#actually i may move this whole post to my main but i have more shit i want to say abt other things today
brokenpieces-72 · 30 days
Does it End?
Cod Gangster AU | Navigation
Note: Just wanted to say, holy shit you guys really enjoyed this. I’m surprised. Originally I joined tumblr to read fics and post some of my art, with my own writing just being a shot in the dark. I expected maybe a couple likes, and that’s it. Really appreciate this and don’t worry there will be more. Thank you guys so much for your support.
For a moment, just a moment you’re in bed. You know this bed, and you know the man holding you. It’s your father, holding you close, and telling you stories about heroes and villains. There is a crash of thunder above you and hide under the covers. Your father gives a small laugh, before lifting the covers, to find your trembling form. He hides underneath with you.
“Come here Y/N.” he says wrapping you in his arms. “No matter whatever happens… you’ll always be safe. I promise.”
You wake up… in your room. You’re in warm dry clothes, and your hair is still a little damp. There’s a few blankets layered on top of you. Along with a familiar feline, who has curled up next to your pillow on the bed. The cat lets out a soft inquisitive meow, sniffing you.
“Hi…” you croaked. You feel tired still, and a little sore in the arm. When you move it you wince in pain. Once you get some of the blankets off, you check to see bandages around your shoulder. Well at least it was done properly. You don’t hear much outside your room, and slowly get out of the bed.
Despite the flannel and tank top, you reached for a hoodie that had been left on the hook on the door. You have to ease your arm into the other sleeve, but get it on, shivering a little. Slowly you open the door.
No one in the hall. You’re about to step out when you hesitate. Did you let them down again? They know you gave up so much on Makarov that may actually bring him to justice. It was for them, but it was still important. Had they released them anyways? Alex swore he would only let them out if you didn’t return. But if the rest of the guys had pressured him… maybe they wouldn’t do that. You hadn’t spoken to any of them for days, running around behind them, and their arrest. Surely your actions proved something but it didn’t rid you of the guilt. None of this would have happened if you kept to yourself. If you’d stayed in line.
The cat squeezes through the small opening between your leg and the door, hurrying out to the door way leading to the main living area. She stops and turns back to you as if asking, “you coming?”
You take a deep breath. You know them. They know you. If they wanted, you’d been willing to move out. At the very least you should say sorry. You open the door and step out, closing the door behind you. There are hushed tones as you slowly walk down the small hallway. You poke your head out as you enter the main living area. Kyle was in the kitchen, with the rest of the guys around the table, with Alex and a laptop. You consider running for the door.
“Hey.” Kyle says, coming over to you. He gives you a gentle hug, avoiding your shoulder and hug him back. The relief is euphoric. He pulls away and looks at you.
“Go sit, I’ll bring your tea.”
You nod and go over to the couch, as the guys all turn and look up, as the cat follows close. Johnny gets up and hugs you, and you wince. He forgot about the bullet wound.
“Sorry.” He mutters. You nod, knowing he means well. You sit down on the couch, and look at Alex.
“You’re sure?” Alex asks. You know what he’s asking. The truth is… you didn’t have anything on Makarov. He thought you did and he left the possibility to fill his mind.
“Send them to Graves.” You direct. “He’ll clear everything.”
Alex starts typing, and Price folds his arms, seemingly hiding a grin. “You don’t have anything do you?”
The whole room drops into stunned silence. Many eyes are on you but you only meet Prices, if only for a few brief moments. “Nothing… I don’t know where any of it is.”
“What are you saying?” Rudy asks. Johnny is sitting in the arm rest, looking at you expectantly.
“Never had anything on Makarov, I wasn’t looking for anything on him.” You admit. “The photos are for you guys.”
There is a bit of tension, as they start wondering what you’re talking about.
“To exonerate you. Prove you were there under my direction, undercover. Your records for the raid are clean.” You tell them. The tension is gone now, but it’s still quiet. You had nothing on Makarov.
Simon shakes his head, and then you notice his shoulders bob.
“You cheeky git.” He says. Kyle hands you your tea and you sip it. They’re all pretty impressed. But they know they have plenty of work to do. No one says anything for some time.
“You did a good job.” Alejandro says, breaking the silence.
“We have plenty more to do.” Kyle adds on.
“True but for now, we rest and recover. Make sure everything gets sorted and then we can plan our next move.” Price says. Hearing that, you slouch back, pulling your legs up on to the couch. You certainly need some time for yourself.
John was sitting out on the fire escape, smoking one of his cigars. The brand he used for special occasions, and avoiding death, being cleared of charges, yep it was special enough. You did so much just to get them out. Alex told him about what had happened with Nolan. The one thing he never wanted for you in this job. Still you were walking around, alive. He could argue it was a bloody miracle.
When they brought you home he feared the worst. That you would never open your eyes. His only hope was you’d get to see your father again. You went in after him to save him. Not thinking and just reacting, forgetting to get the keys until he was almost out of breath. Then you nearly got yourself killed. Putting so much on the line for people who never wanted to see you again.
Price looks up over his shoulder to see you halfway on the fire escape.
“Sorry I can go.” You say quickly, back tracking.
“No I don’t mind.” Price assures you, facing forward again. You come out and stand next to him, coughing when you smell the tobacco. Damn it was strong. Price gives a half smile at your reaction. You lean over the railing with him, that red scarf around your neck, a mug held with fingerless gloves and your beanie covering your ears.
Silence again. You think this is how Price communicates, relying on body language to express himself most times.
“I’m sorry.” You say. You didn’t want silence, it just made everything more difficult. “I should’ve left Graves out of it. Just…I don’t know, I screwed up, I know I did. Everything went to shit because of me, you nearly die-everyone nearly died because I opened my fucking mouth. I’m sorry.”
“…I forgive you for opening your fucking mouth.” Price says. “You know how you can make it up to us?”
“My bag is packed already, I’m getting a ride from Alex.” You assure him.
Price looks at you.
“Well I hope it’s to pick up the bag from your apartment.” Price says. You look at him.
“I fucked up,” you argue.
“Yeah, and now you’ll be making up for it. That unit is gonna get bought up my Milena one way or another. You won’t have anywhere to work on your sketches, you’re out of the job.” Price points out. “And I made a promise.”
You sip your tea, letting it warm you a bit. Your favourite blend as well. Your hands tremble a little, as you shift your weight from your bad shoulder.
“You may not be your dad, but I can tell you from experience… you’re exactly what you need to be.” Price says putting a hand on your back. You nod, feeling the tears welling up. “Proud of you.”
You sniffle and he pulls you in closer, giving you a close half hug, resting his head on yours. It’s not a perfect ending, but this wasn’t something neat. You were going to get dirty, but the world would be cleaned. Hearing those words though, from John, you felt something you hadn’t in a very long time.
Makarov is pissed off. Graves came in announcing there was evidence that supported the 141’s innocence. Not only that but he still didn’t have his file, since you never coughed up any location.
Right now they would be recovering, and likely try to hide away. Regroup and think of a new strategy. It gave him time as well. Time to figure out everything he could find on you that Graves hadn’t removed from police records. Graves may be on a long leash, but Makarov would shorten it in due time.
You sat outside again, a blanket around you, and the world moving about as it always did. Without a word Johnny came out to join you, sitting next to you on the steps. The only thing between you two is silence and the busy streets of cars and strangers below.
“Why didn ya ever walk away?” He finally asks. You turn to look at him. “Cracked ribs, two bullet wounds, nearly drowned, got beaten by cops, got beaten by Alejandro, beaten by Nolan… nearly got beaten by me… and you stayed?”
You’ve always known the answer to this question. It’s still one you have to think about though. At first you would have replied asking where you were supposed to walk to. You’d given Johnny your answer before, saying it was to protect the people in the city, to clean it up because you couldn’t expect others to do it.
“For the longest time, I kept thinking I had to be like my father. Become a cop, stand up for the innocent, and protect the city from wrong doing. Everyone expected me to be one, and I eventually did too.” You exclaim.
“But ya not.”
“I’m not.” You say. “Graves was expecting me to be like my dad. Raising me to be like him, training me, even took me under his wing when I became a cop. Graves showed me how to be my dad… but you guys… you taught me how to be myself. How to find my own answers.”
Johnny smiles. “You figured that out on yer own. Just needed a chance to realize it.”
“Thank you.” You say, leaning into him. Johnny puts an arm around you. Neither of you know what’s coming. You have plenty to face, you know you will. You’re not alone. The 141 will stand with you, and you with them. Nothing will truly stop you.
You thought.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends @thriving-n-jiving
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samson-the-whale · 16 days
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So ... I made a self insert fore WIR ....ya
Name: Scrapper/scrap
Gender: male (this mf bisexual)
Age: in his game like 20s to 30s if we go with his game age like 30s or 40s 
Game: Scrapper's scrape up
(its like punch out game mechanics game play wies)
Character interactions:
 Hc he gets pumped up easily and likes to push people in the shoulder lightly but really fast when he needs to let out that excitement (t can be like a charging up a special move in his game) and might accidentally leave a bruise 
When he does it to Ralph it tickles 
When he punches Felix he says ow but then hammers his arm and it heals
When he did it to Calhoun for the first time she hit him across the room because she thought he was picking fights and fucking K.Od him with that bitch slap
Then was kind of apologetic after Felix explained and yelled "oh shoot sorry" then Scrap still laying in the floor gives a thumbs up and a strained "I'm ok...it's ok"
 Also if he did the punching thing with Vanelopie she would just pixilate a bit and his punches would almost go through her shoulder kinda I think much like Ralph it would also just tickle 
Before the whole plot of the movie I like to think Ralph liked him but was kind of bitter "he has huge fists and smashes stuff why am "I" the villain?" XD
Ok ok 
So he and Ralph actually get along surprisingly well for you know one being the main character of his game and supposed "heroes" of the game  and the other is well the bad guy. They both like punching stuff and hav a give each other a high five or fist bump while walking by each other so like buddys
Him and Felix are more like 
Felix: look at this cool thin-
Like literally one of the doodle sketches was Scrapper leapfrogging over felix to look at a new plugged in game 
So he kinda is an annoying brat towards felix but always makes it in good fun like he's messing around with him with never an intent to hurt his feelings (even when he goes too far and accidentally does)
So now we got Vanelopie
There's actually this running joke sorta where scrapper really likes bright colors becus how I imagine his game has a very limited color palette except him for aesthetically pleasing reasons
So he'd actually stay away from brightly colored areas out of comfort before becoming more enthralled in other colors hens his fixation with casualty visiting sugar rush when he's bored 
You may think oh then he must have met Vanellope while visiting 
Well actually no he bye dumb luck he never met her until after the events of the first movie 
So there knowing each other isn't really that strong yet 
But because of him and ralph eventually becoming friends he grew a liking to the spunky little girl calling her shortstack all the time (despite him being a similar height) and or squirt
In response Vanellope calls him oled man
 Calhoun thinks he's like 12
He is not he's like 30-40 Like lectures him on his fighting form Thinks he's like inexperienced Finds him endearing if a little overbearing Finds his high energy useful in certain situations but exhausting at other times Is unsure...which fighting game he originates from Then bonding through duty or honor or avenging a loved one.
Sour bill (because I want more interactions and im hiperfixsaiting):
Scraper:Yoooooo a fellow rubber ball
Sour bill:what?
 Ima say this shit now they would drink tea together because yes Scrapper doesn't like coffee he drinks tea
Sonic (because I can):
Mf cameos in scrappers game in later levels for no reason just because funny
It's like the meme
Scrapper: sonic? What are you doing here?
Sonic in scrapper's game: waiting for them to play Gangdemstyle 
Ok so I forgot to put this in I was ryly hoped to post this but thanks to my friend @im-not-important fore spell correcting and helping come up with ideas(also did some of the Blu doodles in the Wight board drawings)
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moony-2001 · 10 months
Lore Olympus ep. 252 critique
Before all you stans get mad I generally thought this episode was pretty okay. But maybe that’s because not a whole lot happened.
So going in the order of events, first up is our favorite gal Cassandra.
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Gotta say, already like her loads.
I don’t have a whole lot to say about her general existence, beyond the fact that it’s stupid that Apollo is using her as a walking incognito tab. My main criticism more lies around the idea of when did Apollo even meet her? He obviously couldn’t have met her during the time skip because there were no interactions allowed between realms during that time and he was kicking it in Olympus.
We also have no indication of when he actually met her post-punishment. There’s no definitive timeline for how far we are post-time skip, but by my estimation, we can’t be more than a month past when the embargo officially lifted. Idk I can already smell the mess that is this storyline a mile away.
The SA plot line
Holy fuck. I don’t exactly know what the hell Rachel is exactly trying to achieve with the SA plot line but I can tell you that the handling of it has been piss poor.
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Uhhh... this is great and all except for the fact that Persephone never thought this. There is not one shred of evidence that Persephone ever liked or actually found Apollo handsome. Not even in the very early chapters. She didn't even say that he made her feel special. She said that she liked the way Hades made her feel. Hades made her feel special by grooming her but that's a whole-ass post on its own.
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Even after her assault, she continued to express at minimum a clear discomfort for him in front of others and at maximum immense hatred for him when by herself or with only him. And now suddenly Rachel wants to flip the script? Why? What purpose would that serve? Why is she suddenly backpedaling on a plotline that was established within the first 25 episodes/the second day Persephone is on Olympus? The SA plotline is the longest-running and the "big bad" that has yet to be resolved. But now it only pops up when the story needs a little conflict or an extra boost to drive it forward. Plus now she wants to portray Apollo as this misunderstood ex-love interest/boyfriend with whom the audience is supposed to sympathize? It's disgusting. @genericpuff who I really need to stop tagging in these posts I'm so sorry made an excellent essay about how Rachel is burying the SA plot line that basically takes what I've said above and greatly expands it. Go read it, they made a lot of excellent points.
Ah yes. The mystery deity that was really Hades’ inner child/actual child all along!
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So I actually had a conversation with another LO critic about how weird I thought this "inner child -> actual canonical child" pipeline was. Now, granted, I could be reading into this way too much but when I first read this, I honestly thought it was some kind of weird/unintentional representation of parents projecting their trauma onto their children.
We've seen this little ghost buddy in past chapters and a lot of people (myself included) thought that our ghost buddy was a representation of Hades' inner child. A little Hades if you will. And it was portrayed that way. We often saw our little ghost buddy/little Hades who was extremely traumatized by Hades' past experiences. The part of Hades that just can't let go despite what he may claim about "moving on" or "being better". But if this little ghost/Hades is actually their kid Melinoe, that means they saw everything that Hades went through. All his traumas, all his struggles. Everything. And now also with Persephone and her little jaunt through the mind-scape and the shit she saw. So now we have to recontextualize all of those scenes where Hades interacts with this being and tbh the scenes kind of become very ick? This is such a strange direction to take this particular storyline. Something about it just rubs me the wrong way and I don't know if it's my above complaint or something else.
But yeah. Pretty tame in comparison to some of my past posts and posts that will come. Until the next chapter and/or my next post.
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kenthenugget · 5 months
Dear Watcher....
This is going to be about the youtube channel Watcher and a recent video that they released earlier today, so if you dont watch the channel, or older content produced by Ryan, Shane and Steven at Buzzfeed, this is not going to make sense to you. This only going to be for those who are a fan of Watcher, or are fans of Buzzfeed Unsolved so if you are, that's great!
Earlier today, I got a video notifcation from the channel titled, "goodbye youtube", and it was definitely not something I wanted to see. There is a recent trend this year of youtubers retiring or taking a break this year and I was scared this was that scenario. And it kind of was but way worse. Basically, the guys over at Watcher are going to be posting on their new streaming service called....Watcher. And, no, it is not a late April Fools joke, that's actually what their doing. Initially, I was in a state of shock after I watched through the entire video. I, no joke, went through the 5 stages of grief upon viewing this announcement and was thrown through a loop to where I struggled to focus on sketching one of my comic pages. So much so that I actually made a deviant blog post about it the moment I finished watching the video (most of the content from this post will be copied and pasted from that blog so declaimer I guess). After having some time to absorb this information, I have to say that Im really disappointed with the guys over at Watcher. Like Im not mad to where Im completely done with their content but.......WHY!?
I think at this point in time that a lot of people, myself included, are burnout with the whole streaming boom we've had for the past 5 years in no part thanks to those greedy bastards at Disney....but thats another story. I miss the days when there were only 2 to 3 main streaming services and not 5 billion other services that you need to buy in order to watch a show you like that was on Netflix but it now locked behind a pay wall. Streaming services used by a novelty concept but are now not looked upon in the best light. So for the them to announce a streaming service now is definitely a bad look, especially because the content before was free to access. I feel like creators will always have an uphill battle when it comes to content that was initially free being locked behind a paywall, because you're potentially isolating your audience and bringing up the question of weather your audience if loyal enough to give you money to enjoy your content. Now, like I said, I love and respect the people at Watcher, but I dont know if I'm willing to take money out of my wallet to watch the next season of Ghost Files. Especially in this economy, where in some parts of the country a big mac now costs 20 fucking dollars, and with inflation going out of control.
Now its not like I don't understand why they're doing this. Ever since its founding in 2019, Watcher has always had troubles with money, with most of their shows not being profitable enough to make ends meet (I know that sounds bs because most of their vidoes get millions of views but this is coming from one of the founders Steven, in an update video from a while ago so idk, views probably mean jack shit in the grand scheme of things). And the fact that they started around the pandemic didn't help things either. Unlike Buzzfeed, Watcher is a much smaller company so any loss that happens is felt much more than if it was a larger one. In the video itself, they mentioned that most of their money came through youtube ads and sponsorships, which, while alright if you're an independent creator, may not be enough for a company. And then there's the fact that YouTube can remove or demonetize videos out of nowhere and for the dumbest reasons so its not a very stable sight to base your income off of. So I can understand why they felt moving on from YouTube was a good idea. But..........I think there were better ways of going about it than creating their own fucking streaming service. Like, in one of their update vidoes, they said most of their shows werent making ends meet so maybe cutting back on the production of said shows to make them not as expensive to produce would be a good solution. In their announcement vid, they talked about wanting to maintain their high production value for their shows without going under but (and I dont mean this to slight them) I dont think they understand why they popped off in the first place. For me, Im not watching Ghost Files or Mystery Files for high production value and fancy graphics, Im there for Ryan and Shane. Same reason I loved Buzzfeed Unsolved, which compared to those shows is much more bare bones. I get wanting to step up your production value from what you had at Buzzfeed but if you have budget out in certain places which would entail having a season that doesnt look as good as the previous season, that's completely fine. Im sure me and the rest of fans wouldn't have minded a downgrade because at the end of the day, the fancy sets and graphics are window dressing to why we're truly watching.
I also thinking letting us know ahead of time would've possibly softened the blow. Watcher is in a very interesting situation because there's a much closer relationship between them and their customer base as opposed to traditional companies. So they really could've been like "hey! We're thinking about having future content be on our own streaming service because doing business through YouTube is fucking us over. What do you guys think?". One explanation as to why they waited until now instead of a few months ago when this idea was sparked could've been because they knew they would get backlash and they were going ahead with the streaming service idea regardless of fan input, which might be the reason. But if that's the case, they probably would've had the comments and likes disabled from the start. Right before I started typing this, I checked the video to see if the comments were disabled and they are thankfully still there. Im someone who always wants to see the good in people (which is definitely a character flaw of mine and while defiently lead to me being at the end of an abusive relationship........another abusive relationship but lets not go there), so I think this might be the case of Ryan, Shane and Steven, thinking the streaming service was a good idea and not reading the room properly.
At this point, Im hoping that they dont do things that could make this situation 10 times worse: a) removing the existing content (Mystery Files, Puppet History, etc) off the youtube channel and having it on their streaming service. If you are going to have new seasons of those shows behind a paywall, at least have that content still up for those who want to support but cant purchase the service......b) respond to the critism in a negative way. I think things would be made worse if they lumped genuine fans who are concerned with the new direction with the trolls and haters, and double down on this new direction. Im hoping this situation ends up being a slip up that they can learn from and not being the beginning of the downfall of the Watcher gang. No joke, I think Ryan and Shane are the only youtubers who have avoided any sort of drama up to now. Youtubers I once respected over the years from Tobuscus to Leafyishere to H3H3 to Idubbz to even fucking Dream have all fell from grace in one way or another, and Im hoping the ghoul boys dont join that list....
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batsplat · 4 months
You cannot imagine how giddy I get when I see you've posted a nice long thesis on the riders. And the timezones work as such that I see it during breakfast and it MAKES MY ENTIRE DAY. The content just keeps tumbling around in my brain the whole day. Thank you!!!💛💛💛
this is so incredibly kind that I really don't know what to say... so I'm going to fire off a random undercooked take that is very very far away from thesis territory. featuring the 2015 season
in 2022, jorge gave one of his own regularly scheduled takes on the 2015 season. he offered up a bit of an unusual opinion by focusing on the argentina clash that year - which he that "crucial" in the collapse of the marc/valentino relationship:
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(god, can you imagine having a workplace falling out so bad that seven years later it's still an active topic of speculation what exactly the precipitating event was, and several of your coworkers enjoy regularly weighing in with their thoughts? like man they'll never be allowed to rest)
I find this really interesting coming from jorge. one of the fun things about that season is the degree of genuine ambiguity that exists about all of the major on-track flashpoints. was one of valentino or marc responsible for the argentina crash? was the cutting of the chicane at assen premeditated by valentino? and, of course, did valentino really kick marc at sepang? that being said... the argentina one has always been the one where it just seemed... unfortunate timing, shit happens. it's more on marc, he made a misjudgement and also just took a bit too much risk in the context of the title fight, but complete racing incident. that's the reason why this is a slightly odd take from jorge. it's the one incident nobody really has pinned on valentino, certainly not the commentators or the commentariat or otherwise or anyone
to be clear - this post isn't about figuring out what 'really happened' at argentina 2015, it's more about... well, how it was perceived at the time, and what that tells us. but, just to quickly get this out of the way: from the outside (and with the obvious caveat of 'what do I know'), it's a little tricky to see how you'd solely blame valentino for the collision. valentino is by this point clearly ahead of marc, he's literally just been bumped into by marc so may also not have been 100% in control of the bike, and he's taking a regular line into the next turn... when marc essentially rides so closely to him that valentino turning the bike takes out marc's front wheel. even if vale's deliberately trying to ride defensively against marc, he's perfectly entitled to do so. I know jorge doesn't actually specify valentino crashed marc out deliberately, but given the specific situation, I feel like that's what you're implying when you're saying he's "responsible". you're suggesting valentino knew where marc was and essentially purposefully moved the bike across to wipe out marc's front wheel and... look. I suppose it's possible, though valentino's also allowed to some extent to deliberately make the life of the guy behind him harder. more likely, this is just what happens when two hard racers race each other and insist on practically sitting on each other's bikes when they're on track together - sometimes it'll go wrong. except, of course, that won't stop controversy from breaking out... especially not when it's these two. here, from one of the write ups of the race, is a description of the two of them I've always been fond of:
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which is very them, yes. same type of guy, slightly different flavour, both with carefully cultivated reputations. but look, the main takeaway is this: we don't know their actual intentions. I don't know if valentino deliberately made contact with marc. let's be honest, marc doesn't know if valentino deliberately made contact. only valentino knows that. jorge lorenzo certainly doesn't know that. so why is this the incident he brought up?
in part, I'm curious how jorge even got that impression that marc was mad, and also why he thinks valentino was to blame. the latter, okay, jorge isn't naturally inclined to be generous towards valentino's particular style of racing, not least because he's fallen foul of it a fair few times over the years (though I'd say valentino on occasion was rather less subtle than that against jorge lol). but why is this the thing jorge brings up? I mean, you'd think he'd point to assen as the turning point, given he was literally sitting in that extremely awkward post-race presser and clearly very much enjoyed the whole thing. does he know marc was mad at valentino for argentina? that marc "didn't like it"? was this some kind of paddock rumour at the time? would there have been any basis for that rumour?
so, marc himself was quick to publicly deny that he was angry at valentino, something he reiterated at the next race in jerez. immediately post-race, he said the following:
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and the official statement:
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it's still far from the snarky digs of the post-assen presser, but to me this is a little open to interpretation. I always find 'learn' a very interesting verb. casey over the years was particularly keen on using that word, typically in relation to valentino, to the point where when you see that his tweet commemorating valentino's retirement includes the phrase "I learnt a lot from you".... well, that can be read in lots of ways, not all of them positive. it kind of depends on what you're learning, right? when casey uses it, the implication is basically that valentino was an asshole and casey had to learn to play his games and be more selfish fighting vale. marc uses the word four times in the interview, plus again in the statement. valentino has a certain reputation, a reputation marc is of course more than aware of. he is known for... not being a cheat, necessarily, but being a little underhanded in his tactics, a little devious. yes, valentino did a good job in managing the race, but also in the "melee". "you learn different things and different strategies". what kind of different strategies, marc? are we sure he's talking about tyre preservation here?
(speaking of tyre preservation, one of the reasons why marc was probably feeling particularly disinclined to let valentino go without a fight was the fuckery with the tyre choices. long story short, tyre choice was a big talking point due to the extreme wear they'd had the year before and the extra compound bridgestone had developed. marc made a bit of a show of faffing about with a late switch that he kept concealed until basically the last moment, presumably to fuck with his competitors who were tensely waiting to see what he'd pick. valentino, who had opted for the hardest option, said after the race that he'd ignored what marc was doing because he knew there was only one choice for the yamaha anyway. so in the end it didn't really work to unsettled his key rival and also... well, I mean, marc was two laps away from the tyre choice working in the race, but not quite! just couldn't build up the lead he needed to prevent valentino from reeling him in)
also, "in the end you can see perfectly what happens" is not technically the same thing as saying valentino was not to blame for the incident. it's a phrasing that shies carefully away from actually giving marc's own take on the incident. basically telling the viewer to draw their own conclusions from what they've seen on tv - even though of course marc does make clear he sees it as a racing incident. it's the kind of vague statement that marc has occasionally popped out over the years, at times perhaps implying more than outright stating he has a problem with a certain incident, which does make you maybe raise an eyebrow or two at how he words it here. it's just... listen, it could be 100% innocent and the whole thing isn't flirting with disaster as much as assen is, far from it, but it's the kind of thing where with 20/20 hindsight you do kinda go. hm.
there is a little more evidence that marc was indeed mad at valentino for what happened at argentina... if valentino is to believed and marc's manager told him so directly after sepang:
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(why, if you are marc marquez's manager, do you go to valentino rossi after sepang 2015 to tell valentino you think marc was angry at him for losing him the title. why would you do this. what are you trying to accomplish here)
do I believe this conversation happened? yeah, kinda, because it feels like an odd and very specific thing to make up. that's just a gut feeling thing - I have zero evidence either way obviously. I think at most it's plausible valentino misinterpreted what alzamora was saying. of course, the words "as much" do set off an alarm bell or two, maybe suggesting alzamora didn't directly tell him the bits about argentina and assen. but, y'know, it's also entirely possible marc did think valentino had deliberately taken him out in argentina, especially in the heat of the moment - and his team would very much have been aware of his feelings on the matter. not fun to crash out of the penultimate lap. not when clashing with the championship leader, who is also your hero and who you've generally gotten the better of... not easy not easy
anyway, again, this is definitely a bit of an undercooked take, but it's always nice to get a little bit of insight into what the paddock vibes were at the time. if there are many people - and if there were many people back then - who think that valentino had deliberately taken out marc, that he should have apologised to marc, that marc was mad at valentino.... if it got back to valentino through alzamora, did he hear it from other people too? to what extent was this kind of thing common wisdom within the paddock, or are these takes literally nobody but jorge believes in? we don't know, but it's interesting! argentina is kinda the unloved child of 2015 divorce incidents. partly because it does look so innocuous, partly because it's harder to ascribe ill intent, partly because the two parties are far more pleasant to each other in the aftermath. that's why jorge coming back to this specific incident has stuck with me... in all honesty, I don't really trust jorge to be a particularly good judge of marc and valentino's interpersonal chemistry at any given moment in time, but did he see the cracks beginning to emerge so early in the season? to what extent did argentina already make things visibly less comfortable between the pair of them? why does jorge think marc wanted an apology?
if marc really was particularly angry, then it does go to show how quickly he flipped the switch himself when it came to valentino, swiftly reappraising him as a serious rival who should be treated as such. also, let's put aside a minute what valentino's actual intentions were... it's revealing if marc did think valentino was deliberately fucking him over here. (which, given he's repeatedly using the word "learn" - if he does think valentino's responsible as jorge suggests, then he also doesn't think it was just an innocent lil mistake. you don't 'learn' from your hero making an error, you learn from them riding in a way that wins them the race by crashing you out.) like, y'know how in this post I was saying marc obviously was perfectly aware of valentino's past history, including the feuding and controversy of it all? I mean, if you want proof of how aware he was, look at assen 2015! he's clearly immediately suspicious of valentino and his motives... because he knows what valentino's like, because he knows that 'planning to exploit a grey area in the rules by deliberately allowing marc to make contact before cutting the chicane' is absolutely the kind of sneaky shit valentino is renowned for. what if marc does share jorge's belief that valentino is responsible for the argentina crash? if marc thinks valentino did so deliberately, then that tells you something about how marc sees valentino, no?
obviously they both massively over-correct when they arrive at jerez, which is how we get 'in bed remains the same' and lingering hugs feat. hip-stroking in parc fermé, all that stuff. if it did plant a little seed of suspicion, a little seed of doubt, then that maybe helps explain why they were focused on each other more than they were on the guy who won the next four races - even when it became increasingly clear jorge was the championship favourite. which is what it comes back to for me - the fact that such a seemingly innocuous incident was allowed to blossom into so much more shows there was already something there between the pair of them. the championship might be one thing... but somehow, if given half a chance, they were always going to see each other as their number one rival
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So, there's many of you now. I know we're in the How Sweet It Is Not To Know Follower Counts website and I do cherish that, but still, more people than ever in my life clicked a button that in some capacity says "I care what this dork has to tell me" and I want to acknowledge and celebrate that - especially now that this growth seems to have settled into its rhythm.
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Spot when @identifying-cars-in-posts reblogged my pinned, lol.
So, for my 100th post, I felt like celebrating our love for reaching round numbers. And little in the automotive world represents it more iconically than what reigned supreme above all cars in the 1980s.
Porsche started out as an engineering firm, whose most notable contract was what would become known as the Volkswagen Beetle (and boy what a story that is). The first car of its own was the 356 seen below - a sporty body laid over Beetle underpinnings and thus still mostly made by Volkswagen. But by God, they were going to run with that recipe and perfect it 'til the sun burst.
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Meanwhile, in England, a chap called Colin Chapman decides the next of his company's track cars will actually be drivable on the street, to need no trailer to go race. Thus the Lotus Seven is born and sold in kit, which avoids high taxes on the exporting of cars to the US (but those taxes would have remained had they been sold with assembly manuals… so they were sold with disassembly manuals for you to read backwards. No, seriously.).
The Porsche 356 kept getting less and less Volkswagen and more and more Porsche until in 1964, the year of the Beatles, the year of the Stones, the stone-age Beetle was left behind for good with the Porsche 911 (seen below), a blank-canvas take on the same recipe of an air-cooled rear boxer engine powering the rear wheels of a squished-Beetle-shaped sportscar. 'Twas good.
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In 1973, Lotus was doing pretty well for itself. The Seven's whole 2500 sales had carried it through producing a number of other models, and a few were even in production concurrently - a lineup! Exciting stuff! Well, that and an F1 team so successful its Wikipedia page features the section "Domination in the 60s and '70s". The exciting opportunity to move upmarket, with bigger models with AC and automatics and all that bougie shit, pushed them to move away from the image of scruffy old kit car makers, ceding the Seven's production to the last two dealers that sold it, main one being Caterham Cars.
The 911 headed into the 80s old enough to drive, and Porsche's plans considered it at the end of the line, with staff already mourning it. But then the yankee at his third week as CEO saw those plans (which to Germans are basically scripture), said "to hell with that" and extended that line off the chart. Literally. He went to the lead engineer's office and physically took a marker at a development chart. They all secretly liked that.
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Still, it was clear the game was changing - intercoolers, all wheel drive, active suspension... how hard could the 911 layout go if it didn't stick to its simple air-cooled roots? Well, Porsche resolved to find out by filling it with the cusp of automotive advancements and then some. And I do mean filling - a chassis that didn't even need space for a radiator was suddenly tasked with storing it, two turbos, two intercoolers, and a good half dozen oil pumps.
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Yeah good luck with that, buddy. Oh, and materials? The body was kevlar, the frame was aluminium, the floor was Nomex (ever even heard of Nomex???), the wheels were magnesium and the spokes were hollow!!!! You could blow into the spokes!!! And don't get me started on the technology! Variable height, an all-wheel-drive system that distributed torque at will, electronics galore... As you may be able to guess, development was… complex.
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At one point a test driver was doing 180km/h (112mph) to go get the car un-on-fire-d, and that's just one of the plenty horror stories. Hell, work started in 1983 to create a car for Group B and took so long that when said rally series died in 1986, production was just starting. Not that development would stop at the start of production, either - the first cars just got updated when the owners took them in for their service. (Can't blame them, I fix wording in weeks-old posts...) But however long it took, the resulting Porsche 959 answered the originating question "How hard can this chassis go?" with a resounding "Hard and then some".
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It was comfortable and refined enough to be driven every day, but so capable it extended the limits of the concept of production car. Put it this way: it reached car people's favorite round number, 100km/h (to yankee doodles, 60mph) in 3.6 seconds. The second fastest production car did so in 4.6. That's one second of margin in a race that ends in five. Oh, and if you want to put it another way: the 959 was the first production car to ever surpass 300km/h, let alone come 1 shy of the mythical 200mph (322km/h).
Meanwhile, the handful of chaps at Caterham was still producing the Caterham Seven. It's the Lotus Seven (specifically the third revision, from 1968), but I guess in '83 the engine changed. We were saying?
They couldn't sell the 959 stateside for lack of crash test data, and America's ban on importing foreign cars under 25 years of age had no exception. That is, until Bill Gates wanted a 959 so bad he spent 13 years getting an exception passed. That's how hot this car is.
And yet, this record-breaking, boundary-pushing, master-of-all-trades hypercar sits atop the 80s automotive landscape engulfed in shadow. But how? Why? Because it failed to contend with the greatest automotive headache: humans. It was planted, practical, reliable, predictable - docile, domesticated, amicable. Perfect. But these are not meant to be cars, they're meant to be posters. And you don't get posters of what is perfect, but of what excites you. And what excites us is the visceral, the raw, the uncompromising - the wild, the feral, the dangerous. And, of course, reaching round numbers. What excites us is a lot more like the first production car to break 200mph, the Ferrari F40.
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Remember how the 959 was being developed for Group B racing and then the series died? Well, Ferrari got screwed over too, with the 288 GTO Evoluzione they were developing (seen here to the right of the base 288 GTO) suddenly having no reason to be.
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The lead engineer then asked Enzo Ferrari to let him turn that weekend project (literally, they couldn't spend work week time on it) into a road car to celebrate their 40 years. Enzo, nearing the end of his days, thought "Ah, what the hell, let's leave with a bang", so they set off to build what would become the anti-959. Not anti as in response, but as in antithesis. Where the 959 was an attempt to modernize the noisy, unrefined, old-school 911 -to make a supercar "tested for everyday usability to the most strenuous standards", by Porsche's words- the F40 was a reaction to, per Ferrari's words, "customers saying Ferraris were becoming too plush and comfortable": "nothing but sheer performance. Not a laboratory for the future, as the 959 is. Not Star Wars."
To exemplify: left is the 959 - note the leather and electric seats, right is the F40, note the string you open the door with.
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The F40 was noisy, crashy, torrid, and the turbo lag painstakingly smoothed out in the 959 here kicked you in the back like a locked door. It would rip your head off the moment it sensed you didn't know what you were doing. But it was more exciting - to look at, to hear, to drive. And that's what won people over - including the buyers, which were near four times as many as Porsche's despite the price tag being double.
Had the 959 lost then? Well, not quite. Enter the 959 S. Doing away with much of the 959's luxuries, like adjustable suspension, electric windows, AC, central locking, and even backsea- wait, the 959 had BACKSEATS???? Holy FUCK why does no one talk about that??? Take the family on a trip to 300kphville! I was saying. They schlapped some bigger turbos on too and power went from 444hp right past the F40's 470hp to a healthy 508, that propelled it over what any roadgoing F40 ever managed at 211mph, or 339km/h. Presumably for bragging rights.
And I want to stress, these were titans clashing here. This was leagues beyond what other production cars could even comprehend. Again, the 959 hit 100km/h in 3.6 seconds. The F40 held a record by taking less than 16 seconds to go from 0 to 160km/h(100mph) and back to 0. This was witnessing superhumans fighting through the clouds.
And then in 1992, the two chaps that 'developed' Caterhams (i.e. banged new ones together in the shed) told the chap they worked for "Hey, let's make one that's really barebones and fast", rang up their ol' mate (and ex-F1 racer) Jonathan Palmer to ask to lend a hand, and bought some of the 250hp engine that powered the Vauxhall (British for Opel) Cavalier GSi in the British Touring Car Championship.
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Thus, the Caterham Seven Jonathan Palmer Evolution - a raw, uncomfortable, uncompromising beast that went fast as all fuck. Now, if you don't know Sevens you may think "Ah, so just like the F40, what with its handcrank windows and the string to open the doorlatch and all". And to illustrate how far off that is: in the Seven the windows were sown on and you latched the door yourself with a button.
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And that's the standard version which had windows and doors. The JPE didn't.
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The JPE had a carbon tub you were meant to call a seat, the controls, a rev counter and a tach that didn't even bother with speed under 30mph, and fuck you. And this one is not even as barebones as it gets: this one is painted.
So while the F40 went from 1,250kg (2760lb) to 1370kg (3020lb) when adjusted to comply with US regulations and the 959 went from 1450kg (3200lb) to the lightweight S version's 1350kg (2975lb), the Seven JPE weighed 1170. As in 1170lb. 530kg. Read that again if you need to, but it had about half the power of those two and considerably less than half the car to move. And so, in January 1993, this thing -this '50s coffin with a Vauxhall engine banged together by one guy in a shed- took the Guinness World Record for fastest car to 100km/h with a time of 3.46 seconds - and the 0-160km/h-0 record with 13.1 seconds. Close your eyes and picture that.
Yet the Seven JPE is hardly known to anyone but the most hardcore of enthusiasts, and owned by barely four dozens of 'em. So did it, perhaps, ultimately lose? Not at all. In fact, none of these cars did.
Every 959 cost Porsche twice what they sold it for, but the project proved the 911's layout could stand the test of time, and its development gave Porsche technologies it gradually infused into the 911 keeping it relevant, competitive, and most importantly alive to this day.
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And I think we can safely say that when Enzo Ferrari died in 1988, a year after the F40's launch, his wish to leave with a bang was perfectly fulfilled - so much so that the F40 is commonly regarded as the peak of his legacy.
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And the JPE was simply the greatest Seven ever - the most raw, thrilling, pure automotive experience the streets had ever witnessed. If driving a fast car was like biking down a hill, the Seven JPE was skydiving. Hell, it was the cover car of éX-Driver, an anime about a team using old-school sportscars to rescue haywire autonomous vehicles!
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Not that culturally relevant but MAN was it cool as a kid. I need to hang those damn posters one of these days. I was saying.
These are three success stories in three radically different ways. Because, as much as I've made this post all about the numbers, sometimes it's not about that. Sometimes it's about making a show, leaving a mark, being spectacular. Sometimes it's about pushing yourself to achievements you can take pride and inspiration from. Sometimes it's simply about having fun seeing just how far you can really go. Sometimes it's about deciding what you want to be and make a new favorite version of yourself, that is the best it can be at what you care the most about. And for some that may result in less popularity or success or impact or legacy than others, but those are just some of the things you can work towards. It can be okay to just work towards having a blast. Hell, those madmen at Caterham used to stay after work to build themselves track cars, race them the next day and put ‘em back in the workshop after racing them, and the company survived to this day. Because, yes, they're still around - and their new lineup topper gets to 100 in 2.8. Windshield still optional. Well, at least there's headrests now. And a wider version, for the concrete possibility that you physically don't fit.
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Never change, Caterham, because you certainly never have.
Links in blue are posts of mine explaining the words in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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not-a-cheese-thief · 2 years
The new trailer for Ted Lasso season 3 and all the speculation that goes with it about who may or may not end up coming out (or just being queer) has me going kind of crazy. I’ve been on this hell-site for so many years on and off, I’ve seen all the queer baiting, all the desperate hoping and tricking yourself into the belief that this little thing might be a sign. I hyper-fixate on shows, especially on the queer-coded characters, and I long for good queer representation. I’ve been through all of this longing and hoping before, and I’m just getting so sick of it.
Whenever I talk to a het person about Ted Lasso and its lack of any queer characters, they either say “there’s not any yet, there’s another season still to come,” or “one of them might be gay, you don’t know.” Neither of these things are good enough. Neither sentiment makes me think “Yeah, that’ll probably be good enough.” For one thing, we’re two seasons in. If you’re two seasons into a show that is clearly conscious of some forms of diversity, but can’t manage to acknowledge the existence of queerness beyond a slur that was used in the first two minutes, and the occasional joke (usually used to make a female character seem more sexy/intriguing), then can there really be much hope for real, honest queer representation and storytelling in the third and final season?
Will they really get round to the very important question of how homophobia fits into the the toxic masculinity locker room culture that Ted first walked into, and how that affected and continues to affect the mental health of those within it? Will they really tell this (or any) story from the point of view of a queer person, and with the care and nuance it deserves? They’ve had poc characters from the start, but even their storytelling of these characters has been controversial and from many people’s perspectives, problematic. 
I know the history of queer television, I know why queer coding became a powerful way of telling only the people in the know “hey, I see you”. But we’ve moved beyond that, and in a TV show like Ted Lasso, where it so clearly aims to  tell a diverse range of stories, from an accepting and curious point of view, the lack of actual, truely represented, honest queerness is jarring. I’m sick of being presented with crumbs, with jokes that anyone who’s not queer wouldn’t even notice, and being treated like it’s a gift.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Ted Lasso, I love all my Richmond himbos and my darling Keeley. I’ll watch season 3 and I’ll obsess. I’ll keep all my little headcanons. But I just can’t stand all this trying to trick myself into believing we’ll actually get a queer storyline, especially not for a main character. I’ve been there before and it hurts. We deserve better. So I’m including a little list, for the darlings who have actually read this whole post, of my current fav shows with actual queer characters and stories, so that while we deal with all this Ted Lasso anxiety, we can also have some comfort LGBTQIA+ tv too. Please add your favourites too.
I have to put this first even though it’s not necessarily the gayest, because I think anyone and everyone who watches Ted Lasso should watch Brassic. Joe Gilgun co-created the show and stars as the main character Vinnie, and while his diagnosis has changed since the show’s beginning (he’s now discovered he has bpd, not bipolar) the show’s depiction of Vinnie as man living with bipolar disorder is phenomenal. As is the way it introduces and tells the stories of its queer characters; most notably Ash, a gay man from a traditional Irish traveller family, who has my heart (but actually there are very few main characters who I'm convinced are really, totally straight). 
There's a moment in the show when Vinnie encounters some ‘casual’ homophobia, and even though he’s not with anyone queer, even though he doesn’t know the person who said it, and he’s got shit he really has to get on with, he has to call it out. It’s a little moment, in a show with a lot more very gay scenes and storylines, but it’s the kind of thing that just feels so important. Brassic is chaotic and crude and probably too much for a lot of people, but it’s loving too. 
9-1-1: Lone Star:
This one might not be the same high quality television as the others; it’s a first responder drama that tends towards the soapy, but god, I love it. I love the way they write their queer characters, I love the way they write the friendships between them, and the ways that most of the characters are some kind of minority and use their shared experiences of being marginalised and discriminated against to support and be there for each other. 
It's also worth noting that Brian Michael Smith, who plays Paul, a trans man, is the first black trans man to be a series regular on American tv, and that queer actors Ronen Rubinstein and Rafael Silva, who play lovers on the show, were recently on the cover of Out magazine, and are both activists in the queer community. 
It’s so wonderfully, beautifully queer. It’s a scifi, made by the Wachowski sisters, that’s a kind of love letter to the LGBT+ community. I don't think any of the main characters are meant to be straight, it’s all so very, very queer. Please do watch it, just, not with your mum you know.
Our Flag Means Death:
Gay pirates. Non-binary pirates. New Zealand accents on characters that are definitely not meant to be from New Zealand. What more could you want?
Vico Ortiz, who is non-binary, apparently cried when they read the script because the writers (three of whom are also non-binary) had taken such care to create space for the non-binary character, Jim. You can honestly feel that care when watching the show.
The Last of Us:
I’m sorry. I’m not a gamer and don’t know anything about the game, but every time I yell at my gamer friend who made me watch the show for making me watch it, they just laugh knowingly and say it's only getting worse. So I’m sorry, but yeah, you should still watch it. 
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jaybirdh · 1 year
Okay, so I have spent the better part of a year trying to write a Jayroy fic that I thought would honestly take only a couple of months. I was inspired by this other fic, and had gotten full permission, and I wrote loads for it, but nothing ever quite worked out.
What happened was I read That issue of Red Hood & the Outlaws.
I pretty much ignore the whole penguin beatdown thing (I also ignore the titan’s tower attack, but that’s another matter), I always want Bruce to be a good father and I have tended to write him that way.
Same with Oliver Queen.
However, I thought, within the continuity, it was very stupid and unfair that this incident never gets mentioned again and Bruce never encounters any repercussions whatsoever (all this assuming you want to believe that the “fight” was at all canon, which I don’t really), and I wanted catharsis. Sort of.
I wanted a reason for the main premise of the story to happen, and that seemed like the perfect opening for that, in addition to wanting to see some comeuppance.
That was the main downfall for this story. I got way too invested in the toxic familial relationships the New 52 spat out, and it kept going into all the wrong directions. I ended up disliking all but individual bits of it. It was too nasty for me to handle.
Add to that that I couldn’t seem to get a single characterisation right, and in spite of the great inspiration, the story had almost no plot, and I couldn’t figure out how to worm one in.
So I’m scrapping that effort, and starting completely from new.
The thing is, there was one bit I did really like, from Roy’s perspective, and I don’t want it to be completely lost, although I know it wouldn’t have anywhere to go in my new attempt.
It will probably showcase all the flaws I described, and may not be written terribly well, but I still liked the voice (even if it isn’t necessarily in character), and I liked some of the points I made about what I know of how they handled Sanctuary, so I’m putting it out here.
Content warnings will be tagged. If anyone thinks they can expand on this or do it better, feel free. Just remember to credit me or even piggy back on this post. If someone does write more to this, I would like to read it.
Writing under the cut.
Therapy sucks.
That was Roy’s professional opinion as a Therapizee. And his opinion about it mattered, damn it! Customer satisfaction, and all that.
It didn’t help that all his therapizers were robots or holograms.
In a way, it made it worse.
The robots could pretend to care all they wanted, but you always knew they didn’t.
And they were always recording. Roy was sure that was some sort of violation.
But seriously, you might as well be talking to a metal wall for all the good that did (a certain saying about first signs came to mind).
Add to that the fucking holograms.
They were meant to represent the people you had issues with, or who you cared about, giving messages of support and all that sappy stuff.
Roy guessed it was supposed to be cathartic, or some shit, but really it was just frustrating, bordering on maddening.
If he weren’t already in rehab for capes interacting with the stupid fuckers would have certainly put him there.
Really, there was nothing worse about yelling about a problem you had about your adoptive father to his face, then hear him say something you know he’d never actually say to you.
All it seemed to do was increase the issue exponentially, drive you crazy with the knowledge that you might be working through your problems, but the people the holograms were pretending to be sure as hell weren’t.
Roy found himself moving just as roboticslly through his day as his so-called therapists. Sleeping badly, missing his Jaybird, and finding he didn’t have much of an appetite for anything anymore.
He supposed the one good thing about it was that he was so numb he didn’t even feel the need for drugs or booze anymore.
Just…nothingness, really.
And missing Jason, obviously, but there wasn’t much he could do about that. His boyfriend was off being a hero, no thanks to Batman (may he lose the use of his stupid fortune and die alone in a ditch), and Roy had made a commitment.
He’d stick it out for his two months, and if it got better, great! If not? It’s only two months, and then he could go back to out-law-ing with Jason, no problem.
He’d never felt the loneliness, the sadness, that drove him to addiction when he was with Jaybird.
And yes, he knew being dependant on someone else for recovery was a Bad Thing, but it wasn’t that at all.
What he’d realised, almost the first day in this purgatory, was that he’d kept himself sober with Jason, so that he could be the best he could be for Jason.
Jason, who’d always told him—always showed him that he was worth more than Oliver or anyone else had ever treated him.
Jason, who’d always made sure he was okay, made sure he was managing, made sure he knew that Roy as a person was worth more than being wrecked by heroin and alcohol.
And Roy had believed it. Roy could believe anything Jason said about it, even when the other wasn’t there, because Jason was the one who said it. He’d believed it, even through that little…hiccup.
And when they had started working together, when it became apparent that this wasn’t a one-off, Jason had been scared. Scared of hurting Roy, but also scared of being hurt by Roy.
Roy had understood that, resoected that, and gone forward with all due caution, like when you approach a wild animal.
And then came Batman’s beatdown of the Red Hood, and it was only pure luck that he was in the area to save him, god knows the other bats probably hadn’t even noticed.
And that had been horrible, absolutely terrifying.
He had almost lost Jason.
They might never have had the chance to see what they could become, together.
But he survived, and they had their chance.
Unfortunately, Roy was the one with the issues this time.
He and Jason had finally (finally!) made real progress in their relationship, but this time it was Roy who was scared.
He’d gotten low again, the Titans had broken up again (after a rather disastrous attempt at getting together again), and every time he’d tried to talk it out with Ollie something else—not even something more important all of the time—always came up, and he’d left Roy hanging.
So he’d had a bit of a relapse, nothing major, just, y’know, way too many drinks at a bar, no biggie.
But he knew that tended to lead to something more.
That had scared him, badly.
Scared enough that even when he’d been feeling much better, even when he and Jason had come together againm even closer than before, he had gone to rehab.
He shouldn’t have. He should have remembered that recovery wasn’t linear. He’d had a dip, sure, but after, he knew he would have had a rise, he’d have just had to have waited.
But he hadn’t ever wanted Jason to see him that way.
He’d been told everything about Jason’s background by the man himself in an intimate moment, and he never wanted Jason to have to suffer through anything like that again.
So he’d left.
And so, he’d died.
Yeah, therapy sucked.
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game-boy-pocket · 10 months
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Well, today I beat the Super Mario RPG remake. Only 4 days did it take, but i'm a veteran who knows this game very well and I was using almost every moment of free time I had to play. Not that i'm saying less experienced people are in for a 100 hour game, it's a very short game for an RPG... but I kind of like that it's not overly long. If any series can get away with being a short RPG, it'd be Mario.
I have almost no complaints with this. There's a few changes I don't care for, but none that are significant enough for me to care that much about.... except for two things...
Enemies that know sleep abilities really love to spam them, and it annoyingly reactivates the sleep status. Yeah there's accessories that prevent sleep, but I don't always know when these enemies are going to have these abilities, and they didn't spam them so much in the originals anyway.
The other one is the fight against the boss, Boomer. There's frame rate issues here that throw off the timed hits. I couldn't get ANY timed hits right because of the lag.
Those are the only real significant blemishes on the game. But they're not significant enough for this to not be the definitive way to play the game for me ( I still might pop in the SNES version once in a while for shits and giggles, but this is better in almost every way )
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I will say, this remake solved one problem I had with the original. Once I got Bowser and Peach in my party, I almost never switched Mallow or Geno back in. I liked them. But Bowser was a powerhouse and Peach was an OP healer. There were only three active party members, and no switching out mid battle. Because of that, the only time i've ever beat SMRPG playing mostly as Mario Mallow and Geno was me forcing myself to do it as a self imposed challenge run.
Well this game feels like it buffed both Mallow and Geno, or in Geno's case, fixed him so that his special attacks actually functioned as intended. It gave Mallow a purpose of finding out weaknesses and reistences, as well as getting completed entries in the monster log book. The triple specials are also different for every party combination, and if one party member falls in battle, or is put to sleep, or just because you feel like it, they can be swapped out in mid battle. So for once, I was actually using my whole party, and even swapping out strategically so I could buff someone with Geno's boost, or swapping in both Mallow and Peach to do a super healing move on specific turns, it was great, it feels like this is how the game should have worked to begin with.
Now it might sound like this change makes things a bit too easy... well first of all, let's not kid ourselves, Super Mario RPG is a very easy game, especially if you know what you're doing, and even if you don't grind... second of all, this game imposes limits on recovery items you can carry, so only six revival items instead of filling your whole inventory with them. They also introduce the occasional special enemy that provides more challenge and a frog coin on defeat... that's another issue addressed because Frog Coins were way too tough to come by. They're still rare in this game, but you no longer have to grind ridiculous jumping challenges to get them.
This remake is very faithful, but every mechanical change they made is more than welcome in my eyes.
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I've taken a little peek at the post game, emphasis on little, I really don't know what all is in store for me, but I have a general idea of how it's going to go... how they've implemented it seems very clever, doesn't seem to step on the toes of the ending much. But it looks like it's going to be a hell of a lot tougher than the main game, so I may need to do some level grinding. I'm just glad there's still some things to do, because, and I know i've said this with almost every major release lately, i'm not ready to be done playing.
It feels so fucking good to be a fan of Mario RPG right now. I do hope the Thousand Year Door remake makes Paper Mario fans feel similarly happy. I still think it's an odd choice not to remake the N64 game first but the fans didn't campaign for that now did they? Here's hoping Mario and Luigi RPG fans have something to look forward to as well.
That's it for now, maybe i'll give further thoughts when I beat the post game, but this covers most of the important stuff I think.
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Hello, I read and love your Chained Series but only now noticed the Major Character Death tag on the second one, since I moved from part 1 to part 2 without checking the tags/summary. I normally really really really do not touch Major Character Death, it just... well it just makes me really sad in a way i don't enjoy, to keep it brief, even when it's plot or story wise fulfilling a purpose.
This is in no way me asking you not to do it, it's your story, and that's how it should be!
But I was hoping if you'd be willing to give me some information around the MCD, who for example (or if this'll straight up be a bad ending overall), so I can emotionally brace myself because I really don't want to stop reading the fic, because it's really good, but going further into it blind feels daunting, in a way. I will of course not relay anything regarding the fic to others, that you might tell me (since idk how familiar you are with tumblr: there is a way to respond to asks privately in the ask-post settings, if you prefer).
If you're not happy doing this I completely understand, it's your story, but i figured it's worth asking.
I hope you have a nice day, and that the writing will be easy 👌
I would be quite happy to explain what I've got planed with that! I deliberately read spoilers for similar reasons all the time; I totally understand wanting to be forewarned and forearmed. Also I'm just happy to ramble about my fic lol :3 If ya gotta drop it, no worries, glad you enjoyed the first sections and I don't mind anyone takin care of themselves
You're probably not the only one who'd want to know so I'll just put all the spoilers in a read more:
First of all, I don't consider this to be a particularly dark story (though granted I don't consider Death Note to be a particularly dark story so uh your mileage may vary) nor do I see it ending in tragedy.
The planned deaths:
The Joker - So, he's not really a main character in this fic, in fact, he might not even get speaking lines, I'm unsure right now, but he's major in the comics so I'm counting it. It's not going to happen for a VERY long time but it is so pivotal to the functioning of a main emotional plotline that I don't know how I'd write around changing my mind about this one.
Captain Boomerang - Like the Joker, I'm not really even sure he'll get speaking lines, but he's important enough to Tim's other canon stories he makes the cut. Unlike the Joker, I don't actually know if he's going to die yet! At the end of Red Robin Tim tries to kill him but fails. I don't know if my older Tim will do it, but I am certain he'll go at least halfway through a second similar plan. Much will hinge on what I read of his interactions with Huntress.
Other assorted villains, such as Darkseid and the Batman Who Laughs - This will depend a lot on, again, my reading of how Tim interacts with the kind of violence Huntress brings to the table. It also depends a lot on how a few in-fic decisions shake out. Tim has to make the decision as to whether or not they kill more people than just the ones on his small list from the first fic and I've got a more solid idea for if he does than if he doesn't.
Roy Harper (and a few other Heroes) - He's not gonna stay dead though, none of them are. So, due to hesitance and fear of fucking shit up Jason and Tim aren't going to make some key decisions in time to prevent the whole "Heroes in Crisis" plotline from happening. Once they learn of this they are immediately going to start doing mad science to figure out how to resurrect people safely. And, of course, they have the power to time travel.
Jason Todd... Kinda. - An increasingly large and loud elephant in the room is gonna be the fact that Jason doesn't have to have died. Ever. In any timeline.
Tim could save him.
But of course that would mean rewriting the Jason he knows out of existence. There really isn't a clear cut moral equivalent to doing this? But I feel emotionally it would count as this/our Jason dying.
On the other hand if Tim refuses, he is deeply morally responsible for Jason's actual already happened death... but will have saved our Jason's existence.
Tim's decision of whether or not to save Jason's child self is THE emotional climax of the story. One of the main purposes of Chapter 12 was foreshadowing how each character will react to this very situation.
I can't put another read more, so if knowing the two options is good enough for you turn back now! And if you wanna know what Tim's decision is (I sure would!) scroll passed the two big pictures!
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Tim refuses to save Jason's childhood self. He loves this Jason too much to emotionally withstand losing him. I have had this story beat and the resulting fallout planned for absolute ages and I'm 100% certain on this one. Frankly, timeline erasing the Jason we know and love would make ME cry too much to keep writing it lmao, so this one I can guarantee.
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mixedstyles · 2 years
As Long as You Are: Blurb #3(ish)
Harry slowly realizing his feelings for y/n (and being jealous)
Author's Note: holy shit, I'm back for a moment! I realized I had this in my drafts and never posted it. I'm surprised I even still have followers after how long I've been gone.
Warnings: these aren't really warnings but... incredibly short, use of google translated Korean, slight ateex x reader (completely platonic) to fulfill my own personal agenda, poor photoshop job (on the third photo), and bad formatting
NOTE: Harry is in italics, reader is in bold
Dividers made by: @firefly-graphics!!
ALaYA Masterlist | Main Masterlist | ask box!
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@ynupdates Y/N recently posted a new YouTube video of her reacting to, and breaking down, the @ATEEZofficial song ‘Guerrilla’ watch here! ⬇︎
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@.ateezofficial [#홍중] @.areyoulistening 리액션 영상 감사합니다. 당신의 더 많은 것을 기대합니다! #ATEEZ (Thank you for the reaction video. I look forward to seeing more of you!)
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19.5K Retweets 2,550 Quote Tweets 89.5K Likes
@.ateezofficial [#윤호] @.areyoulistening 정말 재미있는 비디오! 고마워요~~ #ATEEZ (What a fun video! Thank youuuuu)
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17.6K Retweets 3,471 Quote Tweets 98.5K Likes
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jobros15 i want photos of yn and ateez in the same room. asap.
ateeeez pleaseeeee why does this feel more iconic than the whole harry situation🫣
user007 YN is literally making friends with every possible singer out there. We love that for her 🤍
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@.areyoulistening 윤호야!!??!!?? i love you guys so much. i may or may not be crying. yunho… ur my bias 🧍🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ 4.6K Retweets 2,510 Quote Tweets 78.2K Likes
atinytinyfan girl same
atinynation not YN being ATINY
↳ areyoulistening HES JUST SUCH A BIG PUPPY AND I LOVE HIM SM 😵‍💫😵‍💫
↳ atinynation and you’re valid for that 😌 @.areyoulistening
auden_png can confirm she’s crying
↳ areyoulistening please don’t expose me like this
↳ auden_png you literally said you’re crying in your tweet
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@.harrystyles Isn’t he a little old for you?? 3K Retweets 3,571 Quote Tweets 84.6K Likes
↳ areyoulistening he’s 2 years younger than me but okay
↳ harrystyles I don’t get jealous. I’m too busy for that.
↳ areyoulistening hey, are you a tabloid because all i’m reading are lies
adoreuclub not “he’s 2 years younger than me but okay” and “are you a tabloid because all I’m reading are lies” 💀💀💀 how is yn so quick with the comebacks??? what an absolute icon
“Is it weird I miss y/n?” “You literally saw her yesterday.” “I didn’t get to see her for long though.” “My goodness you are whipped for that girl.” “Hey! Who wouldn’t though? Let’s be honest, she’s pretty damn great.”
“I really wish y/n was here to see this. She said that when she finally got out of grad school she wanted to come here to travel.” “And they were ~best friends~” "Shut up, that's really all we are." "You just keep telling yourself that"
“I’m so exhausted and overworked I might cry. I’m going to take a nap on the couch. Goodnight for now.” “y/n.” “…” “y/n.” “What? I just said I’m taking a nap.” “Let’s get you some food and then head home instead. It’s incredibly late and you’ve only gotten 6 hours of sleep within the past two days. Please, let’s head home.” “Hmph. My feet won’t carry me.” “Okay, okay, okay. How about this, you tell me what you want to eat and then I’ll go and grab food while you take a nap. We’ll eat and then take you home for some actual rest that’s not in the studio.” “Mmmm… kay. You can just go to Tony’s and get what we got last time.” “Okay… sounds good” *he’ll probably reach over to where she’s laying with her eyes still closed, and move her hair out of her face before he heads out of the room… I’m giggling* “I’ll be right back.”
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arbee0 · 1 year
Thoughts on Hilda from Netflix
The World building is just absolutely fantastic!
This show is so freaking pretty, literally gorgeous I can not get over how beautiful it is!!!
They do such an amazing job of introducing so many different creatures, world customs, and societal norms so naturally!
Like yeah, that's woodman, he just lets himself in whenever he pleases
Elves are actually little invisible people
The main character's pet is a deer-dog-fox (I adore Twig's design)
I love, love Hilda's relationship to her mom and how it changes and grows throughout the series, I feel like a parent-child relationship like this is so rare and its so refreshing to see a parent treat their child with so much respect and patience even while Hilda gets herself into literally everything ever
And Hilda's friends!! I love David and Frida so much!! They are such wonderful characters who both get their own time and space to grow away from Hilda
Although I am not super happy with how they kinda brushed off Frida's betrayal towards the end of season one (I am only a just starting season two though so I don't know if its ever brought up then)
especially how Frida treated David, there is so much I wish they had been given time to talk about and I feel like David deserved so much more
I love Alfur so much too!! The whole concept of elves in this world is so incredible, I absolutely love the amount of thought was put into him and his little society
Like the whole bit about paperwork being so important in their little world is so much fun and its not something that was a one off bit either, its so fun how it keeps getting brought back up and is still an important plot point in many episodes!
The plot itself. oh my god. the plot is plotting and I love it so so much!
This show just hit so much for me, I am not someone who kins characters but boy do I kin Hilda
The Whole theme of having to move and leave behind everything you have ever known,
Being forced into an completely different world with so little time to adjust and just the sense of loneliness and isolation that comes with that that you just have to keep moving, keep thowing yourself at any problem you can solve or any adventure to keep you from letting yourself really feel that hurt that you've shoved so deep down
But in this new world there are amazing people!
you've found these amazing new friends and created a new niche for yourself
These things you never even realized you where missing and yet this place still doesn't really feel like home, you left home behind and that place is still such a huge part of you that you cant see how much you've grown
And moving on is so hard, letting go is so hard
What Woodman said to Hilda "And someday your home may be somewhere else. But that doesn't mean you leave your other homes behind. The wilderness will always be a part of who you are"
I'm so happy that they included this episode, it was so satisfying for this to be brought up and not completely ignored
Because moving sucks! Leaving behind everything sucks!
And letting Hilda not only explore that and finally admit to herself that things have changed and that its okay!
That was such in incredibly satisfying resolution for me personally this show was actually made for me specifically
I am only a few episodes into season two but I really love the villain!
He is so incredibly annoying I want to launch him into the sun but he's so well written
I love how aware Hilda is of his shit and also that he is beefing with an 11 year old I'm so exited to see where this goes
I cant wait to finish season two (Witch!Frida is so cool!!)
There is still so much about this show I love but I wanted to just do a quick over view right now since I just finished yesterday, I might post a bit more later but yeah :)
If you haven't watched Hilda I highly recommend!!!
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snorlaxlovesme · 3 months
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
i'm greedy
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
i'm glad it clarified "posted" story (i literally have a unpublished wip titled "self-indulgent wes and soul BS" because it's a sequel to ANOTHER wip, also not finished. that fic is my personal playground). ANYWAY. ignoring the fact that ALL my fics are self indulgent, More Confused Than Usual [x] is probably the best example of one. for starters, it's Pokemon, a fandom i rarely write for. it's also contestshipping (May x Drew), a couple i have only absorbed through fanon because I never actually...watched Advanced Generation? i've seen clips but i've watched maybe ONE episode feature May and Drew from start to finish. and thirdly it's tropey as hell. who doesn't love a good amnesia shenanigans fic? the writer i mentioned in your previous ask, Bittersweet Romanticide? she'd write something like this. THAT's probably why i love it.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fic?
the last two fics i've posted both have the tag "food as a metaphor for love" which i found very funny in hindsight. is this my niche? i also love writing that gray area of love where 2 characters would die for each other but also have never come close to confessing their feelings or even admitting they HAVE feelings. my aroasexuality loves putting a lid on ANY concrete evidence of romance in my fics. YES these characters share a love that's strong enough to move mountains, to traverse oceans, to wage wars. no, they probably won't kiss.
72. What's your favorite writing compliment you've gotten?
any time someone tells me that my writing has like, existed somehow outside of their phone or laptop i lose my mind a little. like my baseline assumption is that people read my writing, then solemnly nod their head, think "hm.", and click the kudos button. so when someone tells me that my writing made them cry??? made them laugh out loud in class?? that they talked about my story with another human person? idk, it makes it feel more real. a real human person read something i wrote and somehow it caused a physical reaction out there in the world somewhere. isn't that weird?
79. Do you have any writing advice you'd like to share?
i think my favorite piece of writing advice is that "write what you know" is terrible advice. or terribly reductive advice. whenever professors at my college would trot around that piece of advice with no follow-up i'd get so mad. like you want me to write what i know?? my day-job is Maid and my night-job is Couch Potato. i clean toilets and go home and watch TV. what the hell do i know? and who'd want to read that? it felt like i wasn't allowed to go beyond that in my writing because i didn't have experience with it. then i took those Stief courses and got BETTER writing advice. when writing what you know, you should be writing the EMOTIONAL TRUTHS you know. you don't need every character or situation to be 1 to 1 comparable to your life, but if you want what you write to believable then try to find the emotional truths within that situation that are. ex: an original concept i've toyed with is a story where the world fast-forwards a whole year in the blink of an eye. as in, the entire world FORGOT what happened in the past year, and now is struggling to pick up the pieces of their new lives. people have moved, gotten new jobs, broken up, had children etc. and have to grapple with these changes they have no context for. the main character? a woman who works at the penguin emporium at the zoo. she puts on a scuba suit and sucks up fish guts and penguin shit from the bottom of the tank. she teaches little kids about penguin gestation periods. the conflict? all of her co-workers and loved ones have dramatic Leap Year conflicts except for her, because her life doesn't appear to have changed at all. i have never experienced long or short term amnesia. i have not and never will work as a penguin shit vacuumer at a zoo. this is very outside the realm of my expertise and has required a lot of youtube video research about penguin care. it SHOULD fall outside of my WWYK bubble, but that doesn't matter! the emotional truth is something that resonates with me deeply, as a late 20s woman who had felt stagnant in her life while other people were changing rapidly around her. are the readers going to get caught up in the penguin details, or are they going to relate that the book shelf they've been planning to build for months is STILL sitting in its box a year later, while their neighbor just got engaged AND promoted? that they STILL leave their clean laundry on the chair in their room instead of folding it, but their favorite co-worker doesn't actually work with them anymore because they transferred to the department they've always wanted to work in? i could have my character be space alien. a deepwater fish. a Vegas showgirl. that stuff is all window dressing if i can still get THAT emotional truth across. THAT'S writing what you know. and i can know all of that from my night job sitting on my couch.
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crystallinechaos · 1 year
Hello, all you lovelies! I have been writing this little fiction for a few months now. I figured I'd start sharing it here as well, one chapter at a time, that way others could see and may e enjoy. Ff7 situation of a modern woman falling into the world of Midgar, before it all went to hell. Hope you enjoy! Of course, I'll post the link to the main story as well, in case you want to just read it all.
Here is the link to Death was only the Beginning
Chapter 1
For anyone curious about the whole "do you feel it when you die" question, I can answer you. Least about my specific death. I felt it. But in all honestly, I "felt" it in a somewhat impersonal way.
I more remember the way the windshield cracked, like a hundred fine spider webs inside it. I remember the noise of the car too. Metal grinding and crackling. I'm honestly glad I don't remember the way it all felt. I don't really consider myself a masochist. I wouldn't have enjoyed knowing or cataloging broken bones or gushes of blood.
It was bad enough what I do remember. The most terrifying was the fact I was there… or had been there. And then I simply wasn't. I didn't have a form anymore; I couldn't see the red tinted world of my shattered vehicle anymore.
You know how you aren't aware of your physical body until you are? Until something jogs your brain into hard-core thinking. Like being randomly hyper aware of your hands, or how you move when you dance? Or how you get a little too up in your walking ability when you're walking by a hot guy?
Okay, I admit the last one might just be me. Anyway, I lost all that in a single second. Talk about eye openers. I couldn't feel my physical body. I couldn't see anything. I reached and reached but there wasn't anything there.
I'm not too big to admit I was terrified. It took a long time to calm down after that. Especially when I realized my terror had no noise. I felt such fear, yet couldn't make a single actual noise.
All I can explain it as is… was a warm kind of darkness, if that makes any sense. At the time I had no idea what I was or where I was. Was this seriously death? Absolutely nothing? Boy, did everyone back home have it all wrong. Maybe my brain wasn't dead yet, and that's all that was happening.
Such thoughts were my comfort zone. I wanted an explanation more than I wanted it to end. Like I said… the dark was warm somehow, and at times I felt a pressure, like something was pressing on me. This happened more and more frequently. They were a guarantee when my thoughts had me in a panic. Slowly I began to regard that pressure as a kind of friend. It was really the only difference in my dark death.
Really, my heaven wasn't great. And if I was in the other place, where was my torture? This place had an ambivalence I both clung to and loathed. Sure, death was weird and I wanted something, ANYTHING, to happen. But I was also terrified about what it would be.
So, the days passed, slowly. I didn't know which way was up even, always just assuming I was in an upright position. I thought fancifully that I could feel my body again at times. I would feel an urge to roll over and would follow through, until I remembered I couldn't do that anymore.
Phantom limb pain, maybe? I brushed it off.
Until it kept happening. The thing is, it didn't feel like my old body. It felt foreign and wrong, and I didn't like it. I wondered then if maybe I wasn't dead. Maybe I was in a coma. That could explain the disconnect but not my blank world. I could rationalize the dark, but couldn't help feeling ripped off. In the movies, a coma patient wandered the hospital or some shit. Though in the end I'd be grateful when I woke up.
Coma was a hundred times better than dead, after all. Sure, my friends and family would be worried but damn! Least they wouldn't need to plan a funeral or mourn a bloodied caricature of who I was in a coffin.
I thought about that car, my cherry red Honda, and felt bitter. I'd loved that car. It had little stuffed turtles on the back windshield and a golden snitch hanging from the mirror. Geeky sure. Worse was I was still paying on it. I wondered bleakly if it'd been totaled or could be salvaged if I sunk myself into a hole of debt.
Light started flickering across my dark little world. Not often, and that was how I became acutely aware I had eyes. I couldn't blink for some annoying reason, so my relief was not easily won. When it flashed by again, I felt indignant and put upon, to the point I imagined I kicked out. Call me crazy but at the time I was confused as hell when it felt like I had legs and feet, and that I connected with something. Something soft and somewhat pliable.
The pressure returned right over my newly discovered feet and it blocked out the light so I was grateful. The pressure was almost… stroking? It shifted side to side and I was curious. Suddenly more curious than I had been since my coma or death. Fingers crossed for coma.
I pressed back for the first time knowingly and felt almost… something lighter. Like happiness was suddenly dumped in on me, and maybe I heard light laughter.
I began to interact more. Sue me, I was bored. Curiosity could kill this cat, since I was already sure I was either dead or incapacitated. I needed some fun.
Things started happening rapidly after that. Whenever I felt the pressure, I made sure to press back. Finally, another development. I began to realize the varying pressures were different pressures. Different… entities?
I found my favorite was the smallest one, pressing so lightly as though nervous, then firming down when I responded. The next best was the most frequent, that would be accompanied by laughter or what I thought were soft words. I found myself straining to try and understand. Sometimes it sounded almost sleepy, the soft little murmur, others happy and nearly singing.
It seems stupid, but I really believed these were my family members and friends, come to visit during my comatose state. More and more I became more accepting of this body I had, rolling and tumbling through my dark world with occasional shimmers of light. More and more I began to realize my darkness wasn't endless. The cushy limitless dark that I thought I'd been rolling through seemed to become smaller and smaller.
Finally, it was too tight almost. I began to feel suffocated, and couldn't help pushing against it more vehemently. I wasn't some acrobat that could fit in tiny spaces for fuck sakes!
Then… there were screams. The dark suddenly started contracting against me, squishing and releasing for what felt like hours. I couldn't stop myself as I slid forward and found myself stuck. I don't think I'd ever felt so scared. When I felt more persistent pressure against me, I fought, pushing away and wriggling about. The screams continued for a while before weakening.
More time passed and I couldn't tell what was happening. The small space continued to contract and I felt what might have been a small opening so I tried to shift forward and go through it. Anything was better than staying in this dark claustrophobic place.
The next phase I honestly wish I could forget. To say being reborn is an experience isn't a lie at all. There were a lot of… fluids, and an embarrassing smack along my bottom that frankly, enraged me. It hadn't clicked I was now a literal baby yet. I was more freaked by how everyone was so tall and there I was… a seeming puppy being held by giants.
Then the red tint was cleared from my rapidly blinking eyes by a soft cloth and I was placed in the arms of a tired, yet still radiant woman. I can't explain the immediate connection I felt to her. Her hair was like spun gold and her blue eyes danced with emotion I found I couldn't trace out.
A tall man of imposing disposition was standing beside her bed, his piercing gaze boring into me. His large hand was firmly gripping a slender shoulder, a younger but near carbon copy of the man. I blinked as much as I could in order to bring them sharper into focus, but baby eyes just aren't reliable.
I realized quickly and with horror, that's what I was. A literal ass baby. I was horrified. Especially when the woman cradled me tighter and shifted, squeezing my baby head into her bosom. My wriggling didn't stop the injustice.
For some reason, I couldn't understand their words. I stared with growing awareness as the woman gestured and the little boy came closer, his hand reaching out to poke, what I imagined, were puffy cheeks. I slowly brought him into focus and vaguely felt a sense of familiarity.
When the woman deposited me into his arms I felt some alarm. We were really trusting a kid to hold a fragile baby now, are we? I began to fuss a little, trying to convey my dismay in the only language I could, gibberish.
"What do you think, Rufus? Your own little sister." The woman said it so softly. Her hand reached out to brush the golden hair from his face and he allowed it. My alarm grew.
"President Shinra, sir." What I assumed was a doctor called to the man and he turned. Oh, shit.
"What is it?" Oh, no. Oh absolutely fuck no.
This is a dream; this absolutely can NOT be real.
"The birth certificate, sir."
The man took it in his hand and made a small noise. "I suppose she needs a name. I was hoping for another boy. However, I suppose this will be fine. You name her."
Oh shit, no thank you, really. I already have a name. One that I'm quite attached too. And really, a whole life that I'm happy with so really… no need.
The woman looked a bit dissatisfied with his disinterested tone and I almost felt bad. Her eyes softened when she looked at us. She thought we were her KIDS. Well, the boy… Rufus was, but I most certainly was not, by any means, an effing baby!
And I didn't want to be, if my stirring memories were right. I was screwed with this family of dysfunction and greed.
"Hmm, what do you think, Rufus?"
The boy looked almost innocent. But every time one of them spoke I felt nothing but dread. I stared at him while he looked back at me. This was the guy who was going to continue his fathers stupid quest to suck the planet dry! If I was right. Maybe I was wrong. Surely, maybe they were just the victims of some Final Fantasy obsessed nut job.
Well, at least my brother would grow up to be a domineering but classically hot anime guy. God's, this couldn't be real.
"Sophie," he muttered finally.
The woman lit up while the man snorted. "From the book I read you a while ago. Of course, it's perfectly splendid."
Before today if someone had said I'd be faced with a chibby Rufus freaking Shinra I'd have been curious enough to look up the Google for it. Now, I was faced with chibby Rufus actually blushing. Nodding as the woman beamed.
"Little Sophie. How wonderful." Compared to Rufus and the still unnamed woman I'd come out of, Shinra senior was laconic and bored. Well, excuse you, you definitely aren't getting any father of the year mugs from me.
My life was over. I started to cry as the emotion crashed into me and I couldn't stop it. Damn baby body. Even as I tried to hold back the noises, they escaped my unwilling mouth and tumbled around piercingly through the air. Rufus looked alarmed and the woman took me swiftly.
"Perhaps she's hungry already." Her voice was almost drowned out by my cries.
Nothing could drown out the intent though. She unbuttoned her gown and oh my God, you've got to be kidding me!
I was going to die. I was dead, and now I'm gonna be double dead. Fuck no I wasn't going to be breastfed to top off my impending doom.
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tubtick · 7 months
Coping mechanisms for non-functioning depressive episodes
DISCLAIMER – I am not a medical professional, and this is NOT good advice for those that can function above the level described in this post. These are my own personal techniques that I have used when I was so depressed that these were the only ways to function for me, and they may not work for everyone. If you have someone in your life who can help, please reach out!
Self-maintenance is impossible but important. Small things like brushing your teeth, changing clothes, showering etc may be literally not possible in a bad episode. When this happens, I try to remind myself that doing something a little bit is still better than nothing. For example, I end up with glasses all around my room and bed – maybe try putting a toothbrush and toothpaste next to your bed and keep a glass of water (to drink but also to spit). It’s unhygienic and absolutely not ideal, but I’ve found that sometimes leaning over to brush my teeth without having to get up has sometimes been the only reason I’ve not got dentures yet. You can also try cleaning the glass when you go to the toilet.
Similarly, changing clothes is a small thing that will not only help you feel as though you’ve achieved something, but will also feel better and keep you fresher if you aren’t gonna be showering. Again, for me getting out and getting naked in my room can be daunting, effort, and humiliating in a bad episode. To get over this I would try to put out an outfit next to my bed, and several pairs of clean undies – meaning I can get changed under my covers without sitting up. It actually helped me feel as though I was more ready to get out of bed.
Messy room? Making you feel like shit? But can’t move to clean it? One thing that might help is just move *one* thing. When you go to the toilet, or get up for a snack or whatever, just move one or two things. Then stop. You don’t NEED to do it all at once. Your brain is interpreting the time-consuming chore of cleaning the whole room, but you aren’t doing that, tell your brain you are just moving around one or two things and then follow through. One of the reasons cognitive dysfunctions can take hold so strongly is the perception that you’re about to complete a large task, so try to break it up into a bunch of little tasks and try to remove the time pressure – it doesn’t work it you still aim to have cleaned your room in the day, because that’s still the same long task. Today you are just putting away your makeup. Tomorrow you are just stacking your plates, the next day you are just going to put your laundry in a pile, maybe even separate clean from dirty. Just try to take your time and understand that you are not functioning at full capacity.
If you can try to view showering as a relaxing activity, do try and shift your mindset – but if you really can’t bring yourself to have one, just remember Pits, Bits, and (if you have them) Tits! Those are the main areas of sweat and dead skin and a little rinse under a sink or a wipe, and a little bit of deodorant can go a long way. If you have micellar water, just wiping your face once a day can be a very basic skincare that gets rid of sweat and excess oils (this might be different for different skins and people). Hair can be left a surprising long time without needing a wash unless you have a skin condition- if it starts getting very greasy maybe try covering it when lying in bed to avoid oils rubbing off on your face and sheets, which can lead to breakouts and other things that can cause an episode to spiral. Also braiding it if it is loose can also help to prevent tangling. Try to find tips from other people who have struggled with depression for your hair type, because it can vary greatly depending on length and curl.
If you can change you sheets, that’s great! Try to do that once a week, if you can’t, try to at least change your pillowcase – it takes 30 seconds and it’s the most important part of the bed to change. (Unless you lie with your face on the sheet – if you do change that) If all else fails, bring a towel from the bathroom and lie on that. Keeping things clean and slightly more comfortable is paramount.
If you tend to over or under eat during an episode – try not to beat yourself up about it! It might not be healthy but while you are struggling, feeling guilty about a temporary difference in your diet is not going to be helpful for you. Once you begin leaving your depressive episode make sure you don’t immediately jump back to how much you were eating before! It might seem like a good idea but depending on how long you’ve been experiencing the episode your body has likely adjusted to the amount of food you were eating before. If you tend to overeat, change the amount you are eating in small increments that reduce a little bit each day (and I do mean a tiny bit) to make sure your body isn’t left wanting – that leads to cravings and sometimes eating more than you had intended to in the first place. If you tend to undereat, try to increase the number of times a day you eat. Even if they are small portions, try to eat maybe 5 times a day to make sure you are getting enough nutrition.
Open the window. That’s it, open the window. Let in some light, let in some air. Both those things are good for you, and it only takes one action. For me, lying down in the dark and warm is a lovely experience, and I tend to create that environment when I’m in an episode because it’s comforting, and while there is a time for comfort, during the day seeing the sun and feeling the wind can take you out of the rotcore mindset, plus it helps with any scents that might have accumulated during the episode. Sometimes I even find that opening the window and looking outside distracts me from something I was thinking about before. However, if you struggle with suicidal ideation to the point that you are worried about going near the window it might be wise to give this one a miss (or ask someone else to open the window for you).
Those are my personal tips from the various times in my life I’ve struggled with depression, and the things and coping mechanisms I have developed, and I’m fully aware they may not work for many people but I hope someone out there finds this useful.
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yunisketch · 2 years
Alright so I have a TMNT AU of mine that I can't get out of my mind and its stayed like that for almost half a year now. So in my AU, it's a mix of other continuities, but for the sake of simplicity lets say it takes place post S4 of TMNT 2012. Though in a universe where, well, none of the events of S5 took place so there's no resurrecting shredder. Karai and her Foot clan have also moved to Japan in order to weed out the remaining factions still loyal to Shredder. Ever since the death of their father, the brothers' relationships with each other have become strained. More so due to the sudden appearance/sightings of Foot Ninjas in New York, and notably without any sign or form of contact from Karai. They suspect Tigerclaw has something to do with it but Leo wants to refrain from taking any sort of action (YET) as a precaution. Pure surveillance. Raphael on the other hand, is convinced that they need to look and take down the ninja before something awful happens. Of course they both have a huge argument and OF COURSE Raphael goes it anyway alongside with Casey. (Casey knew Raph and confronted him ab it and ended up joining alongside him as backup) They do actually find the ninja at the last place they'd been spotted. Only for it to turn out to be a trap. One that, unfortunately Raphael nor Casey return from alive.
Did I mention that Raph is the protagonist of this AU and still is? Nope? Well, let me elaborate.
Raph bonafide DIED. There was no being held captive. He was captured and swiftly killed. They knew the threat Raphael posed though in their eyes they had no use for him. Casey Jones being caught in the trap was an added bonus.
But Raph wakes up. This was no dream however. Nor does he wake up in a body that was his own. He awakens in the body of a 15 year old boy. A human boy.
If you've read TMNT IDW then this is pretty much their origin but in reverse. First life was as a mutant -> Killed -> reincarnated as a human many years later.
Which is precisely what happens to Raph. He wakes up in a hospital, in the broken body of a young boy. Previous memories intact. Skipping forward a bit, even though Raph is aware that between the time he was killed and the time he'd woken up, around 25 years have passed. His brothers have to be alive. They have to be. So he makes it his mission to find his brothers. Buuuut finds zilch. Nada. Nothing. The entrance to the lair is sealed away. As if it never existed in the first place. April doesn't live in her old apartment anymore (he checked, Casey's too bc he's still in denial that Casey was killed alongside him) and there's just... no trace of anyone. Kami, he feels like he wants to give up. Until he comes across a small kid dressed in orange looking scared as all hell being cornered by some thugs. Mikey. His brain had supplied.
Raph beats the shit out of the PD and a VERY scared Mikey runs away because of course a big buy AND stranger like Raph is scary as all hell when covered in blood. Raph does manage to loose him but that's essentially the plot of this fic. Raphael is aware of his brother's existences and that his other brothers may also be humans like he is. Whether this is an alternate universe or truly in the future (spoiler it's very much in the future in his original universe), Raphael doesn't care. He also figures that if Mikey is human, that means he died as well. But who killed them? Which is basicaly the whole main goal. To find his brothers and the one responsible for their deaths.
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