#Yandere love triangle
hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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second part to REPLACED + this set of headcannons
Feroze belongs to @moyazaika and manager reader! This is only a fan-creation.
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“Mr. Khan, this is so unfair!”
“What is ? “
“You get even more handsome each and everyday. I’ll need sunglasses at this point !”
“You flatter me too much.”
Feroze ran his hand through Eve’s silken black hair. No doubt enjoying the soft feeling around his fingers.
You were glad that Feroze and Eve got along. As happy as you could ever be even! Finally, your moody employer got along with someone else other than you. But nothing could shake this sinking feeling of dread in your stomach.
“Haha . . . “ Eve’s ears turned pink. You knew of his previous obsession with Feroze’s music before. That’s how you were first introduced to the rockstar. No doubt the idol was also enjoying the small act of affection.
“You two are getting along well.” You coughed, feeling a bit too much like a third wheel to all this.
“Mx. [Y/N]! Hey hey~!” Eve waved, basically flailing his hands with the amount of excitement in his movements, while Feroze only nodded after facing your direction.
You bowed to Eve, a habit you had a hard time turning off when you switched clients, in acknowledgment before turning to your rockstar, “You have another interview this evening. One last time before we go.”
And the rehearsal began. Eve had apparently learned to rap from one of his members previously and had incorporated that into the music. You knew this of course, as you’d often check in on his career once in a while and listen to some of his songs when Feroze wasn’t around. But it was still quite baffling to see how quickly he picked up the skill. It was a far cry from how he struggled before as a trainee and rookie idol.
Feroze preferred not having a choreography and Eve otherwise, so there were separate solo sections in the mix as well.
As always, your current client amazed you with his voice and skill on the guitar. After Eve’s number, he quickly captured your attention and kept it there for the rest of the performance.
Soon, the last note is played, and the two singers panting are all that’s left to hear.
Feroze looked over to the black haired man. The arena was a cold place but after moving around the stage a lot, Eve had started showering in his own perspiration. “You’re sweating all over, Jisoo.”
You were mishearing things. You had to. There was no way they were in first name basis already. No way. Eve was so unbothered with the way he was called that you almost thought you were imagining things.
“Ah . . . let me just . . .” Eve started removing his coat, about to walk off in search of a towel before Feroze held him by the shoulder, leaned forward,
and licked him.
You and Eve don’t even have time to react as Feroze had already pulled you to the exit. “Let’s go, meri jaan.”
“Did you just do what I thought you just did—“
“What?” Feroze had this stupid smirk on his face, seeing you all worked up over his actions.
“Don’t try this with me! What if someone saw you two ? !”
“They’ve seen me done worse.”
“I’m not talking about your reputation, Khan. Jisoo’s is as fragile as glass. He hasn’t done even half of the shit you have. He’ll be ruined!”
“What’s this? Calling him by his first name now? And where’s my rosy?”
“You called him Jisoo, too. And remember, no rosy when you misbehave.”
“Fine. I won’t do it again. In public at least.”
“Okay, okay. I didn’t know you get like this when you’re jealous. It’s kinda cute.”
Feroze laughed as you stormed off. He really does love you so much.
Once you were out of view, he checked his phone to find a couple of messages from his partner in crime.
i believe i deserve a little thanks for my services?
i’m such a great wingman, aren’t i?
don’t get too cocky.
hehe. anything for you mr. khan.
i told you to call me feroze, didn’t i?
tomorrow. us three. drinks.
last one to pass out gets to have [y/n] for the night?
you’re on.
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“You know that Feroze’s a lightweight.”
“Yet you purposely agreed to have a drinking competition.”
“Right you are.”
“When your entire personality is based on getting drunk.”
“It’s a perfect set up isn’t it? And I don’t get drunk that often!”
“Right, just every single night you go out with the boys.” You crossed your arms. Flashbacks to cleaning off all the puke from not only Eve but the rest of your old clients entered your mind. “You know I have to leave and take care of him after this right?”
Eve’s already eerie smile got even wider, “Well, at least I got you all to myself now. Right at this moment.”
You shook your head, exasperated. “I never got you.”
“You said you could never live without me. And for a while I thought you did. Leaving you was so difficult. I was ready to lose you.”
“But here you are, alive and well.” Unaware you indirectly told him that he’s supposed to be dead, you jolted when he suddenly started cackling. Thank god for private rooms.
“Baby, if you want me dead there are more direct ways of saying so.”
“No, of course not!”
“I know you don’t. You care about me so much.”
You found yourself suddenly trapped between his arms. His face right next to yours as he breathed in your scent.
“Because you’re the best manager the world could ever ask for.”
He placed a kiss on your shoulder, then your neck, your chin, and finally your lips. His was smooth, years of scolding him to use chapsticks more often actually worked. But you soon forget the texture as his tongue entered your mouth.
His hands explored and caressed your body, keeping you close to him while he enjoyed your taste.
Out of guilt from making out while Feroze lied there unconscious, you pulled away.
Eve doesn’t hide the disappointment on his face, but he also doesn’t try kissing you again. “What happens, happens. I’ll just work thrice as hard to earn you back.”
You didn’t realize his body was pressing up against you until it was gone and he had grabbed his coat, ready to leave.
“Or I could share. Wouldn’t mind doing that with Mr. Khan.”
“See ya soon, world’s bestest Manager!”
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It was almost scary seeing Jisoo in such a broken state. He had failed two evaluations in a row. One more time and he’ll be cut off from his dreams. This usually wasn’t the case for most trainees, but as he’s grown older and therefore less marketable, the higher-ups had double down on their rigid rules. Even employing a manager like you to keep him in line.
You were a massive slap to the face. But he had no one else to lean unto. His other relationships were all shallow and based on some flimsy, flowery words he’d spout at everyone. So, he found himself here, right beside you. Tears still wet on his beautiful face.
“Hey . . . c’mere.” You pulled him beside you. The boy didn’t like being touched, but he was too tired and jaded to resist. “Show them that you want this. Show them that you’ll do everything you can to reach your goals.”
You caressed his back. Even if your words weren’t much of comfort you could at least try physically calming him down. “If they keep kicking you down even after you work twice as hard then work thrice as harder. If your skill isn’t enough for them then show them your determination.”
“You can and will do this, alright Soo? I believe in you.”
And that was the final nail into the coffin. You felt him melt under your touch. His breathing finally started to steady.
“I will. I promise.” He raised his arms to embrace you. “I’ll make you proud, Mx. Manager.”
Eve’s fingers trailed over the tattoo on his face. It was cold out. Snow had covered the streets and a part of his newly dyed dark blue hair. But the alcohol, the clothes he wore and most of all the thoughts of you kept him warm.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun / moyazaika - genie | 2023
2K notes · View notes
yandere-writer-momo · 11 months
Yandere Short Stories:
Pinky Promise
Yandere Lesbian Knight x Afab! Childhood Friend Reader x Yandere Cross Dressing Noble (Genderfluid)
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      “Today we have a new orphan joining us.” The director pushed a young girl with (hair length and color) hair forward, the young girl shyly glanced at the other orphans. She was awfully small compared to the other kids and dainty like a doll. “This is (your first name). Play nicely.”
       (Your name) shyly glanced around at the other kids, a young girl with bright red hair stuck out to her the most. The large girl played with a stick in the corner of the room by herself. (Your name) slowly approached the girl.
       “H-hello.” (Your name) bowed her head when the red head snapped her head to look at her. The young girl looked much like a wounded animal than a nine year old, which only made (your name) even more nervous. “I-I’m (your first name), what’s your name?”
          The crimson haired girl simply sat still, not muttering a single word while her cinnamon colored eyes glanced (your name) up and down. A scoff then left her lips.
        “Leave me alone.” (Your name) nearly cried when the red head glared at her. “I don’t need friends.”
       Another girl toddled over to (your name) and took her hand. “That’s Marisa. She’s mean. But you can come play with us! I’m Jezebel!”
      (Your name) glanced back at Marisa who sat hunched over at her spot in the corner. She looked so lonely…
       “You shouldn’t hang out with Marisa, (your name).” Jezebel whispered to the (hair color) girl. “She’s bad luck.”
      For the last few weeks, (your name) tried to get closer to the red haired girl. But to no avail. She was met with hostility and cruel insults. Marisa was just like a wounded animal… one that had been cornered and beaten for so long that it didn’t know how to handle affection.
        “Bad luck?” (Your name) asked softly, she turned to glance at the messy crimson haired girl. Her body hunched over in the corner as she hugged herself close. 
         “She has blood red hair. She has impure blood.”
        “Impure blood?” (Your name) tilted her head to the side and furrowed her brow in confusion. What on earth did that mean?
        “Yes… it means she has monster blood.” Jezebel hissed, her body trembled when Marisa turned to glance their way. “She’ll grow up and become a monster.”
       (Your name) frowned and glanced over at Marisa. Her heart clenched at how miserable she looked. How long had she been alone?
        “I don’t think she’s a monster.” (Your name) softly whispered before she stood up. The young girl placed a finger on her chin. “Thanks for your concern, Jezebel but I think I’ll take my chances. If she tears me apart then you’re right. But if not, you’ll have to apologize.”
        (Your name) even more determined to befriend the crimson haired girl… but how?
      Marisa furrowed her brow when (your name) offered to share her food with her. This was new. She was suspicious of the new orphan. (Your name) was stupidly trusting of people and naive. Marisa hated it. Marisa hated how the other girl kept trying to get close to her… did (your name) know she was a monster?
      “I thought I told you to leave me alone.” Marisa huffed, the red head crossed her arms over her chest. Her messy red waves covered her cinnamon eyes a bit from the movement. “You probably have your germs all over that bread anyways.”
        (Your name) frowned but placed the half loaf beside Marisa’s plate. Her expression hopeful.
        “You just always sit alone…” (your name)’s voice was barely above a whisper, her body shook a bit under Marisa’s intense gaze. “I want to sit with you.”
        Marisa rolled her eyes, the red head snatched the stale bread and took a bite. Her eyes cautiously glance over the smaller girl. (Your name) couldn’t hurt her even if she tried. She was so small, her wrist would probably snap if she tried to hit Marisa.
       (Your name) was like a lost, little lamb that approached a wolf. Didn’t she know how dangerous the world was? How people could harm her or have ulterior motives? How could someone be so naive?
        “Whatever.” Marisa stiffened when (your name) scooted next to her, her arms wrapped around Marisa in a hug. “Hey?! What are you doing, weirdo?!”
         “Well, I’m hugging my friend.” (Your name) giggled with a bright smile. Marisa felt her heart stop for a minute, an unfamiliar feeling washing over her. Was this magic?
        “You’re weird.” Marisa huffed, a small blush on her face. Maybe she’d let (your name) stick around… maybe. 
       The two girls were inseparable. Wherever Marisa was, (your name) was. At first it irritated the crimson haired girl. Why on earth did (your name) have to be so persistent about being by her side? Yet there was a part of her that adored it.
         Marisa loved that (your name) would cry when she wasn’t there. That (your name) depended on her company. It made Marisa feel wanted for once…
         And it’s why Marisa interfered whenever someone was interested in adopting (your name). She didn’t want to lose her only friend… her family.
      Marisa would throw bugs from the trees on potential adopters and play nasty pranks on them. She’d do anything to keep (your name) by her side.
         “Mari?” (Your name) mumbled from their shared bed, her little body snuggled against the red haired girl’s body. “Are you having nightmares?”
         Marisa felt herself melt under (your name)’s concerned expression. The red haired girl curled into (your name)’s body, her arms wrapped around the smaller girls in a comforting manner. Yes… this felt right, this was right.
       “I was just thinking was all.” Marisa whispered, her hands moved to throw the blanket over (your name) and her head to hide their secret pact. “Can you promise me something?”
       (Your name)  eagerly nodded her head. Her eyes focused on Marisa’s. “Yes, of course.”
        “Stay with me forever.” Marisa whispered from under the white sheet. Her cinnamon eyes full of seriousness. “Pink promise me.��
      (Your name) nodded her head and took Marisa’s pinky in hers. “Pinky promise.”
        The two girls laid under the sheets in a mess of limbs. It wasn’t just a promise to Marisa… it was a swear.
         One day, an elderly gentleman came to the orphanage. One that took great interest in (your name). To the point even Marisa’s tactics to get him to change his mind wouldn’t work. She had overheard the man talk about (your name)‘s pure mana. How lucky was her friend to be gifted in magic while she had no skills…
       The elderly man frowned at how distraught the red haired girl was when she realized her friend was going to be adopted. The elder held out a hand to the sniffling girl.
        “Why don’t you come with us?” He asked in a soft voice. “You just want to be with your friend, don’t you?”
        Marisa stared at the old man with wide eyes. His salt colored facial hair nearly concealed his whole face but he had kind eyes… eyes that were similar to (your name)‘s.
        “Y-you’d adopt me too?”
        “Well of course. I’d hate to separate someone who has worked so hard to be beside their friend.” The old man smiled at Marisa. “My name is Orick. I’m a herbalist.”
        “My name is Marisa Guerra… and I’m (your name)‘s best friend.”
          Orik took the red head girl’s hand and lead her over to (your name) who smiled brightly at Marisa. It seemed the two of them would continue to be together.
       The two girls ran towards each other and hugged. Orik smiled at the two. This time he’d ensure (your name)‘s safety… he wouldn’t fail her family twice.
        And Marisa would be the perfect fit for her protector.
      (Your name) and Marisa giggled as they sat side by side in a lavender field. The violet flowers tangled between their small hands while they wove flower crowns for one another.
      “Mari, you suck at this.” The smaller girl giggled at her friend’s expense. The red haired girl flushed a bright pink in the face from how distorted her crown was.
      “I’m doing my best! Not my fault my hands aren’t as dainty as yours.” Marissa grumbled, the red head snuck glances here and there towards the smaller girl. “You’re just more graceful than me, (your name).”
       Marisa memorized the details on (your name)’s face, she always found herself staring at her best friend. Was it strange that her heart beat so wildly in her chest whenever they were together? Marisa didn’t quite understand the feelings that bloomed in her for the sweet (hair color) girl
        “Well I made you one, see?” (Your name) gently placed the lavender flower crown on Marisa’s head. (Your name) gave her best friend a bright smile. “You look so pretty in purple.”
        Marisa blushed, the young red head brushed a crimson wave out of her face. She swore her heart would explode from the simple compliment.
       “Not nearly as pretty as you. I don’t think there’s anyone as pretty as you.”
         Even as a child, Marisa meant exactly what she said. (Your name) was the prettiest girl Marisa had ever seen and the only one she had eyes for.
        “You’re so silly, Mari. You act like I’m some kind of princess!” (Your name) squealed when Marisa grabbed her hands and began to press kisses on them. “Mari!”
        “To me, you are the most beautiful princess.” Marisa smiled as she began to press more kisses to (your name)’s hands. “And I’m your loyal knight.”
        “But we’re Orik’s apprentices.”
      The two girls giggled together, their hands linked while they admired the sunset together. 
        “Of course you little peasants always stick together.” A young noble girl stuck her nose up at (your name) and Marisa while the duo played together in the streets from the window in her fancy blue carriage. The golden family crest of the Phoenix showed off which family she belonged to, Marquis Golding.
     The marchioness’s long golden curls were pulled back behind her head in a half braid while the rest spilled out over her shoulders. “Why don’t you two play elsewhere?”
       “Oh hello, Marchioness Golding.” (Your name) greeted the blonde with a smile, which threw the blonde off. The blonde glanced away, a pinkish tint to her ears. “We were close to the street, weren’t we? Thanks for looking out-“
       “(Your name), she’s making fun of us.” Marisa softly pointed out, the redhead glared at the haughty blonde. She didn’t understand why the blonde insisted on bothering with them. “We’ll go elsewhere, Marchioness Golding.”
        Marissa rose up to her feet and took (your name)‘s hands in hers. The marchioness turned red in the face from the sight. It wasn’t fair… it wasn’t fair that they were able to live freely while she was trapped to live the life of a noble.
      Cressida could only watch as the two left. Her heart clenched when (your name) waved goodbye to her before Marissa tugged her away.
        Was it wrong for Cressida to want (your name)? The girl was oddly sophisticated for a mere peasant… it made Cressida curious.
        Was (your name) hiding something just like her? 
      Not to mention how (your name)’s features were eerily similar to a portrait she’s seen once… but where had Cressida last seen it?
       Orik smiled at (your name) who fretted ow r an injured bird. Tears in her eyes, her heart ached for the bird that was missing a part of its wing.
       “Now, (your name). With your affinity for healing magic, you can heal things.” Orik softly told the young girl. His wrinkled hands guided hers over the bird. “But you cannot heal what is no longer there.”
         “What do you mean, master?”
        “Wounds can be closed but they may leave scars.” Orik softly told her, the old wizard assisted her in healing the injured bird. “It’s flight feathers will have to grow back once it molts but you were able to reattach the bones. You have limits, my dear.”
       (Your name) smiled at Orik’s teachings. The elder always took time to teach her about healing magic and herbalism.
       “I sense you’ll become a great healer one day.”
       “You think so?”
      “I know so.”
       “Mari, you can’t keep stealing.” (Your name) chided her friend, the young adult scoffed in response. 
        The years have turned the two of them into adults and Marisa has been on a rebellious streak as of late. The red haired woman now towered over her friend and (your name) was sure Marisa was almost seven feet tall.
      “We have to survive too. Orik doesn’t have much money despite once being the grand wizard.” Marisa grumbled as she crossed her muscular arms over her chest. “The royals don’t care about orphans like us. We could starve for all they care.”
       “But what if they catch you? You could get hurt…” 
       “I can’t  keep up with your skills in magic. You’re going to be a great healer one day and I’m just me… Orik’s ways don’t suit me.” Marisa sighed, the large teen bent down to sit beside (your name) on the grassy hill. “I’m not smart like you…”
       “But I’m sure you could become a knight. Or maybe even a monster hunter. You’re super strong!” (Your name) smiled at her friend, which made Marisa sigh. The redhead shoved the loaf of bread into (your name)’s hand. 
      “Eat your bread. At least make my efforts worth it. I doubt we’ll eat anything this good until we’re done learning from Orik.” Marisa huffed. She draped her arm over (your name)‘s shoulder to pull her closer.
       The two women admired the city lights from below. (Your name)’s eyes sparkle in wonder from how magic had made the lights below shine so brightly.
        “It’s such a beautiful sight, isn’t it?”
      Cinnamon colored eyes were directed at (your name), a softness in them that was only reserved for the young woman in front of her. “Yes it is…”
       Marisa rested her head on (your name)‘s, her feelings once more bubbled to the surface like boiling soup. Marisa knew exactly what she felt for the other girl… it was just wondering if (your name) returned even a fraction of what she felt. If they had a chance to be something more than friends…
       Yet it wasn’t something Marisa wanted to chance. She’d rather die than lose her best friend, no… her reason to live.
       In this sick world, her only solace was (your name) and Marisa would rather chop her own foot off with a dull butter knife than let anything happen to the small girl.
     “(Your name)?”
        “I’d kill for you.” (Your name) giggled at her friend’s words, the smaller girl not taking what the other woman said seriously. Kill for her? How absurd. 
       “Well, I hope you never have to. I’d hate for you to end up in prison or even on death row.”
       Marisa pressed herself further into (your name), a sad smile on her face. She’d do anything for (your name). Anything.
       “(Your name)?” (Your name) froze when a certain marchioness made her way towards her. Her pale pink skirts held in her hands as she barged into (your name)‘s study.
      Ever since they became teenagers, Cressida Golding bothered her more and more. But rather than her weak attempts at bullying in childhood, Cressida made an attempt to befriend (your name). The golden haired girls cheeks flushed whenever she was around the (hair color) girl and her palms would be sweaty. 
        Yet Cressida made no move to befriend Marisa, only (your name).
       “Would you like to go to a salon with me? I could buy you a dress…” Cressida fiddled with her fingers, her cerulean eyes anxiously glanced at (your name). “Or you could probably fit into some of my old ones… I’ve been growing a lot as of late.”
       “That’s okay, marchioness Golding. Thank you-“
        “It’s just Cressida!” Cressida rasped out, her body trembled in anxiousness. “And I insist. Please?”
          “But I’m just a peasant…” (your name) softly whispered, but Cressida waved her off.
         “No, you’re not! You’re nothing like that red head or the others!” Cressida put her hands over her mouth at her outburst. She hadn’t meant to be so loud and excitable. “I actually found out something rather interesting about you.”
      “What do you mean, Cressida?” Cressida took (your name)’s hands in her clammy ones. A big smile on her face.
       “I’ll tell you my findings if you come to the salon I’m hosting!”
        (Your name) thought about it for a moment before she sighed. She knew Cressida wouldn’t accept no as an answer. The golden haired girl was quite spoiled after all…
         “Okay… I’ll come.” Cressida squealed and pulled (your name) in for a hug. Her cerulean eyes lit up like stars. 
        “I swear you won’t be disappointed, darling!” The blonde then took off with a skip in her step. 
       (Your name) sighed and glanced at her books that laid strewn out all over her desk. Now where did she leave off?
        A scream escaped Marisa’s mouth when a guard slammed their foot into her ribcage in a dark alleyway. Her plunders strewn all over the alleyway’s floor. Marisa had simply wanted to gift (your name) something nice, it wasn’t even something super expensive. It was just a rose quartz tied together with twine. 
       A twisted smirk crawled on the guard’s face at her anguished expression.
       “Well look who I finally caught! The street rat that my mistress hates.” His hand tangled in Marisa’s short red hair and yanked her head up. “You’re not so tough now, are ya?”
        Marisa vehemently glared at the guard before she launched a wad of spit on his dirty face. The guard threw her to the ground in anger his shirt ripped from the grip she had on him, his hand wiped the spit off his face. The fabric crest of the family he served was clutched tightly in her fist.
       “You’ll pay for that.” Marisa’s eyes widened when the guard drew his sword, the metal menacingly glinted under the streetlights.
       A scream rung throughout the alleyway and then silence.
     (Your name) frantically ran down the streets. Her head turned every which way in hopes of finding Marisa. Marisa wasn’t home on time and she was never late… 
       (Your name) clutched her cloak tightly to her body in an attempt to comfort herself. She needed to find her friend…
       “Marissa?” (Your name) called out to no avail. And that’s when she saw it… a crumbled body of a certain red head and a pool of blood.
      A scream that would make anyone weep at the strangled sound escaped (your name)’s chest as she launched herself beside her friend. Her small hands rolled over Marisa’s body to see where the wound was… only for horror to crawl down (your name)’s spine.
        The entire left side of Marisa’s face was completely mutilated with cute. The blood seemed never ending while the skin of her left cheek no longer concealed her teeth. And her tongue was cut up as well.
        “W-who did this to you?” (Your name) wept as she did her best to use her magic to heal her friend. “Who hurt you?”
       Her tears felt never ending as she did her best to heal what she could. This half of her friend’s face would more likely be permanently disfigured from this ordeal no matter how good of a healer (your name) was. There just wasn’t  enough left of her face to completely heal it.
      “Mari… oh Mari.” (Your name) sobbed as she held Mari’s body close to her. Marisa was so cold and barely breathing… but she was alive. Thank god… “I’m so sorry, Mari.”
        (Your name) held Marisa close to her, a certain family crest caught (your name)’s eye. The golden Phoenix mocked her.
       “Marquis Golding…”
        Cressida held her sore cheek in shock when (your name) struck her. The smaller woman’s face red with rage, a crumbled family crest was balled up in her fist.
        “You witch!” (Your name) hissed, the crest suddenly thrown at Cressida who sat dumbstruck on the floor. “How dare you have one of your guards attack Marisa… how dare you!”
       “(Y-your name)? What do you mean?” Cressida cried, her eyes filled with tears. Not out of guilt, but out of fear. Fear of (your name) leaving her behind. “I don’t know what you’re talking about-“
        “Don’t pretend you don’t! Your guard hurt Marisa and now… she’ll never be able to live a normal life!” (Your name) felt a sob rack through her body, her hands tightly clutched her chest. “How could you-“
        Creature rose up from the floor and ran towards (your name) until she fell to her knees in front of the young woman. Her hands tightly clutched (your name)’s.
        “I didn’t order him to… I wouldn’t do that.” Cressida began to sob. “I know you care about her… I wouldn’t do that.”
        (Your name) froze when Cressida began to bawl. Fat tears rolled down her pale cheeks as she tightly clutched the skirt of (your name)’s linen dress like a lifeline. 
          “Please don’t abandon me! I swear I didn’t order it! I swear! I swear!” Cressida buried her face in (your name)’s skirt, her tears and snot wet the fabric. “I wouldn’t hurt you!”
        “It’s okay, Cressida. I’m sorry for letting my anger get the best of me.” (Your name) held Cressida’s face in her palms. Guilt washed over her at the welt on Cressida’s face. “I shouldn’t have hurt you-“
         “Don’t apologize! I’m sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t know! I’m sorry!” Cressida nuzzled her face in (your name)’s soft palms with a sigh. “You’re allowed to be upset! But I’ll take care of it all! Just for you!”
         (Your name) furrowed her brow at the almost euphoric look in Cressida’s teary cerulean eyes. There was something incredibly off about the golden haired woman… but who was she to judge?
        “Okay, Cressida… I believe you.” (Your name) was nearly launched back when Cressida lunged forward to hug her,
          “Thank you! Thank you! I promise I’ll fix everything. Just leave it all to me.” Cressida buried her face in the crook of (your name)’s neck. 
       If only (your name) could see the demented smile on Cressida’s face then she’d know of the danger she was in…
         The portly guard was thrown into a dungeon. His eyes wide in horror when he saw the young marchioness in the middle of the cell. The other guards quickly locked the door and left the guard alone with the young woman.
       “M-my lady?! Have I offended you in some way?” The guard felt his blood run cold when a deep chuckle escaped Cressida’s lips.
       “You know it’s my lord in private.” The guard bowed his head when he heard bones begin to snap. The guard shivered in pure fear when he felt an icy glare on him. Oh god… he hadn’t mean to upset him. 
        “I’m sorry my lord-“ The guard’s head was suddenly pulled up by the thin strands of his hair. A hauntingly beautiful man now stood before him in place of the marchioness. His cerulean blue eyes cold and unforgiving like the sea. 
       “Do you know what you’ve almost cost me?” The young man angrily hissed. 
       “N-no, my lord-“ the guard’s face was suddenly slammed into the stone floor. A loud, audible crunch rung throughout the empty dungeon. 
           “The throne! I need (your name) for the throne!” The guard’s head was slammed over and over into the ground as the young man had a tantrum. “My beautiful, perfect darling is the lost Duchess of (last name)! If I marry her, an illegitimate child like me could become the crown prince! And you almost screwed it all up because you sliced up her friend’s face!”
         The guard’s face was practically hamburger meet from how mashed it was. A few of the his teeth now missing as he choked on his blood. The golden haired man sighed before dropping the guard to the ground.
         “I just got so lucky my darling is so wonderful and understanding… she even apologized to me after she struck me.” The delusional man suddenly held his body to imitate a hug. “I am so lucky to have stumbled upon her… don’t you think we’ll be beautiful together?”
       The guard could only gurgle and gasp, the portly man struggled to breathe. The blonde sighed in frustration. “An imbecile like you could never understand our love… but she said she’d let me handle it! So we’re not quite done yet, mister guard.”
        The guard was then dragged to be chained to the floor. The young man smiled down at the disoriented guard, his haunting beauty similar to an angel of death.
        The man then snapped his fingers to alert his butler to come over with a cage full of rats. The top of the cage held a metal bowl at the top and a removable tray at the bottom,
       “Prince Chrysanthos. I really do think you’ve outdone yourself.” The butler sighed before he placed the metal cage atop of the guard’s stomach and pulled out the tray so that the rats were now had no metal bottom. Yet they couldn’t escape. 
         “You flatter me, Gerald. I simply wish to be a strict ruler who would do anything for his beloved. My enemies must know not to mess with me or her.” Chrysanthos smiled at Gerald who nodded. The salt and pepper haired man walked over to a small bowl filled with hot coals. 
          “You’re doing a fantastic job, sir.” The butler handed Chrysanthos the bucket. “Would you like to do the honors?”
          “Of course.” Chrysanthos then dumped the hot coals into the bowl atop of the cage. “This is what you get for upsetting my love. Your death will be slow and agonizing as the rats claw through your body to escape the heat.”
        The guard began to loudly scream when he felt the rats scratch and bite at his skin.
         Gerald glanced over at the insane blonde before him. Not a doubt in his mind that Crysanthos was a demon despite his angelic appearance.
             “Do you wish to watch, sir? Or do you want to buy a dress for you darling?”
          The butler remaind stoic when Chrysantho’s mood did a complete 180 degree turn. A bright smile on his angelic features.
         “I would love to. Do you think she’d look beautiful in gold? Or should I perhaps dress her in lighter colors until the engagement?” Chrysanthos sighed dreamily. “My beautiful darling would look good in anything… I can’t wait to see her at my salon.”
        The butler nodded as the two men left the guard behind to suffer his ill fate.
       Chrysanthos babbled the whole way out. Gerald just didn’t understand what it was about that girl that drove the prince so mad.
         (Your name) laid beside Marisa. Her arms wrapped around her friend as Orik frowned at her.
        “She should wake up soon, my dear. You’ve been up for three days now… you can’t let yourself fall apart too.” Orik expressed his worry for his adopted daughter.
        “I just want to be here when she wakes up.” (Your name) whispered softly, her hands stroked Marisa’s scarred face. “I want her to know I’m here… that I’ll always be here.”
        Orik sighed but he understood her pain. “I won’t stop you but why don’t you just lay beside her?”
       Orik snapped his fingers, a blanket now magically placed around her shoulders. The old man wrapped the blanket snuggly around (your name)’s body.
         The young woman rested her body beside Marisa’s. The two women curled into one another. 
         As the young woman finally fell into the clutches of sleep, she failed to notice Marisa was now awake. Her cinnamon eyes softened at the eye bags and tear stained face of her friend.
      Marisa struggled to speak, her throat felt so dry… Marisa went to sit up, her cinnamon colored eyes wide in horror at her reflection. Her whole body trembled at the hideous scars on her face. Oh god… it wasn’t a nightmare.
         Marisa’s fingers traced over the ugly lines of scars on the left side of her face. Tears fell from her eyes as reality washed over her. She was ugly now…
      “She did her best to heal what was left of your face.” Orik softly told Marisa from the door way. “I think she did an amazing job from what she said was left of you.”
       Marisa glanced down at (your name) who laid curled up beside her. Her small hands tightly clutched Marisa’s shirt.
        “Marisa. I have been quite lenient toward your rebellious behavior but I think it’s time you start to do something with you life.” Orik told the young woman, the elderly man made his way over. “I have a friend in the north who could train you in the way of the sword.”
    “But I… I can’t leave (your name) behind. Especially with that stupid marchioness running about.”
       “Who said I wouldn’t send the both of you?” Orik softly asked. “I may be old, but I’m willing to relocate to get away from that noble… they terrify me.”
       Marisa paused, the muscular teen cast a glance at the sleeping (your name). A sunkissed finger hesitantly brushed a stray strand of hair out of (your name)’s face.
         “If she wants to… we’ll move.”
       “Excellent. Let me know what she says when she wakes up.” Orik smiled at the two young women. “We can leave in a week’s time at the earliest.”
       Marisa glanced down at (your name) who clutched onto her body like a koala bear. A soft smile graced her lips as she leaned down to press a kiss on (your name)’s forehead.
        “Thank you… I owe you my life once again.” Marisa pressed her forehead against (your name)’s while her arms snaked around (your name)’s body. “You’re always saving me when I’m supposed to be protecting you… I swear I’ll become stronger and I’ll be able to provide us a better life.”
         Marisa laid beside (your name) until she succumbed to sleep as well. Their limbs tangled and their hearts full from one another’s company.
       Orik did his best to keep a stoic expression when marchioness Golding visited their home bright and early. A large, neatly wrapped gift sat in her butler’s arms as the two nodded at Orik.
       “Is (your name) home?” Cressida asked, a giddiness in her voice. “I brought her dress for the salon today.”
       Orik frowned but relented on letting Cressida inside. He didn’t want to make an enemy of the golden terror, she was well known for her volatile temper.
         “(Your name)?!” Cressida sing songed the small teen’s name in hopes she’d come running over to her. “I’m here to take you to the salon! I have your dress-“
         Cressida froze when she saw (your name) fast asleep in her bed. The small girl curled up under her various blankets, her chest softly rose with each breath. She looked like a fairy…
       Cressida slowly approached the bed until she sat on the end of it. She outstretched her pale hand to touch (your name)‘s cheek but a large hand stopped her.
         Cressida nearly screamed at the sight of Marisa’s disfigured face. The scars made her even more fearsome to gaze at.
         “What on earth are you doing?!” Marissa hissed like a snake, her cinnamon eyes narrowed at the golden haired noblewoman. An overwhelming desire to protect the unconscious (your name) consumed the redhead. 
       “I was just going to wake her was all.” Cressida snatched her wrist back from Marisa’s brutish grip. “You don’t have to be such a brute all the time.”
        Marisa scoffed and crossed her muscular arms over her chest. She stuck her nose up at Cressida, Cressida’s face twisted in disgust at the prominent dorsal hump on Marisa’s large nose. Why did Marisa look more masculine when Cressida was Chrysanthos? 
         “Maybe you shouldn’t be such a creep.”
        (Your name) stirred awake, the young woman glanced between her two friends who seemed to be about to argue.
      “Good morning-“ (your name) almost screamed when Cressida launched at her to try to hug her but Marisa pushed the blonde over so the blonde onto the end of the bed instead.   The blonde landed with a loud thud.
       “What was that for?! You could have ruined my dress-“ Cressida quickly calmed herself. She didn’t want to scare her darling away… “I’m here to take you away to the salon, (your name)!”
        “Oh… that is today isn’t it?” (Your name) whispered. She had forgotten all about it since she’s been so preoccupied worrying about Marisa. Did that make her an awful friend? “I’m sorry for not being ready, Cressida.”
         “No, it’s alright! I bought you a dress.” Cressida leapt up from the bed and scurried over the Gerald. The blonde practically snatched the box from his hands and handed it to (your name). “Here! Open it!”
      (Your name) hesitantly opened the box to reveal a beautiful blush colored dress. Her hands grasp the straps to admire it in awe.
        “Oh wow… it’s beautiful, Cressida.” (Your name) smiled at her friend who blushed a bright pink. 
        “Let’s put it on and if we leave now, my maids can do your hair and makeup.” Cressida beamed, much to Marisa’s dismay. (Your name) couldn’t possibly have agreed to hang out with this haunted porcelain doll wannabe.
         (Your name) smiled and rose up from the bed with the dress in her arms. The young woman turned to her two friends.
        “I’ll need help with this…”
        The two women glanced at each other before they rushed over to help (your name). The young woman chuckled at how eager her friends were to help.
         (Your name) twirled around in the blush colored dress while Cressida and Marisa admired her. How could someone be so beautiful?
       “You look beautiful…” Cressida muttered softly, her cerulean eyes filled with admiration. She wanted to burn this image into her brain forever…
        Marisa on the other hand was speechless. Marisa’s throat became dry like sand, her hands now sweaty, and her pupils dilated at the sight in front of her eyes. It took everything in Marisa not to pull (your name) in for a kiss- wait… a kiss? Where did that thought come from?
       Marisa shook her head, her cheeks warm when she noticed (your name)’s eyes on her. Oh no… she hadn’t meant to stare for so long.
         “Y-you look beautiful.” 
       “Thank you.” (Your name) thanked her friends for their compliment, Cressida’s sharp eyes soon realized (your name) didn’t have proper footwear… she’d have to buy her some.
      “Let’s be on our way. I’ll pick you some shoes out and you’ll be all set.”
        Marisa frowned when Cressida stole (your name) away. She hated Cressida and not just because Cressida held an obvious torch for (your name). No. There was something off about the golden haired girl.
         And Marisa’s gut has never been proven wrong… but she couldn’t put her finger on what it could be…
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
You know, it would be interesting for me to read the gloomy Disney characters. By the type that the Reader accidentally enters the Disney world. Or is already in this world. For example, a man! The Evil Queen× reader. Just imagine that the mirror says that the most beautiful is the reader and the man!The evil Queen was interested.. Well, or dark! A man!A Disney princess who believes in love and believes that the reader is his true love and that the reader should belong only to him.
Sorry for the bad English
Don't apologize
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You're perf, babes
Yandere!Genderbent!Evil King x GN!Reader x Yandere!Genderbent!Snow White
CW: Death, obsessive behavior
"Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" The vain king asked his enchanted mirror as he often did whenever his pride was wounded. King Hadewig was the envy of men and women. Cold and beautiful, his features were cut like an ethereal ice sculpture. Intelligent, talented, and ruthless, most everyone either wanted to bed him or be him. However, his power was not guaranteed for long.
Hadewig was King only by responsibility, and not by actual title. His title was, legally, Prince Consort. He married his, now deceased, wife when he was a young bachelor, and she was the only eligible bachelorette of suitable status as a widow. Being so much older than him, it was an "unfortunate", but not "unsurprising" passing of the crown when the Queen died and left her son in Hadewig's care.
The only reason the child wasn't immediately crowned king was because of Hadewig's charm and influence, convincing the court that the young Prince Snow was too irresponsible to rule the country. But it was difficult to continue that lie going, even with Hadewig purposely keeping Snow ignorant of his future kingly duties by treating him as a servant, for now the boy was twenty years of age, and truly should have not only been coronated years ago, but also wed off to the available princess of the neighboring kingdom, a woman as old as Hadewig.
But his potential loss of power wasn't the reason for his low self esteem that day.
"You are, my king. There is one who approaches, but does not yet share with you what makes you fair."
The king slumped in his seat in an uncouth like manner. "Then why does my hunter not look at me like a man?"
King Hadewig's personal hunter, an immensely talented killer that didn't just slaughter animals for the king. And the only person who simply looked at the king. Nothing Hadewig did could change the professional look on (Reader's) face during their meetings. No matter how charismatic he was with his words, how stylish his clothing was, nor the love potions he attempted to spike (Reader's) drinks with, they were seemingly immune to every one of his attempts. In their most recent meeting, the one that left Hadewig depressed, he had offered his hunter a glass of wine, which they turned down, stating that the last drink they had received from the king did not agree with them.
"I can not tell you that, my lord. I only can report what I see, so unless your hunter speaks their secrets out loud while I spy, I am blind to their feelings for you."
Hadewig groaned, upset and broken hearted.
"Show me my hunter, again."
The face in the mirror melted, dissolving into an image of (Reader) leaving the castle. Their strong frame sent shivers down the icy man's spine. His first and only marriage was one of political importance, with no love or warmth between the husband and wife. But in the presence of his Mx. Hunter, the king was set ablaze. The intense feeling of heat was dowsed when he witnessed the bastard he hated most in the world approach his hunter.
At the steps of the castle, Snow had been timidly watching the triumphant hunter from afar, gathering the courage to approach them. He had never known shame, never feeling any sort of embarrassment about the state of his dress, but in the presence of the person who always smelled faintly of iron, he was reduced to two inches tall.
Stepping lightly like a mouse, the short adult snuck up behind (Reader), still debating whether or not he was actually going to announce his presence.
His decision was made for him, however, being noticed by (Reader) almost immediately.
"Good afternoon, your highness." They said, turning sharply on their heel to face him.
The hunter was the only person to address the prince by his royal status.
"Ah- how did you know it was me?" He asked incredulously. A pink blush warmed his entire head, wrapping around the back of his neck and up to the tips of his ears.
"Because I could hear you." (Reader) offered a kind smile to the shy, younger man. They felt sympathy towards him, with the way his cold step father treated him. With what they had done to him.
Snow was impressed by how cool (Reader) was. And a small part of him wished to impress them as well. He tried to straighten out his worn out rags. "What brings you to the castle today?"
"To gift the king a wolf pelt. And also," (Reader) reached into their pouch, pulling out a pressed flower, "to gift you this."
The prince sucked in his gasp, wide eyed and lips pressed tight.
"I apologize for not finding something better for your highness."
"No!" He panicked, grabbing the flower with both hands. "It's beautiful!"
He hadn't received a gift since the passing of his mother.
"Happy Birthday, your highness." (Reader) bowed, then turned swiftly, leaving the young man hyperventilating and sweating.
Only the king and his mirror heard Snow whisper long after (Reader) left: "I love you."
Three days later, and the king was losing his mind over the interaction. Snow was visibly taller, standing straighter as he worked, singing as he cleaned the castle grounds, and it was bothering him.
Hadewig kicked over his chair in frustration. "Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
"The one you fear is getting stronger, the confidence has warmed his winter, and people shall notice his spring awakening. The prince now glows more brightly than you, whose anger has etched lines of hatred into his ice like face."
King Hadewig released a scream, losing his control before quickly sharpening back up, running his hands through his messed hair.
He left his study, storming over towards a frightened servant.
"Send for my hunter."
Before (Reader), the king was disheveled, worrying (Reader) something awful.
"I can not stand for this disrespect any longer." His gaze read cold and cruel as it pierced the hunter's. "You understand that you are mine, correct?"
(Reader) thought about the flower and felt a wave of anxiety. "Yes, your highness."
"You understand that you belong to me?"
"Yes, your highness."
He sighed ever so slightly, before retrieving a wooden box from his desk. "I have another assignment for you.
Kill my son."
Nausea threatened to erupt from the seasoned murderer. "My lord?"
"Take him deep into the woods, and bring me back his heart." He held out the box. It was a test, as though (Reader) hadn't proved their loyalty to the mad man enough.
The empty box was heavy in (Reader's) hands.
"As you wish, your highness."
Prince Snow spun in the field of flowers as he searched for the most beautiful flowers for the hunter. It was the best day of his life! His father had given him a colorful outfit that fit him and the hunter had asked him out on a date! Well, they didn't call it a date, but what else could it have been?
He wove a crown for (Reader) while imaging their wedding day, becoming King and Royal Consort and having a real crown placed on their head.
(Reader), however, was weighing their options, not truly paying attention to the prince, and trying to ignore his childlike excitement.
What would the king do, if he was made a fool?
"Oh, hunter!" Snow ran over, holding out the delicate crown. "I made this for you! May I?"
And that was all it took, for (Reader) to spare his life.
They bent down, feeling the weight of the crown on their scalp. It smelled nice. Before Snow could retreat, (Reader) wrapped their arms around his thin waist. They had killed so many people before, but this was only the second time they felt unbearable guilt.
The first was after they took the life of the Queen.
"(Reader)?" Snow stuttered out, feeling weak in their strong arms.
"You must run, your highness." (Reader) whispered into his ear.
"The king has ordered me to kill you. So please, run. Far away, into the woods." They released the prince, and it was only then that he noticed the heavy bags under their tired eyes.
"Why? I don't understand-"
"Leave. It won't be long before that witch discovers my lie."
Snow fell to his knees, holding onto the edge of (Reader's) shirt for dear life, falling apart in front of them. "Please, no! Come with me! If he would kill me, what would he do to you for sparing me? Please, run away with me!"
(Reader) bent down to release his fingers from their hem, planting a kiss on his forehead as they did so. "I hope when I meet you again you will have found a name more worthy of such a warm and kind person. For as of this moment, Prince Snow is dead."
Excitement threatened to crack the King's cool demeanor as he observed the bloody heart in his hands. (Reader) was distant, but that didn't matter to Hadewig, for now there was no competition for his hunter's affection. They would soon be his, even if he had to use force to make it so.
"Excellent work, my faithful hunter." He offered a practiced smile, unnerving (Reader) who prayed that the pig heart made a convincing decoy. At least until they could escape and hide out in the mountains, far away from the King's eyes.
(Reader) gave a deep bow. Then they left, calmly getting on their horse, and leaving, not taking a single glance behind them as they sped off, emergency bag already packed on their steed.
Back in Hadewig's room, he caressed the box affectionately, thinking about his lovely hunter. The stress had certainly caused a frown line, just as the mirror said, but he was working at reversing the damage.
"Magic Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" He dreamily asked, slightly nervous that the rage had permanently ruined his perfect face.
"Hiding deep within the woods, tending a wounded heart, the fairest in the land hides. Prince Snow still lives."
The king scoffed. "I have his heart right here, mirror."
"No, within that box lies the heart of a pig."
The box fell from Hadewig's hands. "A pig..?" His face scrunched up painfully. "(Reader) would never betray- they belong to me! ME! Guards! Where is my hunter?!"
"The hunter is flying towards the mountains, away from the woods they released the prince into."
Hadewig collapsed at his desk, screaming in agony while pawing at his chest. "No! It's all his fault! Find me that little bastard- I'll kill him myself!"
The seven dwarven women listened to the young man recall his tale of woe, his eyes full of tears but a smile still on his lips. "So, if you please, could I stay here? Just until my love returns for me."
Happy sighed dramatically, blushing and twirling her beard. "That (Reader) is so brave~"
Grumpy smacked the back of her head. "That double crosser may have saved the prince, but that doesn't mean they won't double double cross him!"
Bashful stomped a foot. "It's true love! They would never!"
"Well, they never confessed their feelings," Doc said while cleaning her glasses, "they could have saved Snow out of the goodness of their heart."
Snow smiled, trying to calm the fragments of his heart. "I have to believe, to hope, that (Reader) loves me as I love them. To risk death for me.. but, they said we would meet again. And I trust them."
It was painful, knowing that his father wanted him dead, but what was worse was hearing that (Reader) had put their life in danger for him. Despite all the pain and punishment Snow had endured, he never held it against his step father, but now..
A dark, bitter seed had been planted.
And throughout the night as the household slept, Prince Snow could feel it grow, threatening to burst forth from his chest. The dwarven women were so kind to him. So inviting, and trusting.
He wondered what else they would do for him.
The dark haired man knew that the apple was poison from the moment it was placed in his hands. What kind of elderly man would be this far out away from any sort of town, especially if they were traveling to sell produce? He didn't know who the old man was, but knew that he must have been in cahoots with the king.
"Oh, I don't have any money." Snow said quite sadly, placing his head in his hand.
"For such a lovely young man? Free of charge."
"Are you sure?"
The old man was certainly no real beggar. Nothing made sense. It was cruel, what Snow thought to do, especially if he was wrong, but in case he was right.. Snow whispered to a bird before smiling brightly at the stranger, taking the apple in both hands.
"Of course, please take it!"
Snow bit into the fruit, but did not swallow, hiding the chunk in his hand. After a few seconds of pretending to chew, he collapsed, holding his breath.
The king almost immediately dropped his disguise, snarling. His once similarly raven hair had a stripe of grey.
In a voice barely louder than a huff, he said "It serves you right, you filthy bastard. I would have let you live, if you had simply left my (Reader) alone."
He exhaled. There was no movement from the floor.
"Are you dead yet? Can you still hear me? I hope you can." The king smiled. "I hope you can hear me from beyond the grave as I finally get my happily ever after."
But as he celebrated the dwarves rushed home from work, and a small bird was rallying forces to find the hunter and lead them to Snow's body.
As he monologued to what Hadewig assumed was his son's corpse, the women returned from the mines, righteously horrified and armed with pickaxes.
Hadewig heard a woman shout "Grumpy, don't!" before a pick connected with his lower back, piercing his organs from behind.
The pain was excruciating, sending fire up his body as blood poured out of him. He imagined (Reader's) face, finally smiling for him as they cradled him in their arms, accepting his love. Hadewig wanted that to be the last thing he saw before he died.
Instead, he witnessed Snow, smiling up at him from the floor.
(Reader) arrived just a moment too late, having been closer than they had expected due to how deep into the woods Snow had traveled. They witnessed the sobbing dwarves sitting at the door, too upset to enter their own home where the young prince they tried to rescue lie dead.
The hunter pushed passed them, not wasting a second to grab the young man. He was still warm, but wasn't breathing.
Snow kept his eyes closed as he felt the worst pain he had ever known.
(Reader's) hands slammed into Prince Snow's chest. A rib cracked under their strength, but Snow refused to show it.
Then their lips pressed against his.
His nose was held shut as (Reader) forced air into his throat, trying to get him to wake up. They continued the repetitions a medicine man had taught them while blowing air into his lungs.
"God damnit, Snow, wake up!"
They leaned in, and felt him breath against their mouth. His large brown eyes fluttered open, and his face reddened.
His lips curled into a weak grin. "You came back for me.."
Guilt washed over (Reader), hugging him tightly to their chest. "I'm sorry I left, Prince Snow."
Warm hands ran through (Reader's) hair. "Please.. Call me Theros."
The regret and pain kept (Reader) still, allowing the recently "revived" prince to pull them in for a kiss.
After all that (Reader) put him through, a kiss was the least they could do.
But for the born again man, it was just the beginning.
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elryuse · 5 months
yandere ceo minji x secretary y/n ft. hanni???
A CEO Stole my Boyfriend
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The jasmine first appeared subtly, a fleeting whiff that brushed past my nose as Y/n leaned in for a kiss. It was a foreign scent, not the familiar citrus and vanilla of my own perfume, but a heady, floral aroma that lingered long after he pulled away.
"What's that smell?" I asked, wrinkling my nose playfully.
Y/n, usually unflappable, stumbled over his words. "Uh, I, uh... must've walked by a new air freshener at the office."
His cheeks flushed a tell-tale pink, and a tiny seed of doubt sprouted in my gut. It was a flimsy excuse, but I chose to believe him. After all, Minji, our CEO, was notorious for pushing her employees to handle her eccentric demands. Extra-long hours and experimental air fresheners seemed par for the course.
But the scent persisted, clinging to Y/n's clothes like a secret memory. It coincided with the creeping changes in his behavior. Long hours at the office morphed into disappearing weekends, punctuated by terse phone calls and hurried excuses. The man known for his boundless energy and infectious smile seemed perpetually drained, a dark circle blossoming under his usually bright eyes.
"Work stress, huh?" I said one evening, trying to sound casual as I traced a finger along his furrowed brow.
Y/n flinched, his smile strained. "Yeah, just a rough patch. Minji's got us all jumping through hoops lately."
"Well, tell her to take it easy on you," I said, my voice tight with a growing unease I couldn't quite place. "You deserve a break."
He offered a weak smile. "I will. Maybe we can finally take that Napa Valley trip after all."
The anticipation crackled between us, a promise whispered under stolen kisses and shared dreams. Then, the announcement. Minji, her perfectly manicured nails tapping a staccato rhythm on the conference table, declared a "critical business trip" to LA. Y/n was needed, she proclaimed, urgency lacing her voice.
The air in the room went cold. "But what about our trip?" I blurted out, unable to contain the tremor in my voice.
Minji's eyes, usually calculating, flickered with something akin to amusement. "Oh, the Napa trip? I'm sure you two can reschedule. This, however," she said, her gaze lingering possessively on Y/n, "can't wait."
That night, as Y/n packed a meager overnight bag, the jasmine scent overwhelmed me. It clung to his clothes, a tangible reminder of the secret life he seemed to be leading. My voice, usually brimming with love, faltered as I asked, "Something's wrong, Y/n. Tell me."
He met my gaze, the usual warmth replaced by a flicker of panic. "It's just work, Hanni. Nothing to worry about."
"Is it, though?" I pressed, my voice barely above a whisper. "Because lately, it feels like there's a whole lot you're not telling me."
Y/n sighed, running a hand through his already ruffled hair. "It's complicated, okay? Just trust me, this trip is important."
But trust, that fragile thread that bound us together, began to fray at the edges. The following weeks were an agonizing ballet of deceit. Calls became scarce, filled with awkward silences and fabricated stories about "unexpected board meetings" that stretched late into the night. The Napa Valley trip became a painful memory, a cruel promise unfulfilled.
One evening, as Y/n hurried off to another "late-night meeting," my suspicions reached a boiling point. "Where are you really going, Y/n?" I demanded, my voice laced with a newfound steel.
He hesitated, the jasmine scent swirling around him like a poisonous fog. "It's... work, Hanni. You wouldn't understand."
"Try me," I said, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt.
Just then, Minji's voice, dripping with saccharine sweetness, echoed from the doorway. "Don't worry, Hanni. Y/n's just helping me with a little... late-night brainstorming session." Her eyes, cold and calculating, met mine for a fleeting moment before flickering back to Y/n. "We wouldn't want the company to suffer because of a little weekend getaway, would we now, darling?"
Y/n flinched at the pet name, a flicker of something akin to disgust crossing his face before it was quickly masked by forced compliance. "Of course not, Minji," he mumbled, his voice devoid of its usual warmth.
Minji's smile widened, the tips of her perfectly manicured nails glinting under the harsh office lights. It was a smile that promised both reward and punishment, depending on who she was addressing. Her gaze, previously cold, softened slightly as it landed on Y/n. "Excellent. Now, shall we get going, darling?" she purred, her voice dripping with a possessiveness that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Y/n offered a weak nod and mumbled a goodbye as he scurried past me, the jasmine scent clinging to him like a shroud. The air grew thick with a suffocating silence as the door clicked shut behind him. Minji's smile, once playful, morphed into a predatory smirk as she turned her icy gaze towards me.
"So," she drawled, her voice taking on a mocking tone, "worried your little weekend getaway plans got foiled?"
My throat tightened, the words catching in my chest. Fear, cold and primal, coiled in my stomach. Minji wasn't just our CEO; she was a force of nature, a hurricane with a designer wardrobe. Witnessing her manipulate Y/n with such ease sent shivers down my spine.
"It's not a 'little' getaway," I managed to force out, my voice barely above a whisper.
Minji scoffed, the sound sharp and dismissive. "Oh please, darling. Don't tell me you and Y/n actually have anything exciting planned. Movie night and takeout for the hundredth time? Sounds thrilling." Her words were laced with a cruel amusement, each syllable designed to tear down the fragile image of our relationship.
Tears pricked at my eyes, blurring the already distorted image of Minji reflected in the glass wall behind her. Maybe she was right. Our relationship, while comfortable, lacked the spark she seemed to be dangling in front of Y/n. But to expose our vulnerabilities in front of this woman, this predator, felt like signing a death warrant.
Before I could muster a retort, Minji glided closer, her smile morphing into something sinister. Her perfectly manicured nails tapped a haunting rhythm on the glass wall beside me. "You see, Hanni," she hissed, her voice low and dangerous, "Y/n craves excitement. He craves a challenge. Does takeout and Netflix offer that?"
I flinched at the venom in her voice, the way she spoke of Y/n as if he were a prize she'd already claimed. "We have a connection you wouldn't understand," I choked out, a desperate attempt to reclaim some semblance of power.
Minji threw her head back and laughed, a cold, hollow sound that echoed in the empty office. "Oh, honey," she cooed, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "The connection you have is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Trust me, Y/n deserves more. He deserves someone who can match his brilliance, someone who thrives on the same energy he does."
"And who might that be?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.
The smile on Minji's face widened, revealing a glimpse of something sharp and predatory beneath the veneer. "Why, me, of course," she purred, leaning in so close that I could smell the cloying sweetness of her jasmine perfume. "Y/n and I," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "we understand each other. We push each other. We're a perfect storm, darling. And let me tell you," she added, her eyes glinting with a chilling possessiveness, "he much prefers the view from here."
A strangled sob escaped my lips, tears streaming down my face. Her words were a brutal assault, stripping away the years of shared laughter, quiet nights in, and whispered dreams. In her warped reality, the comfortable love we shared was nothing compared to the thrilling chaos she offered.
Minji, seemingly satisfied with the devastation she'd wrought, straightened her designer blouse and adjusted her diamond necklace. "Well, this has been delightful," she purred, her voice saccharine once more. "But duty calls. Enjoy your… quiet evening, Hanni."
As she turned to leave, she paused for a moment, her gaze lingering on me with a malicious glint. "Oh, and one more thing," she said, her voice dropping to a chilling whisper. "Don't even think about trying to get in my way. Y/n belongs to me now."
With that, she swept past me, leaving behind a trail of toxic sweetness and a suffocating silence.I collapsed into the nearest chair, the sobs racking my body morphing into a broken, tearful mess. The woman I loved, the man I thought I knew, both seemed to be slipping through my fingers, stolen by a predator who thrived on manipulation and control. The future I'd envisioned, a future filled with shared dreams and laughter, lay shattered at my feet, replaced by a chilling uncertainty that promised nothing but heartache.
Hours bled into one another, the silence of the apartment deafening. Every creak of the floorboard sent a jolt of fear through me, every rustle of leaves outside my window sounded like approaching footsteps. Finally, the sound of the key turning in the lock shattered the silence.
Y/n stumbled in, his face etched with exhaustion. The jasmine scent, once overwhelming, was now faint, barely clinging to him. Relief, a sweet and unexpected sensation, flooded my chest. But before I could speak, he sank onto the couch, burying his face in his hands.
"Y/n" I whispered, my voice hoarse from crying.
He looked up, his eyes red-rimmed and weary. "Hey," he croaked, his voice strained. "Sorry I'm late. Minji kept me swamped with work."
My heart hammered against my ribs. "Work, huh?" The word tasted like ash in my mouth.
He sighed, a deep, weary sound. "Look, Hanni, about the trip…"
"Forget the trip," I whispered, cutting him off. "What's going on, Y/n? Who is she?"
He hesitated, his gaze flickering around the room before settling on me. "It's complicated," he began, then stopped, running a hand through his already ruffled hair. "She... she needs me, Hanni. For the company, I mean."
The lie, flimsy and transparent, hung heavy in the air. "Needs you how?" I pressed, my voice trembling.
Y/n winced, as if the truth pained him. "Look," he said, his voice low, "there's a big deal in the works, and Minji... she wants a public image boost. Apparently, being seen with a successful, 'happily engaged' partner is part of the strategy."
My stomach lurched. Engaged? The word echoed in the room, a cruel mockery of our crumbling relationship.
"Engaged?" I choked out, the word a foreign sound on my tongue.
"It's fake, Hanni," he said hurriedly, reaching for my hand. "Just a show for a month, to close the deal. Then everything goes back to normal. I promise."
His touch, usually a source of comfort, felt foreign now. Doubt gnawed at me, a persistent, unwelcome guest. "A month?" I echoed, my voice barely above a whisper. "A month of pretending to be in love with her, while I sit here alone, wondering if you'll even come home at night?"
Tears welled up in his eyes, mirroring the ones staining my cheeks. "Hanni, please. You have to trust me. This is about our future, ours. If I lose this deal, we both lose our jobs. You know how ruthless Minji can be."
His words held a chilling truth. Minji wasn't above playing dirty, and the thought of losing everything, our relationship and our careers, sent a fresh wave of terror through me.
Y/n cupped my face, his touch gentle but his eyes filled with a desperation that mirrored my own. "This is just temporary, Hanni. I love you. You know that, don't you?"
I searched his eyes, desperately seeking the truth. "Yes," I whispered, my voice thick with tears. "But what if this 'temporary' situation changes something? What if..."
"There are no ifs, Hanni," he insisted, his voice firm despite the tremor in his hand. "We'll get through this. Together."
His words offered a fragile comfort, a lifeline in a storm of uncertainty. But as I looked into his exhausted eyes, a flicker of doubt remained. Could our love survive a month-long performance of fake love with a manipulative predator? The answer, like the future itself, remained shrouded in a chilling uncertainty.
Tears streamed down my face, blurring the image of Y/n cupping my cheeks. His voice, raw with emotion, echoed in my ears. "This is just temporary, Hanni. I love you. You know that, don't you?"
"Yes," I whispered, clinging to his words like a lifeline. The terror of losing him, of losing everything, receded replaced by a fragile trust. "We'll get through this. Together."
He pulled me into a tight embrace, his body trembling against mine. In that moment, our love felt like a shield against the encroaching darkness. But unbeknownst to me, the darkness had already taken root.
Across town, in a luxurious hotel suite overlooking the city, Minji watched the news report with a triumphant smile. Y/n, his face pale and drawn, stood beside her, a hand awkwardly resting on her waist as they announced their "engagement" to the world. The image was perfect – the epitome of power couple success.
But behind the carefully crafted facade, a different story unfolded. Moments before the cameras rolled, Minji's demeanor had shifted from playful CEO to a cold, calculating predator. A glint of madness flickered in her eyes as she brandished a small, silver pistol, the weight of it chilling in Y/n's hand.
"See, darling," she purred, her voice laced with a dangerous sweetness, "sometimes a little incentive goes a long way. After all, I wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious Hanni, would we?"
The world spun around Y/n. The image of Hanni's tear-streaked face, filled with a love that knew nothing of the storm brewing around them, flashed in his mind. The gun felt foreign in his hand, a grotesque symbol of the twisted game he was forced to play.
Terror choked him, a cold, metallic taste in his mouth. He knew then, with a chilling certainty, that Minji wasn't bluffing. This wasn't just about a business deal or a public image boost; this was about possession, about claiming him as her own twisted trophy.
Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring the image of the predator before him. "You can't do this," he choked out, his voice barely a whisper.
Minji's smile widened, devoid of warmth. "Oh, but darling," she cooed, leaning in close, the scent of her jasmine perfume thick and cloying, "I already have."
With a cruel laugh that echoed in the opulent room, Minji shoved the gun back into his hand. "Now come along, fiancé," she purred, her voice dripping with a venomous possessiveness, "the world awaits its new power couple."
Y/n, his heart a lead weight in his chest, allowed himself to be led, a puppet on the strings of a madman's twisted game. As they stepped out into the blinding glare of the cameras, his smile felt like a lie, a mask hiding the terror that gnawed at his soul. He was trapped, a pawn in a deadly game, forced to play along for the sake of the woman he loved, oblivious to the darkness that now hung over their future.
As Y/n and Minji entered the office hand-in-hand, a wave of unexpected chaos greeted them. Gone was the usual quiet hum of productivity; instead, the air crackled with a manic energy. Cheers erupted from cubicles, confetti rained down from the ceiling, and streamers, a tacky explosion of colors, adorned the walls. Managers, usually stoic figures of authority, popped champagne bottles, their faces flushed with something more potent than bubbly.
Hanni, who had been anxiously waiting by the entrance, felt a cold dread seep into her bones. Her heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the cacophony of celebration. She watched, paralyzed by a horrifying realization, as her co-workers, oblivious to the truth, showered congratulations on the "happy couple."
Minji, her smile stretched wide and predatory, reveled in the attention. Y/n, on the other hand, seemed like a ghost amidst the pandemonium. His face was pale and drawn, his eyes filled with a haunted emptiness.
One of the managers, a normally reserved woman named Sarah, approached them, a bottle of champagne clutched in her hand. "Congratulations, you two! We're all so thrilled!" she gushed, spraying them both with a liberal dose of bubbly.
Y/n offered a weak smile, the clinking of the glass against his shaking hand the only sound he managed. Minji, however, took center stage. She draped her arm possessively around Y/n's waist, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness.
"Thank you, Sarah! We're so happy to share our news with everyone." Her gaze, sharp and calculating, flickered towards Hanni who stood frozen by the door. A cruel smile played on her lips as she leaned in close to Y/n, her voice barely a whisper.
"Now," she purred, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent, "how about you seal the deal with a kiss for your fiancee?"
Y/n flinched, his body recoiling at the touch of her lips. But trapped in his web of lies, he had no choice. He turned towards Hanni, his eyes filled with a silent apology, and leaned in. The kiss, devoid of any passion, was a grotesque parody of intimacy played out for a cheering audience.
Hanni's world shattered. The man she loved, the future they had planned, all felt like a cruel illusion. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the scene before her. The cheers, the congratulations, the celebratory atmosphere – it all felt like a twisted nightmare.
Through the haze of her heartbreak, she saw Minji's triumphant smirk. It was a victory dance on the ruins of her love, a chilling reminder of the predator who had snatched away her happiness.
Grief and a cold fury warred within her. She wouldn't let Minji win. She had to find a way to expose the truth, to save Y/n from the monster he was now entangled with. But how? In the midst of the celebratory chaos, a desperate plan began to form in her mind. She had to act fast, before it was too late.
Hanni stumbled back as the cheers died down, the taste of champagne metallic on her tongue. The office, once a familiar space, now felt like a gilded cage, the air thick with the stench of Minji's victory. Y/n stood beside her, his face an emotionless mask, a heartbreaking reflection of the love they once shared.
"Congratulations are in order, wouldn't you agree, Hanni?" Minji purred, her voice dripping with false sympathy. Her perfectly manicured nails tapped a cruel rhythm against a champagne flute.
Tears welled up in Hanni's eyes, blurring the image of the celebrating crowd. Defeat was a bitter pill to swallow, but the thought of losing Y/n altogether was an unbearable prospect. She had to play along.
"Y-yes," Hanni stammered, forcing a watery smile. "Congratulations to you both."
Y/n's gaze flickered towards her, a flicker of pain crossing his features before being quickly masked by a practiced smile. "It's for the best, Hanni. You understand, don't you?"
Her heart ached, but a new resolve hardened her voice. "Yes, Y/n," she said, her voice surprisingly steady. "If this is what makes you happy, then I… I support you."
A slow smile spread across Minji's face. This was the reaction she'd craved, the sweet surrender of a rival. "Oh, Hanni, darling," she cooed, leaning in close. The jasmine perfume was almost intoxicating, a heady mix of power and danger.
"There's always room for one more in this little game," Minji continued, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Perhaps you could be Our devoted… Pet. A loyal friend, always by Our side, wouldn't that be delightful?"
The suggestion was repugnant, a twisted mockery of their love. But the thought of being near Y/n, even under these humiliating circumstances, was a lifeline in a storm of despair.
Swallowing her pride, Hanni offered a weak nod. "Yes, Minji. I would… I would love to be your P-pet."
A triumphant glint sparked in Minji's eyes. "Excellent!" she declared, clapping her hands together. "Then this calls for a toast! To new beginnings, and a very happy… unconventional family!"
The champagne flute felt heavy in Hanni's hand as she clinked it against Minji's. This wasn't the future she'd envisioned, but it was the only way she could see Y/n again. She had become a pawn in a twisted game, a pet to appease a predator. But within the confines of this gilded cage, a spark of defiance flickered. She would bide her time, gather evidence of Minji's threats and manipulations. One day, she would expose the truth and reclaim her love, even if it meant playing the part of the devoted companion for a while longer. The game had just begun, and Hanni, though forced to her knees, was far from broken.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
love triangle with yandere hunter & yandere edric
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pairing: yandere!golden guard!hunter! x gn!reader x yandere!edric blight
tags: reader being locked away, mean!edric, reader crying, angst, minor mentions of murderous thoughts, overall toxic behaviour
a/n: i found this image as a repost, but if anyone has the artists name, then please let me know so i can credit them!
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hunter is a lot of things as a yandere that are all due to his upbringing by emperor belos
hunter is clingy, obsessive, possessive and overprotective of you, all because you are his favorite person! 
he even isolates you from the world around you, because he so desperately needs to have you for himself
growing up, he was never someone's favorite person and now that he has you, he can't lose being your favorite! 
hunter depends on you and needs to have you in his life, otherwise it would be completely meaningless…
he's only so overbearingly clingy, obsessive, overprotective and possessive because he couldn't live without being your favorite person
and to make sure he always stays your favorite, he keeps you hidden away from the world
but there is one boy who dares to defy hunter and force his way into your life; edric blight! 
edric had the wrong idea about your relationship from the start and always misread the signals you were giving him
you were just being polite when talking to him, but edric was convinced you were secretly in love with him and not hunter! 
because of that, edric is quite condescending and can come off as quite a douche, because he's just so convinced that you're in love with him
he's always flirting with you and playfully teasing, though sometimes he can come off more as a bully with his teasing
the way he talks about your relationship with hunter, mocking you for liking the golden guard, can often get you to tear up, only for edric to brush it off as him just making a joke and you being too sensitive
whenever edric makes you cry, he won't leave you alone until you assure him that you aren't mad at him, training you to say things like "i'm never mad at you" or "i still love you"
deep down, he knows he can't easily steal you away from hunter, so he has to condition you into loving him, by regularly training you to say that you love him
hunter and edric absolutely despise each other! 
hunter locks you away to keep you away from edric, yet edric still manages to sneak in and steal you away for a date outside
while hunter is the nice one out of the two, the one that makes you feel loved, edric is the one that makes you feel free! 
and you really do need both of those things; love and freedom
slowly, the two boys have to accept that, even if they'd rather be the only one in your life
they'd rather kill each other than have the other steal you away from them, but they know it would only make you sad if they died, so they don't hurt each other
after all, they both do want you to be happy…
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trafalgarlogy · 1 year
Kaiser isn't my fave but the theme and color combination is relaxing to look at.
I have a thought (not a request) for yan Sae, fem reader.
Imagine my boy Sae having a crush on you, Rin's bestie. You definitely keep a distance between you and him, only acting civil and polite without letting him get closer bc why would you pick someone who isn't close to you over your bestie?
He can't even break the friendship between you and Rin because you don't bother to hide things from Rin, including his brother trying to approach you for some reason.
Sae trying to approach his crush while Rin's always with you like a guard dog, and you avoiding him like the plague bc besties over boyfriends.
aww thank you for the compliment!! <3, he is indeed my fav; but ik a lot of fans hate his toxicity, so-
and sheesh reading that whole scenario has my mind blown, its sick lol🤯😂
I would imagine you and rin to meet in the school(high school/academy/whatever), when you saw him practicing playing soccer and found his skills fascinating, ofc rin would try to push you away; you being that one person that won't go away so easily just sticked around him, annoying him.
eventually you approaching him every day, turned into him trying to run away somewhere else when he saw you but you'd easily catch up. But he later got used to this and was now admitting that he enjoyed spending time with you. And after that, your friendship continued for 2-3 years.
as best friends, you'd probably hang out at some cafes or restaurants or maybe his house and play video games there (and you always lose). it's obvious that he told you about how big of an asshole his so-called "big brother" had become after traveling overseas.
and one day giving a surprise visit at the house when you were with Rin since it was like your guy's usual routine; he'd judge you at first thinking you are probably friends with him for benefits; though he was wrong; for the few days he stayed he saw how genuine you were with Rin, and made him smile.
and what got him the most was the fact you didn't even look him in the eye or even said a word; which crushed his ego as being a successful soccer player. This was really weird from his side since he never got ignored especially by girls.
this made his blood boil, and he tried making attempts to catch your attention though they were all a failure.
even when he was overseas he couldn't help thinking about you, and sooner or later realizing he was attracted to you.
which became his sole reason to come to Japan often; during those times when rin wasn't around he would try to start a conversation with you.
his aura would often make you uncomfortable and the sometimes the conversation would meet awkward ends
you being the type to share everything with rin; you told him about how sae and you would have awkward conversations; and he would try to become closer with even after you try to maintain a safe distance.
rin stayed quiet about it at first but still confronted you about not to be worrying about him.
until one day he saw it for himself; when sae was talking with you, you seemed uncomfortable.
seeing you like this; he just pushed sae off rudely and say "(Name) let's go somewhere else" glaring coldly at his older brother.
After that incident rin would stay around you so that his brother won't trouble you again.
sae was really annoyed about it; he looked ways to break you two apart, until he ended finding out how loyal and honest you were with rin and vice versa.
it was nearly impossible but it didn't mean he was going to give up.
until one day he decided to invite you and rin to his match, which you gladly accepted making rin accept it as well.
scoring like a monster on that day and showing off his skills; was all a play to catch your attention, this time wasn't actually a failure as he saw you just smiling at his goals.
but little did he know you were smiling because of rin joking around about his brother looking like a clown, you had to admit sae was really good at soccer but it didn't mean it took upon your interest.
you had to compliment him after the match like any humble person would do; but those words made sae's heartbeat faster.
but later rin asked to have a "private convo" with his brother making you leave the room so they have their private space.
rin starting it off " i'm aware what you're doing brother.", sae rolled his eyesand replied "ok and?", "stay away from (Name), she doesn't need you; that's i got to say" "bye" rin turned his back to walk away when sae spoke from behind
"i don't care, she will be mine one day."
i mean this is how imagine it; it can be more spicy and thrilling with spicy words and writing😫
also sorry for the late reply, its just i have been busy with things
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kuzure-collapse · 6 months
yandere vying for a yandere prompt?
probably done before, but it's an idea that interests me and i'd like to see it explored more
X, a seemingly normal person in control of their emotions, someone logical and sensible, exposing their deepest darkest secret to a friend/acquaintance, Y
the secret: their secret pining for Z, turned obsessive and stalkerish
X has never loved before, if such a thing can be called love. finds it suffocating how many days and nights they've longed for Z. pining to tears even and losing sleep and productivity
begins rambling about how much info they've gathered on Z, how thoroughly they stalked Z, how much they fantasized about being near Z
laughs, self-aware of their delusion, feeling pathetic
Y has never had someone love them before, or has only experienced fleeting romances, looks at X's with admiration, pities X's unrequited feelings
Y wants that love for themself
maybe Y doesn't even love X. they just love the way X 'loves'. they want someone who will obsess over them so deeply the way X does. they like the idea of X
Y may try to manipulate X. maybe playing wingman at first, hoping to sabotage X's chance with Z at some point. or convince X that Z will never be interested, then comfort X after heartbreak.
Y becomes obsessed with X, wanting to hear more about X's emotions, wishing they were Z
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xnarlie-starlightx · 4 months
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Created: GeneralMacek from DeviantArt
“Get your hands off of my Rach, Bitchoria, or you’ll wait and see what would happen next if you lay a hand on Rachel again.. remain this as my last warning while you shall: stay away from her!”
As much I’m already aware what the creator their self (or he or she, all to respect every person’s pronouns but carry on) had involve of it’s own AU since it’s understandable where it was leading ahead with.. since mine’s only another save draft LIS fanfic cause it’s exactly what comes across my mind if Rachel’s unsure of her feelings while Chloe’s either bi or queer yandere and likable Victoria alternative reality instead.
Feel free to left a comment if you want me to sometimes give away short reveal one of my own headcanon fanfic by far? 🤔
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allari-ammayi · 1 year
Butta Bomma
A. Bahubali x Reader x B. Deva
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The Interesting Perspective
Synopsis: In the heart of Hyderabad, Y/n tends to her grandmother's antique store, a time capsule hiding stories of the past. Her routine is disrupted when she joins friends to watch the movie "Baahubali," a decision that is set to have an unremovable stain on her life.
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In the vibrant and bustling streets of Hyderabad, India, nestled amidst the chaos of modernity, there existed a quaint and almost forgotten treasure trove of history. It was a little antique store with an intriguing story of its own, now entrusted to the care of a young woman named Y/n. 
Each morning, the sun cast its gentle rays upon the old wooden door of the shop, signalling the beginning of another day. 
Y/n, with an air of quiet determination, unlocked the weathered door and stepped into a world frozen in time. The antique store, a relic itself, carried the weight of decades, its wooden beams groaning softly with age.
As the door swung open, a cloud of dust danced through the air, catching the soft glow of the morning light. Y/n took a moment to inhale the musty scent of history and nostalgia before she proceeded with her daily ritual.
Y/n's routine was as predictable as the sunrise. She gingerly dusted off the display cabinets, each one containing a piece of history that had been carefully preserved for generations.
Once the store was tidied up, Y/n took her place at the ornate wooden register. It was a perch from which she watched the world go by, albeit one that rarely saw any visitors. 
The store, hidden away in plain sight amidst the chaotic streets of Hyderabad, seemed to exist in its own tranquil bubble. Despite the city's ceaseless movement and vibrant energy, it was as if the shop was invisible to the outside world.
With the day's quietude embracing her, Y/n reached for a vintage novel, a companion she had grown fond of. The pages rustled softly as she lost herself in tales of bygone eras, immersing herself in the words on the pages. 
The store was once her grandmother's, and before that, her great-grandmother's, and before that her great-geart-grandmother's. No-one knew exactly how old it was, but it was a family relic that was passed down to Y/n.
Y/n had always been more inclined toward the pages of modern literature than the silver screen. In a world captivated by the magic of movies, she found her sanctuary in the written word. 
But as fate would have it, a new cinematic sensation swept across India, leaving a trail of fervour in its wake, bearing the name 'Bahubali.' 
It was as if a fever had taken hold of the nation, and fans had gone berserk over this cinematic marvel. People had lost their minds, raving about the epic storytelling and jaw-dropping visuals that this movie promised.
Y/n, ever the outlier in her circle, hadn't quite fathomed the craze.
Her friends, captivated by the Baahubali frenzy, hadn't understood how she remained immune to its charm.
They had pestered her relentlessly, urging her to give it a chance. Perhaps, they had thought, Y/n might just find a new love in the world of cinema.
“Come on, Y/n!!” 
“It’s really good!! We’ve already been to the movies three times this month purely because it was so good!”
“And we’ve had two movie nights where we watched the first and second movies together!”
Y/n grimaced, unsure of what to say.
“I don’t know, guys…”
“Ohh, please, Y/n!” They continued to persist, wearing down the girl.
“If it’s not as good as we promise, I swear on my life I’ll start reading that one book you told me to!” Y/n’s ears perked up at this comment as the others quickly joined in.
“In fact -  we all will!” The three girls looked at each other and began nodding in unison and urging Y/n. 
“Mmm…” Y/n’s face remained in deep thought.
“Y/n, if you come to watch the two movies with us, we all promise to immediately start reading the books.” One of the girls spoke up, finally, desperate to get her friend in front of the silver screen. Y/n craned her head to look past her friends at the deserted and empty shop. 
Y/n’s features softened and she looked at their eager faces. She let out a low sigh and looked at her friends, a smile starting to form on her lips.
“I guess it couldn’t hurt to leave the store unattended for one night,”
Finally, Y/n had relented, agreeing to accompany her friends to the movie theatre. She had been willing to set aside her literary pursuits for an evening if only to unravel the mystery of what had driven the entire nation into a state of euphoria.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
As the lights had dimmed and the colossal screen had flickered to life, Y/n's curiosity had mingled with a hint of scepticism. The opening scene had unfolded, and the grandeur of Bahubali had begun to unfurl before her eyes. 
She had watched in awe as the story had unfurled, the characters had come to life, and the visual spectacle had swept her into its embrace.
As the credits rolled and the applause of the audience resonated around her, Y/n understood why the nation had succumbed to Baahubali‘s enchantment.
Leaving the theatre, Y/n wore a smile that mirrored the newfound appreciation for the magic of movies. She might have been a devotee of modern literature, but in that moment, she had experienced the transformative enchantment of cinema. 
Y/n held a unique perspective on the characters.
Y/n possessed a deep respect for Bahubali, his qualities of honour, bravery, and selflessness impressed her. Bahubali had been a shining example of the qualities Y/n had admired most in people.
Even when it came to the character of Bhallaladeva, who had been universally despised by viewers, Y/n had found herself harbouring a different sentiment. Instead of hatred, she hadn't been able to help but pity him. 
Beneath the layers of villainy and treachery, she had glimpsed a tragic figure, consumed by ambition and insecurity, his actions driven by a thirst for approval.
While the general populace had harboured hatred and disgust for Bhallaladeva, she possessed a unique and empathetic viewpoint. Y/n had peered beneath the layers of cruelty and ambition, recognizing the tragic figure that Bhallaladeva had truly been.
In her eyes, Bhallaladeva hadn't been just a villain; he had been a product of his environment, a victim of his father's ruthless influence.
Y/n believed that if he had grown up in a different setting, devoid of the poisonous presence of his father, he could have evolved into a different, more compassionate person. 
“I can’t believe you feel sorry for Bhallaladeva, Y/n! He’s the ultimate villain!” Gowri, Y/n’s closest friend, argued as she sat across Y/n in the little coffee shop, as Y/n took a sip of her drink and continued looking down at the newspaper.
“Gowri, I know it’s hard to see, but there’s more to his character than just being a villain,” Y/n said, taking another sip, and making Gowri groan, her hazel locks swaying with her dramatic disdain.
“More to him? He’s a murderer, Y/n! He killed his own brother and lusted for his brother's wife, how can you pity someone like him!?” Gowri's grey eyes were full with a sense of determination to prove Bhallaladeva to be a vilian.
“Everyone’s a murderer in this movie, Gowri. Besides, I’m not condoning his actions, but just think about it. He grew up in a toxic environment with a father like Bijjaladeva. The constant pressure, the endless manipulation, the unhealthy influence…” Y/n shuddered, just thinking about what Bhalla likely grew up with.
“That’s no excuse for his treachery. He betrayed his family and his kingdom, he’s disgusting!” Gowri spat. Y/n sighed, finally placing her mug down on the table and laying her paper flat, looking up at Gowri.
"I get that, but I can't help but wonder if, under different circumstances... He might have turned out differently," Y/n said, softly, in a comforting voice. Gowri gaped at her, her mouth open and eyes wide.
"Are you serious? He's power-hungry and ruthless. He deserved the fate that came to him."
"It's just that the complexity of his character intrigues me. What if he felt trapped, burdened by the expectations placed upon him?" Y/n said thoughtfully, “What if he was feeling betrayed by his own mother? That everything that belonged to him was being shared with his cousin? Even that thought wouldn’t be his fault, it would be his father’s.”
"Y/n, he had a choice! He chose evil, plain and simple." Gowri said with a huff, crossing her arms.
"I'm not saying he didn't make terrible choices. It's just that I can't help but feel a sense of pity for someone who may have been a victim of his own circumstances." Y/n’s tone remained gentle.
"I can't believe you're defending him, Y/n," Gowri said in disbelief, shaking her head.
"I'm not defending him, Gowri. I'm just trying to understand. Stories like Baahubali make us question the complexities of human nature and the choices people make." Y/n said, calmly.
“Well, I still think he’s the worst.” Gowri childishly puffed out her cheeks and looked out of the window as Y/n lightly chuckled, shaking her head.
"And that's the beauty of storytelling. It sparks conversations and lets us see things from different angles." Y/n said with a clever smile, eyeing Gowri as she took another short sip of her drink.
Rather than hating Bhallaladeva, Bijjaladeva, the conniving and power-hungry uncle, had been the object of her disdain. Y/n had loathed him for his nefarious influence over his son, Bhallaladeva. 
The sick thoughts and twisted desires he had sown in Bhallaladeva’s mind for his own greed had been inexcusable.
Y/n's fascination didn't stop at the cinema. She had felt compelled to dive deeper into their psyche, to unravel the intricacies of Bhallaladeva and Bahubali’s dynamic, lives, and the forces that had shaped them.
This curiosity led Y/n to embark on a literary journey of her own. She had poured her thoughts, insights, and emotions into a twenty-thousand-word analytical essay, meticulously dissecting the characters and their intertwining destinies. 
Her essay had become a labour of love.
'If I were ever magically given the chance to change the fate of Bhallaladeva and assist him to tread a path of light and goodness, I would value the opportunity and do my best to secure him a good future.'
Little had she known that her writings would soon become more than just words on a page, as destiny had had a mysterious plan in store.
Taglist: @vellipo-mellaga, @mellaga-karagani, @vayari-bhama, @bitchy-bi-trash (To join the taglist, let me know in the comments, and you will be added to future ones!)
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Hypnotic Affection
Yandere Merman x Mermaid Reader x Merman
TW: manipulation, hypnotism/ drugging, tentacles, kidnapping, yandere themes, delusional behavior, etc.
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Since you were young, you had been betrothed to a shark merman named Marin. Marin was a cantankerous individual and was quite rude to you since you weren’t a shark mermaid. The only reason the two of you were even betrothed was so your clans would stopped fighting… yet you knew you’d be miserable with Marin.
You often attempted to court him with various shells you’d find but he’d always rebuff you. “These shells are too small, you’ll need something better than some measly clams to have me look your way longer than a few minutes.”
His words were always as sharp as his teeth. His clawed hands would always chuck your clam shells away no matter how pretty they were, it broke your heart. You really wanted to make this marriage work… maybe he’d budge if you found a conch shell?
You bowed your head to your fiancè before you headed off back toward the sea. Marin had no idea this would be the last time he’d see you in awhile…
You swam farther and farther from home until you spotted a conch. You were on the edge of deep sea territory, so it was best to be careful or else you’d get swept up in the current… but it would be worth it if you’d gift the conch to Marin and he’d finally accept you, right?
Your eyes lit up as you slowly swam towards it but you were quickly snatched up in large tentacles, a screech left your lips when the tentacles tighter around you.
A different merman quirked their head at you as they shimmied out from their hiding spot in the coral. “A-a mermaid? I’m sorry.”
The coral colored tentacles quickly released you before ghostly pale hands began to examine your body in worry. “I just thought you were a fish… I hadn’t meant to lunge at you.”
You were surprised by how shy this merman was, his hands trembled as he shakily checked your arms to make sure there were no marks.
“I’m perfectly okay, I’m (your name). What’s your name?” The octopus merman’s cheeks went aflame when you asked him for his name.
“I-I’m Ren! I’m an octopus.” Ren’s tentacles folded into one another as if they were comforting his nerves. “I still apologize for scaring you… I’ve never seen another mermaid before.”
You smiled at Ren and offered him your hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ren. I hadn’t meant to trespass your area… it seems I wandered a bit too far.”
“I-it’s no issue at all!” Ren beamed, his dark eyes filled with stars while his tentacles flailed in excitement. “If you want, you can stay in my burrow with me! It’s quite comfy in here.”
“That’s so sweet of you.” (Your name) beamed at Ren who ushered her inside. The merman began to become a bit jittery when she accepted so easily. He’s been wanting a mate for so long… and now she was finally here!
Ren sealed his den shut as soon as she swam in. His tentacles blocked the exit watch a large boulder. “It’s to keep predators out!” Ren reassured her as he lead her around his small home. She marveled at the various jars and vegetation he kept. “I’m a sea witch.”
“Wow! That’s really fascinating!” Ren blushed again when you didn’t mock him for being a sea witch. It made his heart flutter. You were so sweet and that made him even happier… the only issue was that you were a different species than him…
“How about I show you a few tricks?” Ren was so happy when you accepted. The octopus merman showed you a very simple spell that made his home brighter. He was thrilled when you clapped your hands and smiled. Ren was so happy to no longer be alone… and he would never let you go.
Ren offered you a meal and you happily ate with him. The vegetation made your brain a bit foggy, but the taste was delightful. Had Ren always been so attractive?
Ren smiled at your sleepy form as you yawned. “Here, how about you spend the night? It’ll be so much safer for you that way.”
You nodded and allowed him to lead you into his den. His tentacles pulled you into an embrace as he smiled. This was just too easy…
You didn’t know how much time had passed since you entered Ren’s burrow since Ren would often feed you every time you tried to leave. Ren made you such lovely meals that you slowly began to forget what even brought you to this end of the sea. You really liked Ren, so why did you have to leave again? You felt as if there was some strange phenomenon happening around you and yet you didn’t care anymore… you liked being with Ren!
Meanwhile, Marin was in shambles. You had been missing for a week now. You always showed up every other day with your stupid smile as you held up some shells you found to him… you were never away from him for long. Marin searched your home in the anemones and he searched all the reefs around yet you were nowhere to be found… were you okay? You didn’t try to go find a bigger shell for him, did you?
You didn’t know it, but Marin always gathered up all the shells he’d throw. He just wanted to look tough in front of you… but now he knew it was a mistake. You wouldn’t risk your life for a shell when you were already engaged to him, right? You were already enough… you were always enough.
A month had went by and you were still missing. Marin now took more desperate measures of swimming out farther and farther… until he spotted a conch. The shark merman rushed towards the shell and began to examine the ocean floor until he spotted a sealed off den. The merman quickly swam toward the rock and searched for a crack until he could peek in there. The sight before him horrified him.
Ren’s purple appendages slid up and down your delicate tail as his hands grasped at your hips. “Would you like to be my mate, (your name)?” Your head felt so dizzy and you could only nuzzle into him. Ren smiled down at your obedient form. What a perfect mate you’d be! It was just so easy to ensnare you and to hypnotize you with his potions… it was all so easy-
Ren was shocked when the boulder to the den was shoved open and a shark merman lunged at him. Ren screamed when one of his appendages were bitten off by the shark. Marin’s large gray form quickly scooped you up and made a swim for it. Ren tried to snatch you back, but Marin easily evaded the tentacles. Ren began to scream as he tried to give chase, but the blood gushing from his missing arm would attract more sharks… he’d have to come back for you another day…
Marin didn’t look back once until the two of you were an hour away. The shark set you down on a rock as he began to examine your body for any wounds. “You’re okay now… we’re going home.”
You tilt your head to the side in confusion at Marin’s words. Who was this merman and why did he seem so familiar? “But I was home? I live with Ren.”
Marin felt a sob rack through him before he bent down and pulled you into a hug. What had that octopus done to you? Marin would protect you this time, he’d help you get back to normal. “You’re safe now… you’re safe.”
You often sat in a trance in Marin’s den. It was as if you were in a whole other world despite being next to him, a world where Marin could no longer reach you.
“Look! I have all the shells you gave me on the walls.” Marin gestured to the various colorful clamshells with a smile. “I’m sorry I was mean before, but that didn’t mean I didn’t like you! I really do care for you, I swear.”
Marin was filled with hope each day when you’d glance at the shells but his hopes would always be dashed when you’d tilt your head off to the side. “Do I know you?”
“I’m Marin... I’m your fiance.” Marin was so frustrated that you couldn’t remember him. He had tried everything… from taking you to every spot you two grew up together to your old den, yet nothing clicked. You only ever wanted to ask about that damned octopus merman.
Marin often cuddled beside you when it was time to sleep. His muscular arms felt so strange around you compared to Ren’s slender ones. You really missed Ren…
“Psst, (your name).” You perked up when you heard Ren’s voice. You gave him a big smile before you slinked out of Marin’s arms. “Let’s go home.”
You quickly swam towards the octopus merman who scooped you into a tight hug. A big smile on his face when you accepted him. He almost felt bad for Marin if it wasn’t for the fact that the shark merman was the entire reason the two of you met! What a sucker…
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diejager · 2 years
Can you please make the yan!Diluc x reader plus Jean part 5 one I,m really loving this! ❀◕‿◕❀
You're the second person to request a pt5, this part's plot is from @liladoesfanfics in pt 4.
PS. Tumblr is being a lil’ bitch and I can’t rework it outside of the app :(
I Morneth not f'r thee! Pt.5
Yandere Diluc + Jean
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Cw: yandere behavior, possessive behavior, bargaining, deals, mention of murder, insecurities.
Note: not proofread
Wc: 1317
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Like the wind, you went from one place to the other, from your home and the tavern to the knight's HQ and Jean's office. A lively and free breath that lit up their day whenever Diluc or Jean was with you, and sharing was becoming harder the more the days went on.
A compromise had to be made between them, one that would include your love, soft touch, bright smile, compassionate personality and whole being.
Although sharing sounded tricky, was complicated when they put their need to have you for themselves in the fray, they knew they had to make one if they wanted to prevent one from tearing the other's throat out in blind jealousy.
"Jean! Welcome," you greeted the blonde when you answered the door for Adelinde, not expecting your friend to be at the other side. "Make yourself at home."
She smiled down, a rare one brimming with love and passion, and embraced you comfortably. Although she was rarely physical with others, she made an exception for you, wanting to keep a hand on you whenever you were together. It was to ensure your safety. Archons be damned if she let you get hurt, she was fortunate enough to be a healer.
Ushering her in, you led her to the lounge, seated on a loveseat nearest to the fire. She spoke about her days and works after your date - one that happened 3 days prior - she hadn't gone into the specifics of her doing, mostly vague answers and shrugs when it came to hers, while she was intently listening and vocalizing her thoughts when it were about you. She nodded fondly and expressed herself quietly at your tales, listening intently and making sure she could take in all that you said. She wished she could spend all her days like this, with you near her and chatting away as if nothing in the world mattered.
Her mind swirled with the activities you could do, the adventures you'd go on and the passion you'd share behind closed doors. If only you had met her before Diluc, she could've fallen in love without a constraint-
A cough interrupted Jean's wandering thoughts on a fate long gone. His crimson orbs were soft and loving towards his beloved, calling for you in an embrace that clung to your waist. Head resting upon your shoulder as he breathed in a sigh of relief, you smelled wonderful as always, soothing his nerves of the last events surrounding him and Jean. Pressing a gentle kiss on your cheek, his eyes peered at Jean through your locks, cold and dangerous as he glared at the blonde. A silent threat and question at what she was doing with you, holding your hands and receiving your golden smile that belonged to him only before.
"Darling, I have some things to discuss with Jean," he pulled away, arms still clasped around you in a protective blanket. "Wait here for me, then we can have the date we planned, all right?"
"Of course, Diluc," your lips met his fleetingly, fingers digging into his jacket to pull him to your height. "I'll be in the library."
He gave a silent reply, watching you wishing them 'good luck' before you left for Diluc's library. Both stared at you leaving the ground floor until you disappear out of their sight, content with seeing you prance happily. Unfortunately, that feeling was fleeting as they glared at one another, the tension thickened between their quiet stare-down, angry cobalt blues meeting wrathful reds.
He motioned his head towards his right and walked away without waiting or making sure Jean followed him, he knew she would even if he hadn't told her to; after all, he was the reason why she was even let in his mansion.
One inside Diluc's office, he sat down unceremoniously, crossing his arms and glared as she sat across him on a similarly comfortable chair as his. The sun bathed through the curtains and warmed the cold room, unyielding to the cold looks sent and received as it worked to mix with the natural warmth the pyro user produced daily.
"Let's get this over with, I have a date."
Diluc leaned back in a relaxed manner, but his eyes spoke the opposite, guarded and frowning at the acting Grand Master through his dark lashes.
"I think it's time we came up with a... compromise of some sort. It's irksome how you buzz around my (Name) incessantly. I've tolerated you enough - too much," his words came out in a growl, near guttural. "Unless we come up with something, my hand might slip."
A threat. One that meant more than death when it came from Diluc, it would make one wish for death when he was done with the unfortunate soul. Jean knew that he meant it, she's seen what was left of those who Diluc deemed a danger - even partial - to Mondstadt. She wouldn't fathom the pain and terror he could inflict on his enemies, she would dread falling into the category that would demand action; but she already was, the only reason she was still intact was her title, as the acting Grand Master, she was needed to instill and maintain peace and order within the region. That was the only thing stopping Diluc from skewering her with her own sword and hung over the knight's HQ as a show of his deep adoration.
"What did you have in mind?" Jean spoke boldly, holding her ground with similarly crossed arms and a straight back, fearlessly facing the redhead.
"I could share, although I loathe the idea, you're needed to lead the knights in Varka's absence, but once he's back, you back off. You don't touch her, see her, talk to her, and if I even hear about you doing anything with or for (Name), you won't live to see the next day."
When faced with a stronger foe, patience and perseverance were keys to victory. Diluc oozed arrogance, yet truthful strength. He reluctantly agreed to share while she sat in the prestigious seat of the Grand Master, overseeing the peace and order of the region; however, his words reminded Jean of her situation, she would be replaced as an important figure in Mondstadt by another. She'd tried being the knight the people could depend on, one that they could come for help, one that was needed by its people, but Diluc reminded her of how easily she could be replaced; how easily she could be tossed away like a broken toy by the ones she protected.
It fed her insecurities, curdled the embers of her fears, the jitters she hid behind her calmness. You had graciously helped her curb the surfacing ones, the insecurities that bubbled past her mask and made themselves apparent through her nervous twitches.
She hated how Diluc was undoing your work. How easily he could worm his way into her mind and break down everything you had built for her, the adoration, the hope, the bravery and the dependence. She held them all close to her heart.
Jean bit her lip, fighting back a snide remark that someone of her stature should never say, or even think, but if it were directed to Diluc, perhaps it would be worth the trouble.
If she wanted a shot at you, she'd have to take risks, big or small ones, the size didn't matter; what did, was the chance of being yours and you being hers. You were enough for her as you've once told her that she - as Jean, not a Gunnhildr, knight or Acting Grandmaster - was enough for you, that you liked her for who she was, not what she became nor what she will become. A small push towards you was all she needed, to be able to be with you.
"You have a deal, Master Diluc."
@kitto-lover @emperatris-rinaka
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midnightw4tch3r · 5 months
❝They told me I'd fall in love so hard, I'd feel like I would go crazy with thoughts of her. And you know what the biggest twist was? That you wouldn't feel the same way for me that I would for you. I humored the thought, how could I possibly fall in love? Everyone around me knows I wouldn't fall... but somehow, by some miracle, I did. I really did fall in love with you. I'd do anything to ensure you're safe, even if you don't notice what you're doing to me.❞
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kindofatheatrekid · 4 months
Title: "Hello"
Sypnosis: Se Eun wants Koa, Ethan wants Koa— Koa wants Ethan. They should really talk, though. The clock is ticking.
Pairing: Se Eun / Koa Ethan / Koa Se Eun / Koa / Ethan
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, psychological, FIRST POV
Warnings: non/dub-con, exhibitionism, toxic relationships, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, violence, graphic descriptions, sadism, torture, dehumanization, cheating, stalking, unreliable narrator, bullying, underage drinking/drug use, codependency, manipulation, religious imagery, hurt/comfort, issues, lack of communication, slow burn, bad ending, bittersweet ending
Note: I saw Round 6 and I decided to get into the doomed love wagon. Strap in. I'm going to get your hopes up, then stomping them out like it wasn't just straight-up fluff a few words ago. I will not give a good ending. This has been my legally required PSA in case I get doxxed for my writing. Please take care of your mental health. Se Eun was also inspired by a bot, Koa and Ethan are my OCs.
BOT CHAT HERE: https://character.ai/chat/vlHS8fvmea4oC2yylPaNP1uqg-l7weE8q3ShH-qJKtE
Chapter 1: Please/Don't Let Go
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♡♡♡ Koa's POV ♡♡♡
Three of Se Eun's fingers swirled around my tongue, my lips forced to part to make room for him. His hips grinding against my skirt, a muffled moan leaving my throat. His other hand tightens around my waist as he forces my hips to meet him halfway.
“Fuuuccckkk~ You're killing me here, you know that?”
Se Eun groans out, pushing me forward onto a desk. My back bends forward, my stomach pressed against the cherry wood. His hands trail up to the hem of my shirt, my skin prickling up at the feeling of his hand on my bare skin. Se Eun's hips were still slowly rubbing against me— I could feel just how excited he was, even with all of our clothes on.
“Shit. You're so lucky that I love you enough.”
Love? Could this really count as love? I've seen love before, I've been so close to it that I could practically taste it. I know love like it's the back of my hand, so why would he call this love?
His fingers continue to thrust themselves into my tongue, drool and tears dripping onto the desk I was down against. I stay silent even as his hand makes its way under my bra. I felt so dirty doing this, like I was a rag doll for Se Eun to play with.
His hand fondles my flushed skin, his handling a bit too rough to not leave any bruises. I shuddered at the sensation, swallowing down a sob that threatened to escape from my chest. My ears flush red when Se Eun's lips brush against the tip of my ear— mumbling out in a volume that only I could hear.
“If I didn't love you… I would've just used you up like a common whore. I wouldn't have listened to you if you told me, no…”
I gasp when Se Eun's grip on my breast tightens to the point of being painful; his fingers shoved deep down enough for me to choke. My tears fall faster from the pain as I squirm around in discomfort.
“I'm such a good husband, right?”
It takes me nodding frantically to his delusions for him to finally laxen his hold on me. The moment his fingers slowly leave my throat, I cough from the sudden increase of air in my lungs. Se Eun only watches me as if he was observing an avante garde painting from a museum display. My entire body trembles in fear under his gaze.
“You're so beautiful when you cry.”
Se Eun whispers in awe— grabbing my face to turn my eyes to him. I couldn't help but cry harder at his words. Just how did I catch the eye of Se Eun? The demon who haunts my school life, who won't stop until I'm completely his.
His lips place soft kisses on top of my eyelids, my eyelashes fluttering at the foreign, yet familiar feeling. It was Se Eun that was behind me, but I couldn't help but wish that another person was taking his place instead. Blonde hair instead of black, blue eyes instead of a dark brown…
I get snapped out of my thoughts when Se Eun steals my breath. My eyes turn glassy as he cards his fingers through my undone hair. His tongue shoved into my mouth before he pulled away shortly to flip me to my back.
My cheeks flush into a bright red when I realize how damp my underwear was from Se Eun's constant grinding. He pulls me into a rough kiss again as he continues to grind his clothed groin against my damp underwear. The fabric was sticking to my skin, showing Se Eun a perfect visual of my most intimate area. I regretted wearing white, I was practically see-through.
“Look at you… All nice and wet just for me~”
Se Eun purrs out, pulling away from my lips as his hands force my thighs to split further. I whimper at his action, feeling ashamed of my current position that left little to the imagination. I only shudder when I see him licking his lips at the sight of me, my stomach twisting in disgust, fear, and nausea.
This was disgusting.
I flinch when his finger experimentally pokes at the wet fabric, another shameful whimper escaping from me. My back arching when his finger stays there, twisting itself deeper into the fabric. My back arches as I moan from the pleasure, my thighs trembling as I resist the urge to close my legs. My tears refuse to stop, a strange mix between a sob and a moan creeping up my throat.
“Are you sure you don't want me to go further?”
Se Eun voices out, his tone mocking as his finger only goes deeper. The fabric of my underwear was the only barrier between him and my womb. I quickly shake my head in refusal. I didn't even want him to do this much! So many of my first times were already stolen by Se Eun, I didn't want him to steal the most important one. …Even if it'll never be given to the one I want the most.
“Hmmm… Suit yourself…”
Se Eun hums out, seemingly nonchalant even if the bulge under his trousers said a different story. My breath hitches as he pulls my legs up, my neck straining itself from my position. The back of my knees are forced onto his shoulders before I moan out loudly. I immediately cover my lips with both of my hands as his lips and teeth bite onto the fabric. Sucking out the fluids from my panties loudly, drooling onto the fabric as well. His teeth dig into my skin under the fabric as well— every bite, every kiss… I could feel everything.
My breathing quickens as I begin to pant from the stimulation. His tongue sticking out to lap at my fluids— digging into the fabric like his finger did just a few seconds ago.
“Mmm~ You taste so sweet… How am I holding myself back again?”
Se Eun mutters against my skin, sending pleasurable vibrations throughout me. His nose presses itself against my panties as he takes a deep sniff of it. My body freezes up at his gesture, a mixture of horror and repulsion muddling my brain.
I stammered out, hurriedly interrupting Se Eun's thought process. Hiccups litter my words from crying too much, my breasts, lips, and waist bruised from his rough embrace. After a while I realized that my panties were now wet from both my fluids and Se Eun's saliva— disturbed by the sensation, I voiced out my concerns.
“...Hey… I don't have a change of underwear with me…”
“All the better. I want you to walk around with me on you.”
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♡♡♡ Ethan's POV ♡♡♡
I look at Koa as she speaks, rambling about an assignment that interested her. I caught small bits of her words, something about pink glitter pens and sparkles— but my mind was somewhere else. My mind was thinking of how beautiful she looks. I stare at Koa's lips, her pretty lip gloss doing nothing but accentuating her already cute face. Her smile, her sparkling eyes… Everything about her made my heart race.
Koa… My lovely flower. I hope you'll continue to bloom for me to see.
I'm jerked out of my thoughts by Koa's voice, her eyes staring at me in confusion. I looked down on my hand, and I realized that my fingers were pinching Koa's hair between them. My cheeks are dusted with pink in embarrassment— my hand immediately pulling away to make up for my error. I raise my palm up as a sign of genuine surrender, my words sincerely apologetic.
“S-sorry- Y-you're fine, right? I know you don't like people touching you- Once again, Koa. I'm so sorry-”
“I don't mind.”
My throat immediately clogged up at her words, my brain unable to process the syllables that came out of Koa’s pink lips. I was skeptical of her words, Koa was always someone who put others before herself. Delicate, sweet Koa… I can't even remember how many people confessed to her during our years together. She was always so kind that everyone wanted to find a way to stay with her.
“Koa… Why do you keep on rejecting people?” I asked her one day, out of nowhere— yet another person came, and got rejected by her. I didn't have the courage to openly admit it, but my heart weighs less every time she refuses a love confession.
Koa turns her head to me— her eyes still bewitching me, even at our young age. I prayed to every entity imaginable that she wouldn't notice the loud pounding of my heart when she leans in closer to me. A teasing smile on her lips that I desperately wanted to press my thumb against. What was it today? Cherry? Blueberry? Mint?
“Hm? Well… I already have a certain someone my heart is set on!” My heart squeezes painfully at her words. I wanted to know who that person was; I wanted to know so I could beg them to teach me how to take Koa's heart as well. I don't say anything— just smiling at her softly as a sour taste creeps up my throat. My fingers tightened around the fabric of my jeans.
Koa must have gotten nervous from my silence, immediately clearing up her words in a panic. It wasn't fair that she could still be so stunning, even while stumbling over her own words. All I could do was smile at her— hoping that my bitterness didn't leak through my mask.
“W-well- Y-you're just such a good friend to me and I would hate to ruin our friendship over something like this, you know?”
“Pft- Don't be such a dork, Koa. You already have the nerd part down, are you trying to speed-run your life into a loser?”
I laugh at her pouting face, her sparkling eyes on the brink of tears. I wanted to wipe them away, -and maybe kiss them- but I knew my place. That’s fine, though— I’ll be her kind, childhood friend. I can love Koa from the dark… As long as I can stay by Koa's side, it'll be fine if she doesn't see me as a romantic partner.
My love is enough for the both of us.
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♡♡♡ Se Eun's POV ♡♡♡
“Fuck. Can't you move faster, whore?”
I click my tongue as I lean against the wall, a cigarette between my fingers. I lick my lips before glaring at her— the whiny, nameless bitch on her knees; loudly choking on my cock. The hair color was right, but the texture was off. Too much hairspray for my hand to comfortably touch. It wasn't soft, nor smooth; too brittle from what I imagine to be years of bleaching. It was honestly hilarious that more than half of the female body, in this hellhole of an institute, dyed their hair back to black once I got interested in a certain, pretty bird.
I sigh in irritation, tilting my head back as my hand fists the back of the slut's hair. If I closed my eyes long enough, I could imagine someone else at her place instead. A certain someone who cries too easily, and stays quiet for as long as she can. A groan escapes from me at the idea of Koa, on her knees, servicing me in a club room with other men watching us. Fuck… That would be so hot.
I'd threaten her to give it her all, or she'll also be forced to service all of my other friends as well. She'd obediently get on her knees like the pretty doll she is— her trembling fingers slowly taking off my belt reverently. Her touch was nothing but addictive; so gentle and soft with me…
I wanted all of that for myself.
My fantasies are abruptly broken by a fake moan from the replacement. No… A replacement would have the actual skills to replace Koa. I was just using a cheap knock-off of the actual product.
I pull out of the bitch's mouth, the idiot having the gall to make a show of her swallowing down my pre-cum. My dick was probably coated all over in her saliva and lipstick by now. My eyes narrow at her, visually disgusted by her skills.
“Mmmm~ How did I do?”
Her irritating voice grates my ears as I pull her up by the hair. I stay silent, deciding to roughly grab onto her face as an alternative. It'll probably leave a bruise, but I couldn't give a single fuck about that. Knowing how whores work, she'd probably stupidly flaunt it around school like it was a badge of honor; or something like that. I take a drag of my cigarette before I smash my lips onto her— breathing the ashy air into her lungs.
My eyes glisten at the sight of her choking, her expression finally genuine for the first time since I called her in. The wannabe prostitute's eyes widen when her precious air is cut off; I reach a point to when I had to forcefully suppress a chuckle at her expression. Her hand darts up to her throat, coughing until I think a lung may have ruptured. A predatory grin stretches onto my lips as I grab a fistful of the slut's hair; forcing her to look me in the eye. The tears, the fear— I lick my teeth eagerly, finally seeing something interesting for once. My dick was rock-hard at the sight as I took another drag of my cigarette— calmly blowing the smoke directly onto her face. Except, I was all too impatient to finally come from this cheap bitch's hole.
“Bend over, whore.”
I take a drag of a new cigarette— lazily draped across the couch as the slut bounces on top of my lap like a bitch in heat. Her mouth has long since been gagged by her panties, her tears not exciting me anymore. The room was filled with the sound of: skin slapping on skin, loud moans and groans, and whimpers and sobs. I lazily scroll through my phone as I yawn. I make a mental note to not use this one again.
Her skin was marred with the attention that she wanted so badly from me. Her throat was covered in purple and red, hand-shaped bruises scattered throughout her skin. Her once tamed hair was nothing but a mess after I was done with her. The whore's lipstick was messed up, the bitter taste of the wax coating my tongue. I couldn't help but admire my work, proof of my time with her.
My gaze breaks from her flushed skin when my phone buzzes. My lips curl into a satisfied smile when I realize that it was from the pretty bird I wanted to catch. I don't even have to hire people to watch her for me! Koa's such a good girl for me— always obedient to her master. I let the slut continue to pant and slobber all over me; I was only concentrating on my phone at this point.
Wife♡: I'm home now.
I smirk at Koa's message, pressing my thumb onto the icon to dial her number in. The call takes exactly one ring before she picks up, a melodic voice ringing into my ears. My smile brightens, my pretty wife's quiet mumbling was like a breath of fresh air in the middle of this debauchery.
I finally make an effort to be a part of the slutty bitch's pleasure— grabbing onto her hips before thrusting my hips up. A loud, muffled screech sounding out from under her makeshift gag. I could already imagine Koa's lively eyes widening at the tortured sound. I could practically see how her cheeks would flush into a deep pink; pressing her palm against the lips that I like to bite so much. A curse leaves my own lips as I feel myself harden painfully at the thought.
I needed Koa. I needed to see her, to touch her… To fuck her.
I roughly grab the whore’s face, digging my fingers into her mouth to remove the soaked fabric. I drop the soiled panties onto the already disgusting floor— the club room now looking like some kind of back-of-the-alley clubhouse. I whisper into the slut's ear quietly, my grip on her painful.
“Be as loud as possible.”
I hiss out before pulling away from her ear— forcing her onto her knees and hands. I immediately thrust into her loose hole, still gaping from her time with me. My hand entangled in the whore's disheveled hair as I pressed her face against the velvet couch.
“...Se Eun-?”
“Mmn~ A-ah~!”
I snicker as the whiny bitch cries and moans, my phone carefully placed on top of the coffee table in front of us. I wanted to see just how red Koa was right now. I wanted to feel how wet she was from hearing this. I wanted to devour her flushed skin and mark them with a riding crop. I wanted her to beg me to fuck her, for her to admit that she didn't want me to wait for marriage anymore.
I wanted to break Koa, I wanted her addicted to me. I wanted her to look at me with those same eyes she uses for that bottomfeeder.
I stub my cigarette out before fully manhandling the whore to move the way I wanted. Awkwardly angling her body to hit the deepest part of her cervix— driving a louder moan out of her. The opposite line was silent, so I obviously had to change that. I needed to know that Koa was hearing this… Maybe even touching herself to this…
“Tell me about your day.”
I command Koa— it wasn't a question, nor was it a suggestion. I wanted to know about her day. I wanted to know what she ate, what she wrote, who she talked to. It would've been better if she just stayed with me, but the princess wanted her “freedom.” It's honestly frustrating, she speaks as if I wouldn't give her freedom once we were married. She just won't be able to see anyone from her past anymore. It's not like that's a big deal, she has me now. I will be her past, present, and future— she just needs to stay at home and help raise our children. The life that all these bitches who jump on my dick are desperate for.
“...Se Eun… I don't think…”
The way Koa's voice broke was adorable, although it was annoying how loud the fucked-up whore was. Who cares, though? Koa's pretty voice made my mood ten times better than before. Her tone only made it obvious that she was already close to tears— tears I wouldn't hesitate to lap up if she was within my reach.
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♡♡♡ Koa's POV ♡♡♡
I regretted picking up the phone. I only answered Se Eun's phone call because he would've kept on dialing in my number until I answered— but now I'm beginning to weigh on which option would be worse for me. Hanging up on Se Eun, or continuing the call; either is terrible for my mental health.
I force myself to take a deep breath, flinching as another moan rings out from Se Eun's side of the line. I bite onto my lower lip, my anxiety spiking at listening to such a private moment between two people. However… if I listened closely, -bringing the phone closer to my ear- there were multiple moans, from multiple voices, in the background. My cheeks flush into a deep, bright red when I realized what exactly he was doing.
“S-Se Eun… I don't think-”
Se Eun interrupts me, his breathing was normal— no panting, no gasps, no sharp intakes in breath. If it wasn't for the loudly obvious moans in the background, I would've thought that he was just lazing around somewhere private.
Se Eun warns out in a growl, the moans suddenly getting louder in my ears. Shivers run down my spine as I swallow down my saliva dryly; a lump in my throat making it hard to swallow. My hands tremble in fear as I stumble through my words. An encompassing fear wrapping over my eyes, my voice cracking and stuttering with almost every word I manage to spew out.
“...W-we have an English p-p-project that's d-due tomorrow… I-I've started to d-decorate it with pens a-and markers…”
I hear a soft chuckle ringing out from the phone, my eyes softening when Se Eun points out a certain habit of mine. I can't lie to myself, he has the talent to bring anyone at ease.
“Let me guess. It's full of glitter and doodles now?”
It was almost like I could see his smug grin in front of me— his eyes peering into my mind, knowing every single one of my fears, my dreams, my emotions. I smile as I place a plushie onto my lap, resting my chin on top of the soft plush. My eyes wander to my desk, my colorful project displayed on it. A smile pulls itself onto my lips, my tone lighthearted as I reply to Se Eun's comment. He was… okay, sometimes.
“...It's like you're in my room right now.”
“Who knows? Maybe I am- A-ah~! Se Eun~! I-I'm gonna cum~!”
My relaxed body stiffens up at the sound, I almost forgot where he was in the midst of our conversation. A curse slipping out from his lips as a loud smack could be heard. I wince at the sound, pitying the girl that got slapped. Se Eun never held back on his hits— I had the bruises to prove it. My fingers subconsciously brush against my cheek; a phantom pain burning my skin. I instinctively recoil back from Se Eun's loud, degrading insults— forced to listen to every hit, every scream, every groan.
“Fuck! Shit! You fucking slutty bitch! I told you to be loud, but I didn't tell you to scream like some kind of third-rate pornstar! What kind of stray dog is louder than its owner?! What? You're gonna cum? Cum from my fucking foot like the useless bitch you are. Tch- This is what I get for sticking my dick in an untrained mutt that should’ve been put down already.”
My breath hitches at Se Eun's hurtful words— they weren't even pointed at me, but my heart still pounded in my chest. My head felt like it was full of cotton, my senses disconnected. I couldn't feel the plush in my arms, I couldn't hear Se Eun's loud cursing from the call, and I couldn't even breathe.
I suddenly suck in a sharp breath when Se Eun's voice gets louder. It sounded like he got closer to the phone, but the pained groans only got fainter. I could only pray that Se Eun just got farther from the girl instead of the darker alternative.
“Koa. Take off your underwear.”
Se Eun's order makes me freeze up, my throat dry as I stare at the phone blankly. What? Was Se Eun being serious, right now? My thighs rub together as I squeeze them shut, not wanting to obey his order. Not after what I just overheard. Not when the tortured groans of the woman were still ringing in my ears— weighing down on my conscience.
“Do you want me to do it myself?”
That was enough of an incentive for me to immediately kick off my panties in a hurry. My cheeks flush red in shame, wearing a school uniform without my panties was humiliating— it didn't matter if I was in my room, I was vulnerable now. I feel a cold breeze brushing between my thighs; a shiver running down my spine from my exposure.
“Mmmm… Too bad, I wanted to do it for you.”
A wave of nausea crashes over me at the idea of Se Eun taking it further with me. I bite my tongue to swallow down my sob as I shift my body on the bed. I just wanted to get this over with, already. My voice was weak as I pushed away my resounding thoughts to speak— knowingly digging myself into a deeper grave with every syllable uttered.
“...Please… Just tell me what to do next…”
“Hm? Is my little wife getting impatient? Does my helpless Koa need her husband's help to make her come?”
“...Se Eun…”
I was on the verge of begging him at this point; my vision blurring from my unshed tears. I choke out Se Eun's name painfully, my breathing growing heavier as more and more time passes. My head was swirling with a wide array of emotions— each more averse to the other.
“Fuuuuuuck, Koa. You're killing me here… I'll just keep falling for you if you say my name like that.”
I don't say anything more, my voice refusing to work anymore. I just hoped that Se Eun would stop his constant teasing and move on already.
In more ways than one.
“Drool on your pretty fingers, Koa.”
Se Eun's voice was laid back as I heard a lighter flick open. I follow his instruction, placing my index and middle finger in my mouth— swirling them around my tongue like how he always does. I gag slightly when my fingers accidentally slip into my throat, my tears immediately falling from the shock.
“Mmm… What should I do? My wife is too cute right now, I just want to knock her up already…”
My tears continue to fall as my entire body trembles in fear. Drool coats my fingers and lips— my eyelids fluttering as my heart continues to pound loudly in my ears. The distant moans on Se Eun's end of the call, only caused my body to grow embarrassingly warmer. I start to panic when Se Eun voices out his thoughts; an alarmed sob escaping from my chest.
“Oh? You don't like that idea? Choke on your fingers, Koa. I only listen to a good girl.”
I shakily push my fingers in deeper, gagging heavily from the intrusive sensation. I continue until my head turns lightheaded, until black dots appear in the corners of my vision. I choke on my fingers until I had to physically stop— coughing loudly from the sudden expansion of my lungs.
“Pft- Don't pass out on me now. I haven't even gotten off yet.”
“I-I-I’m sorry…”
“Hm? Are you sure about that? You don't sound very sorry, Koa. Didn't you promise me that you'll comply with my every desire if you could keep your virginity? What a shame, Koa… I thought you were smarter than this. Don't you know that a deal can only work if both sides keep their promises?”
My breath hitches at his words, my entire body trembling in fear. Se Eun's tone was so obviously condescending, my pride bruised from his off-handed comment. I swallow down my saliva before choking out his name.
“...Se Eun-”
“It's fine, though. I like you dumb. My adorable, clueless wife that only knows to spread her legs just for me! Ah, on that note— go ahead and press those fingers of yours into that darling cunt of yours. You want to keep your husband happy, right?”
I take a deep breath to brace myself for my fingers. A sob leaving me as my wet fingers breach my most intimate area. A strangled moan escaping from my lips, my internal temperature running feverish as I cried. I could hear a groan from the speaker, Se Eun jerking off to the sound of my cries. My fingers didn't stop, more of my fluids building up as the sounds in my room only advanced to being lewd. My fingers were completely slimy at this point— wet, suctioning noises no doubt reaching Se Eun's ears.
“Shit. You're already so wet for me… Go faster, Koa. I want to hear you scream.”
My fingers go faster at his words, almost to the point of being painful. A couple of whimpers leak through before I forcefully silence them. I bite onto my lower lip until it bleeds, the metallic taste grounding me to reality. My fingers coincidentally hit a spot that drove a loud moan out of me. My breathing quickens as I feel myself on the brink of release. My tongue lolled out as I started to see stars on the ceiling. My voice is slurred as I chase after my orgasm.
“I-I'm going to cum…”
Se Eun only curses on the phone, seemingly on the edge as well. I could hear the faint sound of a slick substance slapping against something. My mind otherwise clouded with pleasure and more pleasure. A groan snaps me out of my thoughts, my head suddenly clearing up— more sensitive and aware now of every thrust of my fingers.
“Fuck. Koa. I'm about to…”
“S-Se Eun…”
My body trembles as we both come loudly, my hips grinding against my fingers— riding out my high. My eyes were already glazed over when pulling my soaked fingers out. A sloppy, wet sound resonating within the room. I was breathless, my body currently too weak to move a single inch.
“Taste yourself, Koa. Describe it to me.”
I shakily press my fingers against my lips, lapping up at the slightly thick fluid. I was too tired to even be embarrassed by Se Eun's command. My intimate taste covers my lips like lip gloss— my tongue darting out to lick it off me. Without even thinking, the words just fall out of my mouth.
“...Thick. Slimy. …Watery.”
A hum is the only thing I could hear from Se Eun— or maybe it was more? I didn't know, my mind was too muddled to process everything. My breathing continues to be out of rhythm, exhausted both mentally and physically.
I didn't even realize that Se Eun already ended the call, my consciousness just drifting off into a dreamless sleep if I was lucky. Se Eun haunts my every waking moment, yet he managed to find his ways into my dreams as well.
It was my first year in Han Institute, I didn't know anybody yet— Ethan was already pulled away for his sports orientation. I had to navigate my own path to the academic office. The academy was so much larger in person, that I couldn't help but admire every piece of architecture and landscaping my eyes landed on. I was completely distracted, embarrassingly to the point of being lost. I felt relieved when I finally found a student walking in the hallways; my encroaching panic finally let up.
“Hello! Do you know where the office-”
“Tch- Go away. I don't associate myself with dirty whores like you.” My smile immediately drops at the student's words, my mood dampening at his bitterness. The insults were shocking, but I always stick to the golden memo! ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!’ Ethan was the one to teach me that when we were little, he calls it an old saying from his country! I apparently cried too much because of other people— too much so that Ethan got sick of my tears…
“...Ah… Okay…” Before I could even utter another word, the student walked past me. Purposefully knocking his shoulders into mine to send me against the wall. I held in my tears that were starting to well up in my eyes, it wouldn't be good if I cried at this time. Ethan might feel bad about leaving me alone if he sees that I cried because of a bad interaction. And I didn't want to see Ethan's guilty expression for something that was out of his control…
I decided to take a deep breath, and began my walk again— a bright smile plastered back onto my face. Maybe I'll be able to find a more helpful person this time?
I met the student again at the sports center— I was out of class early; and I wanted to surprise Ethan with an afternoon together since it's been a while since I've had some free time! I already told Ethan what happened on my first day, and he told me to avoid that person if I ever saw them again. But I couldn't help but notice that he wasn't drinking any water; even after playing basketball on a hot afternoon! My maternal instincts immediately took over.
“Hi! You seemed thirsty!” I walked up to the student that was sitting on the bench, taking out a water bottle from my bag. I've grown used to having water bottles in my bag since Ethan was forgetful sometimes, too. I hold out the water bottle for the student to take. No matter how our first introductions played out, I wasn't going to ignore a dehydrated classmate!
“I'm not.” The student dully replies back, not bothering to look up from his phone. His attitude was slightly rude, but I wasn't swayed enough to go away yet. Especially since I could still hear the student's unsteady breathing— that could be easily fixed with some water in his system! My biology class taught me that!
“It's very hot today, though? Dehydration happens to everyone, you know?�� I lightly chastise the student for not caring about his health; don't rich people want to live a long time? Ethan got severely dehydrated once, enough to need the hospital from passing out… That's why I started to carry water bottles on me, and I still couldn't get out of the habit. I place the bottle on the bench— maybe the student will take it once I'm gone?
“...Whatever.” I smile at the student happily once I get his reply. His head turned away from me, likely out of annoyance. His face was red, so he must have been out in the sun for far too long! I was grateful that I haven't kicked my habit of keeping water bottles on me yet. Who knows, maybe I'll gain a friend this way?
I walk away after waving to the student— I almost forgot about Ethan during our brief exchange! Ethan is going to be so happy once I tell him that I'm starting to make a friend! It was a bit pathetic in my eyes. Ethan had so many people around him, and I only had him… I hope that will change soon.
My third meeting with the student was at the infirmary. Ethan kept on ending up here for some reason, so I decided to volunteer as an aid! There were only benefits to this choice: I got to speak with Ethan more, and I got more points on my college resume, too! The infirmary door slides open, and the greeting dies on my tongue when I see the student's bloodied knuckles.
“Huh- Why are your hands like this?!” I quickly rush up to the student, taking his hands into mine. I was too worried to notice that he didn't slap my hands away, keeping them there as I observed the torn skin. Fighting? In this school? How is that even possible?
“...Are you stalking me? How are you everywhere?” I freeze at the student's guarded tone, not understanding what he was being so defensive for. I snap out of that mindset, it isn't my place to ask that about him. I let go of his hands, a smile on my face as I walked over to the medicine cabinet.
“Nope! I'm just helping out the nurse!” I pipe up happily as I take out some gauze and ointment— making marks on what items I used, and for what I needed it for. I had to admit though, it was strange that I kept on running into the student. It's not like there's anything wrong with that, though! I could always use these times to bond with him!
“Hm… Then I need some bandages-”
“That's very obvious. Name?” I interrupted the student— taking out a binder that held the medical records of the student body. The binder was relatively thin since Han Institute was a private school. I flip it open as I wait for the student to tell me his name.
“Se. Se Eun.” Se Eun… What a nice name. I finally had the name of the student who I wanted to be friends with! I find his name, and place the marked sheet into his file before I start to tend to his wounds. I made sure to be as delicate as possible to not irritate the skin— the nurse was the one that taught me on how to correctly wrap wounds! I can't lie to myself, though… I learned first aid to have an excuse to touch Ethan, too…
Se Eun eventually leaves the infirmary to head off to class. I admired him for that— he could've just stayed in the infirmary since his hands were injured! I waved to him, and he waved back! I really was making progress! My happiness was cut short when Ethan stumbled to the infirmary a few minutes later, in a terrible state. What happened this time?!
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♡♡♡ Ethan's POV ♡♡♡
I was running now, searching for any sign of her— already out of breath. My legs were screaming at me to take a break already, but I couldn't. Not after what I just heard. Was I that blind? Why didn't she say anything? Did I not seem reliable enough for her to lean on? To help her?
Koa… Am I not someone you trust?
I was walking with a group of friends— we were all laughing together about a shared story that happened during practice. One of them even managed to take a video of the coach's wig falling off in the midst of his meltdown! While we were walking, I suddenly overheard a conversation between another group of students who were walking in the opposite direction from us.
At first, I didn't pay them any mind— it was a different story when they suddenly mentioned Koa's name. As any best friend would do, I had to listen to them at this point. It was the right thing to do, after all. It was my sworn duty as a boy best friend to know what rumors were centering around my pretty, girl friend.
I haven't seen Koa in a while, too; she was always busy with something. I swear, one of these days; I’ll have to drag her out of the house to go to the park with me. We'd have a nice conversation together, -enjoying each other's company- feed the ducks with some old, stale bread from the back of the pantry, and maybe even have a picnic together like old times! She'd smile at me, -my index finger discreetly swiping along the rim of the bottle her pink lips touched- and I'd smile at her back. My finger, now stained with a sheer, pink tint. Flowers would adorn our heads as we pluck some stray ones out of the ground. And then… When the moment is right, I’d pull her in-
“Tch. How are people even attracted to Koa?”
Excuse me? I did not just hear what I just heard, right? Koa? Sweet, too clueless for her own good, Koa? Who wouldn't be attracted to her?! She's cute, adorable, pretty, smart… smart when it comes to her grades, anyway. Her little doodles are always so silly, enough to brighten anyone's day. No, I'm not at all biased towards my childhood— that I think about every day and night- Okay. Maybe… I may be just a teensy winsy teeny little biased towards the living goddess that's named Koa, but who wouldn't be?!
“How should I know? The bitch is so weak that a little push from me was enough for her to cry.”
“Pft- Be gentle with her. Everyone here knows that she's Se Eun's plaything. What if she decides to tattle on you?”
“What did I do wrong, though? I only reminded the whore of her place. She's worse than an animal, she shouldn't even be allowed to be in the same room as us.”
I turn back to my friends, my expression slightly dazed— why would anyone say that about Koa? They were still focused on the video, while I was still pondering on what those girls were saying. They were saying it so loudly, unworried about anyone overhearing their petty gossip. I pause in my steps, my friends eventually noticing my absence.
“Hey, man. Is something wrong? Why did you suddenly just stop?”
One of them, Min-woo, stops to question me. I wasn't sure why I stopped, as well. My mind suddenly invaded with unwelcome thoughts of Koa in less than desirable positions. For some reason, I felt the need to dig deeper into this. My gut was telling me that there was something wrong— that I was missing something very important right now.
“...What do you guys hear about Koa?”
My eyes widened at Min-woo's words, surprised by his confused expression. I thought I already introduced Koa to them? Did they already forget her? No… She was at our practice just a few days ago. …Right? She was there, smiling at me happily as I scored another goal in the practice round. She was there… then Se Eun suddenly arrived. I remembered being so distracted with how close they were to each other— unable to focus afterwards.
Koa's body seemed to be more stiff too; I almost threw the ball on the bastard's face in a flash of rage. I hated him, I've hated Se Eun since he was introduced to me by Koa. He was always too close to her, their bodies practically pressing together. Koa would shrink back from him, but Se Eun never seemed to get the message. He violates Koa's boundaries, boundaries that are there for a reason.
“Koa- …Who is this?” I was so happy when Koa told me that she would walk me home from practice. My eyes brighten up when I finally see her figure, ignoring my teammates’ snickers. Psh- They're just jealous that they don't have a pretty best friend to talk to. I stop in my rapid steps when I notice another person sitting with Koa by the shade.
My heart stung a bit when I saw how close they were, a bitter taste on my tongue. I was… I was jealous; fearful of my spot being taken. It's been a while since I've seen Koa, and she's already made a friend! Koa's been steadily changing from the crybaby she was when we were kids; she didn't need my protection anymore.
She's started to open up to more people— finally coming out of her welded shell. I'll admit that I may have been a bit hesitant on letting go of Koa at the very beginning, but I don't regret it. Koa deserves to be free; and it should be a well-known fact that she looks the most beautiful when she's able to soar.
“Ethan! Come meet my new friend!” Koa's pretty eyes sparkle when she notices me, a sweet blush on her cheeks. I shuffle my feet towards the duo… No. Not a duo, that's too much for my saintly, idealistic, holy mindset -that's been the one reason for why I haven't grabbed Koa for myself, yet- to handle! Although… The way my fists were clenched until my knuckles turned white from the grip… that was telling a different story.
“...” The bastard just stays on his phone, too, not even bothering to look up from it. Was this really supposed to be my competition?! The title of best friend was definitely going to stay mine— but the way he had his pinkie finger nearly poking at Koa's? Red filled my vision when I noticed his smug expression. If Koa wasn't here; I would've bitch slapped him, just for the sheer audacity.
“Haha- He doesn't like to talk much… Meet Se Eun!” Oh, Koa… innocent, naive, Koa. There was no way in hell that Se Eun was good news. How was I going to convince Koa to drop him? My resolve to tear her away from Se Eun immediately wavers when she smiles at me so cheerfully. She just looked so proud of herself… Who was I to break it?
“Oh, yes! And he wants to walk with us, too!”
I take a deep breath— thinking that maybe, they just forgot her name. It happens sometimes! I, myself, have had my own fair share of forgotten names. I needed to constantly remind myself that Koa wasn't the center of everyone's universe; even if she definitely should be-
“Koa. The girl who's almost always at practice. You know: straight, black hair, pretty yellow eyes, always writing in a book-”
“Ah! You mean Puppy?”
I resist the urge to strangle Min-woo who had just called Koa by such a degrading name. Koa was definitely cuter than a puppy— but I didn't go around calling her that, now did I? I was about to correct him before one particular comment from another friend of mine, Jeong, caused me to completely lose it.
“I heard everyone wants a piece of that a-”
I didn't even let Jeong finish his sentence before I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt— slamming his back against the wall. I could hear shouts for me to let go of the perverted asshole as I raised him up. My teeth were grinding themselves, my eyes narrowing at him in anger. I could barely hear my teammates practically screaming in my ear; too caught up in my own rage to even think right now.
“Oi! Ethan! What the hell?!”
“Let go of Jeong, man! I think you're choking him right now!”
“We can talk about this, Ethan! You can't just throw hands like that!”
I continue to keep Jeong on his toes, furious for Koa's sake since I knew that she would just brush it off. No. Koa doesn't deserve to be disrespected like this— Koa shouldn't have to be listening to this kind of shit. Everyone wants a piece of her? What is she? Property? My girl friend was human; an individual person who has her own autonomy, her own life.
Koa belongs here, Koa has proven herself to be their equal, time and time again, through her achievements. But the way all of these people were talking about her… They made it sound like she was nothing but an ownerless stray— lessening her worth to being dirt-cheap. They spoke like she wasn't meant for anything more, when she's meant for everything.
“Say that again. I fucking dare you.”
I hiss at Jeong, my grip on his collar tightening to an unbelievable extent. The nerve to make such a derogatory, perverted comment— did Jeong never have a mother who taught him to be respectful to women? If not, then I would happily volunteer myself to be the one that beats the lesson into him. Until the memory is permanently scarred onto his pea-sized brain.
“S-say what? …What the hell- Is this about Puppy?! It's not just me who says that! It's not like we have a chance-”
I let go of Jeong before he tells me about Koa's predicament— every single incident that I have somehow never noticed. The cruel pranks pulled on her, the physical harassment, the bullying… I stagger back from Jeong, my face paling when I think about what Koa had to suffer through, alone. My nails were digging into my palms; almost to the point of nearly piercing through the calloused skin. I couldn't believe it. What right did I have, to call myself her best friend, when I didn't even know about the torture she has to go through, everyday? I felt like a failure, like an idiot.
Koa… Why didn't you say anything..?
“There's also all that shit with Se-”
I didn't even hear his last words, my legs already moving to search for Koa. All I could think was that my helpless Koa -infamous for staying silent- stayed silent. My sweet Koa who always just smiled through everything, no matter how much it hurt— even if it started to bleed through her clothing, her pain, so obvious. Koa, who could never speak out for herself, unable to ever find the courage to ask for help. …Koa… the one I neglected because I blindly believed in her words. I believed my best friend, who is known to tell lies that only wound her.
…I’m such a fool in love.
“Koa?! Koa! Where the hell are you?!”
I ran through the hallways, not giving a single damn about the hall monitor's warnings about running indoors. I needed to see Koa; I needed to know, by how much, did I really fail her. …By how much I failed us.
Have I really been that detached from Koa? I remember a time when I would know her entire schedule by heart— never having to search this hard for even a glimpse of her hair. Only because we were practically attached to the hip; the both of us clinging onto each other, like a lifeline, during the most miserable time of our lives. Now… Now I can see just how far Koa has really drifted away from me. I can now see that we weren't as close as we were in the past. Koa was able to keep such secrets from me because I didn't pry, like before— because I didn't stay, like before.
My distress finally lifts when I hear her melodic voice; after everything that happened— it felt like it's been years since we've last seen each other. Since I've been able to talk to Koa, since I've been able to look at her. I breathe a sigh in relief, finally finding her after running all around the campus like a madman. I was sweating heavily, my breathing erratic as I greedily sucked in as much air as I physically could. My limbs felt like they were on fire at this point, but it was only through sheer will and adrenaline— that I was able to move myself closer to Koa.
“Koa! Thank God, I've heard about-”
So that's how it was… I freeze in my steps when I finally see Koa's current state, my eyes widening in horror at the sight. Koa was drenched, from head to toe in some kind of opaque liquid— it smelled like milk. The worst part wasn't that she smelled like milk now… No. The worst part was the way her shirt clung to her skin; the way her white blouse exposed her blemished skin to everyone. My heart twisted from the medley of wounds she had: green and purple bruises, dark red teeth marks… burns. Cigarette burns.
I wanted to cry, I wanted to punch the wall until my knuckles turned bloody. I wanted to hurt myself as if the act would take all of Koa's pain away. I wanted to throw up everything in my stomach when Koa only smiled at me— the same smile that I knew all too well, that held years of pain in it. The same smile that I both adore and hate, a plethora of memories filled it.
Don't smile. How can you even smile right now? You don't have to be strong, Koa. Just lean on me for once. …Please… I’m begging you. Don't smile at me when you're like this.
“Ethan… I thought you were busy today?”
I could listen to her voice for ages— I didn't even think that there was a single way for me to possibly get tired of her. Koa could be speaking to me in hieroglyphics, and I'd still nod along to anything she said. Koa was a precious person to me, but that's also why it hurts me more to see her so damaged. Koa was an untouchable being in my eyes; seemingly unstained from reality when she was just as tainted.
Appearing as a savior, and leaving as a martyr— that's the usual ending for someone with Koa's kindness. Sometimes… Sometimes I forget that she knows far more than she lets on. That she's seen, first-hand with me, just how much humanity tends to turn to sin in a hopeless situation.
I croak out, my body trembling as I slowly walk up to Koa. I had to, both mentally and physically, stop myself from grabbing Koa by the shoulders. My tears welled up in my eyes, our eyes locked together— an inexplicable sorrow replacing what was left of my fading frustration. My heart was loudly pounding into my eardrums; I could clearly hear the blood flow cycling through my head.
I could almost see Koa's panicked expression as I collapsed onto my knees; my head lowered in shame. Tears streamed down my face as I cried. Why was I so unaware? Would it have even made a difference if I knew about it? Was I that useless? I've been too confident— too sure of my ability to protect Koa, when I've already failed in the very thing I constantly boast about. What white knight? I was nothing more than a fool; a fool who was stupid enough to believe that he was worth something more— just because of some shiny medals he luckily won.
“Oh god- E-Ethan! What's wrong?! Are y-you hurt-?”
“Look at yourself first, Koa.”
I finally raise my head up, my red-rimmed eyes matching Koa's current ones. Ah… She's been crying again. I notice how she flinches at my comment, her head hanging low for some reason. Why? Was she ashamed?
No… Koa… Keep your head lifted up. Why is it lowered? You're not the one who needs to be humbled.
“Can't you feel it? God, Koa. Some of these must have even bled-”
I couldn't even finish my words, my throat immediately stuck when I watched Koa starting to tear up. I watched as her eyes turned glassy once more— Koa just looked so fragile at the moment, like she was a vase that would shatter if it was dropped one last time. It was hard to imagine anyone handling Koa roughly; she was too delicate to be pushed around like that. And yet she suffered through so much more…
“Let me explain-”
“Who did this to you?”
I don't let Koa speak, I already knew what kind of excuses she would pull out of her ass. I've been with her, stayed by her side for long enough— to know about her self-sacrificing personality towards other people. I've scolded her, for this, countless times; I even yelled at her! Well… We were both eight at the time— but it still counts! Even if I never did it again after it took me literal hours to get Koa to stop crying; I swear, she can never run out of tears for some reason. She even made me cry with her because of the stress she put on my little eight-year-old brain!
Koa never seemed to learn her lesson: blindly trustful and kind to the people who shouldn't even be allowed to breathe in the same air as her. I bit so many ankles -when we were kids- because assholes have to exist— I was a feral child, growing up.
“W-what do you mean-”
“Koa... I'm begging you here. Y-you need help. It doesn't have to be from me, but fuck-! You have to tell someone.”
My words tasted bitter on my tongue, the thought of Koa going to someone else… That made me want to grind down on my teeth. I wanted Koa to look for me first if she's ever troubled by anything. I'd drop everything for her— whatever she wanted: a shoulder to cry on, a person who will listen to her as she vents, someone to tend to her injuries.
Heck‐! I'd still drop everything if she just wanted to sleep on my lap. Koa has been my priority for practically my whole, conscious life by now— and that part will never change.
I wasn't selfish, but I also wasn't selfless. Even if I hated it, I'd still let Koa go to someone else for help— but it didn't mean that I had to like it. My tears continued to fall as I slowly tugged on the hem of Koa's blazer. I'd hate it, but Koa would be safe, then. She'd be safe… just not with me.
Koa was just silent, I could tell that her mask was slipping. I needed her to be vulnerable with someone— anyone. Her tears have long since come out like mine; her entire body trembling as she collapses onto her knees as well. She hesitantly looked me in the eye, her next words making me snap.
“I'm fine-”
“Look at yourself! You look like a mess!”
Koa was a mess— I could now see her wounds more closely, now that she was kneeling next to me. My stomach churned uncomfortably at what I painfully observed: hickeys littered across her neck and chest, purple marks around Koa's throat, -as if someone strangled her until she passed out- there were multiple, large green and purple regions on her stomach, and the sides of her torso— like she was kicked until she had to throw up. …Small, circular burns could be seen, too…
I even identified the current state of Koa's face: worn off foundation showed hints of a black eye slowly healing, her once pink lips, now a darker purple than usual, -smooth lips now cracked and ripped to practical shreds- and her tears washed away the concealer that carefully hid her eye bags.
My fingers curl into tight fists— Koa's been hurt like this? Why? Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't she come to me when she first got assaulted? When she first got strangled? When she first got burned? …Why didn't she say anything?
“How far did they go, Koa? Was it more than one person? For god's sake, Koa- Why won't you tell me anything?! Tell me so I can beat their ass for you! You can't possibly be trying to defend them right now-”
I get cut off by Koa; I get cut off by Koa yelling at me. She yelled at me. She yelled at me because I wanted to defend her honor, her pride. I want to help Koa… So why does she have to keep shutting me out?
Koa doesn't say anything more, her tears saying enough to me. Koa didn't want me to do anything— she didn't want me to help. Koa… Koa didn't want me.
It took me a moment to realize my blood dripping onto the marble flooring. I didn't even care that we were in the middle of the hallways; I didn't care that everyone was watching us now. I cared about Koa, I could only think about Koa at the moment. My tears stained my cheeks as I begged her to tell me. A name, a place- Fuck! I would even take a hair color at this point!
“Koa- Please- Just tell me-”
A voice interrupts me, a voice that was deeper than Koa's own choked-up one. It was a voice that I was painfully familiar with— the smug tone, the barely concealed malice in his words. Se Eun.
I was about to yell at him to leave, but then I noticed how Koa started acting. Her breathing turned irregular; her entire body, now trembling in fear… Him? It was him, then? It was Se Eun?! I knew that he was a terrible person from the start— only proven to be correct when he joined into the weekly beatings between me and the wannabe gangsters at this damn school. I should've said something to Koa, but she just looked so happy with him… Delighted with her first friend in this hellhole.
…Fuck. I'm a hypocrite.
“Se Eun!”
I scream out in anger, red flooding my vision. I reacted in the only way I could. I react violently, volatile to every single thing that Se Eun does: whether he moves a single inch closer, or he decides to spill his bullshit out. I get up from the floor, immediately grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. The monster only looks past me, staring at Koa instead. That only irritated me more— I wasn't going to let him hurt Koa any more than he already did. No. It won't happen again.
“You don't have the fucking right to look at her anymore.”
I hissed at him, roughly slamming Se Eun's back against the wall. A sick glee crashing over me before I stomped it out. No… This one was for Koa. This was about Koa's pride, not mine.
The bastard only winces in pain before his eyes finally meet mine. Those same, soulless pitch-black eyes causing my skin to crawl. Was this guy seriously the so-called ‘hottest’ person on campus right now? The people here must be blind if this creep show was considered to be popular. In my neighborhood, fuckers like him would end up in a ditch somewhere.
“Koa. Come here.”
My teeth just grind at Se Eun's audacity; he was acting as if nothing was happening. He ignored my words, yet he kept his eye-contact with me. The demon was taunting me, he was silently telling me that I didn't stand a chance against him. My fists only tighten around his collar, one wrong move away from punching the smirk off his disgusting face.
“Like hell she would-”
The words die on my tongue when I see that Koa did exactly that. I could only watch as Koa shakily stood up from the floor. I gaped when I saw Koa walking up to us, her body language clearly telling me that she didn't want to be doing this at all. Her face was paler than usual, her legs looked a step away from collapsing on themselves.
I let go of Se Eun's collar, turning my full attention towards Koa, I needed to know why. Why was she doing this? Was she getting threatened? Coerced? There was no way that any of this was voluntary, her glassy eyes showing off her reluctance.
I block Koa's way, standing between her and Se Eun— she looks at me with an expression that conveys nothing less than pure, unfiltered misery. I stare at her, my own eyes mirroring Koa's depressed ones. The beautiful sun-lit amber that I've grown used to, have all but turned into a dull, rusted copper. Beautiful… but in a gloomy statement— like it was something to be mourning.
I slowly made a move, -letting Koa see where my hands were, enough time for her to move back- grabbing at the sleeve of her blazer. My voice sounded pathetic at this point, but I didn't care. I just wanted to let Koa know that she didn't have to do this, that she will always have me by her side.
“Koa… Please don't…”
Se Eun had to ruin the moment with his big mouth; his voice was basically demanding for Koa. It was disrespectful and humiliating, the way he called for her as if she were a dog. Was he the reason for Koa's nickname? I wouldn’t even be surprised at this point. My jaw clenches in annoyance, turning my head to glare at the nerve of this bitch. I tried to convince Koa again, but Se Eun seemed to scare her too much…
I had no chance.
Koa pulled her sleeve out of my loose grip— a part of me shattering beyond repair once I was gripping onto nothing but air. Koa goes around me; I didn't even have the energy to get angry when Se Eun's arm instantly wraps itself around her waist. Koa hates being touched, yet Se Eun never seemed to care… I wanted to beg Koa to stay, but Koa's next words kept my mouth tightly shut.
“...We'll talk later, Ethan.”
…She didn't even look back at me when she said it. Se Eun pulled her along with him, -far too roughly- but I didn't detect her head moving a single inch back in my direction. I was speechless, my hand dumbly reaching out for Koa, even if her figure was nowhere to be found.
Only one word was uttered— the name of the girl who's been by my side for ages. The girl that I love with my entire soul, and the girl that I don't deserve. My tears fall again, my palms still bloody as I continue to dig into the fresh wounds. My head was lowered in shame; shame that was well deserved for my ignorance— and for being too late.
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♡♡♡ Se Eun's POV ♡♡♡
I wanted to scream when someone stopped Koa in the middle of the hallways. The piece of shit came up to my wife, confessing to her, while I was standing right there. I internally sneered at the disgustingly gaudy letter: obnoxious, golden hearts scattered throughout it, and a messy handwriting that, I was somehow able to determine, included Koa's name. The absolute gall of this dunce— writing my wife's blessed name in such a mediocre print? I'd destroy him; just because of such a defilement.
The bastard was fucking lucky that Koa rejected him, or else I wouldn't have hesitated to throw his cold, rotten body off a bridge. He did not deserve to receive the love of my life's gentle words, almost immediately shaking her head at his request. I wanted nothing more than to dig out the eyes that dared to gaze upon my wife's— those same eyes that tainted Koa with his filth.
The rat didn't even have the chance to convince Koa otherwise; not while I was angrily glaring from behind her. It was honestly annoying that such low-ranking scum had the fucking balls to believe that they had a chance with the angelic being that, fortunately, made her way into my dull life.
“Koa. Why did you reject him?” I asked her curiously once we continued in our walk— the vermin finally scurrying away at my silent threat. He obviously wouldn't be as good as me, but a guy like him is the typical dream for girls with Koa's status. So why would she refuse what may be her one chance to get out of poverty?
Koa only hums, her feet not stopping at all as her hands go behind her back. She turns to me, looking only at me for the moment. My breath embarrassingly hitching at her soft look— I blushed as if I didn't spend my free time, constantly in whores who would kneel at my command. I had to discreetly adjust my trousers when my love's back arched forward, cutely tilting her head to one side. I could be directly staring into a woman's bare pussy right now— and my lovely wife's present, endearing posture would still arouse me more.
I was infatuated with Koa… and I've long since realized that I wanted those bright, starry amber eyes to never stray away from being only mine. No matter who or what, tries to get in my way; I'll eliminate every other choice she has, until I'm the only option left. I didn't want to witness such a grotesque confession again, so I needed to start marking my territory…
“Why wouldn't I? I don't like him.” My wife's words snapped me out of my deliberations, I had to force myself to hold in a laugh. Pft- Only Koa would think so naively— did she not think about the benefits to using the deep pockets of that pest? My clueless wife really was too good for this world if that's what her answer was. …Ergo, I should make sure to lock her up real tight when the time comes.
The idea of Koa being only mine, it made me hot inside. A manic gleam flashing in my eyes, before it left as quickly as it came. I continued to muse at her innocent words, listening to her nonsensical rambling as we walked through the now empty corridors. My wife was just so lovely~
“Work harder, dog.”
I snap at Koa coldly, pulling onto the leather belt around her neck. My lack of mercy evokes a pained gasp from Koa— as her nose is pressed against my clothed groin. A shudder runs throughout my entire body, groaning while grinding onto her face. My head, thrown back as I drove her face into my trousers— the abrupt tug of Koa's makeshift collar causing her throat to strain against the leather.
I breathe out an annoyed sigh, my teeth still grinding at the memory of seeing her and that impoverished bastard together. It seems that I've grown lax due to her good behavior; Koa needed to remember who was really in charge here— because it certainly isn't her. I can only be so patient with a rebellious wife, after all.
Koa's lips part open, but not because she was finally putting that fucking mouth to use. No. She decided to open up her good-for-nothing mouth, to say a bitch-ass excuse, which would simply serve to irritate me further.
“I-I'm s-s-sorry, Se-”
“Don't. You already know what I want from you.”
I crudely interrupt Koa's pathetic stammering; her sniffles doing nothing but exciting me more. She only whimpered farther when I yanked onto my leather belt again. I could feel myself hardening already, painfully straining against the trousers’ fabric as Koa falls on top of it. I lean back from upon my seat as I spread my legs— waiting for my love to finally get to work. Koa's pretty lips were trembling as her hands fumbled with the zipper. It was fucking hilarious to see her so tense.
I grin at her pitiful attempts, my cheeks flushed at the sight of my wife kneeling in front of me. I had to chuckle as I pulled Koa towards me again— forcing her to fall face-first into my lap. I click my tongue at Koa, my voice adopting a mocking tone, while my hand reaches for her chin.
“Ah, ah, ah~ I don't think dogs use their paws…”
I coo at her as I force my lovely puppy to lean into me more— grabbing onto my love's face to pull her up higher. Her lovely tears start to fall again as I push my thumb into the corner of her mouth. My thumb lightly tapped against Koa's cute, little teeth as I mercilessly belittled her.
“Use your mouth, dog. Are you that dumb?”
My thumb swirls around her tongue; her tears dripping onto my fingers. I could only smile at my idiotic wife's adorable expression, wanting to kiss all her tears away— lapping up the salty liquid that stained her cheeks. Koa looked the most beautiful when she was below me, always within my grasp at all times.
My little pet whimpers as I take my thumb out of her mouth— smearing her drool all across her cheek. My cheeks weren't the only ones that were red at this point; the love of my life's cheeks were also bright with an alluring redness to them. They made me want to paint her rear in that same, beautiful color. Her songs of pain, music to my ears— pretty reds and purples blossomed on my precious wife's skin.
Our eyes lock together; my wife's glassy eyes taking a moment before dropping from mine. My smirk just grows as the scared puppy obediently lowers her head towards my trousers’ zipper. My wife's pretty knuckles were noticeably pale from clenching her fists far too tightly— adorably trembling in front of me so deliciously. I couldn't help myself at all. Is it that terrible to desire my sweet pet if her body intensely shakes that fucking much in my presence? As though I'm preparing to devour her entirety, bones and all?
A satisfied groan leaves me as I hear the clinking of my wife's teeth against the silver. Fuck, why did she have to be so adorable? The way she practically vibrated between my legs made me want to just bend her over and- …In summary, my wife was just too pretty to keep my hands to myself.
“Do you know what you did wrong now, my love~?”
My wife just moans as I rub myself against her wet folds; I could even slide myself in, without her even knowing, at this point. She kept on protesting against me, yet she always dripped down my fingers -like a fucking slut- whenever I played with her. I could only deduce -from her demeanor- that my lovely wife wanted this too— she was just too shy for her own good.
“Hic- I-I'm s-so-RRY!”
I slap her clit carelessly, reveling in the sound of her panicked breaths and hiccups that littered her sobs. My wife was such a darling, always having the ability to turn me on— no matter what type of shit she does. Yes… her tears really were cute. They always taste so addictively salty whenever I lap them up from my wife's cheeks; her body always tensing from what should be surprise. She really was too fucking cute for her own good. I couldn't wait until she would be only mine to talk to, to touch… to see.
“Hmm? Do you even know how you angered me?”
I grab onto a fistful of my wife's pretty hair, groaning with delight when I hear such pathetic whimpers coming from her. A chuckle leaves from me as her teary eyes meet mine; every bit of me wanting to see more and more of that pretty expression. My tone was cold, despite my face having an almost feverish temperature to it.
“...Who knows? Maybe you're just praying that I would be satisfied by those delectable lips of yours? Those same lips that do nothing but lie to their own master? You can be such a comedian sometimes, my love~ Did you really think that I, Se Eun, would be so desperate for you? Desperate to the point of wanting, no, craving your half-assed apologies?”
“N-no- I'm sorry- I-I'm so-”
“Then why are you sorry, Koa? Why don't you define what exactly you're fucking apologizing for?”
I lean my body closer to her, feeling her limbs twitch from underneath me. My wife was just lying on the desk: her skirt pulled up to her waist, blouse unbuttoned, underwear discarded, and her bra pushed up to reveal her modest breast. It was as if she wanted to be fucked by me with how cute she always acts. I moved my face nearer, until I could see how my pretty wife's eyelashes fluttered as she cried. My lips meet my wife's lips in a sweet manner— biting onto the soft flesh until I could taste bitter iron on my tongue.
My tongue shoves itself into my wife's cute mouth, our saliva mixing until it’s impossible to separate them from each other. Like how our taste melded together, I wanted Koa to be mixed into me— to the point of where she would be fucking nothing without me. As I recklessly bite, lick, and devour my wife's lips; certain thoughts start to swirl inside my head. Thoughts of wanting Koa to be only mine, only smiling at me, only looking at me.
Love me, Koa. You won't ever need anyone else but me. For my name is Se Eun, and I promise to always love you, both in this life and the next… Till not even death will do us part.
I don't let Koa continue, wanting her mouth all to myself— nothing but my tongue to keep her company. I even felt jealous of the shitty words that were spoken into existence by her pretty, pink lips. I only watched as my wife's eyes flickered between: lust, fear, and confusion; swallowing her pitiful whimpers when I bite just a bit too hard.
“I-I… C-close to E-Ethan-”
A loud slap rings across the room; a bright red mark found on my wife's face for daring to utter another shitty man's name in front of her husband— her lover. My eyes, dark as I grabbed onto her face; not at all gentle in the manner, with how I jerked her chin up to me. Koa’s lips just twist into such an adorable grimace as I purposefully apply even more pressure onto her increasingly sore cheek— her tears only falling more because the bruise I aggravated.
“Did you have permission to say another man's name, dog?”
I hiss out in a frigid tone, keeping a tight grip on my wife's face. My breath quickened as I felt my anger slowly growing into a volatile storm— frustrated by the memory of seeing her and that motherfucker together. I only felt satisfaction when I saw her tears falling from the pain. There was no remorse coming from me; not a single hint of guilt found on my face while glaring at my wife's glossy eyes— only raw, unadulterated rage. How dare she? How dare she fucking talk to another person without my explicit permission?
My lovely wife… Let's play a little game together~
“Then continue.”
“I-I talked to a-another person-”
“And who was this other person?”
My disobedient wife's lips snap shut at my question; her eyes widening once she finally realizes what her punishment will be. A smug smile appears on my face as a distressed expression appears on my wife's. Laughter builds up in my chest when she shakily reaches her hand up to my shirt— missing me by a few centimeters.
Her voice takes on a desperate tone, doing nothing but making me want her more. What my wife thought would be enough to dissuade me… only served to increase my already excessive excitement. Really. She had to stop being so adorable all the fucking time— I'm honestly afraid of dying early with how insatiable I am when it comes down to my cute as fuck wife. I still had an overly-excessive grip on her pretty face— still close enough to have a clear idea of her current scent: a mixture between toasted cinnamon and a shitty confectionery sweet. It was a cheapass scent that I would only enjoy from my wife's pretty skin; skin that I have thoroughly marked as fucking mine, and only mine.
“S-Se Eun-”
“Don't make me repeat myself a third time, dog.”
You love that name, right? Then I'll make sure to overwrite those “pure” memories of yours— till nothing but pain and sorrow remain… I'll ensure that you're never able to be comforted by the mention of HIS name again.
I'll hurt you so fucking badly with HIS name, because only my name should give you even the smallest bit of respite you desire. …I'll be your safe place, Koa; and the reason for it, too.
I watch as my wife silently sobs; her words a jumbled mess of what I can easily imagine to be pleadings for mercy. Mercy that I won't be giving her— mercy that she doesn't fucking deserve. I felt heated by the way she shook in my grip; every single inch of her making my mouth water.
“S-Se Eun…”
“I wasn't mad at myself, Koa.”
My dull eyes stay on my wife's face, unmoved by her tears— a smile, frozen on my lips. The dog finally stops whimpering when my grip eases from her chin. But her cries only get louder when my hand trails down to her neck; a warning squeeze, placed onto her throat to remind my pretty dog of her place now.
I could see the very moment when the fight eventually left my wife, her pretty eyes turning as dull as mine. Such a pretty copper suited her— far better than a cheap amber that held no value in the real world. My smile only widens at the sight as I start to squeeze onto my wife’s throat harder; I absolutely loved how she didn’t try to resist this time, too tired to do anything at all.
“Tell me, Koa.”
The way she said the bastard’s name made me want to laugh right then and there— so hopeful, yet defeated at the same time. My grip on my wife’s cute throat starts to leave blue marks as the rhythm in her chest starts to stagger. I didn’t care if she couldn’t breathe, though; I knew when to stop before my wife passed out. We’ve had plenty of practice, after all.
I lean my lips closer to my wife’s ear, as I quietly whisper into her ear; my voice soft as if I was about to tell her a deeply guarded family secret. My other hand starts to lovingly stroke my wife’s cheek, like how a person would do to a dog— a cruel glint in my eyes. One hand was still busy choking her, while the other was being so gentle with her face; a drastic parallel that perfectly mirrored the love I had for my beautiful pet.
“What did I say about another man’s name coming out of your pretty mouth, again?”
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Ack- I gotta tag now-
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bimyself06 · 11 months
The Dazai, Chuuya, and Tachihara love triangle gives me life and waters my crops. But imagine that instead of Tachihara vs Dazai over Chuuya , it's Chuuya vs Tachihara over Dazai, with Dazai not realizing that they have romantic feelings for him.
Imagine the chaos!!!
If Tachihara met Dazai around the time he was in hiding before joining the ADA, and was like this guy is crazy but he's cute and smart. Then Dazai joins the ADA, they loose contact.
Fast forward to canon time and now Tachihara learns that the cute guy he's had a thing for is a former PM executive and his superior's ex-partner. He P A N I C S.
Chuuya finds out, he's jealous that Dazai went out on dates after leaving the PM and that he on dates with Tachihara.
As everything in canon happens we have Dazai hanging out with both Chuuya and Tachihara, neither of them is happy abt it but Dazai just wants to hang out with his friend and best friend so they both suck it up.
Now Dazai knows that Tachihara is a hunting dog, it's how they met after all. He didn't out right mention it, except to tell him to watch out for Gin and Hirotsu for him(I believe in sorta alright big brother/terrible mentor Dazai and Hirotsu being the Black Lizard's and Dazai's dad(he shares custudy with Fukuzawa now) ) .
The DOA Arc does not happen the same way as in canon bc we have Tachihara and Chuuya who are battling it out subtly in the background for Dazai's affection. It also doesn't help Tachihara's goal of getting to Yosano when both she and Dazai have trauma bonded into siblings bc of M*ori
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05aaphrodite · 2 years
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: childe x reader, ayato x reader
𝕋𝕚𝕥𝕝𝕖: anything for mora (Part II)
𝕋𝕎𝕤/ℂ𝕎𝕤: character death,obsession,stalking
𝘈𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘢 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘐𝘯𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘢, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦.
Read the previous part: Part I
This is what I really wanted, a rich man who respects your boundaries and isn't bordeline creepy when you stare at a stranger for 5 seconds straight.
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When morning teas became frequent with the commissioner, the more I learn about him and his traumatic past, I symphatized with him as the older sibling shouldering most responsibilities at a young age, never knew I would have so much in common with someone who comes from a noble family, least wise I can be proud of it this time.
Making the first move felt as easy as falling off a log but wording it is laborious, thankfully he's able to pick up what I mean.
“I accept your heartwarming confession, my dear maid.”
He gives me everything: flowers,jewelries,foods, and clothes. My heart savored every moment spent with him, it's like a invigorating feeling after getting out of a toxic relationship, unlike the harbinger, I'm able to breath more around Ayato.
Although I've been happy with him the past few weeks, I try to bury the unforgettable memories I had when I was still with the harbinger, the flashbacks followed me throughout my healing journey, it still haunts me even to my pleasant resting nights.
I decided to open up to the commissioner about it, putting the words required a lot of willpower but it felt nice venting those “I see, he's your former lover from Liyue right?”
I nodded “He was extremely abusive and controlling towards me, the main reason I moved to inazuma.”
His eyes symphatized with me, I immediately felt safe under his gaze, my instincts softens whenever I approach Ayato “Don't worry, I'll ensure your safety at all cost, just rely on me and you'll be fine.” He gave me a warm smile before pulling me into a hug, I let my body loose while stuck in his homely arms, communicating about your feelings isn't so bad at all.
Days has passed and my life is going smoothly as usual, today I bought ingredients from shimura’s to prepare a hotpot session for the kamisato siblings and Thoma, the inazuman cuisines feels new to try after eating liyue cuisines for years, if I have the time I could try learning mondstadt cuisines as well. Before heading to komore teahouse, I stop by a food vendor to purchase two dango milks, the last time I tried it's sweet and creamy, needless to say I'll thank Thoma for introducing me to dango milk.
In the corner of my eye, I caught a familiar ginger haired man who seems to be looking for something, my eyes widened upon realizing who it was.
I saw him giving orders to the fatui before they scattered seperately, I knew at the moment he was looking for my whereabouts. I told Tomoki to keep the change before storming off somewhere, I lowered my head to be unseen by the fatui, I should've took Kazuha’s advice with me…
I ran to Komore teahouse then touched the door open before closing it in a heartbeat, Thoma and the others looked at me dazed
“Why are you in such a hurry?” The fixer raised his brow, I panted in exhaustion then made my way to pull Ayato into a hug, he didn't question me as he brushed my locks gently “He's here…”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
ꜰʟᴀꜱʜʙᴀᴄᴋꜱ⋆·˚ ༘ *
“Do I know you?” The girl shunned me before looking through the pages of her book “If you want divination from me, then you must respect my name by learning it wholly.” I chuckled acidly.
“Oh great astrologist Mona Megistus, how does 500 mora sound for you?” she perked up for a minute but immediately cleared her throat “W-well.. First things first I'll have to perform a divination on you, your mien seems off putting.” she conjured my constellation by divination, the astrologist looked at me warily.
“And why's a harbinger coming to me for divination?” Mona raised her guards up while gripping her fists “I'm just here to look for my missing lover, I have no bad intentions.” I lift my hands up in a friendly manner, still she remained her guards up as she sighed in dismay “So, what's her name?”
“Y/n L/n, you may have heard from her before, she's the most well known adventurer from adventures guild in liyue.” Mona performed her divination again then searched clues about her location.
“She's currently in… inazuma.. huh..”
So that bastard did took her there… whatever at least I got the information I need. Before she ask any further, I throw the bag of 500 mora to her before leaving in a hurry.
“So uhh, how do I tell him she has a new boyfriend?”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
After explaining the whole situation to Thoma and Ayaka, they immediately got worried then prepared their weapons incase the fatui found out about this place, I told them they shouldn't worry about it that much and just let the hotpot challenge continue considering the amount of trust I have to the commissioner.
“It's tofu,fish fillet, and mint.” Thoma answered, I prop my chin up “You're almost correct, I also added slime condensate.” Adventuring with Sayu earned me the idea of adding a slime condensate to the hotpot game, I was a bit reluctant but thankfully it tasted pleasant.
Those moments of fun was soon interrupted when a guard informed us that the fatui are near, Ayato told me to hide behind the folding screen from the stage, I hid behind the screen before they came in for investigation.
I held my breath in when the fatui got in, the commissioner stood up as the fatui agent went up to him for my whereabouts “Do you happen to run into some h/c girl who goes into the name of Y/n L/n?” one of the agents inquired, Ayato remained poker faced “It does not ring any bells.” I let out a quiet sigh of relief “Are you sure?” the ginger haired crossed his arms, I swallowed a gulp upon hearing that devilish tone again after living in inazuma for months, it's like relieving the daunting memories we had…
“Yes, and you're stepping into a personal teahouse of mine and I'd like you to leave this instant.” Ayato narrowed his eyes, the fatui could only stare in shame before leaving the teahouse, I got off the screen then wrapped my arm around the commissioner real quick “Let's keep our guards up for now.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Childe stared at the teahouse waringly after stepping out, he knew something was up with that guy “Sir, I swore that I saw a familiar h/c running this way!” The fatui agent pointed at the teahouse “You're right, I'll take care of this on my own, you're free to leave.”
“Sir?” The agent cocked an eyebrow “Now.”
And with that, his henchmen leave as the harbinger ponder about a plan, he hid behind a tree just near komore teahouse, the audible laughs were sending him off, how could she have fun without him? And worse, with another guy too! “Just you wait, commissioner.” He stormed off somewhere.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
I enjoyed my time with the kamisato siblings and Thoma, they made me feel safe even after knowing my ex was around somewhere in Inazuma, I wore a mask to conceal my identity while heading home with the others. And when I thought we were safe from his gaze, he stood there leaning against a tree when we reached chinju forest, Ayato squeezed my hands trying to reassure me, the ginger haired went closer in displeasure “You think I won't recognize you under that mask? You betrayed me by being intimate with another man.” he grip his fists.
“I ended things between us, don't tell me what to do.” I clinged to the blue haired beside, his gaze only deepened at the sight, the tension went heavy as Ayato drag me behind him “Let's settle things between us, Thoma and Ayaka, escort her home.” The gentleness in his demeanor changed when Childe pulled his sword out, I turned to him with concern “Don't worry about me dear, let me shoulder this.” He sent me a reassuring smile before giving a kiss on my forehead, I could feel my ex’s gaze hardening “Will you be okay big brother?” Ayaka took my shoulder to her, both of us laced with concern, the commissioner could only nod with a smile, she turn her attention to me with an indication to go with her “Since I’m a little nice today, I'll let you off this time.” Tartaglia shot me a one last look before I head off to Kamisato estate.
ᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴜᴇʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴄᴇꜱ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Two men wielded their sword casting each other heavy glares, the harbinger has been waiting for this perfect moment to perform another bloodshed on someone from inazuma, his duel with the samurai before satisfied him to an extent “You better think twice than to steal my love.”
It's clearly one sided as Ayato can see thus pushing his threatening words aside “I'm honored to be in this dueling field with you, harbinger.” the air grew heavier with the ginger haired smirking in response “The feeling’s mutual, commissioner.”
ʙᴀᴄᴋ ɪɴ ᴋᴀᴍɪꜱᴀᴛᴏ ᴇꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇ⋆·˚ ༘ *
The thought of him being lifeless in Childe’s hands shakes me to the core, my mind kept racing about today’s events, I guess it's true that he tracks my every movement and that he's always watching me from afar. The sheer thought of their duel made me quiver under the covers Ayaka gave, I know I can't do anything in a situation like this but what about Ayato? No ones checking up for him, it's like they're leaving him to die with that crazy maniac!
“It is my duty to keep you safe, as requested by my older brother.” She shook her head unfortunately when I pleaded to go to the dueling ground, I understand her intentions of keeping me safe but isn't it unfair? They have no idea how Childe the 11th fatui harbinger is capable of, Ayato is strong enough but can he take the battle maniac himself down to the pits of hell? I gaze on the haunting moonlight from above , right now I could only depend on the archons for now.
“What's the matter? Got all drained up?” As his hydro infused sword pierced through the stomach; gushing blood dripped from Ayato’s mouth choking on the sharp sword pressed on his organs firmly, the ginger haired grinned in victory pulling his sword out as the commissioner’s body fell limp, Ayato’s surroundings went into a haze making his body crash into the grass floor. The harbinger only showed a menancing smile turning to the glimpse of Kamisato estate behind the tall blue brush leaves of aralia trees, taking him down is nothing but a piece of cake “Your sword technique is quite smooth and swift, but I got a little disappointed that I pushed myself too far, sorry about that.” He chuckled swinging his sword to; shaking the commissioner’s blood on the steel to the ground, and now the last objective.
Horror struck their face upon seeing crimson blood on his clothes and sword, a smile crept on him flicking his gaze to the girl behind the commissioner’s sister, the guards laid flat on the ground as the atmosphere grew tense each second “Your brother is such a dedicated man, I understand why he took interest in my darling, though he made a grave mistake on getting himself involved with our affairs.” Ayaka tore her gaze away in disbelief, her dear brother’s blood wrapping his blade was enough to add another trauma, and when he promised that he would make it out alive, he promised to look after her… “Still glum about it? Come on, shouldn't you be at least grateful he chose to draw the blade? I would've challenged you instead the moment you were keeping her away from me.”
“That's enough! Leave us alone or I'll call the shogunate!” Y/n shouted from behind; gripping her head with both of her hands, Ayaka clutched the handle of her katana as she stared deeply into the harbinger’s eyes with nothing but sheer vengeance.
“As my brother’s wish, I'm ready to put my life on line as long you leave Y/n alone.” she withdraw her katana forward “And I'll send you back to the pits of the abyss, where you always belonged.” it's like witnessing a different shirasagi himegimi, her eyes driven by ache and abhorrence, he sent a half assed smile in return then turn into his battle stance, Ayaka turned to the helpless girl behind with a smile different than any other genuine smiles she witnessed throughout their friendship “Forgive me for stopping you when he needed us the most, I must pay for my greatest sin.” Y/n’s brows raised then shaked her head, she doesn't want to risk another person important to her just for her own safety “Don't!-”
Wasting no time, Ayaka charged forward to the harbinger; their swords clashing in return sending an ominous wave “Perfect speed.” Childe murmured evading from their proximity then thrusted his sword forward only for the princess to move away from the pointed blade. The air grew rigid, both parties panting for air with their blades pointed in front of the opponent “Training with big brother must've payed off.” the moment words left his mouth, Ayaka’s shoulders went stiff, she pressed her lips together each second her fingers clenching the handle. Catching her off guard as he intended, he lunge forward with his sword piercing through her chest leading to a petrified Y/n before releasing a dreading scream for help.
The Kamisatos’ blood now wrapped around his bloodstained weapon, Childe turns to the cowering girl shrouded in fear, next thing the housekeeper came out horrified at the sight infront of him, he only left to inform the guards about the situation and to cook something for the both of them to ease their anxiety.
“My lady…” he clutch Ayaka to his chest; shooting the harbinger a glare, the ginger haired only smirked in return then made his way towards the girl, Thoma wanted to move; he wanted to scoop her from him like his master ordered, though Childe's hostile gaze halted him from doing so, as he already has his sword ready to draw another blood, he could only draw his gaze away, laced with regret. Lady luck must’ve been on his side that he doesn't end up lifeless like the Kamisato siblings.
He grab the petrified figure; pulling her close to his chest, surge of warmth enveloping him, yet her cold hands blocked his chest, he didn’t care as long he has her under his arms again “I admit you made this more challenging, don’t you ever escape under my grasp again.”
She could only remains wordless, lips parted slightly as her breathing went ragged, months of healing went down to the drain in an instant; back to her lonely isolated lifestyle, just as the harbinger planned.
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twisted-whispers · 1 year
Well the results are in!
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I'm actually pretty surprised! Our queue is now:
Twisted Wonderland - Sacrificial Offering/Yandere
Pokemon - Vollo, Adaman, Irida, Melli
Twisted Wonderland - Malleus/Idia Triangle
Something new, not on this list.
If another prompt speaks to you or you have a burning desire to see a prompt embellished, let me know through PM/here/etc! Thanks again to those that participated!
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