#Whoops this got a little angsty ))
frostybearpaws · 3 months
So… I actually misinterpreted Haarlep’s lines when he said he was “glamoured and transfigured to look like him [Raphael].”
when I first heard that I had read it as “I was made to look like this bastard… permanently.” Like through magical means someone (either Raphael or another individual) had altered Haarlep to look like Raphael and it was now their true form weather they liked it or not and NOT as I glamor myself to look like Raphael as a shape shifter he asks me to because he has issues he trying to work out and actively wants to sleep with a perfect version of himself.
I know my initial interpretation is wrong, the patch 5 epilogue proves that the form we meet Haarlep in is not their true form as others request and pay a lot of money to lay with them like that.
however imagine if that WAS the case. Raphael and Haarlep’s dynamic is ten different layers of complicated, fucked up, and questionable. At base line this is a sex slave and their master. And in more complex interpretations there’s still an ambiguity of Haarlep’s position as a “personal incubus” but maybe they and Raphael have a benefits transaction or some complex emotions floating works in the background.
Add another layer of, Haarlep’s identity is not only PERMANENTLY stripped away by their true form being altered to look like Raphael, but they also have the wear the face of their master who they hate (probably or at least carries some level of distain for) and now when they look in the mirror that’s all they see.
that’s gotta fuck with your head. The level of dysphoria of looking in the mirror expecting to see a face uniquely yours only to have the person who is keeping you captive staring back at you. The uncanny valley of hearing a different voice in your ears when you speak.
I could imagine the hatred that is built up over time. They no longer have something that is THEIRS it’s all Raphael. But if we add the layer of them having some kind of agreement or relationship it gets even more interesting. Maybe they start to accept it, begrudgingly and slowly but over decades and centuries they start to pick out the differences that are unique to them (my headcanon for this scenario is that you can’t make a PERFECT perfect copy but a pretty damn close one which would be why Haarlep would look so similar but have notable differences) they start to almost like it. And they’re horrified.
(also don’t get me STARTED on the shit show that would commence after Raphael’s death with Haarlep being permanently altered. Imagine carrying the face of a dead man. Sure it gets you lot of money and you can change at will, but at the end of the day when you come home and look in the mirror, all you see is his face)
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coffeeghoulie · 5 months
Ghoulette Appreciation Week 2: Stealing Clothes
Sunny can't find her favorite hoodie, so she enlists Cumulus to help her.
Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks was put together by @jesusbutbetterrr, thanks for organizing this!
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"Hey, Cue!" Sunny calls, sticking her head out of her bedroom doorway. "Dove?"
From the common room, Cumulus chirps curiously. "Yeah, Sparky? What is it?" she calls back, ear flicking against her curls.
"Have you seen my favorite hoodie?" Sunny asks, still calling down the hallway. "It was in my dirty clothes pile. Was gonna run a load or two while I had it on my mind."
Cumulus stands, setting aside her crochet project, a blanket she's been making to keep her hands busy. Keep her thoughts off of the upcoming tour, because when the pack leaves with Papa, they're leaving two of their mates behind. Sunny included. "I haven't seen it, but I'll help you look for it, spark," she says, nuzzling against Sunny's shoulder, breathing in her scent, ripe peaches and sun-warm grass. "The orange one, right?"
"Yep, the cropped one? Thanks, Cue," Sunny grins, turning back into her room. It's like a bomb went off in there, clothes scattered across her bed, blankets shoved down and bunched up at the foot.
Cumulus hums, rummaging through the pile of clothes on Sunny's bed. Judging by how strongly they smell of her, Sunny must have upended her dirty laundry onto her bed. "You planning on changing your sheets after this?" Cumulus asks, grinning up at her.
Sunny shrugs, abandoning the pile of laundry to root through her dresser. "It's not like I have Mountain levels of dirty clothes. Have you seen the state of that ghoul's work pants?" She gags dramatically.
"Aren't you a little earth, Sun?" Cumulus teases.
"Eh, just a little," She laughs, shutting her drawers, unsuccessful. "Too much fire and air to feel the calling to the earth, you know?"
Cumulus grins, turning back to Sunny's bed. "Well, sparky. I can't find it. Do you think someone else has it?"
There's footsteps coming down the hallway from the common room, and Cirrus passes by the open doorway, dressed casually, long navy hair thrown up into a loose bun. The other ghoulettes light up as they see her. "Hey, blossom!" Sunny calls, grinning bright. "We're looking for my cropped hoodie. I can't find it."
"Oh, um," Cirrus trails off, blushing as her eyes grow wide. "I know where it is, Sun."
Sunny's brow furrows and she cocks her head, her copper curls bouncing. "Where is it?" She asks. "It needs to be washed."
"I have it," Cirrus sighs, her shoulders slumping. "I'll show you," she says, gesturing for her fellow ghoulettes to follow her out of Sunny's room, a few doors down to her own room.
Sunny and Cumulus share a look as Cirrus turns her back, but they follow their mate diligently. Cirrus's room is spotless and pristine, bed made, though she usually spends her nights in Cumulus's bed. There's a large duffle bag on the center of the floor, and the air immediately sours with the reminder of tour.
The reminder than in a short while, Sunny'll be all alone at the Abbey. Well, that's not true, she and Aether will be together, but the rest of their pack will be gone. Cirrus, her stoic, steadfast ghoulette, unzips the duffle bag, moving a few of her own articles of clothing and pulls out an orange cropped hoodie. There's a wave of peach scent that comes with it, tinged with Cirrus's own honeysuckle and jasmine, and if they really strain for it, Cumulus and Sunny can smell the traces of Aether's steady ozone coming from her bag.
"Oh, Cir, blossom," Sunny breathes as the older ghoulette holds her hoodie out to her, eyes downcast. It's an emotion Sunny's never seen on her mate's face, and it looks kind of like shame.
"Sorry, Sun," She says, her lips quirking up in a tiny smile, still not making eye contact.
"Cirrus," Sunny breathes, grabbing her by the shoulders gently. "I'd give you my clothes to take with you, both of you, if you asked. But I gotta ask, why the hoodie? You're doing outdoor venues all summer. I don't want to hear reports that you passed out on stage."
Cirrus snorts, and Sunny grins as she watches the shame crack and crumble away. "You never wash the damn thing, dragonfly. Of all your clothing, it smells the most like you."
"Aw, you're sweet," Sunny says, reaching up and brushing a strand of dark blue hair that's fallen from Cirrus's bun. "You're really gonna miss me, huh?"
"Of course we are," Cumulus chimes in. She sneaks behind Sunny, wrapping her arms around the multighoulette's waist, nuzzling in between her shoulderblades. "You're our girl, Sun. Of course we're gonna miss you. We'll even pick out some souvenirs for you and Aeth."
"You promise you're gonna get me cheesy souvenirs?" she asks, batting her eyelashes up at Cirrus, who throws her head back and laughs.
"Course, dragonfly. And we'll call when the timezones work in our favor," she promises.
"See? It won't be too bad," Sunny insists, even though she's trying to convince herself too. "You guys will be back before you know it."
Cirrus doesn't reply, and neither does Cumulus. They both pull themselves closer to Sunny, holding her close like they'll never have to leave.
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antiphrastic · 2 months
I made something important
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ongreenergrasses · 2 years
❝  i know i can’t protect you from everything,  but i wish you’d let me protect you from the things i can control.  ❞ Andy & Quynh please
hi anon!! thank you for the ask, i was delighted to revisit this particular prompt list and i hope you enjoy 🌷🌹
Quỳnh winces and flexes her fingers. Her hand is still throbbing, but she shifts in her chair instead, trying to ignore it. Andy is still silent next to her, and Quỳnh is trying to ignore that, too.
“Why did you do that?” Andy finally asks, so softly Quỳnh barely hears it over the bustle of the emergency room. “I had it handled.”
“I know,” Quỳnh says. She sighs. “I just wanted to help.”
Andy doesn’t even have to respond. Quỳnh feels Andy’s thought of I don’t need help practically screaming at her.
“I know you don’t need protecting,” Quỳnh says. She passes Andy another tissue to replace the blood soaked one she’s holding to her forehead, takes the bloody one, and throws it away in the trash can next to them. “And I know I can’t protect you from everything. I just wish you’d let me protect you from the things I can control.”
“Is this something you can control?” Andy asks wryly.
Quỳnh doesn’t know. She knows she can’t control how people see the two of them. She also knows that when people started shouting ugly things at them, she got up to leave, and Andy was the one who threw the first punch.
Quỳnh is too old and tired for bigotry. She knows Andy feels the same way. Andy just reacts differently to it.
“Maybe I can’t,” Quỳnh says. “But I can control some of it. And I want you to be safe.”
Andy looks so vulnerable. Quỳnh wants to hug her, but before she can, the nurse calls out Andy’s name.
“I want you to be safe,” Quỳnh repeats, and as they walk into the exam room, she takes Andy’s hand.
yearning prompts
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galaxythixf · 1 year
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@valorheroics​ said: ❝  you have more of a reputation than you might think.  ❞  ||  from Gekko for Jett Conversational Sentence / Emotionally Charged Starters || Accepting
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"Oh yeah? Is that coming from a fan?" Jett scoffs, laying on her back with blue eyes trained on keeping one of her various knives suspended above air. "Just what kind of reputation do you think I have?" She knew. It probably wasn't what he meant but the reputation that comes to mind isn't necessarily one she's proud of. Her face is plastered on every screen that has a signal, right underneath bolded words that warn of her threat. A threat she was never actually a part of but to the public, she was an enemy.
"Because if you're talking about being the Protocol's most reliable agent, you could stand to mention it a little more." Her smile is enough to fool anyone while a poison more potent than that of their famed chemist's begins to set within the depths of her stomach.
"Or is it something else?" Something dreadful. "Like my sharpshooting?" Like the people's she's disappointed. "Isn't it a little early for you to be kissing up, Lizard Boy?"
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fraugwinska · 1 month
A very incomplete list of Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction Authors/Geniuses
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I cannot believe the awsome, talented, absolute magnificent people I've met through this fandom. Writing FF for Hazbin Hotel has become one of my greatest joys in life, and reading the stories and creations of my fellow friends and idols is something that can brighten my whole week - and we don't gatekeep. So, if you're in search for a good read, here are a few of the SUPER AWSOME people I stalk (and I want to stress - this list is never going to be complete, but I'll try to edit it as there are just SO MANY GODDANG MASTERS out there!) @bapple117 If you love #RadioStatic, you have to read 'Bluest Monday' (completed) and the follow-up 'Say Hello, Wave Goodbye' (WIP) She'll break your heart in the most beautiful way. If you don't fancy that but Alastor is your go-to, then you will want to dive in head-first into "If You Can't Say Somethin' Nice, Don't Say Nothin' At All" (complete). But as before, be ready for a rollercoaster of emotional moments and extremely spicy shenanigans.
@hazelfoureyes Goddess of the smut, Hottest writer in Hell - If you're horny, Hazel has got you covered. Especially her 'The safeword is Radioapple'-Mini-series will make you sweat like a Zumba-Instructor on crack. Be prepared to blush, tremble, die and immediately ressurrect, because yes. She is THAT good.
Clover/corruptedteacups on AO3 With whooping 75 chapters and 300k+ hits, her Fanfic 'The Red means I Love you' is one of the best, most detailed slow-burn-pining-angsty-smutty-will-they-wont-they Masterpieces I've read so far. Alastor is magnificent and I guarantee you'll fall in love with Clover, the bunny who captures the heart of you deerest red demon.
@melodyonthewireless Highly underappreciated (imho), her fic "A Match made in Hell" (WIP) follows her OC Sybil down to hell, into the Hazbin Hotel and consecutively the arms of Alastor - but don't you dare underestimate the pink, harmless looking doe. Sybil's witch powers and her sassy, witty personality is quite the match to the established readio overlord. It's such a read, and the wait between chapters the sweetest agony!
@macabr3-barbi3 She delivers every. single. TIME. Her Short stories and One-Shots are like Pringles - Once you pop, you can't stop. I'm deeply in love with 'Dream a little Dream' (WIP), 'Nothing I can't Handle' (WIP) makes me run for a cold shower and did I mention the countless one-shot-candies that make you mouth water and your toes curl?
@slutforalastor/InconspicuousBosch on AO3 Whether it's the One-Shots on tumblr (omg the PRIEST ALASTOR BIT *fans face*) or the incredible Choose-your-Path-Fic "Say it with a smile" (completed) - you will be both amazed at the artistry of the wording and storybuilding and blushing at the sheer craft of the smut and sexual tension.
@impale-me-radio-daddy Founder of the kink #antlerplay, his series of 'The Lookalike' is steamy, outrageous, utterly magnificent and filthy down to the bones. Be prepared for some serious questioning of your own preferences, because you WILL get some epiphanies. And that's a PROMISE.
@hurthermore Listen. LISTEN. Bimbo is the mini-series that had me on a friggin CHOKEHOLD. It takes a special talent to make one so invested in THE radio demon, gentleman a la carte Alastor believably pining after and pounding a lovable, dumb airhead sinner with a fable for skimpy dresses and leave you at the end wanting for seconds and thirds!
As I said, this is a highly incomplete list, and I'll absolutely edit this list as I go. But I needed to put this out in the world. To all of the above, and all of those which I didn't include YET but most certainly will -
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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ambrosiagoldfish · 1 month
Adam x third spouse part 3 I’m begging pookie ❤️
like a time skip to when Charlie appeared and proposed the idea
Benifit of the doubt Pt.4
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Warnings: General Adam TW’s, a little bit sad for a moment but it’s ok. Gn! Reader! honestly that’s about it I think?? Wow this is the first time it’s been this short in this series.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
Request Box: Open
Word Count: 4617~
A/n: So… it’s been almost 2 months… whoops. In all seriousness though I’m sorry it’s been so long. I’ve just not been in the mood to write and a lot of stuff has been happening (which is finally over) and I’m glad I could finally post this. I was also, if I’m honest, nervous to post this, cause I’m not sure if everyone’s ready for the direction of the story. But I have made it clear that I wanted to do a time skip to the show at somepoint and decided to do it now! If you enjoy this, please let me know cause I’m really nervous about (Not my words of affirmation love language coming out-) ALSO to the requester, I know you said part 3, but I used it for part 4. I got your request as I was making part 3 soooo my bad. Hope you don’t mind tho <3 this will be the last part before the angsty finale (and maybe an epilogue)
Reblogs are always appreciated!
Anyways this was NOT beta read unfortunately, I tried to get as many errors out during the writing process so hopefully it’s fine. Also, there’s probably some words I might have wanted to italicize or make bold that aren’t, but I’m too tired to care honestly.
Tags: @tired-of-life-86 @nervoussystemss @qopia @lovelyemily @hcneyiced @v3r41ynn @ghostdoodlen @nxptvne-13 @ximenavc-che @edgyfluff @ericityyy @diffidentphantom @faimmm @slasher-whore69 @1-randomized @ozzersauce @fanlovedlt @alientee (if I forgot someone or you want to be added just tell me !!)
Days turned to weeks, to months, to years. Until eventually an eon had passed. An entirety filled to the brim with an indescribable happiness and love, threatening to spill over at any given moment. You loved Adam and Adam loved you.
To say it was all happiness would be a lie, there were some moments of sadness and pain, but all relationships were like that, even ones that lasted for eternity. You both always bounced back, apologize and moved on with a stronger bond than before. And you loved every second of it.
A lot has changed in these last few eons. Adam formed a band and is now the most popular guitarist in all of heaven. You both made new friends, some got into heaven while others were made there. Emily was one of these people to you, she looked up to you for being older than her. You’ve existed for almost all of human existence so, of course she’d look up to you.
Adam had also made new friends, his band members, some officials in heaven, but someone he’s grown close to recently was Lute. You're really happy about his friendship with Lute. She seems like a strong and loyal friend, someone that can keep him grounded while still encouraging him to be more himself. Overall, you really liked her.
How they became friends though is something… less tasteful for you. All the way back when Heaven and Hell had their first meeting on what to do with the surplus of sinners in hell causing an uprising. Neither side came to an agreement in the end, you do feel partially to blame for that, but you still stand by what you did.
You never returned to any of the follow up meetings
But Adam did, surprisingly to you. In the end, you were called to talk with Sera and Adam. You were told of the agreement between Heaven and Hell, about the yearly “cleanse” that Adam and his “Exorcists” would have to commit. At first you were shocked, sure, you didn’t have the best experience with sinners and especially with the rulers of hell, but was death really necessary? You didn’t know what to say, and Adam clearly saw this.
“Babe, you alright?” He puts his hand on your shoulder rubbing his thumb in circles. You place your hand on his.
“Yeah it’s just a lot to take in. Are we sure it has to be done… that way?”
Sera looked down in pain “they’re… uprising and are becoming to much of a threat to heaven.”
You sighed as Adam took you in his arms. Adam was fully aware that you don’t share the same sentiment towards sinners as he does. His hatred towards the unholy souls down in hell was brought about by events that you simply cannot understand. Which he is thankful for, he never would want you to experience what he did.
“If there isn’t anything else we can do then… I guess we have no choice. But I don’t want to… kill anyone, even if they are sinners.”
Adam holds you closer “You won’t have to,” you smile at him, the now familiar flickering of his LED mask meeting your gaze before softly frown “you ok?”
You nod, “yeah, just…I wish there was another way.”
That was it. Adam would take his exorcists down to hell to kill as many sinners as they could each year. Adam knew you didn’t want him to talk about it , he kept it as separate as he could from your life. You did have to attend meetings regarding it, as one of the very few people to know about it, that was your duty.
You were fine with having that part of the job. You weren't sure if you could kill someone, sinner or not. So, for the countless years to follow, you played your part with every new extermination, attending meetings to deal with the repercussions of each cleanse.
Adam would also have to attend the occasional meeting. Which is exactly what today was. Sera had called you both in to talk.
“Thank you both for coming. I have to inform you that you will be attending a meeting tomorrow.”
Adam groaned “What! Again? This is like the 4th fuckin’ one this week! Ugh fine! Where is it this time? halo city? Cherub towne” Adam’s voice mocked the locations you’ve both been sent to countless times with a high pitched voice. Even you have to admit that the meetings could drag a bit.
Sera's face turned into a slight grimace as she looks away from you both, she sighs and continues “The meeting will be in… hell.”
“What!” Both your voices raise in shock
“Sera, you know I don’t want to go down there again!”
“Why can’t you just send the other fucking dipshits who know about-“ Adam crossed his arms defiantly
“Stop,” Sera raises her hand toward you both “no one wants to go there, and I know you both especially don’t.” She pauses “But you both are the only available angels who know of the cleanse that aren't busy. Please… I understand your disdain but heaven’s business comes first.”
“Who are we even gonna be talking to -Wait a damn minute- Don’t fucking tell me we have to talk to him.”
“I'm sorry…” You all sat in silence for a moment before Sera begins to speak again, “But you both won’t have to worry about physically being there, we have prepared holograms for you, so neither of you would be in any danger.”
“I'll have an Angel escort you to the ‘meeting’ room tomorrow, please, get some rest. I’m sure you both have had a long day.”
With that, you and Adam went home, you were definitely not feeling well about the meeting, but the fact you wouldn’t actually be there calms your nerves a bit. You had to be a little honest with yourself, hell wasn’t really the issue for you, it was more so the people. Lucifer for one, that made you feel uneasy.
The next morning, you and Adam got ready, you had to motivate him a little. He was clearly not excited for this meeting like you. The entire way there he held you close, even though nothing could have hurt you it made him feel better knowing how close you were.
On the way there, you also got Adam some ribs, his favorite. You thought it would help his nerves a bit. Turns out, Lute was the one Sera assigned to escort you both there. That also made you both a little calmer knowing a mutual friend would be there.
The three of you waited in the ‘meeting’ room for a while, about an hour. At first you thought the meeting might had been canceled or moved and you just weren't told. But then, Lute walked up to you both.
“Sir! The Seraphim has told me to inform you that there’s been a change in plans!”
“What? The fucks that mean?” Adam said stuffing a rib into his LED mouth
“Lucifer won’t be attending the meeting, instead… his Daughter will be here in his stead.” Lute’s mask showed a continuous frown and stern expression as she spoke.
“Daughter?” Your voice shook a little. This was news to you, as long as you’ve existed you had never heard he had a daughter while in hell. You look over to Adam to see His LED eyes were wide in shock but his mask turned into a smile as he sighed.
“Phew boy, we sure dodged a big ass bullet, huh Sweetcheeks?” He laughed as his arm pulled you closer. The whole thing caused you to join in. Suddenly your nerves felt a lot better than before.
“When should she be arriving, Lute?”
“Within the hour.”
Adam scarfed down another plate of ribs as you all wait for the “princess of hell” to arrive. The entire time you just had to wonder what kind of person she’d be. The daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. The more you thought about it, the more bizarre it seemed.
But suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by the sliding doors opening to the meeting room and a girl steps in, asking if anyone is there.
“She can’t see us?”
“Yeah, Sera gave me a long ass lector on how this stuff works before we got here. Let’s see here…” Adam pushes a button causing a click to sound out as he says “Sup!”
The girl jumps back and falls to the floor, shocked by Adam’s sudden appearance in the room. She introduces herself as Charlie. Adam offers her to shake his hand, only for it to go through.
“Ha! I fuckin’ got you! Did you fucking see that? Good shit.”
You let out a slight laugh, as you sit and watch the meeting happen. Well, you say “meeting” but nothing about it seemed very professional. Adam for the last hour (you honestly wasn’t sure at this point) had been talking about the most random of things.
You or Lute occasionally shakening your head yes or no while listening to him, while Charlie seemed quite tired already. Not that you could blame her, people who weren’t used to Adam’s banter definitely weren’t cut out for it. But You love every word that comes out of his mouth.
Eventually Adam decides that it’s time to get into what you all came here for. Pulling out a bunch of papers, Charlie begins explaining her solution to hell’s overpopulation. You were only really half listening at first, at least before she mentioned that her solution could stop the extermination which peaked your interest.
She explains her “Hazbin Hotel” and its purpose to rehabilitate sinners, you wanted to hear more of it but Adam cut her off.
The meeting didn’t really go that well, At least for Charlie. But the whole thing left quite the impression on you. The idea of ending the extermination was stuck in your head for so long, and now you had someone who had an alternative.
“Adam, are you sure that it couldn’t have worked?”
Adam looks at you in surprise “What? Do you think that shitshow could have actually worked?” He laughed as he placed a hand on your back. “Don’t even pay it any mind, alright Babe?”
“I know, it’s just… you know I don't like the extermination. So another way to lessen the population of hell should at least be looked into.” Your voice was soft enough to barely hear.
Adam’s gaze softened but he didn’t say another word, only wrapping his wing around you pulling you closer. You lean towards him, snuggling into his soft robe. No matter how much you wanted to ignore it, you couldn’t. You needed to do something, anything.
So that night, after Adam fell asleep, you asked to talk with Sera. Leaving a note for Adam saying you went to buy something just in case he woke up.
“What is troubling you?” Sera’s voice was clear and concise.
You looked toward the ground, your nerves feeling tighter than ever, as you struggled with how to put your words together. “You're aware of all that happened in the meeting with Lucifer’s Daughter, right?”
Sera nods her head “of course, all meetings are documented about as they happen.” She tilts her head slightly “What about it?”
“Well!” You steel yourself before continuing “I would like permission to observe Charlie Morningstar’s ‘Hazbin Hotel’”
Sera’s eyes widen, breaking her calm demeanor before giving a firm “No”
“It’s too dangerous for you to be there, Adam wouldn’t want that anyways”
“He would listen if it was an order from you!” Your eyes felt watery but you continued “Please Sera… I know you don’t want the extermination to continue. Just let me do this!”
Sera looked away from you, her feelings evident on her face, any mask now down. ‘Just a little more’ you thought
“Sera, I promise you, I’ll be careful! We don’t even have to fully support them yet, just let me observe them. It would be devastating if so many souls parish if we failed to seek all options!” You beg
Sera sighed, shakingly “…I’ll see what I can do.”
Your eyes gleamed up at the tall woman “Sera, thank you, thank you!” You wanted to hug her but out of courtesy, you advised against it.
Sera tells you that she can’t guarantee anything but she will try as she sends you home to rest.
A few days past after that and you haven’t heard anything from Sera. It was a little worrying and felt like a bad sign to you. That was, until you were informed by Sera that your request was accepted!
“But.” Sera stops you before you can celebrate “You're only there to keep track of the progress and to make sure nothing is happening under our noses” You nod your head in understanding
“Also…” she pauses “If anything involving this hotel happens, you will have to take full responsibility, understood?”
You nod again “yes I understand. Have you… told Adam yet?”
She shakes her head
“Ok… can you… not tell him it was my idea, please. I don’t think he’d agree if he knew.”
Sera sighs before nodding her head “Very well, I’ll tell him after you leave”
“Thank you.”
You return home, when you got back Adam was already gone, Sera must have already called him to the office. You dreaded when he got back. You didn’t want to see him upset, it hurt you to know how worried he was for you.
A few hours later, Adam comes through the door in a panic. He stomps up to you and pulls you into a warm and intense embrace.
“Don’t go down there. I need you here with me” his voice hitches as his wings wrap around you both, curling you both into a warm and feathery ball.
“Adam…” you paused, was this really the best thing to do? No, It had to be. If this goes well, not only will the extermination stop but Adam wouldn’t have to go down to hell ever again.
“Adam, you know I can’t go against Sera’s orders.” You kiss his cheek “and I won’t be gone forever, I’m only supposed to be there till the next cleanse. Not to mention, I’ll always come back to see you.”
Adam grumbled a little “I know, I just… don’t like you being in the same place that bastard is, and in his brat’s stupid hotel! ”
You laugh softly “Adam…” grabbing his hand, you put yours in it, showing off the gold ring on your finger “I’ll never forget my promise. You know that, right?”
Adam looks at the ring, the gold wrapped around your finger with a perfectly snug fit. Everytime he looked at it was just a reminder of your love for him. That promise was something he could never forget. He slowly raises your hand to his LED mask, kissing the back of it. “Of course not.”
“Good. I promise I’ll be fine, ok?”
He nods. Hand in hand, you slowly lead you both to the bed. The both of you lay next to each other, your bodies linked together like knots. You slwoly remove his helmet from his head, laying it on the nightstand.
Your hands move up his body before landing on his face, cupping his cheeks before pulling him to a kiss before snuggling into his chest.
Finally it was Time for you to leave. Sera allowed you to create portals back to heaven in case anything happened and you were in need of assistance. Adam walked you to the front gate.
“Ok, do you have everything? You didn’t forget that fucking angelic dagger I had Lute get for you right-“
You shush him “Adam, I told you I’ll be fine!”
He’s sighs “Damn it- I know that but just make sure to text me while your there ok-
You kiss him deeply “Adam. I know, you’ve told me a hundred times.” You smile as you cup his face “I love you”
He sighs “Love you too Sweetcheeks”
With one final kiss, you give Adam a tight hug before waving goodbye as you went through the flaming portal. As you went through, you take a second to look at your surroundings. In front of you was a tall building. You take a few steps back to see LED lights of a sign flashing the words ‘Hazbin Hotel’
You let out a sigh of relief. You had been a tad bit worried you’d spawn somewhere random and you’d have to find the building yourself. But it seems heaven at least spared you of that.
The red skies of hell were quite different from the pristine blue ones of heaven. Even though you just got here, you could already hear the sounds of screams and explosions in the distance. How welcoming.
You steel yourself and with three hard knocks to the door, you wait for someone to open it. Muffled Scurrying sounds of footsteps approach the door before it creaks open revealing the young blond woman in the doorframe, Charlie Morningstar.
“Hi! I’m-“
The door is slammed shut, Before opening again
“Be not afraid-“
It shuts again…
Well, this may be a bit harder than you initially anticipated. You go to knock again only for it to open once more. This time, the door doesn’t close again, instead the girl mutters a quick “Hi” before going quiet.
“Hello! I didn’t mean to scare you!” You give a small laugh before continuing “I believe we met a couple days ago?” You bring your hand towards her for a shake, to which she reciprocates.
“During the meeting with.. Adam? Right?” She grimaced when she mentioned Adam, which you decided to ignore, you simply smiled and nodded. ”but I don’t believe I caught your name?”
You tell her about yourself, about how your there to stay and monitor any progress the hotel may have. You made sure to pronounce ‘may.’ While you were hoping for this idea to show some kind of positive results, even you weren’t sure if it’d would work.
“Charlie? who’s at the door- WhatHolyShit-“ a woman with a red X over her eye suddenly shouts in surprise. You look over at her, She looked very familiar…
“Wait, you are-“
“Vaggie! Charlie’s sinner girlfriend! And you are?!” The woman known as Vaggie, highlighted the word sinner while performing a “be quiet” gesture with her hand. Your eyes widen a little at the ex-Angel in front of you but you simply smile a nod “I’m Y/n, I don’t believe we’ve met, yes?”
Look, lying is the last thing you’d want to do as a citizen of heaven but you figured that it would be fine if it was to protect someone. Vaggie nodded, her face scrunched up in a tense look.
“You feeling ok Vaggie? You’re looking a little… red?”
“I’m fine! *ahem*, Hun, how about you give them a tour of the hotel.”
Charlie gasped “Yes that's perfect, you may as well get acquainted with everyone if you’re going to be here more often!”
Charlie ran off, telling you “this way! This way!” Over and over. Before you went to follow her, you leaned toward Vaggie and said a quick “Relax, I won’t tell anyone.”
She lets out a sigh before muttering “Thank you”
You both follow Charlie as she shows you the various rooms in the hotel before leading you back to the hotel’s lobby and lounge area.
“Hey! Hello everyone!” Charlie’s voice picked up a little “I’d like to introduce you to our uh… new staff member?” You nod in agreement with the title. The room in front of you was shrouded in looks of both horror and amazement.
“What the hell’s an angel doin’ here?” A lanky spider demon spoke up first
“It’sss an ambush! seek Cover!!” The Snake demon shouted, seemingly grabbing an army helmet from thin air before taking a deep dive behind the couch.
“No Pentious-” She sighs “they’re here to monitor the hotel! Heaven sent them to scout any potential progress the hotel will have”
“It’s nice to meet you all” you look at the people in front of you, to say it was a colorful cast would be an understatement.
“These two are our current tenants of the hotel! Angel dust and Sir Pentious!”
The snake slithered slowly from behind the couch up to you, while the Spider demon remained rested on the couch
“Oh… *ahem* Excuse me dear! I am Sir. Pentious! Formally known as ‘the Architect of destruction’!” He laughs, a slight hiss sounding in his voice.
He offers a handshake which you accept. To which you immediately regret. ‘ Slimey’ you thought, before wiping your, now wet hand on your clothes.
The spider demon, who you now know as Angel Dust, just gives a wave with one of his 4 arms.
“And-“ Charlie extends the word as she quickly walk to a bar by the entrance “this is the recreational area, run by our Bartender, Husk!”
The winged bartender seemed entirely uninterested in your presence or even Charlie’s. The most you got was a small glance before he takes a swig of his alcohol and walks off.
“He’s not the most… social guy in hell” she awkwardly laughs before moving on to the next person. “And this is Nifty, our one and only maid at the hotel! Nifty say hi.”
The short woman scurried moved around you, her eye quickly looking at every every nook and cranny of you as she moved. She made numerous attempts to touch and grab various things on you, your clothes, wings, and eventually she tried to climb up you to get to your halo. That’s when you finally grabbed her in place “you're a… fast one, huh? Nice to meet you!”
“And last but not least! This is Alastor, the hotel’s executive producer and our first -and only- overlord sponsor!”
Immediately, you could tell there was something off about Alastor. The entire aura he gave off was as if he was restraining something completely and utterly ungodly. The static that surrounded him was just one of many whispers you could hear from his soul.
“Hello! It’s quite a pleasure to meet someone of your… holy status!” He offers a hand to which you, hesitantly, shake. “And what do we owe the pleasure for your service?”
“They’re going to be here to keep track of the progress of the hotel…” Charlie paused “you know I’m starting to sound like a broken record- here, it’s late, how about we all get some sleep and we can talk about it in the morning!”
“Fine by me, I am waaay too sober to be having social interaction this late” Angel picks himself up and stretches “I’m gonna hit the hay”
“Here I’ll show you to your room!” Charlie smiles “We -obviously- didn’t have time to make your own so I hope you don’t mind using one of the guest rooms” she laughs
She and Vaggie walks you to your new room before leaving you be, The room was nothing more than just your average hotel room. Of course it did have its differences, a multitude of… eyes seem to be on the wall, staring at you. Well, that’s not the least alarming.
You place your stuff down and begin unpacking, you mostly just brought the basics. Clothes, hygiene stuff, your phone, and, most importantly, a framed photo of Adam.
You sat the photo on your nightstand, angling it just right so that it would always be visible to you. As you do so, you think about the memory the photo brings, you took it on one of the first dates you went on with Adam. It was a relatively tame date, you and Adam, having a picnic by a lake at night. You brought candles so you both weren’t completely in the dark, and you just loved the way he looked, his golden eyes watching the water. The dim candle light illuminating his face with a warm golden shade. Adam hates photos of him with his mask off but… You just had to keep that moment in time forever.
*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*
Speak of the- well, you know the rest. The bright light from the phone comes with the notification sound displaying Adam in bold letters. You smile as you read his messages.
Heyy Sweetcheeks, it’s been a bit since you left
You there??
Fucking answer
You let out a small laugh at Adam’s barrage of messages. He’s not used to you being away from him for more than a day, huh? Not that you could blame him, this is honestly nothing compared to how you feel each year he has to do the extermination.
Hey love
Everything’s fine, I’m ok.
Aside from not having you with me :’(
Fucking finally
You know you don’t have to do this
If I bitch enough to Sera I can get you back by tomorrow
Please don’t, Sera already has enough on her plate.
I promise I’m going to be fine
I’ll be back before you know it.
I know
This shit just worries me
Gonna miss hearing your sexy ass voice at night too ;)
You blush at the message before sighing. Whenever you or Adam approached a topic that made him uncomfortable, he would always try to change the subject to something that made him feel better. You knew why, Adam’s someone who rarely talked about his feelings, even after all these eons together that was something he hadn’t changed. You knew exactly what he needed, even if he didn’t explicitly tell you.
I already miss yours too <3
Do you want to help me fall asleep with that heavenly voice of yours on the phone?
Whatever you want Sweetcheeks <3
You smile when, almost immediately, Adam begins calling your phone. You click the lights off before You make your way in your new bed, not even bothering to change out of the clothes you’ve been wearing. You grab the cover and pull it over you and tapping the answer button.
You yawn “Hey handsome, I missed your voice”
You hear his voice hitch before he caused on “Of course you did, no one has a better voice than the dick master. But uh, yours is a close second”
You’re let out a tired giggle, “such a charmer, you. How’s your day been huh?”
“Oh! don’t even get me started on that- Lute took me to get some ribs to ‘calm my nerves’ or some shit and they had me, ME, wait in line for like 15 minutes! The fucking audacity!”
You smile to yourself as Adam tells you about his day, the sound of his voice was like a sweet lullaby to your ears and you couldn’t get enough of it. But eventually…
“And then when I got home, I couldn’t find my damn charger and it took me like 40 fuckin’ minutes to realize it was under our bed, do you have any idea of how it keeps getting there?” He waits for you to respond only to be met with silence. “Uh bitch, I’m talking to you.”
More silence… well no, actually if Adam focused on listening, he could hear the faint sound of your snoring from the phone. Adam sighs,”Long day, huh?”
Adam lays back in your shared bed, getting comfortable. He sets the phone beside him, plugging it in while keeping it on speaker. He yawns, “Goodnight Sweetheart, can’t wait to see you again”
Slowly, the soft sounds of both yours and Adam’s snores filled each others rooms, a distant, but intimate connection. Even in slumber, you couldn’t stop thinking of your handsome and caring soulmate.
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Fem!sensitive!reader v soft!dom!eddie
Overview: hyper sensitivity can be awful. But you begun to find out it's a blessing in disguise with Eddie Munson touching you.
AN: This was a drabble which turned into a long one, whoops! No use of Y/N, pure indulgence on my part due to my neuro divergent ass.
Warnings: reader uses she/her pronouns, smutty mc smutt smutt, NSFW (minors I will chase you with a broom) bit angsty, bit fluffy, female oral receiving, lap riding, also I'm english so bear with me and the American-isms!
7k words
Part 2 here Masterlist
Ever since you were a kid you were sensitive. Loud noises got to you. Not necessarily single noises. It was usually the painful overlay of sounds, mixing and mingling, overwhelming you until you couldn't think. Emotions could be problematic. It seemed that everything affected you more than others. Dizzying highs and earth shattering lows. If someone gave you negative feedback it wore down on you for far longer than it should. The pain was palpable, you could almost taste it.
Touch sensitivity affected you the most. It got to you on a daily basis. No one normal really picks up on how much other people touch you. It's constant; an arm brushing against yours in passing, fingers skimming against your own handing over coins or a pen, a hand at the small of your back when inching past you. Every touch from someone you didn't know or didn't like made your skin crawl. Even wearing a slightly itchy jumper could be hell.
It was even worse with someone you liked. An accidental swipe of a hand, a knee resting against yours, it could send lightning bolts up your spine. It was something you've always had to deal with, and managed to control quite well, until you became friends with Eddie Munson.
You befriended the little band of outcasts mostly out of convenience. Safety in numbers. One day a seat was free on their table in the cafeteria and you asked if you could sit there. The teenage boys gawked at you in silence, all except Eddie. He had stood up and flashed a debonair smile at you, bowing and offering you the seat. You took it gratefully, mumbled a thank you, and proceeded to eat your lunch with your head in your book.
Each day it seemed the same seat was free, next to Eddie. Each day you sat, and each day you opened up more and more to the lovable weirdos surrounding you. Little by little you had been indoctrinated into their gang and it pleased you more than you were prepared to admit. It escalated from just lunch, to being a key member of their D&D party, Hellfire, since they were in sore need of a cleric. You were slowly shedding your rough exterior, the walls you placed around yourself for protection. Not completely though, not yet. You never shared how you felt, how things got to you sometimes. How sensitive you were.
That only got more difficult when you realised just how much you liked Eddie. Suddenly that flash of a smile would make you weak at the knees. You'd see him running his hand through his hair, palm coming to rest on the back of his neck, and you could barely breathe. It's like your attraction to him sucked the air out of your lungs. That shoulder length messy hair, the slim but powerful build, that damn smile. It was all too much. The biggest problem of all though? Eddie was a toucher.
You were sure he didn't even realise, but it was continuous. It was like a compunction. It was innocent enough, but it affected you so much. Every time he grabbed you by the arm it made you shiver. If he slung his arm around your shoulder you were practically quivering. Worst of all was the hugs. He would pull you in for a crushing bear hug and it was like your legs turned to jelly.
Last night at the weekly Hellfire meeting it happened again. You were all celebrating your victory after a particularly drawn out battle. You usually held back a bit being the party's only healer but this time you'd had to step up and had managed to land the final blow. The boys had shouted and jumped up, celebrating the victory with vigor. Eddie had beamed at you and reached out, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "Atta girl" he grinned at you. And what did you do? You fucking whimpered. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks and you froze, staring at his deep brown eyes. Eddie stared back, brow furrowed but smiling, like he was trying to figure something out. As soon as the moment happened, it was gone. He moved his hand and you had stared down into your lap, trying to will the blood from your face. It appeared no one else had noticed, too busy making noise to see what had occurred. Eddie had tried to touch your arm again at the end of the session but you had grabbed your bag and high tailed it out of there, much to the confusion of the rest of the party. 
Today you were heading into the cafeteria, nearly dreading it. Why had he stroked your face? What the hell was that about? Was that just Eddie being Eddie? He was always so touchy feely. You tried to shrug it off, took a deep breath and headed to your usual seat.
Eddie beamed at your approach. You flashed a tight lipped smile back and perched on the bench, eyes darting around the rest of the group. Dustin was mid sentence, clearly berating Mike about some video game.
"Seriously, you take the enchanted sword and then move through the forest, defeat the goblins and you're practically at the tower. It's not hard, a five year old could do it!" He gestures emphatically. Mike shakes his head.
You pipe up "Dustin, seriously. Tone."
"What, what did I say?" He shrugs at you.
"Not what you said it's the way you said it." Mike adds.
"I know what tone means moron!"
You ignore the rest of the argument and look over to Eddie. He's not paying the slightest bit of attention to the pair. His eyes are trained solely on you. He doesnt shy away when you catch him staring, if anything it seems to spur him on. Theres a glint in his eye that you aren't used to seeing. You cough and look away.
At the end of the lunch period you move to get up and go to class, but Eddie's hand on your wrist stops you. The feel of his rough calloused fingers on your pulse point sends waves throughout your body. You drag your eyes to meet his.
"Everything OK? You seem a bit, off." His words seem genuine, but theres that grin again. You feel like he knows, he must do, and every move is to torture you.
"Um... I'm okay Eddie, it's just all a bit, much." You struggle out, trying to ignore the way his fingers lingered on your wrist.
He finally gets go, frowning.
"I just wanted to check, thought you were mad at me yesterday or something."
"No no no, opposite of mad! I just get, er overwhelmed is all." You babble at him.
"Oh okay, still not sure I get it but glad you're not mad at me." He stops and looks down, avoiding your eyes for a moment. "You wanna join me and Jeff and Gareth on Friday? We're gonna pile round Jeffs, watch a movie?" He looks up at you and you can't help but be reminded of a puppy, those big brown eyes impossible to say no to.
"...sure Eddie." At that he beams at you and strokes your arm. Your breath hitches, you don't know if he notices.
"Cool, we're meeting at 8. See you sweetheart." And he leaves. You stand there dazed for a second. Sweetheart. That was new. Maybe Eddie does like you. Smiling, you head to your next lesson.
When Friday rolls around you're a trembling ball of nerves. What if you had misread? What if he was just being nice?
You dress casually; a pair of black jeans, a black tank top and sneakers. Not anything special, but the top was lower cut than the usual plain coloured t shirts you wore at school. You threw on a red flannel shirt leaving it unbuttoned, just in case it was chilly at Jeff's house, and walked your way over there since it was only a couple of blocks away. You had come prepared with snacks. What teenage boy doesn't love food? You had an enormous bag of popcorn and a Tupperware full of homemade cookies. The cookies were probably a bit much but you had made them simply for something to do with all your nervous energy and it seemed a shame to waste them.
Walking up Jeff's driveway you check the time. 20:08. Not too late, you didn't want to be rude, but you didn't want to be the first there. Ringing the bell, you heard footsteps running to the door. Jeff answers, swinging the door wide, and waves at you to come in.
"Stairs just to the left, everyone's in the basement." He shouts over his shoulder, turning to the kitchen to get drinks. You make your way downstairs. It's slightly dark, but cozy. Theres a very old green loveseat with a coffee table in front of it, strewn with snacks, beer bottles and an ashtray. In front of that is a fairly new TV and VCR. Gareth is taking over half of the couch. To one side of the room there's a huge purple beanbag. Eddie is lounging in it.
"Hey sweetheart." He grins and waves a hand at you. Gareth greets you and you move  to put your snacks on the table.
"Hey, cookies, you can come again!" You hear Jeff behind you. You giggle at that. He passes you a beer.
"No worries I had some time to kill you know." Before you can sit on the sofa Jeff collapses onto it ungracefully, handing beers to Gareth and Eddie.
Faltering for a second, you look around the room for another chair.
"Plenty of room on this if you dont mind sharing? I don't bite!" Eddie looks at you, grinning. Shit.
"Not worried about your mouth, I'm worried about your hands." You quip at him. Jeff and Gareth laugh, and Jeff starts putting the movie in the VCR, some slasher flick you hadn't seen.
"Hey, young lady, I'm a perfect gentlemen." Eddie puts his hands in the air as if surrendering, and winks at you.
No use arguing the point. As you are making your way over, he shuffles up. You sit down carefully, but it doesnt seem to matter how you sit, you roll right into Eddie. You were pushed right up against him, your side flush with his. He lowers his arms and drapes one over your shoulder. You sit, legs squeezed together, picking at the label on your beer bottle, trying hard not to think about Eddie's warmth seeping into you. Why was he so warm?
The cookies were a hit, as was the popcorn. About halfway through the movie Jeff gets up to get everyone another beer. You take that as an opportunity to take your shirt off. Eddie was like a furnace and you needed some sort of relief. Sitting back down you nearly sit on top of him, the back of your shoulder flush to his chest.
"Sorry Eddie I'll move-"
"No problem princess this is comfier." And he rests his chin on the bare skin on your shoulder. The arm that was around you now falls to your waist. The feeling was intense. You could feel his heart beating, or at least you thought you could. Maybe it was just your own. The heat emanating from him and the touch of his skin on yours was dizzying. You try and keep your breathing steady.
Jeff returns and hands out the beers and you take yours gratefully, it's something to distract you from the feeling building up between your thighs.
Eddie sips his beer and settles his chin back on your shoulder, watching the movie. You're paying no attention, it was difficult to think when you were surrounded by Eddie.
"Sorry sweetheart can I just-" Eddie says, startling you out of your revelry. He reaches up and strokes your neck, moving some stray hairs of yours that were sticking to your neck and were presumably in his face. The touch is so delicate but it thrums through you. It feels like he's played a chord on your neck and your body has amplified the feeling, sending a shiver all over your skin.
His hand drops back down to your waist and his fingers find a sliver of bare skin between your jeans and your top. Just the feel of his rough fingertips on your exposed skin, after he had given you goosebumps so easily pushed you over the edge. Before you could stop it, a breathy moan escaped your throat. It wasn't particularly loud, but it didnt need to be. It didn't look like Jeff or Gareth heard, but there was no way Eddie didn't. He turned his head towards you so you could feel his breath on your neck which was definitely not helping.
You didn't need to look at him to know he heard. You could practically hear the smirk on his face when he whispered "sorry sweetheart, am I overwhelming you?" Fuckfuckfuck. You could hear your own heart beating profusely. Squeezing your thighs together, you manage to respond.
"No-no, I'm okay," an octave higher than you meant to.
"If it's an issue sweetheart I can sit on the floor-"
"No!" Too loud. Far too loud. Where did that come from? Jeff and Gareth glance over at the sudden noise.
Eddie's grin widens. "Just making sure you're comfy." Jeff and Gareth turn their attention back to the movie, having a discussion about where they recognise the leading actress from.
You sit still, trying not to breathe too loud, alternating between sipping your beer and picking off the label. Eddie moves his head from your shoulder much to your relief, but his hand stays at your waist, gently caressing the exposed skin.
After the movie you hang around for a bit chatting, then make your excuses to get up and leave.
"Hey, wait sweetheart, need a ride?" Eddie stands up.
"I live like two blocks away, it's fine." You turn to the door and start walking upstairs with Eddie at your heels.
"Then I can walk you back. No big deal."
"I'm fine, seriously. I'm a big girl. Tie my own shoes and everything." You smile at him.
"Can I see you tomorrow?" He blurts out suddenly.
You blink at him, surprised. "Er, maybe?" 
"Look, I'll pick you up, 7 o clock, we can come to mine, chill out, maybe watch a movie?"
"Sure Eddie that sounds nice."
He moves towards you, arms outstretched for a hug. Complying, you soften at his touch. It's gentle, much gentler than the bone crunching hugs you are used to from him. One hand strokes your back softly. Before you pull away, Eddie's breath is in your ear.
"Maybe if you're up for it, I can try and get you to make that noise again." He whispers smugly.
You pull away, mouth gaping whilst he stares at you, smirk on his lip, head tilted at you.
"I... erm, maybe" you stutter out and head out of the house before you make more of a fool of yourself.
Saturday evening finally crawled around. You were excited but were trying to push down the feeling. You didn't want to come across too eager, it was a problem that happened all too often with you.
A bundle of clothes in various states were spread out before you; you were trying to pick something to wear. You decided on a pleated skirt, not too short, and a crop top. Checking yourself out in the mirror you thought you looked hot, but then again, maybe it was too needy? You shrugged your flannel shirt on to try and calm it down a bit, doing up a couple of buttons. Slinging on your sneakers you looked at the time. 18:46.
Downstairs you lay on the couch, feet dangling off the edge, waiting for a knock at the door. The house was quiet, your parents had gone out a while ago for a weekend away. Trying to calm yourself, you make a mental list of all the objects in the living room. Its helps to centre you, until theres a loud knock at the door.
Opening it you see Eddie's huge grin. He's wearing his usual attire; Hellfire t shirt, jeans and leather jacket.
"Jesus Christ you look hot" Eddie says before he can stop himself.
"Thank you" you blush.
"Parents around?"
"No they're away all weekend." You say, grabbing a jacket and locking the door behind you.
"Thank fuck let's go." You giggle as he grabs your hand and you let him lead you to his van.
Eddie starts to drive as Dio blares through the speaker, and you surprise Eddie by nodding along.
"Oh, you like this stuff sweetheart?"
"Yeah, I mean nothing too heavy, but this is great." You grin.
Eddie returns the smile out the side of his mouth. Soon enough he's turning into the entrance to the trailer park he calls home.
Getting out of the van he runs around to the passenger side and opens the door for you with a low bow. You blush and take his hand as he leads you to the door.
"Now, don't get your hopes up, I know it's pretty impressive from the outside but..." he opens the door and let's you go in first.
You take in the surroundings. It's a bit cramped, but homely. There's a sofa and tv, and a small kitchen area. Hats adorn the wall, you assume his uncles. It seems relatively clean, just cluttered. There's something about it that feels welcoming. You sigh, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
Eddie seems pleased that you haven't run a mile after seeing the place.
"Wheres your room?" You look up at him.
"Steady on sweetheart you just got here" he winks at you.
You hit him playfully on the chest "shut up Eddie."
He gestures to you to take a seat on the couch and you take it gratefully.
"So, what do you want to watch? I rented a few, wasn't sure what you were into."
He gestured to the small pile of videos on the side table. Glancing over the selection you pick out a movie and hand it to Eddie.
"Nightmare on Elm Street? Didn't peg you for a slasher flick girl." He put the film in the VCR.
"Yeah well I've not actually seen it yet." You admit.
"Really? Well buckle up buttercup! You wanna beer? Or a smoke?"
"Is your uncle-"
"-at work. Dont worry." He gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Your breath hitched in your throat. 'Lemme grab my tin."
He returns, battered lunch box in hand, and sits on the floor to roll whilst you start watching the film. It's amazing how comfortable you feel around him. Usually you were on edge being at someone else's house, but Eddie made you feel like you belonged there. You kicked off your shoes and curled your feet up on the sofa.
Eddie joins you. Lighting the joint he takes a couple of tokes then hands it to you. You pass it back and forth for a bit until you start to feel an effect. Giving the last of the joint back to him you say "finish it, that's more than enough for me." You smile at him lazily, head feeling slightly foggy.
"Oh, have I got you stoned sweetheart?" He looks at you, eyes full of mischief.
"Maybe, like this much" you say, holding your thumb and forefinger an inch apart.
"Hmm" he says frowning "not buying it. You want a soda, or some water?" You shake your head. He gets up anyway and gets you a glass of water. Taking it you appease him by drinking a few sips. He flops down again and puts his arm around you.
Settling into watching the movie you start to enjoy it, your high mellowing you a little. It's ridiculous but fun, and some of the special effects impress you. The boy on the screen is attacked unexpectedly and it makes you flinch bodily. Eddie sees this and pulls you closer to him, his hand stroking the top of your arm. Eddie starts explaining how they did the blood on the ceiling effect, waving his hand for emphasis. When he stops his hand comes to rest on your knee. You can't help it, you twitch at the feeling, it's like lightning up your leg.
"You okay sweetheart?" Eddie's face is frowning down at you.
"Yeah sure it's nothing."
Eddie's not buying it. He pauses the movie and looks at you.
"Something's going on princess. And it's either good or bad. Or both, I can't tell. Can you let me know? Did I do something wrong?" Eddie looks at you with those puppy dog eyes of his and its almost heartbreaking.
"No Eddie, you're perfect. I like you. It's just... I'm really, um, sensitive. Loud noises and stuff get to me, emotion wise I kinda run hot. Things affect me like, a lot. And I'm really, really touch sensitive." You see some understanding dawn on his face.
"Ah, right, okay, so is that good sensitive, or bad sensitive?"
"It depends. I mean if it's someone gross it feels horrible brushing past them. If it's someone I like, and I'm in a good mood, it's, well it's, hmm... overwhelming." You know he knows what you're trying to say, you dont want to have to say it out loud.
Eddie smirks at you, eyes like the devil himself.
"So, if I do this..." he says, fingertips tracing circles on your knee. Your breath catches in your throat. "It's nice." You manage.
"Hmm" his hand moves higher, onto the inside of your thigh, just under the hem on your skirt, with feather light touches. "And this?" Dark eyes stare down at you. A small moan escapes your lips. "Jesus Eddie..."
Eddie let's out a dark chuckle. He moves his hand off of your leg and you find yourself almost trying to follow the contact. His hand comes to rest on your jaw, guiding your head to turn and face him.
"What about this?" He says, eyes darting to your lips and back again, looking for confirmation. You close the gap and press your lips against his.
You've kissed before, messy, sloppy things, but never like this. His kiss is fire, igniting through you. The press of his lips against yours firm and warm. His tongue tentatively reaches out and you submit to him, allowing him to explore your mouth. You reply in kind, using your tongue to swipe against his, moving your hand to weave into his hair. He snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. He draws a deep moan from your mouth, the pure pleasure of the moment taking over you. You can feel his mouth turn at the corners, smiling into you.
He breaks the kiss first, panting slightly. "Was that okay?" He says, hand remaining on your jaw, thumb gently swiping your chin.
You want to say something sarcastic, or flirty, or, well anything. All that comes from your mouth is a half broken whine. Face flushed pink and breath well and truly taken.
"That bad huh?" He chuckles and drops his hand.
"Wow- I mean, Jesus- it's not usually that, er-, intense. Fuck." You continue to try and catch your breath.
"Gonna take that as a sign that maybe you like me, as much as I like you?" Its not a question, but the head tilt and the look from him make it one.
"Maybe. I mean, I've liked you for a while Eddie."
"I've liked you since you sat with us at lunch." He says to you, eyes sparkling, looking a little sheepish. "Why do you think I saved you a seat every day?"
"Seriously? Why didn't you say anything?" You take his hand in yours, fiddling with his rings.
"You seemed like, really shy. Didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
You smile at him softly. "Not shy, just... sensitive. I've had a lot of shit in the past from people, saying that I come across too keen, so I kinda dial it back. Plus I don't exactly want to invite people touching me, you know."
"Except me?" He says smugly.
"Except you." You nod.
He entwines his fingers with yours, looking down for a moment. "You shouldn't care what people think you know." He looks back at you "don't make yourself less for anyone."
Your eyes well up instantly at that. Wiping a stray tear from your eye you respond, "sorry, no ones ever said that before." You smile weakly.
He presses a soft peck to your lips. "Wanna finish the movie?"
Eddie presses play and this time you lean into his arms, pulling his arm around your shoulders and holding his hand. You hear a soft chuckle from him. His other hand comes to rest on your knee, tracing absent minded circles. You bask in the feeling of his warm body pressed against you for a moment.
After a few minutes it's just too much.
"Jesus Eddie why are you so warm?"
"I don't know, you must bring it out in me princess."
You giggle and lean forward, taking off your shirt, and snuggle back next to him. Eddie's eyes are no longer on the movie. He's looking at you and your exposed midriff. His hand tentatively moves from your knee to your stomach. Before he touches you he whispers "this okay?"
You turn your head to him to say yes, planting a quick kiss on his cheek and keep watching the movie.
Eddie's fingers find your flesh, stroking so softly it sends shivers over you. You feel your skin break out in goosebumps. His fingertips dance over you with such care. He flattens his hand and strokes it across your abdomen, the tip of his thumb just brushing the underside of your breast and you inhale suddenly whilst squeezing your thighs together. He lightly scratches across your stomach with his fingernails and you let out a quiet, low moan.
"Eddie-" you turn and realise he's been watching you the whole time.
"What? This is so much more interesting than watching Krueger, trust me."
"Eddie I didn't tell you so you can take advantage!" You say, but theres no malice in it. You smile at him.
Eddie, ever the dramatic, wobbles his head at you and mimics your voice, "Oh Eddie, I'm like, really sensitive, and the smallest touch turns me on but don't do anything about it!"
"I don't sound like that!" You laugh loudly at him, your frame shaking. "And that's not what I said!"
"That's what I heard sweetheart. What do you want me to do? Sit on my hands??" He wiggles his fingers at you and with exaggerated movements forcefully sits on his own hands, frowning and flicking his head the opposite way.
"Eddie?" You touch his shoulder. If anything he turns his head even further away. You can't help but giggle.
"Eddie..." you say in a sing song voice. Nothing.
"Eddie!" Still nothing. You get up as if to leave, but turn to him and straddle his lap. His head is still turned so you take the opportunity to kiss at his neck, trailing kisses and small nibbles.
"Now that's just unfair sweetheart."
"No" you say, still peppering him with kisses "this is unfair" and you mouth the spot where his neck meets his shoulder and suck, hard.
"Holy shit." Eddie wriggles but realises hes trapped himself, his hands stuck under both his weight and yours.
You release his neck with a wet pop and sit back on his lap with a smug smile. Something hard is digging into you, you wiggle slightly and... 
"Had enough revenge?" Eddie tilts his head at you, raising his eyebrows. You shift your weight so he can free his hands, momentarily lost for words. He reaches out to move some stray hairs from your face, tucking them behind your ear.
"C'mere." He puts his hand to the back of your head and guides you towards him, mouth finding yours.
God, you could become addicted to this feeling. His mouth on yours, hands caressing your waist and hips, his warmth between your legs. You feel a pulse deep inside you, spreading in your core. You roll your hips, grinding your heat down on his jean covered member, drawing a deep groan from both of you.
You plant one hand firmly on the back of the couch, the other in his hair, and deepen the kiss. Every touch feels electric. His palms pressing into your hips leave tingles in their wake. You grind against him again, feeling yourself getting wetter, moaning into his mouth, the feeling building until you know you need to stop. That was embarrassingly fast. You break the kiss and look at him, chest rising and falling heavily.
"Sorry, I have to stop or I'll..." you blush crimson and look away.
"Or you'll what?" He says until his eyes widen. "Oh, were you gonna come?" The last word a whisper. You nod your head.
"Fuck that's so hot. Please don't stop." His hands move to stroke your thighs, bucking his hips into you. You let out a broken moan. Eddie's hands reach under your skirt and grab you by the ass. You lean forward and kiss him again, with urgency this time, tongues clashing. You grind against him, trembling with pleasure. Breaking the kiss you throw your head back, eyes closed, mouth parted.
"Eddie, fuck, oh God yes Eddie!"
You release; the hot, incredible feeling spreads throughout your limbs. Grinding against Eddie you try to keep the high going as long as possible.
Finally coming to a stop, you look down at his face. You want to feel embarrassed but he nearly looks as fucked as you feel, red in the face, hair clinging to his sweaty brow, eyebrows knitted together, mouth slightly open. Chuckling and smiling shyly at him, you move some hair from his face, mirroring what he did to you earlier.
"You okay sweetheart?" He looks at you, stroking your thighs.
"Yeah you could say that" you laugh "how about you?"
"Me? I nearly came in my pants, Jesus Christ!"
You giggle and hide your face in your hands. "Sorry." You say again as if on instinct.
"Hey" he grabs your wrists, "pretty girl, look at me." You reluctantly turn your head back to face him.
"This might be the best day of my life, so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop apologising." You giggle but Eddie looks at you with a serious face.
"Okay Eddie, I'll stop apologising." You climb off his lap and flop next to him on the couch. When you look over you cannot help but see an unmistakable wet patch on his jeans.
You look at it and your eyes flick back to his face. Staring at him he raises his eyebrows at you.
"No. More. Apologising. That's fucking hot."  He states, gesturing to his crotch.
"We missed the movie" you say lately, pouting at him.
"Well, I think I've just found my favourite thing to do, and it's a hell of a lot better than watching a movie" Eddie says waggling his eyebrows at you. Sniggering, you bat your eyelashes.
"So, you ready to show me your room?"
"Well, how can I resist when you pull that face?"
He gets up off the couch and walks to the back of the trailer, opening the far door.
"Well, you coming sweetheart?" He gestures at you to follow.
Stepping into his room, you don't know what to expect. It's a mess, not exactly dirty but theres stuff everywhere. Posters adorn every available wall space. Tapes flow over the small desk to one side. Theres note paper and clothes on the floor, and an overflowing ashtray on the bedside table.
"Yeah, wasn't expecting you to come in here, maid's day off and all." He grabs the ashtray and a couple of empty bottles and jogs out the room to dispose of them. Returning with a clean ashtray, he places it on the bedside table and comes behind you, holding you at the waist. His lips press on your neck, sweeping open mouthed kisses from your jaw to your shoulder and back again, hands pressing firmly into your hips as if he thought you might slip away.
Leaning back you bask in the feeling, tipping your head back and smiling.
"Stay" he whispers, almost too quietly; so quiet you're not sure you heard.
"Stay." A little louder this time, still peppering you with kisses.
"You mean stay the night?" You question, turning your head to face him, butterflies exploding in your belly. Fingertips ghost your sides, tracing your figure.
"The night." Still kissing your neck, he continues, "the weekend," trailing kisses down your back, meeting the exposed skin and leaving goosebumps in his wake, getting down on his knees to kiss the small of your back, "forever."
Turning to face him he looks up at you, huge brown eyes boring into your soul. Giggling and mussing his hair with your hand you stare back, the question burning in your mind.
Eddie knows. Eddie always knows.
"What's on your mind sweetheart?" He smiles into your skin, nipping and kissing where your skirt meets your stomach.
"Not much when you keep doing that, Jesus."
"Sorry," he grins, smug smile spreading across his face, "it's hard to stop myself."
"It's just... is this real? I mean, you said you like me, but do you... I mean, is this..." you wring your hands, trying to make the words surface in your head.
"Hey, hey, look at me." Eddie grasps your hands; you have no choice but to turn your head down to face him.
"When I said this might be the best day of my life, I fuckin' meant it. You're literally the girl of my dreams. I've been dreaming of you, actually." He presses his mouth to you again, running his fingers along the waistband of your skirt. You sigh in response, legs shaking slightly.
"Jesus Eddie-"
"Not Jesus, just me." He chuckles, hands drifting to your legs, stroking your thighs.
"Fuck Eddie wait..."
"Sorry, you just, you do things to me." He smiles up at you.
"Are we, are we a thing now?"
"What like a couple? Sure, I'm not letting you go anywhere."
Your tummy does a backflip, hoping, longing.
"Well maybe I can stay. I just, I want you to be sure, you know. And I've never, done much with boys. In case you think I'm not... any good."
Eddie gasps at that, his eyes soften. "Oh sweetheart, theres no universe out there where you could possibly not be any good, in any way. You're amazing."
"So, you gonna get up off the floor, or..." you giggle.
"I'm pretty happy here, unless you don't want me to." He flips your skirt up and sees just how wet your panties are. A low groan escapes his throat. You shut your eyes for a second, trying to gather yourself.
"Eddie, I'm trying to say..."
"Yes, I know baby I know. Seriously, if you want me to stop, tell me. I'll stop. You can still stay. We can just go to sleep. Or cuddle." His eyes meet yours, brow furrowed.
You back up a little and you see the disappointment Eddie tries to hide written over his face. Smiling, you sit on the edge of his bed, wriggling your hands down from your hips to your ankles. Eddie looks at you in confusion until you open your hand, your underwear in your palm.
"Now that's the best magic trick I've ever seen!" His eyes wide, grin threatening to split his face in half. You can only blush in response. Waddling over to you on his knees, Eddie grabs your hand and takes your panties. Before you can say anything they've been shoved into the back pocket of his jeans.
"I hope I'm getting them back..."
"Getting what back?" Eddie grins wolfishly,  pressing kisses to the inside of your knee.
The will to argue dissipates when his kisses trail higher and higher. With deft movements his rough fingers are rubbing the insides of your thighs, travelling towards your throbbing pussy. Leaning back onto your elbows you gaze at Eddie through half lidded eyes, wondering how you could have possibly gotten this lucky. As if he could sense your attention he glances up, running his tongue dangerously near your sex. You moan at the sensation, fingers grabbing the comforter underneath you.
"Fuck, you're just so responsive," he plants a kiss to your mound and you squirm, moaning.
"Oh, we are going to have a lot of fun sweetheart." Eddie smirked at you, eyes shining.
"Eddie please..." you wriggle, skirt riding up to your hips, cunt on full display for him.
He lifts your legs up and over his shoulders. The swipe of his tongue over your tender heat is sudden, sending rivers of pleasure through you. Gently he laps at you, his thumbs pressing bruises into your thighs. The feeling is immense, flowing, molten fire running through your veins. It's both too much and not enough, you need more, more feeling, more Eddie.
"Oh God Eddie..."
He takes your clit into his mouth and sucks softly. Licking and kissing at you; you buck into him, chasing the feeling, unimaginable heat coiling in your stomach, chest, wrists. Nothing matters except this moment. Incoherent babble escapes your lips, telling him not to stop and how good it feels, then just his name, over and over and over.
Eddie's groaning into you, the vibration nearly sending you over the edge. With a final suck to your swollen bud you come, clenching around nothing. You buck and writhe against his face, using it to chase never ending pleasure. Lewd, erotic noises fall from your mouth but you can't find it in you to care. All that matters is you, and Eddie, and the feeling.
Shaking and whimpering you start to come down, well and truly spent. Knuckles white from how hard you were clinging to the bed clothes. Realising this you finally loosen your grip. Eddie moves your still twitching legs off of his shoulders and looks up at you. Your slick is coating his lower face, shining in the light. Eddie literally looks like the cat that got the cream. He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand.
"I've changed my mind, that is my new favourite thing to do" he says with a roguish grin.
Your smile at him, arms reaching out, making grabby hands at him. Chuckling he climbs over you, straddling you. You kiss him full on the mouth, lingering tang of you on his lips. Fingers stroke down to his waist, fiddling with his belt.
"Woah princess no need. Literally." He looks you in the eye, and you stare back, hand reaching to his manhood, and glance down.
"Did you-"
"Cum in my pants? Yup." Literally no shame in his voice; he almost looks proud.
You giggle, hand to your mouth. It's almost a relief, having no real idea of what to do with it anyway. Plus, it's nice to know you have a similar effect on him.
"So, I'm gonna clean up and get changed. You need something to sleep in?"
"I'm ok, I usually sleep naked, if that's not a problem?" Your eyes meeting his.
Groaning, Eddie throws his head back, hands to his face, and falls backwards to the floor. You gasp, then realise this is Eddie being his usual self.
"Holy shit sweetheart you cannot say shit like that to me. I've died. I've literally died, and I'm in heaven, and you're some sort of angel." He splays his arms wide, tongue out, eyes closed. Shaking your head you throw a pillow at him, jerking him out of it.
"No need for the vicious attack, I'm having a moment."
He jumps up to go to the bathroom. Stripping off and climbing under the covers, you take a minute whilst he's away to think, really think. It's so hard when he's so near, clouding your judgement. You know you can be impulsive. Is this too much too soon? Am I gonna make a fool of myself? Does he really like me as much as I like him? Your emotions usually get the best of you and the constant struggle is exhausting. Maybe you don't need to think about this tonight. Enjoy tonight, let tomorrow be what it is.
When Eddie returns, all doubt is erased from your mind. He's standing there in a pair of plaid boxers, and his eyes light up at the sight of you in his bed. The look he gives you makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world.
Smiling shyly at him, he stands at the foot of the bed, continuing to stare.
"Something on your mind Eddie?"
"No I'm good, just a bit... overwhelmed." Knowing smirk plastered on his face.
"I can probably help you with that, you know."
"Well, it seems like we've got all night." The look on his face is pure sin.
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somerandomdudelmao · 10 months
Explaining this comic to people is WILD.
Because first you've got to explain the Rise show, the first five minutes of the Rise movie, the fandom's angsty reactions to the movie (devastating fanfics exploring how Raph and Donnie died, Leo's guilt, Mikey's powers, Casey's headcanoned relationships with all of them), and how out of all the fan comics, one rose to be renowned for it's wacky shenanigans and fluff despite being set in the Bad Future.
And THEN you need to go into detail about how it may be fluffy, but there were 'Little Things'TM that we all the sudden started to notice. So by that point the clueless person you are educating on this is invested, and ya hit em with the ol' "Donnie DIES" explanation.
AND THEN you've gotta talk about how 'everything is falling apart'TM, and then Casey going back in time, missing his family, etc etc.
But WHOOPS now you have to explain memory spells and Hamato Ghost Possession and Donnie's pre-existing plans to cheat death for him being brought back to make sense.
So THEN you've gotta explain how much Raph missed not being a robot as you tearfully talk about Hot Soup.
And if course you need to talk about the twin sense and Leo's ninpo and Mikey's magic and all that before finally taking a breath to say "and that's all we've got so far".
And now there is a person who COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT TURTLES who is now forcibly invested in Cass's Apocalyptic Series.
(oh yeah after that you've gotta show said person ALL of Tap's animatics)
Like I said, explaining this comic to people is WILD.
Not gonna lie, one of my favorite things is reading reblogs/replies from people who are like "I showed this comic to my friend/sibling/important person outside of the fandom and documented their step-by-step descent into desperate confusion diluted with laughs and tears."
Good food. Interesting plot. 100% rate on Rotten tomatoes👍
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2K notes · View notes
futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hello my love! I have heard your call for Kaz requests and I have an idea rattling around in my head!
Could you maybe do a Kaz x fem!Reader where they're in their early 20s and have been together for years and overcome Kaz's touch aversion (bc our poor boy deserves some healing 😭)? But that's not the idea, the idea is that the reader hasn't been sleeping for a few nights and ends up getting hurt because of it? Could be from fainting and hitting her head, slow reflexes on a job, etc. I trust your brilliant mind!
I can't wait to watch you grow as a writer!!!! ❤️
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Summary: The lack of sleep Kaz has been warning his girl about finally has consequences. Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader Warnings: Mentions of overwoking, lack of sleep, blood, a very angsty moody angry sad Kazzle, mentions of blood and lost of conscience. The usual crow violence! Lmk if I missed any. Word Count: 3.5K whoops Requested: Yes
A/N: IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! :( I love the prompt, however and am very excited to work on this. Hope u like it nonnie and that last thing means the absolute world! <3
˚ · • . ° .
Now he knew he was in no position to demand her to rest. Kaz Brekker was known in his close circle for two things; killing whoever disrespected his love and always scheming. The electricity his brain consumed when plotting the next heist didn't even allow him to sleep when being tucked in with Y/N laying over his chest. But she never had the same issue before!
That's how it worked. She got mad because he wasn't sleeping and would reproach his ears off until he folded and left his papers to join her in bed. So, it was safe to say Kaz was startled when he noticed the absence of steps approaching his office. The clock read the time to be a quarter past midnight. He learned by endlessly scolding from you the hard way it was no use staying up late for a job when he had pretty much everything prepared, so he dropped everything and left to his room.
"Darling, are you-" his question was answered as he opened the door and saw her drawing on the little desk he got for her. "Hmm, hi love. It's quite early. What are you doing here?" Kaz wanted to laugh at that. Had she really lost notion of time that badly? "It's past midnight now, Y/N. What are you working on?" His shirt was discarded in some chair, along with his coat.
He was now in his dress pants and a black sleep blouse, leaning over the back of her chair to see the canvas. It was a picture of the sea, surely an image she hadn't been able to get out of her head after the quick trip you took to the docks with Wylan to ensure a better hiding spot, in case things went south on Saturday.
"I don't know if I'm getting the blues right... you know how it somehow turns gray when the day's rainy?" she wondered out loud. "Don't throw it away altogether, I know you're already thinking about it" "I'm not!" Y/N giggled, knowing fully her boyfriend could read her mind. "Fix it in the morning. Let's go to bed now, yes?" Kaz tried, tilting his head to her right side and nudging his nose a little on her cheek as she hummed in response.
It had taken a long time, many years, to reach these moments. Years of hoping she could one day have his arms draped around her waist in security, head on his chest without a care in the world, because all that really mattered was they'd be keeping each other warm with their bodies. Y/N was patient, not minding the baby-steps and Kaz's constant need to push her away because he thought she deserved better. Truth is, there was no one better for her.
Kaz had a hard time wrapping his head around this fact. Did you love him for him? A limping criminal who was too weak to even bear the thought of embracing you when tears streamed down your cheeks on a specially tough day? Why? It took convincing, long talks, difficult moments and even worse fights... but you made it.
She felt his steady heartbeat as they lay together in their silk black sheets, indulging in the beauty of it. Their breathings became one, and she swore there was no better place the saints could come up with as heaven. "Everything's ready?" "Yes, I figured I should come here with you instead of overthinking it all. I'll tell everyone the plan tomorrow and revise it again the day before" he took a deep breath, turning to face her and leaving a soft kiss on her lips.
"It's late, you don't seem tired" Kaz noted, Y/N's eyes nowhere near closing as they usually would by now. Her boyfriend, on the contrary, was starting to hide that beautiful icy green his irises held, then came a yawn to confirm his fatigue. "Rest, my love. I'm sure I'm not too far behind," she assured him, pecking his head as he lay on her chest now.
"Goodnight, Kaz".
˚ · • . ° .
It may as well have been minutes, or hours, days, for all she cared to reason. All she knew was that she couldn't sleep for the life of her. Kaz moved a lot in his sleep and after he lost hold of her, the night became a non-stop tossing and turning in their shared bed. She could hear the faint sound of carriages passing down their street, surely carrying some rich merchant who just had the night of his life betting or in one of the pleasure houses.
It had been a while since she felt this way. Pretty much every night prior Kaz offered her a permanent position on the crows after she worked with them was like this. The clock in their room, hanging on a wall distant from her, kept ticking and if it got quiet enough, she could've been able to hear the gears turning. Three in the bloody morning and Y/N had luckily gotten by far twenty minutes of sleep. The girl sighed and lay down again, looking up at the ceiling briefly before closing her eyes in hopes of resting a little more.
She didn't, not even in the days ahead. Kaz pointed out how he could feel her moving way more than usual as his a light sleeper, not blaming her whatsoever but more concerned as to what was keeping her up. Y/N didn't know either, so she figured solving it with Jesper's coffee and quick (very ineffective) naps on the couches and tables at the slat so she could at least be aware of the task at hand; the job.
The day came, and she felt very optimistic about it all. Truth is, Y/N loved dressing up with pretty dresses and daggers hidden around her thighs. She found some kind of satisfaction in keeping this knowledge to herself, the men and women throwing looks at her, completely unaware of how dangerous she happened to be. People on the streets knew her as the wild child... ruthlessly gorgeous, is what Kaz called her.
The girl had a habit of getting carried away in a fight. Too much anger and resentment for the past had to find an exit. It did when she killed, leaving a scared Jesper to deal with an even more scared Wylan who wouldn't dare look her in the eye for weeks after she kept on punching a man's face she saw was trying to kidnap a little girl right after a job years ago. Kaz helped and understood.
His revenge was calculating and took years in which she was by her side, but Y/N just couldn't help herself when it came down to the people who did unspeakable things to her. With the years, she got a hold of herself even though her nickname on the barrel stuck, adding "the crow queen" when word got around she was Brekker's girl. Now, she was still ruthless but way more cold-headed and grounded, Kaz's doing.
She wore a pink dress with embroidered roses around the floaty sleeves. Inej had a blue set of dress pants and shirt, long-sleeved as well as Nina sported a hot red strapless dress with a lot of cleavage. "We're a smoke show! Those fuckers will barely be able to keep their eyes off of us." The last one squealed, adjusting her hair "That's the point" Inej giggled, agreeing clearly as she looked at herself in the mirror.
Y/N laughed at the thought and her head pained a little; Girls on those big houses did the very same thing they were doing now, with very different intentions. Those ladies wanted to find a rich husband, and they'd be set. Her friends were dressed to kill, and so was she. A little fucked up version of a cliché she, too, wished to live when she was little. "I hope these sleeves aren't an issue" she wondered, picturing them getting stuck on their knife or maybe being too tight to throw a punch.
"It's a simple job, love. There's nothing to be worried about! Also, I can bet on my life Kaz is going to be drooling over you when he sees." Nina smiled, playfully smacking her shoulder. "Even more so if you fight in that, he's going to go insane" spoke the Suli girl with a giggle "Kinky" the heartrender added, making the girlfriends break in a fit of laughter. Nina was right, Y/N knew, but decided against confirming her friend's assumptions.
Her eyes felt droopy from the obvious lack of sleep but nothing a cup of coffee couldn't fix, right? She walked down the stairs and into the makeshift kitchen they owned, heating up some. The smell filled her body with pleasant chills, and suddenly some more energy invaded her. "Wacha got there?" asked Wylan, who was quietly sitting behind her. How long had he been there? How did she not notice?
"Coffee, want some?" "Right before a job?" "Yes, I haven't been sleeping too well the last couple of days". Certain zemeni voice erupted from outside the room, exclaiming a brief "Neither have us!" that had the merchling blushing like he got some contagious disease. Y/N delivered a pat on his back, and coffee in hand she exited the room.
Kaz gathered everyone in the living room, to revise the plan once more. "...so make sure you cover that corn-" He stopped mid-sentence when Y/N came into view. Her hair looked polished, but she could be bald for all he cared. The dress complimented her figure beautifully, adjusting in the right places, which to Kaz was any place, really. Inej and Nina giggled and high fived. "Go on, love." She smiled, ready to listen attentively at his plan even though he made sure to walk her through it personally a few hours ago.
As Y/N brushed next to him, he grabbed her hand to make her stop right before she got seated. "You're stunning. Is it comfortable?" he whispered, looking at her with a certain glow in his eyes he once thought lost. "Yes, dear. Thank you" she pecked her boy's cheek and took a seat behind him. He went on with the plan, and everyone seemed pretty much ready to leave.
So they did.
˚ · • . ° .
"Darling, watch out!" Jesper exclaimed, shooting at a man behind Y/N. Things went south, they did. In the hiding spot Wylan and the girl had settled; some dreg must've ratted, they guessed. An ambush from some new-forming band trying to get known by stealing from The Crows themselves, pathetic. Inej had gotten there to help, but Y/N and Jesper insisted she went back and warned the others so to spare them from possible damage.
The wild child and Jesper were a great team, who knew a durast and an avid fighter could take down men three times their size and weight? They proved on many occasions to be useful for situations as these, so there was no problem. They'd be out of there in the blink of an eye. Around ten people had arrived at the scene, and four remained, Y/N realized as she took a kick in the gut and fell on her back, jumping back on her feet with a flip.
Jes' revolvers did the job for two others as she managed with the guy in front of her. "Come on, big guy, that can't be the best you got, aye?" she smiled wickedly, taunting the man with a daring hand despite the very much broken rib she could feel. The dress was ruined with blood she was sure wasn't hers, shreds ripped it off so largely one of her legs was now exposed.
He lunged forward, coming with a dirty blade to her throat, and she skipped it. Came again, now, aiming for her arm and she skipped it again, landing a kick on the throat that left him coughing on the ground. Y/N crouched to his level and grabbed him by the hair, sliding a knife in the same spot, careful not to cut. She noticed a tattoo on his neck, a beaver. Couldn't help but laugh. "You tell your boss not to mess around with us, or next time he won't get too lucky as to get less than half of his men in one piece. And change the tattoo, a bloody beaver? Seriously?"
The man nodded furiously, tripping on his way out of the warehouse. "A beaver? Their thing is beavers?" Jesper laughed, putting his babies back in place and making sure the painting they had stolen was still with him. "I know, couldn't pick a funnier thing" she answered, giggling. Looking around, something was odd. Yes, Y/N was not very well educated and lacked the month of college her best friend had, but she thought she counted four men remaining in this spot of the building.
The other six lay limp near the door, and there were two next to them, plus the one who ran with the message. One was missing. "Hey Jes I think we're missing one" "What do you mean? There's no one here". She stopped listening and her world went quiet when he met his yes. A lanky, tall figure could be seen next to a stack of boxes on her right, a flicking light revealing him for brief intervals of time. Ugly motherfucker carrying a gun that pointed straight at her.
The blood started gushing out of her leg before she could even react. "Too slow" she faintly heard. He wasn't stopping either; shooting at various places until one loud boom next to her made it cease. Was concrete always this cold? Oh, she was now feeling Jesper's soft suit. Warmer. "Is that wool?" Y/N asked and realized her voice sounded a little quieter than she meant. "Yes, it is doll. Open your eyes for me, okay? You can't die on me now"
She really tried. She really wanted to look at her best friends face and maybe hear him crack a joke or two. But her eyes felt droopy and her head felt heavy so she finally fell asleep.
˚ · • . ° .
Kaz arrived minutes later, Wylan, Nina and Inej by his side as they all rushed to a crying Jesper, desperately trying to wake Y/N up. "S-she got shot, didn't flinch.. like she didn't even see the bastard," he hiccuped, letting his boss take his place next to a limp body as his boyfriend helped him up and hugged him tightly.
Brekker's head spun. A thousand possibilities. There was blood all over the dress, and leaking over his clothes but he couldn't give a fuck. Not her. He couldn't bare it. Y/N was a piece of heaven in that saint forsaken island, the only saint he ever believed in and the angel that saved him from himself. If he lost her, there was no coming back for him. The water rose to his nose again for a brief moment.
It hadn't happened in a while. And he chose the techniques his lover taught him. He acted. "Nina" he mumbled, taking Y/N on his arms as the grisha girl assured him she had a pulse. His legs carried him to the slat, never too far from Nina, as she was making sure her pulse didn't slow down too much. He didn't even notice the pain in his bad leg. He felt a sting on his heart, so sharp it seemed as if pieces of broken glass would poke through it at any moment.
The boy sent Inej looking for whatever idiot decided it was a good idea to try and steal from them. Only information. He'd take care of them later. The Wraith left and was out all night, returning with a lot to say the next morning. Kaz looked over at Y/N's face and the utter peace that brushed over her features scared him even more. Not now. Not like this.
"Is she going to be okay? T-there was definitely something wrong with her back there" Jesper started once the girl was on the bed and getting healed with a few healers in the dregs and Nina. Kaz was sitting, head propped up in his hands as he stared at the wall opposite from him. "She didn't move! At all! He shot her three times and looked amused while doing it". The zemeni man had to stop if he wasn't trying to reunite with the other deceased blessed people on his bloodline. Kaz's stare hardened and his jaw clenched tightly.
"Wylan, I can't lose her. She was too slow a-" "ENOUGH" Kaz stood up, looking at him with murder in his eyes. "If you were more aware of the surroundings, she would be fine. Don't you dare call her slow. This is not her fault. You should've been there" menacing gloved finger pointing to his friend. "Oh, so this is my problem now?" Jesper countered in complete disbelief. "If you don't consider your best friend's life being at critical risk a problem you're much more of a superficial, incompetent and heartless bastard than I thought." Kaz spat.
He knew this wasn't Jesper's fault, maybe it was the lack of sleep or you just weren't on your element. But he had to let it out with someone. Anyone. Pain turns into anger and screaming at your brother when it's too strong. He knew that better than anyone and couldn't care to stop himself this time. "Kaz, stop" Wylan said, and then he noticed Jesper's puffy eyes with a sigh. Then he felt his own neck starting to tickle. He was crying. Kaz Brekker didn't cry.
"Out" "But Ka-" "I SAID OUT"
And out they were. Everyone who didn't need to be there to save his girl's life. He could hear Nina struggling between wrecked sobs, fast pacing around the room and a distant sound of water running non-stop. Hours passed, and he remained in the same position, in the same chair, with the same thoughts running wild inside him.
Not you. Please. I should've been there. I'm going to kill them. Please be okay. I can't do it without her. Please.
Kaz Brekker was repeating pleas, thinking out loud to whoever was listening. Let her live. Please let her live. This is not her fault. Not to a god, neither to those saints who proved to exist so many years ago. He didn't know who he was asking for help to. But he was screaming, please don't let her go. He was leaving with her if she did.
All sound stopped, and Nina emerged from the dimly lit room, drying her cheeks. The boy stood up, looking at her with the most terrified look he ever gave someone. Fuck the facade. He was utterly afraid. "She's okay, not waking up, but she will". He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and couldn't help but throw himself into Nina's arms in search for some comfort to his wrecked sobs.
His friend received him with open arms, careful not to squeeze him too hard, as she knew that could trigger him. "I can't lose her, Nina" he whimpered before pulling away. "You're not. Not now and not soon. She's okay, Kaz. Stay with her, will you? She could be a little startled if she wakes up in an empty room"
He almost scoffed at that. What else would he do? A quiet nod was delivered, and he stepped inside to accompany her in an uncharacteristically unsettling silence. There were dirty gauzes everywhere, her dirty dress discarded in a corner and a blanket covering her figure. Kaz stopped, looking at your chest. It rose and fell in a moderate rhythm. Good.
Taking a seat once again, he held her hand and brushed a thumb over it, grateful to whoever listened. And Nina.
Sun bled through the curtains, filling it all with a pleasant orange hue Kaz knew Y/N would appreciate. Jesper came by every few hours and amends were made. He understood how badly everything hit Kaz the day before and didn't need an apology. They were all under intense pressure the day before, couldn't blame him for a such a reaction. Wylan had brought flowers and Inej made sure everything was ready for when she regained consciousness.
His crows got it handled.
A whole day and a half had gone by and he was reading beside her when she woke up. Her hand moved and he could feel the twitch in his palm, looking up frantically to find those pretty y/e/c eyes looking back at him. "Finally, got some sleep," she joked and laughed at her own joke. Kaz laughed back. "Hello" he offered, kissing her hand and never really wanting to let go "Hi". "Are you feeling okay?" the boy asked, happy to see his lover once again awake.
"It hurts a bit but I'll live" "I'm counting on that, my love". ♡
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velvrei · 2 years
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summary: robby is cobra kai’s top male fighter. the reader is cobra kai’s top female fighter. thr two are rivals, but a snake sleepover at kyler’s and robby’s forgetful mindset seems to change that matter.
pairings: robby keene x female!reader (horribly written enemies to lovers)
warnings: smut, porn with a plot, enemies to lovers, mirror sex, unprotected sex (use protection my loves) choking, hair pulling, PDA, slapping, dirty talk, angsty smut
word count: 11k+ (non-edited work)
author’s note: this is my first published work on here but i have many others on wattpad and ao3. (users velvrei for both if you’re anxious and would like to check that out.) i hope you enjoy :)
You didn't see yourself as a negative person unless it regarded Robby Keene. You didn't get along very well with him. Something about him just angered you.
First, it started when he joined Cobra Kai. You had always been a Cobra and thought it was unfair for him to just switch sides as he did. Yes, he had a horrible home life, but you were petty and you wanted all your attention back.
Then, it continued as you interacted with him. Everything he did came off as cocky. He acted like a dick toward you. One time, you got chosen to spar with him and he did it, but every chance he could he took you down even if it wasn't a part of the practice. That little shit.
And now, your hatred for Mr. Keene only grows as he continues to run his life at your dojo. Kreese loved you, Terry loved you, hell even Johnny loved you when he was your sensei because of your awesome listening skills but now this new kid came in and stole all your thunder. What a bitch.
The only person who knew about your hatred was your best friend Tory Nichols. Despite the differences in humor she still slithered her way into your mind.
You walked into the dojo with a dramatic sigh.
"Oh my god, what did Robby do this time?" Tory asked, the sarcasm stung you, in a good way. "Absolutely nothing, that's the problem. I don't understand why he gets all this attention over being a Cobra, like who gives a shit!?" You rambled to her as you took a sip from your water.
Once you finished, "Yeah. I guess Sensei just wanted to take him in or something. He is Johnny Lawrence's son, after all, you gotta expect a little reaction from people." Tory explained, which just angered you more. You didn't give a tiny fuck if he's Johnny's son.
"Oh yeah, big whoop." Your eyes rolled, and just as they fell Sensei Terry and Sensei Kreese strutted out from the back room in suits and dress shoes. What the hell?
"Y/N, Robby, get changed and meet us in the car. We have work to do." Silver said, throwing a dress at you and a suit at Robby. "What..." You whispered as you checked out the dress.
Robby had the same reaction, but after he processed he went into the back bathroom. "I call the bathroom first!" You called as soon as he made it to the door.
"Hell no you don't," Robby snarled, opening the bathroom door and letting it shut loudly to purposely make you irritated. After a minute or two, he walked out in his white button-up and tie. He looked really bad. Kind of.
"Go ahead, don't take forever," He said, brushing past you as his shoulder hit against yours. You stood angered, shooting a crude nickname his way before moping off into the changing room. You deviously switched the dresses to the sexy black dress you left in your bag.
When you walked out, Robby, Sensei Kreese, and Sensei Silver were already in the car. You studied Robby's expression as you opened the door and stepped in. He glanced at you, eyes roaming up and down the dress attempting to ignore the fact that it perfectly hugged your figure.
Sensei Kreese started up his car, while Robby tapped his leg onto the soft car floor impatiently. "What are we even doing out of class anyway?"
Silver's answer brought you back to reality. "We are going over to Daniel and Johnny's dojo. I want to formally apologize but in a way that shows I'm better than him." Sensei explained, glancing back at the two of you in the rearview mirror.
"You said Daniel and Johnny's dojo, right?" Robby said, his tone full of worry and anger. Your eyes rolled themself as you looked out the window, trying to drain out the complaining.
Of course, Robby had to ruin it only a couple of minutes later. "Y/N." You gave him a disgustful stare, his eyes meeting yours in intimidating eye contact. "We're here. Now get the fuck out before Kreese yells at us."
You had absolutely no idea why Terry needed to brag to Daniel about how awesome his dojo and students were, but who knows what could've happened if you cared enough to ask.
You went to open your door when Kreese opened it for you. He came over, "I don't know why he wants to 'apologize' so bad, but let's just get this over with or when we go back the dojo will be in flames." Kreese shared with a laugh.
You gave him a small chuckle then followed Sensei Silver into the dojo, which was unusually outside. The dojo had many rocks that even you could admit were quite beautiful. You stayed back so no one currently in the dojo could see you, per Silver's orders.
You were now shoulder to shoulder with Robby, waiting for the signal from Terry or Kreese. He looked over at you. You noticed a slight change in his pupil size, they dilated slightly and went back to his normal size. Why did they dilate when he looked at you...?
"You good, Keene?" You asked him, that normally wouldn't be your style of language toward him, but he seemed nervous for some reason. "Yeah, I'm good. Why do you care anyway?" There he was. Bitch.
You gave him confused look. Before you could question him, you heard Silver mention his favorite students, followed by your name and Robby's name. You smiled over at Robby, noticing how he said your name first.
Your satin dress fit perfectly, tiny black straps resting on your shoulders, the bottom diagonally cut just below your thigh. Robby was in a matching black suit and tie. Of course, Silver was being dramatic, but you knew if you or Robby refused it wouldn't end well.
"These are my two best students." You had no idea where he was going with this. He continued talking about his dojo and how much of a success it was, and somehow lead to apologize to Daniel for what he did. You still had absolutely no idea, but you didn't question it. "Who will be competing in all valleys? Just wanted to let you kids know what you're up against."
When you entered, you noticed a boy with a large purple mohawk staring at you like he was the lion and you were the gazelle. Gross. When you went to leave, the same boy came up and grabbed your arm. "Hey, pretty lady."
"Hawk, leave her alone." A pale boy with black hair said, trying his best to intervene. "Demetri, back off." He spat. He turned back to you, "You've got like, the best ass I've ever seen," Oh hell no, "You'd be so pretty if you smiled." His words made you fucking angry. "You got a boyfriend? I mean even if you do I'm sure I'm way better than him," He said cockily, his eyes roamed your body as you could feel the anger build up inside of you. What an asshole.
You were tempted to do something about him yourself, but before you could get the thought out of your head you felt an arm around you. "Hello, my love, is there a problem here?"
You looked over and we were met with Robby's face closer than it had ever been. He gave you a wink. You tried to hide your confusion while he turned toward Hawk.
"Why is your arm around her?" Hawk questioned, he wasn't buying it. Robby snarled, "Cause she's my girlfriend?" You saw an older blonde man's head tilt at that statement.
"Ain't no way she's your girl." A taller boy with black fluffy hair chimed in. You gave him your cruelest look, then turned to Robby. "I am indeed his girl." You turned to the boy with the mohawk in front of you, "What was your name again? Pigeon?" You asked.
You heard snarls from the inside of the dojo while you walked off quickly, Robby's hand in yours. When you turned the corner you quickly let go of his hand. "I didn't need your help. I could've handled that myself. But thank you." You scoffed, getting back into Silver's car.
Robby held back his anger before getting in on the other side. You both silently waited for both of your Senseis, the tension between you and Robby so thin you could cut it with a butter knife.
He cleared his throat, "Why are you such a bitch to me?" At first, you thought you hadn't heard him correctly, but when you realized he had actually said that you made sure your shock and anger were clear in your expression. "Excuse me?"
Both of Robby's eyebrows raised, "I've been nothing but nice to you," That was a lie, "And you just treat me so horribly. It makes no sense."
You sighed, trying to control some of your anger. "I am only a bitch to you when you are to me. So maybe if you weren't always such a selfish douchebag all the time you'd get some amiability." Robby saw how angered you were by the question and somehow just found it funny. He really is a dick.
Robby was unable to bicker back when both of your Sensei's opened the car door on each side. "So unbelievable!" Terry shouted, swinging his leg and body inside.
The ride back to the dojo was silent except for Terry. Once he started ranting about something, it only stopped when the subject was changed but if he felt like it, he could be on that annoying topic for hours.
Even though the visit was brief, it was eventful, not for the tournament but you and Robby. When you were alone in that car with him, your hatred changed, and the tension that was once conflictual became suggestive. You couldn't believe how quickly your relationship with Robby could change from only your perspective, but it did. You hated it.
When you arrived back at the dojo you walked in first, desperate to get away from the idiot that was Robby, you grabbed your bag and without a second thought walked straight into the bathroom.
You assumed Sensei would continue the session after, so, you figured why not mess with Robby a little? You saw how amazed he looked when he saw your figure in that dress, so, let's make it better.
You quickly changed into a pair of gym shorts Tory had given you, she told you they'd make your butt look even better than it already did so you gave it a try.
You watched yourself in the mirror, scrunching up the long part of the shorts to make them shorter, then turning around and scrunching up the shorts around your ass to make your ass look better. Thank you, Tory Nichols.
You were just in a sports bra and figured that alone was fine, your outfit wasn't too random either sense your sports bra was black and the shorts were magenta, you left your gi outside of the changing room, so you would walk right past Robby when you went to get it.
Pulling open the curtain gained the attention of Tory, who just gave you a smirk as turned around and grabbed your bag. When you turned back around Tory had her jaw dropped and was almost more excited than you were.
You went to the back and placed your bag on the ground; you expected Robby to be training with the others, but he was there, bench pressing what appeared to be 135 pounds; you weren't surprised since you'd seen him lift higher before.
When you walked in, your gi was hanging up in the far corner, and as you went to get it, Robby naturally stopped for a drink of water, and of course, you walked right past him in those skimpy shorts. When you think about it, the situation was kind of hilarious.
When you turned to leave the room, you noticed Robby's eyes were looking somewhere else to make it appear as if he wasn't staring. You knew he was. Mission accomplished.
You walked passed him and his eyes caught yours as he took a sip of water. "Next time, don't be so obvious, Robby." He spat out some of his water, he knew you were bold but he wasn't expecting to be called out.
You walked out of the room with a proud smirk on your face. "Oh, god, what now?" Tory asked, taking a sip of water herself. You pointed to Robby, who was in the back nearly choking on his water, attempting not to make a mess.
"Damn, Y/N! You did that?" She asked, turning back to you. You nodded and hid your smile, "I caught him staring and I called him out," You spoke, your words sounding like gibberish because of how much you held back your laughter.
Tory began laughing with you. "Looks like you got him hooked. Whatcha' gonna do now?" You turned to Tory and simply smiled at her, "Absolutely nothing. It's his turn."
Later that day, Silver told you Robby had forgotten his bag and you were the one who had to drop it off to him because he was "busy". At first, you thought he was just mistaken sense you remembered him living at the dojo, but when he told you Robby had bought himself an apartment, you were beyond curious to get into his business.
Tory: bae getting that enemies to lovers trope
You: no gtfo
Tory: don't lie to me, yk if he asked you to make out and then be strangers for the rest of your life you'd say yes
You: girl
Tory: have fun ;) Practice safe sex btw
You: TORY.
You waited, knocking on his door a bunch as the indecisive male himself swung the door open in a frustrated manner. He stood shirtless, his body was toned, you stopped your eyes from traveling down to his hard abs, his shorts pulled slightly below them as if his v-line was glistening just for you.
He gave you a harsh stare, "Why are you here?" He didn't even seem to notice his karate bag hanging at your hip.
You threw it to him, "Here. Silver said you forgot it and told me to bring it to you. He was busy." You spoke quickly, going to walk away but were stopped by Robby. "Sorry if this is a bad time," You mentioned, pointing out his current tired state.
He sighed, "Thanks. It's fine, I guess. Are you going to Kyler's house tomorrow? He invited us all over to spend the night and watch movies." He asked, leaning in the doorway. Your lips formed a smirk when you caught his eyes looking you up and down.
You cleared your throat, "Kid's an ass sometimes but he sure knows how to have fun, so probably. Depends on how I'm feeling after practice tomorrow. Why you wanna know, Keene?" Robby zoned out, his eyes directly staring into yours as he suddenly remembered where he was and what you had said, "Just wondering, why you gotta make it weird, Y/N."
You shrugged, "You're the one who was staring." You gave him another crude look up and down before going to walk away. "See you tomorrow, Keene!" You shouted down the hallway as Robby finally shut his door.
chat - queen cobras
the cobra kai dojo (no senseis)
tory ❌
so small change of plan bitches
there is no longer space in my car
someone else has to give y/n a ride
i'm not giving her a ride
tory ❌
correct you're riding with me
way to use your brain asshat
💀💀 bruh
i obviously can't drive so
tory ❌
tory ❌
bro robby
canceling the party
gtfo no you aren't
robby come on bro
tory ❌
it's a ride it's not that bad
what kinda ride🤓
you guys are weird
don't leave me with them robby
just drive y/n it's not that bad
i hate u
tory what the fuck
so i can't go?
tory ❌
only if robby changes his mind
robby pls
no ma'am
please bro
ill do anything
now wait a minute...
** later that day **
Somehow the gang had convinced Robby into driving you to Kyler's. It thankfully worked when Kyler threaded to cancel and never reschedule, we all knew he could never actually pull that off, but he bluffed it and it finally broke Robby.
There you sat in the passenger seat, awkwardly scrolling through Instagram as Kyler's house was almost ten minutes from the dojo. Music was playing quietly in the background as Robby used his left hand to turn the steering wheel, rounding a curb before changing the radio station a bunch.
"Nothing good on here," He mumbled, before finding a channel with some random country music. "Perfect."
You gave him the weirdest side eye before changing the channel once again. "Hell no. Now I know you're lying. No one actually likes country music unless it's a joke."
Robby smirked, "Maybe I'll be the first then. Country music is definitely underrated."
You scoffed, "Not even close. Country music is overrated and should not exist in the first place. If it's going to be country at least make it Like Bryan. That's the only good country artist. Or just don't play country at all."
Robby rolled his eyes before just silencing the radio fully, to stop the bickering. "Whatever. Always gotta ruin the fun."
"If that's what you call fun, then tonight won't be much fun because your bar is very low." You stated as Robby turned down Kyler's very busy street, and pulled into his driveway without a single bump or scratch.
You went to open your door after he parked but you watched as the lock came undone and still there was no movement from the door. "Shit, why of all days does it have to jam now. You're going to have to get out this way, Y/N."
Your eyes widened as you realized what he meant. He technically could've gotten out first and then let you out but this way would be more fun. You loved teasing him.
Your seatbelt was now undone, and you got up on Robby, swinging your leg over to straddle him. It was difficult for you both to maintain your composure while Robby was wearing only a black tank top and grey sweatpants. Once you realized what you felt, you ignored it. He stared at you with wide eyes and pink cheeks as you slung your other leg around his, got out of the car, and left him sitting there like a deer in headlights with his head back and his breathing heavy.
What the hell just happened?
Y/N was on top of me, the way she looked down at me was, fuck, so hot. I hated it. She had to get out my way because my fucking door jammed, but honestly, I wasn't mad about it. I never realized how beautiful she was until now but I'd never let her hear me say that because she'd never let it down.
As she swung her leg around and got off the top of me, it was so difficult for me not to get hard, even if it was just a simple movement such as standing up. She started walking away and I took that as my chance to adjust myself so my dick wasn't noticeable, of course, she sends me into Kyler's house with a fucking boner as if she did it on purpose. Little snake.
I grabbed my overnight bag and all the stuff I needed before following her into Kyler's house. I walked inside closely behind Y/N, everyone already seemed to be there and Tory looked at Y/N wide-eyed before looking back at me.
"You guys took forever," Tory mumbled. I gave her an sarcastic laugh before setting my stuff down on Kyler's kitchen island. Kyler threw himself onto his dark brown couch, "So, we can do anything you guys want. The house is ours until 8 pm tomorrow."
I laughed and opened his fridge, I didn't give a shit cause Kyler didn't either, I've been to his house quite a few times surprisingly and he always had the best food. I hadn't been invited over for dinner much, but I took advantage of it when I was. Kyler's mom makes the best dinners.
I grabbed a Fanta and watched as Y/N spun around in the chair next to the kitchen island. "Grab me one." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a second soda and threw it at her. She gave me a fake gasp, "Now it's gonna explode. Bitch," She mumbled the last part under her breath but I chose not to comment on it knowing it wouldn't end well.
"By the way guys, I invited Aisha. She's cool and she's technically still a Cobra at heart." Tory spoke.
I watched as Y/N's face lit up, "I miss Aisha, I'd never be mad at that." I tried my hardest not to look at her, but it still felt a bit awkward after what happened in the car.
"Where's your bathroom?" Kyler lead Y/N to the bathroom and as soon as Y/N was out of sight Kenny turned to me.
"So, Robby, you and Y/N make out yet?" Did I hear that shit right? I almost spit out my soda. I quickly swallowed, "How high are you, bro?"
Kenny laughed, "Not that high, yet. But it's obvious you and Y/N like each other. Hell, when you walked in here you looked like you two had just banged." Kyler and Tory both looked taken aback by Kenny's bold statement. Kenny noticed, "What, am I wrong?"
Tory laughed, still somewhat shocked, "No! Just didn't expect to hear that shit from you. Kids gotta point though," Tory agreed, as Kyler came back into the room.
"I could hear you all from the bathroom. You talk very loud. But I agree. Robby, you gotta make your move tonight. Just no sex on the family couch please." They were crazy. Right?
"I'm not having sex with Y/N on the family couch, Jesus Christ," I laughed, "Don't be weird you guys. I'm probably not going to have sex with her at all. Something awkward did happen in the car, though."
Kyler smiled, "Good! There was room in Tory's car, that was just our little push. So, what exactly happened between you two little lovebirds?"
When you dried your hands on Kyler's light blue hand towel, you heard bits of laughter coming from the main room. You began to listen, and heard Kyler not so nonchalantly holler and then a mix of gibberish-sounding words you couldn't put out from how far away you were.
You opened the door, the loud sound ruining your plan of sneaking up to hear their conversation. Goddamnit.
As you strolled back into Kyler's beautiful home, you heard Robby with a million-dollar idea. "Y/N, Hawk was being weird to you, earlier, right? When we were with Sensei Silver?" All you could do was nod.
"Ew! That bird? What'd he do this time?" Hawk had a reputation at the Cobra Kai dojo, he was known as a traitor, pussy, bird, and many other menacing nicknames that are probably best not to be mentioned.
"He was just being weird, like flirting but in a weird and unattractive way. It really wasn't that big of a deal, though."
Robby didn't care how dramatic it may seem but he felt his heart sink a little with how unbothered you were. That's a good thing, obviously, but also it wasn't okay, so Robby felt something needed to be done about it.
"What do we say about a little payback?"
That's how the five, now six of you had your two cars parked and were at Hawk's doorstep, multiple packs of toilet paper and multiple egg cartons in hand. Aisha had joined and brought all the supplies on her way. It was perfect.
There you stood shoulder to shoulder with Aisha and Robby, egg carton in hand, as you all quickly threw a bunch of eggs in his yard and at his house. You turned to Aisha, "Aren't you and Hawk friends?"
She scoffed, "Eli and I were friends. After he turned into Hawk, he was like a whole different person. He thinks he's badass but in reality, he's just fucking ignorant. Then one day he told me he usually doesn't like big girls and that he caught feelings for me. I smacked him in the face and that was when I moved." You held in the urge to chuckle as the image of Aisha slapping the shit out of Hawk filled your mind.
"Damn, he may not be a badass but you sure are. Go to you for sticking up for yourself. However, I don't blame him for flirting with you. You're gorgeous. He was an ass, though."
Aisha nodded, about to give a response when Kyler gathered everyone's attention. "Okay, someone goes ring the doorbell and we'll all drive away." Kenny scoffed, "What if he has a ring camera?"
Kyler laughed and ran to his car, "He probably does, that's why I brought these. Which one of you daring souls would like to take on the challenge?" Kyler asked, holding up two Ghostface masks from Halloween.
Robby laughed before grabbing both and handing you one. He gave you a huge grin, before putting his mask on. Why the hell was that hot?
You put yours on and followed him up to the door as the others got into each car, ready to drive away Robby quickly rang the doorbell and you used some toilet paper to cover up the ring doorbell before sprinting as fast as you could back to Robby's car. You hopped in the back assuming the door was still jammed and tore your mask off as Robby left his on and quickly drove sped the road.
He tore his mask off, his breathing was heavy and you found yourself once again to Robby in a Ghostface mask, watching as he used one arm to steer and the other to throw the masks into the backseat.
Still, out of breath, he panted words that you could barely recognize, "That was fun," His chest was heaving as he turned back to look at you, tiny drips of sweat forming on his forehead as his eyes met with yours. "You still breathing, Y/N?"
You ignored how your heart skipped a beat when he said that, and then grabbed your phone and crawled into the front seat. "Totally. Back to Kyler's house, we go. Wonder what other ideas he has for us," You laughed, checking your phone to see a text from Tory.
Tory: we picking up some pizzas and movies while we're out. You and Robby can head back to Kyler's house and enjoy your alone time ;)
You hid your smile before typing a quick response.
You: thank you HAHA but make sure to look at my movie list I sent you earlier, all the good ones are on there
Tory: yes because I'm sure Robby would enjoy seeing you simp over Billy Loomis. Have fun babe not answering you anymore so you're forced to interact with him😘😘
You: fuck you
Tory: love you too
You: you're actually not gonna answer?
Seen 1m ago
God damnit, Tory. You clicked the side of your phone which turned it off and kept your eyes on the road in front of you. You felt Robby's beautiful hazel eyes gazing contently at you, you chose to ignore it and instead began speaking which caused him to stop staring, "Tory said they're picking up food and movies, and said we can just go back to Kyler's and wait for them."
Robby smiled and looked out the window on his side before turning back to you, "You realize they're trying to get us to hook up, right?" You started laughing, "Yeah I'm well aware. They're trying so hard, too."
After a couple of seconds of on-edge silence, Robby broke it by turning up the radio a little. "Let's drive around for a bit. They can wait if they have to," He spoke, turning the radio on before handing you the aux cord, "Sense you hate what I chose so much, put on your playlist. Let's see if there's anything good."
You smiled before purposely grabbing the cord out of his hand in an aggressive manner, and plugging it into your phone. He just shook his head and laughed, focusing on the dark roads before him. It was around 11 pm, and there were barely any cars out, which was expected considering how unpopular the roads near Kyler's house were.
You scrolled through each playlist that you had for each different mood, before choosing your main one and hitting shuffle. The song Slut Me Out by NLE Choppa began playing and you went to skip it but Robby stopped you by gently gripping your wrist. "This song's on there for a reason, let it play."
You gulped and nodded, the lyrics playing as Robby turned it up enough to the point where it almost hurt your ears, which was technically just the right amount.
After that song played along with a few others that both of you screamed all the lyrics to, he watched as you picked up your phone to check for messages and saw a Lana Deal Ray song had just started.
"You listen to Lana?" He questioned, his tone sounding very confused. You scoffed, "I'm surprised you even know who she is, yes I listen to Lana. This song is one of my favorites," You shared, as West Coast began loudly blaring. The beat that dropped on that song was sexy, the ending especially and it was perfect for you and Robby's current state of tolerable enemies and friends with tension.
He surprisingly knew all these lyrics too, and in this one, you could sing all of them without a second thought. As the chorus and small beat drop came, you felt your body get chills as it does every time, watching as Robby rested his head back onto his seat, lip-syncing some of the lyrics and shouting the others.
After that part kind of calmed, the next beat drop came just as fast as it left, the soft swing of the music making you feel like you were the queen of the world. It continued through and almost got to the part with the even sexier background music, you felt Robby's eyes intensely staring at you as if he was playing a scenario through his head. You didn't blame him, this song was heaven.
As the sensual part of the song began, you gave him a soft smile and rolled your window down so your hair was flying, he rolled down all the others including the sunroof, took your seatbelt off, and stuck your head out of the window. Robby watched and felt himself get hard once again but not by your touch, just at the sight of you.
You made sure to arch your back a little and scream the lyrics, holding onto the top of his car as if you needed leverage. Robby felt as if this moment was from a music video and you were the main actress the whole video focused on. You were mesmerizing.
He felt his cheeks were red and quickly turned his head to look away from you as you brought yourself back into the car and Robby pulled into Kyler's driveway. All the other cars already sat in the driveway. You grinned, "See you inside."
He sat there for the second time that day, his cheeks red, his dick hard and unsure of what the hell just happened and how you gave him yet another boner. You laughed to yourself and practically ran inside, opening the door and rushing over to Tory and Aisha to tell them all about what just happened.
After about twenty seconds Robby walked inside. At first sight, it once again looked like the two of you had just fucked, but this time it looked worse than before.
This time you looked over and Robby and could see his dick through his pants. You found it crazy how you could go so quickly from disliking each other to flirting constantly, but you honestly weren't complaining. You finally realize how fucking sexy Robby was, completely disregarding how you saw him as your karate rival not even an hour ago. That moment you just shared with him definitely made it difficult to go back to just that.
After your eventful car ride with Robby, the group played a bunch of dirty but funny card games and ended the night with a decade movie marathon, where you watched two movies from a decade of your choice and then chose the better movie and went down the like to explain why, it was now around 5 am, still fully dark, which meant everyone was sleeping until you woke up with a dry feeling in your throat and a sudden need for water.
So, you left the huge fort you all had made and made your way to Kyler's kitchen, trying to avoid making any loud noises so everyone could get their sleep.
You grabbed a plastic cup from Kyler's kitchen cabinet, opened the fridge, grabbed the ice-cold filtered water, and poured it since Kyler said his tap water was disgusting. You filled your cup about halfway and quickly took a sip, noticing Kyler had a window above his kitchen sink and saw a kid riding his dirt bike in the middle of the night.
You laughed to yourself but your laughter quickly went away when you felt hands poking your sides and almost spilling the water you had just beautifully poured for yourself.
You turned to see Robby, and hit his shoulder, "You bitch, I almost spilled my water," You whispered yelled, before hitting his shoulder again and angrily setting your water down.
"Yes, 'cause you spilling your water would be the end of the world," He whispered sarcastically, before grabbing a plastic cup for himself. You watched as he reached around you, the veins in his hands flexing as he has each arm on each side of you, his front lightly grazing your back as you felt butterflies in your stomach and somewhere lower.
Robby poured his water from the filter just as you did, and removed all contact from your body so he was now fully away from you. "Why are you smiling?" You asked him, noticing his sly smile, wanting to wipe it off his stupid face.
Robby felt his strong demeanor slowly fade away as he saw your siren eyes, and heard what you finally said, "Stop smiling before I give you a reason to," It was cheesy, but still made his cheeks pink. You continued, "Are you blushing?"
He shook his head and suddenly felt embarrassed, "Hell no," He lied, you knew damn well he was and it was just getting darker. "Are you sure? You seem very nervous, or that could just be my imagination."
You brushed a piece of hair out of his face, before looking him directly in the eyes. "You're so pretty, you know that?" You dragged your hand from his hair, softly dragging down his cheek, and then on his chest. You felt how quickly his heart was beating. "Your heart is beating very fast, maybe you are nervous." You knew exactly how to push Robby's buttons and it absolutely infuriated him. Robby wasn't going to lie, part of the way you were speaking definitely turned him on. His cheeks were bright red.
That was his final straw, he pushed you to the inside corner near the fridge, holding your hips in place so you were pinned in front of him. "Quit acting like a bitch before I treat you like one." He kept his hand hard on your hip and brought the other hand to cup your face. You swallowed hard but wanted to remain in your teasing, ways, so you continued.
"You can be infuriating, Y/N. Maybe if you weren't such a selfish brat I would've liked you sooner." He huffed, his words fanning in your face, his lips millimeters from yours.
"So you like me? Took some guts to finally admit that. Took you quite a while didn't it?" Your eyes shot deeply into his beautiful green eyes that now seemed hazel due to the darkness. You saw how hot Robby was when he was mad. You made a mental note to push his buttons more often. He let go of your hips which would definitely leave some type of fingerprint mark, he downed his water and threw the cup into the dishwasher, walking back over to you before grabbing you by the shirt, "Lose the attitude before I fuck it out of you."
He walked back to the place he was sleeping, now leaving you standing there in your tracks like a deer in headlights. Your breathing was heavy and you were now definitely nervous about what came next. You couldn't wait to tell Tory and Aisha about this.
When you woke up once again, it was almost 2 pm. You sat at Kyler's kitchen island eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles, in the seat between both Tory and Aisha while the boys were eating in the gaming room near the back of the house.
You continued to take another bite and quickly finished it, "Something happened last night between me and Robby." After those words were said, both girls immediately gained a huge interest.
"You better start talking, babe."
You cleared your throat, "Well, basically I went to go get a drink of water around 4 am, and Robby apparently did too. And then I started teasing him because why not and then he kind of snapped." Tory's mouth fell open, "What kind of snap?" Aisha grinned, "Yeah was it like a sexy snap or a snap like where he forever hated you?"
You laughed before answering, "It was honestly both. But then after I teased him he basically pinned me against the fridge and told me to quit acting like a bitch before he treated me like one," After you said that both girls were extremely shocked and Aisha almost spilled her cereal bowl, "Oh there's more," You added with a laugh. "And then, after that, he said something like if you weren't such a brat he would've liked me sooner," You watched as the girls' jaws dropped wider, "And to top it all off, he ended it with Lose the attitude before I fuck it out of you. Which is my personal favorite."
Tory spit out her cereal and milk that time and began laughing with Aisha at the incident but then remembered why she did that. "Jesus Christ! I didn't know he had it in him." Aisha commented before Tory nodded, cleaning up her mess. Tory quickly moved on, "So, you gonna let him do it?"
"What let him fuck my attitude out of me? Hell yeah, just don't know when. I'll just continue teasing him and let him make the move when he wants." Aisha and Tory both nodded, quickly changing the subject as the boys walked into the same room.  Tory and Kyler have each other 'the' look as Robby walked to the sink to grab a glass and get some orange juice out of the fridge.
Robby's eyes met yours as you went to take another bite of your soggy cereal, watching as he eyed you up and down and slowly took a sip of his juice, staring into your soul before walking back into the game room with the guys following closely behind him.
You all started laughing after hearing the door loudly close.
The sleepover was definitely fun, and extremely eventful. You and Tory were the last to leave Kyler's house around 7 pm when Kyler came out of his room. "Uhh, Y/N, Robby forgot his overnight bag. Could you bring that to him?" Kyler sucked at hiding his smirk and laugh knowing exactly what he was doing.
"Is this-" Before you could even finish, Tory interrupted you. "Yes, this is our way of setting up you and Robby. Now go get your dick, babe. I'll be in the car in a sec." She said, basically pushing you out of the door.
After about a minute, she walked out and hopped into the driver's side. "Okay, the plan is, you're going to Robby's, and I'm not coming to get you for a few hours, so, just hang out at his place for a little."
You went to argue but she just shushed you, "Nope, not a word. Even if you don't want to fuck him that's fine do what you want babe but you need quality time with him, and this is the push you need. So make the best out of it. You only live once my love," She said, putting on her makeup in the mirror as she still somehow drove perfectly.
You watched as she applied her mascara, "Where are you going all prettied up?" Normally if it were one of your other friends you'd hate asking that but you knew Tory, she wouldn't put in the time and effort of doing makeup because she usually hated it, so when she did it, it was rare and for a good reason.
She smiled, "I have a date. I'll text you when I'm done so you know when I'm on my way. Or I can just drive your car over. Whatever works best." Somehow within your short conversation, she was already at Robby's apartment complex.
She blew you a kiss goodbye as you got out and grabbed Robby's duffle bag from the back, swinging it around your shoulder and walking into the building. Once you got to Robby's room you knocked on the door a few times as you did last time, so he knew it was you. He swung the door open, and didn't seem too thrilled at first but lightened up when he saw his bag." Y/N. I didn't even realize I forgot that until now." You gave him a small smile, "Yeah, Kyler realized and sent me here. Sorry if I once again have horrible timing."
He smiled and looked at the ground, "That's okay, you're not interrupting anything," Where did this nice guy come from? "You can come in if you'd like."
You accepted his offer after remembering what Tory had said and went inside, he closed the door and then walked into the kitchen which was visible from the front door.
He grabbed a glass and then another, "You want anything to drink?" No seriously where did this gentleman come from, not even 24 hours ago he had you pinned against Kyler's fridge and was threatening you with a good time. "I'm okay, thank you."
It definitely felt awkward, those moments you shared running through your head as Robby sat down on the couch not too far from you. You didn't know what to say or do, or if you should try starting a conversation. That's when you knew this was painfully awkward.
Robby cleared his throat, thank god, "You wanna watch a movie? I have a lot, you can choose." You gave him a smile for saving the awkwardness, "Sure. Let's see what you got."
After a surprising few minutes of scrolling, you decided on the category of marvel and let Robby choose which movie. Whatever movie he chose would say a lot about him, so when he chose Thor Ragnorok you were definitely thrilled.
As the movie began to play, Robby turned to you, "Are you cold? Would you like a blanket?" His offer seemed like he was being sweeter than normal, and it made you curious, but you weren't complaining. That kid was being nice.
"Eh, not really but I probably will get cold." You admitted with a tiny laugh as Robby grabbed the fluffiest blanket you had ever seen off of his other couch. He sprawled it across you, only leaving a little to himself as the movie began and you couldn't wait for cause that was definitely one of your favorites.
A little after half into the movie, you felt Robby's eyes on you. He was staring, the same way he did during your little detour from Hawk's house. This time, instead of ignoring it, you looked over at him.
"You know, Robby. I notice you staring at me. I just don't say anything." You mentioned, and he felt his cheeks go bright pink as they had many times the day before. Robby seemed embarrassed as if his whole nice demeanor disappeared cause of what you had just said. You didn't even say anything wrong, Robby just hated being called out.
"Sorry," He grumbled, turning back to the movie. 'Don't be a bitch.' That was what you wanted to say, but you kept it in for now knowing it would probably not end very well for you.
After another 5 minutes, you began overthinking the whole situation and making yourself angry, thinking about all the times when he had teased you and you said nothing about it, or when he would be mad at you for no reason.
You turned to him after a good few minutes of thought, "Robby, what the hell is your problem with me? Like why does everything I do make you mad? I'm not even intentionally doing anything at this point I'm just being myself and for some reason, that seems to make you-"
"I don't have you Y/N, you just make me so mad. You act like a bitch and then fucking tease me or whatever the fuck that was yesterday!" Robby shouted, standing up. There goes nice Robby. You knew something was up.
"I do not act like a bitch! It's all fun and games but clearly, you can't handle that."
"No, apparently I can't! I'm sorry for not liking when my fucking friend or enemy or whatever the fuck we are confuses the shit out of me to the point where I'm literally questioning myself! You act like the whole work revolves around you! Maybe if you didn't act like such a slut all the time I'd be able to" And there it was. A loud smacking sound on Robby's face finally made him shut the fuck up.
"Never speak to me like that again." Robby felt more angered, but also a little turned on with how hot you looked right then.
"What if I-" Smack. Again, and this time he felt less angered and more turned on over anything. "Y/N..." The way your name rolled off his lips so smoothly, made you get butterflies. Smack. You smacked him once again just for fun, not as hard but after that, he began to lean in toward you. So you stopped him, grabbing his neck and bringing him closer to you.
"Okay, I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," He spoke just above a whisper, voice cracking due to your hold on his neck.
You sat a couple of seconds and considered excepting his apology, and when you let go he almost instantly grabbed you and pinned you on the couch, wrapping his hand around your neck. "Had to switch it up. I like it better this way."
You tilted your head back slightly and your mouth slowly fell open, the need to breathe leaving your mind because of how turned on you were. You could sacrifice a couple of breaths if that meant being choked by Robby Keene.
His taunting words somehow made you wet, and you knew you were in for a long night of fun and trouble. Robby kissed your lips with his hand still around your throat, then began placing wet kisses along every part of your skin he could.
His breath was heavy on his hand and the part of your neck that was uncovered, "Can I?" He asked carefully, tugging at your top. When you nodded he wasted no time and brought it above your head practically ripping it in the process.
He continued kissing down your chest, slowly loosening his grip on your neck and then letting go completely. The sight of you in just your bra made him even harder as he continued down, noticing a drawing near your rib. "Is this.. a tattoo?" His words were slow as if he was contemplating whether or not he should ask his question. You laughed before running your fingers through his hair, "Yes, love. I got it not too long ago, so be gentle, there." Those words turned him on more than they probably should've, but he was too flustered to complain.
He looked up at you, his eyes filled with lust and want. He continued once again to kiss down your stomach, you could tell the tattoo made him even more of a horny animal, and you were excited for him to see the others you had sprawled around your body. "Can I take this off?" His consent was very attractive, even though it was indeed the bare minimum the way his voice was perfectly raspy made it ten times sexier.
"Knock yourself out, baby."
The sudden use of pet names made his pants tighten. He sharply inhaled before skillfully undoing your bra with one of his hands and letting it drop along with his jaw when he saw the second tiny ink drawing just below your breast.
"Got a bunch as soon as I turned eighteen. I have more if you wanna see them," The breathy sound of Robby led you to believe this man had a tattoo kink, so you did the expected, "Robby, do my tattoos turn you on?"
It made your heart flutter realizing how quickly Robby can switch from dominant to submissive, you didn't know what would happen next and you loved it. It was exhilarating. Robby held in his need and looked up. "Yes, they do. A lot." You laughed. "I could tell. Don't be embarrassed. 'S cute."
He quickly forgot what had just happened and continued his painfully slow teasing. He kissed down until he got to your pants, then asked once more if he could remove your clothes, to which you replied yes, and when you did he tore it off as if he was a hungry animal. It was fucking hot how eager he was.
After removing your bottoms, he grabbed both of your thighs, squeezing them and then slapping them until he was satisfied. He took off your underwear after asking for consent and hearing and seeing your answer and aggressive nod. He slapped your thighs once more before tightly gripping them and throwing them over each of his shoulders.
He left no time for hesitation, he licked a long stripe up your clit, your moans motivated him as he messily continued, he couldn't even compare to how good you tasted.
Your moans loudly filled up all the sound space in the room, feeling the sudden need to squirm as Robby stuck a finger inside of you and he continuously flicked your clit with his tongue. Swear words and gibberish nonsense fell from your lips as Robby pumped his finger in and out of you, your toes curling and your head practically throwing itself back.
Robby looked up at you with a lustful look, "Right there?" He asked, holding his finger at a spot he somehow knew would make you go feral. "Oh my god, yes!" You shouted, his name falling from your swollen lips over and over.
"Does It feel good, baby? Let me hear you." You bucked up your hips but were stopped when Robby held them against the couch. "Use your words." His mean tone turned you on, even more, the struggle to move made you hornier by the second.
"It feels so good, Robby, don't stop. Please." He smirked to himself before continuing. You rolled your eyes to the back of your head. "Look at me, Y/N. No one coming but you."
His snarky comment makes your legs shiver, every ounce of your body feeling numb as you looked him directly in the eye, squeezing a handful for some sort of a release sense you'd be reaching yours soon. "You gonna come, my love?" Robby's soft words made you shiver, "Yes, Robby, oh my god."
You couldn't believe Robby Keene was right in front of you, watching you orgasm for the first time, it was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. The white liquid kept spilling out of you, it finally stopped but your legs continued to shiver as Robby wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. At the sound of it, it may have sounded weird, but in person, it was fucking hot.
His smile was cheeky but bright and it made your stomach gain butterflies, he came up to you, and grabbed you by the neck, bringing your upper half slightly upwards. "I told you to look at me, babe." His words were stern, and they made you hungry for more. "I'm sorry, I promise I'll listen next time."
He let you off with a small warning before letting go of you, then standing up completely and then walking into his room. After a couple of seconds, he shouted for you, "Y/N, come here!"
You basically ran into his room regarding how excited you were, and when you saw him standing in front of his mirror, hand on the desk as he leaned his body weight on it, just staring at himself in the mirror. The mirror was right next to from the wall his bed was up against, next to the door. The mirror was huge, definitely more than a make-up stand type desk as if it was used for something else.
You stopped at the door, but he signaled you over with his two fingers before mumbling a 'come here.
You walked over to where he was, and he quickly moved your now messy hair away from your neck and slowly began kissing it before whispering something that at first sounded like gibberish, "Look at yourself."
He looked up and look at your gorgeous face through the mirror, "You're going to watch your face, as I fuck you senseless in this mirror. Mkay?" His soft tone sent shivers down your spine and made your knees weaken.
"Undress. Tap my arm a few times if it becomes too much. You're okay with this right?" His demeanor shift made you fall for him even more, even though it technically was once again the bare minimum you still were about to melt.
You nodded, "Use your words, beautiful." You began to strip and then corrected yourself, "Yes. I'm okay with this, please just, touch me, Robby." When you finally undressed, "As you wish, my love." Robby was already shirtless so he took his pants off and went to take his boxers off but you stopped him before he could.
You undressed him yourself, pulling down his boxers in a teasingly slow manner, looking him in the eye in the most sensual way possible, you knew it would make him nervous. He looked back at you; you noticed how he struggled to stare back until he looked away. "You nervous, baby?"
He turned you around and lightly wrapped his hand around your throat, slowly increasing the pressure to the point where he almost cut off your airway but not completely.
"I am not nervous," His two fingers went straight to your clit and began to rub fast circles, "Stop treating me like I'm your bitch. Now watch yourself in this goddamn mirror while I fuck you until your legs are shaking." You wanted to give him a sassy remark but the hold on your neck stopped you from verbally communicating.
Robby's lips latched onto your neck as he slowly moves his fingers, then places a line of kisses along your shoulder as he continued his assault on your clit, "That feels good, baby?"
"So good, fuck," You moaned under your breath, your legs beginning to shake and squirm as you felt Robby's hands remove the contact from your clit. You were frustrated at first but held in a gasp when you felt his tip at your entrance.
"You ready, baby? Remember you can back out at any time." His offer sounded nice but getting fucked by him sounded even nicer, so you nodded and followed that up with the verbal confirmation he loved so much, "Yes, Robby. I'm ready."
He nodded and slowly pushed into you, a breathy moan fell from in between his lips as a whimper left your mouth. You felt as if your body was being stretched out, the feeling was ethical. You felt as if you were in euphoria and you hadn't even reached your high yet.
Robby moaned, "Can- I move?" His whisper sent shivers down your spine. You moaned out a loud yes, as Robby pushed himself in, then pulled out and aggressively thrust back in again.
You carefully watched his face in the mirror, his face of pleasure blessing your eyes as the sounds he made blessed your ears. He used his other hand to grab ahold of your breasts, squeezing and massaging them roughly making the pleasure absolutely insane.
A breathless scream tumbled from your lips, the sounds you made rarely being heard as his grip tightened on your neck. Robby caught his lower lip in between his teeth as he watched you in the mirror. Your beautiful fucked out expression, the soft sounds that left your lips, and how your walls felt around his thick cock would've been enough for him to come in his pants.
He watched in the mirror as his dick slipped in and out of you, the sight alone could've made him finish. Your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to watch yourself as Robby has so demandingly ordered, you knew if he caught you with them closed you'd get a consequence.
However it was very difficult not to squirm or clap your eyes shut, the pleasure you were feeling was unmatchable and it made you tingle. Robby repeatedly hit your g-spot, the feeling becoming almost too much to the point where your eyes fell closed.
He removed his hand from your throat before grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking your head back. "Keep your eyes open. Guess you don't know how to fucking listen." His stern tone made you ache, you suddenly clenched around Robby and he let out a throaty laugh, "You like when I speak to you like that, huh? Fucking whore."
His words affected you in ways you never thought he could, but he just kept going, making you weaker and weaker as your legs slowly began to feel like jello, "Fucking look at you, baddest girl in the valley. Do you think Sensei'd like to know that his toughest female fighter is getting fucked and degraded right now? By his strongest fighter? That'd be a real conversation, wouldn't it." His cocky words made you so close to your high and yet you didn't release.
A scream tore from your chest as you slowly felt your release getting closer and closer, your legs now completely shaking as Robby moved his hand from your throat to your clit fibbing quick circles after noticing how close and desperate you were.
"You're gonna come, baby, I can feel it. You feel so good, fuck, it's so hard for me to function." His slight praise carried you on longer, you needed something more just to push you over the edge.
As if it were on cue Robby yanked your head back once again, the inflicted pain forcing you to scream and moan at once which was followed by a few swear words. You repeated his name many times as you felt your body get pushed over the edge. The euphoric feeling gave you goosebumps, the warmth of your bodies mixed together almost threw Robby over the edge, but just as you did, he needed a push.
You kept yourself moving even though Robby's thrusts were overly aggressive and just how you liked it, he looked down and watched your ass bounce with each thrust and then watched your pretty orgasm face in the mirror, which finally brought him over the edge too.
His mouth practically spilled with moans, grunt and whimpers for when the pleasure became too much to handle. "Holy fuck," His choice of words was funny looking back on it but in the best of the moment you didn't laugh nor even pay attention to his words, you watched his face. You could've easily came once more just at the sight of his orgasm face.
You felt his cum shoot inside you, his dick twitched as he practically screamed and continued to move in and out of your tight cunt. "Fuck- fuck- you're so- so tight," He panted, his high staying longer than usual which made him shake and squirm. "Not so tough now, are you pretty boy?" Your words made him cum even more inside of you, your words clearly affected him so you took that as an advantage.
"Wonder what Sensei would think when he found out his right-hand student liked to be called a pretty boy in bed. That'd one interesting conversation, huh Robby?" He pulled his dick out of you with a slight chuckle, "Ha ha, so funny, using my own words against me."
He watched you limp over to his bed as he went into his bathroom and grabbed a damp washcloth and walked over to you himself, carefully wiping away any of the leftover white stuff and watching as your swollen pussy continued to throb. "Damn, didn't know you had the hots for me, L/N. We should do that again sometime. Maybe as more than just enemies, I guess."
You felt yourself laughing as you sprawled out onto his very comfortable bed, "You really think enemies fuck and then just go back to normal? Imagine how easy that'd be for people who don't catch feelings. I'm clearly not one of those people, so yes, Robby, I'd love to do it again and yes, Robby, I'd love to be more than just enemies. I hate admitting it but you are nice sometimes, and that's a great thing to be."
Robby nodded with a soft smile, "You're not too bad yourself, Y/N. I'm just happy we're getting along now. I had no idea how I was planning on getting that to work but I guess it just worked out itself."
You laughed before answering in a calm tone, Robby came to lay with you on his bed after shutting off the television in the living room. "Me too, Robby, me too."
The next morning Tory had invited the whole gang from Kyler's party to Robby's new apartment to see what really went on the night before and to see if the tension and hatred were still there or if it had been fucked out.
Tory was completely correct though, she walked into a clean house but a messy couch, popcorn spilled a little, and a few pop cans sitting on the coffee table. "They definitely fucked." Kyler stated, walking further into Robby's home.
Tory laughed at his statement before quietly and carefully walking into Robby's room after gently opening the door, making sure you both were covered before allowing the others to see for themselves.
You and Robby were snuggled up in his bed, you'd head laying on his exposed chest and your arm sprawled around it, your top leg up and resting onto his legs. Robby was honestly a beautiful sleeper. Tory didn't notice, but Kenny did.
"How does he look so good when sleeping? I go to sleep and look like the Grim Reaper. God clearly has favorites." Kenny's statement made the rest of the group quietly chuckle which caused Robby to wake as you still sat sound asleep in his arms. His eyes widened when he noticed his friend group, "What the hell are you doing here?" He mouthed, not wanting to wake you from your precious sleep.
"We came to check up on you. Clearly, you guys had a fun night so we'll let you be." Kyler whisper and yelled, practically leaving Robby's house in a hurry, he was probably leaving for something important or just wanted to go home. Either option made complete sense.
Tory smiled at you even though you couldn't see her. She felt like a proud matchmaking mom, and nothing could change her feelings for you two. You didn't realize it at the time, but you'd be hearing a lot about what happened that night, especially from your teammates.
Robby made you both angry and happy. But the happy feelings were mutual. That was the best option in the end.
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Hello! Can I request a Gretchen Wieners x Fem Reader where the reader has been friends with her since forever and is head over heels for her, but Gretchen is too busy obsessing over Jason. The reader is always comforting Gretchen over Jason. One day, they almost kissed, which made Gretchen rethink all her interactions with the reader and realize she's actually in love with the reader. Please make this as angsty as possible with the reader pining over Gretchen with a happy ending. Thanks!
Please Be Mine
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Description: Gretchen and Reader have been best friends since 2nd grade. As years pass, Reader's feelings for Gretchen increase tenfold. Gretchen becomes obsessed with Jason. However, things change at Regina's party and Gretchen fears she's too late.
WARNINGS: angsty, happy ending, may or may not have copied glenn powell's speech to sydney sweeney in anyone but you.
It was always Gretchen and Y/N.
There was barely ever a time when it wasn't.
The two met in second grade. Y/N was sitting by herself at the playground when Gretchen noticed and invited her to play with her, Karen, and Regina.
Gretchen and Y/N were attached to the hip instantly. Since then, that's how they stayed. Through middle school crushed and puberty problems, the two were inseparable.
When they got to high school, Jason came into the picture. It's not like Y/N didn't like the guy, she hated him. Every time she wanted to hang out with Gretchen, he had to be there.
They always had designated days where they hung out so Gretchen didn't miss any days with the plastics. Since the two started dating, he always tagged along and they always did something HE wanted to.
Y/N was getting sick of it. She couldn't take it anymore. She did the only thing she could think of. She started cancelling on Gretchen.
"Sorry. Too much homework."
"Sorry. I don't feel good."
"Sorry. Something came up."
Gretchen started to notice Y/N pulling herself away from her. She couldn't figure out why. She had voiced her concerns to Regina and Karen but they had no idea what to tell Gretchen.
They had an inkling that Y/N had feelings for Gretchen but never told Gretchen, out of respect for Y/N. This just cemented their suspicions and they decided to try to talk to Y/N for Gretchen.
Well, they tried. They really tried.
Regina and Y/N shared their history class together and instead of sitting in her normal spot, Regina scared a kid out of his chair to sit next to Y/N.
The blonde tried to get Y/N to crack, but the girl just assumed that Gretchen sent her so she ignored all the attempts. Karen did the same when their english class came around, only for the same outcome.
Gretchen was getting a little frustrated. It had been days since Y/N talked to her and she missed her best friend. She missed Y/N's corny jokes that always made her laugh, how Y/N would always help her with homework, how Y/N would cuddle her during their movie nights.
How Y/N's lips always looked soft.
Wait. What?
Gretchen caught herself. Why was she thinking of Y/N like that? Y/N was her best friend, and Gretchen wasn't gay. She had a boyfriend. And she really liked him.
These feelings will go away. They're just a phase.
Oh, how wrong Gretchen would be.
It all came to a head at Regina's birthday party a couple weeks later. The blonde invited Y/N in hopes that Gretchen would be able to talk to Y/N. Plus, she liked Y/N, she was cool. Her and Karen tried to keep an eye on the two during the party.
Jason wouldn't leave Gretchen's side, much to Regina and Karen's frustration, so Y/N just hid away in a corner. The two plastics talked and formed a plan.
"Let's play seven minutes in heaven!"
Oh, shit.
Regina rolled her eyes as Kyle and Samantha came stumbling out of the closet, hair messy and clothes disheveled. She ignored the whoops and hollers from the drunk teens as she turned to Karen, who was holding the two hats with the names in her hands.
There were two left, according to Karen and Regina's plan. Regina turned to the group. "Last but not least, Gretchen and Y/N." Gretchen froze, as did Y/N. The group "oooh"ed as the two just stayed where they were.
Jason spoke up. "Well, seeing as Gretchen is MY girlfriend, I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind if I took her place." Regina glared at the boy. "No, Jason. You had your turn with Taylor. If you wanted to go with Gretchen, you wouldn't have gone with Taylor. Sit down." Jason sat down and mumbled something under his breath.
Regina looked at Y/N and Gretchen expectantly. Gretchen took a deep breath and went to hold a hand out to Y/N.
"Shall we?"
The two sat in the closet, Y/N staring at the floor and Gretchen staring at her. They had been in there for a couple of minutes and their time was going by quickly so Gretchen decided to take the reins.
"Are we okay?" Y/N shrugged. "Why wouldn't we be?" Gretchen huffed. "Because you've been cancelling on me for our weekly hangouts!" Y/N rolled her eyes. "I'm sure Jason could hang out with you those days, why don't you ask him?"
Gretchen was caught off guard with the question but shook it off. "Why does Jason matter in this situation? I'm talking about us." Y/N shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Can we just sit in silence for the rest of the time?"
Gretchen sighed in frustration and moved closer to Y/N. "Will you just talk to me? You're my best friend and I miss you!" Y/N couldn't take it and leaned forward, pressing her lips to Gretchen's. silencing the girl.
Gretchen froze momentarily but then melted into the kiss. The two kissed for a minute before a knock was heard. Regina talked through the door. "Time's up!" The two quickly pulled away, Y/N wiping Gretchen's lip gloss off her lips. The door opened and Y/N all but ran out, before Gretchen could say anything.
Regina looked at Y/N's back and turned back to Gretchen, who looked like she was about to cry. Regina automatically started kicking people out. Jason tried to get Gretchen to go with him but the blonde stopped it.
After everyone left, Regina and Karen consoled Gretchen, who told them what happened in the closet. They told her that she needed to go after who made her happy, and that they had never seen her happier than when she was around Y/N.
Gretchen allowed her girls to comfort her before she made her decision. She knew what she wanted and she wasn't going to let anything get in her way anymore.
As her mom pulled up to the Y/L/N residence, Gretchen took a deep breath. When her mom picked her up from Regina's, she told her mom everything. Regina had graciously threatened Jason when Gretchen broke up with him earlier that morning.
Her mom had definitely told Gretchen that she should thank Regina before informing her daughter that she knew all along Gretchen and Y/N loved each other. Gretchen was shocked that her mom had already known. But her mother brushed it off as intuition.
What Gretchen didn't need to know was how Y/N's mother called her a couple weeks ago and told her that Y/N was in love with her daughter.
Gretchen worked up the courage to walk up to the front door, ready to finally make Y/N hers. Y/N's mom opened the door, shocked to see Gretchen standing in front of her. "Hi Mrs. Y/L/N, is Y/N here? I need to talk to her."
The woman smiled sadly at her. "I'm sorry Gretchen, Y/N isn't here. She left early this morning to go visit her grandparents. She'll be back in a few days. She needed some time away."
Gretchen's heart broke. Y/N was gone. She was too late. She drove Y/N away. Y/N's mom pulled her into a hug. "I'll tell her you stopped by, okay?" Gretchen nodded and turned, speed walking back to her mom's car. When the door shut, the tears flowed.
She was too late.
Y/N was sitting with her grandpa in her grandparents living room. Her grandmother was in the kitchen putting something together for lunch. "Hey Gramps, when did you know you loved Nana?" The older man chuckled. "Since the first time I laid eyes on her, why do you ask, kid?"
Y/N sighed. "I think I'm in love with my best friend." Her grandfather laughed. "That Gretchen girl? I could've told you that!" Y/N looked at her grandpa and frowned. "What are you talking about?" The man shook his head and called for his wife.
Y/N's grandma came around the corner. "Honey, how long has Y/N been in love with that Gretchen girl?" The woman chuckled. "For as long as I can remember." Y/N's jaw dropped at the answer. "And how long has Gretchen been in love with our granddaughter?"
Y/N looked confused as her grandmother laughed again. "For as long as I can remember." Y/N frowned. "No. Gretchen isn't in love with me. You guys are joking. Y/N's grandma shook her head and sat next to Y/N on the couch.
"Sweetheart. That girl, whether she wants to admit it or not, is in love with you." Y/N shook her head. "No she isn't. She's straight. And how do you guys even know this?" Y/N's grandma smiled.
"Because she looks at you how your grandfather looked at me when I walked down the aisle." Y/N's heart stopped. Did Gretchen really look at her like that? Looking back, there were times when Y/N would look at Gretchen in school to find her already looking her. And she did notice the girl was very affectionate with her.
Holy shit. Maybe Gretchen was in love with her.
Gretchen has had the shittest two days.
First, Jason wouldn't stop trying to talk to her. Thankfully, Regina was always with her. Her and Karen had been very protective after what happened to Gretchen. They had gone over to her house to comfort her about Y/N.
Second, the hoodie of Y/N's she had didn't smell like her anymore.
And third, Y/N still wasn't back from her grandparents house.
She was starting to find herself deeper in this depression hole. Regina and Karen were trying but they were seeing Gretchen retreat into herself and it was killing them.
They had tried to cheer her up by talking shit about Jason, gossiping, shopping, but nothing was working. They had decided to bring her out to a party one night but she wasn't feeling it and left early.
They had run out of options. Luckily for them, their savior was arriving soon.
Gretchen had dragged herself out of bed at 3:30 am to the sound of something hitting her window. Her dad was on a business trip and her mom was out of town at a friend's bachelorette party. So, she was extremely confused as to what was going on.
She threw her curtains open and looked out her window, only for her breath to hitch.
There was Y/N. In her front yard, holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers. The girl lit up at the sight of Gretchen. She waved and pointed towards the front door.
Gretchen took off running to her front door, almost slipping down her stairs in the process. She threw the door open and launched herself into Y/N's arms, melting into the embrace. Y/N tightened her arms around Gretchen, burying her face in her neck.
Gretchen went to speak but was interrupted by Y/N.
"Gretchen, it's been seven years since we met and I can't think of a day where I haven't been with you. I was a bitch. The way I handled everything. Especially that night." Gretchen sighed. "Yeah. That wasn't great. Why did you leave?" Y/N sighed. "I thought you were gonna regret it. And I couldn't face the idea of losing someone I really love."
Gretchen sniffled, tears shining in her eyes. "That night was the first thing I haven't regretted in a long time." Y/N took a deep breath and just talked.
"I love the way we fight. I love how smart you are. I love the weird way you always know what's happening with people. And I love how you know what you don't want. And if it's not me...if I don't check all your boxes, if I'm not the one, I get it. But that would really, really fucking suck."
Both girls stood staring at each other with admiration and desire. Gretchen looked at Y/N. "So are you gonna kiss me now?" Y/N smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I am."
Y/N surged forward and pressed her lips to Gretchen's, properly kissing her now. Gretchen melted into the kiss as Y/N pulled her closer to her. It felt like the world was right again as the two kissed passionately. It was everything Gretchen had dreamed of.
They pulled away after a couple minutes for air as Gretchen leaned her forehead against Y/N's. "I've wanted to do that for so long. Can we do that forever?" Y/N smirked, kissing Gretchen's nose. "We can do it as much as you want, baby."
Gretchen took the flowers from Y/N, putting them in water before leading Y/N to her room. The two girls got in Gretchen's bed and snuggled up to each other. Gretchen whispered into the darkness. "Y/N, what are we?" Y/N pulled the girl closer. "Whatever you want us to be, baby. We have a whole future ahead of us." Gretchen smiled and closed her eyes.
They would figure it out.
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flemingsfreckles · 2 months
Be a Good Teammate pt. 4
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Read Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 first!
Preview: You and Jessie have dinner at her new place.
Warnings: it’s angsty yall, buckle up (just for a bit), swearing, very brief mention of sex (no descriptions, nothing like that, but it gets mentioned)
WC: 5.5k
A/N: I think this is the end of this series. I never intend to make it more than 1 part honestly, but you all enjoyed it enough so here we are at Part 4. This also ended up more angsty than I had planned so, whoops :)
It was nearing 5pm when your Uber pulled up in front of the address Jessie had sent you. You thanked the driver and hopped out. You hadn’t thought much of the address, not noticing that there wasn’t an apartment number or a unit letter attached to the end of it, so you were surprised to find yourself standing in front of a house instead of an apartment complex as you had expected.
It was a small little blue house, wood fencing all around, a good sized front yard, a few trees, it was exactly what you would expect Jessie to pick out. 
You pulled your phone out of your sweatpants pocket to let her know you had arrived. You had gotten back to the hotel, quickly thrown on a Nike sweatshirt and a fitted pair of gray joggers.
“Hi.” You look up to see Jessie walking through the doorway and down the steps toward the fence gate. You put your phone back in your pocket, not needing to let her know you were here anymore. She reached the gate, unlatched it and held it open for you to come inside. You notice that she quickly looks you up and down as you walk through into her front yard. You can’t help but do the same to her.
Jessie’s hair was down, still slightly wet from her postgame shower, she was wearing a lavender colored long sleeved shirt and a pair of sweatpants. She looked cozy, as if she was ready to cuddle up on the couch for the evening like she had mentioned wanting to do.
“You bought a house?” Your curiosity gets the best of you and you can’t help but ask. 
“Yeah, I did. I lived with Janine and her fiancé for the first few weeks while I looked at places, and then I had to leave for the gold cup and I just couldn’t find any apartment that felt like home. I started looking at houses instead once I got back. This was actually the first one I saw and I really liked it. It’s not too big, which works since it’s just me right now but has some room if I need it in the future.” Your brain wanders to the thought of Jessie having her own kids in the future, you knew she wanted them and you had seen how good she was with kids over the years. 
“Plus I figured even if I’m only here for a couple years, I can keep the house. It’s only been a few weeks but I love the area. I'd consider coming back here to settle when soccer is over.” She opened the front door, stepping back to let you walk in first. 
You slip off your shoes, placing them on the mat next to the door where Jessie’s shoes lay neatly in a row. Looking up you realize you're standing in her living room, there’s a large gray couch, a small table in front of it, a tv, a bookshelf that’s filled with books and art and other trinkets. 
“You can keep a plant alive now?” You tease her as you see she has a variety of green plants. In college you had watched her become what you described as a serial killer of plants.
“I’m getting better. A lot of them were housewarming gifts from my teammates so I maybe just haven't had enough time to kill them.” 
Stepping out of the entryway you walk over to her bookshelf, looking at the various titles, there’s a couple photos placed on the bookshelf, one with her parents after she had won the gold medal, one of her and her Chelsea teammates holding up a couple trophies, one of her and her siblings all wearing matching Christmas pajamas. The opening to the kitchen was just to your right, you step in its direction before turning to look at Jessie who was following closely behind you.
“Can I see the kitchen?” You don’t want to invade her privacy by inviting yourself to take a tour of her place.
As if she read your mind she gestures her hand in the direction of the kitchen. “Go ahead, I can just give you the whole tour now while we wait for the food, it should be on its way by now. I was also thinking we can watch the Angel City and Orlando game, only if you want it should be on at 7. ” She looks at the clock mounted on the wall. 
“Yeah that sounds good.” You reply as you step into the kitchen.
Her kitchen was cute, the same wood accent from the outside of the house scattered throughout. She offered you an ice pack for your nose as you stood looking at her fridge. You declined, having just taken the pain meds, it was bearable pain. 
As you continue to move through her house Jessie makes a few comments here and there about what she liked about the house so much, the wood flooring, the large windows that let in natural light, the little nook that she had set up to be a place to read. Hearing her talk about the little things, paint colors, furniture was so simple and yet it made you feel like you were back to your old friendship. The simple minded discussions, the joking around, all the tiny moments you would have with her, it hit you how much you really missed just her existence and company.
You get to two closed doors at the end of the hallway, you point at the one closest to you and look back at Jessie.
“Linen closet, nothing exciting unless you want to see towels.” You move your finger to point at the other. “My bedroom.”
“Oh,” You’re not sure what to say, the closed door seemed like an obvious sign to not go in. Jessie again, able to tell what was running through your head, speaks up.
“You can go in, I just close the door out of habit. I don’t have anything to hide.” Wanting to see her bedroom, you push open the door. It reminds you a little bit of her bedroom in your college apartment. Not much as far as decor, just a few special things on display throughout. Her bed in the center of the room, a nightstand on one side.
“Sorry it’s still a mess in here, I haven’t had a ton of time to dedicate to unpacking and I was more focused on the rooms everyone else would see.” You look around, trying to find the mess she was referring to. Her bed was made, no clothes scattered across the floor, no pile of clean laundry to be put away, no water bottles on bedsides, not even dust, just a few boxes stacked neatly in the corner, the one on top open as if she had been in the middle of unpacking when you had arrived.
“If this is what you consider a mess, we have completely different standards of mess.” You let out a laugh, Jessie doesn’t say anything, just gives you a smile and slow nod. 
You’re interrupted by her phone ringing, she picks it up and before answering the call she points around the corner. “If you want to see my bathroom, it's through the closet. I’ll be right back.” 
She walks out of the room and you hear her answer the call. You take a second look around her bedroom, looking at the couple of personal items that were scattered, photos of her and her Canada teammates, photos of her family, photos of skylines and nature that you assume she had taken. She has her array of cameras all neatly set on a shelf, displaying them. Making your way over to her closet you walk through to peek into her bathroom. It looked like a bathroom, nothing too special about it, a shower, toilet, a vanity with two sinks, her toothbrush, hairbrush, and other bathroom things just placed neatly around one side.
You turn back to go wait in her bedroom being done looking at the bathroom. You walk into her closet, taking a quick glance around, the closet had more boxes in it than unpacked clothing items. Each box was neatly labeled, varying in sizes, all stacked on top of one another. You look at what clothes she had unpacked, it was nearly all clothes for training, one pile had clothes with the maple leaf and the name Canada across them, the other a mix of red, green, some blue, with the thorn’s logo and Portland across them. Looking back toward the exit of the closet your eye catches on a box, more specifically the label of the box catches your eye.
It was a box with your name on it. Printed carefully along the side, in Jessie’s handwriting. You could feel your heart begin to race. You couldn’t move, your eyes staring, your own name looking back at you. Why did she have a box with your name on it? 
“Foods here.” You didn’t even hear Jessie coming, the sound of your blood rushing through your ears muffling outside noises. She comes around the corner, you quickly look away, not wanting her to see you and think you were snooping through her stuff. You weren’t, but you could see how it could look suspicious, but then again she was the one with a box labeled for you. She must’ve seen your sudden movement as she looks at you with a questioning look, then at where the box sat, you see the moment she knows you’ve seen the box. Her eyes widen and dart back to you. You expect her to say something, she does, just not about the box.
“It’s on the kitchen table.” Her face returns to a relaxed state, almost emotionless.
“Perfect.” Mirroring her behavior you decide maybe you’ll both just pretend that box doesn’t exist. Maybe you’ll just let it eat away at you for years, just like you had done with your feelings for the girl. You follow her out of the closet and bedroom back down the hallway and into the kitchen. 
You both make a plate, grab a water, and sit down at her kitchen table. She sits first and you’re then forced to make the choice between sitting next to her or across from her. You decide on sitting across, hoping she doesn’t judge your choice. It’s quiet for the first few minutes, just the sound of silverware. Jessie keeps her eyes down, looking very interested in the plate of food sitting before her. You knew it was going to be awkward, seeing her in a non-football setting for the first time in so long, you were prepared for the small talk, asking about your family, your friends, the weather, you weren’t prepared for whatever this was. Both of you sitting here thinking about that box brought a whole different level of unexpected discomfort, it was making you itch.
“Your girlfriend doesn’t mind you having a box with another girl's name on it?” Unable to hold it in any longer, you let the question come out, you quickly kick yourself for asking that way, bringing her girlfriend into this conversation. Jessie picks up her head and puts her fork down.
“She’s not my girlfriend anymore.” Choosing the wrong time to take a sip from your glass you choke slightly causing a coughing fit. Jessie just looks at you as you try to calm down. Once you stop coughing she continues muttering the words, “and she actually did mind. A lot.”
Your brain is spinning, you heard her keep talking but your mind kept repeating the words she had spoken “not my girlfriend anymore”.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you split.”  You now feel guilty for bringing up the girl.
“Of course you didn’t, you stopped talking to me, you didn’t get to have the privilege of knowing that we split.” Her tone of voice was shifting, becoming annoyed. Wanting to ask more but also not wanting to pry on a relationship you barely knew about.
“Why didn’t you just get rid of the stuff? If that would’ve made her happy?”
“I don’t know.” She pauses looking down at her hands. “I mean I do, it’s,” she sighs. “To be fair it wasn’t just the box, she had always been a little suspicious of our relationship, I told her the truth, that there’s never been anything between us, we didn’t have a history. And she believed me, I think, at least at the start. But then when you stopped talking to me, she’d catch me watching your games, checking up on you, looking at old photos of us, and she eventually found some clothing of yours that I had put away, along with the notes we used to write each other, the birthday cards, the Polaroids, everything. I wasn’t intentionally hiding but it was out of sight out of mind for me. I didn’t need the constant reminder that I had been dumped by my best friend. She again made the assumption that we had dated, or at least had slept together. She read the letters claiming friends to talk to each other in that manner. That was just the start of the mess.”
Nodding along to her story, you try to show her you’re paying attention, and you were, it was just hard when your mind was drifting to a hundred different thoughts. 
 “And then the rumors started about my transfer. I hadn’t told her about it, I hadn't even mentioned the idea of leaving London. I wasn’t even sure it was going to go through, it was a lot of money for Portland and I was waiting on visas and medical and all that bureaucracy and we got into an argument about it. She accused me of moving for the wrong reasons, she brought up you.” Jessie pauses for a minute as if to collect her thoughts before she continues.
“ I then said some things about you I shouldn’t have said to her and then it was over with her shortly after.” The volume of her voice drops as she rushed her words at the end of her sentence.
“You could’ve just thrown it all out at the start, if that would’ve fixed things with her, I wouldn’t have known.” Your statement is true, you didn’t even know she had kept all those things you wouldn’t have known if she had gotten rid of them.
“It wasn’t that easy, I know we weren’t talking, and like I said we weren’t even friends, but fuck I missed you so much. You were my best friend for nearly 5 years, only to get dropped without a reason and I was mad at you, sure but I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of that box of stuff.”
“There was a reason, I hope you know that.”
“Well you didn't give me a reason, if you just would’ve told me I could’ve fixed it or apologized or something. Instead I just had to sit and run through every decision I had ever made questioning where I went wrong with you, what I did to hurt you.” You can see tears welding in her eyes as she continues to stare at you, despite the tears, her eyes are cold and make you feel tiny under her gaze.
You stayed sitting, staring back at her, having no clue on what to say to her, stuck between wanting to apologize and also wanting to yell back at her. You silence allows her to continue.
“I would’ve done anything to have you back in my life, all you had to do was ask, but it felt like you wanted nothing to do with me. And that fucking hurt.” Her fist comes down hard on the table, it startles you, making you sit back away from where you had been leaning against the table. You cross your arms as you sit back and bow your head to stare down.
“I couldn’t ask.” It comes out quiet, from your mouth almost as if it was an accident.
“I couldn’t ask you to fix it, it wouldn’t have been fair.” Speaking louder you bring your head back up to look at her.
Now it’s her turn to say nothing. She looks from you to where her hands sat on the table. She just waits, giving you the space to give her more information. You know you owe her the explanation, what you don’t expect is the word vomit that comes out once you start.
“I couldn’t ask you to break up with her, I couldn’t tell you I was jealous of her, I couldn’t bring myself to tell you those things, you seemed so happy with her, it wouldn’t have been fair. I had my chance for 4 years before she existed to tell you and I didn’t, but I also couldn’t stand seeing you so happy with her, it tore me apart, I wanted you to be happy and you were. It just sucked that you were happy with someone else. It sucked trying to be a supportive friend, I hated having to hear about your dates, and hearing about your first kiss, and I really hated having to hear all about the first time you two fucked.” The last word coming off with extra emphasis, the memory of her call to you after their night together briefly plays in your mind, only making you more upset.
“I hated it Jessie, but I sat through it for as long as I could because I wanted to be there for you. I wanted to be a good friend to you. I wanted to still be your best friend but I couldn’t and all I wanted was for her to no longer exist. I started to think horrible things about her and your relationship and that’s when I knew I needed to take a step back for my own health. I was no longer being a good friend to you. So I stepped back.” Your voice was loud, you were slightly out of breath barely stopping between words as you yelled across toward her, you’re not sure why you were yelling, you weren’t trying to yell at her. It wasn’t her fault she had found someone to make her happy that wasn’t you. But the past year of frustration had built and built and unfortunately this was the time the wall broke, and here you were practically shouting at Jessie across her own kitchen table.
Jessie doesn’t say anything. She stands up from the table, the sound of her chair scraping the floor was the only noise in an otherwise silent room. Grabbing her own empty plate and then extending her hand she offers to take yours. You pass it to her. She walks them over to the sink, putting them down, running the water over them. You stand up, not wanting to feel like a terrible house guest, you start packing the leftovers back up. You open the fridge door and place them inside. The water shuts off and Jessie puts the plates on a mat to dry. She walks past you, not saying anything as she moves into the living room. You hear the noise of the couch, assuming she has sat down you take a few steps toward the other room. 
She’s sitting on the couch, bent over with her head in her hands. Her thumb is rubbing against her temple and she’s bouncing her knees. Leaning against the doorway you stay quiet, you feel bad for yelling at her, seeing her overwhelmed like this because of you, tugged on your heart. You wanted to rush to her side and hug her but you also knew that would probably be the worst thing you could do. You stayed put, leaned against the wall just watching her. She lets out a large breath and then sits up. 
“I didn’t,” you shake your head, not sure what she’s asking. “Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”
“I know, but you look like you want to, so what? Just say it. Don’t be a coward again.” Her words are harsh, insulting you in a way she hadn’t ever before. To be fair to her you realized you had also never yelled at her before either.
“I’m not a coward.”
“Hiding your feelings for 6 whole years, 5 of those years when we were best friends feels a little cowardly, but that’s just my opinion.” You hadn’t seen Jessie like this often, especially towards you, she was almost being mean, not caring what she said to you or how she was saying it. 
“Fine, what did you say about me to her? Before you broke up, you said that you said stuff to her about me that you shouldn’t have. What did you say?” You can’t help but ask, the question of what she had said had been sitting in your brain since she mentioned it.
When Jessie doesn’t respond right away you push her. “Don’t be a coward.” You mock her tone from earlier using her own words. She rolls her eyes at you.
“She accused me of moving to try and be closer to you, she said I wanted to rekindle our relationship. And by that point I couldn’t take her nagging about you anymore and so I was honest with her. I told her the reason I had kept all of your stuff, the reason I checked up on you, the reason I would look at old photos of us, even though you didn’t care about me anymore. I had to tell her my memories of you were comforting for me.” She looks you in the eyes for a second before looking down at her hands.
“Those memories felt like home, that you felt like home. And I then had to tell her that was something I had never felt with her.”
You’re not sure how to respond, trying to process all of Jessie’s words before saying anything back to her. You move off the wall and sit down on the couch, putting some distance between where you both sat.
“Naturally, admitting having feelings for someone else to your current partner doesn’t go over well so that was the end of that.” She mumbles as you sit down.
“You have feelings for me?” Maybe you had heard her wrong, doubting that this conversation was actually happening. She slowly blinks at you.
“Did they check you for a concussion after the hit?” Her question only confuses you more. 
“Oh my god.” Jessie throws her hands up. “Yes, I have feelings for you. That’s what I just said, I just didn’t really know that they were those kinds of feelings until you stopped talking to me and I realized how important you were and that it felt like I was missing a part of me that no one besides you could fill. And then I had her, and that was fine for a little bit, but she wasn’t you.”
You have half a thought to call her out, call her a coward the way she had to you for hiding her own feelings, but decide against it. 
The silence takes over the room, you’re not sure what to say to her. What do you say to someone you’ve been secretly in love with for 5 years when they finally admit they want you back? Where do you even start to make up for the time you both wasted? Where do you go from this conversation? 
Thankfully you don’t have to figure it out at that moment as both your phone and Jessie’s vibrate and light up, both of you reviving the notification that the Angel City and Orlando game was set to start. 
Jessie looks up from reading the notification, “Do you still want to watch the game? I understand if you don’t, I probably wouldn’t want to stay around someone who called me a coward.” 
“I want to stay, if that’s okay. You can yell at me and call me whatever, but just being around you has really made me realize how much I’ve missed your company. So, I’d like to stay if you’ll let me?” 
“Of course.” She reaches for the remote on her coffee table and points it toward the tv turning it on.
“Can I get that ice pack you offered earlier?” No longer caught up in the intense conversation you feel the pain from your nose starting to return in full force. Jessie tosses the tv remote in your direction and hops up from the couch immediately, rushing to her freezer. She comes back with an ice pack, a bag of frozen veggies, a towel, and a bottle of pain meds. 
“Do you want to just sit and hold it or lay down? I can get you a different pillow. I brought the towel in case the direct ice is too cold. And if you want these.” She gives the bottle of medicine a shake. “I also wasn’t sure if the ice pack would sit nicely on your face so I got this.” She holds out the package of frozen vegetables to you. 
“Yeah that’ll actually probably work best.” You take it from her hand. “Thanks.” You add. She placed the pain meds on the coffee table and leaves to put the other ice pack back in the freezer. You use the remote to find the game, and Jessie returns as they commentators start talking about the starting lineups for each side.
When Jessie sits down you notice she sits a lot closer to you then the two of you had been before. Your hips and thighs are only inches apart. She leans back and puts her feet up onto the table. 
You both sit in what is now a more comfortable silence, watching the game. You both make comments here and there about footwork, ball movement, passes, shots, critiquing and complementing the players. At halftime Jessie stands up, takes the now thawed bag of vegetables from you and brings it back to the freezer. She comes back from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and waters.
When she sits back down, she closes the gap between the two of you. The outside of her leg now resting against the outside of yours. She places the popcorn bowl so that it rests on both of you. Jessie leans back to rest against the back of the couch and you do the same. The game starts back up again, you both focusing your attention back to the tv. 
It only takes 5 minutes into the second half for you to feel Jessie shift in her seat. She’s moving only slightly but being hyper aware that she’s pressed up against you, you can’t help but notice her movements. Your breath catches in your throat as you feel her lean her head over, placing it to rest on your shoulder, leaving her body more forcefully against yours. Your whole body tenses, not wanting to move and disturb her. 
You stay like this for a couple minutes. Deciding you couldn’t let her make all the moves you glance down to see Jessie’s hands resting on top of each of her thighs. You place your own hands in the same position, then move the one closest to her, in her direction. You move just as slow as she had until your pinky finger is hovering just over hers. You slowly let your hand fall on top of hers, she doesn’t pull away, or tell you off. Instead she flips her hand so her palm is now facing up. Eager to finish what you had started you now quickly move your hand, interlocking your fingers with hers. You wait a minute, then let the pad of your thumb gently rub against her thumb.
You stayed in that position, holding her hand, her head resting on your shoulder as the two of you watched the remainder of the game. Wanting more time with Jessie you desperately were hoping for an insane amount of added time, unfortunately only 3 minutes are added and the game is quick to end.
Jessie pulls her head off your shoulder, sitting up with a yawn.
“I should probably get back.” You say, realizing it was nearing 9pm and while you didn’t have a curfew, you still didn’t want to be caught coming back too late by any of your teammates knowing you’d never hear the end of it, especially since they knew you were at Jessie's.
“Right.” Jessie stands up from the couch and flips a light on. The sun had gone down as you watched the game and the two of you were in the dark without the light from the tv. She holds her hand out to you, you take it and stand up. You quickly pull out your phone and order an Uber, thankful you were in a larger city and your ride would be here in less than 5 minutes. You move toward the door, bending down to slip your shoes on before standing up facing Jessie. 
“It feels weird to say that I had a really good time tonight with all the yelling that happened, but I did. I had a really good time with you Jessie.” You smile at her.
“I had a good time too, this was nice. I’ve missed you.” She replies to you. She holds her arms out to you, offering a hug. You take a step toward her, leaning in to wrap your arms around her waist as she places hers on your shoulders. You stay hugging, longer than a normal friend’s goodbye hug would be. You both release the hold on each other but you don’t move back from her. You stay face to face, your eyes staring back at her brown ones. 
Much to your surprise Jessie is the one who makes the move. One of her hands comes up to your cheek, her fingers are warm and soft on your skin. Her eyes break contact with yours dropping to your lips quickly and then back up. She starts to lean in but stops just moments before your lips would connect.
“Is this okay?” Her voice is barely audible, quieter than a whisper. 
“Yes.” Before you have a second to think about kissing her it’s already happening. It’s a gentle kiss, her lips just placed on top of yours. She starts to pull away a second later, but you let your head chase her lips, giving her a bit more forceful of a kiss. In doing so, you bump your nose against hers causing you to pull back quickly from her, hand coming to clutch your nose.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I forgot about your nose.” Jessie’s eyes are wide as her hand comes to rest on the forearm of the hand holding your face.
“It’s okay Jess, that was my fault, I forgot too for a second.” You wipe your hand under your nose and look down at your fingers making sure you’re not bleeding again. “It’s not crooked or anything right?”
“No, but those black eyes are starting to come in.” Her eyes dart between both of yours. You both let out a small laugh and then are left in silence.
“I’d like to take you out sometime, on a proper date, if you’d want that?” You look at her hopeful she’ll want to continue whatever the two of you started.
“I do, I want that.” She smiles back at you, you let out a sigh of relief. 
“Okay.” You can’t help but smile big back at her.
“Okay.” She just repeats your words.
“I should be going.” You repeat your words from earlier, you knew you had to go, you just didn’t want to.
Jessie moves her hand from your forearm up to your face to grab your chin. You think for a second she’s going to kiss you again but then she’s pushing your head away from her and to the side. She moves in and places her lips on your cheek. 
“Once your nose is healed you can have more on the lips.”  She says teasingly. The gentle gesture has you blushing more than the kisses to your lips did. She releases your face and you see her eyes look at your cheeks, the blush growing. You turn quickly facing the door, grabbing the handle and stepping out. 
“Goodnight Jessie.” 
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solarmorrigan · 6 months
hallo! I saw the angsty prompt list thing, and the “don’t trust me.” One kind of stood out to me. You don’t have to write it, but you’re one of my favorite writers on here so I thought it might be cool :)
Hullo! So I did fill this prompt once already, but I'd had a bunch of ideas for it and I was in the mood for something a little softer, so I did another! Thanks for giving me the opening to write it (and for the compliment, you're so kind?? 😭)
[General warning for mention of Steve's shitty parents and their generally shitty parenting technique]
Angsty-ish Prompt List
“Why am I the one doing this?” Steve grouses, straining slightly as he struggles with the full box on the top shelf. “Instead of, y’know, you?”
“You’re stronger than me,” Eddie replies readily.
“Bullshit, I’ve seen you lugging amps and shit around during your shows,” Steve shoots back, grumbling as he works the box free from the high shelf.
“You got me.” Eddie grins, though Steve’s back is turned to him. “I just like watching you work, sweetheart.”
From the depths of the storage closet, Steve gives an audible snort of laughter, but he also stops arguing. Then, with a little noise of triumph, Steve finally manages to tug the box free, holding it aloft long enough to back out of the closet and then heaving it down onto the floor, where it lands in a clatter of plastic and jingling bells.
“Excellent.” Eddie falls upon the box, rubbing his hands together in anticipation before tugging at the tucked flaps. “There’s one more box, would you mind? It’s on the floor; long rectangle.”
“You said there was one box,” Steve says, eyes narrowed.
“Whoops, miscounted,” Eddie says breezily, smiling up at Steve with as much innocence as he can muster. “You know how bad I am at all that academic shit.”
“Says the guy who plays a math game for fun,” Steve drawls.
For the sake of time, Eddie leaves the bait where it is, instead batting his eyelashes up at Steve. “Pretty please, pretty boy? It’s definitely the last one.”
Steve holds out for exactly five more seconds before retreating into the closet with a roll of his eyes. “If you suddenly remember one more after this, I’m suddenly gonna remember something I have to do back at my house and leave you to do all the decorating on your own,” he calls back, muffled from behind the coats Eddie can hear him shoving aside to find the last box.
Eddie’s at least eighty percent sure he’s bluffing, but it’s no matter – he hadn’t been lying. Most of what he needs is in the box in front of him: strands of garland, wrapped tangles of lights, and the same ugly pinecone wreath with the world’s most annoying string of jingle bells attached that Wayne’s been hanging since Eddie was a kid. Everything else—the ornaments, more lights, and, of course, the tree—is in the hefty, rectangular box Steve is currently hauling out into the entryway.
Normally, Wayne would be there to help, but his and Eddie’s work schedules have fallen out of sync in the hectic holiday rush of extra shifts; if one has the day off, the other is too tired by the time they get home to entertain anything as energy-consuming as getting up on a ladder to hang lights. Eddie and Steve, however (somehow; miraculously), share at least one day off a week, which has seen Steve recruited as Eddie’s backup decorating partner.
“That it?” Steve breathes as releases the box and stands straight, tugging his sweater down from where it’s ridden up (Eddie can’t believe he’s dating someone who unironically wears ugly Christmas sweaters. He can’t believe Steve makes them look good).
“That’s it,” Eddie promises. He plucks two balled-up strings of lights from the box in front of him and stands up, one under each arm. “So here’s what I’m thinking: I’ll get started on the outside, while you,” Eddie puts a boot to the tree box and shoves it towards Steve with a grunt; even across the laminate flooring it doesn’t slide easy, practically cocooned in layers of packing tape from so many years of opening and resealing, “get the tree going.”
Already halfway wrapped up in how he’s going to string the lights (he’d always loved decorating the outside of the trailer, and now he gets to figure out a new configuration for the tiny porch on his and Wayne’s equally tiny new house; it ain’t much, as they say, but it’s home – or, at least, it’s starting to feel like it), Eddie nearly misses the look of confusion that crosses Steve’s face.
“Uh… how do you want it set up?” Steve asks.
Eddie cocks an eyebrow at him. “Stand goes on the floor, pointy end goes up. I have faith in you, Steve.”
Steve rolls his eyes again, but with his frown in place he looks like he might actually be irritated. “I mean, you have to tell me how you want it, like, decorated and shit. Where it’s supposed to go, that sort of thing.”
“I’m pretty sure you’ve decorated a tree before, man,” Eddie says. “I know I saw one at your house last time I was there.”
“Yeah, but that’s my house. This is yours. You have to tell me how you want it,” Steve says.
Once again for the sake of time, Eddie leaves the obvious opening for a joke where it lies. “Steve, it’s – y’know, lights, garland, ornaments, it’s not rocket science. I trust you to do a good job.”
“No, don’t trust me, just tell me how you want it decorated,” Steve insists. “If you don’t tell me, I’m going to do it wrong.”
“It’s… a Christmas tree, sweetheart,” Eddie says slowly. “You can’t do it wrong.”
“Oh, I assure you, I can,” Steve says with a laugh. “Seriously, like – people are super particular about how their trees are set up, I think. My mom always has been. I remember when I was, like, ten, she and my dad had been away for a while, and we were coming up on Christmas pretty fast, and none of the decorations were up, so I figured I’d at least put the tree up. Surprise them when they got home, right? Except my mom lost her shit when they got home and saw it.”
“Noooot in a good way, I take it,” Eddie hazards.
“Nah, I did it all wrong. The tinsel wasn’t spread out right, and there’s only supposed to be a certain number of ornaments on each branch, and she wanted the angel on top, not the star, so she made me take the whole thing down.” Steve shrugs. “So, seriously, even if you don’t think you have a certain way you want it done, I’ll probably manage to find the exact way you don’t want it, so you should just tell me.”
“Steve, I promise, that tree is, like, older than I am; you can’t make it worse. As long as you don’t set it on fire, I’ll be happy with it,” Eddie says.
“That’s not–” Steve cuts himself off, running one hand through his hair with a strained little laugh. “I don’t understand why you won’t just tell me how you want it done.”
Eddie shakes his head, dropping the bundles of lights back into their box; he hates when this happens – hates when he stumbles over some mundane thing that Steve’s parents have fucked up for him that Eddie only manages to poke like a kid with a sharp stick at a beehive because he didn’t even realize it could be an issue. Who the fuck gives their kid a complex over how the Christmas tree is decorated? Who does that?
(Then again, Eddie’s pretty sure it’s about more than just their expectations for the tree.)
“Okay, I need you to listen to me,” Eddie says, voice firm but hands gentle as he reaches for Steve’s own. “I swear I’m not trying to set you up for failure. I’m really not. The tree isn’t supposed to look perfect. It’s supposed to be kinda crooked and covered in dumb ornaments you can’t even remember the stories behind and only have, like, half a string of popcorn around it because you ate most of it when your uncle wasn’t looking and didn’t leave enough for the tree.”
Steve stares at him, brows furrowed, like he’s trying to piece what Eddie’s telling him into what he already knows about the world, like he needs both things to be true, even though they don’t fit together.
“Actually…” Eddie says slowly, deciding that it may be best to change tack, “come to think of it, there’s one thing about decorating the tree that I should’ve told you. Most important thing, really. Can’t believe I forgot.”
“What?” Steve asks, halfway between wary and eager for the instruction.
“You’re supposed to do it together. That’s what makes it good.” Eddie lets go of one of Steve’s hands to smack the heel of his own to the side of his forehead. “Duh. Silly me.”
Steve shakes his head, letting it hang forward with a little huff of a laugh as some of the tension leeches from his shoulders. “You’re such a dork, do you know that?”
“Mhm,” Eddie hums, grabbing Steve by the front of that stupid, ugly sweater (it has reindeer on it, how does it not look awful on him?) and pulling him up for a quick kiss. “So how about you help me do the outside lights, and then we’ll come back inside and do the tree together?”
One last flicker of uncertainty crosses Steve’s face. “What about Wayne?”
A flutter of fondness rolls through Eddie’s chest, the same as it always does when Steve doesn’t just consider Eddie, but the things and people important to him. “His favorite part is stringing the popcorn. We can do that when he gets home.”
“Oh.” Steve nods, as though he is considering this very seriously, then smirks at Eddie. “Should we make some to eat before he gets back, so you leave enough for the tree?”
Eddie smacks him on the shoulder, holding back a laugh. “Alright, Harrington, just for that, you’re the one untangling the lights.”
“What, like it’s a punishment?” Steve asks. “I’m great at untangling Christmas lights.”
“Oh, baby,” Eddie presses a hand to his heart and pretends to swoon over the box of decorations, “when you say things like that, it makes me want to keep you forever.”
And Steve’s answering grin at that is far brighter than anything they’re going to decorate with today, Eddie is certain.
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repulsiveliquidation · 7 months
Angel in the House
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Ona Batlle x Reader, Part 2.5 of [She's going to be okay.] [La Princesa] [Royalty]
Fluff, just fluff. Okay as I was writing the angsty writer in me came out and there is a little. Whoops.
Word count : 4.2k
“I’ll get her darling, you go back to bed.”
You climb out of bed and walk over to the cot that has a crying La Princesa. It’s two thirty in the morning, Eliana having woken the both of you up three time prior. Being a six-month-old wasn’t easy, she gave both her parents a run for their money.
“What’s wrong my girl?” you ask her quietly, picking her up gently. She’s fussing, you check her diaper but it’s clean. You quickly realize that she’s probably hungry, having been fed a few hours ago. You sigh, kissing Eliana on the forehead softly. You’re going to need to wake Ona, you had hoped you didn’t need to and she could sleep. She had bags under her eyes like you did but you had promised to take the night shifts since she was still on break from football and was home with Eliana the whole day. You slowly walk back over to the bed, rocking the still fussing Eliana.
“She’s hungry, hermosa. Can you feed her?”
Ona sits up and rubs her eyes. She looks extremely tired, you feel bad for having to wake her. She nods and silently pulls her (your) hoodie off and slips her bra off her shoulder. You hand her Eliana and she begins to feed her. You walk back around the bed and climb back in, gently sitting behind Ona and maneuvering her between your legs. You look down over her shoulder and admire Eliana, her soft nursing sounds bringing joy to both of your hearts. You kiss Ona’s ear as she leans back into your chest, your arms wrapping around her and holding Eliana too.
“Thank you, darling.” You whisper into her ear; she looks back and smiles, leaning in to kiss your lips softly. “She is perfect, ¿Sí?” Ona asks, hand coming up to stroke Eliana’s cheek softly.
“She is so, so perfect. Just like her Mama.”
Eliana unlatches with a soft pop; you move out from behind them to take her. She burps but spits up all over you, earning a soft scold and a kiss to her tiny nose. You bounce her in your arms for what seems like hours until eventually she does fall asleep. You lay her back in the crib and pull your shirt off, climbing back into bed where Ona seems to have abandoned her shirt too. She wakes up with a start when she feels your side of the bed dip, turning around and facing you. You smile and pull her into your arms, she smiles softly and kisses your chin.
“I’ve got the day off tomorrow.” You tell her softly, she looks up with a surprised look.
“Since when?”
“Since I asked Jonatan at training yesterday.”
“And just when were you going to tell me?”
“In the morning when you yelled at me for being late.”
She chuckles and playfully punches your chest, giggling into it when you lean in kiss her forehead.
“If you’re up to it, I thought maybe we could have a family day out. Maybe drive up to Vilassar de Mar to see Mum and Dad?”
“I’d love that.”
“Good because I called and told them we were coming. Mum’s cooking your favorite.”
“Y/N, we’re going to be late!”
“Babe, it’s a half hour drive. We’re not going to be late!”
“You will be when I leave without you!”
You walk out of the bedroom with Eliana’s diaper bag that you’ve triple checked. She’s fast asleep in her mother’s arms, gripping her shirt oh so cutely. You walk over to Ona and kiss her lips softly, before kissing Eliana too so she didn’t feel left out.
All buckled up in the car, you began the drive to Ona’s hometown. She sat in the back with Eliana, softly singing along to the radio. It was a beautiful sunny day in Barcelona, you wondered if everyone would be inclined to go down to the beach for a bit.
"¡Hija, te he extrañado!"
"¡Hola mamá, yo también te he extrañado!"
“Y/N! My darlings, come in, come in!”
Ona’s mother was quick to take Eliana out of your hands as she cooed softly at her. You walked in with Ona, hand on the small of her back. She sat in the living room with a loud sigh, leaning her head back. You stood in front of her, eyes full of concern.
“Everything okay?”
“Yes, it’s just, we can finally rest if mamá watches Eli for the day.”
“I think she would love nothing more, darling.”
You both look over at her mother, smiling when she tries to get Eli to smile. It’s heartwarming, a memory that both of you will treasure. Just as her mother pulls another funny face, Ona’s father and brother walk in, loudly greeting you both. Joan pulls you in for a tight hug, scolding you for not bringing his niece over more. Her father joins his wife, efforts doubling to try and make Eli smile. She’s an easy-going baby, she loves the attention she gets from all the people who love her dearly.
Eli is left with her abuelo as you and Ona go into the kitchen to help bring the food out. The patio had a long table set up, the warm Barcelona sun beating down on your necks. Food in Spain was a love language, you all ate and ate until you couldn’t anymore. Ona dipped inside to feed Eli, coming back twenty minutes later with a happy baby swaddled comfortably against her mothers’ chest.
“Can you take her bebé, she’s fussing again.” Ona asks as everyone sits inside to enjoy the A/C. A habit that clearly developed when Eli was in the womb was the fact that she calmed almost immediately when she heard your voice. No one else could calm the fussy baby better than sweet words from you. Her eyes were wide and attentive when she heard you talking, a little inkling of a smile etched on her face.
“Hola, guapa, you’re giving Mama a hard time huh? Mummy’s got you, you’re such a fussy girl today. You’re just feeling gassy aren’t you, you cheeky monkey? Aren’t you?”
Eli giggled and cooed softly, eyes wide like she always had. You lean back into the couch holding her, softly whispering sweet nothings to your daughter. Her eyes start to feel heavy as she falls asleep on your chest. Ona records the whole interaction, excited to send it to the girls immediately after.
Ona moves and sits beside you, smiling down at the two of you. Her heart fills with love, proud of how far the journey of starting a family had taken both of you. There were many failed attempts at getting pregnant at the start; her body not accepting the first few implants. When she got the call in the changing room that day, she was more scared than anything. You both hadn’t gotten this far before and it terrified her. Every day she hoped and prayed that it would work and there would be no complications till that night in the emergency room where she feared the worst. Now, as she sat her in her parents’ house with her child in your arms and you beaming down at her fondly; she knew that it was all worth it.
“I can hear you thinking.”
Your voice pulls her out of her thoughts as she simply leans in and kisses you. Its chaste, the kind of kiss that has relief laced into it.
“Sorry, just thinking about how far we’ve come. As a couple and as parents.”
“I would do it all over again baby, as long as it’s with you.”
“You’re getting soft.”
“For the two of you? I don’t mind it one bit.”
The both of you were cuddling on the couch, Eliana on your chest as she took her afternoon nap. Everyone had decided to do the same, everyone in a little corner to themselves to indulge in a food-induced coma. Ona was patting Eliana’s back softly, head tucked into your neck. This was your favorite part of your day, when you came home from training to join your girls on the couch as they were usually napping when you got home. You kissed Ona’s forehead softly, leaving a lingering kiss there before pulling back.
“Mamá has agreed to watch Eli for a few hours.”
“What for?”
“I’m taking you out on a date.”
“I don’t have anything to wear; bebita, I’m in sweatpants!”
“You’ve never looked more beautiful, mi amor. We leave at 5, hm? Let’s take a family nap now.”
She did in fact change; she wouldn’t be caught dead on a date in sweats. You tried to convince her that she looks gorgeous even in sweatpants but she just gave you an annoyed look and whisked herself upstairs to rummage in her childhood bedroom for something to change into.
Her parents were more than happy to watch Eli; beaming proudly at her as we left for our date. Ona was being the worried one, telling her parents to call even if she sneezed.
“Babe, she’s in good hands.”
“Yes, but they aren’t my hands and it’s making me nervous.”
“Your parents are wonderful with babies; they raised you and Joan, no?”
“I suppose, we just haven’t left her without us before.”
“We won’t be out too long then, we can get home early and cuddle after, how’s that sound?”
“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you too. C’mon, I wanna spoil my girl.”
You parked the car right up front of the very first restaurant you and Ona went to on a date. It was a little family-owned Spanish place, she had insisted you try it and she took you. Midway through dinner, you asked if this was her way of taking you out on a date. She almost spat out her wine, coughing loudly as she tried to recover from your question. Red as a beet she answered, “Only if you wanted it to be,” to which you replied “I was hoping so.” You had insisted on dessert later on, after sharing a flan you both went back home with smitten smiles on your faces and sweet texts that never stopped. You made it official at training two weeks later, having gone on about 6 dates, by grabbing her face and kissing her in front of everyone when they were teasing.
“There, she’s my girlfriend alright! Happy now?”
“She sure as hell is.”
“Reservation for L/N?”
“Ah, yes! Buenas noches! Right this way.”
“Allow me, my darling.” You say, pulling her chair out as she walks in behind you.
"Gracias, bebé.”
Looking over the menu, the restaurant was still packed for a Wednesday. You were sat in a quiet corner, away from the hustle and the bustle. You start with a house wine, smiling softly when Ona grins widely, excited for your date.
“You remembered.”
“Of course, how could I forget? You took me out on our first date here. Although I didn’t know that I was on a date at the time. Until I asked.”
“I was nervous you would say no so I was okay with us just going to dinner as friends.”
“I’m glad you didn’t ask, darling.”
You order your food and the night goes smoothly. The food was as good as you remember, Ona laughing when you reminisce about her little wine accident the first time you were here. You both felt refreshed by dessert, needing some time to yourselves to recuperate and be the best for Eliana.
In the car, Ona has her hand laced in yours in her lap. Her thumb brushes across your knuckles softly, the lights of Vilassar de Mar beaming across your faces as you drove back to her parents’ house.
“Hola, guapas. Feeling refreshed?” her mother greeted as walked in the front door. Eliana was sleeping in her grandfather’s arms, as his eyes too were feeling heavy.
“Yes, mamá. It was perfect. Was Eli good?”
“She was an angel. Come on, I’ll pack you some leftovers to take home.”
Ona and Eli were both fast asleep in the backseat on the drive home. The streets were quiet; not a soul in sight this late. You got home and quietly brought all the gifts Eli got into the house before waking Ona. Her face was squished into the side of Eli’s carrier, finger resting on her small cheek.
“Darling, we’re home.”
“Already? Hm, I really fell asleep.”
“Yes come on, wanna get my girls into bed. We’ve had a long day.”
“I’ll get her, c’mere.”
You pull Eli’s carrier out of the car and help Ona, holding her hand and walking into the house softly. Eli sleeps like the dead, not even making a sound when the door slams a little.
“Sorry, Pequeño. I’ll get her to bed, darling. You go wash up.”
“Are you sure? I can take her.”
“Go, mi vida. I got her.”
When you use Spanish despite being English, Ona’s stomach does backflips. Just hearing you willing to use her native tongue makes her heart swoon. She melts when you use affectionate terms you made the girls teach you, your pronunciation improving over the years of being together. She listens to you, heading towards the bathroom to wash up. She decides on a little bath, hoping that you’ll catch her in here and join her. You do, smiling at the sight of her with her hair up in a messy bun, goddess-like body hidden by lavender-scented bubbles. Your clothes join hers on the floor, turning the lights down and lighting a candle before climbing into the perfectly hot water behind her. She melts into your arms, sighing softly as your hands caress her legs and torso. She’s had a rough couple months since having Eliana. Her once athletic body slowly going back to normal. She knew she’d probably never go back to her previous look but she was relieved that she had someone like you in her corner to remind her of how beautiful she looked despite the stretch marks and other imperfections. You had stood in front of a mirror with her and kissed it all, leaving her blushing and more confident than before. You loved her then and now, every mark a lasting impression and constant reminder of the bundle of joy sleeping in the other room.
“You’re the best.” She says quietly, reaching for your hands to hold around her. She sighs loudly, leaning into your arms again.
“You deserve the best, querida.”
You both sit in the warm water till it goes cold; Ona and you just made out in the bath, the calming scent of lavender from the water and eucalyptus from the candle made it the perfect wind down. Eliana didn’t wake up at all, clearly the day out with her grandparents made her tired. Drying off, you stand there and watch her; eyes filled with fondness for her. She gets self-conscious, shyly wrapping the towel around herself and walking out into the room before you could say anything.
“Hey, don’t run from me!”
By the time you get into the room, she’s got on the biggest hoodie she’s got and is pulling on sweatpants.
“Doll, it’s 30 degrees in here. You’re trying to cook yourself.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not, don’t lie to me. Talk to me, beautiful.”
“I’m not.”
You step closer to her, having pulled on a pair of shorts and a sports bra yourself. 
“I’m not beautiful. Not right now.”
“What do you mean, cariño? Of course, you’re beautiful.”
She runs back into the bathroom and locks herself in. You stand there shocked, not knowing what you did or said to set her off. You knew she was struggling mentally too and you had tried your best to be there for her and make sure she knew she was loved, clearly you hadn’t been doing enough. Eliana had woken up to the yelling, you walked over and picked her up, cradling her gently.
“Shh, little girl. Mama’s just a little upset, hm? She’ll be okay, she’s just a little overwhelmed. I need you to go back to sleep so I can check on her, deal?” Eliana settles almost immediately, going back to sleep just as you lower her back into the crib. You walk over to the bathroom and knock on the door softly. You can hear Ona crying, it breaks your heart.
“Please go away.”
“Don’t shut me out, my love.”
“I can’t do this.”
“There’s more to it than you’re telling me, angel. Let me in and let me help you, gorgeous.”
“Why do you love me?”
Her question takes you aback; you just had a wonderful day with family and a perfect date with the most perfect woman (in your humble opinion) and now that same woman is asking you why you love her.
“There are many reasons why I love you, darling. We’d be here for years if you wanted to hear all of them.”
“I’m not who I used to be.”
“I think you mean your body isn’t, my darling. You’re still the same beautiful, funny, gorgeous, smart, masterful fullback that I fell in love with. You’re still the girl who took me on a date that I wasn’t aware of, the girl who beamed for days when I asked you on a date two days later, the girl who gave me the most beautiful daughter in the world. But I also love the broken girl behind this door and I want to be the one to glue you back together darling. I want to find every crack and fix it.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“I don’t deserve you, my sweet. You’re the best, I can only try to be the same for you.”
“It’s open.”
She almost whispers it and you rush in seeing her sitting in the middle. She begins to cry again when you stand there and look her. The tear stains and the wet t-shirt tell you she was really crying hard. You sigh softly and pick her up, carrying her back to bed. You undress her and put her into more appropriate clothes. She stands there and lets you, tears still running down her cheeks. You cup her face and wipe them away, kissing her nose softly.
“I love you. I’m sorry I don’t remind you enough every day. You are so beautiful, so kind, so loving. You’re such a wonderful mother to Eliana, she loves you very much babe.”
“I love you too. Thank you, it means a lot coming from you. I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
You climb into bed with her, holding her close as the only sounds in the room lull you both to sleep; the fan runs softly as the A/C kicks on and off. She pulls herself onto you, face tucked into your neck.
Just as your eyes begin to close she says, “I’ve been having these annoying thoughts for a while. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to worry you. I was wrong, I should have told you. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.”
“I’ll be all ears, cariño.”
The sun poured into the room like a flood. There was just a sliver in the curtains but it lit up the room. Ona was draped over you, your arm around her shoulder as she slept the whole night. Eliana woke up several times but Ona slept through the night. You didn’t mind, she deserved it after the weight on her shoulders was lifted.
“Hola, little one. How about we make Mama some breakfast in bed? She deserves a little more pampering before Mummy has to go to training today, what say you?”
Eliana just smiled, as you pulled her into a swaddle. She bounced happily as you cooked, making tortilla de patatas the best you could. You could cook very well but Ona was better at Spanish food than you were. Ona was already awake when you walked into the room with her plate and a cup of coffee, smiling softly when she saw you both.
“Good morning, my love.”
“Good morning, mis chicas.”
“Here’s breakfast, I’ll bring my plate, give me two seconds.”
You walk back to the kitchen and bring your own plate back to bed. Ona sips on her coffee, sighing when it’s exactly how she liked it. You smile and sit back into bed, leaning against the headboard with Eliana still against your chest. She’s fallen back asleep, drooling all over your chest. You both eat in comfortable silence, sunny Barcelona shining throughout the room.
“This is good, you’ve become better at Spanish food.”
“High praise from the Queen! Means a lot babe, it just never comes out the way it does when you do it.”
“It’s delicious, I love it. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
She takes Eli off you, you bring the dishes to the kitchen and clean up quickly. When you walk back into the room, Ona’s feeding Eli and you snap a quick picture. It melts your heart, seeing both your girls having a good start to their day.
“Do you wanna talk about last night?” you ask her as you walk back towards them. She smiles sadly when you sit back in bed with her. She nods softly, eyes looking up at you with pain she knows only you can tell is there.
“I don’t know what happened. When we had Eli, I was so excited. We had been trying for so long, then we finally got pregnant, and then we had the complication and it’s just been so much. I thought it was just a phase, the doctors did talk about PPD but I didn’t think it would be this way.”
“Well, we know now. We can talk to the Barça doctors, they’ll know what we can do to help you. Help us.”
She simply nods, leaning in for a kiss. You oblige her, cupping her cheek softly and kissing her softly. She physically melts into your touch, smiling wide against your lips.
“How about we all go hang out at the pitch for the day? We don’t have a game till Sunday, I’m sure Jonatan won’t mind. The girls certainly won’t. We can talk to the team psychologists when I’m done.”
She nods, her signature wide smile plastered on her face.
“Now, how about we put the little one down for a nap and we take a nice hot shower together?”
“You’re going to get soap in my eyes, Y/N!”
“I won’t if you stood still, Pequeño.”
“Just because I’m 3 inches shorter does not give you license to make fun of me.”
You just kiss the side of her head and smile, going back to scrubbing her scalp. You step out of the shower 20 minutes later, both hair washed and bodies scrubbed clean. Once you’ve dressed and not forgotten your kit bag, the whole family drives over to the training center. You walk in with Eliana in your arms, Ona walking behind you with her carrier and diaper bag. You purposely didn’t tell the girls that the both of them were coming, wanting to surprise them with the special guest for the day.
“Nena!” Alexia exclaims when you both walk in, rushing over and taking her from your arms.
“Hello to you too, Ale. I’m doing well, thanks so much for asking.”
“Sí, whatever. How are you, mi vida? Tia Alexia has missed you so much, yes she has!” Alexia coos as the girls surround her. You and Ona can only smile and shake your heads, snapping a few photos to post later on.
“Alexia has become soft since we had Princesa.”
“Don’t make me force you to run laps, Y/N/N.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Watch me. Your mummy thinks she’s funny doesn’t she, cariño?”
“Turning my own child against me Ale, that’s low, even for you.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, I know I’m her favorite.”
Ingrid and Mapi walked in later on and had Eliana in their arms in an instant much to Alexia’s displeasure. Mapi was making silly faces with Ona and got Eliana giggling when Ingrid suddenly pulled herself away and walked over to where you were sitting and getting your boots on.
“How is she, elskling?”
“What?” you say, in the back of your head knowing that she isn’t talking about Eliana.
“How is Ona? Is she okay?”
You look at her like she’s got three heads. Ingrid is known to be the more observant one but you didn’t think she would be able to tell that Ona had a rough day. You certainly missed it.
“How did you know?”
“I had a feeling.”
“And yet I missed it.”
“Hey, it’s all part of life. You can’t get everything right.”
“She’s okay but we’re going to see the psych later.”
“That’s good. How about we have a little dinner tonight? I know Mapi would love to have kjære over.”
“I think that’s what she needs, Ingrid. She needs her family.”
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andreafmn · 5 months
12 Days of Ficmas ❅ Day 7
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Word Count: 3.8K Paring: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader Prompt: n/a Warnings: mentions of death and terminal illness
Summary: Grief can be a powerful thing. And that is something both (Y/N) and Wanda can attest to. The only difference in their experience? They are from two very different universes.
A/N: whoops, another very sad and angsty with a slight happy ending... can't believe this Christmas has been more gloomy than fluffy
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The mind has always been a very powerful thing. It’s easy to become trapped in the illusions and delusions the brain feeds you, especially in moments of grief. And Wanda knew grief. She knew it like the back of her hand. It had been engrained into the very fabric of her being from a young age. It was the unwanted companion she carried through her life. The kind of parasite that consumed your being until there was nothing left. 
Yet, she also knew power. 
She knew there was meant to be a balance in the universe. That certain spells and incantations could not be done without creating a shift in the paradigm. But there was no way she could go on without even trying. Not anymore.
“Momma! Momma! Wake up!” 
(Y/N) could feel her bed shake as she attempted to keep her eyes shut. The exhaustion of the past few months had caught up to her, and all she wanted was to rest. But she knew her kids would not stop until she left that bed and followed them to the Christmas tree, even if there was nothing harder than going through the holiday without her wife. 
“Momma,” Tommy groaned as he pushed her arm. “We know you’re awake.” 
“Yeah,” Billy chuckled. “Your eyelids are moving.” 
“Mmm, guys,” the woman whined. “I thought we were sleeping in this Christmas. You know momma’s tired.” 
“But we did sleep in. It’s 10 o’clock!” 
“Okay, boys,” she sighed, finally opening her eyes to see her twin boys towering over her with gleaming smiles on their faces. “Can I at least get a morning hug first?” 
The boys giggled as they jumped on their mother, wrapping their little arms around her body. And it made everything she was going through worth it. She kissed the top of their heads and held them as close as she could. They were a part of the one thing that was missing that morning, but she knew she had to remain strong, at least for them. 
“I love you boys so much,” she said into their hair. “You’re my entire world.” 
(Y/N) got up from her bed, covered her pjs with her wife’s red robe, and followed her kids down the stairs. But where the boys wanted to rush into the living room, she walked to the kitchen. “You know we have to have breakfast first,” she called out with a chuckle. “But we’ll have a quick one since it’s already so late.” 
“Pancakes!” the boys chorused in a sing-song voice. “We want pancakes!” 
“Pancakes it is,” she laughed. “Tommy, you get the plates. And, Billy, you get the whipped cream and the syrup.” 
The kids did their tasks as (Y/N) made pancake after pancake, making a small stack for the three of them to enjoy. She could feel sadness try to creep into her head, clawing its way to the forefront of her mind as she saw her sons happily setting the table for three rather than four that time. But even as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, she knew she had to be strong. At least for one more day, she had to be strong. 
Holding a stack of pancakes in one hand and a plate of bacon in the other, (Y/N) made her way to the dining table. She set the food in the center before filling the kids' plates with their requests—two pancakes with bacon mouths and chocolate chip eyes for Billy and a stack of three pancakes doused in syrup with three slices of bacon on top for Tommy. She even attempted to make the perfect whipped cream swirl on both of their plates, but, as they always reminded her all but that one morning, it was never as good as Mommy Wanda’s. 
But before they could delve into their meal, a knock at the door startled them. They weren’t expecting anyone. Especially not that very Christmas morning. Yet, at their front door stood someone they could have never imagined would appear. 
“Who’s at the door, momma?” Billy asked curiously. “Were you expecting someone?” 
“Mm, not precisely,” she answered. “Should we go see who it is?” 
“Yes!” the boys exclaimed as they jumped from their chairs. 
They followed their mother eagerly to the door, holding onto her legs just in case it was someone they didn’t know. But their little hearts had one wish —the only thing that could make their Christmas morning perfect. As (Y/N) turned the locks and then the doorknob, they held their breaths and they wished. 
“Wanda,” (Y/N) found herself saying, but she wasn’t sure the sound had come from her throat. The cold morning air told her that she was awake and that the person standing before her was truly there. “Wanda.”
As she repeated the woman’s name under her breath, Billy and Tommy let out a gleeful yell of “Mommy!” before leaving their safe space from behind (Y/N) and running to embrace their other mother. The redhead welcomed them with open arms, kneeling on the ground to meet their heights. She wrapped them in a tight hug, breathing in their scent as though it was the very first time. She reveled in their warmth and their laugh as she committed to memory their small arms around her. 
“You’re home, Mommy,” Billy sighed. 
“Now Christmas is perfect,” Tommy added. 
And all (Y/N) could do was stare at the scene unfolding before her. She watched as tears formed in her wife’s green eyes, watched as her boys hugged her like it was the first time they had seen their mother. And, in a sense, it was. 
“(Y/N),” Wanda smiled as she finally stood after leaving their sons’ embrace. She cradled her face and kissed the woman’s lips tenderly, feeding her breaths of love and affection they had both missed for a very long time. “It’s so good to be home.” 
“It’s good to have you home,” the woman responded as though breaking out of a trance. “Come inside. Come inside. You must be freezing out there.” 
“I can’t believe you’re here, Mom,” Billy smiled. “We thought you wouldn’t be able to make it in time.” 
“But we did wish really hard for it,” Tommy added with a nod. “It was even on our Christmas list.” 
“Well, it looks like all that wishing paid off,” Wanda beamed as she cradled their faces. “I’m here now, and we’re gonna have the best Christmas ever!” 
“Yeah!” the boys unisoned before Tommy said, “We’re having breakfast right now. Do you want pancakes, mommy?” 
“Not right now, baby,” she said as she smoothed down his hair. “Mommy’s tummy is not feeling very good right now.” 
“How about you guys finish up your pancakes while I make mommy some coffee?” (Y/N) said with a smile. “The faster we finish eating, the faster we can get to open presents.” 
The boys didn’t need to be told twice as they sped back to the dining table to gobble their breakfast down. Meanwhile, Wanda followed (Y/N) into the kitchen and accepted gracefully the steaming mug of coffee she handed her. The liquid burned the woman’s throat comfortingly, filling her mouth with a taste she had missed. Maybe it was the coffee, or maybe it was the fact that she was finally surrounded by family, but it was the best cup she had ever drank. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were discharged?” (Y/N) whispered. “I could have picked you up from the hospital.”
“Oh, well, I wanted to surprise you and the boys,” Wanda smiled softly. “With it being Christmas and all, I didn’t want to inconvenience you.” 
“Just knowing that you’re out of the hospital is enough for me, darling. You could never be an inconvenience,” she said as she took Wanda’s free hand. But she noticed something missing from it, something she would have never taken off. “Where’s your ring, babe? I could have sworn you still had it on yesterday.” 
The redhead inspected her hand, rapidly noticing the lack of jewelry. But with no real reason, she had to scramble for an answer. “Oh, I don’t know,” she worried. “I could have sworn I had it on when I left this morning. Maybe I left it at the hospital.” 
“We’ll call later then. I don’t think the kids will care much that mom lost her ring when they’re ready to open presents,” (Y/N) chuckled as she pointed to Tommy’s and Billy’s expectant faces. “We’ve made them wait long enough.” 
The couple walked hand in hand toward the living room, the boys running past them as they chuckled and sat right in front of the tree. They knew the routine already. Momma had to set up the phone while Mommy handed each of them the presents, each with a specific wrapping paper to hide which gift belonged to which kid. The women had learned a long time before that their kids had a proclivity for snooping around before Christmas day. 
But that year, Wanda didn’t know which wrapping paper belonged to whom. Instead, she took the phone from (Y/N)’s hands, mouthed an apology, and sat back down on the couch. With a slight chuckle, the other woman knelt before the Christmas tree and took a gift in each hand –green wrapping for Tommy and blue for Billy. 
In a matter of minutes, the wooden floor was filled with a mix of wrapping paper, and the air was filled with the sounds of new toys and laughter. Which lasted all but an hour before the kids started coming down from their sugar high and decided a movie was a better way to spend their lunchtime. 
The boys sat with their trays on the couch, happily eating their sandwiches as they watched Elf for the thousandth time just that week. If they ever sensed that there was anything amiss, they didn’t say a word. To them, everything was perfect. It seemed so, too. 
“Hey, don’t know if your brother got around to telling you, but he’s gonna get here the day after tomorrow,” (Y/N) said as she mixed a bowl of cookie dough. “I asked him not to bring more Nerf guns for the boys, but I’m scared he might use that as an excuse to get them another type of blaster.” 
“Pietro?” Wanda gasped quietly. “He’s coming here?” 
“Of course,” the woman chuckled. “He comes every Christmas day… well, Christmas-adjacent day like he says. But seriously, I need you to tell him no more blasters. I keep finding those darn foam darts everywhere.”  
“Yeah, I’ll tell him,” the redhead smiled. “I’ve missed him.” 
“I know, baby,” (Y/N) said as she cradled her wife’s cheek. “He wanted to stay longer during Thanksgiving, but he had some deadlines to meet at work and had to get going. But he’ll be thrilled to know you’re out of the hospital and back home.”
“It’s good to be home.” 
“Good,” she smiled. “Now, you can help me get these cookies in the oven for tonight.”
Wanda had missed the warmth of family. She had missed her boys fighting over whose turn it was to play with a toy, missed the smell of a homecooked meal. Most of all, she missed the soft touch of her wife, missed the way her name sounded coming from her lips. Wanda had missed her life. 
During dinner, she couldn’t help the smile on her face. As the boys boasted loudly about their last week of school, she could only sit and stare at their beautiful faces. Everything they said was new information, and they were the most precious words she could hear. And when (Y/N) chimed in, she was sure no orchestra could ever compare to the symphony of her family’s voices. 
“Alright, boys,” (Y/N) said as she placed the last dish into the dishwasher. “Give Mommy a kiss and head on up. Shower, teeth, and bed.” 
“But, Momma,” they whined. 
“It’s Christmas,” Tommy finished. 
“Tomorrow is a whole new day to do whatever you want, but right now, it’s time for bed,” the woman countered. “Come on, guys.” 
“It’s Christmas, darling,” Wanda whispered as she snaked her arms around (Y/N)’s waist and kissed her neck. “I think they’ve got one more movie in them.” 
“Come on, darling,” she smiled. “For me?” 
“Fine,” (Y/N) relented, and the kids cheered. “One movie, and then it’s off to bed for both of you.” 
The boys raced back to the living room, pulling out blankets and pillows before settling themselves on both ends of the couch, tapping beside each other for their mothers to sit. It was the most excited (Y/N) had seen them in a long time. They knew Wanda had been sick for a long time but couldn’t quite grasp why she couldn’t be home or they couldn’t be at the hospital after a certain time. But they were hopeful that their mother would make a full recovery. And it was their faith that kept her strong —as strong as she could be in the situation. 
Wanda sat next to Billy, and (Y/N) sat next to Tommy before the kids laid their heads on their mothers’ laps and covered themselves with a warm fuzzy blanket. On the TV, Home Alone played at a low volume. (Y/N) knew the boys were tired, and as their mothers ran their hands through their hair, no matter how action-packed the movie was, they would fall asleep soon enough. 
Halfway through the movie, the kids’ soft snores mixed with the audio, making the women chuckle slightly. “I knew they wouldn’t last,” (Y/N) whispered as she kissed Tommy’s head. “They’ve been up since long before ten.” 
“I’m just glad I got to spend this time with them… with you. You have no idea how much I’ve missed this.” 
“I might have some idea.” The woman’s tone hinted at something Wanda couldn’t quite comprehend. Her brows furrowed as she found a knowing glimmer in her wife’s eyes. “I know you’re not our Wanda.” 
“W-what? What do you mean?” The redhead sputtered. Could it be? “How could I not be Wanda?” 
“I don’t really know how you’re here or even why,” (Y/N) started with a soft smile. “But my wife would have remembered that Tommy’s wrapping paper was blue and Billy’s was green because she chose those colors. She would have remembered that Pietro comes every 27th of December and calls it second Christmas because it can’t be a holiday without him. And she wouldn’t have left the hospital without turning it upside down if she didn’t have her ring because my mother gave it to her. But most importantly, my Wanda died not even twenty-four hours ago, and she died in my arms.” 
“I… oh, I’m so sorry… I…”
“It’s okay. I’m not mad or even scared,” she said as she felt warm tears fall down her cheeks. “I don’t care what reason you could’ve had to be here. I’m just grateful that the boys had another day with their mom. It’s been a couple of months since she first got admitted to the hospital, and after that, it’s just been a whirlwind. The kids kept their faith that she’d get better, but that’s because she would put on a brave face every time they visited. But she wasn’t good. 
“She had been in remission for almost four years from pancreatic cancer, but all of a sudden it came back. And it came with a vengeance,” (Y/N) cried. “By the time we even noticed any symptoms, the doctor told us it had spread to her liver and her lungs, and it would take a very aggressive approach even to try to contain it. But by October, she collapsed and had to be admitted to the hospital, where we were told that they’d do everything they could, but the prognosis wasn’t great. She was growing weaker by the day, trying to put a brave face on for me and the kids. But I knew…”
Her words died in her throat as a violent sob tried to escape her, but the last thing she wanted was to wake her kids. Telling Wanda’s story was odd when her literal doppelgänger was staring her in the face. But there was comfort in finally telling someone the truth. And as that Wanda squeezed her hand in comfort, all she could do was finish the story. 
“I knew she was going to die,” (Y/N) continued. “She was in so much pain and discomfort, but she was holding on for us. For months, as selfish as it was, I begged her not to die. I begged her to keep fighting, and she did. She fought like the warrior she was. 
But it was hurting her. Fighting to stay was killing her spirit.” The pain in (Y/N)’s voice shattered Wanda. Sitting before her was the love of her life crumbling after the passing of her own partner, and all she had been thinking about was how happy she was to have her back —to have her family back. “I told her a few weeks ago, when it was only us, that if she felt it was her time, that she should let go. She had fought long and hard; now, it was time to rest. At around one in the morning today, she finally did. I was lying beside her, her body so thin and frail in my arms, and she took her last breath. It was so late by the time I got home that I simply got into bed and decided to tell the kids tomorrow about their mom. I wanted them to at least have one last Christmas thinking that she was still alive. 
“And then you walked through the doors and, where I should have been terrified, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. For a second, I thought someone out there had granted me a Christmas wish and had brought her back. Or maybe that her passing had only been a horrible nightmare. But it didn’t take long before I knew.” 
“Oh, (Y/N), I had no idea you had gone through all of this. And everything is still so fresh,” Wanda said through tears. “I promise I didn’t mean to cause any distress by showing up. The truth is, I’ve gone through a similar grief as you have, and that’s what brought me all the way here. But if I had known that my presence would have caused more harm than good, I…”
“No. Seriously, Wanda. You bring here has honestly been a breath of fresh air,” the woman assured, taking the redhead’s hands into hers. “I don’t know how long you plan to be here or if this even meant much to you. But even if it was just for today, you gave my boys their mom back. And you gave me my beautiful wife back for another day. And for that, I will eternally be grateful. All I ask is that, if you are going, that you let the boys say goodbye. I want them to have some kind of closure, at least.” 
Wanda knew she shouldn’t have promised anything. She had promised herself that she’d only watch them from afar at first. Then, as she saw her family through the window, she had to be with them for the holiday, at least. But she literally had them in her arms now, and there was no way she could let them go. No matter the price. 
“What if I wanted to stay forever?” the witch tested the waters. “If there was a way for me to stay here, would it be okay if I did? Even if it’s just on a probationary period, I would love to be a part of a family again –this family.” 
“I-is that possible? Could you really stay here?” 
“Yes. There is a way for me to stay. But only if you want that.” 
“I just… I don’t know how to have you here without completely undermining the life I had with my Wanda,” (Y/N) confessed. “I mean, you look exactly like her –from the color of your hair to your eyes. You laugh just like her. You practically are her. The only difference? We had a life with her, not you. I don’t want you to just replace the boys’ mom like that. I couldn’t…” 
“Of course, and I’d never want to do anything like that. I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love so much. I know the pain and the overwhelming grief. I also know the anger and the craziness that takes over.”  
“Who did you lose? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
“I lost everyone,” she answered with a sad smile. “First, I lost my parents. Then, I lost Pietro after spending my whole life by his side. After that, I found my you in that world, and everything seemed worth it. But you died by sacrificing yourself to save the Earth, and I was alone. Truly and completely alone. Then, after some kind of almost unbelievable things, I had you back and I had Tommy and Billy. My life was perfect for a time until that was taken from me again. So, I came here.” 
“Oh, Wanda. I… I’m so sorry you had to go through all that.” 
“I searched millions of universes before I found this one. I thought you had no me here, but it didn’t cross my mind that you had lost her. And so recently, too,” Wanda said, squeezing (Y/)’s hand comfortingly. “So, I understand if your answer is no. I’m just glad I got to see you and the boys one more time and that you embraced me so fully for today. But, just say the word, and I’m gone, zhizn moya.” 
At the sound of that name, (Y/N)’s breath hitched in her throat. Tears streamed from her eyes faster than she could stop them, and her heart hammered against her chest. “That name,” she whimpered. “That’s what she would call me. My life. How did you…?” 
“That’s what I called you in my world,” the redhead smiled. “And you would call me…” 
“Dusha moya. The only phrase I ever learned in Russian, much to her dismay,” (Y/N) grinned. “I guess our lives are not as different as I may have thought… A trial period, you said?” 
“Yes, however long it takes to ease into life here.” 
“But, what about my Wanda? There is still a version of you that died today.” 
“If you can trust me, I could handle all of that.” 
“A trial period then,” the woman smiled before kissing Wanda’s knuckles. “I think we could try.” 
And that was all Wanda needed to hear. She would collapse every universe that existed if she could preserve the life she could have in that one. And it all started with America Chavez’s power. Even if it took the lives of everyone in her way, she would make sure she was able to stay on that Earth. After all, it had been her sons’ Christmas wish. 
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