#What if Im awkward giving the money to the cashier
machathecat · 9 months
Other people : *have a normal and healthy social life*
Me: *Google how to buy candy at a store without having a panic attack*
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seongoftheheart · 2 years
The Costa on the Corner of Royal Parade
Woosan drabble (600 words)
Wooyoung's watch told him he had eight minutes to get back to his lecture. Wooyoung's brain told him he had eight minutes to get back to his lecture. Wooyoung's friends told him he had eight minutes to get back to his lecture (via an instagram groupchat). Wooyoung's heart told him he had forever.
The line for the Costa on the corner of Royal Parade street was always pretty lengthy whenever he walked past it. Now he was actually here, it seemed even longer. He just wanted his damn mocha, wanted it ever since his best friend Yeosang had informed him that caffienated hot chocolate did in fact exist. Honestly, whoever had invented it needed a big kiss right on the lips.
Wooyoung was at the end of a very long, very arduous and very grueling project that he had been procrastinating for months. Now the end of it was only a couple of days away, he had been cramming and drawing non-stop for it, pushing through about seven different levels of exhaustion and burn out and triggering at least fifteen separate breakdowns. It had been a stressful couple of weeks.
But now it was nearly over, and he was taking a very, very well deserved, not at all problem-avoiding break to go and try a mocha and sit up on the grassy hill of Plymouth Hoe while staring out at the sea and hopefully attracting someone with his mysterious good looks and his mysterious aura and his mysterious coffee alone. It had also been a lonely few weeks (months).
"Hey, how can I help you?" the tired but chirpy lady behind the till asked. Wooyoung woke up from his drifting thoughts and looked at the menu, as if he hadn't been rehearsing what he was going to say for the past twenty minutes.
"Hi, can I have a regular mocha please?" he prayed he was pronouncing it right.
The lady smiled. "And is that to drink in or take away?"
"Uhhh, take away, please."
"Alright, that'll be three pound eighty, please."
Wooyoung's hands shook as he searched his wallet for the coins. He was taking too long, this was so awkward, why didn't he just have the money in his hands ready-
A coin slipped from his sweaty palm and clattered to the floor, skittering a little way away. Immediately flushing bright red and stuttering an apology, Wooyoung bent swiftly, trying to locate the errant pound. Of course the worst had had to happen, he might as well just crawl into a hole and die now.
"Here you go."
Someone else had picked up Wooyoung's money, and was now offering it to him from their palm. He shot up quickly, face burning as his voice shook slightly over the multitude of apologies tumbling from his lips. He grabbed the pound and stared resolutely at the floor, bobbing his head in thanks. The stranger laughed lightly.
"Why are you apologising?" his voice was soft and quiet, with a teasing lilt of laughter to it. Wooyoung glanced up in a brief show of courage. The stranger just had to be pretty too, huh? Cute dimples, soft brown hair carefully styled with a bleached lock curving into his eyes, glasses perched on his nose. Smiling eyes. Fuck.
Wooyoung blinked and turned away quickly, back to the cashier lady who was looking at them with a strange cross of boredom and entertainment on her face. He handed over the money quickly and took his receipt, stepping to the side slightly to wait for his coffee. This only brought him closer to the pretty stranger, who was still looking at him with a smile dancing on his lips. Wooyoung studied the floor.
kind of doxxing myself w/ this one??? anyways, i keep forgetting abt this account then coming back to it, its giving me whiplash. hi. im back. hello (´▽`;)ゞ
this one is based on a true story, actually. im an exhausted art student, who was running horrifically late on a project, and i was out of my mind w/ stress. i did, in fact, try a mocha for the first time (it was gross and nothing like caffienated hot chocolate), and the whole interaction between woo and san actually happened between me and a maccies employee (he was cute but i never saw him again, unlike wooyoung who went and sat on the Hoe (which is a big area of tarmac, grass, and an old war memorial, all overlooking the sea), he drank his mocha and hated it, then San ran into him again and they started talking and Woo got his number and they went on some dates then became boyfriends and lived happily ever after the end).
im also gonna be crossposting my inktober art from my insta and twt over to here too, so look forward to that ig?? lots more of woosan, and seongjoong and yoonmin and changlix and more. thats all for now ig?? see u soon :>
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harmcityherald · 2 years
Was in line at the dolla gen and lets address the cult victims in line talkin bout socialism this and socialism that, biden giving money to people who don't work, passive aggressively so the family using the ssi card at the register can hear. AND the female is the splitting image of space laser bitch too. So Em walked away to go looking for creamer so I make sure everyone in line hears me "I am on disability and you patriots call that socialism too so gfy." she was fast with the "oh but thats different..." regurgitation but it was too late. so em shows back up to the awkward silence of now everybody in line. "whats wrong, what are you doing?" as I fill the belt with our creamer and cookies and chocolate milk "aw just being a socialist again." "again?!" and thats genuine anger from her btw because Im famous for public exchanges like the one we are having just this min em lol so yes, my dear. again indeed. The awkward silence of the whole line behind me is punctuated only by the ear to ear smile of the cashier whos been listening along and who calls me baby and I call her darling. you can smell the right wing cooties burning in the air. I love that smell. bottle it up and call it 'hatred contained'
mama gets in the car and shes smiling lol. thats my girl. democratic socialism's secret weapon.
we go home for omelets and pizza.
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onemillionvolts · 2 years
What would the bnha boys do if your money wouldn't go through buying something
OOH I LOVE IT tysm bby!!
izuku would absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt pay. cashier/waiter/whatever goes "sorry it declined" and before they can even finish the sentence he's like "oh i'll pay!!" pulls out his all might wallet like he's such a cool guy...
bakugou, with no hesitation in his soul, will turn to rage. demanding for the worker to "fucking try it again" and telling the machine to "get its shit together". eventually he'll calm down and pay.
kirishima would just give you a big ole grin and tell you "it's alright, we'll sort things out and come back soon!" pays with loose change because i think all he carries around is a bunch of coins, a slim jim, and his wallet chain. im jk i love u kiri
tamaki won't let you even think about paying. he's going to pay and won't hear another word about it. never pays with cash though since he fucking hates dealing with change. it's such an awkward experience...
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thinger-strang · 3 years
okay okay centerfold au (like....the song by the j geils band) where billy mas moved out and away from hawkins (he hasnt quite made it to california yet, hes not ready) and hes starting to let himself be gay and think gay thoughts and ya know indulge himself every so often
which obviously means he picks up a magazine from the back corner of the corner store he frequents
he does for something a little tamer, maybe throws in a few playboys just because hes nervous (which doesnt even matter because the cashier doesnt even spare the covers a glance once scanned)
gets home and eagerly flips through it, feeling excited that he can have gay porn out in the open in his living room without fearing for his life
hes mostly just idly looking through it, folding down a few corners of pages he'll revisit when hes in the mood, just kinda reveling in the freedom of it
he flips to the centerfold, the showcase, the main event and it's–
billy fucking drops the entire magazine, it lays open, teasing billy with those big brown eyes and tantalizing moles
its a good shot honestly, pretty tasteful, definitely not modest, but billy can appreciate the artful quality
of course not in this moment, in this moment billy is panicking?
who the hell told steve harrington he was allowed to do that?
billy finds himself staring at the photo; steve as the centerpiece, draped across several laps, being groped by way too many hands for billy's liking, steve's got a half hard cock in one hand, the other possessively wrapped around the thigh of a man standing next to him, everyone's sweaty and there's splatters of something all over everyone, and there's hard and soft dicks and muscular legs and soft bellies and flexing muscles but only one face
steve stares at the camera–at billy–with an enticing stare that seems to ask "what are you waiting for?" and the barest hint of a tongue pokes out–
billy cant look away but wants to tear his gaze away to anything else, he wants to memorize the page, he wants to burn it, he wants to frame it, he wishes it never existed, he wants to be in that room
billy thought he was over this silly crush on straight boy steve but heres he is, gripping another man's cock, letting another man's cock rest on his leg, letting other men hold him and touch him
it might be fine if billy hadn't seen steve in years, hadn't seen steve since he left that fucking hellhole behind but no, no!
steve harrington, the man who happened to be the centerfold of the one single gay magazine billy happened to pick up, was his upstairs neighbor
billy stares at the ground as he stops to get his mail, hoping, praying, that he'll be lucky and not run into anyone on his way home
prayers not answered
"hey billy, i haven't seen you in a while, you doin' okay?" steve asks cheerfully as he wiggles his own mailbox open.
"yup, doing just fine, thanks for asking" billy slams his box shut and hurries to the elevator without running and jabs the close door button a hundred million times
"woah hang on, hold the door!" steve calls after him, juggling his mail and his groceries that billy somehow didn't notice
steve makes it
steve's blabbering on about.... something, billy can't hear a word he's saying, he focusing on thinking about anything other than–
billy is begging for any thought, anything, to cross his mind, anything but that stupid centerfold
"hey are you sure you're okay?" steve asks in a far too nice voice
"i told you i'm fine, please just leave me alone?" billy grits out
"i thought we were past all that" steve says in a sad voice
billy sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose
"we are, i'm just having an off day, got this killer headache ya know?" he lies through his teeth
"oh okay, gotcha, i'll be quiet" steve mimes zipping up his mouth
why is that worse why is that hot?
it's billy's floor and he can't get into his apartment fast enough
pulls out his dick and jerks it a few times before cumming right there in his kitchen floor
things don't get better
at all
billy avoids steve like the plague, which it wasn't like hung out on the regular, but theyd chit chat in the elevator or say hi when passing each other
so it was just awkward when billy would see steve in the hallway and immediately turn the other way
so it's not that surprising to wake up on a saturday morning to angry pounding on his door
"i'm coming, i'm coming, hold your fucking horses" billy grumbles as he pulls on a shirt and walks to the door
yanks it open to find a grumpy steve with his hands on his hips
"what gives hargrove? you said we were fine yet avoid me any time we so much as make eye contact? did i do something?"
billy has not had enough sleep to handle this conversation
"no you didn't do anything, it's kinda hard to explain just–" billy opens up his door to invite steve in
steve shoulders past billy and plops onto the couch
"coffee?" billy asks as he rubs his eyes
"im good" steve bites out
billy rolls his eyes and gets busy making himself a pot, trying to figure out how to say this, what to even say that would make this remotely okay
"oh my god" steve gasps
"what?" billy groans
he turns around and sees steve holding the magazine, clutching it really, something close to horror drawn all over his face
billy left it out on the coffee table as some sort of sick twisted 'fuck you' to neil
"shit shit SHIT i can explain–"
"no no i get it, um... i think i'm going to go, just... yeah i'm sorry i'll just–"
and with that steve was gone
this is worse, so so so very much worse
they either need to talk about it or billy needs to fucking find a new apartment
billy comes home after a long day at work to find steve knocking at his door
"jesus christ you scared me!" steve jumps into the wall
"sorry i kinda... snuck up on you, what are you doing at my door?" billy adjusts his backpack
"i, um... i wanted to explain? or talk? i get why you were avoiding me, i honestly forgot that came out this month" steve is twelve shades of the prettiest blush billy has ever seen
"hang on, let's go inside, i don't really wanna talk about this in the hallway"
steve's shoulders relax and he pressed himself into the wall to let billy open his door
steve sits awkwardly on the couch as billy hang up his bag and jacket and starts taking off his boots
"i... don't really know where to start" steve chews on his bottom lip and fidgits with his fingers
"i'm gay" billy blurts out
"what?" steve laughs
"i mean, i have a gay porn magazine, you're all nervous, i figured i'd break the ice?" billy shrugs
steve laughs and looks ten times lighter
"those pictures are older, i did them to help pay some bills while i was inbetween jobs, it was for a smaller thing, a blog or something, i dunno, it payed good so i said yes, i was desperate"
steve tuns his hands through his hair and breathes
"the guy who took the pictures asked if i'd be okay with him selling them to a bigger magazine, he said i'd get half the profits so i said yes"
steve shrugs and looks out the window
"so you just... did it for the money?" billy asks
"yes and no, i'm gay–well not gay, i'm bi but i'm... into dudes and all that, but mostly just to pay the bills"
steve finally meets billy's gaze with an almost scared look but more of a 'what are you gunna do about it' look
a lot like the one in the magazine
"that's cool, pretty brave too" billy says casually and leans back into his chair
"yeah... i'm kinda scared my job is going to find out that my dick is all over a magazine" steve laughs nervously
"you'll be fine, if it helps, you'd make a killing as a porno model"
billy grins wickedly in steve's direction
steve tries to smile back but it turns into a grimace
"i don't think it's weird, by the way... and while i don't think my crush on you from high school has quite gone away, i'm not going to like, make a move ot try to do anything" billy nudges steve's toe with his own
"okay" steve smiles for real this time
"okay" billy smiles back
"you really had a crush on me in high school?" steve smirks
"oh god, yeah, it was so bad, i didn't know what to do so i was just... an ass!" billy laughs
steve laughs along too and it's just comfortable, more comfortable than they've been ever
"do you wanna go get dinner?" steve smiles lopsidedly
"like a date, do you want to go on a date with me?"
"it won't be weird?" billy asks earnestly
"not unless you make it weird"
billy grins and stands
"then let's go on a date!" he hold out his hand an hauls steve up
they're walking in comfortable silence, bumping into each other's shoulders, trying to make the other drop their left over box
they get to billy's door and kean against it, very much in each other's space
"you wanna know a secret?" steve asks with a mischievous glint in his eye
"i had a crush on you in high school too" steve smiles and rests his forehead against billy's
"oh yeah!" billy leans into steve's touch, their noses bumping
"hell yeah" steve closes the distance and presses a soft kiss into billy's lips
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staycult · 4 years
highschool!jisung as your boyfriend
pairing — gender neutral reader x jisung
genre — fluff / bullet scenario / friends to lovers
word count — 1.6k
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u and jisung had been friends for quite some time now
ever since highschool started probably
u guys were in the same friend group
you were always with him during lunch
and u guys go home together bcs ure practically neighbors
“[y/n]! smile!” he said as he pulled out his favored polaroid camera
as you were about to turn your head around you heard a loud click, coming from the camera
a flash of light blinded your eyes
so you tried to cover it
“hey! i wasnt ready!” you pouted, giving jisung a light slap in the arm
he stuck his tongue out to mock your reaction and pulled out the film from his camera
“you look ugly” jisung snorted, fanning the film
“shut up and start moving!” you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand to make him walk faster
bcs guys were about to go home
“do you want to stop by at the park first?” jisung offered
ofc u cant resist him
his presence always make u feel at ease
“buy me ice cream then let’s go” you bargained, earning an eye roll from him
“Two ice cream cones please!” you requested, giving the money to the cashier. you tapped your finger on the cold surface while your other armed propped your chin. jisung on the other hand was shuffling through his notebook filled with polaroid pictures that he took with your friends.
“stop staring at my pictures, ji” you laughed while grabbing your cone from the man in front of you and giving the other cone to jisung. “keep staring and you’ll fall for me” you added as you licked your ice cream. he clicked his teeth, “ew, you wish”
both you and jisung walked around the park, still in your school uniforms. the park is the place where you and your friends hang around when you guys have time. the slide and the swing are your most favorite part.
you sat down in the swing and tapped the other seat to motion jisung to sit down as well. “look, the sun is setting!” you pointed as you finished your cone. you looked over to jisung who was his camera pointed at you for the nth time. but this time, you managed to strike a pose in front of his polaroid camera. his cheeks can be seen from behind, obviously smiling at the sight.
days went by
you and jisung had been hanging out in the park swing almost every day
just the both of you
watching the sunsets and taking pictures
you noticed that he only takes random pictures of you but when youre with friends, they need to ask first before jisung would take a picture
he claims that your face is funnier with stolen shots
ofc u believed him
he is your best friend after all
the school year is about to end
and your music and arts teacher is talking about your final project
which was to write a song or poem, draw a portrait or make a poster
with a special meaning behind it
you almost ripped your hair out of frustration when you tried to compose a song or draw
so u went for a simple poster
you and your friends were comparing your final outputs in the cafeteria
“come on, show us yours!” your friends encouraged you
“ahh, it’s really ugly im not even good at these kinds of shit!” you cursed, showing it to them anyway
“seriously? it’s good! youre like jisung. god, both of you say you did bad but it’s not!” you friend said while eyeing your poster
“really? jisung i want to see yours!” you said while grabbing some of your friend’s food
“no” he said, sticking a tongue out to mock you
“why not?” you replied while pouting
both of you bickered for atleast 3 minutes
saying lots of ‘no’s’ and ‘why not’s’
he had enough of your shit
and pulled you out of the cafeteria
holding his notebook, backpack and a ukelele
jisung was grabbing you by your wrist until you arrived at the school’s rooftop. you didn't have the time to respond at his sudden action.
“ouch! what was that about?” you said once he lets go of your wrist. “you want me to show you my output right? well here it is. listen.”
you were taken aback by his words, did he really get annoyed by your previous bickering? and why are we on a roof top anyway????
jisung grabbed his ukelele and opened his notebook, which was filled with polaroid pictures of you that was taken over the school year and years before that.
“it’s called hello stranger,” he spoke and started strumming on his ukelele
“The moment I felt like our eyes met
my body moved all on its own
Movin’, movin’, movin’, movin’, movin’
The closer we get the more I think
about what it is I’m feeling
My mind is filled with question marks
I can’t see anyone
around us anymore, you’re just growing more clear
Everything on this road
is blurred and faded out except for you
I’m filled with nothing but curiosity about who you may be
It’s like I’m approaching you drawn by something I can’t even know
I won’t beat around the bush, my subconscious is pushing straight forward
having me walk as it pleases without a single thought
Ah, a new wind is blowing
Where could it have come from?
It’s strange, but it’s not cold
Before I know it my feet are moving, following the wind
I take my hands out of my pockets
Hello Stranger, I keep being drawn to you
Growing closer
to you without a single thought
I’m curious, more and more and more as time passes,
why am I like this? Who are you to do this to me?
Nana nanana nana
Nana nanana nana
Hello Stranger, who are you to do this to me?
I can see in you the things that I myself am lacking
I try yelling out to you the things I had just yelled into empty space
The things I didn’t have, that I was missing before I met you,
all of these feelings, every moment
my mind is filled with exclamation points
I can’t see anyone
around us anymore, you’re just growing more clear
Everything on this road
is blurred and faded out except for you
Something’s different about you, but I’m not sure what
I think the light approaching me now must be you
Even if I look away I can still see your afterimage,
you never leave my sight, who are you to do this to me?
Ah, my feet are moving, following this new wind
I take my hands out of my pockets
Hello Stranger, I keep being drawn to you
Growing closer
to you without a single thought
I’m curious, more and more and more as time passes,
why am I like this? Who are you to do this to me?
i love you”
it’s been weeks since you and jisung last spoke and since his sudden confession
you were about to tell him how you felt, too
how he makes you happy these past few days
to the point where you were falling for him too
but he ignored you
was it because he felt awkward?
or scared?
confusion was taking over you
and you know damn well youre gonna have to take measures into your own hands
so you came up with a plan to atleast get him to talk to you
“come on! just say i wont be there” you begged your friend. “fine. so roof top it is?” you squealed and gave your friend a hug. plan was to make your friends invite jisung at the same place he confessed on only to see youre the only one there
you grabbed your backpack since you had a vacant class and went to the rooftop to prepare. you knew jisung had a vacant class too, so you were hopeful he’s going to drop by.
“hi, i like you too” you practiced “no, too awkward” you ran your hands through your hair in frustration. “hey jisung! will you vincent van gogh out with me?” you repeated with hand motions this time. “god no” you mentally slapped yourself because of the cringe
“jisung, i like yo-” you repeated. you felt someone hug you from behind, “you do?” his husky voice sent shivers down to your spine as he hugged you even tighter.
“i-i do” you admitted, removing his arms so you can face him properly. “i really really do, i cant stand you not talking to me.” you burried your head to the crook of his neck.
“im sorry, baby. i didnt know how to handle rejection yet” he let out a low laugh, earning a laugh from you too. he snaked his arms around you and swayed you back and forth. humming the tune of the song he composed.
“youre mine now, are you?” he spoke, kissing your forehead as you gave him a nod.
bf jisung would mean
the confession may be soft and cuddly
but after like 2 days
yall are like best friends again
but with a mixture of sweetness
things never really changed
but you were still glad
love letters and songs !!!!!
lots and lots of kisses
cheek, forehead, chin, shoulder kisses
you name it
he would gently cup your face while doing so
he likes teasing you
but u tease him back
ends up with him being all pouty
will help u out with homework
ice cream and park swing dates
would literally take polaroid pictures of both of you
the ones he took before yall got together is displayed in his room
on the back of his phone
and the rest, he keeps it in his notebook
which was filled with songs about you
will sing you to sleep
will hold your hand literally every where
“baby, im the luckiest to have you”
author's note —
just imagine it's the slow version of hello stranger ok ALSO i want jisung to be my bf like ??
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wcstelnd · 4 years
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`「✘」  LALISA MANOBAN. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER. || that new tenant, KANNIKA ONRUANG that moved into APT 16, is TWENTY-TWO years old and is a YOUTUBER. their tenancy to be INSENSITIVE totally counteracts their PASSIONATE personality. usually, you can hear WASTELAND by MARIA LYNN playing throughout their apartment. when i think of them, i think of DANCING AT A STUDIOS UNTIL THE WITCHING HOUR, CAMERAS and GUMS. 「  jem. 22. est. she/her  」
finally the time has come for me to finally introduce my first muse, nika and yes im jem. ya see, i’m an awkward lil’ shit and replies a day or two later .... look i just suck at replying but i’ll have u guys know that i’d love all of your muses and yes lets plot. also , give this post a like if y’all want to plot with this chaotic muse. she’s an ass btw. ok  !!!
kannika onruang but prefers to be called nika
born and raised in phuket, thailand
no, she ain’t wealthy and her family struggles so much but due to nika being smart, she was able to earn a scholarship and greatly helped her parents with all the bills. she works her ass off to help her parents too by working as a cashier and would always make sure to give them half of her salary. she’s a good kid, yes
fast forward, nika was given a chance to study abroad due to her grades and seeing it as a great opportunity for her, nika and her family decided to take the offer and did their best to save for her expenses and a little allowance for her to bring too.
as soon as she arrived in nyc, nika was quite overwhelmed and yes, of course, the culture shock. it was difficult at her at first but eventually got used to how the life is and still managed to do well in class. being the future breadwinner of the family, nika made sure to keep her grades up. her dream was to graduate anyways and give her parents everything they deserved, a better life.
little did she know that it only took a guy to take every dreams, goals and hopes she had for her family. it was annoying at first, the way the guy would be around most of the time. but eventually, she found herself falling for him. that annoyed feeling she had once for him turned to feeling those butterflies in her stomach. every time she saw him damn, the smile on her face.
it didn’t take long ‘til they started dating, everyone knew about their relationship. the typical bad boy and the good girl, walking hand in hand in the hallways. it was healthy at first, they were cool and everything went smoothly. 
she was later on introduced to the gang he was in and honestly at first, it scared the shit out of her but to her surprise, things went differently, the more she hanged out with them. she did things she never thought would do; she did drugs, she started smoking, ditched class almost everyday, she made out with him, she played video games or games in general non stop, she learned how to fight and even ended up stealing goods. eventually, she got kicked out of uni and only to find out that what she had with the guy was nothing but a bet. what was left of her? nothing.
due to shame and guilt, nika couldn’t bear the thought of telling her parents the truth and decided to cut off whatever connection she had with them. she lived in the streets for months and stole whenever she felt hungry. it had become her way of living. steal food for hunger, steal money for drugs or if she ever wanted a joint.
thanks to her best friend though, when they found nika, they were willing to help her despite of everything that had happened to them and they were the reason why nika was able to function properly again. nika started working at restaurants, shops, whatever it is she can do (did double jobs) in order to save money for her own place. after doing so and after spending so much time with her best friend, she decided to do something she loved too.
she saved to buy herself her own camera and laptop. she started out with streaming games she was playing and when her channel got big, that was when she started doing other stuff like vlogs and reaction videos, whatever it was she could do to gain more viewers. now, she’s stable and is able to pay rent.
but the thing is.... she never got over her addiction in drugs, smoking and partying and all that. so, she still does those but in secret skjgbkrjg
i guess that’s it for now ??? THIS GOT LONG but her bio will be up soon and as for wanted connections... pls click here
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chwesolai · 5 years
cafe girl, grocery boy | s.coups au (3)
Characters: Seungcheol x female reader
Genre: college!svt
Summary: You guys always bumped into each while at your respected jobs. You’re both just trying to make some money while still in school and there you guys were. He was the grocery boy and you were the cafe girl. Everyone saw this coming except from you two.
[ongoing series!]
prologue | ch 1 | ch 2 | next
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It’s been a whole day since I gave Seungcheol my number, it was about 11pm and my phone chimes as I’m parking my car.
*incoming message from unknown number*
Unknown: Hi y/n! it’s Seungcheol! i rly want to take up that offer and return that favor and since midterms end today, i wish you good luck and whenever you’re free! lmk!
I giggle to myself and butterflies begin to rumble in my stomach. I’m love sick, its disgusting. 
I text back: hey! i work 12-1 and i have my last midterm at 3 and then im free after that! so maybe we can grab dinner together later?
I hold my phone to my chest and smile like a dummy as I walk out of my car and walked to the cafe. Campus was quiet today, everyone taking their exams and then having a break from school for once. The cafe was full of people cramming before their exams as I walk in switching out with one of our younger employees, Seungkwan.
“How’s business SK?”
“It’s crazy. That table over there of chem majors is hyped up on espresso shots and keep asking for more and I became concerned and cut them off with just water shots.” 
I laugh and cause multiple people to turn at me in disgust for disturbing their precious study time.
“Business is business,” I laughed as I throw my apron over my head, “Ready for your anatomy exam?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” he scoffs as he takes off his apron, “Ready for your econ exam?”
“You know it,” I showed him my study guide, “good luck on your exam!”
“Thank you! Good luck on your presentation, queen!” He laughs as he walks out.
“Thank you king.” I shake my head and laugh.
And Seungkwan was right, people were crazy right now. Students, professors all walking in and out of the cafe demanding their drinks and having the MOST specific orders.
Just make it to the date with Seungcheol, it’ll be worth it. It’ll be worth it.
*incoming message from grocery boy*
grocery boy: i can do dinner! I have my creative writing exam at 1 and work from 3-5, so i can pick u up at 6:30? 7?
6:30 works with me! i’ll text you my apartment address!
grocery boy: sounds good! see you soon :)
see you <3
The receipt stays sitting on top of my closed laptop ever since last night’s study sesh indenvures. 
“What do you mean what should you do? JUST TEXT HER!” Jihoon yelled at me while brushing his teeth.
“Don’t you think that’s too forward?”
I hear the sink turning off and Jihoon stomping towards my room, “the girl gives you her number and I don’t know, I would think she would want you to send her a text!”
I sigh, looking at the receipt that’s been sitting on my laptop for a day now, “ok, I’ll send her one.”
Hi y/n! it’s Seungcheol! i rly want to take up that offer and return that favor and since midterms end today, i wish you good luck and whenever you’re free! lmk!
“Oh god, you sound like a dweeb,” Jihoon peers over my head.
“Leave me alone!” I push him away, he doesn’t retaliate, just laughs and walks into the kitchen to get some food before heading out.
“Hurry up lover boy!”
I try and wait for her response as I rush out of my room with my backpack, laptop and my meal prep container, but Jihoon was driving so I didn’t want to anger him even more, so I run out of the apartment, locking it shut.
Time passes and Jihoon and I just make it to campus and on the walk to our european literature classroom, I get a notification.
*incoming message from cafe girl*
hey! i work 11:30-1 and i have my last midterm at 3 and then im free after that! so maybe we can grab dinner together later?
i can do dinner! I have my creative writing exam at 1 and work from 3-5, so i can pick u up at 6:30? 7?
cafe girl: 6:30 works with me! i’ll text you my apartment address!
sounds good! see you soon :)
cafe girl: see you <3
“She’s your good luck charm.” Jihoon nudges me.
“Yeah, I guess she is,” I smiled to myself putting my phone away as we find out seats in the lecture hall. 
The cafe didn’t slow down for me, in reality, it got busier.
Tons of people flooded in while I was working cashier, Chan was working the coffee drinks and Vernon on teas. I was in charge of our younger employees on exam days. The cafe’s work schedule had certain versions since we were located by a university. We have our exam schedule, season schedule and off-season schedule. But any who, t-minus 30 minutes until my shift’s over and 3 hours until my exam and 6 hours until my date with Seungcheol.
So, as you can tell, I want this day to go faster.
“Hey V!” I turn around to my two little assistants.
“What’s up capt?”
“I need to refill the coins, do you think you could watch the register for me? And if anyone orders, only take cards while I’m gone, no cash ok?”
“You got it, capt.” He salutes, causing me and Chan to giggle as we all do our separate things.
I head to the back of the cafe and open the back door to get some fresh air and check my phone for a bit and sit on the lunch table set up back there for our breaks.
My peace and quiet is quickly interrupted as I hear a voice call out, “y/n!”
Holy crap, it’s him.
“Hey! Exam go well?” I waved him over to me.
“Yeah, actually! I guess I really did need that long study session with Jihoon last night,” he nervous laughs as he rubs the nape of his neck, “taking a break from work?”
I patted the seat next to me and he sits.
“Yeah, it’s been chaotic all afternoon. Tricked some newbies to let me step out because “the register needed more change” but its work,” I laugh, “Here, I’ll get you something to snack on,” and then walk over to the ovens and grab three bagels and cream cheese, fruit and jam, “Not sure what you prefer and I got one for your friend too,” I smile at him as I set the food down on the bench.
“This is too sweet, thank you.” He opens the wrapper and we both began to eat, in utter silence.
Yet, the silence wasn’t awkward.
It was nice. Just looking into his eyes, I just feel comfortable around him, yet we’ve barely spoken to each other. No bustling noise from a busy cafe, no beeping from scanning the register, nothing disrupting us. The low mumble of the cafe buzzed around us, yet we didn’t hear it. We weren’t interrupted. 
Until I hear Chan yell in pure panic, “NO! VERNON THAT DOESN’T GO THERE!”
Seungcheol laughs and I just sigh.
“Well, I think I should let you go back now,” He nervously laughed again, “I didn’t mean to disrupt your little break.”
“No, no! I think it was really cool to see you, it's always really nice seeing you, of course,” I blushed, looking away from his gaze. 
“I’ll see you later?”
“For sure. Wear something nice, yeah?” I smirk at him.
“You know it,” He winks as he begins to walk away, “Bring me a drink later?”
“Ok! What drink?”
“Surprise me!” He screams as he gets farther away.
You’re too cute, you’re making my heart melt, grocery boy.
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cryoculus · 5 years
uhh SURPRISE I was the one who requested for headcanons and/or scenarios for kuroo with a fem reader who can fight 💦💦 she rlly knows how to kick ass, tomboyish and no one rlly knows her at school. Bonus if she saves kuroo's dumbass from getting mugged!! (sooo sorry about requesting when the ask box was closed, I was embarrassed lol)
» Word Count: 3,623 words
Ily HERE IT IS Im so sorry it took so long (and i didn’t even proofread it because i wanted u to read it immediately LMAO) 
“Tetsu-kun, do you have practice later?”
“Tetsu-kun! I made you a bento~”
“Hey, Tetsu-kun, want to go to karaoke later?”  
“Ladies, please, there’s enough of me for everyone,” Kuroo reminded his gathering population of admirers, beads of sweat trickling down the side of his face. These girls were becoming more and more hostile towards each other everyday. How the hell did Oikawa deal with this kind of thing on a daily basis?
One of the girls, her name was Ame if he could remember correctly, linked her arm into his. “I’m the one who first talked to Tetsu-kun when we were first years.”
Uh, no. She definitely wasn’t the first person that struck him up in conversation during his first day in Nekoma. But he thought it would be rude to correct her in front of the other girls, so he just flashed her an awkward smile.
Another one, Emiko, huffed while crossing her arms over her chest. “Well, Tetsu-kun said my bento arranging skills were like his mother’s!”
Yeah, that’s because his mother absolutely sucked at the art of assembling a cute bento. Emiko made nice rice balls though, he’d give her that.
The last of the party, Tsukino, grabbed his other arm, squeezing his biceps a little too tightly for his liking. “Sucks for the two of you then! Tetsu-kun always walks me home~”
Ame and Emiko gasped at the revelation, eyes narrowing at Kuroo.
Okay, he didn’t have a comeback for that. But the only reason he walked Tsukino home when he had time to spare was because the girl latched onto him like a leech when she found out Kuroo lived in the same block as her.
His conscience would maul him for the rest of his life if something happened to Tsukino if he bailed out on walking her home. Thus, the unwanted interactions with her parents whenever they see him at their doorstep.
“God, can’t you idiots continue your polyamorous love quarrel somewhere else?” a shrill voice grated at his ears.
When his eyes fell on the person who obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, he came face-to-face with you, his classmate with the most muted presence out the students of 3-5.
Your schoolbag hung loosely across your shoulder and your uniform blazer was clutched in your free hand. There were prominent creases on your uniform that made him wonder if you even bothered ironing them before leaving. Probably not. But what made everyone give you a second glance whenever they passed you in the halls of Nekoma was your hair.
There weren’t any strict rules regarding hair grooming being imposed at school, given that Yamamoto and Kenma could dye their hair and style it as they pleased. So, it should only be normal to come across a girl with an undercut.
Kuroo thought the look was pretty badass, but he never really mustered enough courage to talk to you when it wasn’t necessary. He had a feeling that you didn’t have time for menial things like small talk and that, should he attempt to do so, you’d snap his neck before he could say hello.
One time, he asked Yaku about you. The libero had informed him that you’ve been enrolled in Nekoma since junior high, but didn’t really interact with anyone outside of schoolwork and your own irritation. Like you were now.
You sighed, rolling your eyes. “Could you please move out of the way? I’m trying to get into our classroom, thanks.”
Intimidated, the three girls that badgered him cleared a way for you to enter the room. He only noticed it now but they really were crowding the cramped hallways.
When first period began, Kuroo tried to listen to what his Japanese Lit teacher was preaching about sixteenth century literature. He really did, but he was immensely distracted by the pattern razored into your undercut.
You were a few seats in the front to his right, but he could see them clearly—three bolts of lightning beginning at the nape of your neck, which rose about a good four inches until it disappeared in the undergrowth of your hair. He always thought that he liked girls with long hair better, but this was putting an entirely different spell on him.
It was peculiar. You’ve had this hairstyle for a good while now, but he’s only noticed the intricate details that adorned it now. He wondered who your stylist was and how he managed to make that undercut look so good on you.
His teacher eventually called him out for his not-so-subtle daydreaming and made him recite today’s reading in front of the entire class. It wasn’t a big deal to him, really. Kuroo was used to multiple pairs of eyes trained on his every move.
But he wasn’t used to seeing you snort at one of his mispronunciations at the corner of his eye. Usually, you wouldn’t react to anything unless it pissed you off. Did his reading aloud piss you off? Did you care enough about him to garner such a reaction from you? He nearly laughed to himself.
Highly unlikely.
Kuroo was about to change out of his sweaty shirt, but upon hearing Kenma using that tone on him, he turned around, brow quirked in wonder.
His younger friend gave him an indifferent look. “You’re distracted.”
Would Kenma be fooled if he said otherwise? He shook his head. Of course he wouldn’t. Nothing got past his arbitrary gaze, after all.
It’s been nearly a week since you brushed past him in the hallway, muttering some colourful vocabulary under your breath because of his ‘polyamorous love quarrel’. There hasn’t been any real interaction between the two of you, but at one point, Kuroo would just find his thoughts drifting back to your flat-eyed gaze and unconventional hair do. It happened so often that even Kenma started to notice his focus drifting off to the hinterlands of his mind.
“How so?” Kuroo asked his friend, peeling off the t-shirt that stuck to his body like a second skin. He may be distracted but he definitely burned enough calories for a day.
Kenma let out an exasperated noise. Hearing the setter’s vexation, Lev peeked his head from the door of his locker.
“You got hit in the face with a volleyball twice, Kuroo-san,” the younger boy supplied, “that’s twice than usual.”
“Lev, you can’t multiply two to zero. It becomes zero,” Yaku retorted as he emerged from the shower rooms, towelling his damp hair with an unamused look on his face.
“What, really?”
“This is new information to you?”
The two of them continued to argue about their own mathematical rules while Kuroo managed to stuff his training clothes in a gym bag. He could still feel Kenma’s eyes boring holes into his back.
“I’m all right, Kenma,” he reassured. “I’m just feeling a little under the weather is all.”
The setter narrowed his eyes.
Ah, there really was no escape when he’s best friends with a goddamn Nancy Drew, was there?
“That’ll be a hundred-fifty yen.”
Kuroo dug a couple of one hundred yen coins from the pocket of his jacket and placed his payment on the counter. The young man running the cashier took his payment and the yakisoba bread in his hands. He stuffed the snack in the microwave to heat and gave Kuroo his change back.
He thanked the guy in a subtle voice, leaning against the counter to wait for his food. There weren’t any other people inside the convenience store and Kenma already went ahead to go home. Kuroo thought that his friend was giving him the cold shoulder because he wouldn’t tell him what was up, in his typical Kenma fashion.
The microwave dinged, signaling that his order was ready. The cashier guy sighed before popping the yakisoba bread out of the microwave and putting it in a paper bag. He handed Kuroo his purchase with little to no enthusiasm.
“Thank you very much.” Even his tone was lackadaisical. Not wanting to add on to his irritation towards the retail industry, Kuroo nodded at him once before promptly exiting the store.
The sky had already transitioned into an inky darkness when he set foot into the streets of Nerima. Kuroo frowned. He could’ve sworn the sun was just beginning to set when he went into the convenience store. But considering it’s almost winter, it explained the shorter days.
Kuroo walked down the streets with passive interest as he nibbled on his yakisoba bread. The noodles were a little stale and the sauce too bland for his palate. He had half the mind to go back to the store to get another snack but, seeing that he was already a good three blocks away, he decided against it. He should’ve known how low the bar was set for Japanese convenience store food.
His strides came to a halt when a hunched figure emerged from an alley. It was a man that’s probably only a few years older than him. Considering his height, he was a lot shorter than Kuroo was; he probably only rose up to the middle blocker’s chin. His clothes were tattered, but a thin cloak shielded him from the low temperature. Sunken eyes bore into Kuroo, considerably unnerving him with that stare alone.
“Oi, nii-chan, you got some spare change on ya?” His voice was rough and throaty, like he hasn’t had a drink of water for weeks.
If he recalled correctly, he still had about fifty yen in his pockets when he paid for his food. Kuroo fished what was left of the coins on his person and handed it to the man without much of a fuss. He wasn’t commuting today anyway.
The stranger counted the money in his hand with bony fingers. He eyed Kuroo from head to toe, most likely piecing together where he studied.
“You go to Nekoma, but only have this on ya?” He growled at him. “Ya think this is a joke?”
Kuroo knitted his brows in confusion at his hostility. What was this guy on about? Kuroo was generous to a fault. Giving some food or money to beggars that called his attention on the street was something he did out of his own accord. They might need it more than he did, anyway. But he never really encountered anyone that asked him for money, got it, and was pissed by the amount.
Deciding to not make a big deal out of it, he flashed him a pleading smile. “Sorry. That’s all I’ve got on me right now.”
“If that’s true then why’re you fuckin’ eating in front of me?”
He blinked at him then stared at the half-eaten yakisoba bread in his hand. Was he really going to give him shit because he’s eating? How could he have pre-meditated that some stuck-up guy was going to ask him for some alms and that said stuck-up guy wouldn’t be happy with small amounts? God, this was giving him a headache.
“Look, sir, uh…” His voice trailed off, trying to figure out how to break it to the guy that he was broke, himself, since he already splurged through his weekly allowance even if it was only Wednesday. Damn Bokuto and his yakiniku dates that he couldn’t refuse.
But before he could form a coherent explanation, Kuroo could feel something cold and hard digging into his side. His eyes widened when he realized what it was.
“She’s pretty ain’t she?” The man moved closer to him, pressing the vintage looking pistol further into his right rib. He shielded the gun with his body so passers-by wouldn’t take notice of it. “Stole it off a cop who wasn’t looking. Took me a while to find the bullets though. But she’s locked an’ loaded, nii-chan.”
He stood frozen in the spot, like even the most minimal of movements would make this man’s tethering patience shatter into pieces. Kuroo really didn’t want to be splintered with the shards of his wrath.
Kuroo forced his thumping heart to ease so he could assess the situation clearly. His dad was a police officer. He’s seen authorized people hold guns a handful of times in his life, and could easily tell that this guy didn’t know shit about proper handling.
He couldn’t afford to offset this guy’s temperance when he’s armed. If he was just some lunatic trying to mug him, he would’ve punched him in the face, but the presence of a gun was a different story. The best-case scenario was that he’d manage to talk some sense into the guy and leave unscathed. The worst was that this could end up into a shoot-out that involved other innocent lives just because he was unhappy with Kuroo’s fifty yen. Fantastic.
Noticing that a bunch of on-lookers were casting wary glances in their direction, the man slipped the pistol back into his pocket and slung an arm around Kuroo like he was an old drinking buddy.
“Let’s talk where it’s a bit more private, shall we?” He switched his throaty voice into a more lively tone, patting Kuroo’s shoulder as he led him into the alley from where he came from.
Calm down, buddy. It’s just a weirdo who wants to mug you off money you don’t have. And he has a gun. But calm. Down.
This alley looked like any other run-down crevice in the city. Murky puddles forming at the side of commercial buildings, a dumpster lying untouched by cleanliness for God knows how long, faded graffiti matting the moldy brick walls, and mice scampering into their tiny little holes at the presence of two men invading their territory.
When they reached the far end, Kuroo could hear the rustle of the man’s clothes as he took out the gun.
Calm down.
“I’ma ask you again, nii-chan,” he cautioned, pressing the muzzle against his temple, “you got some spare change on ya?”
He swallowed thickly. “I—”
“Don’t you know it’s not nice to rob unsuspecting teenage boys?”
Shock immediately crossed his face. He only heard that voice at rare occasions, but he’ll never forget the sound of it.
“Hah?” The man turned around to look at you. “Who do ya think you are?”
Kuroo tilted his head to the side; not enough to grab the stranger’s attention but enough to catch a glimpse of you. Arms crossed, you were donned with a brown fur-trimmed jacket that reached past your knees. The fitted black top you wore very much exposed your stomach and showed a great deal of your bosom. Kuroo tried to avoid looking for longer than he had to. Dark green cargo pants were belted across your hips, the pant legs disappearing into a pair of black combat boots. The look complemented your hair even more now.
His lips parted in wonder. This was the first time he saw you out of school and, frankly, he wasn’t disappointed.
“So, are you going to let him go or am I going to have to do it for you?” The boldness in your tone almost made him want to hit his head on the dingy wall. As far as Kuroo knew, he was the one being held at gunpoint, so he’d really appreciate it if you didn’t rile up the guy holding him hostage at the moment.
The man immediately grabbed him by the shoulder and had him face you directly, shoving the mouth of the gun against his head with a little more pressure than he’s comfortable with.
“S-stay back! If ya don’t want me to blow his head off, you’ll get the fuck out’ta here!” His voice was shaky, his original confidence in his plans going down the drain.
You cast him an uninterested stare. “You’re going to do that even if I went on my way, dumbass. Just go ahead. Shoot.”
Kuroo’s eyes widened, teeth clamping down on his cheeks to bite back a shout. Were you insane?
The man made a choked up sound. “You think I won’t actually do it? Are ya fuckin’ testing me?”
“Now, don’t put words in my mouth.” You rolled your eyes. “Shoot him.”
His dad told him that the best way to solve a problem was to take a step back and think about how you’re going to play your cards. But right now, there were no cards for him to bring to the table because this psycho was going to put a goddamn bullet through his skull. He had no time to—
The man pulled the trigger.
But the bullet didn’t come.
Kuroo exhaled in utter relief as the man repeatedly tried to pull the trigger. His eyes then fell on you, shaking your head at his captor’s stupidity.
“You didn’t cock the damn gun, idiot,” you mumbled, coming forward swiftly.
Taking advantage of his bewilderment, you stomped on his bare foot with the hard soles of your boots. The man yelped, releasing his hold on Kuroo, who immediately slipped out of his grasp the moment he sensed that he was presented with a green light.
He watched the scene in front of him unfold with wide eyes. You slid your foot to knock his legs out of balance, effectively swiping him to the ground. When he lost his grip on the gun, you managed to catch it. The man cowered in fear, backing up against the wall to put as much space between the two of you.
You crouched down, probing the man’s chin upward with the barrel of the gun. “I’m in a pretty rotten mood right now, so consider yourself blessed that I didn’t beat you into a coma.”
“P-please spare me,” he sputtered pathetically.
“Isn’t that what I’m already doing?” A sadistic grin played on your lips. “Next time you try to mug someone, make sure you know how to use your weapons. Oh, and make sure I’mnot in the area. I have zero tolerance for pointless violence.”
The man nodded rigorously. When you moved to the side, letting him free, he scrambled to his feet and ran out of the alley without looking back. Remembering you had company, you cast Kuroo an uninterested glance.
He was gaping at you.
“What, no thanks?” you grumbled, rising up to your feet to pocket the gun in your pants.
A dozen questions were racing in his mind, but he couldn’t voice out any of them. Kuroo settled for gawking at you like a madman. Were the last five minutes of his life true? Did you really just save him from getting mugged? Did you really scare that guy shitless without much effort?
You avoided his astonished gaze, cursing. “This is why I hate seeing people from school outside.”
“Who…are you?” Kuroo managed to ask.
His eyes met yours for a split second and he could feel a jolt of electricity skidding down his spine. Your lips turned up into a grin.
“I’m no one. Go home,” you told him off dismissively, immediately pivoting on your heels to make your leave before he could ask any more questions.
However, your retreating form gave Kuroo a sight that surprised him even more in this situation. At the back of your jacket were three thunderbolts that matched the ones in your hair embroidered onto the fabric of your outerwear; the word ‘Kaminari’ was written in elegant hiragana.
Before you could completely make your exit, you stopped in your tracks. Turning around, you regarded Kuroo with an amused look on your face.
“You should be more selective with people you show your kindness to, you know?” you imparted. “The next time someone decides to fuck you over, no one might be there to save you anymore.”
Then, you were gone.
When he finally got home no later than thirty minutes after the chance encounter with you in the alley, his parents were already in the middle of dinner.
“I’m home,” Kuroo announced as he removed his shoes by the doorway.
“Welcome home, Tetsurou,” his mother greeted him with a tender smile. “Come on, eat! You must be starved from training.”
Kuroo nodded, setting his gym bag on the sofa. He greeted his father, who was reading what looked like police report as he spooned a mouthful of karaage in his mouth.
He slid into his seat and offered his prayers before taking a portion of the food his mother had prepared. Her karaage was his absolute favorite. Well, next to her mackerel pike of course.
“Dear, you’re looking a little stressed,” his mother told his father. “Is that a new case?”
Kuroo Toshirou sighed, setting the folder down on the dinner table. “No, it’s a pretty old case. But it’s been revived because the Kaminari faction’s leader just died. The vacancy is stirring up all kinds of gang wars all over Tokyo.”
Kuroo stopped chewing his food. Kaminari?
His mother cast him a wary glance. “Isn’t that the biggest faction of the yakuza?”
“Yes and that’s exactly why they’re the hardest to keep in check.” He stared at his food blankly. “There have been reports that the previous leader has a child, so naturally, the position should go to his own flesh and blood, right?”
“Dear, you know I don’t have an idea how the underground works.”
“Ah, sorry, honey. But we’ve confirmed those reports just recently. The previous leader, Raijin Hayate, has a daughter, so the rights of inheritance of the leadership can’t go to her because she’s a girl.”
Before Kuroo could stop the words from coming, he blurted out, “What’s the name of the girl?”
His father smiled. “Interested, are you? Her name is Raijin (Name), the true heir to the Kaminari faction.
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freerebelmentality · 5 years
Bohemian Rhapsody
AN: Well I thought I would write something and finally get things done for this blog. I hope you all will enjoy this, I combined some Bohemian Rhapsody with Supernatural because its two fandoms that I love. So enjoy my loves
Word Count: 3,764
You and Sam get back from a hunt. Dean and Mom stayed behind at the bunker and basically cleaned the place.
Mom did most of the organizing while Dean helped with the heavy lifting, well most of the time he tried to get out of Spring clean up but Mom never fell for it.
As Sam drives through town, you see the movie list that has been released and see the movie you have been wanting to see ever since you read about it online.
“Hey Sam?” you ask while never taking your eye off the movie ad well until it disappears from your sight anyway.
“Yeah, whats up?” Sam asks looking to you while he makes the turn for the bunker
“How do you think Mom will like if I took her to a movie?” you ask shyly
You didnt know why you had to ask Sam first or even act all shy about it.
Mary was your mom, just as much as she is Sam and Dean’s Mom.
You were still trying to get used of her being around more.
Dean and Sam already got used of her. Well you thought so anyway.
“I think that would be great if you took her. I mean spend some Mother, Daughter time. Something me or Dean couldnt do for you while growing up” he replies while parking the car by the door of the bunker.
He looks to you with a sincere smile.
“Something that doesnt involve hunting” you sum up while getting out of the car and gathering you things.
“Exactly. You need some normalcy in your life and this could be one of them” he replies while opening the door and entering
“What is exactly normal Sam?” you ask with a smile on your face as the both of you walk down the spiral stairs.
“You two are home early” Mom greets you both
Sam goes in for a hug
Your turn next
“It was easy” you simply reply with a smile on your face
“Looks like you and Dean have been busy” Sam says while looking around the library
“I’ve been keeping him busy, hes been making excuses not to get this place organized” Mom replies while sitting down at the table
You go down the hall and into your room to put your things by the door and on your bed. You thought you would clean up your things later.
“Hey baby girl, home so soon” Dean says as he comes out of his room and gives you a hug
“Hey big bro. Hiding from Mom?” you ask while pulling away from his embrace
“I wasnt hiding. I was just putting something back into my room” Dean replies while making excuses to hide from Mom
“Right” you reply with a smirk on your face
You and Dean walk into the kitchen where you hear Sam and Mom talking about the case.
“it was y/n who figured out the whole entire thing and knew how to kill it why we are home so early” Sam says while looking to you all proud. Mom has the same expression on her face as well
“Well way to go baby girl” Mom says while giving you a side hug
“How about I make you your favourite tonight. I’ll get Dean to pick up a few things from the store” Mom says with a smile on her face
“Alright give me a list and I’ll head out with Sam” he replies while Sam glares at him for volunteering him to tag along for the grocery run
“Actually yeah I will tag along for the grocery run because I need to pick up a few things as well” Sam says while looking to you.
He thought he would give you that chance to talk to Mom and ask her about the movie you want to take her out to.
As soon as they are both gone. Its you and Mom left in the kitchen.
Complete silence, until you remembered the movie.
Queen’s Love Of My Life came on the radio and Mom hummed to the song as she moved around the kitchen to gather the ingredients she does have.
“Hey Mom, I was wondering if you would want to watch a movie with me?” you ask while twiddling with your thumbs sitting at the table
“Sure sweetie. What were you thinking of watching?” she asks as she bring her ingredients in a bowl to the table
“Uh Im going to leave that as a surprise. I’ll buy the tickets now” you tell her while smiling to her
She returns the warm smile as well
“Alright in the mean time Im going to mix this all up” she says as he begins mixing her ingredients
While Dean and Sam are at the grocery store, Dean looks to the list of things Mom wrote down for him and goes from aisle to aisle to gather everything.
“Did y/n really single handedly solve the entire case and kill the monster?” Dean asks while looking to Sam
“Yeah she did and it was like as if she killed the thing before” Sam replies while placing more items into the cart
“It was more like on accident” Dean replies while pushing the cart to the cashiers till
“What do you mean?” Sam asks all confused
“Well when she was fifteen I left her alone by the car and the thing came after her. She knew what to do and killed the thing by herself” Dean remembers like it was just yesterday you had your first kill.
You did it with ease though, not showing any fear what so ever and felt proud of your first kill
“Wow, she is fearless” Sam says while placing the items on the conveyor belt for the cashier to scan
“That she is. I’ve never been so proud” Dean says with a smile on his face
“Mom is pretty proud of her too” Sam says with a smile on his face
“Why wouldnt she, y/n is the exact replica of Mom and shes fearless” Dean says while giving the money to the cashier for the food
“Speaking of Mom, y/n asked if Mom would be alright with going to a movie with her and I told her she should just ask and spend some Mother, Daughter time with her. Something we couldnt do while y/n was growing up” Sam says while taking the bags and placing them in the cart
“What movie is she thinking of taking her to?” Dean asks helping Sam placing the rest of the bags into the cart and pushes it out of the store
“I dont know she didnt say” Sam replies while getting the trunk open
“Thats true though, she never got to experience that Mother, Daughter time and think she should get to experience that” Dean agrees with Sam
Dean remembers all the talks he had with you, some were awkward and others were just a learning experience for him and he thought he raised you pretty good.
“Lets go home and wait for Mom’s cooking” Dean says while putting baby on drive
“See if y/n asked Mom about the movie and see what they are going to see” Sam says while looking to the road
“You didnt see which movie she was looking at?” Dean asks while driving slowly by the movie theatre
“No but I am guessing its Bohemian Rhapsody” Sam looks to the movie posters that are posted outside the theatre
“The movie about Queen. I always wanted to see that movie” Dean says while pressing the gas and going back to the bunker
“Mom is definitely going to love that movie” Sam says while looking to Dean
“Of course she will. I remember Mom playing their records over the record player and it was always either Love Of My Life or You’re My Best Friend” Dean says while remembering back to his younger days of Mom playing music.
“I remember that too. I’d always hear Bohemian Rhapsody every and then. Or even Killer Queen” Sam says with a smile on his face
They get to the bunker and park in the garage.
Dean stops the engine and gets out of the car
Sam does the same and gets the groceries that were placed in the back seat.
While Dean gets the ones from the trunk and head into the kitchen
“I remember your dad sneaking us into a Queen concert. He was suppose to get tickets for us for my birthday but they were sold out” Mom smiles at the memory while you play some of their music through your spotify playlist.
“Their concerts were amazing. They always put on the best shows” Mom says with a smile on her face as she takes her hand to her chest.
You see she is tearing up at the memories and understood why
You hear Dean and Sam walking down the hall and into the kitchen
“Freddie Mercury was just amazing on stage and off. Your dad was always amazing at getting us into the shows” she says while looking to you.
You couldnt help but get teary eyed as well. You feel as though you were robbed of great concerts, a great artist.
Most of all, you were robbed of your Father. How you missed him dearly.
“Whats with the tears?” Dean asks looking between you and Mom
He places the groceries on the table and begins putting them away.
Sam does the same while looking between the both of you as well
“I was just telling y/n about the times your Father took us to Queen concerts and how amazing they were. How amazing Freddie was” she says while wiping the tears away
“I would have given you their concert t-shirts but it was burned in the house fire” Mom says while looking to you
You would have loved one of her shirts from their live shows
“Y/n play Tie Your Mother Down” Dean says while looking to you
You do as your told and begin getting the movie tickets for the Bohemian Rhapsody movie.
“This song” Mom tsk’s as the song plays
Its as though she is replaying the concert in her head with Dad at her side. She smiles to Dean and Sam
Dean plays the air guitar to Brian May’s guitar riffs
Sam sings out the chorus but he has nothing on Freddie
Mom joins in as she dances. She moves like Disco Deaky
You sit back and enjoy their dancing, singing and air guitar playing.
You bang on the table to the drums of Roger Taylor
“Thats the way baby girl” Dean says winking to you
When dinner is finally made and Mom did amazing at cooking your favourite meal.
You couldnt wait for the next day for the movie. Heck you were really excited
Dean cleaned the kitchen when everyone was done eating. Sam helped with drying the dishes.
Mom went to shower and head to bed
You went to your room and cleaned up a bit while putting stuff away.
Finally you went to bed as well.
Mom is the one who wakes early, she goes to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.
Sam is the one who wakes next
“Do you ever sleep in?” Mom asks looking to Sam as he enters the kitchen
Sam chuckles at the question and waits for the coffee to be done
“I dont understand that reference” Sam retorts as he smiles and thinks of Castiel
“So do you have any idea which movie y/n wants to see?” Mom asks while she gets herself a cup of coffee
“No I dont. She didnt tell me which movie. She just said she would like to take you to a movie” Sam replies while doing the same
“Im excited either way. I mean I never had any chance to spend time with her. Only when” Mom cuts herself off as she remembers the final moments she had with you
“But you’re back now and make up lost time. I know we are always out on hunts and you can finally have these moments with her. She is amazing just like you mom” Sam says to her.
“Does she still like chocolate cake?” Mom asks looking to Sam
“Yeah she does but Dean topped it off with chocolate chips and baked it. So every birthday he would make chocolate chip cake for her” he replies while looking to Mom with a smile
“But still using grandma’s cake recipe?” She asks in hopes its the same
“Still using the same recipe” he replies with a smile
You wake up to the smell of coffee that brought a smile to your face
You get up from bed and put on a hoodie as you walked out of your room, down the hall and into the kitchen
“Morning y/n” Mom greets you from the coffee machine
“Morning y/n” Sam greets you next
“Morning guys” you reply with a smile on your face
“Dean not up yet?” Mom asks looking to you
“No, I didnt see him come out of his room” you reply getting yourself a cup of coffee
Finally Dean awakes from his sleep, the four of you assist other hunters with their cases in doing research.
The other hunters were successful with their hunts and killing the monsters. All successful with Dean, Sam, Mom and your help.
“Oh geez the movie starts in an hour. Mom we got to get ready” you say while looking to the time
“Oh right, I will take a quick shower and get ready quickly” Mom says while rushing to the washroom and getting ready for the movie.
“I didnt realize all this researching would take most of the day” Dean says while putting the books away
“Dean I think thats the most reading you did for most of your life” you reply while going down the hall and into your room for a shower as well
“Shut up” Dean says while glaring at you as you walk away from the library
Sam is laughing while Dean glares at him as well.
Finally the day has come for movie night with your mom and you were excited for this. Not only spending time with your mom but would get the chance to watch Queen’s biopic Bohemian Rhapsody.
“Y/n Im ready” Mom says knocking on your door
You brush your hair for the final time and walk out of your room.
“Alright I am ready” you say while following Mom into the kitchen where Dean and Sam are
“We are off now. Are you going to tell me which movie we are seeing now?” Mom says to your brothers while asking you what the surprise is.
“No, not until we get to the movie” you reply with a mischievous smile on your face
“Just really knows how to keep the suspense going this kid” Mom says while walking out of the kitchen with you.
“Have fun you two and let me know which movie you see. So I can go watch it” Sam says while waving the both of you off from the garage
Dean follows along as well and does the same. He is proud you have asked Mom to head out with you.
You park across from the movie theatre while Mom gets out and you do the same.
Thats when she sees the movie poster for Bohemian Rhapsody
“Y/n is that the movie we are going to see” she asks with tears in her eyes
You nod you head with a smile on your face and couldnt wipe it away
“Thank you” she says as she gives you a hug
“Not a problem Mom, I wanted to do something for you that involved your favourite band and just to spend some time with you” you tell her while giving the worker your tickets
“Alright lets sing some Radio Gaga” she says and enters the theatre
As the movie begins to play and the echoes of Freddie’s voice plays in the background. It gave the both of you goose bumps.
The opening credits to the movie begins as Somebody To Love begins playing.
“Its twelve noon in London. Seven am in Philadelphia, its time for Live Aid”
You look to your Mom and see she has tears in her eyes. You pull out the tissues from your pocket and hand them to her.
She takes a few and thanks you for them
The both of you swaying back and forth to the song. You see Mom lip syncing to the lyrics of Somebody To Love.
The scene to Live Aid is what opens the movie and Mom gets goosebumps once more. She remembers watching Live Aid on TV.
When the movie gets to rockfield farm where three members of Queen are in the kitchen making breakfast, talking about Roger’s song Im in love with my car. Well more like arguing about it.
Mom laughs when Roger throws the food at Brian and John cause he is getting annoyed with them talking about his song. Finally he is about to throw the coffee maker but is stopped from doing so.
“I wonder if they replaced that with Roger locking himself in the cupboard when they didnt want to add his song on the B side” Mom leans over and whispers into your ear.
You laughed way too hard at that
“I would think so but would have been nice if they added that in the movie” you lean over and whisper into her ear as well.
The both of you share a laugh.
When the movie gets to the scene of Live Aid, Mom begins to tear up once more and places her hand on her chest.
As Radio Gaga begins to play is when a wide smile spreads on Moms face and she wipes away more tears.
During the chorus of the song is when Mom begins to raise her arms as well just like the whole theatre did for the song and clapped.
Everyone begins to break out singing as well.
You sang and raised your arms as you clapped as well. You werent part of the concert but felt good to sing out the song. You wiped away tears as well.
When the song ended is when Hammer to Fall began to play is when Mom looked at you with a wide smile
“This was your fathers favourite song” She leans in near your ear to tell you.
You tear up more as she tells you that. You wipe away the tears and continue watching the movie.
Finally when the movie is over is when the both of you are in tears once more as the credits roll.
You are about to get up from the seat but Mom doesnt get up. She sits there enjoying the music from her teen years.
She mouths to the lyrics of Dont Stop Me Now and you do the same as well.
“That was so good” Mom says walking out of the theatre
“It was and I am glad you liked it” you say while unlocking the car
“Liked it? I loved it. Even though it wasnt in order but I still loved the movie. Oh and those boys looked so much like the members of Queen” Mom says trying hard not to sob
You can tell she loved the band oh so dearly, how she talked about the band and chose the words oh so delicately when talking about Freddie Mercury.
“When Joe Mazzello who played John Deacon danced to Bohemian Rhapsody and thats exactly how Deaky danced” Mom says with pure excitement and is completely astonished at the same time.
“Y/n I thank and love you for taking me to see this movie” Mom says placing her hand over yours and giving a gentle squeeze.
“Not a problem Mom and I love you too” you tell her while placing a kiss to her hand
“It was uncanny how each actor looked like the members from the band” you add while driving back to the bunker
“Especially Mazzello who looked exactly like John Deacon. I wonder if his mom had one night with Deaky and got pregnant with Joe” she begins to make assumptions
You begin laughing while you pull into the bunkers garage
“Are you sure dad is my dad?” you ask while looking to Mom
“No, your Father is John Deacon actually, its just he doesnt know yet and your dad left me alone for a while so I went sneaking back stage” Mom says with a smile on her as the both of you enter the bunkers hallway.
Dean and Sam sit in the kitchen eating pizza Dean ordered.
They look to each other with smiles on their faces as they hear the both of you laughing.
“That movie is a definite master piece just as much as the night at the opera is” Mom says as the both of you enter the kitchen
“So ladies how was the movie?” Dean asks looking from his pizza
“Whats so funny?” Sam asks finishing his pizza
“We were just talking about the movie and among other things” you reply while getting yourself a slice of pizza
“I was just questioning if one of the actors playing John Deacon is his son and I told y/n that John Deacon is her biological father” Mom says while getting herself a slice of pizza as well
“Oh so you did take her to see Bohemian Rhapsody” Dean says with a smile on his face
“So the movie was good?” Sam asks while laughing at his sister and Mom
“Yes it was really good. Its not in complete order but its still a great movie” Mom replies while sitting next to Sam
You sit next to Dean while nodding your head
“So John Deacon is y/n’s biological father? I knew it this whole time” Dean jokingly says while looking to you.
You nudge him as you giggle
“Sam we should go watch the movie” Dean looks to Sam in hopes he will go with him
“I wouldnt mind watching it again” Mom says grabbing another slice of pizza
“I totally wouldnt mind watching the movie again” you say as well looking to your family.
When it was agreed to watch the movie as a family is when you got more excited because you wanted to see how Dean and Sam would react to the movie.
Mother, daughter time was a definite success and happy you got to take her to see Bohemian Rhapsody.
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cowboyjen68 · 6 years
Can you speak more about coming out at work ?
My story—-Sure. I touched on growing up in the 70’s and early 80’s and jobs for kids seemed genderless. I mowed and babysat and shoveled snow and did yard work and no one seemed to care that I was a girl. I had my first real summer job as a Corp. of Engineer intern, helping to build camp sites, trails etc and working at K Mart as the garden care manager on the weekends. All jobs were dirty, entailed lifting and tool usage and no one batted an eye. In the later 80′s and early 90′s I felt pressure to go into a more “traditioinal” career. I really wanted to become a corp of engineers ranger or forest ranger ( I mean.. that uniform–am I right?)
I picked a college in Missouri that was known for creating top notch teachers, even though I really only wanted to teach others about animals and forests and recycling. That was 1986. By the early 90′s and graduation I had given up any of that including teaching and had a BA in English with hopes to be a journalist.  I knew it was a male dominated field but there were a few female reporters about there toughing it out and doing a great job. 
I moved to Iowa City where I went door to door to fundraise for socially progressive lobbyiest.. The Clean Air Act, Canadian Style Healthcare etc. At first I had to be paired with a guy at all times for safey since we worked small towns at night. I outpaced the guys or they quit so I went on my own. I remember we had young black man start on the crew and HE asked me to go with him in certain towns for safety, I was happy to, but is saddened me. To the credit of Iowans, we never had an issue. 
My first real job was my last career. I went to the interview, I was 23 or so and told the boss I was a lesbian.I still had my flower shop job so I was not desperate and I could afford to be idealistic.  BUT i knew I did not want to work for someone who did not like a very important part of me. 
Research any company you are going to interview with.. Don’t apply to teach at a Catholic School then be surprised when they fire you for being a lesbian. DIve deep.  Barilla Pasta had a brief moment when a CEO blasted LGBT people. The company IMMEDIATELY deposed him and started to bolster their donations and outreach to our community. They hired @mydrunkkitchen Hannah Hart as a spokesperson.. AND yet that homophobic shit still pops up if you don’t read deeper. 
Decide  if a big or small company is a good fit. Small companies can be more relaxed and have a feeling of family:but mom and dad might be ok, what about the kids? There is no line of succession or management in family businesses NO HR so they can pretty much do what they want.   Big companies have more policies in place to protect employees. Basically, you can go higher with problems.
If you work for a small company and you are transgender, have that conversation with the owner. And have some patience with any company you work for. Some mid sized businesses will not have the capital to have more than two bathrooms (often a state law that they must have Male/Female) so they can’t put in a “nongender”one. If they try to make reasonable accommodations, give them time to figure it out. And offer to consult if they need help with understanding their role as you transition or if you already have. 
Be realistic in your career path. NO job is truly gendered, BUT if you are a woman going into many of the trades that are male dominated, be prepared for some bull shit. Most unions are working very hard to remedy that, but not all blue collar jobs are union.  Be aware of the history of any path you choose so you know if you can handle any blow back.  Talk to people in the field..find out and decide what you can deal with and can’t.
Coming out every day  –or not. I have been out at work since the day i came out. I don’t hide it AND if the client and I are going to have an on going relationship, i generally drop some pretty strong hints such as “my ex wife and I “ or my favorite “hey, Im a lesbian”.  If they bail…they weren’t worth your time. If you have a job with high turn over (telemarketing etc) you might have to come out all of the time and it can be exhausting, but I think letting others have a heads up can avoid awkwardness when they find out at the Christmas Party in front of everyone and turns out.. they are not okay with it. A big old rainbow button on your coat or backpack will help.  
If you are a cashier and clients have a high turnover.. don’t bother.. unless  they ask.. don’t hide but they don’t need to know much more than the total on their order.
If you go to or work for a church that is anti gay.. start looking for another job and church now!  Don’t try to change them from the inside. You’ll be out of a job and a church 
Use your gayness for good in the workplace. Talk to management about consulting  on how to improve their diversity in the community and the office.  Often, they are just looking for guidence.  If someone asks you a question with good intent.. be kind and help them understand. 
Lets talk a bit about presentation  IE BUTCH:
If you are in a work environment where there are gendered dress codes, larger companies are often happy to let you dress in the  Dress Code that most suits you, without much problem.  If you work for a company that provides uniforms, request what you are comfortable with.. they might be assuming so if you don’t say anything, you can’t be mad.  
Same kind of thinking for those who are transgender or non binary. Have the conversation about the dress code. Let them know that you might not be wholly comfortable dressing full time like one gender or the other. If they push back, you might have to look for another job, unless there is a line of policies you can follow. 
Sadly, we can still be fired for being LGBT in many states and in others they can fire us for that reason but be stealthy about it.  In this low unemployment time, it is a bit easier to seek a new job.. That is not always the case and there could come a time when staying under the radar might be the only way for you to remain employed and pay your bills. The best defense is to make sure your skills and work ethics are top notch.. even homophobic jackasses will hesitate to fire someone that is making them money or making their job easier. 
Don’t quit a job that is paying your bills UNTIL you have a new one lined up.. then be aware of the lag time in paychecks.–This one courtesy of your Soft Butch MOM!
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
Nct 2018 Reacts: Someone flirts with you
Requested: Nah
A/n: I didn't add gifs because that would be a lot of work and i'm to lazy to find decent gifs. More n likely grammar/spelling mistakes 
Admin: Mirae
Tumblr media
T a e y o n g
Taeyong would watch from afar while some guy tried to hit on you. It was obvious that you were uncomfortable.  Taeyong would try and keep his calm as he approached you and the creepy guy. His arm snaked around your waist and he gave the best protective smile he could in the direction of the guy before asking you 
“Hey babe, would you like to head home?”
T a e i l
Taeil was sitting next to you while watching whatever movie was on the screen. Some drunk guy took the seat next to you and began talking about how he was recently divorced and looking for someone just like you. Taeil was extremely awkward, he didnt know what to do. He would glance at you and see your face twisted In displeasure 
“Um,,Y/N,,Taeyong called, theres a problem at the dorm. Lets go” 
J o h n n y
Johnny was joking around and having a good time with his members when he felt his phone vibrate. Looking down hre smiled when he noticed it was a text from you. “Johnny, this creepy won't leave me alone. Can you please come get me?” you sent. Johnny felt his blood run cold, he instantly stood up and apologize while leaving. Johnny would call you and stay on the phone until he got there 
“Ill be there soon babe, dont leave>”
Y u t a
You smiled and took another sip of your drink. The cool water felt great on a hot day like this. The waiter came over to your table and handed you guys your check, as he was about to leave he began to compliment you tlaking about he had never seen someone as ethereal as you. Yuta balled up his fist and eyed the guy up and down. He was extremely pissed and irritated. 
“Clearly we are dating, its very disrespectful of you to flirt while im still here you trash”
T e n
“We should really go to the beach sometimes together, I have a great body, ya know,” he continued to ramble about how good looking he was. Ten rolled his eyes, the guys poor attempts to flirt with you were really funny to him. Ten could tell you thought the situation was hilarious too. After watching the guy make a complete fool of himself Ten finally stood up and put his arm around your waist
“Well I think you've humiliated yourself enough today. Babe, lets go,”
K u n
Kun felt his face heat up from embarrassment. He wasn't even the one being hit on but he was cringing at he guys choice of words. Kun would almly grab your hand and silently pull you away from the creepy guy before laughing to himself and asking
“Was my flirting that cringy?”
D o y o u n g
Doyoung shoved his hands in his pockets and huffed out in anger. It was clear that you two were dating yet this guy had the audacity to flirt with you. He wasn't even doing a good job at it “Are you my pinky toe cause im gonna bang you on my coffee table tonight.” Once Doyoung heard that he pulled you behind him and said 
“The only thing going to be banged on your coffee table tonight is your face if you don't shut up and leave us alone”  
J a e h y u n
You had gone up to order another drink while you waited for Jaehyun to arrive, he had been 1 hour late. The guy in line behind you started making inappropriate comments and then he started to joke about how your boyfriend wasn't going to show so you should just hang out with him instead. When Jaehyun walked in the door and saw this and rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand 
“Im sorry I took so long babe, I had some things I needed to take care of”
W i n w i n
You grabbed Winwins hand even tighter when the gentleman behind you mumbled something about how nice your body looked in that outfit. Winwins face was red as he had heard it to. Winwin wanted to be the brave and protective boyfriend that said something. So he would peacefully mumble 
“Please leave my partner alone.” 
J u n g w o o
Jungwoo was giggling about what his members were saying when Lucas pointed over at you who was obviously uncomfortable. Jungwoo noticed the guy who was leaning in closer and closer. Jungwoo coughed a little before standing up and waltzing towards you with the most confident walk he could muster.
“Ex,,xcuse me sir,,please leave my partner,,alone.”  
L u c a s
Throughout the dinner Lucas had done his best to stay calm at the guys attempts to hit on you. By the end he had finally had enough, he hasn't seen you in awhile and he just wanted to have lovely dinner with you all to himself. As you two were exiting the restaurant and the waiter gave you flirty eyes Lucas hollard out 
“I think its rude that a member your wait staff willing flirted with my partner will I was right there.”
M a r k
Mark wondered what was kaing you so long. You said you were going to the restroom 15 minutes ago and you hadn't been back. At first he was afraid you had ditched him but he knew you better. he would walk towards the restroom to see what the problem was when he saw you. Some guy had your wrist tightly secured in his hand. A anger Mark had never experienced before erupted inside him. He marched over there and pulled you form the guy
“Hey! Leave Y/N alone”
R e n j u n
(can you tell who my bias is) 
You held on tightly to the bar on the ceiling, not wanting to move around and bump into other riders. Renjun stood next to you and stared out the window, lost in thought. Your blood ran cold when a arm that wasn't your boyfriends snaked around your waist. “This way you wont fall,” he creepily bled into your ear. You felt chills go down your spine. Looking at your boyfriend you tried to alert him without actually saying anything. Renjun looked at you when he felt your eyes burning holes into him. Immediately he noticed why you were staring so intensely at him. Renjun grabbed your arm and pulled you in front of him. One hand held tightly onto the medtail abr while the other was secured around your waist. You smiled and relaxed before leaning into him
“You should have said something.”
J e n o
Jeno watched with curious eyes. You went to order an ice cream cone but the cashier wouldnt stop talking to you. Youd look back at Jeno and give him pleading eyes. Jeno would nod to himself and approach you with a bright smile and hand the cashier some money 
“2 of what Y/N wants to order,please?”
H a e c h a n
(have you spotted my bias wrecker yet?)
Your hand skimmed over the variety of books on the shelves. Nothing was catching your eye. “Do you need some help? I can help you in more ways than one,” the library worker said while placing his hand on your wrist. Your heart sunk as you attempted to pull away but his grip was to much. Haechan entered the library with a big smile on his face. it immediately fell when he saw you struggling to get away from some guy. Haechan huffed out and marched over there with a scary look on his face. He pulled you into him and wrapped his arms around you waist  
“Don't you have an boundaries? Creep.”
J a e m i n
Jaemin smiled brightly while his legs swung back and forth. He was sitting on the bench at your favorite park waiting for you to show up. Checking the time he noticed you were late. Jaemin decided to facetime you. When you answered you sneakily faced the camera on a guy. He was talking non stop about how cute you two would be together. Jaemin scoffed and took note of where you were before he ran to you
“Can we have 1 date without it being interrupted or ruined?” 
C h e n l e
Chenle was giggling while you two happily ate the ice cream. You looked so adorable with ice cream smeared on your face. Some guy sat next to you and mumbled something into your ear with a smirk before looking at Chenle and rolling his eyes. Chenle curisuly looked between you two, you had stopped eating your ice cream and you looked disgusted. Chenle took the hint on what the guy probably said. He leaned over and planted a sloppy kiss on your cheek before grabbing your hand and leaving
“Why are people so creepy and weird?” 
J i s u n g 
Jisung had left to use the restroom. While he was on his way out he noticed that some guy was sitting in his spot and was talking to you while you attempted to smile. Jisung quickly texted his members asking for advice. They all yelled at him and called him stupid. Mark simply told him to confront the guy while Haechan said to punch him. Jisung walked towards you, he wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and awkwardly coughed 
“You're sitting in my seat and flirting with my partner,,,I dont appreciate it”
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hoekins · 6 years
i just finished writing this right now, it’s fresh from the oven my feels
pairing: mike wheeler x oc (steve’s sister)
warning: lighthearted swearing, some lumax feels iM
2.4k words
Stacy didn’t really ask for Steve to drive her to the arcade but it’s not like another option is available. Her parents aren’t keen on cashing out on a new bicycle for her to travel around in since they’re planning on getting her her own car anyway, they‘re just waiting for the right moment and maybe not until Stacy gets her driver’s license for Hawkins. So for the mean time, Stacy enjoys the free rides in the company of her older brother who seems to find driving her around an excitable agenda.
As Steve clutches the gear shift to pull up right in front of the arcade, he tilts his body to ask his sister, “Do you need change for the games, quarters, or?”
“Are ya offering me free money?” Stacy grins, chewing along to the pink gum in her mouth.
“Yeah, no, get out.” Steve huffs, facing front once again with his left hand on the steering wheel.
“Grumpy ass,” Stacy mumbles to herself, pressing the seatbelt to unwrap it from her body. One foot at a time, she launches herself out of Steve’s car and turns to him since he has a few more words to leave before he does.
Steve’s eyes strain themselves to look at his sister against the obnoxiously bright neon lights on the arcade sign. “I’ll pick you up at 7.”
“9.” Who in the world plays arcade games for just one hour?
Steve purses his lips before giving in, “Okay, fine. Be safe.”
Stacy stands by the entrance, watching her brother’s car weave through the ongoing traffic on the main road before she enters the dark building illuminated by colorful lightbulbs attached to the game machines. It takes her a while to find her friends in the busy crowd, noting to herself that Friday nights in the summer sure do promise an influx of prepubescents. She does find them crowding a Centipede game machine. As she wiggles her way past short and long bodies alike to get to Max, a tall boy munching on Cheetos blocks her path.
“Are you 18?” He asks monotonously, orange fingers weaving their way out of the sticky bag of chips.
Stacy looks around and catches Will’s eyes who tilts his head in question of the scenario Stacy has caught herself in. Returning her gaze toward the lanky brunette, she replies, “No...”She meant to say it in a duh tone but it ended up sounding more of a question.
“Aha! You’re not from here!” The tall boy prods. The more that Stacy is forced in his presence, the more that she picks up some... details about him like that his scent reminds Stacy of basements, the kind with atrocious ventilation that results to trapping of sweat inside the room due to the lack of windows or air vents. The older teenager derails her train of thoughts, “You have an accent.” He says it like he just decoded a million-dollar Math problem.
“Is he bothering you?” Dustin pops out of nowhere, head peeking out from behind the intrusive stranger. Stacy glances subtly at him, hopefully successfully sending pleas through her eyes which Dustin picks up on thankfully. “You’ll have to excuse him, Stacy. He’s not exposed all that much to the opposite sex.”
“Good to know you’re finally getting out of Nancy’s hair.” Lucas scoffs.
“Whatever.” The creepy teenager mutters with gritted teeth before pushing past a few other kids to get to the cashier counter.
Stacy turns back to her friends and gives them a small smile as they all walk back in front of the game machine. “Do you know how to play?” Dustin asks her as she watches Max strategically press buttons in patterns that don’t make quite sense to her.
“Not really.” She shrugs, looking at Dustin before gazing around the arcade and spotting single basketball games with hoops lined along a wall. “I can play that though.” She points to the other side of the room, catching Dustin’s, Lucas’, Will’s, and even Mike’s—who was busy watching Max play— attention.
“Basketball? We’ve never tried that before.” Lucas mentions. He and his friends have practically lived in the arcade for days on end yet none of them has ever touched a ball from there. Sure, they’ve joked about playing it before but no one ever really stuck through and tried it.
“Well,” Stacy casually shoves both her hands inside the back pockets of her jeans, “I usually play with a team.” She adds all the while glancing at Max to catch her reaction which by the way, is just a determined look in her face as she continues to aggressively press buttons. Stacy only ever came to the arcade because she offered to be there for Max when she deals with telling Lucas what she feels, specifically what troubles her.
“Yes!” Max yells, throwing her tired hands up in celebration. “Suck it, Wheeler!” She smirks at the poor boy, knowing Mike wouldn’t be able to overthrow her at the top of the leaderboard. “Stacy!” She greets excitedly, wrapping her arms around the dark-haired girl, squeezing her slightly before letting go.
“Stacy wants to play the basketball.” Dustin word-vomits, pointing at the hoops.
“What!” Stacy reacts, “I just said I could play, not that I wanted to! I don’t want to shame myself really,” she says as an excuse while shaking her hands in front of her.
Dustin and Lucas weren’t listening anyway as the two of them literally drag Stacy in front of the game, excited to see what she’s got. The boys standing near the basketball game machines all quirk an eye at the unfamiliar girl with pink cheeks looking a little bit distracted as one of her friends input a quarter inside the machine.
“Kick their ass, Stac.” Max giggles, pushing Stacy closer to the edge of the game machine. Stacy looks back at Max with a freaked out look on her face but she’s forced to play as the countdown under the score lights go from 3 to 2 and to 1.
Stacy feels a little underwhelmed at the fact that she’s literally planted on the floor, unmoving like the basketball hoop in front of her. It’s nothing like an actual game at all, especially that the hoop is not as high up as actual boards in a game but she lives through it. Stages 1 and 2 pass her by a breeze until the hoops actually started moving horizontally which weren’t much but it’s then that she actually started enjoying the game.
From behind, her friends watch her, lowkey impressed as she hauls her 5’2 body upwards and slightly forwards to shoot every single ball, except for one when her worn- out striped sweater was pulled out from being tucked under her jeans and she felt slightly conscious.
“A-right, it’s taking too long,” she laughs, discontinuing the game and walking towards her friends instead. She feels guilty that they’re all just waiting for her to finish the game when they could be playing something else. Red lights flash 304 behind her until the countdown finishes and the tickets pile a little on the floor. “You can have it, thanks.” She smiles at Dustin since he was the one who offered a quarter for her game anyway.
“Sweet.” Dustin grins widely, plucking the long trail of tickets and gushing with Lucas about it. They were thinking of getting that kazoo from the prizes stand just so they could annoy their friends with it.
“We practically rule this place, huh?” Max jokes, bumping shoulders with Stacy who chuckles along with her.
Stacy looks around a little, noting that Dustin and Lucas are still busy with the tickets and Mike and Will are simply standing, trying to make sense of what they should do next. “Have you talked to him?” She asks with a hushed voice.
Max looks down on the floor, as if her sneakers are the most interesting thing she’s ever seen. “Not really.” She mumbles.
“Hey,” Stacy says softly, “You don’t have to do it right now, yeah? I don’t want you to feel like I forced you into this. It was just a suggestion.” She explains. Max nods, releasing a big puff of breath she didn’t know she was holding.
Stacy smiles lightly, “You’re eavesdropping.” She says to no one in particular, but she does have one person in mind.
“H-huh?” Mike straightens his stance, cheeks flushing at being caught redhanded. Will glances at his friend, then at Stacy, then at Max, then back to Mike, looking as confused as ever. “I wasn’t,” Mike says sharply in feeble defense.
Stacy smiles wider, finding the situation and maybe Mike Wheeler’s rosy cheeks funny. “Didn’t say it was you, bud. But if the shoe fits..”
This time, it’s Max’s turn to mirror Will’s confused side glances. What the hell?, she mentally asks herself. Wasn’t it just four days ago that these two were like trained savages coming for each others necks? The question doesn’t ever stop coming through her mind. They all pile up in her head.
However, the shrill sound of the kazoo cuts its way through the awkward tension in the group. “Oh hell no,” Mike mutters to himself, already hitting his forehead at the upcoming migraine he would be having the near weeks. His friends and objects that make sounds don’t really mesh well, he knows that so well after Lucas tried to learn how to play the clarinet. Mike felt a little relieved after he lost interest.
“Why do these two look like someone tried to explain quantum physics to them?” Lucas furrows his eyebrows, stretching an arm to gesture at Max and Will.
“Anyway,” Stacy claps, “Which should you play next?” She asks the group, but none of them seem to want to play any more games. Neither do Lucas and Dustin who are both already satisfied with their new musical instrument and weapon of mass migraine, if not destruction.
“They’re selling cotton candy outside.” Will shrugs, inwardly craving the sweet snack.
Everyone else shrugs back, willing the entire friend group to haul ass outside in search of the cotton candy stand. It’s a few steps that they take as they all line up for the stand, using their excess coins to buy a stick of cotton candy.
In the windy chill of the night, Max, Lucas, Will, Dustin all sit on a curb in a line, nibbling through the sugar on stick, enjoying the company of each other. Max gives Lucas side-glances through her blue cotton candy every once in a while until Lucas himself started noticing.
“You okay, Max?” Lucas turns to her with a worried look on his face.
Max’s breath catches a little in her throat, “Huh?” She asks, taken a little off-guard. It’s been quite a while since Lucas asked her that. “Y-yeah.” She answers softly, smiling afterwards at the boy she has been crushing on for almost a year now.
“Okay, but I’ll be here to listen in case. Okay?” Lucas smiles back at her, already forgetting the cotton candy in his hand.
“Okay.” Max replies with a little nod. Just as she takes a bite from her snack, the boy next to her sneaks in a quick kiss on her cheek.
“Gross.” Will announces as a joke, biting through his own cotton candy with a little smile on his face. He’s feeling better lately, and hasn’t had an episode since the last one which is a good sign. It’s enough to make him giddy, but with the added sugar, the boy is jumpy with energy.
Meanwhile, Dustin can’t help but wonder what’s taking Mike and Stacy so long. The two were left lining up by the cotton candy stand just a few meters away while the rest of the group sat down by the pavement. At this point, Dustin thought the two have already murdered each other, but as his eyes look around the area, he spots the two conversing just a few steps away from the cotton candy stand, two colorful fluffs of candy forgotten in their respective hands. Unfortunately for Dustin, he can’t hear them but he does pick up the relaxed vibe coming from Mike’s body language. He then, is as confused as Max and Will were a while ago. It’s like seeing fire and ice interacting so comfortably.
What Dustin can’t hear from afar is Mike asking Stacy, “So... Have you noticed anything from them? Will is really quiet but I very possibly believe he can’t harm a fly let alone El—“
“That’s the same for the rest of ‘em, Mike. How do you think they’d feel when they find out you thought they could do something so horrible?” Stacy tries to guilt trip him, but Mike’s head is too clouded and honestly a little distracted from the fruity scent he smells distinctly from Stacy.
“I’m on their side.” Mike appeals.
Stacy frowns, “It doesn’t look like it, Mike.” She takes a deep breath, “Keeping secrets from friends never end well.”
“Okay, Will the wise—“
“Oh, it’s an inside joke,” he waves a hand off to dismiss the idea. “Don’t change the topic! It’s like you’re not even trying to watch over them.”
“What, do you expect me to crouch around them with a magnifying glass in hand?” Stacy chuckles. She’s observant at best and notices even those she doesn’t want to notice.
Mike glares at her then rolls his eyes ever so slightly. “You don’t need to crouch, you’re already short.”
“Wow!” Stacy exclaims at the banter. “Look who’s talking! You’re like 5’4, you fucking troll!” Stacy would have appeared offended, but Mike finds her outburst funny anyway.
“I’m way taller than that.”
“Not as tall as your ego.” Stacy barks back, but at this point it’s all in fun’s name. Stacy joking and playing along with Mike Wheeler’s antics? The world must be coming to an end.
Silence follows the two teens like a shadow as they walk so casually slow to where their friends are. “Stacy?” Mike calls.
“Hmm?” Stacy hums, distracted by the sickly sweet candy in her mouth.
While looking down at their feet tapping through the pavement, Vans and Puma next to each other, Mike says lowly in almost a whisper that Stacy almost doesn’t catch, “Promise you’ll try.”
Try to what? Stacy has no idea at all. Still, she finds herself responding after a while just before reaching their friends chatting in a comfortable line across the sidewalk, “Promise.”
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elliyoyo · 6 years
Getting Lost In The Mall (Steve Rogers/Reader)
I’m not super proud of this one, mainly because I had no idea what to do for it, so here today’s is! I hope you enjoy it even though it was the hardest one to do for me!
Warnings: Some swearing, a semi-intrusive cashier, I kind of made the reader a bit of an asshole but shshshh, and mentions of proposals and marriage.
Words: 1126
You had just wanted to go Christmas shopping with Steve, nothing more, nothing less. However, Christmas shopping quickly turned into mayhem when people realized that Captain America was in the same mall as them. There was quickly a crowd formed around him and, even though he tried to keep a grip on your arm, you were eventually pushed to the outside of the group.
Babe, I’m sorry, let me just deal with them and get security and we can get on with shopping.
it’s fine. im gonna go do shopping anyway so i can say i got something done. meet me in the food court when youre done, okay?
You put your phone in your pocket, determined to not let it bother you that you were no longer accompanied by your boyfriend. At least you could get his present now. You walk into the jewelry store, mentally chanting his ring size to yourself so you would get it right and not have an embarrassing moment on Christmas morning.
“Hi! How can I help you?” The woman behind the counter smile brightly, walking over to where you were.
“Hello! I wanted to get my boyfriend a ring. So I could, uh… you know… propose n’ shit.” You mentally reprimand yourself for sounding so awkward, but she smiles and nods.
“I love how you’re going against stereotypes,” she says, still nodding. You keep a smile forced on your face, but your eyes betray you, the death glare beginning to form. You clear your throat and continue on, just wanting to get this done.
“His ring finger is a size 11 and I wanted to get him something with his birthstone— a ruby— on it. I need this to be really special to him.” Your eyes shift down to the display of rings beneath you, scanning for some type of red. They land on a beautiful golden ring with alternating rows of rubies and diamonds that immediately caught your attention with how sparkly and beautiful it was.
“Ah, that? A beautiful choice! May I see a picture of your boyfriend?” She tilts her head, bending down to unlock the display and take out the ring so you could be sure you liked that one. Little did she know…
“Uh, you probably actually don’t need a picture. He’s kind of—,” you stop yourself, not wanting to say that he’s famous or a celebrity so you don’t sound like a showy asshole. “He looks like Captain America if that helps at all. He gets mistaken for him all the time.”
“Ooh, you got lucky, didn’t you?” She gives you a smirk and sets the ring down on the counter so you can look at it up close.
“Um… Excuse me?” You try to not look as offended and pissed off as you are in fear of having security called on you for going off on her, but it’s a tough task.
“Well, it’s not exactly easy to get someone so attractive— if he really is like Captain America. Just a congratulatory thing.” She shrugs, looking you up and down again. “So, anyway— it’s rubies and diamonds set in 14 karat gold and white gold. It’s around Christmas so we’re having a bunch of huge blowout sales to get rid of excess product.”
“So how much is this?” You drag a finger over the gems, knowing immediately that Steve would love it.
“Only $169.99. Do you want to do a—”
“No, I’ll be paying for it upfront, I saved up some money. Can you please just ring me up?” You don’t look her in the eyes, pulling out your wallet so you could hand her the money and go to the food court to meet up with Steve.
“Well, then… That’ll be $183.59,” she mumbles, beginning to sound snooty as she realizes that she did something wrong. She scans a barcode on a piece of paper she pulled from beneath the register and goes to ask something else, but you cut her off.
“No, I don’t want any insurance guarantee crap for it, I just want the ring and to get back to my boyfriend. Please and thank you.” You hand her the money, down to exact change, and look up at her with the most tame glare you could muster.
“Here, uh… have a nice day.” She hands you the bag with the ring and receipt in it, letting her fake smile stay on her face until you walked out of the store. You don’t look back once you’re out, quickly walking to the food court in hopes that Steve would be there.
in the food court. you in there too? want to eat here or make something at home?
You put your phone away after sending the message and finding a place to sit down. You sit there for awhile, pretending to look through something on your phone until someone speaks behind you.
“Is this seat taken, ma’am?”
“Uh, kinda? My boyfriend isn’t back yet s—” You turn back to look at whoever it is and the corners of your mouth turn upwards for the first time that day as you see Steve with the same stupid smile.
Pressing a kiss to your head, he takes a seat next to you. His eyes drift over to the bag and he quirks an eyebrow at it, knowing the label from somewhere. “Uh, what’d you get? Or are you not gonna tell me because it’s mine?”
“It’s yours and if you go snooping to try and find it, I’ll play frisbee with your shield again,” you nonchalantly mumble, biting your lip to hide your smirk.
“No, no you won’t.” He rolls his eyes, looking at the text you had sent him. “Last time you almost broke three windows and took Thor’s head off.”
“Ugh, fine. But seriously, I’m kind of hungry, what do you want to do for dinner?”
“I found this really nice recipe online that I wanted to try, so I’m thinking we go home and have a little date night. What do you think?”
“Sounds perfect to me.” You stand up, grabbing the bag in the hand that was farther away from him.
“Alright, let’s go, then, babe.” He holds his hand out, which you take with a small thank you, and begins to walk towards the exit. You hold on tight and pull down a bit so he bends to the point where you can kiss his cheek.
That was one thing off your checklist. The only other things were to enjoy dinner with Steve, wrap everyone’s presents, and finally, and most importantly, figure out how the hell and when the hell you were going to propose to Steve.
If the fangirls didn’t spoil it first, that is.
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wannawrite · 7 years
Melting Of The Ice Cream Girl [ pt.2 ]
PD101 / MXM’s Im Youngmin X Reader [fem ver] part one TW: use of vulgar language, mild violence i think… better to put these up anyway Fluff, mild angst bullet-point ver. [ scenario ver. : coming soon ] • some stuff happens that makes you go all ICE princess where is ice cream girl • your stare could freeze Youngmin • can Youngmin still melt you? oMGgg guys idk what’s wrong with me i’m on a roll right now but i literally re-read part one and got super happy after that like it didn’t even feel like I wrote it okay bye buT yAY IM SO HAPPY YOU LOVE IT ANON I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE TOO EVEN THOUGH I’M BAD AT WRITING ANGST gOD BLESS - admin L PS: sorry but scenario ver. might take a long time :((( ___________ • it’s pretty awkward still • you can’t stop blushing • Youngmin can’t stop talking to you • and chuckling when you barely nod out a reply • your face is like a tomato • what is a regular heartbeat anymore? • Youngmin’s so perfect you can’t even breathe the same air as him it isn’t possible • but he seems happy sharing the same table as you • as much as his sunbae + chaebol™ clique is yelling for him and Donghyun to return to them • they stay rooted to their seats • and somehow it makes you really happy on the inside • but on the outside, it looks as if your glare can get hell to freeze over • you try to get Woojin or Daewhi’s help but they’re so engrossed in conversation about something personal with Donghyun • that Youngmin feels that he shouldn’t interfere with because he isn’t interrupting • he’s just admiring your face and picking at his fries • also trying to start a conversation with you • at least he’s trying and you really appreciate it 
• suddenly you have this nudge of confidence and you blurt out • ‘you’re in the same mathematics class as Mina, aren’t you, oppa?’ • deadass Youngmin’s pupils dilate when you call him that • moVING ON • he smiles and nods his head • ‘yeah i know mina, she’s cool. we actually sit next to each other in class.’ • then silence • … • *crickets chirping* • ‘yo Y/N why don’t you tell Youngmin and Donghyun about the game you created’ • oh god Woojin why • your best friends are grinning smugly at you • the focus shifts to you • ‘uh…uh, it’s nothing much really…’ you try to avoid it • but the hopeful and interested look on Youngmin’s face makes you give in • ‘It’s like…idk what we call it but for now, we call it mall hide and seek’ ( made up game by yours truly™ ) • so like hide and seek but across the whole mall and you can text clues and whatnot • Youngmin and Donghyun want to play • sunbae + chaebol™ clique hears and joins in as well • resulting in your face resembling a tomato • one of the boys in the clique makes fun of your blushing face • 'yah! don’t laugh at her like that, it’s rude of you.’ Youngmin defends • yOU aRE SHocKED • diD MY CRUSH JUST DO THAT ??? • uHM YES SIS HE DID • 'oh, it’s okay….’ • 'but thank you Youngmin’ • oKAY HIS ENTIRE FACE LIGHTS UP • hE’s SUDDENLY GLOWING • and that makes you crack a smile • even though it’s a tiny one • you guys get up to leave • and Youngmin refuses to leave your side for some reason but you don’t really care • because • who would? He’s Im Youngmin • you’re blessed if he approaches you • and he’s your crush so • you guys start playing • and Youngmin decides to hide in the supermarket • so you find yourself squashed in the tissue paper section with a laughing Im Youngmin • he doubts the finders would ever search in behind a wall of tissue boxes • thank god no one reports ya’ll • you’re giggling so hard it kinda unlocks your crazier side • you feel like you can reveal a bit of your true self to Youngmin • he seems trustworthy • suddenly your phone chimes • your mum needs you to buy some spices • sighing reluctantly, you emerge from your hiding spot and Youngmin follows you • you try to push him back since Woojin and Sewoon have already found Donghyun, Samuel and Kenta • skillz™ • but he’s like 'no i can’t leave you, we hide together, we die together’ • even though it’s possibly the dumbest thing he has ever said, your heart flutters uncontrollably • you roll your eyes but grabs his hand and drags him along • Youngmin is sHOokeTH • shES HOLDING MY HAND OH MY GODDHDKSHSKDB • you don’t even realise because skinship is such a common thing with your friends • Youngmin is about to faint from happiness • he can die happy • you grab a basket and start searching for things from the list • surprisingly, Youngmin takes and interest and also helps you to get things • he also tells you about how his parents use roughly the same types of herbs • also helps you reach the top shelf if you can’t • just looking like a domestic couple • newly weds • like the wholesome couple just grocery shopping together • you find yourself enjoying it so much you don’t feel as if Youngmin is a acquaintance • he asks for your number • and you two chat a lot as you’re grabbing items • when your just finishing at the cashier • Jung Sewoon, a member of the sunbae + chaebol™ clique spots you two • 'there!’ • you hastily thank the cashier and make a run for it • grabbing Youngmin’s hand and your stuff of course • you manage to outrun the school’s star tracker, Takada Kenta • 'yo dude, let’s let them go to the rooftop and do romantic shit before ambushing them’ • 'do you guys want bubble tea?’ • 'i bet Youngmin’s going to kiss her first’ • Samuel loses the bet • you guys are up on the rooftop sky garden • how romantic • you guys out breath and struggling to catch it while doubling over in laughter • 'did we lose them?’ Youngmin asks • 'i thinks we did’ you reply, giggling • 'you’re crazy, Y/N. I love it’ he says • you’re caught off guard but recovers quickly • nOW OR NEVER Y/N • you pull him close by his fancy as tie bc he’s a sunbae + chaebol and loves dressing up • tip-toeing • 'then i suppose you’ll love this’ • before you can back out, you press your lips to his • hE IS STUNNED • you break away but he pulls you back in to kiss you more • honestly, you don’t know what you guys are but you know the feeling is mutual • you do go home with a heavy heart after he doesn’t say anything about a future relationship • at least he was your first kiss • but you’re absolutely crushed when Youngmin arrives to school in his fancy ass car on Monday • he isn’t alone • it’s like a scene in a drama • and this pretty, tall, rich girl steps out on the other side • you were halfway done the steps to meet him but you just turn around and storm the other way • your temper has been tested • 'you don’t want to mess with Y/N, she’ll ice you to death’ • you’re mad, why? • Youngmin can’t make out with you on Friday but come to school with another girl on Monday • what’s worse? you spent the whole weekend texting him • he was behaving super sweet and lovey dovey • clearly interested • and now…. • they aren’t related • so she’s a competition • she’s his dad’s boss’s daughter who transferred schools halfway through Sophomore year • she isn’t in any of your classes but she seems like a fairly pleasant person • Hyemi and Mina aren’t having it either, since they know about your little incident • you can’t even look at Youngmin • he’s confused when you don’t return the smile or wave • i guess she never really liked me ??? • lol son im sorry but u dumb • ( yOungmIN SWEETIE IM SORRY IM DOING YOU SO DIRTY RIGHT NOW ) • he asks about you in math class but Mina just shrugs in response • it continues for a week • you can’t exactly kick the poor innocent girl out of school can you? • but she seems to want to extend her 15 seconds of new girl fame • she goes around bragging about how she and suuupppeerr close • 'oh! we were just in his room watching a movie yesterday’ she says to her little group of Freshman fangirls • 'did you two cuddle?’ one of them pipes up, eyes wide • 'yupp! we live in the same house for now so we’re super close. the mansion is huge.’ • basically, she’s trying to brag about being Youngmin’s friend • Kenta told you that Youngmin’s only nice to her because she’s like his annoying little sister and his dad would have his head if he isn’t • you hold you temper but one day • she’s just sitting there in the canteen outrightly insulting Samuel for being the 'poorest’ in the sunbae + chaebol™ squad and being mixed • ( i fcking love samuel how dare you not like him just bc he’s mixed im mixed too wtf wtf wtf i still don’t understand ) • you just about beat Donghyun to confrontation • 'it’s funny how you laugh at others for small things like that but you don’t even have enough money for your own house,“ you hiss even though it’s a really low jab to take at her • you have 0 chill when it comes to your friends, even though Samuel isn’t the closest • the Sophomore pushes out her chair and stands up to meet your eye but she’s still shorter than you • 'eXCuSE mE?’ • 'you heard me. you talk shit about Samuel yet you’re living off the Im family.’ • the Sophomore bitch shoves you as hard as she can but you barely wavers • 'LIsTEN! I cAN taLK abOut whOEVER i waNt tO. SamUEL DOESN’t belONG iN thAT cLiqUe. WhO tF dO yOU tHiNK YOu ARe?’ • you scoff, mildly amused by this Sophomore • 'someone Youngmin oppa actually likes’ • she screams so shrilly it causes your ears to bleed before lifting her hand • you catch it before Hyemi and Mina can interfere • leaning to her ear, 'you have no right to look down on someone just because of their social status or because of their race.’ • 'it was joke’ she whimpers out as your grip on her tightens • 'there’s a fine line making a joke and being a bitch but I guess you’re both’ you spit, releasing her arm • she tries to shove you again ??? lololol this girl issa joke • suddenly, you’re wretched away • Youngmin storms out of the canteen but before he can, you yank your hand out of his grasp, glowering at him • 'you don’t deserve me!’ you yell, anger bubbling over • he’s speechless but you still follow him to the bleachers in the gymnasium • there’s a really long and bitter silence • 'thanks…on behalf of Samuel, you didn’t need to….Donghyun would’ve-’ • 'Samuel’s my friend, of course I should have’ you cut off, 'what do you want anyway? i need to go.’ • Youngmin catches your arm as you turn to leave, 'why are you ignoring me? what did I do?’ • you raise your eyebrows at him in disbelief, 'Im Youngmin, you are one of the smartest students in this school. you should know what you did’ • he shakes his head and hangs it in shame • 'i don’t know? how about…making out with me on Friday, texting me all weekend just like a boyfriend would but showing up on Monday with a girl and not denying any of the shit she’s spewing? i don’t even know anymore’ • he’s apologising countlessly but you don’t even know anymore • you’re out off the gymnasium before he can catch you again … • it’s been another week since that entire fiasco and everything has settled down since then • Samuel won’t get over the fact that you stuck up for him and nearly got suspended • Sophomore did get suspended because she initiated the fight • you ignored Youngmin the whole time as much as your heart ached and as much as you cried but it was too mentally pressing to try to keep up with a guy like him • one day, a letter falls out of your locker when you open it • it’s from your alpaca boy • 'y/n, i’m sorry. hear me out, we can make this work. 3 pm, basketball courts’ • Hyemi and Mina caution you, even Woojin and Daewhi are skeptical but you’re at the basketball courts at precisely 3 pm • Youngmin’s already waiting for you on one of the benches, he smiles - which you can’t return - and gestures for you to come closer • 'i’m sorry i behaved like that. i had a lot going on, believe me when I say I argued with my parents for an hour when they told me about…Anna’s arrival. it was unexpected and I didn’t exactly like her.’ he sighed 'i guess i really f*cked with you without even realising. I’m sorry. I should have made things clear from the start to her. I’m sorry I played with your emotions and that she said such things.’ • 'what did you want to make clear?’ you prodded, hope rising in your chest • Youngmin’s eyes met your own and his hand enclosed yours, beaming. 'that I want to be with you, because I like you’ • you’re elated but at the same time, you can’t accept how things are • 'I-I’ll have to… think about it…with all that’s happened,’ you stammer • the smile on his face falls but he nods understandingly • 'I understand. I’m willing to wait for you.’ • your answer isn’t immediate and Youngmin got pushed to the greatest lengths to try to win you back • he really isn’t giving up • honestly, you’re touched he’s courting you for so long • it was entertaining for his clique and yours which had bonded together to form one power squad • eventually, you fall for his advances once again • you’re truly an ice cream girl • sweet, crazy, cold and sticks to Youngmin’s lips • it isn’t like he’s complaining
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residentgrimm · 6 years
hey google, how do i tell my parents that i’m having a hard time keeping up with high school and college classes and that i’m falling behind in the college one and it’s giving me unnecessary stress? there’s so much online work that sometimes i can’t get into and its very time consuming. i can’t focus on it long enough to get it done, my teenage attention span can’t keep up.
it’s not like it’s difficult stuff, it’s all really a basic overview of my human anatomy class last year and then the proper ways of caring for another human. i know all this stuff. study hall last year was nothing but that, studying human anatomy. its just that im not liking the class and don’t think im prepared for clinicals. i may be a little more social because i started working, but i feel like i’m not cut out for clinical work. i feel like i’m still too awkward to talk to more people. even at work, i still have a hard time “making conversation” that isn’t based off the little script i use like all the other cashiers. i’m not socially developed like my peers! they make it look so easy, while i’m over to the side babbling to myself to just go do it and get it over with. get it over with? that’s not the mindset i need to be in for this class. nor for clinicals.
i’ve been lying about keeping up with it cos i know they’d be upset if i told them i was behind. hell, even if i stopped working, i’d still wouldn’t have time. and with archery, i really won’t have time to finish everything because all of it is online and i cant always use my laptop at tournaments.
i feel like i need to do this class. five classes in, i gotta finish even though i could withdraw at any time. i just have to pay the high school back for the tuition i used. which is fine, i have more than enough money to take care of a couple hundred dollars. but there’s the fact that i feel the need to finish it for my parent’s sake. i don’t feel like i’m doing this for me anymore. i feel like i’m doing this for my parents cos i’m obligated too. i wouldn’t be upset with myself. i may be a senior, but i’m not exactly prepared for this class. but if i drop it, i feel like mom and dad would be disappointed in me to the point of something more that my brain can’t wrap around. i don’t remember if they said it’d be okay if i dropped. i don’t need this class to become a diabetic educator.
and the stress is definitely not helping my compromised immune system, i’m getting sick again and if i miss more school/work and then having to force myself to go to this class with the risk of passing whatever i have to the others and/or getting much worse, i don’t know what i’m going to do, other than cry every damn night like last time i missed almost a whole week. i’m still making up work from when i was gone! that’s not cool!
what am i supposed to do? fail the class and have that on my record? no! i don’t want that! but i’m too scared to tell them after the fact that i’ve been lying to them! i’m already on thin ice with their trust and they don’t even know it! I don’t wanna mess it up again! what am i supposed to do?
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