#Weiss is done with snow
razorblade180-heated · 8 months
Pretty Face
Disclaimer- Nsfw
Yang:Weiss, I have a profound and serious question. Top or bottom? And I mean spiritually.
Weiss:That last part doesn’t make this profound.
Yang:But I am serious.
Weiss:..I’m a bottom at heart.
Yang:How much so?
Weiss couldn’t help but slowly think back to a “special” encounter with Jaune. She had really gotten all dolled up for him. Her hair was freshly curled to give her ponytail a drill shape. Icy blue eyeshadow with carefully managed mascara and lipstick to match. All that money and effort in makeup for the soul purpose of it running down her face.
She could barely breathe or hear the music in their hotel room over the sound of her throat closing around her boyfriend’s length. Not that she was listening to it. Her ears only cared about the constant sound of a gruff “good girl” that kept her eyes watering and on knees. Her carefully done hair felt the firm grasp of his hand controlling head, keeping it right between his legs while her own dripped more than the spit that ran down her chin. Weiss was an utter mess, but the sultry gaze looking down at her told such a beautiful lie that she couldn’t resist.
“That’s it. Keep making that pretty face.”
Gods, she wanted this moment to last forever; this feeling that dulled her mind and flooded her senses. Right to the point flood poured down her throat. Her entire body felt warm and overwhelmed. She couldn’t even tell who this was for anymore, until the answer came sliding out of her mouth. As she took a first proper breath after what felt like ages, her face remained right where it was, lapping up what dripped from the swollen tip, before moving onto leaving her lipstick all over on the package responsible for the taste in her mouth. She could still feel her ponytail under his control and Weiss was just fine with that.
“What do you say?”
“Thank you~” a twinge of pain on her scalp hit as she felt his grip tighten. Silly her. How could she forget? “Daddy. Thank you, Daddy.”
“Anything for my girl. Now then, your makeup isn’t finished yet.”
Weiss dragged her tongue all the way up along his girth before filling her throat again, her head bobbing as she devoured him; until her makeup was finally perfect.
Weiss:*bright red*……I ask and provides; or rather, indulges my more conservative side. Let’s leave it at that.
Yang:You were totally having a flashback to something but I won’t pry too far. I might have to share my own dirty laundry otherwise. *walks away* thanks for indulging my curiosity.
Weiss:….*pulls out scroll*
Jaune:Hey Snow Angel. Everything okay.
Weiss:Yeah. Just…thinking.
Weiss:If……If you can help me with my makeup later?
Jaune:Of course. I’ll make sure you look real pretty.
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arc-misadventures · 6 months
Heavens Newest Angel
Nora: Why! (Sobbing uncontrollably)
Ren: Why must the good always die so young…?
Weiss: I’ll never get to hear him call me, Snow Angel again…
Oscar: Big bro…
Yang: My blond bro… he’s gone…
Blake: My threesome fantasies… They’re all over now… all over…
Ruby: (Sniff)
Ruby: I know… I know we are all saddened by the loss of our dear… dear friend, Jaune Arc. But, we should rejoice in the life he lived, and the actions he took within this life. His self sacrifice saved all of us. Saved the word! We should celebrate in his nobleness that he would do all these things to save us, and the world!
Ruby: We lost our golden haired angel, but heaven gained a new one! An angel that shines above all others! And, from up on high he is smiling at us, smiling at a job well done. He is smiling down upon us. He is smiling… s-smiling…
Ruby, then felt tears falling down uncontrollably down her face as her friends rushed over to console their grief stricken friend.
It was a sad day for them, one that they would all remember. But, they knew there was a new angel up above, smiling down on them.
And, that was all the comfort their grieving hearts needed.
Meanwhile in hell.
The Gates of Hell blew open as an irate blond steps through.
Jaune: Haaaa…
I thought I already did something like this before.
But, apparently I did not.
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How about some white knight
Weiss inherited her family company and needs a good secretary. Her old classmate Jaune is looking for a job so why not hire him. On his first day Weiss gives him his new uniform, a speedo and collar and nothing else. At first it was great but she might have to hire another secretary to actually get some work done considering how much time she waists toying with the blonde boy.
Hope you like it, and good luck with the new blog.
Being the secretary to Weiss Schnee wa sa task not many were qualified or able to perform. While tending to the company need, you also had to cater to her own well. Something her current one, Jaune arc, learned on during his duration.
Day 1:
Jaune stared at himself in the mirror withing Weiss's office, confusion and uncertainty evident on his face.
"Umm, Weiss, are you sure this is a standard issue SDC uniform?" He questioned
The uniform in question, a light blue speedo that tightly squeezed his groin, causing an ever-present bulge on the front, and a simple collar with a white bow tie.
The woman in question stiffled a snicker before composing herself. "Of course it is, jaune. All secretaries that came before you wore this outfit without any complants"
And obvious lie.
"But if you feel it's inappropriate..."
Jaune shook his head, putting the matter to rest. "No, it's fine. Just kinda tight is all."
He looked in the mirror once more, "Does this speedo make my butt look big?"
Weiss wiped her mouth of the stream of saliva that leaked from her mouth as she stared at the blonde.
"Yes, Perfectly so"
DAY 2:
"Jaune, could you come here, please?"
"What do you need Ms. Schnee?" He asked as he entered the office, a noticeable blush covering his face.
Weiss pointed to a stack of papers on the floor. "Do you mind picking those up for me. As you can see *motioning to the mess of papers on her desk* I'm a bit busy over here"
Jaune, seeing nothing wrong happily agreed, bending over to pick up the conveniently dropped behind the door, papers. Giving the heiress a clear view of his toned ass, the speedo wedging itself between his cheeks. A perversely satisfied grin spread across her face as he stood.
"Thank you, Jaune, that will be all for now" She said, discretly wiping away blood that trinkled from her nose.
DAY 5:
Weiss was on a video call with some conglomerates about a potential business opportunity in regards to the untapped dusk deposit on Menagerie. All the while, her face was red with sweat pouring down it.
"Are you alright, Ms. Schnee?" One asked
Weiss simply nodded, passing it off as the air conditioner being on the fritz. When in truth, Jaune was on his knees with his head locked in her groin by her creamy white thighs as he was ordered to eat Weiss out during her business calls. His long, flat tongue hitting just the right spots.
"God's you eat cunt so fucking good" she muttered, keeping sure to not alert the conglomerates to her secret activity. Her delicate hands grabbed hold of his blonde, pushing him into her core further.
"Keep eating my cunt like this and I'll give you a tasty reward~" She moaned
"Excuse me, Ms. Schnee?"
"I said this opportunity would be hard to ignore" She replied quickly, covering her words descretly.
" Of course it is! Those ani...."
Weiss zoned out of what they were saying as her climax was approaching fast. She squeezed her thighs tighter around Jaune's head, locking him in place as she came. Her clear lady like juices splatter against his face like a tsunami.
"Oh fuck.....good boy" she cooed, stroking his he like a dog. Turning back to the meeting like nothing happened. " Now as you were saying"
DAY 10:
"AAAAHHH WEEISSSS!!!" Jaune screamed, his hand gently gripping her snow white locks as she bobbed her head up and down his cock.
What started this was when he brought i her a cup of coffee after a stressful meeting. He offered her cream, but she wasn't interested in the kinda from a cow. Instead, pinning him against a wall as she inhaled his cock like her life depended on it, making him scream and moan in pleasure.
"WEISS! SLOW DOWN....I'M GONNA......" he warned.
The heiress ripped herself of his length, using one hand to stroke him to completion and the other holding her coffee under his tip.
"Do it." She commanded, "CUM for me.....Right now"
Jaune grunted on last time before letting loose.a torrent of pearl white seed. The volume of his ejaculated filling her mug, coating her hand, and staining the floor.
Once he shown signs of stopping, Weiss raise her cum covered coffee to her lips taking a lon yet dainty sip. Humming approvingly, as she licked her lips
"Hmm, good consistency, above average duration, but the taste could be improved on~"
Day 15:
"Is Jaune working overtime again?"
"Fraid so."
"Drat, I was hoping to invite him out for a drink. Geez, Ms. Schnee must be working him like a dog."
"OH FUCK!!" Weiss cried as she felt jaune's warm life giving fluid fill her narrow crevice for the 4th time.
The two of them have been going at it since lunch hours, yet shown no clear signs of fatigue or the desire to stop. At least for Weiss, her secretary in only name was a different story. Jaune was panting like a dog, sweat pouring down his body, and his cock sore and sensitive from continuous use.
"Weiss, please.....let me rest......i......I can't keep going...:
She glared at him and yanked the collar she made him wear harshly, earn a yelp from the blonde.
Day 20:
"And that concludes this interview, thank you for come, Ms. Smith" Weiss smiled at her new secretary.
The woman, a shy and nervous rabbit faunus, returned her smile and shook her hand.
" I want to thank you for this opportunity Ms. Schnee. But I do have a bit of a question"
Weiss raised an eyebrow
"What happened to the last secretary?"
Weiss smiled once more, rubbing the growing bump in her stomach.
"Let's just say he got promoted to personal assistant
Sorry it took so long. Also thanks for the support
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holylulusworld · 8 months
The assistant (9) - Revenge for champions
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Summary: You are invisible most of the time.
Pairing: Former!Boss!Steve Rogers x Former!Assistant(plussized)!Reader
Possible pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Curtis Everett x Reader, Ari Levinson x Reader, Andy Barber x Reader, Mike Weiss x Reader
Warnings: angst, flirty CEvans characters, language, plussized/chubby reader, protective brothers, Lloyd being Lloyd, fluff, domestic brothers, Steve Rogers being annoying, arguments
The assistant masterlist
The assistant (8) – A Captain and six brothers
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That bastard is still out there. He’s lurking,” Lloyd grumbles angrily. “Let me get the big guns out. I’ll kill him with one precise blow to his ugly face.”
“Lloyd we talked about this. We won’t kill Captain America,” Andy tuts. He checks on the security cameras again.
“But the thought is nice—” Lloyd flashes his brother a smirk. “Right? Don’t you want to lose control sometimes and just punch the asshole?”
“You’ll only break your hand,” you grab Lloyd’s hand before he can punch an invisible enemy. “We talked about this. Let me handle my former boss. He’s stubborn but will lose interest soon enough.”
“I don’t think he will leave anytime soon,” Ari looks out of the window to keep an eye on Steve. He’s sitting in front of the gate, pouting like an angry child.
“Fine,” you huff. “He leaves me no choice.” You get your phone out to call someone to get Steve off your friends’ property. “I hate getting him involved, but this can’t be helped.”
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“Gentlemen,” Tony watches you and the brothers step out of the mansion. He grins and licks his lips at Steve’s reaction. The captain barks orders at your friends, ready to take the gate down.
“Mr. Stark, thank you for coming,” you usher the brothers toward the gate. “I didn’t know what else to do. The captain won’t believe me that I stay at my friends’ place on free terms.”
Tony flashes you a smile. He’s still disappointed that you didn’t want to work for him but understands that you needed space and tried to start a new life, with a new job. 
“Anything for you, darling,” he gives you a curt nod before turning his attention toward Steve. “Cap, we should go now. There’s nothing for us to do here.”
“Tony, they are holding Y/N hostage,” Steve points at you standing next to the brothers. Ari, Lloyd, and Curtis immediately crowd you. “See, they won’t let her breathe. I can only imagine what they have done to her since she came here.”
“OH, yeah,” Tony smirks at his friend. “She looks very displeased.” He quirks a brow. 
“See—” Steve nods. “You can see it too!”
“Steve, I tried to be sarcastic. Y/N is glowing and looks happy. We should leave her and her friends alone.”
“No! I won’t leave her to these vultures wanting to take advantage of her kindness and innocence. I have to save her!”
“Ah,” the cocky billionaire nods thoughtfully. “I think we are having a Snow White situation here.” Tony smirks at his friend. 
“What do you mean, asshat?” Lloyd grunts, ready to fight Iron Man and Captain America if he must.
“Seven guys longing for one woman?” Tony snickers. “Six brothers and one Captain trying to win the beautiful princess’s heart over.”
“I understand that reference, but I’m not a dwarf, Tony,” Steve grunts. “If she’s Snow White, then I’m the Prince Charming!” He points at the brother. “And these men are not friendly dwarfs but criminals and kidnappers.”
“Hey! I’m not a dwarf either, Iron Bucket,” Lloyd angrily glares at Tony. “I know you were always good to Y/N, but I won’t let you get away with insulting me…or my brothers.”
“Wait! I think Snow White got seven dwarfs, right?” Mike throws in. He furrows his brows, struggling to remember the fairytale their mother used to read to him. “We are only six.”
“This makes Captain asshole the seventh dwarf,” Curtis laughs loudly. “I think he’s the one they called Dopey. He doesn’t understand the simplest things.”
“I’ll free Y/N!” Steve points his index finger at Curtis. “You won’t hurt her on my watch.”
“Hurt her?” Jake has had enough. He steps toward the gate, hands wrapping around the bars. Jake sneers at Steve and grits his teeth. “The only person hurting her was you! She lost her job, the one she loved because you wanted to stick your dick into that stupid bitch’s snatch. What a man you are. Ordering food for everyone but the sweet woman saving your ungrateful ass every day.”
“You know nothing about me and Y/N!” Steve angrily replies. “I-I made mistakes but tried to apologize. When I came to her home, she was gone. Kidnapped by you and your brothers!”
“We didn’t kidnap her! Y/N is my friend. She came to my café to tell me about all the shit you pulled on her. Day after day she worked her cute ass off to make your life easier. Was it too much to ask for that you gave her a little respect and paid for her fucking lunch?” Jake kicks the bars. “I swear, you’re lucky the gate is in between us. If not, you’d be dog food.”
“Whoa, Jakie,” Lloyd places his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Freaking out and threatening people to kill them is my job. How about you bring Y/N back inside and leave this job to me and Ari.”
“She stands right behind you, Lloyd,” you grunt and slap Lloyd’s ass. “I can speak for myself.” You step next to Jake to look Steve in the eyes. “Listen, I know you believe what you are doing is the right thing, but you couldn’t be more wrong. These men are my friends. Jake is my friend and he’d never hurt me. Please just leave.”
“But they—” Steve points at Lloyd. “I don’t trust them. I know you are kind and believe people are always good, but there are bad people out there, who want to take advantage of a pretty girl like you. I can’t let them do this to you.”
“My friends won’t harm me in any way,” you purse your lips. “I’m not like Sandy, a damsel in distress. I don’t look tough like Agent Romanoff, but I know how to defend myself.”
“She can defend herself,” Ari places his hand on your shoulder, “but she doesn’t have to. We are here to defend her and her honor. So, if you’d kindly fuck off now, we want to have dinner with our lovely Y/N.”
“Tony, don’t you have anything to say?” Steve despairs. He can see the determination in your eyes and can only hope you are not wrong. He’d never forgive himself if these men take advantage of you. “Do something!”
“Alright,” Tony claps his hands. “I got enough of this, kiddos. I’m too old for this shit.” He says. “Even though, Capsicle is older than me.” 
“How about you let Steve stay for the night? He promises to behave, and you promise to let him have a look at Y/N’s room.”
“He can have a look at my ass before I let him inside my home!” Lloyd points at his ass. 
“Uh-I don’t know,” Mike murmurs. “If he can have a look around the house and sees that we are treating Y/N with respect, he’ll leave us alone.”
“I hate to say it, but Mike ain’t wrong,” Andy throws in. “He won’t leave and I’m not much into getting spied on. Having Captain America lurk around your house is bad for our reputation. People will start asking questions.”
Steve watches the brothers and you discuss Tony’s suggestion. He uses his enhanced hearing to listen to your heartbeat. Your heart beats normally. You’re not afraid at the moment, but he’s still not convinced that you are not in danger.
“Fine by me.” Steve finally says. 
“The shield stays outside,” Lloyd points at Steve’s shield. “…and you won’t set foot into our home wearing your ugly suit. Civilian clothes, no shield.”
“He’ll follow your rules and leave your house, tomorrow morning,” Tony stretches his hand out. “I give you my word, Mr. Hansen.”
“I’ll keep you up on that promise,” Lloyd grabs Tony’s hand. He squeezes hard, making sure Tony knows the man in front of him isn’t afraid of Iron Man at all. “If you break it…well…you don’t want to know what happens if you fuck with Lloyd Hansen.”
“Revenge for champions will happen,” Ari grunts. He points at Tony. “You better keep your buddy in line. If not, I’ll release the beast.”
“…I’m the beast,” Lloyd smirks darkly. “I love letting hellfire rain down on my enemies. Especially when I can defend our sweet Y/N…”
Part 10
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
Smooth Operator
Yang: (driving a snow-specified version of Bumblebee 2.0 across a large, frozen lake just outside of Argus - dials Weiss on her scroll)
Weiss: (answers her scroll from a cozy, lakeside resort) Yang? Where are you? I'm surprised you didn't call Blake.
Yang: (through a headset in her helmet) Hey, Weiss! How far away can you make those dust statues with your glyphs?
Weiss: (Looks at Ruby trying to help Blake learn to ice skate a little ways away and sees a glint of yellow off in the distance closing in) .....Why?
Yang: Is there a chance you can make a bouquet of ice flowers in my hand? (Raises hand high)
Weiss: (Sees the raised hand) ......I could.
Yang: Awesome! Can you do it right now?
Weiss: Why?
Yang: Trust me!
Weiss: Never and Always (sighs and hangs up before using her glyph to send a blast of ice dust to Yang’s hand)
Yang: (watches as a bundle of ice flowers form in her hand) Nice shot, Weiss! (Twists the throttle one last time to give enough speed to get her to the shore, slides off Bumblebee, grabs on to the end of the seat, and skates her way to shore)
Ruby: (holding on to a shaking Blake) You're doing great, Blake! You'll get this done in time for Christmas on Patch! (Notices a ball of gold barreling in) Is that Yang?
Blake: (skitters her feet to regain her balance) Yang?
Yang: (coasts into the skating area, releases Bumblebee and the motorcycle gently nestles itself into a snowbank like a bike rack, and slowly slides to a halt in front of Blake before presenting the ice flowers) For you.
Blake: (blushes but rolls her eyes in good humor as she takes the flowers) No one likes a show off.
Weiss: Oh, my, GOD!!! You did NOT just use my semblance to flirt with your girlfriend!!!
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anthurak · 3 days
Hey, I'm doing a presentation workshop at work and as part of it we each have to give a presentation about something we're passionate about, so I'm doing RWBY and focusing on the subversion of tropes (like how Jaune and Ruby have swapped the traditional male anime protagonist role and the backup role usually for a girl around) and multiple allusions for each character (Norse, LOTR, fairy tale, wizard of Oz etc) and how they're shown.
Do you have any favourite theories or allusions around the main two teams, the Ozluminati or STRQ? Thanks!
Oooh, sounds fun! XD
That's a great question, and honestly when it comes to Team RWBY, I think my favorite allusions are simply how the story flips and twists the core allusions of the main girls:
Ruby is a Little Red Riding Hood who, rather then being menaced and hunted by a monster in the woods, is HERSELF a hunter of monsters. A Red Riding Hood who goes into the woods to hunt the monsters so that others may be safe.
Weiss is a Snow White who is both the 'Disney Princess' AND the 'Knight in Shining Armor'. A girl who probably would have been pushed into a traditional 'princess' role by her controlling, abusive father, but who instead essentially became the 'Knight' to rescue herself, and strives to be a noble figure to help others as well.
And of course, Blake being BOTH the 'Beauty' and 'The Beast' of her allusion. With Yang complimenting said allusion by likewise being both the 'Beast' to Blake's 'Beauty' and the 'Beauty' to Blake's 'Beast'. And how Adam manages to likewise represent both Gaston and the Cursed Rose.
There is also my 'Odin!Ruby' theories, though I will freely admit those are more 'fun headcanons' at the moment, rather then something really held up by the narrative.
There is also something just so damn cool about Salem essentially being 'The Wicked Witch of the West' crossed with SAURON (with a bit of 'Galadrial if she took the Ring' vibes thrown in) XD
And Cinder presenting just this AMAZING dark, tragic twist on Cinderella as a villain origin story. Where Cinderella finally fights back and even KILLS her wicked and cruel step-mother and sisters who so long kept her under their boot, only for the people/person she trusted most to turn on her and side with those very oppressors. Showing just how much the society she lived in was entirely okay with the terrible oppression that was done to her.
The fact that the show manages to give us a Wizard of Oz who really is a powerful wizard, yet also STILL turns out to be a massive fraud who lied to everyone.
Even after all this time, I think some of my favorite allusions in the show are still the ones at the core of the main characters.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
You know, because it's hard to give a massive amount of character in one post, I'm gonna list stuff about alternate rusted knights here
Repentant Thief: Emerald Sustrai, desperate for company used her semblance to hallucinate her friends/allies. Over time as her memory of them began failing, the illusions became flatter, more generic in their kindness and support, and at some points she truly believes that's what RWBY and Co. were like, while at others she can't stand the sight of them, the inaccuracies making her sick to her stomach.
She waits for her Heroes. The ones that saved her before.
She wears leather armor with a Leather helm that covers the lower portion of her face, with a large cloak and hood over all of it. her pants are very similar to previoupairs, simply plainer and sturdier. She has traded heels in for full hiking boots.
Fathomless Angler: Clover Ebi, now an old man, has grown tired, very, very tired. So tired he no longer cares to find a way out, and lets time slip by - He never read The Girl that fell Through the World, his knowledge of it's tale being minimal. He figures this is some twisted afterlife, that he'd done wrong fighting Qrow and has to let himself be punished for fighting his friend.
He Waits, as catching a fish is mostly waiting for it to take the bait. He's still trying to figure out his fish.
Clover wears a faded, dusty Atlesian coat, meant to have water and snow slide right off, with a large scarf and slick bucket hat. due to lack of care, his beard has grown long and scraggly, a veritable bush of salt and pepper. He wears Waders in place of his old Military boots.
The Cobalt Knight (Oxidized Cobalt): Alyx, upon deciding to amend her mistakes in the Ever After was assaulted by The Curious Cat. Jaune Arc, the Rusted Knight, still sick from the poison rushed to her aid. In the end, Alyx was saved, and the cat slinked away to lick it's wounds.
Jaune's didn't make it, and was swallowed by the tree.
Alyx, unable to heal him, to fix this mistake took up his weapons and trained. She was smart - out maneuvering and outsmarting the cat for years until she was able to fight it directly. Then they stayed apart, the Cat not wanting to risk themself, and Alyx not wanting to her own life in revenge.
Alyx waits for the same reasons Jaune did - Guilt, anger, self-loathing, and a need to help RWBY, with all the same weapons he fought with; Mind, Sword, and Shield.
She wears armor like Jaune's only simpler, and lighter, and in FAR better condition - only a little dirty and scuffed.
The Frosted Empress (Lonely): Weiss Schnee, Knowing all she had to do was wait, did just that. She waited. and Waited. And waited. She did her best to stay stable, she practiced arts, she kept up her training, she began to speak to herself in off moments, she never got along with people too much liker herself so Alyx was a handful to deal with.
She oscillates between a very sweet, matronly figure, and an Icy, bitchy Vol-1-esque personality, with moments of lucidity being not too uncommon.
This Weiss wears very simply constructed outfits - basic chain mail and dresses, with immense ornamentation, and a veil, like one would wear at a funeral. She has many different trinkets - leaves, feathers, jewelry and what not.
The Wilted Rose: Ruby Rose fell into the Ever After, and Suffered. She fought as much as she always had, but with no support, no clear goal and the weight of her failings crushing her, Alyx and Lewis were the Straws that broke the Camel's back.
She Ascended into the one person she knew could do anything.
Summer rose.
As motherly and sweet as ever, this rose has thorns only for The Curious Cat - even if she can't remember why.
She looks like an older Summer. With like, very graying hair. It's just Summer Rose.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
jaunes got a lot of self loathing and issues, do you think that would affect him as a dad? dp you think it would bleed over till one day his kids think they are the problem?
I don't think he'd ever make it so his kids thought they were the problem. Jaune in my head is a metrosexual, kind, and empathetic man. But he's also brutal when it comes to himself. I think his kids would know they are the most precious things in the world to him.
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I was right about birth. 
I really hadn’t wanted to be but I was right as I watched Weiss struggle and push and blood and other liquids came out. 
I was right about birth.
It was a horrific thing. And Ruby stared for a moment before rushing over and taking Weiss by the hand while I loomed nearby with my arms folded. 
I’d done this. It was a terrible bloody struggle to bring new life into this world. I’d inflicted this on Weiss casually in a way. I mean a lot of thought had gone into it but this was all happening because I came inside her one time. And that was pretty fucked up. 
Blood poured out of her body but not so much that the doctors and nurses found it concerning. Her body dilated and stretched and I watched the contractions take her and it seemed like they were going to squeeze the life out of her. I don’t care what you’ve seen on TV. Birth is terrible and it all winds up in this ordeal with blood and screaming. Weiss screamed as she delivered my son into this world and a nurse received the baby with the cord still attached. They cleaned the baby off and handed him over to Weiss who looked exhausted and it was all she could do to take the infant in her arms and rock away. They both looked bone dead tired. Both her and the baby. 
The baby had her hair; white as snow which I thought was precious and hopefully a good sign. He had my darker eyes though which I didn’t think boded well. Weiss cooed down at her little bundle and gently maneuvered him in her arms. 
I moved my hand from my face which had been covering my mouth in horror and I walked over to her. 
“Little Nebel,” she hummed up at me. Her voice sounded hoarse from the screaming. 
“Hush now, my darling,” I murmured. “You look exhausted.” I informed her. “Ruby and I can look after the baby while you get some sleep. You did so well. You’ve earned some rest.” I kissed her gently on the forehead and she looked up at me with tired and beautiful baby blues. Her eyes just fucking were, man. They rocked me. 
“Say his name,” Weiss demanded. “He isn’t ‘the baby.’ Say his name,” she repeated at a whisper. 
“Nebel,” I did. “My son. Nebel Arc.” I did exactly as she commanded me to do. She looked content with that and handed the baby over to me. I took the tiny form in my arms and tucked him into the cradle they formed. 
“Aw,” Ruby cooed. “You’re holding him! How does it feel?”
“I feel…” I trailed off. I felt mostly the same. Gravity still pulled me down to Remnant. But I had Nebel in my arms and I gently rocked him. I felt like something horrible was going to happen. Like I was going to drop the infant and his head was going to smack into the linoleum. I held him a touch tighter to my chest and it must have been visible that I did to Ruby and Weiss because Ruby cooed again which made me look up to see Weiss nodding slowly. She was bleary eyed and seemed to wax and wane with consciousness. Her eyes went half lidded and slowly shut and she curled up onto one side. 
I clutched Nebel tighter in my arms. I felt wary but of what? It was quiet after the rounds and rounds of screaming. It was still. 
“Do you want to hold him?” I asked Ruby.
“Oh, can I?” She was already holding out her arms and I passed Nebel along to her with a low chuckle under my breath. 
“Oh… he has Weiss’s hair. And did you see his eyes?” She begged.  
“I did,” I agreed. 
“He’s got his daddy’s eyes. Oh, our first born son. I hope he’s just like you. In all the ways that really matter,” Ruby purred. 
“Well, maybe hopefully there will be some differences. I’ve been thinking about it a lot actually. There’s quite a bit I don’t want him to take from me.”
“Honesty, kindness, empathy, loyalty, protectiveness, intelligence. What’s wrong with all that?” Ruby demanded. 
“In order?” I asked.
She gave me a weary nod. 
“It fucking hurts. It fucking hurts. It fucking hurts. I’m a fucking dog. I’m a fucking dog. And I’m an over thinker,” I answered. 
“No swearing,” Weiss whimpered tiredly. 
Right, right. 
“I hear you. It’s not easy. But we don’t want easy lives for our babies,” Ruby informed me. “We want them to be able to handle hard lives. And being like you is a good way to do that. That’s one of the things which makes you attractive as a father. Because you’ve had a harder life than anyone and you’re still pushing and going further. That’s what we mean. That’s why we want our babies to be like you. You can pass that along to our children.” She rocked Nebel gently in her arms at a natural born, gods given, pace which looked comfortable and probably impossible for me to ever try to match. “You can pass all that pessimistic knowledge along and really save their little souls.”
I sighed heavily and stared at Nebel. 
“For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.” I unleashed my son’s little blonde aura into the world. His soul was so pale with little soft blue lights. I tasted him and he tasted delicious. I took three steps back and away. He tasted like caramel over vanilla ice cream and the sharp tang of ozone.
“Was that wise?” Ruby wondered.
“Better he have it. Better he be able to make the choice himself. Better he have a little cushion of protection in this harsh, harsh world.” I wasn’t asking what she thought. If Ruby disagreed with me, then she was wrong. If Weiss disagreed with me, then she was wrong. My son; it was my responsibility. 
Let this be my first act as father besides cradling Nebel in my arms. I was alright with that order. First I held him up and then I brought his soul into this world. Aura was the ability to choose and I wanted my son to have options. 
“What did he do?” Weiss whined with her eyes closed and curled up on her side. 
“He unlocked Nebel’s aura,” Ruby whispered back. “He seems pretty sure that it was the right thing to do.”
Weiss mumbled absently and groaned. 
“It was the right thing to do,” I defended. “I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t sure.” I took a seat in one of the chairs around the little hospital room with beige walls. 
“It’s just… what if he doesn’t want it?” Ruby wondered. And it was at that moment I saw where she would be weak as a mother. She didn’t have a firm hand. She was always putting herself in their shoes and that was strong. But some decisions you needed to make as loving parents against your child’s will. It wasn’t about what Nebel would want. It was about giving him the most options and keeping him safe. 
“Not a choice. Not this. If he doesn’t want to be a hunter, I think that’s fantastic. But he will have aura. It does nothing but keep him safe and give him options. It’s not his choice.”
“But it makes you an empath!” Ruby protested.
“I thought you liked that,” I shot back.
“Not all the time,” she whined. 
“It hurts but I never promised my son an easy life. I, by the very nature of my own existence, can only promise pain and hardship. I don’t have anything else to give and I don’t know how to be a good father without that element. I have to be hard on him. Because you won’t,” I accused and I let enough venom into my words and aura that Ruby flinched and our son stirred in her arms. 
“I don’t…” She stammered. 
“Will you?” I demanded. 
She looked away.
“I have to be the bad guy. Don’t I? I have to take the stern hand. Because you’re too meek and mild and I love that about you. I do. I really, really do. But because you’re so tender and sweet I have to make the hard decisions. When it comes to punishing our son, who are you both going to turn to? Me. You want me to be the bad guy,” I spat. “So I’m going to. And it will be for the best.”
“I don’t want you to be distant…” Ruby went on.
“But I’m not my children’s friend. I’m their father.”
“Can’t it be both?” She wondered. 
“No,” I let the word drip from my lips and she flinched again. “Maybe your dad pulled that off. I can’t. I’m not that slick. I also don’t think he did pull that off even if he tried to. I think he failed and hurt you and was negligent in his responsibilities to you if he even tried to be your friend. But I don’t get that feel off of Taiyang. I don’t think he tried. I think he knew when he needed to be stern while also being emotionally available to you.” 
The baby warbled out an almost word. He stretched his little hand up and touched Ruby's face. Ruby pushed his hand down and softly hummed down at the baby she still rocked. 
"We're in your hands," Ruby decided. "If you say that's for the best and seem so sure I'll bow to your wisdom. I can't even remember what it was like before my aura was unlocked. You are so precious! You is!"
"Neither can I, really," I confessed.
Nebel reached out and grabbed Ruby's finger with his tiny right hand. Her little finger seemed massive compared with how small he was. 
"He looks like you," Ruby informed me. She stared down into the infant’s face lovingly. 
"Does he?" I glanced over at my son's face. I couldn't see myself in him at all. 
"Around the cheeks and in his jaw. Same shape," Ruby went on. She glanced over at me. From my vantage point I couldn’t really see his face super well but it was etched into my mind like a clay tablet. 
"I see Weiss," I admitted. "In his nose shape. And-"
Weiss gently stirred and shifted around our whispering conversation. 
"And the hair," Ruby agreed. "Who's mama's little sweetheart? Will you say mama first or dadda?"
"Isn't talking a long way off?" I wondered. 
"Not so long. Not really," Ruby disagreed this time. 
I stood up and walked behind Ruby. She cradled our son at her bosom and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. She leaned back and rubbed her cheek into my chest and then when I bent low she nuzzled my face. Then she lifted Nebel up and rubbed her cheek against his little face and he whimpered in protest. 
“No, you like it,” Ruby demanded, drawing out the word ‘no.’ “You like it. It’s okay. Let me nuzzle your itty-bitty face with mine. Let me love on you. It’s okay. You like it.”
“What if he doesn’t?” I asked from behind her.
“I’m sure he’ll let me know. And a bit louder than that. Let me have this. Let me mush our baby’s face into mine and love him.”
“You poor sweetheart. What are you going to do once he’s able to talk? If he’s anything like me he won’t appreciate his mama being up in his grill all the time.”
“Okay your relationship with your mother is… okay? It’s bad. I want to have a healthy relationship with our babies.”
“I didn’t mean that. I meant that I just wouldn’t appreciate being touched without my permission.”
“But he’s my baby! I need to touch his face. You try it. Nuzzle his face!”
“No,” I shot back. “He didn’t like it.”
“This isn’t about what he would like. I’m doing it for his own good. Like you unlocking his aura.”
“No you’re fuckin’ not.”
“Language! Babies are sponges.” 
“Don’t… don’t change the subject.”
“Don’t swear,” Ruby shot back. “I wouldn’t need to if you didn’t swear. Just try it. He smells so good. He smells like our baby. It’s so precious. Who’s mama’s little champ? You’re going to be a mighty warrior. I can feel it.”
“What if that’s not what he wants to do?” I protested.
“It will be. He has you and me and Weiss as role models. He’s a fighter. Just look at him. Smell your son!”
“Kinda weird. Does he have that new baby smell?”
“Oh psh, don’t be like that. He smells good. He smells like our baby. Our baby! I can’t wait to deliver one of my own. I’m going to be so proud.”
“He is your own,” I pointed out. 
“I meant to actually,” She waved a hand past her genitals. “You know? Not that Nebel isn’t my son. Of course he is my son. Of course he is. But I want to push one out too.”
“You want that? Women,” I breathed.
“Did you not see how horrific that was?” I wondered. 
“It was so beautiful!”
“It was so not! It was so not, Rubes. And you want to do that four times? Come on. Level with me. That looked fu- incredibly awful. It did. Didn’t it. It’s like this terrible struggle of bringing new life into the world.”
“But that new life…” Ruby whispered. “It’s so beautiful. That new life is.”
“You guys…” Weiss whimpered. We both shut up. Our son was ebbing his way off to sleep and Ruby passed him to me while she left for the bathroom. I was assuming. 
“You heard all that? Can’t sleep?” I asked Weiss.
“I could if some people were quiet… but yeah. I heard the whole thing. You really think he looks like me?”
“So much so,” I choked. 
“Are you crying?”
“Are you lying?”
“Aw…” she trailed and sat up. It was to see me with tears pouring from my eyes as I hunched over my son on one of the seats. “You are crying. Is it because he looks like me?”
“Yes…” I breathed. “He looks so much like you. I want… I want him to take after you in so many ways. I know you want him to be like me but I suffer, Weiss. I suffer. It would be so much better for him if he took after you. I don’t want this,” I waved a hand around my head helplessly. “I don’t want this for him. It scares me. It makes me sad. But looking at his little face and seeing how much he looks like you gives me hope.”
“I feel the exact same way about seeing him in you. I know you think you have it hard and maybe you really do. But nobody is better at handling it than you. That’s all I want. I want him to be able to handle life the way you do.”
“On the verge of tears over nothing?” I looked away.
“Over holding your son? Yes. That’s not nothing. Is it? Is that really nothing to you?” She asked.
“It means so much to me. It’s going to break me. Snap me in half. I bend but I never get there in terms of cracking all the way.” 
“Hold him. Look at him. Let me sleep and we’ll talk more in the morning. Okay?” She was consoling me like I pushed a baby out of my body.
“Okay,” I croaked. 
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rwac96 · 5 months
Shallot vs Cinder (Ancient Snow)
*Cinder was about to raise one of her Midnight Blades, aiming to kill both Ruby & Weiss...until she was blown away by Shallot's landing*
Cinder: *getting up, furious* "Okay, seriously?!" *roars in rage, fire erupting from her mouth* "How many of you cretins do I have to fight?
Shallot: "Oh, I ain't from this planet. But, you messed with Weiss, and now, I am going to fuck you!" *goes Super Saiyan*
Cinder: *blinks at Shallot*
Weiss: *facepalms*
Gohan (and others): *grimaces in second-hand embarrassment*
Weiss: "It’s ‘fuck you up’, Shallot."
Shallot: *blinks, shifts his gaze to Weiss* "Wait what did I say?" *is sucker punched by a 'so-done-with-this-bullshit' Cinder*
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
I am here for your takes on Dani. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought her x Jon smelled of hot garbage. Like at best she was meh, and then when the two of them met I was just like "oh no....you're an entitled bitch". And now that its been years since I last consumed GoT, my thoughts have fermented into "oh no, she really is a conqueror" "oh no, everyone loves her because 'pretty badass lady'" "oh no i'm the fandom minority again". Anyway, where was I. She and Jon had no chemistry. The end.
The *only* way putting them in a romance even makes sense in concept is when you realize Benioff and Weiss gave Jon the Young Griff arc. It's why they gave him a Targ name, beacuse if they call him "aegon" then they can fufill that part of the books without ever having to establish Young Griff as his own character. He is the supposed son of Rhaegar Targaryean and Elia Martell, he goes to Westeros with intentions of using his better claim to take the throne and intends initially on marrying Dany, and it's theorized heavily that Dany will see his claim as a threat and the Burning of Kings Landing will come down to Aegon against Dany.
Jon Snow has nothing to do with that. He is a moral opposite to Dany as a charecter, and we've seen him time and time again be at strong odds against people with her morals. But by giving him the Young Griff arc, it means putting him into the romance spot when it makes no sense for him.
Hey I put a read more beacuse I cannot shut the fuck up about how this relationship is just rape and abuse but beacuse Jon's a man we think he wants it.
All of season 7 Jon is so out of place because he doesn't belong anywhere near Dany's Iron Throne plot, and he's being forced to interact romantically with a charecter that clearly he does not like as a person and is uncomfortable with.
But, Dany is the sacred cow of the GoT/asoiaf fandom. You love her and if you critizize her for villanious actions or morals then you are using bad faith towards her. While I personally don't like her, I don't mind other people liking her but I despise that her stans all refuse to allow any conversation about her being a morally bad person. A person who enjoys cruelty and death, enjoys creating fear and is smug when she can control others. That is not a person Jon would love, let alone even respect.
Their entire relationship wreaks of abuse, of Jon being forced into this and knows he cannot leave it without risking his and his families lives. Remember when Tyrion gave a very small level critisism of her actions and she angrily accused him of treason and siding with his family instead of her? Well what do people think would she have done, if her attraction to Jon was refused? Someone who she took all the defenses away from, all the power from, and could have killed at any moment (dont make an ygritte comparison mimi dont make an yrgitte comparison this is a different anti jon x fandom female fave charecter post).
I don't care how the show frames it, or what the intent was. What we got on screen, was Jon Snow being held prisoner to an immoral, cruel, military conquerer. And when that woman was attracted to him, she essentially forced herself into his life and gave him all but no choice. The Jon bending the knee scene and..the uh...boat...scene...later...uhhh....anyways, those to me feel so out of charecter. You cannot convince me Jon did any of this willingly. He is clearly trapped in this situation and cannot leave and is only with her beacuse she is violent and bloodthrirsty. But beacause Jon is a strong, capable man, it's not talked about as if he's the victim and that is insane to me. (Oh my good god the ygritte comparisons are almost laughable send help).
I don't consider a lot past season 5 to be canon, but if I am forced too, then I refuse to accept Jon was a willing participant in that relationship.
Jon's parentage reveal will always be about the revelations of his mother, and the understanding and acceptance of WHY Ned raised him the way he did. And how it was both his parents, his mother and his adopted father who loved him and kept him safe. The very fact that Young Griff's entire story is based around whether or not he truly is Rhaegar's son as opposed to that being a twist reveal is beacuse HE is the charecter whose Targaryean links is the important one. Jon's story is about him as Stark, and is always shown to be the moral opposite of Dany.
Their relationship in the best senario is not canon, but if it has to be, then there is no world in which Jon is there of his own free will. He is being forced into this relationship against his will. But considering his other love interest was another charecter who essentially forced him into a relationship against his will, and we were supposed to root for that tells me all I need to know.
Dany is a sacred cow charecter, and her stans are unreasonable in defending her. When you can like a charecter and critize them for their actions. Ned Stark was an idiot for ever trusting Petyr Baelish, Catelyn Stark's spiteful attitude and neglect of Jon Snow is was abusive behavior, Theon Greyjoy was a moron who ruined his own life for a father who long since abandonded him. Bam all charecters I love and there are some major flaws that I refuse to defend them for but thats also what makes them good charecters. Their flaws arent writing flaws, they are personal flaws for them as people.
Dany is not allowed to have personal flaws she is always to be justified even with incredibly bad faith defenses, but when she is flawed it's the writings fault not hers. Dany is a cruel, sadistic, controlling, military tyrant who enjoys watching her subjects fear her and her dragons. And she forced Jon Snow into a relationship with her beacuse otherwise then he is against her and we already knew she has no use for people who dont support her to be alive.
Jon Snow deserved better then to have both his love interests be domineering, controlling, abusive women who forced him into a romantic and sexual relationship.
Also, I mean, incest being normal is only a learned trait from Targaryens supporting their own blood purity. Jon was not raised to think incest is normal. Dany thinks its normal beacuse she and Viserys both were raised to think that, and Young Griff thinks marrying Dany is normal beacuse he too was raised with the mentality that Rhaegar would've been raised with. Jon finding out Dany was his aunt would've had Jon looking right at Sam and just
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C'mon Weiss, you really gonna let Blake monopolize that fat, hairy cock of Yang's? When you're just as thicc if not thiccer than her? When your fat, wobbly, pale ass shows those nice hard smacks better than her? You're no pillow princess like Blake, so get to twerking that booty on his dick and slurping down that cock like your life depends on it.
Weiss huffed as the two lovebirds sat next to each other, or should she say Blake sat on top of their shared blonde teammate, no doubt grinding her famously fat rear against the muscular brawler as if no one knew what she was doing. And Yang, that brute.. That handsome, gorgeous, tall, masculine brute, ate it up.
Weiss pouted as she pushed around her food with a fork. She was not jealous, she was.. Simply lamenting the fact that Yang became Blake's partner over her, instead Weiss was stuck with his younger sister.. She wondered just how different things would have been should he have found her first, wondered if she'd be the one wiggling her butt against his-
"Shh, we can't~ I've gotta do some special mission with Ruby tonight~" Weiss snapped out of her daze as Blake whispered out a giggle, trying to push the man's exploring hands out of her skirt.
"Ugh, but that means I gotta be alone with the Ice Queen, can't we just sneak out and go to a hotel?" Yang wasn't nearly as quiet, uncaring that the rest of the school knew he was plowing the famously bottom heavy Blake.
"No, last time we did Ruby nearly drowned me in sad puppy dog eyes; Besides, Weiss has been doing.. Better.. She's trying, who knows, you might have fun."
Weiss winced, she'd been.. A little entitled..
"Fuck, fine, but once you get back I'm going to bend you over and-"
"Shhh!!" Blake shoved her hand against his mouth, even as she tried to act like she wasn't looking forward to what he was saying.
Weiss knew all of this, she wasn't eve sure why she was listening. Tonight, Weiss and Yang would be alone in their room, for an entire weekend. Just her, and the massive, handsome, disheveled beast of a teammate.. The pang of guilt took alight in her chest and she recounted her plan, but the jolt of heat and pleasure between her thighs was stronger.
"Ladybug solo adventure!!" Ruby cheered to her left, she was excited, a chance to better know the girl who was banging dating her older Brother, no doubt she saw it as a chance to get closer to Blake as a team leader and friend as well.
"Hurray." Weiss didn't care, she counted the seconds the two were gone, as a matter of fact, fighting her blush as she thought more about her plan.. No, she was going to go through with it, no backing down now.
"Don't sound so excited Snow Angel, I might think you're in love with me!" Yang's sarcastic remark cut through her thoughts, mistaking her disinterest in Ruby's personal friendships for a lack of interest in being alone with him. How wrong he was.
"I'm simply looking forward for some alone time in a quieter room than normal." She said diplomatically. No need to show her hand now, not when she was so close.
"It's gonna be real quiet alright," Yang grinned, and Weiss knew what was coming next, preparing herself mentally to not blush and squeeze her thighs together excitedly. "Once I'm done blowing your back out and all our neighbors hear your pretty singing voice!"
"Ugh, really?" Blake rolled her eyes. No matter what Blake did, she could never make him stop making such sexual jokes to their females friends, or Weiss herself.
"Classy. Not even going to buy me dinner first? How brutish." Weiss rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to ask him to fuck her brains out over the cafeteria table.
"Nah, the cheapest girls are usually the ones you gotta pay for!"
Why does he think she said it?! She'll be his cheap fucking whore!
"Yaaaaaannggg!!!" Ruby yelled and whined, her face, well, ruby red as she pulled her hood up over her face to hide her eyes. "I don't wanna think about you doing.. stuff to our friends!!"
"Alright, we should go, come on Ruby, we've gotta go pack our bags." Blake was quick to act, glaring at Yang's grinning face as she escorted the still red and hiding young Rose away by her hand, no doubt trying to draw attention away from the fact that he was doing stuff to Blake as well.
"Yeah yeah, I'll talk to you later tonight on scroll, 'kay? I'm gonna go get some late training in, gotta blow off some steam without you around!"
""Yang!!"" The two yelled in frustration and embarrassment and hurried away from the curious eyes of the dinner rush.
"Welp, looks like it's just you and me now, Ice Queen!" Yang laughed and brushed his fingers through his long golden hair, pushing it back and out of his face in a perfectly messy way. Weiss wanted to sit on that gorgeously infuriating face. "Or it will be, after I get back from training!"
"Yes, well, I have some things I need to do before tonight as well, so I wish you luck on whatever it is you wish to learn tonight." Weiss wanted nothing more than to see his muscles ripple and burn as he worked out, but she had plans, and plans needed preparation.
"Haha! Wear something cute for me tonight, will ya?" Yang winked playfully, pushing away from the table, "I'll need somewhere to blow off some steam after all!"
Weiss knew he was just joking, it was just what he did, he'd even smack a girl's butt if he thought he could get away with it.. Nora was the usual victim, the ditzy girl didn't seem to mind at all, she took the joke at face value, even Pyrrha got it once, she turned into a blushing mess.. Even his younger sister wasn't safe from the adventurous hands of Yang Xiao Long..
"Maybe I will." Weiss started, trying to keep her straight face, even as Yang's eyes widened at the apparent seriousness of her offer. "I'll wear something.. appropriately inappropriate, and in exchange you don't tell a soul, and keep yourself quiet for the weekend. What do you say?"
Weiss's heart raced, she could feel her cheeks heating up, telling the amateur model directly she would dress like a slut for him was step one, but one of the hardest.. But she saw it, that glint in his eyes, a red blooded stud who couldn't say no to a little eye candy, especially from one of his gorgeous friends.
"Seriously? Do you even own something "inappropriate?"" Yang grinned, fishing for details already, clearly excited at the idea. "Got something that shows your ankles, Princess~?"
Yang mocked, but she had to double down, no turning back, Weiss stood up from her seat, and sashayed around to his side of the table with a serious, albeit blushing, look, putting some extra sway to her surprisingly wide hips. No turning back. Getting right up to him, she stood at chest height, looking up at him with a challenge in her eyes and her hands on her hips.
"'I've got something that shows much more than that Xiao Long," She pushed her finger into his steel hard chest, not moving his solid frame a single inch. "But I won't say another word until you promise it'll be a secret between us."
She could see it, he was curious AND hungry to see it, it made her feel sexy as hell, and as his grin grew, she knew she just crossed step one of her plan.
"Deal." He practically growled, looking down at her like a lion looking at a lamb. "Guess I'll be seeing you tonight than, Princess~"
She wanted to drop to her knees right there before he walked passed her right side, her legs almost giving as she relaxed a little, her shoulders almost slumping as the-
"Aaah~!!" Weiss covered her mouth with shock and embarrassment as the tall roguish stud turned quickly and gave her plump pale ass a nice meaty smack as he passed, winking devilishly at her as she whipped her head around to look at him.
"That's a cute reaction, I'm gonna love hearing more~" Yang turned and walked away nonchalantly, as if he didn't just find another girl he could grope and spank and get away with it.
He must have thought he just embarrassed her in front of the whole school, that he's now allowed to give her butt a good smack whenever he feels like, just like Nora, or Blake.. He probably didn't realize she nearly came and had her own juices trailing down her thighs..
Gods.. She was going to make that man destroy her~
Yang grinned and winked at the gawking ladies he passed by in the halls and on his way to his dorm, his shirt gone, a towel around his neck, sweat dripping down her muscular body and a gym bag on his hand. He worked hard to look this good, no amount of Blake getting jealous and possessive was gonna stop him from flaunting what he got~
But surprisingly, this time he wasn't as focused on the babes wanting to ride him like a horse, instead, he found himself actually excited to see Weiss! It was a shock for him too, but with the promise of seeing the pretty princess in some cute little outfit, Yang figured only one of two things was gonna happen next
One; Yang was gonna find Weiss chickened out and he gets to have fun mocking her relentlessly till the girls get back.
Or two; Her version of something "inappropriate" was something normal chicks wear on a hot day, in which case he gets to mock her relentlessly about it.
Yang snickered and wondered which it would be as he pulled his scroll free from his basketball shorts, his massive bulge clearly visible even soft and running down his thigh.. Maybe that's what the girls were staring at? He chuckled. Whatever.
His scroll beeped as the lock turned and he pushed the door open, eyes immediately darting across the room to find his prize, but to no avail, just some bottles of lotion or whatever sat on Weiss' bed there.
"Ah fuck, did she chicken out that hard?" He said out loud, throwing his bag onto Blake's bed.
"I'll be out in just a second!" He heard from the restroom door. Ah, more waiting.
"Hurry up Princess, this is supposed to be a reason for me to stay quiet, not yell through the door!" Yang slammed the front door shut behind him and plopped heavily down onto Weiss' bed, just to annoy her, ready to take a long shower once the pretty princess finally got out.. of.. the..
Yang's lilac eyes shot open as wide as dinner plates as the door opened and out walked the usually conservatively dressed heiress in nothing but the most intricately designed yet gorgeously slutty lingerie he'd ever seen in his life, long black thigh high stockings held up her plump, pale, meaty thighs by a garter belt, passed a pair of extremely sheer black panties that did nothing to hide Weiss' perfectly smooth and pale quim from his roaming eyes.
The black garter belt around her thin waist only accentuated her shockingly wide hips and slim stomach, his eyes drinking in every single detail hungrily as they roamed even further up to her sheer black bra, the thin black lace didn't cover her small, adorable, pink little nipples either, her pale skin clashing against the black perfectly as even her small breasts looked absolutely delicious behind the thin sheen of sheer fabric.
The blush across Weiss' gorgeous, makeup touched up face looked as beautiful as it did adorable, she looked away, a small half pout as her eyes darted to him and back to the most interesting corner of the room in the world, her plump lips looking glossy, pink, and oh so tasty, the thin black choker wrapped around her thin neck looking so perfectly placed even as the long, literally see through black lace robe cascaded down her lithe but curvy body.
Yang couldn't keep the beast between his legs from throbbing at the shocking sight, his eyes so drawn to every intricate and beautiful sultry curve that he almost missed the tall black high heels. 'Fuck me' heels, he called them..
"W-Well, how do I look?" Weiss stuttered, and Yang almost missed it as he imagined folding the dainty yet evidently thicc Princess like a fucking pretzel and fucking her over every single surface in this fucking room.
"Fuck.." Yang was not known for his elegant way with words, that's for sure, but he knew even if he was, words would not be able to accurately describe just how viciously he wanted to wreck the little Heiress like a fucking sextoy.
"I-I.." Weiss looked shy, it was so cute it hurt, so shy and submissive, like he'd never seen the usually strong willed and bitchy girl before. So defenseless..
"I know my breasts aren't that big, b-but," The girl started, almost hesitating but looking like she was on a mission. Yang wondered how much she had planned of this little show. "But I'm actually just as big, b-back here, as Blake~"
That little smile was almost enough to distract him from how she suddenly stepped closer and turned around, hooking her robe out of the way, as if it wasn't as clear as a tinted window, to show off just how FAT the Princess' pillowy cheeks were. Two perfectly round, plump, planetary globes of pale wobbly booty meat sat inches from Yang's face, two mountainous balls of dough bigger than his head in nothing but a tiny, black, seductive little black thong..
Dare he say.. Bigger than Blake's..
He's not sure how he never noticed, but he guessed that fluffy skirt and skirt liner did well enough to hide the fucking dumptruck Weiss has been hauling around.
"Holy fuckin' shit.." Jesus fuckin' Christ, Yang was hard as steel, his foot long cock tenting his thin shorts easily, and he couldn't even hope to hide the fact that the famously icy queen of Beacon had him throbbing.
"Wh.. What's the matter, not gonna smack it th-this time~?" Weiss tried so hard to seem like she was teasing him, but that stutter and needy look in her eye gave it away easily. Weiss Schnee was dressed like a high class slut, practically begging him to smack her ass..
"Is that what you want~?" The words left his mouth before he could catch them "Want me to smack this fat, slutty ass~?" Blake's face crossed his vision for just a second before that massive meaty ass filled it once again, his hands reaching up to yank her by the hips close to him, practically making her bend over in his face.
"Y-Yes~" Weiss practically squeaked it out, begging. "Y-Yes Sir, p-please smack my fat, slutty ass~" She was beat red and biting her lip so gorgeously, those words out of Weiss' mouth made him want to pin her face down and break her goddamn bed. She was such a proper, pristine little lady, hearing her call herself a slut for him made him wild.
With a harsh, quick, meaty smack, Yang's hand slapped down on that pale, bouncy cheek, and his fingers sunk into her doughy, soft, pillowy flesh like a cloud, gripping firmly to feel just how soft it was in his hand, how warm her flesh was against his, and he just couldn't stop his other hand from clapping down on her other cheek, mauling the flesh like two giant balls of warm, fresh dough.
"A-Aaah~ Y-Yes~ Y-Your hands are so strong, a-and rough~" He could see her dripping sex through her sheer black panties, so close.. Her knees shaking, her breathy, labored gasps as he groped and molested her fat ass like a stress toy.. "M-More~ I-I'll be a good girl for you, S-Sir~"
"I never knew you were such a needy whore," He growled, by accident, not even knowing he said it out loud before it was too late, but he meant it. "A closet whore waiting for us to be alone~ You naughty little slut~" He emphasized the last word with a nice harsh smack once again, watching the Princess cake ripple and jiggle in his hands for a few seconds from the slap.
"A-Aah~! Y-Yes, I'm your little naughty slut~ I-I trained this wh-whole time for you, D-Daddy~" She was scared to say the word, he could tell, but she wanted him to accept it so bad, not scare him away. That's okay, he liked it. The fourth vicious smack was to show that. "F-Fuuck~! I know you like.. A-Anal the most, s-so I learned how for you~ I-I know she would never let you, b-but I will~"
The little part of his brain whispering Blake's name was getting louder, but he was only getting harder, more hungry. It was screaming her name, but all he could focus on was how he grabbed those weighty cheeks a spread them open to show off the absolutely tiny strip of black fabric just barely hiding her adorably small pink pucker, the edges of her hole peaking out the sides.
Fuck he wanted to fuck that slutty little hole so fucking bad.
Blake's face flashed across his mind once again.
"F-Fuck, W-Weiss.." Yang reluctantly pried his hands off of Weiss' fat ass, much to her disappointment. "I-I can't.. Blake.. I-I.." Yang put one hand over his face, every fiber of his mind was screaming no, but every fiber of his body was screaming yes.
Yang ripped his hand from his face the second he felt the amazingly pillowy soft twin cushions of Weiss' bubble booty meatily plop down into his lap, right down on his still diamond hard cock, sandwiching his massive bulge between two oven hot pale globes of flesh that still had his red handprints on them. He growled and grabbed the Heiress' thin waist, he's not even sure if it was to push her away, or to pull her firmer against his lap.
"Fuuuuuck!" The feeling was insane, she was so small, but so thicc and meaty, so juicy and plump, he could feel his resolve, already weak, slipping away as she looked back with those gorgeous blue eyes, needy, pleading, begging him to not say no to her.
"P-Please! I-I'll be a good girl for you, D-Daddy!" Weiss pleaded, so close, she wanted him so bad, he could see it, he could feel it, he could hear it, fuck, he wanted her so bad too. The thin robe fell from her dainty shoulders revealing her creamy, perfectly smooth skin, skin he wanted to taste, to bite, to mark, her neck, her shoulders. Fuck.
"I-I said you're only allowed to see me like this if you never told a soul! That means y-you can't tell Blake!" Weiss' almost had tears in her eyes as she pleaded with him to continue, holding his wrists that held her hips. Slowly, she started rocking her wide, slutty hips back and forth, grinding her giant doughy cheeks up and down Yang's cock through his shorts, slowly, but firmly. "She doesn't need to know, it can be j-just between us~ I'll be Daddy's n-naughty little slut~"
"Fuuuuck, Weiss.." Yang groaned from his chest, it felt so fucking good, her ass was like it was made to wrapped around his cock, the warmth, the softness, he was dripping precum already just from her rubbing that ass in his lap.
Weiss looked back at him while biting her lip so lewdly, so needfully it hurt, he could feel how badly she wanted him, how firm her grinding was getting, the feeling of her moist sex against his bulge was growing more and more, and as she grabbed his knees and changed her position, he could only throw his head back with a grunt before enjoying the sight unfolding in his lap.
Weiss' small, firm grinding slowly turned to bouncing, to jiggling, to twerking her planet like globes of pale white, creamy flesh like a fucking pro on his cock. He had no idea where she learned how to twerk like she belonged in a rap music video, but the little Princess was throwing her ass back like he was showering ones on her bubble booty.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ- GRR!!" That ass felt so fucking good twerking on his cock, looked even better as that Heiress threw her ass in a circle for him, those plump, ripe, rippling globes of flesh bouncing and wobbling like two massive waterbeds on his cock through his shorts. "W-Weiss, how do you- NNNGG!!"
"Hah, hah, a-anything for you, D-Daddy~" Weiss loved every second of his reactions, she lived for it, she could feel him throbbing between her asscheeks as she twerked her ass like a slut. "I-I've seen you stare at Nora, a-and beg Blake to learn, but she always told you it was degrading~"
Weiss leaned forward, giving him an even better view of those garters squishing her jiggling booty meat like waterballoons, that massive set of cheeks so huge he could use her ass like a pillow. "S-So I had Nora teach me~ A-Anything for you, D-Daddy~ I'Il twerk like a whore~ A-And be Daddy's little anal slut~"
With an extra strong bounce of those massive sultry hips, Yang watched with a cock so hard it hurt when her cheeks started gently clapping together around his cock bulge, meaty claps of sweaty flesh on flesh sounded and he could only grip her hips for dear life as he watched that pillowy Princess booty clap like a cheap whore's.
He couldn't help it, Blake's face became fuzzier, he could only see those clapping cheeks, he thrusted up into those mounds, grinding against them and yanking her hips back, giving them a nice meaty smack once again and leaving his handprint on her porcelain white skin.
"You wanna be Daddy's anal slut?" He snarled, smacking her other cheek and making her squeal, but she kept twerking. "Wanna drain my fucking balls with this fat slutty ass?" He couldn't stop the words, fuck, it was so wrong.
"Y-Yes~! I wanna be Daddy's anal c-cumdumpster, use me whenever Blake won't let you~! A-Anything she won't do, I will~!" Weiss could cum right there with the friction, but she held on, she knew there was so much more to do.
"Anything?" He growled, it filled his head with ideas, ideas Blake would never do, things he could imagine Weiss doing eagerly, horrible, nasty, slutty things.
"A-Anything Daddy~!" Looking back, Weiss' eyes strayed from him to his left, the bottle of lotion, she grabbed it suddenly, reaching back but going straight back into position twerking her ass. He was curious.
"I-I'm sorry Daddy, I looked through your scroll, I-I had to get an edge on her~" Weiss popped the cap open and reached behind her, squeezing the bottle hard, and suddenly Yang's eyes shot open, and he felt his cock grow an angry inch in length.
"B-Blake said it was objectifying~ B-But I wanna be Daddy's s-sex object~" Oil squirted out lewdly all over Weiss' pale flesh, covering her ass and thighs in the slick, shiny liquid as she reached back and rubbed it all over every single inch of her ass and thighs, leaving her sexxed up and shiny like a fucking pornstar.
"P-Pull it out, Daddy~ P-Please~ I wanna show you what a good l-little slut I can be~" Weiss' cheeks clapped loudly as her twerking continued, louder, meatier, more wet as two oiled up cheeks met with wet slaps of flesh on flesh.
Yang watched, hypnotized by the sight of those oiled up fuckpillows wobbling like jello inches from his cock, her words almost didn't register, but every single step got worse and worse for him, just spanking turned to just grinding, to just twerking, to just words, just looking, but fuck, he needs to just feel it once.
Yang slowly pulled his shorts down with shaky hands, the massive, throbbing, angry prick sprung free like a coiled steel rod in the presence of that fat ass, slapping down meatily on her asscheek and making her squeal. Fuck, it was already so warm, so soft, so slick..
He could see the fire of need light in her eyes when she saw his cock, she was so fucking needy for him, he couldn't resist even as the rational part of him was strangling him and screaming Blake's name.
Blake wasn't here, and even if she was, she wouldn't be doing this for him.
"D-Daddy's cock~! I-It's so big~!" Weiss stared back in shock and awe at the massive spire of cock, a bitch breaker, and she was the bitch, his curly mess of blonde pubes was wild and sweaty from training, and she looked like she was hungry for it. He always thought Weiss seemed unnaturally okay with his after training smell, while Blake hated it.
"Ghaaaa fuuuck!!" Yang grit his teeth in pure pleasure as Weiss suddenly dropped those hefty, meaty, weighty fucking planetary spheres of pure cushion and jiggle right down on his sensitive cock, trapping his dick between those fucking cheeks like a oil slicked, extra hot, slippery, rippling onahole.
"Daddy's cock~! Y-Yes~! It's so hot~! Th-Thank you Daddy, I'll show you I'll be y-your slutty cumdump~!" Weiss wasted no time twerking her slutty birthing hips like a cheap whore, like a star of a music video, like he paid her to twerk like a stripper right there on his cock, the oil slick asscrack of that slutty little princess was so hot, so warm, so soft and tight, it wasn't fair.
Hefty asscheeks slapped and clapped down on his pelvis with every bounce, lines of oil from her fat pale ass attached to his balls and hips, every single inch of his foot long womb wrecker was getting jerked and milked just by Weiss' asscrack, the tip of his massive cock peaking out the top of her cleft to squirt precum every single bounce, not only slick with oil, but sweat as the heat ramped up and he could see her panting and twerking like her life depended on it.
"Fuuuckk!! You dirty fucking whore!! Twerk your fat ass!! I'm gonna fuck you like the naughty little slut you fucking are!!" It felt too good, Yang snarled and snapped, finally embracing it, smacking Weiss' fucking cheeks red just to feel them jiggle and ripple around his dick, thrusting into her twerking cheeks, yanking her back into his cock.
"Y-Yes~! Please fuck me Daddy~! Please fuck my slutty ass~! I need Daddy's cock so bad~!" Countless hours of imagining Blake twerking her ass, covering it in oil, shaking it on his dick.. He couldn't eve remember what her body looked like now, it was only Weiss, he could only see Weiss twerking, only see Weiss' fat ass covered in oil.. Only see him getting balls deep in Weiss' asshole..
He couldn't take it, he needed it, fuck it. It's Blake's fault, if she wasn't so fucking boring he wouldn't.. Whatever.
"Come here you fucking whore!! You stupid cock hungry slut!! You wanna be used like a fleshlight?! You'll be my personal fat assed anal slut fleshlight!!" Yang's eyes boiled red, his hair was on fire, he couldn't hold back, he grabed Weiss' ponytail like a fucking handlebar, smacked her ass as hard as he could, and pushed both of them up and standing, easy for him, he was twice her size, more than strong enough.
"Aaah~! Yes~! I wanna be Daddy's anal slut fleshlight~!!" She looked so happy, hearts in her eyes, like she was living her fucking dream even as he yanked her across the room by her ponytail, her fat ass still jiggling with every clack oh her high heels as she desperately tried to follow, still shining with oil as he threw her face down, ass up.. Onto Blake's bed.
"Come on than Butt Slut, spread your fuckin' ass for it!! Spread your ass for cock you worthless whore!!" He mounted up behind her, smacked his foot long cock between her cheeks and smacked her ass again, fuck he loved watching it jiggle.
Weiss only squealed excitedly as she reached back with both hands, hooking one finger into her thong and spreading her massive perfectly round cheeks wide apart, spreading her asshole for him, biting the pillow and looking back so lovingly.
"Fuck me~!! Fuck me~!! Fuck my ass~!!" Her voice was muffled, but he didn't care, grabbing his cock, he pressed his lubed and oil slick cock against that adorable, tiny, pink little hole like he owned it. The tip pressed so firmly the little ring of muscle just barely gave way, stretching slowly around the helm of his cock while Weiss slowly groaned and squealed in delight beneath him, but no, she belonged t him now, and he didn't do slow.
One butally hard thrust was all it took to slam his fucking cock home into that fat ass with a loud, wet, meaty clap of his hips against her cheeks, so hard the bed smashed against the wall behind the, Weiss screamed so loud he knew everyone 6 rooms over heard it clear as day. He didn't fucking care, the feeling of her asshole clamped down on his cock was everything he imagined and more, the heat, the tightness, the feeling of owning this Pretty Princess Fuckmeat completely, he couldn't hold back, even as his balls clenched, he couldn't cum yet, not until he fucked this bitch so hard she won't walk for a fucking week.
"Aha Ah Ah AH AH AH A H AH AHA A H A H AH AHAH AHAHAAAAH~!!!!!" Yang's tempo was vicious, violent, brutal, he wanted to fucking break that slutty anal fuckhole, he wanted to break her and ruin her with just his cock, he fucked her so goddamn hard there was a hole in the wall from the bed after the third thrust!
Loud clapping so harsh and brutal filled the room he knew he would get looks tomorrow, he didn't care, not when his little whore Princess needed her asshole fucking broken!! Weiss clawed the sheets as she desperately kicked, and squirmed, and thrashed in the bed from the pleasure of being used like a fleshlight, her eyes rolling up in her head while her tongue hung out as she was fucked stupid. He didn't care, he held her in place for her fucking anal wrecking, using her hair like a bitch handle he yanked her fat ass back onto his dick, smacked her fat fucking cheeks every few thrusts, slam fucked that pristine little pink fuckhole so hard he could see tears pouring down her face, but he didn't care. She asked to be his anal fleshlight, that's what she is.
"FUCK!! Say it you stupid whore!! You fucking walking fleshlight!!" SMACK!! "Say it cumdumpster!!" Yang snarled and spat as he grabbed the princess' arms in his and yanked her torso up off the thoroughly wrecked and ruined bed, her entire body bouncing and rocking violently as he continued his vicious tempo of clapping her cheeks like a wild animal.
"I'M DADDY'S BUTT SLUT FUCKDOLL~!!! PLEASE BREAK MY ASSHOLE DADDY~!!! AAAAHHHH AHA AHAN A AH A NAHA NAA~!!!" Weiss could barely remember her name, her entire body dripped with sweat, her massive, shiny, oiled ass clapped, jiggled, bounced, rippled, and smacked against his viciously brutal pelvis, it was a nonstop onslaught of he slam fucking her asshole like he hated her!
Weiss breasts, small as they were, bounced with every clap against her mountainous, gelatinous planets of pale flesh, she could barely hold on, she came over and over again in just the first few minutes of him wrecking her asshole ! The hole in the wall was the size of her head now, she knocked the lamp and shattered it across the ground as she thrashed and tried to hold onto anything for dear life.
Yang snarled and growled with every single clap of her cheeks, smacking her fat ass and leaving her pale cheeks red and sore as he reached towards her face and hooked his fingers into her mouth, mounting up and planting his feet on the bed in a bulldog position, doubling his already violent anal fucking to to something that Weiss is only holding onto a thread by, she can only sit there like a good set of holes and be used by her Daddy, even as he sinks his teeth into her neck and shoulder, using her like nothing but a piece of meat to get off with.
"DADDY~!! DADDY~!! AAHGGHAAAA~!!! B-BREAK MY HOLE DADDY~!!!" Weiss loved this so much, she dreamed of this, she belonged to her Daddy now, his personal cumdumpster anal fleshlight! He could feel her cum nonstop, he just wanted her to break and never turn back into that bitchy ice queen again, she's his personal fuckdoll now! He'll buy her a collar and leash! Smacking her ass again he yanks her hair back again to make her look him in the eye, she was so broken, sweat dripped down their bodies as the blistering hot room reached a peak, he wanted to break her completely, he needed to! He-
The ringtone blasted from his gym bag still there on the bed inches from Weiss's head, he looked up for just a second as the ringtone range true in his head, the picture of him and Blake cuddling flashing across the screen in front of him as he balls deep rammed Weiss' slutty anal fuckhole so hard he would need to replace Blake's bed before she got back, he'd forgotten she even existed, what she looked like, how fucking boring sex was with her. Looking just up he was filled with rage at his actions, and hers for being so fucking boring.
And his eyes flicked down a few inches to the fucked stupid face of the heiress whore he was ruining so hard he could feel her going limp, her asshole was clamping like a vice, his nuts slapping her cunt while her absolutely massive fucking cheeks clapped against his hips, stilled oiled, wrapped in slutty lingerie, more than Blake had ever fucking done, even on their anniversary, this fucking fleshlight dolled herself up just to be used like a cumdumpster more than Blake ever had!
Yang saw red, his ager turned to pure rage as he suddenly grabbed his scroll and threw it so hard across the room it shattered and left a hole in the wall, he focused everything on Weiss, suddenly slamming her face down into the bed, pinning her down with all his weight as he pinned her wrist down with one hand and wrapped his arm around her neck with the other, Weiss screamed as he reached deeper into her asshole than ever before in a violent prone bone, hooking her legs open with his so she couldn't stop him even if she wanted to, he suddenly jackhammered her asshole so hard and fast Weiss couldn't see straight, she couldn't think, all she could do was scream and squeal and babble to the sounds of him snarling in her ear and her own fat ass' meaty claps around his massive fucking bitch breaking cock!
"DADDYSH COCK~!! HARD, BREAK ME~!!! AGHAAAAAH~!!! M-MORRRRREEEE~!!! PLEASSSSSHHHH~!!! DADDYYYY~!!" Mascara steamed down her face as she went limp and let the much larger man use her body however he wanted, like his personal fleshlight cumdump, her world a blur of meaty clapping and violent rocking as the man so viciously fucked her!
"FUCK!! FUUUCCK!!! TAKE IT YOU FUCKING ANAL WHORE!!!" Yang felt his balls clench as every single frustration slammed into Weiss' little asshole, an hour straight of vicious pounding ending with him suddenly slamming in as deep as he could to pump his cum spurt after hot, stringy, chunky spurt right into her asshole, over, and over, and over again! Cum squirted out around his cock and onto her cheeks, she felt so fucking full and warm, she came over and over to the feeling herself, screaming that absolutely gorgeous voice horse as she was filled to the brim with Daddy's cum!
"Hello? Yang? What are you doing on Weiss' scroll?" Blake tilted her head, confused after her calls had stopped going through, calling Weiss was an afterthought, but with Yang answering, it only got more strange. "And why are you sweating? And shirtless..?"
"A-Ah, yeah, I really trained my ass off when you guys left, been working on it and lost track of time.. Haha.. And, uh, broke my scroll.." Yang scratched the back of his head, she thought it looked suspicious, but he probably threw it when he go too angry, knowing him.
"Guess you really didn't wanna be alone with Weiss." She joked, just to notice a sudden shift in mood from the man.
"Hey, Weiss is alright, we really bonded once I got back!" He almost snapped at her, but, if they really did actually start getting along, Blake knew Yang was always protective of friends. Must have gone really well.
"Alright, sheesh. Figure you two wouldn't get along so- Wait, is that my bed?! Yang, you're still all sweaty and gross! Ugh, wash the sheets before I get back, I don't want them smelling like your sweat!"
The man's eyes almost darkened, like a sudden realization hit him, but his face didn't show what.
"Fuck, ah, yeah, will do Blake.. Y'know, I gotta go, Weiss is getting out of the shower now, so I'm gonna go hop in."
"gluck gluck gluck gluck~"
"What? What's that noise?"
"Shi- Uh, Zwei is throwing something up I think- Seriously I gotta go I'll talk to you later."
"O-Oh, alright, well, goodnight, have a fun weekend. Love you."
"hggk gluck gluck gluck~"
"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, you too. Later."
Blake looked down as the screen suddenly cut to black.. Maybe she shouldn't have been so uppity about the sheets.. She hopes she didn't upset him..
"Fuuuck, choke on it you stupid whore!!" Yang's eyes instantly focused passed the scroll to continue shooting the video he was recording before being interrupted.
"Gluck gluck gluck hggk gluck~!!" Weiss eagerly and frantically throated the mans sweaty, musky, hairy cock like her life depended on it, sucking so loud and messily he was shocked that Blake didn't question it further.
Saliva dripped down Weiss' chin and onto his balls as she desperately swallowed and choked on that massive fucking cock, leaving light pink lipstick smears up and down his cock in rings and kisses all along his cock and balls, eagerly cleaning up her mess after he busted a nut deep into her ass.
Bright blue eyes stared deeply into his, never losing eye contact, and that made him so fucking hard. Blake never even wanted to lick his dick, treated like a chore, but Weiss is worshipping his cock like it's her god.
Mascara streamed down Weiss' face as she went all the way down to the base of Yang's cock, burying her nose in his sweaty, messy pubes and rolling her tongue underneath to lick his sweaty nuts, stray pubes stuck to her plump, glossy lips as she swallowed over and over to milk and massage his cock with her throat muscles.
"Fuck yeaaah, you fucking onahole! Good slut! Don't forget the balls bitch!" Every second was on camera, every second was more than Blake did in their entire relationship, every second made him wanna slap a collar on Weiss and keep her as his personal fuckdoll.
"Hggggkkkkkkhhh~!!! SLUUUUUUUUURRRRRRPPP~!!!" Weiss hallowed her cheeks and slurped on his cock HARD as she slowly dragged that 12 inch meastick out of her throat, a perfect blowjob face for the camera and her Daddy, rolling her tongue out right next to his freshly cleaned cock to show it was all gone, every last drop, except for a few pubes on her mouth, lips, and tongue, hooking her mouth open happily and rolling her tongue around for him.
"Daddy's cock is so delicious~!! So musky~!! Daddy smells so gooooood~!!" Weiss was on cloud nine as she suddenly pressed her face and nose into the man's sweat dripping, hairy, musky, steaming hot nuts and huffed and snorted them like her life depended on it. Rubbing her face in his sack before looking up and the man and taking one of the salty nuts into her mouth to start cleaning, sucking, slurping, sloshing, and spitting on every inch before moving onto the next, sucking hard and making sure it was as loud and wet as possible for the camera.
"Gooooddamn!! You're the perfect fucking fleshlight!!" Yang couldn't hold back, he needed one more for the road. Grabbing Weiss' ponytail one more, Yang yanked her head off his nuts with a steamy hot gasp from her mouth and slammed his cock down her throat, recording the whole time as she looked up in glee while he jammed his cock down her throat.
"Gluck GLUck GLUCK GLUCK GLUUUCK GLUUCK~!!" He wasn't as brutal as his first nut in this bitch, but Yang wasn't known for being gentle, his nuts slapped Weiss' chin over and over as saliva and throat slime poured down her face and onto her small tits, loud wet choking and glucking filled the room as he skull fucked the pretty little princess, and she only slurped, sucked, and stayed like a good slut for him to finish~! Recording her with her own scroll~!
Weiss looked so gorgeous with his cock down her throat, he loved it, just the look made him wanna bust a nut, but he had a plan, he needed to do one last thing Blake never let him do..
"Fuck!! Suck harder stupid slut!!" And suck harder she did, even at the expense of her own breath, she slurped on his cock so hard he only had a few seconds to react before yanking his cock free.
"Open you mouth!! Stick out your tongue!!" Weiss looked up, knowing exactly what he wanted, and as he was gonna start stroking his cock, she grabbed it instead, jerking her Daddy off onto her own face as rope after rope of sticky white spunk blasted across her gorgeous, Heiress features, all over her mouth, her tongue, her lips, string after string painting her already pale features offwhite, filling her mouth with cum as one blasted across her eye, but she didn't move, rolling her tongue around instead to mix and churn the chunky seed around her mouth and teeth for the camera, mouth hooked open by one finger, face covered in cum, Weiss loudly and lewdly gargled the cum in her mouth and throat before swallowing loudly, revealing her completely clean mouth right after.
"Th-Hic-Thank you Daddy~" Weiss was so excited to be with her Daddy, it was barely Friday night, and the girls won't be back till Monday morning~
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autumnsorbet · 8 months
Forgot I did these last months I thought I had posted them but I Didn't
Art block redesigns
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Redraws from when I had art block a few times last month this one's from v5
I had fun making Yang's I think she look amazing in black it help her hair stand out morei gave Weiss a look that's a bit similar to what her outfit is in volume seven I wish they had hinted at something like that in volume 6
or maybe they gave weiss a new outfit while they were traveling, I also try to add all her teams colors to her outfit I also gave her some hair swords instead of just giving her that tiara I had her put
actual little dagger swords in her hair that she could use in an emergency if she lost her weapon to still fight with they don't shoot us but she could still try to attack someone with them or still summon if need be cuz I think she needs her weapon to summon it's not really clear,
I think well Oscar / Oz was at the house he could have dressed a bit more comfortably yeah I know this outfit I put him in isn't comfortable this outfit is actually from a manga I xxxholic and I just wanted to see how Oscar looked in it I actually like how it turned out I just changed some things on it and the colors
I also had the idea that maybe if Rwby could they would like have the characters change their outfits like every 3 days or so so you won't just leave them in the same outfit I know models are expensive but I wish they could do like some shows have done and have them in different outfits even if it's just two or three different outfits for different occasions and things besides pajamas like they did in volume 7
For the V8 redraw I put Oscar in a different outfit I think he should have gotten an outfit change at the end of volume eight instead of them just fixing up his same outfit like did he have a spare outfit somewhere that they had or did someone make him a new outfit or just clean his outfit that he had on often fix his jacket somehow 😅
And then what is still funny to me because in that same episode and even The following episode his model was really off for some reason I wish they had just given him a different outfit I know the outfit I put him in looks like it's all over the place but I still think this is a good design and look especially like what I did with his hair
I also like the outfit I put Blake in I think if they were going to put her in like a cat suit I wish they had put her in like a cat food snow jumper, I don't know why they've been putting her in white lately I wish they put her in purple or black more so I gave her a purple outfit with dark purple boots and one of those headband scarf things she also has a hood in case she gets trapped out in the cold and her Aura is low and she can cover her ears on her head
This was something I had to fun doing especially when I had art block which comes on every other week like week before last I was drawing a lot of stuff and it was so fun and I was actually making progress with some work that I wanted to put aside but I managed to get it done and all of last week all I had was art block mostly and I think I only got two pictures done hopefully I can get more done this week
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Faunas: Does, and Don’ts
Ruby: So, you’re dating, Weiss. Any does, and don’ts with her. Since she’s a faunas, and all?
Jaune: Why are you asking me this?
Ruby: Just curious how other faunas feel about having their tails pulled. Some people have pulled my tail too, and I didn’t like it. So, I was curious how others felt about it. And, if differently faunas feel differently about about their tails being pulled; me being a wolf, and Weiss a snow leopard.
Jaune: Okay, but why not ask, Weiss what it’s like to have her tail pulled?
Ruby: I have, but she starts blushing, and refuses to talk about it. So…?
Jaune: Weiss is a rather reserved person, she probably doesn’t want to talk about such private matters.
Ruby: Yeah, that makes sense.
Jaune: Yeah, so about your question: First things first: Never touch a faunas tail! If you accidentally brush their tail they will get incredibly uncomfortable! They may just slap you out of habit.
Ruby: Yeah, I can see that. Ha… I’ve even done that myself too.
Jaune: if you grab it though, well that leads to some other problems.
Ruby: Such as?
Jaune: You’ll be lucky if you just get slapped, they might try, and gut you if you did this. Mind you, these rules apply to a lot of faunas in general. No one likes to be inappropriately touched.
Ruby: A guy groped my butt once.
Jaune: Wait, seriously?! What happened, are you okay?!
Ruby: I’m okay. He was arrested, after they took him out of the wall, Yang punched him through.
Jaune: Ahh~! Yang’s such a great big sister.
Ruby: She is~! So, next question: What would happen if a faunas’s tail was pulled by someone?
Jaune: Well, they may try, and kill you. Yang punching that guy through a wall would be considered a nicety.
Ruby: Makes sense, but what would happen if they didn’t do that?
Jaune: Well, but I can’t say for others, but in my case: Pray that your pelvis can endure what is to come…
Ruby: Oh... Is that why, Weiss is walking funny..?
Jaune: Yeah, pretty much.
Ruby: I see… So, one last question.
Jaune: And, that is?
Ruby: Was it worth it?
Jaune: Oh hell yeah it was!
Ruby: Oh, okay then... So, Jaune… I’m a wolf faunas, with a tail, and all that.
Jaune: And, a pretty tail at that.
Ruby: T-Thank you… S-So… W-Would you like to touch my tail…?
Jaune: Sure.
Ruby: Really?!
Jaune: Yeah, why not?
Ruby: That’s great!
Weiss: Ruby Rose!
Ruby: EEP?! Weiss?! H-Hey… How’s… How’s the limp…?
Weiss: Manageable! Now come here, we need to have a conversation, privately!
Ruby: O-Okay!
Weiss: We’ll be right back darling~!
Jaune: Okay…?
Weiss: Now you listen here, Ruby Rose! If you’re trying to do what I think you’re trying to do, then I’ve got one word for you!
Ruby: A-And, that is…?
Weiss: Leg stretches. For the love of the gods do some leg stretches before you ask him to pull your tail. Trust me, you will not regret it.
Ruby: Oh… I thought you were going to gouge out my eyes for encroaching on your territory. You did mark him as yours, right?
Weiss: Oh silly little girl~! He marked me, I’m masters good little pet now~! And, master can have as many pets as he wants~!
Ruby: Oh… Okay…?
Weiss: Now you be a good little girl, flash that little tail of yours in front of him, and make sure he claims you as his personal bitch by the night, okay~?
Ruby: You meant that as a faunas thing right?
Weiss: Sure, why not. Either way, you’re walking funny in the morning.
Ruby: Aren’t the leg stretches supposed to prevent that?
Weiss: No, but it helps. Somewhat…
Ruby: Oh… Okay then.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
i hate the excuse of "weiss & blake's colours now being blue & purple are signs they're healing from their trauma!" cause even when you look at the uses of these colours in characters connected to their girl's specific traumas, it's the exact opposite.
weiss is in a majority blue & grey in v4 because you could infer those are jacques colours, he's shown in stark white & blue & in the schnee family portrait, the blue is most prominent on the schneeblings when they're under his control as children. by time we see weiss & winter as adults in their original outfits, that blue is nominal, almost gone as they are out of jacques grasp.
so why is weiss now in the most amount of blue she's been in throughout the entire show, in the most princess like, uncomfortable & inconvenient outfit when she's supposed to be a fully fledged huntress, no longer relying on her wealth & breaking free of jacques completely?
& with blake it's even worse because black isn't adam's colour: red is. his name is literally red earth. if we want to take it that blake's colour has been adam's influence over her, then her outfit should've been drenched in red as that's also the colour associated with the "bad" white fang.
but then we get to the later volumes once adam is dead & she's being defined by white & purple, all her black is nominal or just outright gone & it doesn't make sense because black was her colour. there was no negative connotation with black considering it's also the main colour her mother wears. we can't even say that she's wearing more purple + white to evoke ghira because these are the volumes she's been most politically quiet, especially for her people. all her fighting for the faunus was done in v2 & v5, when she was in black.
the most irritating point of this defense is that if these girls, this world was going to be so defined by colour, keeping them in that colour should probably be first & foremost. all the "justifications" can be made to the high heavens but if the characters named white snow & black flower aren't in white & black, then clearly some of the messaging has been lost in translation. especially when red rose still manages to remain red despite going through just as much trauma.
we don't talk about yellow dragon. she's been a lost cause since day one when they decided yellow actually meant brown.
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actrixquadras · 28 days
So Far Away Part6
Chapter 5: Returning Snow
“From what I can see, Miss Schnee is doing quite well. Just like always, you are doing a phenomenal job taking care of her, Mr. Arc”, the lady dressed in a shirt and jeans says as they gently place the sleeping beauty’s hand back on the bed.
“Are you sure, Dr. Wissend? Weiss has been breathing differently lately” Jaune asks with concern as he enters the room, looking at his sleeping friend anxiously. 
It's been six months since Jaune had moved back to Ansel with Weiss. After taking over the log cabin from his father, he had spent most of his waking hours trying to bring the place to a hospitable condition. He had personally replaced the defective wood. He had hammered the nails in place and placed the missing glass. He had treated the house against any possible pests just so that Weiss wouldn’t have a problem recovering her health. His mother and sisters took turns to watch over her when he was not around and within three weeks, after the talk with the town board for electricity and running water, the cabin was ready to be occupied.
The cabin was not huge per se. It had two bedrooms, out of which the master went to Weiss, while he took the smaller one. Much to his chagrin, his sisters went out of their way to decorate her and his room. The living room was not big but shared its space with dining and kitchen, and it had an old-fashioned fireplace to keep the place warm during nights and winters. There was a loft as well, but currently, it was left unused. There was a patio both at the front and back, opening the space to sunlight, a cool breeze, and a good view.
It was a space, ideal to raise a small family but now, only he and Weiss were living here. Not a day went by when Jaune wasn’t busy. He would be either outside the cabin, cutting trees to make way for the orchid that his father proposed, or he would be attending to his huntsman duties. By now, 80 percent of the woods have been cleared. The discarded wood was not wasted at all. It was either converted to firewood or was reused to make a shed for the jeep and other trinkets Jaune was planning to make.
Speaking of his father, the knight was doing his best to assist him whenever he could. He would sometimes help him at his vineyard and sometimes he would help at the ranch. Even though Jaune insisted against it, his father always paid him for his job, saying that no work should be done for free. His father was still awkward, but now, the knight of Rust found it easier to talk with him. Sometimes, they would go to fish, sometimes they would head out to town to get supplies for the house and the farm.
It was his father who had introduced him to the local huntsmen and Weiss’ current doctor in charge, Dr. Allison Wissend, who preferred to be referred to as Dr. Al Wissend. They were a traveling doctor, a neurologist to be exact, who would drop by Ansel once a month to check on patients who suffered from ailments related to what Weiss was dealing with. The town has a fair share of clinics and medicine practitioners, but there was no neurologist, so Dr. Wissend is a blessing to have whenever they are around.
Right now, they were here at their place. Dr Wissend had come over for Weiss’s monthly check-up. The past few days have been rough on Jaune. The sleeping woman’s breathing had changed a lot, causing the knight to be scared. He can’t rush the doctor to come over, nor does his aura amping help ease the breathing. All Jaune could do was sit beside Weiss’s side and worry. Even though he knew about the brother gods’ existence, Jaune was not a believer, but he was praying to those very gods for the good health of his friend.
“That’s quite normal for a patient like her. Did you notice anything else?” Dr. Wissend asks.
Jaune shakes his head in denial and says, “Other than occasional twitching, nothing else. I believe you told me that twitching is normal as well”.
“If it's beyond normal, I wouldn’t call it twitching but rather a seizure”, they say as they jot something down in their notebook. They look at the blonde knight and say, “Her bladder movement is good. Her pulse is good. I didn’t find any bedsores and she is very clean. All I have to do is send her blood to the lab and you can pick it up tomorrow. As far as I’m concerned, she is very healthy”.
“Is there anything I have to keep in mind for the future?” Jaune asks earnestly.
The doctor shakes their head in denial and as they gently remove the sleeping woman’s nasal cannula, they say, “No. You are doing well, Mr. Arc. You are doing very well. I don’t have to say anything, because you are already doing it. But if there is anything I have to add, she is ready to start a liquid diet. She is showing enough strength to digest, maybe you can start with something. If she throws up or appears to have a digestion issue, you can switch back to glucose. Do take care to make sure that she doesn’t choke. Also, her lungs are getting strong as well, so we can get her off the ventilator. ”.
Jaune just nods. A moment of silence grows between the two and suddenly, the doctor asks, “Is there anything you want to know, Mr. Arc? Is something bothering you?”
A lot of things were bothering Jaune. It’s been six months. He was already halfway through the time he had agreed with Winter. Weiss… She was not showing any signs of recovery. With every passing day, he was growing anxious. Was the effort he was putting in not enough? Was he lacking somewhere? He was using his semblance on her every day… Was it hampering her progress? Jaune had too many things to ask, but he needed to consider Dr. Wissend’s time as well. They were busy people after all. So, he decided to ask a question that mattered to him the most at that moment.
“Doctor… when can I expect her to wake up?” Jaune asks after taking a deep breath.
Dr. Wissend lets out a huge sigh. They shrug their shoulders a bit as they reply, “It’s tough to say, Mr. Arc. Patients like her tend to be unpredictable. She might wake up in a few hours, a few days, or maybe in a few months as well. She might not… You get what I’m trying to say. We must also consider the damage that has happened to her brain. If she wakes up, she might be able to articulate her words properly, she might not be able to walk properly, she might not even remember you. With therapy we can recover most of Miss Schnee's cognitive function and mobility, but memories… I have doubts about that. All I can say is to prepare yourself for the bad news”.
Jaune couldn’t help but grimace at their reply. The doctor continues to say, “I know that as a doctor, you have certain expectations from me, but this is the most I can do”.
Jaune shakes his head and with a small smile, replies, “It’s fine, doctor. I appreciate you making time for Weiss”.
Dr. Wissend nods and as they return the smile, they say, “You have no idea how much I appreciate your understanding Mr. Arc”. They begin to gather their belongings and as they are putting it together, they say, “I shall get going then. I shall mail you the recipes and supplements that you should add to her diet. If there is any problem, don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be leaving Ansel tomorrow evening”.
“Oh yes... Your fees?” Jaune asks as he reaches behind for his wallet.
“You know… the regular amount you pay” Dr. Wissend replies and Jaune doesn’t hesitate to fork out the Lien. The exchange goes without a hitch and the knight sees the doctor off at the main door. As soon as they were out of sight with their rental car, Jaune let out a sigh and headed back into Weiss’ room and flopped down on the recliner that Saphron and Terra had brought in for his comfort. 
He reaches out to the scroll in his pocket. This was a habit he had developed since the doctor had made their first visit. He searches for the contact he wanted at that time and with a quick swipe he dials and places the transparent device against his ear.
After a series of short incessant rings, a connection is formed and a crystal clear voice fills his ear saying, “Hello Jaune”. 
“Hey, Winter. How are you doing?” Jaune asks as he sits up. Speaking to Winter on the scroll has always been weird to him. The knight always felt a need to sit appropriately around the elder Schnee even though she was not physically present in the room. Was that because she always talked to him with a formal tone or was it because she was his superior? He had no idea.
“I’m doing good. What did the doctor say about Weiss?” asks Winter.
“They said that it's quite normal for her breathing to change. She is off the ventilator”, Jaune replies as his gaze falls on the sleeping woman.
“Did they say anything about… you know…?”
“They were not sure about that. Told us to be prepared for bad news”, was the reply Jaune.
A moment of silence fell upon the two, and the knight could hear sounds of heavy breathing coming from the other side. He doesn’t say a word as a quiet sob passes through his ear. For a moment, he thought of saying something to cheer her up, but words died in his mouth as his tongue failed to articulate his thoughts. He doesn’t hang the call and lets Winter take her time.
“Did they say anything else?” Winter finally asks.
“Yeah. Apparently, Weiss can start a liquid diet”, Jaune says.
“Oh… Weiss is going to hate that”, the knight heard his superior let out a chuckle and he couldn’t help but smile.
“I will try to sneak some of her favorite stuff into her diet”, he says with a smile.
“Please do. She would appreciate it”, Winter replies cheerfully. Then she asks, “How are Mother and Whitley doing?”
“Oh them?”, Jaune starts as his sight then moves to the corner of the room where he had set up a small shrine for them. He swiftly gets up from his place and as he walks up to the shrine, he replies, “They are doing well. Always making sure that they are dust-free”.
The knight hears a content sigh and he hears the former maiden say, “Thank you for your efforts, Jaune. I appreciate it”.
The knight shakes his head in denial and says, “I should be thanking you Winter. If you haven’t given me this task… I wouldn’t know whether I had enough to hope. Weiss… she means a lot to me. She helps me focus”.
“Well then you shouldn’t worry about her much. I have some news for you”.
“What is it?” Jaune asks as he pauses himself mid-stride.
“Do you remember how I said that it would take me a year to find the remaining relics?” Winter asks.
“Yeah, it's been six months since then. What about it?” Jaune asks, remembering. They already had the Sword of Destruction on hand thanks to Ruby holding on to it and over six months, the Staff of Creation and the Lamp of Knowledge were unearthed from the ruins. The Crown of Choice was yet to be found and from what he had heard from Winter, the situation had started getting tense at the sight since now the Grimm had started to converge to that area.
“We found new signatures. We have pinpointed the location of the Relic of Choice. It’s only a matter of time since we will be able to get it out”, Winter replies and the knight can sense the tone of excitement in her voice. 
“How long do you think it would take to get it out?” Jaune asks, breathlessly.
“A month or two, give or take. Four months if you consider the formalities that will follow after. Headmaster Theodore suggests that we encase the relics in the concrete and throw them out at sea. That way we could divert the Grimm migration a bit. We are planning protocols for that right now. This would be my last duty as an Atlesian Specialist. So in four months, I will be moving to Ansel and taking Weiss from your hands”.
“That’s great news, Winter!” Jaune beams. The knight was elated to hear this.
“Well, yeah… That’s all I had to say. Once again, I’m very grateful for you doing this for me Jaune. I don’t have enough words…” Winter awkwardly ends and the knight couldn’t help but smile. She might be his superior, but small talk was never her forte.
“It's all good, Winter. Weiss is my friend, and for all the things she has done for me, this is the least I can do”, Jaune replies with a small smile, as his eyes fall on the said person, who was unconscious to the world.
“Take care, Jaune. I shall assure you that I will do my best to finish this as soon as possible”, says Winter.
“Don’t overwork yourself. Bye Winter”, says Jaune.
“Bye Jaune. Give Weiss my love”, Winter says before the connection to her scroll ends, and the knight is flabbergasted, trying to figure out how exactly he is supposed to do that.
As he pockets his scroll, his gaze falls on Weiss. In a few months, their situation will come to an end. He takes her hand gently and says, “Did you hear that Weiss? Winter is finally wrapping up her duties. I will be out of your hair once and for all”. As much as he didn’t mind taking care of Weiss, knowing that his time with her would shorten brought joy to him. The sleeping beauty should be around people close to her heart, not a stranger who she had just known for six years at best. He was maintaining her rapier anyway, so once she is up and about she would like to use it. He was already planning things to do once Winter took Weiss away from him. Maybe he could visit Nora and Ren and see how Kuroyuri is coming along. Maybe he could take a trip to Menagerie and pay a visit to Blake’s grave. Maybe he could do the same for Oscar as well. He definitely would like to visit Patch.
But a part of him still wanted to be around Weiss. The feeling was indescribable. Taking care of her made him feel enabled. It made him useful. Something that he was never. Something that he was supposed to be when Ruby needed him the most. It made him feel fulfilled.
It made him feel satisfied.
He hated this feeling.
It was as if he was put with Paper Pleasers again. But this time instead of fragile sentient paper, it was a fragile friend. Jaune didn’t mean to think like that, but he couldn’t help but draw comparisons to both of them. How Paper Pleasers were always in danger of killing themselves if he was not around, he felt Weiss was just like that.
And he loathed himself for thinking like that.
Weiss is strong. He was not.
Weiss is graceful. He was not.
Weiss is perfect with her flaws. He was inadequate.
She doesn’t need a dead weight like him around. She was better off without him. All this time, he believed that he was taking care of her to help Winter, but in truth, it was just to ease his guilt for not saving Ruby and others a bit.
But the guilt only grew.
That was when Jaune decided. If Weiss tells him to get out of her life, he will leave without any hesitation. He would not protest. He would not beg. He would just leave.
The chime of the bell at the front door fell into ears and the knight broke out of his reverie. He looked out of the window to see that the sun had already gone down and darkness was claiming the land. He was still holding onto Weiss’ hand. Was he brooding all this time?
With a flustered face, he sets down the sleeping beauty’s hand gently and walks towards the door to get it. Knowing his arrangement, it was one of his sisters. Thrice a week, one of his sisters, except for Saphron, would stay over at the place to watch Weiss. They were doing this so that the knight could get some very much-needed sleep. At first, Jaune was against it but his sisters didn’t take no for an answer. After an intense debate, the knight caved in and allowed them to come over, but only with the condition that if anything happened to Weiss, they would wake him up no matter what.
Till now, there was no incident and he was grateful for that. He was having lots of rest and that made him feel even more guilty. He was already busy with occasional huntsman work and orchard, with his mother and sisters taking over for him and now they let him sleep. He only got to attend to his friend during the mornings and nights. He was not putting in enough work.
He opens the door and Violet walks in, in her pajamas and a backpack.
“Wasn’t Scarlet supposed to be here today?” Jaune asks as he eyes his little sister suspiciously.
“Oh yeah… Well you see, do you remember the guy Big-sis-Letta was crushing on? She finally asked him out and he said yes! So I will be taking over her role for tonight as she goes out there enjoying her youth”, Violet beams.
“You seem to be more excited than Scarlet”, Jaune asks with a smirk.
“Well, I would like to let you know that I have been shipping them for a very long time. And now… my ship is sailing! Of course, I would be excited!” Vi exclaims exaggeratedly.
“Don’t use your sisters as material for your fanfiction”, Jaune grimaces as Vi settles down on his recliner and brandishes her laptop from her backpack.
“So you won’t mind if I use you as my inspiration?” Vi asks without looking up.
“What are you going to write about, a clown?”
“I was thinking more of a second lead, but sure… let's go with that”     
Jaune couldn’t help but grimace and his sister shooed him away, saying, “Just go and sleep bro. If there is anything that needs you to be awake, I’ll wake you up”.
“Much appreciated”, Jaune says as he walks out of Weiss’ room. The knight without a thought crashed on his bed, hoping for once that he would not dream in his sleep.
The feeling of the blowing winds.
The sound of the crashing sea.
The smell of the dirty soil.
The sight of the wheat fields.
The combination of the above elements was very much unlikely in real life and it gave way to Jaune that he was dreaming. But the sensation and sight in front of him soothed his soul. He takes a step forward, his bare feet taking in the feeling of every single loose grain of soil and wheat. He takes a deep breath. He does it again while getting addicted to the smell of sea salt and the feeling of the wind blowing his hair.
“Jaune…?” a familiar voice fills the knight’s ears and his eyes widen like a deer caught in the headlights. He turns slowly in the direction of the voice, and his sight is filled with a woman he always seemed to occupy his mind during his resting hours.
Her hair was slightly longer than before, but they were still lustrous black with red highlights. Her skin was pale, but not in an unhealthy way. Her silver eyes were gazing at him lovingly and the white sundress covered her frame modestly.
As much as he remembers, this woman always came into his dreams. The scenarios were different but the ending was always grim and covered in blood. But this… this was different. He was not getting the sense of foreboding that he always felt in his dream. 
He was at ease. 
And this easiness made him doubtful. 
Was this really a dream? 
Or was this his longing for a real connection? 
Jaune doesn’t know. 
“Are you joining me?” Ruby asks as if he was with her all this time and he takes a step forward. No matter how repetitive his dreams got. No matter what the situation was. He was always drawn to Ruby. She didn’t have mass but her presence caused Jaune to gravitate towards her like the moon who found its world.
Ruby leads him through the wheat fields, while playfully touching this crop. The silence that was growing was filled by the wind and Jaune was racking his brain, trying to make sense of the situation. A person usually dreams of things he has seen. It doesn’t matter if the things are detailed or vivid. Detailed things tend to be more accurate while vivid sights are more based on a person’s interpretation. The wheat fields reminded him of the fields that surrounded Ansel. The sound of the sea reminds him of the time he was stranded in Ever After. 
Is his mind implying that he saw Ever After as his home?
Or was it more related to Ruby’s presence?
Jaune hesitates, but the silence is deafening to him. It was getting to him. He needed to say something or he would act out.
“How is life treating you, Jaune?”
Great! He is hallucinating in his dreams now. Could it get any worse for him? Real Ruby would ask this but Dream Ruby never asked stuff like this. The Dream Ruby was like a broken record, saying the same things repeatedly.
“So and so”, Jaune replies, because he loved to hear Ruby speak.
“So and so?” Ruby asks, turning to him, her one eyebrow raised.
“Nothing interesting is going on. Well if you think taking care of Weiss is interesting that is”.
“Hmmm….” Ruby ponders and for a second she doesn’t say anything. Then suddenly, she turns around and as she starts to walk backward, with her arm behind her back, she asks, “So… what were you going to tell me after the war?”
“I forgot”, Jaune replies, trying to move away from the topic.
“Forgot?” Ruby asks.
She stops in her tracks and suddenly exclaims, “So the thing you were so excited to talk about to the point that you walked in on me changing and you forgot!?”
Jaune couldn’t help but go red. Well, that did happen, but in his defense, Ruby always told him to not bother asking her permission to come in.
“Please leave it… It’s embarrassing!” Jaune exclaims, his blush growing.
“Hmmm…” Ruby says with a shit-eating grin. Jaune couldn’t help but grimace. This woman was enjoying his discomfort. Look at her rocking on feet. The audacity of this girl!
“Well… I wanted to marry you”, Jaune says in a matter-of-fact tone and the grin on Ruby’s face falls. Her face slowly got flustered and she was doing her best to avert her gaze from his eyes.
“That… is something. Isn’t there a sequence of things you are supposed to do before you pop the question? You know, like asking for a date, then being your girlfriend, then… you know the other stuff couples do?” Ruby asks sheepishly.
“Yeah…” Jaune asks, mirroring her awkwardness. “But you see….” he begins to protest, but words die in his mouth. As much as he wanted to refute what the silver-eyed woman said, she was right and he couldn’t help but realize that he was being an idiot for not thinking about other stuff.
“You’re right”, Jaune replies with a sigh.
“You know… if you asked… I would have said yes”, says Ruby.
Jaune couldn’t help but let out a sarcastic chuckle and say, “Who is saying this… the Real Ruby or the Dream Ruby?”
“Who knows?” Ruby replies offhandedly.
For a second, they don’t say anything. Well, Jaune didn’t have anything to say. How could he? He has seen so much stuff in his life that it is hard to say what was real and what was not. He would like to believe that this is the real one, but at the same time, he wishes it was not. The silver-eyed woman had done a lot for this world. She doesn’t have to bother herself for a guy from her grave just because the said guy loved her. She deserved to be at peace and Jaune’s existence denied that.
He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when he felt something on his cheeks. His vision dials back in, and he sees that the woman in front of him is caressing his cheek, with a loving gaze in her eyes. The touch felt real. It felt so real that the knight of rust couldn’t help but lean into it. He and Ruby had never touched each other intimately, but he missed this a lot.
“I missed this so much…” Ruby whispers.
“I miss you”, Jaune replies, cupping her hand with his own. The woman’s lips quiver a bit, but she bites it to keep it in control. Before he could say anything, a sound of shattering rang throughout the space, taking both of them back.
“What’s that sound?” Jaune asks frantically.
“You are waking up. Your sister is waking you up”, Ruby says as she looks up. Jaune mirrors the direction and sees that the sky is shattering. The cracks were going downwards toward the ground as if the entire reality was breaking. Without wasting any second, Ruby hugs Jaune and as she lets go, she says, “Jaune, when you wake up remember this…”
Cracks grow on each other’s bodies and as a piece of Ruby’s skin falls off like a porcelain clay, she says, “Don’t lose hope”.
With a loud shatter, Jaune jolts up from his bed. His eyes were unfocused, as his lungs searched for oxygen to recalibrate. He looks at his sister, who is panicking, and asks, “What’s wrong?”
“Jaune! Weiss!” was all his sister managed to get out from her mouth and within seconds, the knight was on his feet, racing towards the sleeping beauty’s room. He nearly busts the door down and what he sees fills him with dread.
Weiss was breathing heavily as if she was choking. Her pulse was growing erratic. Jaune immediately knew what was going on.
Weiss is undergoing a cardiac arrest.
Without a second thought, the knight leaps the distance and straddles the woman between his legs. He unbuttons her shirt a bit and starts applying compressions to her chest. With every few compressions, he forced his breath into her mouth and repeated the process all over again. He was so engrossed that he didn’t even realize that his sister had entered the room, about to go under her panic attack.
Time slowed down for the blonde man. All he could hear was his own heart and the Weiss’ pulse flatlining. Tears filled his eyes as he continued to do the chest compressions, only for her pulse to fail.
He can’t do this.
He can’t let Weiss die.
He will be all alone.
He can’t deal with this.
Out of desperation, Jaune slams his fist onto her chest and suddenly, Weiss takes in a deep breath and her pulse stabilizes. The knight, without any thought, pulls her into his chest. He cradles her head as tears fill his eyes, but this time out of joy. He held onto her until he heard a voice.
“Unhand me”.
For a second, Jaune thinks that he is going delirious due to adrenaline rushing through his veins. When suddenly, she feels a force on his chest, and a voice, though hoarse, nearly shouts, “Unhand me, Arc!”
The knight lets go and as he backs up a bit, his words get stuck in his mouth.
Her long hair was waving in the wind. Her pale figure had already shown signs of color. Her face was ever beautiful but it was the eyes that had his attention. 
Her ever-closed eyes he had longed to see were open and they were not looking at him kindly.
“How dare you touch me like that?” Weiss slurs as she asks, with rage and venom seeping into her voice. 
But the knight was shell-shocked. He had no idea how to respond. His brain shut down completely, and he hugged her once again, completely ignoring the volley of insults that was coming out of her mouth.
She is awake.
Weiss is awake.
“I missed you so much!” Jaune exclaims and for a second, Weiss goes quiet. She was fuming, but she was doing her best to regain her composure.
In a controlled tone, she slurs, “Will you please let go of me, Arc?”
Jaune promptly lets go and Weiss is taken aback by seeing tears streaming down his face. He gets off of her and repeats, “I missed you so much!”
“Ok… I get that you missed me, but that was not a good way of responding”, Weiss slurs awkwardly. She then looks around and asks, “Where am I and why am I dressed like this?” Her gaze then falls upon her unbuttoned shirt, and her face starts to go red with embarrassment. Before she could button herself up, Weiss found herself falling back on her bed.
“Wha…” Weiss exclaims, trying to move her body. She then looks at the knight and asks, “Arc! What is going on!?”
Jaune covers the distance between them a little bit and replies, “You have been sleeping for a very long time, Weiss”.
“Wha… How long?” she asks.
Jaune was about to reply, but he was not sure how to give her the news that she was sleeping for six months. He looks at her, and says, “We can talk about that in the morning. I will let Winter know that you woke up”.
“Wha.. Winter! How do you know her!? Answer me now, Arc!” Weiss slurs and that is when it hits Jaune. The smile on his face fell a bit, and judging by now awake beauty, it was quite noticeable.
“A lot of things had happened, Weiss. You should relax a bit. I will let you know tomorrow”, Jaune replies while regaining his composure.
For a second, Weiss doesn’t say anything, but she nods and simply asks, “You promise?”
The knight gives her nod and replies, “I give you my word, and an Arc never goes back on their word”. As soon as he said that, the woman visibly relaxed, and Jaune took this moment to look at his sister and say, “Vi… Can you stay with Weiss tonight? She won’t feel comfortable with me being around her”.
Vi looks at her elder brother awkwardly but she nevertheless nods. Before Jaune could step out, Weiss asks, “Arc… where is Ruby?”
At the question, Vi visibly gets flabbergasted, but Jaune retains his composure and says, “Tomorrow Weiss. I will let you know everything tomorrow. I have given you my word, didn’t I?”
Weiss doesn’t say anything, but from the way she reacted, she didn’t like the answer he gave. But that was all he was going to say at that time. He had to be firm. Weiss would hate him for this, but he was not willing to give her an inch. He was trying his best to hold his composure. He was not sure how to say that. The last thing he wanted was to break the news of what happened to her friend. He will reach out to Dr. Wissend and after getting their consultation, he will act.
He walks out and as soon as the door to Weiss’ room closes, all hell breaks loose. He rushes to his room, fearing that his sister might hear him cry.
Weiss referred to him as Arc.
There was only one point of time in their life where she used to call him that.
She used to call him that while they were at Beacon, training to be hunters.
She doesn’t remember anything after that.
She doesn’t remember how they became friends.
She doesn’t remember how she got stabbed because of him.
She doesn’t remember what happened to Atlas.
She doesn’t remember the Ever After.
She doesn’t remember how she helped him recover.
She doesn’t remember the war.
Weiss was stuck in Beacon.
Jaune couldn’t help but fall to his knees. His friend was back but at what cost!? This was the Weiss he knew, but at the same time, she wasn’t. 
Weiss was in the room beside him but for him, she was so far away.
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RWBY Saints of Remnant Notes: Should the SDC and Jacques be bad guys? Or one of the few Good Guys amongst corruption in Atlas?
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DISCLAIMER: This post contains is a radically reimagined Jacques Schnee and SDC in a positive light in a heavily reimagined RWBY AU and has cliche tropes such as "dead mom" which I intend to complement with as "dead dad" of another family, if Canon Jack and SDC has given you a permanent bad taste in your mouth along with Canon Adam Taurus, I understand, this is an AU, just please do not come in with bad faith and ignore me instead.
Said AU is connected to The Emperor-Verse
I'm writing down notes and my gut just wants to make Jacques redeemable, but given how much damaged he has done to others, both his family and an entire people, that seems to heavy of a task without him ending up dead. But that was when I rebooted it by the end of V3.
But making this a hard reboot from the beginning then it hit me, and you do not have to agree with this at all...
What if instead of the SDC and Mr. Schnee being part of Atlasian corruption...
They along with James and the Atlas Military/Academy are the only few good individuals and institutions in Atlas, and both are paying the price for it from their upper class peers?
What if instead of Jacques being this opportunistic conman, he is Nicholas' biological son, and a former huntsmen in his youth who was on the same team as James Ironwood who served as his leader and who Weiss and Winter fondly call “Uncle Jim”, basically to them what Qrow is to Yang and Ruby
Jacques stuck to his father's principles and has managed to uphold The Schnee Dust Company as one of the few ethical businesses in regards to the Faunus, as well as providing support to other ethical businesses in the northern kingdom, mostly forming genuine friendships with their owners, and refused to outsource labor and resources when everyone else in Atlas did.
But as a result, James and Jacques are being ganged up on left and right by the upper class.
The only reason the Atlas establishment has tolerated Jack and his company for so long because the Kingdom was heavily dependent on them along with other companies for Dust and other goods and products, until recently with a growing unethical conglomerate run by Dr. Gray(Watts) with his mega-corporation GigaWatts Incorporated(Think OCP from Robocop and Lexcorp from DC), and plans on getting rid of the SDC and becoming the kingdoms new source of manufactured goods, tech, and labor, including dust mining and GWI is known for unethical use for Faunus labor in both the mines and factories.
Though I might just toss the Faunus Racism thing given how much of a mess it is and rework the WF for something else and have Atlas Upper Class replacing well-paying jobs with robots to keep the lower classes underpaid, or I could try something with both, need input on that.
Buy anyway, The SDC used to be big, but not in a megacorporation way. The SDC was one of the top four successful companies in Remnant back in the day(because 4 is the magic number in RWBY), and as I said before, Jack had made partnerships with other businesses both in his homeland and a few in other kingdoms during trips with his family, but its very few and Jack had made genuine friendships with the owners. He never stripped the human element out of his business.
You could say GWI is a large-scale "Evil Queen" figure
While the SDC is a large-scale "Snow White" figure, in more ways than one, but that's once again another story for another day.
Now GWI is overshadowing them at an accelerated rate with hundreds of Atlasian corporate companies joining it in exchange for Watt’s technology as well as Atlas Military’s higher ups hiring Watts to develop their military technology and last but not least outsourcing Dust Mining to the likes of Vaccou and Jacques and James are the only few who suspect Watts’ whole campaign being a “snake oil” tactic for something insidious as Arthur has all of the upper class eating out of the palm of his hand.
Meanwhile the likes of the White Fang and other kingdoms see Jack, SDC, James and The Atlas Military as just a bunch of rich pricks due to being part of the upper class(millionaires though, not billionaires, and even that’s dwindling now), seeing Jack and Jim as "one of them"
and understandably so mind you, given the rest of Atlas’ actions, but also because the current leader Rina Kumokage is lumping them in deliberately to distract the other members and branches(North, West, and South to be exact) of her own selfish and twisted intentions for the White Fang among other things
Though the White Fang itself seems to be in the hands of corrupt individuals in their neck of the woods. With the likes of Blake and Adam seeking to root it out, Adam being a little too aggressive in his means while Blake seeks outside help, which has strained their brother-sister relationship.
Spoiler alert, the corruption of The White Fang is not from Adam but a new character, Adam isn't the bad guy or a psychopath.
In this AU Adam is more like a cross between Fall of Cybertron Grimlock and Zuko, but he's another post for another day.
But anyway, the persecution of the SDC by the rest of the Atlasian upper class has gotten so bad, radical anti-Faunus militia Kriegsratten Korps aka “The Rats”(they allude to the Rats in The Nutcracker and mixed with Wolfenstein Nazis) and most likely be members of the Atlas Military throughout the ranks supplied with tech from GWI even secretly supported the corrupt council and big business, start attacking the SDC mines killing Schnee family members for being “faunus lickers”, one of them being Jack’s wife Anastasia(both alluding to the Russian Princess, and Snegurochka a Russian fairy tale character) while James struggles to provide the mines and family security while being undermined by higher-ups. 
Yes I know dead mom is cliche but I plan on complementing(is that the right word?) it with Blake losing her own father Ghira and leaving her mother, Noire(aka Kali), widowed. And I have a reason for that later on down the road.
Also Jacques isn't a monster, he just isn't a perfect parent and seems cold on the surface, but its mostly due the burden he bares of being a single parent, and upholding a noble family legacy, giving Faunus descent and honest work, and holding out with other businesses he’s made partnerships with. Their something of a resistance group against GWI.
All with countless of peers trying to sabotage him and James to the point its claimed his family and lover, all of which is straining his relationship with his daughters and his former teammates, James in particular. Plus losing his father at an early age and the board of directors forcing him to become CEO caused him to develop anxiety issues with only his mother and girlfriend and later on wife and children keeping him sane.
James and Jacques together allude to “Atlas” with a great burden weighing down on their shoulders they struggle to hold it up
He's a bit too harsh on Weiss with her huntress training(ie the White Trailer) but in order to defend herself against assassins, and sends her off to Vale in hopes she would be safer there(relatively speaking.) 
But the way he does it comes off to Weiss as her father not caring about her other than making her a trophy for his own reputation and being out of his way otherwise, and HOO-BOY don't get me started with how pissed Winter is with him.
Like I said, if all of this you can't vibe with because its supposed to be Jacques and Canon Jacques along with Canon Adam has put a permanent bad taste in your mouth, thats fine, I feel the same about other characters in other stories. No judgement.
I plan on making a post to dive deeper into Jack, but I will say he's primarily Jack Frost, but his secondary allusion to "The Nutcracker"
I'm also recycling this concept for my own original works, not sure what exactly, but something.
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