#actually fearful avoidant but whatevs hehe
sentientsky · 10 months
quick someone proclaim their undying love for me so my fear of intimacy will kick in and allow me to chuck my phone across the room and let me actually get some fucking studying done pls I’m so tired
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yankpop · 2 years
Yandere Kai (EXO) - You refuse to eat
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Summary: What happens when you refuse to eat and how your kidnapper will react to your defiance?
DISCLAIMER: This is a FICTION work only made for entertainment purposes so please don’t take any of this seriously. I do not support or encourage any type of abusive behaviour. Please, be 18+ to read this. Make sure to read the trigger warnings before you get started, but almost everything is yandere and includes toxic behaviours.
Check more: Masterlist.
All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge.
Female reader
WARNINGS: Kidnap situation; Physical restrains; minor Stockholm Syndrome.
AN: First Exo drabble! Also i made some mentions to Peaches hehe 😋 Hope you guys enjoy this 💖
You stubbornly press your lips against each other to keep them from opening, trying to ignore the growing pain in your wrists, courtesy of the tight ropes that were keeping you seated in the chair.
“C’mon, you have to eat something…” the man in front of you exclaims, trying to push the spoon with food into your mouth.
It’s useless as you keep your lips tightly sealed, a small yet effective act of rebellion against Kai.
Or at least, that’s what he said his name was, but you still weren’t quite sure about that. All you know is that he broke into your house and basically kidnapped you with the sole explanation that you were soulmates and deserved to be together.
He sure sounded like a mad man despite not looking like one. Tall figure, tan skin, pretty features. No, he definitely didn’t look like a mental guy, but his delusional actions said otherwise.
“I promise I didn't drug the food, okay?” You pretend you don’t hear any of it, hoping he’d just leave you alone, despite the growing pain in your stomach.
Suddenly, Kai throws the spoon back into the plate, almost looking like he was in despair. His hands violently tug his hair away from his face, his dark eyes cross with yours for a second, a tiny hint of madness scheduled in them.
All of this in a nanosecond, before you violently turned your head, escaping his persistent gaze.
Holding your breath for a moment, you suddenly fear you crossed some type of line and that the “good guy” act would reverse and finally reveal his true sadistic nature.
So, when a finger touches your cheekbone, you involuntarily retract from his touch, goosebumps resurfacing in your delicate skin. You hear his chair rasping the floor as he pulls away and walks away.
You barely have time to try to figure out what's going on before he’s back, sitting next to you again. His hand gripping something that you fail to acknowledge, making your brows rise involuntarily in curiosity while your eyes are fixed on his hand.
Your obvious reaction causes an amused smile to appear in Kai’s face, happy that you showed some interest.
He brings his hand on top of the table, still occulting whatever it is. “Oh, you’re curious about what I have in my hand, baby?” he jokingly questions you, lifting an eyebrow. “Well, since you don’t believe that I didn't drug your food, then how about we start with something that I can't drug for sure?”
Kai opens his hand, revealing a small yet succulent peach. The sight of it makes your stomach growl in hunger, reminding you that you had been avoiding eating ever since he took you 2 days ago. You bite your lower lip, struggling with the situation.
He couldn’t actually drug a fruit, right? Besides, you desperately needed to eat.
Noticing your internal conflict, Kai drops the peach on the table and brings his hand to touch your hand. You flinch at the unfamiliar touch, unable to escape the interaction since your hand was cuffed to the chair.
Despite your discomfort, Kai maintains his hand and tries to convince you, his eyes locked into yours.
“Look, believe it or not, but I do love you and I don’t want to see you suffer because of me. I promise you that I didn't tamper with the fruit. Or any food, by the way. So, please, just eat something?”
You know it’s probably an early sign of Stockholm syndrome, yet his words sound sincere and honest. The increasing hunger also doesn’t help, and you end up timidly nodding your head.
Your gesture causes Kai to drop his mouth in disbelief, followed by a gentle kiss on your hand. You almost tell him to stop, but then again, it could help you if you played nice, right?
The man quickly cuts the peach into small pieces, feeding them to you and carefully wiping your lips every time some juice leaked from them.
The food helps improve your mood, to the point you almost feel grateful that Kai had the idea. You quickly swallow the piece you were chewing and let out a small noise, clearing your throat.
“Kai… thanks. For the peach, I mean.” You awkwardly mumble, suddenly regretting even saying anything. Kai’s eyes sparkle with glee, a light shade of red appearing on his cheeks, causing you to have an internal smile at his reaction.
Maybe he wasn’t that bad, afterall.
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gurathins · 1 day
desire, future, and hate for samuel :]
YAYYY thank u sm i love samuel asks hehe <3
not-so-nice oc asks
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
To be appreciated, respected, loved for being something he actualy is and not what he usually acts like. Samuel's afraid to show his own, vulnerable self but at the same time really wants someone to see it so bad. He rarely trusts people so much that he wouldn't be scared of it but boy does he want to have someone trustworthy and understanding like that 😭
Technically he has Frank, who probably knows him at least somewhat well, much better than most people, but it's also, like, does Frank actually care? Does he realize how important is for Samuel to be able to open up to someone else? Probably not.
Samuel doesn't really do anything to get closer to this desire of his tbh, he's more of a "what will happen will happen". People knowing him the way he shows himself is enough for him (for now).
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
Samuel has always feared that he'd have some kind of fuck-up at work that will make him unpopular and basically have people forget about him. A typical fear of his, He tends to people please a lot when it's someone he respects and sees as a valuable associate to have, because that way he could control his "social image" a bit easier and have people respecting him/believing in him despite whatever happens.
Basically, Samuel's very much into networking purely because it somehow could save his ass in case of something bad happening NCNNGNCNC
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
OH Samuel hates when things don't go the way he thought they would or hoped they would. Even worse is when someone got what actually happens right, and they try to point it out, and Samuel's like 😑🙄😤 He really doesn't like being wrong can you tell.
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
Hi! Since your headcanons are open, do you think you could please do the rest of the host club? Love your writing btw!
A/N: yippee!! the host club is reunited!! lol thank you for the request, i hope you enjoy these!! the headcanons for haruhi, mori, and honey are right here!!
Tamaki -
he is stupidly ticklish actually like save him
he's ticklish pretty much everywhere but under his arms and his tummy are probably his best spots they have him absolutely REELING
he has a normal like. "princely" laugh whenever he's hosting or trying to be his typical Tamaki self but he is such a frantic giggler when he's tickled its so funny
also totally stealing from one of my favorite artists on tumblr dot com but RIGHT HERE is evidence that Tamaki snorts. he is so silly i hope he gets obliterated
also relating to that art he is constantly tickled by the twins in inconvenient situations lol
Haruhi will tickle him sometimes to try and make him stop doing something and most of the time it works lol
he also sometimes gets tickled by Kyoya or Honey but it's moooostly the twins bc those guys are absolute tickle monsters
he's got like. no ler bones in his body but only because he's so scared of getting tickled back that he just avoids it LOL
hes kind of funny because when he does tickle someone else like Kyoya he runs away almost immediately afterward
Kyoya -
URGH Kyoya is so hard for me to make headcanons for HELP HES SO GOOFY
okay he's definitely tickly. probably on his ribs, hips, and his back
HIS BACK IS A FUNNY SPOT bc people can just swipe one finger down his back and he'll do like a full body shudder and then give them an evil glare
he's probably tickled the least out of everyone in the host club and he is NOT USED TO IT whenever he is tickled because he's so out of practice being tickled lol
he's not super ticklish either but when you catch him by surprise he's more reactive to tickling
he doesn't normally engage in tickling because he's just sooooo serious LOL but when there's a good moment he'll definitely poke people or give them a small tickle
i feel like hes more of a ler but in general he just ignores whatevers going on unless he has to step in and break people up because the tickling is getting too intense
he has gotten tickled during one of those break ups before (it was Tamaki and the twins OF COURSE) and then both the twins tried to gang up on him. lol
they regretted it later! Kyoya may not tickle people often but when he does he should be feared
Hikaru -
okay i think it's so funny bc you'd think Kaoru is the more ticklish twin but UR WRONG it's Hikaru
he's like. stupid ticklish. ALMOST AS MUCH AS TAMAKI but he's better at hiding it because he's not as dramatic when he gets tickled
like he'll jump but he tries to hide his reactions so sometimes it takes a bit to make him even giggle
he's really ticklish on his hips and sides which are super easy to get too hehe just grab him by the hips and SQUEEZE
he's much more of a ler especially when he's tickling someone with his brother but if anyone was able to get him bad he would never get to live it down
the only person who's come close to tickling him really good aside from his brother is Haruhi and that's just because she's sick of their nonsense LOL
she also makes a point to tell the twins apart by where they're ticklish so she uses tickling to her advantage all the time
like she can easily tell them apart without tickling them but she thinks its funny because they are both so tickly
Kaoru -
he's such a goofball sorry i actually really loved Kaoru so much when i watched this show LOL
he's not as ticklish as Hikaru and he's tickly in other spots but he doesn't try to hide his reactions as much as Hikaru so people often assume that Kaoru is the more ticklish twin
He's very giggly and tickling him under his arms or his ribs especially get him really good
he's actually kind of silly because he will almost always be the one to initiate tickle fights with the other hosts or his brother, and then Hikaru normally joins in
I think Kaoru doesn't mind tickling others or being tickled, he's like... very in the middle on his preference LOL it just depends on his mood at the time
he and Hikaru will normally switch off on like. who's holding and who's tickling when they're ganging up on someone but Kaoru actually prefers to do the tickling most of the time
his argument is that Hikaru is too ticklish to be good at tickling but he never tells anyone else that because he knows Hikaru is a lil embarrassed about how ticklish he is lol
that's all i got for now!! thanks for the request~!
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crissiebaby · 2 years
DiapOut: Chapter 18
DISCLAIMER: This series contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, hypermessing, sissification, WAM, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. If you haven’t read the first chapter and want to catch up, be sure to check out the link in the description. I hope you enjoy!
“Hello, Mia! Let’s get you properly fed,” said the first Nanny Iris bot as she reached down and scooped Mia up into its arms.  It then moved to the trolley lined with baby bottles and keenly selected the bottle with Mia’s name on it.
Mia didn’t question how the nanny bot already knew what her name was and decided to just roll with whatever happened next. With all the chaos going on, it really was so much easier to avoid fighting back in moments like this. Besides, she wanted every drop of the CrissBaby Bowel Busting Formula that she could stomach if she was going to win. Opening her mouth before Iris even prompted her to do so, she graciously accepted the rubber nipple into her mouth and began slurping down the sweet liquid as fast as she could.
To Mia’s pleasant surprise, the formula tasted like a lukewarm milkshake and was certainly thick enough to resemble one. While it was certainly nice that the flavor was yummy, this made the task of sucking on a baby bottle slightly challenging as the syrupy beverage came through at a snail's pace. Her cheeks went concave from how much pressure she was putting toward sucking on the bottle. 
Not wanting to fall behind, Kyoko and the other Messers followed Mia’s lead and individually approached a different Iris, ready to ingest as much as their bellies could hold. While Kyoko wasn’t exactly elated by the fact that she was going to be ruining her bowel control for the foreseeable future, they needed to pack in every pound that they could into their diapers, especially with the unfathomable hypermessing that Ayaya managed to pull off.
“Hehe, this is definitely one of my top five fantas-mmmf!” said Cade seconds before his mouth was filled by the teet of his baby bottle. In the midst of such a pressing competition, there were never enough chances to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. Being cradled by a real Iris nanny bot was a luxury that only the wealthiest of ABs and DLs were able to afford. To a broke college student like Cade, this may as well have been heaven.
After a few minutes of cooing from the audience, a stunning silence filled the studio. For the next thirty minutes, there was nothing left for these five to do beyond drinking and diaper filling. Beyond them, Misa had seemingly given up, Ayaya's brain was somewhere inside her diaper, and no one was quite certain what Lelaya was up to. While not the most entertaining thing to watch build up live, the payoff was certain to be quite the spectacle. Plus, the editors were going to have a field day with the footage they got. All that was left to do now was wait for the first of the bottle drinkers to blow up their diapers even further while nuzzled safely in the arms of their robotic caregivers.
While what was happening on stage was a bit of a slowdown, backstage was practically buzzing with excitement. And at the center of all the mayhem was CassiRole, who was having her make-up redone after her dramatic exit in the arms of one of the Iris bots. “Did you see how much they were eating it up?! Such a fun idea! I’m so glad I came up with it,” she said, taking all the credit for her expensive stunt while paying no mind to Jackson, who was the actual person to come up with having an Iris bot carry Cassi off.
Rolling his eyes in silent protest, Jackson's ego began to get the better of him. “It was indeed a fun idea, Cassi, though I fear this entire round will be overshadowed by one of the largest hypermesses I’ve ever seen,” he said, doing his best not to sound too direct, “Seriously, have you ever seen someone use a diaper that much in one sitting? And to think, we got it all on camera!”
Glancing over at the monitors and narrowing her focus on the screen that featured a full-body shot of Ayaya and her outrageously messy diaper, Cassi’s blood began to boil. She’d certainly had some big messes in her time as a streamer but even she’d never pulled off such a feat in a single use. Worst of all, none of this made any Goddess damn sense whatsoever!
Prior to selecting the official teams for the first episode of DiapOut, CassiRole and her team did extensive research on all contestants. And while some had far less info to dig through than others, Ayaya-Girl was not one of those people. The girl’s entire life was on the internet and yet, not a single bit of research showed that she was interested in diapers herself, much less using them. If anything, she should’ve been the most squeamish of all. So how did she pull off such a monumental messing?!
“I mean, it wasn’t really THAT impressive. Plus, she’s been sitting there in the corner for what, twenty minutes now? Talk about a snoozefest,” said Cassi, blurting out whatever put-downs first came to mind to make herself feel better. She wasn’t certain how she was going to do it but she was determined to expose Ayaya for the poser that she was. 
Allowing a subtle smirk to creep across his face, Jackson couldn’t get enough of Cassi’s petty attitude. It was obvious that Ayaya was getting to her. All that was left to do now was sit patiently and wait for Cassi’s uncontrollable temper to get the better of her. “Well, I guess that’ll be for the audience to decide,” he said, trying not to make his jabs sound too pointed, “Speaking of which, we’re down about twenty minutes left in the round, so we’ll need you on stage in ten.”
Suddenly, both Jackson and Cassi jumped as a loud fart ripped through the studio. Rushing back to the monitors, Jackson was pleased to see that Rupert was in the process of expanding his diaper for the second time this round. “Better make that five, Cassi,” he said as he grabbed a headset and began instructing camera operators on what shots to get.
Back on stage, Rupert was having a glorious time filling his pampers to the brim. After attempting to hold in the Lightning Laxative for as long as he could, his bowel muscles were shot, essentially sending anything he ingested directly into his diapers. Try as he might, he was unable to stop himself from becoming aroused as a small but noticeable lump soon formed on his diaper front.
Spotting his friend's bulge, Cade snorted formula out of his nose, unable to contain his laughter. Mercifully, the Iris bot quickly pulled back his bottle to allow him to breathe. However, this act of clemency only provided him with an opportunity to vocalize his amusement! “Hahaha! Looks like someone should’ve jerked off ahead of time! Nothing quite like popping a stiffy on live televis-MMM!” he taunted, his words cut off by the bottle being reinserted into his mouth. 
“Shuddup!” shouted Rupert, his mouth still filled with the nipple of his bottle. As the audience joined Cade in laughing at Rupert’s predicament, he couldn’t help but become even more turned on by the humiliation being heaped onto him. His face turned bright red as he involuntarily let out another big blort, causing the mush in his pampers to swirl around his genitals even more.
While Rupert was the only one showing off how horny he was, he was far from the only person experiencing arousal. Breathing a heavy sigh through her nose, Kyoko was dealing with similar feelings of messy diaper stimulation. It was like everything, from the mud in her diapers to the way that her nanny bot’s arm was pressed into her padding, was conspiring against her to turn her on. If anything, Rupert’s reaction made complete sense to her. She was far more surprised by the fact that Cade and Zeke were both seemingly unbothered by the fantasy that was unfolding.
Speaking of Zeke, it wasn’t long after Rupert’s second explosion that Zeke lost his own bowel battle. Gritting his teeth against his bottle’s rubber nipple, he suppressed the desire to let out a pleasurable moan. While his face was as stoney as a poker player, he was right there with Kyoko and Rupert in terms of arousal. However, unlike his teammates, his history of diapered public humiliation played a big role in why he refused to give up control of his body to his carnal desires. As much as he wanted to indulge in such a dream-like scenario, his past weighed too heavily on his mind to allow himself for careless enjoyment.
“Wahoho! What did I ‘mess’?” said CassiRole, who’d managed to sneak back on stage undetected by her audience thanks to Zeke’s mushy tushy. Stepping off of her platform with a microphone in hand, she eagerly approached Zeke, who was still in the process of filling his diaper, “Good thing you’ve got those plastic pants to prevent a blowout! Tell me, Zekey-baby, do you have any thoughts on the current state of your diaper?” Without waiting for Zeke to answer, she shoved the microphone up against his diaper and amplified his wet bowel noises for all to hear.
The sudden pressure on his diaper mixed with the fact that he was still messing himself proved too much for Zeke, who gasped as Cassi’s microphone stirred up the contents of his diaper. In no time at all, he was rocking a boner bump comparable to Ruperts. He squirmed to try to hide his shame but there was just no fighting Nanny Iris, leaving his indignity exposed for all to see. As an added bonus, the external pressure of Cassi’s mic was the final straw for his plastic pants, which burst into shreds on impact. 
Yanking the mic away from Zeke’s diaper, Cassi turned to face the crowd. “Whoops! Spoke too soon on that blowout. He has such a way with words, doesn’t he?” she said, causing more laughter to be squeezed out of her audience at Zeke’s expense. She wasn’t even upset with him anymore for turning her down in the dressing room. She was just milking his obvious embarrassment for everything she could get. So long as it kept eyes off Ayaya, there was nothing she wouldn’t do. “Time is running out! Which team will stand victorious? Find out when DiapOut returns after the break!”
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more DiapOut!? Subscribe to my Patreon, where you can get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse at patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Foolish forces the server to sleep in the same room with him as a supervisor. It’s one of the rooms in his summer home that he fit out with cushy floors, soft pillows, and piles on piles of blankets in preparation for the event. He forces everyone to come by after curfew, threatening them with morning tickles if they don’t show up on time — or worse, don’t show up at all.
Most of the players get a degree of freedom in where they want to sleep, but Foolish does not let Dream go anywhere: Dream is staying tucked against his chest where he can’t be kidnapped or tortured or whatever. (Dream complains about it, but Foolish can feel him shivering.) (The others taunt him about it once. Once. Foolish’s example of the offender (probably Sapnap) teaches everyone a very clear lesson in this regard.)
Quackity is one of the ones who doesn’t show up the first night. He doesn’t show up for the first three weeks, actually, first out of defiance and then out of fear. It’s not until Foolish comes by to talk to him that he finally joins in.
SLEEPOVER wEewoo?!! wait omg so not only is he enforcing his rules with tickles, he’s also making it mandatory to attend sleepovers?? 😭😭 i forget the reasoning behind this? is it coz he understands that them all being together is important to dream? or is it just easier for him to monitor everyone lmao. i forget 😖
either way omfg dreamie getting cuddled to sleeeppp again my heartttt
(more discussion below)
ok so this is such a cute concept that he like,, decks out a building purely for sleepovers what the heck 😭 my fluffy brain has straight away imagined pillow fights and pyjama parties coz i assume at least some of the server dwellers wouldn’t be so opposed to a pillow prison (tommy, george, sapnap, karl). like some characters are just so desperate for a release that i feel they’d just make the most of the sleepovers and entertain themslves (or they’re just not the types to be able to be in each others company without messing around eventually)
dream being kept safe at night :( foolish not letting him out of sight in case they decide to hurt him again :(( taking on the authoritative sibling role to keep his brother safe ☹️
i love the idea of sapnap getting tickled for teasing dream about it that’s so cute 😭 like it would be so fun for dream as well?? like i can imagine he’d be embarrassed about it but would certainly not pass down the opportunity to rat out sapnaps spots to foolish when he’s called upon hehe
i feel like people would end up being pretty cautious around dream because of foolish’s protectiveness though right? like they wouldn’t want to accidentally make dream feel threatened or treat him in a way that foolish wouldn’t like. it kinda opens up for the some angst? 👀 coz dream would potentially start noticing their hesitancy. like he’d potentially see old friendships reconnecting whilst they’re all under the same roof,, and yet it would be clear that people are avoiding him…
it’s not exactly foreign,,, but at least usually he’s been able to just slink off and away when he witnesses friendships that he’s envious of… but now he’s forced to watch. there’s potential here for foolish to notice his state of moping? 👀
i have no smooth transition but your comments about QUACKITY is so exciting as well. he skips the sleepovers 😱 and then just gets too scared to show himself because it means he’s practically walking into tickles 😖 and you’re saying that foolish goes out to find him? :O eeeeeee it’s like a repeat of his last behaviour with the hiding :((( aghhh
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forgetsrotation · 2 years
Kirby and the Flood of Darkness
My rambling about voidsent Kirby & how he became Makoh'to's reaper avatar. It's official Makoh'to lore, babey!!
Spoilers for reaper quests and 6.1 onward, iirc.
Things will likely change as we learn more – or stay the same bc I diverge from canon if I please lol – so this is all just in good fun!
“This’d be an avatar. A materialization of your essence and the stygian power of the voidsent on the other side. A voidsent to which, if you choose, you will bind to yourself.” - Drusilla, Quest: The Killer Instinct
Some context on why Kirby is suddenly in Makoh’to’s lore – simple! I’ve loved Kirby since I was a little kid. It’s been quite some time since I played a Kirby game, but adding Kirby to Makoh’to’s lore actually got me to purchase Kirby and the Forgotten Land a few days ago. The game is very cute and definitely greasing the gears spinning in my head re: voidsent Kirby LOL
So I’m thinking… void Kirby (name in progress) has his own domain in the Thirteenth. And within this domain, there are a lot of other smaller voidsent… like Waddle Dees, perhaps…………. Maybe there is an old, decrepit Fountain of Dreams at the center of Kirby’s domain.
This domain would be more peaceful than others belonging to hungrier voidsent. The Waddle Dees and Kirby will often travel to the Source to find aether rich foods, like apples, and bring them back to share with everyone else. They really are all Little Guys and try to avoid conflict and fighting.
The Waddle Dees themselves are quite peaceful, but if anyone were to try and bother Kirby or his domain, that Little One would make quick work of them! His copy abilities come from all the voidsent he’s consumed. Perhaps there’s a reason he and Makoh’to sport matching heart marks.
Despite Kirby being feared among other voidsent, the ones like Golbez and the Big Four write him off as a clueless child-like voidling. (Not me thinking about Golbez drawn in the style of a Kirby villain.) They don’t bother with Kirby. For whatever reason, he does not have the aura of someone who has consumed many voidsent. Hmm.
Anyways, during travels to and from the Source, Kirby happens to see Makoh’to from time to time. Kirby is inexplicably drawn to Makoh’to. There is something so familiar about that miqo’te! But he is a little baby who is collecting fruits and desserts for his friends back on the Thirteenth, so he leaves well enough alone.
Until one day Kirby, just floating around the Thirteenth without a care in the world, happens to eavesdrop on Golbez recruiting the Big Four. Kirby doesn’t understand the particulars, but he knows it’s not going to be good! He dashes away unnoticed (or if anyone did, they did not care) and seeks out help! But who could possibly help him?
Like a shining beacon, a spark of blinding aether appears near Kirby. It’s calling out to him… and it feels so familiar… never one to shy away from danger, Kirby rushes into this spark and travels to the Source – and that familiar miqo’te is there to greet him!
(The above part is when Makoh’to first interacts with the reaper job stone hehe)
Unfortunately for Kirby, he cannot speak the languages of those on the Source. He allows Makoh’to and himself to be bound, hoping through this action Makoh’to can learn of what is happening back on the Thirteenth…
Creature wise, Kirby would be very similar to an atomos! Much like an atomos, he can call out other voidsent by allowing them passage through his gate. In times of need, Kirby can summon forth his voidsent Waddle Dees for assistance. Sound familiar? :3
Unknowingly, Kirby can control where inhaled items (and creatures) go. Either they are consumed for aether, send to his domain, or randomly scattered about the Thirteenth.
I have some ideas I’m messing around with for who Kirby is/was. The obvious answer would be a shard of Azem! But at the moment I’m thinking more Kirby absorbed a shard of Azem and is overall a collection of the hopes and altruism of citizens of the Thirteenth.
As always, I will add more as I go. Concepts may get switched out or completely nixed. It’s all about having fun, though! And I am having the time of my life with this lol
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Ooo tell me bout the OCs pls 👀👀👀
Kisses for you too Tomas 😭 😭 I love you 💕
Okay so there's this whole thing about how swag they are here because Pigeon was also very nice and sent me a message as well, but I think to you I can give more SW specific details since you know who the canon characters are lol.
So Korcha was born in 92BBY, which as you'll notice is either a decade older than Qui-Gon or his exact age, but in any case that means they are the perfect age to be tea time buddies and just sit down in either of their quarters and drink tea with biscuits and talk about whatever Jedi masters talk about (Temple gossip? the Force? their Padawans? I don't know but they have fun!) Their Padawans are invited of course, I'd have to check but I think there was a period of a few years where Obi-Wan was Padawan at the same time as Reil and then later the end of his apprenticeship overlaps with Devafe, so like they know each other hehe. In any case, then Qui-Gon dies and Korcha is obviously supportive, especially because Madam Rules Are Important would obviously like Obi-Wan, and I don't want her to have had too big of an impact but she was definitely there in the background I swear she wouldn't abandon him when the times are tough! I like to think she started inviting him for tea after a few years, and Devafe had to deal with Anakin just Being There. Maybe that's when he kicks her ass even though he's 7 years younger that would be funny. Anyway after the war and everything they don't see each other a lot but at some point they like share a spaceship cause they're going the same way or something and she gives him one of the teacups she thinks would fit him and in my head it's a very touching moment.
While they're on the same ship actually I think it would be cool if Anakin and Korcha swapped Padawans (yes Anakin is there too two halves of a single warrior etc) because Korcha is pretty good at Jar'kai but prefers Shii-Cho, so that's a change from Ahsoka's usual teachers and she could get a lot from it. Meanwhile Anakin trying to understand why Lineth, who is a year older than his own apprentice, still gets tripped up by Initiate mistakes when he knows Master Serach must've taught her better (the answer is crippling fear of failure and stress and it would be sweet if he realised it was useless going over it again and again and instead cheered her up & gave her some self confidence but I don't know how that would go exactly)
About the aforementioned Anakin kicks Devafe's ass in the training salles, I like the idea of them fighting and he's old enough that it's not obvious Devafe would win, and then he beats her and Miss Prides Myself On Working Hard And Being The Best is like "oh no it's fine. No I don't mind haha. Yes Padawan Skywalker well done, you sure got me there! See you next time :)" and then she does her best to avoid a repeat by not being available to fight ever again lol
Also as established Obi-Wan knows Reil, and he actually probably saw him a liittle bit in the crèche but not that much so it barely counts, but Ahsoka 100% knows him and she has fond memories of like, fingerpainting with Master Reil or whatever, and since people her age all know him anyway because there can't be like too many crèchemasters for people not to know them, she just mentions him but Anakin never really talked to him so he's like "wait who's that dude?" and then she gets to explain to him who Master Reil is.
Okay other fun idea but I think Reil likes Yoda because they work together and Korcha likes Yoda because Harches live for centuries too and she totally came to his rooms at like two in the morning the day of Reil's Knighting a little panicked because he's going to die before her and they grow up so fast and how do you deal with that and he comforts her. Like Reil's apprenticeship lasted 15 years, from ages 13 to 28, and he was her first apprentice, and she thought it would be fine because obviously he's ready for it and he'll make a great Knight, but :((( he's leaving now and he's going to die at like 90! She won't even be halfway through her life! She could see his grandpadawans!! And she's grown enough to recognise that she needs to talk about it with someone, and Yoda's door is always open, so Yoda it is. Wouldn't that be sweet?? It would, it would be so sweet!!
And lastly I already shared that one but I think it would be funny if while he was looking for other Mandalorians Din heard the SW equivalent of your grandma who reads people magazines about royalty go "oh yes, I remember that one time like 15 years ago a Mandalorian and one of the Mikkian princesses got married! Too bad the ceremony was private I would've loved to see the pictures" and so he goes to Mikkia instead of finding Bo-Katan or something. And Karaad is still there, obviously, beautiful children and beautiful wife, but let me tell you when the guards announce there's a Mandalorian guy at the door asking if there is a Mandalorian lady here she panics a little. The last time she talked to a Mandalorian if you exclude her dad was a whiile ago and she's desperately trying to guess based on armor description :') and then it's just Din. For maximum crack Karaad is a person who, because she doesn't even know which species she is, spent her life looking through various bestiairies and such trying to see someone who looks like her to know what's going on, so she would most likely recognise Grogu as a baby Yoda, since she's old enough to remember the Jedi and Yoda was a pretty unconventional looking little dude (and also she fought "against" the Order technically so yeah she's familiar with the Jedi, ancestral enemies and all) So she just sees Grogu and she's like "damn wtf, you want to know what that is? Yeah uh can he do magic? Yeah that's a Jedi I'm so sorry dude lol". Also Tevlin invites him to stay for a while if he wants and to dine with them that evening, and he's too polite to decline but he's not going to take his helmet off, obviously, so he has the same type of reaction to Karaad taking hers off to eat he had to Bo-Katan & her Nite Owls, and then Karaad gets to deal with the memories of traditions she hasn't thought of in a while since she doesn't really practice anymore. Fun times etc.
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mrssnivellussnape · 3 years
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Gif credits to yours truly
Day II
I Despise You Sometimes.
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Requested: #8 angst
Prompt: “Quiet. I’m sick of hearing your voice.”
An: A lot of you actually requested this one lol and I’m kind of obsessed with how this turned out, so here you go! 🖤🖤
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: Angst hehe, yelling, cursing, choking (not in the good way) a bit of domestic violence truthfully, and broken hearts
Disclaimer: I do not promote violence such as this!
Saturday, one of your favorite days and always the best to wrap up the week. There was absolutely no need to work, due to you always preparing on Friday, and the urge to rush for something was usually left for Sunday.
You regularly had to make Severus promise that he would do absolutely no work or grade any assignments on Saturday; you hated him being hunched over his desk grading all day. Once he began, there was no stopping him until he was finished, or until he deemed his work complete for the day.
Spending the day with your husband was infinitely better than the responsibilities that came with being an adult. Cooking for him was enjoyable since it routinely led to Severus helping you. You’d both either read a book in comfortable silence or vent to each other about either of your earlier day.
It wasn’t until you heard the slamming of your front door that you jumped out of your reverie. It hadn’t taken long for you to see the face of the man making harsh strides to the kitchen, calming somewhat when he’d seen your face.
He stepped up towards you, bringing your face to his and kissing you deeply. The knife that’d previously been being used fell to the counter, forcing you two apart at the loud clang.
“What was that for?” You smiled, flushing moderately.
“I have to tell you something.” He responded.
He hadn’t shown any other expression except urgent and you’d known whatever he had to say wasn’t going to be good. “What’s wrong?” You asked.
Grabbing your hand and leading you to the leather sofa, Severus made sure you sat down, “I did something.”
You nodded at the vague admittance, “Alright.”
“Something that I won’t be able to take back.” He’d started pacing, briefly stopping to look you in the eyes.
“What do you mean something you can’t take back?” Immediately, your mind started to race, thinking of the many possibilities. You were trying to push out the creeping thought that he’d cheated. He was a loyal husband, he’d had no need to cheat on you anyway. So you thought.
That was when his pacing started back up. He avoided your gaze now, visibly anxious at what your response would be to his next words, “I took an Unbreakable Vow… with Narcissa…”
His last words were just barely above his regular drawl, still, you heard it. There were a multitude of things that could’ve caused him to have done so, with Narcissa nonetheless. “About what, Severus?”
You’d said his first name and he knew from experience that he needed to choose his words wisely, with the most important part first. Everything else could be added in later. “Should Draco fail to complete the task the Dark Lord has given him, I am to carry out the deed ordered to Draco.” He roughly recited.
You were speechless, frozen dead in your seat. A feeling inside you had started to erupt, both parts a mixture between anger and sadness, and fear and determination. The only other way out of an Unbreakable Vow was death and if he’d taken a vow, the situation had to be worse than serious.
“What… what’s the task?” Unable to look him in the eyes, you spoke.
He didn’t answer right away, but when he did, you wished he hadn’t, “To kill Albus.”
You’d known fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the thing you knew but were trying so desperately to un-know. Fear for someone else, you’d felt that daily for Severus. And there was the hopelessness that ultimately came with it; the feeling of being aware that sometimes there was nothing you could do.
This wasn’t the same fear you felt as a child learning how to ride your first broom or when you were away from home and no longer with your parent(s). No, quite the opposite. It was a kind of fear telling you that there wasn’t going to be a happy ending, regardless of the outcome. You knew, you knew Severus knew. The only ending would be an unhappy one.
You felt sick, your hands had started to shake and you couldn’t help the trembling of your lower lip. The bile that was threatening to come up was being pushed back down with the fact that Severus was still in front of you for now. “What are we going to do?”
“I have to kill Albus, Y/n. There’s no way around this.” He was well versed with the fact that there was nothing the two of you could do about this. He’d found time to be acquainted with knowing he wasn’t going to get out of this alive, he’d tried avoiding thinking about that around you, but he was finding it increasingly harder. “Bella was there.”
“What’d she say?” You sniffled, wiping your eyes.
“She initiated it,” he sighed. “She put the thought in Narcissa’s head, truthfully. We were almost done, I’d almost gotten them out of that forsaken house, but that, that-”
You shook your head, “Bitch. That bitch.” You’d supplied. He wasn’t going to say it, in spite of how much he couldn’t stand her.
“I have to do it.” He was adamant.
You weren’t. “No, Severus, you don’t. We’ll find a way around it, there has to be something in a book about how to conquer them.”
“Find a way around it, and conquer them? Do you hear yourself? There is no way around this!” Severus shouted. His anger from the day and the eerie feeling of fear were bleeding into him now, and he was unfortunate enough to be taking it out on you.
You stood now, angrily, piercing his eyes with an icy stare, “What do you expect me to do, Severus! Huh?! I’m not standing by while you get yourself killed!” Your voice had risen a number of octaves.
He watched as you made your way towards the stairs, “Dumbledore asked me to kill him. I agreed.” Came the confession.
You covered your mouth with your shaky hands, an expression of shame and anguish washing over you and sweeping you under in an unsuspecting tide. “How could you…”
“He’s dying, Y/n; he damn near begged me to.” He admitted. “He found the ring. He said he recognized it as the Resurrection Stone, something he desired for a long time - he wouldn’t give me the reason, nor did I press for the answer. He’d lost his sense, love; he forgot it could’ve been… something, and put it on. The curse immediately applied its effects.
“He managed to contain the curse, found a way to slow its spread. It helped him from dying at once. He came to me and I was able to aid him further with a potion and a hand full of incantations, unfortunately, the curse remained in his right hand.” Severus brushed a trembling hand down his face, covering his eyes momentarily before speaking again, “I informed him that the curse would get through, eventually kill him. I was angry, angry that he’d so foolishly done that, something that was unlike a man of his caliber. He should’ve known better.
“After learning that he had no more than a year to live, wanting to avoid a, in his words, humiliating death, he’s requested that I kill him…” Were his final words.
Your face was in your hands at what you’d just been told. Not only was your husband forced into an Unbreakable, he was ordered to kill the man he’d regrettably come to admire and respect. It wasn’t fair. For Severus or you, but mostly Severus.
“When I asked where you’d disappeared to last week, and you’d told me-” You were interrupted.
“It was to help Albus.” Severus confirmed.
A loud breath was heard released from your mouth, “And when you came home, when I asked you about your day and you’d told me everything but that, you knew you’d have to kill him?”
You sat still. Allowing a substantial amount of silence to sit in the air before you talked again, “I can’t fucking believe you right now.”
“Excuse me?” He had the nerve to sound affronted.
But you stood up now, not eye level with him, yet enough for him to see the venom swirling in your eyes, “Quiet. I’m sick of hearing your voice.” You hissed.
Brushing past him, you violently bumped his shoulder, going back to mince your vegetables. He followed you, astonished by the fact that you were upset - angry - with him.
“Now you’re tired of hearing my voice when a second ago you were ready to cry your heart out?” His tone sounded accusatory, as if you were the one to blame.
Deep down you both knew neither of you were at fault. Neither of you were acting mature, besides you were positive anyone else in your situation wouldn’t have been either. You were playing the hand you were dealt, albeit rather horribly, but still playing. Your cards just happened to be lamentable.
“How dare you throw that back in my face!” You pointed the sharp knife at him.
He was smart enough to back up when his angry wife was wielding a knife, none the wiser to drop the discussion, though. “Ironic, aren’t you? Weren’t you just blaming me for the situation I’ve been put in?”
“You could’ve said no, you rat bastard!” Of course you’d known he couldn’t, that still didn’t stop your heart from breaking at the fact.
“I could’ve said...” He mockingly chuckled. “You’re correct, I could’ve. While I was at it, though, I could’ve said no to a lot of things: saving my godson from losing his soul, stopping Dumbledore from leaving in a more humbling way, giving up nearly two decades of acting as a bloody spy for a fucking maniac and a man who’s maneuvered me like a fucking puppet on strings for him!” He shouted.
You flinched at his volume, screaming out, “Next time, maybe don’t go running to your master when you hear another prophecy!”
The room fell silent except for the rushed strides of Severus coming towards you. “Out of all the things I’ve done, you’ve always been my biggest regret.” He spat.
He’d earned himself a slap that had brought with it a sequence of events. The harsh sting you’d left on his cheek made him turn his head back to you after a minute of registering what’d you’d done. He slammed your back into the wall by your throat, tightening it when he felt your nails scratching at his wrist. Not once did he let up at the look in your eyes, or the tear that escaped his.
The only thing to stop him had been the excruciating burn of his Dark Mark. In an instant, he released your throat, ignoring your gasps of breath and the horrifying cough you let out afterwards. You fell to your knees, desperate for air, seeking the need to breathe. The last thing you heard hadn’t been an apology, nor Severus asking if you were alright. It’d been the sound of the door slamming and causing you to flinch accompanied by the distinct sound of Severus apparating away.
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1994sunflower · 3 years
what if Michael accidentally hurts y/n. Like maybe she’s coming home from her classes and she sees him beating someone up and she tries to stop him and he hurts her on accident. Sorry I just really love your writing especially angst ;)
thank you so much! i love angst too hehe...I dont know how angsty this is but i put a little bit of fluff at the end lol
also, i’m so sorry for being so inactive guys i really am working on stuff i promise :(( but i’m also making like 20 essays for school applications so it’s going slowly. hope you like this!
in which michael accidentally hurts you
You’re never sure how they start. You couldn’t picture something making you so angry that you’d resort to fists. Even your boyfriend, as apathetic as he is with most people, you didn’t know his violent side intimately. It was just never the way Michael was with you. It almost felt like a stranger when you saw evidence of it acting against others, hurting others. 
You never minded much, just tried to stop him and chastised him a bit while you patched him up. Because at the end of the day you knew he wasn’t a bad guy. Even appreciated his ability to defend himself and you. But still the mystery was always preserved. How the man that held you close, looked at you with nothing but love could be the cause of so many broken bones and bloodshed. Was it his temper that you had never seen or was it his not caring of anyone or even himself, the harm it could bring to him if he wasn’t careful.
Either way you hated it. Hated it each time you heard of it, his (comparatively much more violent) past of it and even more when you caught him at it yourself. It was never on purpose. Because if Michael had known you were anywhere near the vicinity he would stop, or leave to finish his business without you being there to witness that side of him. 
You were docile, so much different than him. Michael knew that as well as anyone else. He knew he didn’t deserve you. So, he tried to hard to avoid adding to the list of why. He could imagine in his worst nightmares you seeing that dark side of him, the one that was so much better than before thanks to you, and be terrified. Realize what kind of man you had chosen and finally see that you needed someone better. Someone who wasn’t so aggressive, so violent, so scary. He didn’t want you to look at him with those eyes. Scared, like you never really knew him. Because the truth was you knew him better than anyone else.
Usually you’d catch him when you were walking back from class. Something he should be doing as well. Instead, he’d be somewhere where he imagined you’d never cross paths, far from your last class. Too bad you liked to walk around campus and take shortcuts more than you should. 
It was usually the same thing. He’d have the upper hand. With his height and strength, it was easy. But that’d leave a victim, someone who couldn’t properly defend themselves against the wrath brought on by whatever they had done to Michael. Sometimes as little as bumping into him. You, with all your goodness and empathy, always stopped your boyfriend because you knew only you could. And if you could help someone, you’d always take the opportunity. 
This time was a little different. Maybe Michael had gotten his days crossed, maybe he forgot you had lab that day and you’d have to pass by that way. But in the walk from your building back to off campus, in the little alleyway of one of the last buildings separating campus from the main street, you heard it. The building was tall and its brick walls looked more like formidable walls, so you had to keep walking until you were right at the entryway of the surprisingly big alley to see. 
But your boyfriend was unmistakable. And so was the way he was punching down another boy. The boy was younger than him, it was obvious, maybe even a freshman. Which somehow made it worse. But they were almost equally matched in height and the boy, either from adrenaline or reflex, wasn’t just holding his hands up in defense. He landed more than a few punches back at your boyfriend. Hitting him in his jaw and face, you already saw some scrapes on his temple and cheek. 
Your face contorted into panic at the sight of Michael getting hurt. Maybe even more fear-stricken at that fact than you would have been just seeing another person getting hurt by his hand. It wasn’t fair to care more about him than the other boy, especially when you were sure Michael was the aggressor. But you didn’t care. You loved him too much to see him get hurt. It was the reason you hated him fighting so much, you dreaded to see the consequences it could end up having on him. You’d told him so many times to stop fighting in the past but he wouldn’t listen. He was getting better but never stopping. Being as good for his girlfriend as possible so you’d be proud of him.
There wasn’t much need to worry, though. A few punches landed on him but he still was dominating the fight by far. Especially when he was more pissed off at the younger boy fighting back. But it didn’t matter. If it went on the way it currently was going, both of them would be more seriously injured than maybe they even realized.
You weren’t sure why you didn’t call out to him. Maybe it was the urgency of the situation that had you mute and just running to your boyfriend as quickly as you could. You always stopped him, but that was always when he realized it was you by the sound of your voice. It never occurred to you that he wouldn’t recognize your touch when he was so blinded by rage. You didn’t realize until you were too close, had already touched his arm desperately, hoping to stop any more attacks from raining down on the other boy. You didn’t even get a chance to call out to him, let him listen to your familiar voice that always seemed to soothe him.
By then, he had already pushed you away. He did it without even looking at you, his anger still directed at the boy and no one would stop him — at least when he thought you wouldn’t be there. 
“Get the fuck off me.” His words were in a tone you’d never heard directed at you, only at other people. And his hand hit your shoulder and sent you flying back, landing with a loud thud on the concrete. 
You weren’t sure if the feeling of your body left lingering on his fingers was what made him recognize who he had just pushed. Or maybe it was the recognition of your voice in the pained yell you had let out as you fell down. But he froze. So completely paralyzed, his body rigid. He was begging that as he turned around, slowly almost mechanically, he wouldn’t see you on the ground. That you wouldn’t be the person he had just physically hurt in his anger. 
It was fruitless. As he kept his grip on his opponents shirt, but stopped yelling, stopped assaulting; just looking behind him, dreading what he would see. It was you. You sitting up, your knees and arms scraped from the fall, some blood and red, raw skin on the injuries. Your pretty dress was crumpled and dirty, bits of concrete, dirt and filth marred your spotless person. His pure, fragile girl.
But it was your face that had him letting go of the boy, arms hanging limply at his side, anger forgotten and eyes wide in horror at what he had just done to his girlfriend who he loved so much. You were looking up at him, tears in your eyes from the pain. They flowed down your cheeks and while you were silent, your eyes screamed at him what hurt more than any of the punches he had just taken. It’s your fault.
He hadn’t pushed that hard. But to your smaller body, even a light hit from him would be painful and powerful. Especially with his added strength.
“Y/N…” The boy was long forgotten. Even when he took the opportunity to run away. Michael forgot the reason for the fight in the first place. Nothing, really, entered his mind as important except you. All his thoughts had zeroed in on the scene in front of him, what he had just done to you. You were the best thing to ever happen to him. He cared about you so much. He loved you more than anyone else, even himself. Hurting you was the last thing he ever wanted to do. He’d hurt himself before he let anything touch you. All he ever wanted was to protect you. But yet, he was the one that ended up doing just that.
“Fuck, baby, I didn’t-” Know it was you. 
He fucked up. He’d never felt more ashamed at having lost control. If he hadn’t, he’d have stopped and seen it was you. He would have listened when your little hand took hold of his arm. Recognized the feeling of your skin on his like he could so easily do when he was in the right frame of mind. He wouldn’t have hurt you. You wouldn’t be on the ground, dirty and injured because of him. 
But as he stepped towards you, already bending down to help you up, check on you, it got worse. It was worse before you pushed yourself back with the heels of your feet, putting more distance between him and you, making sure he couldn’t get near you. “Don’t touch me.” 
Hurt flashed on his face at your words. At you rejecting to even be near him. The one person that had always stuck by him through everything and forgave him even with how often he fucked up. The one that gave him an unconditional love he wasn’t used to. Part of him new he deserved it, for hurting you even if it was an accident. But the ache he felt when he couldn’t even help you, ask for your forgiveness because you didn’t want to hear it right then, was strong. 
Your voice wavered and broke but your eyes showed very clearly how much you meant those words. He wasn’t sure what was worst to see in them, the anger or the fear. 
Why were you even there? He was sure you had class on the opposite side of campus. It was why he never imagined you were the one trying to stop him. He pictured you walking peacefully from your class back home to wait for him to get back to you. Not what actually ended up happening. He would have never fought in a place you could so easily have seen, so easily have gotten hurt. Especially when he wanted to make you see how much better he was being for you, even if not by much. If you had called out to him, he hadn’t even heard you.
Michael felt a pit at his stomach. Could already hear you breaking up with him, because a girl like you didn’t deserve to be on the ground, looking so pretty and innocent and have that ruined because her boyfriend couldn’t just listen to her and try to be less violent with others. Dread filled him at the different possibilities of losing you this could bring him. None of them did he want. But still, watching you wince as you emotionally collected yourself, he had to curse himself. He wouldn’t blame you. It’s his fault.
Even at your words, he still moved forward, getting down on his knees to be on your level. When you lifted up your palms from the ground, they were tinged pink from the fall and bits and pieces of the concrete were stuck to the palms of your hands. His jaw locked at the sight, regret filling his mind.
Taking your small hands in his, slowly, he sucked in a relieved breath when you didn’t push him away like he thought you would. Instead, he wouldn’t meet your big eyes as he felt them looking at him, he couldn’t. It was so shameful to see that pure wide eyed look of yours and know he had hurt someone that wholesome and kind. 
His gaze stayed on your hands as you held them out palm up. One of his hands cupped the back of your two hands while the other he used to gently pick off the grovel. Not too fast lest they be sharp and hurt you. It was almost comical really, to see his hands, still bloody at the knuckles from the fight, being so tender only a few minutes later. 
“Does it hurt?” He asked you when he was done. When you winced as you curled your fingers in was the answer. 
You wouldn’t even look at him. Let alone acknowledge the apology begging to leave his lips. And he had to resist the urge to take you into his arms so he wouldn’t feel the coldness you were currently giving him. Tears were still running down your cheek by the time your backpack that had fallen beside you was taken up by Michael. He slung it across his shoulder easily, no matter how heavy you had found it. Then his arm was around your waist and his hand on your arm, pulling you up finally from the ground that should be kissed at your feet instead of you laying in it. 
Clearly, he wasn’t taking your command to not touch you seriously. But you didn’t make any move to enforce it - despite how angry you felt, how struck at what he had done to you, no matter that he had done it unconsciously. He needed it, to feel as if he hadn’t completely destroyed everything in the relationship he cherished so much. That the only girl he loved and respected didn’t feel terrified of him and distrust him.
He’d brought a lot of emotions out of you, particularly pleasure, but pain was never meant to be one of them.
That much was obvious in the almost shameful look on his face all the way back to your house - the place you’d forced him to take you to instead of his own home. You would’ve preferred to go home by yourself, your anger and freight not being appropriate to be next to him, let alone have him nearly piggyback carrying you all the way. But he wouldn’t leave your side. 
It was also seen in his small voice, as shaky and almost insecure as you’d ever heard it when you forced him to put you down as you finally got home. The security of your home giving you what your had been lacking the second Michael sent you to the ground, the safety you usually got from him was weak.
“I can help...” 
“No, I got it.” Your words were cold, so different from your usually light and happy voice, as you walked away from him and to your bathroom where you kept the first aid kit. It was usually there for him whenever he got in a fight and got hurt. But now, you needed it.
He flinched at your tone. Despite whatever fights he ever got in, you were the only one who could ever truly hurt him. 
Michael stayed in the living room silently while you disinfected your wounds and covered them up. He hurt you. You could still feel the pain of it, see it physically manifested. You were still crying, sniffling as quietly as you could. It didn’t hurt so much as it did scare you. Not that you were scared of him. Despite what happened, you knew it was an accident and you knew he would never hurt you purposely like that ever. 
But the fact it happened, the fact he had been so lost in his anger that he didn’t stop and think about what he was doing and his surroundings. The fact that you had felt his strength in such an ugly, dangerous way. The suddenness of it scared you. 
And you hated feeling that towards your boyfriend. You only wanted to feel happy and loved with him, nothing as negative as this. It was also frustrating, knowing you had warned him of consequences of his actions like this, though never expected you’d ever be on the receiving end of it, but he still hasn’t changed. But this was the last time you’d ever allow yourself to be in this position.
It made you almost think that your friends, the rumors, maybe they were more right about Michael and his anger than you were whenever you tried to defend him. You wanted your boyfriend to be safe. You didn’t want to believe they were right. Otherwise, you didn’t really know the man you claimed to love.
You were mad and frightened. But it came from a place of love. You didn’t want him to get hurt and you especially didn’t want it to get to this point where he couldn’t even stop himself before it got out of his control until it was too late. You loved him.
When you finished fixing yourself up as best as you could, you left the bathroom and moved quietly into your living room where Michael was sitting silently. His face was in his hands. His very posture screamed regret and you didn’t even want to imagine how dark and self-deprecating his thoughts were as he blamed himself for hurting you, you knew it was hard for him.
He’d told you so many times it was the last thing he wanted. You weren’t sure he could forgive himself. Especially when he knew his strength compared to yours, when he saw your injuries caused by his hand. 
You weren’t sure he even felt your presence when you slowly sat down next to him on the couch, the kit still in your hands. “Here, let me cover that up.”
He had bruises all over his face, particularly his jaw but he had an especially nasty cut on his forehead. 
But when you raised your hands to start working on it, Michael finally looked at you, only to move his head back and shake his head. You were too good for this world, to still worry about him after everything. 
“Don’t waste it on me.”
With you red rimmed eyes, your voice was still more serious than usual but your words were almost normal, “Don’t be silly. You’re hurt.”
Michael kept silent as you focused on his injury. But you could tell his mind was moving quickly, probably figuring out what to say to you.
You wanted him to feel bad, it wasn’t okay and he needed to feel it in order to change. But you didn’t want him to drive himself crazy with kicking himself in the back for what he accidentally did. He stopped as soon as it happened, it gave you hope of how he could change. How this could be a wake up call.
It was only when you were almost done that he spoke. “I didn’t know you were the one grabbing me. I swear I would never have hurt you, it was too late when I realized you-” his head hung in shame, “You were already on the ground when I figured out it was you.”
He was silent for a while and you thought it was him re-living the moment you had been flung so strongly. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I would never hurt you like that. Ever. I promise. You’re the only good thing I have in my life. I can’t lose you and it shouldn’t have happened, I should have realized I was just so pissed off. And I thought you were in class. I never thought you’d be there. But it will never happen again.” 
“Michael…” You sighed, you’d heard that before. 
But he cut you off. “No, I’m serious. It won’t. I….I hated seeing you hurt like that. Especially because it was my fault. I know I’m violent but you’ll never experience that again. You’ll never see that again. I’ll never hurt you again so…please…I’m sorry.”
He was so rarely vulnerable with his words, let alone speaking so much. It was obvious he meant it. You took in his apology and his words. You didn’t say it was okay but you didn’t move away or reject his apology either. 
“You won’t lose me.” When his guilty eyes bore into yours, you took his bruised hand. “I know you didn’t meant to, Mikey, you’re not that type of guy and you’ve never been violent towards me. But I get so worried seeing you fight and get hurt, you didn’t even realize it was me because you were so mad. It’s seeing you in a light that I don’t like.”
His words were soft-spoken and gentle, his rough hands encasing your smaller ones almost as if they were glass, like the most precious thing he had. “I know. I’m working on it.” Both of you knew he was. If just to keep you happy. His fights are fewer and farther between but when they do happen, they’re never any less bloody. 
Michael’s eyes trailed down to your arm and your dress, marred with stripes of gravel and dirt. Your scraped knees. Your eyes puffy from crying. Even hurt you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. He almost wanted to pull away, he had no right to be touching you, to still be the object of your love. Not when someone as sweet, innocent and peaceful as you was with someone as wrong as him. You deserved someone that brought only smiles out of you. Fuck. He cherished you. And he was disgusted at what he did; would always be, the memory would haunt him for a long time. 
He almost looked in pain as he forced himself to keep looking at what he had done to you. “Does it still hurt?”
You almost didn’t want to answer, for his sake but still you nodded. “I have to change clothes, too.”
“You look so pretty.” It made it worse, how much you more you deserved. “You deserve better.”
Your eyes were confident with your next words, “You’re going to give me that.” He had to. Otherwise, you didn’t think anything you imagined your future would be was going to stay the same. 
And he would. For you.
It didn’t mean he would be perfect or that his tendencies would change. You’d always catch him in fights or in some kind of trouble. But he would be in his right mind, he’d stop before he went too far. And most importantly, he’d never hurt you like he did today. It wouldn’t be hard. When you changed his life so much, he wasn’t in that state of mind he was when he was so angry and violent before he met you. 
Michael started that new resolution to change by peppering you with kisses, grateful he still could, not stopping until you began giggling and pawing at him to stop. You were still kind of mad and hesitant after all, but it was hard to fight back against his sweeter side giving you more of an apology. He was careful to ghost his fingertips over your injuries so as not to hurt you as he took you in his arms like his life depended on you being with him. 
“I love you.” His gravelly voice murmured, “So much.” You were everything to him. What he cherished the most in his life, who he would always need at his side. The last person he wanted to hurt. He was so lucky you were such a good, forgiving person that believed in him. Trusted him. Loved him.
“I know. I love you too.”
You and your love were the what that brought his happiness and goodness into his life. Without you, he would be so much worse than he seemed to be right then. You were the reason he could imagine a normal future for himself, one with a family and a home. The reason he was so much happier recently, why he hadn’t been in a fight in months before this last one. 
He’d never hurt you again. You’d only ever feel good feelings arisen by him, like it always should have been.
Your voice was almost shy but your words were very much willing to take advantage of his guilty mind. “Can we have a spa night? I think it might help my wounds.”
Michael, your big, mature, manly, would-never-have-a-spa-night boyfriend looked at you, knowing very well the healing properties a spa routine could have on your injuries was bullshit. But still he nodded. He’d do anything for you. 
Anything to make it up to you. To take away that hesitancy and sadness in your eyes, to try as he might to erase his huge mistake and replace that scary image of him and know that he was nothing like that with you. Anything to have the rest of the day bring you nothing but peace and happy memories with him, what you had always felt in your life that changed when you met your explosive boyfriend. Having you in his arms for the rest of the night, forgetting the cuts on both of your persons for the night. 
“With face masks?”
You smiled sheepishly, “….And can we watch Legally Blonde?”
“Whatever you want, baby.” 
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anemo-writes · 4 years
hello travelers! i’m sorry for the late of inactivity recently, i’m working on some of my one-shot requests and obviously that will take a bit longer than writing headcanons; anyways, the genshin impact characters would like to wish you a very merry christmas!! the rest of the characters are below the cut to avoid clogging, so be sure to check them out too<3 happy holidays everyone, stay safe!
much love,
~ anemo-chan <3
The (Playable) Genshin Impact Characters Wishing You a Merry Christmas
Albedo: Merry Christmas. Ah, that reminds me—I hope that you do not mind, but I have sketched a portrait of you and want to give it to you as a gift. When did I do this, you ask? Why, it was during our time together in Dragonspine. It would have been a shame to not create something to remember one of my fondest memories, no?
Amber: Hey! Happy Christmas—Oh, I meant merry Christmas. Anyways, I have a gift for you! I noticed your glider was getting a bit worn out, so I got you a new pair; why don’t we go for a test run together? What? Oh yeah, gliding in the snow probably wouldn’t be the best idea, would it?
Barbara: Hehe, do you like the dress I’m wearing?—I made it myself! Oh, that reminds me, I made you a matching outfit to go along with mine when we go caroling together—huh? You’ve never been caroling before? No worries, Idol Barbara will teach you all you need to know!
Beidou: Yo~ Merry Christmas! How does the ship look? The crew and I spent the last week trying to decorate it accordingly. Say, how about you aboard the ship and join us for a few drinks? There’s nothing like a few mugs of eggnog on Christmas!
Bennett: Merry Christmas! Huh? What am I holding behind my back? Haha, well it was actually supposed to be your present...until I accidentally squashed it when I tripped walking out of the store, that is. Maybe I should’ve asked for extra luck for my presents this year...
Chongyun: Merry Christmas. Please accept this gift of a flower made of never-melting ice—I carved it myself. Yes, I partook in an ice-carving class when I was younger, so I suppose it does look somewhat like a professional’s; I hope to grow better at it, however. Perhaps I’ll gift my next creation to you, if you do not mind.
Diluc: Merry Christmas. I hope you do not mind if I gift you a bottle of a new line of wine we are producing at the winery—if you happen to enjoy it, do not hesitate to let me know; we have plenty of other bottles and I would be happy to give you another bottle or two. Ah, there’s no need for you to gift me anything back; your presence is a gift enough already.
Diona: Would you mind trying this special batch of eggnog that I made? It’s non-alcoholic, so hopefully my father—I mean, you won’t be able to taste the difference. That is, only if you want to—it’s not like I’m asking you to do me a favor or anything! Oh, and merry Christmas...
Fischl: Well, if it isn’t the merriest of the holidays! It won’t do to prepare a present that you would possibly not like, so please allow me to accompany you on a journey to find a gift of your deepest desires! Come, you have my full attention—what is it that you wish for?
Jean: Merry Christmas. It is another joyous occasion to celebrate. Ah, I apologize—I haven’t had time to buy you a gift. Why don’t we go together to find something you’d like? Please do not care about the price, see it as something I must repay you for for not having it wrapped and ready for you to open already.
Kaeya: Merry Christmas. You don’t happen to believe in Santa, do you? Oh, you do? Now now, that is very interesting. Haha, of course there’s no harm in believing in such a legend; that is, unless you’ve been naughty this year? Who knows what Santa does to bad little boys and girls...
Keqing: Merry Christmas! Here is a specially-crafted latern fueled by a part of my Electro-vision; it’ll never run out of charge, so please use it on your journey to light up the darkest of your days. I truly hope you enjoy it, and may the next year be filled with better luck and prosper.
Klee: Merry Christmas, best-friend! Here, look! Mm, it’s a bomb I made especially for you—it’s shaped like an ornament. Isn’t it the best? Don’t let Jean see though!! I’ll have to go solitary confinement for weeks if she catches you with one of my latest creations!
Lisa: Merry Christmas, cutie! As a gift, I’ve crafted you an amulet to match with one I’ve made for myself, so be sure not to loose it! It’ll look bad on my part, and we don’t want that, do we now?
Mona: Ah, the starry night always look brighter on such a merry holiday, don’t you think? Oh, that reminds me—here, take this. It’s an object to help you look for certain gems along your journey; it will glow when near, so be sure to keep an eye out. Once you find it, polish it well, and it will shine as bright as the night sky.
Ningguang: I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas. However, I was not too sure on what to get you as a gift, so please enlighten me on your preference. Go on, I am listening; anything will do, if it is to your liking.
Noelle: Merry Christmas! While it is a very merry day, it is bound with overwhelming errands and things to do—but fear not, your dutiful maid is here to serve you! Purchasing presents, wrapping them, or whatever else you would like me to do, I will do it—I am yours to serve for today, so please do not be shy to ask me to perform a task today.
Qiqi: Merry...Christmas? Yes, I believe that’s right. Baizhu told me that during these times friends often gift each other things, so I have brought you a bag of herbal medicine to use during your adventures because we are friends.
Razor: Ah...it is holiday today? Christmas...it does not sound familiar to Razor. But if you celebrate it, Razor is more than happy to celebrate with you; come, we will go hunting to prepare for our feast tonight.
Sucrose: Merry Christmas! Take a look at this, I’ve finally perfected the formula to this potion of mine! What does it do? Well, I’m glad you asked—if everything works accordingly to the plan, it’ll formulate a box of your most favorite memories of the past year into a physical memento! Doesn’t it sound wonderful?
Tartaglia: Hohoho~! Merry Christmas, comrade! Oh, that reminds me!—Teucer has been asking about you recently, so why don’t you join us for dinner? I’ll even escort you to Snezhnaya myself—perhaps we can even find some enemies to kill along the way. Haha, surely you won’t decline such an invitation?
Venti: Merry Christmas, dear friend! What is it that I’ve prepared for you on this joyous holiday, you may ask? Well, you’re in luck—I’ve written a new song just for you! Hehe, don’t worry about repaying me back, this song is completely free! Generous, I know! If you want to help though, make sure this song is passed down for multiple generations—I spent a long time writing it!
Xiangling: Merry Christmas! Look, look! I’ve prepared the two of us a whole feast for tonight’s dinner—what’s the bandaid on my finger, you ask? Oh, it’s no biggie, I accidentally cut myself while chopping some of the ingredients—oh, forget it! Let’s dig in! Be sure to tell me which one is your favorite; I’ll add to the menu at the restaurant!
Xingqiu: Merry Christmas, my liege! I have brought you one of my most treasured books as a gift for this joyous occasion; there is no need for you to return it! It is for your keeping. May the next year and years to come be filled with prosper and mirth!
Xinyan: Woohoo, it’s Christmas! What a rockin’ excuse to shred some Christmas tunes, amiright? Oh, you’ve got a pretty good voice if I do say so myself! Say, why don’t you join me up on stage today? I’ll play guitar, and you sing! That’s sure to rally up a crowd!
Zhongli: Merry Christmas—although I am not too familiar with the exchange of gifts, I have collected a rare flower for you which is native to Liyue only, and only grows during this time of the year. I hope to be able to exchange gifts with you next year as well.
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rainygothherowolf · 4 years
Daminette- Oblivious Idiots
Ladybug groans her face in a pillow as she freaks out a little a lot.
"How'd you figure it out? I'm not that obvious, am I? Do you think he knows? He can't know, that would be awful- ohhhh NonononononoNOnonononooooo. No. Please, tell me he doesn't know." Ladybug is laying face down on the couch in the living room of Titans Tower, Beast Boy smirking down at her reaction to being found out. The boy just brought up her rather obvious crush, and now the Parisian hero is a little panicked. If Beast Boy noticed who else did? Everyone on the team is really smart.
The Parisian joined the Titans over a year ago after asking the Justice League for help. She fits into the team’s dynamic really well, playing video games with Beast Boy and Kid Flash; hanging out with Star and binging rom-coms; Raven was a tough nut to crack but didn’t seem to mind hanging out. They did get along but respected that they just had very different interests.
Robin is a completely different story, at first he was rude but the bluenette was stubborn. She wasn't going to deal with his bratty attitude, she sticks up for her herself. At some point, the Parisian earns his respect. They became friends over time, working well together though Robin insisted they train so she could improve her technique.
"It's kinda obvious for me, but he's pretty dense. Bats are always idiots when it comes to emotions n' stuff." The young Parisian hero looks up from her pillow.    
"I know that... he's my best friend. Friend- Merde. What if he sees me just as a friend!?" The bluenette's hands go to her hair, eyes blown wide. It takes everything in Beast Boy not to laugh at how blind the girl is being. Does she not see how smitten the fourth Robin is for her? That he acts more like a human being when she's around?
"No, what if all he ever sees in me is a friend? This isn't good, then we'll never date and he's just so datable. Have you seen the way his nose crinkles when he tastes something he doesn't like, holding it until it goes away? And the way he swoops his hair, I'd bet it's soft. And he's so strong-"
"Ew. I have ears, please don't-" Ladybug doesn’t seem to hear him, continuing her rant. 
"And then one day I'll have to watch him fall for someone, I think I already have. It's awful- not that I'm not happy he's happy, because I am- but I think he likes Raven. They spend so much time together, sneaking off sometimes."
"I bet they like each other, how could I compete with her. She's amazing, and- and I'm not." The bluenette's tone goes from one of acceptance to defeat.
"Oh, okay, we got serious. Uh- don't cry." When he and Raven went over the plan, they hadn't covered the possibility of a) Ladybug thinking Robin and Raven were a thing; or b) that Ladybug would compare herself to Raven. The Parisian is always so self-confident and optimistic, perfect even- she never lets anyone get her down. She huffs at his less than helpful response.
"I'm not gonna cry. It's just, why would he like me? I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm annoying." The girl stands pacing, trying to decipher the enigma that is Robin. The girl's moods changes at the drop of a dime, leaving Beast Boy to try and play catch-up.
"Am I  annoying to him? Probably. Raven is so calm and nice, he has no reason not to like her."
"That's definitely not true, if he thinks that he would tell you." She nods, sitting on the couch, leaning on her hands. His words help a little but a girl’s mind is her worst enemy, all the worst 'what if's' popping into her brain like spam mail in an already full mailbox.
This is going to take more intervention than he thought. "You're ridiculous, that isn't true."
"You're just blind, and as you would say- 'you're too close.'" Robin rolls his eyes, Raven is sitting on her bed as Robin looks at her, standing.
"All I'm saying is-"
"I understand what you said, you don't need to repeat it. All I'm saying is-" He mocks, "- that it's highly unlikely she'd be interested in me." This time Raven rolls her eyes, he really is an idiot.
"How can I prove it to you- just ask her out. She'll say yes."
"I don't trust you, you have no proof."
"Fine. Don't believe me, but mark my words, if you wait too long she might settle for someone else. You heard her complain about being mobbed on Valentines day last year."
"Whatever, she didn't like any of them."
"Yeah, because she likes you." Robin glares at Raven as he walks out of her room to go train. Robin first saw her as annoying but she grew on him. He mistook his interest in her as friendship until Raven commented on his liking their latest addition without telling her. It went downhill from there, now it’s like he can’t get her off his mind.
He tried to deny it, reason a way out of the conclusion. Raven did her best to encourage him but she was getting nowhere, the entire team was frustrated because both refused to see what was staring them right in the face.  Beast Boy and Raven meet with Starfire after both Ladybug and Robin go back to their respective home cities.
"What did you the learn?" Beast Boy speaks up first, recounting his confronting Ladybug about it. 
"She's got it bad, thinks he and Raven are into each other." 
"Robin is convinced she doesn't like him. He doesn't want to get rejected so he refuses to ask her out."
"How can we tell him she likes him that he actually does the listening?"
"He'd only be convinced if he heard her say it." Raven reasons, knowing how blind and hard headed Robin is.
"There's no way she'll fess-up, she's too insecure. Even if we convinced her that Robin wasn't into you."
"I wish the little D could just hear her say it in passing. He would ask without fear and she'd get to date him without putting herself out there." Beast Boy can already see it, it’s the perfect plan. 
"I'm sure I could get her to talk about it in the hall, you could get him close enough to hear?" Beast Boy offers, it could work but they can't see each other.
"We'll use the hallways on the fifth floor, that are separated by a wall and meet towards the elevator?"
"Sounds great, Mama." Raven rolls her eyes at his nickname for her. Starfire looks between the two before abruptly standing, trying to hide her smile.
"Yes, well, I must attend to some dishes. Farewell." The two shared a look. Perhaps it isn't only Robin and Ladybug that need to come clean.
"We gotta say something sooner than lat-"
"I know, but not yet. We could use this to our advantage..." "Right? So I had to go all the way to the other side of the city to deliver this banner, it was worth it though. The skater friend won."
"Do they still race? You said this was a normal way to spend your weekend."
"O-oh well, I don't see them much anymore." Ladybug's shoulders turn inwards, looking to the floor. Robin hates the small frown on her lips, he knows better than to pry but maybe if he got some more information he could help.
"How come?"
"Just, time. Grew apart I guess."
"You're an awful liar."
"I take that as a compliment!" Ladybug defended, smiling slightly. "You see, while Mr.-Tall,-Dark,-Handsome,-and-Mysterious is making up lies he has to keep straight I'm simply seen as an airhead that forgets her phone everywhere she goes!"
"You're even worse at changing the subject." Ladybug's smile falters.
"Hehe, yeah, have you seen Star? She said she had the cutest picture of you asleep in your costume with some dog." Robin crosses his arms, why is she avoiding the subject?
"I have plenty of pictures of 'the dog' but please-" He pats the seat next to him on his bed, "-elaborate on this 'growing apart' situation." He isn't going to give in, he has that face he used to do during training when she was too tired to get up. Ladybug sit, plopping onto the bed her arms spread across the comfortable fabric of the duvet.
"I can't say much, just that they don't want to be friends with me anymore. None of them do."
"Who's none of them?"
"My friends. All of them, only one does but they 'can't' be my friend. He just doesn't have enough of a backbone."
"Surely you have other friends besides the mindless heathens."
"School and hero duties add up, I hardly have enough time to keep up with my jobs. I don't have time for that, and they could get suspicious, notice the patterns where my old friends would see the clumsy forgetful me." He nods, laying on his back and turning to look her in the eye.
"At least I have you guys." She smiles, brushing some hair from Robin's forehead. It feels nice.
"If it were up to me-"
"It isn't, and it's best not to dwell. Come on, bird boy, let's get a snack."
"Right, but none of that hot chocolate nonsense." She rolls her eyes, she'll get him to try it. One day.
"Are we sure this is gonna work?" Beast Boy is unsure, Raven hadn't seen the way Ladybug reacted, it was like no matter what he said her mind found some way to turn it into a bad thing, like she could only see the worst in a situation. It was completely unlike her.
"No 'but's', this will give Robin the push he needs to ask her out. She'll say yes. End of story."
"Then why are we planning the the thing with the mo-"
"In case he's more dense than humanly possible and because it's time people knew."
"Right... I'll wait till ten minutes from now to get her to walk past, you have till then to get him there, we'll take two laps just in case." Raven nods before going to look for Robin. She finds him in the living room, reading a book. 
“Come.” Raven turns around and makes her way towards the elevator, he catches up and they ride to the fifth floor. They exit and hide behind the designated wall. 
"You are not to make a sound, simply wait and listen.”
They wait.
And listen.
It takes ten minutes for something to happen, the elevator bell rings and opens at their floor. Raven motions for him to stay quiet. Robin hears to footsteps as someone sighs.
"-How could I not? He's just so- dreamy."
"Ew. Why do you even like him? You're too nice for him."
"I am not 'too nice' and Robin is not mean... He's just... gruff- yeah, gruff, at first. But you should have seen how cute it was when we were talking about something and I was laying and he laid down next to me and there was hair blocking his eyes a little so I swiped it out of the way and it was so soft." She says it all in one breath which should be concerning if Robin’s attention wasn’t being taken up by trying to not freak out. His eyes wide, back pressed against the wall so as not to get caught. She keeps talking, he has to hear more.
She sounds so sure of her affection, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. She likes him? Like to date? Raven is right? This is impossible, but it was happening. She’s ranting about things not even he notices about himself like they’re the most amazing things in the world.
"And have you seen him smile? And his laugh, it's one of my favorite things about him. And did you notice the way he always perks up when there's a happy animal on the television, like it reminds him of something- I'd bet he has an animal. I wish I could have a pet." They kept walking, she kept rambling about him, his hair, his smile, the way he walked. He heard the voices fade at she and Beast Boy kept walking.
"I told you." Robin didn't even have a response, she feels the same way?
"She likes me?"
"You've got to be joking, after all that, you still don't believe it?"
"Shut up, I'm processing." Raven crosses her arms, impatiently waiting, they'll loop back soon.
"She likes me."
"Just keep listening." Ladybug and Beast Boy came back into earshot. When they got closer, Beast Boy cut her off when she starts going off topic about his hair.
"So if he asked you out, what would you do?" Robin hears them stop, she makes a high pitched whine he knows means she’s flustered, she used to do it every time he glared her down and got a little too close, at the time, an unknown symptom of his attraction towards the heroine.
"I mean, if I could speak- I'd say yes but I'd probably freak out and fall or trip over my words. It doesn't matter, he wouldn't ask. Why in the world would he like me?" Raven has to remind Robin to stay quiet and hidden with a shushing motion and a hand to his shoulder. He stays in place despite the fact that he wanted to list every reason why he would. His stupid monkey brain thought of kissing her to drive his point home but shoos the intrusive thought away.
"Right, and what you'd kiss him?" It was like his teammate is reading his stupid, teenage mind.
"Pretending he liked me back? I mean, I could go on about his li-"
"Please don't." The bluenette laughs with him.
"Ah! I have to go meet Robin for training. Bye!"
"Later." The girl's footsteps disappear as the elevator door arrives and carries her towards the training room.
"Dude you better not say she doesn't like you again." Beast Boy sad, knocking on the wall to get his attention.
"Why don't you just ask her?"
"Yes, the little D, she will the gladly accept." Kor'i appears out of nowhere, he hates when she hovers like that. He can never tell where she is. He glares at them all, he’s late to meet with Ladybug. How in the world is he going to face her after that, it was so wrong to have listened. She hadn't meant for him to hear those things. Robin is filled with guilt as he walks into the waiting elevator and nears the training room. Ladybug is there smiling and slightly pink, likely from their teammate's questions.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes." He couldn't tell her he heard, she'll get embarrassed. He can't act on it either, she sounds busy enough as is. He would just be in the way.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." He snaps at her this time, the rest of their training session is silent. She leaves back to Paris as soon as her shift is over, not staying to speak with Robin like she usually does. No one is amused by his behavior.
"What the hell? You get the confirmation you've been needing to finally ask her out and you start acting like you hate her?" Beast Boy finally exclaims, Raven kicks him under the chair.
"It's none of your business, and none of you should have interfered. I was not meant to hear any of that, she doesn't have time for me anyways." Robin gets up from his seat and walks towards the zeta-tube.
After that, things get a little better. Robin isn't rude or snappy to her but they don't talk or have their little one on one training sessions. Ladybug does everything in her power to try and rebuild the bridge she didn't know had been burnt. She doesn't know what she did wrong, what she said, what happened made Robin want to avoid her like the plague.
Is he going to leave her too?
No. It doesn't matter that he probably put two and two together and knows she likes him, that he probably likes someone else, he is her friend at the very least, it might not be enough but it’s something.
Ladybug gathers her courage, waiting for him to pass the one place she knows she can get him. Waiting right at a corner, she hears him coming. She wants to laugh when he slows, always knowing when she tries to sneak up on him, but this time she holds it in. Reminding herself of why she’s there.
Just as he comes into range, she turns the corner and faces him. 
Her face is angry, no, pissed. Her eyebrows scrunched, a deep frown replacing the usual smile, she shoves a finger onto his chest. He always knew she was there but her expression, it’s hurt and angry and world ending- his world to be specific.
"What is your deal? What the hell did I do to you that you won't even talk to me anymore? What did I say? Why do you suddenly hate me?"
"I mean, one day we're laughing and talking, and I tell you about what happened with my friends, and then the next you don't even bother to greet me!" She berates him in French, she gets more passionate about her speech until she's out of gas. At least, that's what he thinks.
“It’s disrespectful and hurtful! You don’t just drop someone because they did something to upset you, you try to fix it. You try to work through it!” 
"What? You what? I told you about my friends, not only did I put a lot of trust in you for that- it could have pointed towards my identity if I slipped up. You're too easy to talk to. And don't you dare say that this is just how you are because we both know you've been off lately. So just tell me! Tell me you hate me, tell me you want space, tell me somethings wrong or that I did something but just don't shrug this off. You are too important to me to just let this go!" He can see the unshed tears in her eyes, why is she crying? Why does he have to make her cry? He doesn’t deserve her tears, her affection, he doesn’t deserve her. 
"I just- I think you can do better. I’m not a good enough companion." Robin refused to use the word friend, she isn’t his friend, she’s so much more than that. A rouge tear falls, her face incredulous.
"You sound busy enough, you'd be better off spending your time with someone else." Robin doesn’t look her in the eye, it’s the honest truth but he can’t stand looking at her so upset. 
Ladybug is at a loss, that’s why he’s upset? Because he thinks she was wasting her time? That he wasn't good enough for her to spend her time with?
It’s like a switch flips, her anger melting away. Her jabbing finger falls.
"Who could be better?" She hugs him, Damian does have some experience from Grayson so he awkwardly returns the favor. The far shorter girl sniffles once before pulling back with a smile.
Robin feels a pang in his chest, he made her cry. She wipes away the unshed tears from the corners of her eyes, glad to have the mess over and done with. He vows never to do so ever again.
"I never wanna hear you say that you're anything less than the best, c'mon time to get your butt handed to you."
"You wish." Robin sighed, she always beats him in video games. As they walk, the alarm blares. There’s an attack somewhere. The duo runs towards the living room, Starfire is already there with Beast Boy, Raven, and Kid Flash.
"We've got two. There's some kind of monster tearing through down town, we need to stop them."
"And the other?" Robin asks.
"Paris, akuma." Ladybug groans, like she always does. She runs off towards the zeta tubes with a wave goodbye. Time to deal with the mangy cat's puns.
Robin and the rest of the team walk back into Titan Tower expecting to see Ladybug waiting for them, she always gets back before them in situations like this. Kid Flash speeds off after grabbing his things saying he’s late to something, as usual. Beast Boy limps, most of his weight supported by Raven as they make their way towards the med bay. 
Robin and Starfire sit in the living room, she shows him photos of Dick in ridiculous sleeping positions or mid fall but Robin is on edge. Why isn't she back yet?
Of course, he gets an immediate answer. Ladybug's distress signal goes off, he and Star are off without a moment's hesitation. Jumping into the zeta-tubes, worry for their teammate clear. After over a year of working with her she’s never used the distress button. The machine powers up and blinds them, Damian jams a communicator in his ear and tunes in to the local news station. He hears where Ladybug is and he and Starfire set off in search for the girl. Paris is bright, people stop and stare as the heroes make their way towards the Eiffel tower.
Robin's mind is hyper focused and clouded at the same time, he knows he has to be at his best to help Ladybug so he shoves all that annoying emotion in a stupid box, shuts it, locks it, and pushes it into a dark little corner. They arrive at the lawn of the Eiffel tower.
Looking exhausted, Ladybug charges the villain. A blond boy in a black cat suit is flung at her with ease. The monster tries to throw a bus full of people at the two as Ladybug tries to get the boy off, he doesn’t seem to care, trying to hug the girl. Robin feels his chest tighten in jealousy.
Robin motions towards the bus, Starfire flies past and catches the bus mid air. The dark haired teenage boy is quick to lift the ill equipped partner he's heard so very much about off Ladybug.
"I believe she is trying to get up." He drops the boy to the side before offering a hand to Ladybug.
"Hello, again." Ladybug smiles up at him, taking Robins hand. Pulling her up, the two stand close together. Staring.
"Shall we get back to the task at hand?!" Starfire asks, mid battle with the monster when Ladybug and Robin snap back to reality. They join the fight, Chat sticks to the sidelines with a pout. The monster is tough, she only pressed the panic button in fear of the hostages being injured or killed. Even if they were physically healed by the miraculous cure it’s traumatizing.
The battle doesn’t last very long, the monster is extremely susceptible to Robin's ice capsules, and is no match for Kor'i's strength.
Ladybug is relieved when she sees the purified akuma flap away.
"Miraculous Ladybug!" The bluenette was able to use her lucky charm quickly enough, she'd say thank you before giving Tikki food and returning to the tower to finish her shift.
"Well done."
"Thank you, you weren't too bad yourself." Marinette smiles back to the far taller boy.
"Will you be returning to the tower? Should we wait for you?"
"You are the kidding, yes? We are in Paris! I'd like to go the shopping!" Ladybug laughed.
"With what money? My brother's card is rather telling. As is your own."
"I suppose you are correct."
"Don't worry, Starfire, we can go on a shopping day soon." The girl smiled.
"Yes, the little D, would you join us? Raven may join as well, yes, Ladybug? Girls day!"
"I do not qualify as a girl."
"Little D?" Ladybug asks, smiling softly before bursting into laughter. "I need to go help the victim and recharge. I'll see you back at the tower." Ladybug turns to leave but comes face to face with Chat. 
"What are you doing here? We don't need you." He directs his comments to both of the American heroes but mostly towards Robin. Ladybug pinches the bridge of her nose.
"We are members of the Teen Titans, we were asked to come. Now if you'll excuse us-"
"What? Who asked you to come here. My lady and I would never-"
"I did, and I am not 'your lady' you need to stop with the names and trying to distract me mid-battle, Chat.” 
“But-” Ladybug gives the mangy cat no time to explain, cutting in with no patience.
“No ‘but’s, you almost got us and all those hostages killed. Go. Home.” The tro of Titan’s walk away, it’s best not to give the boy anymore attention.
"We should do it now."
"What'd you mean? He's still acting like he can't stand her."
"No, they made up. I heard her yelling at him about it. He caved pretty quickly after that. We do it tonight, no more sneaking around and hopefully they get together." Beast Boy nods, watching Raven ice his ankle for him.
"Thanks, mama."
"... You're welcome." He smiles flicking some water on his girlfriend, she looks at him with a sad excuse for a glare.
"Alright, the ice should stay. Let's go see if she's back." Raven makes sure to keep Beast Boy off his ankle, quickly shooing him off to the empty living room couch. They don’t wait long for Robin, Starfire, and Ladybug to return.
"Thanks again for coming to help, guys." Starfire smiles. Robin nods.
"It was our pleasure, what shall we do now?"
"Movie?" Beast Boy asks, getting immediate yeses from the girls.
"I'll pass-"
"Come on." Raven complains, the guy can be such a pain.
"tt, no. That doesn't work on me."
"Pretty please?" Starfire asks. She pulls out the baby doll eyes and a pout.
"No, the physical appearance of the 'please' makes no difference-"
"Please?" Ladybug pulls out all the stops, she looks him right in the eyes, those big, blue, innocent eyes were so sad and pretty, she shuffles a foot, her hands behind her back. Her bottom lip juts out ever so slightly as her torso sways back and forth. His response is immediate.
"Yes." Ladybug grins in victory, Damian doesn’t get the chance to backpedal.
"Yay!" Starfire quickly steals Robin's usual seat. Raven and Beast Boy take up one side of the couch, Robin and Ladybug take up the other. Everyone bickers and argues over which movie to watch until Robin gets annoyed and plays one of the few movies he can bear. Lion King.
Throughout the duration of the film, Beast Boy slowly pushes Ladybug closer to him laying longways until he takes up the majority of the couch. Ladybug is squished against Robin, their arms pressing uncomfortably against each other. Deciding to test the waters, Robin wraps an arm around the Parisian's shoulder. The lights were off but the girl's blush is obvious. She has yet to move, he feels her glance in the opposite direction for a moment before leaning onto him.
Damian wasn't freaking out... Okay, Damian was only freaking out a little. He didn’t do well last time he saw she likes him. What should he do now? An annoying and sarcastic voice told him not to ignore her but they weren't much help. The little Grayson in Damian's mind told him to pull her a little closer, maybe kiss her head to make his intentions more clear. She still isn't aware of his affection towards her. He does the first, he could all but see the little Grayson smiling. Robin has no clue what to do next so he just does his best to watch the movie.
The lights come on far too soon, Ladybug doesn't move to get off him until she notices the lights turn on. She blushes that adorable shade of pink. That's when he sees it, just behind a blushing bluenette is Raven snuggling with Beast Boy as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. His brows furrow, his arm falls of Ladybugs shoulder. It was clear this isn’t a one time thing or anything of the sort. They know exactly what they’re doing, they’ve been seeing each other and she didn't tell him. After all the times he spoke about Ladybug, she didn't care to mention her own relationship.
Ladybug follows his line of sight, her posture goes from relaxed to tense.
To Marinette it’s like confirmation to something she knew all along, he likes Raven. Maybe he only wrapped his arm around her because of how squished they were. Which means she completely misread the situation and leaned onto him when he was just trying to be comfortable.
"I knew it!" Starfire exclaims, beaming. Raven just looks away trying or hide her small smile. Ladybug is happy their happy but Robin just walks away, his face neutral. She hates when he makes that face. Soon Starfire has to leave and Beast Boy hobbles to his room, ankle still tender.
Ladybug's overthinking keeps her in place, staring at her hands. She doesn’t even notice that Raven is still in the room with her.
"You should go talk to him."
"W-what? Me? No, he doesn't want to talk to me." Ladybug tried to say no but she couldn't help but be worried for Robin. Raven gives her a look, she relents.
"Fine." Ladybug drags herself to where she knows he'll be. He was always on the roof when he has to think. She mentally prepares herself for an undeniable, verbal confirmation that he doesn't like her, she forces herself to go- to be there for him.
"Go away." Damian is in no mood to deal with Raven, how could she not tell him?
"You can't get rid of a bug that easily, Rob." He chastises himself for being rude to Ladybug again, at least she doesn't sound upset because of it. She doesn't say anything, sitting next to him as they look over the brightly lit cityscape.
"Wanna talk about it?" He doesn't respond. The little Grayson, encouraged by the success of last time, tries to get Damian to hold her hand. Their hands were so close, just a few inches apart. That definitely isn't happening. "Right..." She trails off, not knowing what else to say. The silence grows, unchecked like a cancer.
"I- Just- Why wouldn't she tell me? After-" Robin was about to say too much but thankfully stopped himself.
"After what?" He’s relieved she’s still ignorant of his affection, putting himself out there like that’s a scary thought.
"Nothing. Nevermind."
"After you told her you like her." She speaks with such certainty, like she’s accepted it as fact. Is that what she really thought?
"What? No- I just- confided in her about something similar. I expected she'd do the same. She's one of my best friends." He sees Ladybug nod, that same look of  on her face.
"I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt your feelings. They probably just wanted to keep it quiet until they were ready to tell everyone." Robin had to admit she was probably right. He saw the way her hands fiddled and folded, she was trying to think of something to talk about, likely to distract him. She was always so considerate.
"So... girlfriend."
"Where'd you hear that?" He was so confused, the very idea is ridiculous.
"Well, you said you confided in Raven about something similar. I just assumed you had a partner."
"Oh. No." They sat in silence again, looking over the silent harbor. Damian gathers his courage, now is the perfect time- looking over a clear sky with the stars out. Isn't this the kind of situation girls daydream about? Now was the most likely time for her to accept. Deciding to just get it out, Damian starts speaking.
"Actually there's-"
"I know you probably don't-" Of course, just as Robin starts speaking, she does too. Alarm bells start ringing in his head, the little Grayson is trying to figure out what she was going to say while the rest of him starts freaking out.
They awkwardly laugh, looking away, Damian feels an unfamiliar little burning sensation on his cheeks. He’s loosing more of his nerve by the second.
"ILikeYou,LikeLikeLike." She just blurts it out, redder than her costume. Damian's head snaps to her with his lips parted. This is happening.
"I feel the same way. I- I apologize I didn't say so sooner I just- you said you were so busy already, I didn't want to become a distraction." Ladybug gives him a small smile, that was what that was about. She fondly wipes the hair from his forehead back, lacing her fingers through his hair. Her hand rested at the back of his neck, smiling. She looks so content, at peace.
"I see no issue in distractions."
"I suppose this is the part of the story where we kiss?" Robin puts a hand on the Parisian's cheek, inching closer. They move to close the gap until they were just a hairsbreadth away. Her eyes are so blue and so beautiful up-close.
"I suppose you'd be correct." Their lips meet, the beautiful night sky behind them- everything else melting away.
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undyingskies · 4 years
How About No
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request: yes;
“Okay so I had a dream last night and i thought that it could make a cute fanfic, so basically the reader is dating Owen (reader is also an actress in JATP) and she has a scene with Charlie where they have to kiss and Owen just gets like super protective and kinda self conscious (which obviously he shouldn’t hes a king) and it’s just like super fluff hehe”
a/n: This was longer than I expected to be and it took me a while to figure out how I wanted it to end, but I think I like it! Hope you enjoy!
Also, my requests are closed for the time being! I have my inbox open so I can still talk to everyone but as of right now please don’t send in requests!
warnings: none
tagged:  @mah-gah-lee
Today was the day.
The day finally came for your big scene, one that you were nervous and excited about all at the same time. You even tried to avoid it. It was a weird mix of emotions that you couldn’t quite explain.
You sat in the hair and makeup chair, trying to calm your nervous thoughts down. Julie and The Phantoms was your first real show that you booked, and this was your biggest scene of the season.
A warm hands placing itself on top of your smaller, shaking ones pulls you from your thoughts. It also causes you to jump at the contact as you were so far from reality at that moment.
A chuckle leaves the lips from the same person who owns the hand that was on top of yours.
You turn to look at the blue eyes that were staring back at you. You were met  with the kind smile of your boyfriend; he was well aware of the nerves that were plaguing you.
“It’s going to be okay Y/N, you’ve got this!” He smiles at you, “Besides if you fail, I will only love you a little less.”
Your mouth drops at your boyfriend’s words. You’re quick to pull your hands from his and lean over to deliver a slap to his chest.
“Owen!” You yell shocked at his words.
The two of you laugh together.
“Seriously though Y/N, you’re going to be great!” You smile at your boyfriend’s kind words, nodding your head along with him.
As much as you wanted to believe his words, the nervous thoughts were still prominent in your mind.
Owen sits with you in silence, your hand in his, as the team finishes putting you together to look like your character.
Season two of Julie and The Phantoms came and they decided that they wanted to add a female ghost into the mix.
And that is how you got here; your character was Tatum Lanning. Your character was supposed to be the antagonist for Charlie’s character Luke.
Tatum had died when she turned 17 as well, but she didn’t know why. Her goal was to try to figure out what happened and in searching she somehow became entangled with Julie and the boys.
Tatum was rough around the edges; she was a tough girl due to trauma that she endured in her life. She had a nose piercing and was covered in a few tattoo’s. She had died around the same time the boys did so her style was similar to theirs.
The only problem with Tatum was the fact that her and Luke did not get along, for the fact that they both are very similar and are dealing with the fact of having issues with their parents when they were alive.
“Y/N, you’re ready to go!” Soyon pulls you from your thoughts.
You can feel your nerves kick up again. This was just your first real scene with such raw emotion that you feared you wouldn’t be able to pull it off.
“I’m nervous O.” You grab his hand letting him lead you to Julie’s garage where your scene takes place for today.
“It’s gonna be okay Y/N! We’ve gone over this scene so many times, plus you and Charlie have practiced it a lot! You crushed it every time and today won’t be any different.”
Owen finishes his pep talk as you reach the set. He turns to face you at the end of it so that you’re facing one another, the look in his eyes instantly calming you down.
You may be nervous but you trust the words coming out of Owen’s mouth. You’ve got this, you’ve been practicing this scene for months; you could do it in your sleep by this point.
“You’re right, I’ve got this.” You smile and lean up to press a kiss to Owen’s lips.
You pull away when you hear Kenny’s voice and his footsteps coming towards you.
“Y/N! Quick change!” Kenny pauses as he stops in front of you and Owen and looks at the two of you with an awkward smile, “So we decided that we want Tatum and Luke to kiss scene.”
“How about no?” Owen’s words shocking both you and Kenny. Neither of you expected Owen to talk back, yet alone with an outburst like that.
Your eyes fling back in forth between Owen and Kenny. You can see the discomfort in Owen’s eyes but can tell he is trying to hide it. He didn’t mean to say that out loud.
“I am sorry, that was not on purpose.” Kenny gives him a side eye but laughs knowing Owen didn’t mean any harm and that it was just as much as surprise for him that he said it as it was for everyone else. “Anyways there will be a kissing scene today!” Kenny says.
“Oh okay.” You practically choke out.
“I know it’s a surprise but,” again he trails off looking at you and Owen, “ we think it’s best for the dynamic of the character’s relationship!  We want you to do the scene just how we practiced but at the end we want the kiss to occur, but we’re gonna let you and Charlie take the lead on it! Do what you feel is best!”
“Got it Kenny!” You smile at him trying to hide your own discomfort. First of all you have never kissed anyone for a scene, let alone your boyfriend’s best friend.
You turn to face back to Owen, an awkward smile graced upon both of your lips. The two of you just stand there in an awkward silence.
“So,” Owen is the first to break the silence, “that’s a curve ball.”
“Ya it is.” You can tell Owen is uncomfortable but you don’t know how to fix the situation. It’s not like you could stop the scene from occurring. “You trust me right O?”
“Of course I do, you know that.”
“Then we’ve got nothing to worry! This scene maybe a little awkward now for us but it’s just a scene.” You tell him, trying to convince the both of you that it would be fine and not as weird as you know it is.
“I know, it’s just a scene, you’re right.” He leans down to give you another kiss. “Go crush it killer, you’ve got this!”
You then turn on your heel, to go walk into the middle the garage where your scene will be starting. Charlie is already there talking to a few of the crew mates, they disperse when you walk up to them.
Charlie turns to look at you with a smile on his face. “So? They told you about the change for the scene.” He asks you.
“That they did.” You smile back awkwardly.
“Does Owen know?”
“That he does!” The two of you just stand there silently. “It’s gonna be fine, it’s just a scene and we’re both professionals so is Owen!” You say trying to convince the both of you that it’s fine.
“You’re right Y/N, we’ve got this!” Charlie is cut off before he can continue by Kenny yelling at everyone to get in places to start the scene.
The two of you step back from each other, getting ready to act your hearts out.
“And action!”
“I just don’t understand why you always have to be here Tatum!” Charlie yells as Luke, his brows furrowed and a pout on his face.
“Just because you don’t like having me around Luke doesn’t mean I can’t be around. Besides Julie asked me to come over, she said she had something for me.” You say nonchalantly as you throw your body onto the couch.
Leaving Luke standing by himself next to the piano. The pout on his face still evident.
“I just don’t get why they think you’re so great.” Luke turns to face you, a smirk now replacing the pout, “you’re actually quite annoying.”
You roll your eyes at his words, knowing that he wanted to rile you up.
“Whatever Patterson, you’re just upset they like me and want me around despite you thinking otherwise! You just don’t like that they don’t listen to your every word now.”
Tatum knows how to get under Luke’s skin, the same way he knows how to get under hers.
You could see the anger fuming from his face. Everyone knew Luke liked to take the lead on things, but he didn’t like having it pointed out. For whatever reason.
“Just shut it Lanning, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Again you roll your eyes at his words.
“I know exactly what I’m talking about,” you’re shoving yourself up from the couch and walking closer to Luke, “You’re just upset that King Luke isn’t being listened too. Well news flash you’re not in charge of everything and everyone!”
It seems like a silly argument but it gets under both of your skin. Luke and Julie had gotten in an argument a few weeks ago, Julie had pointed that Luke had a power issue that he needed to work on. So since then, Luke has been hyper cautious of sharing the power between everyone.
“You’re wrong Lanning,” now Luke has closed the gap between you two and is getting in your face, “I don’t like you here because I find you annoying. I think you’re overbearing and overstep your boundaries!”
“Funny, I think the same thing about you! You just don’t like that your friends like me and come to me with their issues before they go to you or the fact that they don’t listen to you about me!”
“That’s not true! They just feel bad for you and all your issues!”
“I could say the same thing about you Patterson with your mommy issues.”
Now the two of you are chest to chest, both of you heaving as the fight has taken the breath out of both of you. You can see the anger evident on Luke’s and can only assume it was evident on your face as well.
The silence laying over the two of you like a dark cloud. Then the next thing you know, Luke has his hand on the back of your neck and is crashing his lips into yours.
Your lips interlocked for a few seconds, as they move together and the two of you pour your emotions into the kiss.
Then you’re pulling away from him and taking a step back. Both of you looking at each other bewildered. Your hand moves up to trace your lips, the feeling of his still lingering on them. Then you poof out before either of you could say another word.
“And cut!” Kenny is clapping his hands at the scene that just unfolded in front of him, “That was amazing you two, great job!”
You smile at his words, grateful that you finally got this scene over and that you were able to make your way through it.
You look around trying to find Owen but you can’t seem to find his blonde hair anywhere in the crowd.
“Do you see Owen?” You whisper at Charlie, hoping that he had eyes on your boyfriend.
“No, I don’t.”
You can feel your heart tug at his words. Owen said he would be there for you and this scene, so not having him there upsets you.
“Go find him.”
That’s all it takes for you to speed walk off the set and go looking for Owen. You didn’t know where to look for him, but if he wasn’t around the common area you assumed, he was in his trailer.
You were right.
You slowly open the door and peek your head around it, hoping to see your boyfriend.
You see the top of his blonde hair hanging off the couch.
“Owen?” You make your way into the trailer; you were just greeted by a grunt coming for your boyfriend who had his face buried into the couch.
“O?” Again you ask, sitting on the end of the couch, rubbing your hand up and down his back. “Why did you leave back there?”
Owen stays lying face down for a few more seconds, letting your rub your hand on his back longer before he rolls over to face you.
He doesn’t say anything, he just stares at you.
“Why so you think I left?” The tone of his voice shocking you especially at how short he was about it.
You just look back at him, confused.
“It’s actually just my favorite thing getting to watch my best friend make out with my girlfriend! Sorry I didn’t want to see it last any longer.” Owen cuts you off before you can even say anything else. He also has himself up and, on his feet, so he in front of you, yelling now.
You’re shocked, you two talked before it happened, granted it wasn’t a long talk but you thought it was enough.
“I’m sorry O, I know that couldn’t have been fun but I thought our conversation before helped.” Owen’s eyes soften at your words, he wasn’t mad at you and he didn’t mean to take it out on you.
He moves to sit next to you on the couch, a little calmer now that he has you in front of him instead of him left alone with his intrusive thoughts.
With a huff and a hand moving through his hair, Owen goes to speak, ‘I know, I know. I’m sorry love, it’s not your fault and you’re right we did talk about it before. I trust you and Charlie completely and know it was nothing but professional.”
You move closer to him, taking his hand in yours. This gets him to look up at you, finally looking you in the eyes. “Then what is it?” You still don’t understand his outburst.
“It’s just…” He trails off, embarrassed of the words that were about to leave him, “the fans already ship Luke and Tatum from the teasers, so they’re starting to make comments about how you guys would look good together so it’s just hard to see.”
Your eyes widen at his words not expecting his confession. “Plus everyone already talks about how attractive Charlie is, it just makes me insecure.”
Your heart breaks slightly as his words, you lean in closer to Owen and put your hand behind his neck not letting him look anywhere but you. “Owen Patrick Joyner, you are without a doubt the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on! Every day I look at you and just wonder how lucky I am that I somehow got you!”
Owen doesn’t say a word, he just presses his lips against yours. You enjoy the feeling of his lips on yours.
You’re the one to pull apart, “Besides O, they don’t know we’re dating, I bet if they did things would be different.” You wiggle your eyebrows at your words,  causing Owen to laugh.
“That is a fair point.”  He says.
“I’m glad you agree because  I think so too!” You laugh and press your lips against his again. The feeling of his lips was one you would never get tired of.
“Does that mean we’re going public?” He asks while placing kisses all across your face, making you laugh.
“I think it does Joyner, I think it does.”
The two of you spend the next few minutes looking through your photos trying to figure out which one to post. You finally land on a picture Charlie had taken of the two of you one day, Owen was sitting on their counter and has his arms wrapped around you while you were between his two legs. You were leaning up for a kiss and Owen was laughing, it was one of your favorite photos.
You posted it on your story, tagging him and with the caption surprise. Owen then shared it to his own story with hearts added onto it.
Both of your dm’s were quickly flooded by fans with their congratulations and excitement. One particularly stood out to Owen, it read “I told everyone, you guys were end game it was never Y/N and Charlie.” A smile makes its way onto his face.
“See I told you that they would like us together.” You look over his shoulder and up at him smiling.
“I guess you’re right.”
The two of you lean in and meet in the middle for a passionate kiss, the both of you were happy to finally be able to be public with your relationship. All of Owen’s insecurities fading away too, happy that he had his girl who loved him so much.
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emcscared-whumps · 3 years
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BTHB, 1A - Nightmares
BTHB Masterpost
Ok so this fun lil snippet is actually some canon material I've had stewing, and I've re-written it thanks to a prompt from my friend (@painful-pooch)! Which also happened to be on this card so I'm capitalising on that too hehe
I realise I've written multiple nightmare scenarios on here now--
I don't care, I love them, I will keep doing it, I am not sorry
Context: Pete has only just escaped captivity from Johnstone. Liz hasn't worked out what he is yet (I didn't say she was the sharpest tool in the shed, but I love her anyway), and he has been patched up and put in bed to rest.
CONTENT and WARNINGS: Nightmare (outside perspective), allusions to captivity, general angst
wc: ~0.9k
How was work?
Did you think of anywhere else Pete might be…?
Did you see him?
Countless questions streamed through Liz’s mind—it’d been well more than a week since he disappeared, and—and—
She was losing hope… but maybe, just maybe—
The door to Timmy’s terrace clicked open, permitting a sharp breeze to announce the entry of a gangly figure, and another ragged form leaning heavily on his shoulder.
Fresh blood seeped through his shirt.
Liz’s eyes snapped up from where they fixated.
“Timmy! Oh no, Pete!” She exclaimed, leaping up.
Pete dragged tired eyes up, faltering at the voice.
“L-Liz—” he choked out.
His legs trembled, strength ebbing, and his grip on Timmy’s shoulder grew light.
“I—I…” Pete trailed off.
Before he could finish, his eyes rolled back and he slumped to the ground; everything faded to grey.
Timmy hadn’t explained anything—not where he found Pete, not his wounds, nothing. Only the barest minimum to dress them all, carefully hiding the brand that marked his friend hunted.
Liz hadn’t spoken either—stunned into silence by Pete’s broken, terrified voice as he collapsed through the doorway, crumpling to a bloodied heap on the floor, and then by the sheer number of wounds they cleaned and dressed.
The only sound that kept them company was the clinking of metal against ceramic, and wind gusts that steadily grew outside.
There was something both of them were hiding—she knew it; this only proved it.
For now, she was more concerned for Pete, who laid asleep in Timmy’s bed.
Lightning stretched its jagged claws through the sky, piercing the night and lighting up the darkness in a sick imitation of day. Howling wind sent raindrops hurtling sideways into the windows. Thunder boomed; the storm that’d sat on the horizon finally arrived.
Liz had worried for Pete that day—he always seemed so anxious about these storms... she’d hoped he had shelter, wherever he was. At least she got that wish…
Timmy jerked up from where he sat, startled out of whatever thought he was in, the lightning briefly illuminating his normally dark green eyes.
Properly audible now, Pete’s breaths grew louder, hoarser. Beads of sweat glistened on his face, and for the first time in hours, Timmy could feel his emotional consciousness.
He grabbed Pete’s wrist to check his pulse.
He was still deathly pale, and his skin seemed cold and clammy.
Each beat came fast and shallow, and a soft whimper escaped his throat. He flinched into the bed, trembling as fear rose in both their chests.
He was dreaming.
Timmy seemed tense.
Something was wrong.
“Is he okay?” Liz asked, worried.
“I—I don’t know!”
"…No..." Pete mumbled.
“Pete...?” Timmy asked softly hand tentatively hovering above his friend’s shoulder.
"No no no..." Pete’s breaths became ragged, broken by a thrash striking at thin air.
"G-get—get away... get away!" He cried, twisting painfully as if trying to avoid something.
Flailing hands connected hard with Timmy’s face, sending him reeling as the entire room lit with blinding white light.
Thunder crashed, rattling the glass panes so hard Timmy thought they would shatter. The lamp went out, plunging the room into darkness.
Pete’s eyes flew open, and he struggled up with sudden, terror-fueled vigour. He tried to run, but his legs caught in the blankets, sending him crashing to the floor with a heavy thud.
The fall knocked the air out of his lungs—his breath hitched as he cried in agony, twisting again, over and over, but he only tangled himself more.
"Let, let..." he rasped in a broken, pained voice, "let me go let me go! Please!"
Dark, looming figures crouched over him. One spoke, but he couldn't recognise their words.
“Woah—Pete it’s us, you’re ok—” Liz started—
Panic rose—he could barely move, they seemed to creep closer and closer.
He struggled hard, trying to stand, but his legs were tangled tightly together.
He flopped to the ground again. The movement tore at raw wounds, sending another wave burning of agony through his body.
"Let me go! Joh.. Johns... Let me go!" He wept, voice breaking again as he tried to drag himself away.
Another flash illuminated the room, blinding him, swiftly followed by a roll of thunder.
He twisted again, turning over to meet a figure that leant over him, taking his shoulder.
They were so close—he could feel their hair brush against his face.
He cringed back whimpering, terrified blue eyes unseeing.
“P-please, please, I- I can’t—"
“Pete—” Liz started.
Just as the lamp flickered back on—
Untrimmed nails raked across Liz’s cheek, leaving thin red lines in their wake. She yelped and jumped back, snapping Pete out of his delirium.
He blinked, and his terror faded; replaced by brief confusion then guilt as he looked up and saw their frightened faces for the first time.
Pete drew his arms in close, and turned his head away, and brought one up to vainly hide the tears that streamed down his face.
“O-o- oh nn… I-I’m sorry—I’m so s-sorry, oh no, no no no, I didn’t mean— didn’t mean—” He cried, sobs wracking his frail body.
Liz turned to Timmy, tears pricking at her eyes, both from the sting, and for her trembling friend.
What happened to him?
If you read and enjoyed this, please consider a reblog ^-^
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weebswrites · 4 years
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The Demon Bros: Their Dark Side (combining these two asks because they have very similar energy^^)
- if anyone is interested I can write a part 2 to this where MC and the demons reconcile hehe -
Lucifer (TW: attempted physical assault (not sexual))
He’s the avatar of pride, so the event that causes him to snap is when you accidentally tell the bros about how the two of you like to unwind (rated pg)
You didn’t think it’d be a big deal, they’ve been brothers for how many thousands of years?
But Lucifer erupts, suddenly in demon form
He stands over you, roaring his hand back as if he were going to slap you
Beel stands up and intercepts Lucifer’s hand, grabbing his wrist with all his strength and saving you
You wince, falling back a bit into Asmo’s arms, and he hugs you close
“MC!!!” he yells, rage obvious in his voice
“Asmo…what did I do…” you whisper, voice quivering in fear as the love of your life just snapped and almost hit you
“I think he wanted that to stay private, he doesn’t like us to know that he relaxes…” he whispers, “Don’t feel guilty, he shouldn’t be reacting like this”
“Lucifer…” you say, standing a bit straighter and looking into his dark red eyes, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know”
“You should have!” his voice booms, anger not subsiding at all
You look at him, eyes full of confusion and regret. You plead for him to calm down, to talk to you rationally and listen to your apologies
He growls, “The rest of you, out!” he yells, and they obey instantly. Asmo squeezing his shoulders around you quickly and Beel giving you a small smile before leaving
You ramble on for as long as he lets you about how you’re sorry and you didn’t mean to upset him
After a few minutes he cuts you off, “You didn’t upset me, you betrayed me”
His voice was cold, and without hesitation he turns and leaves the room
You didn’t think Mammon, the avatar of Greed, would get mad about anything. You’d never heard stories about him turning into demon form, so you assumed it basically never happened
That is, until you take Levi’s side and scold him for taking more of his games and selling them
“I thought you were supposed to take my side no matter what!” he yells, two bat-like wings appearing before you
Your face gets red, and you take a step back, “Mammon…” you whisper, completely in shock
“What? You’re actually surprised that I’m pissed off right now? Humans really are idiots!”
You take a small step behind Levi, and he puts his arm in front of you, a bit of a shield from Mammon
“Mammon, calm down. They’re right and you know it, you just let your greed override your sense sometimes. Listen to your partner, they’re trying to help you” Levi defends you
“Yeah, Mammon, please. I don’t mean to insult you, I just don’t like seeing you always hurting others and stealing their things just to get money”
“I’m the avatar of greed, damnit! What do you expect?! You knew that before you started dating me, you can’t act like this now just because we’re dating”
“Mammon, I just want what’s best for you. There are better ways to get money than backstabbing your family!”
You’re definitely a bit afraid, but you’re not going to let him walk all over you
You bicker back and forth, arguing in circles before he storms off to his room, slamming and locking the door behind him
You’ve been hanging out with a new friend more and more, and he gets envious
You reassure him that he’s just a partner that you got assigned for a class, nothing more, but Levi can’t help but be jealous that its not him
Until one night when he asks if you can binge the new anime that came out, and you tell him that you have to meet with him to work on your project
“Why!! Why are you constantly with him, talking and laughing and working and everything!” he screams, voice cracking with emotion as he transforms into demon form
“Levi, I’ve told you it isn’t like that! The professor assigned us together, I didn’t even know him before this!” you defend yourself, exasperated with your boyfriend’s jealousy
“I don’t care!! You need to make time for me instead of him! He’s probably funnier than me, and he’s obviously handsomer than I am, you’re probably ashamed of always being seen with me so you’re trying to be with him more!”
“Levi, please. You know I love you and only you” you say, voice half caring and half irritated
“Yeah, right! See if I care, go be with your real boyfriend then, see if I care” he says, crossing his arms and exhaling aggressively
“Levi, no. I can reschedule if this is going to be a problem tonight, but he’s my partner. We have an assignment to do”
“No, go. I’ll watch the new season on my own. You probably don’t even like anime, you liar!”
“Levi!! Please, love, you know that isn’t true”
“I can’t trust you, not after this. Just go, have fun with your real boyfriend” he sneers, turning his back to you
“Fine!” you snap back, leaving his room and slamming the door behind you
Satan (18+ language)
You’re chatting about a book that’s supposed to be released sometime this year
“I heard that the ending is super cliche, the main character was unconscious the whole time or something overused like that”
“You what?!” he exclaims, transforming into demon form
“Fuck…Satan…I forgot…” you whisper, stepping a bit back as you remember how each brother took time to tell you to avoid spoilers at all. costs. with satan
“You sure as hell did!! I can’t believe you!!” he screams, running a hand through his hair in anger
“It’s probably not even true…I doubt the author would do something like that” you mutter, trying to save yourself from his wrath
“I don’t care!! There’s the chance now that that’s how it’s going to end, you know how my head works, now that’s all I’ll be able to think about while I’m reading!! Damn it!!”
He’s pacing back and forth, heat radiating off his body as he tries to control his anger
“I can’t forgive you for this” he states, voice cold
“Satan…” you whisper, stepping towards him a (tiny) bit
“Get away from me…” he scoffs
“Satan, please…I’m so sorry” you plead with him, desperate for him to forgive you, “I know how badly I messed up, I know. I would do anything to undo it, or to make you feel better. Please just forgive me”
“Anything, huh?” he retorts, smirking at you
“Yes, anything, please” you say, resisting the urge to step towards him again
“Then leave. Get out, I don’t want to look at you right now”
You feel your heart break and sink in your chest. Tears well in your eyes, but Satan stays silent, eyes unwavering at your emotions
You leave, walking slowly to your room, tears rolling down your cheeks
Asmodeus (drinking mentions)
You’re out one night at a club, dancing together and drinking (just to loosen up, not to get wasted)
You go to the bar to refill your drinks, and let a stranger hit on you, flirting back a bit until he offers to buy you a drink
You let him, because hey, a free drink is a free drink, and it’s not like Asmo hadn’t done the same thing before
Suddenly you feel a tight hand on your shoulder and you’re ripped away from the demon
Asmo drags you outside the bar, to an isolated spot beside the building
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?? Are you cheating on me??” he explodes, putting his hand against the building behind you, trapping you beneath him
“Asmo, I was just getting him to buy me a drink, I don’t even know who he is” you explain, “Why are you in demon form? It’s not like you haven’t done the same thing, you have no place to be mad”
“Excuse me?! I’m the avatar of lust, I can’t help myself from flirting with everyone, you have no excuse!” he yells, gritting his teeth
You go back and forth, him angry at you for flirting with someone else, him enraged at you for thinking he can control his urges
“Asmo, I’m always understanding of when you flirt with others, because I know it’s hard for you to control yourself. It hurts me to watch you do that, but I let you do it. I bite my tongue. I do that for you every time we go out, you should be able to let me do what you do every time at least once”
“I don’t care, I don’t want you flirting with other demons. Now let’s go, you’ve ruined the night and I want to go home”
You’re snacking in the kitchen on some of his leftovers, scrolling through your D.D.D.
He walks in, “MC…”
You look up, instantly freezing when you see the anger in his eyes
He erupts, “You’re eating my food!! How could you!!”
You drop it, “Beel, I’m so sorry, I thought it was okay…”
“Why, because we’re dating? That means nothing when it comes to food!”
His words hit deep in your heart, and you feel tears start to well in your eyes
All you can do is quietly apologize
“Damnit!” he yells, slamming his fist on the table hard, but not hard enough to break it
“I’ve made it so clear not to eat my food! Ever! Under any circumstances! And no one ever does!! What makes you think you’re special?”
“Beel…” your voice is quiet, “I mean…yes. I love you, Beel, I thought it would be okay…I’m sorry”
“It isn’t okay!! I’ve been looking forward to this all day and you ruined it…” he ranted, “Whatever, I’m leaving”
“Beel, no, please. Let me make it up to you” you say, getting up and chasing him out of the kitchen
But he doesn’t stop, he storms off and locks you out of his room
He’d never snapped at you before, much less turned to demon form because of something you’d done. There had been plenty of stories about Lucifer and Satan turning to demon form, and some of the other demons, but never any of Beel
You didn’t know what to do
He’d been sleeping more than usual, and you missed him
You knock on his door, eventually letting yourself in when he didn’t answer
“Belphie…Belphie…wake up” you whisper
He slowly wakes up, “MC…what…is everything okay?”
You reassure him that everything is okay, and that you just wanted to spend some time with him
He rubs his eyes and shakes his head a bit
Suddenly, he’s in demon form, and you have no idea what is happening
“You woke me up for that?? Because you want to spend time with me?? Ugh!!!” he yells
“Belphie…” you whisper, stepping back towards the door
“You know how much I need sleep, why would you wake me up for something as unimportant as you wanting to spend time with me!”
He’s steaming, “And don’t call me Belphie!”
You start shaking a bit, “B-Bel…Belphegor…” you whisper, feeling hurt and betrayed
“Leave!! I don’t want to spend time with the person that disturbed me!” he yells, walking towards you quickly
You flinched as he approached, not sure what he was going to do, but he just opened his door and shoved you out
He locks the door behind you, the click of the lock causing your heart to sink a bit
You place the palm of your hand against his door, “I’m sorry…” you whisper, sinking to your knees
A/N: This got a bit general angsty, so I hope it’s okay! Thanks for the request, anon :) My inbox is open for anyone who wants to request! You can send in more than one per person, about any of the fandoms found in my post here. Love you guys <3
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nightwingsbf · 3 years
Well to me he simply just gives me that vibe, like he's surely a person who went through lots of trauma throughout his life and probably alot of things left the mark. He definitely strayed away from the idea of love after Geto, and given the huge possibility that he felt or rather both felt attracted to each other but unfortunately never got the chance to express those feelings, as we saw how it ended. Not to mention that there's no other person who would treat him the same way Geto did, this is also one of those things where it tells me "No other" for example so besides Geto, except Shoko and Yaga and his students, nobody really bothers knowing Gojo on a more meaningful level, he's not stopping them, they just don't want to. And that tells alot actually.
Now i don't have much thoughts on his sex life or if there even is one (doubtful) but we all know that he fears the form of vulnerability, it's true that he lets his limitless down only around those he trusts (eg his students, Yaga, Shoko) overall though i don't think this is a really important aspect, i know alot of people like to think about it mainly for "thirst" reasons but as i said, unimportant. Like there are plenty people out there that just simply don't crave or care about it enough to bother and find a fling. Imo not being interested in sex doesn't mean one's a loser and i doubt Gojo cares what someone thinks about him based on these kinds of things. He strikes me as the guy who craves genuine human connection (not romantic or sexual because it feels withdrawn from what kind of character he is) -- (He is also quite busy and gets little to no rest/days off! Like, we learned that he rents flats and only can slack off when he's on trips, Jesus someone cut him some slack!)
Anyways, those are my thoughts, Gojo is a very complex and interesting individual and character, what he appears on the surface does not translate to who he truly is and how he truly feels. Lawd let this make sense, english is not my first language x(
Interesting take. I think I'd also personally agree on the idea that he's not the kind of person to go looking for romantic love anywhere, especially outside of his circle. At least not from my own understanding of him as a character. I think that deep down he craves for connection, the type of connection he had with Geto. But this connection isn't labelled. It's just love and understanding, which can be platonic, or romantic, or whatever else. Though, externally he seems to reject/avoid connection.
And, of course, not being interested in sex doesn't make you're a loser and, as you said, I doubt Gojo would care about what anyone would think in regards to that.
So again, who knows! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Personally, I like the idea of aro Gojo, but maybe because I'm also sort of aro myself hehe And no worries about your English, I got ya! Eng isn't my first language either.
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