and close quickly. 
Before you realized you were met with a pair of large hands cupping your face and a pair of soft lips crashing into your own. You let out a gasp of air and you exhaled through your nose, your mind just registering what was happening. And just like that, you suddenly forgot all the anger you had been feeling as it all turned into longing and need. You wanted to hate him, but fuck, who were you kidding? You needed him more than you needed air in your lungs. 
Your back was met with a concrete wall as he spoke between breaths, "I'm sorry." His mouth was back on yours, a hand was on your hair and the other rested on your hip. He pressed his body flush against yours, it was like you couldn't even give each other space or time to breathe. It was desperate and it was needy. "I'm so fucking sorry." 
"Javi," The nickname fell from your lips with a pant and he pulled back just enough to look at you. Your hand fell on his face and he inhaled sharply, his Adam's apple bobbing. You looked up at him, eyes meeting his brown ones, they were filled with hunger and need, need for you. He needed you as much as you needed him. You pulled him down without saying a word and you brought your lips to his. He groaned in approval, the hand that was on your hip already working to undo your button up shirt. 
"I need you bonita," He mumbled, his lips now on your neck. Your head fell back into the wall behind you, your head was spinning and your vision was blurry.
What the fuck were you doing? Trying to get fucked, that's what.
You needed this. No matter how much you tried to convince yourself you felt nothing for Javier Peña, you knew deep down you could never stop wanting this, wanting him. 
You half nodded, the movement barely noticeable, but Javier felt your chin hit the top of his head and he smirked softly himself, his lips now nipping at the side of your breast. You whimpered quietly, your walls already clenching around nothing with anticipation. The sound only riled Javier up even more. His hands made quick work of your dress pants, they were on the floor before you knew it. 
You breath picked up when you felt his fingers graze your bare thigh. He wanted to see how much you wanted this, how much you wanted his touch. His fingers barely grazed your clothed clit and the gasp that slipped past your lips had him smirking. 
You hated how much you were enjoying this, how much you knew you were going to enjoy it. You hated him for making you feel this way. You hated the thrill this brought you. You hated him for being the only one who could make you feel like this. He could have you shaking with a touch of his hand and he knew that. And you hated it. But fuck you loved to hate it. 
"Te odio tanto hijo de puta," You gasped when you felt his thumb press against your clothed clit, inevitably turning the sound into a quiet moan. Javier straightened himself up, he towered over you and his lips brushed the shell of your ear. 
"Oh yeah? Try saying that without moaning and I might believe you." He spoke smugly into your ear and the low raspiness of his voice only made you want to moan even more. He looked down, spitting right into his hand before he slipped it right into your panties. His wet fingers brushed over your equally wet core, spreading the wetness over your clit. Your mouth fell open and a delighted sigh left your lips. There was no coming back from this now, and you were perfectly okay with that. 
"Do you hate me?" He asked with a certain harsh urgency in his voice, like he so desperately needed to hear otherwise. You couldn't trust your own voice to speak, so no words came out. Javier huffed and palmed your clit with a certain harshness that made you twitch and whimper. "I asked you a question, baby. Do you hate me?" 
"No." You answered shortly, not trusting your voice to say anything else. He gripped your jaw, his thumb tugged at your bottom before he hummed in approval. 
"Good." He smirked in approval and his mouth was back on yours in a second, his tongue slipping past your lips as he lifted you on the granite surface of the sink. He situated himself between your legs as he unceremoniously tugged your panties down your legs. The cold surface felt uncomfortable against your bare skin, but your attention was taken away from it when Javier spoke again. 
"What do you want, bonita?" He muttered against your lips, his hands now working on unbuckling his belt. You panted softly, your skin burning up and your thighs already shaking with anticipation. "I'll give you anything you want, you just have to ask." 
"I want you Javi. I just want you." That was it, walls were down, and you were once again vulnerable in front of Javier Peña. You just wanted him, you just wanted him to love you. 
"You have me cariño, I'm right here." His mouth was back on yours just as you heard the sound of his belt unbuckling and you soon felt the head of his cock brush right against your core. He swallowed the moan that came out of your throat as he slid in. 
You wrapped your legs around his hips as your walls squeezed him so tight it made his eyes roll into the back of his head. His lips moved to your neck as he sat still, allowing you to adjust for a moment. You threw your arms around your neck and whined, you had spent enough time wanting this, wanting to feel him again, you didn't want to wait. 
"Javi.." You whined softly, bucking your hips, hoping he would get the hint. "More." 
"My pretty girl wants more? Alright." You didn't have to ask him twice. He braced himself with a hand on the mirror behind you before he was pulling out of you only to slam back in with enough force to make you want to scream. Hell, you almost did. "Like that?" 
Yes, exactly like that. 
You didn't trust your voice, you couldn't trust yourself not to scream if you dared to open your mouth so you simply nodded. He was already fucking you at an unforgiving pace, your eyes were already rolling into the back of your head. 
"Look at me." He suddenly spoke, his tone demanding and it echoed in your ears. You forced yourself to peel your eyes open, your vision already blurry, but you could still see Javier, his dark hair falling over his eyes and getting damp with sweat and his dark eyes never leaving you. "That's it bonita, keep looking at me like that. Fuck I missed you." 
"I missed you Javi." The words fell from your lips without thinking. But they must've snapped something in Javier because the minute he heard those words his thrusts got harsher and more precise. He lifted one of your legs higher on his torso, allowing himself to hit deeper inside you. You couldn't hold back the cry then. You were sure if there was anyone anywhere near that bathroom they definitely heard it too. 
"Bonita, I fucking love the way you moan for me, but I need you to be a good girl and be quiet, okay?" He exhaled unevenly, hardly able to control himself either. You half nodded but a particularly deep thrust that hit your most sensitive spot forced a loud moan from you. His hand flew over your mouth, stifling the sound in time. "Ay cariño, do you ever listen?" 
You couldn't even be bothered to glare at him, instead your eyes rolled into the back of your head, the burning ache in the pit of your stomach signaling your close release. And the way you were clenching around him only incited him more. He knew you were close to tipping over the edge, and as soon as you did he would too. He kept his hand over your mouth, your sounds only getting louder the closer you got, and when he started rubbing quick circles on your swollen quick on top of his already unforgiving pace, you pretty much lost it. 
"That's it bonita, come for me." He rasped in your ear, his lips soon replaced his hand as you trembled, the stimulation of it all sending a blinding orgasm right through you. Javier fucked you through it, happily swallowing your moans when you came. A moan of his own slipped past his lips when you walls squeezed him in the most intoxicating way possible. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer now. 
"Fuck baby, just like that, you're taking me so well," He panted, his face now deep within the nape of your neck and his thrusts became short and erratic. He left wet kisses along your skin as he held you, the feeling of you leaving him in a blissfully drunken state. His name left your lips in soft whimpers as you held him, your hand resting on the back of his hair. That was the thing he needed to tip him over the edge. The muscles in his back tensed under the material of his dress shirt, every muscle in his body tightening as his movements suddenly came to a stop and he pulled out of you with urgency. His forehead pressed against yours as he slouched over, grabbed your hand and wrapped it around his cock. He used you hand to pump himself a couple of times before his eyes were rolling into the back of his head and his mouth fell open, spilling himself all over both of your hands, "Fuck, that's it baby. Good girl." 
You sat there for a minute, the only sound coming from either you being a mixture of pants and uneven breaths. You were soaking in the moment, you were taking it like it would be the last time. Maybe it should've been, you knew better than to open up to Javier again. But how could you ever live without this? Without him? He was addicting, you needed him, and you wanted him. There was no way around that. 
"What a fucking mess. Next time I'm coming inside. I was just trying to be nice." Javier spoke with a breathy chuckle, and he sighed heavily at the mess he made of himself. You looked up at him, suddenly snapped out of your euphoric daze. You sat up, inhaling sharply when you shifted, still a bit sensitive. 
"Next time?" You asked softly with genuine curiosity. You knew what this meant to you, but you didn't know what it meant to him. This could just be a blowing off steam kind of fuck, no strings attached. It often was like that with him. Javier was washing his hands on the faucet next to you while you washed your own when you spoke. He looked at you with a genuine smile and a soft look in his brown eyes. 
"Yeah," he sighed softly, "I meant what I said. What we had, it was real and I miss it. I know I fucked up, but I want to make it better." 
"You really tried to look for me when I got reassigned?" You asked as you hopped off the vanity, but you still had to hold on for balance. Javier turned to face you, he held your face between his hands and he nodded. 
"Do you still hate me bonita?" He asked with genuine hope. It wasn't like the smug condescending way he said before, it was a genuine question this time. He didnt want you to hate him, he wouldnt be able to live with himself knowing that. He hoped you forgave him, he hoped you could see how much you meant to him even if he didn't say it. But he didn't have to, the loving and adoring look in his eyes always said enough. 
You took in a deep breath, your hands rested on top of his and there was this lopsided loving smile on your lips. You had told yourself for so long that you hated Javier, that he used you and that you meant nothing to him. Maybe it was just easy to hate him, but you loved him, you wanted to allow yourself to love him and that was the hard part. But when was your life ever easy? You wanted this, you wanted him, so maybe loving him wouldn't be so hard. 
"No Javi, I don't hate you."
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miekasa · 4 years
the babysitter’s club (1)
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+ pairing: levi ackerman + (fem) reader, featuring bright-eyed but very easily intimidated interns and part-time babysitters eren and armin who are trying their best
+ genres and warnings: modern au, parents au, fluff, yes the dog’s name is captain and he’s tiny what about it
+ summary: eren and armin are good subordinates, who happen to be pretty good babysitter, too. usually. 
+ word count: 2.7k
+ notes: this was just something fun i edited and reworked again, also to provide some more insight about dad levi and my oc kids; this focuses only on holden, who is the oldest of the bunch, but you’ll more about the rest as they go
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It’s not that Levi doesn’t trust Holden’s babysitters, he just would rather watch over her himself. Moreover, he would rather have the time to spend with his small daughter instead of having to leave her in the care of someone else who isn’t you, but sometimes life gets busy, and babysitters come in real handy.
He still doesn’t understand why Erwin would schedule the both of you to attend such important work-related meetings on the same weekend; much less, to send you half-way around the world for yours, and then book Levi for damn near twelve hours on a Saturday. He would murder Erwin if he weren’t his direct boss, and a long-time friend. But shit happens, and while it’s a major inconvenience and pain in his ass to be working on a weekend, it’s good to know he could rely on the brats at the office to step up on such short notice.
“I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that if anything happens, I won’t hesitate to dismember you,” Levi says calmly, closing his briefcase after triple-checking its contents.
“Of course,” Armin stiffens visibly, awkward laughter seeping through his words, “Eren and I would never let anything happen to Holden.”
To his left, Holden has already tugged Eren to the coffee table for a game of children’s Scrabble, determined to show off her new skills. Levi smiles slightly as he remembers playing the game with her last week, and how awe-struck she was to have seen Levi create a word bigger than “unattainable”—which is currently the longest word in her four-year-old vocabulary. But he’s certain she would have no trouble beating Eren.
He gives Armin a slight nod. He knows Holden is in good hands; or good enough hands with Armin, anyway. It’s not the first time the duo has babysat, and for as air-headed and clumsy Eren could be at the office, he seemed to be pretty damn good with kids if Holden’s attachment to the brunette was anything to go by.
Levi recounts that you’ve questioned on multiple occasions why Eren was so dedicated to being your PA when he seemed to have a potential career in taking care of, and maybe even teaching children. Not that he’s not a good assistant to you, but he’s certainly not as organized or detailed-oriented as Armin. Levi shrugs away the thought. Eren’s career choices are none of his business; his only concern is that he keeps his daughter safe and sound.
“Right. My card is on the kitchen island, you can buy lunch and dinner or whatever, I don’t think there’s much in the fridge,” Levi informs Armin. He looks briefly to the clock on the wall; he really should get going. “Remember to walk Captain at some point, and no matter what Holden says, he absolutely does need a leash on him. If Erwin isn’t being a complete asshat, I’ll be home by nine. (Y/N) will probably still be on her flight, so call me if you need anything.”
Armin nods enthusiastically, promising Levi that they would take care of everything. They’d better.
“Alright, I’m heading out,” Levi announces, pulling his keys from the table near the door, “Be good, Holden. Tell Armin and Eren if you need anything.”
Holden’s head perks up at the sound of her name. Elegantly, or as elegantly as a four-year-old can be, she stands from her seated crisscross position, to run over to Levi by the door. He should remind her that she should use walking feet inside the house, but he can’t bring himself to, instead crouching down to meet her height.
“Bye, daddy,” she tells him sweetly. Levi reaches a hand out to ruffle the top of her head, much to the small girl’s chagrin. She sports a grimace almost identical to his as he reaches up to try and smooth out the aftermath of her father’s affections, “Daddy!”
Levi can’t help but chuckle, reaching two fingers out to poke at his daughter’s forehead. “Be good. I’ll be back soon.”
“Mommy too?”
Levi sighs, “No, mommy doesn’t come back until Tuesday.”
“That’s four days away,” Holden’s doesn’t hesitate to express her dissatisfaction. Levi nods, a little proud of how quickly she’d calculated that in her head, “Can Eren stay until Tuesday?”
“No, Eren cannot.”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Holden crinkles her nose. Levi really has got to do something about her fascination with Eren.
Holden looks backwards to where Eren is still seated around the coffee table, he and Armin watching the father-daughter duo. After reconciling with the fact that Eren does, in fact, have his own home to go back to at the end of the day, Holden turns back around, and holds her hand up, palm facing Levi. He does the same, bringing his larger palm to hers, so that her hand is pushed against the middle of his.
Not one for hugs, kisses, or larger displays of affection, Holden simply turns her palm so that her hand grabs around Levi’s as best as possible, hooking her thumb around his pinky finger—what Levi’s heard the young girl call a hand hug.
“Bye, daddy,” she repeats, squeezing his hand, “Come back soon.”
Levi bends his fingers to wrap around her hand, “I will.”
“Keep an eye on her,” Levi reminds Armin and Eren, after standing back up and gripping his briefcase in his hand, “Don’t cause too much trouble.”
“Holden never causes trouble,” Eren says in response, but his words are spoken in coos to the young girl, who’s already back at his side. 
Levi scoffs, “I was talking to you.” 
“We’ll be fine, boss, don’t worry,” Eren chuckles with an awkward blush, “We love looking after Holden.”
“I’m not your boss,” Levi deadpans, double-checking his pockets for his keys, “You’d better hope everything is fine. Call me if anything happens, I’ll be back soon.” 
With one final round of good-byes, and a wave from his daughter, Levi’s out the door, and stepping into his car with a grimace. It was just one stupid day out of his life. Besides, Holden would be fine with Armin and Eren; she always is. Levi is just grumpy that he can’t be the one to spend the day with her. 
He sighs, reluctantly, putting his keys in the ignition. The sooner he got this over with, the sooner he could come back to Holden. Everything would be fine in the meantime; for now, he had to focus on how he was going to get himself to sit through Erwin’s long-ass meeting. 
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“Levi! Hi! Um… okay, so don’t freak out, but Armin and I are at the hospital with Holden right now—don’t freak out—because there was a small incident at lunch—don’t freak out and fire me please—but! It’s all gonna be okay, they’re already treating her and she’s doing fine now, so don’t freak—”  
“Tell me not to freak out one more fucking time and I’ll castrate Armin and feed you his balls myself.”
“You sound a little freaked out,” Eren placates, wincing and holding his phone away from his ear when Levi growls in response.
“You have five seconds to tell me what you two idiots did to my daughter and explain why I shouldn’t decapitate you immediately.”
“It’s a funny story, actually—so, um, we think Holden might be allergic to nuts…?”
“What do you mean might be, Jaeger?”
Eren can feel his heart in his throat. He eyes Armin on the other side of Holden’s hospital bed. He looks no better—color almost completely drained from his face, but Eren doesn’t think he can say much else to his boss before his knees give out from underneath him.
“Uh, well, it was a lot of technical terms, and—I—um, actually I’m going to let Armin explain!” Eren hurries, all but chucking his phone at the unsuspecting blonde.
Armin’s blue eyes look almost grey with anxiety, but before he can protest, Eren is flailing his hands and pointing fingers and reminding him that Levi will kill them both if he doesn’t start talking.
Reluctant, and terrified, Armin finally lifts the phone to his ear, stuttering out a pathetic hello, but Levi cuts him off before he can say anything else.
“Save it. Send me your location, and pray I don’t kill you when I get there.” Armin chokes out a “yes, sir,” before slowly bringing the phone down to his side.
The good news is that Holden’s allergic reaction wasn’t too severe: her throat had been irritated, and hives had emerged as a result, but it hadn’t been closing up. And luckily, Eren had the endurance to run nearly a mile and half with a four year old tucked under his arm; because with the traffic Armin observed whilst he and Captain huffed and lagged behind, it would have taken thrice as long to get Holden to the ER had they waited and called for an ambulance.
Even better was that Holden was an unnervingly calm kid, even whilst having an allergic reaction. She looked almost back to normal now, save for a few red looking blotches on her neck and upper arm; and seemed more than content to be watching a video on Eren’s phone, despite the situation. She was a little bummed out to find out that she could never eat the new ice cream she liked so much ever again, but she seemed to quickly get over it once Eren reminded her that there were lots of other flavors out there for her to try. Flavors that wouldn’t make her choke to death.
Still, Eren and Armin could probably kiss their jobs goodbye, seeing as they had nearly just poisoned their bosses’ daughter. Holden seemed to like them enough, but, unfortunately, Holden wasn’t the Ackerman who signed their checks.
At the very least, Eren doesn’t think you’ll be too upset with him. He doesn’t think you’ll be ecstatic to hear that while you were away on your already inconvenient work-trip on the other side of the globe, that he also managed to land your daughter in a hospital bed… but you were the more forgiving one. Then again, maybe not so forgiving when it comes to the health and wellbeing of your daughter. 
Eren falls back against the wall in dread. You weren’t even in the same country as him and he was worried about what you might say or do to him. Levi was probably less than twenty minutes away and fully capable of beheading him.
“You… uh, you think the Interior Branch is still looking for interns?” Eren breaks the silence, looking towards Armin, who’s taken the seat next to Holden’s bed, petting Captain robotically as the dog sits in his lap.
“I don’t think it matters,” Armin responds, “They won’t hire corpses.”
Fifteen minutes, and several run red lights later, Levi is bursting through the doors to the pediatric wing of the emergency room. He doesn’t care about the old woman at the reception yelling at him for causing a ruckus, or the other parents, doctors, or visitors eyeing him for marching around like he owned the place. Holden was in there somewhere, and he was going to get to her.
“Holden—oh, god, Holden,” Levi coos, frantic, as he marches into Holden’s room, scurrying to the side of her hospital bed. A cold hand reaches up to stroke her face. Angry, red bumps litter the sides of neck, her cheeks are puffier than usual, and the perimeter of her mouth seems a bit irritated, but Levi is relieved. She’s okay, his baby girl is okay.
“’M fine, daddy,” Holden assures him. She’s almost overly-perceptive for her age, able to pick up on her father’s out of character antics, and does her best to console him. “Eren ran with me all the way here when I started coughing and itchin.’”
Levi nods, the dark grey splotches in Holden’s eyes bringing him comfort, ensuring him that she was okay. “They gave me a shot, and I don’t like needles, but I didn’t even cry at all. Ask, Armin and Eren, they saw! Captain, too.”
“Brave girl,” Levi smiles, reaching his hand up to push her hair out of her face then leans over to press a kiss to her forehead.
Levi had almost forgotten that Eren and Armin were in the room until he hears a blundering cough from behind him. The younger boys look petrified, Eren practically shaking in his shoes, while Armin doesn’t even have the confidence to look him in the eye.
“We’re really sorry, Levi,” Eren apologizes, voice scratchy and wobbly, like he’d been the one to just get a shot, “We didn’t know—and when she started coughing and saying she couldn’t breathe, I swear, I ran here as fast as I could—”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s… fine?”
Levi sighs. Maybe he’d been a little harsh with them on the phone, letting his emotions get the best of him. He’d already been pissed off enough to not have the time to spend with Holden this weekend; hearing that she’d been hurt was just the final push over the edge for him, but it wasn’t necessarily Armin or Eren’s fault.
“I didn’t know either,” Levi exhales, reaching at hand out to pet the top of Holden’s head again, the young girl now distracted once again by the phone in her hand, “She’s never had a reaction to anything before, and neither (Y/N) or I have any strong allergies.”
Armin shuffles where he’s standing. “The doctor said she might be allergic to tree nuts. We, uh, we gave her pistachio ice cream after lunch.”
If there’s anything concerning Levi, it’s that they gave Holden ice cream before dinner, but he supposes he can let it go for now.
“Eren told me to try it, and it tasted good, daddy,” Holden interjects, “Before I started coughing, it was good.”
“Ah, well, you can’t—you shouldn’t eat things that make you feel sick!” Eren stutters loudly.
“But it was good,” Holden pouts, “And you said to try new things, Eri. I won’t know if it makes me sick if I don’t try them.”
Levi holds back his laughter. He knows that Holden definitely wouldn’t want to try the same same flavor again knowing now that she was allergic to it; she was just pulling at Eren’s leg. Levi would have to keep an eye out for the stuff anyway, especially if her oh-so-precious Eren has expressed any former love for it. 
“Um, Levi, sir,” Armin calls, pulling Levi’s attention towards the blonde, “We didn’t know if (Y/N) would have landed already, but do you think you should call her, to, um, let her know?”
Levi’s face pales three shades when he realizes that none of them had already informed you that your daughter was currently hospitalized with a new found allergy.
“You can call her,” Levi says, a shudder in his spine at the thought of relaying this information to you, “That’s your death sentence, not mine.”
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Nat😫😫😫 I'm just reading your naoya posts and I cant😫😫😫 why do I love this arrogant man😫 is it possible to write something of a connected fic to your arrangement story about how he feels jealous over a similarly docile reader (doesnt have to be connected if you dont want tho!!). like he hears about how the reader has been getting marriage proposals from other men since naoya hasnt given an affirmative to your family,,,, and now the reader is forced to consider other candidates (although she still cant atop thinking about our favourite princely asshole) and naoya cant handle this thought lol he deserves to know what angst and the pain of yearning tastes like😌 I hope this wasn't too confusing aaaa😭😭 I love your writing, and im glad youre in this jjk brain rot too🤧
patience - naoya x fem!reader (1.5k)
arrangement // patience // my jjk masterlist
warnings: naoya remains an asshole. submissive reader, arranged marriages, mentions of murder, talk of adultery. pining/angst. not sfw, minors dni!
naoya hates that he can’t stop thinking about you.
Naoya hates that he can’t stop thinking about you.
Oh, he’d meant it when he’d spat ‘pathetic’ and ‘useless’ and ‘worthless’ at you – your bloodline was unimpressive, your lack of cursed technique tragic, your clan elders absolutely idiotic for sending a nobody like you to tempt him. But . . . something about the look in your eyes, the meek little bow of your head, the way you’d listened to every one of his orders with a soft little gasp and a desire to follow them to the latter . . .
He hasn’t told your family that he’s not interested in you, but word gets around the jujutsu community when someone is looking for a spouse. After all, they’re determined to retain blood purity, to keep techniques in the bloodline – your family soon hear that Naoya is still considering all of his options. That other pretty young daughters from other bloodlines have been to see him.
(Naoya rejects them all, for frivolous reasons that he doesn’t want to admit are frivolous. He hadn’t liked the look in that one’s eyes. He didn’t want his children to inherit the colour of that one’s hair. That one had walked two steps behind him, not three--).
You haunt his thoughts. You and the bow of your head, the bite of your lip, the way you’d looked with tears brimming in your eyes. The suggestive curve of you beneath your kimono.
He hears, too, that your family have been exploring their other options. They’d seemed thrilled, at first, that Naoya hadn’t utterly swept you off the table – but six months have passed, and they want their daughter married and out of the house and fulfilling her duties.
He hears about your marriage proposals through that same grapevine. He hears that other men say you are pretty and quiet and obedient, that you will make a fine wife, that you will listen to commands and give soft smiles and raise children like you ought to--
And once, he smashes a glass from gripping it too hard as some nobody in the Kamo clan mentions that he’s going to ask your family for your hand in marriage.
You say no. He hears, too, that your elders are growing frustrated with your dismissals of proposals. They have left behind the thought of marrying you into the Zenin clan, but clearly you’re still clinging to the idea that Naoya might want you despite what he’d said.
He doesn’t, he tells himself, when he wraps his fist around his cock and pumps it and thinks about your look of surprise as his come splatters across your face.
He doesn’t, he tells himself, when he compares a young lady sent to entice him with you. When she looks him in the eye and he thinks that you would never do that, that you would keep your head bowed, that you’d be deferential as he needs you to be.
He doesn’t, he tells himself, as a servant cleans up the shards of glass that he shatters and he asks the Kamo clan member if perhaps he would like to spar, and he hits him just a little bit too hard so he ends up wheezing and doubled over on the training mats as Naoya stalks out of the room.
It’s not his style to pine. He has the pick of every eligible young lady in jujutsu society; he should not be hung up on such a worthless, pathetic little thing.
He hears of another proposal. This one, apparently, hasn’t been rejected straight-out – this one, you seem to be considering. Other members of the Zenin clan don’t understand why his jaw sets at the news.
“You didn’t want her, did you?” He asks. “You didn’t seem keen after the meeting.”
One of his other distant cousins, an upstart too big for his boots, grins.
“That was before she was hot property, though,” he leers at Naoya. “Our golden boy doesn’t like the idea of people coveting his trash--”
Naoya has struck him before he can think and stalked out of that room, too. Something about you has truly opened the can of worms that is Naoya’s violence, and he refuses to admit to himself that it’s because he wants you.
It’s not because you’re hot property – though, certainly, the way other men talk and laugh about you and the knowledge that you’re wanted serves to set a fire within him. It’s because he can’t stop thinking about you.
He tries courtesans. He chooses pretty, well-mannered ones who look a little like you – but their eyes when they look at him are glassy. They’re not the same as yours, brimming with life and want and confusion at the position you’ve found yourself in and the way your body responds to Naoya.
He doesn’t admit to his mistakes. He doesn’t think ‘I should have accepted the proposal, I should have joined the clans’ – instead, he thinks ‘I should have fucked them then and there. I should have made them scream my name until their reputation was ruined and everybody knew they came apart on my cock. It’s their fault that I can’t get them out of my brain.’
He walks with fists and teeth clenched and snaps at every servant who dare looks his way. Naoya has always been unpleasant, but he’s downright impossible with his spine in knots and his eyes narrowed.
He’s going to have to do it. He’s going to have to contact your family, ask for another audience, if only to get your fucking face out of his mind--
He’s not expecting to come across you before he’s even made the call, standing in one of the gardens of the Zenin estate. You’re wearing the same kimono you had first visited him in, and he hates that the sight of it makes a throb low in his belly as he remembers seeing it crumpled on his bedroom floor. He swallows as he stalks towards you and you turn, your pretty eyes widening – he sees the flash of memory, the flash of desire. He wonders if anybody would dare speak to him if he took you right here, in the garden--
An older man opens a door behind you.
Naoya recognises him only vaguely. The Zenin estate is swarming with various, less important Zenins; this one’s a great-uncle, perhaps? Or a cousin thrice removed? He’s someone unimportant in the grand scheme of things, save for the way that he walks up to you and wraps an arm around your waist.
“Ah,” the man with his hands on Naoya’s property says. “I see you’ve met my betrothed.”
His heart stops cold. He’s nobody. Unimportant. Nothing.
He’d called you the same thing; an ‘act of charity’. So why does the sight of an arm around you attached to a man too old and not powerful enough to be a threat make Naoya feel like he’s chewing rocks? Naoya manages to spit out a;
“Yes,” the old man (great cousin? Naoya doesn’t make a habit to remember people he can’t use later on) says, pulling you closer, groping at your hip through the kimono as you keep a sedate, smile on your face without looking directly into Naoya’s eyes. “You’ll be seeing her around a lot. I hope she didn’t bother you.” A squeeze to your ass, this time, shameless. “Say hello to the future leader of the clan, sweetheart.”
(At least this man’s on Naoya’s side, he tries to console himself, but it doesn’t work.)
“H-hello, sir,” you say, and your voice is as tremulous as he remembers it. His cock stirs. He hates this.
“Sorry to bother you,” he inclines his head politely and tugs on your arm, pulling you away, leaving Naoya kissing his teeth and trying to not simply slit the man’s throat with the knife in his hakama and take you for his own.
What had the scum said? ‘You’ll be seeing her around a lot’. He supposes, then, that you’ll be sequestered in one of the other chambers in the Zenin estate--
A slow smile spreads across his face.
You wouldn’t say ‘no’ to your clan leader, would you? And . . . your future husband is old. Any Zenin is a Zenin, is it not? Even if a son is born with Naoya’s features, Naoya’s technique . . . nobody would say anything to him about it. And you’re in reach. Close to him.
He only needs to get you alone before the wedding to make sure he gets to take your maidenhead. He hates the thought of another man’s filthy hands on you, but accidents happen all of the time--
And then you’ll be a widow. You won’t be expected to marry for a while. And if you’ve already borne fruit and proved yourself – perhaps Naoya will even play the chivalrous leader and lower himself to take you for his own.
Yes. Just a little patience.
This is an arrangement he can get behind.
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Under My Roof
Under My Roof
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A/N : this was supposed to come out for Valentine's day. And then life happend and I'm posting it a month later 😅 this is pure filth, it's only smut, PwP. This all started with a message exchange with the incredibly funny @badassbuchanan 😂 after sending her the second gif 😂
Word count : 8K
Warnings : dégradation and knife play so discrete you won't see it, exhibitionnisme...etc. +18 !!! Maybe a bit of angst I'm not even sure, and a cheesy poorly written ending. Enjoy !💘
Plot : your are Bucky's maid.
You were lost in your thoughts, while walking back to Bucky Barnes's home. Your eyes wondering over the couples that walked past you.
Valentine's day. Again. You hated this day. This painful reminder of your loneliness. The reminder that you weren't with the man of your dreams. Well yes, indeed you were painfully close to the man of your dreams.
You change his sheets. Prepare his meals. Go grocery shopping for him. Clean his house. Take care of him when he was sick.
But you weren't with him. You were just the maid.
You were the one he sent to go buy flowers and a box of chocolate. A bouquet and sweets he would give to another woman tonight. While you would fall asleep, alone, in a house that was not yours. After completing tasks that were of no interest to you.
Of course you were more than well paid for your services, but ...you had no free time. You worked six days a week and on your only free day you were too exhausted to go out, so you stayed in your room all day sleeping or reading, which didn't allow you to build a single serious relationship in three years of this job. And ... if you were being totally honest...also the fact that you had the biggest crush on your boss.
And every Valentine's Day you'd remember that you.had.nothing. No boyfriend. No home for yourself. Every Valentine's Day you remember that you didn't build anything. You spend your life ordering the life of a man who does not see you. Around you your friends have homes of their own, husbands, children, a future. And you ...
Arggg! Getting into the house, you angrily put down the bouquet of flowers and the box of chocolate that Bucky asked you to buy for his evening date on the kitchen table. It was already about 5pm, normally you'd start on dinner but he told you not to cook tonight, and if you wanted you could have something delivered for yourself. Fuck him. Fuck Bucky Barnes.
You locked yourself in your room. And soon after, you hear him leave the house.
You try to read, but you can't concentrate. You go on tiktok and instagram, Tumblr and finally you end up on pornhub. Your eyes move from video to video and when you find something that appeals to you, your hand quickly slides straight inside your panties, Without giving the rest of your body any attention.
Your fingers find your clitoris, and begin to massage slowly, but as soon as the pleasure begin to rise, a pair of blue eyes appear in your memory, and your movements suddenly stop. No ! You don't want to think about him now!
You shake your head, breathe out, and try to refocus on the video. But as soon as your hand starts moving, it's his face that pops into your head, his voice, his smile, his body ... NO! It is pathetic. You can not let yourself think about your boss, who by the way must absolutely not be thinking about you at the moment, while masturbating on Valentine's Day. It's ... really pathetic. Suddenly angry at yourself, at him, and at the work, you close your porn and go to playstore.
You download the first three dating apps you find and sign up for the three. No way your spending Valentine's Day eating fast food on the sofa while thinking of your boss. Masturcraying is not for you, not today, not ever.
You choose your prettiest photo and select it as a profile picture. You select: "Partners near you". And just like that, the profiles appear on your screen, and you just have to pick and choose.
Few hours and some weirdos later, you are chatting with a nice guy, attractive enough, funny and chatty.
From Theo to Y/N « you want to go out ?»
From Y/N to Theo «yes ! Let me ask my boss first»
And then it occurred to you. He didn't even ask you if you had plans for tonight. He didn't even think about giving you your night.
Annoyed, you quickly texted
From Y/N to Mr.Barnes « Sir, i have plans, can i have my night?» you wait and wait...but the answer comes only half an hour later.
From Mr.Barnes to Y/N «No, you should have asked yesterday. I'm expecting a package around eight, please don't forget to pick it up»
From Y/N to Mr.Barnes «Please Sir, i never asked you for a day off. I'm feeling a little bit down. I really think going out would help, i could ask for mr's Happkins to reception the package, I'll get it first thing back»
From Mr.Barnes to Y/N «No. You'll have you little date in your free day. I'm busy i don't have time to text»
Fuck.him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck. Him. Fuck him.
From Y/N to Mr Barnes «FUCK YOU.»
From Y/N to Theo « My boss isn't here, wanna join?»
4 hours later.
You are drunk. Drunk on the best alcohol you ever had. Drunk on an alcohol you'd never be able to afford. Where did you get it from ? Bucky's cabinet.
He won't be here until tomorrow, you have all the time.
You turn your head to the cute guy next to you, curly blond hair, slim and tall and a shiny smile. Perfect.
You lean in to kiss him. You don't even remember he's name. You share the taste of the delicious alcohol on your tongues, you laugh between kisses, joke between messy body grabbing, and play cat and mouse around the table. Your tops are off, your lips swollen. «Eat me out»  you state, no second thought. «That's bold» he says, opening wide eyes but smiling. «I'm sick of being good...» «It's okey, i like bold»
You sit down on the couch, pull your skirt up, take off your panties, and lay back.
The boy doesn't wait to get on his knees between your legs, and he gets right to work. His tongue teasing your entrance, and his lips kissing your clit playfully.
Fuck Bucky. This is a nice boy. Fuck,Why are you thinking about Bucky ? And why is your heart tightening ? Fuck. Tonight you deserve better. This doesn't feel like enough. Not enough to fuck your boss out of your mind «Let's go to one of the rooms» you say purposefully.
He looks at you, eyes sparkly  «Whatever the lady asks for» the blond smiles at you, getting up, and ...not helping you get up. It's alright, you're not looking for romance any way.
You chose the nicest room. The biggest one, after Bucky's. As soon as you get in, the boys hand are on your waist, pulling you back against him. His lips on your neck making you giggle. He moves them to you breast, your only wearing your bra. «Can you help me take it off ? I have trouble with this things, bras hate me !» you laugh and help him take off the underwear as he unzipped his jeans, letting them fall to the ground.
You feel yourself getting excited, this is so new to you ! Having a stranger in your big scary boss's house, and letting him fuck you. That's... liberating! And if you thought about feeling guilty, the way he replied to your message came to your mind and you'd just think “fuck him”
You jump on the bed, and invite your partner to join you, he does and as soon as he is next to you he attaches his mouth to one of your nipples, and his hand go directly to your pussy, teasing your entrance once again, you slid your hand towards his boxers, feeling his cock getting harder between your fingers as you pump up and down his lengh. You kiss slowly while teasing one another, moaning in each other's mouth.
But then, the blue eyes again. The metalic blue eyes of you boss appear in you mind. The beautiful mesmerizing blue eyes, that beautiful face, those lips, the smirk, the jaw the body, you wonder if his cock is thicker then ...OH DEAR GOD. THAT IS ENOUGH.
«Hey.» you awkwardly start. «Yeah ?»
«Wanna...get inside ?» (NDA : yes kids, sexe with a stranger is more awkward then sexy)
«Sure ! That's not an offer you say no to !» He stumble in the covers getting up, reach for his jeans and grabs a condom in the back pocket. He opens them and it takes few seconds of fumbling and shaky hands to get the condom in place, while you're lying there looking at him.
You both laugh awkwardly, as he gets on top of you, looks for the entrance few seconds, and start sliding inside. It feels nice. See ! you don't need fucking rude and sexy Mr.Barnes.
«Harder. Go harder.» he start thrusting faster, and you close your eyes. Concentrating on the feeling and the friction. but soon enough, the blue eyes try to make a new appearance, and you open back your eyes, to escape his.
He has nice hair. Nice blond locks. He looks cute, a slow building pleasure starts raising in your belly. Imagine his beared on your inner thighs, and his tongue battling your into submission, and ...his cock stretching your walls, and you orgasm is getting closer and closer, you push your hand over your mouth to keep your moans down, he doesn't go deep but he goes fast enough for you to feel ready to cum, on top of that you've been watching a lot of porn and dirty tumblr to get you there rapidly. and just as you pussy clenchs, he stops everything. Fuck Fuck Fuck, you try to buck your hips but nothing will save you, You just had a ruined orgasm !
«what, i, i !!! » « think someone is coming in.» he whispers.
You stop breathing as you hear a key turning in the lock.
The front door.
Only two people have this key, you ...and Barnes. Fuck. He is back.
Fuck Fuck Fuck. «My boss is back, fuck, hide !»
You put on your shirt no bra, your skirt no panties, you close the door of the room where you leave the boy, and run out at full speed. A second after you are in the living room, collecting his shirt on the couch, trying to hide the mess, you just have the time to push the empty alcohol bottle under the couch before Mr.Barnes appears.
«What are you doing ?» He says, suspicious, looking at you messy appearance. «Nothing, just cleaning.»
«at 11 pm ?» he raises a suspicious eyebrow. «I...icouldn't sleep.»
Your underwear. Shit. It's right on the edge of the couch. “Please don't notice, please don't notice, please don't notice” «well, since you are awake, could you draw me a bath ? I'm exhausted.» «Yes, sir.»
You go out as quick as possible, and passing by the end of the couch, you try to discreetly grab the underwear, you roll it in your fist, and run up the stairs. Once in the bathroom, you try to rearrange your hair, and start preparing the bath in a hurry, terrified at the thought that your boss could go to the friend's room you used (which he never does) and find your little...date.
While the water start to warm up, you hear the bathroom door open, and close in your back. And Mr Barnes just sits there, in your back, watching you, watching your every movement. Your fist is in front of you, tightly clenched on the underwear. His look is sharp, you feel it burning you skin, you are so aware of your own appearance. You are usually so put together. It must be the fist time in three years of working for him that he sees you in such a state.
What could he possibly be thinking. He is looking at you in such a way that your hands shake.
Maybe ...if he asks questions...you could tell him you were masturbating when he came in ? Sure it would be a shame, but ... It would be believable, and he would be to embarassed to look any further. You shake you head, trying to steady your hands, while adding salts in the water but then ... «You can go, I'll do that myself» he comes up right behind you, really really close.
He doesn't need to repeat himself, you furtively slip under his shoulder before running away
When you hear the bathroom door close again, you run towards the guest room and try to open the door quietly. But...it's locked. You try and try again and it's locked. «Hey it's me» you whisper. «Can I go now ?» Whispers the boy, from the other side. «Yeah, Open the door, why did you lock it ?»
«I didn't, i heard it get locked, i thought it was you.»
You brain stops working. Why would Barnes ever lock a guest room door ?
Deep inside you know. There is no other explanation. Your heart stops beating. But you head is desperately looking for any reason he would do that. There is none. There is only one : he knows. He know and you just lost your job. You feel tears gather in your eyes. God why did you have to be so stupid !? Sure, now is the time to regret. Fuck.
«I'll come back to open, can you just ...give me some time ?»
«What ? Are you fucking kidding me ?!»
You don't answer, and try opening the drawer where you know your boss puts a double of keys, but it's locked. You go to your room, think about gathering your personal effects, but then...your hands are shaking, and a small part of you still think "maybe he doesn't know, maybe there is an explanation"
You go back to the living room and start walking back and forth like a trapped animal. It lasts about twenty minutes. Until you hear it. You hear you name. From the bath room.
A commanding voice. Telling you to come here.
You hesitate a second.
But you have no choice.
You slowly start climbing the stairs.
Every step leading you to the bathroom is heavier then the one before.
Your heart is trapped in your throat.
You put your hand on the door lock. And try to catch you breathe. But suddenly the door opens and you are dragged inside by a firm hand around your wrist, before bumping into a hard chest. «Hey, there...» He whispers, in a dangerously calm voice.
You freeze.
He is naked, wrapped in only a tiny towel around his waist, holding you firmly against him.
You can feel his wet skin through your clothes. You don't now what to do, or what to say, but he doesn't seem to think the same. «Well behaved sluts answer when they are talked to.» He waits for you to speak up, but as you say nothing he continues «You are more eloquent with a dick in your pussy, aren't you ?» « no i...»
You try to say something, but you don't know what, you try to push him off but he is to strong. «No what? You though i wouldn't notice ? I knew the second i got in. You dumb little whore, you can see the window of the friend room from the outside. And your underwear on the couch ? Saw that to.» «I'm sorry, I was...»
«What ? What are you possibly going to say that could justify your behavior ?» his voice is dry, and he's body pushes itself further against you, forcing you to the wall. «I'm so sorry sir, don't fire me please. I don't know where my mind was, i..» «Fire you ? My god. That would be going easy on you. I know where your mind was, babygirl. In your horny little cunt.»
You whimper. Look down, only to see his muscular thighs, regretting, you close your eyes praying for all of this to be a bad dream.
«But I'm going to take care of that. You want to be fucked this bad ? Fine.»
You tilt your head up at him, surprised. Only to meet a black gaze.
« you are .. you are going to» « Fuck you ? Yes. Until you little pussy is sore, I'm going to fuck you more than what you can take, bully this little slut pussy, you understand ? Or do you prefer to get fired ?» «o...no.» «No what ? If you agree say "fuck me please sir"» «Please...» You stutter.
«That's not what I fucking asked!» He barks as his hand tightly grips you jaw, making you look at him. «Say it, loud and clear.»  «Please, ...fuck me sir.»
«Ohh look at you, so well behaved. Your nipples are hard to..is that the water or the greediness, little slut ?» suddenly his hand leaves your jaw and grab at your neck, while his other hand cruely twist and pull on your nipple through your shirt, making you yelp, he let go of you hurt nipple, and his fingers grab something besides you on the edge of the bathtub.  «See that in my hand? I'm going to push the blade of my razor on your delicate throat, now, you wouldn't want to hurt yourself by moving to much, right ? You better not fucking move. The things I'm going to do to you. The things I've wanted to do to you, Fuck» he grunts, «Take off your skirt»
You are forced to keep your chin high, because of the threatening blade, looking at him directly in the eyes, yours, teary, and his, dark with desire and anger. You push your skirt down, only to remember you are not wearing any underwear. You blush harder (even redder that what you already are) and you see his lips rise into a devilish smile.
«Is your pussy wet ? Did he finish fucking you ?» You don't answer.
«If you decide to act like that, I'm going to check by myself» he sighed. «Open you legs.»
While one of his hand keeps the blade against your skin, the fear of moving cutting your air, the other one reach down, and harshly forces your tights open, quickly moving up to your wet follds.
And, with no warnings, a slaps lands on your sensitive pussy, making you cry out.
Another harsh slap falls right on your clit and you try grabbing at his wrists and closing your thighs, but the blade pushed harder against your throat, and the hand that administrated the slaps push on your belly, forcing you to stay still. «Oh now see, you know how to use your voice. Did i say you could move? Stay the fuck still, whore.»
«Sir, it...it hurts.» «Oh really?»He says in a mocking voice, «good, it should hurt, is your little pussy sore from getting fucked under my roof ?»
Another slap lands, making a new cry escape your mouth. But you know better then to move, the blade is slowly moving up and down your skin, flattering it. The cold metal awaken every nerve of your body, and you feel... terribly aroused. You never felt more alive.
«It's nothing compared to when I'm done with you. I'm going to fuck the sanity out of you, little girl.»
You didn't plan on doing that, it's totally involuntary, maybe it's the vision of him, towering over you, only in his towel, hair pushed pack, his jaw tight, his eyes filled with hunger, his skin dumb, little drops of water rolling down his muscle, maybe it's the rush of adrenaline, maybe it's the mixed sensations from the blade, maybe ...maybe it's the months of fantasizing about him, of having this huge crush on the man, but you moan «Please, sir» as an answer.
He seems a little surprised, but soon a smirk ornate his lips and his eyes have a light of amusement and excitement.
«You want that ? You want me to fuck you ? How cute. That's not even a punishment for a greedy slut. Now...»
You're throat is set free, and you hear the blade hit the floor, as both his hands land on your waist, and his mouth join your neck, leaving met kisses and gentle bites, from your collar bone to your ear, « I bet you fantasized about that. About me fucking you, i mean, i knew you had a crush on me, but i thought of you as an innocent sweet little girl. Turns out...»
He kisses along your jaw, and when you think he is finally going to kiss your lips, he pull away.
«open you mouth.»
He scoffs at the speed you obey.
«Tongue out.»
You hesitantly pull out you tongue.
Your eyes widen as he spit in you mouth. And just as you are thinking about what you should do, spit it out ? Swallow ? Just ...keep it ? He makes the decision easier. He pinches your tongue between his thumb and index finger and cruely pull on it.
«Look at you, so desperate. Say "i belong to you"»
You try to close your mouth, but a slap lands on you cheek.
«No, no. Say it like that.»
The worst part is not you desperately trying to say the words with your tongue trapped between his fingers, it's not the obvious amusement on his face, not the humiliation he is putting you through, it's ...the fact that your pussy is getting wetter by the second, and you feel the blood flowing down to your clit. It aches, you want him to fuck you.
«Good girl. Now swallow.» He orders.
And you do, but this time you don't look away, your eyes firmly locked to his.
«I'm so fucking hard. You make me so fucking hard.» He grunts, pushing his hips on yours. Thighs on thighs, chest on chest, his dick on your hip bone.
If anything, he is, indeed thicker, and longer.
A little moan escapes your throat, as you move your hips with his, grinding against his cock, still hidden under the towel. Before you can think, your hand is reaching down, looking to feel him. He doesn't try to stop you, letting your fingers grip him, Making the towel fall on the ground. You feel him pulsing in your hand. He says and does nothing, fixating his eyes attentively on you. You start moving your hand up and down his shaft. You are fascinated, you explore every sensation, the one of your fingers wrapped around his veiny cock, you grip tighter, and wipe the precum leaking from his deep pink tip with your thumb.  When you finally look up to see his reaction, his head is thrown back, his adam's apple bobbing under the thin skin of this exposed throat, you follow the edges of the his square jaw, the tensed large shoulders. His eyes are closed, and his breathing is unsteady.
And ...the fact that you do that to him, the fact that this is all you, makes your head spin.
You lower your gaze again, traveling over his chest, eye-kissing the perfectlytanned skin and the v of his hips, and his cock between your fingers. You admire how your hand is barely closing around it, and the precum still escaping the tip, how you can feel the blood pulsing in the prominent veins, how you ...are craving to close your lips around it. That's...the most beautiful cock you've ever seen, attached to the most beautiful man you've ever seen, and ...you want it all.
But just as you are thinking of dropping to your knees, his voice raises again. «You had your fun. don't fucking think you are in control.»
You look back up, and his hands tighten there grip at the small of your back, as he looks down at you. «Now, doll, I'll fuck your throat another time. Turn around.»
And, without waiting for you to oblige, he spins you around, and suddenly you find yourself facing the full body mirror.
His chin resting on the top of your head, his eyes meeting yours in the reflection, your eyes travel your appearance, flushed cheeks, slightly parted lips, hard nipples, chest raising and falling rapidly, his forearm firmly keeping you against him. «You are so ready for me to fuck you, sir's little slut.»
His hand slides under your shirt, your breast heavy in his palm, his calloused fingers pulling at your nipple, his mouth kissing right behind your ear, whispering.
«I'm saying that, but, you know, I've wanted to fuck you since the day you put a foot in this house.» Suprised, Your your raise your own reflection, meeting his eyes in the mirror.
«Don't look at me like that. The maid fantasy isn't a myth. Seeing you every day in this uniform, wanting nothing more than to fuck you on every flat space of this fucking house.»
You can bearly breath and you close your eyes, looking away.
Immediately you feel the sting of your hair being harshly pulled back, yanking your head up. «Eyes on me, on you, on us, you don't get to look away, whore.»
You shyly open your eyes, looking back at the reflection, but, not satisfied yet, he whispers, «say "yes sir"»
To ashamed and mesmerized by the picture before you, you don't immediately oblige, and that costs you a hard spank to your ass. «Say "yes sir"!» He repeats with a stern voice, that you know he won't tolerate you making him ask another time.
Another harsh slap lands on your ass and you yelp, «YES SIR.»
«Good girl, You know what, from now on, we are playing a little game, everytime I say something, ask a question, you reply with "yes sir", i don't fucking care if you like what I'm saying, i own you, and you will agree to whatever i say, do you understood?» «Yes sir.»
«such a good little slut, aren't you ?»
«yes sir.»
«You're not that dumb after all. Arms up, i want to see all if you.»
You immediately obey, and with that, you are completely naked, all available for him. «How beautiful, such a beautiful woman, with the soul of a whore, isn't that a pity ? I'm going to ruin it. Give me my pants.» «What ?» «What do you mean what ? You don't need to understand, i gave you a fucking order. I don't think you understand quite yet what is happening to you, but don't worry by the end of the night, you'll be a good girl again. The pants, slut»
You quickly reach to the floor and give him his pants, and it's with horrified eyes that you see him take the belt of the hooks. «Don't look at me like that, I'm not planning on spanking you with it tonight. But, you seem to forget who owns you, so..»
He reaches around your neck a put the belt around it, start to hook it «Until i buy you a proper leash, i'm going to put that around your throat, don't you think it's an amazing idea, doll ?» «Yes sir.»
«Good. Do you want a leash around that pretty neck ?»  «Yes sir.»
«Now, i could think you are lying just to obey my orders, but you see, i think your telling the truth. Your eyes are filled with lust, and you pussy ...»
His fingers reached down, his thumb between your lips, before pushing two fingers all the way inside. «Your pussy is overflowing with your juices. It's twitching and sucking my fingers in.»
With no warning, 4 consicutive harsh slaps land on your ass cheek, making your cry outs and arch your back. «Did i give you permission to grind on my fingers ? No i don't think so, doll. You don't get preparation before my cock, you've already had that.»
You can't put your head around what is he talking about and you don't have time to think before feeling the tip of his cock at your entrance, «Are you ready ?» «yes sir.» «good girl.»
You expected him to slam himself inside, but...he, oh so slowly sink inside you, making you feel how every fucking inch of his cock is stretching you.
His hand reaches to your face and two is his fingers push themselves past your lips, pushing your tongue down, and making sure you are looking in the mirror. «You look so good like that.»
And with every inch of his cock that stretches your walls, the belt hugs your neck tighter, until he bottoms out, and you can bearly breath.
«Your so fucking tight doll, I'm surprised for such a worthless..»  «STOP IT.» You scream
he immediately stills, and totally let go of the belt, letting your breathe deeply. You feel a sob in you're throat, and cover your mouth with your hand and close your eyes to keep the tears in.
«Oh my god, doll, did't hurt you ? I'm sorry, so sorry, come here, do you need to sit, do you»
«Stop calling me a fucking whore ! I've been in love with you for three years, i couldn't go see anywhere else because I think about you all the time, and tried to get over it, but i don't even have enough free time to meet someone ! I'm always working for you, and when I'm not, I'm thinking about you ! Stop stop stop stop...»
You keep repeating the words until you feel his arms wrap tightly around you, pulling you to his chest and hugging you. You're not crying, you are shaking, shaking of rage, of misery of lonliness, all the pent-up feelings that you had are short-circuiting your muscles. The hug is calming, at least he didn't just leave. But ...you are scared of the moment you stop shaking, and he stops hugging you, and tells you to get away, find a new job and someone who would love you back «i ...i'm jealous.» He Whispers
You're shocked to move, did you mishear ?
«i didn't want you to have a date tonight...i didn't want you to meet someone. And ...i ...i think like you, no i...i know i like you, it's...»
And from here on, it's the void, you don't catch any another word. He likes you ?
And finally you cry.
Tears slowly roll down your cheeks, and in the silence you can only concentrate on your ebulliting heat and Bucky's deep breaths. His heart to, is pounding under your ear, and you notice that you are holding into him as strong as you can, and he is doing the same. And from there, your have one feeling, hunger. And you have to satiate it. You've been starving for to long. You can talk later, and, if after you talk it doesn't work out, it will be okey, you want at least this moment. « I want you to keep fucking me.» «What ? No we don't have to..»
«No, i want to. And if you want to too, i want to keep going.» you say with confidence «But doll...»
«Show me what you feel, sir.»
He keeps silent for a moment, and then says slowly, like he is trying to keep control over himself.
«If you are sure, pretty girl. Let me just take this off» his hand travel to your neck to unbuckle the belt, but you stop him again.
«I ... Kind..of like it...can we ...?»
«Ohh doll, you want to keep the belt ? Such a naughty girl. You like the idea of me owning you ?» «Yes sir.»
«Good girl. My good girl...»
You feel his big hand move to your face, cup your cheeks, but...so gently. It's tender, nothing to do with his manners from the begging, and he softly move his face close to yours, looking at you directly in the eyes, the man that have been fucking you senseless, is now, shy and hesitating to kiss you, his eyes are showing just how sorry he feels and how he doesn't know how to act.
«Sir, i want a kiss.» «Yeah ? My pretty girl wants a kiss from me ?» «yes sir.»
His thumb keeps caressing your face while he slowly push his soft plump lips to yours, kissing staying still for a moment, enjoying the calming feeling, it feels like the word is exploding and...you couldn't care less. It feels like ...the chaos have a perfect order. His tongue saunter on your bottom lips, asking patiently for you to open your mouth, you like the kiss as it is and you want to savour the slowness of it for a moment more, knowing that when your tongues meet, there will be now slowness, no patience, just frenzy and hunger. And honestly you also want to test him a bit. So you don't open, but, at your satisfaction, he just waits, he keep tasting your lips, patiently, not forcing anything, not demanding anything. After you feel fed up with feeling him kissing you so purly, you part you lips, and finally give his tongue the access it's been begging for.
Like before big moment of life, there is an instant of calm. The time of a shared breath, where his tongue caress yours, and it's everything your heart needed. The world around you explode and it's perfect. The chaos is exactly where it should be, the chaos is perfectly ordered.
Then the desire takes it's rights again, the frenzy replaces the serenity. The hunger the fullness. The desire the satisfaction. He suddenly pull at the belt, and invade your mouth, owning it, owning you, and this time you gave that to him. He gets drunk on you, the more he drinks the thirstiest he is. His hand travel down your body, drawing every curve and fall before reaching your core. Every nerve of your body is in the edge. and soon as his hand gaze over your pussy, you whimper.
«Did he make you cum, doll ?»
You blush so hard while confessing, «a...ruined orgasm sir...you...you came in just when...»
He can't keep his loud laugh for himself, and his chest trembled filled with his hilarity. Shy, you burry your face is his neck and he caresses your hair. «oh poor baby, you had a ruined orgasm because of me?» He doesn't seem sorry for one bit.
«I don't know if i can be gentle if i fuck you, if you want I can just go down on you and... »
«No, sir, i ...i...still want you to show me how you feel. I can take it all.» «I knew you were perfect for me, doll.»
Your back is slowly pushed against the cold mirror, your hips brought forward, he keeps a firm grip of the belt, keeping your eyes locked, as he slowly burry himself in you.  «My sweet girl never told me she wanted me, i was so scared i...i would...you...i..» «Harder sir, i want to feel you, I'll understand.»
He closes his eyes for a second.
And the air is kicked out of you. He slammed into you so hard that it kind of picked you up from the ground, like he was trying to rearrange your guts with all his might. «Bucky !»
hearing you say his name for the fist time must have awaken something in him, because he just seemed to fall in love right then, kissing along your neck, where you blood is pulsing. «Yes that's it doll, say my name...i love hearing my name from you.»
You repeat his name louder and louder as he goes faster and faster and you get closer and closer to your climax. «I want you for myself, i want no one thinking they can own this tight little pussy like i do, do you want me to show everyone that i own this pussy, your pleasure, your body, your love?»
«Yes, yes Bucky i want everyone to know !!!» «You want to cum doll ? You want me to give back the orgasm i ruined for you ?» «YES, Bucky, Please !»
«Hold it. not yet. I took away your orgasm from you, i think it's only fair i decide when you have it.»
«No please !» You desperately beg as you feel him slide out of you leaving you empty and needy.
«chuut, doll, I'm going to let you cum, i know how much you need it, but, not here.» a dangerous spark reflect in his eyes. «what ...what do you mean.»   you hesitantly ask, not sure if your are ready for the answer.
«I mean that I'm not done teaching you a lesson.»
He kisses softly on your temple, and, with that, opens the bathroom door, pulling you by the belt, you follow behind, and ... you realise you ...get overly horny from him pulling you by the belt around your throat, you think to yourself «I can't wait to have a leash and collar he can pull me by» you get ashamed from the lewd thoughts. But you love the taste of ownership it gives him on you, and of belonging it gives you. A relationship that you feel have been here for a long time, but expressed for the first time tonight. He looks behind him and winks at you «I know you love me pulling you with my belt on your throat, aren't you a lewd maid, doll» you blush, and hide a slight smile by looking down.
Thinking he was taking you to the bedroom, you dont ask questions, until you over pass the door, and he guides you to the stairs.
«Where are we going ?»
«See, doll, i’m not a man who shares. and i don’t want anyone thinking that they can touch you, in any way. espacially not under my own roof.»
And that’s when you understant. you completly forgot about him. The guy you brought home.
And when you realize, he is already pushing the key in the lock
«finally ! is your boss gone? I thought you..»
Blondie stops right there in his phrase.
Seeing the massive and naked figure of barnes enter the room. Go cocked to talk looks at the man with wife eyes. «What ? Did you think she forgot about you ? Yes she did. She absolutely did.» starts Barnes.
«Who are you ?!» says the kid in an irritated voice. «The owner of the house» cuts Bucky in a dry voice, «Now, do you can get my fist in your baby face, or ...» «No ! Bucky he did nothing !» you intervene without thinking, still hidden behind the door.
«Oh well see whose talking, hiding behind that door. If you want to defend him come in sweetheart.» «i ...i can't.» «yes you can. Baby it's either my fist in his face or you show him who you belong to» «but ...»
«You have three seconds»
You know you don't have any other choice then to enter the room, one arm around you breasts and your legs as close to eachother as you can. You look at the floor, not brave enough to face your "date" of the night.
«What the fuck...is he forcing you to do that ? I'll call the cops.» «They will have nothing to do here.» interrupts Bucky, «Am i forcing you to do that sweetheart ?»
You shake your head.
«speak up.»
«no, no you are not.» «See, she enjoys it, tell him, love» «i enjoy it»
«Yeah ? Come here,» He pulls on the belt pulling you closer to him, and then slipping behind you. «Look how wet she is. That's not for you. That's for me. That's how wet she got when i punished her for fucking you. For thinking that she could be somebody else. Do you wanna see how I take care of her ?»
You think blondie is going to run out of the house, but you hear Bucky's laugh, and a zipper being undone.
«He want to see sweetheart ! Let's give him a show, he came all the way here for you, we can't let him leave with nothing.» «Yes sir.» «Good girl , now bend over the chair.»
Trembling from the anticipation and excitement, you get closer to the chair in the middle of the room and fold your body in half, a yelp escapes your throat when a hard smack is landed on you left ass cheeks, followed by the commanding voice of your boss
«Lower, arches your back»
You do, and his big hand delicately caress the smack mark he just left and then caress you along spine from bottom to your neck, sending shivers in your body. «See, how beautiful she is ? Do you think you deserve such a beautiful woman ? And you idiot would have fucked her what...6 minutes before cuming and calling it a night ? Huh ? No. I'm going to show you how ..»
He slips inside you slowly again, making you gasp when you finally feel him stretching you open around his thick member «how you she deserves to be fucked»
The boy don't answer, to absorb by the vision of you, back arched, hips pushed back, eyes closed, nipples hard, and moth opened, gasping for air. Your whole self is subjugated by a number of feelings. One of them is a sharp feeling deep in your soul, of proudness and excitement, coming from getting fucked by Bucky for an audience.
You can feel every vain on his cock pulse, and the tip targeting your most sensitive spot. Then, slowly dragging himself out, only to roughly push in again. Grabbing you by the hips he maintains a stable rythme, of rough but long thrusts. Dragging himself slowly out of you and penetrating with everything he has. You burry your face in the crook of your arm, now screaming and audibly gasping, and the worst and best part is everytime you try to avoid the roughness of his thrusting by leaning forward, he'd grip your hips tighter, and pull you back on his cock.
«I'm going to cum, sir, sir, i'm ...oh. I'm close...» you desperately cry out, feeling a volcano ready to irrupt in your lungs.
Immediately after those word leave your mouth, his hand closes around your throat, pulling your back, your head to his shoulder, and his other hand fall along your body, to press two firm fingers on your clit
«Good girl, such a good girl, about to cum on her boss's cock, wait, hold it»
Feeling you weaken, and your moans turning to breathy cries he squeezes harder on your neck : « said hold it, doll, you don't want to see what I'd do to you if you don't .»
It takes everything your have for you not to immediately cum, but, and thank God he is not using he's fingers, he is just keeping them on your clit, while he kiss you ear : «look at him baby.»
It takes you a second to understand who is he talking about, but when you get it, you are to close to cumming to fight him, or be shy, you look at the blond boy, who is rapidly stocking his cock, looking at you with hunger.
«See, he's going to cum for your cum from seeings you get fucked.»
Your vision is now blurry, and you have a hard time breathing, with his tight hold on you neck. «who is fucking you ?» «You sir!»
«Yeaah, tell him you love when i fuck you, tell him that you are my fuckdoll.»...«Say it, or you don't get to cum»
«I'm his fuckdoll ! I'm sir's fuckdoll ! I love when he fucks me ! Please can I cum !? I can't hold it !»
You desperately scream out, your last sentence cut because bucky starts furiously moving his fingers on your clit, still not letting go of you neck, but giving you some space, just enough so you not to faint. You hear a loud groan from in front of you and you understand that your "date" just came, and he seems to have come pretty fucking hard.  You are yourself ridding the edge, trying not to let go before Bucky's permission.
«He just came for you. You are so fucking beautiful princess. cum, cum on my cock doll, cum right Fucking now.»
«Oh thank you, thank you bucky, oh my ....»
Your whole body shakes and he keep fucking you through your orgasm, his hip movements now messy and practically violent indicate that he is close to cumming to. «Going to fill you up sweetheart. You... okey with....fuck... that ?» «yes yes please.» you reply with a broken voice.
«Good Fucking girl, my good fucking girl» He groans, before stilling deep inside you and shooting hot strings of cum in you tummy, growling and harshly biting at your shoulder.
You go limp in his arms and he hugs you tight. You stay like that for few seconds breathing heavily, while he slowly pulled out.
Suddenly you feel something that sends panic through your body.
«Bucky ! » «don't move sweetheart.»
He's hand once again find your pussy, and he pushes two fingers inside of you
«No, no, I'm serious please i can't go again...»
«I know doll, i know, don't worry»
His fingers slip out of your pussy, covered in his cum and your juices. He then makes you sit on the chair, where you abandon yourself. And ...walks toward the boy, who is just sitting awkwardly on the edge of the bed.
Silently Bucky stands before him, blondie looks at him with big eyes, half afraid half mesmerized. And Bucky...pushes his two coated fingers on the boys lips.
It takes a second.
Then, like obeying to a higher force,
The boy open his lips, and your psycho hot boss pushes his finger deep down his throat, making him taste you two mixed, and gag on his fingers.
Your "date" doesn't say anything, silently taking and licking the fingers, while looking up at your boss.
Bucky finally decides it's enough, take his fingers out the boys mouth, «go home»
Then turn around to you
«Going to sleep with me tonight, right Princess»
«heuu...hmmm excuse me, when, could we do that again ?» shyly ask blondie.
«Never. If you repeat anything of what happened to anyone, If you try to approch her, if i see you around my house, i kill you, now. get out. » conclude bucky in a sharp voice.
Blondie zip up his pants as fast as he can, and runs out of the room with not another word, maybe a little glance at you and... bucky.
Seeing that this last have an arrogant smile, «and That's how you Fuck a woman you're in love with» he screams, before hearing the front door close.
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chit-a-to · 3 years
The thing that gets me is that Sunrise CLEARLY has an idea of what makes a good father (Papayasha my beloved), and yet they CHOSE to make YH Sesshomaru the worst possible father ever, on top of being a groomer!
YH Sess literally does absolutely fucking NOTHING for his daughters, and in fact deliberately puts them in dangerous situations with no regard for their safety or well-being! 99% of the time he's off doing absolutely nothing with that infuriating blank stare when he clearly has had the means and capability for 14 YEARS to help his kids out and be there for them, but he doesn't.
InuYasha physically could not reach his child through no fault of his own for 14 years, and yet the SECOND he had his daughter back, he immediately took on the role of being a supportive, encouraging, loving, and affectionate father. He didn't come up with half-assed excuses for being gone like that whole "Rite of Courage" nonsense, he didn't act like his daughter needed to prove anything to him, and he let his child know right off the bat that she was loved, thought about, and deeply missed.
You almost wouldn't think Sesshomaru was Sunrise and Sumisawa's "favorite character" like he supposedly is with how they make him such a fucking deadbeat dad.
And yet InuYasha, who Sumisawa apparently doesn't like, is literally the best father in this dumpster fire and beats Sesshomaru a thousand times over in that regard.
Makes my almost wonder if they had to get different writers, some who are ACTUALLY PARENTS, to write out InuYasha's interactions w/ Moroha for whatever reason. Maybe Sumisawa couldn't be bothered with InuYasha and his family since he's only concerned with his wonderbread twins and [REDACTED].
literally I was thinking along the same line, too!! Even though the credited writers, directors, and storyboard artists for each episodes where Inuyasha appears are different (you can check it out on wikipedia), but most of it have sumisawa as the writer. That's why it's so confusing because why did you make your supposedly most favorite character to have one of the worst characterization ever?
I know that it probably has something to do with his wanting to build the notion that full-demons act, think, and behave differently than half-demons because they don't have the kindness half-demons inherit from their human parents, and that's why they (full- demons) couldn't act so lovingly and tenderly to their own children. BUT he also directed the 4th movie of Inuyasha where it is shown that all full-demon parents are being so caring towards their children??? And he also worked on the 3rd movie which portrayed toga fighting off takemaru bcs he wanted to kill izayoi and inuyasha. It clearly shows that even sesshomaru's own father, the Great Dog General, strongest daiyokai, didn't leave his baby and spouse and will fight any enemies that got on his way. Why did he contradict his own works then??? 😭😭 Turns out selective memory isn't only possessed by raisins but also by their beloved script writer 🤣
That rite of courage or cowardice? total bullshit. That's some top level lazy as fuck writing. You want to tell me that he wants to trained his children how to be a skilled warrior with high level of survival by letting them to their own devices? With no helping hands?? That's no training, that's how a mf leave his child because he doesn't want them, he didn't plan on having one but his one night stand accidentally got pregnant! That's how it sounds like! maybe all that time he's staring at nothingness for 14 years is him longing for his freedom before he accidentally impregnated rin 👀
I'm sorry sir, Sumisawa, but your whatever plan on the plot of Hanyo no Yashahime? It doesn't work. Might as well do more research how to create a good characterization and a coherent storyline as well as analysis on your target market before you prematurely released an anime.
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mrsmaybank · 4 years
My Little Sun - Spencer Reid x Reader
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“Can you imagine it?” I started, “A little girl who looks just like you? I’d be in so much trouble.”                  
She giggled, “Absolutely whipped.”                       
A/N: It came out fast!!! I had lowk already started it, so that’s why this update came so quickly. Please don’t expect them all to come this fast LMAO. I usually write slow as fuck. Anyway, I really hope you guys like this part so I can maybe just maybe turn this into a mini series. Please lmk if you guys like :) 
I paced the bullpen as the team spoke to Penelope. The shock of her pregnancy was starting to wear off, and now I could think more clearly. How could she? What was she thinking? 
Recently, I’d found myself thinking about it more, a baby her and a mini-me. A family of my own, with the love of my life. It was exciting and like a lovesick fool it made my stomach fuzzy. But she wasn’t ready and I couldn’t do that to her. So how could she do it to herself? She hadn’t finished school, hadn’t started her career. She could barely take care of herself! I wasn’t mad, absolutely not. Just disappointed at her self-sabotage and the fact she’d made the decision completely without me. I couldn’t think about it for long though, because I was swiftly reminded by my surroundings that right now, there was a chance I’d lose her, our child and any children we wanted to have in the future. That was the priority. 
“Garcia, check her credit card records, we need to see where she last was.” Hotch said. 
“Uhm, okay,” Penelope took a deep breath while clicking away, “Let’s see. Her last purchase was last night, 6:49 at a CVS Pharmacy, oh--” 
“What Garcia?” Hotch asked. 
“She was um, picking up her monthly case of birth control.” 
JJ broke the silence, “Spence…” she started towards me. 
I breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank god.” 
“Thank god?” Morgan questioned. 
“She’s 23.” I wiped my face, “Whole life ahead of her.” The team understood what I was trying to say. Rossi’s hand fell on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. 
“So why would she tell Brook she was?” Garcia asked. 
“I uh, I..I don’t know.” I spat out. I really had no idea.  
“Think Reid.” Rossi told me. “You guys ever talk about kids or pregnancy?”
“She might be trying to send us a message,” Emily added. 
I thought back to the last time we discussed starting a family. 
We were surrounded by timeless pieces of art and history, and yet the true masterpiece was still her. She was always beautiful to me, a perfect being, truly. But today, something about the way she looked today specifically, made her look like the kind of beauty you see in a painting. Had she been a painting, her creator must have been skilled. Each stroke of his brush creating every divine curve of her face and body to produce a work of magnificent art, one that I so proudly hung on the walls of my heart. 
I remember exactly what she wore, and how it felt to take it all off. The painter had an eye for color. Her denim skirt, the length or lack thereof making me embarrassingly wary, was blue like the Mediterranean Sea, complementing the pigment of the skin of her legs. A white button down made of silk, not worn properly, of course. Too many buttons were left open at the top, as to draw attention to the gold adorned on her chest, but in the spell of temptation she procured to cast upon me, my eyes wandered to admire territories of her body they shouldn’t have. Not in public, at least. The buttons at the bottom were left untouched as well, revealing the soft skin of her stomach. She looked like an angel, but of course, went out of her way to instead be my temptress.
My affinity for her beauty aside, the wide eyes in delight at the museum artifacts and careful attention to my commentary were what made our excursion wonderful. The feeling of her smaller hand in mine, and the giggles and the teasing “You’re way too nerdy to be so stupid hot Dr. Reid.” made it absolutely perfect. 
In exchange for her listening so attentively to my historical facts and stories, I took her for ice cream. She insisted we ate it on the greens of Lincoln Park. Who was I to deny her that? What came next--I expected. She’d devoured it. Made a mess of strawberry ice cream on her white shirt. 
“It was the wind!” She insisted as the first of many drips of ice cream fell down her chin. 
“No it was not!” I argued back while wiping it, “You just never learned how to eat ice cream properly.” I gently removed the cone from her hands and into mine, taking an overzealous bite. “This, lovey, is how you eat ice cream.” 
“Give it back, you...you dickass!” She snorted. We laughed like two lovesick teenagers. 
“Dickass?” I asked, eyes watery from laughter. 
“Yeah dickass, give me back my damn ice cream.” I took another bite, “Stop! You’re eating it all!” She pouted. Pouts were unfortunately my weakness and I handed it back to her. However, in her rush, the pink scoop had fallen directly on her blouse. 
“Way to prove my point,” I started to take off my cardigan, “You want dickass’s sweater?” 
She wanted to be mad but couldn’t contain the wince of a smile. “Please.” 
We carefully removed her shirt from under while simultaneously putting the cardigan in its place. 
“Spence don’t let me flash! There’s kids and judgmental old ladies here!” 
I laughed and shushed her, “I know, I know.” I moved all the fabrics quickly and it was done. Her sticky pink shirt was replaced with my soft sweater. “There.” 
“My hero,” She kissed me, “Truly.”
She leaned back on our picnic blanket on her shoulders as we observed our fellow park goers. “So many kids.”  
I nodded my head in agreement. “Yeah…” 
“We should bring our kids here one day.” she said, instantly breaking my haze from the crowd so I could only see her. 
I smiled again at the thought, “Yeah, and tell them how their mom is the world's clumsiest ice cream eater.”
She looked at me with disdain before shoving her shoulder into mine. “Shut up.” 
“Can you imagine it?” I started, “A little girl who looks just like you? I’d be in so much trouble.” 
She giggled, “Absolutely whipped.” 
I toppled her so we were laying down, facing each other. She kissed me hard, and my hands went to the sides of her face, only pulling back to say “I can’t wait for it, you know. My two little girls.” 
She smiled, “But I’ll always be your favorite right?” she asked sarcastically. 
I laughed, “Oh of course. Always.” 
“I’ll have a big ol’ belly, you know.” I nodded, “You’d still be perfect.” 
“We’d have to go to the mall, buy me a shitload of new clothes. Do ya know how dirty malls are Spence?” I winced at the thought of thousands of strangers bacteria on every surface and she laughed, “Got ya.” I shook my head, “Nope! I uh, I’ll just bring hand sanitizers and uh, to the Maternity section we’ll go.” 
“Non-stop Panda express eating.” I nodded again, “I’ll be non-stop Panda Express buying, then.” She smiled so hard her nose scrunched. 
“I love you Spencer.” 
“I love you too. I am so in love with you.” 
“Yeah but it was trivial.” I said. 
“Maybe not,” Hotch argued, “Was anything mentioned specifically?” 
“A name she liked?” Prentiss added, “Maybe a craving she thought she might have? Anything at all?” 
I nodded, “Not a food, but a fast food place. Panda Express.” I doubted that would be helpful. 
“It’s a stretch but, Garcia, check for any dilapidated buildings within 10 miles of a Panda Express.” 
“Yes sir,” She typed away and then said, “No, guys. I’m sorry. All of our Panda Express’s are in pristine malls or new developments.” 
“Mall!” I shouted, “She said we’d have to go to the mall! She knows I hate the mall.” 
Morgan pointed at us, “The tiles in that room look like they could be from some 80’s Bloomingdales.” 
“Garcia-” I said. 
“Already on it.” 
The pregnancy ruse was either going to get me killed, or save my life. It was a moment of panic and I just wanted to throw her off. I know it did, but in what direction? 
She was still crying, her demeanor with me was still laced with bitter animosity, but she was calmer now. 
“How long have you known?” Brook asked, the contents of her flask now empty and her words slurred. 
“I found out yesterday.” I lied through my teeth. 
She shrugged her shoulders, “Had you guys talked about it?” 
“Vaguely.” I admitted. 
“What’d Spencer want? Boy or girl?” I debated on whether or not to say, and she caught on. “Don’t fucking lie.” She stated harshly. 
“Girl.” I breathed out. “He wants a girl.” 
“What do you want?” she asked. 
“I don’t care.” I said. That was true. 
“How come?” 
“I just want to start a family with him. Don’t really care about the gender…” That was true as well. 
“Oh.” she nodded her head, “Why’d he want a girl?” It was strange, her  genuine curiosity. It freaked me out, but my alternative was being stabbed. I chose to just answer her questions, regardless of how much I really did not want to.  
“He liked the idea of a little girl who looked like me.” 
She winced, eyes tearing up further. “Right.” I was beginning to realize her feelings were very real. 
“You really like him, don’t you?” I asked. I knew I shouldn’t have but I couldn’t help it. My head was still looking for an answer as to how she could be driven to do something like this. 
She clasped her hands together, her anger returning.  “Don’t fucking start. You know nothing of what I feel for Spencer.” She came up closer and tugged at my hair, “Fucking nothing.” 
“Okay,” I grimaced at the pain from the force at which she pulled my hair, “I-I’m sorry.” 
She let go, “You should be. You really, really fucking should be.” She sat back down, pensive for a while. I wish I knew what she was thinking about. 
My heart had not stopped it’s fast pace ridden with anxiety since I gained full awareness of my situation, but now, it felt like it was going to burst through my chest. Was she planning on just killing me now? 
My anticipation ceased when she got up and brought back the camera with her again. “Hello BAU. There has been a change in plans. Your beloved,” The words reeked of sarcasm, “Y/N here, will be returned eventually. . She’s gonna be fine. However, it is now in everybody best interest if this video feed was cut out. Sorry.” She said before mouthing, “No I’m not.” She shut the camera off. 
She turned to me, “I hate you. Fucking despise you.” Figures. 
“But I would never hurt Spencer. Or his child. Even if it is being carried by a whore like you.” 
She began to pace once more, “You’re obviously a mistake on his part. You clearly tricked him with sex and...no just sex I think. You're not really smart enough to be capable of anything else. Regardless, he’s probably already thinking about abortions or adoption. There’s no way in hell a man like him could ever want to start a family with a girl like you.” She shook her head, “Absolutely not.” 
I could only nod my head at her delusions. This woman was so far up her ass. 
She pinched my cheeks together with her cold hands, “You tried to trap him. How’d that go for you?” 
I was silent.
“I asked you a fucking question!” She held my face impossibly tighter. 
“Poorly.” I got out, “Poorly.” 
“In 9 months, I’ll help you deliver your baby. And then, you can go.” Brook backed away and let go of her tight grip on my face. “I’m keeping the kid. Raising it.” She smiled, “I’ll be the mother Spencer’s child will deserve. And then-” A giggle creepily reminiscent of a schoolgirl’s left her throat, “He’ll love me!” 
Brooks intention had twisted from wanting to murder and torture me as revenge for “taking” Spencer, to a now twisted maternal desire for his (hypothetical) child. But if Spencer and his team couldn’t find me before the time I was supposed to be showing, I was fucked. Utterly fucked. 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taglist: @britishspidey
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Sell My Soul - 3
Pairing: soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x reader
Words: 2.4k
Warning: smut, lactation kink, possessiveness, jealousy. Pretty mild actually. 18+ ONLY
A/N: Final part to Sell my Soul. Thank you all for giving this story a chance. And like always, I love a happy ending.
Part 1     Part 2
“Here ya go Miss, just like you ordered.” The man gave you a silk pouch and you opened it with ultimate delicacy, peeking inside. A smile spread on your face. It was perfect, exactly the way you had imagined it would be.
“Thank you, sir. This is perfect!” You beamed at him. “About the payment…what time will you like for me to come to your house?”
“Anytime that suits you this Saturday, Miss” He said.
You nodded and were about to ask for one tiny detail when you felt the hair on your neck stand. Even before you saw him, you could feel his presence. His body was like a magnet and the pull he had on you was almost unreal.
“Its Missus”
Your husband seemed to have materialized out of thin air, his voice as imposing as his personality. Lee’s hand wound around your pregnant belly and you shot him a pleading look that he promptly ignored. Instead, he glared at the stranger you were talking you, his touch around you possessive and tight.
“She’s my wife. You look at this round belly, she’s pregnant with my child. If you think I’ll allow you to sniff around her knickers in my own backyard –”
“Sir, you misunderstand!” The man said and looked at you with disbelief. He had come here to make you a simple delivery, not get on the wrong side of the town’s sheriff.
“Do I now?” Lee made to approach the man and you quickly held him back by pulling on his arm. Lee was positively seething, and you knew if he had his gun on him it would be pointing at the poor guy.
“Honey, lets go inside and talk.” You knew how your husband could get when you spoke to other men. Despite having claimed you in every way possible, despite the proof of his ownership growing inside your womb, he still felt threatened by any and every man. Your pregnancy had only made him overprotective and it was a wonder you had been able to do what you just did.
“I think I’d rather stay here!” Lee shouted and you quickly planted yourself in front of him, both hands resting on his chest in an effort to calm him.
“Mr. Jeffords, if you’d kindly leave.” You said without turning to look at the man behind you. Your eyes were intently fixed on your husband knowing how volatile he could get. You heard the man behind you shuffling away as fast as he could, probably running away to the closest pub to tell the patrons how the Sheriff’s wife was treated. Not that it bothered you anymore what anyone in this town thought.
“Who the fuck was he?” Lee asked, his drawl more pronounced in his anger.
“Can we go inside? I would rather sit and talk.” You said. Lee frowned, both in annoyance and concern as he took your hand and led you back inside your house. Ever since your pregnancy, he had become more…mellow. Softer somehow.
You sat on couch and you watched in wry amusement as Lee made sure your legs rested on a cushion despite his apparent anger. He had changed his behavior towards you in the past few months but there were times when he lost control. You weren’t scared of him anymore, but you didn’t push his boundaries a lot. Having a loving and caring husband was more than you had expected out of your marriage and that was more than what other women could say.
“I leave you alone for some time and you’re off skipping with a strange man in the garden. What do you have to say for yourself, wife?”
“I want to say that you are being absolutely ridiculous.”
Lee put his hands on either side of you behind the couch, effectively caging you in. His blue eyes boiled in a raging storm, reminding you again in their own way who was in charge here.
“You seem to have forgotten who wears the pants in this relationship darlin’” He whispered, dipping his head, and kissing you slowly. His tongue slipped past your lips and claimed your mouth, and you fisted his shirt. He broke away and you leaned forward to follow, not ready to let him go just yet. Lee smirked and pulled back, knowing what he was doing.
“You don’t like me wearing pants anyway. You want easy access” You huffed, and Lee traced your jawline with a finger and you almost bite that appendage before he pulls it back chuckling.
“You’re the only woman in the world who makes me feel this way. I’m fucking pissed yet all I wanna do is slide home inside you and fill you again and again.”
Heat pools between your legs and you unconsciously squeeze them closed. Damn pregnancy hormones. Your libido almost surpassed your husband’s, but it seemed seeing you waddle around with his kid made him even more of a horny bastard than before and your sexual appetites were well taken care of.
“Who was he Y/n? Don’t make me ask again.” Lee said sitting next to you. Icy tinge of anger coated his tone and you looked him dead in the eyes, your expression completely unguarded.
“He was a jeweler. I – I ordered something.” You said, your eyes downcast.
One of Lee’s hands pushed your cardigan away and started playing with the strap of your dress. You leaned into the warmth of his body, your nose at his throat.
“What was that about you going to his house?” Lee asked, voice still hard but his hands were gentle as always.
“For the payment. I didn’t want to borrow too much money from you and so I thought I could pay him my way”
Your head was pulled back by the back of your neck, his face right in yours and breath washing over your parted lips.
“Your own way? And what’s that? Laying down on your back and opening those legs?”
Remorse filled his eyes the moment those words left his mouth as tears filled yours. There it was- the cruel person you had initially married making his sporadic appearance. You struggled in his hold, wanting to get away but he held your wrist, trapping your body in his arms.
“Let me go you bastard!” You screamed.
Lee shushed you, pulling you in his lap and cradling your wiggling body softly. You hit his shoulders and threatened to poison his tea if he didn’t unhand you, but he held fast, one hand around your waist and the other pressing your head into his chest. You didn’t realize when you had stopped flailing your hands and bunched them in his shirt. You sobbed and his hand caressed you, apologies whispered right in your ear with guilt and love.
You sniffled and wiped your dripping nose on him for good measure. You hated this part of your relationship as much as you loved it. One comment from him would make you fly off the handle and you’ll shout and rage but only find solace in his arms. Similarly, he will get mad about the littlest of things and breath fire but late at night he’ll crawl under the covers with you, his hands worshiping your body while he muttered sweet nothings mixed with apologies. You both were tied by an elastic band that no matter how farther apart you go, you snap back and come home to each other.
“I’m sorry my love” His lips moved all over your face, pressing kisses on your cheeks and chin and neck. “I am sorry”. You lay in his arms and held him, consoling him and yourself at the same time.  
“I was going to babysit his children and bake him a cake for his wife’s birthday” You whispered and felt his arms tighten around yours. He sighs and rocks you, lips never ceasing their journey on your skin.
“You should try leading with explanations” He says, and you give a muffled laugh causing him to vibrate in mirth too. You look at him from under your lashes and pull him down for a sweet sweet kiss, letting your tongue brush the back of his teeth and relishing in his shiver. He pulled back long enough to lay you on your back before carefully hovering over you, the straps of your dress being pulled away.
“When will you start producing milk?” Lee asked, his tongue making circles around your engorged nipple. He had been very pleased with the effect of pregnancy on your breasts and loved to nestle his face between them.
“Few more week I think” you said between moans, tugging at his hair and pushing more of your flesh in his mouth.
“I want to drink from it. I know our baby will need it, but you’re gonna be a good wife and save some for me, yes?”
His words made you hotter than before, slick coating your thighs and ruining your panties. His hands teased the offending garment down, sliding smoothly along your damp skin and finding the treasure you hid between your legs.
“I’m yours my love. Every part of me belongs to you. Whatever you want.” You sigh in pleasure and become putty in his hands. It was so easy to let go with him, forget yourself in the feel and smell of him.
You felt him removing his trousers and then he’s inside you, sinfully filling you to the brim. Your breath hitches as his hips snap against yours, gentle in their ministrations. You bucked against him, asking for more and yet he went slow.
“Lee, I need more. Harder!” You beg and your husband groans in the crook of your neck. His hand teases your bud, one hand holding his weight so as not to crush you.
“Must not hurt the little one” Lee said, and you whined in displeasure. You tried to push against him, get him deeper but he resisted with a hand at your hip. Tears of frustration leaked down your eyes and he licked them away, taking the taste of salt in a messy kiss.
“Please, need it so bad” you plead. “We’ll be careful”
He relented, still not going rough but a little firmer and faster. Your voice increases in cadence, high pitched garbled words escaping you as you lose your mind. Your nails are digging in Lee’s shoulder, leaving marks he proudly wears as battle scars.  Sweat travels from his hairline and falls on your body, the couch shaking from your rocking motion. You’re both making salacious sounds that echo around your house, uncaring if they travel outside. Nothing compares to the feeling of him rubbing against your soft, fluttering walls. You’re urging him on, goading him into letting go. His mouth is on yours, teeth clashing together and hands clenching painfully. His pelvic brushes against your bud and you’re falling, howling your pleasure and feel Lee twitching inside you, his seed mixing with your creamy essence.
You pant and lay together in a heap, his arms protectively wrapped around you. One hand gently rubs your slightly protruding belly, the most tender expression on his face.
“What did you order from the jeweler?” Lee asked and to his surprise you blushed and buried your head in his shoulder.
“It’s embarrassing.” You mutter and he titled your head to his.
“My love, I’ve tasted your nectar from the source and had you on your knees for me enough times for you to abandon all shame. I’m surprised you can still blush after all the filthy things we do to each other.” The bastard was smirking, and you pouted.
You reached out with your hand and got the silk pouch from the table, pulling out from within a silver armlet with an aquamarine stone in between. The stone was the exact shade of Lee’s eyes and you held it out for him to take. He did so, brows furrowed in confusion.
“This is for me?” He asked incredulous and you nodded. “Why?”
Your face flushed again but you met his eyes.
“It’s a talisman” You said and saw him roll his eyes.
“Y/n, you know I don’t believe in this shit.” He said, trying to give the armlet back to you. You pushed his hand back and looked at him imploringly.
“I believe in them Lee! You remember that old lady last month whose son you arrested? She – She cursed you. Said you’ll die a horrible death. I can’t get those words out of my head. I won’t lose you.” Lee pursed his lips at you, still not convinced.
“Lee, we’re in the family way. You’ll have a son or daughter in a couple months. I can’t sleep at night with worry that something will happen to you. I – I can’t let anything happen to you. This stone…it’s a symbol of health and hope. It will keep you safe.”
You had never been as afraid of anything in your life as the curse of that woman. You were never one to put too much faith in religion and superstitions, but when it came to your family you worried about everything. The very feel of this town is ominous. If wearing a piece of jewelry can protect your husband than you’ll make sure he wears it even if you have to use every last trick of seduction to convince him.
Lee looked at your determined face, jaw set stubbornly, and he smiled. His hand cupped your face and pulled you into a breathless kiss before resting his forehead on yours.
“My pretty girl, my love, my wife” He breathed against you mouth. “Don’t you know I have no need of anything else in this world but you? You are my strength Y/n. You keep me sane and woe betide anyone who tries to separate us.”
You clutched his collar and pulled him flush against you, your eyes blazing, and he looked at you in wonder. “You listen to me Lee Bodecker, you will wear this armlet whether you want to or not. No amount of sweet promises will get you out of it.”
Lee laughed since he had rarely seen you this fierce. His blue eyes beheld you in your glory, still naked in his arms and watery eyes that shone brighter than the sun. In that moment he knew he had never seen a more beautiful woman and he nodded.
“Whatever you say goes my love. I belong to you.”
You sealed the deal with a kiss, promising him a reward for agreeing later tonight.
More Lee Stories: Sweet Tooth
Drabbles for Lee : Drabbles Masterlist
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tojisveryown · 3 years
𝙸𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 | 𝟶𝟹
© 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚋𝚋𝚢𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
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𝙰𝚌: 𝚠𝚃𝟼𝙸𝙳𝟸𝚀𝟺𝙰𝙺𝚄𝟿𝚏𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚠𝚝
𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜: 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚙𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝.
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚑𝚘𝚕, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚐 𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟸.𝟸𝚔
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎 𝙰𝚄, 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝
𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟶𝟹 | 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
⋆ 💌 ⋆
You knew that it’d be better for you to work alone and that you’d finish the project a lot faster if Gojo wasn’t assigned your partner, but you did owe him from saving you from those girls. Even though you were perfectly capable of handling those bitches on your own. You didn’t exactly expect much from Gojo, but you certainly didn’t expect him to be so lenient on trust. Which is exactly why you didn’t expect yourself to spend a whole day with him.
“I don’t understand why this is necessary.”
“Oh my precious Y/N, what do you not understand? Trust is the basic necessity of partnership, and dare you say it isn’t necessary?!” Gojo clutched his heart, wiping fake tears from his eyes.
“Satoru,” he smiled, “the first step to gaining each others trust is by being comfortable with each other, so call me Satoru.” He grabbed your hand and led you to the entrance of a coffee shop. He picked out a table near the window and gestured you to sit down on the chair he had pulled out. You began to pull out a notebook and your favorite pen.
“So where should we start?” you opened up your notebook and had your pen ready in you hand “What do you think the importance of life is?” waiting for a response you looked up at Gojo and you were staring right at his crystal blue eyes. Hand resting on his cheek as the other crept up on your own. “Gojo-”
“Satoru.” He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, “I told you to call me Satoru didn’t I?”
“Okay,” you took a deep breath “Satoru,” he gave you another smile as his name rolled off your tongue nicely. “What do you think the importance of life is?”
He adjusted his and your hand so you two were now loosely holding hands, his phone had a fresh notification but he never once took his eyes off you. “What’s the importance of life?” He traced circles onto your palm with his pointer finger, “How are we supposed to know? Aren’t we still new to this whole living thing?”
“Satoru? We’re twenty, what to you mean ‘new to this whole living thing’? We’re not exactly children anymore.”
“Well yeah, but how are you supposed to know the importance of life at only twenty? It isn’t like it’s just given to you.”
“Of course it isn’t, that’s why you keep living until you find it.”
“But what about for those who can’t keep living? You know the people who die earlier than expected. You can’t exactly wait for your realization on your perception on what’s important to just hit you. I sure as hell don’t have the answer to that, and neither do you, I’m positive no one does.”
“That’s not what I asked.” You groaned removing your hands from Gojo’s touch. You placed your fingertips on your temples and began to mutter how stupid this project is, especially since you were paired up with stupid Satoru.
“What’s the importance of life?” Gojo pulled your hand off of your temple and loosely intertwined it with his. “What’s the reason for your existence Y/N?” That question put you in a state of shock, even you didn’t know what the importance of life was and there you were asking Gojo the same question that you had no answer to. What was the meaning of life? “Hey,” Gojo fully intertwined your hands “this is boring, let’s go on a date?”
Seriously? Is this the only reason why he wanted to be my partner again?
“What, no. I agreed to be your partner again, not your date.”
“Ouch, okay let me rephrase that.” He held both of your hands and looked you dead in the eye “Let’s go on a friend-date, you know where we get to know each other.” the look you gave Gojo made him sigh “Y/N, don’t you think if we knew each other a little bit better our project would turn out somewhat decent?” He squeezed your hands as he pleaded. The immense eye contact between his crystal eyes and yours made you soften up to the idiot in front of you and the word just slipped out your mouth.
Gojo tensed up and froze as soon as the word slipped out your mouth, it took a moment to process what had just happened in that pea brain of his. Once it finally processed you received a big, genuine smile from him. It almost made your heart melt at how handsome he looked as that smile was plastered on his face.
⋆ 💌 ⋆
“The carnival? Are you serious Satoru?”
“Very much so, now come win me something!”
“Aren’t you supposed to win me something?” you asked as you were casually being dragged by Gojo through the crowds.
“Well, yeah.” He stopped walking and turned to look at you, this time he was walking beside you while swinging your locked hands together, “But I don’t like the idea of you being seen as weak.”
“Yeah as in I don’t people to think you’re dependent on me.”
“I guess I don’t want our relationship to fit into gender norms,” relationship? you looked over at Gojo and there was a slight smile on his lips that complimented the shade of pink his cheeked turned, which again almost melted your heart. But before the thought could fully process in your head Gojo ruined the moment “plus I want a dolphin plushie.”
⋆ 💌 ⋆
You and Gojo walked hand in hand as you two approached the ring toss, he paid for your turn as the man gave you the rings, the game began and Gojo’s cheering only began to embarrass you instead of encourage you. You made your first toss and you missed, and the sudden bang on the stand startled you. It was Gojo. “COME ON Y/N!!”
“Sir please don’t do that you’ll break the stand.”
You felt all eyes on you as the man you pretended not to know continued banging on the ring toss’s table making the whole stand vibrate. You tossed the other three rings and made two of them, you only had one more shot to win stupid Satoru his dolphin. You turned over to Gojo and saw him cover his face with his hands peaking through his fingers. You focused your attention on the bottles and your ring and tossed it hoping it would make it, you shut your eyes as soon as the ring left contact with your hand. Just as you opened your eyes a pair of hands wrapped around your waist and your feet were no longer touching the floor.
“Y/N YOU DID IT, YOU FUCKING DID IT!! THAT’S MY GIRL!!” Gojo spun you around and the crowd that formed over his yelling began clapping.
As Gojo got his dolphin plushie you heard whispers from the people waiting to play, “What a happy couple.” You wanted to correct them but Gojo grabbed your hand and laced it with his. You two began walking and the whispers around you two about how attractive Gojo was didn’t stop. There were also a few comments about how they were bummed that he was dating someone. Realization finally hit you. Everyone thought you two were on a date. You glanced at the man who’s fingers were laced with yours and you noticed him smiling to himself, you also noticed that he wasn’t holding the dolphin plushie, perhaps he asked the man at the stand to reserve it for him.
When you looked up at his eyes they made their way to yours, he smiled even bigger and pulled you to the ice cream stand.
“What can I get for the lovely couple?” the lady at the stand smiled warmly waiting for you and Gojo to order
“Oh we’re not a couple.” you ensured her
“Oh my, you aren’t? Well you two certainly look good together.”
After waiting a few minutes the lady at the stand finally called you over, she ended up handing you one big bowl with both yours and Gojos choice of ice cream “Go on dear, have fun with your friend.” she gave you a warm smile and made sure to give you two spoons and a few napkins. You realized her motive and you mentally slapped yourself.
“Uh, here.” you held out the bowl filled with the mixed flavors “She accidentally thought we ordered the couples sundae.”
“Oh it’s okay I can pay for another, you can have that one.” Gojo gave you a smile and got up from the bench that gave you both a view of the city.
“I don’t mind sharing,” realizing what you just said you wanted to roll up in a ball and die “Um, I mean she added what you wanted in here too and I don’t really like red bean.” you said shyly. He sat next to you and you both ate your ice cream.
There was an awkward tension that fell between you two, you silently wished that Gojo would say something to break it and it’s as if the gods were listening from above because suddenly he spoke up.
“For someone that asked me to share a sundae with them you do seem uncomfortable, I’d be fine with getting my own you know.”
“Eh but the lady said to share it with you”
“Why are you listening to an old hag?”
The truth is, this really did seem like a date and for once Gojo wasn’t being a complete asshole. He was actually tolerable and you wanted to see this side of Gojo for as much as you could. He was growing on you ever since he flashed that stupid smile of his and you wanted to grasp the look on his face when he wasn’t being an idiot but it’s something you’d never admit due to the endless teasing that would come from Satoru, stupid Satoru.
Without hesitation you grabbed his wrist and led him to the ferris in attempt to change the subject because there was absolutely no way you were about to admit how you truly felt.
“Hey I wasn’t finished with that!” he whined as he allowed himself to be dragged through the crowds, he shifted his hand so that your hands were now intertwined with his, “You know I never really noticed how small you hands were compared to mine.” You felt yourself heat up over the small comment he made about your hands. You hadn’t realized that you stopped walking until he squeezed your hand and “Why are you stopping, we have a ferris wheel to ride.” You two began rushing through the crowds that formed. It was the perfect time to go on the ferris wheel, the sun was setting and the skies were a pretty blood orange color, it was the perfect ending to a perfect date with the one and only stupid Satoru.
You two ended up waiting in line, completely missing the sunset you set out on seeing. However being with Gojo and allowing yourself to actually open up to someone was able to replace seeing the cotton candy skies. You figured that for today, and today only everything could go wrong but it didn’t matter as long as Gojo was by your side.
By the time the line before you passed it was completely dark out, and although you missed the sunset you were able to see parts of the city near the peak of the ferris wheel which was enough for you to be able to enjoy yourself.
Due to your lack of attention towards the figure that was seated next to you, you failed to see how he fidgeted with the key chain in his hands. Nervously trying to bring it up Gojo rapidly tapped his foot against the floor, you finally took notice of how tense the person next to you was and rested your hand on his knee to reassure him.
“Are you afraid of heights?” you teased plastering a grin on your face.
“No it’s just embarrassing.”
Gojo lifted up your hand that was lightly laying on his knee and placed the key chain he had gotten instead of the dolphin plushie in the middle of your palm and closed your hand. He hid his face with the hand leaning on the arm rest and waited for you to say something.
“You think giving a girl a key chain is embarrassing?” you laughed lifting it up to get a better look at it. It was a key chain that had todays date on it “You know I would expect you to think getting caught having sex in the school library is embarrassing, but nope! Giving someone a keychain is.” you laughed
Gojo turned his head “Hey!-” but couldn’t finish his sentance because of the smile you had on your face. He was in awe. It was the first smile you’ve given him and your angelic laugh was ringing through his ears and in that moment it felt like it was just the two of you. He wanted to treasure this moment for as long as he could. He realized how beautiful you looked laughing and smiling especially under the moonlight.
You held onto the keychain that had marked the date you slowly started to fall in love with him, thus the start of your love story.
However this wasn’t your typical love story, how could it be when it involved stupid Satoru.
⋆ 💌 ⋆
𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 | 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎:  𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙷𝙰𝙷𝙰𝙷 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝. 𝙰𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌! 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢'𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
⋆ 💌 ⋆
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @peppytine @enesitamor @fairyblue-alchemist @diluczs @honouredsatoru
𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚜. (𝟺/𝟸𝟸)
© 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
⋆ 💌⋆
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crescentsteel · 4 years
Keeping a Secret - Part 2
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pairing: Tsukishima x f!manager of Sendai Frogs genre: sexual tension/crack/fluff/slow burn warnings: lots of swear words, tsukki being a a closet softie wc: 6k (lol no chill as always)
Sorry for the delayed update. I added almost 1k words just to solidify the characters to give depth even more to the story. Feel free to reread. (It's totally not because I started a different series altogether.)
When I say this is slow burn, I meant sloooooooowww burn. 
Let me know if you want to be part of the taglist. :)
Part 1 || Part 3 || masterlist
What were you even thinking? Actually,  why weren’t you? Had you used at least two brain cells of yours, you wouldn’t have momentarily lost your mind and kissed Tsukishima. You could’ve justified your actions if you were drunk, but you ingested not even an ounce of alcohol that night.
History will remember yesterday as the day a a sober you and a very displeased Tsukishima who found yourselves smooching publicly in the middle of a club. You’re just glad that no other member of the team goes to the same university you both go to. Else, you'd run the risk of getting seen.
Were so touch-deprived that you couldn’t resist even Tsukishima? And what about him? Why did he get along with it? You don’t think he actually hates you. Hate is such a strong word. He just exceedingly dislikes you. So why would he make out with you? Maybe he thought of it as a way of finally standing up to you?
You’re thankful that you didn’t have training yesterday. You were a mess the whole day trying to make sense of what happened. Not that you’re any better today; you’re still baffled as fuck. But you’re glad you had that day off so you wouldn’t have to face him immediately. 
For the first time ever, you’re dreading going to the gym. Even if you’re tired or you lack sleep, you’ve never felt distressed as the manager of the Sendai Frogs. All this because of Tsukishima. But can you really put the blame on him when it was you who initiated it?
“Good morning, y/n,” Eiji, the captain of the team greets you.
“Morning, Eiji,” you say back. Even though he’s older than you, you dropped the salutations already, same with everybody else. 
“You okay?” he asks worriedly. 
“Oh! Yeah, absolutely! When am I ever not okay?” You toughen it up and erase the troublesome kiss in your head. You are their ever shining manager, first and foremost. Anything outside of that has no place in this gym. 
“Never. It’s almost scary actually,” he answers with jest.
“Right? ‘Cause I’m a freaking goddess.”
He gives you a noble bow. “Indeed, you are, my lady.”
You giggle softly. Your players really are the best on and off the court (except for Tsukishima). “Go do your drills instead of buttering me up, ‘captain.’” He gives you a mock salute then jogs off towards the net. 
You saunter off to your coach after you were called. “Yes, Coach?”
“Can you help tape the blockers?” You nod willingly, quickly discarding unnecessary thoughts of Tsukishima. 
“Tsukishima’s free. Go start with him.”
You almost flinch upon hearing his name.
‘Great,’ you groan internally as you get the wrap from your kit and drag your feet toward the source of your uneasiness. But what did you expect? Of course, you’d have to deal with him sooner or later.
“Morning, Tsukishima,” you greet him with forced normalcy, acting like nothing’s wrong. As you take his left hand and you’re instantly reminded of what happened the other night -- how this hand gripped your waist while his mouth moved against yours… how his skin felt against the palm of your hand as he towered over you, body against body in a dance so dangerous and so hypnotizing that you lost yourself in the moment.
You tried your best to calm down yesterday, but seeing him right now makes you want to smack yourself from your momentary insanity that led you to kiss him.
Instead, you give him the nicest, brightest smile to channel your frustrations as you start taping his fingers. You just hope and pray that he doesn’t bring it up.
“Morning,  manager .” It was an indirect jab at you. Even when he says it with a dead tone, you know he’s taunting you by addressing you as manager - a tortuous reminder that what happened last Saturday night wasn’t forgotten.
Instead of yielding to the provocation, you respond with your own. You might have messed up, but you’re not letting him get the upper hand. “How was your weekend, Tsukki?” 
“Horrible,” he quickly answers without even thinking.
“Ditto. What happened to yours?” you ask with fake curiosity, already knowing why. Even if you didn’t kiss him then, he was already acting up like an angsty teen forced by his mom to attend a children’s party within the neighborhood.
“Went to a disgusting party.”
You nod pretentiously. “Mine’s horrible too. I got g-”
“I didn’t ask,” he interrupts.
“Well, you’re still going to hear it,” you respond just as distastefully as he cut you off. “I got groped by some perv, but I kinda punched some good manners unto him.” You release his left hand and take his right one to tape it as well. 
“And?” He asks.
You shrug your shoulders. “That’s it. After that, I just went home from how  horrible  the experience was.”
You look up to him, meeting his sardonic gaze paired with a raised eyebrow from what you just said. You know that he understood that you were referring to something else other than the perv incident as horrible.
“How about you? What happened to that disgusting party of yours?” you press on.
“I bumped into someone I didn’t really want to see.”
“Do you really wanna know how horrible it was for me?” A smirk creeps up on the corner of his mouth as he asks. There were many times before that you’ve wanted a taste of Tsukishima’s vile sarcasm, just to know what he’d say to you. Today is not one of those times. You don’t want him using that reckless kiss against you. 
“Actually, no. I don’t really care.” You let go of his hand you just finished working with and look around to look for anyone you could use as a distraction from Tsukishima’s attempt to retell the kiss from his perspective.
“Kogane!” you brightly call the setter as you bounce cheerfully towards him. 
Even if you don’t show it, Tsukishima knows he’s gotten under your previously impenetrable thick skin. He detests what happened last Saturday. The more he remembers it, the more he abhors it. The only reason he’s not totally hating himself for getting swept along with your shit is because he knows you hated it too, probably more than he does since it was you who kissed him first.
His smug grin only spreads when you march to Kogane with that cutesy act you only show to players from opposing teams to unsettle them before matches. You take both Kogane’s hands and beam at him. “Do you want me to tape your fingers?”
“Y-you don’t have to, y/n. I can do it myself!” Kogane blurts out, panicking at your sudden closeness and physical touch.
“But I love taking care of you guys,” you pout at Kogane, which only makes the setter blush a shade almost close to red.
Tsukishima follows you to help his babbling, flustered teammate.
“You’re going to kill him, y/n,” he says as he passes by you and Kogane who now looks like he stopped functioning.
You blink at Kogane, realizing what you’re doing to the poor guy.
You must have been really bothered by Tsukishima and unknowingly projected it to someone else.
Tsukishima sneers as he sees you try to ease Kogane from his severe fluster but only make it worse by rubbing his shoulders. 
A dash of pride and satisfaction swells on Tsukishima’s chest as he watches you get agitated with the situation you, yourself caused. Getting back at you feels even better than he imagined it would be. 
Even though you and Tsukishima are in the same class, you don’t really notice his presence. Sometimes you’d even forget you’re classmates. Now, though, you are more aware of the fact that he’s actually there than you ever have.
“Alright, class. For your main project this semester, I’m going to have you partnered up. You need to come up with a comprehensive report on mating behavior of reptiles. I’ll randomly generate your assigned reptile.”
You groan. Another collaborative work in the same subject. You don’t like working with others because you don’t want to adapt to anyone’s schedule. You like to get things done ahead of time. You hate procrastinating because you don’t want your uni requirements getting mixed up with potential tasks from your managerial job, especially whenever tournament seasons come. 
The last collaborative work you worked on is a group project where you did most of the work yourself. You wouldn’t have minded if you didn’t have fucking freeloaders as groupmates.  The little shits made you do 90% of the project because you wanted it done early.
You just pray that this time, you get to be paired with someone responsible. You tap your pen on your desk while you wait for your name to be called.
“L/n and Tsukishima.”
You drop your pen at your professor’s announcement. It bounces twice on your desk before rolling to the floor, but you don’t move to pick it up. Your gaze immediately flies to where Tsukishima is seated and find him glaring at you already. You almost want to laugh at how ridiculous this entire situation is.
Seriously? Were you a serial killer in your previous life or something? Did some higher power decide to punish you for your grave sins like this? 
Whatever. You’re not having any of this shit. 
You wait until the class is over and approach your professor. “Sir. I’d like to do this project alone.” Or at least with someone else. 
He continues to type something on his laptop, not bothering to look up at you, as he asks, “Why is that?”
“I just feel more comfortable doing things on my own, Sir. Please.” You try to give him your nice student smile but his eyes don't leave his screen.
“Then what? Have you increase my workload?”
Shit. You forgot that this particular professor of yours is known to not budge to anyone. You scramble your brain for another excuse.
“Sir. Can I do this project alone?” you suddenly hear Tsukihima’s voice behind you.
Finally, your professor closes his laptop and eyes you two unenthusiastically. “My answer is no to miss Y/n, so my answer to you, Mr. Tsukishima, is also no. I don’t know what the deal is between you two, but you’re doing this together.”
You can’t help but scowl despite being right in front of your professor. If it wasn’t for that darn kiss, you would’ve loved working with Tsukishima. Even though you don’t have the same classes, his schedule won’t be that hard to match up with because you two have the same training days. Secondly, he’s smart. You won’t have to carry the whole weight of the project. 
“You know what, I’ll reconsider.” A glimmer of hope lights up in your chest as you hear your professor’s words. “I’ll allow you two to work individually — but with an automatic ten point deduction for this project.”
“No,” you and Tsukishima respond at the same time. 
“Great! You’re already getting along swimmingly.” Your professor picks up his stuff and stands up. “Enjoy,” he waves a dismissive goodbye and leaves.
You slowly turn around to face Tsukishima and find that you share the same lour that he has. You cross your arms and lean on your professor’s desk. “Guess we’re together, Tsukishima.” 
You allowed yourself one week to compose yourself before you agreed to start the project with Tsukishima. You still saw him at training days, and even then, you tried to have the least amount of interaction with him so the ‘incident’ wouldn’t be brought up again. Meeting him for a project where it’s just you two is different and you needed time.
As much as you don’t want to be with him, you told yourself that it’ll be over soon. You just pushed the kiss in the back of your head and convinced yourself that it was just a stupid kiss. It didn’t mean anything. He probably just went along with it out of spite, so it’s best you think of it as a spur of the moment madness. That way, you won’t be bothered if he sordidly brings it up again. At least now, you can go back to your usual, cheeky self around him.
You’re about to text Tsukishima that you’ve arrived at the station you agreed to meet up at but you already see him there standing while he’s scrolling his phone with his usual white headphones on.
Unfortunately for you and him, the reptile assigned to you two are crocodiles. It’s the worst possible assignment you could get among the roster of reptiles assigned. You need to travel all the way to Wakabayashi for a legitimate crocodile farm to observe, compared to other reptiles which are easily accessible with nearby zoos in Miyagi. You just pray that you’ll only need this one trip to get all the data you need for your report.
You walk towards him and instantly regard how he looks. Despite being in the same university, you don’t see him around much. Even in your sole class together, you’re seated way too apart from each other to even look at each other’s direction. Not that being seated beside each other would’ve made a difference. You’re not friends. There’s no need to talk to him since everything that’s volleyball-related is relayed through line. To you, he’s just one of your players. As far as you’re concerned, the only Tsukishima you’re aware of is the one sweating his white shirt and training shorts during practice. 
To have this much involvement with him outside the gym is throwing you out of your usual loop. You continue studying him at a distance. Today he’s wearing white plaid pants, black turtleneck (probably long sleeves) with a lighter shade of black coat on top, and a brown wool scarf. He also has a gray bonnet that makes his blonde locks frame his face nicely. 
What the heck? Did he always dress like this even in class? How come you never noticed? 
He finally notices you. He puts down his phone and removes his headphones. “How long have you been there?”
“Wow, Tsukishima. You look kinda hot,” you blurt out without thinking.
His eyes expand at your statement that came out of nowhere. “Huh?!”
“Oh, sorry. That must’ve been random. But you look really good though. I kinda feel like I’m meeting a date,” you say with objective candor as you continue to stare at him. 
That catches him completely off guard. The other day you’re on the edge around him. You weren’t even paying much attention to him during training, but now you’re back to being a headache whose mouth knows no bounds as you faze him with your unfiltered thoughts. Now, it’s him who is uncomfortable again with your thorough eyes scanning him approvingly. 
“As if I’d ever date you,” he snaps back at your remark to which you scoff at.
“I didn’t say you would. Maybe you’re forgetting, I’d never go out with a member of the team.”
“Right. But kissing one is totally fine, huh?” he retaliates in an instant with a condescending look. He waits for your reaction, eager to see you distraught and bothered by it. To his dissatisfaction, you don’t behave in such a way. Instead, you sigh defeatedly.
“Yeah. Sorry about that. I got a little crazy that night,” you say casually to a degree that you sounded like it was just a petty accident. “You kissed me back, so I’m sure you were too. Right?” 
The last word is conniving, and he can tell why you phrased it that way. You’re leaving him no choice but to disregard what happened or else it’s going to seem like it meant something to him. The hell it does. It simply resurfaces back on his mind sometimes because of how unpleasant the memory is. 
‘Devious woman,’ he snarls in his head.
It should be okay. Your reason for what you did can also be his excuse for how responded to it. What he didn’t like is that he hasn’t even managed to make the most out of that incident, while you immediately found a way to undo the grave you dug for him to bury you into.
Plus, the only advantage he sees out of partnering with you for this project is the possibility of being able to pester you the way you pester him during practice. Obviously, that’s already thrown off the window. Now, there’s nothing in it for him for the duration of the project. He is left with nothing but the fact that he has to endure your company. To think that he’s already so miserable when this afternoon has barely even started.
“Yeah,” he answers with contained resentment. “Can we go on the bus now?” He asks to deviate away from the topic already. He was hoping he could still use the incident to unnerve you, but it’s for naught now. 
He enters the bus first and assumes you’ll follow him, which you do as you take your seat beside him. You get your shoulder bag and take out a notebook.
“Can you take a look at this outline I made for our report?” you ask while you hand him your notebook opened at a certain page.
“I can’t read while the bus is moving,” he says then waits for a lame comeback from you. But you don’t comment about it. Why must you keep on being such a wildcard?
“Ah, okay. I’ll just tell it to you then,” you smile at him. “This trip is going to take long. It’d be a waste of time to not make use of it, right?”
He groans internally. Why must you be right all the fucking time?
He also made an outline last night, but he didn’t tell you because he thought it’d be better if he just did the data-gathering himself and let you take the pictures the report should have. He forgot that you’re not as irresponsible and carefree as you present yourself to be.
He listens to you explain your outline, looking for flaws in it for the sake of his grade and also for his self-satisfaction. And he does find a few.
“You should have separate discussion points for mating characteristics for male and females. I’m sure they have distinct traits. Also, I think we should include more than just one species, preferably three if the farm has it.” He continues, “Maybe we can note certain unique behaviors per species. It would be inconclusive, but it would still be nice to include it as a commentary.”
He hopes to extract even just a tiny hint of embarrassment from you for he’s thought of it better than you did. But you just stare at him for a good few seconds before you break into a dazzled smile.
“Oh my God. Yeah, you’re absolutely right!”
You open your notebook and scribble the changes in your drafted outline. “Is there anything else?” You consult him genuinely. You accept his criticisms with an open mind, which vexes him even more. 
“Nothing,” he grumbles.
“Alright. Let’s just revise it again once we see what’s on the farm.”
He doesn’t bother replying anymore since you’re once again right.
He puts on his headphones again to drown out whatever chatter you plan to have with him since you’re done discussing the project for now. Instead of bugging him, you take out a bunch of readings and focus on them intently, completely ignoring him. 
With nothing to entertain him aside from the music on his ears, his peripheral keeps going back to you and how hard you’re concentrating with the papers in your one hand and a pen in the other. 
He removes one muff of his headphone from his ear and asks you, “Don’t you get motion sickness?”
You really must be into what you’re studying because you flinch when he speaks, causing you to drop your pen. 
He feels responsible for it so he leans down to pick it up, but you also do the same. As you both reach down to grab your pen, your temple collides with his. 
“Ow,” your fingers go to massage the spot, failing to notice as he does that your faces are too close for comfort. He watches you wince for a quick while before looking at him, finally realizing that he’s within a proximity familiar to you both. 
It’s reminiscent of that night except this time, the natural light affirms that it wasn’t just the ambiance of the club that made you attractive enough to pull him in and share that heinous kiss. With your well-lit features, he can see that you’re thinking about the same thing he is.
Your eyes fall on his lips and for some illogical reason, he does the same.
Like last time, you’re the first to act on it. The major difference is, instead of leaning in, you retreat. You sit up straight with your fingers still on the side of your head and smile graciously at him. “It’s fine, Tsukishima. I’ll get it,” you say, which he finds half-witted because he’s still bent down and he can already grasp the pen.
He sits back up and hands you your pen. You use the hand on your temple to get it.
“Oh, thanks.” You stare at the pen for a second, then tuck it in your pocket. “Anyways, yeah. I don’t have problems reading in a moving vehicle.”
You dive back to his question and disregard what just happened. It works for him. He’d rather not think about it as well. 
“Have you not seen me scrambling paperwork on our bus rides to and from tournaments?”
“No.” He prefers not to pay attention to you. Hell, he pretends you don’t exist when he can. So naturally, he doesn’t know what it is you do when you’re not being your pestering self. It pains him to admit it, but you do get shit done -- efficiently, too. He should be glad because at least, you won’t be like his previous groupmates.
Still, just you being … you, ticks him off.
You laugh out of nowhere. “For someone who doesn’t speak much, you’re so fucking transparent.”
He frowns, not being able to grasp what you meant.
“Okay, look. I like pissing you off. I really do. And you, you don’t like me a lot. But for this project. Can we pretend that I’m not your annoying manager and you’re not the nasty Tsukishima I know?” 
“How the fuck can I do that when we see each other almost everyday as such?”
You roll your eyes and smirk. “Right. What was I even thinking? Go ahead and be emo with your music over there while I study here, yeah?” You pat him on the shoulders twice with that patronizing grin you always give him before pulling your pen back from your pocket and focusing once more on your readings, completely paying no attention to him for the rest of the trip.
As soon as you reach the crocodile farm, Tsukishima suggests that you two roam the area separately to cover more ground. In reality, he just wanted to get rid of you even for just a few minutes. He needed a break from you.
He does so by taking his time strolling around the place, observing how the area is situated. It looks like a park with its vast lush green environment and man-made waters to habituate the crocodiles. There are four main areas: the museum, the hatchling house, the zoo, and the breeding pens. He first goes to the museum, looking at the skeletal structure of some crocodiles. It isn’t really significant to the project but he can’t help admire it.
When he realizes that he’s taking longer than he initially thought, he starts looking for you. He sends you a text, but you don’t reply. You had gone to the zoo’s direction so he assumes you’re somewhere around that area. 
When he does find you, you’re not alone.
There you are near a crocodile pen, getting friendly with a guy he’s sure you just met.
It’s so familiar. The only difference is that you’re not wearing the Frogs’ jacket and you’re not in the Sendai gymnasium. He walks towards your direction, not caring if he’s going to cut off your little chat. You’re there for the project, not to snag some random bozo.
As he closes in behind you, he hears your conversation.
“Actually, birds are more closely related to dinosaurs than crocodiles. You couldn’t tell, right?” you explain with zeal. 
Tsukishima stops in his tracks at the foreign feeling in his chest. Wait a minute. Is he actually impressed? Moreover, what the heck is he impressed for? You should know that. You are both in a higher herpetology class. Even though it hasn’t been discussed during lectures, it’s natural that you know that. However, the guy you’re talking with isn't as enthusiastic. 
“Can’t blame you though. Crocs and dinos share the same sexy vibe with those chill eyes and scaly skin. Also, look at those smokin webbed feet. Fucking work of art, dude. You feel me?” you press on fanatically.
The stranger looks at you with a forced smile, obviously weirded out by your ‘passionate’ description of the reptile. “Yeah, sure. I have to go now. Bye,” the guy bows and storms away from you. 
You turn your attention back to the lowered pen in front of you with a satisfied smile and shudder when you see Tsukishima already there beside you. 
“Gah! You scared me. Why didn’t you say anything?” you ask with your hand still on your chest.
“I didn’t want to interrupt you creeping out that stranger.”
You tither at his answer. “Glad you didn’t. It was fun seeing him all freaked out.” 
He finds it weird. He thought you just had an aversion towards athletes. That’s why you keep driving away anyone who’d approach you during matches. Apparently, that’s not the case.
“He looked like he’d follow you back to Miyagi if you didn’t go all freaky nerdy on him.” 
You jeer at his comment. “He could follow me to the ends of the Earth and I still wouldn’t give him my number. I’d rather date Mr. Crocodylus siamensis over here than boring dum dums blinded by how hot I am.” 
“Then why do you entertain them?” he follows up.
“Caaaauuusse it’s fun to see them squirm,” you declare cheerfully as you veer your gaze at him. “Why the sudden interest with the way I handle men, Tsukishima?”
You raise an eyebrow, the corner of your lips tugging up to form a playful smirk. “Don’t tell me you suddenly find me interesting?”
You really do know how to push the right buttons to provoke him. He grits his teeth from your audacity.
“I’m joking for fuck’s sake! My god. I already know that even if it’s just the two of us on this planet, and we’d have to procreate to restart the world population, you’d rather choose to doom humanity than have anything to do with me.”
Among all the correct things that came out of your mouth, that was the only thing he could verbally agree with. “Good you know,” he retorts. 
You don’t seem to take offense though. You still keep your unwavering smile as you get your phone out and take a picture of the Borneo crocodile. 
“Should we go see the breeding pens now?” you ask nonchalantly, dismissing the previous conversation like it was nothing. 
You both decide to hire a designated tour guide to assist you while you observe the crocodiles, particularly the ones for breeding. 
“Hi, Ms. l/n. I’m Sara and I will be your guide for today,” she introduced herself with a dedicated smile.
“I’m so thrilled that you and your boyfriend decided to learn more about crocodiles for your date,” she adds. 
You and Tsukishima glance at each other before turning back to her. 
“She’s not my girlfriend.” “He’s not my boyfriend.”
You both say simultaneously, except yours sounded like a friendly correction while his sounded like a dead announcement. 
“We’re just classmates for a project,” you correct her.
She bows apologetically with embarrassment and worry. “I’m so sorry for assuming that.”
“No worries, Sara,” you reassure her before Tsukishima says something unnecessary. “Can you lead us on the breeding pens? We’d like to observe the whole thing.” 
“Of course. Right this way.”
Aside from the mishap earlier, you find Sara competent at her job as she fills you in with details not included in the sign boards in the pens. She gives you information about the mating process that you didn’t find when you researched about the subject. You assume Tsukishima’s thinking the same because he doesn’t say anything out of the blue.
“By any chance, will we see a pair mating today?” he asks after a while.
“I’m not really sure, Mr. Tsukishima. It’s really up to the animals.”
You tug on Tsukishima’s sleeve when you catch sight of one crocodile latching himself on top of another.
“What?” he asks irritatedly, but follows your line of sight. 
“Oh, lucky. There you go.” Sara announces with a pleasant smile.
You get your phone and your notes. You multitask listening to Sara, taking photos, and scribbling notes on your paper pad. 
On the other hand, Tsukishima multitasks observing the crocodiles in action and observing you. 
You’re asking important questions to the guide while juggling other tasks. Yes, he doesn’t like you and loathes being partnered with you. However, that doesn't mean he won’t cooperate with you. He won’t mind if you ask him for help, but you seem to have even forgotten that he’s there. 
He grabs your phone from your hand, garnering a confused look from you.
“I’ll take the photos. You take down notes.”
You flash him an honest, grateful smile. “Thanks, Tsukishima.”
Then, you proceed with the things you’re doing more at ease. 
He can’t tell who he’s more pissed at, you or himself. Something about that display of productivity and wit unnerves him. It’s as if it’s telling him that his chagrin over you is unreasonable because you’re actually reliable when it counts. What’s worse is you’re completely oblivious to it. In fact, you’re almost ignoring him.
Goddamn it. What’s he doing? He’s completely distracted now from the project and is solely focused on you. He quickly shakes it off and calms himself down. His attention should be on the reptiles, not you.
He turns his attention back to the crocodiles, but the mating act only lasted a few minutes. After that, you both barrage Sara with an array of questions that she looked too overwhelmed by the end of your tour. 
You’ve covered almost everything for the day and it’s already around 6 in the evening when you get on a bus on the way back to Miyagi.
“That was fun!” you comment ardently with an abnormal shine on your face when you sit down on the bus on the way back. He wears his headphones on before you start a conversation he’s not willing to have. From his peripheral, he sees you turning to him and as he predicted, your mouth begins moving while you animatedly narrate words he could not hear. 
He’s already acting as if he can’t hear nor see you, but you still don’t stop. Knowing you, you will not stop until you make sure he notices you. He wearily removes his headphones only to see you not saying anything and only mouthing words with hand gestures. 
“Seriously?” He scowls at you. He’s already exhausted at having to deal with you even for just half a day, but you still have the energy to mess with him. 
You cover your mouth with your hand as you snicker but it erupts into a hoot of laughter shortly. You gasp ridiculously after you ride out your stupid amusement from poking at his patience. “Tsukki, I swear to God. You make the best faces,” you say while wiping away your joyous tears.
“Were you even going to say something worth listening to?” he questions sourly.
You study him then shake your head. “I think you’re tired, so let’s just discuss what we gathered next time. You can go ignore me now,” you tell him with an understanding smile despite the slight banter.
You tilt your body in his direction and hoist yourself up a bit to put his headphones back yourself like it’s no big deal.
You settle back into your seat while he stills on his seat, stunned with what you just did while you get your readings again and shrink to your own bubble. You don’t seem to make anything of it, so he doesn’t as well. It was very you to mindlessly get on anyone’s —  particularly his — personal space anyways.
He increases the volume of his headphones and tries to relax. Yet, his attention keeps swerving back at you every now and then. You’re really concentrating hard with your brows burrowed while you stare at your hand-outs. After a while, he notices you bobbing your head from the corners of his eyes.
He can tell you’re as tired as he is and trying hard to fight the sleep that’s taking over you. The bunch of papers you previously held are now clutched on your lap.
On the last bob of your head, you snap out of it. You blink repeatedly and return your eyes to your readings again. To no avail, you’re shutting down with your eyes fluttering when you try again. You look like you decided to give it a rest and put your papers back in your bag. You cross your arms and lean back to your seat. 
He feels relieved that you finally yield to your physical exhaustion. He doesn’t need an additional bullet point to his list of why he can’t fully hate you. Also, you won’t run your mouth at him if you’re asleep.
He feels the soft thump of your head on his shoulder. You probably did too as you suddenly bolt up and tell him ‘sorry' which he only understands based on how you mouthed the word. You lean back again and try to settle back to sleep. But when you start dozing off, you sway to the other side of your seat which is the aisle of the bus.
He grabs your shoulder to prevent you from tumbling down to the aisle. Your disoriented self looks around, alarmed at his sudden touch.
“Just fucking lean on me,” he spits out, irked that he has to say it out loud. It’s not like he pushed you away. You could’ve just stayed as you were and he would’ve turned a blind eye at it out of recognition of the effort you put in today. He’d just consider it one of those times that you do something annoying and he just ignores you as a response.
You regard him with dazed eyes. You open your mouth as if you’re about to say something but decide against it as you shut your eyes again and you let your head rest on his shoulder. But even then, your head still falls forward from time to time. He puts a hand on your forehead to settle you back on his shoulder and slides a bit downward on his seat to accommodate you. 
Jesus Christ, you can study in a moving vehicle but can’t even do a simple thing like sleep properly on it. Why does he even have to adjust for you?
He heaves furiously in contrast to your steady breathing, letting him know that you’re easing deeper to your sleep. 
He distracts himself by looking at the window, witnessing the unmoving dark sky and the changing scenery below. He lets out a sigh.
Maybe he should’ve just accepted the ten point deduction.
Part 1 || Part 3 || masterlist
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@ameliaxo @suikrem​​ @akaashisslave @tsumurai​​  @celestialarchiveshq​ @loving-unicorns106​ @flairlust @geektastic84 @anaiss97 @berna-dette​ @just4readingfics​ @suteorra​ @xxekitten69xx​ @simp4tsukkii @music-is-all-i-need @keshinslittlegirl @raspberrysunshinebby @iminlovewhaikyuu @pdiddy11 @lightyagamami @sailorscout1902 @lovershaikyuu
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tatestripedsweater · 4 years
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Put On A Show
Plot: James is apart of a ‘gentleman’s club’ that caters to the wealthy and the extremely horny
James x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2.1K
Warning: Public Sex, Cheating,
A/N: This idea came into my mind, but I promise I am working on my other requests! I just had to share this!
Men often didn’t admit that they came here, in fact half of them were married with children. But as soon as the light hit the stage and the girls started dancing it was almost as if they forgot about their families at home, the smell of tobacco and whiskey filled the red walls of the gentleman’s club. It was a smell you had grown used to over the years working here.
You could hear the chatter and clink of glasses from behind the stage while you got ready for tonight’s show, the black dress you wore was just above your thighs which gave a slight view of your ass. It wasn’t modest and you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing outside of this place, but here it made you feel like a goddess, something to be marvelled at.
‘’Y/N don’t forget to shake those hips of yours!’’ A laugh left your lips as you looked over at your boss, she was a middle aged woman with the sex drive off a teenage boy but she had retired from this type of work so decided to manage the place instead.
‘’You should join me!’’ You couldn’t help but smile at the blush that crept up on her skin, she was beautiful for her age and half the men in the club thought she was one of the dancers. Smiling softly she left you and the others to get ready, you were the youngest of the bunch but still beautiful, most men that that came in often paid for a private dance within one of the rooms upstairs. But that was saved for the most wealthy men, not just anybody.
As soon as you heard the jazz music starting you had to cut the conversation short, you and the other girls got on stage while the curtains were still closed. Some girls fixing their hair last minute or making sure their dresses were neat and tidy before getting into position, as soon as the curtains opened there was a roar of applause and some wolf whistles among the men. But you noticed out of the corner of your eye that there was a men that didn’t do either of the two, he just looked up on the stage and as soon as his eyes met yours a smirk graced his features. He was beautiful, and by the way he presented himself you could tell he was rich.
The music started to get a bit more upbeat, a few girls stayed on stage dancing but a few girls (yourself included), had to get of stage to ‘entertain’ the men off LA even further while they watched the show. You watched as one girl was almost instantly pulled down onto her knees between a gentleman’s legs and another being pulled over another’s lap for a spanking.
‘’Come sit on my lap’’ Turning around you could tell that the instruction was directed at you, the man that had caught your eye as soon as you had gotten on the stage. You couldn’t help but notice a wedding band on his finger, but non the less you did as told and straddled his legs. The wedding right didn’t even faze you, as much as you hated to admit it, you often entertained men that were already married, some came here because their wives couldn’t satisfy them at home and well others.. wanted something a little bit more adventurous than just making love in the bedroom.
James didn’t often come to such establishments as this, but after finding out that his wife had tried to get rid of the sole heir of his he couldn’t help but feel anger towards the woman. So having heard about this place was his revenge, even if she didn’t truly love him it would still hurt her image if anyone found out her husband had cheated on her with a whore, that he had fucked the life out of a woman in front of others that were here for similar reasons.
Watching him put the cigarette out his hands soon pulled down the top of your dress until your breasts were exposed, you couldn’t help but blush darkly as you heard a few wolf whistles from the other men that were getting their cock sucked. James’ warm hands cupped your breasts before soon pulling at your nipples, which made a squeal leave your lips as he did so. You could feel him getting harder between your legs, and it didn’t help that you weren’t wearing any underwear either. That was a clear instruction off of your boss.
‘’What’s your name darling?’’ Men here didn’t usually care about the woman they were going to fuck, in fact non of them had ever asked for your name before. You debated on wether you should give him your name or not, but not seeing no harm in doing so you told the man as you looked over at him. ‘’A beautiful name, for a beautiful woman.’’ Just as he spoke you felt his hand move up to your throat, tightening it ever so slightly but it wasn’t enough to make you stop breathing, but it was enough to make sure you knew who was in charge.
‘’T-Thank you sir’’ You were taught as soon as you came to work here that that’s how you addressed the men that came into the club, unless specified otherwise by the men themselves. A chuckle left James’ lips once you called him that, shaking his head slightly he spoke once more as he kept his hand around your throat.
‘’It’s Mr March to you dear’’ Humming so he could tell you understood, a growl almost like a wild animal came from his mouth as soon as James’ other hand slipped up and between your legs, your wetness coating his fingers. You felt his fingers start to tease your hole, James thumb running your clit in slow circles to tease you. ‘’Look at how wet you are already, and I’ve barely touched you yet’’ His taunting tone made your cheeks blush red, the sounds of the other men and woman moaning within the room only added to your arousal.
A loud moan poured out of your mouth as you felt two of his fingers fill your greedy cunt, the sounds of your cunt and the other noises of people getting fucked had your clench around his fingers almost instantly. As James’ fingers thrust inside you faster, he pulled your face closer to his by your throat, his hot breath stroking your face as he did so.
‘’After this, I’m going to fuck you until you’re the loudest one in here!’’ With James’ fingers still inside you, he had them make a ‘come here’ motion before adding pressure to your clit. ‘’Look at you, you’re such a desperate little whore, willing to let any man use and fuck you as he wishes’’
He wasn’t wrong, you loved your job and the fact that you got orgasms (sometimes) was an added bonus. The girl behind you had her legs up and over another males shoulders as he pounded her against the table, James noticed you watching and soon enough added a third finger to stretch your cunt even further. Crying out loudly as soon as you felt him fill you up with even more, James could feel his cock straining against his trousers, it was almost painful but he would endure it just to see you whimpering for him. You may be on top of him but you weren’t the one dominating , he had utter over your body.
‘’You think this filling your cunt, just wait till my cock is inside you!’’ Just the very thought of this man using you for his pleasure had your thighs shaking, no man had ever given it to you like this. They often only cared about their pleasure and you half expected James to have you on your knees as soon as he saw you get off the stage. He could tell you were right on the edge, your cunt was practically dripping all over him and his trousers but James didn’t care, even if he knew he had to explain this to Elizabeth when he got back to the Cortez.
‘’Are you going to cum?!’’ Whining you nodded as best as you could with his hand choking you, James’ fingers stroked along the spot where no man had ever gotten before. You had heard rumours off such a thing.. the G-Spot, as soon as his fingers rubbed against it you were screaming like someone was getting murdered, but intact all you were doing was shaking against James as your orgasm overtook you. It felt like you were going to pass out, you haven’t felt a sensation so intense as this. ‘’That’s it.. let it out dear!’’ Grinding your fingers against his hand to ride out your own orgasm, you panted softly. If this man was going to come back to the club at a later date you certainly doing to call dibs on him.
A whine of protest left your lips as the empty feeling took over you once James removed his fingers and hand from your throat, almost instantly he had moved you so you were on all fours, your front half leaning against the side of the velvet sofa. Your eyes met another girls as a male had been fucking her from the moment she got off stage, she looked absolutely exhausted. A look of sympathy was evident in her eyes as soon as she saw James pull off his trousers and briefs, you didn’t even need to ask if his cock was big because she almost looked scared for you.
As soon as you felt his cock teasing your hole you felt your legs quiver, James’ hands gripped onto your waist as he soon thrusted his cock inside you. Now you understood why the girl across from you looked so scared, he filled you up perfectly. Crying out loudly, James didn’t even give you chance to get used to his side, you were wet enough in his opinion. With his nails digging into the skin off your hips and his balls hitting against your clit with each thrust, you both were in euphoria.
‘’F-Fuck.. Mr March!’’ A grunt fell from his lips as soon as you called him that, you felt like his cock was tearing you in half but at this point you didn’t even care. He was the only man that had cared about your pleasure just as much as his own, maybe even more.
James only answered with another hard thrust, it was like all his aggression was coming out and that he was using it against you, but honestly you didn’t even mind at this point. His skin slapped against yours with each thrust, and each thrust had a moan fall from your lips. James could feel just how wet your cunt was against his cock, you were clearly making a mess but he was going to make you clean up his cock afterwards, but right now all he wanted was to pound into you until you couldn’t take anymore.
‘’D-Don’t stop!’’ Oh he had no intention of stopping, at this rate he was going to stay here for the night. The girl across from you had been forced into a new position and the very thought of your legs being forced behind your legs had you tighten around him almost instantly, James watched them as he fucked you and could tell he’s have your in the exact same position moments to come after this.
‘’Do you get off on watching other people fuck dear?’’ All you could do was nod and whimper in response as his thrusts got somewhat sloppier, you had noticed that men often lost their rhythm with their thrusts once they grew closer and closer to their orgasm. Just the very thought of James cumming inside you had your cunt tighten almost instantly, the risk of pregnancy was something you were willing to take and half the girls in here had babies off men they never saw again.
Pushing your face further down into the material of the sofa, you couldn’t help but scream loudly as you came around his cock. You felt tears fall from your cheeks at the sensation, a sob escaped your lips as your orgasm over took your body once more. Your vision started to get slightly blurry but it wasn’t enough to make you loose conciseness but just enough to make you feel hazy, James hips came to a halt as his cum soon filled up your cunt. Groaning loudly he held you there so you took every last drop,
You couldn’t even comprehend anything until you felt his cock leave your cunt, cum dripping down your thighs as he did so. Running his hand over the cum that coated you, he slipped his fingers back inside you to make sure not a single drop of his cum was wasted.
‘’Get on your back darling, I’m not done with you yet’’
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Hogwarts AU Headcanons
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum, Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye, Keigo Takami/Hawks
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Slytherin 🐍
He was the odd ball though when it came to his own house since he hung out with a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor
Would every now and then find himself in some trouble alongside his friends with the professors
Especially for being late to class, his two friends goofing off around the grounds, and trying to sneak around late at night.
Was in possession of the Maurader’s map with his friends....but Filch took it...
Also was friends with you as well, ever since the first train ride to Hogwarts, but the two of you start to date in your 6th year.
He excelled with all his subjects and O.W.L.S. and graduated almost at the top of his class
The two of you married not too long upon graduating Hogwarts.
Became an Auror and was pretty great at his job, but with the offer of a position at Hogwarts recommended to him, he decided to give it a go
The two of you move to Hogsmeade to be closer to his work.
I picture him teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts
He’s a strict teacher, but only because he needs the students to know the ways to defend themselves and be knowledgeable of the dangers in the wizarding world.
He is also runs Wizarding Duel Club, which is actually quite popular despite him being so strict with his teaching methods
Enjoys roaming around Hogsmeade with you on the weekends he and over the holidays
Frequents the Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes with you (especially honeydukes when you fall pregnant during his 2nd year of teaching)
Students were SHOOK to see their professor at Madame Puddyfoot’s Tea Shop with a heavily pregnant you on Valentine’s Day
Students since then have introduced themselves to you and enjoy talking to you....despite Shouta wanting a student free weekend in Hogsmeade.
But he can’t help but like it when students request to feel your baby bump and you happily let them....the happy look on your face makes his heart flutter
Will invite you to eat at Hogwarts with the students and professors that stay for Christmas because he feels bad for the students who don’t go back to their families
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Gryffindor 🦁
Was extremely popular in his Hogwarts years
Won the triwizard tournament his 7th year
His academics though? They weren’t out of this world, but they were pretty normal, he was better when it came to his extracurricular activities such as Wizarding Duel and Quidditch
He would secretly go to geek out about the muggle world with the Muggle Studies professor every now and then
Upon graduation he was a pretty popular quidditch player for the United Kingdom, but suffered a life changing injury
Decided live in the muggle world and study their way of life for a bit after the injury, he ended up composing a text book with all the basics he scrounged up together
It’s even used for the curriculum at Hogwarts
Though Hogwarts offered him a position as well as the Muggle Studies professor
Hell to the yes he went! He become head of Gryffindor house and helped give pointers to the quidditch team
Started a weekend club where students would meet in the great hall to observe Muggle Artifacts, it wasn’t really that popular, but it didn’t matter, the few students that joined was enough for him.
Met you shortly after beginning to teach at Hogwarts
You taught herbology and would sometimes listen in during his Muggle club in the great hall and would sometimes ask questions about the object he was talking about.
After that he would invite you out to Hogsmeade to get a butter beer and talk about muggle things since you showed an interest in wanting to know
The conversations soon turned into what would go on between two friends and it flowed so nicely, so after that he would ask you to meet up a few more times before going on a date.
The fact that two of you dated was no secret as your dates were of course held at Hogsmeade and the students could very well see the two of you chatting away.
So it wasn’t a surprise when the two of you got married and you fell pregnant during one year of teaching.
He totally invited the members of his muggles club to the wedding and totally didn’t get emotional when they gifted him a rubber duck (his absolute favorite muggle artifact)
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Hufflepuff 🦡
Known as the gentle giant while in school
Supper nice and was friendly with absolutely everyone, so he was highly respected and adored by his peers
His academic life was pretty normal, excelling in the subjects he needed to become an Auror, he was also the announcer for the school’s quidditch matches.
Also liked to spend his time in the library to study....also snuck snacks in as well and would share with the other students that were studying
Met you on the train ride to Hogwarts his 7th year, he was trying to enter your train car since the others were full but he only managed to bang his head upon entering
You two were joined at the hip ever since then and started dating
The two of you married after graduation
You came into the ownership of honeydukes at Hogsmeade while Taishiro spent most of his time away for his job as an Auror
Quite his job though once the two of you had your 5th child to move to Hogsmeade to be with you and to help you run the candy shop.
The students love interacting with you and Taishiro, talking about their classes and their stuggles and asking for advice as they would purchase their chocolate frogs and other confectionary
Your older children, who all happen to be girls, love to go visit you and Tiashiro ok the weekends and sometimes hang out with their friends there.
Your younger girls would give advice to the students who are purchasing candy on which one is the best and will also look longingly to them because they wanted to be at Hogwarts already.
They would also brag that they had like five of the cards that a student would get from their chocolate frogs, but Taishiro would soon put them on blast and say they didn’t
Became instant BFFs with the Weasley family thanks to being able to relate on having big families, so holidays together are chaotic but fun
Is a huge advocate for house elves rights along with his daughters and you
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Was a little quiet during school, a little mysterious
People either liked him or just really didn’t know him, mostly people from his own house liked him.
Excelled in academics and was at the top of his class and was viewed as the brightest wizard in his year, but sucked when it came to quidditch.
Really, really, really, really loved quidditch though and really wished he was good at it, but you can’t help some things.
Upon graduation he took up a position at the Ministry of Magic as the head of the Department of Mysteries
Worked extremely close with the Hall of Prophecy thanks to his gift of Divination (divination was his favorite course in Hogwarts)
Met you through work after becoming head of the Department of Mysteries
Your were the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
You two had a meeting for damage control because a worker on the Hall of Prophecy managed to drop on of them and the even needed to be documented
You had a framed signature from a famous quidditch player on the wall that caught his attention after the meeting, which he pointed out and the two of you had a conversation about your shared love of quidditch
After that, he was hooked and asked you out on a date, which went well and the two of you were married a year or two later.
He would read your tea leaves or your palms about your future to impress you
It always impressed you and it will always impress you no matter how many times he would do it.
The two of you live in an apartment in London and will often go to the Leaky Couldron and Diagon Alley
The two of you would deck yourself out in your favorite teams for the quidditch World Cup, which includes painting your face
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Gryffindor 🦁
EXTREMELY popular in his Hogwarts years
Literally all the girls loved and pined after him, all the boys wanted to be him, and all the teachers were always impressed with his work.
Was the best seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team
All around perfect student and he always seemed to do everything with so much ease and stress free
Always managed to dodge the love potions girls would try to slip him.
He met you one day while messing around with his friends at the lake skipping rocks, you were under the shade of a tree studying.
His friends went to start messing with you, which he soon told them too all ‘fuck off’ when he could tell that you were visibly annoyed with them.
Always hung out with you since then, becoming almost like your gaurdian angel
Upon graduation he struck a job being an Auror, you the potions master at hogwarts.
He was pretty dang awesome in his job and honestly everyone knew the amazing work he did as Auror, so he was pretty popular amongst the Aurors as well
He quit his job though to begin teaching the flying lessons to the first years at Hogwarts because he really did enjoy quidditch and flying
Also was in charge of quidditch as a whole
And he also just really missed you
He finally asked you out on a date towards the end of his first year of teaching at Hogwarts and you said yes, then towards the beginning of the next year, the two of you got married
The students love Keigo, he treats them as equals, mostly because he’s honestly not that much older than them and was in their position not to long ago.
Girls swoon over him and are low key jealous that you are married to him.
He likes to pop his head in to bother you during, or before and after your classes
Plays quick games of quidditch on the quidditch field with the house team that are practicing for fun
Will tug you into the potion’s closet for a quick kiss, despite how unprofessional you think it is
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