#a few have had slight design updates
theblackdragon-studios · 11 months
Dragons of My Project (1)
Paintings of some of the main characters for a project I’m working on. Plus some basic information on them.
Meg/Pendara (Blackdragon), Tundra Dragon(?), Spirit Dragon, Hero of the New World
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Princess Megaera: Chromatic Dragon, Heir to the Throne, Former Great Terror of the Old World
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Azure: Python dragon, best friend of Frjord and Megaera (then Pendara)
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Frjord: Unusual Frost dragon, best friend of Megaera and Azure (and eventually Pendara)
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Calixthzan: Volcanic Dragon, future friend and ally to Pendara and friends
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Arkelm: Sun dragon, Arkelm the Golden; Hope and Hero of the Old World
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Maziah: Great Horned Owl Dragon, Alchemist and Healer of the Hidden City of Gold
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King Aegeus: Chromatic Dragon, current King of the Dragons
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illyrianbitch · 3 days
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Pairing: Reader x Azriel
Summary: While packing some boxes, Azriel is overwhelmed by memories of your relationship.
Warnings: slight angst if you squint, established relationship, fluff fluff fluff :)
Word Count: 2.1k
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The apartment was a mess of half-packed boxes and disheveled belongings.
The scent of change hung in the air, thick and heavy— and Azriel was choking on it.  He stood in the middle of the chaos, a forlorn expression etched onto his usually composed face. The bedroom was empty now, save for a few scattered objects and packed cardboard boxes, ready to be taped and taken away. 
Azriel wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He had expected a certain amount of sadness with the move, a certain feeling of leaving something that had once meant the world to him. Even still, he was struggling with the swelling in his heart. He felt his wings behind him now, heavy and tense, as he looked around the room, gaze landing on his various packed boxes. 
He could hear chatter downstairs, could hear Cassian’s laughter and Mor’s grumbling. Azriel’s shadows were downstairs now, too, as they had stayed for the past two weeks of moving out. There was one lone shadow that bounced between the floors, updating Az on every movement and conversation— Cassian had accidentally taped Mor’s hair while attempting to fix up the final living room boxes. Mor had accidentally hit Cassian in the face as a response.
Azriel let out a deep breath, walking towards one of the many opened boxes. His golden-brown eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he gingerly lifted a delicate porcelain teacup. His fingers traced the intricate floral design and a memory washed over him.
It was a rainy afternoon, the kind where the world outside seemed to blur into a grey mist.  Azriel had come to visit, carrying various items that Feyre wanted to drop off but couldn't herself due to her growing belly. It had begun to pour while he was there— in the small apartment he now stood in. You had insisted he stayed, insisted that the weather was too awful for him to make it home. He didn’t have the heart to tell you he’d traveled in worse conditions. And in all honesty, he had found himself unable to leave, anyway. 
You’d invited him into your kitchen, brewed some tea and sat across from him, the table complete with mismatched cups and saucers. Azriel had his wings folded neatly behind him as he sipped the floral tea you brewed, nervous about how large he appeared to you, worried about knocking any one of your small decorations over. The sound of your laughter, bright and unrestrained, had filled the room as you both fell into a natural conversation. He realized that afternoon, in the gloomy grey weather, the awful things he’d do to see you smile again.
And was then he was met with the comforting realization that he didn’t need to do those awful things at all— because you’d asked to see him again once the downpour stopped. 
A sad smile tugged at Azriel’s lips as he carefully wrapped the teacup in tissue paper. Setting it aside, he reached for a worn, leather-bound journal, its pages filled with scribbled, heavy-handed notes. The sight of it tugged at his heart, another memory pulling him under.
You had given him the journal during one of the quieter nights at the townhouse, your fingers brushing his as you handed it over. “For your thoughts,” you had whispered, your eyes sparkling with encouragement.
Azriel had never been a journal lover before, had never been one to write down his feelings, his thoughts, or observations. His job was to observe, yes, but he never thought about it farther than that, had never thought about what he could do with those things he realized, where he could put the multitudes of thoughts that often clouded his mind. 
You had been the first one to ever suggest it— suggest it in a way that was sincere and genuine. You told him that it would be worth it, and when he had made a comment about no one wanting to read what he had to say, you had simply said, “I do. I always want to know what you’re thinking. But that doesn’t matter. No one but you matters.”
So Azriel had taken to it immediately, filling its pages with thoughts, concerns, and observations of various moments— he grew to adore it over time. It helped him with his impulsivity, with his anger, with his loneliness. Even his shadows had grown to love the hobby, had learned to sleep as he wrote away, had learned to delicately ghost the words on the pages as Azriel scratched away his thoughts. 
Azriel’s heart clenched as he placed the journal down and a wave of emotion ran through him like a heavy tide. Tears pricked at his eyes and he swallowed, moving on to the next item—a small, crystal vial filled with shimmering stardust. 
It was the first Starfall since he’d fallen for you, and the night sky had been alive with dancing glittering souls. You managed to catch a handful of stardust, bottling it as a keepsake of the perfect evening. Azriel still remembered how beautiful you looked, how nervous he had been to talk to you that he ended up making some joke about you bottling up a dead spirit for eternity. You only laughed, a sound that he wished he could’ve bottled up in a vial, saved for later like you had done with that stardust. You stared at the glass vial, admired the shimmering glow for a few moments as Azriel had admired you. Then you had given it to him with a whisper: "For you. Even in the darkest times, there's always light." 
He didn’t know how to tell you the gift wasn’t needed, didn’t know how to tell you that you were enough light for him. He’d taken it with shaky fingers— which he prayed to The Mother you hadn’t noticed— and kept the vial in his leathers on every rough mission. It became his talisman, a beacon of hope and love. A connection to you. 
A lump grew in the back of Azriel’s throat.
“I got the tape!”  
Your voice echoed throughout the hall as you rounded the corner, a delicate smile on your face.
The smile quickly fell at the sight of your mate and you stilled, his shadows swirling around you before descending to the ground, quickly dancing over to his form. The room smelled of a bittersweet sadness, of something longing, heavy, and sad. 
"Az, what's going on?” You asked softly, placing the tape on top of the open box before him. “Why are you crying?"
Azriel blinked rapidly, shaking his head softly before turning to look down at you. "I'm not crying," he said. He offered you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes— the same eyes that seemed deep in thought, seemed contemplative and conflicted.
“Azriel.” You gave him a knowing look and gently placed your hands on his face, wiping away a stray tear with your thumb. "What's wrong?" 
He leaned into your touch, eyes fluttering shut for a moment. And then he took your hands in his, bringing them to his lips to kiss your knuckles. His lips were soft against your skin, his kiss feather-light and almost sacred. A warmth inside you blossomed at the softness of his touch, and you let out an appreciative, loving hum.
Azriel brushed the pad of his thumb along your fingers. His gaze fell to your left hand, to the golden ring that adorned your ring finger. A smile grew on his face. He traced it with his thumb, running over the cool metal, inspecting the intricate patterns he had the jeweler carve into the ring— something special just for you. Something as unique as the unbreakable bond you shared.
"It's just strange," Azriel said quietly. He lowered your hands. "I never thought I'd be here. I never imagined ending up so happy.”
You tilted your head at him, feeling your lips fall into a small pout. Azriel only looked at you with a sense of adoration painted through his features. He let out a small breath before he continued, taking a moment to scan the empty room once more.  “I'm sad to leave this apartment because it has so many memories.”
"Oh Az," you said softly, your voice almost a comforting coo.  "I'm sad too. We made some great memories here."
Azriel nodded, his gaze growing distant as he recalled the life he had built here, the life he had fought for with you. He thought of the many times he’d walked you home, when this apartment had just been yours— slightly too big for just one person, slightly too empty that even you felt like it was missing something. He thought about the first time he spent the night, how his shadows fell into place, how they strangely adored the corners of your home, the wood-paneled hallways and plaster banisters. He thought about the day he moved in, how he woke up in the middle of the night afraid that it had all been a dream, only to be lulled back to sleep by your soft whispers, gentle touch, and a whole lot of sweet, sleepy sex. 
He let out a small, content laugh. "We did."
You tugged on his hand, pulling his focus back to you. When his eyes met yours, his gaze softened, and you felt a glow in your chest. You gave that divine thread between you a small tug, felt it sing deep within your ribs. A rush of life flowed through you, something bright and hopeful. The air around you changed, less bittersweet now, less heavy. You smiled gently. 
"Now we'll make even more memories in a place that’s big enough for all of us."
It was then that you pulled his hand towards you, taking his large palm and placing it on your stomach. His fingers splayed over the growing bump you now adorned. From underneath your hold, you felt a release of tension in Azriel’s hands. 
Tendrils of shadow hovered over his touch, gently dancing across your stomach as Azriel admired the sight before him. His voice was tender as he whispered, "How did I ever get so lucky?”
He blinked, tears welling up in his eyes again. He flickered his gaze back to your face, meeting your eyes instantly. They mirrored his own, welled up with tears that brimmed on your waterlines. You laughed softly. 
The sound rippled through Azriel’s body and he felt himself melt even further into you. Even his shadows simply sat atop your belly now, almost unmoving, as if they too were admiring you— admiring all that you were. They had taken a specific liking to you since you’d gotten pregnant, never leaving your side unless it was absolutely necessary— Azriel was grateful for it, grateful that there was always one lone tendril that would keep him company, too, that would update him on you whenever he wasn’t in the room. 
“You know, I'm the pregnant one with all these hormones, not you," you teased.
Azriel chuckled, eyes shining with love. The muscles of his cheeks ached with the deepness of his smile.  "Forgive me if I get a bit emotional thinking about the love of my life and our future child."
You felt your knees almost buckle, felt something flutter in your stomach at his words. The love of his life and his future child. You and your future child. 
"My sweet, sappy mate."
He laughed again, the sound rich and full of life. He pulled you into a gentle embrace. "I love you," he said, his voice now carrying a sincerity that made you breathless, a tone that spoke of a vow and a promise. His eyes scanned your face, taking in every feature. 
Oh how you hoped your child got his eyes, got the beautiful hazel they contained, the flicker of brown, dots of green. You hoped your child got his laugh too, the deep rumble that made you feel love in every way possible. You blinked away a few growing tears. 
"And I love you," you replied, your heart swelling with joy. You stepped back, giving him a gentle nudge. "Okay, now get to packing because my feet hurt and I'm really craving some ice cream."
Azriel grinned, shaking his head as he watched you walk away. His shadows trailed after you, except for one that lingered behind, wrapping around his hand as he reached for the packing tape.
He looked down at the shadow, a smile tugging at his lips as its gentle, calm movement. "Alright,” he murmured, “Let's finish this up and get our girl some ice cream.”
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permanent tag list 🫶🏻: @rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq @darkbloodsly @pit-and-the-pen
azriel tag list: @thisiskaylin @serrendiipty
514 notes · View notes
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What do the dorm leaders + a few more students do when you leave them without saying goodbye / you go missing? (Series: Part 2)
Genre: Fluff/ Angst
Pairing: Leona x Gn Reader
A/n: Ooh It took me a while to create an update of this, I’m still in my second semester hell but I got a bit of time! So, I decided to write something for our dearest Lion, also I wanted to note that I’ll be doing this based on the book chapters, for example, Riddle First, Leona Second, Azul Third, and so on… I hope you like this part! I loved writing every part of it.
Credits: The design was made by me in Canva and the art that was used is all from the Official Twisted Wonderland Cards.
Warning: Cussing, OOC Crowley (lmao), smitten Leona, slight blood mention Masterlist Part one (Riddle x Gn Reader)
──────⊱⁜⊰────── Sypnosis: You went off already, actually, they didn’t even know where you were right now, Grimm was worried about you, where have you gone? You just vanished into the mirror that you were talking to every midnight, he knew that he should have listened to his gut feeling when he realized that you were warning him about your sudden disappearance. The moment he went dashing out of Ramshackle, paws cold from the snow that he stepped on and it was really bad that when he needed Hornton he wasn’t there.  Savanaclaw:
Leona: He was annoyed when Grim started screaming outside of his dorm in the middle of the night causing all beastmen to wake up due to his ruckus, but his annoyance vanished when he realized what the furball was saying. You were gone, while he looked indifferent outside, telling Grim to calm the fuck down because he can easily hear him without him screaming in his ears, he was a bit worried. (Just a bit)
“Oi, can you tone down your screaming?” he grabbed Grim by the collar as the kitty sobbed, “Calm down, we’ll help” He sighed, causing Ruggie to stare at him surprised, “What do you mean we?” Leona scoffed before he threw Grim at him. 
“This furball will just keep on screaming if we leave him” He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. Ruggie huffed “Well, it’s surprising for you to immediately agree to help though” he whispered to himself, Leona could clearly hear him, but he ignored what the other said. It was rare for you to leave Grim all alone, you two were practically attached to the hip, so you vanishing out of nowhere was odd, did you finally get back to your homeland? You didn’t talk about it, but he can see how you look at others when they’re with their families and he knows that look. It was a look he had when he was younger, when Farena was the golden child, and he was the black sheep. 
He wanted that kind of familial love from his parents before, but they never gave it to him. You probably missed your family in your original world, he understands the feeling, but he can’t help but feel a bitter ache in his heart. Did he and the others not make you feel at home here? Sure, they overblotted and probably could have killed an herbivore like you, but he’s a changed man, surely you didn’t leave because you got sick of him or the others, right?
Of course, he went to interrogate Grim, asking him various questions, and after a few hours of barking orders to his fellow beastmen, he went to Crowley personally to ask, he was running out of options, and he was starting to feel that his theory that you went home was right. The last time Grim saw you was you got sucked in the mirror that was inside your bedroom. He tried to check on that mirror too, he didn’t feel any type of magic in it, it was just an ordinary mirror. You’d know he’s already at the edge of his seat trying to find you when he asked Crowley out of all people for help, denying the feeling in his gut that you were truly wiped out of this world.
“You’re saying that the prefect vanished?” Crowley put his hand on his chin, he was a bit annoyed about how calm Crowley was, and he crossed his arms glaring at the guy. “Did you send them home?” He questioned, getting straight to the point, which made Crowley shake his head “No, I didn’t, I have yet to find the portal back to their homeland, but this is certainly worrisome, I’ll try to help you find them, and can you summon the other head wardens for a meeting?” Crowley walked past him, Leona’s eyes following him. “I’ll be getting the teachers involved, this is a missing student case after all” He murmured, now that’s the sight he likes to see, somehow his opinion of Crowley increased. He guessed Mc became important to him as well. 
However, despite the ton of effort to find you, none of them got any leads, the ache he was feeling from before got worse, he found himself awake than asleep most of the time, his head was aching, it was affecting his health too. When the housewarden meeting along with the teachers happened, of course, the majority of them volunteered to have their housemates search for you outside and inside, Crowley couldn’t get any officers involved since you weren’t officially in Twisted Wonderland, you were a walking unregistered herbivore; it was dangerous, it could get the school closed so he had to ask his staffs and students to help around, which no one complained. Everyone cared for you, you helped them one way or another; helped them grow as a person and as a mage, it made him fascinated that you get to change almost everyone in this school in just a few months of your presence, and you’re magicless even. 
The improvement of the school happened because of you, and you just vanished out of thin air just like that, like some God who graced everyone with their presence only to leave once everything was sorted out. What about him? 
Leona couldn’t help but feel numb, eyebags evident on his face, it was so unlike him to be overworking trying to find you, you were just a herbivore to him, someone who had the audacity to annoy him before just to gain his help. Ruggie was worried about him too, the guy tried to ease him into that he would try to use his “connections” to gain more manpower to search the whole twisted wonderland, it made him laugh, he was a second prince, he had more connections that can help with the search than Ruggie, plus he knew that you weren’t here anymore. He couldn’t accept it at first, it was just slapped on his face multiple times.
Your scent continued to fade as the days continued, he didn’t have any motivation to do anything else but try to find you, find you, and find you for the first few weeks health be damned, but when you manifested in his mind, festering him to do something else, to try to finish third year, then maybe during internship he can find leads to you. He decided that if he plans to continue to persevere, then he will. After all, he was known for his tenacity before. 
Ruggie was surprised when one day, Leona started to become focus on his studies, Leona was sometimes going to class, just enough to the point he could be promoted to 4th year, where he could do internships.  He thought that Leona might have forgotten about you, which kind of annoyed him, was Leona only good at doing stuff in the first place and abandoning it once he realized it was futile? Of course not! Ruggie slapped his cheeks and shook his head, Leona could never, he’s mischaracterizing his Housewarden. 
While the search died down, plenty of students gave up because they kept reaching dead end after dead end in their search. Grim was often with Ace and Deuce, he noticed that the furball lost a lot of weight and he often seemed out of it. Most of the students who knew Grim understood the devastation of losing someone whom he treated as family. They try to get Grim to eat more, but he always ends up either overeating or not eating at all, the only housewardens who get him to eat normally are Vil and Riddle who have strict diets for him. Riddle is more lenient due to knowing Grim longer than Vil. 
The housewardens get split custody of the Cat, and the main custody being with Riddle, Ace, and Deuce. Leona barely gets any time with Grim, and when he does, he usually just gives him to Ruggie. One time, Grim got really upset at him though.
Leona flinched in pain, blood seeping out of his arm, a scratch mark forming on it. Jack jolted and grabbed Grim’s arms, subduing him immediately. “Grim! What are you doing!?” Jack yelled out, gripping on the squirming cat. 
 “You! Out of everyone here, you’re the one who’s always so calm and relaxed!” Grim cried out, glaring at the Lion. Leona glared at him as he used his magic to heal his arm. “Do you even care! You just gave up after a few months!” He continued, biting Jack making Jack let go out of pain, and when Grim jumped on Leona. He got grabbed by the scuffle. 
 “What makes you think I stopped trying to find them?!” Leona snapped, gripping on the cat, as if he’s a cub misbehaving, this was annoying, people thinking that he doesn’t do a lot when in fact he’s been giving more than just effort  “You think I’m not trying my best here!?” He lets Grim go who is surprised at his outburst. “Shit” He pinched the bridge of his nose, Jack carrying Grim again. “I’m really sorry Leona” He apologized on Grim’s behalf, but Leona just waved him off. “It’s fine,” he said, looking down at the cat. “But I want you to understand that some people just prefer doing work behind the scenes, just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean they’re not trying.” 
He really was trying. The you that was cuddling him in his dreams, playing with his hair and kissing him, telling him to do his best. That had kept him sane while trying to find you. It was stupid and pathetic, but at least he knew that somehow, he never forgot your face, your scent, and your voice even if it took years. Even once he graduated, even if Falena tried to set him up with other Beastwomen or some high-ranking princess. He rejected them all, in favor of waiting for you, despite not knowing if you’ll ever come back. 
He never even got to tell you his feelings before you vanished, if he did would that make you not go back to your own world? Even after a few years, your friends had already graduated, he was working in Sunset Savanna, temporarily because his brother asked him for help, he was busy jumping from place to place to maintain connections and build new ones so while his brother is gone, he was the one in charge, Cheka was already in Junior High school dreaming of getting inside Royal Sword Academy where his friends would be around as well as his father encouraging him to enroll there due to being an alumni, and his sister in law kept festering Leona about mates and stuff. 
Right, did he tell you that he kept the mirror that you vanished from to his room? When he finally graduated, he felt that he needed the mirror, so he decided to buy it from Crowley, who graciously gave him the mirror without any complaints. Sometimes, he looks at himself in the mirror, hoping to see you behind it. He really wishes you would come back. 
He went to sit down on the edge of his bed, sliding himself into the covers, his bed feeling cold and needing another, he stared at the ceiling, wishing in his mind that when he woke up, you’d be there, touching his cheek. 
Drifting into sleep, he dreamt of you again, a dream that he saw multiple times after you vanished, his head laying on the soft plush of your thighs, he stared up at you, who was looking down at him with a soft smile, he nuzzled the hand that you placed on his cheek, placing his hand on it as he guides your hand to his lips, kissing it. 
 “I miss you” he murmured in his dream, your hand felt incredibly warm and soft right now, it felt… real. Maybe whatever Deity from above decided to pity him today and give him your touch that he was constantly seeking.
He didn’t want to wake up, the warmth of the sun hitting his body except for his face which you were shielding it from. The moment he lifted himself up, to go nearer your face, he wanted to kiss you now or else he might never feel this surreal experience ever again, a blinding light suddenly flashed in his vision, causing him to flinch. 
 “Oh, sorry Leona” a familiar voice apologized, making him groan and blink a few times, was he still dreaming? He felt his head resting on something else and not his pillow, it felt softer. When he finally was fully awake, he realized that he was in fact, not dreaming anymore. He looked up only to see you, in the same position as you did in his dream. 
“Herbivore…” he froze as you rubbed his cheek gently. “Yes, I’m here” You hummed as you pushed away a bit of his hair just to see his face better. “Oh wow, Leona you became prettier!” you giggled, causing him to sit up, grabbing your cheeks, he examined you. He can’t believe it, it really is you, he’s not dreaming anymore. 
“How? What?” he questioned, glaring at you maybe this was a trap, if this was some doppelganger or some shapeshifter, he’d turn you to dust, but the way you weren’t scared of his glare made his will falter, you were warm, you were there, your scent was there too, nobody can replicate that.  “Herbivore you’re back” he finally caved in, pulling you into a crushing hug, which you gave back happily. “I’m back Leona, I’m sorry I vanished,” you said, burying your face into his shoulder. “You idiot, I definitely deserve an explanation for this” He growled out, not letting you go at all. 
Word Count: 2,359
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tubatwo · 9 months
words left behind - choi soobin
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summary: a series of forgotten ‘I love you's becomes too much for soobin, leaving him in a state of worry
pairing: gn reader x choi soobin
genre: fluff/slight angst; 1.6k words
the words “I love you” were always exchanged between you and soobin. they were more than mere words. they were a symphony of shared affection. a daily tradition that had permanently made its way into your lives. it didn’t matter who was around or where you were, you never once forgot to exchange those three sweet words.
but lately, life had its own plans in mind, and with millions of responsibilities and burdens on your shoulders, there were a few times when you had forgotten to say the words back to soobin.
a few times too many. 
“dammit, i’m gonna be late!” you exclaim, rushing to kick off the covers that were half of the reason for your warmth all night.
the other half, your boyfriend, was currently rubbing his eyes in confusion at your behavior. “what’s going on?” he asks softly.
 “my stupid phone died during the middle of the night so my alarm didn’t go off,” you huff loudly as you strip out of your pajamas, running around the room like a headless chicken, “i’m supposed to present the financial report today and now I don’t even have time to grab breakfast or coffee and I work til late and I ju–”
your words are cut off by soobin, who has now made his way out of your shared bed to hold you in his arms. “hey hey, shhh, it’s alright..” he reassures you, “how about you shower while I make you coffee and a quick bite to eat?” and if that wasn’t enough to make you fall for him all over again, he wasn’t finished. “and text me when you’re finishing up so I can order your dinner, okay?” he leaves you with a kiss on your forehead. 
you have to remind yourself that you don’t have time to cry in his arms and ramble about how unbelievably lucky you are, so you leave him with kisses all over his face before turning to your tasks, hoping that it would be enough to convey your love. “thank you so much, baby!” 
after getting ready and grabbing all of your things, you quickly make your way to the entrance of your apartment. “i’m off now!”
“good luck, I love you!” soobin yells from the room, except instead of hearing those words in return he’s met with the sound of a door slamming shut. 
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the weekend meant that there was finally some time for rest and relaxation between you and soobin. no work nagging at you and no clock dictating your day. it was a clean slate, meant just for the two of you.  
surprisingly, instead of staying in like usual, you decided to plan a small picnic at a park nearby. 
“hurry, before the sun sets without us!” you exclaim, excitedly running towards your designated spot under the tree. your picnic basket was filled with various types of your favorite foods: gimbap, dumplings, bread, and ramen in heated mugs. you even had plans to get bingsu once you were finished. 
you and soobin sat down and immediately started digging in, updating each other on the details of your week. when time is your enemy and a constant reminder of harsh deadlines, you don’t always have time to fully explain the details of your day. however, during times like this, you had all the time in the world. 
“and then my boss said I gave the best presentation, can you believe it?” soobin smiles at your enthusiasm, proudly letting both of his dimples show. “of course I believe it, my baby is the best.” his lips meet your cheeks as his arms wrap tighter around you. after finishing up all of the food, you cuddled up together against the tree. 
“I wanna thank you for being so patient with me this week.” you utter softly.
 “hm? what do you mean?” soobin asks, a bit taken aback from the sudden gratitude. 
“i’ve been so busy this week and you’ve just been an absolute angel,” you explain, “I can’t thank you enough for everything you do to help me, soobin.”
you feel soobin smile against your neck before he places soft kisses on your skin. “if I can help alleviate some of your stress then it’s no problem. you always do the same for me..”
you turn your body slightly to look your boyfriend in the eyes, the both of you grinning ear to ear before pressing your lips together. the world around you faded into a blur, leaving only the warmth of his touch, the sounds of your heartbeats, and the taste of his kiss, which tasted a lot like the honey bread he had just finished.
“I love you, baby.” soobin confesses after breaking the kiss, his sudden confession making your heart swell. 
as soon as you open your mouth to respond, you feel a sudden cold splash on your forehead. “I– ah!” you look up only to feel another splash, then another, then another. 
it was raining. 
“oh god, soob, it’s raining! let’s hurry back!”  you stand up quickly to pack away any trash that was leftover from your meal. you look over to see your boyfriend staring at the ground with an unrecognizable emotion on his face. his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and you could see his fists starting to bunch up the blanket underneath him. 
“soob?” you repeat yourself. 
suddenly he snaps out of whatever state he was in and stands up, grabbing the blanket and folding it into a smaller square. while you carried the basket, he used the blanket as an umbrella to keep you two from getting wet. 
at this point, all bingsu plans were cancelled, and the silence in the car led you to believing that he was really looking forward to it. 
“hey, maybe we can get bingsu tomorrow?” you suggest, trying your best to lighten the mood. 
“okay, sure.” he says dryly. 
something had shifted. he didn’t glance at you once and didn’t even bother holding your hand with his free one. you thought that maybe he was trying to pay extra attention to the road since it was raining, so you didn’t question it anymore. 
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later that night, things had started to go back to normal. it seemed like soobin has snapped out of whatever mood he was in before and was mostly back to talking normally. however, he still had a bit of hesitation with his words.
you lie in bed as he finishes his skincare routine, eyes barely hanging on as exhaustion takes over your body. you’re half asleep when he finishes, a sleepy smile on your face as he crawls into bed next to you. 
“today was really fun..” soobin murmurs quietly. you hum in agreement as sleep begins to take over your body more and more. 
“night baby, I love you.” soobin confesses. 
he felt stupid after multiple attempts of trying to hear you say it back. he didn’t understand what was going on, I mean, things seemed to be going okay? you still hugged and kissed him as if nothing was wrong. so why was he hurting so much? 
each time, it pricked at his heart, a tiny bit of insecurity growing with every missed "I love you." he began to wonder if this was the beginning of you slowly distancing yourself from him. 
and you, half-dreaming already, hum once again in response, your mind already halfway between dreams and reality.
“please say it back..” soobin whispers, his voice cracking and eyes beginning to tear up.
the vulnerability and emotion in his voice immediately breaks you out of whatever dream you were having. you turn to look at him and the sight of a tear streaming down his face was stronger than any alarm could possibly be.
wide awake now, you reach out to cup his cheek. “i’m here, honey, i’m so sorry,” you whisper. a mix of insecurity and embarrassment washes over soobin’s face, and he can’t help but to ask quietly:
“do you still love me?”
it’s almost as if you could hear your own heartbreak at the words. all you could feel was guilt and hurt due to the doubt you had unintentionally given to the person you loved most. “yes, of course baby,” you begin, “I love you so much, I promise I love you with all of my heart.”
soobin immediately shows a relieved smile, happiness consuming his entire body after finally hearing the words he was desperately missing this week. 
“i’m sorry, i’m a bit embarrassed now..” soobin wipes some of the stray tears on his cheek before letting out a sad chuckle. “I know it probably wasn’t intentional but you haven't been saying it back and I got in my head..”
you shake your head as you wrap your arms around him, face buried in his neck as your hands rub gentle circles on his back. “no, I should be the one apologizing,” you state firmly, “I am so so sorry for leaving you hanging and taking advantage of your love.”
before soobin could even interrupt you to deny your words, you were already sitting up. “you know how much those words mean to me, and i’m sorry I let the craziness of the world take them away.”
“truthfully, you’re the reason why I was able to get through this week. even though you didn’t necessarily hear it from me, your love is what anchored me and gave me strength. but.. I don’t want to make it a bad habit. because you deserve to hear those words more than anything. you deserve to feel the certainty of my love.”
soobin’s smile blossoms into one of pure affection, his fingers caressing your cheek with a gentle tenderness as he leans in to meet you in a kiss. a kiss that conveyed everything you two wanted to say to each other at that moment.
i’m sorry
it’s okay
I love you
I love you too
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nico-di-genova · 2 months
Keep to the Line: Chapter 4
...Surprise KTTL update anyone?
Bahrain, to put it simply, is a disaster. For one, they lose.  
Charles thinks it all maybe started with the car launch in New York City, when Max, Checo, and Daniel had been brought out on-stage to the cheers of a predominately celebrity crowd, motorsports enthusiasts few and far between. To Charles, it was all too much of a spectacle. He maybe had been turned into a bit of snob by Ferrari, there seemed to be a lacking amount of class. Daniel made jokes as if he was delivering a stand-up routine, very little attention was given to the car.        
And it was a beautiful car. All sleek lines and raw design and truly a marvel of ingenuity. Charles was maybe a bit jealous of Newey, less so of Max who had to stand in the spotlight and pretend to care about the senseless questions they asked him. He was perfectly content to study the car from the shadows, to see the small changes to the suspension and the front wing and wonder how they would really perform come testing in Bahrain. It wasn’t his first time getting a full look at it, but it was the first in the stage lights, which revealed inlets he had missed at first glance.
In his mind, he was mentally calculating the full look of it all. How the air might flow from the wing tips to the back end. So caught up in his study that he failed to notice the attention being drawn to him until it was too late.
“-Charles. It’s exciting to have him with us,” comes Max’s voice saying his name, drawing out the ‘s’ at the end with a slight lisp that unfortunately has already become familiar to Charles.
He looks up just in time to see all three of the drivers, plus the host, turning their attention to him. Along with half the crowd and also the cameras. Max smirks at him, the bastard, seeming to delight in the way Charles blushes. He can feel it all the way to the tips of his warming ears. And then Max is walking to him, down the stairs, into the gaggle of engineers Charles had been standing with and guiding him onto the stage. His hand on Charles’ shoulder is firm under the guise of friendliness.
“Fuck you,” Charles mutters under the smile he forces, hoping Max’s mic doesn’t pick it up.
Max laughs, his eyes crinkling, as if Charles has just told the loveliest of jokes.
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rustingcat · 8 months
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"Thank you so much for letting us come and see them. I know it's probably a bit odd to want to come and see a pod, or you know not much. But still, we appreciate it." Nia finished with an apologetic smile.
It wasn't really a surprise to them when the young couple wanted to see the embryo. Not that they could really see it, more like to be near it and see the data. Kara could understand it. She spent way more time than necessary in the lab, even if everything was progressing without a hitch. It was a Kryptonian design after all.
"Of course! I understand how much you want to see it." She nodded. "Not personally of course! But like you know, cause it could be your future baby and all." Kara chuckled nervously back at her.
"What Kara is trying to say is, that you don't need to explain yourself, it's perfectly reasonable to want to check in on it, and you're always welcome to in the future. Just let us know in advance in case I'm in the middle of handling a delicate project in here." Lena smiled back. There were, of course, no other projects in this lab.
"I understand why the big brain project is on the bottom, because of its special pod, but why is our embryo in pod number two?" Brainy asked as he got closer to the pods.
It had been slightly more than a week since the big decision was made. A decision they had told to absolutely no one, and had no intention of sharing until they had a real talk. A talk they delayed in part due to panic, if she was really honest. In an attempt to keep their secret they turned off the indicator light in the pod to make it seem inactive, and encrypted the data in the terminal in case Brainy pressed on it while making his inspection on their project.
"Uh… we had some problems with that pod, so…" Kara stuttered.
"We decided to put it in pod number two, just to be safe." Lena finished her sentence, sounding less panicky than Kara was feeling.
"Makes sense." Brainy nodded and turned to Nia as they stepped closer to be near their future baby.
Kara and Lena shared a small glance. Breathing a sigh of relief as the couple went to check on the live updates on the terminal.
"You think they suspect?" Kara whispered.
"They have no reason to," Lena whispered back under her breath.
"I have some questions regarding the nourishments feeder." Brainy turned back to them. They both straightened immediately.
"Of course, what do you want to know?" Lena smiled before Kara had time to react.
"First of all, it seems that the capacity is slightly bigger than what I would expect it to be for this size."
"A procession." Lena assured him. "With the combination of so many genetics we wanted to make sure."
"And the list of ingredients, it seems to be containing some traces of stuff we have not discussed regarding Nultorians and Coluan's biology." 
"Spices." Kara spat out, desperate to help.
"What?" Nia asked, she seemed as equally confused as Kara felt.
"What Kara meant," Lena's smile grew thinner as she put a hand on Kara’s shoulder, presumably to stop her from spitting out any more nonsense, "is that we add some extra ingredients with proven health benefits for alien babies."
"Spices." Kara nodded again, unable to stop herself due to panic.
"Yes," Lena fixed her with a look. "Spices." She forced a smile.
"I see. Much appreciated." He nodded.
Brainy and Nia turned back to the pod, exchanging a few hushed words that Kara tuned out to give them their privacy, before turning back to Lena.
"Again, thank you so much for letting us come." Nia said, walking closer to them both.
"Yes, and please do update us on every development." Brainy said. "And, yes, thank you very much." He quickly added after Nia gave him a slight nudge on his side.
"Of course. We're very glad to help." Lena smiled at the couple.
Kara smiled back and hoped that her smile didn't look too manic. It was only when Lena touched her arms that she added, "Yes! Very glad to help." In a slightly higher tone than usual.
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asjjohnson · 1 year
When she'd started seeing white hairs, she bought hair dye. Valerie could at least afford that secret little luxury with her part-time job.
It wasn't a big deal. So what if she was only fourteen? It was stress. It'd been a hard several weeks and it was only normal to get a few gray hairs out of the mess.
Her dad had lost his job, they'd lost most of their money because of all the legal stuff, lost their house, most of their stuff had been either sold or broken, she'd lost all her friends, she'd needed to start looking for a job, her grades were slipping and she needed to bring them back up. So of course she'd see a few white hairs.
When she'd stopped falling off her board, no matter the angle, she figured she'd just gotten used to it. It was normal for a tool to begin to feel like an extension of someone's body. That's how things work. And it only made sense it would start feeling natural to be in the air. She was a ghost hunter. And she was good at it. Something was finally starting to go right.
Her eyes had always held a mix of blue and green. The contrast of the red suit just really brought out the green in them.
The suit had a slight glow. It was the power source—had to be. She could even feel the low hum through her body, under her skin. Some little motor somewhere—she didn't know where—that powered the suit. Probably on her back, under the backpack—she felt it strongest through her chest.
She knew there was electricity flowing through the suit. There was a little short in it at first. The very first time she'd put the suit on, she'd hit the 'on' button and got a shock. At least her dad hadn't been home to hear her shriek.
It hadn't been that bad. More surprising than anything. It happened the next two times as well. Just got her a little fried is all. And it'd stopped happening after the third time.
The suit must be hooked up to the Internet or something. Had downloaded a patch or software update that finally got it to stop. She didn't need to push a button at all anymore. It makes sense that it'd be downloading updates. The longer she uses the suit, the more abilities she realizes it has.
How she can materialize any weapon she can think of? The suit. How the suit can form around her with just a thought? Again, the tech of the suit. The endless ammo? The suit. She doesn't know how it all works, but she doesn't have to. And when she'd met Mr. Masters, the advanced tech made sense. He's a multi-billionaire. He can build anything.
Then, when her suit was taken away and a new one just formed out of nowhere? Must've been something from him. Some kind of upgrade. It still felt like her, so— her suit. It still felt like her suit. It still felt like it belonged to her. The same hum throughout her body, the same glow. It just had a new design and some extra power.
The only weird thing is, there's this ring.
Mayor Masters—at the time Mr. Masters—said it was passed down through generations of ghost hunters. (No wonder he was so good at designing a suit—it'd been his family business.)
The ring was so important, that even that Pariah dude had wanted it.
She hadn't thought much of it, though. What good was a ring? It was just a status symbol, right?
But, the thing is, ever since that day... the ring keeps showing up on the side of her bed each morning.
No matter where she puts it, or throws it, or hides it.
It shows back up beside her each time she wakes up.
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believesthings · 27 days
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 7 // Jason Sudeikis x Reader
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You keep referring back to your calendar and then, when catching yourself in the act, huffing out of frustration. Tomorrow you will be back for second fittings for the James & Mia project, which they still had yet to give a working title – and if all goes well tomorrow, you’ll be back in on Friday for photos in costume.
Jason has already left for London with the rest of the cast and crew that you have grown to know through frequent set visits. Tom has been enlisting most of the actors he is working with to help him to send you short clips of funny moments on set, though such horseplay has died down in the past few days. Your favorites usually had Jason interacting with Theo whose humor had quickly endeared him to you. They always seemed to be having such fun, but you were glad to not be in their dizzying path. Your set visits had given you your fill of their combined antics, you’d settle for just Jason's endless energy from now on, thank you very much.
You are concentrating on sending Jason a message on your phone while you are leaving in the morning for the studio and stumble over a newspaper that had been left in front of your door. Odd, as you get typically your news via your phone. Rather than taking the time to walk it into your room you stuff the paper into your bag. Maybe someone else in the crew would like to read the publication.
Before you are even fully admitted to the wardrobe room you can hear that Brett is in today as well. He is standing with his back to you, his arms slightly splayed out to his sides as pins are used to adjust a suit to fit him more snugly. His shoulders are shaking with laughter, which is causing the two people trying to make adjustments to half-heartedly glare at him.
They picked a wonderful cut for him so why they are bothering with alterations you can’t imagine. Everett, the production’s wardrobe designer is nowhere to be seen but you know he is present. Alterations to one of his creations without his critical eye observing? Unthinkable! You nod greetings to the two tailors and sit down to wait to be told what to do.
Brett does his best to keep his body still but turn his head far enough to see behind him. “Morning.”
You motion for him to turn back around so the suit jacket hangs correctly, receiving grateful expressions from both tailors. “Morning Brett. Been here long?”
“Still on London time.”
Right. He had flown in for the awards, then went straight back to the job afterwards. London, of course, makes you think of Jason. You’ll call him after you are given your marching orders for the day. “Must be fun, arguing with your internal clock.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t tried to keep similar hours. Jason always worries about a good time to call.”
Having a conversation with the back of someone’s head is a little odd. “You talked to Jason?”
Brett nods. “This morning. He says Hi. And asked me to pass along the message to call as soon as you're free. And something about being in slow motion which I can only assume to be an inside joke?”
You are saved from having to explain what it means by Everett coming into the room with a bunch of papers in his hand. He stops when he sees you and scoffs playfully, “She sits and studies the stitching. Up, up. Let’s work on Mia’s wardrobe!”
The suit hangs on the rack, the man it was fitted to now gone from the room when you return with your own pieces that needed slight adjustments. Since there were so few changes needed you are released early. You don’t have anything else to do so you end up back at the hotel, trying to figure out how to occupy your time. Everett has assured you that everything will be ready for photos tomorrow. You can’t wait to see how everything looks once put together. Full makeup, costume, maybe a few props…
You miss Jason when you call to update him on the news. After leaving a brief message find yourself once again at the mercy of the clock. Considering you’ve lived pretty much out of your suitcase since arriving in town there isn’t all that much to do to pack for your move. Sifting items from drawers to your bags doesn’t take all that much time so you opt to clear the desktop of the little mementos and paperwork.
Most of the items are from places you visited while filming All Your Monsters but a few are things sent to you from fans. When you look at the clock again you sigh, only two hours have passed. You’ve already organized and then reorganized the constantly building stack of screenplays and appearance requests that Todd keeps handing you. Ever since the awards show, every time you thought that you had made headway he appeared with more. You finally had to lock them away in the room’s safe to keep yourself from trying to find a new way to order them.
The next morning you sit cross-legged in the hallway, your phone resting atop your now forgotten pages. You had been left to your own devices for the time being. Your coffee – only the second cup this morning thank you very much – has nearly cooled enough to drink without scalding the roof of your mouth. You had decided to use the time to continue to study the script, but had abandoned that venture when you see Jason's call come through. You can’t help but smile as you greet him. “Good morning sir. I miss you.”
“I miss you as well. I didn’t call too early?”
You’ve been at the studio at least an hour now. “Already been in with wardrobe once this morning.”
“Have you seen much of Brett today?”
You look around while replying, as though Jason will summon your costar. “Not today – I saw him briefly yesterday but only long enough to say hello. He always seems to know more about your day than I do…”
“My day? I got up this morning, watched a beautiful sunrise, and thought of you. You did film part of All Your Monsters here in London if I remember correctly. Did you get to sightsee at all?”
“No, not really. Will did try but we ran out of time and had to move on to the next location.” You sigh into the phone. Great, now you were both missing Jason and wondering what Will was doing with himself.
Jason sounds like he is pacing, moving around an enclosed space at least. “We’ll have to rectify that.” What time was it for him – ten? He had waited most of the morning to call.
“Yes. I would love that. How is the job?”
“Exciting. Frustrating. Keeping me busy. Do they have a villain for the All Your Monsters sequel yet? Or maybe a new love interest?”
You laugh into the phone, “You don’t have to be my costar to see me, you know. There’s this thing called video chat…”
“There’s being able to see you and,” his voice lowers, “being able to see you.”
“Jason!” His laughter over the line both delights and saddens you. You know exactly what he means. You look around to see if anybody is close enough to overhear the conversation.
Your phone is alerting you to an incoming video chat request and you tap the screen to find Jason still laughing. “Had to check if you were blushing.” He grins merrily. Just seeing him while he speaks to you helps to boost your mood again. That settles it, you’re going to find a way to fly there and surprise him soon.
“Of course I’m blushing. I’m in public and you’re making me think about being tangled in your arms.” You’ve hunched down slightly while furtively speaking to the phone in your lap.
“New hair, I see. Is that for the character of Mia?” Ah – you’d meant to take a picture to show him after they had finished it this morning but you’d gotten distracted.
You finger gently through your locks, "Yeah, We're testing out some styles, trying to find what works, they said they might make some changes."
“I vote to keep it like that. It looks great!”
 “I’ll tell them you approve.” Someone’s calling for you. Of course they’re now ready for you to come back in for photos. You glance away from the screen, and thereby Jason, and sigh. “I’ve got to go. But London. That’s a yes.”
Jason’s slight frown presses into view the two creases that run straight up between his eyebrows. How you wish you could smooth them out of view again. He doesn’t want to say goodbye either it seems. “Just a matter of finding time.”
“Yes…” You pick up your phone and untangle your crossed legs so you can stand. “I’ll call later?” You wait to see him nod before ending the call and pushing everything that had been in your lap into your bag. Oh, you’d also forgotten about the newspaper from yesterday morning. Oh well, it will continue to travel with you.
While playing dress up – yes you know that isn’t what you’re doing at the studio so bright and early this morning but that’s how you are determined to think of it – you’ve come to realize that while everyone is polite, no one really seems all that talkative with you.
By break at lunchtime you’ve had enough, “What? Does my hair look awful?” Your outburst sends most everyone scurrying.
Everett is the one to respond. “It’s not the hair –.” “It’s nerves and trying to figure you out.”
Confusion now mixes with frustration. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re intimidating,”
“I’m really not.” You reach up to fuss with your hair, unsure what else to do and desperately needing to fidget.
“You are. We all know your background. You could talk shop with most of us but you don’t. It took me all morning the first day to get you to open up past general introductions.”
“Everett that’s unfair, you were taking measurements and told me to hold still.”
He laughs. “Yeah, hold still, not become mute.”
“Besides, you guys don’t want to hear some nobody actor try to relate your work back to her theater days.” You try to wave him off.  
Evidently the walls have ears because you hear someone giggle, “The nobody actor that everybody wants to work with.”
You make a face at Everett for starting this which makes him grin and call out to the others who are making their way back to their work, “Ok – so different conversation since she’s too guarded to talk shop. Suggestions?”
Yes let’s open up the forum shall we: the life and times of the woman about to strangle her costume designer. One of the assistants is quick to pipe up, “Ooooh Jason! Tell us about Jason” A flurry of questions and pleas of encouragement follow. “Yes tell us about Jason, please.” “What’s it like dating him?” “Does he do a good British accent?”
Up until now nobody had really referenced the fact that you were dating Jason. Evidently it had been on everyone’s mind… “Er, so about Mia’s color scheme…” You are rewarded with a few laughs but everyone still seems to be waiting to see if you’ll share details about your relationship. After confirming that you were dating and fielding a few general questions both of you agreed to keep the details of your relationship as private as you could. The cast and crew here would eventually feel like family but until you trusted them more you’d stick to the basics. “I’m really fortunate to have him in my life."
You give Everett a look and he gives you a short nod of understanding before steering the conversation on to the next topic. “Talking about accents – when we went to pick up materials the girl cutting behind the counter had the most adorable Russian lilt…”
You are thrilled with the combined results of hair, makeup, and costumes. Mia is finally manifesting someplace other than on paper and in your head. You’ve signed the paperwork for renting a small place about an hour away from the studio so you are officially – at least temporarily – a resident of Los Angeles! The read through for James & Mia won’t happen for at least a week which gives you plenty of time to settle in to the new place and work out the best routes to and from the studio. Scrolling through your messages you see that Jason has sent you a series of pictures showing you the progression of his day. He looks tired in the last few and you sigh softly, “Don’t push yourself too hard, Jase…”
But wait, you have a week, at least a week… Screw getting your new place set up – there will be plenty of time to get it to feel like home. A quick search and you begin to scroll through possible flights to London. You can take advantage of the fact that the promotional period for All Your Monsters only just ended and you’ve grown accustomed to the wait to get through Customs.
You still have to run it by Todd- redirecting the taxi to the airport isn’t practical, you would at least need to grab your bag from your room – once again the benefits of living out of your suitcase make you smile. Maybe you can talk Brett into being your inside man and finding out where Jason will be when you figure out when you’ll be flying in – to surprise Jason – oh! You’re liking the idea more and more.
You quickly tap out messages to both Todd and Brett alerting them to your newly formed plans. Brett seems game but you can feel Todd’s glare as you read the words of his response:
We just went through all that paperwork for your keys to the new apartment and you’re talking about going out of the country. You’d better be positive on the time frame for James & Mia before you book your ticket. Spur of the moment trip – he hasn’t been gone that long – just, send me the details when you know them.
You make a face and talk back to the phone, which makes the taxi driver give you an odd look, “Judge me all you like Todd, I’m going to see him.”
You tap out a few more messages to the corresponding members of the production team and everything seems to work out nicely. Yes, there’s still a number of things that need to happen before a table read is a go. Looks like you’re in the clear for taking four or five days to go to London. You wait, your finger hovering over the link to confirm your plane ticket to fly out later tonight which would put you in London around 3pm their time – Jason has been incredibly busy with filming, is this really a good idea? There is the risk that you will fly there and he won’t have any free time to spend with you. If that is the case then you can tour yourself around London for a few days and try to see him when he is available…. Shit, now you’ve just about doubted your way out of your trip. No. No, you’ve already set in motion the required parts – follow through.
Now to make sure Jason doesn’t suspect anything…
Signed the lease! Keys will be mine on Monday. So excited to have my own place again! Can’t wait to start decorating.
You really are very excited about getting to once again have rooms that more accurately reflect your personality. You are going to eventually work on decorating the new place, just after your surprise trip. Hopefully this is a clever misdirect.
You’ve already talked with the hotel regarding your move so you need to stop back by the reception desk to discuss the possibility of them holding your things until you get back from London. Hell, you really don’t have much that won’t just squish back into your luggage. Though you really don’t need to take fan mail, scripts, and odd assorted collectibles you’ve been given all the way to London. If they need the room back, maybe the hotel will hold the various items in storage for you?
The clerk at the counter seems hesitant at first but after being given the go-ahead from management, extends the date for your departure from the room until after you are back stateside. Everything is working out! Jason responds while you are in the elevator:
Still say you should have just taken over the place I had been renting. Can’t wait to see pictures once you get settled. Wish I could be there to help.
He had tried many-times-over to convince you to talk with the realtors to see if you could lease the place he had been renting. You were stubborn on that point though, you wanted a place that was distinctly yours, not a place that would make you immediately think about how much you missed his presence.
There really isn’t much that you need to do to get ready for your flight. Your travel documents are always in your bag and since you were already preparing to move out of the hotel… After ensuring that you have a few days’ worth of clothes packed – no way are you lugging your entire wardrobe across the Atlantic – you check to make sure Brett is upholding his end of the bargain.
Looks like I’ll be arriving around 3 in the afternoon tomorrow (7ish for you here). I’ll keep you updated during the trip as to progress. Thank you again!!
His response is almost immediate.
Happy to help. Weather willing he will be working but I can recommend things to do until he is done with his day.
The ticket you purchase isn’t for the first flight out, but instead gives you a few hours to get your things together before needing to head to the airport. If you had chosen one of the extremely early flights you probably would have had a better bet of flying out without getting caught by cameras, but that would mess up your arrival time. You don’t want to have to consider an entire day wasted on travel. Maybe your new hair will help prevent you from being recognized? 
Eleven hour flights provide time to catch up on your sleep though so you’re not terribly worried about being exhausted upon arrival. You can’t find your bracelet or your favorite tube of chapstick, but in your excitement you’ve probably just forgotten where you packed them away. You pause to access your appearance in the bathroom mirror before catching a taxi to the airport: you’ve elected to wear clothes a little more comfortable for travel rather than trying to dress to wow Jason. You gather that you’ll have time to change after arriving… Should you wear a hat? Sunglasses? You throw those into your carry on, just in case you decide to try to use them to hide. 
In the airport there are a few people who give you prolonged glances but merely smile back when you make eye contact. Apparently you look just enough like yourself to be merely a good decent look alike. As you are boarding you send both Todd and Brett messages, as requested, to keep them updated. Once the plane takes off you are able to relax a bit though not enough to let you sleep. No matter, you’ll nap a bit eventually. You brought copies of the floor plan to your new place so you can start playing with ideas about the setup of the apartment.
You receive a text from Jason more than halfway through the flight. He had fallen into the routine of leaving you messages to wake up to. 
Good morning beautiful. Can’t remember if you’re working this morning or not. Hope the sunrise you are greeted with is as stunning as mine was.
Your response is true enough though you avoid the query regarding your work schedule. 
I’m awake. Entertaining myself with various ideas on color schemes for the new place. You? Busy day? 
Your response sounds natural enough. You aren’t giving anything away…. Hopefully Brett’s curiosity as to Jason’s schedule for the day doesn’t tip him off. 
The usual fun. I’m here if you need a second opinion. I’ll call later? Maybe another video chat session?
Video chat wouldn’t be needed soon enough. You shift in your seat to stretch a bit.
Later sounds good. Can’t wait
And be able to reach out and touch you… in – ugh, you shouldn’t have looked at the time… You close your eyes and try to relax. Sleep will make the hours seem to go by faster.
Jason's next text wakes you and makes your heart leap:
I have some down time, would now be a good time to call? 
It feels like you just fell asleep but glancing at the time informs you that you’re nearly there. 
Yes. Shit. No. You’re on a plane. How the hell do you disguise the fact that you’re on a plane while on the phone? What if they make an announcement during the call? The surprise would be blown. You’d love to talk to him but …
Er, not the best time. Too much background noise at the moment. Maybe in an hour?
Yes, in an hour when your plane would be landing and you can duck into a quiet room to talk to him.
I don’t mind background noise. You’ll have to listen to Theo, um, "singing", in the background to hear me as well.
Hmmm. How can you word this so that Jason doesn’t think you’re trying to avoid him?
Your hesitation as to how to describe it makes me cautious… I think I’ll pass for now. What is Theo ‘singing’ anyway?
There - keep him talking about his costar. 
But Jason isn’t easily swayed from his goals.
Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me to the Moon. But if you have a request I’ll pass it along. What if I promise to sing the entire conversation?
And now you have Frank Sinatra singing stuck in your head. Damn. Why don’t the insides of planes look more generic? What if you went into the bathroom? No, then it would just look like you were in the damned bathroom of a plane.
Tempting. But I want to be able to enjoy such an encounter. Let me get someplace quiet, then you can serenade me to your heart’s content. 
You’re teasing him now, but you can’t help but add another few lines of text:
No complaining if I make a thing out of texting you Sinatra lyrics. Already scrolling through my playlists looking for his music.
He responds back:
No complaints. Scout’s honor. Where is Brett? I asked him to help get you someplace quiet. Are you not at work right now?
You grin. He is curious now. You haven’t seen a text arrive from Brett so Lord knows what he was saying to Jason regarding your current whereabouts. 
Haven’t run into Brett. Apparently we aren’t in the same location right now.
Jason's response is slightly delayed which gives you time to plan out what you’ll say if he keeps pushing with questions about where you are. Your planning is pointless though, when you read his message.  
I’ll say! Sorry, but your secret is out. Just checked my feed to pester Brett there. Someone on your plane is fangirling that she is on the same flight. I know you’ll be landing soon. I’ll see you at the airport.
You will not run through Customs. You will not run through Customs. You will not run through Customs.
tag list: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1 @nerdgirljen
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foggyparadisecandy · 1 year
UPDATE: I have so many more trances that I abandoned keeping up this list. Use the tag #foggy trance to find them or
Please like or - even better - reblog if you enjoy them!
Either way, please enjoy. I've had fun creating them.
These all work the same way - there is an effect and you are given a word that you can whisper quietly to trigger yourself.
There's something really fun in being able to trigger yourself to cause a sensation and I hope you take a chance to experience it. BLUE is my personal favorite.
GREEN - Bound with a trigger word. Relaxation trance.
RED - Arousal trance with a trigger word. Relaxation / focus induction.
BLUE- Feel good trance with a trigger word. Overload induction.
AQUA - Feel good relaxation trance. Relaxation induction.
ORANGE - Rather a silly trance with a trigger word. Confusion induction.
CLEAR - Not really a color - this will remove triggers and hypnotic effects. Conversational induction.
I know most of you are perverts (I use that word in complete affection and not as an insult!) - that's why I love you all. So I hope you will find something in these.
SHOW ME isn't really a trance but I think it's fun, so I hope you take a minute to read it.
TOTES WHATEVER - kind of silly
CHERRY CRUSH - who doesn't like to obsess over Cherry Crush?
FRIENDLY CONVERSATION - oh, just go enjoy some mindless arousal. You might find yourself feeling horny afterwards. Who doesn't like feeling horny?
HAUNTING - Ok this one isn't very trancy but I'm leaving it here. It was inspired by Halsey's song "Haunting" - probably best to listen to that first.
OBEDIENCE IS PLEASURE - lots of people will talk about "obedience is pleasure" but do you really understand it and feel it? Fractionation / relaxation induction.
SNAP - Arousal can be yours with a snap if you want it. Straight persuasion.
GOOD GIRL - Do you want to feel like a GOOD GIRL?
DESIRE - You ever have a day where you just want to give in and be under someone else's control? Here's your chance. No real induction.
HANDS - Who's hands are they? Mine or yours? This is designed to make your hands turn you on. Slight confusion induction.
HORNY TRANCE - People seem to like roaming hands turning them horny so who am I to deny them? Story induction with fractionation.
CORE - Embrace your desires. Relaxation with slight confusion.
SPANKING - Sometimes pain is our friend and can help us relax.
AW HONEY - A real inspiring story about dirty little whores. No real induction.
SHOW ME - Light compulsion to show your boobs.
OK DUMMY - Makes you anxious and nervous.
Ditch the stress of your day and feel good about yourself. Some of these are just plain old relaxation exercises and not very hypnotic. But they are each designed to make you feel good and happy.
I know most of you will only look at the steamy trances but take a break from being kinky for a few minutes and relax. :)
GIANT STONE TABLET - you ever notice something that was always there but you hadn't noticed it before. Weird how our brains work, isn't it?
REACHING A GOAL - obstacles? who needs them
WARM FUZZY BLANKET - lovely to wrap ourselves up in a nice fuzzy blanket, isn't it?
GLASS OF WATER - so nice to be a glass of water and filled slowly and steadily
FREE WILL - relaxation can be found down the well
LONG OR SHORT - relaxation, joy, bliss, happiness
RELAX - relaxation and happiness trance - I really like these
MATH - just some simple math and word play
OCEAN - relaxing trance
YODA TRANCE - Do or do not, there is no try. Pretty simple relaxation with a conversational induction.
LOVE TRANCE - Relaxation designed to help you find a source of infinite love. Relaxation induction.
WOODS - Relaxation trance. Relaxation induction.
JUST IMAGINE - Relaxation trance. Overload / relaxation induction.
RUN ON TRANCE - dang ... another feel good message. What's up with that? Not really an induction but more of a monotonous story.
MORAL - Feel good trance. Confusion / Overload induction.
LAZY - Feel good trance. Relaxation induction.
TRANQUILITY - Relaxation trance. Relaxation induction.
SO MANY PEOPLE - Relaxation trance and induction.
DRONE - want to be a drone? Gee ... who wouldn't?
DROP - would you like a drop trigger that makes you more susceptible to my trances?
RESISTANCE - Relaxation designed to reinforce the happiness of trancing and help people who might struggle a bit with trancing. Confusion induction.
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sakarixo · 4 months
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What is your full name?
Sakari Dream Vaughn
Where and when were you born?
Brooklyn, NY. November 27th, 1995
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Tanya Miller-Vaughn: Daycare Provider/Director + Non-Profit Founder ( caring, playful, understanding and laid back) Sincere Vaughn: Currently Incarcerated; former contractor ( stern, direct and straight-forward. Judgmental at times, but also a fair and gives good advice)
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Yes. Sasha + Sincere Vaughn Jr. Sasha is very sociable, a slight perfectionist and a busy body. She’s always focused on her next move when she hasn’t even taken her first. Sincere Jr is young and reckless, he likes to have the latest designer and takes what others see as his image seriously.
Where do you live now, and with whom?
Currently, in a gated community in Calabasas with her Fiancé.
Describe the place and the person/people.
Sakari’s Home is a large residence. The home has great lighting due to the plenty of floor to ceiling windows in the living space/kitchen area. It comes with an updated kitchen and appliances, marble floors, multiple bed + bathrooms, a large pool with attached hot tub, a sauna + more.
She lives with Amil her Fiancée a tall dark skin athletically built male who can be best described as laidback, yet attentive and hard working and Smoke, her 1 year old Rottweiler.
What is your occupation?
Sakari is a business owner, owning her skincare brand and working on a second business. She also now has transitioned into being a part-time influencer.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
Sakari is a 5’2, 132lb African American woman with brown eyes and currently has long black hair. she has several tattoos of different sizes: Her zodiac sign, 1/2 of a matching tattoo with her sister on oone of her wrist and a wishbone on the other, a spinal tattoo, her zodiac sign on the outside of one of her wrist, she has a large tattoo on her hip that spreads to her thigh, one on the upper area of her arm and one on her thigh. Sakari has a few healed scars on her knees from her younger gymnastic days and wild adventures. Her normal style of dress varies from her mood and event. She likes to accessorize heavily, her favorite currently being van cleef stacked bracelets or her bussdown watches. She often wears designer, especially vintage but will also dress up an outfit she’s bought at target.
To which social class do you belong?
Upper Class
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Sakari has no known current allergies, diseases or physical weakness.
Are you right- or left-handed?
Sakari is Right-handed
What does your voice sound like?
Sakari has a strong New-York accent that is slightly high pitched especially when excited.
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
“Um.” “Likeee.” “kk” “dummy” “hater.”
What do you have in your pockets?
Besides sometimes money, lipgloss or her phone she doesn’t carry much in her pocket.
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits , or other defining characteristics?
Kari often licks her lips a lot or bites the corner of her bottom lip when thinking. She will smack her lips as well, rolling her eyes sometimes when she is annoyed, will fidget with her fingers when nervous etc.
How would you describe your childhood in general?
Sakari’s childhood was good, fun and she learned a lot. Although there was a lot going on around her both of her parents made sure she and her siblings had a good childhood. She was kept active a lot, her siblings were put in many different programs, and got to find the interest. They were never just put in one box, and their mother made sure they were never just at home, bored.
What is your earliest memory?
Getting to her mom’s daycare early in the morning and watching cartoons with the other kids.
How much schooling have you had?
She’s graduated high school, some college but has finish several certificates and schooling to be an esthetician.
Did you enjoy school?
When growing up, no. Especially when she got older. Now? Yes.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
From her family, being outside with friends. Her mother was big on teaching her children their life skills. Sakari also participated in Girl Scouts for a few years, where she learned different skills that has helped her through life, the rest she has learned later on in life, from her own growth and experiences.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
Her mother was her biggest role model growing up, especially after her father got arrested. Her mother made a lot happen with what she had and it made Sakari strive harder.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Sakari was close to her siblings, especially her sister, her aunts and uncles she didn’t see often but there was love. Sakari is closest to her Nana on her Mother’s side. Her father, although she never knew his siblings, he did have friends that he grew up with who were like her uncles.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A doctor, a teacher or a hairdresser.
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
Playing with dolls, gymnastics, cooking/baking, being out in the park climbing trees and having fun.
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
Sakari was independent, hard headed, reckless and adventurous.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
Somewhat popular yes, she had a group of friends her best friends were Ashley, Jasmine and Raven. They were similar in many ways, funny and goofy liked to explore the city.
When and with whom was your first kiss?
Her first kiss was walking home from school with a boy she liked, when she was a freshman.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
No. She lost her virginity to her boyfriend when she was sixteen.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Most important event of her life recently would be between securing becoming a business owner or getting engaged.
Who has had the most influence on you?
Her mom has the most influence on her, but her dad comes in at a very close second.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Her greatest achievement is becoming the person she is now and owning a successful business.
What is your greatest regret?
Greatest regret is not following her true passion sooner as well as allowing people/things to hold her back.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Sakari wouldn’t say she does anything evil. The most evil thing would be leaking someone's information after they've done her wrong.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
When was the time you were the most frightened?
When her father first got arrested and their entire place was searched. Sakari and her family were placed in a shelter for a brief time.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
Her most embarrassing moment was when she was arrested over a dispute with her ex-boyfriend.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
She would trust her intuition/gut more.
What is your best memory?
Getting engaged to.
What is your worst memory?
Seeing her father get arrested.
{ @la-resources }
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duckapus · 7 months
More WarioWare Headcanons(many of which ended up being about eyes for some reason)
9-Volt has light sensitivity issues, which is why his helmet's visor is tinted
Orbulon also has light sensitivity issues due to his species being adapted for the much lower light levels of his home planet
Wario does still have the lazy eye he had in his earlier appearances, it just doesn't show up in his modern artwork or models because Nintendo are cowards
Crygor's optic has a number of handy extra features, including a zoom function; Infrared, Ultraviolet and Night Vision settings, and can be used in conjunction with his mechanical ear as a hands-free cell phone
While he was the one who designed his cybernetics, another mad scientist who's an old friend of his and happens to also be a fully certified neurosurgeon was the one who installed them, and is his regular physician/technician
Technically speaking Penny could help with regular maintenance for his cybernetics, but neither of them are really comfortable with the idea of her tinkering with the equipment keeping him alive and functional. Though she and the robots do at least know how to fix them in an emergency, as do Waluigi and the more mechanically inclined members of WarioWare
Captain Syrup has only ever involved a WarioWare employee in one of her schemes once, though in her (slight) defense, WarioWare didn't exist at the time and she had no reason to believe there was any connection between them and Wario. Basically, her crew had been hired to kidnap some rich couple's daughter and hold her for ransom. Unfortunately for everyone involved, said daughter was Mona, who gave them far more trouble than expected but did end up caught. One minute Syrup's guarding the kid while waiting for her client to send an update, the next Wario's bursting into the room with blood-stained fists and not a single one of her coins in his pocket and Shoulder-Bashing her so hard she flies into the far wall and cracks a few ribs. He growls at her that this is her one warning, unties Mona and leaves. She later finds out that her client wasn't given the same courtesy of a warning that she was, hence the bloody fists. Thankfully WarioWare gets founded a month or so later and it becomes much easier to tell who exactly Wario would be willing to kill for.
While garlic is Wario's absolute favorite food, strawberries are a surprisingly close second (basing this on both the mini-Warios in Smooth Moves and the opening cutscene of Arrow)
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 months
Revamped HSA Looks
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Facts about their new design
Completely I have to cringe at the original design at had for them so after Gacha Life 2 was out, I decided to put the revamp of working on them.
So here are facts of what I changed.
Freya: I was bothered of the hair color a bit so I had to make it a little lighter than the former design, changed the long hair to a midway short style cause of the way she hides her hair inside of her hoodie. For her clothes, I offered a gamer-like decent clothing, didn't forget about the headphones cause it always has been.
Yaeko: I was already offed with her hair already, so here it was- giving her a change of design to a straight flowing hair and in addition of giving her braids and bangs which I was completely satisfied. I was off with her clothes in the former design, so to add more to her likes I gave her a outdoor philosophy look.
Akio: Hear me out. The minute I heard dreadlocks in the options list... I had to do what I HAD to do! I tested out a few designs till I ended up with him holding a dread-lock ponytail in the end, which it VIBES HIS PERSONA OUT. For his clothes, gave him a more autumn-kind of look when it comes to him towards investigating duties.
Cynthia: Her blonde color.... Really needs a re-fix, including the hair. Thank god I did it. Change the kind of shade from a golden to semi-balanced color. For her clothes, to match with her personality I gave a matching colored clothes to bring out her bubbly reaction, including her fashionable likes. She's looks a lot better afterward!
Saburou: HAD TO GET THE SLEEPY EYES, I HAD TOO. Nothing much changes on the hair and color, except I'll give him a messy to braid look. HIS EYES ARE GONNA BE FIXED AND DONE. Took some color work to handle so till I was ok with it. His clothes are now and definitely super baggy to fit with his sleepy personality.
Hibiki: Had to give him a new sense of style. TOP TO BOTTOM DOWN SO. Ended up giving him with long hair and burnish color brown, changed his eyes to a semi-yellow and green mixture, clothes to fit his aesthetics towards autumn weather. Giving him the slight feminine ponytail to explains his mistaken gender really puts it well to his look.
This is all of the rants that I have for today with them!
Here's Bonus art.
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Let's just say that I'm happy with their newly fleshed out look- I don't know if I had the time to update their BIOs with new facts and ideas, including their new set of persona. Let's just say that it'll be in my drafts for the time being. (school occupied my time sadly enough and needed more me time, explains of my AFK of no posting...)
But there are changes for me to revamp my other OCs as well. Wish me luck!
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magiturge · 10 months
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true wand : prime. a wand created with parts from clockworkers and cogwreckers and modified overtime. while it wields immense power, the cost for utilizing this wand and reloading it are equally as devastating. explanation and notes for designing it are under the cut ( a little long )
since the mechaniturge or grand magiturge was going to be an advanced magiturge that had a better understanding of his abilities, this would include his ability to make more advanced modifications to his wands and better yet, crafting a new one. i took care to look at how the wands ingame are put together as well as look at how the prime sword seen in the s3lf-eater update was crafted to get an idea of what i needed to do.
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you'll notice in this design, it doesn't look like the traditional wands you obtain ingame which was on purpose. it's made of clockworker and cogwrecker parts so i wanted to keep that machine look there so i then referenced the 4 guns that are seen on clockworkers ; the bot pistol, bot shotgun, bot submachinegun and bot rifle.
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the description for these weapons describe how its design isn't very comfortable for fleshy hands which worked in my favor since my oc has scarred hands from dirty work over the years.
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you'll see i was initially focused on making a formal wizard staff for him since he himself has tailored his wizard's robe and hat to his liking but i eventually found more interest in designing the wand itself. there are a few slight tweaks to the design but it is overall the same :3 you might also see that his own wardrobe and attire don't seem very mechanical or machine like other than the gears that are present under the first layer of his robe. there are reasons for that :3 however im not really ready to tell why yet i now have to design the tome that goes with him since his nature in modifying and tinkering with his arsenal has lead him to change the writings in his tome to such marks that burn into his mind. his wizard's staff is more of an accessory but i will still design it.
but thank you for viewing :3
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 2 months
Heyyyy… sorry for not updating on Friday or Saturday like I promised
I just had a lot of things going on but you can expect my regular posting (hopefully) again
Anyway this is a Monster High fic with my fav couple Cleo and Deuce!!
Hope you enjoy!!
Deuce fucking hated all these gala events and fancy parties that Cleo would invite him to. But for her and to see her happy he’d attend every single one.
So here they were now in some gala Cleo’s fathers was hosting in Boo York, he was dressed in a rather elaborate suit made by some famous Scaris designer.
Cleo was clinging onto his arm as they walked towards some delegates, she had a smile plastered on her face and he was trying to match hers.
“Good evening ms De Nile. This is?” Cleo looked up at Deuce her eyes fluttering my “my manster. Deuce Gorgan.”
He gave a slight wave as Cleo leaned her head against his arm. “Umm… pleasure.” The delegates looked him up and down not giving him an other ounce of attention before they turned back to Cleo.
“Anyway… I told the minister-.” One of the delegates started to talk but Deuce zoned out, turning to look around.
In the far corner he found Frankie and Clawdeen sipping some drinks that were being served. Noticing that he was staring Frankie waved him over.
He wanted to excuse himself but he couldn’t bring it in him to leave Cleo to fend for herself with these boring monsters.
As the clocked ticked on and the delegates continued to drone on and on, Deuce felt his snakes start to get agitated, their hissing and snapping more than enough of an indication.
Seeing this Deuce tried to calm the down by offering some punch he got from the passing by waiter but they hissed even louder.
“Deuce? Deuce are you ok.” He turned at the sound of Cleo’s enchanting voice, she stared up at him with those siren eyes of hers and Deuce nearly forgot about the problem at hand.
“My snakes are getting agitated.” Cleo nodded giving him a small squeeze on the arm before turning to look at the monsters in front of her.
“If you’ll excuse us I believe my… sister is calling us.” Without an other word Cleo pivoted on her heels, her hair whipping behind her in the process.
Once they were far enough from the delegates, Cleo let out a sigh her head falling on his shoulder as she gazed at him and his snakes.
“My precious babies. Always saving the day.” He gave her an exasperated look as she petted the head and cooed at one of his snakes.
“Seriously though I think that I would have died from boredom. Or at least died twice.” Deuce chuckled, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“Tell me about it. Can’t wait till we leave. No offense of course!” Cleo rolled her eyes, slightly elbowing him in the ribs. “Don’t worry you’re valid in that.”
He was about to reply when a hiss from his snakes rang about. Cleo turned to look up at them her hand gently caressing as many as her fingers would allow.
“Are they upset about something.” Deuce shrugged letting out a sigh. “I don’t know baby. They’ve been on and off like this the entire night.”
Cleo tutted her head lulling to the side “maybe they’re sick?” Deuce shook his head, grabbing a bone sandwich from a tray.
“They don’t get sick unless I’m sick.” He offered the sandwich to them and they shredded it up hungrily.
They stood there in comfortable silence for a few moments, Cleo leaning against his chest and his arms wrapped around her waist.
As the stood swaying softly to the music, Cleo suddenly stood straight her eyes looking at Deuce in surprise.
Deuce who had also felt it gave her a sheepish look. “Sorry baby. You were kinda rubbing up against me.” Cleo raised her brow.
“You got hard because of a little rubbing?” Deuce smirked his eyes racking over his ghoul friend in lust. “How could I not when she looks like… like a fucking wet dream.”
Cleo felt her body heat up at his words, deciding to tease him a bit she pushed back against him pretending to fiddle with her dress as she rubbed and pushed against his growing hard on.
Deuce cursed under his breath, his hand quickly grabbing Cleo’s hips as she shoved against him particularly hardly.
Letting out a hard breath Deuce tried to think and ignore his ghoul friends ministrations, but as she turned to look at him from over shoulder that wave of lust coursed through his body.
“What’s the problem Deucy?” She fluttered her eyes in a fake innocent type way as Frankie and the others approached.
“Yeah what’s up with you.” Deuce gulped hoping his voice was clear before he answered Frankie. “Nothing. Just a bit hot in here.”
Catching on Clawdeen smirked at Cleo as she grabbed Frankie’s hand to leave, but unfortunately Frankie didn’t catch on.
“Really? I’m an actually pretty chilly and it’s not because Abbey is around.” Feeling Cleo grind against him, Deuce gave Frankie a tight lipped smile.
“Mhmm.” Was his only reply before Clawdeen made some excuse and dragged Frankie away from the pair.
Once they were out of sight Deuce grabbed Cleo’s hips, bringing his mouth down to her neck as he whispered “maybe I should sedate you for that teasing.”
Cleo knew what he meant and she felt a wave of heat course through her, early on in their relationship they had both… figured out that a nip for Deuce would extract some sort of sedative venom.
At that time it had left her so relaxed she could barely move her arm. To say she loved the feeling was an understatement.
“Well… I wouldn’t mind.” Deuce cursed again his head falling in the crook of her neck. He let out a sigh trying to take deep breaths.
“What don’t you say? let’s get out of here, I don’t think I can bare to listen to one more bore drone on and on. And besides I have something fun planned for us.”
He gave her a knowing smirk his hand traveling to her ass as he gave it a slap. Cleo gasped and turned to look at him with that look.
“Then why are we wasting time. Let’s go.” He grabbed Cleo’s hand and positioned her in front of him as he led them to the exit of the hall.
Cleo brought her hand to cover her mouth to hide her smile as they passed her family. “And where do you think you’re going.” Nefera seemed to appear out of nowhere.
Cleo suppressed an eye roll, her head tilting to the side as Deuces snakes hissed on agitation after being interrupted.
“None of your business. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Cleo shoved Nefera out of the way with her shoulder, ignoring her sisters screeches.
Once they made it outside, Cleo signaled down a taxi. Getting inside, Deuce was past the point of caring if anyone was watching them and was kissing her neck.
He was careful not to pierce the skin, not wanting to end the fun before it began. Cleo, although more conscious of her surroundings, was to past the point of caring.
She leaned into his muscular chest and draped her leg over his thigh, making sure to graze his dick as she ‘fixed’ her dress.
Speaking of, Deuce was finding it increasingly hard not to tear the dress off. Wanting nothing more than to feel her silky skin against his hands.
It really had been to long since they last had sex. What was it? 1, 2 days maybe even 12 hours. He didn’t know or care all he wanted was to have her now.
The need and lust he felt was nearly insatiable, the only cute being the feel of his ghoul friends skin against his own. And then again maybe that wasn’t enough.
The car came to a holt and Deuce quickly dragged Cleo out, his mouth attaching to her neck in seconds.
“Slow down Decue.” He ignored her, directing them to the golden doors of the hotel. “Can’t baby. Not when you look and feel so… so hot.”
Cleo felt herself get wet at his words but still peeled herself off. She gave him and his snakes a look when they both hissed.
While it wasn’t common for Deuce to hiss, he did do it when he was frustrated or annoyed. But then again that was usually suppressed by how high he would get.
Pulling him through the lobby, slapping his wondering hands once in a while, they made it into the elevator where he was on her again in seconds.
This time she didn’t stop him as he bombarded her with kisses, she let out a quite moan when he sucked at a particular spot. It was as if her head was spinning as he continued to suck at her neck.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened, seconds later Deuce was leading them out while he wrapped his hand behind Cleo’s thigh and pulled her leg up.
She wrapped her other leg around his waist as well as he now carried them to her bedroom. In the midst of his continues kissing and sucking Cleo could not care less about her ringing icoffin.
She’d deal with whoever it was later, now the only thing was important was to get this dress of off her and have Deuce on top of her.
Stumbling through her bedroom, Deuce kicked the door shut and placed Cleo down on the covers as she continued to have her legs around his waist while he stabilized himself by leaning one leg on the covers.
Cleo moaned as his wondering hands cupped her breast and pushed her down, now that she was laying on her back Deuce got ontop of her completely. His legs straddled her and he teased by softly running his hand up her inner thigh until he grazed her panties.
Gasping against his mouth Cleo returned the favor and played with the zipper of his pants, she slid the zipper down slowly, her nails grazing his dick in the process. Deuce cursed under his breath and jolted against her hand.
The room was almost silent, except the more than lustful hisses of Deuces snakes and their moans. Pulling his shirt of his body, Deuce looked Cleo in the eye as he leaned down and came between her thighs.
He grabbed her smooth legs and put the over his shoulder, kicking her shoes of in the process, as he licked a strip up her leg. Cleo shuddered at the feeling her hands gripping the sheets below, chuckling Deuce scrunched her dress at her hips and started to suck everywhere but the place she most wanted.
This was until she gutted her hips in his face and Deuce gave her a smirk before he looked at her in the eyes and licked her slit. Cleo let out a breathy moan, biting her lip as he continued to suck and lick like his life depended on it.
Cleo felt as if she was going to melt into the sheets from how hot and heavy she was feeling, each time his masterful tongue came into contact with her a new wave of warmth and slick coursing through her.
She let out a surprised moan as his tongue entered her heat, swirling and licking at her tight walls. She felt so over stimulated that she thought that she might explode right here right now, luckily for her the feeling of her orgasim was approaching fast and hard.
Noticing this, Deuce plunged in deeper his snake like tongue reaching places Cleo didn’t think existed. With her euphoria just on the cusp of falling through, Cleo put her hand over mouth too afraid someone could hear them.
Deuce didn’t let that happen as he reached up and grabbed her hand, gripping it tightly by her side. Tipping over the edge Cleo let out a half moan half scream as she felt a blinding heat travel through her. Deuce sucked and licked everything, leaving her to feel like there was nothing left in her.
“Tired already baby? Now Cleo we’ve just gotten started.” She let out a sigh and a small smile, she knew that his sex drive was high as ever and this was only the tip of the iceberg. Not that she’d complain, she just loved how high his sex drive was. He could go on for hours compared to other monsters she’d heard other girls talking about.
Locking her shaking legs around his shoulders, she ran her finger down his chest while smirking. Deuce also smirked and got up, he slowly slid his pants and underwear down until his rock hard dick was standing between them.
Cleo also sat up, she sensually pushed the strap of her dress of, looking directly at his covered eyes as she did. For show, she bit her lip and ran her fingers down her body as she pushed her tight dress down until it sat in a pool at her hips.
She suppressed a smirk as his twitching hands and bulging veins appeared before her. Finally stepping out of her dress, Cleo stood up and threw it across the room as she stood in front of his and trailed her hands up and down his body.
Deuces hands came to her hips and he walked her backwards towards the bed as he placed kisses on her neck and top of her breasts. As Cleo’s legs hit the bed, she latched her lips on to Deuce and let their tongues fight in a battle for dominance.
To win, Decue brought a finger at her still aching slit making her gasp in surprise and lose their little battle. Not that she had much of a complaint, she loved when he took control.
After a couple of minutes of continues sucking and kissing Deuce pulled apart first and turned Cleo around as he bent her over. Cleo’s eyes widened in surprise as she reached to grab onto the headboard with her ass now up in the air.
She felt Deuces heat consume her as he settled behind her, his muscular arms gripping her hips tightly. “Ready baby?” She nodded to far gone in her lust to full care for anything else as she felt his thick dick slowly penetrate her entrance.
Letting out a sigh, she gripped the headboard tightly as Deuce himself wrapped a hand around her neck as he gritted his teeth in self control. They were both panting by the time Deuce bottomed out, in his attempt for self restraint he bit his lip with his fang, just enough to hurt but not penetrate.
Once Cleo gave him the ok, he pulled nearly out before slamming back in, continued again and again his free hand messing with Cleo’s breast as she gripped the headboard tightly. Their moans and grunts mixed with the sound of the headboard banging against the wall rang around and room and neither of them had it in them to care about anyone hearing.
Feeling her climax quickly approaching, Cleo reached back and grabbed Deuce by the back of the neck. She brought him forward and smashed their lips together in a kiss of passion, lust and love. As Deuce was leaned forward in her reach Cleo decide to tease him.
She ran her fingers down the scales of his arms and he immediately responded by grunting and thrusting harshly against her. “Baby… you know… that’s sensitive.” Cleo did it again and heard his snakes hiss in delight.
“Do I?” She whispered out against his lips as he cursed under his breath. He didn’t know why but his scales had always been a very sensitive part of his body, so sensitive that one time when Cleo had accidentally brushed up against him and touched his scales he had a boner for a full hour.
And now she was using it against him and as Cleo touched his scales again he felt his climax quickly approaching. He tried to hold out for just a few seconds as Cleo suddenly came with a breathy moan, her head fallling back against his shoulder.
As Decue himself fell into a state of euphoria he leaned down without thinking and bit down against Cleo’s neck and shoulder. She gasped in surprise and slight pain as she felt her body start to go numb at the venom traveling through her.
Her arms first gave out and she was glad Deuce was holding onto her, then her legs started to give out. At that point Deuce realized what he had done and cursed loudly as he pulled her against his chest, “baby I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bite you.” He let out a sigh as she saw her eyes dropping closed.
With her last strength, Cleo gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and whispered “it’s ok. Just be there when I wake up.” Her eyes dropped closed and her body went limp against him, sighing he untucked the covers and put Cleo under the heaps on blankets.
As he went to tuck her back in one of his snakes leaned down and gave Cleo a slipper snake kiss on her forehead. Deuce chuckled and petted the snakes head, he was glad that his snakes seemed to be in love with Cleo as much as he was. Because at the end of the day she was the ghoul he wanted to marry.
And marriage would be quite difficult if his snakes didn’t like Cleo, like how they seemed to hate Rochelle. Getting in bed next to her he wrapped his arms around her waist and moved some hair out of her face as he buried his own against the crook of her neck.
But as he felt himself slowly falling asleep, he took of his glasses and placed them on the nightstand. He blinked a couple of times before he rubbed his eyes in tiredness and laid back down and cuddled against Cleo.
He fell asleep with a content feeling in his chest. He was here with the ghoul he wanted to marry and nothing was more perfect.
This is my first time writing about MH but I hope you enjoyed regardless!!
You can send me commissions for other MH characters or other fandoms pairings that you guys want and I’ll try write them as quickly as possible.
Anyway how do you guys feel about a Valentine x Draculaura fic. I watched ‘why do ghouls fall in love’ the other day and my lordy lord Val is just soooooo 🥵
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luii-anacondabi · 1 year
A Drop Of Happiness
Todoroki Touya x Female Reader
Summary: You and Touya are childhood sweethearts that have been there for each other through all the challenges. Your presence and praise was like candy to him; addictive. You have always been there to heal his burns, even if it may endanger your life.
Warnings: A bit long, Fluff, Attempt at slight angst, Mentions of injury/hurt, Comfort
Notes: I got this inspiration after reading Volume 31 and seeing Dabi’s full backstory. Might be a little cringe/corny so be warned. I definitely didn't post this by accident while still in my drafts. This is my first work so please go easy on me-
(Edited and Updated)
Touya was 8 when he first caught sight of you.
He didn’t have friends to hang out with due to his constant pursuit of getting stronger. He just thought friendships weren’t worth the effort to keep around, not when he needed to prove himself to Endeavor. He was on another one of his secret training sessions at Sekoto Peak, his delicate skin bore the effects of the flames. He wanted to keep going.
Amidst his training, he failed to notice you watching from closeby. It wasn’t until he hissed from the burns that you hesitantly approached him. Tapping his shoulder, you flinched when he jumped at the unexpected touch as a surprised gasp left his mouth.
You were a new face in town it seemed like. You wore a dress that reached past your knees, accompanied by your long leg warmers. Strands of your hair slightly covered your face, the hair clip bearing a fish design doing little to keep them in place. You looked pretty shy.
“Huh? What’re you doing here?”
He had a defensive expression, lips forming a childish pout, feeling a little embarrassed from being startled by a girl. “Can’tcha see I’m busy?”
“Your arm. . .”
“Yeah, what about it? I’m not weak!”
You pressed your mouth into a thin line and kneeled down beside him, making him back away slightly. Opening a bottle of water, you let some fall onto your hand and asked for his arm.
. . .
Endeavor drove Touya to this path of stubborn persistence. He just wanted him to look at what he could do. To see just how strong he really was. That he was worthy of the respect he desired from the ignorant man.
“Listen, Dad. Next time you get a day off. . . You gotta come up to Sekoto Peak with me.”
The young 13-year old boy sat on the ground, shadow casted over his face as he looked down with glassy eyes. His arms tried to comfort him from the dejection he felt. The loneliness accompanied by the silence of the night overwhelmed him. With trembling hands, he kept trying to wipe away the tears flowing down his face.
“Dad. . .”
Those emotions he felt. The pain and the sorrows. His body just couldn’t bottle them up anymore. As his eyes involuntarily produced more tears, his raging fire from within built up and bursted. Touya screamed in absolute pain as the flames quickly grew and engulfed him along with his surroundings.
All he could feel was the agonizing heat. Everything burned. He was gonna get burned alive.
Trying to put the fire out, he was unable to see you rushing toward him past the flora that caught aflame. Dumping a bottle of water on yourself as you ran, you hastily activated your quirk and pulled Touya into an embrace.
. . .
Touya had reluctantly given you his aching arm, confused and mesmerized all at once when your hand adapted the form of water. It looked and moved similarly to how the liquid would’ve.
"I can turn any part of my body into the liquid I touch and heal people. I mostly control water though since my parents say I'm not old enough to control chemicals."
He watched you swish around your floating water hand on his burns. It felt rather soothing, the way your quirk worked. You pulled back after a few moments, allowing him to stare at his now uninjured arm. Sparkles of admiration gleaming in his turquoise eyes. He gently tried poking your quirk-activated hand with a finger only to jolt back at the weird sensation.
"Whoa. . ."
With expectant eyes he turned to look at you with a bright grin.
“You’re like the complete opposite of me! I mean you’re really cool because of the water while I'm really hot since I can make these strong fires, look!”
Touya was taken aback when you flinched upon the slight contact of his ignited flames with your water-transformed hand. He quickly extinguished them upon recognizing the pained expression on your face. Steam seemed to emit from where your hands briefly touched.
“I-I’m okay, sorry. My quirk’s not very good with high temperatures.”
“Oh,” Touya scratched the back of his neck with an apologetic frown. “Sorry, I didn’t know. . .”
“It’s no biggie really,” you offered a soft smile that eased his worry.
The rest of the evening was spent with him trying to hold the moving water outlining the shape of your hand. He looked so dumb yet also cute attempting to intertwine your fingers.
. . .
You held Touya even tighter, ignoring the agonizing sensation of his flaring flames practically vaporizing parts of you. Your quirk couldn’t handle intense heat. But you kept holding him, trying your best to put out the fire.
His cries and pleas for help, his screams of pure pain from his fragile skin being severely burned. You hated it. So with what little strength you could muster, you reached up your two water-transformed hands, and cupped his face gently. Touya’s eyes instantly shot open at the familiar feeling of your quirk healing him. Just as quickly though, did he scramble to try to push you away. His turquoise eyes were full of fear as he gritted his teeth.
“No, [Name]! Stop! I might burn you! You’ll turn into vapor!”
But you only intensified your healing output, ignoring the limitations. You buried your head on his shoulder, the flames still practically engulfing the both of you.
“I’m here, so please calm down. I’m here now. You’re not alone anymore.”
With shaky hands and tears in his eyes, he held onto you, leaned into your touch, and did his best to focus on your comforting words. His teeth clenched together, still in pain.
“I’ll heal you no matter what.”
. . .
You always hung out together. Every time he secretly trained, you were there to watch and cheer him on in your own little way. Your mere presence was enough to keep him going. The sparkle of admiration in your doe eyes kept him determined to impress you even further. What fueled his fire some more was your genuine compliments.
‘That was one cool move!’
‘Jeez, your fire is so intense. You can roast a chicken with it!’
‘You’re definitely gonna be way better than your dad someday!’
This feeling of pride and fulfillment became addicting. He always sought new ways to earn that praise from you again. He absolutely thrived in it. The thing that made him melt, however, was how you would use your quirk to heal any subsequent wounds afterward. You would ask him to be more careful, that you hate seeing him all hurt, that he was already strong to you. That look of pure worry and concern on your face led him to ease up on his training. He still got small burns here and there but nothing major that you couldn’t take care of.
All of this was foreign to him. He never had a crush before, let alone any friends apart from Fuyumi and Natsu. Yet he loved the attention you gave him. He loved the way you distracted him from his problems and insecurities. He loved the way you cared about him as you listened attentively to his whole rants. And when he instinctively looked at you after pulling off a killer move, expecting praise, wanting to see that look of admiration, everything seemed so nice. The way you pumped your little fists, grinning proudly at him, made him feel so loved.
Touya froze and gulped down his saliva, cheeks and ears suddenly turning bright red. If he couldn’t beat All Might and appease Endeavor then. . .he wishes to see you everyday instead.
. . .
The flames emitting from Touya’s body gradually died down, some only flickering on his slightly burnt clothes. Your words had gotten to him. He had calmed down. The blaze was finally extinguished. Sekoto Peak had borne witness to a massive forest fire. Every tree near you didn’t stand a chance. Ashes and smoke covered the area as the still burning flora kept you trapped.
Touya kept his arms wrapped around you, both of you now kneeling on the ground. Having overused your strength, your quirk automatically deactivated. Water splashed on him as a result, which brought him back to reality. He immediately pulled back to check on you despite the serious injuries he’d suffered. His heart shattered upon seeing your state. Your body was visibly burned although you were still recognizable. Layers of your skin were badly damaged, revealing the superficial muscles beneath. Were you even breathing?
He began to tremble when you didn’t respond, eyes glassy. His shaky hands shook you carefully, avoiding the exposed reddened flesh.
“H-Hey, it’s okay now. . . I’m okay now. . .”
But you didn’t move. Panicking, he quickly lifted you up onto his back and stumbled through the woods, yelling for help in his weakened voice. The nauseating effect of the smoke overwhelmed him. And when his body finally couldn’t take it, the leftover burning sensation becoming too much, he caved in and fell.
He laid on his stomach with you next to him. Every part of his body hurt like hell. If it wasn’t for your quirk, he would've had it worse. He would've charred himself to a tragic, lonely death. So with a feeble hand, he reached out to hold your own. And there he closed his eyes, content to at least have you by his side.
. . .
It was Endeavor who found the two of you. After learning about the fire at Sekoto Peak, he rushed his way over with thoughts of his possibly injured son. A tinge of worry and guilt shadowed his mind as he frantically called out Touya’s name, running past scorched plantlife. He kept searching and searching until he eventually found you next to each other in a small clearing; the same spot he used to train in. Without hesitation, he gritted his teeth and carefully carried the two of you to safety.
When Touya awoke, he was a little disoriented. It took him a minute or two to register his brother and sister trying to talk to him. They both looked so worried. Tears welled in Fuyumi’s eyes as she pulled her older brother into a tight embrace, coercing a pained groan from him. 
“Why didn’t you just stay with us? We were so worried about you!”
When his mind cleared, so too did his panic grow.
“W-Where’s [Name]? Is she okay?”
Natsu pointed behind Touya with a finger, which automatically made him look in that direction. There he found you covered in bandages, head resting peacefully against your cushiony pillow. Your chest rose and fell, indicating you were breathing properly. A sigh of relief left his mouth. As long as you were okay, he could get through this as well.
It took about two weeks for Touya to fully recover and another week for you. He obtained some pretty bad scars, not enough to make him unrecognizable, and his burned tear ducts rendered him unable to cry anymore. Nevertheless, he was relieved to have survived a fatal incident with you. Yet when he learned what happened to Shoto and how his mother was sent to a hospital after, how you needed to undergo an extensive surgery to fix your lost skin, he couldn't help but feel utterly guilty. This was all his fault. If he had just stopped trying to get his stupid father to notice him, none of it would have happened in the first place.
“Touya. . . want shum apple jush?”
The eldest Todoroki child snapped out of his negative thoughts and looked at you from the chair he sat on. You had that gentle smile again despite the bandages getting in the way. Your eyes bore no hatred nor pain. Just comfort. He couldn’t help but smile back.
During the recuperation period, Natsu and Fuyumi would often visit the two of you. They brought small gifts like candies, toys, and handmade “get well soon” cards. And when you still had to stay at the hospital, Touya would come by with handwritten notes to help you catch up in school. There was never a dull moment in that room.
. . .
Enji was getting ready for work when he noticed a fully recovered Touya rushing through the corridor with a backpack. With a fallen look of regret, he reached out a hand.
But the young boy merely rushed past him. His face was completely bright and optimistic as he left through the front door, leaving his father all baffled. He was wide-eyed and speechless. How ironic the fact that he ignored the very man he had tried desperately to get the attention of.
“Touya. . .”
. . .
You were absolutely inseparable. Both of you couldn't last a day without seeing each other at least once. Hanging out and having sleepovers at your house became a daily occurrence. And as you both grew up, so too did your feelings for each other.
You went to the same middle school. Attended U.A. High together. Hung out at each other’s places, more often at yours when Touya didn’t want to deal with his old man. You both went to see movies every now and then even though Touya found them boring. You visited your friends at a reunion and he tagged along just so he wouldn’t miss you, not that he’ll confess that any time soon. Wherever you went, he usually followed.
Throughout the years you listened to his every concern, comforted him through his family conflicts and arguments, offered him your ears when he needed to let out some steam. You healed his wounds without complaint. You were there to stand up for him against his sorry excuse of a father. You were there to hold him so lovingly when he felt so vulnerable. You were always there for him.
And he was content with just having you by his side.
. . .
“Hey, you weren’t paying attention to me were you?”
Touya’s nonchalant yet somewhat whiny voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You were suddenly brought back to the present, finding yourselves stationary on top of a rooftop. ‘Right, we were on patrol.’ You stretched your arms with a hum before glancing at him. His hero suit perfectly accentuated his well-built muscles, abs shamelessly traced against his tight clothing. The gear, piercings, and accessories only adorned him more. His snowy, spiky hair was poking out in different directions despite looking so fluffy. And his sharp, turquoise eyes held much confidence and admiration that only you would be able to see. He looked pretty badass.
“Spacing out again,” he clicked his tongue playfully, “Stop staring, babe.”
“You love the attention.”
“From you, yeah.”
That stupid, proud grin on his face made you melt inside. This man is gonna be the death of you. Even though he can be dense and dumb when it comes to romantic gestures, his smooth tongue has a way with words. It irked you how good he was at making you fall harder for him.
“You sound so stupid, stop that.”
“Make me.”
“I will literally ditch you.”
“Bet you won’t.”
You huffed and prepared to leave, only to be pulled back colliding against Touya’s chest. His tall figure and sturdy arms encased you. And before you could mutter another word of protest, his soft lips crashed onto yours. His evident warmth radiated onto you. Even without outright confessing, you already knew what he wanted to say.
‘Don’t leave, I love you.’
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omorimodreverie · 11 months
June Development Update
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This month was a mixture of up and down in terms of activity. One notable thing about this period is that most of our team members have now finished with their finals, and have properly begun summer vacation. However, this does not necessarily mean that development speed increases!
There were major and minor bits of work done across most of our sectors this time, with the main being a slight reorganization of writing; some basic tileset work (our tilesets are beginning to be finalized!), and starting on polishing our map files.
What’s been done?
This month didn’t see any significant leaps in progress, but miscellaneous portions of work that are nevertheless vital have been completed across multiple sectors:
Inducted a new writing lead to the leads team
Finished primary dialogue work on around half of the cutscenes planned for chapter 3. Progress has also been made on the other half
Pixel Art is progressing slowly but consistently, with new additions/changes to our spritesheets every few days
Non-CH3 drawn art assets have also been worked on, mostly enemy sprites and concepts (We can’t wait to show them to you in the future, they’re very exciting!)
Discussion and slight reorganization around skill progression for future chapters, as well as on boss design. Rest assured, we are still putting gameplay first and foremost.
Summer Break, Right?
This month is when summer break properly starts for a good amount of people. Some start a bit earlier in May, and some in June; But by mid-June almost everyone is on summer break.
It might be tempting to think that progress will become much faster now that break is here, but to think so is a bit naive: as some people will also be taking their own time for, well, a break. [Like myself, Stahl. I’m typing this very dev log during vacation right now, that’s why it’s a bit late. Oops.]
Progress is projected to be more or less consistent with the speed of development so far, balanced by some being able to work more while some becoming unavailable for break.
Ending Notes
You may have noticed that this month’s dev log wasn’t as long as the last one in May. This is because the last one was our first ever dev log, so we had more stuff to talk about: including all developments made previous to May as well. Please expect posts of a similar length to this one going forwards.
We’d love to showcase some teaser for chapter 3 at this point, but since our progress this month has consisted mostly of writing and tilesets (which is difficult to showcase nicely), we don’t really have much to show off as usual.
Anyways, here’s an old Ice Angel enemy sprite made around April last year. This one’s unused now, and only has 2 (out of 3 and bunch more emotion variants) frames made, so this is not our final product (or appearing anytime soon lol).
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