#adam splitter
tamtam-go92 · 10 months
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Maribel wanted to reject Litzy, she really wanted to. She never asked to have another sibling. As if it wasn't enough to suddenly have to share the room with another girl her age. But Litzy was just so cute! She couldn't help but like that little bundle...
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Josue was so annoyed that he was - together with Mr. King, but you couldn't really count him - the only boy in the house. But the house itself was pretty cool, with the pool and everything!
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Raneka couldn't wait to get out of the house. So to spend less time out of it, she got herself an after-school-job.
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David loved his little Litzy. He could have like three more of her running around the house. But Gabriela said no more kids. Even Litzy had been unplanned. But David was so grateful to have her. It was like having little Raneka all over again...
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Around Midday Mr. Splitter and Mrs. DeShong came to visit. David didn't know why they came over, but he was always happy to have a full house. He only felt a little attacked when Maribel and Josue started talking about the newest additions of the family and lets say, they didn't choose the nicest words for his part of the patch work family.
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Genesis: Mari, I know you're not feeling so great about this situation, but please, give David and Raneka a chance. They're not that bad. Maribel: I know Tia. It's just... Papa had only been dead for such a short time when Mama came home with this guy... And the pregnancy and moving and Raneka - urg - she's just driving me nuts! Genesis: What's wrong with her? Maribel: She... she knows a secret about me... and I'm afraid she'll tell Mama. Genesis: What can be so bad, Amor? Why don't you tell it your Mama yourself? Maribel: That's not so easy Tia! I - I'm really afraid... Can - can I tell you? You won't tell anybody, will you? Genesis: Of course I won't! Maribel: Tia - I - I'm in love with a girl.
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Genesis had almost started laughing at her nieces confession. She knew that Maribel's father had been really traditional and would have rejected a relationship like that, but Gabriela was a doctor, she knew that nobody could choose who to love and she wouldn't react badly on hearing about Maribel's first crush (what more could it be at that age?). Genesis herself tried to get some adventure in her life too, but Dr. Splitter didn't seem interested... Too bad, being with a Mad Scientist would no doubt be exciting.
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knightstones · 7 months
Hi, I’m Adam! You may have seen my main blog @asm5129 😊. Im a young creator looking to tell a story that’s been growing and evolving in my mind for the last 19 years—most of my life.
Gem Knights is a story about history, revolution, relationships, family, love, trust, power and what it really means to be a hero. This story challenges a lot of traditional ideas of how stories are expected to go in the age of blockbusters and spectacle, especially stories about heroes.
This is a longtime passion project for me and I’m incredibly excited to bring it to life as an audio drama—though for now we’re just focusing on the pilot episode.
However, one of the most important parts of this process to me is to pay everyone fairly and overall produce this project ethically, something talent of all sorts experience far too rarely, and that’s what this gofundme is for—so please, help me pay these incredible people what they’re worth!
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anika010397 · 1 year
So lang hier keine Sirenen erklingen, keine Soldaten durch unsere Fenster springen, keine Nachbarn nachts über Grenzen fliehen und unsere Kinder nicht mit Splittern von Granaten spielen, ist das meilenweit weg, geht uns das gar nichts an.
Denn das Fernsehen spricht wie immer nicht von diesem Land.
Und wie jedes Jahr, am Sylvesterabend, trinken wir auf unser Leben unterm Tellerrand.
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stinkybrowndogs · 1 month
On the last audiobook on my current to read list, and i am looking for more recs!
Here is what ive read and enjoyed this last several months:
- Adrian Tchaikovsky's Children of Time series and dogs of war
- project hail mary and the martian by andy weir (finally read them... space books of all time)
- a short walk through a wide world by douglas westerbeke
- recurssion and dark matter by blake crouch (situations so fucked up its entertaining)
- the very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna (very sweet similar vibes to house on the cerulean sea)
- martha wells murderbot series
- the pull of the stars by emma donoghue
- station Eleven by emily st john mandel (altered my brain chemestry)
- remarkably bright creatures by shelby van pelt (i loved this one. It was so sweet and funky)
- basically all of T.J. Klune and T. Kingfishers works
- becky chambers monk and robot series
-just mercy by brian stevenson
- empire of pain by patrick radden keefe
- every tools a hammer by adam savage (highly reccomend for practical creative advice)
- jesus and john wayne by kristen kobes du mez
- braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer
- hood feminism by mikki kendall
- im glad my mom died by jeanette mcCurdy
Theres more im happy to share but these were my faves and any book suggestions are welcome!
I have a few that i cant get as audiobooks from libby, so they r on my waitlist for when i have $
My current wishlist:
-breathing fire by jaime lowe
- the rise and fall of dinosaurs by steve brusatte (also the rise and reign of mammals)
- the quiet damage by jesselyn cook
- everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily austin
- paleofantasy by marlene zuk
- finna by nino cipri
- star splitter by matthew j kirby
Anyway. Books.
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genjishimemeda · 8 months
the following is an adventure i went on
i have been twisting HR's arm for a while to get me a gift card i was owed for selling the most lottery in the division. it was supposed to be mailed to me at the start of december, but they opted to just use the store credit card to buy me a gift card.
i chose a gamestop gift card
i then used said gamestop gift card to buy a PS5 controller, pikmin 4, and, importantly, a copy of ffvii remake intergrade because i had the PS4 version
they didn't have intergrade at the physical gamestop so i said ok i'll buy it online. the girl at gamestop, for whatever reason, said i should not buy it on the gamestop website because she only saw one copy company-wide and "if someone's order processes before yours, you won't get it."
i said "ok" and figured, my boyfriend wanted to buy me something for christmas but because he's in sweden and i'm in the US, he couldn't buy me anything directly and had to send me paypal money. my paypal is currently defunct because i owe money due to Stupid Shenanigans(tm) that i won't bore you with.
as i get home i say, wait a minute, the girl at gamestop is full of shit. i went and purchased intergrade anyway with the remainder of the gift card.
i then google around for how to transfer a PS4 save to a PS5 save for the same game and incidentally find out you do not need to BUY intergrade, you can just stick the PS4 version into the PS5 and it goes "ah yes, here you are, intergrade" and all you have to do is then buy the DLC, which is what i was really after anyway
i tell my boyfriend oh never mind about buying me intergrade on the PC, oh and i bought pikmin 4 with the gift card so you don't have to worry about buying me that either.
"you are IMPOSSIBLE to buy things for!" says adam. "ehehehe," says skiba.
i then set about putting PS4 remake into the PS5. it has a disc read error. i swap it for the data disc. it has a disc read error. i clean both discs. disc read error.
google "ps5 disc reader error"
"are you sure you're not putting the disc in upside down?"
you've got to be kidding me. i flip the disc so that the art faces DOWN and voila, it reads.
install intergrade on PS5.
shove USB stick into PS4 and copy the save data. stick USB stick into PS5. "no data."
google "transfer ps4 save to ps5"
"saves are account locked."
dm old roommate "hey can i have your psn login pls"
gets back to me today
"yeah the email is [redacted] and the password is Temporary1"
mfw i could have just tried GUESSING that
he's a bro though i love the guy so that's ok
desk is currently a complete spaghetti mess of a PS3 on the desk, the PS5 on the floor, and the PS4 balanced precariously atop the PS5, with a splitter and capture card and 3 HDMI cables and two USB cables wound together so i can put the display on my PC using elgato.
we gamin'
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onswifterwings · 2 months
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The incomparable @man--eater tagged me once again in WIP Wednesday! I missed last week because I was melting alive in the summer heat!
Some continuation of Herald's introduction to "Lord Adam", his relationship with his wife, and the sowing doubts in his mind.
I smiled, bemusedly. It was always best to flatter Lord Adam when he was around. Lyre’s proximity to Adam meant I had to feign adoration or at the very least pleasantness, around the elite of the Exorcist Organization. Lord Adam was the most Elite. He came strutting down the aisle in my corner of the Foundry. “Hope you can make a skull splitter out of a stratocaster!” Adam exclaimed, wiping his hands and tossing a half consumed snack tray into a simmering forge. The fruit and crackers burned, and a rank but brief odor was released into the air. I thought the sensory experience was not entirely unlike Lord Adam as a being. A Flash. A Bang. And a feeling of annoyance once it passed. 
He sucked the juice off his fingers and began wandering around my shop. He was constantly babbling. Lord Adam had the cadence and rhythm  of a twittering ferret, with the mouth and demeanor of the most bullish schoolboy or town drunk. “So basically I wanna be able to cleave a dude’s dome in half, while also playing the solo to Sabbath’s ‘Paranoid’! You get what I’m sayin’?” I couldn’t begin to fathom what he was saying. Wait. Was he talking about that group from Birmingham that was making noise back in the 70’s? No  matter. I continued to nod in agreement with a false smile. Lord Adam continued to wax “poetic” in his salty manner as he and Lute left the Foundry. 
“Why haven’t you or Lute replaced that…that…pompous little” and I whispered the last word “shit.” Lyre looked at me aghast, and passed a cursory eye around the foundry to ensure we were indeed alone. Her shocked demeanor dissipated, “Because pleasing him makes me rise farther in the Exorcist ranks and ensures our future.” she pointedly hissed at me. “Darling, we’re in Heaven, what else is there to ensure?” Lyre fell into what I called her “Hiding Face.” There were subjects even in our afterlife she was unwilling to discuss. But I sensed whatever was troubling her was from our time above the clouds. I tried to embrace her, but she pulled away and turned her back to me. “I’ll meet you outfront after your shift, dear.” She flapped her wings and rose, streaking out of the foundry. When she was gone and I was alone once again I felt a pang of a feeling I hadn’t felt since I was mortal. “Something…is wrong.”
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
*sees Edward and Lydia vs Ashes* ough, the consequences of my actions!
Anyway, I know we all love Ashes, but I have to argue that the Wonderland Twins are better Desolation Avatars than Ashes. Ashes does destroy a lot of things, people, and potential. However, I think they ultimately fall short in the pain department just because they aren't really specifically out to cause suffering--they largely find mass arson an effective tool to accomplish their goals. Edward and Lydia don't have as much of the fire associations so commonly linked to the Desolation--although Lydia does incinerate Magnus' body to hurt him one last time and the pain of their victims manifests as black smoke--but they are explicitly out to cause their victims as much pain as possible to feed off of it.
Here are the known sacrifices made by the contestants in The Suffering Game arc:
Magnus: His pinky finger, 10 years of his life, the memory of Governor Kalen (his archnemesis, who he swore to kill as retribution for him killing Magnus' wife and town), 20 Hit Points, "Bad Luck"--which we'll get to later.
Merle: Dark Vision, Left Eye, Wedding Ring, Adamant Spanner, Battle Axe Proficiency, disadvantage on all throws for one fight
Taako: Bad Luck, 15 Hit Points, Dexterity, Elven Beauty--which is worse than it sounds because a) he is very insecure and highly values his beauty and b) he will never look like his identical twin sister again.
Lord Artemis Sterling: 10+ years of his life
Rowan: his hair
Antonia: unknown years of her life, both eyes
There's also Cam, a former player who is now a disembodied head, kept alive by Wonderland. He explains that they are stuck in a never ending loop and that Wonderland only exists to make them suffer. It is ultimately revealed that Cam was hired to escort The Director through Wonderland, and that she doomed him to an eternity of suffering in exchange for the ability to escape Wonderland. The only way for their victims to escape is by choosing to inflict never-ending pain on someone who trusted them.
And as for the aforementioned Bad Luck, when the Tres Horny Boys reach the end--which they only accomplish because of another lich used the power of their pain against the twins--this happens:
Edward: This place has always thrived because of, well, what else? Advertising! We’ve got a few consistent channels. Surely you received a brochure in the mail, or saw our billboards or met someone drawn here by a beam of magical light? Those are just a few tools of the trade, and they served us well during our residency here. But do you all know the most successful type of advertising? 
Taako, Merle, and Magnus: [all at once] Word of mouth?
Edward: Magnus, you landed on skull in the last round, didn’t you?
Magnus: Yes.
Edward: Bad luck.
Griffin: You see Magnus reel backwards, threatening to just fall straight back, and, um, you both see a light cast out of the back of his body for just the briefest moment as he falls. And then you see him spasm, and come to, and he throws a leg back to catch himself before he fully loses his balance. And he steadies himself on Rail-Splitter. And he stands up to face you, and he says:
Magnus’s body: You know, boys, I don’t think Wonderland’s that bad. You know, I feel like I’ve learned a lot about myself here, and I feel like our friendship has grown even more powerful, don’t you think?
Magnus: Ahem. I didn’t say that. 
Griffin: Nobody hears you say that, Magnus, because you’ve just had the singular sensation of having your soul knocked out of your still-living body.
Griffin: Merle and Taako, you see Magnus catch himself, and you see Lydia now, step out from behind Magnus. And she has this—she’s wearing this black-and-white elegant Victorian-era dress, and she smiles and you see the smile creep onto Magnus’ face. And for a second, you see the faint figure of Edward surrounding Magnus, um, and his image fades and you hear Magnus say:
Edward as Magnus: I think I’m gonna head to Neverwinter and tell everyone I meet to get down here to Wonderland ASAP! Lots of riches! More than I could even carry out!
Merle: [...] You know what? [...] we do need the bell, right? We earned the bell! ‘Cause we won the game, and it’s the ‘heart’s desire’ thing, so, right?
Edward as Magnus: Yeah! I’ve got a way better idea, and hear me out, boys, my best friends. My very good best friends, Merle and Taako. What if you guys turn around and go back into Wonderland and I’ll keep the bell. And you’ll just go back in there, but you’ll get to live! How does that sound?
Possessing Magnus sounds like End or Stranger, but it's still Desolation, because they are using him as advertising--just like the many other things they've been employing to lure people in over the years. They use the Animus Bell to rip people's souls out so Edward can puppeteer their bodies, using them to entice more people to Wonderland with promises of riches and their hearts' desires. But Wonderland can't be won--the Tres Horny Boys got to the end, and were rewarded with one of them being knocked out of his body to die and the other two being stranded in Wonderland to live and suffer eternally. The only way for them to get out was to defy the rules of the rigged game and kill their tormentors--and even then, Lydia went out causing a little more pain by denying Magnus the chance to get his body back (which led to Garfield shenanigans, but that's not important besides making the pollrunner wonder what the fuck Garfield has to do with this).
Lydia and Edward both have TV show host personalities, playing up the events in Wonderland as if it were just a popular game-show (a reoccurring theme among the trials our heroes face). They speak casually about things most would consider horrid, such as giggling while talking about not taking Merle's eyes so early on, as they didn't want to get that brutal yet--they wanted to draw his torment out. They don't even strictly need to sustain their sanity with other people's pain, but they enjoy it. They are a nightmarish exaggeration of the casual sadism exhibited by every game show host making their contestants struggle and suffer to win what they desperately want/need, only to have it cruelly ripped away at the last second, all for the sake of entertainment.
In conclusion, Lydia and Edward are so so so Desolation that they're the first thing that came mind for me when I was coming up with submissions for this bracket. They literally made a fucking "torture prison" game show. Wonderland is like a fucking Desolation Ritual akin to Peter Lukas' apartment building. Also, they're vogue elves.
of course I know what Garfield has to do with this. you fool. he used the Slicer of T'Peir Weir Isles and made a lasagna so good it destroyed the liches, because they were the ultimate manifestation of Mondays.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
as a woc, it is so frustrating to see white women continuing to majorly show up for republicans, especially after roe was overturned. i really don’t know what it’ll take to progress in places like georgia, where they demonstrate time and again that they will vote red even if that party is actively harming them (especially after georgia went blue in 2020).
I will caveat this only slightly, as white women under 30 (and for that matter, white men) much more closely matched the voting patterns of other non-white demographics, and went 2 to 1 Democratic (the only white age bracket that did, I repeat, when will all these old white Republicans finally die?) But white women 30 to 65+ did go Republican again, albeit by smaller margins than white men (who are still the major problem, because obviously). They are more vulnerable to GOP scaremongering on economy/crime/etc, and have still failed to act in solidarity with marginalised women. Abortion rights did win everywhere they were on the ballot, so white women will vote for it when it is their own rights at stake, but yeah, the amount of ticket splitters who will pick a Democrat at the top of the ticket and Republicans lower down is just... why? WHY???
Anyway, looks we are yet again heading to a runoff in Georgia, so excuse me while I gouge my eyes out. Warnock is in the lead, but he will need to get every one of those votes again, especially if Senate control is at stake. In Arizona, Mark Kelly seems to have a pretty good chance of hanging on against MAGA Blake Masters. In Nevada, it is (yet again) all about the outstanding number of mail-in ballots from deep blue Clark County. If there are 100k or more, Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto can probably make a comeback after losing the Trumpy Election Day vote to MAGA nut Adam Laxalt. The last number I saw was that 77% of the expected Nevada vote was in, so if there is still almost a quarter of heavily blue mail ballots, that should ride to the rescue for Democrats. That, however, is not confirmed. Clark County Elections presser in a few hours will reveal the number they expect to count and how many are outstanding. NEVADA, WHY.
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astudyinpanda · 7 months
@mystical-salamander tagged me to spell my url with songs! Thank you! I still only have one great Y song in my library, it seems.
Adam Lay Ibounden - The Mediaeval Baebes
She's a Pass - Paul Leonard-Morgan
The Serpent Queen (feat. Esjay Jones) - Bear McCreary
Uzh I Ya Li Moloda, Tonkopriaditsa Byla - Andrey Vinogradov
Destroyer of Worlds - Ludwig Göransson
Yuve Yuve Yu - The HU
If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray
Niamos! (Galaxy Mix) - Nicholas Britell
Acid Experience - Head Splitter
NUN WITH A MOTHERF*&*ING GUN - Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
Dead Enough for Life - Icon of Coil
Ashes - The Longest Johns
No-pressure tagging @theres-whump-in-that-nebula @gelgelada (noo your tag doesn't work sorry... Unless it does?) @itsbloomagic @thuumwrestler @nonhumanhottie and YOU if you wanna play
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optimistredsox · 1 year
11 Aug, DET @ BOS, 2-5, win
I don't know what I was expecting from Chris Sale's first game back from the IL but suffice it to say that whatever unknown expectations those were, he exceeded them. Hair-splitters will lament that the one hit he gave up was a dinger and that he only lasted four and two thirds, but as far as I'm concerned, those hair-splitters can kind of go fuck themselves. Do they have no joy in their lives? As Sale comebacks go, that one has to be pretty close to the top. So rather than um-ing and ah-ing about short starts and Sox pitchers limiting hits but somehow limiting them to dingers, I am going to focus on the bright sides.
Did I mention Chris Sale was good on his first outing back in what seems like a million years? He went four and two-thirds, struck out seven and didn't walk anyone. He gave up one hit. And he absolutely dominated. Lots of swings and misses.
Barraclough, in his debut for the Sox, was strong for an inning and a third, walking one and striking out three. He got the W.
Murphy was also very good for the last three innings of the game, striking out four and walking two but allowing no hits. Rest of the bullpen got a rest and we won.
Tristan Casas hit a dinger, a 3-run dinger in the fourth which was all the runs the Sox would need but we scored some more of them just in case.
Trevor Story went 2-for-4, stole a base and scored a run. He's getting back into the groove after being waylaid with injury.
Pablo Reyes also had a couple of hits and scored a run.
Adam Duvall walked three times. Like, good eye, Adam.
We won!
We've won three in a row!
A bunch of teams lost so we're only three out of the wild card!
The Yankees are still in last place!
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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Wednesday was both Mata and Adam's day off. While the latter spend his morning studying, as usual, Mata went to the town's arcade. It was a funky joint, located in the old walls of a castle. Mata didn't meet anybody interesting, except for a man in a topper that clearly cheated at playing cards.
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When she was back home, Mata convinced Dr. Splitter to go out with her for some hours. They went on a walk and arrived at the old abandoned factory.
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Both of them were curious and so they went inside, where nobody but the two of them were.
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One thing let to another and so they didn't use the old photo booth to take any pictures.
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Back at home, Mata was a little worried, when she noticed that Dr. Splitter felt comfortable enough around her now, to walk around in his underwear. Mata: Adam, I hope we can agree on, that Steve must not know about this, right? Adam: O-of course Mata. Everything went so fast between us, I don't think he would understand. I-I'll give you two the space you need. That was good to know. Mata got into the shower and when she took out the trash later, she found a cute ginger cat by the can.
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Mata: Aww, aren't you just the cutest lil thing?
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Mata and Steve weren't the only animal lovers in the household. But while their affection mostly focused on stray cats, Adam had a specific idea of the pet they should get.
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knightstones · 6 days
I’m releasing some KnightStones music on my Patreon in the next couple days!!
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jonah-archives · 2 years
splitter adam was supposed to be at least somewhat creepy how did i end up with a stoner spider
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cty-search · 2 years
oh yeah uhmm song assignments
Adam - Splitter girl
Jonah & Cesar - Disposable girl
Mark - Irreverent girl
they all have lil playlists too :D
Adam - Daughter of evil, Misery loves company, Full course for candy addicts
Jonah - 3AM, Bacterial contamination, Exorcism
Mark - your face is distorted, Smile for them, A crow's trial
Cesar - Hansel, God-ish, Fish inside a birdcage
pretty sure Cesar's the only one with non vocaloid songs rn lol
All of these r based off vibes/aesthetics don't think too hard abt them :3
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twins2994 · 3 months
A's Stun Twins Late.
Twins 5 Athletics 6 W-Newcomb (1-0) L-Duran (3-3) SV-Miller (14)
The Minnesota Twins had a tough start to a fun homestand. They headed out on a nine-game road trip that started in Oakland against the A's tonight. The Twins were ready from the start as Willi Castro led-off the first with a double. He went to second on a groundball and Trevor Larnach hit an RBI groundout to second to start the scoring. The A's answered in the bottom of the first when Abraham Toro and JJ Bleday singled. Tyler Soderstrom lined a two-out single to right and the game was tied at one after an inning of play. Oakland would rally in the fifth when Miguel Andujar and Brent Rooker singled with two outs. Tyler Soderstrom doubled home a pair and Shea Langeliers singled in another run. This put Oakland up 4-1 after five frames. The Twins would inch closer in the sixth as Royce Lewis blasted a Joey Estes curveball out to left for a solo homer. The Twins would rally again in the seventh as Christian Vazquez singled and Austin Martin walked. Willi Castro belted an Austin Adams fastball out to right for a three-run homer to put the Twins on top 5-4. The A's answered in the bottom of the eighth as Tyler Soderstrom was hit by a pitch and Shea Langeliers smacked a Jhoan Duran splitter out to left for a two-run homer. This put the A's up 6-5 and Mason Miller threw a 1-2-3 ninth as Oakland stunned the Twins tonight.
-Final Thoughts- Chris Paddack didn't have the best night. He went 4 2/3 innings and allowed three runs on five hits with three walks and three strikeouts. Kody Funderburk retired four men with two strikeouts, Jorge Alcala fanned two in a perfect seventh, and Jhoan Duran gave up the homer to Shea Langeliers in the eighth. Willi Castro, Christian Vazquez, and Austin Martin had two hits each. The Twins hit 1-for-7 with runners in scoring position and left seven men on base. Tomorrow, Bailey Ober faces JP Sears in Game 2.
-Chris Kreibich-
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asm5129 · 5 months
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