#a very beautiful and elegant wizard!!
imperator-titus · 2 months
Favorite Party Banter [Minthara Edition]
[Astarion (Ascended)] [Halsin/Jaheira] [Gale] [Karlach] [Lae'zel] [Minsc] [Minthara] [Shadowheart] [Wyll]
I often miss party banter because of party comp (and sometimes just straight up can't hear??) so here's a collection of my favorite bants while going through dialogue files. I know the wiki has the banter (most? all?) but I added the file names and dev notes.
Either Minthara is the main speaker/subject or I think Minthara's reaction is good shit.
Not in any particular order.
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Minthara: I cannot tell if you are more a deviant or a debutante, Shadowheart.
Minthara: I would like to test both aspects of your character when next you find yourself alone at night.
Shadowheart: I’m not quite sure I like where this is going.
Karlach: It’s funny seeing you so smitten, Minthara. Didn’t think you were able. {Devnote: With concern}
Minthara: I took my first lover before you were a spark in your father’s eye, child.
Karlach: Go on.
Minthara: She was a high priestess of House Vandree. Beautiful, elegant, ruthless. {Devnote: friendly rather than flirtatious}
Minthara: I adored her, and had been sharing her bed for some time when the order came that she must die.
Minthara: I stayed with her while the poison did its work, and whispered words of comfort as she slipped away.
Karlach: Oh no. {Devnote: quiet, shocked, just heard a very sad story}
Gale: I found an empty bottle of venom in camp, Minthara. Safe to assume it was yours?
Minthara: Indeed. I have been dosing my partner while they sleep by my side.
Minthara: They refuse to take it in their food, but I must build up their immunity in case we ever visit Menzoberranzan together.
Gale: Let’s never speak of this again.
Astarion: So how does Lolth feel about romance? Are you expected to bite your mate's head off afterwards?
Minthara: Be grateful I no longer follow the Spider Queen's teachings. If I did, you would be the first to fall into my web. {Devnote: Teasing Astarion with a grotesquely exaggerated version of how she would seduce him}
Astarion: I can't tell if you're joking. She is joking, right? {Devnote: first phrase to Minthara, then appealing to the party at large for support}
Lae'zel: Our leader is a fool for love, Minthara. I'd never be compelled to conduct such a poorly-planned jailbreak.
Minthara: They did not do it for love. They did it for my prowess in combat, as well as coitus. I excel in both.
Lae'zel: As do I. Sometimes the acts are not dissimilar.
Gale: I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather heartless.
Minthara: Loving another is not soft, wizard. It is one of the hardest things a person can do.
Gale: So you admit you've found love! How delightful - I'm happy for you both.
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serverusslaype · 11 months
The Yule Ball, pt. 1
Severus Snape x professor!reader
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omg wow two posts in one day? who am i?
i also wanted to post this because i asked about it a while ago lmao, but i'm going to split it into two parts and finish the end of the second part tomorrow after work, it's mostly done, i just need to tidy it up hehe. this isn't very long, however, in part two, it gets good of course. pls don't hate me :( </3
i hope you are all doing well!! :)
warnings: slight harassment? ew, karkaroff
The atmosphere in the Great Hall was sparkling and lively as loud laughter and chatter filled the wintry and festively decorated room. Several large round tables were dotted around the sides of it, laden with beautiful white centrepieces and matching silver cutlery and glittering glassware. Long, blue-grey curtains adorned with artifical snow hung from the walls between the majestic and mythical stone statues, as if imitating frozen waterfalls. A warm and fuzzy feeling settled in your body as you glanced around the gorgeously decorated Hall, a small smile finding your cherry-red painted lips. 
You sat alone at a table in a silky, backless, long-sleeved dress with only a goblet of wine for company as you watched students and teachers alike dance joyously on the floor to a melodious tune. You had to bite back an amused grin as your eyes caught sight of Hagrid's hand slipping down to Madame Maxine's rear. She quickly swatted it away, and you couldn't help but chuckle quietly to yourself. Ever since the international schools arrived at Hogwarts, Hagrid seemed to be smitten with the enormous witch, and you could see why. Madame Maxine was stunning and classy; always dressed in the finest attire you could ever imagine - and of course, always carried herself with elegance. You envied her slightly as you watched the pair sway sweetly together.
Speaking of the international schools, a certain Headmaster had taken a liking to you during their stay and Hogwarts, and it didn't please you at all. In fact, it made you rather uncomfortable. Well, he made you uncomfortable. You shivered slightly at the thought of Igor Karkaroff and lifted your goblet of wine to your lips, downing the rest of it carelessly. You'd been avoiding him all night, and you hoped you wouldn't have to speak to him for the rest of it. 
As you placed the goblet back down, you glanced around, catching sight of Minerva stood to the right of Dumbledore and Snape who were currently observing the dancing students. Though you were looking at the older witch, your eyes were magnetically pulled to the wizard dressed in all black - surprisingly without his signature cloak.
Professor Snape.
You'd spoken to him a few times, but not many - he wasn't the most welcoming man you'd met. In fact, he was rather cold and short with you, which wasn't too unsurprising since he'd taught you back in the day when you attended Hogwarts as a student. So, you knew exactly what he was like. In those days, despite his harsh and cruel attitude towards you and your classmates, you developed a silly little crush on him. You weren't exactly sure why - perhaps it was the mysterious aura that he possessed, or his deep, sultry and silky voice he spoke with, or maybe it was just the plain simple fact that he was... attractive to you. Gods, your classmates would have disowned you, had you admitted such a thing.
Regardless of your history here, being the youngest professor here was a little intimidating to say the least, and the need to prove yourself was overwhelming. At times, you felt as if you didn't deserve your post as the professor of Astronomy - how could a twenty-something-year-old be qualified enough to teach students less than ten years their junior? Doubting yourself was bound to happen, especially in the presence of such talented, wise wizards like Dumbledore, Flitwick and McGonagall - Flitwick was a duelling champion, for goodness sake. And what were you? Merely infatuated with the nightsky and everything that possibly dwells beyond it? Merlin.
A deflated sigh swiftly fell from your lips as you quickly stood up from your seat, beginning to reluctantly head over in the direction of your fellow colleagues. It's not like you didn't want to stand with them, you just felt awfully out of place, and you didn't want to look weird by sitting all by your lonesome all night. Being the new person at the new job was never fun.
As you neared them, your eyes were drawn to the gloomy Potions Master again. As if he could sense someone watching him, his deep black eyes flicked to you, and you quickly glanced away with burning cheeks, walking forwards to stop beside Minerva. Maybe your crush never went away, and you winced slightly at the thought.
Turning to Minerva, she looked at you with happy eyes, a smile gracing her lips. "Y/N," Minerva beamed, her shoulders relaxing in a cheerful manner, "we'd wondered where you'd disappeared off to."
You hummed happily at her words, your stiff body relaxing slightly. McGonagall had been your favourite professor when you'd studied at Hogwarts, even though you didn't exactly excel in her class of Transfiguration. She never berated you for your lack of skill in the subject and that was probably what solidified your preference.
You looked at the witch beside you, though a silhouette of a prominent nose and a mop of black hair clouded your vision. "Just needed a sit down, really." You replied with a soft voice, smiling as you linked your fingers together in front of your waist. "Also, I fancied some more wine, it's rather moreish." Minerva and Dumbledore chuckled at your light-hearted joke, but Snape did not. You swallowed awkwardly.
"Perhaps it isn't wise to be drinking in the presence of students, Professor L/N." Snape drawled in a demeaning tone from beside Dumbledore, side-eyeing you.
"What makes you think I'm going to get drunk?" You frowned, his subtle dig at you twisting your insides. Crush or not, he was getting under your skin.
Snape snorted slightly, "A history of misbehaviour at Hogwarts doesn't bode well." He said, turning his head to face you. You fought the itching urge to roll your eyes at his words, remembering that one time you had pranked his class.
"That was one time, Snape." You sighed, fighting hard not to groan. Apparently, he wasn't going to let this go. "And it was years ago now."
"I wouldn't want to take any chances." He sneered at you, and your stomach twisted horribly. Did he really despise you that much? It hurt to say the least, you thought he would've put that in the past and moved on, but apparently grudges are the next best thing.
"Right." You huffed quietly, and Minerva cast an awkward glance to Dumbledore who also looked rather uncomfortable. Yes, this was a terrible idea coming to stand with your colleagues. A fucking terrible idea. Snape always had to make you look childish. Suddenly, you pathetically wished that Karkaroff would suddenly appear and bother you so you wouldn't have to deal with this awful interaction. Anything would be better than this right now.
As if on cue, someone called your name. "Would you excuse me?" You sighed, casting an apologetic smile towards Dumbledore and McGonagall, purposefully ignoring Snape. Dumbledore also excused himself, leaving only the Heads of Slythering and Gryffindor together.
As you and Dumbledore walked off, Minerva turned to Snape with scornful eyes. "You shouldn't be so harsh on her, Severus," she huffed, "she's not a child anymore. Y/N is an adult, capable of making adult decisions. There's no need for such hostility." 
Snape didn't reply, he only sighed heavily at Minerva's comment, prompting the older witch to roll her eyes at his petty behaviour. Though, underneath his cold and dismissive attitude towards you, there was something else. Something he did not want to unfold, nor understand. It wasn't a familiar feeling, and that was what worried him. And so, each time you spoke to him or looked at him, he had chosen to push that feeling away by being malicious to you. Snape wasn't fond of it, and he did resent himself slightly by acting so horribly towards you. Something inside of him tugged at his heart each time your face fell due to his sharp words, or the way he'd glare at you whenever you looked at him. It was the only thing he knew. Snape wasn't familiar with nor welcoming to feelings other than hatred or disdain.
The Potions Master cast his eyes over the crowds of students, absent-mindedly looking for your small figure. It's not like he wanted to check on you, he just wanted to see who had called for you, out of... curiosity. And there you were, chatting with the Weasley twins. Snape couldn't remember your exact age, but he was sure you were mid-twenties, perhaps early-twenties. Your youthful face and essence said so. As he observed you, his chest burned unusually as you laughed at something the twins had said, and it burned even hotter when he saw them hand you something. What were they doing?
"It's just a little something," Fred grinned goofily in his tuxedo as you held a small, neatly-wrapped box in your hands. It was a pale red, with a shining green bow. You looked up at them and smiled gratefully.
"Yeah, we just wanted to say thanks for being a brilliant teacher," George added after his brother, making you grin amused. The two of them always made you laugh in your classes, it was like they were the same person from how well they bounced off of each other.
"Oh, thank you, boys," you grinned, a little shocked at their kindness, "you didn't need to get me anything." Both Fred and George grinned together, their fluffy ginger hair bouncing a tad as they glanced at each other.
"You're our favourite, you know," George said, and Fred nodded with him, beaming. You chuckled at their silly smiles.
"Yeah, you're a thousand times better than any of the other professors," Fred agreed cheerfully, folding his arms against his chest.
"Especially Snape-" George interjected. Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name.
"Yeah, he's a right old miserable git, he is." Fred grumbled, nodding behind you. "He's staring right at us, too." Your stomach dropped the second Fred said those words, and you quickly whipped your head around, your eyes meeting with Snape's own fierce ones. As quickly as you looked at him, you turned back around, your face becoming hot and pink.
"Are you blushing, professor?" George grinned wickedly, glancing at his brother who also shared that same expression.
 "No!" You answered quickly, gasping.
"Don't tell me you like that horrible arse," Fred laughed, his eyebrows shooting upwards.
"I wouldn't have expected you to fancy a Slytherin like him." George frowned, his nose turning up in slight disgust. "I mean, he hates everything and everyone, why would you-"
"I never even said I liked him! You two just assumed so!" You scoffed, folding your arms against your chest. The twins laughed at your reaction, glancing at each other. "Anyway, boys, thank you for the gift, but this conversation is over." Another hefty sigh fell from your lips as you looked between the two of them, smiling politely.
"Professor L/N," A raspy, deep voice came from behind you, and instantly, your blood went cold. You knew that thick accent very well. Fred and George Weasley looked like they were on the verge of busting out laughing. They knew of your dislike for the Durmstrang Headmaster, and you were sure that the majority of the school knew of his weird, little thing for you.
"Headmaster Karkaroff." You turned around hesitantly, fighting back a scream of utter frustration. He looked a little more groomed than usual - his messy, dark brown hair with specks of gray in it was brushed through, and his long goatee had been neatly manipulated into a sharp point. You were also surprised to see him dressed in such expensive looking clothing. The dress coat he sported was a creamy-beige, adorned with a shining black leather belt around his middle, accentuating his lanky figure.
"You look like you need a dance," The corners of his lips turned upwards into a mischievous smirk, and an uncomfortable shiver ran down your spine. "May I help with that?" Karkaroff held out his hand, and your eyes shot down towards it.
"Erm," you stuttered, "well-" You couldn't find the words at all, and it wasn't helping that you could hear the twins behind you snickering to themselves. Before you could even answer, Karkaroff had his hand grasping yours and tugging you to the dancefloor. You stumbled slightly at how fast he had pulled you, and with your other hand, you reached down to grab your skirt to hike it up so you wouldn't trip over.
As the pair of you reached the floor after winding through hoards of dancing students, Karkaroff spun you around a little too quickly, and you ungracefully fell into his chest with a squeak. "Sorry," you mumbled, using a hand to push yourself away from him, "I wasn't really expecting you to do... that."
"You know," Igor chuckled, ignoring your previous comments, "I've been waiting for this moment ever since I arrived here at Hogwarts." He admitted with a wicked smirk, allowing his rough, bony fingers to slide down your bare back, gripping you a little too tightly for your liking.
"...To dance?" You frowned, using your free hand to fidget with his hand that laid flat against your bare back, silently telling him to ease off a little. "Don't be silly." You chuckled awkwardly, casting a glance over to where you had previously stood with the other teachers as you and Karkaroff swayed. Only Snape remained, and your face grew as hot as a firepit as you noticed his eyes were already stuck on you. His face was the usual unhappy, scornful, sour frown.
"Oh, but I am not being silly, little bird." Igor murmured, pushing his face closer to yours. Instinctively, you pulled your head away from his, scrunching your nose up at the awful pet name.
"Little bird?" You repeated, almost choking the words out. You squirmed within his uncomfy grip, casting another glance to Snape, hoping that he'd have just an ounce of human decency to realise that you were asking for help. Surely, he wouldn't be that much of an arsehole to ignore the sign of a colleague in trouble.
"Yes," Igor smiled, making your skin crawl. "You remind me of a little bird - tiny, beautiful..." Your eyes widened at his words, and again, you glanced to where you had seen Snape. Your heart dropped like a rock as you noticed the empty space where he had previously stood. You knew he was a dick, but not so much of a dick to let you get taken hostage by a man you hardly knew - and didn't want to know. "So beautiful... why don't we ditch this party and head back to my quarters? I could show you around." Karkaroff muttered and pulled you even closer, grinning lecherously as he brushed his nose against the crook of your neck. Your breath hitched - but not in a good way.
"Igor..." Your voice was shaky, yet low, indicating that you weren't comfortable at all.
"How about we go somewhere more private?" Karkaroff's hands tightened even more as they slipped down to your hips, pulling your body flush against his. A quiet gasp left your lips as you pressed your palms flat against his chest, attempting to push him off of you. Your eyes flicked to where Snape once stood again, but he was no-where to be seen.
"Something caught your eye, pilentse?" Karkaroff hummed lowly, his eyes narrowing, evidently upset that your attention is busied with something or someone else.
"No." You quickly replied - almost too quickly. "I just need a refreshment, do you mind?" You forced yourself to glance up at Karkaroff's intense, wrinkled eyes.
"Oh, no, that can wait. I've waited almost the whole night for this moment..." Igor grumbled with a sneer as his grip on you became deeper and a little tighter, as if to say you weren't leaving until he deemed it so. That was until you saw that same sneer fall from his face, replaced with what looked like fear. Instantly, your brows furrowed together into a confused frown as you noticed his eyes dart from yours to something behind you, and so you turned around, curious to see why Karkaroff looked like he was about to flee.
"Karkaroff." Snape's deep, almost threatening voice reached your ears, and immediately, your mouth went dry as your heart leaped up into it. So... he did notice you? A rush of relief filled your body and your shoulders relaxed a tad. Snape glanced down at you, his thick mop of black hair framing his pale face. The blue-white light from above highlighted his prominent, handsome features perfectly, and you felt a sense of warmth prickle your skin, pooling in your stomach. You looked away, certain that if you kept staring, he'd assume you were weird or something along those lines.
Igor swallowed thickly, his bony fingers digging into the skin of your back in fear. You winced slightly at the sharp prod, catching Snape's attention. His eyes darted down to where Karkaroff had an iron-grip on you, and his lip twitched into the beginning of a sneer as he looked back to Igor's worried eyes. "Snape," The Durmstrang Headmaster greeted the gloomy Potions Master, clearly a little afraid of him. Apparently everyone was fearful of Snape, except for a select few, you realised. "What can I help you with?" Karkaroff's thick accent had slipped slightly, his voice wavering. You had to stifle a laugh at that - how was a man like Igor Karkaroff afraid of Snape? There was definitely something that you were missing here.
"Professor L/N," Snape ignored Karkaroff and shifted his bored expression to you, though you didn't miss the venomous look that he'd shot at the Bulgarian. You were still in disbelief that Snape had answered your silent cries for help, let alone actually come to save you from Karkaroff's slimy grasp. "I believe we have some important matters to tend to." Snape said matter-of-factly, arching a brow at you expectantly. 
"Wait, what?-" You choked out with wide eyes. You'd been staring a little too hard at Snape, and so you stumbled over your words, unprepared. "Oh, right, yeah- the, erm, the... valerian root." You finished, turning a bright shade of red as Snape's brows furrowed at you in a judgemental fashion, as if to say 'seriously?'.
"Yes," Snape drawled, dragging his disappointed eyes from you to Karkaroff. You huffed quietly, embarrassed. "The valerian root." The Potion Master repeated, shooting you a glare. He held out his hand for you to take, and you reached out to grasp a hold of it, when you were suddenly tugged backwards by Karkaroff. Snape's narrowed eyes darted to the Headmaster's hand wrapped securely around your waist, his nostrils flaring in slight anger. This old, despicable man had no business holding a young witch like you in such a manner.
"That can wait, surely?" Karkaroff said, his voice low as he tucked you closer to his side. You shot a desperate glance to Snape, begging him to help you again. A frustrated breath shot out of his nostrils.
"Tragically, no." Snape quipped sarcastically, his dark eyes piercing a burning hole through Karkaroff. Snape looked furious - his body was rigid. He hadn't moved a muscle apart from his eyes to look at either you or Igor. "Professor?" He glanced to you, stretching his hand to you once more, and you took it happily, allowing him to pull you out of Karkaroff's slimy hands and to his safe side. Your cheeks flushed pink at the closeness between you two, and you kept your eyes on the ground as Snape shifted his hand to sit on the small of your back, guiding you away from Karkaroff.
Part 2! (wip) Masterpost
there is part 1, i hope you enjoyed it, and i hope it was sort of what you expected! i can't remember what i said i was going to do but this is what i came up with hehe. i'm always a sucker for jealousy.
let me know if you liked it/what you thought, i do apologise that it was kinda short, but it'll be finished tomorrow! <3
i hope you're all well! :)
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bloodlust-1 · 11 months
୨⎯ May I Have This Dance? ⎯୧
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Astarion x fem Tav — Fluff
Summary: A celebration! A royal party is thrown for the hero’s of Baldurs Gate, and everyone is dressed for perfection. Astarion eyes Tav as she is offered many dances, waiting to get his turn.
Note: I had this thought of Astarion eyeing Tav down at a ballroom setting, jealous of the guys asking for a dance. And well, here’s this straight from my noggin’
The latest 18+ fic (Halsin)
In the grand ballroom, adorned with opulent chandeliers and intricately designed carvings on the ceiling, a lavish gathering was taking place for a special group. The room was filled with an air of excitement and anticipation as guests dressed in extravagant attire mingle and socialize. The men tailored in beautifully made jackets of all kinds of styles. The women wore elegant gowns that cascaded to the floor, embellished with sequins, lace, and intricate embroidery.
As the music begins to play, all eyes are drawn to one particular girl, Tav. She was definitely nervous for this event. Not because of how many people were there, but how fancy the event was. Tav was a noble before the tadpole situation, her bloodline magic descended from dragons long ago. Tav was familiar with a setting like this, but she did feel a glint of shyness because no one in her group had seen her this way. This felt a bit vulnerable for her especially in front of Astarion who was also familiar with ballroom adequate. She didn’t want to get judge for not knowing her waltz properly for sure. However, Tav exuded an aura of grace and confidence as her dress moves gracefully across the polished marble floor. Her gown was masterpiece of fashion, it huged her figure perfectly, accentuating her every curve. The dress was adorned with shimmering crystals that caught the light and created a mesmerizing sight in the eyes of the guests.
Her hair was meticulously styled into an elaborate updo, adorned with delicate jewels that glimmered in the soft glow of the ballroom lights. Of course, Tav had a great taste for style and knew what exactly fit her body. Her makeup was flawless, it enhanced her natural beauty and highlighting her striking features. Particularly her mismatched eyes, thanks to Volo.
“You look beautiful as ever, Tav.” A hand reached out to Tav, It was Gale.
Her smiled emulated warmth and she took his hand, “And as for you, good wizard.” She joked while doing a small curtsy.
“I knew you were a noble, but this is a side I’ve never seen of you before. It’s interesting to think about when I’m so used to seeing you snugged in a bedroll on the dirt floor. But of course, this is also a great view as well...” Gale cleared his throat for that last sentence, his face had gone red for a moment. He then smiled and led Tav onto the dance floor.
Tav nodded and followed Gale. But she looked around for familiar faces. She had caught glimpse of Wyll, shadowheart, and even Karlach that for surely was not wearing a dress. It was a beautifully tailored feminine jacket, and she looked fantastic. It was definitely more her style. Though, she was hoping to see someone else, Astarion. They had an intense romance while traveling together, and she was disappointed to have not spotted him out in the crowd. He was the only one who could really stir up her heart, with the history they made together. Astarion promised Tav he would be at the event, it was a matter of time of when he would pop up.
“My lady.” Gale kindly placed his hand on Tav’s waist as she placed hers on his shoulder. Hand in hand Gale began to waltz Tav on the polished floor. They danced and Gale was captivated by Tav’s beauty and grace. He thought she was like an actual princess even. He was steady and lead her around the dance floor. Tav even caught glimpses of Wyll who was smirking at the sight of the two dancing. It made her a little shy.
Across the room stood Astarion. He came fashionably late with his laced red top, it was very fitting for the dress code. He instantly smelled Tav’s sweet blood in the air. It led him to her with the sight of Gale. They danced swiftly, but Astarion instantly thought he could do better. He was too sloppy with his feet.
Astarion crossed his arms and leaned his back against a pillar. He watched Tav enjoy herself in the crowd. She was gracefully passed from partner to partner of many men Astarion was familiar with. Ones that he saw staring at her with loving eyes during camp. He knew that state all too well. But he also enjoyed seeing Tav so fluid. Engaging and captivating the crowd with her confidence and beauty. Astarion was equally mesmerized by her presence.
The atmosphere in the ballroom was electric and lively, filled with whispers of admiration and awe. The guests cannot help but be drawn to this captivating woman who stolen the spotlight. They are captivated by her elegance, poise, and undeniable charm. Tav effortlessly commanding the room's focus. Her presence was magnetic, and she effortlessly captivated the hearts and minds of all who have the privilege of witnessing her grace.
Astarion felt a mix of emotions— admiration, desire, possessiveness, and jealousy. He is unable to tear his eyes away from her as she twirled and spun with other men. Specifically Gale, who was a little more touchy than normal. He looked like a puppy following her around, tail wagging between his legs.
Tav took a break between the music and excused herself from Gale. She smiled and walked off from the dance floor. Astarion’s gazed followed her as she walked into a vacant part of the palace. He followed her moments later.
Tav’s heels clicked against the marble floor, it stretched out before her in its great emptiness. The room was lined with many mirrors of tall stature. She took small steps, heels clicking as her reflection stares back at her. Each mirror capturing every different angle of her, showing all sides of her beauty. Tav almost couldn’t recognize herself. Not after getting used to seeing bruises, blood, and war gear. This was a much more wealthy side of her. She wasn’t sure if it even represented herself anymore. She got used to living a simple life traveling.
She stared into the reflection of herself before hearing a voice, “You look absolutely beautiful, darling.”
Tav was startled at the compliment and saw no other reflection behind her, she immediately turned her head and saw Astarion in his best suit. She felt her cheeks go warm, “Astarion, You made it!”
He smiled gently, “of course, we are the guests of honor after all, hm.” He started to walk closer to Tav. The mirrors were empty with his existence. But she knew she wasn’t dreaming, this was real. Astarion was very much real and alive even if the mirror couldn’t show him how handsome he looked.
Astarion reached out for Tav’s hand, her skin was met with a warm kiss, “I admire your dancing skills, you could be holding a candle while dancing and it wouldn’t go out. I’m impressed with you. However…”Astarion held her hand and placed it over his shoulder, “I couldn’t say the same for your dance partner. Perhaps I can show you a real dance?”
Tav’s cheeks flushed, she nodded her head in a moment of shock. Sometimes she just didn’t know how to react to Astarion’s advancements. He was so charming. She looked into his ruby eyes, “A pleasure…” a soft whisper left her lips. Her heart was racing and she felt her legs go shaky. Why was dancing with him such a hard task, she just did it moments ago!
What Tav didn’t know is that Astarion felt the nervousness off her body. The little quivers from her hands and shoulders tense. He tried to ease her with a gentle squeeze from his hand around her waist, “Relax, love. I want you to enjoy this.”
She took a deep breath in and they took their first step together. What was a brief moment of tension melted away. Their bodies were perfectly aligned, as they gracefully swifted across the empty room. It amplified their foot steps and the mirrors showcased a movie of Tav’s reflection dancing as if no one was there. It was so magical. The attraction between them illuminated the atmosphere. The tension was so thick between the two. The pair became a timeless motion of synchronized passion.
Astarion’s gaze never left Tav’s face and it was nothing short of love and admiration. Every step they took was a showcase of passion in one beautiful dance. Tav let herself go in the moment and let out giggles and smiles as they waltz. Astarion brought Tav closer against his body and the show came to a sudden halt. Both their chests rose up and down from heavy breathing against each other’s bodies.
Astarion placed his hand under Tav’s chin, bringing her face up to his gaze. She clutched his shirt as he leaned in and placed a heated kiss on her lips. Tav has never seen Astarion’s face so red. And this wasn’t blood, it was his cheeks lit up like a fire.
“I’ve never seen someone so beautiful. And to see you at every angle..” Astarion looked at the mirrors around the ballroom floor. Each mirror represented a different side of Tav’s features. Her skin was unblemished aside from small scars, her lips like rose petals, but most of all those eyes. He couldn’t get enough of them. How filled of life they were. They shined like stars. Astarion was absolutely star stuck by her presence more than ever.
Tav’s heart melted under his grasp. But there was something also lingering in her head. Tav was still unsure where her and Astarion stood with each other. The thought of maybe just a fling hurt her heart. She knew her heart was trying to tell her more. The way her chest tightens with him, the heat of her cheeks flushing up, but the most of all…how the thought of him kept her up long nights. How unfair it was to not have him alongside her bed. It did hurt.
“I need to know…” Tav cleared her throat but it still cracked anyway. “If we are just to find each other in times of loneliness o-or, are we something that could blossom into something more meaningful?” Tav passionately stared at Astarion. She went completely shakey, yet there was a tone of authority in her voice. She knew she wanted more with Astarion, but he was too unpredictable. She feared she was just company when he wanted affection.
Astarion gave her sad eyes, his expression instantly went somber. There was a long pause. A once lively ballroom moment turned into an intense one. “Tav…”
She started to pull away from him. This wasn’t the way she expected him to respond. In a way she hoped for more. Maybe it was her own expectations of him that’ll be the cause of her heart break. “Every night I laid in my bed, thinking of how I would finally tell you how I truly feel. B-but I can’t feel like this a-anymo—“
Astarion cut her off and grabbed her body into his in an embrace. He held her tight. He did not say anything nor did he lose his grip. Just a long gap of hugging her body, smelling her scent. As he finally pulled away he saw streams of tears flow down her cheeks. How long has she been hiding her feelings for him? He couldn’t tell for sure, but it was driving him crazy that she didn’t tell him this earlier.
he swiped his knuckles against the tears to dry her cheeks, “please don’t cry. Tell me how you feel then. I need to know the truth.”
She bit her inner lip. Her nerves started to take over again. Her eyes started to feel hot, Tav was never a public cryer by any means. She almost felt embarrassed for Astarion to see her like this, “I’ve loved you for a long time now..I thought maybe you only saw me to pass time. I thought maybe it was just your trauma instincts kicking in, to charm me. In a way, I was delusional enough to hope so badly that your affection wasn’t that. But in reality..” she took a deep breath before shutting her eyes tightly, tears flowed down harder. She sobbed quietly, “…B-Be someone who was special to you. It hurts too much. Not seeing you for long periods of time. I thought I could be special to you. I just don’t know. B-but— I beg you please just be honest with me so I can heal.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you often after everything ended. I didnt want to overstep my welcome…I did not know how much that would hurt you. I had suspicion that maybe you saw me differently after Cazador’s death. The way you found out how I’d lure victims to him. I never meant to be the reason you’re tossing and turning at night. I’m truly, utterly sorry…” he reached out to clasp her hands in his own, “But if there was one thing I was certain about, it was that you were going to be mine. I haven’t felt differently since.”
Astarion clutched her hands tighter, “You don’t even know how much I love you. You’re the first person I truly cared for in over 200 years.”
It was an instant relief. The mental load was excruciatingly heavy on her heart. Finally could she enjoy her moment with Astarion that didn’t have the uncertainty of their relationship poking her head.
“You know, I could prove it to you how serious I am.” Astarion cupped her cheeks and swipe away any tears. “Let’s get you cleaned up, I want to show everyone something.”
He cleaned up her wet face and grabbed her hand. Astarion led her back into the party. The music was still playing but everyone seemingly turned their heads back on Tav, who was the star of the party. People of all races saw the vampire and hero hand-in-hand. The rumors of Tav’s romanced did circle around the city, but those were just rumors?! Right? The community had no real evidence of their rumored romance until now. Small gasps, whipsers, and even wide eyed stares pierced the couple.
Astarion walked to the center of the room, making sure to grab a glass of wine on a servers tray. The room fell silent, as all eyes were fixed on him as he lifted his cup. He still held Tav’s hand in the other, “Our city stands tall, it embodies strength as we continue to defeat any threat that comes to us, Buldarians! We were prayed on, stripped of our hope. But still, we persevered. We couldn’t have done it without each other, my friends…and, of course our heads held up high with Tav’s bravery.” He held her hand up high and the crowd began to cheer and clap. She was hero after all.
“She is all of our hero’s. I am lucky to call her my lover. My reason why I can stand here and give this speech to you all. Tonight, we dance, drink, and celebrate our freedom! As I will enjoy mine…Cheers!”Everyone cheered, and clank their wine glasses with each other. Both Tav and Astarion could see familiar faces. Wyll cheered, Shadowheart smirked and clapped her hands, Gale looked bittersweet, and Karlach yelled and pointed her finger, “I KNEW IT! Ahaha!”
Astarion kissed Tav’s forehead. So this is what he meant by proving it. He wanted everyone to know what she meant to him. An equal and a lover.
“Everyone saw how special you are to me…and tonight..” he glared red eyes at her, “they’ll hear how special you are to me.” He smirked and laughed devilishly.
“But for now— May I have this dance, my sweet?”
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pearlprincess02 · 8 months
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scorpio sun, aries moon, virgo rising, libra mercury, libra venus, aquarius mars
scorpio sun: these people are intuitive, mysterious and very passionate. they absorb everything that’s around them and they’re pretty good at reading others. scorpio suns may seem cold at first, but once they trust someone they are very protective and loyal. undeveloped scorpio suns can be overly possessive, jealous and even obsessive with their loved ones. these are quiet individuals… but once you mess with them, you will wish you never did. scorpios are vengeful and once you betray them, they will be your biggest enemies forever. they say what no one dares to say and they also love to talk about taboo topics. they can also have a very black-or-white mentality and they feel things in a very intense way. as I said before, scorpios are quiet and they reveal very little about themselves, since they don’t want to get hurt; it takes time to gain their trust. when these individuals want to achieve something, they will fight so hard until they reach it. scorpio suns are wise, sensual and even intimidating.
aries moon: protective/loyal, authentic/heart on sleeve, attempts to learn from past mistakes, emotional recklessness, allows people who have hurt/angered them to live rent-free in their inner life, seeks justice for past betrayals in present relationships
virgo rising: the "i'm better than you" look; they actually may be annoying sometimes with how they focused on doing things "the right way"; people usually think that their smart; may actually be very smart.
libra mercury: like to think of the pro’s and con’s (essentially think about all the options before making a decision), they can also be indecisive or tend to make a decision and may change it later on, with the venus influence; they can have either beautiful speaking voices or speak in a composed, balanced , almost poetic way, can have an interest in learning topics of art, justice, law, marriage, divorce, business contracts, relationships in general, they are social and charming with their words and the way they think, can be persuasive and be good mediators
libra venus: you can't miss her when she walks into a room, candlelight and wine, charm, beauty, and brains, falls easily, likely has a line of admirers, elegance and grace, now you know why lust and love are seen as magic.
aquarius mars: visionary wizard with enticing charisma, pushing boundaries, special aurora and bedroom moves, erratic and strong-willed, sees the best in you, channeling passion into each other's minds and bodies.
ᵒᵇˢᵉʳᵛᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉⁿ'ᵗ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ
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galedekarios · 9 months
Hey there! You're one of the best Gale-ish devnotes\datamines sources that I know of, so I might as well ask. I remember that at some point Gale mentions taking part in Blackstaff Academy balls (or something like that). Is it mentioned elswhere, and do we have any details on his involvement in such activities? Need that for science\personal lore, and I'd appreciate any info (including EA), if you have time. Thanks!
thank you for your message and i'm sorry for the belated response!
i took my time to comb through everything and sadly, the banter with wyll is the only instance i could find of gale mentioning a ball at blackstaff academy:
gale & the annual blackstaff's ball
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gale: i knew you were a graceful man, wyll, but i hear you're quite the dancer too. gale: i've been known to trip the light fantastic myself. mine was a popular hand at the annual blackstaff's ball. wyll: i'd have love to have witnessed it, gale. i wager you are as elegant on the dance floor as you are on the battlefield.
the only other banters i could find that are only loosely related. some give us glimpses into his life at the academy, others into his life in waterdeep.
here's another story about gale & being a young student at blackstaff academy, which triggers in the wizard tower in the underdark:
gale & the death slaad
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gale: ah. quite. a misadventure from my days as an apprentice at blackstaff academy. gale: i was but a child, only a few months into my studies, but already i knew i was destined for greatness. no one believed me, of course, so i decided to prove it. to cast a spell with the blackstaff itself. gale: from one perspective, i succeeded. i opened a portal. however, instead of pointing it at the first year dormitory, i found myself pulled into limbo, facing a very irritated death slaad. gale: fortunately, the blackstaff himself came to the rescue, hauling me back from the brink, and straight into several months of writing lines. or rather, finessing my autograph. gale: now, much as i enjoy reminiscing about such tomfoolery, i believe we've more pressing matters at hand. is there anything else?
this dialogue path from the epilogue has him speaking a bit more about those days as well:
gale & his days as a wayward apprentice
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gale: teaching at blackstaff academy has proven such an unexpected pleasure. sometimes i find it hard to tear myself away. gale: just one of the myriad unexpected ways life has delighted me in recent months. gale: even my own city feels new to me, now that i share it with you. player: probably because i make you put down your quill once in a while and enjoy it. gale: that you do. i've not had so much fun in waterdeep since my own days as a wayward blackstaff apprentice. gale: you've certainly made quite the impression on my friends down at the yawning portal. the last i heard, they were thinking of naming a drink after you.
while he seems to have enjoyed a much richer social life in waterdeep before his time of isolation, it's mentioned in another epilogue banter (devnotes) that he didn't seek out any of the more dangerous parts of the city.
there are also other banters about gale's life in waterdeep before the game:
gale & the temple of beauty in waterdeep
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gale: i must tell you, shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired. gale: the ablutions offered at the temple of beauty in waterdeep are far superior. and they have the most excellent soaps. shadowheart: hmm. i was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager.
gale & spending time in the hospice of st. laupsenn
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wyll: this was a hospital? feels more like a prison. gale: a common enough interpretation. sickness has a nasty habit of making you feel trapped, if only within the confines of your body. gale: i once spent weeks convalescing in the hospice of st. laupsenn after a nasty bout of ruddy pox. for all their kindness, leaving that place behind felt like freedom to me. wyll: i’ve always relied on the kindness of the healers and menders of the coast. better a cleric’s healing touch than a chirurgeon’s scalpel.
gale & florist
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lae'zel: these flowers are quite vivid - not to mention, pungent. not to my liking. gale: are there no flowers in tu'narath? lae'zel: in the city of death, the mlar cultivate the fruiting bodies that sprout from the corpses of the slain. gale: i'd rather get them from my florist in waterdeep, if it's all the same to you.
i'm also including this banter between wyll and gale here because it speaks (even if somewhat joking) about his upbringing as a whole by morena:
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wyll: i admire your courage, gale. gale: thank you. any particular reason? wyll: between the orb and the bug, you've got more than your fair share of unwelcome passengers. gale: what can i say? mother always taught me to be a gracious host.
we also know that he has had multiple tutors:
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lae'zel: you strike me cleverer than most istiki, gale. multiple tutors, i should guess. gale: many a wise man and woman indeed. waterdeep is the home of myriad scholars. wyll: ah, the city of splendours. spent a whole fleetswake there with my father. what a delight.
hiring tutors appears to be relatively common in waterdeep:
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so while this sadly wasn't what you were looking for, i hope this is helpful to some degree! 🖤
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pascaloverx · 5 months
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic.
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You open your eyes, feeling a strange pain in your head but relief in your back. You're lying on a very soft bed. But you don't recognize the place; it seems to be someone else's room. There's more light in the room, fewer scattered books. The furniture looks expensive, all in a dark tone. You try to get up from the bed, but you end up staggering. Once again, your body is back on the bed. You think it might be best to go back to sleep until someone shows up. It's exactly at that moment that Sirius enters through the door. He carries a cup and is watching you almost without making any noise.
"How long are you going to keep watching me?" You ask while still lying in bed. Sirius laughs, and you feel relieved that you've broken what could have been an awkward moment between you.
"Is that how you're going to talk to the man who saved you from death twice? I thought you'd know how to be more grateful." Sirius responds as he leans his body against the desk in the room. You sit up in bed, after some effort, and stare at Sirius. He's wearing new, elegant, dark clothes.
"If you're expecting gratitude from me, you'll have to wait until I'm in a better mood. My head is a mess. Did you bring me here?" You wonder how you ended up in Sirius's room. Then you wonder where Remus is. Did you hallucinate meeting someone named Remus? And if he does exist, why did he leave you with Sirius?
"Remus and I. It was teamwork. We didn't want you to get hurt anymore. Before you ask, Remus and I are very close. When you're Lupin's problem, you're my problem too." Sirius then hands you the cup. There's what seems to be herbal tea inside, and you don't waste time asking whether you should drink it or not. You quickly ingest the tea, and almost instantly, you feel relief from the pain in your head.
"I'm grateful and offended at the same time. What do you mean, problem? I'm not a problem for either of you. In fact, I find it rather rude of you to refer to me as a problem." You say as soon as you finish the tea. Apparently, you managed to rise and stand up immediately after getting angry with Sirius. He seems to have a talent for irritating you.
"Hey, hey, hey princess. Relax. I didn't mean to offend you, but let's just say taking care of you was an inconvenience. Remus had to go teach, but today is my day off. A day away from the little ones." Sirius says, smiling slyly. You look into Sirius's eyes and wonder how he can be someone's teacher.
"You're a bit childish for a teacher. Not that I'm saying you're not qualified to teach, but..." you say, being suggestive. You notice he's no longer smiling, which is a pity. His smile is beautiful. As beautiful as he is.
"I'll forgive you for the attitude and offer to take you to the room where you should be going to teach. Right now." Sirius says, somewhat arrogantly, and pretending to be modest. At least, that's what it seems like he's doing.
"How? I just arrived, I can't just already have to teach, can I?" You had no idea that there would already be a class waiting for you. Things at Hogwarts seem to happen too quickly.
"McGonagall doesn't mess around. Apparently, you'll be substituting for my esteemed friend Lily Potter. Her health is fragile at the moment. But enough details. Let's go. The brats are eager to meet you." Sirius says, almost excitedly. Then he puts his hand out in front of you as if he wants you to take his hand. And you hold his hand, which is as cold as winter. But soft; very soft. And then he guides you, holding your hand with some firmness.
"Shouldn't I meet with this McGonagall or Dumbledore? Am I just going to arrive and start teaching?" You speak as you practically run through the corridors behind Sirius. He seems focused.
"McGonagall is busy dealing with a student who locked herself in the bathroom, and now everyone can hear her moans, and many students are nervous about it. As for Dumbledore, he's traveled to a meeting between some influential school directors in London. He won't be back for a few weeks. But trust me, you're in good hands." Sirius says, almost breathless as you're both almost running everywhere. Oh dear, how will you manage to teach after sprinting through almost the entire school at this speed?
"Tell me we've arrived. My feet can't handle climbing another staircase. At this rate, you'll have to carry me." You say, letting go of Sirius's hand for a moment and catching your breath.
"Nice way to flirt with me, but we've arrived. You're new here, they probably tried to intimidate you. I hope you survive. Take good care of my godson. See you later, Y/N." Sirius says quickly, with a playful smirk on his face, and then he disappears. How does he manage to be so fast?
Summoning courage, you enter the classroom. It's a room with an old-fashioned style, furniture made of the finest wood, and several students who look at you as if you've committed a crime.You compose yourself as you walk to the teacher's desk. It's a large desk, with a big book on top of it and a attendance list. You look at the class and notice that the boys who were fighting when you arrived are your students.
"So, students. I'm your substitute teacher. I'll be taking over this class until the previous teacher can return. I hope you'll receive me with the same respect that I'll give to you." You speak in a steady tone, neither too loud nor too soft.
"You hear that, Potter? Now you won't be privileged with high grades just for being the teacher's son. Finally, all of Hogwarts will discover what a loser you are." The boy, whom you believe to be called Draco, speaks almost across the room, addressing the dark-haired boy.
"You continue to delude yourself with your nonsense, Malfoy. If you put half as much effort into studying as you do into trying to belittle me, you'd probably be smarter." Potter speaks, and you just observe them with a serious expression.
"You know what? I think you two need to learn to put your energy into something other than taunts and senseless aggression. Malfoy and Potter, pair up and be the first to do today's class activity. For the other students, pair up as you prefer and start drawing. Today's task for everyone is to draw an animal that represents you as a pair. The best pair will earn extra credit. I suggest that Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter showcase their skills if they truly want to measure intelligence." You walk around the room as you write the task on the board and listen to the students forming their pairs. Everyone except the two mortal enemies. Apparently, they really don't want to do this task together.
"Teacher, with all due respect, it's not possible for you to believe that Draco Malfoy and I will do well in this task." Potter says as he adjusts his glasses on his face. He speaks assertively, and you look at him, trying to decide what to respond to him.
"Even though Potter is a fool, he's right. Not to mention that you've just arrived here and are already treating the two of us differently. It's not fair that the others can choose their partners and we have to stay together." Draco speaks, all full of himself, as if he's making a beautiful defense of why he's being unjustly treated. You chuckle lightly.
"I'll be clearer. You're going to work together, you're going to do a good job, and all of this in harmony. Otherwise, neither of you will receive a grade. Now, save all that energy for the beautiful drawing you're going to make. I'll be sitting at my desk waiting to evaluate you and all the other obedient classmates you have." You say, sitting in the comfortable chair designated for the teacher and opening the book on the desk. Malfoy and Potter must have realized that you wouldn't change your mind and decided to pair up. You took attendance, finally discovering that Potter's name is Harry, that the smart girl who draws beautifully is Hermione Granger, and that the boy she's paired with, who spends most of his time distracting her, is named Ron Weasley. Time passes quickly, and soon you're collecting the class's drawings to evaluate later. Draco and Harry did a great job together, but that didn't stop Malfoy from threatening to call his father to the school if you forced him to be near Potter.
"How was your first day?" Remus asks as soon as all your students leave the room for recess, and you stay behind to organize some things.
"A madness. Seriously, I thought my night was a mess, but waking up in Sirius's room in the early afternoon and then coming to teach was insane. Not to mention that the students I separated from a fight this morning are my students. And I think both of them will end up hating me by the end of my time here. And I lost my suitcase. But don't let me overwhelm your ears with my nonsense." You say, feeling lighter when you finish speaking, as if a weight has been lifted off your chest. Remus seems somewhat enchanted by your moment of venting. Or maybe his eyes always look too friendly? The smile is charming too.
"I can try to solve some of your problems. Harry is like a nephew to me, not to mention he's Sirius's godson. I can talk to him about this situation with Malfoy. As for your suitcase, it might be with me. I was walking through the forest a little before I found you in my room, and I saw this strange suitcase there. It was dirty with blood, so I preferred to clean it first, but I can take you to the suitcase. And then, of course, you can have a coffee with me." Remus says in a very sweet way, which leaves you a bit enchanted. For some reason, you feel that being near him is refreshing or comforting, something like that. You can't quite explain it yourself. You feel the impulse to hug him, which is quite strange. But you manage to control yourself.
"I can't refuse an invitation like that, especially when you offer me a solution not only to one but to two of my problems. Lead the way to the cafeteria because I'm dying for a cappuccino." You say, walking with Remus, who is walking quite calmly. Then you go together to the cafeteria, and you feel like you might enjoy your time at Hogwarts, even if it's short-lived.
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mediocre-artist · 11 months
Another fic of our favourite Gaunt <33 Was a gift for my friend after he passed a big test :D Super proud of him!!
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"Blast it," you hear Ominis mumble under his breath as he works to unbutton his dress shirt. Candles flicker about your shared dorm room, and you are trying your damnedest to stare at the glow's waltz and pointedly not at the very pretty, slowly stripping boy just a few feet over by his bed. You tended to enjoy the dances the flames created, but now nothing seemed more boring knowing what you were missing. Quietly, you grab the nearest book and flip inside, boring your gaze straight through a page about... the history of the troll and wizard relations. Ah. Riveting. (You'd rather watch paint dry. A full bucket of non-enchanted, muggle paint. That had to be more entertaining. The thought makes you snort.)
The sound of Ominis saying your name pulls you from your musing and you nearly turn to face him when you remember why you were looking away to begin with.
"Yes?" You reply, gluing your gaze to the crease where the pages are sewn and far too loudly flipping the parchment.
"If you aren't too busy pretending to read, I would greatly appreciate some assistance with this damned button," Ominis says, and it takes everything in you not to flounder at the passive (and admittedly true) accusation. Hot guilt and embarrassment claws layers beneath your skin as you attempt to swallow whole the nerves trying to smother your words.
"I wasn't—" you begin.
"Please. I'm blind, not stupid," he quips. "And now that we've officially established such, your help would be greatly appreciated." You try not to wallow in the molten searing of your cheeks as you finally turn to face him. The blond has dropped his hands from the troublesome button, expecting your help and knowing he'll receive it. He's not far undressed, in all honesty, and your effort to keep yourself from straying your gaze seems a bit silly now. You take one, two, three steps across the room to where he stands by his bed, and he raises his chin when he hears you stop before him. Hesitantly, you reach your hand up to the button that lies at the dip of his collarbone; it seems to have gotten tangled in a few loose loops of thread, and knowing Ominis, he doesn't want to risk accidentally pulling them further or popping the button off. You carefully push the button through the loops, freeing it from its net and allowing it to slip out through the buttonhole. Though the task is complete, you linger, taking in the sight of his face this close. You can see the sparkle in his veiled blue eyes, can count the beauty marks on his skin and silently swoon over the elegant curl of his long lashes. He's beautiful, you think.
Ominis clears his throat and you jump back, not missing the subtle smirk that flashes across his pink lips.
"I can still hear, you know. Quite well, in fact. You took your time drawing away," Ominis states factually, and you turn, yanking over the drawer of your clothes chest to pull out a more comfortable shirt. You toss it onto your bed and tug the one you're donning off, the rustle of fabric loud in your ears.
"Must you judge so harshly?" You ask, shedding your trousers to replace those, as well, kicking them off to the side before busying yourself with searching for a new pair.
Ominis is quiet for just a moment.
"I prefer the term observing."
"Uh-huh. Sounds like a load of it." You step into your trousers and tug them up, another silence falling between you, before you fall back onto the bed with a loud sigh. "Remind me to leave any room Peeves is in. Even if it's during class."
Ominis hides a small smile as he finishes dressing himself for bed as well, slipping under the covers. It's loud and the sound bounces around in your head, fabric against fabric. It puts warm, embarrassing thoughts in your brain.
"As if you're less the menace."
A grin tugs at your lips and you grin, sliding into your own bed.
"Very true... goodnight, Ominis."
You dream of blond boys with light, foggy eyes and a touch warm and sweet as spiced pumpkin juice.
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aishangotome · 3 months
Alfons Sylvatica: Chapter 3
Chapter 2
From the day I became "exclusive to tasks only"---, I desperately tried to distance myself from Alfons.
(Right, okay... Left, okay. I hope I can get through today without being found.)
But Alfons is elusive and you never know where or when he'll show up....
Alfons: Hello.
Kate: Eek!
He appeared silently from behind and blew into my ear, making me jump.
Kate: Alfons, you're bad for my heart!
As usual, I hid the back of my neck with both hands and glared at him, and as usual, he smiled cheerfully.
Alfons: Hehe, you're cute. You're bristling so much.
Alfons: Come on, I won't do anything, so come here.
Of course, I can't believe such words.
Kate: No... don't follow me.
Alfons: Oh my, don't be so cold.
---Even while being teased by Alfons like that, I gradually got to know the members of Crown in order to fulfill my duty as a "Fairytale Keeper."
For example, Liam--
Despite being such a brilliant leading actor and a very thoughtful and wonderful person, when the curse makes it impossible for him to suppress his curiosity, he sometimes plays dangerous games with Alfons.
(I wonder what kind of dangerous games they play... i'm worried.)
As for Harrison--
I noticed that he is often curt, but he subtly helps me out when I'm in trouble.
Thanks to his quick wit, I've been able to evade Alfons's eyes several times.
(I think it's probably true that he's a lying fox with a curse.)
(But I feel like he's the kind of person who can tell kind lies...)
Jude and Ellis are often absent, perhaps because they run a company.
Jude is always a menacing and unapproachable "13th wizard" with a curse.
Ellis is always a calm and kind "thorn" with a curse.
William and Victor are enigmatic and you never know what they're thinking.
When I heard that these two were the founders of Crown, I was surprised and at the same time, strangely convinced.
(William and Victor definitely have the vibe that you shouldn't make them your enemies...)
--And lastly, regarding Alfons.
(When I ask, everyone say the same thing...)
He's a "pleasant perpetrator who loves to feel good."
(Sigh... I'm tired.)
Today, the sun went down while I was gathering information about Crown as a storyteller.
(I'll make some tea and take a break.)
As I was preparing in the kitchen, a hand suddenly reached out from behind me without warning.
Alfons: "You've worked hard all day today."
Kate: A-Alfons!?
Alfons: For a hardworking robin like you, I shall brew the tea myself.
(When did he get into the kitchen...!?)
Kate: It's okay, I'm fine, don't worry about it...
Alfons: Oh, don't say that.
Taking the teapot from me, Alfons began to brew tea with smooth, elegant movements.
His gestures were so refined that I couldn't help but be captivated.
His dignified demeanor made me think it was not a superficial act, but "genuine."
Alfons: Here you go.
A teacup and saucer were placed on the table, and I hurriedly accepted them, trying to hide the fact that I had been staring.
Kate: Thank you.
I peered into the cup and opened my eyes wide.
Kate: What kind of tea is this? It's blue...
Alfons: It's a herbal tea called mallow blue. It gradually turns purple over time.
As if to prove his words, the deep blue color slowly changed.
Just like the deep blue sky at dawn faintly tinged with vermillion.
Kate: It's true... I've never seen this before...
Alfons: Please try it.
After enjoying the beautiful color with my eyes, I took a sip of the tea for the first time.
A faint but pleasant aroma wafted up.
Kate: ...It's very delicious.
(It's been a while since I've felt so at ease...)
My wariness unknowingly softened.
Alfons: That's good. There's another interesting change, would you like to see?
Kate: An interesting change...?
A few drops of something were dropped from a small bottle, and the mallow blue changed color again, this time to a pale pink.
Kate: Wow... it's beautiful...! It's like magic...!
I couldn't help but get excited like a child at the vivid and beautiful change.
Alfons: Hehe.
I heard a chuckle, and when I looked up, he was observing me with a smile.
Alfons: Did that cheer you up a little?
Kate: Cheer me up...?
Kate: ...Are you doing this because I've been avoiding you?
Alfons: Yes. I want to talk to you more.
Kate: ...!
My heart skipped a beat when he poked the tip of my nose.
Kate: If you want to talk to me, please stop doing that.
Alfons: What do you mean by 'that'?
Kate: ...Never mind.
The memories of the sweet touches we shared as lovers are still vividiy imprinted on my body.
(Every time I'm touched, it aches--)
The aftertaste of this troublesome illusion wouldn't fade away easily.
(I'm sure he knows what he's doing, so he's really bad.)
I glanced at him as he sat down at the table and started drinking his share.
Kate: ...It's bad manners to sit at the table and drink tea.
Alfons: Oh, is that surprising?
Alfons: Are you saying that I, who deceived a woman and sneaked into her bed the day after we met, have integrity and respect for manners?
I tried to change the subject to hide my agitation, but Alfons mixed me up.
Don't remind me of that night
There was no sincerity
That's mean
Kate: Well, manners aside, you certainly lacked sincerity...
Alfons: Yes, sincerity isn't exactly my strong suit.
Alfons: Isn't it better to be preoccupied with pleasure and fun?
Alfons: As you've heard from everyone, I love pleasure.
He smiles, as if he can see right through my actions.
Looking directly at his smile again, I suddenly felt a sense of unease.
(I was too stunned by Alfons's words and actions to notice before...)
Kate: ...Did you mean what you just said?
Alfons: Excuse me?
(Ah... what am I even asking?)
Even I think it's a strange question.
But for some reason, I couldn't ignore the discomfort that had suddenly arisen in my heart.
Kate: Just now, I felt like... Alfons, you...
Kate: I felt like you weren't smiling genuinely.
Alfons: ...........
Alfons blinked in surprise.
(Ah... this expression seems genuine.)
I leaned forward, as if I could grasp something, and peered into his eyes.
But before I could grasp it, that something crumbled like sand...
Alfons: ...Is that what you want from me?
His usual dubious smile graced his lips.
Kate: ...Huh?
Alfons: You want the empty me, the one who seems to be enjoying things but isn't really enjoying anything...
Alfons: Hmm, hmm, I see.
Kate: I wasn't talking about my preferences!
Kate: Don't try to dodge...
My words were cut off as his lips pressed against mine...
Kate: Ah...!!
Alfons: ...Hehe.
Alfons: Keep your mind preoccupied with me like that.
With a soft "chu" sound, he pulled me away. While I stared blankly at his departed lips, he smiled seductively and quickly left the kitchen.
(Ugh, the worst, the worst, the worst!)
I wiped my kissed lips and gulped down the slightly cooled mallow blue tea.
("I love pleasure," that smile too...)
(I feel like he dodged the question of whether it was true or not.)
Kate: Ugh, whatever, I don't care anymore...
I don't want to be toyed with by Alfons anymore.
...Perhaps because I wished for that...
(...He wasn't here today either...)
It had already been several days since Alfons, who had been persistently flirting with me, suddenly disapperaed.
(Not that I care or anything, but...)
Kate: ...I haven't seen Alfons for the past few days.
Roger: Ah, well, it happens often.
Elbert: He's probably somewhere in London...
I sighed at those uncertain words and recalled what Alfons had said before.
(Alfons said he was 'something like a servant to Lord Elbert'...)
I don't quite understand the meaning of the word "servant," but if it's something like a butler, it makes sense that he was good at brewing tea.
Kate: Even though he's like a servant, is it okay for him to leave Lord Elbert and act on his own?
His blue eyes, like the sea breeze blowing over the ocean, wavered slightly.
Elbert: It's a little different from being a servant...
Elbert: Al is more like a childhood friend, someone I've been with since I was young.
Kate: Is that so?
Lord Elbert is an earl.
(I'm not familiar with noble family names...)
(Perhaps Lord Elbert has a higher title, so that's why he uses the word "servant.")
It's probably something like having a close relationship with the family since birth.
Through my investigation, I learned that Lord Elbert is cursed with the "Greedy Queen" and is searching for beautiful things.
And that Alfons is helping him with that.
Lord Elbert, who always carries a hint of sadness, and Alfons, who always has a smile plastered on his face.
(I still can't believe those two are close friends.)
Elbert: That's why... I don't control Al's actions.
Elbert: ...I apologize.
Kate: No! It's fine, not taking me along means it's not a mission, right?
Kate: But... if it's 'common,' do you have any idea where he might be?
Roger: Well, either a pub, a social club, or perhaps an opium den.
Kate: Eh...?
Roger: Is his playmate a man, a woman, or something else? ...What, are you curious, lil lady?
Kate: N-no, I'm not!
(Not that I care or anything.)
But I can't help but wonder.
(Maybe Alfons genuinely smiles in those kinds of places...)
(If so, how would he smile...?)
(N-not that I'm overly curious or anything...)
I pat my cheeks to calm my swinging emotions.
Elbert: ...Are you alright, Kate?
Roger: It's complicated, isn't it? I'll leave you alone.
After a few days of absence without any news, Alfons...
Alfons: Kate, long time no see. How have you been?
He appeared before me as if nothing had happened on the day William announced the mission.
Chapter 4.
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gravekisses · 8 months
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Only a Fool for Diggory.
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genre : draco x reader
summary : y/n, a fourth year at hogwarts, catches cedric diggory’s eyes during the triwizard tournament. but that’s not the only one who has eyes for you. after several years of just being friends, draco malfoy sets out on a mission to find you and confess. except, you’re nowhere to be found and your friends are worried.
warnings : cursing, crying, mentions of s/a, blood, fighting
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Y/n was friends with Draco for years. They’d met on the train to Hogwarts in her first year. She was one year younger than the pale boy and that was attracting for Draco Malfoy.
They’d go on for the next three years, being stuck together. Pansy was overzealous for awhile before finally letting go of her jealousy and welcoming Y/n as one of her own. Turns out, they had much more in common than they realized. Blaise enjoyed her company too, although he’d never admit it- he kind of liked Y/n. He wasn’t sure if it was simply platonic or something more, but his best friend loved her. That was something Draco and his posse kept to themselves.
He didn’t always know. It was summer break, before his fourth year, Y/n- her third. His family hosted their annual gala to raise money for some wizard charity. His father allowed him to invite a few friends of his, Y/n being that very few. Her parents came along as well, even though her family was half-blood.
Two hours into the gala, Draco and Y/n had snuck off into the Malfoy Manor Maze, just behind the gardens. It wasn’t until the pair had chased one another through the brush that Draco had seen her real beauty. Her laugh was like wind chimes, loud but graceful. Her smile, glistening like the midnight moon. Her eyes, oh her eyes, he couldn’t get over how they dazzled underneath the illuminated night sky. He could’ve sworn they were stars, blending into the indigo above them that night. He was in love and he didn’t have shame in the thought that she was half-blood.
So you could imagine the sheer chaos that ensued in the boys dormitory, their first night of their fifth year.
“Who does that himbo think he is!?” Draco sneered. Blaise, Theo and Lorenzo all sat in their respective chairs/cushions, snacking on something they snatched from Honeydukes earlier today.
“I don’t know man. Why don’t you go up to Y/n and found out from her what’s going on?” Theo exclaimed. Once again, the boys sat here in the dorm listening to Draco complain about his relationship problems. Except, Draco wasn’t in a relationship..
“I can’t, Y/n will see right through me. She’s so smart.” Draco looked off into the distance, imagining his admiree and her luscious locks.
“Mate, you need to work up the courage to just ask her already.” Blaise pitched.
“Yeah cause I’m tired of hearing about this.” Theo sighed, rubbing his temples.
Blaise lowers the book he was reading, “You never had problems with the other ones. Just act like she’s the same.”
Draco rolled his eyes as he walked to his bed and collapsed. “It’s not the same, you know that.” He mumbled through the pillow.
The whole reason they were here in the first place was because of you. Well- specifically you and Cedric Diggory, who was a whole seventh year. After the first dinner of the year, you bumped into the Hufflepuff. After many, “Sorry my bad, I’m clumsy” talk, he began flirting with you. It had gone on for a few days before finally coming to a close when you were asked by the brown haired man, to attend the Yule Ball as his date. It was an honor for you but for some bizarre reason, couldn’t say yes right away.
That’s what Draco didn’t know..
You were heading to bed when an envelope made of parchment, flew under your door. Pansy was still in the common room, probably making out with Theo. So it couldn’t be her. You reluctantly bent over and picked it up. The seal on the back was carved with an elegant “D”, surrounded by miscellaneous leaves and vines. It was a golden wax, yellow shimmers glistening under the candle flame in your room.
As you speculated who it was from, you were proved correct when the signature on the bottom was his. You had seen it before on another note he gave you in the Great Hall.
Dear Beautiful,
Meet me in the Astronomy Courtyard at 10. I have a question surprise for you.
Signed, Diggory
You traced your fingers over the words a few times before glancing to the grandfather clock in the room. It was a quarter till 10 already. After sitting and contemplating for a few minutes, you finally mustered up the courage to get dressed.
You opened your door carefully, not to make any squeals in the hinge. You placed one toe after another across the stone floor and snuck down the stairs to the common room. The only light came from the enchanted fireplace. In the corner, by the small library was Pansy and Theo, doing their usual business.
You slid through the stone door leading out into the dungeons. Taking one last breath, making sure you were safe, you hurried to the location of your superior.
It was easier than you thought getting to the courtyard. Only thing keeping you from being perfect was the chill sneaking into the castle. You were only wearing a black long sleeve top, with a sweet heart neckline- tucked into your black mini skirt. The small slit on your right leg not helping. Your black doc marten loafers clicked across the cobblestone as you made a bolt for the corner that would finally lead you to your destination.
You carefully treaded the long hallway before being abruptly pulled by a large pair of hands: one over your mouth and the other around your waist. You tried to scream and wail for help, but this persons palms were tightly covering your jaw. Your eyes scanned the new scenery around you quickly.
Then that scent hit you. Tuscany and a small hint of dittany. It was him.
You pulled away at the same time he let go resulting in you falling to the ground hard. You felt a sting in your left knee, knowing you had scraped it against the stone. As you looked up through small tears, the golden boy bent down to help you up.
“Are you okay?” He asked, concerning. You broke your hands away from his, brushing off your skirt. You were a little aggravated… or more like angry with Cedric’s actions. He didn’t need to grab you, nor be so forceful. You’d have no issues coming into this abandoned classroom with him if he’d just asked.
“I’m fine.” You hissed. Cedric was taken aback by your tone but nonetheless ignored it and carried on.
“Here, come here.” He walked closer to you, giving you no time to prepare for liftoff. He wrapped his palms under your skirt and lifted you onto the nearest desk. You, being shocked by the abrupt close touch, felt a chill run up your spine. Cedric bent down, observing your bloodied knee. He touched it, causing a hiss from your throat.
“Sorry. It looks like it was just a small surface burn. I can get some dittany from the greenhouse if you want to-“ You cut him off.
“No that’s okay Cedric, I’ll be fine.” You smiled softly. You sat there for what felt like ages before he finally got up and sat on the desk across from you.
“So what was this surprise you had for me?” You pondered. He raised his brows, seemingly confused by what you said before a light bulb went off and he stepped closer to you again, a little too close.
“It’s about the Ball..” he started. You breathed out, getting off the desk and walking toward the back of the classroom, looking and fidgeting with the dusty objects.
“I already told you, I’m not sure yet.” You exclaimed. Cedric laughed. You turned around. “What’s funny?”
“Nothing beautiful. Just that you think that’s what I was asking.” He said. You scrunched your brows. “I believe I don’t understand.”
Cedric walked slowly to you as he explained his cause. “I know you’re still thinking about it. I was going to let you know that if you do decide to go with me, my friends and I are throwing an after party when we’re done. Think you’d enjoy it..” By the end of his words, he was towering over you, looking into your orbs. You felt your heart begin to race as he lifted his right hand to tuck back a strand of your hair. He then brushed his fingers, delicately across your cheek and then your exposed collarbone.
“You’re so lucky.” He whispered. You blinked, “What do you mean?” He leaned in closer to you, just inches away from your lips.
“You’re so lucky that you hold beauty. Beauty that every guy who roams these halls, wanna have for themselves.”
His words took you by surprise.
“But they don’t get to. Not a single one. Wanna know why?” He asked.
You looked up into his dark eyes, unreadable. They were very dark. Your heart began beating faster. “W-Why?”
He leaned into your ear and guided his hands down your shoulders, landing on your wrists.
“Because I’m the only one who gets to touch you Y/n.”
Pansy was walking up to her dorm, Theo holding her hand as she guided them up the stairs. As she opened the door, fully expecting her best friend to be reading a book with the candle lit, she noticed how wrong it was.
Y/n’s clothes placed sporadically across the floor, the candlelight blown out but fresh as the wick was still hot and the smoke evaporated. Pansy called out, “Y/n? You in here?”
No answer.
“Y/n? If this is a funny joke, you can stop now.” Pansy laughed short, Theo joining in per Pansy’s instructions.
No answer.
The raven haired girl dropped her lovers hand and rushed into the dorm, looking around for Y/n. Her movements becoming quicker and quicker as she hopelessly looked. Theo stood in the doorway, madly confused.
“Maybe she’s just roaming the halls.” He pitched. Pansy paused her searching and stood up to shout at Theo.
“Except Y/n doesn’t roam the halls! She stays inside and reads, reads, reads. She studies when it’s raining, she keeps that damn candle lit until she knocks out completely because she enchanted it to do so!” She ran her hands through her hair as Theo tried to calm her down.
“I know my best friend. She wouldn’t just disappear!” She huffed out. Theo looked around, an idea sprouting in his mind.
“What if she went to the boys dorm?” He asked. Pansy looked up through small tears. She nodded, convinced it wouldn’t hurt to look.
The couple burst through Draco and Theo’s dorm door, awaking Blaise on the bean bag. Draco laid in the same spot he was in when Theo left, face plastered into the pillows. Lorenzo was making paper planes and enchanting them to fly around the high ceiling. (He already had seven above the group.)
“Y/n’s missing.” Pansy cried. Draco shot up from his spot and straightened his hair. Blaise’s attention rose as well, worry replacing tired on his face.
“What do you mean?” He asked in a rush. “Like she’s missing from her room? The entire castle?” Lorenzo asked.
“No. She’s not in our dorm at all, her candle is no longer lit and her clothes are everywhere. Almost like someone broke in.” She jumped to the nearest worst case scenario, causing Draco to grab his shoes and put them on.
“Was there anything else in you guys’ dorm that was out of the ordinary?” Draco asked in a hurry. Blaise and Lorenzo followed through, grabbing their shoes and coats and heading out the door with their friends.
Pansy opened their dorm room, looking around for anything else that could be out of place. The slytherin’s salvaged through belongings, bookshelves and other possessions around. It wasn’t until Blaise found a note, written in starch black ink, laying on Y/n’s nightstand.
“Guys, look.” Pansy rushed over, snatching the letter out of the boys hand. She skimmed over it quickly, sighing in her own discomfort at the thought of you meeting up with him alone during this hour.
“She’s with Diggory.” Pansy stated. Draco’s attention shifted to the letter and grabbed it next. His blood boiling and heart shattering all while being consumed by worry, he crumbled it up and tossed it in the bin. “C’mon, we gotta find her.” He rushed.
The boys followed their leader but stopped when Pansy stood in place. “Why? She’s just with a hufflepuff. It’s not the worst thing!”
Draco turned around, “she should’ve been back by now.”
“You never know, maybe it takes Diggory a few minutes to-“
“Shut up!” Draco shouted. Then it clicked with the pug faced girl. All the moments between them, their rendezvous in the astronomy tower, their shared snickers during class as they passed notes.. no reason Malfoy was so possessive around you, he only cared for you.
“Oh I see it now. You fancy my best friend!” Pansy clapped her hands, giggling at Draco’s obvious embarrassment.
“Be quiet, she was my friend first!” He shouted back.
“You guys- Y/n is literally alone with a seventh year. We gotta go find her. Merlin knows how active seventh years are.” Blaise stated.
Pansy’s eyes dazed, understanding what he meant.
The group searched through the halls, whispering and calling for Y/n quietly. It was well after curfew, prefects roaming the halls and teachers beginning their conquests into personal matters.
“Y/n! Where are you?” Pansy shouted. Theo shushed the girl, reminding her again about what would happen if they were caught.
Meanwhile, Draco was running through every corridor, busting down every door and yet he couldn’t find you. Maybe you and that Diggory went somewhere else. That was something the icy blonde didn’t want to think about. He just hoped you were okay.
They kept looking for a few more minutes before finally giving up. Your friends were at the end of the astronomy hall, tired and hungry. Draco, reluctant to leave, stood there looking at the wall. Pansy turned around, looking at the boy.
“I know how you feel..” She mentioned. “I’m worried about her but I also know she can handle herself. She’s a brilliant witch.”
Draco looked down at his shoes, for no particular reason, he just couldn’t get his mind off the worst case scenario.
“You’re right. She doesn’t need me does she?” He asked. Pansy gave a weak smile, trying to make him feel better. She now knew the great lengths her childhood friend would go for the girl she loved. She cared for Y/n, always did, particularly on a level she isn’t sure everyone understood.
“C’mon, we’ll see her in the morning. I’m sure she’s okay.” Pansy guessed. She wasn’t one-hundred percent convinced about what she was telling Draco, but it was enough for him to feel better. Draco began walking after the group when her voice, muffled, rang through their ears- especially Draco’s.
Draco’s head turned sharply in the direction of her call. Pansy and the rest of the boys followed suit, trying to catch up. Another scream echoed from a locked door to Malfoys left.
Pansy ran to the door, trying to push it open. Blaise kept calling her name making sure she was still alive. Draco came through them, telling them to move. With a quick motion of his wand, the door blew open to pieces, a cloud of dust and smoke shielding their view.
Rustling could be heard, followed by Y/n’s voice and Diggory complaining about how “difficult Y/n was being.”
The smoke cleared, leaving Draco with the ghastly sight. You were pinned against a desk, Diggory being your captor. A midnight meet-up turned criminal as you continued struggling. The hufflepuffs hand sneaking up the pleated skirt you were wearing and the tears leaking from your ducts was all Draco Malfoy needed to let go.
“Depulso!” Cedric was thrown into the brick wall by Malfoy. Pansy ran to you, taking her coat off and wrapping it around your body as you collapsed to the ground. Bruises laid on your neck from his lips and red marks spread your thighs where his grip dug into your skin.
You were stuck in a daze, not even noticing the blood spread across the ground in front of you from the brutal throws from Draco. Blaise continued to try and pry his friend off but failed.
Muffled shouts and curses were thrown at Cedric as Pansy and Theo walked with you to get out of the room. Lorenzo, budding in to carry Draco off of the seventh year, got a hit himself. After convincing their friend to finally open his eyes and let it go, he obeyed.
Cedric laid, unconscious, unsure of whether or not Draco’s blows killed the poor guy. But Draco didn’t care. He smiled as the sight of that douche in his own blood, he deserved it, he thought.
It was one in the morning as Pansy sat on the edge of the tub in the girls bathroom, brushing through her best friends hair. Y/n sat in the tub, knees cradled to her chest as she tried focusing on anything else besides the events in the last hour. Pansy wasn’t sure what to say, she wasn’t sure what to do. She only knew that she needed to be there for her, so that’s what she did.
Y/n was already pruny and her body already washed. She just couldn’t get out of the tub. Draco sat on the other side of the door, waiting for her to be finished so he could apologize for his actions- for not being there sooner, for looking the other way this whole time and not being honest with her.
He sat on the floor, legs stretched out with his back against the wall. His hands bloodied, his grey wool sweater covered in a mix of Malfoy and Diggory blood. His hair was a mess as was his heart. He just wanted to know if she was okay. If she was even the slightest bit calm so he could see her.
As if on que, Pansy opened the door. Draco stood up quickly, his face full of worry.
“She’s out of it. I can’t tell if she’s tired, shocked or both. But she said you can come in. Her back is turned so just stay on this side of the tub.” Pansy explained. Draco nodded and pushed the door open slowly.
He wasn’t prepared to see the small bruise on her back or the swelling on her neck from that bastards poison. He felt the rage coming to fruition but pushed in back down for Y/n’s sake.
He walked slowly, careful not to frighten her. He sat down next to the tub, looking at her hair. It was long, shiny and soft. He knew because he’d never forget the time she fell asleep on his lap on the train to Hogwarts. He ran his fingers through her hair as she slept so she wouldn’t have nightmares.
“Did you get him?” Y/n asked quietly.
Draco’s head turned up to her, he could see the side of her face and didn’t even bare to look further. He was confused by the question, not sure what she meant.
“Draco? Did you get him?” She asked louder.
“I-I’m not sure what you mean-“
“Don’t play dumb with me. Even through my dazed mind I could see the darkness take over inside of you. I saw how hard you punched him, how hard you fought.” She answered.
Draco looked away, back to the floor. He breathed heavily, wondering what she wanted. Was she happy? Was she mad at him for doing his duty? He knew he took it too far but he also knew if he didn’t, Diggory wouldn’t have taken no for an answer.
“I don’t understand—“ She cut him off again. She turned her entire body, revealing her frontside to him. His eyes widened, looking away quickly as to not harm her anymore than he did.
“What’s wrong? Can’t look at a woman when you know you want to! Every man does it! Thinks they can stare all they want huh?” She shouted at him. Her eyes shedding tears every word, her muscles showing through her neck as she strained her voice. Draco couldn’t understand.
“I wouldn’t look at you if you didn’t want me to!” Draco yelled back.
“Oh c’mon! Like you haven’t thought about it, just like he did! Like he tried to!”
Draco’s eyes began to water, hating to see her like this.
“He tried taking something away from me! How he touched me- how he kissed me-“ Y/n trailed off, looking away and crying some more before turning back to the blonde.
“I’m not him Y/n!” Draco pleaded.
“What if you hadn’t gotten there in time?! What if he kept going- bound my down by a jinx or even worse? What if he rap-“ Draco cut her off by taking his shoes off and climbing into the tub.
Y/n kept crying, thinking of the worse case scenario even more. Draco sat down and grabbed her body, indulging her into comfort. He cradled her back and forth before Pansy walked in with a towel. The raven haired girl, draped the towel over Y/n’s small frame and sat on the edge of the rub crying slightly.
“I got you.. I’m not letting anything happen to you. I will be here until you tell me not to.” Draco kissed the top of her head. Her breathing beginning to calm down. Pansy rubbed the crying girls back, hoping to take away some of the pain.
“I will too. I’m not letting you alone anymore. Even if you’re peeing, I will sit there and hold your hand.” Pansy smiled to herself. A small giggle was heard from the poor girl. She lifted her head up out of Draco’s chest. He lifted his hand up and wiped the tears away with his thumb and index.
“There’s our pretty girl.” Draco said softly. Y/n smiled, sniffling her nose before turning around the Pansy and looking up at her.
“I’ll take you on that Parkinson.” Y/n joked. Pansy laughed in response and fell into the tub as well to hug her best friend. Draco sat there, now realizing he was soaked in soapy dirty water.
“Um, can someone grab me a towel?”
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song rec :
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thecryptidgrey · 1 year
As an avid lover of his Dark Materials I have yet to see a BG3 daemons concept and that is a Crime. So here are some Thoughts below the cut :)
(Also something something about the representation of religion in HDM and how it correlates to BG3's depictions of faith and trauma. I have the Idea but I am too tired to do much with it; may return to the thought later.)
Shadowheart- a borzoi. Elegant, spooky looking, dramatic. Borzoi don't make much vocal noise but are very playful- instincts surpressed by Sharrens that thrive with the party (see that very cute night orchid scene specifically). Generally very sweet, loyal animals, like SH when you get to know her. Plus they look amazing.
(Act 3 spoilers- I also appreciate that she'll match it when she dyes her hair. Seems suitable dramatic for her.) Anyways, I also really like borzois and think it's be funny af to see in them trotting around in game like the weird willow tree ghost things they are.
Lae'zel- Githyanki don't have daemons; she finds them baffling. Very impractical to carry one's soul on the exterior, although perhaps an efficient companion in combat to have someone you share instincts with. After much discussion by the others she decides for them if she did have one it would be a red dragon. Nobody argues with that.
(She does decide she'd have to prove herself worthy of such a beast first, and if she trusts Tav admits that maybe she'd like if Vlaakith could give her a daemon bond with her future dragon. Would she get a dragon if she became Vlaakith's chosen? Idk, she would now.)
Karlach- Tieflings also don't have daemons. She wants one wholeheartedly. The party finds her a magic ring that allows her to summon a familiar- she gets a direwolf puppy as enthusiastic and adoring as she is :)
Said ring is obtained somewhere in the Shadowlands after she gets the cooldown upgrade so she can hug it as soon as she has it. Also it grows up absolutely massive. Its paws are the size of its head when it's a puppy. All the better for cuddling with!
Gale- Tara. Wizards, sorcerers, etc, tend to have magical creatures as familiars. This AU he had Tara since the beginning. He still summoned all the other weird shit he did as a kid, just with Tara's help. She is his voice of reason and holder of the braincells; he gets to keep one and it's all about Mystra. She's protecting the rest from its corruption. He gets them back when the party convinces him to tell Mystra to go fuck herself.
(I do chew upon the trans Gale headcanon sometimes. If anyone wishes to muse with me on how daemons, which are typically of the opposite sex to their human, would be incorporated into that, please do.) Edit- pls see comments for very illuminating interpretations of daemons and gender!! Very cool stuff!
Wyll- lanner falcon. Medium sized yet formidable bird of prey, the head of which was often depicted on Egyptian gods like Ra and Horus. Beautiful, noble and nimble creatures (good for a dexterity based build, which I focused on for him alongside charisma).
Mizora's pact significantly lengthened their tether; her devil-form punishment broke it and weakened their bond significantly, much to their distress- they hate to be out of vision of one another as a result. Halsin, Jaheira and especially my Tav Cerewyn helped him adapt to and understand the new tether.
Druids and their daemons are based on the His Dark Materials witches, who have significantly lengthened bonds. Druid bonds are just as strong in markedly different ways; each is more independent and their personalities more distinct. I will definitley expand more on this; I adore Wyll and really want to do his character justice. He's the knight in shining armour but he also made a deal with a devil to be said knight, so, y'know. His daemon should really reflect that complexity.
Astarion- luna moth (changed when he turned- he can't remember what she was before.)
Beautiful in a fragile, showy way. Short-lived. Desperate for the light. A silkmoth; silk for embroidery. He resents her for being such a reflection of the self he tries so desperately to hide yet is fiercely protective of her, so beautiful and soft and hopeful- moths exist to seek light, craving it like he longed for a knight in shining armour, like he yearns for the sun.
Cazador liked to pin her wings.
(I love my sad wet cat very much and so as payback for hurting my soul he is subjected to the tragedy that is my attempting to be poetic :) )
Halsin- bear. Druid daemons reflect their favoured Wild shapes. Strong, steady, reliable, protective. Optimal shape for snuggles, very nice and warm, overall :) vibes to look at and be around. (Bear is not present for That Scene. That Scene and daemons are not up for discussion, you degenerates. Thank you <3)
Jaheira- Eurasian lynx. Struggled a bit on this one- didn't think any of the wild shapes suited her as a daemon- so looked up the national animal of Romania (supposedly Jaheira's accent?) for potential inspiration. Got the lynx, which seems perfect. Medium sized, elegant, very dignifed and deadly hunters who inhabit forests. Notably very quiet and hard to track. Endangered, which resonated with me because of Jaheira's status as one of the last of the Old Guard, so to speak. Nocturnal, which I like because we meet Jaheira in the shadow-cursed lands. Ambush predator, which just goes with my Gloom Stalker build for her. Overall seems perfect for the legendary druid.
Minsc- Boo? Fuck knows man, Minsc gonna Minsc. I spent way too long thinking about Jaheira and now I don't have the energy left. If Gale can have Tara, Minsc can have Boo. I do love Minsc so I will be back to expand on him if the mood strikes me but also I think maybe I don't need to? Daemon Boo just seems Right. Will consult Minsc's backstory and update later if necessary.
Minthara- yet to recruit her so uncertain. Displacer beast seems apt, maybe? Something felinoid would really fit her tbh. Elegant and lethal, very aloof but loyal once you've got her. Input would be appreciated.
My Tav, Cerewyn, just in case ya'll are interested- a raven named Gwyn, short for something I haven't figured out how to spell yet.
Clever, calculating, very blunt and sarcastic to balance out Cere's generally stoic, quite, calm demeanour. Sharp eyed bird for a sharpshooter ranger's daemon. Cere is a beast master ranger/ druid of land multiclass; ravens are summonable both for wild companions and familiars and are a wild shape (Cere's preferred wild shape too).
A common species but not to be underestimated and generally unpredictable, which suits her. She romances Astarion and both she and the raven think he and his luna moth are the prettiest things they've ever seen. They're also very patient and perceptive of trauma due to (Extensive Backstory), so they're more than happy to take their time with earning his trust. Astarion is very appreciative of all the shiny things the raven likes to bring him, and also that it clawed one of Cazador's eyes out for daring to speak to Astarion like That.
CONC.; symbolism is fun and also painful :)
Daemon names are a work in progress; the muses gave me this then said lol nope and fucked off before I could ask them for appropriate names. Might post them with some sketches of the party and daemons together?
(I wrote this in Notes app at an ungodly hour with fuck all editing. It is incoherent, but if anything is genuinely incomprehensible, please tell me so I may at least try to fix it. Much love <3 if you made it this far you get to know I welcome suggestions for NPCs to give daemons next!)
First edit- I misspelled quiet so many times omfg
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bloofinntoona · 1 year
These things I promise you: (one)
Word Count: 2 k
Themes: ominis gaunt x f! beauxbatons reader x sebastian sallow, slow burn, arranged marriage, eventual infidelity
Summary: (part I) by the age of ten, you were betrothed to ominis gaunt. every summer, your parents forced you to spend summers with the gaunts. in an unlikely unfortunate event, you get to know your betrothed better.
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Pureblood. The word still left a bitter taste in your mouth no matter how many times you heard it. Your sweaty hand held onto your maman's tightly. The frills and lace adorning your dress rubbed against your skin - eliciting and itchy feeling that you couldn’t scratch unless you wanted a good scolding from your parents. Your maman was wearing an elegant black dress, her corset perfectly accentuated her slim waist. The woman never failed to look exquisite, especially during the annual Pureblood families gathering - the upper echelons of the Wizarding World. The ball happened once a year at the end of summer, exclusively for wizards and witches whose blood runs purely from magical family. Whoever had a trace of muggle blood would be promptly exiled from the community - and even few faced death for it.
Your fingers twiddling with the hem of your skirt, eyes fixed on the boy in front of you. Your gaze lingered on his milky blue eyes. You had never met a blind person before, and all you could think about was how beautiful his eyes were. Ominis Gaunt. The name echoed in your head. Your parents wouldn’t shut up about the Gaunts on the way to the ball - talking highly about the particular Pureblood family, especially knowing that they were direct descendants from Salazar Slytherin, and a part of the sacred twenty-eight. The woman in front of you, who introduced herself as the blond boy’s mother, hailing the Gaunt’s name proudly. She had a tight grip on the boy’s arm, and you winced your face imagining how hurtful it was.
“We are so very honored to have this union with the Archambeau family.” said the woman, snapping you back to reality.
“Likewise,” your maman smiled politely, “Y/N is very thrilled to be engaged to Ominis.”
Your eyes widened at the statement, the urge to break free from your maman’s grasp was too tempting. They had never told you about this plan before, let alone ask your opinion about this. You were merely ten years old, and you were already set to marry a stranger that you had never met before. Ominis stood still as well, his face scrunched up, most likely feeling the same way as you do.
“Praise be to Slytherin!” the woman exclaimed, “Though I suppose their marital union should be done after they both finish their studies. After all, our dear Ominis will enroll at Hogwarts next year.” hissed the woman in parseltongue. Your ability in deciphering and speaking the language was still elementary, as you could just catch the word “after” and “study”, yet you get the gist that you will be truly married to Ominis once you finish school.
“I agree, our Y/N will be starting her studies at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic next year as well.” you mother hissed back.
“Ominis,” the woman dragged the boy closer to you, grabbing his hand a little too hard, and held it in front of you, “say hello to your darling fiancée.”
“Bonsoir, Ominis.” You did a quick curtesy before shaking his hand. The poor boy was trembling slightly, his hand was sweaty and cold.
The rest of the ball was a complete blur for you. There were dances here and there, crude gossips about Pureblood families who started to ally themselves with Mudbloods, and hearty dinner that you couldn’t enjoy as your stomach flipped from the sudden news of your engagement. You stayed silent on the carriage back to your home, gazing at the clear night sky from the carriage window. Suddenly, warm hands enveloped your tiny ones, “Mon petit coeur,” your mom smiled softly, “You should be happy. The Gaunts have the purest magic blood in England.”
You sighed a little to loudly as your father glared at you, prompting you to look down, “But,” you gulped, “I don’t know him at all… How am I supposed to fall in love and marry him?”
Your papa erupted in laughter, “Love? This is about the union of two powerful pureblood family. Feelings don’t matter.” His expression turned serious as he glared at you, “This is for your own good, ma chérie, our own good, so you better behave.”
Tears threatened to fall down on your cheeks as you bit your lips hard enough that you tasted iron. Your maman stroked the back of your hands gently, “We shall spend our summers with the Gaunts starting from next year... I think it will help you get to know Ominis better.”
A heavy sigh escaped your lips, the ride home continued silently after. You leaned back, resting your head against the plush cushion in the carriage, closing your eyes as your thoughts jumbled together in your mind. 
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The next summer, your parents fulfilled their promise to visit the Gaunt’s manor. The place was too gaudy to your liking, a tad comical seeing the old gothic building, too fitting with the name Gaunt. Tall trees and unkempt plants decorating the front of the manor. Your frown deepened. It was harrowing enough that you had to spend the entire summer at an unfamiliar place, being forced to get to know your future fiancé, but seeing the state of the manor just worsen your mood. You stepped inside the manor, wooden floor creaking underneath your shoes. As dust filled your lungs, you let out a series of coughs. Your mind started to wonder, perhaps your parents secretly hated you, subjecting you to live in such terrible condition for the rest of your lives.
Your parents, as well as Ominis’, had been urging the two children to get to know each other, but it only resulted in awkward stare-downs. A week passed by, both you and Ominis had not yet spoken a word to each other. As an act of desperation, your families decided that it was a good idea to lock the two alone together in the living room, forcing the two to interact with each other.
“Ominis, would you like to play?” you sighed, finally approaching your supposed fiancé. Half an hour passed by and you were bored to death - trying to talk to the boy was a thousand times better than talking to the silent moving paintings on the wall.
Ominis shook his head. You let out another exasperated sigh, imagining your bleak marriage days in the future. The boy held onto his wand tightly, a soft red glow emitting from the tip. 
“Can you see,” you gently touched the stick, “with that?”
“Not really,” Ominis whispered, startling you. That was the first time you actually heard him speak. His voice was very gentle, almost like a squeak.
“So what do you do with it?”
The blond boy shrugged, “It helps me feel… things around me-” Before he could finish his sentence, a blood-curling scream echoed throughout the mansion. You swore your heart was about to burst from your chest, and you stood still, utterly shocked. The sound of small, hurried footsteps startled you again, as you saw Ominis quickly hid underneath a table. The poor boy hugged his knees tightly, tucking in his head. You walked closer, starting to notice that Ominis was trembling, his wand was discarded on the floor. You picked up the wand, slowly sitting down next to him. Your hand rested carefully on his back.
“Don’t cry,” you whispered, “We are safe here. Our parents will protect us.”
“You don’t understand!” Ominis sobbed, tears ran down his cheeks, voice shaking, “They are doing it again… doing bad things to muggles.”
“Ma chérie,” you sat on your papa’s lap, gaze lingered on an open book that he was reading, “Do you know that there are good magic and bad magic?”
“Bad magic?”
“Magic that can… hurt people, and even put them to sleep forever.”
You stayed silent as your papa continued, “But these magic are powerful. And they will keep you safe from harm. You will need to learn it in the future. It is our duty as Purebloods to pass down this precious knowledge.”
“Does maman know about bad magic too?”
“Yes, of course.”
Another scream startled the two children again, louder this time, sending shivers down your spine. Everything clicked in your head. The adults were casting dark magic to muggles. A little part of your heart sank - you didn’t know that your parents were even capable to do such things. Your mind raced, your hand instinctively found Ominis’. Surprisingly, he reciprocated your action. The two stayed that way until the series of screams stopped.
“Can you do it too, Ominis?” you broke the silence, “Bad magic?”
Ominis shook his head, his eyes were puffy, and snot running down from his nose, “My parents and siblings made me do it,” he sniffled, head hanging low, “I could not do it at all. Then they did it to me… It hurts… so much.” The boy started to sob again.
You gently laid your hand on his hair, stroking the soft strands gently - just like how your maman calmed you down after being scolded by your papa. “I’m sorry…” you muttered under your breath. 
For what seemed like hours, you sat down under the table with Ominis, hands still intertwined. The tension of the situation took a toll on the children physically as you both fell asleep, Ominis’ head leaned comfortably against yours. In a half-concious state, you felt your body being lifted up by your papa as you drifted into a deep slumber.
The shared trauma that you shared with Ominis was like a key that opened parts of his heart to you, little by little. Starting from short games of hide-and-seek, which Ominis was particularly good at since his senses were heightened by his wand, to secret meetups in the attic by the end of the summer. 
You crawled through a small opening in the Gaunt manor’s dusty attic, following Ominis who deftly dodged obstacles - most likely remembered the place at the back of his mind. “This is my secret hiding place,” the boy flashed a smile, something you get to see more often. “Aunt Noctua showed me how to get here. She said it was her secret spot when she was just a kid like us.”
In a secluded corner, you saw books, stuffed animals, and muggle toys sprawled around the floor. You couldn’t contain your excitement as you quickly grabbed onto the assortment of toys, your papa hated muggles so much that you were “protected” from the so-called dirty muggle things. You felt a nudge on your arm and saw Ominis holding out a book with the title ‘Alice in Wonderland’ gilded on the cover. “Aunt Noctua gave this to me on my birthday,” he said with a chirpy tone, “Secretly, of course.”
“What is it about?” you mused, taking the book and flipping through the pages. “My parents would never let me read such things.”
“It’s about a girl who fell into a rabbit hole and traveled into a weird place,” he smiled, “I haven’t finished it though. Aunt Noctua is too busy to read it to me these days.”
“Shall I read it for you?” you held onto his hand, carefully helping him sit down across from you.
His milky blue eyes glimmered, “Really?” Ominis flashed the biggest smile you’ve ever seen ever since you met the boy.
“Of course!” you grinned, proceeding to read the passages to Ominis. You couldn’t help but occasionally peek out to gaze at the boy, who kept his joyful smile throughout. At that point, a thought flashed in your head, a promise that you kept dear in your heart ever since - a promise to keep that smile on his face.
The summer ended with the annual ball. As much as you hated the smug grins on the adults’ faces, thinking their plan of getting you and Ominis to know each other worked, you didn’t mind the newfound friendship you had with the boy. At least you didn’t have to be dragged around the ballroom by your maman, sitting down in the empty garden with Ominis was a far better way to wait for the event to finish.
“Are you nervous about going to school this year?” Ominis asked, his hands twiddling a stick that he picked up from the ground. 
“A little,” you resorted to picking small flowers that littered the garden, gathering them into a small bouquet, “But my maman said I will live in a beautiful castle. I saw the uniform, it is quite pretty.”
“I bet it is.”
Your felt heat rushed to your cheeks, as a loud thump echoed in your chest. The night air felt particularly warm, gently flowing through your frilled skirt. You approached your fiancé, carefully putting the messy bouquet of flower on his hand. Ominis took the bouquet, bringing the flowers close to his face, inhaling the floral scent of freshly picked wild flowers. You swore his face reddened as his lips formed to a soft, genuine smile.
“I think you will be alright, Ominis.” you smiled widely, “I think you will meet lots of new friends.”
“I hope so.”
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desertfangs · 4 months
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Soul of an Artist Marius/Daniel - 1061 words - Prince Lestat Era Fluff
Marius paints flowers on the walls of an abandon house and he and Daniel discuss art.
My last entry for @vcmicroficmay for the prompt "spellbound." No Wal-Mart in sight. I cut 300 words and still couldn't get it under 1000 but at this point, I figure it's close enough.
This pure fluff with like... a teaspoon of angst. Sorry not sorry.
Whole text beneath the cut or cross-posted to AO3.
Daniel watched as Marius’ paint brush moved in swift, effortless motions and vibrant flowers sprang to life on the decrepit wall. Watching Marius paint was spellbinding, the brush dancing over the makeshift canvas in elegant movements. 
The flowers were beautiful colors: violet, orange, and yellow. It was incredible how quickly the empty wall became a lush garden. 
Marius stepped back to examine his work and then glanced over his shoulder at Daniel, who sat on the grimy floor with his back against the opposite wall. 
“You don’t have to stay,” Marius said. “You must be bored.”
“Never,” Daniel scoffed. “I could watch you paint for centuries.” 
Marius laughed, the sound low and rich. It washed over Daniel like a warm wave. “I doubt you’d tolerate it for even a decade.” 
Daniel smiled. “Is that a dare? Because we’d need to find a much larger house for that.” 
Marius made a sound, a mixture of amusement and exasperation. He continued adding flowers to the vines. 
“Why don’t you paint the walls of our flat?” Daniel asked. 
Marius’ brush stopped mid-stroke. “Would you really have me rendering gardens on the walls while you try to watch your television programs?” 
Daniel snorted. “I’d rather watch this than Star Trek. ” 
Marius’ expression turned dubious before he turned and examined his work. Satisfied the mural was done, he added more paint to his palette before rounding the corner. This next wall had windows, or used to, though the glass had blown out leaving only rusty, metal frames. 
Marius lifted his brush and then stopped.
“Come here, Daniel.” 
Daniel stood, moving to Marius’ side obediently. Marius dipped the brush into the paint, a mixture of red and yellow that made a deep orange, and handed the brush to Daniel.
Daniel stared at it curiously.
He was no stranger to paint brushes, of course. He’d gone through hundreds of them in the creation of his model worlds, small brushes that his deft, long fingers manipulated expertly to paint tiny houses, trees, and buildings. This brush was larger and the canvas before him was blank.
“What should I paint?” Daniel asked. 
“Whatever you wish.” 
He stared at the orange paint and suddenly a memory came to him of poppies weaving in the wind alongside a highway in California. He pressed the brush to the wall slowly, his movements stilted and uncertain. He managed to shape the petals into a convincing outline of a poppy. 
Marius smiled, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “You have an artist’s soul.” 
Daniel laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far.” He handed the paint brush back to Marius, who within minutes filled in the fine details, making the poppy burst forth from the wall as if it were growing there. 
“It’s astounding how you bring these things to life,” Daniel said. “It’s a true art.” 
Marius raised an eyebrow. “Like the worlds you built.” 
Daniel thought of his models, long abandoned and rotting in rooms in houses he no longer visited. Little worlds that sometimes looked impossibly real, as if a wizard had shrunk a chunk of the real world down to miniature scale. He’d been so proud of them. He’d spent hours painting and perfecting his methods, figuring out how to make the water look wet and the greenery lush. It had been an obsession that had captured his wounded mind, but it had been a passion, nonetheless.  
“You think my models are art?” Daniel asked. 
Marius tilted his head, taken aback. “Of course. What else would they be?” 
Daniel shrugged. “You just never seemed very impressed by them. Or that I used kits sometimes.” 
Marius was silent for a moment. Then his shoulders sank. “I may have been a little wary of being too indulgent of your fragile mental state.” 
Daniel frowned. Marius had provided him the means and space to build his models. That had certainly been indulgent.
 “Supportive and tolerant, yes,” Marius answered his thoughts, “but I wanted you to come out of your obsession. Those model worlds captivated you so totally.” 
It was true. Daniel remembered hours upon hours focused on only making the worlds as he saw them in his mind, the houses on the hills, the train tracks laid just so, the little roads winding over the landscape. He would pass out at his work table or on the floor of his work room when sunrise overcame him. He remembered nights where Marius spoke to him and he didn’t register more than the sound of his voice. 
“The models were a distraction. Sometimes too much so.” Marius set his brush on the edge of the palette and placed a hand on Daniel’s shoulder. “It doesn’t mean they aren’t art. They were created with great passion, that much was obvious.” 
Daniel smiled. He was proud of what he created, and though at times the memory of his single-minded obsession felt strangely alien, he missed having an ongoing project. 
“Perhaps we can come up with a project together,” Marius suggested. “You can build a structure and I’ll use it as a canvas.”
“Yeah, okay,” Daniel says. The thought of building something with his hands again was exciting and frightening all at once. He knew his fixation was a symptom of his madness, not the cause of it, but it was hard not to see them as linked. 
Marius smiled, easing the knot in Daniel’s stomach. He would never encourage him to do anything that might jeopardize his hard-won sanity. He lifted his hand and ruffled Daniel’s short, ashen hair. 
From outside came sound of mortals approaching. They were down the old dirt road a ways, far enough no mortal would hear them yet. Marius growled in annoyance. Daniel helped gather the paint and supplies into a bag, while Marius collected his brushes and tucked them beneath his arm. 
They slipped out of the abandoned house and made it all the way to the main road long before the mortals arrived. Marius frowned as he walked, clearly frustrated at the interruption. 
“Like I was saying, our dining nook could use some color,” Daniel said.  
Marius turned, almost as if startled. “We don’t use the dining nook.” 
“All the more reason to decorate its walls.” Daniel bumped him playfully in the shoulder with his own shoulder as they walked and Marius smiled. 
“As I said, the soul of an artist,” Marius said. 
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sicutpuella · 1 year
Desiderium [Tom Riddle x Original Character]
Chapter 0: Grim Old Place
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Within the somber confines of 12 Grimmauld Place, an ancient dwelling tinged with an air of mystery, Harry Potter stood with his senses heightened, attuned to every whisper and rustle that permeated the shadowed halls. This place, steeped in the ancestral legacy of the noble House of Black, seemed to hold secrets within its very walls. It was in this hallowed abode, at the dawn of a new chapter in his extraordinary journey, that Harry heard a voice—a voice that beckoned to him from the depths of the unknown.
Harry Potter, the fabled wizard of renown, turned swiftly, his emerald eyes scanning the room in search of the enigmatic voice that had addressed him. To his astonishment, he found himself beholding a woman, whose ethereal beauty captivated his senses. Claudia Rosier, a bewitching figure, stood before him.
"Harry Potter, finally in the flesh!" she uttered, her voice resonating with a blend of anticipation and delight. The words, a mere handful, hung in the air, carrying with them a weight that stirred within Harry an inexplicable mix of curiosity and fascination. Her tresses, a resplendent cascade of dark crimson, differed from the ginger hues known to the Weasley clan. It was as if her hair possessed a bewitching charm, casting its spell upon all who dared to gaze upon its allure. Yet it was her eyes that held Harry transfixed—a striking shade of electric blue, vibrant orbs that seemed to penetrate the depths of his very soul.
Though the passage of years had marked her countenance, Claudia's allure remained undiminished. Her visage bore the traces of a life well-lived, etched with lines that added a touch of elegance to her graceful face. Towering above most in the room, she possessed an imposing stature, her regal presence exceeding the height of Harry himself. It was evident that she hailed from a privileged upbringing, a scion of the uppermost echelons of society.
As she uttered his name, her voice carried a gentleness that caressed his ears. Yet her refined accent hinted at a pedigree steeped in refinement and opulence. Every aspect of Claudia's being exuded an air of meticulous grooming, while a captivating fragrance enveloped her, enchanting those within its proximity. Her posture, straight and commanding, radiated both power and wisdom, as if she had long mastered the arts of authority.
In this extraordinary encounter, Claudia Rosier embodied a mesmerizing presence, a tapestry woven from the threads of ageless beauty and refined sophistication. Harry found himself spellbound by her very essence, the allure of a woman whose charms transcended time itself. Claudia Rosier's presence did not go unnoticed by Harry's faithful companions, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. As if summoned by an invisible force, they gravitated towards the enchanting figure that held their friend spellbound.
Ron, with his hair as fiery as the sun's golden rays, and Hermione, her countenance bright with intellect and determination, approached Claudia with a mix of curiosity and reverence. The twins, Fred and George, ever mischievous and quick-witted, joined the gathering, their eyes widening as they beheld the radiant beauty before them. Claudia's captivating aura transcended the boundaries of age, captivating all who gazed upon her with a mystifying allure. Her dark crimson locks cascaded like a silken tapestry, captivating even the mischievous twins, whose gazes momentarily faltered under her bewitching spell. Her eyes, an iridescent blue, seemed to hold within their depths a wellspring of wisdom and secrets, whispering untold stories to those who dared to look deeply enough.
Ron, his freckled countenance flushed with a mixture of awe and admiration, struggled to find the words to capture the essence of this ethereal presence. Hermione, her eyes sparkling with an inquisitive light, observed Claudia with an astute curiosity, her mind working tirelessly to unravel the enigma that stood before them. As the companions stood in the presence of Claudia Rosier, her allure resonated with an undeniable magnetism, evoking a symphony of emotions and intrigue. The air crackled with an undercurrent of anticipation, as if destiny itself had woven its tapestry around this meeting, entangling their lives in a web of unforeseen possibilities.
In this sacred gathering, amidst the aged tapestries and ancestral secrets, Claudia Rosier cast her spell upon the hearts and minds of those who beheld her, leaving an indelible mark upon their souls. The threads of fate intertwined, as the companions embarked upon a journey that would forever be intertwined with the enigmatic presence of Claudia, a woman whose beauty transcended the realms of mortal comprehension.
Sirius Black, with his boisterous laughter, shattered the silence that had settled upon the room, drawing the attention of the spellbound teenagers. His voice boomed with mirth as he spoke, bringing forth the revelation of the esteemed presence that had graced them all.
"Ah, I've seen you've met our special guest!" Sirius exclaimed, his jovial tone resonating through the ancient halls of 12 Grimmauld Place. "The honorable Claudia Rosier! The head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Head of Magical Artifacts!"
At the utterance of the name Rosier, a collective recognition flickered in Harry's mind. It was a name that bore significance, for it was etched in the annals of infamy, belonging to those who had sworn allegiance to the Dark Lord. The Rosiers, notorious for their unwavering devotion to blood purity, were revered amongst the ranks of the Death Eaters. Yet, there was a complexity to their lineage—an undeniable wealth and influence that flowed through their veins. The noble Rosiers, as they were known, had established themselves as pillars of the wizarding elite.
With a graceful inclination of her head, Claudia Rosier acknowledged the young ones before her. A subtle air of dignity surrounded her, as if the weight of her position and the legacy of her name lent her an aura of quiet authority. With measured steps, she made her way toward the beckoning dining room of Grimmauld Place, joined by the other venerable members of the household.
In the wake of her departure from the hall, a mingling of emotions stirred within the hearts of the young wizards and witches left behind. A tapestry of intrigue and curiosity unfolded, woven with threads of apprehension. The presence of Claudia Rosier, a living embodiment of the complexities that entwined pureblood heritage and dark alliances, cast an enigmatic shadow upon the path that lay ahead. As they prepared to partake in the familial feast, the air thickened with unspoken questions, and the companions found themselves drawn further into the intricate web of secrets and destinies that bound them together within the hallowed chambers of Grimmauld Place.
In hushed tones, Ron Weasley leaned toward Harry Potter, his voice barely above a whisper, as if fearful of disturbing the delicate balance of the room. "A Rosier, Harry? Is she not of the same kind as... you-know-who's followers? One of those staunch believers in blood purity?" Hermione Granger, ever the fountain of knowledge, displayed a similar reaction, her expression etched with a mixture of concern and curiosity.
The trio, accompanied by the mischievous Fred and George Weasley, advanced into the opulent dining hall of Grimmauld Place, where Claudia Rosier occupied the seat of honor. There she sat, an embodiment of elegance and poise, her back held erect with a refined grace. The atmosphere seemed to shift, charged with an air of anticipation, as if the very room itself acknowledged her presence and yielded to her authority.
Their footsteps faltered for a fleeting moment, halted by the weight of their contemplation. The mere mention of the Rosier name sent ripples of unease through their collective consciousness, for it was synonymous with allegiance to the dark forces that had threatened their world. The Rosiers, a family entangled in the web of you-know-who's gang, had long espoused the ideals of blood purity, their beliefs steeped in tradition and exclusivity.
And yet, even in the face of their reservations, the trio pressed on, curiosity mingling with caution as they approached the table where Claudia held court. The resolute determination that guided their steps belied the doubts that churned within. Inwardly, they prepared themselves to navigate the intricacies of this encounter, to glean what truths lay concealed behind the veneer of elegance and power.
As they drew nearer, the allure of Claudia Rosier's presence intensified. Her poised countenance, an embodiment of regality, invited admiration and respect. Every line and curve of her figure spoke of confidence and authority, a testament to the depths of her experience and knowledge. The trio, accompanied by the ever-watchful twins, took their places at the table, the gravity of the moment hanging heavy in the air.
Amidst the resplendent atmosphere of the dining hall, an air of reunion pervaded the space, embracing all who gathered within its opulent confines. Nymphadora Tonks, the ever-capricious metamorphagus, regaled the younger attendees with her remarkable talents, effortlessly transforming her countenance into a succession of creatures—a duck, a pig, a lion—eliciting peals of laughter and delight. Even Claudia Rosier, a paragon of grace and refinement, found herself captivated by the whimsical display. Meanwhile, a distinguished assembly had formed on the side of the table, where Claudia sat alongside Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Alastor Moody, Remus Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Engrossed in earnest discussion, their attention focused upon the pressing concerns plaguing the Ministry of Magic—specifically, the obstinate denial of Lord Voldemort's resurgence by the deluded Cornelius Fudge.
"What purpose does it serve to sugarcoat the truth?" Moody interjected brusquely, his words reverberating through the hall and punctuating the conversation. The room fell into an uneasy silence, as the weight of his statement hung heavy in the air, casting a somber pall over the gathering.
"Alastor," Claudia chided gently, her voice a soothing balm that sought to quell the mounting tension. But Moody, unyielding in his resolve, persisted. "Show him! The boy will discover the truth soon enough, one way or another."
As if in response to their exchange, a gentle hand extended toward Harry, bearing a newspaper with the front page emblazoned by a striking headline: "The Boy Who Lies." The words cast a shadow over the young wizard's countenance, stirring a mix of emotions within him—an amalgamation of defiance, frustration, and an unwavering determination to confront the harsh realities that lay ahead.
Amidst the distinguished company gathered within the walls of Grimmauld Place, the weighty matters of the day weighed heavily upon their minds. Cornelius Fudge, a figure of authority wielding power and influence over the Daily Prophet, had employed his position to suppress any claims of Lord Voldemort's menacing return. Sirius Black, his voice resolute, interjected with an air of defiance, breaking the silence that enveloped the room.
"Why?" Harry Potter, his disbelief palpable, queried in a tone laced with incredulity, his faith in the integrity of those in positions of power momentarily shaken.
Remus Lupin, a sage presence amid the assembly, endeavored to shed light upon the perplexing matter. "The Ministry suspects that Dumbledore seeks to usurp Fudge's position," he explained, his words tinged with a hint of weariness. "They harbor a deep-seated fear that compels them to perceive threats where none exist."
"But that’s insane! No one in their right mind could ever—" Harry retorted, his disbelief tinged with a note of righteous indignation. The flagrant incompetence of Fudge and the Ministry's willful ignorance stretched the bounds of reason, testing the limits of their patience and resolve.
"Indeed," Claudia interjected, her voice carrying a measured tone that bespoke wisdom earned through the passage of time. "Fear possesses the power to distort minds and drive individuals to commit unspeakable acts. Fudge's faculties have been compromised, clouded by the very dread that should impel him to action."
With a somber gaze fixed upon Harry, Claudia continued her discourse. "The last time Lord Voldemort seized power, our world trembled on the precipice of destruction. We cannot afford to dismiss that grim reality, nor can the Ministry, in their misguided attempts to pacify the masses, ignore the imminent threat that looms before us."
Sirius, unwavering in his resolve, added his voice to the somber discussion. "We believe that Voldemort seeks to rebuild his formidable army, just as he did fourteen years ago. His followers included not only dark wizards and witches, but creatures of all kinds." Remus, ever the embodiment of insight, continued, "He has been aggressively recruiting, and we too seek to gather our forces. Yet, in the face of the Ministry's hateful and ignorant gaze, our efforts have been hindered at every turn."
"And yet, there is more," Remus stated with a measured tone. "We suspect that Voldemort's motives extend beyond the mere construction of an army. We believe he harbors unfinished business, a desire to complete what he failed to achieve in his previous bid for power." As the words lingered in the air, the gaze of Alastor Moody, Claudia, and Sirius converged upon Harry, a shared understanding etched upon their faces. The gravity of the situation had deepened, casting a shadow upon their hopes and filling their hearts with a sense of foreboding.
As the weighty revelations continued to pour forth, a voice pierced the air, cutting through the rising tide of information. Molly Weasley, her tone filled with maternal concern and protective instincts, interjected with a fervor born of love and apprehension. "No, that is enough! He is but a boy, barely of age! If we delve any deeper into this dangerous path, we might as well extend him an invitation into the Order!"
Harry, emboldened by his newfound resolve and a fire that burned within him, seized the moment to make his proclamation. "If Voldemort seeks to gather an army, then I’ll come with you!”
Claudia, her vibrant spirit undimmed by the gravity of the situation, found amusement in the audacity and courage displayed by Harry. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, mirroring the playful spark dancing in Sirius's eyes. They recognized in Harry the same indomitable spirit that had guided them in their own battles against the encroaching darkness.
With Molly's intervention, the evening slowly began to regain its semblance of a joyous reunion. Conversations flowed freely, laughter mingled with whispers, and the atmosphere regained its familiar air of camaraderie. Each segment of the table formed pockets of dialogue, their words and laughter intertwining, as friends and allies found solace in the presence of kindred spirits. Yet, amid the din of jovial chatter, Harry's mind remained fixated on the enigmatic figure of Claudia Rosier. Her presence, though known to him by virtue of her position within the Ministry, seemed peculiarly timed. Questions formed in the depths of his inquisitive mind, a desire to unravel the mysteries surrounding her newfound association with the Order of the Phoenix.
As the evening progressed, Harry's curiosity simmered beneath the surface, a flame that threatened to consume his thoughts. The allure of Claudia's presence beckoned him, urging him to seek answers and uncover the truth that lay hidden within her crimson hair and electric blue eyes. In this union of destiny and circumstance, Harry resolved to delve deeper into the enigma that was Claudia Rosier, for he sensed that her presence held significance far beyond what met the eye.
As the night began its descent towards the late hours, Claudia Rosier, ever conscious of her responsibilities, gracefully excused herself from the gathering. With a gentle smile upon her lips, she delicately maneuvered through the clusters of conversation, offering her farewells to each individual in turn. Her departure elicited a collective murmur of appreciation and respect, for her presence had brought an air of wisdom and elegance to their midst.
Pausing momentarily before the trio, Claudia's eyes gleamed with a genuine interest as she addressed them. "You find yourselves embarking upon your fifth year, do you not?" Her tone carried a warmth that embraced both familiarity and curiosity. Hermione, ever respectful and poised, replied with a deferential nod, her voice laced with a measure of reverence towards the seasoned witch.
"Ah, the fifth year—a truly magical time," Claudia exclaimed, her laughter bubbling forth like a melodic symphony that echoed through the grand hall. Her words carried a hint of nostalgia, evoking memories of her own youthful adventures and trials within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts.
The brief interlude drew to a close, as Claudia's obligations beckoned her away. With a final gaze that held a promise of future encounters, she addressed Harry directly. "Tomorrow, Harry, we shall meet again at the Ministry. Until then, I bid you all adieu!"
Masterlist : Next Chapter
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 Great Slow Burn BLs
I was asked about great chemistry, slow burn, with lots of pining and yearning, and an HEA (of course). For slow burn there will be less high heat due to the style of narrative, so I am going with actor chemistry, as well as emotional and mental resonance, not necessarily physical chemistry. (Something like Bed Friends could be argued is high heat slow burn... which would be what? A rolling boil?)
Honestly, slow burn is pretty relative, so I'm going with romance pacing puts the kiss and togetherness at the back 1/3 (if not the very last episode). Rather than at the "normal" 2/3.
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1. Light On Me (Korea 2021 Viki)
Korea does an elegant pastiche of traditional live action yaoi but all filming is cleverly deployed to bolster one of the most riveting love triangles ever put on screen… and I don’t like love triangles. The high school angst is strong with this one and it's certainly slow burn and there is some EPIC yearning drawn out over a longer than usual KBL. Full review.
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2. My School President (Thai 2023 YouTube)
GMMTV gave us a classic high school set Thai BL with tropes like messy boys singing their feelings that made this one Love Sick for the modern age with all the gentle sweetness and pining ache, but none of the dated damaging tropes or issues. Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but I still ADORE this. And there is a lot to be said for the classics being executed perfectly. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny? Possibly too slow burn for some, we wait many eps for that pay out, and Tin's pining is NOT quiet, but it defined dorky and earnest.
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3. Old Fashion Cupcake (Japan 2022 Viki)
It's hard to call such a short show slow burn, but it is. There are many episodes spent watching Togawa just HUNGER for Nozue and try to court him by feeding. This is about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said boss with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s a stunningly filmed late-in-life coming of age/queerness story packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity, love, and loneliness… and it’s beautiful. Full review.
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4. My Ride (Thai 2022 Gaga)
Thai BL grew up with this pulp (the first ever to make my end of year top 10). It’s a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine (AKA a cinnamon roll couple) plus mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly, overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. Even though we see them meet, we also see one of them fall in love, step back, and PINE for olympic gold. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede, the story, and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. Full review.
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5. Cherry Magic (Japan 2020 fan sub)
AKA 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii AKA Cheri Maho
The sweetest fluffiest magical realism BL, packaged as a pinning office romance, very low heat (practically chaste) but the cutest. It’s truly great. Don't expect kisses tho.
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6. Wish You: Your Melody in My Heart (Korea 2020 Viki)
Set in the music industry featuring a talented singer and the pianist who falls in love with him (and his music), subtle and achingly adorable. High production, low heat, short run, very tame, and Korea, so all the pretty. Slow burn and lots of pining.
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7. About Youth (Taiwan 2022 Gaga)
A truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with a classic YA low drama but high angst and an earnest depth. I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. A weak seme/uke dynamic but tons of BL tropes (both rare in a high school setting but common for Taiwan) makes this one feel both sweet and colored by an almost real world authenticity and grit. Full review here.
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8. The Tasty Florida (Korea 2021 Viki)
Another one where it's hard to describe as slow burn because it's so short, but there is certainly that feel and it's def got the pining. Not really a love triangle featuring the prettiest men ever to be grouped together outside of K-pop, honestly the visuals are ridiculous, there’s a story, it has to do with food, whatever, they so pretty.
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9. See You After Quarantine? (Taiwan 2021 Viki)
This under appreciated gem is Taiwan’s answer to Gameboys and is just as charming and adorable yet still as quintessentially Taiwanese as one might hope. It features a Japanese love interest and the cutest most confused disaster gay. Slow burn because the two have almost no actual screen time together and yet manage some truly amazing chemistry. How does Taiwan do it?
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10. Restart After Come Back Home (Japan 2020 Gaga)
AKA Risutato wa tadaima no ato de
Atmospheric study in rural Japan meets complex family dynamics built on a romance framework of city boy meets country boy, grumpy/sunshine. It’s beautiful and icy sweet. Slow moving in places but ultimately worth the patience, low heat, low angst, and stunning. Full review here.
A Tale of a Thousand Stars
Step By Step
Our Dining Table
Where Your Eyes Linger
Choco Milk Shake
Love Class
DNA Says Love You
My Only 12%
Dear Doctor I’m Coming for Soul
2nd part of the question:
Who does it best? Shows, actors, countries?
I have said it before and I will say it again, no one does thirst like Japan. I think however, Korea is also very good at pining and yearning. So for "countries" those would be my top picks. But most BL producers have some examples, it's just that Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines tend to pay out the yearning more quickly (see something like 2 Moons Ambassador for an example of this kind of pacing).
Japan and Korea will make you wait for it. For Thailand you usually have to rely on the high school stuff. 21 Days Theory and Love Sick are both also slow burn.
ACTORS (characters)
I do have a post about great piners, several in fact.
(from @crowie ask)
These top 10 picks are based on my personal definition of slow burn and pining, yours may differ.
Post updated June 2023 and only contains BL that has completed its run. Not responsible for epic pining or fab slow burn BL that comes after that date.
Please feel free to comment or repost with additions! Share the love... slow though it may be.
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
Gale x Tav Enemies to Lovers Part IV
Howdy everyone - I am still tweaking this and wanted to get a little something out tonight.
Written in Gale's POV, enjoy!
The tent whipped shut behind him as he stormed inside. Gale brought his hands to his face, his head bowing before he ran his fingers through his hair. He whistled air through his teeth and began to pace, the adrenaline coursing through his body making him unable to still. 
“AH,” Gale cried out and gripped his chest abruptly, his breath sharp and collapsed to his knees. The orb festered, feasting on his anger and distress, the nasty roots plucking at his very DNA and unraveling it. Gale hunched forward, gasping for breath as the orb seemed to tighten around his heart and lungs, depriving him of air, of blood supply. Groans of discomfort escaped him and he could focus on nothing else except the endless blackness of dread, despair and pain brought on by the orb. 
He was unsure how long he sat like this, his vision peppered with black spots, digging his hands into the spot on his chest as if it would sate it. It felt unlike it ever had before - hungrier, somehow, more volatile. Although the last magical item he consumed helped partially, it did not quench the storm as they normally did. And now it was well nourished from their quarrel and it felt ever stronger. 
When Gale finally rose to his feet and the deathlike pallor of his body dissipated, his head throbbed and his eyes ached. All at once with gritted teeth Gale swept his arm across his desk sending his papers, poems, drawings flying across his tent. With a heave that sounded like a tearless cry, he shut his eyes and tried to conjure a replica of his Tressyum, Tara. She would have staunch advice for him and lend a helpful ear to brood about the same arrogant, boastful girl from his youth. Tara accused him of being smitten with Tav from the beginning, an idea he vehemently denied until much later to which Tara responded matter of factly: I tried to tell you, Mr. Dekarios, but it is unlike you to listen to a word I say. Especially involving potential love interests.
After two failed attempts to create her replica, Gale's anger only grew as his own inadequacy dawned on him. How much power and ability he once had and now he struggled with a basic transmutation spell - granted, the orb had just had a hell of a feast so Gale was exceptionally weakened. He had controlled more of the Weave than most Wizards could ever dream of… and now it felt as out of reach as Mystra herself. 
When his mind settled, a pang of hurt coursed through him. Tav had been needlessly cruel after he had been so vulnerable with her - although part of Gale’s mind fixated on the warmth he felt when her finger pushed against his chest, how beautiful she looked in her rage, how sensual the moment before had felt. Even as their bodies gravitated closer together in their heated argument, he felt as if they could have lit a city with the electricity that flowed between them. That despite their anger all he wanted to do was take her lips with his. 
“It felt so incredible… her mind was beautiful, so elegant. It was inspiring, profound even and it felt… well, it was almost…” Gale paused, dropping the thought and picking up another, “and she ripped it away so fast… threw her malice at me because I didn’t tell her I recognized her. Perhaps her and Mystra have more in common than I thought.” He muttered to himself, still walking circles in his tent, his thumb brushing against his bottom lip. “Why does it matter if I didn’t tell her? Is that such a crime? Rather hypocritical if you ask me.” The imaginary Tara in his head agreed, of course, though he knew she wouldn't if she were here. “I’ll speak to her in the morning. Make her understand. Perhaps, even bring her down a peg or two. If I had only known she would react this way I obviously would have acted differently." Gale froze because deep within his core he knew this was untrue.
He was so embarrassed, so ashamed of the orb and of his relationship with Mystra and his outcasting, of how he had treated Tav in their youth. How he had jeopardized her entire future all because she had been better practiced, a savant. In Truth, Gale knew Tav had every right to be angry although her anger was misplaced. He had hoped, wished, prayed to every God he knew that she would not recognize him. He sighed heavily, the weight of everything threatening to crush him, and he rubbed the back of his neck. He climbed into bed and drifted into a dreamless sleep. 
The next morning when Gale rose the traveling companions were already gone. “Gale?” A voice pierced through the air and he turned to see Wyll, his chalice in hand and playing with Scratch. Gale glanced around, perplexed. “What are you still doing here? A bit strange to see you back at camp. Tav seems to have taken a liking to you, she has a habit of bringing you everywhere.” Wyll gave a playful wink, though Gale was not in the mood to be trifled with. 
“That's not true," Gale started to craft his argument - of course Tav doesn't bring me everywhere! There are plenty of days she's left me behind - and when he was unable to think of a single day this was true he shook his head to dismiss it and said, "Tav left? They all left for the day? This early? After they all drank that much? Is that what you're saying?” Wyll shrugged and nodded. Gale noted Wyll hadn’t been at the party so it wasn’t unusual he was awake - he did wonder where had he been last night.
“They left not too long ago, the sun was still hanging on the horizon - but just.” Gale sighed and turned to leave. “Hold on a second,” Wyll said, walking over to him. “Are you alright? You seem a bit off. You’re rather pale my friend, a look typically reserved for Astarion. It doesn’t suit you.”
“Oh, I am quite well I can assure you.” Gale looked off beyond the treeline, his brow furrowed as he seethed. How could Tav leave him behind, especially after how she acted last evening.. if she was truly sorry she wouldn’t have left him. For their trip thus far Gale had been on the starting line, adventuring at her side. For the first time he felt the sting of being left to tend camp. 
Wyll snorted, crossing his arms. “You may have command of the Weave, but a performer you are not. Tav was in a strange mood this morning, too now that I think of it. Perhaps it was all of the wine but...” A realization seemed to dawn on Wyll’s face and he smirked, cocking his head, “You sly Wizard, I didn't think you had it in you if I'm being honest. Did you… and Tav?” Gale groaned and rolled his eyes. A typical youth: the one thing on their mind was coital. 
“No, Gods... no.” Gale said, although the redness climbed up his neck and brushed his ears. When he allowed his mind to wander to their shared moment in the Weave the hurt he felt by her comment seemed to die down and he cleared his throat, straightening. “Did they say where they were off to? When they’d be back?” 
Wyll shook his head and rested an arm on Gale’s shoulder for a moment, “All I know is that Tav said they’d be gone a while, didn’t say where. If you’re in need of company or are open to losing a game of lance board, you know where to find me. It helps pass the days when we aren’t shifting camp.” 
Gale watched Wyll walk back to his tent, picking apart exactly how Wyll could not possibly be able to beat him in a game of lance board and he went back to rest.
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turvi · 2 years
Thank you for the request @reiketsunomizunomegami hope you like it.
Young Severus Snape x Slytherin Reader
You were known as the ice bitch. While you hated that name you knew why students like to call you that. And you didn't care. One cold glare from you was enough to make students scatter. You would be lying if you said you hated this feeling
Your parents were one of the most influential and wealthy wizards but you never needed their power and wealth to assert your dominance over people.
But that never stopped some boys from trying to win you over. While some boys tried to win you over for your wealth most were enamored by your beauty.
'You are so beautiful you should smile some more' 'oh yeah? maybe you could do that for me when I kick you between your legs'
You didn't think you would ever have feelings for someone. Until you saw him. His long greasy hair, onyx eyes, aquiline nose. You didn't know his name and you were cursing yourself at how you missed someone like him.
Many times you would catch yourself staring at him, your heart fluttering when he catches you staring at him.
You couldn't stop yourself from glancing at him every now and then. You had a love-hate relationship with this feeling. On one hand, you hated to feel like this because it made you feel vulnerable but you also loved how it felt whenever you saw him
As some other snobby Slytherin was talking to you, you still couldn't stop glancing at this boy. 'So my father told me that I am capable of inheriting his wealth very soon since I am so capable' 'yeah right uh who is that?' to be honest you couldn't hear a word he said you were busy looking at your man who was sitting under a tree reading his potion book. Excuse me! YOUR MAN?
'Oh him I honestly don't know if I should feel bad for him or resent him' 'why is that?' 'well the marauders bully him and well he is one ugly git'
The boy in front of you turned around to see you giving him your infamous murderous look. You heard him gulp. 'Name' 'Arthur' 'I am asking his name' ' Severus Snape'. He ran away quicker than a chicken.
'Severus Snape' you couldn't stop a slight smile that grew on your face. Even his name is beautiful. You said his name a few more times to see how it would feel to call him yours. Now you could ask him out.
The only issue is that you don't know how to. Obviously, this isn't your first time talking to a boy. Hell, you can punch a boy right now if you wanted you just because you could. But feelings? That was not your department.
But you were not the only one struggling with their feelings. Currently Severus was seated with his friends at the Great Hall when he saw you pass by. You walked with such grace and elegance it almost felt like the whole school was kneeling in front of you.
Lucius noticed this 'Mate you have been eyeing her for weeks why don't you ask her out?' 'Is this a sick joke Malfoy? Have you seen her? Most importantly have you seen me?'
You noticed obviously that Severus was different than you. Where he wore hand me downs you wore something new and fresh everyday. But despite these differences you wanted to ask him out and really get to know him. So you asked for Narcissa's help.
Let's just say Narcissa was very happy to introduce you two. 'Oh Godric it's finally happening our Y/n is in love and with none other than Severus. Oh I knew you would love him'.
Slowly and steadily with a lot of effort from both of you (more like Narcissa and Lucius) eventually you and Severus were together. Severus had believed this relationship will be shortlived due to how rich and powerful your parents were nonetheless he still made efforts to win your heart everyday and to no ones surprise it worked everytime.
Both you and Severus were not clingy lovers but would hold hands give a few kisses here and there when no one is looking. When you first kissed him on his cheeks he hid his blushing cheeks behind his hair which you then tucked behind his ears. 'Don't hide yourself'. His heart would flip with how soft you were with him
Other? eh not so much. Specially not marauders who were bullying him. You would tell him that you are not soft with him and to prove a point he asks to let his hand go you would hold it tighter.
One day they cornered him 'Is it true Snivellus? Is ice bitch your girlfriend now?' 'Don't call her that' 'Aww look he is angry now' 'Padfoot I think he spread the rumour I mean have you seen her no way she is with a greasy git like him'
And you hexed him you couldn't take it anymore. 'Say another word about my boyfriend and I'll hex you again this time it will hurt more'.
Needless to say they knew what you were capable of and ran away. 'You didn't have to do that' 'Yeah I didn't have to but I wanted to' 'Why?' 'Because Severus I don't know if you noticed this but it heals my soul to watch you smile and my heart beats for you and you only so Merlin forbid if someone hurts you I will show them hell'
Slowly you got comfortable with each other and hug for a minute longer, kiss for a second longer. After two years of dating you decided it was good time to introduce him to your parents. He wasn't nervous actually he was scared. He didn't want to lose you and he thought it was possible when your parents get to know that he was not wealthy or powerful.
He was surprised to see your father greet him warmly. When your hugged him his eyes teared up. 'Oh Severus it is so good to finally meet you, Y/n told me so much about you' 'MA!'.
He was sated with the hearty meal your mother cooked for him and all the childhood stories she had to provide. Even though it was embarrassing your heart was singing watching Severus laugh heartedly. He held your hand underneath the table and caressed your palm with his fingers.
When dinner was over your father talked with Severus separately while your mother talked to you. 'You are happy' 'I am ma, he makes me happy always will' 'Well looks like I have a wedding to arrange' 'How do you already know he will marry me' 'because he looks at you like your father used to look at me'.
You both were returning to your humble abode. When he looked at you he knew how wrong those people were about you because no one loved him like you and no one will. Maybe the children you both will have. But that is a conversation for next time. Severus was blushing and actually very happy and glad that he asked your father for your hand in marriage. Your father already patting his back and telling him that he already has his blessing.
'So you talk to your mother about me?' you were blushing profusely Godric he has really made you soft. 'Only sometimes' you replied with a cheeky smile and he pressed a sweet kiss on your lips.
A year later you got married and you were officially known as Mrs. Snape. Some peers from Hogwarts were surprised to watch you smile so much while for others it was their first time watching you smile.
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