#damin wayne au
zack-creeper · 1 year
Is this a Birdy or the Devil
Danny gets turned into a goose, and instead of trying to fix it, he goes to Gotham and plays the untitled goose game irl.
He makes objections and keeps them in a little backpack. He also sings honk honk revolution in his downtime.
Batman doesn't know how to deal with a rogue goose. No one does not even Damian. At some point, Joker tries to kill the goose, only to get his joy buzzer, flower squirter, and joke gun taken by the feathery menace.
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luvly-writer · 2 years
“You are my sunshine”
Part 7: Masquerade Gala?
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Warnings: none
Series: Finished
Author’s note: none, Enjoy!
Taglist: @lorosette
Series Masterlist:
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Maribat Buzzfeed Unsolved AU
Ok so another one. In this au there Marinette is not ladybug or Chat Noir she's just a regular civilian. If you wondering who have the miraculous right now it's a adult, because Marinette deserves to be a child also this takes place around the time Marinette is 16
Also warning lots of curse words used
This idea came from the Maribat Discord thanks to everyone there
Ever since Lila came to school Marinette has been more and more excluded from class events
Originally it was very rare, like we went to the movies and were going to invite you but then we remembered that you were helping your parents in the backery
We were going to invite you but then remembered you were babysitting
Weren't you working on a design for that contest
Then they stop making excuses and just posted pictures to their social medias
She tried to organize events but for some reason Lila always had something planned then and of course the class can't leave HER out of anything
It got to the point where the class only talked to her if they needed something
Oh Marinette I have a big race coming up can you make me a banner
Oh Marinette can you make some bake goods for me
Hey Marinette can you plan this school dance all by yourself with absolutely no help from us while if you ask for help we'll make you feel guilty about it
Hey Marinette can you babysit the Twins and Chris, when we're suppose to do it, for no pay, while we go out on a date.
It really sadden Marinette that her so called friends who for most she knew all her life only saw her as at most an employee
But there were some bright sides
Her grades where going even higher and now she's one of the top students at school
Marinette was able to put more time into training in self defense something you need with all the Akumas in Paris
And Sabine even taught her everything she knew about martial arts
She was able to study Mandrine (for her mom's family) and English (for Jagged and Penny) and had become almost fluent in both
Marinette had a lot more time to work on her designs
Jagged Stone started to hire her to make and design more and more items
Her business has even spread to Clara Nightingale
Which will really help her in her career later in life
But Jagged seemed to think that later in life was now
One day he asked to have a meeting with Marinette and her parents
Marinette just thought it was to commission another design, but like always Jagged had a way of surprising her
Jagged: Well you see I'm leaving Paris soon to head back to my home town of Gotham, and I was wondering if I could take Marinette with me
Tom, Sabine, and Marinette: WHAT?!?!
Penny: Let me explain, you see Marinette's designs are some of the most popular Jagged ever had, people love her work, and we want to make her Jagged's full time designer. It would be a great opportunity for Marinette's future and would put her on the fast lane to a great career
Sabine: But what about school.
Jagged: Don't worry Sabine, Penny's thought of everything
Penny: It's all taken care of. Gotham Academy one of the top schools in the world is ready to take her the moment she says yes, she would be staying in an apartment right next to Jagged, with all expenses paid for while still getting paid for her work, and of course she can come back and visit whenever she wants.
Tom: It sounds like a great offer, but can we discuss this in private for a moment
Jagged and Penny nodded their heads and left the room
Marinette: Mama, Papa, I really want to take this offer
Sabine: Are you sure honey? This is a big step.
Tom: Not to mention you would be all alone in a big city. What about your friends?
Marinette: I will miss my friends (or at least the old them) but when will I get an opportunity like this and I wouldn't be alone I'd have Jagged and Penny
With some more discussions the choice was made and Penny started making arrangement to move Marinette to Gotham City.
And before Marinette noticed she was settling in to her new life in Gotham city.
And already it was much better then her one in Paris
Her new school was great
She had a lot of great friends and even a boyfriend now Damian Wayne
They met on her first day, when she accidentally ran into him
It sounds crazy but it was like love at first sight
They didn't start dating right away, it would take a couple of months for Damian to ask her out, but Marinette couldn't be happier
So were his brothers who she met soon after becoming Damian's friend
Now whenever Marinette wasn't designing for Jagged or at school she was hanging out in Wayne Manor
Marinette already had a youtube channel but it really didn't have that much content. Until one day she decided to discuss a famous cold case with her boyfriend and get it on camera
The first case she told him was an Australian case called the man from Somertan Beach
It was a short video, with her talking about it with Damian, but halfway through the video Jason (who had been filming them) made one too many comments and Damian decided to just switch places with him
Marinette kept making videos with Jason as her cohost and Damian behind the cameraman
It was relatively popular but not to big until Marinette did a case about the supernatural
When she learned that Jason did not believe in it
They spent the whole video arguing over the ghost at the Cesil Hotel in LA
The videos blew up
Jason: I don't know old building are weird they make all sort if weird noises
Marinette: How does a house creaking sound like get out
Jason: Well nobody said weather this person is a credible witness or not
As the youtube channel got more popular Marinette and all the bat boys (all of them got dragged into helping with videos now) started to go to haunted locations during school breaks and when Marinette had breaks in designing for Jagged
The Winchester
Jason: Man this place is bigger than the manor
Marinette: well if you had to keep building to stop ghost from killing you, your house would be huge too
Jason: Wait is that why Wayne Manor is built so weirdly, Bruce is hiding from ghost
The Sally house
Marinette: Fuck this place omg we're all going to be killed by a demon
Jason: How can something that doesn't exist kill you
Jason: Hey demon come on kill me you mother fucker.
Damian (off camera): Jason stop freaking Marinette out.
Jason: Oh I'm sorry Marinette I was wrong. Demons do exsist, one is our camera man
At the bottom of the screen you can see Damian's middle finger
Marinette (to flashlight): Don't turn on don't turn on don't turn on
Flashlight turns on
Joker's Hideout
Marinette: it said that this place is haunted by Joker's victims, or that it is possible that this place is infested by a demon who drove Joker mad and drove him to kill
Jason: Well that's convenient, you're a crazy murderous clown, it's all because of a demon.
Marinette: Keep it down Jason we don't know if the Joker is here right now or not
Damian: Wait the Joker might be here. Angel why did you want to come here then?
Marinette looking embarrassed: It was a good case.
Jason standing behind something making a grunting sound
Goatman Bridge
Jason: I'm dancing on your bridge Goatman it's my bridge now
Marinette: He is going to kill you
Jason: See this Goatman I disrespect your bridge. It's me and Marinette's bridge now
Marinette: Stop pulling me into you bullshit Jason!
Jason: If you're not apart of this then tell Goatman
Marinette: I'm not with him.
Jason: You're talking to Goatman now
Marinette: I see what you did there.
Jason: Hey we're here for the cult stuff
Jason to demons: Hey demons it me ya boy
The fans love the twos dynamic
They also love the random comments Damian would make from behind the camera every once and a while
Sometime between breaks in filming at a location Jason would get candid videos of Damian hugging Marinette
When they sleep overnight at places Damian would always sleep and cuddle with Marinette
The fans love it
And they ship it
One case as a joke is The Mystery of Marinette Dupen-Cheng
This one is Jason and Damian doing the video, while Marinette is away on a tour with Jagged Stone
Half of the video is actually stuff that Marinette does and can do that confuse them
They show a video of Marinette yeeting Jason out of the kitchen when he scared her once
Another video is of Marinette stealing Damian's sweatshirt while she passes him
Just one moment it's on Damian the next Marinette has it
A video of Marinette going head to head with Riddler
And her actually stumping him with one
The other half is just Damian gushing about his girlfriend
Damian: She is just the sweetest girl who deserves the world. I would gladly kill anybody who hurts her. She is just my Angel and I would do anything to make her happy.
It ends with Jason saying: Well that is the mystery of Damian's future wife, weather she's actually human remains unsolved.
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multifics-canary · 5 years
Random nanowrimo daminette fic
A/n: this is my random pitch to nanowrimo. And it also includes the adventures of ruby culpa so ye ye. Uhhhh enjoy!
Dupont decided to hold a fashion for all school in the area to participate. A certain class sat around an Italian girl with sausage looking hair, who was the center of attention.
"I would love to join the school event, but my arm hurts really bad from pulling a lot of boxes for charity with Prince Ali. The most I can do is take notes." Lila says sheepishly, looking at her classmates.
"No worries, girl! At least can you watch with us?" Alya says excitedly, leaning forward to her best friend. Lila smiled, her eyes narrowing a little.
"Of course! We can can meet up before the viewing starts."
With that the rest of the class talked, mostly hearing what Lila had to say about something. Adrian ignored his class, focusing on the person he was texting instead.
The night of the event, Dupont was crowded. Lila and her possy lingered around, commenting in each outfit shown.
There was one display that had a cover over it, with the initials on the sign of MDC. No one in Mme. Bustier's class knew why the name sounded familiar, and Lila took advantage of the mystery designer. All she knew MDC was a famous aspiring designer working for Jagged Stone.
"MDC is such a darling," she starts, grabbing their attention. "He's in love with me, but I'm with Damian Wayne. But I gave him the design for tonight's event!" She says, looking at everyone's excited face. Alya frowns a bit, unsure why the name sounded so familiar.
Lila looks to Adrian, only to see him waiting by the front doors. She scowls, even after 3 years, he doesn't fall into her web.
Just as she's about to spin another lie, people begin to crowd around the doors at the front.
The class was curious to the gathering. Lila heads first, managing to squeeze through and nearly shrieked at what she saw.
Adrian was smiling cheekily at a very familiar person, holding her hand after placing a kiss on it. Next to her, a very handsome young man, glaring playfully at Adrian. The infamous Kagami stood next to them, smiling at them as juleka's older brother held her.
The familiar blue eyes shined brightly, causing Lila to sneer.
"How's the lovely couple doing? Am I going to be the best man at your wedding?"
"You wish, Agreste. You'll have to beat my brothers." The black haired man said. Lila was vaguely aware that the class finally pushed their way to the front. Chloe was among them, holding an unknown blonde in her arms.
"Guys come on. As much as I want to talk about when the wedding is, we have to get our grade for this first." Marinette was different, confident, not the clumsy girl that Lila bullied. A group was gathered. Much larger than Lila's as people took pictures of them.
"Is that--?"
"Oh my God it is!"
"Chloe?!" Various reactions were given to the group. The main ones were aimed at Marinette. Alya stared as her former friend laughed lightly, going over to where the MDC display was.
"Marinette, what are you doing?" Lila says, and the group freezes upon hearing her voice. She tries to look innocent, but got a bit unnerved at everyone's gaze on her.
Alya watches as Marinette's face lost all emotion, as did everyone else, including Adrian. She noticed Adrian look actually a little angry at Lila.
"I'm competing. It is a fashion event. This is also a grade for me to graduate." Marinette replied, and Alya flinched . Her voice held nothing. There was no warmth in her eyes. She looked at her best friend, and saw anger, of what, she didn't know.
"I meant what are you doing near my friend's display. MDC worked so hard and you're going to claim his work?" Lila supplies, everyone's eyes on them. There's tension growing, students from other school's looking between the students of Dupont and the students of the private school of arts.
The unknown blonde in Chloe's arms cracks first, covering her mouth to laugh, only to fail when Chloe joined in as well. Marinette and the others looked at them in amusement, as Lila and her group stared offended.
"Oh man. Last time I heard something this ridiculous was when I told uncle Gabriel I was bisexual." The blonde said, and Chloe laughed harder, this time Adrian joining.
"Father's look when that happened was the best. Rubes you really went for it. " Adrian states happily and his classmates look at him like he grew a second head.
"Chloe??" Everyone turned to the the meek voice of Sabrina, who was staring at the two blonde's. Lila stared Marinette, angry that she wasn't getting the attention.
"Who is this?"
"Really, Sabrina? I've gossiped and ranted about this girl since we were younger and you're basically telling you pretended to listen to me?" Chloe states, glaring at the orange haired girl, who flinched severely.
"Love, relax. Remember we're here for marinette and that grade. But mostly Marinette." The blonde says calmly, and Chloe visibly relaxes under her voice.
"Of course, my rose."
"Ok, what is going on?!" Alya yells out. Everyone turns to her, and Lila is somewhat grateful for her 'best friend'. "Marinette, they said you were expelled after bullying Lila, with no chance of rejoining any school." At the words, students looked to see Marinette stare unimpressed at her former friend.
"Honestly Alya, this shows you aren't the reporter I thought you were." Everyone turned to Adrian who had said that, his eyes an unusual cold green. Marinette just sighed and pulled the cover back.
The crowd gasped at the hero themed dress. It wasn't a Ladybug OR Chat Noir theme, but a Robin themed dress. One of the heroes of Gotham.
"MDC did so well with my des--"
"Say one more word about my fiance like you know her, I will personally see to it that you lose everything. " Damian spoke dangerously low, glaring at Lila as she paled drastically.
"I-I don't know--"
"Who do you think you are?!" Alya spoke up, standing between Lila and the group. The look on the man's face grew colder.
"Be glad I am not sueing you for using my name. Not yet anyways."
"Name? What name? Lila isn't lying!" Alya insisted.
"Damian, love, just forget it. We're here for the grade, not drama." Lila pales considerably at the the name.
"Damian?? As in the Damian Wayne!?" Alix spoke up, looking at all of them. The short girl turned to Marinette, showing nothing but excitement and shock. "You're engaged to Damian freaking Wayne!!"
Everyone whispers amongst themselves, Lila's group slowly paling at the realization. "MDC... m-marinette was the one who made Jagged's glasses." Mylene said softly, holding herself.
Alya stares at the dress intensely, as if trying to find something. Which she was, because Lila had to be telling the truth. Her best friend wouldn't lie about Damian and knowing MDC. But what--
Around the collar of the dress, a gold pattern sewed on. Normally, it looks like a beautifully crafted design that contrasts well with the colors of the dress. Alya titled her head a little and gasped, dread and horror creeping in her stomach.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"Marinette, I'm so glad you've joined us today." Principal Damocles stated, walking through the group of students. You could see how nervous he was to see the former student, and miserably tried to hide his shame. After all, Marinette was one of the brightest students in the school and they wrongly accused her.
"I'm here for my grade. Nothing else."
"O-of course. Mlle. Bourgeois, I believe that your mother is a judge, correct?" He turned his attention to the blonde, flinching a little at her stare.
Lila looked around and saw her possy pale considerably at something on the dress when Alya pointed out to them. It was bad enough damian Wayne was here, but now something bout the dress? How she prayed hawkmoth was still active.
The italian felt eyes on her and turned to see the unnamed blonde, staring at right her. "You know, when my brother told me some girl had tried to ruin marigold's life by lying, I thought she would at least be pretty."
"Mlle. Culpa!" Damocles yelled, Lila practically seeing red as Chloe laughed and the lied group stared in horror.
"Can it, Damocles. The girl can Express how she feels, especially if it involves this cheaply dressed model." Everyone turned and saw Chloe's mother-- fashion queen Audrey-- walk up as the sea of students parted like the red sea.
She looked at the dress and inspected it, writing down things on a paper she had. It only took a few more minutes before she turned to Marinette. "Well Mari dear, you surpass my expectations as always. Your grade will be given to your school. Chloe and chloe's rose, I want you both tomorrow with this childs information." And with she walked off, leaving the gaping class.
"Culpa? As in Felix Culpa? Adrian's cousin?" Rose stepped forward, staring excitedly at the couple. "You helped prince Ali with one of his many children's hospital!"
"C-children hosptial?" Lila didn't know that. Especially the fact that Felix Culpa's little sister was apart of it.
"Oh, Lila. I thought you had some little random boy toy to pretend was in love with you. Like my brother, my cousin, Damian-- oh wait, they never talked to you." Ruby glared at the Italian, smiling viciously at her.
Slowly, Alya turned to Lila, seeing her trying to struggle to come up with another lie. "Let's not forget how you've willingly worked with a powered terrorist, and use that to try and murder Jagged Stone's honorary niece."
Gasps were heard when Ruby said that out loud. Everyone could see Lila turn sickly green as she began to back away.
"You lied about everything!" Alya snapped first, followed by everyone else. Marinette just stared, shaking her head before turning and walking out with her friends in tow.
"Its over, angel. Its over." Damian whispers to her, holding her close when they were outside. After years of the torment of Lila, and the threat of Hawkmoth as well, it was all over.
Finally. Paris is safe.
General tags: @the-wlw-cafe @natu123 @mcgrathandwives @imagine-lcorp @baked-bean-bekah @miraculous-of-salt
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How did the boys meet in the Bad Ends AU? Your art is adorable btw
Thank you darling!~ And through a bunch of unfortunate circumstances over time though cause he’s my fav, Jason is an unintentional glue for all of them :,D
In the timeline I imagine, Batman and Robin take down the Court, Talon had been unfrozen but without anyone to give him orders, he’s on his own. His first real interaction with Robin is when he’s on solo patrol and Jay’s line snaps. Needless to say Talon immediately tackles him out of the air and to safety with some pretty violent flashes of memories and being unable to let go of Jason cause he’s in shock. Jason is obviously freaked cause it’s a Talon/he almost died but this is the beginnings of a fledgling friendship
The Two birds find JJ in the immediate aftermath after his killing joker. They know of Tim of course and Jason worked through all the emotions of being replaced, and they find him in an alleyway in tears and laughing hysterically. They don’t know why he’d run from obvious help if Batman was there or why the Bat hasn’t come to collect him. But after deciphering his apologies of how “he didn’t mean to shoot her too“ and “it was an accident”, the duo offer sanctuary to stay off the Bat’s inevitable radar. So two becomes three and JJ goes from a sad psycho to a happy psycho with their help which IS an improvement to the duo but i do plan on settling all those emotions and JJ having to face the reality of what happened
Damian is still a bit of a mystery to me to how I officially put him in but he IS on a mission to kill the bat. By this point the trio can acknowledge they really aren’t looking to off him nor will they let anyone come in and do it in his own home. So they stop Damian who is pretty much being babysat to not kill Bruce. Will probably change Damian’s up in the future but this is how i image them all coming together :,D After this they are a little bird group and have many trials and shenanigans
if it’s not obvious I got a lot of little moments in my brain and thank you for having some interest!
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spooky-z · 5 years
CHP 1 - Devil’s Pray
The Au • Next »
Just to warn you that you will notice that I totally changed the Volpina episode, so don't be surprised.
Yeah we can run And we can hide But we won’t find the answers If you’ll go down and you’ll get help along the way But if you wanna save your soul Then we could travel all together And make the devil pray
Madonna – Devil’s Pray
Marinette knew she shouldn't be following them. She was well aware of that, thanks. But Tikki had insisted she do it, so there she was. Hidden behind a chair, a table away from Adrien and Lila, like an obsessive stalker.
She was praying that no one would find her in this situation, otherwise the story of her crush on Adrien would boil through the school.
"Tikki, I don't like this!" She half screams whispering.
“I know, Marinette.” The little kwami replies “But I need to see that book. Is important."
The brunette sighs. "Fine... But as soon as you can read it, we'll be gone."
They were trying to see or hear what Adrien and Lila (the new girl) were talking about.
Marinette couldn't understand a thing, but Tikki did. Even if she didn't tell the brunette. She was wasting her quality time with Damian and it was Tikki's fault!
Not to mention that Marinette didn't like the new girl. She emitted very bad vibrations and while she didn't want to accuse anyone without proof, she wouldn't stand still either. Trusting instincts has never failed.
And oh boy. Marinette was right.
“What a son of a-”
“Marinette!” Tikki scolds, scandalized.
"Sorry. I think I've been spending a lot of time with Jason.” At least she was sorry. “But you saw what she did, didn't you?!”
"Yes. I saw."
Lila had simply decided to throw the book in the trash. Just like that.
A book that seemed very old and important, judging by Tikki's behavior and Adrien's attachment to it.
Marinette began to think that this girl not only brought bad vibes, she was the bad vibes.
"All right. They are leaving.” She says and waits until they are no longer in the library. "Come on."
Marinette rushes to the trash bin, hoping to have nothing disgusting, and reaches for the book.
"Come on Marinette, open it!" Tikki asks anxiously.
“Right, right! I'm already opening-And this is about the Miraculous!” Tikki nods excitedly.
"We have to take this to Master Fu, Marinette!"
The girl freezes, thinking about the pros and cons and deciding that taking the book to Fu would not be a good idea.
“Wait Tikki.” She asks “This is from Adrien. If we take it, he can get in trouble!”
The kwami seems to understand the line of reasoning because her animation changes to discouragement in a matter of seconds.
“But Marinette-”
“BUT this is also important for the guardian. For us.” Cuts “I don't understand anything that is written, but you can feel the power it gives off. This could be our trump card against Hawkmoth.”
"So..." Tikki says anxiously.
"Then we'll need help." She replies. "Tim's help. He'll make a secure online copy of the book so we can return it and still have access to the information." Marinette smiles conspiratorially.
Tikki laughs at the expression of her chosen.
"So, let’s go!"
"Say it, Maribug." Tim says on the phone.
Marinette smiles at the affection in his voice.
"I need your help and I need it now." She says hurriedly.
She was running home to have time to do everything and still meet Kim for lunch.
“Whoa. I'm listening.” She hears the movement on the other side of the phone. Tim was probably running to batcave.
"I want you to make a safe online copy of a book for me." She says "A Ladybug safe."
"Wow." He whistles "Leave it to me!"
Tikki feels her little body swell with pride.
It had been a really good idea for Marinette to let her family know about Ladybug. And it had also been a better idea for her to meet the Guardian in advance.
"Let's start."
“… And done.” Tim sighs in Marinette's screen. “An encrypted book fresh out of the oven.”
“You saved me, Timmy. Thank you so much!” She was in her room. The scanner was hot from being used recently and the computer turned on a video call with Tim.
“And you still haven't told me how you got this top-secret magic book.” He rests on the chair. The huge batcave behind him.
“A classmate. Adrien Agreste.” Replies “He was showing Lila Rossi, a new girl of my class, in the library. Tikki recognized the book, freaked out and here we are.”
“So, you stole his book.” He laughs “Oh my god, Nette! You're spending too much time with demon spawn.”
Tikki decides that this is the time to embarrass Marinette because she appears out of nowhere in the call.
"And Jason too!" She fights "Marinette was cursing earlier today!"
Then Tim's laughter gets worse, he ends up unbalancing and falling from his chair.
"Oh my god!" He says breathlessly, still not rising from the floor.
Marinette snorts, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"Fine. Enough! I gotta go. Bye Timmy and stop skipping class!” And ends the call.
She turns to Tikki, her face returning to its normal color.
“Now we have to find Adrien and return the book. Then we'll go to Master Fu.”
They find Adrien, but they also find Lila.
They were sitting on one of the park benches.
She notices the way Lila was leaning over Adrien, her calculating eyes and the malicious curve of her mouth. She also notices Adrien's closed form, seeming to dislike the girl's approach but being polite not to comment.
Marinette's dislike of the Italian only increased.
She forces a friendly smile on her face and approaches the pair. The book stored in her backpack, hidden.
“Adrien! Lila! Hey.” She calls and waves at both of them.
Adrien looks excited to see her, but she's busy watching Lila's body language. It was pure anger. But the girl was quick to mask with false animation.
“Mari!” She replies, her voice coming out too sweet to be honest.
The brunette was surprised that Adrien didn't seem to realize the girl's falsehood.
“Marinette!” Adrien gets up from the bench, moving away from the Italian. "What brings you here?"
She feigns a worried expression before answering.
“Oh, it's just that Ms. Bustier was looking for you. Something about your last test scores.” Adrien turns pale when he hears. “She asked me to find you and take you to her office to talk.”
“Really?” He replies.
“Yes.” She looks at Lila, who was watching the exchange more intensely than she should. “Lila would you mind me stealing it from you quickly? He'll be right back to you.”
The Italian makes the discontent evident, but agrees.
"Sure. I have something to do too.” She says. “We’ll finish our conversation later, Adrien.” And leaves.
She walks past Marinette without saying anything, but leaves a look that would frighten anyone. Anyone but Marinette, of course.
The brunette waits until she gets out of sight and turns to Adrien.
He has a devastated expression on his face and Marinette feels guilt erode her bones.
“Oh my god.” She moans. “I'm so sorry, Adrien! I lied. It's not true!” And puts her hand on the boy's shoulder to get his attention.
He sighs with relief, but hardens in distrust.
"Why would you lie about something like that, Mari?"
She scratches the back of her neck, not knowing where to begin.
“I needed Lila away so I could talk to you.”
Adrien tilts his head in confusion.
“I saw Lila throw your book in the library trash!”
“Lila did what?!” He almost screams hysterically. “Why would she do something like that?” He asks indignantly.
“Look, I don't know why she did that. I'm just telling you, because you deserve to know and because I believe she's not good news.” She sighs tiredly.
Adrien looks uncertain at her.
“Alright, Mari. Thanks for telling me.” He smiles calmer, kinda hard. “I have to go. I have to get the book or my dad will get me out of school and lock me in the princess tower until I'm 18.”
He picks up the bag, ready to run, but is hampered by the sight of the book. Marinette was holding out to him.
"It's your lucky day, Agreste."
Adrien feels his heart skip and his cheeks burn. He takes the book from her hands, pressing against his chest, trying to calm down.
"Thanks again." He mumbles.
“You're welcome.” She winked at him. “I hope you don't mind, but I took a look at it.” Says. “It still whole, so you don't have to worry either.”
Adrien's cheeks must be purple from the way he feels them on fire.
“Fine!” Squeaks “The book is from my father. That's why I was worried before.” He explains.
Marinette raises her eyebrow.
“He has interesting tastes.” She replies “But now I have to go. Kim must be hunting me all over school for lunch.”
“M-me too!” He stutters. “Not with Kim! I mean, I need to go home for lunch!”
Marinette cannot deny that seeing the Agreste all flustered and confused was quite a thing.
"Okay then. See you later!” She nods and leaves.
Adrien sighs, panting as if he's run a marathon.
"See you, Mari."
“So, the book belonged to Gabriel Agreste, huh. Good to know.” Marinette looks at Tikki, who was hiding in her purse. “I think Kim will have to wait. We have to go see the Guardian now.”
"I agree, Marinette." Tikki says.
It was time to investigate.
The Au • Next »
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cdelphiki · 4 years
When Tim woke, it was slowly.
There was no reason to jolt awake. No reason to wake at all, really. It was Saturday, and that meant no housekeeper was coming. No breakfast being made for him. No school to get ready for. He could get up whenever he wanted and eat whatever. Probably cereal. He liked cereal.
Tim rolled over, enjoying the warmth of the blankets he was cocooned in. Getting up would mean stepping into the icy world around him. Even with the heat turned up to an appropriate level, according to his parents, the house just always felt cold in the winter. Tim liked his blankets.
Taking a deep breath, Tim noticed the faint smell of… something. Something warm and fresh and, and cinnamon-y. Like French Toast, almost. Why would he-
His parents were home! They were home for several more weekends, maybe his mom was making-
Just as quickly as he’d opened them, Tim shut his eyes again. Very tightly.
Because… because
This was not his room. It wasn’t his room. It wasn’t even his house.  And-and-
Only then did it all come back to him. The previous 24 hours.  Why he was in some strange room in a strange house. It came in a rush, only slightly calming his racing heart.
His parents had gone to Australia.  Without telling him. They weren’t supposed to leave for Australia until February. That was right, wasn’t it? He had the date on his calendar. February 13th. It was no where near February 13th, and yet his parents had gone to Australia already. Without warning him.
They hadn’t warned him, had they? Tim didn’t remember Dad saying anything about it on the drive to school. Usually Dad tells him stuff like that in the car. Says good-bye when dropping him off.
Well, they didn’t always say good-bye. But usually he knew so he could call a cab to get home. Or Mrs. Mac picks him up.
But this time, they hadn’t told him, and he didn’t know he was supposed to call a cab.
Were they still on the same schedule for coming back? He- he really hoped not.
He was supposed to get a whole month more with them. An entire month. Just him and Mom and Dad. He didn’t want to wait until May to see them again.
They were supposed to be home now and this was not fair.
“Pull yourself together,” he whispered, using the blanket to scrub at his eyes. There was no reason to cry over this.
Mom and Dad had jobs and they couldn’t lounge around at home whenever they wanted. They had probably wanted to stay with Tim, but had to go to Australia early. There was a dig or something there, he couldn’t remember. They’d told him what they were going to do in Australia, but he hadn’t been paying attention. Tuning them out while they talked about work was almost second nature to him. Sometimes he wished he wasn’t like that, but their work was just so boring.
But that didn’t matter. It was work and Tim had to suck it up and deal with it. Otherwise how would they pay the bills?
Continue reading on Ao3
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randomblogofjunk · 5 years
Hey superhero fanfic writers!
And I ain't just talking they're two people
I wanna see ALL of Gothem is 100% certain that Bruce is Batman and that the Robins are his  gaggle of childeren.
I mean how mich money would a crime fighting Vigilante make? And he always seems to drive off to the manor when he's with the batmobile.
Gothem is half right.
The Robins are Bruce's children, but Bruce is 100% clueless and is getting really annoyed by the increase of kidnappings that are happening to his family.
Clark Kent is a big guy and always seems to dissappear whenever superman appears. Which is why rumors are circulating in Metropolis that superman may have an alter ego.
This of course is not true. Clark is just following work safety regulations that clearly state not to put oneself in risky situations and if near one go to an designated safe place. The problem is that no one but Clark seems to follow this protocol.
Peter Parker doesn’t know what to do anymore. 
This isn’t funny anymore, guys stop, my aunt had enough to worry about.
when Peter answered Flash’s stupid  accusation about being Spiderman with an sarcastic “If I was you would never be able to prove it.” he didn’t think he would take it as an challenge. 
Sure, Peter is always late to classes but he has an internship and a part-time job with the Daily Bugle he doesn’t get a lot of time to sleep.
“You are never near when he appears!” was a common misconception.
Peter is actually often seen in the arms of the spandex-clad hero. Being a photographer who tends to be on buildings that are close to the action often leads to Peter being in need of an emergency get away when things start to collapse around him.
He has even been held up for ransom once or twice.
The problem is that Peter has background character syndrome, he doesn’t really stick out enough for news reporters to label him interesting.
And he’s had to be bridal carried out of wreckage so many times that the articles barley mentions him in a passing sentence anymore.
Peter just wants this to be over with now, Aunt May just gave him a talk about always loving and accepting him no matter what and Peter pretty sure it wasn’t about the normal reason a family member would give that talk.
Maybe he should dye his hair pink.
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stareyedmoonchild · 5 years
Good news everyone! The official release of Who Are You Calling "Robinette?" will be released in just a bit! I just need to do the taglist of everyone who asked to be tagged prior to its release. I hope you all look forward and enjoy the official release to this story. Until then!
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maxdark158 · 5 years
Thank You
Thank you everyone enjoying my Daminette fics and leaving comments. I've never had so many people enjoy my content and it's made me really happy
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ranger-jedi-knight · 5 years
so i did this. it was a fun idea a couple people talked about!! Summary: Apparently Damian has never been apart of a food fight before.
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rainybyday · 2 years
Add ons for the twins au 
+Damian started to act like Danyal after his death for a few reasons. One was because he needed to survive, and Danyal was someone who not only thrived but was a predator amongst them. Two was that he wanted the living memory of his brother to live on. And finally, three was that Ra’s had made it so that he was to act and be exactly like Danyal because he considers Danyal a perfect heir and that Damian should be encouraged to act the same 
+Damian actually openly took care of animals in the league before Danyal’s death
+Danyal will and can kill without hesitation but will crippled those that looked down on Damian because they should live enough for Mother to touch them
+Damian was the one to have in interest in astrology first, Danyal couldn’t care less (until he started to grasp on straws of his memories
+After Danyal died Damian took ahold of his sword but never used it as he believed himself to be unworthy of it (As he was one of the people Damian respected above all else)
+Damian drew Danyal’s face by memory every day as to not forget his brother
+Damian is the younger brother and I Live for it
+When Danny became Phantom, Danny had amazing muscle memory but never realized at first during his time as Phantom that most of his moves were meant to kill a person, however he never did understand this because most of his enemies at first were ghost
+Danny would sometimes cry when he sees Gemini’s constellation 
+When Danny becomes Ghost King, he declared he will clean the world of distortion as to cut off the passageways to the Ghost Zone and Infinite Realms as to make sure none of his subjects are used or harmed
+(This was his excuses to take down every single Lazarus Pit)
+Does Danny deserve to punch Ra’s? Yes. Does he ask Damian to join him? Also, yes. Will he have Dani to come in to do a surprise upper cut to his jaws? Absolutely. 
Optional add ons that don’t follow a single line of thought
+Danyal will lose his memory of the League but will gain them back after the incident
+Ra’s was the one to kill Danyal as to provide an heir that he could keep on a leash
+Danny does remember and pulls many many many strings as to not only get Damian to Father but to also make sure he is alive and well and that he is living a life away from the League (he’s in peace with that even if it pains him greatly to see Damian without him (but he will never be jealous of Damian having a family because he was the one to abandon him first and Damian deserves to living happy ))
+(The roles are reverse; Danny is the shadow and Damian is the one in the light (moonlight but eh))
+Danny freaked out when he saw Jason near Damin because he thought he was a ghost who somehow found out his identity only to realizes it’s his brother who is either very strong Liminal or very weak halfa
+Danny never used social media or tried to be on it because he knows it going to bite him back because he has Bruce freaking Wayne as hie Father
+Danyal is horrified to realizes that Damian became like him but cried freaking tears of joy when he saw how Damain almost immediately revert to the baby twin he loved and protected after he confirmed his identity (but only for him (yes, even from you Richard))
I wrote a whole string of add ones that ended up being a timeline of a plot for a whole story and ended up taking the ones that weren’t so plot building. There are still one of two (or many more) in there thou
Edit add on: Danyal would often say tsch in which Damian would try to copy him but would end up as tt
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Love At First Curse Daminette Soulmate Au
Warning Cursing
Marinette may have not been the best at Mandrine but she was pretty good at English
Next to France, England and America had the biggest fashion industries
So of course Marinette would study English to help her move up in the industry
Not to mention her soul mark was in english
A soul mark is the first thing your soulmate will say to you tattooed on the inside of you wrist
Her says, "I got you Angel."
Sadly she has yet to meet him
Usually people don't start meeting their soulmates until later in life usually in their 20s but almost everybody in her class has met theirs already the only ones left are her, Adrien, and Lila
Though she suspects Lila doesn't have a soulmate
She never showed anybody her mark and always made sure her wrist is covered no matter what
At first Marinette knew the basics some broken english nothing to causal
But when she started to work with Jagged more her english got even better
At first Jagged didn't know she knew english so when he wanted to curse he would do it in English and it was usually the word fuck
Penny (in English): Jagged you shouldn't use that kind of language in front of Marinette
Jagged (in English): It's not like she can understand it Penny
Marinette understood them but let them think she didn't
She didn't want to embarrass them
But a couple of weeks later while Marinette was with them working on a design she pricked her finger on a pin and it kinda just slipped out
Marinette: Fuck
Penny gasped in horror and gave Jagged a dark look while dragging Marinette away from Jagged
Jagged lost Marinette time privileges for a week after that
During her final year at college her class was chosen to go to Gotham for a month
Marinette thought it was funny because while she was near fluent in English the rest of her class not so much
At most they know the basics and that's only Adrien
At worst they don't know anything
But of course Lila couldn't be honest about it
Marinette: Well I guess we'll all have to really buckle down a work on our english
The while class groaned at this
Lila: Don't worry guys I'm fluent in English if we need to talk to anybody I'll translate
Marinette knowing that is a lie from the many times she spoke English to her and all she had was a confused look on her face
Marinette: Are you sure that's a good idea guys wouldn't you want to understand what people say when we get there?
Alya: Gosh Marinette why do you have to be so against Lila just because you don't like her doesn't mean you should be so rude
The rest of the class glared at her
Marinette sadly use to this by now just rolled her eyes and headed home she had to finish Jagged's new jacket anyway
So a month later Marinette gave Luka and Kagami their miraculous in case of akuma
Whoever his soulmate was Damian hated them
Why off all the things his soulmate had to say to him then first time they meet it had to be Fuck
Jon got a real kicked out of it
So did his brothers
Jason: I guess your soulmate is going to be disappointed in you huh demon spawn
Dick: Jason be nice to baby bird I'm sure it's not that at all. Mayne she trips or stubs her toe when they meet
Because of the nature of his soulmate Damian had to cover it up constantly
He just couldn't get a break it seemed especially today
Some french students were touring wayne industries
And they thought that just because one of them was fluent in english none of them bother studying up for their trip
What idiots
So he had to act as a translator for a bunch of stupid teenagers
Getting to the Wayne Building Damian wasn't in the best of moods
When the class got there he was standing by his brother Dick waiting to translate
Nobody really stood out to him except for a little Asian girl who stood in the middle of the group
He had to admit she was one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen
He had to admit seeing her already made him fee just a little bit better about this whole thing
She looked like an angel
Dick welcomed them with him translating
He was about to continue translating when he saw the sausage hair girl trip the angel
Marinette: FUCK!
Damian lunging forward to catching the girl: I got you Angel!
Once Marinette was settled on her feet the two registered what the other had said
Marinette worh Damian's arms still wrapped around her: Hi
Damian: Hi
Dick is rolling on the floor laughing while the class watches on confused
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Batfam age reverse AU:
- Damian Al Ghur Wayne is the adoptive son of Thomas and Martha Wayne, the biological lost son of Ra's and has the tittle of Batman.
- Duke Thomas is the first Robin [he got the tittle from his adoptive dad (though he does not know his dad isn't his biodad)], becoming Batman partner after impressing Damian by trying to defeat the Riddler by himself at age eleven and almost succeding. He is the first and only exception to the no metas rule (a rule that isn't Batman's in any media, but that it's Gothams in a sense, the city belives in no metas in the batfam and Gotham almost always gets it's way) and was adopted by Damian after his mom was infected by Joker toxin. After having a fight with Damian about his mom possible recuperation he becames his own hero, The Signal. Protecting Gotham at day.
- Cassandra Cain was Damian second kid. She was a child assassin who he rescued and took under his wing, partialy because he knew if not for his sister, Thalia, that would've been his life in the Order of Assassins. She mostly talks by sign language and non-verbal comunication even though she can speak. Her superhero debut was Orphan, but as she started to fell like part of the family it didn't fit her anymore, instead she went by Black Bat. After Steph was shot, Cass used the tittle of Batgirl for a while to honor her best friend (and future gf).
- Tim Drake is the second Robin. A smart little stalker that forced Damian's hand. The two of them didn't had the best relashionship at the start, but it improved a lot with time. He was adopted by Damian and they were very close until Tim was tricked by the Joker and murdered. He came back, but thanks to the Lazarus Pit he was never the same. Becaming the Red Hood, a cold logician who will do anything for what he considers the greater good. He started as a vilan, but since has rekindle his relashiomship with the family and turned into an anti-hero.
- Stephanie Brown was Tim's best friend and acted together with the Batfamily as Batgirl to try to alert Batman against her supervilan father. After Tim's death she temporarily taked the Robin mantle to honor him. While babysitting young Barbara Gordon she was attacked by the Joker and started to use an wellchair, starting Barbara into the path of Batgirl. After that she became the all-seeing Spoiler.
- Jason Tood was the official thrid Robin - though Steph contests the tittle. Damian found him stealing the tires of the Batmobile and couldn't stop being impressed. After a mental debate he decided to let the kid go as Batman and adopt him as Damian, as he wasn't ready for a new Robin after Tim (specially with the added bonus of Stephanie injury). It didn't work. Jason discovered the Batcave and somehow convinced Damian into becoming Robin. Nowdays he goes by Bluejay, choosing to pass the title to Dick and it's the atual leader of the Teen Titans (a tittle he inherited from Duke).
- Dick Grayson was the forth Robin and indiscutibly Damian's favorite. Being playfull, loyal and genuine and loving his family very much. Adopting another child was not what Damian intended when he took Jason and Barbara to a nice nigth in the circus but life had other plans and after the death of the Graysons there was NO WAY Damian was letting the kid with social workers. Besides the Robin mantle seemed to be made for him, the kid had a previous emotional conection to the name and fited the description "ligth to Batman's darknes" in a way only Duke had truly suceeded before. Jason says he gave Dick the name because he wanted to be something more than Batman's sidekick but Damin knows there is a story there. The truth is that Jason was the one that found Dick after he run away looking for the man who killed his parents and after seeing the kid almost get killed he decides that Dick needed Robin more than him.
- Barbara Gordon is the third Batgirl and the daugther of the aways helpfull Comissioner James Gordon. She was aways struck by Batman heroism and had a growing suspicion of his identity, but it was only after Stephanie Brown took a bullet to save her that she decided to confront Damian and promisses to honor Steph by one day becaming a hero. Stephanie gladly gave Barb the tittle of Batgirl.
- Bruce Wayne is the youngest batkid. A clone created by Lex Luthor using both Damian and Thomas Wayne DNA. Bruce is the closest Damian has to a biokid. He was found when the Justice League was investigating Cadmus, based on Superboy remembering a young child. He has problems adapting to normal life, is very shy and works better with Cass. He also acts as Superboy baby brother more than not. While Damian don't think he needs more kids in speedos, Bruce still became Batboy.
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Batfam Fantasy AU Rec List
Mostly platonic Batfamily fantasy AUs. Set in both modern day and entirely different worlds. As always, absolutely no bat*est.
Without further ado,
More Precious Than Gold by Drag0nst0rm
12k+ | G | Complete | Gen & F/M | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Jason & Bruce, Tim & Bruce, Alfred & Bruce, Cass & Bruce, Stephanie/Tim
“Most dragons sleep on their hoards.
Bruce's hoard sleeps on him.
Or: Bruce is a dragon. Predictably, he hoards orphans.”
The Shadow’s Embrace by BrickSheep
86k+ | G | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dick & Damian, Bruce & Damian, Talia & Damian
“Damian has been kept from his family all his life. He knew of his heritage, from his mother's side anyway, but his father's side left a mystery to be solved. Things change when his father kidnaps him from his mother. He refuses to understand. He refuses to like him. Yet, the mystery lingers and must be answered.”
Of Lightning and Scales series by DawnsEternalLight and Laquilasse
76k+ | T+ | Incomplete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dick & Everyone, Dick & Bruce, Dick & Damian, Dick & Donna Troy, Dick & Barbara, Damian & Bruce, Dick & Wally West, Dick/Barbara, Damian & Wally West
“A Batfam Fantasy AU created by Laquilasse and myself. Basically think of this as the Batfam's adventures if they took place in a fantasy setting. Kings, Kingdoms, Dragons, and magic all add to Bruce's grey hairs and stress, but he loves them dearly.” 
And the first story’s description
“Damian knew something was wrong. He'd been feeling it for weeks. Still, when Dick is taken by a frost dragon he wastes little time with I-told-you-so's and instead tries his best to rescue his brother before he freezes to death, or worse-is forced to try 'true love's kiss' on a woman he doesn't even know.”
I walk the streets at night (with monsters in my mind) by argueably_somya
5k+ | G | Complete | Gen | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Cas & Tim & Duke & Jason & Dick & Bruce & Damian, Batfamily
“The City of Gotham is plagued by a dragon, one that draws lonely boys and girls to it every few years. The town watches, horrified, as time after time, children disappear into the forest, and the ones that stay behind are nearly as terrifying as the ones who go away.
Or: this fandom has a sad lack of dragon!au fics so I took the responsibility upon myself”
And What Will Poor Robin Do Then? By Drag0nst0rm
13k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Tim & Bruce, Jason & Bruce, Damian & Bruce, Stephanie & Jason, Jason & Tim
“In another reality, things are different. Bruce Wayne is prince of the city-state of Gotham, the Joker is a quasi-immortal being fueled by the taint, and the question of who will carry on Bruce's civilian identity is far more charged then who will take up the Bat.
One thing, however, remains the same: Sooner or later, every Robin doubts his place at the Bat's side.”
Magical Scribbling series by WithTheKeyIsKing
7k+ | T+ | Ongoing | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: N/A
“A world in which the batboys are still vigilantes, with a smidge of magical powers on the side.”
Gifts From the Sea by Raberba girl
136k+ | M | Ongoing, 49/? chapters | Gen | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Jason & Bruce, Tim & Bruce, Bruce & His Kids, The Wayne Family
“Bruce, aimless after abandoning his plans to become a special education teacher, takes an internship at Amnesty Bay Aquatic Zoo. His life changes forever when he meets the zoo's orphaned merboy. (AU where the Batkids are merpeople and Bruce is their human adoptive dad.)”
Batwings by Raberba girl
4k+ | T+ | Complete | Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dick & Bruce, Dick & Damin, The Batfamily
“This particular nest is ruled by a lazy, corrupt alpha, but one dragon has taken matters into his own claws. Batshadow and his troop are the true protectors of their violent, chaotic, yet beloved flock. (Dick's POV.)”
Merpocalypse by Silver_Tail
19k+ | T+ | Ongoing, 15/26 chapters | Gen | Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: (mentioned) Tali/Bruce, (mentioned) Barbara/Dick
“"Plenty of people have gone missing at sea, if they didn’t drown or get outright killed by a shark or otherwise, it could very well have been the case they found themselves in the same situation as Jason. The problem with that theory however, meant that they never made it out to tell the tale. Jason sure as Hell wasn’t about to end up like that. Ironically though, even if he did make it out, he still wouldn’t get to tell the tale; there’s no one to tell."
Or: Jason gets captured by some Mers with issues against him and Humans in general, but he bulldozes his way into their hearts eventually via some painful trials.”
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whumpbby · 5 years
What if for Omega Gotham University AU Dick’s never met Jason face-to-face and is rejecting solely based on the fact that he’s flattered by the idea but he’s happily in a relationship. Is this a capes universe? Anyway maybe down the line he and Kori break up and when Jason’s over for dinner with Dami he finally meets the omega for the first time in person! Dami’s like you had your chance Richard! So begins the secret war for Jason’s hand. Jason just wants to graduate top of his class.
Now I'm thinking about what if in the University AU Jay starts to hang around the manor more and more since Damian is very adamant they start building up their bond NOW to make it stronger in the future and then, someday, Dixk and Koro break it off shortly before the wedding and Dick is heartbroken and starts spending more time at the manor again as well to take comfort from his pack and in the beginninf, he really isn't interested in Jay. (1/?)
His girlfriend just dumoed him and he is hesrtbroken. But as time passes (months? Years?), he starts seeing the world and other possibilities with open eyes again and suddenly he can see all the appeal Damian made sure to tell him off when he first introduced Jay. Damian, fully into puberty by now, is everything but thrilled, and Dick has the greates conflict bc on one hand that's his baby brother and hw's in love, not to mention all the social norms he would break by persuing Jay now (2/?)
that Dami's picked him, but Jay's just to cute and Dami was right,he would be a perfect mate. Dami more than agrees with that and gets a little territorial with Jay to 'strengthen his claim'. All the while Jay is just over there like.... what? (3/3)
I don’t know if you’re the same Anon, anon, but I put these two together, because  this speaks to me. 
What IF – listen to me, what if the situation gets kind of ridiculous, because we’ll start with Jason at 17 and  Damian at 12, and Dick is 19-20, and he DOES marry Kori, and they’re happy, but… well, Kori isn’t an omega, she’s an alien and she loves Dick, but she knows there’s something he’s missing – that his pack is missing, so she starts to nudge him towards maybe listening to his baby brother and that omega he’s talking about – that would unify the family if they had an omega, yes? She’s not opposed to expanding her little family unit either;]
So Dick starts to pay attention and, damn, by the time Jay is 19 he grew and filled out, and he has this incredible nerdish charm, but he’s also training boxing in the meanwhile (therapist advised him to pick up sport and he picked up defensive one;]) so he’s also a bit stacked and growing taller with every month and Dick – who has a wife almost 6 inches taller than him – is already interested>>
Pity that Damian is so defensive all of a sudden, claiming the omega for himself only and Dick is like, Damin, he hasn’t agreed to anything yet, this is not middle ages you can’t claim someone who isn’t willing. But Damian is like, no, he will be mine, I just have to keep him available until I’m of age and able to properly court him! And he was doing well at it in the last couple years – at the Academy it’s known that if an alpha makes a move towards Todd, he will have a Wayne heir on their back so everyone stays away – and Jason, who never had a good track record with alphas or people in general, is kinda grateful for the overprotective (or so he thinks) baby alpha hanging around, because people leave him alone…
And in time Jason gets used to the kid and the fact that sometimes his butler/chauffeur will drive them somewhere to have ice cream, and while they’re at it help Jay with his English homework a bit (Alfred, as it happens, tends to agree with Damian, the pack would surely gain with such an omega and the boy deserves a better life than he’s got so far, so he’s willing to play into Damian’s little scheme) and every once in a while he’ll be invited to the Manor for Holidays
“It’s in poor taste to leave a friend of Master Damian to spend the Christmas alone, young sir. I will hear no excuses, there’s a place at the table set for you.”
Jason assume sit’s because Damian has so few friends that the family tries to keep the ones he does have happy – and he’s not entirely wrong;] – so he comes over and Alfred takes care of him. Bruce is also there, inviting and very smooth, and Jason is impressed and so, so does not believe that this is his life now. Then he meets the ever elusive Dick Grayson and is like, wow:O
So, while Dami and Dick hash it out between them for the right to have an omega, disaster strikes and the Drakes are killed and Bruce decides to take their son into his pack – the rich of Gotham will tear the kid apart – and it’s all noble and shit, but… Tim is an omega. And that changes things. Damian is like, oh no, how am I supposed to deal with two omegas in my pack?? Because he’s convinced that he’ll be the head after Bruce and will gear nothing else;]
And Timmy causes the pack dynamic to change around him – and Jason, who started to slowly cotton on to the fact that the Waynes may be trying to court him (only took him 3 years=_=) is struck with the thought that oh, now they won’t need him anymore. Thing about omegas entering new packs is that they undergo a settling period where they hash out the prime position in subtle ways – and Jason was on the way to settling into that position slowly, but Tim has now more claim as a legit adoptee, so they both feel unsure and wrong-footed, and the alphas around them are not helping (alphas don’t understand that process) and Jason decides – as the older one – to step away and lick his wounds alone, like he usually does, because Jason Todd can’t have nice things.
Except Tim won’t have that, because Tim is a baby (17) and doesn’t know what to do as an omega with a pack that acknowledges him Waynes are intimidating and scary and he wants to be good, but he was raised traditionally, where the omega has to be seen, but not heard, and he just… he doesn’t know… he just lost his patents, he can’t be an omega of a pack, he needs help, he always looked at Jason and admired him and he never wanted to unseat himTAT
Alfred sets out to fix this, but, surprisingly, it’s Bruce that goes to Jason and takes him out to a nice dinner and hashes out the situation – the truth of Damian’s odd behavior, he way their pack would very much like Jason to join them, because they’re all a little bit broken and Jason is an omega that just fits, and that, if Damian and Dick are a bit too much, then Bruce is perfectly willing to Mark Jay and make him a part of the pack. Not because they expect him to birth them pups until Tim comes of age, but because they like him.
And Jason is like, oh. He never, he never even considered having pups, he never though he’d have the security to have his own kids, never trusted into alphas giving him a choice in the matter, so he stayed away from them, but now it’s… well, it’s a nice thought, isn’t it? An idea of pups that will be cared for by a pack even when he decides to go back to school or work, that will be provided for and loved… that never even occurred to him. Even if he was the second of the pack, because Tim has better breeding, that would be more than he’d ever have otherwise…it’s tempting. He doesn’t know if he’d have kids, but the option being available is a novelty… And no one in the Wayne pack is hard on the eyes, to be honest…
…and in his deepest fantasies, in his heart of hearts, he used to dream of this, of being rescued from his crappy life by a handsome, wealthy alpha, of becoming someone’s mate – and life cured him from believing these fantasies, he set out to save himself and managed to do it, but… it’s still there, in the back of his head the little voice is weeping with joy, because this is one stupid wish he had as a kid coming true if he lets it.
And Bruce wasn’t raised in a barn, he’s aware this is a monumental decision, so he leaves Jason to think it through and makes it clear that when Jay makes his decision they will start the courting process – a proper one this time, to give him time to get used to the idea and change his mind if necessary. They won’t jump into it, he will have to accept everyone in the pack – and there’s more kids Bruce has that Jason met so far – and he doesn’t want to tear Jay away from studies, either, since it’s so important to him. Bruce is being perfectly transparent about it, like, I am perfectly ready to get the professors to home school you for the rest of the degree so we can focus on courting, but I know it’s important for you to make it through and show them that an omega can handle university just as well, and I respect that, courting will have to take a backseat. Even though every instinct in his head argues that if they don’t secure that sterling omega now they may lose him:O
He starts to understand Damian a bit>>
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