#Waning Moon Release
earthlightwitch · 2 years
a releasing ritual
hey witches (or whatever term you prefer)!
in honour of the current waning moon, i wanted to write out a simple releasing ritual you can perform. this can be used to let go things such as people/relationships, attachments, thought patterns, situations, draining spirits/energies, or any negativity that is impacting you and no longer serves. this is super simple and can be done any time, however the vanishing moon phase is a perfect time for releasing.
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paper and pen (black ink is great!)
a black candle (can substitute for white, just make sure to set intentions); if you can’t have a flame that’s okay stay tuned for a simple alternative!
a white candle (i use both black and white; black for releasing, white for cleansing). you can always use a fake candle for effect if you wish
fire safe bowl (as above if you can’t have fire)
a black crystal, like black tourmaline, onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz, the like
method below!
you’ll want to start this ritual by grounding. whatever method works for you, i like to meditate and imagine roots growing from the base of my spine down through the earth. open your circle (if that’s how you practice), and call in any spirits, ancestors or deities you wish.
light your black candle and the white candle, setting the intention to release any negativity holding you down, and replacing it with positive vibrations and energy
on your piece of paper, write a list of the negativity in your life that you are wanting to let go of - be as specific as you can and write as much as you can/want to
once you’ve written your list, fold the paper AWAY from your body, and as you do so, imagine the negativity being pulled away from your body. i like to fold 3 times, but that’s just my preference
tear the paper into pieces - as big or as small as you like
(if you cant have fire, sub this for part 7!) light those pieces of paper on fire using the flame from the black candle, dropping them into the fire safe bowl, imagining any attachments to those things being burned away and stripped from you
instead of burning, you can always flush the torn pieces down the toilet (tear the pieces up small!), or throw them in the trash. continue to step 8.
as it burns/is disposed of, ask the universe/source/whatever you like to replace that negativity with positive, high vibrational energy, seeing it fill your space and the spaces within you left open by the releasing
blow out the black candle. leave the white candle/fake candle burning for however long you like, to help cleanse away any lingering or stagnant energies before blowing it out/turning it off/letting it burn down. thank the candles for their time, and close your ritual however you choose to do so, thanking any spirits you welcomed in.
i hope that this ritual is useful for you, please let me know if you try it and how you go! if there’s any type of ritual you would like to see from me, please send tour ideas to my ask box.
love always, taylah xo
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age-of-moonknight · 4 months
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“Tigra,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #2.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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charactersonstrike · 11 months
End of an Era: Finishing a Decade-Long Book Series
When I was sixteen, I bought a cool-looking dragon notebook from Barnes and Noble with my Christmas money. I had no idea what I would write in it, but later that week, an idea came to me: a girl with red hair, dreaming of a werewolf every night. I didn’t know it yet, but that small idea would eventually become Waxing Moon, my debut novel, and its sequel Waning Moon. Now, I’m working on the third…
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mercuryinleoblog · 2 years
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Current moon phase 9/19/2022
Waning Cresent Moon 🌘
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haruchiyos · 1 year
Made the decision to do a cord cutting ritual on Tuesday or Wednesday during the full moon. I’m tired and I’m hurt and I don’t want these people to continue to take my energy
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kentopedia · 11 months
AAAA YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD AAA I LOVE IT!!! Could you write some fluffy soft mushy stuff about cuddling gojo? he deserves to be held and loved and appreciated
alone with the moon
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FEATURING. gojo satoru x f!reader — wc: 1.9k
CONTENTS: i accidentally added angst, but it's mostly cute! no spoilers, sfw!!! gojo comes home late from a mission!
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You waited, pushing your ear against the phone as the line rang, once, twice, a third time.
When the voice of Satoru Gojo, leading you to his voicemail box, answered again, your confidence waned, concern only growing about his condition.
Your texts remained delivered, and a response bubble never once appeared, even though you willed it to. The last time you’d heard a word from him was this morning, when he was leaving for work, promising he’d be home before dinner. Satoru never went long without answering you, and the food sat cold on the table without a word.  
In a rush of panic, you’d reached out to Shoko, Nanami, anyone you could possibly think of that he might contact in a pinch. Though, none of them had heard from him in days, and you started to doubt that he’d ask for backup, even if he really needed it.
A terrible image rooted inside your chest. Satoru was strong, but he wasn’t immortal, and you knew that he could be lying somewhere, alone, dying. If that was the case, you’d be none the wiser.
You worried your lip, feeling like you were slowly losing a grip on sanity. If he’d just send you a simple heart in return, a space, anything to let you know that he was okay, you could release the tight grip that squeezed every ounce of oxygen from your lungs. Instead, you sat in silence, holding your phone like a lifelong, incapable of thinking of anyone but the man who hadn’t even told you where he was going.
Finally, the door opened. It shut. You held your breath until the sound of heavy, recognizable footsteps padded down the hall, and you were to your feet in a flash, rushing around the corner.
Gojo’s shoulders were slumped as he slowly pulled the blindfold over his head, soft white hair falling onto his forehead. Before he’d had the chance to say a word, you’d thrown yourself into him, your tight embrace crushing his arms to his hips.
He relaxed immediately, holding you just as closely. “I missed you too, honey.”
Although you usually melted at the sound of his voice, the casual tone that he dared to use, to insinuate that nothing was wrong, was enough to irritate you. You shoved him away, lips drawn into a thin line. “Where the hell were you?”
Gojo blinked back, frosty eyelashes falling over wide crystal eyes. Then, he was rummaging through his pocket with a cheeky smile, pulling out the phone that had cracked, splintered, rendered completely unusable. “Sorry. I would’ve called you if I could.”
You inhaled. Released a shaky breath and tried to calm your nerves before you said something you didn’t actually mean.
Gojo’s smile quickly turned into a frown. “I didn’t mean to make you wait. You should’ve gone to bed.”
Though he was trying to comfort you, the comment only served to upset you more. “You think I could have just gone to sleep? You should’ve told me where you were going. No one had any idea where you were and I couldn’t get a hold of you, and—”
You stilled, burying your face in your hands before Gojo had come up around you, his tall frame hovering over you, enveloping you in a cocoon of safety. His fingers ran along your spine, stopping softly at every bone before he continued to the next notch, thinking. “I don’t want you to worry. You don’t need to worry.”
“I always worry.” The words were plain, offered to him without any dressing, no way to cover them up into anything but exactly what they were. “That’s the cruel reality of being a sorcerer.” You swallowed, burying your face into his chest, even though he smelled of dirt and sweat and the sickening smell that lingered from cursed spirits. “You may be Satoru Gojo, but with everything that’s been going on, I can’t help but wonder if each time you leave will be the last time that I see you.”
Satoru was quiet, contemplative. He stopped tracing your skin, instead letting his large palm rest still on your hip. “I’m okay, baby. Really.”
Leaning back in his arms, you scanned him. A gash cut across his cheek and grime had splattered all over his uniform. “Are you?” you asked in a soft voice, wiping your thumb against the wound. “You’re bleeding, Satoru.” The color stained your finger, revealing the outline of your thumbprint that had smeared against his skin.
Gojo pulled your hand away, gently grasping your wrist, as if to redirect your attention, even though you could focus on nothing but the crimson stain. “It wasn’t from the curse. I let my guard down a moment. Some debris hit me in the face, that’s all.” He smiled, though you couldn’t be sure he was telling the truth, his voice hushed. “It’s just a scratch.”
It looked like more than just a scratch, the droplets deep red as they flowed down to his chin. “You’re exhausting yourself,” you said, swallowing the wave of emotion that threated to drag you down. “You can’t keep doing this.”
“I have to—”
“Even you have your limits.” With a sigh, you untangled yourself from his embrace, taking his hand to lead him to the bathroom. “This is reckless, Satoru. If they need your help so bad, they should understand you’re no used to them dead.”
His lips curled, but the smile lacked any of the usual charm. “I’ll be okay.”
“You always say that, but lately, I’ve been finding it hard to believe.” There were bandages in the medicine cabinet, ointment, and you rummaged them, thinking. “I don’t want to see you hurt.”
Satoru was quiet as you pushed him onto the countertop, his legs long enough to reach the floor completely. You stood between them, wiping a warm cloth over his cheekbone, scrubbing harder where the blood had already crusted over.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” Satoru apologized again, his eyes soft under long lashes. “You know I would’ve called you if I could.”
“I know.” You swallowed, unable to hold his gaze for long. With shaky hands, you placed a ridiculously shaped bandage over his cheek, grateful that you could something, even something as small as this. “There,” you said in a tender voice, hating the way your lips quivered around the syllable. “All done.”
Satoru smiled and leaned forward, wrapping two strong arms around your shoulders. “Thank you. I didn’t realize I had my own little nurse.”
You rolled your eyes and kissed him on the cheek, right over the scratchy little band aid, exhaling a sharp laugh. “You don’t need a nurse. You need some sleep.”
He didn’t answer as you led him to the bedroom, the exhaustion on his face too evident for an objection.
The sheets were already pulled back from your earlier attempts at sleep, when you were too tense and worried to keep your eyes shut. Now, the blankets were too alluring to resist, warm and heavy, and you sunk easily into the mattress, exhaling relief.  
When Satoru laid beside you, you rolled over, forcing him onto his side so that you could wrap your arms securely around him.
For half a moment, he tensed, surprised, but didn’t object to the change in your usual position. Instead, he held your hand tighter against his chest, letting you intertwine your legs with his own.
Satoru was warm, and he needed a shower, but you were too consumed by overwhelming relief that you didn’t care about anything but being near him.
“I’m okay, sweetie,” he said after a moment of unbroken silence, caressing your knuckles with rough fingertips. “Really, you don’t need to—”
Swallowing, you buried your forehead further into his neck, breathing in the cotton and detergent from the fresh shirt he’d changed into. Sweat lingered on his skin, and his hair was tangled, but the faint smell of his cologne remained. “Just let me hold you, Satoru.”
The moment was serene as he contemplated his next words.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly, uncertain. The opposite of every adjective that most people would use to describe him.
It was not a question that could be so easily answered with a yes or no, and you wondered what you could say that wouldn’t upset him. Satoru was the sun, but he belonged to more than just you; one singular person couldn’t bottle up that light and threaten to hide it away from the rest of the world, just to keep it safe.
“I don’t want you to think you’re alone in this, because you’re not.” You hummed your words, maintaining every syllable on a single tone, hoping it wasn’t evident that your voice was near collapse. “Let everyone else think Satoru Gojo is invincible, but I know better.” The hum of the fan became your focus, his subtle breaths interrupting the white noise.
He squeezed your hand, silent once. Another minute passed. Sounds from outside cut through it, sharp. “I don’t have another choice.”
He never meant to scare you, but it happened anyway. It would always happen, so long as you harbored a shred of affection for the man who’d never had any other choice but to be a jujutsu sorcerer. You pressed a kiss to his neck, then, the skin warm and soft there.
“I know.” A sigh left your lips. You were grateful that you weren’t facing him. “The world needs you. Am I selfish for thinking I need you more?”
Satoru turned in one fluid movement, crushing you to his chest, burying his nose in your hair. His arms squeezed your stomach, so much tighter than you anticipated, but you were safe, warm, and he was sheltered there with you. “I could never think you’re selfish for that.” You clung to him. “I’m sorry I can’t be here with you more.”
Another wave of stillness hit the two of you, in which neither of you knew what to say next. His breath was cold against your ear. “It’s okay,” you said, even though sometimes it wasn’t, and you missed him every moment that he was away. “I’ll still be here every time you return.”
You ran your fingers through his hair, untangling the soft, white strands.
“I’m proud of you, Satoru. Sometimes, I just wish you’d let me take care of you. I wish I could do more.”
You felt him laugh, though there was little amusement in it, and you wondered if, maybe, he wished that too. But he was Satoru Gojo, and you were just a grade one sorcerer, and when it came to jujutsu, the gap of power is wide between you. There are missions he must take that no one else can, not even you, and you’ll have to live with that for the rest of your life.
“You don’t need to do more.” He kissed your temple and relinquished his position once more, flipping to his side. Your stomach was once again pressed to his chest as you hold him.
There were no words left to be said. Instead, you held his wrist loosely in your hand, swirling patterns into it with your thumb. For once, Satoru’s breathing evens out before your own, and you are left alone once more.
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lunar-witches · 1 year
Spells To Do For Each Phase of the Moon
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New Moon: Spells related to personal growth, manifestation, abundance, fertility, new relationships, grounding, and stability.
Waxing Crescent: Spells related to success, growth, attraction, communication, and intellect.
First Quarter: Spells related to courage, motivation, breaking bad habits, passion, and creativity.
Waxing Gibbous: Spells related to balance, organization, completion, emotional healing, and intuition.
Full Moon: Spells related to love, intuition, psychic abilities, abundance, protection, releasing negative energy, and grounding.
Waning Gibbous: Spells related to banishing, breaking bad habits, releasing negative energy, and communication.
Last Quarter: Spells related to endings, closure, forgiveness, passion, and creativity.
Waning Crescent: Spells related to rest, renewal, dream work, divination, emotional healing, and intuition.
My Ko-Fi
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lunar-bat · 8 months
- A guide to lunar magick -
Today's topic is moon magick and how you can harness the moon's power to enhance your spiritual journey.
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As I delve into the various phases of the moon, we'll go over the symbolism, spells, and rituals associated with each, and hopefully offer a deeper understanding of how to align your craft with the moon's cycles. It's important to note that these symbolisms may vary among different crafts, so you might find it doesn't align with your personal practice, so work with it however it feels right for you.
New Moon The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, positioned between the Earth and the Sun, appearing completely dark. It symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings and makes for a perfect time for personal growth and reflection. This phase is ideal for magical practices focused on personal transformation, intention-setting, releasing, healing, and anything to do with something new. Waxing Crescent Moon The waxing moon is associated with the growth and amplification of energy. It corresponds to the strengthening of intentions set during the New Moon, as desires begin to gather momentum. This time of the moon is also good for setting intentions, as well as harnessing the energy of growth, abundance, and positive change. First Quarter Moon Appears approximately 7 days after the new moon. During this phase, the moon is half-illuminated and marks a period characterized by facing obstacles, decision-making, and creating forward momentum. It's a good time for taking action on your intentions and moving forward with your plans, as well as building courage and drawing things in. Waxing Gibbous Moon During this phase, the moon's luminance gradually increases and marks a time for attraction and drawing things in, but more often for inner strength and motivation. It's a good time to work on refining your goals and strengthen your focus in various aspects of your life apart from the spiritual. Full Moon The full moon is regarded as a time of heightened energy and magic. It occurs about 15 days after the New Moon when it's centered between the Earth and the Sun. This phase is often said to bring in the strongest energies and is often associated with prosperity and fulfillment of intentions. Due to its heightened power during this phase, it's a good time for practicing any spell you have in mind, such as romantic rituals, abundance and prosperity spells, divination, protection and banishing, healing, etc. Waning Gibbous Moon The waning gibbous occurs after the full moon, and during this time, the moon's illumination gradually decreases. This phase is good for releasing negative energies and anything that no longer serves you as well as cleansing, divination, reflection, and breaking bad habits. Third Quarter Moon The third quarter moon appears in the lunar cycle between the full moon and the new moon. During this phase, the moon is illuminated to roughly half its capacity, presenting as a distinct half-moon shape. This moon's energy is associated with letting go of the past and focusing on reflection and renewal. It's a good time for banishing, protection and warding, and inner exploration including shadow work. It's also a good time to reconnect with spirit. Waning Crescent Moon This phase represents the final stages of release and introspection. It calls for the preparation of new beginnings and is a good time for intuitive work and shedding old skin before transitioning into the dark moon. The Dark Moon The dark moon occurs when the moon is completely concealed from sight for a few days before the first slight glimpse of the waxing phase and is not actually associated with the new moon. This is a good time to do banishings, hexes, cleansings, bindings, and any magical workings that are considered to be on the negative aspects.
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deanbrainrotwritings · 5 months
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SUMMARY : the adventures of dean accidentally growing a beard and learning to love it, or the sudden rise of a kink. 
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader 
CHARACTERS : sam winchester
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), fluff, oral sex (f. receiving), p in v, my headcannon — dean is a germaphobe about other people’s germs but not about his own 😭
A/N : close your eyes song title. @spnkinkevents : #12daysofspnkinkmas2023 — beard kink. ngl, I hated beards, but jensen would grow them between seasons for years, and… pfft, i changed my mind, especially now that it’s a constant. 
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Being stuck in the woods was truly a pain in the ass. 
Y/n felt dirty, sweaty, and was completely disgusted by the smell of blood on her. It was worse being aware of the chunks of guts and other monster bits stuck to her, but they had to survive the night to finish off the wolf pack. 
It was their last night, but they were able to finish the job completely before the full moon could fully wane. 
Now, entering the Bunker was the best feeling in the world. Sam and Dean had the decency to only turn the lamps on to not overwhelm her senses, and on the ride back to their room, Dean didn’t play music too loud either.
She’d kiss him, but she felt too disgusted by the sensation of dirtiness on her own skin. And while Dean looked absolutely kissable and adorable, she had to resist out of apprehension of getting anything else in her mouth. She already felt like puking her guts out or getting some blood cleanse, anything to feel fully clean again after the week's hunt.
Despite feeling overwhelmed by the layer of gunk and grime, when Dean sweetly wrapped his arms around her, and pressed a big kiss to her cheek in a comforting manner, she let him. She closed her eyes, shivering at the tickle of his beard against her cheek, and hummed softly.
Finally, she felt she could relax. Her entire body released all the tension and stress the longer he held her, and after a few minutes, he murmured, “let get cleaned up.” 
“Go ahead, guys,” Sam told them, rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m gonna go down and use the bath in the other room.” He sent Y/n a sweet smile, reassuring her that it was fine for her and Dean to use the shower rather than him. 
“Alright,” she drew out, slightly unsure, letting Dean remove himself from behind her. He gave her a bright smile when he moved in front of her and led her into the communal bathing room with their fingers intertwined.
“Look,” Dean started as soon as Sam was out of earshot, sensing his girlfriend’s discomfort, “we both know Sam’s not going in the showers with you naked. Even if there’s a thick wall between us. He never has and he’s not going to today. He said it’s fine, so it’s fine.” He brushed his thumb gently over hers and she squeezed his hand gratefully. 
“I’ve known Sam for seventeen years, I know that about him already,” she laughed, “doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop feeling bad.”
“Okay, yeah, fine,” he frowned, amusement sparkling in his eyes. He watched her for a while and she pretended not to feel his eyes on her. He grinned down at her lovingly when he opened the door to the showers.  
Once they were inside, they dumped the top layers inside-out onto the floor first, Dean’s thick giant jacket holding her smaller clothes. They began getting rid of big chunks and body parts by dumping them into the bin. 
“That’s so gross,” she groaned, reaching into Dean’s head to remove a few monster bits that he missed while he did the same to her.
“You’re still beautiful, d’ya know?” He smiled down at her flirtatiously, brushing her unkempt hair away from her face. She blushed, puffing her cheeks out when she averted her gaze from his face. 
“So are you, somehow,” she said softly. “Even if it took me five days to convince you to get rid of your boxers.” She bit her tongue as she grinned up at him. Dean snorted, stepping away from her to cross his arms across his chest defensively.
“It’s not the first time I do the ‘flip them inside out, backwards, and wear them in all the possible ways to make them last’ thing,” he confessed, pressing his tongue against the inside of his cheek. 
She blinked up at him, letting the information sink, with a pout on her lips. Unexpectedly, after a few moments, she beamed up at him and started to laugh. 
“That’s… so adorable,” she told him between laughs. 
“You don’t think it’s gross?” His brows furrowed, but there was a little smile on his face. 
“Well, yeah,” she gasped, “but.. it’s also cute.” She slapped a hand over his chest and shook her head. “You’re so adorable,” she cooed playfully, squeezing his bearded cheeks with one hand. 
He rolled his eyes and wrapped his fingers around her small wrist, pulling her hand away. Except she curled her other hand around the back of his neck, stood on the tips of her toes, and brought him down for a sweet kiss. His eyes closed immediately, brows furrowing in concentration, his chapped lips turning up into a smile. 
She pulled away, then scratched her chin with a childish pout, at the tickle of his beard against her soft skin. 
“I’m shaving it off after we shower,” he told her with a smile, scratching the prickly hair on his jaw. 
“Yes, I want to see you naked already,” she cheered lightheartedly, extending her hand to unbuckle his belt. He chuckled at her enthusiasm and pulled his t-shirt off over his head, flinging it across with the pile of clothes they left behind while she unbuttoned his pants expertly.
Dean bit his lip, his cock stirring in his jeans, and then she cackled playfully when she unzipped his jeans, revealing his pubic hair and half-hard dick. He’d gone completely commando for the past two days. 
“Ya know, if you needed underwear, you coulda asked to wear my panties,” she teased, lowering his jeans down his legs slowly. He snickered and nodded, regarding her words as reasonable. Then, he began to measure her hips with his hands clamped around them and clicked his tongue disappointedly.
“You’re way too small, babe,” he informed her. She looked up at him, completely delighted, and started to lift her thermal, long-sleeved shirt up her body. “‘Sides, isn’t this a much better surprise?” 
He looked way too pleased with himself and she gave him a flirtatious side-glance, ridding herself of her jeans. They both kicked them across to the same pile and he turned away to turn the shower on. 
What an ass. 
She bit her lip as she looked fixedly at his nice behind—at his nice… everything. Wow, she was lucky. He had one hell of an ass, and those broad shoulders… sheesh. He was way too hot. His entire body littered in different shades, patterns, sizes, and shapes of freckles. He was all taut and tight in all the right places, and… soft and fleshy in all the right places, too. 
“You gonna strip or just stare at my ass all night, sweetheart?” Dean asked, then looked over his shoulder to catch her with an amused expression on his face. She shook her head, looking him in the eyes rather than at his ass, and sputtered. 
“I wasn’t staring at your ass,” she lied terribly, skilfully removing her bra with one hand behind her, “I was staring at your… everything.” She disclosed breathlessly, kicking her underwear away. He knew she was exaggerating her tone of voice, but he still flushed pink, and turned to face her. She walked up to him inside the large open stall of the shower, the hot water creating a warm mist in the air.  
“Even your wittle ears are cute from behind,” she murmured amorously, gently flicking his bloodstained ears with her fingers. They were slowly turning red and warm the more she flirted with him. “And you’ve got this cute little twirl behind your head where your hair goes down, then some goes to the sides, and the rest goes up to the top… it’s very endearing,” she asserted with a nod and an expression of utter tenderness. 
Her earnestness left no room for doubt and insecurity, but all Dean could do was laugh, and lean down to kiss her. He brought them both beneath the shower head, and pecked her lips a final time.
Carefully—thoroughly, they removed the uncomfortable layers of dirt and blood from their bodies with soap and shampoo. Their skin was clearer, their muscles were loose, and they were now getting sleepy beneath the near-scalding water they both enjoyed.
“Now that I’m seeing you clearly…” she murmured thoughtfully, taking his chin between her fingers. “The beard doesn’t have to go away.” She glanced up at him and brushed her pruned thumb over his pink, wet lips. 
“It’s itchy,” he frowned thoughtfully, attempting to prove his point by nuzzling his bearded jaw into her palm. She giggled, but kept her hand over his cheek. 
“Maybe on your birthday you can shave it off… or maybe after Valentine’s Day?” She suggested quietly, shivering as she now pictured the sensation of it across her skin if he would kiss her. 
He studied her face, the flush from the hot water astride her cheeks and chest. The hardness of her nipples, though, could only be attributed to arousal. He inhaled slowly and gazed at her eyes once more, taking in her pondering expression. 
“But, it’s your face, Dean,” she dropped her hand from his cheek and smiled up at him cutely, “do what makes you happy.”
Dean took her words into consideration. It’s December now—halfway through the month, really. His birthday would then be a little over a month away on the twenty-fourth of January… Valentine's day would be longer, but not undoable…
“If I keep it, I do get rewards, right?” He asked smugly, gripping her arms. She squinted her eyes at him, smiling, allowing him to walk her backwards until the cold tile touched her back.
“What would you like?” She bit her lip, her breath picking up as she stared up at him, his sensual green eyes staring down at her knowingly. Dean slid his hands down her arms and intertwined his fingers of one hand with hers, tilting his head as he pretended to think. 
He switched the water off with the other, then kissed her softly, plush lips pushing against hers, his lips trapping her bottom lip in between. Unconsciously, his hand found her hip, and he gently brushed his thumb over her hip bone before he pulled back and smiled at her tenderly.
“Nothin’ you haven’t already given to me, baby.”
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“Sex?” She asked between heated kisses. “That’s what you wanted?” She smiled against Dean’s mouth, permitting him to kiss her the whole journey to his room. “Not sure how that’s a reward…” Every now and then, he’d push her into a wall to grope her needily. And then, she’d pull him away from the walls to drag him away from where Sam or even Cas could catch them making out. 
“The reward’s gonna be how sensitive…” he panted, leaving wet kisses along her neck as he opened the door to his room, she gasped at the sensation of his beard moving across her skin. “... you’ll be… and how wet I’ll make you…” he kicked the door behind him once they were inside and pushed her into the table next to the entrance, tugging the towel loose from her body to throw it over the green leather couch. “... every time I fuck you…” He dragged his fingertips down the front of her body, sensually, slowly, driving her mad before dipping down between her legs. “... all because you have a thing for my beard.” 
She inhaled sharply, balancing herself by gripping the edge of the table. “I do not,” she denied, spreading her legs a little more as he teased her slick entrance with two of his fingers. 
“Really?” Dean wondered, wearing a fake frown on his face. He lowered himself  down, tugging the towel from his hips to fold it on the hard floor for his knees. He brought her hips toward his face, away from the table, licking his lips while keeping his eyes on hers.
“I have… just a,” she paused, watching Dean stick his tongue out between her folds to find her clit, “uh, a general… attraction to you…” He stared up at her smugly, flicking her clit teasingly with the tip of his tongue until her legs shook, and she flexed her hand on the table, letting it fly into his wet hair. “... y’know,” she moaned, “regardless of what you look like.” Dean leaned his head back to look at her, disbelieving as he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder.
“So… you don’t think I look hotter,” he stated, tilting his head up. She tried to resist smiling, but she couldn’t, and she snickered down at him.
“No,” she lied, then took his face in both of her hands, and shoved it between her legs to stop him from teasing her with words. He didn’t fight her, just hummed in surprise, and vengefully sucked on her clit, pushing his face deeper into her, his beard brushing delightfully between her sensitive thighs. 
“Fuck,” she whispered, gazing down at him with a mirrored look of mischief and affection. Her cheeks were hot and coloured, and her heart was beating excitedly. 
He moved his mouth lower as she writhed and moaned his name, lovingly combing her fingers through his wet hair while he lapped at her entrance enthusiastically, breaching her tight hole. With a rumbling moan, Dean squeezed the back of her thighs, salivating at the taste of her, igniting her nerves as his bearded mouth moved between her legs.
She gently ground her hips against his face, her eyes fluttering shut for a few moments, before opening to continue admiring him. His nose moved against her clit while his tongue dipped inside the opening of her vagina, twisting around inside her pulsing walls, devouring her to prove his point, leading her to the ends of her pleasure.
He waited for the tell-tale signs of her orgasm’s approach: the flutter of her eyes, the breathiness of her moans, the arch of her back, the tightening of her grip on his hair. That’s when he pulled his mouth from her cunt, licking his lips to swipe away her arousal, he ignored her protests, and stood up.
“Gonna admit it now?” He murmured, grasping her chin, continuing to gaze down at her with admiration. She licked her dry lips and had the audacity to think about his question while batting her lashes at Dean. It amused him so much it drew out a husky chuckle as he leaned down to kiss her once more. 
“I’m just messin’ with you,” she mumbled against his lips, burying her fingers into his hair, leading him away from the door. “You look very hot with a beard, Dean,” she continued kissing him, pressing him close to her mouth, guiding him blindly to his bed. 
“I knew it,” he whispered with an eager smile against her mouth, turning her towards the green couch, and away from his memory-foam mattress. 
She slowly pulled away, sitting down on the leather couch after moving away the half-wet towel he’d thrown on it. “Couch sex,” she smirked, grabbing his waist to bring him closer to her. 
Dean mirrored her smirk, “your favourite,” he teased, biting his lip when she wrapped her hand around his cock, kissing his stomach first. Slowly, she stroked his heavy cock up and down, and hummed in agreement, opening her mouth for his hard cock. 
He moaned softly, bringing his hand to the back of her neck, splaying his fingers to grasp the wet hair at the bottom of her head. He clenched his hand, breathless as she licks into his slit for his precum, swirling her wet tongue around the pink tip. 
“Oh, fuck,” he gasped, tugging her hair when she started sucking and bobbing her head, taking him deeper into her mouth. “As sexy as you look…” he trailed off, pulling her off his dick. She pouted at him, even when he nudged her thigh with his knee, and they moved together to lay down over the couch. 
Dean slid his hand beneath her waist, kissing her lips, slowly ghosting his lips away. He teased her by nibbling her jawline, sucking at her neck when she pushed her head into the couch and arched her back, creating marks on collarbone and above her breasts. 
Her hands slid across his body, touching what she could reach, enjoying the warmth of his skin beneath her palms. Her hand veered up to the back of his neck, pressing him closer into her chest, his beard tickling her skin.
“Yeah,” she whispered to herself when Dean swirled his tongue around her hard nipple, “that feels great.” Dean smirked against her breast, encircling his lips around it to begin sucking. 
Dean’s freehand skimmed down her side and the side of her leg, bending her knee, pressing it against her chest. He curled his hand around the bend of her knee and lifted it up to his shoulder, keeping it there as he lifted himself up her body, breathing warmly against her lips. 
“If Sam’s an ass about the beard,” Dean warned her, his cock pressing into her entrance, “I’m gonna tell him you have a kink.” She lifted her head to glare at him, but when he gently pushed into her, she closed her eyes and dropped her head back on the couch, bringing him in for a kiss.
“It wouldn’t even be a lie,” she confessed, short of breath against his mouth with a flirtatious grin. He breathed out a laugh, pushing his hips flush against hers before starting to thrust into her roughly. 
“Well,” Dean exhaled, “I didn’t count you for a beard lover.” She bit her lip and laughed through her nose while Dean’s hand dropped down between her legs, shoving her leg off the couch to pound deeper into her as the leather squeaked and the wood creaked beneath them. 
“Sometimes… I don’t know if you’re actually unaware of how good looking you are… but you make everything work,” she panted, watching Dean stand on his knee with his other leg on the floor. She slowly slid her hands away from his body with a pout. 
“Sure…” he whispered, ears turning red. “Beauty, eye of the beholder… all that,” he reasoned, lifting her hips for a better angle, moaning when she clenched around his cock and released a high-pitched gasp. Dean moved his hand between their bodies, splaying his hand over her pelvis, lifting her clitoral hood, and gently pushing circling around her clit. 
Despite the overwhelming bliss of her impending orgasm, she lifted herself up on her elbow and glared at him for attempting to minimise her praise. She saved her words for later, the darkening of her eyes making him swallow anxiously, but delight made his stomach flip and warmth spread through him. 
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maculategiraffe · 5 months
as is tradition. jan richardson's "blessing for the longest night":
All throughout these months
as the shadows
have lengthened,
this blessing has been
gathering itself,
making ready,
preparing for
this night.
It has practiced
walking in the dark,
traveling with
its eyes closed,
feeling its way
by memory
by touch
by the pull of the moon
even as it wanes.
So believe me
when I tell you
this blessing will
reach you
even if you
have not light enough
to read it;
it will find you
even though you cannot
see it coming.
You will know
the moment of its
by your release
of the breath
you have held
so long;
a loosening
of the clenching
in your hands,
of the clutch
around your heart;
a thinning
of the darkness
that had drawn itself
around you.
This blessing
does not mean
to take the night away
but it knows
its hidden roads,
knows the resting spots
along the path,
knows what it means
to travel
in the company
of a friend.
So when
this blessing comes,
take its hand.
Get up.
Set out on the road
you cannot see.
This is the night
when you can trust
that any direction
you go,
you will be walking
toward the dawn.
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sensualnoiree · 3 months
astro notes: the moon & her phases 🌚
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The Moon, with its soft, glowing presence in the night sky, has captivated human beings for millennia. Beyond its physical beauty, the Moon holds profound symbolic and esoteric meanings in various mystical traditions, particularly in alchemy. Dive into the alchemical and esoteric properties of the Moon, explore its significance as a symbol of inner transformation, spiritual enlightenment, and the depths of the human psyche.
Cycle of Transformation: The Moon's phases, from the dark New Moon to the full illumination of the Full Moon and back again, symbolize the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. This mirrors the alchemical process of transformation, where base materials are purified and transmuted into a higher form.
🌑 New Moon: The New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, where the Moon is not visible in the sky. Symbolically, this phase represents the darkness before the dawn, the void from which all creation emerges. In alchemy, it corresponds to the initial stage of the alchemical process, known as Calcination. This is the stage where the base materials, representing the raw and unrefined aspects of the self, are broken down and purified through the fires of transformation.
🌘 Waxing Crescent: As the Moon begins to wax, or grow larger, after the New Moon, it enters the Waxing Crescent phase. This phase symbolizes growth, intention setting, and the planting of seeds. In the alchemical journey, this corresponds to the stage of Dissolution, where the purified elements begin to coalesce and take shape, laying the groundwork for further growth and development.
🌗 First Quarter: The First Quarter Moon marks the halfway point between the New Moon and the Full Moon. Symbolically, it represents a time of challenges, decisions, and action. In alchemy, this phase corresponds to the stage of Separation, where the purified elements are refined further, and the unnecessary or detrimental aspects are discarded. This is a crucial step in the process of transformation, where clarity and discernment are necessary to move forward.
🌖 Waxing Gibbous: As the Moon continues to wax, it enters the Waxing Gibbous phase, where it approaches full illumination. This phase symbolizes refinement, integration, and preparation for the culmination of the cycle. In alchemy, this corresponds to the stage of Conjunction, where the purified elements are brought together and integrated to form a harmonious whole. It is a time of synthesis and alignment, as the individual aspects of the self merge into a unified whole.
🌕 Full Moon: The Full Moon is the peak of the lunar cycle when the Moon is fully illuminated in the night sky. Symbolically, it represents illumination, fulfillment, and the realization of intentions. In alchemy, this corresponds to the stage of Fermentation, where the purified elements reach their peak potency and transformation is complete. It is a time of celebration and revelation, as the alchemist experiences a profound sense of union with the divine and the cosmos.
🌔 Waning Gibbous: After the Full Moon, the Moon begins to wane, or decrease in illumination, entering the Waning Gibbous phase. This phase symbolizes reflection, gratitude, and the release of what no longer serves. In alchemy, this corresponds to the stage of Distillation, where the essence of the transformed elements is extracted and purified further. It is a time of consolidation and integration, as the alchemist reflects on the lessons learned and prepares for the next phase of the journey.
🌓 Last Quarter: The Last Quarter Moon marks the halfway point between the Full Moon and the New Moon. Symbolically, it represents surrender, letting go, and clearing space for new beginnings. In alchemy, this phase corresponds to the stage of Coagulation, where the purified elements solidify and take on their final form. It is a time of resolution and closure, as the alchemist integrates the lessons of the journey and prepares to embark on a new cycle of transformation.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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manifestmoons · 5 months
The Lunar Calendar
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Using a lunar calendar involves tracking and utilizing the phases of the moon for various purposes. Here's how you can use a lunar calendar:
Understanding the Moon Phases: Familiarize yourself with the eight primary phases of the moon: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
Setting Intentions and Goals: Each moon phase represents a different energy. New Moon is ideal for setting intentions, while Full Moon is a time for culmination and realization.
Manifestation and Planning: Plan important events, projects, or rituals aligned with the corresponding moon phase. For example, start new projects during the Waxing Crescent for growth or release unwanted habits during the Waning Moon.
Spiritual and Personal Practices: Use specific moon phases for spiritual practices like meditation, reflection, and manifestation. Many people find rituals such as charging crystals or performing moon-related ceremonies more potent during certain phases.
Gardening and Nature-Based Activities: Use the moon phases for gardening by planting seeds during the Waxing Moon for optimal growth and pruning during the Waning Moon.
Emotional Awareness: Pay attention to how the moon phases affect your emotions, energy levels, and sleep patterns. Understanding these patterns can help align activities with your natural rhythms.
Maintaining a Lunar Calendar: Keep track of the moon phases using a lunar calendar. Mark important dates and phases to assist with planning and intention-setting.
Remember, while the lunar calendar can offer guidance, personal experiences and interpretations of the moon's phases vary. Experiment with different practices to see what resonates best with you and brings you closer to your goals.
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ebullientheart · 11 months
access. spencer reid x reader
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content — suggestive fluff. established relationship. fem!reader. sunshine!reader. blurb.
you move in with spencer.
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the pout on spencer’s face as he helped you haul boxes up the stairs was almost comical, though you couldn’t laugh at him when he looked at you like that. like you hung the moon and the stars. like you weren’t carrying a box of towels to his box of large books.
“need some help?” you jested, setting your load down. your teasing wiped off his former expression, his answer a deadpan stare until you bounced over to him with palpable excitement, and he couldn’t fight the smile off anymore.
he saw the sunlight glare straight into your eyes when you stopped in front of him, so he nudged you to the side with his elbow.
“i’ve got it.” he huffed, dropping your books unceremoniously onto the bed. you resisted the urge to whine at him for the mistreatment of your collector’s editions, since he had hauled them all the way from the car without assistance. instead, you poked his bicep repeatedly until he took hold of your wrist, still amused by your antics. his patience rarely waned with you.
you weaselled out of his purposefully loose grip and darted behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist before he could turn with you. from the new angle, you rested your cheek against his surprisingly firm back. it felt safe, and he liked your touch.
“i’m so excited to live with you.” you weren’t sure if he was going to hear you, but the affectionately light squeeze he gave your arms let you know he did.
he muttered, “well, seventy percent of couples live together before marriage, so it seems like a step in the right direction.”
you weren’t sure if his words held any weight or if he was observing and reciting, but the thought had you ready to jump his bones. he sensed the shift in your mood and unwound you from him, “we have more boxes to get from the car.”
except spencer didn’t finish the sentence because you spun him to face you and the words died in his throat. the breath he released was one of defeat as he kissed you once, twice, three times before straightening to his full height so you couldn’t reach him anymore. you groaned, knowing there was no arguing with him. he’d kiss you again later but he couldn’t leave the task half done. you took his compromise and trudged back down to the car with him, to merge your home with his.
as he shouldered another heavy collection, and you picked up a single teddy bear, the look he gave you was blown away by your giddy, “love you”, as you ran inside to start unpacking.
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shadow-book-wren · 5 months
Phases of the Moon
New Moon
This is the exact midpoint between waxing and waning phases. the sun and moon are in conjunction.
Its the best time for:
Endeavors, planting sees, setting intentions, and coming up with new ideas
Waxing Moon
Begins immediately after the new moon until it is full. As the moon is growing, so should your magic.
Its the best time for:
Intention for attraction, love, abundance, success, expansion, creativity, taking action, development and growth
Full Moon
This is the peak of magic potency and is great for almost any kind of magic right before or on the full moon.
Its the best time for:
Psychic enhancement, charging, cleansing, and spells for attraction
Waning Moon
This is immediately after the full moon starts to decrease until the new moon.
Its the best time for:
Cleansing or releasing spells, introspection, undoing bindings, breaking bad habits, banishing, balance, success, wisdom and purification
Dark Moon
This is when the moon is not visible in the sky (usually 1-3 days). it happens from the end of the waning moon until the starts of the waxing moon.
Its the best time for:
Deep banishing rituals and exploring shadow sides
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breelandwalker · 3 months
Snow Moon - February 23-24, 2024
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Boots and mittens on, witches - it's time for the Snow Moon!
Snow Moon
The Snow Moon is the name given to the full moon which occurs during the month of February. Despite what certain groundhogs will tell you, February is the month that sees the highest rates of snowfall across much of North America, according to the National Weather Service, and many alternative names for the moon and the month in which it falls reflect this.
As with many full moon names, we find the roots of the Snow Moon among the indigenous peoples of North America. In this particular case, a colonist explorer noted in 1760 that the Naudowessie (Dakota) people called this month Snow Moon specifically due to the tendency for snowstorms to come during that month. Some other indigenous names for this moon and month refer to commonly-sighted animals. Some examples include Eagle Moon (Cree), Bear Moon (Ojibwe), Groundhog Moon (Algonquin), and Goose Moon (Haida). Another notable example is Hungry Moon (Cherokee), denoting the scarcity of available food in deep winter.
The Snow Moon this year is what is known as a "micromoon" - basically the opposite of a supermoon. Where a supermoon brings our beloved satellite closer to Earth, at the perigree (or zenith) of its' elliptical orbit, a micromoon is at the apogee (or nadir), placing the moon at a point comparatively farther away. The moon will be at peak illumination at 7:30am EST on February 24th, meaning the moon may appear to be full on the 23rd and the 24th, depending on where you live.
What Does It Mean For Witches?
February is a month of change and transition. Though winter still holds on, many places may be showing early signs of spring. Little buds may be coming out on the trees, certain species of birds are beginning to migrate back, and hibernating animals start to wake up and reappear.
As we begin to turn toward the end of our long winter's rest, it's a good time to think about how we prepare for oncoming change and how we care for ourselves and our practices during times of stagnation.
With the moon in apogee, we might also contemplate the concept of distance as it relates to our practices, be it keeping long-distance bonds fresh, doing things remotely either alone or as part of a larger group, or feeling distant from your craft or your deities. And yes, such things are normal and cyclical. Our inspiration and motivation wax and wane just as the moon does. If it feels like you've been far away from your craft for too long, perhaps it's time to bring it back into your orbit.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
Gather fresh snow or icicles for moon water, or make your own moon ice by leaving a bowl of water out overnight to freeze, if the temperature drops low enough.
If it snows in your area, you can wish upon a snowball. Grab a handful of powdery snow, whisper your wish to it, and throw the whole thing up in the air to release the wish into the universe
With winter scarcity in mind, practice creating a minimalist spell as an exercise. Create a workable spell with as few components, words, movements, or ritual elements as possible. This is more of a challenge if you're used to using material components or rituals in your spellwork. Many witches cast spells with focused thought or energy work alone.
Explore the concept of self care as magic. Use your routines to create moments of rest and harmony, make a point of being kind to your body and your mind, and cultivate a more positive relationship with yourself - it's the only one guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Connect with your local biome by looking for any early signs of spring in your area. Feed the returning birds and identify the plant and animal species you see around you as they appear one by one.
Happy Snow Moon, witches! 🌕❄️
Bree’s Lunar Calendar Series
Bree’s Secular Celebrations Series
Snow Moon: Full Moon in February 2024, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Snow Moon: The Extraordinary Full Moon of February 2024, The Peculiar Brunette.
Moon Info - Full Moon Dates for 2024
Calendar-12 - 2024 Moon Phases
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison, Llewellyn Publications, 2004.
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, check out my monthly show Hex Positive, and find my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian (The Regal Warrior of Stones)
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Color: Black, Dark Brown
Hardness: 5-5.5 (softer than quartz)
Rarity: Easy to Acquire
Type: Igneous Rock (Comes from a Volcano)
Chakra Association: Root
Angel: Uriel
Deities: Pele, Tezcatlipoca, Itzpapalotl and Sekhmet
Element: Fire, Earth
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries
Planet: Saturn, Pluto
Origin: Anywhere with Volcanic Activity
Powers: Protection, Grounding, Clarity, Releasing Blockage, Drawing out Stress, Creativity, Divination and Scrying, Negativity Banishment, Transformation and Absorption
Crystals It Works Well With: Howlite, Malachite
How is it Created: Obsidian is a black volcanic glass, formed when molten lava hits cold water or air and solidifies. It is composed of silicon dioxide (quartz) and many impurities which allows it to take different shapes and colors. Black obsidian gets it coloring from iron and magnesium.
History: The earliest obsidian tools can be dated back to the Oldowan, at the dawn of the Paleolithic/Stone Age (2.6 million- 10,000 BCE). Different origins of this rock can be found in Britain, Italy, Mexico, and the USA. In Egypt, obsidian knives were used in ceremonial circumcisions, as well as making mirrors (scrying mirrors for most) and other decorations in tombs. The word “Obsidian” was first used by a Roman explorer, Obsius, who “discovered” it in Ethiopia. In the Americas, Obsidian was used as a symbol of Tezcatlipoca, the chief god of the Aztec religion. Tezcatlipoca means “smoking mirror” which is why a lot of the Mayan priest used the glass rock for scrying mirrors like the Egyptians did. On the Eastern Islands, obsidian was used to make the eyes of the Moai statues before they were lost. The indigenous tribes of North America used pieces of obsidian to make arrowheads, spears and even knives by using an antler in order to carefully form different shapes.
What It Can Do:
Grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, making it possible to manifest more spiritual energy
Increases one’s self control
Forces you to face your true self
Brings imbalance and shadow qualities to the surface to release them
Repels negativity and disperses self-hating thoughts
Powerful meditation aid
Great for scrying and divination as the glass allows you to look to see the “clear truth”
Can heal you after a spiritual or mental attack
Was used in the past during ritual for healing physical disorders
How to Charge:
Sit with the stone in the palm of your hand and enter a light meditation. Use your thoughts to charge the stones with desires of protection and make sure the thoughts are clear and concise.
Use high vibration to amplify the crystal
Use a singing bowl to send sound energy into it
Place it in a bed of Himalayan salt and let it sit for 48 hours
If you work with a sun or moon deity, I have noticed charging it in the sun or moonlight with the idea of protection helps to charge it as well
How to Cleanse:
Run under water (not hot just lukewarm) for a minute
Create a saltwater solution and submerge it for up to 24 hours
Burn herbs or incense over the obsidian with the intention of cleansing (I personally use sandalwood incense for this)
Leave your stone under the full moon to cleanse and retrieve in the morning
Bury your obsidian in your garden for 48 hours
How to Get the Best Out of It:
Wear a black obsidian bracelet. The wrist area is a highly energetic zone because it has nearly direct access to the bloodstream. This (in my opinion) is the best place to have obsidian to create a powerful shield and help with manifestation.
For lighter dosage, use an obsidian ring.
Crystal Grid:
Letting Go (Triangle Grid)
Mantra: “I release everything that no longer serves me”
Center Stone: Smokey Quartz Tower
Secondary Stones: Obsidian, Malachite, Rhodonite, Citrine
Best Moon Phase: Waning or Dark Moon
Best Day: Saturday
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