#ah man. time to draw gay boys.
bruisedloverr · 3 months
i started a new pc and i don't know which LI(s) i'm going to officially pursue rn but i know for a fact i will always end up falling for sydney. i am not immune to religious overworked blondie.
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taylor-titmouse · 8 days
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Meatheads, by R/L Monroe
it's another month gone by, which means another cover for another @petitemortality R/L Monroe book! this one goes hard and sweaty and meaty, and the worldbuilding is both really funny and really fascinating in the little glimpse of it we get. and also there's three huge fuckin dudes going to town on each other. check it out, and follow along on the process for designing the cover below!
FYF 3: Meatheads $3
Trapped by a lethal boiling sun, in the neon ruins of a fallen supercity, three tank-grown ultrasoldiers have nothing to kill but time and no enemy but their own overheated flesh. Daily hormone shots gave them hard bodies, but without a seedsucker to offer them relief, they soon have something even harder to contend with. It's not gay if you come out on top...right? Almost 7k words(!), EPUB and PDF format. Content: -M/M/M -straight turned gay -testosterone dosing -cum harvesting/drinking -dominance struggle -sexual hazing -rough sex
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i lost track of the initial notes for these, but the first two were really just me spinning my wheels. my instinct was something with greek wrestling, stylized like pottery. we usually do the covers early in the month, so i hadn't read the finished book yet and didn't have a clear sense of the aesthetic yet. i did know there were three guys, which made composition tough. fighting is not, typically, a three-man's game. lee suggested looking at WWE and rugby
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which led me to looking at turkish oil wrestling, because truly, what is greasier than that. originally there was a reference image of turkish oil wrestling here, but tumblr hated it so much that they flagged the post and denied appeal. those men were wearing pants. this post is free to read on patreon so you can see the greasy boys there.
moving on.
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so while we were talking about the color palette, lee brought up 80s splatterfest VHS cover design. we agreed on violent red and purple, but the topic of horror led me in a horror direction. gritty lines, harsh light and shadow, scary imagery with the single red eye, etc. and we agreed this look is Sick and Rules, but wasn't quite right for neon future climatepunk.
so i went back to the drawing board and totally got rid of the hatching. we're looking for neon, for black velvet, for graphic
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definitely closer to the final product! though of course as soon as i saw it in discord i realized the purple on the middle guy's back and the third guy's leg were competing too much with the top guy's back and making it hard to know where to look. so: more variants
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adding the paint strokes down was just something i wanted to try at the last minute, and it was definitely the right move! there were like five more variations of just That with the gradient map very very slightly adjusted, but honestly it's not worth posting all of those lol. the version we settled with was the best one!
and that's the process for this month's fuck yourself friday cover! this is both my favorite cover so far AND my favorite story. i love high concept worldbuilding that serves the fucking. if you're here and supporting my work, i bet you do too! so go read it! it's only $3 dude!!
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astarionapologist · 4 months
Astarion×M!Tav plsplspls I can't find anything w/ M!Tavs anywhere I'm gay and going insane helllllp
Oh boy oh boy did I hopefully deliver with this (praying I did LMAO)
Prompt: Fluff with Astarion and His majesty (little cat in The Last Nights Inn) and some smut in the l middle (OoHh tav has a spicy dream and both tav’s and Astarion’s tadpol’s connect wink wink)
Warnings: Cursing, smut, anal, and other sex related things such as preparation
Midnight Revelations at The Last Knights Inn (Astarion x M! tav)
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You and your team have finally made it to The Last Knights Inn, you were all currently unpacking for the night setting up your bed rolls in a spare room Jaheira welcomed you too. 
You sat down with a sigh as you finally let your exhausted body relax underneath the moist yet soft bed. It was at least better than sleeping on the earth swallowed completely with The Shadow Curse you thought. You looked upwards and saw the pale elf scratching behind the ears of His Majesty himself! Which of course is the resident king of the land living off warm milk and a soft bed to keep his whiskers warm and safe despite living in darkness. Asterion engaged in playful banter with the cat, his words so soft they seemed almost to form a conversation, as if he could truly understand its feline language. Curious, you stepped forward.
"You seem to be having quite a good time," you observe, a hint of amusement in your voice.
"Well, indeed, my dear," he replied with a hint of affection, gently scooping up the warm, contented feline. "It's quite difficult not to revel in the company of such a peculiar yet utterly captivating companion."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were actually holding a conversation with him," you quipped, a playful smirk dancing on your lips.
He scoffed at your attempt to tease him. "Heaven, forbid I find good conversation elsewhere! Goodness knows I can't seem to find it among any of you," he retorted, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You chuckled, "Oh, come on, you know I'm all the conversation you'd ever need, anyway."
"Oh? Is that what you believe?" His captivating smile served as a lure, drawing you in. "A man with my appetites would require far more," he said coyly, his gaze holding yours with an enticing intensity. 
You clicked your tongue in mock disappointment. "Ah, what a shame," you remarked sarcastically, "and here I thought we were getting along famously... quite the pity." 
"Oh, my dear! Have I truly started to rub off on you that much?" he exclaimed with a touch of amusement. "You sound so much like me~ I'm delighted to see you've at least learned from the best."
"But of course!" you exclaimed, a playful glint in your eyes. "I couldn't resist the opportunity to flirt with someone as adorable as you." You reached out to pet the cat, only to be met with a loud hiss as it quickly scampered out of Astarion's arms.
He sighed in disappointment, shaking his head lightly. "You scared the poor kitty off... seems your charms aren't as potent as you believe. Perhaps you didn't learn from me" he teased, punctuating his remark with one of his signature chuckles.
"Oops... My apologies for scaring him off... Didn't realize he hated me that much," you said sheepishly, a giggle escaping as you recalled the image of the cat's irritated expression when you attempted to scratch the same spot Astarion had carefully tended to. 
"It's quite alright, handsome~" he remarked, a playful twinkle in his eye. "If you wanted my attention, you could have just said something~ No need to scare off the competition," he added with a teasing grin.
You gave him a small peck on the cheek, a fond smile playing on your lips. "You're a riot," you remarked, rolling your eyes affectionately.
"Among many other things," he replied with a smirk, his hand finding your waist and pulling you closer into a deeper kiss. 
"Oh, please, contain yourself," you chuckled, gently pushing him away. "Let's just take a breather, shall we? The last thing we need is to expend more energy on... certain activities."
"Oh, you're such a killjoy, darling~" he teased, a playful pout forming on his lips. "But if that's what you want, I'll comply, I suppose," he added with a mischievous grin.
You scoff yet again and finally prepare yourself for bed, you lay in your bed, roll onto the bed (I would not trust them crusty ass prehistoric sheets) and quietly retire for the night. 
As sleep enveloped you, you finally found solace, allowing yourself the indulgence of dreaming about him – your cunning and seductive lover. In your dreams, there was nothing but the desire to whisk him away to a serene and secluded place, where you could openly express your true feelings for him. You yearned to reveal how deeply your body and heart longed for him, how every fiber of your being craved his presence in every way possible. In truth you loved him and wanted nothing more than to take him and become with him when he was ready, when he was ready to connect with your body and soul. 
(Nsfw part here)
You shamelessly still revealed the sensation of his perfect body beneath yours, imagining the softness and plushness of his form beneath your touch….
After kissing his beautiful, red lips, you gently lay him down, his hunger sated from feeding on your neck. You could taste the iron on your tongue as he pressed his own into yours, his warmth radiating from his body, fueled by the blood he had taken from you. 
How he would gasp as you pumped yourself getting ready to enter his needy body. How you would very carefully prepare his body by placing one finger at a time in his puckering ass to prepare him for you. When he was ready you carefully pumped his aching hard cock as you rubbed the tip of your cock on the outside of his ass. Finally, as you entered him you would gently hold his face as your thrust moved from painfully slow to now dramatic and full of yearning. How you wished to do nothing more than to speak nothing but praise into his ear as he took you in so well and easy… Just as you felt the pressure in your abdomen ready to contract and fill him full of your seed… you feel a familiar hand on your chest… however this time it wasn’t in your dream, instead you opened your eyes to see a slightly red Astarion looking down at you with lust in his eyes.
(nsfw part end here!)
“Darling… had I known you felt this way... I would have told you sooner..” He whispered close to your ears. 
"Fuck—what do you mean... 'know how I felt this way'?" you whispered fiercely into his ear, your voice tinged with confusion and frustration. "What in the hells are you talking about?"
“Well, Handsome, it appears our charming guests have keenly picked up on your yearning for me and subconsciously connected with each other” he remarked with a playful grin. 
"But fret not, my love. I don't mind at all. While I may not be fully prepared for something as intense just yet, the way they seamlessly connected, mirroring your feelings towards me—it's truly something special. Darling, I'm more than grateful to have you by my side," he said softly, planting a tender kiss upon your forehead.
“I… I don’t know what to say… I’m mortified for one… but still please know that this doesn't mean you should rush into anything and-” Before you could finish, he was already shushing you. 
"Yes, my darling, I understand, and I appreciate your respect for my boundaries. But I must admit, that dream was utterly delightful... And if you'd indulge me, perhaps we could explore those depths together," he confessed, a faint blush tinting his cheeks with vulnerability.
"Of course, darling. I'm here for you, ready to explore, experiment, and support you in every way you need," you replied with a warm smile.
"I'm truly fortunate to have you," he acknowledged, "but perhaps we can save that exploration for another time... If it's not too much to ask, may I sleep next to you tonight instead?"
You chuckled softly as you unrolled your bedroll, creating ample space for Astarion to snugly fit beside you. He nestled his head into the crook of your chest, finding comfort in your presence as he drifted into a peaceful and sound sleep for the night.
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real-oddity · 5 months
Real Oddity's 2023 Art
Hello hello, gay people in my computer, it's that time again! Time to look at my art over this year! Feel free to look at 12 pieces that I did throughout the year. Enjoy :D!!
January- Fluffybird hyperfixation was in FULL SWING, WOW! I was in a really good groove early in the year, and was getting a lot of nice work done, including these idiots! I've changed how I draw these boys, but I still really like the shading for the most part! Generally holds up well. The background is pretty cool, too! I drew it myself :]
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February- Luz Noceda my beloved! The Owl House was my favorite show for a while and still means a lot to me, so I felt like drawing Luz! Overall not very happy with this piece, like the shading, and also the nose, but I love the tears and eyes :D! Also hey those weird funky angular hands I used to draw, what ever happened to those-
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March- BALDI!!!!! I was such an indie horror kid, man, so when I found out I had like. 12 hours to get a drawing done for Baldi's anniversary, I fucking jumped at the chance. I'm proud of that fact, but yeesh that shading is a little gross color wise. Also I could not draw lips, ears, or noses. I still can't, but I'm better at it!
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April- oh god not them- So I was into Homestuck for a bit lol. I haven't finished it, and don't know if I will, but that's beside the point! Honestly this piece still holds up! For a colored sketch, I still like it a lot, especially Whimsy's hands. Dieonn's chin though... god you can tell I'm ass at perspective-
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May- Oh my goodness, it's Wally Darling! He's just the most~ This was a practice in perspective, which as mentioned before I'm not great at!. I think it came out well, and while the shading isn't realistic for a felt body, I still like it :]
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June- Oh my goodness he's multiplying!!! Run, run! This was me still trying to wiggle into the Welcome Home fandom (and failing lol) This was also a practice in both just drawing Wally, and composition! I didn't do great, but hey, it was good practice.
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July- Oh my gosh it's him... the birthday boy- So the Daycare Attendant stole my heart a few years back when I was really ill and recovering from some trauma, so I of course had to make something for Eclipse! I wanted to test painting, and honestly? I like it a lot, at least dirt wise. He looks so grimy, I love it, ah!! Still needs more work on the lighting, though.
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August- God dammit he came back again >:[ I was getting excited for all the new fnaf stuff, so I decided to draw Springtrap, the animatronic that scarred me so much as a kid. I'm actually still pretty happy with the general lighting. Like, there are a few things I have notes on, but overall I still like it :] Also the wires were fun, hehe
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September- Mr. Darling is back again! I decided to try my hand at digital painting again and!!! I am still really pleased with the results. Pretty man!
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October- Oh god its The Horse Show- For Cringetober, I drew a rarepair of Rarity and Sassy Saddles from MLP:FIM. I'm still super super happy with the horse anatomy, they're so cute! This was also a test in cell shading.
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November- Circus time! I thought the pairing of Jax and Kaufmo was kinda funny, so I drew them. This was another test in composition and such, and general interactions. I still think it's alright :]
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December- JANUARY EVERLY MY BELOVED SON!!! God it's been a hot minute sense I've done any illustrations with Jan. This was me just dicking around tbh, but hey! The results are fun! I love my son <3
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2023 was so much better than 2022 in many ways. I'm looking forward to an even better 2024, and I hope you'll join me!
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iguessitsjustme · 1 month
Deep Night Ep 1 Thoughts
I tried to start watching this about two hours ago but then my sister called and then I had to run to the store for some pain meds. They really should invent a me without a headache. Anyway I got my meds, a cake, and about a million beverages so I guess it’s time to start. Episode 1: Headache Nation under the cut because boy oh boy did I ramble
Oh this is only 8 episodes? I thought it was 12. This works for me. I do love a good solid 8 episode long show.
*eats pickle* damn they got aerial boys. More of this everywhere please?
Already obsessed with the music. Do you know what gets me every time? Strings. Just listen to the build up they do. Ughsjsjskdjwkd I love string instruments
WHO sings this opening??? I am OBSESSED with their voice. 
Oh to be a beautiful lady in a skintight bodysuit doing aerial tricks by a giant window in a very yellow room. I might be in love with her. I don’t care if she ends up being evil or something. I love her. 
I know its not exactly the same but every time I hear host club I think of them:
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Boy take the cookie! Free cookie! I wish I was a hot boy in a BL that was being offered homemade baked desserts. I just remembered I bought a cake. I must pause to go get a slice or I won’t be able to forgive my man for this:
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Do I see…a ql character…with glasses???? Gonna need to add this boy to my spreadsheet. Anyway he better keep them. No one spoil me. 
Wait I have the opportunity to do something very funny. To me and to only me. I also bought a bottle of sparkling cider. The best non alcoholic beverage. So I’m gonna drink this straight from the bottle while these boys are stuck getting drunk with actual alcohol at this club. Okay note to self. In the future, open the sparkling cider over the sink. Why are you more adept at opening champagne?
Ooohhhh rivals. Academic rivals. All these business statistics are too much for me. But I’m intrigued. I actually think these two would make good business partners. Perhaps. Could be wrong.
I should probably start learning names. So far all I know is Japan. And also that he’s my favorite. *eats chip*
The music is trying to tell me things are serious but I don’t care enough yet for things to be this serious.
Oh a grandiose staircase. I want a grandiose moment on those stairs. But I want to be wearing sweats and be as unserious as possible. Those stairs have obviously seen far too many serious moments. Those stairs need to see some whimsy. 
I do not think I like Khem. At least not yet. I like Japan and Khem’s mother. I bet Khem will grow on me. But right now he kind of irks me. 
Did Khem show up to this club in a cardigan??? Are cardigans fine at clubs? Where can I find that cardigan I want it.
I am OBSESSED with Khem’s necklace. I am not a big jewelry person but this necklace is absolutely working for me. I mean look at it! The way it rests on his clavicle (I think thats what it is don't look at me) but it draws your eye down to his chest where the shirt under his cardigan is hiding his body but the unbuttoned top button of the cardigan is wanting to show more. Maybe cardigans ARE club attire. But only with that necklace and only on this boy. 
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Why does this woman want Khem to live with her? I hope the show helps her remove the stick up her ass. Though I’m not sure the actress can pull off the stern character she’s portraying. It makes me take her a little less seriously and I don’t know if that’s intentional or not. 
Ah I see some fantasies ARE universal. Someone remind me when I’m done watching to reblog gifs of this kiss. Also want to point out how much I love the music in this scene. The whole thing absolutely and incredibly gorgeous. Actually obsessed. Stunning. Everything stunning.
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I would like to give Japan a hug actually. 
I’m in love with Khem’s mother. Outta my way gay boy I’m about to become your step parent. 
Me vs. street noise. Who wins? The answer is street noise. Every time. Not even hiding in my hoodie helps.
The GUFFAW that came from me when they show Khem as a valet? Oh they say traffic assistant. I am in LOVE with his mother. 
Either these shows need to stop showing me food or I’m gonna need to make a trip to Thailand because that looks so good. 
These sound effects are SENDING me.
Damn right boy. Get paid. Get that bread. I love him. 
A LAPSIT? In the very first episode? More likely than you’d think. 
This soundtrack reminds me of the Life is Strange soundtrack at times and that is my favorite game soundtrack of all time. 
Okay episode 1 done. I really enjoyed it despite all of the interruptions I dealt with. Time for episode 2! I do not know if I’ll watch more than the first 2 episodes today but I am very excited to keep going. 
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felswritingfire · 2 years
you've done freddy and sander can you do drew x m!reader to complete gay furry trio
TW: None
Slowly (slowly) chipping away at these! Sorry about the wait for them, omg, I've been BUSY lmao. Anyway, more Dislyte on the way and then hopefully I'll be able to tackle some Baki the Grappler!
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🐾 It takes a while for Drew to begin to pursue you. What with his more shy demeanor when it comes to the more romantic arts and his unyielding sense of duty to the House of Ramses (not to mention the Union)- he’s hesitant to pursue you despite how deep his attraction runs. 
🐾 It takes Brynn and Q to push him to even try and attempt to ask you out. It was actually Q who pointed it out (of course he would, he has the power of Eros on his side despite his resentment of it, sometimes it comes in handy, like now-) having noticed all of the signs:
“You have a thing for (Y/N), don’t you?” He accused, pointing at the butler.
Brynn raised her brows at the way Drew continued to add creamer to  the iced coffee she had asked for. “Uh, that’s enough, Drew-”
His shoulders jerked back and he scrambled to regain his normal posture. “I apologize, Ms. Brynn-” his voice shaky before he cleared his throat to continue- “if you wish for me to make you another one more to your taste, feel free to ask-”
“Naw, it’s all good!” She jumped up from the coach to go and grab the cup. She settled back into her seat, grinning over the rim of the cup as she took a sip. “Sometimes I need a little bit more pep in my step, thanks, Drew.”
“Ah, well,” he fixed his cuff, the butterfly that enjoyed staying with him fluttering about him. “As long as you are enjoying yourself, I suppose it’s fine.”
“Soooo,” Q drawled, drawing the attention back to himself. “You do like (Y/N), don’t ya, old man?”
“I don’t see what sort of relevance this has with anything.”
“Oh, it has every sort of relevance, Old Man.” Q’s wings gave two firm flaps to lift him from the couch, soon fluttering to keep him afloat as he leaned back, pointing two fingers at him. “Because our very own Old Man of the Esper Union has a big fat  C-R-U-S-H on the pretty errand boy-”
Drew’s hand suddenly slapped over Q’s mouth, the wisps of his cloak seemingly flaring more than usually. “I would prefer if you would lower your voice, Mr. Q.” He said, his voice low and ringing with a growl. The tiny Esper’s eyes were the size of saucers, his wings stuttering mid flap. 
“Woah! No freakin’ way! You have a thing for (Y/N), Drew? He is the sweetest thing, man!” Brynn said, scooting further off the seat to set her cup down on the coffee table and turning her focus to the butler. “When’re you gonna ask him out?”
“Ah, well, I…” Drew had let go of Q, his ears flicking back.
Q gasped for air, voice considerably lower. “You are planning on asking them out, right, Old Man?”
Drew stiffened, ears pressing flat against his head. “Oh my gods, you can’t not ask him out, Drew!” 
“Yeah, Old Man, you gotta! Hold on, me and Brynn’ll come up with something.”
“No, that is very considerate but you do not have to-” 
But it was too late, neither of them were listening to him, too caught up in brainstorming ingenious ways to get the two of you together. 
🐾 Spoiler alert, none of these were ingenious ways and each time they pitched an idea to him it was shot down with a furious head shake (much akin to a wet dog as Q loved to point out. Brynn always smacked him over the head) and veheminate and polite denial. 
“What do you mean?” Q cried. “Covering yourself in chocolate and being all seductive on his bed is the perfect way to his heart!”
“No!” Drew cleared his voice, struggling to keep his voice even. “No, it is not. Imagine the mess and the shock he’d suffer. A hard no, Mr. Q.”
“Party pooper.”
🐾 It’s up to Drew to confess to you before those two do it for him in the most embarrassing and concerning way they can possibly come up with (completely unintentional, but Drew caught sight of them making giant posters of his head and putting them on sticks- he’s pretty sure he saw crude hearts drawn in his pupils (well, eyes, considering the lack of said pupils)- he has no idea what they’re for and shutters to think of the purpose). 
🐾  He takes you to a quiet garden, somewhere safe and peaceful, bringing a picnic he made for lunch. In the quiet after-lunch lull is when he confesses to you. 
“I apologize if this is too sudden,” He begins, voice gentle and almost timid, your focus coming to him. “But I wanted to… inform you of my… my feelings for you before you heard from another.” His gaze moves from the plates he’s gently putting away to your wide eyes, a gentle smile on his muzzle. “But I am irrevocably and utterly attracted to you and, if you would entertain a simple butler such as myself, I would love it.”
🐾  If you don’t reciprocate his feelings (Note from Fel: awful, stinky, I will beat your ass if you break this poor baby's heART, DO YOU HEAR ME?) he will simply nod and accept your answer. He won’t treat you any differently, but there is a notable amount of longing sighs to be heard when he’s in the room. 
🐾  If you accept his confession (Note from Fel: the only viable option tbh), he will be over the moon and softly ask if he can embrace you. 
🐾  Honestly a large chunk of your relationship consists of him asking if it’s ok if he does something for you- consent is very important to him. 
🐾  You are so damn spoiled by this man. He is a top tier butler, you are being treated like royalty, though you might have to remind him to calm down because, sometimes, he falls back into the role a little too easily again. 
🐾  He gets embarrassed about it, but if you’re gentle about it and remind him that it just shows how much he loves you, he will cover his face with his hands and his ears will wiggle, a high pitched whine will leave him- but he’ll be over the moon. 
🐾 He most likely doesn’t weigh that much, so if you are so inclined: carry him. Lift him into your arms and press a kiss to the side of his head. He’ll be a puddle in your arms.
🐾  But be careful because he’s kind of long (he’s 5’10” which isn’t crazy, but it’s still tall (at least to me *stares off in short*). 
🐾  The two of you become the Union’s dads- no and’s, if’s, or but’s- you are now team dad. The younger Espers already held an admiration for Drew, it just rolled over to you now that the two of you are together- though, in that same vein: some of the recruits are gonna be very… judgmental about you. Well, judgmental in the sense that they don’t want Drew hurt. He’s very much appreciated at the Union and it’d break their hearts to see him broken-hearted- and if you’re the cause of it? Hoo-boy, you have a whole storm coming. 
🐾  If they get a little too aggressive in their approach with you then Drew will step in- he will not sit idly by and watch his boyfriend be put down. He’d literally rather eat glass. 
🐾 I’m so sorry to say, you’ll have to make an honest effort to get along with Ollie if you don’t already because he loves that boy so much, he practically raised him- and he’s one of the only things left from his former home? Yeah, it’s a bit of a deal breaker if you don’t get along with the dude, unfortunately. And Ollie, when he first meets you- even if he’s still mad at Drew and going on the blame train with him about what happened (which like, look, I love Ollie but I was gonna beat the FUCK out of him when that part popped up in the story, ok?)- he’s still going to be the most difficult and judgy bitch imaginable. He’s very much the type to sabotage your relationship with Drew if he really doesn’t like you and thinks you’re a horrible fit for Drew. He won’t outright dictate Drew to break up with you, but he’ll definitely bring up some subtle points about you that get Drew thinking. 
🐾  Mind you, that doesn’t really mean much because if it ends up bothering him that much, he’ll simply sit down with you and ask to talk about it. But if it’s something that you can’t talk about with a level head, it might put a strain on the relationship, because Drew seems like the type to not be able to handle tension with loved ones very well (he has abandonment issues, what do you expect?), he’ll probably shut down and be very… quiet for a couple of days. Which will just piss Ollie off tbh. And if it continues then Brynn and Q will get involved. Man has a whole protection squad, they won’t forgive you if you do anything to hurt Drew, man. Also, Ollie is actually a very good judge of character so he most likely won’t do anything unless you give him bad vibes.
🐾 There’ll be little to no arguments in your guys’ relationship because Drew is an extremely mature person- also he hates arguing in general and, as mentioned before, if you two do slip into an argument for whatever reason- he’ll literally stonewall you. He’ll stop communicating if it goes on too long, dissociating from the situation, not responding to you- he just shuts down. It’s very jarring to see actually because it’s so unlike him, but you can tell he’s hurt by the way his ears are pinned back and he just stares down at his hands. At this point, you just have to give him space to calm down- honestly, the man is on the cusp of a panic attack and the only reason he shut down is because he doesn’t want to make you anymore upset than you already are- which, depending how well you respond to that, just makes you more angry/hurt- even if the situation wasn’t something of his doing. He’s got a lot of baggage bottled up inside of him and you have to be understanding and patient with him. 
🐾 If the arguments become a recurring thing, he’ll most likely break up with you despite how much it’ll hurt him (AND OLLIE WILL BE THERE STANDING ALL FUCKING FORBOADING AND SHIT LIKE A DAD ABOUT TO SHOOT HIS DAUGHTERS BOYFRIEND FOR MAKING HER CRY- IT’S ACTUALLY SO SCARY, DUDE-)
🐾  Long story short: he’s such a soft lover; all he wants is to hold your hand and spoil you, pls take good care of him. 50000/10, best thing since sliced bread, bro.
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finalorangefanta · 2 years
Final Fantasy IX Party Members in Order of How Much I Adore Them (Most to Least)
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Blank - Idc that he is merely a "guest" party member I just want to know what straight male producer at Square green-lit a zombie leather-brief-clad twink for this game. I wish I had the swag that Blank has. In addition to wearing the least clothes, he's also the sassiest one of the Tantalus Gay Polycule(TM), and therefore the most gay. Also claims to be lady's man but offers no evidence of this. (And apparently he was cool enough to be the only guest party member to be included in this concept art)
Beatrix - Also a guest party member, but an extremely rewarding one to finally play as after she kicks your ass so many times. The general of the all-female army of Alexandria serves so much cunt. Her sword is called Save the Queen which is arguably the most memorable and definitely cuntiest name of a minor weapon in any Final Fantasy game, my feelings about Her Majesty Lizzy aside. And her headgear is nonsensical except that it is hot
Freya Claybourne - Moving into the main playable characters, let me first acknowledge that dragoons are probably the hottest job in Final Fantasy, and Freya is one of the coolest. Freya is furry fodder as an anthropomorphic rat "Burmecian", but somehow maintains more poise and elegance than any other main cast member. Her musical theme alone could draw out some tears. Her devotion to Burmecia even after its destruction makes me almost think chivalry could be a good thing sometime, somewhere.
Vivi Ornitier - Pause: why does Vivi have a last name when no other black mage does? Regardless, everybody loves Vivi. How could you not? The odd black mage design from early Final Fantasy games becomes quite cute when characterized as a lost little boy that was created using arcane magic to take over the world. Vivi's character arc is perhaps most touching of all, moving from confusion to sadness to hope.
Garnet "Dagger" Til Alexandros XVII - In a kingdom dedicated to protecting a secret crystal, naming 17 princesses "Garnet" seems like a bad idea. Anyway, she's your typical tomboy deuteragonist found in oh so many JRPGs but Dagger might be a little better than others because she's not manic-pixie-dream-girling anybody (unlike, say, Rinoa from FFVIII); she doesn't change Zidane much and he doesn't really change her. Dagger grows wiser from exposure to the world and not from her monkey boyfriend. The plot is bigger than them both.
Zidane Tribal - Zidane is not the most remembered protagonist in Final Fantasy, definitely less remembered than Cloud or Squall from VII and VIII, but I think that's why he's one of my favorites. He's not as moody. In fact he's a relatively static character whose main change is being more serious by the end. He crushes hard on Dagger, but by the climax his involvement is more connected to Kuja, which I find more compelling, even if that also follows a well-established pattern in FF games.
Quina Quen - Quina, to me, is a strange experiment in gender fuckery that is mostly successful despite being used as comic relief; they do let Quina an Vivi get "married" without anyone treating it as an insane concept, and Quina has his own pronouns that everyone uses. S/he (maybe we can just use "they" now?) is simple, and simple is good. Cook food, catch frogs. Would that we could all be more like our genderqueer kuing Quina.
Adelbert Steiner - This is easily the best first name/surname combo in FFIX. If you do not love Steiner by the end of the game, you are without a soul. He's annoying at the premise, but by the end he is our collective babygirl. He tries so damn hard, and he is a certified lad with strong lawful-good allegiances that grow a little more chaotic over time.
Amarant Coral - Ah, the edgelord. If it wasn't going to be Zidane, someone had to be it. Amarant's look is not my favorite character design, but his arc is heartwarming. Unfortunately, we don't know enough about his past for it to be fully rewarding.
Eiko Carol - (Not related to Amarant of the very similar last name.) Eiko is a sweet but sassy little girl with magic powers and a tragic backstory, much like Rydia and Relm from earlier games. But this time she has a horn and a tiny moogle companion named Mog, and Mog is the best thing about Eiko.
Cid Fabool IX - I like Cid because he was a bug. As a human and a guest party member, he's not quite as cool. He's a bit of an adulterer, but he learns his lesson so I guess he's fine? Still, one of the more fun Cids in the series.
Cinna and Marcus - The last two guest party members. Marcus's love for his "bro" Blank is the only reason I remember him. (It could've been gayer but go off ig.) I'm not sure why I remember Cinna exists. He's comic relief, I think? Kind of frightening with his soulless eyes, honestly.
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hdawg1995 · 1 year
Kinda out of the blue, but I am super curious about your necromancer. Also - the OCs you've posted here are super cool, and I want to know if it's cool for me to draw them 'u'
*breaks down a door and grabs you*
(i can't add a read more, i'm so sorry) Austin "Bane" Wyvernjack is one of my D&D characters that i probably will never play again (sadness). He's a death&magic domain cleric/bard (3.5 is awesome you get TWO domains!) and his whole neutral/evil shtick is that the living don't take care of the dead and the dead deserve better than what they get.
he was raised by two very kind retired adventurers after his mother left him on their door step (i always left the why up to my dungeon master but the campaigns never lasted long enough for Bane's past to get a spot light). the town he was raised it wasn't great- there was this priest who did the stereotypical fantasy priest thing and was controlling the whole town with religion and got everyone to turn on Bane.
"But why?" you may ask, and its because this little kid could see and hear ghosts! more importantly- he could see and hear the ghosts in the graveyard behind the church who couldn't move on because the priest fumbled their burial rights.
So Bane, being a good natured kiddo who didn't know why no one else could see the floating people did the burial rights. which pissed off the priest. so obviously the child who can see ghosts was a devil and they should get rid of him. and also tell him that the god he was raised to follow hated him for bonus points.
*insert "KNOWLEGE" meme*
BAne went from good boy to a pain in the Priest's ass as a form of teenage rebellion. this is how he got the nickname "Bane". he prefers that name (and "No one" because of spy antics in another campaign i tried to play him in) because when you follow a goddess of death, magic, and knowledge you KNOW you're gonna do necromancy and thats not liked in most parts of the world. since he adopted his adopted parent's last name he doesn't want anyone or anything going after them because they want to get at the necromancer, you know?
so off Bane goes to be a adventurer. he died *a lot*. in the first campaign i had with him at one point he died 3 times in combat due to the DM getting nothing but 20s against him. when she got the 4th 20 she didn't even say anything she just got up, went next door, bought some cookies and handed them to me. was not fun but it birthed the "Banes dead again" inside joke.
since i figured i would never play him again i started crafting a backstory for him where he gets a girlfriend and they're cute together but jokes on everyone Bane is one of those Bisexuals who thought they were gay and then realized "huh girls are nice too".
He plays the violin and has a ghost that haunts it named Daruk. Daruk was a man who wanted to be a adventurer but died before he could, so now he travels with Bane experiencing the adventure second hand- he also helps Bane some times. when he plays the violin Daruk is in Daruk can cast spells though the music. it has a fire motif and because Bane is a necromancer is GREEN FIRE!
Something Bane says that i always think about and chew on cause every time i do i pull more and more "ah HA!" moments from it is "the living are sheep who will follow any shepherd to the slaughter" because thats how he views the world- a town was easily convinced that a child was evil because they listened to a man who didn't like said child doing a better job than him.
everyone dies eventually, the sheep eventually are slaughtered. its the shepherd who decides the why and the how- is the shepherd in his phrasing life? death? the gods? YES! ALL THREE! your life choices, your timely or untimely demise, the things you believe in all shepherd you to your end and if that end is pretty or not really ain't up to you. at one point in time Bane felt he was the black sheep of the herd since he... well, was. normally the lone sheep that gets rejected or forgotten by the shepherd is left to the wolves so during that time Bane felt less like a sheep and more like a wolf in sheep's clothing. rather then trying to get in and harm the herd, it was just a huge sense of lack of belonging.
at one point i made Bane a NPC in a game i ran and gave him the ability to enter dreams and cause nightmares legit just ripping off from persona 5 (i even gave him a mask and drew it once.) and now he has this nightmare/pumpkin jack motif and i like to think he thinks its just neat.
None of my bards can sing to save their life. Bane is no different. he can play the violin, dance, and tell a story but sing? the number of times he has screamed in fear or pain (because he died a lot i can not stress that enough that is why i'm never gonna play him again the dice hate him) have ruined whatever vocal cords he has.
i joke that hes my "blue eyed pink haired emo boy" because he is but i never actually make his eyes blue. his eyes are this sickly pale green that glow when he is angry or doing magic (or if it would be spooky because he is dramatic like that and so am i). when he was a NPC i made it lore that the color eyes he has are known as "death's witness" and they're a magic genetic thing. if you see enough death in very specific ways your eyes change to that color and the gene for that color gets passed down to your immediate kin. your kids will have the gene but your grand kids won't (unless your kids happen to have kids with someone else with the gene). Bane has it because blue is a recessive gene and Death's Witness is also recessive, so it overrides the blue.
Bane doesn't have "minions" or "servants", he has friends/companions. i mentioned Daruk but he also has Cuddles the War Pony. CUDDLES' BACKSTORY IS REALLY SAD TW FOR ANIMAL DEATH BUT I LOVE CUDDLES SO GOD DAMN MUCH!
so war ponies are used by smaller races in war. Cuddles loved battle, she was a really good war pony. she got the name because she would cuddle and roll around with her rider(s) after battle to get all that energy out. one day her rider was killed in combat so she stood her ground to defend him. it was a losing fight, but she eventually won. unfortunately *she* was the only one who "one" that battle, so there wasn't anyone to arrive in time to treat her wounds and the enemy wasn't about to get anywhere near a war pony that just killed three men. she cuddled up to her rider and passed away to her injuries on the battle field. in the after life she was very restless- there wasn't a war to fight in the after life, there wasn't a battle or combat to participate in. all she did was run, she couldn't' settle down. Then one day a young necromancer found her bones, still on the battle field, alone. someone had come for her rider but not her. the necromancer felt sorry for the war pony and asked if she wanted to adventure with him. Cuddles was animated almost instantly and promptly tackled the young man, earning her name once more. TW OVER
and then during a campaign Bane got possessed by a demon who turned her into a skeletal nightmare pony. she can talk now! AND CAN FLY!
Right now i'm writing a story where Bane and my other table top characters who will never see the light of day again are living under one roof and there is a surprisingly lack of antics but one of the things about Bane in that story is that he is really happy he isn't constantly dying and has more time for his hobbies like playing the violin and wood carving.
WOW THAT WAS A LOT! Bane is my boi and i love him lots.
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
OM! Brothers react to a shy MC
I wanted to write a soft and quiet MC because I am totally the individual who would show up in Devildom and just not talk to anyone because I am too anxious. Shy representation PLEASE!!!!
CW: swearing. GN!MC, Fluff
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At first he is totally fine with this. Obviously you know your place and are rightfully intimidated by Devildom.
Also, this means the pesky human wont get into any shenanigans, right?
You attract just as much trouble as his brothers do, but its usually because Mammon dragged you along into one of his schemes, or another demon at RAD is creating said problems that end of falling on you, being the odd one out in a sea of demons.
Over time though, Lucifer begins to worry when you seem to open up more to his brothers but not him. Yeah sure he tried to kill you (twice) but you forgave him…right?
 Or…maybe not?
·Was he really that scary? Or maybe you were traumatized? Either way, he felt so guilty. After everything that happened, he had such a strong desire to grow closer to you.
But you just stayed so quiet. Which, don’t get him wrong, he appreciates. Especially since you can keep good company while he does his work, or listen to music together peacefully without feeling awkward. After a while, he realizes you’re still intimidated because you are shy, but its not like you’re terrified of him.
Cue relieved Lucifer.
But after he grows closer and closer to you, he finds himself longing for your voice more and more. And it drives him NUTS.
What is wrong with him? Why is he so desperate for you to just say something…anything?
What a simp lol
After a while he begins to purposefully lock you in conversations about...well...anything.
 What your life was like outside of devildom, interests, hobbies, what your thoughts are on the nature of mortality, thoughts on Diavolo’s new idea for RAD…anything that required an extensive conversation and not just a shrug, or a one-word answer.
After a few weeks of this, you let down your walls and you talk to him about the fears of rejection and disappointing others that keep you from being your true self.
He relates tbh.
But also feels bad that you were so worried about disappointing him.
Cue SOFT boi Luci
He will be ever more gentle toward you as you continue to warm up to him and get more comfortable, doing his best to let his own walls built around himself down so you can see him more vulnerably without tanking his pride of course
 Lucifer lives for the moments with you when he can feel the air in the house grow lighter as your laughter echoes through the corridors….
when he watches you and Satan locked in a fierce debate over whether Ernest Hemmingway was gay or not…
when he passes by Asmo’s room, noticing you both singing so loudly and badly and jumping around to a new song you introduced him to…
And when he is sitting in his office alone with you tonight, he sends a series of pictures: Mammon drawing a face on Belphie while he was sleeping, followed by Mammon duct taped to the wall with Belphie giving a sly grin- in the group chat from earlier today…
A cackling laugh erupts from your throat. You throw your head back as tears spill from your eyes, unable to contain the hilarity you felt just glancing at the images. 
Lucifer’s eyes are glued to you, watching the joy radiate from your being. it’s almost as if something in his life was missing until now...
he finds his heart feeling full.
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Oi! Human! What, cat got your tongue? Why the heck are you so quiet??
Ah of course- obviously you were stunned into silence by the great Mammon!
Or…wait…do you not like him?? Its been like a month and you still wont talk to him?????
Cue distressed Mammon.
Man he wants so desperately for you to just talk to him. He will do anything in his power just to hear your voice, ESPECIALLY after making a pact with him.
He is your first after all. You should open up to him the most!
And, surprisingly, you do. Though it takes some time, soon enough you are chattering along with him, giggling at his stupid jokes, and groaning at his new money-grubbing schemes that are bound to not work at all!
See, you knew you couldn’t resist the great Mammon!!
But…wait. Now we face a bigger problem.
Youre growing closer to the others too. Which ya know, its not like Mammon cares about some human is doing right haha
Well….maybe he cares a little
Ok actually he cares a lot.
He starts getting really jealous whenever anyone else gets you laughing so hard you start snorting. You should only laugh like that around him!!
He starts trying to steal more your time, especially if you suddenly find yourself chatting away with Levi on your new favorite anime, or start a book club with Satan.
Nah, he was your first man! Spend time with him pls don’t make him beg
He may even worm his way into joining the book club or watching the anime you like just so he can be included on the conversations with you.
After a while, he calms down a bit, but not by much.
He loves hearing you talk about anything and everything, and will often lay with you late into the night listening to you talk the dream you had last night, hooked on every word leaving your tender lips...
but he wont tell you about his...
Because it was about you.
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I mean, he is a shut in anyway so its not like he cares much that you don’t talk to him.
He pretty much limits his interactions with you in the same way at first.
That is, until after the TSL quiz, and your pact, and…wait, have you always been this into video games and anime??
Why didn’t you tell him!
He has been looking for someone to share in his interests for AGES and now that he has you, good luck getting some free time.
He will go on and on and ON about games, anime, Ruri-chan, TSL, ….but you don’t seem to share in the conversation much.
Honestly, at this point you’re not too worried about disappointing him or him being turned off by the fact that you snort when you laugh.
You were much to enthralled in his detailed knowledge about all of these things that you just…didn’t really think to contribute?
That is, until one day it gets to him and he starts texting you, rapid fire: do you hate him? why you were so quiet? was he annoying you?? Surely he must be if you don’t talk to him, like, ever. All you ever do is nod and say “yeah” and “oh!” Are you just humoring him?
It takes a LONG time before this anxious baby can calm tf down.
He just wants to make you his Henry, okay?
After you explain, he gets a huge boost in his confidence.
No one has ever found his anime rants endearing before. Not ever!
Levi has now declared himself your best friend much to Mammon’s upset.
He begins reworking conversations so you have more to contribute, rather than talking at you. 
But once, you got on a rant about a video game you used to adore in the human world, and…wow.
Have you always looked this beautiful?? Maybe he just hasn’t noticed before...
cue blushing Levi
He can understand why you don’t mind his tangents now.
That spark in your eye that flickers when you talk about something your passionate about…
It just makes his heart flutter.
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Like Levi and Lucifer, he doesn’t mind too much that you’re quiet at first. 
At first he thinks you’re the broody, strong, silent type, like him.
But then he notices how you rarely make eye contact, you fidget a lot, and you tend to fluster easily- tripping over your words when you are caught off guard...
Ah, your just shy.
Satan still keeps his distance for awhile, mostly just observing you out of curiosity.
that is, until he switches bodies with Lucifer and you’re trapped in that stupid dating game.
Wait…Mammon, Lucifer, and Levi think they could beat him? At romancing a small anxious love interest?
Ha. Yeah right.
Satan has read enough romance novels with that exact scenario to know exactly what to do.
He begins by flustering you as much as possible, showering you with compliments, making any movement to just barely graze your hand as he stands next to you.
But after the game ends…nobody’s won, but you’re closer now…more than ever
And now…he’s the one getting flustered?
You find yourself giggling when he asks to make a pact with you, by how a red hue paints his face, you can tell he’s barely got himself together.
But you’re less ruthless than him.
You start spending more time together, often in the library or in his room, but you’re still pretty quiet, much to his dismay.
Sure he’s quiet too, but now you read with him and clearly share his love of cats…he would be...ya know...fine with sharing conversation with you.
Suddenly, and idea pops into his head.
A book club. Perfect.
You both begin reading the same book and the same pace (which is slower than Satan would like but he tolerates it for you) and discussing the chapters.
Soon the conversations he so desires come, and more.
Talks about human nature, philosophy, what characters in books you resemble and why, types of plants that would look best in his room (Satan is plant dad, fight me), anything.
His favorite thing is when you reach a part in a book that you find amusing and you let out a soft giggle.
You don’t notice, but he’s peaking over the top of his own book….
Eyes trailing you, taking in the sensual sound of your laugh, the way your eyes sparkle in delight as they dance across the pages of the book, the way your lips curve so slightly into an ever-present smile that made his heart rate increase…
Boy, was he smitten.
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Oh darling, you don’t have to talk much with this one around.
He will dominate ALL conversation, don’t you worry.
He will talk about his beauty routine, gossip about which lower demons he would sleep with and which ones he has slept with, the latest styles at Majolish, which colors match his features, oh and you know he’s got to try out his new makeup he just bought, wouldn’t you know it he got the last eyeshadow pallet and…
Asmo talks a lot, and he is a flirt- that much is obvious. And your responses to his relentless flirting and attempts at a conversation by only flushing pink and looking away only fuel him more.
Clearly he just needs to flirt MORE. Surely that will break you down to talk back, hmm?
Well, lol jokes on him.
After awhile, he just figures you’re not super interested in him yet but he gives you some space while pursuing those who are
After your pact though, boy howdy.
Hands all over you, clinging to you like bark on a tree, constantly offering to do your makeup and hair, buying you presents, complements out the whazoo, flirting becomes twice as intense, all the while…
Your reactions are still the same…
Sweetie, why wont you talk to him?!
Does he creep you out? Is he too much? He begins feeling like maybe he’s overwhelming you, but he cant quiet seem to get enough.
Eventually he breaks down.
“MC, why wont you talk to me…or even really look at me! I like you so so much but it just seems like you loath me. Am I really that horrible?”
His over-exaggerated pouting finally gets a giggle and a smile from you. 
He smiles back.
You tell him you’ve just been fearful of him getting bored of your true self because he’s built you up to be this magnificent creature that is on his level of beauty, when you aren’t much to hem and haw about.
wrong thing to say.
This boy has you in a bear hug before you even finish
You better learn to love yourself MC. The king of self-care isn’t going to let you say you’re not on his level when CLEARLY you are.
After getting the validation that you really do enjoy his company, just find yourself a little anxious with all the attention, he does cool down a little bit, but expect him to always be showering you in affection.
and suddenly, he finds less and less of a need to talk about himself.
Now his long one sided conversations become actual conversations with you. 
About what colors you like, what styles you’re into, what scents are your favorite…
He cant get enough...
He wants to know everything about you.
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Tbh, he doesn’t mind that you’re quiet at first
It’s a little awkward sometimes when everyone is on about their day at dinner and you’re just silently staring at your plate, though. But he figures you’re just so focused on your food like he is!
Who wouldn’t be? Especially with how good everything tastes here! You must be gripped with the flavor!
Then after you have to move into his room, he notices you’re a little…too quiet.
His worry begins to fester and he wonders why you wont talk. maybe you just don’t like him, or...maybe you’re scared of him? I mean…he did break down the walls to your room and destroy the kitchen over a cup of custard.
It isn’t until after you meet Belphegor that you start striking conversations with him, curious to know about what Belphie is like.
But even then, you ask questions and just nod along while he talks, listening but not contributing.
Beel tries to ask things about you, but you give vague, one word answers.
He is so worried that he’s done something to make you hate him. But…you don’t? right? I mean, you even cuddled with him when he had a nightmare last night. That surely doesn’t sound like something you’d do if you hated him.
After talking to Satan about his concerns with your silence, he realizes that you’re just shy. What a relief.
After this, he tries to ask you more open-ended questions to get you comfortable with talking to him, and begins taking you out with him to restaurants to talk over dinner- having you tell him about various foods in the human world that he would probably like, what your family is like, how you’re faring in Devildom…
And he realizes how much he didn’t know about you before all this. Now, he is always eager to hear more. 
The sound of your voice is so soothing...he imagines it sometimes as he goes to sleep...
He asks you to read to him one night- something that Lucifer did for him and Belphie when they were little. Lucifer’s too busy, Satan has never agreed to do because of it’s association with Lucifer and all Levi wants to read him is Manga, which just isn’t the same.
You feel weird about it at first, but it quickly becomes a nightly routine.
Beel is crushed when you have to return to your own room, but often has you come back (or even calls you) just to hear you read him a story.
Belphie even joins the nightly story time you and Beel have once everything is settled and he joins the family again.
Beel is happy his twin is there, don’t get him wrong…
But sometimes, he wants to be the only one taking in your voice. And this was his thing with you, and only you.
Beel lets Belphie sit in on the stories most nights, but one night per week, he will creep quietly to your room, snuggle with you in your bed, and rest his head on your lap while you read to him…
You make him feel like he’s just eaten 12 delicious cupcakes from Madam Screams…
He never thought someone’s voice could sound so sweet.
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Obviously he doesn’t give a single shit about you right in the beginning.
You’re just some lousy human. What does he care if you have something to say or not?
But whatever. You’re his meal ticket out of this attic. As long as you’ll believe his plight, he doesn’t care.
You never really open up to him until after the incident, and even then it takes awhile.
What if he traumatized you? Well, he knows he did…but he’s worried that you weren’t telling the truth when you said you forgave him for it.
If you forgave him, then why wouldn’t you talk to him??
Belphie tries shrugging it off, convincing himself he deserves the cold shoulder…But seeing you interacting just fine with his brothers….man, it makes his blood boil in jealousy and guilt.
It isn’t until he starts ignoring you that you start seeking him out for conversation. You’re still pretty quiet, but he sees you making the effort and he stops ignoring you. And after talking to Beel, he realizes that you’re just shy and this is how you were at first with Beel too
Its not like he set your relationship off on the right track, anyway. 
But he’s determined to make things right.
After you make a pact with him, he notices a world of a difference.
You invite him to story time with Beel, playing video games with Levi, and starting the anti-Lucifer league with Satan.
All the while, he doesn’t realize you do this partially to spend more time with him, but also to get more comfortable talking around him.
Soon enough, you two chatter away on your own in the moments he’s not napping, talking about the dreams you had, what your aspirations are, how life was like in Devildom before he came out of the attic, ways to get under lucifer’s skin…
And now, you even willingly sing him a lullaby to sooth him after he startles awake from a nightmare.
He never would have thought you two would have gotten so close in a million years based on that first impression
but here you two are. Belphie snuggling his head close to your chest while you stroke his hair and hum to him softly…
He sighs and presses his face further into you, soaking up your scent and letting your soft voice lull him back to sleep…
He wouldn’t trade this moment for anything in the world.
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frosted-night · 3 years
Pitch Concept Design Review
I tried to track down most, if not all of Pitch’s concept designs. Both book and movie designs. They’re really interesting.
Book Pitch Designs
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The first complete drawing of Pitch Joyce made. Honestly he looks like a corpse here and it’s p creepy. This what Joyce said about this design from his insta
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He looks like a shell of his former self tbfh. Rating: 5/10 creepy but not my cup of tea. Pitch get some face cream please.
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The refined version of his first drawing. I like this version much better but he still has something off about his face that doesn’t make me fully comfortable. Not to mention he is HUGE
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Thats a bonus honestly. Love the flowing hair he is depicted with.
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Here he is colored. I prefer this nightmare spear than the staff hes depicted with in those drawings. Overall this is a more human looking Pitch but still very likely to kill you. Book Pitch has a body count and he fits that. Love his flared color and long hair. Fancy
Rating: 9/10 Looking great while getting ready to commit murder
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This was  an interpretation of Pitch who was freshly turned by the fearlings/dream pirates. Joyce said he still wears his golden age armor but Ima be honest. This one is uh. Hm. I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s going on with his face/skin and honestly I’m trying not to think about it. Rating: 3/10 Looks like a burn victim steam punk man
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This one isn’t too different than the one before but it has more features here than before. Let’s see what Joyce said about it.
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He just can’t help himself with the steam punk can he. I think my feelings here are the same. Rating: 3/10 Interesting concept but still not vibing with it entirely.
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Ah yes the beetle juice looking one. Gotta love him. He’s got a much different aura than the other Pitch’s and its interesting. He looks like he very much enjoys giving nightmares as a form of entertainment. Rating: 7/10 A fun lad
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So uh This was in the art book .... I have no idea about this one either. Some say he looks like a hand, some say he looks kinda animal like? I can’t make heads or tails. But you’re cursed to see him now. Rating: 1/10 Please stay out of my dreams
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Another design from the art book. This one definitely looks like a sleep paralysis demon and a mix of ganondorf. Not much else to say besides hoo lord Rating: 5/10 Creepy please stay 60 ft away
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PROBABLY THE CREEPIEST ONE IN MY OPINION. He looks exactly like a shadow person/sleep paralysis demon and good lord. If i saw this standing at the end of my bed I’d pass away right then and there. Rating: 9/10 I dig this one so much
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Now we’re getting into the very abstract looking Pitch designs. I think these are all very similar so I’m just gonna group them together
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Okay so. These definitely give off an aura of this being is very old. Some accentuate his nose n some don’t but thats okay. This one doesn’t strike my fancy but I can appreciate him. He somehow looks dadly here too? I can’t explain it. Overall p good Rating: 6/10 decent and inhuman looking.
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Eldritch Pitch just gets less and less humanoid as the pics go on. I cannot stress enough how much I love this version of him. It feels much more ancient than the previous design. It’s incomprehensible almost, straight out of a lovecraftian horror. This is literal fear embodied and a cosmic level threat. I adore this Pitch with all my heart
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Rating:10/10 There needs to be more of him more love.
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Can’t go wrong with what we got though. I don’t even need to rate him y’all already know. His book design, the Eldritch design and this one are my favorites. (And the sleep paralysis one its a new fave.)
Rating: 100000/10 I’m gay.
753 notes · View notes
lemony-snickers · 2 years
Naruto Secret Santa Gift Exchange ‘21
The Perfect Gift (AO3 Link Here)
Summary:  As Christmas approaches, Team 7 sets out to choose the perfect gift for their sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Knowing nothing about the man’s likes and dislikes (beyond his inability to be on time and proclivity for raunchy literature), the three genin enlist the help of his Eternal Rival. Little do they know, Gai’s team has asked the same of Kakashi himself. Word Count:  4,994 Warnings:  none!  this is very fully fluff and my submission for the @narutosecretsanta gift exchange! my giftee is @hrududil and i really hope you enjoy this fic!
Sakura attempted to rein in her irritation as Naruto groaned loudly once again, shifting his weight and letting his body rest bonelessly against her.
“Sakuraaaa,” he said, drawing out the last syllable of her name in a whine, “It’s too early.  Can’t we come back later?”
She stepped to the side and let the blonde boy flail in an attempt to keep himself upright, biting back a chuckle when he landed unceremoniously on the ground, face first.
“Idiot,” Sasuke said, pointing his nose in the air as he watched Naruto swipe dirt off his tongue.
The hot-headed Uzumaki scrambled to his feet.  “Say that again, Sasuke!  You didn’t want to be here either!”
Sakura rolled her eyes as the two boys squabbled.
“Would you two knock it off!?” she shouted, hands clenched in fists at her sides.  When her teammates ignored her, she brought her closed hands down on each of their heads in tandem, smiling at the satisfying oofs they made followed by blessed silence.  “We’re on a mission, remember?”
“Some mission,” Naruto grumbled, rubbing the growing knot on his head.  “Not even gonna get paid for it.”
For just a second, Sakura’s heart squeezed.  She knew the money they earned from their missions was more important for both her teammates than for herself—especially for Naruto—but she pushed that thought away as she reiterated their objective.
“This is the only time we can find Gai-sensei alone,” she said, “and it’s already December, we can’t wait any longer.”
Sasuke was about to interject when an inhuman thundering noise shook the ground beneath the three genin’s feet, putting them all immediately on high alert.
Before they could discern the cause of the noise on their own, a large green-clad mass pulled to a halt beside them.  The dust it kicked up stung their eyes and the three young shinobi coughed, waving their hands in front of their faces to clear the air.
“What a surprise!  My Rival’s youthful genin team out so early to train!  What a beautiful sight!”
Gai Maito stood, forehead glistening as brightly as his smile from the sweat of his early morning run, as he rested his hands on his hips.
Sasuke’s face wrinkled up in a grimace as he noted a few stray tears in the jonin sensei’s eyes.
So weird, he thought.
Sakura recovered first and jumped at the opportunity to address the man she’d dragged her teammates out of bed before dawn to intercept.  “Good morning, Gai-sensei!  We were actually hoping we could ask you a favor.”
“Ah, Sakura-chan, as much as I’d love to help you with your conditioning, I’m afraid I could never step on my Rival’s wonderful teaching techniques.”
“Uh… err…” Sakura fumbled for a response.
“We don’t want you to train us!” Naruto shouted, “We need your help picking out a Christmas present for Kakashi-sensei!”
Gai blinked at the three young students a moment and then broke out in a somehow impossibly larger grin, eyes shining.
“I am honored you would consider me for such an important task,” he said solemnly.  Sasuke rolled his eyes and tsked as Gai clutched a determined fist to his chest.  “No mission has ever been as important as this; to help my Eternal Rival’s cute students choose a present to bring him the joy of the season!”
Naruto deadpanned as Gai remained frozen in place for a moment, as if posing for dramatic effect.
“Uh… does that mean you’ll help us, Gai-sensei?” Sakura asked.
“Of course, my adorable cherry blossom!  Nothing would make me happier!”  Gai scanned the horizon before nodding once. “I must finish my morning training, but meet me at the dango shop today at noon and we will begin our search for the perfect gift!”
With that, Gai took off running once more, kicking up a cloud of dust in his wake that coated the three genin in dirt.
He was gone in almost an instant, as fast as he’d arrived.
Sasuke kicked at the gravel, shoving his hands in his pockets.  “We’re going to regret this,” he said dully, turning to begin the trek to the empty Uchiha Complex.
“Ugh,” Naruto groaned, dusting the dirt from his hair.  “I’m going back to bed.  See you later, Sakura-chan.”
Sakura bit her lip nervously, wondering if her decision to bring Gai into their gift-seeking endeavor was the right one.
No turning back now, she figured.  She only hoped it would be worth it in the end.
Tenten and Lee waited patiently as Neji activated his clan’s kekkei genkai, scanning the surrounding trees for any sign of their quarry.
He huffed irritably. “Nothing.”
Tenten groaned as Neji released the technique, the bulging veins around his eyes subsiding as he crossed his arms over his chest.  “I thought you saw him come this way,” she said, turning toward Lee.
“I promise you I did, Tenten!  I would never mistake Gai-sensei’s Rival for someone else!  He’s far too precious a person!”
She bit back the desire to roll her eyes, knowing that Lee’s heart was in the right place, even if his volume was several decibels too high and his expression far too earnest.
“He is an elite jonin,” Neji said, “I’m not surprised he knew we were following him.”
Tenten curled one of her hands into a fist and then flexed it open before she answered.  “I was really just hoping we’d be able to catch up with him.  I don’t want to wait too long and miss our chance.”
“I’m sure we will find an excellent gift for Gai-sensei no matter what!  As long as it comes from the heart, he’s sure to love it!”
Neither she nor Neji were entirely convinced of that. Because while all three of them certainly wanted to get their sensei a good gift—after all, he doted on them even if they both found him utterly embarrassing most times—they didn’t really have much to go on as far as what the green-clad ninja might want or need.
“Perhaps a new pair of leg warmers,” Neji suggested, arms still crossed and doing his best to appear as disinterested as possible.
Tenten grit her teeth. “We are not getting him a pair of those awful things, even if he needed them, which I suspect he doesn’t.”
“Indeed you are correct, Tenten!  Gai-sensei has many pairs of leg warmers at the ready should he require a new set!”
“Great,” she said, feigning a smile.  With one last long glance around the clearing in which they found themselves, Tenten sighed, shoulders sagging.  “I guess we’ll just have to head to the market and see what we can scrounge up.”
Neji shrugged, already turning back toward the center of the village.
“I assure you both, Gai-sensei will be pleased with whatever we give him!  He is a man of exceptional character who knows it is the thought that counts more than anything!”
Tenten smiled, and she even noticed a slight uptick at one corner of Neji’s mouth.
Because Lee was right, no matter what they gave their sensei, she knew the man would probably bawl his eyes out in gratitude.  That was just the sort of person he was.
Once the three genin were well out of sight, the earth beneath where they’d been standing rumbled slightly before a gaping hole appeared and Kakashi Hatake emerged from the ground, brushing dirt from his flak vest and unruly silver hair.
“A gift for Gai, hm?”
That certainly wasn’t what he’d expected when he noticed the three genin tailing him after his morning training session.
Well, as much fun as it would be to watch his Rival’s students squirm, Kakashi thought it might actually be worthwhile to help them in their endeavor.  He probably owed Gai Maito plenty of gifts by this point, having forgone holidays and birthdays during his time as an ANBU commander. This year might be the perfect one to begin celebrating such things again.
As he flipped his favorite Icha Icha novel out of his pocket and opened it to page 74 to pick up where he’d left off, Kakashi let his mind wander to what would make the perfect gift for the Sublime Green Beast of Konoha.
Gai was already at the dango shop by the time Team 7 arrived, happily munching on several skewers of the sticky rice flour treat.
Sakura winced when he greeted them, mouth half-full of dough and syrup.
“Hello, my adorable gift-seeking genin!  Thank you for meeting me here.  I needed to refuel after my youthful training session this morning to be sure I am in peak condition for our afternoon’s mission!”
He flashed a smile, propping up the half-eaten skewer of dango in his hand in lieu of his usual thumbs up.
Sasuke looked around and asked, “Where are your students?  Wouldn’t you normally be training with them now?”
Team 7 had more time to work with than most genin squads, considering their sensei was often several hours late to their designated training times.
“Alas,” Gai said, “finishing the last bite of his dango, “all of my own cute students have come down with a cold and Lee informed me yesterday they would not be able to train with me today.  Your timing is impeccable!”
Sakura frowned.  That sounded highly unlikely, but she wasn’t about to jeopardize their ability to look for Kakashi-sensei’s Christmas present if they really had gotten so lucky.
“Aw, that’s great, Gai-sensei!” Naruto shouted, one hand clutched in a passionate fist.  “I know you’ll be able to help us find the best gift ever for Kakashi-sensei!”
Everyone smiled except for Sasuke, but even the sullen Uchiha’s mouth tugged up a bit at one corner. If there was one thing Team 7 had learned, it was that Naruto’s optimism and excitement were often infectious.  It was difficult to not want to do your best when he was always so determined to succeed.
“Alright!” Gai shouted, “Let’s go!”
By the time it was late afternoon, all three of the genin trailing behind Gai looked as if they’d just run a thousand laps around the village.  Of course, Gai actually had run a thousand laps around the village, but you would never know from the perpetual bounce in his step, even after hours of having his ideas shot down by his Rival’s students.
He stopped abruptly in front of another shop window and the three ninja-in-training trailing him nearly collided with each other as they skidded to a halt as well.
“I think we’ve found the one!” Gai declared, hands resting triumphantly on his hips.
Sasuke’s eyes drifted to the window first and the boy’s scoff was followed quickly by an exaggerated groan from Naruto.  Sakura’s temple throbbed as she attempted to rein in her irritation and not shout at the optimistic jonin.
“Are you kidding me?!” Naruto cried, turning toward Gai with cheeks stained pink by irritation. “Bushy Brows-sensei, this is ridiculous! I may not know Kakashi-sensei very well, but I know he doesn’t want that!”
The blonde boy pointed toward the window and Gai, a little taken aback by the boy’s outburst, turned to look at what he was gesturing at.
“I think my Rival would really love it.”
Naruto’s assertion was both loud and definitive as he huffed.  Sakura thought if he were any more irritated, she’d be able to see steam streaming from his nostrils.
“Uh… Gai-sensei?” Sakura said, stepping between Naruto and the older man.  “What makes you think Kakashi-sensei wants a pet?”
“Or a book about bugs,” Naruto added.
“Or that horrible painting,” Sasuke muttered under his breath.
Gai’s eyes drifted over the three genin—at Sakura’s placating expression and Sasuke’s irritated half-scowl and Naruto’s squinted, accusatory glare.
“Well…” he started. “My Rival has a love of dogs and a very bare apartment, so I thought that painting might make for good décor…”
Sasuke deadpanned. “The dogs were playing pickleball.”
“And reference books are always useful for a shinobi, especially one as in pursuit of knowledge as my Eternal Rival.”
“Nobody wants fifteen books about dung beetles by some weird Aburame researcher!”  Naruto asserted.
“And the iguana…” Gai turned back toward the window.  “Well, maybe I am grasping at straws there, my Rival already has plenty of animal companionship thanks to his ninken.”
Sakura sighed as Gai laughed, his deep, booming voice drawing more than a few stares from passers-by.
“I should have slept in this morning,” Naruto lamented, leaning his forehead against the glass with a metallic clink of his hitai-ate.  Sakura couldn’t find it in herself to argue as she watched Sasuke, hands in his pockets, kick at the ground.
Gai watched the deflated trio with a frown.  He needed to figure out a way to salvage this outing and make sure he didn’t let down his Rival’s team.  There was nothing Gai wanted more than to help Kakashi’s students deliver the greatest Christmas gift to their sensei, it was obviously important to them and Gai knew it would mean so much to his friend.  He understood the significance of Team 7 to Kakashi, even if he didn’t always show it—that they had become a motley sort of family for the man Gai had been chasing his whole life.
Kakashi deserved this, his team deserved it.
And then it hit the green-clad jonin with all the force of one of his own roundhouse kicks.
“Aha!”  The three young shinobi jumped at Gai’s sudden outburst, but the man was undeterred.  “I’ve got it! The perfect thing to show my Rival how much he means to you all!  Follow me!”
He took off at a run and Naruto frowned.
“Does he really expect us to run?”
Sasuke rolled his eyes, but took off down the street in Gai’s dusty wake.  “Come on, idiot, see if you can keep up.”
The jab was enough to spur Naruto into action and Sakura followed reluctantly behind, somehow sure they were jogging toward another dead end.
“Do you think these are heavy enough?”  Tenten asked, turning to look over her shoulder at her sullen Hyuga teammate.
Neji just shrugged, arms still crossed haughtily over his chest as if he considered this excursion beneath him.
“Gai-sensei is very strong,” Lee interjected, “I’m not sure these will be enough to truly improve his training.”
“They’re the biggest ones in the shop,” Tenten said, standing up from her crouched position before the display case to turn and face her teammates.  “If we don’t get these, I’m not sure what else to do.”
Certainly, a set of wrist weights to complement the ankle ones Gai already wore during training was not necessarily a bad idea.  Was it particularly imaginative or personal?  No.  But then, even Lee seemed to be struggling to come up with an idea worthy of gifting their sensei, and he knew the man better than either Neji or Tenten did.
“That’s a very nice set of weights.”
All three genin jumped. Well, Neji’s eyes opened and his nostrils flared, but that was about as close as the imperturbable Hyuga boy ever got to startled.
“Kakashi-sensei! We’re so lucky to have run into you!” Lee shouted, staring up at the silver-haired jonin in awe.
Neji thought it was much less luck and much more that the elite jonin had overheard their conversation in the woods that morning as they searched for him, but found it too troublesome to correct Lee.
Tenten merely stared at the way the Copy Ninja perched on the top of the display case like an awkward bird and realized it made perfect sense that the strange man before her was her boisterous sensei’s closest friend.  They were both total weirdos.
“We were thinking of buying these for Gai-sensei,” she said.  Kakashi peered down between his legs at the weights, tilting his head curiously.
Neji thought he looked like one of the ninja dogs he’d seen the man summon on a few rare occasions.
“I don’t think these will really do much good for Gai,” he said, visible eye crinkling up in a smile. “I’m pretty sure he could lift these with one finger.”
Tenten’s head dropped. “Well,” she said, rolling her shoulders to fix the Copy Ninja with her fiercest, most determined look, “do you have any suggestions for something better, Kakashi-sensei?”
When he hopped off the top of the display case, the three genin stepped back, Lee bumping into a weapons display and very nearly toppling the whole thing over.  Kakashi stood, hands in his pockets, as he stared down at the three young shinobi.
“Hm,” he hummed thoughtfully, and Neji narrowed his pale eyes incredulously at the theatrics of it, knowing the man already had an answer and was just stringing them along. A quick look at Lee showed the other boy hanging on the pause in Kakashi’s speech as if whatever came next was going to alter the course of his life.  “I may have a few suggestions,” he said finally.
Lee jumped, punching the air with vigor as he cheered.  “Thank you, Kakashi-sensei!  We knew we could count on Gai-sensei’s cool Rival to help us!”
Tenten’s relieved smile made it clear that, even if she didn’t share Lee’s enthusiasm, she appreciated Kakashi’s offer as well.
Neji’s frown tightened.
“Don’t believe me?” Kakashi asked, and it took the Hyuga boy a moment to realize the jonin was addressing him specifically.
Neji scoffed.  “I just don’t like that you wasted so much of our time.”
Tenten and Lee held their breath as they waited for Kakashi’s response.
Then, he bent at the waist to bring his face to Neji’s level.  Even the typically unflappable Hyuga leaned back a few inches; having someone as formidable as the Copy Ninja in one’s personal space was enough to make anyone think twice about their smart tongue.
At least, that’s what Neji told himself as he waited for Kakashi to respond.
“Perhaps if you were better versed in the use of your clan’s kekkei genkai, you would have been able to find me in the woods.”
Tenten slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle the laugh that bubbled in her throat at Neji’s perturbed expression.
“Now,” Kakashi said, returning to his full height, “if we are done wasting time, why don’t the three of you follow me?”
And with that, he strode out of the shop with a tinkle of the bell over the door and Lee tight on his heels.  Tenten placed a reassuring hand on Neji’s shoulder as she strode past him out of the shop, and the Hyuga boy was close behind, sighing irritably as the door fell shut after him.
Naruto frowned, “Are you sure about this, Bushy Brows-sensei?  This seems a little…”
“Childish,” Sasuke said, which earned him an irate glare from Naruto for cutting the blonde boy off.
“I assure you, this is the perfect gift for my exceedingly cool Rival!” Gai said.
Sakura looked over the materials Gai had helped them gather, pondering the best way to move forward with the project.  She’d been confused as they traipsed around Konoha, picking up seemingly random items from a multitude of shops.  Now that she understood Gai’s intentions, it all made sense.  After a few moments of contemplation, she nodded confidently. “All right!  Then let’s get started!”
“Yes, Sakura-chan, I love the enthusiasm!”
The pink-haired girl winced. She wasn’t sure she wanted someone as loud and over-the-top as Gai complimenting her enthusiasm.  She smiled, though, when Gai sat next to Sasuke to help with the project as well, eagerly answering questions and offering suggestions as they worked together to get it done.
Meanwhile, halfway across the village of Konoha, Team 7 and Gai had no way of knowing that Kakashi was assembled with Gai’s own students, who stared at the Copy Ninja’s proposed gift with similar incredulity.
“This is stupid,” Neji said.
“Maa, don’t be so sour, Neji,” Kakashi said, wondering not for the first time how he and Gai had been saddled with two boys so similar in demeanor as Neji Hyuga and Sasuke Uchiha.
“I think this is a fabulous idea, Kakahsi-sensei!  Gai-sensei will love that we’ve put so much effort into a beautiful, homemade gift!” Lee cried, settling in to begin working on Gai’s present with the same dedication he approached his daily training regimen.
Tenten sighed, resigned to spending too much of her free time in the coming weeks working on a gift for her green-clad sensei.  “Hand me those scissors, would you, Lee?”
“Of course, Tenten! Let’s do our best to make a great gift for Gai-sensei!”
She smiled, nodding at her teammate.
Watching the other members of his team begin work, Neji turned his attention to Kakashi, who seemed totally disinterested in the proceedings, choosing instead to pull out a small orange book and begin reading instead.  “Are you sure this is what Gai-sensei wants?” the boy asked.
The silver-haired jonin turned his attention from the pages before him just long enough to crease his eye into a crescent, indicating his amused smile hidden beneath the signature mask obscuring the bottom half of his face.  “Yes,” was all he said before turning his eye back to his book.
Neji sighed, resigned, and sat between Tenten and Lee to begin.
Kakashi watched Gai’s students over the top of his well-worn copy of Icha Icha Paradise, heart warming at the sight of the three young genin so focused on the task at hand, determined to create something great for their enthusiastic teacher.
As Sasuke made his way toward the designated training field, he was surprised to find Kakashi already waiting.  He couldn’t stop himself from noting incredulously, “You’re on time.”
Kakashi just nodded over the pages of his book, his eye darting briefly over to Gai, who was busy counting off one-handed push-ups.
“I would never let my Rival be late for such an important occasion!” Gai assured the young Uchiha.
“Bushy Brows-sensei, it is too early for that much exercise,” Naruto said, stretching his arms long overhead as he yawned.  The Uzumaki boy was wearing his usual orange uniform, but in lieu of his shinobi headband, he was still wearing his sleeping cap.  Though Kakashi knew it was a mistake made due to Naruto not being a morning person, he smiled to himself at the festive look.
“Nice Santa hat, Naruto!” Tenten said as she and Neji approached.
Gai stopped mid-push-up to glance up at his two students, scrambling to his feet when he noticed the package demurely tucked behind Tenten’s back.
“Neji, Tenten, what are you doing here?  And where is—”
“We are coming, Gai-sensei!”
Everyone looked up at Lee’s shouting to find him sprinting toward the training field, Sakura jogging behind him wearing a backpack.
When they reached the rest of the group, Lee bowed low and offered his apologies, “I am so sorry we are late.”
Kakashi closed his book and slid it into his flak vest.  “Maa, you’re not late, don’t worry.”
“Sorry, Kakashi-sensei, I got tied up at my house.  Lee was on time, but I made him wait.”
“Come on, Sakura, can’t we hurry this up?  I wanna go back to bed,” Naruto whined, head falling onto Sasuke’s shoulder as he feigned sleep.
The Uchiha side-stepped and Naruto nearly face-planted into the grass, only saved from such a fate because Kakashi caught him by the shoulders.  “Be careful, Naruto.  It wouldn’t do for you to injure yourself on your day off.”
The blonde boy grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring daggers at Sasuke.
“Anyway,” Tenten said, regaining control of the small gathering, “to answer Gai-sensei’s question, we heard that you were helping Team 7 and would be here this morning, so we thought we’d surprise you at the same time.”
She held out a rectangular package, wrapped in paper printed with multicolored dango skewers, which Gai took eagerly.  The man already had tears in his eyes and Neji scrunched his nose distastefully at the overwrought display of emotion.
“And here…” Sakura shucked her backpack and knelt down, unzipping it to tug a similarly-sized gift from her pack, this one wrapped in paper printed with dogs wearing Santa hats, “this is for you, Kakashi-sensei!”
Kakashi blinked, but made no move to accept the gift until Gai took it from Sakura for him and pressed it against his chest.  This seemed to jolt Kakashi from his trance and he grabbed the package with an uncharacteristically stuttered, “Th-thank you.”
Sakura smiled smugly at having caught her sensei off-guard and Sasuke smirked at the jonin’s flustered reaction.
“Well, aren’t you gonna open ‘em?” Naruto asked impatiently through a yawn.
“Yes, please unwrap your gifts!” Lee added, eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Both jonin carefully removed the packaging from their presents.
Gai managed to unwrap his first, crumpling the paper into a ball and letting it fall to the ground. The tears in his eyes sprang forth in earnest when he looked at the book in his hands titled, “Team Gai’s Youthful Adventures!”
“This… this is…” he didn’t get any other words out.  Neji and Tenten watched in awe as their usually verbose instructor was stricken speechless.  Gai opened the book to discover pages of collaged photographs and mission report copies, tactical instructions drawn from memory, and stickers of turtles and dango holding stubs from a local weapons demonstration in place.
“I really enjoyed that day,” Tenten said, ducking her head in an unusual display of bashfulness that made Gai smile.
The book in his hands was a perfect encapsulation of the last two years he’d spent with his team—all they’d learned together and the improvements they’d fought so hard for.
He couldn’t remember the last time a gift had been so fiercely touching.  He looked over to find Kakashi watching his reactions with a soft smile playing on his cloth-covered lips.
It was Sakura’s voice that dragged the Copy Ninja’s attention back to the book in his own hands. “Kakashi-sensei, don’t you want to see yours, too?”
He looked down to discover he was holding a similar gift, “Team 7 Logbook,” it read in handwriting that definitely did not belong to Naruto.  Below the words, two silver bells were affixed to the cover.
“They’re not the bells,” Sasuke said, kicking his toes into the grass.
Kakashi smiled at the boy’s unexpected openness.
On the first page was a copy of their team photo, the same one Kakashi already kept on his bedside table. After that, his students had improvised a lot more, adding pictures when they had them, but also other mementos of some of their first missions together.  A ribbon worn by the Fire Daimyo’s cat, a coupon from Ichiraku Ramen—“It’s expired,” Naruto said, “so don’t bother trying to use it, I already did.”—a diagram of the sharingan Kakashi had drawn for Sasuke to demonstrate the flow of chakra through the eye.
“Hey, wait a minute!” Naruto shouted, snapping to attention, “Bushy Brows-sensei, did you know your team was making you the same thing!  I thought you said this would be a great idea for Kakashi-sensei, but you got a book just like he did, that’s no fair!”
Tenten laughed a little awkwardly. “Yeah, sorry about that, we didn’t know Kakashi-sensei was getting the same thing.”
Lee bowed again.  “We tried to create something beautiful and unique, Gai-sensei, but it appears we failed!”
The students’ stuttered apologies were interrupted by two distinct sets of laughter—Gai’s booming guffaw and Kakashi’s restrained chuckle.
“My lovely students, there is no greater gift you could have given me than this treasured collection of memories.  Rest assured, I love it very much!”  Gai flashed his team a gleaming smile and a thumbs up that made Neji and Tenten cringe a little, though it did nothing to wipe the please looks from their faces.
“What Gai said,” Kakashi added, tilting his head and giving Team 7 his signature crinkle-eyed smile.
Sakura deadpanned, “That’s it?  Gai’s team gets a whole speech and we get a ‘ditto?’”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
Kakashi’s heart warmed at the sight of his students gathered together, even if they were all sort of glaring at him for his lack of ‘Youthful Appreciation,’ which Gai was currently extolling the virtues of.
Soon, though, it was time for the genin to depart.  And as they turned to leave the training field, a chorus of, “Merry Christmas!” came from both teams.
“You guys are welcome to come spend the rest of the day with my family,” Sakura said, looking at her two teammates.  Naruto’s eyes lit up like the lights on a Christmas tree at the offer, and even Sasuke seemed to walk a little taller than usual as they disappeared into the distance.
“Tenten, I would be honored if you would join my family for dinner this evening!”
“Thanks, Lee,” she said, bumping her shoulder against Neji’s.  “You coming, too?”
The Hyuga boy sniffed, turning his nose up a little, though he agreed to meet them after stopping at the Hyuga Compound first to celebrate with his clan.
Kakashi and Gai watched their students happily as they returned to their families—those they were born into, and the ones being forged by their own Will of Fire.
Each man understood what that felt like, certainly, and they smiled.
Gai clutched his gift tightly in one hand, clapping the other onto Kakashi’s shoulder.
“Thank you, Rival,” he said, knowing full well the scrapbook must have been Kakashi’s idea.
Kakashi, his gift already stored carefully inside his vest and Icha Icha returned to his hand, tried to keep his voice steady as he assured Gai it was nothing, but the emotion in his words was obvious to his longtime friend, who knew him better than anyone.
The Copy Ninja made no attempt to restrain the affection in his words when he added, “Merry Christmas, Gai.”
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kar-krashew · 3 years
my someplace is here [AO3]
Five times Alec gay panics at a bus stop (ft. umbrellas, jackets, and a bus driver who really isn't paid enough for this).
rated: T
for @rainyhuman and @peachygos (ily!)
This is so cliché and over the top and I have absolutely no regrets <3. Sometimes (always) Alec is a himbo who is in love and his actions reflect this entirely. I don't control these things.
Alec Lightwood doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but the man across the bus stop is absolutely gorgeous, and he’s twirling in the rain like a goddamn movie cliché, and Alec’s first thought is holy shit, so maybe Alec Lightwood is an idiot, and love at first sight is definitely a Thing.
Alec’s second thought is that the man is an absolute maniac— because really, the dude doesn’t even have a coat on— but Alec’s the one with an insane urge to kiss a stranger in the middle of the street, so, whatever; They’re probably both maniacs.
Alec’s third thought is that he’s about to miss his bus. Shit.
For the record, Alec does not usually walk into bus stop poles while staring at his phone, nor does he usually yell out “Ow, shit — !” if the aforementioned event does happen to occur. He does, however, end up doing both of these things at once a week later, and the stifled laughter behind him informs him that someone at the stop has definitely seen him, and he’s never going to live this down, ever.
“I’ve personally found that walking around an obstacle tends to be much more effective, darling,” the someone says, and Alec supposes that was called for, but hey, rude. He looks up to face the speaker, preparing himself to be offended, and—
It’s the beautiful stranger from last time.
The man smirks at him from the bench, drenched again, and God, he’s even prettier up close. Brown eyes, smudged eyeliner, water trickling down his neck, with a tunic open down to his navel and pants that look painted on— Alec’s brain is short-circuiting.
“Hit your head a little hard there? Or do you just see something you like?”
“Huh?” Alec glances up from where he’s been staring at the man’s collarbones.
“I asked if you saw something you liked, pretty boy,” the man repeats.
Alec opens his mouth, presumably to say something that would be considered appropriate and normal in this situation, but he somehow misses his own memo and instead stammers out: “I, uh, I have an umbrella.”
He prays the rain will have mercy and just drown him on the spot.
The man’s brow quirks upwards in amusement. “Excuse me?”
Alec, unfortunately, is still alive, so he must now suffer the embarrassment he’s managed to cause himself and find a way to explain whatever has just come out of his mouth. He ducks his head, trying to avoid eye contact as he speaks. “If you want it,” he elaborates, “I have an umbrella I can give you.”
The stranger just looks at him for a moment. Alec’s sure he’s going to be told to fuck off (which would be a perfectly understandable reaction and probably have been his own in this situation) but after another second, the man defies all of his expectations and grins, so wide that it steals a little of Alec’s breath away.
“Handsome and chivalrous, I see. Do you make a habit of offering your belongings to strangers?” the guy asks. “Besides, I’m sure you’ll need it later. Perhaps you should rescind your offer, I promise I won’t harbor any grudges.”
“I have a coat,” Alec insists, “and you’re. . .” —incredibly attractive, doing things to my brain function— “more in need of its services.”
He’s not really sure why he’s so adamant about this, especially since the man is right: he will be needing the umbrella later, but his pride’s involved now, and he hasn’t really been thinking things through for the past ten minutes anyway. He might as well argue about his dumb umbrella with a beautiful man at a bus stop.
“I suppose you’re right,” comes the man’s response. He taps painted nails against his chin as he hums. “I’m not in much of a position to refuse, now, am I? Though, I doubt I’d refuse any position with you involved,” he winks. “But, yes, if you’re being serious, I shall gladly accept your umbrella.”
Alec blinks. He honestly did not think that argument would’ve worked. (He chooses to ignore the blatant innuendo to preserve his sanity for now.)
“Well?” the man prompts.
“Oh! Yeah, sure.” Really, the whole zoning-out-while-staring-at-the-hot-guy thing is going to become a problem very fast if Alec keeps doing it every two minutes. He gathers his thoughts enough to fumble with the umbrella in his hand and give it to the man, who accepts it with a graceful flourish.
“I’m Magnus Bane, by the way,” the man offers. “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”
“I’m Alec. Lightwood. My name’s Alec Lightwood.”
Magnus holds out a ring-covered hand from where he’s sitting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alec. Short for Alexander, I presume?”
“Yeah,” Alec nods. He reaches out to shake Magnus’s hand, adding, “but no one really calls me that.”
Magnus’s smile turns into something incredibly flirty, and Alec can feel his cheeks heating up. “I like to be special, Alexander,” the other says, “and it suits you far better.”
Alec’s not really sure how to respond to that, because the way Magnus says his name is doing things to him, and that, combined with the fact that he’s still clutching Magnus’s soft hand in his own, is probably going to give him a heart attack. He’s about to say something decidedly stupid about Magnus already being special and perfect and amazing when the bus saves him from humiliation and pulls up next to them.
Alec releases Magnus’s grip to awkwardly gesture at the vehicle. “I should really. . . you know,” he trails off, and Magnus blinks at him for a second, surprised.
“Oh, right! You should get going, places to be and all that.” He waves his hand through the air dismissively. “I’ll return your umbrella to you next week, same time?”
Alec smiles dopily as he nods. “That sounds great.” He takes a step back. “I’ll see you soon, then?”
“Of course.” Magnus gives him a little wave. “It was lovely to meet you, Alexander. Safe travels.”
“Thanks, uh, you too.”
Having to walk home in the rain is so worth it.
Izzy laughs at Alec for the entire week when she finds out why his umbrella’s been missing, then makes it worse by telling Jace, who gives Alec an incredibly long-winded speech about umbrellas as metaphors for protection during sex or something. He also deigns to throw a condom at Alec’s face when he leaves to get the bus, which sends Izzy into another bout of cackling laughter.
They’re both assholes, and Alec is never going to cover for them at family dinners ever again.
So he’s scrolling through his phone at the bus stop, trying his best to ignore the increasingly obscene texts his siblings are sending him, when Magnus shows up, bright and beaming and decidedly dry this time, though he’s still not wearing a jacket despite the cold.
And dear lord. If Alec thought Magnus looked gorgeous while soaked in rainwater, this is something else entirely. Gold-streaked hair, unbuttoned shirt, immaculate matching eyeshadow— fuck.
“Alexander!” Magnus greets. He sits down beside Alec on the bench, and grins as he hands over Alec’s umbrella. “Finally a little dry, hm? Though I might’ve underestimated the cold and left my coat back home.”
“Yeah,” Alec says. “Not that you were wearing one when it was raining.” He’s trying his best not to stare at Magnus’s mouth, but the man is very close to Alec’s face right now, and he cannot be blamed if his gaze slips a few times, okay? He’s only human.
Magnus shrugs, drawing Alec’s sight to his shoulders instead. “Coats are irrelevant, anyway. I haven’t worn mine all week, so I might as well continue the trend,” he remarks, and Alec snorts.
“I don’t think that’s as impressive as you think it is. You sound like a petulant toddler. How have you not had, like, five colds by now?” he says. Magnus feigns a pout in response, and Alec stifles a laugh.
“Such cruelty, Alexander!” Magnus replies, “Ah, I suppose I’ll just have to suffer the elements until I’m finally back home again, since no one seems to harbor any sympathy for me. Woe is me, and all that.” He tightens his hands around his biceps, rubbing up and down to warm himself up while sighing dramatically, and Alec, well,
Alec gets a really stupid idea.
“Do you want my jacket?” he asks. “I won’t be out in the cold for that long, and I’m wearing a much warmer shirt than you are.”
Magnus’s lips part in surprise as something conflicted flashes behind his eyes. “I—” he starts, then clears his throat. “I wasn’t being serious, darling. That’s your jacket.”
“Is that a no?”
There’s a moment of silence before Magnus shakes his head. “No, it’s not. I, uh, I’d love that.”
Alec beams, and Magnus clears his throat again. “You’re horribly trusting of someone you’ve only met twice,” he says, voice a little strangled, but Alec just shrugs as he begins to wrestle the black fabric off of his shoulders.
“It’s just a jacket,” he explains, leaning closer to drape it over Magnus, “Even if I never got it back, at least you wouldn’t freeze to death on your way to wherever you’re headed.” He fixes the lapels dutifully, and smiles to himself. “Besides, you’ve already given me my umbrella. I trust you.”
“Is that so,” Magnus answers weakly, which prompts Alec to look up from his fiddling, and oh wow, their mouths are so close to each other’s.
If Magnus inches in just a little bit closer, then they’d—
“Um!” Alec jerks backwards, face flushing, “Yes, uh,” he stammers, trying not to look overwhelmed. It’s not going great, because moving back means that he’s now being treated to the sight of Magnus in Alec’s jacket, and he’s having some issues thinking properly right now. It swallows Magnus’s wrists almost entirely and looks far too plain for his expensive printed shirt, but fuck. It’s possible that Alec didn’t think this through.
Magnus opens his mouth, hopefully to tell Alec to kiss him but also probably to tell him to fuck completely off for whatever move they almost pulled, but the bus suddenly turns the corner and pulls into view, cutting him off.
Alec’s not sure whether he’s relieved or furious about this.
“Next week, then,” he ventures. Magnus blinks at him slowly, then nods.
“Yes, of course,” he smiles softly. “Next week.”
“Remind me again, why your presence is necessary today?” Alec grits through his teeth, tightly gripping his umbrella as the rain pours down on them. Izzy punches his arm, not even looking up from her phone as she does so, where she is no doubt giving Jace a play-by-play of Alec’s every action as they walk towards the bus stop.
“Because I’m never one to miss out on good blackmail content,” she replies, which is true. She’s got about four folder’s worth of content of “embarrassing shit Alec has done” on her phone, most of it consisting of his painful attempts at being straight in high school, and Alec’s pretty sure she’s started a fifth, probably titled “Alec’s horrible attempts at flirting with men,” which isn’t that much better than the straight one. Alec is debating turning around and just walking to his destination so that his sister won’t be able to gain more content for her virtual blackmail folders, which is exactly when Magnus comes into Alec’s field of vision.
Alec freezes in his tracks. Holy shit.
Magnus is standing in the center of the street again, drenched from head to toe with his head thrown back . The streetlights illuminate him from above, highlighting the curve of his neck and the colored streaks in his hair as he laughs to himself, staring up at the stars.
He looks ethereal. Alec’s never been one for the romantics, but he’s pretty sure this is what poets mean when they talk about true love and angels and immortal moments in time.
“Oh, he’s hot,” Izzy whispers approvingly. Alec agrees, because, obviously, but he pretends he’s unaffected and straightens his face.
“He’s probably freezing,” he says instead. Izzy rolls her eyes— she gets that from him, he really should stop doing that— and then, before Alec can stop her, calls out.
“Hey! Hot Umbrella Guy!”
What the fuck.
“Are you insane?” Alec hisses. He was trying to look nonchalant and not like the totally lovestruck idiot he is, but now Izzy is waving at Magnus like a maniac and Magnus has noticed them and is walking towards them and Alec is going to die. He’s going to write Izzy out of his will and then he is going to collapse into a heap of embarrassment and gay panic right here, and it’s going to be his sister’s fault.
“Relax a little, hermano,” Izzy replies, and before Alec can provide her with an alphabetized list for every reason he cannot relax, Magnus is already standing before them, smiling as water trickles from his hair.
God, he’s beautiful.
“Hello, hello!” he greets. Alec suddenly notices that Magnus is wearing Alec’s jacket, which is, well. Something. (Izzy is never going to let him live this down, and also Alec is having a very hard time thinking any thoughts.)
Magnus seems to notice Alec’s wandering line of sight, following it and glancing down, eyes widening. “Oh my god, I was fully intending to return this to you, I’m so sorry. I got a little distracted. I’ll have it cleaned and returned to you next time, I promise,” he explains. Alec shakes his head.
“No worries,” he manages, cutting himself off before he says something even stupider like “it’s yours forever” or “marry me” or something, and Izzy snorts from beside him. Alec hates her.
“Thank you,” Magnus says, then turns to face Izzy, “And what may I call you, dear?”
“I like him,” Izzy declares, in what Alec assumes is meant to be a reassuring whisper but instead ends up being incredibly loud, “I’m Izzy, Alec’s sister. And I assume you’re the elusive Magnus I’ve heard so much about?”
“Izzy,” Alec warns. Magnus smirks and shakes her hand.
“The one and only,” he confirms. There’s a mischievous sort of glint in his eye as he glances back up at Alec, and Alec’s not sure how he feels about Magnus and his sister already getting along so well, but he’s sure it can’t lead anywhere good.
“Well, Isabelle,” Magnus says, “If I asked him, do you think your brother would join me for a dance?”
Alec chokes. “What?” he splutters. Magnus turns his grin to face him.
“If I asked, Alexander, would you join me for a dance?”
“I—” Alec starts, staring down at the hand Magnus has outstretched in front of him. There are so many reasons he should say no, and so many reasons this is a bad idea, but also the most beautiful man Alec has ever seen is holding his hand out for him to take, and what else is he supposed to do? “Yeah,” he says. “Sure.”
The first thing Alec notices is how soft Magnus’s hand is in his as he pulls him out into the rain, laughing as it hits his face again, and Alec can’t help but laugh along even as water soaks into his shoes and drenches into his socks. There’s something so childish about it; giggling and spinning in an empty street without any music, holding hands like toddlers, and Alec wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You’re thinking too much,” Magnus murmurs, then he tilts his head back and closes his eyes. “It’s about being in the moment.”
Alec smiles. If only he knew, all he’s thinking about is this moment: how the water catches in Magnus’s lashes, how he’s humming something entirely off-key under his breath, the way he presses against Alec’s chest. Fuck. Alec’s known this man for three days, and he’s halfway in love already.
He closes his eyes against the rain, too, and smiles at the thought: loving a man like Magnus Bane.
Yeah, he could get used to that.
When Alec reaches the bus stop today, Magnus is nowhere to be seen and Alec’s jacket is sitting in a bag at the bus stop with a little post it signed with the letter “M.”
It’s fine, Alec tells himself. Magnus is probably just busy with something else, and this has nothing to do with the fact that Alec froze up awkwardly when Magnus kissed him on the cheek last week, to the point where Magnus had to nervously laugh it off because Alec was too busy panicking.
It’s a flimsy argument, but it keeps Alec from losing his mind for about fifteen minutes until the bus pulls up early and Alec realizes that this is it. He’s not going to see Magnus this week— maybe not ever again, if Magnus has decided that Alec’s gay panic is not worth his time, and Alec wouldn’t even blame him.
God, he feels so stupid. If he hadn’t acted like a complete idiot last time, then he would’ve at least had some closure.
“Sir, are you getting on or are you waiting for another bus?”
Alec blinks, glancing up to see the bus driver raising her eyebrow at him. “Right, sorry, give me just a mo—”
It can’t be.
Alec spins on his heel, turning to face whoever called his name, and oh my god, it’s Magnus. He’s running up to the bus stop, waving frantically, and Alec is overcome with such a large wave of relief that he forgets that the bus driver’s been waiting for him for like five minutes now and he climbs off and runs towards Magnus, only vaguely registering the sound of the bus leaving without him. He doesn’t even care; Magnus is standing right in front of him, panting heavily but still so beautiful and perfect, and Alec would walk home everyday if he got to see Magnus because of it.
“Alexander,” Magnus huffs, gathering his breath. He absentmindedly reaches out to grab Alec’s shoulder, and Alec immediately wraps his arms around his waist to stabilize him. “Oh lord, one second, I ran all the way here.”
“I thought you were gone,” Alec says, still holding onto him. “You left the jacket and I thought—” he trails off.
Magnus frowns. “I’m so sorry,” he says. “I thought I’d made you uncomfortable last week and didn’t want to make it worse, but I didn’t realize how rude not showing up would be. I know you probably don’t feel the same way but perhaps we can still be friends? I can be completely professional about it, though you seem to have just missed your bus—”
Alec grabs Magnus’s tunic (because he’s still not wearing a jacket, Jesus Christ) and kisses him.
Magnus blinks at him when they pull away. “Oh,” he says, a little breathless, and Alec smiles.
“I don’t want to be professional about it,” he admits.
“Oh. . .”
Magnus still seems shell-shocked, so Alec makes a move to let go of him, shifting his arm away from Magnus’s waist, but then Magnus leans back in and presses his mouth back to Alec’s and oh, nevermind then.
Alec’s not sure how long they spend there, kissing like handsy teenagers under the roof of the bus stop, but he’s aware of a few cars passing (and possibly another bus), so he’s not ignorant of the fact that it’s definitely been a while when they finally pull away for more than a second. Magnus is staring at his mouth when they part, though, which is not helping Alec’s resolve to actually have a conversation about this.
“We should talk,” he manages, and Magnus nods, still staring at his mouth.
“Right,” he agrees. “That would be a wise course of action.” His eyes flick upwards for just a moment, and something flickers behind them before he beams. “My place is two stops away, if you’d like to talk there. Perhaps we can wait for the next bus together, since we seemed to have missed the one I usually take? It might take a while, though.”
Ah. Alec swallows back a grin of his own. “Of course,” he replies, “I don’t suppose you know any way to keep us busy till then?”
“I’m sure I could think of something.”
(The bus comes late, and they still somehow almost miss it. Alec refuses to take any blame for this.)
+ One.
Alec Lightwood didn’t believe in love at first sight, but the man standing at the bus stop is smiling softly at him as he approaches, twirling an umbrella between his hands as he waits, and Alec’s first thought is holy shit, so maybe Alec Lightwood was an idiot, because what else could it have been?
“Hello, stranger,” the man says when Alec finally reaches the stop. He glances down, taking in Alec’s rain-soaked button down and slacks, and grins. “Forget your umbrella back home?”
Alec laughs. “My coat, too,” he agrees. “I got distracted this morning.”
Magnus hums, leaning in to kiss the rain off of Alec’s mouth, and Alec smiles into it, tasting the faint wax of lipstick and the salt of the rain. “Must’ve been a pretty good distraction.”
“Yeah,” Alec says. He leans in again, because he can. They have time. “He is.”
Magnus’s lips have got a lovely little tilt to them by the time they pull away, tint slightly smudged from Alec’s attention, and he’s never looked more beautiful, even with the dingy lighting of the shitty bus stop they’re standing under.
God, Alec loves him. He feels a little stupid with the feeling, and he can’t help but step back out onto the rain, holding out his hand.
“Hey,” he murmurs. Magnus’s eyes light up with understanding. “Care to join me for a dance?” And sure, Alec’s shit at dancing, and sure, they have to get on the bus sopping wet minutes later, but they’re both giggling like idiots and clutching the umbrella together between their intertwined hands and Alec’s got a little ring box in his pocket just waiting for the right moment, so what else matters?
They’ll probably have to invite the bus driver to the wedding, though. It’s only fair.
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
The Party
A/N: I spent far too much time deciding how all of their outfits were gonna look so I hope it paid off. Also, I know some things I mention have different names in different countries but I've gone for what I only know as the British version. Hope you like it! (Totally didn't get inspiration for this idea from driving past a joke shop myself...)
Word count: 2951
Summary: The reader attends her first themed party hosted by RDJ, but her outfit lands her in trouble.
Tonight was the night. The night you had been waiting for for weeks. A party at Robert Downey Jr’s house. But not just any old party, oh no, a party for the Avengers cast. Not even just a party - a themed party.
See, Robert is well known for his themed parties. Of course he’s done the classics such as the black and white theme, the 80s theme, even the “dress as your favourite superhero” theme - what could be more suited? But he’s also well known for his unique themes. For example: dress as what you wanted to be when you were a kid; dress as your favourite fruit or veg; dress as another member of the cast; dress as your favourite gay icon. The list goes on.
This was your very first party with the cast though. Being the newest member, you were super excited to have a great night with them all outside of work - plus little Tom couldn’t stop guessing what this theme could be. It was, of course:
“Dress as your favourite board game.”
Yep. Board games.
You spent ages trying to figure out what board game you were going to dress up as. The main rule of the themed parties was that you couldn’t tell other people what you were going as unless you deliberately needed someone else to complete your outfit.
You were desperate for ideas now that the party was only a week away. It wasn’t until you were walking down the highstreet, and something in the shop window caught your eye, that you finally had an idea. You were standing outside of a joke shop, and in the window stood a dress...designed like a Twister mat.
The day had finally arrived. No one was filming today so you had all day to get yourself ready. Hair and makeup done, Twister dress on, ready to rumble.
You made your way to RDJ’s house at half 8 - late enough to not be the first one there but early enough to enjoy everyone’s company for longer. You smiled with glee as you stepped into the house. You were tingling with excitement as you walked towards the room where the music played. The minute you walked into the room, everyone approached you. And one by one you scanned them all to see what they were dressed as.
The first person you saw was Anthony, he was dressed up as Cards Against Humanity. Not quite a board game but funny nonetheless. The front of his outfit was completely black and the back was completely white. The writing on his front read “I drink to forget _____”, and the writing on his back read “Tom Holland”. You giggled.
Next was Scarlett. She decided to come dressed as Pictionary. Part of her outfit was made with polyester and nylon, and she carried around a whiteboard marker so that anyone could draw a picture on her outfit and others had to guess what it was. This could also be wiped off easily, ready for the next person to draw.
Sebastian was next, you snorted when you saw him. He was dressed as Frustration. His outfit was divided into the four colours: his top right being yellow, top left being green, bottom right being blue and bottom left being red. He had placed a semisphere plastic hat over his head and inside lay a foam dice which jumped about whenever he shook his head.
After Seb came Liz. She was dressed up as Uno. Her front and back were two different colours of the uno reverse card - the front being red and the back being green. The point of this is that whenever someone asked her to do something she didn’t wanna do, she’d just point to her outfit and get out of doing it.
Next was Paul B. He came as Trivial Pursuit. Random questions and answers were plastered all over his suit, such as: “how many feet are there in a fathom? 6”; “What three-word slogan was named the most popular advertisement ever in a 2000 poll? Beanz Meanz Heinz”; and his own personal saying, “Where do snitches end up? In ditches”.
Following Paul was the unsurprising double act. Big Tom and Hemsy. They had come dressed as Snakes and Ladders. Tom had glued a giant toy python to his all-black outfit, and Chris had stuck a cardboard ladder to the front and back of his all-white outfit. Simple, yet effective.
Then came Evans who was dressed as Noughts and Crosses, despite numerous comments from RDJ about it not being a board game. His back was full of paper noughts and crosses stuck to his top but his front had a similar material to Scarlett’s where the cast could play their own game on his front and then wipe it off for the next players.
You scanned little Tom next. He had gone all out with his outfit, dressing up as Operation. He was wearing a light pink coloured top and matching trousers and had stapled all the pieces of operation to their correct areas, such as the butterfly, the spare rib and the wish bone. He’d also used face paint to paint his nose a dark shade of red. Adorably creepy in a way.
Last, but certainly not least, was the man himself. Robert Downey Jr. He came as the popular game Cluedo. And boy did he look fancy. He wore a top hat that had a giant question mark stuck to it, and a tuxedo with a long sweeping tail attached to the jacket. Neatly placed all over his black suit were the names of the suspects, the names of the rooms and the names of the weapons - all written in white. He looked splendid.
“Twister. How unusual. I love it,” Robert said, the others nodded in agreement.
“Thanks, you all look incredible,” you said.
Little Tom held out his arm and led you to the dance floor where you spent the next hour dancing the night away. Big Tom and Hemsy were owning the dance floor with their moves. Many party classics blared through the speakers, including 5,6,7,8...which you knew the dance off by heart but RDJ had to be taught the moves by you and little Tom.
Another hour passed and you were sat with Scarlett, Liz and Paul in the other room where the music wasn’t so loud. Seb was with you but he had asked Liz to get him a drink and she played the uno reversal so now he was on drinks duty.
“Paul, can I borrow your suit just so I can literally look smarter?” You asked, he chuckled.
“Maybe I can just follow you around and relay the facts for you,”
“You could be the Yoda to my Luke. Though I think you’re too big to sit on my back,” you said.
“Here’s your punch,” said Seb, returning with two cups for him and Liz.
“Finally, what took you so long?” she asked.
“I stopped in the party room, Anthony and little Tom are having a competition to see who can do the macarena better,” he said.
“But...the macarena is the macarena…” you said, confused.
“Try telling them that. Tom insisted that the Brits do it better apparently.”
“Well, we do have some absolute bangers,” you chuckled. Paul agreed.
“So where did you get that dress?” Scarlett asked you.
“The joke shop down the highstreet. I was walking past it last week and found it in the window. Thought it would be perfect,” you shrugged.
“Until Mackie gets over excited and plays Twister on you,” Seb said.
“I’d like to see him try,” you replied.
“Ah, here’s the gang. What are you all doing in here?” Robert said, entering the room with big Tom and Evans.
“We’re just sat chatting….wait, have you left Holland and Mackie alone?” Seb asked.
“They’re fine, Chris is with them,” Tom replied. You tilted your head at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe I should check on them…” Tom said, you nodded and he left the room.
“Soooo, how’s it going?” Evans asked everyone.
“We’re all fine but Y/N is a bit twisted,” Seb said. Everyone laughed but you bonked him on the head, making the dice jolt.
You giggled and slapped the plastic hat again, the dice landed on a 6.
“Eyy I get another go!” You cheered before bonking him on the head again. He sighed but chuckled.
“Well it’s nice to see her dressed as an actual board game,” Robert said, turning to Evans.
“Hey, that’s not fair! Noughts and crosses is a board game!” Evans protested.
“I wanna play,” you said. Evans smiled at you.
You got Liz to play with you and you went first. You decided to play as noughts and took the bottom left corner. After a few rounds, you got a straight diagonal line. You cheered as Liz huffed, but she congratulated you nonetheless.
“I wanna play pictionary now,” you said, turning to Scarlett. She smiled and handed you a whiteboard pen. You thought for a moment then began drawing.
You pressed down on Scarlett’s outfit to make sure you could draw properly. You ran the pen down her stomach and she giggled.
“Hey, careful, that tickles,” she said. You blushed and apologised but continued. Everytime the pen went over a certain spot Scarlett would giggle but she never flinched.
“Okay, I’m done,” you announced. Everyone leaned forward and groaned once they saw it.
“Really? You know none of us can say that,” Seb said.
“First one to say it correctly wins,” you shrugged. You had drawn Mjolnir, something that everyone struggled to say.
“Midge-oh-lair,” said Liz.
“Mjohn-ler,” said Seb.
“Me-joln-ier,” said Evans.
“Hey! It’s Mjolnir!” came a voice from the door. Hemsy had just walked in with Mackie, little Tom and big Tom.
“We have a winner,” you grinned and everyone groaned again.
“Okay now I wanna play snakes and ladders,” you said. You scrambled to your feet and launched yourself at Hemsy, climbing up his tall body and clinging to him like a koala. He laughed.
“Okay, and what do we do now?” He chuckled. You shrugged and hugged him tighter, he returned the favour.
“As nice as this is, princess, I can’t carry you around the rest of the evening,” Hemsy said.
“Alright, hang on. Gotta complete the game,” you said. You motioned big Tom to come nearer and leaned over to hug him. Your legs followed and wrapped around his waist before you slid down his body and landed on the floor. Tom laughed.
“Impressive,” he said. You lay flat at the floor and looked at him, giggling.
“You’re very playful today,” big Tom said.
“I’m just happy to be here,” you giggled, he smiled at you.
“Alright my turn, I wanna play twister,” Mackie said, launching himself at you.
“WAIT!” You cried, panicked by his sudden movement. Mackie didn’t listen.
“I’m not doing anything! I need someone to give me an instruction,” he said.
“Right foot red,” Seb said. Mackie lifted his foot and put it on the first red spot he could see, directly on your tummy. You giggled as he adjusted his foot, rubbing it against your tummy.
“Noho Anthony!”
He looked and realised what he was doing, then smirked and vibrated his foot on your tummy again. You giggled louder.
“The twister mat is making noises, how do I turn it off?” He asked.
“Um, try putting your left hand on yellow,” little Tom piped up. Mackie grinned as he spotted a yellow spot on your ribs. He put his hand down and gave them an “accidental” squeeze.
“Hehey!” You shrieked.
“Didn’t work Holland, anyone else?” Mackie said.
“Try right hand green,” Scar said, smirking. Mackie placed his right hand on the green spot on your side and squeezed again.
“Stohop!” You cried.
“Right well that didn’t work, and I can’t put my left foot on it otherwise I would break it. Any other ideas?” he said.
“You may have to push a few buttons, try turning it off and on again,” Paul said. Mackie squeezed your ribs and sides again and shook his foot on your tummy. You screeched loudly.
“Nope, still making noises,”
“Let me have a look,” Liz said. Mackie had you pinned below his hands and foot. You started to giggle as you felt a single finger run up your neck.
“Nonono Lizzie!” You squeaked as she dragged a nail up the other side.
“There must be an off button around here,” she teased. She gently scribbled all her nails into your neck. You scrunched up your shoulders and shrieked.
“Definitely not here, you sure it’s not there Mackie?” Lizzie asked. Mackie squeezed your ribs and sides again and your giggles turned to laughter.
“Nope, no no, that’s made it worse,” he said. “Someone try a blue spot!”
Evans jumped up and ran over to help. He found a blue spot right on your hip, he placed his hand over it and started squeezing.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA!” You screamed. Trying to buck your body was impossible with Mackie still pinning you.
“Dammit Evans you turned the volume up!” Mackie yelled.
“Maybe the problem lies outside of the mat itself,” big Tom piped up.
“What you saying Hiddleston? That we’re the problem?” Mackie asked.
“Not at all, just that there appears to be parts connected to the mat, but not part of the mat itself,” Tom said, putting his hand on his chin. He slowly approached you and swiped a single finger under your knee. You kicked it away.
“Now it’s malfunctioning,” Mackie informed him. Tom hummed and swiped a finger under your other knee. You kicked again. He then spider tickled under both your knees and you shrieked loudly.
“God DAMN you made it talk!” Mackie yelled.
“I know what the issue is,” Robert said, stepping forward.
“Do go on?” big Tom said.
“You need to hit all the pressure points at once. It’s like a giant reset button, wear it down till it reboots itself,” he said. Everyone looked at each other.
“Position yourselves,” Robert instructed.
Mackie stepped off of your stomach and knelt by your left side, Seb knelt by your right. Lizzie was still up by your neck and big Tom by your knees. Scarlett was by your right shoulder, Paul by your left. Evans positioned himself by your hips, little Tom the other side by your thighs. Hemsworth and Robert sat next to your feet.
“Nonononono please!” You cried.
“Rebooting systems in 3…” Robert began.
“No please!”
“No wait I’m not brOHOHOHOKEN!” You cried as everyone attacked you at once. No one was pinning you down but you could hardly twist and turn with 10 people tickling all your spots at once. They were all ruthless and yet...you sort of loved it.
“PLEHEHEHASE NOHOHOHO!” You cried, flailing your arms around. Mackie and Seb were squeezing up and down your sides and across your tummy, Lizzie was tickling deep into your neck, Scar and Paul had just caught an arm each and pinned it upwards so they could tickle your underarms, big Tom was scratching under your knees and squeezing the tops, Evans was squeezing and scribbling into your hips, little Tom was scratching up and down your thighs and Hemsy and Robert had grabbed a foot each to tickle. It was pure torture.
“KEEP GOING, IT’LL WEAR DOWN EVENTUALLY!” Robert yelled over your screams of laughter. Everyone picked up the speed and you screamed louder than ever before.
You now had your arms and legs pinned by Scar, Paul, Robert and Hemsworth so you tried to buck your hips as much as possible and scrunch up your shoulders to protect your neck but it was no use.
“NOHOHOHO MOHOHORE!” You cried. You let out another loud scream and fell into a silent laughter. Tears filled your eyes to the point where you couldn’t even see Lizzie kneeling over you.
“Reboot complete,” Robert instructed. He stopped tickling your foot and one by one the rest of the cast followed and ceased their attack. You lay there, taking in deep breaths of air.
“You alright twisty?” Mackie asked, sliding up to your head. You nodded, letting out residue giggles. Evans gave you a hand up and propped you up against the sofa.
“You...are...all...evil…” you breathed out. Everyone chuckled.
“You were in a playful mood, we wanted to join,” Evans said, winking at you.
“I never knew you were so ticklish,” Hemsworth said.
“So would you be if 10 people ganged up on you,” you replied. He laughed and nodded in agreement. Little Tom sat down next to you.
“You okay?” He asked, pulling you in for a hug. You nodded.
“Yeah...that was fun,” you clamped your mouth shut after realising what you just said.
“Fun eh?” little Tom teased, quickly spidering your side to make you giggle again.
“We had fun too if that’s any consolation? Could go for round two if you want,” big Tom said. You looked at him and smiled.
“Not today I don’t think, you guys well and truly broke me,” you said, everyone laughed.
“I think I’ve already decided on the theme for next year,” Robert said. Everyone turned to him.
“Tickle Me Y/N,” he said, “where everyone has to bring a random object to tickle Y/N with. First to make her say stop wins.” He winked at you and you blushed and hid your head in little Tom’s shoulder. He chuckled and stroked your head.
“Now that will be a fun theme,” Mackie replied.
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highladyluck · 3 years
Wheel of Time 01x03 liveblog
awww sweet baby Rand. you should have rebound sex with this cool lady
...ok, or not
[as a trolloc eats another trolloc's entrails while Nyneave watches, horrified] This is too gory to recommend to my therapist :(
I hope that's Narg. Narg smart.
Oh rude you need to shower before you get in the sacred hot spring!
wow not subtle iconography [at the dragon's fang spreading in the water from trolloc blood]
So proud of my girl :)
ooooh rocks
oh I love how Mat is everyone's emotional support ta'veren
god when will someone dress Mat correctly? Why am I being deprived of beefcake :( I deserve to see Mat's bum
Lol you can tell Lan is thinking filthy thoughts like: "How are you so good at tracking?"
ewwwwww [at Moiraine's infected knife wound]
More dreams!!! Eat more bats? Oh no it's gonna be a guilt trip instead
Hopper, that's not helping, please don't eat Perrin's dead wife, you will give him a complex. Bad dog!
Hopper like "Y U no play fetch? :( "
Oh my god Mat stop looking at shiny shit, you're such a magpie (jk I love it)
Thom! Drama Queen (when rewatching with my friend I just referred to him as Johnny Cash)
oooh, folksong about LTT
Mat just quietly twitching, ok there buddy
Thom is such an asshole omg, can't believe he's gonna be Mat's mentor someday XD
Mat is like "I *will* shank someone."
Awww Dreamer buddies :) [re: Egwene and Perrin, which is book spoilers technically but it will mean nothing to you if you haven't gotten that far in the books]
Love Mat's constipated attempt at a charming grin
OH MY GOD Mat apparently is into older women (...realistically I suspect this is a 'looking for a sugar mommy' thing, and/or no one his age will date him because he's not good prospects :( and Rand has probably not realized this)
awww Mat, love to see him at work :)
oh Perrin :( you've got a guilty conscience
PLEASE, [bring on the Tuatha'an] I wish it to be party time
...excuse me where is the NEON
...ah there it is, not enough but some stripes and sleeves and stuff
"If I wanted a man, I could do better" EXCUSE YOU????!!???
So much gay at 40:30
oh Mat. Here [at the hanged man in a cage] to soak up the foreshadowin- [Thom arrives] oh, I see. This is gonna be how it happens.
Thom is so dissolute, love him
Mat's like "oh geeze I've been made"
ooooooh Aiel -> interesting that Mat gets this story
Thom like "they are fighters but honor-bound ones" mmhmmm surely that won't be relevant
Going through the pocketses (later thought: is that black figurine a fox?)
god, how do you end up burying a corpse with a shady musician? wacky
awww sweet baby Rand. you should have rebound sex with this cool lady
...ok, or not
Did NOT expect that!
It's weird how burying a body in the dead of night will make you friends
hanging in a cage > [imagine a very bad drawing of 'the foreshadowing hammer', I'm not taking a picture of it, it's too shitty]
Rand does a magic
...honestly I love her [the darkfriend]. Nihilism baby!
oh ofc it's stupid sexy Liandrin
and stupid sexy Logain!
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heyo!im so happy to find someone who also likes sordward and shielbert the same way as emmet and ingo!^^
also,do you have any lgbtq headcanons for any of them?it’s alright if not,im just being a curious critter :]
*cough cough* I love your art btw *cough*
aaaaaaaaa thank you very much! ;w;
But yeah, I have a few headcanons for that. I know I mentioned a few of them here and there. I even made a drawing of it right here (I was thinking of remaking it though. So I made some below this post- ;w;). But I sort of updated it a bit. Especially for Sordward because at the time I couldn't think of anything for him. I even made headcanons for other characters like Elesa (I suppose I could talk about my headcanons for her as well- ;w;).
But I decided to go into detail on how they feel about their own orientations and such. Just to give a better idea of what they are like. And I’ll point out at least three headcanons for each-
So Sordward right? Well… he’s a bit confused about his own self. I mean, he believes that he’s straight and nothing more. But I feel like he’s actually abrosexual and demiromantic. Like, he prefers dating a woman. At least he thinks? Ah. It’s all confusing and complicated for him. Since sometimes he’s pan, then ace, then straight, and all that. He just doesn’t know how he’s feeling or if someone else can understand what he's experiencing. But he can still date, which is where the demiromantic part comes in. Like, he can date anyone romantically. But he needs to have a very close bond with that person if the relationship would work. If there’s no close bond, then the relationship won’t last. He’s not picky with dating, mind you. He’s just trying to figure things out as he mixes his “crushes” and “squishes” a lot. And I feel like he’s non-binary as well. He usually goes by he/they pronouns.
I can see Shielbert as bisexual. Like, he can date either a guy or a woman. Although funny enough, I can see him being gay too. So maybe he prefers dating guys, or maybe once thought he was gay during his teenage years? Like, where he had a crush on a guy, but never confessed to them since… he feels like he was going to get shit for that (or at least he thought, he doesn’t really know if anyone would care since it’s no one’s business but his). But during adulthood, maybe he figured out that he was actually bi? Like, he’s cool with either group. But like, I can see him being genderfluid too, but like, he’s cool if people just want to stick with he/him. Mainly because he doesn’t want to be bothered telling everyone that he’s going by they/them and then she/her after 5 minutes.
I feel like both Subway Bosses are at least in the asexual spectrum. And I think Emmet is asexual and panromantic. Mainly because he doesn’t know what sex is. Nor process the concept of such. Even if someone were to tell him about it, it won’t work. Even if he knew, he’d still be ace because WHO THE FUCK CAN THINK SUCH A HORRIBLE THING?! Anywho, he’s not exactly attracted to any genders at all. He can date anyone, regardless of gender. So he’s panromantic. Although, if he were to have a crush on someone. He would be blind to it since he doesn’t bother with dating at all. He’s not even exactly interested in that sort of thing, but he can still date. By the way, this man doesn’t go by any pronouns. Like, he doesn’t see himself as a girl or boy. Just something that exists. You can refer to him as whatever you want chief; he/him, they/them, she/her, anything. Although people just go with he/him which it’s okay in his book. So I guess he’s agender as well.
As mentioned, I feel like the Subway Bosses are in the asexual spectrum somewhere. I feel like Ingo is sort of demisexual (a bit close to asexual too)? Like, he doesn’t usually feel any of those sorts of feelings. And even if he does (which is VERY rare, he would need to have a close bond with the person), he prefers to ignore it entirely or do something else. He’d NEVER initiate such things upon the person he’s dating (even if he wanted to, which he wouldn’t), nor let the person he’s dating do such things to him. While he’s also biromantic. As in, willing to date either male or female. As long as they can accept him for who he is; him being ace to the max and in love with his job. While his gender identity… it would maybe be demiboy. Much like Emmet, he doesn’t see himself as a specific gender. But because everyone in his entire life sees him as a man, and he’s kinda willing to be seen as one and going with the term demiboy instead of identifying as a man fully. Like, half boy and half… something else. Still, the pronouns doesn’t change, it’s still he/him.
… But here’s a funny thing, I can also see Emmet and Ingo being aroace (or aspec). So perhaps they’re both aromantic as well or instead? But they can still date people. It’s just very unlikely due to one of them being blind to his own feelings and the other one is married to his job. And they’re both not really THAT interested in dating. They can happily live their life as single people.
Elesa, right? I mean, I could see her either being polysexual or a lesbian. Polysexual is when someone is attracted to multiple genders but not all, it shouldn’t be confused with polyamorous (which it’s basically more than two people dating each other- ;w;). And well, we already know what a lesbian is. So maybe she prefers to date women than men? But she’s not against the idea of dating a guy if she does genuinely like them and if they’re close to her (if she's poly, that is). And I can also see her as being trans. She doesn’t exactly have a preference for pronouns? I think those who are close to her, or even chums, may go with she/he/they. But outsiders are they/them.
And now, here's my cringe.
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… I get that a lot of these headcanons are kinda in the asexual spectrum (that being asexual, demisexual, aromantic, demiromantic and abrosexual), but eh, I have no explanation for that. I mean, maybe it’s because I’m a bit aroace myself- ;w;
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Hills of Marigold
Before that, we must find love and fill the vessel with it. (Chapter 500) | Discord Secret Santa 2020 for @chavelink​. | AO3 | Holiday Prompt: Day of the Dead.
It starts with Kakashi’s sticker chart.
Naruto is not quite old enough for the Academy yet, but his eagerness to become a shinobi is almost as vast as his ability to turn his home upside down the minute his parents look away.
Though Kakashi’s duties don’t usually leave him much time for babysitting, he knows more than most how rare it is that the Hokage gets free time, so he volunteers himself twice a month to be subject to the hurricane that is five-year-old Uzumaki Naruto in his sensei’s stead.
Out-running Naruto is not the problem. Kakashi is certainly fast enough to reach him before he can do any permanent damage. What really perplexes Kakashi is how to keep a five-year-old entertained. Naruto is more loud, curious and insistent on clinging to Kakashi every minute of he’s around than anyone he’s ever met. (Even Gai can be reasoned with, Kakashi thinks, trying to make rice with two sticky hands tugging on his jōnin blues.)
“Why can’t we eat ramen instead, Kakashi-niichan?” Naruto complains, scrunching up his face.
“It doesn’t have any nutritional value,” Kakashi replies, sighing.
Naruto pauses, and though Kakashi’s eyes are on the stovetop, he knows the younger boy is frowning. “What’s that?”
“Vitamins and minerals. Those things are in the vegetables you’re going to eat.” He eyes the other pan, and decides it’s time to plate the sweet potato and broccoli. Naruto doesn’t look particularly enthused, so Kakashi reminds him, “If you want to become a ninja, you’ll have to eat the kind of food which makes you stronger.”
At the mention of the word ‘ninja,’ Naruto’s face lights up. “Hey, Kakashi-nii, teach me a jutsu!”
It’s not the first time Naruto has asked, and Kakashi usually flat-out refuses. Naruto is destructive enough without any shinobi techniques. But an idea suddenly strikes Kakashi. “How about we make a deal?”
The deal Kakashi proposes is premised on the most basic of tactics Minato-sensei has instilled in his team: Positive reinforcement. If Naruto behaves well enough, Kakashi will teach him something.
It becomes clear to Kakashi in the first hour or so that Naruto’s impatience outweighs his focus. With the prospect of a ninja technique on the line, he is far more concerned about hassling the information out of Kakashi than he is about washing up after lunch, or cleaning his room. So it falls on Kakashi to improvise.
Kakashi holds up the latest Ichiraku flyer. “You see these stickers?” he asks.
“So we are getting ramen?” Naruto asks, bouncing on his heels.
“Not today.” Carefully, Kakashi peels up a circle which announces a 10% off deal on yakisoba. “If you can earn five of these stickers, I’ll teach you how to knock someone my size off of their feet. But I’ll keep the flyer with me, so there’s no cheating.”
Kakashi’s plan is more effective than he could’ve predicted. Not only does Naruto manage to keep himself clean the rest of the afternoon, but his attempts at taijutsu tire him out to the point where, for once, he is asleep in bed by the time Minato and Kushina come home.
“Are you interested in becoming a jōnin-sensei, Kakashi?” Minato asks him with a wide smile.
“Not on your life,” says Kakashi, shunshin-ing away with a wave.
Whether he likes it or not, Kakashi does become something of a teacher to Naruto. The young boy, distracted as he is, doesn’t shy away from hard work, as long as it’s something that interests him. After a while, they make their way through some basic attack and defence strategy (though Naruto seems to rely much more heavily on the former). Kakashi even tries to work with him on chakra control, but despite his size, Naruto’s chakra reservoir is enormous, so even gathering chakra to his palms proves difficult.
By the time they take a break in the late afternoon, Kakashi half-wishes he could reach for the book in his pocket and spend the rest of the day letting Naruto practice, but he knows shinobi at this age usually need supervision. He sighs, passing his hand over the dandelions wistfully.
“It’s not fair, y’know,” Naruto complains, sprawled out on the grass. “How come I can’t make my hands work like yours, Kakashi-nii?”
“You’re five,” Kakashi tells him, as if it’s that simple.
“But Sasuke can—”
Kakashi hears Naruto complain about Sasuke, his habitual playmate, often. Itachi’s little brother, if the name is anything to go by. Kakashi isn’t sure if Naruto sees Sasuke as his greatest enemy or best friend.
“It doesn’t matter how quickly you can learn. What’s important is that you work at it.” Kakashi says firmly. Sensing Naruto needs more reassurance, he adds, “Besides, Sasuke may not have as much chakra as you do.”
Naruto mulls this thought over, tugging the grass into his small fists. “Why not?”
Kakashi thinks of Kushina, and the overwhelming energy it must take just to contain her presence. “It seems to run in your family.”
As if summoned by these words, Kakashi feels a shift in the air which marks Naruto’s mother’s arrival. The sure-footed sound of her sandals landing on a tree branch, the smell of coconut oil from her hair, and the loud chakra signature which matches her son.
“It’s time for dinner, y’know!” Kushina announces, hands on her hips as she jumps down. “Minato made grilled saury, and I won’t have you boys coming back when it’s already cold.”
“Food!” Naruto says, hopping to his feet with a grin. He grabs his mother’s hand. “Let’s go, kaa-chan!”
Weakly, Kakashi tries to raise his hands in a warding gesture. “Actually, I have some food at home—”
“Nice try,” Kushina says, grabbing the collar of his flak vest with her free hand. “You’re coming too, Kakashi.”
Kakashi sighs, letting himself be tugged along. “Aren’t I too old for you to still be force-feeding me?”
“If you want to be a ninja, you have to eat strong things,” Naruto pipes up from Kushina’s side helpfully.
“You tell him, Naruto!” Kushina says, grinning at her son.
“I don’t like being a sensei,” Kakashi mutters under his breath, while Kushina and Naruto laugh at him.
Despite Kakashi’s words, dinner at the Uzumaki household isn’t so bad. Kushina may give him too many helpings of saury, Minato might be far too concerned about his social life, and Naruto might try to dump his vegetables on Kakashi’s plate, but there is a warmth in their home in which Kakashi cannot help but feel caught up.
It is this same warmth which has him linger after dinner is over, handing plates over to Kushina as Minato carries Naruto off to bed.
“I want to thank you, y’know,” Kushina says gently. “Naruto thinks pretty highly of you.”
Kakashi ducks his head, cheeks ruddy over the edge of his mask. “I’m not doing much.”
“He really looks forward to those stickers, and your lessons.” she says. Her eyes drift towards the fridge, where Naruto has stuck a colourful paper with his assortment of Ichiraku coupons. “I was wondering, do you mind if I join you both next time? There’s a place I’d like to show Naruto. And you, if you’re willing.”
The request leaves Kakashi taken aback. While Kushina doesn’t often leave the village, he knows she’s as busy as Minato-sensei, overseeing most of the genin and chunin missions in his stead. But Kushina’s eyes are sincere and bright, so he cannot bring himself to question the request.
“Ah, sure,” he replies. “What did you have in mind?”
What Kushina has in mind, it turns out, is a week-long trip to the coastline. It requires Kakashi to turn down a two-man mission with Tenzō, and an invitation from Asuma to join his former classmates for Yakiniku, but he is curious about what could Kushina could want to show them so much. A curiosity which only grows when he realizes that Minato-sensei will be joining them.
Kakashi leans against the doorframe, straightening up when his sensei walks in, backpack in hand. “Is it really okay for you to be leaving Konoha for a week, sensei? I mean, Yondaime-sama?” he corrects.
“I wouldn’t be leaving if I didn’t think so,” Minato replies firmly. “Our village is made up of more than just the Hokage, Kakashi. Shikaku-san will look after the the jōnin, and Chōza-san will see to the genin and chunin. Sandaime-sama has agreed to deal with any emergencies. Konoha will be fine without us.”
Kakashi’s brows draw together. “Whatever Kushina wants us to see must be important.”
Minato smiles. “I’ll leave it to her to tell you the rest. Let’s get going.”
It occurs to Kakashi, as they head east, that he has never seen Minato and Kushina on a mission together.
It is something to behold. They keep pace with each other naturally, even with Kushina carrying Naruto on her back. And though Kushina’s presence is louder and bolder than Minato’s, there is a synchronicity in their movements which makes Kakashi think of celestial bodies moving in each other’s orbit. It strikes Kakashi with the memory of being five years old himself, seeing two smiling faces looking down at him in the moonlight.
As they stop to rest for the night, Kakashi puzzles over if he’s ever taken a trip like this, just for the sake of it. If he has, it’s hard to recall. At Naruto’s age, his world had been so different.
Even his sensei has changed somehow, he decides, looking at Minato, Kushina and Naruto piled beneath one blanket. More at ease with the world, he thinks, watching as Naruto’s knee digs into his father’s chest. He hears Minato whisper something to Kushina, and watches their hands intertwine, musing on what it would be like to look so certain of his place in life.
“Don’t look so gloomy,” Kushina tells him the next morning, as they pack up. “You’re not on duty today. You can relax. Maybe even smile.”
“I relax,” Kakashi replies, crossing his arms.
Kushina laughs, reaching upward to muss up his hair. He wonders when he outgrew her. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
The last half of their trip passes quickly. They stop in a seaside village long enough for lunch, but from thereon out, the rest of their trip is past far enough from the forest that the landscape remains full and vast before them.
Kakashi takes note as they pass over rolling hills filled with marigolds, adding unusual brightness to their path. Kushina’s speed finally slows down to a walking pace, and it allows Naruto to stare with open-mouthed appreciation at their view.
“Orange is my favourite colour,” Naruto announces, holding up a flower right up to Kakashi’s visible eye.
“I believe you,” says Kakashi.
Kakashi wonders if this is another trait that runs in their family, as he watches Kushina gather a bouquet of her own. Minato looks on with fondness, taking their son into his arms instead, so that his wife can move more freely.
When Kushina is nearly done, Minato approaches her and tucks a flower into her hair. His gaze is warm and soft in a way that makes Kakashi feel like he should look away. He wonders yet again why Kushina has asked him here, with their family, bright and orange and whole.
Kushina turns to Kakashi. “We’re almost there.”
Flowers clutched in hand, they walk until the flowers give way to grass, and until that grass shifts to sand. Though it’s approaching sunset, the water still shines with its warm reflection, straight through the lapping waves to let its bright golden twin rest at their feet. The salted air fills their lungs with every breath.
Wordlessly, Kushina removes her shoes, and Minato takes them into one hand and watches her walk slowly across the sand. Kushina approaches the edge of the water. Marigold petals fall into her footsteps, somehow unmoved by the changing winds.
“Mito-sama,” says Kushina, clear and certain over the breeze. “It’s good to visit you again.”
It only occurs to Kakashi then just where Kushina has taken them. Beyond the horizon line, though he’s never seen it, he’s almost certain there would’ve once been an island. The tide looks calm now, but he’s heard of the powerful current that few shinobi would be able to navigate unscathed.
Kakashi doesn’t expect Kushina’s call to be answered, if her words are for the person he suspects. To his surprise, however, he does hear something, a melodious whisper, by wind or water, that makes Kushina turn to them with the widest smile Kakashi has ever seen.
“Mito-sama,” Kushina says, with nothing pride in her eyes, “There’s someone I’d like you to meet. Naruto?”
Minato sets his son down on the sand, and lays an encouraging hand on top of his hair. “Go on.”
Naruto is uncharacteristically quiet as he approaches his mother, gazing up at the horizon as he might a new friend. “The name is Uzumaki Naruto!” he proclaims, to the sea.
Kushina’s arms come around Naruto, allowing him to lean his back against her legs. “You told me once that I needed to fill this vessel with love. Naruto... it’s more like he makes the vessel bottomless, because he fills it with more to love than we ever thought possible. He eats lots, and grows every day. He’s really good at making friends. He’s not in the Academy yet, but he’s always doing his best to learn. He’s probably a little too much like me, but I see Minato in him too. We’re a family now, y’know?”
With that, Minato steps forward. Kakashi’s eyes are so fixed on the scene in front of him, he doesn’t notice Minato looking at him until a hand touches his shoulder. “Kakashi,” he says gently, inclining his head towards the water.
Hesitantly, Kakashi walks in step with Minato. When the sand grows wet beneath his feet and his toes are lapped at by the tide, he feels Naruto grab for his hand. He stares at the small fingers for a moment, feeling Minato’s palm still resting on his shoulder, and strands of Kushina’s long hair brushing against all of their backs.
Kushina listens to the wind’s rhythm intently, and continues. “You know Minato. We’ve been walking side-by-side since we were kids. And now, we look over the village together. I think you would like the way it looks now.”
Kakashi feels Kushina’s eyes turn to him. “And this is Kakashi. He’s like a little brother to me. Or like... an older brother to Naruto. I think he’s still too scrawny to be someone’s uncle. He takes too many missions, and he doesn’t spend enough time being a teenager, and he’s always slouching— but he also cares about people more than almost anyone, in this land or the next. I think he likes being Naruto’s teacher, no matter what he says. He’s family too.”
Swallowing against a suddenly tight throat, Kakashi tries not to let Naruto feel his hand shake. “Nice to meet you, Mito-sama,” he says, when he can find his voice.
He cannot make out the wind’s song over the sound of his thudding heartbeat, but he does feel a light breeze against brush against his forehead, leaving the same warmth in its path as his mother and father did when they pressed a goodnight kiss to his temple. His eyes widen.
“I’m glad you could join us, Kakashi,” Minato says, squeezing Kakashi’s shoulder.
In turn, Kakashi’s grip on Naruto’s fingers becomes tighter, if still gentle. “Me too.”
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