#YES. he's gonna be like IM FREEZING MY ASS OFF HERE!!!!
catalinaromanoff · 2 months
changing alongside the seasons
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natasha romanoff x pyrokinetic reader
summary: i touched a bit on natasha and y/n’s dynamic change in my first work, overheated, but i wanted to go more in depth! PLEASE REQUEST STUFF!!!!
warnings: mission injury/stitching, mean nat, panic attack, self conscious thoughts
детка (detka) = babe
y/h = your hair type (waves, curls, braids, etc.)
“and it’s so hard. and it’s cold here.” (iykyk)
i groan as i hear tony’s unbelievably chafing voice again. for the third time in about the last ten minutes, he has complained about the cold surrounding us.
we were currently on a stakeout mission out in russia. tony and i had separated from the group in order to keep an eye on more ground, but obviously that was a mistake. due to my pyrokinetic abilities, i couldn’t even feel the freezing temperatures tony was complaining about. unfortunately for me, tony was making sure i was aware about how agonizing it was.
of course they would leave the most annoying person outside in freezing russian winter weather.
to be honestly i was a bit skeptical at the fact that he was truly that cold. he was the one with the super cool and techy suit, and i was clad in just my regular hero suit. no jacket, no snowboots, just me and my body. i mean it makes sense considering im a portable heater.
tony and i were currently crouched behind a huge tree log that had fallen over who knows how long ago. tony was sitting criss crossed with his back against the trunk while i was crouched. i would peek over the trunk every once in a while waiting for the signal to ambush. i envied steve, natasha, clint, and wanda. they were inside. away from tony stark.
“cmon y/n, spare me a bit of your demon powers. i think the world is gonna miss my ass if it so happens to freeze off while we’re out here.”
i roll my eyes.
“do you ever shut up? we’re supposed to be paying attention and making sure we dont miss the signal-“
“yea that’s cute and all, but i’m freezing. now cmon, lend me a bit of warmth.”
i scoff and send a glare his way.
“is that really how you’re gonna ask me? and anyway, how will i even be able to heat you up through that clunky suit you have on??”
there’s a beat of silence. finally.
however the silence doesn’t last long. i spot steve up on the rooftop of the hydra facility giving us the signal. i dont know who came up with it, but i giggle at steve trying to do a bird motion.
“let’s go tony, time to beat up some bad guys.”
okay sooo the bad guys ended up beating us.
it’s funny now that i think about it. like they literally ambushed us when we were supposed to be ambushing them.
anyway, the mission group was currently sitting quietly in the quinjet. clint was piloting the jet while natasha was co-piloting. wanda currently sat next to me on one of the very big seats on the quinjet. something tony said about having “maximum beauty sleep room.” speaking of tony, he was thankfully sleeping at a desk located across from where me and wanda were sitting. why there was a desk there instead of a coach of some sort is beyond me. anyway, he looked silly. his mouth was open, he was snoring, and probably worst of all: drooling.
definitely not a contender for a live action sleeping beauty movie.
i place my focus back on wanda and stitching up a pretty nasty cut she had received on her right thigh. i was about halfway through when i hear some chittering. the others were obviously cold because they had been dragged through snow, which was why they opted to wear jackets and sweaters even though we were inside. but of course, natasha refused. she used her usual excuse of russians being immune to the cold.
i look over at natasha and just like i had suspected: she was shivering.
“hey baby?”
she doesn’t look over at me but instead keeps her eyes in front of her. caught red-handed.
“are you sure you don’t need a jacket or a sweater? something? maybe you could come over here and i could warm you up a bit.”
natasha furrows her eyebrows and shakes her head no.
“but i’m not cold?”
“my love, you are shivering. me and wanda can hear your chattering teeth from all the way over here.”
steve suddenly steps out of the quinjet’s bathroom.
“i agree with y/n, nat. i couldn’t do my business without listening to your chittering.”
i mouth the words “thank you” over to steve. he in turn gives me his signature bright smile and thumbs up.
“just let me finish wanda’s stitches and i’ll be able to hold you, okay?”
natasha hums and i can tell she is not happy.
“also, do me a favor and wipe that frown off of your face.”
i hear clint let out a little belly laugh at my comment and gives natasha a little smack on the arm.
“she got you there.”
around five minutes later i finish up with wanda and make sure nothing else is bothering her.
“alright babe, you’re good. if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask me.”
wanda gives me a tired smile and nods.
“will do. thanks y/n.”
i watch as wanda walks across the quinjet and sets herself up to take a nap across two of the seats. once i make sure she has settled and is comfortable, i look over at natasha. i can tell she can feel my eyes burning into the back of her head, but being the stubborn woman that she is, ignores my staring.
“nat. cmere.”
nothing. i realize im gonna have to drag her over here the hard way.
i make my way over to where she is seated and stand behind her. my arms wrap around her shoulders and i stuff my face into her neck. im not too worried about my pyrokinesis considering she was nearly blue from how cold she was. a little heat wouldn’t hurt her.
i feel my body start to heat up and i decide to push her buttons a little. by blowing a bit of my breath on her neck i’ve succeeded in making tiny little goosebumps appear on her skin. i smile into her neck and place a few kisses on her neck.
just when she is getting used to the warm treatment, i pull away.
the groan i hear natasha let out is one of the greatest sounds in the world. i win.
“i don’t see why you need me, considering you’re not cold, ms russian spy.”
i know natasha is staring at me as i make my way back to the seat i had been residing in for the beginning of our flight. i close my eyes and wait for her to come to me.
much like i had anticipated, i feel a presence make itself imminent on my lap. i giggle as natasha puts her face in my neck much like i had done to her a few minutes prior. she lets her feet dangle over my lap and the seat.
“so much for not being cold, huh?”
nat blows raspberries on my skin which causes me to heat up. cheater.
nonetheless i wrap my arms around her and hold her tight to my chest. i let myself relax as i feel our breathing begin to sync up. i gaze down at natasha to see her piercing green eyes already looking at me. she leans up and we share a heartfelt kiss. i knew nat wasn’t always herself after missions and needed extra support, which explained why she was so comfortable with doing this stuff in front of our teammates. it was so cute.
we pull away from each other when we both run out of air. i pull back a bit and rub my nose against hers. we both giggle and i heat up my body more. nat in turn crawls further into me. her arms are now pressed against her chest and she moved her feet so that they were now on the outer side of my left thigh. it was perfect.
“i love you nat.”
i feel natasha hum against my neck. she begins kissing around that area to show me in a nonverbal way that she loves me as much as i love her.
i smile while gazing at myself in the mirror. i was currently wearing a gorgeous floral sundress that ended just above my knees. “not my fault” by reneé rapp was currently playing in my room and honestly, i felt really good. suddenly i hear a knock at the door and answer it immediately. i already knew it was natasha.
“hey baby. you almost ready?”
i watch as nat looks at me up and down. she smiles at me and suddenly starts kissing all around my face. her arms take their designated place at my waist and pull me closer to her.
getting my words through my giggles was so very hard.
“yea, im ready. you sure you don’t need me to help you with anything?”
“nope. everything is tied to the bike and ready to go.”
i pull away from nat, smiling. grabbing her hand i let her lead me to the elevator located on our floor. she presses the button designated for the garage and we are on the move downwards.
i look at the nature surrounding the compound through the glass of the elevator and find myself becoming entranced with it. the bright green trees and grass, the occasional family of deer making an appearance around the perimeter of the compound, the flocks of birds migrating back after a particularly cold new york winter.
i smile as i observe the beauty of nature. nature is one of the only stable things in our lives as humans. it always runs on a schedule and is never interrupted. nature doesn’t care if you suffered one of the worse losses in the winter, it always makes sure spring comes and everything brightens up.
life in general does not stop for us. everything around us is in constant motion and constantly changing, and it is up to us to keep up.
my thoughts are interrupted by the *ding* of the elevator. it scares me a little and i watch as the doors open.
nat walks ahead of me and we make our way over to her harley davidson motorbike. however, before we get on she grabs our helmets and hands mine to me. once her helmet is on and secure she sits herself down and i follow suit. i wrap my arms around her torso tickle her a bit. i hear her beautiful laugh as she swats my hands.
(reminder u should also b wearing protective gear when riding! didn’t write it in bc im a tad bit too lazy for my own good lol.)
nat then revs her bike. she slowly drives up to the garage doors, allowing them to open all the way up before she begins to pick up speed. honestly, the sensors on the garage doors are a nice detail. it made leaving easier.
we are then driving on the roads of new york. every once in a while i look back at the picnic basket located on the bike to make sure it doesn’t go flying. i notice we are on the highway then i realize we may be going farther than i thought.
i allow my head to rest on nat’s upper back. the soothing feeling of holding onto my lover, cruising in the streets, and the subtle vibrations of the motor slowly lulls me to sleep.
the next thing i know nat is patting my left thigh to wake me up. i slowly open my eyes and sit up before taking my helmet off. once nat realizes im awake she hops off the bike and grabs the picnic basket.
“morning sleepyhead.”
nat giggles at her own joke while i roll my eyes. i place my helmet on the opposite handle natasha had placed her own. she grabs my hand and helps me off the bike. i didn’t really need help considering the bike wasn’t very tall, but being the gentlewoman she was natasha had to help me with everything.
i continue holding nat’s hand while she leads me into the park we were going to have our picnic at.
the park is absolutely breathtaking. the trees vary in height but they all have a shade of vibrant green leaves among their branches and their bark is a rich shade of brown. the grass we were walking on was a beautiful shade of green as well. there were also a few patches of flowers in different spots.
nat stop and begins setting up the stuff once we reach a clearing. the clearing is located near a patch of daisies. i decide that while nat is setting up i would occupy my time by making a daisy chain for her.
i sit myself down near the daises and begin picking them. once i have finished picking the most perfect ones, i begin to make my daisy chain. the moment is perfection. the spring sun isn’t blazing but instead comforting, my hands are weaving the daises in a perfect rhythm, and the grass feels splendid under my dress-covered bum.
once i finish the daisy chain i get up and make my way back towards natasha. i see that she has just finished setting up our picnic, and so i sit down and keep the chain behind my back.
“i have a surprise for you.”
natasha looks up at me and raises her eyebrow.
“and what might that surprise be?”
“close your eyes.”
nat hesitates for a moment but eventually allows her eyes to close. i place the daisy chain onto her braid-free hair and then run my hands through her hair to ensure that it looks good and clean.
“okay, open your eyes.”
nat opens her eyes and i take her in. i take the moment in. the bright green grass covered by our red and white checkered blanket, the picnic basket’s contents scattered across the blanket. nat packed an extensive supply of our favorite foods. this included chocolate chip cookies, many many fruits, a chocolate bar and strawberries to create chocolate covered strawberries. she had also made us a cute breakfast of waffles and fried eggs.
the moment was perfect. exquisite, if you will. natasha look marvelous as well. her red hair was in it’s natural state; her slight waves laid just above her shoulders. she was in a white sundress that went down to her ankles. her pale skin was beginning to become sun kissed due to the seasons changing and the sun beginning to peek out more.
we were so entranced in the moment that we hadn’t even realized the sour weather that had begun to creep amongst us.
our moment is suddenly interrupted by a huge crack of thunder. the thunder is followed by an intense amount of rain soon after. natasha and i begin to giggle and laugh as we quickly begin to pack up our stuff. we rush as fast as we can towards the car but we are already drenched by the time we reach it.
“you know what, fuck it. nat drop your stuff. let’s dance!!”
nat looks at me like i have gone crazy.
“baby are you serious? it’s raining and thundering?”
i quickly place all the stuff im holding in my arms onto her motorbike. i grab nat’s stuff and place it onto the bike as well.
“fine. let’s dance.”
we both start laughing like young children. i excitedly grab both of my girlfriend’s hands and lead her back out to the clearing we collected our stuff from not even a minute earlier.
and so, we both begin to dance across the wet grass. at one point we had both kicked off our shoes. neither i or natasha had ever gotten the chance to be kids playing in we mud or dance in the rain. in a way we were both healing our own inner children.
as i stare into nat’s green eyes i begin to think about both of our upbringings and how we have even got to this point in time.
both of our childhoods were tragic. nat grew up in the red room, destined to be a spy. she had been for a while, until clint rescued her. i wasn’t so lucky. i actually did have quite a normal childhood until i turned six years old. my parents had gotten into some complicated business, and were eventually assassinated. one thing led to another, and i eventually got kidnapped by HYDRA.
suddenly im back in new york. right. im not longer that lost and scared six year old girl. im twenty seven years old now. im in love. im apart of a team now. im staring at the woman i’ve loved for the past six years.
“you okay?”
nat looks worried.
“i love you so much.”
my voice comes out wobbly and full of emotion. it’s because i truly love natasha. she saved me. i’ve found a reason to live for through her love and affection and care for me.
“oh, honey.”
she pulls me into her arms and suddenly we’re chest to chest. i begin to feel tears streaming down my face. judging from the sniffles reaching my ears, i can tell natasha is crying too.
we both stand there in the pouring rain taking each other in. we aren’t prisoners of our old lives anymore. she isnt a prisoner of the red room, and im not a prisoner of HYDRA.
we are just natty and y/n.
i feel my body fill with warmth, however this time it feels different. it isn’t from feeling shy or embarrassed, it’s from feeling the true love of natasha.
maybe things can get better.
“детка, we should go to the beach. only if you want to though.”
i look up from my book and over at natasha. we were both currently chilling out on our bed and just doing our own things. nat was currently laying on her stomach with her journal open.
“sure! right now?”
nat runs her hand through her hair.
“yea! i’ll bring everything to the car, you just focus on getting ready.”
i put my bookmark in my book and place i on my bedside table.
“im helping you.”
“okay, okay.”
i loved nat and i’s spontaneous outings. it added a pop of fun to our dangerous and unpredictable lives. the fact we were able to be in control of these outings brought us both comfort and made us feel like we could actually have some jurisdiction over what we do.
i loved being the car almost as much as going out. all the windows were currently rolled down and my y/h hair was thrashing every which way. i knew once we left the car my hair would be one frizzy mess.
sometimes mess was okay. it made me feel human.
natasha rubs her thumb over my hand. i knew she only did this when she wanted to talk to me about something important.
“so, how are you feeling after the other day?”
i knew what she was referring to; my meltdown from the other day had been on her mind.
“i think i feel a bit better. thinking of maybe asking wanda for some help controlling my powers. im aware we have two entirely different kinds of powers but they might have the same concept. at least, that’s what i think.”
natasha squeezes my hand.
“im proud of you. it takes a lot of courage to ask for help like that. no matter how that goes with wanda, just know you are already so so strong for asking for assistance.”
nat pulls our hands up to her lips and kisses each of my fingers. she lets a small smile fall over her lips when she feels me warm up a bit.
once we arrive at the beach i help natasha grab all of our things from the back of my white 2024 jeep wrangler. what can i say, im a basic girl. anyway, as we were walking across the hot sand i feel myself getting increasingly more excited about having a day at the beach. i always loved the beach, especially the ocean. it felt like my home.
while natasha set up the umbrella i began to assemble our chairs. as soon as i finished i quickly took off my jean shorts and begin applying my sunscreen.
nat finished constructing the umbrella not long after i applied my sunscreen to the lower part of my body.
i continued applying sunscreen to the top part of my body and face and looked at nat. she was already looking wt me with her beautiful forest green eyes.
“do-do you want some help applying your sunscreen?”
nat chuckles when she notices she’s made me nervous and nods her head. i spray the sunscreen onto her and allow her to rub it in on her own accord. i hand her the separate sunscreen bottle designated for her face.
once she’s done applying we both head on our way towards the ocean. my home. my refuge. it may seem weird, i mean a girl with pyrokinetic powers loving water? what a joke. but i mean, that’s me.
as we were stepping closer and closer to the blue ocean, i could feel the wet sand under my feet compacting with every step i took. it’s like i can feel each singular grain of sand underneath my feet.
the angry sound of the waves grew louder and i grew happier. i look over at nat and we both nod. we suddenly both start running into the ocean. we had this little race we always did before getting into the water. it allowed us to not think about how cold the bright blue water was.
once im around thigh-deep into the water i dive head first into the water. im lightyears in front of nat. i do one big push under the water with my arms before i allow myself to pop up to the surface. i jump as a wave approaches and look around for red-hair. i finally spot my beautiful girlfriend.
she’s not far behind, so i allow her to catch up a bit. i am at the point in the water where the lifeguard stands seem a little blurry due to the distance between us and them. once nat reaches my position i pull her into my arms.
she giggles as i begin to warm her up. the ocean was particularly cold today and i didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable.
i continue to hold nat as more and more waves approach us. eventually she decides to straddle my torso and wrap her arms around my shoulders. she looked etheral. the sun was hitting her in just the right light; her eyes were their regular forest green except i could see a bit of her lighter greens, her hair was a fiery red, and her skin looked marvelous.
if im being hinest, my girlfriend always looked etheral. even during lazy days at the compound she never fails to look like she had just fallen from the sky above.
"you're staring."
"cus you're gorgeous."
nat hides her face in my neck and i can feel her giggle a bit. i hold her a bit tighter to my chest and giggle with her. too easyyy.
i wish loving nat could be as easy as it is in this current moment. my powers aren't in the way, none of us are hurt or sick, we are just nat and y/n. unfortunately things will never be normal.
i furiously rub at my cheeks trying to get the hot tears to stop flowing from my eyes.
i was currently sat on one of the many uncomfortable benches located in central park. across from me was a small lake, surrounding me were many leaves of all shades; orange, yellow, maroon, mahogany, red. the seasons were officially changing.
suddenly i think of nat. the reason i was out here crying and observing nature was because of an argument we had. things got out of hand and the next thing i know i was bolting out the door in just my pajama pants and a tank top. no phone, no sweater, just me. i didnt even need a sweater anyway.
i feel the tears coming more furiously as im reminded of the reason why our argument had ensued. we have had countless disagreements over my pyrokinesis, but not like this. never like this.
“baby i just don’t think it’s working. im trying so so hard to control it but i just can’t!”
i was exasperated. nat was exhausted from a mission.
it was a recipe for disaster.
“well, maybe you’re not trying hard enough. wanda was able to control her powers which are much more intricate than yours.”
“stop comparing me to her! i get it, she’s perfect and amazing! you say it all the time. maybe you should go date her instead of me.”
a tense silence falls over both us. we were both standing up on opposite sides of our shared bed. the autumn sun coming in from the opened window currently felt like a burning heat instead of a comforting warmth.
nat has her jaw clenched and she’s looking over to the side. her singular dutch braid is messy and has little hairs sticking out of it. in the sun’s light it looks like it is illuminated.
“well? anything to say for yourself?”
natasha remains silent and instead just crosses her arms. i have no idea what she’s thinking, how she feels, what she wants to say. i don’t even recognize her at this moment. suddenly i feel hot tears making their way down my face. is this how our relationship ends?
“y/n, i would never break up with you. i never will. i promise. i just think we.. we need a break. just look at both of our own lives and our own goals for a bit and figure out if we’re the right thing for each other.”
i felt my heart break in my chest. a break? i dash out of the door. i feel like my lungs aren’t supplying me with air.
i rush to the elevator. i press the lobby button.
next thing i know i’m dashing to central park.
once i arrive i feel breathless. i can barely recognize anything around me. my breaths become short and shorter, there’s no air. since when was it this hard to breath?
suddenly im pacing back and forth on one of the abandoned trails and shaking my hands, trying anything to breath again. i have had a few panic attacks before, but this one felt different. this one was so so much worse.
i run my hand through my hair just to be met with knots. why doesn’t anything go my way? im so pathetic. my breathing is getting worse.
i need to calm myself down because nat isn’t here right now.
eventually i did end up calming myself down, which leads me to where i am now. i had found my favorite bench right in front of my favorite pond. i was just thinking about my life.
maybe nat wasn't serious about this break? i mean, all couples have problems at one point in their relationship, right? who am i kidding. she's actually breaking up with me. and i presume that she's gonna go crawl to wanda. oh, how i envy wanda. she is so much stronger, prettier, and less hot-headed than me. literally.
i sigh as i look out at the pond. i watch as a group of absolutely stunning swans begun to glide over the dirty new york water. what a contrast. milk-white swans with orange beaks resembling the color of the beautifully pigmented autumn leaves surrounding me in a random visibly dirty pond in new york. i only really liked this pond because many cute little animals (birds especially) established their home here.
suddenly an unknown prescence joins me on my bench. i flinch when i realize they're a bit too close to me. i look at this unknown person through my peripheral, but i genuinely thought my eyes were playing an extremely curel joke on me.
"natasha?" i turn to face her fully.
natasha gives me a sad smile.
"why.. why are you here? not that i mind, i just thought.. you know."
"yea, um.. about that. i had some time alone, and i wanted to say.."
the end of her sentence was completely incoherent, but yet i smirk. i had a bit of an idea what she wanted to say. i mean, why else would she be sitting here with me if she truly wanted a break?
"what was that? i couldn't quite hear you."
natasha rolls her eyes.
"i said i was wrong. i don't think we need a break. even though we were only apart for about an hour, i was miserable. i had no one to tease. no one to call atupid or tell them 'stop before you get hurt.'"
i laugh and immediately pull her into a bone-crushing hug.
nat hygs me back. maybe with nit as much force, but the thought is still there.
just before i speak, i hear nat continue talking.
"i also wanted to apologize for those things i said to you about wanda. i only really want you. no, you cannot control your powers as confidently as wanda can, but wanda cannot love me like you do. you give me a love like no other. i sincerely apologize."
i pull away from nat, and intertwine our hands.
"i wanted to apologize too. we both said things we don't mean, but this argument will make our relationship stronger. it will make us stronger. i love you."
"i love you too."
we share many sweet kisses until we head back to the compound.
a/n: first of all, i wanted to thank you guys so so so so sooooo much for the great turnout on overheated! i really wasnt expecting for many likes, nonetheless 300+!! you guys are amazing and i am so glad you enojy my writing! secondly, im so sorry this took so long!!! this week has been quite hectic for me and i was writing portions of this throughout the week. nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed and continue to enjoy my writing!
p.s. would y'all be interested in me turning this story into nat x wanda x reader? 😏
taglist (comment to be added!): @idkwhatever580 @kkreader78o
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youngbloodlisk · 10 months
parade day - enhypen bias x reader, fluff
the bias isn't actually in it all that much, but just like trust me lol
applicable for any enha member, no name stated, though if you feel it's a bit ooc for your member of choice to say certain things feel free to alter it a little in your own mind to make it fit better!
I shiver, feeling like an ice block from the inside out, despite the amount of layers on my body and the hot drink in my gloved hands.
I breathe out air warmer than my surroundings, granting me the appearance of a steam cloud coming from my mouth.
As I take a drink from my paper cup, I can't help but wonder to myself why Thanksgiving has to be in November. And why parades have to be outdoors. And why I had to be here so early in the morning just to stand here for hours.
Then, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Not just a generic vibration, but the custom vibration that he set for himself on my phone. 'So I always know it's him before I even look.'
⁃ how's the crowd
He's such an ass. He's currently inside, waiting for the staff to tell him to go out and board the float. Inside. He's inside. In the heat.
⁃ cold, dick. how's the nice warm heated building 🤩
⁃ lovely, thank you.
⁃ no but fr ur not too cold right? you have jackets on?
⁃ i can send someone to u with my jacket if u need it
⁃ did you get the drink u said u we're gonna get?
⁃ yes yes yes I have jackets I have my drink im fine lmao
He might be kind of an ass but he's so sweet.
⁃ ok good.
⁃ only a few hours!
⁃ after we pass by the main part you can leave baby
⁃ ik you said you were gonna wait around for me but you don't have to
⁃ I don't need you freezing your ass off
⁃ THAT would be tragic. r.i.p. ass
I can't help but roll my eyes.
⁃ you're such a perv
⁃ woah rude!
Instead of responding, I slide my phone back into my pocket. I don't really have anything else to say at the moment. If I tell him straight up that I WILL be waiting until the end of the parade for him, he'll just whine about how I don't have to.
And now I stand. And wait...
And I waited for about 5 hours. We had to be here at 4:30 in the morning, both for him to get where he needed to go with his members and for me to get an absolutely prime spot in the crowd. The parade didn't actually start until about 9:30.
It's not every day that your boyfriend performs in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Longest five hours of my life, but whatever. He better not mess up the choreography after all this shit or I'm gonna be pissed.
Not really, it would actually be pretty funny. But the point is- this is pretty exhausting. Especially since I'm here all by myself.
Other members have partners, but they either couldn't come out for the parade or they don't like me. Not kidding, they seriously just don't like me that much. But that's okay! I don't particularly like them either. Anyways, all that resulted in me being here alone, without anybody to talk to to pass time.
But whatever. Whatever! It's over. The agonizingly boring five hours is over, and the parade is finally starting.
The float I'm really here for is a few floats and balloons back, but the parade feels like it moves quickly, so it doesn't seem to take very long at all.
The big Baby Shark float approaches and I see him already trying to find me in the crowd.
"Excuse me, could my daughter stand in front of you? Just for this performance?" A woman asks from behind me. I look next to her and see a young girl, probably about 10 or 11, holding a picket with my boyfriend's face on it.
She looks like this is the best day of her life. She isn't even looking at me, like she doesn't even care if she has the best view of the group. Just being here and seeing them is enough to fill her with pure joy.
"Of course! Of course she can!"
"Oh, thank you so much." She prompts her daughter to move forward as I scoot back a bit to make room for her. "She loves these boys, she's been talking about it for days. Thank you."
"It's no problem at all." I turn my attention to the young girl. "Is he your favorite?" I point to her picket.
She nods, excitedly.
"He's so pretty."
"He really is. He's my favorite too."
I look up again, seeing that he's still trying to find me. I wave with all my might, willing him to spot me, and soon enough he does. As soon as I have his attention, I frantically point to the girl who is now holding her picket up and waving at him. He leans down a bit to indicate that he's changed his attention to her as he smiles, waves at her, and sends a hand heart in her direction.
She squeals and jumps up and down.
"He saw me!! He saw me!! Mama, he saw me!! He gave me a heart!"
The cute little girl continues to freak out, making me worry slightly that she might just explode, as the float stops and the guys climb down, getting ready to perform.
There was some benefit to getting here so early. The performances are all directly in front of me (and this little girl, who I feel some level of community with at the moment.)
The hosts finish up their introductory stuff about the float, the movie, and the group, and the Baby Shark music begins to play (soon transitioning into the Keep Swimmin' Through tune.)
I watch him intently, full of pride for him and his success with the group.
I know he can't entirely take this seriously. It's a song for a Baby Shark movie. It's not like it's the most serious of performances in the first place. But I also know that deep down he can't believe he's here either. He can't believe he's doing this. He'd probably agree to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star acapella if it meant he got to be in such a big event that few kpop groups have been in.
The group does a great job. Of course they do. None of them mess up the choreography, so I remain not pissed off. (Lol)
After the performance, they simply walk off next to the float, but my boyfriend makes sure to send a quick flying kiss to both me and the little Engene in front of me before leaving the main square.
"He saw me again!!" She squeals.
"That's great, honey!" Her mother says before whispering to me, "Do you know that boy or something? He seemed to know you?"
I laugh a bit.
"Yes, ma'am. He's my boyfriend."
"Oh my! Oh, you must be very proud of him."
"You have no idea."
The rest of the parade is uneventful, just nice entertainment.
When it ends, I say goodbye to the little Engene and her mom, and seek out a heated place as fast as possible. I'm finally able to find a store nearby that is both open and not too busy. I wait in that store until my boyfriend is released from his duties and able to text me where to find him.
When I finally do leave and find him, he hugs me tighter than usual and holds on longer than usual.
"Are you alright?" I ask, slightly concerned.
"So cold. You're so warm."
I laugh, though I understand. I have to pry him off of me, taking a second to kiss his cold lips.
"You guys did great. Was it fun?"
"Yeah, it was. Less fun though and more just... just a really crazy experience."
"I bet. Did you see a lot of Engenes throughout the parade?"
"Yeah! A lot more than I expected. They really showed out. That little girl in front of you was adorable."
"You're her bias, and I think your heart and kiss made her entire day. Month. Life, possibly."
"Well, I wouldn't have seen her and made her entire life if it wasn't for you."
He takes my hands and pulls me close to him, bringing his face near to mine.
"It really is all thanks to me, isn't it? Technically, maybe /I/ made her entire life. You were just the tool."
"Mhm, mhm. Sure..." He trails off, pressing his lips into mine in a much deeper way than the short kiss earlier.
I feel a warmth run through my body, like the warmth of his kiss is being injected into my veins.
He cuts it off suddenly, staying close enough for his lips to still brush against mine. We utter a sentence each before resuming the kiss.
"Thank you for coming and standing out in the cold just for me."
"Baby, I'm so proud of you."
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
A possessive Mountain going into rut and deciding to stake his claim on Rain by bending him over the common room sofa and stuff him full of his knot him in front of the others?
i took some liberties with this one since heat/rut/knotting is absolutely not my forte. i read it to some extent, but only under the context that a majority of people headcanon that that's something ghouls just...do, ya know? not something im actively seeking out
BUT i still had an idea for this one so this is what i've got for you, dear anon:
Mountain bends over the purple orchid, dutifully clipping its wilting buds. The humid smell of soil and foliage blankets over him, soothing his aching thoughts.
This season’s heat has him mentally overstimulated more than anything, often retreating to the greenhouse to be alone. He prefers the calming atmosphere to the darkness of his room—he’s less likely to tear it up in the throws of arousal and frustration, anyway.
He's got his hands deep in a pot of soil when he smells it. Petrichor and warm sea salt. It wafts through the air and hits him straight in the nose, making him freeze. Suddenly, his mind is quiet, replaced only with thoughts of Rain. Want. Need. Where?
“Mountain?” Rain calls from the doorway.
The earth ghoul swallows dryly. “Yes, Rain?” He hears footsteps approach and stop a few feet away from him. Reluctantly, Mountain looks up at him from his hunched position.
That was a mistake. Rain looks completely unholy: hair mussed, lips shiny with saliva—someone else’s?—little crimson marks peeking out from the collar of his sweatshirt. Mountain’s on him in an instant, launching himself off his stool and looming over his lithe form, nosing at the spot behind his ear. His smell is icier here, but it’s masked under notes of cinnamon, citrus, and mint.
Mountain has to stop himself from growling, settling for some other low, disgruntled noise instead. “Did you come here to tease me?”
“N-no,” he stutters. Mountain’s pheromones wash over him, heavy and earthy. “Oh,” he breathes, leaning into the earth ghoul slightly.
“Then why are you here, raincloud?” Mountain runs a hand along his jaw, slowly, possessively.
Rain tilts his head towards the touch and closes his eyes. “The boys, we were—” His breath hitches as Mountain’s fingers trail further along his neck. His Adam’s apple bobs under his hand. “Playing, messing around. We missed you. Wanted you to join us.” He bites his lip.
Mountain looks at him, calculating. “Playing, hm?” His voice lowers half an octave, getting husky with need. “You want me to play with you, tadpole? Brave of you to come in here alone.”
“You can s-show me off.” Rain cracks his eyes open, revealing blown pupils. He bares his neck to the earth ghoul. “Mark me—ah—make them jealous.” He realizes he’s babbling, a side-effect of Mountain’s heat radiating over him, but he can’t help it.
“Fuck,” Mountain finally growls. He mouths at the spot where Rain wants him and pulls the water ghoul flush against him. 
“Oh, Mounty,” Rain whines. He stuffs his hands under Mountain’s t-shirt, running his palms over the plane of his stomach. Mountain almost does bite him at the skin-to-skin contact. His arousal is quickly becoming all-consuming, but he pulls away before he really loses it.
“You’re gonna be mine, raincloud,” the earth ghoul promises.
It doesn’t take them long to make it back to the others. Aether and Swiss have Dew a blubbering mess underneath them on the couch, kissing, sucking, and petting everywhere but where he wants it. Mountain pushes Rain to kneel in front of them, slotting in behind him. He presses his hardening length against Rain’s ass, grinding against him.
“You didn’t waste any time,” Swiss smirks.
“Could’ve been you,” he drawls, palming at Rain’s own erection, earning a moan from the water ghoul. “But you sent the princess to get me, so now he’s getting my fucking knot.” Mountain’s filthy when he’s in heat, his usual loving and loyal demeanor replaced with ravishing possessiveness.
Dew whines at that, immediately jealous.
“Told you,” Rains mumbles, dropping his head against Mountain’s collarbone. The earth ghoul drinks him in, laving his tongue over the muscles in Rain’s neck. He stares Dew down, flashing his fangs against the water ghoul’s pulse point.
“If you want it so bad, fire lily, let’s hear you beg for it.”
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fallenartistwitch · 2 years
i accepted chaos
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┼ Ylith and her adventures mates founded themself in a uuum funny situation? And the fire ghoul wasn't really happy about it
⏃ part two coming soon
I walked through the now empty church, the clattering of my heeled shoes filled the empty silence.
Terzo and Leander already walked off to finish to set up some things while i had to do some commission at the ministry.
The cold breeze of the autumn hitted me as i stepped out of the church's doorway, ah yes im gonna become a penguin yup i probably will become a penguin if i dont wear something warmer.
As I passed the fountain I looked at a huge oak tree not far from it, leaves were fluttering freely at the base of the tree moved from the weak wind. I loved that tree, its one of my favorite place where to spend my free time.
i stepped in front of the big door that leads to Copia's office, i knocked on it holding tight in my left hand the sheets I picked up all around the ministry.
"come in" said a voice
i putted my hand on the handle turning it and then pushed the door reveling the inside of the office and the two figures that were inside.
"hi Selia" i waved happily at her, she was standing next to a little library full of documents and other things , trying to adjust something, she waved back with a big smile.
"oh hi papa" i said trying to say it in a fake serious tone, facing the figure that was sitting in the armchair behind the huge desk, where there were some papers scattered around.
"hi whor- i meant sister hi sister" she said it also trying to fake a serious tone
" i meeeaannn- " she looked at me up and down repeatedly
i looked down to see how i was dressed. i was wearing my nun habit but the dress barely reached below the knee, high knee socks, my bangs and two front strands of hair were peeking out of my veil, heeled shoes, lace gloves to keep me a little warmer.
yea i looked like a whore but i wouldn't give her the satisfaction to admid it.
"shut up little bitch" i responded
"jealous that i'm wearing warm clothes when working while you are freezing?" said Solein, she was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants .Lucky, but i didn't really mind wearing my nun habit if it weren't for the fact that I become a penguin every time it's cold.
"maybe. Now where is Copia? I have to give him those papers from Terzo" i said putting down on the desk the little pile of paper i was holding, trying to find the papers i had to give him.
"he went to check up some things for the next tour" answered Selia
"Alright, do you want to come to search him with me?" i said looking at her
"sure" she answered
"i can't-" i didn't let Solein finishing her sentence and grabbed her wrist forcing her to stand up.
"HEY I HAD WORK TO FINISH YOU KNOW??" she yelled while i was pushing her out of copia's office door.
"do i give a fuck?" i answered, in response Solein punched me on the top of my head
"oh there she is" Leander's voice interrupted us, me and Solein were so concentrate to teasing each other that we didn't notice we arrived.
"oh hello again Leander, hello Papa" i said gently waving at him
"oh hello Sister you must be Ylith right? You can call me Copia" he said in a gentle tone and with a big warm smile.
"yes i'm Ylith, i was searching for you to give you these papers from Terzo" i said handing him those that looked like letters.
"oh yea thank you Sister Ylith" he smiled at me taking the papers from my hand
"no problem Copia, and you can just call me Ylith"
"Alright Ylith, now please forgive me but i have to fix some important things about the tour, bye everyone" he said while starting to walk away.
"Bye Copiaa" we said in choir.
"Now back to what we were doing" Solein said kicking my ass and then start running
"COME HERE YOU FUCK" i said chasing after her while Leander and Selia followed us laughing.
we rushed towards the kitchen, i grabbed a pan and started chasing Solein around the table while she held a ladle to try to defend herself. Selia and Leander faces where completely red from the laugh.
i was still chasing Solein around the garden this time until we stopped out of breath in front of a sort of den.
"ok peace please i lost five lungs doing this" said Solein out of breath
"AHAHAHAHAHAH" Selia face was fully red from how much she was laughing
"HELPSFF AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH" giggled Leander leaning on a closed door of the den. Or at least we though it was closed.
The door suddenly opened and Leander hugged the floor.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAH IDIOT" we started laughing at him spread on the floor, without noticing the figures that were watching the scene from the inside of the den.
"you're gonna help me out or keep laughin?" asked Leander handing his hand so we could help him stand up.
"well i would prefer the second option you know" i answered grabbing his hand and helping him stand up
a growl caught our attention, it came from the inside of the den. The figures that were inside were Copia's ghouls.
They were giggling, probably because of the scene they finded in front of them. They were all laughing expect one, he looked annoyed and angry.
"um ops sorry, we leave immediately" said Leander adjusting his suit. It suddenly hit me, the breeze of the autumn, the cold and silent wind.
The angry ghoul walked towards us, he was the shortest of the group, he looked like a little angry gremlin aw.
"Can we at least know the names of the people who made noises and fell into our den?" he growled
"im Leander" , "im Selia" , "I'm Ylith and she's Solein" i said pointing at my friend standing next to me.
"Oh so the whore has a name" a smirk appeared on his face.
"Sodo! Don't be mean at her!" said one the ghoul holding a banana behind him, he turned his head to look at the ghoul that just spoke ,oh so the angry gremlin's name is Sodo.
"ahahah" i said in an ironic tone " really funny angry gremlin" he turned his head quickly as i pronounced the last two words.
"How did you just call me?" he hissed stepping foward me.
"angry gremlin" i repeated those words, the ghouls giggled.I could feel the heat raising from the ghoul in front of me. Fire ghoul uh?
"Listen here you whore-"
"HEY! I'm not a whore!" i shouted, i heard Solein whisper a "yes you are", i turned around facing her, she understood that i heard what she said, and looked around pretending she didn't said anything.
"Me and you still have something to solve"i pointed at her the pan i was still holding
"ooh attention the whore is angry" i turned back facing the fire ghoul,
"you're the angry gremlin here" the heat increased again, thing i didn't really mind considering i was still wearing my nun habit.
"do you know what i can do?" he growled stepping threatening towards me.
"do you know that i don't give a fuck?"
"and i also have a pan and i know ho to use it" i pointed the pan at his face threateningly. As the fire ghoul was about to respond another ghoul interrupted us.
"Ok alright put your angry and pans aside" said the ghoul looking at both of us.
"oh come on Aether i wanted to see them fight"
" i know Swiss i wanted to see them fighting too but we have a tour soon and we need Sodo" so the banana ghoul's name was Aether and the other is Swiss i already know the names of three of them we're doing progress boys.
"ugh you're right, but after the tour you two can fight i want to see who will win ok?" Swiss replied
"alright i guess i'll have to wait then"i chuckled looking at the fire ghoul in front of me. His stare was pointed on my body, on my uncovered and insignificant body. He felt the stares on him and looked away.
At the time i didn't realize it but, he was blushing.
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ratcandy · 2 months
[in regards to the dialogue immersion post or whatever] ok but i'd love to listen to you ramble actually. i love when people pay attention to characterization in dialogue. like its the number one thing i pay attention to when im reading stuff. i wish people would take that in consideration more when writing fanfics especially because when its ignored it throws everything off. ye
Incredibly dangerous ask because honest to god when it comes to writing/reading this is the one thing I'm stupidly obnoxious about!!
Massive ramble below where I am being a little hater. No effort made to put this in any semblance of order I just starting going Off
Character voice is so so so important when making a believable character and yes especially in fanfic I feel this is largely ignored. I mean, I get it, people's interpretations on characters will vary, and in the cases of alternate universes you can make up whatever you want in how a character would or wouldn't act. BUT if you're trying to emulate canon in any way, getting a character's voice/mannerisms right is SO. SO crucial to that process.
What words do they use? How do they move when they talk? How does their tone shift? How do they react to certain situations? How would they react to other characters in those situations? Would they be the type to stammer or freeze up under stress? How do they insult others? DO they insult others? Is this guy gonna say "fuck" or is he gonna say "how unfortunate"?? Literally So SO SOOO Much that can be taken into consideration here and I don't know why more people DON'T. Like that's the FUN part!!! You're putting that beast into a situation, don't you want to know how that beast would act??
And in both fanfic and in original works keeping that characterization consistent is a whole other debacle. And beyond THAT, figuring out the right time to break that consistency for the purposes of showing character emotion or urgency.
Because yes, a character might speak eloquently and keep their cool 90% of the time, but in a high-pressure situation or when very vulnerable, that eloquence could totally falter. Or it might not! Maybe that character deals well under pressure or doesn't let their emotions get the better of them! But that's all stuff that needs to be understood before writing a character!!!!
Otherwise you can take a poised, calm character and suddenly have them explode with no rhyme or reason to that explosion and have it feel totally out of place. Especially if that change is never hinted at prior, brought back up, or happens again.
but back to fanfic Honestly this is a huge reason why I can be so picky with fanfiction that I read. I don't need it to adhere strictly to canon - if I want a word-by-word retelling of the plot I can just go back to the source material - but if the dialogue feels off I will get turned off so fast and back out in an Instant
Like if it's blatant character breaking (he would NOT fucking say that), that's one thing. But where I get obnoxious is in the case of. Well. He would say that, but not phrased that way. Not in that vocab
Ok bear with me here, but where I've been the worst about this has been Zote characterization. YES, SORRY, THE GUY, WHATEVER. But that may very well be because I spent 1 straight year studying his dialogue and trying my damnedest to replicate it to the point where now I can just Talk Like That when he chooses to repossess me. But my point is this asshole talks in such a particular, specific-ass way, and no one seems to understand that bUT ME!!!!!
For an example of my obnoxiousness I once saw a thing where they had Zote say something like "I'll kill you" and out loud I launched into an entire rant about how he would NOT say it like that. He just wouldn't. This Man Doesn't Say Kill. He is bombastic and dramatic and would never simplify a threat down to a measly 3 words and it would most CERTAINLY NOT. BE THE WORD KILL!!!! This man will CUT YOU DOWN. This man will HAVE YOU SLAIN. You will FALL TO LIFE-ENDER'S MIGHTY BLADE, and you will be GRATEFUL in the event he CHOOSES TO DEEM YOU WORTHY OF MERCY.
He would Not say I'll Kill You. No. Never. That is not his dialogue. That is not how he speaks. I, however, Will kill you/j
anyway what was I saying. Yes. Character voice is so important. Setting also matters of course, like that post was getting at (whenever I see modern slang inserted into a world that most certainly would not have it I crumple up into a little ball and die) but it's like. A setting's influence on a character's voice and mannerisms are inherently linked. Like. Obviously one of these will have to do with the other, that is inescapable
With my Zote example it would be very silly of me to have him in a modern setting talking the way he does unless he was doing it ironically. His manner of speaking is just a more dramatic, dialed-up version of the way bugs of Hallownest already speak. And that's just the Setting. If I were to transfer him to any form of modern au where characters talk like people talk now, I. Simply wouldn't actually because this is a big reason why I don't have fun with modern AUs SHDGKLJHSG, those kinda need you to alter how characters talk to make it believable and then I will just already be taken out of it from the get-go
Just like it'd feel really jarring to have Hallownest bugs talk in modern slang . it goes Both Ways
as for curse words which were touched on in that other post, I think that boils down to personal preference. In games like CoTL or even HK, obviously there's not a bunch of Fucks and Shits and Bitches because then the rating would need to be upped. And also it just really clashes with the world (personally) But in fanfic (or in original works of historical fiction), I feel like there's more fair leniency on that, because curse words such as Fuck have been around for a Very, Very Long Time. An argument could be made for the validity of using those words in that setting, if u want to.
But Me Personally. I do not like making characters from pre-established media where there is no fuck-word suddenly use the fuck-word. Or shit or bitch or anything like that. As a person who swears like a sailor every day. Like the extent you'll get out of me is Damn or Bastard. Because otherwise it Clashes. In Mine Brain.
Also like I said in the tags of my rb it is way more fun to come up with unique insults and expletives than to just fall back on Character A calling Character B a motherfucker . Personally. In My opinion. Though a well-placed and tonally appropriate Fuck You is very very awesome in some instances. Yea.
Ok that's it. I'm done. I wrote too much. I think I got out the majority of my thoughts. Though I am not going back over this and I wrote it all in one passionate sitting so if I worded anything poorly. Well. Kill me for it
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@gyubby99 okay listen-
okay so this takes place like right after Aponi died. Neither she nor angel have any idea about the happy hotel. I just wanted to write what I thought their first meeting would be like.
Warning: mentions of rape, blood, murder, hell, stripping, p*le dancing, basically anything in the Helluva Boss or Hazbin hotel universe.
This is an OC fic so don't come for me in regards to accuracy.
Jason groaned as his headache made itself known.
He sat up on his bed, his girlfriend nowhere in sight until he saw the blood on the bed.
Memories flashed through his head.
"Shit..... Lilly!" He yelled out as he shot out of bed. "Lilly are you here? I'm so sorry.. I didn't-" He stopped running around realizing Lilly wasn't at home. She left him.
Or so he thought.
"She couldn't have gone far," he muttered to himself before running to his closet, opening the door and freezing.
His eyes were wide.
Lilly was there. Hanging by a few of his ties.
"Lilly...?" He asked before he broke down, untied her and brought her forehead to his. "Lilly goddammit it wasn't that big a deal!" He shouted until he remembered the screams of horror she gave out last night.
Down in hell:
"Listen I don't care how or when you do it I just need you to kill him," Aponi spoke from the corner of the I.M.P office.
"Right. Don't get me wrong, I understand where you're coming from but you seem like too much of a pussy to do anything to him once he gets down here," the Imp stated as he messed around with a pen on his desk.
"He raped me. I wanna make sure he can't do that to anyone ever again. So just fucking do it or I will find a way to get up there to do it myself," Aponi scolded.
As of now, of course she wouldn't do such a thing. But the Imp didn't need to know that.
"Yes ma'am! We'll kill him for you fair qnd square as long as you have the money!" He exclaimed as they made their way out of the office.
"I will. Just do it," Aponi stated before showing herself out of the building.
A few minutes of walking was not fun the morning after you died.
Aponi clutched her neck as she pulled her hoodie over her head to hide her face.
In doing so she bumped into someone smoking on the curb.
"Hey watch where ya goin lady!" The man stated.
"I-im sorry... I'm just trying to find a job or something.. I need quick money," Aponi explained.
"Quick money eh? I have a place in mind. What's ya name sweetheart?" The demon asked.
"My name? Uh it's lil-.... it's Aponi.... yours?" She replied.
"Angel dust, nice'ta meetcha! Come with me, toots and we'll getcha some money. I work for a nice overlord named Valentino. He'll setcha up well!" Angel explained as he hooked aponi's arms with his and guided her inside.
"Thanks..." she muttered.
"Of course! Welcome ta Hell!" Angel exclaimed.
A few minutes of bargaining and Aponi listing off her talents and credentials, she was in.
Angel led her backstage to his own dressing room.
"Since we didn't expect ya, you're gonna have to wait for your own room. But you can use mine until then!" Angel stated.
"Uh okay.. I dont have any clothes...." Aponi muttered.
"Oh no worries babe! You can borrow some'a my stuff! You wearin anything under that dirty ass sweatshirt?" Angel asked.
"Uh yeah.. why?"
"Take it off. I gotta get the vibe'a ya symbols and shit," Angel explained as he gestured to the heart symbols on his chest.
Aponi nodded and took off the sweatshirt, a tank top underneath.
"Jesus you're skinny! I can work with this! What'a ya? A butterfly demon?" Angel asked.
"I guess...." she muttered.
Angel shrugged as he looked into his closet.
"So how'd ya die anyhow?" He asked to make small talk.
"Oh.. I uh.. I hung myself," Aponi replied.
"Oh suicide? Jeez. Me too. But mine was..... somewhat accidental? I overdosed and ended up in a coma," Angel stated.
"really?" Aponi asked.
"Yep. What made'ya wanna kick it?" He wondered as he took out an outfit for her. "Here. Try this. The bathroom is just right there," Angel stated as he handed her the outfit.
Aponi walked into the bathroom.
"Um... to answer your question.... my boyfriend- well... ex boyfriend I should say now... he uh..... he didba bad thing," Aponi stated from inside the bathroom. "But that's really all I wanna say about it," she finished.
"No worries. Your business ain't mine. Ya'almost done?" Angel asked.
Aponi unlocked the door and stepped out in an incredibly short tight orange dress, 8 inch heeled black boots and a black corset.
"Wow! Ya clean up good! Now c'mon. You got one shot to impress Val. You got any songs ya like to sing that are vulgar?" He asked.
"Uh... yeah I got a few.... do I have to... pole dance or....?" Aponi asked nervously.
"Nah. He won't let newbies do it until he gets someone ta train em. He's a dirt bag, but He's professional," Angel stated.
Aponi nodded and sighed in relief.
"You died yesterday?" Angel clarified. Aponi nodded. "How old are ya?" He asked.
"Uh.. 19," she replied.
"Jeez. Whatever your ex did it must'a been real bad. Anywho. Break a leg!" Angel stated before pushing her on stage.
Aponi sighed.
Hours later when work was finished Aponi checked all the cash she made. Not a lot. But enough to pay for the I.M.P business.
Now she just needed a place to stay....
"Aight, I'm out toots. You good here or....?" Angel asked.
"Uh.... do you know somewhere I could stay for like.... no money?" She asked.
"I can hide ya out in my apartment if ya want for a lil bit," Angel stated.
"Really? I'd appreciate that," Aponi replied. Her phone buzzed.
I.M.P: the job is done. Come in tomorrow to pay us.
Aponi: thanks. Will do.
"So what went through your parents minds when choosing ya name?" Angel asked as the two of them walked out of the club.
"Oh. Aponi isn't my real name.. but I figured i needed a new one to uh.... ya know I don't know.... I used to write fanfiction as a thirteen year old and I did a lot of name studying. My real name is Lilly," Aponi explained.
"Ah I won't tell. Angel Dust ain't my real name either," He replied. "You and my friend Cherri would get along real well. We should all hang out sometime," Angel stated.
"Yeah. That'd be great," Aponi replied as she and the spider demon walked together.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
l&o thursdays
your regular ramblings and thoughts.
....and now i want pizza...
Happy Thursday fuckers, here we go
SHE STAYED THE NIGHT??? FUCK THIS SHIT (and im no even a bensler shipper. And yes I realize there’s other rooms she could have stayed in but still fuck this)
(sidebar, my OWN MOTHER just goddamn texted me “ack rollins in a wedding dress” m’am…that a SPOILER)
“no reason for me to stay” good, get out of here, I never trusted you.
 Ive had enough of this man child casino boy… are we done with this arc yet?
I stopped paying attention thanks to dealing with this stolen fic shit, sorry besties.
This family is more fucked up than the Wheatley’s, and at least the Wheatley’s had appeal to them, like I was constantly rooting for them, these guys are k-mart brand Wheatley’s
If they write Ayanna off the show I will LOSE MY SHIT. But then again she’s a queer, and she’s a poc, so it was only a matter of fucking time….
She IS the boss Elliot, get the stick out of your fucking ass. I swear if he ends up getting promoted and becoming the *actual* boss of OC I will hate it here….
Okay. I did not pay ANY attention to mothership, but I will say this: that blue dress Sam was in is *chefs kiss*
OKAY, time to pay attention!!
If it’s HIS birthday, why is he paying for drinks??
CONGRATS to carisi for being the ONLY person ive seen in media to pop a bottle of champagne without making it overflow. Thank fuck.
Also… are we really gonna get Professor Rollins!?? Even if it *is* offscreen???
Every week I watch the opening credits and pray for the miracle of “Elizabeth Marvel” popping up on the screen and every week I am met with no luck. Maybe one day the day will come? I can only hope.
 Where TF is Velasco….i’d get rotating the cast like this IF IT WASN’T SO FUCKING TINY
Ah, “the Donnelly family is a bunch of criminals” so this Donnelly is related to the one from OC?? Or just lazy writing??
Olivia’s Big dick energy is really showing through this season and im here for it.
You know, considering DW wanted to kill amanda in the premier, we’re BLESSED to be getting so much of her, she could be the one missing/benched/only in one scene but she’s getting a lot of screen time…
Muncy “don’t look at me I didn’t do it!” lolololololol
The dad is super fucking annoying, like obvi these guys know what theyre doing
Okay but WHY isn’t he being charged with a hate crime??
The dad’s gonna shoot the perp/someone isn’t it? Like he’s a cop, he’d be able to take his gun into the court room….
Okay maybe he’s not, maybe he’s going to end up accepting his child’s identity
Jfc the stream keeps freezing every 10 seconds this commercial break has taken three times as long as normal, pls…there’s only 8 mins of my show left…
Yessss muncy’s on team pineapple on pizza!!! Fuck YES. Also she cannot sit like a straight… its confirmed, she’s queer.
LOLOLOLOL. THE OFFENDED LOOK ON HER FACE AT THE “in harlem, we don’t put fruit on our pizza”
For the record I’m with muncy on this one.
Okay… so…no proposal tonight and thanks to the promo for next  week we know the weddings a legit thing, not just a fake out that they “filmed” to not use… see y’all in two weeks!!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 11 days
He looks so squishable omg LMAO THE HORSE SHIT BUT CLOUDIE IS SUCH A CUTE NAME TOO SJDHSJS this is giving me horse fever
LMAOOO truly the new bar: what tier of cupcakes are they willing to buy if it’s not insanely expensive it’s a no
OHHH ok lowk I don’t think I paid attention to that part of the gameplay in Oras which is probably why I don’t remember LMAO but YES THAT DUDE
HAHAHA it’s ok I laughed at myself it happens too often atp
Pause rough and tumble yuki….rough and tumble yuki??!!! Where was this idea all my life….wait that fr would’ve cooked wtf that would also be sooo interesting to merge tgt with him being religious plus his guilt etc etc the potential….abt to turn yuki into an oc /j
But FR im crying jjk rlly a shit show BUT idk if you saw YUTA CONFIRMED ALIVE WE ALL CHEERED but tbh who really is watching/consuming BLLK for the plot alone let’s be real
NO BECAUSE aiku coming back later on as an addition to the defense lineup or team in general or playing some kinda role Lowk would’ve been a lot more enjoyable for me…like why are you throwing him in with the bllkers NOW (not just because of oaeu has me cracking up) I completely agree like he should’ve left and come BACK LATER I would’ve totally ate up future rival aiku….the potential…alas….
AHAHAHA we’re linked up fr can’t leave out those hair wax jokes but omg him finding reader with Barou’s corpse first has me crying /sad I love how you actually thought out the usability of the teams though because when I played I DEFINITELY just went with whatever pokemon I liked regardless of typing and stats LMAOOK
Karasu screaming at her is so real LMAOA reminds me of him yelling at people during the bowling/Shibuya outing chapter LOL I’m trying to think of a rare water type pokemon but atp I’m just gonna google because I definitely didn’t read the dex entries in depth the first one that comes to mind is feebas though but tbh thats kinda just in the same boat as magikarp so er (clampearl maybe….? Or maybe skrelp idk dragalge seems pretty cool comparatively so) ok wait while I’m looking at water types anyone know the lore behind phione and manaphy why am I just realizing they aren’t related evolution wise pause im now realizing that it didn’t have to be a rare water type which makes more sense i somehow read somewhere that “reader fishes out a rare pokemon (from the sea) and trades that” but if that were the case she could’ve just kept it to fulfill the water type requirement idk what i was thinking going w this uh
REAL the evil govt secretly silencing the voices of anyone who disagrees…guys the world is building fr we just cracked the code behind the champion situation too (reps dad being bribable is so real)
LMFAOOOO IM CRYING “yeah we got bored and went to the moon nbd”
LMAOAO the “i know a guy” trope is so real and so iconic im crying they go find hiori and he’s like “oh yeah my bad that’s my pokemon the size of a small sky scraper she’s harmless” (id imagine its in aurorus form for this to be funny) last time i remember aurorus was from the show and from what I remember of it trying to protect amaura i can also imagine it being protective of hiori and almost freezing mc’s teams asses off LMAOOOO (“it don’t bite” “YES TF IT DO”) you’re getting me too invested in this first it was oaeu now pokemon au i fear this cooks too hard….
You see my first thought was also Barou but for logistical reasons that’s a no here pause gagamaru cooking (literally)!!! Imagine he starts making them just like in the forest or out in the tall grass so people think it’s sketchy (kinda like some food trucks yk) but turns out his stuff is all natural AND fire (ness having low nutrient poffins is so real)
AIKU GARY HAHAHA that just reminds me of Gary’s cheerleaders and the cheer/chant they had for him I’m crying imagine aiku had one
OH SHDGSHSHS I never had an aegislash jn game so that explains why idk the lore LMAO (I did have a friend who swore by it and constantly hyped up its stats though, fr doing like aegislash promotion) Nagiy/ns number one shipper aegislash!!! LMAOO stop this could actually cook as a pokemon anime season wtf someone get game freak and whoever animates pokemon in here rn….reader jumpscaring Nagi in their next battle with aegislash is so funny
I’ll never not be amazed by how much content you can churn out wtf I usually see people writing like three fics just the time you’ve done fifteen and as we’ve already discussed your fics are LONG I’m fr imagining that Justin Bieber gif rn (I’m not even kidding I think of the phrase “doing gods work” and then that gif and audio pop up so congrats you’ve definitely been cemented in with that LMAOO) but SAME love our yap sessions!!
- Karasu anon
RIGHT IT’S LITERALLY PERFECT FOR HIM brooo ponies specifically always have the cutest names…the pony i learned to ride on way back when i was like 11 was named sugar 🥹 and then the ponies i learnt to jump on were named candy and penny like TELL ME THAT’S NOT ADORABLE 😭😭😭 horses usually don’t have such cutesy names sadly but some of them are mad majestic (i’ve known horses named zeus, palermo, arctic, rhea, and heathcliff to name a few like why do they all lowkey have aura)
LMAOO it’ll be the same mfs buying both tiers too like don’t let yourself be treated like the random unnamed girl who got grocery store cookies and was cancelled on so otoya could play video games with reader 😭 only accept the man who plays video games with you so you didn’t walk to his house for nothing and buys you gourmet fancy ass cupcakes for literally no reason 🤩 nah because tbh bfb otoya as a concept cracks me up he’s just so ridiculous with everything he does like there’s zero reason for him to be doing all of that (i remember i kept telling you that karasu’s bfb would be less crack-ish and you were like otoya’s wasn’t that bad?? but now that you’ve read karasu’s version i hope you see what i meant 😩)
rough and tumble yukimiya would’ve been AMAZING…something about how he turned to religion as a way to repent for some of the bullshit he pulled in his childhood + he felt like him getting scouted just for being handsome was so lucky it HAD to be an act of god + him feeling like if he acts out god will punish him (maybe he views his failing eyesight as a punishment for his past sins??) and send him back to where he came from hence his mega kind and polite personality which is a facade for his more selfish NEL personality + him and kaiser getting along because of their backstories but also butting heads because of the diff ways they dealt with things (kaiser forsaking any notion of god to care about himself vs yukimiya trusting anyone BUT himself in search of some kind of solace and reassurance that things will stay as good as they now are) + isagi showing yukimiya another way of being yourself while still not being a bad person and showing that it’s alright to make mistakes (yukimiya perfectionism flaw??) as long as you learn from them…CUT THE CAMERAS DEADASS kaneshiro better give me custody of yukimiya in just three ask responses i’ve taken his canon info and given him a way more compelling and deep backstory that would guarantee him to be a fan favorite 🥱 honestly it’s kind of sad because i could never write this version of yukimiya as he’s just divorced enough from canon that it wouldn’t make sense in a fic but he will ALWAYS be in my mind now i think he’s 1000x more compelling than canon yukimiya without (i believe) compromising his core character traits and in fact actually adding continuity and building off of them (if rough and tumble yukimiya was given enough good panels [which considering he’s in an au with less players and therefore more focus on each character he probably would have a decent amount] he would def have that kaiser vibe to him like i can see him being popular and people posting abt his tragic backstory and how hot he is etc etc)
YESSS YUTA MADE IT lowkey it was so random though like last chapter there was the whole “we need to save okkotsu” cliffhanger and now he’s just here and chilling hello??? also how is HIGURUMA still around 😭 and this shit with the elders and all of that like where did that come from…is gege trying to set up a sequel or smth 🤔 idk i’m very lost i think i just need to see how it ends so i can move on from it for a while
i think aiku as a future rival would’ve cooked so hard maybe he drops some “you guys reminded me what it feels like to have an ego” (as a callback to his striker past) type of line and barou’s like “oh so you have an ego now 🤨 good because that means it’ll be even more fun to crush you 😒” and that specific game is focused on them and their rivalry (it could be a good place to add more barou backstory into the main manga too as well as aiku lore)
i never understood stats or anything but i always took typing seriously!! as well as moves and whatnot (if a move didn’t do damage though i never let my pokémon keep it) RKFHSJSJ no because it’s so sad karasu’s the one who goes back and finds her (after nagi tells him to because at the end it’s nagi and reader before reader goes on alone to fight barou…nagi leaves to evacuate everyone but he’s like “yo karasu please go check on her”) and it’s just her and her houndoom lying with barou and his houndoom (who are both dead UGHHHH the angst is insane)
HELP waits actually yk what’s funny is reader does actually end up with a dragalge on her team so at some point she catches a skrelp ig?? but she doesn’t trade it away (lowkey dragalge isn’t one i’ve put much though into like it and donphan are just kinda there but they don’t yet have the plot relevance that houndoom aegislash gyarados and galvantula do)…HAHAHA yeah she catches a non water type to trade!! i’m thinking it’ll be like a pikachu or something because then everyone reading will be like “oh of COURSE she has a pikachu 🙄🙄🙄” but then she trades it away for a magikarp LDFHSJSKSK anyways yeah if you put manaphy and a ditto in the daycare you’ll get a phione egg!! not sure what the lore connection is but yeah that’s the in game mechanic (i got a manaphy during one of the mystery gift events and i used to spam breed phione’s and put them on the global trade center so people would give me their legendaries in exchange LMAOAAO i was kinda diabolical with it)
no because the world is so deep i’m so invested now!! REO’S DAD BEING CORRUPT AND BRIBABLE JUST MAKES SM SENSE lowkey maybe that’s why reo’s traveling alone/with mc trio instead of training at home with his dad!! like he wants to actually be a proper champion and is too idealistic to realize the government will never let him do that with that mindset…okay wait and instead of going the stereotypical route maybe reader defeating barou and the evil team isn’t enough for them to fix things because the root of the problem (the government) hasn’t been fixed so then in order to get justice for barou she’s like “well ig i have all 8 badges” so she (along with nagi as her rival, tullia who’s just been doing random shit this whole time and has the team for it, and reo who wants to be champion for a diff reason) decides to join the championship conference and makes it through until the end (again considering galvantula alone swept through half of barou’s team it’ll make sense) where she’s told by the government that she has to throw the match and she seems to agree (unlike barou) but then instead of doing that she beats mr mikage and exposes the government on live tv before they can cut the cameras…and then the gym leaders + elite four + elite four candidates (isagi kaiser bachira kunigami) are like “aight might as well” and reveal they’ve been planning a mutiny against the government for a WHILE (another reason why isagi is always so secretive around them) and barou was involved too but it wasn’t supposed to happen for a while however with reader’s actions they decide there’s no time like the present and execute a (much better planned) mutiny while reader and co + mc trio watch in awe (you KNOW karasu is so mad yayoi never mentioned anything to him) so it kind of avoids that “kids doing everything while incompetent adults just sit around” trope while still having reader and co + mc trio be integral parts of the ending??
HAHAHA mc trio could have their own spinoff fr…episode nagi pokémon au KFJDJD they randomly find a crashed spaceship full of clefairy and clefables and somehow chigiri and/or reo are revealed to have mechanical expertise?? plus nagi’s just randomly a genius fsr so they manage to fix up the spaceship so the clefairy and clefable can go back to the moon (lowkey i think smth like this happens in one of the original eps of the anime but it’s bllk au so it’s funnier) and they leave an egg with nagi as thanks (specifically nagi because according to reo’s [at the time] kirlia they like his hair as it reminds them of the moon even though lowkey nagi did the least for them) or like do you remember that one episode where it was like a competition for only fighting type pokémon?? imagine reo has been SET on evolving his kirlia into a gardevoir but when he hears about the competition he’s like “time to switch gears” and while reader and co are having the fossil arc with hiori, mc trio is just running around completing various side quests trying to find a dawn stone so reo can evolve kirlia into a gallade instead…bonus points if reo misses the registration date because he doesn’t find the dawn stone in time so now he just randomly has a gallade (who he loves very much don’t get me wrong LMAOOO he was just building his team around eventually having a gardevoir and now he has to switch stuff up)
HELPPP because okay realistically hiori’s team is super super intimidating if you think about it…like you look at him and he seems so sweet you think he’d have a team like otoya’s (#otoyaslander) and then he releases his first pokémon and it’s a metagross 😭 his pokémon are def all super protective of him too…they probably HATE reader in particular because between donphan and galvantula (aka the goat…lowkey i’m surprised at how much it actually carries every confrontation) alone she’s destroying his team 😩 considering donphan is a ground type so it’s strong against aurorus and luxray, galvantula is bug-electric so it’s strong against metagross (psychic is weak to bug apparently??), swanna, and kingdra, so that only leaves nidoqueen with a type advantage…until you factor in that gyarados is not only a water type (so strong against her ground typing) but also flying so it’s immune to her ground type attacks 😭 and this is completely ignoring houndoom who is metagross’s perfect counter, aegislash if she has it at that point, and dragalge 😰 it took me so long picking a team with type coverage for basically every type but i’m still always amazed whenever i match reader up against other characters and realize she absolutely cooks them
HELPPPP GAGAMARU AS A POFFIN FOOD TRUCK WORKER IS SO REAL i can see him having an ursaring and they just drive around selling poffins and he doesn’t have a phone number or anything so if you want them you have to hunt him down 😭 the REAL reason yukimiya has an alakazam is so he can just teleport LMAOAO meanwhile reader and co have to fly on flying pokémon (reader and tullia borrow karasu’s and otoya uses his altaria) to find him wherever he is if they need him
nah because you’re so right aegislash has to be a shipper there’s 0 reason for it to throw the romance subplot in except for some drama JFKSKS to be fair it was probably rlly bored while waiting for a trainer to show up 😭 it’s kind of rude even once it’s captured but then houndoom beats it up and it behaves after that 🤩 no fr it’s a role reversal of the cleffa incident like reader and nagi both pull up with new pokémon and nagi throws out his cottonee (side note but cottonee/whimsicott is such a peak nagi pokémon tbh) meanwhile reader whips out her aegislash and nagi’s just like WHAT THE FUCK (reo and chigiri are just like “😃❔” because they have no clue why nagi’s tripping meanwhile nagi’s trying to process that he did in fact have an isekai romance arc with reader and now he has to face her after he literally asked if it’s okay for him to rizz her up “for the plot” when she’s dating karasu (she is NOT dating karasu) (karasu has no idea why nagi keeps looking at him awkwardly) (tullia and otoya ask chigiri and reo if nagi is into men/karasu) (chigiri and reo can honestly say they have 0 idea)
HAHAHA no it’s not even just 15 since may because that’s not counting the jjk requests i got OR anything i wrote for myself (both versions of bfb, freaky friday, hollyhock and peregrine chapters) i fear i am quite prolific in the summer…fall is always lowkey the mira hiatus era where i rlly slow down and then suddenly come december i go crazy and cook until the next fall
0 notes
lolawassad · 2 years
Okay get it bestie
Hi! Could you please write something with the reader being best friends with Alphonso and Jayme? ^^
this is kinda really awful im sorry anon
Two people walk up to you and try to intimidate you making you frown "Look i dont do fighting okay? so if you wanna beat me up go for it but it makes you a pussy because i wont fight back!" you say making the two people look at eachother before the guy sighs "thank fucking god" he says before sitting down next to you
"Your brother is mean" he says " i know right! im sorry, they can all be so rude, i mean one of my brothers is kind of a gorilla but we dont call him hideous!" you reply, the girl sighs loudly "i hate you" she says before sitting down next to you
You gasp fake offendedly "how dare you be so mean to me?" you ask her hand on your heart "can you believe your sister?" you ask the guy next to you "Jayme how could you?" he asks acting offended for you "so rude" you say
Jayme smirks "your cute i like that" she says making you gasp "ayo?! you are hitting on me now?" you ask shocked "wow" you continue before feeling something hit your face "fuck you doing we need to leave" five says before blinking you away
"FIVE HIT ME!" you yell out to your siblings "she was talking with the enemy thats a her problem" Five replies before sitting down "bitch" you mutter before sitting next to Klaus a pout on your face "Ill have you know Jayme thinks im cute! and i bet... i didnt get his name!!" you yell the last part out
You jump up and go to walk back to the building "what the hell are you doing?" Diego asks "Im gonna go visit my new besties" you tell him in a "duh" tone he goes to stop you but sits down again "dont die babe" Klaus yells after you
When you reach the house you knock on the door, when the door opens a lady with no eyes opens the door "oh you come for an ass whooping?" she asks making you shake your head "no i-" you say but are cut off by a "BESTIE!" and the guy from earlier walking over "you came back!" he beams making you jump up and down "course i did!"
He grabs onto your hand and pulls you inside "BYE PRETTY BIRD LADY I LOVE YOU!" you yell making the lady freeze in place
"Im alphonso by the way" he says while stopping his movements when he sees Ben "Ooh why we stopping for Ben? do we not like him? do we need to avoid him?" you ask him peaking out from behind him "No Ben doesnt like your family" he replies
"Well Ben hasnt met me ye- no he has met me, i bet he liked what he saw, even though i look like i just stepped out of the 60's- which i did" you ramble making someone chuckle behind you "she really is cute, can we keep her?" Jayme asks loudly making Ben's head shoot in your direction "HE SAW ME NOW HES GONNA MURDER ME.. OR KISS ME!" you yell panicked making the siblings laugh
"dont laugh, i am very sexy" you defend yourself offended "hey we didnt say you arent" Alphonso says "why is she here?" Ben demands from behind Jayme making you jump into Alphonso's arms "ay dios mio" you exclaim "how did you" you ask looking to where he just was to where he is now
"are you a wizard?" you ask him making Jayme laugh "oh yeah i really like this one, im keeping her" she tells her brothers with a smirk "no" Marcus speaks up from behind Alphonso "your siblings are so scary" you whisper to Alphonso
"the way hes looking at me he either wants to kill me or kis- hey do you wanna kiss?" you ask Marcus making him scoff "yes" he says before looking at Ben and then back at you "i mean no obviously, i would never kiss the enemy"
"I would totally kiss you" Ben speaks up making you gasp and look at him "just like the old days" you say
"fuck this" Jayme says before she starts pulling Alphonso who is still holding you with her "Stop trying to steal our new friend!" she yells out "Yeah!" Alphonso yells in agreement
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
The Hottest Avenger - Bucky Barnes
a/n: im warning you, i will probably not stop for a while with the bucky fics so... brace yourselves lol! also i wrote this before ep 5 came out so its placed in that time
pairing: Bucky X Reader
warnings: TFATWS spoiler, some violence? nothing extreme
word count: 1.8k
summary: Being locked together with Sam and Bucky brings the worst out of you, picking on each other constantly. Following an arguement Bucky accidentally calls you his girlfriend in front of Sam when your relationship was supposed to be a secret.
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“Did you fucking eat the last dumpling?” you accuse Sam, holding up the empty takeout box where you thought were one more dumpling, one you’ve saved for yourself, but now it’s gone as Sam is eyeing you with his mouth full.
“Thought it was mine,” he mumbles, his words barely understandable from all the food in his mouth.
Taking a deep breath you’re trying not to jump at his throat right then and there. You’ve been locked up together all damn day in the trashy apartment across the street from the building where’s Zemo supposed to be hiding. Sharon had a tip about a possible place where he might be found, but you’ve been waiting to no avail for now. You’ve been growing stressed and impatient. You lost track of Karli and her people and now you can’t seem to find Zemo either. If it wasn’t for the Dora Milaje, you wouldn’t bother to be so after the asshole, but Bucky said if Ayo finds him first, he is dead and every useful information he holds goes to the grave with him so now you are forced to look for him. One failed mission has been following the other these days, that incompetent dickhead John is on the loose too after murdering that man in front of civilians and you feel like control has slipped out of your grip a long time ago. Now you’re stuck with Sam and Bucky in this crappy place, waiting by the window, watching out for Zemo and on top of everything… Sam ate your last dumpling.
Just when you’re about to snap at him, you feel a strong grip on your shoulder. You don’t have to look up to know it’s Bucky right behind you, but not just because he is the only other person in the room beside you and Sam, but also because you know his touch probably more than anyone. Only that most of the times it’s not your shoulder he is gripping…
It’s been going on for a long time between the two of you. Started with just some innocent flirting and you never thought it would grow into something more significant, but it did. And now you are officially in a relationship with none other than the Winter Soldier, only that no one else knows about it and you plan to keep it that way. You don’t need the teasing and jokes and the Avengers are known to be dicks sometimes, especially Sam.
Glancing up your eyes meet Bucky’s blue irises and he sends you a look that says “just let it go”, and though every fiber in you wants to whoop Sam’s ass, you let it slip.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna get mad about a dumpling,” Sam chuckles as he chews on the food that you should be enjoying right now.
“I can get mad about whatever I want to,” you growl back, growing quite irritated of him at this point.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he huffs under his breath, clearly not as bothered as he should be. Before you could do any harm in him, you leave your spot by the window, needing a breather from… well, from him.
“Hey, it’s still your turn!” he calls after you.
“I need a break,” you growl back.
“Get your ass back here, we agreed to switch every two hours!”
“Sam! I’m walking out because I’m way too tempted to punch you in the face right now!” you snap at him, losing your patience. He rises from his seat with a hard expression, not quite a fan of the way you just talked to him, but you couldn’t care less.
“You think you could actually throw one? Because last time we fought you couldn’t really get a hold of me,” he narrows his eyes at you, coming to stand tall in front of you, trying to intimidate you with how much taller and stronger he might be, but you both know you’re a better fighter.
“It’s easy to talk with your fancy tech stuff. Why don’t we see who wins in a simple battle?” you challenge him with faked boredom.
“Guys, stop. We should be looking out for Zemo, not tearing each other apart,” Bucky tries to end the staring contest, sticking his metal arm between the two of you in case any of you decides to launch at the other one.
“Then tell her to stop bitching!” Sam nods in your way.
“I’m not bitching, I’m just fed up with your bullshit!” you spat back at him, leaning closer, your chest coming in contact with Bucky’s extended arm.
“Don’t talk to her like that, Sam,” Bucky warns him, but Sam snorts dryly.
“Don’t tell me you are taking her side, she is throwing a fit for a fucking dumpling!”
“I’m not taking sides, just trying to settle this stupid disagreement here,” he defends himself and you roll your eyes.
“You can’t tell me she is not overreacting it, Buck!” Sam laughs in disbelief, taking a step back, dropping the act that he wants to fight you. He probably knows he would come out as a ridiculous loser. “This is fucking insane, I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit, Y/N,” he shakes his head.
“Hey!” Bucky snaps at him. “Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that, okay?!”
“I’m just—wait, what?!” Sam’s eyes widen and you freeze too.
Your dumbass boyfriend didn’t just out the two of you, did he? What else is about to come?! Sam’s shock turns into a cocky grin as his eyes shift between you and Bucky.
“You guys… you guys are fucking?” he asks with a delightful laugh and you close your eyes sighing, already tired of his shit.
“That’s not—We’re not fucking, I mean… It’s not like that,” Bucky stutters, but it’s just making it worse. He looks at you with terror in his eyes, but you are way too drained to deal with it the right way.
“Yes, we are fucking! And we are in a mature adult relationship! Get yourself over it!” you bark at Sam before turning around and walking out.
You faintly hear the two men talk inside, but you don’t make out the words. You don’t go too far, sitting on the steps leading up to the third floor. Soon enough you hear the door of the apartment open with a creak and a moment later Bucky shows up in your sight. He sits beside you, remaining silent for a little before speaking up.
“Sorry for running my mouth,” he mumbles, his head hanging low.
“It’s… fine,” you breathe out. Bucky fidgets with his fingers and you know he wants to touch you in any kind of way as a reassurance that it really is fine. You don’t want to hold a grudge, it was an accident, you’re just a little bummed it’s not gonna be just the two of you anymore. Reaching out you take his hand, the real one that’s flesh and meat and you lace your fingers together as he peeks at you, still reserved and hesitant.
“Is it really fine or are you just bottling it up?”
“It really is fine,” you chuckle softly and leaning closer you kiss his scruffy cheek. “The only reason I wanted to keep it a secret is because you know how vickery the guys can get. I just didn’t want them to pick on us.”
“They do it because they are just jealous,” he smirks playfully, his shoulder bumping against yours.
“Yeah? Of what?” A soft chuckle slips through your lips.
“That I scored the hottest Avenger,” he replies smugly and you can’t help but laugh with your head snapping back.
“I didn’t know you were fucking Thor!” you retort and immediately see his smirk vanish from his lips as he stares back at you, not enjoying your joke as much as you are.
“Thor? Really? Not this shit again, Y/N,” he narrows his eyes at you. Back when you were just skirting around each other, you loved pulling his leg, joking about how much you are into the hottest Avenger, aka Thor. He never appreciated it, usually earned you a tight-lipped smile before he mumbled “Tarzan’s got nothing on me” before walking away, leaving you laughing like a hyena.
“Come on, you know I’m more into super soldiers,” you grin, leaning closer as he pepper his sharp jawline with more small kisses.
“You know, it’s not the best thing to say to your boyfriend when there are now about eight more super soldiers running around,” he huffs.
“But none of them has a metal arm,” you point out, finally making him laugh.
“So that’s your kink? A vibranium arm?” he asks with faked shock and you curl your arms around his bicep, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“How haven’t you realized yet?” you chuckle. Bucky turns his head until his lips can capture yours in a sweet, lighthearted kiss that makes you forget about everything that’s been clouding over your mind these past days. All the failures, the mistakes and chaos fades into nothing, because you have him and he has you.
Walking back into the apartment Sam stares back at you, neither of you entirely sure how to act after what just happened. He then grabs his phone from the dusty table before holding it up.
“I could order some extra dumplings,” he offers and you crack a smile shaking your head. This was his peace offering, both of you knows he won’t straight up apologize for the way he talked, but this is already more than what you were expecting from him. Bucky must have had a few words with him before joining you outside.
“It’s all good.”
The three of you get back to work, taking your previous spots, returning to the task on hand as silence falls on the room once again. You catch Sam glancing at you and the Bucky and you can tell he is about to make a snarky comment on your relationship. And just as he is about to open his big mouth, Bucky moves to silence him, but you’re faster. With a simple move you throw Sam to the ground, keeping him down with your hand wrapped around his neck.
“Don’t even think about teasing, understood?” you hiss at him as he gasps for air, his hands wrapping around your wrist as he tries to fight you off, but you hold him a second longer to emphasize the importance of your words. Then you finally let go of him and he coughs for air, fixing him up from the floor as you simply walk back to your spot by the window.
“Hottest Avenger, huh?” he breathes out, revealing that he heard what you talked about out on the stairs. “More like the Avenger with the most anger issues…”
You just grin, glancing over at your boyfriend who is now standing with his arms crossed over his chest, not even bothered by his friend’s struggles on the floor as he smirks back at you, nodding proudly as if he was saying: “That’s my girl.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Just Peachy.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: mentions of injuries and blood, overall very fluffy and cute
Requested: nope
Summary: in which Y/N gets hurt and Ransom is the perfect fiancé.
Author's Note: hiya peeps! ok im gonna say it,,, im a hoe for soft!ransom idc idc. enjoy!
"If anything happens while I'm at work, if you get hurt, don't hesitate to call me, alright? I'll be home in 15 minutes. Just call." Wise words by Ransom Drysdale, her fiancé.
Was she going to do that? Nope! Y/N grumbled from her position on the ground; she was walking down the stairs when she had tripped and fallen, ending up in a heap on the floor with one ankle definitely broken and a cut on her temple. Slowly, as the pain got too much to bear, she started crawling to the best of her abilities towards the bathroom to get the first aid kit.
As she neared the bathroom her hopes went up, until she saw the cupboard above the sink on top of which the first aid kit was kept. "Who fucking keeps it so high up?" she cursed under her breath as she grabbed the sink, slowly standing up, praying the sink wouldn't break under her as she applied her full body weight on the poor thing. She was successful.
Now putting her entire weight on her good foot, she reached up and, severely underestimating the weight of the kit, yanked it up, causing the heavy box to come crashing down on her. "Damn it, fucking son of a—" she cursed loudly as the box knocked her off her already weak feet. She fell on her back with a grunt and the heavy box landed on her chest, forcing her to exhale a breath. "Fuck."
Y/N forgot to hear a painful crunch.
She started lifting her hands to push the kit away when a sharp pain shot through her left wrist, causing her to wince. "Oh, great, another broken limb? Just what I needed. Great. Fucking peachy," she muttered and shoved the box away with her right hand, moving to sit up. She tried to crawl out of the bathroom but this time, with only one hand to support her, the task was perilous.
Ransom tapped his fingers on his desk at work in the tune of his favorite song, frowning at the blank open document in front of him. He was working on his second book, but today, inspiration was nowhere to be found. No ideas were coming to his head on how to proceed with the next chapter. I wonder what Y/N is doing, he thought and smiled softly at the thought of his fiancée.
Ransom and Y/N met at a party thrown by a mutual friend. He was being his usual, bitter self in the gardens outside the lavish mansion (yes, a mansion) when Y/N had approached him first. "Hi there, I'm Y/N. I noticed you were being too quiet and you slipped out, and wondered if you wanted to talk to someone?"
He wanted to push her away for talking to him like that, especially since he left the house for a reason, but instead he just smiled at her. A genuine smile. "I'd like that a lot." And so, they talked. Ransom was proud to announce that he had first fallen for her nature, her personality and her demeanor instead of her looks, which was what made their relationship special.
At least for Ransom, given the type of man he used to be.
Y/N was extremely gorgeous in his eyes. That was simply an added bonus. By the end of the party, both of them had walked into the house again and Ransom had put on quite a show about asking her out to dinner, which she readily agreed to. She knew what kind of a man he was; spoiled, full of himself and had a big attitude problem but that one talk with him changed her perception of Ransom Drysdale.
He was truly nice to the people he cared about, one of them being her. They talked for a short while and he was nothing short of polite, sweet and funny at times. He flirted endlessly since that was part of his personality but she didn't mind, she liked it, even. Ever since that day, they were inseparable and now, 4 years later, engaged.
"Fuck shit, fuck shit, fuck shit…" Y/N chanted as she slowly crawled to the living room, the pain in her body increasing by the minute. Finally putting her pride aside, she grabbed her phone off the couch and called Ransom, falling to the floor with deep breaths. Ransom's eyes snapped away from his laptop and landed on his phone when it started ringing.
Grinning, he picked up the call when Y/N's smiling face came into view. The moment she spoke, though, his grin dropped. "Hugh…" Y/N choked out, eyes filling with tears when the pain finally caught up to her. "Y/N? Bubba, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly, immediately leaping to his feet. He shut the laptop, grabbed his coat and stormed out of his office, towards his car. Work be damned.
"It's— it's nothing. I'm sorry for calling, I know you're busy—" He nearly scoffed. "Babe, listen to me. You're more important. I'm coming home, I just left the office. Speak to me, bub, tell me," he insisted as he drove like a madman towards his house. "Just got hurt a little bit," Y/N mumbled and Ransom's heart broke. "Darling, I'll take care of it when I get home."
Thankfully, 15 minutes later, he reached home. Ransom hurriedly parked his car and threw open the front door, freezing when he saw his fiancée lying near the couch on the floor, the phone still in her hand as her eyes snapped away from the ceiling towards him. "Ransom," she stuttered and he walked towards her, kneeling next to her. His thumb swiped the blood on her temple.
God, did he want to punch her on her stupid, beautiful face for telling him she was just a little hurt. "Bub, what's this?" He picked her up and placed her on the couch, moving to take her hand but it fell limp… in a weird angle. His eyes widened. "Is your wrist broken?" he whispered and Y/N nodded, turning away from him. "And you had the fucking audacity to tell me it was nothing?!" he screamed.
She kept silent as he checked the rest of her body, finding out that her ankle was broken as well, the skin around it swollen black and blue. "You're a fucking dumbass, you know that?" he muttered as he called a doctor, sitting on the floor next to the couch. "I didn't want to disturb you." She was wheezing and he turned to her, only to see her clutching at her chest with a pained expression on her face.
"Hurts." He sat up and ripped the t-shirt off her, eyes darkening when they landed on the bruise forming on her chest and between the valley of her breasts. "What the fuck happened when I was gone?" he hissed as he covered her up again. "I… I fell down the stairs first and broke my ankle," she began, fidgeting. "Well you should've called me then!" he insisted, exasperated.
"I didn't want to be a burden," she admitted in a small voice and Ransom's resolve broke. He teared up a bit and pressed his lips to hers, shaking his head. "You're not a burden, Y/N. I told you, if you're hurt at home, call me. I meant it. Even if it's a paper cut, call. Even if it's a skinned knee, call. I'm always here for you, and I always will be here." Y/N sniffled under him.
"Ransom…" He gently sat her up and sat next to her, only to pull her on his lap as he held her close. "Don't you dare think you're a burden ever again. I signed up for this. A burden is something you're not willing to carry. This? I'm willing to carry this to the end of the world," he whispered, squeezing her body as tightly as he could without crushing her. "I love you, Ran."
I love you, too.
"I know, sweetcheeks." And he grinned when her head shot up and she promptly slapped him on the cheek. "You're so full of yourself, Drysdale," she huffed. "You still love me," he hummed as she snuggled into his arms. "Fortunately for you, unfortunately for me, yeah, yes I do," she sighed.
Soon, the doctor arrived, patched her up and said the worst thing she had ever heard in her life.
"Bedrest for 2 weeks till the ankle heals."
And seeing Ransom's shit-eating grin had caused her to glare so viciously at him that even he had cowered. "Babe, doctor's orders, can't help it." After the doctor left, they were now laying side by side on their bed, staring at each other. "I can't just sit here with nothing to do!" she whined, snuggling closer to him. He put an arm around her, sighing.
"Well, face the reality, kitten. You're staying here and that's an order."
"Funny you think you can boss me around, sweetheart."
"I know I can't but this time, I will. I'll strap you down to the bed, mark my words," Ransom said with a roll of his eyes. "Kinky," Y/N snickered and Ransom kissed her nose with a smirk. "You are not getting up, Mrs Drysdale," he whispered and she pouted, jutting her lower lip out as far as she could along with giving him puppy eyes. "Please, Ran?" Ransom laughed.
"No." She groaned loudly. "Ugh, fine! I'll just get up when you go to work," she spoke smugly and Ransom turned to her, eyes wide. "Oh no you don't." He leaped up from the bed, making her whine. "Where are you going?! I need cuddles, Ran, I'm hurt!" she insisted and he got back into bed, taking out his phone. "I'm making calls to work. I'm gonna work from home now."
"You don't have to do that!" she insisted vehemently but Ransom refused to hear it. "I have to! To make sure your cute, dumb little ass stays in bed like the doctor said," he huffed. After one phone call, he sighed in relief and relaxed against the bed. "Pays to be a Thrombey, ya know," he chuckled, ruffling Y/N's hair as she snuggled into his side.
She was a mess. Her left hand was in cast, and so was her right ankle. After the doctor left she had taken off her t-shirt, leaving her in her sports bra, the wound on her chest a deep purple with flecks of red. There was also a bandaid on her temple for the small cut. "I figured." It was quiet for some time. "You never finished the story, babe. How did you get so hurt?"
"Well, first the stairs incident, I told you. After that, I was going to the bathroom to get the first aid kit but it was too heavy. I didn't know that so when I lifted it, it fell on me. I broke my wrist from hitting it on the floor too hard and the first aid kit fell on my chest," she huffed, "The pain was too much so I called you." Ransom frowned. "You should've called earlier."
"I know. Sorry."
"It's okay, baby, I'm here now," Ransom smiled, giving her a loving kiss on the top of her head. "I'm getting tired," she yawned as the adrenaline started wearing off. "Sleep." Ransom adjusted himself so he was now half-lying on the bed, back resting against the headrest as he gathered Y/N in his arms. She fell asleep a few minutes later.
Y/N touched his side of the bed, only to be met with cold sheets instead of his warm body. She blinked the sleep away and sat up, rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn. Running a hand through her messy hair, she stood up and limped towards the stairs. 2 weeks had passed and as the doctor said, her bedrest was over.
Her ankle had healed but not fully, while the wrist was still in a cast. The wound on her chest was also feeling loads better. She walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen area only to see Ransom cooking breakfast. "Ran," she whined and he turned around. "Y/N! Get your ass in bed, why are you here?"
"It got lonely." She wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing a soft kiss to his bare back. "Alright, fine." He spun around and grabbed her waist, lifting her and placing her on the kitchen counter. "Sit here." Y/N smiled lazily as she placed her head on his shoulder, watching him cook. He was making eggs. Omelettes.
"How did you sleep?" he questioned when the silence stretched on. "I slept well. The ankle doesn't hurt as much, nor the wound on my chest. But the wrist…" She sighed and Ransom looked at her with a sad smile, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "It'll get better, I promise. I'm not going to stop taking care of you."
"I'd like that very much," she replied shyly and he grinned. It was true, Ransom had truly taken care of her well. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed everyday for 2 weeks, he worked in their room and they had cuddled more in the two weeks than they had in their entire relationship. Y/N was super happy with their arrangement.
Of course, sometimes Ransom would be too busy, leaving her alone in the room while he worked downstairs or had a meeting with someone. But then he'd make it up to her by offering more snuggles and kisses. "My best girl," he murmured, placing the omelette he was making on a plate. He then carried the plate to the dining room, leaving her on the kitchen counter.
He returned just as fast, gathering her in his arms and pressing a kiss to her temple as he carried her to the dining table as well. "You're strong," she teased and he huffed. "I better be, or all that working out will be for nothing." She laughed and he placed her down on a chair. "Eat well, I'll be back." With another kiss dropped to her head, he went back to the kitchen area.
Y/N wondered how she became so lucky to have him as her fiancé. Yeah, sure, Ransom wasn't a very nice person in general but to her, he was the best. The man who once called his aunt unsavory things punched someone in the face when they had the audacity to call her the same things. "You better watch your fucking mouth or I'm gonna break all your teeth."
It hadn't affected her much anyway but seeing Ransom's reaction had sent a pleasant tingle down her spine. He was ready to do anything for her. And she had to admit, lately, he was being very soft. She had noticed the changes in him around a year ago; he'd become… domestic, almost. It was fun to see him like that.
His family, well, they were less than pleased when Ransom had first introduced her to them. They thought she wasn't good enough for him and had even tried to break them down. But that had only made them stronger. Ransom was in love with her and nothing his family said was going to change that. "Y/N?"
She snapped out of her thoughts and blinked at Ransom. "Yeah?" He laughed and sat in front of her with his own plate of food. "You were lost in thoughts; the food's getting cold, honey." She cursed softly and laughed along, finally finishing her food.
How had she gotten so lucky?
A/N: Thanks for reading! Show some love, likes and reblogs will be appreciated <3
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4dtk · 3 years
can i request 3 from the hand holding, 16 from the hugging, 26 from the kissing and 3 from the touching with jaehyun!!!!
yes you did it right, dont worry! hope u enjoy this angel!! and welcome back <333 (ps holy crap this is long AHASHDHDH)
hand-holding, 3: cold hands in warm hands
hugs, 16: ‘not wanting to let go’ hugs
kisses, 26: giggling while kissing
touching, 3: hiding face in neck
“c’mon! you’re gonna miss the sunrise,” you drag jaehyun along the mountains, a clear path etched into the ground that visitors always took whenever they wanted to view the sunrise. the both of you got lucky today, being the only two people who got up early enough to catch the night sky turn into yellows and oranges, before it rests in the usual sky blue you’d see up in the sky.
well… one of you was. “do we really need to see the sunrise again, baby? i was perfectly content cuddling with you…” your husband knew better than to argue with you when you have your eyes set on something, especially with something like a sunrise. it was a by-product of why you selected this B&B atop of a mountain where you’d be freezing your asses off, but jaehyun could hardly reject your suggestion when he saw how excited you were.
“oh, i’ve always wanted to go back to a mountainside hostel! i remember the last one, ’twas so good, whatdya say?” jaehyun remembers every detail you’ve told him: from the countless cats, to the stunning trail to where you watched the sunrise with your family, the edible flower they cooked up for you. he can’t say no when your eyes are lit up like that, and so, he hauled himself out of bed to put on a simple outfit, relying on your hand to guide him.
you know he doesn’t mean it, but you pout either way, both at his words and the time on your watch. it’s dangerously close to when the staff said the sun would rise. the thought alone of missing the sky drives you to take quicker steps, struggling against the thin air the higher and higher you went.
“hah… finally,” you mumble to yourself, perching yourself near a field of crops that belonged to those living nearby. you were careful not to crush any of the sprouts, patting the space beside you as you waited for the show to start. jaehyun takes your hand wordlessly, letting out a gasp at how cold your hands were; it showed you appreciated the warmth with the way your fingers curled around his, it was natural instinct, both a result of your body reacting to warmth and to the love of your significant other.
“you’re freezing, angel,” jaehyun laughs, “maybe you made a mistake wearing fingerless gloves this morning. c’mon, take ‘em out.”
“it was dark!” you glare at him, “and no, you want me to have a frozen hand when i touch your face later?”
“i’ll warm it up for you, c’mon.” you grumble but comply either way, removing the sad excuse of protection from the cold, fingers instantly curling into your husband’s. he blows onto it, conversation falling silent as your keep your eyes trained on the sight in front of you.
it’s slow, the minutes pass, the sky barely changing. the sun decides to stop the teasing, unleashing its brilliant lights that prompt the both of you to squint. it becomes more bearable to longer you look at it, welcoming the painting of warm colours you never tire of seeing. it mixed like an impromptu painting, unknowingly presenting a magnificent piece of art despite the messiness among the clouds and skyline.
jaehyun has moved behind you by then, engulfing you in his arms while he continued to warm your hands. jokingly, he wedges his hand in between your neck, surprising you slightly with his ice cold lips that were slowly cracking.
as the colours thicken and blend, you can feel the other snuggle more into the crook of your neck, gentle and careful to not shock you again. his body fits with yours perfectly, body warmth gradually shared the more and longer you embrace. with a shift of your butt, you’re moving to stand up, but immediately gets pulled down by his strong arms.
“not yet…” he mumbles, fighting against sleepiness for you. there’s a stammer in his voice as he struggles to find the words he wants to say. you attempt to stand up a second time and this time, jaehyun lets you, ready to follow you with an arm around your waist. “why’d you wanna stand up?”
you say nothing as you place your hands on his cheeks, cold to the touch. there’s time for you to admire his face later, so you dive in to fit your lips to his. it moves without trouble, having done this countless times like how jaehyun’s arms fit around your middle. his body is pressed flush against your own, able to feeling every muscle that’s reacting to your kiss that it leaves him hungry for more.
it makes you woozy, dizzy, dopey, the way jaehyun is fondling you, lips moving in tandem with the squeezing hands on your sides. a bit of warmth creeps up from the side, signifying the last bits of the sunrise. it makes the other smile, but you’re not sure why.
you pull away curiously, mouth only an inch from his as you impatiently waited for his answer. “no… just… funny how you brought me up here to watch the sky change colours and instead you’re locking lips with me.” he says with a smirk.
“oh my god, shut up,” you’re giggling like a schoolgirl, taken back to when you’d laugh shamelessly backstage as the members teased you; including the time when the two of you were interviewed for one of korea’s slice-of-life magazines with a suggestive answer on jaehyun’s part… and also of the time when you almost slipped on cake batter that you dropped on the floor.
each day you spend with your boyfriend-turned-husband is guaranteed to be filled with laughter, and now is just one more memory to store away. jaehyun hovers over your lips this time, unifying your smiles with miscalculated kisses that never quite land. you’re struggling to contain it now, breaking contact to stretch your lips into a grin that is reciprocated by the other.
“will your cute ass stop giggling?” he wants to fake his anger, but it backfires as his own laugh fills your ears. it feels like a warm hug after a rainy day, and you give him just that while your arms encircle around his neck. you can’t care much for the colours blooming in the sky now, rather admiring the crimson appearing on his cheeks even after the many years you’ve been together. you bury your face in his chest.
“thank you, jae. for loving me,” your confession is whispered so soft that the other is convinced he wouldn’t hear it. but he does, and the softening of his eyes is something you don’t catch.
“i’m happy to do it. everyday, baby, it’s everyday that i fall deeper and deeper. i hope it’ll never end,” you’re silent, but the words make your heart and cheeks flare up and it’s a minute before you find the courage to say your part.
“likewise, jaehyun. i love you.”
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Drabble#4)
Summary: Jungkook is drunk and misses you. What happens when he teases you with a little video?
Pairing: Always You!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: smut, fluff
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Masturbation (male and female), phone sex
Notes: Decided to get this little thang out askdsdfj enjoy! Remember requests for drabble ideas are open! Lets chat:)
© taestefully-in-luv
Jungkook stumbles into the empty apartment with Jimin and Taehyung following closely behind him. He curses under his breath as he takes his shoes off, the apartment is cold thanks to the running AC and he fucking shivers. He thought being this drunk he would be extra warm but nope, it doesn’t look that way.
“Jesus, what is the temperature set on?” Jimin is the first to outwardly complain. “Do you want me to freeze to death?”
“It is really cold, Jungkook.” Taehyung whines as he slips his own shoes off.
“Sorry…” Jungkook mutters, “y/n usually took care of the air. But as you two know she’s no longer with us”
“You’re acting like she died.” Jimin deadpans as Taehyung tries to stifle a chuckle.
“She isn’t answering her phone…” Jungkook pouts to himself. “She said she would always answer my calls no matter what.” He juts his lip out dramatically and Jimin rolls his eyes.
“She still has a life dude.”
“I am supposed to be her life.” He whines, walking in the living room and plopping down on the couch. “I was only going to tell her I miss her.”
“She knows you miss her man.” Taehyung sits down next to him, “We all know…”
“Well, now you guys get to hear it more.” Jungkook pipes up, “Because I miss her soooo much. I miss her hugs, her cuddles, her kisses, god, I really miss when she would suck my di—”
“Okay!” Taehyung cuts him off but Jimin swats Tae’s arm.
“No, let him finish.” Jimin says with a smirk.
“You’re gross dude.” Tae swats Jimin’s arm in return.
“God, she really knows how to ride dick too.” Jungkook drunkenly slurs out, “Like, she just really knows what she’s doing.”
“I’m glad my girl is getting so much praise!” Jimin claps his hands as his sly smile grows, “Please, tell us more.” He leans his head forward.
“Please don’t.” Taehyung chuckles awkwardly. “Do you guys want to play a game or watch music videos or something?”
“I want to talk to my girl.” Jungkook cries out dramatically. “I miss her.”
“Maybe you need to rub one out dude.” Jimin playfully remarks, “Make a video for her or something.” Jimin is so clearly joking but Jungkook’s entire face lights up like he was just given the best god damn idea in the world.
“Okay, you guys go home. I’m going to bed.” Jungkook stands up and begins walking to your shared bedroom.
“He realizes we aren’t leaving right?” Taehyung asks Jimin and Jimin just shrugs.
“Let’s watch music videos.”
Jungkook has his phone set up on the desk, his camera on and pointed towards him. He has his shirt off and is only wearing briefs and sweats. He decides to run his fingers through his already messy hair and make it a bit more wild.
He’s going to send you a little teaser video. He presses record on his phone and sits at the desk, his legs spread wide as he rubs himself over his sweats. His cock grows harder and harder as he rubs himself, he throws his head back on the chair. He then takes his hand and drags the sweats and briefs down, letting his cock spring free. He strokes it gently while whimpering. He calls out for you over and over. His quiet voice rising just the slightest as he gets himself going.
And that’s it. That’s the video. He presses stop and watches it over and approves. He sends it to you with a smirk on his face, he hopes you love it.
y/n 3:34am
Jungkook, what the fuck
y/n 3:35am
I started watching that in public!!! Do you know how quick I had to turn off my phone!!!!!!
Jungkook 3:35am
Oh? So you do exist…I was starting to think you didn’t cuz you keep ignoring my calls
y/n 3:36am
im now just seeing the calls baby, Ill be home soon…ill video call you
Jungkook 3:36am
Jungkook suddenly becomes so fucking giddy, he jumps to his feet in rushed excitement. He can’t wait to see your gorgeous face. Unfortunately, he stood up way too fast, the world starting to spin…his drunken world.
“Ah, fuck.” He slurs.
But really, he can’t wait to talk to you, to see you. It’s been a few months and he has yet to visit. But texts and video calls are what’s getting him through everything, if he’s being honest. He really does miss you…he misses laying in bed with you just talking, he misses your laugh, he misses your smile, he misses the way you smell, he misses holding you…he just misses you.
He’s lying on his bed, staring up at the swirling ceiling, wondering when you will call. It’s around 4 am now and he’s starting to doze off. But thoughts of you are keeping him conscious.
Suddenly, his phone starts vibrating and he sees that he has a incoming video call from you. He excitedly and quickly taps his screen a million times until he’s answering.
“Hi.” He slurs out, his dopey grin making you laugh.
“Hi drunky.” You giggle, staring at him through your screen.
“Just wanted to talk to you and tell you I miss you. And that I love you more than literally anyone.” He smiles at you, his words getting jumbled together.
“I miss you too baby.” You say softly. “I just got home and I wish I was coming home to you instead.” You quietly pout and he wishes he could kiss your cute lips.
“I am going to buy my ticket to see you soon, I promise. Only two more weeks. Then I see you” He says, his smile fading. “I really do miss you babe. I feel so lost without you here.” He admits between soft breaths. “I left the AC on too low and I got back home and it was freezing.”
“Jungkook.” You whine, “The bill is gonna be so high.”
“It’s okay my love. I got it.” He assures you with a soft smile and you begin to melt. The screen does not do Jungkook justice.
“You look very handsome.” You gulp, “Did any girls hit on you tonight?”
“I didn’t notice…” Jungkook smirks, “I make sure to tell everyone I have a beautiful girlfriend.”
You can’t help but smile and laugh…you two have gotten into some pretty heated arguments over your insecurities…you don’t want a repeat of that.
“Good. You’re all mine.”
“All yours.” He blows you a kiss through the phone and you pout.
“I wish I could feel your lips on me right now.”
“I see you in 2 weeks my love, you will get all the kisses you want and need.” Jungkook slurs his words and you giggle.
“God, you are drunk.”
“Not uh.” He pokes his tongue out, “I’m maybe a little tipsy though!” he laughs for no real reason and you join him.
“So about that video…” you smirk at him, and he brings the phone to his chest as he giggles at his shamelessness.
“Hey! Bring the phone back to you!”
“What about the video? Hm?” Jungkook brings the phone back to his face and you rub your thighs together…his hair is wild and his expression screams that he’s beginning to become fucked out.
“I watched it when I got home.” You admit, “I think it made me…” you pause, biting your lip. “Really wet.”
“Oh really?” Jungkook feels his cock hardening at the thought of your wet pussy. “I want you to feel yourself for me and let me know.”
You chuckle, sliding your hand down your yoga pants and feeling yourself.
“I’m wet baby.”
“Your panties soaked?”
“I’m not wearing any.” You breathe out and Jungkook sucks in a sharp breath.
“Bad girl…” he finally says. “I wish I could bend you over my knee and spank you.”
“You wanna slap my ass?”
“Mhm. I want to fuck your ass too.” He slurs out and you feel your pussy clench around nothing.
“Can I touch myself?” you shyly ask him and he shakes his head with an evil grin.
“Not yet baby. I want you to watch me first.”
“Jungkook, why are you being unfair?” you whine, your fingers just above your aching clit that is dying to be touched.
“Just like playing with you a little.” He admits, “I like getting you so worked up.”
“Okay, I’ll watch you.”
Jungkook gets off the bed and places the phone on the desk, setting it up to where you can have the perfect view of him sitting in the chair.
“Should I continue where I left off?”
“Yes.” You sigh out heavily, waiting just waiting to see his gorgeous cock.
“What’s the magic word?” he teases and you’re so close to touching yourself.
“Jungkook.” You warn in an exaggerated whine, “Please.”
“Good girl.” And he’s snaking his hand down his sweats and pulling out his leaking member, it’s so hard and so swollen that your mouth waters immediately. God, you are so starved of his cock that even through the screen it has you desperate for him.
“I want you to grip your cock for me…” you begin to instruct, “And tug at the head just a little, get you feeling good.”
Jungkook obeys your orders as he gets a hold of his aching length, he starts by squeezing the tip just slightly getting him to groan out.
“Good, now use the lube baby. Put a generous amount in your palm, I want your dick soaked.” He does as you say, squirting the lube in his hand.
“Now stroke your cock for me, but don’t put too much pressure.”
“Baby…” he breathes out.
“Pretend that it’s my hand.” You softly order, “Pretend I’m there with you right now.”
“Ah.” Jungkook moans out as he strokes himself, “Feels good.” He says, causing you to arch your back. You begin moving your hips back and forth as you watch him.
“Okay,” you swallow hard, “Add more pressure and stroke yourself faster.”
Jungkook squeezes his hand around his length, his moans getting louder and you blink at him, your hand tightening its grip around your phone. He looks so fucking hot.
“I want you to take your other hand, yes good, and touch your balls for me, yes…just like that.” Jungkook is a sight for sore eyes, his cock and balls out on display and you want to jump through the screen and straddle his lap, sinking down on to him. Fuck, you want to touch yourself.
“Shit…baby…” you say, losing composure as you watch him get himself off, “Please let me touch myself.”
“Okay.” Jungkook gives the green light, “Rub your clit for me.” He says while rubbing himself faster and faster, his head thrown back in pleasure as high pitched moans leave his mouth.
“Thank you baby” you set your phone down, your hands quickly pull down your yoga pants and you immediately touch your desperate bundle of nerves.
“Gotta see you though.” Jungkook whines. “Need to see you. See your pussy, see your face.”
“Fuck, okay, hold on.” You prop the phone up on some pillows until he has the perfect view of you.
“Lemme see your fingers on that pretty pussy baby.” He softly commands and you feel yourself get dizzy. “Even through the screen I can see how fucking wet you are, my god.” Jungkook strokes himself faster. “My baby is so perfect.”
“How close are you? Can you wait for me?” You practically beg and he smirks.
“I got all night baby.” He winks, “Now get your fingers nice and wet, soak them. Then I want you to taste yourself.”
Your fingers gather your juices, drenching them in the process. You bring your fingers to your lips and suck on them, allowing a moan to escape. Jungkook rolls his eyes to the back of his head as he watches you.
“Good girl.” He praises, “How’s it taste? Fucking delicious, right?”
“Yes. Yes.” You moan out, your fingers going back to your clit.
“Want to see those fingers fuck your pretty pussy.” He slows down on his cock, he grips it tighter instead and rubs himself slowly. “Let me see.”
You slip one finger inside your hole and gasp, it’s been so long since something, anything has entered you like this.
“Another finger.”
Your eyes widen at his request…but you listen, you slide another finger inside your weeping cunt and begin to thrust them in and out of you.
“Another finger.”
“Jungkook.” You sigh out, “Another?”
“Yes baby, you can take it.” He fondles his balls some more, still stroking his dick. “Let me see.”
You slip a third finger in your hole and you start to feel full. You begin thrusting all three fingers in and out of you at a quick and brutal pace. His fingers would reach more places but yours will have to do for now.
“Ah fuck…” you grit out, “I wish you were here, Jungkook.”
“Keep saying my name.”
“Jungkook, Jungkook.” He starts rubbing himself faster now, he is losing it. He imagines you writhing beneath him, your lips apart, breathing heavily. He’s so close, he fucking close.
“Baby, let’s come soon.” He breathes out, “Together.”
“mmm.” Your other hand finds your clit, and you begin rubbing it faster and harder trying to set yourself over the edge.
“Imagine my cock is inside you right now baby, imagine me fucking you, making you scream my name.”
“Yes, Jungkook!” you yell out, not caring if your neighbors hear you. “Fuck, I’m about to come.”
Jungkook grips the tip of his cock and strokes himself so quickly, his hips meeting him halfway as he moans out your name over and over until his cum is spurting out and making a mess in his hand. That’s the last straw…that’s what you needed to see to get you to come.
You let the tension build so deliciously, until it snaps in half. You come all over your fingers, with the image that you’re creaming all over Jungkook’s cock.
“Ugh.” You groan, “I miss you so much…” you calm your heavy breaths, “Can two weeks hurry the hell up?”
Jungkook stares at the screen and smiles, his hand still sticky with his cum. He grabs a towel and cleans himself and is looking at you once again.
“Two weeks baby, and I’ll be there. I’ll be there to hold you, kiss you, fuck you.”
“Two weeks.” You say with a smile.
Two weeks and you’ll be reunited with your love.
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appliedvillainy · 2 years
080: Do you wanna talk?
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(Apollo has been psyching himself up to do this all week. He’s at the bank, and he is robbing the bank, and the news is all over it. Aquilo is handling the actual minutiae of the robbery. Apollo is just standing back, trying not to lose his mind while he waits for what’s coming.)
(Ohm, meanwhile, comes flying in.)
Ohm: Man, where’ve you guys been! You gotta stop dropping off the face of the planet like this.
Apollo: I been busy.
Ohm: Too busy to rob shit and keep me company? Man, you’re killing me.
Aquilo (walking in from the vault): Oh, hey Ohm. Heads up, a bigger version of this one (He jabs a thumb at Apollo) is going to bust in at any moment, and he’s probably going to try and kill all three of us.
Ohm: What?
Aquilo: You have a right to know.
(Just then, a wall fucking explodes. The dust hasn’t even cleared when a plume of green fire shoots out at them. Apollo narrowly tackles Ohm out of the way.)
Ohm (with Apollo laying on top of him): Wow, this got intimate really quickly.
Apollo (getting up): Can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but this ain’t th’ time t’ flirt.
Ohm: Damn, that serious, huh?
(Another plume of fire comes at them, which they dodge.)
Apollo: Yeah, li’l bit!
(The dust finally clears. Atop the rubble stands Orson Parker-- also known as The Inferno. His costume is a hell of a lot cooler than Scott’s.)
Ohm: Holy shit, is that your dad or something?
Aquilo: It’s the shittiest family reunion ever.
Ohm: I dunno dude, you haven’t seen my family.
(Inferno rushes forward and shoots fire at Apollo and Ohm, forcing them away from each other.)
Inferno: Th’ fuck is this?! Y’ bein’ chummy with your hero?
Apollo: Y’know me, dad! ‘m jus’ friendly to a fault!
(Inferno swipes a fist at Apollo, knocking him over. Before he can land another hit, Ohm smacks him with his flying disc.)
Ohm: Okay, I already don’t like you. He’s your kid, you can’t just--
Inferno: Like I’m gonna listen t’ some half-rate hero like you.
(Inferno throws a pillar of flame at Ohm, but it’s intercepted by some ice, courtesy of Aquilo. Aquilo kneels next to Apollo.)
Aquilo: You okay?
Apollo: Fuckin’... I dunno if I can do this.
Aquilo: You can. I’m here.
Apollo: Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
(Aquilo helps Apollo to his feet.)
Apollo: G--Get th’ hell outta my city, dad!
(Apollo hurls a fireball at Inferno, who blocks it like it’s nothing. His costume actually offers some level of protection, and Apollo regrets having never found out where he got it from. Apollo shoots another fireball, to the same effect, before Ohm steps in and knocks Inferno away with a lightning bolt.)
Ohm: Is this, uh. Normal?
Apollo: Gettin’ my ass kicked by th’ old man? Yeah.
Ohm: Do you wanna talk, once this is over?
Apollo: ‘n ruin my tough guy image?
(Inferno shoots more fire at them, breaking up the banter and causing all three of the defenders to scatter. Apollo is upset, because the banter was actually helping him to not freak out. He dodges a few more fireballs, narrowly, and skids over to Aquilo while patting out a fire on his shirt.)
Apollo: Okay, th’ hero attacks whenever dad gets close t’ me, right?
Aquilo: Scott, are you formulating a plan?
Apollo:  Bingo. Let Ohm get him away from me, then freeze ‘im in place.
Aquilo: I’m so proud of you.
Apollo: I’m amazin’, I know.
(Apollo rushes at his father. He takes a swing, which Inferno dodges, and then Inferno takes a swing of his own. It brings Apollo down again, but causes Ohm to retaliate with a lightning bolt that flings the older villain into a wall. Aquilo doesn’t hesitate, and freezes him to the aforementioned wall. Apollo dusts himself off and wipes a little blood from his nose.)
Apollo: Thanks, guys.
(Apollo walks over to his dad.)
Apollo: Like I said. Get th’ hell outta my town.
(Inferno breaks an arm free of the ice, and grabs Apollo by the neck. Apollo chokes. Ohm and Aquilo move to stop him, but--)
Inferno: I will fuckin’ burn him, don’ think I won’t!
Ohm: Do you think he really--
Aquilo: Yes.
Inferno (returning his attention to his son): Look’t what you’re doin’. Makin’ ev’ryone else fight your battles for ya’. Izzat th’ son I raised? A fuckin’ pussy who can’t fight for ‘imself?
(Apollo tries to respond, but he can’t get any words out while his dad’s choking him.)
Inferno: You’re ‘n embarrassment. A joke. Y’ keep clingin’ t’ this mess y’ call a life ‘cause, what? Y’ too scared t’ come home’n own up t’ your goddamn shame? Gonna party ‘n debauch yourself t’ distract yourself? Selfish li’l shit. 
Aquilo: You should be one to talk!
Ohm: What the hell’s selfish about staying the hell away from you?!
Inferno: ‘n you got your pretty li’l friends t’ give ya’ their pretty li’l lies, so you can sleep ‘t night ‘n not think about th’ family you ruined.
(Apollo lets out a noise. He can’t breathe. Dark splotches are beginning to appear on the edge of his vision, and he knows he has to do something. There isn’t a doubt in his mind that his father will kill him. He grabs Inferno’s arm. Then, with all the strength he has, he pulls the arm down, kneeling himself over since Inferno is still holding onto his throat. He knees his father’s arm so hard he hears bones crack. Inferno’s arm goes limp and he finally lets go of Apollo.)
(Apollo coughs and sputters for a moment.)
Apollo: ‘m tired’f beatin’ myself up for this shit. Y’ got any idea how bad I’ve felt? All these years ‘ve blamed myself, ‘n me alone, for what happened?
(He grabs his dad by the collar.)
Apollo: You’re the one who ruined our family!
(Apollo punches Inferno.)
Apollo: You drove mom away!
(Another punch.)
Apollo: You treated me’ n Paul like we didn’t d’serve t’ be born!
(And another.)
(One last punch, the hardest one of all. This one knocks Inferno out cold. After that, Apollo walks away, panting. Aquilo pats him on the back.)
Aquilo: That was good. Do you feel better?
Apollo: Well I felt like a metric fuckton ‘f shit before, ‘n now I feel like… a freedom unit fuckton ‘f shit?
Ohm: Wait, is that more or less?
Aquilo: It’s a step in the right direction.
Ohm: Should I cuff him?
Apollo: Much’s I wanna see th’ old man in jail, I gotta say no. I gotta secret identity t’ worry about.
Ohm: Fair. I mean, I shouldn’t listen to you but... 
Apollo: You’re madly in love with me, yep.
Ohm: Hah. Let’s go with that. I can still cuff him for you, if you wanna safely dump him somewhere.
Apollo: Please. ‘n uh, if you got a muzzle, he…
Ohm: He’ll keep yelling?
Apollo: Well, that, ‘n he can shoot fire out’f his mouth.
Ohm: Yeesh. Can I just say I’m really glad I got you as a nemesis, and not him?
Aquilo: Weep for whatever sad sack got stuck with him.
Apollo: Oh, y’ don’t even wanna know what he’s done t’ his heroes.
Ohm: Plural?
Apollo: He goes through ‘em pretty quick.
(Sirens start going off outside. Well, more than before.)
Ohm: Hell. We should get you guys out of here.
(Ohm cuffs and muzzles Inferno. Apollo and Aquilo have to work together to lift him.)
Ohm: Think you can get out of here okay?
Apollo: Not even a problem.
Ohm: Good. And… you’re all right, right?
Apollo: I will be, I guess.
Ohm: You know how to call me, if you need.
Apollo: By lightin’ somethin’ on fire. I know.
(Apollo and Aquilo drag Inferno’s unconscious ass out of there, fully intending to throw him in the trunk of Scott’s car and dump him in the middle of nowhere.)
-- End: Episode eighty.
Scott: I know that went well, but I think I still need t’ lock myself in my room ‘n cry for a while.
Vitya: Do you need anything? Tissues, ice cream?
Scott: Both, ‘n a bottle’f Jack.
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jangofctts · 4 years
omg I just read so much of your writing and I’m 🥺🥰🥲🥵 the absolute royalty shit that we see here today. i’ve recently discovered I am very into ~thigh riding~ so do u have any thots on how our boys (especially our clone babes) feel about it? much obliged
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boba: yEs--boba absolutely adORES when you crawl into his lap and straddle his thigh. he’ll either pat his lap and invite you up or it’s one of those times when he’s intentionally ignoring you and you have force your way onto his lap so he has to pay attention. imo the first time you ride his thigh you weren't intending to, you wanted to fuck him but with boba, if you want something from him he’s gonna do it his way or twist it into something to tease you. so he’ll say something like “if you’re so desperate, ride my thigh” or maybe “ride my thigh and then we’ll see if you deserve my cock.” he’ll sit back and enjoy the show with a smug grin, one hand gripping your hip. he’s not controlling your pace, it’s mostly just there as an anchor bc you’re gonna be doing all the work. you’re lucky if you get to ride his bare thigh, but most of the time he’s got pants on so they always end up soaked after you cum and boba always teases you for it, “ruined another pair of pants, little one” but really he isn't even one to talk, he’ll be rock hard and leaking through his pants too. he’ll also nine times out of ten put his fingers or thumb into your mouth to suck on while he flexes and pushes the hard muscle of his thigh up to your cunt. he likes that satisfaction of knowing that even his thigh can make you shudder and whine his name--a bit of a power trip esp if he’s sitting on the throne. he’ll fuck you nice and hard afterwards if you’re a good little princess for him          
din: din wants you to ride the beskar thigh plating. he doesn't realize it’s a thing he finds arousing until you sit over his thigh and he sees the heat from your thighs fog up the metal while your arousal smears over the shiny beskar. literally it’s like something just CRACKS in him and he goes feral for it. a dark thrill that comes from seeing your cunt drip over his precious armor, something so sacrilegious that shouldn't be arousing but it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen. sure, it’s a bit cold at first but the more you get into it the quicker it heats up--it’s slippery too, not a lot of friction unless you drag your clit over the seams of the armor, but with din’s hands holding onto your hips and dragging you over his thigh, it’s not long before you cum. din is gonna be encouraging you the whole time, just a constant flow of praise and little moans of his own. he might bury a hand in your hair or slip off his glove and touch your clit when your hips roll up into his hand. he’d loose his mind if you lended a hand and palmed him through his pants. he doesn't even care if he ruins his trousers, he’s just so...fixated on the hypnotic motions of your hips rolling over his thigh, your wetness dripping off the plating and onto the floor. he might focus on your mouth, parted with gasping moans or how they roll the syllable of his name. he likes to watch you come undone like this, shuddering and whiney as you cum and eventually roll off his thigh. he probably busts a nut right then and there if you start to roll your tongue over the beskar, happily cleaning up the mess you made. but....sometimes...lick it off himself just to get a taste of you       
paz: big boy blue ALSO likes when you ride his beskar, but he likes it better when the armor is off and he gets to feel your wetness for himself. he has big ol’ beefy thighs and likes when you straddle one and start to ride him like that. imo he likes it when youre pressed up right near his cock so when you roll forward your own thigh brushes against his cock. it’s also just easier for him to grab your hips, set a pace and watch you squirm and whine. ngl he’s more interested in fucking you, so he’ll get cheeky and start jerking his thigh or holding you in place while he circles his thumb over your clit. p much will sabotage your wild ride and convince you to slide onto his cock instead. though,....if you were to tie him up, tease him bye riding his thigh, he might like that :)  
rex: oH rexY BOY--listen, rex has heard ALL about thigh riding, or rather what the clones like to call it, “paint job”. he doesn't understand the big deal, thinks that it’d be a complete hassle to clean and what not. in my oPiNiOn he’ll be sitting with you in an empty break room or on a couch, you both have feelings for each other but nothing's been said yet. somehow the topic of paint jobs come up and he tells you what he thinks and how it “couldn't possibly feel good, blah blah blah”. you just roll your eyes and you ask if he’s even tried it. he definitely blushes and mumbles out a no and with a leap of faith you ask him if he wants you to ride his thigh. baby boy rex gets very shy and embarrassed about it but he’s not gonna say no. so you’ll flash him a little grin and peel off your pants and your over shirt, make rex relax against the back of the couch/chair and sit over his plastoid covered thigh. even though when you start to grind on his thigh you still have your underwear on, rex with pick a corner of the room to just stare at. it’s not because he doesn't like you, he’s just incredibly shy and afraid he’ll cum in his pants if he looks at you. you gotta cup his jaw and force him to look at you. when that happens his eye will immediately drop to between your legs and just moan at the sight. he gets it now. seeing your arousal that’s already leaking through the thin fabric and staining the blue and white plastoid--he has to grip the fucking sidearm to anchor himself. his armor is one of the only things that he owns and is proud of, so seeing you riding his thigh, moaning and whimpering his name he goes wild for that shit. unfortunately he does end up cumming in his pants but eh fuck it. it was worth it   
cody: he likes when you ride his thigh in semi public places like the 79′s, debrief room, gunships, you name it. imma explain the 79′s scenario bc im a whore but anyway, cody likes to bring you on dates there, one because the drinks are free for him, two it’s dark and so unless someone is really looking at the two of you, it’s pretty secluded. he always chooses a back corner table and after a couple drinks you start to get handsy--nuzzling his neck and wiggling your fingers between the gaps separating his thigh and codpiece. it alWAYS starts like that. cody will chuckle, push his nose into your neck and nibble a line up to your ear, then bite down onto the cartilage. in that dark, rumbly voice he might sigh “such a depraved little creature. we’re in public”. but you can feel his smile and how is pulse quickens under your fingertips. cody will sigh and shake his head as he pulls you onto his lap, bUT--he’s gonna have you with your back to his chest plate, your dress/skirt/pants rolled up or down just barely in the view of anyone who glances over or looks a little closer. it’d be no secret what you both were up to but cody likes that. dude doesn't have any shame and so he’ll wrap an arm over your hip, push you panties to the side and slide his fingers through your folds. once they're coated in your arousal he might pop them into his mouth or yours, clean them off then flex his thigh onto your pussy. when he asks you to grind on his thigh you readily agree. while you ride his thigh he’ll nibble at your throat and suck bruises onto your skin, either watching your wet pussy slide over the plastoid armor or on the look out in case one of his brothers comes near. one time, just as you started to cum, a couple fresh shiny’s got an entire eyeful of you arching and burying your nose into cody’s neck as he rolled his fingers over your clit. safe to say they were a bit spooked--but of course, cody thought it was the funniest thing and couldn't stop laughing even if you were close to tears with embarrassment. now....he doesn't invite anyone to watch, but he wouldn't say no to a few prying eyes          
wolffe: I feel like with wolffe, it’s gonna be right after a mission--one of you might've almost died or gotten real hurt so he’s not thinking about fucking you properly--he just want his mouth on yours, hands buried in your hair as he pins you against the wall. I dont think he initially meant for you to ride his thigh, but when he wedges it between your legs and you moan into his mouth the second he increases the pressure, he freezes. he’ll do it again and when it receives the same reaction from you he smirks and tugs on your hair and might say smthn like “you like that? if you wanted to ride my thigh you could've asked sooner”. he’s either focused on your face or on your pussy, just soaking up all your little reactions or twitches when you roll your cunt over the plastoid. he'll have both hands on your hips, helping you grin up on him, while you either cup his face or grip his arm. either way youre in for a wild fucking ride--wolffe tbh wants to see his armor dripping by the time he’s done with you. sO do nOT be surprised if he just, doesn't let you stop, pushes you to keep going until he’s satisfied. imo I think he’ll make you lick it up after, or just in general would really Like It if you run your tongue over any part of his armor. he likes to be Appreciated :)
wrecker (im sorry I just nEEDed to include him kejkejh): honestly since baby boy wrecker is uh, so big, thigh riding is some of the first things you try with him. you’ll both be butt ass naked bc it’s just easier to explore like this, and while wrecker is eager he knows he has to think about his strength in order not to overwhelm or hurt you unintentionally. he’s a bit of a goof ball so when you straddle his thigh and bring his thicC fingers to your cunt he’ll smile and say some shit like “wow, you’re wet” or like “is it always this wet/soft?” he doesn't mean for it to be teasing, it's more like he’s just stating a fact bc he’s curious about you. you just nod and say it’s all for you, baby/only for you. the second you put your cunt over his thigh he’ll curse and clamp his hands around your hips or ribcage, and just to make the experience all that better for him, you’ll jerk him off while you ride him. wrecker is very vocal/loud and so you’ll know exactly what you’re doing that he likes--he’ll probably tell you how pretty you look, or how good you smell etc., that bOY IS SO FULL OF LOVE and just wants to tell you! it doesn't take long for him to spill into your hand, he shakes and no doubt wakes up half the barrack/ship but who the fuck cares. you just smile and continue to ride his thigh, chasing your own thigh. once he recovers a bit, you can grab his fingers and show him how you like to be touched. he’s a surprisingly quick learner with this and so it doesn't take long for you to cum. afterwards he’ll run his fingers over his thigh, collect the mess you left and taste you and maybe say “you should ride my face. can we do that?”     
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dylansslutt · 3 years
danger R.C
rafe and you get caught up on the boat. shit goes south
WARNINGS: cursing, abuse, mentions of dark shit, rafe
you all had a mission, now while jj and kie went to lock the door on the boat. you went to find sarah with your brother. you followed john b through the hall.
“where would she be?” you ask john. “ i dont know, uh- go down there! ill check up here. be careful!”
“Dont Die, bird.” You glare at him.
“You either, raven.” He used your nickname as well.
you walk off, trying to be alert as possible. you are on a fucking boat in the middle of nowhere with people who will kill you. you go to walk forward when you halt.
noise came from around the corner, “oh i hear you pogue.” rafe’s voiced called out. you freeze, you go to move back but slam into something.
fuck, the loudest noise you can make possible. yes lets scream ‘im right here!’
you go to run forward, but rafe steps out in front of you.
“y’n? that’s funny.” he lurches forward grabbing you. you push back, almost slipping on your ass.
“i don’t have time for your crazy ass.” you elbow him in the ribs. your mission was already made.
rafe punches you in the face, your head jerks back. oh he stuck the shit out of you. You felt dazed as hell.
you whimper as he grabbed your shoulders. “you should not have came here, y/n”
“Not like I really had a choice.”
your hands fumbled with your pocket knife; you somehow managed to bring with you. You secretly slip it out.
you slice at his arm, stumbling backwards. Rafe hisses grabbing the small cut.
“stay the fuck back!” you hold out the knife, trying to seem threatening.
rafe laughs, a dark look on his face.
“you dont see do you? i did this! i got the gold, i-i got the-the cross. me!” rafe ranted, you wince. rafe can fucking swing. Your head was pounding.
“you didn’t get shit! you stole it, along with your murderous father!” you scream, you grab a random tool beside you throwing it at rafe.
Rafe dodges the object as you run away. Him hot on your tail.
you manage to get to the side of the hall, leading out towards the edge of the boat.
“you can’t get away that easily, fucking pogue.” rafe grabs me from behind.
He holds you close to his chest, “I was nice to you. You caused this.” He grabs me by the back of the head.
“no! st-” he throws me against the railing. my head bouncing off the side. jesus imma have a fucking concussion.
You roll over onto your hands and knees. Your head spinning, you try to grab the railing.
“where’s the rest of your dirty little group?” He squats down to your level.
“wouldn’t you like to know.” you spit the blood in your mouth at his face.
He wipes it off, glaring at you. He pulls you up harshly.
you dont have the knife. It dropped when he threw you. you frantically search the ground. Everything is doubling, you couldn’t see straight.
Behind him, it laid a few feet away. You try to keep the sob in but a few whimpers escape.
“I’m not here for you!” You cry out. “Let me the fuck go.”
“I know what you are here for. You are a thief! Trying to steal what is mine.” He slams you against the wall.
“I have to do what I have to do.” He stares down at you. Like a switch flipped. You stare at him in fear.
“Rafe.” You try to push away.
“no, hel-” he grabs you by the throat. you knee him in the balls, allowing you to drop to the ground. you reach for the knife but rafe pulls your leg.
you kick him in the face grabbing the knife. “back the fuck away!” you scream, tears running down your face.
rafe wipes the blood from his nose. you shake, where is everyone?
“you wont stop me y/n. i will do this. i am stepping up!” he raises his voice.
“i am the man now.” he points at me. he walks forward as i back up. his hands move for the knife.
you swing it forward but rafe grabs your wrist. he throws the knife overboard.
“so what? you gonna be your old man? you gonna kill me rafe?” you push at him. He was just like his father.
you were sobbing at this point, “do it! do it, fucking kill me. right? like your dad killed my dad. god you fucking monster.” you pound at his chest.
rafe stares down at you, his expression faltering. He stops for a split second, silence.
“guys hurry!” you hear voices from the deck. Fuck no. rafe can not get to them.
you shove rafe against the railing. your hands trying to push him over somehow. You struggle against his strength.
rafe grabs you by the throat. cutting your air off. “i didnt want to do this, y/n. look at what you made me do.”
His eyes stared into yours as you couldn’t breathe. Rafe was mad, he just squeezed. You clawed, kicked. Nothing was stopping him.
He really was going to kill you.
your legs folded, rafe finally letting you go. he rushes off to the others as you lay on the ground heaving.
you struggle to push yourself up. Your throat sore, struggling to maintain a breathing pattern.
finally after catching your breathe you run to the other side of the boat, seeing jj and kie struggle with a man with a machete.
“kie duck!” your hoarse voice yelled out, as you forward knocking the guy back. You step across helping jj to his feet.
His eyes on your face.
“Watch out!” Kie yells. The guy hit jj in the back of the head, his body falling into yours. You both topple over the side of the boat.
The waves pushed you around, before you were finally able to surface. JJ was a few inches away face down. Fear hit you like a truck, you swam forward pulling jj onto his back.
“JJ! Y/N” A voice yelled before a splash hit the water. Kie surfacing. She swam towards you as you held him up.
“Kie! He won-“ you spit water out. “He won’t wake up”
Kie helped grab the other side of him, struggling to keep us and him above surface.
“Please wake up.” You sob. If he doesn’t wake up we are all gonna drown.
“We are gonna make it. We won’t die.” Kie struggled out. You hope she was right.
“Help! John B!” Kie yelled out. You struggle to maintain my head over the water. With your last effort to keep him afloat along with you.
“I’m sorry.” Kie sobs making eye contact with you. You know you both were about give out. The waves are strong, and you both can’t keep jj afloat much longer.
“I’m so sorry, I-“ the wave pushed you under. You stared up at the sky. Water floating around you. It was silent for once.
Was this how my dad felt? Being pushed over board. Being hit in the head, maybe rafe didn’t do it himself. But this get like déjà vu. Everything starts to fade.
Next thing you know, your body is being pulled out the water.
“Y/n!” You felt your body shake.
You jolt up, throwing up sea water. You felt awful, your head was pounding. The sun was bright, and you’ve swallowed a gallon of sea water.
“You okay?” Your brothers face comes into view. Your vision felt doubled but you were alive.
You pull him into a hug, sobbing into his shirt. “Oh my god.”
You glance over seeing jj still unconscious. You threw yourself away from your brother.
“JJ!” You shake him. “Why isn’t he waking up?”
You stare at Kie who was in the same state as you. “JJ please, please don’t leave me.” You sob against his chance.
“Not yet.” Your voice breaks.
jj comes to, water spurting out his mouth. You let your hand rest on his shoulder. His eyes following up towards yours.
“Hey.” He says.
You laugh, shoving his face softly. “I was so scared.” You hug him softly.
You lean back as Kie rushes forward to hug him as well.
I glance around at everyone. “I am so glad y’all are ali- wait. Who’s this?” Your eyes land on a new girl.
“This is Cleo, the one who helped us in the Bahamas.” Sarah spoke up.
You nod. “Welcome to the family, Cleo.” You smile at her.
You sit back, as y’all make way to the island closest to you. You almost died, not once but twice. Tears slipped out but you quickly wiped them.
You were just grateful everyone was alive.
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