#aerobic exercise meaning
4theitgirls · 26 days
how much exercise should you do per week for maximum health benefits?
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note: while getting enough of different types of exercise is important, as different types of exercise bring different primary benefits, the most important thing is that you are moving your body! don’t feel pressured to do a strict amount of cardio per week if you don’t like cardio, especially if you are new to exercise. this goes for any other type of exercise. it’s totally okay to do the exercise you enjoy doing, as long as you are doing it!
how much cardio should you be doing?
while this may differ according to your personal health, conditions you may have, your goals, etc. (as with any other form of exercise), the general advice given by professionals and the American Heart Association is at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity or 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week. if we are going with 150 minutes per week, this would mean at least 21 minutes per day, or 30 minutes 5x per week. this schedule may vary depending on your schedule, but the overall goal is 75 or 150 minutes per week!
how much strength/weight training should you be doing?
while different professional sources have varying opinions on this, the most common advice is 60-90 minutes per week. if we are using 90 minutes per week, this would equal to 13 minutes per day, 18 minutes 5x per week, or 30 minutes 3x per week.
how much yoga/stretching should you be doing?
it is important to at least include a short cool down stretch after your workout to prevent injury and reduce soreness, but when it comes to yoga, it is recommended that you include at least a 1 hour session 3x per week, although doing a bit each day is considered ideal. using the guide of 3 hours per week, this would equal 26 minutes per day, 36 minutes 5x per week, or 60 minutes 3x per week.
how much pilates should you be doing?
while many do not include pilates in their routine or do not consider it necessary, i and many others find it incredibly beneficial due to its ability to work the smaller muscle groups that weight training usually does not. it is generally recommended that you do a 45 minute session 3-4x per week. this would also equal 19 minutes daily if you prefer to split it that way.
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
Importance of Fitness || Yoga Day Motivational || #shorts || 2023 Yoga D...
Being physically active can help you manage your weight, improve your brain health, lower your risk of disease, strengthen your bones and muscles, and make it easier to do things you normally do. There are some health benefits for adults who sit less and engage in any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.
Read More : Importance of A Healthy Diet and Exercise
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dragpinkman · 1 year
my doctor told me i shouldn't do weight training but every bone in my body yearns for the gym (i need to be more ripped than every guy there)
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after-witch · 7 months
To the Top [Yandere Chuuya x Reader]
Title: To the Top [Yandere Chuuya x Reader]
Synopsis: Over the past few months of your pregnancy, you’ve never been sweeter to Chuuya. Little does he know that for every smile you’ve given him, you’ve stashed away something for your escape. 
Word count: 3100ish
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, reader is pregnant, abusive behavior  (chains, restrictions, food control, etc)
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Life in this shut-up penthouse was never exactly invigorating--but over the past few months it has become unbearable. And that unbearable, stifling heaviness weighing you down every single day has taken its toll in more ways than one. 
It’s made you feel like you’re going to lose it at any moment. It’s made you feel like you’d rather be anywhere than here.
You want to get out.
Chuuya had rules for you, of course, when he first started keeping you here. They came slow--a leash that tightened before you realized it--and sure. 
But now, with your belly swollen and growing bigger by the day, he’s completely taken control. 
You’re not allowed to go outside, even with Chuuya, even surrounded by bodyguards ready to take a bullet or unload them into any would-be assassins. Those brief bouts of fresh air were one of the few bright spots in your life, now blotted out from Chuuya’s paranoia of losing you. 
You’re not allowed to use your exercise bike or take a swim in the heated indoor pool tucked in the basement. It doesn’t matter how much you argue that you should be exercising for the sake of your health, because Chuuya says he does let you exercise. According to him, anyway.
He only lets you do the mildest--and you do mean mildest--of aerobic exercises in the pool. Only under supervision, and the moment you look like you want to start leaning into the water and getting in a nice backstroke, Chuuya orders you out and you’d best comply if you ever want to see the pool again for the next 2 years.
You’re not allowed to eat whatever you want, even when your cravings feel like they’re going to eat you from the inside out. He doesn’t starve you, no, no, no. But you can’t have a big juicy cheeseburger topped with bacon and a side of onion rings, a heavenly concoction that makes you drool just to think of it. 
If you must have a burger, and it’s a big if--Chuuya allows you to eat a made-from-scratch ground turkey burger with low fat cheese and a side of mashed sweet potato (no butter, no extra salt!) all courtesy of the well-trained personal chef Chuuya hired to live in the building. 
They’re the reason you are eating three square meals and two snacks a day, and the reason each and every meal is perfectly designed to eat every nutrition goal. Everything you eat is always nutritious and sure, the food isn’t disgusting… but it’s not fucking fair, is it, that you can’t just eat what you want when you want. 
Chuuya insists you eat only the best of foods. He makes sure every meal comes with a little cup of medicine--prenatal vitamins and anything else the doctor thinks will help keep you safe during your pregnancy. 
He doesn’t let you run around or fret or clean or do much of anything at all. He doesn’t want you to exert yourself, he says. You can’t eat what you want or do what you want or go where you want. 
It’s all too much.
You fought at first. You argued. You pleaded. But it didn’t do anything but make Chuuya tighten his hold on you.
And that’s why you accept his rules now with the utmost of patience and sweetness that you can muster. Oh, you haven’t given in. You aren’t meekly submitting to Chuuya and agreeing that he surely knows what’s best for you.
You’re just biding your time for the day when you can get the hell out of here.
Besides, you needed a little bit of freedom if you were going to escape. And a little bit of freedom was all you were going to get.
Early on in the pregnancy, Chuuya kept you locked in the bedroom when he was away because you fought him too much. A chain around your ankle kept you from even trying to get out the bedroom door.
Yes, you were given food by a stoic bodyguard throughout the day and it wasn’t like you were left to fend for yourself, but still. It would be impossible to leave if you were stuck in the bedroom all day.
Now, though, Chuuya lets you walk around the penthouse when he’s gone. He allows the chef to premake some of your meals so that you can microwave them if he’s not here to feed you; you can watch a movie in the living room or take a nap on your shared bed or whatever you’d like, as long as it’s quiet and calming. 
Because you’re good, and you’ve behaved, and you let him do what’s best for you. 
It’s not a lot of freedom. But it’s enough to give you the chance to start stashing away supplies for your escape; it’s enough to give you the perfect moment to pretend to fall asleep on the sofa before Chuuya leaves one day, so you can look just in time to see the passcode he enters on the electronic lock attached to the front door.
It’s enough to put you on the path towards freedom. 
Chuuya paces back and forth so rapidly that you’re starting to feel a bit dizzy. There’s a framed picture of flowers--your favorite--on the wall behind him, and you focus on that to keep yourself steady. Chuuya… flowers… Chuuya… flowers. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t go tonight. I could send someone else for this.”
“Or I can send one of my guards to stay in the apartment while I’m gone. Just to be safe? Shit, I don’t know.” 
“Fuck it, I’ll call it in, I’m not going--”
He stops, and you take the opportunity to step forward and grasp both of his hands in yours. You pull them against your chest and watch as his expression goes from agitated and fretful to sweet, almost puppy-love. Every time you touch him without being told, it’s like you can see a sweet light spark in his eyes. Too bad you lost your spark a while ago. 
“Go,” you say, soft and sweet and so fake you wonder that he can’t see through it. “I’ll be fine. The building’s being guarded, and the door will be locked.” The tension begins to melt from his shoulders, and you continue. “Just come home safe, all right?”
His frown holds for only a moment more, then it splits into a grin.
“Yeah. Yeah… You’re right.” He lifts his hands, taking yours with them, so that he can press a short kiss to your knuckles. “I’ll be back in the early morning--don’t wait up for me, you two need your sleep. Got it?”
We won’t be here when you get back, you think. “I know. We’ll go to bed early,” you say. 
And then you lean forward and kiss him softly on the lips, your stomach brushing against him as you do. 
He expects a kiss whenever he leaves and you’re almost happy to give it, tonight, because you know it will be the last one he ever gets from you. 
You don’t act right away. You’re not stupid. It’s about 2 hours after he leaves that the plan is ready to set into motion. In the meantime, you’ve read and reread the same page of your book a thousand times; sweat has begun to cling to your back as your eyes dart from the page to the clock. 
The sensation of your stomach in knots is equaled only by the frenzy of activity inside your belly--you swear they can sense what’s going on. Can they feel how your heart has begun to race? Can they tell that your muscles are tense? That your ears are strained, listening for the sound of his footsteps, in case he changed his mind?
You’re thankful that you’re not alone when you finally retrieve your bag from its hiding spot. You’ve got supplies. Some cash, food, a few water bottles. Underwear, clothes--yours and the babies--and some of the baby things Chuuya has already picked up. A blanket, a package of bottles, in case he doesn’t take to the breast.
It’s not a lot. But it will be enough to get you through to safety and freedom, and that’s all that really matters.
The bag shifts on your shoulders as you stand at the door, heart pounding, breath coming in short puffs. The guards outside the door are doing their rounds--back and forth, stopping in front of the front door of the penthouse and again at the door of the elevator just a few steps away, then going round the corner to complete a circle. 
It takes them 15 seconds to walk down the hallway once they walk away from the elevator. And you have about 60 seconds to get from the front door into the elevator before they come back. Maybe 90 seconds, maybe 2 minutes, if they stop to chat. They don’t do that with any regularity, so it’s impossible to plan for it. So you don’t. 
Instead, you count, one hand on your belly, one hand poised above the numbers on the electronic lock. It makes a noise so you have to wait to just… the right… time…
Despite all of the careful planning that went into this, as soon as your fingers press the code in, all thinking seems to cease. You are running on pure instinct. The door opens and you don’t even look to make sure the guards aren’t there, instead you fly right to the elevator door and push down.
It could all go wrong here. If someone is in the elevator, if someone is coming up from the floors, if the elevator didn’t return to the top after Chuuya left.
But the door has mercy and opens right away, and you rush into it, almost tripping over the threshold. Your finger trembles onto the close door button and it shuts. You don’t hear shouts. You don’t hear panic.
They didn’t see you.
Timing, again, is everything. You press the fifth floor so that the elevator will stop there long enough for the guards at the bottom to--you hope, you hope, you hope, if you timed it right--be around the corner as well. But there’s no telling if your timing is correct here. Maybe they don’t leave the doors at all, on the bottom floor. Maybe there are more guards, maybe they take shifts. All these maybes ball up in your stomach and take the air out of you as the elevator reaches the ground floor and opens.
You rush out without looking, but no one is there. You’re at the private back entrance and you don’t waste time thinking about how lucky you are or what to do next; you simply push yourself out the door and begin to run down the street.
It doesn’t take long for your feet to hurt. The house slippers Chuuya gives you are not meant for concrete, not meant for uneven sidewalks where people occasionally drop glass bottles and cigarette butts. 
You don’t let the pain stop you. You never have before. 
As you run, solid thoughts finally begin to return to your mind, which feels less fuzzy and more aware of the danger that you might be in. You did it. You’re out. You’re gone. You’re free. 
But not just yet, right? You need to stay hidden. You need to be safe.  You need, above all, to get off the highly visible streets. 
A sign for a bus stop catches your eye. Yes--a bus. You could let it take you as far as it will, and then go from there. But the sign says the bus stops on the hour, and there’s still 30 minutes to go--you can’t stay out on the street that long.
Instead, you slip into an alley just a little bit away from the sign. It’s close enough that you could press yourself against a wall and still keep an eye out for when the bus arrives. Will it be comfortable? No. Will it be smelly? Probably. Will you be out of public view? Yes--so that’s what you do.
You slip into the alley and immediately every nerve on your body raises because there is someone here with you.
No. Scratch that.
Two someones.
There is a man standing that you can only see from behind. He is shrouded in the shadows of the alleyway’s end, which isn’t lit by anything but the hint of light from the street. 
And there is a man on the ground, pressed against the farthest end of the alley, begging for his life. You only catch some of the words that tumble out of his desperate lips: I didn’t betray you, I swear, I swear, I can tell you everything you need to know, it wasn’t me, oh please, fuck, I swear--
And then he doesn’t speak anymore because the first man shoots him in the head. He falls backward and something hits the wall and you can't help the noise of startled horror that slips out of your mouth.
The man turns around, gun drawn, and you have just enough time to think--this is it--before he steps forward. 
And… says your name?
The man is Chuuya.
The man is Chuuya, who holsters his gun and, mouth gaping, has his hands on you before you can even think about running. He’s checking you over--for bruises or cuts or who knows what else--and his grip on your forearm is relentlessly strong. 
“What the fuck? What the fuck?” He says, not believing the sight of you, even as he touches you. “Babe, what’s wrong? Did something happen? Where’s--”
And then he sees the bag slung over your shoulder. Sees how full it looks. He glances down at your stomach. Then back  up at your face.
“You were trying to leave?”
The hurt on his face might induce pity, if you weren’t currently dealing with the most horrific adrenaline rush in the world. 
“No,” you sputter. “Yes. No. I--” 
And it’s then that your body and mind crash together, and the realization that you’ve been caught catches up with you. You should run. You will run. 
And you try, but it’s a lost cause. You don’t even have enough leverage to take a step back with how tightly he’s holding you. Your mind knows this, but your body doesn’t accept it quite yet, and you squirm fruitlessly against him.
He only needs one hand to keep you by his side as he takes out his phone and barks out an order at someone to come take care of the body of the poor dead man in the alley.
Then he looks back at you and hurt, fear, anger, play out on his face in a series of moments. 
“We’re going,” he tells you. He’s back on his phone, another order. A car to pick you up. 
His voice promises locked doors and lost privileges, yes, but there’s something else simmering in there that has you yanking back feebly as he drags you out of the alley and into an unmarked car.
Every guard Chuuya crosses stammers out apologies, swears they don’t know how this happened. Chuuya deals with them in clipped tones that make you wonder if they’ll survive the night. Reassigned, if they’re lucky.
The penthouse is just as you left it. Quiet. Clean. A now runny smoothie, fortified with vitamins and calculated with the perfect natal nutrients, sits on the counter; you didn’t drink it tonight.
Chuuya drags you through to the bedroom. All this time, he hasn’t let go of your hand. There will be finger-shaped bruises tomorrow.
You expect him to scream at you. Maybe even hurt you. A physical slap might hurt less than this all-consuming fear as he pulls you into the bedroom and gently guides you to sit down on the bed. What will he do? What will he say?
Your hand grasps your belly--please don’t hurt me.
Chuuya growls out bubbling anger, turns, and punches the wall so hard that his fist goes through the drywall. His knuckles have freckles of blood on them.
The sound, the sight of the blood, the anger pressing down on your shoulders--it’s all too much and hot tears spill over your lower eyelids and down your cheeks, salty, burning. 
He’s on his knees, immediately, wrapping his arms around your midsection and pressing kisses to your tear-stained cheeks.
“Babe, I’m sorry--I didn’t mean to scare you.” He hushes your hiccuping sobs, wiping and kissing your tears in alternate measures. “I was just so fucking mad.” 
At me? You think. 
“Those guards,” he continues, frowning. “They weren’t watching you like they should.”
“But I…” You don’t finish: But I’m the one who ran away.
Your confusion must show on your face, because he presses a kiss to your cheek, to your lips. 
“Hush. I know you’re prone to fits like this. I don’t mind. It’s why I do so much to watch over you, y’know?” He rubs at your cheeks with this thumb and cracks a smile. From the corner of your eye,  you can see the blood on his knuckles. “It was either the wall or one of those guys’ heads, right?” 
He doesn’t wait for an answer as he kisses you, more lingering this time.
“You make me crazy,” he whispers against your lips. “You know that?”
“Chuuya,” you whisper, breath mingling with this. “Please, I want to… I want to…” Leave. Be free. All words you could say, that never make their way past your lips.
He sits up taller on his knees and rests his head against your stomach. There’s a flurry of movement inside you--does the baby know he’s there? What does the baby, in all its primordial growth, think of any of today’s events?
“I know it’s scary,” Chuuya murmurs. “You don’t have to tell me. We’re about to be parents. Anyone would be worried.” 
That’s not what you wanted to say. It’s hard to say if Chuuya knows it and pretends otherwise or simply doesn’t acknowledge your resistance at all. 
He sighs through his nose and closes his eyes.
“I’ll have to bring the chain back out for a while. Maybe until the baby comes.” He opens his eyes just a little and glances up at you with a smile. “But I can make it long enough for you to walk around. Doctor said you needed to stretch your legs every day, babe.”
He closes his eyes again and you don’t know what else you can do but reach out and rest your palm against his head. He leans into your touch.
“I know,” you croak out. There’s a few beats--of your heart?--and your fingers curl against his hair. “I’m sorry I went outside.” What else can you do, but lean into Chuuya, but apologize for doing what he insists you never do. Leave him, be free, live your own life.
He sighs and nuzzles himself against your stomach. He presses a soft kiss to it before pulling himself off the floor, leaning down, and kissing you on the head.
“I know, babe. Don’t worry. I’m not mad.”
You wonder what Chuuya might have done if he had gotten angry at you.
Perhaps it’s better not to know.
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kitashousewife · 1 year
lifeguard!atsumu who picked up this gig as a side thing, something to help out his mom's friend who needed help at the public pool.
and boy is he loving it.
he sits in the sun all day and has developed quite the golden brown tan, and his hair has lightened more if possible. he's got free access to the pool at all times, free trips to the snack bar, and endless fun. he's everyone's favorite lifeguard. from the ladies in the water aerobics class that he teaches twice a week, to the little kids in the toddler pool, to kids at the diving boards, he earns excited smiles everywhere he goes.
atsumu thinks that if volleyball didn't work out, he would have been perfectly fine doing this. today he sits at his post near the shallow end of the pool, relaxed and content with his ray-bans sliding down his nose as chlorine fills the air.
and the best part? you're on shift today too.
you began lifeguarding shortly after atsumu agreed to help, meaning the two of you spent a lot of time together during training exercises and certifications. he's loved every second.
his favorite part? driving you absolutely nuts.
the concrete under your feet is almost too much to handle as you pad toward your station for the next fifteen minutes. your fingers pull at the straps of your red lifeguard suit, rubbing the last bit of sunscreen in. the sharp blow of a whistle grabs your attention and you stop in your tracks.
"woah!" you stop dead in your tracks when the voice of none other than miya atsumu carries across the blue water. "no runnin', sweetheart." he smirks at you over his sunglasses, lazily spinning the whistle around his finger. you roll your eyes and continue on, trying to ignore your very pesky, but incredibly handsome coworker.
as you climb up to your spot, you can't help but look at him. sweet smile on his lips while he speaks to a little girl in the pool, hair curling slightly from the water he must have dipped in earlier. his strong arms and abs even more defined from the hours of the sun he's gotten.
while he is annoying, he's quite nice to look at.
the time goes quickly, being entertained at the various jumps at the diving boards. if it wasn't for atsumu's voice, you wouldn't have known it was time to switch.
as he saunters over to you, he's greeting the moms, kids, and babies that are in his path. everyone smiles at him while he passes by, but when he gets to your chair he's met with a rather unamused face.
"yer savior is here," he sighs, sliding his water bottle into the now vacant cup next to the seat. "oh c'mon, nothin'?"
the quip you had ready to go dies on your heavy tongue as you finally face him.
he looks up at you as you shade him from the sun and you take in the little details on his face. his eyes, almost glowing gold from the sun. his cheeks are dusted with freckles, and a couple flecks of white from the sunscreen he failed to rub in a few seconds earlier.
"be careful with this group," you nod your head towards the boys clambering over to the diving boards. "they've been pushing it."
"i'll be fine," he waves you off, watching you as you climb down. "yer just too hard on 'em."
"because it's my job, atsumu. not all of us spend our shift messing around."
just as he rolls his eyes, a boy jumps off the diving board, breaking several pool rules. the two of you blow your whistles when he emerges from the water.
"no jumping backward!"
"awesome jump! 8/10!"
the two of you look at each other, you with annoyance tugging at your furrowed brows, and atsumu with a wide smile, tongue in cheek as he shakes his head at you.
"just as i was sayin'," he pokes your cheek before climbing up to his spot. "yer no fun. now run along, i'm sure the toddler pool is more yer pace, angel."
you bite your tongue, huffing as you shove the red lifeguard floatie into his abdomen before you walk away. atsumu can't help but laugh as you leave, satisfied with his efforts of riling you up.
the rest of the day flies by for both of you, and even with atsumu's incessant teasing and lackadaisical approach to lifeguarding, you're able to make it through your shift with only a couple pet names and attempted pranks.
once the pool gates are shut for the day, you and your fellow lifeguards work on getting everything closed up and ready to go for tomorrow. unfortunately, you got stuck with the harder jobs, keeping you longer than you hoped. just as you push the supply closet shut, a certain blonde appears from behind it.
"easy day today?"
"the sun has set miya, you don't need those stupid sunglasses anymore,"
he slides them up to the top of his head, feathering his hair slightly at the same time. "what? ya don't think i look cool in 'em?"
you sigh and pull a t-shirt over your suit and gather your things.
"no, i'm not one of your water aerobic ladies. are you done so i can turn the lights off?"
he snorts, reaching to snatch your key out of your fingers. "i'll be done when ya apologize,"
"apologize for what?" you're trying to hold back a smile as you finish packing up your things. "for you looking like a dork?"
atsumu gasps in fake hurt, clutching a crumpled MSBY tee to his chest. "yer so mean to me,"
you laugh for real now at the pout on his lips, staring a little longer as he puts his shirt on.
"i think you'll be okay," you flick off the lights and begin walking to the parking lot. "have a good night, miya."
"drive safe," he grins and walks towards the parking lot, but realizes that he grabbed your keys instead of his on the way out. he jogs ahead, the sandals on his feet slapping the warm pavement as he catches up to you.
"first ya insult my glasses, then ya steal my keys? didn't think ya would be so hurtful," he teases with stupid smirk on his lips.
"here you are," you walk towards him, dangling his keyring above your head. he reaches to grab it, but you pull it away at the last second. an innocent prank has now pulled the two of you close, torsos touching. atsumu's lips part, heart racing at just how close the two of you are under the flickering parking lot light.
he tries so hard to think of something smart to say, but his brain turns to mush as he stares at your lips. you pull away first, catching your own breath as atsumu laughs nervously.
"s-sorry 'bout that," he manages to stutter out, unlocking his car as quick as he can. you're shocked at his flustered state. who knew the atsumu miya would get worked up over a little prank?
"no worries," you turn to walk away, but can't help but smile at the chance to finally get in the last word for once.
"atsumu, be sure to wear more sunscreen tomorrow. your cheeks are a little pink!"
you wave at him as you get into your car, and he groans from the driver's seat, embarrassed at both his reaction and the fact that he couldn't get himself to kiss you when he had the chance.
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Musician Age Gap AU Pt 13
With two back-to-back shows in Paris, with a new song added to the set list, Kara expects to largely watch Lena sleep. But somehow, the morning after the first show, Kara is woken early by movement beyond the shared door of their suites.
Upon knocking, she receives a bright "come in!" and opens the door to find Lena bustling around the room. She's dressed in leggings and spandex top, complete with brightly colored sneakers on her feet. Her face is bare of makeup, but retains the dewey vibrancy only youth can give.
"Good morning!" Lena greets, bouncing to Kara with more energy than she has any right to have. "Did you sleep well?"
"Sure," Kara returns drolly. "But not enough--- how are you even awake? We only got back at 3am!"
Lena laughs. "I've got to get a workout in before the meet and greet later." She lifts one of her earbuds in one hand, nestling its pair in her ear with the other. "Wanna join?"
"The meet and greet, or the workout?" Kara asks dubiously.
"Why not both?"
Why not both. She's here with the express purpose of supporting Lena, but now she's faced with the dilemma of deciding whether that included running. She hasn't seriously trained since she played volleyball in college... she'd probably trip over her own feet.
"Sure," she finds herself saying, before her brain can catch up. When it does, she hesitates. "Oh-- I didn't bring--"
"I've got some looser gear that should fit," Lena responds easily. She cocks a grin. "Or you can just spot me."
"Yeah... I should probably do that. I can run out and grab some gear later today. At least some sneakers."
She does take Lena up on the offer of her looser workout gear-- sweatpants that were more capris on Kara than not, and a tank top that would have sagged on Lena, but comfortably snugs against Kara's curves.
"Oooh," Lena says when she sees her. She trots over and gives Kara a peck on the lips. "I like this look."
"You speak of this to no one," Kara warns, more self conscious of her bare ankles than anything else.
"What happens in Paris, stays in Paris," Lena promises, then tilts her head towards the other room. "Come on."
Kara expects them to use whatever gym amenities the hotel offers its guests, but it turns out the suite of rooms includes its own exercise area, complete with treadmill, freeweights, and aerobic equipment.
"I prefer not to use the shared amenities downstairs," Lena explains lightly. "I don't want to hog the machines. Or disturb anyone else's workout."
Seeing Kara's curious look, Lena gives her a mysterious smile. "It'll make sense later."
Lena trains like a professional athlete. Kara is exhausted just watching, and almost an hour in, it seems like Lena is only getting started. At least, Kara reassures herself, the woman sweats like a normal human.
"What?" Lena pants as she pistol squats with a fifteen pound dumbell under her chin.
"You really like this stuff, don't you?" she asks. Watching from the weight bench, Kara can see that this isn't just a means to an end. She enjoys it.
Lena smiles. "Yeah, I do. I can't help it."
Her enthusiasm is infectious, as proven by the fact Kara is compelled to join Lena in her floor exercises. Core had always been her strong suit in college, but it's clear from her lackluster plank and crunch stamina that she's lost any and all conditioning she might have had.
Even so, instead of feeling discouraged, Lena's delighted giggle, Kara looks forward to her next attempt. The workout ends with cardio on the treadmill-- or so Kara thinks.
"I gotta put these in," she warns. "That okay?"
Kara nods. Lena's mystery smile returns for a brief moment, before the treadmill beeps on and Lena starts with a brisk walk. After five minutes Lena expertly keeps up with an increasing pace, until her sneakers are pounding out a heavy rhythm at a rate Kara can scarcely fathom. Only the most dedicated of players on Kara's volleyball team had been able to keep up that kind of pace for very long, yet there Lena is, strides long and even and surefooted.
Then the singing starts. Lena begins with a scale or two, then a few vocal warm ups. Kara recognizes the first song of Lena's setlist from the opening note, and from there can only listen in awe as Lena belts through her entire concert from start to finish.
It sounds as steady as any true performance, the notes strong and clear without any shortness of breath. It's... astounding.
When the treadmill finally slows to a walk once more, Kara comes around to rest her forearms on the rail. She looks at Lena expectantly, who is patently pleased with herself.
She shrugs with false modesty. "It's sort of my superpower."
In answer, Kara crooks a beckoning finger, prompting Lena to lean down and receive a kiss for her efforts. Lena doesn't even break stride, but she does fumble for the off button, slowing to a stop as the kiss persists, deepening.
When Lena hops off the machine, Kara has half a mind to press Lena up against it to kiss her senseless-- a temptation she fails to resist when Lena's hand slides up her shirt to run warm fingers over Kara's ribs.
"Jesus," Kara mutters, pausing for breath. "Lena, you... I don't know if I--"
"We go at your pace, darling," Lena murmurs back. "Just know that I really, really want--"
Kara swallows her next words with another, deeper kiss. Helpless to the attraction tugging under her ribs, Kara lets her fingers wander up Lena's side, until her palm cups Lena's breast. It earns her a heady moan into her mouth, and a tightening of Lena's arms around her neck, pulling her closer--
"Lena? We have two hours before the meet and greet!"
Jess' voice calls, innocent yet conspicuous behind a door that stays shut. Lena sags, the moment broken but not it's tension.
"Thank you, Jess!" she calls back, not bothering to unloop her arms from Kara's shoulders. "I'll be in the shower shortly."
Jess' footsteps pad away, but Lena doesn't resume their previous activities.
"We don't have a lot of time..." she starts conspiratorially, voice low. "Not enough to do *this* justice. But..." Her green eyes darken with desire. "Think we can make up some time by doubling up on the shower?"
Kara reaches up and grasps Lena's hand, bending to capture another kiss.
"There's only one way to find out."
They do not make up any time whatsoever.
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twopoppies · 8 months
Gina, have you seen the article about Hs workout routine for LOT? I mean, we all saw the results… but I find it almost even more impressive to learn how its been done! His dedication and work ethic is so inspiring and surely part of why I adore him so much 🫠🫶
Holy hell. No wonder he’s in such great shape. Just a note that Thibo David was his old trainer with Live On Tour. I assume Brad Gould was his new trainer for Love on Tour. But I doubt his regimen was any less insane.
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If you include the one-mile run and bodyweight challenge, this is the hardest warm-up I’ve ever done, but, given the intensity required for the next two elements I’m promoting them to workout status.
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David says Harry Styles can run a mile in an impressive 5min 13sec—a standard some of the professional athletes David coaches can’t match—but I was urged to run my own race.
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This was far closer to my wheelhouse as a CrossFit fan. I chose to tackle it in alternating sets of 10, transitioning quickly between exercises to finish within the eight-minute limit. But even commando rolling from push-up to sit-up then springing into the squats left me little time to spare.
I took 7min 39sec, and, somewhat unexpectedly, given I can barbell squat more than 300lb, it was my quads that blew up the most. Whether this was the result of the one-mile run before it or heavy front squats the day before, I couldn’t say, but my thighs were on fire by the final rep.
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“I like to say that I train very smart, but you also have to be very stupid sometimes, you know? Do this type of workout in the most stupid way; go hard at the task at hand, like when you throw a ball for a dog and it goes super crazy.
“This is a very good workout for that. Very good at building everything that needs to be added after the aerobic base; aggressiveness, speed, that go-hard mentality.”
Things did become particularly spicy during round three and four though, as my body began to tire with the sustained effort.
My posterior chain (the muscles running along the back side of the body) took a battering from the kettlebell swings and sandbag-over-shoulders, my already-fried legs felt heavy during the box jumps, and my shoulders grew tired from two minutes of straight clean and presses—it was a serious test of muscular endurance.
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[…] I also did 12 total rounds—I wanted the full Styles experience, after all—but I’d live to regret this. The hill I chose grew progressively steeper as I worked my way up it, and by the eighth round I felt like death. My sprints turned to slogs, and the time it took me to complete the distance I established in the first interval grew longer.
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[…] The prior running and box jumps didn’t help either, but I got it done eventually in less than 30 minutes.
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This was a relaxing way to wrap up a far from relaxing morning of training, and gave me a second to catch my breath after a monumental effort which lasted a little over two hours.
I swapped his day of training for one of my usual CrossFit sessions and had a lot of fun doing it. Every part of my body felt like it had been put through the ringer thanks to the muscle-burning circuit and lung-taxing running elements. I was also very, very hungry.
Another thing that impressed me was Styles’ evident fitness levels and work ethic; how he has the energy to perform for two hours during a stadium tour is no longer a mystery.
Another thing I liked about my chat with David was his openness and honesty. I often see articles online saying celebrities do a few Pilates classes or HIIT workouts each week to stay in unbelievable shape, and he was keen to dispel this myth.
“Collaborating with Harry Styles was an absolute delight; his commitment is unparalleled,” says David.
“But it’s important to note that this level of training isn’t suitable for everyone. Harry was inherently fit, but achieving the level of fitness needed for this session still required time, work and effort. Rushing into such high-volume workouts can pose risks.”
David also stressed that sessions of this intensity weren’t done every day, and the nature of his workouts will often “depend on the day and the state of the athlete”.
“It’s crucial to emphasize the significance of proper periodization,” says David. “Not every day constituted an intense session. In fact, we strategically incorporated recovery sessions which often involved a light run combined with core exercises and mobility work. Every workout was thoughtfully placed within the overall training plan.”
Read, full article here
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drdemonprince · 6 months
How do you maintain a healthy relationship with exercise as someone with a history of disordered exercising? Asking for me
I'm an eating disorder harm reductionist, not a perfectionist. Some of my ED behaviors exist to help me regulate my anxiety and impose structure on an unpredictable world, and I don't care about getting rid of those impulses anymore, I try to just work with them. I'm not especially worried about whether my relationship to exercise is "healthy", because what would that even mean -- normal? not obsessive? I've never been those things. so long as I take steps to minimize any damage I do to my body with my behaviors, i'm satisfied.
Lifting weights and being on T has been a good middle ground for me in a lot of ways. a brief lifting session in the morning gives me the sensation of having generated some endorphins, which makes me less likely to self-harm or behave impulsively, and it does so without requiring a ridiculous time commitment the way my long, long aerobic exercise sessions used to do. I used to miss a lot of special occasions with friends and holidays etc because I would spend so much time exercising every day, mostly as a stim and a way to offload stress. now the exercise I do can easily get squeezed into my downtime without taking away from other important things in my life.
strength training doesn't damage my joints or tendons the way that aerobic shit did; rather, it strengthens them. This kind of physical activity makes me hungrier and requires that I ingest enough protein, which motivates me to eat more, and i do tend to need that external motivation because otherwise i'll forget. being a muscle bro is also all very silly and stupid, which makes it easier for me to laugh at myself and not see the whole thing as super dire the way a restrictive eating disorder + exercise bulimia felt.
I still cling very obsessively to a set exercise schedule, but I don't see that as inherently eating disordered, it can just as easily be a very Autistic self-regulation thing. i honestly first started lifting weights in 2018-2019 because i was craving the endorphins from enduring pain HEAVILY, and would have really impulsive BDSM sex with complete strangers to get a pain rush without any prior negotiation or forethought, and i wasn't really looking after my safety. but i noticed that when i put myself through the controlled "pain" of lifting weights every few days, my desire to behave completely recklessly subsided and i could get by with having kinky sex more sporadically, and with actual planning and safety protocols being on the table instead of just pulling the first rando i could find on fetlife.
if someone believes in total eating disorder recovery/abstinence, they'd probably still look at my rigid adherence to a lifting schedule and my tendency to not feel hunger cues and my fixation on getting enough protein and think that i was still fucked up, but i feel physically the most energized and strong that i ever have in my life, my exercise regimen does not consume my daily schedule the way it once did, i dont think about my body size at all anymore, and i self-harm less and take fewer risks. so. seems pretty good to me.
harm reduction and a personalized recognition of one's needs > health
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a-d-nox · 7 months
web of wyrd: the heart charkra
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the numbers we are focusing on today are based on the green bubbled numbers in the web then the sum of the two equal your emotional number - ex: as you see above and in previous charts, my energetic number is 22 and my physical number 21. so to get the emotional number i have to sum the two: 22 + 21 → 43. recall that numbers must be summed a second time if they total 43 (i.e. 4 + 3 → 7) and above.
but what does this number mean?
the chakra set we are examining is the heart chakra (anahata); it signifies our love, feelings, sincerity, compassion, altruism, patriotism, duty, ability to feel, awareness, acceptance, and spiritual values. bodily it governs our heart, circulatory system, breasts, respiratory system, lungs, and ribs.
so let's talk about some examples:
7 - the chariot
physically 7s are hardy people. this arcana is ruled by cancer so naturally these people have tough ribs, like a crab shell, and it is likely that they have bigger and/or denser breast tissue due to cancer being ruled by moon. however, they might have very delicate lungs and a fragile circulatory system. these people aren't made for running because of this - it is just too hard on their bodies. try to aim for a lighter aerobic exercise like water aerobics, wall sits, swimming, tennis, etc.
energetically 7s are often very altruistic - they rally when getting things done for the greater good. they tend to be very selfless - they know what it is to be in charge and have people looking up to them and trusting them to do what is best for them. they don't do anything lightly; they like to have a plan and reason - but when they are out of balance, they can be very impulsive or too hesitant. mainly they have a strong sense of duty - they are one hundred percent the people who will serve their country because it is "their duty to protect their country". they are very patriotic in that regard. they value forward movement and intention - they feel it is important to continually progress for the betterment of the future.
7s emotionally are very guarded. they don't easily share their feelings. they have a lot of love to give, but they can easily frighten people with their defensiveness and emotional remoteness. cancer's, and thus charioteer's, have a hard exterior but a soft interior. they are guarded and defensive for a reason - they are protecting themselves. these people tend to have large emotional wounds that originate in childhood - from that moment on, they dress for war when dealing with emotional situations and situations where they can potentially get hurt emotionally. they are very aware of others emotions which is why they tend to make their intentions incredibly clear.
21 - the world
21s physically have great breasts - it is like the card itself; they enjoy being braless. it is something about this card though - it sort of reminds me of cancer awareness ribbons. maybe it is a cause they support - heart, breast, or lung cancer research - or maybe someone close to them struggled with the disease. this is a card of celebration after a long fight/journey, so maybe they themselves have experienced some form of chest cancer. in time all wounds heal given the card. something else i noticed with this placement is that these people really consider chest surgery - i wouldn't be surprised to find this arcana on this charka for people who had breast augmentation or removed a set of ribs.
energetically 21s want to see the world flourish and improve. they are often very involved in the realm of politics and search for candidates that are willing to get things done in their country. they want people in charge who are mature and responsible. they want someone like themselves in other words. other then that, they empower others and generally want to see others rise up - they are the best cheerleaders a person could ask for. frankly, this is a great leader in general because they want what is best for the people who look up to them.
emotionally 21s experience a very wide range of emotions. emotionally they are extremely vulnerable and don't fear what the world sees from them emotionally. they have been through a lot and fear nothing when it comes to expression and sharing. in fact, they enjoy letting others know how they feel because it sets them free in a way. they are very emotionally mature and tend to take into account how others react to their reactions and how they can best articulate to others how they feel.
22 - the fool
22s physically remind me of either good or poor circulatory flow. uranus is the ruler of this arcana and has the tendency to mix things up. these people could have a rare blood disorder, a lack of an rh factor, need to take medication for rh factor when pregnant, etc. you can never predict what is going to happen where this person's blood is involved. they also have a tendency to get stitches in their side or feel like there is a sharp pain when breathing. and not to be extreme but i have seen these people break a rib (especially, the floating one) and/or have a sudden heart issue, like a cardiac arrest.
energetically 22s are willing to try anything once. altruism is something they do once, but if they see that they are being used for their generosity, they are quick to cut ties. they are easily blind to being used at first, but as soon as they see it, they will leave and aren't afraid to go ghost. they aren't the most patriotic person - often they will dream about leaving their home country. these are not the type of people to be relied on in terms of duty; they can either be extremely flighty or they will do what is expected of them before it is asked.
love is blind - emotionally 22s are the type of people who take a chance when it comes to romances. they have a tendency to let people back into their lives because they believe that change is possible and that it is never too late to start again. they listen to their heart more than their intuition at times; which can be a dangerous game because they often associate the two together then they wonder why they can't trust their intuition.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next. if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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chiesdecayiing · 7 days
 ✚𓈒  ana guide  ⧽
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 ౨ৎ  note ; Block me instead of reporting me please, these are based off of my own experiences! ~
 ✿ ⠀Chapter 1 ; Symptoms
Osteopenia (Thinning of the bones): Poor nutrition, excessive exercise, and/or purging (such as by vomiting or laxative abuse) can cause an unhealthy, low body weight When this happens, less weight bears on your bones. This can lead to bone loss and potential loss of muscle that supports and strengthens your bones. So… How do you deal with it? Vitamin and mineral supplements: You might need over-the-counter or prescription calcium or vitamin D supplements. try doing weight-bearing and resistance exercises 3 or 4 days a week. Weight-bearing exercises focus on carrying the weight of your body against gravity. Walking is a great weight-bearing activity, as are running, dancing, aerobics, hiking and tennis, but remember don’t over do it, you can’t be skinny when you’re dead.
Anemia and muscle wasting and weakness: Reduced blood flow: Anemia can limit the delivery of nutrients to muscles and joints, increasing stiffness. Increased lactic acid: Muscles deprived of oxygen produce more lactic acid, leading to cramps. Weakened muscles: Over time, anemia can weaken muscles. This makes them more susceptible to pain and injury. What to do against it? eat iron-rich foods, including lean red meats, fish and poultry, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), fortified cereals and dark green leafy vegetables; eat foods rich in vitamin C (such as fruits and vegetables) which help the body absorb iron, don’t forget to do sport, and eat when you’re hungry.
Brittle hair and nails: Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, helps the body convert food into energy. A deficiency in biotin is somewhat rare, but when it occurs, brittle, thinning, or splitting hair and nails are some of the most noticeable symptoms. So here’s what to do against it! Eat a diet rich in nutrients such as vitamins A and C, zinc, and biotin. Stay hydrated; water can help strengthen your hair and keep it from drying out. Keep your nails short to minimize nail surface area, where water and chemicals can be absorbed. Use a fine emery board to file your nails. Don't pick or bite your nails or cuticles. Buff your nails in the same direction as the nail grows. Consider applying a nail hardener to help strengthen nails. Switch to a shampoo and conditioner designed for damage control. Don't skip conditioner. Choose hair styling products made with hydrating ingredients.
Dry and yellowish skin: Carotenemia may be related to restricted dietary habits, hyperlipidemia, or a deficiency in the conversion of carotene into vitamin A by the liver. So here’s what helps! Moisturize. Apply moisturizer several times a day, especially when your skin feels dry and after handwashing or bathing, while your skin is still moist. Vitamin C, D, E and anti-inflammatory! vitamin B12 deficiency can cause yellowish skin so make sure to include it in your diet.
Lanugo (Growth of fine hair all over the body): with anorexia often lack important nutrients that help keep the body insulated and warm, so as a response lanugo develops to act as a protective layer. Here’s what you can eat to get your nutrients! Green, leafy vegetables, Orange and red produce, Nuts and seeds, beans, Whole grains, Egg yolks.
Low blood pressure: Low blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is much lower than normal. This means the heart, brain, and other parts of the body may not get enough blood. Normal blood pressure is mostly between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80 mmHg.
Here are the risks of an eating disorder.
Organ failure , Brain damage , Hair loss , severe constipation , slowed breathing and pulse
 ✿ ⠀Chapter 2 soon (^_^)
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littlewinnow · 4 months
i don't mean this in a rude way or anything, i'm just wondering why you draw harry so buff and big? he spent his entire formative years being starved and shut in a cupboard, and canonically he's shorter than the other boys, and yet you draw him beefy and sexy. is there a reason for this? like, what is your headcanon for him to turn into a hunk? did he sneak out with his cloak and buy nutrition potions in hogsmeade or something? start an owl-order bodybuilding course??? haha
Tbh id like to think that when hes older hed yknow eat more! Being away from the Dursley’s would invite a lot more freedom to try things!
Maybe he tries to take better care of himself and keep busy (And molly weasley would totally stuff this guy with food) And regardless of his body type i like portraying him as a short king :)
the owl order body building course sounds so cute, maybe he also got into those wizarding aerobic step exercise videos 💃
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feybeasts · 1 year
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(WIP!) “Regular exercise is good for you! Even if it’s just a little walk now and then, your body and mind are both happier if you get up and move- that’s why I offer weekly aerobics courses at the Archives, even lost souls need a bit of movement in their lives- er- you know what I mean!”
Lena as a cute aerobics instructor was stuck in my head, so it’s canon!
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
So if the body needs 45-65% of calories in carbs to be functional, does that mean low-carb-diet that brings people to the lower end of that range (45%) is inherently the most legitimate diet?
The most legitimate diet is one that makes you feel satisfied, does not make you sick, and meets your nutritional needs.
Beyond that, no. There is no "most legitimate diet."
The concept of "a diet" is honestly kind of flawed, depending on how you define "diet." And if you are defining "diet" as "a means of eating that will guarantee and maintain weight loss" then yeah the idea is flawed from jump.
Your metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions in your body. Your diet is all of the foods and liquids that you consume.
Different people have different caloric needs and different metabolisms; eating in different ways can change your metabolism, as can exercising in different ways.
There is no universally correct way to eat. There is also no universally correct way to exercise.
If you are looking for ways to improve your diet, here are the very few things that are applicable to a lot (perhaps the majority) of people:
You probably need to eat more fruits and vegetables
You almost certainly do not need to worry about getting enough protein
You should do an activity that raises your heart rate to aerobic levels for 150 minutes a week
However, setting that aside: getting 45% of your diet from carbohydrates is not considered a low-carb diet. There are a lot of ways to define "low carb" but two of the more general ones are "30% or less of your daily caloric intake is carbohydrates" and "100 or fewer grams of carbs per day."
The Atkins diet, a very popular low-carb diet calls for 100 or fewer grams of carbs per day. If we're going by the 2000 calorie RDA (which is flawed but a common baseline way of doing the math on these things) that means that 20% of an Atkins dieter's calories would come from carbohydrates.
The Keto diet calls for 50 or fewer grams of carbs per day. So 10% of calories from carbs.
You will recognize these as far below the recommended minimum for the average person.
Low-carb diets are also not especially effective for weight loss or improving metabolic health in the long term.
There are some people who eat low-carb diets who feel great with that mix of nutrients. There are some people who are on medically necessary low-carb diets (and there are people on medically necessary low-fat and low-protein diets!)
In our current culture, when people talk about "diets" they are not talking about all of their food and liquid intake and how it relates to their metabolic function, they are talking about dieting, or "going on a diet."
Dieting is not an effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss in the long term (we do not know of a generalizable way for most people to lose weight and maintain a weight loss in the long term!) and is more likely to cause weight gain rather than weight loss 2-5 years after the start of the diet. Dieting is not by itself an effective way to improve metabolic health in the long term, and may actually significantly damage metabolic health depending on how restrictive the diet was and how long it continued. (Also: just to be clear, it is much more effective to focus on improving things like resting heart rate, fasting blood sugar, lipid levels, and vitamin deficiencies for better health outcomes than it is to focus on losing weight.)
Looking for the best/most legitimate diet so that you can start eating that diet is very unlikely to net you positive results for your health. Dieting is not effective.
A better way to approach the issue of your diet is to think about what changes you can make in your eating and exercise habits that will help you to feel good, make you feel full, maintain your health, and maintain muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and flexibility.
Don't go out looking for the "most legitimate diet," see if you can add some more fresh fruit to your diet. See if you can make sure you're getting enough fiber. See if you can eat at least one whole serving of vegetables with each meal.
When people talk about things like low-carb diets or diets with no refined sugar or paleo diets or low-fat diets they are asking "What are the bad foods? What should I never eat? What food should I never buy again? What is the food that will make me better if I stop eating it? What can I cut out? What are the bad things that I can avoid?"
Unless you have a medical restriction from a particular food, I don't think that it's good to think of your diet and how you eat in terms of rigid rules and I definitely don't think it's good to approach your diet asking what you can take away from yourself. I think you should ask what you can add to your diet that will improve your overall health.
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elicathebunny · 8 months
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(The content isn't mine but all complied into one big post, links are connected to the sources)
How do I re-wire my subconscious?
You re-wire your subconscious mind using NEUROPLASTICITY.
Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, refers to the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. It involves the strengthening or weakening of existing neural pathways and the development of new synapses.
This means you can re-wire your subconscious by building NEW PATHWAYS that become STRONGER than the old ones
I'd like you to start with understanding the importance of BDNF - Brain-derived neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is a vital protein for neuroplasticity, acting as a linchpin in the adaptive processes of the brain. It supports facilitating synaptic plasticity through mechanisms like long-term potentiation (LTP) and fostering the formation of new synapses. You can increase your body's BDNF by:
Engage in regular exercise, particularly aerobic activities, to significantly increase BDNF levels and promote neuroplasticity.
Maintain a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids from sources like fatty fish and flaxseeds to support elevated BDNF production.
Prioritize adequate and quality sleep, as insufficient sleep has been linked to decreased BDNF levels.
Implement stress management techniques, such as mindfulness meditation and relaxation exercises, to positively influence BDNF secretion.
Breathwork and meditation are great options.
Understand the importance of regulating your nervous system - You must be able to regulate your nervous system to build neuroplasticity. This is because neuroplasticity may be hindered when the body is in a heightened state of stress or arousal (sympathetic dominance), characterized by increased heart rate and elevated cortisol levels. Breathwork and meditation are an incredible way to do this. Psych central
Take new routes: Every new experience has the potential to enhance your brain’s ability to change. Travelling, for example, can help. Our brains are forced to stop auto-piloting in an unfamiliar environment like a new city. Research from 2013 shows that novelty and challenges can enhance cognitive function. So, technically, you don’t have to leave your town to promote brain plasticity. Consider finding alternative routes to your daily commute. Try that new coffee shop or restaurant around the corner. Go around your desk in the opposite direction that you typically do.
Move: A 2018 literature reviewTrusted Source showed that physical exercise can promote neuroplasticity in general. Activity is beneficial for many different regions of the brain and affects various aspects of cognitive function, including memory and learning. This might be helpful for people facing major or mild cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease. In sum, exercising may help you slow the cellular ageing process and enhance your overall brain health.
Practice meditation: Studies show that long-term meditation practiceTrusted Source can change the function of the brain. Specifically, mindfulness practice can enhance focus and attention and prevent cognitive declineTrusted Source.
Learn a new skill: The relationship between learning and neuroplasticity is twofold. Learning new things enhances brain plasticity, and because of the brain’s ability to adapt to change, you’re able to learn. In this sense, every time you learn something, you benefit from neuroplasticity and promote it. Research backs this up. A 2021 study, for example, suggests that learning a new skill, such as Braille language, can promote neuroplasticity and enhance its benefits. Other examples include learning to: - use your non-dominant hand - speak a new language - play a new instrument - paint or draw - code computers - do puzzles
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liesmyth · 5 months
Your jock posting is always super helpful, but I’ve got a question! I’ve been doing couch to 5k for awhile, probably the third time over the course of my life, because I need more cardio and running is the easiest to fit into my schedule because I can just put on shoes and go out the door, you know? I can do 20 minutes of sustained jogging, I just hate every minute. I’ve read about how your pace is supposed to be something that you can sustain a conversation during, but I don’t think there’s a pace slow enough that isn’t a walk where I could do that. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks for your time!
hi hi hi I'm glad I could help! The short answer is that you're fine to keep doing what you're doing, actually! the much longer answer is below
So, you're correct that "conversational pace" is ideally supposed to be your ideal easy run / jog pace, but it's really not uncommon for beginners to not really have an "easy" pace because you feel extremely out of breath even if you're going as slow as you think you possibly can.
Short digression. "Conversational pace" doesn't mean that you should be able to recite poetry fluently — if you can burst out a short sentence or do a decent sing-along to your playlist, that's okay. If all you can do is grunt and say "yes" or "no", even when jogging very slowly, then yeah, you want to be able to eventually build an aerobic base where you can jog and have enough breath left to communicate. It just means that you have a goal to work towards.
Anyway. One thing to keep in mind is that "you shouldn't run any harder than X" is a rule of thumb that's geared towards runners who want to optimise their efforts, whether that's a hobby runner who wants to get faster or an athlete who's stacking up easy miles to rest for the quality workouts. But it's not, like, a hard limit. For most people, there aren't negative consequences to doing high-intensity cardio for 20 minutes a few times a week. If you were training for a 10k and needed to hit a certain (higher) mileage, then the fact that you finish all your runs feeling very out of breath might have been more of a concern, because it would be less sustainable. But if you want to keep training at your current volume, you don't HAVE to change it up if you don't want to. Genuinely, the best exercise is the kind of exercise that's convenient to you, so you can keep doing it consistently. If you keep running those 20 mins every few times a week at the same speed, it will eventually gets easier in terms of effort. Once it starts to feel easier, congrats, you're done! Keep on doing those 20 minutes but enjoy being able to breathe better. Maybe you'll hate it a little less, but even if you don't it'll still be short and convenient, which is what most people want in a workout 💪
IF you want to change it up a bit, you could try doing some intervals. Jog then walk until you catch your breath then start again. Jog then walk briskly. Jog faster then slower. Whichever feels more fun or rewarding to you. You can lengthen the C25k schedule for your purposes if you want to fit in longer walking breaks.
(Another common recommendation you might see online is to go slower. yes. even slower. I KNOW; you're probably thinking "I might as well just walk. I'm going slower than if I was walking." But, actually, the mechanics of running and walking are different enough that it could be worthwhile to condition your body for running if you jog at a glacial pace vs. if you were walking briskly going faster. HOWEVER. In your case. I think it's not really worth it, especially because jogging slow as hell can be quite frustrating and your objective is to make it as painless as possible. So I'm bringing this up for completion's sake in case you want to give it a go but I wouldn't recommend it.)
I hope this helps!
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feederandfeedee · 7 months
Wowww, is that you exercising in a pool? When was the last time you did exercise lmao, must have felt exhausted getting out
I mean if I’m being completely honest (and referring to my state of fitness pre-pregnancy)
I don’t work out at all but doing something like getting out of a pool isn’t actually hard for most people my size- I’m not like 600lbs lol. There’s a reason they recommend water aerobics for individuals of a certain size, because it’s relatively doable for larger bodies and easy on the joints! The more you know!
It’s important to highlight the realities of getting fat instead of feeding into stereotypes- you can be fat and capable of moving your body around adequately!
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