#adult paranormal romance
chardwic · 7 months
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Books I've Read in 2024: Bride by Ali Hazelwood
"You don’t know anything about what it’s like to find your other half, I would take anything she chose to give me—the tiniest fraction or her entire world. I would take her for a single night knowing that I’ll lose her by morning, and I would hold on to her and never let go. I would take her healthy, or sick, or tired, or angry, or strong, and it would be my fucking privilege. I would take her problems, her gifts, her moods, her passions, her jokes, her body—I would take every last thing, if she chose to give it to me."
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jessread-s · 8 months
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Thanks to @penguinrandomhouse for providing me with a finished copy in exchange for an honest review
Hazelwood’s paranormal debut is addictive and all-consuming!
Bride follows Misery Lark, the only daughter of the most powerful Vampyre councilman, who agrees to uphold a Vampyre-Werewolf alliance by marrying Alpha Lowe Moreland after discovering that her future husband may be linked to her missing friend.
It was really fun to see Hazelwood branch out into the paranormal romance genre! I enjoyed her world-building and thought the history surrounding Vampyres, Werewolf, and human relations was very digestible.
I love how Hazelwood incorporated the mystery of Serena’s disappearance into the storyline. The breadcrumbs sprinkled throughout paired with the novel’s paranormal elements kept me fully engaged and on my toes.
While “Bride” is quintessential Ali Hazelwood with women in STEM, a big male love interest, galaxy apparel, and palpable love for cats, I think that Misery as a female protagonist ultimately sets this book apart from her contemporary romance novels. I found myself laughing out loud at Misery’s sense of humor and really admired her strength and perseverance. Despite all she goes through having been cast out from Vampyre society, she still remains inherently kind and is fiercely protective of her found family.
Lowe and Misery’s development as a couple is well-paced and her slowest burning romance yet! It takes a while for the characters to give into their attraction to each other given that they are supposed to be mortal enemies, but once they do, Hazelwood delivers on the spice! I couldn’t get enough of the caretaking while injured and “that’s my wife” moments as well as the snippets of Lowe’s internal thoughts at the beginning of each chapter!
This book ends with the potential for a sequel and I hope she’ll move forward with it full steam ahead!
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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leannareneehieber · 5 months
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DARLINGS! Just noticed the double-volume revised edition of STRANGELY BEAUTIFUL via @torbooks is on super-eBook-sale right now. 684 pages! For only $3.99! Via Kindle, Kobo & Apple Books! Includes THE STRANGELY BEAUTIFUL TALE OF MISS PERCY PARKER and THE DARKLY LUMINOUS FIGHT FOR PERSEPHONE PARKER + extra scenes & content.
This book of my heart is: GOTHIC. It's Jane-Eyre-Meets-Dark-Academia+Hot-For-Teacher+GHOSTS+Greek-Mythology+Jack-the-Ripper+Found-Family
YES, there is a paperback omnibus edition, available via Bookshop.org (my favorite link to send folks to, it supports local bookstores!), B&N and any physical store can order it in. It's on sale too!
Please share? Thank you!
Kindle - Kobo - Apple Books
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ok, i'm just going to say it. there's a reason that some of us like reading monster/alien romance just as much as maybe even more than regular romance.
and no, it's not about the supernatural dicks (at least not for me).
in short, it's about respect. obviously, the monster/alien comes from a place somewhere other than human society on planet Earth. because of that, he is completely ignorant of the sexist bias inherent in our society. (and by inherent i mean literally trained into us since birth and embedded in every aspect of our society)
sometimes the monster's views are more misogynistic — but in those stories the heroine manages to change his views by earning his respect as they navigate their inter-special differences (aka, he learns and fixes himself).
usually, the monsters believe strongly in equality between the sexes, and they are often shocked and horrified if/when they learn of how human men treat their partners. [and yes, i know some of them are over-the-top protective to the point of being controlling, but even then it's because they view the heroines as someone to continuously be protected, cherished, and respected.]
TLDR: it's an escape into a romantic fantasy where the love interest is GUARANTEED to be a good partner because he literally could never think to harm, insult, or disrespect the heroine
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writtenroses1813 · 6 months
Just putting this out here cause I had to explain it to my mom, but here are the types of fiction (sorry if I leave out any)
Urban fantasy aka “I live in a modern society but turns out the creatures of old live in the forest” Ex: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Paranormal (Romance) aka “My sexy neighbor is secretly a werewolf/vampire and I’m a human teenage girl” Ex: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
Epic Fantasy aka “This is a crazy quest isn’t it my dear found family” Ex: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
High Fantasy aka “This is a crazy quest of prophecy isn’t it my dear found family oh look a dragon” Ex: The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien
Dystopian aka “This future world is apocalyptic and quite obviously favors the rich” Ex: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Utopian aka “This future world seems peaceful on the outside but that just covers all the absolutely insane problems only this 16-year-old can fix” Ex: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
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nalit-source · 11 months
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The Ex Hex (Ex Hex Series) by Erin Sterling
"Never mix vodka and witchcraft."
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Strictly Pleasure - Part 1 (Jek x Heidi)
orc x human paranormal romance
Summary: An awkward fresh-out-of-a-relationship woman and an orc that owns a sex store enter an adult theater together. She, intent on pushing her own boundaries. He, just looking to give her some sense of safety. Well, that and he wouldn't complain about having a bit of fun himself.
After they inevitably get interrupted, Jek deals with the problem while Heidi flees. Resigned, he believes he'll never see her again.
Thus begins Jek and Heidi's sporadic interactions until, eventually, they find themselves fumbling around each other daily at the very place it started: Strictly Pleasure.
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Masterlist | Next
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The human patron had been standing outside Strictly Pleasure’s theater for fifteen minutes. Jek couldn’t recall their name, didn’t think they ever introduced themselves on those occasions they came with their partner or friends. He watched them from the edge of his glasses, while pretending to read on his phone, as they ventured closer to the theater doors before turning away again. They’d busy themselves with some display or make a circuit around the shop before attempting again.
He only stopped watching the customer when Gnadi, his faun employee and co-worker, leaned over to whisper, “Boss, you should ask them if they want company.”
“Pretty sure they have a partner.” Jek kept his voice low and shook his head, but couldn’t help the amused smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. At twenty-six, Gnadi possessed both a hot-libido and aspirations to be a matchmaker. A dangerous combination for Jek, their senior by twenty years, since they were always trying to hook him up with patrons.
“Well, they’re alone now,” Gnadi pointed out, eyes shifting from the customer to him. Their expression made it clear what they thought. Someone alone in Strictly Pleasure without their partner? A break up. Or a soon-to-be break up. “Besides, you know how often the freshly-broken up do things not in their nature.”
With a noncommittal hum, Jek glanced back over at the awkward patron. They certainly looked out of their element, if he had any insight. And there had never been a time in the past when they came without someone, whether it was a partner or friend. If they were here alone, there was a reason.
Nagged by Gnadi’s intent expression and a soft-hearted curiosity, Jek heaved a sigh and pushed off his stool. He ignored his employee’s whispered well wishes in his wake. If he let the words settle, he would get embarrassed, so he focused on closing the distance between himself and the patron. When he was close enough, he lobbed the ever-professional question, “Do you need help?”
Startled, Heidi’s attention snapped up as one of Strictly Pleasure’s employees approached her. Of course, it was the orc. It couldn’t be the androgynous faun, but the orc - with their badge reading ‘Jek’ and ‘he/they’ beneath - that her ex commonly teased her for staring at.
In Heidi’s defense, Jek had an elaborate - involving scales, flowers, and miscellaneous imagery - colorful tattoo sleeve on his left arm, always covered up to some degree. Getting a new peek of additional details always delighted her curiosity. Plus, recently, he had dyed his hair - a braided fauxhawk pulled into a ponytail - a strawberry blonde, which only brought out their usual red under-eye shadow and the red scale-like design in their tattoo.
Further, it wasn’t as if he was hard to look at. Tall and bulky, as orcs were wont to be, and with a face Heidi would consider sculpted, jawline currently sporting a five o’clock shadow. A scar notched across his nose, but there were no other scars she could see beyond that. Not that she looked too hard, of course,
“I’m fine,” she squeaked, trying to maintain eye contact with Jek’s hazel green gaze.
“Really?” Jek tilted his head until he peered over his half-moon glasses at them. “Because it looks like you’ve been trying to head into the theater for about twenty minutes now.”
Another flash of heat jolted through Heidi, her eyes widening behind her glasses. “You’ve been watching me?”
The way their eyes widened made a small pang of guilt flash through Jek. It couldn’t be helped. After all, they hadn’t approached for help, but now that he was closer, he realized they were dressed differently than usual. Everything else - from their light brown hair threaded with gray hairs and dark brown eyes magnified behind square frames - made faint memories bob to his thoughts.
In the past, they’d worn jeans and a t-shirt with a hoodie whenever they came in. Tonight, the only thing familiar was their hoodie. Under that, they wore a wine red dress, low cut  to show off ample cleavage and high hemmed to show off supple thigh. Vaguely, Jek wondered if they had bought the fishnets in his store, commending how the fabric strung tight around their plush legs.
Jek found his fingertips itching to coast over their legs, feel the ridges of the fishnet under his palm. Honestly, their entirety - from full breasts above rounded tummy down to their wide hips and pillow thighs - made Jek want to sink his fingers into them.
Not quite forgetting himself, he gave a mild affirmative grunt in response to their question.
His wordless reply made Heidi wince. It was his store and he did have to monitor customers, she reminded herself. That still didn’t make her anxiety lessen though. With her shoulders slumping, Heidi sighed and looked away from Jek and toward the theater. “Okay, okay. Yes, I’ve been trying to build up the courage to head in.”
“If you’re nervous, why not come with someone?” He leaned a shoulder on the wall by the theater’s entry point, thumbs hooked into the pockets of his jeans.
The easy posture just highlighted how tall and broad he was compared to Heidi. Even dressed in a simple graphic tee, jeans, and black unbuttoned short-sleeved button-up, there was something about Jek that oozed quiet assurance. Heidi couldn’t say the same for herself, with how often she fidgeted and tugged at her dress. It just felt so flimsy compared to go-to jeans.
“No, I don’t,” she mumbled in return, another flash of mortification gnawing at her insides. It shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of, she knew, but there was an implication in her current actions that made her feel juvenile. With a sigh, she fessed up to the feelings, “It’s a story you’ve heard a lot, I’m sure. Doing something new and exciting because my boyfriend broke up with me and I’m too embarrassed to talk to my friends about this.”
Jek definitely had heard the story before, whether it was a recent break-up with a significant other or a divorce from a now-ex spouse. When he was younger, he entertained plenty of them. Often during business hours and in the back room. Hell, he still did on occasion.
Usually, the newly-adventurous in these cases never returned. If they did, it was usually after they had found a new partner. Sometimes they were awkward around him, other times they were completely fine. As if whatever they’d done hadn’t even happened.
Something coaxed Jek to look over his shoulder. From the counter, Gnadi watched with a grin, stirring ghosts of embarrassment inside Jek. Gods, why was he even humoring his employee?
It wasn’t like he could back down no. Not after finding out what this person was going through and not with Gnadi observing. Fuck him, Gnadi would probably loudly ‘suggest’ Jek accompany the patron if he dared to return to the counter. Turning back to them, seeing their conflicted expression and attention turned back to the theater, Jek sighed. “Do you want me to go in with you?”
Once more, Jek surprised her. Her attention swung back to him, confusion creasing the spot between her eyebrows. Why would he want to come back there with her? Wasn’t he on the clock? “You have the store to look after.”
Jek nodded back toward his co-worker, putting off far more nonchalance than he felt. “Gnadi has it handled.”
Heidi glanced to where he motioned, finding the faun smiling and waving from the counter. She pressed her lips together as a concerns washed over her. “Is that even legal? For you to go back there with me?”
In return, Jek gave a lackadaisical shrug, grunting an ‘I don’t know’ answer.
Worrying at her bottom lip, Heidi glanced from Jek to the theater doors once more. If he could get in trouble, he wouldn’t offer, right? But who would get him in trouble? He owned the store and she wasn’t about to report him for helping her. Besides, having someone with her, someone that could keep her safe if creeps crept up in her, did ease her anxiety.
Trying not to focus on how embarrassing the whole ordeal was, Heidi nodded. “Alright, sure.”
Pushing off the wall, Jek headed toward the faun and the register. “Okay, cool. Before we head back there, you need to pay at the counter.”
Shock brought a strangled sound from Heidi as she half-jogged after him. Shit, of course she’d have to pay. Why didn’t she think of that earlier? Better yet, why didn’t he tell her earlier? Before Heidi could stop herself, she blurted, “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
For the first time since approaching them, a partial grin broke around Jek’s tusks. He inclined his head toward the customer, but didn’t pause in his transit. “It was funny watching you argue with yourself.”
He actually meant cute. It was cute to watch them torment themselves over going in, especially when they’d retreat to a safer distance and theatrically busy themselves with something. Few people enjoyed being the object of mildly sadistic amusement, though. Funny was safer than cute.
Heidi shot him a withering look, though she feared it was a little less potent given the flush on her cheeks. By that point, they had reached the register. Pointing out how rude his actions would be a waste of time.
Once more trying to ignore how warm her face felt and hoping her voice didn’t crack, Heidi turned to the faun. “What’s the cost for the theater?”
“Six bucks.” Gnadi’s grin shifted from amusement to a softer smile as they looked at her. While Heidi rifled through her purse for the money, Gnadi tilted their eyes back to their boss. She missed how Jek tensed under their employee’s gaze. “So, who’s your friend, bossman?”
“Uh.” Oh, right. He hadn’t bothered with formal introductions. After all, he wore a nametag and it wasn’t like most people who came into Strictly Pleasure gave their name and pronouns.
Before Jek could fumble through the question, she crisply cut in while handing the cashier her payment, “Heidi. She/they.”
Once Heidi and Gnadi exchanged cash and receipt, she jammed the paper into her purse and turned away. Determinedly, she headed toward the theater, propelled by embarrassment and the fact she had paid for entry now.
Gnadi waited until she was a few steps away before leaning over the counter and muttering to Jek, “Smooth move, bossman. Not even asking their name before propositioning her.”
“Oh, shut up.” Jek barely refrained from running a hand down his face as he turned to follow Heidi. Whatever feelings had buoyed her to the door must have run out, since she paused to wait for him.
Her nerves flared up around her as Jek pulled the door open, motioning her to go first.
Heidi peered into the darkened room, the sounds inside making curiosity and nervousness battle in her head. One glance up at Jek, who watched her with that annoying slight grin and cocked eyebrow, made up her mind for her. She’d show him to be amused by her inexperience and shyness.
Adjusting her purse on her shoulder, Heidi marched into the dark depths of Strictly Pleasure’s theater as Jek tailed after her.
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If you want more now, read the next part on:
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I also love, love, love comments, tags, and reblogs! Seeing readers’ reactions motivates me.
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djarinsbeskar · 1 year
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You can order your digital copy of A Sensual Summoning in advance of the release date on September 22nd, 2023. Just click here!
When exiled witch Faye Kyteler discovers a spell book hidden in the ceiling of her home, she never expected to accidentally summon the Daemon held prisoner within its' pages. Now bound to her, the sullen, cantankerous Rafael is anything but what she expected an incubus to be when he demands she find a way to free him, or else. But something is wrong. The world has changed in the centuries since Rafael has been imprisoned. All the Daemons have disappeared and the magic that once thrived on earth, is dying. Forced to work together, frosty suspicion soon morphs into a fiery passion Faye isn't sure is due to her own feelings or the seductive power of an increasingly hungry incubus. A hunger that Rafael is hellbent on resisting. As she navigates the alluring world of Daemons and the dark past that brought them together, an old evil is awakening. Now, Faye must do her part to save a world that shunned her or risk losing it, and Rafael, forever.
If you're interested in any of the following, you might just enjoy it:
✅Forced proximity ✅Sunshine/Grumpy dynamic ✅Incubus pheromones ✅Cottagecore meets erotic dreams ✅Indulgent smut
A Sensual Summoning will also be available FOR FREE on Kindle Unlimited if you subscribe so consider giving it a read once it comes out! Paperback will be available for purchase on September 22, 2023!
My DMs on all socials are always open if you want more information or just to chat everything incubus and writing!
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spiribia · 1 year
my elaborate indulgent romantic fantasies i would cook up in my mind before i fell asleep in my midteens were all like In a world where people who have a magic power also have a 'foil' for it i'm a lesser healer working with a realm-famous archmage with extremely strong healing powers except her secret foil is that her powers don't work at all on anyone she loves too much and she has to explain this to me because one day she can't even heal my minor cut and then we get captured by enemies who try to torture secret information out of us including the archmages foil which is a heavily guarded secret and they try to get her to talk by torturing me in front of her, reasoning that they can REALLY mess me up because she'd be able to heal it anyway (she can pretty much save me from anything but death itself), but if she delayed in giving them the info it'd be 'too late' which puts her in a triple bind because 1) she's trying to pretend she doesn't care that much about me so they'll stop trying to use me to get to her 2) she doesnt want to let anything happen but cannot admit that she actually CAN'T heal me because it would allude to the nature of her foil 3) if she reveals her foil it could put everyone else she loves in danger. also my foil is that when i heal it drains my own energy which just means that sometimes i faint in her arms
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valerienrhapsody · 3 months
Sup cuties
I have a story that I've been working on literally since highschool and was considering getting it conventionally published, but right now I just want her to be read and enjoyed more than anything. So below the cut find chapter 1 of By Nightfall, and I'll post further chapters under the same tags
thanks love ya byeee
The monster house, as the locals liked to call it, was the last relic of a time when Jericho County had dreamed of being a center of booming agriculture for the state of California. Old Jonah Rayne built the place from the ground up with nothing but his bare hands and a sturdy hammer, or so he would say to anyone with an ear to listen. It was his one crowning achievement, he would boast; “The most perfect thing I could ever create, aside from the children, of course.” A home built with love and for love, and the start of what should have been a glorious legacy to carry his name through generations. 
After the Rayne family massacre, with none but a few distant relatives to claim the inheritance, the agricultural land was divided and sold at auction. The  living quarters intended to house the estate workers eventually sprouted into the quiet little town of Jericho, and the Rayne property was reduced to the last five acres sitting at the end of Richmond Avenue and the old family home that had once been so dear.
Years became decades, then centuries, in which that house succumbed to its steady decay, a shadow of its former beauty with a sagging foundation, more holes in the roof than swiss cheese, and a small jungle growing out of the front yard. After an incident involving a curious child and an unstable staircase, the house was finally condemned as a safety hazard. Of course, that did nothing to stop the kids around town from breaking in, daring each other to face the ghosts of a butchered family whose name had been long forgotten. It was always the same song and dance: a new layer of graffiti and trash, and then new boards to seal all the windows and doors, rinse and repeat. So went the cycle of the monster house.
It was a night at the end of a long, dry summer that Jesse arrived, the first Rayne in over two hundred years to step foot on the property. The wrought iron gates guarding the path screeched against years of built-up rust, and it gave him the eerie sensation of being screamed at. Go away, the house told him. Let the dead things here rest in peace.
Still, he pressed on, his steps crunching on the gravel pathway that was the only walkable area not swamped by weeds. He ripped at the vines and brambles blocking his way up the porch, and two steps up the structure found his foot crashing right through to the ground.
The boards covering the front door gave Jesse the most trouble, layers upon layers of planks haphazardly nailed across the frame and decorated with weather-beaten signs warning away intruders. He tore down what could be removed by hand, then came at it with a running start to beat the door down with his shoulder.
Dust flew everywhere, catching the moonbeams streaming in from the hole in the roof over the foyer. A draft ran through the darkened halls and empty rooms, rattling old piles of trash and empty drink cans, and from somewhere deep within, the house groaned its objection to the disturbance.
Jesse echoed the sentiment with a low groan of his own, swatting away the dust and cobwebs hanging in the air. He gave up his efforts with a resigned sigh as he took in the grimness of his surroundings.
“Home sweet home.”
Chapter 1: Last Friday Night
Dead leaves crunched underfoot as Evaine walked down the road toward home. It was a sign that fall was on the way, and with it came the first muggy, overcast day since summer ended. Patches of thick clouds traveled overhead, scattering the sunlight in uneven rays like curtains opening and closing over and over again. The heat warmed her enough to work up an uncomfortable sweat as she walked, but the breeze that affected the air so turbulently was just cold enough to bite at her cheeks and chill her toes. 
Fitting, she thought, as the gloomy sky mirrored her foul mood. A perfect little cherry on top of an already miserable day that was barely halfway through with her. Most days she could deal with the usual dull grind of high school life, the loneliness of having nobody to sit with at lunch, or the frustration of trying to make nice with people who made no effort to hide their disinterest. 
But today, oh boy. Today she had been asked to read her paper aloud in English, and the whole class kept on talking like she wasn’t even standing there, red-faced and stuttering in front of everybody. The teacher just had her sit back down before she was even finished so they could move onto the next presentation. Today Tanner Humphreys “borrowed” her favorite pen in math and straight up ignored her when she asked for it back at the end of class.
Today she had missed her bus home because her history teacher made her stay late to discuss why she was already failing barely two months into the semester. For almost twenty minutes he droned on about personal accountability and how colleges would certainly not be impressed by such a track record as hers, and wouldn’t she be so embarrassed if she wasn’t able to graduate with her senior class?
And so she had missed the bus, leaving her to walk home in this miserable weather while she stewed in her foul mood, and it was made all the worse by knowing that she had no one to blame but herself. Her fault for giving up on her grades, for trusting Tanner to give the pen back, for not speaking up during her presentation.
So lost in her own moping, Evaine was taken by surprise when she looked up and realized that she had walked all the way to the end of Richmond Avenue. Any other day she would have crossed the street to avoid being so close to the monster house; she didn't like the way its drooping porch looked like a downturned mouth set in a grimace and the boarded windows like eyes permanently sewn shut. That place had always given her a serious case of the heebie-jeebies ever since she was a child, and standing at the gates as a near adult was no different.
Evaine quickly tore her eyes away, as if staring too long would make the house aware of her presence, and turned to cross the street with a renewed pace. She knew there was a faster way home, just past the end of Richmond where the road turned into the dirt walking path through the Jericho woods. That way would lead right right up to her own backyard in half the time, but it would also take her so close to the monster house that she could see into those holes that the patchwork couldn’t quite cover, and then she would have to face the creeping feeling that if she could see inside, then maybe something inside could see her, too.
No, she would always choose the safe, reliable path of the sidewalk and the extra five minutes that it added to her route.
When she finally reached home, trudging across the lawn that was still yellow after such a dry season, she was met at the driveway by her mother’s car pulling in. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for her mom to come home early on Fridays, letting her attendant, Parker, close up shop so she and Evaine could catch a movie or get dinner together. What was out of the ordinary was Evaine making it home from school a good half hour later than the bus drop off time.
“Running late?” asked her mom as she stepped out of the car, bringing with her the smell of moist fertilizer that seemed to waft straight from her overalls. Evaine doubted that her mom had a single item of clothing left in her closet that wasn’t stained by dirt and leafy smears of green, but the “bringing your work home with you” jokes had gotten old a long time ago. 
Besides, it wouldn’t matter if she was wearing a burlap sack or a glittering ball gown; Mary Dawson was the most beautiful woman in the world, and it was so unfair to Evaine who felt like a toad in comparison. Her mom had the most lovely honey blonde hair that she usually kept pulled up in a working bun, but feathery little wisps always found their way back to her face. Evaine’s own hair was so red it could warn away predators, and an unruly mess of curls to boot. Her mom’s eyes were a soft blue, bracketed by little laugh lines that did nothing to detract from her natural glow, while Evaine’s were brown over much darker skin that still bore the freckles from summer. Her mother had the kind of warm smile that could turn anyone into a friend, and it lit up her face as she greeted her daughter.
“Yeah…I need you to sign something for me,” Evaine confessed, choosing to rip the bandaid off as soon as possible. Her eyes remained shamefully glued to the ground as she reached into her pants pocket where she had folded up the piece of paper from her history teacher.
Her mom accepted the paper with a bracing sigh, walking on toward the house as she read, her frown deepening with every word. Evaine unlocked and opened the front door for her, and they both stood in the foyer for a long moment of tense silence while her mom finished the scathing review of her academic progress.
“Well, it’s not exactly a glowing letter of praise,” her mom said, making a generous effort to not sound too disappointed. She set down her work bag and went to pull a pen from the entryway table. 
“I don’t know what to say…” Evaine mumbled, feeling even worse for the mild reaction, if that was even possible.
“Look, I’m not about to stand here and yell at you about how you’re better than this and there’s no excuse for laziness,” her mom said as she handed back the signed paper. “I had a hard time in high school, too. I was unfocused and too naïve to think about my future in any realistic way, and every time my parents yelled at me or tried to punish me for it, I just hated school more and more. So, I’m not going to do that to you. E, I know you’ve been having a hard time, and senior year is enough pressure as it is. All I want is for you to do your best to get through it, and just try.”
“I know, it just feels like this year is the hardest it’s ever been,” Evaine admitted, hating the sound of self-pity in her own voice. She folded her arms across her chest, willing the frustrated tears to stop stinging at the back of her eyes. “I mean, everyone else is talking about college and career paths right now, and I’m just sitting in class every day doing all this work that just feels so pointless and exhausting when I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with myself when it’s all over.”
“Hey, getting stuck in a bad attitude isn’t going to solve anything,” her mom said with a voice that was anything but berating. She pulled Evaine into her arms for one of those soul-mending hugs that never failed to chase the clouds away. “Listen, just get through this year whatever way you can. You know I’d prefer it if you got a diploma, but even I had to settle for a GED. Once school is over, you can come work with me at the shop and take general classes at the community college until you pick a career path. Believe it or not, senior year is not ‘do or die’ for your future. I think once you start to live your life outside of high school, you’ll find your way.”
“Yeah, I think so,” Evaine said, puffing out a breath against her mom’s shoulder, wishing she could be that hopeful for herself. For now, all she had was the gnawing guilt that made her feel worse for letting things get this bad. Needing a change of subject before her bad mood could drown her completely, she disentangled herself from her mom’s hug and forced a smile. “Were we going to do something tonight? Is that why you’re home early?”
“Actually, the ladies from the community garden are getting together for dinner,” her mom explained with an apologetic wince like she knew Evaine might’ve gotten her hopes up. “Do you want to order a pizza? Should I bring something back?”
“Nah, I’ll pick something up,” Evaine replied with a dismissive wave of her hand, refusing to let it show on her face that she indeed had gotten her hopes up. “If you’re going out, I think I’ll go to the library or walk around the plaza for a bit.”
“That’s the spirit! Get all dolled up, see what kind of trouble you can get into,” her mom encouraged with a playful wink, the kind that said she was only half joking. Her mom-humor was the contagious kind, and despite herself, Evaine began to feel a little better.
Her mom’s version of getting ready for a night out involved showering, blowing out and curling her hair, painting on a light layer of makeup, and donning the sleekest black dress in her closet that she held onto just for such occasions. In the same amount of time, Evaine paced back and forth from her closet to her laundry hamper, regretting the fact that she hadn’t bothered to pick up anything nice during her yearly school shopping trip. After spending way too long struggling to make a decision, she finally settled on a pair of jeans and one of her newer graphic tees. Just to feel more dressed up, she laced up her red sneakers instead of the black ones. Sneakers, because of course she would be walking for the rest of the night. In the muggy heat and icy wind. Again.
She went into her mother’s room to give herself a final look in their full-length mirror, feeling reasonably satisfied with her work. The shirt was smooth and unwrinkled, her jeans were worn in and soft, and her sneakers looked clean and well cared for. She had tied her hair back into a ponytail in anticipation of a breezy night, and gelled down as much of the frizz as she could manage. It wasn’t the same level of style as she’d seen the other girls at school wearing lately, but if tonight was the night to try her luck and maybe talk to somebody new, at least she wouldn’t be too self conscious.
It was a nice thought, but it lasted for only a moment before her mother came to stand beside her to use the mirror as well, fluffing out her sculpted curls and fixing her dress. Side by side, all Evaine could see was what set them apart from each other, and her heart sank with the familiar weight of disappointment. 
When she was a child, she used to ask her mom if she would grow up to look like her, like all these things that made her different were nothing more than growing pains to be overcome. Even after the truth had been explained to her, she would still daydream about waking up one day to find that she had magically blossomed into that version of herself she always wished she could become. If only she could be a little more like her mother, she would think in those critical moments, if only she could be prettier, more charming…then her life could really begin. People would look at her and pay attention when she talked, and they would call her up and invite her places on Friday nights just because they enjoyed her company, and she would be such a good friend to have.
It took a long time for her to understand what it meant to be adopted, and many more years after that to accept that the face she saw in the mirror was the only one she would ever have, that there would never be a fairytale moment to turn this pauper into a princess.
It was still muggy in the late afternoon as Evaine and her mother both set out for the evening, but at least the breeze had carried away the darkest of the clouds, freeing the sun to cast its long shadows across the front lawn. Her mom gave her a ride into town, thankfully saving her from having to walk the first half of her trip, and she was dropped off at the steps of Jericho Public Library. The two wished each other a fun night, and after a slew of reminders from her mom to be careful and to try to be home before dark, the two parted ways.
From her first steps through the library doors, Evaine could feel all the tension and stress of her day finally beginning to release its hold on her. Here, where the air smelled like paper and ink and those scented candles the librarian kept on her desk, where the only noise was the soft flutter of pages being turned and polite whispers being shared back and forth, here was where Evaine found joy more than any place in the world. Once she had tucked herself away in her comfortable little reading corner, things like the self conscious worries over her looks or of being friendless and lonely simply didn’t matter anymore. 
Her favorite spot in the building was the set of twin chairs by the window overlooking Jericho Plaza. They were a faded sea green with brass nail embellishments, mismatched with a little chestnut end table and vintage reading lamp between the two. From there, she would be able to watch all the lights come on at sundown, making the little town look like a fairy wonderland.
“How did I know I’d find you here?”
Evaine looked up from her book to find Alec, the assistant librarian, staring down at her. He was an older man of about forty, although she could have sworn he’d clung to thirty five at least three years in a row. He had dark and weathered skin which bore the marks of a lifetime of hard work, and a layer of gray peppered stubble all across his chin. His face was set in a permanent sort of scowl that belied the kind man underneath, and when he laughed he looked like a wrinkly bulldog. As per usual, his work boots and jeans were just a little wrinkled with bits of dust and paper scraps clinging to the fabric, and his flannel shirt was rolled up to the elbows where the edges of some faded tattoos could be seen. He was the everything man around here, just as likely to be found working on maintenance as hunting down late fees. 
“Hey, Alec,” Evaine greeted, bookmarking her spot in her latest selection so she could give him her full attention. “What’s up?”
“Your waitlisted request finally came in,” he announced, setting a new book in front of her. “Actually, it came in last week but Miss Evelyn hasn’t been shelving the returns since her cat’s been sick. I’m just getting around to it.”
“Thanks, I was wondering about that,” Evaine said, picking up the book with a grin. She looked around at the other books she had collected for the afternoon and realized she would have to sacrifice one if she was going to be able to carry them all home. Oh well; Friday night problems.
“What happened to movie night with your mom?” Alec asked, pulling up the reading chair just across from hers. From the chest pocket of his flannel shirt he pulled a little baggie of peanuts and began to pop them with loud, open-mouthed crunching. 
“It turned into ladies’ night with the gardening club,” Evaine explained with a shrug she hoped looked more careless than she felt. It would just be too pathetic to admit out loud that she was lonely because mommy had more friends than her. “I figured I’d just read for a bit and then go pick up some dinner. You have any big plans for the weekend?”
“I’m actually making the drive to Redwood City after closing. My cousin Maggie’s there for work, so we’re getting dinner.”
“That should be fun,” Evaine said politely, secretly disappointed that even Alec, the only person in town with fewer friends than her, had plans and someone to hang out with. “Hey, can your stop by Rosita’s Bakery on the way for me? Bring me one of those colossal cookies.”
“Chocolate chip or peanut butter?”
“Ew, peanut butter’s gross. Chocolate chip.”
“You better wash your mouth out with soap; don’t talk about my peanut butter like that,” he warned, wagging a finger at her until she started to laugh. “And stop that laughing. Don’t you know we’re in a library? Gonna get us arrested.”
Of course, that only made her laugh harder, and he shook his head to hide his own satisfied smirk. Evaine had always thought that Alec wasn’t like most people, never brushing her off or making her feel ignored. He treated her like she was a person, like someone who was worthy of his time and friendship.
From a few aisles down came the sound of a loud CRASH, the resulting tumble of books, and someone doing their best to whisper a slew of curse words. Alec grumbled to himself and began to stuff the peanuts back into his shirt pocket.
“Guess that’s my cue. See you later, kiddo.”
“Have fun at dinner,” she called after him as he half-ran toward the crash.
Evaine spent the next few hours reading and enjoying her own company right up until the library closed promptly at six. It wasn’t quite nighttime when she stepped back outside, but the clouds made it dark enough for all of the lights of the plaza to come on a little early. 
It seemed as if the whole town was out that evening, strolling among the shops and enjoying the relief after another hot day. Evaine took her time walking the plaza pathway as she debated her dinner options, moseying through shops with clothes she knew she would never buy and hobbies she wished she had the talent for. While it was nice to see everyone out and enjoying themselves, it never failed to leave her with a melancholy pang in her chest. Just for once it would be nice to have somebody to walk around with, talk about the latest school gossip, or get their opinion on whether they should eat tacos or pizza.
She could feel that bad mood from earlier threatening to rain down on her as her thoughts took a sour turn, so she made the quick decision to just grab dinner from the nearest restaurant and head home. It was one of her favorite burger joints, busier than normal with so many people out enjoying the first night of the weekend, so by the time she got her white paper sack of food it was only a few minutes away from full dark.
She hurried to start the trek home, sorely wishing she had left more books behind at the library as they were now weighing her down. The journey back usually took a good thirty minutes along the sidewalk path, and she made it almost ten before she started eating her fries right out of the bag. She humored herself as she walked with ideas for what she could do with her free time tomorrow; she’d been meaning to organize the junk drawer in her desk, or maybe she could watch a movie and do her nails, or more likely just binge read everything she had just checked out…
Nearly home, Evaine turned to cross the street, headed away from Richmond, when there came a sound from the roadside shrubbery that made her halt in her tracks. It was a rustling of the dry bush leaves followed by a mewling little whimper, a small, distressed sound, almost like that of a puppy to her ears. 
A stressed pang of sympathy in her heart made her turn toward the sound, seeking it out, as she could picture all too well the image of a sad little face, hiding itself from the big scary human towering over them. She imagined how it might have gotten lost or been abandoned, just crying out for its mother or for some food, or for a comforting touch…
“Hello?” she called in her most non-threatening voice, leaning down to make herself smaller and less intimidating. She beckoningly clicked her tongue a few times and held out her hand. 
The rustling scampered from one bush to another and around a corner, like it was frightened and trying to get away from her, but then there was a small snap like a breaking twig and a much sharper cry.
“What’s wrong?” she continued to coo, following the sound. If the poor thing was hurt, there was no way she could just leave it behind. She had to see if it was alright, see if there was a collar or tags, maybe even walk back into town to drop it off at the vet’s office. She reached into her bag of food and pulled out a fry as bait, holding it out toward the bush.
When she was met with nothing but silence, she could only frown at the spot where she’d heard it last.
“Hello?” she tried again, straining her ears to listen. Still there was nothing, no breathing like she would expect from a wounded animal, no rustling or movement to be seen. Even the breeze had come to a momentary standstill, making the quiet all the more pronounced.
It was only then that Evaine realized the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up. She looked around and saw with a wash of dread how far off the path she had gone, carelessly following those cries for help. Down the road and around the corner she had gone, blind to anything but that sad little cry, and somehow wound up walking right through the opened gates of the monster house.
Startled by the sight of it looming ahead of her, she took a few quick steps back, looking all around to confirm that she was alone. She looked up at the house itself, saw that the front door which had been closed that afternoon was now an open void of darkness, and her heart leaped into her throat.
“No no no no!” she shook her head, taking a few more steps backward. The fear shot through her chest like a frozen knife, and a taste like acid bile rose in her throat. Whatever instincts she had to mind her safety were suddenly awake and screaming at her to turn and run.
A hand grasped her by the elbow and she yelped with surprise, whirling around. It was a man, standing where there had before been no one, his face cast in the darkness of dusk so that she couldn’t see who it was. She attempted to tear her arm away, but the grip that held her was too strong. 
“What are you doing here, kid?” he demanded in a harsh whisper, using his overwhelming size to crowd her vision, blocking her path for escape. 
“I—I didn’t mean to—” Evaine squeaked helplessly, her eyes wide as she desperately tried to see through the dark for any means of escape.
“Come on, you need to leave.” He started to drag her toward the gate, but he didn’t get more than two steps before he froze in his tracks, the hand on her arm tightening painfully. His head slowly turned to look down on her, and when he spoke there something gravelly and hateful in his voice. “Dammit…one of them. Say goodnight, freak.”
Before she could even inhale from the shock, his other hand smacked into her neck and locked on. With little effort on his part, he squeezed until Evaine’s panicked breathing was cut off, and pressure began to build in her head making her ears ring and her lips feel puffy. The muscles of her throat struggled to work against the imposing force clamping her airway shut while her hands flailed desperately to fend him off. She pounded with her fists, scratched at whatever skin she could reach, but nothing could deter the man beyond a small huff of irritation when she drew blood. 
Still she fought, thrashing against his grip, until her vision swam with a blackness that crept up from the corners of her eyes and the last of her strength was finally used up. Her hands fell away from where she had been trying to pry him off and her knees buckled from beneath her, leaving her whole body weight hanging there by her neck. 
The last thing she heard as the darkness took her was the slow, unburdened breaths of her murderer.
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theromanticartist · 1 month
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Pride & Blood: Mr. Darcy Vampire
‘Pride and Prejudice’ meets ‘Twilight’
Check out the first 10 episodes for FREE, available only on Kindle Vella US.
In this fantasy retelling of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy, a Vampire Lord, hides his true nature behind a stoic facade. Captivated by the sharp-minded Elizabeth Bennet, he finds himself torn between his ardent love for her and his dangerous instincts. When Lady Catherine de Bourgh, an Elder Vampire head of his Coven, learns of the forbidden romance, she vows to eliminate Elizabeth. Complicating matters is George Wickham, a seductive werewolf with a dark past linked to Darcy.
Continue reading for free here.
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jessread-s · 2 months
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Thanks to the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review
A dark, tragic, and haunting reimagining of Shakespeare’s most famous villainess.
“Lady Macbeth” follows Roscille after she is wed to a Scottish brute, who does not leave his warrior ways behind when he comes to the marriage bed. To survive his hostility and dangerous court, she relies on her wiles and hidden witchcraft. 
I am quite the Shakespeare fanatic and “The Tragedy of Macbeth” is one of my favorite plays precisely because of how cunning and ruthless Lady Macbeth’s character is. I gravitated toward this novel because I was curious about Reid’s take on the character and though this is not the play retold from her point-of-view, I enjoyed it for what it is! Reid’s reimagining gives Lady Macbeth her own name, a past, and occult power that cleverly expands on Shakespeare’s original work. In Reid’s rendition, she captures a woman living in a patriarchal society who has her voice violently taken away by the men around her. Roscille’s fear surrounding abuse at the hand of men is what fuels her scheming and manipulation—what ultimately turns her into Lady Macbeth. She doesn’t want a crown, she wants to survive. She uses her beauty as a weapon in retaliation against those holding her womanhood against her. She finds power in her rage, which she acts on only after it has festered. I think that is the key difference between Roscille and Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth—in a world that does not favor women, she is less ambitious and more reactive in a sense. This new portrayal took some getting used to, but once I did, I appreciated how it widened my perspective. 
I was entranced by Reid’s atmospheric and lyrical writing. The intention and power behind each and every word adds depth to Roscille’s character, showing the extent of her wiles and smarts. The bits of proverbial wisdom Reid sprinkles throughout allow her to emulate the bard himself in her own way. What I love most is how Reid uses various names for each character to reflect the different languages being spoken at the time.
➾ NOTE: After careful reflection and reading reviews written by my peers, it has been pointed out that this book can be interpreted as xenophobic. Intentional or not, most, if not all, of the Scottish characters—an ethnic group that Roscille does not belong to—are underdeveloped and described as brutish, violent, and evil. This characterization is unfair and in no way pays homage to the source material. 
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displayheartcode · 1 month
I think I’ve come to the conclusion that adult romantansy isn’t for me
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lexxwithbooks · 1 year
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📖: 𝑹𝒖𝒃𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒅 (𝐸𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛-𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑒 #1) 💎⏳
✍🏽: 𝐊𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐞𝐫
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blogthebooklover · 3 months
Romance Books Poll
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