#adam and jade's tunes
puppetwoman17 · 2 months
The day Billy was chosen must’ve been so life changing for the magic world.
I have a headcanon that before he was chosen, since Adam was the only champion he was still, unofficially, champion. He didn’t have duties or respect or anything like that, but he had the title.
Magic was different back then. It felt hollow to them. Darker. They performed it and they performed it well, but they felt jaded. For more powerful users like Fate, it was like touching fire. Writing with magic resulted in sparks and pain.
And then Billy was chosen, and everything just felt so different.
Everyone from Fate, Giovanni, Constantine, Xanadu, Spectre, you name it. They could all feel that something had changed. A ripple, if you will.
Suddenly, magic was more in tune with the soul of its user than ever. There was a lightness to it. A fluidity that wasn’t there before. And, for just a few seconds, they could feel the curiousness, the happiness, the intense emotions of a child.
For everyone else, it was probably the best day of their life.
Mary saw it from her window one day and felt a tug towards it. Adam seethed knowingly.
And Billy? Billy ran all the way back to his hideout and freaked out for the next 24 hours.
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 5 months
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⋆ 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔂𝓭 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱: 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓜𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓜𝓮 𝓢𝓸 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 ⋆
Please note: This is a repost from my old blog, @sugarcookiesheep!
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⋆ It was never boring, being with Floyd. He was unpredictable, spontaneous, brightening up your life in ways you never knew possible. Each day brought something new, depending on his mood. The mornings where he refused to let you leave, whining and squeezing you tight, preventing you from getting out of bed. If you managed to escape his hold, he’d find you, complaining as he wraps his arms around you.
⋆ You could be in the kitchen making breakfast when Floyd comes in, sleepy and annoyed. He’d approach you, complaining how you were gone as he holds you from behind, practically laying on you. As you cooked he would attempt to drag you back to bed, telling you it was too early and that you could have breakfast later. He would change his tune once you were done, the smell hitting him as he realized how hungry he was.
⋆ The days where he didn’t want to work, dismissing the idea and saying he didn’t feel like it. You would have to bribe him to get him to go, giving him a sweet kiss and promising him more when his shift ended. He would happily agree, wanting a few more kisses before taking off. Though, that’s not to say he would work his whole shift, startling you as he bursts back through the door an hour or two later. He had different excuses each time, like work being too boring or having missed you.
⋆ Azul would call you once he realized Floyd had left, asking if you knew where he was. He would hear him in the background, demanding he come back to the lounge. Floyd would tell him no, saying he didn’t wanna work, adamant about his decision. Azul would sigh in frustration, knowing there was no point in trying to convince him, apologizing to you before hanging up the phone. Floyd would then ask about the kisses you promised him earlier, looking at you expectantly.
⋆ Or the nights when you would surprise him, stopping by the lounge while he was working. The way his eyes would light up when he noticed you, shouting the nickname he gave you in delight. He would disregard what he was doing, ignoring the cries of protest from the customers he was serving as he headed your way. He was so happy to see you, his mood skyrocketing as he pulled you in for a hug. Jade would watch you both fondly, telling Floyd he would serve you and mentioning he had people waiting, gesturing towards the tray he abandoned at your entrance. He would grumble, reluctantly letting you go as he listened to Jade, heading back to work. Jade would lead you to a table, taking your order before leaving to get your drink.
⋆ You watched Floyd as he worked, your eyes meeting throughout the night. He would put his hand out whenever he passed your table, holding a piece of your hair or poking your cheek, unable to resist the urge to touch you. You would even find yourself with a dessert you hadn’t ordered, Jade giving you a wink and holding a finger to his mouth as he nodded towards Floyd, silently letting you know it was from him. You would stay until closing, waiting for him to clock out before heading home together.
⋆ One thing people didn’t realize was how perceptive he was, able to read any change in your mood and unafraid to point it out. He would go quiet, staring at you for a moment before asking what was wrong, noticing you were upset about something. He wouldn’t accept any excuse you gave him, wanting to know exactly what it was that upset you, wondering if he needed to squeeze someone. If it was comfort you needed he would be happy to provide it, holding you in his arms gently. Moments like these were rare, but more common than some may think, soft and quiet and intimate. He knew you just as well as you knew him, complimenting each other despite any differences you had. No one else could compare to him in your eyes.
⋆ You were dressed in nice clothes, fancier than what you’d normally wear, on your way to the lounge. You were invited to a big event Azul was having, celebrating the anniversary of the Mostro Lounge opening. The lounge was fully decorated, part of the dining room cleared to create a makeshift dance floor, a band playing in the corner. Azul was dressed in his nicest suit, mingling with the crowd as Jade and Floyd carried trays of drinks and hors d'oeuvres, offering them to guests. Jade noticed you first, getting Floyd’s attention and gesturing towards your direction. He did a double take upon seeing you, smile growing as he gave you a once over, loving how you looked.
⋆ He made his way over to you, giving you compliments as he continued staring at your outfit, saying you should wear it more often. He noticed others were staring too, giving them a look as he emphasizes that you should wear it more often for him, moving to stand closer to you. As much as he wanted to hold you he couldn’t, his hands full at the moment. You noticed he was starting to get upset, moving to lean against him so his mood wouldn’t worsen. He seemed satisfied with that, your sides pressed against each other’s as you stood there. You took a drink from the tray he was carrying, talking with him as you looked around the room, watching the crowd. You looked towards the dance floor, surprised to see how empty it was.
⋆ He noticed where you were looking right as the band switched songs, playing something more jazzy and fast paced now. It seemed to be a song he was familiar with, his eyes lighting up in recognition as he quickly handed the trays he was holding to an employee passing by, spilling some of the drinks in his haste. He turned to you, saying “C'mon, let’s dance!”, grabbing your hand and dragging you onto the dance floor with him. He wasn’t doing any dance in particular, instead feeling the music and moving his body with the beat. You laughed as he pulled you around, his enthusiasm contagious as he would spin you and dip you throughout the song. In the middle of your dance you stared into his eyes, sounding a bit out of breath as you told him, “You make me so happy, Floyd” in between laughs.
⋆ His face lights up at your words, unable to resist wrapping his arms around you, squeezing you close. He would be leaning down holding you, your faces touching as he nuzzles your cheek, laughing.
“Awww, I make *Nickname* happy? You make me happy too! So happy, I never wanna let you go~ Hee hee” ♡
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Originally posted: March 6th, 2024
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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cannedpickledpeaches · 5 months
The Drive Home
Floyd Leech x Reader
Notes: Haven’t finished the side stories for Insert Your Name so here’s some Floyd angst while you wait.
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Somehow or the other, over the years, you’ve become Floyd’s designated driver.
You’re good friends, so of course you go to the same parties. You don’t drink, so of course he needs someone reliable and sober to take him home . . . if he isn’t going home with a new friend. The latter happened often enough in university that you only showed up to events when he was too hammered to leave with anyone else.
You never bothered to learn about his more personal life. It wouldn’t be too weird to ask—he’s happy to volunteer information unprompted, regardless—but you simply aren’t interested. You’re his childhood friend. It would feel almost gross to like him when his parents’ home welcomes you as warmly as your own. Jade and Floyd are just like your annoying brothers, that’s all.
You’re also really good at convincing yourself.
When you were young and fueled by emotion in high school, you constantly dreamed about Floyd if he was the perfect boyfriend. One who was attentive, fun, and loyal. One who would treat you as someone special, who would never get bored and cast you aside. One who would devote his entire being to you.
Maturing is realizing that’s just not Floyd. And you can respect that. Maturing is understanding that no matter how much your heart likes him, that fairytale prince you conjured in your daydreams with his face doesn’t exist. Maturing is realizing just because you like him doesn’t mean he’s good for you.
But you still like him. You tried, but you can’t change that.
Neon letters flicker and cast their light over the interior of your car as you wait in the driver’s seat. After graduating from university, he moved on from frat parties to clubs. Even while parked by the curb, you can hear the booming music thrumming in your steering wheel. The bass pulses like a second heartbeat.
A tall silhouette stumbles to the door on the passenger side. Neon pinks and purples from the sign behind him light up the flyaways in his messy hair. When he opens the door, the stench of alcohol crashes into you the same way he crashes into the seat. The cologne swirling around in the headache-inducing miasma doesn’t help in the slightest.
“You stink.” To alleviate your nostrils, you roll the windows down. The muted music transitions into a different song with the exact same beat. “I’m thinking about kicking you out and making you walk home.”
“Don’t do that, s’not nice.” His words sound as though his tongue has lost half its flexibility. “Ya’ve got your best friend in your car! Would never dream of doin’ somethin’ so mean, wouldya?”
“If you throw up over the seats, I’m kicking you out. Too bad my best friend isn’t worth cleaning up whatever’s in your stomach right now.”
“Won’t throw up.” His snicker ends in a groan. It takes him several tries to secure his seatbelt. “Fuck. Feel like the world’s spinnin’.”
You pull out a plastic bag from the glove compartment and shove it in his lap.
For a good stretch of the drive, he’s content with humming to himself. You don’t play music in case it makes his headache worse. He makes enough noise to fill the car anyway. His off-tune humming switches through several melodies, some you recognize, some you don’t.
The humming fades into silence. At a stop light, you glance at Floyd to make sure he’s okay. His eyelashes flutter against his cheekbones. You think he’s asleep until his eyes flash open and he gives you a grin.
“Eyes on the road.”
“Just making sure you didn’t kick the bucket.” You catch a glimpse of a red stain on the right side of his Adam’s apple. Your gut twists unpleasantly. “If you’re gonna sleep, turn your face to the right.”
“Why? Y’don’t wanna see my handsome face or what?”
You look forward as the light turns green. “No, you told me to keep my eyes on the road. I just don’t want you transferring those lipstick stains onto the seats.”
“Ain’t gotta be salty that you don’t get laid.” You don’t need to look at him to hear the grin in his voice.
“That’s because I have standards.”
“Like what?”
“Something higher than ‘has a hole.’”
He clicks his tongue playfully. “Jealousy ain’t cute on ya.”
You’re aware. Painfully so. Jealousy feels ugly, gnarled, like a twisting mess of poisoned vines reaching insidious tendrils through your veins. They eventually follow your veins back to your heart, squeezing its walls with every lipstick stain you see on his skin. The wish to possess, to confine him in your clutches when the thing he hates above all others is to be tied down—that isn’t cute in the slightest.
Maturing is keeping the worst thoughts inside. A mature adult like you won’t throw a tantrum or cry dramatically in front of him. No, a mature adult like you can do that in the privacy of your room.
“What’s cute on me, then?” You swallow hard. He won’t remember this conversation by tomorrow. Probably. Not when there are so many other, more interesting conversations from the club to remember.
Awkward silence fills the car. Your fingers leave sweat on the steering wheel. Focusing on the road might help distract you from the odd pause from his ever-present noise.
“Your hands.”
You very nearly step hard on the gas by accident. You weren’t expecting an answer at all, much less this one.
“Why? Is that a fetish, or . . . .”
He barks a laugh. “Nah, who knows?”
“Ew. I’ll kick you out.” Both of you know you won’t. If you’re being honest, you’re a little flattered that he thinks your hands are cute, even if it’s in a platonic way. “Why my hands?”
“Dunno. Just the part of ya I was lookin’ at when y’asked.”
Now that’s an odd answer. At a stop light, you look at him again. His sleepy eyes meet yours, and a lazy grin tugs at the corners of his lips.
“I told you to face your right.”
“Right, right.” He sticks his tongue out, but doesn’t oblige. “How’m I s’posed to give ya a proper answer when I’m not s’posed to look atcha?”
“You can’t think of cute things about me if you aren’t looking at me?” You scoff, turning onto a side street. Almost there. “Think of me in your head or something.”
“My head can’t do ya justice.”
Your heart almost skips a beat. Almost. Because you think of all the other people he’s said those words to. All of a sudden, you feel much less special.
Childhood friends. Maturing is understanding that is all you are, and that is all you will ever be, and that you will never, ever be in a relationship with Floyd Leech unless you want it to come crashing down in infinitesimal pieces.
“I like your eyes, too. Always lyin’.” He laughs. “The eyes of a liar, that’s what ya got. But I like them more this way.”
“Doesn’t sound like a compliment.”
“Well, it is.” His chuckles fade into the ambient rumbling of the car for a few moments before he starts rambling. “I like your laugh, too. And the way ya come to pick me up even when ya complain. And when ya scoff when I do somethin’ nice for ya, but it doesn’t take a genius to tell you’re happy anyway. And your nose when it scrunches up. It gets red when it’s cold.”
“Most people’s noses get red when it’s cold.” You choose to ignore everything else he said.
“Not mine.”
“Most humans.”
It’s the novelty that attracts him. You’d have thought that after living with humans all this time, the novelty of flushed skin would have worn off, but it’s hard to tell with Floyd.
“Wouldya like me more if I was human?”
His voice is nearly lost in the humming of the car. You keep your eyes straight ahead. Vaguely, you wish there was more traffic in this side street. Something to keep your mind off the odd vulnerability in his voice.
“I like you the most the way you are,” you say, and it’s the truth. No matter what he is, human or mer or otherwise, you like Floyd as himself. You’ve fallen in love with a natural disaster, and you only barely have enough sense not to throw yourself in the midst of it. The winds would shred you apart. You desperately struggle against the part of your mind that whispers: at least you would have had it once before being destroyed.
But you’re older and more mature now. You won’t indulge that emotional side of you.
You stop outside his home and put the car in park. “We’re here. Get out of my car.”
A mix between a groan and a whine drags itself out of his throat. The alcohol might be making him woozy, but he can walk to his door just fine. You won’t need to help him anymore than this.
He unfastens his seatbelt and leans over to you. The hug he gives you is so uncoordinated, it feels like he’s simply throwing his weight onto you, his arms flopping uselessly.
“Thanks,” he says a little too loudly for his mouth to be next to your ear. “See ya ‘round.”
“Don’t ask me to pick you up again.”
“Ya say that every time.” He laughs again. Laughter always hides just under his tongue when he drinks. “Ya still come when I call.”
“I won’t anymore.” You don’t mean it.
He waves off your remark and plants a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You stiffen, but you’re sure he’s too drunk to notice. With a boisterous farewell, he stumbles out of your car and disappears beyond his front door, leaving the ghost of his kiss on your skin.
You hate being a mature adult. If you weren’t, maybe you would’ve called after him. You might’ve rolled down the window all the way and pulled on his collar, yanking him close enough to kiss him on the lips. Consequences be damned, caution to the wind, whatever else they say about being young and reckless. But you’re a mature adult, and the best you can do for both of you is watch as he leaves.
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kazoohaa · 1 year
boyfriend headcanon for azul please?
𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒. twisted wonderland
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— notes. im actually catching up on requests now 😭
— details. azul ashengrotto x gn!reader. fluff.
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honestly it came as a shock to everyone, including azul himself, when he realised that he’d caught romantic feelings for someone.
it was definitely not something that he had planned to do throughout any of his years in nrc — he didn’t think that he’d be interested in relationships past friendships or business deals, but here he was.
...as much as he hates to admit it.
his overblot (and the events leading up to it) kind of reset everything that he’s worked towards over the years, so he had to start from scratch, in a way
wwwait, when in the great seven did he find himself falling for someone? azul didn’t even notice when he’d caught feelings, it took a while for him to even realise it.
it also took quite a lot of teasing from the leech twins (LMAOOO), since they noticed the smaller things that azul would do differently when it’s a matter regarding you. to the untrained eye, to others that weren’t personally familiar with the way that azul usually acts, they probably wouldn’t notice any difference with him. but the leech twins knew better. they’ve known him for years, after all, so they were able to spot even the smallest of details that made it obvious (to them, at least) that azul thought of you in a more special way compared to how he treats the other people he interacts with.
azul only decided to act on his feelings after the mess of events that was his overblot. in fact, he had an elaborate plan (so that he would be able to know what to do or say when he confesses, because he doesn’t want to be really awkward about it all!!)
but you had completely thrown off this plan when you confessed first, which was the last thing he had expected to happen. oh no, he didn’t have a course of action that was thought out beforehand for a situation like this!!
azul had absolutely no idea on how to go about with relationships. he’s never had a relationship like this with anyone before. it takes him some time, but eventually he gets more comfortable with you and opens up more.
it takes even more time to talk about his insecurities about his mer form, but you were patient. you waited for him until he finally felt brave enough to bring it up. while he displays himself as a confident person outwardly, he lets down those walls and is more vulnerable when he finally feels like it would be okay to talk about his underlying fears/worries about things. but you supported him all throughout it, and he appreciates that about you so, so much <3
azul’s very adamant on the idea of fair exchange, so whenever you do something nice for him he always makes a mental note of it to make sure that he can repay that ‘debt’ of sorts (even if you insist that he doesn’t have to do anything in return), because he doesn’t want to make you feel like he’s always taking without giving — he makes sure to let you know he loves and appreciates you a lot!
on another note, he probably gives you discounts in the mostro lounge. and it’s very obvious in the sense that he’s always trying to justify it and make excuses like ‘it’s xx date, which is why you get this discount!’ or ‘you’re the xx person to have visited today/bought xx meal’, so it’s honestly a little funny to see how many excuses azul can come up with every time.
azul would sometimes find some free time to play some jazz tunes on the piano in the mostro lounge when you visit, and he’s occasionally accompanied by jade playing the bass and floyd on the drums. “it’s for the atmosphere”, he says.
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(I already made a part I, go check that one out)
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- We’d get to know more of Feeny’s backstory, including several episodes where Cory dreams he can travel back in time and meets Feeny when he is the same age as him, with the first one being a Christmas special. One of the things we’d learn is that Mr. Turner and him are actually quite similar, both coming from wealthy families and choosing to work as educators in the public education system, with both of them even going to the same prestigious all-boys private school when they were teens (not at the same time ofc), and Feeny even similarly optimistic when he started in JAH just like Turner, but after decades of experience he has became more jaded.
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- And talking about Mr. Turner. For everyone who ever wanted Mr. Turner adopted Shawn back in the original Boy Meets World so they could be father and son legally, don’t worry. But not only would Jonathan adopt Shawn. Mr. Turner would also have as a will they won’t they love interest the new school counselor, who started to work in John Adams High the same year as him, and who would marry Turner AND adopt Shawn alongside him. She’d actually be the one who proposes to do both, and she’d admit later that, had Jonathan said no about adopting Shawn but yes to the marriage, she wouldn’t have married Turner.
- Mr. Turner would also encourage Shawn to start training in martial arts, because he thinks it’s a good way for Shawn to learn to have better self-discipline. Although Feeny definitely agrees with the goal, he disagrees with the method to achieve it.
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- And now that we’re talking about the teachers, we would get to know much more of the faculty of John Adams High besides Feeny and Turner (and Eli Williams, don’t worry I haven’t forgotten him). Although they might be some incompetent ones, most of them would be good hard-working teachers who are, like Feeny, jaded and overwhelmed by the many issues of their jobs. 
- Not so much the character that John Adams High would have for a principal in the first seasons, who would be portrayed as an absolute buffoon unable to do his job but able to get on Feeny’s nerves even more than the students, making him constantly question why a man with such little to no idea about education got the job, and to get the school in trouble on multiple occasions because of his incompetence. Eventually he’d get fired and Feeny would become the new principal to the faculty’s relief, but not so much to the majority of the student body.
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- And speaking of focusing more on the adult secondary cast, we’d have some episodes and subplots dedicated to Amy’s workplace, which would be a law firm where she’s a paralegal. The first one would be one where Cory gets to magically see a single day in her mother’s life when Eric and him are not around. There would be two cliques, one where Cory’s mother is, which would consist of other paralegals like her or the lawyers that tend to work in the less flashy cases, while the other would consist of the other lawyers, who tend to work in the most mediatic cases and would look down upon the paralegals.
- There would be an episode where Shawn meets Virna again after Chet has died, in which Shawn confronts her about choosing to send him a letter to tell him she wasn’t his mother, instead of telling him personally, and another one afterwards where Shawn finally finds out what happened to his biological mother.
Keep tuned in for more posts where I write down my ideas in regards to my hypothetical reboot, specially for new characters I’d introduced and the music I’d used for the show.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
An unemployed pot-smoking slacker and amateur drummer, Anthony Stoner ditches his strict parents and hits the road, eventually meeting kindred spirit Pedro de Pacas. While the drug-ingesting duo is soon arrested for possession of marijuana, Anthony and Pedro get released on a technicality, allowing them to continue their many misadventures and ultimately compete in a rock band contest, where they perform the raucous tune “Earache My Eye.” Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Pedro De Pacas: Cheech Marin Anthony ‘Man’ Stoner: Tommy Chong Arnold Stoner: Strother Martin Mrs. Tempest Stoner: Edie Adams Chauffeur: Harold Fong Richard: Richard Novo Jail Bait: Jane Moder Jail Bait: Pam Bille Arresting Officer: Arthur Roberts Strawberry: Tom Skerritt Sgt. Stedenko (Narc): Stacy Keach Laughing Lady: Cheryl Smith Harry: Mills Watson The Hoods: Factory Boss: Val Avery Officer Gloria Whitey: Louisa Moritz Jade East: Zane Buzby Rodney Bingenheimer: Rodney Bingenheimer James: Raymond Vitte Roxy Doorman: David Nelson Film Crew: Director: Lou Adler Editor: Scott Conrad Director of Photography: Gene Polito Writer: Cheech Marin Writer: Tommy Chong Associate Producer: John Beug Casting: Monica Lauer Art Direction: Leon Ericksen Makeup Artist: Wes Dawn Hairstylist: Lola ‘Skip’ McNalley Producer: Lou Lombardo Movie Reviews: Filipe Manuel Neto: **A good example of how irresponsible and careless cinema can be when it wants to convey messages to the public.** I have already said, in other reviews of other films, that I see cinema as a leisure experience and as a form of artistic expression. At its core, this is cinema. However, there are so many films that seek to indoctrinate and convey political or social messages that it is not easy for us to forget that the industrial and propaganda machine linked to the movies is perfect for the mass “brainwashing” of crowds. It’s something I don’t like and it’s even dangerous, taking into account that it can be used for good or bad, depending on the message being conveyed. And the message that this film sends us is one of tremendous social irresponsibility! Released in 1978, at a time when American cinema still felt the strong influence of hippies and the ideals of a libertarian and counterculture Left, the film begins by revealing two very different characters (a poor Latino and a well-born and spoiled rich man) who unite in their love for drugs, and especially marijuana (or weed). The script is non-existent and underwritten: the characters limit themselves to an incessant and eager search for more and more drugs, ending up returning from Mexico with a van made of weed and leaving a trail of smoke and people accidentally stoned, and apparently very happy with that. The film is one of those films that Hollywood should be ashamed of: it is a great apology for the consumption, liberal and recreational, of a varied cocktail of drugs, which starts with weed and ends with acids, “speeds” and heroin. The amount of substances mentioned in the film is vast and the way in which the subject is approached should have led to legal actions and arrest warrants against the actors, producers, studio and director, in order to answer for this irresponsible and inconsequential movie. And if the reader finds that too drastic, I leave you the question: would it be reasonable or good that they had released a comedy that made a sympathetic or pleasant portrayal of Nazism, or the Holocaust? Yes, one thing has nothing to do with the other! But there are reasonable limits for everything, including comedy, and there are themes that are simply not meant to make people laugh. I don’t mean by this to say that I think the film was instrumental in increasing drug use, or that all the people who saw it went out and bought some weed. But if we, as a society, start to allow certain reprehensible acts and behaviors to be seen in a careless way, this gradually becomes ingrained in people’s minds. In addition to this issue of moral and social irresponsibility, the film also has a perfect bad taste humor: ...
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camplofi · 3 months
184 - Jazzy Jeff Among The Copyleft
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This episode's track list (title / artist / source / license):
1.  Classic (Co-produced by Jazzy Jeff) by Shad + Skratch Bastid [Bandcamp] (CC-BY) (2013)
2.  My Dreams by Ultimate Fantastic [Free Music Archive] (CC-BY-NC-SA) (2017)
3.  Hide by Ohad Slavin [Digital Diamonds] (CC-BY-NC-ND) (2023)
4.  You Are Enough by Niki J Crawford [Jamendo] (CC-BY-NC-ND) (2024) 
5.  Ghost Of An Instant by DJ Enki [Bandcamp] (CC-BY-NC) (2023)
6.  Sake Bomb (feat. Jade Gritty & AURC) by Tab [Jamendo] (CC-BY-NC-ND) (2023)
7.  Regal Bounce by Moki McFly [blocSonic] (CC-BY-NC-SA) (2023)
Continuing with the theme of Seven To Consider for any episodes featuring all Creative Commons music just feels right.  Seven songs isn't an overwhelming number of tunes that are likely to be unfamiliar to most listeners.  Hopefully, it's just enough to leave people wanting more.  And as often as possible, I like to include selections that feature recognizable names.  The Shad & Skratch Bastid cut that kicks off the show features a co-production credit from DJ Jazzy Jeff.  Other hip-hop cuts within this episode include the uptempo electronic-enhanced "My Dreams" from Ultimate Fantastic (one could argue that it's slightly hip-house in its approach) and DJ Enki's  "Ghost Of An Instant," which could be a favorite with fans of early work from DJ Shadow and RJD2.
Ohad Slavin's "Hide" is a midtempo hypnotic cut from the Digital Diamonds netlabel that straddles the line betweeen techno and house.  "You Are Enough" by Niki J Crawford is uplifting motivational soul that the world can use right now.  Tab's "Sake Bomb" is one of the highlights of this episode:  a sultry and trippy downtempo song that calls for constant rewinds.  And then there's the drum and bass banger "Regal Bounce" by Moki McFly.  It comes from last year's blocSonic netlabel release Tabernacle Sanctuary Alligator Soufflé, which won the 2024 Creative Commons Community Music Award for Album Of The Year.  If any of these tunes pique your interest about the artists or labels featured within this episode, then my work here is done.
Theme music by Cy Tru (edited by Macedonia).  ID drops from Kahlief Adams and Herb Brooks.
Other BSOTS episodes referenced include:
Show #175:  Does Music Belong In Podcasting? Show #178 - Creative Commons Gems From Public Enemy And Nikki Giovanni Show #183 - Life At Camp Lo-Fi:  The Last Nine Years FLASHBACK:  Both Sides On Bondfire
Other key info: Bloc Discovery Sessions Culture War Radio Netlabel Day Queue Points
The content of this show has been released under a CC-BY-SA license.  All works within this show retain their original releases.  See the show notes at bsots.com for more information.
Another BSOTS podcast episode for the people...
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teenmomcentral · 1 year
Teen Mom ratings have dropped over 90 percent after once reaching 4 million viewers for Jenelle Evans’ arrest episode. 
Teen Mom 2 initially starred Jenelle, Chelsea Houska, Kailyn Lowry, and Leah Messer, as Briana DeJesus joined in 2017, Jade Cline in 2019, and Ashley Jones in 2020.
Remaining cast members Leah, Briana and Jade joined Teen Mom OG stars Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell, Amber Portwood, Cheyenne Floyd and Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’s Ashley Jones for the current series Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. 
Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’s second part of season one premiered on July 19 with disappointing numbers. 
The U.S. Sun can exclusively reveal only 304,000 tuned in for the premiere on July 19, as just 252,000 viewers stuck around for the second episode that same night. 
The two July 26 episodes brought in 305,000 and 283,000 viewers. 
Ratings for the August 2 episode have not been released. 
This is over a 90 percent drop from Teen Mom 2’s highest-rated episode from season one, episode 12. 
A whopping 4,589,000 tuned in for the March 29, 2011 show that featured Jenelle’s arrest for breaking and entering, Kailyn signing a custody agreement for her son Isaac with ex Jo Rivera, Leah Messer and her now ex-husband Corey Simms’ wedding, and Chelsea’s birthday party drama for her daughter Aubree with ex Adam Lind. 
Part one of season one for Teen Mom: The Next Chapter brought in even lower ratings. 
The February 14 episode brought in 210,000 viewers, as the week before had 290,000 fans tune in. 
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kayfabefm · 1 year
we're   officially   open   !   we   can't   even   begin   to   thank   you   guys   enough   for   considering   &   joining   us   ,    we   have   a   lot   of   fun   in   store   so   stay   tuned   .   welcome   to   the   following   roles   ,   you   have   24   hours   to   start   being   active . ( asterisk denotes they are a sideblog and unable to follow back )   .
@buildshouses ( aj styles )
@irishbratx ( becky lynch )
@jadedgen ( cora jade )
@killwrld ( damian priest )
@wcller ( grayson waller )
@thchangman ( hangman adam page )
@hartreborn ( julia hart )*
@watchmexoblivion ( liv morgan )
@chivf ( roman reigns )
@cryptuics ( santos escobar )*
@zelinas ( zelina vega )
0 notes
itskomplicated · 2 years
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From last week: Yasiin Bey "Love" Tony Terry "Lovey Dovey" Adam Ant "Goody Too Shoes" SaraoMusic "Childhood" Cafe Tecuba "Tropico de Cancer" Tobe Nwigwe feat. The Originals "Reality" Tears For Fears "Shout" (G)I-DLE "Latata" The Spinners "It’s A Shame" Hannibal Tabu "KQBH Station ID Break" Three Times Dope "No Words" Human League "Human" Wonstein "Tuning Into You" Andy Dosty feat. Kuami Eugene "Love You Die" Amorphous "Ungodly All Night Long (Chloe X Halle vs. Mary Jane Girls mash-up) Jade "Don’t Walk Away" Nicholas Britell "Niamos! (Morlana Club Mix)" https://www.instagram.com/p/CkVI58pOeHH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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takohebi · 2 years
It takes two (to hold hands)
Azul Ashengrotto/Jamil Viper
Word count:  1732
Summary:  Forced into physical proximity with his annoying classmate, Jamil Viper comes to an alarming conclusion
Ao3 Link
fic under the cut-
“Yeay! We are all together~”
Floyd sat down on Azul’s left, throwing his full weight on the cecaelia. Azul slid sharply, bumping shoulders with Jamil next to him. Before the two of them could right themselves, Jade sat on Jamil’s side, effectively trapping him.
“My, it is such a rare occasion that we all have class together. A pity Kalim-san couldn't join as well.”
“Jade, could you move-” Jamil started.
“Hmm, what is it, Riddle-san? You need my notes for something?”
Jade had turned away from Jamil, apparently engrossed in a deep conversation with Riddle. Jamil turned towards Azul and glared , as if it was his fault that both of them were sitting so close, arms practically glued to each other. Next to Azul, Floyd’s head was already resting on the desk. If he was sleepy, he’d be really stubborn about moving or adjusting seats. Best to leave him alone for now.
Jamil glanced at Azul once again, thinking of some way to vent his frustration-
Too close… Azul was too close to him. Jamil could even catch a whiff of his cologne. Biting the inside of his cheek to suppress any useless thoughts, Jamil’s eyes flicked over to Azul’s face.
Jamil’s heart skipped a beat seeing the pink in Azul’s cheeks. The usually perky and annoying smile was gone, replaced by a quieter, more contemplative expression. Jamil wasn’t sure if that was an improvement.
Azul didn’t look at Jamil at all, instead looking over his notes with an intense look of concentration. There was barely a couple of centimeters between them. Suddenly the classroom felt stifling.
Trein was talking but Jamil could hardly pay attention, his mind choosing to focus on every single movement Azul made. From his breathing to the movement of his fingers tapping away to an unknown tune on his lap.
For some reason that irritated Jamil. He wanted to know what was the song Azul was thinking about.
Jamil’s own hand was resting on the seat, a bulwark between himself and his exceedingly annoying classmate. But not for too long-
“Ne, Jade~ can you lend me your pen? I forgot to bring mine, aha!”
Floyd reached out towards Jade who politely passed a pen to Floyd with a soft laugh. As he withdrew, Jamil belatedly realised that Floyd’s actions caused Azul to lean in even closer into Jamil’s personal space and in an infuriating turn of events, Azul’s hand was now on top of his!!
Jamil’s cheeks were burning. He dearly wished to subject the entire classroom to the same temperature as he was feeling.
He turned towards Azul again, seeing if he’d have a smug smile on his face that he always did when he messed around with Jamil and his thoughts.
He looked at Azul just in time to see him swallow, his adam’s apple moving in a mesmerizing manner. Azul’s left hand was covering his mouth and he was still looking staunchly ahead. But he was blinking rapidly and Jamil had a feeling Azul wasn’t really paying attention to the lecture.
Azul’s right hand twitched slightly, involuntarily. The movement heighted Jamil’s awareness of the ever decreasing space between himself and Azul.
Not just in terms of physical distance but also emotionally. Ever since they became classmates, a very odd bond had developed between them. Azul would pester Jamil for things like joining Octavinelle, and Jamil would refuse immediately. Despite their bickering, they sat together for class everyday and paired up for laboratory sessions.
Because Azul was the only one Jamil felt like he could be himself with. It was relieving, to be able to say whatever snarky and rude comments that passed through his head without suppressing them. To openly vent his frustrations without caring if anyone got hurt. And Azul took everything in his stride, often making a light-hearted joke about the whole situation, causing Jamil to almost smile. Azul was irritating, annoying, a thorn by his side. But he was by his side constantly, unwaveringly.
Jamil would never admit it openly but he had begun to enjoy Azul’s jokes, his snide remarks about other students, his capabilities as a competent mage and just his company. There were times when they pored over a bunch of reference books as they made a difficult potion. Neither spoke, as they were completely focused on their assignment, but having someone as clever as him to help out silently made Jamil’s job much easier. Needless to say, they always scored top marks and received generous praise from Crewel. It felt good to have someone as reliable as Azul as his partner…
Azul’s gloved thumb gently swiped against his own, jolting Jamil out of his daydreaming. It was a soft and subtle action but Jamil felt as if he was set aflame by it. From the corner of his eye he quickly looked at Azul yet again and was shocked to see Azul watching him. Jamil inhaled sharply. He must maintain his composure. It wouldn't do to expose a weakness to Azul.
Spite rose in Jamil. How dare he try to fluster him like so? Frowning slightly, Jamil nudged his thumb against Azul’s. He was blushing, sure, but he wasn’t going to let Azul get away with this. In the periphery of Jamil’s vision, he saw Azul take off his glasses and run his left hand over his face. Good.
A few moments later, Jamil felt a weight against his shoulder. Azul was leaning on him. Slightly, yes. But in this situation, every small thing either of them did was being felt keenly.
Not to be outdone, Jamil leaned back. He realised only a minute later that he was holding hands with Azul while leaning on to him. It felt… intimate. To Jamil’s horror, his body refused to comply to his mind’s demands to stop this endeavour at once. Azul’s weight felt warm and comforting. And Jamil liked this.
He decided to not look at Azul anymore, lest he lured Jamil into doing more foolish things. This was far enough. No more.
Azul moved his hand slightly and his fingers interlocked with Jamil’s. He didn’t attempt to actually hold Jamil’s hand. His fingers simply fell loosely in the spaces between Jamil’s own.
Jamil did not know his face could get even hotter. At this rate he’d look like he had a fever. Yes, perhaps he really did have a fever for he tentatively turned his hand under Azul’s and mimicked Azul’s earlier action. Now their hands were well and truly intertwined.
All this time, Trein was droning on and on and the only sounds besides the teacher and the occasional mews of his familiar were the scratching of pens and shuffling of papers. Jamil had noted earlier that despite whatever was happening between him and Azul, the latter was still writing down things.  
But Jamil realised only now that Azul was using his left hand to write. In the 2 years that Jamil knew Azul, he’d only seen Azul write with right hand. And now he was coolly putting up a front  of  the model student using a different hand while his right gently squeezed Jamil’s. It seemed like while it was an accident that Azul's hand came to be where it is at the moment, its continued presence on top of Jamil's was a deliberate move.
Suddenly Jamil wished he could go back to his room. His feelings were turbulent, volatile. He wanted this moment to never end but also wanted it to end quickly so things can return to normal . Azul was confusing him. Jamil can’t believe Azul would like him. Jamil offered no merit to Azul. Sure, Azul keeps asking him to join Octavinelle but it was simply to flaunt him like a trophy.
There cannot be any other reason.
And yet, here they were, hands laced together- almost tenderly. Both of them blushing and avoiding each other’s eyes. Why? Azul was the one who initiated. Jamil reciprocated, yes. But why?
Jamil was honestly scared to know why. To name a reason for their behaviour. He wondered if the tweels planned this. If they did, then did Azul ask them to? So many questions…
Azul’s gentle pressure on his hand brought Jamil back to reality from his wandering thoughts. He gave in and decided to spare a final glance towards Azul, hoping he’d find some kind of answer in his face.
Grey met blue as they both locked eyes.
Jamil’s heart raced as he saw Azul look at him with such a vulnerable expression in his eyes. His brows were furrowed slightly, mouth set in a hard line but his eyes- they seemed to be pleading. Jamil did not know what was he asking for but felt like he’d readily give it to him if he asked.
He wondered what kind of expression was he making. What was Azul seeing right now? And what was he thinking? Does Azul see a tarnished mage, bound by duties, responsibilities and chains that have and will continue to dog him throughout his life. Is Azul feeling pity or pride, seeing Jamil ensnared by him? Literally in his hand right now. More questions that Jamil did not want to know the answers for.
Azul’s lips parted. He was about to say something when the bell rang. And just like that, the magic was lost. Jamil snatched back his hand and Azul did the same, albeit more slowly. Jamil tore his eyes from Azul’s and hurriedly began to pack up his stationery and books.
Suddenly the world came into focus. Somehow for the past 30 minutes, Jamil had blocked every other sound, every other person but Azul. Now they were all making their presence known, almost overwhelming Jamil’s senses.
Jade’s voice, mixed with Riddle’s as they discussed some assignments. Floyd’s drawl wafted towards him… he was asking something about basketball. Jamil mechanically asked him to repeat it, as he tried to pry Azul off his mind.
When the 5 of them exited the classroom, Jamil finally felt he was able to breathe again. They all parted, going different ways to different destinations. Jamil was finally alone, as he walked briskly towards the Mirror room.
But his body felt a bit cold. His shoulder missed the weight from earlier. His hands especially felt oddly empty and… incomplete.
Jamil grew irritated.
It seemed like he had a crush on Azul Ashengrotto.
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animationforce · 4 years
Cartoon Network announces new shows and new tagline with “Redraw Your World” trailer
Parent company WarnerMedia announced this week its improved plans for kids-focused content on Cartoon Network and the streaming service HBO Max. From a goal of 50 original preschool shows in the next two years, to the introduction of the network’s first kid musician deal — 10-year-old drummer Nandi Bushell — to more shows greenlit for an older audience, the network pushes forward to “empower kids to feel comfortable with who they are, embrace their uniqueness and believe in their own ability to impact change,” according to the press release. 
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Announced content for families include:
“The Amazing World of Gumball” TV Movie
Another season (at least) of “Craig of the Creek”
“Infinity Train: Book Four”
Two new seasons of “Total Drama Island”
“Gremlins: The Secrets of the Mogwai” season 2
“Jade Armor”: a teenage heroine with ancient family secrets
“Ben 10″ specials
Season three of “Victor and Valentino”
A live-action comedy, “Family Mash-Up,” about two competing acapella sibling groups whose parents get married
“Gross Girls,” an animated middle school comedy produced by Adam Scott (“Parks & Rec”) and Naomi Scott (“Other People”)
“Teen Titans Go!” spinoff “The Night Begins to Shine” series
“Tweety Mysteries” — yes, Tweety Bird is back. 
Meanwhile, the preschool programming block, under the banner “Cartoonito,” includes “Craig of the Creek” spinoff “Jessica’s Little Big World,” Looney Tunes updates “Bugs Bunny Builders” and “Tom and Jerry Junior,” and several shows under HBO’s Sesame Workshop deal: “The Not-Too-Late Show with Elmo,” “Mecha Builders,” “Esme & Roy” and newcomer “Bea’s Block.”
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You can find further details on these shows and more on Deadline.
- Courtney ( @harmonicacave​ )
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HASO “The Best Outcome.”
Just wrapping up a few loose ends from the past few months stories. I hope you all like it. And feel free to give me some ideas on what you want to see, or who you want to see more of. I will try to do my best :) 
Breaking News tonight from the Apollo 11 memorial landing site as Admiral Adam Vr and Captains Warren Richarards and Mary Chavez were rescued  from the Pacific Ocean following a journey that was supposed to be historical, turned harrowing. Amy Grey comes to us this morning with the story.
Thank you Julie, it was only a week ago here on the historic Cape Canaveral launch site, that the reconstructed Saturn V rocket was launched by the UNSC International Space and Aeronautics Division on the two thousand and fifty first anniversary of the original Apollo 11 mission. On board The reconstructed rocket were astronauts Fleet Admiral Adam Vir head of the UNSC deep space exploration division, Captain Warren Richards five year veteran and historical aeronautics expert, and Mary Chavez six year shuttle pilot veteran, and communications specialist. 
The reconstructed Saturn V rocket took off thirty minutes behind schedule at 10:03 GMTJuly 16 after delays attributed to engineering standbys. However, reports by UNSC investigation early this morning indicate that the delays were called for by engineering head Jade Clein who noticed something strange during her final checks of the Saturn V recreated rocket. In an interview early today, flight director, Aaliyah Seif of the Apollo re-creation mission informed outlets that there was evidence of attempted tampering on the hull of the Saturn V rocket. The tampering case in the shape of these small silver tape strips covering loosened bolts along one of the Saturn V side panels. Engineers stated that the tape was not heat resistant and would have burned off in time to rattle the bolts loose and, likely, cause a devastating spin that would destroy the rocket.
While this attempted tampering was thwarted, the mission would only become more dire. A sudden and shocking report by Mericanda News 5 showed an uncut image of an unknown alien hybrid woman claiming that the UN President had ordered th attempted assassination of Admiral Vir, in conjuncton with an audio recording by Admiral Colter Massie, Head of the Galactic intelligence division an known isolationist, that admitted to the attempted assasination of Admiral Vir, and the acquisition of twenty thunderhawks which were used to harry the Satern V on it’s way to the moon. Admiral Kelly, long time friend of Admiral Vir, corroborated the story, saying she caught General Massie just after he ordered the deployment of the twenty thunderhawks. During their conversion he attempted to kill her before being detained by two members of Admiral Vir’s crew, and was later seen being escorted into custody by Military Police.
Indeed footage has been captured from the hull of the Saturn V showing approximately twenty thunderhawks attempting to destroy the rocket while Rundi remote piloted drones and an unknown group of what appear to be racing jets, fought back to delay the attack while word was sent to the UNSC to deploy F-90 darkfire pilots to assist. This all after communications between Houston and the rocket were sabotaged shortly after leaving orbit. The  F-90 darkfire pilots were able to arrive on time to rescue the rocket, though a hole was reportedly torn in the hull sucking Admiral Vir out into space, though he was later recovered and returned to his ship without any injuries. Patch teams were then able to repair the torn hull and the astronauts completed their mission landing to crowds on the moon and returning to earth on time on time landing in the Pacific ocean only nine miles away from the waiting ship.
All three astronauts were recovered and are reported to be in good health. 
The investigation into the UN president’s involvement is still ongoing at this time, however preliminary reports from the Global Bureau of Investigation suggest evidence is both staggering and damning to the current UN president, who earlier today, attempted to cut all ties to the sabotage efforts saying she was framed. Political experts report that, even assuming her innocence, she will likely not last to the end of her term.
International News Network was able to interview Admiral Vir shortly after his landing while still on board the rescuing ship UNSS Victory.
Here is what the Admiral had to say.
“I find it…. Really very disheartening that someone we all trusted, and someone that we all should have looked up to could do something like this. It really is a heinous demonstration of what political corruption can lead people to do.”
“And how do you feel, personally about all of this.”
“Personally, I…. well to be honest I am hurt and appalled. Not to mention that I fear for the safety of my family and my friends. Every day I wonder if my involvement with them is going to get someone I love killed…. The thought haunts me, but I hope after all of this is over I… and all of us can breathe a little easier.”
“Were you scared?”
“I don’t think that even needs to be a question. Of course I was scared, getting sucked out of your spaceship isn’t ideal.”
“What do you hope will happen now?”
“I hope that justice can be upheld  to those who deserve it.”
“What do you have to say to the UN president.”
“I have nothing to say. Wouldn’t want to waste the air.
What followed would be one of the largest scandals in recent political history. At some point an unknown number of classified government documents was leaked onto the internet, and after that it was all over for the Presidency. Thousands of enterprising humans, and aliens alike, viewed the documents to discover all the underhanded and dirty things which had been going on in the UN governmental body over the past few years. Forensic accounting experts (mostly Tesrtaki) uncovered plenty of fiscal tampering  which shed light on plenty of isolationist related projects and bank accounts. There was even evidence that they had something to do with the original assassination attempt against Admiral Vir so many months ago. The drama had even managed to capture the attention of Rundi political experts and Vrul computer science geniuses, and together they unearthed a world of unfathomable, but not unexpected corruption. The process to remove the UN president from office was probably one of the fastest movements of human government ever seen by UN congressional leaders, who were likely trying their very best tro distance themselves from association with the president, who despite not being the only one involved, had become the political scapegoat for everyone else that had a supposed link with isolationism.
Even the VP fell under suspicion and was watched closely for the rest of his term.
Admiral Massie and the UN President were placed under arrest and set up for court dates in the nearing future, though everyone saw a long and arduous litigation process ahead. Even Ramirez’s family had filed for damages against the government after the news came to light confirming that their son had been shot as collateral in one of the UN presidents plans to assassinate Admiral Vir. They settled out of court to the tune of an unknown, but impressive sum of money.
No one really knew how much, but a couple months later Ramirez’s younger sister was seen training at one of the most prestigious olympic academies on earth.
Ramirez himself was suddenly able to afford housing on the moon in a condo just next door to his best friend, though no one else inquired further.
The Rundi chairwoman came forward with her own investigation admitting to being suspicious for a long time though she feared accusations without proper proof. Admiral Vir was seen having lunch with her not so many months after the events took place, suggesting that the trust between the two of them had not been completely dissolved. With much of the isolationist element gone from government, public policy began to lean heavily towards integration with the alliance. The occasional isolationist demonstration or protest was held, but none of them managed to gain traction.
Admiral Vir was finding himself more important than ever, though it was to his chagrin that his ship was grounded for the intervening months while the investigation continued.
No one was entirely sure what the future held.
Admiral Vir stepped into Admiral Kelly’s office. The last time he had actually visited her here had been over a few years ago before his promotion to captain of the Harbinger. It seemed so distant now, and he never expected to walk into her office with a star on his shoulder. She stood as he entered, and the two of them shook hands, ignoring all the stuffy formalities that usually come with the meeting of two military officers.
The wall behind her was decorated with a myriad of metals and awards she had received over her career, and he couldn't help but note the slight tinge of grey he could see forming in her hair. He knew that feeling, he was going prematurely white much to his chagrin. She stood and the two of them shook hands.
She motioned him to sit and he sat sighing lightly as he had been on his feet all day consulting with political figures and other members of the UNSC.
“A strange couple months wouldn’t you say.”
“Tell me about it.”{
Kelly reached under her desk and withdrew an amber bottle which she placed between them, “I always forget; Do you drink?”
“On occasion.”
“Well consider this an occasion.” She said popping off the top and pouring two glasses for them. She handed his across the desk and he leaned back in his seat cupping the cool glass in both hands.
She swirled the amber liquid around in her glass, “So what are your plans after all this.”
He took a sip of water warmed by the burning liquid, “Hoping things will go back to normal and I can go back to traveling the galaxy.”
Kelly grunted, “A simple man with simple motivations.”
He laughed , “Sometimes I think a stupid man with simple motivations.”
She chuckled then grew serious, “A lot of people make the mistake of assuming simple people don’[t have the intelligence to match. Some people assume that trusting means gullible means dumb. Just because we are trusting and expect others to do the right thing is not necessarily a fault. I believe there is a kind of beauty in assuming the fundamental goodness of humanity.”
\Admiral Vir shook his head, “How can you after seeing what we have seen.”
“How can you not?” She shrugged, “We always knew that politicians were corrupt, but think about everything else we have seen.”
Admiral Vir nodded slowly, “The enthusiasm for the Apollo 11 recreation mission, the people who flew up to help us. All of those people who went digging through years of information just to uncover the truth.”
SHe raised her glass, “Precisely. Goodness in humanity is all around us, but we tend to overlook the good in favor of the bad.” She placed her hat on the desk and sighed, “It is up to good people to keep their goodness going even when it might seem easier to give into the bad. I I have and will always believe in the fundamental good of humanity. Some may call it naeve, or even stupid. Others have said I have a romanticized view of a species that is fundamentally broken.” She turned her head to look out the window a contemplative expression on her face before turning back to look at Adam.
“You understand me, I think.”
He nodded slowly.
“People need to be believed in. You tell someone for long enough that they are fundamentally bad at their core and they will begin to believe you. For thousands of years pessimists have gotten it into our heads that we are no better than animals, worse even since animals don’t fight in wars. But I believe that is wrong, I have seen people, I have met people, and I have interacted with people who prove to me that humanity cannot just be fundamentally bad or else these people wouldn’t exist.” She tapped her nails against the glass, “I think it is easier to corrupt purity than wash away a stain,”
He listened quietly as she continued.
“Humans are born good, Adam, and life stains us. We aren’t born stained while some of us are wiped clean. “ She shook her head, “Doesn't make sense to me.” She caught him with a look pinning him to the spot with her intense stare, “People like you convince me of this every day.”
She held up a hand. “Adam Vir, I am convinced that the best outcome this universe ever had, was when a happy go lucky science fiction freak was lucky enough to be the first man to meet aliens. Any other way things would have gone horribly wrong.” She leaned across her desk, “The universe needs men and women like you, and not only that but the universe needs people who are going to support men and women like you.” She sat back, “Which is why I have made a decision.”
He raised an eyebrow in curiosity not entirely sure where this could be going.
She smiled, “I have decided to run for President.”
He nearly spit his mouthful of expensive scotch onto the table but managed to choke it mostly down.
Eyes wide he set his glass down, “Are you serious.”
She smiled, “Seriously serious.”
“Well shit, you have my vote for sure.” He raised his glass to her, “I couldn’t think of a better outcome.”
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ivyprism · 3 years
Adventurers AU Jobs for main OCs.
Hydrangea, Calla, Serenity, Helena, Jade, Hydra, Harper, and Magnolia are a band of adventurers who get caught up in a job they can't handle.
Serenity and Jade are talented mages. Jade is more of a scholar (or a form of arcanist). Jade is a healer who can summon healing familiars. Jade is busy training and protecting her younger sister Amethyst. While Serenity is a Red Mage who teaches Christine.
Hydrangea and Hydra are archers who are trying to teach Sapphire and Cora the ways of the bow. Hydrangea is also a Bard.
Harper is a Paladin (later a Dark Knight) who is protecting the adventurers. She carries the crew.
Calla is an Arcanist (a Summoner) who can summon multiple familiars. Serenity is similar to her.
Magnolia is a Cleric (or White Mage) working to keep everyone from dying.
Helena travels with her sisters as a Monk (a melee DPS) and isn't afraid to throw some harsh punches. She also uses magic.
The families of each of these girls are very busy. Adam, Josiah, and Kayden are travelling merchants. Adam is a former Lancer while the twin boys had very different jobs. Josiah was a Black Mage and Kayden was a White Mage.
Topaz travels with this adventuring girls as a travelling merchant and an Astrologian (a FFXIV class) ready to take down people for his sisters and the other adventurers.
Sapphire and Amethyst primarily stay with Topaz for their own safety. While Christine and Cora live with their step-brother and older brothers while they frequently see their older sisters.
Terra is a former Black Mage turned White Mage while she sister is a former Scholar tuned Summoner. Dhara is a Scholar while her sister, Lapis, is a Summoner.
Echo is a Dark Knight who stays primarily in the kingdoms. Eris is a White Mage who takes care and is close to her older sister. Dextera is a former Dark Knight who lives with her husband, James.
Viper is a Warrior (former Black Knight) and his sister, Eowyn, is a Scholar who takes care of him when he gets reckless. Viper's daughters Penny, Lucy, and Molly travel with their father and aunt. Penny is becoming a Scholar like her aunt Eowyn. Lucy is becoming a Summoner. Molly is more curious about Viper's job.
Hibiscus, Hala, and Hina are three Princesses in line for their older sister, Dahlia's throne (hopefully married to Gaster and had a daughter named Georgia. But this is not conformed). Dianella is a guild leader who teaches Arcanists. Daphne is a Scholar who assists her sister in the training of Arcanists.
Amaryllis is Dahlia's adoptive daughter and she wants to become a Lancer.
Cynthia is a former Dark Knight who now works as Dahlia's guard.
Cordelia is a Black Mage who about contact with others.
Hala is training to become a Monk whole her twin sister, Hibiscus, works to become a Scholar. Hina is training to become a teacher.
Margret is working to become a Monk but works for Serenity. Mabel is curious about some of the jobs. And Alastor wants to be a merchant.
Astrea, Damica, and Ilysse are, you guessed it, still very much dead. They're ghosts who help guide their young descendants. Astrea is a deceased White Mage, Damica is a deceased Dark Knight, and Ilysse is a deceased Red Mage.
I will get to my boys soon! Just wanted to keep these down.
I also used Final Fantasy XIV terms!
@okay-kioko / @kiokodoodles
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crystalized-cove · 4 years
【Octavinelle Head-Canon 05】
[ I'm a big fan of your writings and i read all of them until now, i really like them alot and i think you are so talented honestly👉👈🌹 I hope it's okay to ask for headcanons with Azul, Jade and Floyd hearing their s/o singing in the lounge/ at their cafe for the first because of their constant request.(so maybe more students would pay a visit). And then they hear their s/o sing and are speechless because their singing is beautiful? Thank you☆ ]
Azul Ashengrotto
It took quite some time to convince you and even make a deal or two just to get you to accept his proposal and sing for the Lounge
He was especially adamant on it once he heard your voice in the kitchen one evening
It almost strung the strings of his heart as he was just meaning to get a pot of tea, but instead, he was given a private concert with you as the lead singer
Sometimes he’ll continue to ask for such privacy between you two
When that happens it’ll when things are slow and you two are alone, where he’s able to rest his head on your shoulder or lap
He doesn’t mind it if you stroke his hair or pet him either
But the moment you to sing for the Lounge, he’ll see a whole other side of you
It was completely different than what he heard when the two of you were alone
The smile on your lips and the way your body swayed to the beat, he couldn’t help but almost fall in love with you all over again
He wouldn’t ever admit that his heart was berating his rib cage in such a rapid fashion, but if it was to see you smile, he’d let you continue
Rather, he’d continue to pester you to sing for the Lounge, drawing in new customers
Even if he wished you’d just sing your siren songs for him
Jade Leech
It wasn’t his idea, but rather Azul’s to even have you try to sing on a slow night at the Lounge
He wasn’t sure of your abilities, as he never heard you sing before, but he remembered you bringing it up that you wish you had more confidence to sing for others
He offered for you to sing for him, with no judgment, but you denied him quickly and the conversation fell afterward
At least, he thought it did
He was unaware of Azul and Floyd listening in on the two of you, so when he entered the Lounge early to see the stage being set up, he felt unsure for once
But the moment you started to practice a song, singing quietly to yourself at the mic stand, he was blown away
He wouldn’t let it show, but the one who could read him knew right away what he was feeling
Jade ending up getting teased by Floyd while everyone listened to you sing aloud
He couldn’t help but close his eyes and listen to you, going to confront you about everything once you were off the stage
In doing so, he learns you made a contract with Azul; your confidence in singing for the Lounge during your free time
He couldn’t deny the effectiveness of the deal, but he warned you softly about what to do
Floyd Leech
He doesn’t mean to embarrass you right away with singing in front of people
Rather, at first, he just wanted to hear you sing for him and to hear your voice in another way
But you wouldn’t allow him in any way to hear you
In the shower, you’d just stop, in the kitchen, you wouldn’t even hum a tune, and when he’d play a song he’d try to hear you sing as you dance with him; only to be denied it all
It just drove him mad with how much you denied him
At one point, while you were drinking at the Lounge’s bar, you found yourself face-to-face with someone’s legs
Rather, Floyd’s legs as he stood on the bar counter
The stubborn eel is proclaiming loudly how you’re denying him of absolute happiness and fun
This confuses you, at least until you hear a more upbeat, jazzy song play
His eyes boring straight down at you as he then picks you up to place on the counter
Keeping a firm grasp on your hips, you realized how many eyes were on you
But the man behind you wouldn’t let go until he got what he wanted, that was clear
Slowly caving in through peer pressure, you end up singing along to the song softly -- yet your voice rang out through the entire Lounge
From then on, customers would talk to Azul about having you as constant entertainment, but that couldn’t happen due to Floyd’s clear jealousy and over protectiveness to keep you to himself
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, January 11
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover Story: Hollywood’s Best and Worst Bosses 
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Page 1: Shia LaBeouf currently accused of relentless abuse and sexual battery by his ex FKA Twigs was snapped making out with Margaret Qualley after she arrived at LAX for a solid 10 minutes and holding up traffic -- the PDA session was the first time Shia and Margaret who is the daughter of Andie MacDowell were spotted out in public together but the two got well-acquainted a few months ago rolling around naked for a NSFW music video for a song by the actress’ sister Rainey Qualley a.k.a. Rainsford -- Shia went out of his way to charm Margaret as soon as they met and he wooed her with compliments and gifts and flowers and texts and spur-of-the-moment dates where he’d just show up at her house but her friends are concerned because Twigs’ lawsuit against Shia alleges multiple incidents of abuse including choking her in her sleep and knowingly giving her a sexually transmitted disease -- Shia said many of those allegations are not true and he is in a 12-step program and therapy for PTSD and alcoholism
Page 2: Contents, Prince William and Duchess Kate with kids Prince George and Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis for a Christmas card 
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Page 3: Candice Swanepoel in a bathing suit in Miami, Jennifer Garner stepped out to run errands in a mask and an expressive sweater in L.A., Ryan Reynolds cuddled up with a puppy to encourage his Instagram followers to donate to the SickKids Foundation 
Page 4: Friends of Johnny Depp are keeping their distance as he gears up for another ugly defamation trial against ex-wife Amber Heard -- after losing the case against a U.K. newspaper that called him a wife beater and a scathing feature in The Hollywood Reporter that dubbed the star radioactive and his career all but dead, former pals want nothing to do with him -- the likes of Jude Law, Leonardo DiCaprio and Channing Tatum have been backpeddling on Johnny and it’s making him furious but to be fair Johnny had already alienated Leo and Channing by calling them Pumpkin Head and Potato Head and accusing them of having affairs with Amber -- Jude’s indifference cuts the deepest because for a time he and Johnny were brothers-in-arms as they filmed the second Fantastic Beasts movie and from Johnny’s perspective Jude hasn’t lifted a finger to defend him 
Page 5: Mossimo Giannulli’s son is speaking out claiming the fashion designer is being treated harshly at California’s Federal Correctional Institution in Lompoc and Gianni Giannulli took to social media to complain that because of the pandemic his dad has been locked in solitary confinement for one full month and is only let out every three days for a few moments to shower and Gianni, Mossimo’s son from an earlier relationship, is irate that his father is being mistreated and he feels sorry for his dad and doesn’t want to see him languishing in prison however his half sisters Bela and Olivia Jade don’t seem too bothered by it
* At age 74 Susan Sarandon has had it with men -- she said she hasn’t really had a large dating career and in fact hasn’t had a guy in five years and it’s not that she can’t get a man, it’s just that the men she attracts are losers or sub-par in some way -- she is happy hanging out in her NYC apartment but still friends can’t help trying to fix her up because she’s attractive and in phenomenal shape but the problem is she scares guys away; she’s a force they can’t handle 
* Two years after sharing her shock diagnosis with multiple sclerosis Selma Blair is struggling with pain and fear -- she was recently spotted getting emotional outside a West Hollywood cannabis shop and she has turned to medical marijuana to soothe symptoms of the chronic immune-system disorder which can include fatigue, spasticity, walking issues, numbness, weakness, vision issues and pain -- on some days she can’t even get out of bed but she’s trying to stay strong for her son Arthur and smile more for him but it’s been hard 
Page 6: Julianne Hough appears to be sweetness and light but she’s a heartbreaker according to her ex Chuck Wicks who split from Julianne in 2009 -- in a revealing podcast Chuck blasted Julianne saying they were both loving life then out of nowhere you find out that they are not the person you thought they were and you break up -- Chuck admitted that he and Julianne agreed to say their split was amicable but it wasn’t fine and it wasn’t his fault
* After holing up at his Oklahoma spread Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are having a blast decorating their 13,000-square-foot $13.2 million new home in the Encino area of California’s San Fernando Valley -- the home sits on 1.6 ultra-private acres behind double gates and extensive walls and features a pool and fabulous views -- inside the engaged pair give each other space: Gwen wants a dance studio and Blake gets his own man-cave with a big screen and high-tech surround sound 
* Star Spots the Stars -- Nicky Hilton, Katharine McPhee Foster, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt making dairy-free and plant-based holiday appetizers, Jenna Dewan, Natalia Dyer
Page 8: Big Losers -- these stars shed pounds and got healthy in 2020 -- Jessica Simpson, Rebel Wilson, Kelly Osbourne 
Page 10: Star Shots -- Gwen Stefani on the way to the recording studio in Santa Monica, Jerry O’Connell started his morning off with a fresh mimosa and a kiss from one of his dogs, Jodie Turner-Smith is the first Black actress to play Henry VIII’s ill-fated queen Anne Boleyn in a major U.K. TV series in Emley, UK 
Page 11: Nick Cannon pitched in to help distribute 2000 free meal boxes to the Hollywood Food Coalition
Page 12: Demi Moore in a yellow bow for a selfie thanking readers for checking out her memoir, Paris Hilton kicked back for a Coach campaign reintroducing the early-2000s ubiquitous Swinger bag
Page 13: Derek Hough and his dogs Romie and Luna, Irina Shayk striking a pose 
Page 14: Sofia Vergara during a photoshoot, Real Housewives of New York City alum Kristen Taekman is taking advantage of the California winter weather in a bikini in Malibu, Wells Adams takes out the trash in L.A. 
Page 16: Carrie Underwood showed off her comfy at-home style, Vanessa Hudgens and her favorite condiment, Katherine Schwarzenegger celebrates her dog’s birthday 
Page 17: Vanderpump Rules star Tom Sandoval picked up a holiday-themed centerpiece ahead of Christmas in L.A., Katie Holmes slung a guitar over her shoulder in NYC, Dame Joan Collins dropped by The Jonathan Ross Show in London 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Hailey Baldwin shares a glimpse into her beauty routine -- normal, Tiger Woods’ son Charlie showed off his skills ahead of the PNC Championship -- normal 
Page 19: Pete Wentz playing tennis in L.A. -- normal, Pete Davidson hurt himself a few times while making a scarf -- not normal 
Page 20: Fashion -- stars charm in romantic ruffles -- Keke Palmer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lupita Nyong’o 
Page 21: Kirsten Dunst, Halsey 
Page 24: Ariana Grande announced her engagement to realtor Dalton Gomez with some celebratory shots and she’s telling everyone how she never thought it was possible to be this happy -- the couple began dating in early 2020 when Dalton helped Ariana find a home in L.A. and things hit the fast track amid the health pandemic which saw the two enjoying quality time together in lockdown and realizing they were a perfect fit because they never fight and are totally in sync about how they look at life -- Ariana went straight into wedding mode already deciding on an intimate outdoor setting in mid-2021
Page 25: Jon Hamm stepped out in L.A. recently with girlfriend Anna Osceola and she was showing off a noticeably rounder midsection and there’s a good chance the two are pregnant because they’ve been actively trying to get into the family way -- though Jon admitted in 2016 that having children isn’t necessarily an imperative Jon may have changed his tune after his year-long relationship with Anna and hitting the big 5-0 in March has him reassessing his life and now having a child has become important to him 
* Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher will be camping in style now that they’ve purchased a $140K Mercedes Benz Sprinter and they’re preparing to embark on an adventure  -- with sleeping accommodations for four and a kitchen the spacious luxury vehicle is perfect for the couple and their two kids -- other stars can spend their vacations in five-star resorts but Mila and Ashton prefer to keep things alfresco and it’s a tradition they’ve kept all these years; this is their idea of a perfectly fun vacation
Page 26: Cover Story -- Hollywood’s Best and Worst Bosses -- who’s great to work for and who makes employees’ lives a misery -- Jennifer Hudson -- best
Page 27: Jennifer Lopez -- worst, Rihanna -- best, Kenny Chesney -- best, Mariah Carey -- worst, Gwyneth Paltrow -- worst 
Page 28: Keanu Reeves -- best, Sandra Bullock -- best, Emma Watson -- worst 
Page 29: George Clooney -- best, Ellen DeGeneres -- worst, Guess the Bad Boss 
Page 30: Tom Cruise and Hayley Atwell: Man on a Mission -- amid all the tension on the set of Mission: Impossible 7 Tom has been pursuing his costar Hayley to be his next girlfriend and it seems to be working -- Tom has become very active with the U.K. Scientology Branch and is very taken with English women like Hayley and he’d like to make the U.K. his home base -- handcuffed to each other for several scenes in M:I7 Hayley and Tom were also spotted holding hands when the cameras weren’t rolling 
Page 32: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s very L.A. Christmas -- the prince spends the holidays 5000 miles away from the royal family but Meghan’s mom Doria Ragland was on hand for the festivities -- the couple were intending to call Queen Elizabeth on Christmas morning otherwise they were happy to celebrate a low-key holiday 
Page 38: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas suited up to hit the slopes stopping by a local store to pick up goodies before changing into warmer gear in Mammoth Lakes in California -- the couple are familiar faces in the ski town and looking forward they will be able to plan even more snowy getaways now that they’ve listed their NYC apartment for $5.9 million and moved full-time to Encino 
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