#actually dont worry about what its after its fine
mantisgodsaus · 8 months
there isn't really a specific question on the ask games that fits but we want to hear you talk about what muse is/was like in selkieverse. she fascinates us based on the roughly two things you've said about her
Yes we can do this absolutely! Fair warning - There Are Things Here We Are Not Stating, mainly for spoiler reasons. Hopefully, they are excluded cleanly enough that this still flows well, but this is a long-ass thing so
Muse, though she wasn't a selkie herself, was close enough to Leif that he felt entirely safe leaving her with care of his pelt. She knew that he was a selkie pretty much from the moment that she met him - there wasn't quite as much baggage built up around the risks of having your pelt just Out And About, at the time, though a lot of selkies were a bit skittish about it, and Leif didn't really hide things.
A marriage, at least for moths, is more a contract of trust than anything else - an expression of trust, a unification of families, and so on and so forth. Somewhat more of one for selkies, with the big blaring weak spot they've got - it's a lot like showing your back to someone and just... hoping that they don't fuck you over. You welcome this particular bug into your family and you trust that they'll watch your back and help raise your children and look after your family when you're gone.
She was the usual person to keep ahold of Leif's pelt during expeditions, so as to keep it safe even when his bug body was in danger from being hurt or killed. She was trusted to keep it safe, or to use it for its transformation if the need ever presented itself - it was more shared between them than anything else during the later stages of their life together, and that meant that she was very, very familiar with how it felt.
Leif died in Snakemouth after having given her his pelt for safekeeping. Just to make sure he had an anchor. Just to make sure he didn't go too deep. Just to make sure that, if something happened, she would know he was okay from the heartbeat of his pelt - or, that if it went cold, she would know to stop, and get out while she still could.
She felt his death in the pelt wrapped around her shoulders. The aftereffects of the venom coursing through his veins, reflected in his pelt, giving the warning she needed to order a repeat. She felt his death throes reflected in the very literal piece of himself still trusted with her all the way out, and all the way home.
She sat at home after submitting the report that declared his death, a dead pelt still settled around her shoulders, standing over the shells of their eggs, knowing that the larvae were in the Ant Nursery where she couldn't know if they were all right or if her whole family had been killed where she couldn't even see, and she felt the shudder of a body restarting as the cordyceps settled into his husk.
Muse knew, for absolute certain, that he died. She felt his death throes. She felt his heart stop on her back. She also knew, for an absolute fact, that he was alive after that, even if she didn't know how or in what form. She knew this, and she could feel the dull pulse of his cordyceps self starting to take over his body in his skin, and she could feel the sealskin starting to change under her fingertips, and she was deadly, deadly afraid of looking away- of taking it off, or simply ceasing to pay attention for slightly too long, and returning to find it dead and vacant again. To that end, she just... didn't take it off.
She didn't take it off, in fact, for several years. Past the point where people thought she was in shock and morning and long into the point that people thought that her husband's death had broken something irreparable in her. She continued to wear it long after her children had emerged from the ant nursery, and long after they had begun to grow into fully-fledged selkies of their own, and long after they had the context to know about It All.
She got into arguments about it. As far as anyone else knew, she was dragging her dead husband's equally dead pelt around 24/7, and once her kids were old enough to understand that whole situation, there was a certain awareness of "hey, this is maybe a bit fucking bizarre to do, don't really like that". It was, in particular, a recurring argument with the son that would eventually become known as Grandpa, as he was of the firm opinion that it was Fucking Weird to walk around with a loved one's dead pelt twenty years after said loved one's death, and that she shouldn't Do That.
Unfortunately for him, this was not an argument he was going to win. Muse, being as stubborn as a bull and with no particular regard to what the neighbours thought, had been doubling down on this particular argument for twenty-eight years already. She had chosen to see this through, and no one could really convince her otherwise, though many of her children would try.
As such, she would remain "that weird lady carrying around her dead husband's pelt and skulking around doing who-knows-what since there's no damn way her husband's life insurance and her dispatch salary from the explorer's association would account for the care and feeding of eight kids plus herself without at least a few jobs in-between and no one knows what the hell she does for a living". The argument, however, would continue.
It would continue, in fact, until after Grandpa had had kids of her own, when Muze was fairly young. The old argument got brought up again, Muse refused to entertain the idea of maybe not being seen as The Local Weirdo, she went off to her room with the usual pelt. She sat, alone, in her room, thinking about the whole Situation. She put on the pelt.
This time, specifically, she chose to put it on in such a way to attempt to shift into Leif's selkie form. It had been years with barely any chance in it, after all. Though she had initially feared disrupting whatever delicate balance was keeping him alive, it had been stable for long enough that she was pretty sure that wearing it wouldn't disrupt something, and she... wanted the assurance, really, that she wasn't going mad. That her choices were based on truth - and that he was still out there, somewhere, even if dead-and-resurructed.
It... worked. With some caveats.
At this point, Leif was entirely merged with the cordyceps components, entirely hosted on crystal hardware, and the mirror that his pelt offered to his body was one where the bone marrow, connective tissue, and structure had entirely been eaten away by now, and the vast majority of the flesh was now composed of cordyceps tendrils that were a whole lot more obvious when they were puppeting around a skin suit with an internal skeleton, and not a relatively rigid exoskeleton.
No one could really deny that her old paramour was alive enough to animate a pelt. Unfortunately, no one could deny that whatever the fuck had happened to him, it had warped his selkie form beyond anything that anyone had really expected to be possible, and absolutely no one wanted to learn what the fuck his body looked like back in Snakemouth, or what form he was alive in, and no one really wanted to touch the pelt that had offered a form like that.
In particular, no one really wanted to see that particular pelt anywhere that someone might try to put it on after that whole fiasco, and no one was particularly fond of the idea of continuing to let Grandma Muse walk around with the living pelt of whatever her partner had become.
After a great deal of arguing, she accepted the compromise of hanging it over the mantelpiece, where she could keep an eye on it even without physically wearing it. She would then proceed to relocate herself to the living room for most of the rest of her days, if only to make absolutely certain that that faint, dull hum beneath the skin was still active- that he was still alive out there, somewhere, in whatever form.
Against all odds, she would live to see his awakening. Unfortunately, she would not live to see him actually return to his family - just to see the tell-tale shudder of a pelt growing active again, as miles below, Leif stirred from his slumber.
Her family are currently engaged in Trying Very Hard Not To Think About The Whole Situation. They are fairly certain that whatever the pelt belongs to, it's still in Snakemouth Den. They are fairly certain that Leif's relation to the family is through it, though theories are more "he's the kid of whatever-it-is and a different moth" than assuming that he Is In Fact Todd's Great-Grandfather.
No one really wants to take the pelt down from the mantelpiece at the moment, and absolutely no one wants to explain the whole Situation to Leif unless they have a better idea of what he's inherited from his other parent, but there's also enough shit going on with them in general that it might just never get brought up until someone directly mentions it.
Leif is currently under the impression that Muse remarried to a selkie because the whole "being a selkie" thing wasn't terribly relevant to the way that his current cordyceps took up residence and after that whole Situation he was not especially eager to delve into previously repressed memories.
Predictably, this whole setup goes Terribly when poked at, especially as Leif's pelt is a whole lot more autonomous than your average selkie pelt, being more than a century old by now and belonging to a fungus who is very much set up in a way where his disconnected individual body parts can act autonomously on remnants of whatever priorities are/were in the main control system.
It is still hung over the mantelpiece.
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vse-kar-vem · 6 months
how to write vent post title that does not come off as self-pitying and or accusatory (because it's NOT !)
#sorry tumblr is like a diary to me idk what i'll do w this blog after i (sigh) inevitably move on#either way#im convinced everyone hates me again :3 but realistically no one cares about me even enough to hate me im just stupid and self centred 💔#if anything me TYPING these posts is actuvely turning people against me#again with the assumptions that people care enough to read these 😭 fhskfbhsjfkg#i hate that i care so much what people online think of me cuz irl it's like. whatever#but here there are so many cool people who i admire and would love to be friends with im always hyperparanoid of everything i do#and still i manage to overstep and come off as annoying#like obvs you're allowed to hate me even if you're someone i look up to like that's your perogative#but i hate worrying about IF anyone hates me#oughgh this is easier irl because usually people send off pretty clear signals if they dont like you#but online (esp with how prickly this fandom is) i don't know whether im being insecure and reading into things or whether people just don't#like me (which again is fine i would just rather know if anyone gets it)#i figure art is the one way i can get people to like me 💔 which sounds kinda pathetic because irl i KNOW im liked and capable!#fandom has just become such a big part of my personality that i cant detach my self worth from it#and i do love art and drawing and such i hate that even if i know people my stuff EYE dont and it doesnt mean anything or act as a signifier#of my friendships#wow .... i really am my own therapist ..... i should shut up#the industrial revolution and its consequences (jofandom)#i think these posts are half self exploration half ... almost self harm? because sometimes im so derogatory about myself on purpose in a#'you're worthless' way. but at the same time it's cathartic and i always feel better having probed at my feelings and gotten them in order#not to do a complete 180 but it's MY post and JO LONDON IN *12* DAYS!!!!!!!! AHH i'm sooo excited if it doesnt live up to my expectations i#may cry a little. and there will be another vent post from me !#sometimes i wonder if anyone actually reads these 😭#vee rambles
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dallonwrites · 1 year
the first chapter of lover boy is really intense on an emotional level because So Many Things happen in quick succession it's like beau barely gets a chance to breathe and process it. meanwhile RR opening chapter is just felix and dorothy arguing in a laundromat.
#i used to have a problem with the lover boy first chapter bc i was like#i know what needs to happen thematically and i know the main plot beat that needs to happen to push it forward#but i didnt have any actual like. action to move to story to that place#in a way that had a causal chain#and now im like um!!!! is too much happening#anyway my other writing problem i realised via this chapter is i worry sooo much about the idea of coincidences#like the idea of just 'letting' something happen...in lb mainly two characters being in the same place at the same time#im like there has to be an intricate explanation for all of this which like yeah thats good to think about#but i also think coincidences are an important part of plot bc first of all coincidences happen#but its also not just the coincidence its the decisions the character s made that got them to that time and place#why they made those decisions and what they do afterwards etc....#anyway! i dont know where i was going with that#RR chapter one.....ngl....its SOOO bad lol#like structurally. the prose is fine#but its been 3 years and 5 different opening scenes for that novel and NONE of them hit#but that's a problem for future me#the thing is most of my ideas now come with an opening but RR never came with an opening just the concept#because the rest of the novel slayyyyys#actually i think out of all 3 my favourite atm is the third book LOL#update literally 10 minutes after writing these tags i have an idea for a new RR opening team that i want to sink my teeth into#6th time's a charm!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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St Voyager - Ex Post Facto “Maybe I kill myself slowly because I don’t have the courage to do it all at once.”
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i need eddie to get another guy friend in season 8, and buck loses his shit about it (again), so he breaks up with t because he's convinced that the weird feeling he gets when he sees them together is because he is Really attracted to the new guy.
#like things with t are fine cuz he likes exploring this new side of himself even if t doesnt always match his energy but whatever its fun#and maybe at work chim is the one who brings up eddies new friend and he is immediately just. what new friend?#chim laughs and says. tbf last time eddie got a new friend you attacked him so you could date his friend. hes probably keeping it to himsel#and bucks like. dude what. that was. yeah it was shitty of me but it was a one time thing. i wont do it again...#and when eddie shows up for shift buck immediately asks about his new friend and eddie tells him about the guy without hesitation#after shift tho buck is like. why didnt you tell me about him? after t i get why you dont want to but im just. you dont have to worry man.#buck. i know. im not worried. anyway he and i are gonna head to a bar to catch the game. you want to come with? you can bring t if hes free#oh. thats. thatd be okay? i dont want to idk ruin the vibe by bringing a date#nah man. itll be fine#and so he and t go to the bar and eddies already inside with the new friend and its Fine. its Great actually because t gets along with eddi#and the new guy and the new guy makes eddie laugh and doesnt miss a beat and knows more about the teams record this season than buck and#buck is doing Fine. this guys smile is big and his eyes are bright and when he laughs he sorta leans into eddies space alittle and its Fine#the night ends and buck and t go back to his apartment and buck cant stop thinking about that guys hand when it clapped down on eddies#shoulder or the look on his face as he teased eddie about the beer he drinks (cuz its kinda bad but only buck can say that) and buck Cant.#he wants that guy. he wants his hands and grin and teasing voice all to himself and not on eddie.#so he breaks up with t and ts confused af cuz i thought things were going good?#yeah. i just. i want to explore my options yk now that ive uh figured out i like men.#and its a clean break. not dramatic or messy. t tells him to call if he every changes his mind. buck wont.#bucks trying to not pry about eddies new friend and he doesnt grill eddie or anyone and just waits and listens to all the new info he gains#and eventually eddie invites him out to watch another game because whatever team they were watching made it to the playoffs#and when he gets there eddies like. no t tonight?#nah we. uh. we broke up.#eddie says sorry man that sucks. and the new guy is like. honestly he didnt even seem that into you which what an idiot. youre great.#and its good because the new guy splits his attention between the two of them now. eddie isnt the only one getting hands and grins and eyes#and the third time theyre at the bar the guy follows him to bathroom and kisses him hard against the door before pulling back with a#panicked sorry and leaving and when buck finds eddie after hes like. what happened? new guy ran out of here without even saying goodbye#he kissed me in the bathroom. i think uh. i think he was kinda freaking out about it and thats why he left.#and eddie just blinks at him before being like. buck. buck you said you werent going to do this again.#i didnt mean to! and buck means it. he just saw the way that guy made eddie laugh and put his hands on eddie and had eddies attention and#oh.
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unganseylike · 9 months
omg did i tell u guys i got OSHA-violated on monday😅 i was like no hearing protection? im gonna go take my lunch😌
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karpsicles · 6 months
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gibbearish · 9 months
Congrats on sending that application!
#it was to a dominos and my partner is a gm in training at a different branch and i have over a year delivery driving experience#already and know Exactly How Low Their Standards Are so im not worried about getting it‚ mostly just that my brain will still be too mushy#to handle a job again#but i mean since it is just dominos and im only aiming for part time it hopefully shouldn't be too bad#and i do not care if they don't like me bc my resumes already pretty good as is i don't need a glowing review from dominos#esp bc i could just put my bf down as a dominos reference and theyd probably just Assume i worked for him and call him#instead of the store i actually worked at KWNDLABFKSBFJD#which is v good bc having seen a lot of what goes on behind the scenes on the manager side via my bf. i already know i am#going to cause problems LMAO#i have the Transgender Working In Very Liberal Area Right Next To Very Conservative Area Protection Aura#wherein the bosses here are So Very Scared of getting in trouble for bigotry and want to look sososososo woke. that i can get away#with being way more blunt abt when shit sucks lol#bosses don't really know what to do when The One Openly Transgender One directly calls out unfair expectations to their face#and to be clear i do mean liberal as in Liberal we're still very much in the North Idaho Splash Zone so like#open bigotry doesnt happen and the public will be on your side if it does. but boy do they know actually nothing about it#you know the type i mean kwbfksbfkd#like the best example i can think of is a couple ppl at my last job still she/her'd me long after i started passing as male#and me Being A Transgender™ had made the news rounds#and my other coworkers wouldnt correct them and would just he/him and they/them me back#which im fine w bc thats how my pronouns work is just. idk whatever you think‚ if you wanna she me you can just look dumb LMAO#but crucially 99% of my coworkers Didnt know thats how that worked‚ they just knew im A Transgender and look like a man#and that everyone else didn't use she/her for me anymore‚ so like an actually left place would rightly assume#they were doing it deliberately to be shitty and correct them‚ whereas here theyre just like. ah im sure they just havent noticed#since you went by she/her when you started here#and its like no i dont think the beard i grew halfway through working there went unnoticed actually#given that Thats When The Universal He Himming Started#im rambling again sorry for this word avalanche irt a simple congrats i got distracted JEBFKABFKSBFKDBFMD#anyways. tyvm it was stressful and i still dont want to do it but its out of my hands now so i have to follow through and at least give it#a try and i appreciate the encouragement‚ it rlly did make me feel a lot better just seeing the ask#gibberasks
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freesomebodybyluna · 1 year
Went to go see barbie with a coworker today, which was suuuper good btw and after we went to get froyo, which was so nice bc we talked for like 2 hrs until going home hehe I love making friends!!
#they asked me to go see it after my manager spread around that i was leaving soon which most of my coworkers knew#but since my bff & i had just barely established where we were going to live area wise & barely gotten everything done to move in asap in#her case (im not moving in until my lease is done here in less than a month) i hadnt told him yet but anyways#i said yes & we planned it for today & since we both normally walk or take the bus everywhere last night i was like what if you drive us#there since i have (a now insured) car & you have a license & that way we dont have to worry about walking home after the movie bc the#buses stop by then but yeah they agreed & we were gonna meet at our sbux until i saw them walking by just as i was exiting my apts#and they drove us there then drove themself home & i drove myself back on my own bc they lived close enough that it would've been fine#but boy was i shaking!!!! but ne ways hehe they're going to start giving me lessons which im so facking grateful for 😭😭#bc even though ive driven since then i haven't gotten genuine lessons since my friend left for her summer internship#and they set goals like teaching my how to drive on the highway & parking faster than i do now#which is so appreciated bc my bff & i are now going to live in an actual big city that has a transit system but is unfortunately a place#where i cant rely on something like that esp if i were to have to open/go into work super early#which is ok here bc i live right next to my job & get there in under one song most days....#ummm so ya....#my best friend was gonna show me how to get to & from work once i got down there but this works out better.... 🥺😭#anyways hehe its so fun making el geebeetee friends it makes my little heart so happy#its also funny that most of our store is el geebeetee & the majority are el geebeetee women or nonbinary hehe#dl
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getting deadnamed for the first time in 2 years is so weird
#it was a school thing#with. you know. legal name#which is FINE. ill COPE.#but the lady who handed them out didn't know me#i said my last name#she deadnamed me twice for it#like '[deadname]! here you go [deadname]' i was about to cry#its just so jarring?#most people here dont even KNOW my deadname so to have it be vocally spoken SUCKED#i mentioned to a few classmates that i was worried because of the names thing and they DIDNT KNOW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT#i had to explain it to them. they didnt even know i HAD a deadname#of course right after i hand to hand in the files with my french teacher who is a Literal Angel so. you know.#'hi cody :D' almost started crying again shes so cool#i will NEVER forget how genuinely she remembered??#like a lot of teachers TRY. but i still get grouped in with 'ladies' or 'yeah you GIRLS' which i *loathe*#i like lady. actually. i call myself girl. sometimes. but when cis people do it it doesnt feel like calling me fun words#it feels like theyre misgendering me. so.#but my french teacher? literally took me as an example in one of the classes and wrote 'il' on there. no hesitation#someone asks 'huh but shouldnt that be elle' and she just 'no :)' I WOULD KILL FOR YOU.#'there are only girls in this room haha' 'no there arent' literally 300/10 would get gender euphoria again#personal#shoutout to the people in this school who aggressively gender me correctly but dont make a scene about it#its just . he/him in sentences. a little pointedly sometimes to try and get someone to Take The Hint#but never more than that
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petertingle-yipyip · 6 months
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Pairing: matt x wife!reader
Word Count: 2, 156
Summary: After a very tense argument about a misused name, your apologetic husband ends up getting looped in by your students.
//follow-up to three empty words but can probably be read on its own. i realize i lost the original plot so if it’s too bothersome, i’ll rewrite it//
The next morning, you refused to dilly dally your morning routine. Your shower was quick, your hair and makeup remained simple. Even your outfit was more or less the first thing you grabbed from your closet. You gathered all of your papers - which you hadn’t gotten around to grading the night before - and your laptop before Matt’s alarm had even gone off.
You skipped making breakfast, deciding to stop at a coffee shop on the way to work instead, and hustled out the door. You ignored the still sleeping figure of Elektra on your couch even though your brain wanted to soak her with cold water and kick her out. You did slam the door on your way out but that was just to satisfy your own anger.
You walked into your classroom and let out a loud sigh as you dropped into your deskchair. You were thankful to be out of the house, in your own space for the time being. As you began grading the papers and piling them according to the hours, your mind wandered back to the night before. You wondered if Elektra would be out of your apartment when you got back. You wondered if Matt would tell Foggy and Karen that you two got into a fight last night. You then found yourself wondering if Matt was actually going to go to work that morning.
You realized you were staring blankly at the student’s worksheet in front of you so you shook the thoughts and focused on the daunting stacks before you.
Most of the hours were business as usual. Your normal rowdy students were a bit extra, but that might’ve been due to your already grated nerves more than their own behaviors. It wasn’t until the hour before lunch that you found some of your students more huddled and secretive than usual.
“What are you doing in the corner?” You called, peaking over your computer at the small group. “There’s, what, five minutes till the bell?”
“Mrs. Murdock, what’s your husband’s name?” One of the girls, Liv, asked with an innocent expression. The same one she gave you when she explained her lacking assignments.
“Matthew.” You titled down your screen to see them better. “Why?”
“What does he do again?”
“Lawyer. Why?”
“Is he handsome?” Another girl, Nicole, asked with wiggling eyebrows.
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes at your middle schoolers.
“Yes, very.” You smiled slightly. “I wouldn’t have married him if he wasn’t.”
“And if he’s a lawyer, he’s gotta be smart, right?”
“Again, very. He went to Columbia.”
“So like… Is he why you’re so sad today?” Blake, the only boy in the group, chimed in with a nonchalant shrug.
“Guys.” You frowned slightly. “I’m not sure what you’re doing, but I’m not sad. Me and Mr. Murdock are fine. We’re happily married. And you should be worried about your own relationship drama, not mine.”
“So you admit there’s drama?” Nicole countered quickly.
“Between Blake and Emmy? Yes.” You nodded and Emmy’s jaw dropped while her friends poked her teasingly. “Between me and Mr. Murdock, no.”
“Mhmm.. So why is the photo face down?”
“The photo by your computer.” She came across the room and lifted the frame near your laptop that was in fact, face down. “You told us on the first day that this was one your favorite photos and you have it on it’s face… There’s drama, Mrs. Murdock.”
“You’re very observant, Nicole. Thank you.” You said flatly as you took the frame from her hands and set it in it’s rightful position. “I must’ve knocked it over when I was trying to find you and Liv’s missing portfolio project.” “You can’t deflect, Mrs. M.” Liv added from across the room. “It’s all over your face.”
“Y’know what.” You announced, standing from your desk. “The bell rings in less than two minutes. You guys can all go to lunch early.”
A chorus of questions arose while you heard the door being pushed open.
“They can’t write you all up.” You shrugged and dropped back in your chair while the meddling group made their way into the hall.
The girls continued to whisper to themselves and glanced back at you, to which you shooed them away. When you were finally alone in your classroom, you let out a heavy sigh and rubbed a hand over your eyes.
Usually, you adored having open communication with your students because that meant they trusted you. But at the same time, that meant they felt entitled to know your life story whether you like it or not. The bell echoed in your ears so you spun your chair to the small fridge under your desk that held your lunch.
You clicked play on a playlist from your laptop and began eating your lunch, typing away to enter in grades. You knew you should just do nothing, scroll mindlessly on your social medias instead or maybe even call Foggy to ensure Matt made it to work, but the busy work for your eyes, head, and hands felt better. Plus, you weren’t exactly sure what you would’ve said that could’ve gotten your question answered without being a dead giveaway. So you kept working instead.
“MRS. MURDOCK!” Liv nearly yelled as she burst through your door, maybe halfway through the lunch hour. “OHMYGODYOULLNEVERBELIEVE-”
“Liv!” You said in shock, nearly dropping your water bottle. “What is going on? Is everything okay?”
“Look at this!” She hurried across and showed you her phone screen. Oddly enough, it was a photo of the back of a man exiting a taxi. What stood out to you was the white cane in his hand.
“It’s a guy getting out a cab.” You tried to reason, gently pushing her phone away. “That’s what you ran in here to tell me?”
“But he’s blind!”
“So it seems.”
“Don’t you know what this means?” She insisted with a small stomp.
You simply shrugged and raised your brows.
“It’s Mr. Murdock! He came to apologize!”
“Liv, I appreciate your concern for my marriage but we’re fine, okay? It’s not like he and I are heading towards a divorce. We’re just in a bit of an argument. It’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? Because I’ve never seen you so…” She gestured vaguely to you.
“Yes, I’m sure. Now go back to your lunch, please. I have to finish these.”
“Mrs. M, just-”
“Liv, boundaries, please.”
“Just listen!”
“No.” You said firmly. “Go back to your lunch.”
She huffed slightly but retreated to the door. As she was heading out, she nearly ran into one of the monitors.
“Sorry to intrude, Y/N.” The monitor said as she popped her head in. “I have a visitor for you.”
“Another one of my kids being a problem?” You sighed and wheeled yourself a bit further from your desk. “Send ‘em in. They can sit in the corner till next class.”
“Actually, I think you’ll be glad to see this one.” She smiled knowingly and reached for something outside the doorframe.
Before you could voice another question, she ushered Matt through the door. He said his usual thanks for being guided and the monitor gave you an approving nod and thumbs up. She mouthed a very not subtle ‘He’s very handsome’. You smiled awkwardly in agreement but once the door closed, you rolled your eyes and went back to your gradebook.
“Could’ve called.” You said simply.
“I didn’t think you would answer.” Matt replied honestly.
“Probably wouldn’t have… Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“I couldn’t focus.”
You heard the clicks of him folding his cane as he wandered around your classroom. You peaked up to watch him manueaver the desks with such ease that for a split second, you forgot he was blind. You watched him run his fingers along the bulletin board you had on one wall, leading into the standards and other required signage you had up.
“Did she leave?” You asked and returned to your prior task. You knew if you watched him for too long, he’d know and he’d show you that stupid lopsided smirk that he did.
“She was still pretty weak when I left.” He said and there was a slight sadness in his voice. Though if someone asked if it was for Elektra or your argument, you wouldn’t have been able to say. “But I did ask Stick to find somewhere else to take her to recover if she can’t leave on her own by the time someone gets home.”
“Chivalrous.” You made a face behind your computer screen. “You didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that.”
He sighed slightly and you mumbled a short complaint to yourself before scooting away from your desk and spinning in your chair to face him, just as he appeared at your side. You folded your hands over your stomach and leaned back in your chair, giving an exaggerated sigh and nod for him to talk.
“Y/N, last night, I said something I shouldn’t have.” He began carefully, as if he was following a carefully rehearsed speech. For all you knew, he had rehearsed it with Foggy that morning before he showed up. “I let Stick push me and I just said the first thing that came to mind.”
“But she shouldn’t be the first thing, right?” You said softly with a small shrug. “Stick shouldn’t be able to push you into saying that, whether you meant it or not.”
“You’re right.” He admitted and your brows went up slightly. “I shouldn’t have said that. You are the only woman that I want to be with. I married you, without any hesitation. I never had second thoughts or second thoughts or anything. You, Y/N Murdock, have my heart.”
You nodded slowly but said nothing as you stood. You crossed your arms and looked up at him, him offering a hopeful expression in return. You broke into a small smile and nudged him with your shoulder before moving past him. He followed you almost instantly and you took him to the wall on the other side of your desk near the window.
“The kids started calling this the Sweetheart’s Spotlight.” You said quietly with a small smile. “They keep a polaroid camera in one of the cubbies and every Friday, they rearrange the couples in order of their favorites… They made me put a photo of us on here, too.”
“Where do we rank?” He smiled slightly.
“We’ve been number one since it started.” You laughed. “They tell me that you’re the best by default since I’m their favorite teacher.”
“Lucky me.”
“You know I’m still upset, right?” You said carefully when the air was too light between you two.
“I know.” He nodded. “I can hear it in your voice.”
“But I also don’t want to hold onto this fight. So here’s an idea. Elektra’s out of the apartment today. You two finish whatever crusade you’re on. You make sure you don’t get yourself killed. She leaves New York and it’s all put to bed.”
“Consider it done.” He nodded. “And I know better than to get myself killed. I’ve got it too good to die.”
“Yeah because then I’m a widow and there’s not much life insurance to cash in on.” You joked as the lunch bell rang.
“I should get going.” He nodded before gently taking your hand. “I love you. So much.”
“I love you too.” You said softly as your students started filing in.
“OHMYGOD.” One of your students yelled and you closed your eyes tightly, quietly groaning in embarrassment. “IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?”
“Yes, Luna.” You said, feeling the blush across your cheeks. “This is Mr. Murdock and he’s leaving.”
You pulled Matt towards the door as he laughed. Your kids yelled questions that you tried to ignore until Matt stopped, pulling you to stop with him.
“It’s career week!” One of the boys yelled. More so a demand.
“I’m aware, Jack.” You nodded. “What does that have to do with this?”
“He’s not here to talk to us about lawyers?” The boy’s head cocked as he asked his question.
“That’s exactly why I’m here.” Matt grinned and you groaned again. “Let’s give Mrs. Murdock a break, right?”
“You’re so dead.” You threatened quietly with a laugh before heading back to your chair. 
“Okay, kids.” You announced. “He’s blind and can’t write. I’m not getting up. Take your own notes and keep your questions relevant to his career, okay?”
“Yes, Mrs. Murdock.” They all answered.
“All yours, Mr. Murdock.” You gestured before returning to grading and the personal questions started flying.
“How did you guys meet?!”
“What’s her favorite color?!”
“Did you see the wall?!” “He can’t see!”
“Are they always this rowdy?” He asked you with a slight laugh.
“You’re new and exciting.” You shrugged. “Take it as a compliment.”
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
helloooo!! I saw ur requests were open and that you were askin for some dungeon meshi x chubby reader....I gotchu covered.
May I please request some Chilchuck(or..Chilchack?? Ive no clue what the spelling is..) x Chubby!Reader and maybe also some Laois x Chubby!Reader? If you dont do multiples then either guy is fine!!
Sfw and nsfw on how they interact and think of your body? Scenarios like you tending to grab Chilchuck away from danger alot so he gets alot of booba action?? Embarrassed flustered old man?? Having to look up at you(if you were to be taller) but all he sees is ur chest?? Him givin Alot of needy attention to them when you do fool around cuz it Has been a big thing on his mind?? Him stiching and adjusting ur undershirt so it actually helps support ur chest a bit better and ur so grateful? Laois having a staring habit when he spaces out...yknow him and his tendencies to be curious(he wanted to Count Izutsumi nipples for gods sake.), he just doesnt know, he doesnt mean for it to be creepy or anything he jus is SO infactuated w ur body its so so so beautiful to him, him getting super happy and starts exploring ur body when consent is given?? Alot of his attention is on ur chest too, weighing it, squeezing. Stuff w warm body heat too, Just all around big loving
Thank you so much if you decide to do this and incredibly sorry if I messed up in my ask in anyway 💖💖💖
Chilchuck x Chubby!Reader SFW/NSFW HCs
a/n: I will do the Laois one in a separate post!! The Chilchuck ideas just… spoke to me!! Also pls send me Dungeon Meshi requests… I’m open to writing for all the adult characters…
warnings: boob sucking, tittyfucking, breeding, cockwarming, thigh fucking, pussy eating
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-you’re probably the only one in the party that he can sleep next to without complaining. you’re soft and warm, and when you ask if you can share his bed with him for the night because it’s cold, he’s… a bit too eager to lift up his blanket for you to join him.
-he complains that you don’t eat enough, and ends up giving you bits of his lunch and dinner. he just think your chubby cheeks are so cute when you’re chewing and likes to watch you eat. he does worry for you though…
-if it’s dark and you’re a bit afraid, he’ll hold your hand. if you ask him why in front of Laois or Marcille he’ll get all flustered and say he didn’t want you to trip him up.
-he only reaches your boobs, which is both a blessing and a curse for him. he can look at your boobs all day with little to no suspicion, but he also gets pulled into your boobs quite often when you hug him or try and save him from an attack. that might sound good to some people, but to him it gets him all flustered and hard embarrassed, then he gets teased by Marcille :(
-oh my gosh snuggles with him are so nice. he’s rather light so once the two of you are close, he’ll lie on top of you and bury his face in your chest or tummy! he’s actually quite the cuddlebug, and will want to snuggle you every single night after the first time.
-your tummy… he loves it so much. Chilchuck is quite the fan of anything soft, so more often than not, when he’s taking a nap he’ll have his head in your lap and face buried in your chubby tummy.
-he’s a bit embarrassed to show you affection in front of the others, so ways he shows he cares are usually subtle unless it’s behind closed doors or away from prying eyes. he peels your apples for you, bandages you up after you get hurt, will tug on your shirt to remind you that he’s here and that he loves you, and give your palm secret kisses when no one’s looking.
-he’s surprisingly possessive? when Laois looks at you, even if he’s just curious and wants to ask you questions, Chilchuck rushes over and finds some excuse to pull you away. he’s the most worried about Laois, but doesn’t like Senshi being all close to you either. he puts up with it more though, but dislikes that Senshi acts like yours and his relationship is like puppy love(Chilchuck is a grown ass man 😭)
-he’s very soft with you, very rarely being sarcastic or short with you specifically. he made you cry once early on in your relationship and it absolutely devastated him, so since then he’s been a lot more careful about what he says
-speaking of crying, he can’t stand your tears, it makes him nervous. if you’re a cry baby be prepared for him to be fretting over you constantly!
-you’re the person everyone in the party wants to snuggle with when it gets cold, so he has to shoo people away, blushing and stuttering about how they’re crowding you. once they’re all pouting and walking away, he huffs and snuggles up to you. you find his jealousy pretty cute, so you lift up your shirt a little so he can duck under it and rest his head on your chubby tummy or breasts.
-your chubby cheeks activate his cuteness aggression. he didn’t even know he liked cute things until he saw your cheeks puffed out and warm after someone made you mad. he nearly stopped breathing, it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t help but cup your cheek in his hands. your face heated up even more when he stared up at your with those adoring eyes, gently pinching your cheeks. “soft… so soft and warm…”
-he can be a bit clingy at times, especially when it gets colder out. when you go to sleep, he has to sleep under your shirt, his head on your chest or tummy. you complain about him stretching your your shirts, but he thinks the slightly oversized look is cute on you. honestly, everything is cute on you, because you’re adorable to him.
-boobies… he loves your boobs so much. they’re soft and warm, feeling nice and heavy in his hands when he holds them. loves when he gets to bury his face in your bare chest and just snooze… but he also adores getting to play with your nipples, gently nibbling and suckling on the perky buds. he won’t lie, he can get hard just from looking at your clothed chest…
-he is absolutely a service dom that wants to make you feel good, but he can also enjoy being taken care of sometimes!
-enjoys being between your thighs more than he likes to admit. the first time he tasted your pussy was also the first time you ever saw him look so… in love. he gets pussy drunk within minutes, not able to stop sucking on your sensitive clit until you push his head away. he had a wife so he’s definitely experienced with pleasing a woman, so don’t be surprised when he has you cumming on his tongue for an hour or more! <3
-when he’s feeling a bit horny and doesn’t want to bother you at night, he’ll kiss your temple and hold onto your hips as he fucks your thighs, his cock lightly brushing against your pussy. your thighs are fat and soft, and he just loves nestling his cock between them!
-sometimes he’s just tired and wants some snuggles, so he’ll have his cock buried inside of you while you sit on his lap. the first time he asked for this you were terrified you’d crush him because he’s so small and you’re chubby, but he begged for it, something he had never done before. you relented, and as soon as he was buried inside of you, with his head nuzzled against your chest, he looked just too content. “thank you, love… it’s perfect…”
-he’s embarrassed by how good it feels to hear you moan his name, when you say how his cock feels so nice when it hits that certain spot and how you’re gonna cum way quicker than he expected. you being so attracted to him, feeling so much pleasure by him just thrusting into you gets him feeling giddy!
-he most certainly has a bit of a breeding kink… he has 3 daughters already that he loves, but… the urge to claim you and give you a child as well does make his body heat up and his pants grow tight. Chilchuck would like to get you pregnant, but only when it’s safe to do so. he doesn’t pull out though… he just can’t, it’s too tempting and you’re way too warm and cozy… it’s why he loves cockwarming so much!
-circling back to boobs… he’s definitely the type to enjoy a good tittyfuck, but it’ll take him a while to accept this. he’s utterly embarrassed to have his cock anywhere near your face due to being a bit shy, but once he’s nestled between your breasts and your tongue touches the tip of his cock, he groans, nearly cumming right then and there. he’s already a huge fan of your breasts, so feeling them on his cock is otherworldly, and it becomes one of his favorite ways to relieve stress
-he likes to either cum inside of you or on your tummy… he refuses to cum on your face, and will only cum in your mouth if you ask. when he fucks your thighs, he does tend to make a mess all over you and feels awful since it’s not exactly easy to bathe regularly in the dungeon. but you do look awfully cute, messy and sticky with his cum, puffing out your chubby cheek to give him a pout.
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bloodbankzz · 2 years
ive been in a very questionable mental state recently
#taking a wider look of the kinds of things i have been saying#has been concerning#im worried about relapsing into old habits#im worried about watching myself relapse into old habits#its like seeing a car crash in slow motion and i feel just as powerless and detached from the scene#i pick up the pieces after someone else getting more and more suspicious that something is going to go wrong#but its just me#me myself and i and this deep disconnect between the three#i am the forest and i am the fire and i am the witness watching it etc as it goes#i cant help but wonder what happens next i have a feeling im about to see the passing of a point of no return#the lucky part is i dont really think i can get more insane than i already am#things can certainly feel much much much much worse than this and i hope it doesnt but i dont have much control over that#but i mean like#not get worse but actually just be fucking cracked i dont think theres any duct taped prop filled stages upon stages of visions that stand#between me and the 'real' world left to build or burn down i think for some of us the deck is stacked and were fucked from the beginning#a billion sets and strings stretch off into the distance before i can see my own hands in front of my own face#its already over for me and thats fine#billions of unreachable people i will rot here far far away from them watching the shadows on the wall pretending i could be one too#its fine#life is what you make of it anyway#so i really dont mind#all of this probably reads very silly#and its because it is very silly#i just hope no one gets hurt
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hiddenlife-manager · 5 months
Hii! I love your fics and was wondering if you’d do a pt2/blurb of one of them? The one where lando is jealous of oscar and reader, and they have jealous sex afterwards? Well I was wondering if you could write something for afterwards where lando is insecure and reader comforts him that she’d never actually leave him for oscar. Its fine if you dont want to do it just liked the idea so I thought Id share it.
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Aftercare Lando x FemReader
cw... aftercare, past mention of sex, fluff, comfort, slight jealousy, oscar being a problem, etc...
notepad... I don't often do story things mainly cause it doesn't get much interest in the audience. So if this gets as big as my other smuts of lando then you might have me on board hehe.
Part One
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He was sitting up tense, the both of you completely naked. It was clear that even if you let him take out his anger on you sexually, he hasn’t fully recovered. Your lips were aligned with his neck, slowly trailing down to his shoulders. You were attempting to ease him up a little. You two were exhausted, but you wanted to comfort the man you had come to love. 
“What’s on your mind?” You asked calmly, massaging his other shoulders as your breasts were pressed against his back. You know what was on his mind, and you wished for him to explain it so you could speak to him in all contexts. 
“Nothing…” He trailed off; he was low in his tone, and you sighed as you pressed your head on his one shoulder.
“You know you can’t hide a little thing from me.” You knew it was wrong to press, but you had to. “If it is about Oscar, just tell me.” 
“Of course it is about Osc. He is nothing but my competition. I am conflicted.” You brushed his air a bit as you took a deep breath in. 
“The rookie who impresses all who watch,” you chuckled, kissing his shoulder. “It reminds me of someone. Sure, he is competitive, but so are the rest of the drivers. You already signed a multi-year contract with McLaren; you have nothing to fear.” You attempted to comfort him, but he truly continued to be tense. 
“This is my life racing. Oscar is a good guy, but all he does is make me realize I am temporary if I don’t show results. Look at him, flirting with you. He lost Lily, and now he is after everything in my life. His helmet is similar to mine, and I had to change it to be different.” He began to tell you all in his mind, and he realized it was eating him up. 
“And…” You rolled your eyes and sighed. “So what? Isn’t that the point of the sport? Training to be better and not lose your seat. This job isn’t forever, Lando. He is your partner, and competition treats him as such. Stop worrying about such trivial things as helmets. I know one thing: you deserve the seat. That being said, what is so wrong about leaving Mclaren and branching in the future?" You kissed his neck once more and left a mark. “I would never leave you for Oscar. He may be hot, but you are hotter and have such a nice morning voice.” You whispered into his ear. 
He was quiet and a bit surprised you told him so straight forward. But you were like that always, and you meant well. He laughed and grabbed you, pinning you to the bed. You screamed a bit and sighed. 
“You are right. These worries are annoying.” He kissed your lips and sighed. It was a beautiful night in Monaco. All he wanted was to cuddle you. “Let's just rest; fuck the others.” He laid beside you and pulled you in closer. His voice is low and perfect. 
“I love the way you speak.” You mumbled as you rested your head on his chest. “Don’t stop.”
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peanutbubba · 2 months
Zoro shanks ace and law (seperate) x male reader fluff please i dont care if u add or remove anything dowhatever u wnat
OP Men x Strong Reader
Male reader, fluff, Ace and reader aren’t in a relationship, Reader is insecure of his strength in Law’s, not beta read, drabbles, Pre-timeskip Zoro (600+ words), Shanks (600 words), Law (800+ words), Ace (800 words)
Red Hair Shanks
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Shanks was never the type of man to be tied down, as a pirate he could never really afford too, he had a dream and desire to be on the sea, it was as plain as that.
But when you came and joined his crew you took all that and threw it on its head, now there was hardly a moment where Shanks wasn’t thinking about you, or outright flirting shamelessly with you.
All of this started just because you were considerate to him, always keeping a keen eye on your captain.
Days where he was struggling with only having one arm, phantom pains, cramps in his arm, whatever it may be on that day you were sure to help him with no questions. You took on the weight of his burden without him even needing to ask, and that’s what made him fall for you so easily.
And on top of that you’re extremely hot, while you were super strong at the same time, what’s there not to like about you?
“Shanks, you’re staring off again,” You sigh, a small frown on your face, “Are you sure you’re not tired? I can take the night shift.”
Immediately Shanks shakes his head, red hair messily going back and forth with the motion, “No, it’s fine.”
You simply roll your eyes at your stubborn Captain, instead deciding to change the topic to something else, “What were you thinking about?”
“You,” he answers quickly, his voice genuine as he cockily smiles at you.
“Oh? So you'd rather fantasize over me rather than actually talk to me?” You tilt your head, smirk on your face as you tease Shanks.
“What?! That’s not what I meant,” he hurriedly says, his cocky attitude dropping nervously for a second.
You simply laugh, finding Shanks’ behavior funny, how a many could go from confident to worried in a second just pure funny. “Yeah, I know.”
Shanks deadpans, sticking his tongue out at you and blowing raspberries like a kid would, “You’re terrible.”
“Aww, but you still love me,” you point out, not at all deterred by Shanks’ comment, bumping his arm with your shoulder.
“Do I?” He replies back sarcastically, turning his head in faux pondering.
Punching his arm playfully you grumble, “No more kisses for you.”
“What?! Come on, anything but that baby,” Shanks pouts, taking the hit on his arm before leaning down and wrapping it around your waist.
Leaning towards you he tries to steal a kiss from your lips but you turn your head, a small whine of displeasure coming from shanks at the action.
Burying his face in your neck he mumbles another plea, his beard scratching you, red hair also tickling your face as it’s blown by the night breeze, “Please, I’m sorry.”
You sigh, your arms wrapping around Shanks as he perks up slightly, leaning in to get a kiss again. This time you allow him, your lips melting nicely against his in a sweet smooch, pulling away to be met with his goofy smile once again.
He tries leaning in for another one but is stopped by you, grabbing the man and hoisting him over your shoulder, his hand grabbing his coat as it falls from his shoulders.
He blushes at how easily you pick him up, hitting his hand against your back gently, “What are you-“
“Beckman’s here, let’s go to bed.” You quickly answer, beginning to move to your shared quarters.
Looking up Shanks sees the gray haired man waving goodbye at them, a knowing smirk on his face as Shanks goes tense. “Goodnight, Captain, Y/N.”
Trafalgar D. Water Law
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A lot of the time Shachi would play pranks, usually harmless and all in good fun, until it suddenly goes wrong and they’re stuck with more chores than usual after Law catches them… However, it never deterred him, surprisingly.
You had been peacefully checking the Polar Tang’s pipes, making sure there were no punctures or complications. A careful hand on the delicate piping, when Shachi comes over with one of the most disgusting looking bugs you’ve seen in your life, throwing it on you.
The yell you let out when you felt it crawling on you, it was like you were being murdered, hand tightening around the pipe and accidentally crushing and ripping it in half.
Your hand immediately letting go of the pipe and swatting the bug off of your body, disgusted yelps leaving you until it finally falls off of you.
Looking up you see how Shachi stares at the wall in horror, you already know what he was looking at, however still turning around your face goes to horror when you realize how there is no longer a major chunk of the pipe.
Slowly turning to each other the both of you staring with terrified expressions, fast footsteps making you both panic and whisper yelling at each other. “What the fuck, Shachi!”
“Dude, how was I supposed to know you were gonna react like that?!” He hisses back.
Grabbing the broken pipe you quickly hide it behind your back, scooching back so the broken pipe lining the way was also hidden, Shachi also standing next to you to hide it.
Finally you see Law appear from the corner, a concerned look on his face. “Are you okay? I heard screaming.” He directs at both of you, worry in his tired eyes.
“Nope. We’re alright here, captain!” You respond quickly, your best poker face on.
And you watch nervously at how Law’s eyes narrow at you, then Shachi, but he seems to relax and accept the answer, nodding before turning around and leaving.
When he’s away from sight both you and Shachi begin to panic harder, beginning to push Shachi down a hallway. “Go find that bug before it finds him!”
Nodding he quickly runs off down the hallway the bug scittered off across, you going in the opposite direction to the room that houses extra pipes.
Quickly you place the broken pipe down in its section before fetching a new one, rushing back out the room and back down the hallway that had the broken pipe.
Out of breath you try to get air in your lungs harshly, getting to work once your lungs didn’t feel like they were on fire. Detaching the other broken pieces, replacing it with the new pipe, finally calming down when it was fixed.
It doesn’t last long though, Shachi coming back down the hallway to you also out of breath. “Help me… find a box.” He says through gasps, his hands clasped in front of him.
Getting up, you collect your tool box and go with Shachi, scouring the supply closets for an empty cardboard box, eventually finding one and stuffing the bug in there, sealing the box shut with tape.
Both of you leave the room silently going your separate ways. You were sure this would be funny when it's brought up again another day, for now however, you’re just glad you were quick enough to escape Law’s punishments.
All you had to do now was report back to him and this nightmare would be done.
Treading down the hallway you make your way to the captain’s quarters, knuckles rasping against the metal as you knock, entering a second later.
Before you could even open your mouth to speak, Law was quicker, immediately questioning you with dreaded words. “Did you fix the pipe?”
Your jaw drops, a worried look coming on your face as you realize that Law knew the whole time. “You knew?!”
“It wasn’t hard to figure out,” he smirks, placing the papers that he was skimming over down to look at you in turn.
“How did you-”
“I saw Shachi-ya chasing a bug down the hallway, and I heard the pipe hissing.” He quickly responds, cutting off your question.
He watches how your lips tighten downturning in a frown, sighing his own expression matches your, standing up from his chair and walking over to you. “Y/N-ya, it wasn’t your fault.”
Once more he cuts you off, his words soft towards you even if his facial expression didn’t change much from his usual stoic one, “It’s alright. It was a mistake and you already fixed it, that’s all that matters.”
You open your mouth again to argue about it but Law’s quicker, inked hands wrapping around you and your head and shoving you in a hug, forcing you to shut up.
Relaxing in his affection, the scent of him calming you down from your mistake, just taking it that he wouldn’t let you win this argument.
“Want to help me come up with a punishment for Shachi?”
Roronoa Zoro
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You didn’t train much, if at all, mostly it was because you couldn’t, there wasn’t any training equipment that could sustain being under your pressure.
But you did like to watch Zoro workout, in a way living vicariously through him. Sometimes he’d even ask you to help him, which you always enjoy.
Sometimes you were his spotter, sometimes you’d both have a friendly clash, and other times he’d use you like an extra weight.
“Push harder,” he ordered, glaring down at the wooden floors of the Merry.
With an amused sigh you apply a little more pressure to his back, hands pushing his sweaty back down, “Is this good?”
Fixing his posture Zoro allows his body to go down, then with a slight strain he pushes back up with a grunt. “Perfect.” He replies curtly.
So that’s how you stay, using some of your strength to push him down while he does push ups, both of you using your strength to fight against each other.
You enjoyed helping Zoro so much because this was usually as soft as the two of you got with each other, in a way this was how Zoro showed his affection to you.
Even if he didn’t admit it himself you understood that he enjoyed having you around, watching him, training with him. You can see it in the way his brown eyes soften when he sees you climb to the upper deck, stretching the sleep off of your limbs from a midday nap, or even in the way his eyes flicker to you every so often to make sure you’re still watching.
It never disappoints how the tips of his ears dust red when you compliment him from behind, of how he tenses when you whistle at his physique.
Going down again you watch how Zoro’s arms flex, a smile growing on your face as you admire his muscles, a clear sign of the dedication that Zoro put into trying to gain the title of The Strongest Swordsman.
It was days like this that you felt truly relaxed, a sense of ease settling so comfortably in your bones in a way that could never otherwise be accomplished.
You would never trade these days for the world, because this was it, it was your heaven and your earth, the only things truly keeping you tethered down.
And you sure it was the same for Zoro, you were sure that he as well would never give such tranquility up.
“You’re staring.” Zoro points out factually, a slight curiosity to his voice.
You let out a nervous chuckle, cheeks slightly tinting pink at how he caught you so easily without even having to look at you.
“It’s hard not too, you look good training.” Zoro’s body goes rigid at your comment, ears blowing up in a crimson as he simply huffs.
Again he goes down and this time you’re much more aware of everything happening, the soft clinking of his earrings as they glitter under the sun.
The waves rocking the Merry gently as if trying to put it to sleep, huffs escaping as Zoro strains to push back up, the distant chatter of the other crew members on the deck.
You adored this ship, this crew, and especially Zoro. They gave you a place when you had none, he rooted for you when no one else would. They were the family you got, even if you didn’t feel like you deserved it.
So long as you could help it you would make sure that days would stay like this, sunny and bright with a good future ahead.
You would see this crew reach its goals, you promised that, you would reach your own goal. More importantly you’d be beside Zoro’s side when he finally got crowned with the title he yearns for, you’ll be there cheering him on.
That, you’ll make sure of.
Portgas D. Ace
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When Ace first saw you he swore up and down that you were the most beautiful man he had met, and when he saw your strength first hand he immediately fell in love he was sure.
That’s why he couldn’t help himself, gushing about you to Marco, or admiring you when you were fighting.
There was something about you that just drew him in like a moth to a flame, but god was he not mad, he would keep this going on forever if he could.
It’s why even now when you were having a friendly brawl with Vista, he was practically jittering with excitement, desperate to see you and your amazing strength again.
Rolling back and forth between the ball and heel on his feet, black eyes glittering like a child’s.
He watches as you fight against Vista, catching the sides of his blades in your hands, or concentrating so hard to try and not hurt Vista too much when you land a punch on him.
Ace practically sighs as if he was watching a dream, all because you were so cool, even with such things as Haki you were incredibly strong.
“You know you should tell him, right?” Marco asks, also watching beside Ace as the fight goes down.
Jolting in shock Ace looked beside him, he wasn’t expecting the man to watch so he was scared by his sudden presence beside him, an unamused look on his face because of it.
“But what if he doesn’t say yes?” He pouts, looking back at you, his cheeks flushing red at the thought of him confessing to you.
Marco shrugs his shoulders, a calm look still about him as his attention is captivated by Vista and you, “Won’t know until you try.”
Ace pouts, trying to think of the different ways he could, maybe he could try impressing you enough to-
“Please do not try any of that impressing him stuff,” Marco says with a sigh, practically reading Ace’s mind.
Snapping his head towards Marco he huffs, an annoyed tone to his voice as he bickers, “What’s wrong with that?”
“It literally never works,” the first division commander responds back, “Just ask him out on a date, normally.”
Ace groans but nods his head, looking back at the fight only to realize it finished, both Vista and you laughing together.
Alright… okay, all he had to do was ask you on a date, easy! Except it’s not, at all, because you make Ace so nervous that half the time he just wants to die of embarrassment.
When you began to walk off to the showers Ace stopped you, a nervous smile on his face and he completely forgot what he was supposed to be saying. It felt like his heart was in his throat, ready to burst out at any moment now that he was so close to you, and all he could manage to sputter out was, “You’re so cool,” before promptly running away.
Bumping into Izou who just laughs at him lightheartedly, “That was so pathetic.”
“I know! Don’t remind me,” he grumbles out, rubbing at his burning face with his hands, squatting down to sit on his haunches.
“You have to calm down when talking to him, you’re freaking out too much,” Izou points out, trying to at least help Ace a little.
Ace sighs, opening his fingers enough so he could look through them, “Yeah, but it’s hard when they’re so… them!”
Izou begins to laugh again, stifling out a, “You’re hopeless,” before shaking his head.
“Well you better ask him soon before someone else does,” he says, pointing at some of the other people on the Moby Dick also admiring you to Ace.
Ace stands up quickly at the mention of the other competition, suddenly a serious look about him, there was no way he was letting someone else get to you first!
Rushing back over to where he left you he relaxes in relief that you’re still there, a confused look on your face as you watch Ace come back to you after running away two minutes ago.
“Go on a date with me?” He immediately blurts when he’s in front of you, his face such a deep shade of red it rivals the red beads he wears around his neck.
Laughing your face changes from one of puzzlement to amusement, your cheeks dusting a light pink, “Sure, commander.”
Ace feels how his heart burst up in flames and honestly he wouldn’t have been surprised if he was on fire too, but it didn’t really matter to him, not when the most loveliest person he’s ever seen in his life just accepted going on a date.
“Awesome,” he breathlessly whispers, a goofy smile on his face.
This reminded me that I always forget how to spell Zoro’s last name.
Hope you enjoyed, Pea’s out!
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
kenma fatherly headcannons
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i thought it would be interesting to think about what kenma would be like as a father 🤔
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look, im not even gonna be nice with it, i definitely dont see kenma being excited at the idea of having a kid 😭
definitely was like "are you being fr 😟?" when you told him
he obviously wasnt an asshole about it, but he couldn't help his feeling and indifference about the whole thing
the two of you had a long talk about it
the whole time he was more or less "are you sure about this"
hes not a horrible person/partner, he wasnt about to force you to do an abortion
he just wanted to make sure this was actually what you wanted to do and if you were actually serious about it
after you were stern about keeping the baby, he was fine with it
he was more worried about how he would be like as a father because he's very much scared of little kids and struggles to bond with just anyone
also a little peeved at the thought of his alone/free time being taken away
doesnt like the idea of his alone time with you having a literal permanent third wheeler but wont admit that to anyone but kuroo 🌚
during ur pregnancy, he was actually really okay with it
he would check up on you various times of the day, asking how you feel
yeah, he wasnt really excited for it, but that doesn't mean he wont try for it
would pause his games and go to wherever part of the house you were in, eyeing your baby bump with those wary cat eyes of his, all "..how are you feeling..?"
tbh i see you getting pregnant before marrying him because the two of you were kinda lazy with being careful 😅
he kinda facepalms because now hes like "why didnt i think of the possibility of pregnancy🤦🏽‍♀️"
while it doesn't speed up the whole process, he'll now begin taking the thought of marriage seriously
he'll bring up the idea of eloping, or a small wedding because he doesn't like the idea of a big and elaborate wedding ceremony/party
he didnt really care about gender, but he did care about baby names because he didnt want the baby to have a stupid name
now i see him being very curious tho
so he'll ask you a bunch of questions about how it feels to be pregnant, eyes wide when you tell him all the gruesome parts 😭
will also spend some time looking up more information about pregnancy and childbirth
now i do think he'd be aware about how he should change himself for the better
he grew up kinda isolated, and he 100% didnt want that for his kid, especially considering the fact that his child will most likely be an only child too
aw sleeping in kenma's arms while he plays video games cuz hormones made you sad
he'll like announce ur pregnancy to his followers/fans, it was so random he was like "yeah guys im having a kid 😪 kinda scary ngl" during one of his livestreams
really appreciates and is totally surprised when he's gifted money and baby supplies by his fans
maybe posts short little clips of you sleeping in an odd position or doing random things because he thinks its funny how you now do things differently because your bump prevents you from doing things in a certain way
i think it would interest him in the way your baby bump grows
he would be a little mortified at the way he would poke your bump's skin and watch his indent stay there long after he pulled his finger away
would be kinda "??? 🤔🤨" when he first feels the baby's kick/movements
he would "begrudgingly" walk to the store for you late at night if you were craving something
acts all annoyed but lets bffr kenma we know ur a softie 🤣
okay for the birth tho he's so mortified
definitely doesnt want to watch but obviously will be there for you because he knows better
the whole time he feels secondhand discomfort for you and feels your cries in his deep in his core cuz ur in pain and he doesn't like that 😕
this might sound weird, but i see him bringing his portable gaming system to the hospital so you can play with him and get ur mind off things
not saying his feeling towards the baby will change after the birth, but he'll definitely be like "oh wow 😳" when the baby is first born
have u ever seen that clip of steve irwin first looking at bindi when shes born and hes all amazed and awestruck by her?
its like that but its less noticeable and its more like "this is my child?"
a little scared to hold the baby at first because he's afraid to drop her
but once he does he'll look down at it and be like "ur not so bad afterall 😪"
DEFINITELY doesn't get any sleep during the first few months because he'll for some reason take late night feedings/crying upon himself
hes all "ur such a pain bro 😒" while rocking the baby back and forth to soothe it, all cuddly and gentle with it
tbh i cant decide whether it be a girl or boy so its up to reader to decide
omg hes mortified after the first belch spit hes gone afterwards
literally condemns the baby to hell
hates changing diapers but does it for the sake of the baby's comfort and health
when he's alone with the baby, he'd be like "ur kinda ugly 🤔" while playing around with it
tbh i see him getting random bouts of urges to play with the baby and speaking to it in a baby voice secretly
gets really embarrassed if hes caught and acts like it never happened
when ur not there to watch the baby while he's gaming he'll actually be okay with the baby sitting in his lap while he games
if he wins he'll be all "lets goooo 😝" all up in the babies face 😭 lifting it up into the air and just being such a gamer dad
also starts teaching the baby how to play games real early on, making them hold a controller or something and teaching them game logistics
the baby is like 5 months old and doesn't know about taxes but knows about dnd 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
i see him like announcing the birth of his kid to his followers/fans a couple weeks after the birth
only shows what the baby looks like when its like 6 months old and crawling all in the background, he'll turn around and be like "wanna see my baby?", lift up the baby and put it's face all up close into the camera 😭
does 0.5 and only 0.5 photos on the thing 😅
does a couple more streams afterwards when he "games" with the baby and blame loosing on the poor thing 😅
aw i can see him and the baby having matching outfits when he goes out with it
he's not the best dad, but he'll try his hardest
on a sweet note, if kenma feels lonely when ur away, he'll allow the baby to sleep in the bed he shares with you as a "substitution" and cuddle with it
yk that tiktok audio that goes "leave me alone baby 😒" and then goes "ur my baby i love you ☹️☹️🥰😘" yeah that hes that
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