#What about football and music and cooking?
angelicgirlmj · 1 month
cultivating your hobbies to become that girl
as summer starts to end, i find my days a little emptier and im full of anticipation for the coming academic year. but the last thing i want to do is waste the last part of summer so now is the perfect time to cultivate or begin a new hobby, focusing on four areas to level up your body, skills, mind and passions! enjoy angels and i hope this gives you some inspiration.
having a hobby that helps you reach your dream body, maintain a healthy lifestyle or just help with your mental health (as moving your body always does!) is such a good idea. the past few months my workout schedule has decreased due to the amount of schoolwork i have had and exam season so now is the perfect time for me to get more disciplined and build up a good workout scheme. my hobbies based around my body are pilates or yoga, both of which help me with my fitness goals. here are some more ideas/inspiration for some hobbies you could start:
‘hot girl walks’ - set a goal for your daily steps and go on walks everyday to help you achieve that.
running daily.
swimming daily.
tennis or badminton daily.
joining a sports club such as football or gymnastics.
dance - could be by yourself at home following dance workouts!
strength training.
starting a fitness challenge - such as a month long youtube challenge.
start making your own fitness content! film videos or write tutorials.
bike riding daily.
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finding a hobby that helps you develop/cultivate your skills is so important. mine personally is cooking/baking as it helps me focus on giving my body what it needs, becoming more independent and providing for those i love. here are some ideas/inspiration:
making your own clothes - sewing, knitting or crocheting.
writing - poetry, novels, articles or anything similar.
acting - helps with public speaking, confidence and making friends.
jewellery making.
chess or a similar intense mental game - cultivates your thinking skills and mind.
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finding a hobby that helps you mentally, especially if relevant to schoolwork or career plans is so helpful. mine is reading/engaging with literature as not only does it align with my academic work but also helps me with how i think, view the world and allows me to be more empathetic.
learning to play an instrument.
writing/researching around your subjects.
budgeting - good way of keeping track of and understanding money even if you aren’t planning on doing anything economics based!
journalling or keeping a diary.
joining/starting a book club.
starting a studyblr, study youtube channel etc.
learning a new language.
tutoring someone - great way of helping yourself learn as well!
joining a debate team.
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finding a hobby around one of your passions is such a fun and unique way of engaging in things you enjoy. mine personally is visiting museums/areas of historical importance as i am so passionate about history.
visiting art galleries.
attending the theatre/cinema.
going to live music events.
visiting libraries/book shops - growing your wish list, finding new book inspo etc!
going to cooking classes, restaurants or cafes.
travelling to new areas (could be local or international) - perhaps to develop language skills, find places to hike etc.
attending lectures on subjects youre interested in.
watching documentaries or video essays.
starting a new course - i do several history courses, my most recent was on European empires!
making a blog, channel, instagram etc for a new hobby or interest.
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────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ─────── thank you for reading angels! hopefully this will help us all on our hobby journeys and have given you ideas of hobbies to try or develop for the end of summer or just in general! love, m.
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letorip · 3 months
tara carpenter hcs?
tara carpenter headcanons
so glad you all liked the headcanons i previously made and had a lot of fun doing, because it’s something i can do more frequently and consistently than my long form fics, which i promise i am hard at work doing. here are a few more :) also, kiss with a fist [ii] out soon
***also i wrote this and i think (?) i cooked? would you want this as an actual story at some point? cause i was doing this a bit lightheartedly and then i was like wait a minute- i usually struggle to think of plots but this came super free-flowing
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tara wants absolutely nothing to do with you at first. she doesn’t trust easy, and some random kid chad met in class is not going to quickly break down that barrier, no matter how not-fugly you are
but chad feels like he can really trust you. you grow to become best friends over time, and he's still healing from ethan's betrayal.
even after you've won everyone else over in the group, tara is the stubborn one who refuses to acknowledge your presence
it all changes at a singular party. you stand up for a girl being screamed at by her boyfriend and shoved, and even though he tries to fight you, you don't budge
he's a massive guy on the football team, known around campus for being super jacked and picking fights, and though you wouldn't win in a million years and she can see you're scared, you don't move a damn inch from in between them
she doesn't say anything to you while it's happening or while anyone else is around, but when you're on the roof, after chad's come to help you, staring out into the city, she finds you alone against her better judgement, and asks if you're okay
you give her a weak smile, say "no," and she nods and just sits next to you for a while. you don't say anything either, but you appreciate it
tara slowly opens up to you more. she actually starts to listen when you speak, and what she finds is that you're so much smarter, and sweeter, than she realised. you share a lot of similar interests she had missed until that point, and you bring her a sense of peace and happiness, whenever she sees you
even though sam still struggles to see you as one of them, tara finds herself defending you now, and with it, realising she just might want you more than as her friend
she hasn't had a crush that intensely childlike since amber, and now that you're there, she's a bit apprehensive
but you're you, and things happen, and you kiss one night, over at her apartment, while you're watching a movie. you're both with your eyes locked on the screen, until the music swells and suddenly you're looking at each other. It happens so quickly but it feels so right.
when you ask her if she's okay with this and if she's comfortable, it makes her heart flutter in a way she doesn't feel she deserves
she's definitely apprehensive about letting your relationship grow. ghostface has brought her life a hell that she doesn't want you to experience it. but you remind her thousands of hells are worth it to be with her every day
you finally get together on a warm summer day, right after your semester has ended
now that tara's experienced a life with you, she's upset that she had to live a life before
she clings to your chest and loves to lay on top of you, on the sofa. she doesn't seem like she would be, but she's a massive cuddler. she didn't have much physical affection as a child, with her mom and sam being gone, and so she makes up for lost time by hugging or hand holding whenever she can
you guys have silly arguments, where it's clear neither of you are taking your side especially seriously, and you argue the most outrageous things. you'll make her laugh until there are tears in her eyes and then tackle her in a hug
whenever you're running late for morning classes, ninety-nine percent of the time, it's because tara begged you for five more minutes to cuddle in bed, or just straight-up wouldn't roll off you, even when you reminded her you had to go.
she's little spoon sized, but she actually loves being big spoon, because she'll squeeze you against her and hold you tight. when she wakes up in a cold sweat, having a nightmare about woodsboro, you're right there, peacefully sleeping, and it helps her calm down and ground herself
she had a thing for a while, about not wanting you to see the scars on her stomach. she thought they meant she was damaged, and tara insisted you guys fucked in the dark for a while, until you asked her directly about it one day, like the good communicator you are
tara tends to bury her head in the sand when it comes to being direct to talk to you about something, but you communicate well
upon explanation, you insist nothing could make her ugly to you. she cries when you say you'll love her no matter what, and you see her completely in the light. your look of awe at her beauty, and your tender fingers reaching out to brush against it, just make her fall even harder
idk what else to put, did i yap for a long time?
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okay so i kind of want to make this a story now? would you be down
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Rome wasn't built in a day
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Alex had never expected his college life to take this kind of turn. He’d moved to New York for school, planning to live on campus like most students, but when he found a better deal on an off-campus apartment that financial aid would cover, he jumped on it. The apartment was in a decent neighborhood, close to the subway, and the landlord didn’t ask too many questions. Seemed like a win.
What he hadn’t planned on, though, was Frank—his new roommate.
Frank was… something else. The guy was like a time capsule from a decade ago, straight out of Jersey Shore. From the gelled-back hair, the deep tan, ridiculous yelling at football and ufc matches every weekend, the flashy chains, to the relentless love of tank tops and gold watches. Alex wasn’t sure if Frank was for real or if this was just an elaborate, extended joke.
But here’s the thing: despite his douchey exterior, Frank was actually a pretty nice guy. Sure, he blasted club music at ungodly hours and flexed in the mirror every time he passed it, but Frank was always chill. He’d offer Alex food whenever he cooked, made sure the apartment was clean, and always gave him a heads-up when he had people over. Plus, Frank clearly knew what he was doing in the gym. The guy was shredded, and Alex had to admit, Frank’s discipline when it came to his diet and workout routine was impressive.
It didn’t take long before Alex’s curiosity got the best of him.
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One day, after weeks of seeing Frank pound protein shakes and head to the gym religiously, Alex asked him for some advice. He had always been a casual gym-goer, but seeing Frank’s dedication made him wonder if he could up his own game.
“Yo, Frank,” Alex said one afternoon as they sat in the living room. “What do you usually eat for those gains, man? And how do you stay so consistent?”
Frank grinned, pausing the DJ Pauly D remix playing on his speakers. “Bro, it’s all about focus foods and the right lifts. Stick to lean meats, eggs, beans, lots of veggies. And you gotta hit the weights hard. No shortcuts.”
Alex nodded, scribbling down some notes on his phone. “Got any recommendations? Like content or something I can watch?”
Frank’s grin grew wider. “Oh, for sure. I’ll send you some stuff. There’s Dom Mazzetti, Vinny Guadagnino—some good shit, bro. But hey, I’ll send you my playlist too. Got a WAV file I use at the gym that keeps me hyped.”
Alex raised an eyebrow. “A playlist?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Frank said, waving his hand dismissively. “It’s got some fire tracks. Also, I threw in some personal affirmations underneath it, helps me stay focused during my lifts. You probably won’t even notice them, but they help, bro. Trust me.”
Alex wasn’t really buying into the whole “subliminal affirmation” thing. It sounded like some weird self-help nonsense. But Frank was shredded, and if these little tricks worked for him, maybe they were worth a shot.
Later that evening, Alex plugged in his headphones and hit play on Frank’s WAV file. It started with “Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Me”—a male cover that felt oddly calming. The song transitioned into upbeat remixes like “Fireball” and other club tracks that seemed to pump adrenaline into his veins. Somewhere in between, Sinatra’s smooth voice made an appearance, bringing a strange, nostalgic energy to the mix.
As the playlist played, Alex caught faint whispers beneath the music—barely noticeable. “You love the gym. You crave the weights. Tanning makes you feel amazing. You rep the Italian pride with every lift.”
He chuckled to himself. This subliminal shit can’t be real, he thought. But, whatever—Frank swears by it.
The playlist ended with “Lucky, Lucky Me” again, and as Alex dozed off that night, the tune echoed faintly in his head.
The changes didn’t happen overnight, but as the days went by, Alex began to notice subtle differences. It started with his workouts. He’d always been someone who worked out occasionally, but now there was something different. One morning, as he walked past the gym on his way to class, he felt an urge—a need to lift. It wasn’t just about getting in shape anymore. Something about the weights called to him, pulling him in.
He ended up inside, grabbing a set of dumbbells and diving into a full workout. By the time he finished, he was drenched in sweat, but instead of feeling exhausted, he felt exhilarated. There was a rush—an energy that coursed through him, leaving him wanting more.
From that point on, the gym became part of his daily routine. At first, he didn’t even realize it was happening. He started following Frank’s tips—lifting heavier, focusing on compound movements, and pushing himself harder with each session. His muscles responded quickly, growing faster than they ever had before. His shirts started to fit tighter, hugging his chest and arms in ways they never had before. Every time he looked in the mirror, he couldn’t help but flex, admiring his progress.
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It wasn’t just the gym either. One afternoon, Alex caught himself in front of the bathroom mirror, noticing how pale his skin looked under the fluorescent lights. Without thinking much of it, he booked an appointment at the tanning salon down the street. After his first session, he looked at himself in the mirror, marveling at the golden glow on his skin. It made him feel good, confident—like he was stepping into a new version of himself.
Tanning became part of his routine, just like the gym. He started looking forward to that golden glow, the way it made his muscles stand out more, and how it just felt right.
One weekend, Alex found himself wandering into a clothing store, drawn to a section of tank tops with bold prints—Italian flags, American flags, vibrant colors that screamed confidence. He picked up a few without thinking twice, the fabric feeling perfect against his newly defined arms. When he got home and slipped into one of the tanks, he stood in front of the mirror, flexing his biceps. The tank hugged his body in all the right places, and as he admired his reflection, a grin spread across his face.
Damn, I look good.
It wasn’t just the clothes that made him feel this way—it was the pride, the feeling of representing his heritage with every lift, every flex. It felt right.
The most surprising change came with his voice. At first, it was barely noticeable—a slight shift in his accent, a few new words slipping into his vocabulary. But as the weeks went on, the transformation in his speech became undeniable. His voice took on a thicker Jersey inflection, and words like “bro” and “yo” started slipping out naturally, almost without him realizing it. He spoke with more confidence, more swagger, his words carrying a weight that hadn’t been there before.
He even noticed how loud he’d become, but it wasn’t obnoxious—it felt like he was owning the room. His friends started to comment on it, but Alex didn’t mind. It felt like the way he was supposed to talk, like his voice was finally matching the rest of his transformation.
One night, Alex found himself scrolling through YouTube, where he came across a Dom Mazzetti video. He clicked on it, expecting to laugh at the over-the-top persona, but something else happened. As Dom joked about gym culture, diet, and lifting, Alex found himself nodding along, relating to the lifestyle. The gym wasn’t just a place to work out anymore—it was part of who he was becoming.
The next few weeks passed in a blur. Alex’s days revolved around the gym, tanning, and repping his heritage with pride. He found himself following more content creators who embodied the same mindset—guys who lived for the grind, the lifts, and the pride in who they were.
His roommate Frank noticed the changes, too. “Bro, you’re looking jacked,” Frank said one afternoon as Alex flexed in the mirror before heading out to the gym. “You flexing the gains hard now.”
Alex grinned, running a hand through his hair, which he’d started gelling back every morning. “Yeah, man. It just feels right, you know?”
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Frank clapped him on the shoulder, a proud smirk on his face. “Told ya. Once you get in the groove, there’s no going back. You’re one of us now, bro. Tanning, lifting, and heritage. Welcome to the crew.”
Alex chuckled, feeling Frank’s words sink in. Wasn’t just about the workouts or the diet no more. It was the whole package—the attitude, the pride, the way he carried himself. He’d become confident, bold, and unapologetic. The gym had become his temple, and every flex in the mirror, every perfectly tanned muscle, reminded him of how far he’d come.
He spoke with more confidence now, his voice carrying a thick Jersey accent that seemed to come naturally. Words like “bro” and “yo” slipped out effortlessly, and he found himself embracing the louder, more assertive side of himself. Even his walk had changed—there was more swagger, more presence.
A few weeks later, Alex and Frank were sitting in the living room, scrolling through profiles of potential new roommates. Their lease was ending soon, and they needed to find someone to fill the third room. Frank leaned back in his chair, sipping a protein shake as he swiped through a list of candidates.
“Yo, check this one out,” Alex said, pausing on a profile. “Marco Ricci. Italian last name.”
Frank raised an eyebrow and leaned in, studying the screen. “Oh shit, an Italian? That’s promising.”
They opened Marco’s profile, but instead of seeing someone flexing or rocking a tan, Marco looked... pretty regular. He wasn’t out of shape, but he wasn’t exactly lifting heavy either. Pale, with a pretty average physique, he was the kind of guy who didn’t seem to spend much time at the gym. His shirt was plain, and his expression, while friendly, was far from the confident swagger Alex and Frank had come to expect in their circle.
Alex chuckled, nudging Frank. “Dude’s kinda pasty, huh?”
Frank smirked. “Yeah, bro. Definitely needs some work. But Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know? He’s got the Italian blood—that’s what counts. We can mold him.”
Alex nodded, his mind already racing. Marco might not be there yet, but with the right guidance, who knows? The guy had potential. He just needed some direction.
“Yeah,” Alex said, swiping right on Marco’s profile. “We’ll get him there. If he’s down to move in, I have the perfect playlist in mind."
Frank chuckled deeply, shaking his head. “Bro, he won’t know what hit him.”
Alex grinned, flexing in the mirror nearby. “Hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?”
Frank laughed again, raising his protein shake in a mock toast. “Damn straight, bro."
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WANNA BECOME A GUIDO FOR REAL? Try this subliminal:
Guido Subliminal (Accent, Mindset, Discipline, Extreme Confidence)
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ellie-r2 · 1 month
Musical Curtis brothers hcs
-Felt insecure and jealous of Dally because of his closeness to Pony and it got worse after Pony leaves and Dally says that thing of seeing Pony more than Darry has.
-Like Ponyboy he blames himself for their parents' death because of it being his birthday and they were going for the frosting for his cake.
-Post musical whenever things get too much he goes to Soda and he cries but will quickly stop and hide it when he hears Ponyboy nearby (he doesn't want Pony to see him break)
-Despite that when they reunited in the hospital after the fire just like in the movie he did cry when going to hug Ponyboy.
-He does go easier on Ponyboy about his daydreams/emotions and his grades after reading the story because he saw how Ponyboy viewed him.
-Even though he is only 6yrs older than Ponyboy the role of brother is starting to fade into father ("stuck between the role of a brother and a father")
-Tucks in the boys each night but after they're already sleeping totally not based off of Melody's live.
-Whenever he misses his parents he sleeps in their room instead of his own.
-Used to care what his hair would look like now it's a miracle if he even takes time to brush it.
-On his days off instead of relaxing he still tries to keep working (washing dishes/laundry/cleaning random parts of the house) until Soda has to force him to just sit down and rest.
-Still tries to play football whenever he can but waits for someone to suggest it first (it's Soda who does it because he knows Darry wants to play).
-When Soda has a long day at work or Pony has a test coming up Darry tries to make their favorite food for dinner.
-He has his own room but still sleeps with Pony because of the nightmares (pretty sure this is canon but I don't remember for sure).
-Tried to read Great Expectations for Ponyboy when he and Johnny were gone because he missed Pony.
-He, Ace, and Steve are the most chaotic trio when they're together. (sometimes he catches Melvin the soc staring at Ace and finds it hilarious) Inspired by Melody's tiktok of Melvin looking for Ace's digits
-He folds all the laundry when he sees Darry has had a hard day at work and even offers to cook.
-Was allowed to cook once nearly set the kitchen on fire and was never allowed to cook again.
-He really did try in school just couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried so when Steve told him there was the full time position open at the DX that was his reason/excuse to drop out.
-During the 2 weeks that Pony was disassociating Soda was terrified of losing both Pony and Darry (because of throwing in the towel) to the point that he wouldn't sleep some nights which is what also leads to him eventually snapping.
-Would sleep in Darry's room on the nights Darry would fall asleep by the telephone so he would feel at least one brother close by.
-Watched the cartoon's Darry mentioned in throwing in the towel to keep himself from worrying too much but it never worked.
-Kept both Dally and Johnny's jackets and wears them when he misses them but never actually lasts long with them on because he starts crying.
-Panics if multiple people accidentally touch him because he gets flashbacks to being grabbed and almost drowned.
-Which he now also has a fear of being in water too long.
-The first night after the church burning he asked both Darry and Soda if they can share the bed with him because he missed them.
-Sometimes dreams of the house with the garden he wanted with Johnny after his death and he wakes up screaming and sobbing because he knows now all it will ever be is a dream.
-Tries to quit smoking because he genuinely believes he caused the fire that killed Johnny and eventually Dally.
-Used to be ashamed of his name and would get bullied for it until Johnny would tell him how original it was.
-Still believes death's at his door but he tells both his brothers of it and how he's been feeling so it's getting further and he's slowly trying to get better.
Now for all 3 brothers (I only have 2 tbh):
-Their train related trauma isn't lessening especially after Dally.
-When nights get bad for them they have a sleepover in the living room and watch cartoons.
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slowcatsworld · 2 months
Blue Lock Master Striker Headcanons
France’s PXG: Julian Loki
My sweet
Julian definitely is an older sibling (literally made a 3 post long argument on how he is one so TRUST he is). His favorite memory of his little sibling is when they first said his name. The small ‘Julian’ mumbled in multiple breaths (ju..julian yk) made him pause his homework and look them straight in the eye. They stared back with a big, innocent smile. Julian broke out into a smile of his own and grabbed the little guy for a hug.
Julian has such a carefree relationship with his mom, he gives off such mama’s boy vibes. They are a duo that would stay up late watching tv shows even though he has school in the morning and his mom has work. When his mother would cook something Julian was always her taste tester. He lost count the amount of times he would go back for seconds just to “get a better taste” and receive a wooden spoon to the hand. Julian’s mother would adore his girlfriend, especially since she can tell what a good impact you have on her son.
Julian would work well with someone who has a lot of energy but doesn’t need to be monitored or babysat. For example, say he is out at an amusement park with his friends and significant other. His girlfriend sees a game stand that piques her interest and hurls away from the group to investigate with determined steps. Julian isn’t worried about her getting lost or in an altercation with someone. he knows she’ll be back soon and give everyone a detailed report of the stand, the game set up, and the prizes offered. Whether or not she will ask him to spot her some cash to play the game is a whole other story. (Brother is loaded just from playing football)
England’s Manshine City: Chris Prince
I hate him
Pathetic man baby vibes
Chris is very aware of his personal hygiene and is ridiculously active in taking care of his body. He has a personal massager, esthetician, chiropractor, waxer, the works. He loves his physicality too much to let himself rust in any capacity. He almost never skips brushing his teeth or washing his face. If he isn’t fueled with a type of passion or desperate enough, he won’t kiss you in the morning until you both at least have some mouth wash. He carries two different deodorant scents in his practice bag. This is nice because you know he won’t ever smell bad, but sometimes he becomes cologne nose blind (especially on high end dates).
He has a beef with Americans. (I don’t know if he’s confirmed English but he is today) He doesn’t mock them or become outwardly rude to them, but he’s thankful to be in the European League and not the North American League (is that a real league? Google isn’t helping and I don’t know shit abt professional soccer leagues-) Chris goes bonkers when someone jokingly calls him an American; as he will be whining and waving his arms about how he’s so much better than them and how it insults his legacy to be compared to an American and not be acknowledged as an English man.
When his hair isn’t cooperating with him he cries out of frustration.
Spain’s FC Barcha: Lavinho
Lavinho loves the feeling of dancing with his partner. It’s intimate and free, no matter what style nor if there was music or not. Lavinho is so fond of holding your hips and gently swaying the two of you in the silent hours of the night that he has a pep in his step when he walks home from practice. Your scent filling his nostrils, the heat he can feel coming from your neck and shoulder as he rests his head there, it’s all too perfect as he begins to hum a song to himself.
Lavinho would want to get a tattoo reminiscent of you. If yall ever were that serious. At first he was thinking of your name, but you shot that down quickly. Something more primal and colorful was more his style. He wants something that represents you, though. Y’all compromise on a couple things that fit both of your wishes. Your favorite flower, a kiss mark, and a woman dancing with a pair of wings emerging from her back. (Picture this omg. The woman could be bowing, in the middle of a dance move or smth and the wings are halfway out of her back. Or something like the woman looking up and outstretched and welcoming to the feeling around her. With the wings spread out powerful and graceful. Okay I’m done I’m done)
Lavinho loves being barefoot. If he can’t be barefoot, Lavinho is wearing open toed shoes. Chanclas, flip flops, Birkenstocks, doesn’t matter. He grew up like this, and doesn’t quite want to conform his freedom and customs to the world of Europe yet. Even if he has been living there for years. He gets so happy at feeling sand under his feet as well, it reminds him of his younger childhood days in the best way. (This is prolly canon bc the first time we see him he’s barefoot right?)
Am I becoming a Lavinho girl..?
Italy’s Ubers: Marc Snuffy
I don’t like him but I don’t hate him-
He says ‘shitty brats’ too much in the same breath at the end of the Ubers vs BM match I think he unlocked his previous degradation kink or smth idek maybe that’s why
Okay focus
Mick Moon’s death still haunts Snuffy. He hasn’t truly let it go, and even though he seems to make progress during the Ubers vs BM match, he has a long way to go to fully come to peace with his best friend’s death. Most times Snuffy can’t drink alcohol without thinking of Mick and becoming guilty. All the thoughts of how he could have saved Mick from his fate, how he did try but it wasn’t enough, how he allowed for his best friend to ruin his own life- even though that meant Mick stayed true to his philosophy. It hurts Snuffy. It’s the main reason why Snuffy cares so deeply for his teammates now, and why he goes out of his way to make sure they are okay mentally in his own way.
Snuffy wasn’t that interested in the luxury of lust that came from women when he first started out on his dream to being a professional footballer. It wasn’t until Mick that he started indulging in being a lady’s man. While it was almost always lustful and physical, the women that tugged at his heartstrings were the ones that would compliment Snuffy’s nose. The ones that would hold his face to their chest and give him slow, loving kisses to his nose while their hands moved further up into his hair. The ones that knew his eyes were actually orange and not brown and how those women looked into his sharp, big eyes like he was the reason for all their happiness was surreal. Those instances it would become all too real for Snuffy. The lines between lust and something more would get blurred and blurred until he got scared and backed away and moved to the next lady in the next club with a smaller smile than before.
Snuffy is very proud of his black belt in Jujitsu. Especially with the way it helps him on the football field. His understanding of his own body and abilities mean more to him than the average person too. Also because of Mick and how Mick ignored his body both before and after getting let go as a footballer.
Okay, Snuffy isn’t that bad I guess-
Germany’s Bastard Munchen: Noel Noa
My man my man my man
Let me give you a big smooch
Noel sunburns so easily. He never tans, he always burns a hot pink. He has but an ounce of melanin in his skin that prevents him from being totally albino. Because of this, he is very serious and methodical about applying sunscreen. He applies daily, especially when he knows he’ll be outside for practice or a game. He also isn’t that fond of costal activities because of the sun exposure, even more so because he can’t swim that well. (OMG I read a little blurb about Noel not being able to swim but his wife loved to I don’t know who wrote it but it was so cute I’ll try to find the writer)
He does interviews for football, but finds them rather bland and not that important. He likes to discuss football strategies and profile analysis he’s done of other players, but most of the time reporters aren’t that interested in his words. They always want to know more intimate details about him, it feels like to Noel. Just not his exact cup of tea, but he knows other players are always willing to talk in an interview so he leaves the chitter to them if he can. He likes for his actions on the field to speak for him.
Noel makes an effort to acknowledge stray animals if he can. The cat sitting on the restaurant sill? He gave it some head scratches before continuing his walk. The dog that always lays in the same sunny spot of concrete on the sidewalk? Noel has given him some water just yesterday. It feels as though he’s paying homage to their sacrifices by giving them small acts of domesticity as he was once a stray too. He still feels like one sometimes. At night when he’s awake in his bed thinking, he ponders the possibility of taking one of the many strays home with him. He won’t allow himself to though. He can’t stoop so low as to take an animal into a home that he knows he’ll be absent enough from them (his football commitment sigh) to not properly take care of them, his head reasons, even if his heart wants him to act so unrationally.
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Writing Ideas: 170 Character Quirks
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Quirk—a peculiar trait; idiosyncrasy; memorable little things about a character’s personality that make them charming, endearing, weird, or unique; can be cute habits; is anything worth describing about a character.
Very introverted, quiet and reserved, keeps to themselves
Highly extroverted, loves socializing and meeting new people
Mega control freak who has to have everything their way
Neat freak (often coincides with control freak)
Total slob who never knows where anything is
Super stubborn and will never admit when they’re wrong
Brutally honest and can’t lie to save their life
Extremely judgmental of other people
Short-tempered, especially when irritated
Always patient, even when frustrated
Hilarious or odd sense of humor
Very hard to make them laugh
Loves to eat and is obsessed with food
Loves to drink and is constantly partying
Constantly complains about everything
Extremely loyal and will do anything for their friends/family
Adventurous and willing to try anything
Cautious and careful no matter what
Energetic, hardly ever needs to rest
Sleeps all the time and still gets tired during the day
Horrible sense of direction and constantly gets lost
Overachiever who loves school/structure
Really modest and won’t ever brag about themselves
Extremely emotional and will cry at the drop of a hat
Stoic and detached, rarely shows emotion
Wildcard whose behavior is unpredictable, even to their friends
Notoriously two-faced and will betray anyone
Charismatic and can convince anyone to do their bidding
Very proper and always polite to others
Dates tons of people and has a new boyfriend or girlfriend every week
Obsessive personality — whether it’s a TV show, brand, musical artist, or even another person, they’ll get attached and think/talk about it constantly
Unique eye or hair color
Has two different eye colors
Extremely short or tall
Some discerning physical mark — birthmark, freckles, mole, or scar
Wears unusual glasses
Has braces and headgear
Large feet — may mean they’re clumsy
Bites their nails/lips or chews on their hair
Constantly fidgeting and can’t sit still
Acne, eczema, or other skin problems
Many tattoos or piercings
Often sick or has allergies (constantly sniffling/blowing their nose)
Talks very loudly or quietly
Says everything like it’s a question
Terrible breath — may be a coffee drinker
Gets sweaty easily (especially when nervous)
Unusually hairy arms or legs
Very long painted nails
Always wears a faceful of makeup
Has a stutter or other speech impediment
Incessantly clicks a pen
Often tucks their hair behind their ears
Constantly chews gum
Has a toothpick dangling from their mouth
Always picking their teeth
Smokes and has a raspy voice
Breathes heavily or snores
Is extremely muscular
Walks very slowly or quickly
Left-handed or ambidextrous
Constantly scratching themselves
Has some noticeable physical tic, like a twitch
Always wears a distinct item of clothing or accessory — a favorite pair of socks, a lucky jersey, or even a particular shade of lipstick
Fantastic cook or baker
Skilled musician (piano, guitar, violin, etc.)
Artistic talent (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.)
Model athlete (football, hockey, swimming, etc.)
Great at voices/ventriloquy
Can do sleight-of-hand — may be a pickpocket
Speaks multiple languages, even obscure ones
Knows everything about history
Mathematical or scientific genius
Brilliant coder and can hack into any database
Skilled mechanical inventor
Can build or put together anything
Super-quick logical reasoning
Exceptional memory/genius IQ (several of the above might fall under this)
Special connection with animals
Super empathetic and understanding of other people
Extremely fast runner
Contortionist (can twist their body into any shape)
Psychic talent (can predict the future)
Amazing mechanic
Super strength, flying, invisibility or other superpowers
Unusually high tolerance for pain
Survival skills like hunting and fishing
Quick reflexes, acts fast in a crisis
Brave and fearless, not scared of anything
Able to talk their way out of any trouble/invent stories on the fly
Awful driver
Always running late
Illegible handwriting
Terrible at public speaking
Socially awkward — hard for them to make friends
Has tons of credit card debt from online shopping
Self-destructive and always wants what’s worst for them
Gets blackout drunk every time they go out
Extremely conceited or arrogant
Compulsive liar
Manipulative of friends
Gets jealous over nothing
Often mean for no reason
Unbelievably self-centered
Extremely passive-aggressive
Is a hero who doesn’t like using their superpowers
Arachnophobia (irrational fear of spiders)
Coulrophobia (irrational fear of clowns)
Agoraphobia (irrational fear of leaving the house)
Pantophobia (fear of everything)
Pale skin
Crooked smile
“Intense” stare
Relentless clumsiness
Artificial hair colors that are supposedly natural
Characters thinking they’re unattractive when everyone else thinks they’re beautiful
Dresses all in one color
Bedroom is decorated exactly like a Pinterest picture
Won’t drink still water, only sparkling
Refuses to use headphones and blasts their music in public
Always dresses too nicely for the occasion
Walks around barefoot, even in stores and other public places
Hates being inside, sleeps and goes to the bathroom outdoors
Can’t help but look in every mirror they pass
Wears a small plastic backpack everywhere
Preps their meals three weeks in advance
Drinks shots of espresso all day long
Sings opera in the shower
Always sneezes around pets
Has a collection of something mundane
Makes their own (terrible) abstract art and hangs it on their walls
Gets super excited about Christmas and then really depressed in January
Refuses to wear glasses even though they need them
Carries around a secret teddy bear
Has been wearing the same friendship bracelet for three years
Fastidiously lint-rolls all their clothing
Will leave a shop or restaurant if someone walks in with a baby
Extremely superstitious (knocks on wood, avoids the number 13, etc.)
Drops everything other people ask them to hold
Likes to go out dancing by themselves
Prefers to have the lights off or dimmed at all times
Only reads books written before 1900
Only watches movies that get really bad reviews
Always wears multiple sweaters on top of each other
Won’t eat anything that doesn’t have bread (at least on the side)
Thinks they’re a time-traveler from the medieval era
Gives friends and family excellent homemade presents
Leaves the office last every day so they can push all the chairs in
Hates jagged numbers (always fills their gas tank to the dollar, sends emails on the hour, etc.)
Has an imaginary friend they still talk to, even in adulthood
Owns a lizard that they try and use as a guard dog
Listens exclusively to Britney Spears
Leaves little notes in library books for future readers
Uses tissues to hold onto poles on public transportation
Wears their hair in Princess Leia buns
Never goes a day without talking to their mom
Hums “In the Hall of the Mountain King” when they get stressed
Clucks their tongue while walking, so they sound like a horse
Quotes Pulp Fiction all the time
Loves hanging out in completely empty places
Convinced they’re going to die in a freak accident
Grows all their own food in their vegetable garden
Never pays for train or bus tickets
Can recite Shakespearean sonnets
Recycles and eats vegetarian, but only out of guilt
Has a “vision board” posted on their ceiling
Loves the beach but hates swimming
Flicks people in the forehead when they get annoyed
Laughs at everything, even bad jokes
Curates a great Instagram feed of street art
Sources: 1 2
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“I'm Just going to ask it send me request to write blurbs”
Can you do a cookout blurb with Jude? With y/n? And have y/n mom teach him the electric slide dance with the rest of her family? lol it’s giving “ the best man and welcome home Roscoe Jenkins”
💌 I'm going to imagine he's dancing to the cupid shuffle. That seems like it's more complicated for him.
🏷️ warnings: no warnings
🏷️ author note: look at me! I finally wrote
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It was summer break so you know what that meant, Jude and I were spending an evening of vacation at my parents house. Very rarely did we both get to see them. I worked hard on getting my degree and well Jude.. he was a professional footballer. Our careers clouded most of our time and we barely got much to travel and see both of our family until now.
Jude sat in the passenger seat as I drove down the road. He would be driving but he refuse to get his license.
“I'm really excited to see your mom.” He said from the passenger seat. I took my eyes off the road for a second, sneaking a glance at him before turning back to the road.
Jude loved my mother like she was a second mom to him and he was her son. They may have only known each other for 3 years but it seemed like they known each other forever.
When we arrived at my parents house. I parked the car where everyone else's was and got out with Jude. We both walked up to the front door where I knocked. After waiting for less than a minute the door swung open revealing my mom. Within seconds I was in her arms, haven't seen her in so long it was nice to finally get the hug I've been waiting for.
When I pulled back Jude was quick to take my place and my mother's arms. My mom laughed as she hugged the 6 foot man tightly.
When he finally pulled away she spoke.
Come in. Your father is busy on th grill try to cook us a meal. Also your cousins are here.”
me and Jude walked in and greeted everyone as we passed by. A few of my nieces and nephews made the trip to the backyards longer as they tried to talk to Jude but eventually we made it outside.
Outside the atmosphere was pumping. Music played loudly over the back yard, people everywhere and the fumes of delicious food being made clouded the area. I gave jude a kiss on the cheek before splitting with him to greet more of my family.
twenty minutes went by before I was finished talking. I found Jude sitting on a lawn chair a beer nestled in his hand as he talked to my mom who was sitting beside him. I plopped down on the other side and stayed quiet. Jude knew I was there seeing how his hands rested on my thigh a few seconds as I got comfortable.
A few more minutes went by, my mom and Jude talking about football. That was before the music changed. Good lord it was my mom's favorite song.
I groaned knowing what was coming next.
My mom popped right up happy as can be. Her first target was me of course. I instantly hesitated, I was in no shape or form interested in dancing today.
“Come on y/n, you know you want to.”
I shook my head staying glued to my seat. She wasn't going to stop which means I have to get out of this some way some how so I used my closest target. Jude!
“Why don't Jude dance with you?”
Jude's eyes grew wide as soon as I said that. He looked betrayed and I couldn't blame him. I smiled at him shyly hoping he'll do it and take me out of my misery.
Luckily for me he did.
“Sure.” He stood up. I sighed in relief.
“but I'm not good at dancing. I'm kind of white.” he joked.
My mom laughed ignoring his comments, dragging him into an open space where she can teach him correctly.
I was attentive as I watched them. Every now and then I would giggle to Jude messing up the easiest move humanly possible.
My mom stayed patient as she taught him and eventually… one hour later he finally got the dance correctly.
“Did you see all that?” He asked me as he walked back over to me.
I smiled as I nodded. “Yeah and I kinda filmed it so expect it to be on the internet tomorrow.”
Jude rolled his eyes and sat back down beside me.
“You know you're going to have to repay me right?”
I nod once again. Leaning closer to him I whispered in his ear. “I know and when we leave here later I plan to give you what you want.”
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linamromero · 7 months
𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐨𝐮𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Moving from your native country of Spain to Manchester in England with your fiancée Leila was a lot to get your head around.
Meaning you had to leave your tattoo business in the hands of your sister which wasn’t the best for you however moving overseas would be good to have a break for a while.
This is how you met Leila. Most of the Barcelona players, female and male got their tattoos done by you. One that attended the parlour the most was Mapi León, she brought Leila along with her one day so they could both get tattoos done.
The brunette decided on an Egyptian eye under her right boob, you were quite surprised at her choice of where the tattoo was to be but you caught a glimpse of lust in her chocolate eyes when she said it.
She kept making excuses to come to your tattoo parlour when she wasn’t playing football just to see you. You soon picked her up on it and she admitted her feelings to you which you were flattered by but you did feel the same way.
After dating for three years she plucked up the courage to ask you to be her wife, you obviously said yes to.
“Bueno, okay, i’ll see you when you get home, te amo mucho.” You blew kisses at the camera, you phone propped up in the kitchen.
“Te amo mucho!” Leila pouted back at you before you pressed the red hang up button.
Tonight you were having a Spanish night which you had every friday, every two weeks you would invite Ona and Laia around, who played football with Leila but tonight it was just you two.
You connected your phone to your speaker, blasting the likes of Rosalía, Bad Bunny, Bizarrap etc. Dancing around the kitchen as you made Pa amb tomàquet.
Making paella was your absolute favourite, everyone loved it, even some of Leila’s english teammates that had came over one night who don’t really like seafood said it was to die for.
You had it in the large dish as Despechá began to play, it was your all time favourite song you couldn’t help but sing and dance along as you cleared up. The music was so loud you didn’t hear Leila come in, she was enjoying watching you move your hips along to the beat.
“Oh hõla bebé.” She bit her lip, making you jump.
“LEILA!” You shouted, throwing a towel at her, “Lo siento but you scare me!”
“Lo siento i was enjoying the show.” She said as you sent her a look.
“Stop it.” You rolled your eyes turning the music down slightly.
“Food smells amazing as usual.” Your fiancée complimented.
“Gracias, why don’t you go and get changed and i’ll set the table.” You suggested which she agreed.
She returned in a hoodie, shorts and socks sitting opposite you, “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
“Let’s eat then.”
You plated up both dishes, taking a mouthful of the seafood dish, “Bebé this is incredible.”
A massive smile appeared on your face as she took a second mouthful.
Once you’d eaten, you both decided to crash into your large bed and watch a movie,“What you want to watch?” Leila asked pulling you onto her lap.
“Your favourite.” The defender hummed into your hair.
As the movie played Leila began stroking your face, tracing your freckles embedded into your skin. Her actions tended to send you to sleep, you quickly rolled over so she would stop, “Y/N why did you move.”
“Because i would’ve fell asleep else.” You replied taking your sports bra off.
“What are you doing.”
“What i’m hot.” You shrugged going back to the same position you were in before, “You copying me now?”
She laughed taking her own bra off, “Maybe.”
As the movie went on you noticed Leila becoming distracted, playing with your hair not paying attention to the movie. “Leila querida what are you thinking about.”
“You.” She mumbled.
You sighed, “Why is that mi amor.”
“You do everything for me i appreciate it, you cook, you clean, you work, you even moved to Manchester with me.” She said.
“Of course I try my best to look you, your going to be my wife after all.”
“I know and I can’t wait.”
“Me too querida.”
Short and Sweet ❤️
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saintescuderia · 5 months
pancakes (pt. 6)
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AKA - the story of how the naive australian rookie befriended the gym junkie F1 hospitality worker with the shoe collection - and inadvertently broke the grid's most treasured and unspoken rule: you don't go for y/n.
series masterlist here :) // the pancakes recipe here :)
antinal reference ;)
A/N: to make up for being MIA (and that this sunday might be another miss) here's a double update. enjoy.
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P6 - pre-workout for jet-lag
You still found it odd to call Australia home.
You had mixed feelings about the country stamped across the front page of your passport. Your auntie had been the one to organise the papers so that Australian would be your identification. Never mind the hospital bed in Monaco that you were birthed. Or that you were first words were in Arabic. 
Still, your travelling auntie’s own experiences meant that when you came into her care, she would raise you Australian. Never mind any of the other stuff. 
So, when you walked into the house in Melbourne, you were met with an Egyptian lady playing French music, dressed in a Korean football jersey, cooking Greek food. Such was the life of a nomadic English teacher that was your aunt Nadia. Dia for short.
“Ah, it's you." She sat, spying you hauling the suitcase through the door. She looked at the clock by the fridge and then frowned. "You weren't supposed to land yet."
"I landed an hour ago." You said. She looked at the clock again and took it off the fridge. She banged it with one hand and then shook her head, muttering under breath.
"I'm sorry. Did you take an Uber?"
"No. Oscar gave me a lift." Well, technically his father had driven the car.
Oscar’s parents were apparently super excited to meet you and gushed all through the way about how glad they were that their son had you to help him through F1. They had even insisted on dinner but Oscar knew you had stayed up - you had made him do the same thing as you - and thankfully postponed it for a breakfast tomorrow after you both got to finally got to sleep. 
Upon leaving Jeddah, you had looked at the flight times and decided to overdose the 400mg of pre-workout and strategically placeyour workout just before leaving the hotel so that you and Oscar could both avoid the jet-lag many other F1 personnel were struggling with.
So far, it was on track to working. You just needed to push through a few more hours. To do so, Oscar was going to watch the footy. You were going to watch football.
“Ah, this young Oscar." Your aunt was nodding. "I like him. He has a trusting face.” She laughed at you, doing nothing to help but continue to watch you clamber into the well-loved and mis-matched dining furniture in her kitchen. “You hungry?”
“Tired.” You said, checking the time. It was 5pm but you were ready to knock out. Just a few more hours. You willed yourself to push through and avoid the jet-lag.
“Did you eat?”
You hadn’t. You never ate airplane food. 
The silence was answer enough as your auntie plated up some gyros for you. The smells of the seasoned meat filled your nose and your stomach rumbled at the site of it. You picked up your fork, ignoring the bread for the sake of your cut but helping yourself to tzatziki. 
"What's with the Korean jersey." You couldn't help but ask. You watched your auntie's back with CHO GUE-SUNG.
"Oh, he's such a handsome man. So polite too. I met him when I was teaching abroad in Seoul."
You opened your mouth but closed it. Your auntie lived a very unbelievable life at the best of times.
"He was nice. Nice face. Good hair. You should date him." Dia said as if she was commenting about the weather and you rolled your eyes, chewing through the food. She gave you a look. "Better a footballer than a driver."
You gave her a look. She never did like Danny. Much less you two together.
"Speaking of footballers, your uncle called. Went on and on in Italian about how your talents are wasted with cars and you should come to a real sport."
You snorted hearing this. Your uncle's work in football (not soccer, football) and your line of expertise had some people baffled that you hadn't joined him. Only the select few who knew your mother understood just why that was.
Still, every month your uncle sighed at the wasted talent! that you, a world class performance trainer! was stuck making coffee! for some fancy drivers!
Save that your uncle would add in a few choice Italian expletives in the mix.
"So, the usual?" You concluded.
"The usual." Dia nodded. She came to sit down in front of you. Pulling out her phone, she began showing you pictures of her recent teaching stint in South Korea. Your aunt had been there for about six months, working at an international school. And befriending Korean football players apparently.
“I thought you were teaching in Paris.” You said between mouthfuls of seasoned meat. 
“That was before.” Dia waved a dismissive hand. She dropped her phone and then stood up to pull out two wine glasses. Your aunt gave you a look and you shook your head. She put one back with a roll of her eye. “Wine is good for you.”
“I’m already taking resveratrol.” You said. “And I’m on a cut.”
“That’s why no bread.” Dialooked down at the plate full of untouched pita bread. She was well aware of your health habits. “Actually, I went to Egypt recently! Ah!” She went to the cupboard above the microwave and pulled out a shoebox full of small boxes. You knew immediately what it was. Bringing the shoebox to the table, Dia began pulling out various medicines she had brought from Egypt. 
“You will need this for your travels.”
“I have all of this.”
“Do you have Antinal?”
“Take some extra." Dia still pushed it to you. "Give it to Charles.”
“I don’t speak to Charles.” You said.
Your aunt huffed and looked up at the ceiling, calling to God. “Ya rab. This fight with Charles needs to stop. Pascale and I are sick of it.” You didn’t comment any further on it. It was, admittedly, quite hard when there were so many other people involved. Pascale and Nadia were best friends. It was how you and Charles had grown up so close. The fact that you were family friends made it hard since Charles had pretty much cut you off. Granted, he was polite and you knew he still greeted your aunt Dia with a kiss on each cheek every time she’d visited Monaco. But still. 
“I will give them to Charles.” She said, taking a box back.
“You do that.” You said as she still pushed one boxes of the yellow medicine in front of you. “Dia, I already have this.”
“For Oscar. Yallah.”
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“Anti-diarrhoea pills?"
"Oi, mate. You better be grateful. That shit's a miracle." You said, dropping the yellow box in Oscar's hands as you both walked down the Paddock. You had checked your phone this morning to the beautiful news that you would be working for McLaren today. You texted Oscar the news and the next day he had your coffee order ready in the cupholder of the car he picked up you up in. 
It didn't feel odd. It should've, but it didn't. Maybe it was because you and Oscar had already spent the most of the morning together. You had breakfast with his parents - his dad taking a moment to quietly pull you aside to say thank you for supporting Oscar - and then hit a gym sesh.
In fact, you almost forgot that you and Oscar was supposed to be working in different domains until you both had to get dressed and found him waiting for you outside the Paddock dressed in shorts, a McLaren t-shirt and accompanying brand cap.
It made you look down at your black Hospitality wear and wonder just how things would go if you were wearing the same clothes as him.
Well, for one thing, you would have to wear those ugly ass shoes. You looked down at your feet clad in some Nike Cortez and tried to take that as consolation. You weren't dressed in team uniform but at least that meant you had your shoes.
Still, the oddity of seeing a driver openly interact with the Hospitality staff turned some head as you walked down the Paddock together. You were half tempted to tell Oscar to go ahead but it didn't make sense. You were both going to the same place - the McLaren motorhome.
Oscar, however, was barely paying attention to any of this. No, his attention was still stuck on the medicine you had given him.
"Why do I need," He paused and flipped the box over to read the label that was in English, "Antinal?"
"Because you're travelling around the world more now that you're in F1 and have an additional ten or so race weekends added to your calendar." You explained as Oscar read what minimal English was on the medicine box "And so you're gonna be trying a lot more foreign food. Gotta be prepared, man." You patted him on the shoulders as a form of consolation. Oscar just laughed. 
"I must say, when you texted me that you had got me something, I didn't think it would be this."
"Technically my auntie did." You said before explaining how you would probably needed to purchase another 23kg suitcase from all the things your aunty was adamant you have with you for the rest of the season. Oscar was laughing at the five packets of sunflower seeds your aunt thought was an essential when you clocked it. 
Or, better yet, them. Charles and Carlos.
Both staring at you. And Oscar. 
You felt a jolt rush through you realised. Oscar's latest girlfriend update went to background noise as you took in the two Ferrari drivers stood there.
Carlos was appraising, his head slightly tilted as he clearly was observing the two of you. You could only imagine what he noted.
You. Oscar. Laughter. Gift exchanged. Mention of relatives and close family.
Still, the kind Spaniard's eyes were a lot easy to take in than Charles. 
Charles who was clearly fuming. 
Or, clearly to you. You knew his angry tells. Right fist clenches then unfurls. Left hand runs through hair. Lips are pursed. And then he walks off. 
You watched as Charles said something to Carlos and then turned around to stalk off. You watched his retreating form with forlorn eyes and before you caught Carlos looking at you. The furrow between your brows where you had probably stared longingly after the best friend who left you in the dust immediately fell when you looked at Carlos. 
That was the first time that Charles was actually acknowledging your existence in how long.
You drew your eyes back to Carlos who was still looking at you. You smiled you found yourself even lifting up a hand to wave. You saw his eyebrows raise slightly and his lips lift into a smile. He waved back. Then someone called his name and you saw his cousin and manager appear from the Ferrari motorhome. You turned back to look at Oscar who was still talking, unaware of anything that happened in the past minute.
"... anyway Lily wants to meet you and - "
"Have you copped any shit?" You interrupted Oscar and turned to him. You had both neared the McLaren Motorhome and knew this would be where you both parted ways. 
"Copped shit from who?"
"Other drivers." You specified.
"I mean I haven't really had a chance to speak with them." Oscar said, pursing his lips as if he thought about it. "The Williams guys are nice. Alex is funny."
"Alex is funny." You agreed. You did like Alex. He had a good heart. You would forever be salty at what Red Bull did to him. 
"Lewis said hello, which was nice. Fernando reminded me his career is older than me." You couldn't help but snort at that. Oh, Nando.
"And Lando is... well, Lando." You perfectly understood just what Oscar meant by that. His words, however, also confirmed what you had suspected. None of the 'core' drivers that surrounded Ferrari or Red Bull's circles had come near him. You knew that many of the guys had gone out a few times to celebrate the start of the season and the fact that Oscar had very clearly not been invited was, well, getting to you.
Especially since you were 99.9% sure you were the reason why. 
You stared at the young Australian boy in front of you and felt two things wash over you. 
The first was sadness.
A lame word but there was no other way to describe it. Infuriated, annoyed, hurt - sure. But you were also just sad. Sad that this was your life and that anyone close to you still managed to get tainted by the things you were forced to lug around yourself. 
The second was fondness.
The boy was young and innocent but carried himself with wisdom and dignity beyond his mere 20 years. And his dry ass sarcasm was a special type of humour you missed having around you. He was caring, loyal and an overall good sport. Having Oscar around made you realise how long it has been since you've laughed. He drove you the airport, bought you food and stayed up to watch old FRIENDS reruns after finding out Daniel Ricciardo had cornered you in the gym. 
"Your love language is quality time." Was his reasoning when he had arrived at your hotel room. And so he ordered some KFC and got comfortable in your hotel room to watch Chandler and Joey forget Ross' baby on a bus. You knew Oscar didn't like sit-coms -- it was a recurring argument -- but he watched five episodes that night after you had texted him feeling panicked and needing help when Daniel arrived drunk at the gym.
In short, in that moment, you were suddenly hyperaware of how much you really, really, really fucking loved Oscar Piastri. 
So maybe that's why you just came out with it. 
"Jos Verstappen has a restraining order against me." 
Oscar blinked. Once. Twice. Clearly he wasn't expecting you to say that. You weren't even expecting you to really say it. 
"Come again?"
"Well his wife does." You corrected. "Because the courts wouldn't accept a man of his size him to need protection from little old me." You rubbed your arm, feeling the full vulnerability of what you were doing. You thought of your next words carefully, making sure to not step over the NDA you had signed. "I used to train Max when he was at Torro Rosso and then at Red Bull. I always saw bruises on his arms. One day I..." you huffed, hating that you legally couldn't say what had actually happened. "Well, I ended up beating Jos Verstappen half to death."
Oscar was silent. His face was void of much reaction. He wasn't even looking you in the face but staring at the ground in his pensive state. You were aware that you both had stopped walking and were stood to the side. 
"Is that why you don't officially work as a trainer and had to be all pedantic with training me?" All you could do was nod to his question. Oscar shook his head. "I mean, I've heard the stories about Max and his dad but..." 
Now it was your turn to blink. Once. Twice. You frowned and Oscar finally met your eyes and you were stunned to see the easy going grin on his face once more. It hadn't disappeared. "I can only guess you had to sign an NDA and this isn't the full story. And even if it is, well, it's enough to know you were protecting someone from a -- well, an abuser." 
"I... Yeah. Thanks." You weren't sure what you were thanking him for. For believing you? For not treating you differently? For taking your side when everyone in Formula 1 had dropped you and treated you like a leper?
"Is that why you and Ricciardo fell through?" Oscar asked. It wasn't nosy. You had explained enough to him. It was enough he knew what happened. 
"No Danny, he, uh-." You hated how small your voice sounded. Or that you immediately fell back to his nickname. "He cheated."  
Oscar was silent, waiting for you to continue. And so you did so. You told him everything. From Daniel to Charles to the moment you punched Jos Verstappen in the face.
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Carlos Sainz was ready to punch someone in the face.
He sat there at the table, fist curled tight as he tried to calm down from all that he was hearing. It seems like his name would only be an added tag to an otherwise Charles Leclerc fest of a season. Carlos knew, sure, that coming into a Ferrari where his teammate was known as Il Predestinato would mean that he needed to prove himself, put himself in the spotlight and make the Tifosi give him a name like that.
However, as the current race strategy meeting was showing, it seemed like no one in Ferrari was going to give Carlos the chance.
"Now, boys, I have something to discuss with you two." Fred said as people were starting to leave and the meeting seemingly coming to an end. Carlos wanted nothing more than to get up and storm off but he reigned it and listened to the change in Fred's tone.
"What's up?" Charles asked, sitting up.
"Quietly, there was a team principal meeting with Domenicali." Fred said, and this time Carlos sat up also. His anger was momentarily forgotten as his interest piqued. "McLaren have unofficially started working with a girl to train their rookie." Charles was playing with his APM Monaco bracelets, somewhat paying attention. Carlos watched him. There was one particular bracelet he always fiddled with, a small gold chain tucked amidst all the other extravagant pieces.
"She's a Hospitality worker."
Carlos saw how Charles froze. His teammate looked up. Carlos saw the horrified look on his face.
"Quoi?" The French slip was only further proof of something. Carlos's mind raced to make the connection.
The lighbulb went off just before Fred said it.
"She was your friend, non?" Fred said. "Worked with Max Verstappen in Torro Rosso." His eyes flickering over to Carlos. They had been teammates back then.
Charles's years and years of media training went out the window as he struggled to make sense of what he was hearing. Carlos, however, was suddenly thrown back a few years and thinking about just who had caused this whole shitstorm.
Carlos said your name, feeling something swell up in him by saying your name in front of Charles who was your former best friend. Maybe it was ego from the recent meeting, but Carlo wanted to drive the knife in a little deeper.
"She's a very good trainer. I watched her sessions with Verstappen." And that wasn't on showing up Charles; it was the truth. Max's dominance needed to be at least somewhat accredited to you.
"Turns out she is not allowed to work for new teams." Fred spoke. "That means for McLaren to hire her goes against some contract Formula 1 put in place after an incident with Verstappen."
There was a pause. Carlos waited for Charles to say something - to say it. He didn't. So Carlos did.
"She was defending Max." Carlos said, defending you when he thought the silent Monacoan beside him would've. Didn't you two grow up together?
The Verstappen Incident, Carlos was well aware of. However, whatever happened between you and Charles... well, Carlos was out of the loop.
"It doesn't matter." Fred waved. "I'm not here to speak of the drama. But I did have a look. Mattia never told me but she has ties with Ferrari from before - "
"But she's a Hospitality worker!" Charles finally spoke up. "Mattia he-- I spoke to him about her."
"You did?" Fred took that piece in. Carlos wanted to scoff. Clearly Mattia hadn't mentioned that in the hand over notes. "What did Mattia say?" Fred asked.
"Peut-être on peut parler juste nous deux." Charles said, the switch the French reigniting Carlos' anger once more. He forced himself to breathe steadily while Fred nodded. Both men had often tried to keep to English in front of him for the sake of manners and being polite, as opposed to using their mother tongue and making Carlos feel, well, like he felt now. Excluded. Enraged.
Still, Carlos' French skills were okay enough for understand what Charles had said. He stood up and, in French, said. "I'll leave you two." Without looking back, he walked out the motorhome trying to steel himself.
He really wanted to punch something.
Walking a little ways down the Paddock, he took deep breaths and shot a flurry of texts to his dad. He needed his advice on what to do given the way the meeting had gone. It was then that a girl on rollerblades holding the Australian flag zoomed past him and Carlos looked up.
The entertainment at Albert Park never missed. Carlos smiled slightly. Australia was a fun circuit. Not his favourite track by any means but the actual circuit itself had a lot going on that he enjoyed. It was lively, music always pumping and the weather was nice.
Still, the sounds of laughter and the faint dance music that echoed through the Paddock weren't enough to lift his spirits.
And then he saw you.
You were walking with Lando's new teammate, the infamous Oscar something. He hadn't paid much attention to the newbie, hearing something vaguely about Alpine drama from Lando. It all had gone in one ear and out the other.
Now, Carlos saw you walking with him and suddenly he wished he knew more about the kid. Why him? Why were you friends with him? Since when did you have friends? And why risk it all just to train him?
Carlos had always been perfectly polite, nice. Why didn't you laugh with him? Why didn't you reach into your bag to pull out a small box and hand to him as you explained him whatever gift you had brought him? What made this Oscar kid so lucky?
Maybe it was just the Australians seeking out one another? Everyone on the Grid knew you had dated Ricciardo. That had been a painful experience. It was one thing to have pined after you, as Max his teammate's trainer. It was another to see you get swept off your feet by the senior Red Bull driver that everyone adored. Carlos' days at Red Bull sucked since all he did was think about you - and you barely paid him any attention.
Sure, he was now no longer Ricciardo's junior but it still got to him. Daniel Ricciardo had waltzed in and you had gone wide-eyed before Carlos could've even tried.
Because he would've. He really would've. Even before his dad told him who your uncle was. Even before he tried your cooking, your coffee. Even before he knew your name. A young Carlos Sainz had seen a pretty girl walking around in the same Real Madrid kit that he owned at home and immediately wanted to go up to her, to ask her name, to ask her out.
Carlos felt the door behind him open and out came Charles. He looked completely at ease despite what had occurred before. He patted Carlos on the shoulder. And just as he did that, Carlos' phone beeped. His father.
Don't get mad. Just get even on the track.
Carlos pocketed his phone but felt something ignite inside him. He would do that. It wasn't Charles' fault for Ferrari's favouritism. Carlos had to admit the Monégasque was a genuinely nice guy.
"You alright, mate?" Charles asked. "I'm really sorry about before."
"I'm alright. Excited for the race." Carlos said, changing the subject and not mentioning it at all. If anything, he would stay out if it all and just focus on the race, on proving everyone wrong. He take his father's advice and make his own mark in this team.
"Ah, Australia is always special." Charles said.
Despite what his father had said, anger came back within Carlos. It was the same anger he felt towards that Australian kid. And Daniel Ricciardo. And, to an extent, Max.
Carlos was jealous. Not for Charles' favouritism from Ferrari, but the favouritism from you. Charles had you and he'd thrown you out for whatever reason.
Carlos' eyes came back to you and suddenly he couldn't help himself. Sure, he could stay out of all the Ferrari drama but this was you. He couldn't stay out of it when you were right there, walking beside the new kid who didn't know that Charles had essentially banned every driver from interacting with you.
"Yeah?" Carlos spoke before he even realised. "What's so special about Australia?"
The answer was obvious: you.
You were what had been so special. Carlos' days at Torro Rosso meant that he knew about how you felt towards Albert Park, that it was almost like your home race.
For one, you didn't stay at the Crown Casino hotel like the rest of them. No, instead you stayed at your auntie's place by the beach. Carlos knew that from the time he had to drive a passed out Max Verstappen to said home back in 2017.
Charles' smile dropped slightly. Then he brought it back up. "Ah, you know. The sun, the people. There is a special energy here that - "
He stopped talking.
Carlos knew that his teammate had finally spotted you also. Turning his head to look over at Charles, Carlos took in the look of utter rage on his teammate's face.
And then, you looked up. You noticed him. Them. You met his eyes and then you looked at Charles. The McLaren driver was still talking beside you, oblivious to how you had clearly stopped listening to him. Charles took a deep breath.
He stormed off.
Carlos couldn't help but roll his eyes. He didn't know the truth, but Carlos had heard the many rumours as to why Charles had cut you off. He thought they were all rubbish.
Looking back at you, Carlos met your eyes once more and he thought about his options.
He knew that you were in part responsible for training one of the best drivers on the grid. He also knew that it would take a bit of a miracle to help him outperform Charles Leclerc and show Ferrari what was what.
But hey, if this Oscar kid was going to go against the grid's treasured and unspoken rule, why couldn't he?
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You really jinxed yourself.
At first, the Australian Grand Prix was off to a great start. Sleeping at home meant that you had more comfortable waking in a bed that was familiar - and not stuck in some isolating three star hotel room that made you question the hotel rating system.
Three stars with suspicious smells coming from the closet? No, thank you.
Instead, you got to wake up to your auntie humming as she prepared her own version of pancakes. It had been a long time since anyone had made pancakes for you. And even though you had breakfast plans with Oscar and his family, you still ate some of her and kissed her goodbye as you went to the circuit.
By car. You drove yourself. In your beloved Supra, the one that had essentially taught you everything you knew about cars (that and Top Gear) were finally united.
And that in itself was a beautiful fucking thing.
There were a small handful of circuits in where you had a car in the country and could actually drive yourself. Australia was one of them. Japan was another. Monaco was the other.
Then again, Monaco was far too crazy to be driving during a race weekend anyway. Still, it was nice to be able to play some calming lo-fi beats as you drove the familiar Lakeside Drive that led up to the street circuit that was built around the lake. Your lake.
You had found yourself a good parking spot and the cafe vendor recognised you and gave you a free latte. Some marshalls walking by were joking about something nonsensical but the banter and accent made you feel warm inside. No matter the complicated feelings that being Australian brought up, you still enjoyed the laid-back attitudes that came with the softened ds and ts.
You had a good gym session, showing progress with your training. You dropped another kilogram off with the cut working well and then you were ready to go to the safe confined of the McLaren motorhome.
And then you saw the message from your co-worker.
Sorry bro. There's been a change in the roster because Mack called in sick. You're going to be covering him at Ferrari for the rest of the race weekend.
You really had jinxed yourself.
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Blurbs: Angel Eyes
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Summary: You attempt to prank Joe, but his angel-like eyes and all-convincing pout have your prank backfiring.
Warnings: Fluff, pranks!
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into the Mystic
A/N: Part 5 of blurb night!
No particular date for this blurb!
“Dinner time!” - you
Grinning as I paused the music playing over my speaker, I couldn't help but feel nothing but happiness watching my three boys run into the kitchen from the living room.
“Looks great, baby.” - Joe smiled
“Thanks, but I'm sure it won't look too good when you're cleaning it off plates later.” - you
“I don't care, that's our rule. If someone fixes it, the other cleans it. If we both cook, we both clean.” - Joe
I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a big kiss.
“Crap, I forgot drinks.” - you mumble, sighing
“You sit down, I’ll get ‘em.” - Joe
Before doing as Joe said, I got the twins into their booster seats and then sat down myself.
Joe walked back into the dining room just a moment later, his big hands allowing him to hold all four cups.
“Thanks.” - you
“Of course.” - Joe
Joe then put food onto all our plates, taking one of my hands in his when we started eating.
“Love you.” - Joe
“Love you too.” - you
After dinner, it was bath time for Tyson and Miles.
“We seriously need to order wet suits.” - Joe
“Why?” - you laughed
“They splash!” - Joe
“Oh, suck it up. Let's go.” - you
The tub was filled moments later, and Tyson and Miles climbed in. They were still young enough to bathe together - not like they would agree to do it separately anyway.
“Look!” - Tyson
Ty held up one of the plastic bath toys in Joe’s face, showing off his little tiger toy.
“That’s cool buddy. It’s like the mascot for the Bengals.” - Joe
“Yup!” - Tyson
Joe grabbed their mini basketball hoop out of the bath toy drawer and suction-cupped it to the shower wall.
“Can you make a basket, bubs?” - you
I handed Miles a mini-basketball, and he nodded and launched the ball across the shower.
Somehow making it in, Joe looked at me shocked.
“Gah-lee! Draft him to the league.” - Joe
“He’s got a cannon of an arm like his daddy does.” - you winked
Joe smiled and playfully rolled his eyes, handing Tyson a ball in the process.
“Let's start actually washing.” - you laughed
After getting the twins completely washed off and dried Joe and I headed to their room to get them dressed and ready for bed.
They wore matching pajamas, of course.
Miles and Tyson climbed into Tyson’s bed like they did every night for Joe to tell them a story. I laid down next to them and buckled up for the story Joe was about to tell.
“What kind of story do you guys want to hear tonight?” - Joe
“Lo- ve.” - Tyson
“A love story?” - you
Tyson nodded, so Joe continued.
“Okay. I’ll tell you my favorite one.” - Joe
He grinned, and not only did I know his devious smile was directed towards me, but I knew it meant he was up to something.
“One day, this boy, we’ll name him Joe, went to school.” - Joe
“That's your name!” - Miles
I immediately knew where this was headed, and I felt butterflies swarm my stomach.
“Yup. It was the first day of his senior year of high school. Not thinking much, he went to his first-period class. His teacher always made a boy and a girl sit together, and Joe thought he’d hate it, but it ended up being the best thing to ever happen to him.” - Joe
Both of the boys gasped, making Joe chuckle before he continued.
“Joe found his seat and saw that a girl he'd never seen before was sitting there. He thought she was beautiful, but Joe was focusing on football. Joe would soon find out that her name was y/n.” - Joe
“Like Mommy!” - Miles
“Yup, like Mommy. Joe and y/n talked the entire class, and they did that every day. They quickly realized that they had a lot in common and became best friends. Fast forward a bit, y/n wins homecoming queen, and Joe escorts her on the field. There, y/n called Joe her best friend… and told him that he was cute.” - Joe
There was another gasp from the twins, and I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.
“Woah!” - Tyson
“I know, right? Not too long before that, Joe realized that he had a crush on her, but he just didn't know how to drop hints. After a little brainstorming, Joe asked y/n to the dance at school, but she already had a date.” - Joe
“Oh no!” - Tyson
“That's what Joe thought too, but the dance ended up being the best day of Joe’s life. The guy y/n went to the dance with ditched her, and Joe went alone. Y/n found Joe walking around in the hallways by himself, and she asked if he wanted to go see which teachers left their classroom doors open. Joe said yes, and y/n held his hand as they walked through the hallways. The chemistry door was open, which was the class they met in. They sat down at their table, and Joe realized it would be the perfect time to tell her how he felt. Joe told y/n he liked her, and y/n liked Joe too.” - Joe
Another gasp from Miles and Tyson, and I giggled at the look on their faces as Joe told the story of him and I getting together.
“Joe then asked y/n to be his girlfriend, and she said yes. Guess what happened next.” - Joe
“What?” - Miles
“They kissed.” - Joe
“Ew!!” - Miles
“Aww!” - Tyson
I laughed at their differing opinions, which were stated at the same time, and Joe did too, before giving me a wink.
“They live happily ever after?” - Tyson
“Yup. They got married and are still together to this day. They love each other very much. They're parents too, to twin boys.” - Joe
“Like me and Ty?” - Miles
“Mhm, and y/n is pregnant with a baby girl.” - Joe
“Like Mommy!” - Tyson
“Wait… is it about you and Mommy?” - Miles
Joe looked at me with a tiny smile on his face, the bling in his eyes making my heart flutter.
“Yes. That's how we met. The best day of my life.” - Joe grinned
“That was super sweet, Joey.” - you
“The story?” - Joe smiled
We had just walked into our bedroom from putting the twins to sleep, and my mind was stuck on Joe retelling the story of how we met.
“Yeah. I'm glad I got it right the first time.” - you
“Get what right?” - Joe
“Picking a boyfriend. We really said one and done.” - you laughed
“For real, but I’m glad too. Thank god for boy-girl seating chart teachers.” - Joe
Joe plopped onto the bed onto his stomach after pulling his shirt off, asking without words for me to lay down and scratch his back.
I walked over and leaned down, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades before waking over to the bathroom.
In our usual routine, Joe and I would shower together. We took the time to share some non-sexual intimacy while spending our uncommon alone time exclusively together.
But today, Joe’s getting pranked.
Walking into the bathroom, I shut the door and locked it behind me.
I rushed to set my phone up to start videoing, then turned the shower on.
Almost instantaneously, Joe was knocking on the bathroom door.
Looking at the camera and laughing, I let him knock a couple of times before opening the door.
“Baby? Are you showering without me?” - Joe
He had his bottom lip stuck out in a pout, giving me his classic pleading angel eyes. Joe knew that combo got him anything.
“I just felt like having some alone time.” - you
Joe’s mouth fell open as he stared at me, honestly looking offended.
“What?” - Joe
“I wanted some alone time.” - you chuckle
“You seriously don't want me to shower with you?” - Joe
I stepped up on my tiptoes and pecked Joe’s lips, patting his chest when I pulled away.
“Maybe next time, babe.” - you
Making sure I was off-camera, I started undressing and the look on Joe’s face made me feel sad.
Once I was fully undressed, I hopped in the glass shower and shut the door behind me.
I looked over at Joe only to find him staring right at me with the same pout on his face.
“Aww, c’mere. I was just joking. You can shower with me, baby.” - you
“That's what I thought.” - Joe mumbled
When Joe undressed and hopped into the shower, I pulled him into my arms and pressed kisses all over his neck and face.
“You were videoing that entire thing weren't you?” - Joe
“Of course.” - you grinned
“You’re going to be the death of me.” - Joe
“Good way to go out though, right?” - you
“The best.” - Joe smiled
Authors note: Next fic at 9:25!!!
Requests for this fic;
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cheriladycl01 · 10 days
How I love you - Multi Driver x Reader Part 2
Plot: The Heartstopper Charlie Monologue but for each driver!
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Pierre Gasly
"I've been going out with Pierre Gasly since i was 15. He likes travelling and French Football. Dogs, especially the fluffy kind. Trying new foods across the world. His first win in Monza. Coffee. Taking picnics in Nice. Getting back into our bed after a long triple header. And Panoramas"
"He also likes me...”
"His hair is a sandy blonde, that could almost be a brown and his eyes are light blue and he's 7 inches taller than me, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Esteban Ocon
"I've been going out with Esteban Ocon since i was 22. He likes the movies and Italian Cuisine. Marvel, especially if it’s Deadpool. Building remote control cars. Having Ryan Reynolds as an Alpine Investor. Table Tennis. Making everything into a race, even mountain biking. Spending time with his parents . And pink"
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is very dark, basically black, and his eyes are dark brown and he's 9 inches taller than me, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Alexander Albon
"I've been going out with Alex Albon since i was 24. He likes photography and film cameras. Animals, especially our pets at home. He loves wearing loungewear. And his attachment to golf. Spicy Food. Doing his skincare with me. His podcast with Logan on race weekends. And his iPad"
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is always changing colour because he dyes it, and his eyes are light brown and he's 2 inches taller than me, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Franco Colapinto
"I've been going out with Franco Colapinto since i was 18. He likes yapping and flirting with his interviewers, to get on my nerves. Buenos Aries, especially when showing me around where he grew up. He loves drinking Mate in the mornings. And watching Lionel Messi. Chocolate. And Dulce de leche. His Spotify full of Spanish music. And The Boss"
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is a chocolate brown, and his eyes are like caramel and he's 5 inches taller than me, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Yuki Tsunoda
"I've been going out with Yuki Tsunoda since i was 20. He likes cooking and making me try new dishes. Japan, especially in Cherry Blossom Season. He loves snowboarding at Christmas. And playing video games. Sake. And going cycling. His PC at home in Italy. And Swearing"
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is jet black, and his eyes are almost matching that and im 5 inches taller than him, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Daniel Ricciardo
"I've been going out with Daniel Ricciardo since i was 26. He likes mountain biking and bmxing. The great outdoors especially the Australian Outback. He loves taking pictures mainly of me. And horse riding on the beach. America. Joking around with Lando. His Beats Headphones. And MotoGP"
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is brown, and his eyes are like pools of honey and im 6 inches shorter than him, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Valtteri Bottas
"I've been going out with Valtteri Bottas since i was 29. He likes caving and rock climbing. Engineering , especially around his F1 car. He loves skiing on weekends. And making BotASS calendars. Wine. And doing cycling tournaments. His morning coffee. And Gin"
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is dyed platinum blonde to the point I can’t remember what his natural colour is, and his eyes are like blue and im 2 inches shorter than him, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Zhou Guanyu
"I've been going out with Zhou Guanyu since i was 16. He likes karaoke and gaming. Cats , especially little Sweetcorn. He loves seeing all the hard work go into an F1 weekend. And exploring more of China. Football. And styling me in outfits. His home in Sheffield. And Fashion”
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is a dry black, and his eyes are dark brown and im 5 inches shorter than him, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Nico Hulkenberg
"I've been going out with Nico Hulkenberg since i was 24. He likes bakeries and an occasional sweet treat. Sport and fitness, especially cycling and Tennis. He loves travelling with his job. And exploring the many cultures of the world. Skiing. And chilling at home after a long weekend. Some soft music in the car. And Swimming”
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is a blonde, and his eyes are blue and im 7 inches shorter than him, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
Kevin Magnussen
"I've been going out with Kevin Magnussen since i was 26. He likes spice and Indian food. Sports, especially ones of the water variety. He loves outdoors and getting involved. And making everything into a brutal competition. Suzuka. And skydiving. Some Metallica when he’s feeling energised. And cycling”
“He also likes me…”
"His hair is a blonde, and his eyes are blue and im 3 inches shorter than him, if you care about that sort of thing. I think he's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion...”
@littlebitchsposts @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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inevesgf · 7 months
MINE ALL MINE ⠀,⠀ stephen tries.
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synopsis ✩ what it’s like dating stephen tries.
warnings: mentions of sex, f!reader.
authors note: oh god do i have big plans .. i absolutely love writing these lil headcanons so i’m planning on continuing that in the future with a few other creators in mind. currently whipped for willne + chris as ALWAYS — in the works of another chris fic which is going to be such a loonngg one. love yous x
• such a sucker for physical touch and quality time.
• no matter how busy he is with filming and with other events, he always makes time for you.
• date night is NECESSARY. you each switch back and forth every other week planning a date night.
• you both equally enjoy nights in and nights out together — but overall you both prefer to spend time alone together.
• fancy dinner dates? yes! mario kart dates where you scream and call each other cunts when you loose? yes!
• never a dull moment with stephen when you’re alone together. one moment he will be cuddling and kissing you and the next he’ll tickle you until you cannot breath
• equally loves to be the big spoon as he does the little spoon.
• loves to lay his head on your lap while you two watch a film together. he almost falls asleep every time you play with his hair but he LOVES it.
• very cliche, but in the best way possible.
• loves to surprise you with random little gifts like sweets when he stops by the shops, bouquets of your favorite flowers for special occasions and treating you to dinner even when it’s not date night.
• tits or ass? no, stephen is a THIGH GUY hence loving to lay his head on your thighs.
• loves giving more than receiving! likes to be between your thighs, leaving little love marks only he can see.
• likes pda, but isn’t excessive with it.
• will hold your hand when you’re out with friends and snake his arm around your shoulder as you two walk.
• when hes drunk, he’s a little more touchy.
• he’ll pepper you in kisses all over your face, allowing himself to be clingy towards you.
• i imagine one of the others who did football pub golf for chris’ channel having to text you to come get stephen after the shoot because he’s absolutely battered.
• snakes his arms around your waist the second he sees you gives you the wettest, yet short smooch on your cheek.
• very lovey when he’s sober, but MORE lovey when he’s drunk.
• when you get home, you insist he relaxes and drinks some water, but all he wants to do is lay in your arms and take a nap.
• the type of boyfriend to tell you he loves you at the most random times — whether you’re cooking, editing a video or even just sitting there doing nothing.
• prefers soft and slow sex compared to fast and lustful. just likes to be as close to you as possible
• talks about you a lot to his friends ( who find it so cute, mind you ), but this does result in them sort of making fun of him for it.
• the boys hit him with the “howd you manage that? she’s fitter than you” but he knows that doesn’t make a difference in your love for him.
• you two definitely have a shared playlist of love songs that remind you of each other and your favorite songs to listen to eachother. lots of djo, the 1975 and hozier on it!
• his music taste is basically just your music taste because of how often he listens to the playlist.
• obsessed when you wear his clothes. like this man will NOT stop staring at you when you wear his sweaters or his t shirts.
• half of your wardrobe is probably his old tees, but he does not mind one bit because of how gorgeous you look.
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pedripics · 2 months
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Pedri via Residency - August 8, 2024
Pedri had a double training session today 
How is your knee doing? - “Much better. Looking forward to getting started with the team soon”
How are you after starting your workouts? - “Tired, as it is normal in preseason, but happy with the recovery”
Does it feel weird without having your hair? - “A little 😜 but it's not the first time and I had to keep the promise. My mustache didn't last that long 😝”
What are your expectations for the season? - “The maximum. At Barça there can be no others, and on an individual level I hope everything is going very well”
How is your mum? - “Veryyyy well. Thank you ❤️”
How many sessions did you do to recover? - “I've been training practically every day on vacation”
Who is your best friend in the locker room? - “I say it a lot of times, I get along well with everyone but if I have to say one, well Ferran”
Nice vacation? - “Quiet, in Tenerife”
How was training with Gavi after long time? - “Very good! I am happy to see him do better”
“Barcelona is a great city without a doubt”
How many football games did you play growing up until you were 16? - “Well, I couldn't say... one a day, or more, if they count the games on the court and with friends hehe”
Did you watch the Olympics? - “Yup… a lot”
He really wanted to see USA-Serbia in a bit 
How do you deal with hate from others? - “I try to stay away from bad comments, as well as from high praise. The best thing is to be calm and listen to the advice and comments of the people close to you”
Would you like to retire at Barça? - “Do you want me to retire already? you already know that I have been a culer since I was a little kid”
When are you returning? - “There is little left. Let's see how the next training sessions are going”
Do you recommend me to visit your familys restaurant? - “l always do... and I always will. Delicious and homemade food”
I hope to see you next year at the new Camp Nou - “Have no doubt, my friend!!”
How did your friends/family react to your haircut? - “A little bit of everything. Jokes but also people who told me it looked really good on me 🙃”
Pedri are you going to let your hair grow? (Say yes please) - “Yesss. It's not the time to go bald yet”
Do your think a lot about the climate change? - “Well, it worries me. Like all young people. It is important to think about the future of the planet and that’s why i am ambassador with Kick Out Plastic”
A lot of people give their opinion about your beard, either to let it grow, or to cut it, but what do you prefer? With or without? - “I liked seeing myself with a beard, but without it l'm very comfortable. Maybe in the future I'll let it grow again”
Best part of football? - “Enjoy doing what I like doing the most”
Do you want Quevedo to return to music? - “Quevedo is a phenomenon... and above all canarian 🇮🇨” (admin agrees)
One of his friends named his dog Pedri 😂
Do you recommend visiting the Canary Islands? - “I am obliged to do so! My land is incredible”
How many kids do you want in the future? - “Well, more than one... but it's too early for that”
Pedri do you want in the future come to Poland? - “Why not? Let's see when Lewy invites me 😁”
Are you excited for your birthday??? - “Well... there's still a lot of time left”
Do you have pets? - “No. Maybe in a few years, a dog”
How is learning English going for you??? and what other languages would you like to learn? - “Let's see if I improve my level in September”
Do you go on TikTok a lot? - “Quite a lot, yes. I laugh a lot at some videos and I also find out a lot of things out  on there”
How do you feel about the new Barça kit? - “I love it”
Prove that you’re not AI - “In the previous chat they already told me something similar. Pedri 1-0 AI”
Who can cook best in your family? - “My mother… without a doubt”
Can you cook? - “It’s better if i don’t… It’s a good thing that my mother and brother are cooks”
People confuse him and his brother sometimes
Thiago? - “We barely met, because he was on tour and I was in Barcelona… I am looking forward to meeting him”
Do you like Olmo’s hair? - “😂😂😂 That question would be for my hairdresser. I like that he came to Barça, because we get along very well and I am sure he brings a lot of things to the team. We’ve already seen it at the Euros” (personally I think Pedri should announce all new signings)
Will Barça win a sixtuple again? - “Hopefully soon… Although it’s very difficult…”
Did you celebrate Gavi’s bday with him? - “Well I congratulated him and not much more because he had a day off in his recovery”
What did your day look like? - “training in the morning, eat, rest and train in the afternoon”
What do you think of Fermin at the Olympics? - “I am following the Olympic Games because I like to watch almost all sports… Fermin is being the key and I hope he will come back with gold”
How do you go shopping? Is it difficult because of all the people? - “It is very complicated, yes. Sometimes with my parents and brother, or with my teammates… but I also shop online”
If you could choose a football legend to play with, who would you choose? - “Iniesta obviously, because he is my idol. But for a little change, for example Pele”
How did you feel to reach the Olympics final? - “It was a great joy… Although I am envious of these Games because there couldn’t be fans there in Tokyo because of the pandemic”
Hidden talents? - “Not that I know…”
Are you playing on Monday? - “No, not yet”
If you weren't a footballer, what would you probably be? - “Firefighter... or waiter in my parents' tavern. Although one day I helped them and I realized that it wasn't my thing”
He hasn’t trained under Flick yet (duh)
Movie/ series recommendation? - “I'm finishing Game of Thrones. This is nothing new, but the truth is that it is very good!”
What do you like to do in your spare time? - “Being at home, mainly” (same)
How was your childhood? “Very happy! In Tegueste, with my family and friends, like any other normal boy”
Do you ever go biking? - “No. We are not allowed to either”
What do you think of Duplantis, have you watched it? - “What he did was crazy”
Your mum is the best she is such a cutie  - “Siii”
Tomorrow will you watch the men's olympic final ??? - “Yes, of course... and if I can, the women's match for Spain too”
Would you like to be the captain in the future? - “Of course I would like to”
What do you think about Asia? - “I know that they support me a lot from there and I would like to visit  in the future... now it's not easy, because the seasons don't give a break and on vacation I prefer to rest close to home”
It's not too complicated to be famous I mean do people always have to stop you for photos? - “It's not easy, but it's not something that bothers me. I try to give photograph and sign autographs, because I remember when I was little and I asked for it”
Is your favorite food bananas? - “My favorite fruit. I love food a lot, although some of them I can't eat now because of my diet. For example, I really like sushi”
Does your brother annoy you sometimes?? - We get angry, like all brothers... But he's a very important person in my life”
Favourite sport other than football? - “Basketball or padel, for example”
Do you look forward to the next World Cup? - “Of course... Although there is still a lot of time left. Now we have to fight to win the maximum with Barça”
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alasarys · 11 months
Recommended books for the drivers from BookPeople, Austin, Texas (insta)
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Daniel Ricciardo: Friday Night Lights – "... every Friday night from September to December, when the Permian High School Panthers play football, this West Texas town becomes a place where dreams can come true."
Lando Norris: Assassin's Apprentice – "Fitz ... must give up his old ways and embrace a new life of weaponry, scribing, courtly manners; and how to kill a man secretly, as he trains to become a royal assassin."
Alex Albon: My Brilliant Friend – "... a rich, intense and generous-hearted story about two friends ... a touching meditation on the nature of friendship."
Logan Sargeant: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood – "hilarious, delicious, and brutal"
Yuki Tsunoda: A Cook's Tour – "the unpredictable adventures of America's boldest and bravest chef."
Carlos Sainz: Great American Golf Stories – "some of the best classic writings, both fact and realistic fiction, that reflect the rich history, tradition, agony, and ecstasy of one of our most enduring and endearing pastimes."
Oscar Piastri: Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting – "It turns out that talking to strangers can teach you about the world around you--and even more about yourself."
Lance Stroll: Infinite Jest – "Set in an addicts' halfway house and a tennis academy, and featuring the most endearingly screwed-up family to come along in recent fiction, Infinite Jest explores essential questions about what entertainment is and why it has come to so dominate our lives; about how our desire for entertainment affects our need to connect with other people; and about what the pleasures we choose say about who we are."
Charles Leclerc: Every Good Boy Does Fine – "[Denk] reminds us that we must never stop asking questions about music and its purposes: consolation, an armor against disillusionment, pure pleasure, a diversion, a refuge, and a vehicle for empathy."
Lewis Hamilton: The Boy with a Bird in his Chest – "A heartbreaking yet hopeful novel about the things that make us unique and lovable, The Boy with a Bird in His Chest grapples with the fear, depression, and feelings of isolation that come with believing that we will never be loved, let alone accepted, for who we truly are, and learning to live fully and openly regardless."
Max Verstappen: Atomic Habits – "Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits--whether you are a team looking to win a championship ..."
Zhou Guanyu: A Visible Man – "When Edward Enninful became the first Black editor-in-chief of British Vogue, few in the world of fashion wanted to confront how it failed to represent the world we live in. But Edward, a champion of inclusion throughout his life, rapidly changed that."
Pierre Gasly: Misery – "He's a bestselling novelist who has finally met his biggest fan. Her name is Annie Wilkes and she is more than a rabid reader – she is Paul's nurse, tending his shattered body after an automobile accident. But she is also his captor, keeping him prisoner in her isolated house."
Valtteri Bottas: Foundryside – "To have a chance at surviving ... Sancia will have to marshal unlikely allies ... and undergo her own transformation ..."
Fernando Alonso: The House of the Spirits – "an enthralling saga that spans decades and lives, twining the personal and the political into an epic novel of love, magic, and fate."
Kevin Magnussen: The Daily Dad – "366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids"
Sergio Perez: Bad Feminist – "an inspiring call-to-arms of all the ways we still need to do better"
Building on the excellent work by @vegasgrandprix and @kritischetheologie
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Hello! Idk If the requests are open? Maybe Arda x Bosniak!Reader
Where they just bond over the similatrities in the culture, where they often joke about the fact that racist/islamophobic people call Bosniaks "Turkified serbs/croats" etc
A/N: I hope that I did your request justice.
In which you and Arda bond over the similarities of your culture
Arda Güler x bosniak! reader
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In the heart of Istanbul, Arda and I found ourselves wandering through the quiet aisles of an old library tucked away from the city's bustling streets.
The smell of aged books filled the air as we browsed through shelves that held tales of empires and cultures long intertwined.
"Look at this," Arda exclaimed, pulling out a worn book with faded letters in Turkish and Bosnian on the cover. "It's about Bosnian-Turkish relations."
I leaned in, curious. "That's fascinating. I've always wondered about our shared histories."
Arda flipped through the pages, pointing out passages that spoke of cultural exchanges, shared traditions, and the migration of Bosniaks to Turkey over centuries.
"It's amazing how our stories have woven together," he mused, his eyes bright with excitement.
"Yeah," I nodded, tracing my finger over the intricate calligraphy. "It's like discovering the roots of our connection."
As we left the library, our conversation flowed effortlessly about the similarities between bosnian and turkish cultures. We talked at how food, music, and even family values resonated deeply across our backgrounds.
"I remember my grandmother telling me stories about the Ottoman Empires influence in Bosnia," I said, reminiscing. "She would always cook traditional dishes that had a touch of turkish flair"
Arda's face lit up. "Oh, I know exactly what you mean! My family loves Bosnian food. Have you ever had burek? My mom makes it all the time."
I laughed. "Of course! burek is a staple back home"
"You know, growing up," Arda said, sipping his tea thoughtfully, "I had friends who were bosniaks, they would sometimes get bullied, and be called ‘turkified’ serbs”
I listened intently, feeling a mix of empathy and curiosity.
Setting my tea down gently, I met his gaze with a reassuring smile. "It's heartbreaking how people can twist identities and use them to divide," I replied softly.
Arda nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Exactly. It's like they couldn't see beyond labels. But my friends, they embraced their heritage proudly, just like you."
"I'm glad they had that strength," I said sincerely. "It's a shame people can be so narrow-minded."
As the sun began to set over the city skyline, we found ourselves at a family-run restaurant. The owner, an elderly man with a warm smile, greeted us like old friends.
"Hoşgeldiniz" he said, pouring us glasses of water.
“Hoşbulduk” Arda replied with a smile.
We decided to order a selection of Turkish and Bosnian pastries to share. As we savored each bite, our conversation continued to flow effortlessly, touching on everything from family traditions to favorite childhood memories.
"So," Arda said, leaning back with a playful grin, "if you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go?"
I chuckled, considering the question seriously. "Hmm, maybe Japan. I've always been fascinated by its culture and technology. How about you?"
Arda's eyes lit up with excitement. "I'd love to visit Argentina. I've heard their passion for football matches ours, and I'd love to experience their culture firsthand."
We exchanged stories and dreams for the future, painting vivid pictures of adventures yet to come.
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shelbgrey · 4 months
Thunderstruck(Lance Harbor)
Paring: Lance Harbor x Moxon!Reader
Summary: Lance Harbor and y/n have hid their feelings for each other for a long time, but after an act of rage the truth came out. @ashleed
Prompt: 0.7) “he's not my boyfriend” - “I think you better tell him that” - “what?” - “only love makes you that crazy”
MasterList ML2
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Tomorrow was the big game which means everyone was running around the town like mindless zombies anticipating the game that the coyotes were guaranteed to win. I didn’t care about football much which might as well be a sin around here, I didn’t mind it but I'm not willing to use a football as butplug like most of the dads and coaches around here. I wished i shared the same enthusiasm as my brother Billy Bob. he fucking loved the game and would give his left nut for it. But even though I didn’t give a damn I was at every game, not only because I was in color guard but so I could cheer Billy Bob and Lance on. Damn, he made football look like the most exciting game in the world.
But all amazing things have their faults. The old men in this town are bastards, all of them. They push the team and don't care if they die or not. Rain or shine they play, sick or hurt they play. It pisses me off. Especially when the dads use their sons as ego boosts. Lance’ dad and Mox’s dad are great examples. I respect them all for standing through all the bullshit, especially Lance.
Remember when I said every great thing has its faults? Well cook-out in this town is a great example. The team and their families would be eating good food and having fun then Lance’s dad or Mox’s dad ruin it by running their mouths and using Mox and Lance to get back at each other.
“Is this how it's always gonna be when our dads are together?” Lance asked, glancing at Mox. “just one long ass pissing contest?” Mox shrugged, not really wanting anything to escalate if they heard our conversation. I just sat next to Lance and continued eating my ribs.
I didn't hear what brought it up, but Lance's dad and my dad brought up the matching band.
“well, at least your daughter is involved with somethin', but then again the marchin' band is useless without the football team”
I rolled my eyes, not giving two shits what he thought about me or the matching band. I’d like to see him get out on the fiend and do half the crap we do. I was gonna let it go.
“That's not cool dad…” Lance said in a hard tone.
“Im just kiddin’” Lance’s dad rolled his eyes and tossed Lance the football. Lance groaned and stood up before throwing the football as hard as he could. His dad caught it with a grunt from impact. “Nice one, son… Don’t see a band geek doin’ that”
I glanced over at Lance. He was staring hard at his father with his jaw clenched.
“That throw was cute..” Mox’s dad rolled his eyes and took the football and told Mox to stand up.
“Jesuse crist” I mumbled.
“You both knocked it off,” Mox’s mom said to both Lance and Mox’s dad. “It takes so much coordination to do what they do” she said half drunk.
“I'm just sayin’ people could care less about the halftime show and all that… we came to see a game not a broadway musical, then after football season you hear nothin’ of em” Lance’s dad went on.
“You know what else takes coordination?” Mox’s dad asked, he stood up and launched the football towards Mox and put an empty beer can on his head. “Come on dad, this is stupid!”
“Just throw it son”
Mox looked down at me and Lance and gave us both a sympathetic look. “Sorry..” he mumbled and launched the football at the can perfectly. Mox’s dad looked at Lance’s dad and showboated a bit. That only pissed him off more and he ripped the football away. “You think your son’s better than mine?”
“Well lets just say if Kilmer wasn’t such a prick my son would be starting quarterback” Mox’s dad snapped, Lance’s dad gave a mocking look of surprise. “Oh.. is that a factt?”
“I'm sorry about all this, I wouldn't have asked you to come if i knew this would happen” Lance whispered to me. I was about to respond to him, tell him it wasn’t his or Mox’s fault, but his dad beat me to it. “What about you Lance? You think you're better than my boy just because you're your captain?”
“No I don't,” Lance said firmly. Hell, these bastards are lucky their egos haven't ruined Mox and Lance’s friendship.
“Well, why don't you prove it. Show em what it takes to be a coyote. Nail the can” he said sharply and toused the football to lance. Lance was almost red in the face and he gripped the football hard.
“Show him what it takes to be a starting quarterback. Show em that little flag twirler isn't a distraction” his dad barked,
“Come on lance, nail the can” someone shouted. Lance snapped and launched the football, smacking right into his dad’s nose. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground. Lance’s jaw tightened and he glanced over at me.”Let's get out of here” he said in a hard tone and grabbed his letterman jacket then grabbed my hand, pulling me out of my seat.
“See ya later, Mox” Lance mumbled and pulled me towards his truck.
Once we were away from everyone he cupped both of my cheeks, looking me in the eyes. “I'm sorry.. They're all assholes”
“Its okay, Lance… let's just get out of here”
“Heard your boyfriend nailed his dad in the nose at the cookout saturday” Wendell said, coming up to my locker. I quickie shut it, making Billy Bob peak from behind his to see what was going on”
“Yeah, Lance nailed him right in his beak” Billy Bob laughed.
“He’s not my boyfriend” I protested, making Billy Bob and Wendell both give me a ‘yeah right look’
“What?!” I asked.
Wendell scoffed sarcastically. “Only love makes you THAT crazy”
“Crazy enough to nail his old man in the face when he put you down,” Billy Bob nodded.
“You both are idiots” I shook my head, grabbing my books for Miss. Davis’ class. “You hit your head too many times on the field.”
“You just don't want to admit I'm right for once!” Wendell called out as I walked away from him.
I shook my head, trying to ignore what Wendell and Billy Bob said. I rounded the corner and ran right into someone, making my books fall to the ground. “Shit, sorry Y/n” Lance said and quickly picked up my stuff.
“Dont worry about it” I looked up and stared into his blue eyes as he handed me my stuff. His gaze made me think about what the boys said, it replied in my mind over and over again. I snapped out of it and cleared my throat. “So.. how's your dad?’
“Don't worry about him,” Lance said, shaking his head. “I'm not grounded if I win the game” he rolled his eyes.
“Ooo. so much pressure” I said sarcastically, making lance laugh.
He nudged my shoulder playfully as we walked down the hallway. “Can't wait to see the halftime show”
“You actually pay attention to those?” I was surprised.
Lance almost looked hurt when I asked that. “Of course, why wouldn't i? You pay attention to all our games”
It always made my heart flutter at the fact he cared so much. With all that pressure and needles put on him he's still smiling and being the kind hearted person he is. Anybody would be dumb to hurt someone as amazing as him.
“Well, i'll see you tonight at the game then” I smiled stopping at Miss. Davis’ classroom. Lance smiled big. “Yep”
“Billy Bob, if you're too sick to play, say somethin’ damn it!” I said sternly as we walked down towards the field for the game.
“I told ya a billion times, im fine” He said rolling his eyes.
I bonked him on the butt with my color guard pole, not hard, but hard enough to get his addiction. “Hey!”
“Don't hey me! There’s a damn oxygen tank down there for you, you shouldn’t play”
“I can't let Kilmer or the team down!” Billy Bob Sighed
“Fuck Kilmer! I'll shove this entire flag so far up his ass it comes out his mouth”
Billy Bob stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me. “Just do what you need to do and I'll do what i need to do. Mind your business” he said and put his helmet on before going down to the Field where Tweeder and Wendell were.
“What’s going on?” Lance asked, walking up to me after he saw Billy Bob storm off.
“My dumb ass brother, thats whats going on”
Lance gave me a side hug. “I’ll keep an eye on em” he moved his arm off my shoulder and ran towards the field, he turned around walking backwards. “I'll get a touchdown for ya, hell I'll win the whole game for you!” he called out.
I shook my head playfully, I was glad he was far enough because I was turning bright red. “Good luck!” I called out.
“You too!”
--------(the Game)--------
The team was doing good, only a point or two behind, but they would easily catch up. I was sitting on the bleachers with the rest of the marching band watching the game. The whistle blew and Lance ran down to the number lines. I really don't know which one, I just know there's a bunch of hot guys throwing a football around. Anyway, lance turned sound and waved at me before getting in potion.
My smile disappeared when I saw Billy Bob Hobell onto the field. He looked awful. Lance called out the play and the whistle was blown, just like that Billy Bob collapsed and Lance was tackled. Lance screamed in pain. The way he cried out made my heart shatter into a million pieces. I didn’t care what was going on or the fact I needed to stay in the bleacher, I left and ran towards the stretcher lance was on.
“We're taking him to the hospital,” the paramedic told me. His sister Juiles came up to me just as worried.
“Come on, you can ride with me to the hospital”
I sat next to Lace the whole time after his surgery that night. Mox had took Juiles home and his bastard of a dad was too upset about Lance’s football career to come into the room. I held his hand, praying he would be okay. The doctor said he needed more surgeries after this one and his recovery time would be hell. It scared me to think about him being in so much pain, I was about to doze off but Lance winched and shifted as he slowly woke up. He squeezed my hand weakly and turned his head towards me. “You're here?” he asked softly.
“Of course” I smiled softly, brushing some hair out of his face.
He winced, looking away. “I’m sorry…the game-”
“You're seriously bringing that up?” I interrupted him softly. That made me truly realize how much pressure his father and Kilmer really put on him. They wormed their way so far into his brain all he cared about was disappointing them.
“All I care about is your recovery and you being able to walk properly” I said. Lance smiled weekly and gave my hand a gentle squeeze before bringing it up to his lips, kissing it softly. “Thank you. I don’t know what i’d do without you”
I smiled softly, staring into his eyes. He smirked. “This maybe the drugs talkin’ but…” he stopped mid sentence and pushed the button that raised his hospital bed. “What are you-”
“Shut up” he said innocently and raised the bed up far enough where we were eye level. He placed his hand on my cheek, pressing his lips to mine gently. My heart pounded, wondering if this was a dream. I placed my hand on his chest where his heart was and kissed him back softly. He pulled away gently, pressing his forehead against mine.
“You don't know how long i've waited to do that” Lance smirked, running his fingers through my hair. “Me too” I whispered, placing a quick soft kiss on his lips.
“If you hurt yourself like this again, I'll kill you” I joked.
“That’s fair,” he laughed, leaning forward and kissing me on the forehead.
Nothing else mattered now. The only thing that mattered was his recovery and making sure he knows he’s loved and a stupid football game wasn’t that important.
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