#act like he knows him too well but i believe vise versa
estebunny · 11 months
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fernando alonso talking about esteban ocon's reaction to the sprint shootout collision
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frogchiro · 2 years
omg monster!simon is the best idea ever. just imagine all the little quirks he does in the beginning. sometimes when you’re sitting next to him, he spreads his legs farther apart so his knee will touch yours. and you can just hear this little rumble, but from where? You can’t tell. Simon refuses to look you in the eyes when he does this.
or like training with soap at close combat. Simon gets a little too protective when he sees you get pinned down by soap or vise versa.
or at the bar after a successful mission. he always stays in the shadows, watching over you. making sure no one gets too close. and if anyone’s making you uncomfortable he’ll just menacingly pop up behind your back and give them a death glare. maybe you’re just a bit too tipsy to realize, but simon’s growls reverberate against your back.
jokingly wold whistling during morning training. seeing the way he snaps his neck to locate where the sound came from, eyes narrowed as he chuffs in amusement.
🐙anon (if u like emoji anons!)
This WAY too overdue and I'm actually embarassed that I'm answering this after months sitting in my askbox ;; if you're still around dear (or anyone else really) pls I hope you're not too annoyed with my absence😭 uni overtook my entire life and writers block has been a bitch but it's still no excuse to just close off like this and be silent for months ;; i really hope to be more active now and this is my first step so please be gentle
Protective monster!Simon is way too powerful and has been on my mind for WEEKS already, the cod brainrot is still going strong
He'd still be, well, himself; just this big dark presence on base, all-consuming and mysterious in a way that would make the bravest of men cower and hide, so what a luck it is that you have this big brooding monster on your side right? And him loving you?? It's on another level
Monster!Simon believe it or not has an even more difficult time in expressing his emotions, an entity that has been alive for an unknown amount of time that took the appearance of a human will have some trouble adjusting himself into human society and he probably will never completely 'fit it' but that doesn't really matter to him, all Simon truly wants it to be with you and protect you, to hell with everything else and what might others think
I also like to imagine that 'loving' in the tradutional understanding didn't really occur to him, it's not that he doesn't love you ofc, but it started out (and still is tbh) something more like 'oh you're here, you interact with 141, you smell nice and you're actually nice to HIM, you're his now' 😭
But yes you're totally right that he'd be so damn protective and possessive if you! He'd scent you on every occasion, giggling at his insistent rubbing on you and he'd answer your delighted noises with a deep rumble on his own. OR THE WHISTLING THING IS SO. ADORABLE
He acts so annoyed like an angry cat whenever you do this, his eyes squinting in a glare but is silently greatful for it because in this way he knows that you're near him, and you being near him in his mind is equal to you being safe, so he doesn't hold grudges, instead he answers you with a bellow or a whistling sound on his own before getting back to his own business
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3d-wifey · 9 months
TBOSAS was a great movie and an even greater miss---here's why:
The problem here is no fault of the movie. It's not that it isn't a good adaptation or that it cut out too many important scenes. The casting was amazing, the acting phenomenal, the writing and plot translated immaculately into the screenplay format, and the ending was tragically beautiful. All of those boxes are ticked. The problem lies with one thing: Coriolanus Snow.
To understand what I mean, I'll bring the main trilogy to the stand. All of the books were written in first person from Katniss's pov. There were things that we as the audience don't know because Katniss doesn't know them and vise versa all do to her inner monologue. But there are also things we as the audience do know that Katniss doesn't because she's an unreliable narrator. She often misreads people because, whether she'll admit it or not, she's highly suspicious of those that aren't obviously weaker than her and is quick to judge in general. Her biases and black and white moral standpoint can be attributed to her environment, ptsd, and, though not confirmed, Autism (source: I'm actually Dr. Autism) or bpd. So, in this case, she's unreliable, but we understand it's not malicious and it was translated well in the movie (i.e. her thinking Peeta wanted her dead, her thinking Peeta is only acting like he's in love with her, her misconceptions about Finnick.)
Coriolanus Snow on the, other hand, is an entirely different case. He's a bad person at the start of the book and that isn't up for debate. His thoughts about Lucy Gray should make you angry, let alone about people who knew and cared for him for years (Tigris and Sejanus). He is also an unreliable narrator, but in a completely different sense than him. While hers is founded in ignorance and defensiveness, his is built in paranoia and narcissism. He's obsessive, possessive, demeaning to any and everyone, and thinks he's owed more than he is and hates anyone that has what he doesn't. We get all this through his inner thoughts as well (him hating the very idea of Lucy Grey being with anyone before him and likening her to a whore---implying she's slept with peacekeepers, wanting to own her in the literal sense of the word hating Sejanus for having basic human empathy, hating looking down on the Plinths who have been nothing but kind to him, so on and so forth). I say he's bad because, though he hasn't done any of the horrible things he thinks about or acts on them is because he didn't have the power or social standing to back them, something he has plenty of as a president. All this to say, the movie lacks that insight into the character that we gain with Katniss. Enough that people that have only watched the movie genuinely believe he was a nice person drove to the brink or thought there was a little gray area in regards to his morality. Enough that people that think the actor is hot will say they like "Coryo" not Snow, or some people send hate mail to the author because they think she tried to humanize him/excuse his behavior, the exact opposite of the point of the book. I don't fault the movie too harshly for this too harshly. Other than having a voice over, they could do very little to convey his every horrid thought. And because of this and Tom's phenomenal acting, Snow was able to manipulate the audience just like everyone else he fucked over.
Snow is a narcissist who can't wrap his mind around people genuinely being kind while having no ulterior motives, because he would never do that from the kindness of his heart. He thinks everyone is trying to back stab him and want to turn on him and are out to get him or are trying to embarrass him because that is what he would do if he was in their position. Unlike Katniss, he can read people and he can act his ass off, but unlike Katniss, he can't see the best in people because he doesn't want to/it doesn't benefit him. He had many opportunities to do the right thing or the kind thing and actively chose not to.
He, more than anyone in the Capitol, even more than Sajanus, should know what the Districts go through. He grew up poor, starved, and was forced to grow up too soon. He knows what it means to have nothing, be starved, and go into the arena and almost be killed. Yet, he looks down on them and sends children who were younger than him when he went into the arena, to their deaths because it benefits him.
He's a horrible person. He's always been bad, but he strove to be worse. I'm not saying the movie wasn't able to portray this in it's own way, but since it's not as obvious and in your face if you're too focused on how cute you think his face is, you can miss it. You'll find reasons to justify his actions just like he does and, ironically, become like his inner monologue where he continuously made himself the victim in almost every scenario.
Again, great movie! Fantastic even, my I beg of you, read a book. Or watch a youtube essay about it.
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ja9-animations · 9 months
Question that I am curious about which you might have said before at some point but I forgot: What do you think is going to happen to Lanyon in TGS? Are you in the "He's going to die" camp or do you have a different theory for how he's going to react to the truth about Hyde?
I don't think he's going to die... I know he does in the novel but I doubt TGS will take such a dark turn where Lanyon dies. I mean going off of the book, that would mean Jekyll and Hyde would die too which I don't think would happen. I have a few theories about how Lanyon would react...
If it's Jekyll in his own body telling Lanyon he wouldn't believe him. I mean if your best friend/bf told you that he was this chaotic blond gremlin who was wanted by the police sometimes, I don't think I would believe them. The only way Lanyon would believe Jekyll is by Jekyll taking the potion and turning into Hyde in front of him but considering Jekyll and Hyde's strained relationship at the moment I don't think Jekyll would willingly take the potion just to show Lanyon. This leads to my second theory...
Hyde, in his own body, telling Lanyon sort of how it was in the book. Hyde tells Lanyon, Lanyon obviously doesn't believe him, Hyde transforms in front of him and leaves Jekyll to take the heat and explain everything. This I feel like, especially right now in the comic, is most likely to happen. Hyde would show Lanyon to 1. spite Jekyll who is screaming at him to not and 2. ...well he wants to sleep with Lanyon too, right? If Hyde can't have Lanyon, he's not gonna sit back and let Jekyll have him.
It could be a Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jekyll sort of thing too where they are in each other's bodies. If red-eyed Hyde, (Dr. Hyde) told Lanyon he was actually Jekyll I don't see Lanyon believing him until they transform. Lanyon doesn't even know Hyde, why should he believe him when he says he's your best friend/bf even if his eyes do seem a little more red than usual. However, if it was green-eyed Jekyll (Mr. Jekyll) I could start to see Lanyon believing a little bit more. Maybe not in what he's saying but believing there's something wrong with Jekyll. Because if your best friend/bf came to you with different colored eyes, spoke and acted with different mannerisms claiming he wasn't actually himself but London's most wanted criminal, I would be very worried.
Then of course there's the idea that neither Jekyll nor Hyde tells Lanyon and Lanyon accidentally figures out about everything. Perhaps he secretly sees Jekyll transformation into Hyde (or vise versa) and has to confront Jekyll himself. Maybe Jekyll's secret gets out and all the Lodgers find out, including Lanyon. It's a difficult situation for anyone either way. Personally, I'm a fan of the idea where Jekyll or Hyde tells Lanyon but Lanyon doesn't believe them until they transform and show Lanyon. I like that intense personal moment between them instead of Jekyll and Hyde never deciding to face their issues and still trying to mask the truth for their own benefit.
Well, this sure was long. I hope this answered your question though! I love answering TGS related questions so thank you so much for this!
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kavehaskblog · 4 months
I totally understand that, I think I feel the same way about most people. Although I can't physically study their brain, I do have a tendency to ask a lot of questions and over share my own trauma at times which I try to be better about cuz I know not everyone is okay with that.
But like, I wanna explain the things that happened to be or the way certain things feel so it like makes sense and people know why I react or respond certain ways, and vise versa I wanna ask so many questions about them so I can connect the dots and know why the react and respond this way, and it makes it easier for me personally to connect with them and also to accommodate them. But I worry sometimes that I ask way too much or never shut up😂
It is definitely important in a relationship tho to communicate these things :) it's good to know the best way to comfort each other when u need it, cuz sometimes you're too stuck in the moment to ask for the type of comfort you need, so it feels nice when someone already knows what you need.
I'm sure if nothing else Alhaitham will at least appreciate that you want to help, even tho you don't really know how all the time❤️
Thank you Anon.
I do the same thing, if I don’t understand I just have a tendency to word vomit and sometimes I forget to listen when I’m anxious.
I think I did well last night though!
I got him to eat and I asked him how I could help. As usual I didn’t get much of an answer, just a classic “I’ll be fine”. I assume he’s been through this plenty of times before so he knows how to get through it, but I still worry.
I do think the food helped him sleep though.
I know it’s not fully correlated, but the way I understand it is like being sick. He gets “sick” more often than others and needs more patience.
It’s hard to learn about someone when they don’t understand it themselves. From what I understand Alhaitham believed what was going on was normal and that the rest of us we weird for not experiencing it. I guess that makes sense when you’re isolated most of your life with only others that act like you do (it’s very likely his grandmother was also autistic). His only outside understanding being, me. Which certainly isn’t a good measure because I’m very clearly not mentally well.
He’s stubborn, it took a lot for Tighnari to get him to realize he’s autistic. Not that he’s ashamed of it, he just genuinely believed he wasn’t autistic.
I don’t think he knows how much he can handle. There isn’t a metric to how things will affect him.
I wanna research what I can. I know autism is different for everyone but I’m assuming there is a pattern of traits.
If he doesn’t understand, I wanna try and learn with him.
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I just HAVE to get this out of my system.
So if you haven’t seen WandaVision yet or are not caught up, scroll past this. If you don’t want spoilers don’t look below Wanda.
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So I’m officially a believer that Evan Peters is reprising his role of Peter Maximoff in WandaVision.
Here’s the proof I have & what my hopes are for this character:
• his first appearance is in Episode 5, in that appearance Wanda is seen gasping and softly asks “Pietro?” When she sees him. Now it’s obvious at this point that she knows he looks different, but still similar enough to convince her. After she asks if it’s him, instead of saying something that would seem so in character with someone gaslighting Wanda like “well yeah who else would I be?” He simply just nods/tilts his head. Not confirming or denying.
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• while I understand that the joke was there and it was funny, once he is in the house he preceded to say “who’s the popsicle?”. MCU Pietro’s already met Vision. He met him (and fought Ultron with him) before he died. So regardless of if Pietro was dead a brought back to life/his soul/memories put into another human, he would remember Vision.
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• we also see him say “long lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin sister to death or what?” This one is a bit more obvious I think but what a strange line for a character that is supposed to be dead, not lost. Like the writers have to know what they wrote. It was a deliberate choice of words
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• next in episode 6 we get to see the boys interacting with this new Uncle P. And he is addressed mostly as Uncle P not Pietro, not Peter, just P.
•yes he makes a lot of devil and hell references in this episode, but I don’t think that makes him Mephesto (don’t know if I spelt that right), because as we come to see in episode 7 it was Agatha all along and Mephesto is too powerful for her to control, same goes for the Nick Scratch theories (she wouldn’t have to control her son, he would just do as she asked). Same note, Mesphesto should be powerful enough to replicate ATJ Quicksilver, dead or not.
I came across other points and theories like he never takes off that damn shell necklace, he says things he shouldn’t know but also knows well enough to just come off as the details are fuzzy, he doesn’t act out ATJ Pietro does, but how XMen Peter does, what little infor we’ve gotten up to this point has been vague enough to consider this more than a fun cameo.
And yes, I’ve seen Kevin F. new statement about how he was just another toy for Agatha to use against Wanda. But how vague could you get? If he really was nothing more he would’ve been like, yeah she just was using a random person who we casted as Evan for fun. He’s been too vague, Agatha has been too vague, Vision has yet to unlock his mind even though he was suspicious of him from the start, especially around the twins. I think that if we don’t get a confirmation of his return in episode 9 I think it’s because they don’t even know. I think their original plan was to introduce him as Peter under a spell, but if fans ended up not liking the switch from ATJ to EP, they would just conclude his cameo in the show and say he was just a pawn who we thought would be a fun surprise for fans. If fans reacted well to the switch, they would keep him around and eventually make him an Avenger or something, help him adjust to this new reality. Y’all might think I’m reaching but think about how in between each movie they get time to gauge people’s reactions to new plot devices or characters, they can’t do that as easily with a show unless they are vague.
I’m sure he’ll at least be in the last episode because he had an end credit scene that’s yet to be resolved, so if he isn’t addressed in a finalizing way in the next one, I’m assuming it could go either way.
I also saw someone say they think the main reason he’s only been a key player in one episode is because Evan Peters is a screen stealer. As soon as he comes on, he has main character energy, everyone’s focus turns to him, and it’s hard for him to not be your favorite part of the show/movie. Like Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, I think most of the people I’ve seen review those movies are like the best part of those movies are Peter Maximoff. They can’t have a screen stealer focused on in Wanda’s show.
In conclusion I love Evan Peters, I love Quicksilver, and I want him to stay so desperately.
Edit: I don’t want anyone to think this is me putting ATJ vs. EP. I think they both played their parts well with what they were given, unfortunately I think the odds were more in EP favor though with Fox having more rights to his character. That being said, EP is my favorite actor to portray the character so far and I will stand by that, and I can say that without sending hate to ATJ. So no one come at me saying anything about EP being the worse of the two or vise Versa. Also this is entirely my own opinion based on what I’ve observed online and in the show, if you have an opinion outside of mine, that’s fine, but respectfully don’t attack me with it Bc I could care less if you’re gonna be rude.
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onomonopetabread · 4 years
Declawing the Cat- Chapter 1
He just couldn’t figure her out. No matter how many times he’s tried to wrap his head around it, Felix Graham de Vanily couldn’t solve the mystery of Marinette Dupain-Chang; not why she did the things she did, or how, or why she seemed to infuriate him to no end…
It had all started when his brick head of a cousin had the bright idea to convince his mother to transfer him to his school. The two of them had recently moved closer to the Agreste household for more “family solidarity”, but it seemed as though Adrien needed even more quality time with cousin dear.
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Adrien? You know Felix isn’t the most social child. Do you really think that your classmates will welcome him as you say they will, even after the incident?”
“I’m positive, Aunt Amilie. The kids in my class are very kind and believe in redeeming others if they apologize. I have no doubt in my mind that they’ll forgive him. I mean, look at how they accepted me when I first started going there. They could have shunned me and thrown me aside like trash, but now I have a lot of friends. The same will happen with Felix, for sure.”
“Well, if you really think so, then it's a beautiful idea,” said Amilie avidly. “What about you, gabriel? Do you think that our sons should go to school together?”
“It will be beneficial for Adrien to have a good influence around the school with him to make sure that he doesn’t try to rebel and become like his… recalcitrant peers,” said gabriel without glancing up from his designs.
“And you, Felix? Do you want to go to College Francoise-Dupont?”
Felix gulped. He didn’t really want to go to school with his ridiculous cousin, but his mother really seemed to like the idea, and he’d hate to disappoint her ...
So that’s how Felix ended up going to school with the same kids he duped. Even though Adrien can be way too gullible (someone really needs to tell him that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows and not everyone can be trusted), Felix soon found that he was indeed right about his friends. When he arrived there a few weeks ago, it only took a small smile and a half-baked apology to get them to trust him. One might think that Felix would be sulking at the mere thought of going to school with these losers, but he had decided beforehand that if he was going to have any fun at this school, he was going to have to toy with this naive group of teenagers to cause some trouble, and what better way to do that than to make them think he was on their side?
“Guys, this is my cousin Felix. He’s going to be attending school with us for now on. I know you guys will take him in with open arms.”
Kim cut in. “Is this the same cousin that pretended to be you and replied to the videos you sent us?”
Nino had something to say as well. “Why should we trust anything he has to say? He hasn’t exactly given us any reason to like him.”
“Yeah, how can you expect us to just become friends with us after what he did? He’s a liar!” Alya declared.
The rest of the class chimed in with arguments of their own, and who can blame them? It definitely didn’t feel good to be deceived. Soon, the whole courtyard was filled with angry yells and upset students. Adrien, bless him, was trying his best to calm them down and explain.
Felix cleared his throat. Talking ceased and all eyes were on him: Adrien’s glancing nervously, and the others’ full-on glares.
“Hello, everyone. As Adrien just told you, my name is Felix Graham de Vanily. To answer your question, Mr. Le Chein, yes, I’m the cousin of Adrien’s that impersonated him and sent you a cruel response to your heartfelt videos. For that, I am deeply sorry. I have no excuse for what I did. I can only hope that you all will find it in your hearts to forgive me for my terrible sin.”
You could hear a pin drop. All of the students were giving each other and Felix calculating looks. Should they believe him? Was he really telling the truth? After a few beats of deafening silence, Mylene spoke up.
“If you’re really sorry...”
“Oh, I am, you can be sure of that, Ms. Haprele,” Felix nodded, puppy eyes fully on show.
“Then… I suppose everyone deserves a second chance, right guys?” she continued, looking around at the others.
Slowly, the rest of the group started nodding their heads. Where there was anger and hurt towards Felix was now acceptance and forgiveness. Why not forgive him? Of course he was telling the truth! Why on Earth would someone lie to gain our trust only to be able to play us for fools right underneath our noses? It’s not like it’s ever happened before. Oh, if only Lila was here to greet our new friend! It’s too bad she’s away in America doing her internship at NASA!
The group, who were once resentful and angry at the fancily-dressed boy that was in front of them, began to crowd around him, smiles and name introductions all around. By the way they were acting, you would have thought that they all have been friendly with Felix since birth. Amazing what the power of deception held when used right.
He recognized most of them from the terrible videos they had sent Adrien: the manic pixie girl, the ultra-nerd, the stupid jock, the wannabe dj and his amautur reporter girlfriend.
And what a reporter she was! Neither she nor her dim-witted friends could see through his act. They followed him like lost puppies looking for an owner. The only person who didn’t seem to believe him was her. Felix didn’t see her in the schoolyard for his “apology”, and he noticed she never seemed to be around if he’s in the room.
Honestly, he’d thought that Marinette would have been the easiest person to convince. Only a silly, pigtail-twirling, school girl would send such a pathetic confession. “AdRiEn, I LoVe YoU. I’Ll AlWaYs Be ThErE If YoU NeEd Me”. Puh-lease.
But she never seemed to be around, Felix didn’t see her in the schoolyard for his “apology”, and he noticed she never seemed to be around unless they were in class. He sat in the back, and spent most of his time conjuring up plans to recruit her, for after a few days of observations, he’d been able to work out that he had underestimated her. By a lot. Felix found out that she was class president and a good one at that. She was seen as a leader by the others, but it didn’t seem like she used deception to earn that respect. She was actually kind-hearted, selfless, and true. If she wasn’t so annoying and stubborn, those characteristics might have even been...admirable. She really could be a great ally to have by his side. But by jove, was she ever making it difficult. Eventually, he’s been able to talk to her alone. To sum it up, it definitely could have gone better.
During lunch hour, Marinette was on a bench in the park. She was sketching on a notepad, most likely designs for a new sewing project. Felix learned from Adrien that Marinette was a very talented aspiring designer, which took Felix by surprise. You’d never guess that this girl was into fashion by the way she dressed (Felix could not stress enough how atrocious those pigtails were), but he digresses. He isn’t here to insult Marinette’s clothes, though he could do so some other time. He took a deep breath and strode over to Marinette’s seat.
“Ah, Ms. Dupain-Cheng! How lovely it is to see you. We never seem to talk, do we? It is quite a shame really.”
Marinette didn’t move a muscle. It was as though he hadn’t said a word! Ok, well, give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she’s really focused on her drawing?
“I must say, that is a lovely suit that is a lovely suit you’re designing there. I love the use of gold thread on the pants. If I may make a few suggestions-”
“No, you may not. As a matter of fact, I’m going to stop you right there. Don’t say another word.”
“I-I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me.” Marinette set her notepad aside on the bench and rose up from the bench to look him in the eye . Never in his life had Felix seen a stronger glare, and even though he was a good head taller than Marinette, he felt as though she could crush him like a grape. Of course, he didn’t let it show. What would it say about him that he shakes like a kitten in the presence of a 4’ 11” teenage girl?
“Now Felix, I’m only going to say this once, so listen up. I know you have everyone else fooled with your nice act, but I’m not as stupid as you seem to assume. You think you’re the first fake I came across? Don’t make me laugh; you’re not even close. Heck, next to Lila, you’re just a petty gossip. The rest of our classmates seem to have put the video incident in the past, but let me make it crystal clear that it is still fresh in my mind. I meant to share something extremely personal with Adrien, we all did, and you screwed that up. You hurt all of us carelessly as if our feelings were nothing more than spinning tops. You know what that makes you?”
Dumbfounded, Felix couldn’t do much more than shake his head.
“It makes you a little bitch. And I don’t associate with little bitches. So unless you can prove to me that you really are turning over a new leaf for good, I don’t want to say one word to you unless absolutely necessary and vise versa. I’ll stay out of your hair, and you WILL stay out of mine. Capisce?
Without waiting for a reply, Marinette turned her heel, grabbed her notebook, and began the walk back to school.
Well, he must admit that Marinette won that round. She certainly was a challenge, but luckily, for Felix liked puzzles. He was going to get Mari to like him, even if it took every ounce of strength and scheming he had in his body.
@mickeyaaliyah @lyssaisprobablynotaloser @firstclassdumbass I wanted to put it in the server but Google wouldn’t let me
@threebirdsinatrenchcoat @ladylupuscrow @kittynoirblog
If you guys want the next chapter here it is
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Y’all want some prompts? Here’s the prompt store:
Some tws: not intense ones but: homophobia, injuries, drinking, smoking, drugs, swearing
Johnny gets beat up, Dally finds him
The greasers lose a rumble
Dally tries to drink his gayness away
Soda dies, Steve is broken
Dally dies. What does Johnny do?
Dally misses his mom
Dally wishes he had a family
What happens after two go to war, and only one comes back?
After the book: describe everyone, what they do, how they act, how they’re broken
5 times Dallas Winston didn’t die, and the 1 time he did
Soda and Steve fight
They break up
They realize they can’t live without eachother
Dally and Johnny-first kiss
Steve and Soda-sneaking around(bonus-someone catches them)
Steve and Soda-first kiss
Steve and Soda-kids
Steve getting frustrated at someone or something and Sodas just like *calm down, deep breaths*
Soda makes the gang do yoga
Someone threatens Johnny, Dally makes them pay.
Darry saves pony from some Socs. He expects a lecture, but doesn’t get it
The gang bands together
Dallys sick, Johnny takes care of him
Soda takes care of Steve when he has like a hangover
Soda has a panic attack, Steve helps
Soda has a panic attack, Darry/Pony help
Dally DOES NOT like thunderstorms, guess what, one happens.
Dally questions his sexuality, Johnny comforts him. (They aren’t dating)
Johnny gets scared by something, dally comforts him
Johnny falls asleep in Dallys arms.
Dally saves Johnny from his parents
Steve finds Soda crying
Dally has a nightmare
Pony hasnt been giving Darry his lunch money change...they figure out he never eats lunch. The Socs are beating the money out of him
Dallys life story
Johnny before he met the gang
How Darry deals with stress
How Soda met sandy (and how they broke up)
How Steve and Soda fell for eachother
How Dally feels about Johnny
Steve Randle before he met the gang
Dally and Johnny having deep conversations under the stars
Johnny cant sleep, he wanders off. Dallys terrified, trying to find him
Johnny & Dally,
1. Being caught meeting up discreetly by either A. Soda B. Darry C. Steve.
2. Dally having a panic attack and Johnny comforting him. (or vise versa.)
3. Dally/Johnny having second thoughts but something gets rid of them.
4. Dally being just soft in general and getting teased.
5. Their first sleepover.
6. Them cleaning each other up after a rumble.
7. Johnny moving into Dally's room.
8. Dally trips and falls and Johnny laughs. - comedy gold right there folks
9. Johnny finding Dally when he was little on video, A. him trying to be *smexy* or B. him like just doing stupid shit as a child.
10. Them reading the outsiders.
11. Them DURING a rumble.
12. Them being caught by a soc *together* doing one of their secret meetup
13. Watching a scary movie together.
14. Johnny showing Dally a romance movie, Dally acts like he hates it, (he loves it).
15. Their first christmas together.
16. Their first argument. - sadness
17. They Breakup
18. They get back together.
“I’ve heard about you. Dallas Winston, right?”
“I hate how it’s silent when you’re not around”
“Sleep here, please. Don’t stay out in the lot.”
“Did they touch you?”
“Here, take my jacket.”
“Dont be afraid, Johnny. I’m right here.”
“Hey, you can talk to me, okay?”
“You’re not broken”
“You don’t have to do this alone.”
“Stay calm, deep breaths, okay?”
“You’re safe now. I got you”
“Do you know what it’s like? Huh?”
“Why do you love someone like me?”
“Please just hold me”
“Dont hurt him! Please, don’t hurt him”
I’m just trying to help.” “Well, I hate to break it to you, but you just made it worse.”
“Don’t I make you happy?”
“You’re going to get someone hurt.”
“I never thought you’d be the one to break my heart.”
“Don’t underestimate me.”
“You’re a complete mess, but I don’t care.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Did I just see you smile?”
“You’re dumber than I thought if you think I’m letting you do this alone.”
“If I could go back in time, I’d still choose you.”
“So… I might’ve been a little drunk.” “Only a little?”
“I honestly have no idea what I’m doing.”
“I can’t believe we’re dating.”
“Please don’t tell me you filmed that.” “Of course I filmed it.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“I meant what I said, every word of it.”
“I can’t stay mad at you, and that pisses me off.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”
“I knew you’d overreact.”
“I specifically told you not to leave.”
“You’re not as heartless as you pretend to be.”
“Stop hogging the blankets!”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“I know it’s the middle of the night, but can you come over, please?”
“You know I love you, right?”
“How did you find me?”
“That was a really shitty apology.”
“Not to be dramatic, but I think we’re all going to die.”
“I should’ve fought for us.”
“I love you, okay? I’ll say it as many times as you need to hear it.”
“Everyone wanted to give up on me, except you.”
“We have to leave the country.”
“Are you seriously still angry at me?” “You ate the last donut!”
“Come to bed.”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Just forget everything I said.”
“Seeing you smile makes my day.”
“You mean the world to me.”
“Oh no, you are not dragging me into this.”
“I know you’re trying to push me away, but I won’t let you.”
“The only person I need right now is you.”
“You look really good, by the way.”
“You realise this sounds totally crazy, right?”
“What’s my problem? You’re my fucking problem!”
“You make me a better person.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
“Okay, but consider this: I don’t care.”
“Oh, thank God you’re awake.”
“That’s an order.”
“Promise me you’ll come back.”
“You had another nightmare, didn’t you?”
“We have to look out for each other.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“Just stay away from me, okay?”
“No one can know about this.”
“The only place I feel safe in is your arms.”
“We’re done.”
“Don’t get used to it.”
“Do you ever regret it?”
“At this point, you’re the only thing keeping me sane.”
“I love it when you laugh.”
“If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it together.”
“We’ll make it work.”
“Do you ever think about running away?”
“I can’t lose you.”
“You deserve someone better than me.”
“Come here, I want to show you something.”
“You’ve got to be more careful.”
“You’re actually pretty cute.”
“I’m so tired of feeling like this.”
“What did I do wrong?”
“Why does everything always turn to shit?”
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“I’m a monster.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Can I freak out now?”
“What did you expect? For everything to just go back to normal?”
“I just needed to hear your voice.”
“What I’m about to do is totally crazy, but just roll with it.”
“I know you don’t care, you don’t have to pretend.”
“You owe me.”
“Of course I was worried about you.”
“How much time do we have left?”
“You look different.”
“How could you even think that?”
“Let me out of here!”
“That’s a good picture of you.”
“Give ‘em hell.”
“Get out of my way.”
“You want to know what I really think?”
“It’s about time.”
“You can’t keep ignoring this.”
“I hope you burn in hell.”
“I could think of worse ways to die.”
“Too late.”
“Can we start over again?”
“How do you always manage to look so perfect?”
“I didn’t know you could do that.”
“You love me?” “Of course I do, you dork.”
Darry Prompts :
1. Kids
2. Bills
3. Struggling with Sexuality
4. Panic Attack
5. Him during a rumble
6. Him and his brothers
7. Him on christmas
8. if he found out __ was pregnant/ gotten -- pregnant
9. getting jumped by socs
10. finding out ponyboy and johnny had ran away
11. headcannons
12. rando love story
13. coming out
14. missing his parents
15. his reaction to losing his parents
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Safe With You (Headcannon)
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Harry Potter X Ravenclaw!Werewolf!Reader
(also like kinda Harry’s family X Reader lol)
Summary: You and Harry met in your first year and when he invites you home for the summer, what will his family say about your blooming relationship?
Word Count: 3318
i wholeheartedly believe that harry potter would have been an awkward, gangly boy regardless if he grew up with the dursleys or not
so in this, harry gets to grow up relatively normal
except peter’s gone because nobody likes him
but when harry gets to go to hogwarts after he turns 11, he’s a little bit more confident but i still think he would be a little shy and anxious
he would still be friends with ron on the train ride there
he would get to know hermione well, too
and he would get to know you as well
he first sees you at the sorting ceremony, when you were put into ravenclaw, which really isn’t the reason harry becomes interested in you
the reason he becomes interested in you is because you have large scars on your neck and face and, from what he can see, your hands, too
he’s only ever seen scars like that on one other person
his uncle moony
and of course he knows about moony’s furry little problem and he’s heard the stories of what his dad and uncle did to help him
and so the next day, when you have your first class together, he comes up to you with no intention to let you go without a friend
and from that first day on, you're both inseparable
of course around second year, you tell harry your secret because you disappear every month and come back beaten and bruised with more scars than before
and he tells you about his uncle moony, and how his dad became an animagus 
“but you can’t tell anyone because nobody’s really supposed to know about his furry little problem”
but you feel so touched because he knew the whole time and never felt in danger around you
and of course you’re close with ron and hermione too 
because like of course you would be
ron makes sure that you get a weasley sweater every christmas because nobody should ever go without one
hermione does research on all she can to help you, along with making her own wolfsbane when you reach 4th year because she’s upped her potions skills
i also feel like mcgonagall, even though she’s not your head of house, would totally hang out with you in her cat form on full moons 
or at least watch over you
harry talks about his family to you and vise versa
he writes about you a lot in his letters to home
james and lily feel like they know you already and remus is proud of harry for taking initiative for making you feel safe
you also tag along with the trio to all their wonderful adventures
you're not the greatest witch, despite being in ravenclaw
you show people that stereotypes aren’t always true
because not all ravenclaws are smart in class
you can always figure out the riddles to get inside the dorm
and you have the most sarcastic humor and can always get your friends to laugh
and most ravenclaw’s brains are always running so fast that they often forget homework, classes, and can often be seen scribbling down final paragraphs to essays they forgot to do the night before
you also daydream a lot
like a lotttttttt
you, ron, and hermione are invited to the potter/black/lupin household somewhere around 6th year
and yes the boys all live together because with the combined riches of james and sirius they bought a house with like ten bedrooms and decided that it would be easier when they began raising harry and also taking care of moony on full moon nights and the days prior/after 
all in all it would just be easier
back on topic
you, ron, and hermione spend the last month of summer break at the unrealistically large house that you never would have guessed harry potter lived in
because the boy wears the same three shirts every week so how was his house so big because you look homeless, harry!!!
but the three of you come to harry’s house at separate times
hermione arrives first because she’s punctual like that
ron’s next because his mom was on his tail about leaving at the right time
you arrive last because the full moon was the night before and you were asleep for most of the day
you only wake up because of hedwig pecking gently at your arm with a note from harry asking where you were
and you quickly pack a bag and get yourself presentable, but the new cut that has yet to scab over on your cheek is kinda sticking out and just…
you floo over soon after 
and you land in their fireplace in the living room
a really large living room that has like three couches and everyone’s there
ron and hermione are next to each other but they’re also ignoring one another???
ahhh the wondrous world of denying your feelings 
james is talking to ron
lily is eagerly talking to hermione about the new curriculum and how nice it is to finally be able to apparate and that she’ll find it easy when she learns
sirius chimes in a time or two
remus is dozing next to lily, who’s rubbing his back comfortingly
there’s an instant sense of warmth that just kinda envelops the room 
it puts you at ease 
they all turn to the intrusion in their fireplace and you smile a bit awkwardly
harry is the first to stand up and greet you
with a hug
a big hug
that lasts a little too long
you kind of collapse in his arms
james and lily share a little look
and they know that harry’s in love with this girl
as if they didn’t know that from the obscene amount of times he’s mentioned your name
james and sirius stand up next 
james hugs you tighter than molly weasley and you wince
because he’s totally the momma bear
sirius lightly hugs your shoulders because harry’s more than mentioned your condition and based on remus’ snoring on the couch, he knows that you would be just as equally tired and sore
hermione and ron smile at you and wave because you all have been talking all summer and you’ve gotten with hermione a few times already
you sit on the other side of lily, who gives you a sweet hug as to not jostle remus, who’s leaning on her shoulder asleep
you all fall into easy, quiet, conversation
you scratch a bit at the new scar on your face out of anxious habit
lily leans towards you while sirius is talking about the motorcycle he had while he was in hogwarts, and the one he has now
“honey, your cheek is bleeding a little bit, if you ask harry he can show you where the bandages are,”
even though she’s pointing out that there’s blood dripping down your face, you feel loved and wanted and welcome
so lily catches harry’s attention and he walks you into the bathroom where they keep bandages and alcohol to clean the cut
it’s a bit of an awkward walk down the hall there but once you’re in the bathroom, you sit on the closed toilet and harry grabs the alcohol and a cotton ball and leans down to your face
you look into each other’s eyes because he’s holding your chin to angle your cheek towards him
“was it bad last night?”
“it’s never good”
“that was a bad attempt at a joke, sorry. it wasn’t really any worse than usual, ya know?”
“i get it.”
“so what have you been doing over summer?”
you don’t really know how to answer that
you don’t have any siblings and your parents are both busy most of the time so you just chill at home
“i watched movies and read a few books that i hadn’t gotten to before, i don’t know i didn't do much, really.”
“yeah we haven’t done much this summer. we spent the last like week cleaning because you guys were coming over”
*awkward chuckles*
harry put the bandage on your cheek and you both walked back to the living room talking quietly to one another
remus was awake now
he was still leaning on lily but his eyes were open
“hi, professor, how are you doing?”
“i imagine about as well as you are, y/n”
you and remus had gotten close during your third year because of your condition and you would spend time together in the infirmary 
he shared his chocolate with you often
which harry mentioned was a pretty high praise from him
he let you slip in class during days around the full moon because he was slacking too
you also had similar senses of humor and talking points
so you were already comfortable around him
sirius kinda intimidated you just because he had a very confident aura around him that kinda reminded you of the slytherins who would tease you for your scars in first and second year
but you kinda eased up around him as everyone got more comfortable
the adult’s friendship reminded you of your friendship
lily and hermione were both like nagging mothers with a little dark side
ron and sirius were both kinda overshadowed in their youth and found shelter in their friends
obviously james and harry are like the same person through and through
you and remus have a very similar personality 
as well as the whole wolf thing, ya know
and seeing the marauders and lily last so long gave you hope that your friends would stick around for you as well
everything was free and easy until dinner
everyone sat around a large table eating take out chinese food because nobody could be bothered to actually cook tonight
james and sirius were directly across from you 
and they both knew about harry’s not-so-secret crush and they were beginning to think that you shared at least some of those feelings
“so what do your parents do?”
“my mom works at a car shop, she’s a mechanic, and my dad works at gringotts,”
“so your dad’s a wizard and your mom--”
“yeah she’s really cool though. sometimes she brings home projects or brings me with her and we work on cars together. i’m still trying to convince her to let me buy a used bike and fix it up but she thinks it's too dangerous,”
sirius fell in love, you were immediately accepted into his heart
you were friends with harry, had a good connection with remus already, and you wanted a motorcycle???
james was still iffy about you, just because he was protective of harry, but he saw how kind and sweet and real you were
“what do you plan on doing once you leave hogwarts?”
**que alarm bells ringing in your head
“i’m not really sure, i don’t really know who would hire me in the first place but i was pretty close with fred and george, who just opened their joke shop down in diagon alley, and they were thinking about opening one in hogsmeade during the school year and said they may consider me to manage it if i wanted since i helped design some of their products,”
the boys were kinda (superduper) impressed by that because harry wasn’t really involved with pranks, and now they finally had somebody to talk to about them
then they moved on to nagging hermione because they were already close with the weasleys and knew all about ron
and his budding feelings for hermione
the first week or so was a little strange, just getting used to the way things worked around the house, but everyone was comfortable after that
harry and ron shared a room and you and hermione were together
james had made sure that the boys and girls stayed separated at night and the invisibility cloak was in his possession
oh he saw the sparks between you and harry and the blooming relationship happening with ron and hermione
lily tried to convince him that nothing bad was going to happen and let you guys have a bit more freedom
but like i said before
james is mama bear
as the weeks go by you and harry get closer 
and more comfortable
and you sit closer to one another on the couch 
and at dinner
and when you play quidditch in the backyard, you always playfully tease one another with little glances back and forth
and when you go to the lake behind their house you jokingly tackle one another into the water and dance around
as the days go by, the month comes to an end and starts again, which leads to another full moon
the week before you start to slow down and become more out of it
the last two days before, you start to gain lots of energy, whether it be from nerves or just your body knowing that it’s going to be in pain later that causes it to give you more energy before
none of this bothers harry because remus goes through the same thing and he’s kinda used to it
when you slow down, he slows with you, continues to alter what you’re doing to accommodate your energy level
when you become more hyper, he matches your energy, which usually includes giggles, tickle fights, and more competitive quidditch matches
he also makes sure you take your wolfsbane the week before
“ughhhh ok dad!”
“stop calling me that! i’m being fucking nice!”
the night of everyone eats an early dinner because you, remus, james, and sirius have to go to the little shed in the backyard that’s not really too tiny, but it’s smaller than the shrieking shack
james and sirius try to ease the tension with lighthearted comments, but you feel more tense than usual because you’ve never done this with anyone before
besides remus in your third year and mcgonagall occasionally popping in during your first year at hogwarts
when the transition began, james and sirius transformed into padfoot and prongs
remus’ transition was quicker than yours, something to do with age and his body being used to the transformation after so many years
yours took longer
and even though you took the wolfsbane, it was still extremely painful and took almost 20 minutes to finally transform
james and sirius had flashbacks to their first time with remus and how painful it looked
and they had a whole other respect for how lively and extroverted you were because even when he was your age, remus was always so mellow and quiet
but they hang out with you and remus for the night, distracting you both from whatever discomfort you may have been in 
eventually the sun came up and you and remus transformed back into yourselves
but james and sirius made sure they pushed you into another little room so when you transformed back you wouldn’t be exposed to them
you found a robe on the back of that door that you slipped on before you collapsed on the floor from exhaustion
sirius walked remus’ limping body back to the house while james came to check on you
he knocked on the door and when he didn’t hear anything he slid the door open slowly, seeing you against the wall, on the floor, in the robe they left you
your hair was tousled from the transformation and you were still breathing heavy, even in your sleep
james gently picked you up off the ground bridal style and walked you out of the shack slowly, and when he got to the front door, he saw harry anxiously wringing his hands together 
a small smile spread across james’ face as he saw his son being so completely whipped for you
harry let out an audible sigh of relief when he saw you with his dad
“she’s ok right?”
“did you notice any new scrapes or cuts?”
“was it a rough night?”
etc, etc, etc,
they made it into the house where lupin was laying on one of the couches and lily was looking over his body, making sure that he didn’t have any severe injuries
james laid your body on another couch, hermione coming to sit by your feet on the end of the couch 
harry sat on the floor right by your head, stroking your forehead and hair and staring at you with the sweetest worried expression
it was sweet
once lily finished looking over remus and he went to his room, she came over to you
“do you know if  she usually sleeps this much afterwards?”
“yeah, she usually sleeps through the day, but she’ll probably wake up between lunch and dinner then fall asleep after eating or drinking something.”
harry responded without even looking up at his mom
lily had a sweet smile on her face at her sons’ obvious affection with you
she still checked over your body for any serious cuts that wouldn’t heal themselves within the next day or two
harry made sure you were comfortable on the couch
he stuffed a pillow under your head and draped a fuzzy blanket over you 
and he sat on the floor in front of you for the whole day
he would occasionally talk to ron or hermione or whoever walked in
but he didn’t move unless he had to use the bathroom
you woke up around 3pm
and harry had his head resting on his arm, which was resting the couch
you lifted your arm and stroked his arm from his elbow down to his hand back and forth
he looked up at you quickly and you gave him a gentle smile
he smiled back
“how’re you feeling, want coffee?”
and that was in his softest, little, tired voice
of course you nodded to the promise of a hot cup of coffee
because after transformations you always felt extra cold and had to cover yourself in blankets and consume hot drinks to feel like you’re at a normal temperature 
when harry returned with your coffee you were sat up on the couch, the blanket resting over your lap
he took a seat next to you and handed you the mug
you smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder as you rested against the back of the couch
you took small sips from your mug as you relaxed and tried to ignore any lingering pain in your body
“your shoulders hurt?”
you smiled lightly because you always complained how bad your shoulders hurt after full moons and he always asked the question with an affectionate, teasing smile
“only all the time,”
“hold on”
harry moved himself to be laying down against the pillow that you were using before, then gently pulling you down to lay between his legs, your back to his chest
he rubbed over your shoulders lightly as you closed your eyes and took the occasional sip from your mug
it only took a few minutes for the both of you to fall into a light sleep, your grip loosening on your mug, but not enough to drop it, and harry’s arms wrapped around your torso
and that’s when lily, james, and sirius walked in
they were going to the kitchen to make dinner, but stopped to check on you
and you can bet that sirius took at least eight pictures
and they were all happy harry found you 
because it never mattered if you dated or not
and it never mattered if they liked you or not
because harry loved you and made you feel safe no matter what
and when sirius and james made a bet for when you would get together, remus got all the money cause he’s good like that
needless to say, you were together by the time you got on the hogwarts express that september
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mka1098 · 3 years
I’m Gay Panicking But It’s Fine - A Solangelo One-Shot Fanfiction
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Thank you to @windbyfire for letting me use your fanart !
Might be a bit of OOC it's my first Solangelo piece; they are just too cute for me not to try and write them. Also, I'm straight (feel free to make fun of me like my friends, I take all the hits) so my attempt at gay panic is just not great. I just tried to think of my friend when they gay panic. Haha, hope you guys like this piece, and here's the link to the podfic/audio version
Audio listen along: https://youtu.be/xRLTIr6ZqwE
I'm Gay Panicking But It's Fine by Mka1098
Nico is a generally petulant, cold-faced, and stoic person. He smiles only during the darkest and latest of nights and barely grunts a word at people. His expressions are perceived as less than friendly and perhaps the only people who weren’t afraid of him and his ghost powers could be counted on one hand. (Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Hazel, and Renya). So it was a total shock to him when the golden-haired Will Solace bounced next to him right as he was leaving his cabin at 2 PM in the afternoon.
“Uh… hi?” He says in the quietest voice. Will smiles brightly at him.
“Hi, Nico.” The blonde says. Nico frowns. He feels as if he’s being smirked at. And oh, it is not a welcomed feeling, not for him. Enough people believe they can mess with him and those said people were sent right to Will’s own wing.
“What do you want?” He asks with a bit of bite in his tone. Will shrugs.
“Just wanted to say hi.” He says evenly. Nico scowls at him.
“That’s it?” His tone is harsh. “You just wanna pop over here and say hi? For no reason?” Nico says snarkily. Surprisingly, Will doesn’t run and scream in terror; he doesn’t start to shake either. Instead, his smile seems to grow infinitesimally bigger and he shoves his hands into his pockets.
“Yep.” He pops the P of the word before turning sharply left and away from Nico. The blonde doesn’t even look back at the confounded boy he had left standing. Instead, he smiles at some of the other campers and heads into cabin 6.
Nico stares back at him dumbly, even as he disappears into the cabin. “What the Hades?” He mutters quizzingly to himself. Nico crosses his arms tightly on his chest. There are some other campers, gossips for sure, who are staring at him. They are murmuring hush whispers while clearly pointing at him. He sends them a murderous glare; the point gets across and they scramble away quickly. Nico sighs. Sure being dark and broody is helpful when one wants to be alone but there are times when he doesn’t want to be alone. Alas, how on this earth is one supposed to make friends when they have the appearance of a walking skeleton. Nico keeps walking towards the mess hall. He needs food; he needs it now. His stomach shouts at him to hurry up. Hm, if only Jason was here then maybe he’d believe him that yes, the Nico Di Angelo does still run on sustenance-- well, something other than happy meals.
Few campers are still in the mess hall when he arrives. They stick to their own tables, their only sibling. Nico has no sibling, not any that are here at least. Sitting down, he summons plain salted noodles, slightly butter and light garlic; diet coke rather than water. He sighs as he smashes a forkful into his mouth. Pasta’s great and all but he eats it because they are simple carbs. Plain pasta isn’t overpowering, it isn’t too earthy or meaty or lettuce. It’s just enough to keep him upright. Nico sighs again as he finishes half the bowl, quickly getting sick of the dish. As he scrapes the rest of the pasta into the fire, he wishes he had a friend next to him.
“Welcome back.” Nico groans as the harsh light attacks his eyes. He attempts to get up but is shoved, gently at least, back down. “You just woke up; it’d be awful if you fainted again.” The voice chuckled. Nico’s eyes register just enough to see curly blonde hair next to him. The figure is wearing a white coat and holding a clipboard; it’s Will.
“What happened?” Nico says in a slight snarl.
“Shadow travel,” Will responds dryly. “Did you know you have a limit on distance and time?” He asks with an innocent voice but his eyes are letting on more than he’s saying. “It seems to me that your body uses a lot of energy to travel around that way and it lowers our blood sugar significantly.”
Nico scowls at him and blinks at the feeling of a hollow ache within him. “Yes, I did know that.” He says. Will makes a half-smile, half-smirk.
“Great, then I’m going to need you to manage your shadow traveling a bit better,” Will says. “I will come up with exact rules soon but know it’s going to be more limited now.”
Nico feels fury well up inside of him. “Not over my dead body.” He growls. Wills chuckles at his threat, annoying Nico even more.
“One-” Will puts a finger up. “-if you were a dead body then I did my job wrong. Two, as if you’d go so quickly. And three, doctor’s orders.” He says firmly, leaning in. Nico crosses his arms indignantly.
“And what if I don’t listen?” He snaps.
“You will.” Will sounds so sure of himself. Nico’s eyes darken.
“And how do you know that?”
Will leans in; he leans in very much. Nico gulps subconsciously and for a moment is shell-shocked by the smug look on Will’s face. His eyes are full of bright lights and mirth. His mouth is pink and completely sure. Nico never really talked to Will before… well yesterday when he had randomly said hi when Nico woke up. He had always known the blonde, how could one not and vise versa. He knew Will was smart and capable and a wicked good doctor; Nico just didn’t know how commanding and snarky he was either.
“Oh, I have a feeling.” With that, Will leans back and rips off a piece of paper, and hands it to Nico. The boy stares at it; it has times and measurements. “Your rules,” Will says easily. “Doctor’s orders.” He leaves with a flourish of his coat and Nico is left still on the bed with shouted orders to rest.
Nico is surprised-- pleasantly surprised. Everyone at camp is afraid of him and his ‘scary’ powers. But Will is not. It’s a nice change. A hint of a smile appears on Nico’s face. He actually listens for once (because he is not Percy Jackson)
“What is that?” Nico stares at the cards in Will’s hands. He shrugs. Nico scowls at him deeper. “What is that?” He repeats.
“Mythomagic cards.” Will smiles brightly; Nico wants to put on sunglasses. “I was playing with a couple of my patients when I remembered that you used to be a huge fan of the game. That was how you identified Dionysus right?” Will teases. Nico feels his face warm up, something that never happened before. Indignantly, he turns away with a huff. “Huh? Don’t like it? Mm… could’ve sworn you still liked the game; oh well, see you later then.”
Will only takes about 3 steps before Nico caves. “Wait,” Nico calls out quiet but Will hears and spins around as if he had shouted at the top of his lungs. “I- I still like the game, okay?” Nico says, trying to act hardened but it wasn’t working as well as he was hoping it would.
“Perfect!” Will says with a grin on his face. “Come join me.” He puts a hand out between them. Nico stares at it. What? Noticing that Nico didn’t move a muscle, Will quirks an eyebrow up. “Huh? Too much for you to handle?” He teases. “Sorry, just say it.” He brings his hands back to the pocket of his sweatshirt but smiles welcomingly for Nico to follow him. Nico frowns before giving in and following the blonde. He still catches the smirk residing on Will’s face.
“You don’t need to look so smug; I still like the game,” Nico growls. Will tilts his head to the side.
“I hoped so.”
They enter the hospital healing wing and there is a group of kids in clean white robes that seem to light up when their eyes catch on Will. They are young-- ages 9...10...11...12 perhaps. “Dr.Solace!” They chorus before even noticing that Nico stands next to him. Will smiles brightly; he looks almost like an angel of medicine with the sun shining through the window. “You’re back!” The kids continue. Will laughs and leaps onto one of the empty gurneys. Nico walks and stands awkwardly next to it. The kids don’t spare him much of a glance-- he wants to melt into the shadows to escape but finds that the wing is so lit up with light the nearest shadow could barely cover his entire hand.
“I am!” Will says, eyes Twinkling. “And… I brought a friend.” He presents his arms out like a magician showing his newest trick. The kids stare at Nico. Nico stares back awkwardly. Uh… what is he supposed to do now? He waves; a tight forced smile is on his face. The kids look at him intently and then back at Will. They smile, a move Nico did not expect, and nearly giggle out. What on… what? “Guys…” Will says with a head shake. Nico looks at him with a head shake. Is there a blush on his face or has Nico forgotten breakfast again? “-don’t laugh. This is Nico.”
A kid falls over, chortling. “Oh… we know.” He says mischievously. Will sends him a hard look. The kid turns back to Nico and thrusts a stack of cards in his hands. “You’ve ever played?” Nico looks at the cards… amateur set.
“Yeah.” Nico grunts. The kids here are all too young to know his past-- they don’t know what these cards mean to him. “Course I do… I’ve got seven of these.” He continues. The kid’s eyes widen like saucers; the other kids gasp dramatically.
“No way!” The kid lights up like a firework. “That’s so many! I only have that one of everything. But I do have two Apollos!” The kid explains.
“No, you don’t! You don’t have Athena.”
“It didn’t come with!”
“That’s no excuse.”
Nico is confused and stares at the bickering kids, unsure of what to do next. WIll seems to have noticed his discomfort because he leans over slightly. “Tanner, he’s one of Ares’s kids. Lara’s mom is Athena. They like to fight a lot but they’re friends.” He explains. Nico quietly nods, observing as Lara and Tanner begin to shove each other's shoulders. Will allows them to fight for a minute longer before cleaning his throat and stenly glaring at them. Lara sheepishly takes her hands off of Tanner’s shoulders. “That’s enough; do you want to start the game now or what?” Will smiles, holding his cards up. Nico copies the motions, inspecting each player carefully.
“I’m ready to win.” Lara brags. Without meaning to, a rare smirk raises to Nico’s face; it feels equally foreign and nice.
“That’s funny because I’m sure I’m going to win,” Tanner shouts at her. Lara stickers her tongue out at her.
Nico lowly huckles, hiding it behind his stack of cards. Will seems to be the only one who notices it. The blonde looks at him with a smile and eyebrow quirk. Nico scowls. “What?” He snaps.
Will shakes his head. “Nothing. Just nice to see that look on your face.”
Nico stares at him, unsure of what he means. So instead of worrying about it, he resorts to slamming these kids at Mythomagic. No one knows it better than he does.
“Woah! How’d you do that?” Lara shouts at him when Nico unsurprisingly wins. He shrugs.
“Easy move.” He says lazily. Lara glares at him but it’s nothing like her older sister’s stare so he’s not fazed at all. “You’ll learn it in time.” He all but teases. She snarls at him; he slightly grins back.
Will laughs and forces Lara to put her cards back in the pile. “He’s a big fan of the game, don’t take it personally.” He tells her. Tanner looks back at Nico with wide and impressed eyes.
Nico feels awkward-- never once has anyone looked at him in awe. Why was this kid doing these? What did he want from him? “Uh- yeah. I have most of the extra packs. You know, it’s fun.” HE babbles out, wanting to melt into the ground. Tanner leaps up onto his gurney.
“That’s awesome!” He cries. “Can you play with us more?” He asks. His eyes go big and wide and Nico finds it in himself to not shut him down with a harsh no. tanner looks excited, Lara looks interested and Will looks smug. Nico snarls at him.
“What’s got you all happy and sunshiny?” He asks. Will just keeps smiling, still looking like a medicine angel or whatever.
“It’s nice seeing you have fun. I’m so used to you groaning in pain on one of these.” He motions to the gurneys. “You should play with us more. Lots of the kids love the game.” Will asks. His smile seems welcoming. Nico is still unsure if he should or shouldn’t agree. “Besides… how else will those extra card packs come into use?” Will teases.
Nico decides that he’ll agree to play with him more often. “Touche.” He mumbles and Will knows he’s won. The kids are a bit loud for his taste but the game is fun. It’s nice playing with people who love Mythomagic almost as much as he does. And Will… he’s nice… a little too nice but not awful. He’s a nice friend. Maybe…
When Nico leaves the hospital wing to retreat into his own cabin to nap the day away, he leaves with a new ten-year-old fan, a planned gaming session next Tuesday, and Will’s touch lingering on his shoulder. He buries himself in his four blankets and knocks out for twenty hours.
He admits… it’s weird having a friend-- at the same time, it’s so nice. Will is friendly and bright; slightly annoying but sometimes it makes him smile in a way that makes him also want to bury himself into the ground. How could a person look so sweet yet not disgusting? It didn’t make sense! The last time a person had smiled like an angel and been cute without being awful was Percy and Nico didn’t need another round of that.
“Hey… Will, can you- do you think you can help me with something?” Nico says, very nervously. The feeling’s very odd for him; he’s more brooding than awkward on a day-to-day basis. The young patients behind Will seem to giggle slightly. The blonde smiles back at him, looking as golden as his father in a tiny way.
“Yeah… with what?” He asks, leaning forward on the gurney.
Nico opens his mouth to respond but is distracted for a second. Who on Gaea’s earth gave Will arms like that? They’re strong, that’s clear but not overly muscled and big. Lean but firm and oh dear Zeus, why can’t Nico stop gaping at them. Why are they so gorgeous? Why are they so distracting? Oh gods. Nico swallows and forces his eyes away from the view. If Will had noticed him staring, he certainly doesn’t show it. His smile is as serene and pleasant as ever. Nico swears his face isn’t bright red but it may be.
“Um- Per- my dad wants me over for dinner and… I don’t know, I wanna make a good impression on my step-mom; she’s not trying to smite me so I think it’d be nice.” Nico admits, fighting the urge to shadow travel away. God, he’s so awkward. Nico blames Will’s newfound arms for the feeling-- technically though, Nico had been awkward since he called out Will’s name while walking slowly into the room.
“Yeah, of course!” Will smiles brightly.
“Definitely. My shift’s wrapping up anyway so I have the time.”
“Oh.” A smile sneaks its way up on Nico’s face. He hates it. “Thanks.” He says meekly. Will shrugs, calling that it’s no problem and that he’ll meet him at his cabin in about ten minutes.
When Nico closes his cabin door, he questions his own sanity.
He further questions it as Will explains which fork is which and which spoon goes where. Oh if he thought his arms were a distraction before then it was the entire center star of a solar system now. With his doctor coat, most of Will’s arm had been covered and only the forearm showed and a sliver of upper arms-- now his entire arm is on display and Nico’s mouth is basically probably drooling. It’s all lean muscle and beautifully tanned skin.
“Nico? Hello~?” Will waves his hand in front of his face and Nico jumps about a foot in the air. Will snickers; Nico does not.
“I hear ya, salad, soup, all that,” Nico growls in an attempt to hide his gaping. Will chuckles and folds his arms over his chest. Huh, wow… biceps-- very nice. Nico feels dizzy.
“Great, then I will be on my way then,” Will says easily, walking towards the door.
Everything in Nico’s mind and body screams at him to not let the boy leave. He steps up and puts a hand on Will’s shoulder and wow, it’s an equally terrible and glorious idea. He jerks back like he’s been burned; Will takes notice and looks at him like he’s gone insane. He probably is a third way there.
“I- I need help picking something nice to wear.” Nico blabbers out, a very unlikely thing for him to do. “Pure emo black probably isn't the best impression.” He continues like an idiot. He secretly asks for the earth to open up and swallow him whole. Then again, he could probably have that arranged if he really wanted it to happen. “I don’t know what to do, you know…?” Cue awkward grin. Cue facepalm. Cue Will’s weirdly cute head tilt.
“Well your father is Hades so I don’t think she’d really mind this-” Will looks him up and down; Nico’s face becomes red. “-ensemble. But I do get where you’re coming from. I’m thinking… nice but still My Chemical Romance?” Will teases him. Nico scowls at him. “I kid-- actually no I don’t.” Will makes a quick turn and thrust open Nico’s closet. It’s a total mess and explosion of black clothing. He’s unsure if he should be embarrassed or not. Either way, he is. “This… not bad...this one is actually better-- okay, I got one.” Will throws his newfound sartorial choice. Nico catches it in his hands and looks quizzingly at them. “Nice non-ripped jeans, striped black and white button-up… just wear black sneakers and comb your hair out of your face a bit,” Will instructs him.
Nico nods. “Not a bad choice.” He laments. WIlls rolls his eyes and scoffs.
“I’m gay-- course I have some style. What’s your excuse?” He says snarkily.
Nico can only blink back at him. Gay, gay, he’s gay. Oh of course he’s gay! His inner monologue is stupid. I’m gay, he’s gay. Oh my gods, we’re both gay. I could date him! I wanna date him? Do I? No! I don’t! Maybe? Yes? No? He has great arms… it wouldn’t be bad. And a pretty cute smile-- plus he’s gay. Wait… why is he staring at me with that look? Nico opens his mouth but no words come out. Wills starts to full-on laugh. He’s laughing, oh my gods, I’m dead. It’s cute… AH, I’M EVEN MORE SCREWED! Wow, his arms… I should watch him do his blood tests one day. Nope...that’s weird. But would it be hot? Probably…AUGH!
“Are you okay?” Will gasps in between his chuckles. Whatever is happening in Nico’s mind is the mental equivalent to a keyboard smash.
“Yep,” Nico says, preparing to shadow travel. He steps backwards into the shadow and begins to melt away.
But much to his shock, Will’s eyes widen and his hands shoots out, grabbing Nico by his hoodie sleeve. Will drags him back into the light and aggressively points a finger in his face. His expression is a mix between worry and lots of anger. He’s never been like this before. Nico is shocked and weirdly intrigued.
“You’re not getting away with that-- not from me at least.” Will scolds him. Nico stares at him blankly. He’s mad… it’s lowkey hot. Uh- should I be breathing right now because I don’t think I am. I mean, he’s a doctor he could fix me. NO! BAD IDEA! I’ve never seen him so mad. Or mad at all. Huh. Huh... I don’t think my brain is functioning. “-as your doctor… it is an order.” Will finish but Nico caught only 10% of what he said. Nico gulps, not out of fear but out of… well he doesn't even know.
“Noted,” Nico says dryly. Will huffs and nods, looking at him with a fierce glare. It’s now he understands why Percy gets that stupid dazed look on his face when Annabeth is yelling at him. He’s really hot right now and I don’t think that's okay. Nico wants to shadow travel again but it would probably be risky. Not that he doesn't want to see angry Will again, it’s more so… he’s already pushed it.
“Good,” Will says haughtily before leaving the cabin.
Nico stares out his window till Will’s curly blonde hair is no longer visible. He then falls into his bed, face-first into a pillow. He blinks into the pillow-- and does so for a very long time. His brain is fried and it is because of Will.
I’m panicking
“I need your help.”
“Yes! Please help me now!”
“Okay, okay, what for?”
Nico looks around him and then back at the IM. “I think I’m panicking.” She raises a brow at him and drily says, no duh. He glares at her; Renya isn’t phased in the slightest. “But really-- I feel like my heart is about to explode.”
“Is your heartbeat really going that fast?” Renya questions. Nico throws his arms up in the air.
“Maybe? Probably not?” Nico sighs and drags a hand down his face. “...I saw Will.” He admits.
Renya’s face turns into an interested smile. “Go on.”She says. Nico feels his face heating up and the following urge to jump into an ice bath. Gods, he hated blushing like a ten-year-old girl.
“Everyone was going swimming…” He continues. The smirk on Renya’s face grows. “-and I decided that maybe I should go too, you know, for fun.” He mumbles.
“Nice to hear you’re not hermit-shelling yourself.” Renya teases. Nico glares at her. SHe only shrugs.
“But-” Nico points up a finger. “Will and his sibling decided to go swimming in the lake too. Which I guess makes sense or whatever, everyone in camp is burning up today but I still wasn’t expecting it.”Nico ignores Renya’s snickers.
“You didn’t realize that he: as a part of the camp, was going swimming in the lake?”
“Shut up!”
“You literally called me to freak out over this.”
Nico just nearly swipes at the message. “I discovered his arms a couple weeks ago and I couldn’t look at him the same; now I’ve seen him without a shirt and I can’t look at him, full stop. He’s hot-- like really hot. Literally looks like his dad; what do I do?” Nico walks around in a circle in his cabin, tugging at his hair in a frenzy. “I stared at him for a complete minute. I don’t think I breathed or blinked or moved at all. Just- I stood there.” He continues.
“Nico,” Renya says seriously. “You’re panicking.” She deadpans. He turns to scowl at her. She raises a brow in defiance.
“I know that!” He cries out. His eyes catch to the uncovered window where there is a perfect view of bare-torso Will ran by. He is silently laughing, hair flying back and eyes nearly closed. Nico gulps and his brain pauses for a minute or two. How are the campers around him even functioning!? It’s like watching a piece of art but not in an objectifying way. “I’m gay panicking but it’s fine.” Nico sputters out. The words are a total mess that falls in front of him. Renya cackles like a witch.
“Will walked by?”
Nico grabs a blanket from his bed and huddles it around his body. He groans loudly and falls to the ground. Renya’s eyes trail down with him, quietly witnessing his breakdown. She doesn’t even make a sound as he mutters deliriously about how Will is affecting him and that his brain is now melted.
“You know, it may just help to tell him you like him. Might stop the panicking.” Renya offers. Nico glares at her from the ground and forces an arm out to wave around madly.
“What part of-” His arms are now a helicopter rotor. “-this makes you think I could confess.”
Renya rolls her eyes. “You’re an emo-depressed boy, not an emo anxious boy.” She says drily.
“I could be both!”
“But you’re not.” Reyna chuckles. “It’s fine to tell him you like him. He’s not as blind as Percy; he’s as gay as you are so that means he knows what he’s doing. You’ve said it before, he’s very clearly smirked while you blushed. Why not tell him? Will’s not the type to lead a person on. He probably is just waiting his time and having fun with it. It’s more torturous for you than him.” Nico makes a sound of pure gay panic for an impressibly long time. Renya allows him to do so. “I gotta go soon.” She looks off the IM for a second and nods. “However, you still need to at least consider it.” She points at him threateningly.
Nico nods meekly from the floor and watches wordlessly as the IM disappears.
If anyone is able to die from gay panicking, Nico’s unwilling trying to accomplish it.
Nico wants to die but he can’t seem to turn off his mouth. The words he was spilling weren’t the ones he had practiced with Renya but Will is smiling at them nonetheless. He’s sure the red on his face has taken over and he’s become a tomato head. Nico feels miserable and thanks all deities for making sure no one else is walking onto the scene.
“-so yeah that's kinda what I wanted to say...yeah.” Nico prays for his father’s realm.
Will lets out a laugh and if it wasn’t so horribly sweet and cute, Nico would have shadow traveled away. “That’s very nice and brave of you to say,” Will says. He leans out and presses a kiss to Nico’s cheek. Nico nearly falls over. “And I like you too. But I’ve been waiting for you to make a move since you started staring at my arms like a lifeline.” Nico gasps and points at Will accusingly.
“You noticed?”
“How could I not.”
Nico glares at him harshly. “I don’t like you no more.” He mutters. Wills sighs but with a smile on his face. He opens his arms and closes them around Nico’s form. Nico is shocked by the fact that he is still standing. His inner mind is frozen still. “Oh.” He says dumbly.
Will chuckles, the sound resonates lowly and vibrates from his chest to Nico. “Does this make up for it?”
Nico scowls but doesn’t deny anything. His heart is beating much faster than it should but it’s kinda okay with him. He decides that, yes the hug makes up for the torture Will put him through: freaking arm tease. It’s warm and comforting and he really likes how Will smells.
“Yeah. It does.”
Awe... aren't they just so cute? I wrote this pretty late at night so my own speech patterns ended up slipping in. By the way, the emo-depressed/anxious boy thing is literally a thing I put in from my own personal conversations. I have a very wonderful NB emo anxious depressed boi in my life. I hoped you guys liked this story and found it either funny, cute, or slightly relatable...maybe. - Mka1098
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Best Friends ‘Brother’ - C.B.
summery: y/n’s been best friends with jp cappelletty since they were kids, so it wasn’t that big of a surprise that when he became machine gun kelly’s dummer that she was still always around. but ever since meeting colson, the two just never got along no matter how hard rook tried. but one night when rook is away, things drastically change for the two enemies.
warning: fluff, smut, daddy!kink, tiny bit of degrading
a/n: this originally is from my main blog ( hi sideblog puffins ) and about someone completely different but I thought I’d change it up and make this about colson’s fine ass. hope y’all enjoy 🤪
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6:30am. she grumbled when she was disturbed from her rest as her best friend’s alarm went off signaling he needed to get up. she was currently cuddled into his side and clinging onto him when he tried to sit up. “y/n.”
she just grumbled, holding him tighter which caused him to chuckle. “babe, you gotta let me get up.” rook said softly, kissing her forehead sweetly. “noooo.” she whined, nuzzling her face in his neck. the two had always been close, so close people actually thought they were dating but they weren’t - he was just her person and vise versa. another chuckle left his mouth as he managed to pry himself out of her arms. a simple huff left her lips as she sat up, rubbing her eyes before crossing her arms across her chest.
“y/n, you’re acting like a toddler.” rook rolled his eyes, a smile on his face. He loved the fact she loved spending time with him so much - he really appreciated her friendship. “you’ve been so busy lately.. and now you’re leaving me for a whole ass day. c’mon jp, just let me come with!” she huffed again, staring at her best friend with puppy dog eyes. rook simply groaned, he hated when she used the puppy dog eyes on him. they usually worked but not this time, “babe, i can’t. it’s for business, you know if it wasn’t you’d be right next to me. i promise i’ll be back bright and early tomorrow okay?” he said sweetly, walking over and pressing a kiss upon her forehead. the girl simply glared at him playfully before leaning back and letting out a dramatic sigh.
rook chuckled, shaking his head as he walked over to her and hovered over her face. “you’ll be just fine, puffin.” the nickname he’s always called her, rolling off his tongue. he left a small kiss upon her forehead before grabbed his keys off his endtable. “you’re leaving me here… with him.” a growl left her lips, referring to the boy who was still fast asleep down the hall. “y/n, you’ll be fine. it’s not like you’re just with him. slim and baze are gonna be here too, so stop being so over dramatic and it’s just one night. you’ll survive.” The heavily tattooed male stated, gathering everything he needed for his trip. the girl sat up, still pouting as her eyes followed his every move. she hated the fact he was leaving her alone with colson, the two never got along. he was so cocky and thought he was god’s gift to women and she loathed that about him. she honestly had no idea how rook could even stand to be around him longer than ten seconds.
“i’ll be back in the morning, puffin. love you.” rook said, kissing her forehead once again before leaving. y/n just threw her body back on the bed, cuddling with rook’s pillow and completely loathing the fact she was alone with colson, well technically she wasn’t but slim and baze had barely been around the past few weeks so she practically was alone with him. she glanced over at the clock and saw it was only 7:30 so she decided to get some more shut eye. rolling over, she got more comfortable and fell back asleep. the next thing she knew, she heard loud music and groaned when she knew he was awake. glancing at the clock again, she was a little surprised it was only noon and colson was actually awake. getting out of bed, y/n made her way into the living room to see Colson was out swimming while blaring music. She rolled her eyes and headed towards the kitchen as she was starving, a small smile formed upon her lips as she noticed rook made her food before he left.
‘enjoy your food, puffin. please try not to murder kells. love you.
y/n simply laughed at the note as she folded it up and stuck it in her back pocket before placing the plate in the microwave to reheat. she grabbed her phone and went to text rook when she realized he probably wasn’t going to be able to answer her, she let out a groan before setting it down on the counter once the microwaved beeped signally her food was done. pouring herself a glass of orange juice, she walked to the living room and sat indian style on the couch and turned on Netflix. she put on charmed and happily ate her food until colson walked in and stood right in front of the tv. “we don’t eat in the living room, y/n.” the taller male growled. “you might not, but rook and I tend to eat in here when we binge watch Netflix which clearly I’m doing right now so fucking move.” She snarled back, throwing a pillow at him.
“this is my house, y/n. i can stand where ever I please.” Colson shot her a smirk which caused her to groan again, she simply got up and headed into rook’s room to watch Netflix on his laptop. “fucking asshole.” she mumbled under her breath, kicking rook’s door closed with her foot. “god I can’t fucking stand him!” she growled to herself, setting the plate of food and glass of juice down on the dresser before pulling her shirt over her head revealing her bare chest. she’d always loathed wearing a bra to bed, it was always super uncomfortable for her. she stood in front of rook’s closet, completely topless and just in her panties as she gazed at the many shirts to chose from. she always tended to wear one of rook’s shirts when he was away, the smell of him always seemed to calm her. just as she took a white shirt off the hanger, she heard rook’s door swing open. covering her body, she let out a scream and quickly grabbed the throw blanket that was on the end of the bed to cover herself up. “what the fuck! Colson!”
the heavily tattooed older male simply just stood there, his mouth agape as he stared at her. she was practically naked and he honestly couldn’t believe it. “hold up…. you’re telling me you wear barely anything to bed when you sleep next to rookie and he doesn’t do anything?” he asked completely and utterly taken back. y/n rolled her eyes and turned around, dropping the blanket and sliding the shirt over her head. “yes because he’s not a pig… like you.” she growled, turning around and crossing her arms over her chest. colson chuckled, rolling his beautiful sky blue eyes. “oh please… i’m not a pig. stop being so fucking over dramatic.” y/n rolled her eyes again, walking over and shoving his chest so he would leave the room. “go away, colson.” the girl glared. “rook is so stupid. how can he resist your body?” he simply said, shaking his head before turning around and heading towards his room. “and i repeat, because he’s not a pig.” she called out as he was walking down the hall. colson halted his actions at her words, “i’m not…. a fucking pig.” he growled darkly, turning around. “i’m just simply saying that rookie boy has more fucking will power than I would have, you’re fucking sexy and half naked in bed…. i would disappear under the covers and eat you out before we went to sleep every night.” as he spoke, she just stared at him.
“what did you just say?” she asked, her pussy throbbing a little at the thought of colson between her legs. “you heard me, y/n.” a smirk formed upon his lips as he walked closer to her. “stop fucking with my head, baker.” the girl glared, her arms still crossed over her chest. “i’m not fucking with your head…. but i could be fucking you.” he whispered in her ear once he was close, “kells…” she said softly, unfolding her arms and gently pushing him away. “you hate me… remember. is this just some hate fuck fantasy you wanna have or…” she trailed off, looking at him with a cold look in her eye. she’d be lying if she said she didn’t find colson attractive, he was fucking beyond sexy and had a body that made her pussy throb but he’s always hated her since they met almost eight years ago and she wasn’t going to be some hate fuck one night stand just because he was bored since his crew was gone. “you know… for someone who claims to be smart, you’re pretty fucking stupid.” he chuckled darkly, “excuse me?” she growled, crossing her arms again. “i never hated you, baby. was just jealous you always seemed to like rookie more.” the taller male stated which caused y/n to tilt her head to the side. “what are you even talking about? rook’s my best friend of-“ colson cut her off, “i’ve literally been in fucking love with you since we met.”
at his confession, her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. she had no idea he felt this way, “you’re fucking kidding right? you literally have done nothing but torment me and tease me since the day we met..” she shook her head, “yes at first i hated the fact that rook was literally spending every waking minute with you and barely with me or the rest of the guys, but the longer you were around i just realized i hated the fact that you didn’t want anything to do with me. remember when your shitty ex boyfriend cheated on you and he ended up having a black eye and broken nose? rookie lied, i’m the one who beat the fuck out of him. i told rook to say it was him because well… you loathed me.” all these confessions were coming at y/n quick and completely out of no where, she had no idea that colson had any type of romantic feelings towards her. her head was spinning and she felt like she was going to pass out, “wait… so rook knows that you love me?” she arched an eyebrow and the taller male shook his head, “no.. nobody in our group knows.. casie does however. she figured it out.” colson ran his fingers through his hair, “i get it though, i’m a pig and all that other shit you call me. but i’m going out, i’ll be back later.” he said, going to turn around but y/n’s voice stopped him. “kiss me.” he turned around and looked at her, “what?” he asked, not sure if he heard her right. “just fucking kiss me, baker.” within a second, colson crashed his lips against hers and ran his hands down her body. he gave her ass a gentle smack and squeeze before biting her lower lip, begging for entry. once she parted her lips, he went to town on kissing her passionately.
y/n melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her body. the two made out for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes, pulling away in need of a breath colson just looked at her. “fuck, i’ve waited so long to kiss you.” he leaned forward and peppered soft kisses against her neck causing the girl to pull her lower lip between her teeth. “yeah? you ever… masturbate thinking about me?” colson was a bit taken back at her words, y/n was never this bold. “all. the. time.” he growled in her ear. y/n smirked before dropping to her knees, “y/n, what are you-“ the older male was cut off by y/n tugging off his sweats along with his boxers and stroking his dick in her hand. “oh fuck.” he groaned.
y/n just smirked up at him before leaning forward and kitty licking his tip. “that feel good, baby?” she purred. colson just nodded, his lower lip between his teeth as he stared down at the girl who’s he’s always been head over heels for. “good.” she smirked before taking him fully in her mouth. colson let out a throaty groan, his head falling back to rest against the wall in the hallway. he couldn’t believe this was actually happening, the girl of his dreams was sucking his dick in the hallway of the house he shared with his best friends. he could already feel himself getting close and he quickly pulled her up and looked at her in the eyes. “why’d you stop me?” she asked, innocently.
“because, i wanna cum inside you baby. let’s go.” he gently grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers and heading into his bedroom. he wasn’t going to fuck her in rook’s bed so he quickly made his way to his room. once they were finally in his room, y/n laid on his bed after he did and just stared at him. colson reached over and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, “so beautiful.” his lips kissed hers again as his tongue licked her lower lip almost like asking for permission. his hands slid over her sides and under the fabric of her pants.
at his compliment, y/n’s cheeks flushed a small shade of pink. “you flatter me so much.” she whispered before humming against his lips. once he licked her bottom lip, she opened it wide and moaned into the kiss as she felt his hands slide under her pants. colson’s tongue dominated hers for a few moments, pulling back he leaned in kissing her neck and letting his teeth nip at her skin gently. slipping her pants off her body, he grinned before pulling her on top of him. “i want my babygirl on my face.” he groaned looking up at her while his hands squeezed her breasts through her shirt, rubbing his thumb over her nipples.
when he called her his baby girl, y/n felt her heart skip a beat. she didn’t understand why she was feeling the way she was but god she loved it. y/n moaned into the kiss as his tongue dominated hers. when he slipped off her pants, she revealed that she wasn’t wearing any panties. at his words, she giggled before smirking. “as you wish, daddy.” she moaned softly as he rubbed her nipples through her shirt. she slowly made her way up to where she was hovering over the man’s face, biting her bottom lip and moaning as she finally felt his tongue. the second she said daddy, a smirk formed upon colson’s lips. “mm, you know huh baby girl?” he chucked darkly. “everybody knows about your daddy kink, daddy.” she smirked right back, looking at him with lust filled eyes. “you’re so fucking sexy and all mine, you hear me?” he growled before his tongue glided against her pussy slowly, he loved making her flinch as he teased her. his right hand slapped her ass hard then squeezed it. sucking down on her clit, his grip on her got tighter encouraging her to slowly grind against his tongue.
y/n flinched when she felt him tease her, she gripped his headboard and moaned as he smacked her ass hard. “fuck.” she soon started slowly gridding her hips against his tongue as she felt his grip tighter around her, “fuuuck, daddy.” the girl whimpered. as she moaned, her mind couldn’t help but think about the fact he said she was all his. but that thought soon left her mind as colson’s hand smacked her other ass cheek hearing her moan. his thumb slowly found its way to her clit as his tongue slid inside her, colson was determined to make her cum but only when he wanted. he could feel by her legs shaking she was close, he suddenly stopped, “gonna squirt for daddy?” he asked raising an eyebrow. his tongue glided against her, while his eyes locked with hers.
y/n let out another moan as she nodded her head, “y-yes, colson.” she whimpered when he stopped moving. “that’s not my name, slut.” he growled once again, his hand finding it’s way up to her throat. he squeezed slightly, causing her gasp as she wasn’t expecting that. “what’s my name?” colson looked at her with dark, lust full eyes. “d-daddy..” she moaned out. “good girl.” a smirk formed against his lips before he smacked her ass again, “fuck, i love this ass.” he bit his bottom lip before kissing her inner thighs, he went right back at it. licking, sucking, slurping; he was going fucking wild and he knew she was close. her legs were shaking and just as she was about to orgasm, colson pulled away and a growl left the girl’s lips. before she could even object, she was on her back and he was between her legs. she instantly grabbed his hands and laced their fingers as they locked eyes. “fuuuuck, yes daddy. i’m gonna… i’m gonna..” and she ended up squirting all over his tongue, squeezing his fingers. colson let a smile form on his face watching her unfold, “that didn’t take long.” he said grinning, licking her clean. leaning up he moved forward lining himself up with her entrance, leaning down he left a sloppy kiss on her lips as he slid inside her. colson went deep inside of y/n as he thrusted, his one hand held tightly against her hip and the other found its way around her throat his fingers closing around her tightly.
y/n blushed, covering her face. “stop. it’s been awhile since i’ve had any type of sex and fuck this is going to make your ego huge but that was the best head i’ve ever gotten.” she admitted before kissing him back for that moment, when he leaned down and left a sloppy kiss against her lips. as he thrusted deep, y/n let out a pleasurable moan before it was cut off when he wrapped his fingers around her throat. she could barely breathe and she absolutely loved it, she loved the fact she was seeing this side of colson. she knew he was a freak in bed and god was she glad she was finally able to experience it. colson’s thrusts got faster and harder as he went down on her. “fuck baby..” he moaned looking down at her, his fingers putting a bit more pressure against her throat. “so fucking wet for daddy.” he said feeling his cock getting more wet. y/n was trying to moan, but she couldn’t so all she could do was reach her hands up to claw at his back. the girl was beyond soaked and the sound of their skin slapping together was causing her to become even more wet. releasing his grip colson slid out of her before flipping to her stomach, pulling her up by her hair he rammed inside of her. slapping y/n’s ass he smiled as he watched the handprint form. “you daddy’s little slut?” he growled in her ear as he gripped her throat again using his arm to hold them up as he fucked her.
y/n let out a breath once he released his grip from her throat. she whimpered when he pulled out but let a giggle escape her lips when he flipped her over so she was on her stomach. once he slammed into her, y/n let out a pleasurable moan. as he smacked her ass, she hissed as it stung but god she loved it. “yes daddy. i’m your little slut.” the girl moaned out as she gripped the sheets of his bed as he fucked her. each time colson rammed into her he watched her ass shake and it made him grin. he loved every inch of her but her ass was his weakness. gripping her shoulder, he pulled her back against him as he went forward. “good girl, i guess i need to fuck you harder since you’re not loud enough for me.” he groaned as he gripped her hips with his hands and moved faster inside of her. as he slammed into her, y/n squealed out moans as he went quicker and harder. “fuck, daddy! don’t stop!” she screamed out, his headboard hitting the wall since he was fucking her so hard. colson let out a few low groans, hearing her words he did just that, he didn’t stop. he had a goal to make her cum a few times before he did, seeing her turned on was what got him off. “i want you to ride the fuck out of me babygirl.” he whispered in her ear before sliding out to lay on his back, pulling her over him he lined her up then pushed her down onto him, “fuuuck, such a tight pussy baby.”
y/n was a moaning mess at this point, she was beyond soaked and loved the feeling of his dick slamming into her. when he stopped before she could cum, she growled before he spoke. “yes, daddy.” she simply said, resting her freshly manicured nails on his chest as he pushed her down on his cock. “such a big dick, daddy.” she whimpered, leaning her head back as she started bouncing on him quickly. colson pinched her nipples between his fingers watching her movements. “mmm, yes baby, just like that.” he groaned not taking his eyes off her. his lower lip fell between his teeth as he bucked his hips a few times as she came down on him. y/n moaned as he pinched her nipples, she gritted her teeth as she turned her attention to him. “fuck, daddy. I love the feeling of your cock deep inside my pussy.” she moaned, digging her nails into his chest. “fuuuck, i’m gonna cum.” she leaned her head back, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. colson watched her cum as he smiled, “don’t stop baby.” he demanded as he gripped her hips to hold her down. his hand free hand reached up and gripped her throat tight as he felt himself reaching the edge. he felt himself finish inside her and his head fell back against the pillows. y/n moaned loudly as she came, her nails dug deeper into his chest as he held her hips down. the girl kept bouncing at his words, she leaned down and captured his lips in a kiss. “fuck daddy, you gonna cum hmm? you gonna cum for your slut?” she purred seductively as she kept her pace fast. once he filled her up, she let out a soft moan before getting off him and pressing a kiss to his lips. “that was-“ she started before colson finished her sentence. “fucking perfect.” he let out a breathless chuckle.
“i can’t believe you’ve been in love with me all these years.” y/n spoke quietly, rolling on her side as she traced circles on his bare chest. “i couldn’t help but fall in love with you, baby girl. you’re so fucking perfect.” the older male leaned forward and captured her lips in a passionate kiss before resting his forehead against hers. “what now?” she whispered. “that is entirely up to you. you know my feelings, y/n. what are yours?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her and gently caressing her back with his fingertips. so many emotions were running through her mind. she’d be lying if she said she didn’t have any feelings for colson, there was always something there but she just never wanted to admit it in case he didn’t feel the same way and not to mention she had no idea how rook feel. “rook, colson. what is he gonna think?” y/n bit her bottom lip. as if on que, they heard the front door open and a very loud rook coming down the hall. “what the-“ y/n was cut off as she sat straight up in her covering her chest with the sheet as colson got up.
“y/n?! colson?! we need to-“ rook got cut off as he walked into his colson’s room and shook his head. “rookie, what are you doing here?” she asked, biting her bottom lip as she stared at her best friend. “well, my dumb ass forgot to grab my wallet so i went back to the car to grab my phone to call colson and i saw i had a voicemail from him and well…. i heard everything.” y/n’s face went completely sheet white, as if she saw a ghost. “w-what?!” she asked, completely horrified her best friend heard her fucking the guy he considered to be his brother. “my ears will never stop bleeding. your daddy kink is alive and thriving.” rook turned to look at his older ‘brother’ who just had a smirk on his face. “don’t act like you ain’t got one too, rookie.” colson laughed before crawling back in bed with y/n. “honestly? i love this. my puffin and my annoying ass best friend are dating and getting along. thank god.” rook chuckled, “we aren’t-“ colson started, but y/n caught him off. “i love it too, rookie.” she smiled brightly which caused a wide smile to form upon colson’s lips. “god, i love you.” the older male sighed before pressing his lips against hers in a soft kiss. with that, rook took that as his que to leave. who knew him leaving to go run some errands would cause his two favorite people to become a item but he wasn’t mad.
“so.. does this mean you’re gonna eat me out now every night?” y/n smirked before giggling.
“now that you’re my girl? absolutely.” colson chuckled before smirking right back. “you ready for round two, baby?”
“absolutely, daddy.”
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May I? Ask for some Snatcher and MJ hcs when they are already a while with their s/o in a relationship?
Of course! These two lads deserve some love and affection (and vise versa for all you ghost lovers out there!)
Starting with Moonjumper, he has a very cute habit of taking his S/O’s hands and placing kisses on top of them in a fancy gesture (because, y’know, he’s royalty, and that’s a thing princes do-). Sometimes it’s because he wants to act like a gentleman, other times he uses it as an excuse just to see his S/O blush! But, if S/O decides to turn the tables and kiss his hands instead? He is straight up swooning, with him shyly commenting on how they are ever the charmer~
With Snatcher, if S/O allows him, he likes brushing his claws through their hair softly. It happens rarely, but if it’s one of those quiet moments where S/O in sitting in Snatcher’s lap and they’re just chilling, Snatcher may or may not find himself combing through their hair or playing with a lock of it (and if they have shorter hair, Snatcher just kinda “pets” the top of their head absentmindedly). With S/O petting Snatcher’s hair, on the other hand? Yes please, he love, love, loves floof pets and stritches! (not that he’ll ever admit it, but he won’t ask for them to stop)
Moonjumper is very much a cuddle bug. The moment that S/O hugs him or asks him for cuddles, he’s immediately hugging, cuddling, and/or nuzzling at their side. The poor lad is very touch-starved after so many years, so he very much craves physical affection and plenty of attention from his partner! But don’t worry, for as much attention as S/O gives him, Moon makes sure to give back twice if not thrice as much back!
No matter S/O’s height, whether they be relatively tall or short, Snatcher will always playfully make a teasing comment on how small or little they are compared to him (Honestly, I HC that Snatcher’s full height is about 20 ft., maybe 10 ft. or less if he needs to be smaller in somewhere with less room). He always takes advantage of this fact, picking them up often, carrying them in his arms or on his shoulders, or lifting them up when they need help to reach something. Basically, for every tall joke they make of Snatcher, Snatcher will always return it with a short joke just to get a rise out of them (or to see them all flustered, which is pretty much the main reason why he does it).
Moonjumper’s very well-known for gifting things to his S/O! Sometimes with bouquets of flowers, but other times he’ll make his gifts by hand! He’ll dedicate his free time time to make all sorts of blankets, clothing items, plushies, and pillows for his beloved! And another cute detail, most of these gifts follow a heart or star motif and/or are in S/O’s favorite color(s). Sometimes he’ll even embroider sweet little messages into these hand-made gifts, phrases like “To my precious star, the forever light of my afterlife~” or “To my darling sweetheart, who is, without a doubt, the sweetest thing of all!~” in pretty cursive embroidery.
Snatcher also gets his S/O gifts! Though he usually doesn’t give them flowers often, and he’s not as good with actually making things like Moonjumper does, he still does give them gifts from time to time (at first, he says it’s only because they “Did so well on their contracts”, but he’ll eventually admit it and just give them gifts outright). Sometimes the gift will be a book; not about law, surprisingly, but whatever genre or hobby S/O is into. Other times, they’ll be articles of clothing that Snatcher thinks would look nice on them! Some just are regular pieces of clothing, other times they’re a combination of purple and yellow, with a certain someone’s signature grin printed on there somewhere (call him an egotist if you want, it’s not gonna stop him from grinning so smugly).
Moonjumper is an absolute sap with nicknames. He’ll be sure to call S/O all the sweetest, gushiest, fluffiest nicknames he can think of, switching them up every now and then to see which one they liked being call the most! (Honestly, he might have a whole list at this point) Of course, there’s his usual go-to: “my lady/lord”, “my darling”, “my love”, “sweetheart” and so on. But other times he might use rarer nicknames like “my precious/glittering star”, “angel”, “dear/dearest”, “my jewel/gem”, “my flower”, “mon amour”, etc. But the rarest nickname of all for him to use is calling them “my princess/prince” or “my queen/king”, as he only uses it during their more heartfelt moments together, showing just how much he trusts them.
Snatcher rarely uses nicknames, claiming that they’re “too sappy/affection for his tastes”, so he only uses the occasional “darling”, “sweetheart”, etc. But, once they get further into the relationship, and/or if they ask nicely, Snatcher will surprise his S/O with more embarrassing nicknames, like “buttercup” or “pumpkin”, just to see how much he can make them blush. Basically, Snatcher can go from being fancy and calling them “my darling” to doing a complete 180 and calling them “toots” while doing finger guns. Maybe he’s aware of how cheesy it is, but he thinks it’s well worth it to see his S/O blushing and hear their adorable giggles!
Moonjumper tries to pull out all the stops when he takes S/O out on a date, dressing fancily and trying his best to impress them, maybe even ask them for a dance. But if S/O prefers something more easy-going, he’s more than happy to set up a romantic picnic, just for the two of them! Now does this means he still doesn’t try to impress them? Absolutely not, as he rehearses in the mirror every time before they go out on a date, wanting to make sure he a true gentleman when said date arrives. If S/O comments on this, however, saying that he doesn’t need to impress them so much, as he’s already impressive, they’d better prepare for him to be an absolute lovestruck sap for the rest of the night.
Snatcher is, surprisingly, very nervous when it comes to asking his S/Os out on dates, even after the fact that they’re already a couple. He always grooms himself before going out, making sure he looks his best, wearing a fancy tux and maybe even a tie/bowtie and top hat to match! He tries boosting up his confidence beforehand (he’s the King of Subcon, after all!), but once he sees his S/O in their date outfit, whether it be overly fancy or not, all of that goes out the window and he’s a blushing and nervous wreck the whole time. He tries hiding this by doing fancy gestures for S/O, locking arms or holding hands with them, opening doors and pushing in chairs for them, but out of the corner of their eye they’ll catch him taking a nervous gulp he doesn’t need, fidgeting and adjusting his tie/bowtie or suit, tapping his claws, and tugging at his suit collar. He can’t help it, and he finds himself getting distracted by how beautiful they are.
Now, let’s say S/O finds themselves in a particularly gloomy or not-so-good mood? Believe me, Moonjumper will notice, and he will immediately ask them wants wrong. And before they can even blink, Moon makes them and pillow fort with all the fluffiest blankets he could grab, offering them a warm, cozy seat and some tea so they can de-stress and relax. He holds them close in his arms, listening to them intently if there’s something wrong, and comforts them all night long, reassuring them that he loves them and that he’s there for them. Whether it be anxiety, depression, or anything else, he’ll make sure to let them know that he’s here, he loves them, and he promises he’s not going anywhere.
When S/O is in a less than happy mood around Snatcher? Snatcher also notices, although it takes him awhile to bring it up, worried that they might not want to talk about it. Of course, at first he semi-jokes by saying “Alright. Who’s soul do I have to steal for you?” and things of a similar nature, but eventually he’ll turn serious and bring them up onto his lap, snapping his fingers to wrap them up in a cozy blanket with a nice, warm mug of hot cocoa/coffee/tea suddenly in their hands. He lets them use his floof like a pillow, being less tsundere and more cuddly than usual, letting them talk it out if they want to. Snatcher makes sure to let them know that he really, truly does love them (even if, and he’ll admit it for once, he acts like a giant “soon-deh-ray” most of the time) and cares about their happiness and well-being. And if comforting them means swallowing his pride, then he won’t have to think twice before making that decision, because they are his all, his everything, and he wouldn’t give them up for anyone else in the world.
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dazaisfavoritewife · 4 years
Bakusquad with a black s/o - Someone calls you a racial slur
This idea has been on my mind for SO LONG! You might be wondering, “Then author-Chan, why didn’t you write it before?” WELL BECAUSE IM LAZY- So, I hope you enjoy :) -btw I’m going to use female pronouns, so if you want a male version or part 2 let me know-
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He is so appreciative, like this dude could care less about what skin color you are, but he just thinks your skin is BEAUTIFUL! Like, YES!! Racist Karen’s? Mans gotcha back.
But this one time, a racist bitch, *cough* BETHANY *cough* she called you a racial slur (even if I am african American i’m not saying it) and you obviously had to mop the floor with a hoe!
“Y/N, stay the f*ck away from my man!” Bethany screamed at you, you just rolled your eyes and stared straight at her.
“I’m sorry? Who’s your man?”
“Bakugo! You know that you ni-“
Oops! Bethany accidentally fell on your foot.. Then your hand.. Then your knee... She got beat the fuck up. While you were beating the absolute hell out of Bethany, the bell rang, but you were too busy with Bethany to notice that everyone was heading to lunch.
You snatched her by her hair, and started beating the crap out of her, when everyone saw they were frozen just there like ‘O’ but, Bakugo was cheering you on.
You still didn’t give a fuck and just smirked, until your home room teacher, Aizawa came into the hallway.
“L/N! Bakugo! Detention after school!”
Best believe you just looks at him like, ‘N what?’
Bakugo just shrugged, and aizawa told us to go to lunch.
“This isn’t over Bethany..”
Then you just dropped her, grabbed Bakugo, and skipped to lunch, him proudly walking with you while everyone just stared at you in disbelief at how you’re acting like nothing happened after you just beat the shit out of a hoe. Not sorry!
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Like Bakugo, he thinks you’re beautiful! He also thinks you’re real manly, because there are so many people who don’t think you belong in ua because of your skin, but he just deals with them himself.
But one day, someone took it too far and three girls game up to you and their leader just started insulting you, and one of them said a racial slur, you weren’t having it.
“Oh look! It’s Y/N! I thought you would’ve given up on becoming a hero, I mean how could you be popular when you look like.. That?”
“Like what? A badass? A queen? Beautiful? At least I don’t have 55 layers makeup, I have a thing called natural beauty.”
“What beauty? All we see is a ni-“
Oh no! They all somehow ended up on the floor with a bloody nose! Oops! You accidentally made your boot and their head best friends..
“I’m sorry, I can’t *thump* hear you other the *thump* noise! *thump thump thump*”
Needless to say, you beat all their asses. And in an instant you’d beat anyone and everyone’s ass if they even dared say a racial slur.
So, while in the process of beating three bitches asses, all of class 1-A came out of home room because aizawa wanted them to come and get you because you’re their friend, and they saw you beating the fuck out of three girls at the same time, and they all just stared at you in awe, and shock, except for Iida. He was against it obviously. And Bakugo, Mina, and Kaminari were cheering you on.
“Yeah Y/N! Kick their ass!”
“You got this Y/N!”
“Yeah! Whatever reason you did this, great job!”
“L/N That is not appropriate in school or outsie of it! Please refrain from beating people up!
Aizawa heard cheering and yelling outside the classroom and got annoyed, and went to check to see you beating three girls asses and the Bakusquad, (this time all of them) cheering you on.
“Is there a good reason for this? Otherwise detention.”
“These *thump* bitches *thump* thought they could try *thump thump thump* call me a racial slur.” Iida shut the fuck up real quick, and everyone was shocked that he actually started routing for you!
Then he walked back in the classroom. We stan men who don’t support racist bitches.
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Kaminari respects you, you don’t take anyone's shit. Plus you’re beautiful, that’s a bonus to him. There were two particular people once who were giving you weird looks because of your skin, you just laughed in their face while Kaminari electrocuted them, then brought him home after he short circuited.
But one stupid bitch didn’t know how badass you are. So they tried using a racial slur, but we all know we don’t stand them. So this bitch named Rachel walked up to you and just started trash talking.
“Why are you even in the hero course? You don’t deserve it.”
“Because I earned it. You don’t deserve to be in ua at all if you’re bullying someone superior to a lowlife.”
“Whatever, you’re just a ni-“
She didn’t get to finished her sentence before you just roundhouse kicked a bitch, then just started beating the crap out of her.
“Say it again. I DARE you.”
While you were beating the shit out of her, class 1-A and aizawa just heard a bunch of loud and some very quiet crashes and thumps, and a lot of yelling.
“What in the entire world is going on out there..” Aizawa mumbled.
All of class 1-A including aizawa opened the door and walked into the hallway, to see you literally slamming her face into a locker, and occasionally kicking and punching her.
“Holy shit..”
Everyone was stunned, but Bakugo was laughing his ass off.
“L/N, what are you doing!?”
“U-uhm L/N..? Why are you hurting that person..?”
“What did they do?”
“Oh, everyone back in the classroom. Everything’s fine.”
Then they just went back into class like their classmate wasn’t beating the shit out of a girl. Needless to say, someone had to pull you off of her before you killed her.
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Sero is a supportive king, and very underated. He thinks you’re the most beautiful women he’s ever met, and mans is extremely protective because once someone made a comment about your skin and you just ignored it but it kinda hurted :(
But one fateful day for two boys, they made the terrible mistake of saying a racial slur, they really thought they did something by getting beat the fuck up.
“I don’t know why they let YOU in the hero course.”
“I don’t know what led YOU to believe I’mma take your shit.”
“Whatever. You’re just a ni-“
And he just magically fell to the floor! Oh no! His buddy accidentally got slammed into him after! Damn it, they accidentally made contact with your boot!!
Class 1-A and 1-B heard you beating the shit out of the boys, so the teachers went into the hallway to see what the commotion is, but the students being their nosy selves went to see too.
Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Vlad King went into the hallway to see you beating the fuck out of two kids, class 1-A and 1-B looked through the door, and Bakugo just started cheering you on, so did Sero.
“Yes Y/N! Fuck em up!”
“I knew I chose the right one! Yes Y/N!”
Kendo being one of your friends, started cheering you on too.
“Go Y/N! Yes queen!”
Aizawa just turned around and walked back into the classroom after telling the students to go back to their seats. Vlad king broke you away from them though.. Aw shit you got detention.
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(I got lazy on Sero’s because after Kirishima I took a break and started writing Kaminari’s after, and it’s 1 AM so I’m tired and watching YouTube to stay awake, this is probable gonna be shitty, they all are honestly.. I’m sorry btw I believe the theory that Mina is black so roll with it if you don’t)
Mina knows that you’re the most beautiful wiman alive, and you’re her queen, and vise versa.
One day this bitch named Ashley decided to insult your guys’ relationship and called you a racial slur, you definitely weren’t having it when it comes to Mina.
“Hey Y/N I heard you’re dating a girl.. That’s gross.”
“Hey Ashley, I heard you eat d*ck. That’s gross.”
“You’re a nasty ni-“
Ashley couldn’t finish her sentence because she was slammed into the locker, and became best friends with your fist and boot, whoops!
So, everyone was heading home because the final bell rang and everyone was packing up, and they were leaving their classrooms, and they all saw you beating the shit out of Ashley, and Mina was just smiling the widest smile that shines so bright, and she started cheering you on with Bakugo.
“Yes my queen! Beat her ass!”
“Yeah Y/N! Beat that extra!”
You got one last HARD kick in, before aizawa came up to you and pulled you off.
“Let me go!”
“Why were you even harming a student?”
Aizawa went quiet and so did everyone else, then he just let you go and walked away, and everyone else just left the school like it was a normal day, we stand most of the people here.
(In case you’re confused on why it said Raven I accidentally put my name for this kind of stuff,sorry)
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palettepainter · 3 years
I’ve got post vaccine (moderna gang) shivers so I need to express fluff headcanons to spread good vibes
When Ecto was planning to propose, he had to keep it so hush hush because Higari can easily find things out. He didn’t tell anyone but higaris mother and his own parents. He was very happy that Higari was actually surprised with the proposal. Higari wears the rings on a necklace- his quirk doesn’t exactly make wedding rings easy to find.
As much as Higari prefers being a support hero, search and rescue jobs that go smoothly it’s very rewarding. He often checks up on those he’s managed to rescue, keeps in touch with some too. There’s this lovely older woman who he rescued from a crumbling retirement home who sends him baked goods every holiday. He visits her every month for tea.
When Ecto is sick, Higari cares for him easily. Even when Ecto acts like he isn’t sick. He’ll make him soup, make sure he’s resting, cold compress on his forehead. As stubborn as he is, ecto appreciates it.
Higaris favorite memory with his dad is digging around in the yard with him. Since they had the same quirks, it worked out. He showed him how to carve tunnels without the ground crumbling, or just played around in the dirt. There’s a picture of Higari when he was three, covered in dirt with his head peaking out of a hole. His dad was grinning, sitting near by like he was cheering him on. Sometimes, especially on days where thinking about his dad is hard, he’ll tell Ecto stories.
As someone who also got shivers after getting a vaccine I know the feeling, how you’re doing well!
Ecto proposing, Yes! I love the idea of Ecto proposing to Higari, and his rugged flirting smirking self just crumbles in the face of Ecto holding a ring to him. Ecto’s eyes are so full of love and he has such a soft grin on his face that Higari can’t help but tearing up, he tries to think of something flirty to say back, but he just can’t. He’s overwhelmed - probably ended up tackling Ecto in a hug with a big kiss, which threw Ecto off guard, thinking at first maybe he’d overwhelmed Higari when he started crying.
Higari wearing is around his neck, also yes. Higari’s wedding ring is the only thing that he will spend careful hours cleaning and polishing at the end of each day to make sure it stays in good condition, wears is around UA proudly - though I imagine for interviews outside of UA or when he’s called out for hero work he leaves it at home in a special box on his dresser or safely tucks it away in a drawer in the design studio, as much as he loves wearing the rink around his neck he dreads the thought of loosing it in a rescue, or having some nosy reports pester him for answers if they catch sight of it. 
With Higari’s gear I’m a firm believer he’d be a great rescue hero in say like natural disasters or if a building collapsed. With his giant robotic suit and his know how on construction he could easily map a safe route to evacuate citizens from an unstable building, or quickly find a way to clean up after a land slide. Need to move a giant tree? No problem he’ll move it no prob. Citizen can’t move because they’re leg hurts? He can carry em out to safety. Kids they rescued are bored while they’re waiting for parents to pick them up? Higari tolerates them clambering about on his hero suit like it’s a jungle gym
Anything with Higari caring for Ecto or vise versa is so wholesome! In my NGAU I imagine Higari prolly knows all the tricks to help when someone is sick, he grew up in a big house with tones of little siblings, as kids they got sick a lot with how often they played in the garden and mud, they’ve all got very strong immune systems so it’s rare Higari or his siblings get sick - but Higari still knows all the tricks to help nursing someone back to health. He remembers to give Ecto some medicine, make him some soup, hot water bottle if he’d cold, flannel if he’s too hot and plenty of liquids. A teenie tiny part of Ecto might even enjoy all the attention, appreciating Higari’s concern. Too bad Higari is too stubborn to actually treat himself when he’s sick, with how little he gets sick he doesn’t take it all that seriously - thankfully Ecto is a patient man with many clones, so is willing to drag Higari back to bed if needed XD
And the last one with his dad...
Anon: Are you trying to make me cry-
In my NGAU Powerloader’s dad was all over him, spoiled Higari so so much. Spent many lazy afternoons slacking off work when the missus wasn’t looking to play around with Higari (bragged for like a week straight that he got his quirk, proud dad moment). Higari’s mother came out into the garden to see how the boys where doing, she finds her husband and toddler son covered head to toe in dirt and mud. She gets angry at them, insisting the two need a bath if they want to have dinner. Toddler Higari hated baths from the day he was born apparently, and it’s only until dear old papa gives him a bath is he willing to get clean. His dad puts bubbles in Higari’s hair, and Higari splashes bubbles onto his dads beard, who then makes a silly face to make Higari laugh. Too bad only one hour after tea the two got dirty again-
The first time Higari used his quirk was when he was outside with his dad. His dad was working on fixing up the shed, Higari sitting in a small play pen outside with some toys while his dad stood close by, able to work while also keeping an eye on Higari. Higari, bored of playing with his building blocks, begins to drag his little hands at the ground, and before he knows it he’s tunneling his way to freedome beyond the bounds of his baby playpen. This kind of scneario probably ensued:
Kaigo (PL’s dad): Phew *picks up tool box and turns around* Alright sweetpea, time to go back insi- *freezes when he sees the playpen is empty, and no baby in sight* W-WHAT?! *drops tool box, and rapidly looks around* Uh- H-Higari?! Sweetpea?! Where’d you go?? Come to dad, this isn’t funny! *rushes around a bit*
Higari: *tunnles his way up to the surface in his mothers flowerbed, a small pile of dirt with a flower sticking out the top sitting on his head*
Kaigo: *searching in the bushes* H-Higari?! Higari! Where are you?! *mumbles* Shit I took my eyes off him for two minutes! Where the hell could he-
Higari: BAPA!
Kaigo: *jumps and whirls around*..*heaves and sigh and rushes over* Oh thank god! *scoops him into his arms for a hug* You stupid lil’ ankle biter! Don’t you ever do that again! *holds him out at arms length* How in the world did you even get out??
Higari: *sneezes from the dirt, making the flower fall off his head*
Kaigo:..Wait. Did..D-Did you, DIG your way out?!
Higari: *incoherent baby noises*
Kaigo;...Ooooh you are in SO much trouble young man, you know how many years off my life you just took? Huh?...*scowls as Higari giggles* Oh so you think this is FUNNY?-
Higari: *grabs his nose* BA!
Kaigo:............*sighs* You’re damn lucky you’re cute, you know that?...Uh, how about we DON’T tell your Ma about this, okay?
Ever since then his dad had to watch him like a hawk, one minute Higari was sitting playing with his toys, the next he was trying to dig his way to the other side of the world. When he was old enough his dad did give him some lessons in how to dig safely so the ground wouldn’t become unstable. I imagine Higari may have madea  few tunnels as a kid that where too close to the surface, and his very unsuspecting mum and dad would just sink into the ground collapsing an old tunnel Higari made. And Higari having pictures?? YES. His mum probably has a whole stash of pictures of Higari as a baby playing outside with his dad and her. Including the embarrassing photos, the kind of photos Higari would never want Ecto to see, but his mum showed him anyway. 
Now I wanna write angst with Powerloader and his dad aaaaa-
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Lovely Writer Episode 5
Since it was too late yesterday to write down my thoughts completely and I just ended up writing a small post, I'm going to write it all down right now.
And I have stuff to say, guys. So much happened yesterday in Lovely Writer. But the first question is: Is it "Aey", "Aoey" or "Aeoy" (I'm so confused)? Because they suddenly changed their way of calling him and there's an 'o' out of the blue. Why did they change his name after four episodes?
Nevermind. It was just something I asked myself the whole episode but I guess, no one really knows the answer.
Anyway, here are my first impressions and thoughts in general about Lovely Writer Episode 5:
Gene's negative flaw
Gene is the protagonist here but he is not the kind of protagonist you automatically like and especially not every part of him. He is cute and when he's with Nubsib, we only see that part of him because Nubsib finds him cute and adorable. Nubsib even calls him cute more than once. After episode 3, I said, they are pretending but I would change my statement into something like "they are just not showing every part of themselves" because pretending is something else. Preteneding is covering your true identity and it's different from not telling everything about you. I don't think Nubsib pretends. He just hides some stuff about himself when he's with Gene and vise versa. But at the set, we can see Gene is jealous. He is posessive over someone who isn't even his. It is not necessarily a red flag because he allows Nubsib to live his own life ("Go with him if you want to"). But he doesn't like the idea and the sight of Nubsib with someone else. He even leaves the set because of it. It's pretty clear he gets jealous and this jealousy gets adressed later on when he waits for Nubsib to come home but is too pissed to talk to him. Nubsib has to ask him and only then Gene admits it. Like I said, not necessarily a red flag or big problem because at least they talk about it and Nubsib reasures him but it can become a conflict later on. At least, when they are together.
promotion of BLs
Lovely Writer shows the behind the scenes of a typical low-budget BL and I believe it captures the BL industry quite well, although I'm not an expert. I can only judge from what I see on the outside. But with some shows, I've always had the feeling that things are not running smoothly and Lovely Writer just confirms that feeling. This show is very uncomfortable sometimes.
When I first started watching BLs last year, I was very overwhelmed and surprised by all these ships ot there. I was used to the marketing strategies of Marvel or Hollywood in general and European films. The asian way of marketing and promoting a show is different. It focuses more on the actors and their chemistry, not completely on the story in the show or movie. Or at least, I have the feeling it's different. Of course, different is not bad, just unusual.
I am still surprised of how much the promotion focuses on the actors, especially when it comes to BLs. People ship the actors because their lives and the roles they play get mixed up and fans see chemistry because they've seen the show. I feel like there is a blurry line between actor and character which leads to an immense personality cult. I know, it's because of the contracts and I believe they're the real problem because if you don't portray the actors as such and create a ship, their privacy and personal space gets invaded very quickly and in an inhuman way which easily leads to drama. Things will turn ugly at some point and that's not nice for the actors at all.
Lovely Writer criticizes this. Gene goes on Twittee an there is a hashtag full of weird fanservice and it leads to personal drama because he gets jealous. I don't think it's a rare problem. Because kissing someone as your work, because you are an actor, is fine, if you've talked about it honestly but fanservice is something different because it's happening in your real life and there is no line between your work and life. I think you know what I mean. So, Nubsib has to reasure Gene of his feelings and sees it as work but I get why Gene has a problem and I think it's sad that BL actors have to sacrifice their privacy so much because the industry builds this cult around them. This scene hurt me a bit, I have to say. And it will surely remain a problem between these two.
Also, invasive fans... Some fans tend to see you as a sort of object they can look at and touch all the time. Here, these two girls take pictures of Gene and he is aware of it but just doesn't know what to do to stop them without confronting them which is the only thing he can and should do. He thinks it will be over quickly but it won't. If you've once allowed your fans to do this, they won't stop, And we know, Gene slowly gets a fanbase. But he has to make sure they get that he is a human being and not an artifact in a museum. Luckily, Nubsib steps up saves him.
Criticism of NC scenes
This episode starts with the filming of the first kiss in Bad Engineer and I want to say something about it. This scene is very intense but just so uncomfortable and disgusting. What happens on screen is uncomfortable. What happens behind the screen is digusting. And Gene's reaction is really intense. I love Nubsib saying that it's nearly rape. I was like 'thank you'. Really guys, who thinks this is romantic? A first kiss when one of them is unable to move and fights the other one physically and verbally. It's not dominant in a sexy way. It's just creepy and taking advantage. There is no consent. And Nubsib being the king of consent thankfully says something but sadly he acts it out eventually because the director tells him to.
This kissing scene is the worst kissing scene I have ever seen. The setting isn't good and their kiss is weird. I know, it's supposed to be bad but their kiss looks so unpassionate lmao.
But the director is the worst part of it. His answer to Nubsib saying it feels like rape is the question "Don't you understand soap opera vibes?"
Of course, it's supposed to be disgusting but that sentence hit me because I got scared how many directors like that are out there. And I also feel sorry for Gene. He wrote that novel and put effort into it. Even though the story is not very exciting or different, he put his writing skills and creativity in this project. And now they ruin that art and smash it on the ground. I myself draw and write, so I kind of relate to him and it hurts watching. Gene only wants to write but it gets turned into something unadmirable and fussy. Now it's more like a rapey fanfiction someone wrote while sitting alone in the dark and reminiced about their weirdest sex dream. Let me tell you, some fantasies should stay as such because this is passionless and disgusting.
Aey and Gene
(I'm gonna stick to writing his name as "Aey" because I'm confused which spelling is the right one.) I think Aey knows Gene likes Nubsib because he always talks to him about that matter. And maybe he likes his novel but still, Aey is very manipulative. He asks for Gene's help. He aks Nubsib out in front of Gene and says "Gene is busy anyways" when Nubsib is not sure. He then reminds Nubsib of their "date" when Gene is there again. Clearly, he wants to show off. Or he's just weird. But in this show, no one is just weird. It will get clearer when the story goes on.
Talking about Aey, I have to say, I cried last night. Even though I don't like him, I feel sympathy for him. His family is so broken which affects him a lot. I feel sorry for him because he pulled himself together and faced his family again just to storm out crying. It's a nightmare. All those accusations thrown at him, but also the ones he threw, hit deep. There is a big tension escalating and he has very much pain inside. He clearly has a trauma and I hope we'll get to know more about him because his ex was mentioned and something very bad must've happened. Yeah, Aey is a very troubled kid. He is lonely, sad and lost and reminds me of Fiat in TharnType because he too runs after a guy who only showed slight interest in him. The feeling of being unloved and unloveable leads him fantisizing about the one who seems to be perfect in his eyes. And it will all crash down for him.
But who is Mhok? Were they best friends? Were they lovers? Is that their first kiss? It doesn't feel like a first kiss to me but I could be wrong...
What Lovely Writer does right
This show's promotion is exactly like I wanted it to be. No personality cult. That's a very important point for me because they are humans too and I believe it's disgusting to shed flashligh on actors so much. They are not a big ship, I guess. At least, none that I've heard of. They do some Q&A videos or behind the scenes stuff but not openly toxic behavior and discussions about private matters. They don't pretend to be in love for the fanservice and are pretty much looking like they are just doing their job.
This show is definetlely different and I love that part very much about it. So, I will defineltely keep watching and keep my hopes up.
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obeyme-muses · 5 years
Can I get 65 with luci if you’re still taking prompts? Hopefully you guys aren’t swamped with requests- take your time if you need to and take care of yourselves:)
Thank you so much for your concern & requesting! We're doing wonderful. We're also always taking prompts!! :3 I know you sent this a while back, so thank you so much for being patient with me uwu, I hope you enjoy this. ❤
-- Admin Hell Sauce Noodles
65. “When you smile, I fall apart.”
Lucifer x MC!Reader
"MC... What's this?"
You sit up straight with a jolt, your pencil dropping from your hand. Lucifer's voice had sounded from over your shoulder without warning and your face flushed instantly. He leaned back, his arms crossed and his eyes on the stacks of papers upon your desk. Your vision a bit blurry, you rubbed your eyes and tried to smile. 
“I-I didn’t see you there, Lucifer. That’s my rough draft for our essay assignment in Demonic History.” You explained, watching his eyes roam over the pile of at least twenty pages. “Oh! And a research paper about human and demon relations Solomon and I worked on. ...Then right under that is an assignment documenting the events of the Celestial War for both Demonic History and Angelic History, ah, and then --”
“That’s enough.” Lucifer’s ever-demanding tone interrupted you just as your voice cracked from tiredness. 
You turned more in your chair to face him, a bit embarrassed that you just started rambling like that. Lucifer always seemed so put together that your stack of homework was probably a sign of failure to him. 
Placing your hand against your temple, you laughed lightly just as he started to speak again. “You’ve been locked up in here with this work for hours. When do you plan on eating? Beel ate your breakfast and felt so guilty he made you something else… only to eat that too.”
“Awh, he did?”
“He did. Mammon has also been pacing incessantly up and down the halls waiting for you to come out. Asmo won’t stop sighing dramatically and casting glances at your door. You keeping yourself away from us is affecting everyone. Their behavior is getting annoying."
You smirked and stood up from your chair. "Even affecting you, Lucifer?"
"Even me." He answered evenly, though just a ghost of smile appeared before vanishing. You couldn't help the light feeling in your chest when you glimpsed such a wonderful thing as his smile…
But it was gone, and he continued, "I find it a bit ironic that I'm asking this of you instead of vise versa, but I believe taking a break would benefit you immensely."
"What?!" You gasped. "You think I'm working too hard?"
"Is that really so hard to believe? If anyone knows the effects overworking can have you, it's me. Keep in mind, you're just a human. You should know your limits better."
You puffed out your cheeks slightly. The arrogance of this man sometimes…! "I'm not at my limit yet! I can still work more…"
Placing your hands on your hips, you prepared to explain to him all that you had already gotten done -- but you were interrupted by Lucifer hoisting you up into his arms, bridal style. You let out a tiny 'oof!' and your cheeks warmed to an intolerable degree as you felt your feet dangle due to his height. 
"No complaints about resting for the rest of the day, yes? Unless you plan to deny me your presence." He said, a smirk on his lips.
You paused and shook your head. "I guess… I guess if it convinces you to take a break, I could spare an afternoon…"
"That's a yes?"
"Yes…" You mumbled, your embarrassment clear as you leaned your head on his strong shoulder. 'He's like a rock…' You think, and find yourself praying that demons can't read all thoughts.
With your agreement, Lucifer carried you effortlessly to the fluffy bed you've called yours for the past few months and sits you down as gently as possible, as though you were a tiny flower. Was he always so careful with people? Somehow, you seriously doubted that and it made you feel even more special.
"You have to stay with me, okay?" You said, trying to keep your cool. "You said you would rest as well. No backsies!"
Lucifer chuckled at your choice of words, but easily slotted himself between you and the wall behind you, effectively allowing you to lean on his chest once more. "Eager aren't we? Of course I'm staying. If I don't watch over you, I'm sure my brothers will come barging in to ruin your rest."
"Haha, I can't argue with that." You responded, knowing fully well that his brothers were probably at the door right now.
You pulled the comforter up over both of you, and reached for the remote to your TV. There should be something on to use as background noise… Aha! TSL season 1 was still in after Mammon and Levi binged it yet again in your room last night while you worked away. You let it play, and… carefully… snuggled yourself against him tightly. He said nothing, only wrapping his arms around you to situate both of you more comfortably. 
He was very warm and comfy for someone who was supposed to be evil. Within minutes, you found your tiredness catching up to you, and dozing off as you used his chest as a pillow.
Somewhere in your half asleep state, you heard a soft laugh, or maybe more of a content hum. You open your eyes slightly to peer up at Lucifer's face only to find he was looking back at you, eyes full of pure adoration and a true, soft smile on his lips. Such a look! You never thought you'd see such an innocent expression on him…! 
Your heart rose in your chest and squeezed at the sight of his eyes slightly widening as though you caught him in the act of something wrong. "When you smile, I fall apart." You said quietly, reaching up to place a hand on his cheek. "I want to see it more… Luci..."
And with that, your eyes drooped once more and you felt yourself falling back into the lulls of sleep. Even still, you could feel a larger hand holding yours in place against his smooth cheek.
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