#adhd!clint barton
drgrlfriend · 8 months
Chapter Sixteen!: Ah Weary Wee Flipperling
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Chapter Sixteen of my Winterhawk Marvel Trumps Hate 2022 Selkie!Bucky fic is posted!
It’s hard to concentrate when James is looking at him like that, but Clint tries his best.  “I didn’t have the kind of life that — well, let’s just say that it wasn’t too conducive to stickin’ around.  So, I’ve only felt this way twice before, and only one of those turned into a relationship, and even that didn’t last long.  I guess — I can be a lot, when I feel this way about someone.  Too much, maybe.”    
“Too much what?” James says, voice so gentle the reproof doesn’t even sting.  He lifts Clint’s hand up where their fingers are still tangled together, and presses a warm kiss against Clint’s scarred, knobbly knuckles.  “Too much heart?  Too much affection?”  He shakes his head.  “Whoever told you that was a damned fool.”
Clint swallows thickly.  “I just don’t want to scare you off.”
James hums.  He leans in, slow enough that Clint could back off if he wanted to, but that’s the last thing Clint wants.  He presses into the kiss, lips parting.  It’s short, and sweet, and leaves Clint wanting more, as James pulls back and smiles again.“I don’t scare easy,” he says.  “And I’m not so overstocked on affection as to be turning up my nose at any, sayin’ it’s too much for me.  I like how much you are.  I like everythin’ about the way that you are.”
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hurtspideyparker · 28 days
I have this headcanon in which Clint actually like wearing dresses (because he thinks it's comfortable and makes him looks cool). He used to borrow Natasha's because they fit him (as weird as it seems) but one time he accidentally ripped one, thanks to the drunk asshole who tried to fight him in a bar, so now Natasha hide them from him and say that if he wants one he have to buy one. But he doesn't have much time to think about it between training, missions and personal life so he forget about it till it's like Christmas or something an none in the tower know what to give him except maybe arrows.
What to you think about it ? (Idk why I'm telling you that, guess I just wanted to share this with someone)
I love this tysm for sharing it with me !!!!! It's so cute and fun, and I love supportive domestic Avengers.
Nat and Clint spending so much time together chilling in safe houses or killing time in bars between missions that it just became second nature they'd both get dressed out of Natasha's suitcase.
I can imagine it's Christmas or Clint's birthday and none of the Avengers know what to get him for a gift (besides Tony, who already built 3 new prototype arrows), so they go to his best friend Natasha and ask her what he likes.
"Um, like for his wife?"
"No, for him. He likes this kind," she shows them her collection, mostly comfortable fabrics but short in length. "He's a size 6, and he doesn't do strapless."
Which leads to Clint getting a nice new dress from almost everyone in the tower, who is absolutely ecstatic after forgetting how much he loved them. He runs off to go put one on right away, leaving his friends all pleasantly surprised.
Except Tony. He's just confused.
"Okay did I miss some kind of memo. I feel like I'm oozing toxic masculinity for giving him weapons when you all clearly co-conspired to fulfill his feminine divinity or whatever. Is it because you think I don't like cross dressing? I'm okay with cross dressing, as long as he doesn't man spread in them."
(Tony felt weird about being left out and bought him a dress the next day that is Very Expensive).
Clint gets to wear his dresses all the time now, and gets tons of compliments. Him and Natasha even match on occasion.
I hope you or anyone else shares their ideas with me I love talking about this stuff with people !!! You made my day :D. I hope it's okay I expanded on your HC, I just really liked it
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voicesinthedarkness · 3 months
So I know I just posted that masked superheroes prompt, but what if Nat had synesthesia due to the experiments in the Red Room?? I’ve always thought it’d be really cool if we could do neurodivergent representation in the Avengers without drastically changing their characters. Clint would have ADHD, and maybe Bruce would have autism? Not to assist the “violent autism” stereotype, so to speak, but it would be interesting if he changed into Hulk when he got overstimulated. And his special interests could be technology and biology, and Clint would get hyperfocused on making new arrows.
when the inspiration FINALLY starts kicking in again… -_- it feels really nice though!!!
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Come to Me
My Masterlist
This ask combined with the addition both from the lovely @chrisevansdaughter
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x ADHD!Reader, Platonic!Clint Barton x Reader (sibling like relationship)
Warnings: Traumatic mission, reader has a hard time communicating, mentions of a panic attack, this is probably terribly self-indulgent bc i’m terrible with my feelings and probably have undiagnosed adhd, reader is terrified of heights, reader probably has PTSD (or maybe PTS?? idk what they’re really calling it)
Word Count: 2091
Summary: 3 months after the mission that changed your life again, you finally let Steve in to help.
It had been 3 months. 3 months since the mission that had seemingly changed your life. You couldn’t get the images of what happened out of your head. You hadn’t told anyone about how much it was affecting you, and honestly you weren’t even quite sure of how to word what you were feeling. You weren’t diagnosed with ADHD as a kid like many people you knew, you weren’t diagnosed until about 5 years ago, but now as an adult, you understand that it can be the reason you have issues voicing your feelings. The words just don’t come out of your head the way that you want them to, and it’s hard to get your point across without rambling.
On the mission, you, Steve, and Clint were walking through a jungle towards a HYDRA base, when all of a sudden you guys came across a gigantic ravine. “Oh fuck no.” You said, looking at the rickety bridge 20 feet away from the three of you and instantly seeing flashbacks. 
You had met Clint years ago in the circus and he had practically adopted you as his younger sister instantly. You were a tightrope walker, and as the years passed, you didn’t want to do more daring stunts, but your ringmaster pushed you to. 
One day, you went to perform your act live, only to find that a thinner rope was placed 10 feet higher than your usual act was done at and there was no safety net below you. You had never practiced more than 3 feet higher than your usual act, and never without a safety net, so you were very scared climbing the ladder. But it wasn’t until halfway through your act that it happened, you slipped. If it weren’t for Clint sprinting out to catch you, you most likely would’ve died from the fall. 
Clint had given your ringmaster hell later for doing that to you, and swore to never move you higher or give you a different rope again without you practicing first. But you were so scared to even climb the ladder that you never went back to tightrope walking, and the two of you went to work for SHIELD not long after, so you for the remaining time in the circus, you did harder tricks on a balance beam, something you’d be less likely to fall off of and you almost definitely wouldn’t get hurt doing so.
But either way, this mission had a very rickety old bridge that the three of you were going to have to cross to get to the HYDRA base. And then you were going to have to cross it again to get back to the jet.
“How about I stay here and take out just about anyone that comes by and you guys go into the base?” You asked as they walked towards the bridge.
Clint turned and softened his gaze when he saw how scared you were. “N/N, I know. I know what’s going on right now, but we need you in there with us. We will keep you safe, I promise.” Based on the very confused look that your boyfriend was giving your brother, Clint was able to figure out that you hadn’t told Steve about your crippling fear of heights due to what happened.
“Fine, Clint. But you go first. I’ll be in the middle so either of you can catch me when something bad inevitably happens.”
“And after this, you tell Steve.” He said, glaring at you disapprovingly.
You rolled your eyes, “Sure, sure, Clint.”
After the three of you had crossed the bridge, the rest of the mission went really smoothly. You had gotten the files on a USB, wiped the computer, and did some property damage to both the computer and the building. But unfortunately, the three of you had to cross that bridge again.
“Aw, Clint, do I have to?” You asked, whining slightly
“If you want to sleep in your own bed ever again, yes. And think, nothing happened the first time.” You shook your head at this, but gestured again for him to go first and you would follow. Clint started slowly making his way across the bridge, while Steve listened for creaks telling that one of the boards was going to snap. But it didn’t happen while Clint was standing on the board, it happened with you on it. You screamed as you fell, flailing your arms to grab on to anything you possibly could. You hadn’t fallen far when you grabbed something though, the bottom of the board you were standing on was dangling from the rope holding the bridge up, but it was quickly unraveling itself from this end too.
“Sweetheart, grab my hand.” Steve called, reaching down to you.
You reached up for him, but felt the board slip more. “I can’t, the board will break! You guys have to get out of here before the whole bridge breaks!”
“Are you serious, Y/N? Leave you here to die?” Clint asked. “Never. I’m holding the knot in place. Reach up to Steve, he has you, okay?” 
And it was when you nodded up at Clint that you made your fatal mistake. You looked down. “I can’t do this. I’m gonna die.”
“Hey, hey, look at me, N/N. Look at me. You’re not gonna die. We’re right here and we will never let that happen. Just reach for Steve, okay?” He asked.
“Okay,” You said, panicking. “I dunno if I can.”
“You can do it, sweetheart, I’m right here, just give me your hand.” You reached up to Steve, feeling the board creak under you as you shifted your weight, but you knew Clint was holding the knot in place so the board wouldn’t fall until after Steve had pulled you back to safety.
Steve grabbed onto your hand and pulled, bringing you back up to level with the boys, and back to safety as you practically ran across the bridge to solid ground, and then to the jet so you could go home.
You could barely sleep, everytime you laid down and closed your eyes you felt like you were falling again. It wasn’t unless you were sleeping practically underneath Steve that you actually felt safe. You tried your best to not let Steve know what a hard time you’d been having since that mission, but you were sure he knew. He could always read you like a book.
Sliding down the inside of your bedroom door, you knew you were having a panic attack, but there was no way that you were going to let Steve find out. You’d already burdened him with so much that you didn’t want this dumb mission from 3 months ago to add on to that.
“Honey?” Steve called, “Where are you?” You tried to hide your heavy breathing, you could get through this panic attack by yourself, you didn’t need to rely on Steve. “I can hear you breathing in the bedroom, are you okay?” Damn his super-soldier hearing.
“I- I’m fine, Stevie. It’s okay.” You said shakily.
You could practically hear Steve rolling his eyes. “No you aren’t, open the door, doll.” You moved away from the door and Steve walked in, noticing your panicked state. “Hey, woah, sweetheart, you’re not okay. Why would you try to hide this?” He shook his head softly. “Never mind, let’s get you calmed down before we have a serious conversation.”
You nodded slowly, knowing you were going to have to figure out a way to word your feelings, but that thought only made you panic more.
“Okay, doll, can I touch you?” You nodded. Steve wrapped you in a hug, pulling you into his chest so you could rest your head on his shoulder and nuzzle into his neck like you liked to do. “Can you tell me 5 things you can see?”
“You, the bed, dresser, stuffies, water bottle.” You said as your breathing started to show.
“4 things you can hear.”
“Your voice, your heart, the fridge, and the fan.”
“3 things you can smell.”
“Mm, you. The fabric softener and my shampoo.”
Steve took a slow breath, happy you were calming down. “Good job, honey. Now 2 things you can feel.”
“You and the floor.”
“Great job honey. 1 thing you can taste?”
“You.” You told him, taking another deep breath.
Steve rubbed your back slowly, helping to ground you even more. “I’m proud of you, sweetheart. You did fantastic.”
“Thank you, Stevie.” You mumbled, hiding your face in his neck.
“You wanna tell me what that was all about, doll?” You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his torso. “You’re gonna have to tell me eventually. We both know that you’ll feel so guilty for not telling me that you’ll have another panic attack later. Can we just skip that this time, honey?”
You thought about it for a minute before nodding slowly, not really wanting to have to deal with another panic attack today because Steve was right. You really would feel so guilty about not telling him that you would just have another panic attack. “I don’t know how to say it,” You whispered, knowing his super soldier hearing would pick it up.
“That’s okay, darling. Can you try? It’s okay if you ramble, I’ll always understand you.”
You nodded again, starting to tell him the story of when you met Clint and how you would’ve died that night in the circus if it weren’t for him. You told Steve everything in words you hadn’t been able to before, including how you couldn’t sleep unless he was practically on top of you, saving your anxiety from itself in the middle of the night.
And Steve listened. He rubbed your back, never saying whether or not he was uncomfortable after sitting on the floor for all this time. He listened attentively and gave you reassuring words when you couldn’t figure out the word you wanted. You really were starting to think that he should’ve been a therapist in another life.
“Thank you for telling me, sweetheart.” Steve said, at least an hour later. “I’m really proud of you for being able to voice your feelings for me. Why don’t we get changed and watch some TV before we go to bed. Maybe you’ll be able to sleep now, but we’ll definitely talk to Dr. Raynor in the morning, okay?”
Your shoulders slumped, you really didn’t want to have to go to a therapist about this, now that it was off your chest, you were fine. Steve gave you a look. “No, you’re not fine, don’t try to pull this on me. Yes, it may be off your chest now, but that doesn’t make you all better. Look at all she’s done for Bucky.”
You nodded, “Yeah, she’s helped him a lot. But this isn’t the same, Bucky was brainwashed. I just had an accident before joining the Avengers.”
“Sweetheart, you had a near-death experience. Twice, and the second one was in the same fashion as the first. It’s not that you’re just scared like you were before the first fall, you’re carrying something up here-” he tapped your temple gently, “-that you need to deal with. It’s not a bad thing, but you’ve now suffered two near-death experiences from the same issue. You’re bound to have a little bit of PTSD from that. You can just have a little chat with Dr. Raynor, I don’t have to be there if you don’t want me to be, and she’s gonna help you work through this.”
“Okay.” You said softly. “But I’d really like to sleep first.”
Steve picked you up and put you on the bed. “Of course, doll. You need your rest.”
“Thank you, Stevie. I really don’t deserve you.”
“Yes, you do, honey. You deserve the world.” He said, pulling one of his shirts out of a drawer and passing it to you to change into. “Now let’s get some good rest and make sure that you take your meds in the morning. They’ll help.”
“Okay, Stevie. Can I have a kiss before we go to bed?”
Steve smiled softly at you sitting quietly on the bed. “You know you never have to ask me that, sweetie.” He said, kissing you softly. You crawled under the covers, holding them open for Steve who quickly jumped in between your arms. “I love you, Y/N”
“I love you too, Steve.” You said, drifting off quickly for the first time in 3 months.
Hey everybody! Look at this! I got a fic out! The beginning of this was rewritten about 3 times before I decided on a situation that wasn’t so gruesome I almost couldn’t sleep due to what my brain came up with, but also was something that people would probably read bc I had an idea for an sa story but figured that would trigger too many people. Either way, I hope you all enjoy this!
Taglist: @chrisevansdaughter, @nana1000night, @sarahrogersevans, @buckybarnesandmarvel
Let me know if you wanna be added or removed!
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squids-comics · 8 months
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I think Clint may have ADHD
From: Avengers #26
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42donotpanic · 1 year
Fall Traditions
Summary: Kate and Yelena have invited their friends to go on a day-trip with them. Clint doesn't quite understand how a mace made out of corn is supposed to work.
Pairings: HawkDevil (Clint Barton x Matt Murdock), Bisholova (Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova (QPR))
Word Count: 830
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Corn Maze, Hedge Maze, Clint Barton has ADHD, Clint Dyslexic Clint Barton, Misunderstandings, AU - No Powers
Written for:
@flufftober : Day 6 - Corn Maze
@marvelrarepairbingo : N4 - Hedge Maze
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hawksonfire · 2 years
Winterhawk. 10. HS au popular/nerd or 33. Celebrity/fan 💜💐
“What do you mean, you’re not going?” Natasha asks, lifting an eyebrow. “Clint, you’ve been obsessed with Bucky Barnes since his first movie, where he played that cowboy? I don’t know how many times you called it your gay awakening.”
“What’s the point, Tash? It’s not like I can really afford these tickets, even with all the double shifts I’ve been taking at the coffee shop lately.” Clint sighs. “I’ve been to every one of his premieres for the last ten years, I can miss this one. It’s not like he’ll notice. Plus, I’ve got the night shift today, and I don’t want to have to rush over after the premiere.”
Nat shakes her head. “Well, I’m going. I think his costar is hot, and I heard she might be doing a Q&A after the movie.” She grabs her clutch and twirls for Clint. “How do I look, one last time?”
“As always, you look stunning, Tash,” Clint says. “Have fun! Tell Bucky Barnes I want to take him on a date!”
Natasha scoffs and leaves the apartment, leaving Clint to get ready for his shift. With a sigh, Clint buries his face in a pillow. “This sucks.”
It’s three in the morning, and Clint is enjoying the silence of the shop while sipping at a steaming mocha. He sighs happily, the sound seeming awfully loud in the quiet shop. It’s probably better he didn’t go to the premiere. He would’ve gotten over stimulated really quickly, and it just would have ruined his night. And really, what are the chances Bucky Barnes would even notice him? Maybe in a million—
He’s snapped out of his musing by the sound of the bell above the door. “Welcome to Nothin’ But Beans, what can I get—holy shit.”
Bucky Barnes stands in front of him, pulling off a pair of sunglasses. “Hi,” he says softly. “A little birdie told me you wanted to ask me out.”
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linuxbian · 1 year
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drgrlfriend · 8 months
Chapter 18: The Storm Shall Not Wake Thee
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Chapter Eighteen of my Marvel Trumps Hate 2022 Winterhawk Selkie!Bucky fic is posted! Excerpt:
Clint wakes first again.  James seems to be sleeping longer and deeper, and Clint hopes that’s a good sign for his continued recovery.  
And he can’t deny that he loves it, these quiet moments in the morning, where he can loop his hearing aids in but stay in bed, just enjoying the warm weight of James up against his side.
James snuffles a little at Clint’s shoulder, clinging even tighter for a moment as he starts to wake.
When James finally opens drowsy eyes, Clint presses a kiss to his temple.  “Mornin’,” he says.
“Arp,” James says.
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askatrigenderlgbt · 6 months
{Marvel Prompts}
Prompt: Loki has become an avenger, but now is struggling to fit in and belong in the team. Loki has difficulty with his emotions and social interactions, from lack of proper friendships and social connection and from never learning how to handle his emotions in the first place- at least not properly anyway...
Loki is dealing with undiagnosed ADHD and has severe social anxiety as well, along with a lot of trauma to add to the pot.
Thor, being the big brother, finds help for his brother as he can't help Loki by himself. Thor recognized he doesn't have the tools or knowledge needed to help Loki. Tony and Clint potentially do, both having similar issues with Loki, but not to his degree or exact symptoms. Thor believes that Tony and Clint can help Loki fit in because they know what it's like to struggle mentally and emotionally.
{And the three help Loki get properly diagnosed by professionals for his ADHD, of course.}
Loki gets a bit better, feeling more like he belongs. That he isn't broken or defective. Loki feels like a true person for the first time in years.
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Hiii, saw a lot of headcannons there like "Clint has dyslexia" "Clint has ADHD" or other things like that. So, wanted to know what you think about that? True or false? If true can show some proofs? (Sorry my bad english haha)
Hmm, that's difficlut. First of all, I have never seen any evidence in the comics or movies/tv show. But I have to admit, I haven't read all the comics. Some of them are just difficult to get in my country, some are so old, they are not available anymore. So, if anyone knows more, please let us know. 😁
What I think about these headcanons? I think they are as valid as all headcanons. I've used the "Clint has dyslexia" headcanon in my fics but not the ADHD one. I have to admit I don't know much about ADHD. I know it exists, I know it makes peoples' lives complicated but otherwise I don't have enough knowledge about it to use it.
The beautiful thing about headcanons is, that they don't have to work for everyone. My headcanons for Clint are that he's bisexual and that he's ambidextrous. It doesn't work for everyone? Who cares, because it's my headcanon, right?
(And I don't think your English is bad 😉)
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Stickers are done for a while 😅 I had a lot of fun with $50! Now it's gonna be impossible to deny what I'm up to typing away when anyone asks... in fact, they might not ask anymore 😅
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lunaroserites · 5 months
Art and Ice - New Perceptions
Pairing: Eventual Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Characters: Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Bucky, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, a lot of the avengers cast is mentioned.
Summery: This kinda a filler chapter, some cute fluffy moments between Bucky and Doodle happen.
This might a 2 or 3 parter (it's gonna be more because cannot help myself). College AU, our boy Bucky is on the hockey team, and reader is an art major (because I love that trope and couldn't help myself)
Warnings: Not beta'd! All mistakes are my own. Friends fluff, swearing, mentions of college students being college students. Bit of friendly harmless flirting between friends. Bucky is a playboy. Flirting. Mentions of not eating or drinking for a hours (ADHD Brain)
Word Court: 3539
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! ❤️
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy my work elsewhere, without my express permission, thank you! Lunaroserites on tumblr and ao3
Catch up here: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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It wasn’t a surprise that your college finished out the regular season on top. Your college was known across the country for its sports programs. 
It didn’t surprise you when Bucky showed up with a bright cocky smile the day after the last away game. “Ooooh Doodle!” He said in a sing-song voice. 
You looked over your shoulder setting the paint brush down, raising an eyebrow at him, “yeeees Bucky?” You matched his tone perfectly. With all the away games you haven’t seen him since the weekend, you have made some decent progress on the painting of him. You were giddy to show him what you completed in his absence. 
“Guess who scored a date with Mandy, the head cheerleader?” He was beaming. Your heart sank momentarily, your facial expression dropping slightly before you composed yourself and gave him your best dazzling smile. 
“I’m not sure Buck, I’ve always been terrible at guessing games,” you murmured, trying to hide the discontent in your voice as you looked back at the canvas to compose yourself. He didn’t seem to pick up on your change in mood. 
“Ah come on Doodle, I’ll give you a hint. He’s charming, on the hockey team and incredibly sexy,” he sounded so cock sure. 
You turned to face him and tapped the end of the brush on your lip, feigning that you were deep in thought and then a bright smile split across your face. 
“Oh! I know who it is,” you said excitedly. “Sam!” You faked enthusiasm before turning back to the painting but not before catching his face drop for a moment. 
“Pfft, he’s about as charming as an out of tune piano,” Bucky deflected. “Come on Doodle, it’s easy.” 
“They’re easy huh?” You mused. “So must be you then,” you said flatly without missing a beat. He laughed awkwardly behind you. 
“Uh, yeah it’s me,” his cocksure attitude was gone and he sounded a little deflated. 
“That’s nice Buck, have fun,” you said quietly. 
“It’s not until tomorrow night,” he said, “I wanted to come hang out with you tonight,” your heart clenched and you bit your knuckle to stop the pang of hurt that threatened to crush you, you didn’t trust your voice at the moment so you just nodded. 
“How much of the painting have you done?” He asked quickly, changing the topic. You were grateful. “Last time I saw it you just had some base colours on.” 
You had the puck almost done, you were painting as if the puck was being shot at the person viewing it. Slightly different from your original idea, but you liked how it was turning out. Bucky was now standing next to you and you could smell the deep woody and amber tones of his cologne. He always smelled good, even after playing a game or practice. It was something you appreciated about him, Thor would smell like a locker room after practice. It was awful. 
You quickly focused back on the canvas and not how much you wanted to stick your nose into the crook of Bucky’s throat and inhale the heady scent he wore. This little crush was getting out of hand, you needed to squash it quickly. 
“That looks amazing, Doodle,” Bucky said in awe as he looked at the painting. “How do you make it seem so real?” 
“Practice, and a little luck,” you said with a shrug. Bucky moved out of the way when you picked the brush up and started to work on it again. “The inspiration was also a big help,” you looked over your shoulder at him and winked. He gave you a dazzling smile back. “What are you doing today?” He had pulled some books and notes out on the table and was staring down at them. 
“I’m studying for my astronomy final,” he said, his tongue caught between his teeth. His arm crossed over his chest and the other hand held his chin as he looked down at his notes. 
“Mind if I put some music on?” He hummed and you clicked the play button and let the music wash over you. You got to work, getting lost in the music and the brush strokes. 
The soft notes of Work Song by Hozier played soothingly over the speaker and you hummed softly along to the song and swayed gently back and forth. You jumped when you felt Bucky’s hand cup your shoulder and slide down your arm clasping your hand in his. 
“Can’t have a pretty thing like you dancing by herself,” he said softly. He pulled you to him and started to sway you two gently to the beat. Your heart was racing a million miles a minute, your cheeks were a bright shade of red as you hid your face against his firm chest. 
He moved you two effortlessly, he guided you in a small sway. He was smiling down at the top of your head as you leaned your cheek to his chest. His hand held the small of your back gently to him. 
You couldn’t believe this was happening, he was dancing with you randomly. It was completely out of the blue, but you couldn’t bring yourself to complain. He was firm and warm under your touch. He held like you were as fragile as blown glass, his touch feather light and respectful. You usually hated dancing but something about this moment felt right. 
As the song came to close and Bucky took a step back from you, you started to miss the contact as quickly as you lost it. He was smiling down at you and kissed you knuckles of the hand he had been holding at the time. “Thank you for the dance m’lady,” he tipped his chin and gave you a devilish smile. You couldn’t find words to express who you felt at the moment. 
“Thank you kind sir,” you stuttered back. He laughed his beautiful rich as chocolate laugh and made his way back to his studying and you went back to your painting feeling lighter than before. The pit in your stomach growing deeper, you could still feel his warm hand on your waist and the way he held you so carefully.
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“Loki I don’t know what I’m going to do,” you whined as you draped over his lap dramatically. You had texted him “code red” before you left the art studio, Bucky had offered to drop you off at your apartment but you declined like you usually did. Code red meaning ‘I need you please come get me.’ Which he did without hesitation. 
“Darling you’re being a little dramatic,” he ran his fingers through your hair trying to sooth your nerves. 
“Loki, I’m not being dramatic. We had this whole conversation about just being friends and spending time together without him waiting to get me in bed,” you exclaimed. 
“Which he probably still does,” Loki added, you glared at him. 
“Not the point, how can that conversation mean anything if I can’t even hold myself to it,” you said in an exasperated tone. “Loki, he danced with me, out of the blue. Just took my hand and danced with me,” you peaked up at Loki who was running his long fingers through your hair, he had an unreadable expression. “Who does that nowadays, it’s something my grandpa would do with nana.” 
“Little brother,” Hela’s sing-song voice called as she poked her head into the room. “Oh hello sweetling! I didn’t know you were visiting,” she smiled at you. You had always liked Helena, she was always nice to you. She gave Loki and Thor shit when we were teens and they were acting like typical teenage boys, insensitive and immature. She looked you over, draped over Loki’s lap, your arm thrown over your eyes. You looked miserable, she entered the room further and sat down on the edge of Loki’s bed and gently touched your shoulder. 
“What’s the matter sweetling,” she asked soothingly. 
“Nothing Hela, stupid feelings and a crush a stupid boy,” you whined. She laughed at that. 
“Men tend to be like that, this is why I like women,” she chuckled. “Seriously sweetling, it can’t be that bad, who is it?” She asked softly. Her eyes drifted to Loki for a moment and he made a face. 
“Bucky Barnes,” you groaned. Hela’s eyes widened and she groaned. 
“You’re telling me you’re upset over that overgrown toddler on skates?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, you looked at her, god she was so pretty. You nodded and sighed heavily. 
“I know, I know. He’s just so.... Ugh.” Loki chuckled and Hela glared at him. She grabbed your hand and rubbed her thumb over your knuckles soothingly. 
“You know a couple years back he tried asking me out. I rejected him. He called me a stuck up bitch,” she said, you raised your arm off your eyes and looked at her. “He wouldn’t even let me tell him I had no interest in men, especially younger men.” You nodded and that was what Loki meant when he was rude to Hela. “He later saw me with Val on a date. He felt like an idiot and apologised for how he acted.” 
“He did?” Loki asked, he sounded surprised. Hela nodded. 
“He learned his lesson. Learned a few things too. From my understanding he’s not as pushy as he used to be,” Hela added. “Shame what happened with his girlfriend and her sudden departure to Alaska. He was apparently a lot different when she was here. She broke his heart. It doesn’t excuse his behaviour but it definitely gives perspective.” 
“You know Nat mentioned that he had a long term relationship that suddenly ended,” you said back, thinking back. 
“Val knew her better than I ever did, she apparently just packed up and left. No explanation, not warning. She was just gone. Barnes was devastated,” Hela said thoughtfully. 
“Huh, well that definitely adds perspective,” you agreed. 
“It doesn’t excuse his behaviour though,” Loki reiterated. You and Hela nodded in agreement. 
“What should I do?” You asked Loki after Hela left. He sighed and looked down at you, eyes swimming with uncertainty. 
“I’m not sure darling, if you told him what do you think would happen?” Loki asked softly. 
“He would probably pick up on trying to sleep with me again,” you groaned. 
You ended up spending the night at Loki’s house with him, falling asleep on his bed. 
“You know, it's a good thing you don’t share a bed with anyone,” Loki shoved you away from the centre of the bed. “You’re a fucking bed hog,” you couldn’t help but laugh at his groggy disgruntled voice. 
“Apologies Loki,” you laughed as he huffed. 
“Bull shit,” he exclaimed while standing up and going into his ensuite bathroom. You stood and leaned against the door frame while Loki pulled a brush through his hair and did his skin care routine. “Do you want me to bring you home so you can change and stuff? 
“I would appreciate it,” you smiled at him. 
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“Morning Wands,” you called as you came through the front door, Loki right behind you, he grabbed your coat and hung it up as you pulled it off. 
“In here,” she called out as the toaster popped. You and Loki walked into the kitchen together. “Morning Loki,” she gave him a dazzling smile, which he returned. 
“I’m making cinnamon toast and eggs, hungry?” She asked. 
“I’d love some, I’m going to grab a quick shower and change.” 
“Princessa!” Peitro wrapped you in a hug tightly as he walked behind you and snagged a piece of toast off your plate. 
“Get your own,” you batted his hand away. 
“But I want yours,” he teased. You heard Wanda and Loki chuckle at you both. 
“I have a plate for you too, stop stealing hers,” Wanda ushered him over. 
“What plans do you have today?” Wanda asked as she sat down next to you. You looked to Loki, it was his turn to plan the Saturday plans. 
“The new book I’ve been waiting on is finally here so we have to stop by the bookstore in town,” Loki said, “then I think we’ll drive up the coast, we need pictures for our photography class.” You smiled at him, so thoughtful. “Then maybe some dinner and a stroll through the park,” he finished. 
“God Loki you’re making me look like a terrible boyfriend,” Pietro whined, you snorted into your juice and leaned back laughing loudly. 
“Maybe you should take notes,” Loki teased. You and Wanda were laughing together. Loki was an incredibly thoughtful friend. That’s why you adored him so much. But that’s where it ended. You two were the best of friends and that was where the line was drawn  and there was never a need to cross it. It took time for people to understand your friendship and the boundaries you two had in place. 
“Sounds like a fun day,” Wanda said thoughtfully. 
“What about you Wands? Vis is still abroad isn’t he?” She nodded at your question. 
“I’m going to practise with Pietro, it’s a nice day to be out in the sun,” she answered. “Vis gets back next week.” 
“I had fun today,” you said softly as you and Loki walked through the park after having supper at a sweet little Mexican restaurant. Loki had his hand on the small of your back guiding you and keeping you close. 
“I did too,” he hummed. You two walked around a little more, taking a seat on a bench to watch the setting sun. You looked out over the green space and saw some couples sitting in the grass relaxing. One couple caught your attention. 
“Is that bucky?” You said quietly, tipping your head in his direction. Loki squinted and nodded. 
Bucky was sitting a little ways away leaning back on his hands. Mandy sat next to him completely ignoring him. Something twisted in your heart as you looked at him looking up at the sky and she was scrolling her phone. Loki rubbed your shoulder soothingly. Drawn back to him you gave Loki a sad smile. 
“She probably just wants to sleep with him,” Loki whispered. You nodded in agreement. 
“He likes space a lot. He’s talking to her and she is not even pretending to listen,” it broke your heart. Soon his date leaned over and they got up from their spot. He trailed behind her as they waltzed across the green space toward Bucky’s truck. You watched him follow after her like some love sick puppy. 
But then for a brief moment his eyes connected with yours. His eyes narrowed in on you and he paused for the briefest moment as he looked at you across the field. You couldn’t place the look in his eyes, but it was something akin to longing, maybe you couldn’t be sure. As soon as it started it ended and Bucky was gone with Mandy into his truck. 
“Darling,” Loki’s smooth voice filled your ears and you looked at him. “You okay?” You nodded and sighed. 
“I think so,” you mumbled while shaking your head to clear it. 
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You didn’t see much of Bucky over the next few days, practice and studying seemed to completely take over his days. He would text you little updates, ask how your day was going, remind you to drink and eat snacks. Your phone going off startled you out of the trance you were in. 
It was a FaceTime request from Bucky. You slide the answer button and gaze at him with a quizzical look. “Hello,” you chuckled, propping the phone on the easel. 
“Hey doodle,” his hair was wet and he was shirtless, you tried to not look at his shoulders. “Miss me?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
“Like a toothache Bucky,” you mused. Your shirt rode up as you stretched your arm to reach up on the canvas. Your phone left you a perfect anglee for Bucky’s eyes to follow the now revealed skin. You didn’t catch him licking his lips at you. 
“I’m hurt doodle,” he feigned hurt and clutched his hand over his heart being dramatic which made you laugh. There was a sudden knock on the art studio door, you looked over your shoulder and then back at the phone. Bucky was trying really hard to not look suspicious. 
“What did you do?” You asked as you grabbed the phone and opened the door, you looked down and he shrugged. Opening the door you were greeted by a delivery driver. You raised an eyebrow and squinted at him. 
“Delivery for Doodle?” The driver said, he looked completely over the day and didn’t bat an eye at the nickname. 
“I didn’t order,” you looked down at your phone and were met with Bucky’s shit eating grin. “You cheeky bastard,” you accused him. “Thank you,” you took the food and sat down at the table in the art room. 
“Thanks Bucky,” you were touched. He had ordered your favourite, everything completely how you liked it. You had only ever ordered this once in his presence, weeks ago. He remembered. “You even remember the extra sauce,” you could feel tears well up in your eyes from how sweet of a gesture it was. You quickly rubbed the tears away and smiled at him. 
Everyone in your life had been so busy you barely spoke to them, Bucky had been the most consistent person by far. You didn’t blame the others, you had barely kept in touch being swapped with final projects and finals. Everyone was just busy. The fact he took the time to send you food, made your heart soar. 
“I figured we could eat together,” Bucky said as he sat up and positioned the phone so his hands were free and you could see his full torso and face. You almost choked on air seeing him. He was fucking hot, you stoped the that train of thought immediately and looked at his face and not his peaks or squishy tummy. He was a big dude, firm but soft looking. You wanted to run your fingers over his torso. 
“I’d like that,” you were impressed with how composed you sounded in that moment. 
“How’s the projects going?” He asked. You shrugged and sighed. 
“They're going. I’m almost done with three of them and I finished the last one this afternoon,” he nodded. Silence fell over you two again but it wasn’t uncomfortable. That was something you noticed shortly after his visits to art studios became more frequent, silence with him was comfortable and you never felt the innate urge to fill it. “How’s studying?” 
“Good, the practicals will be easy. I hate written exams,” Bucky was a kinesiology major, doing astrology classes for electives. What surprised you early on was that he was actually doing well in classes. It made you question those Reddit comments you read saying he cared little for academics. He wasn’t a valedictorian or anything but he was passing with 3.1 GPA overall. You weren’t surprised when he mentioned he wasn't interested in the arts, and that he only did the two mandatory English classes. 
“You got this,” you said to him with a smile. 
“So do you,” he gave you a dazzling smile back. “I'm sorry I haven’t been coming to visit,” he said quietly. 
“It’s okay, we’re all busy right now. I haven’t seen Nat in 4 days, she was hauled up in the dance studio getting ready for her practicals and the final performance,” you shrugged, the performance arts program did a big show at the end of exams the whole campus was invited to purchase tickets for. The funds raised went toward funding future projects. You had your ticket, and an extra because Loki had bought his and forgot to tell you. 
“She hasn’t been at practice either, Barton has been insufferable,” Bucky said with a mock exasperated sigh. 
“I’m not surprised,” you chuckled and smiled at Bucky, he admired the way the corner of your eyes crinkle when you smile like that. 
“You’re still coming Friday?” Bucky asked. 
“Of course,” you nodded. “Actually I have a question to ask you,” he looked at you attentively and waited. “I have an extra ticket to the performing arts final show after exams, did you want to come with me?” You didn’t build your hopes so high that he would say yes. “If you don…”
“Yeah, love too Doodle,” he cut you off. Your face lights up with a bright smile. 
“Awesome,” you cheered excitedly, you wouldn’t soon forget the beautiful smile that graced his face, you both looked into each other for a moment, smiles morning one another. You didn’t want to look away from him, his eyes snapped from yours at the sound of a crash from another room and some yelling. 
“Dammit Scott,” Bucky groaned and looked at you apologetically. “Gotta go Doodle, I’m going to try and swing by the art room tomorrow.” 
“Bye Bucky,” you waved at him as he waved the call ended. You saT back in the chair for a moment before giving up for the night and packing up to go home.
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AN: Thank you all so much for reading! I've have been really enjoying writing this series!
Taglist: @vicmc624, @calwitch, @learisa, @aaqua-tofana, @charmedbysarge, @blackbirdwitch22
Feel free to send me a message if you have a request or would like more, or would like to be added to the tag list!
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phoenixlionme · 1 year
Fictional Characters that Exude Disabilityexcellence
Toph Beifong - Blind
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Teo (ATLA) - Paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Korra (TLOK) - PTSD
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Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) - wears glasses; her being the giftless one among her family has been compared to that of a disabled child in an able-bodied family
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Bruno Madrigal (Encanto) - confirmed to have OCD
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George Bailey (It’s a Wonderful Life) - partial deafness
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Milo Thatch (Atlantis the Lost Empire) - wears glasses
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Izumi Curtis (FMAB) - chronic illness; missing limbs
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Edward Elric (FMAB) - for most of the series, he was a double amputee (missing an arm and a leg) by the end of the series, he regained his arm but not his leg. As such, he started off as a double amputee but is now a single amputee
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Lan Fan (FMAB) - arm amputee with prosthetic
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Sterling Archer (Archer) - breast cancer (remission); tinnitus; implied to be autistic
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Jack Russell (Bluey) - ADHD
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Barbara Gordon (DC Comics) - paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Victor Stone  (DC Comics) - multiple amputee
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Hiccup Haddock and Toothless (HTTYD franchise) - both are amputees (Hiccup his foot; Toothless his tail) and both use prosthetics
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Chimi the Skull Warrior (Maya and the Three) - albino
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Rico the Rooster Wizard (Maya and the Three - stutter
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Ororo Munroe (Marvel Comics) - claustrophobia
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Professor Charles Xavier (Marvel Comics) - paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Matt Murdock (Marvel Comics) - blind; uses mobility aid
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Adam Evans (DC Comics) - dyslexia
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Natsume (Deca-Dence) - arm amputee; uses prosthetic
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Kitty Softpaws (Shrek/Puss in Boots franchise) - declawed
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Daphne Paloma Vasquez  (Switched at Birth) - deaf
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Garrett (Quest for Camelot) - blind
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Sunny Nwazue (Akata Witch trilogy) - albino
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Charlotte Webber (Marvel Comics) - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; uses mobility aids (wheelchair and crutches)
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Amaya (The Dragon Prince) - deaf
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Alinta aka Bolt (DC Comics) - double leg amputee; uses prosthetics
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Mia Dearden (DC Comics) - HIV positive
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Tony Stark (Marvel Comics) - heart condition; recovering alcoholic; PTSD, trauma
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Jessica Jones (Marvel Comics) - alcoholism, PTSD, depression
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Alicia Masters (Marvel Comics) - blind
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Irene Adler (Marvel Comics) - blind
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Tim Drake (DC Comics) - asplenia (missing spleen)
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Kate Kane (DC Comics) - PTSD, recovering alcoholic
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Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) - autistic spectrum, mute, dyslexic
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Roy Harper aka Red Arrow (DC Comics) - arm amputee, uses prosthetic; recovering drug addict
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Nick Fury (Marvel Comics) - partial blindness
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Clint Barton (Marvel Comics) - deaf; uses hearing aids
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Maya Lopez (Marvel Comics) - deaf
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42donotpanic · 1 year
Different Kinds of Love - Masterlist
Building a Relationship
Summary: Clint Barton and Matt Murdock meet in a Bar. They are just two normal guys, talking and laughing together and slowly falling in love. Except one of them is Deaf. And the other is Blind. Oh, and both are some kind of superhero. But they don't talk about that until it's too late and they are already head over heel in love.
Chapter 1: A Blind guy walks into a bar : 623 / Strangers to Friends / @mfbingo
Chapter 2: Classified : 1394 / Taking Care of Someone / @marvelrarepairbingo
Chapter 3: Saturday morning : 1787 / Body Dysphoria / @lgbtqbingo
Chapter 4: New Routines : 983 / Moving in together / MRP Bingo
Chapter 5: Vigilante and Agents : 1677 / FREE SPACE / @anyfandomgoesbingo
Chapter 6: All the talking : 1819 / FREE SPACE / LGBTQ Bingo
Chapter 7: Waffles : 1955 / FREE SPACE / MRP Bingo
Chapter 8: Jealousy : 3990 / Someone needs a Hug / MRP Bingo
Chapter 9: Baby Agents : 3463 / Kiss on the Forehead / LGBTQ Bingo
Chapter 10: Bullies : 1381 / Hopelessly Outnumbered / MPR Bingo
Chapter 11: Who I used to be : 5610 / Comfort from a Panic Attack / MF Bingo
Chapter 12: Fuck Transphobia : 5394 / "Misgendering me on purpose, and you're proud of yourself?" / @lgbtqbingo
Firsts : HawkDevil (Clint Barton x Matt Murdock) / 3852 / Explicit / Sexual Attraction, Physical Attraction, Trust
How you (don't) see me : HawkDevil (Clint Barton x Matt Murdock) / 3242 / Mature / Physical Attraction, Touch, Semi-Sexual Intimacy
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