#a child’s yearning
femme-persuasion · 8 months
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Tits from a clown girl as a Halloween treat
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sirena-de-lunas · 1 month
i know the second half will focus on whistledown and colin’s writing but i expected more soft moments. moments where he battles with himself bc that’s penelope - that’s pen - his childhood friend, the girl who lived across the street, his sister’s once best friend, his good friend. moments where he tries to test out if he actually does like her or if he’s simply afraid to lose her companionship. where he has her examine his healing hand to see if her touch still affects him. where he dances with her and for a moment he holds her a little closer and wonders if he imagines her eyes darting to look at his mouth. where he writes and writes and writes bc he’s good with words but she has made a mess of him. moments where he reads Emma and throws it across the room bc what utter nonsense “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more” - if you love someone one must declare it assuredly, reverently, and loudly. moments where he recognizes he’s always looked at her with this gentle fondness, always needed her reassurance and kind words, and the idea she will give them to another hurts. i wanted moments where he finds himself stopping to rationalize his actions until one moment in the middle of an argument it all just spills out of him like a dropped ink well. i wanted her hesitancy and fear and anger and disdain. i wanted her to cut him at his knees as he had done to her knowingly and unknowingly throughout the years. the denial of loving him, the fear that he is brash and impulsive like he was with marina, the self-preservation of running away. i wanted the push and pull of colin not knowing if he should risk losing their friendship if she does not feel the same yet feeling he will lose her either way - either to lord debling or to his own obliviousness. i wanted the moment he realizes he needs her in his life and he does not want to regret letting his final opportunity slip away. the quiet yearning of having no guarantees but so many hopes. the sadness of thinking you realized you found your person just as they rip you out of their heart. the pain of losing someone you didn’t know you had until they left and took your heart with them.
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mothwingwritings · 1 month
WOW!!! I LOVED "The Innocent Act Of Dredging Up The Past", IT WAS VERY GOOD!
I wonder how Y/N reacted when she found out she was pregnant and how Fox allowed herself to keep the baby because he doesn't seem like someone who likes sharing attention.
Thank you so much darling!!! I am so glad you asked me this because I have been thinking about Ren as a father nonstop since that request. My brain has been full of many thoughts and opinions and I am happy to have an outlet for sharing lol. That being said, forgive my blathering. ^^;
(18+ and warnings for noncon, pregancy/baby birthing talk, incredibly unhealthy relationships, abuse, and being kidnapped/held against your will.)
Being impregnated by Ren would be absolutely dreadful for you, causing you to spiral into a pit of fear and despair the moment you miss a period or begin to feel queasy in the morning. With the signs starting to show, your brain comes to the instant conclusion that you are with child-his child, and it frightens you like nothing else before. At first you try and convince yourself nothing is wrong, that you are probably just late due to stress, and your upset stomach can be any number of things, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant. Any of your symptoms can be explained away by something else, so in an effort to try and maintain your sanity your brain churns out explanation after explanation, no matter how nonsensical they may be, in hopes of calming your rampant nerves by coming to some other resolution. A stream of constant lies and false reassurances play on repeat in your brain, forcing the thought that you may actually be a mother to the farthest reaches of your mind.
But the longer you wait and the more you dwell on it, the more you are faced with the inevitable. He never wears protection, you haven’t had access to birth control, and despite your warnings of it being a delicate time of month for you, his base instincts always won out in the end. There was nothing else this could be.
Faced with the reality of the situation, you were now tasked with the burden of sharing the news with Ren. You didn’t want to tell him, terrified of what his response would be, worried that he would somehow blame this all on you and hurt you because of it, quite possibly worse than he ever has before. But an even more horrifying concern than that is if the news actually pleases him. What if he wants to keep the baby? What if you were forced to carry this pregnancy to term while trapped in this grim environment, left to raise another human that shares half their dna with a man who has done nothing but cause you irrevocable damage?
No matter what the outcome, none of them are favorable.
But you didn’t have a choice, and you knew it was better to break it to Ren sooner rather than later, lest this whole nightmare become irreversible. In the event he saw things your way, you wanted this thing out of your body as soon as possible (though you loathed to consider what strings Ren would pull to achieve this, and what backwater procedure would be done to do so).
At first Ren brushes it off, not truly believing your concern. He’s had sex with you countless times without protection and just now you get pregnant? Seems suspicious, so he concludes you’re either overreacting or trying to get a rise out of him, potentially both, and that in and of itself riles him up. Are you telling him this as some kind of ploy? Are you using a false pregnancy as a means to get him to ease up on you a bit or as an attempt at escape? After all you had gone through together, after all the love he has lavished upon you by sharing his home, his life, his heart, with you… Would you really tell a lie like this?
He struggles with that possibility. Despite his inclination to feel otherwise, he has a hard time believing you would use a pregnancy scare for your own selfish benefit. You have always been a good girl, his good girl, and deep inside he knows this is not something that is within your nature to do, even if he does have some major doubts.
So, though he doesn’t truly believe your claims, he buys the pregnancy test more as a means to shut you up and prove a point than because he actually believes you. Needless to say, he ends up biting his tongue over that one.
When hit with the truth, his emotions are mixed. On one hand, he wants nothing to do with children or child rearing. He didn’t have to do much of a self-assessment to recognize he would be a shit father, and he never particularly wanted to be a father to begin with. His own upbringing wasn’t the best, he himself never really having a father figure that was worth a damn to guide him or show him any love or support. He had no parenting manual to go off of, and was sure that a culmination of having no positive family experience and maturing into the warped individual he had become led to no other conclusion than NOT being cut out for fatherhood in the slightest.
More than that however, the thought of sharing you, even with a life he helped create, really REALLY pissed him off. Thinking of all the nights you would be spending tending to the baby when you could instead be wrapped up in his arms, or all the attention and affection you will be giving some inept kid that could instead be going towards him, truly gets under his skin. He doesn’t WANT to share you. You’re HIS. And while a baby isn’t going to change that, he doesn’t want the needless competition to begin with.
But on the other hand, having a baby does have its appeal. It would be nice to bring a life into this world that loves him from the get-go, completely relying on him while being totally oblivious to all that has happened in the past. That sort of pure, blind love is hard to come by in this world, and the fact that he could obtain it so easily from a life he created with you, a human that has your blood running through its veins, is EXTREMELY appealing. And on top of that, you are sure to love the child whether its conception was wanted/planned or not. If you loved a child that was half his for the remainder of your life, would that not bind you to him for just as long? Though he didn’t doubt your loyalty (or his ability to keep you tied to him with no hope of escape), it would be a nice assurance to have in the rare event things did not end up going his way.
Once that thought enters his head, it’s over. No further thinking or future planning is required-he is going to be a father, and YOU are the beautiful mama! Congratulations! (Does he get off to you being pregnant? Did this pregnancy make Ren Hana realize he has a breeding kink??? Sources say yes and that’s your problem to deal with now. :))
Holding his newborn for the first time, he has never been so nervous. Tears flood his eyes as he watches the small bundle squirming in his arms, his heart aching as they stare up at him with wide, pure, inquisitive eyes. He was no stranger to ending lives, but creating them? This was something entirely new, as exhilarating as it was scary. His smile grew as he stared at her small face, pleased that she looked so much like you. He could only hope that her personality would mirror yours as well.
As time passes and the baby grows, you find out quick that Ren has a very ‘hands off’ way of parenting, which is to say he relies on you to do most of the work. And honestly, he feels that is fair. He’s the breadwinner who works hard to provide for you and the newborn, which leaves all other parental duties in your capable hands. You are left to be the child’s main caregiver, their guiding force to lead them through life, their teacher, confidante, and friend. It’s a daunting task, all residing solely on your shoulders.
Ren won’t readily admit it, but he much prefers it that way. All the abuse that he has suffered through from an early age, every heinous act of violence that has been carried out by his own hands (your wounds, included), all of it has turned him into something unrecognizable, something grotesque. Even if he wanted to have more of a presence in his child’s life, he knows he doesn’t deserve it. If he had too much sway in the kids development there’s a good chance they will grow up to be like him in some way or another, which would be a waste of all the love and hard work that you had put into raising them into being an upstanding person. Ren had made peace with who he had become, but that didn’t mean he wanted to keep a cycle that someone like Strade had begun going either.
So, the baby more or less becomes your soul responsibility, and god is that a burden for you. It’s bad enough that you have such little support from Ren to begin with, but the fact that this is YOUR first time being a parent as well makes it all so much worse. You have no idea what the hell you are doing, and with Ren making sure to keep you as isolated as possible you had no one else to turn to for help, either. It was just you and this brand new life with no one else to rely on, if you fucked up in even the smallest way it could be devastating to the baby. If your daughter got truly hurt, sick, or worse in your care, you didn’t know how you would live with the repercussions, let alone handle Ren’s reaction.
If your life with Ren hadn’t already made you a strung out, nervous, irritable wreck, being a mother certainly would. As she continues to grow, Ren refuses to discipline the child at all, not wanting in any way to appear like a ‘bad guy’ to your daughter. Given the circumstances, part of you is thankful for that (you honestly don’t know what you would do if he turned his ire towards her), but it also just makes things more difficult with you. You are already beyond stressed about trying to raise a child in this type of environment, having no united front and constantly butting heads makes raising her that much harder, especially when any kind of rule you attempt to establish can so easily be overridden by her father who has no remorse over the frustration this causes, nor care as to how his flippancy may affect your child’s development in the long run.
It’s also not lost on you that being the sole disciplinarian also paints you in a less than favorable manner in your child’s eyes, something you are sure Ren has thought about as well. Being the ‘strict’ parent means your child will be more likely to hide things from you, or seek out her father instead of you for support, approval, and advice. Given whom Ren was as a person, this thought didn’t sit particularly well with you.
All you can really hope and pray for is that somehow despite the lack of social interaction and outside influence she will grow up to be a decent human. Even maturing under the delusion that her father is a noble man, even if in some instances you have to make yourself the villain, as long as it helps her out in  the long run you’ll do everything you can to insure your daughter lives the best life she possibly can, whether her father helps you or not.
I think the REAL problems will begin when the child gets older. When she truly comes into herself and forms her own opinions, develops her own personality, and starts to forge her own way of life… It’s gonna be messy. :/ Your child’s autonomy is definitely going to be a point of contention for Ren in the future, and he won’t be so pleased if/when she catches on to his true nature and begins to rebel or straight up reject him. God forbid she tries and join forces with you or attempt to become your savior. It’s going to take a lot of cunning on her end to make it out unscathed.
Also, I kind of touched on it previously, but Ren would be incredibly horny the whole pregnancy. Not that he isn’t already incessantly slavering over you, something about seeing you round and full just makes him snap. Which is scary in its own right, Ren isn’t the most gentle of lovers to begin with and has a tendency to lose himself more often than naught, hurting you in the process. It’s a constant struggle to satiate him while protecting yourself and the unborn baby, best of luck to you! :D
(And he’ll definitely breastfeed from you. He’s gotta make sure you are producing enough for the baby, ya know? :))
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alicent-archive · 6 months
Emily really gave Alicent the saddest most wettest most pathetic lesbian eyes imaginable, and people still held no pity for that girl.
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bingusrapture · 1 year
Absolutely nobody at all:
President Snow when creating District 12: The children yearn for the mines
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hammity-hammer · 7 months
“Isn’t it hard?”
The sunlight wove its way through the mess of curls on Eddie’s head, keeping Steve’s attention from the person next to him. Eddie seemed like he was glowing— like the light was coming from somewhere deep inside of him, rather than millions of miles away; like he was the center of their solar system, the warmth emitting from him keeping their little planets alive.
Steve felt a bony elbow nudge just under his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts, “Huh?”
“Is it not hard? Loving him?” Dustin asked quietly, nodding his head toward the man laughing and running around with the rest of the party. Steve glanced at Dustin, trying to figure out how he should even broach answering that question, knowing that any explanation he gave would never make sense. How could it not be hard; falling so deeply in love with someone that won’t ever love him back? Knowing that he just had to be the guy to get some kind of fucked up curse that made him incapable of mutual romantic love?
“I… think it’s easy, honestly.” Steve shrugged, trying to keep his face from revealing his obvious lie.
Eddie’s laughter drew Steve’s attention back to him, the sound of his joy bringing a reflexive smile to his face.
“It doesn’t bother you? That he just… doesn’t love you the way you love him?” Dustin rested his chin on his crossed arms, sounding for all the world like he was the one who was unloveable.
“You can’t make people love you, kid, you know that. And you know I’m happy just to have him in my life; he can’t help the way his brain works.” Steve copied Dustin’s movement, turning his head so he could look at the younger man. That’s what he was now— a man, for all intents and purposes, and every time he remembered that, it made a bittersweet feeling bloom in Steve’s chest.
Dustin rolled his eyes, “Obviously you can’t, but he loves you! I see the way he is with you and that’s love! But he won’t just… be your boyfriend, or whatever, and I don’t get that, man.”
Steve sighed, “Not everything is about romance, Dustin. I love you, but I love you like a brother. I love Robin, and you were convinced for basically forever that she and I were end-game. He just happens to love me the way I love Robin, he can’t help it.”
He moved his gaze back to the group in front of them, his eyes instantly finding Eddie again. He was chasing Erica, running with his hands in claw shapes near his head like he was trying to look like some creepy vampire, or something. She was laughing uncontrollably as she ran, weaving through their other friends who were trying to behave semi-normally. Eddie’s head turned momentarily to where Steve and Dustin were sitting at their picnic table and a grin grew on his face when he made eye contact with Steve.
“I just don’t get it, though. Why can’t he love you like that? You’re like, a catch or whatever, aren’t you?” Dustin frowned, ignoring the finger wave Steve sent Eddie’s way to stare at the woodgrain on the table in thought.
Steve turned his head back to Dustin and unfolded his arms a bit to pat him on the head, “Doesn’t matter, man. I love him, he knows I love him, and how I love him, and he’s okay with it, even if he doesn’t feel the same. I just want to keep him near me however I can, and if that’s as my best friend, then that’s as my best friend.”
Dustin sighed deeply, seemingly giving up on his fight for Steve to finally get himself a partner, and Steve thanked everything he could think of for that.
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geto yearns to ascend and gojo yearns to descend but geto’s destiny is to descend and gojo’s destiny is to ascend. click post
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I don’t need your silly personality tests. I know all I need to know about a person depending on how they view the Persephone and Hades myth.
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b0tsbby · 1 month
It only concerns me a little bit I haven’t really seen a written introspection on Stampede Knives’ character, specifically him. 98 is 98 and Maximum Knives has enough elitists on his case to cover him, definitely not a fan favourite but people have broken him down.
I’m aware of how disliked he is, Stampede that is, but it really is something. Could I write it, and could I kill an analysis of him? Most likely. I’ve been injecting the character into my veins, breathing him in and out for a year, every incarnation of him.
But I’m so curious to see someone else do it. Curious to see if someone else will do it…Maybe to convince myself I’m not a complete fool, or stuck in delusion. Maybe to find someone else that got it.
Hate and disdain, is something I’ll never protect him from. He’s an asshole. But man, even he doesn’t deserve the shallow reading of him that’s too widely accepted I think.
But who am I to say what is and isn’t…
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rewritingcanon · 29 days
I saw your post on how albus would ask ginny to send tutorials on bat bogey hexes to use on polly and her crew and all I see is ginny skimming over the letter and materializing at hogwarts and breaking the laws of magic just to get to him and teach him everything she knows.
Ginny: it is time son.
i found the post your referencing and 100% yes this is albus’ redemption for being shit at quidditch. his mama does not gaf about school rules when it comes down to her legacy 😭😭
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krikidilly · 7 months
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I cant be, what you need, I am stuck, in a dream, I am stuck, in a dream.
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thousand-winters · 2 months
I adore Darius and Hunter, of course, but I love how Dadrius opens the floor for the fascinating dynamic of Eberwolf and Hunter.
Eberwolf, the encourager of making silly animal sounds and imitating paws with your hands. He can barely reach Hunter's waist but he's his other parent, height is irrelevant. They WILL be very gentle through Hunter's panic attacks and like a couple of hours later tell him it's fine if he feels like clawing at furniture for recreational reasons. He will take Hunter to roll around in dirt in the garden so Hunter can mark off another childhood experience with less cult activities and trauma than he did before. He's Hunter's partner in crime while Darius looks at them in vague disapproval. They're also the one telling Hunter AND Darius to get their shit together sometimes as the sole emotionally stable person in that house. Hunter can feel them curl up near him when he's having such a bad moment he can't even get up from bed.
They're everything to me, do you understand? Do you understand the vision?
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just wanted to say congrats on the arle!!!
now that i think about it, her new boss fight transformation makes me think of her as a butterfly. like Foul Legacy = soft fluffy moth, The Knave = sleek elegant butterfly, since yenno, some people get scared of zoomed in pics of butterflies (and they drink blood sometimes + that one spongebob ep) maybe her wings even gets fl jealous and competitive about his own when arle's wings catches your attention?
well, anyways good luck on the farming - may the rng gods bless you!
- mothnip anon
Foul Legacy sulks HEAVILY when he's jealous, huffing and hiding under the covers that make up his blanket nest, giving you pouting growls whenever you approach- it's clear he's not angry, but he's certainly not feeling good. he's seen you spending time with Arlecchino, how you've become acquainted ever since he brought you to visit Snezhnaya. she even trusts you enough to open her wings, allowing you to examine the fiery edges and feathers with a keen interest- Legacy's own wings are gauzy, looking a little bit fragile, right at the edge of the fluff around his shoulders. they're nothing like the Knave's cold, sharp elegance and he knows it, whining and curling in on himself with a small sniff
a gentle hand settles in his soft coppery hair, and he can't help but eventually let out a quiet purr as he turns to look at you
you're smiling, but not laughing at him. instead your expression is patient and understanding as you quietly explain, kindly reminding him that Arlecchino is just your friend. his wings are just as beautiful in their own way, the light material glittering with speckles of starlight, the color of the deep sea. they're perfect as a thin blanket in the summer, when all you want to do is leech off the comforting chill that emanates from his armor, and they flitter so nicely in the light when Legacy is particularly happy. he lets out a low croon at your words, crimson face turning deeper red before he reaches out and pulls you into his nest, nuzzling his head against your chest with a happy trill, his wings fluttering with renewed delight
when you tell Arlecchino the next day she merely sighs, shaking her head and extending the wing you were preening back towards you
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angelliclamb · 4 months
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my calico critters in their colorful room 🌷☀️
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lokijiro · 7 months
Tween Frigga visits a witch who tells her that she will marry a king and have two children. Tween Frigga is a little disappointed because she wants seventeen children.
When Frigga is told that she can no longer have children after Thor's birth, she is confused. She is certain that despite what she is told, she is capable of having another child. However, Odin refuses to try; he won't risk Frigga's life or health, even though he hates that his queen is miserable and he knows he needs a spare.
When Odin brings Loki to Asgard, Frigga immediately knows that he is her prophecized second son.
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fortifice · 2 months
I was thinking about how at one point gep was excited to be part of the guard, things were simpler then, things made sense, there was no need to question the supreme guardian’s will because it was all encompassing and with it came prosperity for belobog. things become complicated when you realise that you’ve given your whole life to a set of ideals and in doing so have condemned yourself to their stringent regulations like. you will die young and it’ll be for the people and that’s what’s expected like. when I sit down and think abt how much he wants to live w the consensus that being part of the guard will always be dangerous and how being part of it restricts anywhere else he can go and anything else he can do.
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