#Which in english would be “I don't need you babysitting me”
celibibratty · 9 months
today we rewatched this big hero(since now i/we don't have problem with it anymore), i'll have to admit this hiro is kinda of……a cutie(the part where the dudes are in the island and has a pigeon that scared them, it's cute to notice that this hiro go hide behind this baymax, that was cute), but i don't see him in that way, he is too boyish for my taste(this dude is kirito-kun, he has almost 2 or more suitors in the series, no way, and i know the things that can invent too), i don't see why people see daniel on him, he doesn't remind me of daniel(maybe because he sounds more mature than daniel to me), and i can't take seriously in "brazillian portuguese" his voice is also the kon voice(from bleach)(which by the way i love this Voice), when people like this thing as a fandom thing they neglect too much the robot, i find the relationship between this hiro and this baymax way more interesting, if i would choose a pairing with this hiro, i would like him with this baymax(would be cute/cool, a boy with his big badass robot(this baymax is more badass)), okay that it wouldn't be a problematic incest that people want, but would be- a- robotic- love, ha-ha, but i just suggesting, i don't think about that when i see the movie,……, it makes me a little melancholic watch this movie, i remember when i watched on this exactly dvd in 2014 and me crying as hell because of the robot death, i used to listen to the main song(nowadays i find the song a little bit slow for my taste),…….., i kinda like this movie, its not that movie that i can watch hundreds of times, but i like it
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grenade-maid · 6 months
Honestly find it a little frustrating that so much of mass transit conversations focus exclusively on trains. Trains are great don't get me wrong, but buses are relatively extremely cheap and require very little in the way of city infrastructure planning and construction. You can establish or reroute a bus route basically in the span of time it takes to make that decision and communicate it (both to riders and in terms of training drivers). More buses, staff, and signage may need to be acquired, but are also fairly straightforward and attainable with modest investment even by smaller or poorer municipalities.
Establishing a train line, though, or even a streetcar, requires acquisition of real estate, public comment, environmental impact studies (among other types of research), construction of tracks, stations, and other infrastructure, and so on. It's a long expensive process with many steps that can be delayed for very long spans of time and the result is fairly permanent and for the most part can't be changed.
When there's a problem with the train cars or infrastructure it is very expensive and takes a long time to repair, and whole stretches of the system might be out of commission in the meantime. Buses, on the other hand, are very adaptable. If a road becomes unavailable due to construction, road damage, or other issues, the route can simply change to drive around it. If a bus breaks down it can be towed away and replaced without the same technical issues of, for example, making sure the car is compatible with the rails and other infrastructure.
Here in Seattle the light rail system has been in development for decades and still doesn't reach most neighborhoods, let alone nearby cities. It has not and fundamentally cannot keep up with the pace of population growth in the area. As much as I would love to be able to catch a quick train to visit friends in Olympia or Everett (there is Amtrak but it only runs a few times a day and is pretty expensive), I kind of wish that money had instead been put towards a good central bus station and a large fleet of buses to run frequent trips to all corners of the city and beyond (one bus every 30 minutes is not frequent, sorry).
The cost really can't be brushed off, too. That relatively low minimum investment in time and money makes it possible for buses to serve poor communities, even when people get pushed out of central neighborhoods. Which is important to consider when, well, if homes or businesses need to be demolished for new infrastructure, who do you think they tend to belong to? And who gets pushed out when the area around those new stations suddenly becomes very desirable? Whose voices are prioritized and listened to when this much money is on the line, the white single family homeowner with and HOA and a job that accommodates going to public listening sessions that might not even be accessible by bus, or the renters, the people who work graveyard shift, the single parents who can't afford an extra day of babysitting, the people who might speak English as a second language or not at all?
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iamnathannah · 2 months
Barbie Birthday Headcanon
After Gloria is told the story about how completely mean her daughter and her friends were to Barbie when she came to the school, she pretty much chews out Sasha and the other three for their cruelness.
"You called her a fascist, what the fuck?!" she says, and that's when Sasha knew she was really in the wrong, because though her mom is liberal with her English and Spanish cursing, it's rarely directed towards her daughter, much less Jade, Cloe and Yasmin. "How could you make her cry like that, she was trying to get help." "But she was a stranger to us," Sasha says weakly. "What am I supposed to do?" "Not compare her to a dictator, mija, you know we came from a place that had facist after facist and that's why your abuela came to America! Barbie isn't in any way comparable to Benito Mussolini!" "I didn't expect her to take it so seriously!" "Well she did, and I hope you all apologize to her because we do not compare innocent blondes to war criminals." "Innocent blonde you say as you imagine her lips–" "Don't even start with me, Yasmin!"
Eventually though, the girls suck up their pride and do apologize to Barbie, but Jade really didn't want to participate in the first place, just feeling more weird about Barbie than feeling like being mean to her, and after they all get to know who would quickly become Gloria's girlfriend, they decide to bury the hatchet for Barbie's first real world birthday. Sasha gets a job working at the local library during the weekends and the other girls babysit and tutor younger kids, and eventually, they come up with a fun way to show their appreciation as they realize Barbie is actually pretty darned cool.
They don't tell Gloria what the gift is at all, and Cloe keeps it at home until the big day, when after blowing out her candles and after Gloria and Barbie's work friends give their presents, Sasha gets out the large box, wrapped in pink.
"So..." Sasha places the present in front of Barbie. "When you came into our world, I think I can pretty much say this, and don't ground me, Mom...we were all utter bitches to you." "No, no you weren't!" Barbie exclaims. "I should've done better–" "We were," Yasmin says morosely. "Like, you were all scared and stuff and found this girl you didn't know and instead of trying to help you, we made you cry. Imagine if you didn't get to Ms. Esperada in time and you got shipped back to Barbieland because of us; that would've made us guilty for the rest of our lives." Cloe joins in. "We should've just got you to a trusted adult or told you to meet us afterschool, and I'm so sorry, ma'am." "it's OK, Cloe. I'm really fine, you saw me as a stranger." "But it's not!" Jade cried. "So...we hope that you know that we all got together and found this, and I hope you'll know that we're glad you're still here and that we're happy that you make my BFF and her mom happy. We really are glad to know you, Barbie." "Well, thank you, girls. It's a bit big of a gift for a teen foursome to give though; I don't really need a PlayStation 5," she jokes nervously.
"Oh, I know." Sasha laughs aloud, nervous. "You're proud of the work you put into your Stardew Valley town and Mom has to distract you to get off the Switch at night." She mumbled under her breath, "sometimes in non PG-13 ways," then shoots an eyeroll towards her mom, who blushes, neither confirming or denying as her best friend Belinda shakes her head and giggles.
"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's lovely." Barbie feels the weight of the package in her hands and then unwraps it, pulling the pink paper off and revealing a blank cardboard box which is taped up considerably. "Aw, man, I'm going to need a–" Jade is unusually swift to offer up her 'for protection' pocketknife, flipping it open and handing it to Barbie at the hilt.
"Knife." She laughs nervously, then opens the package as her girlfriend says a silent prayer that Barbie doesn't cut off a finger. She opens up the package and her eyes light up in awe...
"You told Mom about how sad you felt about being called a facist and...yeah, really uncalled for," Sasha confesses. "But when she mentioned you took it too literally and we asserted you took too much joy in controlling the railroads and flow of commerce...ugggh, I really felt like soap scum. So hopefully this makes up for a really bad first impression, B." She helps pull the item the rest of the way out of the box, and then helps Barbie place it on the table. "Happy birthday, from all of us." "You..." Gloria is in utter shock about how her daughter tried to make one of the worst moments of Barbie's life into the best. "How on earth did you girls...Sasha, what on earth?" "You know my grandpa is a big railfan," Jade explained, "and when I asked him how we could get one of these, he had his friend in Oregon drive this all the way down after we explained what happened. It's in amazing working order and was really out of a train station that was torn down in the 80s near Pocatello they rescued and restored. And when he heard about why we wanted it...well, because of our gift, you've got a rail car at the museum in Fresno named after you too. So we'll have to see that one day, but I hope you know that...we definitely don't think you're a facist, Barbie." "It...it's beautiful. Girls..." Barbie was crying, but happily this time, looking over the large and beautifully stained oak railroad station clock. "Oh my Ruth, you really didn't have to do this, I forgave you all so long ago!" "Now you can know the time, and not be compared to terrible painters and obsessive train schedulers," Cloe says softly. "We just thought we'd turn a big negative for you into a positive, and since this is your first real birthday, we wanted to make it feel special and connect it to when we first met. Hopefully you don't think of that any longer and that you enjoy this like we did finding it, then giving it to you." "It...it really is. I expected something goofy, but not this...heartfelt. You should know that you've more than made up for it, and...oh, this is definitely going in the living room...um, if you don't mind, honeybee?" She looks at Gloria, who nods furiously.
"Oh, of course, yeah, it's going above the mantle! You girls went above and beyond and...just thank you for making up to her like this. I know this has been...quite a year with all of...this going on," she glances towards Richie, who nods knowingly at his ex-wife, "but you're a strong girl, with strong friends who know when they wrong someone. And you've created an amazing memory for Barbie. I hope so." "It is! It really is." Barbie gets up, and beckons the girls together, along with Gloria to circle around her. "I love you all, but Sash, thank you for just warming up to me. I know I've been a disruptive force, to say the least, but the way you've made it up to me, I know I can always count on you all. Thank you." Through her tears, Barbie hugs all four young women, along with Gloria, in a heartful hug. She feels the depression and self-loathing of that moment begin to melt away, a peek of the true deep love Sasha felt for her as an unexpected mother figure warming her own soul. The Esperada girls, along with the bratty trio who had known Sasha since they met in the Mattel daycare, had truly made her first real world birthday, which in Barbieland felt like any other day, very special.
Little did she know that Gloria would make it even more special for her after they proudly hung the clock, and after the party was done and cleaned up, the guests long gone, and Sasha was in bed with her heart much lighter, her mother would get down on bended knee with her beloved abuela's engagement ring, the ticking of the clock indicating the start of the path towards Barbie being able to know Sasha as her very own daughter...
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theonemeathead · 7 months
Spy x Reader, "Lovers Rock"
angsty songfic because i lauve tv girl so much. sorry for the lack of posts btw! tws for throw up, drinking. reader is gender neutral, enjoy! :3
Awkward, is how you would describe the circumstance.
Another victory, celebrated at a local bar full of cheap booze and loud music. And, normally, you would be there too, laughing and dancing the night away with the rest of your rowdy, drunken friends. Yet, you craved the quietness of an isolated night, and what better opportunity than to have the whole base to yourself until the return of the rising sun when the morning, unfortunately, returns?
Are you sick of me?
And just as you were beginning to get settled in for the night, the ringing of a wall-phone echoed through the empty halls. Sighing, you stare, contemplating for a second. Against your better judgement, you answer it, the bustling atmosphere immediately overwhelming your senses as you reluctantly raised the phone to your ear.
"Yo, it's Scout. Listen, ya need'a get here ASAP. If Spy stays any longer, it's not gonna be pretty, I can guarantee ya that."
Would you like to be?
The clicking of his line ended with a low beep, leaving you with no choice but to give up your chance at a peaceful night to, yet again, babysit a grown man. You hung up, frustrated, quickly throwing on some clothes and grabbing the keys to a spare breadtruck.
Which leads you to your current situation.
It had been a pain in the ass, getting Spy into the vehicle. He repeated that he was fine, that he was 'an adult' and could 'make his own decisions'. Yet, the slurring of his speech, the way his pupils dilated, it was apparent he was one drink away from ruining his suit.
"I promise you, I am... okay?" he sounded unsure, as if he couldn't remember the correct words to piece together. Spy hardly ever got tipsy, let alone where he's at now. It was concerning.
I'm trying to tell you something.
"No, we're going back to base," you insisted, pressing your foot on the brake as you slowed to a stop. You looked over, observing how he had taken his overcoat off and folded it over his leg, his tie messily hanging undone around the collar of his dress shirt, a few of the buttons undone revealing greying chest hair. He looked so handsome in the illuminating redness of the stoplight.
"I don't need you to take care of me, I am able to do it myself." He shifted in the uncomfortable leather of the truck, bracing as the car started moving when the light flickered green.
Something that I already said.
"Spy, you're very clearly far from sober. You couldn't walk in a straight line, let alone stand up on your own—" You started, punctuating your words with a tone of agitation. "—What's the matter? Nobody's ever.... Well, I've never seen you like this."
The air hung heavy. He stayed silent, opting to try and force the conversation to end. You shook your head. One night, alone, and now you were stuck in a car with the most arrogant asshole on the team. You took a deep breathe, speaking up again.
You like a pretty boy.
"I just— I want you to know I worry about you, Spy, okay? I don't care how naïve that sounds, but if you needed me to ever pick you up and take you home again, I would," your voice was small, almost meek. You glanced over, noticing how his steel eyes scanned you for insincerity, as if he was deciphering if you were lying or not. Your eyes briefly locked, causing you to avert your attention back to the road, encased by the darkness of the night.
"Je ne comprends pas—"
"In English, please."
"Ah, forgive me. I am afraid I don't understand you, mon chér." His accent was heavy, almost indecipherable. The roughness of his voice was therapeutic, in a way. There was an almost hoarsness to it, even though he sounded oh so sweet. One of the many things that you couldn't seem to get out of your head.
With a pretty voice.
"I don't understand you either. I wish I did." You and Spy had been close, the closest he had been to someone since his last wife, over two decades ago. Yet, one day, after sharing a glass of wine, he flinched away. Something changed. He shrouded himself in a cloak of mystery, once again. Except, this time, it wasn't alluring or intriguing, it was frustrating and so very painful. He had convinced you that there could be something more, a burning spark of something gentle and fleeting. Yet, he refused. "You really hurt me that one night, Spy. I'm sure you know that, too."
"I've hurt a lot of people, chér. That's what I do."
"But it doesn't have to be that way. We could've—" you stopped yourself, feeling a familiar sting beginning to form in your throat. The last thing you needed was to cry. You stopped talking altogether, opting to turn the radio up instead. Old love songs looped on the radio in an endless, hellish loop that seemed to be designed to torment you and only you.
Who's trying to sell you something.
Veering left, you drove slowly through the blanket of fake landscape, pulling into makeshift garage. You turned the car off, the engine coughing as it finally keeled, the damn thing wasn't worth a crap anyways. You slid out, walking over to the passenger side. Spy had already gotten out and had upchucked in the nearest trashcan. Good thing he had leaned forward. You saddled up beside the older man, wrapping one of his long, skinny arms around your neck and supporting him with a firm hand around his waist.
Something that you already have.
You pushed open the heavy, steel doors, the coldness of the metal searing at the soft and warmth of your flesh. Spy had almost fallen over twice now and you had barely walked 5 feet altogether. You sat him on the couch of the living room, watching as he seemed dazed about his whereabouts.
"Stay here, I'm going to grab you a glass of water," you gently told him. He seemed to get it, nodding his head slowly to answer you. You took a glass from the cupboards. The material felt heavy in your hands, as if no other cup had held as much weight as this one. The reality of the situation hit you. You would pick him up, bring him home, take care of him, make sure he was okay... but would he do the same for you? Would Spy, a trained assassin with over 20 years of experience, be able to get over himself to be tender with you—for you?
But if you're too drunk to drive.
You returned, handing him the glass. You watched as he clumsily brought it to his lips, getting more liquid on himself, rather than drinking it properly. Sighing, you opt to hold his head back, using a steady hand to aid him in drinking. It was almost silly, the sight. He was in his late 40s, struggling to do something as simple as take a sip of water.
And the music is right.
You hooked yourself around him again, this time escorting him to his quarters. You had to venture through his smoking room, a place you had come to resent since that night he pushed you out and away. You felt a painful ache as you watched the lone record player in the corner; The record player you would both listen to Paul Anka and Frank Sinatra on. You had reached the large, mahogany door that led to his sleeping arrangement, along with a personal bathroom that he had paid Miss Pauling under the table to implement.
She might let you stay.
You sat him on the silken linen of his bed, watching as he seemed to embrace the soft fabric of the sheets. You kneeled, taking his shoes off. And slowly but surely, you had gotten him down to just a pair of briefs. He seemed too buzzed to care, or, perhaps, this was an act of trueting you, otherwise you were sure this act would be filled with French protest and various other quips. You had folded his suit and put it away, sitting the dirty clothes on a near-by chair. You, gingerly, took a white wifebeater and a pair of red-striped pants and slid them over his thin body. You traced every scar the Respawn machine never seemed to fully mend, taking the time to admire how he turned and twisted beneath the tenderness of your hand.
But just for the night.
Lastly, you pulled at his mask. He seemed to have sobered up in milliseconds, a hand flying to grab your wrist. He didn't have a furrowed brow or anything scornful, but something that threw you off completely; Fear. He had been sober enough this whole time to realize what you were doing, sober enough to stop you if he wanted to, yet he didn't. You pawed at it, yet again, his grip loosening slightly. Spy lifted his head up, allowing you to pull it off with more ease. You gently tucked the fabric into the bedside table, where he kept a spare revolver just in case; 'The Ambassador', he called it.
And if she grabs for your hand.
You sat on the edge of the bed as he laid behind you. You turned slightly, your body facing him now. Reaching a hand up to place it against the bristles of his clean shaven face, you stroked at the aged skin. His cheek bones, high and defined, sat nicely against his long face. You gently trailed your fingers up to his forehead, subconsciously counting the wrinkles that had formed over the years. Your hands traced down the hook of his nose, sloping down fully until your fingers rested against his chapped lips, which were normally soft. You had both been uncharacteristically silent through this whole ordeal and it was apparent the reason why; You both knew what would happen. That dwindling spark that lasted for even months after was still there. You felt it and you know he did too.
And drags you along.
"Mon cœur—" he broke the silence, gaining your attention. "Every night, I regret it. I miss our talks, our secrets."
Immediately, you felt a wave of nausea and anxiety. He looked up at you, taking your hand from his face and holding it in his own boney one. He rubbed gentle circles across the back of your hand, squeezing your fingers slightly as if he were going to lose you if he let go.
She might want a kiss.
"What did I do wrong?" The way you said it broke his heart. Your voice shook with so much emotion, it could've rattled the Earth to its core. The way your eyes had grown glossy from approaching tears, your lip quivering slightly to hold back a waterfall of sobs.
"Nothing, ma petit chou. I was..." He hesitated. Still under the influence, he marched forward, vulnerable and, for the first time in years, nervous. "I was afraid."
Before the end of this song.
"I loved you, Spy. I love you, still." You blinked, a couple of tears spilling down your warm cheeks. He clicked his tongue, taking his free hand and wiping them away as he sat up to face you. He brought you closer, pulling you forward and resting your head upon his chest. His heart was beating fast and erratic, from nerves or liquor you couldn't tell.
Because love can burn like a cigarette.
"I... I love you too. Please, stay with me tonight." It sounded pathetic coming from him. But, yet, you slid your shoes off and you turned the lamp off. You laid against him, hearts thrumming in rythm as he finally drifted off into what was some of the heaviest sleep he'd ever had. You had gotten past those walls, once again. Thankful was an understatement for how you felt. You knew Spy was complicated, someone who couldn't allow slip-ups or complications, it could cost him as much as his life.
And when he awoke the next morning, groggy with a pounding headache, with you clutching onto him as if he would leave in the middle of the night, Spy knew he had done at least one thing right in his drunken stupor. All he hoped for, now, was your forgiveness.
And leave you alone with nothing,
And leave you alone with nothing.
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novaethecosplayer · 2 years
Hawks x Reader: Language Barriers-Pt1
A/N: So English is my first language and I'm pretty fluent in Spanish, while I'm trying to learn Japanese. This fic is an idea that popped into my head on how the hell I would try to communicate with these characters if most of them didn't know English (unlikely given how most non-US countries tend to teach English and their native language in primary school, but I like to imagine….). I also headcanon that Hawks has some basics of the more common languages down due to the HC wanting him to be able to do cheesy hero lines in any language in case Hawks needed to rescue someone who didn't know Japanese or English, which he is fluent in both. Anyways, i'm also using this as a learning tool with my Japanese and any phrases I don't know yet will be in English and clarified that they are supposed to be speaking Japanese. Everything is translated to English to the best of my knowledge PLEASE correct me if I am wrig in my Spanish or Japanese.
He had seen them walking around the liberation front several times. They don’t seem to leave the base at all nor do they show off their quirk like the rest of the villains within the group do. Usually, people are super excited that the number 2 hero is a part of their group and wish to speak to him, show him their quirk, or even train with him to get stronger; yet, they do not. They simply roam the halls listening to music and off in their own world or they are escorted around the hall by Dabi, who seems to not be able to take his hands off them. 
    Hawks had tried teasing Dabi about his significant other, since they seem to be a couple, but Dabi brushed it off—showing Hawks he doesn't care about the person at all, which puzzled him some more.
    Hawks had tried to speak with them on more than one occasion, but was never successful. Either they ignored him or someone else had interrupted his attempt.
    “(Y/N) doesnt talk to anyone but Dabi” Twice told him one day upon seeing that Hawks was briefly distracted from their lessons as Y/N entered the room, grabbed something, and left. “Dabi says they only speak one language and its not Japanese.” They both spoke in Japanese.
    ‘Which language?” Hawks asked upon seeing Y/N shut the door. Twice shrugged and then shook his fists in anger.
    “Dabi wont tell me!!” He shouted, then visibly calmed. “I dont know.” Hawks nodded and then continued with the lesson. He made the connection that is why they seem to ignore everyone but Dabi and why they have ignored him everytime he tried to talk to them.
    A day or so passed before hawks saw them again. He was returning from the city, a coffee in hand, when he saw them sitting out on the grass outside. This was the first time he had ever seen them leave the building. He glanced around and saw the Sliding Hero keeping an eye on them from a distance. “I can take a watch, if ya want!”Hawks called out to the lower ranked hero, who debated it over for a while before agreeing that he has better things to do then babysit and putting the number 2 on babysitting duty seems pleasing to him.
    Hawks landed on the hard ground and walked over to Y/N. Firat, he noticed their earbuds plugged snuggly into their ears. Then the way they swayed in the breeze to the rhythm of their music. He watched as their eyes roamed slowly from the grass to the trees to the clouds and back. Then they slowly turned to look at him, as if sensing his presence; he briefly saw them glance to where the sliding hero was a moment ago—obviously aware that they are to be watched. They looked back at him and gave a small smile then a wave—the most he had ever gotten out of them. He took it as an invitation to sit beside them. 
“はじめまして、Hawks と申します。 (Its nice to meet you, Im Hawks)” He introduced himself as soon as they pulled an earbud out. He watched as they crinkled their eyebrows and titled their head.
“はじめまして、Y/N と申します。にほんごがわkりません。(It‘s nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. I don't understand Japanese.)” They replied, surprising Hawks since he was expecting them to just not understand—let alone. Have such a well practiced response. He nodded and smiled reassuringly. Then he pointed at their headphones and then his ear, maybe if he heard what they listen to he can figure out what language they speak. They nodded and gave him an ear bud, which he put in—instantly recognizing the song as Bailemos (span. vers.). He smiled and looked up at Y/N, taking a moment to wracked his brain for him limited Spanish vocabulary.
    “Me gusta este concion. ( I like this song)” he told them. They looked at him with wide eyes then glanced down, seemingly pondering something before speaking.
    “Yo también. ¿Hablas español? (Me too. Do you speak spanish?)“ They whispered and tilted their head. Hawks’s smile turned apologetic. 
    “Un poco. (A little)” He could see them deflate a little bit as they realized that they would not be able to speak with him as well as they had hoped.
    “Ah si? Que malo. (Really? How unfortunate.)” They responded and he nodded agreeing that it was unfortunate that they are unable to speak to each other past limited simple sentences and sentence fragments.
    “Que es tu…rareza?? (What is your… quirk??)” Slipped out the question he has been pondering for a long time.
    “Energia” They responded. “Puedo crear y cambiar energías. (Energy. I can create and change energies.)” They lifted up their hand and showed him the energy of the breeze by giving it enough energy to glow lightly and showed him how they can capture it into a ball and form into into a new type of energy by squishing it down and then they hit it harshly and it caused a bang to ring out—the sound had startled Hawks, but the physics involved in changing one type of energy to the next seemed interesting to him; he also could see why Dabi kept a close eye on Y/N,if their quirk is as strong as anyone else’s around here then Y/N has the potential to be extremely dangerous. 
    “Incredible (incredible)” Hawks added, “Tengo solamente… estes (I only have… these)” he gestured to his wings as soon as he realized he couldn’t remember the word for wings in spanish.
    “Gracias y sus alas estas muy bonitos (thank you and your wings are very pretty.)” Y/N responded
    “Ah! Alas! (Ah! Wings!)” Hawks shouted and hit his forehead to show he had forgotten the word. “Gracias! (Thank you!)” Y/N giggled at his behavior and nodded.
    “¿Cómo puedes olvidar? (how did you forget?)” they asked teasingly and lightly pushed him with their shoulder to show that they were joking with him; he smiled, only understanding half of what they said.
    “Olvidar?” He repeated, tilting his head to show confusion—causing Y/N to think he looks like a little confused puppy, which caused them to giggle.
    “Ah… No requerdar. (Oh… i don't remember)” They tried to explain, “Cuando un idea escape tu miente. (When an idea escapes your brain)” Hawks then nodded and laughed. 
    “Ah! Pues, no se! (Oh! Well, i don't know).” He shrugged and Y/N laughed, finding it funny he forgot the word that describes his quirk.
    “Hawks! What are you doing?!” Calls out a voice, in Japanese, from the entrance of the building. They both turn to see Dabi standing there mad. 
    “Just getting to know our colleague here!” He called back, in the same language, with a bright smile.
    “They aren’t yours to get to know. Go away.”  Dabi responded then turned to look at Y/N and made a gesture that they should follow. They nodded and stood up leaving Hawks without a single word or glance—who seemed confused by the whole situation. He wanted to follow them but he needed to keep himself from getting into trouble and losing his position of knowing secrets, so he decided otherwise.
    Dabi led Y/N to their room and slammed them down. Y/N casted their head down, knowing they are about to get an earful.
    “How much does he know?!” Dabi demanded.
    “I told him the basics of my quirk. That's it. I think he didn’t understand it fully because it was in Spanish, which he doesn't seem to know too well.” They shifted from foot to foot.
    “I thought I said you weren’t allowed to talk to anyone but me!” He yelled, pushing them back and getting in their face.
    “You said I cannot speak English to anyone but you. You didn't say anything about other languages.” They corrected as they resteadied their feet after being pushed and looked back up at him.
    “You never told me you spoke other languages!” He growled as he stepped closer to them, towering over them.
    “You didn't ask!” They defended as they stood tall and squared their shoulders, trying to show that they were not afraid.
    “Well, hear me now! Don’t talk to anyone but me! Understood?” He demanded as he grabbed their chin and forced them to look higher up at him, squishing their cheeks roughly.
    “Fine.” They growled out and Dabi let them go with a huff.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hey there! This isn't a request or anything, I was just thinking a lot about a request you got not long ago asking which body parts the Bad Batchers would like and I think the requester thought Tech was a boob man or whatever.
Anyway, that's not really important. What I want to talk about is you mentioned that you didn't feel comfortable writing it because you didn't want anyone to feel upset or offended.
I just want to tell you that is not your fault. It is not on you.
Your writing has been taking off and I am so happy for you, I am so happy that more people are finding your talent. But with having more readers, there's a chance that people will want to "police" you and you don't deserve it. It's a reader's responsibility to know what they're reading and to understand that if something were to upset them, it's not okay to take it out on a writer. Headcanons are different from person to person and so are preferences and that shouldn't be a reason to fight in fandom. You have every right to write whatever you want and whoever doesn't like it can just go touch grass.
You're a writer, not a babysitter. You have the right to enjoy what you write and to write according to your own headcanons and interpretations and if someone gets offended or tries to call you out for that, it's not your fault and they're big poopieheads.
Plus you are literally not problematic. SW fandom loooooves to point fingers at problematic people, and you're not one of them. You're a light in this fandom, you gift us with beautiful writing, and we love you.
You are wonderful and don't you forget it!
Thank you very much! This was very enlightening, enjoyable and encouraging. I must honestly say that so far I have been lucky not to be criticized too much or often, so far the fandom has been really very welcoming and loving.
I'm always very critical of myself and cautious, if only because English is not my first language and I never really learned it, but taught myself for the most part. Much of what I want to write, I often can not express as I would like to.
You're right, I'm not babysitting anyone, but in today's society everyone is so cautious and oversensitive and puts far too much on the gold scale that when I write it sometimes feels like I have to perform complicated acrobatic acts.
To be honest I still feel new to the "gender game", for example, a bigger trigger for some people, it never cocerned me personally and I still have to really find out what all of it means for some people. There are soooo many new triggers compared to ten years ago.
Most of the time I still write the way I feel, sometimes soft, sometimes hot, sometimes very sad or even desperate or sometimes uplifting, comforting. I've found that I just can't work through my projects on a schedule anymore, not even always in the same order, because sometimes you just don't feel sexy, or happy, or dark enough for what's ahead in that story or request. However, I always try to answer sad asks who need comfort a little faster than others, but even that is sometimes not that easy. So at the moment everything is a bit messed up and I took three days off because I experienced a private low and I couldn't concentrate.
Now I continue to write. I just hope that I am forgiven that my rhythm these days is different and not quite as accurately ordered as it once was.
There are so many people who welcome you with open arms and who openly show their joy. And there are those who just sit and wait to criticize something, and these people I find exhausting. So far, I've rarely experienced this, but I've seen it in the comments of other writers and silently thought to myself, "Why is this a problem? Let people write the way they want".
In the end, everything is fiction anyway and everyone has their own idea of how certain things should be, or how certain characters behave, what personal traits they have. You can never really make everyone happy. If you want to write in a balanced way, I think you really have to get out of the habit of trying to make everyone happy.
The reason I didn't write those HC's was of course because I would write something like that completely out of how I feel about this, there's no other way to do it at all. I am who I am and I can't and don't want to write anything generic just to make everyone happy, because I wouldn't be happy with that (as egoistic as it may be). I also have no desire to deal with the exhausting people who would certainly put each word individually on the gold scale. Part of me thinks though as I said in the reply then, some people might be sad, they wouldn't complain but feel let down in some ways.
Meanwhile I have almost 1.5k followers and somehow I already have the feeling that I have a certain responsibility or, a different relationship to the fandom as before, I'm suddenly in the middle of it and suddenly have a few people who sometimes comfort themselves with what I write. I had people contacting me, telling me how much reading this or that meant to them. It is beyond any explainable feeling.
To read your message was very pleasant, has given me courage and showed me that I probably do something right (sometimes ;) ) Thank you again. You have brightened my day.
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marvelatthetwilight · 3 years
Lonely Minds
Thank you everyone for reading this so far...sorry each part takes so long!
A/N: I’m really pleased with how this one has gone, let me know what you think!
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⬅️Part four: Suspicious Minds
"We can't go to school tomorrow." Alice announces to the room as you are sat playing videogames with Jasper as Emmett attempts to finish his English essay which is due tomorrow. You turn to where Alice is standing in the doorway, focusing on the images flitting round Alice’s mind.
“No school?” Emmett asks, with an excited puppy look on his face as you nod in reply. "Yessssss!" He pumps his fist in celebration and starts dancing around the room as Rosalie rolls her eyes at him, laughing.
“Hunting?” Jasper suggests as he looks around the room to a chorus of nods in agreement, you nod too and then look over at Edward sat looking out the window, deep in thought.
Now how am I going to talk to Bella? I had a plan all set out. He asks as he realises you are watching him.
It’s just one day. It’ll probably be good for you to have some space. Make sure you're doing the right thing.
He bobs his head in acknowledgement but the look on his face makes you wonder what he is plotting, you know Edward too well; once he has an idea in his head he is unlikely to bend that easily.
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When you return from hunting that evening, Edward makes excuses about needing to go on errands in Port Angeles.
"I've just got some things to sort out." He claims, refusing to make eye contact with any of you.
Carlisle looks at you, his eyes flicking back to Edward as he makes his way out of the house.
"And stop asking Y/N to read my thoughts Carlisle. I know what I'm doing, I don't need babysitting." His voice is angry, but when he turns to face you, he looks hurt.
I wouldn't have done it.
Edward shrugs as he shoots a final hurt look in your direction then he closes the door behind him.
"Well that went well." Rosalie says sarcastically as she appears at your side, wrapping an arm around you. "C'mon, let's just relax and watch TV." You smile at her and walk together into the living room, but you can't get your mind off of Edward. Despite everything you have done to show support for him, to show him that you are with him 100% he still won't fully trust you.
Your siblings tried to convince you it wasn't happening, but, to you, it felt like he was slipping away. Slipping closer and closer to Bella.
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As the sun sets and the evening darkens, Edward still hasn't returned from his "errands". You've tried to busy your mind with inane chatter with Alice, watching TV with Rosalie, and making plans for the summer. Normally each of your siblings would go travelling in their couples, with you spending time with your parents, or with Edward. Whilst they weren't convinced that he was 'slipping away' as you called it, they could clearly see that this year wouldn't necessarily be the same as previous years, and so, you were making plans to travel together.
"Then we can finish with a week in Isle Esme to help Carlisle and Esme with the renovation!" Alice looks at you expectantly, and she struggles to hide the disappointment on her face when you don't match her enthusiasm.
Or we can do something different.
"No, no! That sounds perfect, sorry, I was just wondering where Edward is."
"I'm sure he will be home..." Alice is interrupted by a vision before she can finish her sentence.
At the police station, Carlisle is in deep discussion with Charlie, looking through photographs and evidence. Charlie looks distressed and Carlisle looks concerned. He places a sympathetic hand on Charlie's shoulder, then exits the police station, walking towards Edward and...Bella.
"That's where he is then..." Alice looks at you sympathetically. "Told you." You say, before abruptly standing up and leaving the room.
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It's not that you were with her. I told you that I would support you. It's that you didn't trust me enough to tell me. You kept it from me.
Sorry Y/N but I just feel like everyone is against me. I know that Carlisle doesn't approve, neither does Rosalie.
But I've told you that I'm fine. Whatever you think is best, I'm with you. I feel like you're pushing me away. I don't think we've ever spent so much time apart, it's like you're avoiding me.
I just wasn't sure...
That you could trust me?
You look at Edward with hurt in your eyes. If you were human, your eyes would be filling with tears, threatening to spill. Instead you were left with no output, only the opportunity to get up and leave as soon as you heard the school bell.
As you leave the school building and head outside you catch sight of Bella, standing still on grass, deep in thought. You slow slightly, allowing for your siblings to catch up with you, whilst you eye Bella carefully. She doesn't notice you watching until Edward joins you.
"Y/N please..." He pauses as he catches sight of Bella. Their eyes meet and she motions towards the forest behind your group.
She walks past your group without looking at Edward again, but he watches her closely; as she disappears through the trees, Edward moves to follow her.
Jasper moves to stand in front of him and Rosalie grabs his arm.
"Edward, don't go." Rosalie tries to force Edward to look at her, pleading with him.
Alice steps forward, gently removing Rosalie's hand and whispers, "He's already there."
Edward takes one final look back at you before following Bella into the forest.
I'm asking you to trust me now, please Y/N.
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"He's an idiot." Emmett states as he appears at your side. You are standing at the back of the house, looking out into the forest, listening to nature. It was your favourite thing to do when you needed to think.
Edward didn’t return to school after following Bella into the forest, you drove yourself to school so you didn’t bother waiting for him, and as soon as you got home you avoided talking to Esme about your day, choosing instead to sit peacefully in the garden.
You hum in reply as you turn to face him. His eyes dart around your face trying to read your expression.
What are you thinking Y/N? Happy? Sad? Hungry?
You smile a small smile. "I'm fine Em." He cocks his head to the side and narrows his eyes.
Sure? I can’t read your face.
"I'm sure, just thinking. Thank you for checking on me." He wraps a quick arm around your shoulders and gives you a squeeze, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"That's what big bros are for lil' sis." He smiles, offering you his hand for a high five which you return whilst rolling your eyes at your brother's childish but comforting behaviour.
"You ever thought of just forcing him to not see her?" Emmett asks as he looks out into the trees.
"I did once, in the early years. Just silly things. We never told anyone because Carlisle would've been so upset with me, after all his warnings. It didn't work. We don't know why. Maybe something to do with him hearing it in my head first? Who knows." You shrug in reply.
Emmett looks confused for a second before his face lights up in understanding, he's about to ask another question when suddenly you are interrupted by a scream coming from the front of the house. You look at Emmett in confusion, just as the scream turns into more of a growl, and you are both able to place the sound.
"Rose." You both say together, as you quickly make your way back into the house.
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You both follow the growls and snarls into the living room where you find Rosalie being held back by Jasper and Carlisle. Looking towards the doorway you realise the cause of Rosalie's anger is Edward.
"He's invited her to the house, 'for dinner'." She emphasises dinner as she spits the sentence out in anger.
"Rosalie." Esme scolds gently.
"Are we all just sticking our heads in the sand and pretending that this isn't really happening? Is this what we are doing?" She looks at you expectantly, but as you glance towards Edward she gets the answer she needs.
"That's what we're doing then." She pushes away Jasper and Carlisle's hands and storms out of the house, closely followed by Emmett.
"So...for those of you who weren't here when I announced earlier...Bella is coming over tomorrow." Edward says quietly, awkwardly looking around the room until his eyes land on you. You sigh deeply before looking away and returning to your comforting spot at the back of the house.
You sit down on the top step, tapping your foot lightly as you listen to the noise of the birds in the trees, ignoring the conversations from within the house. You close your eyes for a minute, taking a deep but unnecessary breath. As the footsteps get closer you try to calm your mind to stop your thoughts.
Opening your eyes as he takes a seat next to you, you look at him and he frowns as he recognises the hurt on your face.
You're upset with me.
I don't even know anymore. I just feel so...
"Lonely." You say out loud.
"Lonely?" He asks, confused as to why you are now talking out loud.
"Yes lonely. We've gone so many years without having to really ever share how we are feeling out loud because each of us just...knows. No one has known how I've felt. I've just said I'm fine, and though they know I'm not, they can't read my mind. I'm not used to having to say it all out loud."
He looks around at the tree tops, admiring the birds swiftly moving between the branches before replying. "So why now?" He asks quietly, although he is aware of the answer.
"Because I'm going to need to get used to it. Being lonely. Telling people how I feel."
He looks at you sadly.
I'm sorry.
"Don't be. It was going to happen eventually, one of us finding someone. I had just hoped it would be me first." You laugh and playfully punch his arm.
"Are we ok?" He asks.
"No. But I think we will be." You reply, standing up and walking back into the house.
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“Wow you are all awful cooks. Esme please kick them all out of the kitchen, I can’t cope. Also, Emmett should NOT be trusted with that knife.” You shoo your brother out of the room despite his protests and turn to your father. “You can stay Carlisle.” You smile at him as he continues cutting elegantly.
Esme continues rolling out pizza dough, decorating it elaborately with tomatoes and mozzarella. Rosalie rolls her eyes as she stands holding a bowl of salad with a disinterested look on her face.
“I will happily go somewhere else but I have promised Esme I’m on my best behaviour.”
Esme smiles at Rosalie, and is about to reply when Emmett appears back in the doorway. “The human is here!”
“Is she even Italian?” Rosalie asks you, and you shrug.
Bella and Edward appear in the doorway, Edward looks uncomfortable as he sees the effort Esme has put into this meeting.
“Bella!” Esme calls out. “We’re making Italiano for you!”
“This is my Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes.” Edward introduces the two women and Esme smiles her motherly comforting smile that you knew so well.
“Bon giorno?” Bella replies nervously.
“Molto bene!” Esme replies.
“You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time” Carlisle states, motioning towards the brand new and unused state of the art appliances filling the room.
“I hope you’re hungry.” Esme calls out to Bella, gesturing at the food filling the counter.
“Oh absolutely…” Bella starts before she is interrupted by Edward.
“She already ate.” Bella shoots a frown in Edward’s direction and he shrugs apologetically.
The group is interrupted by a shattering noise as the bowl from Rosalie’s hands is thrown to the floor.
“Perfect.” She shouts.
“I just assumed…because you don’t eat, you know…” Bella attempts to explain to Rosalie, who refuses to listen as Emmett tries to calm her.
“Of course, that’s very considerate of you.” Esme replies as she places a soft hand on Bella’s shoulder in comfort.
“Ignore her. I do.” Edward whispers to Bella, his voice teasing his sibling.
Edward. Don’t make it worse.
He looks towards you and frowns.
“Yes, let’s all keep pretending this isn’t dangerous for all of us.” Rosalie states, her voice rising in anger.
“I would never tell anyone. Ever.” Bella promises as Carlisle appears at her side.
“She knows that.” He says softly.
“The problem is.” Emmett calls out from the other side of the room. “That the two of you have gone public now so…”
“Emmett.” Esme chides.
“No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly.” Rosalie explains, walking closer to the group.
Everyone looks nervously at each other. Edward won’t make eye contact with anyone.
Realisation dawns on Bella’s face.
“Oh…badly. Like where I become…the meal.”
Emmett chokes back a laugh and Edward grins at Bella as he wraps his arm around her. You look around at everyone laughing, until your eyes land on Rosalie.
She throws her arms down beside her then moves to sit at the dining table, Emmett following after her.
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Esme and Carlisle continue chatting with Bella as Alice and Jasper appear at the window.
Once Alice has introduced herself and Jasper she turns back to Bella.
“You all seem very close.” Bella states to Esme as she observes the room.
“Some of us have been together for nearly 100 years. It allows us to form some…almost unbreakable bonds.” Esme glances at Edward as she speaks but he ignores her.
“Y/N is the one you really need on-side, the only one who knows what Edward is really thinking.” Emmett says, nudging you forward from where you were standing behind Carlisle.
“You have the same ability?” Bella asks curiously. She had wondered why you and Edward always seemed so close, but hadn’t plucked up the courage to ask Edward yet.
“Sort of. Y/N’s is far more dangerous though.” Carlisle answers for you, his tone darkening at the mention of your other gift
“How?” Bella asks, her interest piqued.
“She has the ability to change someone’s thoughts, to change their minds almost.” Edward answers, smiling towards you in apology as you scowl at him.
“I’m perfectly capable to answer these questions myself. Now I’m not the youngest in the house any more!” You walk closer towards where Bella and Edward are standing, hesitating slightly when deciding how close to stand and settling to stand just in front of Esme and Carlisle. Esme reaches a hand out to yours and gives you a quick squeeze in support.
“Bella. I’m Y/N. The Cullen’s youngest vampire, and Edward’s twin, as far as the humans know.”
Bella smiles in response. You had always seemed so standoffish with her and now she was starting to understand that it was because of Edward.
“Would you like a demonstration?” You gesture towards Emmett who is perched on the countertop, his smile quickly fading as he realises why you are looking at him.
“Nope. Why is it always me?” You send a pleading look towards him, with your best puppydog eyes.
“Fine. But nothing stupid.” He jumps off the counter and comes to stand next to you.
“Y/N.” Carlisle warn, and you turn to face him offering him your most angelic smile.
“Only a little one, I promise.” He nods begrudgingly and you spin back to Emmett, reaching up on your tiptoes towards his ear as he leans down towards you.
You whisper an instruction into Emmett’s ear, so quiet that only he can hear and step back to watch your masterpiece unfold.
Emmett closes his eyes in concentration before attempting to stand on his tiptoes, holding his arms above his head, hands clasped like crab claws. He gently brings his arms back down and bends his legs, keeping his heels together. All of a sudden he is prancing around the room, jumping every now and again, legs stretched out.
As you watch Emmett prance around, you catch sight of Rosalie across the room, she’s smiling as her eyes follow Emmett’s graceful form. When her eyes meet with yours she gives you a silent applause, her face is filled with laughter, the anger from before having now disappeared.
Ballet? You sneaky little thing. You knew exactly what to do to break me out of this mood.
Blowing a quick kiss to your sister across the room, you turn your attention back to Emmett as he comes to the end of his performance. As he strikes his final position the room erupts into applause.
You do a little bow as you look around the room, your family all offering you silent words of encouragement.
I’m so proud of how you are dealing with this darling. Esme offers as she stands next to Carlisle with his arm around her, looking like proud parents. Carlisle raises an eyebrow at you as you glance towards him.
Well done for not causing Emmett serious bodily harm.
When your eyes land on Edward, he is talking quietly to Bella, unaware of your attention. She wants to continue talking to the family, but he is keen to take her away to talk just the two of them. Bella suddenly notices you watching.
“Thank you for showing me Y/N, it’s nice to have more of an…insight into Edward’s life.” She says, as Edward pulls her away towards the stairs.
You watch them leave and sigh. You’re suddenly aware of someone standing next to you and turn to see Alice, looking sadly towards Edward.
You’ll be sad and lonely for a bit, but soon it will be your turn. I’ve seen it.
“Promise it’s only for a bit?” You ask quietly.
Promise. She reaches her small arm around your waist and gives you a squeeze and rests her head on your arm.
You’ll always have us though. I know it’s not quite the same, but we will try.
@volturidoll13 @wallwriterstuff @fatiguing-thoughts @clearwater-hoe @like-rain-or-confetti @moviequeen51 @raindancer2004 @officialfictionalwreck @megzdoodle @slasher-sweetie @evakipara @reclusive-chicken-nugget @holl2712 @icarusinstatic @imdoingathingmom @fanfic-love-show @volturiwolf @awesomebooklover17 @burningb00k @cole22ann @amortentiaaaa @gurl-ly @fayeatheart
➡️ Part six: Dark Minds
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Can you write about Blade and Lolita at the wedding please?
Buuuuuut....I don't know if it goes the way you hope it goes. So Lo was supposed to have a date with Blade, but she had to cancel. Not because she didn't want to go, Lo has a HUGE crush on Blade, and always had. She had some family business to attend to. Story invited Lo to babysit, unbeknownst to Blade. And an open bar, Blade not knowing she's there...
What You Two Have
Summary:  Lo goes to Aster and Beck’s wedding
Pairings:  Lolita!Reader X The Drysdale’s
Rating:  mild
Warnings: mild language, implied jumping on the bed, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.4K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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After the wedding you cradle a Baby Z who is nearly passed out despite the noise. Almost off in a corner by yourself, which is fine, you signed on for a babysitting job.  Otto, the cutest little man eating his cake. His legs wiggling around on the chair. A perfect matching suit to his Uncle Blade. An uncle that either hadn't seen you, or he's still a bit upset for cancelling on the date.
It wasn't something you really wanted to talk about with him, because you didn't even know him. Family matters should be left within the family. But nobody says no to Blade Drysdale.
"Wo, awe you gonna dance wif Uncy Bwade?" those big round eyes stare up at you, and you shake your head no. "Why not?" you don't miss the little smirk on his mouth.
"I'm watching you and Baby Z," he looks over to see his mom and dad wrapped up together dancing, and then he's looking back you.
"Dey can watch us. If you want to," you puff out a laugh, your eyes already looking for Blade. "You wooking fow him?"
"No, buddy."
"Wies. Dey aways wook for him."
You don't have to take long when you see him leaned over the bar talking to some blonde. "I don't think me and Blade have a lot in common."
"It's just a dance."
"I think he's found him a dance partner, buddy," Otto looks around for Blade only to shake his head rolling his eyes.
"You'we pwettiew. Hims a idiot. You can dance wif me. Howding Baby Z," Otto is already putting together a plan. Knowing that Blade does like you, and Otto likes you, so you're number one in his book.
Lucy slumps down beside you, giving Otto a quick tickle, causing him to laugh out a 'Stop Wucy.' Lucy has always been a bit intuitive with you. The two of you sharing an odd bond, while you aren't best friends with her, you have an understanding. "Picked up a fu..." she looks over at Otto who gives her an innocent smile. "Blade, got him a stupid Swiss Cake Roll. He's so stupid."
"He's having fun. That's Blade for you."
"So, I hear you're Lolita?" rolling your eyes you look down at the baby Baizen in your arms, your finger running along his chubby cheek. "He doesn't talk about other girls. I bug him about it. He just...gets what he needs and forgets them.  But you, he’s talked about you a lot."
"It's nothing. Blade and I, well, there is no us. He's free to eat whatever dessert he wants to."
"She doesn't speak English very well. I don't think he's even spotted you."
You finally look back up at her. "I'm working. These boys right here are my responsibility. And Otto, finish your cake. It's almost time for us to head to the room."
He gives you a little pout, but smiles when Story and Carter come over to give him and Baby Z some love. Making sure to smoother them with kisses. "Story, if you guys wanted, you can sleep in my room. That way you two can have the full night off," she looks at you regretful.
Story had hoped that you and Blade would have reconnected at the wedding. Making sure to put your room right next to Blade's. Now that he's talking and drinking with some girl, already snapping his fingers at Harry, because he needs that NDA before he ever takes her to bed, you have no desire to want to be beside him.
"Are you sure that you don't want to enjoy the night? Carter and I won't be out late."
"I won't be far away if you need to see the boys. You two rarely get a night alone. Enjoy it. Tell your parents goodnight, we're going to have a slumber party," you grab ahold of Otto's hand and start to walk to the room. You don't notice that finally Blade sees you. His eyes flicking to your sweet smile listening to whatever it is that Otto tells you. Looking quickly at Zephyr.
His eyes looks at the girl he's already agreed for an evening with. Already had the standard NDA signed, and she pales in comparison to you. He doesn't get to think too much when Story goes to whack him on the back of his head, "What the hell was that for?" grabbing his ear she pulls him away from the Swiss Roll.
"What the hell?"
"You said a bad word, Story."
"Don't change the subject," her hands rest on her hips when Carter goes to stand behind her, giving her a quick kiss on her neck, and Blade rolls his eyes at how disgusting his sister and husband are.
"You have a sweet girl that you're actually interested in. She's here."
"Babysitting it looks like."
She smacks at his shoulder, "Yeah, two of your favorite people. You mean, you aren't thinking of joining her in our room and spending time with Little Man and Baby Z?" his eyes look down at the floor, because the thought did in fact cross his mind. Not getting to spend near enough time with Otto as he would have liked. "And you," she hits him again, "Are an idiot. She likes you."
"She cancelled on me."
Flicking him in the head, Blade is getting tired of the constant minor abuse, "Her brother was in the hospital."
"Wait, there was a real emergency?" he looks back at the door where you had walked out with his nephews.
"Yes, does she seriously look like a girl that would lie to you? Fix it."
"She's already signed."
"You're rich and smart, break the contract. I like that one. She has a real name that's not a stupid dessert, and my babies love her. Blade, you can sit there and act that just because your only girlfriend cheating on you that you don't want love."
He laughs looking down at his sister. There's always more than that. "What about what happened to you? What about Aster? Or even Iris? I don't want that."
Carter is the one to look at him. His eyes looking at the man he has known his whole life, "It's more than that. Yes, anything could happen. I almost lost your sister, not to death, but to another man. I never would have recovered from that. She was always for me, before I even knew it. You could have that."
"I do not want what you two have."
"Really? Coming home everyday to the same person. Laying in bed beside her, not having to say anything because you just know what the other needs. Getting to see her be a mother to our sons. Spending everyday with your best friend. I know Story is your sister, but she's my everything. I was like you, while not as extreme, but I didn't believe in love. Until her," his hand wraps around her, pulling her hand off her chest. His own thumb rubbing on the blank part of skin. "I'm not saying that girl is meant to be your wife. I'm saying that she genuinely likes you. Why don't you try something more than sex."
"Yeah, not to mention, Blade scares her," the group looks over at Lucy confused. "She's got a crush, and has had one for awhile. She's more than just young, she's a virgin. It's no secret you bring the girls home."
"Well, I'm going to bring a girl to my room," he walks over to the Swiss Cake Roll, not offering anything else.
"So nobody here is as hot as you, Luciana," Harry walks up sitting beside Lucy, “I really don’t want to be alone.”
“Good grief.  Let’s go you pathetic man.”
“Well my Queen, I have a night of just me and you.  Honey,” he pulls her chin to look at him and away from Blade’s retreating body, “He’ll come to his senses.”
“I hope he does before that sweet girl walks away from him.  I should have told him she was coming, huh?  Maybe he wouldn’t have been such a dick.”
Carter laughs at his wife, the woman who only uses profanity with him, “How about, you quit worrying about how much of a dick he is, and I give you my dick?”
“The app says we need to have sex,” he gives her a shrug, and then goes to kiss along her jaw.
“Oh, really?  I won’t worry anymore about Blade tonight.  I’m all yours my king,” he doesn’t hesitate to lift her up, carrying to the room.
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
I just run into a entirely adrien salt blog that said they just work with canon facts........ why? Why do people need to lose the time of their lives to do such a thing. And canon facts, I highly doubt they are even canon and if they are is probably out of context.
I also run into some alya ones, ugh and the worst is that they act like they are the mostly intelligent people in the fandom.
Do they don't have a another show were they love to participate and love the protagonists? I hate the argument of "I just stay here because of the concept of the show" when they make hundreds and hundreds of blogs just to hate on the concept! Why? I just grow worried more and more about these people "I love salting on things" and I hope this doesn't make you ill like it did to me.
That's what I feel.... worried about these people.
I have my implications with the show, I have implications with the creators but I never would put myself into the salt fandom again, I feel like I'm worried too much about this but is because I already was there and it was cool just in the surface but it kills you from the inside..... I need some cool headcanons about djwifi do you have some? It would make my day.
Sorry it got personal.
DJWifi Headcanons that will obliterate salters on sight
Alya isn't very good at handling the twins. They're loud and rowdy. Chris, on the other hand, is so desperate to grow up that he's perfectly happy to sit there and watch her edit the newest video for the Ladyblog or play with HTML coding on her blog. Nino, on the other hand, has a possibly problematic but currently helpful complex where he just wants to (playfully and safely) WRECK some children in a wrestling match. When they babysit together, they do it at Alya's, spend the first 15 minutes setting up a nest of blankets and pillows in the living room for Nino to use, and then Alya goes to her room with Chris and they divide and conquer.
Nino doesn't know how to snap. Alya once spent an entire afternoon trying to teach him how and it Did Not Work.
Alya speaks fluent English and writes fanfic in English just because Nino's English is iffy at best and he knows her AO3 but she does not want him reading her fic.
Nino, on the other hand, speaks Arabic -- also not fluently, but that's beside the point, because she doesn't speak it at all -- and will pretend to make fun of her when he's really just saying how much he loves her (and sometimes vice versa).
They have two types of dates: Go-with-the-flow dates and as-planned dates. People frequently think that Alya is the one who wanted to keep things as planned, but no, she was the one who was rushing off in the middle of their dates often enough that Nino started feeling insecure about it. When they have a go-with-the-flow date, they can take it wherever they're taken (often to akuma attacks), but as-planned nights don't get interrupted no matter what.
(Bonus: Marinette tries -- sometimes fails, but always tries -- to keep track of when they're having an as-planned date so that she won't give either of them their Miraculous unless it's really important.)
Nino loves grapes. He and Trixx go head to head over the Césaire grapes often. Alya stays out of it; she can't pick one of them.
They both have really high spice tolerances -- of course they do, Nino is African and Alya is Martiniquan. Alya runs a food blog which is just them going to restaurants with insanely spicy food and talking about how good it is. Mostly they do this because it baffles Marinette and especially Adrien.
Nino keeps video journals of especially good days because he's a sap and he's gonna edit them into a video for her someday <333
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show-choir-gal · 3 years
How You Two Meet - Slashers Preference
Masterlist of Masterslists
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Thomas Hewitt: You were walking by the house after escaping a potential assaulter You had been walking for what seemed like hours. You had sliced clothes and open wounds. You were shivering uncontrollably and your eyes were swollen from sobbing. It was dusk when you came across a lone farm house in the middle of who knows where. You were so tired from walking, the attempted assault, and crying. Your body was finally starting to give out. You started to trip over almost every little thing. A sheriff car rolled up behind you. "Hey there, I'm sheriff Hoyt. Are you lost?" The man said as he rolled down his window to talk to you. That was the last straw and your body finally let go and you fell to the ground crying. Hoyt got out of his car and grabbed you and placed you in the passenger seat. Once you two were parked by the farm house, Hoyt called for a woman as he grabbed you and carried you into the house. He placed you down on a chair in the kitchen and a woman came running in. "Oh gosh, what happened?" The woman asked as she looked at you then Hoyt. "I don't know, she was just walking when I found her." A man in a leather mask walked into the room and immediately he was drawn to you. He stared lovingly at the woman in front of him. "Thomas, please stitch this young lady up so she can get better." The woman said as she sent the man to fetch his supplies. "I'm Luda May. I think Thomas really likes you. He'll stitch you right up and I'll fetch you a glass of water and you can explain everything, alright?"
Bubba Sawyer: Your car broke down by the farmhouse You were driving down a long dirt road when all of a sudden your car started to make a strange noise. You tried to power through it but to no avail. The car slowly came to a stop and would not turn back on. You screamed at the top of your lungs. When you looked back to the scenery in front of you, you can see two men walking towards you. "Everything good?" One of them said. "M-my car just broke down." You replied. "Ah yes, that often happens on this road. I'm Nubbins." The second man said as he smiled. "I'm sorry miss, I should've introduced myself. I'm Drayton. Nubbins and his brother are pretty good at cars and can get you on your way in no time. Would you like to come into the house to get away from this dreaded Texas heat while they work on your car?" "That would be great actually. I really appreciate the help. I'm Y/N." Nubbins stayed behind and Drayton walked you to the house. "We have a guest!" Drayton yelled as he lead you around the house and then finally lead you to the living room where an old man and another man with a mask. You sat down as Drayton explained what happend. Every now and again the other man, named Bubba, was always seeming to be staring at you. As soon as Drayton left, the old man spoke up. "Could you help me into th-" He started to ask with a smirk. "No." Bubba declared, which startled you. The old man began laughing, "Bubba seems to really like you."
Michael Meyers: You were stalked during your babysitting Your parents were going to a Halloween party and called you to come and babysit your little brother. You drove from your college to your childhood house and greeted your family as they waited for you in the living room. They handed you $20 for dinner and kissed you and your brother goodbye. You two ordered some pizza and fries and hung out for a little bit until you looked at your brother and told him that he needs to do his homework. "But why?" He begged. "Because I don't want to be yelled at for letting you get away with not doing homework. Besides, I'll do homework with you so you're not alone. After we're both done we can bake some Halloween cookies, deal?" He took and your hand and shook it, "Deal." "Alright kiddo, we got this." You two finished your homework about an hour and a half later and then once that was cleaned up you two started on the cookies. The cookies finished baking and you took them out of the oven and put them on a cooling rack. "Yo, who is that? Is that a friend of yours?" Your brother asked as he looked back out the window. "What are you talking about?" "Look!" You looked out the window to find some person in coveralls and a pale white mask, "I have no idea who that is, they're probably just trying to scare us." You grabbed a sandwich baggie and put some cookies in it and grabbed a handful of candy that was meant for tomorrow and you opened the door and looked in the direction the person was originally standing. "Halloween is tomorrow asshole, but I like your spirit. Here's some candy and cookies for the night. Make sure you stay warm, it's a bit chilly out." You placed the items on a little stool on your porch, "Have a goodnight." You said before you went inside. Michael was hiding in the woods, but suddenly felt this warmth inside him when he witnessed your kindness and just not being scared or freaked out by him.
Brahms Heelshire: You were looking after Brahms (in doll form, obvi) This goes right along with the movie, but before Greta. Forget Greta even happened.
Jason Voorhees: You were renting a cabin for the summer You just wanted a nice and peaceful summer, so you rented a cabin right by the popular Camp Crystal Lake a few towns over. You pulled up to your cabin and took a little tour before you started to bring your bags inside. Unbeknownst to you though, while you were bringing your bags inside, Jason was watching you bring your bags inside. Jason would normally be observing to kill but, he was intrigued by you. You weren't loud and partying, you didn't dress in only sleazy tops and short shorts. You were by yourself, quiet, kept to yourself. He watched as you finished unpacking and sat on the front porch and...just started to read a book . The wind was blowing your hair out of your face and you were smiling gently to yourself. Jason really liked that about you. You were different to the people he killed, and he liked and appreciated different.
Billy Loomis: He saw you at the local coffee shop You had just moved to Woodsboro with your parents. You moved because your father found a better studio to write for and so you all moved with him. You weren't one to complain, this could be worse, it could be a lot worse even. Once the final moving boxes were put away, you kissed your parents goodbye and heading to find some nice places around the town. You found some nice boutiques and parks and a beautiful movie theatre but you came across a really cute coffee shop and chose to stop by. You ordered a latte and a muffin and started to subtly people watch. Your eyes were caught on a boy who was already looking in your direction. You smiled at him and he smiled back and you finished your latte and you left. Stu was going on and on about how he should make a move, but Billy just watched you as you left the shop, a smile never leaving his face.
Stu Macher: You were assigned as partners for a project This was the final English project before midterms and you were just hoping that you didn't do all the work again. Your teacher was assigning groups aloud when she called your name, "You're working with Stu Macher." Kids snickered and the teacher shushed them all and you just slung your head back. "If you can get him to do his work, I owe you a spa day." Your best friend whispered in your ear. "You just earned yourself a bet!" You exclaimed in a whisper as you held you hand out to shake. The project was a breakdown of a book turned movie and the differences between the two. Class eventually ended and you packed up your things and headed straight to Stu's locker. You spotted him and made your way over. "Hey Stu, we got assigned as partners for an English. We can talk about the project tomorrow in class. I chose Psycho for our project, I think I remember you talking about it a few times so I hope you don't mind. See you tomorrow." You said with a smile as you walked away to your own locker.
Bo Sinclair: You stop for gas at his gas station You were on your way to visit some friends and had to make a quick pit stop to use the restroom and get gas. You pulled into this run of the mill gas station and went inside to use the restroom. Bo had been staring at you since you pulled up but you brushed it off thinking that it's just his job. You walked out after washing your hands and grabbed a few snacks on the way to the counter. You placed your items in front of the gas station attendant - Bo. "What is a pretty young thing doing here today?" He asked with a smirk. "Just making a pit stop while heading to see some friends." You replied with a smile. "Well they must be lucky to have a friend like you. How much do you want on your pump?" "$17 please." "Snacks are on me, as long as you give me your number." He said with a wink. You blushed and wrote your number down on some receipt paper and handed it to him. You grabbed your snacks and headed out to your car and then started to fill it up.
Vincent Sinclair: Bo takes you home to kill you You were just chilling at the local bar when gas station attendant Bo started to strike up a conversation with you. You two hit it off pretty well so you two decided to ditch the grimy club and head over to his place. Bo was a gentleman and opened all the doors for you. He gave you a brief tour of his house and led you to the living room, he had you sit on the couch and he asked if you wanted anything to drink. You said you only wanted a water and he smiled and went to the kitchen but there was immediately some commotion. Vincent came out to see Bo's newest victim, but when he looked at you he fell head over heels for you. Bo didn't like this, but Vincent never felt this type of way for anyone so Bo gave up his blood thirsty ideas. He came back with some water and said, "My brother Vincent thinks you're pretty and wants to get to know you." Bo said with a smile
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hecate-spawn · 2 years
It's free rent right?
A one shot with my obey me oc Megan
Cw: none
Room decorating is fun. Especially if you're a mythology or fandom nerd. I'm both. So my room my have one to many chibi posters or Gods, anime and book characters. And maybe a smallish clutter of fairy figurines. But in all honesty, back at my apartment is worse. Both of my roommates can confirm this.  But there's something about putting familiar stuff in a new room that makes it a little less homesick. And it's not permanent since I stuck it to the walls instead of using pushpins. Even if I'm only stuff in this fancy ass mansion (aka the house of lamentation) for a year I still want to feel comfortable here since outside is quite literally a whole new world. 
Getting down from my stool and flop onto my impossibly soft bed and think about everything that transpired these last three hours.  These are the only things that I've properly understood:
I'm stuck here for a year
I'm living with six demons, three of which are taller than me adding to their scare factor
I have to polish my soul or whatever so I don't fucking die
I can die because apparently demons eat humans (but humans with shiny souls scary demons)
all of them seem like manipulative shits (except maybe the Diavolo guy)
free rent
I'm still very confused as to why I was chosen for this exchange program. I'm not particularly smart. My grades are pretty average, well except my English ones but those have always been good. Shouldn't some honor roll or scholarship student be here and not me? This seems way too hard. But at least I get free. Wait, I do get free rent right?
"Ah fuck," I curse to the silence of my room. They didn't mention that I had to pay, but it's a definite possibility. How much money would they be dropping on me for groceries? Electrical bills? Water bills?  It's better to straight up ask Lucifer then worry about it for hours, even days.
So, gathering any courage that came to me, I stand up, walk to the door and then turn and walk to my shelf. I paced my room once, twice, three times, and more. I just stopped counting at three. I can't help it. It's scary. Interacting with new people, not even people literally demons, you've known for three hours. Sure they've offered to help you, sure they're letting you stay in their residence, but it all felt wrong. Like I shouldn't have their help. Like I wasn't worth it. But I'm always like this with help. I really need to stop being such a bitch. 
"Alright fucker, we're opening this door on three," I whisper, holding my breath. "One, two, three-" As the last word escapes my lips I close my eyes, turn the handle, and open the door. I stand in my doorway with my eyes closed and a hand on the knob of my door for what feels like an eternity but was probably only half a minute. Opening one eye I exhale and sigh in relief. No one witnessed my bout of stupidity. Now that won't be in the back of my mind if I ever talk to one of them. Good job Megan, actually doing something right here. My self congratulations doesn't last long because soon, I am a little lost. The demon dumbass septuplets didn't exactly give me a proper tour. Money bitch (aka Mammon) just showed me to my room and claimed he had more important things to do than babysit a human. I'm not sure if that's true though.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Freezing in my journey up some stairs I freeze and feel my blood run cold. That may be the voice I'm looking for but I feel like this wasn't a good situation to hear it in. I feel like a deer caught in head lights or a child who was eating cookies at three am and was suddenly found out. 
"I'm sorry!" I say turning around. All my hairs are standing on end and everything in my body is telling me to run. "I- I was looking for you, but I got lost since I don't know the house very well and it's really big, so I kinda just wandered around since I didn't know where you'd be. I wasn't aware this section of the house was off limits I swear I'm not lying!"
Lucifer looks less suspicious and angry, rather more tired. "You could've just texted me," he sighs. He's right. Would've been the better way to solve this. But here I am making shit complicated.
Sorry didn't think of that," I apologize. "U-um anyway, do I pay rent to live here? Because like, in my university if you don't get in on a scholarship then you have to pay to stay in the dorms so I was wondering if it was the same deal to stay here."
Did Mammon tell you this? That you had to pay rent?" The dude sounds exasperated as hell. I guess his younger brother is a piece of work, and a scammer. 
"No, I just jumped to conclusions," I reply.
"Staying here is free of charge. I'm doubtful you even have Grimm. We just expect you to do your tasks."
"Great won't be a problem." And I like the absolute moron I am, I do finger guns. At a demon. If god stuck me down now I wouldn't mind. 
Let me walk you back to your room Megan," he says expertly ignoring my moment of utter cringe. 
Sure. And just Meg is fine." I scurry down the stairs so I can keep in pace with him, making sure to look anywhere but his face. Here less than 24 hours and I've already shown my incompetence. Typical.
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1-800-imagines · 3 years
Summer Love |h.s|
no control part 1
tw: aggressive, douche bf (not harry)
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Rowan was more excited for her second year of college at Dartmouth. She had a boyfriend and she was going to be a teaching assistant for English 1301. She had taken the course the year before and loved the professor. Dr. Montgomery had been impressed with Rowan that she had offered her a job for the next year and now Rowan basically was in charge of the class. She lectured, gave tests and quizzes, and graded papers. Dr. Montgomery was just there as a supervisor if Rowan had questions.
She was also excited for her classes because she was now able to take her major related courses. She adored English with her whole heart and now her schedule was full of English classes instead of just the basics. She had her classes that she was taking on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's. And she taught two English 1301 classes on Tuesday and Thursday back to back.
Rowan was anxious about teaching. She was only 19. Her students would be the same age as her and might be in her other classes. It was the day before classes started and Rowan had moved into her apartment that day. It was a late start but her parents had wanted her home for as much as possible since she didn't come home much during the school year. Boston was only 2 hours away but Rowan didn't have a car.
Carter had helped Rowan move all her stuff in. Her parents had kissed her goodbye and left leaving the couple alone. Rowan flopped on her bed and laid back. She was exhausted from moving all the shit. She wanted a nap, but Carter was on her. "Not now, Cart," She mumbled with her eyes still closed.
"Come on, Ro. I helped you move all your heavy shit in and now you're gonna hold out on me," Carter said, his voice laced with guilt. Rowan sighed, but didn't move.
"No, I'm tired." She opened her eyes to look at him, "I'm sorry. Can't we nap and maybe after?" She asked him.
"God, you're such a bitch, Rowan." He snapped. His sweet attitude from earlier with his parents disappearing. He stood up from her bed and left with a huff, slamming the door. "Don't fucking text me." He yelled and the apartment door slammed again.
Rowan sighed again and shut her eyes. She honestly didn't care enough right now to deal with Carter and his antics. She was too tired. Their summer had been fun, but their relationship relied on sex and whenever Rowan didn't want to, he would get extremely mad and throw a fit. Rowan drifted into sleep without setting an alarm. It was only about 4:30.
When Rowan woke up, it was midnight. "Shit," She swore under her breath. She still had a LOT of stuff to do to prepare for classes and meeting with Dr. Montgomery tomorrow. On top of that, she probably wouldn't be able to sleep through the night. She sat up and looked around for her phone. When she turned it on she saw she had about 25 texts from Carter ranging from him being extremely angry to also saying he loved her and he was sorry. Rowan didn't want to deal with it. She plugged her phone into the charger and got up to finish dealing with her shit.
She was done prepping at 3am. And she had her first class at 9. She didn't have a car so she still had to walk to campus but she didn't live far. She was going to leave at 8 so she could pick up breakfast from the coffee stand. So in reality she needed to get up at 6:30 to shower. Rowan groaned thinking about everything and fell back in her bed. She set multiple alarms and fell back asleep.
At 6:30 sharp the alarm clock blared and she sprang out of bed, not wanting to be late. Her anxiety was always the worst on the first day. She actually had diagnosed anxiety and depression. She jumped into the shower to jolt herself awake. Mornings were always the hardest for Ro. She never wanted to get herself out of bed.
She let herself stay in the shower for 30 minutes and then get out and fully get ready. She dried her hair and put on some makeup. Her hair was generally pretty straight and currently was platinum blonde. She was a natural blonde but she liked it platinum best. She pulled on some ripped skinny jeans and a button up. It was 7:45 so she was good on time. She grabbed her vans and backpack and walked out the door, finally answering Carter. She simply just texted him, 'It's fine. See you after classes. R'
Before she shut the door, she yelled at her roommate, "Bye Ari!" Her best friend and roommate didn't have class till later but Rowan liked yelling at her start waking her up. Ari was even less of a morning person than Rowan.
Rowan made the trek to campus and to the coffee stand. She was in line, only kind of paying attention when it was her turn. "Hi, can I get a large double shot of espresso with cream and sugar? And then a bagel with butter?" The cashier nodded and she paid for her breakfast with her cash and change that was left from summer. She had a little bit of money from summer babysitting and knew she had to be careful about spending until the paychecks started rolling in.
Rowan turned on her foot to go wait for her order when she bumped into a very tall man, "Oh shit, I'm sorry." She said, dropping all her money on the floor, "Fuck." She had a major problem with swearing.
The man chuckled and bent down to help her pick up the money, "Don't worry about it, love." He had a thick british accent. He handed her the money and her heart skipped a beat. She realized she was staring and got a hold of herself.
"Thank you! Sorry again." She smiled and went over to wait for her coffee, slightly mortified. Rowan took out her phone to look down and texted Ari. 'I'm the biggest dumbass. I ran into this gorgeous man and dropped my fucking CHANGE at his feet and he picked it up for me and now I'm standing here looking like a fucking DORK'
She knew Ari wouldn't be awake yet, but it was a relief to tell someone even if they wouldn't read it till later.
The mysterious man walked over to wait next to Rowan and Rowan's heart was beating incredibly fast. How did someone have this effect on her? Carter sure didn't. "Rowan!" It snapped her out of her trance. She grabbed her order and awkwardly smiled at the man.
"Have a good day," The man said and Rowan nearly tripped.
"You too!" She said and ran off to try to avoid further embarrassing herself. "Jesus christ, get yourself together Rowan." She swore at herself and went to sit outside her class to eat.
Her first 4 classes went by quickly. She had biology, fiction & poetry, creative writing, and history all back to back. Then she had a break which overlapped with Ari. The two talked about Rowan's embarrassment of the day and Rowan saluted her and went to the class she was most excited about: Shakespeare's Greatest Works. It was taught by a new Professor.
She walked into class before it started and sat in the second row. She took out her notebook for that class and waited for class to start. On the dot of the hour, the door opened and Rowan gasped.
"Oh fuck me." She said a little bit too loudly. It caught the professor's attention and he smirked at her, giving her a little grin. It was the man from earlier.
"Alright class, I'm Professor Styles. Nice to meet you all." Rowan's heart nearly fell out of her chest.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
I wanted to ask for a match up for tokyo revengers?
I'm 15 turning 16 in one month. My height is 168 cm and I really like playing cards? like betting with family, friends or people I meet in bars.
I really like going out, but if I want I can stay locked up in my room for weeks, I don't feel the need to go out here.
When I walk around alone, I never feel safe with people around, but if I am in a club where there is a party I am also fine. (I don't even understand why but ok).
i don't really have an aestetic, as i change very easily, i go from choker to suit and tie (?) in no time.
I always try to save as much money as I can, as I'm not a fan of spending a lot on some things, but for others I don't even hold back.
Regarding aspects of characteristics, sometimes I have anger problems, and other times I'm a little self-centered, and I don't even realize it. But even if I admit that I am wrong, I would never be able to make another person win in a fight. My mbti is ESTJ btw.
I tend to lag behind with jokes, I still like old jokes that everyone hates by now. And I have a hard time figuring out if the other person is bothering me or not, so if it's someone close to me, I don't make jokes like that.
Let’s say i have some traumas myself with people leaving me.
For many people, at the first meeting, I seem like a very tough person, who doesn't take shit from anyone, but sometimes I also have my breakdown moments.
Feel free to ignore all this poem, and i’m sorry for any mistakes, english isn’t my first language so yes:D. Have a great day/evening/night!💖
You sound really interesting! ❤️
I will match you with...
Ryohei Hayashi (Peh) ❤️
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Ah, so this relationship is a strange one. You had both met by chance. Pah-chin had heard about a girl who was winning bets against his underlings so had gone with Peh-yan to check it out. After all, you couldn't have Pah without Peh.
To the boy's surprise, you sat on a stool with a box in-between where you sat and your opponent was placed. Cards were scattered over the surface with a pile of what could only be the betting prize to the left of the cards. Peh watched in curiosity alongside Pah as you proceeded to win and collect the money.
Peh even wanted to try against you and eventually lost as well. But surprisingly, he had no hard feelings and instead started a conversation, forgetting why he was there in the first place. The conversation itself was mainly surrounding your 'business' you had running and about interests you may have outside of card games.
It would go the way every relationship goes. You exchanged numbers after the conversation, hung out when you both had free time to do so, and after a few months, you were dating. Although, Peh had made an effort in how he asked you out. Personal headcanon that he is a romantic at heart when he wants to be. And so, he had taken you on a late night bike ride to the river bank. Taking your hands in his, he confessed his feelings under the stars to which he was over the moon when you reciprocated them.
Peh would never admit that he fell for you seemed to be like a jawbreaker. Hard and tough exterior while being all soft and sweet on the inside. He loved how he had gotten lucky enough to know about the softer side of you when others could only see the exterior.
A relationship with Peh is definitely one filled with memes, jokes and chill hang out sessions either alone or with Pah-chin. You had actually gotten close enough to Pah where you could join in with your boyfriend on the loving insults about his intelligence. There were even competitions between you and Peh about who could make up the best comment. He would usually win.
Peh understood how you liked to save your money and so dates would be either free or he would pay like the gentleman he is. Walks around the park are his favourite type of date with you. He would hold you close as you both cracked jokes or talked about what was happening in your lives. And then, to tie it all off, he would buy you both an ice cream. Perfect date.
I feel Peh-yan could deal with your anger problems the best. After all, he has had to babysit Pah-chin for years so he is used to the sudden bursts of anger or annoyance. Just know that he will never take your anger personally, instead just taking it as you having a bad day and then trying to sort that out. Were you hungry? He has your favourite snacks stocked up in his room. Tired? You best get ready for this boy to wrap you in his arms and cuddle you until you fall asleep. Anything that will help you calm down again.
All in all, I think this relationship would work well. Peh might not be the strongest (although he is definitely up there with the best of them) or most handsome of the Toman guys but he has a heart of gold and a sense of humour. He is fiercely loyal to those he cares about so you would never have to fear him leaving you. In fact, he is probably more scared you will leave him for someone better. So please make sure you give this sweet boy a lot of reassurance and he will give it back tenfold.
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kris-p-banana-bread · 3 years
Here DOAFP fandom, have some organic, locally-sourced, home-grown pain. This is basically just me, a scarred older sibling, projecting on Bobby, another scarred older sibling. I really reached into my post-loss psyche for this, so I hope you enjoy the headcanons and meta (AKA I hope you shed at least one tear).
It won’t let me link it here so the post that inspired this is under the read more at the bottom ✨
- When I first watched doafp, I couldn't understand Elena's aversion to Sam becoming a prominent figure in her mom's and her life. Now I understand it almost too perfectly. There was never supposed to be someone after Robert. He and Gabi were deeply in love and happy. Robert was it; he was the first and true love of Gabi's life. Sam showing up probably felt like a huge and utterly disrespectful slap in the face of Robert's memory, because he wasn't even supposed to be there. I don't know if that's as eloquent as I wish it was, or if it makes sense, and it probably sounds really mean to Sam, but it's not even really about him. It was always supposed to be Robert; Sam hasn’t earned the right to be apart of or associated with her family
- After Robert dies, Gabi and Bobby make it a habit to find and keep photos and recordings/videos of Robert, even if the latter only has him saying one sentence. They won't make Elena join them for the search, but after they find some of those old audios of Robert, they'll sometimes play them back for little Elena
- Bobby put up the keep out sign (I credit this to a few other blogs for discussing this tho) because that's where he would cry sometimes. He actually used to be pretty close with Elena, but after he put up that sign and started distancing himself from them a bit so they wouldn't see the times he cracked, he got a little more short and jaded with her. It's that, plus just growing into a teenager and stuff. And I'm not saying that he and Elena have a bad relationship, but he's become more snappy and has more walls up than he used to
- Sometimes Elena feels bad because she doesn't always remember her dad's voice. She was pretty young when he died, so even though she recalls it a bit, and the recordings help, it's been a while since she's talked to him in person, so of course she doesn't quite remember what it's like to actually talk to Robert and she's forgotten some of his mannerisms. She likes to think she's all done (she marked the stages down in her grief journal after all) but grief isn't linear or all that rational, so it hits her hard sometimes
- I keep reading as an action close to my heart because that's a strong bond me and my mom shared. She would rec books to me, and we would joke and talk about them, or she would hint to some future event and then refuse to tell me until I caught up to that part. So Elena and Bobby do something similar in their grief. Elena has writing and words, because that's something Robert loved if I remember correctly (but if I’m not and that’s not canon, then I now declare it so) and Bobby has tennis. But besides tennis (I sent a couple anons to @freshlybakedfandoms about it but I'm not sure where she went) Bobby also was taught to play guitar by Robert (I liken it to Devi Vishwakumar and her harp) so when he misses his dad or is just sad, he'll take out his dad's old acoustic and strum
- (This next one is something I also think a lot about so this is pretty much 98% projection) Bobby thinks sometimes about the fact that he was never able to come out to his dad. He hadn't really started growing into that part of himself yet, and he never got to show it to his father. He wonders what he would have thought of him. Would he be angry? Would he dismiss him and say it was just a phase? Bobby didn't think so, but a little part of him insisted that you could never be too sure. After he comes out, Gabi and Cami assure him that Robert would've been so proud of him and would've loved him regardless (Since we know virtually nothing about him, I maintain that Robert was one of those dads who teases their kid relentlessly about their crushes and I think he would've done that with Bobby and eventually Elena)
- When Elena's quince rolls around (if she chooses to have one of course), Sam dances with her during the father-daughter dance. A part of her still hurts, still aches and wishes that Robert were dancing with her too; still knows on some fundamental level that he and Gabi had planned for this day, but he had simply never made it. But she's known Sam long enough that she feels comfortable here. Nobody can replace Robert, but Sam is her family, and it feels right like this.
- I might do some more research and deliberate, but for the moment I'm saying that Robert had cancer, I’m thinking along the lines of colon. My mom was terminal, but idk if I should make Robert terminal? Maybe towards the end. Or maybe he was diagnosed as incurable early on but Gabi kept it from the kids because, tbh, being told your parent is balancing on that kind of edge is traumatic for them. So anyways, I’m going on that assumption for this last point, and I’ll see if I can recover some of my old knowledge and talk about technical stuff later if anybody would like to hear it
- Elena and Bobby were both pretty young. Bobby understood about PET scans and tests somewhat, and knew generally what different answers from doctors meant. Elena mainly just understood what was happening by reading her parents' and brother's expressions when getting lab results in from the doctor. They both remember on some level what it was like when Gabi would leave the kids with Cami and take Robert out to the car (later she would have to help him) and they would all feel like they were holding their breath until they got back and confirmed that everything was ok (and later, the little shocks of fear when the answers were no longer as positive and there was more apprehension and risks. After all, cancer doesn’t deal in absolutes)
- Bobby can still remember Robert when he had to stop walking around a lot. He still remembers the phone call that Cami got from his mom, saying that something had gone wrong, and if this last treatment didn’t work, he wouldn’t have much time before he passed. Still remembers Cami rushing into a room when she got that call, and trying to hide what was happening until Gabi could get home and explain it; but Bobby was a sharp kid believe it or not. He heard about the treatment, heard Cami crying. He still had hope... but when Robert came home in a gurney, when he could barely stay awake sometimes, when his voice was quiet and his skin was a little jaundiced, Bobby felt incredibly empty. But Robert always had a smile for his wife and his beautiful kids, even if it was small and very tired, his eyes still crinkled the same. He always had a smile; right up until they had to say goodnight and get some sleep one night. And then... he passed.
- After he passed, the Cañero-Reeds needed help, and a lot of Gabi’s coworkers would bring food or materials if they were running low. Cami and Danielle would babysit and would distract the kids when Gabi needed a good cry.
- Like you’d imagine, and because of what is sort of implied in canon and in my own head, the kids dealt with it in different ways. Bobby put up that sign, and withdrew. He wasn’t awful, but his patience with certain people got a bit shorter and he was a bit quieter. And he was a really good helper when he had the energy and he cared deeply, but he would sometimes get physically and emotionally exhausted after helping Gabi/Elena/Cami/anybody else with something and would go into his room or mentally tap out to recharge. He took comfort in things that seemed natural and that he sometimes took for granted before, like video games and skateboarding (hehe bobby skateboards. Anybody second me on this?) and clothes etc... and other stuff. A lot of materialistic things or experiences that he would skip out on before. But they bring normalcy back to his life now so he loves them for that.
- Bobby doesn’t wanna think about big themes or anything anymore, which I can’t remember but I think it was Vi (freshlybakedfandoms, again, idk where she is and I hope she’s ok) who said he was a math and science person and I think that as much as that could transfer over to those subjects as well, it’s much harder to avoid existential and emotional themes in English and History class and Bobby doesn’t like it as much as Elena does for that reason. He had to live with the back and forth of his dad’s treatments and tests, so math and science is comforting because it’s more concrete (There could be a million arguments for why he would distrust math and science because of his dad’s passing though, I realize) Ultimately, though, it reminds him of Robert too much.
- On the other hand, after a period of shock and confusion, Elena threw herself into new things. First it was a grief journal, to make sure she was going through the motions. Then she read a lot, and when she felt too alone or like she wasn’t doing enough, like she was stagnant, she’d just find something to focus and persevere on again. That feels like her personality type to me; something is wrong so let’s fix it right away. But that could also transfer sort of negatively into “Something feels off or I’m very sad, let’s get this thing done and be productive so we can put off having to confront that but at least we get work out of it” but I could be entirely wrong (this is based off some of my family members and how they dealt with the loss.) And Elena throws herself into history and english because her dad loved it, and she wants to remember more of him. Because she believes words have power and history is a lesson and that’s incredibly interesting for her
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Maribat Buzzfeed Unsolved AU
Ok so another one. In this au there Marinette is not ladybug or Chat Noir she's just a regular civilian. If you wondering who have the miraculous right now it's a adult, because Marinette deserves to be a child also this takes place around the time Marinette is 16
Also warning lots of curse words used
This idea came from the Maribat Discord thanks to everyone there
Ever since Lila came to school Marinette has been more and more excluded from class events
Originally it was very rare, like we went to the movies and were going to invite you but then we remembered that you were helping your parents in the backery
We were going to invite you but then remembered you were babysitting
Weren't you working on a design for that contest
Then they stop making excuses and just posted pictures to their social medias
She tried to organize events but for some reason Lila always had something planned then and of course the class can't leave HER out of anything
It got to the point where the class only talked to her if they needed something
Oh Marinette I have a big race coming up can you make me a banner
Oh Marinette can you make some bake goods for me
Hey Marinette can you plan this school dance all by yourself with absolutely no help from us while if you ask for help we'll make you feel guilty about it
Hey Marinette can you babysit the Twins and Chris, when we're suppose to do it, for no pay, while we go out on a date.
It really sadden Marinette that her so called friends who for most she knew all her life only saw her as at most an employee
But there were some bright sides
Her grades where going even higher and now she's one of the top students at school
Marinette was able to put more time into training in self defense something you need with all the Akumas in Paris
And Sabine even taught her everything she knew about martial arts
She was able to study Mandrine (for her mom's family) and English (for Jagged and Penny) and had become almost fluent in both
Marinette had a lot more time to work on her designs
Jagged Stone started to hire her to make and design more and more items
Her business has even spread to Clara Nightingale
Which will really help her in her career later in life
But Jagged seemed to think that later in life was now
One day he asked to have a meeting with Marinette and her parents
Marinette just thought it was to commission another design, but like always Jagged had a way of surprising her
Jagged: Well you see I'm leaving Paris soon to head back to my home town of Gotham, and I was wondering if I could take Marinette with me
Tom, Sabine, and Marinette: WHAT?!?!
Penny: Let me explain, you see Marinette's designs are some of the most popular Jagged ever had, people love her work, and we want to make her Jagged's full time designer. It would be a great opportunity for Marinette's future and would put her on the fast lane to a great career
Sabine: But what about school.
Jagged: Don't worry Sabine, Penny's thought of everything
Penny: It's all taken care of. Gotham Academy one of the top schools in the world is ready to take her the moment she says yes, she would be staying in an apartment right next to Jagged, with all expenses paid for while still getting paid for her work, and of course she can come back and visit whenever she wants.
Tom: It sounds like a great offer, but can we discuss this in private for a moment
Jagged and Penny nodded their heads and left the room
Marinette: Mama, Papa, I really want to take this offer
Sabine: Are you sure honey? This is a big step.
Tom: Not to mention you would be all alone in a big city. What about your friends?
Marinette: I will miss my friends (or at least the old them) but when will I get an opportunity like this and I wouldn't be alone I'd have Jagged and Penny
With some more discussions the choice was made and Penny started making arrangement to move Marinette to Gotham City.
And before Marinette noticed she was settling in to her new life in Gotham city.
And already it was much better then her one in Paris
Her new school was great
She had a lot of great friends and even a boyfriend now Damian Wayne
They met on her first day, when she accidentally ran into him
It sounds crazy but it was like love at first sight
They didn't start dating right away, it would take a couple of months for Damian to ask her out, but Marinette couldn't be happier
So were his brothers who she met soon after becoming Damian's friend
Now whenever Marinette wasn't designing for Jagged or at school she was hanging out in Wayne Manor
Marinette already had a youtube channel but it really didn't have that much content. Until one day she decided to discuss a famous cold case with her boyfriend and get it on camera
The first case she told him was an Australian case called the man from Somertan Beach
It was a short video, with her talking about it with Damian, but halfway through the video Jason (who had been filming them) made one too many comments and Damian decided to just switch places with him
Marinette kept making videos with Jason as her cohost and Damian behind the cameraman
It was relatively popular but not to big until Marinette did a case about the supernatural
When she learned that Jason did not believe in it
They spent the whole video arguing over the ghost at the Cesil Hotel in LA
The videos blew up
Jason: I don't know old building are weird they make all sort if weird noises
Marinette: How does a house creaking sound like get out
Jason: Well nobody said weather this person is a credible witness or not
As the youtube channel got more popular Marinette and all the bat boys (all of them got dragged into helping with videos now) started to go to haunted locations during school breaks and when Marinette had breaks in designing for Jagged
The Winchester
Jason: Man this place is bigger than the manor
Marinette: well if you had to keep building to stop ghost from killing you, your house would be huge too
Jason: Wait is that why Wayne Manor is built so weirdly, Bruce is hiding from ghost
The Sally house
Marinette: Fuck this place omg we're all going to be killed by a demon
Jason: How can something that doesn't exist kill you
Jason: Hey demon come on kill me you mother fucker.
Damian (off camera): Jason stop freaking Marinette out.
Jason: Oh I'm sorry Marinette I was wrong. Demons do exsist, one is our camera man
At the bottom of the screen you can see Damian's middle finger
Marinette (to flashlight): Don't turn on don't turn on don't turn on
Flashlight turns on
Joker's Hideout
Marinette: it said that this place is haunted by Joker's victims, or that it is possible that this place is infested by a demon who drove Joker mad and drove him to kill
Jason: Well that's convenient, you're a crazy murderous clown, it's all because of a demon.
Marinette: Keep it down Jason we don't know if the Joker is here right now or not
Damian: Wait the Joker might be here. Angel why did you want to come here then?
Marinette looking embarrassed: It was a good case.
Jason standing behind something making a grunting sound
Goatman Bridge
Jason: I'm dancing on your bridge Goatman it's my bridge now
Marinette: He is going to kill you
Jason: See this Goatman I disrespect your bridge. It's me and Marinette's bridge now
Marinette: Stop pulling me into you bullshit Jason!
Jason: If you're not apart of this then tell Goatman
Marinette: I'm not with him.
Jason: You're talking to Goatman now
Marinette: I see what you did there.
Jason: Hey we're here for the cult stuff
Jason to demons: Hey demons it me ya boy
The fans love the twos dynamic
They also love the random comments Damian would make from behind the camera every once and a while
Sometime between breaks in filming at a location Jason would get candid videos of Damian hugging Marinette
When they sleep overnight at places Damian would always sleep and cuddle with Marinette
The fans love it
And they ship it
One case as a joke is The Mystery of Marinette Dupen-Cheng
This one is Jason and Damian doing the video, while Marinette is away on a tour with Jagged Stone
Half of the video is actually stuff that Marinette does and can do that confuse them
They show a video of Marinette yeeting Jason out of the kitchen when he scared her once
Another video is of Marinette stealing Damian's sweatshirt while she passes him
Just one moment it's on Damian the next Marinette has it
A video of Marinette going head to head with Riddler
And her actually stumping him with one
The other half is just Damian gushing about his girlfriend
Damian: She is just the sweetest girl who deserves the world. I would gladly kill anybody who hurts her. She is just my Angel and I would do anything to make her happy.
It ends with Jason saying: Well that is the mystery of Damian's future wife, weather she's actually human remains unsolved.
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bigbatlittlebat · 3 years
Hey there! Hope I'm not bothering you, I was wondering if I could ask for a romantic batfam matchup if you have some time? I'm thanking you in advance and do not forget to take time and rest!
So to start with, I'm a Scorpio (sun) , Virgo (moon) and Libra (rising) and an INTJ, my personality type is 6w7, I'm heteroromantic and I go by she/her.
About my appearance, I have brown curly shoulder-length hair and brown eyes. My skin color is in between light and tan and I'm quite skinny and petite (5'1) which makes me quite insecure since I'm lacking curves and it tends to make me feel less feminine. Plus being just short can be annoying sometimes. But since, to make me feel better about myself, my style is in between elegant and rock.
Basically, I act like an extrovert at first, I'm mostly seen as friendly and I joke around a lot with people but in fact I'm nervous as hell ; too scared to bother or being annoying. And overthinking everything do not help, in this case mostly. When I get comfortable with someone, I'm still joking around but then unconsciously I tend to show all my flaws because either with friendship or love I guess I prefer to show people what they get into. So yeah, I have some trauma because of my father, which cause me quite a lot of problems with my emotions (can't control my anger and sadness,) I also tend to have some paranoia (giving me nightmares and lack of sleep from time to time) and I can't stand it when someone is too controlling with me (I end up being rebellious and sneaky.). I put on a shield to protect my feelings and not get hurt. After this stage of trust, I am much more jovial and protective towards them (like for instance I scared off some loosers who were bullying one of my close friend in middle school and since I have quite a reputation of being a « doberman »), I still have anger problems but less frequent because I end up adapting to people. However, in case of lack of respect, I don't hesitate to stand up for myself. In short, I act like a happy tough girl 90% of the time while I'm in fact an emotional mess. I'm also quite the hardworking type plus a perfectionist... (see the workaholic things coming) I suffer from anxiety too. I'm extremely scared of failure, and it makes me overthink everything.
I love to read novels and stories in general and write from time to time, I draw too and listen to music a lot (Rock, punk, alternative... Mostly sad songs with good rhythm), I exercices when I can and I take care of my pets. I'm super fond of animals and I babysit kids from time to time when I'm not on campus and love to take care of them. I love to debate and analysis humans behavior. I'm keen on rainy days. Currently I'm studying foreign languages (English and Spanish) in univ as a French student and have to master them but before I did two years of law studies.
I dislike people who don't have their own personality and change their behavior depending on people. But also crowds are a big no for me.
Things I have difficulties to assume, I just want to feel protected and I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. I guess that's it. I wish you a nice day/evening 💕
Man I really need to brush up on my sexualities but I think I know what heteroromantic is? I hope I got it right...
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
Okay so I pretty much went to him as soon as I read that you like people with their own personality. Like yeah most of the bat boys are very unique and themselves but Jason definitely has a certain level of not giving a shit that really adds to this
You can not tell me that a man who loves books is not also a hopeless romantic too. His definition of romance is mostly quoting classic literature to you when ever it makes some sort of sense and maybe you quoting it back if that's your jam
He definitely quotes that sonnet from when Romeo and Juliet first meet. I would put it in this but I can't find it
Being with Jason would be a really good chance for you to let your self go for a little bit and not have to be a tough happy girl as you put it. He would be so happy for you to let those walls down and let him be the tough one for a while.
Also cute rainy days inside cuddled together listening to the rain or late afternoon walks around the outskirts of Gotham in the pouring rain with out an umbrella. Jason offering you his jacket 🥰
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