#When in fact she has not slept with anyone or done anything mentioned in this song
c1tyhaunts · 8 months
This is the kind of song I see Avian singing in her house as she's baking, when, in her current canon, she is not a world class sinner. In fact, she's quite the opposite.
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grahambaham · 21 days
Controversial opinion, especially for any Jason Todd fans out there (I'm one of them), but I completely understand why the fans in, the 80' I think, voted to kill him off. Hear me out, okay?
Jason was at first a literal Dick Grayson copy, was legit given his backstory and personality with the name being the only change. And for a while that was all they knew about and, rightfully so, hated about him. Now I'm not sure whether he was given the whole Alley kid who tried to steal Batman's tire story before or after his death but either way, in those fans' minds, Jason Todd was just a boring replica of Dick Grayson and no one liked him. If I was alive and a fan back then, I honestly would have done the same thing.
Jason immediately after getting brought back to life was a villain. He wasn't misguided, he wasn't an antihero, my man was a Villain with a capital V. He didn't protect workings girls or children from any drugs or anything, he just made one off hand comment to a guy not to sell to kids and that's it. One of his only interactions with any prostitutes is to mock her for her past and decisions that led to her becoming one. Bruce did not abuse him or attack him unfairly. Jason had not only tried to kill Joker or other horrible villains, he killed anyone whether they were rapists, or robbers, or petty fucking thieves and he didn't do it for justice or whatever the fuck but because he was angry and taking it out on everyone he could get his hands on. He stopped Batman from going after Nightwing after Bludhaven blew up with him in it. He blew up a school. He beat up Tim in his little Robin panties and was a fucking villain.
I love Jason. But I love him as the messed up asshole he is. Not as some misguided wittle antihero. Which is why I despise the fact that the fandom latched onto the completely inaccurate version of him, because the writers of DC had started writing him the way the fandom wanted and he is now irreversibly ruined. Aside from the already mentioned stuff, they made him into a copy of Dick Grayson (for the second fucking time) and Helena Bertinelli.
Helena is the one protecting women and children, the antihero that often uses violent force. She's the one with the reluctant sibling relationship with Tim. Jason was not Tim's Robin by the way, Dick was. Tim does not like Jason one fucking bit and spends most of their forced interactions roasting him so bad he has to buy burn salves. Also her personality was taken and given to Jason in some ways too, like her manner of speech and stuff, but I'm willing to let that slide as accidental.
From Dick Grayson, they mostly took his relationships, romantic and platonic. Jason slept with Barbara and Kori both, which aside from just being dumb as hell is also weird and creepy because Jason is six years younger than them at least and they knew him as a fourteen year old when they were at least twenty, and they would never date someone so much younger than them, they aren't fucking creeps. Then they took Starfire and Arsenal and made them forget their own lives to join Jason's little antihero team (neither of them are antiheroes what the fuck) and act like the sun shines out of Jason's ass and he's their leader or some shit when they would never follow him before that, especially Roy who has led so many other teams and does not deserve that shit. Some fans also ship him and Jason, which is both creepy and character assassination for Roy's entire character more than him being friends with Jason and in the Outlaws already is.
Also, Pit Madness is not a thing you fucking brainless losers. Stop trying to justify and erase the flaws that make him an interesting character. His anger has always been due to the trauma of being tortured and dying and the misguided feeling of betrayal he felt for Bruce. He was unwell and taking his problems out on others. So, repeat after me: PIT MADNESS IS NOT A REAL THING!!!
Thank you for reading <3
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girlgenius1111 · 9 months
it was war it wasn't fair
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the great war chapter 2 :)
R's teammates debate the potential causes of her breakup. Ona comes to her defense. R realizes her feelings might not be as easy to avoid as she hoped.
ps. not one bed trope, but... teammates-sharing-a-hotel-room-at-an-away-game-and-one-has-a-nightmare-kind-of trope.
brief descriptions of a panic attack.
You were sure that if you could just sleep you'd be fine. You'd never really had problems sleeping before, but in the days since your breakup with Alessia, you'd been struggling. Your brain wouldn't turn off; you went back over every little moment in your relationship, over analyzing, trying to figure out where it went wrong. Where you went wrong.
You honestly wished that was the only thing keeping you up. It wasn't. You couldn't get Ona out of your head. The kindness she'd been showing you, how perceptive she was of your feelings. It was overwhelmingly confusing, to be heartbroken by someone, and completely fixated on someone else at the same time.
Most of the time, you were glad to have such a close team. Everyone looked out for each other, and you knew they'd always have your back. Unfortunately, they seemed to think that having your back in this situation meant hovering over you every second of the day. It didn't help that you wouldn't tell them why you and Alessia had ended things.
Although you knew your teammates were keeping an extra close eye on you, you hadn't realized that some of them had begun to have suspicions about what had gone down. You'd come to a halt outside the locker room, after hearing your name. You'd forgotten your keys, and were heading back inside when you heard Keira's voice floating through the doorway.
"Leah said Alessia's really torn up about it, but she won't tell anyone what happened either."
"I knew they weren't doing well, but both of them seem too upset for it to be a mutual thing," Lucy responded.
"Y/n doesn't look like she's slept in a week," Alexia chimed in. Perfect. This was a group conversation, apparently.
"Maybe one of them cheated. I don't remember seeing y/n leave by herself when we went out last week," Keira mentioned offhandedly.
You knew Keira didn't mean anything by it; anyone looking at your relationship from the outside would guess that between the 2 of you, you'd surely be more likely to cheat than Less. You'd been significantly more of a playgirl before Alessia, and your friends had always joked they'd missed the version of you that went home with a different girl every weekend.
Still, the implication that you'd done what had, in fact, been done to you, really fucking hurt. You were more than prepared to go in there and start yelling, god knows you've been needing someone to shout at, but someone beat you to it.
"If she wanted you guys to know what happened she would have said," Ona's voice rang out through the locker room, unmistakably filled with anger. "You're supposed to be her friends, she's clearly having a tough time, and now you're accusing her of cheating? Behind her back? "
"Ona, I didn't mean anything by it," Keira began, clearly startled by the angry tone with which the brunette spoke.
"Y/n didn't cheat, she'd never do that," Ona replied fiercely. "You're lucky she didn't hear you suggest that, because I'm not sure any of you would have been able to put her back together."
With that, Ona stormed out of the room, turning the corner and coming to a sudden stop at the sight of you. You'd been too baffled by her words to move, and now it was too late.
"Thank you, Ona. Really," you said, blinking back tears. Behind Ona, Lucy, Keira, and Alexia walked out of the room, clearly on their way to go after the defender and calm her down. They all looked comically shocked at the sight of you, but you had no interest in talking to them. You spun on your heel, walking briskly out of the building and to your car, ignoring the calls of your name behind you. Ignoring, too, the tears that began to cloud your vision.
Despite arriving home several hours ago, you lay in the same spot on the couch that you'd occupied since walking through the door. Your brain was working a mile a minute, going back and forth between fixating on Ona's passionate defense of you, and being angry at your teammates for speaking about you behind your back. You'd gotten texts from them, you knew, a particularly long apology from Keira, but you'd yet to open them. Ona had texted you too, and you hadn't read that either, for a very different reason.
You weren't mad at Keira for thinking you'd cheated, not really. You just hated that they were trying to figure out what happened; you'd made it clear you didn't want to talk about it, and here they were, dragging it back up over and over again. Logically, you knew it was because you weren't handling it well, and they could tell. Maybe you didn't like them worrying about you, either.
You were about to grab your phone and absolve your teammates of guilt, when there was a knock on your door. You walked to the door, looking through the peephole, and sighing. Of course.
"Hola, Alexia," you said, swinging the door open. Captain Alexia wasn't one to take team conflict lightly.
"Can I come in?" she asked, after returning your greeting. In response, you stepped to the side, allowing her into your apartment. She followed you in, sitting next to you on the couch. She had a familiar glint in her eyes, one that you knew meant she was determined to do something. What, you weren't exactly sure.
"Y/n, I'm really sorry we were talking about you when you weren't there. We're really worried about you, but there's no excuse. We should have brought our concerns to you," Alexia tells you sincerely.
"I know you're worried," you sigh. "And I probably wouldn't have been very receptive to you asking me about how I was doing."
"And what Keira said-"
"I get it. Of the two of us, I seem like the one who would sleep with someone else. I would have thought the same thing too."
"Does that mean Alessia cheated?" Alexia inquired, after a moment of silence. You looked at her, stunned, not quite sure how she came to that conclusion. In response to your expression, she explained.
"You're both apparently really upset, so it's clearly not mutual like you said. I know you didn't cheat. Sleeping around might have been your thing before Alessia, but it's not now, and it would be unfair to assume you hadn't changed. And, the way you phrased that last part. You "would have" thought the same thing too. That makes it sound like you no longer think that way."
You processed this for a minute, reminded of how smart Alexia was. You wanted to be annoyed, because if Alexia knew, it wouldn't be long before the whole team knew. Alexia had a strict policy of sharing everything with her co captains, who, famously, could not keep their mouths shut. You were really just relieved, though, like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, now that you didn't have to try so hard to pretend to be okay.
"Yeah. She slept with some girl in a bar."
"I'm sorry, y/n."
"It's fine. We were probably going to break up anyway, and she's having a hard time. I don't even know why I'm upset."
Alexia's face changed at that, looking somewhat stern.
"It's not fine. She still betrayed your trust, even if you were going to break up. Even if she is struggling. That's not an excuse, y/n, and you're allowed to be upset that a relationship you spent a lot of time in ended so horrifically."
You shrugged in response and avoided her eyes, chewing on the inside of your cheek. Her hand came to rest on your shoulder before she spoke again.
"It's okay to be upset, y/n, you don't need to pretend you're not having a hard time with this. None of us will think any less of you." Alexia's tone was gentle, and at her reassurance, you turned to look at her, eyes big and wet with tears.
"Oh, nena," she said, pulling you in for a hug. You went willingly, allowing yourself to be comforted for the first time since the breakup. You cried softly into Alexia's shoulder, your captain's arms wrapped tightly around you. You felt safe here, in this little bubble with the older woman, safe enough to allow yourself to feel the hurt that you'd been pushing down for days.
You'd assumed that after speaking with Alexia, you would feel better, and start sleeping better. You did feel better; it seemed that leaning on your friends during a tough time did, in fact, make getting through it easier. But you weren't sleeping better. If anything, it was getting worse. You'd wake up on the verge of having a panic attack, so filled with anxiety you could barely breathe. You didn't recall any nightmares that prompted this, and it didn't take long for you to calm down, but it made sleeping an ordeal.
The team's next game was an away game in Tenerife. You all had flown out the afternoon before the game, and tried to distract yourself from your exhaustion by goofing around with your teammates. Keira and Lucy had been relieved when you easily accepted their apologies.
Things with Ona were... more complicated. She'd seemed almost embarrassed after her outburst in the locker room, and had taken to avoiding you. Not completely, because you still caught her staring at you during practice, but enough that you found yourself inexplicably missing her presence. Those that had been on the receiving end of the defender's scolding were evidently intrigued by her behavior.
So, when you got your room assignments for the trip and saw Ona's name next to yours on the list, you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the clear attempt from Alexia to get you back on non-awkward terms.
You all headed to dinner first, and you couldn't help but watch as Ona barely touched her food, seemingly caught up in her own thoughts. You weren't quite sure if she was preoccupied with you, or something else, but you were determined to find out. She was your friend, after all, and despite your increasingly confusing feelings for her, you wanted to be there for her.
Ona beat you to your room after dinner, and you walked in to find her sitting nervously on the bed nearest to the door, fingers picking at her nails. She began speaking almost the minute the door had shut behind you.
"I just wanted to apologize, y/n, if I overstepped. It wasn't my place to say anything, and-" you cut her off.
"Oni, it's really okay. You don't need to apologize for sticking up for me. What you said was... it was really nice." You were blushing. Why were you blushing?
"Okay, good," Ona replied, smiling in relief. She turned, presumably to finish getting ready for bed.
"Are you doing okay? You've seemed stressed recently, not like yourself," you mention, heading to your luggage to act like your question was more casual than it really was. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ona freeze.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just been a long week." she said. For some reason, you didn't believe her. Something in her voice told you that she was lying, but you didn't want to push.
"Well, if you want to talk," you say, smiling at her reflexively. It was almost unconscious, the way your lips lifted into a grin when you saw her face, freckles scrunching adorably as she returned your smile.
You turned back to your bag, internally shaking your head at yourself. You needed to get it together. You weren't so naive to not understand what was going on, but getting into a relationship with a teammate, so soon after the disastrous end to your previous one, seemed like the world's biggest mistake.
Even though you'd done everything you could think to relax yourself before falling asleep, you still startled slightly only a few hours later, stuck in the land between wakefulness and slumber, your body thrumming with anxiety. It was a bad one, that was really your first conscious thought. You were already short of breathe, but still somehow drowsy, and you fought to drag your eyes open, and go through the familiar routine of grounding yourself.
You didn't realize you were breathing loudly, nor did you hear Ona the first time she said your name. It was only after the first time, when she spoke louder, that you turned your head to look at her in the other bed.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" She asked. You simply shook your head in response, not quite sure you could explain it. You wanted her to go back to sleep, let you pull yourself together on your own like you always did, but you should have known Ona wouldn't do that.
Ona rose from her own bed, approaching the side of yours. You'd sat up, resting your head in your hands as your chest rose and fell erratically.
"Y/n," Ona called softly, hovering nervously next to the bed, like she didn't know what to do.
"I'm ok-okay," you gasped out, admittedly not very convincingly.
"You don't seem okay," she said, doubt clear in her tone. "Do you want me to get someone? Lucy? Ale?" She turned as if to leave.
Suddenly, you were struck with fear at the idea of her leaving. You hadn't realized how much you'd been relying on her presence to calm yourself down until she mentioned leaving. You breathing sped up again, and you reached out frantically, grabbing a fist full of her shirt. She turned back to you, seemingly surprised at your movements. her face was filled with a kindness that was so distinctly Ona, you felt yourself calming down again at the mere sight of it.
"Hey, I won't go, it's okay," she reassured you, taking a careful seat on the edge of your bed. She gripped your hand in hers, tugging it off of her shirt, and you squeezed it gratefully. She sat next to you, allowing you to regulate your breathing, not saying anything, but apparently realizing you just needed to feel her next to you. When you were calm, a few minutes later, you turned to her, prepared both to thank her, and apologize profusely, but she asked a question before you could open your mouth.
"Is this why you haven't been sleeping?" she questioned. Her eyes were peering into yours, and you wished the lights were on, so you could see the warm honey brown staring back at you.
"Yeah. I don't really know what's going on, I just wake up really anxious," you admit, again reminded of Ona's miraculous power to get you to tell her the truth. Ona contemplated for a minute, before she motioned for you to scoot over. You did, although confused, and watched as she slid into the bed next to you. Ona's had her poker face as she laid down, resting her head on your pillow, and motioning you to nestle in next to her.
You were planning to object, really. Instead of opening your mouth, though, your body moved almost without your permission, and you were soon laying next to Ona, head tucked comfortably into her chest. It was such a natural thing, laying against her, like something you'd done a thousand times. You weren't tense, or uncomfortable. You just felt sleepy, suddenly, and enjoyed the feel of the spaniard's soft t-shirt on your cheek, not even questioning it when her arms wrapped around you, holding you securely against her.
Ona didn't say anything, and she didn't need to. You were already drifting off, remarkably calm for someone snuggling one of their friends, who they maybe, possibly, were developing a crush on. You didn't feel butterfly's like you would have expected. Ona never made you feel nervous. Flustered, sure. But as you drifted off into the best sleep you'd had in weeks, you were truly struck with how she comforted you easily, and how she got you to accept that comfort with no argument.
When you woke the next morning, still cuddled close to Ona, you marveled at the fact that you'd slept through the rest of the night. You watched her face as she slept next to you, the morning sunlight hitting her freckles perfectly. You wondered if you could count them all.
You also wondered how much longer you could pretend you weren't falling for the girl next to you.
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bloody-cupcakes · 2 months
Okay okay, let me throw the idea out of just manipulative Yan!Veronica
Can be a fic or headcanons, whatever you want to do, but im willing to let this girl manipulate me idc!!!
Yesss I love that idea so much!! Sorry this is a month late, I got distracted for a bit since I went on a trip to the beach with my friend and didn't get any writing done for a good couple of weeks lmao. I decided to go with both headcanons and a fic because I felt bad for making you wait for so long. Headcanons are below, the fic will be out later this week! 🥰
Tw: yandere/dark content, gender neutral reader, Veronica is extremely manipulative but we love her anyway, brief mentions of suicide (relevant to canon, yknow)
Veronica's one of the more covert yanderes tbh. She's not as domineering as Heather Chandler or straight up crazy like JD. At first, she just appears as your typical teenage girl who's worried about their partner. Sure, she's a little clingy, and possessive, and overly protective, but with people like Kurt and Ram out there who wouldn't be?
Her manipulation is also a lot more subtle than other people's. She's able to easily disguise it as worry, insisting that she's just trying to look out for you when it comes to parties you might want to attend or people you hang out with
She has absolutely no problem making up stories or coming up with lies in order to get you to leave certain people alone. Oh, you didn't hear that so-and-so slept with their best friend's boyfriend? Wow, I thought everybody knew that. She's so trustworthy and genuine, of course you believe her
If you ever manage to catch her in a lie, she's quick to turn it around on you or act as if she has no idea what you're talking about. She'll pretend that she got this information from a second hand source, so naturally it couldn't be all true, but at least some of it has to be, right? So it's still better for you not to hang out with this person, just in case
It's even harder to see what she's doing as manipulation given the fact that her worries aren't entirely baseless. There are plenty of awful people in the school, and it wouldn't be too far-fetched to believe that she truly does want to protect you. She may be a bit excessive, sure, but that's only because she doesn't want to see you get hurt
When I say she limits the people you're "allowed" to hang out with, I mean that. Heather McNamara is okay, and maybe Heather Duke, but Heather Chandler is off limits, and don't even think about going anywhere near Kurt and Ram (not that you'd want to, because ew)
Even Martha Dunstock is a perfect candidate for a friend, because she never hangs out with anyone else anyway, which means no one will bother you two. And by bother I of course mean give you any sort of attention
JD is a bit of a toss up. Veronica trusts that he'd never let anything happen to you, but she also knows that he always ends up finding trouble no matter where he goes, intentional or not, so you'll typically only hang out with him if Veronica is also there to keep an eye on him
Overall, she's a great girlfriend! If you don't mind only hanging out with people that she trusts to keep an eye on you or occasionally getting caught up in her and JD's passionate discussion about "ridding the world of popular filth" and all that. But that's nothing to worry about, I'm sure. Even if the eventual suicides of Heather Chandler and Kurt and Ram did seem a bit suspicious...
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 5 months
The thought of Alastor rushing to Vox once Angel Dust mentions the Vees are doing an Experiment is funny and lovely. Like he KNOWS his Vox. He knows Vox is the smartest of the 3, but he also knows Vox has no concern for himself when it comes to self-experimentation, and he probably tries to be there whenever the Vees do experiments just in case. Dude was probably HORRIFIED when he saw Vox when he came back after the 7 years he was gone, and saw all the upgrades. Yes, Vox improved himself but how much PAIN did it cause him? Does it still cause him pain? And of course Valentino is going to die. He stabbed Vox before Vox was ready--before he could take the drug Velvette had prepared for him, so yes the moth was going to die. The doll....she could perhaps live, maybe.
Just Alastor gently taking care of Vox, taking him directly to his room, and soothing his pain via shared frequencies, sending his Shadow to bring him another head for Vox--a newer, updated version that he knows Vox would like--as he gently begins to get Vox ready to switch heads.
Alastor is indescribably gentle--only Vox would/will ever get Alastor like this-- as he takes care of his unconscious soulmate, gently taking off his destroyed head, and putting the new one on, and then tucking Vox into bed as he begins to update and rest from what happened.
However, Vox is still out for quite some time--while the angelic knife didn't kill him, it did damage his systems and leave him unconscious for six weeks, and then Alastor wouldn't let the other overlord leave his sight.
I love this Fr so much. Like and while Vox is out for the count in his healing Alastor definitely watches over him like a hawk. Imagine someone coming to Alastor's room just for something like little only for the demon to immediately growl. He's protective over his past enemy and more so than he initially thought himself. I imagine too that later when Vox wakes up he's just so confused.
Confused and...yet grateful that he's not dead? Then he looks around the room and he thinks for a moment before immediately freaking out.
Where is he? What happened? You know?
He probably would start panting a little, chest rising and falling and rushing in his chest because he's in unfamiliar territory and then...Alastor walks in... As he's been doing for weeks now.
And Vox turns his head to look at him with wide eyes, hand clutching his chest as he tries to understand what's happening.
Alastor would probably be just as surprised.
He's been keeping an eye on the man for a while. Taking care of him, cleaning him, protecting him... All while he slept and so seeing Vox awake with that look on his face leaves Alastor stunned for a moment before he slowly approaches the bed. All while Vox is asking questions, lost and a bit nervous only to just shut up when Alastor suddenly hugs him tight and close, refusing to let go.
He probably wouldn't even say anything for a moment, too caught up in the fact that Vox is breathing against him. Honestly Alastor probably wouldn't immediately believe it himself at first either. That Vox was so close to death.
Alastor could have actually lost him...and he doesn't want to risk that. Not now not ever.
Honestly yandere Alastor for this anyone? As Vox heals and gets stronger Alastor is there the whole time, watching and helping closely. Others being around Vox, getting just a bit too close, seems to be a growing thing that's starting to get to Alastor.
He can't explain it, hardly understands it himself but what he does know is that he doesn't like it, doesn't like Vox getting along with the others after everything Alastor has done for him. He'd probably get deep in his head, bitter and irritated, frustrated and conflicted until he maybe breaks and decides to show Vox all these emotions.
Probably would take months to come down to such a conclusion but considering they hold history together who could Alastor relate to better than Vox himself.
He refuses to let him go.
Vox's upgrades would definitely send Alastor into the void. Like 'is this my Vox...?' he'll wonder and maybe after Vox is stuck with him and Alastor takes his time killing off Valentino, send radio signals of his screams of pain while being tortured to Velvet just to tell her to never come back. It's probably something that gets under his skin especially if Vox asks about them which he most likely will, wondering where they were just for Alastor to never directly answer.
Sorry sorry, rambling but ya dere Alastor x Vox definitely sounds good as fuck.
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finalgirl1984 · 5 months
The thing about the potentials is that they had well potential. From their conception they were cannon fodder. So here's a couple of ideas I had about backstories they could have.
One is a known potential raised from birth like Kendra. She’s training for the eventuality that she gets called. She thinks it's an honor. Then she’s whisked away to SunnyDale, ok cool more training maybe? But no, not only is she meeting the current slayer, apparently there's two now? and this slayer just has people? around? Old british man makes sense, pretty on par for the course. But there's another kid who might be another potential, but doesn't seem to do any of the training? She just researches and stuff. Two other random women and some guy? This could be interesting and give us the kind character stuff Kendra might have gone though had she been allowed to live longer. Her whole world view would have been thrown out of whack. The council never mentioned this slayer with friends and a family. And the fact that there are two slayers now. This woman has ample help and has lived long for a slayer. And she’s done so by breaking every rule they’ve had drilled into them.
Another is living her life. Nice family, going to school, your average teen. Then there’s a break in one night. Her mom manages to shoot the invader but her dad got badly injured trying to keep it from going upstairs where her and her brother slept. He’s whisked off to the hospital, her, her mom, and brother following closely behind in the car. She doesn’t really get a good look at who tried to break in, but it looked familiar. She doesn’t think about it too hard though. At the hospital her mom is dealing with doctors and the police. She goes to the vending machine to get something for her brother to calm him down. An older white guy stops her. Next thing she knows he’s trying to convince her to get on a bus to California. She thinks he’s crazy until he perfectly describes both the thing that tried to break in and those scary dreams that have been happening more often lately. He hands her a ticket and tells her if she wants to be safe and keep her family safe, she has to get to Sunnydale as soon as possible. She never did get that pack of skittles to her brother. She hopes he doesn’t hate her too much for it.
Last is a kid who’s home life isn’t great. She tries to stay out of the house as much as possible. Even when she wants to stay it just as likely for one of her parents to get irrationally angry at some perceived slight and kick her out for however long. It’s fine though, she usually has some place lined up. Unfortunately, the guy she was staying with kicked her out when she rejected his advances. So she’s out at night, all alone, wondering if her parents are asleep and if she can sneak in without being heard, when someone attacks her. She’s not a stranger to this sort of thing, so she manages to get a good slash in with her pocket knife before trying to make a run for it. But there’s another one behind her. All of a sudden they both drop dead, arrows sticking out of their heads. A man walks out of the shadows holding a crossbow. She’s about to take off again when he starts a spiel about monsters and evil and some other nonsense. Then he’s holding out a plane ticket and some cash, saying there’s a place where she’ll have a roof over her head and food on the table. He hasn’t tried anything yet, and he did take those scary guys out so she takes it, figuring if she doesn’t want the plane ticket, she could at least use the money. He walks her home before taking off. She looks at the ticket. Sunnydale, California. Well she could use an all expenses paid vacation and it’s not like anyone here is going to miss her…
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persage · 2 years
FORGIVEN- Brian Otis Zvonecek
Summary: You and Brian haven't seen each other for months, distanced by pain and resentment, but the past comes back to knock at the door a night like any other (but not without the help of Brett and Joe )
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Warnings : Mention of Panic Attack and past abusive relationships
17.30 PM
"For the last time, Sylvie: I don't intend to come at any double date with... her." It's been about ten times that Otis has told her this, yet his friend hasn't stopped pestering him since the morning.
"It's not a double date!" Sylvie replies "You are just coming to the the Street Food Expo  with me, Joe and y/n."
"And I bet it's a coincidence that we are four people and two of us are a couple and then there's me and y/n. If this isn't a double date..." He mutters, shaking his head.
"Come on," She pleads "if you'll come, y/n won't be hanging around me and Joe all the time but at the same time she won't be in danger being alone at home. You know, since she has broken up with that asshole, Marcus, he follows her everywhere. He has even stopped by my apartment a few times, we haven't opened the door but it was scary as hell."
Otis tries to ignore the painful pinch in his chest at the mention of Marcus and the fact that he is now your ex. He tries to stop the anger that boils in his veins at the idea that someone could even think of hurting you. "Right, and you can't ask anyone else?"
This is not how he wants to say it, he doesn't know why words escape his lips like this. "No Otis, I can't and you know it too. You were her best friends, you still are." He shakes his head again, Brett nails him with an accusing look. "Come on, I'm begging you. If you don't want to do it for her, do it for me."
And truth is, Brian would do anything for you.
He has already done it, everything.
He has tired to save you for two years from that toxic and wrong relationship you got yourself stuck into, getting a door in his face and a broken heart in return. When Marcus has forced you to choose one day, you've chosen him.
"I don't even like the expo" He replies but now he's already convinced to come and Brett knows it.
"Pick us up at half past eight, be punctual and..." "But I do not -"
"Be on time and wear something nice, okay? You never know what can happen" After lingering for several seconds and insulting himself with at least fifteen different offensive expressions, in fact, Otis sighs and gives up.
"Alright then."
"Oh thanks!" Sylvie throws her arms around his neck, euphoric
"Thank you, thank you, tha –"
"Let's be clear about one thing, though" he interrupts her without breaking away "first: you owe me a favor, and secondly... You are aware that if this is a move to clarify things between me and y/n it won't work, right?" Brett giggles in amusement, pulling away but still holding him by the shoulders.
"Don't worry Otis, this night is for me not for you."
And Brian doesn't know why, but when Brett leaves a strange feeling pushes between in his chest and throat, something like an itch that he can not soothe. "But if you still want her, I'm sure y/n needs you"
This perhaps makes him feel almost worse.
9.15 PM
Friday night is almost as sacred to you as Christmas to your mother. Although practically everyone thinks of you as a pub girl, you love to spend Fridays at home, on the sofa wearing only a tank top, bra free, with sweatpants, a glass of wine and Marcus by your side back during the good old days, when he still was the guy you fell in love with in high school.
There was another time then when your Friday nights - but also your Saturdays and Tuesdays - were the Mollys.
Brian, to be more specific.
Your Fridays has been Brian at one point. When with Marcus it was all ups and downs, all messed up and sad and pathetic, you have found yourself there more and more, with that sweet, nice fireman you had slept with once, during one of the many breakups with Marcus, and who then somehow had became your best friend.
A friendship you've always  paid dearly for.
A punch once. A kick in the ribs. A glass on the head yet another time. Every time Marcus has remembered that Otis was still  part of your life, it has gotten worse. And you have accepted everything, without saying anything to Brian, because you were sure that if he knew that what you were going through was somehow his fault - of his texts and his calls-  then he would have felt guilty forever and you didn't want to. Also he was going to kill Marcus, and you didn't want that too. He would have tried to save you. Indeed he did it to be honest, after two years of friendship, after two years of lies and subterfuge, after two years in which you swore you had left Marcus so many times.
"It's really over" but then you always came back to him and Brian could only watch you self-destruct in the name of your sick love, of a life you didn't deserve, a man who have convinced you that you're worthless without him.
And that's how you feel now: worthless and pathetic.
Brian has tried to save you, even putting Antonio in the middle and reporting Marcus.
He did it without your knowledge, while you were still unconscious in a hospital bed, after Marcus threw you down the stairs.
A concussion, bruised face, broken rib and arm. Even that wasn't enough to make you give up.
"I fell" You have said to the police, saving his ass again one time.
"You didn't have the right" you have yelled at Brian, later, with an IV still in your body. He couldn't look at your swollen and pale face, he couldn't touch your cold skin. He couldn't accept that the best person he knew, the only woman in the world from whom he had willingly accepted a friend-zone because he would have wanted you in his life in any way, the person he called at the end of every difficult shift and  knew how to calm him like no one else in the world, you, his precious y/n were a mess of bruises, tears and broken bones.
In his heart he blamed himself for everything, because he should have stopped it, he should have killed Marcus, he should have asked you out after your first -and only- night together instead of waiting days just to find you with him again.
He should have understood sooner that he was the right man for you, gathered courage and stepped forward.
Brian could not understand that you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.
"I can stand up for myself"
"Oh I. see it. Fuck I'm tired of finding you like this, I'm tired of standing still while you let that son of a bitch kill you."
He raised his voice and waved his hands in the air gesturing in a way that for some reason scared you and covered your face to protect yourself.. Your body instinctively reacted to the only thing it knew by now: violence and Brian looked at you with the biggest eyes in the world, scared of himself.. He brought a hand to his face, trying to hide how much that gesture of yours struck him, then he leaned towards you and gently as if you were made of glass, he embraced you.
It was the last time.
When you met again, Brian was at your door. When you met again, you had just discovered that no, he hadn't given up on the Marcus investigation and had continued to put Voight and his bloody cop friends in the middle.
"I did it because I'm your friend y/n fuck"
You opened the door just enough to see his face collapse as you yelled.
"Then maybe you shouldn't be. I don't need you"
It's been four months. Somehow you found the courage to leave Marcus when you saw him try to lay hands on Sylvie, one evening when she came by to see how you were doing. 
You've moved in with her, you've taken your life back in your hands . You've never seen Brian though.
"Hurry up y/n" Brett intimates.
"Take it easy, Joe will surely be late anyway" You reply, putting on your lipstick.
"There's been a change of plans," Syilvie says hastily, pulling on her black boots.
"Joe and Otis will be picking us up in a bit."
"When were you going to tell me he's coming too?" you scream, your voice  high-pitched, smearing lipstick in your cheeks in anxiety. You clean yourself quickly, so hard it feels like you want to peel off your skin and you try not to notice the way your heart has started pounding at the mention of his name.
You tell yourself that you can do it, that it's okay, that you're ready to see him again even if you know it's not true. For a moment a little voice whispers in you ear that you shouldn't go with them, but you can't: the idea of being alone still scares you.
"Please wipe that depressed look off your face" she begs.
"You know what's depressing? The fact that you have invited him because I can't be alone, at my age. It's all so absurd."
You shake your head, trying to smile
"Of all the people in the world you had to invite him? You couldn't invite... I don't know, Kelly? Dawson?" You ask, putting on your favorite jacket at full speed.
"Because he's your best friend and you miss him more than you care to admit and he's the only one you wouldn't be ashamed to tell what Marcus is still doing to you. Besides, I know he's the only one you could bear to spend some time with right now, he's special to you." she replies, bringing out the best of her innocent expressions, while you roll your eyes and just pray that it will end quickly.
You like less and less the fact that deep down you know how right Sylvie is: Brian Zvonecek is without a shadow of doubt the only person in the world who has managed to understand you, he was also the only one to touch the deepest strings of your heart when you thought it was made of stone after all the years with Marcus.
He has crushed your soul in a way no one had before and he did it with kindness and delicacy, without having to do anything more than be himself.
He has taught you to still believe in good people and in true love, the one made of caresses, of sharing, of sweetness.
You've figured it out too late and repaid him treating his like he didn't matter, like he wasn't important.
You know it's his greatest fear, being abandoned, being left behind, being less important to others, being the last wheel in the cart and you hurt him in the worst way.
No matter how much Sylvie and Joe keep telling you that it's not true, that in cases like yours it's a normal reaction, that Marcus has manipulated you for a long time, that Otis doesn't see it that way and that he will understand if you talk to him: you just can't look at his face now.
9.45 PM
"I still don't understand why I can't be in the front sit." Otis mutters, turning to look out the window at the Chicago nightscape.. It's just the beginning of the evening and he's already tired of the palpable tension between you two, he's tired of having to keep his head turned away because he can't bear the sight you, he's tired of feeling your eyes on him.
"Come on man. Sylvie 's my girlfriend it's normal that I make her sit here, Have you ever heard of gallantry?" Otis shakes his head. "Yes right, gallantry"
Sylvie turns towards you, she gives you a look to give you courage but you don't speak, you remain silent, you throw a few glances at Brian from time to time that he doesn't reciprocate and you are here, still, to torture your hands wondering if you should have stayed at home.
He hates you.
He hates you and you can't stand it.
When Cruz's car stops suddenly to avoid colliding with another car you are thrown forward hard. It's an instantaneous gesture, so quick, fast and natural that he doesn't realize it and maybe not even you. Not really.
In a second the fireman's arm is in front of you, as if to protect you, keeping you in your place, avoiding any kind of danger.
You don't even hear Joe and Sylvie's curses, you and Brian are still in your moment, still In the instant in which after so many months your bodies are touching again, and under layers of clothes you can both feel a shiver shaking your bodies .
"Everything Okay?" He asks, his voice shaking, realizing what he's just done. He withdraws his arm slowly, reluctantly. He hates to admit it, but he would like to stay like this forever.
This little contact, it seems enough for him and he feels like a fool.
A poor idiot in love.
You nod. "Everything fine?" You ask, looking directly at his face for the first time. You've missed his dark eyes so much that you can't quantify it in words, so much that the world exists only in his gaze and you wonder how you haven't realized before all this, how wonderful and big his eyes are.
How much you need his gaze on you.
He reciprocates with an intensity that scares you, that doesn't seem real. Marcus has never looked at you like that. Not even once.
Not even at the beginning.
Brian, he has looked at you like that all the time.
If he's still looking at you like that then maybe he doesn't hate you.
But then, as soon as he comes to his senses, his gaze returns hard, cold, distant, all hope is lost.
When the car starts again, he turns around and puts a distance between you two. The world is suddenly colder. He shifts his eyes to you, again and again, being careful not to be noticed.He thinks you are beautiful. He thinks you're beautiful and you seem better off without that asshole.
He can't help but be happy about it.
"It's going to be a long night," Joe murmurs softly.
I'm sure of that too, Otis thinks, still looking at you sideways.
He's never been lucky with love, of course, but with you it's something that goes beyond love, beyond friendship, beyond everything. Something he can't describe or name, but still hurts terribly
10 PM
Brian doesn't hate y/n, at all. He could never, not even when you  have decided to cut all ties. What makes him angry is never being able to fully understand you.
You are a mystery, even though he knows you so well. One second you're a strong and independent woman, the best he knows, the most talented, the liveliest and nicest, the next you're Marcus' puppet, silent at her side, submissive, afraid and dull.
Sure, it's not your fault, but he can't help but get angry to see how you let an ordinary man shut down someone as amazing as you, it angers him to know how little  respect you have for yourself to think you deserve something like this. No matter if it's over, Brian will carry this anger with him forever maybe.
Brett goes out of the car, clutching Cruz's arm, announcing that they're going to go for a walk on their own.
"No" You say instinctively. "I mean, I thought we were supposed to be together." You continue then, hoping you haven't offended Brian.
"We need to discuss something, then we'll catch up with you" Brett replies winking at Otis and walking away before he can reply.
Cruz doesn't know if his friend has the  strength to do it anyway. He is confused and upset to have you here again, Joe knows this and isn't entirely sure of Brett's plan.
"You're crazy" Joe whispers.
"They both need it, I can't take it anymore"
"You realize we're pretending to still be together just for them, Sylvie, you're crazy"  Joe shakes his head.
"it's crazy that those two don't talk to each other anymore"
Brian watches you, the way you bite your nails tense, the way you move your knee, and bite your lip. You are agitated and something more: scared. "Everything Okay?" He asks, his voice hoarse.
"Yes, yes, don't worry, it's just that I haven't imagine a night like this"
"And how have imagined it?" He asks. You shake your head, smile just letting your hair cover your face red with embarrassment.
"I didn't expect to see you Bri, I wasn't ready"And he almost wants to yell at you that you drove him away, and he doesn't need to talk. You know the face he makes when something makes him nervous, recognize it and remain silent. "I think we should go" he says he points to the stalls.. He starts walking then he stops and turns to you.
"I knew you'd be there, but it doesn't make it any easier"
You nod. "I'm sorry, I'd give anything to..."
The words dies in your throat.
"Me too y/n" he replies, hinting for the first time a smile under his mustache that you like so much.
"Come on, let's go get something to eat" he whispers.
You walk behind him.
It's not all solved, but it's a start and for now it already seems almost a miracle.
10.15 PM
You see him everywhere, it takes your breath away.
Marcus is in every shadow, in every man, in every corner and you can't help but tremble with every step you take. Your hands are shaking, your legs are limp and you're breathing hard but you don't want Brian to notice.
Marcus is in your head, just in your fucking head.
"Do you prefer ketchup or barbecue?" Brian turns to you, wallet in his hands, an almost serene expression on his face. It takes you a while to answer, to understand. You remember that you're at the hot dog stand, that everything's fine, that you're talking to Brian and Brett and Joe will be back soon and it'll be even better.
"I ... Nothing" You whisper, your voice trembles, your eyes move from side to side looking for something that can justify your fear, the shiver down your spine.
"You sure? Oh girl that's fool" He comments, giggling. You place a hand on his clutching wallet.
"No Bri, there's no need"
You don't want him to pay. It's not right.
"Look, it's okay. I'm still mad at you, but I'm also happy to be here and it won't make me broke" You don't even smile, you keep looking around you and you feel the air getting heavy, almost oppressive.
"Dude" One of the guys from the truck intervenes."Watch out for your girlfriend, she doesn't seem so well" Otis doesn't bother to say that you're not his girlfriend, he gently pushes you out of line as soon as he realizes you're shaking like a leaf and looking paler than ever.
He hates himself for not noticing it sooner.
"Ei ei y/n, what's going on?" You shake your head.
"it's nothing, it's All Right"
You can't tell him. You can't reopen this wound. Brian would freak out, look for Marcus.
What if... If he is really here?
He would put himself in danger for you, you know he would. You can't let it happen.
"I just need some air" You move away but Brian, quick as lightning, grabs you by the arm.. The gesture takes you back in time, where the hands holding you are not those of the fireman and they are not delicate at all but mean, cruel. You stiffen and Brian realizes it without you having to speak.
He seems to read your mind, he's always been good at it.
"Sorry" he whispers.
"You didn't do anything Bri. I'm not made of crystal, you can touch me"
You start walking again trying to erase the fear from your heart and he stops you after a few seconds, looking you up with his big dark eyes as if the whole world dependeds on you and you alone.
"Don' t look at me like this"
"Tell me what you have then"
You feel the tears tingling in your eyes when yet another shadow takes the form of your ex and feel your chest tighten and you want to die.
"Why? Damn Brian you should hate me! Stop worrying about me, I don't need you"
The man looks away, his jaw clenched and his brow furrowed.
You realize what you've said:
I don't need you.
You take a step towards him and try to grab his hand.
"I...I didn't mean...I" And you wonder how it's possible to mess it all up again so easily.
Otis' hand trembles in anger under your fingers.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"I will never stop worrying about you okay? I've tried and I just can't! It would have been wonderful to do it, to forget about you in a hospital bed bacause of that son of a bitch but there isn't a single, fucking day that I don't think about it and there isn't a day where I don't wonder what I could have done to stop it. And God, there isn't a day that I don't regret not making you fucking leave him earlier. For months I've spent every fucking second wondering how you were doing. So no, it's not about you. It's me. I, I need to know. Tell me what's wrong with you." He raises his voice but Brian doesn't scare you.
Come on, he's different and the way he looks at you... he's not angry, not really, it's something different and maybe worse: disappointed, desperate, scared even.
Terrified of realizing how his life depends on you.
"I see him everywhere" You confess in a faint voice, looking at the ground.
"I see Marcus everywhere and I'm terrified that I won't be able to figure out when he's really there and I'm scared of him, and I'm with you and he hates you so much and I'm scared he might hurt you. To you and the others and me.... I just want to erase him from my life but he's everywhere no matter what.
I left him he's everywhere and he'll never stop" Brian pulls you to him without thinking about it, as if months haven't passed, as if not a single day has passed. He squeezes you tight, you melt into tears with your face against his chest, sobbing like a baby.
"I'm sorry for how I behaved"
"Shhh it's okay, it's okay I know, I know don't worry I'm not angry. I swear it's okay"
He kisses your hair, kisses your forehead and every piece of skin he can reach and you've never felt as much at home as with him now.
"Marcus isn't here, and even if he was I wouldn't let him get near you, ever" This is exactly what scares you, but you don't say it, you don't have the strength.
"I don't deserve it" He shakes his head. "No, you don't deserve it. But I would do it anyway, even if you were the worst person on earth. And you're not" You smile as he slides his fingers through your hair.
"I think that Brett and Cruz have abandoned us"
"Actually, I'm kinda cold and I've never finished Galactica you know? " You confess.
He laughs, just moves away from you.
"You're so full of surprises" He fixes your hair and dries your tears with his tumb.
"Wanna go home?" He asks."
"No, I...God I don't know. I...I want to be with you. It doesn't matter where." You reply. You don't wanna rush things. The smile he gives you is priceless, you would spend hours looking at him like this, perhaps all the rest of your life if possible. You only care about him, the way he gazes at you and is so close, the warmth of his skin and the sparkle in his eyes.
I love you, you think.
I love you, Brian.
The realization falls on you like a Boulder. How can you only notice now?
It has always been so clear.
"Oh, seriously?" Laughs Otis "So how about we take a Taxi?" You nod smiling.
"As I said I need to finish Galactica"
"But you hate Galactica"
"But I love you"
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echantedtoon · 7 months
In The Moon's Shadow (Yandere Kokushibo x Reader) Ch12 A Journey Begins With A Step
(Warnings: Y/n almost freezes to death, mentioning of blood.
EDIT:  a VERY important edit to this for clarification!! Y/n will NOT have any romantic relationships with Tokito or his wife. They only become very close friends. 
Also..A very interesting fact. Michikatsu's wife never had an official name but a lot of the fandom refer to her as Haruhime..Guess who's last name is also Haruhime. Also warning for a short chapter.)
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The night was so cold and unforgiving. With leaves up to half her legs, and the cold air seeping into her skin despite the extra layers and thick rabbit fur coat she had over her shoulders. It sent a shiver down the woman's spine and sent shockwaves coursing throughout her body. Hands rubbed against themselves and were blown on by warm breath in huffs from her mouth between chatters of teeth before being shoved back under her arms in an attempt to keep warmer.
Tears were not helping.
Rolling down her cheeks and stinging the skin when the cold air rolled over it as if some kind of cruel kiss. Eventually dropping onto the coat. How long has it been now? Four maybe five hours of walking westward? Seemed about right. The moon was still high in the sky and luckily it was bright enough to light her way. She was even more grateful that it hadn't snowed yet. Leaving behind trackable footprints would only put everything in jeopardy and she couldn't have that. The night was still young with a good few hours still until dawn. And the first day of traveling was the most important one. It was the day she had to get the most distance between her and her old life.
Which was easier said than done.
She had thought of many things to cover her tracks. Faking illness to 'stay home and rest up.' Also if everyone thought she was sick with the stomach flu, they'd stay away so that'd buy her some time before anyone got worried and came to check on her. She had made sure to leave in the dead of night to avoid anyone spotting her fleeing. She had closed the shutters on her windows and left her fire going. That would make it seem like she was home and no one would know because the windows were blocked. By the time someone did notice, she would've already been long gone and no one would know where she was.
Would it make her look suspicious to everyone else that she disappeared after Sabo and Nori were found dead? Yes. Most likely. But she couldn't risk staying there and having someone just putting the missing pieces together. Her life would be endangered. It was already in danger, but she'd been incredibly lucky that no one had put anything together but that could change. Someone could put it together right now as they slept. Or tomorrow. Or this week. Or next week! Hell! Someone could have figured it out right now! Someone could be storming her house for just right this very moment and her wouldn't know because she had made the choice to leave before anyone could. 
Even IF no one ever found out, it was still better for everyone if she left. For...
A hand mindlessly placed itself on the mid section of her body. It was almost two whole months  now. There wasn't a bump yet but there certainly was a firmness indicating the fact she was going to be a mother. She had to leave for their sakes. If they were born with a single inhuman feature from their father, then their lives would be a living nightmare in a village where demons were hated and shunned harshly. But explaining this to him. To Kokushibo...Was unpredictable. He was a samurai. A soldier. He could die on the battlefield and never return leaving her alone. He could completely reject the child also leaving her alone. Even if he accepted his soon to be status as a father, his duties as a soldier would always come first. And that's calculating the scenarios without his family. She had no idea what they'd think. They could make him completely disown her and her child for all she knew. 
Even IF no one blamed her for Nori's or Sabo's death. Even IF her baby was born completely human.  Even IF she could have a completely normal life with her baby.. Someone would be curious about who the father was. An unwed young woman with a baby mysteriously without a father  wouldn't go over well at all especially in a small village with gossip swirling about. She would be frowned upon and ridiculed either way. No. No. She couldn't allow that. 
A fresh start somewhere else would be the best thing for them both. It didn't sound too bad if one thought about it. A new life away from the toxic gossip and possible dangers but it was easier said than done. It's not easy leaving your whole life behind. Everything she's built for herself. Everyone she knew and cared about. Her entire livelihood. But..it was the only way. She'd have to start from the ground up in unfamiliar territory but... It'd work out. Somehow she'd make it work. 
Her eyes felt heavy as sleepiness crawled in but she had batted it away every time it arrived. Westward. She had to go westward. Every step she took was one more step to something better. Every tree she passed getting farther away meant less danger. It's all that mattered. The moon rose and fell giving way for her brother the sun to start his journey to light up the world. The slowly absorbing sunlight brought some warmth to the world but it was still rather cold and made her body shiver still. She was tired. So tired but she carried on. She only stopped briefly once  to fill a gourd in a nearby stream and eat some of the bread and cheese she packed herself and took a break to check her makeshift map. The tiny stream was on it so at least she knew she was going the right way. But it'll still be a long time before she came to the mountains let alone the nearest town which was right past the mountain. So she started again. Walking and walking and walking. Hour after hour. Step after step. Until it started to get sundown and she finally allowed herself to sleep but not before lighting up a campfire to keep. By the time she woke up the next morning she was shivering cold again and the ashes of the fire were softly simmering out. She made extra sure to put out the ashes and try to disguise the remains of the fire just in case someone might've come looking for her. Then it was back to walking westward.
She only hoped she was doing the right thing. 
Day after day passed. Colder and colder the wind chilled. Flat land of dead grass became slowly steeper and steeper as hours and days and nights meshed together. She didn't know how much time had passed really but she was starting to run out of food. Water was scarce.  And it was starting to close in on her-
And then it started to snow
Turquoise eyes had woken up to frost that morning and barely enough energy to open her eyes let alone stand. The fire long since died out leaving the cold to creep it's unforgiving hands over her. The sky had been taken over by darkened clouds so not even the sun's warmth would be blessing the earth. 
Teeth chattered. Food was gone by that day's end. Water only a dream. Warmth scarce. Cold only bring the deadly company as the path became steeper. 
And then it started to snow. 
Lost. Everyway looked the same. Barren trees inviting death as no life was left behind by Old Man Winter's deathly kiss.
Teeth chattered. Arms uselessly rubbed her sides to no avail. She lost feeling in most of her body. Couldn't even feel the cold from how numb she was. But she still pressed on despite being lost and cold. Step after step. Snowflakes kissed pale skin as if inviting her to rest and let the cold take her away in a peaceful slumber. But she couldn't.
Steps stumbled. A weakened body collapsed to the cold ground. Tired. She was so tired. So cold. So numb. Vision blurred and fluttered. Head spun as eyelids drew heavy. Darkness closed in as eyelids fluttered closed to the cruel world. Ears ringing softly as the world caved in and faded away with black as her breath weakened.
Quiet. Peaceful silence echoed throughout the barren Forrest of trees. Celebrating the claiming of the warm life now laid upon the falling snowflakes. Coating her in white. Until a cherry whistle playfully tuned out. Driving away the cruel cold world. Footsteps crunched through the snow on their way for a nice long day's work outside.
"Here now. What's this?"
A metal axe perfectly sharpened fell to the ground. 
"Ma'am? Hey, miss! Can you hear me? Are you alright?"
A calloused hand pressed against her neck. 
"She's alive..but barely. Don't worry! I'll help you just hang in there for a little bit more."
Everything was warm once feeling returned to her body. Which was odd. She was lying on the cold hard ground last she remembered. Logic was of course the first thing to return to hier. Her thinking was always faster than her reflexes. Then the feeling of his body settled in. Warmth...but incredible aching, throbbing soreness. It throbbed and pained her body. Wait..So she wasn't dead? But...where was she? Heaven? Was she actually dead and woke up in the afterlife?
Eyes slowly opened themselves up to the world blinking rapidly at the light and her vision blurred until she could see...A one roomed house? It was mostly empty. But there was a stove to cook food, and a small well in the middle of the home, and a few other things she didn't recognize as hers or familiar. Nothing that really stood out as anything important to her but she didn't recognize this place at all. But who lived here? Why was she inside? How did she get here? And who touched her?
Wait...Where was she?
Her question was answered when the door opened and the figure of a a man wearing ared haori coat walked in. Cold wind blew in from behind him making the man shiver.
"Brrr. It's going to be a cold one this year." He had to use his foot to close the door behind him before he walked on over to the stove which she now realized was lit with a small fire.
"There you are," a woman's voice called out from somewhere else in the room her ears couldn't direct.  "I thought you were going to be out until dark again."
The man laughed happily at the voice. "Aw. We're you worried about little old me? I might just do that then. It makes me feel special."
"Get in here before I drag you in from the cold myself.'
More hearty laughter escaped the man's throat like he couldn't help it. "Yes, dear."
The smell of wood drew hier attention to the logs he was carrying. Silently she watched as he slid the sliding door back closed with a foot before continuing on to the fireplace and proceeding to feed the fire the wood. She laid there silently staring at his legs as he worked, feeling too weak to look up just yet and not wanting to give herself away just yet. The sounds of a metal poker scraping against the fire appeared for a little while before it too went away and the legs turned to face her. They didn't move again for a long moment before she felt a hand touch her blanketed shoulder- A gasp of air escaped from her mouth making the hand pull back startled. Two heads turned to face one another. Red met turquoise. And both froze.
A very handsome man was staring down at her. His black hair was tied back in a short ponytail and pretty ruby red eyed blinked down shocked at her. The red haori coat was wrapped around a white undershirt he wore alongside black pants. He stared down at her with shock etched into his features ....until the shock slowly gave way to a soft smile. 
"Hey there. I thought you were never going to wake up," a voice full of kindness spoke out and held his hands up in a nonthreatening gesture. "You must've been really tired to decide to take a nap in this weather." He tried to make a joke smiling.
Turquoise eyes weakly blinked at him. The mouth moved slightly as the first tries of a sound came out.
"Hey. It's alright. Don't strain yourself if you're not ready yet." He calmly placed an assuring hand on her. A shuffling sound was heard like someone else walking. "You should rest."
"W-..who A-Are you..?" The mouth finally managed to ask confused and a bit dazed. A moment later a strange woman walked into sight right beside him. She was as beautiful as the man was handsome and he held a bowl in her hands.
The handsome man smiled again. "My name is Tokito." He gestured to the woman next to him. "This is my wife."
Turquoise eyes carefully glanced over each of them carefully. "...Where am I? H-How...How did I get h-here?"
"You're in our home," Tokito spoke, "I found you a little ways up the mountain from our home collapsed in the snow. I could've sworn you were dead at first but thank goodness you're alright." The woman under him sighed in relief as Tokito tilted his head. "I've never seen you before and you don't look like anyone down the mountain I sell lumber to. Where did you come from?"
His answer was her weakly shifting an arm under the blankets until a hand shakily poked out pointing to-
His eyes widened. "You came from the east provinces?" She weakly nodded as a look of horror passed over both Tokito and his wife before they looked at one another. "That's where all that war is isn't it?"
His wife nodded. "Yes." She looked right back at her. "But you walked all the way from there? That's nearly an entire months journey away."
Turquoise eyes widened slightly. "Is..that how long it's b-been?"
"Why would a girl from the east provinces walk that far away and up a mountain as winter hits no less?"
She shook her head. "T-Too many dangers. Had to get safety."
Again both looked at one another in a mixture of pity and shock. "Well.. That's certainly something I would do too if I was in your position. Where were you headed exactly?"
"Nearest town on the other side of the mountains."
Tokito hummed. "Well there is a village near here down the mountain. I sell lumber there but I'm afraid no one's going to be able to get down there. Usually winters around here are brutal and you wouldn't be able to get there safely through all this snow." He furrowed his eyebrows. "You're lucky you made it as far as you did. But I'm afraid you won't be able to go anywhere until everything faws out next spring which won't be until next year."
Turquoise eyes widened .. before her head fell against the pillow in disbelief.
"Well in the meantime.." The lady held up the bowl of soup. "Here. You need something warm in your stomach if you want to get better. Are you able to sit up?"
The woman scrunched her face up .. before sitting her head up and maneuvering her arms to help sit up. Tokito gently placed a hand on her back and helped her to sit up letting the blankets fall off her body before his wife handed over the bowl.
"Careful. It's hot."
"Thank you." A smile finally appeared on her face smelling the spices and broth. "It smells delicious." A shaking hand gently grabbed the spoon gifted with the bowl.
The wife nodded. "You'll be needing lots of it since you're eating for two."
She froze. Spoon halfway to her mouth before shocked turquoise eyes snapped to the other woman.
"Oh. I'm sorry. Did I say something to upset you?"
"How..did you..?"
"Oh." The other woman looked a little guilty at her. "Well, when my husband brought you back, I looked you over for any injuries and..Well..It was a little hard to not notice that you were.." She gestured to her stomach in a half circle motion indicating how larger her stomach must've gotten in the time frame of her leaving her village. 
"Oh... N-No. It's alright. I suppose I should get used to it by now."
"Where's your husband if you don't mind me asking?"," Tokito spoke up a little concerned. "Was he traveling with you? If you both got separated then maybe I can go out and look for him."
Again the woman paused before she sadly looked at the soup. "...I.. don't have a husband."
"A widow?"
"N-No. I-" Her mouth opened up and she looked at them for a long moment.. before again looking away. "Their father went away to war...I have not seen him since a-and things were just too dangerous to wait for him."
Again both looked at one another silently as if speaking telepathically before his wife looked at her in deep pity. "Oh goodness. I'm so sorry. It must be a lot for you to go through right now. Why were you heading for the town?" 
"I-I was hoping to settle down there but I guess it was for nothing."
She placed a hand on her shoulder. "Well you can stay right here until the snow melts."
"What?!" Turquoise eyes blinked before she shook her head. "Oh no. I can't ask you to do that for me! I'll just get in the way-"
"Nonsense." With a final look, she stood up and turned away. "Now eat up and I'll hear you up a bath. Tokito, get some more wood for the fire." 
She looked at Tokito who chuckled. "Just let her. She can be a very stubborn woman. Once she gets her mind on something there's no stopping her. Like a runaway donk-"
"Don't finish that sentence if you want to sleep inside tonight."
Tokito just laughed at his wife's annoyed face. "Oh. By the way, what's your name?"
"H-Haruhime. M-My name is Y/n Haruhime."
Ragged and tired from battle. Blood of enemies staining his body. Countless amounts of enemies. And so much red. It drenched him so much that it still dropped down his arms and to the ground despite the battle ending hours ago. Many eyes looked at him in horror as he stepped past while others looked away in fear of being next. Even the two guards stationed at the entrance of the tent shook slightly as he approached. Wordlessly stepping aside on instinct as the man gripped the tent flap and wretched it open startling a few men inside. Two generals who gave him a disgusted look and a man in the middle who looked both annoyed and sat around a table with a giant map with markings. 
"Father. We must speak. NOW."
"Michikatsu, I am in the middle of a battle plan! You better half a dam good reason for interrupting me!," his father seemed to be the only one not phased by the demon covered in blood.
"It concerns any future grandchildren you may have."
"Fine! Both of you get out!" Both generals were more than happy to scurry around the demon as he stared intensely at his angry father. "Did you eliminate those spies I ordered?"
"Every. Single. One."
"Good. If I want something done I send you. You're one of the only competent people around here. Now what do you want?"
"For years I've done everything you've asked me without question. I've killed your enemies. I've kept armies in line. And I've done any and all obligations as your heir without ever asking for anything in return or questioning a thing you've said. Well.." the tent flap was closed behind him leaving a bloody hand print where he gripped it. "I'm here to ask me to grant me one thing."
His father looked him up and down without fear but disgusted by the blood staining him before sighing annoyed. "I suppose you've earned it.. depending on what it might be."
"A woman. I found one. I want her."
"A woman? That's all?" His brows furrowed as he grunted. "You finally bothered to pick one!?"
"I want her..as my wife. Without interference from you because I want her whether you like her or not."
His father turned from annoyance to glare at him... but instead of getting angry and yelling at him like he expected, the older man instead turned to the map and pointed out a specific area. "We were able to get some valuable information from one of the spies you didn't kill. Apparently a scout of there's followed you up to a certain village not many know about." The demon's eyes went wide. His body stiffened as he looked at the map. "This area isn't open by us, or the Kibutsuji's, or even the west provinces. It's land is filled with resources. ... Apparently they're planning on ambushing us from through there and taking over the land. I want it."
"What does this have to do with me?"
"Claim it for me. Kill his forces. Do this and you can have whatever you want in return without question."
"You have my word."
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phillipthesims · 2 months
Gen One: Chapter 20 (Gen One Final!)
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TW: Mentions of homophobia :( and Tula has some anxiety over growing up
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As time passed, Lily's and Camellia's relationship bloomed into the most beautiful thing. They went out, stayed home, took walks, anything and everything was done together. Lily felt the most loved throughout this year with Camellia and even more when they started to get to know her children.
Lola especially liked her mommy's girlfriend. Being open with identity questions and their own identity made Lola feel at ease and like she had someone to ask some of the odd questions she's always had in her head. And Camellia tried to answer any and all questions the child had.
Tula was happy to see her mom be so joyous and she did find herself enjoying it when Camellia was around or sleeping over. Unfortunately, she had to be careful with who she talked about her mom's girlfriend at her school. Not everyone was horrible about it, but there were many kids who echoed what their parents said about children needing a mother and a father. Tula didn't agree, but she didn't have it in her to argue with her classmates. So she just didn't mention it to anyone but one of her best friends who long since knew.
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Speaking of Tula, her teen birthday was coming up fast and she wasn't sure how to feel. She was going to be a teenager, a teenager. It seemed like just yesterday she was a toddler trying to cheer her mom up with an apple, or a young child trying to protect Lola from the yelling in the house. Now she was going to be going to another new school, puberty was going to start, and just... everything was going to be different. Though she hoped it wouldn't be that different.
All her friends were excited to be teens and none seemed to share her anxieties about growing up. She wouldn't be able to play the same on the playground, her homework would be harder... ugh she didn't like thinking about it. Her birthday was supposed to be a happy occasion.
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Her mom was so excited for her, Camellia already planned on being there for her birthday, Lola was counting down the days because she just thought it was fun to wake Tula up (well, actually it was usually said at breakfast because Lola slept longer) by saying "it is X many day until your birthday!".
Tula found herself on the playground more and more, or playing with her dolls more. She didn't want to be a child forever, she just didn't know if she was ready for being a teen.
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But the day wouldn't disappear, as the midsummer day came up faster than she'd like. Lily got to making a cake with Camellia's help, well, more like company as Lily was always going to be the better baker. Lily couldn't believe her little girl was going to be so grown up so soon.
Her little Tula wouldn't be so little anymore.
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The cake was ready and the candles lit, now the birthday girl needed to come downstairs. Lola rushed downstairs ahead of the soon-to-be teen, who trailed behind. Her sister was outside before her and Tula stood in the kitchen for a moment to think.... She could do this, being a teen was the end of her childhood, just another factor of it.
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Has Tula will be our tulip heir (I did think about making Lola the heir but I have a separate story for her. So don't think Lola will be forgotten) she also got the lazy trait as chores were not a fact of her life.
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Bows were no longer her style, but a headband took its place and she cut her hair a bit shorter for a new look. Her bangs stayed though as a form of her childhood remaining even as she was growing.
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Life would go on and Tula wouldn't grow taller. Her family enjoyed cake and celebrated this day. She too was loved. She had her mom, her sister, and her bonus mom Camellia, which little did she know would be even more true.
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A few weeks after Tula's birthday, Camellia took Lily back to the same gazebo where they both admitted their feelings, where they had their first kiss, where it all truly began. She gave a sappy speech about her love for Lily- that she adored- and then got down on one knee. Asking her to marry them and be their wife.
Lily cried tears of joy and nodded frantically; not unlike her reaction to being Camellia's girlfriend.
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Long ago her dream of a happy marriage died in Lupin's hands, but now with Camellia it was reignited. So much so that she jumped right into her fiancée's arms after a caring kiss. This was the love of her life, her soulmate. No doubts, no hesitations, just facts.
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That night they came home together and shared the big news to the children. Both rushed to hug their moms and congratulate them. Lola got to stay up a lot later that night as they all talked on and on about the future wedding.
Both Camellia and Lily agreed they didn't want to wait to get married, quite the opposite and that the ceremony would be small (that's actually more because I didn't want to risk My Wedding Stories bugging out lol. The less tasks and less people means it is more likely to work, right 😅?).
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The wedding date was set! Camellia wore a white dress as that was what color her soon-to-be wife and Lily wore a pink dress with flowers on it as that was Camellia's color. She loved getting to wear something colorful on their special day, a color that represents her soon-to-be wife.
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The vows were as sappy and loving as ever and still, Tula cried as they were exchanged. Lola was a bit dramatic about it, but that was alright. As the kiss after the rings was more dramatic than Lola could ever be.
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(I love that picture so much.)
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They danced the night away now as wives, Lily Valley and Camellia Valley. Lily's happily ever after with her true love.
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That is the end of Lily's perspective of the story! Gen One is complete and here forth it is Gen Two with Tula!
Again Lola will not be forgotten, nor any children Lily and Camellia have, and There will probably be a little side story for any siblings of each generation. Future generations might even have a poll to vote for who the heir will be. I just thought story wise that Tula would be more fitting and I am bias to the the oldest (usually I want the sim to be a girl too but can't always control that lol) being the heir.
See you guys later for the beginning of Tula's story!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
Observations on ep 11:
I missed some details last week, so I'm going to try to be more observant today...let's see how I go.
Move on? 😦 Move in?! 😲
Loving the YOLO shirt 😂 I know it's the name of the bar but still...
YO SPITTING TRUTHS 😂😭 "I think my chances of winning the first prize lottery are greater than having an ideal boyfriend". I feel so called out...
Has anyone mentioned the iconic couple shirts that Yo and Plug are wearing in the credits?!
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Also, I need more April in the show. (And hello, Nonnie's tattoo!)
Yeah, I stand by what I said to @grapejuicegay in our dms -> Mew does not love Top anymore. If he thinks he does it's more that he's in love with the potential of what they had...but that's all but destroyed. Mew (and Top...and Boeing tbf) need to move on (Ah! The ep title!), I bet they won't though.
I need Dan to be happy... Where's Poppy? I need him to come in and sweep Dan off his feet.
Hello Meen! 🔥 She's gorgeous and so young. Oh oh! Dan could meet her and have a noona romance!
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Khaotung Thanawat what the fuck is your face (I will forever think this when he cries, thanks kk!)
Sorry to lay down some facts but you can't guarantee that anyone will stay with you after 3 months, 6 months, or a year. It doesn't matter what you've been through together, this is something you can never predict. And so that can't be the reason for not being with someone - and this goes for Yo as well as Boeing/Mew, because Yo was afraid that Plug wouldn't stick around.
And therefore, that's the correct question Mew - "Can I trust you, Boeing?" And it's not really about trust. It's about making a choice every day to be with that person regardless of what the future might hold.
Boston, Nick, and that random extra basically did that meme 😂
But also, I'm loving flirtatious confident sexy Nick. Such a development from when he met Boston.
Oh so many parallels are paralleling this ep. Boston telling Atom he can't fall in love 'just because he's the first man he slept with'...which is what Nick realises he did... Oh DELICIOUS.
I'm glad we got an explicit 'no one person can turn you gay, it's just who you are and always have been'. A+ show, A+.
Poor Atom, but I think he got enough comeuppance. Well done Nick, really.
Sand is cute with the kids but I have to just say this kind of teasing/fabricated truths messed me up as a kid. Why can we just say what really happens rather than make up a lie to make kids do what they should do? Maybe I was too impressionable (or gullible) but I used to freak out at anything that could have been bad for me if someone told me it was 'dangerous'. Anyway, back to the show...
Top what are you doing there?! You've not been invi-
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Hold on.... *wheezing* I can't... I... That's nine people now, NINE, who have worn this shirt. And how has no one tagged me about it yet?!
Wait no, I'm not over it yet. I can't believe that fucking shirt has shown up again. I can't deal with it.
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Yes, Top, yes I do... Because it means Top and Mew have matching couple shirts...much like Kawi and Pisaeng. smh
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Ok, back to the show proper. Mew, you know you have not given Top a chance. And he's right to walk away.
What is Boeing's agenda??
Ok, I see you black and white vests...with the heart of the bed frame between you...
Yes, Force. That's what I want to see. Love the vulnerability.
If I had a nickel and all that... Another couple talking about travelling the world together.
Oh I have totally seen this t-shirt before. But dammit I don't recall where. HIVE MIND ASSEMBLE!
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(And now I'm questioning if I've seen Nick's shirt somewhere as well... I take back what I said earlier, I want to be less observant).
Look, I've moved in with partners two times in my life with the main reason being 'it'll be cheaper/I'll save on the rent' and I can categorically say that I don't think its a good idea. MEW, DON'T. Move in because you want to, not because it's cheaper.
What in the Mew/Top/Boeing storyline is happening with the Ray/Sand/Boeing plot?! More parallels. Boeing is like the little leprechaun who wheedles his way into other people's relationships, casting a magic spell on one to stir shit up for the other.
Why is Ray doing this? Why is he so jealous? And did he just drink alcohol even though he's in rehab? Oh! Is he finally going to get the threesome he's been asking for?! 😂
Well...going by the preview for ep 12, I don't think so. But his jealousy escalated worryingly quick 🤔
Even though not as brilliant as last week, this show is still fantastic. However, I just can't get over how the Thai Communal Wardrobe is upstaging everything for me 😂
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blackjack-15 · 9 months
next ep next ep
syd alone in the bear, wearing white and blue. carmy anxious in his apartment, decked out in Mikey Blue...this is gonna be an interesting episode huh
ah. claire's here. joy of joys. i knew they slept/were sleeping together, and hey we didn't have to see it! i'm 2 for 2 on predictions and my dinner will stay in my stomach
"i'm sorry, I..." "never, ever apologize" girl you made him apologize about the fake number thing multiple times. you should not be saying that. absolutely nauseating
"i just want you to know that this is really nice." has carmy been watching classic films to try to find romantic lines?
and he's still waiting for the other shoe
there is a huge part of carmy -- prolly the biggest part of carmy -- that thinks if something is not awful and painful, that it's just waiting for the awful and painful part to come. and since this isn't for anyone but the viewer, he can't even enjoy it. i'm v much a fan of the fact that they're not even pretending that being in a relationship is a cure for what's wrong with a person, or their disordered thinking, or anything like that.
this is probably just the actress' delivery and my own distaste for her delivery, but the "you achieve level 2!! you've done it!!" sounds really sarcastic and bitchy. like she generally has kind of a bitchy delivery (and has weird dialogue like i've mentioned before), but like...don't talk to your quasi-boyfriend like he's a five-year old? this is a critical test that they've failed twice? i'm prolly nitpicking but this is my liveblog! i get to nitpick!
it's nice that no real story nor character stuff happens when claire's around. saves me time when i rewatch.
well this is nauseating. lads, if you're explaining part of your work and stop to be like "is this super boring" and the person kinda says yes? maybe just cut away next time. tell me they talked. give me the cliff's notes. tell the actress that her eyebrow on the viewer's right side is really bugging me in close up shots.
this is a talk a long time coming and i'm so happy with it. running the window is the perfect job for him and i think it'll make him happy. and he'll be back with the team!!
good, carmy's in a (green! one of syd's colors!) sweater, he and syd are finish each other's sentences, and they're on the same page. this is beautiful, i've been missing this. thank you.
seriously i'm not over that scene. it's so refreshing to have those two back communicating, and they're doing it so effortlessly. when it's the two of them alone talking, nothing immediately yelling at them, they're magical.
the pepto handoff was brilliant. the bear is a comedy
this convo with richie is great too. so nice to have carmy back among the crew. that's the magic of the show right there. everyone scattered to the four winds for training, and now everyone's coming back together
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Thanks for the tag @black-dragon-posting @adelaidedrubman and @direwombat
Tagging: @noetikat @purplehairsecretlair @roofgeese @confidentandgood @natesofrellis @thomrainer @strangefable @clicheantagonist @chadillacboseman @marivenah @kittiofdoom (no pressure as always) and anyone else with anything to share this is me tagging you :)
So here's a little bit from what is currently chapter 16 of American Beasts though that could change:
The couch had been acting as her bed. It was cramped, but it was no worse than any cot she had slept on. It was a hazy sleep, fading in and out with the conversations held around her, but nothing clear stuck out in her memory. 
She rolled off the old, worn sofa, bending her back after having worn a curve into the cushions. A sharp sting shot up her spine. Stumbling as she stood up, she shuffled out of the room and down the halls, waiting for the pain in her lower back to subside, finding Eli hunched over his table scattered with maps and a bank of screens behind him. His radio picked up chatter in the background, garbled signals, and muffled voices filled the room. 
Standing there, she watched him as he moved pins around, lost in his thoughts. Leaning against the doorframe, she felt a sudden sense of calm, seeing another military vet in action. She didn’t have to see the camo or the dog tags to know. It was the way he carried himself, that look in his eyes that every vet she knew seemed to have. Like there were a million things going on behind the eyes, a thousand things that they will never tell you. She saw it in the mirror every damn day. 
He looked up, feeling her presence there like a dark shadow in the room, sucking the life and the light out of the entire bunker. "Glad to see you're awake. Figured you might be waking up soon."
She nodded, her eyes focused on the images coming from the CCTV cameras. “How long was I out?"
"A few days."
She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Jesus. Guess I needed the rest." Her back cracked with another loud pop. 
"It's not uncommon. Last few we saved were out for a while too."
"Well, thank you. For saving me and for letting me sleep. Lord knows I haven’t been sleeping so well these days." 
Eli nodded as he looked up at her through the curtains of dark hair that framed his face. “I know that feeling all too well.”
Judging by all the cement and the lack of natural light, she assumed she was in a bunker somewhere. But where exactly she couldn't be sure. 
"Where am I?"
"Wolf's Den. The HQ for the Whitetail Militia. I'm Eli Palmer, by the way."
"Dutch has mentioned you a time or two."
"Hope he hasn’t talked me up too much, I’m just doing what I can.”
“Aren’t we all.”
“Well I think if anyone deserves to be spoken of fondly it’s you, Deputy. You’ve done more for this county than anyone. Here in the Whitetails, I'm just the best they’ve got.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. From what I understand Jacob’s a real son of a bitch to have to go up against. The fact this little militia has lasted as long as it has is impressive. You should be proud.”
“I try to keep a step ahead when I can.”
Kit walked up to the table and rested her palms on it, leaning over to get a better look at his maps. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the position of each of the pins.
“Are these all your units?”
“Green and white ones are. The red are chosen, black are hunters.”
“You’ve done this sort of thing before.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement of fact. 
“Not quite. Served as an army engineer in Iraq. This isn’t a desert, but I know a thing or two about how Jacob Seed likes to work.”
She straightened out her back once more, and crossed her arms over her chest, the muscles in her arms flexing, the paws and jaws of her black panther tattoo on her arm snuck out from below the sleeve of her shirt. She was on the defensive as she was about to ask something that might very well get her tossed out of the bunker. 
“I heard a rumor you helped build his bunker.”
Eli cleared his throat. He hadn’t heard about her directness. He wished that Dutch had warned him of that a little sooner. “That was a lifetime ago. When I thought he was just another prepper. It’s a mistake that I will regret for the rest of my life.”
Kit stared at him, watching him collapse on himself like a dying star, rubbing at the back of his neck, sipping on his room temperature mug of coffee, her eyes boring into him.
 “I'll introduce you to the others." Anything to redirect the situation.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
💙 + homra for that connections ask meme - shoheiakagi
Of frigging course! I do love me a chance to write about this dysfunctional little group/family and this was really fun to do up! I hope you enjoy!
Who orders takeaway?
I think most people would assume it would be Rikio, due to his love of food, but I honestly do think that Kamamoto prefers to sit and enjoy his meal more often than not, so he doesn’t order takeaway as much as you would think. I think both Bandou and Chitose are horrible for ordering takeaway though, half because they find the idea of eating a sit-down meal in public all alone kind of depressing and half because they’re normally too lazy to make anything to eat for themselves and have no other choice but to buy something to eat.
Who has the more adventurous love life?
Chitose’s a whore…a very handsome one, but a ho nonetheless. We all know, via canon, kind of why he ended up that way, but to say he has an impressive body count and that he’s slept with some absolutely bonkers insane women who did not take it well that he never called them back? It’s a given, honestly.
Who is better at keeping secrets?
I think I might surprise everyone here and go with my first instinct…it’s Anna. Anna all the way, honestly. I know I’ve mentioned this in previous talks about HOMRA, but Anna really does hear a lot more than most people assume and she’s privy to a lot of information and secrets that she probably shouldn’t have to know and handle. But the thing is, nobody would guess that she’s heard or that she knows because Anna is the furthest thing from a blabbermouth, and it never really occurs to her to tell anyone’s secrets. In fact, even though she knows the information, it’s not really something she dwells on or thinks too much about, which is probably why it doesn’t occur to her to tell secrets, her own or other peoples.
Who knows every rumor?
Of course, it’s going to be a given here that it is Kusanagi. It’s kind of canonically hinted at or maybe even outright stated that he’s an information broker of sorts, that part of why he’s as high up in HOMRA and doing as good in business as he is is because of everything he knows and all the information connections he has. However, I will say that, when Totsuka was alive, I do think he almost rivalled Kusanagi in that department, with his charisma and approachability meaning that Totsuka could charm most people into telling him just about anything…and when that charm didn’t work? Well, it’s been shown that Totsuka was actually quite strong in his own manner and that he wasn’t really someone to casually fuck around with.
Who suggests a movie night?
Okay, but I do have some HOMRA movie night headcanons done up right over here, but in turns of who suggests it? I really don’t think there’s any one member who does it more than the others – it just kind of comes up and someone will suggest doing it and the others jump on the suggestion and it just happens.
Who tries to convince the other to try skydiving?
Skydiving? No one really. Honestly, while these boys like to live a little dangerously, with a little edge to everything, I don’t see anyone really being an extreme sports junkie. I do think Shouhei would enjoy rock-climbing and Dewa’s actually pretty cool with white-water rafting, having done it exactly once, but overall, their yearning for danger is solved by motorcycles, fast cars, fights and fast living.
Who is the holiday planner?
Honestly, much like the movie nights, I do see most holidays with HOMRA being kind of a collaborative effort. Like, one person might mention something about an upcoming holiday and the topic kind of spins from there, with most members chiming in with their ideas. Everything does get run by Kusanagi or Totsuka and nothing goes ahead without approval from them, but everyone does kind of get their say in things.
Who spams the other with memes?
Bandou shares the most depressing memes. Shouhei has a habit of sharing really old ones that everyone has seen. Chitose doesn’t get half of what those memes actually mean. Dewa has turned off group chat. Kamamoto saves the memes on a folder in his phone and forwards them to other friends he has. Yata likes trying to make his own memes, which normally aren’t that great. Fujishima shares any meme with an animal and Eric’s phone bill is usually not paid so he’s without service a lot.
Who has never enough money with them and lets the other pay for things?
Honestly, it’s Eric. The boy does try really hard to manage his money well but he’s really financially illiterate, mostly due to how he grew up and his penchant for partners with expensive tastes. He’s normally broke as fuck all the time, in debt, and without the money to really pay for a lot if he’s out and about, and the other boys normally end up treating him, knowing his situation.
Who wants to try a classic sleepover?
Anna is honestly the only one who kind of wants to try this. Most of the boys have absolutely zero interest in sleepovers, as they’re all really too old for them, and Anna kind of instinctively does pick up on this, which is why she’s never brought the idea up before.
Who answers their phone at 2 am?
Honestly, it’s a toss-up. Depends on the night, who’s calling them, what they’re up to…it could be any of them. Well, except for Eric, for aforementioned reasons, for Anna, who doesn’t really have a phone and who tends not to take it to her bedroom when she sleeps, and for Mikoto, who will just sleep through your phone call.
Who plays pranks?
It’s not who plays the pranks, but who is good at the pranks. Mikoto generally doesn’t play pranks nor does Kusanagi. Totsuka was a stealth ninja at pulling pranks, almost guaranteed to get his target but all of his pranks were really light and good natured. Kamamoto has a lot of trouble thinking up good pranks, and Yata has no poker face, so the way he acts really gives away most of his pranks before the person gets hit with them. Shouhei is really pretty great at thinking them up and pulling them off, but he has to work with Bandou to pull any really good ones, as Shouhei’s pretty lousy at the actual work and hands on set up of the elaborate pranks his mind comes up with. Chitose’s pranks are all kind of dick moves and a little mean-spirited, not going to lie, while Dewa has a reputation of being unprankable. Eric’s pranks can be a little mean-spirited too but are very rare, while Fujishima is the absolute easiest to prank but gives very little reactions when pranked.
Who initiates dates for the other?
Honestly, Chitose does it, but not in a really great way. It’s more like he’s out with someone he wants to hook up with and they have a friend with them that they don’t want to leave all alone, so he calls up one of the boys and is like ‘I have this smokin’ hot chick and I really want to get her alone for a bit, but she’s got that uggo friend with her so I need you to fall on the sword for me, bro, just this once.’ He’s that kind of guy, at least for a lot of the series, though I do think he slowly gets a little better, especially post series. Shouhei is a better wing-man though and he’s genuinely happy to try to hook his friends up if he thinks his boys and whichever female friend of his will actually hit it off.
Who is more chaotic?
Everyone. Like, to me, HOMRA really is just this very chaotic neutral force, where they’re definitely not the good guys, but they’re not really bad guys either. They’re just punks, who like fighting and brawling and stirring up a little bit of danger and trouble, but who do have all these wonderful qualities and really don’t go out of their way to fuck with innocent people.
Who has the more bizarre quirks?
Mikoto is a truly bizarre creature to most people. He’s hard for people to really understand, to just figure out or connect with. All of HOMRA have a really strong respect and admiration for him, but I don’t think any of them, with the possible exceptions of Totsuka and kind of Kusanagi, ever truly understood him fully.
Who spends the most money on unnecessary things?
Eric. Especially since, as mentioned, he has no financial literacy and has a taste for high-maintenance people/gold-diggers.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
YTAU, EDDIE'S BIRTHDAY - SATURDAY OCTOBER 29TH (5163) 5k words Warnings: We delve into Eddie's past relationship with Trent the Douchebag (that's his official title in my head). There are warnings for emotional manipulation, emotional abuse, fighting, physical abuse (mentioned at the very end, not graphic), and all around asshole-ry. The flashback is the only part with triggers, and it is all in italics, if you'd like to skip. If anyone has questions regarding his relationship, feel free to send an ask! Enjoy the second installment! (Tomorrow is when things start to go down hill for poor Eddie.)
“Wake up Eds.” 
Eddie grumbles, slowly regaining consciousness. He’s cold, and his back and neck are aching. Forcing his eyes open, he’s met with Chrissy Cunningham staring at him, her brow furrowed and pinched. He’s on the couch, he realizes, he fell asleep. His television is now turned off, and he can't help the grimace that crosses his face as he sits up, shoulders tense from the uncomfortable position he’s slept in all night. 
“Mm…what…what time is it?” 
“9:34,” she says with a glance at her watch. 
“Fuck…you left Chicago early,” the long haired man rubs his eyes and face, then stands, walking to his bedroom, gesturing for her to follow. 
“Mhm, don’t want to waste time with my favorite metal head. Plus, Robin told me Steve kind of…got a little weird last night,” the strawberry blonde admits, biting at her thumbnail. 
The sigh tumbles out of him at her words. Opening his closet door, Eddie grabs an old black sweatshirt of his and yanks it on, then goes to the thermostat and raises the temperature by two degrees. Damn Hawkins and it’s insufferable cold weather- not that Chicago is any different. Really, he should be used to cold weather, but he’s already so cold natured, any air that’s cold makes him want to curl up in a ball and die. 
“While I appreciate Robin’s concern,” he shoots Chrissy a look, “It’s fine. He was in a mood or whatever, and I get that. We both know my moods can be twenty times worse. He needed space, no harm done,” Eddie reassures her, stopping at the pantry to grab two packets of oatmeal, along with cinnamon for his best friend. 
“I get that too, but he should have been a little nicer. Even Robin said he wasn’t being fair. If you want context…” she bites at her lip, as if she’s at war with herself. “He was trying to figure out where he put your present, and was upset and worked himself up. But still, not a true reason to be that rude to you.” 
Once again, Eddie thinks about how he’d react in that situation, and he knows he’d probably have been even worse. Shrugging, the long haired man pulls his hood up to try and preserve warmth. 
“Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter, not really, in the long run. He was upset, so I gave him space. Let it be done, Chris.” 
“How are you the most dramatic person I’ve met, yet you also somehow are so incredibly chill when you shouldn’t be?” 
“I’m a mystery like that,” Eddie smirks, putting water on to boil. 
Chrissy grabs her bag that’s by the door and heads down the hallway, which the man assumes means she’s getting settled. He lets his thoughts wander to Steve and the fact he’d gotten upset over a silly present. He hopes Steve’s not bought him anything too expensive, because he knows he’ll feel guilty, even if it was Steve’s choice in the first place to buy it. Yawning, Eddie finishes the oatmeal and sprinkles cinnamon all over the top of one of the bowls, then sets them both down on the table. 
“Breakfast is ready,” he calls out, directing it down the hallway. 
He sits, joined moments later by Chrissy, who’s got a look on her face like a cat that ate the canary. Eddie raises an eyebrow but takes a bite of his own cinnamon-less food, waiting for his best friend to spill the beans. Maybe she’s going to finally tell him she’s asking Robin on a date. Maybe she’s found someone back in Chicago. Instead, she tells him the one thing he’s not prepared himself for. 
“I’m moving away from Chicago.” 
His spoon clatters against the glass bowl and his stomach drops. She’s not going to be accessible to him anymore. She’s going to find a new best friend, someone who she can see every day. She’s going to forget about him. Swallowing thickly, putting on what he hopes his a smile, he finally finds her deep blue eyes. 
“Oh? That’s…that’s great? I’m assuming you’re happy about it. Where’re you going? I know you always said you wanted to move to Oregon..” he trails off, eyes burning. 
What a great start to the day. 
“What? Oregon? What’re you-“ she cuts herself off, eyebrows drawn in before she reaches out, grabbing his hand. “I’m not moving further away, bug. I’m moving to Hawkins,” she says gently, a smile on her face. 
Staring at her, the artist scrunches his nose, confusion washing over him. Hawkins? But what the hell does she have here? There’s nothing special, it’s a small town with no nightlife or fun things to do. The most exciting part about it is the mall. 
“Why? There’s nothing to offer here.” 
The gymnastics coach scoffs, looking almost offended, her eyes rolling so hard he wants to tell her they’ll get stuck that way. 
“Hawkins has you. It has you, and the band, and..” she bites at her lip. “..and it has Robin. And Steve! And there’s a position open at the local high school, for a cheerleading coach. It pays the same amount as the gymnastics job back home, plus I’ll get to work with older kids instead of young ones. I kind of already accepted the job,” she admits, rubbing the back of her neck. 
It dawns on him then, that she’s been excited to tell him, and he’s just ruined her surprise. She’s coming to Hawkins, coming to live in the same town as him and he’s just shit all over it. Fuck. 
“That’s amazing Chris! Shit, I’m sorry for being an ass, I should have been excited for you no matter what,” Eddie stands and pulls her up into a hug. “You’re really moving here?” 
“No, I just thought I’d fuck with you,” she deadpans, making Eddie laugh. “I’m really moving here. I need to look at apartments and-“ 
“Oh we’re definitely going to look at apartments today. I’d say room with me but we know how well that worked out last time.” 
They’re both reminded of the constant bickering and grumbling. 
“We need our own space. Plus I wouldn’t be able to with Holiday anyway. Do you know if there are any places in this building? It’s really nice.” 
“We can check,” he sits back down, his mood doing a 180. 
His best friend’s about to live in the same town as him again, the same apartment building, even. They finish their breakfast while talking over other possible places in town, just in case his building has nothing. Rent is cheaper in Hawkins than in Chicago by a mile, which means realistically Chrissy will make more than being just a gymnastics coach for elementary and middle school kids. 
“So…Robin too? You’re really into her, huh?” 
The petite woman looks up, big eyes looking somehow larger, and nods, like it’s her first crush. Eddie thinks it’s cute, and from how much time he’s spent around Robin, he thinks they’d make a cute couple. Robin seems to be a little needy (in the nicest way possible), and Chrissy is happy to take care of people. Robin can be bold and brash, while Chrissy is more logical and can bring some realism to the others spiraling.
“Yeah…we talk every day, even FaceTime sometimes,” she admits, grinning. “And we have a lot of common interests and stuff. Obviously I’m not moving just for her, we’re not even dating, but it’s a uh…nice upside to it all, too.” 
“She’s way better than Jason by a landslide,” Eddie grimaces, remembering the asshole Chrissy had been with a couple of years ago.
“Oh trust me, I know.” God Eddie hates that dick, maybe even more than his own dad. 
That’s a lie. He definitely hates his dad more. 
Once the dishes are put into the dishwasher, Eddie flops onto the couch, sighing dramatically as he hooks a leg over his best friends. Chrissy looks up from her phone, rolling her eyes again, but this time it’s fond and he gives her a goofy grin. 
“Can I help you?”
“It’s my birthday weekend. You’re supposed to be paying attention to me, not talking to Robin,” he grumbles, pouting. 
“Jesus you’re annoying,” she jokes, setting her phone down and giving him a look. “Better?” 
“Much. Wait…grab your phone again. We can look at listings,” Eddie earns another look, and he fake gasps. “Damn Cunningham, two signature looks in an hour? Shit, someone’s spicy today.” 
“Only in response to you and your shenanigans.” 
They spend an hour both scrolling and looking at different options, though there’s not many. Eddie checks his own apartments website, grinning when he sees ‘three available, move in ready’ posted on the homepage. Twenty minutes later, the pair are standing in the office of the apartment complex, Chrissy practically vibrating when they’re told the woman has time for a tour. 
It’s one floor up from his own, and a few apartments down, but all in all Eddie thinks it can’t be more than a two minute walk. The idea of having Chrissy so close is comforting, both for her safety and his sanity. He knows it’s silly to worry about her, she’s more than capable of taking care of herself, hell, she lives in fucking Chicago alone now, but it’s still nice to know she’ll be close in a new town. 
It’s the same layout as his own apartment, just flipped. Everything is nice and new; hardwoods and granite counter tops, even the paint has been redone. Chrissy’s familiar with it all, but she still looks around like a puppy in a new space, which makes Eddie laugh. 
“You two make a cute couple,” the woman, Rebecca, smiles kindly. 
“Oh! Oh no, we’re not together. She’s my best friend, but I’m uh…I have a partner already,” he explains, not sure if this woman is old enough to have different views. “I actually live a floor below.” 
“Oh that’s embarrassing, I just assumed…I’m sorry,” she laughs, cheeks reddening. “That’s wonderful though, I’m sure you two will enjoy living so close.” 
Eddie nods, then walks off to find his best friend looking at the closet in the main bedroom, eyes narrowed, as if she’s trying to determine how much space she’ll need. He flings an arm around her shoulder, making her jump. 
“There’s always the extra closet in the other bedroom. That should be enough room to hold all your cute little dresses and sweaters,” he teases. 
“Holiday will have the guest room. It’ll be an office too, of course. But she can hang in there when you’re over.” 
Something in his chest blooms, and he feels a little warm. Before he’d met Chrissy in high school, he’d never had a close friend- aside from Gareth, but he was more like an annoying brother. Squeezing her close, he pulls her ponytail gently, then steps away, yawning. 
“So, you gonna make the commitment to allow me to barge in whenever I want? Or do you wanna look at other places? I won’t be offended if you do.” 
“Nah, I like it here. It’s close to the high school and downtown, plus Steve and Robin work across the street. And they have that dog park, so I can still play with Holiday and get her all tired out.” 
Chrissy explains she has a month or so before she needs to move down to Rebecca, and they end up back in the woman’s office, the both of them talking through logistics and prices, while Eddie sits there scrolling through Instagram. His nose itches from allergies, which really isn’t saying much since they’re getting further into Autumn. Sniffling, he rubs his face against his shoulder, nose twitching. 
“ih’GXT’uh! ngKT’uhew! ihGgksh’ew!! snf! Jesus, excuse me.” Eddie tries to stifle while the women talk; not wanting to interrupt, but the last one proves to be mostly unsuccessful. 
“Bless you!” Rebecca subtly pushes the tissues towards him and he shifts uncomfortably. 
Some people in the community bask in being blessed, in being noticed in public. And while Eddie isn’t too terribly self conscious or shy about his sneezes, something about being in a small confined space with an older woman makes his skin crawl. He takes a tissue just to appease her, trying to ignore the look she gives him. 
“Allergies,” he offers up feebly, hoping to get the judgment on her face to dissipate. 
The two go back to their conversation, and when Eddie feels another itch start to unfurl in his head he stands, squeezing Chrissy’s shoulder with his hand. 
“I’m going to head back to the apartment,” he says with a sniffle, rubbing his nose with the tissue. 
The newly appointed cheerleading coach nods in confirmation and Eddie steps out, just barely making it out to the sidewalk before he raises the crook of his arm to his face, nestling his nose into the soft material of his sweater. 
“hihIGtshhew! ihnGSH’ew! ehIkshEW!” 
The last sneeze seems to satisfy the need to get whatever shit is in his head out, so he blows his nose for good measure then stuffs the tissue into his pocket. Once back in his apartment, he rubs his eyes and sits down on the couch, reaching for his phone to text Steve the exciting news. 
He gets halfway through the message before pausing. Shit. Should they talk about last night before he just randomly texts him something completely off topic? Will they talk about it at all? His mind wanders to Trent and all the fights they had- but this wasn’t a fight, was it? If anything, Eddie would call it a miscommunication, maybe. His and Trent’s fights were over everything and nothing all at the same time. They were blown out of proportion but also justified, even if everything was always directed towards him. 
The argument that sticks out in his mind is what had sparked the year of hell on earth for him, and ultimately the end of TrentandEddie. 
“What’re you doing in bed?” Trent’s voice jerks Eddie awake, loud and accusatory. 
It takes a moment for the long haired man to get his bearings- he’d only closed his eyes seconds before hadn’t he? Swallowing and wincing, Eddie rubs his face. 
“I asked you a question. What’re you doing in bed? We have that dinner in half an hour. Get up and get dressed.” 
“Jesus Trent, gimme a sec okay? Don’t be a dick. Think I’m finally coming down with whatever shit you had last week,” Eddie grumbles, rolling his eyes. 
“You’re fine, Eddie. We both know you hate going to these things, don’t lie to try and get out of it.” 
“Yep, that’s me, a liar,” Eddie snarks. “You were sick last week, and now I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.” 
“You’re not getting out of this Eddie! It’s twice a fucking year, you can suck it up and be a big boy two god damn nights!” 
Getting up and ignoring how his head swims, Eddie glares and swipes at his nose as he heads to their closet. He feels gross, but he knows that won’t make a difference to his boyfriend, who’s all about appearances. He yanks his black suit off of the hanger, hating every time he has to wear it. It fits well, but to Eddie it’s tight and miserable, the material is scratchy and constricting. 
“I’m not trying to get out of it! Just thought maybe I’d get a little compassion considering I gave a damn when you were…what'd you say last week? ‘On your deathbed’?” 
“Fine, we’ll take your temperature. If you’re actually sick, I’ll let you stay home. You keep changing while I grab it.” 
A minute later, as Eddie’s pulling on his pants, Trent appears with the white plastic instrument, popping it under Eddie’s tongue while he fumbles with his button. Thirteen seconds and then it beeps. Trent takes it out and gives Eddie a vaguely sympathetic look. 
“No luck killer, 98.7.” 
Eddie frowns. Surely with how sick he feels his core temperature has to be higher. But if it says 98.7 then it’s 98.7, he supposes. Huffing a little, the tattoo artist pulls his jacket on while his boyfriend heads back to put the thermometer away. 
Eddie never finds out the numbers on the screen actually read 100.9. 
The drive to dinner is quiet until they’re a mile away. Eddie’s looking out the window, his eyes heavy, when Trent’s voice once again jerks him from the daze he’s been in. 
“Remember, these are all my coworkers and higher ups, so let’s steer clear of talking about that dumb game you host. Being a tattoo artist is already enough for them.” 
Clenching his jaw, the artist pointedly continues to stare out the window, staying quiet. 
“Eddie, do you understand?” 
“Yes, I got it Trent, I’m not stupid.” 
There’s a huff and words mumbled, which Eddie’s pretty sure are along the lines of ‘could’ve fooled me’. Dick. 
“So if I can’t talk about my hobbies or what my job is, what can I talk about?” 
“News, the weather, something normal. You don’t understand stocks or anything to do with IT, even though I’ve explained a hundred times, so don’t try and bullshit your way through that. It’ll make both of us look bad.” 
They pull up to the restaurant and get out, a valet driver getting in after Trent hands them the keys. Walking inside, his boyfriend grabs his hand, which makes him feel oddly warm. It’s not that they don’t hold hands, they do, but usually when it’s in public it’s Trent being possessive. Tonight it feels a little less intense. 
“Trent! Nice to see you,” an older man greets as they move across the room.
There’s a large table of roughly 6 couples, and Eddie feels uncomfortably singled out. Everyone looks so put together and important, and while he’s wearing a suit like all the other men there, his hair is pulled into a bun, and the tattoos on his hands are visible. He feels out of place and sick and really he just wants to leave, but Trent’s right- he’s a big boy, and he can get through tonight. 
“-gain Eddie,” Louis, Trent’s boss says, looking at him. Fuck. 
“Nice to see you again.” 
Hoping his response is right, he relaxes when Trent leads him to their seats. Sitting, Eddie blows out a breath and clears his throat. He notices they’re sitting near Alice and Maggie, the other same sex couple. How original. He can’t find himself to mind too much, even if it’s cliche, he does enjoy them from the few times he’s talked to them. 
Everyone’s conversing and laughing, having a good time as the night goes on. Eddie, however, feels like he’s wading through mud. His head is so fuzzy and heavy, it’s as if it’s been weighted- one wrong move and it’ll drop him to the floor. Alice seems to pick up on it, when his responses to her and Maggie come out raspy and he sounds a little lost. 
“You alright Eddie?” 
This gets Trent’s attention, pulling him away from talking through some business model with the man on his right. Eddie can tell his boyfriend is waiting, almost amused, for his answer, which, right, he does need to respond to the woman. 
“I am, sorry. I’ve just…been feeling a little out of it tonight, I suppose.” 
“Oh, you’re not getting sick are you?” A woman diagonal from his asks, looking at him with distaste. 
“No, he’s alright. He’s a diabetic, probably just a blood sugar issue. Need some food, don’t you Eds?” 
Those around him give him sympathetic looks, and he shifts awkwardly, nodding. One discreet look at his glucose monitor app tells him it’s not anything to do with his blood sugar or insulin, but the artist doesn’t have it in him to correct his boyfriend. He’s pretty sure Trent knows it’s not his blood sugar anyway. 
The thing is, he’s the farthest thing from hungry, especially when the meal is steak. He’s not eaten much today anyway, so the only saving grace in the situation is that he’s able to have mashed potatoes. As the food comes, Eddie picks at his steak and vegetables, focusing on the soft starch that’s taking a quarter of his plate. Even that’s not fully appetizing. 
“Eddie, you need to eat,” Trent’s voice is low and quiet as he leans in close. 
“Sorry, just not hungry I guess,” he murmurs, biting at his thumbnail. 
Trent pulls his hand down, stopping the habit, then looks around. Everyone’s caught up in eating and talking, so the older man fixes Eddie with one of his signature looks that tells him he’s pissed. 
“This dinner is expensive. Jim is spending hundreds of dollars for us to eat. You’re going to eat your steak and not act like a petulant child just because you’re here.” 
“I told you, I don’t feel wel-“ 
“Stop with the ‘I feel sick’ shit, Eddie. You’re not running a fever. What’s your BGL?” 
Shifting and pulling his phone out, he taps the app that connects to his CGM. 76. Perfect. 
“See? You’re fine. So cut it out and eat. I swear sometimes you’re like a toddler.” 
Trent sits back up and continues eating. Eddie follows, shoving a piece of steak into his mouth, forcing himself to maintain a composed look instead of winning as he swallows. Maggie and Alice are staring at him, so he takes a sip of water and smiles back, hoping they’ll let it rest. 
“Are you sure you’re alright? You look a little pale.” 
“He’s good, just needs some more protein,” Trent cuts in, rubbing his back. The feeling makes Eddie go warm again, and he unconsciously leans into it. 
“If you need to leave we’d understand. Health always comes first.” Jim’s voice travels to them, a few seats down. 
Trents movements still, and Eddie tenses. A cough bubbles in his chest so he cuts it off, taking another sip of water. His face feels unnaturally warm. Trent’s hand tightens against his shoulder when yet another person asks the tattoo artist if he’s alright. 
“Trent, maybe-“ 
“Eddie, do you want to go home?” The voice is syrupy sweet and makes his skin crawl. 
“Honestly? Yeah, I kind of do.” 
He knows instantly it’s the wrong thing to say. He knew before he said it too, but he’d been hoping the man would be understanding. Ha. What a fucking joke, Eddie. Shouldn’t have tried your luck. Trent’s eyes darken for a split second and then he puts on the most concerned face, it almost gives Eddie whiplash. 
“Let’s get you home baby,” the blonde man says gently, rubbing his shoulder.
It reminds Eddie of when they’d first started dating, how caring and sweet Trent was. Trent’s still caring and sweet now, he tells himself. He is. He just hasn’t had a need to take care of Eddie in a while, is all. The taller man wraps an arm around the artists small waist, says his goodbyes and apologies, then leads them out, continuing to run a hand up and down Eddie’s back as they wait for their car. The drive home is silent, aside from the music playing. 
“Do you mind if we turn it off? My head is killing me.” 
A blank stare greets him, and the music continues till the car is turned off and they’re in the driveway. The moment they’re inside the house, Trent’s staring at him. Eddie goes to walk upstairs but his boyfriend stops him, standing in front of them, blocking his way up. 
“I’m going to go shower,” Eddie tries to move past him but gets nowhere. “Trent, seriously, can you move please?” 
“So you can shower but you can’t sit in a chair while I talk to my coworkers?” 
“Jesus, I get it, you’re pis-“ 
One second they’re staring at each other, the next Eddie’s getting slammed into the wall next to the stairs, Trent impossibly close, one large hand pressing against Eddie’s chest like a weight. His eyes are dark, and the long haired man can smell the wine on the other man's breath. 
“What the fu-“ 
“Do you understand how EMBARRASSING THAT WAS?” 
Flinching, Eddie’s skull throbs at the yelling. He shuts his eyes for a second. Two hands are now roughly pressing into his shoulders, pinning him against the wall. 
“I asked you a goddamn question Eddie!” 
“Get the fuck off of me Trenton,” he glares. Hands tighten their grip. 
“You embarrassed me in front of my coworkers, in front of the man who’s going to be giving me my bonus. It’ll be all your fault if I don’t get one.” 
“Oh lay off, he’s not going to take away your bonus because your boyfriend is sick.” 
Eddie shifts uncomfortably under the pressure of Trent’s grip. It’s not that his boyfriend’s never gotten a little intense with him like this before, but this is the first time it’s actually started to hurt. 
“Seriously, get the hell off. It’s starting to hurt, you asshole.” 
“Jesus, you’re like a broken record,” Trent rolls his eyes. 
“Then get o-“ 
Eddie doesn’t have enough time to react, brain foggy and feverish. His boyfriend pulls a hand back, balls his fist up, and then he’s getting a blow to his stomach. It’s hard enough and lands in just the right place the needle attached to his pump tubing pulls out of his skin. It all happens so suddenly, so quickly, that all Eddie can do is gasp and curl into himself. 
“What in the actual f-fuck Tre-“ 
“Shut the fuck up and go upstairs. If you’re sick enough to need to leave early, get into bed you brat.” 
Eddie plans on leaving the next day, but feels like garbage and doesn’t have it in him to even move let alone get all his stuff and leave. And then Trent comes in with toast and juice and worries all over him. The guitarist wonders if the previous night had been a fever dream. He gets doted on and kissed, gets cuddled all day. Trent even calls out of work. It’s a pattern that continues for months. Trent gets angry, Eddie becomes the punching bag, then Trent makes up for it. 
“-ddie! Hey!” Chrissy’s fingers snap in front of his face and Eddie jumps slightly, blinking. “Jesus, you okay? I’ve been trying to get your attention….” 
“Yeah, sorry…lost in thought.” 
“He’s not Trent, Eddie. You just have to talk to him,” his best friend assures, playing with his hair. 
She’s right and he knows it. Never would Steve pull shit like Trent did. Steve’s perfect and funny and kind. He worries over everyone, is a mama bear to the ‘kids’ that work for him and their friends. He smiles as he thinks of Steve, then gets snapped at again. 
“Seriously…you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Thanks Chris. Did you land the apartment?” 
From there, Chrissy gushes about how in a month she’ll be moving in, and tells Eddie that if he thinks he can get out of helping, he’s sorely mistaken. The man huffs but it’s fond and playful, and he knows he’ll have fun helping her. They lay on the couch and Eddie soaks up her presence as Frankenstein plays in the background. 
Near seven, there’s a knock on Eddie’s door, and neither want to get up. Since the movie marathon has started, they’ve accumulated numerous blankets and are hunkered down, a bowl of popcorn between them (he’s managed to control himself and only have a few pieces, even if he wants more). Eddie groans then forces himself off the couch, tying up his hair as he shuffles to the door. 
Steve and Robin are standing there, expressions almost comically different. Robin is almost vibrating with excitement, a large smile on her face. Steve looks nervous and worried, like maybe he’s not allowed inside anymore. Eddie opens the door fully and gets a ‘hey Eddie!’ from the freckle faced woman before she’s moving past to find his best friend. Steve steps inside and runs a hand through his hair. 
“Hey Stevie.” 
The nickname seems to take the apprehension out of the younger man, and soon Steve is walking forward, closing the gap between them, hugging him tightly. Eddie hugs back just as hard, kissing Steve’s head. When they finally break apart, Steve’s staring at him looking overwhelmingly upset. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Eddie. I was already upset, which I know isn’t an excuse, but I was in a bad mood and lost track of time, and didn’t realize it was already late enough for you to be arriving. And I just…was an asshole and I hope you’ll forgive me.” 
“Yeah, you were kind of an asshole, but everyone has those days where shit goes wrong and you gotta take it out. I get it Stevie. Apology accepted ok? It’s all ok.” He presses a kiss to Steve’s head again, lacing their fingers in the process. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you but Jesus am I glad,” his boyfriend murmurs, letting out a shaky breath. 
“You were you. You were kind and caring and gave me tea, and I fell for you hard. Just because you were a stranger who told me what tea to get.” 
The long haired man shrugs and starts leading them to the couch. The second the couch is in view, however, Eddie freezes. 
“What the hell Cunningham! Buckley…Jesus Christ. Can you not make out on my couch??!” 
The two women look up, both pink cheeked. Robin sputters but Chrissy throws him a look. 
“I have been subjected to you butt ass naked on our couch before Eddie. Don’t even try.” 
“That wasn’t even my choice!” 
Chrissy freezes this time, eyes widening. Eddie back pedals, brain short circuiting. 
“That’s not what…I mean…it wasn’t my choice you came home for that,” Eddie chokes out, eyes wide, hands shaking.
Licking his lips, he stands his ground, not wanting it to become an issue, not this weekend. He’s grateful when Chrissy just huffs, but he knows she’s going to corner him about it eventually. Taking the win (for now), the tattoo artist yanks Steve down onto the couch, pulling him into his arms. 
“What’re we watching?” 
“Funny Games,” Chrissy announces. “We’re only like fifteen minutes in, we can restart it.” 
“What’s it about?” Robin asks, snuggling into the other woman’s side. 
“2 guys go to a house and terrorize the family in it,” Eddie keeps his tone casual, smirking when Robin scrunches her nose up and Steve groans. 
“And there’s no other movie you wanna watch?” 
“This is the birthday boy’s weekend,” Eddie beams. “And as the birthday boy, I say we have to watch Funny Games.” 
“You’re lucky you’re so hot,” Steve grumbles, lacing their fingers together again. 
“I know.” 
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 2 Episodes 8 and 9
Random thought that has nothing to do with anything: Was Viren ever married because I made fun of him last episode reaction because he’s not married but then I remembered that he has two kids but I’ve never heard any mention of their mother do we just assume that she died?
Episode 8
-“how may I serve you” he says in a tone that screams ‘I’m more powerful than you and you know it’
-so the trapping-people-inside-coins spell makes you look like a zombie, and the turning chains-into-snakes spell apparently makes you look like a ghost that hasn’t slept in a month
-“what are you doing”
“I’m pinching you, Soren”
“Well that’s just rude”
When you’re probably totally paralyzed but talking back to your sister is much more important
-“that was really pretty! But I still can’t move”
-The guy in Callum’s nightmare (vision?) doesn’t look like anyone we’ve seen before, are we really about to add a third(?) villain
-also I know nothing about anything what symbol was the one that was lighting up?
-“I’m not lying, I never lie” he says in the most untrustworthy tone I’ve ever heard
-finally he’s bandaging his hand, there should be blood literally all over his arm right now
-I know Aaravos’ name but I am very tempted just to keep calling him sparkly hands
-dream dude has Callum’s gloves, I think I know what’s about to go down
-if he’s about to tell Ezran about his dad I swear let him stay ignorant as long as he can please I can’t do this rn
-ik Soren is gonna walk again that’s not what I’m worried about, what I’m worried about is how much it will hurt to watch when he finds out
-well now look what you’ve done, this poor little boy
-the first thing he was worried about was Callum my heart
-he’s handling it SO WELL
-Hahahah Callum’s face when he sees dream Callum
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-seriously what symbol is that supposed to be am I supposed to just know
-we’re really bringing Harrow into this y’all are torturing him beyond the grave
-but also that fact that there are so many people Callum probably talked to much more than Harrow but he was the one to snap him out of it says a lot
-“Destiny is a book you write yourself” adding this to my possible senior quotes list
-the cube just fell into hell??? And dream Callum turned to dust??? Does this happen to everyone the first time they use dark magic???
-not Corvus blaming Rayla for letting Ezran go when she was literally the one to try to convince him to let her go with him while Corvus just stepped out of his way
-Soren being so chill about this is both incredibly heartbreaking but also kinda funny ngl
-he literally just had to lie there and watch as his sister trashed his hospital room and got dragged out
-this dream started super deep but now Callum is… a sail???
-this whole episode had been a fever dream honestly the only way this could get worse is if someone dies
-“you’re making this easy for me, young king!” Dude… his dad just died?? And you’re more focused on beating him at hide and seek?? Show some respect??
-Aaravos’ expression looks super shady no matter what he’s doing or saying if they’re trying to hide that he’s a villain they’re doing a very bad job
-imagine thinking you just got the king of Katolis killed very shortly after the last king got killed and when you tell his friend (who just happens to be an elf, in fact, she’s one of the elves who was on the mission that killed the first king) she laughs in your face and tells you that your king (who is like 9 years old) can talk to animals and is now riding away on a banther, oh and also his brother the prince has been lying on the ground with two black eyes and yelling out random delirious things since you found them and you still have no idea what happened to him, like what would you even do
-me too man, me too
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-“you big, dumb human” she says while looking at him with extreme concern in her eyes
-this dream is the most chaotic masterpiece I have ever seen
-I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am, I have school tomorrow and it’s 12:45 am
-screw it I’m watching the next one
Episode 9
-I just realized that we haven’t seen Claudia and Ezran interact one on one until now this is adorable
-the fact that they’re telling jokes while both of them are in horrible mental states
-so mom left and it was probably definitely because of Viren, but she’s the one that left her children with him so they’re both awful
-also why do I always just randomly remember stuff that seems totally unrelated but then it always gets brought up an episode later
-that phrase being passed down to the next person every time they have to talk about hard stuff
-is this thing with his mom made up because he was like 5-6 when she died but here he’s his current age???
-Now THAT symbol I know
-“I understand the sky arcanum” that’s it? That’s all you had to hear? …I don’t get it but cool ig
-also how does he know it’s the sky arcanum? Like it is because the primal stone was a storm? Like we know it’s the sky arcanum because the sky symbol lit up but I didn’t see a single thing in that dream that pointed to sky
-girl what the heck are you about to do to those deer that you need to send Ezran away for it
-ooooooh ok I totally get it now it took me a second
-this is awesome but doesn’t he only know like two spells
-oh shoot there’s always at least one person who needs catching up, oh boy
-very thankful that they didn’t show what she did to the poor deer nobody needs to see that
-oh no Claudia’s punishment for whatever she did was turning her hair into e-girl hair during the bleached front pieces trend
-are they still looking for Viren because they’re not doing a very good job he’s literally on top of a tower in plain sight
-oh great he’s a zombie again
-ok they zoomed in on the rocks sinking and I’m taking that as a bad sign
-the butterfly thing Viren has is giving hawkmoth
-I’m sorry but whatever Aaravos was doing in the mirror just looked like a bunch of Tik Tok dances
-the fact that Aaravos is inside Viren’s head, both figuratively and literally
-and Opeli of course wins because she’s the best
-why weren’t they running the whole time?
-ok so not only can Ezran suddenly see through Zym’s eyes but also Corvus just let him go on his shoulders and flap around without a second thought
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 26 December 1834
9 10
had slept in my clothes π- came before eight and leaned or lay on the bed till I got up I don’t think she found out that I was not undress[ed] my night chemise hid all that she seemed in good spirits said she had had a very good night and hoped I had had one too I said not much on this part of the subject she saw that I did not think of last night’s business quite as she did I said let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall  she seemed rejoiced at the sort of victory she thought she had gained and argued again at my fancying there was anything wrong in it said it had done her good and she was now much happier begged me not to abuse her in my heart I said as little as possible not troubling myself to knock down her arguments but saying the only thing I had thought of as a consolation was the telling her I should shew all my letters to A- she made no objection in fact should not well make any she was satisfied to have found as she thought that all her influence over me was not gone she little dreampt the real state of the case she had fallen in my opinion she had been too much in the style of Mrs Milne and I mean to be as little in her way as possible in time to come she said she still could believe herself belonging to anyone but me the night before last she had left me in an agony quite wet thro’ and ill last night she was calmer and could have done without it if I had not been different I said nothing against all this but let it pass she said I did  not know what it is  was to be obliged to restraint where formerly she had only to ask and have I merely said I saw how she was on Wednesday night and was on my guard last night I was off  my guard and etc. etc. very fine, softish morning - just ready to go downstairs at 9 ½ when had Martha Booth up into my dressing room to speak to her – not satisfied about her manner - M- came then sent for Watson – a regular scene – the girl would excuse herself – then said she was not well – the place too hard for her – I thought she had better leave it – Watson advised her not – said she (the girl) must not shew her face at Shibden etc – went down to breakfast at 11 – Mr L- waited to wish me goodbye – never so attentive before – M- could get Martha what she wanted (a little cook’s place) at the reverend Mr Wood’s of Middlewich – had Martha in again – she then promised better things – agreed for her to stay where she was - All this detained me terribly  off from Lawton at 11 50 – M- went with me to Middlewich (the phaeton to meet her for her return) vid. line 2  et seq. p.251 to see the worm quack (Mrs Lamb) - at M- (10 miles) at  1 20 hour talking to Mrs Lamb as arrant a quack as any of her fraternity – looked at all her phials full of worms – tape and all sorts – and catechised her pretty severely her secret is in the solvent mixture (a vegetable alkali) the carminative is merely composed of cordials - the powders are merely jalap, and the pills purgatives pro re natâ - asked if she thought I had worms - no! not a likely subject - mentioned the one I parted with at Hastings –
well! said she, you may have had one and no more - she really behaved very fairly - I assured her, I would do her no harm - had catechised Mr Long as much and endured by saying I had no objection to M-‘s trying her medicines (which M- told her was a great complaint) and said I should be lastingly obliged if she (Mrs Lambe) did my friend any good - Told M- afterwards I thought the woman as much a quack as the rest of such people but she might try her medicines as now I hoped they would do her no harm and might perhaps do good – she might try them, too, with Martha who is likely enough to have worms – and the woman has certainly caused many to be voided at Middlewich - took a hurried leave of M- left her in good hope and spirits – had talked much of her friend and the boys as we came along and how they might study at Gottingen – would turn to my journal of the time and see if I could find any useful hint there - Off from Middlewich at 2 21 - at Altrincham at 4 ½ – long in getting horses – obliged to take forward the Middlewich postboy who was a stranger in Manchester and having stopt twice from M- and twice from A- sat less steadily at last than at 1st – glad to reach Manchester at 5 59 – off again at 6 9 at Rochdale at 7 48 – took 4 horses – off again at 8 and at Shibden at 10 55 – all gone to bed but Cordingely and John, expecting me, had come down - A- jumped up – and came to me in her dressing gown and cloak, delighted to see me back again – had given me up in despair - Had tea – the 1st thing we did was to laugh aloud at her droll figure and the bustle I had made – explained, sat talking - told her I myself was astonished how little I had thought of π- either going or returning   very glad to be back again mentioned how I had offered her the use of Shibden in the event of δ-’s death etc found waiting my arrival (came yesterday) a very kind letter 2 ½ pages from Mrs Norcliffe (Langton) giving a very indifferent account of herself - ‘I am quite grieved that you could for a moment doubt my friendship - I do not make many friends but when once I do, I am no changeling, but I can in some measure account for it - from mistake in dates, when I reached London I was told that you had been in town sometime, this I knew you could not be, as when I past thro’ York I heard of your having been there only a day or 2 before and the fact was you reached London the very day we did and to seek a person in London is an endless task without a clue, as I found when seeking you so you must allow for others - I know you were in town - you must however allow for poor Charlotte who was in low spirits and then she always sees things in the most disagreeable light - it is not strange you should not know when I was in town as no one knew till my arrival in town where I was to be, I meat to have been in Cavendish square but they had no room - if they asked there, they could not have told without the master of the house was at home for my nephew Charles asked here on the Saturday and they did not know so pray think no more about it’ -  I am glad of this - it would have grieved me to have had any nonsense with Mrs N- for whom I really feel much gratitude and regard           vide page 259 on mentioning to Mrs Lambe the astringency of my bowels parting only with little buttons  she recommended the following
2oz. flowers of sulphur, 2oz. glauber salts
¼ oz. salt petre  1oz. Seville orange peel or gentian root
add to the above, gradually, two quarts of boiling water - then let it stand in an open vessel (covered over) or in any bottle large enough to hold the whole of the ingredients - at least 12 hours - but better to stand a week or a fortnight - take this mixture a teacupful once or twice a day as may be required -   M-‘s medicines (2 pint bottles pills and powders) and advance had cost 20/. and the medicine for each servant 12/. so I gave the woman 10/. with which she seemed much pleased
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