#actually staring at a screen doesnt help
truthdawn · 1 year
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library-fae · 5 months
me being anxious to ask for anything vs me and my boyfriend both being autistic and needing explicit communication
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axvwriter · 11 months
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PERMISSION TO DRAW THIS PLEASE I’LL TAG YOU (for the delicious brainrot you gave me)😭🙏✨✨
To draw the birthing of a conch after 9 months of pregnancy or to draw Paulie taking Pin-cha over to NRC? (Joking, I'm pretty sure you mean Paulie... right?) Go right ahead! I'm completely fine with anyone using my twst ocs (that are apart of dorms/based off disney characters) but definitely would love to be tagged so I can see it!
(Though it it's actually just Pin-cha bringing in dirt, of course you can. I don't really feel claim/ownership over general ideas. The only things I would want tagging/ownership of is my ocs. Oh what if it's the sitting at Azul's desk part? What if Pin-cha's so short that you can barely see his head with the desk in the way?)
Oh I've gotten like halfway through with the comic I'm making that has Anan and Charin in it. I was going to message you in regards to the Jong-kra-ben but realized with how I've drawn so far, that I don't think there's enough of it shown to actually worry if I've gotten it right. Though since you are messaging, may I ask if they both wear a Jong-kra-ben? (Crap I'm hoping I'm remembering how that's spelled exaclty) I've looked it up but I'm uncertain if Google was actually showing me the right thing as it was also showing results for like a Chong-kraben or something of similar spelling... plus the article that explained how to wear it looked different to your drawings.
Do you already have some drawings or reference images in regards to that type of clothing? Sadly my american schooling has basically taught me nothing when it comes to the world outside of America.. Uhhmm you can answer this in your own post or reblogging if you do want to answer my question regarding Jong-kra-ben. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Though answers regarding to at least if they wear the same thing or not would be nice as I'm clueless.
Here's a link to Paulie's ref/post so you don't have to hunt him down!
#ask#twst related#siphok#siphoklansan#almost put sipphok and had to stare to figure out what i did wrong which was hit the h key twice#pin-cha is adorable#siphoks art always looks professional#paulies ref can be found under my fanfiction masterlist page#wait i should just link to the post to make it easier#link#tumblr link#twst ocs#after finish the first part of the comic i was thinking the second part will be pretty easy too#then i remembered i do want to go kinda all out on one panel so maybe it wont be that fast#doesnt help that i cant find a good long term position to sit in thats comfortable and doesnt make my feet numb when using my art tablet#all these little annoyances but no easy cheap solution rip#would love to have a wireless screen art tablet but those are hecking expensive#some reviews ive seen of just the wired screen art tablets have stated the wires not working and the screen being super fragile#some reviews even saying it only lasts a month which is unreasonable for something in the thousands of dollars#though my mom has pointed out possibly using a regular tablet but i keep forgetting to actually look into that oof#a discord pal has mentioned drawing on phone but ive realized i use refs so often that id have no room to draw!#i always use refs of even my own characters as i dont trust my memory#do people get upset if they arent credited for simple general ideas like bringing in dirt and then crying about trying to be rebellious?#like some ideas are generic and/or simple enough that anyone could think of it that it seems silly to try to claim ownership of such an ide#i actually considered drawing paulie and pin-cha myself but too many things i want to draw and im being too slow with drawing#i keep thinking of more and more things to draw in general plus im tired of drawing humanoids i want to do my creatures!#but crap i also want to draw my humans but i freaking hate human anatomy
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
"The moon is beautiful tonight" bro if someone said that to me I'd choke 💀. So here's a request ig. Octavinnle and scarabia saying this phrase in casual conversation causes like. it doesn't mean anything in twst, but yuu doesnt know that. So yuu just looks at them like
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And suddenly they're being a hell of a lot more affectionate towards them specifically, which is really starting to fuck with their emotion at this point. Cause like. "I've thought of what we'd act like as a married couple a million times and you are acting exactly like that"
So now like, idk, 2 months later or something, the boys basically do a "reject me so I can move on. Or not, please not, actually"
And yuus like? We've been together for 2 months now? I thought we were taking it slow but not this slow??
He doesn't even fully remember what he said, or the context that brought it up. If someone were to offer him all the world's wealth and power he wouldn't be able to tell them what brought about this change.
If he did he might find it ironic that in your world there was a place and time where "I love you" could be translated into "the moon looks beautiful tonight." For what else could he have been trying to say?
I LOVE THIS TROPE I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH. UNREQUITED REQUITED ACCIDENTAL LOVE CONFESSION MY BELOVED. Anyway yeah sure I can do this easy. Also can someone tell me what "ig" means I am an elderly woman ☆ヽ(o_ _)o notes: they/them used for Yuu, angst with the intent of comfort, not all of them follow the flow of the prompt exactly sorry, idk if I like this one? I'm so sorry it took so long I loved this prompt but for some reason when I sat down to write it my brain fried. More fic can be found on my masterlist here.
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What He Says:
You can't actually see the moon from Octavinelle, so how the conversation topic got around to it is quite lost on you. "You just don't really seem like an astrology h- person to me?" It is all you can do to bite back a different description as you try to pretend your focus is on the silverware you are rolling and not the ever so slightly disheveled octomer across the office. You treasure these times, though you have to wonder just how intentional they are. Azul always has an aura of manufactured perfection around him, so to see him with ink stained hands and a crooked tie... you wish you were quick enough to get a picture with something other than your mind's eye.
"I could say the same about you," he smiles as he speaks in a way you want to believe is affectionate "though I suppose it shouldn't, every planet large enough to host life will have a moon." Your fingers fidget with the napkins as you wonder where to take this talk, talking with Azul is a lot like a dance at a masquerade you haven't been invited to. One small slip and he has you at his mercy.
"I was surprised your moon looks so similar to mine." You try. "It was very comforting to know it still represents my deepest, truest self."
"Then it must look beautiful tonight." Azul says softly, as if he is more testing the words in his mind than he is saying them. But still you startle and drop the silverware and make him jump.
"I'm sorry?" You stumble over yourself to pick it up and see a worried Azul standing in front of you.
"I said the moon must look beautiful tonight." He says as he bends to help, so casually that he has to call out to you again to make you realize this isn't a dream.
"It is." You pull yourself up and stand closer to him than you have ever previously dared.
When He Breaks (Two Months Later):
Ramshackle Prefect: Morning Azul ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Azul stares at his phone as if he is unused to the words on his screen. His thumb hovers over the heart as if he could reach out and touch what sits on the other side and know.
You: Morning, a bit early for you isn't it?
Not that he is upset exactly, this is a lovely thing to wake up to. But it's torture, pure torture to lack the context for any of this. When you started messaging him in the morning he had been too pleased to think critically. His mind conjures up images of how sweet you could sound when half asleep, what it would be like to hear that wish from you every morning out loud instead of on a screen. He shakes his head trying to blink back the tears as he rises, these thoughts are like one of those mirages he'd heard Jamil describe before. If he looked too hard it would disappear and leave him with nothing but sand, and there is nothing a merfolk fears more than the absence of water.
Ramshackle Prefect: (。•̀ᴗ-) Ramshackle Prefect: hehe im goin back to sleep now. Ramshackle Prefect: dont overwork urself. it's supposed to be the weekend!!!
"Supposed to be the weekend" he wants to die. His heart hammers away at his chest as reads and re-reads his messages searching for a sign of how or why he is getting these messages. It's a thankless task, he's done this every day for... it feels like years but he knows from his carefully kept notes it's only been two months one week and three days. And he does mean notes, so what if he's taken to keeping Yuu's file in his night stand it's still kept in a file which means it isn't a diary. Not that it would be a problem if he did-
Ramshackle Prefect: oh before I forget is it ok if I stop by the lounge later? I tried making a pudding and want to know if it tastes good Ramshackle Prefect: y'know to people who don't eat literal dirt
-so no he wasn't keeping a diary but maybe Jade is on to something and he should really start because he hears those are good for managing stress.
"Not that I am unimpressed with your efforts," is what Azul says out loud with a great deal of effort "but is it just me or have you been trying to cook a lot more lately?" It had started with little sandwiches and maybe a salad on days he was still at work late into the night, dropped off with the claim that Yuu was worried he wasn't taking care of himself but they never actually stayed to watch him eat it. This was new, as if they were testing the waters of something from their position on his couch, face still puffy with sleep as they settle themselves deep into its puffy cushions and watch him at his desk. Maybe they were concerned he would not want a desert and intended to stay and make sure he didn't throw it out. That had to be it, but then why visit dressed so casually? He can count on one hand the times he has seen Yuu out of an NRC uniform, and none of those allowed him a glimpse of their actual preferences in clothing.
It's like they've forgotten who they are dealing with.
"Well yeah, it's a good skill to have." Yuu looks at him with a genuine unguarded smile. "Besides it's fun to get your opinions on my food, I don't always understand how you come up with them but I feel like it helps."
"My I didn't realize you held my advice in such high esteem." He feels much more like himself now with this information. Of course Yuu has been messaging him more, they need him for something. It might sting, but it's safe. Logical. Something he can work with. "Maybe I'll just have to start charging you, can't have you taking my secrets and stealing away my customers, can I."
But for some reason this just makes you laugh. "No need to worry about that, I only really cook for you. And Grim I guess but like I said, he literally eats dirt. I mean just the other day-
"What did you say?" Azul's voice sounds strained.
"About Grim eating dirt?" You say, and Azul finally for someone so smart and so proud on his ability to read people thinks that he might have made a mistake. "He says he's making a tier list."
"Why are you so painfully human?" His smile is strange, you can't say you have ever seen him like this before, it's a strange mix of happiness and resignation. "Your heart is so- prefect do you trust me?"
"Yes." You answer, seemingly confused as if your answer to that question shouldn't have been something he doubted.
"Would you trust me with your life? Your secrets?" He makes his way out from behind his desk to stand above you, to look down at you and confirm that for some damnable reason you are still calm. "Would you trust me with your life?"
"...only if you wanted it." Finally he sees a trace of fluster in you, finally you feel as nervous around him as he does around you constantly. He places a finger under your chin and forces you to look at him.
"Then tell me how you feel about me truthfully. Because everything you have said and done up to this point has been driving me crazy into thinking I have a chance." You blink. Once. Twice. And then a look of pure confusion distorts your perfect face.
"You- you don't know? But I thought- I mean you said-" And then suddenly Yuu has managed to jump out from the couch and the intensity of the moment stutters closer to comedy as Azul watches you curl under his desk like it's an octopot. "You said the moon was beautiful."
It's Azul's turn to blink. Once. Twice. He feels like he should be holding back tears, or disappointed in some way but- "I did say that... but what does that have to do with, anything?" You don't move and Azul considers his options, and decides to walk slowly to his desk and pick up the pudding before settling himself just out of sight from where you are hiding. And he waits, he waits for you to speak like his hands aren't clammy and he is not worried at all about what you might have to say.
"In my world when you say that it means something." You sound so small and alone, but still he waits. "I was really happy to hear you say it, but I didn't think... no I just didn't think. I'm so so so sorry."
"What did you think I said?" His mind is racing with the possibilities, but he has an idea because really what else could he have said that would explain all of this behavior?
"I don't wanna say it. It's embarrassing." You sound close to tears and Azul can't have that now can he? He crouches down to look at you curled under his desk and thinks that Floyd must have been wrong when he called you a shrimp, how could you be anything other than another octopus, waiting for someone who understood them too?
"As embarrassing as saying it again?" He doesn't wait for you to reply. "The moon looks beautiful tonight." He watches your breath hitch in delight as he fully invades your space and whispers what it looks like he should have just said all along. "I love you."
And gets to hear the one thing he has wanted most. "I love you too."
What He Says:
"And that is the Hero constellation." Jade makes sure to keep his hand as close to you as plausible, resting the back of it against yours as he uses his pencil to point at the star chart you are examining to avoid having to move it away from your addictive warmth. He delights in the way you try to suppress your shudders yet make no move to shake him off, what a dangerous game it is you have decided to play tonight. "Named after the Hero who dove into the underworld to fetch back his beloved from death itself."
"It looks familiar." You swallow and try to focus on the stars, Jade had been kind enough to offer you some "opinions" (because help would cost you and he has no intention to charge yet) when he saw you struggling to read your astrology homework. "But I don't think it was as important to astrology back in my world..."
"Oya? Your world also values the guidance of the stars?" Jade is always hard to read, but even more so in the dark. Something to do with his natural habitat you suppose, not that you are excited about the potential he sees you as some sort of prey. Not that you couldn't be if you knew just what sort.
"Well yeah sometimes. But I think it has more to do with the zodiac constellations and the position of the planets." You smile and hope this little bit of information is enough for Jade to take as payment instead of a favor but he simply hums.
"Yes I do seem to recall you saying something like that." He says with a smile and you desperately wrack your brain for how he could know that when you know damn well it wasn't to him.
You were only sort of right, he had been there, just out of sight listening intently as you described the differences in the mythological origins of the various signs and their importance in match making.
"Only in some cultures Ace!"
But you had made no mention of whether or not that culture was yours, which was all Jade really cared about. Not that he placed much interest or faith in the stars but if you did that was important data. But no matter how carefully he tried to poke the only thing you ever seemed to really like talking about was the moon. "The moon looks beautiful tonight." Jade says, bitterly, head full with ideas that he wants to give but cannot without overplaying his hand. And yet-
"Do you mean that?" He turns his head abruptly, blinking in confusion down at your flustered self. Jade knows right away that he has said something without meaning to, your reaction screams it but just this once- no he is always selfish when it comes to you. So in keeping with his habits, he drops the pencil and folds his hand around yours properly.
"Every word." It is all he can do to keep his teeth from showing as he watches you fold into him. Normally when Jade offers to walk you home you make up an excuse or outright decline, but when he offers tonight you are happy to accept. You even let him help you pick up your things and when he decides to push his luck and ask for your hand-
You let him take it. His brain is fried, the only thing he can think of and feel is the texture of your skin and the weight of your fingers intertwined with his. Neither of you speak on the way back to Ramshackle, Jade barely hears himself whispering you a goodnight as he swears you stare at his lips in the same way he always dreams of yours.
His mind works overtime as he walks back to his dorm, thinking and re-thinking his words and wondering if he has reached the right conclusion. Data, he needs more data on this change. You have let him get close to what he wants in moments of weakness before, but you have never let him touch and as much as he wants to throw himself into you and be consumed with his assumptions...
When He Breaks (3 months later):
He is long past collecting data at this point, he is just being a coward. Jade is fairly certain that Yuu is courting him... but that pesky doubt keeps creeping back in the longer he looks at them. Not that Jade is unfamiliar with doubting himself, or waiting to strike but you...
"Are you alright, Jade?" You're laid across his lap without a care in the world watching that damn moon again, completely unaware of him unraveling beneath you. "You've been spacing out a lot lately."
"I've just had a lot on my mind~" He caresses the side of your face and you let him, you even whine a bit when he retracts it and speed up his heart rate just enough to make him hyper conscious of his breaths. "Can I ask you something?"
"Technically you already have." You squirm to try and dodge his flick but don't seem too fussed by it. "But sure, what's bothering you?"
"Do you hate me?"
"What?" Oh that look of shock on your face is precious he hasn't seen it in a while. Slowly, giving you just enough space to run if you want Jade bends towards you, smiling wide and tootful as he repeats the question.
"I was wondering if you hate me dear Prefect. Because you see," he sniffles and tries to pretend he doesn't hear you groan in exasperation "our relationship these past few months has been nothing but pure torture for my poor self."
"Oh has it now." You don't sound like you believe him how tragic. "I didn't realize I was such bad company."
"Oh the worst sort." He whimpers. "The sort of company that takes advantage of the thin lines between you and does all sort of things to your poor heart."
"... thin lines?" Finally. FINNALY. You sound just as worried as he's been these past three months. He ceases his blubbering and looks at your embarrassed face properly. It's adorable, he'll have to ask for your forgiveness later for his lengthy pause admiring it later.
"Please be truthful." He whispers just a tad lower than is necessary. "And be gentle with me in your rejections so I can move on if I must but first-"
"We're not dating?!?!?" How rude you don't let him finish before you interrupt and try to run away. His long arms interrupt your retreat, pulling you down with peels of laughter (from him it's clear you don't find this funny) as he rolls you onto the grass, pinned directly beneath him. You look good like this, eyes focused entirely on him and no longer pining after the moon.
"There seems to have been a misunderstanding." He says and you try your best to glare threateningly up at him. "I can't quite remember anything I might have done to make you think we were together. Was it something I said?"
"You said... I'm so stupid."
"I don't seem to recall ever having said that outloud." You try to knee him in the groin but he pins your leg down with his own, such useful things though a tail would have made this entire confrontation much more efficient.
"Of course it doesn't mean the same thing. This is a different world." You look genuinely distraught, and though Jade doesn't regret his teasing one bit he doesn't want to keep you in suspense much longer. So he bends his face directly next to your ear and whispers.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." Your breath hitches and Jade rolls to his side, pulling you up onto his chest before you can go back to being angry at him. "You're right, it doesn't mean whatever you think it should here. After all if I wanted to say how I feel about you I wouldn't use a metaphor."
"And just what would you say about me?" You sound so impossibly small, just as in need of reassurance as he had been just mere moments ago.
"I would say that I love you, of course." It's hard to say out loud, but worth the reward of your warmth settling into him once more, with clarity this time and no need for cowardice.
What He Says:
Floyd has been in a strange mood lately, not quite bad, not quite good, and yet somehow very clearly not somewhere in between either. Reflective is the word you would choose yourself, but no one is really asking your opinion they just want you to fix it.
Not that you have any real clue how you are going to do that, you will be the first to admit you didn't have much of a plan when you asked if Floyd wanted to climb up to Ramshackle's roof and shoot the breeze. Not that you are really complaining it had been funny watching him try to figure out the climb.
"I though you were supposed to be good at this." You laugh from your perch waving a bag of flavored potato chips in encouragement as Floyd snorts just below you.
"I'm real good at parkour, just haven't really climbed trees before. I ain't a monkey fish." Still he manages to hoist himself up just fine and plop himself next to you with a thud that reminds you of just how much weight there is to him. He's tall and lean, his figure seems to go on forever as he stretches himself out next to you, eyes fluttering shut as he lets out a breath and holds out a hand for a chip.
You stuff it into his mouth and try not to laugh too hard when he chokes. He spits some of the chip shards back at you and tries not to smile too wide when you sputter and whine about how gross he is for spitting on you.
"Ya do this a lot back home?" It's not the first time Floyd has asked about your world, but it is certainly the most random.
"We've got stars in my world too." You snort, trying to think about just how you are going to turn this conversation around into something more cheerful. "But nah, pretty sure someone would have called the cops if they caught me on the roof at 2 am." Floyd rolls onto his side, propping himself up on his arm to really look at you as you look through your grocery bag of loot deciding which of the drinks you brought up you want to drink.
"I meant invite people to hang out real late." You stop your search to look down at him and find your words caught somewhere between your heart and your throat. Not like this. You want to say. Not for this reason. But instead you shrug and try to offer a bottle he doesn't take. You aren't avoiding the question tonight. "Ya gotta have done something for fun, right?"
"Sometimes I'd walk around a store or something." It's weird explaining stuff to a merman, sometimes they get what you're trying to say but other times they come back with "so it's like that time Jade and I got caught chasing a dolphin around the school playground and got yelled at for tying him up in seaweed" and you just have to smile and say "yeah totally" because what the hell. You're pretty sure it's not but you lack all sorts of context to try and make him understand. "Or we'd sneak out and just drive around and talk about stuff. There's- not a bunch of exciting things I know how to do I guess." If this was a normal night Floyd would roll his eyes and lie back down, whine about that's why you always make him do all the work because shrimpies have shit for brains and his plans are always so much better.
But he doesn't. He reaches over and tugs on your leg, gently enough that you can run away if you want but clear in his desire to have you closer. So you move, expecting his hand to drop but it doesn't, not until he settles his head in your lap and he physically can't keep it there anymore.
"Ya ever talk about things that matter with those guppies?" Maybe he's homesick and that's why he's so focused on this. "Things that make ya miss them?" Maybe he's just projecting that onto you since he knows you will listen and be nice about it. But then his hand reaches up and turns your head so you can look him in his eyes.  They're glowing, you barely realize your own hand going to cup Floyd's cheek before he moves his other to keep it from going.  "You ever miss one of em in particular?"
"Not really."  How could you when Floyd looks like this?  "It'd be nice to see my friends again, sure, but it's not like there's one specific person I miss."  Floyd lets out a breath that it sounds like he has been keeping in for a long, long time.  His hands both fall to his side as he lets you look away in embarrassment, wiggling in slight happiness when you choose to rest your hands on his shoulders.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." Floyd's voice sounds sleepy and oddly content.  Your eyes immediately snap back to him, but he isn't looking at you now. There is a a slight red tinge to his ears that makes you laugh quietly as you run a finger over the shell of one.  So that's what this is about.
"It's always beautiful with you around Floyd."  And finally he is looking at you with a smile.
When He Breaks (2 weeks later):
When you gave Floyd a guest key to Ramshackle he'd been extremely happy. Sure he'd acted like it was no big deal in front of you, beyond a few teasing comments about how buttering him up wouldn't get you anywhere unless you put it in writing. But back at his dorm he had been beyond insufferable, obsessing over just what color thread he should attach to it (purple for the sea witch, teal for the eel, or grey for ramshackle? decisions decisions), wanting to keep it close at all times until he had an excuse to replace it with you.
Because that's what he needed right? An excuse? Floyd wasn't exactly... shy in showering you with his affections but you. You. Until that stupid conversation on the roof a month ago you had always been sort of shy about it, if not outright dismissive. He assumed it was because you just didn't reciprocate but now...
"Floyd?" You can't really remember the last time he knocked, even before you gave him the key he sort of just let himself in. But today he knocked, only once and waited for you to open the door in eerie silence. Even when Floyd was coming over because he was bored he still managed to drag himself through the door or a window if he was so inclined.
So why not today?
"Not having a good day?" You try softly, he walks into your lounge with an eerie quiet about him. The last time you saw him something very nice happened, so you can't exactly say you are too worried but. It still sucks to see someone you care about in distress.
"Kinda." Floyd doesn't look like he had much of a plan now that he's in your dorm. "Had a lot on my mind is all."
"Aw that's no fun." You both stand doing nothing for what feels like an hour but you're sure is only a few seconds. "Do you uh want to talk about it?"
"..." And just like that Floyd feels really silly. He wanted to see you so that's why he came, but he wants to be as far away from these painful feelings as possible. "I kind of want to take a nap."
"Oh?" You don't sound surprised, but are clearly confused. Floyd begins to head towards the guest room without looking back. The guest room feels like you just enough that it can soothe his longing and distance himself from his internal conflict. "Would you like to use my room?" Or he could just not be allowed to distance himself at all because you could just say- "I've got some stuff to do but I can join you af-"
"Are you fucking serious." Floyd's voice is dangerously low and he is dangerously close to your face like you have said something wrong. "Look Shrimpy-" He swallows, like he's really considering what it is he has to say so he breathes and just goes for it "Yuu. You're killin me with this. Humans are already so fucking confusing. I give ya a shell and you get all cold for a week, and now, now you wanna sleep with me?" He pouts at you, like your suggestion had been scandalous. "'s like you think we're together or something."
"... we're not?" That's the only thing you can think to say even though the fact you have to say it answers the question for you.
"No?" Now Floyd sounds confused. "Ya- you can't do this to meeeeeeee." Despite his protests he seems just fine with grabbing onto you and dragging you into an embrace and resting his cheek on your head so you can't see his face anymore. "There's supposed to be a process to these things ya know? I'm supposed to give you gifts, and then you're supposed to give me some back and then I tell you I love you but every time I tried that I said something stupid instead. Like 'oh wow the moon looks beautiful tonight or some shit." He huffs and he puffs and he waits for you to say something. But you don't, you take a deep breath.
And laugh.
"Is this fucking funny to you?" Floyd is taken so a back he lets go of you only to find you laughing harder. You stand and reach to cup his face. Floyd doesn't like being squeezed, but there's something about the light squish you give to his cheeks that he likes, he likes a lot.
"No- well maybe a little bit. It's just, I knew. I knew what you were trying to say." Yuu says it like it is the most obvious thing in the world, like it's something Floyd should have known all along. "I owe you an apology, I should have asked, made sure you knew. In my world, it's sometimes considered too forward to say 'I love you' so instead..." You close the distance between you once more, leaving just enough room that Floyd can back away from you if he wants, "instead we say 'the moon looks beautiful tonight.'" Floyd takes in a deep, deep breath and you wait. The anger and frustration slowly fades as he exhales, shoulders sagging as he searches your face for signs.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." He says it slowly, voice dipping low with the same strange gravity it had the first time he said it.
"It does, doesn't it?" You smile, and Floyd finally reaches for you, arms wrapped much more loosely than you ever thought possible.
"You're really mean sometimes ya know that." As if he doesn't find that attractive.
What He Says:
Sometimes you worry about Kalim. He has this way of talking about things that, if it had been anyone else who said it, should be a major cause for concern. But because Kalim seems relatively happy most all of the time and has a family with a bunch of money no one really makes much of a fuss about it.
So when he says, off handedly, completely as a joke, that you should listen to his worries sometimes you don't give him a chance to play it off. You sit up from where you had been lying down in the Scarabia Lounge and move just a bit closer to where Kalim is relaxing so he can see how serious you are.
"Of course you can talk to me if you have worries." Your voice must have been abnormally serious because Kalim doesn't respond immediately. At first you wonder if the noise of the party behind you had somehow drowned out what you said but then you see Kalim's face. He looks conflicted, as if there is something he desperately wants to say, but instead he looks at you with a smile.
"I don't really have any." But he doesn't laugh when he says it, not that he sounds unhappy exactly just thoughtful. He doesn't move away from you either.
"Even if it's something you think might be silly," you say slowly forcing yourself to continue even as Kalim looks away "of if you're able to dismiss them. If something makes you sad for even a moment, you can tell me. I won't offer my opinion if that's not something you want, or won't help, I can still listen."
"You're really insistent about this huh?" Kalim sits up now too and you turn to look up at the stars decorating Scarabia's night sky. You wonder briefly about how exactly they might have gotten that to work when he says it. "The moon is beautiful tonight." He sounds so wistful but it's gone in a blink as he reaches for your hand and doesn't let you respond to his admission. "C'mon! Let's take the magic carpet and get a better look." You try to contain your excitement as he lets you lace your fingers together and doesn't even try to let go.
What He Breaks (1 week later):
Technically, Kalim isn't the one who breaks. He notices, of course he notices, the way you are more comfortable in seeking him out. How comfortable you now are with his casual touches, how willing you are to hold his hand and even give it a little squeeze. It's heaven, like he found the treasure cave the Sorcerer of the Sands had searched so long for. If it was up to him he would have let it go a little longer.
But it isn't exactly up to him, it never is. Not that Jamil looks angry exactly, but then again as Kalim has come to accept he's not the best at reading his moods.
"I thought you said you weren't going to ask Yuu out?" No Jamil sounds confused and Kalim fidgets with his bracelet under his questioning stare because he knows what he's about to say will probably actually make him mad.
"I didn't." Jamil takes a deep breath and Kalim immediately waves his hands to try and soothe him. "Promise! I remember everything you said about wanting to know and I agree it's just... are you sure you aren't misreading things? That Yuu isn't just... comfortable around me now?"
"... it's always a possibility given just how weird the prefect can be, but no. I'm pretty sure you must have said something that's given them the wrong impression." Jamil sighs and rubs his chin thoughtfully. "It's going to be awkward, but you should probably clear things up with them and tell them how you really feel."
"You mean tell them I'm not allowed to-"
"Like I said before," Jamil actually smiles now, and Kalim really hopes it's real "it's not my place to tell you who you can and cannot date. Sure your parents might have an idea about what they want you to do, but you and I know that a political marrige would never really work for you. It's just not how you're built." And with that he leaves Kalim to his thoughts.
"Have you ever considered throwing smaller parties?"
"Haha this is a smaller party~ I only invited you and your freshmen friends." So Kalim says and so you see, but you suppose everything Kalim does comes from a rather skewed sense of small. It's nice to look out on though, Ace is amusing one of your other classmates with his card tricks while Jack and Deuce take turns at arm wrestling. Epel even manged to get Sebek to participate in something, though he might have regretted making it an eating contest. And above it all, tucked away in a little alcove, Kalim rests his head on your shoulder and hums along with the music playing through his dormitory loudspeakers. It feels domestic in a way despite the grandiose display around you.
"It's very nice Kalim." You lean your head on top of his and he sighs in contentment. "But you said there was a worry you wanted to tell me about?"
"Mhm. I'm worried I said something accidentally that made you realize that I liked you." If he wasn't holding you so intimately his words would have been like ice water over your self confidence. You still cringe and Kalim laughs slightly, happily holding you just a bit closer. "Hey I didn't say that I don't like you, I just want to make sure you understand what that means. I could put you in a lot of danger you know?"
"More than half a dozen overblots?" You lightly joke but Kalim just hugs you a little harder at the thought. "We'll cross those bridges when we come to them, it doesn't make me love you any less. After all," you press a gentle kiss to his forehead and smile as he shakes in happiness "the moon looks beautiful tonight." Kalim gives a little gasp.
"Oh that's a wonderful way to say it!"
What He Says:
"I get that your world is a bit behind ours because it doesn't have magic, but really?"  Jamil's voice lacks the usual venom that would accompany his teasing if he hadn't been the one to propose this idea.  "Wanting to make a mix tape has got to make you practically per-historic."   You try to suppress your own smile as you watch him work from across the floor.
"I prefer vintage."  Your smile breaks free as Jamil finally laughs, you wonder if he knows just how beautiful he is as he swipes a misbehaving hair out of his eyes and gives his stereo another once over.  "I'll have you know making mixtapes have a long and storied tradition in my world."  You keep some of the possible implications to yourself, and try to pretend the concept hasn't been swirling around in you brain since he first suggested this.  "Why aren't you using magic to clean it?"
"Because I get to keep you here longer."  The words dance on the tip of his tongue and he forces them away with a smile.
"It's old, and I don't really want to go searching for a new one if I break something."  The lie has just enough of a trace of truth to fool you, but Jamil isn't one for taking chances.  "Aren't you supposed to be looking for stuff you like?  You won't get that by staring at me."
"Not like I'm going to find anything till your done cleaning."  You snort and finally take your distracting eyes away from him and direct them to his tapes.  "I don't know any of this stuff."  But you can still tell this collection is pretty impressive.  Some of the tapes look newer, but there are others that while well cared for are clearly old.  Album art featuring sandy landscapes and people posing is sandwiched between vaporwave cartoons and aesthetically confusing 3-d models.  This belongs to Jamil so you have a feeling it's organized, but you can't tell how.  Not that he leaves you wondering for long lightly taps your nose with a new cotton swab and nudges your pouting face towards a specific section of the box.
"Here, I set some aside based off the kind of music you said you liked."  And some that just reminded him of you, but that's nothing you need to know, yet if ever.  "Anything else you can think of?"
"Do you have any songs about the moon?"  The question pops out of your mouth before the thought that birthed it is fully formed, making you stumble over your explanations.   "Yeah go ahead and laugh there's just... this one song I miss."  It makes you think of him, from the few words you can remember.  You've written it down again and again to try and make sure you don't forget them, but the tune has begun escaping you; much like all your memories of home will one day be fragmented, not that the reality makes it hurt any less.  "I'm worried I'll forget what my moon looks like."  Jamil's amused confusion remains, but his eyes soften in response to your distress.
"Is there a specific reason you need the song?  Yo- The moon is beautiful tonight, do you need the exact song to see it?"  Jami
"N-no."  Your voice shakes.  Neither of you move to look away, what gives you the strength to move yourself to sit next to him you don't know.  But he doesn't move away and you let out a deep breath from sheer and relief and joy.  "I think I'll be able to see it just fine next to you."
What He Breaks (two months later):
Things have been going missing from Jamil's room lately. Nothing he actually needs really, the sort of little things you would take if you were really desperate to remember the feel of a person. The sort of things you would take if you were dating that person, which isn't at all the thought he would have had if he didn't know who was taking them. Not that Jamil could come up with a reason for Yuu to be taking these things, his first thought had been to take something of Yuu's the next time he visited Ramshackle, but that seemed to make you happy. "Fair game" he'd thought. "I want an excuse to see you and you want an excuse to see me."
Still he wasn't prepared for this.
"Jamil!" there is something refreshing about how calm your happiness is. You've always had a way of extending that calm to him, wrapping him in it and allowing him some space to breathe. But today, today. Today the Ramshackle Prefect has decided that he wasn't allowed peace, because yesterday they had stolen his sweatshirt, and today they have decided to wear it. "Everything ok?
"ha." Jamil wants to tug the hood of his dorm uniform over his head. He wants to run, he wants to shake you, he wants to scream. He wants to do a three act play complete with an interpretive dance because that would be easier than trying to speak. But he has to, because there's only so many deep breaths he can take before you reach out to make sure he's ok. So he takes your hand in his as you do and places it directly over his heart. "You know," for some reason he finds it easier to smile now that you know how nervous he is "you can't have taken that without knowing what people might say."
"Oh I don't know." You smile and bring yourself into his space, that strange calm he finds in your happiness begins to weave itself around him again. "Maybe I wanted to clear some things up. Make it good and clear where I belong." Jamil takes another deep breath, your arms go around him and he makes sure to look long and good into your eyes to make sure there isn't a shred of a crimson glow. That this is something you have decided of your own free will and not a dream or an accident involving magic.
"I never properly asked you out..." Technically he never asked you out at all, but Jamil would rather die than say that out loud. Maybe sometime long long in the future when he's ready to laugh at it and not now when he needs you to confirm that's what you thought he did in the first place.
"Oh! That's not-" You bury your face in his chest with a light laugh and he tries not to die in the time between the seconds until you respond. "I was so happy to hear you say the moon line it didn't really occur to me you might be worried about that."
"Who wouldn't?" Not that he's worried now, every other possibility has been ruled out so he can say exactly what he's been wanting to for so long. "Will you be mine?"
"I already was." It sounds so much better outloud than he could have ever dreamed.
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chiiyuuvv · 8 months
[DAY 2] masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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— " platonic sleepovers that end up in with you in their arms " ; one bed / vacation ft. half of riize
♡list : @lecheugo , @imthisclosetokms , @rizzkisworld , @hyvelxve , @starryriize
"Cant believe i have to room with you," wonbin shoots you a look as he jingles the key into the door knob, finally opening with some struggle to reveal your beautiful hotel room. The walls painted white with a tall, warm yellow lamp at the side to illuminate the space. Only problem was, there was only one bed.
Everyone became fully aware of this information once the recipient informed them, breaking into a circle to play rock, paper, scissors. Winner and loser would be paired up together to get that singular bed, while everyone else was able to decide who they wanted to sleep with.
You won, wonbin lost, his eyes rolling as he clicks his tongue. He wasnt annoyed like how he acted.. he actually didnt mind, knowing that hed be comfortable with you. But he loved teasing you, watching as your lips form into a straight line. "If this was a horror movie.. im kicking you off the bed so the monster would eat you first." Wonbins head falls back as he laughs at your words, watching as your arms cross.
"I'll drag you with me." He gives you a wink equipped with a smirk, before grabbing one of the towels that sat at the edge of the bed. "Im gonna shower first." He says over his shoulder, your head nodding in acknowledgment although he couldnt see you, jumping onto the bed to turn on the tv. "Yeah, okay." You say, your full attention on the screen. "Take your time."
"Look whos here.." you say as the bathroom door opens, a grin appearing onto wonbins lips, his hands busy drying his wet hair with a towel. "Miss me?" His lips pucker, throwing that towel in the hamper along with the clothes he wore in the morning. "Are you going to shower?" He askes, taking the opportunity to slide into the bed next to you, lifting the blanket so it could lay comfortably on his legs.
"No, i showered before i got here."
"Cool." He plays with his fingers. "Are you going to play something?"
"Yeah.. im just trying to find something good," wonbin nods his head out of the corner on your eyes, your lips licking into full concentration. He couldnt help but admire you in this state, his eyes darting to your figure and across the room so it doesnt seem obvious that he was staring, his hands scratching the back of his neck.
Anyone that walked by could notice wonbins tiny liking towards you, his laughs becoming more frequent whenever you opened your mouth, the small desire to spend the rest of the day with you, and the next.. and the next.
He didnt know why but he found you so captivating, wanting to get to know you more and more as the time pasted. So he was a little too happy when you were being paired, but calmed himself down so no one could notice his growing feelings, and more importantly so he wouldnt get teased by his friend group.
"Found a movie!" You exclaim, snapping him out of his thoughts. His head turns when he realizes hes been staring at you this entire time, his ears pink as he prays that you didnt notice. "Should i turn off the lights?" You ask, completely oblivious. Thank god.. he breathes the breath he doesnt even know he was holding, a quick nod leaving his head.
The movies been playing in the background yet wonbin hasnt paid any attention to it. Not because the movie was boring but because he couldnt stop staring at you, and he was getting a little sleepy. A long yawn leaves his lips, shifting into the bed to get comfortable.
"Tired?" You ask, turning down the volume of the television so the latter could hear you better. Wonbin shakes his head in agreement, his eyes widening when your hands lace into his silky hair, giving it a soft pat. And suddenly, he doesnt care anymore, his head leaning into your touch before resting against your arm so you could play with it more, his eyes getting heavy. "Is this okay?" You ask for consent, watching as wonbin lets out another yawn in response, his eyes finally closing, drifting off into sleepy land.
The next morning, a sleepy hum leaves his lips, his head buring deeper into your chest as you lazily stroke his hair, your legs tangled and his arms wrapped around your waist. "Aww, they look so cute." A voice says, along with a snap of a camera. A snap of a camera? Without thinking, wonbin shoots up, a shocked sungchan and eunseok standing over them.
"Well good morning lovebirds-"
"Sungchan. Delete that. Right. Now."
"Its hyung to you-"
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valsdelulucorner · 2 months
Hellooo!! Just wanted to say, I LOVE your self aware Obey Me series!!!I have a request with that series of yours, actually!
How do you think the brothers would react to MC overworking themselves and being very insistent about it, like, turning off the internet and all just so there won't be any distractions?
I hope it's fine and have a great day 🩶
This is such a fun idea! This is straying abit from the main yandere self aware au I have, this is abit of a mix
Self aware obey me with a overworking MC
-normal self aware au
You hadn't played the game for a few days now, what happened? Were you ill? Did something happen to you? They all loved it when you stopped by the game and had a chat with them, you didnt normally stop talking with them this long
They couldnt help but be abit nosy since you weren't resiving the notifications they were sending your phone, they got levi to open the camera up so they could check on you. They found you typing away at a endless document on your laptop, you looked exhausted while you added to the rows of words.
They couldn't access your laptop thanks to you turning the internet off so they were stuck in your phone for now. They would be really worried about you and these habits, managing to hack the system of your phone and send notifications to your phone without wifi, causing little pings to be heard.
Groaning, you grabbed your phone to turn the notification noise down before you actually checked what was causing the noise to go off. They had actually managed to manipulate the notification bars to things like "please remember to take a break, it isnt healthy to be constantly working this much" "remember to drink water, I know you humans forget to if your working like this", just little messages like that to help.
It actually helped afew times, managing to get you out of the overworking state of mind you were in and made you actually take a break before going back to work. Even though it doesnt work every single time, they are just glad that they manage to help you not work yourself to death. You always get a scolding from Lucifer about overworking yourself, the hypocrite
-my yandere au
Your internet was supposed to be on, you were supposed to always be able to reach. This new behavior from you made them all anxious, they couldn't stand the thought of you talking with someone else or being out of their reach.
They harrassed levi to open up your phone camera so they can 'check' on you, they were acting like he hadn't already done it. They all stared at you as you typed away at the document on your laptop, the rows of words piling up as you kept on writing, the ticks of the keyboard a never ending sound.
Poor darling, you were working yourself to death, it wasnt fair to you. They were abit pissed off that you had turned the wifi off, banning them from accessing your document and imprisoning them in your phone. You were put up to this, wernt you? You would never normally leave the game to do something like this, it had to be someone forcing you to do this
They manipulated your phone so you would be able to hear he pings of their notifications, sending stuff like "darling, you know how this type of behaviour isnt good for any of us, come back to us my darling" "who put you put to this. Who." "Why are you ignoring us darling, this isn't you" "your starting to piss us off darling, turn the internet back on"
These messages didnt help you one bit, pushing yourself to overwork even harder because you didnt want to deal with then right now. It angered them, they needed to see you, hear you, feel. You. The moment you turned the wifi back on to submit your work, all 7 of their faces appeared on your screen, demanding to know who was hurting you, who was putting you up to this.
you had to convince them for a hour not to send death threats to your professor
exuce the endless amounts of mistakes, I'm doing this on my phone at 3am rn so I'll fix the mistakes in the morning lol
This was alot of fun to write, I love the obey me self aware au and I'm so glad you like my work involving it<3
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itsfeckinwimdy · 2 years
3 times Toto was oblivious + the 1 time he was surprised
George Russell x Reader
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Prompt: Toto Wolff may be a good team principal but that doesnt mean hes good at observing things.
Work Count: 1.2k (1257) words
Tree speaks: The physical restrain I had to put on myself to not write Grussell every time I wrote George was immense. This one is a lot better than last week's. I was able to actually enjoy writing this so I might change up what I post each week to keep it varying.
Also, I know that George doesn't have James as his race engineer but I can't part with him so he's in this.
Formula 1 Masterlist
Published: 24/12/2022
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If Toto thought he was going to have issues with George and Y/n getting along with each other after Lewis' departure as a driver then he would surely be proved wrong.
To him he couldn't have asked for a better pairing, the exception being Y/n and Lewis as they were the dream team, but to him, the new duo seemed to get along a little too well sometimes. Maybe it was him overanalysing everything like he tended to do so, but he had to be critical of his team and ensure that it was the best it could be especially after the consequences of last year.
Toto looked over at where the two were standing in the garage talking to each other. The screens in front of them clearly displayed the data he presumed the two were meant to be reading but were they paying any mind to it at the moment? Of course not.
He had half a mind to go over there and strangle them as they needed to get ready for their first test drive in the W13. However, he paused in his movements. The two of them had descended into fits of laughter, Y/n's hand gripped George's bicep as she held herself upright whilst the younger lad smiled broadly at her. When their laughter ceased, their smiles never faded and they continued to stare at each other. And Y/n's hand never moved.
And Y/n's hand never moved-
Toto's eyes squinted as he stared at them. Was there- no, Toto shook his head ridding himself of those thoughts. There was nothing going on between the two of them.
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British grand prix
As Toto continued to discuss and dissuade George from going to the stewards, he didn't notice his other driver clamber out of her car. It wasn't until he saw a blur of black fireproofs barrel into George that he realised she was back in the garage.
He saw the way George pulled her in close to him and how he held the back of her still helmet-clad head whilst she hugged him tightly. His eyebrows furrowed slightly when he noticed that the hug was lasting longer than normal only for the thought to be pulled straight out of his mind as Y/n stepped back to pull her helmet and HANS device off.
"You out of the race?" Y/n asked George only for Toto to sigh in response. He really didn't want to have to listen to George's rant about not being allowed to race again when there was nothing wrong with the car bar a missing tire. Yes, he agreed that it was shitty that he couldn't have started the car up again, however, once the marshalls move the car, the driver is not allowed to continue racing in it.
"Don't-" Toto began, interrupting George from beginning his rant once again, "I don't want to hear another word, we just have to focus on your race now."
The Austrian continued with his avid discussion about what was to happen next not noticing the entwined hands of his drivers or picking up on the "Stay safe" that left George upon Y/n climbing back into the car.
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Circuit of the Americas
When the Mercedes crossed the finish line, eruptions of cheers exploded through the garage and the pit lane as Toto himself was ecstatic. Y/n had managed to get the first win for Mercedes of the year and George had continued his streak of being in the top 5 of each race.
That had transpired just over two hours ago and the team was in the process of getting the team photo's ready. The two drivers were currently in the cold air of the garage softly talking to each other whilst their physios were helping them with their cooldown routines.
Toto was currently conversing with James and Bono about how they could improve for the upcoming weekends when his attention was drawn to the back of the garage.
Y/n was hunched over in her seat, an ice pack being held to her lower back by her physio, her hands clasped in her teammates. A few tears fell from her eyes as Toto deduced it was from the pain of the cars' porpoising issues which was mentioned by both drivers earlier today.
George's hand came up to cup her face, wiping away her tears as he kept speaking to her.
Toto turned his gaze away from the two making sure to mention to the race engineers about the porpoising issue they were already aware of but making sure they knew it needed sorting instantly before he walked out the garage to check on the progress of getting the cars in place.
But what he missed in his absence was the two race engineers looking at the two young drivers, witnessing the younger lad place a chaste kiss on Y/n's forehead before resting his own against hers.
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+ One
The entire Mercedes team crowded into parc ferme underneath the podium, waiting for celebrations to commence. Toto stood amidst the crowd with Susie by his side.
The spray of champagne rained down on him from high above where George had chosen to spray it over the crowd whilst being doused in it himself by his teammate.
Toto couldn't be prouder of the two. Having been able to witness George's first win in both the sprint and the Grand Prix and the first Mercedes 1-2 of the weekend, he couldn't have been happier.
Except that now meant adding the W13 to the collection of race-winning cars.
Maybe there was a spot near the back for it.
Focusing back up on the podium, he saw Y/n pull Goerge into her arms and kiss him, hands reaching up to push the Mercedes cap from his head.
Toto blinked in shock as the crowd around him roared in joy.
Are those two together?
He looked at Susie next to him, and then Bono at his other side only to see the two of them cheering the couple, no- the drivers, on.
Had he seriously missed this?
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"Guess they've finally stopped sneaking around then."
The ever so infuriating voice of Christain Horner flew into Toto's ears as the Austrian turned to look at the greying man.
"What do you mean by that?" Toto questioned him, not understanding what the red bull team principal was referring to.
"Y/n and George," Christian continued, but upon still seeing the confusion on Toto's face he chuckled to himself slightly, "You didn't know?"
"What? Have the two of them been dating for a while now?" Toto slowly put two and two together from the event that occurred on the podium a mere hour ago and Christian's words.
The short British man laughed at the taller man's confusion and blindness, "Oh Toto, everyone knew. They've not entirely been good at keeping it a secret."
And with that Horner walked back to his garage, leaving the Austrian standing in the pitlane contemplating where he went wrong. He heard some muffled laughter from next to him and his head turned to look at the culprit only to see his wife, Susie.
"Was it really that obvious?" he asked her, knowing that she would at least be honest with him.
"Oh, Toto-" Susie nodded as she kept trying to hold in her laughter at her husband's ruffled nature only for him to walk off into the garage and throw his hands up in frustration.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 8 hours
as i see, FK doesnt have a lot of fanservice they seem so real and honest about the things they do together i think this is the best thing about them! do you see the same way? or am i just crazy abt them lol
Hello Anon! Welcome to my corner of FK obsession 😂.
To answer your comment - I genuinely do not think our wonderfully, weird co-dependent besties are doing any major fanservice (I mean, they might harped it a little during events/concerts), but their interactions off-screen tells a lot about their relationship.
I can’t put it as eloquently as the talented Sarah @/firstkanaphans (who has ways with words) and it seems she answered some questions/comments already re: FK in the last 24 hrs (so, if you haven’t check it out, please do!). Not surprisingly though, after the wild 24 hrs we have in SomSoms fandom. And who could blame us? - we have Khaotung (plus Joong) looking smoking hot in those suits, followed by FirstKhao sitting on each other lap and now them drunkenly kissing during karaoke?? (Also - this is me bowing to Joong who continues to be our lord and saviour in detailing us FK shenanigans 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️)
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But in a nutshell, I agree with what you (and what most of us think) - the boys just genuinely enjoy each other company plus they have found their safe haven. FK themselves admit in an interview their relationship could only be defined as “First-Khaotung” cause even they are aware to some degree the things they do for each other are not most people will do even in a good friendship scenario 😂….I mean, these 2 have GPS activated? on their IPhone so that they are constantly aware of each other location, spoils each other with expensive gifts, sulks if the other don’t show up to any event (First’s graduation ceremony come to mind! - he was so upset and whining to Ciize when Khao pranked him into thinking that he would not make it to the ceremony. I also recalled him playfully sulking and refusing to say Khaotung’s name during a solo event [and instead use variation of “rice” instead] cause Khaotung was asleep and didn’t tune in to his solo event 😂🙂‍↕️ )
Also, I have always thought between these 2 - First is the more expressive and eloquent speaker. You can tell by the way he effortlessly carry out any host duties or events/interviews (while Khaotung usually stares adoringly to his bestie face 🫣 but he is getting better!). Or how about the way First wrote those beautifully penned out what I can only described as love letters to his bestie (during LOLFanfest 2024). Khaotung, on the other hand, he is the epitome of what I will call “action speaks louder than words.” He quietly helped First throughout Safe House season 4 when the latter broke his arm/wrist, and if I recalled, Khaotung helped First ties his shoes during a photoshoot they did together (with the photographer/staff member actually showing a BTS photo of him doing just that) during the same period. It’s not to say Khaotung can’t expressed himself or function without First, but these 2 just sparkle ✨ more brightly when they are together.
And while Sarah rightfully pointed out that during Khaotung’s bday event last year, he kept looking up to see if First is present yet, I will say the same applies with First - during his bday even this year, a Thai fan who went to the event (@/pannjed) said that First checked the door multiple times throughout the event for his bestie’s presence 👇🏽, and you can see his face just lit up when Khao finally showed up
Sorry, I seem to have gone off tangent, but I adore these two boys. I do not know if their relationship is platonic or not, but whatever it is, they are just so so genuine and loving towards each other (and to their fans) that I wish them the very best in life and their career .
I’m going to finish up by putting up 2 of my fav photos of them, cause it sums them up well:
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Anyway, our boys may not be as busy or active with events lately, but we are bless to see their beautiful relationship in display! 🧡🤍
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kumezyzo · 10 months
Omggg imagining famoussinger!reader or famousactor!reader and sapnap.. imagine him defending them on his stream and them going to red carpets together :(((
ive been a little preoccupied writing a tasm fic rn so this has been kinda pushed on the back burner. but i did already technically write singer!reader. so enjoy actor!reader
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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bf!sapnap hates when he gets chats where people are bashing your acting. he hates it even more when they're comments on his vods with you that you can see.
he makes sure no ones posts are actually up long enough for you to see them
bf!sapnap always tries to promote your stuff nonchalantly. but it's never actually nonchalant.
"oooh, what's this ad about?" he asked, sharing his screen. his youtube recommendations were just clips from the shows or movies that you've been in.
then he clicked on the ad at the top of the screen that was for a movie you were staring in. everyone in his chat started spamming in his chat about how he was putting the sap in sapnap.
bf!sapnap who likes going to your film locations with you and cheers you on on the sidelines. when you get off set, he smiles so widely at you and tells you how well you did.
bf!sapnap who first watches a movie with an actor that doesnt like you and can't help but shit on them.
"you would've been so much better for this role," he huffed, crossing his arms. you looked at him and couldn't help but smile at his glare. you tried suppressing your smile and turned back to watching the movie.
"fuck you," he murmured to himself. you looked up at him as he aggressively closed out of twitter.
"what was that?" you asked, concerned.
"that bitch is trending right now."
bf!sapnap who likes going to your movie premieres with you. he gets to walk the red carpet with you (because hes technically famous) and he loves seeing twitter posts the next day of you two.
the flashing lights can be too much at times, but he likes hilding you close and people knowing youre with him. he likes when people stop to interview you about the movie and just to do promo. He stands off to the side, just out of view and watches you in your element, he finds it so admirable.
bf!sapnap who even gets asked questions when walking with you.
"so, sapnap, were you on set for this movie at all? what was it like seeing yn in their natural element?" the interviewer asked with a large smile.
"i was sometimes," he nodded. "it was cool. i think im used to seeing them get in the zone but seeing it in person was something else."
"so, what is it like dating them?"
he looked at the interviewer strangely as he tried to figure out how to answer that. "unlike anyone else. they have such an interesting life and im just glad to be here for it."
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i dont like the endinggggg 😁😁😁 but its whatever. -nony
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 months
Day 1, promot 1, nr 3 with me boy Dera
Honestly i know its supposed to be smutty and all but the thought of dera coming home to his s/o and he is drenched in blood and they help him shower bc he is just focking exhausted is a form of intimacy and sexual that doesnt even need anything more tbh.
The inherent eroticism of washing blood off of someone.
I totally agree with you and it’s such a compelling and evocative prompt this way! Thank you so much for sending this in and I hope you’ll enjoy the drabble. Where it never actually gets into smut territory, instead going heavily instead into angst territory, I’m going to leave this without a cut.
3) our muses take a shower together to wash blood off each other
The grandfather clock in the corner of the room echoed a little within the stillness of the room. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock…boing! It announced the hour loudly, startling you out of your mostly asleep state you’d been in, curled up on the couch with a well-loved and oft-read paperback in your hand that now fell onto the floor. Cursing under your breath, a wry smile on your face at the thought of how silly you must have seemed, almost jumping out of your skin over a couple of loud sounds, you readjusted yourself on the couch, leaning down to pick up the book. You turned your face to look at the clock as you tossed the book onto the coffee table, your lips pursing a little as you noticed the time. Midnight already? Gokudera was a lot later than he thought he would be. When he’d messaged you earlier, he’d figured he’d be home by ten, ten-thirty at the latest.
Looking around, you spotted your phone where you must have tossed it earlier, over on the television stand. With a sigh at the thought of having to stand, you stretched out your body, hearing a couple creaks and pops from the way it had stiffened in the awkward position you’d dozed off in, and reluctantly got to your feet, heading over to grab your phone. Maybe you’d missed a text, caught up in reading or nodded off. While Hayato was a sucky texter, it was unlike him to not send at least a word or two to let you know he’d be late or was held up overnight, especially since you’d explained to him countless times that it made you feel a lot safer and less worried about him. Clicking over to his messages, you found nothing, just the last text telling you when he expected to be back. Your brow furrowed as you stared at the screen. Your fingers itched to switch over to the call screen, to hear his voice and know he was okay. Yet you kept hesitating, unable to press the button.
When you and Hayato had first gotten together, you’d fallen hard and fast. You’d wanted to be texting him all throughout the day. You’d wanted to spend as much time together as possible, had wanted the long phone calls. To you, it had only been natural, but to Gokudera, it had been stifling – you were clingy, too much, and the arguments had been brutal. Once or twice in the early days, the two of you had broken up, only to find yourselves back together. The arguments had continued, going on and on. While you’d worked on not being so clingy, Hayato had a bad habit of getting engrossed in something, some thing he was researching, working on, learning about, or in business with the Family, and completely losing track of time. He’d skip out on dates, only to apologize profusely afterwards when he realized, or he’d just not show up at night, staying all night in his office. Your anxieties had gotten the better of you and you’d started to obsess over the possibilities that he was getting into someone else, not something else. The arguments had started up in earnest again…through it all though, the two of you had always stayed together. You’d learned to trust him a bit more, to be more secure in both yourself and your relationship with him. He’d started being more mindful about things like texting you, about giving you the heads up when he’d be home, to be more considerate of you.
But you were both human. You slipped occasionally, and so did he. You figured this just must be one of those times. Maybe he’d gone to grab a late-night meal with one of the others, maybe he’d gotten caught up in paperwork or in reading one of his many collection of textbooks. Maybe he’d been training and gotten so into the groove of it all that he hadn’t realized it was now creeping into the early morning. There were so many possibilities. Him being late didn’t necessarily have to mean anything bad.
You kept reassuring yourself of that fact as you let the screen of the phone darken, putting it back down on the television screen. You stretched out your legs, walking around the apartment. You got changed into your pyjamas, brushed your teeth, did your skincare routine. You refilled the water and food in the cat’s dishes, anything, everything to keep yourself busy. Through it all though, you just couldn’t stop yourself from looking at any clock around you, counting the minutes that ticked by, keeping an ear out for the sound of your phone’s text notifications. Once you’d exhausted everything you could think of to occupy your time, you sighed, wandering back out to the living room. You knew that, until you heard from him, you wouldn’t be able to sleep that evening. Your eyes went back to the book on the coffee table. Maybe that would be the distraction you needed…that, and some coffee.
You padded into the kitchen. Your eyes went again to the digital clock on the oven before you shook your head. No, none of that. You busied yourself with making a little snack plate before you headed to the coffee maker. Turning on the facet, you let the water run for a minute, zoning out to the sound of the running water splashing against the bottom of the sink, before you filled the coffee pot with water. You leaned against the countertop, letting your mind wander as the coffee percolated, watching it drip down and fill up the pot. You were just taking down your cup, hand reaching to grab the coffee pot when you heard the sound of a door opening. Your eyes widened and you were so eager to put your mind to rest that you were almost running out of the kitchen towards the small entryway off the living room, coffee pot still in hand.
Moments later, the coffee pot was falling from your hand, breaking against the floor. You barely felt the hot liquid against your feet because it was only there for the briefest of moments as you dashed forward. How could you not? The sight in front of you, Gokudera leaning against the door as he closed it behind him, his suit jacket falling to the floor. But all you could seem to see was the great big swatches of still damp blood soaking his white button-down red, smeared along his face, tainting his silvery locks, spotted here and there on his dark trousers. You were barely aware of how frantic your expression was, how fumbling your hands were as they touched his shoulders, his chest, his neck, trying to turn his face towards you. Your brain seemed to be almost entirely white noise, focused on that crimson colour, on his turned in posture and how Hayato’s head hung down, his eyes refusing to meet yours, almost unfocused as he stared at the floor.
His large hands came up to catch yours, almost cup them as he pushed them away from him.
“Don’t worry. None of it’s mine,” his voice seemed to wake you up a bit, to shake some of that white noise out of your head. You could feel the panic surging inside of you, threatening to drown you.  
“Don’t worry?! Are you insane? You’re covered in blood, of course I’m going to worry! What the hell is going on, Hayato?” Your voice was high-pitched, almost bordering on panicky but you couldn’t seem to help it. Your hands reached out again, touching his shoulder as you made to step closer to him, to get a better look at him. Again, he reached up, his movements gentle but firm, removing your hand and taking a step away from you, keeping his distance from you.
“It’s fine…I’m fine. I just…wanna go to bed.”
Your panic was almost choking you. It was a palpable feeling, both seeming as if it lived inside you, a writhing, heavy creature inhabiting your skin and trying to burst free, and as if it was an actual heavy weight outside of you, dropped onto your shoulders and chest. Yet, even with all that panic, something in your mind clicked. It was in the way he was leaning into himself, his posture withdrawn, almost skittish. In the moment, in the way he moved and how he avoided you, it was like Hayato was suddenly some wounded, scared animal. It was in how he wouldn’t raise his head, as if it suddenly weighed a ton, in how he wouldn’t look at you. In the few glances you’d managed, his normally emotion-filled eyes were glossy, almost dead, his face seeming to belong to someone far older than him. It was in his voice, in that dreadful calm, monotonous, robotic tone. It was all those things that made it so that, despite all your own panic, all your own fear and worry, you were able to stuff all those things down for the moment. You knew you’d have to feel later on, you’d have to properly deal with everything at later, but for now – for now, you had to take care of Hayato, you had to get him back somewhat to his normal.
“No. There’s no way in hell you’re getting into our bed looking like that.”
“I’ll take off the clothes, don’t worry,” Hayato said, walking slowly away from you. Your feet were quick and within a couple of large steps, you’d caught up to him, grabbing him by the arm and not allowing him to shake you off this time.
“Even without the clothes, you’re not getting into the bed like that. You need a shower, come on. I’ll take one with you and after that, I can spot treat your clothes, get them into the washer before we go to sleep.”
“Don’t waste your time. Just throw them out…” Gokudera’s voice seemed to falter then, his tongue tripping over ‘uhh’s’ and ‘hmm’s’ as if he was processing a difficult thought. “Actually, just burn them.”
Hayato was always one to argue with you, to bicker and throw comments about you bossing him around while still going along with whatever was happening. It could be tiring at times, but mostly it was, in its own way, charming and very comforting and comfortable for you. His complete lack of protest at your words, the way he just let you grab his hand, leading him to the bathroom, combined with his words was making your mind race, going through all the horrific possibilities. Just what had he been through tonight?
Entering the bathroom, you let go of his hand, turning to face him. Despite all your efforts, you still couldn’t make him meet your eyes. With a sigh, you lowered your own gaze, focusing on his shirt. Your fingers reached up, starting to slip buttons through fabric. The job was harder than you’d thought, the half-dried blood making the fabric crunchy, making the buttons not want to slip through as they should and you struggled a little. Eventually, you’d finally gotten most of them undone. As you pushed the fabric off his body, checking for any evidence of wounds that he might have been hiding from you and feeling relieved at the lack of any, you hurt as you noticed how his body almost recoiled away from your touch, his muscles and flesh flinching away from even the slightest trail of your fingernails. You didn’t let that stop you though, moving on to unbuckle his belt (another arduous task, given his love of big, flashy belt buckles that were never easy to undo) and strip off his pants. While normally you’d be staring at his naked body, admiring it, all your brain could focus on was even the barest hint of a bruise or a scratch.
Even as he seemed to be resistant to your touch, Gokudera never once stopped you. Instead, he just stood there, like a doll, as you’d undressed him. The silence in the room was almost deafening and you welcomed the sound of running water as you moved away from him, turning on the shower and getting the water to just the right temperature. You stripped yourself quickly, not making any sort of production out of it.
“Come on, in you get,” you said, keeping your tone low, quiet and gentle as you steered him into the shower with you. For a minute, you just let the water run over the two of you, making sure he was largely centered under the showerhead. You watched as the water running off him turned red, the floor of the shower almost artistic in the swirls and whirls of red mixed in with the clear water before it went down the drain. It was a little hypnotizing, but you pulled your eyes away, feeling morbid and wrong for your brief thought.
Gokudera followed your soft orders, meeting you halfway to allow you to slick some of your favourite, lavender scented shampoo onto his hair, lathering it up. Your fingers massaged his scalp, rubbing little circles, never applying too much force, but feeling better at how he didn’t flinch so much away from that as you rinsed his hair. Even better than that feeling was seeing his hair, gray with wetness, completely back to normal, without any indication that it had ever been bloodied that night.
Your hands went next to grab a loofah hanging on a hook in the shower. Lathering it up with his body wash, you started your work. You scrubbed every inch of his body, from his face all the way down to his toes. You lifted his arms for him, leaned your head against his back as you scrubbed his sides and torso. You noticed, as you did so, that Gokudera’s eyes were now shut tightly, squinched down hard, and his chest was rising and falling quicker than it normally did. As you rinsed him under the water, you started leaving kisses – along his shoulder blades, down his arms, on his fingers, down the length of his back. You just needed him to know that you were there, that he was okay and safe here with you.
It took you by surprise, as you had turned your back on him to hang the loofah back up, to feel a pair of strong arms suddenly encircling your waist, squeezing you so tight, pressing you back against him. You could feel his forehead resting against the top of your head, could feel his hot breath against your damp neck. You allowed him to just stay like that for god knew how long. His breathing was labored, halting, and his voice when it came out was shaky. You felt the harsh inhale, the hard burst of exhale ghosting across your skin as his words came.
“She’s dead….Bianchi…my sister is dead.”
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astranite · 7 months
*grumble rant mostly complaining in a big block paragraph chucked out to the void* executive dysfunction issues feel so ridiculous because even when i know exactly what step i need to do next— read the articles for uni essay. Why i need to do it— so i have a base from which to figure out a thesis (look that might cause problems in What am i arguing, but thats a solvable issue if i can focus enough to fix it) to do the rest of the next steps. And how— i have no trouble reading or analysing complex texts. None of that fixes the Cannot Concentrate problem. The articles arent even boring and i like learning new things and im the sort of person know to literally read random bits of textbooks for fun. And i Want to do it. Because i like reading and writing and analysing stuff even above it being important for uni work. But ive spent the afternoon scrolling tumblr, checked my email thrice, left bite marks on my good pen, and literally stared at a blank wall rather than read the article on my screen even when i put away the aforementioned tumblr so now i want to scream. And it makes it difficult to ask for help because people assume its one of the other problems as they aren’t familiar with brain literally wont do it. And being “”clever”” doesnt help (even putting aside the frustrating fact that I couldve done this at 15 and done well and wouldve liked it) because its an entirely different thing (uncannily good pattern recognition and Details and long term memory for facts lead to analytical skills because everything ever is a giant interconnected web, but to focus they do not.) And the classic advice of ‘dont be a perfectionist’ which somehow people also go to isn’t actually what is happening here. The reason things are either in a not even submittable note or its living in my head stage or straight up noting then completed to high level (typos and formatting editing aside as at the last minute those are predictably first to go in the calculation of time to marks) is because the gap of executive function between nothing and even done at all is very large but the subsequent gap between done and done well is limited. My very particular flavour of autistic adhd coming through yet?
So hence rather frustrated especially as here i am trying to do the responsible thing of not starting at the last minute because the research alone will Take Time. And given its the final essay I would prefer not to entirely fuck it up. But ah well, so it will begin again trying tomorrow. Probably is character development that im going to Go On A Walk instead of continuing to bang my head against it.
If anyone read this far ✨Welcome to my brain✨
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 8 months
I just want them to be happy
I started watching stranger things because of the hype of S4, I watched the first season with my parents in 2018 but didn’t rlly remember anything abt the plot and I didn’t get past episode where Jonathan’s camera was broken because I physically couldn’t watch anything with embarrassment at that point in my life
Anyways all I remember is that I didn’t care abt milkvan, like at all, I had no emotional attachment to them, I thought they were vaguely cute? But I felt like I had seen this formula a million times before and it was boring at that point, so I just didn’t really care abt them, I loved the characters don’t get me wrong but their relationship just never really felt that important to me, I always preferred them as friends anyways, their platonic interactions were always my favorites
I knew that I just wanted these little fuckers to be happy and if Mike and Eleven being together made them happy so be it, even then tho I was starting to realize the differences between Mike/Will and Mike/El but I could’ve passed off S2 Byler was platonic if they wrote Mileven super cute, but at that point I hadn’t seen them together on screen enough to rlly have any attachment to them
And then I watched S3, and S4
And I realized if I want these characters to be happy they cannot be together- they’re relationship does not work, it is not healthy, it’s not good for either of them- and it’s not good for Will
We’re shown El giggling and having a good time after breaking up with Mike, we’re told that El see’s him as “her first boy friend” which means she thinks she’s gonna get another eventually- we’re SHOWN El being happy without Mike
We’re shown that Mike keeps El in a holding place she doesn’t want to be in anymore
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I just want El and Mike and Will to be happy and looking objectively at it Mike and El breaking up seems to be when El is the happiest, and Mike and Will being together is when they’re at their happiest
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safety-writes-noms · 1 year
pls pls pls can i have some headcanons of miguel as both a pred and prey? he's not prey often for sure, but i bet he's grumpy about it when he is
ofc!! I usually write pred Miguel but I'm good with him as prey. tw vore! NSFW/kink blogs dni
honestly I can't see him enjoying being nommed too much. he's used to being in control and it's almost like a comfort to him in some ways. but when he doesn't have that comfort it causes him to become somewhat aggressive if he doesn't see the reason for why he needs to be nommed. or he doesn't agree with it. Plus he hates being trapped in confined spaces that he himself has not put himself into. Except sometimes when it’s soothing to him like if he’s super tired or something.
its definitely unpleasant because he's probably going to make a huge stink and even when he's the one tucked in a belly, he's still strong asf.
he will however grudgingly chill out if he's exhausted and tired from staring at screens for 40 hours straight. even though he'd rather keep working, he knows he can’t go on forever. Besides it’s really hard not to fall asleep in a warm cushy belly, where his most pressing problem is slime soaking into his suit.
I think he’d taste like something with a kick in it, some sort of spice with an underflavoring of maybe sweetness or saltiness? and then subtle hints of something bitter like coffee to pull it all together. he's delicious but you'll be extremely lucky if you even get a tiny little taste.
if he ever gets nommed for his protection best believe he’s going to argue a whole lot too. anything thats not his terms or not something he asked for results in him immediately getting annoyed. he's spiderman 2099, stubborn asshole genius extraordinaire (affectionate), he doesn't need protection. (he does he just won't admit it)
bottom line is that he won’t like it if it’s not in very specific circumstances :(. Or he’ll pretend that he doesn’t bc he’s such a skrunkly little dude (that man is 6’9 and 310 pounds of pure muscle)
He does actually enjoy nomming sometimes but doesnt really indulge in the instinct much. I’ve said this before but he feels like some sort of inhumane creature when he gets those urges even though most of the time it’s just a deep wanting need for whoever he’s craving to be as close as physically possible to him.
Or when he has a webbed up anomaly, sometimes he has to physically turn away from them so he doesn’t risk gulping them down. But that’s only for when the urge is super intense. He’ll probably satisfy it later with someone he’s close with and knows is fine with it. He knows that if it goes unchecked for too long he becomes increasingly agitated/sullen and he’d rather not deal with that in general.
other times like when he’s in his downtime, he’ll awkwardly ask whoever he’s craving if they’d be fine with being nommed. He knows it’s pretty weird or downright terrifying for people who have no idea how being nommed works. He’ll of the time he just doesn’t ask because he doesn’t want to deal with explaining. He’s just tired and wants a nice meal to fill him up while he naps or does some more work.
Eating food helps a little to stave off that urge simmering in his chest but ultimately won’t really fix it. Like slapping a bandaid on a missing arm (how do u even do that ??). He will be more inclined to nom someone if they ask him to do it for them. After all, if it’s what they want he’s got no objections unless he has to do something that requires a whole ton of physical movement. Miguel doesn’t want them to get hurt somehow even if they’re nestled in his gut. But other than that he’s fine with it.
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chiiyuuvv · 1 year
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• PAIRING — yujun x female reader (mentions goddess and she, but you can always change/ignore that)
��� GENRE — highschool au, strangers to lovers
• WORD COUNT — 1.46k words
• AUTHORS NOTE — trying a new format :) yujuns birthday note is at the end
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"Yujun?" The books that were in your arms tighten. You stifle a giggle when yujun falls from the bookshelf he was hiding in, a book falling on his head. "What are you doing here?"
"Ah you know.. hanging out." He stands up quickly, trying to play it cool as he waves at a random person. "W-what are you doing here??"
"To study.. that's what you in a library.. study.."
"Yeah well I'm doing the same thing."
"You yelled out at lunch that you hate studying," you deadpan, yujun eyes widening as a nervous smile appears.
"Well uh.. we have a test.. yeah a math test, and I would really hate to fail."
You give yujun a questioning look. Hes the type of student that does their homework as the teacher is collecting it. He doesnt study ahead. But something tells you to ignore that part of him. Maybe he really did come to study, as the unit was kinda hard after all.
"Do you wanna study together?" You ask and you can see the way yujun perks up. "YES!!- I mean yes.." he nods his head, throwing his bookbag over his shoulder and picking up the book that dropped on his head.
You lead him to your usual table, bring up a chair from a different table so he could sit. Which he does. Opening his bookbag and bringing out his laptop, he twiddles with his pencil, hopelessly staring at you.
"Well?" You make eye contact with him, your shoulders shrugging as you bring out your notebook. "Let's get to work."
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You were starting to notice how yujun would scrunch his face as he reads a problem, writing something down on his notebook before crossing it out. He had been stuck on the same problem for 30 minutes.
"Do you need any help?" You finally ask, causing yujun to look up. Your eyes soften at his state, how he looked so overwhelmed and tired. You had to do something.
So you turn his laptop over so you could see it, shifting your chair closer to his and you open a new page in your notebook.
You begin to explain the problem to him, looking over ever now and then to make sure he's understanding it. You can see his little nods out the corner of your eye.
But although you were explaining it and he was nodding, he wasn't paying attention. He was too caught up on the fact that a goddess stopped everything she was doing to help him. Maybe if he was actually listening in class then he would know how to solve everything but now, he's happy he didn't, or else he would never get to be right beside you.
Your side profile was gorgeous, he couldnt take his eyes off of you even if he tried. Hair kept moving to your side and you were struggling to see, so he unconsciously tugged some hair behind your ear, watching it slowly turn red as you stop talking.
Realizing his actions he quickly looks down, scribbling something on his paper as he types the answer on his laptop, a quiet 'thank you' spilling out his lips as he keeps his gaze on his laptop.
He tries to ignore the way you look over at him, your eyes still wide. He looks over to you unexpectedly, "what?" He says, trying to play it cool as he begins typing again.
"You just-"
"I think you should focus on your work." He says in a matter of factly tone, cutting you off as he doesnt take his eyes off of his screen. You only huff, writing something on your paper as you hear yujun giggling.
"Are you.. laughing at me?" You turn your head slowly, watching yujun covering his mouth as his eyes curve up.
"No~.." he nervously looks at you before bursting out in a fit of cute laughter, holding on the edge of the table to keep himself up. You try to bite back your smile, acting mad when you just can't.
A smile forms before you start laughing too, looking down as your heart flutters wildly. "Shh the book lady is going to get mad.." you say in between giggles as yujun laughs more.
"Then you stop laughing~"
"No you~"
"No YO-"
"SHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The bookkeeper jumps from behind a bookshelf, scaring some of the kids beside her as she frowns. You and yujun immediately shut up, going back to work until the lady walks away, sending glances at each other before laughing again.
"She looks like that monster from monsters inc." Yujun whispers, slapping his knee as he snickers.
"Yujun you cant say that!!" You snort.
"Its true~~"
"Ahem." You both slowly look over your shoulder, finding the same lady from before with her hands on her hips. "I think the monster from monsters inc. wants you to get out."
Your eyes fill with horror. "Oh my god I'm so sorry-"
"Its all my fault." Yujun cuts you off as you glance at him. Was he really going to get in trouble for you?
"If you can be quiet and study like everyone else, get. out. Go be a couple somewhere else."
"But we arent-"
"Get out!!" The woman shouts as you quickly stuff everything into your bag, pushing in the chair and bolting out of the library. You lean against the wall as yujun comes out a few seconds later.
He didnt mean to kick you out of the library, so he hangs his head low, playing with his necklace as the silence worries him.
"I-im sorry I kicked you of-" he stopped as you let out a loud sigh. He walks towards you, his eyes filled with sorrow when he stops again. You weren't cry.. you were laughing.
You were laughing so hard that there were tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Yujun let's out a nervous chuckle as he tries to figure out what's so funny. He just got you in trouble, you shouldn't be laughing.
But you were, jerking your head forward and holding onto your hurting stomach. "S-sorry.." you say between your laughs, wiping your eyes as you calm yourself down.
"You're.. not mad at me?"
"Mad? That was the most fun I've had in a long time." You remark, a gummy smile popping out of yujun. "Oh.." he laughs softly, checking his phone and noticing how late it was.
"Lemme take you home." There was so much seriousness in his statement as you straighten your back, a quick nod as you begin walking down the sidewalk.
Yujun runs beside you, slowing down his pace so you could walk together as your shoulders brush against each other. There wasn't much talking involved, just a calm silence as the late breeze runs through your hair.
"Yujun.." your voice wasn't as loud as before but it was barely a whisper as you feel yourself getting nervous.
"Hmm?" He turns his head to face you, a hand running down the strap of his bookbag.
"I know you were lying, about your reason for coming to the library." Yujun stops in his tracks. "What was the REAL reason?"
You turn around, watching yujun look down. "I just.. wantedtoseeyou,youknow?" He whispers, but you could hear it clearly, your heart beating wildly.
"O-oh.." was the only think you could muster out, a quiet nod following before you start walking again. Yujun follows you, indirectly making you walk on the inside of the sidewalk.
The silence was a little awkward as you struggle to find something to talk about, as you were still shocked about what yujun said. You take a turn down the sidewalk, stopping at the house that was in front of you.
"So uh.. this is my house.."
"Oh yeah.."
"So um.."
"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Yujun smiles at you, stuffing his hands into his pockets. You smile back, walking up the driveway and towards the front of your house.
You turn around to find yujun still there so you wave, walking up your doorstep as yujun waves back. You turn around to open the door, but something felt wrong.
Looking over your shoulder you watch yujun turn the heel of his feet, kicking a pebble as he begins walking. But something felt wrong.
"Wait!!" You shout, leaping off the ground and running back down the driveway where yujun stands there confused. Without thinking, you grab his face and lean his head down, placing a quick peck on his lips before shouting a 'good night!!' and running back to your door, quickly opening and slamming it shut as you lean against the door and slide down, unconsciously touching your lips.
Yujun touches his lips the same time you do, as a series of giggles bubble out the two of you.
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A/n: its finally that time, it's time for the birthday twins 😭. Jung yujun, my cotton candy boy, you have been wrecking me HARD lately and kindly, respectfully (dont) STOP, like I need to stay loyal to hunter 😭
Anyways, I dont think I've found someone so cute before. From your smile, laughter, just looking at you really I always frown because you're just so cuteeeee. I dont know what to with myself 😔
I am actually really shocked that you aren't the maknae, because you suit it so well. Just a tiny little fluffy ball that I wanna stuff into my pocket.
I know being an idol is hard, but I hope you smile brightly everyday and if not, you have some amazing members that can cheer you up. I love you so so much (sorry hunter) and I hope you have a really good day ♡
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reinekes-fox · 11 months
Aw, it's 3am here too and I'm awake too, but I rarely go to bed before 4am so that's normal!
But since you want a question, let's ask one that is related to sleep (or lack of it)... For the Stray ROs in Birds of a Rose, what would their reaction be if the MC has horrible nightmares (like if they whine and cry when sleeping - sometimes wake up screaming)? Especially if judging by the mumbles while sleeping, it seems their nightmares revolve around feeling trapped and wanting freedom and to get away and stuff?
PS: also, will it actually be an option in game, later down the line?
I do hope you dont need to get up early!
For your question: it will happen, although not as drastic! So far I plan to code that in if Wing MC is "contradicting" i.e. being doubtful of the cult but also choosing to go after higher ranks!
The reactions:
Fuchsia King
She awakens before you even begin to mumble, your heartbeat getting faster and her eyes snap open when she registers it. Taking a few seconds to look around, orient herself, she hesitates a few seconds more. Only when she hears you mutter something, oh how she now regrets not going to that language course, does she move. Her hand gently on your shoulder she notices you flinchig from her touch even in sleep and her heart drops.
"Its fine.", she whispers, "You are fine.", her mind scrambles, just what kind of nightmare could you be having, what could she say to soothe your nightly terror, "You are safe, no one will hurt you. I will protect you." Would she? She looks at you. Yes.
Chase Watson
He lies awake even before you start to mumble, twist and turn in your sleep. He stares, trapped in old ways and beliefs that are always stronger at night. While he doesnt understand your muttering what he does understand is you waking up screaming, hands going to your neck... what else yould one look for at such a place but chains? Chains that hold ones mind and that still hold his even though he thought he had broken his a long time ago... he turns around and blinks away the tears that burn in his eyes.
In a different life he can imagine himself standing up to comfort you, crack a stupid joke, pat your shoulder and watch as you slowly calm down. But all he can do is listening to your breath slowly going back to normal on your own.
Droznik Juschka
He feels your nightmare and it comes like second nature to him to be by your side, calmly chatting about whatever comes to his mind, a hand reassuringly on your shoulder. He knows what your mutterings mean and he wishes he could give you what you are so desperatly wishing for. Once you wake up he pulls you close to him, hugging you hard enough that you feel it but not strong enough that you feel trapped.
"Do you want to go outside and look at the stars?" he whispers while stroking your back.
Astoria Rapace
She looks up from her book when you start to whimper in your sleep. Trying to concentrate on it instead of you she stops when she pays attention to what you are saying...
With a sigh she drags the chair to your side, her cold hand looking for yours and gently holding it.
"Just wait a little longer, my Bird.", she bends down to whisper into your ear, she can see your hair move with her breath, "I will grant you what you wish."
E. Falkenflug
They wake up groggily when they hear your scream, eyes scanning the room for any sign of danger... but there is none, just a fellow Songbird sitting upright in bed, chest rising and falling too quickly, hands clenched together and eyes wide in terror.
They are silent for a few seconds. Normally they would just try and go back to sleep, saving both of your faces in the process. Pretending they didnt hear your fragile mind... but they know how it is to wake up screaming. And how hard it can be to fall back asleep.
"Do you want to sleep next to each other?" It helped them. And it might help you.
Why are you still awake? They look at the screen in worry.
Marter: are you fine?
Wing: Yes.
Nearly they snort, as if!
Marter: you are sometimes awake at this unsaintly hour... do you have trouble sleeping?
The answer takes longer and they can almost picture you, trying to think about a correct answer. How they wish they could embrace you through the screen and tell you that you shouldnt worry! Not with them.
Marter: I saw your pictures, they are really nice!!
Wing: thanks
The pictures are beautiful, that hadnt been a lie. But the pictures of flying birds and their caption spoke of such a deep sadness... but they cant openly write about that. Surely you would deflect.
Marter: I also have trouble sleeping :) so you can write to me whenever you want!
A little white lie... but maybe this will get you to be more open about it.
Marter: or need someone to talk to! I always have an open ear, especially for my most beloved wing
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yourandroidgirl · 1 year
it’s wincest Wednesday pls tell me ur Deanpreg headcanons
they find out on a hunt. dean’s been getting sick for weeks and sam is worried there’s something actually wrong with him, until their next case…….…..where some kind of monster is targeting pregnant women, and goes after Dean next
dean insists there’s some other supernatural explanation, but fails every test he runs, every splash of holy water, touch of silver. sam books him for an ultrasound under a fake name and dean is awestruck as he looks at the screen
dean isn’t just hungry, he’s ravenous. at restaurants he inhales his own food and then immediately starts working on sam’s plate. sam has to start ordering two meals
sam tries to convince him to take a break from hunting but he patently refuses. they compromise: sam does all the heavy lifting, dean wears a bulletproof vest and stays behind sam at all times. sam responds with aggravated, possessive sex on the occasions dean doesn’t follow the agreement
dean pretends like he’s indifferent but sam catches him on early mornings and late nights doing furious research, and dean bless his soul has no idea that he’s supposed to erase his browser history. he’s reading up on pregnancy like he’s writing a dissertation, and in the later months on parenting.
bobby is the first person they tell. they drive to his house in pensive silence to show him fresh ultrasound photos. he didn’t know about the two of them before, but maybe it’s bc he always knew that he doesnt bring it up as he stares down at the grainy images, a clear foot visible in some of them. when they leave, they let him keep the photos. he tapes them on his fridge
they discuss names late at night with the motel lights off, pressed together in bed. sam flatly rejects john or mary, says it would be like tempting fate. dean reminds him it’s coming out of him, and he’ll name the damn thing Godzilla if he so chooses. sam agrees to allow them as middle names
when he starts to get big, sam puts his foot down on hunting. the next time they visit bobby, dean realizes sam has been colluding with bobby to set up a nursery in a spare room. he agrees to stop hunting after that
dean gets too big to fit behind the wheel of the impala, and at first he’s grumpy but it turns out he really likes being sam’s passenger princess, takes frequent naps. one of sam’s hands always, always rests on dean’s belly as he drives
the day he goes into labor sam is in full panic mode. they don’t even have a car seat for gods sake. dean watches half-amused from a motel sofa while sam bounces around the room collecting their things, not wanting to forget anything dean might need. they’re on the road for 10 minutes when sam turns around because he’s convinced he’s forgotten dean’s favorite pair of sweatpants—sam’s sweatpants—in the bathroom. dean manages to refrain from teasing him until they get to the hospital and it’s revealed it’s actually false labor. sam is mortified
a nurse mentions in passing that sex can help jumpstart the real thing, and dean is suddenly in a rush to get back to the motel before checkout time
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