#a cheese stick is a great little bit of protein
apparentlysexy-rexy · 6 months
From one burnt out, overtired parent to another: it's ok to eat the snacks you got for the kids, especially if it means you eat today.
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HOW I’VE BEEN SUCESSFULLY LOSING WEIGHT: Notes from a former binge eater ♥️
*this guide is to show how ~I~ do things and offer advice on how to do it MY way. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do themselves harm. First off,
That being said.. this is literally the longest I’ve ever gone without bingeing. It’s just,,, easy this time. Once you get a feel of what it’s like to be skinny you just don’t crave junk as much anymore bc you KNOW it’s not worth it. The trick is to eat clean 90% of the time and allow your favorite treats 10% do the time. Fit them into your calorie limit!!! Here’s some personal favorites that have helped me lose like 20lbs in the past 2 months.
I tend to do one higher- calorie drink during the day (protein shake, Starbucks, etc) and one healthy filling but low cal meal and a sweet snack at the end of the night.
Mediterranean salad (~150): mixed greens, chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion. Little bit of feta cheese. Balsamic vinegar (not dressing or vinegarette!!!!) I don’t add meat but you could totally add chicken for low cal high protein choice. You could also add olives but I don’t fw them.
Chocolate Protein shakes from the gas station (loll). They’re 220 cal on average and a great treat. Strawberry one is good too.
SEAWEED SNACKS they’re literally 30-60 calories for a pack and kill my urge to eat chips!!! Please give them a try!
Soups. Soups that are already portioned and have the calorie amount posted. I add extra seasonings and spice to boost metabolism.
Coffee!! With almond milk and a little coffee creamer. It’s worth the calories if you want a coffee just make one it’s better than going to Starbucks.
Sushi: I’m vegetarian so I get an avocado and cucumber roll. It’s so good with fresh ginger and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I will be craving it allllllll day and have it as my OMAD so rewarding 🥹
Miso soup>>>>>> add tofu and seaweed and onions!! And mushrooms if you like them.
Monster Ultra energy drinks,,,, yeah I know they’re bad for you but I love them.
Fruits!!! I especially love strawberries, watermelon, cherries, blackberries, pineapple and mangoes.
Trail mix: dried cherries, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, cashews. High in calories but perfect for killing hunger. High protein keeps you full and muscles strong, high healthy fats will keep your hair and skin and nails beautiful.
Chocolates: SMALL PORTIONS. if you can’t eat just eat a piece without bingeing, do NOT buy a big bag. what I do is I buy a bar of whatever chocolate I’m craving for my bf and we share it piece by piece. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, hazelnut, with coffee beans, with toffee, fruits, chocolate is the best thing ever 🍫
Starbucks! My fav drinks are matcha lattes (hot/iced), iced white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and occasionally a pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint mochas on the holidays. Oat milk always
Baked goods. Same deal as the chocolate, ONLY BUY THE PORTION YOURE GOING TO EAT. If you have been craving a croissant, go get one. One. Don’t buy a whole dozen of them. You will end up bingeing trust me. My favs are cinnamon rolls <3
I’m going to the gym!!! Consistently for the first time in my life. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Spend 30 min on the treadmill alternating between incline walking and easy paced jogging. Put on a YouTube video. Wear pink and bring a cute water bottle. You have to make an experience out of it! I stick to cardio and full body stretches plus ocasional (light) strength workouts w my bf.
I don’t drink anymore. Just 🍃. Alc is so high in sugar and carbs and it’s literally poison bro. I know it’s hard to stop but once you do you’ll feel so much better.
I rarely weigh myself. I’m at my bfs house all the time so I only step on my scale maybe 3 times a month. It’s been a game changer!!!
I practice mindfulness and speak kindly to myself. Basically sweetspo + affirmations to myself all the time.
Taking more pride in your appearance will also help motivate you. You think you’ll still want to binge after you took a full body shower, clean PJ’s or outfit, painted your nails, skincare and makeup done, whitened your teeth and lit a candle? No thanks.
Limit stupid, negative, useless media consumption. Watch things that have to do with your hobbies/ interests and your social media algorithms begin to kinda clean themselves up over time. My pages are all about exercise, study blogs, beauty tips and sciencey stuff. No more drama or celebrity nonsense. Cut down your following!!
Remember you only have one life on earth. You’re young and hot once. Don’t you want to grab this chance while you have it? Unfortunately your beauty is your currency especially as a woman, so if there’s anything I can do to give myself a better life I will. Losing just a few pounds of fat will make the craziest difference in ways you’d never expect. Free and discounted stuff. More people smile at you and listen to what you have to say. Both literal and figurative doors will be opened for you.Clothes fit better bc they’re more flattering when your body is fit and healthy. While it feels good to get validation from other people, the best part of it is looking in the mirror and feeling proud instead of ashamed. The inner confidence that comes from successful transformation………….there’s no other feeling that compares. If you know, you know. I’m just saying,, the choice is yours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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goodluckclove · 2 months
clove, i have an intense personal problem to solve: what's for lunch? or dinner? my cooking repertoire lately has been limited to japanese food because i can have the sides all week and mains take like 10 minutes to prepare. but i feel like i need to branch out. so i pose to you a riddle (not really): what do you make when you're hungry, you have 15 minutes to cook, and roughly 1/4 teaspoon of energy with which to cook it?
See I was going to answer with some funny nonsense but this is actually a really important question. We all have to eat and we all have to eat something delicious otherwise life is significantly worse.
So like here are a few easy meals that I enjoy! I don't know the exact times because I'm usually vibing out to a podcast but I do know these all to be low effort in my eyes.
Eggy Potatoes
This is my go-to whenever I just want protein and carbs and good good flavors. It's also a major depression meal of mine and I don't usually make it for other people because it doesn't seem like a Real Meal but I made it for Riley and now it's their favorite thing for me to cook.
I take potatoes O'Brien and skillet fry them in like canola oil. Season those babies - I use garlic salt, pepper, red pepper, maybe some onion powder. Cajun seasoning or Old Bay is great if you have it. Anyways get it as crispy as you want.
From this point you can either whisk up a few eggs and add it to the cooked potatoes, or you can cook the eggs separately to your liking and add them to the top. Maybe add shredded cheese. Ketchup. Hot sauce. I'm not a cop.
Pasta Salad
This is a great way to meal prep. You can either make a bunch of pasta or buy the ready-made microwave pasta that comes in bag. Do what you have to do to get some cooked pasta. Drain and chill it in the fridge with a little bit of oil and some kind of brine (caper/olive/pepper).
Once it's chill add whatever toppings you want. Feta? Fuck yeah. Any other cheese? Sure. All sorts of veggies? Let's party. Shredded chicken/smoked salmon/cured meats? Boo-yah. Then you can dress it with either a vinegrette or like virtually any other dressing and you did it.
(those microwave pastas are fantastic for easy meals by the way. Add like olive oil and Parmesan and pepper and red pepper. Cut up some bacon or spam. Just pour like a vodka sauce over it. Yum yum.)
When I can't think of what to eat I end up eating some form of charcuterie. I fucking love charcuterie.
I get three cheeses - a soft, a hard, and a medium. I like to mix my milks if I can. A spread of some kind is cool, like a mustard or a spicy jam. Maybe a seasoned butter.
Bread or crackers? I usually prefer cut bread. Like a nice Dutch Crunch. Crackers are good too though.
Also get some fruit. Cut up an apple. Carrot sticks or celery. Bam all the food groups.
I loved answering this I hope you eat something delicious.
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suzieb-fit · 1 month
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Started the 5/1/1 fasting routine. I guess for me, it's technically 1/1/5, lol.
I started with a longer fast of 40hrs, but that was a bit longer than it needed to be. I just wanted to get to the next round number, haha.
This morning was my "no fast" day. For me, 12hrs isn't a "true" fast. That's just a basic "digestive rest".
So the next five days will be on the 14/15hr basis.
So that's a week with one full fast, one low or no fast, and five average ones.
5/1/1 fasting is just another way of doing it. Might fit me just fine, might not. I'll just see how it goes.
Mucus hit hard at around 8am, but up until then, it had been ok for maybe the previous 24hrs. Few ups and downs, but nothing terrible.
But today....Back to it's worst. Meh. Keep on keeping on as I always try to do.
Won't get my intolerance results until Tuesday at the earliest, so that will be interesting.
Walnuts, apple with cinnamon and cacao, with milky collagen and inulin coffee outside for breakfast.
Then a lovely 30 minute forest walk. Look at me posing 😅
I tried a protein decaff when I got back in.
Stick of liquorice root to nibble on.
The drink wasn't really that great. Too thick. I didn't really enjoy it, but I'm always on the lookout for trying new things.
When that settled, I got on with some lower body resistance.
Always feel better when I work my muscles.
Lunch today was precooked chicken and cheese salad. With "nutritional yeast", fresh ginger and dried tarragon. Sprinkled with basic vinegar. Absolutely delicious combination!
Just another little walk before dinner, which was beef steak, avocado and mixed veggies.
Moderately active, full of good nutrition with chill time along the way too.
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sagardada11 · 1 month
The mix of flavors is surprisingly delightful - BUTTERELA Chocolate Peanut Butter
The Joy of Chocolate Peanut Butter: A Delicious Duo
Chocolate peanut butter is a tasty treat that many people love. It combines two favorite foods: chocolate and peanut butter. Together, they make a delicious spread that is perfect for many different snacks and recipes. Whether you spread it on toast, add it to your favorite desserts, or just eat it straight from the jar, chocolate peanut butter is a delightful treat.
A Brief History
Peanut butter has been around since the late 1800s. It is made from ground peanuts and has a creamy or crunchy texture. People love it because it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Chocolate has a much longer history, dating back thousands of years. It was first used by ancient people in Central and South America as a bitter drink. Over time, it became sweet and was made into the solid chocolate we know today.
Why They Work Well Together
Chocolate flavor peanut butter are a perfect pair because their flavors and textures complement each other. Chocolate is rich and smooth, while peanut butter is creamy and slightly salty. This combination makes each bite taste complex and satisfying. Both chocolate and peanut butter contain fats, which help carry their flavors and make them taste even better together.
How to Use Chocolate Peanut Butter
One of the best things about chocolate peanut butter is that you can use it in many ways. Here are some simple ideas for how to enjoy it:
1. Breakfast: Start your day with a chocolate peanut butter smoothie. Mix a spoonful of chocolate peanut butter with a banana, some milk, and a bit of honey. Blend it all together for a tasty and healthy breakfast. You can also spread it on toast or pancakes for a delicious morning treat.
2. Baking: peanut chocolate butter is great for baking. You can add it to cookies, brownies, or cupcakes for a yummy flavor. Try using it as a filling for chocolate cupcakes or as a topping for brownies.
3. Snacks: For a quick and easy snack, dip apple slices or celery sticks into peanut butter chocolate flavor. The combination of fresh fruit or vegetables with the creamy spread is both healthy and delicious.
4. Desserts: Make simple chocolate peanut butter truffles by mixing it with cream cheese. Roll the mixture into small balls and dip them in melted chocolate. These truffles are perfect for a sweet treat.
5. Savory Dishes: You can even use chocolate peanut butter in savory dishes. Add it to sauces or stews for a unique flavor. For example, mix it into chili or use it as a base for a mole sauce.
Health Benefits
Chocolate peanut butter can be a part of a healthy diet if eaten in moderation. Peanut butter is a good source of protein, healthy fats, and vitamins. Dark chocolate, especially, has antioxidants that can be good for your heart. To make a healthier version, you can make your own chocolate peanut butter at home. Blend roasted peanuts with cocoa powder and a little honey. This way, you control the ingredients and avoid extra sugars.
Chocolate flavor peanut butter is a versatile and delicious treat that can be enjoyed in many ways. Its blend of rich chocolate and creamy peanut butter makes it a favorite for people of all ages. Whether you use it in breakfast, baking, snacks, desserts, or even savory dishes, chocolate peanut butter is sure to bring joy to your meals. So grab a jar and start experimenting with this delightful duo!
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butterela-healthy · 2 months
It's a quick and easy meal that's both tasty and healthy.
The Joy of Chocolate Peanut Butter: A Delicious Duo
Chocolate peanut butter is a tasty treat that many people love. It combines two favorite foods: chocolate and peanut butter. Together, they make a delicious spread that is perfect for many different snacks and recipes. Whether you spread it on toast, add it to your favorite desserts, or just eat it straight from the jar, chocolate peanut butter is a delightful treat.
A Brief History
Peanut butter has been around since the late 1800s. It is made from ground peanuts and has a creamy or crunchy texture. People love it because it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Chocolate has a much longer history, dating back thousands of years. It was first used by ancient people in Central and South America as a bitter drink. Over time, it became sweet and was made into the solid chocolate we know today.
Why They Work Well Together
Chocolate flavor peanut butter are a perfect pair because their flavors and textures complement each other. Chocolate is rich and smooth, while peanut butter is creamy and slightly salty. This combination makes each bite taste complex and satisfying. Both chocolate and peanut butter contain fats, which help carry their flavors and make them taste even better together.
How to Use Chocolate Peanut Butter
One of the best things about chocolate peanut butter is that you can use it in many ways. Here are some simple ideas for how to enjoy it:
1. Breakfast: Start your day with a chocolate peanut butter smoothie. Mix a spoonful of chocolate peanut butter with a banana, some milk, and a bit of honey. Blend it all together for a tasty and healthy breakfast. You can also spread it on toast or pancakes for a delicious morning treat.
2. Baking: peanut chocolate butter is great for baking. You can add it to cookies, brownies, or cupcakes for a yummy flavor. Try using it as a filling for chocolate cupcakes or as a topping for brownies.
3. Snacks: For a quick and easy snack, dip apple slices or celery sticks into peanut butter chocolate flavor. The combination of fresh fruit or vegetables with the creamy spread is both healthy and delicious.
4. Desserts: Make simple chocolate peanut butter truffles by mixing it with cream cheese. Roll the mixture into small balls and dip them in melted chocolate. These truffles are perfect for a sweet treat.
5. Savory Dishes: You can even use chocolate peanut butter in savory dishes. Add it to sauces or stews for a unique flavor. For example, mix it into chili or use it as a base for a mole sauce.
Health Benefits
Chocolate peanut butter can be a part of a healthy diet if eaten in moderation. Peanut butter is a good source of protein, healthy fats, and vitamins. Dark chocolate, especially, has antioxidants that can be good for your heart. To make a healthier version, you can make your own chocolate peanut butter at home. Blend roasted peanuts with cocoa powder and a little honey. This way, you control the ingredients and avoid extra sugars.
Chocolate flavor peanut butter is a versatile and delicious treat that can be enjoyed in many ways. Its blend of rich chocolate and creamy peanut butter makes it a favorite for people of all ages. Whether you use it in breakfast, baking, snacks, desserts, or even savory dishes, chocolate peanut butter is sure to bring joy to your meals. So grab a jar and start experimenting with this delightful duo!
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marcholasmoth · 4 months
OSRR: 3574
please have a picture of my mom and simon, who headbutts her face to get her attention.
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mom's recovering. she's still uncomfortable, but that's to be expected when you suddenly feel like you have a spring in your gut.
i took care of her most of the day, making sure she had food and was comfy and had water and company.
this morning i started out getting breakfast with bekah and her family, which was really nice. i hadn't seen and spent time with them in a hot minute, so it was nice to just sit down and talk to them.
after breakfast was a grocery store run to try and find things that were good for mom to eat. so i did some research and it turns out, for people who have just had kidney stone surgery, that sodium is bad, animal products are frowned on, and that she needs to eat vegetables, legumes, and fruits, and that she needs calcium, protein, and vitamins c and d. and for her, fats are hard to deal with since she also no longer has a gallbladder.
so i got a bunch of stuff.
she likes crunchy things and i figured a couple tiny pretzel sticks won't hurt, so i got pretzels. i got peanut butter and celery because she doesn't eat it any other way. i got blueberries. i got lemons. i got pecans. i also got fortified orange juice, so she can get the calcium and vitamin d to replace what she won't get from dairy products and being outside for a while. as in, animal products are already a tough sell, but having recommendations to not have a bunch of animal products in a day? pass. mom's almost vegan for now.
honestly i feel like she might be someone who would benefit from the nutritional properties from eating an organic vegan diet. she's got a lot of inflammation and health issues, and she doesn't like red meat, and she doesn't like milk or yogurt or cheese. so. mostly vegan. butter is better for you than margarine. mashed potatoes need milk. cheesecake exists. chocolate is also a thing. but mostly vegan.
never thought i'd use that combination of words. money and a typewriter, i guess.
anyway, i ended up watching tv with mom for a lot of the day, and i napped as well. since i got up earlier than usual to go get breakfast, i felt well within my rights to go back to sleep eventually.
a friend of mom's came over while i was napping, and she brought over a pan of unseasoned gluten-free goulash, since mom is also supposed to stay away from seasonings. she's also supposed to stay away from preservatives, so that's a tough one.
ended up getting dinner from mcnaldos and getting ice cream for all of us after that. returned and resumed watching tv with mom.
we've been watching the great british baking show. we just finished the 9th season and are watching the 10th one now.
watching the winner of the 9th season made me really realize how much i miss jey. like, the winner, rahul, i think that's how his name is spelled, was so sweet and just a darling the whole series, and it was delightful seeing him interact with his family and his friends. and it reminded me of jey. i miss him. i haven't seen him in a while and like, im at a loss of how to interact with him. it low-key makes me nervous? but it's just jey. it's just jey.
my brain is broken a little bit. i hope to see jey soon.
and speaking of jey, i also wish my schedule allowed me time to see joel more often. i rarely see him and it makes me sad, but that's unfortunately how my existence is right now.
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fitnessthought · 9 months
What to Eat with Hummus for Weight Loss? 15 Yummy Ideas
Hummus, a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine, has gained global popularity not just for its taste but also for its health benefits, especially in weight loss diets. This creamy spread, traditionally made from chickpeas, olive oil, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic, is a nutrient powerhouse.
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Pairing Hummus for Weight Loss:
Vegetable Sticks: A classic and effective way to enjoy hummus is with vegetable sticks. Nutritionist Peggy Kotsopoulos suggests, “Red pepper slices are ideal, as the vitamin C they contain helps your body absorb the iron from the hummus.“ Other great options include cucumber, zucchini, carrots, or asparagus spears.
On Sandwiches and Crackers: Dietitian Cynthia Sass, in a Shape.com article, recommends using hummus as a lower-calorie substitute for mayo-based condiments on sandwiches and crackers. This simple swap can significantly reduce your calorie intake.
Portion Control: Livestrong advises, “A 2-tablespoon serving of hummus contains around 70 calories.” They suggest including up to three servings per day in a balanced diet for weight loss.
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15 Delicious Ways to Eat Hummus With
Veggie Dip: Dip carrot sticks, cucumber slices, bell peppers, or cherry tomatoes in hummus for a healthy snack.
Hummus Toast: Spread hummus on whole-grain toast and top with avocado slices, a sprinkle of sesame seeds, or fresh herbs.
Pita Sandwich: Stuff pita pockets with hummus, mixed greens, cucumber, and cherry tomatoes.
Hummus Wraps: Spread hummus on a whole wheat wrap, add grilled chicken or tofu, and fresh veggies for a filling lunch.
Stuffed Bell Peppers: Fill bell pepper halves with hummus, top with crumbled feta cheese, and bake until warm.
Salad Dressing: Thin out hummus with a bit of olive oil and lemon juice to make a tasty salad dressing.
With Grilled Veggies: Use hummus as a side to complement grilled vegetables like zucchini, eggplant, or asparagus.
Deviled Eggs: Mix hummus with egg yolks for a twist on deviled eggs.
Hummus Pizza: Replace traditional pizza sauce with hummus on a flatbread, then top with your favorite veggies and bake.
Hummus Pasta: Toss cooked pasta with hummus, cherry tomatoes, and fresh basil for a quick meal.
Baked Hummus: Top hummus with pine nuts and a drizzle of olive oil, then bake until golden for a warm dip.
Hummus Quesadillas: Spread hummus on a tortilla, add cheese and veggies, then grill until crispy.
Roasted Potato Dip: Use hummus as a dip for roasted potato wedges or sweet potato fries.
Hummus and Avocado Bowl: Combine hummus with sliced avocado, quinoa, and a squeeze of lemon for a nutritious bowl.
Hummus and Egg Breakfast: Spread hummus on toast and top with a poached or fried egg for a protein-packed breakfast.
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Health Benefits of Hummus:
Fiber and Protein Content: Hummus is a good source of fiber and protein. It keeps you full for longer, aiding in appetite control. A study cited by HurryTheFoodUp concluded that “eating chickpeas may help with bodyweight management by suppressing appetite and energy intake.”
Low Glycemic Index: Hummus has a lower glycemic index than chickpeas alone, making it beneficial for maintaining balanced blood glucose and insulin levels, and crucial for weight loss, especially in type-2 diabetes.
Nutrient-Rich: Hummus provides essential nutrients like B vitamins, phosphorus, folate, and plant-based iron, particularly important in vegan or vegetarian diets.
Making Hummus Work in Your Diet:
Homemade Options: Making your own hummus allows you to control the ingredients and calorie content. We suggest, “Blend the basic ingredients until smooth, substituting in a little water for some of the oil if you’re looking to lower the fat content.”
Mindful Selection: When buying hummus, choose brands with lower calorie content, especially those that don’t use excessive olive oil or added flavorings.
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Facts about Hummus
Ancient Origins: Hummus has a rich history, with some sources tracing its origins back to 13th century Egypt. This long-standing culinary tradition has made hummus a timeless dish, enjoyed across various cultures and regions.
Cultural Symbol: Beyond its nutritional value, hummus serves as a cultural symbol, with countries like Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Greece, and Turkey each claiming it as part of their culinary heritage. This highlights the dish’s significance in cultural identity and culinary diplomacy.
Versatile Ingredient: Hummus isn’t just a dip or spread; it’s incredibly versatile in cooking. For instance, it can be used as a base for creamy pasta sauces or as a flavorful addition to stuffed bell peppers, showcasing its adaptability in various cuisines.
Nutritional Powerhouse for Vegans: For those on plant-based diets, hummus is particularly valuable. It’s not just a protein source; it also provides essential nutrients like plant-based iron and B vitamins, which are crucial for vegans and vegetarians.
Low Glycemic Index Advantage: The unique combination of ingredients in hummus gives it a lower glycemic index compared to chickpeas alone. This quality makes hummus an excellent food choice for maintaining stable blood sugar levels, beneficial for people with diabetes or those managing their weight
Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat with LivPure
FAQs around What to Eat with Hummus for Weight Loss
Can hummus help in weight loss?
Yes, hummus can be a part of a weight-loss diet. It’s high in protein and fiber, which can help keep you full and reduce overall calorie intake. However, portion control is key, as hummus is also calorie-dense.
What are the best vegetables to pair with hummus for weight loss?
Low-calorie vegetables like carrot sticks, cucumber slices, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes are great for dipping in hummus. They add crunch and nutrients without many calories.
Is it okay to eat hummus every day for weight loss?
Yes, you can eat hummus every day as part of a balanced diet. Just be mindful of the portion size and the overall calorie intake for the day.
Can I use hummus as a salad dressing for weight loss?
Absolutely! You can thin out hummus with a bit of olive oil and lemon juice to make a healthy, protein-rich salad dressing.
How much hummus is a good serving size for weight loss?
A good serving size for weight loss is about 2-4 tablespoons of hummus. This amount provides enough protein and fiber to be filling without overloading calories.
What are some low-calorie ways to enjoy hummus?
Spread hummus on whole-grain toast, use it in wraps with lots of veggies, or dip fresh vegetable sticks in it. Avoid pairing it with high-calorie foods like chips for weight loss.
Hummus, when consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet, can be a delicious and nutritious addition to a weight loss plan. Its versatility, combined with its health benefits, makes it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle while enjoying flavorful food.
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art-of-manliness · 10 months
Beyond Cinnamon and Brown Sugar: Discover Oatmeal’s Savory Side
With cold weather here, I’ve been looking for meals that warm my belly and stick to my ribs.  A hot bowl of oatmeal has long been a go-to dish during the cold, dark days of winter.  But if you’re like me, you’ve likely pigeon-holed oatmeal as a strictly sweet food you eat exclusively for breakfast.  For most of my life, I’ve only eaten oatmeal in the morning, garnished with things like brown sugar, maple syrup, chocolate chips, and fruit. Every now and then, I’d throw in some nuts like pecans and walnuts. But mostly oatmeal was an excuse to have dessert for breakfast. I could always tell myself, “Hey! It’s oatmeal! It’s good for you! Lumps of added sugar aside, it could help with my die-ah-bee-tus!” As I was eating a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast a few weeks ago, I got to thinking: “Maybe it’s time I bust oatmeal out of the food prison I’ve put it in. Oatmeal is a grain just like rice and wheat, and I eat other grains in both the a.m. (raisin bran) and the p.m. (pasta) and in both sweet (rice pudding) and savory (fried rice) forms. Why should oatmeal be subject to different constraints? Why should it indeed? Even though many cultures (though not all!) have been conditioned to think of oatmeal as a sweet breakfast food, doesn’t mean you can’t eat it as a savory dish for any meal of the day.  I recently started experimenting with making savory oatmeal and eating it both for breakfast and for lunch and dinner. Reader, let me tell you, savory oatmeal is bomb. I can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner.  Not only does oatmeal taste great as a part of a savory dish, but it’s incredibly cheap, and its fiber content will help you feel fuller for longer. Oatmeal is a great way to stretch your budget and nourish your body.  Below, I share some guidelines you can use to create your own savory oatmeal dishes, along with three simple recipes that my family and I have enjoyed.  Your Savory Oatmeal Crib Sheet Oatmeal is pretty bland on its own, so it will take on the flavor of whatever you cook it with. Think of oatmeal as rice or pasta; it makes a great canvas for flavors. Utilizing some or all of the following elements will add delicious, savory umami to your oatmeal: Broth. Instead of using plain water, cook your oats in broth — vegetable broth, chicken/beef broth, or even bone broth. The broth will infuse the oats with savory goodness. Aromatics. A little bit of garlic, ginger, or onion can go a long way in adding depth and complexity to your savory oatmeal. Sauté these aromatics in a bit of oil or butter before adding your oats to release their flavors. Protein. Amp up the belly-filling protein content of your savory oatmeal by adding cooked bacon bits, egg, chicken, or beef. These protein-packed toppings will keep you feeling satisfied and energized throughout the day. Vegetables. Add a pop of color and nutrition to your savory oatmeal with fresh vegetables like chopped peppers, sliced avocado, or sautéed mushrooms. Take advantage of canned vegetables for an easy and cheap way to up your oatmeal’s fiber and micronutrient content. Cheese and crunchy toppings. Sprinkle some grated Parmesan, crumbled feta, or even French-fried onions on top of your savory oatmeal for a burst of flavor and texture. These toppings will add a nice crunch and richness to your dish. Seasonings. Have fun with seasonings. Black pepper and salt taste great on oatmeal. But I’ve also made some dishes with oregano, thyme, and Old Bay. Man, I love Old Bay. The addition I want to try next is putting everything bagel seasoning on a savory breakfast bowl (oatmeal, eggs, bacon, cheese). The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Condiments. To take your savory oatmeal to the next level, consider adding a dollop of your favorite sauce. Could be BBQ sauce or even salsa. I love putting Frank’s hot sauce on my savory oatmeal dishes. Kicks it up a notch. Bam! My Go-to Savory Oatmeal Recipes If you’re looking for some savory oatmeal recipes to get started,… http://dlvr.it/SzrfPz
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mitchamsocialuser · 2 years
The Versatility of Grilled Halloumi: From Burgers to Brunch
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Grilled Halloumi cheese has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its unique taste, texture, and versatility. Originating from Cyprus, Halloumi cheese is a semi-hard, salty cheese that can be grilled or fried without melting, making it an ideal addition to a variety of dishes. From burgers to brunch, grilled Halloumi is a delicious and protein-packed ingredient that can elevate any meal.
One of the most popular ways to use grilled Halloumi is in burgers. A grilled Halloumi burger is a vegetarian alternative to traditional beef burgers that will satisfy even the biggest meat-lovers. The texture of the cheese perfectly mimics that of a burger patty, and when grilled, it develops a crispy outer layer that adds a delightful crunch. Top the burger with your favorite veggies, sauces, and buns, and you’ve got yourself a gourmet burger that’s sure to impress.
For those looking for a healthier option, grilled Halloumi is an excellent addition to salads. The cheese adds a salty and savory taste to the salad, while its texture contrasts nicely with the fresh greens. A grilled Halloumi salad is a filling and satisfying meal that can be customized with various toppings and dressings. Try pairing it with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze for a refreshing summer salad.
Grilled Halloumi can also be used in breakfast dishes such as omelets, sandwiches, and even pancakes. The salty flavor of the cheese pairs well with eggs and makes for a hearty breakfast. For a more indulgent brunch option, try adding grilled Halloumi to a breakfast sandwich with bacon and avocado. The cheese adds a rich and flavorful element to the sandwich that takes it to the next level.
If you’re a fan of Mediterranean cuisine, grilled Halloumi is a must-try ingredient. In Greek cuisine, Halloumi is often served as a side dish or appetizer. Grilled Halloumi pairs well with tzatziki sauce and can be served with pita bread for a simple yet delicious dish. In Turkish cuisine, grilled Halloumi is often served with watermelon, creating a unique and refreshing flavor combination.
Grilled Halloumi is also a great addition to pizza. The cheese can be used as a topping, adding a salty and chewy element to the pizza. For a more unique twist, use grilled Halloumi as the base for the pizza, topped with your favorite veggies and sauce. The cheese creates a crispy crust that’s sure to impress your guests.
For those who are new to grilling Halloumi, it’s essential to follow a few tips to ensure that the cheese doesn’t stick to the grill. Firstly, make sure to brush the cheese with a little bit of oil before grilling. This will help prevent sticking and ensure that the cheese develops a crispy outer layer. Secondly, only flip the cheese once during cooking. The cheese needs time to develop a crispy outer layer, so resist the temptation to flip it multiple times.
In conclusion, grilled Halloumi cheese is a versatile and delicious ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, from burgers to brunch. Its unique texture and taste make it a favorite among cheese lovers and a go-to ingredient for vegetarian and Mediterranean cuisine. Whether you’re grilling it for a burger or using it in a salad, grilled Halloumi is sure to add a flavorful twist to any meal.
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pennyscallanaus · 2 years
Why Won’t My Child Eat Their Packed Lunch?
It’s happened again. Another day, another lunch box that comes home with uneaten food, another tired, cranky kid who’s barely eaten since breakfast.
“Why didn’t you eat your lunch?”
“Because it’s yucky.”
Starting daycare, kinder or school is an exciting time for a little person and their family, however it brings its own unique challenges — a big one is food.
Having a meal in unfamiliar surroundings is one thing, but there’s also the problem of how to pack food ahead of time that you know they’ll enjoy, that will stay fresh, colourful and healthy until lunchtime.
Cut-up sandwiches can dry out, yoghurt can become warm and sour, strawberries and kiwi fruit can become soggy, and veggie sticks go limp. It’s no wonder that fussy eaters will go on strike when it’s lunchtime!
It’s important to find a solution to stop both you and them from giving up and turning to unhealthy packaged snacks full of sugar and preservatives.
Bento boxes are a great way to teach kids about healthy eating and looking after the planet by reducing waste. It’s estimated that the average packed lunch for school-aged kids generates about three bits of litter every day, which adds up to 30kg of rubbish over a year — more than many children weigh!
Using an airtight silicone-sealed bento box means the peels, skins and rinds of food act as a natural wrapper, and you can place them into the box already cut up without worrying about them staying fresh.
If your child doesn’t like sandwiches, you don’t have to have sandwiches!
A sandwich usually offers a combination of starch (like bread), protein (like ham, tuna or tofu), a vegetable (like lettuce or carrot), and dairy (like cheese) that meets the recommendations of the healthy food pyramid. You can easily give your child the same nutritional balance that a sandwich has by combining individual foods in a bento box.
This is particularly good for kids who don’t like foods touching each other, as a bento box allows you to pack a varied meal like pretzels, hummus, strawberries, cold meat, yoghurt, and cheese without any of the foods contaminating each other. Make sure to check your school or kinder’s nut policy before packing potential allergens like peanut butter.
It’s a great idea to include your child in actually packing their lunch. This way, they are taking ownership of what’s going in the bento, they know what to expect, and they are more likely to eat it.
The great thing about a bento box is it can be used outside of kinder or school — like on picnics and day trips, or even as a divided plate at home! We recommend combining our airtight bento boxes with both an insulated cooler bag and a frozen cold pack for the ultimate freshness.
Still not sure what to pack? Keep an eye out for a post on easy-to-pack lunches for fussy eaters.
Reference Link: https://www.pennyscallan.com/blogs/news/why-won-t-my-child-eat-their-packed-lunch-written-by-a-grown-up-fussy-eater
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ketorecipepost · 2 years
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
What are some foods across Tamriel that are pretty healthy but really don't taste like it?
This was a tricky one, because healthy snacks that don't taste healthy are an oddly specific category. Nonetheless, I will endeavour to answer as best I can!
Altmeri snacks are known for being light and can even be considered unfulfilling to those not used to them! Smoked, roasted almonds rolled in a sweet or savoury coating are a good example of this. My favourite flavours are chili and brown sugar, or smoky barbecue.
Snacking in Murkmire is always fun, and my personal favourite there are cricket treats! Crickets are high in protein and low in fat, and when roasted like nuts, make for a delicious natural snack. Cricket treats are made from clumps of crickets rolled in honey and finished with a touch of sea salt, and are surprisingly moreish!
I do love some jerky, especially Valenwood-style biltong! Made with choice cuts of meat seasoned with honey and dried until tender, this high-protein snack is great to munch on no matter the time of day. You can try it out for yourself with my recipe here!
High Rock isn't known for its healthy cuisine, but a popular breakfast food and all-day snack is creamy rice pudding with a spot of jam. Without being overwhelmingly sweet, little pots of chilled or warm rice pudding are a delightful treat no matter the weather.
Baked saltrice, wickwheat and scuttle cookies are a tasty little nibble traditional to Morrowind, and they're surprisingly flavourful for something that doesn't contain any extra oil or butter! These savoury bites are delicious with a bit of comberry jam, and make the perfect snack at any time of day.
Ricotta and berry compote, how I love thee! This classic pairing is fantastic slapped on fresh bread, or eaten on its own like a pudding. For a bit of texture, some Imperials also like to sprinkle nuts on top for a good crunch.
Some time ago I wrote about the Khajiiti invention of popcorn, which remains one of Elsweyr's favourite snacks to this day. Flavoured with everything from butter to herbs or moon sugar, this simple traditional treat is a must-have when in Elsweyr!
We love our snacks in Skyrim, and a local favourite is simply hard goat's cheese on a stick with some honey for dipping! Simple and good, this combination of flavours actually works despite the confusion it causes to some outsiders. Try it yourself and let me know what you think!
There's no denying it- radish chips are without a doubt one of the most popular snacks among the Orsimer. Sliced thinly and baked with a sprinkle of salt and dried frost mirriam, these moreish chips hit the spot without excessive oil or flavourings.
Did someone say mezze platter? Whether it's grilled haloumi and feta or olives and hummus, there's a little something for everyone with a traditional Redguard snack platter. Don't forget the mint tea to wash it down!
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
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Alright. So my diet plan started yesterday but there were things I messed up/forgot ...but who cares, I am going to call it a great success.
I bought an herbalife shake and tea from a shake shop, ate a tiny little bit of it.
Had a plate of veggies before mom's Dr appt.
Went to dinner with a friend... ordered the pulled pork plate and a side salad. It came out with added mac & cheese. I added the Mac cheese and the corn bread to my gf's to go plate. I had a kombucha and an unsweet tea.
I was hungry. I ate all the pulled pork, I could have planned that better. It was a huge, delicious portion. I ate it all. I tried ti do it slowly, hoping I would become satisfied. Nope.
Delivered the plate to my gf and brought her a test. She was positive. 😱
Fucking hell.
Went to bed around 11:15.
Woke up this morning at 6:30, walked the dogs.
Spent the morning with rounds of supplements with added immune activator and airborne. Remembered the drops and fiber tabs/glucomannon.
Started breakfast at 9.... Cauli pieces, a slice of cabbage, 3 cherry tomatoes, and 1/3 cup egg whites.
I am trying to remember that it really doesn't matter "sticking to the protocol." As long as the calories are within range and my protein is decent, that is all that matters.
I only have certain veggies right now and I am going to try to eat them before going shopping for more. I have lots of cabbage 😋
All veggies are good. All veggies are healthy.
I am trying to do this with all of my knowledge, not just this protocol. I am trying to track better as well... . I might even download my fitness pal again.
I really just want to break this plateau since I have been on since the end of March.
Here is to moving forward!
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love-takes-work · 4 years
Over 150 Steven Universe Recipes
Here is my absurd gallery of recipe photos. Every recipe here has been eaten, prominently featured, or (in a few cases) mentioned on Steven Universe or Steven Universe Future.
Recipes I did not make would include a) stuff eaten that wasn’t really food (usually); b) stuff that was drawn as background art or incidentally; c) food that shows up again and again if I’ve already made it once; d) stuff that only appeared in comics or games; e) sentient food (usually), unless it was eaten (this is more of a problem in Steven Universe than most people recognize). 
Enjoy. Numbers correspond to descriptions after the jump. Find a recipe in the show that I haven’t done and I’ll buy you lunch.
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1. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers - "Beach Party" 2. Amethyst's Birthday - "So Many Birthdays" 3. Beans - "Are You My Dad?" 4. Mask Island Fish - "Island Adventure" 5. Perfectly Timed Afternoon Sandwich - "Onion Friend" 6. Bagel Sandwiches - "Cheeseburger Backpack" 7. Three-Way Sub - "Say Uncle" 8. Slurpable Fish - "Steven and the Stevens" 9. Battle Rations - "Change Your Mind" 10. Hoagie - "Super Watermelon Island"
11. Brunch - "Steven Reacts" 12. That 'Za - "Guidance" 13. Breakfast Only Breakfast - "Maximum Capacity" 14. Bindle Lunches - "On the Run" 15. Bodyguard Sandwich - "Shirt Club" 16. Bigger Together Breakfast - "Together Breakfast" 17. Bixbite's Pizza - "Guidance" 18. Caprese Salad - "Shirt Club" 19. Blowtorch Grilled Cheese - "Space Race" 20. Bluebird's Cake - "Bluebird"
21. Cloud - "Steven the Sword Fighter" 22. Cheeseball Cake - "Fusion Cuisine" 23. Mushed-Up Carrots - "Greg the Babysitter" 24. Secret Meal - "House Guest" 25. Bowl of Cereal - "Arcade Mania" 26. Chaaaaps - "Monster Buddies," "Onion Friend," and more 27. Spicy Chili - "In Dreams" 28. Tasty Cereal (and cereal dust) - "Greg the Babysitter" 29. Carrot Bean Meal - "Rose Buds" 30. Clams, Peanut Butter, and a Side of Fresh-Cut Grass - "Bluebird" 31. Cherries - "Mr. Greg"
32. Garnet's Cookies - "Warp Tour" 33. Connie's Smoothie - "Sworn to the Sword" 34. Cookie Cat Ice Cream - "Growing Pains" 35. Colonel Kernel's Classic Creamed Corn - "Rose's Room" 36. Hot Cocoa - "Growing Pains" 37. Homemade Cookie Cats - "The Future" 38. Cookie Cake - "Steven's Birthday" 39. Corndogs - "Too Short to Ride" 40. Hunted Fish - "Fragments" 41. Cookie Cats - "Gem Glow" 42. Battle Refreshments - "Sworn to the Sword"
43. Dirt - "Prickly Pair" 44. Microwaveable Breakfast Friends - "Political Power" 45. Egg Salad - "Steven vs. Amethyst" 46. Crystal Lizards - "Lion 2: The Movie" 47. Donut Box - "Sadie Killer" 48. Dog Nut - "Lion 3: Straight to Video" 49. Durian Juice - "An Indirect Kiss" and many others 50. Melted Ice Cream - "Political Power" 51. Crystal Drinks - "Rose Buds" 52. Dad Breakfast - "House Guest"
53. Fantastic Fries - "Restaurant Wars" 54. Everything Pizza - "What's Your Problem" 55. Fire Salt & Fries - "Joking Victim" 56. Fish Stew Pizza - "Steven's Lion" and MANY others 57. Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade - "Rising Tides, Crashing Skies" 58. French Toast Breakfast - "The New Lars" 59. Fire Salt Donuts - "Joking Victim" 60. Orange Juice - "Alone at Sea" 61. Food for Stranded Humans - "Lars' Head" 62. Fressssh Donuts - "Steven Floats" and many others
63. Breadsticks - "Fusion Cuisine" 64. Gem Harvest - "Gem Harvest" 65. Fruit Cereal - "In Dreams" 66. Guacola - "Drop Beat Dad" 67. Shrimp Appetizer - "Fusion Cuisine" 68. Giant Bird Egg - "Cheeseburger Backpack" 69. Graduation Cake - "Little Graduation" 70. Frybo Fries - "Frybo" 71. Funnel Cake - "Onion Trade" 72. Fry Bits - "Laser Light Cannon" and MANY others
73. Alien Carcass - "Jungle Moon" 74. Cliff Picnic - "An Indirect Kiss" 75. Jungle Moon Fruit - "Jungle Moon" 76. Hot Dog - "We Are the Crystal Gems" opening theme 77. Happy Breakfast - "Keystone Motel" 78. Korean Lunch - "Steven's Dream" 79. Jam and Biscuits - "Sworn to the Sword" 80. Fish Kebabs - "Island Adventure" 81. Lars' Lunch - "Coach Steven" 82. Ice Cream à la Pie - "Mr. Universe"
83. Mayo Sandwich - "Future Vision" 84. Macaroni Cheese - "Warp Tour" 85. Confectionary Puff Rocks - "Kindergarten Kid" 86. Hotteok & Fruit Milk - "Steven's Dream" 87. Snack Sushi - "Cooking With Lion" 88. Lion Lickers - "Nightmare Hospital" and others 89. Hot Dog & Marshmallow Kebab - "It Could've Been Great" 90. Largest Bowl of Ice Cream in Beach County - "Joking Victim" 91. Marshmallows - "Winter Forecast" 92. Macaroni and Nothing - "Warp Tour"
93. Mashed Potato Steven Sculpture - "Onion Friend" 94. Mooncakes - "Little Graduation" 95. Party Sub - "Your Mother and Mine" 96. Pie - "So Many Birthdays" 97. Onion Rings - "Garnet's Universe" 98. Our Own Snacks - "Lion 2: The Movie" 99. Me-Time Meal - "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" 100. Nut Dog - "Lion 3: Straight to Video" 101. Noodles and Butter - "Onion Friend" 102. Oyster Crackers - "Joking Victim" and others
103. Popcorn - "Bubble Buddies" and many others 104. Cupcakes for Pearl - "So Many Birthdays" 105. Cool Kids Potluck - "The Good Lars" 106. The Pink Lars - "Letters to Lars" 107. Pink Diamond Shards - "A Single Pale Rose" 108. Pizza Bagel - "Restaurant Wars" 109. Pizza Steven Universe - "Say Uncle" 110. Burrito and Chip Burrito Pizza - "Bismuth" 111. Pile of Food - "Reformed" 112. Pepe's Burgers Meal - "Mr. Greg," "Mr. Universe"
113. Watery Macaroni - "Storm in the Room" 114. Mozzarella Sticks - "Restaurant Wars" 115. Eggs for Eyes - "Snow Day" 116. Pumpkin-Shaped Pumpkin Bread - "The Good Lars" 117. French Fry Pizza with a French-Fry Crust, with Fries on the Side - "Restaurant Wars" 118. Pine Needle Tea - "Gem Hunt" 119. Protein Shake - "Snow Day" 120. Deep-Fried Pizza with Pizza Bits - "Restaurant Wars" 121. Rebel Turkey Leg - "Open Book" 122. Protes - "Gem Hunt"
123. Soup When It Rains - "When It Rains" 124. Mama Sadie Lunch - "Lion 3: Striaght to Video" 125. Shield Veggies - "Gem Hunt" 126. Snow Cones (and snow cone juice) - "Guidance" 127. Formula - "Three Gems and a Baby" 128. Jam Sandwich - "Three Gems and a Baby" 129. Nicey Spicey Spicy Pretzels - "Lion 3: Straight to Video" 130. Sandwich Not for Cats - "Cat Fingers" 131. Secret Team Bits - "Secret Team" 132. Salad That's Mostly Cheese - "The Big Show"
133. "That Was a Cake???" - "Steven Floats" 134. The Finest Steak and Brie - "Mr. Greg" 135. Together Breakfast - "Together Breakfast" 136. Square Pizza - "Keystone Motel" 137. Sugar Shock Shut Down - "Last One Out of Beach City" (also included cans of Apple Sidra) 138. Strawberry - "Serious Steven" and "Buddy's Book" 139. Together Breakfast Wedding Cake - "Reunited" 140. Tea and Cookies with UG - "Say Uncle" 141. Suitcase Sam's Lunch - "Onion Trade" 142. Tea Sandwiches - "We Are the Crystal Gems" extended opening
143. Zucchini With Linguine - "Steven and the Stevens" 144. Rotten Tuna Burrito - "So Many Birthdays" 145. Baby Melon - "Watermelon Steven" 146. Mi Torta - "Monster Buddies" 147. Zoo Fruit - "The Zoo" 148. Waffle Egg Sandwiches - "Winter Forecast" 149. Tots and Tot Bits - "Letters to Lars" 150. Together Forever Cake & Picnic - "Together Forever" 151. Ube Roll - "The Good Lars" 152. Tea and Teabag - "Onion Friend," "Three Gems and a Baby" 153. Tomato Soup Juice Box - "Bluebird" 154. Wedding Cake - "Gem Harvest"
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delicatecloudfire · 3 years
Sunday, January 23:
Breakfast: scrambled eggs (2) with a little onion and about 2 tablespoons shredded cheese, some Tabasco. 1 slice wheat toast with butter
Snack?: Protein smoothie, but no walnuts and with some cherries instead of strawberries. Should have added a bit more for flavor.
Lunch: ~1/2 cup spaghetti and noodles (I had bought no yolk by mistake and they're no good, trying to use these up this week), two small meatballs, sauce, sprinkling feta.
Snacks: Sunchips and sesame sticks. Ended up feeling overly full with these which felt very weird because I haven't had that sensation the last month. Good news is that was the last of my supply for both so no chance of any more this week. Also, some pieces of plain tofu while I was prepping for this week's lunches.
Dinner: Leftover salad with mozzarella and a bit of chicken, small sliver of cake (it's gotten even sweeter; frosting is great though; will probably throw away the rest tomorrow)
Not a bad food day nutritionally...I think. Could have done without the chips. As always, small and oddly timed lunches led to pre-dinner snacks.
Did not do the videos I picked out even though they weren't hard! No excuse for that. I did walk ~2.3 miles to the store which I think was good for me physically and mentally, in the cold. I am getting up early tomorrow and doing those videos, though! Then gym in the evening. Was a busy day and satisfying.
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