#actually. this prank will do well to greet her back after a long work week away from home
zenmom · 4 months
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atlafan · 2 years
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Everything You Want 〜 An Office OU
a/n: I’ve been driven to write a jim x pam fic. I just needed to get this out of my head! Soooo there’s an episode in the third season where Jim and Pam talk on the phone for the first time since he went to the Stamford branch. They get interrupted, and it always bothered me that Pam never just called him back. So that’s really where the “other universe” aspect of this comes from because I have her call him back. What happens after that? Read to find out! Please reblog and leave notes in the tags! I’ve never written for this pairing/fandom before and I want to know what yall think!! Warnings: angst, fluff, smut Words: 11.6K
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When Jim started at Dunder Mifflin three years ago, he never expected to fall in love. He wasn’t quite sure how or why it happened. Maybe it was the bright smile that greeted him. Maybe it was the giggle being hidden by a dainty hand. All he knew was that his heart stopped within five seconds of meeting her. He had never been in love before, but he knew how it felt. Especially when he found out she was spoken for. She was freshly engaged, but he had no idea because she was waiting for her ring to be resized. Jim’s heart sank into his stomach. It hurt, and it hurt badly.
Here was this perfect girl. This girl who he could joke around with. This girl who he could have a real conversation with. This girl who enjoyed being silly and pulling pranks to keep the day interesting. She was taken. Jim was a little confused at first because she hadn’t even mentioned her boyfriend now fiancé. Jim didn’t know he existed until about a three weeks after he started working there.
Roy works in the warehouse. Jim thought that was how he met Pam…at work, but it wasn’t. Pam and Roy have been together since high school. Pam went to college. Roy didn’t. When she graduated, he told her he heard of a position opening up in the building where he works. That’s how she got the receptionist job she currently still has. Jim never understood how people could stay together for so long when you’re that young, especially while in college. He had three different girlfriends while he was in college.
“We actually didn’t get together until my freshman year of college. We knew of each other in high school, but he was a jock, and I…well, I wasn’t exactly a cheerleader.” She laughed while explaining to Jim one day over lunch. “We happened to bump into each other at a party. He had come to visit a friend, and I had a friend who was friends with his friend. We sort of got to talking since he didn’t know many other people. The next weekend he came back to visit so he could ask me out.” She smiled fondly. “We’ve been together ever since.”
As Jim got to know Pam more over time, he couldn’t understand how or why she was with a guy like Roy. The chemistry just didn’t seem fitting. He was never in a good mood when he’d come up to get Pam at the end of the day. Jim chalked it up to Roy doing manual labor all day. He also understood that people were just different at work. You never know what two people are like when they’re alone.
Pam was in a very committed relationship, so Jim tried to just be her friend. He could do that. He was always one of those guys that had a lot of friends that were girls. He wasn’t sure why, but he never complained. They ate lunch together most days. When Dwight started to get on Jim’s nerves, that’s when the pranks started. Pam told Jim of a few ways to get under Dwight’s skin. Jim couldn’t help but pull pranks. He liked making Pam laugh, so messing with Dwight just had to be done.
The days Roy came up to have lunch with the two of them were the worst. It was always awkward. She acted different when Roy was around. She got closed off, wouldn’t talk as much, and she certainly didn’t smile or laugh as much. It baffled Jim because Pam had no problem talking and laughing with him. They never hung out outside of work. Pam didn’t talk about the ins and outs of her relationship. And Jim never really spoke about his personal life. He dated of course. He wasn’t celibate. But as time went on, it just got more and more difficult to date. He compared every girl to Pam. It was miserable.
A stepping stone was when Pam had to drive Roy’s truck into work because Roy was out sick. Now, Jim knew how to drive stick, but when Pam told him about her being able to drive stick, he told her he didn’t know how. So, at lunch, and after work, they got in the truck and Pam “showed” Jim how to drive stick. It was the most fun Jim had had in a long time. He let himself have his little delusions. He let himself think that she’d leave Roy at some point and go out with him.
When a year went by and they hadn’t set a date yet, Jim was beginning to get hopeful. Pam told him they were just taking some time to save up, and that setting a date would be too much pressure. But then another year went by, then another. Three years of being engaged. They had set a date at one point, but they had to move it. Now it’s just TBD. And in those three years, Jim had grown exponentially close with Pam. He spent a lot of time goofing around at her desk, and she had no problem with it. She could be oblivious sometimes. Roy would come up to visit her, and they’d flirt and kiss and be cute. It always made Jim immensely uncomfortable.
Pam couldn’t understand how Jim hadn’t had a serious girlfriend in the time that they’ve known each other. He’s tall, funny, attractive, and has a good job. He’s a total catch. She even mentioned that she had a friend she could set him up with a while back, but he said he was all set. He told her he had been seeing a few different people, that right now just wasn’t a good time for something serious. They hadn’t had another conversation about his love life since.
There were times where Jim thought he was over Pam, that his crush had been squashed. But she always found a way to pull him back in. He had heart eyes for her. He’d run interference for her when Michael was being especially dickish. He never turned her down when she asked him if he wanted to hear some gossip from the meetings she’d sit in on with Michael. They were best friends. Jim was Pam’s best friend, and she felt lucky to be able to say that.
What really bothered Jim was that Pam never had the chance to hang out outside of work unless Roy said it was alright. Jim would invite Pam out for drinks after work, and she’d have to ask Roy first. Pam didn’t talk about it much, but Roy could sometimes have a temper. And Roy could sometimes be controlling. But he took care of her, so she never really minded. She’d stand up to him when she really needed to. She wasn’t afraid to let him know when she was upset with him. It wasn’t a perfect relationship, but what relationship is ever perfect?
When Jim would talk about Pam to his friends, they always asked him what it was about her that drove him crazy. On the physical side, it drove him crazy when she’d sit on the edge of his desk. It wasn’t like she was wearing mini-skirts and thigh-high stockings, but it was just the alluring position she was in. The way he could look up at her. He wouldn’t tell his friends this, but he’s imagined all the ways he could be looing up at her like the way he does at work. Some of those ways involve him on his knees in front of her. Some of those ways involve her on top of him in a precarious position. And not that he’s a pig, but anyone would be an idiot to not notice that Pam has a great set on her. Jim often wonders what types of bras she wears. He often wonders what it be like to be the one to unclasp it, kiss on her shoulder and down her chest until one of her nipples is between his teeth.
On the emotional, mental side of things, Jim would tell his friends that they make each other laugh. He would tell them how smart and curious she is. He would tell them about her art and how talented she is. He would tell them that she’s secretly  very good at volleyball, but she doesn’t want Michael to find out because he’d find an excuse to have a staff volleyball game just to see her in a pair of spandex shorts. Jim wouldn’t mind seeing Pam in a tight pair of spandex shorts, but he’d only want to see her like that if it was her choice.
His friends tell him all the time to just go for it, but he doesn’t want to tell Pam how he feels. He wants her to realize she has feelings for him. He’s not going to put himself out there unless he knows for her sure how she feels about him. There are times it feels like she wants to be with him, but other times she can be distant and cold.
The day of the basketball game between the office staff and the warehouse workers is one of the first times Pam feels different when she looks at Jim. She’d never seen him play basketball before. Sure, she’d seen him compete in the various games at the yearly company picnic, but there was something different about him today. He was so confident. She enjoyed watching Roy, of course, but her eyes kept going to Jim like they were magnetized. After he dunked one of the baskets, he smirked and winked at her. They had been talking earlier about whether or not he was actually any good.
She’d never say it to Roy, but Jim was a better player than him. Pam was impressed that Jim was holding his own. Roy is sort of beefy, and Jim is sort of lanky. Pam also kept looking at Jim because he kept pushing his hair out of his face. Normally, someone being sweaty wouldn’t turn her on, but something about Jim working up a sweat was making her feel something. It was making her heart race.
Jim felt like something was happening between them. Every time he and Pam made eye contact her face flushed. His stomach fell out of his ass, though, when he heard Pam say to Roy, “Let’s get you into the tub when we get home,” after he came up to get her later that day. The thought of Roy fucking Pam in their bathtub…it wasn’t a visual that Jim needed. When he showered after work, he imagined what it would be like if Pam was there with him. He imagined how nice it would feel to have her wet, soapy chest pressed up against his, how nice it would feel to have her fingers in his hair, how nice it would feel to have her tongue in his mouth. He wasn’t proud of it, but the orgasm he gave himself in the shower due to those thoughts was sensational. He hated that he whined and whimpered her name. He hated even thinking about her that way. She’s his friend. It’s gross, and he shouldn’t be objectifying her like that. But all he has is his imagination, so what else can he do?
Watching Jim flirt with Katie when she came to sell purses in the office was…interesting to watch. Pam thought about her interactions with Jim, and how he was interacting with Katie, and it seemed awfully similar. Except for when Jim leaned in and whispered something into Katie’s ear, and she giggled. He took her out that night. When Roy initiated some intimate time with Pam later that night, she told him she was too tired.
“You’ve been too tired a lot lately.” He huffed.
“Sorry, Michael’s been running me ragged these last couple of weeks.” She turned to him and smiled softly. “Maybe in the morning? You know how I like it in the morning.”
“Yeah.” He smiled back.
The following Monday, Pam waited until lunch to ask Jim how his date was.
“It was good.” He told her.
“Are you gonna see her again?”
“Yeah, we actually saw each other again on Saturday for breakfast.”
“So, you went out for drinks on Friday, and then you met up again on Saturday morning?” She furrowed her brows as she looked at him.
“It wasn’t exactly a hassle since she spent the night.”
“Oh! I thought you had a roommate.”
“I do.”
“He didn’t mind you having someone sleep on your couch?”
“Pam, Katie didn’t sleep on my couch.” He leaned in to speak a little quieter since others were in the breakroom eating lunch.
“Then where did she…oh. Ohhhh.” She nodded as her cheeks flushed. “Well, good for you.” She gave his shoulder a nudge.
“Um, thanks?” He made one of his classic Jim faces, and continued eating his sandwich. “I’m actually going to her place tomorrow night. We’re gonna have dinner and watch a movie.”
“That’s great, it’s nice that you’re dating again.”
“Again? I never really stopped, I just don’t talk about it often. You know I like to keep that stuff private.”
“Right.” She nodded and took a sip of her water. “If things go well with you two, we could double date sometime.”
“Sure.” He nodded. “Sounds like fun.”
The night of the Dundies was one of the best nights of Jim’s life. Not only did Pam come back after leaving with Roy, but she sat and had dinner with Jim. She had way too much to drink, but Jim was also drinking. They laughed so hard they cried, especially after Pam won her Dundie. She was so excited, that she not only hugged Jim, but she kissed him. She kissed him right on the lips. He was in shock. He took her to the bar after to get her some water. She kept looking at him and giggling. Was she waiting for him to say something?
She seemed to sober up some after her fall. She was going to ask him about their kiss until she remembered that the camera crew was there watching. Even though it was a drunken kiss, it was still a kiss. Jim could work with that. He knew what it felt like to hold her in his arms now. He knew what it felt like to have her lips on his now. Yeah, he could definitely work with that.
He saw Katie sporadically. He liked taking her out on dates. He had fun with her. But he didn’t call her as much after Pam kissed him. He felt bad for picturing Pam whenever he’d kiss Katie. It wasn’t fair to her.
So much happened throughout the year. Pam and Roy finally set a date, which meant Pam was really starting to make wedding plans. The night of the booze cruise he was going to tell her how he felt. He had reached his boiling point, but then Roy announced that he wanted to set the date. Pam had a new pep in her step after that.
It just got more difficult for Jim. It was killing him from the inside out. So, he applied for the open position in Stamford. He got it, of course, but he didn’t tell anyone. He wanted to try one last time with Pam before making his final decision about transferring.
“Hey, can I talk to you about something?” They were standing outside. Roy had just driven away. It was now or never.
“About when you want to give me more of your money?” She grinned.
“No, I…”
“Did you wanna do that now? We can go inside. I’m feeling kinda good tonight.” She smiled brighter, which just broke Jim’s heart more.
“I was just…I’m in love with you.”
“What?” Her whole world just came to a standstill.
“I’m really sorry if that’s weird for you to hear, but I needed you to hear it. Probably not good timing, I know that. I just…” His eyes became glassy. He was fighting off tears.
“What are you doing? What do you expect me to say to that?” Her heart was racing faster than it ever had.
“I just needed you to know. Once.” He takes a step closer to her.
“Well, I um…I…I can’t.”
“Yeah.” He looked off and shook his head.
“You have no idea…”
“Don’t do that.”
“…what your friendship means to me.” She’s fighting off tears too.
“Come on. I don’t wanna do that. I wanna be more than that.” His heart is breaking.
“I can’t. I’m really sorry if you misinterpreted things. It’s probably my fault.” Her heart is breaking.
“Not your fault. I’m sorry I misinterpreted our friendship.”
He walked off, away from her to try to catch his breath. He needed a second to cry and let it out. Pam raced inside the building and up to the office. She felt childish, but she needed to call her mom. She talked to her mom about Jim all the time. She dialed the number, and she told her what happened.
“No, I didn’t know what to say. Yes, I know. I don’t know, Mom, he’s my best friend. Yeah, he’s great. Yeah, I think I am.” Jim came in and made his way over to her. “I have to go. I will.” Pam hung up the phone and stepped toward Jim. “Listen, Jim…”
And that’s when he did it. He cupped her cheeks and he kissed her. It was only for a second, but when he pulled away her hands came flying to his face to keep him in place. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close. They both tasted salty due to their tears, hints of the alcohol they had consumed an hour prior. They parted when they both needed to breathe. Both of their chests were heaving as they looked at each other.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He told her as he took her hands in his.
“Me too.” She admitted. He leaned back in for more, but she stopped him. “Jim. We can’t.”
“You’re still going to marry him?” All she could do was nod. She couldn’t form words. “Okay.”
He let her go. He let her go both physically and emotionally.
Months went by without contact. Jim announced he was leaving via a memo. It was a classic thing for him to do. He wouldn’t have wanted a going away party. Pam cried for weeks. She called off her wedding. She broke up with Roy. She got her own car and her own apartment. It wasn’t easy. It was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Every day she wanted to call Jim to see how he was doing.
There was one night that Pam had to work late because Michael took his sweet time getting some contracts signed. She was about to leave when the phone rang. She sighed and answered.
“Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam.”
“…hey.” Jim’s voice was as deep and gentle as she remembered.
“Oh my god.”
“Hi, uh…I was calling to leave a message for Kev…fantasy football thing. I forgot his extension, so I was just gonna go through the system.”
“Right.” She nods and sits back down at her desk.
“What are you doing there so late?”
“It was pretzel day.”
“Ah, so Michael didn’t do anything until the last second because he spent the day waiting in line for a sugar-loaded pretzel?”
“Yup.” She chuckles. “You actually would have gotten a kick out of it. The sugar rush he had this afternoon was like nothing I’ve ever seen.”
“Yeah? Well, don’t leave me hanging, Beesly.”
She smiled so wide her cheeks hurt. They talked on the phone for almost two hours. She told him all about her new place, and some incident she had putting together a bookshelf. He told her about his new co-workers. She laughed so hard at one of his stories about this guy Andy that she couldn’t breathe.
Their conversation ended abruptly, though, when Dwight and Ryan came back late from their sales call. Jim thought Pam was saying goodbye to him, but really she was saying goodbye to Dwight and Ryan. It was so awkward. When Pam got into her car, she grabbed her cellphone and put in the number Jim had given her for his cell. As she added the contact she realized she could just call him back. They could continue their conversation. It was so nice to hear his voice. She chews on her bottom lip. She thinks about it the whole way home. She changes into her pajamas and puts something on her TV, but she still can’t stop thinking about Jim. Hearing his voice in her ear…she snatches her phone and dials his number.
“Hi.” She presses her palm to her forehead. “Are you home yet?”
“Uh, yeah, I just got in. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I just…we got interrupted before. I wasn’t saying…Ryan and Dwight got back late. They were on a sales call. I…I didn’t want to stop talking to you.” Being this honest and upfront was so hard for her, but she knew she needed to say it.
“You didn’t?”
“No. Did you?”
“I really miss you.” She does her best to not let her voice crack. “I know I don’t really have the right to say that to you after everything, but…I do…I miss you so much.”
“I miss you too. But I couldn’t be there anymore, Pam.”
“I know, I understand that.”
“Why did you call off your wedding?”
“There were a lot of reasons. I think I knew for a long time that I shouldn’t be with him, but we were so complacent. I didn’t care enough until you came along. I’ve been reflecting a lot. I thought I’d miss him more, but all I could think about was you. I should have been more brave earlier on. I…I’m so sorry that I hurt you.” She starts crying. “I hated myself for turning you away the way I did.”
“Don’t cry, Pam.” He tells her softly. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not.” She swallows. “It’s not okay. I…I let myself lead you on. I let you become my work boyfriend because my actual boyfriend didn’t have the mental capacity to fulfill all my needs. I let myself flirt with you, I let you flirt with me. I…let so much happen, and I shouldn’t have. It wasn’t fair to you…it wasn’t fair to anyone.”
“I let myself do a lot of things too. It wasn’t just you. There were times I knew I took things too far. Neither of us made things easy for the other.” He pauses for a beat. “It’s only been three months…I don’t think now is a good time for us.”
“No, just…please listen for a second. You’ve been with the same person for a long time. This is the first time you’ve ever really been on your own. I don’t want to be your rebound, and that’s what I’ll be if you jump into something too soon. I want you to take the time to just be with yourself.”
“Can we still talk?”
“Of course we can. I’ve missed the sound of your voice. I hope that’s not weird for me to say.”
“It’s not.” She smiles. “I’ve missed the sound of yours too.”
“Hey, do you wanna switch to our landlines so we don’t eat up our minutes?”
“Yeah! I’m dying to hear more about how terrified you were after Andy freaked out about the jell-o.”
“It was so scary! I had to tell the camera crew not to say anything to him!”
“That’s insane!”
Pam wasn’t sure when she’d see Jim in person. They texted and talked a lot. It felt like old times. On weekends they would talk for hours at night. One night, Jim was regaling Pam of how awful of a player he is at Call of Duty.
“I can’t believe it’s okay for you guys to play a video game as a bonding exercise, but we can’t watch thirty minute installments of movies every Monday.” She rolls her eyes. She’s laying in bed, snuggled up to her waist with blankets.
“Right? Josh gets away with way more shit than Michael. I don’t know how he does it.”
“I get the feeling Josh is much more discrete.”
“He definitely is. He’s an alright boss, but there are times I miss having Michael as a manager.”
“He certainly keeps things interesting.” She yawns and stretches.
“Are you getting tired?”
“No, I was just getting a little more comfortable. It’s weird, I’m not sharing a bed with anyone anymore, and yet I still only sleep on one side of it.”
“I do the same thing. Sleeping in the middle just doesn’t seem right.”
“Exactly! Good, I’m glad I’m not alone in this.”
“Do you usually lay in bed when we talk this late?” Jim can’t believe he’s starting to take things to this place, but he’s curious to see if Pam will catch on. She’s bashful when it comes to these things.
“Yeah, don’t you?”
“Sometimes. It’s kind of cute that you get all cozy in bed before we talk.”
“Don’t tease me.” She whines slightly. “It’s my favorite way to fall asleep.”
“So, you go right to sleep after we say goodnight?”
“Most of the time, yeah. What do you do?”
“Sometimes I go take a shower. Sometimes I go grab a snack, or some water. But other times…”
“Other times…?”
“It’s hard not to think about you after we hang up. You sort of just stay in my mind. And then my mind wanders…”
“To what?” She asks innocently.
“To us. To you being here with me.”
Pam sits up slightly. She can feel her cheeks getting warmer. “What, um, what does your mind wander to us doing together?”
“Do you really wanna know?” Jim sits up slightly as well, plucking at his bottom lip. “Might be too risqué for you Beesly.”
“I’m not a prude.” She laughs. “Just say it Halpert, what do you picture us doing? What would you do if I was there?”
“I’m going to deviate a little, and answer your question with a question of my own.”
“Go for it.”
“When was the last time you had an orgasm?”
“Jesus, Jim.”
“Just answer the question.”
“What does it matter?”
“I’ll tell you after you answer.”
“I…I don’t know. I haven’t done anything since my prior relationship.”
“You haven’t taken care of things yourself?”
“Oh my god.” She sighs and runs a hand down her face. “Not really. I can never…I can never get there on my own, and then I just get frustrated and give up. I know it’s lame that I’m twenty-seven and I can’t even get myself off, but I’ve never really had the time alone before.”
“You do now.”
“That’s…true. I guess I haven’t really thought about it.”
“Do you wanna think about it? I could help.”
“Are…are you asking me if I want to have phone sex with you?”
“I’m asking if you want to have an orgasm. I wanna know what you sound like. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to visit, or when you’ll be able to come here. It’s been driving me crazy for a long time.”
“I’m not really good at talking dirty.”
“That’s okay, you don’t have to say much. Just answer me when I ask you a question, that’s all. Other than that I can just guide you through it.”
“You’re going to tell me how to touch myself? That’s a little arrogant, Halpert.” She smirks. “You think you’re that good?”
“I know I’m that good.”
“Alright, let’s see what you got.”
“You’ll listen?”
“Good.” He lets his eyes drift closed. “Are you comfortable? I want you to lay flat on your back.”
“Okay.” She shifts down in the bed.
“Do you have a spare pillow to put under your hips?”
“Yeah.” She grabs one and puts it where he said. “Done.”
“Close your eyes.”
“Take a deep breath, in and out. Clear your head.” He listens to her as she breathes. “Good, you’re already doing so good, Pam.”
“What now?” She asks with a shaky breath.
“Now I want you to let your hand drift down between your legs, spread them a little. Are you wearing underwear?”
���Yes, should I take them off?”
“No, leave them on for now. Tease yourself over them.”
“Are you touching yourself too?”
“No, we’re focusing on you. Do you feel yourself? Is your underwear wet?”
“Yeah.” She licks her lips as she feels herself. There’s a wet patch where her sex is. She drags a finger up to her clit, still over her underwear, and rubs around it with slow circles.
“Spread your legs a little wider, and slip your hand inside your underwear.” He hears her breath hitch. “How wet are you?”
“I’m…I’m like really wet.”
“Run your fingers between your folds, keep teasing yourself.”
“Tell me…tell me what you would do if you were here.”
“God, I’d…I’d dip the tips of my fingers inside you and drag it up to make sure you’re wet all over. I’d spread you apart and find your clit.”
“What would you do after finding it?”
“Do you really wanna know?”
“I’d spit down on it and rub it with my thumb while I slip a finger inside of you.” He hears her whimper softly, and it makes his cock twitch. But he’s not touching himself until he’s gotten her off. “How many fingers do you think you could take? You’re probably really tight due to your lack of activity.”
“I am.” She groans. “I’m really tight. I’d…I’d need a second finger.”
“I like to use my index and middle, it makes it easier to keep rubbing you with my thumb. I bet you’d open right up for me. I’d pet your front wall, and I just know you’d tighten back around me.”
“Your hands are so big, it would feel so good.”
He can hear her moving around. He wishes he could see her swiveling her hips while she’s touching herself. He wishes he could see the sweat forming on her forehead. He wishes he could just see her face.
“Are you getting close?”
“Take your hand away.”
“What?” Her eyes burst open.
“You heard me, take your hand away.”
“D-done. I don’t understand why, though.”
“It feels better when you let it build up. Besides that, I didn’t tell you to come yet. You have to wait until I say.”
“Good girl.” He waits to see if she’ll say anything, if she didn’t like that he said that, but she doesn’t. “Okay, you can start touching yourself again. I want you to just focus on your clit. Rub it in tight, little circles.” He hears her moan softly, and it’s music to his ears. “You still wet?”
“Yes, very.” She pants.
“Keep going, pretend it’s my fingers touching you.”
“J-Jim, I-“ Her back is arching and her feet are digging into her mattress.
“Don’t come.”
“But I-“
“Don’t, Pam.” She groans out with frustration, making him chuckle lowly. “Did you stop?”
“Yes.” She huffs.
“Good. Now, go clean yourself up and go to sleep.”
“What?” She sits up and turns her light on. “I thought you wanted me to…to…”
“I changed my mind. You can wait until we’re in person. I don’t want the first time to be over the phone.”
“That’s fair.” She nods.
“Sorry. I’m not trying to be-“
“No, it’s okay. I…I actually kind of feel the same way. It makes sense.” She takes a deep breath. “I’m…I’m gonna, um, go…do what you said.”
“Okay. Goodnight, Pam.”
“Night, Jim.”
These last couple of weeks have been insane. Everyone thought the Scranton branch was shutting down because Michael said it was. Then it turned out that Stamford is closing. Which means some people from Stamford are coming to Scranton. Jim is confirmed as one of the salesmen coming to Scranton. Pam was copied on an email sent to Michael briefing him on who’s joining the Scranton team. Andy and Karen are the other salespeople coming. Jim’s mentioned Karen a couple of times. He admitted that they became good friends, and there were some feelings there, but he assured Pam that he doesn’t want to be with Karen.
On the day of, Pam is downright giddy. Jim needed a couple of days to get settled in his new apartment, so they weren’t able to see each other until his first day back. It’s fitting. They’re starting fresh. One by one, a new person comes strolling in. Michael greets each person in his own special way. Luckily, he’s not by her desk when she sees Jim approaching.
“Hi, I’m Jim, I-“
“Oh my god, it’s really you.” Pam smiles brightly and rushes over to Jim to hug him.
“See, you ruined my bit. I was pretending I’d never been here before.” He looks down at her and melts at the way she’s beaming up at him.
“I know, I don’t care.”
“Jimbo! Look who’s back!” Michael says cheerily. Jim lets go of Pam to greet Michael.
As Jim settles in he notices Ryan sitting where he used to sit. Because Jim’s a nice person, he takes the spot across from Dwight. He won’t be able to steal glances of Pam as easily, but maybe that’s a good thing for right now. He’s about ready to burst, and he needs to keep his composure. He’s been given a promotion. He’s the new number two. He’s also the only one who has worked for both branches, so he knows he needs to be a resource for his Stamford colleagues. As much as he wants to fall back into older patterns with Pam, he doesn’t want to go back to exactly how things were. He’s almost thirty-one, he wants to try to grow up a little.
That lasts all of five seconds, though. Dwight and Andy are two sides of the same coin, and Jim needs to keep that under control. So, he has no choice but to mess with Dwight. Hearing Pam hold in her laughter is also a boost to his ego.
It’s an eventful day. One of the Stamford people has already quit. Michael just isn’t great with onboarding and integrating. Pam and Jim haven’t gotten to talk much since there was so much going on. She has no idea what the plan for tonight is, if there even is one. He finds her in the kitchen later. She’s snacking on her berry yogurt. Jim refills his water bottle.
“Hey.” He says to her.
“Hi.” She says back.
“Are you free for dinner tonight?”
“I believe so.” She licks the yogurt off her spoon, sending a shiver down Jim’s spine. Whether it was intentional or not, that was hot.
“I was thinking we could go out after work.”
“Sure.” She nods. “I’ll want to change first, though. So…maybe you should follow me to my place after work, and then we can just take one car to wherever we decide to go.”
“That sounds like a great idea. Carpooling is much better for the environment.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
Pam’s stomach is full of nerves. Jim’s driving behind her to her apartment. He parks next to her, and she holds out her hand for him. They walk with their fingers intertwined into the building and up to her floor.
“This is even better than how you described it.” Jim says as he looks around Pam’s place. “It’s very you.”
“Thanks.” She smiles. “So, I’m just gonna go freshen up, and then we can head out.”
“Pam.” Jim loops his fingers around her forearm. He pulls her into his embrace, cupping her cheek with his other hand. “Let’s eat later.”
She nods and lets her eyes flutter closed as his lips brush against hers. It’s so tender and soft at first. She sighs happily into the kiss. Jim’s hand tightens around the material of her sweater, pressing her harder against his chest. His tongue swipes along her bottom lip. She opens up for him, and relishes at the way he moans into her.
“Bedroom.” He mumbles against her lips.
Pam tugs Jim backwards towards her room, desperate to stay kissing and in his arms. His lips moves along her jaw as he grips the hem of her sweater. Her fingers make work to undo his tie and the buttons on his shirt. She lifts her arms up so Jim can get her sweater off. He reaches around her to take her hair out of its elastic. He runs his fingers through her hair and kisses her. Her hands go for his belt buckle, and he lets her undo it. Jim kisses along her collarbones and down her chest. He kisses down her belly. He loves how soft she is. He helps her out of his shoes and she unzips her skirt. It falls to the floor and pools around her ankles.
“You are so beautiful.” Jim says as he runs his fingers up and down her smooth legs. He’s on his knees, and he’s sure they’ll hurt later, but he doesn’t care. He thinks for a moment. “Don’t you usually wear tights?”
“I…I took them off in my car to save time. I thought this might happen. Tights don’t look sexy in the light, trust me.”
“You’re so cute.” He chuckles. He presses his lips below her naval, and kisses along the band of her underwear. “Can I take these off?”
“Yes.” She nods. “Do you want me to get on the bed so you’re more comfortable?”
“No, this is how I want to do it.”
He hooks his fingers into her underwear and kisses on her pelvis as he slowly drags them down her legs. She steps out of them as he kisses along her hip bones. She’s shaking a bit. She’s nervous. They shuffle backwards so she can lean up against the door of her bedroom. She’d probably lose her balance otherwise. Jim moves one of her legs over his shoulder. He kisses on her inner thigh. She runs her fingers through his hair as he gets his fingers on her. He spreads her folds apart and leans in to kiss her. He sucks his fingers into his mouth, coating them, then brings them back to her.
“Mm.” Her head rolls back against the door as his fingers rub around her entrance. His mouth comes into contact with her clit, and licks over it. He puckers his lips around it and sucks on it while he slips his middle finger up inside of her. “Fuck.”
“Did Pam Beesly just say a curse word?” He smirks up at her.
“I save them for special occasions.” She smiles down at him.
“Yeah?” He gets a second finger inside of her, and her mouth falls open. “I’ve been dreaming about this, seeing you this way…because of me.” She bites on her bottom lip and her eyes screw shut. “Pam, look at me.” She opens her eyes slowly and looks down at him. He starts pumping his fingers in and out of her, curling and twisting them. “I want you to watch me.”
“Okay.” She nods.
He gets his mouth back on her, sucking on her clit. He nips at it carefully a few times. He’s giving her lazy strokes of his tongue, getting distracted by the sound of her arousal as he fucks her with his fingers. He uses his free hand to spread the thigh over his shoulder wider. His thumb is definitely going to leave a bruise with the way it’s pressing into her skin, but she doesn’t care. She’ll take all the marks he’ll give her.
It's getting more difficult for her to keep her eyes on him. She’s starting to pant and whine. Her fingers are tugging at his hair, pushing him closer to her. He looks up at her (to the best of his ability), and watches as her face contorts with pleasure.
“J-Jim.” She groans, thrashing back against the door. “C-can I? I’m gonna…can I?”
“Mhmm.” He hums against her as he continues to relentlessly suck on her clit. His fingers are so deep inside her. He’s making the come-here motion against her.
Her back arches off the door, and she cries out as she comes around his fingers. He fucks her through it before slowly taking his fingers out of her. He sucks them into his mouth and moans.
“You taste so fucking good.”
“I’m glad, um, that was…wow.” She places her hand on her forehead as she catches her breath. “I’ve never…that hard, I…”
“Can’t even form a cohesive sentence.” He stands up slowly, rubbing at her sides until his hands are gripping her hips. “Do you want to keep going, or do you want to stop there?”
“I wanna keep going.” Her arms wrap around his neck, going up on her tiptoes to kiss him. He lifts her up off the ground completely and carries her over to her bed, placing her down gently. “You’re not naked enough.”
“Let me fix that.” He smirks. His button-up slides off his shoulders, and he gets his t-shirt off immediately after. Pam runs her hands up and down his torso as he undoes his pants, letting them drop to the floor. Her eyes widen when she sees the outline of his erection through his boxer-briefs, a small wet patch where his tip is. He takes one of her hands and places it over himself. “This is what you do to me. Only you could get me this hard and ready.”
“I…you’re huge.” She looks up at him, almost worried.
“Aww, was Roy’s not as big as mine?” He asks, guiding her hand to move up and down to palm and stroke him.
“N-no.” She shakes her head. “No, he…it wasn’t…” She just looks up at him and shakes her head again. Another boost to his ego. “Can I take it out?” He nods, and she grips the band of his boxers, dragging them down. His cock springs out and slaps against his lower belly. A string of his pre-come keeps his tip and belly connected.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He tells her as he moves her hair back for her.
“I want to. Could you just…you took my hair out.”
“I’ll hold it for you, don’t worry.” He makes a makeshift ponytail for her with his fist.
She grips his shaft, dragging her thumb over his tip and rubbing his pre-come down to his base. She wants him wet all around so it feels better for him. She leans in and licks over his head. His breath hitches, which is all she needs to take the full head into her mouth. Both of his hands card through her hair to keep it back for her. He also just needs something to hold onto. She knows she won’t be able to take him too far down her throat, so she doesn’t even attempt it. Instead, she focuses on sucking and licking his head while her hand pumps the rest of him. Her free hand comes up to gently palm his balls.
“Oh, Christ, Pam.” He gasps. “You’re so good. I knew you would be.” She moans around him, encouraging him to keep praising her. “Your mouth is incredible.” He tugs her off of him. She looks up at him in shock. “I don’t want to come yet. You can suck me dry another time.” He knees onto the bed and reaches behind her to unclasp her bra. He’s mesmerized by her breasts. He cups them and runs his thumbs over her nipples, getting them hard and pebbled. “Still doing okay? I won’t be mad if you want to stop.”
“I don’t want to stop, Jim. I want this…I want all of this with you. I’m…I’m finally ready for you, for all of you.”
“You don’t know what it means to me to hear you say that.” He leans in and kisses her, having her lay on her back with him on top of her, his hands groping at her breasts. He nips at her bottom lip before pressing his forehead to hers. “I am going to treat you so much better than anyone else ever has.”
“Jim.” She whimpers, cupping his jaw to lick into his mouth.
He moves to kiss on her chest, sucking a good amount of her left breast into mouth before letting it go with a pop. He does the same to her right before kissing down her body. He spreads her wide apart and spits down onto her pussy, watching it slide down her slit. He shuffles down between her thighs and licks into her. Pam squirms under him. He licks up her slit and kisses on her clit before sitting up.
“I needed to taste you again.” He admits sheepishly. He runs a hand through his hair to get his matted locks off his forehead. “I had condoms, but I left them in my car. I’ll just-“
“It’s okay, we don’t need one.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah.” She nods. “I’m good about taking my birth control every day, and I’m clean…are you?”
“Then I’m okay with it if you are. I…I’m sort of desperate to feel you.”
“Just sort of, huh?” He smirks. He moves to sit up against her headboard. “I’d like you on top first, is that alright?”
“Yeah, I actually prefer being on top.” She straddles him, resting her hands on his shoulders as he guides himself in. He paints the head of his cock around at first. She slowly starts to sink down onto him. She bites down on her bottom lip. He has to do the same with his.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He groans. “Should I have used my fingers longer?”
“N-no.” She pants. They both moan out once he’s all the way inside of her. “No, this feels so good.”
“Fuck, Pam.” He wraps his arms around her back, pulling her to chest.
She rolls her hips forward as she slots her lips over his. They kiss sloppily as her hips continue rolling back and forth on him. He starts to thrust up into her slowly. Her mouth falls open and her forehead presses against his. His hands splay on her back as they move in sync with each other. They both moan into each other’s mouths, unable to hold anything in. Her nails dig into his shoulders, leaving crescent indents behind. His lips move to the spot just below her ear, kissing and licking and sucking at the tender skin. She grips his hair and pushes him harder against her. He slips a hand between them so he can rub her clit with his fingers.
“Ohhh.” She whines. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
Her breaths become shallower, and she slams her hand against the headboard as she comes around him. She bites down on his shoulder as they continue rolling their hips together. He cradles her cheeks and kisses her forehead, then her nose, and then her lips. He adjusts them so Pam’s on her back and he’s on top of her.
“Good to keep going?” He asks as he nuzzles his nose along hers.
“Yes.” She smiles. “I told you not to stop, remember?”
He smiles too. He can’t stop smiling. He stays close to her, taking her hands in his and pinning them on either side of her head. Their hands stay together, fingers clasping together. Jim thrusts in and out of her nice and deep. Pam wraps her legs around his waist to pull him even closer, wanting the friction from his pelvis on her clit. He lets go of one of her hands in favor of entangling his fingers in her hair. Her nails scratch at his back. Jim can feel himself getting closer. He lets go of her other hand and slides his arm under her back to hold her tighter in his arms. Her hands grope and grab at the plushy flesh above his hips.
“Pam.” He moans into her ear. She tightens around his cock. “Pam, I’m gonna come soon.”
“Yes.” She nods, lost in a state of bliss as she can feel that coil in the pit of her belly forming again.
“Where do you want it?” He grunts.
She hadn’t really thought about it. She doesn’t want him to stop what he’s doing. Selfishly, if he stopped, it would ruin her potential orgasm. And she’s honestly not sure she could to having another building up because she’s starting to get too sensitive. This next one is definitely going to be her last of the night, which she’s more than fine with. She never came this many times with Roy in one go. Sometimes she wouldn’t come at all.
“Inside me, I want you to come inside me.” She tells him. “Keep going, don’t stop. I…I’m…”
“Fuck, I’m so close.” He moans.
“Me too.”
They both start panting uncontrollably. Jim fucks into her hard, deep, and fast. The speed pushes her over the edge thanks to the added pressure and friction to her clit, and the fact that his tip is beating up her g-spot. The burn of the stretch he’s giving her is all consuming. As she’s making a mess of his cock, Jim finally lets himself go, making his own mess inside of her. He tugs harshly at her hair, coming harder than he ever has. This is something he’s wanted for so long. It’s not just his imagination anymore. It’s not a fantasy anymore. It’s better than all of that because it’s real. Tears come to his eyes and he starts trembling. He pulls out of her and moves to rest his head on her chest. She whimpers at the emptiness.
Pam can feel a wetness on her chest. She cups Jim’s cheeks and makes him look at her. She panics when she sees his bleary eyes. Her thumbs run along his cheekbones to catch his tears.
“Was it not…was it not…” She can’t even finish the sentence.
“Oh, Pam.” He pecks her lips. “It was everything. You…you were so good. You were so fucking good.” He kisses her hard, surprising her, but it’s welcomed. “You were so good for me.” He nuzzles into her neck. “M’just a little emotional, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay.” She runs her fingers through his hair, and sighs with relief. “It was…that was…I’ve read stories about this kind of passionate sex, but I never thought I’d ever get to experience it for myself.” Jim chuckles softly into her neck. “I’m serious! I’ve never felt so wanted before. And…and I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone as much as I’ve wanted you.”
“That means so much to me to hear you say that.” He moves to look at her, and snakes a hand between them, running his fingers through her messy folds. She winces from the sensitivity, but relaxes at the way he gently strokes her entrance. “Made a mess of you. We should get you cleaned up.”
“Good idea, except I’ve lost all feeling in my legs.”
“Music to my ears.” He grins. “Do you have any washcloths in your bathroom?”
“Mhm, in the cabinet below the sink.”
“Be back in a second.” He gets up, and snatches his boxers from the floor. He disappears into the bathroom, and runs warm water over a washcloth. He cleans himself up and pulls his underwear back on. He comes back to Pam shortly, and gently cleans her up with the warm washcloth. She winces again, starting to feel a little sore. “You’re alright, I know you’re sensitive.” He coos as he continues to gently clean up the mess he made. “Put this perfect little pussy through a lot tonight.”
“Jim.” She laughs, covering her face with her hands.
“What?” He laughs with her.
“I didn’t know you could be so…”
“No, vocal.” She looks at him, and he looks at her.
“Think you just bring it out in me.” He comes around to her side and sits on the edge of the bed. He leans down and pecks her lips. “Why don’t you finish cleaning yourself up, and I’ll order us some takeout?”
“Chalk full of good ideas today.” She beams at him. “What do you want to eat?”
“You pick, I’m sure I’ll like whatever you want.”
“Hmm.” She thinks for a moment. “Chinese?”
“Works for me. You still like scallion pancakes?”
“Like them? I love them.” She scoffs, and reaches for one of her blankets to wrap herself up in as she stands. “And dumplings, and-“
“House rice with shrimp.”
“Good memory.” She gives his cheek a pinch and kisses him before making her way into the bathroom.
Jim throws his T-shirt on, but forgoes putting any of his other clothes back on. He orders the food and goes into the kitchen to get himself and Pam a glass of water. She shuffles into the kitchen, now donning a pair of pajama pants and a long-sleeve bed shirt. Jim throws an arm around her and kisses her temple.
“Food should be here in about forty minutes.” He tells her.
“Sounds good.”
“You feel okay everything?”
“Yeah! Do you?”
“Course.” He smiles. “I don’t think we should tell people right away, though. The teasing…I can already hear it.”
“I think I agree. I can picture Michael making lewd gestures towards us.” She wraps her arms around his waist and looks up at him. “How about this: let’s go out on some actual dates, hang out outside of work more often, and if it all goes well, which I strongly believe it will, we can tell the office.”
“I think that’s a perfect plan, Beesly.”
It’s tough keeping things a secret during the hot and heavy phase. Stolen glances, brushes of hands…it’s not enough during the day. They still eat lunch together, but there’s no real privacy in the break room or the kitchen. And it would be too suspicious if they were both sneaking out at noon together every day. Jim also didn’t want Pam to think that he only wanted to spend time with her just so he could touch her. He’d be fine if all they did was cuddle and talk. Honestly! And she feels the same way. She loves the connection they have.
The toughest part? Roy. He’s been trying to get Pam back basically since they broke up. He comes upstairs a lot, going to the vending machines as an excuse to see Pam. And Jim can’t really step in to tell him to back off because as soon as he does everyone will know. Things have been going really well for Jim and Pam, but it’s only been a little less than a month. Things are still new. There are things they’re still working through.
“Hey, Pammy.” Roy smiles as he comes over to her desk.
“Hi.” She hates that nickname. And she knows it goes right up Jim’s ass whenever Roy calls her that. “What’s up?”
“The guys in the warehouse have been missing you. We’re going to trivia at Poor Richard’s. I thought you’d like to come.”
“I can’t tonight. I have my art class after work. But maybe another time? I miss hanging out with all those guys too. How’s Madge’s grandson by the way? I haven’t had a chance to get down there to ask her how it’s been going with him living with her.”
“It was a pretty smooth transition from what she’s told us. Her husband’s retired so he’s able to do the school drop off and pick up. Then Madge helps him with his homework.”
“Oh good. Well let her know I can babysit any time she needs a breather.”
“I will.” He smiles softly. “I’ll see you later.”
Jim gets up from his desk and comes over to Pam’s, taking a mint out of one of the bowls she has out. She gives him a different smile, a more knowing smile, a more mischievous, devious smile.
“How often did you hang out with Daryl and all of them?” He asks her.
“We would all go to Poor Richard’s a lot for trivia or open mic night. Daryl is very musically inclined.”
“No kidding?”
“He plays the keyboard, and he’s actually a really good singer. Him and the guys would sign up and do a little something every once in a while. We used to have him and his daughter over for movie nights. And then usually if we were out I’d end up talking to Madge since I was the only other girl.”
“Hm.” Jim nod, taking the information in. “You know you can hang out with them any time you want. I mean, you were with Roy for a long time, it’s okay if you still want to be friends.”
“I didn’t realize I needed your permission.” She scoffs quietly.
“You don’t, that’s not what I meant. I just want you to know it doesn’t bother me because I trust you, that’s all.”
“Well…thank you. Maybe I’ll go meet up with them after I get out of class later.”
“Go for it.” He smiles. “You can tell them about your art show that’s coming up.”
“That’s right! Good idea.”
Pam got out of art class early, so she decided to go to Poor Richard’s. She told the guys all about her art show and gave them the information. It was nice to be around them again. She ends up sitting at the bar with Roy later on.
“Can I ask you something?” He says to her, and she nods. “Have you been seeing someone?”
“Um, Roy…”
“I know it’s not any of my business, but I can still read you like a book, Pam.” He smirks. “I can tell when something’s up with you. You’ve been different lately.”
“Yeah, yes…I’ve been seeing someone. But it’s really new so I haven’t told anyone yet. We’re seeing how things go for now before we bring it all out in the open.”
“It’s not that new guy Andy, is it? I heard he hit on you one day.”
“Oh, no, it’s not him.” She laughs. “And that was just a prank Jim pulled. Andy was asking him for advice on who he should ask out, and Jim thought it would be funny to tell Andy how to win me over, only what Andy didn’t know was that Jim told him about everything I can’t stand. So, Andy comes to my desk and asks me if I want to play disc golf with him, in pig Latin, and then later serenaded me with a show tune while playing a banjo.”
“Holy shit.” Roy blinks. “I didn’t know any of those things rubbed you the wrong way.”
“Jim just knows me really well.” She shrugs.
“Yeah, but I’ve known you way longer.”
“You’re not the most observant person, Roy.”
“So, if it’s not Andy, then who is it?”
“I…well, I’m seeing Jim.”
“Yeah, why is that so hard to believe?”
“I don’t know, I thought he was gay or something. Which is fine, being gay is great.” He clears his throat, knowing the cameras are watching him. “When did it start?”
“Technically, when he moved back here.”
“Why do you technically?”
“About a month before we were supposed to get married…at casino night, Jim and I kissed.”
“He told me he was in love with me, and-“
“You called off our wedding for Halpert?!”  
“No there were a lot of reasons. Can you please lower your voice? I can explain more if you just calm down and listen.”
“Calm down and listen?! You cheated on me!”
“I didn’t cheat on you.”
“What do you call kissing someone else?!”
“It was one time for a fraction of a second, and I turned him down.”
“I can’t believe this!”
“Don’t yell.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Pam!” Roy throws a glass at the mirror behind the bar.
“I’m leaving.” Pam gets off her stool and rushes out of the bar while Roy continues to throw glasses and break things. She has tears in her eyes as she gets into her car. She know she did a bad thing. She knows she hurt Roy, but this isn’t the first time he’s had an outburst like this. Down the line she knows it would have gotten worse, and eventually he would have hit her instead of a wall.
“So…Roy knows about everything?” Jim sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose as Pam explains things to him the next morning in the break room.
“Not everything, but he knows we’re dating, and he knows we kissed while he and I were still together.”
“And then he got violent and started breaking glasses at the bar?”
“Yeah.” She nods, folding her arms over herself for comfort.
“Did he ever physically hurt you?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “But he could have a temper from time to time. I’ve never seen him that angry, and I had never been so scared to be around him. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gone last night. I shouldn’t have told him anything.”
“No, it’s good you did. Maybe it’ll give you both some extra closure.”
“He was really mad.”
“Come back with me to my place after work tonight. He doesn’t know where I live, so I think it’ll be better you stay with me until he’s able to calm down a little from this.”
“You just want me to spend the night.” She grins.
“Only because I love to see you in my bed.”
Pam opens her mouth to give him a cheeky response, but Kelley comes in with Ryan. They’re having a heated discussion.
The day goes by like normal. Michael did something outrageously horrendous. Dwight and Andy blindly followed him. Jim made them all look stupid by pulling a prank. All in all, it was a great day, and Pam forgot all about the incident with Roy. That is until he came storming into the office at the end of the word day.
“Halpert.” Roy charges towards Jim.
“Roy!” Pam yells out, not wanting him to hurt Jim.
This isn’t the first time Roy and Jim have gotten physical with each other. They got into a little scrap that time Pam wanted to do the art program Jan told her about. Roy said no, but Jim told her she should, and Pam told Roy what Jim said, so Roy pushed Jim and Jim pushed him back. It was down the warehouse and Daryl broke it up.
Jim isn’t stupid. He knows Roy could probably kill him. But one of the advantages of sitting by Dwight for so long is that Jim has learned a thing or two about self defense.
Roy gets close enough to throw a punch at Jim, and Jim ducks. While Jim is ducking, Dwight sprays Roy in the face with pepper spray. Everyone in the vicinity starts tearing up and coughing.
“Pam, please call security.” Dwight says through his tears.
Since the incident happened at the end of the day, Toby said he would take everyone’s stories the next morning. He wanted to make sure Pam was alright, and then he added wanting to make sure Jim was alright too. A few others had already left for the day as it was. So it just made sense for everyone else to go home and process what happened.
“I’ll understand if you don’t feel like having me spend the night.” Pam says to Jim in the parking lot. “I know this drew a lot of attention to us and that people are going to be asking a ton of questions tomorrow.”
“Beesly, you’re insane if you think I don’t want you to come over tonight. I’ve been looking forward to it all day.” He smiles and kisses her cheek.  
The two decide to go out for burrito bowls and margaritas. They laugh about what happened earlier. It wasn’t funny, but they’re more so laughing at how crazy it all was. Pam just wanted to be honest with Roy, and Jim couldn’t fault her for that. Neither one of them wants to carry secrets into their new relationship.
The two drive to Jim’s. They enjoy a pint of ice cream while they watch some TV in his living room. Pam holds up a spoon full for Jim. He happily takes it, holding her wrist up in place with his hand. He kisses on her hand and up her arm, making her giggle. He gets to her neck, lingers there, then kisses along her jaw until he reaches her mouth. She clumsily sets the ice cream down on the coffee table and lets Jim lay her down on the couch. He wedges his leg between hers and groans.
“Can we just kiss for a while?” He asks her.
“Yeah, course.” She nods.
Jim kisses Pam so tenderly, and it makes her melt every single time. Her fingers card through his hair, making him smile against her. They adjust so she can get her legs around him. She has to hike her skirt up around her waist, but eventually they’re able to rest comfortably against one another. His thumb rubs circles into her hip while his other hand cradles her cheek. She rolls her hips up to his, and he presses harder against her. He pulls back to look at her, and she giggles.
“What?” He giggles with her.
“Your lips always get all swollen and pink whenever we kiss. It’s cute.” She runs her thumb over his lips, and he nips at the pad of it.
“So do yours.”
“Do they really?”
“Mhm.” He nods and pecks her top lip and sits up. “It’s late, should we go to bed?”
“Yeah.” She nods, and he helps her up, adjusting her skirt.
“Fuck it.”
He picks her up and carries her to his bedroom. He’s quick to get her naked. He just needs to be close to her right now. She feels the same way. She likes the way he pins her down, but she also likes way he makes her feel safe and comfortable. He’s always checking in, asking her if she’s okay with what he’s doing, if she likes it.
Even though the bed is right there, Jim brings Pam into his bathroom. She knows he prefers to shower in the evening. He explained that he likes showering after work to help wash the day away. So it clicks for her that he wants to have sex in his shower. She has not problem with it.
The water cascades over the both of them. They fumble around a bit, knocking various bottles of body wash and shampoo over. He lifts Pam up and presses her up against the shower wall. Pam wraps her legs around his waist and guides his cock inside of her. They both moan out. His fingers dig into the meat of her ass to hold her up and fuck up into her. She’s got one hand fisting his hair, and the other is wrapped around his neck. Jim slots his mouth over hers. It always amazes Pam how calculated his kisses are. She likes how much Jim likes to kiss during sex. She and Roy never really kissed during sex. It makes her feel even more wanted than she already does.
“You feel so good.” He presses his forehead to hers. One of his hands comes up to clutch at the tile. “Oh my god, I’m gonna come.” He looks at her. “Are you close?”
“Yes.” She nods frantically. “Yes, just don’t stop. You’re hitting it.”
Pam tightens and pulsates around Jim as she comes, driving him over the edge to his own release. He sets her down slowly and kisses her.
“This weekend, I was thinking we could go to the Evehart Museum.” He says to her as he grabs the shower head to help clean up between her legs. “Look at some of the art pieces, you know, if you want.”
“I’d love to. There’s a new exhibit I’ve been dying to see. You wouldn’t be bored?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were the only person in Scranton that likes art, my bad.” He smirks.
“Shut up.” She laughs and nudges him. “I just don’t want you to think we always have to do things that I like. I wanna do things that you like too.”
“Alright. This weekend we’ll go to the art museum, and next weekend we’ll go to that tavern I told you about that that local band I like plays at.”
“Wow, you’ve got me locked in for the next two weekends. What’s your game, Halpert?” She wraps her arms around his neck. “Trying to make me your girlfriend or something?”
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” He wraps his arms around her back and kisses her forehead. “And when I officially ask you to be my girlfriend, trust me when I say, it’s going to knock the wind out of you Beesly.”
“Looking forward to it.”
The two finish up in the shower, and watch some TV before bed.
Jim lays on his back while Pam rests her head on his chest. He keeps his arms wrapped around her while she drifts off into sleep. Having the privilege to kiss and touch and hold her is all he’s wanted for the last three years. Now that he has it, he couldn’t be happier. He wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.
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so2uv · 9 months
The house was empty when he came home today, to his strange observation.
Xander spent the past few weeks in a club for a sport he had participated in, but the season ended recently and he booked the quickest flight home. She found her heart rate growing with each hour she gets closer. It’s been a while since she had gotten the time to even call you because the team was always asking for her to come to practice day and night (it was rough to say the least)
“I miss you, sunshine.”
“I miss you too.” The timezones were far apart, setting you two to call at horrendous times, but he loved your voice at each and every hour; from the energetic tone of the noon, to the distressed and exhausted rasp of the night. His poor angel, always working so hard and doing so well.
However, his excitement was quick to turn into stitched brows and echoes of a higher voice. “Sunshine?” He called out, setting down the bags. Usually, you were at the door or on the couch waiting for him, but he found no one.
Maybe you were just tired. Surely that’s all.
Xander looked in the kitchen where she remembered the warm mornings of kissing your neck while you made breakfast, hands on your hips and pulling you close, and the warm breath asking you of the night’s quality; but all he found was an eerie, silent kitchen with a cold stove.
She moved to the living room where you would always lay on top of him and binge another show or movie, but you would fall asleep most of the time (she didint mind. She loved it actually) The couch was where he would pull you into his arms after a long day at school, holding you tight and hearing you complain. He knew it was a lot, so he often offered to cook dinner and give you a massage to relieve all that stress (even if it was just a little) But the fabric was cold, and your presence was lacking.
He started getting worried. Nicknames turning into standard ones. “Sol?” He knocked the bedroom door that was closed, “I’m home.” Xander swallowed the croak in his throat. It must've been a big joke, right? The stress was building up, but he couldn't quit here. You were just messing around with him, playing a prank for him being away.
“I’m coming in.” Their voice was soft as the knob twisted, but only cold air greeted them. He noticed certain things, horrible things to be specific; your charger was gone, the textbooks piling on the floor disappeared, and the closest. He shoved it open. Gone. Majority of the clothes at least.
“Sol,” he called out, “this isnt funny, sunshine, please.”
His heart remained high, but it was too high. Xander continued to search around, murmuring reassurement to himself. Running a hand through her hair, she huffed and went back out to the door. Even your shoes were gone.
Did something happen?
Xander took his phone and started to ring you, but after one, two, three….seven times, you never answered. She sent too many messages already.
“My plane landed!” “I’m home!!” “Sunshine? Where you are you?” “Are you busy with school? Let me know when you get home. I can cook for you :)” “Sol?” “Where are you? It’s been a while?” “Sol please I just want to know” “Is everything okay? I don’t need details, angel, just a word.” “You’re worrying me.” “Did I do something?” “Sunshine?” “Where did you go?” “Please?”
His fingers trembled at the last text of the singular word, too tired to write more. His heart was bubbling in his throat. Something went wrong.
Did we go wrong? Did I do something?
Xander ran a hand down his face, dragging the tears with his hand. They laughed to themself, an empty and breathless one. How long have you been gone? He sat down on the couch and stared out at the end, fingers playing with each other, and he waited. And waited. And waited.
His stomach was angry. It growled and rumbled as thunder does in the sky, but he stayed in the same spot. Waiting, like a dog at the door.
You’ll come back.
Xander knows his sunshine is busy.
They know you're hardworking.
He’ll take his time and come back, just as she does with her seasons.
. . . You’ll come back, right?
damn i feel bad for bro. idk who that is but i hope they find their bitch soon 😔😔
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zootplayz · 1 year
Week One
Meet Rosa Fox! A recent graduate from San Myshuno Police Academy. Rosa is extremely bright (genius) and despite being a bit of a clutz (clumsy) she is very confident (self-assured) in herself and her future.
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Rosa has moved into 1310 21 Chic Street.
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1310 21 Chic Street by jazzpus Shortly after moving in Rosa was greeted by the local welcome wagon. Including her new neighbor Penny Pizzaz.
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Although hailing from the suburbs Rosa has become quite taken with all the big city has to offer. There's food available on every street corner and for a lady who works long hours, it's nice to be able to get a hot meal inside her quickly without always having to cook. Or, even worse, live on a steady diet of pizza. Yet, despite her limited time at home Rosa does (sometimes) find the time to refine her cooking skill. You can't found a legacy without knowing how to feed it!
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Soon it was time to head down to police headquarters to start her career in the police force.
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This is the reason Rosa moved out here. She always wanted to be a cop, well a detective to be more accurate, and San Myshuno has the best police force in the world. She could think of nowhere better to start her fledgling career. This early in her career Rosa is assigned a quiet patrol in Forgotten Hollow. Not much to do out there but keep that brain of hers in tip-top condition for any future success.
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It takes more than just brains to make it to the detective bureau. You need to prove yourself on the streets as well and sometimes that means you need braun as well. Luckily the police station has state-of-the-art facilities for the force to use.
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Simtopia Police Station by Zita1966 Despite being a member of the best police force in the world there are some things you just can't avoid. Like cryptic texts from weird old dudes, who then break into your home in the middle of the night and...
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Well, Rosa doesn't remember much but she did find it exceptionally hard to focus at work the next day.
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Her first time helping on a big case too. Someone decided it was a great idea to vandalize the bowling alley. This wasn't just some quick prank either they took their time and did thousands of simoleons worth of damage. Rosa accumulated clues at a rather rapid pace. Perhaps too rapidly because they were conflicting and when she issued the APB and went out to where their suspect was spotted she brought the young girl back to the station...
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Only to discover the young lady was 'innocent'. **I dealt with this for two sim days and the game never generated a proper suspect. After Rosa received her promotion to officer she quit and then rejoined hopefully the next case will receive some actual closure.*** Despite the issues at work Rosa remains upbeat and has taken a keen interest in vampire lore. Rosa's lifetime aspiration is to find a soulmate. Not the easiest task in the world when you work 12 hours a day and your main source of contact is with the less-than-desirable members of society. So when Rosas weekend finally came around she took advantage and headed out to a restaurant with every eligible man she had come across. There were a couple of gentlemen from work, Akira Kibo and Joaquin Le Chien. After getting to know one another over a meal they all headed to a nightclub. Sadly however Rosa was not feeling so well (food poisoning) and had to call it a night. But not before she contacted the restaurant and received a full refund. Food poisoning may have been a blessing in disguise since she really didn't have that kind of money to be spending anyways.
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 by josielita Rosa got home super late that night absolutely dead on her feet.
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What I failed to notice was that after Rosa's promotion she no longer had the next day off. So 8 am came around fast for poor Rosa who didn't get home until 4.  As a result, Rosa took the day off and recovered from her food poisoning. She also took the opportunity to head down to the bowling alley to continue her search for mister right. While there she ran into Don Lothario, whom she met briefly at the nightclub the night before and the two took in a game together.
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The Bowling Underground by FrostyGGandMom While at the lanes Akira called and asked if she wanted to try another dinner. This time just the two of them and Rosa of course agreed. They met up for a late meal at the Ivory Cast Iron Pan (created by slawfishnubu) an all-night diner nearby.
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The pair hit it off and ended the night with a kiss.
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It was back to work the next day where Darsh (let's call him Dash from here on out because seriously ea what kind of name is that?!) asked Rosa if she wanted to head to the bowling alley after work. They had hit it off at the group meal so Rosa agreed.
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Emboldened from her date with Akira the night before Rosa's confidence was through the roof and she very quickly wanted that first kiss.
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This time, however, she also wanted more. Luckily for Dash, he chose the bowling alley and they had a semi-quiet and private place for that.
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After the date timer wound down Rosa headed to the gym. She may be looking for her soulmate but she still has a bright career ahead of her and she needs to stay at the top of her game.
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Wild Mountain Gym by silversimmer007 Once again while she was out Akira called for yet another dinner date. Luckily for him, Rosa had worked up quite an appetite at the gym and agreed to meet him at the Chinese restaurant next door.
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Doraibi's Restaurant by Novahawk35 This time Rosa rolled some wants Akira hadn't unlocked for her before.
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It's almost as if with every romantic success Rosa is emboldened and more courageous to take the plunge in her quest for true love. Or perhaps just a quick shag. Who can say? After a week of work and soulmate searching Rosa's romantic prospects have grown substantially from just a week previously.
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So what do you think of our founder of founders? Do you think her future love is one of the men we've already met or is he still out there? Part 02 Read the full article
0 notes
lovehimeri · 2 years
hello! might I request fluff hc with Doppo, Hifumi and Ichiro meeting their crush (preferably female) from when they were in middle school
Hello! Thank you so much for requesting this , I love it + you made my day honestly 💗🎀
I hope this is to your liking! Enjoy ☆
🌸Characters : doppo , hifumi , ichiro
🍭Type : fluff , Hcs
🍓Cw warnings : none!
Doppo 👔
🎀-hifumi and doppo were sitting having dinner as usual , when hifumi asks doppo about his first love /crush
🎀-doppo at first doesn't remember very well , but then he recalls the girl from his middle school days
🎀-she was truly beautiful , and unlike him , she was super energetic , so doppo had to deal with not just one , but two people brighter than sun itself everyday at school
🎀-doppo was known back in school to be the one to get hifumi and [y/n] out of trouble , as they were a troublesome duo and got scolded by teachers pretty often , he had to do the apologizing part for them
🎀-doppo remembered clearly how hard he fell for that girl , how he wouldn't feel himself staring at her in the middle of an important class until hifumi pinches him , how her giggles sounded like sweet melodies as she runs away from someone after she pranks them , how her eyes would glimmer with love at sight of fireworks or her favourite food
🎀-hifumi snaps doppo out of his thoughts and giggles as he points out doppo's cheeks are turning red , he didn't mention that his red-headed friend was also smiling slightly at the sweet memories
🎀-doppo goes to bed , yet he can't stop thinking about [y/n] , he goes to sleep in hopes they'd cross paths one day
🎀-the next morning , his boss calls him to his office as he had assigned him to show a new employee in the sales-management departement around
🎀-he takes the newbie around , he seems very energetic as he greets doppo really enthusiastically , doppo and the newbie take the elevator to the sales management floor , right as they enter , doppo notices a face he recognizes but hasn't seen around before
🎀-"e-excuse me , is your name by any chance [y/n l/n]?" The woman turns to him, her hair gently bouncing on her shoulder
🎀-"well well , if it isn't my best fellow doppi!"
🎀-doppo's heartbeat quickens as he sees that same smile again . She's still using that silly nickname even after years..
🎀-"How long have you been working here?" Doppo asks , excited to know more
🎀-"not a long time actually! Just a few weeks , how are you doing at work? OH! How is hifumin?? I miss him just as much ya know!"
🎀-"p-pretty well actually...would you like to have dinner with me- And hifumi of course! After work?" Doppo shyly makes a move
🎀-"I would love to! I'm looking forward to it so do your best today!" . She's just as energetic and enthusiastic as ever , doppo truly loved her because of that
🎀-[y/n] steps out of the elevator and throws a little smile and a wave towards doppo as he does the same , once she's out of sight he sight deeply
🎀-"d-doppo-san...I think we missed the floor" Shoot . Doppo's mind was so occupied by seeing his crush again that he forgot about the newbie....
Hifumi 🥂
💌-same scenario with doppo , except hifumi is more open to talk about his crush
💌-he likes pointing out all the fun stuff you two used to do together , mostly the problematic things , but he remembers how you two would play in the summer rain in the school's courtyard and get scolded by teachers and doppo , as he gave you his jacket when you felt cold after you headed to class
💌-hifumi feels happy to find comfort in one woman at least , and as much as he's scared , he hopes he would meet you again one day
💌-the next day , he goes to work at night as usual . While on the train , he notices billboards and flyers with a familiar face on them . Today is the debut of your group! As you grew to become an idol with a group of other girls , your first show is happening today! Your photo and name were included in the flyer , along with the pictures and names of the other 3 members of your group
💌-hifumi felt incredibly happy to see this , as he knew you loved idols ever since you were in middle school , he told you he was rooting for you and looking forward to see you as one in the future
💌-it's a shame he had work that day. He goes into his workplace as usual , but fate has other plans . As a group of friends had booked the entire place and asked for certain hosts they've been fans of to be there
💌-hifumi was a little bummed someone didn't choose him , despite being the number 1 host in shinjuku , yet he was happy when he was told he was free to go
💌-of course he wasn't going home , he was going to see your concert! He paid for a ticket quickly while on the train . He's really lucky he found a free seat , as a new group , he expected the seats to your concert to be fully booked , but being a new group and all , he managed to find a close seat
💌-your concert starts , and you're looking as shiny as ever . Happily singing and jumping on the stage , you notice a glimmery presence somewhere close to the stage , and that's when you notice him . It's your childhood crush! He seemed really happy and excited to see you too
💌-Your concert ends , it was a huge success! Many people already left , as only the fans who paid for a meet-and-greet got to stay . -Hifumi was asked to leave , as he didn't pay for one , but you stop the staff to personally greet hifumi
💌-"hifumin!!!! I can't believe it's you! awwwwee! Look at you! You're looking amazing!!" You were just as cheery and jumpy as always , you told the staff they can leave as you were greeting your childhood best friend!
💌-"so! Ya came to see me or are you a fan of someone????" Even on his host mode , hifumi couldn't focus with your cute hairstyle , your makeup , your shiny outfit , your hands gently holding his , he was stunned
💌-you talk for a few minutes before your staff asked you to come , as the meet-and-greet event was about to start and the fans are waiting
💌-"it's really late now and I should go! But here's my number , we can go for brunch tomorrow and catch up if ya want! Bye-bye hifumin!" You make a move and squeeze him in a cute , quick hug , as you skip to your audience and greet them
💌-"doppo-chin , you will NOT believe who I met today"
Ichiro 1️⃣
🌸-saburo tells ichiro that a new boba shop opened nearby and asks him to go together and try it , as he was also willing to spend some alone time with ichiro
🌸-jiro finds out and demands he goes too , a fight breaks out and ichiro agrees to take them both to be fair
🌸-the yamada siblings arrive , jiro and saburo bickering every 5 seconds , ichiro asks them to behave as he walks into the small shop
🌸-it wasn't crowded , yet not so empty . The customers looked satisfied and the staff were working hard
🌸-the three siblings sit on a table near the window . After a few minutes of arguing and picking drinks , a cute cheery waitress comes to take their orders .
🌸-ichiro was able to recognize that face . That same voice , the same smile...it's his crush from middle school!
🌸-"jiro , saburo , I gotta go make adjustments to our orders so stay here" ichiro smiles as he gets up and goes to the counter
🌸-jiro and saburo look at each other , confused . Jiro smirks as he knows something saburo doesn't , and saburo starts bugging him to tell him what's up
🌸-ichiro's mind at that time was so occupied by you , he wanted to talk to you again after all those years! To his horrible luck , you were as fast as a bee , moving from one table to another
🌸-ichiro gave up and went back to the table , determined to get a chance to talk to you no matter what
🌸-the drinks were delivered by another waitress , ichiro thanks her nonetheless
🌸-"By the way sir , someone asked me to deliver this to you!" The waitress places a small piece of paper on the table next to ichiro
🌸-jiro and saburo give ichiro the looks . He just shakes it as nothing and puts the piece of paper away as saburo brings up another topic
🌸-ichiro sneaks the piece of paper out and reads it
🌸-"hi hi ichi-kun! Please meet me outside in an hour! ~☆" ichiro smiles at the note but hides it away quickly before his brothers notice . He already knew the sender from the cute glances you've been sending his way from one time to another
🌸-ichiro excuses himself to the bathroom , but leaves the shop . Saburo was confused and concerned but jiro knew what's up , yet he kept teasing saburo about it
🌸-"you dummy , of course ya don't know . The lady that took our orders is nii-chan's middle school crush! Nii-chan showed me pictures of them when they were younger. He's probably going to meet up with her later" jiro smirks once again , feeling like he outsmarted saburo . Too bad for him saburo wasn't interested
🌸-you were waiting outside the shop by the bushes , as ichiro approaches you with his casual smile
🌸-"[y/n]! It's been a while hasn't i-" before he could finish , you start squealing and hug him
🌸-"gooosh look at you! You've grown up so so much ichi-kun! I remember you were sooo tinyyyyy!!" You squeal once again , holding his shoulders
🌸-ichiro basically stopped working for a second , before coming back to reality
🌸-"How are you doing these days? A-are you eating well?" Ichiro really still holds that big crush inside of him even after all those years , that he can't think of normal things to say
🌸-"I'm doing juuuuust fine! I still have to close the shop ya see so...wanna go out tonight! Pleeeease do bring jiro and saburo too!" You begged cutely . He really wanted to spend some time with you alone , but seeing you all happy like that , he couldn't resist
🌸-"we can wait for you , we can even help you if you want" ichiro smiles softly . It touches something within you , and you remember how much you liked him
🌸-"that would be awesome! Come on , let's go back inside!" You drag ichiro back inside , as the shop was completely empty and the only customers left were his brothers
🌸-you sit with them and have a little chat , before it's closing time . You exchange phone numbers with ichiro and wave him and his brothers goodbye
🌸-"you did it nii-chan! I can take all your jobs for you so you can go on dates!" Jiro says excitedly
🌸-"let's not take it fast now jiro.." ichiro smiles shyly
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embrassemoi · 4 years
Saudade 𐂂 J.P
Summary: James Potter realized he spent years chasing after the wrong girl. But is it too late to finally tell you how he feels?
Pairings: James Potter x Reader, James Potter x Lily Evans, Sirius Black x Reader 
Content: Jealousy, pining, unrequited love, brief mentions of NSFW, NOTHING EXPLICIT, angst, no spell check, first fic ever!
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The Gryffindor common room was in full swing as soon as the sun set. They had just won the last match of the year against Slytherin. With the rivalry between the two houses, well amongst all of the houses viruses Slytherin, the celebration was inclusive. Students second year and up from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were asked to celebrate alongside the red and gold. It was a petty move, disrespectful at most. Nonetheless, the party was vibrant and was nowhere close to ending.
In the corner leaning against the wall closest to the drinks, James was already on his third glass of firewhiskey, chatting away quietly with Sirius alongside a couple of other Gryffindors on the quidditch team, planning out the next years team. Out of the corner of his eyes, James sees the entrance to the common room open. Curious to who would come to the party this late, he extends his neck only to see you enter the room, hands filled with small wrapped gifts and dressed in a short yet casual dress. Turning to talk to Lily, James' eyes never wavered, even with the presence of fiery-red hair.
It was shocking to him, he didn't expect you to come, you weren't known to party until he remembered that you were dating Sirius who joined the quidditch team this year. Of course, you would come to congratulate him.
You and James were first introduced by Remus. You and Remus had rather an academic friendship at first until she had stumbled upon him in the hospital wing after a nasty full moon. Soon afterwards, a beautiful friendship bloomed that rivalled his friendship with the Marauders until Sirius, James, and Peter forced him to introduce you to them.
In all honesty, James had not paid you attention when you two were first introduced. He admitted, you were pretty, smart, and had a fun personality. That was rare, indeed rare when someone had the full package but nobody could compare to his hyper fixation on the so-called love of his life, his Lily-Pad, the girl of his dreams. But that was two years ago and over time, the constant rejection from Lily had caused James to lose confidence. The chase was no longer fun, her irritated attitude towards him had worn him down. However, James continued to engage in the push and pull with Lily. It was mostly out of habit and his hard work finally paid off. It seemed like a waste to not at least pursue a relationship with Lily.
But within those two years, James fell out of love with Lily and instead fell in love with you. Instead of being shut down for telling a joke, you laughed and encouraged him to continue. Never had you tried to change him, to be quieter or less annoying. You simply let him be who he was and enjoyed his company. It was quite a drastic change from Lily to you and he couldn't pinpoint when he decided to choose you. Maybe when he started to look for you in the great hall rather than Lily or decided to ask you for help. But he did know he fully realized he had fallen for you when he didn't smell lilies, old books and Lily's perfume in the Amortentia Slughorn brewed but instead smelled coffee grounds, the rain and your perfume. You always smelled of coffee, rain and the sweet sugary smell of your perfume he had bought you for Christmas.
Days, weeks, months and then years went by and James Potter still couldn't bring himself to tell her how he felt. If anything, it felt as if his heart was pressed against a microphone, booming with every rapid beat.
But if he was honest, the familiar pain of unrequited love settled in his heart. The once unrequited love he received from Lily was nowhere close to the pain he felt for her.
What made it harder was that he would never be able to express it to her as James snapped out of his daze to feel Sirius leaving his side and made a beeline to her. He saw how his best friend's eyes light up when she smiled back at him. How the light twinkled back in her eyes when she smiled back.
"I never thought in a million years it would be her," a raspy voice says beside him. Remus had replaced Sirius' spot and he grabbed a red solo cup on the table beside them, leaning against the same wall as James.
With a forced chuckle, James let out a breathy laugh. "Yeah, we always thought it would be you pal."
A loud groan comes from Remus' mouth, "Would you stop with that, Prongs! She's practically my sister you prat!"
Never once did his eyes leave her until Sirius leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. Gazing downwards, James took a sip of the burning whisky and closed his eyes. He felt his heart crack all over again and felt the painful sensation to cry build up. A beat passes again, Remus was starting to become worried about the change in his friend's behaviour. Deciding to break the silence, he turned back to the couple and spoke again."You know, I think she's the one."
James swore he felt his heart crack as he opened his eyes and stared back at his friend, frowning. Even if he wanted, and he very much wanted to, he could never choose his happiness over Sirius.
Never over Sirius' happiness. Not after what he's been through, not after when his family abused him, broke him down and disowned him. Not after all the times Sirius had been there for James. Not when he considered him family.
But it was also undeniable their spark, even James couldn't deny it. Dropping his head, he rotated his red cup to stare at the amber liquid. Instead of the bright contrast of the red reminding him of Lily, the deep comforting golden brown reminded him of you. Another nudge from Remus had James quickly looking up.
"James! Remus!" you greeted, quickly pulling Remus then James into a hug. He took a moment before handing his drink to Remus to fully wrap his arms around her waist, basking in her warmth and the smell of her hair.
Having been friends and having feelings for James for so long never served you any good. You would always be second to Lily and everyone knew that except you and James."Look at you! At a party? Whew, finally came out of a cave, eh?" he said when you pulled away, eyes glazed over and jaw clenched.
"Hardy har, Prongs. I had too and I wouldn't have missed it," you smiled, slightly turning back to look at Remus now talking to Sirius across the room. "You think I would miss yours and Sirius's last quidditch game... ever! If so, my, my, my Fleamont! You really are that daft then, aren't you?"A smile appeared on both of their faces before a gut-wrenching had both of them laughing before James glanced down at her hands. It was a small wooden box painting in both red and gold with a bow on top. Pointing to it he asked, "Who's that for? Sirius?"
"No actually, I gave him a gift earlier. This - this is for you," she said in a shaky, quiet voice. Reaching for his hand, you pulled it towards your body, turning it over to see the palm of his hand. As you placed the box into his hand, James' body felt electric, going into overdrive from your touches. "This better not be some prank you and Sirius are pulling on me," he said, starting to get a little nervous.
"No, seriously. Open it."
As he unlatched the small hinge on the box, the inside was furnished with soft red velvet. In the middle sat a golden ring with the word 'Saudade' engraved inside the band.
"Saudade?" he asked, still looking down at the ring.
It was your time to glance down. Avoiding the question, she asked, "So do you like it?" Panic started to arise when he didn't respond. Perhaps he didn't like it?
Repeating, "James, do you like-." As she continued to stare at James, she saw teardrops falling onto the soft velvet. "James, oh my god I'm sorry I didn't think-"
"I love it." Finally looking to see her face, he gives a weak smile, snuffling. He takes his hand to wipe his face and pulls her back into a hug. "Thank you, I l-love y-." He pauses before starting again, " I love it so much."
"I got it made about a week ago. It was the last game you were going to play so I thought I should get you something special. To remember it."
Pulling back to look him in the face, she smiles again and reaches up to ruffle his hair. "I'm glad you like it, James." His heart soared at the mention of his name before finally breaking apart. Sirius strides over, arms wrapping around her waist before tucking her head under his chin.
"Wow, Prongs, buddy, you alright?" Weakly nodding, he smiles back at him.
"Damn, you broke him didn't you, love? Trying to steal my spot as best friend huh?"
The three giggle before Sirius once again whispers in her ear and James returns to his spot leaning against the wall watching heat rush to both of his best friends' faces. Unable to continue to look, he looks in the opposite direction where he spots Lily and Remus. Lily was chatting away excitedly to him, presumably about life after Hogwarts, but Remus was already staring back. A look of recognition finally rushed through him. He was too observant for his own good. As Remus stepped forward, James' attention turned back to the couple in front.
"Hey Prongs, we have to go. We'll see you tomorrow."
Bidding their goodbyes quickly, you and Sirius both leave, hands wrapped together as you both head up the towers leading to the dorm rooms.
In his daze, Lily touches his arm, peering at him through her eyelashes. She begins to talk, choosing to hold his arm and lean her head against his shoulder. James tries his hardest to focus on her words but the cracking of his heart is louder.
Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. It won't slow down.
Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. It's becoming dangerously loud.
He looks back at Remus, a smile of pity gracing his lips.
Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump
                                                                                That very night, after James and Lily had made love for the very first time. As Lily was fast asleep on his chest, James slowly detached himself from the red-head and crept out of her bed, snuck out into the shrieking shack and cried. He cried for hours until the sun raised. He yelled, he broke items in the worn-down house, until he was too tired to move. He felt disgusting and guilt riddled every bone in his body. He had never felt emotional pain similar to this. The pain was inexplicable, pretending to have never loved you and Lily instead. The anguish of having to see his best friend love you instead. The grief he felt when he found out Sirius was planning to propose, and the unbearable discomfort he felt when he was asked to be his best man. The agony he felt as he put on his most expensive suit with Lily by his side. The hurt he felt when he saw your beautiful face walk down the aisle, eyes never once leaving Sirius. The despondency he felt when he had to give a speech about how you and Sirius were made for each other.
And as James watched the love of his life and best friend have their first dance as husband and wife, he never felt as hopeless as he did in that very moment. With the wrong woman by his side, a golden ring strung onto a chain underneath his suit shined bright, close to his heart.
The nostalgic yearning to be near something or someone again that is distant or has been loved and then lost. It also means that an object or person of longing that might never be had again. Some refer to the word as "the love that remains."
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witchbinchstories · 3 years
“We’re Going to be Okay” - Chapter 2: Arrival
Chapter 1
Pairing: Josh Washington x Reader (Until Dawn)
Summary: You arrive at the Washington mansion and are greeted by a few familiar faces.
Words: ~5k
Contains: Fluff, pranks
A/N: None of these chapters are beta read, so again, please forgive me for any errors! Also, as I mentioned on the last chapter, this was written in August and the whole fic is already fully uploaded to my AO3. I’ll probably upload one more chapter here but the rest will stay on AO3.
You get onto the bus after waiting for what feels like forever and see Sam sitting towards the middle of the rows of seats, so you quickly make your way towards her.
“Sam!” you yell, getting her attention and causing her to take out her earbuds and stand. “Oh my god it’s been so long since I’ve seen you!”
“I missed you so much, (Y/n)!” Sam draws your name out at the end and envelopes you in a hug, the both of you rocking back and forth. You pull away and Sam looks at you in the eyes. “Wow, I feel like you look older. I feel like I look exactly the same as I did in high school.”
“Sam, you know it’s only been a year since we’ve seen each other, right? And you do know that looking the same is probably a good thing, means you’re aging well,” you give her a sideways smile as you both drop into the seat Sam had been sitting in before, “also I think you look older actually. Maybe it’s the hair.” She laughs at that.
“Well, thanks, I appreciate that. So, how do you feel about being back? I certainly didn’t miss this bus ride and the way the city does not clear the roads when it snows.”
“I don’t know, it kind of feels weird coming back when we haven’t seen each other and every year before this we’ve been with each other practically 24/7, but I think that we’ll have fun this week, I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve missed everyone,” you answer.
“Yeah, same, I think this will be good for all of us. I’m super excited to see everyone, although some more than others I have to admit…”
“I’m just going to interpret that as you just want to see Hannah and not as you’re dreading the drama between Emily and Jess,” you tease, earning a laugh from her. Once you had heard Hannah and Sam had started dating, you were about ready to kill them both since you learned the information from Chris rather than either of the said girls in the relationship.
“Well, that’s definitely part of what I meant. I know Hannah and I are going to college in the same town, but I still don’t get to see her very much because we’re both super busy all the time, and we haven’t been able to have our monthly date night because she took finals early so she could help her parents with some new movie they’re working on.”
“They didn’t have Josh help?”
“Well they did but apparently they needed even more help than just him, I don’t know, Hannah hasn’t been able to tell me anything about it, apparently it’s some super big movie,” Sam explains. You hum an understanding, and with that the conversation ends and Sam lets you get settled better, so you take off your coat and move your suitcase to a more convenient place on the floor and listen to your own music through your earbuds.
When the bus stops, you’re not ready to go back out into the cold, but you reluctantly take out your earbuds and put your coat back on and move to the aisle so that Sam can more easily gather her things. You both make your way to the front of the bus and thank the driver on your way out, and you are left to stand in the midday sun.
“And here begins the terrible trek to the lodge,” Sam comments and you both laugh. She takes the lead and you follow slightly behind, taking your time to observe your surroundings and ponder on the memories that come with them once again. Although the cold is miserable, you can’t help but feel warm and fuzzy inside at the nostalgia of seeing this forest again, with the frost-covered branches of the trees, the untouched snow only disturbed by the tracks of animals, and the feeling of being home.
By the time you and Sam get to the front porch of the lodge, you have to bend over to rest your hands on your knees. You seriously don’t get how Sam never gets winded climbing up the steep paths of this mountain, but you guess she’s been doing this longer than you have. Sam rings the doorbell and you stand up straight once again. You hear a muffled someone shout something from inside and the door is opened shortly after by the one and only Josh Washington, who looks between the two of you with a grin.
“Welcome, m’ladies. Please, do come in and make yourselves at home,” he says with a grand gesture towards the inside of the house, and wow, it’s the same Josh you’ve always known and you’re feeling feelings you’ve always felt. You shake them off and return to being a normal human being.
“Why thank you,” you and Sam say in unison, with Sam giving a slight curtsey. Once inside, Sam sets down her belongings and goes back over to Josh to give him a hug. You watch as they have a reunion similar to yours and Sam’s on the bus. If Sam’s hugging Josh, does that mean you should hug Josh too? It would make sense to hug after not seeing him for so long because that’s what friends do, right? But would that be too weird? Your million questions are interrupted by Josh saying your name and pointing at you with finger guns. God, that’s dorky.
“You know, you would think that because you’re both best friends with my sisters, I would see about an equal amount of both of you, but I guess my favorite college freshman in the entire city of Chicago is too busy for us Washingtons that aren’t Beth,” he jokes, acting like he’s offended, which makes you roll your eyes and try hard not to smile.
“Well, one of us is dating your sister, so that probably accounts for a higher interaction rate with your whole family,” you say, referencing Sam.
“Wow, you sound so smart when you prove me wrong,” Josh says as you two meet in a hug, and you’re surprised to find that it’s not as awkward as you thought it would be, it’s actually really, really, nice. Josh is taller than you remember, but he’s like the perfect height, and the way his arms feel around you and the heat of his body are all the perfect combination. God, you missed this. Josh asks you how you are as he pulls away, but just as you are about to answer, the Washington twins run down the stairs yelling their respective best friend’s (or girlfriend’s) name.
Your smile grows wider as Beth runs to you, and she practically knocks you over with the force she hugs you with. Beth squeezes you tight and you hold each other there, but you begin to realize Beth’s shoulder is damp and so are your cheeks. You both pull away slightly without completely letting go and you just look at her. You feel your chest well up and you take a deep breath in, but your breath is shaky. Beth gives you a small smile, but there are tears streaming down her face too. Something bubbles up inside you as you look at each other and the next thing you know, you’re doubled over laughing with Beth beside you.
Once the laughter subsides, you quickly hug Hannah while the three Washington siblings thank you and Sam for coming early and explain what you need to get done before everyone else arrives. There’s not too much that needs to be done, but it’ll keep you busy until dinner. You and Beth get put on bed assembling duty, so after you climb the stairs and put your things in Beth’s room, you grab one already-assembled pile consisting of sheets, pillow cases, blankets, and a comforter each and head to the guest rooms to get the beds ready. However, instead of you working on separate rooms to get more done in a shorter amount of time, you both work on the same room and assemble the beds together so that you can talk.
“So how’s life, how’s Elora?” you ask, mentioning Beth’s girlfriend as you begin to put the sheets on the bed.
“You know you can just ask her yourself, right?” she says with a lopsided smile. Elora had been in your friend group since a little before you moved to Montana, so she’s actually been friends with everyone longer than you, but you two had never really been close before senior year. Elora was always a lot closer to Emily than anyone else, and you just thought the two of them could be pretty rude sometimes, but throughout high school they both matured a lot and after Beth began crushing on Elora, you started to get closer to said girl.
“I know, I know, I’ve just been busy,” you reason.
“She’s good, college cheerleading is going really well for her. She’s also got this super cool internship she’s going to do next year. But… sadly she’s not going to be here this week. She’s going back to Hawaii for winter break with her parents to visit their family.”
“That sucks she’s not going to be here...” you pause while you struggle to tuck some blankets in, “have you guys done anything fun recently?”
Beth shrugs. “She did come visit around Thanksgiving and we spent some time together, watching movies, cooking, relaxing, which was really nice.”
“Sounds nice.”
“Sooo, I guess your parents agreed to let you come, huh? Or did you sneak out to come here?” Beth jokes, obviously knowing that’s something you wouldn’t do. At least not if you were going to be gone for a week.
“Huh, barely. I swear, they are so uptight about some things. I love them to death, but they need to chill about me coming here,” you let out an exasperated sigh as you pull the covers over the pillows.
“Did they ask you if Sam was coming again?”
“Yes! They do that every year. And guess what else they asked,” you look at her with your hands on your hips and continue your sentence in a whisper, “they asked me if I still like Josh.”
“Well, do you?” Beth smirks.
“Oh my god, Beth. No! I do not.”
“Mhm sure… sure, I believe you.” You shoot her a look, she puts her hands up in defense. “I’m just saying, you know, feelings could resurface.”
You sigh and mumble something under your breath, causing her to prompt you to speak up.
“I just said… I don’t know. Maybe,” you finally say.
“So that’s a yes, got it,” Beth winks. “Come on, we have more beds to prepare.”
Finally everyone arrives at the lodge and you catch up with everyone briefly but spend a little longer catching up with Ashley and Chris, who apparently still aren’t dating. They really need to get a clue. Chris goes to talk to Josh, so you and Ashley talk about a new band that you both started listening to recently and apparently she has tickets to go see them over spring break, which is awesome. You ask how her classes are going and she tells you one of her teachers actually offered her a shadowing position during second semester classes.
After everyone gets settled, you all decide to watch a horror movie, so the lights are turned off and you naturally separate into your sort of more personal groups with blankets and popcorn. You, Beth, Hannah, and Sam claim the couch facing the TV and get comfy with two big blankets and prepare to hold tightly onto one another throughout the movie. You and Beth get scared multiple times by creepy noises in the movie despite only being around a third of the way through the movie, it’s not like you’re even at the scary parts yet.
The movie is quietly interrupted by some mentioning they’re thirsty and others, namely Mike and Jess, requesting the infamous “fruit punch” that is present every year of your winter break trip at the lodge, so Josh, ever the perfect host, goes to the kitchen to pour drinks for everyone. Everyone goes back to watching the movie, but you hear your name being whisper-shouted from behind you.
“Do you mind helping me with these?” Josh whispers, holding up a red solo cup once you turn around, so you nod and try to get up without disturbing Beth too much, but when you look back over, your three friends are staring at you smiling.
“All of you shut up,” you whisper, earning a “we weren’t saying anything” from Beth.
You walk to the kitchen and approach Josh. “What do you need me to do?” you ask.
“Can you hand out these drinks as I pour them?”
“Yeah, sure.” You take the two drinks that are already poured over to Mike and Jess and continue taking drinks to your friends until everyone has something.
“Do you want some?” Josh asks while pouring himself a cup. You nod and he hands you a drink.
“Thanks,” you smile up at him and turn to go back to your spot on the couch, but Josh gently grabs your arm to stop you.
“Wait, um…” his hand travels down to your wrist before letting go. He takes a step towards you and you feel your heart speed up, “do you want to help me prank everyone? There’s a bunch of old movie stuff downstairs that I was thinking about using.” You blink once. That was not what you were expecting. Your face heats up; of course it wasn’t what you were thinking.
“Uh sure, that sounds fun.”
“Cool, follow me,” that signature Josh smile returns to his face after hearing your reply. He quietly leads you downstairs and to what you guess is an old movie supply room.
“Wow… is this all stuff your parents used to use?” you ask, moving an outfit on a hanger to get a better look at it.
“Yeah, I think some of it’s from their rookie days and some of it’s stuff they’ve taken from movie sets over the years. Pretty cool, right?” he looks at you over his shoulder and you could swear he looks at you for a little too long, but maybe you’re imagining it. You continue looking around the room and inside different boxes until Josh interrupts, saying your name. “Look at this,” he says, gesturing with his head to the box he’s kneeling by. You oblige and kneel next to him, taking a look inside the box, which is filled with creepy masks.
“These are perfect for the job,” you laugh and rummage through the box for a good mask, Josh doing the same.
“How about this one?” he asks, making you look over at him to see a mask with a blank white face, pit black eyes with the plastic around it purposefully cracked, and exposed gums and teeth. Josh proceeds to make a creepy groaning noise and moves his face closer to yours to creep you out.
“That’s really disturbing, Josh,” you laugh even more as you grab the edge of the mask and pull it away from his face, but that results in your direct eye contact with him. You look into his pale green eyes and his expression is so soft and inviting; he looks back at you with an emotion you can’t decipher and you worry that if you keep looking, you’ll drown in him, so you take a deep breath and turn your attention back to the box, grabbing the creepiest mask you can quickly fine. “Uh this one looks— I think this one could work,” you say, still looking at the mask you picked, not noticing how Josh’s eyebrows furrow the slightest amount and how his gaze lingers on you, how he has to tear his eyes away from your face to look at the mask in your hands. There’s a switch and he’s back to himself, whatever moment that just happened passing quickly.
“Yeah, that’s perfect,” he smiles at the deformed face of the clown painted onto the mask. He stands up, his own mask in one hand, his other hand extended to help you up, which you take.
“So, what’s the plan?” you ask, returning the smile.
With your new mask and clothes donned, you make your way back up the stairs, this time alone. The plan is, Josh went outside from a window in the basement and he’s going to go to the front door and knock, scaring them from the front, and you’ll stay inside the house and scare them from behind. You stand just below the tops of the steps, waiting for the knock.
“The two of them have been gone for a long time…” you hear Hannah say, she sounds worried.
“Maybe they’re busy in Josh’s room,” Mike’s voice responds, laughing. Huh… what does he mean by that? Does Mike know about your feelings for Josh?
“Will you shut up, Mike?” Beth sounds irritated. You know she would add on ‘only me, Sam, and Hannah can say stuff like that’ if she didn’t want to stop the conversation.
“What? I’m just—” Mike is cut off by a loud knocking on the door. Everyone goes quiet, the only noise coming from the TV.
“Did you guys hear that?” Ashley whispers, and is shushed by a few others. The knocking comes again, but harsher this time.
“I’m gonna go check it out, you guys stay here,” Mike says, but clearly he is not a very commanding leader, as all of the others follow him to the door, which is your cue to approach. “Who the fuck would be knocking on the door in the middle of the night in a snowstorm?” You get closer to the group, walking as quietly as possible. Soon, you’re right behind them all.
“Maybe it’s a murderer,” Ashley says panickedly. She’s at the very back of the group, so you put your hand tight over her mouth and grab her to bring her around the corner. She tries hard to fight you, but when you take off your mask and face her, motioning for her to be quiet, she calms down but not without putting her hand over her heart. “You scared me!” she mouths at you and you just wink at her, putting your mask back on.
“Ashley, why would a murderer knock on our door?” Emily says, then: “Ashley? Where did she go?”
Before everyone can attempt to turn back to look for her, there’s once again knocking on the door, this time sounding more violent. You peek around the corner and luckily, everyone is still facing the door. You watch as Mike goes to look through the peephole in the door, but then the door flings open, and there’s Josh in the creepy disguise, along with a fake knife you guys found. Everyone screams and turns around to run, but you step in front of them, your own disguise scaring them more. Josh takes a few steps up to Mike, grabs his shoulders, leans in, and quietly says “Boo.” Everyone screams again and you start laughing. Then, everyone’s faces turn from frightened to confused, as they look between you and Josh, who is now also laughing. You look at their faces and laugh even harder, having to clutch your stomach. You reach up and take your mask off.
“Oh my god, you guys should see your faces!” Josh says, taking off his own mask to wipe tears of laughter from his eyes.
“Fuck! It was you both that whole time?” Emily is practically fuming, and so is Mike at this point. He’s probably embarrassed he got scared in front of the ladies. However, the laughter grows as Chris processes what happened and joins in.
“Man, I have to admit, that was good,” Chris high fives Josh and goes to fistbump you, and you gladly return the gesture.
“Ah thank you, thank you,” Josh says with a bow, “I couldn’t have done it without my wonderful co-star.” He walks over to you, draping an arm around your shoulders and you look up to grin at each other and your face grows hot at the physical contact. But then, your heads snap to look behind you, towards the still-open door, when a distant screeching sounds off through the forest. You look at Josh with concern, then back outside.
“Oh come on guys, what was that?” Matt asks, “You just scared us, you’re going to have to try harder right after that.”
“No, that… that wasn’t us,” Josh comments sternly, clenching his jaw. If you weren’t so concerned about the noise you all just heard, you would take a moment to fawn over his jawline. “Let’s just… go back to the movie.” The others follow Josh’s suggestion while he closes and locks the door and you take off the large jumpsuit that was covering your normal clothing and put it in a pile along with the mask you had used. You go back to the kitchen and notice that Josh already sat down without his drink, so you grab both of your drinks and head back to the living room.
“Josh, you left your drink in the kitchen,” you whisper and hand him his drink, he gives you an appreciative smile. When you turn to sit back in your spot on the couch, you see that Beth’s legs are preventing you from doing so. “Beth, your legs have stolen my spot,” you joke.
“I don’t know, I’m pretty comfortable like this… and seeing as you scared us all half to death, I think I deserve to stretch out like this,” she gives you the most shit-eating grin, and you know exactly what she’s doing, so you narrow your eyes at her. You let out a huff and turn back around and sit on the ground just in front of the couch, next to Josh, who gives you a sympathetic smile. You turn your head back around to face the girls on the couch. “You know, it’s pretty chilly down here.” You are met with a blanket in the face as a response.
“Are you cold?” you ask Josh, willing to share the blanket.
“Yeah, a bit, thanks.”
You unfold the blanket and… they gave you the smallest blanket they had. You’re going to kill them the next chance you get. You spread the blanket out across both you and Josh as best as you can, which forces you to scooch closer to him. You’re not exactly complaining, but it’s awkward enough for you to take a few big gulps of the alcoholic concoction in your cup. When you set it back down, you notice Josh looking at you.
“It’s uh, good punch,” you saw awkwardly. He nods and turns back to the movie. Why did you say that? That was dumb. And embarrassing. Your face heats up thinking about what you just said, but you soon get over it and take the chance to covertly admire Josh while his full attention is on the movie. This lighting of the moonlight being the only thing illuminating his face does a lot of favors for him, not that he even needs it in the first place. Sure you had a crush on Josh in high school because you thought he was cute, but he’s really grown up over the past two years and grown into his features more. You look over his face and admire his jawline since you didn’t get to earlier; it was sharp and soft at the same time, and the small bit of stubble complimented him well. Your eyes move up from there and you look at his eyes, which look almost gray reflecting the moonlight. You had always loved Josh’s eyes and you’re glad that you got past being as shy as you were in high school, because then you couldn’t even make direct eye contact with him, so you didn’t really get to admire his eyes all that often. You move on to looking at his hair, his perfect dark brown curls that you long to rake your fingers through.
Your eyelids begin to feel heavy and you can no longer look at him, so you reluctantly turn back to the movie, but everything feels heavy and your mind feels foggy. You yawn and let your eyes rest for a moment and appreciate the warmth radiating off of Josh, although it is lulling you to sleep even faster. Before you even have the chance to overthink it, you rest your head on Josh’s shoulder and feel him stiffen for a brief moment before he relaxes once again. You feel his head turn, probably to look at you, but you give in to your body telling you to go to sleep, rather than your mind screaming at you that you need to get as far away from Josh as possible so you don’t embarrass yourself.
A soft shaking of your shoulder rouses you from your sleep and somehow you feel heavier and wearier than before. You must not have slept for very long. The shaking gets slightly more intense as whoever is waking you probably can tell you’re just starting to wake. You hear Hannah say your name, or maybe it’s Beth? You should open your eyes to figure that out, but they’re too heavy to open.
“Come on, we gotta go to an actual bed. Don’t you like the sound of that? A bed and not a human being to rest on?” she begins talking to you like you’re a little kid, knowing it’ll make you annoyed. You slowly open your eyes and yes, it’s Beth, otherwise the method of being woken up would have been a lot more gentle and pleasant.
“Bite me,” you say sleepily. Wait, what was she talking about resting on a human? You take her hand and let her pull you to your feet, and that’s when you realize your phone’s not on you. “Wait, where’s my phone?” You feel around each of your pockets and, no, your phone isn’t there. You probably left it on the floor. You turn back around to look for it and your eyes land on Josh, who is holding out your phone to you. Oh. That’s what she meant by resting on another person. Your face burns and you lean down to accept your phone from Josh, who is still sitting in the exact same position from when you fell asleep, but is looking awkwardly at you and Beth.
“Oh, I am so sorry, Josh, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you, it was probably really uncomfortable and—” you can’t finish your sentence because Josh cuts you off.
“It’s okay, don’t sweat it,” he smiles and you’re not completely convinced, but you drop it and turn back around to Beth, who has her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes at you, not in an angry way, but in a ‘get your shit together and just tell him you like him’ kind of way.
“Wow, that was the most painful interaction I have ever watched,” Beth whispers to you as you reach the base of the stairs.
“Shhh! What if he can hear you?” you pause. “Also, it’s not my fault that I’m a mess.” You glance back to check if Josh heard anything and make eye contact with him. Your heart flutters a bit. He quickly turns his head to look forward instead of looking at you from across the room. That was weird. You follow Beth the rest of the way to her room and try to calm yourself back down. Of course you had to be awake now after that awkward mess and not while you were actually watching the movie. As soon as you enter Beth’s room, you flop down face-first on her bed.
“UGHHHHH,” the pillow muffles your groan so luckily you won’t be disturbing whoever is in the next room over. You feel a weight drop down on your back that crushes you. “Beth, can you get off of me?” you ask in a weak voice.
“Hey, look at how cute you two were down there,” she completely ignores you and puts her phone in front of your face, showing you a picture she must’ve taken from behind while you were asleep. The picture was pretty dark without any lights on in the house, so it was more of a silhouette than anything, but you could still make out the details of Josh’s curls, the details of your top, and the color of your own hair, making it undeniable that it was the two of you in the photo. You felt a tension in your chest. You didn’t quite know how to feel about the photo. On one hand, it created more of that light, bubbly feeling in your chest; this photo meant that you hadn’t dreamt it and that there is proof of your moment with Josh. On the other hand, it caused you to scream at yourself in your head and want to crawl into a dark hole and never come out because you fell asleep on the boy that you like and what if that made him uncomfortable or what if, oh this would be terrible, you snored in his ear? Now you have a new thing to worry about, and you definitely aren’t going to ask him if you did because that would be even worse.
“You know Beth, I think we need to go to sleep, I’m pretty tired,” you tell her.
“You’re just trying to avoid a conversation about you sleeping on my brother,” she can see right through you, it’s annoying sometimes.
“Well yes, but we also need to sleep so we can actually do stuff tomorrow.”
Beth sighs and gets off of you to sit beside you. You gasp for air once she gets off and then prop yourself up on your elbows. She gives you a look.
“Can we please talk about it?”
“It’s obvious that you still like him… or at least it’s obvious to me, Hannah, and Sam. We all see how you look at him and the way you get nervous around him, although you’ve gotten a lot better at hiding it. You should make a move, I mean it’s not like you can lose much from it, other than making it awkward if he were to reject you, but that would pass on its own. You haven’t found anyone in Chicago that you like yet, you’re both still single, and I’m like ninety percent sure Josh wouldn’t reject you.”
“Oh wow, he wouldn’t reject me, that’s so comforting,” you say sarcastically.
“What I mean is,” Beth hesitates, “I don’t know that I should tell you.” Your eyes widen.
“Tell me what?”
“It’s just… I don’t know, I think Josh had a thing for you in high school. He never told us for sure, but… I just mean…” she sighs, “I don’t think your feelings are completely unrequited.”
You grab the nearest pillow and smack Beth in the face.
“AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?” you question.
“I wanted you to figure it out on your own! Buuut I guess you still get to do that since you don’t know that he likes you right now.”
“You are the worst, Beth Washington. But also the best, so thank you.”
“You know you love me,” she responds, and she’s right.
With that conversation over, you two finally get ready for bed so that hopefully you’re not too tired for whatever comes tomorrow.
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twilightdruig · 3 years
sleeping with the ceo
pairing: george weasley x fem!reader
summary: one night stand before the first day of his new job and oops that was his new boss he was sleeping with.
warnings: ceo!reader , assistant!george , muggle!au , mentions of sex , one night stand , awkwardness , fwb
words: 1.8k
a/n: unedited!! i have a love hate relationship with this and i just wanted to say @wandsandwheezes , @chokemepansy , @rcwenaclaw , and @nancybycrs are such huge inspirations to me like their writing is amazing <33
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y/n didn’t know how she got here. she remembers going out with her friends, having a few drinks and partying a bit.
now, she was tangled in unfamiliar sheets with an attractive man next to her. she examined him, he was lanky, had ginger hair and freckles littered his body.
she vaguely remembers him buying her a drink. she had this fuzzy memory of his hands roaming her body. she slightly remembered his name starting with a ‘g’.
he started fussing and moving around in his sleep. he slipped his hand back to her waist so she couldn’t try to escape. he let out a groan in her ear and tightened his arms around her.
she didn’t want to wake him up so she subtly tried to nudge his chest. they were both still very naked. none of them bothered to put anything on after last night.
she raked her brain to remember what his name was. was it glen? gabriel? george? george. it sounded familiar. george. george! that was his name. he looked like a george too.
“george” she whispered slowly “george!” she whispered again a little louder. “george” she said one last time with a nudge.
he jumped a little. his eyes were now open but still droopy. he attempted to go back to sleep but awoke once again when he realized there was a beautiful girl in his arms. a beautiful naked girl. that was also when he remembered he had a job interview today.
he shot up and quickly covered himself when he realized he was undressed. she quickly turned the other way as well.
“hey there! uh… y/n right?” he exclaimed frantically, panic evident in his eyes. fred and lee somehow convinced him to come with them and celebrate fred’s job offer. the three always celebrated together. when lee finished his internship, when they graduated, when they bought their first cars, etc.
“yeah, hi!” she greeted. this was the most awkward thing she’s ever experienced. she’s a ceo! she’s fired people, yelled at people and have been in way more embarrassing moments. this is gonna be fine.
“well — uhm, it’s the first day of my job and it’s kind of really important. you can stay if you want to, my brother can take care of it” he offered.
“oh! i also have work to attend to, actually” she declined.
“oh… well then. this,” he gestured in between them, “was great. really! i wish i could spend more time but this is huge”
“no, i totally understand” she smiled.
when he left to the bathroom, she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. she walked around the spacious bedroom and picked up her scattered clothes. she just had to get picked up and change in the office. she held her shoes by the heals, got dressed up in wrinkly, used clothes and exited the room to leave for work.
she squeaked when she found george (or who she thought it was) standing shirtless, and hair dripping in the kitchen. “hi darling, i’m fred” he winked.
“yes… hi, fred. george didn’t mention a twin, only a brother” she pursed her lips feeling slightly embarrassed.
“explains the frightened and confused look”
“yeah… is it alright if i leave? tell george i had a great time last night,” she said “even if i didn’t remember most of it” she whispered to herself.
“yeah, sure!” he took a sip of his beverage “should i tell the doorman to call a taxi for you?”
“that would be really great. thank you so much”
“it’s certainly no problem” he dialed the doorman and requested a taxi.
she ran out the door, catching a glimpse of fred smirking to himself.
george walked out his room all dressed up for work and very nervous.
“missed her mate”
“oh… well i might see her again who knows” ‘oh you certainly will’ fred thought
“tell me, was she a good shag?” fred teased
“yes, actually” george laughed
“reckon she looked quite familiar?” fred asked. he knew who she was and what george was getting himself into but decided to just leave it until george figured it out by himself.
“no. you know her?”
“not really, no. familiar though”
she waited outside for a taxi which brought her straight to her office building.
“y/n! where the hell have you been?!” liv, your stand in assistant whisper-yelled to y/n.
“i was out with friends late last night, okay? no big deal”
“it is a big deal! there are a few workers starting her today! including your assistant because i have another job and kids to also attend to.” she handed her a white folder with the logo on the front “this is the list of all the new employees who will visit your office for first day evaluation”
“… except your assistant who will be here shortly”
“i’m gonna need to get changed.” she muttered. boy was today gonna be busy.
she boarded the elevator which took her to the highest floor; her office.
when she arrived, she ran to her personal space, past her assistant desk and into the small walk-in closet. she looked like a downright mess and it wasn’t appropriate to see new employees looking like a slob.
she tried her best looking professional and clean. she didn’t want her employees to know she was out sleeping with a stranger the night before. she did not know what she was getting herself into.
a few minutes passed, she was seated in her desk going through emails and actual mail, checking her calendar and whatnot when she heard the elevator door open.
she looked up and was met with familiar ginger hair, brown eyes and freckles. “george?” “y/n!?” they yelled at the same time.
they saw each other this morning, naked, and tangled in each other’s arms. george didn’t know why he didn’t recognize her, and y/n didn’t know how this was possible ‘who goes out the night before their first day at their job?’.
“heyy,” y/n greeted awkwardly slow “george.”
she could hear a faint and unclear “i slept with my new boss last night” from george.
“and i slept with my new assistant last night as well” she continued, testing the waters. in the amount of times y/n has hired people, this has never happened.
george gave her a tight-lipped smile. now it made sense what fred said this morning. she was of course familiar. the oh so rich ceo of the company he now works at. y/n l/n, multi-millionaire.
“listen, george. if you don’t want to work as my assistant, i can transfer you to one of my managers” she offered. she took his feelings into account, maybe he regret last night, he might be the office slut or whatever was going through his head.
“no! no, y/n. that’s ridiculous. i would love to work for you”
weeks turned into months and the two working together went smoothly. he answered her calls, made reservations and bought coffee. they worked like friends, equals. not like one was working for the other.
george especially appreciated the scented candle y/n got him the very next day after the awkward exchange.
y/n would even call him into her office for a quickie almost a year into him working there. it became a regular thing. either her hands down his trousers or her bent over her own desk.
today was different though. george was jittery and nervous. y/n was the least busy she’s ever been. she’d ask what her schedule was every half hour.
he slipped a little something in her calendar tonight, though. 8pm dinner at italiano’s with george. it was kind of a way of asking her out? he thought it was smart.
“georgie, what else is on my schedule today?” she called from her desk while playing with her pen.
“well, sweetheart,” they called each other nicknames and petnames when no one was around “you have a meeting with alicia by 4:30, selene is stopping by for drinks by 5:15 and you have dinner with me at 8”
she registered the meetings into her mind then along came dinner with her assistant with benefits.
“is this your way of asking me out, georgie?” she teased.
“oh, you see right through me huh”
“of course i do,” she poked his sides “literally an hour before your first day i was tangled in your sheets. i think we’ve got quite the bond”
after all her meetings and meet ups, it was finally the time for her to go home, or in today’s case, have dinner with george.
they went to a dainty little italian restaurant who served the best pasta she’s ever had (well that’s what she told george). it was quiet especially for a sunday night.
george was sitting across from her as they waited for the food. he started with a little small talk like the weather and the environment. he then talked about the situations at work and other people who worked with them. this felt natural to them. just two friends (or more) talking comfortably in a romantic italian restaurant.
“we had sex the first time today, a year ago” george interjected.
“you really have a way with words, weasley. but really?” y/n asked with wide, surprised eyes. george nodded. “wow! a year ago. that seems like so long”
“it does”
their food was served and they went back to office talk. they also reminisced on how awkward they were. my, my. how much they’ve grown.
“you know, y/n.” he reached to hold her hand “me and fred had this huge idea” he started.
“you know how i told you about those times in high school and college where me, fred and our best friend lee would prank people and joke around?”
“of course”
“we’re opening a shop! we have enough money for it now!” he exclaimed.
“george!” she arose from her seat and gave him a big hug “i am so extremely proud of you”. she knew he was passionate about that. she knew about his mom not supporting him and his brother snd wanting them to take a political or medical job.
george felt like he was gonna tear up. this woman us amazing. she supports him about everything he’s passionate about, she makes sure he’s comfortable and she makes him happy. y/n was all he could ever ask for.
“y/n.” george uttered in her ear, finally gaining the confidence to tell her “i have another thing to tell you.”
“yeah, go ahead georgie” she held his face with her hands.
“i — i am so completely utterly drop dead in love with you” he whispered with a small smile “and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, i just wan-“
she cut him off short by pressing her lips against his, forcefully. it took george a few milliseconds to register what was happening until her kissed her back.
she moved her hands to get tangled with the hair on the nape of his neck while his hands were on her waist. they were smiling in their kiss.
when they pulled back they pushed their heads together. “so… did that mean you love me back or..?”
she kissed him again and again on his cheeks and nose. “yes. it means i love you back. and i don’t care what anyone says.”
george paid for tonight’s dinner for a change and they went back to y/n’s enormous flat and one thing lead to another…
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odetolocksmiths · 3 years
“Make that Three”
A/N: I’m back! It got soooo busy with school and everything and it was causing so much stress so I set this blog aside for a little while. While going through my drafts yesterday, I saw this story and I really liked it. My original author’s note said I was so, so sorry because I thought it was bad? But coming back, I’ve come to the realization that I actually like this story ha! Anyway, if you’re still reading this author’s note, I hope things are going well in your life, and if they are currently not; I am sending out my thoughts and positive energy for you. My dm’s are always open <3 Enjoy reading :) xo Xuck
Summary: A few weeks before Molly decided it was time to bring the family back together, you run into George. After a special afternoon while spending some time with him, you show up at the ‘family sleepover’ holding a big secret.
 Warnings: Fluff, mentions of pregnancy and a piece of art written with some grammar mistakes 
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"Y/N, my dear! How are you doing?” Molly asks while coming at you with her arms open wide, inviting you into a cuddle. You laugh and hug her back. 
“Hi, I’m doing good. How about you?” You answer while unwrapping your arms. Molly lifts her hand, places a hand on your cheek, and smiles. “Now that you are here, I’m doing great!”
“I’ve missed you all so much! Come, come. Let’s get you something to drink.” Molly’s hand grabs your wrist and before you know it, you sit at the kitchen table with a cup of hot cocoa in your hand. You look around the kitchen and you see that practically nothing has changed, everything was in the place where it belonged. You let your eyes roam over the wall of photographs, every member of the family was on the wall multiple times. There were photo’s of all the Weasley children while they were still young, photo’s of everyone celebrating Christmas, and photographs of the children with their significant others. 
You giggle at the photograph of Ron and Hermione on their wedding day, remembering the prank the twins had pulled on Ron. Fred and George had stolen his wedding suit and had it hidden somewhere very obvious. You have never seen Ron so stressed. Yeah okay, normally he is pretty stressed already, but this day topped it. Eventually, everything turned out to be fine.
You let your eyes roam the pictures again, now searching for the photographs with you in it. There were a lot because ever since you came home with Fred and George that one holiday, you were a part of the family and Molly saw you as one of her own. You let your eyes linger on the photograph of you and George longer than the others, your heart fasting up its pace and forming a small smile. It has been a couple of weeks since you last ran into him and things took an unexpected turn. It was a night of secret confessions, stolen glances, and lingering touches. The things that happened that one night, turned into a big, little secret no one knew of.
Molly intruded your thoughts as she began saying that it shouldn’t be long before the others are here. “It’s been a long time since everyone was home at the same time!” 
You laugh at her and before you get the chance to answer, the front door opens and reveals the sounds of the voices from the rest. Everyone planned to show up at the same time, bombing the silence in the burrow.
“Y/N/N!” Hermione screamed, flinging herself into your arms. “Dear Godric, I missed you soooooo much.” She says and you giggle. “Hi ‘Mione, how are you doing?” 
It took a good ten minutes taking the time to greet every member of the family minus three. Fred and George still had to work in the shop that day, so when the shop is closed they could come over with Fred’s significant other, Angelina. 
Everyone is taking their places at the dinner table, as it is the best place for everyone to be catching up at the same time. There are so many stories to be told, some needing to be told multiple times because the others got into a conversation of their own. No one got a hold of the time and before you know it, a couple of hours have passed. 
The front door slams open once again, revealing the last three persons missing at the table. Fred and Angelina took the first steps into the house. “Good evening my dearest family! How are you all doing?” Fred practically screams with a huge grin on his face. The whole family flew to the new people, hugging them and saying their greetings.
You were one of the last to greet Fred and Angelina, telling them your hi’s and how happy you are to be seeing them. Last but not least, you were the last to greet George. You e/c eyes catching his deep brown ones, showing a sparkle. He smiles softly and wraps his arms around your waist, while you throw yours around his neck. “Godric, I’ve missed you so much.” He mumbles and presses a secret kiss in the crook of your neck. With one last squeeze on your hips, he releases you and walks into the kitchen, ignoring the funny look on Fred’s face.
You and George were not official. There was in no way you could say you both were dating and it got a bit on your nerves right now. Everyone was done with eating and were now having a conversation - the millionth time today. You looked around the table and your gaze lingered around George’s. He was already looking at you. His mouth made the slightest smile which made you blush. It took everything in your strength not to fly over the table, grab George by his tie and kiss him on the mouth. You sigh and took another sip of your seventh cup of hot cocoa. Normally you wouldn’t have this much chocolate to eat, nevermind to drink, but lately you were craving it more and more. You knew why, it was a secret no one else knew so far.
Suddenly Molly gasped, flinging her hand over her mouth and looked surprised. Everyone stopped talking and stared at her. “Oh my, I’m so sorry!” She looks around, setting her eyes on Arthur. “I have made a mistake with counting the beds! We are missing one bed.” She puts her head in her hands and takes a deep sigh.
“It’s okay honey, we’ll figure it out.” Arthur says, putting his hand on Molly’s back.
“Well one of us has to sleep on the couch then.” Fred jokes and Ron laughs. 
“I’ll sleep on the couch.” You say and look Molly in her eyes. “No, no. You won’t have to sleep on the couch.” She mumbles and pulls her arm around you. 
“No Molly, it is okay. I don’t mind sleeping on the couch, I’ve grown to love it, to be honest.” You grin and take another sip of your hot cacao.
It's true, you have grown fond of the couch. You stopped numbering the moments you fell asleep on it, finding yourself waking up with a blanket wrapped around your body.
“Are you sure?” Molly asks and you nod. “Don’t worry, as long as I have my blanket and pillow, I can sleep everywhere.” You wink and she laughs.
It’s two o clock in the morning. Everyone went to their beds over two hours ago, leaving you in the living room with a blanket and a pillow. Molly has asked you a dozen times if you really didn’t mind and after practically sending Molly upstairs, she eventually accepted your answer. Right now you were sitting on the couch, the blanket wrapped around you while reading your book when you heard footsteps behind you.
“You really shouldn’t be sleeping on the couch. Take my bed, please.” The voice of George sounded. He came to sit next to you. “And sleep with Fred and Angelina in one room? No thanks.” You giggled and put your book down. 
George opened his arms, inviting you into a cuddle which you gladly accepted. You put your head against his chest while folding your arms around his waist.
“I missed you, you know.” George whispered into your hair, placing a kiss on top of your head. You felt your face heating up, happy he couldn't see you blushing. "I hate that we haven't talked since that night." 
"I know, me too." You mumble, pressing your face more into George's chest. "Do you really meant what you say back then?" You ask.
"Yes, I do." George puts his finger under your chin and lifts it so you have to look him into his eyes. "I want to continue this. What we have." He places a kiss on your mouth. Before you could answer his kiss, he has removed his lips already. 
"I want that too." You smile at him. He grins and pulls you closer. 
"Mom's going to ask us tomorrow if we all want to come along on vacation this summer. Should I say she has to reserve two places? You and me?" George asks, wrapping a string of your h/c hair around his finger. 
"Make that three." You whisper, looking into his eyes. You see his eyebrows turn into a confused state.
"What did you say?"
"Make that three. Three places." You repeat and you grab his hand and place it on your belly. "I meant to tell you tomorrow when I saw the chance of getting you alone but here we are." You throw him a soft smile. Scared of his reaction, you distance yourself from him and look into the fireplace.
"Are you serious?" His voice sounds hoarse. All you can do is nod. "Checked it multiple times, different methods. All came back positive." You mumble, still not looking towards George.
"Look at me." Was all he said, but you didn't hear him. "Love, could you please look at me?" He asked.
When you turned your head, all you could see was George with one of the biggest smiles you have ever received from him. He grabbed your face and placed a kiss on your nose. Then one followed onto your forehead, both your cheeks and eventually he left one on your mouth.
"I love you so fucking much.”
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kerie-prince · 4 years
forgotten birthdays
Fred Weasley x Slytherin!reader
requested: (anon) Hiii, can I request something aangsty with Fred Weasley and slytherin reader? Like he got mad for something, maybe jealousy bc reader was spending much time with her house mates and he ignores her or says mean things to her but with a happy ending please 🥺
warnings: language
summary: Fred has his suspicions about your best friend and on the day of your birthday, he crosses the line which causes you to rethink your relationship
a/n: yoo this was hard to write for a quick second lol i hope you enjoy ~ plus, i got a new job so i'm in training and i'm so excited bc i've been wanting this job for so long (y/n/n = your nickname)
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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It was getting irritating.
You love Fred with all your heart, but he needed to stop being jealous. Marcus Flint was, is, and always will just be a friend of yours. You two grew up together and are nearly attached to the hip. Never once had you two of you flirted or done anything together. It was purely platonic, but Fred insisted there was something.
And going to Marcus’ prefect dorm after every fight probably didn't help your cause all that well, but he's your best friend. Who else would you talk to? You didn't have many girlfriends and when Fred introduced you to Angelina, you had gotten into a big fight for no reason. But you never asked him to stop hanging out with her even though you wanted to.
You could tell she liked Fred, but you were confident enough to know that Fred would never do you wrong like that. So why does he think that of you? Why does he get to hang out with Angelina, but he gets angry when you barely say two words to Marcus?
It was hard, but you’d work it out and still love each other at the end of the day. But then your birthday came around, and you’d just about had it.
You woke up in a good mood; the river sent in flowing rays of sunlight. Not too blinding, but not too dim either. This would be the second time celebrating your birthday with your boyfriend and if last year was amazing, you couldn't wait to see what Fred had planned for you today.
You took your time getting ready; you put on more make-up than usual and rather than tying your hair up with a clip as you always did, you let it down and fixed some strays to better frame your face. When you walked into the common room, your best friend snuck up behind you and yelled in your ear, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!”
Your natural response was to duck down and cover your ears. You hated when he did that, but you still appreciate the sentiment. You punched his arm as you laughed. “That’s not funny.”
“Oh yeah, then why did I laugh?” Marcus joked. Malfoy and his friends were behind him chuckling, all boys greeting you and wishing you a happy birthday. Marcus flung his arm around your shoulder and walked with you to get breakfast.
Once in the Great Hall, you saw Fred and his friends all laughing at the Gryffindor table and just when you were about to break free from Marcus’ hold, he pulled you back, “Oh no you don’t. You have all day to hang out with Weasley and company, but right now, you are gonna have at least one meal with your best friend.” You weren't going to argue; you didn't want to. If you wanted to sit with Fred, you wouldn't have to put up a fight, you would just do it. At your Slytherin table were Marcus’ other friends, Adrian Pucey and Terence Higgs. You sat in between them and pulled your hood up when they started embarrassing you by singing a birthday song. It was starting to be a great day.
However, across the Hall was Fred glaring daggers at your best friends’ arm around you. He couldn't hear what was going on, either due to the fact that you were pretty far from where he sat, or from jealous rage. “Freddie, you alright?” George asked his brother. “Yeah, just fine, Georgie.” He couldn't stand Flint. He would be enraged with every glance towards you, every whisper in your ear during class, and every time he made you laugh. Fred was sure that Flint was in love with you, but because you grew up with him you were too blind to see it. He was convinced that at any given moment, your ‘best friend’ would take advantage of you.
What also made him upset is that not only did you let Flint wrap his arm around you, you didn't even come say hi to your boyfriend. You always came every morning to his table to give him a morning kiss and sometimes even sat at the Gryffindor table.
In potions class, you sat and waited for your boyfriend to come through the doors. You weren't sure what to expect from him. Fred is an absolute wild card and could come through those doors with anything. And no matter what he brought, he’d for sure get in trouble with Snape.
When he walked through the doors with his brother and Lee, you sat up straight in your seat and waved at him. He saw you, but instead of smiling at you and taking the seat next to yours, he just looked away and sat on the other side of the room. Did something happen? You chose to ignore it until lunch rolled around and he still hadn't come up to you to even say ‘hi’ to you. Had he forgotten your birthday? It could happen, but that doesn't explain why he looked to be in a bad mood.
Once your classes were finished, you walked up the changing stairs and said the password to the Gryffindor dorms. You remembered the updated password your boyfriend gave you the week before and it was your first time using it today.
You didn't know what to expect to see; you secretly wished that today was just a big prank and Fred had actually planned a surprise party of some sort. But when you stepped foot into the room filled with tones of red and gold, there was no party. Just Fred laughing with his friends like normal. Normal without you.
Lee’s laugh died down when he noticed you walking up to Fred. He noticed Lee getting quiet all of a sudden and asked him, “Why are you quiet all of a sudden?” He felt a tap on his shoulder and spun around. “What are you doing in here?”
“Why, are Slytherins not allowed inside?” you joked. Your voice was slightly quiet and had a slight sad tone to it. “I missed you today, is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Fine. I've just been busy. Like you have,” Fred didn't mean to sound so bitter, but he was getting tired of it. He was tired of being second best to Flint.
“What are you talking about?” you asked.
“You've been with Flint all day,” Fred explained himself. You rolled your eyes, two fingers grabbing the temple of your nose from it suddenly starting to become irritated like you were. “Merlin, this again? Freddie, we talked about this. Marcus is just a friend. He's my best friend.”
Fred scoffed, “Y/N/N, you may think that but he doesn't. You trust him too much to see it, but I do. He's not just a friend.”
“You’re friends with Angelina when you know she likes you. And I know it too, but I don't say anything because I don't want to be that girlfriend who controls her boyfriends,” you were tired of playing this game with him. Your voice was heard by everyone in the room and soon enough, tons of peers had all eyes on you. Some either decided to stay, and some like Neville decided to head straight into their dorm rooms and lock the door for safety.
“Me being friends with Angelina is nothing like you being friends with Flint and you know that,” Fred raised his voice louder than anyone’s probably heard him. George and Lee silently guided people out of the common room and up to the dorms. Some people looked over the stairs to get a view of the commotion downstairs. One of them being Angelina herself when she heard her name being called out.
“No you’re right, it's different because he’s not pining over me and waiting for me to become available,” your arms were flailing about in anger, pointing at nothing to put emphasis in your words.
“How many times do I have to say I don’t like Ang? It’s never going to happen!” Angelina heard from up the staircase. Everyone heard him, loud and clear. She ran into her dorm and slammed the door so hard that you could feel the walls shake. “Great,” Fred sighed in frustration. It wasn't the ideal way to let someone down. He intended on talking to her in private without listening ears so she wouldn't be embarrassed.
“I'm not saying you like Angelina. I know you don’t like Angelina. What I’m saying is that you’re wrong about Marcus. I know he doesn't like me, you're just acting insecure,” you yelled back at him..
“I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to see he has feelings for you, Y/N/N,” Fred yelled, “I see the way he looks at you in every class and in the Hall. But you’re too fucking stupid to see–,” he immediately stopped what he was saying.
You couldn't believe what he was telling you right now. You could handle him calling you naive, but stupid? This was low, even for him.
You were getting stares from everyone in the common room. Your pride was more than hurt in this moment; it was destroyed. No words came from your mouth as you were completely still in your seat on the couch. Your nails dug into your skin as it was formed into a tight fist. But the worst of all was that your lips were quivering and you had to fight the tears on your birthday.
Your fucking birthday.
“Well if it bothers you so much, then fine. I'll fix the problem,” you started to speak low for only him to hear you.
“I’ll end the problem,” a single tear escaped and trailed down your cheeks. This was the last thing you wanted to do today, but you couldn't take it anymore. He was scared to ask, but his ego got in the way, “And what's the problem?”
“Us,” you stated. He started saying something, but you couldn't hear it as you left. No, you actively ignored everything he was saying at that point. The second you were outside, you started bawling. And you kept at it all the way to the Slytherin common room and into your room.
You paced around your room rubbing your hands on your arms to try and calm yourself down, but nothing was working. Before you even processed it, your legs took you to Marcus’ room without second thought. You continuously knocked on his door until he answered, shirtless and with sweatpants that looked like they were just thrown on.
“Listen, I know it’s your birthday but that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want–,” he focused in on your face and saw your red cheeks and puffy eyes. You looked behind him and there was a girl with him who sat in his bed looking curious. He looked back to her and just simply ordered, “Out,” which got her moving in seconds.
Once she was gone, he pulled you in and shut his door. Marcus guided you to a black leather chair in his room. “Sit,” his voice was stern, but never harsh with you. “What happened?”
As if by cue, you broke down completely. “It's o-o-over.”
“What is?” he questioned. But piecing it together, there's only one reason you'd be this upset in his room.
He never really knew what to do in situations like when you'd have your usual arguments, always just telling you that everything will be fine and you and Fred would be fine in the morning.
But now, he was feeling two things. One, slight heartache that his best friend is upset in front of him and two, nearly absolute rage that Fred is such an idiot.
Marcus started rubbing your back, “Hey, look at me.” When you shook your head no, he gently tapped on your shoulders until you did. “You are gonna be fine. Okay? You will be fine. There's plenty of other guys here–”
“I don't want to be with other guys, Marcus. I want Fred. I love Fred. But,” you shrugged up both hands, “I don't know. I don't know.” Your best friend pulled you in for a hug.
“Hey, sleep here tonight. You shouldn't be alone right now, especially today.” You nodded your head and kept crying until you couldn't anymore.
“HEY!” Marcus’ voice traveled beyond the corridors. Students were fleeing left and right to move out of his way as he made a straight line towards the group of Gryffindors who sat around a tree outside.
Before they could react to what was going on, Marcus punched one of the tall gingers in his abdomen. “OW, what was that for?!”
“You're going to apologize to Y/N right now,” Marcus demanded.
“You idiot, I'm George,” he corrected, still bent over and leaning on Lee for balance. “Shit, sorry.” Marcus looked at Fred and punched him in the same area quicker before Fred could block it. “You're going to apologize to Y/N.”
With a strain in his voice, Fred looked at the Slytherin in front of him, “What for, she broke up with me.”
“Okay, why? Because you're pathetic and insecure.”
“Is that what she told you?” Fred straightened himself up rubbing on the pain. “Of course she told you, she tells you everything.”
“Yeah, why wouldn't she? I'm her cousin,” Marcus pointed out. If he wasn't so mad, he would laugh at Fred's look of astonishment.
“No, you have different family names. And you don't even look related,” Fred wasn't buying it.
“That's because when I was eight, my dad married her aunt. I'm still her cousin,” Marcus explained.
“She never told me anything, how was I supposed to know?” Fred complained. George and his other friends left the two to argue by themselves but stood at a close enough distance to hear the conversation and be able to jump in if it were to get violent.
“Maybe if you got your head out of your ass, you would actually pay attention to her,” Marcus used his pointer finger to push against Fred’s forehead which caused the ginger to swat his hand away. “So get over whatever complex you have and apologize. If I'm being honest, there's plenty of Slytherins that can treat her better but she wants you for some reason.”
Fred knew he was right. And it was that reason why he always felt the way he did. You were enamored by many housemates, all handsome and rich. But you didn't like any of them. You love Fred. You love the lanky, devious, modestly handsome, funny Gryffindor more than anyone you've ever met.
Fred didn't say anything and walked away. His brother was asking where he was going but he didn't answer. Before he was out of Marcus’ sight, the Slytherin said one last thing, “By the way, I hope you know it was her birthday yesterday.”
Fuck. He picked up his pace and ran towards the dungeons. Halfway there, he figured that he didn't want to show up empty handed, so he made a detour to the greenhouse to 'borrow’ some flowers from Sprout’s personal garden.
You sat on one of the couches in your common room. Across from you was Adrian and Terence, arguing about some Ravenclaw girl. Some younger students passed by and whispered amongst themselves to which you didn't pay any mind to until you heard a third year say something about a Weasley being outside.
You knew it wasn't Ron because after his second year break in with Harry, he vowed that he'd never do it again. You stood up and nearly sprinted outside.
Fred was standing awkwardly outside. He tried to get a student to ask for you to come outside but they would all just scrunch their noses in disgust and keep walking. “Annoying little–”
“What are you doing here?” you asked. Your arms were crossed and you slouched your shoulders a bit. Fred noticed how your cheeks were swollen and the bags under your eyes were tinted a rosy pink. In his left hand, there was a single, large sunflower. He raised it in front of you, hoping you would accept it. “You know I’m allergic to those, right?”
Fred’s eyes bulged out. There is no way I didn't know this. Figuring he’s had enough torture, you spoke again, “I’m joking.”
“O-oh. Heh.” You grabbed the flower from him. “I’m… really sorry. I was such an arse–”
“You are an arse,” you corrected. “Yeah, you’re right. I should have trusted Flint. I should have trusted you. And if you’d let me, I want to prove that I do.”
You released a deep sigh and rubbed your forehead. “Freddie. You have to mean it this time. I can't keep going back and forth with you like this. You can't throw a fit every time I hang out with Marcus. Or Adrian. Or Terence.”
“So is that a yes?” Fred persisted. You looked at him properly in his eyes; he seemed sincere this time. And you could only hope that he was. With a nod of your head, Fred broke into smiles and picked you up from the floor and twirled you around. Your head was still sore from all the crying the night before, but you still had a smile on your face.
When he put you down, he took the hand that wasn't holding the flower and walked with you to the Great Hall for food. “So when were you going to tell me that Flint is your cousin?”
“I figured you’d find out at a family gathering or something had you waited a little longer.” He pinched your nose in response, “And you call me devious.”
requests open!
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messrmoonyy · 3 years
Have you seen that popular post of tonks going to Remus class after the war and taking teddy with her? cood your write something with that? Please 😃
I sure have anon! I loved this. Some happiness amongst all the angsty asks I have lmao.
I took some mild creative liberties with the conversational abilities of portraits and the timeline is slightlyyyy wobbly. But enjoy
Read my other writing in my masterlist and feel free to drop me a request
Pairing: Remus lupin x Nymphadora Tonks
Warnings: none
When Tonks woke up Remus was already gone, her fingers reached around blindly on his side of the bed and found nothing but cold sheets and she groaned. In the year that they had been living at Hogwarts with Remus back teaching again, she had gotten herself into the habit of waking up with him. But Teddy had simply refused to sleep last night so she had been up for hours with him so that Remus could sleep. She opened her eyes and saw there was a steaming mug of tea on the bedside dresser with a little note propped against it and she reached over to grab it.
'My dear Dora,
Don't be mad at me for not waking you, you needed to rest. I checked on Teddy before I left. I have a class of 6th years 3rd period so feel free to come down if you want to. I have a free afternoon too, so tea in Hogsmede?
Yours always, Remus'
She smiled and sat up in bed stretching her arms up above her head with a yawn, grimacing slightly as her arm popped. It was one of the main reasons she still hadn’t gotten back fully into working herself, an injury from the war that still hadn’t recovered. The curse still that had hit her making it seem like it might not ever recover properly. Madam Pomfrey saw her once a week to help with it, but it wasn’t much better really.
She felt quite useless some days. She was desperate to get back into working again. She was never one for just lazing around doing nothing. She had been offered her job back at the ministry when ever she was ready to return to it, a hefty promotion waiting for her too. She still dis small things for the ministry, Kingsley has worked very closely with her and Remus on getting equal rights for Lycanthropes, made wolfsbane much more accessible. But for now she didn’t really mind that much, it meant having plenty of time with Remus and Teddy. Now in terms of work she she just helped out around the school where she could, because they didn't mind if she brought Teddy along with her. Some days she helped out in the hospital wing, her extensive knowledge on healing coming in handy. Other days helped with Minervas homework study groups, helped Remus plan his classes, she kept busy.
Teddy started to fuss and she got out of bed with a roll of her shoulder to try ease the morning pain. She peered into his cot to see him wide eyed and awake. He had Remus’ eyes. Big and brown and beautiful. He looked so much like Remus, she knew the older he got he’d simply be a double of his dad. Minerva was already joking that with them looking so identical now she would resign the day he was old enough to attend Hogwarts. With Remus and Tonks as his parents he was certain to have a mischievous streak in him for certain. It was practically fate.
" my silly boy huh " she said as she saw he’d managed to completely change ends he was sleeping on. She smiled, rolling her eyes with a smile and picked him up. His hair was a vibrant shade of red today, like the phone boxes back in London. His hair was the one of the only thing that seemed to change about him at the moment but he was already starting to control it. He had seemed to have learnt how to change his hair to match who he wanted to be held by when he was particularly grumbly. Which made things particularly difficult if they were staying at the Weasleys. But also quite cute when they would visit Harry and a little scar would appear on his head. She didn't even mind that just lately it would go brown more often than pink because seeing Remus and Teddy together was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Seeing Remus happy was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Because he so often would wake up in the night in a cold sweat as his nightmares replayed all the trauma of the war back to him. But work kept him distracted. And Teddy did. And she did. And though he would never admit it, the fact that he was sole income for the family now kept him motivated too.
She carried him over to her bed and sat down with to feed him, knowing that must be the reason he was fussing. It was quite peaceful sitting there in her room with him, it was raining outside and the rain hitting the window panes was almost melodic. Remus loved the rain and she’d grown to love it as well, sometimes convincing him to go out dancing around in it with her. If she listened closer she could hear the chatter of the children, she glanced at the clock and saw second period would be starting in 5 minutes so they were noisily moving between their classes. Even though there were no classrooms by the teachers wing in the castle, she could still hear them.
When Teddy had had his fill she propped him up on her pillows as she opened up his little wardrobe to get him something to wear. There was a quidditch friendly later on the evening, so she pulled out his little hufflepuff quidditch jumper ready. Molly had knitted it for him and it was an almost perfect replica. Even though Harry had tried to convince her he should be wearing Gryffindor. But even Remus agreed Teddy would be a hufflepuff. Through and through.
" wanna go see daddy teach later, hmm? You like being in his classroom don't you? Mummy does too because daddy looks very handsome in his teaching robes doesn't he? He does " she said as started to get him changed, unhooking his foot that he had shoved into his mouth “ are you going to be a good boy whilst he’s teaching? My good boy huh? “ Teddy gurgled an answer and went back to trying to get his foot into his mouth again.
With a half hour or so to go until his 6th year class she left their quarters and took Teddy down to his second favourite place in the castle. In one of the corridors off the main entrance hall a long row of portraits of those that had been lost in the war had been hung. Including one of Sirius. The first time they had seen it both Remus and Dora had cried only to have had the painted Sirius tell them both to grow a pair. But getting to introduce Teddy to his family was worth it, even if it did still make her emotional to see his face and hear his voice again.
When she reached Sirius frame he wasn't in it and she rolled her eyes knowing exactly where he would be. She walked down a couple more portraits to Fred Weasleys. And there was Sirius. Turns out even painting Sirius and Fred were mischievous and Sirius acted like the marauder he once was around Fred as they tried to play pranks on the others in the hall.
" do you ever actually stay in your frame?" Tonks said with a smile, bouncing Teddy lightly on her hip.
" Tonksie! And my little man! " Teddy started laughing as he heard Sirius voice and made grabby hands towards him. Tonks held him to the frame and Sirius pulled stupid faces at the little boy making him laugh even more. She wished Sirius was still around to truly play with Teddy. To make him laugh and turn him into the little prankster she knew he would grow up to be. But a portrait would all she was going to get nowadays. So she took what she could get " where's moons? Teaching? "
" yeah. We're going to see him now. Arent we Ted? Gonna see daddy? “ Teddy’s hair shifted brown at the mention of his dad and with a slight worry he would start crying and disturb classes, she said a quick goodbye to Sirius and made her way down to Remus’ classroom. She was a little early but Remus tended to let his class go early if he knew she was coming down.
And as exactly as she had suspected he had let his 3rd years go early when she arrived and they were piling out of the room. They all smiled as they saw her, all of Remus’ students knowing who she was.
" morning Mrs Lupin! "
" hi Ted! Hi Mrs Lupin! "
" good morning Mrs Lupin, oh hiyya Teddy! " some of the children greeted her as they left the classroom and she smiled at them all eagerly still just loving the sound of ' Mrs Lupin ' as she stepped into the classroom Remus had his back to her, tidying something on his desk and she snuck up behind him, wrapping her free arm around his waist.
" hi " she said softly and stood up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek. He turned in her embrace immediately, a smile gracing his faces the sight of his family. He leant down to kiss her only to be disturbed by Teddy yanking on his hair.
" oh I'm sorry, does someone feel left out? " Dora said with a laugh and handed him over to Remus who kissed his nose and both his chubby cheeks.
" kisses for both my favourite people " he held the baby boy up in the air and playfully tried to bite at his little feet making Teddy squeal in delight. Remus was well and truly in his element as a father. He had taken to the role so well and it warmed Doras heart watching them together. He may have had a rocky start. But he was more than making up for it now. He doted on his son, spoilt him completely rotten and showed him all the love and affection she’d known he’d had in him from the start.
Teddy soon became disinterested and far more interested in the model of some small creature on his desk. Remus handed it to him and sat him down on the floor as he gurgled to himself, inspecting the skull as if it was the most amazing thing he’d ever seen.
“ did you catch up on your sleep? “ Remus asked turning to Dora then as she watched Teddy with a smile “ you look tired darling “ he pulled her into, his hands on her waist. She gave a small shrug and looked up at him. His face was mildly concerned. He always worried too much. Always.
“ a bit “
“ you should’ve stayed in bed. Gotten some more rest “
" I’m fine Remus. Honestly. Besides. I like watching you teach " she said with a smile and hopped up to sit on his desk after a look towards Teddy. He was still babbling to himself as he investigated the small skull, still insanely amused by it.
" people aren't allowed to sit on my desk you know " Remus said and moved to stand in front of her, his hand reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear.
“ if I recall we’ve done much more than sit on this desk Mr Lupin “ his cheeks flushed and she couldn’t help the giant grin on her face. After all the time since they’d first met she could still get him flustered. She loved it.
" you're a tease you know that? " he murmured and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
" I'm well aware. But you married me didn't you? You signed up for it " he smiled and she brushed her lips against his with an smile to match his. Though he’d barely kissed her for a second when there was the sound of children in the corridor, his next class arriving. Dora gave a small sigh and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before hopping off of the desk and picking up Teddy.
“ you’ll stay? “ Remus asked, straightening up his desk and pulling her back in gently before she could go “ it’s mostly just a study lesson, you won’t be a bother darling “ how could she say no to him when he was looking at her like that? He made her melt. She gave a nod and pressed a kiss to his cheek, before retreating to the back of the classroom so she and Teddy wouldn’t get in the way “ in you come class! “ the children piled in, some stopping briefly to talk to Tonks and Teddy before finding their seats.
She’d attended so many of his classes by now and she’d never seen any children really misbehave. They all seemed to love him, all listening with pure interest in everything he had to say. And maybe it was his parental instinct, but he was practically a father to some of them. They went to him for advice, just to talk, some of the more quiet students would even seek him out at lunch break so they didn’t have to eat alone. There were the odd few that were still coming to terms with the new easing of laws regarding werewolves, having grown up around people always saying they were bad. But everyone quickly grew to love him.
Just like she’d said they would.
He’d been a little hesitant to take on his old job after the war and had declined twice before finally accepting. She’d had the joy of watching him flourish after returning to work, he was truly in his element. He was happier. More confident than ever. And she loved him even more for it.
Teddy remained quite as Remus started teaching, always looking at his father almost in awe. He only became a little restless when Remus set the students off to do their own working, a quiet chatter filling the classroom.
“ Mrs Lupin? “ Tonks turned her head as she heard her name and smiled as Ravenclaw girl looked at her expectantly “ could you give me a hand with this one? “ she happily walked over to the girls desk, crouching down to help her with her questions on the behaviours of Pukwudgies. Teddy continued to wiggle around as she tried to help the student so placed him down to sit by her feet.
She had only taken her eyes off of him for a few moments , but Teddy took his chance and wiggled out of his mothers grasp and crawled away to sit at Remus foot who was stood a few desks away helping a student himself.
" oh- Teddy " Dora hissed and went to snatch her child back to their place in the back of the classroom. But Remus simply bent down and picked Teddy, not even stopping his explanation to his student , and placed him on his hip which made Teddy clap his chubby little hands excitedly. Tonks finished helping the girl before hurrying over to Remus, ready to relieve him of their son. But Remus declined with a smile.
“ it’s okay. Have a break. He’s fine sweetheart “
He held him for the rest of the lesson , even when he brought the classes attention back to the front for the final part of his lecture. He held Teddy in his arm and acted as if it was a perfectly normal thing to teach about the life expectancies of dark creatures with a small child on your hip. None of the students seemed fazed by it either and Dora sat at the back of classroom with a smile so wide it hurt her cheeks. Nothing would ever come close to the sight of Remus happy. So at ease with being a father now, so at ease back in front of classroom. Helping. Teaching. Shaping small futures as he has always dreamt of doing.
And of course the cherry on top. His family. Something he had never thought he could have. He was finally living the life she’d wanted him to have since that first meeting back when she joined the Order. The war was over. He had lived most of his life in war. And now he was finally free. Free with her. And their son.
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tyongxnct · 4 years
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pairing: Haechan x reader, Jaemin x reader
special guest: Jeno, Mark 
summary: Haechan was your best friend, until he started dating Jung Youngmi, his longtime crush. One day, he told you to back off and give him space, apparently Youngmi was jealous and wanted him to spend time just with her and not with you. It broke your heart, the boy you loved left you for another girl. Your friendship ended and after a while, he left your mind and heart. You started hanging out with Na Jaemin and it felt different with him, a good different. High school is coming to an end and you go on your last school trip. Unfortunately, you had to do a project on your trip and your partner was none other than Lee Haechan. It was an opportunity to rekindle your friendship, but after everything Haechan did to you, could you forgive him? 
genre: angst, fluff  highschool!au, unrequited-love!au bestfriends-to-enemies!au bestfriends-to-lovers!au
warnings: making out, jealousy, alcohol consumption, swearing, almost sexual assault (reader runs away), Haechan is a jerk, stealing, a prank, some dirty jokes, (I guess that’s it)
word count: 14.8k
A/N: I’m not proud of this one lmao. This took me like a decade to write and I don’t even know If I like it, I hope you do. I’m sorry for the terrible fluff, I suck at writing fluff. kind of proofread, I’m sorry If there are any errors :)
© tyongxnct on all platforms
“Look how pretty she is. She’s so pretty, (Y/n). Are you even listening?” Donghyuck poked your cheek with his finger to get your attention. “What were you saying?” you asked him even though you knew the answer. “I was talking about the prettiest girl on this planet; Jung Youngmi.” You could see his eyes form into hearts. “So, nothing new. When are you going to confess? You’ve been after her for months already.” Actually, you didn’t want to hear the answer, but you had to act like the supportive best friend, even though it hurt. “It takes time to ask out a girl like her. I need to be prepared, I’m working on it. But soon, I’ll call her mine.” He winked at you and continued staring at Youngmi. You didn’t even know If she knew about your or Donghyuck’s existence.
It’s been like this for a couple of months already. You are staring at Donghyuck and Donghyuck is staring at Youngmi, well you looked at Donghyuck that way for so many years already. It was your little secret and you shared it with no one. Donghyuck knew everything about you, but he didn’t need to know that you were head over heels for him.
You kept your little secret with you and when Donghyuck told you about his crush, you buried your feeling deep inside your heart. Every time he talked about Youngmi, you heart cracked a little open but somehow, it never broke completely. It was okay. Being Donghyuck’s best friend was great, but one day, you could hear your heart breaking into many shards.
“(Y/N)! OH MY GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW!” Donghyuck ran towards you while yelling all over the hallway. “I can see it. What’s up?” you asked him casually. You thought that he was going to talk about his biology project or his soccer training, but boy were you wrong.
“I’m going on a date with her! I asked her out and she said yes! Can you believe that?!” Donghyuck hugged you tightly and you would faint right then and there If you weren’t in his arms. You didn’t have the energy to hug him back, his words ripped your heart apart and you could feel the broken pieces stab your insides.
“I guess you are too shocked to say anything, don’t worry I also couldn’t say anything at all once she said yes. I have to get ready, I have to- fuck, I don’t know what to do. You are a girl, right? Tell me what girls like. Do you like flowers? Tulips? Sunflowers? Roses? What do you think?”
“Sunflowers.” You tried to hide the pain and act like the supportive best friend you are. “I like sunflowers.”
“Alright, and what about chocolate? Or champagne? Oh, hell, what the fuck am I saying? Alright, I’ll see you later! I have to get ready for my date tonight!”
After he left, you could finally breathe again. You walked home alone that day, for the first time in forever, and not even the loud music coming from your headphones, could distract you. This was the reality you had to live in. The reality of loving Donghyuck from afar.
A couple of weeks later, Haechan and Youngmi started dating and you felt invisible. Little did you know that it was Youngmi who told Donghyuck to stop hanging out with you that much, apparently, she was jealous of your relationship with Donghyuck, which was nothing more than being best friends, but Donghyuck was so blinded by love, that he believed her.
“What do you mean I’m a distraction and a threat? Do you hear yourself?” you were furious, how could he do that to your friendship.
“Look, you don’t understand because you never had a boyfriend before. I have to spend my whole time with Youngmi- there’s no time for you anymore. And I don’t want my girlfriend to hang out with other guys too. I understand her, why can’t you?” Donghyuck explained.
“Hyuck, this is so stupid. I don’t want anything from you, I am just your friend. We’ve been friends for so long and you want to throw that away because of her?!” you yelled at him, getting angrier every passing second.
“God, you are so exhausting. I would respect your decision If you had a boyfriend!” he yelled back. “I would never even think about pushing you away even If I had a boyfriend. I would rather break up with him!”
“That’s your fault. Maybe that’s the reason you never had a boyfriend! Stop clinging to me and leave me and Youngmi the fuck alone! Stop trying to destroy the best thing that happened to me! You know how much she means to me!”
“Seems like I never meant anything to you. Fine. Go fuck yourself, Haechan.” And with that, you turned on your heel and left his room. He wasn’t your hyuck anymore, he was Haechan from now on.
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After your fight, you completely stopped talking to him, you ignored each other and switched seats in your shared classes. Haechan was always with Youngmi, trailing after her like a stupid lost puppy. You couldn’t believe that all of that was really happening. Some of your friends noticed the change between you and him, but after seeing him with Youngmi, they understood. He was sitting at the ‘cool kids’ table with Youngmi on his lap. Like right now, he was sitting right across from you. You didn’t know If your timing was bad or If he did it on purpose, but every time you accidentally looked at that direction, he kissed her on the lips.
“Hey, (Y/n), do you have time to study together today? But If you’re busy we can do it another time.” You thanked Jaemin for distracting you right now. “Today’s fine. Where do you wanna go?” you asked back. “Let’s go to the library and grab something to eat afterwards? What do you think?” food sounds perfect right now. “Sounds great. I’ll see you after school?” the bell rang and it was time for you to go to your class, which you unfortunately shared with Haechan. “Yeah, see you later.”
Jaemin was actually one of your close friends, but he was never as close as Haechan was. He was also friends with Haechan, but after Haechan changed tables, he stopped talking to your other friends, too.
You were the first one to enter history class, your teacher was also not there yet. You opened the window and looked out, it was raining, and you felt like you could breathe again after the cold hit your face. Your peaceful moment was interrupted by Haechan himself. “I see you finally started talking to other boys. Is Na Jaemin your new victim? That poor boy could actually get himself a girlfriend, but If you are trying to stop him from that like you did with me, it won’t be easy for him.” He said mockingly.
Ignore him, (Y/n). Just ignore him, you thought.
“I’m talking to you.” He said.
Someone’s going to enter, and you won’t hear his stupid voice anymore, you thought now.
“You have the chance to talk to me, (Y/n). Aren’t you going to take it?” he mocked you again.
This is not the boy you knew.
“(Y/n)- “before he could continue, the other students entered, and you thanked god.
You promised yourself to ignore him, to hate him, to stop loving him, and it’s going to be a long ride until you do.
“Hey, I hope you didn’t have to wait for me.” You greeted Jaemin, who was leaning against his car. “Oh no, don’t worry. So, you want to eat first? Or after?” he asked. “I’m actually starving right now, I feel like my brain won’t work If I study with an empty stomach. What do you think?”, you asked back as you entered his car. “I hoped you’d say that.” He smiled. You never noticed that Jaemin’s smile was that pretty.
You arrived at a cute little ramen restaurant and you got more excited to eat. “This place looks so cute.” You said. “Yeah, it’s actually my first time coming here but I heard it’s really good.” Jeno once told him about this place, well actually he told Jaemin to take his girlfriend here, but he thought he could take you here, too.
After ordering two bowls of ramen, you talked about so much. You learned so many things about Jaemin you didn’t know before and you were amazed. He was incredibly sweet and funny. Time was flying by and you didn’t notice that you spend hours at the ramen restaurant. You were so into the conversation, that you didn’t want it to end. But everything good must come to an end.
“Woah it’s almost 9 pm. I guess it’s a little too late to go study.” Jaemin looked at his watched. “We can go study tomorrow If you have time.” You said and at the same time the waiter arrived. “Sure, but we should eat afterwards, not before.” He laughed. You took out your wallet but Jaemin stopped you. “You really think I’ll let you pay?”
“Jaemin come on, it’s just ramen. Let me pay.”
“No way I’ll let you pay, put that back. I’m a gentleman” You laughed at his comment and put your wallet back into your bag.
He really is a gentleman.
You spend all of your time with Jaemin after your little failed study session, it’s almost the end of the school year and everything was going perfectly fine. You got closer and closer as you spend so much time together. Your little study sessions turned into hanging out at each other’s places, facetiming late at night until you fell asleep, having movie nights and late-night dates. But you never really called it a ‘date’, you never really talked about that thing going on between you two. The people around you noticed the change between you and Jaemin. Especially Haechan whose eyes were always on you, but you didn’t know that of course, because you simply didn’t care about him anymore. Your history with Haechan, well, was history and you were looking forward to the future.
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“Did you pack your underwear?” your mother asked you, making Jaemin who was laying on your bed blush and giggle. “Of course, mom, god.” You punched Jaemin on the shoulder for giggling. “What about your toothbrush? And you should bring a bikini, too. I heard the beach there is beautiful. Especially in June.” Your mom checked the list she had made for your class trip. Jaemin and your friends were also going, and you were extremely excited. “Jaemin did you pack already?” she asked him. “Yes ma’am. My suitcase is ready.”
“Great. And Jaemin?” she asked.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Please take care of (Y/n), I don’t want her to get lost or kidnapped or something.”
“Mom, Jaemin’s not my babysitter.” You said annoyed as you entered your bathroom to check once again If you packed everything.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect (Y/n) with my life.”
After you heard Jaemin’s words you felt so shy. You looked at the mirror and smiled widely as your heart started beating faster. Why is he so cute and why is my heart beating like that, you asked yourself.
Jaemin left after dinner and called you on facetime as soon as he arrived at home. You were so excited that you couldn’t fall asleep and Jaemin spend the whole night with you, awake.
“We’re going to be fucked in the morning.” You mumbled.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep now. We have one hour until we have to actually wake up. If you fall asleep now, it’ll be harder to wake up. You can sleep on the bus ride, baby.”
Your eyes sprung open when your heard him say ‘baby’, he never said something like that before. He’d call you (Y/n) or (Y/n)-ie but baby? That was new. You looked at Jaemin whose eyes were almost closed, and he probably didn’t even notice that he called you baby.
“Jaemin!” you screamed, loud enough for him to hear but not too loud to wake up your parents.
“I’m awake!” his eyes shot open after you scared him like that. “By the way, I downloaded our playlist for the ride, and I added some new songs. Do you want anything else for me to download?”
“Can you download a movie?”
“Why? Do you want to sneak into my room and watch movies with me while everyone’s sleeping?” he smirked at you.
“Who knows.”
“Are you flirting?” he asked, still smirking.
“Maybe. Are you?”
Maybe it was the lack of sleep or just the thing between you two, but sometimes you looked at each other without saying anything and that was everything you needed.
Almost two hours later, you found yourself at school, next to Jaemin with your suitcases. You were waiting for the bus and your legs were about to give up. “Jaem, can you carry me?” you mumbled.
“I’ll carry you If you carry me afterwards. Deal?” he said sleepily.
“How the fuck am I supposed to carry you?”
Before you could talk about the ways of you carrying Jaemin, the bus arrived, and all the students got on. You connected your Airpods to Jaemin’s iPhone and listened with him to the playlist he created for the ride. Your head was on his shoulder and his head was on yours, something you didn’t notice, because you were so exhausted, was the hand holding yours.
What you also didn’t notice was Youngmi glaring at you. Even though you didn’t talk to Haechan for months now, she still looked at you like the devil she was. Let’s not forget the comments she always makes whenever she sees you in school. She laughed at you with her friends and always mocked you. One time, Jaemin was about to throw a chair at her, but you stopped him.
Haechan stopped bothering you after a while, and sometimes he tried to shut his girlfriends’ mouth, but nobody was strong enough to stand against her. Not even her own boyfriend.
“Look how cute they are!” your teacher, Ms. Kim said and snapped a picture of you and Jaemin sleeping like that. You woke up to the sound of the other students and your friends ‘awing’ and your teacher’s excitement. Jaemin also woke up and blushed when he saw all the people looking at you two.
“I just wanted to give you the room distribution, but I had to take a picture of you two, so cute! Here (Y/n) this is your room, and this is yours Jaemin.”
You thought it was going to be a great trip, but after you saw Yougmi’s name and of course the names of her stupid friends, you thought It could only get worse. You looked over at Jaemin’s room and he had to share the room with Haechan. “Don’t worry, if we ignore them, we can still have a wonderful time.” Jaemin tried to cheer you up and after a while you forgot that you were going to share a room with that snake.
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A couple of hours later, you finally arrived, and the weather was amazing. Your hotel looked great and you couldn’t wait to explore everything with Jaemin.
“Listen, everybody. We’ll give you the keys to your rooms and don’t forget that we are here to have fun and to be productive. We made plans for the time we’re going to be here- “Ms. Kim talked as Mr. Byun handed each student a pile of sheets. “For today, you are free to do whatever you want, but we are going to have dinner together at 6 pm. You have to be in your rooms at 11pm and we don’t want to disturb the other guests, so you’re not allowed to make any noise after 10pm. Please don’t sneak out and that’s it for now. We’ll see you at 6pm.” Mr. Byun finished.
You silently entered your room and ignored the other girls. You didn’t care which bed you’d get but apparently Youngmi wanted to have yours. “Move.”
“There are four other beds. Take one of them.” You said. “No. I want this bed. So, get the fuck up.” you sighed, how are you going to survive this? You changed your bed and your phone blinked.
Jaems [14:35] : Wanna go explore the city? Or do you want to unpack first?
(Y/n) [14:35] : I’ll change my clothes, let’s meet at the reception
Jaems [14:36] : alrigthy
You changed your sweatpants and hoodie to a pretty cute sundress, and you put on a little bit of  make-up, and you were ready to go. Your suitcase was under your bed and you left without saying anything to the others.
When you entered the elevator, you thought that nothing, not even stupid Youngmi, could -your thoughts were interrupted by another person who entered the elevator with you.
Fucking Lee Haechan.
When he looked up and saw you standing there, he stopped breathing. It was awkward to share the elevator with you and it wasn’t a short ride. And of course, just like in movies, you wanted to press the button at the same time, slightly touching each other’s finger.  
“Sorry, ladies first.” did Haechan really just say sorry?
You didn’t say anything back and just pressed the button. You were standing as far as you could from him, trying to avoid any more interaction with him. You didn’t notice Haechan’s eyes look you up and down, too focused on texting Jaemin. Haechan never saw you in a dress before, most of the times you wore jeans and a shirt and that’s it. He also noticed the red lipstick on your lips, which was also new for him. He always thought you looked pretty without any make up and in your hoodie and sweatpants, but his view right now took his breath away.
You finally arrived and left the elevator as fast as you could, Jaemin noticed Haechan getting off after you but he didn’t care, because you looked so fucking pretty in that dress.
“My pretty girl, are you ready to explore the city?” Jaemin offered you his hand and you took it with a smile on your face.
“With you, always.”
Haechan was waiting for Youngmi to get ready, but she always, always, takes so long. You on the other side, looked beautiful without doing much. Your natural wavy hair was always perfect, and your face always shined. Everything was so much easier with you, Haechan thought. Stop comparing your girlfriend to your ex-best-friend.
You and Jaemin had a list for the place you wanted to visit. But you were most excited to see the beach. Even though you weren’t wearing your bikini, you stepped into the water until it reached your knees. You pulled your dress a little higher, scared of getting it wet.
“It’s so beautiful, Jaems, I could stay here forever.”
Jaemin held your hand, he didn’t want you to fall into the water, but that was just an excuse to hold your hand. “Be careful, though, don’t want you to get wet.”
You looked at each other for a second, realizing how sexual that sounded. “I mean-“
“I know what you mean.” You said shyly. “Um, yeah.” He glanced at his watch, “We gotta go- it’s almost six.” He changed the topic.
You arrived at the restaurant and saw your teachers waiting there. Jeno, Mark, Yuna and Minji were already sitting at a table and they waved at you and Jaemin.
“Hi.” You greeted them. “Hey, we missed you guys.” Yuna said with a smirk. Your group of friends knew that there was something going on between you and Jaemin, they teased you always because, apparently, it was cute how you and Jaemin reacted.
“Yeah sorry, we just wanted to go to the beach. We’ll hang out with you guys from now on.” You said.
“No no don’t worry about us. Enjoy your time alone.” Minji wiggled her eyebrows. “Yeah, enjoy your time alone.” Jeno also said, emphasizing the word alone.
“Anyways, what do you guys want to eat?” Jaemin changed the topic.
After everyone ordered, you were so full, you decided to go for a walk together. Everyone was teasing you and Jaemin, but no one noticed Jeno and Yuna being really close. They were practically all over each other but only you and Jaemin got teased. Jaemin and you were walking after your friends, your hands slightly brushing but none of you taking the first step. And that’s how you walked back to the hotel.
Jaemin walked you to your room, making sure your roommates didn’t do anything stupid. “Don’t worry. They won’t kill me.” You assured him. “I wouldn’t be worried If your roommates were Yuna and Minji. Do you think I can sneak you in my room?” he asked as he leaned against the door.
“Yeah so Mrs. Kim and Mr. Byun can kill us?”
He stared at you and then he leaned down to your ear, “I’d take that risk.”
“I’ll text you If anything happens and we can facetime? Is that okay?” you asked with a little smile on your lips. “I guess that’s okay.”
“Jaemin? Go to your room, it’s almost ten.” You heard Ms. Kim saying. “Alrigty, Ms. Kim. See you later.” He slightly stroked your cheek bevor he left.
Your cheeks were burning as you entered your room, ready to facetime Jaemin as soon as he arrived at his room. You plugged in your headphones and ignored the three other girls and their stupid faces. You were almost asleep as you talked to Jaemin, but you were interrupted by Youngmi’s voice.
“If you don’t shut the fuck up right now, I’ll throw your phone against the wall. Some of us need their beauty sleep!” she yelled.
“And why is it so hard for you to ask me like a decent human?” you said back, Jaemin still on the phone.
“What did you just say?” Youngmi got up.
“I said ask me like a decent human and I will turn my phone off.”
Jaemin thought that you were actually kinda hot right now. The way you talked back to Youngmi- wow.
“You don’t want to mess with me.” Youngmi said through gritted teeth.
Youngmi turned around and muttered a “Stupid bitch” which you heard.
“I’m sorry- Jaemin?” you whispered.
“What? Oh yeah- sorry. Are you alright?” he also whispered, even though he didn’t need to. His roommates were all awake. He got distracted by your beauty.
“Yeah, but I gotta hang up before she kills me with her claws.” You joked.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night pretty.”
“Good night handsome.”
You were always flirting with each other, sometimes you didn’t know If he was serious or not, but you knew that you were serious. Jaemin is handsome.
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You had a shitty night and the next morning was also shitty. Your teachers were talking about the project you had to do here, you weren’t here just to relax. It wouldn’t be that bad to do the project If your partner were Jaemin- or any other friend of yours.
“We still have to do some work and you’ll do that with a partner, assigned by us.” You really hoped to be with Jaemin of course, but destiny hated you. The moment you heard Haechan’s name and yours, time stopped. Almost an entire day in a foreign city with Haechan? Jaemin slightly squeezed your hand, to assure you that it’ll be okay. But you just pouted at him and ignored Haechan’s gaze on you. Jaemin’s partner was Jeno and Youngmi’s was Minjun, a really shy boy who was almost scared of Youngmi.
“Haechan, do something. I don’t want to be with him.” Youngmi was really annoyed. “What do you want me to do? I can’t change her mind. Just do it, it won’t be that horrible.” Haechan said back. He was kind of happy to spend time with you. You were almost glued to Jaemin, now he could hang out with you, but Youngmi had other plans. You were talking to Jeno and Jaemin as you waited for Haechan and Youngmi’s discussion to be over.
After a couple minutes, Haechan came over to you. “Are you, uhm, ready?” he said awkwardly. You nodded “Yeah. I’ll see you guys later.” You bid your goodbyes to Jaemin and Jeno and left the Hotel with Haechan by your side. It was really awkward. Ms. Kim gave you a map of the city and marked a couple places you had to visit, answer a question, and take a picture together.
The first hour was really awkward but after he tripped and almost fell, you laughed your asses off. It was like back then when you laughed together even though the situation wasn’t funny at all. Your next stop was a little arcade, well it wasn’t marked on your map but the moment you and Haechan saw that arcade, all the memories of your childhood came back. How you played with him and how you always lost against him, but he still bought you a stuffed toy (which you still kept) to make it up to you. He felt bad when you cried, and you always stopped crying after he won something for you. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to play there.” He knew you would go with him, he knew how much you loved it. “Don’t worry, I’m going to beat your ass.”
You played for almost 4 hours, you really tried your best, but he still beat you at every game. “I didn’t play for years, of course I loose against you.” You tried to defend yourself, but Haechan didn’t go to the arcade after your fight. “The last time I went to an arcade was with you. You’re just bad at it. But don’t worry, I got you.”
Haechan almost put fifteen dollars into the claw machine until he got you a stuffed animal. “You didn’t have to.” You said but still accepted the cute little dog. “Well, I know that it’s not enough to make you forgive me, but I’m going to be honest with you now,” You didn’t except to hear that. “I’m so sorry for everything I said to you and how I acted. I was a bad best friend and I really really miss you. Like so much I can’t even describe how much I missed you.” Haechan really apologized and you were really taken aback. “W-What?”
“I’m sorry,” he took your hands in his. “I want my best friend back, I’m sorry. C-Can you give me another chance?” he kind of looked desperate, but the way he talked to you, really warmed your heart. Not like before, when your heart raced because of him. Now it just felt warm.
“Okay, I’ll give you another chance, because I know that you never would want to actually hurt me. I’m sorry that I didn’t accept your feelings for Youngmi. I should be a better best friend and just let you be with your girlfriend.” You also apologized.
“Since we are here, we should make great memories, right?” you smiled at him and Haechan just nodded, with a look on his face that you couldn’t really describe. “My phone’s battery is dead. Can we take the last few pictures with yours?” he asked you after a while. “Sure. My phone’s better anyway.” You were always team iPhone while Haechan sticked to his Samsung.  “We’ll see about that.”
After many hours of having fun with Haechan, you realized how much you missed him. Of course, it wasn’t like before or how it is with Jaemin, but he was still important to you. You talked about all the things you couldn’t talk about when you were apart. No matter which show or movie, or memory you just wanted to share with him. Haechan also talked about a couple of things, but he told you his life was boring and wanted to hear more about you.
“So, you and Jaemin huh? Are you a thing now?” he asked after a while. A smile creeped to your face. “Well, we didn’t talk about anything like that we’re just (Y/n) and Jaemin. I don’t know. But he’s great. He’s super cute, funny, and handsome and he always makes sure that I’m happy. I feel alive when I’m with him and I just- oh sorry I just talk and talk. Tell me about your relationship. Is Youngmi treating you well?” You joked, but If you only knew.
Haechan felt jealous. Your eyes sparkled when you talked about Jaemin and he could see how much he means to you. It was always Haechan for you but know, you talked about another guy. You cared for another guy and you are in love with another guy. Haechan still didn’t knew that you had a crush on him, he only knew that you loved Jaemin.
Thinking of his girlfriend, he regrets dating her. He fell out of love almost a week after they started dating, but he always told himself that he always wanted this, so he should be happy and should stop acting like a fool. Her real self was- terrible. Youngmi was with Haechan just to use him. She wanted to be the most popular girl in school, and she couldn’t be on top without a boyfriend. So, she choose Haechan who was totally in love with her. Everyone knew that. Youngmi thought Haechan would last for a couple of weeks, but everyone called them the power couple, so she just sticked to him. She got everything she wanted. Whenever she called Haechan because she wanted something, whether it was a new bag, new shoes or just a coffee, Haechan bought it. Breaking up never crossed their minds.
“Well, we’re doing alright, I guess. I don’t know really.”
“Are you happy?”
Was he happy?
No, he wasn’t. He stopped being happy after he lost you.
“Yeah, I think so.” He lied. “Come on, let’s take another picture!” Haechan changed the topic. You were a little closer to him and he told himself that his heart was beating because of the thought of Youngmi, not because of you. You sent all the pictures you had taken to Haechan and Mrs. Kim.
You looked at the phone screen and zoomed in. “Oh my god, do I always look like this?” you laughed to yourself while walking after Haechan. Now you zoomed into Haechan’s face, he looked pretty cute, you thought. “You look so much better than me, we need to take a new pic- Haechan?” you looked up, but you couldn’t see Haechan. You turned around and there was still no sight of him. “Haechan?” you asked again, but still no answer. It was already a little dark outside and your eyesight was also terrible. You couldn’t see him, and you were about to call him, but you remembered that his phone battery was dead. Well fuck, you thought.
You had no idea where you were, and the map was also with Haechan. Maybe you should wait here until Haechan comes back, he was probably also looking for you. Almost two hours later, you were still sitting on a bench and waiting for him. Your phones battery was almost dead but that didn’t matter because you couldn’t even use your phone to call someone. Maybe Haechan’s lost and wandering through the streets looking for me, you thought. I have to find him.
You left the bench and walked around, nothing seemed familiar and it was really dark now. You looked at you watch- it was almost 11 pm. You walked around until your legs gave up. You were completely alone in a foreign city and you felt so small and you were scared. Scared that something happened to Haechan and scared that something’s going to happen to you.
You missed Jaemin. You wanted to hug him and cuddle with him, you wanted to feel his arms around you. You wanted to feel safe again, not scared. After you ten minutes break you tried to communicate with some people around your age, but they just laughed at you with their stupid accents, which you didn’t understand.
“Fuck you, assholes.” You mumbled and your stomach grumbled. You were so hungry, you haven’t eaten for hours. You had no money left, you couldn’t buy food nor could you take a taxi. The people you asked for help either laughed at you or just ignored you.
You were fucked.
Your mind drifted back to Haechan.
Was he also struggling like you to get back to the hotel? Was he also so hungry and exhausted? Was he also thinking of you?
Your legs hurt, your stomach hurt, and your head hurt. You started crying because you felt so helpless, there was nobody who could help you. It was getting colder and colder every second and you tried to keep walking to keep yourself warm, but the wind was strong.
“Look what we have here.” Someone said behind you.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t walk around in such alleys. Don’t you know that it can be dangerous here?” someone else said. You turned around and faced two guys, maybe a little older than you and they didn’t talk with an accent.
“Oh, I didn’t know.” You tried to stay away from them, but they stepped closer and closer. “Are you lost?” the guy asked with a smirk. “Uhm, not really but like, I was going to meet my friends, but they’re a little late.” You lied.
“You shouldn’t lie, Pinocchio.”
“I’m… I’m not lying. They’re going to be here any minute.” You lied again but you were so scared, your voice trembled.
Suddenly, one of the guys gripped your wrist and pulled you closer. With his thumb, he stroked your cheek and then your lower lip. “Please don’t touch me.” Even though you tried to sound strong, your voice betrayed you.
“Don’t worry, we’re just going to have a little fun with you, and then you can go.” The other guy pulled the straps of your dress down, exposing your shoulders. “I said stop!” you yelled now. You were struggling in his grip, but he was bigger and stronger than you. “No! Stop! I need help!” you were so scared that you just thought of kicking him in the balls. So, you kicked him as hard as you could in the balls and ran away as fast as you could. Your legs were wobbly, but the one guy was struggling to walk, and his friend tried to help him walk. “Stupid, go follow her!” he yelled at his friend, but you were long gone.
Your heart was beating heavily against your chest as you tried to calm down. You saw two girls around your age walking, and you tried your luck again. “S-Sorry can you help me?” you asked, and they finally understood you. “Yeah of course.”
You asked them how to get back to your hotel and they told you that it wasn’t that far. A 10 minutes’ walk and they even asked you If they should go with you, but you declined politely and thanked them. You could see the lights of the hotel and you could see Mr. Byun and Ms. Kim walking in circles. When they finally saw you and your state, Mr. Byun carried you to the hotel.
“H-Haechan?” you asked. “Haechan’s here. Don’t worry.” Mr. Byun assured you.
You were sitting at the reception with Mr. Byun and Ms. Kim. They were talking to some people on the phone about you. Probably the police and your family.
You saw Haechan, Youngmi, Jaemin, Jeno, Minji and Yuna entering the reception. Before they could say anything, you jumped into Haechan’s arms. “Oh my god Haechan, I was so worried!” you hugged him tightly and he wanted to hug you back, but he didn’t.
“Y-you were worried about me?” he whispered, you were the only one who heard him. You started tearing up again and Youngmi started laughing.
“Oh my god. You really are dumb.” Youngmi said. What? “You were worried for him? Even though he left you?”
You pulled away and looked at her. “What are you talking about? We lost each other in the crowd.” And she laughed again. “Haechan, why don’t you tell her the truth, baby?”
Everyone (except the teachers of course) looked curiously at Haechan. “Haechan what is she talking about?”
Haechan didn’t say anything. “Alright, let me tell you since he’s acting like a pussy. Haechan was with us after you got ‘lost’. He left you, on purpose and you were really stupid enough to look for him. You really thought that he wanted to be friends with you again? That he was really nice to you because he wanted you back? He just acted, to prank you.”
Your eyes widened, you didn’t want to believe her but after you looked at Haechan, you saw the truth in his eyes. She was telling the truth. The truth that Haechan’s a piece of shit.
“You’re a fucking asshole. You- I was walking around this stupid foreign city for hours to find you because I was so worried that you were lost because you always get lost at places you didn’t know. But you were probably laughing at me the whole time, how I walked around and asked people for help. I had no money, I had nothing! I was so scared, so fucking scared!” you were so angry and hurt, you didn’t even notice the tears. “I almost- “you yelled but stopped, your body was trembling, and you hugged yourself. “Almost what, (Y/n)?” Jaemin asked you, anger building in his body. “There were t-two guys who tried t-to...” You whispered and Haechan’s head shot up to look at you, his mouth slightly open.
That was enough for Jaemin. “You fucking- I’m going to kill you!” Jaemin pulled Haechan by his collar and punched him in the face. Haechan was in trance, you were alone, and anything could have happened to you because of him.
Jeno tried to stop Jaemin from killing Haechan and Youngmi was long gone. Mr. Byun came back and helped Jeno. “You never deserved her! You’re a fucking jerk! You’re going to pay for everything you did to her!” Jaemin yelled at Haechan who was trying hard not to cry. He went too far. Haechan realized he went too far.
You wanted to go to Jaemin, you wanted to hug him, but Ms. Kim told you it was better to leave the boys alone to calm down and get changed. Ms. Kim walked you to your room and she entered the room to stay with you and to calm you down.
You opened your suitcase and looked for a little money, to get yourself something to eat but the money was gone. “W-Where is it?” you asked yourself. “What’s wrong?” Ms. Kim asked. “My… My money’s gone, I can’t find it.”
After looking for it four times and Ms. Kim also looked for it, you could find your money. That was all the money you had bought with you. Youngmi looked away, but you knew that she took it.
“Ms. Kim, I need to talk to you outside.” You said. She nodded and you could see the worry in her eyes. “Ms. Kim, I don’t want to accuse my roommates of stealing, but I can’t stay with them, please.” You almost cried. You felt so humiliated, everything was too much for you.
“Of course, honey. And don’t worry about the money, we’ll figure something out.”
Ms. Kim rented a single room for you, she isn’t stupid, you were gone all day and your money was missing. It’s not a coincidence, she saw the way Youngmi looked at you when you noticed that your money was gone. That little smirk on Youngmi’s face could get her kicked out of school, but she would deal in morning with her, right now she wanted to be there for you and make sure you were safe.
“I’ll pay you back Ms. Kim. I promise as soon as I’m home I’ll give you the money you spent for this room.” You told her. Ms. Kim smiled “Don’t worry about that. I know what is happening around you and I’ll promise you I’ll take care of that. Now get some sleep. I’ll send Jaemin to you with some food. You must be starving.” You looked down to your feet, a little embarrassed when your stomach growled right after she said that. “Yeah… Thank you for everything Ms. Kim.”
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You bought all your things that were left to your new room and changed your clothes. Your body was still shivering, and you decided to take a quick hot shower, maybe it could help you relax your shoulders. You slowly washed your body and your hair, your feet hurt so much, it was hard to stand. After you wrapped your body in a towel, your left your bathroom and you collided into someone. You were surprised and you couldn’t see the person who entered your room, you were about to scream, scared that the guys from earlier found you, but as soon as you saw Jaemin’s eyes, you relaxed.
“You scared me Jaemin!” you held your heart to calm it down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I bought food for you- shit you are shaking.” Jaemin held you by your shoulders as your body stiffened, you started freezing again. “Jaemin I’m so cold.” You slightly fell into his arms, your feet were arching and Jaemin slowly put you on the bed. “Y-You need to change. I’ll wait… outside.” He didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but you held his wrist bevor he could turn around and leave. “P-Please stay with me. I’m scared.” Your eyes teared up, you didn’t want to be alone.
Jaemin slowly nodded. “C-Can you help me?” you didn’t care about anything right now, you just wanted Jaemin with you. You didn’t care that you looked so helpless and that you couldn’t even change without his help. “In my suitcase, uhm, my underwear… C-can you…?” you said shyly and Jaemin blushed.
Jaemin handed you your panties, well, he almost threw it in your face. “And a bra, please.” You and Jaemin avoided eye contact, the atmosphere was awkward. Again, Jaemin almost threw your bra in your face. Your bra was black, and your panties were purple, it didn’t match but who cared at that moment?
Jaemin saw a couple bruises under your feet. His heart clenched, you’re hurt, and he wasn’t there to protect you. Jaemin felt guilty for leaving you with Haechan, he felt guilty for breaking his promise to protect you.
“Why didn’t you bring any hoodies?” Jaemin asked as he took his own hoodie off. “What are you doing?” you asked. “Just wear this, it’ll keep your warm.” Jaemin was wearing a t-shirt under the hoodie. Jaemin turned around so you could change to your underwear and the hoodie. You told him that he could turn around and he couldn’t stop staring at you. You looked so cute with just Jaemin’s big hoodie and your panties- Jaemin blushed again. You couldn’t stay like that, so he gave you your sweatpants and he hoped that it would keep you warm. Jaemin tucked you to bed.
“Eat before the food gets cold.” Jaemin bought you a cup tomato soup, he was sitting at the edge of the bed, next to you. “Open your mouth.” Jaemin held the spoon against your mouth. Your body ached and you just opened your mouth, slowly swallowing the soup. “Is it too hot?” he asked. “No, it’s good.” You smiled.
When you finished your soup, you tucked Jaemin shirt. “Are you all right? Do you want more soup?” he asked you. “No, it’s just- can we cuddle?” Jaemin smiled at you, how could he say no to you? “Of course.” You and Jaemin were together under your blanket and he hugged your from behind. You were still cold and having Jaemin close to you was everything you needed.
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you like I promised. I’m sorry that I left you alone with him- I’m so sorry.” Jaemin pulled your closer and placed a kiss on your head. “I’ll never leave you again.” You turned around to face him. “It’s not your fault, I was just stupid. It was my fault.”
“No! Don’t say that. You just have a big heart and you only see the good in everyone. Even in assholes like him.” He stroked your cheek with his hand. “You are perfect and I’m sorry that you’re hurt. I can’t imagine how scared you were.”
“I-I thought that they were going to… I thought they’d…” you started sobbing, the memories of the night still haunting you. You tried to stop the tears from falling, but whenever you closed your eyes, you could see their faces. “It’s over now, everything’s going to be all right. You are safe now. Nobody’s going to hurt you anymore.” Jaemin pulled your closer and let you cry against his chest. He slowly stroked your back to calm you down. “I thought I’d never see you again and… and that scared me the most…” you gripped his shirt tightly, scared that he’d go away. “I’ll stay with you forever, even If you don’t want me anymore. I promise I’ll never leave you because- “He didn’t know If that was the right time to confess but he couldn’t take it anymore. It broke his heart to see you like this.
“B-Because?” you looked up to him. “Because I love you.”
“I love you too.” You whispered against his lips. You felt safe in his arms and you wanted to stay like this forever. The tears stopped falling and you slowly pressed your lips on his. Jaemin’s heart was racing and yours too. It was your first kiss, and it was perfect because it was with Jaemin. You gently pulled away to hide your face.
“I wanted to tell you that I love you for a long time now. I want you to know, that no matter what happens, I’ll love you and I want to do this properly. So, do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow?” he asked you. “Yes, I’d love to.” You looked up again and smiled at him.
“Sleep now, I’ll stay here with you.” Jaemin pressed his lips on your forehead and your heart fluttered. “Thank you Jaemin.” You closed your eyes and fell asleep in his arms. You felt safe, protected, and loved.
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Haechan couldn’t sleep. He was in the bathroom and washed his face with icy water to calm down. He was thinking about you. Haechan felt guilty and he knew that he lost his last chance to get you back. How could he be stupid enough to play with you? What was he thinking? He was about to get out of the bathroom, but when he heard his roommates and ex-friends talking, he listened from the other side of the door.
“Jaemin’s staying with (Y/n). Mrs. Kim bought her a room because some idiot stole her money. We all know who that was. That’s so fucked up.” Jeno said.
“For real. How the fuck could that bitch manipulate him so much? We all know that they were best friends and boom the next second, he transformed to an asshole. Youngmi isn’t even that pretty. (Y/n)’s literally beautiful.” Mark looked at Jeno as they talked. “Imagine being best friends with (Y/n) and leaving her for Youngmi. I really don’t get it.”
Jeno agreed “Yeah. I hope Jaemin isn’t as dumb as Haechan and confesses now. I can’t watch them act like a couple and not confess to each other.”
Haechan bit his lip. Mark and Jeno were right. You are a goddess next to Youngmi, you are perfect. How could Haechan let you slip away from his hands? How could Haechan leave you to Jaemin? How could Haechan break your heart so many times?
So, you were staying with Jaemin. Jealousy bloomed in Haechan’s heart. Were you sleeping with him in the same bed? Were you hugging each other? Haechan wanted to be with you. He wanted to stay with you and ask for your forgiveness until he couldn’t breathe anymore.
But he couldn’t. After what he had done to you, he just couldn’t. But there was one thing he could and would do. Haechan pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Youngmi to meet him in front of her room. He left the bathroom and Jeno and Mark stopped talking about you and Jaemin. Haechan couldn’t even look up, he looked at the floor as he left the room.
“What is it Haechan? I was going to sleep.” Youngmi said annoyed that she couldn’t have her beauty sleep.
“Where’s the money?” he asked straightforward.
“What money?” she played dumb.
“(Y/n)’s money. I know that you took it.”
“Oh, you mean that money. I’ve spent it already. I bought a new dress. Do you want to see it?” she was about to turn around to enter her room, but Haechan held her wrist.
“You’re crazy. You have to give her money back.”
“Stop being stupid, Haechannie. I’m sorry that I didn’t bought you anything with that money- “
“Are you actually dumb or are you just having fun acting like a stupid bitch?!” he raised his voice a little. “Excuse me?”
“You’re a fucking thieve and If you don’t tell Mrs. Kim that you stole (Y/n)’s money, I’m going to do it.” Haechan threatened her.
“You are a hypocrite! After everything you’ve done to her, I am a bitch now?! It’s funny actually. You destroyed your friendship with her and now you think she’ll want you back? Haechan sweetie, you’re worse than me. Do you really think she’s going to want you back after what you’ve done today? Do you really think after being an asshole she’s going to welcome you with open arms? Cute. She doesn’t need you and neither do I. And now go fuck yourself.” She ripped her wrist out of his.
“You made me do it! You made me act like an asshole! I liked you and you used me to hurt her because you knew that she’s better than you. You were fucking jealous and that’s why you wanted me to hurt her.” Haechan tried to defend himself, but deep down he knew. He knew that it was always his own decision to hurt you.
“Let me tell you one last thing,” She said and looked him deep in the eyes. “She’ll never be yours. You lost her to Jaemin, so you shouldn’t even try to get her back,” she winked at him with an evil grin on her evil face and left him alone.
Haechan silently entered his room while trying to hold in his tears. Youngmi’s right, he lost you to Jaemin and it was all his fault. He was the one who pushed you in his arms, who mocked and hurt you.
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You woke up with Jaemin’s arms around your waist. You smiled softly, the warmth of Jaemin’s body felt like home. Jaemin was already wide awake, smiling like a fool because you were in his arms. Jaemin pressed little kisses on your face and you smiled wider. “Jaemin- I have morning breathe…” but still, he pressed his lips on yours. “I don’t care,” and he kissed your cheeks and then the tip of your nose.
“Go to your room before anybody sees you here. You could- “he pecked your lips “get in- “another peck “trouble- “and again. “I don’t care. I want to stay with you,” and another peck. “I want you to stay with me too, but we have to get ready. You know today’s plan, we’re stuck with Mr. Byun and Mrs. Kim.”
“I know, but we’re still going on a date tonight.” A date. With Jaemin.
“Do your feet still hurt? Do you need me to carry you?” he asked. “No, I think they’re fine now. Thank you.” This time you pecked his lips. “Ew morning breathe,” he joked, and you softly hit his shoulder. “Jokes aside, how are you feeling?” he was serious now. “Much better, don’t worry. Thank you for staying with me,” you smiled at him and you could your heartbeat increasing as you locked eyes.
“Even in the morning, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“D-Don’t do that!” you hid your face in your hands. “What? It’s the truth.”
“Stop it. Get out, I need to change.”
“Well, it’s not like I didn’t see anything yesterday-“ you slapped him on the arm again“Shut up.”
“Okay, love. I’ll see you later.” He pecked your lips one last time before leaving you with a racing heart in your room.
Today you were going to visit a couple places with your class. Even though you didn’t want to see Haechan and Youngmi, you couldn’t just stay in the hotel and you still had Jaemin with you and he was all you needed.
After getting ready, you texted Jaemin that you were waiting for him in your room. It took a little while until he texted you back, maybe he’s showering, you thought. Little did you know that he was currently fighting with Haechan.
“You are a stupid jerk, what were you even fucking thinking huh?!” Jaemin yelled at Haechan. “Leave me the fuck alone Jaemin.” Haechan was already at his limit and Jaemin pushing him to the edge didn’t help him calming down. “What would you do If anything had happened to her? What would you do? Huh? What If-“
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up! I know, okay?! I know that I fucked up! I know that I am a fucking asshole and If anything had happened to her, I would never forgive myself- now shut the fuck up!” Haechan was frustrated and yelled back at Jaemin, tears almost falling down his cheek.
“I don’t want to see you near her ever again, do you hear me?”
Jaemin looked at Haechan one last time before he left his room to meet you. He picked you up from your room and everyone was waiting for Mr. Byun in front of the hotel.
“I’m sorry you had to wait, but I’m here; so, let’s go!” Mr. Byun said happily. “Today’s going to be fun!”
Jaemin slowly held your hand and you smiled as he pulled you a little closer.
You were walking around the city and after a couple of hours, Mr. Byun and Mrs. Kim decided to go to a restaurant. But you had a little problem. How would you pay?
You were sitting at a table with your friends. Haechan was sitting behind you but you didn’t notice. Everyone ordered but you told the waiter that you weren’t hungry, even though you were really hungry.
“I’m not hungry, thank you.” You told Jaemin. “No, I know that you are hungry. Last time you ate was almost 2 days ago and soup doesn’t count as food.”
You sighed and pulled Jaemin a little closer. “Jaemin… I- I don’t have any money.” You whispered, but Haechan still listened to your conversation.
“What do you mean you have no money? When did you spent all of your money?” Jaemin asked confused. “I didn’t- it’s, shit, somebody stole it.” You whispered the last part. “What? Who? When?” he raised his voice a little. “I don’t know, I was looking for it in my bag and my suitcase last night in my old hotel room and I noticed that it was gone.”
“That bitch-“
“What? We all know that it was that stupid bitch.” He said angrily.
Haechan was also angry. You had no money to buy food. You had no money to buy anything and he had to do something.
“Let me take care of you until I take care of her.” He said with a devil look on his face. “No Jaemin, I have no proof and it doesn’t matter. Just eat your food I’m fine.”
“No- babe, I’m not going to eat without you.” He said a little too loud. “Did he just call you babe?” Mark asked with a grin. You looked at Jaemin and Jaemin looked at you. “No?” he said unsure. “Of course, you did we heard it. What did you guys do last night for him to call you babe?” Jeno wiggled his brows.  
“What the hell, dude. Just eat your food.” Jaemin blushed.
Haechan tensed up, they way Jaemin called you babe, the things Mark and Jeno said and the way you didn’t say anything. He gripped the armrest until his knuckles turned white.
“Just order whatever you want, okay? Please?” Jaemin asked with puppy eyes and you couldn’t resist him. “I can’t let you pay for everything, Jaem.”
“Yes, you can. It’s our last day here and I want you to have fun and be happy. Promise me that you’ll tell me If you want to buy anything okay?” he asked you sweetly and you nodded. “I promise.”
Haechan was impatient. He had to do something, anything. Anything to get your trust back. To get you back.
Jaemin paid for your burger and he even insisted to get ice cream. After that, he bought you two hoodies.
“But what If I only want to wear your hoodies?” you said with a grin. Jaemin looked at you for a second and then he tried to take off his hoodie. “Okay, here you can wear it now-“
“Jaemin what are you doing?! I wasn’t talking about right now. I want to wear your hoodie again when we sleep together.”
“Y-You want to sleep with me again?” he blushed.
“What?! No! I mean, yeah of course, but like, god-“ you ran back to the fitting room and closed the curtain as fast as you could to hide your face.
After you got dressed, you could convince him to stop buying so many things. Jaemin was just so excited to spend time with you in a foreign city, he wanted to see you smile.
“I’ll come and get you at 6, is that alright?” he asked you. You were in front of your hotel room, the two of you wanted to get ready for your date later.
“It’s perfect. I’ll see you then.” You quickly pressed your lips on his cheek and before he could even realize that you did that, you hurried in your room.
“This girl’s gonna be the death of me.”
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After the fifth outfit, you were done. “He’ll probably like this one.” You were wearing another sundress, but this time it was wine red. Your left your hair open because you knew that Jaemin liked your long hair. After putting on some make-up, you were ready. Ready for your first official date with Jaemin.
He distracted you the whole day and you never thought about yesterday’s events. You ignored Haechan and Youngmi completely and just focused on having fun with your friends. Everything felt just right.
“So, your first date, right?” Mark asked. Jaemin nodded as he styled his hair back. Even though Haechan was also in the room, wearing his headphones, Jaemin told Mark and Jeno about his date with you. Haechan paused his music as soon as he heard your name, but he acted like he didn’t hear anything.
“Where are you taking her?” Jeno asked now. “I’ll take her to a little ramen restaurant because our first unofficial date was also at a ramen restaurant. After that, I’ll take her to the beach and yeah that’s it I guess.” Jaemin answered as he buttoned up his shirt. He was wearing simple blue jeans and a white button-up shirt.
“And then you’ll get some pussy- hey!” Jeno wiggled his eyebrows but got hit by Mark. “Shut up idiot. But he’s right maybe you’ll get some-“ before he could finish his sentence, an angry Haechan stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut.
Haechan couldn’t let that happen. Jaemin already got you as his best friend, he couldn’t let him have you as his girlfriend.
A harsh knock on your door startled you. “Holy shit.” You got up and opened the door, excepting to see a nervous Jaemin but your eyes met Haechan’s eyes. He looked you up and down, mouth slightly open and hands sweating.
“Wrong room.” You wanted to close the door, but he stopped you from doing so. “No, right room.” He entered your room without permission and your blood was boiling.
“Get out.”
“You have to listen to me-“
“No, I don’t. Now. Get. Out.” You said trough gritted teeth.
“D-don’t date Jaemin. Please- I… Jut please don’t date him.” Haechan begged.
“What? It is none of your business who I date, get out!”
“I can’t lose you-“
“Lose me? Haechan you lost me the second you ended our friendship.”
“I- I know but, fuck, I’m so sorry for what I did-“
“What exactly are you talking about? Are you sorry for treating me like trash after you ended our friendship? Or are you sorry for leaving me alone in a foreign city? There are still so many things on the list- but please, enlighten me.”
“For everything. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you and how I acted and treated you and I know I’m an asshole and I have no right to ask you for forgiveness but, please, don’t date Jaemin.” He stepped closer but you stepped back.
“Haechan! Leave me alone. Please.” You couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’m sorry. Can you just listen to me-”
With one last look at your beautiful face, he left your room.
A couple minutes later you heard a knock on your door. The second you opened the door and saw Jaemin standing there, the sadness left your body and a smile placed on your lips.
“Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous. You’re so stunning- you just took my breath away.” He complimented you. “You also look stunning and really handsome.” You smiled. He also looked really hot, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Are you ready?” he asked and offered you his hand, which you took and nodded.
Your date with Jaemin was perfect, he was so sweet, and you just wanted to kiss him every time he looked at you.
“A ramen restaurant?” you smiled. “Yeah, I thought that it would be nice to go to a ramen restaurant since, you know, we kind of started spending time together after we ate at a ramen restaurant.” He smiled back at you. You quickly kissed his cheek and then you entered the restaurant, leaving Jaemin behind who smiled like a fool.
After eating dinner, you walked hand in hand to the beach. Your timing was perfect, the sun was slowly going down and the sunset looked beautiful. You took off your shoes and walked along the water with Jaemin by your side. You looked up to his face. Jaemin’s face was kissed by the sun and he looked eternal. He looked back at you.
“What?” he asked with a grin. “Nothing.” You said shyly.
Jaemin stopped walking and turned his body to you, standing directly in front of you. You didn’t look at him, you felt too shy with his gaze on you. His one hand was holding yours and with the other, he gently cupped your jaw and pushed your head up so you could look him in the eyes.
“Did you have fun today?” he asked you.
“Yes.” He was so close, you just wanted him to kiss you.
“I want to make you happy, I want to be with you and protect you, even though you’re the strongest girl I know. I want to hold your hand and hug you. I want to kiss your perfect lips until I can’t breathe anymore. You deserve happiness. You have a beautiful heart and every second I spend with you, makes me fall even harder for you. I don’t know If soulmates exists, but I know that you’d be mine. So, I’m asking you, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Everything was perfect. The sunset was perfect, the person in front of you was perfect and his word were perfect.
“Jaemin… I don’t know what exactly to say, you always leave me speechless with your words.  I love you and yeah, I’d love to be your girlfriend.” You smiled brightly.
“I love you.” He pulled you closer and kissed you on the lips. You just melted in his arms as he kissed you with so much passion, your heartbeat increased, and your hands travelled to his soft hair. You could see the stars every time he kissed you and you loved it. You loved how he made you feel, how your mind travelled to another galaxy. You slowly pulled away, but he was still close to your lips with his. He pecked your lips one last time before pulling you into his arms to hug you tightly.
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On your way back to the hotel, Mark texted Jaemin to meet them at a bar, not far from the hotel you stayed at. “Do you want to go?” he asked you. “Yeah, let’s go and tell our friends that we are finally a couple.” You smirked at the thought.
“Alright, girlfriend.” He said and pressed his lips on your lips.
When you arrived at the bar, you immediately saw you friends waving at you. You could see almost the whole class in that little bar, hanging out and drinking. Even Youngmi and her friends were here, and of course, Haechan with his friends.
Jeno was the first one to see you holding Jaemin’s hand.
“Well, well, well. Look at this.” He said loudly.
Jaemin pulled you closer and smirked at his friend. “Yes, we’re dating. Are you guys happy now?”
“I told you it would happen this week.” Jeno yelled happily as Mark handed him ten bucks. “Yeah yeah shut up. It’s your time now.” Mark referred to Jeno’s relationship with Yuna.
Jaemin ordered you something to drink, something with no alcohol. “Sprite? I’m not a baby.” You complained. “Yes, you are. You are my baby.”
You pouted, “Not even a little bit alcohol?”
All of your other friends were drinking and even Jaemin ordered an alcoholic drink. Everyone was drinking and having fun. “Fine, but don’t leave my side.” He pecked your lips. “I’d never leave your side.”
You were drinking really slowly while the others were already tipsy. Jaemin’s cheeks were a little pink and he hugged your from behind and kissed your neck. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You whispered as you turned around to hug him. That was a moment you’d never forget. Having fun with your friends and your boyfriend, you hadn’t felt this way since Haechan stopped being your best friend. The excitement you felt at that moment was always there when you were with Haechan, but right now, it was different, it was better.
Jeno and Yuna went outside to get some fresh air, which was a code for making out without everyone watching them. Mark and Minji were discussing about philosophy and Jaemin hugged you as he laughed at Mark’s drunk way of explaining Socrates’ philosophy.
“I need to go to the restroom.” You told Jaemin.
“Do you need me to go with you?” he asked.
You kissed his cheek, “No, I’ll be back in a minute.”
You regretted your decision going alone the second you entered the restroom.
“Look who we have here.” Youngmi was putting on her lipstick as she looked at you through the mirror. You ignored her as you looked at the mirror yourself, your make up was still there but you also needed to redo your lipstick.
“I heard you and Jaemin are a thing now. Congrats.” She said mockingly. “Did you change your room to fuck with him?” she asked bluntly. “How is he? Does he fuck you good? Better than Haechan?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” you yelled. “What? Haechan told me you fucked with him.”
What the fuck?
“What? That’s not true!”
“Yeah, thought so. He fucked me like a virgin.” She said casually. What the hell is wrong with her?
“Why did… why would he tell you that we-“
“You know Haechan, he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of me. He acts almighty but at the end of the day he’s a little pussy.” She turned to you.
“Well, he lied to you.”
“Just like he lied to you.” She smirked, “You think I stole your money, right? I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t need your money. It was Haechan. He was in our room when you were gone, it was his idea. Everything. Leaving you alone, stealing your money, and all the other things he had done to you. He hates you, every inch of his body is filled with hatred. And our little naïve (Y/n) always fell for his lies.”
You tried your best to stop your tears from falling. The last thing you wanted is to cry in front of Youngmi, she’s a beast and your pain feeds her and makes her stronger.
She closed her clutch and turned to you. “It’s almost sad,” she chuckled, “but mostly it’s pathetic.”
Youngmi left you alone in the restroom, alone with your disappointment and anger. You had no idea, how long you were in the restroom with tears rolling down your cheek. Your hands were formed to fists, nails digging into your skin. Your thoughts were interrupted as Minji entered the restroom, looking for you.
“(Y/n)? What the hell, what happened? Jaemin’s worried sick!” she hugged you as your body started trembling in anger.
“I-I’m fine.” You lied. “Stop lying to me, tell me what happened.”
“Youngmi s-she… Haechan stole my money.” You whispered the last part, still not believing that he’d go this far.
“What?” he mouth widened in shook. “A-Are you sure?”
“Youngmi told me, and she told me that Haechan said that he and I… that we slept together. But I swear that’s not true!” you cried out.
“It’s alright I believe you-“
Suddenly someone entered the restroom, it was Jaemin. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t wait any longer- (Y/n)? W-Why are you crying?”
“I love you I didn’t sleep with him, I swear.” You ran into his arms and cried. Jaemin looked at Minji with confusion written all over his face. “It’s alright, I believe you.” He slowly stroked your hair as you tried to calm down. Minji left you and Jaemin alone, and when you finally calmed down, you told Jaemin everything that Youngmi told you.
“That son of a bitch.” He mumbled.
“I’m going to talk to him.” You said determined. “What? Let me-“
“No, I have to do this, I have to- I have to tell him to leave me the fuck alone, I need to do this.”
Jaemin pulled you closer and hugged you tightly, he pressed his lips on your temple and promised you that everything’s going to be alright.
In the meantime, Haechan sat on the bar and was drowning in his thoughts, the voice in his head telling him what a piece of shit he is and how he could hurt his best, ex-best-friend, like that. What was he scared of all the time? Losing you? No matter what he’d do, he’d lose you anyways. But hurting you was the wrong way, the wrong way of pushing you away to keep his heart safe, to keep his heart away from pain.
Youngmi was right, he thought. It was always Haechan’s decision to hurt you, it was always him. He was really a hypocrite, he blamed Youngmi for everything even though it was all his fault. You suffered because of him and he pushed you in Jaemin’s arms. Jaemin replaced him and it hurt. It hurt to see you smile at Jaemin like how you used to smile at him. Haechan always saw the universe in your eyes, and now, he only saw disgust and hate. Jaemin was now the one who could fly high whenever he looked you in the eyes.
Haechan was not drunk, but he had three drinks already and he planned on drinking more, he didn’t care about Ms. Kim and Mr. Byun, right now, nobody really did, but Haechan was different, he didn’t care about anyone except for you.
He was about to order his fourth drink, but then your face suddenly showed up next to him. He rubbed his eyes and when he looked again, you were still standing there. He knew that something was wrong when you looked at him without any emotion in your eyes.
“We need to talk, follow me.”
Without saying anything, he followed you out. Jaemin was watching you leave the bar with Haechan trailing after you. “It’s gonna be alright.” Minji assured him.
You walked to an alley next to the bar, but you stopped in your tracks as you saw Jeno and Yuna making out. They stopped as soon as they heard you coughing.
“Sorry to interrupt. But could you guys, leave us alone for a couple minutes?” you asked slowly. “Is everything alright?” Yuna asked. “Yeah.”
Jeno and Yuna left you and Haechan standing in the dark alley. You were standing there and just looking at him, it seemed like you were thinking really hard about what to do next.
“A-Are you alright?” he asked slowly.
You didn’t answer.
He stepped closer. “Don’t get closer to me.” You hissed and he stopped.
“I can’t believe you.” Your hands formed fists again. “Why did you change so much?” you asked him now, your voice trembled a little.
“I-I’m still Hyuck, I’m still Donghyuck, your best friend.” He whispered.
“No, you’re not. You’re Haechan, you’re far from being my best friend, from today on, you’re nothing to me. Not even a memory.”
“D-Don’t say that, please.” His eyes started tearing up, he looked down to his feet.
“Why did you tell Youngmi that we slept together?” you asked him. His head shot up. “H-How do you know that?”
“Is that important?!”
“I-I lied because… I didn’t want Youngmi to think that I was a virgin with no experience.” He was embarrassed.
“You’re a liar, that’s nothing new to me. But since when are you a thieve?” Haechan looked at you confused. “A- A thieve?”
“Was it fun? Leaving me alone in this city, stealing my money- was it fun?”
“Stealing your money? It wasn’t me!” he said as he shook his head. “Stop lying, Haechan. Be a man and stop lying, for once.”
“Youngmi told you that, am I right? You believe her but not me?” he was angry, not angry at you but Youngmi. “Why would I believe you after every lie you told me?!”
“I’m your best friend!” he yelled now. “No, you’re not! Why would she lie to me? She hates me, but the only liar here is you!” you yelled back furiously.
“I swear I didn’t steal your money, that… that bitch stole it and I told her that-“ you interrupted him, “Let’s say I believe you. You knew but you didn’t do anything?” you asked in disbelief.
“I-It’s not like that! I was going to tell you today b-but you were getting ready for your fucking date with Jaemin I was so angry and jealous I couldn’t focus on that all I could think about was you and him!” a tear dropped down to his cheek. “Please believe me.”
“Why would you…Why would you be jealous of Jaemin?” you were trying hard to hold back your tears.
“Because I love you! I love you so much that I did everything to hurt you and push you away because I’m a fucking idiot who’s scared to love his best friend! The way I feel for you is so fucking different than how I felt for Youngmi- I thought you’d get jealous… I-I thought you’d miss me, but you replaced me with Jaemin! Did I ever mean anything to you?!” he was crying now, his vision was blurry, he missed the tear falling down your cheek.
“I loved you, Haechan. I loved you but you broke my heart so many times, when I put the pieces back together, my heart was filled with disappointment. I was jealous and I missed you, but you slowly faded, and I stopped thinking about you. And Jaemin- I love Jaemin, I love him more than I’ve ever loved you. It’s different with him- better. He’s perfect. So, you have no right to tell me that you never meant anything to me!” you said raising your voice a little. You really loved Jaemin so much.
Haechan’s heart broke like yours every time he had told you about his crush on Youngmi.
Haechan’s heart broke because he could see the love for Jaemin in your eyes.
Haechan’s heart broke because once and for all, he lost you.
Haechan’s heart broke and it wouldn’t heal for a long time.
He remembered how much fun you had yesterday before he messed up, how it felt like months ago, just you two hanging out at the arcade and enjoying each other’s company. How he watched you as he hid behind a building, how lost you looked and how lonely you were.
He remembered how you hugged him because you were worried about him, even though he was with his so-called girlfriend and friends, laughing at how dumb you looked.
He remembered how you cried in his arms because you were so scared, because he had left you alone and god knows what could’ve happened to you.
Haechan looked at you with guilt, with pain and regret in his eyes.
You wiped away your tears with the back of your hand and next thing you knew, Haechan grabbed your wrists, pulled you closer and kissed you. He held your wrists against his chest as he kissed you on the lips. Your eyes widened, you tried to push him away, but he pulled you closer, even thought it was almost impossible.
You didn’t know what to do, so you bit his lip and he pulled away with a hiss. He still held your wrists but as he saw you sobbing, he loosened his grip. Haechan looked into your eyes, he looked for a sign, a reason to keep chasing after you, a glimpse of love you still felt for Haechan, but his eyes only saw tears and pain.
“I-I’m sorry… I just-“
“Let me go.” You whispered weakly.
“I’m sorry please I love you so much, please don’t leave me again, stay with me… p-please forgive me. I swear I didn’t steal your money- I would never… Y-You’re the best thing that happened to me- I need you please don’t go to him.” He was also sobbing now.
“I don’t want to see you ever again.” Were your last words before you pushed him slightly back, with the last bits of strength you had, and with one last look, you left him alone in the alley, alone with his arching heart.
You wiped away your tears as you entered the bar and almost ran Jaemin in the arms. Jaemin was sitting next to Jeno, his leg bouncing up and down as he nervously waited for you to come back. Jaemin saw you coming towards him and he saw the redness of your eyes. He pulled you into a hug and whispered in your ear that everything’s going to be alright.
“Please bring me back to the hotel.”
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Ms. Kim and Mr. Byun didn’t know that almost the whole class was at the bar, they thought everyone was in their rooms, but they didn’t really care If the students stayed a little longer outside since it was their last day. You and Jaemin quickly entered your room, tiptoeing so nobody could hear Jaemin enter your room.
Jaemin sat on your bed and pulled you softly on his lap. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
You nodded and started telling him what happened, what Haechan told you and what he did at the end.
“H-He kissed you?” Jaemin asked, anger boiling in him.
“Yes, but I tried to push him away, he was a little stronger and I just bit his lip. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry that he did that. I didn’t think he would do something like that. It just made me hate him even more.” You confessed.
“It’s alright, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just want to punch the shit out of him.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Haechan- he’s nothing more than a piece of our past. I don’t need and I don’t want him in my life,” You said as you breathed out, “I love you.” You added and kissed him on the lips.
“I just want your lips on mine.” You whispered against his lips and then you kissed him again.
Everything was spinning around, you could taste the alcohol on his lips and the way Jaemin held you in his arms, with you on his laps, made you forget everything that happened, every bad memory of Haechan just vanished.
Jaemin put you on the bed and hovered above you, his lips never leaving yours. His tongue slipped in your mouth and your tongues were dancing with each other, his hands travelled your body up and down and your sundress exposed your legs. His hand slowly stroked your thigh as he deepened the kiss.
Jaemin pulled back and looked at your rosy cheeks, your plump lips and your chest raising up and going down. He left your breathless.
“Mark me.” You said softly.
Jaemin’s lips travelled from your lips, to your cheek to your neck. He placed wet kisses on your neck and when he started sucking, you moaned. You never felt like this before and Jaemin brought you to the edge. His lips on you, sucking and licking at you neck, leaving marks. Your mind was full of Jaemin, Jaemin and Jaemin.
After leaving a couple love bites on your skin, his lips landed on yours again. He kissed you deeply and with so much love, you felt like you were on cloud nine. He pecked your lips one last time before locking his eyes with yours, looking deeply into your eyes and seeing a whole universe in them.
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you more.”
“I love you the most.” He grinned and pulled you closer to hug you with his whole body.
That night, all of your worried faded away, leaving you in the arms of your boyfriend, your safe place.
Your class trip, well, it wasn’t how you wanted it to be, but that was alright. Jaemin asked you to be his girlfriend, you had fun with your friends, and you could spend as much time with Jaemin as you wanted.
It was your last class trip before going to college, your last year of being a high-school student. You spend all of your time with Jaemin, studying until it was dark outside, making out until you needed to break apart because of the lack of oxygen, cuddling until you fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was too good to be true. You even got accepted to the same college with Jaemin and your other friends, everything was going amazingly well.
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It was prom night, your date was, of course, Jaemin. You looked stunning and he looked incredibly handsome. He picked you up, and of course, your parents took millions of pictures of you together. Prom was breathtaking, everything looked so good and the mood was great. You danced with your friends and you slow-danced with Jaemin.
Jaemin held you close to his chest, your favorite song was playing, Jaemin paid the DJ to play this song for you. Your eyes were shining, and your smile reached your ears. You pulled him closer and pressed your lips on his. You felt like you were in a movie, the happiness you felt at that moment, it couldn’t be real. Jaemin deepened the kiss as his hands held you by your hips. Your arms were around his neck as you slowly danced with him. Jaemin pulled back and looked at you with so much love.
“I love you so much, you’re the most beautiful girl on this planet and I can’t wait to go to college with you and one day I’m going to marry you.” He promised you.
“I love you more, thank you for being with me.”
“I love you the most.”
After your dance with Jaemin, you excused yourself to go to the restroom, but you should’ve known that you’d see Youngmi there. “Hey.” She said and you looked at her, confused.
After your class trip, Youngmi lost many friends and, of course, her boyfriend Haechan. She focused on her studies and you almost forgot that she existed.
She put on her lipstick and turned to you. “I know we are almost like enemies, but the last couple of months, I was all alone- I had no one, and I had time to think about everything I’ve done to you- or anyone on that matter. What I’m trying to say is; I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being a bitch and I’m sorry for just everything I’ve done. I was jealous, you know, of your relationship with Haechan and your friends, and I’m sorry for destroying your friendship with Haechan.” She almost cried.
You never thought that Youngmi would apologize to you.
“There’s another thing I have to tell you and If you want to hate me forever after that, I understand.” She looked down to her hands, “H-Haechan wasn’t the one who stole your money- it… it was me. I feel ashamed and I know that you hate me, I’m sorry, for telling you that it was Haechan, I’m sorry for stealing it in the first place, I want to give you your money back and I’m sorry for lying.” Youngmi grabbed her clutch, but you stopped her, “I don’t need it, and I don’t hate you. Thank you for telling me and thank you for apologizing.” You slightly smiled at her to show her that she shouldn’t be embarrassed.
“T-Thank you.” She whispered.
You left the restroom and went out to get some fresh air after the information you just got. It didn’t change much, you forgave Youngmi because you could see that she was being genuine, and about the Haechan thing, you let out the breathe you didn’t know you were holding.
You looked to your left, not excepting to see someone sitting on a bench, let alone excepting to see Haechan sitting there all alone. You wanted to apologize for accusing him as a thieve and you made your way to him.
“Can I sit here?” you asked.
He looked up and met your eyes with his, “S-Sure.” He stuttered, not excepting you to sit down next to him, well, you were sitting at the edge of the bench, too far for his liking.
“I talked to Youngmi just now, well, she apologized and told me that she lied to me.” You said as you looked up to the full moon.
“Lied about?” he asked.
“About you. About the class trip and my money. I’m sorry for accusing you, even though you didn’t do it.” You apologized. “But I did other stuff to you.” He mumbled.
“I know, I still wanted to apologize. It doesn’t change anything between us.” You said, maybe a little too harsh since you could almost hear Haechan’s heart breaking.
“Oh.” He looked also up now. “I’m sorry.” He breathed out a sorry before closing his eyes. He was tearing up again. “We could be here together, as a couple, If I hadn’t destroyed everything.”
“I could be the one slow-dancing with you and telling you how breathtaking you look. I could hold your hand, hug you and kiss you. But I fucked up, I never deserved you.”
You turned your face to him, you could see that he was suffering, but there was nothing you could do. He felt your eyes on him, he turned his face to you and opened his eyes, looking deeply into your eyes. He didn’t see hate or disgust anymore, he saw something else, something nice and warm.
You stood up and walked away. Haechan looked after you, his heart clenching because he knew, this was the last time he would see you. You looked breathtaking in that dress, the moon was shining brightly on you. You looked like an angel.
“I love you. Look how pretty you are. You’re so pretty, (Y/n).”
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 13 “When She Finally Leaves” [Episode List] Dana spends the whole day at Dave’s place. When the girl leaves, Tim, who’s now Dave’s roommate, finds out how much gas a man can hold in just to not look gross in front of a girl.
When She Finally Leaves
In the last few weeks I’ve been spending more and more nights at Dave’s place, whether because I needed a place to work, write my essays, or simply to spend some quality time watching bad films and drinking beer. It was Dave himself to ask me to “marry him” (as he jokingly put it), basically becoming official roommates, which also meant dividing our tasks and obviously splitting the rent.
And honestly we were having a great time. We both had jobs, fortunately, which were not much but they did pay taxes for now and it was overall a great experience. Friend or not, Dave is an excellent roommate, being pretty good at cooking and organising chores; the same could be said for me actually, though in some cases we have our own preferences; for example Dave prefers cooking (the fact that I’m bad at it it’s purely coincidental) so we agreed I’ll be the one doing the dishes.
We also had our buds crashing over what is now *our* place a couple of times, which resulted in more bad films and beer, or even nerd stuff such as gaming together. Of course however, the person who most often came over is obviously Dana, Dave’s girlfriend. She’s pretty cool though we don’t really hang out with her when Dave’s not around, though as I said she’s pretty easy-going.
Tonight we’ve been watching a trash movie. Yes, the three of us. Don’t worry, I was a welcome addition today. Dave would usually just tell me to leave for a few hours if sex was on the table (sometimes literally on the table, the one where we eat our food…) as we respect each others enough to just be straightforward whenever we needed some privacy. Tonight however it was just chilling like three friends hanging out together (knowing however that Dave would just give me a signal should things get more heated up you know).
We were in the living room. I was on an armchair, working on my laptop, despite the poor wi-fi. On the long wide couch beside me, Dave and Dana chilling and watching the movie with more attention than me, my bud’s left arm around his girlfriend, sometimes making remarks on how bad it was. We all had a can of beer, because of course we did.
The couple brought some takeouts for dinner, some fast-food a few blocks from here (Dana’s idea, actually, which we were both thankful for). Dave, chilling next to Dana, was wearing his signature casual outfit: a grey shirt and pair of dark blue loose jeans, details that my gay-ass eyes immediately noticed and more than once stared at.
“Oh wow the helicopter just blew up I’m speechless.” Dave said, sarcastically.
“A Subversive Masterpiece: that’s what they were going for when they wrote this.” Dana added, and they both chuckled.
I also did my fair share of sarcastic remarks though work got most of my attention, even though it was nothing urgent, just me trying to get some stuff done as fast as possible.
“Did the shark just wink at him?” my bro commented.
“They’re best friends now.” his girlfriend explained. What a great film.
After 15 more minutes the movie ended with the three of us clapping at a shot of a man and a shark exchanging a look of gratitude to each other, as the Sun set into the never-ending ocean. Drugs played a big role into the making of this move I’m 100% sure.
“Well, that was enlightening, but I gotta head back home. The Uber’s almost here.” Dana said, as she got up and reached for her purse and some other stuff.
“You’re really sure about that? Come on, stay here for the night.” Dave suggested. “I taught Tim to play dead. We can throw food at him.” he then joked.
“I can also bring you the newspaper upstairs, tomorrow morning.” I played along.
Dana chuckled in response. “I’m sure you’ll win the next contest you two, but I gotta wake up super early tomorrow.”
The couple walked towards the front door. The entrance was next to the living room, a few steps behind the couch. Dave and I sometimes darkly joked that any assassin could easily ambush us because whenever we’re on the couch anyone could sneak into the house behind us, with enough care (we then prefer to drink about it).
“Call me when you get home.” Dave said and the two shared a quick kiss.
In the meantime I moved on the bigger (and more comfortable) couch, more or less in Dana’s spot, as I also have better wi-fi reception there. I left my laptop on the small table in front of me because apparently all of my laptops have to be shitty and take some time to even the most basic stuff. As I inspected the wi-fi icon flashing on the screen, I heard Dave shutting the door and walking back to the couch. After a few steps his tall figure was already towering over me.
“Yeah the reception is pretty bad lately.” he commented, and then collapsed next to me.
Only a few seconds and he already had that well-known smirk drawn on his face; he then quickly adjusted his position. He completely laid down, extended his demin-clad legs, with his left one resting on the back of the couch, ending right behind my neck. In a moment, Dave ended up showing off his loose, almost-sagging jeans-clad ass directly next to me, as his legs trapped me into a gentle yet strong grip. Seeing both that “wall” made of jeans and my bro’s smirk at the same time was a sight I never truly got used to. He was just lying there, next to me, with his ass pointed at me, as if it was one big prank, even though he knew exactly how much I enjoyed that.
“Bro you’re ready?” he asked, still sporting that smirk.
When even Dave goes as far as asking me if I’m ready, then I knew that the fart was going to be gargantuan. And I realized why: Dana has been with us and my bro the entire day, so it’s possible that Dave just held all of his gas in for hours. We all experienced this, then when the girl leaves, men get to “relax”. Other than that, Dave had tons of beer and junk food. I stared at that denim butt, for the first time almost scared of what my bud was capable of; I knew a fart was coming, and I knew it was going to be big.
But what Dave said next really once again confirmed how chill he is around me.
“Believe me: you might want to get closer for this one.” he said, laughing a bit.
He sported weirdly reassuring smile, Dave’s millionth attempt at saying “It’s ok, Tim.” as he probably noticed now nervous I became when he assumed that pose.
The teasing bastard then went full bully on me and simply reached for my head with his long right arm and gently pulled me down, as if I was bowing to that still silent denim-clad ass. I just heard him laugh like an idiot, as it usually happens. Despite my head being down and in front of that ass, I could still see Dave’s face and that smirk. He raised his eyebrows and half-closed his eyes as he started pushing, but he didn’t need to put all that effort into ripping that blast.
It’s like the fart was barely contained in the first place: it immediately exploded with a loud sound right into my face. Dave closed his eyes and kept his smirk as the blast probably surprised him as well. It was low-pitched and dry, a completely natural gas-eruption that sounded like an engine. The stench was unbearable, a mixture of beer and junk food, surprise to no one.
While farting, Dave adjusted his position as bit, spreading his legs bit more, with my face getting almost planted into that denim-clad butt as he effortlessly kept ripping that immense flatulence. Hours and hours of gas being erupted as if I was in front of a dormant volcano that just woke up. And I feared that “hours” was what he was going for ‘cause after 20 seconds the fart didn’t even lose power.
Dave still had this smirk drawn on his face and occasionally stared down at me as he completely destroyed my face and nose with his incredible farting skills, skills that constantly let me speechless, fetish or not. He was the fart master, a showoff with a manly talent that I could only bow to and endure in the hop-
“Sorry, I forgot my house keys.”
The fart immediately stopped and it all went silent: It was Dana.
Dave turned his head to his girlfriend, greeting her with the stupidest smile you can think of.
“Oh stay there no worries, they’re right here.” I heard Dana say as she reached for keys, probably hanging right next to the door, my face still almost planted in my friend’s denim ass. That felt surreal.
I completely froze (not that I could move) but I knew that she couldn’t see me (just like I couldn’t see her) as I was lying down. All she could see from where she was standing was Dave’s head and his right leg resting on the back of the couch, since the entrance was behind our couch.
I was terrified, while Dave was doing his best not laugh like an idiot.
“What’s so funny?” Dana asked, laughing a bit herself, definitely noticing her boyfriend being weird.
My teasing bro quickly glanced down at me, almost losing it (and still holding holding the fart in, which didn’t stop the smell from burning my nostrils).
“N-nothing’” he stuttered. That’s it, he was gonna laugh like an idiot.
“Okay” I heard Dana, not really convinced of the boyfriend’s answer though.
There was a moment of awkward silence and then we heard a car honk, thank goodness.
“Oh… it’s my Uber. Bye!” the girl said, quickly leaving the house and shutting the door behind her.
Another moment of silence followed, Dave still staring at the entrance. I was shaking, I was legitimately scared that someone was gonna find out, which was weird given the hotness I was experiencing in that moment, even without the fart being ripped.
“Ok… where were we?” Dave asked, turning back to me, with a smirk. “Oh yeah!”
And he effortlessly resumed farting, just as loud, proud and powerful as it was before the interruption, directly into my face. The terror I experienced moments before was blown away by that incredibly blast and me being rock-hard, as it usually happens when Dave showoffs his gassy talent around me, or on me.
Dozens of seconds passed and at this point Dave just played along. He nodded at me, faking a serious expression, as if he was listening to something actually interesting instead of his own loud fart still going on strong; after about ten more seconds he checked the time on his wrist-watch and acted surprised, then stared down at me as if he wanted to say “damn that is long!”. We both however actually lost the track of time and he simply relaxed as if I wasn’t even in front of his ass, all while the fart was still being blasted in my face.
Dave then reached for my head again and gently pushed it inches closer to his roaring ass, and I felt the vibrations of his rip all over my face: it was literally an earthquake.
How long was it lasting? More than 1 minute perhaps? How much gas can a man hold in? Dave certainly was pushing for a record. All I knew is that I felt privileged witnessing that, even though I was beyond being a mere witness since no particle of gas missed my eyes and nostrils.
However (finally, actually), the fart seemingly started to lose power, the once-continuous sound starting to “stutter” and turning more into a fast series of loud farts, fired back-to-back. The show (because that’s what it was: a show) ended with a loud, 5 seconds blast, and Dave’s laughter.
I slowly got up, sweaty, my nose burning, with a startled look to which my bro reacted with another immature cackle. I was now sitting next to him as I was before, and looked back at my bud, who in the meantime re-adjusted his pose. He was still lying down, still kind of showing off his loose-sagging ass, but in a less “menacing” way: now he was just chilling.
“When’s Dana coming over again?” I joked. I mustered all the courage I had left to say that. I was impressed by the fact that I could still speak considering that all of my blood probably flooded my boner at that point.
Dave laughed at that lame joke, thank goodness. “As if I need Dana to blast you like this.”
He raised one leg, again showing off his sagging denim ass in my direction. He quickly sucked some air in and after a few moments and weird noises a loud 6 seconds fart erupted. For his standards, that’s basically a weak one.
My friend just casually joking and bragging about facefarting me and then farting on command to prove it made me lose it, as I felt my boner… dampening. He didn’t notice it but he knew that I had a hard-on, that’s for sure.
I didn’t want to just rush into the bathroom so I just stared at my laptop, still on the table, in front of me: the wi-fi signal was stronger than ever. I jokingly like to think that Dave’s blast was so powerful it actually influenced the signal somehow and improved it.
I turned to my bud, still lying on his side of the couch, just checking his phone and being… casually hot.
“Thanks man.” I said, not for the wi-fi though.
He lowered his phone, revealing a blank reaction “Really?” he said, rolling his eyes, with a bored expression. “Stop being cringe and do the dishes.”
Fuck, I totally forgot about those. We had takeout food but we still used some of our dishes. I immediately got up and rushed to the kitchen, hoping that Dave was distracted by his phone enough to not notice by boner through my sweatpants.
Once in the kitchen, a place that wasn’t tainted by Dave’s gas, my nostrils could still feel my bro’s fart-stench. That’s how soaked up in his gas I was. Even my ears needed some time to adjust to the silence, now that I didn’t have a deafening fart being ripped right into my skull. 
And I just knew that this wasn’t the last time this was gonna happen. I’m Dave’s roommate, and being roomies means we have to divide our tasks: he’s the farter, I’m the sniffer.
End of Episode 13
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
Are you still taking prompt? If you do, I have a request. Hange lives beside Mikasa's house. Levi saw her when he was forced to babysit Mikasa, his cousin, for a day. After that, Levi is really attracted to Hange, he even offered to babysit Mikasa (which he never did before) to see Hange. Levi is that tsundere guy who tends to do stupid things to get his crush attention. He even told Mikasa to accidentally get lost to Hange house so that he has an alibi to talk to her. The rest is up to you 😂
"Mikasa, please."
"Mikasa, I'm-" he was well above begging, but- "I'm asking you."
Mikasa's dark eyes peered into his. Levi didn't like the look inside them. The annoying brat lifted the corners of her lips, and Levi bit down a curse. If he ever dared to curse in front of his cousin, she'd rat him out in no time. She would tell her mother, or worse, his mother. He still hadn’t forgotten the previous lecture about proper behavior in the presence of children.
"If I help you..." Mikasa twirled a lock of her hair, looking far too innocent for Levi's taste. With Mikasa, innocuous face always meant trouble. "What will I get out of it?"
Kenny's influence in action, Levi thought grimly. Maybe, he should talk with Mikasa's parents about him. Obviously, the fucker wasn't good for their daughter.
Looking at Mikasa, Levi sighed. "I'll buy you an ice-cream."
"Mm," Mikasa raised her gaze to the celling, pressing a finger to her mouth. For a moment, she appeared to be deep in thought. Levi was already starting to celebrate his victory. But then-
"No," she declared. "Ice cream is not enough."
Levi swallowed down a "greedy brat" and offered, "I'll take you to the cinema."
Mikasa grimaced. "I don't want to go to the cinema with you."
Levi closed his eyes, counting to ten. He was going to refrain from calling his cousin a fucking nuisance. Otherwise, his mother would have his head.
"Fine," he grunted, glaring at her. Mikasa met his eyes with an equally dark expression. "What do you want?"
Mikasa smiled, as though she was waiting for this question since the very beginning of their negotiation. 
"You're going to let me stay at your place. And you're going to let me invite Eren and Armin for a sleepover. And you're going to buy us as many snacks as we want."
"Oi-" Levi started only to be interrupted by Mikasa.
"Do you want me to bring Hange-san here or not?"
Mikasa outstretched her little hand to him. "Do we have a deal then?"
Levi accepted his defeat with a long sigh. "We do," he answered, shaking her hand.
His plan was simple - stupid, Mikasa had called it, but what could that brat know - and Levi was confident in its success.
"That's all I have to do?" Mikasa asked. "Just go to Hange-san's house?"
"And tell her that you're lost." Levi reminded.
"You know that Hange-san is smart, right? She would never believe in this."
"Convince her then."
"I'll let you pick any movie you want. And you can stay up all night."
Mikasa narrowed her eyes. "This is manipulation."
Levi shrugged. He was not above exploiting his cousin. And he wasn’t ashamed of it. 
"Just do your job,” he instructed.
"Fine!" Mikasa stomped her feet, giving him a look so dark Levi was actually impressed. "I'll do it. But you have to promise that you won't bother us during the sleepover."
Levi rolled his eyes, for the thousandth times cursing his cousin. Why in the world she was so goddamn difficult, girls her age should be polite and timid, not so disrespectful and greedy. "Cross my heart and hope to die," he gritted through teeth. "Now go."
Glued to the window, Levi intently watched the street, waiting to see Mikasa's gloomy face and - hopefully - the pretty face of her neighbour, Hange Zoe.
Levi had met her a month ago, during the weekend that he was once again forced to spend babysitting his annoying cousin. He was trying to teach Mikasa how to ride a bike, when he saw her for the first time - Hange Zoe was tending to the small garden on her front lawn. Wearing denim overalls and a straw hat, with a soft smile on her pretty, round face, she was a sight Levi couldn't tear his gaze off.
He spent an embarrassingly long moment, staring at her, until Hange finally took notice of him and Mikasa. She greeted his cousin with a wave of a hand, beckoning her to come closer. Reluctantly - Levi wasn't sure if the invitation included him too - he followed after Mikasa.
And that's when he learnt her name. And found out that Hange wasn't tending to a garden, but was actually picking insects for her pet tarantulas. That's when all hope was lost for him.
Hange Zoe was weird. She was messy. She was wild.
And Levi didn't believe in love at first glance, but- ever since that day he couldn't stop thinking about her.
He came to babysit Mikasa next week, and then a week after that. And soon what wasn't love at first sight quickly turned into an insufferable crush that left Levi feeling like he was turning into pathetic, lovesick fool. 
He was thinking about Hange at work and at home. He was thinking about her during breakfast, lunch and dinner. He couldn’t get away from her even in his dreams. Hange took residence in his mind, stubbornly refusing to leave.
Every time they talked - Levi felt like the biggest idiot in the world. When Hange looked at him, his face burned. When she smiled, his heart was racing and his thoughts were turning into a mash. 
Once Hange touched his hand, and Levi thought he was going to faint.
Being close with her was awful, being apart - felt even worse. That's why he had to request the help of his cousin. As annoying as she was, Mikasa was Levi's only link to his crush.
Staring at the empty lawn, Levi tapped his foot impatiently. What was taking Mikasa so long? Hange lived just across the street.
Levi swept his eyes across the road again and- hurriedly backed away from the window, closing the curtain.
Mikasa was almost next to the door. And with her was Hange.
Levi desperately tried to calm his wildly beating heart. It refused to listen to his order. He took a shuddering breath and the doorbell rang. He rushed to answer it.
"Hello!" Hange chirped, as he opened the door.
Their eyes met, and Levi felt his knees turn to jelly. 
"Hi," he echoed quietly.
"This is kinda awkward," Hange chuckled, the sound like a music to Levi's ears. "But I found your cousin sitting on my doorstep? Mikasa said she was lost?" she laughed again, rubbing her neck. "We've been neighbours for years, don't know how that's possible..."
"He made me do it," Mikasa pointed at Levi, a wicked glint in her eyes. "He wanted to talk to you, Hange-san, but couldn't find a reason."
Mikasa was gone as soon as she finished. She ran past Levi and rushed upstairs. He watched her disappear, a thousand curses at the tip of his tongue. Cousin or not, he was going to murder the brat.
"Um, Levi?" Hange's voice distracted him from thinking where he could hide the body. "Did Mikasa-"
"She's an idiot." Levi glowered.
"So that was..."
This was it, Levi decided. Hange gave him a perfect opening. He was either going to confess his feelings or he was going to live out his days as a lonely, pathetic coward. The time has come, now he had to gather all of his courage and-
"Mikasa is very bad at pranks."
...And he was going to die as a coward.
"Oh, alright," Hange nodded, shuffling her feet awkwardly. "I'll go then... If Mikasa was lying and you don't wish to hang out together..."
Oh what a sympathetic, kind person. She was giving him a second chance. Would he be able to use it?
Levi pictured Mikasa's wicked smile and all of the mocking he would have to go through if she finds out that he wasted a perfect opportunity to confess. It gave Levi the strength and resolve he so badly needed.
He took a deep breath, looked Hange in the eyes and-
"Mikasa wasn't actually lying," he whispered.
Instantly, maintaining eye contact became too arduous of a task, and Levi shamefully lowered his gaze.
He thought of closing the door in her face and then changing his name to move to another country, but then- Hange gingerly touched his arm. Her hand was warm and her skin was soft. Levi was dangerously close to swooning.
“Wanna go to my place?” she offered, and Levi thought that if Hange asked, he’d follow her to the ends of Earth. “I can introduce you to Sawney and Bean?” 
“Sawney and Bean?”
“My pet tarantulas!” Hange proudly answered. 
Levi hated spiders. Just the thought of their small hairy legs made him shudder and squirm. But- it was Hange who was asking, and he was sick of being a coward. 
Besides, what was a spider compared to speaking about his feelings? A walk in a park...
“Just let me grab my jacket,” he told Hange. 
The smile she gave him as an answer was bright enough to blind him. 
Maybe, he’ll put off Mikasa’s murder for a while. 
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Severus Snape being an awesome teacher and human being
Au Volant - Elsa & Emilie
He makes sure to let students work on their own when they brew Amortentia. They only have to pass in a list of things they smell and he draws little smiley faces on them because he knows a lot of kids are very insecure about their feelings. (Once a kid passed in a list that just said, I’m sorry Professor but it doesn’t smell like anything, and on their paper Severus drew an ace and aro flag and a time for the student to be at Mcgonogall’s office that weekend for tea, along with a smiley face and an O grade.) (The student was Newt.) (Hailee’s just read, People are gross and if I fall in love with one I want you to kill me, to which Severus responded, Valid, and drew her a picture of a turtle.)
He makes fake batches of Felix Felicis and gives one to every student secretly before their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s so they feel extra confident going into the test but aren’t actually cheating.
He knows his area is Potions, but he teaches defense spells to students who come after class or report bullying anonymously. Severus Snape does not fucking stand for bullying in his classroom or outside of it. If you dare to pick on one of his students, he will burn you so hard with his mere words that you will wish you were dead. Do not fuck with Severus Snape’s kids.
On parent-teacher day, he drinks different batches of Polyjuice Potion to imitate certain students, all of whom hide away in their dorms after drinking a fine batch of invisibility potion. He then follows these select parents around and endures their horrifying, demeaning remarks about their “failure of a child” so his students don’t have to. He makes sure to give these students glowing praises to their parents when it’s his turn to offer feedback (after making up an excuse to go to the bathroom as the student), and takes mental notes of the parents’ most prominent criticisms so he can be sure to compliment those parts of his students during their next assignments (and also just because).
He brews sleeping potions for students he knows stay up all night studying and sometimes slips it into their drinks if they refuse to take it willingly. He then gives them back their (usually almost flawless) tests with the note that if they want a full O they need to sleep more.
He invites kids he knows don’t have many friends to have dinner and lunch and breakfast in his classroom whenever they’d like. He tries to make friends with some of them too, hoping to make their lives a little less lonely than his was.
He keeps an eye out for abusive home situations. He does his best to come up with excuses for those unfortunate students to stay at Hogwarts over breaks or to visit often over the summer. He tries to find them friends that will help them the way James helped Sirius and Regulus, and speaks to Mcgonogall about opening a home for these kids on campus. He does his best to be the parent he knows these kids don’t have, and is open about his own horrid past in hopes of getting some of them to fess up so he can help them better than he can without hearing it explicitly from their mouths.
He uses his Pensieve to collect happy memories of and for his students to reflect on when they need to and they sit in the corner of his classroom. (Among them are his wedding day to James and Lily, the day Harry was born, a couple playdates with the other Marauder children, Sirius and Remus’ wedding day, studying with Remus, pranking James with Sirius, Sirius and James asleep cuddled together with Remus on the couch in ugly Christmas sweaters, his son and many nieces and nephews playing dress-up, reading with Hermione and exploring with Luna and Newt, dancing with Draco (he likes to dance but was always ashamed to do it at the Malfoys), going on long drives with Regulus, the Blacks’ funeral (Regulus and Sirius performed a very gay stripper dance on top of their graves, it was beautiful), and many, many more.) Sometimes he can see his saddest students watching them and smiling, and their sad eyes twinkling make him smile.
He brings in a box of small kittens, puppies, and bunnies one day and lets them wander around the classroom. Some kids start crying because they haven’t felt this loved in years. After an incident with a bad potion and a rainbow puppy, he stops bringing them all out during class, but they’re there on the weekends and whenever a student needs to hug one (or borrow one, much to Mcgonogall’s chagrin).
He works to break down House biases and help students develop inter-House relationships and friendships. He wants every student to be proud of their House and not to treat anyone differently because of theirs. He creates (with Dumbledore, Sirius, and Regulus’ help) an annual House Pride, in which every student dresses up in their House colors and has their nails and skin painted and everyone is smiling and laughing and waving flags with their House emblems in the air. Even the teachers get in on it.
He stresses the importance of friendships, communication, and choices. He urges students not to make his mistakes by treating their friends well, talking about their feelings even if they’re ugly, and making the right choices in life for you and your loved ones, even if those choices are hard. He invites Lily in to talk about this too sometimes.
He sends out his Patronus every night to wander around the school. Often it comes back to him with nothing, but sometimes he can hear a student crying through it. He’ll instruct his doe to sit with the student until he gets there, and then he’ll walk around the castle, pretending to “accidentally” happen upon the crying student. He’ll sit with them until they’ve calmed down and listen if they want to talk and then take them to their dorm, bidding them goodnight and get well soon.
He gives students hugs when they want them. He didn’t want to originally, but Harry would greet him every class with a hug, and then one day Draco came in crying and attached himself to Severus like a sloth, so he patted him on the back and continued to hug him. Not long after, Hermione couldn’t figure out a potion and burst into tears out of frustration, turning and burying herself in his chest. After Luna wrapped her stick arms around his neck for no reason, Severus just accepted his fate and let his students hug him.
A lot of first years get scared in the hallways, since the staircases move and everywhere is incredibly crowded and they are oh so very small. Severus will often hold the hand of the most anxious ones for the first few weeks and walk them to class. Eventually they become more confident with the castle and themselves and stop needing it, but the occasional sixth year will slip their hand into his just because sometimes.
He walks around campus with students sometimes. He can tell when they’re nervous or sad or angry and he takes them on walks around the outskirts of campus and lets them vent. He also teaches them how to throw curses at the Whomping Willow just because (it’s for Remus but nobody’s gonna say it out loud).
He teaches students how to walk dramatically (as he should). He puts on student drag shows in the Great Hall with James’ help (who always kisses him way too enthusiastically because of it) and Dumbledore’s permission (so long as he gets to be the finale). The students work with Sirius on their drag looks and Sirius and Remus both join in the drag show for the opening act. Sirius’ job is to design and create the students’ looks while Remus tells them they look pretty and tames their stage fright. Severus just sits in the audience smirking while Lily screams in delight. (Regulus also shrieks with excitement eventually, though he does usually spend the first half trying to look disinterested.) (Peter’s job is to get the cookies and sweets (and underage alcohol).)
He turns into his snake Animagus form sometimes without warning when his students aren’t looking and just slithers around the classroom scaring the crap out of people. His favorite students are the ones brave enough to pet him. Harry and Newt are the only ones brave enough (and allowed) to wind him around their shoulders. Severus and Harry sometimes have conversations in Parseltongue.
He invents spells to help with dyslexia and other learning disabilities in his spare time. When he’s done with that he plans to try looking into some cures to mental illness. He’s thinking possibly a potion that treats PTSD by replacing traumatic memories with pictures of puppies, unicorns, bunnies, cats, and parrots. What do you think?
He tries hard to come up with solutions and modifications to his lessons for students with ADHD. He often talks to James about what the best steps to take are because James has ADHD. (So does Sirius, but his insecurities are bad enough that he won’t talk about it with anyone but Remus and James.)
He plays the violin sometimes during tests and uses Sonorus to make it echo throughout the classroom. Occasionally he cancels class and just plays until most of his students fall asleep. Those who want to work on extra work can, but he tries to keep their stress and general teenage angst to a minimum. (Though he encourages the emo phase.)
One of the first things he does after the Prank is get to work on a lycanthropy solution for Remus. After a couple years he invents the wolfsbane potion, but it doesn’t quite do the trick. Eventually he manages to figure out the cure, and when Remus finds out he cries so hard he can’t breathe right for days. (Sirius also cries. So does James. And Peter. And Lily and Regulus and Mcgonogall. Seriously, everyone cried and everyone hugged him and Severus tried to get away by transforming into his snake form but toddler Harry just grabbed him and refused to let go, so that didn’t work.) (He also helps Remus become a wolf Animagus when he asks almost a year later.)
He teaches certain kids Occlumency and Legilimency after school. It’s strictly for kids he knows come from abusive homes, whether they’re open about it or not, so they can tell when it’s going to be a bad night and get away or protect themselves. He teaches Occlumency for those who need to hide things from their parents (like Sirius and Regulus used to) and Legilimency to all, just in case. He focuses on stealth and untraceable versions of the craft to earn the kids as much time and protection as he can.
He figures out how to remove the Dark Mark from his own arm after the war. The next person he calls is Regulus, whose he also removes. He writes down the entire process and when the war starts up again, he keeps an eye out for students suddenly wearing long sleeves. He speaks with those he does find and helps them to make the right choice and join the right side of the war, starting with removing that horrid tattoo. (Draco bawls uncontrollably when Severus removes his.)
When they do the lesson on Veritaserum, he’s extra careful to make sure students don’t test it, especially on themselves or their friends. It, along with Amortentia, is the most guarded potion in his stash. The only times he uses it is when a student from an abusive home is too scared to tell him what’s going on, in which case he finds them somewhere private, asks them if they’d be okay with it and if so which teacher they want to be there to ask the questions (usually Remus, Sirius, or himself), and then administers the potion and leaves or begins to ask yes or no questions. It’s helped a lot of kids escape their families.
He tries to ease trepidations about himself early in the school year, since he’s aware he can be intimidating and the rampant stories regarding his time under Voldemort (though entirely as a spy) do not help. His friendships with Remus and Sirius often serve to alleviate students’ fears though, as they tend to tell embarrassing stories about him from their own Hogwarts days that make him seem more human (and make him want to strangle them, but that’s neither here nor there).
Every year, he works with Remus and Lily to arrange Muggleborn Pride. It’s an incredibly popular event with tons of Muggle inventions and artifacts floating through the air over students’ heads. At any time they can reach up and pull one down to study it. Many students dress as their favorite Muggle icons and characters. Because of this, Muggleborn students are more comfortable being who they are than ever before. (Some have even reclaimed the word Mudblood by setting up mud pits during their Pride.) (They also have more Slytherin Muggleborns now than any other time in recorded history.)
He tells Regulus’ story to every class of students, to teach them what true bravery is and how love and family, even if not blood, can change the course of history. Regulus survived his encounter with the Horcruxes and worked to destroy them and eventually Voldemort, but now lives away from the public eye in a secluded part of Muggle London. He and Severus are friends and visit often, and Regulus will occasionally come back to Hogwarts to say hello to his brother and mum (Remus), but for the most part he keeps his life intensely private. He allows his family to tell his story because he wants other kids to know they are not alone and that there is a way out, and that you are not a bad person for things you did in your childhood. Severus does his best to do it justice.
He has incredibly loud arguments with Dumbledore until he finally agrees to implement sex ed as a mandatory class at Hogwarts. Severus works with the other Marauders on the curriculum and they try to include multiple angles and identities in their lesson plan. At first they try to trust Remus with it, but Remus doesn’t go anywhere without Sirius who is less than tactful and Remus himself has some deadpan sarcasm and a lack of shame to rival James Potter’s, so. They try Lily. She can’t stop giggling. Finally they beg Regulus to come back and teach it. He’s surprisingly… perfect for the job. (He steals parenting books from Amir, that’s his secret.)
When James visits, everything becomes chaos for a bit. While he mostly hangs out with Sirius and Remus and causes trouble with them, he certainly seems to enjoy sitting in the back of Severus’ classroom and bothering him during lessons. The only way to get him to leave is to turn into a snake and wind himself around his shoulders, which makes James shriek and sputter and run away (James has always had an irrational fear of snakes; odd that he married one then, innit?). But when James isn’t causing chaos, he’s following Severus around adoringly and grabbing at his hand, whispering jokes in his ear and kissing his cheek. Despite all of the times he’s a pain in the ass, there are always these little moments that remind Severus why he fell in love with him in the first place (entirely unwillingly and with much stubborn pride on both ends, but, well. It is what it is and they got here eventually, so that’s all that matters).
When Lily visits, everything is calm. She reigns all of the Marauders in and forces them to have picnics under the tree where they all used to do homework. She often holds Severus’ hand and dances with him there, turning his insides to useless goo. She’s always full of laughter and fairy bells, and though she makes every student question their priorities and life decisions, she’s a favorite of them all. Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t pull him aside and say, “You’re a lucky, lucky man.” (Or, in James’ case: “Fuck, love, how’d we bloody manage that?” (Severus just shrugs. It’s not like he knows.))
He helps kids with autism feel more like they belong. He also works to educate non-autistic students how to better socialize and respect those who are, and takes extra care to dispel myths about autism and its causes, effects, and characteristics. Lily helps when she can.
Above all, Severus tries to give his students the education he never had. Anything he can provide for them he will. He’s been given a second chance and by Merlin is he going to bloody use it.
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bethansfandoms · 4 years
Prompt suggestion — Remus masterminding a marauders prank (as usual) and Sirius just loves this version of his boyfriend so he's all heart eyes and he kinda stops paying attention to what he's saying and his minds starts wandering...
this prompt got a tiny bit away from me and is a little more marauders shenanigans with wolfstar on the side but anyway i hope you enjoy.
in the summer before their seventh and final year at hogwarts, remus and peter had stayed with the potters for the first two weeks rather than the last two as remus was going on holiday with his parents.
what this meant is when sirius greeted his boyfriend on the train station platform, he hadn’t seen him for four weeks and the closets he was allowed to get to fulfilling his desire to kiss him, was to embrace him in a brotherly hug which felt weird and wrong.
they’d planned to tell james and peter about them over the summer but when it transpired that remus would be away for the end of it, the beginning felt far too soon and both of them backed out.
sirius kept a hand on remus’ upper arm, squeezed, and then reluctantly let go as remus followed him onto the train. peter had claimed a carriage near the very back as the marauders needed top secrecy.
today was the day that their prank for the first day back of term would be finalised. of course, they hadn’t accounted for the fact that james potter would be made head boy. it hadn’t even been within the realms of possibility. james said he’d keep sneaking off patrolling the corridors to come and join them and him being head boy didn’t seem to deter his enthusiasm for the prank.
“hey moony, padfoot.” peter greeted. “how was france!”
remus smiled and told peter a few anecdotes as sirius listened to absolutely none of it and instead focussed on the fact that remus lupin had a tan.
remus never had a tan. during summer, he’d wear so much sun cream that his face actually got paler and the rest of his body was always concealed with clothing.
apparently remus’ freckles came out with the sun and sirius couldn’t stop thinking about the ones that smattered his nose and cheeks and how he’d quite like to kiss —
“okay, lads,” james snapped him out his daydream. “what’s the plan? quickly now because if evans notices in gone, i’m toast.”
remus grinned and pulled down a book from his trunk. “i researched it a lot. it’s entirely possible. even better, i think i found a way to choose what it says.”
a mischievous smile spread across james’ face. “you mean... when we put the spell on the sorting hat—”
“we can also add one that means it’s limited to whatever words we choose.”
james quickly stood and took out his invisibility cloak. “take this now incase i get called away. i assume you’ll be doing the spell, moony?”
the small smile that made it’s way onto remus’ face made sirius’ stomach flip. he loved remus like this. his eyes bright and excited with mischief, the dimple on his left cheek visible. sirius found himself contemplating just kissing remus right in front of them. that would probably give james and pete the message.
“sirius,” peter said, “any ideas?”
sirius blinked and looked quickly away from remus. “uh... about what?”
james laughed. “merlin, sirius, you feeling okay mate? this is the first and last prank we’re ever doing during the welcome feast and you’re a million miles away.”
remus smiled rather sheepishly at him. “any ideas as to what we should get the hat to say?”
they all went silent as they thought about it. well, the others all thought about it, sirius’ mind was still transfixed on the thought that kissing remus right here would be a pretty quick and effective way of coming out.
“we could get it to sing a song?” peter said slowly.
remus’ face lit up and sirius nearly did. kiss him for it. “pete, that’s brilliant! i don’t think i could get it to actually sing, but if we made it so every time it opened its mouth it could only say the lyrics to—”
“dancing queen?” james suggested. “i really feel like some abba.”
remus shrugged. “sounds great. peter?”
peter nodded enthusiastically, “if this works, we’re about to get the quickest detentions in hogwarts history.”
remus laughed, sirius decided his laugh was one of his favourite sounds. “sirius?”
sirius’ eyes flitted down to remus’ lips and it was mostly subconscious, however it meant that when he looked back up to remus’ eyes, he really couldn’t help himself.
sirius reasoned that they’d planned to tell james and pete at the end of summer originally and it was now the end of summer. sirius was also the one who’d requested they keep it a secret anyway and remus had always been okay with telling them. he also hadn’t kissed him for four weeks and he really needed to.
sirius cupped his face and felt remus laugh against his mouth as he kissed him. remus didn’t protest at all, instead he gripped the front of sirius’ shirt and pulled him slightly closer.
when they pulled away, james was watching them with a raised eyebrow and a grin and peter looked thoroughly surprised.
“that’s how you’re telling us about you?” james asked. “really?”
remus laughed again. “that was all sirius, i literally didn’t know he was about to do that.”
james shrugged and clapped sirius’ shoulder. “good on you. how long has it been then?”
“few months,” sirius replied, looking at remus and smirking a little.
james pouted. “weird. i only realised at the beginning of summer.”
“you knew?” sirius, remus and peter had all said it at the same time and it set them off laughing again.
“sirius, mate, you have the least discreet heart eyes known to man and this is coming from the guy who’s been pining after evans for years.”
sirius threw remus’ spell boom at him. “so you don’t mind?”
“as long as you two don’t break up and make me choose between you, i don’t mind.”
sirius gasped, “you’d choose me though, right?”
james looked to remus and hung his head. “i’m very sorry, moony, he’s my brother. you can have peter.”
“we’re not breaking up,” remus replied, rolling his eyes. sirius grinned and fought the urge to kiss him again. he quite liked the idea of being stuck with remus for the rest of his life.
+ bonus
sirius felt remus sit down next to him on the bench. they’d told the girls he was with madam pomfrey as the invisibility cloak would stay firmly on; appearing from nowhere would raise questions.
the group of shivering first years stood nervously in front of the stool, waiting. everyone else knew how this worked. the hat gave a speech, the sorting ceremony happened, they had the feast, they sung the school song.
the hat opened the the seam at the front and the hall went silent.
“you can dance, you can jive,” it’s voice rung out, “having the time of your life.”
some of the students got it immediately and burst into laughter. sirius couldn’t help but grin as well.
“see that girl, watch that scene, diggin’ the dancing queen.” remus was right, they hadn’t been able to get the hat to sing it, instead it recited the lyrics to abba’s dancing queen like profound and meaningful poetry.
mcgonagall had realised what was happening now and quickly waved her wand at the hat to stop it talking. some students booed in response.
she flicked her wand at the hat experimentally and waited for it to speak. “friday night and the lights are low.” she silenced it again.
the sorting was delayed until after the feast. they eventually managed to reverse the spell and the sorting hat gave it’s song, not one by abba, as normal.
after it was over, dumbledore announced it would be time for the school song. he flicked his wand and the lyrics appeared. everyone sung them in mismatched tempos, rhythms and pitches, just like always.
everyone aside from the marauders. they stood on the table and continued where the hat had left off. “looking out for a place to go! where they play the right music, getting in the swing, you come in to look for a king!”
the marauders, including remus as although nobody had seen him, they figured he was involved, were given detention on their first night back in the castle. mcgonagall informed them it was the quickest detention in hogwarts history and the first time gryffindor had ever been on minus house points.
to her dismay, they all seemed to see this as a grand achievement.
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