#You always send the longest and most thought out asks and I really don't know how to answer them because you're so eloquent
valyrfia · 6 months
RE: this ask
Sorry about to go off on one, gender studies and online fan culture from an academic standpoint is a special interest of mine because being film and literature student wasn't annoying enough (participatory culture studies my beloved) 
From a general standpoint, I think the reason M/M ships in fiction have always been more popular is because male characters are historically more developed and complex. I think it’s only in recent years have their been an influx of popular F/F ships, with the added development of women on screen (e.g Clarke and Lexa, Kara and Lena, Regina and Emma, Nancy and Robin) - I think there is also a point to be made this has coincided with gender expression, genderqueerness and more general knowledge of being outside the typical gender spectrum. 
I can’t explicitly say that being in M/M fandom spaces encouraged my personal discovery of being transmasc but it certainly helped to have an avenue where I could project onto these “male” characters and see myself in them. I was so uncomfortable in my own body and what I didn’t know at the time as dysphoria, I can see why I didn’t go for F/F ships. 
There are of course a lot of “fandom elders” but young (early to late teens) afab people do make up a large bulk of it and I get why  it may be easier for them to fixate on M/M ships as a, sort of method of exploring their own sexuality and gender expression. F/F ships may hit too close to home and F/M ships are what they are trying to escape from so it leaves M/M ships to project onto. Which, unfortunately then can become warped by the persons own comphet and/or binary ideas about gender. 
A male character may have more stereotypically “feminine” traits (in terms of interests or emotional reactions) and I can see why people who also have those traits would project there own insecurities onto them, reinforcing the feminisation of the male character but not being comfortable enough in your own gender expression to genderbend the character or write them as trans. 
It’s the same reason I think mafia romance, dark romance etc etc is so popular with cishet women because they can read about a fantasy where instead of the very real every day misogyny and violence they face leading to abuse, assault and death, it brings “positives” ; protected, loved, a happy relationship. 
Which, side note. I think this has A Lot to do with y/n, self insert fics becoming “cringe”. Because, I think a lot of people just want to fuck/date a character and feel like they can’t write a self insert anymore, so just project massively onto one character, leading to a lot of these issues. I don’t think Tony Stark/Peter Parker would be as popular as it is if people just let young women write their self insert fic about being Tony Stark’s sugar baby and then we wouldn’t have the wildly mischaracterised version of Peter Parker that we do! 
But, all this being said. I’m talking about fiction. Dean Winchester isn’t actually affected if people online only talk about him in a stereotypically “female” way. 
RPF is a different kettle of fish (and I’m not going in RPF ethics that’s different - I have no issues with rpf creators/consumers to be clear, I am one) because a real person does become affected. Even if you are keeping your fan works and discussions to private spaces, it can leach over into how you speak about the actual person. That’s where it becomes so incredibly important to remember that your RPF version of celebrities are just as fictional as Dean Winchester is. 
sorry I used mr. supernatural as an example, 13 year old me is still alive and kicking in my head somewhere. 
I love to hear your perspective on it with a trans worldview (and academic credentials), and I do agree that that might be a big driver of some young people only wanting to engage with MLM fic and feeling uncomfortable with WLW fic. You've brought up so many great points so I'll try and address them all.
I can add the perspective of a lesbian who was closeted for the first two decades of my life, came out less than five years ago, and still struggles on and off with comphet now. MLM fics in my teens were a way to consume queer content and relationships without having to think about the implications of enjoying consuming WLW content, and I think that's true for a lot of young closeted teens so it's no surprise that some comphet/hetnorm/cisnorm stuff bleeds through there because it's a framework the authors haven't managed to detach themselves from yet.
But yeah, I agree the issue lies with people wanting characters to be self-inserts partially so that they can experience sex, sexuality, and romance without any of the hang ups of thinking about patriarchy. And I agree with your solution: make y/n fics cool again! The ability we have to hallucinate while we read is magic! You can put YOURSELF in as a character's love interest, how cool is that?
Ultimately, yeah. There's nothing wrong with RPF as long as it isn't actually affecting the person that the RPF is based off, but I've seen a lot of takes escaping containment so to say (ie. leaving this website) with takes about the actual racers so obviously picked up through RPF. The main culprits are Charles, Lando, Max in my experience.
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vanteguccir · 8 months
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── ୨୧ ! 𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗧𝗛 𝗢𝗥 𝗘𝗔𝗧
         𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N participates in the TRUTH OR EAT video from behind the camera.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
"What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?" Matt asked, taking his eyes off the open black notebook in front of him and focusing them on Chris, his hands playing with the green highlighter.
Chris let out a breathy laugh, looking beyond the camera, his blue eyes meeting Y/N's, who smiled, raising her eyebrows, awaiting her boyfriend's response.
"I think there are two most romantic things I've ever done, both obviously with Y/N, since she's the only girlfriend I've ever had. I know you only asked for one, but I can think of two with different spheres." Chris began, looking at Matt momentarily, who nodded.
"Hurry up Chris." Nick ordered with a smile on his face as he took Matt's notebook, already anticipating his brother's response. Being Y/N's best friend, he had inside information.
"The first was last year, when Y/N and I completed three years of dating and I gifted her a trip for both of us to Italy." Chris smiled big, his eyes shining as he counted while Nick and Matt looked at him with matching smiles, happy for their brother's happiness. "She always dreamed of visiting Italy, it being her favorite place in the world, and when the three years together came I thought this was the ideal way to celebrate. I really wanted to see her happy and achieving her dream."
"I remember that, it was the longest the three of us were apart from each other because you were there for seven days." Matt commented, nodding his head.
"Yes, I remember Chris planning the entire trip. We went to that travel agency with him and helped him choose the perfect package with the best hotel and best tours. It was like a honeymoon without a wedding." Nick continued Matt's reasoning.
"I was so nervous when I went to give her the envelope with the plane tickets, I don't know why, but I thought everything was going to go wrong." Chris said, rolling his eyes when Nick and Matt started laughing, commenting that they remembered all the times he asked if it was good enough or if they thought Y/N would like it.
The girl smiled big behind the camera, her eyes lit up with happiness as memories of the trip flashed through her mind.
"So I think that's one of the most romantic things I've done for her, and the other one I didn't even realize was that romantic until Y/N pointed it out to me." Chris began, gesturing with his hands, organizing the mess of tacos in front of him. "She has a horrible habit of tying only one bow on her sneaker, which makes the shoelaces come untied more easily. Whenever we're walking together, I'm the one who notices the untied sneaker first, so I always stop her, kneel down in just one knee, take her foot with the untied sneaker and place it on top of my other knee, and tie the shoelace for her-"
Chris stopped in his speech when he saw Nick and Matt making exaggerated expressions of surprise and "dying in love", laughing together, making him roll his eyes and look at his girlfriend in disbelief, who laughed quietly, sending him a wink, causing a blush to grow on his cheeks.
"May I continue?" The middle brother asked loudly, looking at Nick and Matt with a bored expression.
"Sorry." The two said in unison, wiping their eyes from the tears from their exaggerated laughter.
"And also when Y/N wears high heels on certain occasions, whenever we go out of the house together I don't let her buckle her heels, I kneel down on one knee and buckle them for her. This is kind of an act of service but that she finds super romantic, and I realized that it really is when I saw that no couple around us do it. There are many more romantic things that I have done for her, but if I were to say everything the video would last more than an hour. " Chris finished, smiling broadly and holding up a tumb to the camera, blowing an air kiss to his girlfriend, who pretended to take it with one hand and put it in her pocket.
"Okay, next question, how long have you gone without showering?" Nick asked, glancing briefly at the question in the notebook before closing it with the highlighter in the middle, focusing his attention on Chris.
"Since almost four years ago I've been showering every day, Y/N rules!" Chris began, raising his arms in surrender. Nick let out a laugh as he looked at Y/N and saw her nodding quickly with her arms crossed.
Matt quickly looked at the girl when he saw Nick looking at her, laughing at her expression.
"Before I met my beautiful, perfect girlfriend, it was a weekend." Chris said, laughing as he mentioned his girlfriend in a joking tone.
"No, it was more than that. I know how long it was, let me answer." Matt jumped in, taking a sip of his soda when Nick told him to shut up, the sound of a low chuckle echoing faintly through the kitchen as Y/N tried to stop herself from laughing, watching the brothers bickering.
"I've already gone without showering from a Friday night until a Monday morning." Chris concluded, Nick muttering that he had already done the same. "Like, four days." He added.
"That example is less than four days, Chris." Nick commented while laughing, Matt following him.
"I'm a changed man, I don't do those things anymore." Chris said, crossing his arms and lifting his chin with a snobbish expression, increasing Nick and Matt's laughter.
"You men are so disgusting." Y/N whispered only for the three to hear, rolling her eyes.
Matt looked at her with an offended expression.
"Yeah guys, if I go a day without showering I'll sleep on the couch." Chris said looking at the camera as he opened the package of the next taco, putting an end to that discussion.
Nick passed the notebook back to Matt, starting the timer again so that Chris could go back to eating while Matt searched for the perfect question.
"The time is over!" The redhead announced, looking briefly at his phone screen while Matt closed the notebook, already with his question in mind.
"Okay, give me the inside scoop of the perfect Chris Sturniolo date night looks like?"
"What is this, Y/N who created my questions?" Chris asked after finishing chewing, letting out a laugh through his nose, his blue eyes looking briefly at his girlfriend only to see her with her arms raised in surrender as if she didn't know anything.
"Just answer the question Chris." Nick pressed, turning to face him.
"Can I give an example of a date I had with Y/N ​​and we always do it again because it was really good for us?" Chris asked, arranging the napkin on the table as he glanced briefly at his brothers, who nodded. "Okay, I guess first I have to establish here that for me, when it's a date, it's literally a whole date day. On my first date with Y/N, I picked her up with an Uber in the morning with a bouquet of flowers since I don't know how to drive and I didn't want to bother Matt, and we had brunch at a cafe attached to a bookstore, because when we were getting to know each other she said that she really liked reading books and drinking coffee. Boys, understand one fundamental thing, listen to everything your girl likes and has to say, it will help you a lot and contribute to your relationship." The boy said, pointing to the camera as he said the last part.
Y/N felt her body heat up with shyness and love as she remembered that day, holding herself back from going to Chris to hug him tightly and shower his face with kisses.
"Afterwards we went for a walk around the city while we talked and I took her to a place where they only have those teddy bear catching machines, you know?" He looked at his brothers receiving nods. "And we stayed there for a while, where I got her a teddy bear, she still sleeps with it to this day."
Chris informed the last part in a whisper as if it was a secret, ignoring his girlfriend who rolled her eyes exaggeratedly.
"Afterwards, as we were still satisfied from brunch, I took her to an amusement park close to where we were and we stayed there for hours, we even had dinner there at one of the hot dog stands, I remember I bought her some cotton candy later and I will never forget her happiness because of it." He counted with shining eyes, rolling his eyes at his brothers who made gestures of vomiting. "And finally, I took her to a park that had a lake with ducklings and we walked around there and fed them for a few hours, that's where we also had our first kiss." Nick and Matt made air-kissing gestures, making fun of Chris, who pushed their faces with his hands. "That was my perfect date."
The boy finished, smiling big and taking the taco in his hand, ready to finish eating and start to ask Nick questions.
"You two are so disgusting." Matt said in a joking tone, passing the notebook to Nick, knowing that Chris would sit there.
Y/N smiled behind the camera, her cheeks already hurting from how much she was doing it, her heart warming up while hearing Chris talk about them with so much love, feeling like she could fall in love with him all over again.
extra - comments:
"omg Chris seems like a really great boyfriend!!"
"they are so pretty together."
"one day I want to have a partner who cares about me as much as Chris cares about Y/N."
"the fact that he took her TO ITALY just because he wanted to see her happy 😭"
"Chris, the last romantic man on earth."
"the way he talks about her 😫"
"get married already."
"petition for Y/N and Chris to make a video talking about all his romantic acts ✏️📄"
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | Part 5
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A smile from you is all he needs to feel recharged.
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, Angst , emotional kook, suggestive messages, poor Maria pt.1 [Tags will be different for every part!]
Length: 1k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
Collab with @euphoricfilter ! 💜
-> Masterlist
This is not going to plan at all.
Not only is he behind schedule wise, he's also not thought about the possibility of what this all might look like to you at all. Because why would you even think that in the first place? He'd be absolutely stupid to cheat on you, let alone with a 64 year old married woman of all people!
But then again, you don't know that part- and he also can't really properly explain it as he would surely blow his own cover, and he's just too close to the finish line to give up now. He already almost cried at deleting your face ID and fingerprint from his phone, feeling like he deleted the memory of setting those things up too, but he swore himself it's for a good cause down the line. You'll make so many more memories together for sure, and they'll top those more than by just a little. He'll make sure that they will.
[Alright, I'm so excited! Next time let's do it this way right from the start- no need to make it so complicated!] Maria had wrote him in full, and he reads over it with a bit of worry. Does she really understand what he meant by his worries?
[I'm not sure you understand. I'm planning something big, and I'm also behind when it comes to physical intimacy these days, you know?] He writes the woman, who he's asked prior about the rules and such regarding.. well, sex in the home he's renting out for the upcoming special occasion he's planned. He doesn't want to get locked up for not following some Airbnb laws he overlooked after all. That would just be embarrassing. [And we're very intimate people. I'm taking her pleasure and happiness seriously, if you get the hint.] He texts her as he boils some water on the stove for his absolute accurately made ramyeon.
[Oh trust me, I've been young too! No need to be shy, I can only imagine that emotions will run high most likely!] She responds, and Jungkook pursed his lips for a second, before he starts to play with his piercings deep in thought.
[No, Maria, I don't think you get it-] he begins to type. [-it's been almost two full weeks at this point, that's the longest we've ever gone without any sex, we're talking at least three orgasms a day times fourteen, I've got some major catching up to do..] jungkook sends her, before he puts his phone down for a second as to prepare the instant noodles properly.
[It's fine, really. No need to worry!] The woman responds. But jungkook wants to make sure.
[She's a squirter- you know what that is right? Either way it's gonna get messy so I'm just making sure you REALLY know what you're getting into if you say it's alright because the carpet looked really nice and I'm not sure how to get cum stains out of that] he rambles, not noticing you emerge from the bedroom now as you put your bag on one of the kitchen chairs. [I can replace it too if that happens no problem, you know how my girlfriend gets haha. Well you don't but you will know after we're done with the place-] he taps and accidentally sends out as you call his name, causing him to almost drop his phone into the soup pot on the stove, only barely catching it in time before he can practically throw it into the pocket of his sweatpants. "Yeah?" He asks towards you, and you look at him still way too hostile in his opinion.
He knows you can be a bit of a hot head. It's what he loves about you- how fierce you can get and how you'll always stand your ground. But he also knows that you're a bit of an aklebiter with some serious anger issues sometimes- once you see red, you don't see anything else anymore. So he's got to be careful not to fuck it up any further, because once he loses you, he loses for good.
Because you're stubborn if you've made up your mind.
"The water's boiling over." You mumble, avoiding his gaze as you sit at the kitchen table, arms crossed in defense. He jumps at your words and turns off the stove at that, somewhat awkwardly playing up some food into bowl for the both of you, watching you eat silently across from him with an almost needy gaze.
You're gonna probably try and kick his balls if he asks you to sit on his lap right now, so he swallows down the request to keep them intact.
He's gonna seriously crunch some hours while you're sleeping over at a friend's house so he can still make the deadline, able to pass up on sleep with you not actually home to scold him for it. He hates the fact that the app on his phone constantly reminds him of the lack of intimacy between you two- taunting him with notifications about his streak being broken, his record being topped, his spot up top on the scoreboard being taken. He hates it. He created this app, he should be the one who's best at it too!
God he can't wait to get his hands on you again. He feels like his dick is going to fall off in the next few days.
And it's not just that, either. He doesn't sleep well when you're not with him, he misses all the interactions you usually have during the day, the love, the intimacy of just being close, he misses it so bad. And he kind of doesn't want you to leave right now- he'd love to just call it quits and just cave in, but he's come too far now, and you're also a strong independent woman. You deserve to choose where you want to go or stay, he's got no say in that- or at least he shouldn't try to have it.
"I.. You'll text me when you wanna come back home, right?" He asks as he finishes his bowl, and you shrug.
"Whatever." You mumble. "S' not like you want me home for more than the chores anyways." You huff into your food, and he can't help but feel his eyes tear up. No, stupid Jungkook, don't fucking cry right now. You're gonna ruin it all with your dumb tears and weak heart just like always-
"I do want you home.." he mumbles quietly, blinking harder to avoid you spotting anything off- but you notice. Of course you do.
"...I'll text you." You say, and that at least soothes his mind for the moment as his phone falls out of his pocket, screen cracking and making him cringe.
Fuck. That's the what.. 20th time this year?
But it's all worth it, if it means he can at least see the hint of a smile pull at your lips for once.
The sight alone motivation enough to make him work even harder now.
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chunksworld · 2 years
Three's a Crowd, Four's a Party
NewJeans Minji and Hanni x Male Reader(s) | (Tags: Smut) | a collaboration with @gangplanksorenji
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Chunk's A/N: Yes, this is a collab. Yes, Raf wrote smut (finally, I know right? xD). Yes, this is a gruppenfick. And yes, this is my longest fic ever (~12.5K words). Two weeks worth of being down extremely bad led to this behemoth of a piece, it doesn't help that I'm currently on spring break so all hands were on deck here lol. It's truly an honor to have my first collab with such a qt and to help write his first smut :).
Orenji’s A/N: Orenjideul! Well, it has been a long time since I put out a fic and honestly, I enjoyed writing this piece with Chunk and I hope the long wait is worth it ehehe. This will be a different genre that I had been deciding to write onto and hope this comes out well. Have a great day Orenjideul! 
Nothing beats the feeling of joy once you hear the school bell ringing on a Friday afternoon, signaling the dismissal of classes. Like clockwork, the school yard is immediately filled with students who are ready to spend the rest of their day basking under the radiating warmth of the Sun and enjoy their weekend. Likewise, Haesoo is also ecstatic to have the next two days off but for a completely different reason: he didn’t exactly have a great day. It was exhausting, boring, and he would’ve preferred to stay home and play video games instead. Plus he had to witness the wrath of his professor infuriated over his classmate sleeping at his desk which in turn made that grumpy old man pissed for the rest of the period, as if he wasn’t grumpy enough already.
Nothing could also beat the sight of Haesoo's best friend, Minji, after such a day—where could she be at this very moment, anyways? Last time he caught a glimpse of her, she was off socializing with her friends. He takes a deep sigh; maybe if he actually had the guts to ask her out she would be by his side all the time but alas, things didn’t go as planned. If there was one person that he wanted to see at this very moment, it would be her. He quickly sends her a text asking for her whereabouts but it wasn’t necessary as he can see her walking hurriedly down the spacious concrete on the quadrangle up to the not-so-narrow corridors from the other building, Haesoo sees the familiar figure with a familiar dark-colored backpack with that bright smile on her face.
Kim Minji.
There she is, with her jet-black locks cascading down past her shoulders. A smile that can only be compared to the Sun, Haesoo's ultimate enemy—his worst rival but also the most adorable, thoughtful ray of sunshine a man could ask for. For almost a decade of being best friends with her, he's just so grateful to meet a girl like her as he can’t thank her enough for all of the work she's done for him as he does the same for her. Even though he didn’t feel worthy of being thanked by Minji, she’ll always reassure him, and let him know how grateful she is to have a friend like Haesoo, even though he teases her like it's his last. From her helping his smallest battles up to even fulfilling his needs, she’s always there for him as he's there for her. 
“And I think, she doesn’t even want to—”
 “Want to what???”
Minji lets out a muffled squirm, her shoulders shrugging and tensed up as she gets shocked by Haesoo's motives.
“Oppa!! Don't scare me like that! You weirdo…”
 “Ahh—Minji, Minji, Minji. You always know that I will.”
While Haesoo smiles from the success of his evil mischief, Minji's face was nothing near the emotion of happiness nor the same succession as his—her face is disgusted by Haesoo's silly, childish actions as she doesn't like it, hitting his shoulder playfully as she pouts right after. Knowing that she isn't really offended or serious about it, Haesoo just laughed it off as Minji mocks his laugh sarcastically as she teases Haesoo more, making him cackle more.
“Stop mocking me! You're ugly whenever you try to!”
“Ohh… Haesoo-oppa is so offended, wahh… He doesn't like to be teased when he teases me so much, wahhh…”
“Minji! Shh, shut up! O-Or I'll do it myself!”
“Like you can make me shut my mouth? Nuh-uh. Never.”
 “Oh, you little—”
“Hello oppa…” A soft-spoken girl interrupts Haesoo's not-so-heated teasing to Minji as the girl fixes her tie and does a small, little wave towards Haesoo, making him flash a cheeky little grin to her.
“Oh, hi Hanni…”
 “Well, I guess Hanni will make you shut up.”
Minji chides as she vents out the little frustration that she built up with Haesoo as he apologizes for Minji's sudden sulky demeanor.
“Whatever… Anyways, we're gonna go home with oppa, don't you wanna go with us?”
“Ohh, I'm waiting for Hyuk-oppa coz' we're going to a coffee shop right after his dismissal.”
“We'll wait for him then.”
Hanni's face was puzzled as Minji and Haesoo chose to stay to wait for Minhyuk, an oddity for her since she knows that only Minji's waits as Haesoo doesn't usually bond with the two girls—Hanni's even seeing Haesoo barely at times, mostly it's just him with Minji.
After a few minutes of waiting and chattering, a familiar figure makes Hanni's eyes wide open as he sees Minhyuk, rushing to hug him tight as he was shocked by her sudden affection.
“Ohh, Hanni… We're still in public. Come on…”
“Bwuf, I awlready mith you, oppa.”
Minji awkwardly looks at both Hanni and Minhyuk as she does a little wave to him, letting him know her presence. Haesoo, on the other hand, feels off and embarrassed at the sight of Hanni hugging Minhyuk affectionately. Not so long after, Hanni then pulls out of the hug as Minhyuk apologizes for Hanni's extremely clingy behavior.
“No need to apologize Hyuk, I can understand coz' Minji could be like that sometimes—”
“Shut up! I only do that coz' I feel cold, that's all.”
Haesoo gives Minji a disappointing stare, knowing that she's clearly lying on her teeth as she feels the same affection as Hanni does. The non-stop teases never stopped between the both of them as Minhyuk and Hanni can't stop smiling seeing them fight like cats and dogs.
“Guys! Stop arguing! We're still here!”
“Sorry oppa, he started it!”
“What do you mean I started it?? It's you who—”
 “Stop it! Please?”
Hanni's mildly infuriated tone are the switches to make their mouths shutted, refraining them to talk further as Haesoo apologizes for being too childish. Minhyuk's eyes became uneasy as a mad Hanni is a rare sight to see and not even him can usually see it.
An awkward silence prevails as Hanni decides to break it, her radiant energy immediately changing the once uneasy and anti-climactic atmosphere earlier. Such was the dynamic of the friend group, bickering ensues between Minji and Haesoo (the other two thinks those two have a huge crush on each other but who knows) and it’s up to Minhyuk and Hanni to break them up.
“Sorry about that, and… why don't we hang out for a bit? Today seems to be a good time!”
Haesoo seems to have second thoughts about Hanni's suggestion as Minji unhesitantly agrees on her motives. “Ooh! We can, a-and maybe at Haesoo-oppa's place?”
Their eyes averted towards Haesoo as his eyes widened from Minji's sudden suggestion to hang out at his place.
“I m-mean, why not? I'm absolutely free and I just cleaned my apartment yesterday but not right now. Maybe next week instead.”
Minji then goes in front of you as she pouts, her puppy-eyes convinces Haesoo to hang out at his place, alongside her motives of modulating her voice in an adorable, lower tone. Haesoo was doubtful, his cheeks puffing as he let out a sigh, knowing that she’s not having her friend doing “aegyo” in front of her.
 “Minji, stop it, you’re so cringe.”
 “Please can it be at your apartment?? We’ll just hang out and it’s us, so, please??”
 “Stop being so cute coz’ this is too cringe, please, Minji.”
Haesoo can’t definitely deny her at this rate since it will just add fuel to the flames so without any choice, he agrees and Minji squeals in joy as the other two flash a smile at you, knowing that they’re happy with your decision. Not so long after, the four of them then walked their way out of the campus. Minji hurriedly walks out as she gives her backpack to you, letting you carry it. With Haesoo being alone, this opens up a great opportunity for Hanni to approach him and ask questions about him and Minji that piqued her ever since Minji had talked about it. Hanni then ask Minhyuk of approaching Haesoo as he doesn't seem to mind, him agreeing as Hanni hurriedly walks towards Haesoo.
“Do you want some help, oppa?”
“Oh, a-ah, u-uhm… I don’t need some but thanks, anyways.”
Hanni just averted her eyes off Haesoo as she nodded but she didn't let her curiosity die at this moment.
“May I ask you something, oppa?”
 “Oh yeah, sure. Go ahead.”
 “This may sound incredibly weird or something, but I wanna ask you something, oppa. I hope it’s not too much or anything…”
 “I'm all ears, Hanni. It's alright.”
Hanni sighs deeply as she gains enough courage and feels the urge to ask Haesoo this question, no matter what the output can be.
“Ah, uhh—me and Hyuk-Oppa are exploring anything about oral sex, more like blowjobs and stuff and you, Oppa and Minji are quite experienced at that matter, so, I'm just wondering if the both of you can teach me some ways of it tonight?”
How does she know that Minji and Haesoo are—Well, it doesn't matter at this point since Hanni wants to learn, Haesoo is ready to oblige but he needs to inform Minji about this first. So, excusing Hanni for a second, Haesoo hurriedly goes to Minji to inform her about this matter.
“Uh, Minji…”
“If you're going to tease me again, I'm not—”
“No, Minji. This is about Hanni, your friend.”
Minji then faces Haesoo as her eyes widen, puzzled at what makes him mention Hanni out of the blue as she becomes all ears on what he's going to say.
“What's with Hanni then, oppa?”
“She said that they want to learn and explore more about oral sex, most likely blowjobs and how did they know that we had a thing about this?”
Minji's eyes were in shock, gulping anxiously as she's uneasy about what could happen next.
“Uh-uhmm… It's just them that knows about it. Hanni opened up to me about this and I decided to step in and help them. If you don’t mind, oppa, can we teach them tonight?”
Haesoo lets out a deep sigh as he doesn't know what to really say about this newfound information yet he's eager to oblige and help them too. Still feeling uneasy, Haesoo trusts them as she looks at Minji's eyes, feeling reassured and comfortable, as he’s still having second thoughts about this situation.
“I mean—okay but I don’t know what to really feel. What if someone finds out that we’re fuckbuddies or some sort—”
“No one will know, only them, oppa, okay?”
Minji then held Haesoo’s hand as a sign for further reassurance, letting Haesoo feel the comfort he'd never felt before.
“Just trust us, oppa, okay?”
“Alright then…”
With all of them being informed about “hanging out” at Haesoo's place, they then hurriedly walked their way up to his apartment with Minji leading the way.
“Oh god, I don't think this is good idea, fuck…” Haesoo mutters under his breath as the sense of excitement and worry runs down his veins. He has never agreed on something this crazy in his whole life, and neither are the rest of them (maybe) but he must not let anybody down tonight.
This will be one hell of a night, and it will be remarkable.
There wasn’t any party occurring anywhere near the vicinity of the building and if there could be anything like it, the neighbors may even file a noise complaint on how loud these four people are. Constant blabbering and laughs that even reverberated outside are just signs of enjoyment from all of them.
“Woah, this is such a nice apartment dude.”
“Oh yeah, thanks. I did a good cleaning yesterday, especially in the bedroom.”
“Oppa, why would you even bother cleaning if it's gonna get messy later?”
Hanni and Minhyuk laugh it out from Minji's 'double-meaning' type of joke as Haesoo glares at her with disappointment from his eyes.
“Minji, you're so— corny, gosh and also, how would I even know that y'all wanted to have sex at my apartment, tonight?”
“You have a fair point there, not gonna lie.”
After a minute of those constant, identical chattering with topics varying from anything they could think of, Minji then offers them if they want a glass of water as Hanni just thanked her and said that she’s fine yet Minhyuk was the opposite—he wants some as he’s a bit exhausted from the earlier school activities that's always a pain in the butt.
“You definitely need some energy later, oppa.”
“Thanks Minji.”
“Oh, where was I? Oh—right, so, y’all definitely want to do this now?”
“I mean, can we just watch a movie first? Or like, play some games?”
Reconsidering Hanni's suggestion to bond before the main thing, the rest of them start to brainstorm and most likely, agree to Hanni's suggestions.
“Well, let’s just watch some movies first, no?”
The rest of them agrees from Haesoo’s motives as he hurriedly opened the flat-screen television with the remote. Minji then steps besides Haesoo as he assists him in choosing what could have been the movie that will be enjoyed by all of them. Constant flashes of previews and swipes can be seen at the blue-screened emanated television as the two of them start a small argument on what’s the best one they can all watch.
“I’m telling you oppa, this is way—way better! We must watch this one! Not that stupid horror thriller movie—or whatever you call that!”
*laughs mockingly* “Oh, why? Because your wittle tiny heart can’t handle it? Aww, how cute of you, eh?”
“Argh—you’re so annoying, oppa!”
Haesoo read Minji like a book as she braced himself for the impact of Minji’s punch towards his shoulders. His intentions of annoying and teasing Minji is just the way to let himself win and to further make him entertained.
“Hello? We’re still here! Yoo-hoo!”
Minhyuk grew impatient with their childish-like fighting and might as well their behavior to be exact. Oh yes, they’re definitely still there and they argue like there’s no one around—them arguing like cats and dogs is probably a sight they should expect to see from now on…
“Sorry, Haesoo-oppa is just so annoying.”
“How am I even annoying? I was just teasing you—”
“Well, that’s the point dummy!”
“Hey! Oppa! Minji! Stop this small fight or whatsoever, please. We're not here to be cats and dogs to each other.”
You know things are going to get serious when Hanni steps up to stop this not-so-immature behavior of Minji and Haesoo. She doesn’t seem to be genuinely bothered but she just wants to make a positive approach towards the both of them, especially towards Haesoo.
The both of them said their respective apologies as Minji playfully punched Haesoo, him then flashing a smile back to her as Hanni initiated to pick the movie they’ll watch herself so there will be no “childish” fights that may occur anymore. Haesoo didn’t retaliate as Hanni picked up the remote from Haesoo’s hands as she quickly selected the movie she wanted to watch as the four of them sat on the couch and relaxed themselves.
This better not disappoint us all, Hanni…
Between the subsequent laughters, cries and screams by all of you is the sincere delight you’ve never felt before. 
Maybe this was a great idea all along.
You were really hesitant when it came to inviting visitors to your apartment, maybe except your family, some of your friends and maybe even Minji—it’s basically obvious on why Minji feels like comfortable at your apartment—
Apart from that, you’ve never really felt this much comfort and reassurance while bonding out with someone and you never thought that this would be this fun! You always love watching movies with someone  and it’s more fun when Minji is here, even though at the next second, the both of you will fight each other like rivals at its best. You always imagined how exciting it could be watching some thrilling films with groups of people and with Hanni and Minhyuk making your imagination into a reality, it couldn't be better—you're loving every second of this. 
“Gosh, I'm g-glad the movie is already done…”
Well, maybe a scaredy-cat Minji is not what you really expect, to say the least. She always exudes this kind of “fearless” demeanor whenever she's always with you, or perhaps, maybe, just sometimes. You could basically take a picture of her right now, a glimpse of her defenses down as she hides her face with a pillow that she's been hugging since the start of the movie. 
“Aha! Never knew you would be so scared watching this movie, huh?”
“Shut up, oppa, I'm not scared. This movie is just so not-my-type-ish~”
Well, it’s nothing new about her lying on her teeth. Not really. In fact, you’ll be even surprised if she’s straightforwardly honest. 
“Stop the cap Minji, aish…”
Yet, on the other hand, she convinces you like no one can. Like, you may even tell this is sorcery or some mind-bending magic that she uses against you to be persuaded by her. It's even worse when she looks right straight into your eyes as she instinctively pouts—like, who could resist this adorable bunny? Maybe, you can, but you could never deny how much you love it when Minji does that. 
“I'm being for real! Why don't you believe me—”
“Unnie, I saw you hiding your face on Haesoo-oppa's neck, care to explain that then?”
“It's just like a “me” thing, Hanni. You know me, right?”
Another lie. At this point, you know—and most likely Hanni too—that Minji isn't even trying anymore.
Maybe this is the reason why her nose is so sharp. Maybe it is, but honestly, it's not—most likely a childhood-like reference.
“Gosh, ugh… You got me. Now, happy?”
“More than happy, Minji.”
You mocked her, your eyebrows scrunching as sarcasm is evident in your tone. While you're busy mocking her, Minhyuk then comes behind you and whispers something that really wakes you up as you liked what he said. Minji noticed this and as the annoying friend you are, you started to look and laughed at her as curiosity lingered around her mind. She then comes in front of you as your faces are just inches from each other. It's nothing romantic but rather the opposite as she glared at you, her not-so-threatening aura demanding some answers from you.
“What did Minhyuk-oppa say, hm?”
“Nothing really much, Minji. It has nothing to do against you. *whispering* Don't embarrass us in front of them.”
Clearly, with a single sentence of you, Minji's well-mannered disposition prevails as she holds back her frustration towards your annoying behavior, not letting herself ruin her image in front of the two (Minhyuk and Hanni) even though it feels like she already did.
“Well, you're lucky oppa…”
Minji gives you an intimidating look as she faces Hanni and Minhyuk, ready to tell them something that no one will ever dare to forget.
“Uh, guys, since I think we all are like “warmed-up”, I was thinking if we should go and do the “thing” that Hanni wants to do?”
Ah, this horny girl, I swear—you muttered to yourself as you know that she's dying to feel you ever since the movie started. Those eyes glistening with excitement and lust whenever she steals glances with you throughout the film—you know that she's needy and eager to get up to the climax as soon as possible.
“Ahhh, Minji… Come on, it's like almost 7 P.M. right now. Don't you guys want to eat some dinner? I got some chicken and some ramen that we can cook first—”
“I'm still good, oppa. Thanks anyways.”
“Yeah, I'm pretty good too, thanks though.”
Hanni and Minhyuk respectfully decline your offer towards them as they just flashed a faint grin towards you, smiling awkwardly as they giggled to each other.
I guess they wanted the main course early too—well, it seems like it's the case yet you're unsure about their real desires. Maybe is it just because they're too shy towards you? Is it just because they wanted to have possibly the hottest oral session today? You’ll never know unless they answer your question themselves.
“Are you all sure? Not really starving or what?”
Hanni and Minhyuk shake their heads, letting you know that they’re fine as Minji looks at you and whispers something in your ear that turns you on immediately.
“Well, the only dinner I’ll be craving today is that delicious cock of yours, oppa.”
She really knows the right choice of words to let your defenses down as you're aroused on those words, her deep, husky voice being the cherry on top is something you'll always love. Minji is something really clever when it comes to these things as she knows that she'll get what she wants once she starts talking dirty to you. You absolutely wanna be just used by her at this very moment but you won't let you guard down as you look at her sternly and unimpressed, your nonchalant tone while talking is enough to intimidate her.
“Let's just start this, shall we? Minji is—uhh, kinda needy, so, that's why…”
Well, she won't lie about that when she knows she already confessed her needs towards you earlier. She will also get what she wants, and you're ready to fulfill those wants as you're also dying to feel the warmth of her mouth again—it's like she didn't sucked you off two days ago at her place.
With the utmost trust you have with Minji, you let her set this session up making Hanni and Minhyuk comfortable on what she's going to do. She further reassures them that they shouldn't be nervous and you, as part of this so-called “session” will do your best to make them comfortable too. Without no time to waste, all of you then coursed your way to your bedroom and they were met with the simplicity of it. 
The organized setup and arrangement of your things makes them compliment on how tidy your bedroom looks. Those so-called soundproof walls and the mix of the latte-like colors is the cherry on top—basically it makes them think that it represents tranquility and the utmost simplicity.
“Your room looks really good, Haesoo.”
“Thanks, Hyuk. Really cleaned and organized things thoroughly yesterday.”
As they wandered over to your room, Hanni stumbled upon a well-secured transparent box full of common adult toys and more as she told you and Minji about it. You were in shock and panicking on what to do yet Minji immediately approached Hanni and is well-composed about it.
“Oh, unnie! Is this what I think it is—”
“Oh, Hanni, yes, those are adult toys and we sometimes use them with oppa whenever we want to spice things up yet for now, we’ll pretty much gonna be vanilla.”
The sudden panic you’ve felt and the tension on your body wears off as Minji holds the situation calm and composed. You always love these small actions from her as her leadership skills as well as her urge to teach someone and to inform them what makes Minji a good friend of yours. 
Ahh, I should learn more from Minji—you should definitely learn from her more but today, you’ll let her know something that no one else could and you can’t just wait for it.
With you hopping on the bed, you relaxed yourself as the so-called “session” was about to start. Hanni and Minhyuk averted their eyes towards the both of you as Minji went down on her knees, you then spread your legs wide as the beast inside you is just an inch away from freedom, freedom in Minji’s hands.
“Now, oppa, just relax, alright? And Hanni, come here, I’ll show you how it’s done, okay? You just need to observe me.”
With Minji’s reassuring tone, Hanni feels comforted and enthusiastic, her eyes burning with desire and eagerness to learn and discover. 
Without any time to waste, Minji hurriedly drops down to her knees in front of you as she works her way on undressing your bottom half—your belt being unbuckled hurriedly and carefully as she wears off your boxers and your pants in one swift motion.
Minji is in awe at the sight of your freed length, getting erect under her spell as licked her lips in anticipation, you then sensing her exhilaration as her uneasy hands and gleeful smile says enough. Still down on her knees, she pumped your hardening erection with vigor and renewed fervor, making sure that you're fully-erect before she makes an unforgettable show for the two of them.
With the temptation of teasing her, you finally gave in. You then trace her luscious, plump lips with your index finger, feeling every inch and the softness of it as she sucks on it wantonly, her eyes igniting with lust, excitement and  nervousness—might as well add the exigency burning on her iris and those hazel-colored eyes that you always adore and finally, those pupils dilating right in front of you as the cherry on top. With her own, seductively sinful actions, you involuntarily get more aroused than ever as her single touch awakens the entirety of all of your five senses.
“Now, Hanni, for the fun part, watch and learn.”
Minji tucks her hair behind her neck as Hanni watches beside her, her eyes in the form of analyzing every move of hers. 
Minji starts her oral assault on your dick as her tongue circles around the slit, peppering your tip with kisses as she adores the length of yours as with her every touch, it brings peak pleasure and jolts down your spine. She alternates between the short licks and kisses around the base up to your tip as she doesn't let a single inch untouched.
“Oh fuck, M-Minji, that's good.”
You don't want to hold yourself back, not when Hanni is eager to learn and Minji is sucking you off like it's her favorite lollipop. Small moans escape your mouth as Minji smiles between her aggressive licks, knowing how she's doing a great job at pleasuring you as Hanni's eyes sparkle in enthusiasm and how hot the scene is.
“Look closely at oppa, Hanni. You see oppa's facial expressions? That's what you should aim for whenever you're doing this.”
Hanni studiously nods as she takes notes in her head, her eyes averting towards your face and Minji's work from time to time.
Now enough for the playful licks and lustful kisses onto your shaft, Minji’s mouth shifts her focus down to your balls as she kneads them gently like a dough, making sure that you won't be hurt at the same time, still feeling the peak euphoria. Instead of her mouth invading the entirety of your shaft, she instead strokes your length with a rhythm that's pleasurably slow—you couldn't ask for more as you ultimately trust the dexterity of her fingers rhythmically massaging and stroking your shaft. She then takes a ball in her mouth as she sucks on it gently as the pleasure you’re feeling skyrockets, stimulating you further as you release the infamous colorless liquid from your slit.
“Y-You see how she alternates on s-sucking the tip then my balls? That's how you g-give a nice, s-stimulating blowjob, Hanni.”
You point the details of Minji’s spectacular work on your cock as Hanni takes notes eagerly with her eyes wandering over your length, burning with lust. With your keenness and the amicable tone of your voice, Hanni feels more enthusiastic learning and observing everything that Minji does.
If only you were eloquent and can think articulately on this moment, you could have guided and taught Hanni better as the dopamine overloading your brain is to blame for the unavailability of you to think clearly.
As Minji continues sucking each of your testicles, your fingers run down her dark-brown locks as you let out several moans and groans as she stimulates you too well. Minji is a master of her own craft—everything she does is at peak greatness, flawlessly executed like no other can. The way she sucks you with intimate fervor up to the hypnotizing rhythm of her strokes, it just shows how passionate she is on pleasuring you and with Minhyuk and Hanni watching, she won't let nobody down as she exerts more enthusiasm and effort which you really like and always adore.
Minji once circles her tongue again at your slit as she delightfully consumes the pre-cum leaking out of it. A few more licks is what it takes before she does the climax of the show as the both of you made eye contact, knowing what Minji will do as you prepared yourself on what could have been the best blowjob of your whole life.
Minji then pushes her mouth, taking up the half of your dick as she bobs her head, up and down, the pace gradually increasing over time as the dopamine you're feeling is getting over the roof. Minji sucks you off like there's no tomorrow—herself drooling over your cock as saliva seeps out of her mouth, dripping down to her chin and then staining her uniform. Only constant sonorous sounds and the sinful slurpings can be heard as Minji gobbles down on your dick, her facial expression signaling that she's savoring the taste of your cock, like a candy she can’t get enough of.
“Oh my god, Minji is just so good, right, Hanni?”
“Unnie is really good at a lot of things Oppa and oh gosh, this is just so hot.”
Minhyuk and Hanni’s praises reverberate around Minji’s ear as they commend her performance on your throbbing length which makes her invigorated to step up her game, even though she doesn't need to. She then fondles your balls as her repeated slurps and circling of her tongue becomes more aggressive, making you moan her name in ecstasy. 
Not so long after, she pulls out of length, gasping for air as she gains oxygen, you allowing her to as you caress her hair, letting her know how satisfied you are with her performance. String of saliva connects to your tip up to her mouth it drips down to your balls and even the remnants drip down to her uniform.
You swear to god, she's just hotter and more ruinable when she's in her uniform, sucking you off with vigor in her eyes.
Minji didn't even bother uttering a single word and instead, took you in her mouth again as this time, she effortlessly deepthroat you, making you squirm in pleasure as her warm, wet cavern sends your brain in haywire. You were caught off-guard as you really thought that she was gonna stop but it was a complete opposite—she takes every single inch of your length inside her mouth as frantic bobbing of her head ensues, her lips wrapped around your glans up to the base of your shaft. More saliva seeps out of her mouth as she becomes a disheveled mess—her hair messier than before, remnants of her lipstick now smearing the base of your shaft, a hint of her makeup ruined as tears stream down her cheeks and her drool seeping out of her mouth being the cherry on top. Hanni is in awe and shock at how eager Minji sucks your cock as constant slurps and forceful gagging reverberates around the room. You can feel the knot in your loins tightening up, so you informed Minji about it as she knows that you’ll be releasing soon on how much your length is throbbing inside her warm mouth.
“M-Minji, fuck—I’m about to cum…”
There it is—almost there—it’s almost there—
A loud pop is all you hear as you can see Minji pulling out on your length that’s once invaded by her mouth. You can just see a sight of a ruined Minji and the strings of saliva connecting to your tip up to her mouth as she breathes heavily right after, catching her breath from the breathtaking (pun intended) act she has done onto your shaft.
“Why d-did you stop?”
Minji chides as she squints with a hint of her fierce glare, letting you know that something is wrong but you aren’t sure what it could be.
“Why not? And, you're not gonna blast your load on my throat, not right now.”
Not right now.
Is she implying something? Is she going to surprise you? Well, maybe time will tell to find out what exactly she has in store behind those lustful eyes of hers.
“I hate how fucking good your cock always tastes like.”
The oxymoron in her sentence just shows how she always adored your shaft at all times as the intense fervor and enthusiasm of her performance earlier is one evidence of it. She won’t stop herself from getting obsessed with your length and even with the worst of all moods and even if she lies through her teeth, she will always get aroused with the thought of you and most likely, the woodwork between your legs.
I'm going to ruin you tonight, Minji. Mark my words.
Minji's sudden eccentric demeanor is something rarely seen by Hanni, let alone you. It feels unreal at how everything seems to be out of place; everything happened so fast that it doesn't feel right. The other side of you, says the opposite as you felt aroused and enjoyed the spectacular performance you've witnessed and you can't wait to feel what Haesoo felt.
“Ok Hanni, we'll start right now, okay? And Hyuk-oppa, I want you to relax and we’ll do the work, okay? I need you to trust us and I’m sure Hanni will do a great job.”
You feel reassured with Minji's soft and stern-filled tone as you lay back on the bed as she instructs Hanni to get down on her knees, right in front of your crotch.
“Undress him, Hanni. Maybe, you can tease him with your fingers while stripping him but I prefer it the fast way.”
“What do you mean by “the fast way”, unnie?”
“This is what I mean—”
Within a single second, you can just see Minji undressing you hurriedly as she yanks your pants and boxers with one swift motion, your raging, almost full-erected length is now released from its frustrating restraints as it almost hits Hanni in the face. You can tell that she’s serious about this as her forbidding eyes full of lust and anticipation says enough. You don’t know if you should be scared or excited with that but you then relaxed yourself, trusting them with all of your heart as all you can think is how good these girls (most likely Hanni) will make you feel good.
“Oh, sorry oppa! Are you hurt or some—”
“No, I’m good, it’s just—”
“Too fast? It’s alright, we’ll make sure that you’ll feel good right after.”
With Minji’s further reassurance and your relaxed state, Minji then instructs Hanni the basics and the supposedly start for a good blowjob.
“You can stroke Hyuk-oppa slowly okay? And, I want you to pepper his cock with kisses and, I need those kisses filled with intimacy and eagerness, okay?”
Damn, Minji has never been hotter instructing someone like this—
It’s maybe your first time seeing this side of Minji as she’s a completely different person when she’s teaching someone eagerly—her never faking a façade for even a split second.
Without any time to waste, Hanni peppers your shaft with lust-filled kisses as she doesn't leave anything untouched with her luscious, plump lips. With this single action of hers, you're now fully-erected as your slit leak amounts of that colorless liquid, aroused with the sight of your best friend pleasuring you with her utmost efforts.
Her strokes are leisurely done with enamore in her eyes but you won't complain nonetheless as her mouth are the ones responsible for the peak dopamine you've been experiencing. Even though Hanni is naïve about this stuff, it feels like she's done this multiple times as her talented mouth drives you crazy—she's a complete natural at this.
“Also, if oppa is leaking, consume it, okay? Don't waste your food and I bet, it's really, really delicious, maybe even better than Haesoo-oppa's.”
Haesoo glares at Minji's not-so-serious roast as the three of them laughed. Knowing that Haesoo isn't offended, the three of you continue what you've been doing.
Hanni follows Minji's instructions as her warm tongue presses against your slit, collecting the pre-cum out of it as you squirm and moan with the sensitivity and pleasure you've been feeling. 
 “Oh gosh, Hanni, you're doing really well. So now, it's either you can increase the pace of your strokes by spitting on your hand so it becomes more lubricated, for you to easily stroke him with a fast pace or you could start sucking his tip with your mouth and tongue, your choice though.”
As much as you want those slim fingers with her long, well-manicured nails stroking your cock with intense fervor, the latter sounds much more pleasurable and way hotter as you're dying to feel her warm, inviting mouth wrapping around your swollen, mushroom-shaped tip.
Hanni didn't even utter a single word as all you ever felt is her warm cavern—which is her mouth—wrapped around your tip as she slowly sucked it. The pace was excruciatingly slow as you're dying for Hanni to increase the pace but you let her do what she wants to. Gradually increasing the pace of her bobbing, she adds a few licks onto your swollen cockhead as you continue to moan her name, like a chant ringing around Hanni's ear. Hearing this, she smiled as she thinks she's doing a great job and on the other hand, Minji is not really getting impressed by the sight of this—maybe she wanted Hanni to gradually make this scene hotter or she's just really impatient, who knows what she has in mind.
“Stroke him while you suck his tip and maybe even fondle his balls so he gets more stimulated. Gosh, I know you can do better than this Hanni.”
Hanni just nods to Minji between her bobs as she uses her drool as a lubricant to pump your shaft. Between her strokes, she hurriedly, and gently fondles your testicles as you groan in pleasure. Her strokes and fondles don't really synchronize to the rhythm of her bobs and licks onto your tip but that's what makes it incredible. The blowjob may not be close to the utmost perfection that Minji has done to Haesoo, but nonetheless, it's way too pleasurable and she's too good for a first-timer.
“There you go Hanni! You're doing a great job. Hyuk-oppa is moaning like crazy, do you hear that? Oh, he must be so needy for you and, ooh, what's this? You're already wet, huh?”
“Icawn't hwelp iwt, unniw—”
You could tell how Hanni had waited for this moment as her needs are also inevitable as much as your cock is so irresistible for her. Her muffled speech is still somewhat audible considering how she's slobbering so much over that juicy meat of yours. The accumulated drool makes your testicles wet by dripping on it and so is the tie of her uniform, making the scene hotter.
“W-We should have d-done this sooner, Hanni.”
Hanni only responds with a satisfied hum and an immediate nod as she continues the oral assault on your throbbing length. She then applies what she saw on Minji's performance earlier as she takes half of your length, frantically bobbing her head as she pumped your shaft with vigor. Hanni's tears are evident as you can see the glint in her eyes, further messing up her make-up as the lipstick now smears alongside your length.
Not so long after, she gags onto taking half of you as Minji instructs her to relax the muscles on her throat.
“Relax, Hanni, relax…”
Another almost so-identical pop can be heard as Hanni pulls out of your shaft, coughing and gasping for breath.
“Oh shit—are you okay, Hanni?”
Minji then pats Hanni's head as you ask if she's not hurt or anything, concern evident from both of your eyes.
“Is she alright?”
“I think so, Haesoo—”
“I-I'm g-good—I'm fine.”
A sigh of relief escapes your mouth as you're reassured seeing your friend, Hanni, responding to your questions and that she's not hurt in any way.
“I know how much you want to take it all in, but don't force it if you can't, okay?”
Hanni nods frantically as she holds your shaft again, stroking you before taking you again into her warm cavern. 
She's now a disheveled mess considering how she's sucking you off like a lollipop that can't get enough. She slobbers all over your raging length as more saliva seeps out of her mouth, knowing that she loves the taste of your shaft. You then grabbed her dark locks, making a makeshift ponytail as an outlet to fight the pleasure you've been feeling. Hanni didn't mind your motives and continued what she's doing, and more so, being more enthusiastic hearing your lustful moans and calls of her name.
“Hanni Pham. Hanni Pham. Hanni Pham! Ahhh—I'm gonna cum!”
You don't hold back as the knot in your stomach tightens, signaling your release. Hanni then stops sucking you off, pointing your throbbing length right at her face as she licks her lips, full of anticipation and bracing herself on what's about to come. Her hurriedly furious strokes send you into overdrive as she sticks her tongue out, as tempting as possible, making you aroused even more.
“I'm—fu—ahh, cumming!”
Your ragged breaths turned into relieving sighs and moans as you release shots of thick, warm semen at her disheveled face, painting every inch of her visage in pearly white as she moans in satisfaction and how warm your load feels on her face.
She then strokes you on your orgasm, making you squirm in half-pain and half-pleasure as your post-sensitiveness doesn't help with it. With a few breaths escaping your mouth, you slowly recover with your high as you regain your vision back to normal.
“W-Woah, that was one hell of a load, oppa.”
Wow. She's just so beautiful with your hot load covering every inch of her face.
She is truly beautiful, but right now, she's just simply breathtaking. 
You still lay down on the bed as Hanni scoops a small sample of your semen on her cheek, tasting it as she squirms in delight, knowing that she's ultimately satisfied.
“Oh god, that was so fucking hot. Shit…”
Minji is just flummoxed on how incredibly hot this went. She's in awe of how well Hanni did as she praises her, Hanni then flustered as her cum-covered cheeks shades a rosy pink.
“Where's the bathroom, Haesoo? Because, I'll help Hanni clean up—”
Haesoo points on which way directs to the bathroom as they hurriedly went there, Hanni getting some tissues on the pastel-brown colored box near the table.
Well, this was only just the beginning of what's about to come.
It has not been a long time since Minhyuk and Hanni went to the bathroom as you supposedly wait for them to come out, but they don't and it all fits incredibly well to your plan.
“What, oppa?”
You stammer as between your ragged breaths are those needy, lustful eyes of yours begging to fulfill your own needs. You can't take it any longer as that act of Minhyuk and Hanni makes you almost touch yourself to release it but you know that Minji wouldn't like it, because you know how she doesn't want any drop wasted.
“I r-really need t-to fuck your face.”
Minji is shocked at how straightforward you are as she smirks right after, knowing that teasing and edging you is the best option, maybe just a revengeful act on what you've done earlier.
What exactly did you do for her to be like this though? Maybe it's because of all the teasing you've done earlier or maybe, it's because of her picked movie not getting picked to be watch by all of you—yet, either way, it's childish if those are the exact reasons but you half-doubted these thought because it's just maybe her wanting to act dominant around you.
“Hell no! You're not fucking my face after what you've don—”
You pin her against the bed as your face is just inches away from hers, letting her smell the mint-flavored toothpaste on your breath. You glare at her as she glares back at you, not falling for your dominance.
“But what did I exactly do, hm, Minji?”
The switch of your stances are so abrupt that the two of you are shocked, but stayed in that, nonetheless. Being the dominant person is always fun and no wonder why Minji loves to act dominant with you but this time, you wouldn't let that happen, not even a single second.
“You e-exactly—ahhh—teased me so m-much… You're s-so damn, a-annoying—”
“Oh, getting weak now, huh, Minji? Never knew that my single touch will make you too much for yourself to handle, hm?”
Minji is never a quitter. She never was and no wonder why she's a friend to rely on: she's capable of teaching others with enthusiasm and she never gives up and quits. You loved those traits of hers but right now, you're adamant. You won't let her small games trick you to fall into submission yet she reads you like a book, breaks your defenses like it was nothing. She looks at you, straight in the eye as she places her warm hand on your chest, feeling the sudden enervation as you feel falling right into her knees.
“It's not that, oppa, it is because—”
Not allowed to finish her sentence, you kiss her lips as you invade her mouth right away, exchanging breaths and intimacy as she fights back with her tongue, dominating you. The taste of her strawberry-lipstick is still there, so, you savor the flavor ultimately of her lips with it, like some candy you can't get enough of. The intimate kiss lasts abruptly as Minji pushes you, letting herself to not fall over your dominative aura.
“Ahh—o-okay! Okay! I'll let you fuck my face but if Hanni and Minhyuk-oppa gets out of the bathroom, this will be over, okay? I don't care if you'll fuck me with just a second or if I’ll edge you.”
Wasting no time, the both of you got up on the bed as Minji knelt right in front of you. She pumped your erection furiously, like it's her last. Knowing that it's fully-erect, she took you in and started bobbing her head up and down.
It was like the ordinary blowjob she had given earlier but this time, it will be a spectacular one as it's way better. You wasted no time putting your hands behind her face as you started to thrust slowly. Between your sluggish pace, Minji adjusts herself on your length as to her surprise, you begin thrusting frantically, which caught her off-guard. 
She welcomes each rough thrust as you pound her mouth with abandon as drool seeps out of it, knowing how well you're using her tight, warm cavern. Constant moans escape your breath as you use her mouth like a fleshlight that nobody can afford. Everytime your tip hits the back of her throat, she lets out a gag that reverberates around the room. You didn't give her some time to even breathe as you pound her mouth more, only concern for your own pleasure, her then holding both of your hands with her own on the back of your head, further assisting you on fucking her.
You know she loves this so much and you can see it from her eyes, those oh-so lustful, brown eyes, full of glint as tears stream down her cheeks. You know that she wants to touch herself under that uniform, so with force (you're still gentle towards her), you force her to avert her gaze towards your eyes as not so long after, she matches your rough thrusts with the bobbing of her head.
“F-Fuck, your mouth feels so good—argh! As always, it feels so good, so tight, perfectly shaped with my cock. You're wanting this, aren't you, huh? What a greedy little brat who wants to ruined by m-me. Don't worry Minji, I'll m-make sure your mouth will be well-spent once I'm done fucking you—”
You double your efforts on fucking her face as you felt the familiar knot on your loins, signalling that you will release anytime soon. As you're busy pounding Minji's mouth, you then hear a loud click echoing from a door, the sound is most likely coming from the bathroom.
“Unnie, Haesoo-oppa! Are you guys done—ah!”
To their surprise, Hanni and Minhyuk were shocked to see you mercilessly fucking Minji's mouth as it shows a lewd display to them, making them feel something that is not right. 
It shouldn't feel right. Yes, it shouldn't, but here you are, using Minji's mouth like it's your last as you didn't fulfill her deal and might as well, her wants. Knowing that you won't last any longer, you groan as you screamed her name in ecstasy.
“Oh fuck, Minji, I'm going to c-cum, and you're going to take i-it like a good girl, okay?”
All it takes are a few thrusts before you know that you’re going to blast out. Tricking her into releasing inside her cavern, you suddenly pulled out of her warm, tight mouth as surprisingly, she initiated to furiously stroke your throbbing length until your orgasm arrives, just right in time.
“P-Please give me your l-load, oppa. I’m dying to feel and t-taste it…”
“I’m cumming Minji!”
Minji’s idyllic smile is the last thing you see as you roll your head back, letting everything out as streaks of hot, thick semen fire towards Minji’s enticingly beautiful face. As much as she wants your load down her throat where she would choke and taste it, she wouldn’t complain about being painted fully, every inch of her face covered by your own cum. The both of you then laid down at the bed, exasperated with all of the action you’ve done as you recover from your high and Minji gasping for air as both of your faces are flustered as you exchanged smiles with each other.
Gosh, Minji is just really ethereal looking like that—she is indeed ethereal as if you were to be asked, she’s the epitome of beauty. Even her being a disheveled mess with you to blame by your own doing, she always looked gorgeous nonetheless.
The two of you are so focused on each other that you didn’t even know that Minhyuk and Hanni already came out of the bathroom as you can only see their eyes, perplexed by the hot sight that just happened. 
“I’m still not done with you, Minji.”
As Minji’s still tracing some samples of your load from your cheeks to taste it, you then grabbed her wrists and turned her, facing against you as she didn’t even dare to resist from your actions—you know from this moment, she fell into submission and it couldn’t have been better.
“Op—pa~, please be gentle—”
“I am, Minji, and now, be a good girl for me, okay?”
All that Minji can do is nod frantically as she gets down on her fours, knowing that she will be taken care of by you (definitely). Offering your finger for her to further assess her wanton needs, she greedily sucked on it as the mixture of your cum and her saliva can be tasted by hers. Not so long after, you hike up her skirt and notice the not-so-common spot on her panties.
“You’re wet, huh? Hah, well it’s not really new because I know how much you are always dripping wet because of me.”
“S-Shut up…”
It’s true. Even though she always lies about it (as most of the time, she does), you know that deep inside, she is already aroused and wet by the thought of you ruining her. She can’t get enough of you as much as you are to her as the feelings are mutual, and you couldn’t ask for more.
It almost feels like you didn’t wanna strip her off because of how you’re much more aroused with her disheveled uniform but you had no choice but to do so—you can still fuck her with those clothes on but it would be a struggle at your end.
Tracing your fingers slowly on her milky, pristine thighs, you make her feel how she’s going to be ruined by you as gasps and shallow breaths escape her mouth, her emotions with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She squirms under your touch as you know how sensitive she feels right now, and it’s way too much because of how submissive she feels under your spell.
“W-Why are you teasing m-me so much—ahhh—”
“Because why not? I’ll reward you right after but you need to be a good girl, do you understand?”
Another nod. At this moment, you know that you’re in full control because of her submissive antics towards you yet you're still not complacent about it. To further assert your dominance, you lightly pull her hair, making a makeshift ponytail as you spank her butt harshly enough to make a mark and to make it sting—the sting lasting until later, or maybe even until tomorrow. She squirms and wails in pleasure as the dark spot on her panties got worse, letting you know how drenched she is right now. You then yank her panties off, down her ankles as your hardened girth twitches on the sight of her dripping pussy, drenched with her own juices. You then brush your index finger gently on her waiting entrance as she squirm and moans your name, arousing you even further. 
“Stop t-teasing me, oppa. Just p-put it in me already…”
“Nu-uh, just be patient Minji, okay? If you aren’t, this won’t be better for the both of us.”
Minji grew impatient from your own antics and games. Her pussy is drenching wet as her sultry moans and squirms reverberate around your ear and all you can see is a needy, submissive Minji.
“Pleas—se oppa, I n-need you inside me…”
You ignore her pleas as you rub her clit with your thumb with a rhythm so pleasurable that Minji can't help but wail and moan. 
If she edged you earlier, might as well pay her with her own coin.
“I can't seem to hear you, Minji. Hah, it would be a shame if you were to get off on my fingers. ”
“Please oppa, just p-put it in—ahh—me, please. I w-wanna feel you oppa, please…”
With Minji’s further attempts to persuade you into fucking her, it just further ignites the flames of teasing her, which she didn’t approve of. It’s maybe hitting her, realizing that you’re doing this to her in payback of her edging you earlier. She hitched a breath as symphonies of moans escaped her lustful mouth. 
“I’m s-sorry about edging you e-earlier, oppa. So please, I w-want to feel you, please, p-please, please, just shove y-your fat cock in my p-pussy and t-tame the living brat out o-of me. Fuck me hard and use me like a toy like you a-always do.”
Her submissive pleas are basically now a chant ringing on your head as between her numerous stutters are wails of pleasure coursing down her veins. With her great choice of words to tempt and arouse and your carnal needs towards her, you also can’t help to tease her for so long as you grabbed the bottle of lube from the cabinet table nearby and began pouring some on your hands. Minji knew about your motives about this as she tried to complain but you read her mind as you hissed at her.
“I’ll do what I want to do, Minji and you’ll like this like you always do.”
Lubricating your throbbing girth with a thick layer of lube, you tease your tip onto her waiting asshole as you insert a finger on the rim of it, teasing her further as it sends her mind into overdrive. You then teased your hard erection with rubs on Minji’s soft buttcheeks as you spanked it again, sending ripples and waves of pleasure on Minji. You then stopped teasing her as the long wait is over, the both of you gasping and wailing as you feel each other’s touch.
“Shit! Oppa! You're s-so big—ahh!”
“M-Minji—ah! Fuck, you’re so t-tight—ahh! So, so tight—grrr.”
Symphonies of moans and calls escape from both of your mouths as you push your tip further, sending shivers down your spine as over time, you gradually increase the pace of your thrusts, therefore overloading the dopamine you're feeling. 
It always had been an euphoric experience having sex with Minji. Whether it is just a fast one or such long sessions, you always feel like you're in heaven, in a state of bliss—rather calling this, perfection. The two of you always loved exploring new things to do and today is the perfect time to do so, as Hanni and Minhyuk are the ones who will make this more than an unforgettable experience.
With your constant rhythm of thrust inside Minji's incredibly tight asshole, you can't but grip on her makeshift ponytail as you begin to pound her ass with only concern of your own pleasure. You know that she likes it rough and hard, so you need to fulfill her wants by simply granting it. 
“H-Harder, oppa. Fuck me h-harder—ahh! Yes! Ahh!! Use m-me, punish me—ah!”
Her mouth is agape as subsequent moans of pleasure only comes from it, her eyes rolling over on how well you're fucking her. You begin to exert more effort into fucking her as the constant slapping of each of your own bodies echoes around the room as the heat from the hot sex that's happening emanates around the room. Between her constant wails of pleasure and your groans with your gritted teeth, you noticed that she's touching herself, rubbing her thumb on her clit as her own juices stain the bed sheets—and you swear to god, you're going to clean and fix your bed again on how dirty is this going to be. You didn't care about it as Minji fingers herself faster, synchronizing to the rhythm of your thrusts as she screams your name within a constant pattern, still able to form coherent sentences and words despite how rough you’re pounding her ass right now. 
“Haesoo-oppa, Haesoo-oppa, Kang Haesoo! Ahhh—y-you're fucking me too good! Shit—you always fuck me so well, oppa—guhh—ahh!”
With her calling your name, your length throbs gradually as her juices streams out of her pussy like a waterfall on how much it has been dripping, you know that she's gonna climax soon as you helped her reach her high sooner, inserting a finger on her wet, warm cavern as your other hand holds her hips still, assisting yourself in a relentless pace that you're always loved doing.
“Oppa, I'm gonna cum—AHH!!”
It was all enough for Minji as her reservoir broke loose, her juices gushing out, staining the bed sheets and might as well some of it on the floor and your thighs. Her climax was so strong that you felt the excessive pulsations of her pussy even though your length isn't penetrated in it. You never stop thrusting as you fuck her through her orgasm as your chasing yours too. With your rough thrusts still occurring, you’re still surprised the spaced-out Minji still has the ability to assist you, moving herself in unison of your thrusts as you groan her name, the pleasure skyrocketing and heightening up all of your senses.
“Oh shit, Minji, I’m about to fucking cum and y-you’re gonna take it like the good girl you are, won’t you?”
“Ahh—ahh! Y-Yes, oppa—ahh!”
If you were to be asked, there’s nothing coherent and articulate about Minji’s response as her moans and screams of pleasures prevailed. You give her a few more hammering thrusts as you bury the entirety of your cock deep down her tight cavern as you can feel your orgasm coming soon.
It was all too much, way too much for you to handle as you groaned Minji’s full name in unison with your euphoric high. Thick shots of white, pearly semen paints the inside of Minji’s ass as you managed to pull out of her clenched hole, the last shots then painting her pillowy cheeks, a canvas painted white as your cum glistens on her soft, luscious skin and the first rounds then dripping out of her asshole. Your orgasm sends shockwaves throughout your body as it enervates you, but not for too long as you regain your stamina back, ready to ruin this beautiful girl more in front of you.
“I’m gonna enjoy ruining you Minji.”
“R-Ruin me please, oppa. I misbehaved s-so bad you need to punish me more. Please strip m-me oppa, please…”
“Don’t tell me what to do, brat! I’m gonna fuck you with this uniform on you until you pass out.”
Ignoring her pleas just send gasoline on the fire of lust as her peak submissiveness arouses you further as your cock twitches on her glistening cunt, wet with her own doing. Positioning yourself onto her entrance, she grabs your arm for support as you will reward her more—more like a punishment in this situation.
Whilst the two of you are on the verge of another hot, steamy sex, small whimpers and groans can be heard to the other side of the room as it reverberates around your ear. Your suspicion was right, it’s Hanni and Minhyuk making love as you didn’t avert your focus towards them as you’re mind is way too clouded about fucking Minji and maybe even more.
It doesn’t feel right, it shouldn’t feel right. And yet the hushed whispers of encouragement in your ears as you carefully plunge your length inside her is only driving you further and further into madness. Every “oh fuck” and “yes please” rolling off her tongue so smoothly, so lustfully only serves to heighten all five of your senses. Lips brush past hers as they find refuge on the crook of her neck, your tongue darting out carefully to capture the sweet and salty taste of sweat that you have already discovered to be so addicting. The reaction is immediate; her tiny body squirming and writhing as you continue to lap up such an immaculate taste of her sensitive skin. Wrap your muscular arms around her to keep her steady and to feel more of her soft skin against yours. It’s messy, it’s hot, it’s raw, and it’s downright carnal. But it doesn’t compare to the guttural moan that she emits once you finally reach the promised land, legs quickly wrapping around your waist as you fill her completely. 
“H-Hyuk oppa!”
Whereas Minji and Haesoo are fucking each other like rabbits, you prefer to take it nice and slow because Hanni deserves that level of respect and attention. Capture her lips for a fervent kiss once more, partly because you wanted to muffle her loud moans so that the four of you don’t receive a noise complaint—God forbid anyone finds out about the sinful things happening right in this very place—but also because you want to taste her again. And again, and again, and again. You just can’t get enough of those lips: soft, plump, and with just a hint of the strawberry lip balm she always uses. It’s a perfect concoction that serves to push you towards the edge of your sanity, holding on tightly much like she does with her well-manicured nails latching onto your shoulders and making deep, red scratches that will surely sting once you wake up tomorrow. But adrenaline overpowers your system, a sensation more lust-inducing than the strongest alcohol ever crafted.
It also serves as distraction while you continue to gradually increase the pace, though the tightness of her warm and velvety walls makes it difficult to do so. But you would gladly give her all the time in the world to adjust to you (it was already a challenge for her mouth to accommodate your raging cock), especially if the payoff includes having her body pressed against yours with no inch to spare. Pull away from the kiss regretfully to regain oxygen but you don’t stop in your pursuit of pleasure, stare intently at her unfocused eyes and they convey more than a thousand words could. They burn with passion and unbridled lust that could only be matched by the intensity of your own eyes. You already found her gorgeous to begin with (especially when she’s sucking the soul out of you) but nothing can beat the sight of her disheveled hair, bruised lips, and rose-tinted cheeks all while she whispers your name like some sort of mantra. 
“Hyuk oppa.”
“Hyuk oppa.”
“Hyuk oppa.”
Each thrust is an earnest attempt in locating that sweet, magical spot that would be the cause of her undoing; to completely unravel that woman that you’ve known for over a decade. It’s a journey that leaves your abs burning like you just ran a marathon but the reward is more than worth the wait as she slumps forward, energy completely zapped out of her with repeated jabs towards the soft bundle of nerves. Her canines bite down on your clavicle, surely an unorthodox way of expressing her outburst of pleasure. They dig down on your skin as if you’re a prey somewhere in the middle of a barren landscape. She mewls, then a sound that can only discern itself as a mixture of cries and wails. Or maybe it’s Minji making those noises while Haesoo continue to fuck the living hell out of her—good thing it’s the weekend because she won’t be able to walk at all. But the point is moot, you suppose this is Hanni’s revenge for covering her neck with hickeys that announces to the entire world that you two fucked, at your friend’s place nonetheless. 
“So fucking tight, Hanni. Ugh. So. Fucking. Tight.”
You are not going to complain, however. Maybe it’s still the adrenaline or maybe you’re just a masochist, but it fills you with a surge of dopamine that only drives you further and further into your most primal of desires. The stinging pain left by the imprint of her teeth, her nails that continue to leave scratch marks on the expanse of your back, it all blurs into a bundle of pleasure that serves as a catalyst to your own eventual undoing. Add your moans and groans to the cacophony of the vocalization, feet planting on the bed while you chase for her lips again. Feel her moans vibrating against your lips, the thunderous slapping of skin against skin—she’s screaming something in English but you can’t quite catch what it is, but she screams with such vigor that it must be something good. But with how she clenches and pulsates around your cock, you didn’t need to understand her words. Her slick and wet pussy continuously floods your crotch with juices, such delectable honey regretfully wasted when you could be lapping it all up. Maybe some other time, maybe this won’t be a one time thing.
“Feel so damn good. Shit. Shit. Shit. You’re so fucking irresistible.”
“M-Minhyuk oppa!” Her vocabulary strictly limits itself to your name, though the tone and volume varies from time to time—ranging from hushed whispers to loud proclamations. But it doesn’t seem to get quieter anytime soon, in fact it’s rising to a crescendo. Not even the muffling you attempt with your lips (it’s definitely not purely because you want to kiss her again) can silence her; and it’s not like you really want to do so anyways. The symphony is reaching its final movement, your thrusts have become sporadic, a virtuosic prowess that can only be demonstrated by the orchestra of your bodies. From your peripheral vision, your eyes wander to Minji and Haesoo’s tired and spent bodies already cuddling in the far edge of the bed.
“Oppa, p-please. I-I can’t hold on much longer!”
“Cum for me, baby. Please. Please cum for me, I wanna feel you.”
“Oppa!” It’s loud, it’s deafening, and it’s so fucking hot. She clenches around your length so fiercely that it almost becomes impossible to continue fucking her, juices completely drenching the satin sheets underneath while she completely unravels in your arms. If you weren’t sure if the neighbors can hear you two, then you definitely are right now. The way she ragdolls to your chest, sweaty bodies intermingled with each other, hot and shaky breaths as she rests her head next to yours, every single sensation sends shockwaves to your body that ultimately unshackles the very fiber of your being. You were so focused on helping her achieve her high that your own orgasm catches you by surprise and arrives in unexpected fashion. You can only groan in silence as ropes of semen fire deep inside her womb, filling her completely and draining your balls with every thrust and with more to spare as they spill out of where you two are joined. It’s pure and unparalleled bliss, your vision turning white for a fleeting moment as your thrusts begin to slow down.
“Hanni, fuck…..”
Mindlessly, you cup her cheeks and kiss her again (this time it’s devoid of lust as you want to display just how much you truly cherish her and thank her for allowing you to give her that experience). Hanni continues to whimper and moan as her hips continue to buckle but at a much slower pace, as if she wants to drain every single drop out of you. And that’s exactly what she does because despite one orgasm already, you manage to unload at least eight shots of thick and hot semen inside her which immediately trickles down to your balls. You join her in making those satisfied sounds as well, you’re tired and aching but you feel so fucking relieved. Even in this state she still looks so pretty and gorgeous, if you could kiss her all day you would. And as much as you don’t want to admit it, she causes butterflies in your stomach that you don’t want to—
“Fuck, that was hot. Right, Haesoo-oppa?” The brief silence is interrupted by Minji, still resting in the arms of Haesoo. Right. You completely forget about the presence of the other couple in the room because your eyes are focused on her and nobody else. The male can only groan and nod, probably just as drained as you are. The woman resting her head on your shoulders on the other hand, is looking at you like a lion gazing down at its prey.
An exasperated Hanni calls your name as she breaks the silence between the both of you. As you still feel light-headed from your high and the exhaustion you’ve been experiencing, you still managed to respond to her as all you can see is the aftermath mess after a hot, steamy session.
“W-What, Hanni?”
Her petite body climbed up as her head rested onto your shoulders, her gaze then averting towards you as she hitched a breath, preparing to say something. “I don’t know if you… know this but, there are times that… I am just—uh—so grateful to have you as a friend. Like I don’t k-know how to express this accurately but I’m just so grateful. So, so grateful, oppa. This may seem weird but I wanna express it now. I wanna express on how—”
“You love me?”
The world felt silent as time ticked slower than before. With a single word, you felt butterflies on your stomach as you finished her sentence, her tired disposition now changed with unbridled delight as her eyes are wider than before—her pupils dilating with your response. The both of you then exchange smiles as you shed a tear, intense fervor prevails your emotions as if it was a roller-coaster but in the end, all you can feel is peak ecstasy. 
“How did you kno—”
“Hanni, I k-knew it from the start, but I’m just afraid of really expressing my feelings too, so I thought that you won’t feel the same. That you were just playing it off every time you made a move. I was dumb, so dumb to know your true motives. I—”
Hanni pauses you as all you can just see is her soft lips pressed against yours as you were caught off-guard but fast enough to reciprocate to the kiss. Both of your tongues fight and tangle to each other as you kiss her with intense passion; intimacy and love permeating around the air on how much you show your affection through every second of your kiss. After a hot minute of kissing, you pull out of her mouth as strings of saliva follows from your tongue on how much you exerted effort and love with that single, intense action. The both of you exchanged breaths and smiles as you can see the glint in Hanni’s eyes, knowing how much she loves everything that has happened, up to this moment.
“I love you, oppa and I hope that you feel the sa—”
“I love you too Hanni, my honey.”
You’re not too sure if you intended a pun unintentionally or you’re just simply in love with her right now that all words that utters in your mouth are full of affection and nothing more than that. You kissed her lips once more as you captured the sweet taste of it, again as your animalistic urges wanted you to dive in more but you refrained yourself, as you just wanted to rest on her and spend the preceding hours just in her arms and nobody else but her. With the pent-up exhaustion, drowsiness took over your body as the both of you lay in each other’s arms.
“Hanni is just so sweet, right, oppa?”
“Yeah, if only you’re as sweet as Hanni, I could’ve made a move to you—”
“Oppa, what the fu— eww…”
Haesoo and Minji will be the living epitome of the saying “cats and dogs” as they were about to tease each other again. All you can just hear are their faint murmurings and unhurried movements as your vision becomes blurry, and soon gives in to the drowsiness you've been feeling.
Everything seems to be calmed and much tranquil from the earlier emanated hotness that once permeated around the bedroom. Not so long after, Minji and Haesoo gave in to their own drowsiness as they didn’t bother to even clean up, their exasperation was to blame here as it drained their energy.
Everything just went dead silent as it’s just the faint sound of the air conditioner buzzing and the loud, metropolitan noise outside that resonates up to your eardrums.
Well this is one hell of a night, a hot night, a hot night to remember.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
maxander head canons
@ant-thebooknerd requested this in my comment section so here it is. @hathorneheiress helped with this post. some hcs might suck and i apologize if anything doesn’t make sense cause this isn’t proof read. i haven't gotten any real sleep in 3 days so my hcs making brain juice has almost run out. hope you like it! i will make a part two bc i love them and these were so easy and fun to make.
max gets annoyed sometimes cause she loves reading but hates having to hold the book open, and those contraptions you buy online don't work. xander built her smth just for her.
they're the type of people to kiss each other's feet and bow down to each other as a joke
when they can't sleep, they read smut to each other.
when they’re out in public, xander clings onto her arm like a baby.
although they’re in a relationship, they’re both really shy when it comes to telling the other i love you. either that or they make it a competition like who can go the longest without saying i love you accidently.
they're the type of people to always be on call. it doesn't matter if they're sleeping or at the bathroom, they will NOT hang up.
i can see him asking her to prom with those super cliche embarrassing posters with puns and stuff. max squealed like a seal when he did it.
they do those challenges on tiktok where someone puts the karaoke version of a song on and the other has to guess what song is playing (search it up if you don’t know what im talking about).
speaking of singing, they make the weirdest parodies of songs and sing them during their weekly dinners with the rest of the family.
when xander doesn't want to wake up and get out of bed, max shakes her ass in his face and jumps all over him.
they both love lying down sprawled on the floor quietly, staring at the ceiling, questioning their life decisions together.
they love scaring people when they're in his lab and people are passing by saying stuff like 'harder, xander! ah you’re so big. yes that's it right there". they always succeed. 
they love pretending like they're their favorite historical romance couples like elizabeth and darcy from pride and prejudice. they go around acting out all of the scenes and stuff.
whenever their favorite artists release an album, they have a listening party with popcorn, candy, balloons, confetti, etc. its this huge thing and it basically becomes a holiday for them (which obviously doesn't have a set date bc albums are released randomly)
they post those weird cliche cheesy prank videos like "pregnancy prank on my boyfriend"
when they cuddle in bed, max is the big spoon and xander is the little spoon.
they’re both cuddle addicts. they’ll be at a super important event and they’ll be sitting on the floor in each other’s arms whispering things to each other. alisa gets so mad and thinks its bad for their image.
ever since they started dating, xander doesn't use his pillow anymore, he lies down on max's chest bc he think boobs are better than any pillow.
they love watching crime series and trying to figure out who committed the crime themselves.
max loves making paper flower bouquets for xander.
max wanted to learn how to twerk so she got xander to teach her. she's now an expert (even better than xander)
xander loves picking up her hand and bowing down to kiss it like some historical romance boyfriend saying stuff like "why hello there, mlady"
they are constantly sending each other tiktoks. one will wake up the next morning and see that the other one sent them 20 different tiktoks. they send the other their thoughts on each and everyone of them in a numbered list.
max becomes a literal monster when she’s on her period. she’s constantly screaming at xander to get her chocolate and stuff and xander’s running around trying to get it for her. she also asks for the most unreasonable things ever. she’ll ask xander to get her a book blanket or some shit and xander will sit there, terrified, wondering what he’s supposed to do.
max is always bragging about the fact that she can eat more than xander even though he’s much bigger than she is.
max will only swear for real in front of xander. they make a competition out of it: “who can out swear the other” usually sweet cinnamon roll xander wins surprisingly.
they sneak around hawthorne house together to try to get all of the juicy gossip. i can see them acting like they're in a comedy movie hiding behind cleaning carts and stuff.
they call each other stuff like 'my sexy sweet sugar plum dusted with pepper" and "my hot little apple pie sprinkled with glitter"
they draw stuff on each other's arms with sharpies. they're too scared to get actual tattoos so this is the next best thing.
when max has a bad day, she loves lying down completely on top of xander and placing her head in the crook of his neck. it allows her to decompress and relax.
nose kisses are their favorite type of kisses bc it always makes the other blush and scrunch their nose, and they find it adorable.
they have matching shirts that go like "if lost return to max"/"i am max"
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fisshindasea · 4 months
So with the 'Dad of the Year' headcanons with Barou and Rin. Can I request it but you get to pick the characters depending on this. Who'd be...
Overprotective: they're highkey intimidating the shit out of reader's crush and reader themselves. They look pissed off. The interrogation Reader is finna go through is crazy. Reader's siblings are scared for Reader.
Prince "Charming": who is immediately asking questions and even invites reader's crush inside for dinner. They look charming but damnit they're scary. Lowkey intimidating asf.
Sweetheart: this one is basically the "charming" one but they're not intimidating at all, in fact they're super nice and welcoming.
Teaser: the tease is never gonna let reader live this down. In fact, they invite reader's crush in just to fuck with reader. They're not gonna shut up about this and neither are Reader's siblings. Lowkey thought Reader would never find a significant other.
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— dads of the century —
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- this is a part two of some sorts to the first one.
- this is one of the longest ones ive written. in terms of months because this took so long bc of school.
- also im sorry that kunigami's part is the longest. he was my favorite thats my bad
- has the same premise as the last one basically.
- dad!multiple characters x gn!reader
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Overprotective: Kunigami Rensuke
- the kind of dad who isn't exactly strict but he tends to go.. a little overboard?
- like he's completely alright with you going out, shopping, going somewhere with friends. but the catch is you have to update him whenever you guys go somewhere different, your location should always be on, you have to send him pictures or videos as updates if typing might take too long, etc.
- he's only overprotective when he's not there. (obviously) but it really also just depends on what you're doing. if it's a situation you've been in a lot, let's day shopping for books, going to the mall with or without your siblings, if he's able to trust you in these scenarios then he'll hold back a little bit.
- but on times where you're just really far away with friends, or you're hanging out with a group of people he's not completely familiar with, you'll definitely have to comply with his rules and stuff.
- he's only like this because he cares a lot about you and your siblings.
- having significant others is a different story. he's a lot stricter with the rules, especially if its like a new person who's been dating you for like half a year.
- his rules tend to be from a scale of "you have to be taken home by 6 pm" to "you can't hold hands because I'm not convinced they wash their hands". it's lowkey ridiculous sometimes but he does try to be less overbearing.
- the scolding when he finds out about your s/o tho is... scarier?
- i don't think he usually notices how scary he can be, but the moment you stepped inside the house he turned on the intimidation factor off the roof.
- he had his arms crossed, the brows were furrowed, he was looking at you like you just committed the most offensive crime possible in human history.
- you got grounded uhm... he wasn't happy. not because you have a s/o, but purely because you kept it from him.
- he acts like he hates your s/o too but genuinely though, he's happy that you've found someone that makes you feel special.
- you're still grounded for a month though, couldn't go on dates until then.
- amidst the strictness, he does genuinely try to get along with your significant other and is content knowing that you have someone to look after you, especially at times where he's too far away to physically look out for you.
Prince Charming: Chigiri Hyoma
- chigiri... isn't exactly like sweet looking per se? but his demeanor is definitely comforting in a way, because of how charming he is.
- so a lot of the time your friends are comfortable in your family especially because of how chigiri's demeanor is. but they do know not to get on his bad side yk.
- the s/o situation is... a big contrast in a sense.
- bc chigiri is still charming, invites them inside to eat yk. asks questions about how they're treating you, and if they promise to take care of you. yk normal stuff.
- unfortunately he's the type to intimidate your partner the moment you turn your back.
- he glares and starts threatening your s/o that if they ever hurt you, he'd be less than impressed and happy after all the promises they've given chigiri about treating you right.
- your s/o is lowkey traumatized bc how does a man, so charming and pretty, also be one of the scariest people they've ever encountered.
- honestly you're not surprised. you've seen your father use his charm for things less than... righteous. (he's used his charm and his pretty face to bargain for prices in the market too many times. it is a must, people)
- all in all though, i see chigiri as the type to take a very long time to adjust to your s/o, and over time, he tries to let loose a little more and slowly understand that someone else is bound to find you worth taking care of just like he does.
Sweetheart: Isagi Yoichi
- man does no wrong. he's on board with your s/o, and is loving the fact that you have someone to take care of you whenever he's away.
- is a genuine sweetheart. i would say that he's the opposite of chigiri where hes the sweet but is actually intimidating type, whereas isagi is the intimidating at first type but is actually just a super sweet dad.
- he's used to a lot of people liking you, and he's upset the moment he finds out that they've hurt you, so he has some trust issues about this s/o.
- this definitely showed the moment he found out you had an s/o you hadn't told him about yet.
- the moment he finds out about your s/o, he's the type to shed a tear. and you don't know how to feel because your dad is... crying??
- he'd tell you that he's happy, and that he wants to meet your s/o as quick as possible.
- he tries to make your s/o feel as welcome as possible, and he makes sure that they know that they're always welcome in the house.
- acts like a second father to your s/o. sometimes you feel like you're the s/o coming to meet the father of the person you love so dearly bc why does this man already call your s/o (son/daughter) the second time they come to the house.
- isagi just adores you both as well, like he takes you both on trips and stuff but sometimes he wishes he wasn't there bc why does he feel like a third wheel everytime.
- does not hesitate to help either of you out for dates. you have a suprise? he's on it, he's hands on, making sure that whatever you're doing doesn't get out to the other person.
Teaser: Meguru Bachira
- dare i say he's the most annoying one out of the four?
- this man finds one detail about your relationship and he acts like over reacting classmates when someone has a crush.
- he does not shut up im so sorry, but he as much as possible vowed that he'll tease you in exchange for the fact that you kept your s/o a secret for a year.
- he also lowkey got your siblings to work with him. ever since your first crush, they've all banded together to find the person you liked and somehow always manages to invite them for dinner?
- but back to the present, when he found out about the s/o he asked very calmly "so how long?"
-"a year.."
- whips his head to look at you, eyes wide, mouth frowning open.
- the definition of D:
- to be fair he had an idea, but he trusted you'd tell him at the right time.
- he did not expect the right time to be one year into the relationship.
- and so, he promises to himself that he'll tease and embarrass you both as often, and as much as he can on a daily basis. mostly you though.
- everyday without fail he teases you about your pet names for each other.
- you could say your s/o's name and he'd pop in from the other room going "don't you mean (insert pet name here)"
- you'd tell him to stfu if he wasn't your father
- so instead, you just respectfully stare at him while he laughs until he stops
- expect it to happen again the same day
- sometimes he even talks about it with his team, and when you met some of his friends they're like "so how's your s/o? do they still call you (pet name here)?"
- because your dad somehow bribed them into joining the teasing.
- but honestly he's happy for you, he just shows his affection for you both that way and he has no qualms about you dating.
- except maybe if he finds you crying about your s/o. let's hope it does not come to that.
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thatfreshi · 1 year
Muscle Memory (Uni AU P. 12)
tw - abuse, sexual trauma, drinking, slight mention of homophobia
That evening, after all of your friends have dispersed, after getting absolutely nothing done, you end up in Astarion's dorm. You're both sitting on his bed while he does your makeup, which he insisted upon. He complains every time you accidentally move or your eyelids twitch, but you know he doesn't actually care all that much.
"You know, you're the only person I've ever let in here."
You back away from his makeup brush.
"Yeah. Don't really like sharing my space with people. It's one of the only things I have that's truly mine, but I don't mind sharing it with you."
"Are you sure? Because we could always hang out in my dorm, or somewhere else."
"No, really, you're one of the only people I trust to be in here. You don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, you don't ask too many questions, you just exist here, like I do."
"I mean I'd never just look through your stuff. I feel like that's the bare minimum."
"You'd think so, but it gets to a point in a career like mine where nothing is really yours anymore."
At this point, Astarion has started on your face again, mindlessly talking.
"You said you started at sixteen right? Must've been hard, losing all that control so young."
"Well, I mean I didn't really have a choice. After all, I did get kicked out, and jobs for normal teenagers don't really cover the expenses of someone trying to be an adult already. Besides, I got in with a lot of disgusting agents, people who shouldn't have been involved with someone my age anyways."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. Like I said, I did it to myself."
"You were just a kid though."
"Yeah, I guess I was."
The conversation goes silent for a moment as he grabs something else from his cosmetics bag.
"Why did you get kicked out, if you don't mind me asking?"
He raises an eyebrow slightly.
"Hm, no one ever actually asks me that. Then again, I guess I don't really tell anyone."
"I mean you don't have to tell me."
"No, no I don't mind. I came out, that's pretty much it. Funny when you're the star only child until you talk about liking men. I was miserable about it at the time, but I don't really care anymore. Besides, I have far too many other things to concern myself with."
He makes one more pass with a highlight, and then backs up to admire his work.
"There, you look wonderful my darling Tav. Perhaps you'll look more beautiful than all the exotic flowers you'll get to see tonight."
"You're sweet. Thank you, for all of this, for opening up to me. I know it hasn't been all that long, but you really are the best friend I've been looking for."
Astarion goes to respond, but is interrupted by his ringtone going off, interrupting the nice music he had playing. It's Cazador calling, Szarr's first name as he had told you a couple days ago. Apparently he thought his last name would sound better for the brand, and has everyone call him by it at all times, unless you're in his private inner circle. To your surprise, your pale friend declines the call.
"Did you just-"
"Yep. Not letting him ruin my night, I just can't right now. Besides, I have to make sure you're ready for this date."
"You can't-"
"What, just not pick up his call? I guess you're right. I've done it before though, and he'll simply send me some nasty voicemail. I'll get punished for it later I'm sure, but if he didn't do it to me, it would just be one of the other six. Better that I take the brunt of it."
"But why?"
"I've been working with him longest, I'm the most used to it. If I can deal with it, it's better that way. Being the scapegoat, it gives me some small way to protect the rest of them."
"You shouldn't have to though."
"Of course not, none of us should have to, but I'm just playing the hand I got dealt Tav. That's all any of us can do, especially when the house always wins."
"So what will you do, until you have to see him again I mean?"
"Oh, there's a fitting tomorrow morning. In the meantime? I'll probably go find a cheap place to get drunk, have sex with a stranger and try to forget. At least until tomorrow."
You nervously stare at your hands.
"Is that why you had sex with me that night? To forget?"
He looks off into the distance, trying to find that evening in his mind.
"I can't even remember. Maybe? Or maybe I was just scared. It's hard to say. It becomes easy after a while, to just offer up your body to strangers. Easier than other options at least. It's like muscle memory."
He then stands up, and offers you a hand to do the same.
"But anyways, enough about me. You have a suitor to go see, and I think he'll find you just ravishing."
Your eyes meet his, that reddish-brown not fully present with you.
"Just stay safe tonight, okay?"
"Oh darling, as if I'm ever truly safe. I'll try though, since you asked so nicely. Now, go on and get downstairs, or else you'll be late. Don't want to keep the handsome nature man waiting."
You thank him again for helping you get ready, giving him a tender hug, the kind that secretly makes him melt. And soon enough, you're out the door and downstairs, met with Halsin and a box of chocolates.
Astarion doesn't even have the energy at that point to clean up the scattered cosmetics across his sheets. He almost plays Cazador's voicemail, but instead turns his phone off and leaves it on the nightstand. Just like he said, he finds some bar that won't hurt his wallet too much, and drinks the night away, thinking about the possible strangers he could lose himself in. He tries to justify it, knowing that rolling around in the sheets with someone would make the thoughts go away, give him a break from the constant nagging in his head, but for some reason he just can't do it. In fact, he hasn't been able to force himself to sleep with anyone since that night in the diner parking lot. He'd never admit it, but he's been thinking about what you said that evening, how he was just someone trying to survive. And he secretly hopes you're right, that he hasn't truly tainted his soul, that somewhere deep down there's a good piece of him left. After all, he's pining after someone like you, someone who gave him the benefit of the doubt when he didn't deserve it, someone who is far better than him. At least that's what he believes, that even if he did tell you like Gale suggested, it wouldn't be enough. He wouldn't be enough for you, but maybe this Halsin character could be, and there's no way he'd deprive you of that chance.
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Headache – Felix
Felix x childhood friend Sophia, circa February 2022
After the longest day and a headache, Sophia was the only one who could get a genuinely amused laugh out of Felix.
It had been a long, exhausting day for Felix. 
He'd kicked off his day very early with a recording session for his collaboration with Nayeon. It truly felt like a dream for him to be able to be featured in a song of one of the Twice noonas who he always respected, but because of that very reason, the recording session felt heavier for him compared to his usual recordings with his members. Nayeon was very kind and helped make him relax and enjoy the entire session, but he'd still felt worn once they were done. It didn't help that he still had an interview for Singles Korea and a couple of shoots for Louis Vuitton for the rest of his day; it also didn't help that the more the day inched forward, the more he felt the headache that had been lurking on the back of his scalp starting to take over his entire head. By the time he was done with his day, his head was throbbing and he wanted nothing more than to go home as quickly as humanly possible. 
But while waiting for his car, his phone rang. Took every fiber of his being to keep him from muttering curses at the noise, but he managed to fish his phone out of his bag without doing so, and he saw the name Sophia flashed across the screen of his phone in an incoming call. Suffering as he was, he could never ignore a call from her, so he thumbed the green button. "Hey, what's up?" 
"Hi Lixie, sorry for calling – you're probably busy right now..." 
Felix couldn't help but roll his eyes and smile at the apparent hesitation on her tone. "You know you can call me anytime, Soph, I just won't answer if I'm busy. What is it?" 
Sophia let out a small chuckle. "Right. So, I take it you're not busy at the moment?" 
"Depends," he replied cheekily, despite knowing perfectly well that he'd always try to not be busy for her. "What do you need me for?" 
"Keeping me company," she half-whined, half-grumbled; back to her usual, un-hesitating self in an instant. "I don't want to go home before finishing this one task for a class tomorrow, but I still need an hour or two more, and I don't really feel like doing it in solitary confinement." 
Sophia was an old friend of his. They were neighbors back in Seven Hills and their parents were good friends. When Felix moved to Korea to become a trainee, Sophia's parents decided to move her too; they'd always wanted her to continue her education back in their home country, but were too afraid to send her alone. So they'd seized the opportunity to send her along with Felix, knowing Felix would be there to take care of their precious only daughter. And take care of her Felix did; even until now, after she'd become a strong independent woman studying in university and he'd become an idol, he would still do anything for her as long as it's within his powers. 
Just as he was about to do now, despite his headache. "Fine, princess. Where you at?" 
She let out a satisfied sound and mentioned her favorite café, one he'd visited with her at least a hundred times since their early days in the once-foreign country. Satisfied enough by the thought of ordering his favorite croissant from there and spending some time with Sophia, he asked his driver to drop him off at said café instead of his dorm and told the driver not to wait. 
Felix found Sophia perched on her favorite booth by the farthest, most secluded wall, the one with the long, comfortable sofa. Both legs folded between the table and her chest, her chin resting on her knees as she frowned at the screen of her laptop. She looked up and lit up with a smile as he arrived at the table. "Hi! Thank you for – " She stopped abruptly, now giving him the exact same frown she'd given her laptop previously. "Are you okay?" 
"Of course." Felix plopped down unceremoniously on the chair across her, his back facing the rest of the café to avoid getting caught by curious camera lenses. He'd wiped off his make-up entirely and had a bucket hat worn very low, but the extra precaution won't hurt. "Why'd you ask?" 
Sophia kept staring at him with the same frown for a few more seconds, until realization washed over her face and she grimaced. "You're having a headache, is it? Your left eye is hardly open." 
Having been friends for as long as he could remember, Felix knew she practically had his each and every tells documented in a dictionary somewhere inside her head, just like he had hers. "Yeah, but it's fine. Should be gone any moment now." 
She reached for her backpack to, he knew, the small inside pocket where she always kept her emergency medicine. "You took meds yet? Think I still have some – " 
"No need, I had one on my way here. Only need to wait for the effects to kick in." 
Sophia let out a long sigh. "You should've just told me, you know. I won't ask you to come if I knew." 
Felix waved her off. "No, don't worry about it. Can't let you go insane in your solitary confinement, now, can I?" 
"You should nap for a while, it'll help with the headache. I'll wake you up when..." Sophia looked around at her table, which was crowded by her many books and notes scattered around her big-ass gaming laptop. Ended up patting the empty space next to her on the long sofa. "Come and just nap here. I'll be as still as I can. The table will cover you from prying eyes, too." 
He chuckled, even though he felt yet another painful throb. "Don't worry, princess, I'll be fine. Just continue with your thing." 
But Sophia Jung was nothing but persistent, so Felix ended up relenting to her suggestion and moved to her side. A nap did sound nice after all. 
As he lowered himself down on the space next to her, she shifted and pulled his head onto her lap. Her hand lingered as her fingers rubbed slow, soothing circles on his temple, an effort she knew always helped him ease the pain even though not by much. The comforting gesture, the familiar presence of her, lulled him to sleep even before his eyes were completely closed. 
Felix found himself swimming in and out of slumber, sometimes due to the throbbing on his head, sometimes because of Sophia's movements. He knew how much of a fidgeter she was, so he was actually impressed by how much of an effort she put in to stay still. Her occasional grunts and sighs also woke him up a few times, but he couldn't really complain because he somehow found them all comforting. Every now and then when she was not typing furiously on her laptop, she would go back to massaging his scalp, and if he happened to be awake it would instantly send him back to sleep. 
Eventually he heard her whisper just above his ear. "Lixie, you need to wake up. They're closing soon." 
Groggy and disoriented, Felix quickly pushed himself to sit – and regretted it immediately, blinded by the violent throbbing bullying his head. He felt Sophia's hand on his shoulder, steadying him immediately. "Easy, now. Slowly, slowly." 
Took him a few moments to completely drag himself out of slumber. As he sobered up, he noticed that the previously crowded table was already clean and her bag was already packed. He turned to her. "How long have you finished your task?" 
Sophia grinned sheepishly. "A while. Didn't have the heart to wake you up." She was observing him, jet-black eyes behind thick glasses looking for tells of pain. "Are you feeling better? Did the meds kick in yet?" 
"Getting there." Felix shook his head, partly to rid himself off the remains of sleep, but mostly to shake the familiar, comforting, intoxicating feeling of her presence off his system. "You ended up finishing your task in solitary after all because I didn't keep you company. Sorry about that." 
She reached out to ruffle his hair – another familiar, comforting, intoxicating gesture. "Nah, I actually quite like it. I think I might be an introvert now." 
He laughed, absentmindedly thinking that Sophia just might be the only person with the ability to get a genuinely amused laugh out of him after the longest day and a headache. "Sure thing. Do you drive here?" 
As if on cue, her phone on the table lit up, announcing a call from none other than her boyfriend. He felt the small, becoming-familiar pang in his chest at the boyfriend's name flashing on the screen, at the small smile that was creeping up her face involuntarily. She muttered a "sorry, give me one sec" before picking up the call. Apparently her boyfriend was on his way to pick her up as she didn't drive today, and she told him to take his time and not rush. 
Felix couldn't help but notice that despite being one of the most independent person he'd ever known, Sophia had been driving on her own less and less now that she had someone who always offered to drive her around all the time. And he was happy for her; he truly was. He knew very well how much she tend to get riled up behind the steering wheel, so he thought less driving time was actually good for her state of mind. But furthermore, he was happy that she finally found someone she could rely on and – more importantly – someone who could make her happy, because she truly deserved to be happy. And she did seem to be happier this past few weeks after making it official with her boyfriend. He was happy for her, even though at the expense of his own feelings – which he only realized a little too late. 
"Lixie? Do you have a car waiting for you?" 
He blinked and found her staring at him, having finished the call with her boyfriend. "No, I asked my driver not to wait. I'll find a cab home." 
Sophia tsk-ed and shook her head vigorously. "Are you crazy? Absolutely not. Come with us, we'll give you a lift." 
Felix accidentally grimaced at the "we" and the "us" – which Sophia misunderstood as of pain, judging from the worry taking over her face. "No, no need," he said hastily before she could express any more of her concerns. "I'm an adult, you know. You don't have to dote on me so much." 
"Ah, but to me you'll always be the sweet Lixie from next door who loves rice cakes so much," she teased. "Speaking of which – " She gestured at the paper bag next to her backpack on the table. "I packed you your favorite croissant from here. And some bread for breakfast tomorrow. And no," she added firmly, definitely noticing his tells of protest. "This isn't me doting on you, I'm just taking care of you. We take care of each other as we always do." 
In a perfect world, Felix thought, he would not be such an idiot and would have realized his feelings sooner than later, and also would have the courage to confront said feelings and talk to her about it. In that perfect world, maybe the both of them taking care of each other would feel like the most natural, the most right thing rather than leaving a bitter taste on his tongue. But of course, this wasn't a perfect world. So there was nothing else he could do but roll his eyes and smile. "Fine." 
In this not-so-perfect world, that had to be enough for him. Just like spending time with her and being her "Lixie from next door" had to be enough for him. 
coming up next
Find more pieces of Felix & Sophia and the rest of Stray Kids here!
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justaz · 3 months
Wip Game
thanks @ramblings-of-a-chaotic-neutral for tagging me for this (btw i really want to read that last idea bc ive been thinking about that stupid ball of light for the longest time and jealous merlin is severely under utilized in fics even if he's jealous of himself)
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
uhhhh my wips are like either two paragraphs or ten pages, no in between. they just sit in my google docs bc i prefer to post once i have the entire story complete in case i abandon it bc id feel so guilty about it (also the ao3 curse scares me) LMAO anyway these are the ones that actually have at least some of it typed out
arranged marriage
ghost merlin and ygraine bond over arthur's self-destructive behavior
arthur fawns over merlin and his bravery
sugar daddy arthur
druid merlin
my issue as of late has not been writers block but uhhhh the opposite??? i have wayyyyy too many ideas swirling around my head so i cant focus on one bc the minute i open the doc my brain goes "no i want to write this one" and no work gets done. but if anyone wants to know, the ones i really wanna finish are 1 and 4. and then 2. i honestly forgot about 2 until i was scrolling thru my drafts and saw it again and omg im probably gonna write more of that once i post this pray for me that i actually get some done otherwise i'll have to resort to blood sacrifices
OH just bc i want this out of my system and have no idea where else to put it bc i have no idea what it would entail but i really want to write like a series based off tarot cards, specifically the major arcana, but i really don't know what the stories would be but just know that thought has been rotating in my head for like a week
uhm also if anyone does send in asks about these, it'll probably just be like little bullet points or my insane ramblings about them. mayhaps a small tiny little snippet if i am feeling generous teehee
i always feel bad about tagging people so instead here's your reminder to do your daily clicks
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maidstew · 4 months
Okay, re: Persephone's life post-Academy, as you know, I'm a hurt/no comfort, angst enjoyer, so I do speculate that at some point Coriolanus gets a little murder-y with his former classmates, especially the ones who decide to enter politics. At some point, I do think that even if this doesn't affect her directly, this will probably weigh on her. Actually, with the burden of hindsight, I do imagine that everyone of his former classmates have a moment of "could I have changed this outcome?" as Snow's political opponents start dropping like flies. It's doubly hard on Lysistrata and (probably) Clemensia and anyone else who starts having second thoughts about the brutality of the Games. (Oh, to know you played a part in what they became, and that the time to undo that damage has past, but also what could they have done at 18?)
I do think that while she might not be fully aware of it, she may subconsciously know that she isn't Snow's favorite person, so she might not really hang around with him as they head off to University/try to avoid him as he rises to power, but I'm actually not sure how possible that is in a world where she does end up with Festus! I mean Festus seems to be the closest male friend that Coriolanus has by the end of the book, and Snow has even gaslit himself into believing their best friends! (I can imagine Festus believing they are but Snow has to be playing himself, because his best friend is obviously Clemensia. People can have more than one best friend, but I just don't buy it. Okay, tangent over.)
Anyway, I just think that with Persephone and Festus as a couple, I don't see her being able to keep off of Coriolanus' radar which could mean trouble for her. But dare I say it for Persephone... "it's the things we love most that destroy us." Thematically resonate with loving Festus being the reason that she has to stay in Snow's circle...
Even if Coriolanus doesn't decide to kill her, Snow trying to get her and Festus to split or iceing them both out of social circles without any explanation would be a start down the no good terrible world-shattering bad luck.
This got long... Probably the longest i've gone without mentioning— Ahem, anyway, I suppose I like crafting tragedies for every character! Haha, okay, if you read this all, thanks for letting me ramble in your asks!
—@felixravinstills (and the inability to send asks from sideblogs)
friend you cannot possibly imagine my sheer excited when i woke up to this ask!! i’ve been waiting all morning for a chance to sit down and respond.
this is probably going to be long so i’ll put my response under the cut:
i also think coriolanus starts picking off his former classmates and i can absolutely see persephone being a victim to that somehow. maybe not even her directly, but festus when he has outlived his use for coriolanus? (actually, i have a hc that festus and coriolanus’s relationship crumbles after felix passes of ~mysterious circumstances~ but that’s a whole other thing).
you bring up a really interesting point that i haven’t given much thought to- do any of snow’s former friends feel any type of guilt for not seeing the red flags or intervening sooner? i agree that lysistrata definitely is the most likely candidate. put i could also see some of the others having that same moment, in my own capitol world here would be what i imagine for some of them:
- festus definitely has a moment of questioning everything with felix dies
- persephone has a moment as the games continue to grow and more children die. i always imagine that she was pretty affected by mizzen and his death (it’s wishful thinking i know. i’m the one that was affected my mizzen and his death. but a little projection never hurt anyone, right?)
- i’ve been following this fanfiction about livia cardew and her life through and following the games. it covers her marriage to coriolanus throughout his presidency and how it affects livia and the guilt she carries for the things coriolanus does. so maybe this is unpopular, but i can also see livia as his wife feeling that guilt and wondering if/when she could have stopped things.
i also think she doesn’t outright know that coriolanus is repulsed by her- i don’t think coriolanus would ever say something and risk his own image. but i definitely think she has been able to pick up on it and feels uncomfortable around him at times.
which would make the dynamic with her marrying festus and festus and coriolanus being best friends more interesting. i said it in another ask, but i wonder if coriolanus ever did try to tell festus about the cannibalism thing?
anyway, i mentioned yesterday that i had been thinking about persephone being pushed out of elite capitol circles. it sort of started because of a quote from a poetry book i was reading:
“I wasn’t allowed
to live on the Mountain.
I wasn’t even allowed
to call myself an Olympian.”
the poem was inspired by Persephone from greek mythology but (and maybe just because it’s her namesake) i started thinking about Persephone Price. i had this idea of a moment where persephone is much older and has been iced out of her former social circles and finally feels the bitterness and anger from all the bad things that have happened over the years.
anyway, yeah sorry i’m just rambling and info-dumping my thoughts now so i will stop!! hopefully at least some of it makes sense.
i cannot thank you enough for dropping the ask!!
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hello! This is my first time requesting a drabble from a prompt hopefully I'm doing this right-
Coming from the Flower Prompts post, may I ask for Arbutus for Squalo and Dino? I really like your writings for those two qwq 🩵
Thank you in advance!!
Hi hello this is actually perfect! Don't worry, feel free to send more! And thank you so much for the compliments, I absolutely adore your drawings 💕
Now, you gave me a DELICIOUS prompt, I hope you are going to enjoy this snippet!
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Arbutus - a realization that you are my one and only  
Squalo and Dino meet each other again after the battle for the Vongola rings has ended, after all dust has settled and this time it is awkward. Some would say even painful to watch and indeed it does not go unnoticed by everyone around them.
Both the men had entartained the thought of them being together for the longest of time, they had yearned and pined even, in their teen years.
And then the huge presence of Xanxus had been the sort of bitter ending they both had, or so they had thought.
There had to be a battle.
There had to be blood.
There had to be opposite sides.
And then they finally understood.
When Dino finally realized, it was at the end of the Rain battle - he had expected to save Yamamoto from the inevitable death by being mauled by a shark and instead he had seen Squalo.
And in front of what had been his friend - and probably something more - unconscious and bloody, Dino could not help himself.
He felt dizzy, he felt all blood suddenly go away nd most of all he did not register how he had immediately crouched next to Squalo's body, trying to call him, to keep him awake.
And that was exactly when he realized it.
Oh no, he thought, oh no.
He absolutely knew it as he was dragged away by Romario, as Iemitsu was making his way.
And he found himself doing something he'd never thought he'd do. He begged for Squalo's life, no, the Varia's lives to be spared, inventing on the spot any possible excuse as to why the Vongola should not execute the Varia.
Sure, he is now indebted to the Vongola, but it was worth it, he thinks.
When Squalo opened his eyes again, in that hospital bed, the first one he saw was Dino.
None of the Varia were there, especially not Xanxus was there and yet.
The one walking next to him had never been Xanxus so far and Squalo had been so wrong the entire time, because there was someone waiting for him to wake up and it was Dino.
The uncomfortable feelings he had been struggling with finally agreed. Squalo looked intently at those sad brown eyes, memorized his faint smile as Dino told him that he had finally woken up.
And there and then Squalo realized that it had never been Xanxus the one he was looking for, the one he would lay his life for. and there and then he thought, oh fuck, oh no.
When Squalo managed to speak, his voice trembled lightly "Why... Why did you save me?"
And Dino's voice trembled too, hesitated even. "Because that would have been inconvenient if you died."
And they both knew that this was just a pathetic excuse, and they knew they were and always had been each other's person.
And now that the dust has settled, and they are both still alive, it is awkward and embarrassing and everyone is eyeing them trying to be polite but also curious to know what exactly has changed.
And neither one tries to make a step because - oh well, thwy should be past being two awkward teens vaguely in love.
They dance around each other and sit in the same room politely six feet apart like two Victorian lovers pulled out of a Jane Austen book and Tsuna and his guardians are too young to understand fully, and the Varia don't really have the emotional ability to just give the right nudge.
Luckily or not, however, Reborn has a plan.
Dino is after all a student of his and by proxy he has known Squalo for long enough.
It is going to be a fun time for everyone, especially for Squalo and Dino, Reborn thinks.
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isha-4b2 · 1 year
Do you remember?
Movie: the maze runner
Couple: reader x newt
Warning: smut, fluff ig, unprotected sex, anoying minho.
*it about newt wants to know about you and him before the maze and he gets to know on a very very fun way. ( this is my first time writing yk smut so sorry if it sucked)
You were working in the gardens with your lovely boyfriend newt today. Honest... he looked hot .. just so hot. Not forget to mention it was like 1000 degrees so him being shirt-less wasn't helping very much. Your were so caught up in your own tought that you didn't realise you were staring.
N: enjoying the view love
He said with a wink..
When you shot out your daydream you felt your cheeks burning and turning bright red.
N: aw no need to getting flusterd love.
Y/n: ohh shut up asshole
N: what did i do wrong?? You were the one staring
Y/n: well stop being so goddamn handsome and i will stop staring!
You said with a sight smile..
You saw newt turning pink and you were about to tease him for it but you were cut off by a anoying, sassy rather i say teasing minho.
M: ohhh get a room you two
Y/n: shut up minho
M: someone is in a bad mood. Newt i let you handle your lovely girlfriend. Y/n always a pleasure to see you.. newt my man get it!!
He said sending newt a wink. And with that he walked away.
The moment minho walked away i stepped closer to y/n. "Gosh isn’t she the most cutest thing you ever saw" i said to myself. She was just getting back to her work but i just couldn’t look away. The way she makes a difficult face when she can't get the tomato out of the ground it just so adorable. I zoned out and was lost in my own thoughts i couldn’t help but wonder if we were something before the maze. I never thought about it i mean we felt the conection the moment she came up. We were one of the gladers that were the longest here along with alby. I knew she was different but did we had something before?.. i didn't knew. I really wanted to know tho so i maybe i should ask thomas, we grew lose and i knew he was having visions of the time before the maze.
N: y/n, love do you know were thomas is?
Y/n: i dont know maybe in the maze suckface you made him a runner.
You said laughing at him for forgetting.
N: oh yeah right.
He said laughing with you.
Y/n: why tho.. it there something bothering you??
What am i going to say should i tell her?? What if she things im doubting our relationship.. would she leave me..
N: nope im perfectly...
I was about to finish my sentence when a saw thomas and ben running out of the maze.
(Pretend like ben wasn't stung..)
Y/n: newt you were saying...??
She ask with a questioning tone.
N: nothing thomas is back im gonna talk with him i finished my work so just scream when your done.
With that i walked over to thomas and i saw that y/n was looking at me with a weird look. I brushed it off. and approached thomas.
T: newtt whats up..
N: hey thomas i just kinda have a question.
T: well shoot it.
N: its about the visions you get.. how do you like get them...
T: well usually its a dream... well nightmare i guess. But i think its about being in the moment..
N: oh well thank you.
T: why do you ask is there something??
N: i just wanna know things about me and y/n before the maze you know.
T: ahhh i get it i wanted it with theresa it worked when we you know got intimate.
N: when did you get bloody intimate!! how did you find time!! were did you-. You know what i dont what to know please don't give me details.
T: hahaha but i do know my story with theresa now.
N: thanks thomas i will try it
T: hmm well good luck get it ;)
With that i walked back to y/n and lucky for me she was done.
The moment newt left i felt something was bothering him. A couple minutes later i was done and saw newt laughing with thomas. What am i lucky to have him. I wanted to go to him but i saw he was already walking over to me. When he was finally here ( his damn limp ) he went for it just like that.
N: y/n i want to have sex with you..
I was damn shocked i mean 4 monthes of a relationship but it wasn't going more than heated make-out sesions. When he realised what he said he turned red no scratch that he turned deep red for shame.
Y/n: newt don't be ashamed its normal don't worry.
I saw him relief a sigh.
Y/n: but so suddendly you were in need to find thomas and then this....
N: i uhmm i just wanted to know about our past before this before the maze...
Y/n: why didn't you tell you know i would've understood.
N: i know i just overthink...
(Tw spicy)
You knew newt had a problem with that it were personal traumas. You saw his face turned to the ground so you grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you. And with that you kissed him loveing and sweet, slow and passionate.    
You felt his tongue beg for entrance but you remembered you were in public and everyone could see you.
"Newt they can see us" you said rather moaning. He didn't care he took his chance to stick him tongue in your mouth when you talked. He grabbed your waist and picked you up. He took you took his hut and wrapped you legs around his middle.  You moaned at the feeling of his now his hard member.
"Love that sound you make love" he said with a groan.
At this moment you just wanted him to take you right there and then. You grabbed his shirt in order to take it off. He let you undress him while he was undressing you (i dont know if that posibble just imagine). When you were both naked he looked at you.
"Are you 100% sure love cause i might think i can't stop if you dont stop me here."
You let out a chuckle and say "i never was so sure about something."
And with that he enterd you with a moan from you and a groan from him he let you adjust to him. You really needed him to move
" newt please move" you say as you couldn’t take it.
And that was his sign he pushed himself in and out you at a steady pace. " bloody hell woman you feel so good" he said. You never felt so good.
I was so happy she felt so good i got want i wanted. I felt her become tight around me so i knew she was there. I trust and i felt it to. My trust became sloppy and our noises fill the room. I was so desperate and i closed my eyes. But i didn't expect to see what i saw. We were in a lab... i saw y/n she was looking at me. I took her with me i saw walls im telling her something.
N: please remeber me im next to go i will not see but i will wait y/n i love you so much and then i kissed her.        
And went back to reality. I saw the position we were in and y/n her closed eyes. She said my name and i feel her loseing up. And ride our highs out. I walked over to to my hammock and layd us down and wrapped my arm around her. We were catching our breathes when she askes me "did you saw it to?" She ask a litte out of breath. I did love, i did... we loved.. well i loved you before this all." I said because i didn't heard her say it back.
"Newt i loved you to im so happy i remebered we loved eachother before and we always will."
" i promise as long as i will live"
and with that said you both fell a sleep in eachother arms.
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fandomscraziness22 · 9 months
ao3 wrapped asks: 3, 10, 11, 17, 18, 28, and 29!
ya know, i can always count on shelly to send a million of these lol i love you!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
love came crashing in because it's literally my fav mini trope ever and i had so much fun writing it!!!! (it also is pretty high in kudos/hits but we'll ignore that for a sec) i think i wrote it well and did what i wanted to do with a fun prompt and also got to send @futurearchaeologyprof into squeaks and keysmashes from parts of it lol
10. What work was the quickest to write?
so lift your head, it ain't over yet for sure!!! basically i finished this *incredible* fic called that i had wings & i could fly by @alphacrone and then sat down and banged out a quick scene continuation because i couldn't help myself!
11. What work took you the longest to write?
i don't really know! i feel like most of my fics take similar times to write lol. so i'll go with i keep getting better at slowly getting worse, my harbor crest fic, just because i wanted to get it right!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
either Lockwood or Caleb Michaels (but also Mark)
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
uhhhhh maybe George? or Lockwood lol, but not really anyone in particular
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
honestly i really do love harbor crest and love came crashing in, but i had a lot of fun dipping my toes into Leverage this year with i know where i belong!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
ohhh man i have no clue. let me go look. uhhh this is sad (but then again who is surprised) but it's from they don't talk about the freeze and i just love writing caleb in pain ahhhhh
His stupid psychology courses and years of therapy are useless right now. Because he’s in danger, his ex is in danger, his friends are in danger, and all he can do is stand there and watch while his brain dredges up emotions and thoughts from a dark November day four years ago. Because if he moves? If he unleashes the thing that slithers below his skin, the anger and fear and frustration and guilt he’s felt over the last year? If he lets himself hit someone, lets himself remember how good it feels in the moment to see that he can have an impact on someone, how the release is like nothing else he’s experienced? It’s never going to stop. He won’t be able to stop. And Caleb can’t…he just cannot let himself go there.
ao3 wrapped questions!
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It seems like no coincidence that you sent me an ask right after I had a brooding session that led to me wanting to send you an ask. Here we are 🤭
Mine's unrelated to music and chronic illness though: I wanted to get your view on what being Australian is to you. Who are we? What are we? I've been having this identity crisis all my life because my ancestors are immigrants from everywhere, with different cultures, and I feel like I don't belong here despite how the land has also shaped me into who I am.
Sometimes I think at the core of the culture of Australia is loneliness/isolation and I also wanted to know your take on that too.
Hope you're well, lovely 💛💛💛
ooh. wow. hmm. i'm... not doing great as you can probably tell by the time at which i'm posting this. but i surprisingly have a lot of thoughts about this.
for me, it's a connection to one of the oldest lands there is--i've studied a lot of geology, i've had to for my degree, and because of the lack of volcanic activity for so long our land, everything about it, is real old, and that's something i have a lot of respect and reverence for. i've also been drawn to Indigenous culture and Indigenous land stewardship for the longest time: the community, the spirituality, the sense of survival and justice, the shared resources, the storytelling, the art, the connection to the land. i'm not the least bit indigenous to anywhere really so i don't really know why, but you've made me realise something writing this, i should start to go seek that out a bit more and find community and stuff in it, it might be part of what i'm longing for.
diversity and a loss and reconstruction of identity is i also think part of it too. we are so diverse, aussies are from everywhere, from those who were born to a long line of stewards of this great land, to all those who came to it from everywhere: all parts of europe, asia, new zealand--everyone's family has a story of how they came here and why, of a brand new start for one generation, and everyone after having to go through putting together the fragments and figuring out who they are, reinventing it as they face new things compared to what any of their ancestors ever have. in a way it's about deciding again and again to rediscover your home culture/s and figure out how to fit them into a context of diversity, find your people or bring a new tradition to your people, but also take tradition lightly in terms of it has to fit around survival in harsh conditions, it always does, practical comes first which I'll get into but i'd say part of it is navigating the patchwork of cultures and realising yours is never going to be everyone but also no one can take it away from you, realising that because they try, but ultimately no one who does that will ever succeed. not even the colonisers who generations down have made us forget a lot of our Indigenous culture and feel empty as a result; if you're here on this land you've got some responsibility to care for it and every generation longs for something we don't quite have: this is where it's so useful to have other cultures around, because we need to learn from each other. we do so much better when we do. (alternatively, say you grew up in sydney without saying you grew up in sydney. it's a whole world there if you haven't experienced it).
but I would say that not only loneliness and isolation but also loss of identity are core to being Australian. questioning it and finding it again, being nothing like you ever imagined. there's a lot of generational trauma written into this land that's going to take quite a while to recover. we've all left it behind in the past, we've more often than not experienced some degree of violence in doing that be it from colonisation and the way the cities we have now (aussies are drawn to cities, the stats show us as one of the most urbanised places in the world, no matter what the stereotypes are) being Not Born Of Indigenous Input to violence of poverty and being driven to crime then shipped halfway across the world away from loved ones, to violence of displacement from other lands from poverty or war or overpopulation. we're all kind of unmoored even though many don't ever show it, we're all coming from a place of having lost that deep connection to self and either trying to find it or not bothering and I think it does really show in the way we connect to each other, the way we connect to the land, the misunderstanding and exploitation and often trying to be something we're not.
but i'd also say our strength is in our survival. we're good at coming together in natural disasters, we're often really creative when it comes to getting by, we're hard working, we know we're entitled to nothing. it comes when you've lived in conditions like ours: poor soil, harsh weather--be it drought or too much rain, we've been there, we've seen it, every year and every season is like we jump to a different climate zone, our agriculture isn't suited to our climate or our soil and our cities aren't planned but we get by anyway. we're hardworking and humble and when you put an aussie in another country and another setting you really see that. and we do it like it's nothing and still think it's nothing and don't understand compliments on it, we're self-deprecating like that. survival happens if we all do well enough to get by, independence leads to interdependence, and as a result we don't like people who take too much and we want those who are struggling to succeed. we aren't all like that, sure, but you see someone trying to get ahead and getting up themselves because of it? they won't last long as an aussie. community can and will ostracise them and no one's gonna feel bad. we hate our politicians but we have them anyway. we don't let them get too big-headed, we know they will, we have artists specifically employed to make fun of them. we're not perfect at this but they're older white men (problem) we don't feel bad about bullying them even if it'd be more productive to have a diverse group of people--but then we might actually feel bad about bullying them so that won't do. politics are for show anyway to get along with other countries. aussies don't care about anything we can't see with our own eyes and touch with our own hands, preferably holding a shovel or too-big set of tongs. 'she'll be right, mate' we say but really we just don't want to deal with it. why would we when getting by for ourselves is hard enough? don't talk about abstract concepts. but behind the survival if you break into that part of our minds that longs to be seen and cared for, you might have gotten our attention even though we will never admit that kind of vulnerability (it's why so many of us find western models of therapy etc so confusing. we're hardened folk)
there's a lot of negative but we kind of live with it i guess? we don't pretend it isn't the case. and sometimes we do something good. aussies invented permaculture, for example. i'm sure there are other things right there but i can't call them to mind right now. do you know what permaculture is? go have a look into it. it's one of my favourite things. in a more academic sense we invented water sensitive urban design and biodiversity sensitive urban design as well. and we needed to from a place of survival. it's the beauty of it, it's authentic and when it's there on the ground we can touch it so it's real and other countries can then see what we do and implement it themselves. with these things having popped up in recent years i think we're in a stage of transition as a nation, we're still a patchwork of confused cultural threads trying and failing at being european with our education and agriculture models--we haven't grown into ourselves yet. we haven't realised the potential of all the cultures we have to inspire something better. we still get a bit scared of each other. we still haven't figured out who we are--and personally, looking back at my family, generations of immigrants whose children become immigrants to somewhere else, i feel like there is a lot to discover that i have no idea how to find. how to internalise. my ancestors come from all over the world, and no one has had to pull together such a diverse range of ancestral and found cultural influences until me (i should give myself credit for that. and also not just talk about it but actually do it). and then when it comes to things like religion we're skeptical but also just long to be loved. and we'll take what gives that if we don't have to talk about it, but we won't take what limits us, and i feel like we're still figuring out how to lose tradition and hierarchy while keeping the heart of all the faith traditions we have here. another thing i should investigate. because we're still trying to be someone else i think, and it's not working. so to sum it up i think we're a whole lot of unfounded potential and messy sort-of functionality. no one does it like we do. not even us.
but this is coming from someone who is strangely really connected to everyone, like it's a bit of a weird talent and a little bit hippie (but aussies are hippies too, even though the hardened country folk would never admit it and the city folk don't have time for it and that leaves the label to tasmanians and northern rivers/byron coast folk who the rest of us associate it with). like i can connect with anyone for better or worse, and i do, i can't stop myself, but it's also tiring. who needs the autonomy and freedom of the bush and the novelty and connection and opportunity of our biggest cities. i'm well suited to my career i guess, but not so much self care! and yet. the reason i know how to survive is that it's handed down from ancestors from literally everywhere. we've all brought that and faced this harsh land in the last century, and now it's up to me to do that in a modern setting with modern problems like overpopulation and biodiversity loss.
and i'll also admit a lot of my conceptulisation comes from i am australian by the seekers. i generally sing/play the song without the third verse (or whichever one is about the war) because i find that in this moment in time it's not actually the biggest thing in aussie history that shaped us--it's more a global thing we were dragged into and we do better to leave it and instead think about ancient history, about the people who came with colonisation who weren't all bad individually though they were forced into a bad situation and became many of our ancestors, about the land as a living thing with a spirit, and about the things we create.
otherwise if you're looking for something that more captures what i think you might relate to being australian and some of the generational trauma you see around you that's so woven into our country if not your immigrant family who are trying to fit in but haven't yet specifically there's bloodline by luke hemmings. you know, because at the moment i can't shut up about him or his music.
anyway, do yourself a favour (heck, do me a favour) and get out of that country town of a suburb you live in. it's very insular, possibly one of the most insular places i've seen in this land and i've been to a lot of country towns and urban precincts. we love walkable cities but we yearn for more, more enrichment in the enclosure, and so literally, get on a train and go somewhere, anywhere, and notice things. notice how they do things there. and let me know if it feels good to do that. I will mail you a go card with money on it if that's what you need. go find yourself
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kanohivolitakk · 1 year
Miserix for the ask game!
This was one I really wanted so thank you so so much for asking it ;A;
First impression
I always liked Miserix. I discovered his charater via browsing on the wiki and reading about him made me interested in him. Since my language doesn't have pronouns I thought he was female for the longest time though lmao.
Impression now
My beloved strawberry dragon ;A;!!!! I love Miserix so much, he's easily one of my favorite characters and by far the most underrated in the series. In my opinion Miserix is one of the most interesting and intriguing characters in the series with by far one of the most compelling character journeys (even if we don't see much of it on-screen). Miserix is a tragedy, someone who was ousted from his position and ended up going mad as a result of his exile and isolation for thousands upon thousands years. He lost everything: his purpose, his identity and people to trust and was left with nothing but rage and vengeance! I find characters who lose themselves in their anger and vengeance such fascinating lost souls and Miserix is no exception! He's one of those characters I love to rotate in my head and dissect from all angles, trying to understand his psyche and mindset. And it's so much fun: Miserix is so fascinating to think about both with how he was in the past and how he is in the present. Not to mention how well Miserix fits thematically to the franchises themes, in particular on it's commentary of duty, identity and authority! He's an interesting character on his own and as a part of a larger world/narrative
In addition of finding Miserix's character so fascinating, I also love him for thow badass he is. And this isn't because of his powers and feats in story: The core of Miserix's badassness (at least for me) is his indimitation factor alone.Every time Miserix is on screen he brings so much tension to the scene he is in by his mere presence, he just has that type of charisma (for lack of a better term). Like Miserix doesn't have to do anything substantial, just by being present and saying somethign (even if it's just one line) is enough to get chills. Helps that he has easily some of the best lines in the series.
But god I love Miserix so so so much. I know that people dislike the Makuta as a species/faction retcon but I think it was worth it just for Miserix's character alone. His character does so much good for the series by introducing a fascinating major player into the series mythos who reflects some of the larger themes and ideas of the series really well!
Also the funny realization that Miserix is really similar to a favorite character of mine from another fandom but said character would hate him because he hates dragons and wants them all dead and...well..Miserix is a dragon so.
Favorite moment
This is hard since I like so many Miserix's scenes but none of them stand out as his absolutely best scene...probably his "official" introduction when The Federation of Fear freed him. It did a great job establishing his character that's also a great example of the intimidation factor I talked about earlier, while also giving him some really badass lines. Also him just telling Roodaka how she shouldn't puppet him is simutaneously funny and badass.
Honorable mention to that scene he arrived to Stelt and threatens a Steltian trader due to him not telling him Teridax's location. Mainly due to it having his best line in the entire series:
“I don’t have time for this. I have places to be, and bodies to break. I want you to send out a message to all your friends, to everyone who sails in and out of this island. Tell them Miserix is back, and when I find him, Teridax is dead!”
Like man, this line is such a perfect example of what I mean when I say Miserix gets the best lines! Its just raw unadulatered badassery and I love it!
Idea for a story
Post-canon/post-reformation where he gets to heal and rehabilate himself. I'm very much of the mind tht Miserix should have a chance at redemption: Yeah sure the guy was an angry vengeful dragon fueled by murderous rage against Teridax but he wasn't really a bad person himself nor did he bad things and thus shouldn't really be punished. I don't really like how some people in the fandom treat him like a rabid animal that needs to be put down when he isn't that far gone. He deserves to live and recover! Which is what I want: him slowly recovering from his trauma and pain, and him finding a community that will support and help him. Also get this dragon therapy or anger mangment at least he needs it so badly!
I'd also like to see a story about how Miserix was like before his exile. Miserix pre-exile self fascinates me to no end and getting to see what kind of person and leader he was before Teri ousted him would be great! Just to learn more about Miserix's values, how he saw his and the brotherhoods purpose in the larger MU and what his relation was to Mata Nui would be so cool! I need character studies on this guy and I need them now!
Unpopular opinion
Miserix is not boring! It annoys me so much when so many people in the fandom dismiss him, calling him a boring and unnecessary filler character that's an example of why the serials focus on superfulous new characters was bad.. when he's not. Yes, the serials have problem of ignoring the already established characters we already know and love, instead focusing on new players or bit characters fans weren't that attached to all because they wanted to focus on the grander world and have larger stakes...but this doesn't mean the new characters the serials revolved around weren't bad, and Miserix certainly wasn't! He is a geniunely compelling character with solid characterization and people ignoring him makes me so sad :C. Especially when they say he's just a violent angry dragon with nothing else going on for him. Sure he is a violent angry dragon, but he wasn't always like that and the story how he became who he is today is geniunely one of the better character stories in the series. Not to mention how he has a bit more going on with him than just angry murder dragon, even if you ignore his past self and focus on the Miserix we see in the story. Killing Teridax is his priority for sure, but there are times when he's able to prioritize on other things and thus doesn't mention his objective. See the scene where he interacts with the Hagah for a prime example.
Another thing that bothers me about peoples takes on Miserix is how people try to categorize Miserix on whether he was a "good" or "bad" person. One of the reasons Miserix is such a fascinating character to me is due to him being one of the few characters in the series that isn't really good or evil but somewhere in between. He was someone who was rigidly loyal to his duty and purpose in the universe, but he was willing to do some shady shit for accomplishing it. And when he became an angry murder dragon he only realy wanted to kill Teridax! He didn't care about hurting anyone else, only hurt them if they came to his way.
Also on a related note, I dislike Greg saying Miserix didn't care for his duty and was just happy of the power it gave him. Miserix is a much more interesting character if he geniunely cares about his job as the guardian of the universe, if he geiunely wants to protect the world and take good care of it to the point he sees it as his entire being rather than if he was as selfish and power hungry as other Makuta and was just content of his positiion of power so didn't try to take over anything.
Favorite relationship
Tbh none of Miserixs relationships are that "developed" in canon as I wish they were (curse for lategame Bionicle prioritizing over plot over character relationships) but I find his relationship with Takadox so fascinating. The little we know is that Miserix hired Takadox to act as a brotherhood spy due to him being "corruptible" and that Takadox most likely cared of Miserix based on how he looked at him when Barraki left that meeting with BoM. And that's just so fascinating. Miserix essentially taking advantage of Takadox is a concrete example of how he did some really fucked up stuff for the greater good. It makes me wonder how much Miserix affected Takadox becoming what we see in the story proper or if he was already a slimeball and Miserix just took advantage of that. Meanwhile Takadox seems to at least somewhat genuinely care about Miserix based on his reaction, which gives an interesting layer to his character. The idea that Takadox, someone who mainly sees others as toys or obstacles, would have had someone he actually loved and cared about is soo compelling to me and for that person to be someone as powerful and menacing as Miserix makes it even better. Their relationship has so much potential and I wish we had gotten to see them interact in canon. Oh well, at least we have fancontent and headcanons to satisfy those needs!
Favorite headcanon
His voice has an incredible vocal range and as such can vary his voice to sound between extremely feminine and masculine. His "regular" speaking voice he defaults to is either androgynous or does that weird thing where he manages to sound both feminine and masculine at once. It's hard to explain what I mean but basically speaking in a way that sounds like two people speaking at once.
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killerandhealerqueen · 5 months
Pulling up my phone to do this properly. PLEASE feel free to answer this in multiple posts, I can resend it if you want me to 😅😅
Fic writer asks #1- numbers 1, 4, 10, 22
35 questions for fic writere- numbers 4, 11
More fic writer asks- numbers 1, 6, 10, 15, 19, 23
Fanfic ask game- letters F, H, L, S, Y
Fic ask game- numbers 1, 2, 17, 22 (any fic)
Teasing WIPs- 🌧, ☔️
Fruit asks- 🍓, 🍒, 🍊
Get to know fic writer- 11, 13, 17, 18
Procrastinating asks- 🐬🧭♻️
Fanfic author asks- 10, 17, 21, 26, 31, 34
Nah, nah, we doing this all in ONE POST my dear! It's just going to be a very long post so there'll probably be a read more in here somewhere
Fic Writer Asks #1
1. How old were you when you started writing fic?
Oh...middle school age, I believe. So like...11-12-ish?
4. What fandoms have you written for?
Consulting ao3...Killer and Healer, The Devil Judge, S.C.I. Mystery, The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty, The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity, Under the Skin, White Cat Legend (Live Action), Guardian, Psych-Hunter, HIStory3: Trapped, The Untamed, Master Wait a Moment, Himura Hideo no Suiri, CSI: Miami, Chimera, My Name (though I believe that was a crossover with TDJ), Chinese Paladin 4, Beyond Evil.
I used to write for Supernatural, Black Butler, Dragon Ball, NCT, Teen Wolf, and Sherlock
10. Do you read your own fics for fun?
Oh hell yeah I do. Honestly, I read my fics more than I do any other fics out there because they're just so catered for me
22. Pick out a random line from a fic you're really proud of
Gonna use my excerpt that I use all the time from Chapter 37 of my fic 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer
         “Goodnight, A-Ying.  Sleep well.  Gege loves you” he whispered before he pulled away and carefully covered her face with the sheet. 
Love this line so much. It came to me in a dream and I thought it was perfectly fitting for the scene (and something that Chen Yuzhi would say)
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35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers! ✨
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Not particularly, no
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
Well, I'm always writing about Killer and Healer, if you couldn't tell, but I also keep getting drawn back into writing mafia aus, omegaverse, lots of fantasy, and angel x demon aus. There are other aus, but these I've found I have a lot of
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers! ✨ | send me asks
✍️ more fic writer asks!
1. the last sentence you wrote
From my upcoming fic "Curse of the Mermaid"
         “Well look at that” he murmured before he turned and headed out of the curtained area, Yu Tangchun smiling at the sight of him.
6. the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you)
It's probably "and"...I don't have to use a website to know
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
My drafts don't rest for very long, unless I'm incredibly stressed or tired...I'd say 3 days at most?
15. favorite weather for writing
Any weather is good weather for me
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Um...aquatofina? That was pretty interesting
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
Fanciful, emotional, enjoyable
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Fanfic Ask Game - Letters
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Back to Chapter 37 again
Back in the morgue, Chen Yuzhi continued to look at Keying’s burnt body before he reached into his pocket and pulled out her little butterfly clip, staring at it for a moment before he carefully and gently placed it into Keying’s hair, his hands trembling the entire time.  Once the clip was in her hair, he smiled weakly.          “There…don’t you look pretty, A-Ying?” he murmured before he reached up to gently stroke her hair.  As he stroked her hair, more tears streamed down his cheeks and he shook his head, trying to stop himself from crying, before he let out a shuddering breath and leaned down, placing the gentlest of kisses to her forehead.          “Goodnight, A-Ying.  Sleep well.  Gege loves you” he whispered before he pulled away and carefully covered her face with the sheet.  He then carefully pushed her tray back into the refrigerator and shut the door before he turned and numbly walked out of the morgue, causing Jiang Yuelou, who had been sitting on the bench outside with his head in his hand, to shoot to his feet and look over at him with wide eyes as he slowly made his way towards him.  When he finally stopped before him, Jiang Yuelou shook his head.          “I’m sorry.  The killer came for me, and I got Keying involved” he apologized.            “Though you say you’re sorry, would Keying still be alive?” Chen Yuzhi hissed, rage burning in his tear-filled eyes.  Jiang Yuelou looked at him before he lowered his gaze.          “I’m sorry” he repeated, his words full of tears.
I'm fond of this scene because in the drama, Chen Yuzhi just places the butterfly clip into Keying's hair before he places her back into the morgue refrigerator. But here, I've added more dialogue to not only make it more angsty but I feel like Chen Yuzhi would tell Keying that he loves her before he places her back into the refrigerator, not just place her in there without saying goodbye/goodnight, you know?
H: How would you describe your style?
Fuck...I have no idea
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Once. I write the chapter, go through it once to make sure I haven't forgotten anything or misspelled anything and then it gets posted
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
Hurt/comfort, sunshine x grump, black x white (color pallets)...I've grown fond of arrange marriages/fake dating, and finally, injured character says they're fine before their eyes flutter and they collapse into their loved one's arms
Y: A character you want to protect.
Ooo...good question. But I'm gonna go with Chen Yuzhi. I like him to get whumped to hell, but I also love it when he's fiercely guarded and protected...it's good shit
FanFic Ask Game | send me asks
Fic Ask Game - Numbers
1. Is writing cathartic or stressful for you?
I'd say it's cathartic/stress relieving. It only gets stressful when a scene or the fic wants to fight me. But other than that, it's enjoyable
2: Do you focus on attention to detail when you read fics? Are you more or less attention to detail focussed when you write fics?
I'm very detail focused when writing fics...I like to be as accurate as possible when describing people, surroundings, or what's happening in the scene (especially if it's a case fic). I also pay attention to detail when reading fics...helps paint the picture better in my head
17: What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing?
Getting told by people that I'm their favorite author or that my fanfics are their favorite. Best feeling in the world
22: Have you used any symbolism in [insert fic]? What does it represent?
Hmm...symbolism...I don't really have symbolism in my fics...and if I don't, I don't notice/do it on purpose (sorry 😅)
Fic ask game | send me asks
Teasing WIPs
🌧️ Share something angsty from your WIP.
At the sight of the scars, Yu Tangchun, Chu Min, and Liu Li gasped before Yu Tangchun slowly reached out a hand and gently touched one of the scars.          “Junbai…what happened?  Who…did this to you?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai hummed as he shrugged his robe back on before he turned to look at him.          “My uncle” he replied.  Yu Tangchun looked at him in horror.          “Your uncle?” he repeated.  Zhan Junbai hummed and nodded.          “Yes…my parents died when I was a child, so I was raised by my uncle.  My uncle’s side of the family were all spirit mediums…very strong ones.  Unfortunately, I didn’t share the same strength in my abilities and when my uncle found out…he was very upset.  Told me that I ruined the family line and was a shame to the family.  After that, he whipped me…whipped me so bad that my back was practically shredded.  It took a very long time to heal and once it did…I ran away.  Ran away and never looked back.  That’s when I came here.  And became a swindling spirit medium” he explained.
☔ Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Uh...my Killer and Healer PacRim au? I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to it (I mean I'd like to but i just have so many other WIPs at the moment...and the rewrite is just so long that idk if I'll ever get around to it). I like the idea of it but...idk if I'll ever get around to it
teasing wips/upcoming projects | send me asks
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
Currently it's For All Eternity. I'd like more people to read it and enjoy it...but it might also be my own fault because of how often I post, so it might have gotten lost. But I'd really like for more people to read it and enjoy it (and maybe comment?)
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Sunshine x grump...or doctor x detective. I like both.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
Mmm...I'd like to write more for Chu Ran...and Zhong Yiren and give them their Couple of Mirrors au that they deserve but I keep getting distracted by Yuezhi and Junchun...
fruit emoji ask game | send me asks
Get to know your fic writer!
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Waiting (Let Me Pet You) by @bestbuds55
your compliments look good on me by veridiae
Noster nostri by Only_1_Truth
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
I don't really follow writing tips...not my thing
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Read manga or watch tv/drama...I always get inspired then
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
Most times I'll title it during, because a phrase or a piece of dialogue or something I wrote caught my eye and I'd thought it'd make a good title. Sometimes I'll use the title of the piece of media that my fic is inspired by, just makes things easier
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Procrastinating ask!
🦈 Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s)
My current WIP that I'm working on is Curse of the Mermaid
🧭 An alternative title to your/ one of your WIP(s)?
The title before "Curse of the Mermaid" was "My Dearest Mermaid" but I think "Curse of the Mermaid" is a much better title for the fic
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
My current wip has no scrapped ideas
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Fanfic author ask
10. What makes a fic 'successful' in your opinion?
Getting it out of your head, writing it, and posting it. Numbers mean nothing. But creating that fic that was in your head and bringing it to life...that's successful. And if other people enjoy it...then it's a success
17. What is your most written pairing?
Jiang Yuelou/Chen Yuzhi with 134 fics
21. What year did you join your chosen fanfic posting platform? (AO3, tumblr, wattpad, etc.)
I joined ao3 in 2018
26. Do you have use a beta reader before publishing?
Sometimes I'll have @ahhhnorealnamesallowed look over a fic if I need a second pair of eyes or a second opinion, but most times, I don't
31. Do you listen to music while writing?
I do, yeah
34. Are there any common themes you like to explore in your writing?
Not really
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