#Yeah I'm mentally ill mind your own business
larys-strong · 1 year
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💕✨️Ramsay Bolton babygirl edits ✨️💕
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angelsnkisses · 11 months
your Gabriel fic was the best I've read (even though I only read two because I couldn't find any more) so I'm here to ask for another fluffy where Gabriel notices that reader is neglecting her own problems and focusing only on his issues, and he helps her with this burden she's been carrying alone
Not Your Responsibility ♡ - Gabriel x gn!reader
💟 sfw 💟
summary: gabe reminds you that you should be taking time for yourself, and helps you unwind and relax <3.
warnings: mentions of mental illness, lack of self care
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You sat down on the couch, a heavy sigh leaving your lips as you set your keys on the coffee table. Work was long, and all you wanted to do was sit around and do nothing for the rest of the day.
You hadn't been taking much time for yourself lately, and it was really starting to affect you. You were exhausted, mentally drained, and honestly, a little lonely. It felt like you couldn't talk to anyone about it, especially when your boyfriend had his own problems.
You loved Gabe, he was the best thing in your life, and you trusted him more than anything. But it had been a year since he pulled that stunt with Alice, and you were still scared he might do something irrational again.
You were constantly giving Gabe all your attention and love, trying to compensate for what you couldn't help him with. He never asked for anything from you, but you just felt like you were responsible for making up for everything he had been through.
"Y/N? Hey!" you hear him say, snapping you out of your thoughts. You smiled tiredly, your eyes landing on Gabe. He had on a long sleeved, navy blue shirt, paired with flannel pajama pants.
"Hey, how was your day?" you asked, scooting over so he could sit next to you on the couch. He settled in next to you, one of his arms slinging comfortably around your shoulders as he shrugged.
"Fine, I went to the diner," he mumbled, and you hummed gently in response, your eyes fluttering shut while you laid your head on his shoulder. He shifted to look at you, a quiet sigh leaving his lips when he saw how tired you looked.
"Y/N.. can you be honest with me for a second?" he asked, and you opened your eyes to look up at him. "What? Oh, yeah, of course I can," you replied, a little more alert now. Was something wrong? Was he okay? Did you fuck something up? The anxious thoughts consumed your mind while you waited for him to speak.
"When's the last time you ate something?" he asked, and you paused. That was a good question, but you had no idea.
"Uhh.. fuck, maybe Tuesday? I don't know, I've been so busy," you mumbled, embarrassed.
"Tuesday? Baby, it's Thursday, you need to eat something," he said, giving you a concerned look. "You need to take care of yourself, too, you know? You haven't been sleeping much, I can tell," he added, and you looked down in shame.
"I'm not your responsibility, Y/N," he suddenly said, making you look up quickly. "I know you feel like I'm gonna lose it any moment, but I'm not. You don't have to focus all your energy and time on me, you gotta take care of yourself," he reasoned, and a pang went over your chest.
You didn't even know you were crying until his hand brushed the tears on your cheeks away, angling your face up at him. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before smiling warmly. "Come on, why don't you go shower and take a nap? I'll order food when you wake up," he said, and you couldn't help but smile through your tears.
"Thank you," you whispered, leaning up and wrapping your arms around him. He hugged you tight, holding on for a little longer than usual before pushing you back gently. "You're welcome, now go. I'll clean up the house a little," he assured you, and you couldn't be more grateful.
He made good on his promises, of course. When you woke up from your nap, clean and refreshed, he was sitting on the couch, the cat in his lap and a quiet sitcom playing on the TV. The house was tidy and smelled fresh, and there was a chinese takeout menu on the counter next to your landline.
He turned to look at you when he heard you, smiling big. "Hey, just in time! I ordered some food, come sit with me," he encouraged, and of course, you did.
"Thank you for all of this, Gabriel.." you mumbled when you were curled up at his side, but he just shook his head. "You deserve it, don't thank me."
You guys ate and talked when the food came, catching up on work and such. He was attentive and sweet the whole time, making sure you were okay. He knew damn well that he was a lot to handle sometimes, and he wanted you to know that it wasn't all about him.
"You know I love you more than anything, right?" he asked as he cleaned up the takeout, catching you a little off guard. You beamed, feeling so much better now that you got some time to take care of yourself.
"I love you, too."
A/N: AHHH this ones so short. but i had a blast writing it, thank you for the request anon! sorry if it wasn't quite what you were looking for. hope you enjoyed <3!
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lotus-flowerz · 2 years
diluc x reader hurt/comfort
F/n- Friend's name
a/n- sorry for the amount of self indulgent fics, i don't feel comfy talking ab it with most of my irls because i dont want to worry them or push them away- im writing this because a (now ex) friend of mine just cut me off to focus more on their partner and because i was more of a deadweight (hence the fic name) than a friend
sorry for the dump ty if you actually read it LMAO
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You were walking back towards Mondstat. Another lonely day, doing commissions and helping other people with their problems. All you could even feel nowadays was jealousy and hair-ripping stress.
The sun was setting, the colors of the sky mixing together to form a light purple. It was truly gorgeous. You stood on the bridge to Mondstat looking at the sky with a sullen expression, not like your normally happy one. You found thoughts flitting through your mind- thoughts you weren't supposed to be thinking:
"What color sunset would I make?"
You shook your head to rid yourself of the thought. You had been having these suicidal urges and tendencies for a while- just no one had exactly picked up on them.
You took a deep breath and walked through the gates of the city of freedom. It didn't feel like freedom to you, though. It felt like endless lonesomeness and work.
"Oh, F/n! Hey!" you called. You hadn't seen them in a while since they had started to recover from their own mental illness. You heard that recently they had a new partner!
"Y/n, hey."
"How have you been?" you asked, smiling at them.
"Good. I've been meaning to come talk to you actually- I think it's best if we go our separate ways- you know, you're a bit of a downer sometimes, no offense."
You felt your heart shatter- again, it happened again. A deadweight.
"Right. That's okay, if I'm not needed anymore then by all means, we should go our separate ways." you smiled again, trying to show that there was no harm done.
"Thank you for understanding. You're a good friend, and I'm thankful that you helped me recover."
"Yeah, anytime!"
You both waved and you hurriedly walked towards Angel's Share. You needed a drink. You and your boyfriend, Diluc, had been strained for a bit- only because you were both never home. Both of you were busy, and you weren't really a drinker. You didn't know he was supposed to be bartending tonight.
You took a seat at the bar and ordered a death after noon. One turned into two- and you nursed the second drink for about an hour before finishing it.
You were certainly an unusual patron at the tavern- and seeing you holding a particularly strong drink, sitting in silence and staring at the table was definitely not what Diluc expected to see when he came to help out Charles that night.
You laid your head down on the bar and just held your drink, not wanting to look at or talk to anyone. It was easier to look drunk than to explain why you were there.
But what you didn't expect was that the death after noon took a bit to kick in- you WERE drunk- and you knew you had to get out of that tavern.
Diluc knew you hadn't noticed him. His heart dropped when he had first seen you in the tavern and he was still worried about you as you shoved yourself up from the position you were in and left a tip on your tab. He looked at it out of curiosity and- 3 DEATH AFTER NOONS???
"Go, you don't have to explain, just go"
"Thank you."
He tore off his apron and threw it behind the bar. He came up behind you and scooped you up bridal style with ease. You made a tiny struggle but he held you tighter.
"It's Diluc. Calm down."
He felt you relax in his arms and he began the trek to the dawn winery.
"Hey Diluc." you slurred out
"Why do you have me?"
"You're drunk."
"No. Why are you with me?"
"I'm sorry?"
"I weigh you down. Both of us are depressed, but I slow down your recovery. Helping me isn't an easy task and I don't need anyone else leaving because I made them. So if you want to leave just put me down and let me find my own way home. Go live your life without a deadweight pulling you down all the time."
Good god- the alcohol had really loosened your tongue
"Excuse me? Oh Barbatos- darling, I love you. Nothing is going to change that. I love every part of you, mental, physical, personality, you're YOU and I wouldn't change that. You've helped me in my recovery process. You found me at my worst and lifted me up. Why wouldn't I do the same for you? I will never let you go unless it is something that you truly want- and this? This is coming from a different problem. I don't know how long exactly this has been brewing in your pretty little head, but whatever has happened will pass, and whatever will happen, we will be together. I promise."
He kissed your forehead, and looked down at you to admire you. You had wet, tearstained cheeks, your head was leaned against his chest, and you looked as perfect as ever.
"It's okay. I've got you." he whispered.
After arriving at the winery, he cleaned you up and slipped you into your pjs. He put you down in your shared bed. You were only partially awake and aware of what was happening, but you knew you felt something you hadn't felt in a while. A warm fuzzy feeling that welled up from your stomach. You found new tears slipping down your cheeks but you didn't know why.
After telling the maids to prepare a hangover remedy for you to drink in the morning, Diluc joined you in bed. He noticed your starstruck expression and tears, and used his thumb to wipe them away.
"I've got you now. You're alright. Just rest. We can talk about this in the morning, when you're coherent."
He pulled you into him, the smokey scent from his vision mixed with the vanilla shampoo he used filled your senses. His warmth enveloped you, and you felt your eyes begin to close as he combed his fingers through your hair.
"Goodnight, dove. I love you."
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crippled-peeper · 8 months
"Not threatened by your blog... just calling out ableism 🙄" I mean ok yeah disabled people can and are ableist against other disabled people. Like yeah a wheelchair user can be ableist against a blind person. Or a blind person could be ableist against a developmentally disabled person. The list goes ON and On And On!!! Obviously! But idk I'm getting the feeling that the BIPOLAR quadriplegic doesn't hate all neurodivergent people... maybe MAYBE he is just normal and posting on his OWN blog minding his business UNTIL people come on HIS POSTS and IN HIS ASK BOX. Sorry I just literally like ur blog so much but almost every comment on ur posts or ask u get drives me insane. Anyway may your pain be tolerable, the accommodations plentiful, and your cats always purring to spark joy
Thank you my friend 🖤
I hate neurodivergents sooooo much (/joke) that’s why I am one, my best friend is one, and why I blog about going in & out of psych hospitals and institutions & taking 4-5 psych meds every day forever
oddly enough it’s almost never schizophrenics and psychotic ppl going “you hate mentally ill people!!!! they have it just as bad u big evil cripple!!!” it’s always some fucker claiming to care about them more than you while talking over them. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so exploitative and self-obsessed
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1ore · 2 months
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rotating blighted trahearne in my brain so that i can do basically anything but what I'm supposed to be doing.
one of the funny consequences of doing story missions on Yuri Six-Cants is that Trahearne is relegated to b-plot nonsense. The last one was Knight of the Thorn. now it's been the Season 4 Skyscale stuff.
as we know, everything that ever happens to blighted Trahearne in-game is canon, so my justification for this is that Mordy has been reading about Tyrian psychology to better understand the minds of heterotrophs. He is... hmmmmmm... a better mastermind at the macro scale than he is at the interpersonal scale. For him, this is like trying to have a dialogue with your body's individual cells. Anyway, he's learned about the concept of "self-parenting" and is taking it a little too literally.
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Previously, it seemed like Trahearne and Mordremoth were becoming mentally "integrated" to the point of indistinguishable from one another... Or maybe Mordy was retreating from the conscious sphere and into the subconscious instead. Despite being better brain-roommates than they were six years ago, Trahearne is still not terribly enthusiastic about the idea of harboring a Dragon, and he keeps Mordy (or what he thinks of as Mordy) on a tight leash. Maybe it's easier for the Dragon to get what he wants if Trahearne thinks it's all his idea, or maybe the divisions between them are completely artificial, and what "Trahearne" conceives of as "Mordy" is just whatever thought/feeling he happens to dislike in the moment.
This whole Kralky business has driven a rift between them, though. The sparknotes version is this:
During Commander Six-Cants' ill-fated mission to kill and eat god defeat Balthazar, Mordy and Trahearne's interests align enough that the divisions between them dissolve. Yuri's death kind of seals the deal, because any uncertainty that Trahearne has about whether Mordremoth actually gives a shit vanishes when they involuntarily turn into a big dragon and have a dragon tantrum about his death.   (Incidentally, this is when Trahearne is the least opposed to the idea of trying to use his weird dragon powers for good, and also the most well put-together he's been in years. Involuntary dragon tantrum is humbling, but weirdly affirming. Since this happens in Elona, where nobody really knows who he is, he's not sinking under the weight of anyone's failed expectations but his own. Elona also has precedent for two (2) whole dragons that are sympathetic to Tyrian life, so this is like "yeah this might as well be happening" for the people around him. It Could Be Worse!)  
Things start to fall apart after Balthazar's death, when Kralky enters the picture. There is cognitive dissonance between what Mordremoth thinks of Kralkatorrik vs. Trahearne thinks of Kralkatorrik, which they can't reconcile.   Mordremoth feels empathy (or the closest thing a Dragon can feel to empathy) for his brother, who--like him--was betrayed by his own creations. And like him, there is a possibility that Kralky is about to experience the same incomprehensible sense of smallness that Mordy experienced at the hands of the Pact. Or death. Probably death!   Meanwhile, Trahearne has learned nothing from the past six years and wants to throttle that stupid purple lizard, because Kralkatorrik branded Commander Atropos. this is a whole thing we can't get into right now, but she's going to be ffffffffffine. probably  
This leaves them as two distinct minds again. Mordremoth pulls away to try to reach out to his brother, while Trahearne returns to his old marching orders. They are briefly reunited after Aurene's death (dragon tantrum.........2!) but this falls apart after the Pact's final campaign against Kralky.  
Which brings us back to Season 4 Skyscale b-plot: Mordy and Trahearne are baffled that things seemed to be going relatively well, and then fell apart in such confusing ways. Mordy doesn't get why it's such a big deal that there is a division between them again (didn't you hate the idea of assimilation?) and Trahearne is still reeling from the whirlwind of emotions (his own and Mordy's) that colored every interaction with Kralky.
Mordremoth's concern for his brother dredges up Trahearne's unresolved guilt about being estranged from the Pale Tree, the other Firstborn, and the Sylvari at large. Recognizing this, Mordy is like. Ohhhhhhh. I see. My errant root saddled you with impossible expectations. I know how to fix this. <- about to make it worse
The Dragon's bumbling efforts to unpack Trahearne's baggage are rebuffed until, I think, Mordy accrues enough energy to manifest on his own, physically apart from Trahearne. He might be a useless little dough creature at first, but in Trahearne's mind, this is a complete disaster and he has to contain it. Things really start to fall apart when Mordy takes more elaborate shapes in response, under the mistaken assumption that Trahearne's engagement in this means it's "working."
Trahearne ends up going down that old "I am alone and I am a failure and I can't even be the prison of an Elder Dragon correctly" spiral. The only thing more mortifying than having a psychic breakdown in front of the Dragon (who is also you) is having a psychic breakdown in front of the Dragon (who is also comforting you.)
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something something this nugget of Pale Tree dialogue:
Now do you see? The Pale Tree's voice was faint and distant, but it snapped Ceara back to viewing the tree from a distance. If you are not one with what you were born to be, you are lost. Worse, you are dangerous.
if you can't find unconditional love at the Grove, homemade is fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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jamiesfootball · 7 months
Please tell us more about your original works!!
Honest to God, I was thinking of your stories earlier today and thought how lucky we are you spend any time writing fan fiction (and for the show that is my hyper fixation! How did I get this lucky?) because you’re so fucking talented you should writing real books.
you are always far far nicer to me than i deserve and I LOVE IT! (I LOVE YOU!!)
The wonderful thing about fanfiction is that writing for Ted Lasso has full-on cured my years-long writing slump. And I am looking at all of these book ideas, some of which have been kicking around in my brain for going on 10 years, and i'm like....yeah, yeah. I am going to work on those :D
So these are the ones I'm working on. They are in various states of progress.
My Babies! If any of these are getting finished first, it will be one of these three!
Barnacle - the placeholder name for my DETECTIVE STORY. A woman who has recently left a troubled marriage, our main character is a shell of the person she used to be. Wanting to put as much distance between her and the California life she left behind, she's rented a cabin in the middle of a small tourist town in the northern cold. When a man in the neighboring cabin is murdered during the night, she finds her mind stirred to action as the pieces of herself that she thought lost slowly come back to her. (And then she becomes a private investigator because I love detective stories and she solves crimes and makes friends and this is just the first one and I'm like. super excited about it.)
A Robot Named Future - this one is my long-brewing wip. It's about an AI robot from the not-to-distant future that gets rebooted ('wakes up') in a junkyard the very far distant future. Lots of scifi tropes, lots about the erosion of history and humans always being humans, and of course, food. Like a lot about food in this one.
Chasing Whispers in the Canyon (Western (sort of)) - Injured and AWOL military soldier Joanna is on the brink of death in the middle of the desert when she is saved by a tall, pale stranger. Her and the stranger -- an offputting, odd woman who's absolutely lethal with a pistol - hunker down together in a small town that seems on the verge of its own small war. When trouble comes for Joanna, the stranger risks drawing the attention of her own complicated past to save the woman who is possibly her only friend. (yes, the placeholder title is a song title. One song spurred all of this. I regret nothing)
The ones I'll get to one day!
Boots and Babes on the Boardwalk - I don't know why I titled it this way other than the alliteration (needs a new title). This one is about a partially closeted, mentally ill, middle aged gay man who's running his conservaative family's shady business. He just fell head over heels about another man, and that's serving as an impetus for him to actually look at his life. On temporary hiatus because the plot is a little wobbly
The Lens - Guy who recently went blind and had to drop out of an art program accompanies his still-seeing friend to a museum exhibit. Due to the awkward tension their circumstances have put between them, neither notices when his friend proceeds to lose the camera equipment he'd checked out from campus. With the museum closing in an hour and his friend's final grades on the line, these two piece together where in the museum his friend lost his camera. (this one is more like a novella or a long short story)
The Hoard - One night. One party. Five thieves. One pile of dragon treasure. (Think leverage but the treasure they are stealing belongs to a corrupt government via dragons).
Hawaiian Shirts and Bruised Eyes - A butch, lesbian stuntwoman who broke her arm on a motorcycle meets a nurse at the hospital who may just be the love of her life. The love of her life may also be a serial killer. It's hard to say.
The Frog Witch - vengeful disgraced witch lady seeks revenge against the people who wronged her with the help of a prince who has been cast out from his people. References to Euripedes' Medea.
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manie-sans-delire-x · 3 months
Any tips for jail? I'm probably needing some advice soon...
Damn what did you (allegedly) do? 😂 (dont answer that)
Yes absolutely.
-Dont talk to the cops, get a lawyer asap if you havent already. You should consider hiring a private lawyer if this is a serious crime, but if not, public/court appointed would be fine. Either way, do not say anything to police outside of identifying yourself until you consult with your lawyer. Tell your lawyer the full truth, but no one else. Follow your lawyers advice.
-Memorize at least one phone number. You get one free phone call until they pick up, but they might not let you look up numbers in your phones contact list.
-Youre going to need money to buy commissary- remember that word, ask another inmate how to use it- hygiene items, warmer clothes, pencils/paper, snacks, and other necessities in jail. You need someone on the outside willing to put money in your account for you. They can also buy you books, which you're gunna want, especially if you get put in solitary.
-Whatever you have on you when you get taken into custody will be all you have when you get out. The jail could be in the middle of nowhere, and you might not have a ride. Im just saying, its a good idea to be wearing decent walking shoes, a jacket, keep some cash.
Jail etiquette:
-Dont walk up close behind the guards, or anyone really. Dont make sudden moves. Its a tense environment, and almost everyone there has mental illness and trauma.
-Dont get caught talking to the opposite sex, you will get yelled at
-Ask the guards for things in advance, they will take forever. You'll have to ask multiple times. (some ppl put signs in their windows but most dont read them anyways)
-If someone gives you something, its always better to assume they want something in return, so just be sure to have something to give them before accepting (or theyre just being friendly but you dont know)
-During meals if you dont have enough time, eat things you cant put in your clothes first, hide the rest in your clothes to eat later
-Follow the guards orders and be polite, but dont be friendly with them.
-Certain things like books and coffee are treated like gold, so dont fuck with peoples books and coffee. Lmao but seriously. People have nothing in jail so they will fight over what seems valueless on the outside.
-If people ask to see your papers when you first come in/ask what your charge is, just tell them. As long as its not child abuse or rape, most people dont care. If it is, well I hope they fuck you up too
-In general mind your own business and dont be a dick, but dont be a pushover either. Dont get involved in drama. Dont steal. Dont take forever on the phone. Dont leave your hygiene items in the shower unless you want it stolen. Most people will be chill if youre chill.
Yeah I think thats about it! Good luck.
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Hello! I saw your post about not reporting blogs where people express feeling suicidal and venting. Somebody in the reblogs mentioned the same applying to ED posts, so I wanted to ask, does that mean we shouldn't report pro-ana blogs either?
Yes I saw that addition, I was going to reblog with it but completely slipped my mind.
This absolutely applies to pro-ana blogs. They are highly triggering, yeah, maybe they're even anti recovery, they are all sorts of things, but at the end of the day it's just another hurt mentally ill person in need of support. You can easily unfollow these blogs, you can see easily block them. I would encourage doing so absolutely, it makes me uncomfortable too.
The basic thing we need to understand is what "reporting" someone entails. Think of it as going to the authorities and complaining about this person, that's what reporting is like. Which is why it's fine to do it for hate speech and harassment and spam bots and all that. But when we report mentally ill people for showing signs of mental illness we are giving them up to the authorities to be exterminated or locked up or hidden away and cut off from society and possible support systems or losing a space to vent. No one should have that authority over our lives.
The bottom line is that whether a mentally ill person is recovering or not recovering or doing it in a way you don't like, they still don't deserve to be locked up for it. Idk how the application of such laws works in different cases but the vague wording of "is this person harming themselves or shown the tendency to harm themselves in any capacity" (such as exists in most Psychiatric laws) can easily extend to pro-ana people and then they'll just be further traumatised and that's not gonna help anyone.
Block liberally. Block the tags, block the accounts. But understand at the end of the day that it's no different from vent accounts that just need a space to honestly and in an unfiltered way talk about their depression and self harm and suicidal ideation because it's always better for people to have it out than to hide it away. The more people interact with each other, even if they're sharing tips for such harm to others who are choosing to engage this way, the more community they have and the more chances of having if not recovery then at least a support system to fall back on when things get bad. And remember here to not infantilise mentally ill people by saying they don't know better and are getting badly influenced by pro ana or vent blogs. They are there engaging because they have the same thoughts and need someone to talk to about it in a particular way.
I know people who have been in these circles and yes there is harm happening, but cutting those people off from their community doesn't help them, it just drives them into isolation. People find their way out when they're ready and when they are exposed to different ways of dealing with these things.
Ik I'm not gonna come out looking as a model of sanity for this but I got a lot of my self harm under control through harm reduction that included "allowing" self harm in certain situations till I stopped associating it with coping completely and I've been clean for a long while now.
These things, these self destructive techniques we see are a symptom of larger underlying issues and just stopping that behaviour from being seen or isolating it isn't helping. Being able to vent till you detangle the underlying issues is the way to go about it.
Let people be in charge of their recovery or their choice to not go into recovery yet.
It's their own business.
And trust me, pro ana blogs aren't recruiting people without EDs to start having EDs any more than someone venting about being suicidal is trying to get other people to join them in killing themselves.
Thanks again for the question!
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Wow your sister is ungrateful & needs to mind her own business, it’s very weird when people constantly question your life decisions that are different than their own. I’d call her out on her child’s father being terrible. I hope one day you decide to stop trying with her
My sister has some mental illness I hope she decides to have treated. She has been diagnosed but refused the treatment (my father did the same). But I'm hoping that she might consider doing so with her current situation being rather dire. Hoping she might want to do better for the kid (not that I believe simply having a kid can fix a person).
I am drawing boundaries and have been little by little with my sister. I am no contact with my father and have been for nearly 15 years. It's different with my sister and I'm not making excuses on her behalf, I am frustrated with her, but yeah... family, huh.
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bigbadripley · 1 year
Chapter 19 - Low
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Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley x Female!OC
Summary: Marc never expected to see his childhood friend Simone ever again. To Simone, Marc may as well have been dead. However, when Simone met Steven 15 years after Marc disappeared, she couldn’t help but notice how familiar he was.
18+ | 2.6k Words | Third-person omniscient | Dark?fic/Fluff? | AU/AT |
Warnings: Heavy language, OC with religious trauma, childhood trauma, sexual trauma, the effects of this in adulthood, smut mention, death mention, alcohol, missing persons, maybe some typos, some fluff towards the end
A/N: I update warnings with each chapter. Only proceed if you can handle the themes included in the warnings. I wrote this entirely as a trauma dump.
Minors DNI, DL;DR, if I miss a warning, please let me know.
Chapter list 
"Keep it on the lowski, I'm the lowest of the lowest Wanna see if you can keep it like nobody knows shit" -"Low" by SZA
The visitor was unexpected. Simone was getting ready for her next appointment when Stella told her a visitor insisted on speaking to her. She only agreed to see the surprise walk-in because she was down another appointment today and had some time to spare. 
When the woman with curly red hair entered, Simone didn't know who she was or where she came from. When she introduced herself as Carrie, the name clicked immediately. 
"I was wondering if you've heard from a patient of yours. Corey Klein?" She asked, seeming timid regardless of how her Newcastle accent sounded and unsure if she was overstepping by asking. The thing was: Simone had yet to hear from him. Not in weeks.
"I'm sorry, I haven't. Corey hasn't called or shown up to his appointments twice now."
"I figured so. He's been missing, and I've been worried." Carrie advised, letting concern creep into her face and eyes. It was clear the girl was no older than nineteen, just as Corey and Jason said she was. She looked like she was trying to be so strong. 
"Have you reported it?" Simone asked, not sure where else to direct the girl. She nodded slowly,
"Yeah, but they don't seem to care much. You show them a missing person with mental illness, and they just assume they don't wanna be found."
This news stuck with Simone for the rest of her appointments for the day. She wondered what the man could be up to if anything. Just as quickly as she could have concluded that one of his alters had walked off with him, she thought of him lying dead in a ditch. 
God, let's not have another Laura situation. Please. Simone pleaded with the higher power she hardly believed in anymore. She would just as soon lose her mind if another patient died. This prompted a question for her: what could she do to help it?
She knew just the man to call and did just that once she was out of work. 
Jake met Simone at The Waltz, where she was waiting for him in a booth with a glass of añejo tequila in hand and a pour of rum waiting with his name on it on the other end of the table. She looked like she meant business, but this didn't stop him from tipping his hat to her, taking the glass into his hand, and, instead of grabbing the seat in front of her, sliding into the padded upholstered seat next to her. She beamed at this action,
"A bit intimate, you think?" She asked carelessly as his left leg rested against hers. This caused her to automatically pick her leg up and cross it over his thigh. Her closeness and the sensation made it feel like he had rocks in his stomach. Still, he shrugged,
"Didn't think you minded intimate, doll." 
No, I certainly don't. She thought to herself. What a sucker I am for moments like this.
A sly smile formed Simone's lips, and she lifted her glass, inviting him to do the same. "¡Salud!" She offered the cheers. He lifted his own and extended the same gesture, tapping it against hers with a slight clink and rattle of ice cubes. 
"L'chaim!" He offered in return before they knocked the drinks back. Once the liquor was swallowed, Simone couldn't help but giggle to herself.
L'chaim? Why am I surprised?
Jake momentarily stared at the empty glass, recognizing the flavor as a more high-end brand. "Y'know, this was a bit pricier than I woulda splurged on for me." 
"Good thing I'm buying." She replied with a grin, resting her temple on her wrist to look at him. 
And here I thought I offered to buy her a drink. Jake thought before asking the million-dollar question. "So what brings you 'round this time?" 
"You said you're a man who can get information, which I need, Bronx." She clarified. Before he could ask further questions, she stuck her hand into her bag at her other side, retrieving a photo of Corey and his name and age written on a slip of paper. She slipped them in front of him, face down. "He's a patient of mine. Went missing a couple weeks ago, according to his girl, without a trace."
Jake examined the two pieces of paper, remembering what she had said before about another patient of hers being brain-dead and how upset she was. That was an expression he would prefer not to see again.
"Alright, I can help you out," He started, pulling his gaze from the photo and to her, flicking them up and down from her shiny dark hair to her voluptuous lips to the plunge of her cleavage in the top she no doubt pulled down before he arrived. "But, uh, my services ain't free." 
He comfortably brought his left hand down and placed it on the inner thigh of the leg she had resting over his. Simone would find this slimy if she weren't so well acquainted with Jake. Instead, it turned her into a heaping hot mess, and how he looked at her- how they all looked at her- stroked her confidence. She knew how this meeting would end. 
It was helpless. 
"I was counting on that. I can either give you cash or..." She trailed off as she reached down and maneuvered her palm over the crotch of his pants, cupping his slowly waking bulge and finishing her thought with the action. 
There was no way around it, even if Jake wanted to find one. She could ask for his soul, and he would probably give it to her in exchange for the chance to get between her hips again. He swallowed back the saliva pooling in his mouth for fear of drooling on himself.
Dunno what the other two did, but they're a couple schmendricks. He thought, eyeing the scrumptious gal that practically snaked her way into his lap.
"Let's book it, then, hermosa."
The location, Simone's, was mutually agreed upon, mainly due to Jake saying yes to everything she said on a hair-trigger from when they left the bar. She led him into the elevator by hand as if he needed to be told to follow and would have pounced right there if a little old lady wasn't in the lift with them. 
The situation took Simone right back to her third date with Steven and how the same neighbor was also in the elevator with them on the way to her place. It registered in her head that, to the woman, Jake was the same fellow as an awkward silence filled the metal box. 
Yep, all this looks perfectly normal to you, ma'am. 
The pair exited onto Simone's floor first, as the woman was the floor above, rushing to the door at the end of the empty hall with nothing but the sound of their footsteps and key jingles to signal their presence. When they got to the door, however, Simone quietly cursed herself for not only losing the key on the ring once but twice, almost dropping the ring and trying to stick it into the keyhole upside down.
"Shit," She whispered to herself in frustration. Jake could tell the gal was clearly struggling like she'd never unlocked a door before. Though she didn't ask, he enclosed her tiny right hand with his left, helping her grip the key and slide it into the knob. The action steadied her as they twisted their hands and unlocked the door with a soft click.
"Should work on your aim, Chi-town." He growled inches from her ear.
She couldn't tell if she wanted to fall over in embarrassment or impatient desire as a pathetic sound escaped her throat upon exhale. It never seemed to fail: she could be cool and calm, sexy even, but the second she fumbles, it's game over. The ruse is gone. 
Luckily, Simone needed no help opening the door, grabbing Jake's hand, and dragging him inside. His eyes drifted around the space momentarily, thinking it looked far too much like a grandma's house and smelled like someone had just made oatmeal cookies. She noted his casual stance and thought to slow down a bit.
"You- uh..." Simone started, gulping before she continued. "Want something to drink? Maybe a bite to eat?" 
The fuck are you doing, Simone? She thought to herself as she slowly stepped to her bedroom door. You fuck up with the keys, and now you're suddenly not that bitch?
The pace change also confused Jake, but he realized sooner than she did that she was still hung up on the keys. He figured he could get that confidence back up for her. "I'd actually prefer to get a bite a' you." He said, approaching the woman who seemed attentive to his words. Still, her brain replayed the graceless moment. 
The keys! UGH!
"Just relax, doll. It's s'posed to be fun." Jake spoke, pulling her back to reality but tugging her into him by her belt loops. "Loosen up; turn your brain off." His voice sounded like a soft bed of gravel, which did the trick in loosening her up as they stood nose to nose. He closes the gap further by pressing his palms into her back and turning his mouth to her jawline. Her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head as her nerves tingled. 
The sensation stopped as Jake brought his lips up to her ear, "Which one's your room?"
"Right behind me." She whispered. Without warning, he brought his hands to her thighs and hoisted her up, causing her to tightly wrap her legs around him, hold onto his shoulders for dear life, and squeal like it was a carnival ride. 
The pair lay in Simone's bed, satisfied and comfortable, with bare legs intertwined. They both heaved cumbersome breaths, staring at each other in the afterglow. She missed how peaceful it was to just hang out after sex instead of fighting or leaving as Jake traced the lightning bolts on her hips with his middle fingernail. 
She couldn't help but look at this man with the same love she felt for Marc and Steven. It seemed bazaar to her, but she could do nothing to stop it. No matter how mad she was at Marc, she missed him like hell, and the time she spent with Jake and the casual sex could only do so much. What started off as a means to tide her over had become her undoing, falling in love all over again. 
Traitorous heart. Soft, fluffy, disgusting.
Now here she is, enjoying a snuggle with the man himself but with different eyes and a different voice. She caressed his face with her hand and placed delicate kisses on the tip of his nose. It was almost relaxing enough to fall asleep. 
She couldn't let him, though. It would only open the body up for the other two to wake. That was a can of worms she didn't feel like unlocking right then. As for Jake, he wasn't foolish enough to drift off and waste a second with this woman, even if she wore him out. He wanted to know everything about her, down to the nitty-gritty details. 
"I know you got doctor money, doll. Why on earth you live here with a roommate?" He asked, disturbing the peace between them. It was a fair question, one nobody had really asked before. She let out a hefty exhale,
"I hate to be alone." She admitted without much fight. "I don't have to go into all that right now, though." 
She thinks I don't wanna hear it? This is a gal with some skeletons. Jake thought to himself as he watched her eyes pull away from him. He lifted his hand from her hip to her chin, prompting her gaze back. 
Jake wanted to tell her he was open to listening. Wanted to say to her that he adored her and that she wouldn't scare him off. Before he could say anything, a heavy knock at her entrance startled her like she feared being caught. 
As Simone dressed, another knock prompted her. "I'll be right there!" She called out as the elastic band of a pair of sweatpants slid up her legs and over her butt while she hopped to the door. She knew she looked like a disheveled mess, but it was all she was allowed in a rush.
Once Simone opened the door, she was greeted by two police officers. She was initially surprised until she realized they might have been paying her a visit to discuss Corey. 
"Evening, ma'am. We're looking for a Dr. Simone Fredrick?" The shorter cop asked. Simone put on her most polite grin,
"That's me. How can I help you?"
"We were wondering if you'd been contacted by one of your patients- John Walton- recently?" The taller one answered this time. 
Simone was baffled that this wasn't about Corey and was suddenly more glad she recruited Jake to help. It seemed the police would rather deal with the guy behind bars than the innocent man's disappearance. 
"Not since I visited him nearly two months back. Why?" She asked. The short one spoke up again, this time with more sternness. 
"He's escaped. Haven't you seen the news? Been wandering for over two weeks, but due to privilege, we couldn't figure out who else might have contact with him. One of the officers at the prison said you're his psychotherapist."
This news was a punch in the gut for Simone. 
Over two weeks? She thought, knowing how dangerous of a man Walton was from the few instances she could pick his brain. 
Simone, in fact, didn't watch the news. She seldom watched actual television. Now she was mad at Walton's dumbass lawyer for not calling her. 
"Sorry, he hasn't contacted me. I'll let you know if he does, though." She said, stunned and slowly closing the door. "Have a good evening." 
As she hears the door click, she notices Jake enter from her bedroom doorway, fully clothed and ready to go, with a bit of disappointment on his face. 
"Khonshu has something for me to do." He informs. This made Simone remember her reoccurring dream, and she suddenly felt sick. 
"Or you could stay? Where it's safer?" She suggested, meeting him halfway on his walk in her direction and batting her eyelashes. She didn't want him to go, especially for whatever reason the deity was taking him for. 
Though Jake appreciated the concern, he had a job to do. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." He told her, attempting to kiss her goodbye and being met with the corner of her mouth in a swift dodge. Simone stared sharply at him from the corner of her eyelids,
"Until you aren't." She said sternly, commanding him to look her in the eyes. She was dead serious.
Holy shit, she's really worried. He thought. It was almost enough for him to say to hell with it and plant his feet. He knew he couldn't. Instead, he took the sides of her face into his hands and pressed his lips to her forehead, leaving an invisible stamp that she felt even after he pulled them back.
"Te adoro, Chi-town." He said softly before covering the stamp with his own forehead. It was a sweet gesture that made her heart smile, even if all she could do was frown. 
Soft, fluffy, disgusting.
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The thing is... Aemond not answering his phone? Sus. Aemond not answering twice? And when she's the one calling?? And AFTER he was brought in to Help Her with a thing she needed His Help with to be Helped? By Him? Her? And after they shared their little Ice cream date? And she was all relaxed and maybe sliightly flirty? And again... After he definitely could tell how the weight dropped off her shoulders when he touched her and ya know... Was near her? And he still didn't answer?
Aemond is dead people. Sorry to spoil it. He...yeah. he has passed.. the afterlife isn't a thing cause not even his ghost picked up that phone? Yeah.. sorry folks.. that's a wrap!
But in all seriousness.. he must have been taking care of her business or he was in deep shit himself? But if sth had happened and he Was fighting for his life then what was he doing at the club? Many questions....
Also an an extremely mentally unhealthy person with a horrible anxious attachment style and a disgusting amount of low confidence which is expressed by feeling like a burden the people around me who love me can't wait to be rid off..... I get her. 110/10.
If sb I felt like I had wronged, that I had destroyed their life, that I was going to be a bother to them just by existing didnt pick up..not once but twice? Oh i got the message. I'm so sorry i will lose your number and i wont even think of you again lest you can feel the weight of my thoughts and it's a discomfort to you.
Girlie is going through it!
Also the self harm stuff... The anxious anxiety of NOT wanting to think a thought or deal with a situation and your mind keeps reminding you and your heart starts beating fast, you get a stomach ache, you get antsy.
Yeah.. i.. this chapter is the most realistic thing I've ever read.
Also, something about her photo being that of a rare never seen before thought to have been extinct dragon Mid Flight ..
I just love Targaryens being crushed and obliterated and liquified under the massive weight of their legacy that is impossible to be met ever.
In conclusion regarding this chapter :
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Rip aemond, full of powerful declarations of love and fealty and unable to back them up,,,
For real though aemond doesn’t do things by accident👀 he has his reasons👀 good thing it’s an aemond chapter next👀
Valaena is for the anxious attachment girlies!! For the mentally ill folk whose decisions don’t always make sense!! For the self destructive ones!!! The girls gays and theys who cry to the archer by taylor swift!!!
(For real though the more comments I got about her being pathetic and not badass and undeserving of aemond the more I double down on her being realistically flawed woman who doesn’t always make the right choices and is allowed love anyway)
keeping a legend alive sometimes kills you, as the Targaryens tragic figures would know!!!
Bless bestie thank you I wasn’t feeling the best about this chapter so this made my whole ass weekend:’)
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
OC ramblings relevant to trauma/mental illness stuff. TW for talk of grooming and SA. A little graphic at the end? Not describing a traumatic event just the aftermath.
I have an OC very near and dear to my heart (though all my OCs are near and dear to my heart, this one is just special) that I project a lot of my worst self onto.
And I was talking with some friends about how he's kind of a dick and definitely a bad friend. Specifically, he's a dick in that he always ensures his own safety and well-being first, and is often unempathetic to others' distress. For example, if someone he knew was being groomed or had been sexually assaulted, he would consider that "none of his business" and assume they can work themselves out. Either they work themselves out and it's fine, or they don't and he couldn't have done anything anyway.
And like, there's some small part of me that still reacts like that. I'm just sort of naturally a low empathy person, very logical. I got myself out of a bad place so others can too sort of vibe, the bootstrappy attitude I mentioned in that post about not being soft. Ofc I recognize, logically, that's not really how it works. There's other factors in other people's lives that I'm not aware of. And most of the time I can be uhhh what's the word. For fake empathy but real feelings of wanting to help etc. That sort of thing. I do care even if I don't feel the thing. I care about my friends and stuff.
Anyway I guess it was mostly on my mind because. I passively mentioned a few of the Bad Things that have happened to me during sex work very off the cuff to my drag mom bc I was rly drunk tonight. Like they don't upset me rly, not to talk about. Just like. Yeah that happened and I did what I had to do and I got through it whatever. And he said that sounded scary and I didn't really know what to say. Because it probably was, in the moment (I don't remember the moments) but it isn't now. And I guess it got me thinking like. This isn't normal. It's not just death and taxes. I guess I just. Legitimately do consider sexual assault to be just a thing that happens to most people. Some people get real fucked up and traumatized by it and some people just. IDK have it happen. It does not occur to me that there are people who never have been and never will be assaulted. That's very much this OC's outlook too. It just happens. It sucks but you get through it. Life goes on. Sometimes you get splinters and sometimes you scrape your knees and sometimes you stub your toe in the middle of the night and sometimes people touch you when you don't want them to and sometimes they do it by force. I guess I'm just. Really numb to it.
And I guess I know I'm not supposed to be numb to it. The most recent assault that I remember I remember feeling really unaffected and mostly being bothered by not feeling anything about it. I tried to make myself cry in the shower but just kinda stood there getting wet and then got out and went to bed and went to work the next day and I don't think I've ever brought it up again until now. I remember I told my friends and they were concerned about me and I wished they had something to like. Care for. Like I wanted to have something that they felt they could help with but there just wasn't really anything there, because it sucked but it sucked like how dropping your toast sucks or losing the last puzzle piece sucks and nothing more.
And I think. That makes a lot of things make sense in a way? Why I'm so different. Of course there's a lot of things that make me different. But one of the big ones is that other people haven't had to "just get through it" as much as I have. Other people haven't been forced to do things they don't want to do as often or as severely. So like. I'm already so familiar with milder discomforts that they don't bother me. I have generally lower standards for what I'm willing to put myself through. Is that considered dignity? I don't really know. I just know that accomplishing a goal makes almost any suffering bearable. I'm willing to put myself through a lot to get to something that's important to me. I'll work myself to the bone. That's probably not good, but I have yet to see problems arise. I'm higher accomplishing than a lot of my non traumatized peers purely because putting in what it takes is easier for me, comparatively to what I've already gone through. Like how my friends seem much more willing to quit jobs if they don't like them, and sometimes what they don't like feels SO minor. The idea of "I don't like doing [unpleasant task] so I won't do it" feels so foreign and insane to me. You just do things even though you don't like them because you have to. That's just how life works. Death and taxes and laundry over and over ad infinitum.
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198d · 1 year
So, working on a project and one aspect of it is making a really simple scientific poster. I'm the design guy, I do the front nd design since I'm the only person who knows basic html and css, the only person who has taken art and design classes, and I do this stuff for fun so I go ahead and take charge of the poster. Plus they really just don't have the intuition for design at all, even when I or the professors give clear instructions on How To Do Things Right. We have to make tons of drafts and get feedback on them, and its kind of a dripfeed because staff would make comments on some things, neglect to comment on the other things, and make us turn in another draft based on those missed comments.
Every single fucking time my teammates would work on it, I would have to go back and fix allllllll of the margins and padding they neglected, and I would have to remake every image of a diagram into a simplified, vectorized. Every time we had to change text or images based on the feedback, I would have to go back and change those as well. Today, while I was working on this, one of my teammates was literally trying to edit the same thing at the same time (using figma and diagrams.net). I was going to lose my mind because I was just trying to fix all of the issues, like I had to do multiple times, that my teammates would neglect from the feedback, and so this was actively happening while I was trying to fix them.
I had everything in their own groups, so that it would be easy to change things out. My teammates didn't know how to work with that. Earlier teammate literally did not understand that a file cannot have two different file extensions, and sent me a rasterized image of a diagram instead of the actual editable file, because diagrams.net just lets you have an "editable (so like, able to move around the individual elements) png" saved to your google docs, exported it as a plain png and posted it in the project chat. When I couldn't open it they then tried to tell me like, well it worked for me and well it has the other extension too so it should work. It was only the filename that had the 'extension' of the proper file format. (this is the big csc senior class btw)
The fact that we went back and forth so much on that diagram to begin with was frustrating because they could've given me access to the editable file at any time, and would constantly ignore or forget feedback which meant having to fix it many, many more times, and most of those fixes were still missing the core design feedback like 'make the text size bigger' and 'eliminate unnecessary whitespace'. If anything, it would've been much better if I went through with porting it to figma instead of relying on them, but I'm over here not wanting to be a total control freak so I'm like... whatever.
So when I get access to that diagram I fix issues from all of the feedback, but at the end of our final feedback they go and try to edit at the same fucking time as I am editing, and I had been fixing the diagram all day up to that point. Then the same thing happened on the figma document, and of course they deleted my group for the section the diagram was supposed to go in, so I had to make it again, fix the margins, fix the padding, fix the sizing.
They also completely trashed my design for a page I worked on for the project itself like waay earlier in the semester, so I was like. Okay. You guys do your thing, I can put in all my junk later. I would like to avoid wasting my time as much as possible, considering how mentally ill and exhausted I already am.
oh yeah and also the examples the professors put in the powerpoint for posters had the same (margins and spacing or text inconsistencies, bad looking screenshots, that kind of thing) or worse issues (think black impact font on a busy patterned background, for fucks sake) that they kept nitpicking us for, so its kinda like. please actually showcase something that's relevant thanks.
At least it's finally(?) over.
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amberrskiies · 2 years
I write
SFW and slightly suggestive content (I don't go that far since I'm not so comfortable writing it)
Only the characters mentioned in my list (could change overtime)
Headcanons and Scenarios
Fluff, Angst, Hurt-Comfort and possible Humor
I am comfortable writing for female and gender neutral readers
I don't write
Pure NSFW content
Pure dark themes such as yandere and major blood and gore
Poly relationship fics
Mental Illnesses
I am completely fine writing angst but I won’t be writing detailed abuse or self-harm but I will write mild self-harm or small indications of it since I can’t write detailed!
I can’t write manipulation since it’s hard and I am not a huge fan of it either!
I’m okay with people coming into my asks and talking to me. I’m also okay with people coming in and asking for advice as people have said I’m good at giving to so I wanna give it a shot!
When it comes to yandere content, I won't write explicit yandere but like maybe small possessive yanderish behavior but nothing too much!
I’m fine with you venting to me but please be mindful of what it’s about and get professional help!
Please remember that I am my own person and don’t have to fill a Request if I don’t want to or I can’t and I'm sorry if take a while to write your request since I am a busy person myself!
I’m comfortable with requests that come from a place of hurt, which are basically requests made because you need comfort so yeah feel free if you guys are craving somethings or whatever!
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moonlightperseus · 8 months
It's completely fine dw about it. I haven't been a person so I took a while too I completely understand.
I find something I like and I stick to it lmao
I also have a friend going down the nursing path and she encourages me fully and is so excited and I love her and also she constantly tells me how every single nurse that knew she was going into nursing told her not to. So. Hopefully that works for you, the change could certainly be good. And it's good you have a backup if you need it. And you can ramble about your personal life I don't mind dw.
That's fine I get that!! Personally I would never read green lantern comics because ew green lantern but that's obviously a personal opinion. I get that. And that's fair!! I haven't read anything really with Donna Troy either aside from some parts in a Wonderwoman comic I never finished.
Hand sanitizer and I aren't as close as we could be due to the Multiple times I've sanitised my hands so I didn't have to fully wash them (I knew I only needed to wash them for mentally ill reasons) and then I proceed to actually just make dust appear all over my hands
I think something really sad happens (I promise that's not a spoiler I genuinely have no clue if it's even those books or even what it is) and that intrigues me because I love pain. But the used book is a large hurdle. I'm glad you're enjoying it!! I've only ever heard good things. And yes! I have seen, multiple times, unfortunately that's ✨American only✨ but thank you
Admittedly I haven't read anymore but that's the whole not a person thing it's not a comment on the comics. And that's fair!! I'm very excited for Kate!!
No that's fair I agree I power through so many comics just for Dinah
It should be grape juice honestly I think that would be more fun
Understandable. They need to love each other all the time constantly no matter what.
I wouldn't spoil it anyway but I can't remember. It's cool that you're having new bonus ideas it's always interesting to see what people think!!
Recently at my work we got a full renovation so we had construction workers in and there was this one guy I called Music Man Jake and he had Tons of batman tattoos (it might've just been 2 I don't remember) but I said "so you like batman?" And he said "yeah, y'know why? Because he can beat superman which means he's the best" and I was like no I don't think that's what that means I think they can both be beaten and said "yeah by who?" And I told him that I'm pretty sure there's like canon instances where Wonderwoman beat both of them and he told me that that was fake and I was lying.
It IS a strange one yeah that's for sure
well i have unfortunately since received incredibly different and more drastic work change news but i have new plans i place to some extent, but ultimately my goal to make it through the holidays (very busy time for my job) has remained. and 2024 will be. very different for me but i’ll get there when i get there. honestly it’s not entirely a bad thing for me personally but it does objectively suck. but putting off thinking about the full extent of all that bc like i said. gotta get thru december. but yeah that’s a little life update for ya.
you’re valid! honestly i probably wouldn’t read green lantern comics if i didn’t have friends who love them just bc they never really. called to me before? but one thing i love is trying media beloved to my friends. and with comics especially it’s been a lot of reading things that are recommended to me because there’s way too much for me to choose on my own.
like i said i met donna in the titans tv series (another questionable comic adaptation that i unfortunately am so attached to 😔) however figuring out what to read for her does feel incredibly confusing bc she’s not like. a big dc player ig? idk we’ll see what i end up doing i have one donna troy special run open on a tab on my phone to try.
SO valid re:hand sanitizer. it’s def more of a temp fix for me when i don’t have access to properly wash my hands until i can actually wash them. which yeah maybe not the best but like. it’s manageable for me which is all that really matters.
i have finished the first raven cycle book and kinda started the second and something really sad happening definitely would fit the vibe so far, i wouldn’t say anything incredibly sad has really happened yet but there’s def the looming constant of something that’s supposed to happen at some point bc of psychic visions and all that. i started on the second book but haven’t really had a chance to read much of it however i’m heading back to my parents tomorrow so i’m gonna listen to more on the drive. i think my only complaint of the series is there’s so much concentrated Teenage Boy (and Teenage Rich Boy too) and it can be a little annoying at times bc like. the two rich boys. they have money. go to therapy. consider alternatives. think things through a little more. but even they are growing on me (one more slow than the other but it’s happening) but really it’s been fun to read so far!
:/// aw it being american only sucks i’m sorry.
again you are so valid (i say that a lot i know ahsjjdsj) re: not being a person & also not having read any more bombshells. life can be a whole lot and boy can it be hard living in it sometimes so i completely understand. and the good thing is bombshells isn’t going anywhere so there’s no rush!
okay ive now finished injustice year 5 & ground zero! i didnt make any notes this time bc i kinda was just powering thru year 5 and then i binged all of ground zero in one sitting. ground zero i just read the other night and was more enjoyable being told through harley's pov however god putting up with joker was very hard im glad harley finally was able to tell him no and also beat the shit out of him. her harley horde was so cute and i loved that for her. also seeing the alternate universe justice league (or as i called them, the REAL justice league) seeing MY diana again <333 and CLARK !! god i missed that ah shucks goofball. and i really loved the ending of harley and ivy going off to the alternate earth to help that version of harley overcome her attachment to the joker <3333 ALSO HARLEY IVY ARE ROMANTIC!!! LOVED THAT!!
in my head i’m picturing that music man jake’s birth name is like. robert or something but music man jake had a better ring so that’s what he is referred to by.
i can’t remember what it’s from (i think it might be the justice league animated show??) but there’s definitely somewhere a bit where bruce is talking about his contingency plans if any of the core JL went rogue and he had these boxes full of said contingencies but he literally like made a point of showing that diana’s box is empty because she has no weakness. and that’s remained permanently burned into my brain ever since. i absolutely believe she is stronger than superman. in some/most(?) continuities she’s literally a demigoddess. clark’s just lucky bc earth’s sun is built different 😭. but yeah she did in fact very much kick clark’s ass in injustice and was only beaten in the fight bc sinestro attacked her from behind once she already had superman on his knees. so yeah. she can definitely beat superman. that’s my no 1 takeaway from injustice year four. (and then REAL diana being able to kick injustice diana’s ass tells me that real diana CAN ALSO kick superman’s ass should the need come) but yeah. i do really love wonder woman akshakbddjs
i have to say i’m a little hesitant to start injustice 2 just bc i *liked* how year five ended and i don’t want it to be undone BUT i wanna see HER (dinah) so i will read it. i’m just debating trying year zero first, any thoughts on if i should wait to do year zero until after injustice 2 or am i fine to read it now?
hope you’re doing at least somewhat well all things considered!!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "The greatest day at the 2021 San Diego FitExpo part 3" on YouTube
Started doing this again they kicked him out and recently it was 3 or 2 days ago two days ago and up the street actually in Tampa and one of them said if you come in again I'm going to kick your head in. And so he came in again the guy went outside and kicked his head in and dented it. A lot of times it gets killed and that's one of them. He is criminally mentally ill and needs to be locked up but he's not your son's going ballistic and these people are losing and we're helping and we're doing our plan and their plan as well same plan we know about the ship and it's larger than Tommy F biggest ship by about 2/3 so it's almost twice as big and it's not the biggest it's our sonship and our daughter is just on the other coast both of them are massive they take up a good chunk of the Earth there are four more and three of them are bigger than Tommy F biggest ship and we were surprised but then they said their ships combined and it becomes the biggest ship and they locked together. The stone is different than maybe other components that you don't know about and we will we won't talk about and the insides are different than what you think and it's none of your business it does have ancient murals in there and carvings as well and the clans did not go in there.
You saw them die and we're going to get you cuz you're saying a lot of stuff there's nothing you can really do against us it's going to be pitiful right now we've taken the areas and secured them and we've secured the Midwest to the wall in the south and we secure the Midwest to the wall in the western portion and the Eastern that from River to River there's still a 100 MI it is yours it's a Swath, and really from the wall South about 500 miles your 2 mi on either side of each River and that's it the rest of it's gone in those areas are evacuating now along the rivers and the 100 mi swath rapidly because we're going in there now taking everything too. We're using your gas gas and the KTM and we are in Mack out some of them out of there and we are using the ATK and whatever else we find or manufacturing our own he decided to stick with ATK cuz he wants to use it and we're using the KTM too and other brands and those brands are ours and he and she designed this Canadian vehicles and it was about 30 years ago and you're going to have to pay for them now but you are and we're going after the money. You're a huge groups now descending on the East Coast giant ones keep in mind the ships intact that the plate moved. At the tip of the ship is Florida and it's an angel it's made out of a certain material you might be interested to know and that material has the magnetic field around it that prevents it from deteriorating and scatter is the dust so it doesn't destroy the ship while it's underway even though it's shielded it does work. And he says it's of her that it's not it's his angel and it looks like Archangel Michael it is of himself, where is Archangel Michael in the statues looks a bit more chiseled like Bill Pierce he was younger and thinner
You'll be amazed but then you'll be very dead we don't have anyone survive who has any information sadly his plan was intelligent and they could become Giants and died fighting
Thor Freya
And yeah that's where I come from I come from the water
But these are the arcs and they're meant for our people and once again that's not exactly where I'm from and those mega diamonds you're saying Tommy f is down there but you have to wait and see I guess
Wow this is going to truly suck I should never let these idiots do anything
You don't mean you of course but it is funny
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