#Wataru x Tomoya
Lights are memories, memories are home
Consider reading this on my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49016803
Ship: Hibiki Wataru/Mashiro Tomoya
Word Count: 2,971
"One, two, one, two~ Spin~" Clapping his hands, Wataru appeared next to Tomoya, taking him by the waist and spinning him one more time. "See? Like this~"
"You- I spun the exact same way, you just wanted to touch me!" Tomoya complained and pushed himself away, stumbling from the force before quickly gathering his balance back.
"Oh, but I can't help it! You are so beautiful!" Wataru spun around himself this time, then let out a deep sigh. "Simply, I just wish to make it perfect!"
"I know what I'm doing!" Tomoya appeared more agitated than usual, tugging at the hem of his dress as if wanting to get it off right this second. "I can practice on my own! It's not even time for rehearsals yet, you just appeared out of nowhere to watch me like a creep."
"Oh? Is that so? Can't I be concerned with my adorable circle members even while 'off-duty'?"
"I don't need your concern or your help or-" Tomoya stopped himself before finishing that sentence, but did stomp his feet. "The... The point is! Let me practice alone! You're not even in this play!.. I know you're the director and all, but.."
Once again, as Tomoya kept on talking, he riled himself up. "Just don't touch me, don't look at me! I don't need your advice right now, let me be!"
"In fact, you know, maybe this play will be better without-..."
What was he saying..? Was there really so much pent-up frustration inside him that he took it out like that..? Usually, he could tolerate his odd senpai's antics.
He desperately racked his brain, for a way to finish this sentence in a different way, but his brain bluescreened the moment he saw a flash of what could be best described as a glisten in Wataru's eye. Not a sparkle, no, it remained as dull as it usually was. Tears? No, it couldn't be.
Tomoya shook his head, he must've been hallucinating it, it only lasted a second after all, it may have been a trick of the light.
Because surely, it couldn't be...
Wataru was still smiling and his voice didn't waver as he spoke. "Now now, Tomoya-kun, you could've just asked me nicely, hm? I, for one, know exactly how capable you are! Which is why I cast you for the main role! The most adorable, yet resilient little Alice~"
He turned around, now with his back towards Tomoya, he waved goodbye. "I'll leave you to it~" For a moment, his voice softened, lost some of that cheerful magic. "I am so proud of you, Tomoya-kun. You've grown. But don't shoulder everything alone, hm?"
Before Tomoya could so much as blink, Wataru was already out of sight. Though the smile never left his face, the atmosphere he left behind felt heavy on Tomoya's chest, he had to let out a sharp exhale to confirm he could still breathe. No, it wasn't his lungs that ached.
Tomoya placed a hand over his chest, clutching it as his own eyes began to glisten with tears. It was nothing out of the ordinary, even tame antics considering Wataru, and yet... Why did he react so harshly? Neither of them deserved it. Maybe that was the cause of his ache.
Or at least part of it.
His mind kept repeating that sight. The brief glisten of Wataru's eyes. Even if that was merely a product of his imagination, the sorrow was still clear behind Wataru's smile. Of course. He had feelings too.
Though he felt otherworldly at times. Far out of reach for someone as ordinary as him... He was still human. And humans are easy to wound by mere words. Pathetic, maybe.
But here Tomoya was, tears streaming down his cheeks as a million thoughts ran through his mind, the most prevalent being his regret. He had to apologize, find him, and tell him face-to-face how he really feels.
Ah, that was another can of worms Tomoya had no willpower to explore. How he truly felt about that tragic jester he called a friend.
Before he could apologize properly, he had to calm down. If he ends up going there in tears, then surely he'd be the one being comforted again and that's not what he wanted at all. Not right now.
And so he waited. Waited until his breathing regulated, until his eyes dried up. Only then did he rush off to find his senpai.
Well, he didn't have to go far. He heard noises from behind the stage, peeking his head in. Was it him? Or just someone else working on their costume? He didn't know which one he hoped for more. He wasn't ready to face him. Though he formulated his speech a hundred times over in his head, he knew for a fact he'll stumble right over his words.
Following the noises, internally trying to manifest someone else, like Hokuto. Yes, please be Hokuto in there.
However, as he opened the door of the costume room, he immediately recognized that shade of blue. Wataru had his back towards the door, sitting at one of the tables. He seemed busy with something. Tomoya tried to peek inside more, to see what he was working on, without being noticed, but...
"Fufu~ I'm just polishing my masks, you are free to come right in~" A moment of pause. "Tomoya-kun."
Sharp as ever. He'll never know what he recognized him from... Was it the sound of his footsteps? His breathing? Whatever it was, his cover was blown, so he might as well step up and form his thoughts into words.
But as he opened his mouth to do so, Wataru cut him off by standing and starting to speak. "Which do you like better? Don't worry, I'm not planning to replace my trusty mask~ I'd just like your opinion." He held up two of them, one just like his regular one, while the other was slightly cracked, with a teardrop underneath the eye. "Don't mind the cracks~ I've been fixing this one up."
"Um.." Tomoya stepped closer, his gaze intently watching Wataru's every move, fixated on his face, mostly.
"This one?~ Or this one?~" He moved each mask in front of his face, showing them off to make it easier to choose.
God knows what sort of bravery possessed Tomoya at that moment, but he stood on his tiptoes, a hand reaching out to push the masks away before tracing Wataru's face with his fingertips. "I like this, I think.."
Wataru's entire body froze for just a second, while the touch lasted, slowly regaining his composure. "Smart~ But that wasn't one of the choices."
"I insist." Tomoya locked eyes with him and his other hand came up to take the broken mask from Wataru's hand. "You should… Maybe it's easier to fix when you're not wearing it, don't you think?" After putting it on the nearby table, he fixated his gaze on Wataru again. "And... There's nothing to hide now, right?"
"I'm merely testing if it's durable after fixing it~ It would be such a shame to let it go. It is one beautiful mask."
"But you didn't give it time to rest yet. How do you want it to be durable like that?"
"What shall one do while the mask is resting, is the question! Because the performance never stops, the stage doesn't wait!"
"Can't it stop? For a little bit?"
Wataru looked down, taking in a breath to respond, but exhaling right after without a sound.
"Hibiki-senpai… Let's… Let's let it rest a bit, okay? And…" Hesitantly, he reached out to take his hand into his own, just then could he feel that it was shaking. "Hi... Hibiki-senpai?"
"You are too smart for your own good, Tomoya-kun. None would care to know the actor behind the mask. People fall in love with the characters we play, most don't even know our names."
"But I do. I know your name! Hibiki Wataru-senpai. Because I'm an actor too."
"A very talented one indeed~ Your strengths lie in your emotions. Allow them to surface."
"I am... I'm letting them.." Squeezing Wataru's hand, he looked up at him once more, determined. "But what's the point if I'm the only one doing so?"
"I believe you already know my feelings. Though my mask has been perfected over time, the cracks are difficult to hide from a watchful eye, such as yours, isn’t that right?”
“But I want to hear it from you! I want you to say it!”
Wataru let out a chuckle, bitter as he reached out a hand. He didn’t take Tomoya’s, he wished for him to give his hand at his own accord.
“Tomoya-kun, do you trust me?”
Still possessed by his newfound bravery, he placed his hand on top of Wataru’s without hesitation and gave a firm nod. “Hibiki-senpai… Show me your heart!”
“But you may not like what you end up seeing inside. Would you still wish for that glimpse if you knew that?”
Tomoya’s heart was racing, but despite his nerves, he could honestly, without an ounce of doubt, say. “Whatever is in your heart, I’m sure I’m ready for it.”
“Be careful with such bravery. Getting too close to the fire may burn you and the darkness’s goal is to consume you.”
Before Tomoya could make an audible response, his eyes were suddenly covered by Wataru’s free hand. “Hibiki-senpai?” He tried to hide how his voice trembled, nervous about what was to come.
“What darkness? What you think of as darkness might be the light for someone else! Everyone has something dark inside, it doesn’t make us bad people. Stop acting like you’re some Phantom of the Opera, being so ugly behind that mask! I… I’m sure you’re... Whatever you… You’re beautiful..” Tomoya’s voice trailed off at the end into a mumble, he’s never directly complimented Wataru like that before. Well, once, but he did regret that time.
“Fufu~ You are… Hm…” Wataru, for once, seemed to be at a loss for words. He simply squeezed Tomoya’s hand. “Alright then. Please don’t let go of my hand now, hm?”
Wataru leaned in, his forehead resting against his hand, indirectly against Tomoya’s, whispering. “One, two... Amazing,”
Then silence. For a brief moment, there was only silence, and when Tomoya opened his eyes, he was convinced he went blind, the darkness around him was truly all-consuming, not a single speck of light.
“Hibiki-senpai? Hibiki-senpai! Where…” Worry overtook him when he noticed his touch was absent from his hand.
“Stupid! You tell me to not let go and you’re the one who let go! Hibiki-senpai!” He tried calling out until he heard a soft noise from somewhere in the darkness. He quieted down to listen, it sounded like… Crying? Pain? Someone was in pain?
Uncaring of his initial fear, he rushed on ahead towards the sound, it’s not like there was anything he could bump into. The space was completely empty.
His eyes had adjusted to it enough to make out a figure, a familiar one. It was trembling, the source of the soft cries.
Tomoya immediately dropped to his knees in front of the other, but it seemed he was slipping right out of his hands, unable to touch him. Like he was losing him to the dark. He was disappearing. He could no longer see him. “Hibiki-senpai..? Wh...e.. Where are you?”
“Everywhere and nowhere, all around you is me.”
Tomoya tried to reach out one last time, focusing on the figure in front of himself, blindly reaching into the darkness and taking both his hands into his own. “Hibiki-senpai, I’m.. I’m holding your hand. I didn’t let go.”
Before he knew it, he was pulled into a hug, a tight one. Wataru held him to his chest, an unsure hand carding through his hair. He chose to relax in that embrace, his ear resting right above his heart, able to hear its frantic racing.
“I was… Certain you’d find me, even in the dark. Yet, I couldn’t help, but worry you’d get lost inside as I have.”
“Where are we?”
“My heart. My mind. My soul. A reflection of myself.”
Tomoya grasped onto Wataru’s shirt and nuzzled into his chest. “So… Is this how you wanted to show yourself to me?”
“Isn’t it hideous? None would be made happy if I allowed it to surface.”
Though he couldn’t see Wataru’s face clearly, he still lifted his head to look into his eyes, a hand reaching out to caress him. “I don’t mind that it’s dark… Because your embrace is still warm.”
There were tears rushing down Wataru’s cheeks as he brought up a hand, to intertwine it with Tomoya’s and nuzzle his cheek against it. “Is that so?”
“I finally caught you. The real you.” Acting on impulse, Tomoya leaned in closer, only hesitating a single moment before he’d seal their lips. He’s been waiting for this moment. When he no longer had to chase him. He was right here, emotions laid bare, without a barrier between them. This is how he wished to feel his lips for the first time. With their souls united and on full display for the other to see.
Wataru let go of Tomoya’s hand and his, now free, hand slipped up Tomoya’s arm, shoulder, and neck, finally settling in his hair. With a gentle massage to his scalp, Wataru urged him closer, to deepen the kiss.
Like this, the dark didn’t feel quite so scary. For neither of them.
It was like it ceased to exist. Everything did. Only each other and their warmth remained.
When their lips finally parted ways, Tomoya was about to say something when he caught a glimpse of…
“Hibiki-senpai? What is that?”
Wataru’s eyes remained shut, even after the kiss had ended, wishing to savor the sweetness of it just a while longer. He only opened them once called to look, his smile softening at the sight.
A little speck of light. It looked like a firefly. But it emanated bright enough light to illuminate them both. Now, Wataru could see Tomoya’s flushed face clearly. He chuckled, massaging his head a little more. “It’s you. This moment. Forever stored in a speck of light.”
As he said that, a few more of those little lights began to pop up around them.
“It’s bright…” Tomoya whispered, reaching out a hand to try and touch one of the other little lights. Which is when he noticed there was a moving picture inside that emitted the glow. And it was of him. Of him laughing over something dumb during a rehearsal. With Wataru in the background, wearing the softest little smile.
“Are these…?”
“Memories, yes. Memories where my real self had surfaced and found solace in the world.”
“It’s me…”
“Yes, it is. Most of them are.”
Tomoya dropped his forehead against Wataru’s shoulder, a soft sob leaving his lips. “How could I… Someone so… Insignificant…”
“Weren’t you the one who said someone’s darkness can be another’s light? What you deem undesirable, your normalcy… Is exactly what has allowed me to let loose and… Most importantly, feel safe by your side. With you, I find I can relax easier.”
“Why me..”
Instead of an audible response, Wataru took him by the chin softly and lifted his head, just enough to be able to bring their lips together again, for a brief moment. “Love doesn’t choose based on reason. So I cannot give you a precise reason. However, what I can do is show you my true devotion.”
“Hibiki-senpai… The lights. They’re warm…”
“Of course, for they are of my warmest of memories. It wouldn’t make sense if they didn’t emit the same warmth. Though nothing can ever replicate the exact feeling of the moment.”
Tomoya allowed his head to rest on Wataru’s shoulder and he moved to sit on his lap, letting himself be wrapped by that soft embrace of his. “It’s… comfortable here.”
“Is it truly? The lights will disappear soon and give way to the darkness once more.”
“Not if I keep creating new lights, right? So… I’ll stay right by your side so you won’t have to be lost in the darkness alone! And in turn, you show me how to become an even better actor! Deal?”
Wataru’s eyes pooled up with tears and he wrapped both his arms tight around the other’s smaller figure, clutching him to himself, not for a moment letting go. “Fufu… Deal.”
Wataru caressed his face, letting his head rest on top of his. “Rest now, Tomoya-kun. You’ve given me the greatest gift and the truest of love. Please, allow me to take care of you, right here, with my soul on full display just for you!”
There was a comfortable silence for a minute or two before Wataru would speak up, in the softest voice. “My dear Tomoya-kun… I adore you.”
“Mhm… I love you too, Hibiki-senpai,” almost asleep, he mumbled.
Tomoya smiled, shifting a bit in his lap, only to hear his heartbeat better and to nuzzle into his touch. “What I said before… About the performance..” With his smile slightly fading, he spoke up. “I’m sorry... I really didn’t mean that. I love acting next to you..”
“I didn’t take it to heart.”
“I never saw you so close to crying…”
“You really are quite observant. But it’s useless to cling to what had already happened. You’ve more than made up for it now. I’ve never been happier than now that I get to hold you so close.”
“I’m happy too... So don’t change your mind and let go of me anytime soon!”
“Nonsense, Tomoya-kun. I will never let you go. As long as you do not wish to leave.”
“I’d stay like this forever… It’s really…” Tomoya chuckled sleepily. “Amazing..”
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
they're the worst 💘
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He's so petty and for WHAT istg the things love and jealousy make you do. This remains one of the funniest exchanges in enstars dato.
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
wanting to draw mitsuru for the au vs tummy hurt
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cornflakes7 · 8 months
Enstars characters taking reader onto a simple but sweet cafe date for valentines day (with the song "Praline" by Kashiko as the theme...)
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Valentine’s 2024
Simple café date with the Ensemble Stars cast (if you couldn’t tell, I incorporated the lyrics of the song into the post)
Characters include everyone x GN Reader (seperate)
notes: hiiii! I wasn’t sure if you really wanted everybody in enstars to be in the same post, but I did what was says dear anon! This format will be a little bit different from my usual but I hope you enjoy
〜 “The way words exchange are still the same”. It’s only you and your date talking away in the comfort of the cozy café. The world felt unmoving and immobile when they hear the sound of your voice and laughter.
→ Ritsu Sakuma, Hiiro Amagi, Mao Isara, Hokuto Hidaka, Shu Itsuki, Eichi Tenshouin, Koga Oogami, Kuro Kiryu, Souma Kanzaki, Adonis Otogari, Tatsumi Kazehaya, Mitsuru Tenma, Anzu
〜 “Getting lost in the BGM in the store”. Your date’s thoughts adrift as they stare at your features lovingly while the music in the café continues to play, as if you two are the two main characters in a movie.
- Nagisa Ran, Nazuna Nito, Izumi Sena, Hinata Aoi, Madara Mikejima, Jun Sazanami, Keito Hasumi, Niki Shiina, Arashi Narukami, Kanata Shinkai, Makoto Yuuki, Yuzuru Fushimi, Seiya Hidaka
~ “Even if hope is thin, I like you still”. Your date being shy but not giving up their chance to hangout with you on Valentine’s day. As awkward as they might act, every little compliment and smile is whole-heartedly genuine.
- Midori Takamine, Hajime Shino, Shinobu Sengoku, Tsukasa Suou, Tomoya Mashiro, Aira Shiratori, Tetora Nagumo, Tsumugi Aoba, Mayoi Ayase, Mika Kagehira, Yuta Aoi
~ “If you give me something sweet again”. Your date treating this date as a chance to keep you company and entertained. Nothing makes them happier than hearing you laugh at their jokes and blush at their antics.
- Rinne Amagi, Sora Harukawa, Natsume Sakasaki, Subaru Akehoshi, Leo Tsukinaga, Hiyori Tomoe, Rei Sakuma, Kohaku Oukawa, Wataru Hibiki, Kaoru Hakaze, Tori Himemiya, Ibara Saegusa, Himeru
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tenshi-agerasia · 1 year
who would the minions serve in the ensemble stars universe
the ensemble stars x minions analysis that nobody asked for, under the cut
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okay so minions want to serve the most powerful (and evil) guy in the area/time they're in
if they enrolled at yumenosaki prior to the ! era they'd have been looking for a master and might've even worked under shu/valkyrie, who was the top unit at that time
"Imagining shu leading the fucking minions is horrifying"
[shu voice] come, my brethren, and let us engage in performance arts
nazuna and mika are very confused
actually mika would like them i think
but when the first revolution/war began, the minions would've caught sight of exfine and eichi
as exfine rose through the ranks and defeated the eccentrics eichi became immensely famous, and i think at least a third of the minions would serve him just because of this
eichi is easily entertained by them
they piss off keito
hiyori is very biased and can tell each minion apart
he names them things like Flowery One and Revolting One
nagisa does not understand what a minion is
tsumugi can fucking communicate in minionese
that's part of the reason natsume hates him so much. he can understand them and talk to them and it's horrifying
if the minions were to see eichi's actual plans on the surface level, that would be enough for them to see as evil
there's also the possibility that some minions might see eichi as "good" and exfine as heroes so they'd turn to serve the eccentrics instead
the minions don't harass rei because he scares them
they think he'd eat them
natsume does not like these little freaks
kanata has fun with them because i'm pretty sure they can't drown
if they can. well rip
chiaki hypes them up :)
but as far as i've seen in the minions franchise they prefer more powerful figures, and the eccentrics at that time were ostracized
and during the ! era trickstar revolution, eichi is definitely more of a villain character so the minions would attempt to help him
and then accidentally screw him over
wataru would love the minions
they're like tomoyas and little watarus to him
tori would absolutely hate them
he punts one when eichi isn't looking
yuzuru is indifferent but he likes having some help
trickstar is Very Conflicted
subaru and the minions would love each other
hokuto despises everything that they stand for
mao is like. huh. ok.
makoto "eek!"s at the sight of one
in !! era, eichi is less of a hero/villain/morally grey guy and just A Girl . at this point the remaining minions under him would either stay or find a new master, possibly gatekeeper
the minions piss him off very effectively
after kohaku beats up gatekeeper or whatever they start to follow him instead
"i imagine [kohaku] showing rinne and rinne shakes one to death or something"
niki would absolutely wonder what they taste like
himeru talks to the minions
"himeru is confused" "bwahaha!! barosoeflksernuina" "himeru does not like you very much"
yknow how ibara has mouse drones and mayoi keeps destroying them. yeah. that with the minions
ibara's upset that his spies are disappearing and he barges into mayoi's house and there's just a giant nest of minions
after meeting a minion midori's attempted murder count rises from 2 to 25
leo says he "feels inspired" by the minions and then composes the most shit song known to man
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makur0 · 2 years
thinking abt rinne angst to fluff rn ,,,,, like what would happen after a fight or smthn 🤔
"I'm sorry for yelling."
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synopsis — how do they feel after they got into a heated argument with you, and how do they repair it? [various enstars! x gn! reader]
content warnings — sfw, angst to fluff, hurt/comfort
author's note — i think this is the first time where i write for everybody at once (labeled scenarios) so im gonna be working with characters i haven't yet. but MMMM YES ANGST
word count — 529
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Realizes his mistake as soon as he calms down. He's vulnerable during the heat of the moment, and because of that weakness he hurts you. He cares for you, he really does, so immediately he goes to you and apologizes and admits that he was in the wrong. So please accept it, because the poor man keeps breaking his heart over your tear-stricken face. Definitely will need some hugs and cuddles and needs you reassuring him that you still love the man.
Chiaki Morisawa, Yuta Aoi, Nagisa Ran, Mao Isara, Hokuto Hidaka, Rei Sakuma, Tsumugi Aoba
Knows what he did was wrong but won't fess up. He has a reputation to protect, even if it means that he has to work with the growing guilt on his shoulders. Because of that he brings down everybody else around him, and you are sent to settle things with him. As soon as you talk to him the dam breaks, and he's on his knees, apologizing for the pain that he has caused you. When in reality, it scared him more...
Ibara Saegusa, Tsukasa Suou, Eichi Tenoushin, Izumi Sena, Shu Itsuki, HiMERU
Acts like nothing went wrong. It's a sort of coping mechanism for him; he just plays it off like nothing happened (this is after you were the one to apologize). But deep down he still regrets what he did to you, and that little part is pushing him to relent and confess. It's going to take quite a while for him to actually say something about it, but for now he won't be worrying about it. For now.
Rinne Amagi, Tori Himemiya, Kohaku Oukawa, Wataru Hibiki, Hinata Aoi
Beats himself up for it. Like the first scenario they know what they did immediately after, but now they're so guilty about it they won't go to you. Believes that it was your breaking point, you don't want him anymore. Won't rest easy unless you go to him and reassure him that you're alright now. He's going to be more careful around you from now on, but will definitely be a bit more clingy.
Ritsu Sakuma, Souma Kanzaki, Yuzuru Fushimi, Keito Hasumi, Makoto Yuuki, Niki Shiina, Tomoya Mashiro, Mika Kagehira, Nazuna Nito, Midori Takamine
Doesn't trust himself around you. The fear in your eyes when he yelled at you will haunt him forevermore. He never, ever wants you to be like that again, so he believes it's best for him to stop talking to you altogether. Of course you try to confront him, and slowly but surely you'll build up his confidence that you truly love him, which you do.
Kuro Kiryu, Adonis Otogari, Madara Mikejima, Kaoru Hakaze, Jun Sazanami, Mayoi Ayase, Hiiro Amagi
Will apologize to you indirectly. Whether they just don't feel right conveying their sorrys verbally or he thinks that expressing their love through actions, it's obvious that they're trying. So you accept it wholeheartedly... everybody has their strengths and weaknesses after all.
Hiyori Tomoe, Leo Tsukinaga, Tetora Nagumo, Aira Shiratori, Natsume Sakasaki, Mitsuru Tenma, Subaru Akehoshi
They don't or rarely yell at you, it's not in their nature :)
Tatsumi Kazehaya, Hajime Shino, Sora Harukawa, Shinobu Sengoku, Arashi Narukami, Kanata Shinkai
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dailyhelldorm · 5 months
New Office Interactions - Eichi's relation
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This is an archiving post from a Twitter thread. This will get updated regularly as I find more interactions in the future.
Eichi still has some but I can't find more, so I will try my best to continue updating.
Before you start...
This is a more refined version compared to the thread, I fixed my wording and mistakes. Also adding images and the original credits.
I don't put the characters in any order, everything is based on the uploaded day of the screenshots to determine whether the interaction is old or new.
It is said that some of the old interactions have been deleted from the game, the purpose of this post is to archive.
Disclaimer: Most of the pictures don't belong to me, and I own none. They rightfully belong to the person who uploads the screenshots and of course, Happy Element K. K.
© 2014-2019 Happy Elements K.K. 画像等の内容はハピエレ及び一部の投稿者を属しております。無断転載のためお許させていきただきます。削除されてほしい場合はTumblrやX(旧Twitter)などご連絡ください。
Eichi's New Interactions
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This is a new interaction. Images by しお @son873
Kaoru: I am troubled with getting into my new role~ Eichi: If it is fine with you, I can hear you out.
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This is a new interaction. Images by とりけらとぷす@mUdw7fSXn6zMG0x
Keito: Eichi! What this plan document is all about!? Eichi: Fufu ♪ Don't you think it is quite an interesting idea?
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This is a new interaction. Images by HOGARA @hogara_n
Eichi: We should sometimes have a chess game. Leo: Oh, alright! I will take you up on that offer!
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This is a new interaction. Images by とりけらとぷす @mUdw7fSXn6zMG0x
Eichi: The play on the other day was fantastic. Wataru: Oh, so you have come and watched me ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by ぽめる @po_mazing
Eichi: Mashiro-kun, do you have any problems you are worrying about? Tomoya: No, I don't! Everything has already been resolved!
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Tsumugi: The book I borrowed the day before was quite fascinating ♪ Eichi: I’m glad the book is useful to you.
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This is a new interaction. Images by り @usasheep
Eichi: Yah, how are you? Shu: NON! Don’t you dare talk to me!
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Sena: Hey, ain't your face look pale? Eichi: Maybe because I overworked a little bit too much?
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Madara: I read the article that has been going around. Eichi: So you have heard about it as well.
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Eichi: I have high hopes for your work. Tsukasa: Please entrust to me! Tenshouin-oniisama.
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This is a new interaction. Images by さじ @rondo_r48
Ritsu: Can you make the tea for me? Eichi: Should I also prepare some tea snacks too?
Eichi's Old Interactions
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Images by あいす@🚗🍷🚬💸 @Rei_Kaoru_aice
Eichi: I am looking forward to seeing the true strength of the revolutionist. Tatsumi: You are overvaluing me too much.
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Images by うる💚 @uru_0504
Eichi: Thank you for always helping me, Yuzuru. Yuzuru: No, it isn't something major to offer me words of gratitude.
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Images by nekoma@ただ今低浮上 @nekoma_hough
Eichi: Hokuto, did you see my email? Hokuto: … if it is something important then you can tell me directly right now.
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Images by ジジジ @jijiji_st
Eichi: Don't you feel lonely when Sena-kun isn't here? Makoto: Not at all, I don't feel like that.
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Images by ネネ @neneansta
Eichi: I see that you have been working hard on filming your previous drama. Tori: Ehehe, I will continue my best next time too ♪
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Images by ここあ @COCOA_210_n (Not dorm-related but mentioning Eichi)
Tori: You were the revolutionist that Eichi-sama acknowledged...? Tatsumi: Fufu. That was just an ancient talk.
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Images by 水原つえ @magictsue
Eichi: Recently what kind of manga has become popular? Midori: U~hm, If you talk about shounen manga then maybe that title.
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Images by れべるよん @yui_egumi
Eichi: How about we have some leisure tea time, Wataru? Wataru: Why of course, let’s have some together.
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Images by たこ @takoyea_
Eichi: It seems that today you will return late too. Aira: That's because there are so many things to do every day...!
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
Do you think Wataru would already know about the cease and desists? Would Tomoya?
Oh wataru would find out, he has his ways. He'd make subtle references that would leave eichi wondering whether he's reading too much into them, or are they on purpose, and if they are, did keito tell wataru (im leaning towards no, wataru found out through other means, keito's just the bus driver entangled in this mess against his will)......no surely he didnt, why would he....well why indeed, but eichi cant just bring it up and ask right away. It'd be such a painful time for Everyone else around them for a few days while the tension grows. Rip yuzuru for having to be in the most awkward fine training session of his life until it becomes clear what the issue was, rpf, things calm down in the eichi sphere, but unfortunately yuzuru does end up discovering yzib fanfics after this whole ordeal. What happens next i leave to more qualified people to say. And does ibara know about the yuzuiba rpf...
Imo tomoya wouldnt know this was happening until it became public knowledge at the end. Do you think he'd be disappointed in the low number of tomoya x hokuto fics, or would that be a fairly popular ship in universe? Personally i think there wouldnt be many fanfics. Id like to see the epilogue of this be mitsuru listening to tomoya sighing about this
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animeweeb115 · 5 months
◈Masterlist◈ (Main)
Project Sekai Rarity: 4 Star, 3 Star, 2 Star, Birthday
VIRTUAL SINGER Miku Hatsune, Rin Kagamine, Len Kagamine, Luka Megurine, MEIKO, KAITO
Leo/need Ichika Hoshino, Saki Tenma, Honami Mochizuki, Shiho Hinomori
MORE MORE JUMP! Minori Hanasato, Haruka Kiritani, Airi Momoi, Shizuku Hinomori
Vivid BAD SQUAD Kohane Azusawa, An Shiraishi, Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi
Wonderlands x Showtime Tsukasa Tenma, Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi, Rui Kamishiro
25-ji, Nightcord de. Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome, Mizuki Akiyama
Ensemble Stars!! Rarity: 5 Star, 4 Star, 3 Star
STARMAKER PRODUCTION fine Eichi Tenshouin, Wataru Hibiki, Tori Himemiya, Yuzuru Fushimi
Trickstar Hokuto Hidaka, Subaru Akehoshi, Makoto Yuuki, Mao Isara
RYUSEITAI Chiaki Morisawa, Kanata Shinkai, Tetora Nagumo, Midori Takamine, Shinobu Sengoku
ALKALOID Hiiro Amagi, Aira Shiratori, Mayoi Ayase, Tatsumi Kazehaya
COSMIC PRODUCTION Eden Nagisa Ran, Hiyori Tomoe, Ibara Saegusa, Jun Sazanami
Valkyrie Shu Itsuki, Mika Kagehira
2wink Hinata Aoi, Yuta Aoi
Crazy:B Rinne Amagi, HiMERU, Kohaku Oukawa, Niki Shiina
Rhythm Link UNDEAD Rei Sakuma, Kaoru Hakaze, Koga Oogami, Adonis Otogari
Ra*bits Tomoya Mashiro, Nazuna Nito, Mitsuru Tenma, Hajime Shino
AKATSUKI Keito Hasumi, Kuro Kiryu, Souma Kanzaki
Knights Tsukasa Suou, Leo Tsukinaga, Izumi Sena, Ritsu Sakuma, Arashi Narukami
Switch Natsume Sakasaki, Tsumugi Aoba, Sora Harukawa
MaM Madara Mikejima
Tears of Themis Rarity: SSR, SR, MR Other: GIF, Video, Base, Evolve 1, Evolve 2
Luke Pearce, Artem Wing, Vyn Richter, Marius von Hagen
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hxneylavendxr · 1 year
What if Hajime Hinata was in Enstars
he would get eaten alive but it would start with him doing his Oh I'm such a regular guy I just don't fit in with all of these Extraordinary people...
and tomoya goes Hey :( that's my thing and develops a plot with hokuto and reluctantly with wataru as well to drive him out and like hajime and nazuna catch wind of this so it starts going into circles with ibara and kuro and then shu and then mika and then arashi and ritsu and then the rest of knights and etcetera etcetera until the entire school is covertly after his ass and he doesn't make it out alive because he's a little dumb wimp
and that's how the official super danganronpa 2 x ensemble stars ! era crossover event went back in 2017
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rizelcchi · 2 years
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A love letter…?
WataTomo content for my own sanity.
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tenshi-agerasia · 7 months
ensemble stars characters as things i experienced on a cruise to mexico
i'm waiting for a flight that i'm ten hours early for so here's some rare 鬼畜 text content . incorrect quotes and imagined scenarios, long post under the cut
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starting off with some incorrect quotes
rei: can you walk?
eichi: i think so, i'm much more energetic nowadays-
rei: no you're not. shiratori-kun, get him a wheelchair, we're skipping all the lines at the airport‎‎
eichi, getting physically patted down by tsa in a small dark room because his wheelchair couldn't go through the full-body scanner and it was too much physical effort to stand up: this is all sakuma-kun's fault
aira: tenshouin-senpai! you almost left your louis vuitton designer scarf at the security checkpoint! what if someone had stolen it?!
eichi: thank you, shiratori-kun! but it's fake
akatsuki in the elevator with a group of strangers
stranger, in a thick southern accent: so what're y'all up to t'night?
souma stares straight ahead. he thinks the stranger isn't talking to them.
stranger, feeling slightly awkward: so, y'all stayin' in your room?
kuro: um... yeah
keito: how did he know that our room doesn't have a window
kuro: ???
keito: ??? he said something about our stateroom not having a window like his
kuro: you mean when he asked if we were staying in our room?
hokuto: how much money have you spent at the arcade
makoto: uhhhh... i don't know, i'm not good at math
mao: how much did each of the figurine blind bags cost you
makoto: four plays is $4.50 and i get an average of 87 tickets at the piano game. the gachapon is 750 tickets each, and 750 / 87 = around 8.62 plays, and 8.62 x 4.50 / 4 = $9.6975
wataru: iiiiiit's..... showtiiiiiime....
yuta: can we leave
hinata: the waiters are dancing now, we can't just leave
one minute later
yuta: can we leave
hinata: i'd love to see you try to leave in this situation
three minutes later
yuta: can we leave
jun: i don't like my new haircut
jin, shaking his head knowingly: yeah you shouldn't have cut it on a cruise
jun: i lied. i love my new haircut it means the world to me
jun, still struggling to come to terms with his new haircut: now i kind of look like the scaramouche guy from genshin
hiyori: i was thinking more like edna from the incredibles
some people that i encountered!
kaoru as the guy that (successfully) invited one of the waitresses to dance
yuzuru as the sweet lady who asked me how to swipe her room card for the arcade because her son (tori) wanted to play a game
ritsu as my mom who spent most of the time sleeping
rinne as the tour guide that would add "rawr" to the end of his jokes
tsumugi as the poor woman who got stuck in a hammock and had to ask me for help
yuta as my brother who i forced to go on a rusty cable sliding thing you could only hold on to by hand, only for it to get stuck before it reached the middle
hinata as me who dragged the rope attached to the handle and tried to run (on sand) to pull yuta/my brother on the cable slide, only for him to fall (on sand)
rei as the people who watched and laughed
yuzuru as me playing the discord golf game with my friends on vc, only to get screwed over by the lag from cruise wifi
anzu as my friends who were still at home and took this chance to win by miles
makoto as my brother and i when we made one of the arcade machines run out of tickets to dispense three times
makoto as my brother who dominated the entire leaderboard of a piano game with his high scores
tomoya as my mom who was upset that she didn't get to see any flamingos up close
mao as the guest services guy who kept getting interrupted by phone calls that lasted less than 50 seconds
tsumugi as the worker who asked me "do you speak mandarin or chinese?"
adonis as my dad who would only eat meat because "it's more worth it that way"
hiyori as the hair stylist that gave me the scaramouche/edna haircut and kept calling me "madame" and insisted that i trust his vision (he was a lovely guy, i just wanted it more short :()
anzu as my aunts that were constantly trying to video call my mom on wechat, only for the call to disconnect because cruise wifi sucks
mayoi as the dinner waiter that jumpscared my mom on the lunch buffet line
midori as the buffet worker who kept sorting the lettuce leaves by size and color
rinne as the guy at the casino who told a worker he wanted to "have a gambling addiction responsibly"
tori and tsukasa as the little girls who tried to convince their mom to let them eat only cake for lunch
kaoru as the white guy who tried to engage in a conversation with me in the elevator but only made the situation more awkward
souma as the guy who got into an argument with someone (kaoru) over whether the fish he ate was bass or salmon (it was salmon with some bass)
shinobu as the boy who ran up and down the stairs yelling that he was looking for ducks (?)
wataru as the russian lady in charge of the dining room who would loudly whisper "iiiiiit's...... showtiiiiiiime" into a microphone every evening
tomoya as the waiter with a tired, dead inside expression who still had to dance for the russian lady's "showtime"
adonis as the guy that woke up at six in the morning to run laps around the deck for some unknown reason
wataru as the guy who posed for a picture like he was pinching the setting sun
hokuto as the guy taking the picture, but from an angle that made wataru look like he was pinching nothing and standing there stupidly
promo time ~ preorders for the niki's cookbook fanzine are open until march 12! i made some recipes for it, go check it out :)
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kagesnotebook · 3 years
hey all, I'm Kage! nice to see you here. I've always wanted to dabble in some NSFW writing, and just writing in general, fluff and whatnot, tho I won't write angst!, and there's no time like the present to start. first I'd like to list a few fandoms/characters I'll write for! keep in mind I want to focus on x readers so no ships,, sorry
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Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Luke (SFW only)
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Twisted Wonderland
Idia Shroud
Ortho Shroud (SFW only)
Riddle Roseheart
Deuce Spade
Ace Trappola
Cater Diamond
Trey Clover
Leona Kingscholar
Jack Howl
Ruggie Bucchi
Azul Ashengrotto
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Kalim Al-Asim
Jamil Viper
Vil Schoenheit
Rook Hunt
Epel Felmier
Malleus Draconia
Sebek Zigvolt
Lilia Vanrouge
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Ensemble Stars
Eichi Tenshouin
Wataru Hibiki
Tori Himemiya
Yuzuru Fushimi
Hokuto Hidaka
Subaru Akehoshi
Makoto Yuuki
Mao Isara
Chiaki Morisawa
Kanata Shinkai
Tetora Nagumo
Midori Takamine
Shinobu Sengoku
Hiiro Amagi
Aira Shiratori
Tatsumi Kazehaya
Mayoi Ayase
Nagisa Ran
Hiyori Tomoe
Jun Sazanami
Ibara Saegusa
Shu Itsuki
Mika Kagehira
Hinata Aoi
Yuta Aoi
Rinne Amagi
Kohaku Oukawa
Niki Shiina
Rei Sakuma
Kaoru Hakaze
Koga Oogami
Adonis Otogari
Tomoya Mashiro
Nazuna Nito
Mitsuru Tenma
Hajime Shino
Keito Hasumi
Kuro Kiryu
Souma Kanzaki
Tsukasa Suou
Leo Tsukinaga
Ritsu Sakuma
Izumi Sena
Arashi Narukami
Natsume Sakasaki
Tsumugi Aoba
Sora Harukawa
Madara Mikejima
thanks for reading aha! I hope my writing lives up to your expectations!
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
Do you think Eichi is more severe with the idol/idol people or with the people who write the enstars equivalent of BTS imagines
Idol/idol. X reader imagines can have redeeming qualities (He Is The Reader. But i think he'd get annoyed in a "wataru wouldnt fucking say that" way and he'd lose interest in the genre) but idol/idol rpf? He'd be taking down wttm shipper ao3 accounts left and right. And calm himself down by thinking up new ways to torture tomoya. This might as well already be part of why he hates tomoya and we just dont know yet. And it's not like eichi can go discuss what to do about the wttm fic writers to wataru, thatd be too embarassing, so how is he letting out his frustrations? Poor keito man, i know he's had to hear so much whining on the subject. In my head he was also mutuals with one of the wttm writers on priv and he's so incredibly done with this situation. Keito valentines day scout where he stops eichi from threatening to sue rpf writers who ship the wrong ships is going to be real and true, trust
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kazemiya · 2 years
★彡 Fine
Tenshouin Eichi
Tori Himemiya
Wataru Hibiki
Yuzuru Fushimi
Makoto Yuuki
pining headcanons with Makoto
Hokuto Hidaka
Cute couple things between the two of you
How to steal a Princess’s Heart (SMAU)
Subaru Akehoshi
Avoiding your crush
Mao Isara
Mao x gn!reader that is a make up artist during a photoshoot
Getting jealous after attending s/o’s concert
Kanata Shinkai
Flowers that I associate them with
Flower shop AU + Kanata
Tetora Nagumo
Chiaki Morisawa
Flowers that I associate them with
Taylor swift lyrics that represent you and them
You were a fan !?!
Cute couple things between the two of you
Chiaki in a relationship
Shinobu Sengoku
Midori Takamine
Short s/o trying to carry them
With a gn! Tall reader
Mayoi Ayase
Aira Shiratori
Aira with a gn!reader that likes having their hair played when they are stressed
Hiiro Amagi
Getting jealous after attending s/o concert
Short s/o trying to carry them
Pretending to be your lover
Sleeping during cuddling
Tatsumi Kazehaya
Tatsumi with a s/o that spends too much money on him
Ibara Saegusa
Reader that is oblivious to their advances
You were a fan !?!
Nagisa Ran
Date headcanons with nagisa
Mermaid!Nagisa and fisher!reader
With a painter s/o
You were a fan !?!
Hiyori Tomoe
Jun Sazanami
Going to a cat cafe
Cute couple things between the two of you
Mika Kagehira
Soothing his sore throat
Shu Itsuki
Flowers that I associate them with
With a painter s/o
Yuta Aoi
Yuta x gn!reader that is a make up artist during a photoshoot
Hinata Aoi
Hinata x gn!reader that is a make up artist during a photoshoot
Reader that is oblivious to their advances
Sleeping during cuddling
★彡Crazy B
Kohaku Oukawa
kissing headcanons with kohaku
Napping headcanons with kohaku
Avoiding your crush
Reader that is oblivious to their advances
Kohaku with a Ballet s/o
Rinne Amagi
Flowers that I associate them with
Niki Shiina
Flowers that I associate them with
Adonis Otogari
Rei Sakuma
Sakuma brothers with a sickly, little sister who over-studies herself (platonic)
Kaoru Hakaze
Coffeeshop AU
Koga Ogami
Mitsuru Tenma
Cuddling headcanons with Mitsuru
Hajime Shino
Cuddling headcanons with Hajime
Nazuna Nito
With a tall gn! Reader
Flowers that I associate them with
Sharing earphones with Nazuna
Love makes us do silly things
Tomoya Mashiro
Kuro Kiryu
Keito Hasumi
kissing headcanons with keito
Souma Kanzaki
Flowers that I associate them with
Tsukasa Suou
Fake dating + Tsukasa
Flowers that I associate them with
Arashi Narukami
Pretending to be your lover
Soft hours with Arashi and Ritsu
Cute couple things between the two of you
Leo Tsukinaga
Leo dragging you to sleep
Getting jealous after attending s/o concert
Going to a cat cafe
Royal au
Taylor Swift lyrics that represent you and them
Leo and his muse
Izumi Sena
When you think they aren’t listening
Getting jealous after attending s/o concert
Love makes us do silly things
Ritsu Sakuma
Ritsu and matching flower things
Sakuma brothers with a sickly, little sister who over-studies herself (platonic)
Forgotten memories
Soft hours with Arashi and Ritsu
Tsumugi Aoba
Natsume Sakasaki
College roommates with Natsume
Natsume dragging you to sleep
Studying late in the library with Natsume
Taylor Swift lyrics that represent you and them
Midnight snack runs
Sora Harukawa
Madara Mikejima
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mmmmulbery · 3 years
Oh. OH hun I have so much to say abt it where do you want me to start with it
I wrote a lot so if u want to see a whole not really alphabet! Basically 26 facts it's under the read more 💕 but here's some mer au art
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A)​ YuzuEi versus terrified and unpaid intern aira shiratori
B) unpaid intern aira shiratori and his pirate boyfriends kohaku oukawa and hiiro amagi who he simply thinks are one person because kohaku is currently penning for both of them
C) Sena Izumi the ocean ensemble square mer rescue operation employee who does not believe mer are real
D) Wataru Hibiki is about the size of 3 football fields and Eichi treads the line between scientifically fascinated and in love (dubious)
E) Tsumugi Aoba the OES executive with the strongest tazer on site
F) Hajime shino the mer Sanctuary receptionist and his barely awake boyfriend who works 9-5 tomoya mashiro
G) turned human au souma not being able to hold his head up and requiring a head brace
H) Kanata is the ecosystem
I) nagisa grabs a helicopter out of the sky
J) yuzuru is over 6 foot tall
K) "I want to kiss my boyfriend but he is so strong and my lips are so strong"
L) young tatsujun at the edge of the Sanctuary with a younger mer hiyori in the distance
M) mama mer tranquilizer gun
N) 7 amongus in the employee lounge.
O) yuzuru and the inflatable t Rex costume
P) tatsumi feeds mer mayoi (literally)
Q) half mer tsukasa passes out at the feet of Leo's computer
R)​ midori​ is still the vegetable boy
S) yuzuru has two Jaws (moray eel)
T) jun is the best pirate captain ever
U) tatsumi had hid leg eaten
V) hiyori wears ship sails as her shawls
W) kasa tori childhood friends, kasa gives tori broken spoons from the estate, tori has the little mermaid cavern of trinkets
Y) oes also has an elevator.
Z) anzu HR manager (shreds complaints daily)
I had 2 much fun so I did a whole list that accidentally turned into an alphabet so I would cap myself off thank you I am so sorry this is way too much info
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