#a fucking cat could count it on their paws
tony-andonuts · 4 months
Starting a new arc at work where instead of saying Im alright Ill say something based
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beansnpeets · 2 years
Sprocket really is a horrible teenager right now and I absolutely cannot deal with it
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elix8r · 10 months
it’s raining, it’s pouring
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PAIRING: cheetah hybrid!mark x house cat hybrid!y/n
GENRES: hybrid!au, smut, angst, enemies to ?
SUMMARY: Hating Mark could almost be considered your part-time job ever since Taeyong adopted him. But on one fateful night, a raging storm strikes, and with Taeyong nowhere to be found, you find yourself seeking an unlikely source of comfort - your annoying cheetah roommate.
WARNING: meandom!mark, brattysub!y/n, profanity, y/n being really mean to mark, unprotected sex, manhandling, humiliation, degradation, anal, foot stuff, face-fucking, rough sex, overall filthy stuff
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Up until three years ago, your life could be described as utter paradise. With Taeyong being the best owner you could ask for, and living in the coveted top-floor penthouse, you couldn't have any complaints. That was, of course, until your owner one day brought home another hybrid without previously warning you. Apparently, the previous owner of the cheetah hybrid was moving back to America, leaving him in need of a new home. Being the generous owner he was, Taeyong offered to take him in without hesitation (and without discussing it with you beforehand).
The moment Mark walked through the front door, your feelings towards the fellow feline were set, and they had yet to change. He was nothing but a nuisance to you, and despite being in the same cat family, he seemed to be nothing like you. You even attempted to paw at his ears many times before, trying to confirm if he really was a cheetah and not an overgrown puppy. However, each time, you would be met with cries and protests from him, while instinctively his claws extended, confirming that he was indeed a cat.
By now, Taeyong had accepted that you were never going to be best buds with Mark (though the latter still tried his best, despite knowing your response each time). In the beginning, he had hoped that you would get over your distaste for the boy and ultimately welcome him to the family, but as time went on and you showed no change of heart, your owner had to accept the reality.
Mark always took your food, bed, and even toys that were specifically given to you by Taeyong. He was an annoying presence in your life, who seemed to not get the hint that you wanted nothing to do with him. And as always, the exact thing was currently happening as you caught Mark rolling around and leaving his scent all over the new bedding that Taeyong had gotten for you.
"But yours is so much better! I just wanted to try it out, just a little, plus you smell good!" Mark's ears slightly folded down as he desperately tried to explain why you had found him sleeping in your bed.
"That's not my problem! Take it up with Taeyong if you have complaints and stop getting into my stuff. It's getting really fucking annoying and creepy you perv," you sent him a harsh glare, and your eyebrows furrowed in distaste as you could now smell him all over your sleeping area.
"Why can't you share? I mean, Taeyong always tells us to play nice and get along with each other, but no matter how hard I try, you never do! You're always so mean to me, and I don't even know what I've done!" Mark pouted, clearly upset with how you were reacting to him. From the beginning, all he wanted was to be friends with you, but you seemed to reject him at every turn.
"Why do I have to share if Taeyong bought it specifically for me? I mean, I was here first anyway. You should just be happy that Taeyong even took you in. Otherwise, you'd probably be one of those strays we always see outside. You should be thankful for what you got, so stop trying to take my stuff too. Anyways, get out of my room," you huffed towards your bed, barely giving him a second look. You knew that you were probably a bit too harsh with your words, but your annoyance took over, and you couldn't take back what was already said.
Mark was hurt and defeated. He knew there was no point in arguing with you so he nodded quietly and left your room and headed towards his, where he turned to his computer so that he would be able to take his mind off of you and focus on playing games with his friends.
"Bro, she's such a bitch. I mean, I don't know how you deal with her. I've only met her once, and during that time, she almost clawed my eyes out," his friend Jeno, responded sympathetically upon hearing about what had happened.
"Yeah, I feel bad for you, man. Me and Jaemin get along fine, so I can't even imagine what it's like living 24/7 with someone you don't get along with. Oof, it sounds like a nightmare," Haechan shuddered at the thought, and Jaemin nodded in agreement.
"Why don't you just fight back and assert your dominance over her? I mean, you are the stronger breed. She'll have to respect you once you scare her straight. Use your predator advantages, and maybe she'll realize that you're not one to be messed with," Jaemin suggested, trying to help Mark find a solution. His words did intrigue Mark, and he had to admit that he had thought about what Jaemin was suggesting. However, he had hoped he wouldn't have to resort to using his powers against you and that you would eventually warm up to him on your own.
Typing and clicking noises filled the conversation for a couple of seconds as they all played online together. "Yeah, I guess. I'll think about it," Mark finally replied.
And think about it he did for the next few hours as he continued to play games with his friends. The topic of you didn't come up again as they were all too engrossed in their gaming. Meanwhile, Mark remained preoccupied with thoughts of you. He was so engrossed in the games that he didn't realize the time or the weather outside, something you were keenly aware of.
Taeyong should have been home by now, yet not a single sign of him was to be seen. You had been waiting patiently for your owner while spending time scrapbooking. Every once in a while, you would peer out your window to see if he was here yet as you were always able to predict when he would be coming in. But today, he seemed to be taking longer. The sky had been turning darker and darker, which laid an uneasy feeling inside of you.
It was quite embarrassing to admit, but even at your grown age, you were still deadly afraid of storms. You were unable to withstand them without the comfort of Taeyong nearby, and with no sign of him, you were becoming antsy. Where was he? Was he okay? These were all thoughts that ran through your mind as you went through all the scenarios of where your owner could be, but every single one led to a bad ending that you didn’t want. So you tried your best to get back into crafting.
Of course, that didn't last long as out of nowhere, a flash of lightning could be seen, followed by a clap of thunder so loud that it shook the house. You yelped out loudly as you felt yourself tremble. The lights flickered for a couple of seconds as rain could be heard heavily pouring down, and now you genuinely felt fear. There was nothing you could do except tuck yourself deeply under your blanket while hoping for the rain to settle down, but your wishes were in vain as there was no indication of it stopping anytime soon, and Taeyong was still not home.
You had already tried texting him and dialing his number, but it went straight to voicemail, which further drove you to worry. What if he had decided he had enough of you and chose to leave you? This thought, above all, made your stomach drop, and tears pricked at your eyes. Despite it being totally irrational and unwarranted, it was still a possibility and it scared you. Suddenly, another thunder could be heard, which once again instigated a whimper out of you. Without fully realizing what you were doing, you found yourself walking towards Mark’s door.
You weren’t sure that you had ever knocked on his door purposely, but here you were knocking. Laughs and talking could be heard from inside the room and you wondered how he wasn’t bothered by everything going on. While you frowned while trying to pull your blanket around your shoulders tighter, the door finally opened and revealed a confused Mark.
You looked absolutely terrified, which was not a look he was familiar with despite living with you for about three years now. You were visibly shaken and your eyes were wide with fear. Instantly, Mark was concerned.
"Hey, what’s wrong?" His brows were furrowed as he noticed you on the verge of crying (though you weren't sure if it was because of the storm, the absence of Taeyong, or even the embarrassing fact that you came crawling to Mark's room).
"Have you heard from Taeyong?" Your usual catty tone was nowhere to be found as you asked with a soft voice.
Until now, Mark hadn’t realized that his owner had not come home when he was supposed to, but at the realization, he too became worried. "No, I don't. I guess I just realized that he hasn't come home yet."
His response made your eyes widen. It was hard to believe that while you were worrying in your room, the thought of Taeyong hadn't crossed Mark's mind even once. "What do you mean you didn't realize? I know he's been coming home later recently, but not this late! I mean, haven't you seen what it's like outside right now? Where is he?"
It was obvious that you were beyond stressed, and even without smelling you, Mark could feel anxiety radiating off of you. It was indeed storming terribly outside, and now Mark was becoming worried knowing that Taeyong was out there. But seeing your state, he came to the conclusion that it would do no one any good to have the both of you freaking out.
"Hey, I'm sure he's fine. I bet he's just waiting out the storm at his work. Why don't you come in here and wait together for him?" His words did not do much to ease your tension, but you did oblige (if it were other circumstances, you would never agree to enter his room, but desperate times called for desperate measures).
"But why isn't he answering my calls then? He knows that I hate storms, and I can't go through them without him! Mark, what if he's never coming back?" You had plopped yourself on top of his bed, eyes wide and lips quivering.
Mark sighed. "Y/N, now you're being ridiculous. Why would he just abandon us? He's probably not getting a signal or something more reasonable."
His dismissive response lacked empathy for your concerns, and you were now shedding tears. "What do you mean more reasonable? I think my concerns are valid! Maybe he's tired of us fighting all the time! I mean, we haven't been the best for him, and I know he's been having a hard time with us. It’s possible that he had it with us and just abandoned us to run away!"
The concern he previously felt was now gone as your dramatic rant slowly started to irk him more and more. Everyone knew that you were the main instigator of your fights, always being unfriendly towards Mark, so to have you group him with you had him scoffing. "You mean more like you were not being a good hybrid like you should have been. I mean, you're the one always instigating fights. I try my best to deal with you, but you're so bratty. Honestly, I'm surprised Taeyong's been able to deal with you this long."
Throughout the three years of living with Mark, you could only count a handful of times that he responded to you in such a manner. He was usually mild-mannered and overall just nice, so hearing this from him had you shocked. It was such a switch and instantly, you could feel his annoyance towards you in the air.
"Ma-Mark, what do you mean?" Your cries had yet to stop, and Mark rolled his eyes at you. Were you that dumb that you hadn't caught on to how frustrated Taeyong had recently been with your behavior? Taeyong was usually very tolerant, but even he was having a hard time with you.
"Jesus Y/N, are you seriously that stupid?" Even Mark was shocked at how he was talking to you, but this pent-up anger towards you had been a long time coming. He had been holding it all in, trying to be as good as he can to you despite your actions towards him, but now he was reaching a boiling point. He was beyond annoyed, and maybe this cold hard wake-up call was needed for you to start behaving better.
"I'm not stupid! Who do you think you are to talk to me like that, you fucking bastard?" You tried to sound strong while defending yourself against his harsh words, yet the tears seemed to not stop. Frustratingly, you got up to further confront him, but to your surprise, his hands came up around your neck and forced you back on the bed. Clearly, your words had further driven him to anger.
It was clear that Mark was angry. He had never put his hands on you this way, and in response, you were also fuming. How dare he put his hands on you? "Get your filthy ass hands off me!"
Mark didn't listen, though, as he pushed you further into the bed and hovered over you. His eyes held a fiery rage that you weren't sure you had ever encountered, certainly not from Mark. No trace of your bravado could be found, and for the first time, you cowered in his presence. Chills ran down your body as you felt his tail moving all over your bare legs. Amidst the fear you felt from the feline, another emotion bubbled beneath your lower belly.
Never in a million years would you have expected yourself to be turned on by Mark, but here you were, unconsciously purring in response to his actions. The once sweet and amiable Mark was gone, and this new version of him that showcased himself in front of you was one that you couldn't help but find yourself incredibly attracted to. Alas, you realized that you, just a common domesticated house kitty, were no match for the fast and strong beast that Mark presented himself to be.
"You know I've been quite understanding toward you. I put up with your attitude for three fucking years, yet here you are, still not realizing how much of a spoiled and ungrateful little kitty you've been. Despite taking all your shit, here you still are with the audacity to be in my room and still be a bitch when I nicely allowed you in to comfort you. It's obvious Taeyong hasn't been doing a good job taming you to be the nice house cat you're bred to be. But enough is enough, and clearly, the soft approach isn't working, so I guess I'll have to be the one to straighten you out."
And with that, he pressed his lips against yours roughly, making his intentions clear that he wouldn't go easy on you. Teeth clicked against each other and as the kiss deepened, you found yourself caught between conflicting emotions. Maybe, you did deserve this, but at the same time, you couldn't help but feel a part of you unwilling to surrender to Mark's dominance this easily.
His hands roughly dragged themselves all over your body as you panted heavily against his lips. In an attempt to take charge, you wrapped your legs around his waist, intending to twist him around and position yourself on top. However, his quick instincts kicked in, and he caught on before you could even execute your plans. He immediately pinned you under him again.
"Tsk tsk, I told you. I'm in charge today, and that little move you tried to pull on me is going to cost you now," Mark growled, and all you could manage in response was a small whimper. Your body struggled to adjust to not being the one in control.
His hands were burning hot as they hurriedly moved to strip you of the only article of clothing that you were wearing. It was a large shirt that engulfed you, and most days you had no issue with it being the only thing you wore around the house. You found it to be the most comfortable and unrestricting for your tail, allowing you to move freely without any discomfort. However, if you had been made aware beforehand of the situation you were currently in, you would have reconsidered.
Being fully bare in front of Mark while he was still fully clothed made you feel hot in humiliation, but you fought against your impulse to cover yourself. Instead, you held your head high and maintained unwavering eye contact with the male feline before you. A devilish smirk ghosted his pretty face as his eyes started to move down, unashamedly wandering all over your naked figure and taking in every curve, making sure to not miss a single spot.
“Get on your knees.” His voice was stern and Mark could feel his pants get tighter and tighter.
“What if I don’t want to?” You coyly eyed him, still stubborn and unwilling to give in as easily as you knew Mark hoped you would.
With a firm grip on your chin, he was clearly losing his patience with you. "Don't make me repeat myself again. Get on your knees," he demanded with less composure than before. Reluctantly, you complied, but your gaze held a sparkle of mischievousness, indicating your satisfaction at successfully getting under his skin.
Your hands moved at a tortuously slow speed as you undressed him, knowing that it would be more fuel to the fire already ignited within him. This cat-and-mouse game you seemed to be dragging Mark into was entertaining you like nothing else before. Any previous anxiety and worry you had regarding Taeyong were not even thoughts in your mind right now, as you were fully occupied with pushing Mark to the edge. Pissed-off Mark seemed to be your favorite version of him, and it was a shame that it took three years for you to be graced with its presence, but better late than never.
You must have underestimated Mark though as you suddenly felt pressure on your clit. His foot had flexed up roughly against your pussy reminding you of who was in charge. You were biting back your moans as he seemed to have no plans of moving his foot while you finally got his pants off. Yanking his underwear down with the pants, his dick instantly freed, almost smacking your face.
"Fuck, Mark," you marveled at the sight. Even from the day you met him, you couldn’t deny (no matter how much you wanted to) that Mark was beautiful, but now it was fully confirmed that he was indeed absolute perfection.
With his cock glistening and tip pulsing red, your ears twitched as you felt yourself getting even further dazed with arousal. Your hands hesitantly wrapped themselves around his length and you heard a small groan release from within him. Your hands were incredibly soft and nothing compared to anything Mark had previously experienced. The slow strokes became increasingly faster and with wide eyes, you inched your head towards his slit before tentatively dipping your tongue in his slit.
“Shit, keep going.” He instructed and you could hear his breaths get more erratic the more you started to use your tongue.
You ran your tongue over the underside of his shaft before returning to his head wrapping your mouth around it. Mark was insanely receptive as you could feel his tail once again swiftly moving around your body the further you sank down his length. Once you could feel him hitting the back of your throat, you started to guide yourself back and forth, adopting a steady pace. Your hands moved to work in tandem with your mouth around what your mouth couldn’t reach.
With hollowed cheeks and reddened eyes that stared straight into his, just the sight alone could have him cumming. His hand rested gently against the back of your head and as he felt more and more pleasure, his hips started to penetrate deeper into your mouth. Then all of a sudden, Mark felt your teeth gently scraping against his dick which instantly had him harshly grabbing a hold of your hair and ripping you off his length.
Your head was pulled all the way back, almost straining your neck, but the only thing you could do was giggle at his reaction once you saw his face. With a stern warning he gave you with his eyes, you were shoved back down his cock with even more force than before. He mercilessly fucked your mouth and your claws dug deep into his thighs, yet he couldn’t care less. Deep grunts and lewd noises of you gagging and choking around him filled the room as tears drenched your face. You were sopping wet by now and in attempts to find some relief, you grinded down against his foot.
“Fuck, almost there,” he moans, and with one last deep thrust, you feel spurts of his cum painting your throat.
You try your best to swallow his load, but it’s too much as some seep out from the corner of your mouth and after what seems like forever, Mark pulls you off of him. Deep gasps come from you as you try your best to catch your breath, but it seems like he has no intentions of stopping as you’re quickly yanked up from the floor and thrown on the bed.
“Look at this,” Mark held your legs open wide as he examined your drenched pussy. “I mean you were grinding against my feet so fucking hard. You liked getting off against my feet? Fucking nasty whore. I mean that’s fucking embarrassing how desperate you are”
“Fuck, off.” You angrily spat out while you attempted to close your legs. It was indeed humiliating that Mark was making you feel and act like this.
He smirked at your words, "Oh yeah? You really want me to fuck off? Cause I will, I mean I already got my fix, no need to continue on." Panic instantaneously coursed through you at his suggestion to leave you like this, and without hesitation, you desperately reached for his wrist, holding him from leaving you.
"Wait, no. Mark, please," you begged. You knew he was getting off on this control he had over you, but you couldn’t really care less. There was only one thing you wanted right now, and you would do just about anything to get it.
“Why? I don’t owe you anything. All you’ve ever done for me was treat me like shit. Maybe you should’ve been a better kitty then.” You were losing your mind the more seconds went by he wasn’t touching you.
“Please Mark, I’m sorry.” Your eyes welled up, frantically begging for him. “I’ll do anything, please. I promise.”
As sadistic as it was, Mark couldn’t help but absolutely love seeing you like this. You looked helpless and desperate. “Anything?”
You furiously nodded. “Yes! Anything, Mark. Please, touch me. Use me!”
“So you’d let me choke you or do this?” He pinched your nipples hard and despite the pain, you continued to nod. “What about this? You like this?” Mark’s hand traveled down to your tail and tugged on it. Tails on hybrids were known to be off-limits to others as it was one of the most sensitive parts of your body so to have Mark do this to you was not only demeaning but also overwhelming, but you still nodded.
“Hmm, maybe you really are willing to let me do anything. What about here? Will you let me use it?” His thumb rubbed against the rim of virgin hole. You’ve had sex plenty of times but never had you ventured to have your rear penetrated.
Your already widened eyes grew even bigger at what Mark was insinuating, clearly taken aback by the feeling of his thumb. It was an unfamiliar sensation, but this didn’t necessarily mean that you were against it. Slowly, you nodded, letting out a soft whine at the new sensation that you were growing to enjoy.
“Please Mark, give me anything.” Your answer clearly satisfied him as he moved to rest his cock, which had hardened again, on your heat.
Smacking the head of his dick against your clit had you loudly moaning and without warning, he fully plunged into you, giving you no respite to adjust to his hard length before pounding himself into you. Squelching noises filled the room and while you would have most definitely been embarrassed if this was any other scenario, you were a little too preoccupied with screaming Mark’s name loudly as you felt indescribable pleasure.
Mark seemed to be sharing a similar sentiment to yours as he also let out loud moans and grunts as he continued to snap into you. You felt heavenly, so warm and tight, almost as if you were made specially for him and if he could, Mark would want to stay buried inside of you for the rest of his life.
“Ngh, so good! Please don’t stop!” You were practically screaming as your claws sunk themselves into Mark’s back in an attempt to hold onto something. You were incoherent and babbling all sorts of things.
Suddenly, when you thought you couldn’t feel any better, you felt the rough pads of Mark’s fingers roughly rubbing themselves against your engorged clit. Instantly, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and it didn’t take long before you felt as if the Earth was stuttering on its axis as you came.
Tears poured down your pretty face as you sobbed, but it seemed as though Mark was not through with you. Swiftly, he flipped you around, yanking your tail up, which had you shrieking in sensitivity. Your ass immediately perked up while your body slumped forward, completely at his mercy.
“Look at you, so pretty in submission.” You could hear him smiling as he teased you. He admired your pussy, so puffy and glistening from your orgasm before gathering your release onto his fingers and spreading them on your unbreached hole.
All you could do was gasp against your mattress at the sensation, clearly aware of what he was trying to do. Slowly, he prodded his finger into the hole, testing the waters on how you would react before going further. You were trembling against his finger, mewling out as your hands tightly gripped the sheets on his bed. The mix of vulnerability and excitement overwhelmed you, and you couldn't deny the pleasure that was slowly building within you.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, I’m barely able to get this finger in. How’re you going to be able to take my cock princess?” Quickly you whined back at his words.
“Mhm, I can ugh, I can take it. I promise.” You’re barely able to breathe out before you went back to being a moaning mess as Mark started to move his finger around.
Mark loved how receptive you were to everything he was doing to you. Deciding to try another one, he slowly slid another finger into your incredibly taut hole. You were clenching hard around him, but the second his hands wrapped around your tail again, you seemed to loosen up, which gave him room to scissor his fingers around.
“Please, just put it in. I need you, Mark please!” Your patience was waning and while you appreciated his attempts to loosen you up, knowing that it was not only your first time but also due to his substantial size, you were tired of waiting and now just wanted him in you.
Mark didn’t need to be told twice and he quickly yanked his fingers out before positioning himself on your pulsating hole. He gradually pushed into you and instantly, the tightness around his head had him rolling his head back. As he pushed himself further into you, your whimpers got louder as your back arched further to get closer to him. It was painful and an unfamiliar sensation, but the pleasure outweighed any other feeling and you were determined to take him all.
“Shit, you’re so fucking tight around me babe.” Mark mused as he finally sunk all of himself into you before pausing for a second to take everything in. Then, he started to rock himself at a slow pace before adopting a steady pace that was comfortable for both of you.
Once again, lewd sounds of moans and pants filled the room that was potently covered in the scent of sex. Your body quivered against his with his tight grip was the only thing keeping your body from fully slumping over. As you felt yourself loosening up, you felt Mark quickening his pace as he was now pounding relentlessly into you. His balls were harshly slapping themselves against your sensitive clit and you already felt yourself coming close to releasing for a second time tonight.
“Keep going, I’m close! Don’t stop!” You pleaded and it seemed that Mark was also coming close to combusting as you felt him tightly gripping your shoulders to give himself more momentum to thrust into you.
Ringing in your ears came first before everything seemed to cut to white noise as you felt yourself convulsing. You weren’t even sure if you were even awake, let alone alive as the sensation continued. As Mark continued to slam into you, chasing his release, he felt spurts of wetness coming from you. You were squirting and at the realization, Mark instantly came. Ropes of his cum painted your inside and when he finally pulled out, the sight alone was filthy and absolutely porn-worthy. Your hole continued to clench over nothing and his cum slowly seeped out creating an image that Mark knew he would have forever ingrained in his mind.
You had gone fully limp on the bed, with only small twitches giving an indication that you were, in fact, still alive. Mark had completely fucked you into oblivion, and not a single ounce of your previous bratty attitude seemed to have withstood as you didn't even bat an eye when Mark wrapped his arms around you both, trying to recover and catch your breath.
“Guys, I’m here! I’m so sorry, the rain had everyone—what the fuck!” Out of nowhere, the door to the room slammed open, showcasing your owner standing drenched from the rain and sporting a wide smile that quickly disappeared at the sight his two hybrids were found in. Shit, both of you had totally forgotten about Taeyong.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: happy birthday mark lee love you sm and stay rawr xd <3
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Headache Ⅳ (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Summary: You're bored and Tony won't let you leave the building unless you bring a babysitter with you. Warnings: ig kinda mean wanda Previous Part
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A week with the avengers and you’re already bored. They haven’t let you go on missions or leave the building yet, so you’ve been relying on your friends’ class notes. All you’ve been doing is training, studying, playing video games, and attempting to prank Wanda. She was always one step ahead of you. Scaring you before you could jump out the corner to scare her, using her powers to flip the bucket of ice water and making you spill it all over yourself, and worse of all, predicting the punchline of your jokes before you could get to them.
You learned of her mind reading capabilities when you called her stupid in your head and she rid you of your blanket privileges. She was super sensitive to lame insults, you noticed. It was either that or shoving you against walls was just enjoyable to her.
The one time she was tolerable was during your occasional drinking nights with Peter, and sometimes Pietro. She was touchy, but not mean. Kind of. Last night was one of those nights, and Wanda had gotten the most wasted out of all of you, leading you to call it a night a little earlier.
You wake up to a gentle pushing on your cheek. Peaking an eye open, you break into a smile at the sight of your cat. “Hey, little buddy” You whisper to him, adjusting your position on the floor. He meows back, continuing to paw at you. Pain pierces through your head when you push yourself off the floor. You probably shouldn’t have drunk half your weight in vodka.
A groan comes from the bed in the corner of the room when the chair you were using you hold yourself up creaks loudly. Your eyes widen when you see Wanda gagging with her upper half leaning off the bed. Rushing to get the bin, you speed towards her, placing the trash can under her before she could puke all over her floor. Wanda clutches the bin while you hold her hair back.
“Let it all out.” You attempt to comfort her while your own head’s spinning. She groans after emptying the contents of her stomach, rolling onto her back.
“I’m never drinking again.” Wanda groans while you laugh, taking the bin to the bathroom and dumping its contents into the toilet.
“Do we have training today?” You peek your head out of the bathroom while washing your hands.
“No practice on Saturdays.” She finally gets up, walking towards you.
You’re brushing your teeth as she looks in the mirror, fixing her hair. Spitting the toothpaste out, you ask, “Can I leave the building yet?”
She shrugs, making eye contact with you through the mirror, “You’re gonna have to ask Steve or Tony.”
You groan. Becca has been on your ass about your whereabouts the past 7 days, and you’re running out of excuses. Also, you missed her. The team is great, but you’ve only known them for a week. Plus, you’d rather not cross paths with Steve again. He’s lectured you more times than you could count.
Finishing up, you wash your face and leave Wanda to do her business. You bend down to take out a random black camisole and sweatpants out of your bag and place them on the desk, back cracking as you straightened back up. Wanda refused to let you keep your clothes in her closet, so you had to make do until you got your own room.
You didn’t really know where you stood with her, you hadn’t fully warmed up to each other yet. She still hasn’t let you sleep on the couch. Even drunk, she pushed you to the floor when she caught you falling asleep on her sacred sofa. You couldn’t be assed to argue at the time, but as you're twisting and turning your torso, attempting to rid the pain in your back, you wish you did.
Walking to the nightstand, you check the time on Wanda’s phone. She confiscated yours as a ‘security protocol’, but you think she just wanted to fuck with you. Ignoring the feeling of eyes on you, you sigh and lift your shirt over your head, groaning when you realize you left your clothes on the desk. When you turn, you find Wanda standing outside the bathroom. She looks you up and down, smirking at your blush as you walk to get your clothes.
“Uh, can you turn around?” You curl into yourself, attempting to cover up your body.
The brunette rolls her eyes, “This is my room, you can’t tell me what to do.”
Your blush deepens, “You can’t be serious.”
Wanda doesn’t move from her spot, shrugging. You groan and leave the room, closing the door behind you and taking off your pants. You’re mumbling curses under your breath when a gasp catches your attention. Peter and Natasha are standing at the end of the hallway. The former with his hand over his eyes, a deep blush covering his face. Natasha smirks as she drags Peter by his arm, walking past you and turning a corner. Sighing, you lean against the door, pulling up your pants when suddenly you’re falling forward.
Wanda looks down at you, flat on your face with your pants halfway up. “Fucking bit-”
You don’t even get to finish before you’re being lifted and pushed into a wall. “I dare you to finish that sentence.”
“Why are you always abusing me?” You pout, attempting to turn around and look at her when she pushes your face further into the wall.
“Apologize.” She grits out.
You’re about to retort when you remember you have to talk to Tony. Reluctantly, you mumble out an apology and Wanda turns you around to face her, smirking, “Good girl.”
She pulls your pants up, tapping your reddened cheek and walking back into her room.
What the fuck.
“Come in!” You push past the door of Tony’s lab, taking in all the machines and holograms around the room. You hadn’t actually gotten a chance to get a good look at everything during your failed heist. “What’s up?” Tony turns to you, blowtorch in hand. Eyes widening, you slowly back up, “Uh, I just wanted to ask if I could leave the building-”
“What! Why?”
“You’re not exactly the most trustworthy person.”
“Untrue! I saw Peter pick his nose once and I haven’t told anyone!”
“You literally just told me.”
You grab Tony’s shoulders, moving him back and forth and pleading, voice raising in pitch.
He groans, grabbing both your wrists, “Jesus, Fine.”
“But you have to bring Wanda with you.”
Your face drops, “Peter can come with me.”
Tony shakes his head, “He wouldn’t be able to catch you if you ran, plus you’re all buddy-buddy with him.”
“Okay, fine, but on one condition,”
He raises an eyebrow.
“Can you get me an automatic cat food dispenser, or install one, or hire someone to feed my cat.”
He laughs, “Don’t let Steve find your cat, and sure.”
You internally celebrate, rushing out and back towards Wanda’s room. “Hey, Wanda-” Pushing open the door, you catch the witch sitting on the couch with you laptop on her lap. You grab your laptop and place it in your backpack before she could blink.
One hand on your hip, you stare at her, waiting for an explanation. After a beat of silence, you finally ask, “What were you doing on my laptop?”
Wanda’s eyes dart around the room, looking everywhere but you, mumbling something under her breath.
“I wanted to play the game I saw you playing earlier.”
You tilt your head, eyebrows furrowing in confusion before she groans, “The one where you fight zombies and stuff.”
“Resident evil?”
“Not that one.”
“Call of duty?”
“Left for dead?”
“No it was like, ugh I don’t know! Like, it had skeletons and I saw a pig.”
Your eyes light up in realization, “Minecraft?”
Wanda slaps her hands together, “That’s the one!”
You laugh, shaking your head and moving towards your bag to take out cat food. “I’ll let you play, if you come out with me tonight.”
Your cat approaches you when he hears the bag rustle, and you exit the room for a second to pour the food in his bowl. Wanda refused to let you keep the litter box and food bowl in her room, which was fair.
You walk back in, finding Wanda wide-eyed on the couch, “Like, on a date?”
Your eyebrows shoot up, “No! Nothing like that. Tony said I could go out if you came as a babysitter.”
Wanda deflates, “Oh, sure yeah.”
You take your laptop out again, moving to take a seat next to Wanda. You’re explaining how the game works when you get an email from your roommate and best friend, Becca, jokingly asking if you’re gonna bail on the hangout. You quickly type out a reply, ‘im coming. bringing a friend,’ You pause for a moment before continuing, ‘best regards.’
Wanda’s lips tilt upwards at you considering her a friend despite her behavior towards you. “Why is she emailing you?” You raise an eyebrow, “You took my phone. Remember?” Her mouth forms an ‘O’ shape before reaching her hand behind the couch cushions, bringing your phone up and handing you it. You snatch your phone from her hand, rolling your eyes. “Asshole,” You stiffen, only relaxing when you realize Wanda hadn’t heard, “Uhm, okay, so you make these tools…”
Wanda was horrible. It took her an hour and a half to finally get used to the walking controls and crafting, kind of. “This is a stupid game.” She whines as the respawn screen pops up for the millionth time. Glancing at the corner of the screen, you curse as you jump up. “We need to get ready. Can you call Peter and ask him if he’s busy?”
You change your clothes, not caring about Wanda seeing you. She had already seen you in your underwear so there was no point.
Wanda hums, makes no move to pick up her phone.
You roll your eyes when you catch her staring, “Can you stop being a creep and call Peter. Invite Pietro if you want.”
The silhouettes of your friends become clearer as you approach the location on your phone. Wanda’s bows furrow when she sees that it's an abandoned construction site, awkwardly parking the car. You and Peter rush out of the car, excitedly hugging your friends. Peter had invited Ned and MJ, while you had Becca. The twins weren’t as popular as the rest of the avengers, so you didn’t worry about your friends recognizing them. Wanda and Pietro stepped out of the vehicle and approached your group.
“Guys! This is Wanda, and this is her brother, Pietro.”
Exchanging pleasantries, you all start walking towards the building. Wanda turns towards you, “Why are we here? Is this just your normal hangout spot-” Her eyes widen when you shush her, placing a finger on her lips, “All will be revealed, little witch.”
You were all sat in a circle inside the abandoned building, the flashlights of your phones illuminating the room. Ned and Becca sat on either side of you, with the twins, Peter and MJ sat across. “Silence!” You clap your hands together, continuing when everybody turns their attention towards you, “Rumor has it, this building was the site of satanic…occult? Cult? Whatever, you get me. Rituals!”
Wanda smiles in amusement, winking when you make eye contact.
“Uhm, okay. Uh,” Becca tilts her head at your blush, “Anyways! We will be contacting the spirits present here.”
Becca chimes in, lifting a bottle of water, “I brought holy water with me!”
You and her planned this thing together, and holy water was never mentioned. Taking the bottle from her, you pop open the cap and take a sip. Becca laughs when you attempt to stop yourself from making a face, “Wow, okay. Glad you brought vodka to a fucking demon ritual.”
Ignoring you, Becca takes out a ouija board from her bag and places it in the middle of the circle. Wanda’s eyes light up as she turns towards her brother.
“Alright, everybody put your hands on the pointer thing.” You say while placing your hands first, everybody following after you. “Spirits, ghosts, beings, entities, and everything else, if you are here, move the…puck thing.” Becca is about to laugh when suddenly the pointer moves towards ‘yes’. Peter looks around, wide eyed, while Wanda and Pietro are oddly calm. “Uhm, okay uh. Jesus.” You wipe the sweat off your forehead, “Are you evil?” Everybody gasps as it circles around ‘yes’. Quinn pushes on your shoulder, “Can we stop?” You roll your eyes, “No. Alright, what’s my name?” You all look in confusion when it moves to the wrong letters. You read them out,
“H-E-I-S-E-N-B-E-R-G? Heisenberg.”
Peter, Ned, and Becca all break out into laughter, removing their hands from the board while you and the rest look at each other in confusion until Becca explains the reference.
Becca gasps, “Weren’t we supposed to say goodbye before we took our hands off-” The phone lights flicker, and a banging sounds behind you. You screech, jumping into Becca’s arms, “What the fuck!” You tuck your head into her neck when the lights flicker again. Your friend wraps her arms around you in an iron grip, just as scared as you. You don’t catch the red mist dissipating off the board.
The banging stops, and the lights don’t flicker. You detach yourself from your friend, standing up. MJ slaps her hands on her thighs before getting up, “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” You all agree, turning to rush out of the building. Every little sound was making you jump as you exited the building. Wanda sneaks up behind you,
A blood curdling scream comes out of you as you turn, your hand clutching at your heart. Your glare does nothing to the witch. Wanda fakes a look of pity as she pulls you into a hug, “Aw, are you scared? I’ll protect you, baby.”
“You literally are the reason I’m scared!” You whine, lightly shoving her off of you. For the rest of the night, you were attached to at least one person from the group. Wanda was growing irritated watching you hang on to everyone's arm except hers, and everybody could tell. Becca was holding onto your hand when she caught a glimpse of Wanda, jealousy radiating off of her.
She gave her a knowing look, “My hands are getting sweaty, hold someone else’s hand.” She shakes you off of him, ignoring your whine and pushing you towards Wanda. You didn’t want to hold onto her since all she did until now was torment and scare you, but everybody else already got a turn.
Wanda beams when you hold onto her arm, smiling when Becca shoots her a wink. She blushes when she feels you squeezing her bicep.
After getting burgers and circling the area for a while, you land back at Wanda’s car. MJ and Peter continue the path alone as Ned bids everyone a goodbye.
“Hey!” Becca approaches you, “You coming back? I know you have that thing with your grandma but I miss your company.”
Deflating a little, you shake your head, “Not for a while, I’m sorry.” She was your best friend, your laptop wallpaper was a picture of her, “I’ll tell you if I do, though.” You add.
She leans in to kiss your cheek, “Alright. Stop ignoring my texts, at least.”
Your eyes stay on her as she walks away, slightly frowning. Wanda wraps her arm around your shoulder, ushering you to the back seat. “I miss my life.” You sigh, leaning against the window as Pietro and Wanda enter the car. She looks at you from the rearview window, “You’ll get used to it.”
Pietro twists his body to turn towards you, “Who knows, maybe you’ll get to go back to your dorm in like a couple months.”
“Maybe.” You pick at your cuticles. A couple months. Here. You could do that.
Just a couple of months.
Next part
A/N: my new fic is depressing so i figured id update this cute little one, thank you for reading!
Comment if you wanna get added to the tag list.
Tags : @sgm616
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 month
Muzan with a demon that constantly changes to suit their needs (like if evolution was simple and easy to do). if they needed to get away very fast, they'll sprout wings and fly home. If they need to get something in the water they'll become scaley & fishy and breath water.
Seeing as Muzan hates change and has stated so... What if their s/o was like that?
Shape shifter
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Paring: Muzan x Demon!Gender neutral reader
Synopsis: Muzan hates your shape-shifting (to a certain extent because I wanna make it cute)
Content: reader is a shape-shifting demon, mean Muzan, some wholesome moments, soft muzan (a little), reader taking on/turning into animal like forms, my stupid humor, Muzan being a cat person.
Word count: 0.6♡
A/n: AHHH THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA OMG. I'm gonna write it in headcanons :3
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Muzan. Who hates your shape-shifting at random times. Muzan, you and gyokko heard there was a magic lake that healed humans without any medicated water. You heard the rumors, so it was your job to take Muzan and Gokko there. Muzan was about to order Gyokko to do a search drive in the lake but you, decided to take it upon yourself to dive in with the appearance of a half fish half woman, almost like a mermaid to start the search. "They're good!" Gyokko said and looked at Muzan, who's now shaking his head in filtration.
They watched you emerge from out of the water and swim back to Muzan. "I didn't find anything- AHHH!!" You screamed as Muzan began to throw salt on you, knowing full well how sea creatures react to salt. "Change back! Now!" Muzan said, and gyokko tried to stop Muzan, but he also got hit with salt as well.
Muzan. Who will take advantage of your useful blood demon when nessacary. Nakime fell ill, and Muzan needed to get somewhere quickly due to his busy schedule. When you heard your boyfriend master Muzan, needed to get somewhere quickly, the frist thing you decided to do was shape-shift yourself into a harpy. You flew, holding Muzan's arms with your claws and you looked down to see his grumpy/annoyed expression.
"That bird version of hantengu taught you how to do this, didn't he?" Muzan asked, and you nodded happy. "Yes, his name is Urogi," you said to Muzan, but he scoffed. "Yeah. You smell like him, too. Fucking disgusting" he said. You weren't paying attention and ended up crashing into the tree.
Muzan. Who needed you to catch a really fast slayer with yellow hair. The reason? Muzan couldn't stand the bright color, and so you got down on all fours, shape shifting to have the appearance of a cheetah. "When I said get him, I didn't mean like that!" Muzan shouted as you ran off and already stressed out with how stupid you look.
You stopped running and sat down exactly like a big cat. "So... should I turn into a car? I don't think I can do that," you said, bringing your paw to your chin to think meanwhile the yellow haired slayer had run away further. "GO FUCKING GET HIM" Muzan screamed.
Muzan. Who arrived at the main spot in the infinitely castle where upper moon meetings are held. "Oh wow! You really did it! Look at that Akaza-dono," Douma said. They hadn't noticed Muzan's arrival yet, and he raised his brow, moving a bit closer to see what Douma and Akaza were so invested in. Muzan noticed you used your blood demon art to shape shifts into a small cat.
He didn't even know you could ever do that, especially at this tiny size. "Mm. I didn't think you could do it. Good job, I love cats." Akaza was about to pet you when he realized his own hand had fallen to the ground next to you after being severed. "Huh?" Akaza and Douma said, relaxing that you were also gone. They look behind them and froze in fear.
"How dare you touch my significant other," Muzan said, his voice rough as he glares at Akaza and Douma. Before they could explain themselves, they heared loud purring sounds. "...Master. I think you've taken alike to one of your significant other appearances" Kokushibo leaned down to Muzan's height, snapping him out of it to realize his thumb was rubbing your cheek. When muzan realized what he was doing, he just dropped you.
"Idiotic is what it is.." he said angrily and walked away with you still as a cat following him. However, the upper 3 could see Muzan actually found this form cute since they got a glimpse of the blush on his cheeks.
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heartofjasmina · 9 months
pro hero!Katuski who loves and hates texting with gardner!reader.
he loves your sense of humor when you send him these little messages every morning, checking in on him and telling him to have a good day and to not die-- usually followed by the worst puns he ever heard.
When is a door not a door?
when goldilocks? the nickname had started when he commented your house was just right. not too big, not too small, not too fancy but not too plain, just right.
When its ajar!!
the absurdity of it makes him chuckle every time, and he always texts you back with the answer and a reminder that you should stick to gardening. you always send back a laughing emoji.
he hates when you send him attachments, photos of new flowers that bloom over the course of the summer, pictures that include you in those goddamn sundresses. Sundresses that hug your breasts and make him pop a boner in his costume when he's getting dressed for patrol (much to Denki and Kirishima's amusement).
one time you even sent him a video of you dancing around with the cat, shaking your ass in that damn dress while moving Artemis' paws to make it look like the cat was dancing too.
We hope to see you soon! The peonies need to be tied up and Artemis misses you.
He hated to admit it, but he'd jacked off to your pictures and videos more times than he could count. he was not going to pressure you in any way, but the desire he felt was overwhelming. You always smelled of lilies-- he knew your skin would be just as soft as a petal. He wanted to fuck you right, be the man of your house and protect both of you for the rest of his days.
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wheeboo · 5 months
the secret life of jun | wen junhui
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SYNOPSIS. in which jun gets set up on a blind date by his best friend. PAIRING. zoolinguist!wen junhui x gn!reader (ft. minghao, gyu the golden retriever, boo the duckling, and lil mentions of some members as their representative animals. not hybrids.) GENRE. fluff, humour, kinda strangers to lovers, magic-realism au WARNINGS. cursing, jun just being a very cute awkward shy boy :(, my first attempt at something remotely magic/fantasy WORD COUNT. 3k
notes: this is for the caratlibrary secret gift exchange event! and therefore, this gift is for @phenomenalgirl9 who also gifted a fic for me hehe. i hope you enjoy <3 this is also my first time writing something remotely fantasy/magic, so... feedback is welcome! ty to my lovely moots who read this over for me ^^
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"Jun! Can you tell your dog to get the fuck off me?" Minghao attempts to shove away the ever-persistent golden retriever pawing and licking at his face, but Jun doesn't seem to hear, seemingly engrossed on something else entirely in the kitchen.
Minghao just groans annoyedly, and just as he's about to call out for his best friend's name again, a thought crosses his mind. A sort-of stupid one that he knows won't work, but he'll try it out anyway.
He brings a hand up, watching the dog follow it with curiosity, and he points to the ground while firmly saying, "Down."
Unfortunately, the dog only tilts his head inquisitively, as if dazed and confused by the action, before relentlessly pouncing on the boy again, and all he could do is surrender himself to the attack of excitement. Right, he thinks, these animals don't exactly understand him normally.
Jun finally emerges from the kitchen after what feels like an eternity, a black cat cuddled gently in his arms, lightly running his fingers through its fur carefully. When he picks his head up, he could only chuckle at the sight in front of him. Minghao only rolls his eyes, shooting a playful glare to his best friend who only seems amused.
"Your dog is a menace," Minghao declares, wiping away the slobber from his face.
"Come on! Gyu just likes you."
"I'm not sure I share the sentiment right now," Minghao replies almost coldly, perhaps even half-jokingly, attempting to regain his composure.
Jun just sighs and sends out a whistle from his lips to get the dog's attention. And with a subtle look from just his eyes, as if sending a silent signal, Gyu hops off the couch and trots over to Jun, letting out a few barks in response.
"He says he doesn't like your attitude today," Jun translates, setting the cat in his hands down on the floor. "but he's forgiven you."
"Gee, thanks," Minghao scoffs and crosses his arms together, still trying to maintain a façade of irritation, though it's quite easy to see right through it.
He watches for some time as Jun crouches down to the dog's level, the two of them communicating in a way he knows he can never understand, but is grown to be amazed by every time. It isn't a secret that he knows that his own best friend can communicate with animals, as strange as that might sound (because... it's true), but it's a fact he's fully accepted.
Jun probably has more animal friends than human friends at this point. He's made friends with the birds at the park, the stray cats that roam the streets, a deer that comes to visit occasionally behind his place, an otter that frequents at a nearby pond, hell even one of the tigers at the zoo𑁋the list goes on.
And not to exactly complain, but he also really wants Jun to find a fucking partner.
Not that it's a bad thing Jun isn't seeing anyone, and it totally isn't the entire reason why Minghao is here right now. He has tried to set Jun up on dates, but the older boy almost always manages to find some excuse or simply doesn't show up, claiming he got caught up in a conversation with a stray cat or a butterfly on the way. Or the date ends up in disaster with a chase down the street of the neighbourhood raccoons stealing food.
But then again, that's Jun for you𑁋unpredictable.
"One more date."
Jun raises his head, and the moment he sees that particular smirk to Minghao's face, he groans.
"Oh, come on, just one more," Minghao insists. "I promise you'll like them. They're an animal lover."
"Just because they're an animal lover doesn't mean𑁋"
"You're either going to be drinking 'till you're absolutely couch-ridden on new year's because you're single and lonely again, or you could be celebrating with someone special. Your call, dude."
Jun finds his face flushing out of embarrassment, scratching absentmindedly behind Gyu's ears as Minghao's words wash over him. Then his features soften, and he lets out a sigh.
"Fine," he relents. "One more."
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Shit, he's screwed. The minute Minghao told him the date would be happening in the middle of the park where he often chatted with the local squirrels and ducks, Jun knew this already wouldn't end well.
He also had quite the love-hate relationship with blind dates𑁋or dates in general, to be honest𑁋and the thought of meeting a stranger made his palms sweat even with the cold threatening through his thick coat (he's convinced that Minghao is pulling anyone out of his ass at this point).
The park is covered with a light blanket of snow, the trees standing tall and glowing with strings of fairy lights against the grey winter sky. Jun shivers in place and adjusts the scarf around his neck, partially from the cold and partially from the impending awkwardness he anticipates.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for being late! The traffic was awful coming here and I got a bit lost..."
The voice is frantic and panicky to Jun's ears akin to his equally panicking heart, who turns around to a figure rushing up to him, covered in layers and letting out misty breaths that appear in the air.
"It's okay," Jun says, voice coming out a bit awkward. He offers a reassuring smile. "I'm, uh... Jun, by the way."
"Y/N," You say, relieved as you finally catch your breath and look up at him with a cute grin. "I'm so sorry for being late. I hope you weren't waiting for too long."
"Oh, not at all. I... just got here as well." It's a bit of a white lie𑁋he was beginning to worry you ditched him, honestly. Jun feels his hands fidget in his pockets nervously, yet he sees the ease that washes over your features at his words, and he relaxes slightly. There's something about the way you carry yourself and the slight blush on your cheeks from the cold that eases some of his tension.
And maybe, just maybe, his heart stutters a little at your smile, like a startled butterfly in his chest. Did the lights at the park grow brighter?
"Would you like to, uh, maybe grab some hot chocolate?" Jun suggests, gesturing towards the small, lit up kiosk nestled in the corner of the park that seemed quite busy with customers. "It can help... warm you up."
Your eyes light up to his words, grinning. "That sounds perfect, actually."
As you both walk towards the kiosk, the air seems to crackle with a nervous energy Jun hadn't expected. Despite the awkwardness gnawing at him, he can't deny the strange sense of hope fluttering in his stomach, somewhat like a small bird unsure of its flight. He's not the best at dates and probably never will be, but for some reason, feeling this sort of apprehension is unlike anything else he's felt. It's not uncomfortable per se, but more... exciting?
The two of you stand in the back of the line, shoulder-to-shoulder, hands tucked deep in your pockets and sharing silences punctuated by the occasional nervous giggle when your eyes meet. The line at the kiosk is surprisingly long, a mix of bundled-up families with laughing children and young couples warming their hands around steaming plastic cups.
When your shoulder brushes against his, Jun freezes for a moment, feeling a warmth spreading through him that has nothing to do with the hot chocolate. He steals a glance at you, finding your gaze already on him, and there's a shy smile that you both share before you look away first.
Then Jun notices it𑁋you're shivering.
It's almost imperceptible at first, a slight tremor running through your shoulders as you shift your weight from foot to foot. He hesitates for a moment, then a nervous breath leaves him. Fuck it.
Without a word, he unravels the wooly scarf from around his neck and drapes it over you, fingers lingering for just a moment longer than necessary as he adjusts it comfortably. You blink up at Jun with wide eyes.
"Sorry I, uh... noticed you were cold," he mumbles, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
You glance at him, surprise evident in your eyes, and then you chuckle. "Are you sure? I don't want you to freeze."
"I'll be alright," Jun just assures calmly, though the chill creeping up his neck is a bit hard to hide now.
The line moves forward, and soon you're ordering hot chocolate for the both of you. Jun pays for both, insisting with a small nod when you attempt to pull out your wallet.
As Jun and you clutch the steaming cups, the warmth radiating through the thin plastic felt almost comforting. The park bustles around you, but with each sip, the outside world seems to fade away, leaving only the diffident hum of conversation and the fluttering hope that dances between you.
"So, uh, what kind of animals do you like?" Jun asks, trying to break the ice as you both trail down an empty path close to the icy pond nearby. He's not exactly smooth with conversation, but he figures asking about your supposed love for animals is a safe bet. "I've been told you like them."
Your eyes light up as you take a swift, long sip of the hot chocolate, the warmth quickly spreading through you.
"Oh, all kinds!" You answer eagerly. "I volunteer at an animal shelter not that far from here and take care of the injured ones. I have a lot of pets at home too𑁋a hamster, a dog, a few cats, a rabbit... How about you?"
You spoke so quickly that Jun could barely register it all, but he can't help but grin at your enthusiasm. It’s almost infectious.
"Wow, I have, uh... a dog and a cat at home... Gyu and Woozi are their names," Jun replies slowly, almost unsurely.
"That's really cute!" You tell him, catching the way the corners of his lips crinkle up just slightly and how he has to angle his face down just to hide it. "My hamster's name is Hoshi! My dog is Minnie, my rabbit is Hannie, and my cats are Wonu, Nonie..."
Listening to you list your pets' names and some of the ones you've taken care of at the shelter makes Jun feel just a tiny bit lighter with each step he takes with you, and also from the way your eyes sparkle with every word you spoke. He finds himself letting out giggles at your stories of Hoshi's escape attempts and Min's stubborn streak, and for the first time in a long time, he feels truly comfortable, truly seen in a way that didn't feel fake.
Yet it doesn't take long for that feeling to falter just slightly. He doesn't know what Minghao exactly told you about him, or if anything at all𑁋how does he explain to you that he can quite literally talk to animals?
He knew that spilling the beans could go one of two ways: either you'd think he was crazy, or you'd be amazed (and maybe even a little scared). He's never exactly revealed it to any person he goes on a date with because, in the end, after a handful of mishap encounters with animals that don't mean to ruin the date, they end up leaving anyway.
Should he tell you? The words dance on his tongue, ready to tumble out, but that unwanted fear of rejection holds him back once again.
But before he can say anything, a squeaky quack pierces through the air, snapping Jun out of his thoughts. He looks down to see a small duckling waddling towards them, its tiny yellow head bobbing with each step. It stops in front of you, tilting its head inquisitively as it looks you up and down curiously, before heading to Jun's feet and quacking loudly.
It's Boo, one of the park's young resident chatterboxes who loves nothing more than socialising and the occasional spread of gossip. Jun had befriended Boo a while back, often sharing stories and snacks by the pond. But what was Boo doing here, and why does he look so worried? Jun could almost hear a frantic heartbeat echoing through the duckling's chest.
Boo lets out a series of rapid quacks. Jun strains to decipher the splurge of words, picking up snippets about stolen food and a local raccoon, and... how one of his siblings is stuck somewhere.
"Oh my gosh, you're so cute!" You exclaim, kneeling down upon noticing the young duck in front of Jun and extending a tentative hand. "What are you doing out here, little one? You're going to freeze."
Jun could only listen as the distraught duck spills its frustration on you. Yet you didn't understand anything, only continuing to coo about how cute the duckling is, and Jun watches as Boo looks up at him with pleading eyes, urging him to do something. He knew he had to act, but he glances at you, still kneeling with outstretched hand at Boo, and his mind races.
Should he explain his... ability to you and risk making you uncomfortable? Or maybe try to handle it on his own, somehow decipher Boo's instructions and lead you on a cryptic animal rescue mission that might look completely bizarre, delusional, and psychotic?
"Do you think it's lost?" You ask worriedly, glancing back up at Jun. And when his gaze catches yours, warm and hopeful in the glow of the fairy lights surrounding you, a surge of determination pulses through him.
Jun only quietly chuckles at Boo's attempts to tell you his name, his tiny feathered body vibrating with slight annoyance, but your gentle cooing and outstretched hand seem to soothe him a little. The sight stirs something deep within him, a warmth that spreads beyond the simple comfort of the hot chocolate from earlier.
"He's not lost," Jun says, his gaze meeting yours. "He's... a friend. And he's telling us a story. Oh, and his name is Boo, by the way."
Your brow furrows in confusion, a tiny crease appearing between your eyes. “You… understand ducks?”
Jun offers a hesitant smile, a knot of anxiety twisting in his stomach. There's no going back now.
“It’s a bit more than that,” he admits sheepishly, watching your expression shift from curious to intrigued. “I can, um, like... sort of talk to animals, I guess. Or they sort of talk to me, basically, yeah..."
The silence that follows is deafening. Jun braces himself for a wave of disbelief, rejection, maybe even a startled shriek. But instead, your eyes widen with awe, a growing smile forms on your lips, and Jun can't quite bring himself to tear his gaze away from you. He'd taken a leap of faith, and you, instead of running for the hills, were looking at him with... wonder?
"Wow, that's..." You breathe, voice hushed with wonder. "I-I mean I always knew that... sort of existed? Like, in research papers and ancient history, but meeting someone who can actually do it is just..."
Jun blinks, a bit taken aback by your reaction.
"You're not... freaked out or anything?" he asks cautiously. "Like... you actually believe me?"
"Jun." You turn to him, shifting so that your knees are slightly touching in the snow. "Minghao told me like... a lot of things, or tried to at least. I mean, at first I found it ridiculous, then I realised that this is Xu Minghao telling me this, and if he's vouching for you, it must be true. And, well... I really wanted to get to know you too."
Oh. "Oh," Jun mutters, cheeks flushing and face burning. Minghao, of course. He should have known his best friend with a 'credible' reputation wouldn't simply set him up on a blind date without throwing him under the bus a little bit. "I mean, it-it's nothing too fascinating. No mind-reading or telepathy exactly, just… understanding their gestures and stuff. It's kind of like learning a new language, you know?"
"Well, can you tell me what Boo is saying then?" You quirk up expectantly, and Jun swears he cannot handle more than five seconds of you peering at him without melting completely. His heart does a little double flip in his chest, landing somewhere around his ankles.
Jun chuckles, a warm sound that feels right at home amidst the snowy air. Then he takes a deep breath, steadying himself under your gaze, before turning his attention back to the little duck at his feet.
"Alright, alright," he teases, ruffling Boo's feathers playfully. "Don't get jealous, little guy. Spill it."
Boo then goes on an insistent frenzy of quacks, and you could only watch in awe as Jun listens carefully, nodding and humming in response. There's a certain magic in the air that you can sense, as if you've stepped right into a fairytale of some sorts. The small duckling then looks up at you with begging eyes, as if seeking your help as well. Jun shoots you a quick glance, and you can see the uncertainty in his eyes.
"He's pretty worked up," he admits, clearing his throat. "He's telling me about a raccoon that stole his flock's food, and... um, one of his siblings is stuck in a log somewhere. I have some food with me, but he wants to find his sibling first. He knows the way."
"Then let's do it," You say, rising to your feet and dusting off the snow on your pants.
Jun hesitates again, staring at you in slight disbelief𑁋you want to come with him? He glances at Boo, who lets out a frustrated quack, urging him to make a decision. Then he looks back at you, your kind eyes holding his own, and suddenly the choice becomes clear.
"Do you trust me?" Jun asks softly, his heart pounding in his chest.
You hold his gaze for a moment, a thoughtful look on your face. Then a smile blooms across your lips, one that reaches your eyes and seems to chase away the worry.
"I trust you," You answer, stretching an open hand towards him.
Jun feels a warmth spread through him, and he grabs your hand in his. Relief and something else courses through him, like excitement and perhaps a bit of fear. You were in, and that was all that mattered.
Boo lets out a triumphant quack, and with him waddling excitedly at your feet, you follow Jun deeper into the park, the fairy lights casting long shadows against the snow-covered ground. It's a strange sight𑁋you walking on one side of Jun and a duckling trotting on the other𑁋but with every step, whatever awkwardness that was lingering seems to melt away.
And maybe, just maybe, something else was blossoming too.
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify
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asterias-record-shop · 10 months
BINGOO! Can you please write a Miguel O’Hara sugar daddy story with prompt 15? I’m not creative enough to write a description for this but could you add a mention of the age gap? Miguel is Like 30 or something. Reader is young and wants money ofc. They met online and are meeting up irl. Thank youu
—𓆩[mi menté, cuerpo, corazón, y alma]𓆪—
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I am so sorry anón honey, I got completely carried away!! I hope you enjoy it though!
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Modern AU! CEO! Sugar Daddy! Soft! Miguel O'Hara x Sugar Baby! Fem! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.1K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You loved being a sugar baby. Truly, you did. The only con was the fact that you had to get with someone who was literally a hair away from dying, so when Miguel found you, it was truly a saving grace. After a while, he made you cut off all of your other sugar daddies, easily matching what they give you and more. Things have gotten weird lately, though… and you’re not sure how to take it, even when he says everything is ‘strictly pleasure’.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing and foul language || obsessive behavior || sugar daddy & sugar baby relationship || possessive! Miguel || his wife and daughter do not exist anymore 🤍 like at all || Latina coded reader || featuring Jessica Drew as another CEO because we love her (spider-verse variant) || sugar daddy & sugar baby relationship turned real relationship || i speak rancho spanish so i write rancho spanish, it ain’t google translate so it might not make sense- || miguel is lowkey an asshole so he is an asshole now || fighting || you make him fix himself || i’m ngl, i don’t know what the hell i did but i had fun and there’s smut so enjoy || this is so much more kinky than it initially was going to be- || kinda OOC Miguel || sub turned dom! reader || sub! Miguel || sounding || cbt || slight oral || praise & degradation || riding || non-protected sex || cumming inside || ending is supposed to be humorous I’m not weird ||
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Finding a sugar daddy that wasn’t quadruple your age was hard. Very, very hard. What was wrong with men? Couldn’t they just become billionaires at twenty-five?
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Oh, but then Miguel O’Hara came along. A man in his early thirties that absolutely towered over you at 6’9”, built like a fucking god with looks to match and wealth to pair.
In the beginning, though, you had your doubts, so many doubts. You didn’t know what made him drawn to you in the first place, mainly because you had over five sugar daddies and he easily matched the prices immediately and made you get rid of them. He easily matched all your prices, doing even more before purchasing a test to make sure you were ‘healthy’.
After that, everything else happened extremely quickly - him buying you a car, jewelry and clothes, but the most recent was having you move in with him in his extremely large mansion. The first thing you noticed was that he had nothing in his home that gave it personality. No pictures, just crazy expensive art and photographs of things that were also crazy expensive.
He didn’t even have plants. Or a dog. Or a cat, something to give him some sort of personality besides that stupidly hot face. And stupidly hot money, but that’s why he was at work while you were at a shelter, promising yourself that you’d take some sort of pet home. You had settled on a kitten, a tuxedo kitten with a little bow tie and a mustache, along with small little mittens on his paws.
He immediately curled in your lap, a giggle falling from your lips as you stroked the back of his head. “I’ll take this one… I’m gonna name him Hart.”
And with that, you took him home. You bought him his own bed and all of the toys he could ever want or need, and you sat in the closet you had made his room as you wagged the cat toy in front of him, Jessica on the phone.
“Y/N, I really think you’re going to kill him bringing that cat into his house!” She laughed, snacking on her latest craving.
“Oh, he won’t! You’re being overdramatic, he’s gonna love Hart,” you wiggle the stick some more, the kitten swatting at it as you heard Miguel’s loud voice yell out for you. “Oh! He’s here, I’ll call you later Jess! Love you!”
“Don’t get killed!”
You giggled as you hung up and quickly stood, running out and fixing your skirt. “Miguel!”
He was tired today, you could tell. His body was more tense than you had ever seen, the buttons at the top of his shirt undone and his tie loose with his blazer open. You paused, his clenched fists making you swallow slightly. You had your share of violent lovers, and you sure as hell weren’t going to have another.
“Hola, mi reina,” he whispered, voice hoarse as he set down his briefcase and his fists unclenched. He softly set his hand on your hip, kissing softly against your temple as he sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s been a tough day.”
You inhaled as he softly pressed kisses down your temple around your eye, along the apple of your cheek. “Wh-What happened?”
He shook his head, his hands going from your hips to the pretty skin of your thighs that was exposed by the skirt. “Stupid idiots who don’t know how to fucking do their job.”
You hummed softly as you stroked the back of his head, twirling the locks of his hair with your fingers as you kissed his sharp jaw. You were already on your tiptoes, his hands supporting you as he ducked down. “I’m so sorry, Miguel,” you whispered as he let out a soft hum. “I uhm… I got something.”
“Ah si?” he responded, his hands slipping under your skirt to tease your pretty cunt. “Es esto, mi reina?”
“No,” you giggled, shaking your head. “Lemme show you.”
He smiled as you dragged him along, pulling him toward the closet you turned into the kitten’s room before turning around. “You can’t get mad.”
He started to cross his arms, raising a brow. “Why would I get mad?”
“You won’t be mad because you can’t. That’s my whole point,” you say, nodding firmly. “Okay?”
“You can’t say I can’t get mad and expect me not to get mad.”
“Oh, shut up!” You laughed, shaking your head as he hummed softly and leaned down. “Just… trust me.”
He hummed again as you opened the door, the loud mews of the kitten making his eyes widen. You felt your smile disappear as you inhaled, shaking your head as you turned around. “This is Hart! He’s a little spy,” you giggled, kissing the kitten’s small head. “H-He was named after-”
“I know who he’s named after, Y/N,” Miguel growled, glaring at the kitten in your hand. “Why is it in my house?”
“Our house,” you correct him, a scoff falling from his lips. “What?”
“My house,” he basically growled, stepping forward as you started to step back. “Just because I fuck you like a ragdoll and cum inside of you like a cumdump doesn’t mean that this is your house.”
You inhaled as you held the kitten closer to your chest, scoffing. “You’re a fucking bastard, Miguel O’Hara. This is strictly business as always, isn’t it? You fucking asshole.”
He scoffed as you went around him, shaking his head. “This is mine, Y/N! All of it!”
“It might be yours, Miguel, but you don’t want it! You keep this giant house full of nothing that you love, nothing that you care for! You don’t even have a damn plant here!” You yelled at him, inhaling as you sent him a glare. “You’re a self absorbed bastard, Miguel.”
“I have you here,” Miguel spoke, something that completely betrayed his previous words. “You’re… all I could ever need.”
“You don’t need me though. The only thing that you fucking need is a damn whore,” you shake your head, keeping Hart close to your chest. “I will get myself a lawyer to get myself out of this contract, and we’ll never have to see each other again.”
“Y/N, wait-”
“No! Fuck you!” You were already rushing to your room - which was sadly one you shared with Miguel - locking it before he could come in after you.
“Y/N, amor… mi amor, I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not!” You yelled, sighing. How could you ever think this would go any other way? “Just… go away!”
To be honest, you weren’t sure what made you think you could love him. Actually love him and have it reciprocated, but you didn’t want to leave. You had worked so hard in this relationship with Miguel, gaining his trust and what you thought was his love, for fucks sake you couldn’t lose it now. What he said just… got to you.
It wasn’t until you heard a soft knock that you unlocked the door, Miguel slowly stepping into the room. “What do you want?”
“I just… look at this,” he gave you the binder, swallowing. “If you uhm… look at it, it annuls our last contract… if you sign it, mi amor-”
“What, are you gonna try and bribe me?” I ask, softly scratching Hart’s ear before he gives you the binder.
“Perdóname, amor,” he whispers, slowly falling to his knees in front of you. You certainly weren’t expecting this. “Read it.”
“Summarize it for me.”
“It says that you own me,” he says, tilting his head. “Everything I own, you own. Everything I am is yours,” he takes your hand, softly kissing against your wrist. “I’m sorry… that it took me so long to see how important you are to me. Soy tuyo, mi mente, cuerpo, y alma.”
You swallow as you stare at the dotted line, looking down at him as he kisses your skin. “Tu cuerpo? Es mío?”
He groaned as your hand shapes his jaw, softly tugging on his hair as Hart jumped down, sauntering out of the room as though he knew what was about to happen. “Todo es tuyo, mi amor,” he whispers, groaning as you pull his hair so he’d stare up at you. “Todo lo que quieras, es tuyo. Nomás me digas y es tuyo. Todo, todo es tuyo.”
You hummed, sighing as you moved your hips to come off the bed slightly. “Show me. Show me that you belong to me and I’ll sign it.”
He hummed, sending you a smile as he started to kiss against your wrist. “Of course, mi reina.”
You smile slightly as he starts to tug off his shirt, carefully unbuttoning and kissing along your calf before slipping off your heels. “If this keeps going, Miguel, you need to know that I’m not putting up with your bullshit.”
“Ya se, mi reina,” he whispers, his tongue flattening up your thigh as he pulls down your skirt. “I’m aware.”
“I’m going to sign that shit in your cum.”
He laughed, nodding. “If that’s what you want to do, mi amor.”
You tilted your head down at him, raising a brow. “That raises no red flags?”
“No, they’re actually green.”
You hold back a laugh as he slowly stands up, already taking off his clothes before you put up a finger. “I’m in charge, right?”
“Yes,” he said, tilting his head slightly. “What would you like me to do, hm?”
“Get on the bed,” you say, standing and slipping off your clothes. “Why are you just standing there? Go.”
Miguel smirked slightly, but followed your orders, his bare body looking perfect against the bed. “Well, what do you want me to do next, mi amor?”
You hummed, staring for another few minutes. “Get hard. I’ll be back.”
You go into your closet, but after hearing Miguel’s moans, you knew he listened to what you said. It wasn’t until you went into your drawer filled with sex toys did you know what you wanted to do - oh, you were going to make him sob. You grabbed the small silver toy you had never had the chance to use on him, biting your lip as you finished taking off the rest of your clothes and fixing your bra and underwear.
It was normal to makeup with Miguel with sex, then talk about what happened and why it should never happen again before you fell asleep, resulting in Miguel waking you up with breakfast in bed and another lavish apology gift.
When you walked out, you smiled when you saw Miguel bucking his hips into his hand, his thick cock dribbling precum out of his bright red tip. “Look how pretty your cock is, baby… so, so pretty.”
He lets out a dry laugh, groaning. “Oh yeah? Que vas hacer?”
You giggled, slowly sliding between his legs and taking out the metal sounding rod. “Voy a jugar con lo que es mío.”
He lets out a choked moan as the cold tip of the rod dragged in a circle along the tip of his cock, already lubed up so you wouldn’t hurt him, a giggle escaping your lips as you slowly pushed it into his cock. He lets out a choked moan as you laugh, watching as it slowly disappears inside of his cock.
“Hijo de su pinche madre,” he cursed, groaning as he bucked his hips, stomach clenching as you watched his body slowly fall to your mercy. “Amor, please, please- I'll be good, I just need to fuck you.”
“Cállate,” you ordered, giggling as you pushed it inside until the ring was showing, your mouth latching onto his balls and sucking softly. “Come on, be a good boy and fuck it.”
He cursed as he starts to roll his hips, following the sounding rod as he groaned loudly. One of your hands rubs along his thighs, giggling as you stared up at his face all scrunched and desperate. He really did make a good sub.
“Come on, don’t stop now, Miguel, you’re doing so good,” you move away from his balls but continue to cup them, moving so that his fat cock was settled on his abdomen and you rubbed your now bare pussy against his shaft. “Come on baby, I know you want to cum. As soon as you cum, I’ll put your cock in me and I’ll let you fuck me.”
He groaned loudly, almost growl-like sounds falling from his lips as he forced his hips to go faster, fucking into the sounding rod as he rubbed against your wet cunt. You couldn’t hold back your own moans, the friction of his cock perfect against your cunt and he wasn’t even inside of you yet.
“Amor, please, please!�� He was begging to cum, even if he didn’t quite know it yet, a groan falling from your lips as you continued to squeeze and rub his balls. He had never been this quick to cum, and you knew you’d have to try this again soon. “I’m close, chingao, I’m close.”
You let out a laugh as you watch the sounding rod start to be pushed out, pushing it back in as he whined. “Not yet, amor mío.”
“Por favor, mi vida, necesito- fuck!” He screamed out as you continued to hump against his length, pushing and pulling the rod in and out of his cock.
“Say it again. That you’re mine.”
“Fuck, I’m yours! Soy tuyo, mi mente, cuerpo, corazón, y alma, ¡chingada madre!” He yelled out as you finally let go of the sounding rod, watching it pop out of his cock and a perfect, pornographic cumshot follow. You moved your hand from his balls, lifting your hips as you continued to pump his shaft. You watched as the pearlescent liquid spurts onto his toned abdomen, smiling before cupping your hand in front of his tip and gathering his cum.
He panted, watching as you slowly smeared it along your cunt and placed the sounding rod onto the nightstand. “Next time we need to go bigger.”
“Whatever you say, amor,” he whispers, groaning as you pull his cock to push into your cunt, another loud groan falling from his lips. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
“I know,” you spoke, laughing slightly as you gasped. No matter how many times his cock was inside of you, you never got used to it. “Fuck, Miguel, It’s like you get bigger every time.”
“Maybe I do,” he smirked, offering that playful wording as you finally sat on his pelvis, groaning loudly. “Look at how perfect you look with my cock inside of you, mi reina. Fucking perfect.”
You whimpered, groaning as you started to roll your hips, his cock feeling as though it was deeper than it ever was. “N-No, no.”
He smirked, tilting his head. “No what, amor? Tell me.”
“Stop that,” you order, knowing damn well if he kept talking like that you’d soon be on your back begging for him to fuck you. That’s now how it was going to happen, not today. “I’m in charge. Not you.”
“I never said you weren’t, amor-”
You leaned forward, pressing your lips firmly to his as he held your hips, helping you rock onto his cock. “Stop talking.”
He laughs as his other hand pulled you in for another firm kiss, your hands searching for the contract before his hips slam up into you. You pulled away, gasping as he lets out a loud groan, cursing. “Thought you needed some help, mi amor.”
Your hands claw against his shoulders as he keeps your chest pressed to his, using his strength to easily thrust up into you. For fucks sake, he couldn’t even let you have this, but you weren’t complaining as he grunted underneath you and you felt his cock rub against every place you ever wanted him to be. He repeatedly thrusted into you at that perfect rate to hit that spot inside of you that just made your body go limp, stomach twisting and turning.
One of the pros of having a man who knew your body like the back of his hand was that you could always count on him making you cum.
You gasped as his cock finally thrusted against that perfect spot that easily made you come undone, mind blurring as you basically see stars right as your nails dig into his skin. Your cunt clenched and squeezed his cock as a result of your orgasm, a hissed groan falling from his lips as he thrusted a few more times and finally came inside of you.
Your eyes rolled back, the added feeling of his cum spurting inside of you, filling you up as your inner thighs started to register slight heat from the power of his thrusts. You panted as you started to sit up, Miguel letting out a slight laugh before you grabbed the sounding rod and the contract.
“Q-Qué estás haciendo?”
You looked up at him, giggling as you dipped the rod into his cum. “I said I was going to sign it with your cum.”
“Mierda, Y/N, don’t do that!”
“What?! You think I was joking?! I said it was a red flag!”
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Thank all of you so much for supporting me!! Even though Bingo requests and Bingo itself is done, I have my next event already planned - please stay tuned!! Requests are closed but they will be open when I clear my inbox, and again, thank all of you so much!!
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© asterias-record-shop
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kt-the-lee · 4 months
No Longer Ruined - Hazbin Hotel Tickle Fic (HuskerDust)
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A/N hi everyone!! this is my first fanfic on this account, i used to write a fair bit on my old deactivated account but I stopped for a couple years so i’m a little bit rusty, but i just love these two so much that i simply HAD to write for them! (this was also really self-indulgent for me to write so i hope you enjoy AHHHHH)
inspired by this post by @duckymcdoorknob : “We interrupt our usual programming to bring forth Angel Dust who is terrified of being tickled (bc of Val) until Husk shows him that it doesn’t have to always be torturous.”
Lee!AngelDust, Ler!Husk
warnings: very brief mentions of Angel’s job (not very much detail but important context to the story), sad!Angel
Word count: 2,133
One thing about Angel Dust is that he HATED being tickled.
Well, that wasn’t a complete truth. It was his favourite thing in the world once upon a time, but then it got ruined by various jobs that Val made him undergo. And that did make him quite sad, he wished he could have it in his life again, but he feared it was associated with one too many bad memories at this point.
And now, the thought of it terrified him.
This was made all too apparent when Charlie (the resident tickle monster of the Hazbin Hotel) decided to attack Vaggie in the middle of the lobby one afternoon. This was a regular occurrence, and everyone usually watched fondly as the usually stoic Vaggie let herself laugh (that is until the tables turned and Charlie then gets absolutely destroyed, she may initiate most tickle fights but usually ends up spectacularly losing them!). However, this was the first time Angel had witnessed this spectacle.
And he just couldn’t bring himself to watch.
The laughs mixed with screams, the squirming, the panicked breathing, it just sent him to a dark place. Where the masses chuckled and cooed at the girlfriends’ antics, Angel felt his breathing hitch and an unpleasant anxiety building in his stomach. Tears pricked in his eyes and he tried to inconspicuously leave the room, unnoticed. Or so he thought.
“Hey, what’s up, you okay?”
Angel turned around and saw Husk, head tilted, a concerned look on his face. Panic shot through him; “oh shit, did everyone notice me leave? That must’ve looked REALLY fucking weird, how am I going to explain-”
“Relax, nobody else saw you go,” Husk said gently, sitting on a nearby couch and directed Angel to take the place next to him. “Everyone was far too distracted watching those dumbasses wreck each other, although it’s a frequent occurrence it does never get boring!” he chuckled as the laughter from the lobby turned up a notch, but then frowned when he saw Angel visibly flinch at the sound.
“I’ve… never seen ‘em do this before,” he explained as he took the seat next to Husk, tensing up slightly as a paw was placed around his shoulders but immediately relaxed. He trusted Husk, perhaps more than anyone in this godforesaken place. But could he explain this?
Husk looked at the spider with concern in his eyes. He was triggered, clearly, but he couldn’t quite piece together why the girls tickling each other had caused this.
“Do you wanna talk about it, Angel? We don’t gotta, but you know I’d never judge you for anything. We’re both losers, don’t ya forget that, so nothing is off-limits.”
Angel looked up at the cat, debating for a full minute as to whether he was going to indulge. However, as he heard Charlie squeal from the room over from them and physically had to hide his head in his hands, he figured an explanation was desrved.
“I… just…” he stuttered, trying to find the words. “They’ve been ruined for me.”
Husk looked slightly confused. “What have? Tickles?”
“Yeah… there was a week-long shoot a few years back, and it always got taken too far. Lotta ignoring of safewords and not stopping even though I begged and begged and begged, my body felt like it was going to shut down-“ Angel shuddered as he remembered. “I’ve done a lot of weird shit for this job, Husk, ya know? And you know I love to relinquish control. But this, by far, was the one time I felt the most trapped and suffocated.”
The usually stoic Husk felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Sure, tickling was torturous, that was the POINT. But it was also supposed to have an aspect of fun and trust and love behind it, and the fact that Val had taken that from him made him both upset and absolutely fuming.
“Fuck me, that’s intense.” Husk couldn’t find the words for awhile. “And also fully understandable as to why you’d be triggered now.”
A scream and a giggly “NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEERE” from Charlie in the other room made Angel tense somehow harder than he was before, and Husk tightened his hold around his shoulders.
“If it’s any reassurance, the girls’ dumba ass tickle fights are nothing like that, there’s a lot of silliness and love behind it and it would never ever get taken that far” said Husk, trying to reassure the spider. “Infact, I’m fairly sure they both love every second of it, no matter how much they protest in the moment.”
“Oh I know that, really I do.” said Angel. “ I know what they’re MEANT to be like, it’s like I said, they were ruined for me.”
So that meant…
“You used to like being tickled?” Husk enquired, a slight grin in his voice as he enjoyed the thought of his sweet spider enjoying something so silly. That thought was fleeting as he realised how that was no longer true because of his job, and Val. God. the things he could do to that bastard for breaking Angel like this…
Angel nodded, cheeks burning slightly. “A whole lot, used to ask Cherry for it all the time. But I fear I’m too far gone now, I’m too scared it’ll go too far and people won’t stop.” Angel sighed, and flinched again as the laughter somehow got EVEN LOUDER through the walls (what on EARTH was Vaggie doing to Charlie?). “I want to like it again, I do think about it a lot still.”
“We can try now, if you like?”
Husk looked into Angel’s eyes to gauge his reaction. He couldn’t tell by that one sentence if he had just put the fear of god into him, or hit the nail on the head with exactly the best way to fix this.
Angel couldn’t tell, either. On the one hand, the thought of being tickled again terrified him. He had managed to avoid it as much as he could outside of work, and even in work he would try and steer the content towards other things. However, he knew deep down that he wanted this back in his life. He trusted Husk, so maybe this would be the perfect way to ease back into it? He deliberated, and made his decision.
“Yeah… okay.”
Husk breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t overstepped a boundary, and felt the grin returning to his face as he figured out the best way to do this.
“Anything I should know before we try this out? Now is the time for boundaries, my little spider-” said Husk, a teasing tone already etched into his voice which made Angel chuckle and roll his eyes.
“Stop when I tell you to-“
“That’s a given, dumbass, I was gonna do that anyway.”
That made Angel relax, he wasn’t used to people listening to his pleas. Maybe this would actually be okay…
“Oh… okay! Uhhhh, no foot stuff please, that was always Val’s… yeah. Favourite. So that’d probably send me into a panic.”
He thought for a second.
“Otherwise…. youregoodtogo-“ he mumbled as he buried his face in Husk’s chest, preparing himself. Oh god, what if this was a bad idea? What if he just hated it no matter what? What if he yelled at or hurt Husk? What if-
All thoughts in his head were silenced as the paw that was placed on his shoulder began to walk ever-so-gently around his bicep. Husk traced his entire upper arm slowly and delicately, before moving all the way round to where Angel’s underarm met his ribcage.
“This okay?”
Angel could only nod, a trace of a smile forming on his lips as Husk began to lightly scritch the spot. Nothing too intense, nothing that would overhelm him. But it couldn’t be ignored.
Husk felt the spider tense up below him as he used one claw to dance lazy, gentle circles around Angel’s ribcage. He glanced down to make sure he was okay, but it seemed to be more of a tickly flinch than an uncomfortable jerk away, so he persisted, adding more claws to slowly intensify the sensation.
It was then that he heard it.
The giggles.
And it was just the sweetest sound Husk had ever heard.
In fact, he got so distracted by the sound of Angel’s giggles that he subconsciously stopped tickling him to listen. Which, of course, stopped the giggles.
“Hey, ya didn’t need to stop!” said Angel, surprising himself.
“Oh I know… I just got distracted by something” chuckled Husk, beginning the movement of his claws again, as slow and as gentle as before. Angel tensed and giggled again, but didn’t seem to be protesting too much.
Angel had missed this. He had missed being in a safe place where he was free to be held and just let someone dote on him for a bit. Head empty, no control, no expectations, to just relax and feel happy. He couldn’t help his arm flinching against Husks gentle tickles around his ribcage, but he also noticeably lent into both Husk himself and his paws on his ribs.
Husk took this positive body language and gentle giggles to turn it up a notch, scratching with slightly more intent and pressure, making wigging motions with his paw. He also walked his fingers down from Angel’s ribcage to the sides of his stomach.
The spider’s gentle giggles quickly became slightly louder laughs as Husk did this, and initially felt a zap of panic. However, it was impossible to feel unsafe in the arms of the cat, so he let himself feel the sensations. It wasn’t TOO intense, but it was certainly enough for him to squirm and cackle, especially when Husk added a second paw to mirror his actions on the opposite side at the same time.
“Hehehehehey!!” laughed Angel. “Thahahahat was uncahahahahalled for!!”
“Oh was it now?” teased Husk, feeling a little more confident that he wouldn’t end up overwhelming Angel at this point. “Because I don’t hear you protesting, baby. Infact, I’d probably say you’re having a pretty swell time right now!”
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup” protested Angel, cheeks burning redder than the skies of Hell itself. “Teheheheasing mahahahahakes it wOHOHOHORSE-“
Upon the last word of his sentence, Husk moved both of his tickling paws to the front of his stomach, spidering the spider’s belly like there was no tomorrow. Angel SQUEALED, throwing his head back into Husk’s shoulder as he tried and failed to whine about quite how mean he was being right now.
Despite this, there was one thing that Angel couldn’t deny. Fucking hell, he could never deny how much he’d missed this. To be able to enjoy being tickled again without the fear of boundaries being disrespected and his every part of his body panicking as strangers took advantage of him, under Val’s perverted instruction.
“You doing okay down there?!” Husk chuckled, checking in as Angel arched his back and fell backwards onto the couch. Husk had one paw kneading into an armpit whilst the other made various shapes into his tummy. This seemed to be a killer combination as Angel snorted in his cackles and basically folded his body in half.
The cat slowed his attack to let Angel catch his breath, which may have been perfect timing as the spider managed to breathe out a “Stohohop nohohoho mohohore” through his depleting giggles. This made Husk briefly panic, thinking he had took it too far and this had all been for nothing. But the persistent grin and sniling eyes of Angel reassured him that he hadn’t put a foot wrong. Or, rather, a paw wrong.
“Thahahahat was fun” said Angel, residual giggles still pouring from his mouth as he sat himself up, rubbing the leftover tickly feelings away from his torso. “Might take a few goes and a bit of practice, but it certainly is an improvement to fifteen minutes ago!”
Husk felt his heart melt as Angel cuddled back into him and, as the room silenced, the laughter from Charlie and Vaggie’s ordeal STILL could be heard through the walls. However, now it made Angel smile fondly as opposed to being terrified for his life.
“How are they STILL going?” pondered Husk, shaking his head fondly at the sounds from the other room
Angel shrugged, and laughed as he heard Charlie let out a noise not too dissimilar to a squeal that he himself had produced moments earlier. “Shall we go and observe?”
Husk grinned and nodded, tweaking Angel’s side before taking his hand. Angel flinched and tutted at the cat, but couldnt hide the endearing look in his eyes as they ventured back into the lobby to observe the girlfriends tickle fight.
It certainly was a happy day in Hell.
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anxious-lee · 4 months
Ask || Hazbin Tickle Fic ||
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A/N: what can I say? they inspire me. you know what else inspires me? the agonizing lack of content there is for them 💀
Ship: Huskerdust
No beta, we die for our craft
Word count: 1,720
One wouldn't typically think of obnoxious behavior as out of character for Angel Dust, but this was a tad excessive. In a way that spells out exactly what he wants, if you know what to look for.
Angel had a very particular set of needs, some being more overt than others, but one facet of his desire was not known to many. Ironically, his incessant jabber of licking holes and getting punished weren't nearly as vulnerable as this information was. He never told his nightly flings, he never told Valentino, and he rarely became close enough to anyone to be able to share.
Angel Dust, the world-renowned porn star, loved to be tickled.
Now, some might say this could very easily fit into his menagerie of BDSM kinks. But that's what was so humiliating. It wasn't a kink. It wasn't sexy. It was romantic. Even downright fond.
His need would be fulfilled from time to time as partners or clients sought playfulness, but he wouldn't bring up his appreciation of it. Merely went along with and pretended to hate it. How far that was from the truth.
The obvious downside to this, of course, is that no one is available to satisfy your lee moods. Like today, for example.
The minute Angel woke up, he knew today was going to be one of those days.
The thoughts were driving him mad. He needed someone to hold him and touch him and take away his control in a way that had nothing to do with pain or power. It was about trust and love and sharing and fucking christ, does he sound like a hippie.
The thought of telling Husk did cross his mind, seeing as how they were now a month into their relationship, but he quickly banished it to where all the other scary thoughts go. Surely, he would laugh at him or look at him with disgust.
He couldn't risk it this time.
Not with Husk.
Not with him.
Fortunately, there was an option B. You see, he already loved to get on people's nerves, and that happened to be the most successful way to get tickled. As retribution.
The hotel guests, of course, didn't pick up on Angel's different behavior. They merely gave him a smirk or an eye-roll, but nothing more. Except, of course, Husk.
Angel sauntered over to the bar counter where his pussycat was busy at work polishing bottles.
"Mornin', Whiskers. Did ya dream of me?" Angel said, batting his eyelashes.
Husk chuckled. "Yeah, I did. It was the noisiest dream of my afterlife."
Angel gasped in mock offense and pouted. "I thought you liked our little chats!"
"I do when I'm not working. Just sit tight until I'm on my break, we can go cuddle as much as you want then, okay?"
"But that's sooo long from now!"
Returning to his bottles, Husk half-turned away from Angel, who was growing antsy.
He waited a couple of moments, then very swiftly poked his bartender in the arm.
"Baby, I can't talk right now, I'm busy."
Another poke.
"Fuck, can't you wait 5 minutes?" Husk sighed with a hint of annoyance.
It seemed to be working. One more push should send him over the edge.
Angel plucked the rag out of Husk's paw and held it out of his reach.
Husk finally turned to face his boyfriend.
Was this it? Was he gonna snap and tickle him senseless for pestering him?
The cat leaned forward, grabbed the rag, and went back to his task after giving Angel a tired glare.
It was obvious to the spider that his lover wouldn't bite. Defeated, he left the bar to find something else to distract himself with.
It was a few hours later when Angel found himself cuddled up next to Husk watching a movie. It was some crime boss flick, something-or-other. To be perfectly honest, he wasn't paying much attention to it. The incessant thoughts of laughter and smiles spun 'round his head, keeping his focus off of the gunfight happening on-screen.
On impulse, Angel started playing with Husk's ears, plucking and pulling and flicking in any way he could to get a rise out of him.
"What the- stop! I'm trying to watch." The cat said.
"I ain't doing nothing~"
Next, Angel gave a teensy little push to Husk's tophat, just enough to put it off-center.
"If you're that bored, why'd you pick this movie?" Was the reply.
"Who said I was bored? I'm very entertained," Angel said.
And finally, he twirled his finger around the tail beside him like a spaghetti noodle and gave it a tug.
That seemed to do the trick. Husk's face whipped to meet Angel's.
"What is going on with you? You've been pressing my buttons all day. What's the matter? You feeling friskier than normal or somethin'?" Husk was confused, and annoyed certainly, but more than anything, curious. This wasn't typical Angel Dust behavior. This was a cry for help. In regards to what, he had no idea.
Angel certainly wasn't giving him any help. "I don't know what you're talking about," he quipped with a smile tugging at his lips.
Husk watched him for a moment, then seemingly gave up and returned to cuddling in front of the movie.
It only frustrated Angel more. What was with this guy?! It didn't normally take THIS much effort to instigate a good tickle fight! And the cuddling made everything worse. Like waving a bone in front of a dog. He was given just enough touch to drive him crazy but not enough to satisfy his hunger.
Several days had gone by, and Angel's lee mood persisted, and Husk still wasn't taking the bait. The spider began to wonder if he would ever get tickled again at this rate.
One night, the two sinners were sitting in bed together, being on their phones or reading. It was quiet nights in with each other like these that they treasured more than anything.
Angel had lost almost all hope of actually getting tickled. No matter what he tried to get Husk's goat, nothing worked. But that didn't mean he wouldn't try.
Husk was so enraptured by the book in front of him that he didn't notice the mischievous look creeping onto his boyfriend's face.
Angel snatched the book out from Husk's nose and dangled it in front of him. "Why would you want to look at some ol' book when you could be looking at meee~?"
Husk gave the usual huff and eye-roll.
Angel waited for a moment, then set the book aside in order to sprawl across Husk's lap with his hands supporting his head.
"What's the matter, Whiskers?" He emphasized the provoking nickname. "Am I botherin' ya?"
Angel pursed his lips and gave the kitty's nose a boop.
For a moment, it was silent as Husk looked down at his lover in what looked to be...
An epiphany.
Then came the chuckle.
"You know, if you wanted it so bad, you coulda just asked," Husk sultry said.
What did that-
Angel didn't have time to finish the thought before Husk's claws were dancing nimbly on his sides. He squealed in startlement, and the giggles came flowing out. As much as his body wanted to worm and wriggle away from the touch, his heart was exactly where it wanted to be. Where he needed to be. But what Husk had said-
"Whahat does thahahat mehehean?!" The spider queried.
"Don't act like you haven't been trying to provoke me into ticklin' you this whole time. Honestly, it all seems kinda obvious now," Husk laughed, "Can't believe I didn't piece it together sooner."
Wait, he knew?!
Abort, abort, abort!
"I dohont know whahahat you're tahahalking abohohout!"
"Relax, I ain't judging," Husk assured warmly, "I've heard of far stranger things than a pesky little brat who wants to relinquish control every now and then. 'Sides, I can't say it's not adorable." His voice took on a more teasing tone at that last statement.
And Angel noticed it.
His face began burning hellfire red as the claws at his sides still scribbled furiously, and his giggles now elevated to laughter.
"Ihihit's NOHOHOT!" Angel cried indignantly.
"Uh huh. And what do you call this?" Husk darted his hands up to the spider's neck and scritched and scratched into every nook and cranny he could reach.
Glass could shatter at the pitch Angel shrieked. His chortles returned to snickers and giggles as he tried to invert his head into his body like a turtle. What's more, he even began to 'tee-hee'. Like a coquettish little school girl. How humiliating.
"Seems pretty cute to me~," Husk cooed with a saccharine smile.
Angel couldn't tell if he loved it or hated it.
"I've never seen this smile on you before! Maybe I should tickle you all the time."
Definitely loved it.
Husk ran his claws down from his neck to his shoulders all the way down to his underarms.
The spider's arms snapped with the strength of a bear trap. He screeched with all his might and began to cackle. This was the most pleasant hell he's ever been in! His face-splitting grin wasn't just from all the laughing. He hoped Husk knew that.
The cat in question jumped at the loud noise. "Woah! Didn't realize this was a bad spot. You okay down there?" His fingers slowing for a second.
Angel could not nod fast enough.
Husk could feel his icy heart melting. Christ, the things this boy did to him. He'd keep this up all night if it kept Angel happy and free and forgetful of his troubles.
"Alright, just let me know when you've had enough," and with that, Husk tickled his pits harder than he did before, "But next time, just ask for this instead of purposely getting on my nerves. I'd rather just give you the love without the headache, okay baby?"
And he did.
It wasn't easy for Angel, but part of this new dynamic was learning to trust each other, hoping that the other would catch them when they fell. Every moment they spent together proved that they would.
But for now, all that was left was Angel's blissful laughter, Husk's light-hearted teases, and five nosy tennants listening in from beyond the door.
The more tickle scenes I write, the harder it is to think of new things to say lol 😅
Thank you all so much for the kind feedback, you guys are why I write ❤️
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inoreuct · 8 months
if youre willing could you please do (more) headcannons of (were)tiger!zoro x sanji?
or (were)tiger!zoro in general with the crew
he’s definitely very protective. if there’s one thing that can rival his tenacity for his dream, it’s his love for his crew. he knows that they can handle themselves but once the danger has passed he has to stand on his own metaphorical tail so that he doesn’t usher them all back to the ship and look them over one by one
even when he’s not a tiger he’s still vaguely cat-ish; he bristles when he feels threatened and yawns to casually put his canines on show as a subtle don’t-fuck-with-me. he just has a vaguely feline countenance to him. it’s in the way that he slinks when he walks, the head tilts when he’s focused or trying to intimidate, the way he tries to act uninterested but perks up when he’s excited 🤌🏼🤌🏼
(sanji finds it awfully endearing. he’d never admit it, though.)
the crew probably tries to keep the fact that he can shift under wraps, considering how many people would pay a pretty penny for his pelt (not that they’d succeed, but. still). HOWEVER. he’s a force to be reckoned with as a person, but if he gets mad enough even while around enemies/strangers he’ll just shift anyway and start ripping people apart with his teeth lmao, especially if his nakama need backup. the eyewitness accounts saying they saw a massive green tiger bounding across the battlefield with a sword in its mouth all sound crazy anyway 😭
i think he licks people just to fuck with them, but also to satisfy a grooming instinct. sanji definitely gets the brunt of it, since they share a bed more often than not; he’s woken up too many times to count with zoro nuzzling at his hair, or callused hands smoothing his bedhead back into place. when they’re arguing zoro will pop into tiger form and lick the hell out of sanji’s hair just to make the cook screech, but if he can tell that it’s not one of sanji’s good days he’ll cut it out because he’s a shithead, but not an asshole. come on.
DEFINITELY shifts when he’s getting yelled at. sanji or nami nagging at him? he turns into a giant tiger and flops down onto the floor to nap. sometimes he puts his paws over his ears for emphasis.
when they’re sailing through colder areas, he just watches indifferently as everybody else shivers and complains because he runs BLOODY hot and it doesn’t affect him at all. but then after dinner he shifts into his tiger form and pads around in a circle before laying down and blinks at them like …well? and they’re all scrambling curl up against him. he snaps at luffy’s fingers when luffy tries to pet his head, but luffy just goes “oop, sorry :p” and goes to sleep and, well. zoro supposes it isn’t all bad.
(he is so used to being the one pinning others down that the weight of his crew is an entirely new experience. he likes it more than he expects.)
speaking of touching. he only really welcomes sanji getting touchy-feely in his tiger form. he tolerates the occasional scratch behind the ear from luffy, because it’s luffy, but his captain knows he doesn’t really like his fur touched beyond that. enter stage right: sanji, who had the audacity to start petting zoro’s head absentmindedly while reading one of his french romance novels and using zoro as a backrest.
zoro had been purring before he even realised. then sanji had realised, and they’d both freaked out, and then zoro had scrambled up to the crow’s nest to figure out what the hell was going on. this whole incident was perhaps his biggest personal indicator that he liked sanji as more than just nakama; funny, because he hadn’t thought he’d like sanji very much at all, period.
he started paying more attention to how much he was willing to make exceptions for the cook, and sanji finally got the hint after weeks of zoro butting his head into his palm. it went something like:
sanji, scratching beneath zoro’s chin: nami, what do you mean he likes me? i do hope that he likes all of us, considering he’s— nami, about to jump overboard: you idiot. you fucking idiot. sanji, leaning against zoro’s side leisurely: nami what do you MEAN nami: HE CAUGHT YOU FISH. *pointing at the huge net full of tuna* sanji, zoro draped across his shoulders like a shawl: HE’S FEEDING THE CREW! nami, at her limit, eye twitching, so close to ripping her hair out: HE’S FEEDING YOU
mind you, throughout all of this zoro’s being absolutely useless and just sitting there incredibly amused. he hadn’t minded waiting for sanji to come around on his own, and that in itself was a sign that he’d been gone from the beginning.
sanji is the only one zoro has EVER rolled onto his back around. his belly is the most vulnerable spot on his entire body; sanji knows what a privilege it is. it’s essentially zoro’s version of puppy dog eyes.
i think he had plenty of run-ins with hunters when he was younger. his pelt is thick and vibrant and highly sought-after, and a few close shaves had left him with scars and major wariness of people in general. he used to hide the fact that he was a weretiger at all cost but now… well, now protecting his crew’s more important. s’not like they’d let anything get to him, anyway.
i see him as a wahnsien tiger, with black stripes and fur in various shades of green; he’s big, heavy too. the first time he woke up with sanji squashed beneath him he panicked a little inside but the cook was fine. his eyes are gold in his tiger form, luminous like all cats’ are, and hella unsettling.
which is interesting, because i like to think that after so many years he’s picked up a few tricks and now? he can sort of half-shift. lengthen his fangs or claws with a neat snk or make his eyes phase burning gold when he wants to scare someone; it’s a brilliant intimidation tactic but it takes a lot of concentration, so he only ever does it on home turf where they have enough territorial advantage for him to feel safe doing it.
wow okay this got LONG. i’m sure i’ll think of more but that’s all i have for now! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK ANON 🫶🏼
part 1 | part 3
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toomanytookas · 17 days
The Gift
Dieter Bravo x f!afab!reader
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Rating: 18+ only please
Summary: Dieter designs a special room for you in the house that you are building together.
Important note: This is set in the world of @schnarfer’s If Wishes Came True trilogy. If you haven’t read it (where have you been? Go! Read it!!) you will likely be a bit lost.
Word count: ~3k
Content: Angst and fluff, the angst is pretty much all in the past but we do sit with it for a while here (this is dedicated to Al, after all), consumption of food and alcohol, references to/presence of drugs but they aren’t consumed on screen, oblique references to the reader and Dieter's sexual proclivities, blink and you’ll miss it moment of smutty touching, lots more sensual and casual touch as well as kissing, swearing, bathing, cats, I wrote this for one person but she’s invited you to the party
A/N: A version of this fic was gifted to my beloved @schnarfer on the occasion of her birthday last week. It would have never actually been possible for me to have the confidence to send it to her and not just throw it straight in the bin without the very gentle hand holding of @pascalssbabyy (Beth, you are an angel).
I say a version because after being the most gracious recipient of a fic of her fic (wtf was I thinking?), Al not only encouraged me to share it more widely but was willing to give it a beta and helped to refine my attempt at an ode to her style into the much punchier, emotionally charged (we do love torturing our boy a bit...) thing you now have the opportunity to read. This is absolutely the product of two minds and I could not have had more fun working with her to reach this final version. Any remaining errors and weird bits are my own, feel free to lmk if you see anything funky. I hope you like it!
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I don't know what it is about you that makes the bathwater blush, why I want to ask for your hand forever around my throat;
- Megan Falley, "Your Bathwater > Wine"
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When Dieter adopted Chairman Meow from the shelter, the sign on the tom’s cage said he had been wandering despondently around the property his last owner had vacated, unable to stray far from the place where he had last known a comfortable life. Abandonment issues, the profile warned. Looking for a home that will provide constant affection.
Having been driven to the cattery by a deep yearning to be the centre of someone’s world, Dieter thought he recognised a kindred spirit. I’ll be your friend, bud. He stuck a thick finger into the mog’s enclosure and wiggled it against the soft fur. When the cat had budged up even closer in response, he knew that it was love.
After you left, when he would wake to that furry face rubbing against his chin, a paw tapping his cheek to ask to be let in under the covers, Dieter was grateful that he had someone who understood why—despite Pete’s encouragement—he could never quite go through with leaving that fucking fishbowl of a house for good. Not when he no longer had you.
The wretched, destructive thing that lived inside him conjured constant reminders of how your brightness had seeped into the very walls of the house. It dangled flashes of your smile in his periphery when he made his morning coffee, replayed echoes of your laugh when he reached for you in the middle of the night. They were glimpses of lost happiness that in those brief moments still radiated joy. The glow sometimes burned like hot coals, but he gathered every memory of you tightly his chest. The searing ache was worth it. Staying put was worth it. How else would he remember so clearly how much you had made his world come alive? And how else would you know how to find him when you decided to come back?
But when you did return to him, when you came home, Dieter’s dedication to remaining in that bastard house until his end of days vanished. He was climbing the walls to be rid of it as fast as humanly possible. Why would he want to stay there when it was a constant reminder of the destruction he had wrought? Without you the house was a lifeline, but with you it was a curse. It could never be the home he wanted to give you now that he had a second chance. Despite what his trusted energy worker suggested, a ceremonial disposal of the bed and a few rounds of sage burning would not have been enough to fix it.
So he called his realtor. Sold the house. Said goodbye to all its awful energy. Hoped that maybe all the worst versions of Dieter Bravo managed to be left there, trapped behind the glass. Waiting to be discovered and dealt with by whichever sad fuck bought that Hollywood house of mirrors, blissfully unaware of the demons they were to inherit.
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The Dieter menagerie moved in to yours.
The Chairman and Dolly Purrton both quickly found their favourite new spots to snooze in puddles of sunshine, but as much as he longed to join them, Dieter could never quite settle.
The longer you shared the space and began to rebuild some of the trust and respect that needed to layer on top of your burning, incandescent love; the clearer it became that your house was also too haunted.
There was too bitter an aftertaste on both your tongues whenever you would pull into the drive, remembering the pleading eyes of past Dieters who had turned up unannounced at all hours of the night begging for forgiveness, desperate for a second chance. It was too jarring, the pangs of Dieter’s jealousy over plastic, perfect Brandon, who once upon a time happily wandered those halls, pressed you hungrily against those doorframes, laughed with you over a lovingly prepared dinner made in that kitchen. What a fucking prince.
The discomfort of it all, the continued haunting that he had thought escaping his former house would resolve, left Dieter lumbering through the house, wrapping himself in a moveable den of blankets and keeping a hand braced against his tummy or a cat cradled to his chest in an effort to soothe the roiling thoughts.
After he spent a full week between shoots wandering despondently from room to room, only able to feel grounded when you were somewhere in the house, you put your foot down.
This was meant to be a second chance, D. Not us climbing back into the coffin. This house was no longer your home, you told him, if it was responsible for the tension in his jaw and the ache you felt when either of you found reminders of all the past hurt.
And so Dieter set out to build you both a house. A home that would reverberate with the joys of love and the laughter of friends, and never, ever know the monster inside him that he was working so hard to put to rest. A sanctuary for the two of you, tucked against the hills in an area where the neighbours don’t care a single bit who either of you are, only that you look out for the community and pitch in a baked good or two for the annual block party.
It’s the house of your dreams because it represents your shared commitment to making a life together. It’s the house of his dreams because, somehow, you want to live there with him.
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Given a blank check, the architect and interior designer work with the two of you to identify the exact touches that will make you feel beyond comfortable. The kind of upgrades that aren’t flashy, but make enjoying the pleasurable things in life even easier.
The new bed feels like you’re being cuddled by the softest clouds. You spend your free mornings tucked in under the covers together, letting him sneak peeks over your shoulder as you gleefully trade quips with your friends and read the naughtiest and most delicious smut before rising to start your day.
There’s a gas fireplace that can be lit at a moment’s notice when you want to curl up in one of the the divine plush chairs, which you picked out together after spending an afternoon in a high-end showroom, half focused on which were the most comfortable to read in, half on which could reliably sustain both of your weights in motion.
These are just a couple of your favourite things amidst a near embarrassment of riches. They make you feel as though you’ve won the lottery, and the lottery’s name was Dieter (just Dieter, your dear love Dieter, no Bravo in sight).
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Picking out features and facets for the house was so much a shared project between the two of you—the thing you could work on through trading pinterest boards and voice notes, even when projects kept you physically apart—that it was a bit of a surprise when Dieter informed you that there was a room he wanted to build that he wasn’t going to share the details of. Not until it was done.
He took infinite pleasure in making a big show of the secret, whipping out a blindfold that may or may not have originated from your toy chest when you were set to do walkthroughs during construction, curling his broad body around you and nudging you forward with one foot and then the other until the room was far enough away from view that he could restore your sight without worry of ruining the surprise.
It’s going to be magnificent, angel, he would breathe gleefully against your ear.
The contractors were always thankfully far enough ahead of you that you didn’t feel embarrassed by the heat that flooded your face at the tickle of his words and the firmness of his chest against your back.
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You had some sense of what the room might be. Dieter wouldn’t reject your idea for a vintage-inspired clawfoot tub in the master unless he was going to make it up to you somewhere else in the house. He knew how much of a comfort a soak in the bath was for you, there was no way he was going to deny you the luxury in your own home.
But what exactly this room looked like remained a mystery. Sometimes a package would arrive that he would eagerly squirrel away behind that closed door, disappearing for a while to set up whatever newest addition he had imagined on the road to perfection. Piece by piece, Dieter was building a dream, one that he specifically dreamed of for you.
In the meantime, the two of you moved into the house and set about truly making it your space, fit to burst with the vibrancy of your lives.
There was nothing like being able to wind down from the heights of the energy on set, the frenetic hustle that you loved so much but demanded that you be at a constant eleven.
Nothing like ending a chillier evening by the fire. Your feet tucked under the fluff of the Chairman’s rotund rump where it was perched on Dieter’s lap, your thumb idly tracing the drops of condensation on a bottle of cider.
Nothing like welcoming friends at the weekend for a hearty roast and glowing conversation, getting to show off the fruits of your beautiful gas range and indulge in the delight of warm bellies and full hearts.
Nothing like your Dieter, flush with a new aura of happiness and love and the therapy-influenced acceptance that he was allowed to have all of this, to have you, to know joy.
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On the night of your birthday, when your body and head already feel floaty from a delightful evening featuring a steady flow of cocktails and sushi, Dieter sneaks away as you are bidding goodbye to your final guests.
Once the last of your friends are out the door, he places a pair of oversized scissors in your hands and herds you like an eager collie over to the soon-to-no-longer-be-secret room. There’s a velvety ribbon across the door and he has you make the ceremonial opening cut before placing one of his warm palms over your eyes and the other at your sternum, holding you to his chest and guiding you both over the threshold.
You feel a wall of steam envelop your body and your heart leaps with anticipation. Your bathtub. You were right.
Dieter removes his hand, “Open your eyes, angel.”
Immediately, your vision is flooded with ochre and gold. Candles flicker playfully on almost every possible surface, their dancing light filling the room.
It is clear to you right away that this oasis will become a peaceful near holy space, a sanctuary that you can retreat to when you need to shut out the rest of the world. Despite the many, many acts of sin that are bound to occur inside these four walls, there is something bright and pure about the energy that Dieter has curated.
Lush ferns and orchids are mounted to the walls, bound to flourish in the tropical climate that the frequent steam will create for them.
There are massive geodes of your favourite crystals that sparkle on pedestals, radiating deep energy and glistening in the candlelight.
Two skylights open the room up so you can see the heavens, as though from your watery cocoon you might be able to ascend to the stars.
The bath itself is cavernous, currently filled nearly to the brim and softly crackling with lush bubbles that are being stirred by what you assume must be underwater jets.
On the far wall, Dieter has painted an abstract mural that makes you think of the moments of calm that you feel when he wraps you in his arms after a long day. Soft, warm, safe.
As he follows your gaze, eager to ingest your every reaction, he directs you to look at the title that he’s lettered just next to his signature.
Angel’s rest.
Your eyes are misty, “Oh, D. It’s magic.”
“Everything for my girl. Everything.”
His voice cracks slightly through the whisper, his hands come to your waist to turn you in his embrace, strong eye contact boring into your soul with the depth of how very much he means those words, beyond this gift, beyond this house.
You have to kiss him. Your heart can’t take not fusing your mouth to his in this moment.
It’s a soft kiss, a tender kiss, one you could bask in from now until the end of time. It makes you so bright with love.
You can’t help but let your lips curve into a grin. You think he must be able to feel your cheek muscles twitch from how widely you are smiling against his lips.
He breaks from you, but immediately returns once, twice, and then presses a quick and cheeky peck against your jawline.
“Come, angel. Before the water gets too cold.”
Slowly, reverently, he helps you slide your sparkling birthday dress over your shoulders and down to the floor. Pressing gentle, open mouthed kisses to your collarbone and lace-covered breasts as each inch of you is revealed.
He kneels before you to remove your panties. As soon as they are at your knees, he nuzzles his face against your mound, the tip of his nose nestling against your clit.
You hear him exhale happily when your stance softens, hands ghosting up and down your thighs, but instead of taking his first taste of your cunt for the evening, he draws back and tips his head toward the bath.
Pouting, you nod and let him help you out of your slippers, large hand cupping each ankle in turn. When your bare feet touch the floor, you can tell that there is some sort of heating system beneath the tile. It’s heaven.
You grasp his forearm for balance as you ascend the steps and then slide into the steaming hot water of the bath. You let your grip linger, playing with the flexing muscle that you feel ripple as he wiggles his fingers playfully. He knows you're a bit loony for the feel of his powerful arms.
Then he's pulling away from you again.
Despite the near-trance the water and this moment is sending you into, you let out a soft squawk of disapproval.
"Just for a minute, angel. I want to go get your present."
More gifts? Well, an indulgent Dieter is often the happiest Dieter and it is your birthday. And Dieter firmly believes that birthday girls deserve to have some lovely treats.
You let yourself doze, still tipsy and buzzing from the joys of the night, cradled by the bubbles and the soothing warmth of the water. The next thing you know, gentle but thick fingertips are lightly dragging their way from your knee to your hip and then up the flesh of your stomach, a mild and delicious friction. Before those fingers can reach the swell of your breast, your hands come up to halt their journey. Intertwining your fingers with his, you bring Dieter’s now somewhat bubble-covered hand up for a kiss, avoiding the worst of the soapy aftertaste by pressing your lips high on his pulse point.
When you make eye contact, his gaze still looks wild with love.
"Relaxed, angel?"
"Ever so."
You look over at him and find he's set a tray down on a bar cart that has appeared from somewhere in the room. On it, a box of four pralines from your favourite chocolatier, a chilled bottle of champagne, and a joint resting on the edge of a beautiful glass ashtray. It must be new because its colours are too perfect to not have been picked out lovingly by Dieter to match the room.
You sit up slightly. Happy birthday to you, indeed.
"May I join you?" The reverence in his voice feels it’s been magnified by the room.
"We've talked about this, baby. Water makes for horrible lube."
"I just want to cuddle with my birthday girl."
This Dieter, so tender, so vulnerably in love in a way that he never let himself be before you. You sense in this moment that he truly feels he needs permission to be allowed to just be in your space for a while, a hesitance fueled by past regrets and insecurities that even the promise and protection of this new house have not fully squashed. No matter. You are more than happy to affirm just how welcome in your arms he will always be.
You smile, nodding sleepily, and he sheds his clothing. You're so relaxed, so enveloped in warmth, that you almost forget to admire his bare body as he climbs in to join you. Almost. Thank goodness the part of your brain that always wants him, is always drawn to his form, isn't actually taking a holiday so you can admire.
When he's settled with his back against the side of the bath, Dieter pulls the cart over so that everything is in reach. He pops the champagne, handing you a glass, then brings one of the chocolates to his mouth, holding it in his teeth and wriggling his eyebrows playfully in a suggestion for you to take it from him.
You giggle and indulge him, using your hands to grip the edge tub on either side of his body and pull yourself through the water until you are practically chest to chest, nose to nose. Too close for true eye contact, but you can't help but pick one of his eyes to focus on, letting yourself go a bit crosseyed to try and send him every wonderful thing you have been feeling this evening directly through your gaze.
Slowly, gently, you close the remaining distance and bite the praline in half, letting your lips drag against his as the chocolate begins to melt on your tongue. It's perfectly bitter and smooth.
Dieter consumes the rest.
"Mmm. A not too sweet for my not too sweet."
The snort that leaves your body firmly disrupts the headiness of the moment, the exhalation forming a crater in the bubbles and making you further devolve into giggles when you have to bring a hand up to brush away a clump of the soapy fuzz that sticks to his cheek.
You press your forehead against Dieter's damp shoulder and feel the rise and fall of it as he joins you in mirth, arm coming up around you so you don't slide away from him as you once again relax into the water.
As the wave of laughter subsides, your breathing synchronizes with his and you let yourself soak in the quiet. A perfect christening of this tub. He presses a kiss to the side of your head.
"I love you, angel. Happy birthday."
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thewriterg · 11 months
𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐀𝐛𝐜𝐬
pairing(s);hobie brown x fem!reader, hobie brown x male!reader
summary; you see the title!
word count; around 2k
warning(s); everyone mentioned is 19+, smut.
A/n;—GIFs; @cowboysfuck— The debates going down with the age of everyone in atsv has me shaking in my boots so just know Hobie is a good and legal yummy adult in this 💀
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Being completely and totally honest, babe he’s not cleaning you up.
I know the truth hurts but we have to stop the lies :(
If you meet him at one of his sets or the pub something like that? He’s viewing it as a quick fuck
He’s. A. Whore.
I mean we all seen that slutty ass waist right!?
He’s ran through! 😔
but I’m gonna feed into just a little 🤏🏽
If you happen to be in a relationship/fuck buddies he’s definitely a little more caring
After you both finish hes spooning you pawing his loads back in your cunt when it begins to seep out while lying kisses and bites up you shoulder that will darken by sunrise
Or you’re on top of him your cock slightly twitching inside of him acting as a plug so none of your cum is leaving him hes definitely panting feeling so full of you you as your head rest in the crook of his neck him rubbing his palm over your head down the nape of your neck
He’ll throw the blankets over you both maybe give you some water from the water bottle that sat on his nightstand for a week
🕷️Body Part
Hobies favorite part of you isn’t a body part but your beliefs!
Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions he supports that much BUT
If you can have your own opinion and stand on it!!?
like could see the opposing sides argument take it into consideration and still go to war for your own personal value
On his knees.
He’s that one viral sound where’s its like;
“And I’ll be there for them. With open arms, open legs, and a open mouth 🙂”
Is definitely dropping to his knees to give you head in the next fifteen minutes no matter where
The wrap up of todays lesson he’s just not into shallow people
His favorite part of himself however is his hands more specifically his fingers
If he need to learn a faster tempo place for a song he’s trying to learn you’re going to be his study buddy
“You’re helpin’ me so much thanks lovie” He muttered his index and middle fingers working at a god like pace in and out of your holes beginning to work you up to three as you tried to blink the dots out of your vision moaning at a pitch
He finally got down the song <3
Anywhere on your body where he can visibly see
For my girls he’s definitely going for the boobs he’s a tittie man!
For the guys he’s still going for your chest/stomach area
Cum on his face!
Soon there will not be a drop left
hes gonna be that “I eat it all” cat meme
“Gonna c-cum on you’re pretty fucking face, you fucking s-slut” You’re groaning while he’s looking up at you with his big puppy eyes your clit bumping against his nose or when his mouth finally reaches the base of your angry cock whining against the length massaging your balls while being hard as a rock himself a puddle of pre cum resting on his abs
🕷️Dirty Secret
Goes perfectly with the whole not believing in consistency
I can’t picture Hobie sticking to one roll anyway 💀
I will gladly die on that hill alone if I have to I don’t care.
One day he’s bending you over in a alleyway forcing your hands on a brick wall muttering about how much of a fucking whore you are for dressing in that wife beater your nipple poking through the thin fabric and getting him hard
Next day he’s pathetically humping your loafer/heel under your desk while you have a meeting on your laptop above muffling his loud whine against your leg before you feel his tears on your leg when you shrug your foot away from his aching cock ruining his orgasm
Take this with a grain of salt if you please
You can not sit up here and tell me him and his band members haven’t fucked at least once
This band specifically! Turn down your volume 😟
that story however is for another day
He has a dick piercing.
A Prince Albert one maybe?
He did it himsel
“Feel tha’ cold ‘ittle bar in your pretty ‘ole?” He would groan pressing down on your abdomen where he can feel himself bottoming out of you before thrusting in deeper than humanly possible grabbing your jaw forcing you to stare into each others soul as he fucks you deep
He’s is/was a whore depending on your relationship
He’s ran through, passed around, fucked out.
Loves when you show you’ll always be his best though
“Can’t hear you speak up whore” You hissed wrapping your hand around his neck lifting him up causing his back to arch pleasure painfully as you stop ramming into his hole causing him to whimper as you cock/strap stills in him
“No one f-fucks me like you do, please” He’s whining pathetically moaning in relief when you continue abusing his hole tears slipping past his eyes down to his cheeks
🕷️Favorite position
#1 Missionary!
It’s where either of you can get the deepest
“Look a tha’ feel me in your fuckin’ belly?” He would groan taking one of your hands pressing it against your abdomen as his cock moves in and out of you slowly hitting you spot repeatedly with your ankles crossed against his back
#2 Spooning
Has a lot of lazy mornings of when he’s waking up hard
You happened to already have the same idea 🙀
(#1 somno partaking couple)
Hobie would whimper in his sleep as he felt something warm around his cock and pressure on his lap of you backing up into him wouldn’t wake up until about the third time you’d lower down
In the mornings/where he doesn’t really have a sense on mobility or surrounding is where you’d easily pull the most noises from him
“You feel s-so good, so good birdy”
He’s cumming quick.
Other than like a crack of a smirk?
I’m not really getting a goofy vibe from Hobie
Probably would just tease the fuck out of each other
His hair down there is curly and coarse he’ll trim it every once in a while but other than that doesn’t really bother
Most definitely does not give a flying fuck if you decide to shave or not
“Maybe another night ‘bee I didn’t get to shave”
And he’s just like
| \_
“Your point?”
The thought makes him cringe internally
He can get down with it though but it’s mostly saved for important dates like anniversaries, birthdays, achievements, etc.
If you aren’t that intimate of a person that’s even better
But sometimes just take the time out to pull him aside slipping your hands down his jeans and into his boxers gently stroking his cock running your thumb over his slit whispering about how proud you are of him
“You’ve been doing so well I’m so proud of you”
DIHERHBRRIDIN he’s brain dead you murdered his brain into mush
🕷️Jack off
Will when he’s on a mission that takes longer than expected will probably take a video muttering how much he misses you while stroking his aching cock
But something else?
He can be a good boy when he wants
Put a cockring on him tell him if he lasts all day he can get a reward?
Struggling hard asf but will not touch himself cause what’s better than being your good boy!? ‼️🦅
Probably almost everything in the damn book but here are his mains
#1; Praise/Degradation
Just the right amount of both driving everyone up the wall
“Look at you takin’ my cock like a fuckin’ champ, that’s wha’ sluts do isn’t that right?” He mutters flash light kissing your skin as he records you on his phone pushing the back of your head down on his dick as you gag around the bask saliva and precum all around your mouth and cheeks
#2; Slapping/Spanking
I’m getting heavy rag doll vibes
Will purposely get you rilled up and jealous before slipping away before you can reach him essentially a game of cat and mouse
when you finally catch him you’re grabbing him by the back of his neck to a bathroom or alleyway
“You wanna be a fucking whore I’ll show you what they get” You hissed and he’s more than aroused as you pull down his trousers him thinking he was about to get the roughest railing/fingering of his life just for you to land a harsh slap on his ass!?
Rock hard.
“Please ‘m sorry, please” Would end up crying cause it hurt yet felt so good
brain was foggy asf
When you deemed it enough for now you pulled his pants back up dragging him back to whatever function you were at ignoring his subtle gestures to get you both back to his side place
You force his ass to go sit tf down somewhere 💪🏽‼️🦅
Smirking like a mf when you watch him subtly groan feeling the distance stinging pain on his ass while trying to get through the conversation
#3; Being/having a cum dump
This is kinda icky for some people and I get it so read with caution ⚠️
Not only is he going to fill you up!? He’s going to plug you up .
Will literally make you go out all day with your cum in him
If you’re a spidey?
Will have your walking around the spider society looking a bit “bloated” little does everyone know you’re literally plugged with Hobies loads
Or when you’re at home will come behind you and rub his palms over your full belly
But sometimes he need to be check so switch the roles
How this would happen is, he would talk big shit and place a bet of who was gonna cum first when both of you had a vibrator pressed against your designated places
He lost.
Would definitely try to hit you with that “I don’t believe in loosing 🙄” shit
A bet is a bet
And so
For a whole 24 hours both of you having to go on a mission that day he had dildo shoved up his ass
It’s very funny seeing him slightly limp when he walks as the fake cock sits snugly in his ass kissing his prostate at any slight turn or bumb in the road or when he turns the corner too sharply while swinging
by the end of the day HES DEAD.
would definitely do it again
When you hype yourself up or carry yourself with confidence!?
Hobies like
Gets off on it so quick
This might be a little controversial and me self projecting but
Do not pull his hair.
His wicks are very delicate and as POC Caribbean native/Black to be specific not a big fan when it comes to messing with our hair
Scratch his back, slap him, spank him, choke him, anything else but pulling his hair.
Oral fixation
On some rough nights where he can’t sleep!? His moth will end up on your clit/cock
Is a Cock/Pussy drinker!
Holds down your thighs when you cum and he keeps going to keep you from retreating or bucking your hips
Gives head for his own pleasure tbh
Will fuck you anywhere and everywhere grinning like the god damn chesire cat
We’re gonna get more into this in ‘Risk’
Behind stage before he goes on will without a doubt have you propped up against something fingering you at an alarming rate
“Gotta make sure my fingers don’t cram up yeah?”
What we’ve all been waiting for 🙀
You’ve probably fucked all over London and New York if you’re a spidey person lmao
One of the most jaw dropping places you’ve both had sex was probably the top of an abandoned building as the sun was beginning to set
“See tha’? Almost looks as pretty as you lovie” Hobie muttered thrusting his cock into your hole as your hands grip onto the railing moaning breathlessly before he groans from behind
Then probably an alley
“Shut up before you get us caught, but you would like that wouldn’t you?” You hissed your back pressed against the cold stone wall while Hobie thrusted into you hips bucking occasionally letting out a too loud whine
If you’re a spidey you’re really just talking because your senses would guide you to when someone’s coming or not
Hobie usually is able to sense it to but he’s seems too fucked out to even care
“Baby we can’t there’s to many kids around here”
Hobie is the #1 🗣️ “FUCK THEM KIDS” cheerleader
Does not, will not, still can’t not seem to give a single fuc-
You have made him cut band practice short more times he cares to count
‘3 attachments 1 video’ just something to get you through until practice is over <3
Coming home to you with a pep in his step
He has and will send you videos of him jerking himself off when either of you are on missions or if you’re at work
“See how fuckin’ hard I am for you birdy? Cock misses you s’much we need you” You can hear his gruff voice cracking behind the camera as he strokes his cock running his thumb over his slit
He will send you whimper audios once every blue moon
anyways both of you guys are yummy!
Yes, yes, and yes
I have plenty examples already
So we’re just going to leave this as yes
Tbh he has a fuckin VARIETY
Stop I need to go now 😔✋🏽
The biggest fucking tease ever
If you can keep up with him it’s for the greater good if you can’t, you must be left to the wolves 😖
One time you came home from Work/patrol tired as ever and he was on you the minute you were in the door
“Not tonight hon I’m too tired” You muttered taking your shoes off my the door followed along by your jacket etc
“I’ll do the work you can just flop down and star fish it out” You we static at the thought
Just for this mf to deny you at least four time before you fucking lost it flipped positions shoving his face in the mattress all tiredness out the window
“Said you were gonna take fucking care of me but since you wanna be a little whore we’ll see how you like it”
It was a long night
Hobie can be very vocal when he wants Mewls, moans, cries, whimpers, whines you name it
He knows his sounds get you off but sometimes he’ll be an asshole brat and keep them from you
But you’ll fix that shit up real quick I believe in you!
🕷️Wild Card
🕷️X ray
He’s definitely a shower!
7.5 inches 8 when he’s hard
Mark him up
Hickeys, hand prints, bruises he needs it all
Does the same for you
Especially if you’re a spidey the bruises won’t stay long with your inhuman abilities
So y’all are running back to each other when they quickly begin to fade
Hobie thinks he’s nocturnal
He’s not sleeping on the normal night so he’s not really sleepy on a intimate one either before he met you
Only time he’s really knocked is if he was in a subier space
Which he’s commonly in
So you’re putting him to sleep one way or another
Oh wow funny seeing you here after two weeks 😅
I have so many drafts of my baby Hobs
Anyway if you could answer the poll down below much would be appreciated!
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demonichikikomori · 2 months
Yan Rook sneaking in the shower to fuck the prefect cause he saw her taking off her clothes from the window?
Yan!Rook Hunt x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.2k+ Tags: NonCon/Shower Sex/Blood
Art by enpitsu0208 on Deviantart!
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Holy smokes babe. This is pretty based of you. Delicious Yan!Rook? On my Tumblr? Yeah, I sure hope so. I actually think even in canon, Rook would have yandere tendencies. I will never forget the first time I saw his dorm room. Ever. Also, I got two of these, and I'm guessing it was you who sent both!! So, I'm using this one since it was the first one I got. I hope you enjoy it!~!
You weren’t sure why, but ever since you started living in Ramshackle… You felt like you were being watched. Only at night. You asked Grim about it, he assumed you were being a scaredy-cat since the dorm was just super old. The ghosts would tell you that maybe it was just your imagination. And maybe it was. As you undressed for a quiet night alone, you stepped into the shower to wash your stress away.
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“Grim.. I dunno… I just feel like something is wrong today.” You sighed and lifted the window, sticking your head out to peer into the pitch black forest. “It’s because we have our alchemy exam tomorrow. That’s what’s makin’ you all paranoid.” Grim attempted to comfort you with his little gray paws petting at your leg as you continued to stare out into the woods. It was late, the moon was peeking out over the trees as you stood in your bedroom. As your fingers tightened around the windowsill, your stomach began to sink. You felt like something- no. Someone was staring back at you. 
This was something you’ve felt before. Ever since you had started staying in Ramshackle. And for the last four months the anxious feeling had only intensified. You had confided in the ghosts who offered to scout the property, but they hadn’t seen anything worth reporting. They told you it must be nerves from staying in the environment. You pulled away from the window and pushed it shut with a small sigh. Your heart was pounding against your ribs, the anxiety left your hands shaking. “I think you’re right Grim… I’m… I’m gonna take a shower.” You murmured as the monster pulled away from your leg with a fanged smirk. “That’s the spirit! Ain’t nothin’ to be worried about!” His tail swished as you drew the curtains shut and crouched to rub Grim’s head lovingly. You appreciated his attempt to comfort you, after all, Grim was the only friend you really had. 
Grim curled up under the blankets with a yawn, heading to bed early while you got ready to shower. You made your way to the bathroom to wash away your worries with your towel and pajamas draped over your arm. That feeling was just stress knowing you had an exam tomorrow. No one was stalking you in the forest. That was silly. It had to be an animal. A rabbit species only existing in Twisted Wonderland. Yeah, that was it. 
The sound of rushing water was comforting in comparison to the terrifying silence from before. You undressed slowly, occasionally glancing out of the bathroom window with a friend. The feeling of being watched returned. It sent a freezing chill down your spine as you removed your shirt, sheepishly turning your back to face the window. You didn’t have a curtain up since the window faced the lush trees and foliage. The only peeping toms out there were birds and bugs. And yet, you had a looming feeling that something was off. 
Like Grim said, it could just be nerves making you paranoid. You hesitated before grabbing the hem of your bottoms and slipping them down your thighs. With a careful bend of your body, you tossed them aside with a sigh. The feeling of being watched was gone again. You looked around the bathroom, neatly folding your pajamas on the edge of the sink and leaving them as the steam from the water fogged the bathroom mirror. You just needed to wash away your worries. That’s all. 
You nudged aside the flimsy curtain, frosted in white film to hide you from those who may enter. Such as Grim when he needed something from you and managed to open the door with magical assistance. The warm water pelted your skin like delicate pats hoping to massage your fears away. You reached for your shampoo first with your once racing thoughts melting away. Sudsing up your hair as you thought about your exam tomorrow. You really didn’t have anything to worry about. You were passing the class with flying colors, it was Grim who was struggling. But, you usually would help him with tests anyway since the two of you made one student. You smiled to yourself as you rinsed your hair clear of soap and reached for your conditioner. If anything, you could always ask Ace and Deuce for help before classes started. They weren’t exactly smarter than you, but you were friends. If they got some of the same answers you did then you knew you were solid for the exam. 
“Maybe I am just being paranoid… It’s just the woods… It’s nothing.” You mumbled to yourself while scrubbing the conditioner into your hair and proceeding to wash it away after. Living in a new environment can be scary for many people. You weren’t immune to natural fears like monsters in the closet or ghosts wandering the halls. Your eyes widened and you felt your face start to burn.
Malleus usually would take late night walks around Ramshackle. Maybe that was him watching you? Your arms wrapped tightly around your wet body as a form of comfort. No way… Malleus wouldn’t spy on you like that. Usually he would make his presence known by standing by the gate, politely requesting that you join him for a walk. He wouldn’t ever hide in the forest like that. Would he? The sound of the door opening caused you to lift your head and snapped you away from your thoughts. “Grim? Ugh- I told you to knock before you enter. Or at least say something.” You groaned in annoyance and allowed your arms to fall to the side. 
However, the steps towards the tub sounded much heavier than Grim’s. Like heavy boots. The lack of response sent an electric current of fear down your spine as you began to shrink towards the back of the tub. Your back now pressed against the white tile as you nervously covered your chest with your hands. “… Grim?” You called out weakly for the beast. But you knew it wasn’t him on the other side of the curtain.
A shadow loomed on the other side of the frosted white curtain. Your throat constricted, holding back a shriek as the person on the other side began to noisily undress. No. No, no, no. Your bottom lip trembled and you mustered up a scream, calling out for Grim or for the ghosts to come and rescue you. Your eyes were wide in terror as you stared at the man who had shoved aside your thin shower curtain. A knife was now pointed at you as the assailant wore a sweet smile. “Non, non! There is no need to shout.” It was Rook Hunt. “I apologize, mon Trickster. I wasn’t happy with admiring from afar anymore. Seeing you so frightened… It wounded my heart!” He shook his head, his usual blond bob was pulled back into a short ponytail. He was shirtless, his top discarded to the floor as he continued to undress using a single hand. The knife remained pointed at your own bare body. 
“You… You were watching me?” You whimpered fearfully and he chuckled with a wide smile. “Oui!~!” Rook kicked off his heavy, tan boots and slipped off his socks by only using his feet. “I have been watching you since we met. Seeing you every night was my personal ritual before I could seek peaceful rest at night.” He explained kindly as his pants had started to slip down his muscular thighs. “Seeing your pretty expressions you haven’t shown anyone else... Watching you undress and shower, seeing the way you would pleasure yourself late at night…” He trailed off with a soft shade of red painting his cheeks. His tongue swiped over his upper lip as he moved closer to the tub. The look in his murky green eyes left you shaking with fear as you cowered in front of him. You looked past Rook and towards the door with tears pricking your eyes. Why wasn’t Grim coming? Where are the ghosts? Didn’t they hear you scream? 
“Th… That’s very nice Rook… I’m flattered.” You croaked with a trembling smile, struggling to fight the urge to cry. Your eyes darted back to the long hunting blade only centimeters away from your jugular. Each swallow would cause the tip of the blade to tickle your skin. In the most unpleasant way possible. “B-But there’s no need to join me! I was actually just getting out!” You flashed an anxious smile, seeing the blond man start to pout. It was terrifying. “Why, there is no reason to be embarrassed.” He sighed with a shake of his head, sliding a finger into his boxer briefs and inching them down his hips. “You have not yet washed your body. I only wish to observe you up close. You usually use oatmeal soap, with honey extract for your skin. It’s a wonderful choice! Roi du Poison would approve.” This conversation was abnormal. 
Rook Hunt has broken into the one place you could call home, and is now holding you at knife point. He was undressing, and planning to step into the shower with you. This isn’t right. “Th-Thank you Rook. But… I think I want to get out of the shower.” Your voice was meek as his dark colored briefs were kicked aside, and he pulled off his hat, leaving it on the edge of the sink. Neatly placed on top of your pajamas.
“You may, after I’ve showered as well.” He cooed and stepped into the ceramic tub. You were trembling now, the sound of your heart beat violently against your eardrums as he kept the knife pointed at you, and pulled the curtain shut. His green eyes scanned over your naked body as you used your hands to cover your most delicate places. It was humiliating to have Rook stare at you like this. The rushing water bounced against his once dry skin as he reached back, and grabbed your soap for you. “I would like to watch you bathe. Do not let me distract you.” He beamed as your shaky hands grabbed the bottle of soap. 
If you had an opening, you could hit Rook with it and run. But with the knife so close to you, you couldn’t risk it. “Where’s Grim?” You asked fearfully as the blond chuckled at your question. “Monsieur Hirsute is sleeping heavily. He won’t be waking up for a while.” Rook assured you as you awkwardly fumbled with the cap to the soap. That would imply that Grim was dead. Or hopefully just drugged to remain asleep for a few hours. “The ghosts didn’t see you?” You asked as the hunter tilted his head. “They are gone for tonight.” You felt a stone sink in your stomach when you realized you were truly on your own for this. No one would be coming to save you. 
You swallowed down a sob as you poured some of the tan colored soap into your palm. Your arms were shaking and you felt like time had started to slow to a stop. You felt sick. “Why don’t I assist you?” Rook offered and you vigorously shook your head in refusal. But it was clear the blond wasn’t going to take your no for an answer. He placed his knife in your metal shower caddy, and took the soap from you. He poured it in his palms with a smile before returning the bottle to its original place. “N-No. Don’t touch me.” You snapped weakly, before Rook roughly grabbed you by the wrist and held you against his wet body. Soapy hands rubbed gingerly over your body as you squirmed in his touch with your eyes now squeezed shut. The glide over your breasts and subtle pinch of your nipples. How he soaped up your arms down to your waist and hips. You clenched your jaw tightly, attempting to get away as a hand slipped between your thighs. “Ohh, my dear Trickster. You need to be cleaned. You mustn't struggle.” He cooed as if he was trying to subdue an animal afraid of the soap and water. 
It was laughable. 
“Let me go Rook please. I’m sorry- I really am. I don’t know what I did-” He shushed you from above as his soapy fingers began to stimulate your clit. Pulling back the sensitive hood as you shook in his hold. You wanted to scream for help. You wanted to suddenly possess intense strength to fight Rook off of you. “This place needs to be cleaned.” Rook's voice dropped to a whisper as he rubbed delicate circles with his calloused fingers against your clit. The stimulation made your pussy flutter, betraying your feelings of disdain towards Rook. If you let him do this, he would be satisfied and leave. Right? You tried to force yourself to relax. Leaning against his muscular body as he stroked and touched your pussy. 
Your face burned in embarrassment as he chuckled again. “This is how you like being touched. Oui?” He asked and you gave a short nod. Rook had been watching you touch yourself, so naturally he knew how you liked it. “I haven’t seen you with anyone else in an intimate way other than yourself. Are you nervous mon Trickster?” The question pushed tears into pricking your eyes. When you finally opened your eyes again, you were relieved to see the horrible world around you had been blurred. But the relief was short lived as Rook slipped a finger into your tight gummy walls. Slowly pushing deep inside of you as your body tried to force him out. You tensed up and gave another short nod. Nervous could not describe the terror you felt. “Please let me go.” You wailed softly as tears rolled down your face. Hidden by the shower water bouncing off of Rook's pale skin and onto you. 
He did not respond. Instead, he pumped his finger slowly, crooking it into a sensitive spot inside of you that made you yelp and your knees buckle. When you leaned against Rook for support, you looked down to see his erect cock. Flushed at the tip, long and thick. Twitching with excitement only centimeters away from your hip. It hung heavy between his muscular thighs as your stomach dropped in fear. A scream started to bubble up in your throat as you started squirming again. “Let go of me!” You raised your voice, smacking and punching at Rook’s chest in terror. But the man was unphased. He only frowned with a soft tut of disappointment that you were resisting so much. 
The ground beneath you suddenly vanished when his finger was pulled from pleasuring your pussy. You thrashed until your back was pressed firmly against the wet shower tile and you were folded in half with Rook pinning you from the front. His strong arms locked you into the position, keeping you folded with his elbows under your knees. You wanted to scream. You wanted the ghosts to come back and save you. You wanted Grim to poke his head into the bathroom, even though you told him a million times not to without announcing himself. “Rook no… Please- I won’t tell anyone…” You sobbed against his shoulder. Your face was hot at the feeling of your hole flexing, begging for him to push inside. It was just a bodily reaction. You didn’t want this. You don’t want him to do this to you. 
Rook hummed from above you, the wet, sticky tip of his cock nudged against your entrance as he adjusted himself against you. “Mon Trickster, je suis désolé. I did want to be intimate much longer but…” He trailed off, slowly rocking his hips against your soaking hole. “When you struggle, it turns me on.” The darkness in his voice made you whimper as he began to push inside of you. Stretching you with his thick cock as you punched and shoved at his slippery shoulders. You felt like you were being torn in half. The dull pain made your toes curl and you shook and squirmed. It only got Rook to slide deeper inside of you. “You can take all of me. I know you can.” The blond cooed with a small stutter of shallow thrusts, before his strong hips snapped against you. He was balls deep. Twitching and throbbing inside of you as the two of you remained still and connected in the most vulnerable way. 
It made you sick. You sobbed against his shoulder, giving up and falling limp as Rook’s cock stirred inside of you. Deep inside of your womb, the illusion of being buried within your sensitive intestines where your body would mold itself to the shape of his thick shaft. You hated the feeling. Even if your nipples were hard and sensitive, brushing against his as he pressed his body firmly against yours and began to roughly pound into you. Stimulating your body in more ways than one. His fluffy blond pubes scratching your twitching clit with each wet smack, and the way he forced your body to fold in half for him to penetrate you deeper and deeper. You hated your body for accepting him and the things he did. You hated Rook for doing this to you. A strangled wail left your throat when his cock began to pound into your cervix. His mushroom shaped tip jamming against the bundle of nerves made your stomach ache with pain as you struggled against him. Unable to move as you begged him to stop. He only laughed at your cries of pain. Deeper. Harder. Rougher. His grip on your body was painful and the way his hips smacked into yours you thought you would get bruises. Your pussy clenched around his cock from the pain, making him groan in pleasure as he mumbled into your ear sweet nothings in a language you didn’t understand. 
He pulled away from your ear and forced his lips against yours. The disgusting feeling of his tongue rubbing against yours made you cringe as you snapped your teeth together. The taste of iron flooded your mouth as Rook pulled away, pounding harshly into your body with a teeth filled smile. His once pearly whites were coated in a sheet of blood that dripped down his lips and chin and onto your body. His cheeks were even redder from pleasure. He liked it. He liked that you bit him out of defiance. He said nothing as his hips slowed and he adjusted you on his cock. You sobbed again as he forced his hips against you, reaching even deeper somehow as your body shook from pain. You wished he would cum already, or at least you would faint first. He continued to babble with excitement, his tongue continued to bleed as he stared down at you with a crazed expression. The violent twitch and throb of his cock made you feel ill as you knew what was going to happen next. “Je t’aime… Ohhhh I love you mon Trickster…” He whined as his thrusts became sloppy, and finally stuttered to a stop deep inside of your twitching walls. Your nails dug into his flesh as he left you pushed against the wet tile with his muscular body. You winced with each throb of his cock deep inside of you. You could feel Rook’s thick load of sperm began to seep out of your abused hole with hot, messy, pearlescent strings. It disgusted you. A weak sob trickled from your throat and you shook your head sadly against him. “Beauté, mon Trickster!~!” Rook huffed happily against your ear. His grip was like iron as you continued to fall limp against him. “The night is still young. I still haven’t had my fill of you.” The sound of his voice made your stomach churn as tears rolled down your face. You decided it would be best to succumb to your fate as Rook Hunt’s prized prey.
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Tagged Accounts: @candlewitch-cryptic @yandere-kou @the-monday-witch @bontensbabygirl
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msbigredmachine · 5 months
Voyeur (Jimmy Uso/OC) *Seven Paragraph Challenge*
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A/N: Thanks to my girl @harmshake for another challenge! I know I'm supposed to be prepping for interviews but I needed a stress reliever.
By the way, it's my first Jimmy fic! ��� He's a bit different to write and I'm a little nervous. I hope I did him justice.
Click here if you want to be on my tag list. If I’ve forgotten anyone please let me know so I can add you.
Word Count: 725
Warning: Smut
One wrong turn led you here. Dragged you down the unfamiliar, winding maze of the massive arena and unearthed a sight you should never have seen. But here you stood in the empty hallway, the sole witness to the sleazy tableau mere feet away. Only one month into your new job, you were convinced you had seen all of the wild antics of the wrestlers you were in charge of. But this…definitely took the cake.
Slumped against an equipment crate with an unknown woman kneeling between his spread legs, Jimmy Uso groaned. You stood frozen as you watched him watch her, his big paw cupping the back of her head as it bobbed back and forth, his grunts of pleasure mingling with the slobbers of her mouth around his cock. A voice in your head screamed at you to get out of there, that you shouldn't be watching this, but you just couldn't move. It was like you were mesmerized, unable to turn away from the erotic show. More interestingly, a powerful wave of jealousy washed over you, seeing the object of your affection being pleasured by someone else. You watched his mouth fall open and marveled at the beauty of his features; his full, parted lips, the thick healthy beard, the sheen of sweat lining the edges of his neat braids. As his head tipped backwards and his big body shivered in a telltale sign of an orgasm, you longed to be the one to do that to him, to bring him to that state of blood-pumping, soul-shaking euphoria. He let out a deep, satisfied exhale afterwards, gathering the woman’s hair in his fist and pulling her off him abruptly. Zeroing in on his exposed dick, your mouth watered. Fuck, it looked so good...
It was then that both parties finally sensed the intruding presence in the air. Looking up, Jimmy locked eyes with you before you even realized that you'd been caught. He grinned unashamedly, like the cat that got the canary, making your stomach lurch from a mix of horror and lust. The woman jumped to her feet, her expression emblazoned with embarrassment as she hurriedly wiped her mouth with her sleeve. You didn’t recognise her, but your hands itched to throttle her for even touching him. She yelped as Jimmy slapped her ass right before scurrying past you with no eye contact whatsoever. Jimmy zipped his pants back up and approached you, a smirk lining his gorgeous features as he eyed you up and down. 
"Ay, new girl…didn’t your mama teach you not to stare?" His dark gaze was penetrating and seemed to strip you down to your bare bones. Feeling naked, you instinctively crossed your arms over your chest, your face warming as he licked his lips and loomed over you, like a predator closing in on its prey. He looked so good in that red jacket; his cologne was sweet and wafted through your nostrils, causing your heart to pound and your pussy to flutter with desire.
"You liked that, didn’t you? Watchin’ her suck me off, huh?” he purred, cupping your chin with his fingers, smiling as the answer twinkled in your eyes. "I seen the way your fine ass been lookin’ at me since your first day here.” His thumb brushed over your mouth, teasing the seam that parted your lips. “You want me, baby? It's just us now, you can tell me. Don’t be shy.”
You couldn’t help yourself. His words were hypnotizing, seductive and laden with carnal promise that you ached for. Your response was to scoop his thumb into your mouth, staring into his dark, beautiful irises as you sucked it with intent, showing him that you were far more talented than that bitch could ever be. The soft groan that sounded from his throat stroked your ego, and you sucked it for a little longer, licking at the thick digit one last time before slipping it out of your mouth. The air between you crackled, hot and tense and fierce. Without taking his eyes off you, Jimmy dipped his hand into your pocket and took out your phone. He tapped in his phone number, sent a quick text message, and grinned as his own device beeped seconds later, confirming he now had your number too. 
“I just sent you my hotel info. Come over after the show. And bring your things. You stayin’ with me tonight,” he instructed, handing you your phone back. You regarded each other one final time, for now, both your bodies blazing with hunger and anticipation as he turned and walked away without another word.
A/N: Ok I'm going back to studying. I'll be back in full tumblr action next week!
Please leave comments! I love comments!
Credit to the owners of the gif and pic.
Tagging everyone else:  @jxtina-86 @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @squishyguishy @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @harmshake @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @harlemblipster @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @shonny09 @lizzyd1ish @gomussy @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya
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the-iceni-bitch · 9 months
𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓃ℯ𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽ℯ ℱ𝒶𝓉ℯ𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒜𝓁𝒾ℊ𝓃ℯ𝒹
Relationship: lawyer!amazon Natasha Romanoff x plus size!short female reader (Big Red and Peach)
Word Count: ~2.4k
Summary: It’s your birthday and Nat knows just how to spoil you.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (scissoring, oral), f/f relationship, so much fluff, a cute cat, reader is a swiftie, they’re in love y’all, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: In the midst of writing all the wonderful Kinktober smut I had to churn out this little beauty. These two are so adorable, the NY babes are gonna be fun to play with.
I do not do taglists, so if you want to stay up to date on all of my fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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You let out a snort when you woke up, whining and screwing your eyes closed while you buried your face in the pillow to block out the sun. It was your birthday, and all you wanted was to curl up under the blankets and avoid everyone and everything until tomorrow.
“Happy Birthday!!”
“Shut the fuck up.” You growled and frowned at Nat when she walked into the room with a ridiculously large pile of pancakes. With whipped cream. And sparklers. Damn her and her cheery morning attitude. “It’s too early.”
“It’s nine o’clock, peach.” She beamed at you and sat down on the bed, setting the platter of decadent breakfast on the nightstand before stretching her body over yours so she could nuzzle into your hair and kiss your ear. “And I want to spend as much of my special girl’s special day spoiling her.”
“Ugh… fine.” It was hard to stay upset when she was sitting there in just a cami and panties, especially when she bounced happily and made her perfect boobs jiggle in a way that made you want to shove your face between them. “But we’re not going out, right?”
“Of course not.” Nat placed the tray on your lap when you sat up, clapping when you blew out the sparklers and winding her arms around your neck so she could kiss your cheek. “I don’t want to share you with anyone else.” She laughed when your kitten jumped up on the bed and tried to put his paw right in the whipped cream. “Except for little Gus-Gus, of course!”
You couldn’t help but smile when Nat started cuddling the kitten while you ate your pancakes. She kept leaning over to kiss whipped cream off the corners of your lips, and fuck if that didn’t do things to you. The woman had taken the whole day off work just so she could spend it with you, it’s not like you could really be mad about your birthday when that was the situation.
As soon as you were finished she was shoving the kitten into your arms and dragging you downstairs, that gorgeous smile still on her face that made you feel all gooey inside. Then you saw the living room and kitchen and you wanted to laugh and cry all at once.
Flowers. Bouquets on every surface and garlands strung from the ceilings with sprays on the walls. Delphiniums and asters and anemones and snapdragons and ranunculus. All of your favorites. It smelled like an English garden, and it looked like one. Plus there were bright ribbons everywhere, and a hand painted banner that said ‘happy birthday’ in calligraphy. You didn’t know how to react.
“I cannot believe you did all this.” Damn, your eyes were all misty. Maybe she would believe it was allergies? “You’re really leaning into the sugar mommy thing.”
“Or, I just love my little peach and how her face looks when she’s happy.” After she set the tray in the sink she wrapped you in her arms and kissed the top of your head. “And how you pretend like you don’t get all teary when you get nice things. Which you deserve, baby girl.”
“Shut up.” You huffed out a laugh and buried your face in her boobs. “Thank you.”
“Of course, honey.” Nat placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head back so she could look you in the eyes, still smiling when she leaned down to kiss you softly. “I love you.”
“I couldn’t tell.” You giggled when she growled playfully and bit your bottom lip. “I love you too, so much.”
“That’s my good girl.” She kissed you one more time before leading you to sit on the couch in front of a very large pile of gifts. “And now it’s time for presents!”
“Dear god.” You sighed when you flopped onto the couch with the kitten in your lap, chuckling in disbelief when she brought the first of you didn’t even know how many presents to you. “These are all wrapped way too nicely, Nat. I feel bad about ruining the paper. It’s too much.”
“Hush.” She sat down in front of you and rested her chin on her knees. “First off, you deserve all the gifts in the world because you’re wonderful. And second, we need to make your work room more comfy cozy now that you’re home all the time. Give it that peachy flair.”
“Okaaaaaaay…” you unwrapped the first gift as carefully as possible, letting out a shuddering and slightly emotional breath when you got a look at it. “Jesus Christ.”
What could you say, she knew you. Really well. In addition to the beautiful new laptop, she got you a vintage typewriter just in case you wanted to ‘write aesthetically’, which was just adorable even though you had no idea what it meant. There were lovely pictures of the vintage furniture she had bought to fill the space, with promises that the two of you would spend weekends refinishing and painting it together so it would look exactly the way you wanted.
Then there were the borderline excessive Taylor Swift related presents, which did make you cry. You didn’t even know how she found cardigans for every single album, much less little tiny matching ones for Gus to wear. The record player didn’t make much sense until you started unwrapping the vinyls of each album in aesthetically pleasing colors, including each of the ‘Taylor’s Version’ albums with promises to complete the collection as they continued being released. She insisted on putting the Eras bracelet on you herself as soon as you opened it, and her smile got even wider when you squeaked at the tickets to the Toronto show. It was absolutely over the top, but she looked so happy every time you opened something, and seeing her happy made you happy, so fuck it.
“I have no idea how you’re going to keep this up for every birthday and Christmas from now on.” You snuggled into her shoulder and pulled your “Midnights” cardigan closer around yourself, smiling while you looked at the framed vintage print of “Great War” lyrics. “Or where I’m going to put everything if you keep it up.”
“I’ll just have to buy a bigger house.” Nat kissed the top of your head and chuckled softly, turning on ‘How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days’ while she wrapped her arms around you. “Who really needs a retirement account?”
“Um, you do.” You looked up at her and grinned when she started rubbing your hips. “Because I’m not gonna start working again, and once I put you in an old age home, I’ll need something to maintain the lifestyle I’m becoming accustomed to.”
“Old age home?” She scoffed when you just grinned wider and nodded at her. “Little girl, you are asking for your birthday spanks.”
“Wait… Nat!” You squealed when she slapped your ass then tried to flip you over, kicking your legs and trying to get away while she just manhandled you like it was nothing. “This isn’t fair, I’m tiny!”
“Which is just fantastic for me.” She laughed when you yelped as she lifted you up so she could bite your left ass cheek before tossing you over her lap and giving you a good smack. “Tiny and thick, just look at that.”
“Hey!” You pouted and looked over your shoulder when she grabbed a handful of your ass and shook it. “Don’t jiggle me!”
“But I love the jiggle.” Nat gave you another spank and growled when it sent a ripple over your exceptionally voluptuous rear end. “Now, hold still.”
After about five you finally stopped squirming, just wiggling a little each time her hand met your skin. Your breathing kept getting heavier, though, and you couldn’t hold back your soft little whines. Once she got halfway through you were openly moaning like a whore, completely forgetting about the movie and pushing your ass up to meet her hand. Yeah, you were getting wet. Like, really wet. And hot. You didn’t even notice when she landed another solid slap and you spread your legs, biting your lips when you felt your pussy throb. Damn her, she really did know you.
“There we go.” As soon as she finished she yanked your panties down your legs, tossing them somewhere you couldn’t see before she started teasing her fingers over the insides of your thighs. “Just look how messy your pretty little pussy is, peachy girl! And from a spanking. Tsk, whatever should we do about it?”
“Dunno…” you were mumbling and perhaps drooling but if she didn’t do something about the situation between your legs soon you might cry. “Natasha…”
“Aww, did somebody get a little stupid?” Nat just grinned when you nodded as she turned you over and spread your legs even wider. “Does baby need mommy to take care of her and her sloppy cunt?”
“Yes mommy.” You gasped when she propped your ankle on her shoulder so she could pull off her own panties, licking your lips when she hooked a knee over your thigh that was laying on the couch until she was straddling you. “Mommy…”
“Shhh, just let mommy take care of you, baby.”
As soon as she pressed against you you whimpered, your eyes fluttering closed when she scraped her teeth along the curve of your calf at the same time she started to move. She was so soft. And warm. And slick. Her pussy slid over yours easily, her clit right against yours while her hips rolled slowly and sensuously so you could feel all of her. Nat nibbled on your ankle delicately when your pussy throbbed for her, smiling when you moaned and arched your back while your toes curled. You hiccuped when her clit found yours and started moving your hips, gripping the couch cushions when your core began tightening and it got harder to breathe.
The both of you moaned when she began rolling her hips faster, your hand sliding up her soft thighs so you could hold onto her hips while she rode you. Her lips were still pressed to the skin of your calf, sucking on it gently until you had a chain of pretty bruises along the inside of your leg. Nat purred when you tossed your head back and whined at the sensation of her sliding a hand under your cardigan so she could play with your tits, rolling over your nipple with her thumb until you let out another desperate hiccup. You whined when she squeezed your breast at the same time she changed the angle of her grinding, your eyes fluttering open when she bent over you until her lips were brushing against yours.
“My sweet, pretty girl.” Nat cooed into your mouth before flicking her tongue against your bottom lip, taking the hand that was holding your leg away so she could bury it in your hair while she gazes deeply into your eyes. “So good for mommy. Is feeling mommy’s pussy rubbing against yours your favorite, peach?”
“Mmhm… yeah.” Breathing kept getting harder and harder, your breath leaving you in a pathetic whimper while you dug your fingers into her hips. “‘M so close…”
“I know baby girl.” She tugged on your bottom lip with her teeth while letting out some low, pleasant sound from deep in her chest. “Come for mommy. You know how much I love it when you make a mess on my pussy.”
Nat pressed her lips to yours so she could swallow your cry when you fell apart, smiling when you shook in her arms while your pussy fluttered and gushed all over hers. She followed right after you, gasping and letting her eyes fall closed when her cunt spasmed against yours while every muscle in her body clenched and released. When you opened your eyes to watch her it only made your orgasm more intense, your legs tightening around her when her face flushed pink and her eyes fluttered, her teeth sinking into her pillowy bottom lip while her body rolled against yours.
As soon as you had both ridden it out you collapsed against each other, Nat laughing softly and rolling until you were sprawled on top of her while you tried to catch your breath. Neither of you could stop smiling, your eyes bright and happy when Nat pushed your hair away from your face before cupping your cheek with tender affection. You leaned into her touch and wrapped your arms around her tightly, letting out a happy sigh when she leaned up to kiss your forehead.
“You are so precious, little peach.” Nat hummed and rested her head against the pillow that was propped on the armrest, tangling her legs with yours while you pulled a blanket over your naked bottom halves. “Are you having a good birthday?”
“It would be kind of hard not to.” You chuckled when she played with your hair as you kept rubbing your cheek against her chest. “Every day with you is a good day.”
“Hmm, I feel exactly the same way.” She gave your ass an affectionate squeeze. “I hope cuddling for the rest of the day and eating a variety of snacks is acceptable.”
“More than acceptable.” You smiled warmly when she kissed the top of your head again. “But you know what’s even better than cuddling? Naked cuddling.”
“Whatever my birthday girl wants she gets.” Nat beamed at you before sitting up to pull off her cami, laughing when you immediately buried your face in her breasts as soon as she laid back down. “Spoiled.”
“Well, that’s your own fault.” You nuzzled at her breast as you relaxed, letting out a contented sigh when she began playing with your hair again. “Thank you for giving me a nice birthday. I love you.”
“And I love you baby girl.” She kept playing with your hair, laughing softly when the two saw Gus rolling around on the floor and meowing in offense at being forced to wear a cardigan. “And I’m going to make sure every single one of your days from now on is as nice as possible.”
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