#after i accidentally headbutted him in the face...
xo8ball · 2 years
a girl is sleepy, gn tumblr
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faust-the-enjoyer · 3 months
Anonymous asked:
Accidental kiss with one of cod men of your choice, except when you try to pull away he pulls you down again to give you a proper and longer kiss 💋
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Tags/CWs: gn!reader, pre-established relationship, pre-established consent, use of pet names/terms of endearment, kissing.
Divider by: @/adornedwithlight
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It's two in the morning, and you're out of bed for a midnight "snack", microwaving a small frozen pizza you bought from the convenience store, now you're sitting on the kitchen counter while waiting for it to finish heating in the microwave, your lover standing in between your legs, drinking a glass of water. "You ate my dinner leftovers.", you tell him, it didn't anger you at all, you actually stood in front of the fridge with your empty container a couple of minutes ago, chuckling to yourself as you saw the evidence of his crime. "Your food is my food love, we live under the same roof.", you squint your eyes at him, letting out a series of sounds that sound like what he said, mocking him. He sighs after taking the cup from his lips, putting it on the counter next to you, taking one of your hands and kissing your wrist, "When the pizza's done heating, could I have some too love?"
You roll your eyes and huff, "Fine, ok, but don't get upset if you don't find your lunch leftovers tomorrow, ok?", he gets his face closer to yours, taunting you with those sweet, sweet brown eyes of his, "Mhm, alright, I won't.". He gets a little closer but the microwave beeps, and you instinctively turn your head to the side to look at it, your lips roughly crashing onto his, foreheads hitting. You pull back and whimper a little as you rub your forehand with your fingers, "Sorr-", he doesn't care, not one bit, pulling you in for a real kiss this time, one where neither of you are headbutting like cats do, one where you melt a little when you feel his hand holding the back of your head firmly, that closeness and firmness that grounds you whenever you're too deep in his touch, in his kisses when they seem to be longer.
He pulls back, biting your lip gently and looking into your eyes, he finally lets go and sighs, looking at you tiredly as you smirk up at him, and you pulled him back into your chest, taking his hand this time, and kissing each knuckle tenderly, "Pizza's ready, do you wanna do the cutting?".
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ratsummer · 3 months
I think Phantom was fending for himself for years in the pit, running the circles from just about the age a ghoul can probably survive on their own. He was born into a small but loving pack, so he learned how to be a good ghoul kit, but once he was on his own, he didn't have anyone to socialize him as a young adult ghoul. Sure, he'd tag along with the odd band of ghouls here and there when the opportunity arose, but those alliances were born out of necessity and always quite brief.
All this to say, between his lack of guidance from adult ghouls, his trauma, and the neurodivergencies he was born with, Phantom has held on to a lot of ghoul kit behaviors.
When he's first summoned and meeting his new pack, everyone is on edge. He's small for a quint, and has a confusing blend of kit and adult behaviors. Once the infirmary ghouls have confirmed he is in fact an adult ghoul who chose of his own volition to respond to the summon, and not in fact a large kit they've accidentally abducted, everyone relaxes a bit.
At first, as they're learning about how Phantom was living for years prior to his summoning, emotions run high. They all hide it well from him, not wanting to frighten or burden him. Even so, there are many late nights in the den spent whispering and weeping as they process the things they learn of Phantom's past.
As time passes though, and Phantom settles in and gets comfier with all of them, the sadness and anger pass. They learn to interpret Phantom's unusual blend of behaviors, and they love him all the more. No one pressures Phantom to change, or tells him that he's doing something wrong. They accept him for who he is, and as long as he's not uncomfortable, embarrassed, or inadvertently harming himself, they're happy.
And oh, how they love their baby bat.
It took a while for Phantom to relax enough around anyone to purr at all, but now it's almost nonstop. Almost anything will set it off, too. Swiss walks into the same room as him? Purring. Mountain puts a hand on his shoulder to keep him still while he reaches over him for something in the kitchen? Purring. Dewdrop says good morning? Purring. When everyone gets together after a long day to cuddle in the den, Phantom's purrs stand out from the rest. He hasn't quite switched from the cooing, nasally purr of a kit into the rumbling, chest purr of an adult. He's slowly working into his chest purr, especially as he spends time cuddling on Mountain, Aether, and Swiss. Their purrs are deepest and most obviously resonating from their chests, making it easier for Phantom to imitate. Regardless of how he sounds, though, a purring Phantom is a happy Phantom is a Phantom getting many kisses.
Phantom is also working on scenting. The first person Phantom ever tried scenting was Dew, and boy was the fire ghoul confused at first. They were cuddled up on the couch, watching Cumulus teach Swiss some new crocheting techniques, when Phantom started headbutting him. To be fair, it was a gentle headbutting, really more bumping his face into Dew's jaw and nuzzling into him each time. Even so, it caught Dew off guard. Luckily, Rain was sitting on the opposite end of the couch and caught Dew's attention before he could react poorly. Dew, unlike Rain, had never really spent much time around ghoul kits, so failed to recognize Phantom's kit-like attempts at scenting. Rain mimed at him frantically until he got the memo and started scenting Phantom back. "Oh, Phantom," Rain chimed in soon after, "You're being such a lovebug for Dew. He likes gentler scenting though, sweetheart, do you want me to show you? Come here, it's my turn!" And of course, Rain instantly had a lapful of cooing, cuddly ghoul to coach, leaving Dew to roll around and be embarrassed over how in love with Phantom he is.
Phantom also kneads a lot more than most adult ghouls. While the others might do a little kneading here and there when they're feeling deeply sleepy and relaxed, Phantom seems to knead whether he's feeling calm or stressed. His most frequent victims are Cumulus, Swiss, Cirrus, and Mountain, and he kneads on whatever body part is closest. Tummies, thighs, arms, Cumulus even lets him get away with kneading on her boobs. He zones out hard when he starts kneading, almost slipping into a trance. They've all had to do a little correcting for Phantom with this behavior, just to show him how to keep his claws from hurting soft skin and to make sure he doesn't squeeze too hard. Sometimes, when he's having trouble being gentle, they'll pass him a stuffie or a pillow to work instead. He seems to knead the most during mass, Papa's chanting and the choral accompaniment relaxing him. Usually it's Mountain who will grab him when he starts getting glassy-eyed, holding him in his lap and letting him knead away at his arm.
Aether and Cirrus have spent a lot of time helping Phantom with his emotional regulation. Once he's feeling safe and secure with his new pack, that no one is going to hurt him if they notice him, he gets a bit too reactive when his emotions run high. When he messes up the same section of a song for the sixth time, he starts yelling and crying. When he slept poorly, he hisses and growls. When he trips down the last couple stairs in front of some siblings, he hides and mopes for hours, crying and skipping meals. Aether and Cirrus help him learn to identify how is body is reacting in a situation, and what emotion goes with it. They help him respond more calmly, so he doesn't hurt or frighten anyone. They teach him coping skills, like deep breathing, or leaving a room, or asking someone for a hug. It's not always easy, but Phantom is diligent and attentive, and with guidance he quickly finds techniques that work for him.
Yeah, idk. Just. I could go on and on. Phantom being a little different from what his new pack is used to and it's okay. It's not his fault. He's so full of love, and he finally gets to share it. He's so full of love, and his pack is thrilled that he shows them in his own way. Ugh. Nobody look at me.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Dead Man Walking || LN4 {2}
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader Summary: Christmas with the Norris’ is a long standing tradition but will that still be the case after this years? Warnings: 18+ only, angst and fluff WC: 3.5k F1 Masterlist || one || two
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Flo’s old bedroom in her parent’s house hadn’t changed since she moved out. There were still glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling that you had helped her to stick up when you were fifteen. Lando had made fun of them and called them lame as walked past the doorway, but he had still come and held your chair stable when you were precariously close to tipping over.
“What are you staring at?” Flo asked as she walked in to find you lying on her bed, eyes on the roof. 
“Nothing, have you picked a dress yet?” She huffed at your question and opened her closet with a shake of her head. “You do realise the party has already started.”
There was no way to miss it with the christmas music drifting up the staircase and echoing along the hall. Every year was the same, it didn’t matter that all their children had left home - Adam and Cisca still held the annual event and attendance was non-negotiable, even for you. 
The bedroom door opposite Flo’s opened and Lando froze from tugging at the black tie as he caught sight of you. A slow smile grew on his face and he started to take a step forward until Flo appeared with a dress in hand. She held the floor length gown up to her body and swayed the metallic-finish material side to side. “What do you think?” 
“Didn’t disco balls go out of fashion in the 80’s?” Lando teased, drawing her attention to the doorway.
“Didn’t ask your opinion, noob,” she shot back as she grabbed the door and shut it in his face. “I can’t believe he’s staying all week too. Doesn’t he have anything better to do?”
“You should be thinking about your dress right now,” you reminded her as you got up and searched the rack for another option. “Here, this is perfect.”
You could hardly explain to her that you were the real reason Lando was staying local all week. For six months you had stolen nights together, not only avoiding the paparazzi and fans always trying to snap photos of him, but more importantly, Flo. The guilt was a constant fist squeezing your stomach but every time you thought about telling her the truth, the fear of her response kept your lips sealed. Then months had passed by and you thought it would be even worse to admit how long the secret had been kept.
“Babe! This is why you are my best friend,” Flo exclaimed as she dropped what she held to take the emerald green chiffon dress from your hands. “What would I do without you?”
Your smile was forced as you wondered the very same thing. Your mothers had joined the same playgroup before you could walk but you had crawled to Flo and face planted, accidentally headbutting her and making you both cry, but you had been inseparable ever since. Whenever you made a promise to each other it was sealed with the mantra from cradle to grave - ensuring the promise would be as strong and long lasting as your friendship.
You caught the empty hanger she tossed back and hooked it back onto the rack. “End up looking like a disco ball, apparently.”
“Not even,” she said with a roll of her eyes as she shimmied into the dress. “I refuse to take fashion advice from a man who has a hoodie for every occasion.”
You laughed at the completely true statement and pointed at the door. “Not tonight though.”
“That’s not by choice. Mum said he had to smarten up or he would be on dish duty after dinner.” She scoffed as she turned around for you to tie the lace back together. “I told her, wearing a suit won’t make him any smarter.“
You shook your head with a laugh. “If I could get away with wearing a hoodie tonight, I absolutely would too. It feels weird dressing up one day a year. I spent the whole morning here in sweatpants.”
“It’s tradition, and you look gorgeous.”
“I should for the effort I put in,” you giggled, offering your elbow as you opened the bedroom door. “Shall we?”
She looped her arm in yours with a nod as the music downstairs grew with each step. “Let’s do this.”
If you had to listen to another Christmas song you were going to scream, so you escaped the warmth of the Norris’ home and took a breath of wintery air on the balcony where it was less audible. Though there was a chill in the air the eggnog and brandy kept you from feeling the full brunt of the night and you could hardly believe there was snow forecast to fall. 
The only light that reached you was what slipped through the joins of the curtains but it was enough to see the paddocks beyond the grassy lawn. This late in the year the horses that usually grazed the paddocks would be holding up in the stables, away from the morning frosts that occurred daily, but you could still hear their neighs in the distance. 
“Still not a fan of Bublé?”
You smiled to the sky as a pair of cold hands settled on your waist and warm lips found the delicate spot behind your ear. 
“If he hasn’t grown on me by now, I don’t think he ever will.” You turned to face Lando and linked your arms around his neck. “Merry Christmas, my love.”
“Merry Christmas, baby.” His body started to sway, taking you with him as he hummed the stupid song in your ear, laughing when you narrowed your eyes at him. “What? All I want for Christmas is you.”
Your gaze softened and you smiled again as you tucked your head into his chest and buried your hands in his jacket to try steal some warmth. “Are you cold, love?” he asked, looking back at the warm house where all the log fires were lit.
“No, I’m not ready to go back yet,” you admitted as you cradled his cheek in your hand and guided his attention back to you. “Just a few more minutes together.”
He nodded before giving you a soft kiss and pulling away to shrug his wool suit jacket off and drape it over your shoulders. “Can’t have my girl getting sick for Christmas.”
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One Year Earlier “I don’t buy it,” Flo muttered over her flute of champagne as she sat to your left at the dining table, waiting for dinner to be served. 
“Buy what?” you asked as your attention was pulled away from Max on your right, and the pictures of the new simulator he had just finished setting up in his room. 
“Them.” You followed her nod across the room to find Lando on the couch in front of the roaring log fire, his girlfriend sat on his lap as if there weren’t two other cushions available beside him. “There’s no chemistry.”
“Eh,” you shrugged as you grabbed your glass that Max had refilled for you, “since when do you need chemistry if you’re a model or whatever?” 
“You almost sound jealous,” he teased quietly, wary of Flo on the other side. 
“Am not,” you bit back a little too harshly, only making him chuckle more and take a sip of his beer before he said anything else. 
“Dinner will be a little late, I’m afraid,” Cisca announced with a sigh, muttering about the gravy catastrophe. “Adam, honey, turn the music up for a bit.”
“If you aren’t hung up on him, then come have a dance with me,” Max dared as Oliver and his pregnant wife joined Flo’s aunt and uncle dancing in front of the hearth, beneath the twinkling fairy lights. He wiggled his fingers as he waited for you and with a sigh you placed your hand in his and rose from your place setting. 
Flo grinned as you passed by, poking you in the ribs with a laugh and giving you the thumbs up - but Max was only a friend. He could only be a friend because the person you actually pined for was his best friend.
“I know,” he whispered in your ear as one hand rested on your waist and your feet followed his lead.
“Know what?” you asked innocently, but he had caught your eyes drifting to the couch as you circled your way around the room.
“I won’t say anything, I just thought you might want to talk to someone. God knows you can’t talk to Flo about it, she would smother him while he slept,” Max joked. “And I kind of like having my best friend.” His eyes looked at the couple before he sighed. “Most of the time at least.”
You weren’t the only one vying for his attention anymore since he got a girlfriend. “You’ve been drinking too much, Fewtrell. You’re seeing things with your beer goggles on, I have no interest in Lando.”
“Is that why he hasn’t stopped staring at you?” Your head snapped around but Lando’s attention was firmly on Luisa and the very deep kiss they were openly sharing. “Totally not interested in him, huh,” he chuckled as he tightened his hold on you when you tried to pull away. “I’m sorry, it sucks, wanting what you can’t have.”
“There are worse things,” you muttered under your breath but he heard and curled an eyebrow in question. “Wanting what you can’t have right in front of you.”
He had no response but a sad smile as the song changed and Michael Bublé’s Cold December Night crooned over the speakers. 
“The twinkling of the lights, The sound of carols fill the household, Old saint Nick has taken flight, With a heart on board so please be careful, Each year I ask for many different things, But now I know what my heart wants you to bring.”
“I fucking hate Bublé,” you sniffed as you pulled away from Max’s arms. “I’m just going to get some fresh air.”
“It’s bloody snowing out there,” he objected as he followed you to the backdoor. “You’re going to be sick for Christmas.”
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The dinner bell rang out and you sighed as it shattered the bubble you had found yourself in and knew you would have to release Lando from your arms.
“Come to my room tonight,” you whispered against his lips before they shared one last kiss. ‘Your room’ was actually one of the guest rooms down the hall but you had spent so much time in it over the years that it was only ever referred to as yours now. It was so much yours that Cisca had even asked you for your opinion in the wallpaper when she renovated the house.
“Don’t have to tell me twice, baby,” he said with a smirk as he opened the backdoor for you. You reluctantly removed his jacket and missed the scent more than the warmth as you passed it back. Lando pulled it back on and dipped his head to steal one final kiss before stepping inside with a warning over his shoulder, “No dancing with Max this year.”
“It’s your turn to be jealous this year,” you said as you blew a kiss to him along the narrow corridor.
He paused and cast his arm out, planting his palm on the wall and blocking you from rejoining the party. “What makes you think I wasn’t jealous last year?”
“Maybe it was the tongue down Luisa’s throat, or the hand up her skirt?”
You tried to duck under his arm but he caught you around the waist and used his body to cage you against the wall. “I had to do something to distract myself,” he admitted lowly in your ear, hiding his face from your disbelieving eyes. “You were all I could think about, you and that sexy little dress.” You tilted your head back as you felt his lips on your neck as he continued his confession. “If I didn’t do something I would have gone crazy watching him hold you when I couldn’t.”
His kiss set your body on fire and you combed your fingers through his hair tugging the strands so you could capture his lips.
“What the fuck!”
Both of your heads snapped towards the outburst and your stomach dropped as you saw Flo standing at the end of the hall. Her arms were limp at her side, the blank look of shock bleeding into betrayal as her head started to shake before she turned away.
Your body reacted before your brain could, pushing Lando away as you chased after her despite his call to let her go. You couldn’t let that happen, she had always been a worrier and the longer she stewed on something the worse it got in her mind. You had to talk to her.
You raced up the stairs, apologising to Adam as you passed him in the hurry, the confusion of catching his daughter’s rush to escape clear on his face. Her door was shut and you tested the handle to find it was locked and your head thumped against the wood with defeat.
“Please, Flo, let me in,” you begged her. A quick no resounding from inside. Turning around, you took a seat on the floor and rested your back to the door. “I’m going to stay right here until you open the door.”
“You’re going to be there a very long time.”
You sat there in silence for a few minutes wondering where to begin, how to explain what happened, why, how long. Finally you decided on a simple apology. “I’m sorry, Flo. We didn’t intend to fall in love, didn’t intend on anything happening. I fought the feelings for years, because I knew what it meant to you.”
“Still didn’t stop you though, did it?” She spat, her voice closer than you expected. “I had one rule. One!”
Your make up was certainly ruined as tears spilled forth, eyeliner and mascara stealing down your cheeks. “I know.”
“They say they don’t have favourites but mum and dad have always put him first. They missed my events to go to his races,” she sobbed, a sense of déjà vu filling you as she retold the history you had consoled her through years ago. She had always felt second place to Lando. “I thought you would always be my best friend.”
Your gut wrenched as you realised what she was feeling. She thought you were choosing him over her - like there had to be an ultimatum. “I still am,” you promised, shaking the door handle again. “Please, unlock the door.” She made no move to turn the key.
“Do you remember when you got Summer and I thought you were going to forget all about me?” you asked, remembering the day the pony arrived at the house and Flo had been so excited she had run off to the stables without you. “You told me I was always going to be your best friend, from cradle to grave. She was your horse, and you could love us both, right?”
The door tugged open and you fell back, sprawled on the floor as she stood with her arms crossed. “Are you calling my brother a horse?”
“Depends, would it make you feel better?”
She rolled her eyes and offered a hand to pull you to your feet. “I don’t know yet, I’m too pissed off at you.”
“Fair enough.”
“Hey, you guys okay?” Lando asked as he jogged to the top of the stairs, his tie and jacket missing.
You screwed your eyes shut at the timing and pinched the bridge off your nose as you asked, “Can we just have a few minutes?”
He turned twice first to head back down the stairs before he changed his mind and went to his room. “You said I had changed,” he muttered to Flo as he stood in his doorway and held the door knob. “You said I looked happier than ever.”
“I’m going to vomit if you tell me she’s the reason.”
“For what? Stealing my best friend?”
You stepped into her line of vision and waved a hand behind your back hoping Lando would get the hint. “He hasn’t stolen me, Flo. Cradle to grave.” You held up your pinky and held your breath as she stared at the age old promise you had made. “I should have told you how I felt about him, but you can be really scary and I was a coward. It was still a shitty thing to do.”
“Really shitty.”
“I know.”
“I can’t believe it was you,” she said with a shake of her head. “I knew there had to be a girl. This is annoying, more than anything, because he’s not such a muppet anymore, but knowing it’s from you - I don’t know if that’s better or worse.”
“Surely being happy is what matters most, not the who or why.”
She fell silent and her eyes fell to the door that he had quietly shut. “What happens if he breaks your heart?”
You hoped it never came to that but you couldn’t see the future so you shrugged. “Then I will cry on my best friend’s shoulder like I always have.”
Her shoulders bounced once with a laugh before she caught herself and tried to appear nonchalant. “I suppose I would offer to key their car.”
“And I would say it isn’t worth it.” You reached for her hand and she let you hold it as you gave it a squeeze. “But…if he doesn’t then I might not just be your best friend, might be your sister in law too someday.”
“Too soon,” she said with a scrunch of her nose as she pulled her hand away and went to Lando’s door. “Hurt her and I’ll key your new car, noob.”
The door swung open and Lando leaned against the jamb. “You don’t have to worry, sis.”
“I love her more than you.”
Lando snorted, a sound so similar to Flo’s, and he shook his head. “It’s not a competition, you muppet.”
She appeared almost pleased, though also surprised as she nodded and stepped away, “good answer.”
“But,” Lando smirked and you sighed inwardly, “if it was I would win.”
Flo oddly didn’t respond as she started to make her way back to dinner, pausing only as she reached the stairs before looking back. “By the way, I’m dating Max.”
“What? No fucking way, I gonna kill him,” Lando growled as he took a step towards her before her head fell back with laughter.
“Of course I'm not, Lando, but now you know how it feels.”
Her laugh echoed down the hall as she descended the staircase and left the two of you alone. Facing Lando, you stared at him wondering if anything had changed but the moment of uncertainty was gone when he pulled you into his arms and kissed you without fear of being caught.
“I’m taking you to dinner tomorrow, it’s all I’ve wanted to do for so long,” he laughed as he pressed his forehead to yours and recovered from the almost blessing you had received from Flo. “We don’t have to hide anymore.”
“Tomorrow's Christmas,” you said with a smile.
“Shit, okay then, the next day. Hey!” He grinned as he pointed downstairs, his head bobbing along to the song that was playing again on the playlist. “Christmas came early for me,” he said as he dragged you to his bedroom and closed the door, silencing Bublé as he sang, ‘All I want for Christmas is you’.
“We are going to miss dinner,” you warned as he sat on his bed and pulled you onto his lap.
“There’s always plenty of leftovers, plus, what I want isn’t on the menu downstairs,” he teased as his hands brushed beneath your dress.
“Bob, what are you up to-oh!” Max covered his eyes as he busted into the room. “Bro, everyone is waiting for you two. Time and place, people.”
You stood up and pulled the dress back into place, sending Lando a look that said ‘I told you so’ before tapping Max on the shoulder as you passed him. “You can look now.”
“I think the damage is already done, the image is seared on my retina,” he said with a dramatic shake. “So you two finally…”
“Got caught,” Lando said with a chuckle, slipping his hand in yours as the three of you headed to the dining room. “No more hiding.”
Max grinned and clapped Lando on the shoulder. “About time!”
“Wait, you knew?”
“Uh…I have been in the middle of this situation for like five years. Of course I knew. I think I knew before the two of you knew.”
You frowned at the news and came to a stop halfway to the landing. “So last year?”
“Was my trying to get you two to see what was clearly right in front of you the whole bloody time. You’re welcome for that, you know. And I expect to be thanked as the best friend and wingman one can ask for in our next stream. Now can we please go and eat, I’m starving!”
Lando looked at you with a different look of hunger in his eyes as he kissed your hand. “Me too.”
Taglist {1}: @moonvr @copper-boom @yunnie-f1 @ophcelia @lightsoutletsgo @alwaysclassyeagle @neiich @omgsuperstarg @starwarssavy23 @fdl305 @faeb1tch42069 @sweetestrose569 @pleasantducktimetravel @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @belennasif @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19 @destourtereaux @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky @jpg3  @bangtanxberm @ohthemisssery @eviethetheatrefreak @kimi240302 @andydrysdalerogers @formula1mount @storyteller-le @dakotali @daddyslittlevillain @elijahslover
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
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omg not me freaking out that i am part of the group that gets bait gifs! FRIENDS!!!!!!! i'm fine. i'm chill. don't leave me!
This took me a minute to figure out what I wanted Sir Dorksalot to have done that was sketchy enough to have him make this face...
Watch The Fish, Jake Jensen x reader headcanon wholeass fic in bullet format because my god this got long
Warnings for mentions of masturbation and porn, accidental then totally intentional voyeurism, awkward and oblivious!Jake--so just Jake, yeah?--and smutty implications...
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🥹 roommates to lovers 😊
you rent a pretty large house maybe even with one or two others at first, but they move out
jake has to use it as a crashpad sometimes because he'll be away for so long at a time, but he pays rent and the entire electrical & internet bill no matter what
you keep a fish tank in the living room
after jake comes back from months in hiding abroad away, he gets so excited to be home and spend time with his niece that he hosts an after-game pizza party for her soccer team
someone practices headbutting the ball inside and nearly topples the tank
jake catches the whole thing with his broad arm-span and a decent amount of strength just in time when it wobbles the whole table beneath it. his heart nearly stopped, and he's so grateful the glass didn't break. thank god you weren't home.
however, you insist on moving the fish to your room instead once he tells you.
jake's a little sad to see them go. he pouts so much you decide to take pity on him, buying a web cam to mount beside the tank so jake can watch them whenever he wants. he loves to do voices for each one, personalities, soap-opera-like dramatic storylines, the works
as an aside you ask him if the sound can be turned off on the camera. jake says yeah but he mostly means he can turn it to mute on his computer.
which he does, for the record, but he has to remember to do it each time he pulls up the feed of da fishies. honestly, half the time he's wearing headphones and the other half you aren't home while he puts the Marauders (because there's just one fat one) onto his third monitor for background.
so he forgets that the sound is on and a thing he might need to avoid
weeks later, maybe months, jake finally removes his headphones after a very long stint of coding, completely unaware of what time it is and that you are home in your room
at first, jake is dead convinced that some porn ad has popped up in a window behind his work, something he would go apeshit about and ransomware bomb the shit out of whoever wrote such slippery spam
the fish are peaceful as ever, blooping away whilst jake frantically closes program after program trying to find the hot chick moaning on his desktop...until it's all closed and the buzzing remains though his tower's fan stopped...then the squelching noise starts
jake is frozen in place, looking away from the fish like they're the damn problem, but he doesn't cut the feed
he...he shouldn't
he should turn it off or just mute it like he promised
and he tries
he tries really hard, gang
it's the cursor's fault that it hits the command to send the audio to his bluetooth headphones instead of mute
and he sets the headphones down on the keyboard, gnawing on his bottom lip and watching his closed bedroom door in anticipation of...getting caught, maybe? he's not sure
he watches the fish putter around like it's no big deal
which it isn't, right?
you're human. he's human. humans have urges. they touch themselves--they touch each other, too--and there's no harm in that. if anything...jake encourages it, or he would...if you knew that he knew about this
the noises are so faint from the itty bitty speakers two feet from his face, but he doesn't pick them up, still debating what to do
because there's a big difference between what jake should do in this situation and what he wants to do
he mutes audio and then cuts off the livestream
at least, that's what he did the first time it happened
he knows he's a perv. jake can't help it.
it becomes a game of sorts. it's like practice recon for learning a target's routine. not that jake needs practice at the job he already fucking has but that's how his brain justifies laying on his own bed in the glow of the fish tank feed with his headphones turned way up
he knows your bed is on the other side of your room from when he moved the fish tank in
he knows what your underwear look like from the laundry room downstairs
he knows what you smell like from the shared bathroom and the products lining your shelf
he now knows there's a bottle of toy cleaner in one of your sink drawers
and he shouldn't but he absolutely touches himself listening to you, fists himself when you're fucking a toy he imagines six-shapes-to-Sunday, teases himself when all you're doing is breathing softly from across the whole house and he's cold and covered in cum by the end
to be fair, jake hates himself because of all this, but he is now mildly addicted
he doesn't even exit out of the livestream anymore. it just stays up on his monitor like a screensaver, but he doesn't realize that once he takes his headphones out of range, the audio transfers to his speakers again
so jake goes on a mission for a few days, and at some point while you are cleaning up your room, playing music, you find two pairs of jake's socks in your load of clean laundry and go to toss them in his room...where the same music you're listening to way down the hall is playing...in sync...
you're horrified and then embarrassed and then quickly realized it might mean nothing
you have to test if it means something
jake returns from his mission on complete autopilot
just so damn tired
throws down his duffle on top of some socks he doesn't remember leaving out and just hits the shower for a long, long time
he hasn't talked to you yet
he hasn't even seen you except your car is home and your door is shut
he goes about his business
the volume on his speakers isn't high but he hears you speaking and assumes you're on the phone
he pays it no mind. he is glad to be home, glad you're fine since he's just been in a part of the world where most people are not safe.
in a weird sort of way, he feels he's earned the mundane sort of comfort that comes from "the same ol'" of this house
he's wiped out, so he crawls into bed with his headphones immediately, hair barely toweled dry, not bothering with boxers because...why make more laundry?
and then the worst thing happens
there's a man's voice coming through his headphones, and jake scowls in frustration and rage
did you go and get a fucking boyfriend? in a couple of days? or goddamnit is this some tinder shit in his home right now?
but it only gets worse
he can hardly contain himself, what with the gagging sounds and this dude telling you to take it like the whore you are, and JAKE WILL LITERALLY BURN THIS PLACE DOWN
now his ass is putting on clothes
now his ass is ready to riot
the sex gets more and more degrading; spanking noises and even choking, but not in a seemingly consensual way, which is when jake rips his headphones off, storms down the hall and barrels straight through your bedroom door
no one is. no you. no man.
just your laptop sitting on your desk near the fish tank, playing the money shot of a porn video he was just listening to
get the fuck out. get out. get out. his brain screams, and he bolts
he makes it three feet before stopping short
you're standing at the top of the stairs, a bowl of ice cream in hand, licking the spoon unbelievably slowly with your whole tongue
you're fucked. you're fucked. you're fucked. his brain adds helpfully.
"hey, jakey," you say with a smile. "whatcha doing?"
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A/N: this cat is officially my reaction to pretty much everything because...well...it's very accurate.
[Main Masterlist; Jake Jensen Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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riconas · 1 year
Can you write some Swiss/Dew lazy, sleepy morningsex, pretty please🙏🏻
look. this was lazy and sleepy and soft at first. but it’s swiss and dew. what can i do
sleepy(ish) sex under the cut
“Shh, no,” Swiss whispers, when Dew tries to roll over. “Just stay there. Don’t get up.”
Dew blinks bearily. “Wha—”
“Shh,” Swiss whispers again, pulling Dew even closer, and Dew feels the stiff length of his cock pressing into the small of his back.
Dew buries his face in the pillow. Not that this is unpredictable behaviour, coming from Swiss, but Satanas. He’s so tired. Exhausted, worn out from last night. Lucifer, if Swiss asks him to ride, he might just knee him in the balls.
“Don’t have to do anything,” Swiss says, as if reading his mind. “Just let me—” He slides the head of his cock against Dew’s hole, still wet and puffy from the fun they’d had before bed, and Dew shivers. Sensitive, first thing in the morning.
He manages a helpless little whine before Swiss is pressing in, nice and easy, all the way. No trouble at all. He’s already hardening up, his body just as excited for this as Swiss is, even as the aches and pains make themselves known.
Good wake up call.
When Swiss wraps his strong arms around Dew’s middle and grinds deep into him, Dew arches his back and moans, accidentally headbutting Swiss. He’s about to apologise, but Swiss is already propping his head up on Dew’s shoulder and laughing breathily in his ear.
“It’s okay,” he says. “Nuh-uh. Don’t get up. You just lie there and feel good.”
Dew certainly isn’t complaining. He sighs, always happy to be a pillow princess, and lets Swiss fuck languidly into his tired body, clenching every now and then to help him along. Well. He hopes he’s helping Swiss along. He would be quite useless otherwise.
“You touching yourself?” Swiss asks. “You can. If you want.”
Dew does want. Dew wants so much. But he really is tired, and jerking himself off is an effort he doesn’t feel like making.
“Uh-huh,” is all he says, hoping Swiss takes that as a yes.
He practically hears Swiss’s smirk. “Someone’s still sleepy.”
Dew huffs. “That’s ‘cause you—oh, fuck, fuck—woke me up at the ass-crack of dawn.”
He stops talking after that, because Swiss isn’t fucking him leisurely anymore—he’s holding Dew’s hips with a vice-like grip, manhandling him every which way as he jabs his cock into his prostate. Dew’s too weak to be annoying, so he lies there and takes it like the good boy he hopes Swiss will say he is, instinctively snaking his tail around Swiss’s forearm.
“You’re so useless,” Swiss says, not unkindly. “So lucky. Don’t want to do any work, do you?”
“No,” Dew squeaks.
“Not even touching that little dick, are you?”
Dew whines. “No.”
“Need some help?”
Does he need Swiss’s help to jerk himself off? He does. He absolutely does, and he’s going to say yes, and Swiss is never going to shut up about this.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Just—just this once.”
What a good liar he is.
“Sure,” Swiss laughs, but he cups Dew’s aching cock anyway, cradles it in the palm of his hand, and fuck if that doesn’t make Dew feel some kind of way. Not that Dew’s cock is small, he swears, just that Swiss’s hand is big. That’s all.
“Stroke it,” Dew mumbles.
“Stroke it, you have to stroke it—”
“Have to?” Swiss gives his cock a squeeze. “Nah.”
Dew slumps against the pillow. Groans, loudly.
“You wanna grind?” Swiss asks. “C’mere. Be nice and comfy for you.”
With great effort, Dew climbs over him, perches astride his broad hips. Rubs their cocks together a little, attempts to wrap his hand around both of them at once to give the world’s most pathetic handjob.
“Sit on it,” Swiss says.
Dew shuffles up and slowly lowers himself onto Swiss’s cock. There’s a stretch, but it doesn’t hurt—not enough to matter, at least.
Instinct kicks in, and he’s bouncing in no time, albeit a little sloppily. Swiss doesn’t seem to mind, anyhow. He’s got this lazy smile on his face as he loosely grasps Dew’s hips, a growing smirk that says he’s waiting for Dew’s thighs to give out so he can give him a real pounding.
He doesn’t wait long.
“That’s okay,” Swiss says soothingly, when Dew’s head begins to droop. “Relax.” He taps his own chest. “All for you. Lie down.”
With a quiet groan, Dew plasters himself to Swiss’s chest, tucking his face into the crook of Swiss’s neck. Swiss smells like ash and weed and something distinctly spicy, maybe cardamom. Dew wouldn't know. He doesn't study the spice bottles in the kitchen.
“Too early for this shit,” he mumbles, and he feels the rumble of Swiss’s laugh shake through his body.
“I didn’t say you had to do all the work,” Swiss says lightly. He traces a finger down Dew’s spine, drags it back up again. Feather-light. Ticklish. Quite nice, actually.
He’ll wake Swiss up next time. At five am. Maybe four. Let him know how annoying it is, having his beauty sleep so rudely cut short.
“Don’t make that face,” Swiss says, which is stupid, because he can’t even see Dew’s face, but whatever. He grabs two handfuls of Dew’s ass and moves him like that, rocking slowly into him, getting a steady rhythm going.
Dew tries to sneak his hand between them, get a hold on his cock, but Swiss catches his wrist before he can get very far.
“Nuh-uh,” he chides. “Not yet.”
“Why not?” Dew asks, genuinely confused. Isn’t this all for him? He tries again, but Swiss just catches him a second time and doesn’t let go.
“You don’t have to do any work,” Swiss says. “Just stay there, sweetheart. Let me make you feel good,” and okay, Dew’s getting the hang of this now. He could push himself upright, technically, and jerk himself off like that, but he’s not enthusiastic about his arms feeling like noodles—not after Swiss made him hold himself up for hours last night while he plowed him into the mattress.
So Dew does what Dew does worst: he shuts his mouth, closes his eyes, and obeys.
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
In a World That's Caught In a Writer's Web, Humiliation Reigns
WC: 2,2k
Relationship: Dew/Rain, Rain/Mountain, Swiss/Dew, Swiss/Aether
Tags: Teasing, dirty talk, cumming on stage, anal, blow jobs
It was a conspiracy, that’s what it was. It had to be. If it wasn’t, why would everyone tease him so much? He was behaving, for once, the last few days, and yet Dew was on the verge of popping a boner even before the show. Long before it.
Read under the cut or on AO3.
It was a conspiracy, that’s what it was. It had to be. 
If it wasn’t, why would everyone tease him so much? He was behaving, for once, the last few days, and yet Dew was on the verge of popping a boner even before the show. Long before it. 
Swiss’ hand on his thigh, moving up and down, squeezing, during the ride to the venue. Mountain ‘accidentally’ crowding him against whatever surface was around like he didn’t know what his size alone did to Dew. Aether whispering compliments, praise, straight into his ear with an arm around his waist. Rain just looking at him, all the time, in a way that made Dew’s knees buckle on its own. 
Everything was just so suggestive, and yet no one offered a hand or a mouth before the Ritual. At least the girls weren’t on it, if so, he definitely wouldn’t live long enough to go on stage.
But it didn’t end with the show beginning, the opposite, actually. 
Dewdrop was in misery, he was half hard by the time the first three songs ended and painfully so before they reached half of the show. Everyone could smell it on him, and it seemed to fuel their teasing even more.
Aether was constantly bumping into Dew, rubbing against him, sneaking a hand to smack him or squeeze his ass, shoving it under his guitar to fully grab him or just seemingly innocently caressing his inner thigh.
Dewdrop thought he would be safe at least from Swiss, not getting close to his platform, but he couldn’t be more wrong. The multi ghoul decided to roam the stage free tonight, and there was no way for Dew to escape him. The first time Swiss jumped him, he plastered himself to Dew and grabbed him everywhere squeezing and kneading. The second time, he ran to give Dew a hit of his vape when he was messing with the whammy bar, Swiss shoved one of his fingers along the pen into the fire ghoul’s mouth. Not enough to make him gag or choke, but enough of a suggestion, especially considering the circumstances. Then he just, oh so innocently, ran away, back to his platform, leaving Dew even more of a mess than he was moments before.
Rain, as expected, was the worst. Dew was totally down for him all the time, but when the water ghoul had a specific goal? There was just no rescuing Dewdrop.
Rain was on Dew all the time, headbutting him, bending his knee just between Dew’s legs, ghosting soft touches all over him. But that’s not what made Rain’s torture so agonising.
It was his filthy mouth, words half spoken into his ear, half into his mind, to make sure they wouldn’t be left unheard because of the show’s loudness.
“You smell so pretty, I could just eat you up.”
“I wanna bend you over that amp right here and fuck you stupid, in front of everyone. Show them all what a whiny slut you really are.”
“You actually look like you have an ass in these pants, I can’t stop staring, wanna just shove my face into it.”
“I’ll have you sit on my cock later, will you be a good boy for me? Warm my dick up properly, wait patiently until I’ll get bored enough to fuck you into whatever will be around?”
“Or maybe you wanna choke on it? Want to get all wet and messy, want my cum to fill your belly like a slut you are?”
“We could invite the rest, stuff you full in every way, cock shoved down every hole, bet you’d like that. Being used like a cheap whore.”
“You’d love getting fucked here, wouldn’t you? Everyone would look at the big, mighty ghoul getting dicked down like a pathetic bitch in heat.”
“I wonder if your devoted fans will respect you the same after watching you moan and whimper like a whore with a real cock up your ass.”
Dewdrop just couldn’t take it. He was so hard, pathetically trying to hide his boner behind his Stratocaster and wishing he’d stay with Fantomen for its way bigger body. He was running away from Rain in a way that must’ve looked awkward, there was no way the fans didn’t notice, he was sure his humiliation would be up on Twitter or Tiktok by tomorrow morning. At least they couldn’t see his face, presumably flushed deep red, and not from the excretion a Ritual usually brought on.
Few more songs and Dew’d get backstage, maybe finally getting something other than teasing from one or more of his packmates. If not, pathetic blowing his load into the first toilet available would have to do. Either way, the fire ghoul had to make it to the end.
But then time for ‘Year Zero’ came.
Dewdrop decided to leave Rain alone this time, no touching, no choking, because it would mess Dew up, not him. People would probably be disappointed, but, oh well, it was better than him passing out from having no blood in his brain in favour of his cock.
Rain, on the other hand, did not want to miss their little stunt. But considering Dewdrop’s unwillingness, he had to take matters into his own hands, literally, just as he was doing all day. He creeped up behind Dew when Aether started his solo, the small ghoul absolutely not noticing him, standing with one leg propped on a step and his guitar conveniently resting against it.
The water ghoul stood just behind him, his arm reaching in front of Dew to splay across his chest and harshly bring his back flush with Rain, the water ghoul barely saving the arena from awful feedback from his bass. Rain trailed his hand upwards, making sure to catch on the nipple rings hidden behind Dewdrop’s uniform, stopping at the fire ghoul’s neck.
“My pretty bitch, I’ll get you stuck on my knot, stuff you full of my cum, make sure you catch,” Rain spoke just as he started squeezing. “I’ll watch you swell with my kits, no one will dare to touch you, everyone will know just who you belong to.”
Dew moaned so high and loud Rain could hear him over all the noise, feeling how whole body spasmed, his guitar making a barely noticeable pinch. The water ghoul smirked, backing away, but when the smell hit him, his mouth dropped open under the balaclava.
Dewdrop came.
Untouched, on stage.
Rain couldn’t be more proud of himself.
Dew regained his composure, partially at least, to survive the rest of the show, now not the hard on tormenting him, but the aftermath.
The shame, the stickiness, the hungry eyes of his packmates on his back, the thousands of eyes in front of him that could’ve noticed. What if someone noticed? What if someone recorded it? They must’ve, but is his literal orgasm noticeable?
He fucking cummed on stage.
The fire ghoul burned with embarrassment, Rain’s words still echoing in his brain, the mess in his pants making him the worst kind of uncomfortable both physically and mentally. The Ritual seemed to never end.
Until it did, but that was even worse, as Dew had to put his guitar, his only shield, away. He never prayed so loud in his life for dry pants, looking down after the Stratocaster was taken by his tech. He nearly cried in relief when his boxers turned out to have perfectly soaked his cum in, leaving his uniform pants looking normal.
Dewdrop was still very much on edge, throwing the picks and giving out the setlists, glancing down from time to time to make sure he was still relatively safe. That is until Swiss came up behind him, grabbing him by his crotch and bringing his small body against his, “Someone got wet, didn’t he? Smells delicious.”
Dew choked on his spit, managing only a pathetic whimper making Swiss laugh and leave him again. The fire ghoul was shaking by the time the bows ended and he stepped foot backstage.
He should trash around, scream at his packmates, especially Rain, for making him cum on stage, for doing it all to him, but he was just so tired and sticky he made a beeline for the venue showers, not saying a word to anyone.
Dew made the water extra hot, as if the scalding water could burn away his shame. He scrubbed at his skin, hissing at the sensitivity of his spent cock turning it into a growl loosely directed at his pack. He was wrapping himself up in a towel when he heard Swiss’ booming laugh and smelled him, Aether, Mountain and Rain. All horny, apparently, and, unfortunately, there was no way for Dew to avoid them now.
“Hi, Firefly,” Aether waved at him from across the shower room, the rest right behind him.
“Fuck off,” Dew grumbled, gathering his stage uniform from the bench, minus the boxers that stayed in a trash can, intending on storming out.
“Oh, come on,” Swiss cooed, “let us make up for it?”
“I did tell you what my plans were, baby,” Rain added.
Dewdrop weighed his options. He could go straight to the bus, sulk in his bunk curled around himself, or he could take on the offer and enjoy the ‘making up’ for the whole day of torture and the literal climax of it all.
He chose the second option, of course, he was a ghoul after all.
“Better treat me real good now,” he pouted, and before the last word left his mouth Rain was on him.
“Promise,” he whispered, attaching his lips to Dew’s neck. Swiss took the bundled up clothes from the fire ghoul, as Mountain came behind him and scooped him up, making Dew yelp.
“Won’t fuck here when we’ve got a dressing room for ourselves,” the earth ghoul announced, tilting his head down to place a soft kiss at Dew’s forehead.
They reached said dressing room soon enough, and just as Dew heard the click of a lock, he dropped his towel, his cock hard and leaking again. Rain didn’t wait for more of an invitation, stripping quickly, the others following, and beckoned Mountain to lay flat on the couch in the middle. He obeyed, cock heavy between his legs begging for attention. He received it soon enough, Rain crawling over him to sink on it in one smooth motion, having, obviously, prepared earlier. They groaned in unison, Dew making a noise of complaint where he was standing. It was supposed to be about him, after all, wasn’t it?
“Baby, come here, all fours,” Rain called for him as he laid back onto Mountain’s chest, cock in his ass. Dew obliged, how could he not, crawling over Rain in a way that made his dick hang just over his lips. “Good boy, yeah, feed it to me.”
Dewdrop felt Swiss’ warm hands at his butt just as Rain’s cool mouth closed around his tip, a quiet whimper leaving his mouth. He was way too far gone for words, already, even more when one of Swiss’ fingers plunged into his hole, thrusting and stretching, another joining soon. 
Meanwhile behind him, Aether was doing the same to the multi ghoul, making him shudder from time to time when a thick finger dragged over his prostate.
On the bottom, Rain was doing a great job at picking Dew apart, being comfortably filled himself. As the little ghoul’s punched out moans were getting higher in pitch, Swiss straddled Rain’s middle and shoved his cock into Dew, nearly rocking him off of the couch.
Dewdrop was impossibly close already, few thrust from Swiss and he was screaming, spasming and cumming down Rain’s throat, this time finally getting some pleasure out of it. He was floating for a few more moments, until he felt cum filling his ass, then it dripping down his thighs as Swiss pulled out. Seems as he was as desperate as Dew earlier. After all, Dew’s scent was keying them all up all evening.
Aether pulled Dew, not unlike a ragdoll, off of Rain and Mountain, letting the earth ghoul finally thrust up into Rain, both moaning at getting real stimulation. The quintessence ghoul put Dew at the second couch that was in the room, sitting next to him with his legs spread, beckoning Swiss closer. He scrambled to straddle his leaking cock and sank down on it as Aether guided his hips.
Dew was far away, surrounded by filthy moans and obscene slick sounds, curled around himself. He wasn’t uncomfortable anymore, just spent and tired as he waited for his packmates to have their fun.
Dew didn’t realise when they all finished, cleaned up a bit and dressed in their casual clothes, only coming back to it when Rain’s cool hand cupped his cheek, “Hey, you okay?”
“W- what? Oh, yeah, ‘m just tired,” he yawned, as if to confirm his words, a few giggles sounding at that. He was incredibly cute, fucked out, and all.
“Let’s get you back to the bus, then,” Mountain picked him up after wrapping him in Rain’s blanket. “We have the big bed tonight, all for ourselves.”
“Mhm…” Dewdrop mumbled, nuzzling his face into Mountain’s neck.
He was asleep before they even reached the bus.
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I really loved the werewolf! sanford you wrote! I was wondering if you could do a follow up where someone on the team accidentally turns the reader? (maybe Hank or Sanford himself)
It's another werewolf! All dressed up in sheep's wool, and changing when the moons full. Can you show me the way?
Werewolf!Sanford x Demigirl!Reader P2
CW: Reader gets hurt, whole team gets hurt, descriptions of gore, vomit and body horror.
[Part 1] - will link later lol
Deimos had the zoomies, sprinting back and forth from your bedroom to the front door, his toes tip tapping with impatience and excitement. It'd been a couple months since you started going on hunts with the boys, always on Sanford's broad back, the night air fresh in your lungs, hair blown by the wind.
The boys felt safe enough to transform inside the base with you around, seeing as you could open the door to let them out. "I'm coming, hold your horses Dei." You chuckled as he ran up again, whining softly with puppy eyes, ears drawn back.
Something softly headbutted your back, and you turned to see Doc, who strolled passed and sat by the door. Hurry up. He was patient, yes, but even he was starting to get bored of waiting.
There was a scuffling noise in the kitchen, and you wandered over to see Hank with their head inside the bin, rummaging around for some leftovers. He turned to look at you, a chicken leg bone in his mouth. Yesterday's scraps, tonight's lunch.
Sanford padded out of your room, yawning widely, chuffing softly as he nuzzled his cold nose into your hand. "You ready Fordie?" He licked your palm, and you headed to the door, both wolves trailing behind.
Dei yipped in excitement, his feet tapping away still. He was the quickest of the pack, always sprinting around while outside, a supercharged battery burning off its excess energy.
Opening the door, the four wolves exited first, Deimos running off ahead, Doc walking behind, clearly intent on waiting until the door was secure as usual. Hank was still gnawing away at their treat, enjoying the marrow seeping out at they cracked and splintered the old bone. Sanford took a few paces outside, before laying down so you could climb on his back.
You pet Doc's head, setting the lock on the door before hopping into Sanford's back. "Alright furry boys, let's ride!"
Hank took off after Deimos, being easily swallowed by the night as the full moon was obscured by heavy clouds. Doc and Sanford followed, keeping pace with each other. It was routine, Deimos and Hank would run off up front, San and Doc taking up the rear, though rarely did they stray too far from each other.
The strength of a wolf is his pack, and the strength of a pack is the wolf. You could feel Sanford's heart beating against your thigh, his chest heaving as he ran along, his heavy paws thudding along, coughing up earth with his claws.
Up ahead, Deimos and Hank were atop a cliff, the smaller wolf looking skyward, awaiting for the very brief window when the moon would be visible. The three of you caught up, and you got off Sanford's back, the wolves grouping together to call a hunt.
A slither of silver shone in the sky, and Doc threw back his head, letting out a mournful howl, which was joined in a chorus by the rest. Butterflies filled your stomach, and you couldn't resist, howling with them too. And the moon vanished, hiding herself away for this night.
Hank threw you a questioning look, before marching down the cliff side, uninterested in you. Doc approached, nudging you with his head before turning to follow Hank. Deimos was wagging his tail, giving a soft awoo and giving a playful bow. Like Doc, he rubbed against you before waiting at the cliff.
San came up last, rubbing his face affectionately against you, rubbing his scent all over you. He'd asked you to be his partner recently, and you agreed excitedly. He'd given you a whole new happier life, of course you'd want to share it with him.
He bowed again, letting you climb atop, getting a good grip of his neck fur as you leaned into him, the cliff was pretty steep, staying low was the best way to keep safe and on top of your ride.
Together Dei and San raced, kicking up rocks in their wake, excitement flooding your veins. You weren't super into the killing, but the pack activities really helped bond you with the boys, they offered you more physical affection. Deimos was always trying to snuggle with you and Sanford, Doc would touch your hair softly as he passed by, Hank would... sometimes offer you a thumbs up.
Despite not being a wolf, you fit perfectly into the pack, as a pack mate, and as Sanford's girlfriend. Once again you hopped off his back, ahead of you stood a band of vampires. Stepping back, you tightly gripped the silver crucifix Doc had given you, the bottom of it had been sharpened like a knife, a powerful weapon for banishing supernatural beasts of all shapes and sizes.
"Fuck 'em up boys." At your command, the wolves lunged forward, the turf war underway. The wolves, all being skilled fighters in normal life, had the upper hand, and with their blood being corrosive to vampire's innards, it was sure to be a massacre.
Coloured blood painted the streets, neon leaking on every surface. Even the werewolves' badass bitch managed to take down one or two, Doc's gift proving to be incredibly useful.
Blood splashed into Hank's eyes, they were temporaily blinded, and with no arms to wipe the blood away, they latched onto the nearest thing that wasn't a wolf and smelled of vampires.
You screamed as his teeth dug in, and instantly he let go, realising his mistake. Deimos ripped the intestines of the last vamp standing, while Doc spun on his paws, noticing you crumple to the ground, clinging to your mauled arm.
"Hank you bastard!" Sanford snarled, lunging at him, the two sending fur and blood flying as they fought, San in pure rage, and Hank in self defence.
Doc raced over, Deimos following behind, both scared. "What happened?" Dei looked to Doc, eyes stricken with terror. "Vampire?"
"It was Hank. Sanford and I saw it." Doc nuzzled his face against you, licking your wound, but the pain didn't subside as it had with Sanford all those months back, it felt like acid was pouring into your skin.
"IT BURNS!" You dropped your weapon, Doc smelled burnt flesh and he nudged your hand, the silver having left a scald. The pain was overwhelming, you'd even missed out on the fact you could understand the wolves words now.
"SANFORD! STOP! She's going to turn!" Doc barked out, and a bloodied up Sanford tossed Hank aside before laying next to you, Hank had gotten a good few bites and scratches into his already wounded body.
"You.. I'm sorry, I didn't protect you princess." His golden eyes filled with hurt and pain, pain of being unable to protect his partner, his woman.
Agony filled your body, bones creaking and starting to reshape, nails splitting into claws, blood and teeth flooded out your mouth, old human ones forced out as new wolf ones formed in, round, sharp, capable of splitting flesh from bone.
There were no words to describe the hell your fragile body was going through, spine cracking and extending, legs bending unnaturally to take on new form. Blood, snot and tears flooded from your face, and it tore Sanford up, because there was nothing any of them could do to ease the suffering.
"They're going to be okay, right?" Deimos sounded panicked.
"Of course they are. She's always had a wolf's strength. Only now they've got the body to go along with the spirit." Doc put his tail around Dei's back, and Dei leaned into his father figure, whining softly.
Your body felt like it was on fire, a mixture of blood and puke rolled out of your mouth, your claws scraping up the concrete road. Bright wolf eyes opened, scanning the rest of her pack, seeing them in a whole new perspective.
"I know it hurts." Sanford placed his muzzle over yours, body twitching and settling into its new self. "The first few always do. But your body will get used to it. And they will never be as painful as the first one, that's when the worst changes happen. We've all been through it princess."
You rested your face into San's thick neck fur, his once off putting dog smell now appealing. "D-does.. t-this me--mean I get to bite the n-next one who joins u-us?" The joke fell flat, but Sanford licked your muzzle.
Hank took a step forward, and Sanford snarled at him, ready to attack if he advanced again. "I.. I'm sorry. It was an accident. Blood in my eyes. Instinct to bite."
"You are banished from the pack tonight. You will spend the night alone, and as many moons as it takes for her to forgive you." Doc commanded, his teeth bared. "Is that clear?"
"No." You eyed Doc, who's ears went backwards.
"I'm sorry?"
"Hank will not be punished like that. While I don't forgive them for what they've done to me, I will not deprive them of one of the only comforts they know." Your grey fur bristled.
"Are you sure?" Sanford mumbled lowly, never taking his eyes off Hank.
"Yes. You taught me the way of the wolf, and depriving them of that is cruel. But make no mistake, you are not to touch me, in any shape or form, my body is not yours to lay a claw or fang on again. You will have to do a lot to earn forgiveness, but if you try, perhaps you will."
Taking the lead, you turned and began heading towards home, each step painful as bones and muscles had to adjust to their new positions and lengths, black tipped tail hanging limp. Sanford followed, Dei behind him, Doc next, and Hank bringing up the rear.
"You are lucky," Doc growled. "that they are so kind. Even now, she has pared you from isolation, after what you've done."
"I know." Hank's tail was slightly between their legs.
Doc stopped in his tracks, letting the three of you get a lead, just enough to be out of earshot. "Besides, you owe Sanford an apology too."
"How so?"
"He wanted to change them himself." Doc gave a wolfy chuckle before plodding onwards, leaving Hank to ponder a moment. They would let their packmates nurse each others wounds, allowing their own to scab over without help, a self inflected punishment.
They trudged along, a space next to Doc was calling his name in the den bed. A space that was furthest from Sanford and his mate.
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jynxeddraca · 1 year
Hi yes, more Baldur's Gate brainrot. Sorry not sorry.
First of all look at my Tav:
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She's adorable yes?
So fun fact I did not at all realize that 'Tav' is the default name given to all custom origin characters. I thought it was randomized and liked it so I kept it. So meet Tav Moonridge y'all!
Tav is a tiefling bard who grew up in the Outer City of Baldur's Gate, lives in the Lower City, basically raised her sister - Temerity Moonridge, and is currently 'on an adventure' that she really didn't want to be on and desperately wants to get back to her sister. I am also picturing her as like 5'2"/157 cm and often described as "willowy" or "reedy".
And now head canons of Tav interacting with the other characters. There are some spoiler-y things ahead.
No one has any idea how or why she ended up leading them, not even Tav. Tav is constantly baffled why anyone listens to her, but accepts it if it means she can talk everyone out of killing each other.
Tav broke Astarion's nose when they met via headbutting him in the face.
Karlach and Tav gossip in Infernal at camp. They never use anyone's names while doing so, but Astarion has a suspicion about which phrase might refer to him. Spoiler, it's Infernal for 'pretty boy' and it absolutely is referring to him.
Tav is a flirt when she's been drinking and kissed Shadowheart (during her first romance scene) and felt awful about it the next morning.
When they found the hat that is located near Alfira, Gale was able to tell it was enchanted but not really sure how. Tav laid claim on it and wears it at night to cover her eyes when she doesn't want Gale to bother her because he doesn't really get social cues and she doesn't want to hurt his feelings by just telling him to leave her alone for a bit. Gale thinks she's doing it because she had a headache or is about to go to bed.
Tav winds down in the evening by using her long tiefling talons nails to essentially fingering out tunes on her lute, without actually plucking the strings, and quietly humming along. She often does this leaning back against a stump or a rock with her eyes closed. She hasn't noticed that the camp tends to get quieter around this time because everyone likes to hear the humming - even if they refuse to admit it. She sometimes does this while wearing the hat.
When Astarion accidentally reveals he's a vampire and Tav ends up offering her neck to him - he ends up concluding that Tav has zero survival instincts. She also jabbed him in the armpit with her thumbnail to keep him from making her a corpse.
Tav fully is aware Astarion's flirting and seducing is him using her - but she thinks he's using sex as a way to secure blood from her willingly rather than his actual plan.
Lae'zel, after having to save Tav's ass one too many times, teaches Tav how to use a sword. Wyll helps out. Everyone learns that Tav is not good with blades and she is informed that she is to stick near Astarion and snipe using her crossbow.
Halsin can pick Tav up one handed and has done so to keep her from rushing into potential trouble without a plan. Tav deeply dislikes when he does this and Shadowheart has compared her acidic looks to him to a disgruntled cat. Karlach calls this 'air jail'.
Karlach will also put Tav in 'air jail' from time to time after her heart gets fixed. Astarion nearly doubled over laughing at Tav's betrayed expression when it first happened.
Astarion constantly thinks Tav has some ulterior motive for letting him drink her blood that she is really good at hiding. He eventually begrudgingly accepts that she doesn't.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 years
Heimdall x Valkyrie reader
General headcanons for my first request. 🙂
Hehehehe~ I knew you were gonna do this my friend and ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE!!! Prepare to have your heart squeezed and body feel fuzzy wuzzy! 🫰🫰🫰
Heimdall simps I still see you 🫵
Rating: mild with a side of angy boi with glowing eyes
Warnings: mild suggestions, mostly Heimdall being an ass and reader being somewhat of a tease 😏
Requested by: @grand-admiral-luna 💜💛💙
When you first came to Valkyrie training in the walls of Asgard you were pretty much the odd one out of the other trainees. You barely had a sense of flying but had pretty good fighting skills. You were still pretty young in your immortal years but even then your peers treated you hard. After the first few years of your training, and flying got a little better, you seemed to have caught the eye of a young man around your age. His name was Heimdall.
Heimdall, even when he was younger, was hard to get under personal wise. He would mostly spend his days training, watching the wall, eat and drink, sleep and repeat. His bifrost powers and foresight was pretty annoying at times when you two were near each other and Baldur & him messing with you while training. Extra annoying.
As the years flew by he started to become... something different. He wouldn't annoy you as much as Baldur would and he would just watch you from the Wall as you flew and tried aerial combat with the older Valkyries. One time when an updraft accidentally threw you off your balance when landing on the wall, Heimdall grabbed you by the arm. Your eyes made contact and the young god just scoffed and told you off for being annoying to him!
You then hatched a little scheme in your head that night. You chuckled at the idea.
The next morning you flew out to the Wall just before Heimdall's shift for the morning. You hid out on a ledge just below a watch post. You chuckled lowly. You just wanted to scare Heimdall one way or another even if you knew it will fail. You just wanted to get his attention.
Once he was near the watch post you popped out super quickly, thinking he was in the middle of the stand when he was on the railing, and you stopped. Nose to nose. His eyes seemed wide but you were to enamored by them.
"trying to scare me? Nice try Sunshine, but you came close to headbutting me" he quipped.
You pouted in his face and ruffled your wings. Then you realized. You got his attention! Successful with dumb luck? Yes.
Over the next few months of meeting up with him in the watch tower before practice, you started noticing something. He was giving small smiles to you, then he started bringing you an apple when he was usually the one to only have one.
"An apple?"
"yes take it or leave it, I'll give it to Huginn if you don't! Starve for all I care!"
"No, No! It's just...a lovely gesture, thanks...Sunshine" you smirked at him.
He had a light blush on his face.
"There's nothing lovely about it...Buttercup!"
You blushed hard at the new nickname. You looked at him in the eyes and your thoughts were bouncing all over the place. Love? Not love? Yes?! No?! AGH!!!
"Shut up your accursed thoughts...it's not helping"
You blushed brighter, that's when he yanked you into his body and held you gently.
"I'll shut them for you if you're gonna be so useless"
You beat him to the punch. You said f*ck it in your mind and kissed the tall golden god straight on the lips. Your wings wrapping around him. He gladly kissed you back. Wrapping your hands and fingers into his soft golden braids was heavenly. He seemed to like it too! He held you by your waist and massaged little circles into your sides.
What felt like hours but only minutes you pull apart from your make out session.
"Is that all you got Sunshine?" You quipped.
"Since you stole my catchphrase, I'm up for a challenge in the future, Buttercup"
As you're now dating Heimdall, he loved getting his head massaged and scratched after a long day. He leans into your touch every time. You love it when he holds you in his arms and listen to his sweet voice and he knows how to sing as well surprisingly! Don't expect him to do it outside private areas like his room or yours or on the Wall. Let's just say some nights were a little bit more heavenly when you both had a rough day.
He loves it when you cover him with your soft fluffy wings! Giving him gentle kisses to drown out his overwhelmed brain.
There has been rare cases of Heimdall hugging and kissing you outside private areas. By that time your relationship was through the roof and into the clouds. Odin had nothing to worry, until everything went south come Baldur's death. Don't worry, you weren't gonna let ANYTHING happen to him. Even if it meant some sacrifices had to be made from both of you.
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writerofadream · 8 months
Fairytale Ending? ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter One: And we're back welcome to another season I'm your host-
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[In the new intro you and Duncan are passed out on a desk while there’s a whiteboard full of potential baby names that Izzy brainstormed]
As the bus pulled to a screeching stop, Duncan stepped out first. “Man, I missed the smell of the city.” He took a big breath in. You stepped out after him, your baby hump beginning to look noticeable.
“You know, what do you think the chances of this season affecting the baby?” He turned to look at you, concerned. “I think she’ll be fine, sweetheart.” You smiled, he was very overprotective about the child. 
“Hey mami! How’s the baby doing?” Izzy, now deemed E-Scope came up to you feeling ever rambunctious as she gave you a hug. “She’s doing fine, kiddo. Kicking more every day.” You smiled at the younger girl. 
“Aw, I’m so happy for you guys.” Bridgette came up squeezing Duncan’s shoulder and giving you a kiss on the cheek. A small smile appeared on your face at the girl’s appearance. 
Duncan smiled as Geoff ruffled his hair. The older boy wrapped his arms around your waist, feeling his daughter kick, and attacked your neck with kisses, before he snuggled his chin into the crook of your neck.
“I am not going to wait here for much longer.” Heather complained. “Little miss-rich is going to give up a million big ones?” You laughed in disbelief, causing Duncan to smile. 
Sooner rather than later Chris pulled up in a log bus, he gave you a sly wink. “How’s my favorite baby mama?” He asked. “I’m this close to getting a restraining order.” You grumbled stepping onto the bus, ignoring the small growl that fell out of Duncan’s mouth as he glared at Chris.
“I’m renting this thing by the hour. All aboard!” Chris began driving as Izzy stayed behind.
You watched Owen call out to her causing her to howl like Tarzan.
A smile fell on your face once you felt Duncan get a hand on your thigh, you laid your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes as the bus gently swayed. “You’ll be here for the next six weeks.” Chris explained as the bus drove through different movie sets.
“In ten weeks my kid is gonna be born.” Duncan laughed excitedly. Trent clasped his shoulder giving it a small squeeze. “You deserve it my man.”
The fans were eating this crap up.
|Trending on X right now|
You stared at the camera in the makeup room. “He wants to give us mini statues of him if we win. He is literally giving whoever wins the exact same thing I got as my wedding present.” You grumbled rolling your eyes. 
As the entire set thumped from the apparent monster on set, Duncan wrapped a protective arm around you, shielding you from whatever danger there was. You leaned into his embrace, shutting your eyes tight as you wrapped your arms around your stomach.
“Today’s genre… the monster movie!” Chris chuckled evilly as the monster roared in the background. 
DJ passed out beside you. You gulped as you felt another kick from the girl in your stomach. “For your first challenge, everyone must get from here to the cast trailers while our state of the art monster trys to stop you.” Chris ordered. 
“Now… action!”
You raised an eyebrow. “That means go.” You all began shoving each other out of the way, and you protected your stomach. Heather accidentally elbowed your stomach and you quickly headbutted her in annoyance.
“Is the baby okay, are you okay?” Duncan yelled over the commotion worry in his eyes. You smiled, and nodded.
You were all running and Duncan and you abruptly stopped when you saw the two blondes making out. “Kids these days.” You sighed, shaking your head as Bridgette flipped you off.
Duncan laughed, twirling you, before dipping you close to the ground laying a kiss on your lips.
Duncan was carrying you bridal style as you were being chased by a bear. “Are you sure I’m not too heavy?” You fret. Duncan scoffed.
“Honey, you were eighty pounds when you got pregnant, now you're ninety. We carried double that when we were only twelve.” He laughed. You blushed, and hid in his arms.
Duncan slid on his knees, narrowly avoiding the monster’s grasp, but the monster caught Gwen and Trent instead.
“You notice how everyone sorta coupled up?” Duncan asked absentmindedly as he hid behind a cardboard car, not even panting. “Mm, no idea why.” You twisted the ring on your finger subconsciously.
Duncan smiled at the nervous habit you had picked up, and he set a kiss on your lips.
Suddenly you watched a scaly green finger tap his shoulder. He turned around to see the monster and your eyes widened. “You better not drop me, Chef.” You grumbled as the monster scooped you both up. Duncan groaned. “We were so close.” He yelled over the wind.
Finally you made it over to the bouncy castle and the monster dropped Duncan, but set you down carefully so the baby wouldn’t be harmed.
“How are you his favorite?” Duncan laughed turning on his side in the rubber castle to stare at his beautiful wife. “Because I’m the only one nice to him.” You returned with a cheeky smile. “How are you not terrified of him?” Gwen asked, jumping beside you. 
You shrugged. “I’ve seen a lot of scary things in my lifetime. Very few things scare me.” You laughed squeezing Duncan’s hand. He was your life, your support system.
Trent shook his head exasperated. “That’s amazing my dude.” Geoff laughed, giving you a fist bump causing you to smile. “She’s amaze balls!” Izzy lightly fell over your legs, careful to avoid your stomach. You chuckled as you watched your husband ruffle the hair of the girl you both thought of as a daughter.
The day passed extremely quickly. It started off with Duncan talking about your new life in New York causing the boys to freak with excitement.
“I own a bar, and it’s called ‘Total Drama Bar’ right now. I got one of my brother’s handles but it’s great. Free drinks on me whenever this is all over. We have this awesome apartment right above it and you can hear all this great music, Trent. I love living there and I’m so happy and amazed how she got all of this for us.”
Duncan explained to Trent, DJ, and Geoff who whooped at the promise of free alcohol. 
You told the girls a similar story.
“Guys, I love my new job, the half-way house holds all these unique girls and their stories. Gwen, one day you have to visit so you can hear some of them for your book. Lindsay, you'd love our street. It's got these amazing stores. Courtney the school nearby, I was wondering if you’ve heard of it-”
Everyone was talking about their lives and what had happened after the last season had ended.
Soon, it was night and Duncan had dragged you in the corner of the bouncy house and laid down, nearly begging to cuddle. “I love you mi vida, more and more every day.” He kissed the top of your head and you smiled. Everyone had quickly fallen asleep, but not Duncan.
He was obsessed with the way you looked. He loves talking to you, he loves loving you.
Man, he was obsessed with you.
You screamed at the foghorn and your hands flew over your ears. Too familiar, way way too familiar. But before you could go into a full panic attack, Duncan was in front of you, whispering his assurances that you were far away from that awful place.
He slowly took your hands off your ears and kissed the top of them before scooping you up in a hug. Suddenly Owen had popped the bouncy house and you scrambled outside. But you noticed a certain redhead was missing. More panic flew at you. “Where’s Izzy?” You hissed your heart beating in a way that you knew was not good for the baby. Duncan had his arms wrapped around you, squeezing tightly enough to replace a weighted blanket.
Izzy suddenly appeared. “I had a date with the monster, he does not take no for an answer.” She winked suggestively and you nearly smacked her over the head. You scooped her in a hug, and in that moment Izzy knew you were her family. Through and through.
Chris came out of his trailer and laughed at the chaos around him. “Can’t believe ya’ll survived. Guess I lost the bet.” He didn’t sound too disappointed.
“Luckily, your next challenge is an award.” Chris began to explain the reward’s and the rules but your heart was still beating so quickly. It had to slow down or something was going to happen to the baby. Duncan was whispering in your ear.
“I love you, you are safe, you are around family, you are my life, and I’d give up anything to make you happy and feel comforted.” He repeated the mantra and slowly but surely your heart rate went down to a normal pace.
You watched Owen eat tons of food in mere seconds. Your husband was fascinated but you were, in simple terms, disgusted.
“It’s truly shocking that you are not experiencing cravings. It must be a side effect of your anorexia.” Courtney had been documenting your pregnancy since you had announced it. 
“I love you girly, but do me a favor and don’t talk about it.” You muttered absentmindedly staring as Owen consumed unholy amounts of food.
“Owen, that was fake food.” Chris explained after the boy ate everything. “Oh…” Then he burped out a key. “Wait, do I win?” Owen asked and Chris stared at him for a moment before giving up. “Yeah. Sure, whatever. God I should’ve just been a doctor.”
The boys had won… but lost.
Because the winner was an idiot. The prize was the choice between a smashed camper or a good one. But Owen chose the smashed one causing the boys to groan, yell, and scream curses. The girls cheered and did a big group hug in happiness.
“DAMN IT.” You yelled as the monster smashed the other trailer.
After the Chef had repaired your trailer you were finally allowed to go in. Unsurprisingly the girls quickly started arguing. Honestly Chris needed to do you a favor and just stop inviting Heather. It would make all of this so much easier.
Maybe you could ask…
You stepped out of the cabin after Bridgette and you had drawn straws and were sleeping together. You got bottom bunk because you didn’t want to accidentally fall and hurt the baby, which she understood.
After the girls had fallen asleep you had gotten a text.
Mi amor <3: i miss you
Me: i know :(. Why do we keep coming back on this show
Mi amor <3: because we want our future kids to think we were hip
Me: … pls tell me u didnt just say ‘hip’
Mi amor <3: I did Mrs. Tarun.
Mi amor <3: …oh goody…
Mi amor <3: i love you, sm more then youll ever know, imma attack you with love in the mornin since chris locked every exit out of this darn thing
Me: ‘darn thing’ oh god we’re old
Mi amor <3: 😭
“This is your five a.m wakeup call-” The foghorn was not as loud this time, but still loud. Before you could stop yourself you screamed “KILL YOURSELF ASSHOLE.” and the rest of the girls loudly agreed while groaning.
“It was a joke, you can sleep… for now.”
You quickly passed out once more.
“What does tomorrow hold in store for our beloved married couple, and the rest of our crew. Find out next time on…
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Whump list
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I did not include all the injuries that the characters get in battle, only the ones I feel contributes to the plot. Did not include whump from the movies as the list will be very long. It is already very long as it is.
No. of ep: 49
Goshikida Kaito/ Zenkaiser played by Komagine Kiita
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Ep 01: 
Grabbed by the collar by Barashita and tossed away, falls into a pile of garbage
Ep 02: 
Poisoned by toxic spores. in pain 
Ep 04:
Punched in the face
Ep 05:
Tied (Stuck) to a bench and Juran
Ep 09:
Held at gunpoint and robbed
Tied up
Ep 21:
Ep 26:
Attacked by Stacey
Desperately looking for his mother
Ep 31:
Crying over Secchan's "Death"
Ep 32: (in Stacey's body)
Punched in the face
Ep 33:
Hit by a Kendo training sword
Ep 35:
Emotional whump; finds out Hakaizer is his father
Ep 44:
Gets cursed with bad luck
Ep 48:
Is hit by Boccowaus's attack, gets dehenshined
Ep 49:
Has to fight a god alone
Juran/ZenkaiJuran voiced by Asanuma Shintaro
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Ep 01:
Striked by Tojitendo soldier, falls into a pile of garbage
Ep 05:
Tied (Stuck) to a bench and Kaito
Ep 07:
Accidentally injured by Gaon
Ep 09:
Held at gunpoint and robbed
Tied up
Ep 12:
Trapped in a forcefield created by MoTW that slows everything down.
Ep 15:
Flashback: beaten up by Mooks
Ep 33:
Hit by a Kendo training sword
Ep 38:
Attacked by his ancestor
Ep 44:
Gets cursed with bad luck
Ep 48:
Is hit by Boccowaus's attack while shielding Kaito, gets dehenshined
Gaon/ZenkaiGaon voiced by Kaji Yuki
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Ep 06:
Angst; from accidentally injuring his teammates
Ep 09:
Held at gunpoint and robbed
Tied up
Ep 13:
Shot by Vox while trying to stop him from shooting humans turned kuducks
Gets attacked and beaten up by same Kuducks
Ep 22:
Emotional whump; is scolded for the way he treats other Kikainoids. Realizes that he has been treating his comrades badly and feel bad about it.
Beaten up until de-henshin
Collapse from his injuries
Ep 23:
In pain while getting his injuries treated
Is bandaged and on crutches throughout the episode
Ep 44:
Gets cursed with bad luck
Ep 48:
Is hit by Boccowaus's attack, gets dehenshined
Magine/ZenkaiMagine voiced by Miyamoto Yume
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Ep 07:
Accidentally injured by Gaon
Ep 09:
Held at gunpoint and robbed
Tied up
Ep 12:
Trapped in a forcefield created by MoTW that slows everything down.
Ep 20:
Gets abducted
Ep 44:
Gets cursed with bad luck
Collapse from getting beaten up
Ep 48:
Get caught in a tornado created by Boccowaus, gets dehenshined
Vroom/ZenkaiVroom voiced by Sato Takuya
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Ep 01:
Zapped by Ijirude
Ep 04:
Attacked by the kudducks
Has a bounty place on him, on the run
Ep 06:
Collapse from exhaustion while fighting MOTW
Ep 07:
Accidentally injured by Gaon
Ep 09:
Held at gunpoint and robbed
Tied up
Ep 44:
Gets cursed with bad luck
Ep 48:
Shield the rest from Boccowaus blast, dehenshined
Vox Goldtweaker/ Twokaiser played by Mashiko Atsuki
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Ep 12:
Trapped in a forcefield created by MoTW that slows everything down.
Beaten up by MoTW
Ep 18:
Ep 28:
Angst as his brothers are kidnapped by the MOTW
Ep 33:
Hit by a Kendo training sword
Ep 36: 
Ambushed by MotW and unable to henshin because MotW’s power
Beaten up by Barashitara
Ep 44:
Revealed that his father died protecting him
Collapse from exhaustion
Ep 47:
Hit by Barashita's Missile
Stacey/ Stacaesar played by Sekoguchi Ryo
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Ep 08:
Beaten up and defeated by Vox
Ep 14:
Injured and limping after his mecha is destroyed.
Ep 23:
Severely injured and unconscious after his mecha is destroyed (again)
Ep 26:
Emotional Whump
Ep 32: (in Kaito's Body)
Gets headbutted by Kaito (in Stacey's body)
Passes out, is found and brought back by the rest
Emotional whump: experiences being loved and appreciation for the first time. Wondering if he could just continue staying in Kaito's body
Ep 38:
Attacking with a knife by his beloved "mother", saved by Kaito
Emotional whump; shaken from being attacked by his "mother". Watches as his beloved "mother" disappear from existance. Wonder if he is no better than Barashitara
Ep 41:
Blamed for the defeat of Hakaiser’
Shoved to the ground
inadvertently revealed his role in Hakaiser’s defeat, electrocuted by Boccowaus 
Ep 42:
Locked in a cage, bloody and battered
Possessed/mind controlled by Gege/God
Ep 46:
Collapse as the God possessing him leaves
Emotional whump
Ep 47:
More emotional whump
Hit by Barashita's missiles
Ep 48:
Beaten up and stomped on
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burstingdragons · 2 years
The Iris Ending [NaLu]
Summary - Nearing the completion of her novel, Lucy struggles at coming up with the book's conclusion. In the midst of a rainstorm, her best friend drops by and she decides to experiment another ending, but this time... on him. Who could of imagined Natsu would be the solution to her writer's block?
Lucy Heartfilia was frustrated. The reasoning behind her frustration was rather amusing as the torrential downpour outside her window continued raging on. The blonde loved to write during a storm, it helped her mind relax and express itself freely without having any restrictions. However, today was different. She was struggling with creativity. Holding her pen in a tight grasp, Lucy stared blankly at all the papers sprawled about across her desk.
The novel she had been working on for years, The Adventure of Iris, was so close to its finishing touches. All that was needed was a respectable conclusion and the book would be done at last. A certain blue haired best friend of hers appeared in her mind as she quietly giggled to herself. 
I'm sure Levy will be thrilled once I finally figure this ending out.
A few ideas had begun to form and she acted on them quickly and efficiently. Despite this mentality, she repeatedly would write a few lines down before grumbling under her breath and subsequently tossing the idea in the trash. After the fifth scrapped closing, her patience was running thin.
Why am I having so much trouble trying to create an ending that I like! I must be miss something important, but what?
Unbeknownst to Lucy, who was still occupied with her writer's block dilemma, the bedroom window slid open. She normally left it unlocked, for her other best friend, who just so happened to love to drop in whenever he could. With or without her permission of course. This was one of those days, despite it being rainy and more, that her precious fire dragon slayer would want to surprise her. He noticed she was once again swept away within her own mind and chuckled, making sure to cover his mouth with his hand as he did so, not wanting to alert her of his presence so soon. 
Hehe, this should be fun! 
He removed the checkered scaly scarf that was usually draped around his neck and shifted it to wrap around his face, concealing it as a mask would. He dropped down quietly onto her carpet floor and acted like a ninja.
Nin-Nin, I am ninja!
The pink haired wizard snuck up on his target as he stopped directly behind her swivel chair. As he prepared to spook the girl he noticed something rather odd on the right side of her desk that had been slightly covered up by scattered sheets of paper. He realized it was a large scale printed out picture that had been decorated in bright purple and gold. Glancing at the black lettering, he became even more confused seeing Lucy's own name a little further underneath. 
"The Adventure of Iris?" He whispered out mistakenly and into the side of her ear as she shrieked, now becoming fully aware of someone behind her. Abruptly she jumped up and accidentally headbutted the boy, nearly knocking him out cold, as he fell backwards.
"Ow-Luce what the hell!" He ranted in annoyance as he held his now aching head.
"Natsu?" She turned around in question before realizing it was indeed him. "I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that! You scared me!" 
He continued mumbling noncoherent curses as the pain in skull began to slowly subside. Seeing him sitting on her floor and all pouty caused her to smirk and laugh.
"Hey what are you going on about now!" Natsu playfully glared daggers as he listened to her beautiful laughter. Calming herself down, she leaned over and gave him her hand, helping him back to his feet.
"I'm sorry, you just looked as if you were a child in timeout." Her smirk all but faded, however as she observed his appearance. The storm had really done a number on him as his entire vest was drenched along with his spiky pink locks.
"Natsu, you're completely soaked!" She chastised him as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bathroom. Opening the door, and after quickly shoving him in, she shut it. "You're not coming back out until you take a shower!"
"Luce, I really don't need one..." She heard his muffled voice through the door.
"Yes, you do. You're ruining my carpet!" She explained as she noticed the dark spots appearing on her carpet, assuming those were the steps he had taken from the window to reach her. Opening one of her spare drawers, she popped it open, unsurprised as well as a little thankful, to find a spare of his usual clothing. Picking it up gently, she proceeded to the door and began reopening it.
"Natsu, I'm coming in."
"Okay." He nonchalantly spoke while staring at his reflection in the mirror. The rain had made him look like he had been hit by a train.
"Stop sulking Natsu. What's your deal anyways?"
"It's nothing, don't worry about it." He gave her a smile, brushing her worries aside. She didn't want to pry so she went along with it.
Okay... I guess he's fine.
Lucy hung his outfit up on a hook as she leaned into the shower and spun the handle to the side. Cold water instantly began gushing out as Lucy figured her friend would warm the temperature up to his liking with his own magic. 
"There's a change of clothes, now hurry and clean yourself up. I'm wasting precious water money on you, ya know!" She laughed as she closed the door and turned on her heel.
"Damn Lucy, I told her I was fine." She caught his words, imagining him rolling his eyes in that moment, hearing foot steps going further from the door.
"I heard that!" Lucy called out and heard him yelp in surprise. She giggled to herself again, before strolling back over to her chair and sitting down. Faintly hearing running water in the background, she shuffled her papers and picked out an empty one. Grabbing the pen again, she sighed.
Round two Lucy, here we go.
He stared at the glistening tile below him as his mind wondered back to the entire reason he had come here in the first place. To get advice, and maybe some help, from Lucy. Natsu and his other best friend, a blue flying cat, had gotten into an argument after coming back from a monster extermination mission. It started out small at first, but then grew larger as it escalated. Annoyed with the exceed, he had let a remark slip that caused his friend to fly off right when the storm began and now he had no idea where the little guy could be. Adding onto the fact, Happy most likely did not want to see or speak with him at this time either. So, here he now was.
As much as Natsu tried shooting her idea down, he was thankful for his best friend's determination to break him out of his stubbornness. She was entirely right in the fact that the current monsoon going on in Magnolia had ruined his clothing for the day, and that she was also right in the regards that he definitely did need a shower. It made him feel, well as one should, clean. The dragon slayer could of easily dried himself off with his own fire, but he had used a significant portion of his magic dealing with the monster and then the train ride back had been taxing, courtesy of his motion sickness. 
Running his fingers through his hair, making sure to fix what mother nature had ruined, he let his previous argument wash away. He decided to think on something else, what he seen just a few minutes ago actually. That strange picture that Lucy had somewhat hidden on the side of her desk. He tried to figure out what that object was, but failed to understand it. 
It had her name on it, but what could that mean?
"This sucks!" Lucy shouted after complaining for the umpteenth time. Since her return from dealing with the pink haired boy, she had written down three more endings that might work and, once more, infuriatingly threw them in the garbage can.  
This feels so simple, but it's not.  Think Lucy, think! What am I possibly leaving out? 
Her thoughts trailed back to the entire plot of the book. It was about her various adventures at Fairy Tail, with the characters obviously made up. The conclusion was supposed to be set after their war against Alvarez, or in the novel's case, Hearthia. One of the main genres, however was romance so she felt like she needed a strong epilogue between the two main characters for the closing.
It needs to be perfect.
Both characters had gone through trials and tribulations, most noticeably the loss of a father and close friend. The more Lucy wrote the more she realized how most of her novel mirrored her and Natsu, just names changed. At the end of the Tartaros war, the boy she had grown to adore helplessly watched his foster father be executed right in front of him. Likewise that same day, she had to destroy one of her very own special gate keys in order to save him and the rest of their friends. Without originally realizing it, during the one year absence he left her with and the original disbandment of Fairy Tail, she had placed their grief into the fictional characters in her story. 
It had been nearly a full year since Alvarez's invasion took place, an invasion that nearly took him away from her heart. She had rewritten his demonic book and given him enough time for his wounds to heal in order to beat the nation's invading ruler, Zeref, but then he had been unexpectedly summoned into Acnologia's realm.
I'm just glad he and the other slayers won... and that we were able to defeat that monstrosity's own physical form. 
She couldn't help but imagine the despair that she felt when their group of four had turned around and realized the he had vanished into thin air. Then, their reunion on the Hargeon port as he fell out of the sky after beating the black dragon of the apocalypse. Lucy could still visualize his cheery smile as she held Happy and him closely and got lost in his obsidian tinted eyes. She heard the flow of water come to a stop as she hummed to herself. 
Since the characters are based off us, maybe, just maybe...
The door opened as Natsu made his way back out now fully dry. Well, almost fully dry. His scarf which he had wrapped back around his neck was still damp. Realizing this, she stood up and gave him a pointed look.
"Yeah?" He questioned as he tried figuring out what his best friend was upset about now.
"Your scarf, it's not dry!" She clarified to him as he glanced down and, sure enough, he felt the fabric sticking to him as if it were glue. 
"So, what Lucy! It's fine." The fire breather challenged. 
"Nope, hand it over mister so I can help dry it!" Lucy ordered as she made her way to him and placed her hands around the material. As she tugged to loosen it off him, he stepped backwards and caused her balance to shift. Stumbling, the Celestial Spirit summoner fell forwards into his chest as they tumbled onto her carpet. 
Lucy opened her eyes and couldn't help but become flustered as she had landed on top of the pinkette. Resting her hands on his shoulders, she raised herself slightly as she shifted her legs to get up. Though, to her shock, she was pulled back down.
"Natsu?" Her voice caught in her throat as his onyx eyes began piercing through hers.
"Luce, I've got a question for ya." He spoke as she saw his dark orbs dart out to the side. 
What is he looking at?
"That purple thing... over there." He motioned with his eyes as she turned her head and found exactly what he had located. "What exactly is it?" 
The cover! He saw the cover for my novel! He wasn't supposed to see that!
"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Lucy hurriedly forced out hoping to satisfy his answer. She was very wrong, if anything her response only made him all the more curious.
"You sure? It has your name on it silly." He pointed out chuckling at her embarrassed state. She looked down and despite his laugher, she could tell the boy below her was genuinely interested in finding more about his discovery.
He is technically the co-owner of this adventure, so I might as well.
"It's the book cover for my novel I've been writing, Natsu." The blonde revealed as his eyes lit up.
"You mean that thingy you've been fighting the last three years?" He spoke cheerfully as she couldn't help but roll her eyes. 
Of course that's how he would see it.
"Yep, that's right Natsu, and it's actually been ten years with the whole seven year time skip thing." She nodded and corrected him.
"Oh whatever!" He waved his hand off to the side uncaringly. "So, does that mean you've finished it?"
That was the question she had been battling all day. The finale was right there, it was within reach, and yet it felt so far away. Constantly she had failed to write it the way she wanted it to turn out. Her mind just seemed to be in other places, all since he had arrived...
That's it! Maybe Natsu could get my ideas flowing again!
"Not yet, I'm struggling to complete the final few pages of it." Lucy explained as she saw his eyes expand eagerly before shrinking back down to their normal state.
"Need any help?"
"I'd love some!" She happily nodded, glad he could somewhat understand her issue.
"So, what's this ending about?"
Lucy couldn't help but blush as she had been hoping to avoid this type of question, but she knew it was necessary to answer if Natsu was actually going to help her. He would need to know what exactly it was they were dealing with here.
"The two main characters have just defeated the tyrant and won the war. I was, uh, hoping to have some type of romantic scene between them to finish it out." She summarized for him, as her cheeks became a dark shade of red at the end.
"Tyrant...war... kinda sounds like what we've been through don't ya think?" He casually said as a grin appeared on his face. He couldn't help but admit she looked rather adorable when embarrassed. 
"I'm sure that's just coincidence!" Lucy attempted to deny his statement as she turned her head away. 
"Sure, sure." Natsu continued grinning at the flustered girl above him as he begin to get his own idea. Turning her head back down to look at him, she noticed him seeming serious for once.
What's he thinking about?
"I might have something, but I need just a few more details..." He whispered as his gaze practically paralyzed her in place.
"I'm open to suggestions." She meekly answered as the shades of red across her cheeks grew even darker. 
"For this scene, who starts it?" He spoke out, interested, as she watched the gears in his brain turn. 
"I was thinking the girl-" 
Lucy's speech was cutoff as Natsu grabbed her waist and dragged her down, switching their positions in the process. The fire dragon slayer now kneeled above her, keeping her arms pinned, as he looked at his best friend with an intense expression. Her flushed state at this point could rival Erza's hair.
"See, I don't like that idea. I think the boy should begin it, don't ya agree?" He stated, teasing her, as her heart rate rapidly rose.
"Okay..." Lucy mumbled, still in total surprise, as she decided to just let him take the reins wondering where this would go. 
I've never seen this side of Natsu before...
"Are these two really close post-war or?" He asked, breaking the silence. 
"Really close, they've basically known each other since the story's beginning. I would even say at this point they like... actually, they are lovers for sure." Lucy explained.
"Is that so?" Natsu couldn't help but believe the two mages present in the apartment and her two created protagonists for the novel had some type of connection between them.
"Yeah and-"
Once more, the Celestial wizard was interrupted as Natsu placed a finger against her lips, effectively silencing her. 
"I think I got a way your book could end Luce, but you're gonna have to trust me." He stated as she could see tiny bits of fire making its way up into his irises. Even though he was acting strangely, she knew that he would never hurt her.
"I trust you, Natsu. I always have." 
That had been the green light he was waiting for, as the dragon slayer lowered himself and carefully captured her pink lips. Fragments of his own imagination and affections mixed together as he poured it all out into the princess underneath him. 
Despite initiating the kiss, Natsu quickly found out what reading some of the scarlet knight's novels had done to the blonde. Their coordination was admirable as the struggle to beat writer's block turned into a duel to best the other at their own game for dominance. Lucy felt his grip tighten around her as one of his hands traveled down to her thigh, squeezing it delicately. She couldn't help but release a moan at his gentle touch. Her insides, figuratively, caught on fire as Lucy felt like she was in Heaven. The two lovers continued to be deadlocked in a passionate frenzy. 
Finally, something snapped inside of the pinektte as he broke free from his trance. Instantly he pulled back, gasping in pleasure and excitement, but also fright. He had nearly given into his draconic instincts and he knew she was making his own control waver.
"I'm sorry Luce, I acted on instinct-" Natsu began apologizing before her own finger traveled its way up, his own speech trailing off in surprise as she shushed him. Instead of being upset, Lucy was smiling at him. Her smile it was almost... taunting.
"I never said anything about stopping, Natsu." 
The next few seconds happened quickly, but to him it felt like time had slowed down. Lucy once more secured his scarf in her grip as she eagerly pulled him back down to her. Wrapping her arms behind his neck she led him to her lips as she picked up from where they had left off. His hands ran through her hair as every emotion made its way to the surface. The war, the losses, the hope and fear, it was all there. 
Thunder kept crackling outside as the two young adults tuned out the rest of the world and fell into an embrace of pure bliss. Separating for air, they cautiously glanced at one another before smiling after seeing the other's expression. 
"So, uh... did that give you an idea for the finish to your book?" Natsu questioned.
Full of happiness and content with their positioning, Lucy inclined her head beaming up at him.
You've showed me much more then just an ending I can decide on. I finally have you, and now I'm never letting go Natsu Dragneel.
"Great! Does that mean this is the part where you usually say, 'the end?'" He chuckled, pondering on it, as he felt her clasp his hands and look up at him lovingly. 
"No, not the end." Hearing his words, Lucy had immediately began thinking about the demon he was revived into and had once become, the fire demon that they had defeated, together. 
"This is just the beginning. Our beginning."
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ninja-yogurt · 1 month
Thinking about how as a kid I was pretty convinced my cat was kind of apathetic to me because I would pick him up and drag him to my room when I wanted to cuddle with him and he didn't approach me on his own very often, especially compared to his brother who would happily demand attention from anyone and everyone. And how my brother and I got little rubber mice one Halloween and I lost mine and was devastated and kind of bratty about it, and went to cry on the floor of my room for reasons I don't really remember. And my cat, who never approached me in his own, comes up to me with the mouse in his little mouth and drops it next to me.
And I don't think he understood why I was upset but the fact that he saw me upset and decided to bring me something to cheer me up, and came up to me of his own volition, I was convinced for the rest of his life that he was one of the most emotionally intelligent cats I'd ever met, and that he loved me more than anyone else in the world. I swear nearly every expression of love he had was something he picked up from me. He loved being picked up like the person petting him was too impatient to wait for him to approach them. For years he'd come running at the sound of my fingers rubbing together in an attempt at a snap, but when I figured out how to actually snap he ignored it. I wasn't very good at petting gently, and his favorite thing was when somebody used all their strength to push against his head while they pet him. I read a book on cat communication when he was still a kitten and spent an evening headbutting him because it said that's how they say hello and communicate affection, and I don't remember him headbutting everything and everyone in sight before that but he sure did enjoy it afterwards.
When I came home from college he would frequently be standoffish towards me until I, allergic to him, would sneeze for the first time, and then he would demand attention like it took that to be sure I was who I said I was. He would get cuddlier when I sneezed, probably because I would frequently turn to him after and say in a sweet, fond voice, "yes! This is all your fault, yes!" Sometimes he'd make eye contact with me before he sneezed. I think he thought the sneezing itself was affection. Once when I came home I cuddled with him until he was half asleep on my lap and at 1 am I started trying to move him without waking him up, or annoy him into moving himself, because I didn't have the heart to just abandon him but I needed to go to bed. He must have been more awake than I thought because when I fully lifted up one leg so it was next to him instead of under him he just readjusted on the other one, and then did the same with the other leg. It was pretty impressive for a cat who once accidentally rolled off a couch because I was standing across the room and he got too excited about trying to convince me to approach him that he forgot where the edge was.
I took so many pictures of him and asked my family to take and send so many pictures and videos and video chats with him that he also got excited by smartphones, because a camera pointed at him meant he got extra attention. It was so hard to get good pictures of him; if he noticed the camera he got very wiggly.
He had a fang taken out when he was starting to get older, because it was infected, and he figured out how to eat without it but he never quite figured out how to close his mouth consistently. He's always had a remarkably expressive face; i swear he used to smile when he was happy and I never needed to see the rest of his body to tell when he'd been startled. But for a cat who frequently looked confused before, sometimes having one lip snagged inside his mouth really improved the look. My mom started saying he had an Elvis face now.
Losing the tooth did not stop him from stealing a piece of toasted turkey ham from a plate on the table once. I was walking back from the kitchen, trying to help my dad prepare breakfast, and as I approached he decided the best thing to do when caught red handed with a piece of meat about a full quarter of your size is to sprint off with it, which might have worked better if it wasn't a quarter of his size and he didn't have a missing tooth. He made it most of the way across the room with it hanging from his mouth, somehow swinging slightly and dragging on the floor at the same time, before he gave it up. I wish I'd gotten it on camera, because I was the only one who saw the whole thing.
He stopped meowing as much and couldn't really purr by the end. What he'd do instead of meowing was squeak like a rusty wheel if he wanted food and wail like he was dying if he wanted attention and nobody was in the room with him. Occasionally he'd go into my parents' room when there were people around and wail because nobody was in his extra special cuddle spot. For about fourteen years of his life the only time I heard that meow was when he had bladder crystals and had to be rushed to the vet, and when he got stuck once hanging from one of those scratching posts that could hang from a doorknob, flipped his head back so it was upside down in relation to the ground and he was staring at me, and gave one of the saddest meows I've ever heard in my life. (Unfortunately for him it took me a few seconds to stop laughing my head off to actually come help, but he was fine). I came home when he was older and suddenly he'd realized that that wail meant immediate attention, and why not abuse it in exchange for more cuddles.
I miss him a lot. It was my first birthday without him this past week. Last year my favorite present was handmade by my brother, and when it arrived I got extra pictures of it before it was shipped out lying on top of him (cat, not brother). I dreamt about him a lot, for a while, but I haven't since a dream where I spent a bunch of time cuddling with him and he purred like a motorboat. I like to think it was him telling me he'll be ok, even if I don't dream about him again for a while.
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 1 year
ok so here's my idea
czerny taps horns/antlers with ebenholz and its just a gay little thing they do.
and hibiscus sees it and goes "what was that"
and theyre both like.. "uh oh that? oh. thats embarassing. you werent supposed to see"
(I've actually had similar thoughts before about Ebenholz showing affection through little goat-headbutts...but this idea is super cute. Now you've gone and inspired a ficlet. I hope you're happy. XD)
As with most habits Czerny had picked up since joining Rhodes Island, this one was Ebenholz's fault.
Czerny had never been big on physical affection. Hands to himself, content to acknowledge others with a nod or even a half-bow, not too keen on unexpected contact with anyone. Ebenholz tried to carry himself in much the same way, was nothing but unfailingly polite, but it was clear to anyone who spent more than five minutes with him that the Caprinae was starved for touch and attention both.
The first time had caught Czerny off guard. He'd been working on a composition, practicing a progression so quick he had to play hand-over-hand to reach the notes in time, when he'd felt a solid tap against one of his antlers. He'd startled, wracking his brain over what he might've accidentally hit with them (it had taken quite some time to get used to most of the landship's doorways), only to find Ebenholz standing there.
"You've been here for hours now. It's dinner time. Up with you."
"Right. Did you...knock on my antler?"
"You didn't hear me the first time, but I also did not want to risk being smacked."
Czerny almost retaliated that he would never, but then again, he did once accidentally give Chiave a bloody nose after the man had unexpectedly slapped him on the back. That had been embarrassing enough, though it also somehow earned the so-called gang leader's respect. A confusing man, that one.
He'd thanked Ebenholz, and joined him for dinner in what quickly became routine. Seemed that wherever Czerny might end up, Ebenholz could always seek him out if needed, and would always catch his attention by tapping one of his horns to Czerny's antlers. It was reminiscent of the Caprinae and Elafia children back home, often headbutting each other to play or get attention from their parents. (Not that Czerny had ever done the same...much.) Perhaps such was a habit Ebenholz had never quite outgrown?
Still, Czerny didn't realize how routine it had become until one day when he was asked to grab Ebenholz from the trading post. The young man barked orders and verbally cut down traders who tried to swindle him with all the authority of a former Graf Urtica, and Czerny certainly didn't wish to throw him off. So he approached quietly, waited for an opportune moment, and leaned over to tap an antler against Ebenholz's horn.
The young man turned, and broke out into a grin that somehow made his entire ashen-pale face seem bright. "Ah, Czerny. Is my shift over already? Forgive me for losing track of the time...shall we get going, then?"
Something about that expression did a funny thing to Czerny's stomach. He must've been hungrier than he thought. Surely that was all. He shoved the idea that it might mean anything more so thoroughly out of his mind that he didn't think about it again until months later.
A combat mission had just wrapped up. Ebenholz had made it back to the transport first, sitting in a dark corner with his eyes shut to block out an oncoming headache. Czerny took the seat next to him, waiting a moment to announce his presence with a tap. Ebenholz glanced up at him from under his bangs and smiled.
Except this time, someone noticed. A someone called Hibiscus. "Oh, what was that? Some sort of Leithanien greeting?"
Czerny's eyes shot up to meet hers. She was smiling, but it was more than her usual peaceful grin. No, there was a spark behind this one. Sly, some might call it, as if "sly" and "Hibiscus" could ever be put in the same sentence together.
"It is..." Czerny found himself at a loss for words. What was this, really? It had long gone beyond a simple greeting, but he didn't have the words for what it had become. It was a way to say "I'm here" without words. A halfway point between needing to touch and not wanting to be touched at all. An assurance. Trust.
"It's just a little thing we do," Ebenholz answered, soft but with an air of finality that invites no further conversation on the matter. "Do not worry yourself overmuch about it, Fraulein."
"Right, of course. Well, if neither of you are hurt, I'll let you get to it." Hibiscus had the audacity to wink at them as she walked away. The duo waited until she was gone to look at each other and silently ask: what were they really doing? What was this thing between them, really?
They didn't answer aloud. Ebenholz inclined his head. Czerny tapped, antler to horn. The pair smiled and settled in for the ride back. And when Ebenholz leaned against him and closed his eyes, Czerny found he didn't mind that so much either.
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Samurai Rabbit - Chronicles of Usagi
A03 link here
Chapter 1 / ?
Words: 3349
Farm life
“The samurai faced off the terrifying monster, O-Dokuro! A legendary yokai, one of many fearsome yokai who stalked this earth long ago. He swung his sword, Willow Branch,  hitting the beasts’ arm, nearly breaking it! He dodged the swing O-Dokuro gave him, only to throw a nearby rock at the yokai and hit him right in the head! Knocking him out!” he kicked his legs as he laid on the ground, narrating the book he had made long ago.
“He fought his way to the leader of the yokai, whose name has been long forgotten, and he engaged in an epic duel, a fight that would last for ages. Neither one would let up their onslaught until the other did. 
But finally, after 18 treacherous, exhausting hours, Usagi Miyamoto stood proudly above his foe. but before he could even catch his breath, he used his strength to trap the Yokai into the ki-stone. sealing the leader and his army away. Forever.”
“Eep eep!”
“That’s right Spot, it is awesome!” He pushed himself up into a squat with a small bounce, “But some say that a small group of yokai still roam these lands.. hiding. Waiting for the right time to make their return,” he wiggles his fingers and says his last statement in a hushed voice, all for that dramatic flair.
Spot looked around nervously and went to hide in the broccoli stalks, he may be cute but he was never the bravest tokage. “Oh Spot, come here. Don't worry buddy, you remember that noble samurai I told you about? That great and fearless warrior? He’s my ancestor! Usagi Miyamoto! One day, I'm going to be just like him!” He runs to a nearby tree, kicking off of it, hitting it, making a show of how cool he is to his little dinosaur, “and once I get a sensei, I'll be strong enough to fight any Yokai! No matter how big or how small! I am, after all, already so brave and so strong.”
Watching him, Spot gets excited as well, he makes a little eep as he runs into a nearby farmbotto and starts to mimic his friend. Headbutting it, biting it and even managing to jump off of it.
But in doing this, Spot had accidentally hit the on switch, and the farmbotto springs to life to start a rampage around the farm. Trying to cut anything in its path; It cuts through most of the broccoli and some of the lettuce before the “brave and strong descendant of Usagi Miyamoto” even notices the robot destroying the crops.
“oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Not the farm!” He runs around, trying to stop it before they get to the carrots and brussel sprouts. He jumps over the fence, rolling to the tool shed to pick up two sickles and runs back over to it.
“Okay it's fine, everything is fine. Just have to grab it and turn it - WOAH.” he dodges the farmbotto’s arms, nearly getting one of his ears cut off by the blades at the end of it. 
“Alright, new plan. Grab it, turn it off, and don't get my ear cut off by a deadly machine.. simple enough.” he runs to the face of it, being careful not to get caught on the various blades.
He mumbles a short “here goes nothing,” to himself as he jumps and latches onto the front of it, turning the machine before it gets any more of the crops. He hits the thing a few times, pounding on the wood to try to get it to stop cutting everything in its path, all the while trying to use his foot to hit the power button on the bottom side.
Oh, but now is the perfect time to notice that he’s headed straight for the house.
“Crap! no no! Come on..! turn!” he leans all his bodyweight to the side as he gets the farmbotto to turn once more.
But it wont shut off. It's not shutting off at all. So in a last ditch effort he throws in one of the sickles he was using into the top blades and jumps off using the arm of the machine (totally not breaking it off or anything, no. It's been like that all day.) to land safely on the ground.
He picked up Spot and watches the farmbotto slowly come to a stop and stand right next to the watermelon patch he was growing next to the house. It stood only for a moment longer before it fell right into the fruits.
he stared for a second, trying to catch his breath, holding Spot close to his chest, taking in the fact that he stopped the thing. He stopped it from destroying the whole farm. And he did it all on his own! 
“heh..heh heh heh..aaahahha! woooohahahaaa!” he started jumping and cheering, tossing Spot into the air and catching him again “I did it! Spot! Did you see? Did you see? I stopped it all on my own that was so-!”
The door of the farmhouse slammed open, showing a very angry old rabbit “YUICHI!” 
“What on earth happened here? What did you do? The farm is a mess!”
Yuichi backs up a little bit and sets spot down as his aunt starts stomping towards him.“Auntie! well, you see it's a funny story actually-”
“No! I do not want to hear your excuses! A good fourth of the crops are destroyed!”
“at least-”
“And what happened to the  farmbotto! It's on its side! Is that its arm on the ground?”
“But it was-”
“NO. Usagi Yuichi, how many times do I have to tell you to be responsible? To act your age, you are not a child anymore, you are almost an adult. What if you get hurt? What if you get yourself killed?”
“I’m sorry Auntie.”
Haruka sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose,“Good. Now help me clean this up, then just go to your room. I don’t want to see you for the rest of the day.”
“Yes Auntie.”
He stalks over to the farmbotto and picks up the arm, starting the motions to clean up.
It's late when Auntie knocks on his door; He’s been sitting at his desk for a couple hours now, redrawing an old story of one of Miyamoto's adventures. He finds it relaxing, letting himself get lost in the pages and words. He doesn't have to pay attention to anything or anyone, just.. draw the stories he grew up with.
“Yuichi? May I come in?” Auntie asks, opening the door a crack.
“Sure Auntie,” he turns in his seat, making sure not to disturb the sleeping tokage in his lap, “what's up?”
She comes in two cups of tea in her hands and places one next to him, holding the other in her own hands.“I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier.” 
Yuichi cringes at this, he doesn’t want to talk about it when he knows he messed up. Again. Not to mention that when auntie says ‘i want to talk about what happened’ it usually means ‘i am going to lecture you on being responsible again.’ and he reeeally didn’t need that.
“Do we have to? I know I messed up, and it was stupid and I'm sorry! What is there to talk about?”
“Of course we need to talk about this, this isn't some isolated event that you can just apologize your way out of. What you did was incredibly dangerous, you could have gotten hurt. What if it had sliced one of your limbs off, or if it had gotten you in the head? What if the machine couldn’t have been stopped?
I'm glad you are okay - so very grateful that the most that happened was a bruise or two - but, there are many crops that are ruined because of this. Not to mention the farmbotto itself, it's going to take days to fix. Maybe even weeks if I can't find a way to call somebody out here.” 
“I wasn't trying to Auntie, I just wanted to-”
“I know Yuichi, you were just training to become a great samurai. But, sweetheart, you aren’t a samurai, you've lived on this farm your whole life. I can train you all you want, and I can show you all I know with a sword but.. times have changed, we don’t need a samurai out here.”
“But isn't there a way? I could travel, find a sensei…”
“But where would you go? It’s such a dangerous world and we are safe on the farm, there isn't anything in this fence that can harm us.”
Auntie sighed, shaking her head and looking into her tea, “Yuichi you are 16, you've had this fantasy that you would become a samurai for so long  and.. and I've encouraged it. That is my mistake. I'm sorry.” she pauses for a moment, a mistake? How could being a samurai be a mistake?
“But becoming a samurai.. It's too dangerous. You can't even turn a machine off without letting it cut through a good portion of our crops or breaking it for heaven's sake.”
Yuichi felt his eyes burn, how could Auntie say something like that? She knows that this has been his dream since he learned about his ancestor. He wants to be strong and go on awesome adventures, he wants to meet amazing fighters, he wants to be a samurai. And Auntie wants him to throw all of that away? For what? For a farm?
He wants to say that he can become a samurai, he can live this life he wants so desperately. He wants to shout, he wants to cry and kick until he can get his point across. He wants to scream to the world “I can become a samurai.”
but he doesn't, he just keeps his head down, trying to blink away the stinging feeling in his  eyes and the betrayal in his chest.
Auntie comes to sit next to him, putting a hand on his back, “I'm sorry Yuichi, I know it's hard for you to hear, but you can’t keep doing this. You need to grow up, accept that the life you are dreaming of is just that, a dream..”
Yuichi just turns his head, he doesn't want to look at his Auntie right now, he doesn't want to see the look of pity on her face that he just knows that she’s wearing.
He feels like he's about to throw up.
Auntie sighs again and moves her hand from his back, “I'm going to bed, try not to stay up too late, alright?” and pats spots head, “goodnight Spot, and goodnight honey, I love you.”
She walks out of the room, sliding the door closed behind her, and as Yuichi listens to her walk down the hall he sniffles and wipes at his eyes. How could Auntie say things like that?
He moves Spot out of his lap and starts pacing around his room. The small dinosaur gives a tired and confused eep as Yuichi rings his hands through his hair and pulls on his ears. He looks around, he sees the drawings he made of his ancestors and Miyamoto's team. He idolized this man, he was everything that Yuichi wants to be. He was strong and brave and smart, he had allies, and traveled to new places all of the time. There were even rumors that he could summon help and friends from other worlds!
He wants to be like that, somebody that people could rely on, someone that people could look up to, he wants to be that somebody.
But he can’t do that on this farm, why can't Aunt Haruka understand that?
He sat down in front of his bookshelf and looked through his books, some books on yokai, some farming books, some martial arts books, and a small collection of stories about Miyamoto he and his Auntie wrote, transcribing the stories that she and her siblings were told as kids. 
Those books took weeks to complete, writing everything down, drawing the pictures, and then binding the books together; They were something he was proud of, it took time and effort and practice to get all of the pages lined up correctly, sewing them together with a big needle that was so difficult to get through leather. But in the end, he did it. Sure there weren't many, but the few he did have he treasured more than anything else in the world.
He moved his gaze to look at the photos he had hanging on his wall and sitting on shelves. There are some of him and Auntie, photos of his extended family and..
And the only photo he had of him and his parents, sitting neatly at the center of it all. 
He wasn't old enough to remember the photo, he was only a baby at the time. but he loves hearing the story from Auntie all the same.
They had tried using the camera they had at home, just like they had many times before, but on that day, for some reason, it wasn't working. Auntie tried taking a look at it but she couldn’t find out just what was wrong with it. The old thing just would not take the photo. So his mother, never one to give up on something she had set her mind to, packed up Yuichi and his father, aunt haruka and some of their nicest clothes and took a surprise vacation to Neo Edo. he wishes he could remember the look on-
Neo Edo.
“That’s it!” he shot up, spinning to look at the tokage “Spot, how do you feel about an adventure?”
Spot back at Yuichi, tilting his head. He watched as the boy ran around the room again, collecting clothes, a small notebook, the pocket money he had earned from doing extra chores, and a few other essentials and put them all in a small pile on his bed.
“I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it sooner, we’ll go to Neo Edo, I'll find a sensei, and then! I'll be the best samurai ever! Maybe I'll be even better than Miyamoto!”
He put his belongings into two bags, a small blanket, some clothes, and some other essentials, in the bigger bag, and his more important and sentimental items in the other; but he hesitated when getting to his photos, looking between the picture of his parents and his favorite picture of Auntie. He almost took both, but as he reached for Haruka's photo, he paused. Even looking at a picture of her right now made him cringe. He can see that she is smiling in the photo, sure, but all he can think of is her hash words and the nausea from a few minutes ago.
He picked up the picture of his parents and put them in his bag, turning away from Auntie’s photo “Well spot, let's go put these on the bike, yeah?’
He picks up the bigger bag first and slowly tiptoes out of the house, making sure to slide his door open as quietly as possible and avoid the creaky planks. And sure, as he's walking he nearly knocks over Auntie's favorite vase and scrambles to catch it before the priceless piece of pottery falls onto the floor and shatters. But it's fine! He catches it! He very gently sets it back on the table it was sitting on. Mission success!
He picks his bag back up, thanking whatever was out there it wasn’t too loud when he dropped it, and makes his way  to the door again, slowly sliding the front door open, keeping it that way for when he goes back for the smaller bag and Spot. He sets the bag in his arms into the compartment on his bike, squishing it down to make sure he has room for everything.
When he walks back in, Spot has dragged the small bag to the door already, he lightly pets the tokage, but looks inside to make sure nothing had broken. Thankfully, nothing did, everything’s fine. He turns around and almost makes it out the door again before he’s stopped.
“Yuichi? where are you going?” Crap. Auntie had caught him. what does he say, what does he say? he can’t just tell her the truth. ‘oh i'm just leaving to go to Neo Edo to become a true samurai right after you told me not to!’ doesn’t exactly have a nice right to it.
“uuh.. I’m. just taking Spot out for a ride. We can’t really sleep..”
his Auntie stared at him, a skeptical look spreading crossing her face, “and the bag-”
“is full of some snacks! We’re probably going to be out for a while. I…I need to think.” it wasn't a complete lie. He was going to think while driving.
Spot comes and rubs against her leg and Auntie leans down to pick him up, her metal leg slightly squeaking as she does, “Well if  you two are going to be out for a while, you might want to take your sword, just in case you run into some trouble.”
“Alright, sounds good, will do, thank you Auntie. Sleep well.” he rushes over to the central room that holds his old sword. It's one that he got when he was small, after he first told Auntie that he wanted to become a samurai warrior like Usagi Miyamoto. When he picked it up it definitely looked like it had seen better days; The sword had slightly dulled over the years he used it, small chips forming on the edge of the blade.
He looked up again, Edgewing catching his eye. He put down his training sword and stared up at his aunt’s, she was a beautiful piece of work, the guard a dark and metallic blue, almost like a midnight ocean holding the silver sits atop it, a red cloth wrapping around an orange one, making what looks like orange diamonds around the hilt; the fabric was a bit worn after years of use, but still holds as if it had just been tied yesterday.
But what really caught Yuichi's eyes was the Omorosaki that rested at the bottom of the hilt. It was an old Usagi artifact that had been passed down for generations, Miyamoto himself being the one to have found it in the first place. A small purple gem, which, if you looked closely enough in the right light, held the shadow of a butterfly wing in the center.
“It's been my good luck charm since I put it there. Gotten me out of some serious situations,” she would always chuckle a little and tap her prosthetic leg with her cane as she said “well, gotten most of me, at least.” a morbid joke she loved to repeat.
Yuichi stared at the sword, he needed a real sword if he was going to make it as a samurai. He looked between his old and beaten sword and Edgewing, a dull one he’s used for ages or the beautiful piece of art in front of him..
He grabbed Edgewing from where it was hanging before he could really second guess himself anymore. He picked up his bag once more and made his way out of the door again. He was less concerned about being quiet this time, and Auntie already knew he was leaving. she just didnt know for how long, or where exactly he was going.
And as he loaded up the bike, secured his bags and put his helmet on, he told himself that he isn't lying to Auntie, he just isn't telling her everything..
And as he rides away he tells himself and Spot that it’s fine, he’ll be fine and everything will be fine.  They have nothing to worry about. He's going on his first adventure now.
And if he doesn’t see Haruka watching him leave, a sad expression on her face, that would be okay too. 
Everything will be fine.
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