#ah yes sorting✨
pageofheartdj · 2 years
Raph and Donnie(autism), Leo and Mikey(ADHD)
Raph and Leo(older sibs), Donnie and Mikey(younger sibs)
Raph and Mikey(big bro-lil bro), Donnie and Leo(twins)
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lildoodlecat · 1 year
Finally found a more visually interesting (and space saving!!) way to display the postcards from the special editions :00
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Featuring the frankly horrifying amount of washi tape on the back ajdks
Also I'm gonna use the extra space above these two for the tgcf ones I assume they'll do ✨✨ which will be staggered as well just for that idk layered look ig. I think prints etc look better staggered :D (which I considered afterward like hmm what if I staircase staggered the postcards— before I stopped myself bc nooo that's so much extra work and wouldn't even fit lol)
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Apparently if someone hurts me badly enough, I straight up forget what happened, what they said or did, why that person mattered to me, and most memories of ever spending time with them. That's neat and not at all disturbing or inconvenient. 🤨
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
WHB Series #1 (cont.)
Satan: We have arrived.
MC: ...
Satan: Why do you seem disappointed?
MC: Er, I had this vision of hell. I didn't expect your place would just look like this.
Satan: What are you talking about? Gehenna is the most beautiful place in hell.
MC: Yeah, yeah. I could see that.
MC: ✨Aesthetic✨
Satan: Ha... Were you looking forward to a bloodbath?
Satan: Don't worry. You're going to see it soon enough.
Satan: For now, you need to become acquainted with the other demons associated with Solomon.
MC and Satan: *walked into a room*
Sitri and Ppyong: *bowing to Satan*
Sitri: Welcome back, Your Majesty Satan.
Ppyong: Welcome back, Your Majesty Satan, aye!
MC: ...
MC: *looks at Satan* You're a king?
Satan: *smirks* Why? Are you surprised?
MC: ...
MC: I thought you were just part of a biker gang.
Satan: ...
Satan: Fair enough.
Sitri: Your Majesty Satan? Who is this guest with you?
Ppyong: I want to ask the same thing, aye! What's a human doing in Gehenna, aye?
Satan: Ah. Sitri, Ppyong, this is MC.
Satan: Solomon's descendant.
Sitri and Ppyong: !!!
Satan: They're here to help us fight those angels.
MC: Ugh. Can you not introduce me like I'm some sort of a trump card?
Satan: You ARE a trump card.
Sitri: Solomon... *stood up and started to walk towards MC*
MC: ?
Sitri: I miss you-
MC: What?
Satan: *kicks him away* They're not Solomon!
MC: Whoo, solid.
Sitri: Your Majesty... Satan...
Ppyong: *approaches MC next* *flies around them* Welcome to Gehenna, aye!
Ppyong: You're the first surviving descendant of Solomon I've ever seen, aye!
MC: ...
MC: You've got some thick booty.
Ppyong: Hehehehe~!
MC: You've got some weird subordinates.
Satan: Weird? How?
MC: Never mind. Anyway, shouldn't we be talking about-
*hears a huge explosion*
Satan: Tch! They're at it again!
MC: *sees a battalion of angels in the sky* What the fuck-
Satan: *pats their shoulder and squeezes it* You ready to fight?
MC: Ugh! I haven't received a briefing yet!
Satan: *laughs* *while dragging them to the battlefield*
Satan: Sitri! Ppyong! You guard MC!
Sitri and Ppyong: Yes, Your Majesty Satan!
MC: *shoots a nearby angel*
Satan: ...
Sitri and Ppyong: ...
MC: What? He's sneaking on us!
Satan: ...
Satan: *laughs*
MC: What the fuck- Let's get moving!
Gabriel: So Michael failed in killing that human.
The lower-rank angels: ...
Gabriel: ...
Gabriel: Bring them to me.
Gabriel: And I shall end their life with my bare hands.
MC: *stops midway while reloading their gun*
Satan: What's wrong?
MC: Tch. I'll be the target next. *quickly finishes then shoots every angel they see on sight*
Satan: Heh. That's for sure.
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whiskeyskin · 7 months
Make Me Feel
Premise: What's that? The well trodden trope of weird potion creates problems of the - ahem - 🍆 variety? Well if you insist.
• Astarion x gn!tav • 18+ • E/M rating
They/them pronouns, Potion mishap!, interrupted masturbation, handjob, bj/deep throat, embarrassment, tone shift, mild canon trauma discussion, connection, enthusiastic consent, communication, dirty talk.
4.1k words
Edit: RAHHH! You're all so wonderful for getting me over 200 notes 😚 it may be a small number for some but to me it's a lot. Love you! 🥹🖤
Editedit: Over 400 notes?! Excuse me as I ugly cry 😭😭😚✨
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Thank @northernolddragon for the beautiful screenshot 💜🥵
Tav was on watch with Shadowheart this evening, not that they really needed to with Gale's wards keeping an alarm on things coming in or out of camp but they all slept better with a night watch.
They'd enjoyed company and conversation as they spoke about everything and nothing. Mostly about Tav, since Shadowheart had very little memories to share.
A friendship had steadily grown with them, so much that she'd revealed herself a Sharron - which wasn't really a shock.
A low alarm pulsed and they went to investigate to the left of camp but after a little cooperation between Tav's survival skills and Heart's perception, concluded that an animal had triggered the alarm - hence the low pulse and the fresh animal tracks belonging to a rabbit.
Tav paused a moment, a thought flashing across their mind. They called to Shadowheart, "Hey, did you hear Astarion come back in from hunting?
"No, he didn't go out tonight. Said, 'he had something else to attend to'."
Again, Tav paused. Oh, shit. Had they promised he could feed tonight and completely forgotten?
"Are you supposed to be 'dining tonight'?" Shadowheart asked through a smirk.
"I don't think so.. maybe? Oh, gods. Maybe I did say." Said Tav, trying to think back on the day.
"Go check on him, see if he's waiting up for a midnight snack. I'll stay on watch." She pursed her lips and swished her long braid as she walked to do a patrol of the camp.
Tav quietly made their way passed the tents of their companions, who were softly - or loudly - snoring. Astarion's tent however still had a candle going and made no sounds of sleep, or revery but rather stranger noises. Hissing sounds from the side of his mouth and what seemed like a painful gasp.
Their brow creased with concern, Tav stepped up to the entrance of his tent. The noises intensified.
"Astarion?" Tav called through the fabric in a hushed whisper, "Are you alright?"
A choked noise of frustration replied to them first, "Uh-yes. I'm perfectly fine. Why do ask?" He retorted a little too sharply, despite his usual lulling tones.
"Shadowheart said you hadn't gone hunting and I couldn't remember if I'd agreed to let you feed tonight."
"Ah, you're such a sweetheart.. while I always delight in our little nightly visits, I've rather got my hands full with something at the moment." He strained, like he was in pain. Something wasn't right.
"Astarion. What's going on? I know something's wrong. What is it? What have you done?" Tav asked, exasperated.
"Ughh, it's nothing just-Arghh" he let out a muffled cry.
"I'm coming in." Tav announced, pushing their way inside the dimly lit interior.
"No, no, don't!" But it was too late.
Tav's mouth flew to their face, shocked at the view.
There, on the floor, in only his ruffled shirt and barely covered in his grotty blanket was Astarion. Although, the blanket was more of tent itself with what it was shielding.
"Oh! Oh, shit. Sorry-sorry! I'll leave." Tav blustered at the sight of the half naked pale elf on the floor before them. They'd clearly not been sounds of pain, and the frustration was aimed at them not leaving him to masturbate in peace.
"No, stay. Please." He croaked, desperate, "I don't know what else to do; I need your help."
"With what?" Tav questioned, averting their eyes to afford him some sort of privacy.
"I appreciate the gallantry but we can do away with the charade, you know what I was doing." He sulked, shifting his weight to sit up, the ruffles on his shirt bristling as he heaved himself upwards.
Tav's eyes tracked the movement and flitted down to the protrusion, unwavering in it's vigil against the thin protection of his grey comfort rag.
Hot flashes of memories seared their mind; remembering how it felt in their hands, hot and cool at the same time. Harder than rock as he'd moved within them, expertly stroking their sweet spot while feeding openly on their blood.
Tav bit their lip, then jolting back to the situation, looked away.
"Um, you said you needed my help. I don't know how I can-"
"I have been.. doing this to myself for the past three hours. It's incessant."
"Jeez, Astarion. I don't need to know that."
"Not for my own selfish good. I-" he growled to himself, it made Tav's stomach flip uncomfortably, "I drank something. It looked like a normal potion, but it tasted a bit off.. and now, this." He gestured to the distinct lump, "It's unbearable and painful if it's not being.. used." He paused, discomfort clear on his face.
A blush flooded Tav's cheeks, "Aaand, you want me to help by..?" They trailed, needing more explanation. Because if he was suggesting what they thought he was suggesting...
"Ugh, I don't know. This obviously isn't helping! Find something that can? Another potion, a spell? Anything!" He waved his arms helplessly into the air.
Astarion looked up at them; his shirt in disarray, his legs gently folded with the blanket tucked between them, with guilty but adamant eyes. He looked helpless and adorable.
A feeling was stirring in Tav's chest, something rumbling and loud but it wasn't arousal, it was laughter. They caught a snicker behind their hand, trying to hold in their amusement.
Astarion's face changed to surprise, with a big frown cutting across his beautiful features.
"Well, thanks a lot. Glad the bleeding heart thinks it's funny." He pouted.
"Oh, come on Astarion. It's pretty funny."
Astarion's eyes narrowed, "How precisely is this funny?" He demanded.
"It's so unfunny that it's funny again. It has to be laughed at how ridiculous this is. I mean, come on." They tried to explain, "you drank a strange elixir and now you have an erection that won't fuck off." Tav barely made it through the last word without sniggering, "You've been beating yourself stupid and it's not going anywhere. It's a fucking ridiculous situation to be in and if you can't laugh about it? Fuck." They shrugged, smiling brightly and encouraging him to see the funny side of this ridiculousness, "I thought you said Lae'zel was the one with no sense of humour."
"Actually, Lae'zel is hilarious. She just doesn't realise she's being hilarious," The frown on his face softened, a smile clearly fighting to spread across his face, "I suppose it is absurd. Most men would kill for this."
"Most people would pay good money for this problem!" Tav squeaked, "Oh gods, the old men that have given all their gold for this problem!" They whined out before coming down to kneel on the floor.
"All of them furiously masturbating to get rid of it after their mistress has left and their wife will notice." He chuckled.
"Oh, the scandal." Tav flourished.
"What would the neighbours say?" He jested, opening up to the idea that the incredulity of it all needed to be laughed at.
He mimed trying to push it down only for it to spring back up with a pop sound effect provided by him and they fell about cackling together.
It was nice. Seeing him smile.
They sat laughing for a while, trying to come up with unfortunate scenarios to find yourself in with this predicament. Each as hilarious as the next.
Howls turned giggles, and giggles turned to titters, until eventually they were all laughed out.
There was a comfortable silence between them for several moments. Tav glanced back at him.
"Did that help? Taking your mind off it?" Tav asked, hopeful.
"I'm afraid not. Still there. Although, it's taken away the urgency of needing that release."
"That's a start at least. What the hell's did you drink?"
"I don't know, it was in the pack from today's adventure with the hag."
"You drank one of the hag's potions?" Tav chided, incredulous.
"Of course not! What do you take me for?"
Tav raised their brows and wordlessly gestured to his lap.
"Point taken," he relented, "but, no it was a regular looking potion bottle. I needed a little healing, so I.." he trailed off, loosely waving a hand.
"You drank a random potion from today, before we'd had a chance to examine it and expected nothing to go wrong. You brought this on yourself." Tav pursed their lips mockingly.
"Yes, thank you for stating the obvious, dear. What am I going to do?" He asked, exasperated.
"Well, masturbating yourself sore hasn't worked, so it can't be about orgasming it out of you."
"Oh, I haven't orgasmed. That's what I was trying to tell you before, but in my feverish haze didn't get out into words properly."
"After three hours?" Tav asked, wide eyed.
"It was more stop/start than powering through. I'm drawing the assumption that while this potion grants me this bloody thing, it doesn't heighten the sensation much."
"Maybe it deadens it? To keep it going longer? That's why you couldn't.. yuh know." Tav mimed the action for affect. They shared a small titter through their noses.
"I haven't a clue. Although, I'm not really.. versed in this sort of thing. It's not something I do, not something I've done for centuries," he admitted, shrugging, "Self pleasure wasn't high on the list when the thought of touching anyone, let alone yourself made your skin crawl-" Astarion caught himself, his eyes widening.
Tav's mouth gaped, "What?" The question came out breathy and low. Hurt struck painfully into their heart, "So the night we spent together you were disgusted-"
"-No. No. Well, at first it I was a little but-"
Tav's eyed widened and they recoiled, wounded. He knew he'd revealed too much and Tav could see that flawless mask of his was trying to slot back into place after it's momentary lapse.
"Don't." Tav urged, "Don't pretend you didn't say it."
"It wasn't like that-I didn't mean you, you're wonderful. I meant in Baldur's Gate with Cazador. The manipulation, the deceit. I couldn't. I never." He stopped himself.
Tav softened, the harm still stinging but this was important. Astarion had never spoken about his time with Cazador apart from being a slave and using sex to lure people back. He hadn't elaborated more than those facts. Obviously, he would have sexual trauma.. and he'd opened up a chance at the conversation.
"It's alright. I'm here to listen. Go on." Their tone was low and understanding.
His face full of uncertainty and shame, Astarion shook his head and refused to look at them.
"I don't want to. Not yet. Not now. I mean.. I just want this thing gone." He motioned to his still swollen member.
Tav's brow knitted and they shrugged heavily.
"Apart from distracting you from it, I don't know what I can do." Tav raised their hands in exasperation, "I mean if you can't do it after three hours, what am I supposed to do-"
"Trust me, you'd be able to help." He said darkly, almost to himself. His gaze darted back, scared by another accidental confession. Tav's confused expression must have been clearly legible.
"What do you mean?"
Astarion averted his eyes, clearly debating on letting more of his secrets out.
"Shit." He cursed. There was a pregnant pause that Tav refused to break.
"You-" he stopped himself, "the other night at the party was- it was-" he shut his eyes and sighed through his nose, "I can't do this, you can leave. I'll just keep this forever."
"Astarion.." Tav said softly, gently reached a reassuring hand to the floor beside him.
He took a deep, cleansing breath and swallowed.
"It was the first time I've known actual pleasure in almost 200 years. Where I actually enjoyed myself, much to my surprise."
Suddenly feeling relieved and very flattered, Tav remained stone-faced silent, encouraging him to keep going.
"My existence has been about having my body used to lure back pretty things for him. To get them to trust me and let their guard down, then.." he trailed off, "I tried to make the most of it and relish in the copious amounts of sex I was having.. It didn't last long. I got extremely good at pretending I did, they never suspected a thing." He said with a sneer.
"I became numb to the entire experience. It was nothing to me. A dance. A deception. It became second nature and I got used to the disgust I felt, I used it to push through. To hold onto some semblance that I had one shred of humanity left. As long as I despised myself for what I was doing, there was still hope."
"So imagine my shock when I actually felt something different with you. Something good." He finally looked in their eyes, "You are a bastion of firsts in this newfound freedom of mine. My first true blood, the first person who has let me indulge in my instincts and helped me grow in my power," Astarion swallowed, "the first person in so long to make feel something.. anything.. during sex that wasn't hatred and self-loathing."
Tav's throat closed and tears threatened to brim but they blinked them back.
"You offered your neck to me, your life blood to me and I felt something.. it wasn't like our usual feeds.. it was something immense.. something transcendant and I.. I lost myself in you.. wholly. Pleasure had returned to my body and I froze. I didn't know what to do."
"Nothing else existed outside us.. and I could have spent the rest of my life buried inside you," he paused, closing his eyes as if the memory over-powered him. Tav sat there, breathless, mesmerised by his beauty in the candle's soft glow.
"I think I came back to consciousness when I saw my seed over your beautiful body. You looked just as shocked as I felt. It was all over your chest, your mouth.." he was breathing heavily now and the air around them shifted. Tav swallowed dryly. They remembered.
The grunting, ecstatic moan he'd made just before he came over them echoed in their mind long after. They'd pulled back from lavishing his thick, pale cock to pause for breath and to whisper sweet words to him. He'd erupted on them with no more than a silent gasp and a hand fisted in their hair.
Staring deeply into Tav's eyes, Astarion continued, "You took me so well," he brought a hand to their bottom lip, grazing it lightly with his fingertips, "With your mouth.. with all of your holes, actually. Your wonderfully tight holes." He moaned through a sly smile.
Tav's mouth was aridly dry, as all the blood in their body rippled and pooled to their core. Heat radiated through them and quickly made breathing steadily a problem, and logical thinking was non-existent.
"I know you could do it again, if you wanted to." He closed his eyes and snaked himself closer against Tav's neck, inhaling deeply. His breath cool raising gooseflesh, as he pressed his lips against the shell of their ear, "You could wrap those soft lips around my cock and suck me like you did in the forest. So deep and so warm."
Tav's thoughts were like wading through thick, soupy mud as Astarion's words clouded their mind and flooded their body with desire.
"I've never been devoured quite like that, you fit yourself around me so well.. you were such a good f-"
Tav quickly brought their hand to his mouth. He had to be silenced. His seductive power was too much to leave unbridled.
Mentally shaking off his charms, Tav came some what back to their senses.
"In one breath you tell me how disgusted you are with sex and the next you say about wanting my 'tight holes'? What is it that you want, Astarion? You can't have it both ways."
"Of course I can, darling. Now I can. Things have changed. Lots of things. I have my body back and I decide what to do with it. And right now.." he moved with the lithe limbs of a panther to sidle himself beside them, the grey blanket gently pulling back to reveal his thick, swollen manhood. He exhaled at the softness leaving him, "I want.."
Tav swallowed hard, their lips parted. Another wave of euphoric desire swept over them as the cool touch of his skin ghosted against theirs.
Astarion reached over and grasped their hand and placed it on his engorged cock.
"This." He hissed as their skin finally touched, his cool hardness welcome in their palm.
Gods, he was so erect. The veins in his thick shaft pulsating. The velvet softness of him thrummed with desperate need.
He was so close to them, so close now.. they could kiss if he wanted them to. Astarion breathed against Tav's mouth, "Touch me."
He started to move both their hands in short bursts over the head of his penis, Astarion shuddered out a gasp and screwed his eyes shut, "Touch me. Please."
Tav willingly acquiesced, bending down to spit on his painfully erect cock and began to work.
He made a staggered, breathless moan as he leaned back on both hands, exposing himself to them. Tav pumped his rock hard length in a steady rhythm, remembering back to the Tiefling party that he had appreciated the gentle building of friction, to fruition.
His head was purple and looked sore from his abusing himself for so long in search of relief. Tav generated salvia in their mouth and spat on their other hand to use on him.
The sweetest moan they'd ever heard sang from Astarion's chest.
"Yes-yes-use your hands on me.. make me feel like before.. make me feel-" he gasped through the last word so ferociously he inadvertently bared his fangs.
Tav used their hands in symbiotic motion; pumping the bottom of his shaft with their non-dominant, while teasing and playing with the head between their deft fingers, all the while keeping his entirety slick in saliva.
Gods, they wanted to use their mouth on him properly. He looked so beautiful, unmasked before them. He had been so unexpectedly naked and raw with his past. Revealing hard and difficult truths regarding his lack of control, and autonomy of his own body.
And Tav had to respect that, no matter how aroused they were. They would show that his trust was placed rightly in them.
"Astarion?" They called softly to him.
He answered back with a broken, "Mhm?"
"Thank you for telling me what you did. I won't tell anyone else, you have my word."
"Mm-mm-thankyou, Tav." He managed, his voice tense.
Tav slowed their pace and Astarion let out a whine, balling up his fists in frustration.
"Don't pretend with me. Don't force it."
"I'm not, I swear." He gasped, looking directly at them, a light sheen of sweat appearing on his upper lip.
Tav smirked, "Promise you won't."
"Yes-yes, I promise. Please speed up again." He pleaded through gritted teeth, thumping his head back on the pillow.
"I will. But I'd like to use my mouth on you aswell, would that be okay?"
He let out a pent up huff of air, "Oh gods yes, yes, yes-please use that gorgeous mouth on me. Swallow me. Take me."
Tav smiled and quickly got into position, propped between his legs, "I'd also like to play with your testicles, if that's agreeable."
Astarion wrenched his red hot eyes open, making contact with theirs again. Tav irked a suggestive brow.
A devilish grin crossed his face, once again his fangs shone in the dim candle light, "Oh, my dear. That would be most agreeable." He purred through steadier breaths now they had paused.
"One request from me though; don't push my head down, I don't like it. I'll respect your wishes and you respect mine. Deal?"
"Deal." He smiled and reached down to collect his shirt up to reveal his pale, chiseled body. Tav looked hungrily at his toned flesh, desperate to snake it with their tongue.
They took a breath to ask but Astarion interrupted, "Yes, gods please yes! Lick me, kiss me, bite me, suck it. Do what you want with me.. I'll tell you to stop if it's too much."
"I'll hold you to that." They crooned with a serious edge, as they spat on their hand again, then manoeuvred themselves to be able to kiss his beautiful body, and pump the head simultaneously.
He twitched at the increase in contact and laughed hungrily through strained teeth, "Uhhgh, fuck yes."
Tav lavished their lips and tongue across the defined muscles, gently sucking and nibbling occasionally for added sensation. They kissed and dragged their tongue up and down the V in his hips, paying equal and excruciating mind to each side, making Astarion moan and buck.
Tav firmly pressed kisses on the creases of his pelvis, breathing hot over the area. They took their time, languishing over his form with their mouth, exploring the contours of his hips and thighs with their spare hand. Astarion groaned in vexation.
"Ooh, don't tease me. Please."
"The potion is making you impatient. You enjoyed this last time." Tav reminded him.
"It's not the bloody potion-Gods above-AUGH-I'm asking nicely. Don't keep me waiting any longer, I've already been edged enough. Show me-make me feel-let me feel-"
Astarion gasped as Tav collected the precum that bloomed at his tip, and licked their fingers clean, before deftly angling themselves to engulf his thick cock as much as they could.
The noises that were illicited from the pale elf were unlike any they'd ever heard before - strained and trembling, through gritted teeth and grounded fists - and the sloppy, wet sounds that their mouth made around his unyielding cock were intentionally and debaucherously pornographic.
Momentarily retreating, they began flicking their tongue over the slit, Tav moaned from the back of their throat like he was a tall mug of water quenching debilitating thirst. One hand holding his length steady, the other lightly grazing his testes.
Astarion's thighs fluttered and tensed, as Tav heard a smile through his own moan, "Ooh, that's new."
Gathering more sleek, Tav ran the flat of their tongue up the smooth underplane of Astarion's cock from base to tip, and encircled the head. His member twitched unconsciously as he let out a warm, low rumble from his chest.
"Is that alright? Not too much?" Tav asked, checking in. They kissed the crease of his frenulum, while nimbly massaging and squeezing his sac.
"Mm-mhm-yes. I'm gaining quite an appetite for your skills in this area." He cooed, shifting underneath them, "but I remember a rather more deeper approach last time."
Tav grinned at his less than subtle request, "Oh, my darling. We're just warming up.. but if you're ready for more. I will, of course.. oblige."
Unhinging their jaw like a snake preparing to consume their pray, Tav gorged on the willing partner in front of them.
Astarion sucked in a gasp and Tav felt a hand on the back of their head briefly, before being removed hastily. Tav heard his fist pound into the bedroll beside him. They moaned in thanks, vibrating against his solid shaft.
He replied with a deep rumble from his chest, "Yes.. that's what I've been missing. This is what I needed.."
Bobbing and dipping, taking just a little more in their mouth each time. Sucking and stroking his perfect length. Their mouth salivated and filled with lubricant, anticipating the meal in front of them. Meeting their lips on their pumping fist, working together harmoniously.
Tav relaxed their throat further and began swallowing the last length of him, valiantly suppressing the need to gag until it would afford the most pleasure. They flattened their tongue and swallowed, sucked and gagged as Astarion whimpered and moaned, unconsciously jerking. Tav placed a hand on his hips to steady him, to not ruin the mood by choking unexpectedly.
They pressed down just above his pubic bone as their lips bottomed out against him, tears forming wet stains under their eyes at the challenge of taking his full size. Tav gulped and gasped against his cock, enveloping him with their tongue and throat working in tandem, coating him in liquid slick. The debased, vile sounds coming from their meeting wet and loud and hot as the hells; pushing him higher, dragging him under, coercing him to cum.
He gasped and raised his head to look down at them. Tav met his tear-streaked, claret gaze, with their own.
"Ohh-yes-yes-look at me as you devour my cock-take it all the way down your throat-such a good-nasty-AHH-YES!" He gargled the last word through moans and his hips pulsated and thrust wantonly as he bunched his shirt in his hand, the other fisted around his greyed rag blanket.
His brows creased, his face wracked with pleasure and pain. His face contorted and twisted as he writhed and moaned. He panted and heaved and shook his head from side to side.
Concern furrowed their brow at his expressions, while he seemed to be "enjoying himself", they were reminded of his words from their conversation, that his sexual conquests couldn't tell that he was pretending.
Tav pulled back to breathe through their nose. They reached out with the tadpole and gently stroked his mind, seeking reassurance that this was what he wanted. That he wasn't pretending. That this was real. That this was what he wanted.
That enthusiastic consent was all they required.
"Yesyesyesyes-oh gods-please don't stop-choke on my cock till you can't breathe-ARH-going to cum down your throat and taste myself on your tongue-fuck!-fuck my hard cock deep in your throat-do it-do it-doit-doit-doit" he repeated, trailing off in whimpers against his soiled comfort blanket.
This was a challenge that they would unabashedly attempt to conquer. They had no idea if they could; he hadn't fed on them this time and the potion was an unknown quantity for help, or hindrance. They had no idea. But damned if they weren't going to try. Tav steeled themself and took a deep breath.
They made no illusions at a slow build in tension, they went straight for the kill.
Straining down his hard length to the hilt, making the most illicit and disgusting sodden noises as they consumed him, squeezing him with the throat that tried to resist his intrusion.
Astarion growled and whined and shook with the tension in his body coiled so tightly.
Tav stretched their jaw to lap their tongue against his balls, which tightened due to the expected feeling. He rewarded their efforts with another mumbled, half coherent onslaught of praise and explicit desires.
They re-applyed the pressure on his pubus, pushing down firmly against his taut skin.
A breathless gasp shot from his throat as the hand bunched in his shirt now flew to grasp their hand with choruses of, "yes-yes-yes!"
He was so close, they could feel it. His precum tainted the back of their throat. His jaw was tight and his glistening fangs were bared.
Tav remembered back once more to what had unexpectedly tipped him over the edge when they'd made him cum the last time.
Concentrating hard on keeping the fast-paced rhythm, tears streaming from their eyes, they flipped their hand to hold his properly.
Tav reached out through their connection and whispered, "I've got you, Astarion.. you're safe. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise.. I have you.. Cum, Astarion.. cum, my love."
Astarion stilled, his every muscle contracting and seizing, his chest rising off the floor as his spine curved.
A gentle, surprised gasp escaped from his mouth. He squeezed their hand so tightly as their name died on his lips.
Suddenly Tav felt warmth shoot against the back of their throat as he came hot and quick, filling their mouth and spilling out the sides and he thrust wildly, unable to control his movements. His cries of pleasure muted and gasping.
Tav gagged and slowed to a gentler pace, swallowing him down. Astarion twitched and quivered as they saw him through his climax; still holding each others hand.
His soft, whimpering groans dissolved into laboured heaves as he relaxed into the lull of his orgasm.
A moan shuddered from him as Tav expertly extracated his thankfully - slightly - softening member from their stretched throat.
They tenderly cleaned him up with their tongue, as there was quite a lot that had spilled from his heavy, metallic-tanged load, while Astarion lay there in stunned silence.
Tav dried their eyes and gently rested their chin on his thigh and sighed deeply, their hands still joined on his stomach.
They kissed his cool skin, "Are you alive up there?" Tav asked, jokingly.
If he wasn't already dead, they'd have thought he'd died.
"M'alive." He mumbled in a stupor.
"Good." Tav said through a wry smile.
They looked to their left where his cock was already starting to swell again and sighed.
"I don't think it worked, you're getting hard again."
Still nothing.
Tav furrowed their brow, "Do you hear me up there?"
Still nothing.
Starting to worry, Tav raised themselves up and started padding their way one-handed up towards his face. His crimson eyes were fixed on ceiling of the tent, drying tears still streaked down his temples.
"Are you alright? Was it too much?" Tav asked, worried they'd gone too far.
He finally blinked.
"My body feels like it's.. weightless and.. empty. My head feels like.. I've been zapped with a.. shocking grasp.. and my ears are ringing." His tone was high and dazed. His every move tinged with exhaustion. His expression one of pure contentment.
He was fully in an afterglow bubble. That was better than potentially traumatised.
Tav pursed their lips with pride, "Sounds like a good orgasm then. Was it?" They asked, feigning innocence.
Astarion gave a long blink and turned his gaze to Tav, who lay to the side of him.
"You've rendered me paralsyed. I think we can call that a success, don't you?"
Tav chuckled, "Well, a semi-success. You've still got your problem." They gestured a thumb towards his now alarming erection again.
"Oh no, that's not the potion. That's me."
Tav jerked their neck in questioning confusion, "Eh?"
"I'm laying here sprawled on the floor after one of the best orgasms of my long life. Two of whom have been granted by you.. and the only thing I can think of.. is that I need to do that again."
Tav bit their bottom lip through a grin spreading across their face.
"But we said that that night was a one-time thing and this is an extraordinary circumstance.. this isn't supposed to-"
His pale pink lips came up to capture their first kiss of the night and from the passion and force behind it, it was not to be their last.
Astarion slid his fingers to their umber trousers and cupped them through the fabric. Tav gasped against his mouth as they twitched within his grasp, the damp spot of their arousal staining their clothes. They sucked in Astarion's bottom lip into their mouth and cursed.
"Well, apparently that arrangement needs to be renegotiated." He smirked, as he kissed them deeply, sweeping his tongue to taste himself there.
He brought his hand to the buckle, "And these definitely need to come off."
Psst.. hey..👋 you want some more smut? 👀
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junipers-archive · 1 year
spence x clingy!reader where reader just loses it and kisses him then it gets a little ✨spicy✨ and some sort of makeout scene but no smut if that makes sense tysm bae <33
ah ofc ofc, thanks for the request, and yw bae <3
Today is Saturday's are for Spencer :) request an au!
Spencer couldn't deny that he adored how clingy you were, always beside him offering food, cuddles, kisses, anything he could ever possibly need. He like being doted on, and he tried to return the favor when he could.
You were currently seated on his lap, legs parted on each side of his hips as he read his book over your shoulder. It was often you ended up in this position, due to your constant need for physical touch.
"Spencer." you pout your pink lips as you withdraw your head off his shoulder. He hums, still absorbed in the novel he's reading. "Spencer." you were getting impatient having already tried to get his attention multiple times before.
Most likely sensing this agitation he finally puts his book down, marking his page by bending the corner. "Yes, baby?"
You smile at the nickname, "Tell me 'bout your book." You needed a distraction, and he was the best at giving you something to be distracted by, whether that was his adorable face or his eloquent words.
He smiles delightfully, beginning to explain his reading material while simultaneously drawing soothing circles at your waist.
"Well its a pretty interesting story really, its about this archeologists who go out to Egypt and find these hieroglyphics within one of the ancient pyramids. Its based on a true story, though told through a more animated version, giving a resemblance of an Indiana Jones movie. But not the new re-makes, I'm talking the originals- "
You press your lips to his, hard and full of passion, sliding your tongue into his mouth as he gasps in surprise. But you can't help it, something happens to you when he goes on his rambles. Somehow, you don't know how its possible but he becomes even more handsome when he talks.
"Mmhp." he moans into your mouth as you slide your fingers through his messy hair, taking pleasure as he returns your eager kiss.
You come up for air every once and a while, as he explains in between the plot of his book, and you similarly ask more follow up questions.
Happily, you stay like that, enjoying each others small gasps and whines as you essentially make out like lovesick teenagers while continuously carrying out a conversation. When you finally imprint your lipgloss onto his lips, you're satisfied, pulling back to take a look at your work.
Once he catches his breath fully he speaks, "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"
"f'being you." you answer without hesitation, moving in to peck his swollen lips once more. Sinking into his arms you lose track of time as the afternoon passes you by. Spencer however resumes his reading with a huff of exasperation at your antics, shaking his head and hugging you tighter.
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COD Sex Bot Au - General and Character Specific Facts
Requested: Yes. By uh…..pretty much everyone. SO many people begged for something and while this isn’t exactly a part 2, I hope it will help tide you all over til I can get that completed.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Child Abuse, Adult Abuse as well, Mention of Murder, Mention of Self-Destruction (Robot Suicide), Mentions of Knives, Mention of Blood, Spice, Probably very incorrect Spanish
A/N: So! A lot of people, along with requesting a part 2, have also been begging me for Price as well. I know I’ve only done the 4 characters for all of my Cod works so far but I do want to expand the character list! That being said, I’m just not entirely comfortable with writing them yet. I am looking more into Gaz, Price, and Roach specifically and I promise to let you guys know when I feel comfortable enough to write for them! But until then, please enjoy!
Their eyes get this kind of colored sheen to them sometimes. Different colors for different things.
Yellow is absorbing new information
Pink is the color during sexy times
Red is malfunctioning/in need of repairs (but can also be a sign of embarrassment or shyness)
Light blue is curiosity
White (still) is powered down
White (pulsing) is powering down
White (flickering) is low power
Grey is rebooting/charging
Black is enraged
Lilac is contentment
Plum is upset/hurt
All the boys come with their uniforms on but what’s underneath depends
For Ghost’s model, simple black briefs
For Soap’s model, silly patterned boxers (think hearts or something)
For König’s model, usually some fancy lace panties since he’s very popular amongst Doms who like that sort of thing
Alejandro’s model? Absolutely nothing
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Ghost’s model was MEANT to be a scary bad guy kind of deal, to be marketed towards fans of slashers and the like. But he…..didn’t end up being that way.
At least, not your Ghost. Many of the other Ghost models are that way, but not yours. For some reason.
Granted, that programming is definitely still in him, though not exactly in the way it was meant to be.
Instead of it being just for fun rough sexy times, it’s more…….actually will kill for you. And has, in fact, killed for you.
Something that he’s NOT supposed to be able to do.
“Gee, I wonder what happened to that Barista that insulted me the other day.”
“Gee, I wonder.” *cleaning a bloody combat knife in your sink*
Speaking of knives!!! Ghost’s model does come with a lot of fun knives! Granted, they’re dulled into being just (mostly) harmless kink knives but he made quick work of making them a lot more harmless by ordering a knife sharpener.
So uh, yeah. You have received not just a sex robot, but one that borders on Yandere and will probably self-destruct if you reject him.
Have fun with that!
Fun fact: YOUR Ghost actually used to be a child bot MANY years ago, bought by a man who only wanted to be able to legally abuse a child. So he was broke down and put back together so very many times. And when they recycled and reprogrammed his AI chip, the scarring from that was still imprinted into him.
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While Soap’s model is marketed more towards romantic oriented people, he’s generally seen as a Jack of all trades.
Doms, subs, romantics, first timers, just about any kind of person. He’s good with all of them, though he thrives with Romantics since that is his programming.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
He doesn’t want to be seen as just a sexual object, he wants to be yours. And you to be his.
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Ah yes, the gentle giant that was supposed to be marketed more towards Subs but ended up being a bit….Soft.
None of the programmers can explain it but every model of him is just inexplicably shy and quiet, thriving in an environment where he has no control.
So now he’s more marketed towards doms. Usually soft doms.
They once tried to change his model to be smaller and more petite and people started BOYCOTTING.
It affected their sales so much that they very quickly changed him back.
People still seethe when they think about it.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Just because of how quiet and meek his model is, how they almost never fight back when hurt.
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Alejandro’s model is VERY popular among submissives so he’s programmed to be pretty dominant and also to have a caring nature.
Due to said caring nature, many mistake his model as good for beginners.
I can assure you, he is NOT.
So SO many of his models have been returned cause he’s brought them to tears from so much pleasure, absolutely overwhelming for any beginner.
“Cry for me, Amor. That’s it, just like that.”
His model is one of the only ones that isn’t returnable unless something is malfunctioning and even then, they’ll try just about anything to fix the model instead of just taking them back.
If you’re the type to forget meals and such (I’m not projecting, shut up) then he will literally drag you away from whatever you’re doing and make you eat.
Will set up a rewards system if you have trouble with personal upkeep as well, like household chores and stuff (again, not projecting).
How much pleasure you get throughout the day is all dependent on how well you follow the schedule he makes based on your personal life.
He can and will have you call him Papi, in and out of bed.
“Be a Good Little Cachorro and get on your knees for Papi.”
You only get called Amor when you’re good or when you’re upset. Anything else and it’s Cachorro (Puppy).
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byuntrash101 · 2 years
final lap
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reader x dom!sunwoo
smut | nsfw | mdni
racer!sunwoo is kinda mean and big, thigh riding, dry humping, sir kink, orgasm control, orgasm denial, hair pulling, begging, edging, praising, impact play, humiliation, degradation (slut, whore, bitch in heat), a tad of self degradation, multiple orgasm, creampie, cum play,
requested | part of my 2023 prompts event [closed]
after a race there's only one thing that can ease sunwoo's nerves...
[❛ no ones here. we can be as loud as we want. ❜ + ❛ you can be rough. i can take it. ❜]
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a/n: this is inspired by this ✨glorious post✨ sunwoo graced us with. when i saw it knew i had to write racer!sunwoo. look at those thighs!! tell me im not the only one losing it for the thighs and veiny forearms!!
There was something about the speed that put Sunwoo in a sort of trance. Ever since he was a boy he aspired to be a racer. It was his calling.
And tonight after winning the race of a lifetime is not different. 
Even now sitting in the changing rooms, after the press conference, after being handed out the platinum cup he was still feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He still felt the strain that was put on his body with every abrupt acceleration. He still felt his body shifting through every single dangerous turn. It was like he was still on the track, swallowing laps after laps, until the last one. 
This was Sunwoo’s experience after every race. And after every race he found that one thing was bringing him back down, pulling his mind out of the haze.
A quick jerk off.
You knew that. You knew that he liked to catch a few minutes of peace after a race to blow off some steam. But now that you’ve been dating for a few months you figured that maybe you could help him out this time. 
When you knock on the door while your heart is hammering against your ribs. You don’t want to come across as annoying but maybe he really does enjoy doing it himself.
“Come in” you hear the voice of your boyfriend from the other side, annoyance tinting his voice.
“Ah it’s you” he says, surprised features relaxing slightly upon seeing you.
You sigh in relief when he seems to not be bothered by your visit. You lightly strut over to where he is sitting, your skirt lightly flowing around you. Somehow he seems embarrassed.
“Hmm…y/n” he starts off hesitantly. “I’m not… done… here” he says carefully.
Instantly your eyes shift down to his crotch. You try your best not to look too avidly at the veiny forearms resting so close to his bulge and failing miserably as your tongue swipes over your lower lip.
“Yes about that…I came to offer my help” you announce wearing a bright smile.
“That’s cute, baby but no, it’s ok you know I…”
You knew Sunwoo was going to need a little convincing so you thought of a plan. Your hands swiftly went under your skirt and without an ounce of hesitation you slid your baby blue panties down your legs, letting them pool at your ankles.
Sunwoo cut himself off as he watched the blue article of clothing fall to the ground and how your skirt scooted up your waist as you lifted your legs to step out of it. You were never this bold with him and he felt himself twitch at the thought of knowing that the only thing that was guarding your precious center from his eager eyes was this skimpy little skirt.
“Please Sunwoo” you pouted as you walked up to him. “Let me help you” you whined as you straddled one of his thighs repressing a moan when you felt the thick leather of his racing gear press against your unclothed folds. 
Sunwoo watched you in awe, completely silenced by this brand new side of you he had never known.
You started to rock your hips on his thigh, hissing at the pleasurable friction. While Sunwoo let his hand slip on your thigh, fingers firmly wrapped around it.
You were not suspecting that if you still had a secret for Sunwoo it was the same for him. The reason why he always isolated himself after a race was because he didn’t have it in him to be the tender and affectionate lover he normally was. The adrenaline changed his brain chemistry and turned him into something a lot more primal. Something you might be scared of.
And right now you were making it very difficult for him to hold it off.
“Fuckkkk” he cursed under his breath when he saw the glistening mess you were making on his leg. And you felt his muscles tighten underneath you, making you whimper. 
Sunwoo sunk his nails in your fleshy thighs as he heard you, only being able to guess how swollen and pretty your pussy was, the skirt still hiding you from him. But somehow that made him even more riled up. He wanted to rip it off you right now. 
“Sunwoo, please” you asked one more time, your hands landing on his bulge, palming it lightly but before you could unzip his pants he catched your wrist in his hand. His grip was strong, a lot stronger than usual. When you raised your eyes to look at him, his chest was rising and falling rapidly and his gaze was dark, raw lust pooling in his orbs, the burning desire contorting his face in an almost painful expression.
“Y/n don’t make this hard for me” he breathed out, deep voice shaking slightly. Trying his best to keep the monster at bay.
“It’s okay” you start, smiling back at him. “You can be rough, I can take it” you assure. Sunwoo’s eyes go round in surprise. Did you pick up on why he was acting the way he was? Did you pick up on the side of himself he was so badly trying to hide from you?
“Y/n… I-” his grip grew even tighter around your wrist.
“Please. Sunwoo. I can handle it”
This is the last straw for the racer. He won one battle today. Maybe he can give this one to you.
As soon as he gives up the atmosphere around him changes, the tension goes up a notch.
Sunwoo let go of your wrist to grab a fistfull of your hair, harshly pulling on it making your head fall back.
“Can you really handle me?” He hissed through gritted teeth while you felt his member twitch under your fingertips. Your breath is short, a hot wave of arousal rushing to your groin as you felt the delectable sting on your scalp.
“Yes sir” you reply in a mere whisper, your hips working themselves back on his thigh. Instinctively yearning for friction as your lust for him grew again.
Sunwoo smirked at the title. It was the first time you called him like that and he could see himself getting used to it very fast.
As you noticed Sunwoo’s change of attitude you started to rock yourself harder on his thighs. Making an even wetter mess.
“Good little whore” Sunwoo praised while his free hand went down to palm over his restricted bulge. Instantly your eyes snapped back down to avidly look at your boyfriend’s busy hand. But he tightens his grip around your hair, yanking it harshly to catch your attention.
“No.” he clicked his tongue. “Look at me. Look me in the eyes” he commanded and you obliged. “Show me how your slutty little cunt pulse on my thigh” he propped his chin to your skirt still resting over you, shielding you from his brown orbs.
Hesitantly you reached for the hem of your skirt and you slowly lift the thin fabric. Sunwoo’s smirk grows wider while his eyes take a darker tone, an evil glint lighting his gaze.
“What a good little slut” he praised in a low rumble, pressing harder on his cock, growling when he felt himself leaking precum for you.
“Come on harder” he ordered as he tensed his thigh again, hand leaving your hair to push on your hips, strong grip conducting each of your movements until your mind was only a hazy mess, mindlessly wrecking yourself on your boyfriend’s thigh.
“You gonna cum?”
“Yesss” you sing in bliss, feeling your lower stomach becoming tighter and tighter with the familiar build up. Sunwoo pressed harder on your hips while you moaned without restrain completely forgetting about the thin walls of the changing room.
“You gonna be a good girl?” he asked again, hands going softer on your side.
“Yessssss” you hissed, your release being within reach, your mind barely able to form the simple word.
“Then you’re not gonna cum” Sunwoo suddenly says and your half lidded eyes snap back to him. Your eyebrows meet on your forehead in need when you notice him being dead serious. “Only whores cum humping their boyfriend’s leg like a bitch in heat” his voice is cold, cutting, ruthless.
“Sunw- Sir… please” you whine, unable to stop the intoxicating back and forth.
“I said” he wraps both his hands around your narrow neck. “No” he firmly states. His hands barely press on your throat but the glacial eyes and the commanding tone is enough to bend your mind. You whine in defeat as your hips slowly come to a stop. Red, swollen and aching cunt visibly pulsating on the leather. 
Before you can even mourn the loss of your climax Sunwoo is back pulling at your hair.
“Up” he says, guiding you by the hair then pulling you down until you are on all fours. “Clean your mess” he shoves your face on the slimy puddle you left behind. You stick your tongue, gliding it over the smooth leather, ready to do anything for him. Completely fucked out your mind, you don’t think anymore only your body reacts.
In a matter of seconds you manage to completely erase any trace of the sinful thing you were doing moments ago, the taste of your own arousal making your head spin and your heart pound. 
“That’s my good girl” Sunwoo praised, drawing soothing circles on your heated cheeks. “Good girls get rewarded” he whispered as his gentle hand guided your face to his groin. You whimpered as you pressed your cheek to the concealed object of your desire. Your arousal dripping down your thighs.
“‘s that what you want baby”? his honey voice made your center quiver.
“Yess” you purred in bliss feeling the heat of his cock through the thick leather.
You heard him chuckle as his hand unzipped the racing pants. He shimmied them on his thigh and you saw the glorious print of his shaft under his gray briefs. You swallowed thickly, eager to finally lay eyes on him. He also pulled his underwear down revealing the thick member clapping against his stomach you lightly gasp in awe.
He lazily strokes it a couple times in his veiny fist while you watch in a trance.
Then he gets up and guides you to bend over the chair, both your knees on the cushion and your elbows resting to the back of it. With a flick of the wrist he flipped your skirt up your back to uncover your ass. He smacked his lips in anticipation while he guided his tip on your drenched folds. The hot tip glided smoothly over your already over sensitive clit. You held your breath while he teased you. Biting your lip to keep yourself from begging. 
“Such patience” he praised before you felt his large palm slap your ass cheek, the unexpected pain pulling a moan from your lips. 
“Want this cock baby?” he asked as he started to push himself in. 
“Yes please Sir” you politely ask, doing your best not to wiggle your hips to get him to fill you up faster. 
“Good girl” he moaned as he bottomed out. His tip perfectly pressing on your sweet spot with this angle. You hissed, your fingers curling around the back chair. “I’m going to fuck your brains out” he growled. And the promise made your stomach knot. 
He didn’t waste time to keep his word. He started to plow into you, pulling all the way out just to smash himself back in.
You started to squeal in pleasure as your cunt desperately held on to Sunwoo’s length rearranging your guts with every thrust.
“Good girl. That's it. Squeal for me” he grunted, strong grip bruising your hips. “No ones here. we can be as loud as we want.”
But everytime you grew closer to your release, every time he heard you go high pitched, every time he felt you pulse around him he would slow down, going down to a painfully slow rhythm. Thrusts merely teasing your eager walls as they pulsed and demanded more. 
It made his cock twitch inside you when he heard your desperate whimpers and your disappointed sighs. He loved to torture you. And he intended to toy with you just like this until you couldn’t take it anymore. Until you broke.
After what felt like hours you finally voiced out your frustration.
“Sir please” you started timidly.
“What baby?” he asked, his honeyed tone letting your ear the smirk that was spreading on his lips from behind you. “What’s wrong?” he fainted worry.
“Please…” you were out of breath, exhausted. “I want to cum” you sighed.
“Awww. Want? what an ugly word” he said as he completely stopped. Dick deep into you but completely still. Somehow this was even worse. You started to whine and wiggle your hips yearning for any kind of friction again, even the slow pace. You needed something, anything. 
“Please let me cum Sir” you pleaded, your voice trembling in need. When Sunwoo started to move slowly again a strangled moan escaped you.
“But baby only whores beg to cum like that” he says rubbing soothing circles over your ass as he picks up the pace ever so slightly, making your center quiver. “is that what you are?” 
You stayed silent, teeth sinking into your bottom lip while you tried to regain a semblance of sanity. But Sunwoo gave you one single violent thrust to keep you in your trance, earning a high pitched moan. 
“Are you a whore baby?” he repeated being as taunting as ever. 
And you just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Yess” you shouted in defeat. “I’m a whore Sir. I’m your little dirty whore” you started to push your ass back and forth on his cock, Sunwoo didn’t stop you he enjoyed seeing you break. “Now please fuck me like the fucking slut I am.” you sobbed, completely giving in.
Without another word he went back to the brutal and exhilarating pace. You completely lost it, abandoning your body and mind to his cock. You moaned and screamed without restrain. 
“Cum. Now, slut” he ordered as he landed a couple more spanks on your red ass. 
And the pain rocketed you over the edge. Diving head first in the blissful abyss. Walls quivering on Sunwoo’s thick dick. Climaxing so deliciously as he came inside you, delivering thick ropes of white thick cum inside your needy little hole that was milking him to the last drop. 
As soon as he pulled out your legs gave out and you collapsed on the chair, gooey cum lazily dripping out your worn out and shapeless cunt. 
Sunwoo stroked your hair affectionately.
“You were right baby” he pressed a kiss on your hairline “you handled me perfectly”.
a/n: thank you for reading guys. feedback is soooo greatly appreciated if you enjoyed drop a comment or an ask. i wuv u <3
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bearbunnycheetah · 2 months
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Note: This chapter is much longer than the last one! Hopefully there are no errors… haha… I’ll have the rest of my notes for this on the end section!
It’s been about a day or three since Percy visited the toy store. Molly lays in her bed awake, blankly staring at the ceiling. She knew she had a lot to do today, the anxiety of having to deal with all her responsibilities woke her up early. So she savored every second that she got to lay in bed.
Molly turns off the alarm on her phone immediately, then sighs. She shuffles out of the bed to get ready, shower… Make breakfast… Eat… Open the store… 
In this part of Sweet Jazz City, It was actually surprisingly really quiet. It meant Molly didn’t have to worry about noise overwhelming her, but it also meant that not that many people come in to the toy store. 
Well, her classmates did swarm her with questions after news got out about the museum. Maybe people will come here to buy things! Maybe… 
Molly walks up to the sign on the front door and flips it to open, before hopping on her chair and starting her shift at work. Maybe she could use this time to finish homework. 
Yeah, okay. She pulls out some paper from her backpack and started doing answer sheets, occasionally looking up when she hears sounds coming from outside. Suddenly, the bell on the front door jingled. Molly was about to speak when her eyes widened, and she realised that standing in front of her was Percy. She scrambled quickly to put away her homework and greeted the detective.
“Oh, Percy! I didn’t expect you to come back… Is... everything okay?” Right, the break-in… Maybe she just had more questions.
“Good morning, Molly! It’s been going quite well, the investigation was quite eventful. We didn’t manage to catch the perpetrator, but we successfully snagged the amulet back.” Percy smiled.
Does that mean boss is fine? Probably, I mean he got away once right? And at least she said it went well! “Wow, that’s… that’s great! Did you come here to um, tell me that?”
Percy sighed and furrowed her brows. Oh no, is Molly in trouble!? “Yes, but I’m also here on a more pressing matter...” 
What she didn’t expect is Percy approaching the register where Molly was sitting with a serious expression. A trickle of sweat going down Mollys face as she got closer and closer...
...What she didn't even see coming, was for Percy to place down a file on the counter in front of Molly. 
'Child Protection Services'
In bold letters on the front of the file. 
Molly stared for a couple seconds, dumbfounded.
"I'll give you a quick rundown." Percy opens the file for Molly to read. "We were tasked in bringing you and your sister out of this very unethical situation by both the police force and CPS themselves, I was to be temporarily assigned to be your guardian before you two were adopted by better, more responsible parents".
Molly’s eyes slowly widened at each word Percy said, did... did she really mean it? Was she really free from all the work her dad and sister had put her through? Is she going to have a normal childhood?
Before Molly could say a word, a certain someone walked up the stairs from the basement of the Toy Emporium, Martin Blyndeff. Said parent Percy deemed irresponsible. 
Martin was holding a toy playset that he was about to set down on a nearby table. “Heya, kiddo! This your friend? Oh Lookie there seems to be some sorta police getup you're goin for eh?" Martin said, attempting some sort of conversation.
Molly was about to tell her father what was going on, but Percy began speaking before she could form words.
"Ah what perfect timing! I apologise, but we will not be able to continue our 'chit chat'." She pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “You're coming with me, Martin Blyndeff. You are under arrest for child neglect, and several other crimes including tax evasion. Everything you say can and will be used against you."
“Awh what gives? I’m takin’ care of my little princesses I swear!!!” Martin protested, holding his arms out as if that would do something.
“The only thing you’re taking care of… Is jail time!” Percy said with full confidence attempting to be witty.
There was awkward silence as neither Molly or Martin understood what she meant.
“Wait- What- HUH!?” Molly let out the panic in her voice that built up over time, what the hell was even going on? Percy turnt to Molly as she handcuffed a very confused Martin.
“Please do not fret, Molly” Percy said, as a few other police officers came in to take away Martin. “Is it alright if youbring your sister here? So that I can give the rundown and explain to the both of you, of course”. 
Molly sighed, and tried putting on a smile. “Okay..” 
Molly wasn’t really…  sure how her sister would react to this. But all she could hope for is that Lorelai wouldn't protest or go into a dream bubble to hide away, it’d probably inconvenience Percy if she were to do that and she didn’t wanna bother her too much.
Molly made her way up the thin staircase, and then approached her sisters door. Despite the sign that said ‘DO NOT ENTER’, Molly knocked. 
“Uhh… Lorelai, are you there? I need to tell you something important, its not work or anything! Not like we’ll even work here anymore…” 
To Molly’s surprise, Lorelai actually opened the door! Though.. she was dressed up in some sort of knight armor?
“Oh, Lori! I… Didn't expect you to answer this qui-” 
Lorelai interrupted Molly. “Yeah yeah whatever, I was already gonna go downstairs anyway cause you guys we’re making a racket!”
Molly let out an exhausted attempt at a laugh, a bead of sweat dripping down her face. “Well.. It was aboutexplaining the ‘racket’... And well… Dad is getting arrested for some stuff and we.. uh…” Molly paused, she wasn't sure how to continue this. She was about to raise her voice again, but Lorelai suddenly zoomed past Molly to go downstairs. 
Molly rushed to follow her sister downstairs, eyes widening when she realised Lorelai was blabbering out to Percy who looked rather displeased. Urgh, not again…
“What the hell are you doing to our dad? Who do you think you are!?” Lorelai said, putting her arms on her hips all sassy and upset.
“Well, I am Detective Percival King from the Sweet Jazz Police” She holds up her badge. “but you may refer to me as Percy. And as your sister most likely explained, we are taking Martin to court because of his mild crime spree, such as avoiding taxes and child abandonment.”
Percy peeked behind Lorelai and saw Molly, who was currently shaking in her rain boots. “I was going to ask where your younger sister is, but it appears that she's already back. Hello!”.
Lorelai squinted at Molly and Percy with a disdain in her eyes.. “Did she call you to come here?” Lori said raising her eyebrow, Molly looked down to avoid eye contact “Cause CPS already came here before and we’re perfectly fi-” 
Percy decided to interrupt Lorelai herself, noticing how upset Molly looked. “I am very much aware of that, Miss Blyndeff.” Percy crossed her arms. “But after talking to Molly a few days ago regarding the museum incident she was involved in, I decided to reopen the case. After dealing with all of my work, of course.”
“Hmm…” Lorelai squints at Percy, unconvinced. “What about the toy store? What’s gonna happen to that huh?”
“We will deal with that after interrogating your father which will probably take a bit. But there’s no need to worry about you or your sister, as I’ve been assigned to take care of you two before more suitable parents can take care of you.”
Lorelai turnt to look at Molly again, then back at Percy. “Fine, what do we do now? Theres gonna be a bunch of legal stuff we need to deal with or whatever, right?”
“Correct. Thank you for being cooperative, Miss Lorelai. You may take your personal belongings at a later date.”
Lorelai rolls her eyes, and walks past Percy to the outside of the toy emporium. She waits there, still wearing her knight outfit. Molly nervously walks over to Percy and looks at her.
“Sorry about my sister… She’s a handful.” Molly apologized.
“I don’t mind all that much, I’ve dealt with many interesting people at my job before.”
“Sounds about right. I honestly thought the whole CPS thing didn’t work out because of last time…”
“The only reason something like that happened is because that person was a fool.” Percy scowls. “It’s cruel when events like this are overlooked, hopefully you and your sister can live life more peacefully.”
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” Molly pauses and smiles a bit. Maybe this was for the better, but she suddenly remembers something. “Oh! Is it alright if I tell my friends about this? We were supposed to have a meet up here tomorrow and I don’t wanna worry them too much.”
“Of course, you can go ahead and contact them on the way to the police station.”
Molly goes up to the door and flips the toy store sign to ‘closed’, then walks out. Percy follows closing the door behind her, she had brought back-up incase Martin was a dangerous person or if something went wrong but things actually turnt out alright! She speaks with some of the officers before most of them leave the toy store to the police station.
A couple hours pass, all three members of the Blyndeff family were interviewed. A few more hours pass and now the two sisters sit in Percys car, the detective was busy doing a few more things before going home so the two of them just sat in silence. Both Lorelai and Molly were in the back, but still sitting as far away from eachother as possible. 
Percy finally walks out and opens the car door.
“I’m back, apologies for the wait.” She sits in the drivers seat, she started the car a while ago since she thought leaving them in a hot car would be a bad idea despite the fact it was extremely cold during this time of year in Taiga Country.
“Its fine…” Molly yawned, it was night already and probably past her bedtime.
“I don’t have an extra room ready in my apartment, so both of you might have to sleep in my room in the meantime. But it’s fine, I’ll sleep on the couch.” Percy smiled reassuringly.
“Huh? Oh, no we couldn’t possibly… It would feel weird sleeping in someone elses room. We don’t mind, right Lori?”
Lorelai scoffed as if she doesn’t wanna talk right now, Molly scowls at her then forces a smile as she looks at Percy.
“One of us can sleep on the couch and the other one can sleep on the floor.”
“Understood, I’ll see if I have an old mattress lying around.”
Percy locks the car door and begins driving. It was pretty late outside so that means there wasn’t as much traffic as usual, just smooth sailing from here. Molly holds her hand out and puts it on the car window as she watches the city skyline zoom past here in a flurry of lights, a manufactured aurora borealis.
‘It’ll be okay.’ She thinks to herself. ‘Besides, this means I don’t need to run the store anymore right? Maybe I can catch up on my homework tomorrow. Yeah. Okay.’ Molly smiles a bit, then closes her eyes.
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Note: This chapter was actually the first thing I wrote for this AU YEARS ago! Back before PoP even came out actually! It was much shorter back then but it was fun revisiting my writing and adding more onto it. Hopefully I’ll have the next chapter done in a few days :3
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tennessoui · 5 days
44. and 54. for the ship asks?
I hope you're having a good time ✨
ah thank you i am having a very good time (but also very busy) (but also very fun) (but also very stressful) (but also very - )
thank you for sending these in <3
[from this ask game]
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
i think neither of them are predisposed to dancing in the kitchen making dinner (because i just can't see either of them expressing joy through dance) but the image is cute and if i had to pick, i'd say anakin would be more likely to dance in a very silly fashion as he cooks dinner (most probably because he thinks he's alone in their quarters)
only for obi-wan to spy him and lean up against the doorway to watch and anakin is a bit embarrassed but covers it with a "what, old man, don't want to join in?"/"haven't you ever danced before?" to which obi-wan obviously replies that of course he's danced before but that sort of dancing is certainly not the kind of dancing he's done in the past. does anakin want a demonstration?
and anakin thinks he's about to get pulled into a formal dance like the sort that obi-wan does at fancy balls on fancy missions so of course he says a very eager yes - only for obi-wan to pull him in for more like dirty club dancing from his padawan days
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
once a master, always a master:
Obi-Wan lets out a full-bodied sigh the moment the doors to his quarters close behind him. It'd been a long day, stacked on top of another, longer day, which in turn was stacked upon a longer week. A longer month. A long war.
He leans against the wall to slip off his boots, though he finds that he's too tired to line them up at the door where he likes to keep them. Instead, he leaves them as they've fallen.
The Council meeting had ended with the decision to send Obi-Wan and the 212th out to the Mid-Rim to rendezvous with Mace Windu's troops. It was an understandable command, and one Obi-Wan himself had volunteered for. But now, in the privacy of his own quarters, he allows the weight of the new orders to rest heavily on his shoulders as guilty dread pools up in his stomach. He'd told Anakin that they'd be able to share a week of leave together, once the other returned to the Temple tomorrow. Now, it turns out that they'd have only a few hours at most.
On his way from the door to his room, the Force gives him a kind, gentle nudge, just stubborn enough that it makes Obi-Wan turn his head to see--oh.
He hadn't even realized he wasn't alone in his quarters. Perhaps because the boy sleeping on his sofa with one shoe still loosely clinging to his foot feels as if he belongs there.
Obi-Wan's feet move him forward automatically to look over the couch's back at Anakin's sleeping form. His Force signature wraps around Anakin's gently, an instinctual hello. For a moment, he's regretful at it--thinking that perhaps it would be enough to wake Anakin from his sleep.
But Anakin's Force signature only nuzzles back at his in return, leaving the boy asleep, as if it is the most natural thing in the galaxy for them to be twined together.
"Alright," Obi-Wan mutters, letting his fingers trail over Anakin's curls before stepping around the couch to kneel at its edge. "Foolish boy," he chides though Anakin cannot hear him. Though he doesn't even mean the words, not truly. Not in the face of Anakin's presence. He must have pushed his ship to the edges of its capabilities to arrive earlier than planned. He must have wanted as much time with Obi-Wan as he could get. "My foolish boy," Obi-Wan says.
Anakin sleeps on, undisturbed.
Obi-Wan's hands find their way to his hair once more, stroking down a piece of it before lightly touching his cheek, the edges of the scar over his eye. The war has aged him. The war has taken so much from him. Of course he is tired. Hopefully, despite Obi-Wan's own absence, he will be able to get the rest he so desperately needs in the coming week. It would be good for him, for Ahsoka as well.
Against his will, his eyelids droop even as his knees protest the position on the ground. He could fall asleep as he is, he thinks. A worshipper at Anakin's altar.
But his padawan would be upset to find him like this in the morning. As much as he thinks that Anakin needs rest, Anakin returns the opinion tenfold. He will not be pleased at the upcoming mission. He would not be pleased to find Obi-Wan asleep on the ground beside him.
But their week together has been shortened only to a night, and Obi-Wan will be damned if he leaves him alone on the couch.
So, carefully, he stands and slides his arms beneath Anakin's back and legs, lifting him up with some hidden well of strength only exhausted masters who must care for their padawans possess.
"This was easier when you were younger," he mutters to Anakin's sleeping form, adjusting his arms around the other man so that his head doesn't loll uncomfortably to the side. "And about a hundred and fifty pounds lighter."
Anakin snores in response, Force signature radiating such a sense of safe contentment that even Obi-Wan's grumblings die down into nothing. They can, of course, wait for an appreciative, awake audience.
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beartitled · 4 months
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🪼🐠🐟 Narry bros sea edition🪼🐠🐟
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Ah yes ✨them✨
Narry the first @braisedhoney is Giant Larvacean 🪼
(credit to Insomni for finding that sea creäture and giving me the idea❤️)
The funny thing that I initially thought that Larvacean is some sort of huge sea creature, but turns out it’s actually a plankton and can grow to be 10 cm long max 😭💥
Don’t get me wrong it is huge for a microscopic organism, but I expected a big scary jellyfish like monster 👿
*looks at Narry under the microscope* hi bud👋/ silly
Narry the second @insomniphic is Angelfish 🐠
I added him shellcrown because he’s a sea fashion icon ✨
Barry is a goldfish 🐟⚜️
(+ smol Bearline™️)
I took a test “what fish are you” with Barry and it gave me 🫧goldfish🫧
(also thought about shrimp and pufferfish options, but I wanted to draw funky goldfish hat :D)
Aaaand the those are the last illustrations for mermay 🧜‍♂️🧜🧜‍♀️
🫧🐟 Hope you enjoyed the fish series 🫧🐟
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azu1as · 4 months
i was wondering if youre still open for prompts… and if u are can you write about pbss somehow tranported to current mount hua, and everyone is confused af and just watches pbss and divine dragon interact (and maybe argue) with each other
PITTY HELLO ♥✨♥✨♥ yes i'm always open to prompts !!! im literally rotating rotmhs in my head 24/7
this first half was actually born from another prompt by mei on discord but I want to build on it, so dumping it here 👍 HAHAHA
The Plum Blossom Sword Saint lets out a ragged breath, his vision rapidly fading. His sword falls from his hand and soon after his body follows.
"...Mount Hua..." he mumbles, aware that the only thing left that awaited him was the cold claim of death.
He dies. And in the next second, he blinks up to a clear sky, the dead bodies that surrounded him gone.
Dawn had barely broken when an incessant banging against Mount Hua's gates and shouting started and broke the tranquil silence, rousing several disciples.
"OPEN UP!" Someone barks out from the other side. "Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Open this gate right now!!"
Un Am frowns at the lack of manners and respect being shown by the source of the shouting. He reaches the gate and pulls it open. It takes Un Am a bit of effort to ensure that his voice sounded cordial, "Hello, we aren't accepting any visitors this ear—"
Un Am cuts himself off as he takes note of the state of the man in front of him. The man's robes and face were crusted with dried blood despite a lack of any visible injury. That is, if one ignore his lack of an arm.
It still didn't explain the amount of blood he had on his body that was free from any wounds and visible scars.
The man's eyes were bloodshot and trembling. Un Am, even from afar, could tell that there was something deeply wrong with this man. He seemed unconscious of the way he emanated a manic aura; there was a charged sort of energy surrounded him that made an instinctive part of Un Am grip his sword handle in response.
The most notable and unexplainable part of the man, however, was the blood-stained plum blossom embroidered on his chest.
"Who...?" Un Am finds himself unable to react to the man's speed and freezes in place as the man grabs him by the lapels of his robe. He pulls Un Am towards himself and grits out,
"What. Happened. To. My Sect."
Baek Cheon was quickly ushered into the Sect Leader's residence the moment he returned with a few others from their last excursion to Xi'an.
"What's going on?" He asks.
Elder Un Geom, for a lack of a better word, looked harried. His face twists into a grimace. "It's a bit complicated..."
Baek Cheon doesn't know how he should feel about that response.
Surely, it couldn't be too terrible. After all, their sect was still standing and they did leave Chung Myung behind to stay on Mount Hua as he and the other chosen second-class disciples only had to deliver some goods and tokens to their subsect. Their youngest wouldn't let anything dangerous happen on his watch.
Baek Cheon tries to probe more information. "Before you pulled me away, Baek Sang mentioned something about a guest...?"
"We aren't quite sure of the specifics either, I'm afraid. But the man claims to be one of our ancestors from over a hundred years ago."
"An ancestor? Was he able to verify the claims?"
Un Geom nods. "I've never seen someone weild our plum blossom technique with as much power as he did."
If that was the case, then maybe their supposed ancestor could help them develop and improve their sword techniques even further by teaching them more about the skills that have been lost through time.
"Isn't that a good thing then?"
"It should be, but Chung Myung..."
Ah. Hearing those last three trailing words did not promise anything good.
When they finally opened the door to the Sect Leader's residence, they were greeted to the sight of a soulless Hyun Jong slumped against the wall, a freaked-out Yoon Jong who seemed to be torn between jumping into the fray and throwing himself out the window, and—
Their ancestor and Chung Myung pause in their positions as they both turned eerily similar pink gazes towards the two new entrants.
Chung Myung had the end of their ancestor's ponytail pulled towards him and scrunched up in his fists. His knee pressed against the older man's chest and neck while his jaw was unhinged as he was clearly attempting to bite the man's single arm.
Their ancestor in turn had his one hand closed around half of Chung Myung's face, trying to push him away. His legs were wrapped around Chung Myung's lower half in an inescapable hold and he seemed to have been gearing up for a headbutt before Baek Cheon and Un Geom interrupted them.
"You want me to call this brat my ancestor?!" Chung Myung shouts out as he renewed his attempts to bite the man by roughly grabbing onto the base of his ponytail.
"I'm one hundred years older than you!" Their ancestor grits out as he unashamedly bites Chung Myung's arm. "You disrespectful descendant! Back in my time—"
"'Back in my time', my ass!"
Off to the side, their current sect leader lets out a pitiful moan of mental pain. Baek Cheon would comfort him if he didn't feel the same amount of psychic damage as he watches his youngest sajil and ancestor continue their childish scuffle, rolling on the floor and uncaringly biting into each other like they were both five-year olds.
Later on, after tempers have cooled and everyone (read: Chung Myung and their ancestor) had managed to settle down into a tenuous truce, Hyun Jong turns a tired, but respectful nod towards the bruised man, "May we know this ancestor's identity?"
"Hm?" Said man absently rubs against the embroidered plum blossom on his new uniform. "Ah, I supposed you would know me as the Plum Blossom Sword Saint."
They would have expressed their shock and surpise, but they get easily distracted by Chung Myung's mocking scoff as he rolls his eyes in response.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
"Who're you?" -MC
"...Ah, yes, pardon me. I suppose we haven't met before, have we?"
In Nightbringer:
"Welcome to the Demon Lord's Castle. Though I must say, I don't remember inviting you." - Barbatos to MC AND Mammon, so partly iffy on if this was the first words (Lesson 2-11)
"I'm Solomon's apprentice."/ "Solomon's my boyfriend." -MC options to tell Barbatos
okay but Barbatos, as someone who can see all realities, has he always known MC was his soulmate? Would he pretend to not know?? Imagine he always keeps his wrist covered, not even Diavolo knows what it says. I'm so curious about how Barbatos would react when it came to this stuff, especially in Nightbringer.
Okay I'm done now 🤣 I wanted to find his first words because he's your fave okay byeee
- ✨ anon
Ahh thank you for finding them for me hee hee~
Okay but poor Barbatos! In OG, he ends up with "Who're you?" which isn't great but isn't horrible either. But then in NB what if his wrist says "Solomon's my boyfriend." ?!?!?
LIKE. I feel like this would explain why Barbatos hates Solomon in NB lololol.
But to be fair, I do think Barbatos would already know that MC is his soulmate. You cannot tell me that if those words showed up on his wrist the moment he came into existence that he wouldn't have peeked into his future to find his soulmate back when he was young and reckless.
I think he would hide it. Especially if it was something that demons don't normally have, indicating that his soulmate is a human. Barbatos is very private, so I can't imagine him being okay with other people knowing about the words. And since he's always covered up anyway, it's not exactly an issue for him.
It's tricky because even if he already knows, MC knows, too. The minute he says his first words, they know he's their soulmate. So I think how he reacts depends on how MC reacts. Like in NB, if MC is immediately like omg you're my soulmate and they try to spend more time with him as a result, he'd probably allow it. But you know he'd still keep all his secrety secrets so it'd be kinda weird.
In OG there's less of that, so I think he'd just give in immediately. Still restrained as always, but when he's alone with MC, well, I think he'd fall for them a lot quicker than he does in canon.
But Barbatos is also just... super powerful. I kinda think he'd be able to do all sorts of things if he really didn't want MC to know the truth. This only seems like it'd matter in NB where we're still not sure exactly how he's related to Nightbringer. But I could see him deliberately obscuring things somehow to prevent MC from realizing the truth.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 months
OKAY SINCE LITERALLY ONE (☝️) PERSON WHO IS NOT ALEX ASKED! Here are some more Texas!Buddie Thoughts:
When Eddie first joins the 126 (years before Buck arrives in SA) Paul looks at him, turns to TK and says, “Egg.” TK looks confused for a second, then gets it and asks, “Really? Your team or mine?” and Paul really isn’t sure, but DOES know there is a certain Queer Air about Eddie Diaz
I have decided that this is all happening post season seven
I have also decided Buck’s daughter’s name is Alicia, pronounced the Spanish way (Ah-Lee-See-Ah) because her mother is an old flame from Peru
Sometime between seasons 7 and 8, a social worker calls Buck and informs him that he has a biological six year old daughter and he has to choose between accepting his responsibility as her legal guardian or waiving all parental rights. He says “Of course. Yes, I’ll do that” and the social worker says, “Yes to which one?” bc they need a clear confirmation either way but Buck doesn’t realize because it’s not even a question, he has a DAUGHTER of course he’ll take her
Buck absolutely falls in love with this little girl from the get go. He’s wrapped around her pretty little finger like a blue ribbon babeyyyy!! He would move heaven and earth for this child! Go to hell and back!
He, however, isn’t the only one. Because after she’s living with him for about six weeks, Buck gets served with papers. Alicia’s grandparents are suing for custody.
Buck can’t bring himself to risk losing this fight. So he moves to San Antonio (where his old flame and her parents migrated to from Peru right before Alicia was born) so Alicia can see her grandparents as often as they want and Buck can still be her legal guardian
When Buck starts at the 126 (yes it’s still the 126 even though it’s set in San Antonio now) it’s sort of the inverse of Under Pressure—the whole house is all “Yeah yeah, Eddie ‘Pretty Boy’ Diaz, we all know you’ve got the calendar in the bag” and because he’s Eddie he’s like “Aw don’t say that, Mateo, at this point it could be anyone’s game!” All humble and shit but then TK spots Buck The New Guy and says “Idk I think Cali over here might give you a run for your money” and Eddie is just like. 🙃 McFuckingScuse Me?
Of course Eddie forgets any and all jealousy/insecurity the SECOND he finds out Buck has a kid
The first time Alicia meets Eddie she is incredibly shy about it, until Eddie hears Buck call Alicia some cute shit like “mi amorcito” (internally Eddie fucking MELTS )and is like “Oh you speak Spanish?” And Alicia’s eyes go bright and she immediately opens up and starts talking Eddie’s ear off in Spanish and loves him on the spot
This is post season seven so Buck knows he’s bi and knows there’s ✨something✨ between him and Eddie, but based on everything he’s learned from the rest of the 126, no one really knows much about his dating life or preferences. A few failed flings with girls, but that’s all he really knows.
The first time Chris and Alicia meet, Alicia assumes Chris knows Spanish because his dad does. She tries talking to him and he’s like ????? She then calls him a No Sabo kid and pledges to teach him better
Alicia loves Bluey. Chris complains when she comes over and puts it on, says he’s too old for little kids shows, but doesn’t make any effort to change it.
There comes a point in Buck and Eddie’s relationship that it’s clear they… well—their kids play together. Buck packs their lunches (since his captain at the 118 turned him into a pretty damned good chef). Eddie walks them to the bus and gives both of them hugs and kisses. Buck and Alicia spend more nights at the Diaz residence on the pull out couch than in their actual apartment. It’s all disgustingly domestic.
It’s not like Buck and Eddie are dating. But they’re also Not Not Dating.
Of course, neither of them are the ones to realize it. Marjan is. She says something along the lines of, “Well, yeah, now that Buck and Diaz are together.” And both of them proceed to freak out like “WOAH WOAH WOAH NOW THAT WE ARE WHAT NOW”
And Marjan is SO confused because, “What? Are you two seriously going to try and pull one over on us? You’re attached at the hip. Even your kids act like siblings.” And then she watches their faces change and realizes, “oh my gosh, you really have no idea do you?”
The rest of the 126 make a BEELINE for the exit when their shift is up, leaving Buck and Eddie alone to discuss.
So they go out, maybe get dinner, go two-stepping because it’s Texas and it’s A Thing. BuckFigure out What They Are. Maybe not all of the questions are answered by the end of it, but they definitely had a great time with one another! Eddie is an absolute gentleman and walks Buck back to his place.
Where Tommy is waiting for him in the front lobby. Because i can do whatever I want ❤️
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
Hello,I dont remember if I have sent this before but could I get tfp ratchet x human reader angst headcannons where when the base is attacked and everyone gets scattered the reader gets assigned to ratchet(they were under optimus wing).Ratchet however abandons the reader in a fit of rage.Even when everything goes back to normal the reader cant let it slide.They feel betrayed,like they cant trust anyone and they fall into depression.
*Also for the character (something to include only if you want/can):The reader is intelligent like raf but due to ✨the marvels of the educational system✨ they have been led to believe that they are not good enough,so they secretly always seeked the same validation ratchet was giving raf but never felt like receiving it.
I really liked this idea and enjoyed writing this. Ah yes, I love writing angst. HCs as requested
•You found yourself sitting in Ratchet’s front seat in a parking lot who knows where
•The base had been destroyed, you couldn’t contact anyone because the comms could be traced and your phone was out of battery, so you felt like you were pretty much fucked
•”What are we gonna do now?” you asked Ratchet
•He didn’t say anything, and you got the vibe that he was sulking
•”Ratchet?” you knocked on his dashboard, trying to get his attention
•”Get out” he grumbled
•”Sorry what?” you asked, blinking in disbelief
•”Get out, I can’t be responsible for you anymore” he said
•He couldn’t possibly be serious? Was he actually going to just leave you in some parking lot in an unknown town?
•Ratchet didn’t know what to do, and he certainly didn’t know what with you
•It would just be better to leave you here, away from the decepticons and all the danger
•And he was honestly done with the whole situation in general and didn’t want to deal with taking care of a human
•”Get out!” Ratchet raised his voice, which surprised you
•”Fine!” you yelled, trying to cover your hurt feelings by acting angry
•Ratchet drove away and just left you there, in the middle of some mall parking lot, in the middle of the night
•You were mad, but more than that you were incredibly hurt
•You felt like you had been abandoned, which was not far from the truth
•”I guess I’m not good enough for him either” you muttered
•You managed to hold back your tears and walked to a nearby store to borrow a phone to call your family
•When you eventually reunited with the team, you refused to talk to Ratchet and he was so busy he didn’t even really notice
•You honestly didn’t want anything to do with him
•You slowly became more withdrawn and depressed, and no one understood why
•You resented Ratchet for leaving you there and you felt like your trust had been broken like never before
•None of the other’s abandoned their human companions alone in an unknown town, which made it even worse
•Was there something wrong with you? Were you really that bad that Ratchet didn’t want anything to do with you? Were you really not good enough to even check in on?
•Ratchet was too busy with everything to try to mend things with you, and it eventually sort of slipped his mind
•You ended up not talking at all anymore, and you drifted apart quickly
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vargaslovinghours · 7 months
EleVeN!11!!1! (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10½)
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Fuzzy Edgar forever. I don’t remember the context now, maybe there wasn’t any to begin with haha, he’s just so cute with slightly longer hair! And upset :)
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Some Diaryfic snuggles ♥ Scriabin can be so sweet to him at the worst time ah, I love Edgar’s hard on his arm and Scriabin’s pulling his hair out of his injured eye 💕
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While I was very inspired by the Red Flags meme going around (we’ll get there), I was just as inspired by Mixed Messages - this exchange is so silly and them to me. He’s just trying to flirt back, you don’t have to make it harder! That’s just what Scriabin does haha
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🥐 🖕 D:’
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What else did you expect Scriabin to do with texting capabilities?? I’m still very enamoured with the thought of Scriabin using emojis and Edgar using emoticons - they are sort of different generations!
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Here’s the Red Flags! So gd catchy, damn lol. I was specifically inspired by the X is on a date with themself edits, it was so tempting to consider a Ladyverse version as well haha. Edgar’s uncomfortable smiles were so incredibly fun hehe ♪
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Y’see because with that many eyes- you get it
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Edgar’s little “Or do I??” makes me laugh haha, anything to get out of this situation!
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Waiter Jake ❤️💕💖💞💗 Rescue him!
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Very inspired by this one specifically, he’s totally innocent! Not offputting at all! ♥
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Alright well good luck with that bye. I love Edgar being menaced into continuing this date hehe ♫
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Scriabin just keeping on the pressure for this date to keep going! Slight neg in “Couldn’t you have dressed up a little nicer though? ✨” pft
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Brief aside with Scriabin!Edgar out drinking with my OC Mint who has very openly had a crush on the Vargases for a while now, thanks Mint
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Honestly it was all just an excuse to turn him down and have Scriabin call Edgar his “landlord” haha; I was feeling nostalgic and went back to reread some old YuGiOh fics and had been so long away that I forgot that was a term used in the fandom to refer to the bodies of people the various Yamis would take over hehe ♪ It felt very fitting!
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I can call him that but don’t you call him that >:(
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Angy Scriabin!Edgar, the usual
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Handplates re/reading doodles!! Hghgh!!! The theses of these stories of codependent relationships cut me to my very core I’ll have you know 💕 I managed to avoid falling down the rabbit hole of Handplates!Vargas but I was this close, lemme tell you. The subtle shift in phrasing changes so much ;; I love them dearly
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A kind-of leftover WOY style Scriabin, since I made his hair all pointy in my first doodles - the WOY style is quite soft and round! He looks very silly hehe
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Another song that is, yes, unironically in my Vargas playlist. This is a Nny song to me and you can pry it from my cold dead correct hands. That beautiful facial hair ♪
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More Handplates/Vargas, this time obviously inspired by my holiday request 💕💖💞 I honestly rather like how calm Gaster seems whenever he’s in Edgar’s vicinity, he is a fairly unassuming human haha. Is it because he doesn’t laugh very often? Oh no that’s sad actually haha
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I’m not done with Blank Slate Ch. 4 just yet - hopefully soon! - but this lineup stands out to me especially since I made it while rereading Handplates. Specifically after Gaster is pulled out of the Void - Gaster having to face the people he loves who have no memory of him really spoke to me in a Blank Slate way - the scenario of being able to completely start over and have never done anything to hurt your loved ones, at the expense of never having done anything to them, as far as they’re concerned, ah! It hurts so beautifully!! That’s one of the central themes I’m chasing so it was so cool to see in that context! Very inspiring ♥
So remember how in my Sims post, one Vargas family ended up with two Todds? Well what if that but actually
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Twin Todd AU, just try and stop me
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The saddest little twins y’ever did see ahh 💔 Having to share Shmee because there’s just the one of him! Who has a greater need :’0
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I actually went and skimmed the SQUEE! comics to get a better grasp on the Casils, I’d forgotten basically everything haha. It seemed in keeping that if they could barely keep track of the one Todd, they wouldn’t bother even differentiating between two :’) Taking Todd shifts to better share the load
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At least they have each other! More helpful than a stuffed bear who eats trauma? On par at least?
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I also happened to catch this screenshot of the Todds gossiping about their shadow-dad, though I’m not sure who had seen him :0 By now I have found an adoption memory-loss prevention mod - thank goodness :D - but it wasn’t installed at the time! :0 Blue Todd is the Todd who’d already been the Vargases’ kid, Red Todd is newly-adopted Todd :)
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Greetings in order! One of the Todds came by to scout out this strange new person
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It’s a name to go by, if nothing else
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Reporting back from the field, he has served his big narrative influence hehe ♥
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Uh, yeah, about that- While I don’t doubt you were seeing double at times, uhm-
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Surprise! Double the sons!
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Only so much space in this apartment! They’re probably used to sharing a space to sleep weh, the implications of this AU are sad! I have no one to blame but myself haha
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I have never been able to give up this twisted love I have for Edgar getting flustered about incredibly silly things and Scriabin chiding him with just his name haha ♥ Real twins do not delegitimize whatever the hell you two are to each other 💕
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Who me? An affinity for how names shape identity and what it means to be a whole separate person? In love with this story in particular? You must be mistaken. But really, what would their name(s) be? I also love the subtle differences even just here - one Todd speaks up for the other! Dynamics ✨
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1994, 2004, basically the same year innit. Scriabin is so much more on the up-and-up about the latest technology than Edgar, that old man
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In which the offscreen is me lol, I was so blown away by how much more advanced the Sims 2 was from the Sims 1 ♥ Scriabin doesn’t need a box with a program in it, he has the absolute funnest toy in the world already!
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And isn’t that the most important part ♪
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Scriabin immediately makes himself and hooks up with every Sim he can, Edgar uncomfortable and totally not watching a~ny of the animations hehe ♪ Honestly though, the thought of Scriabin being genuinely excited to virtually get it on with any-and-every delights me haha
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Look. Look, okay, look- If I could choose what to be inspired by, I would but sometimes
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Obviously Scriabin would be a long Furby lol, this exchange can be summarized to “Scriabin no D:” “Scriabin yes >:D”
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He’s complaining that Edgar ignoring him sleeping is boring haha
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I did briefly lose my mind over how the Furbish word for “I/me/my/mine” is all the same - linguistically it makes sense, self-possessive, but in this, in their context ♥
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Based on that one Wojak format - looks into the camera like “Yes. I am in your head. Insanity tracks” pfft
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And it’s @jaspravex with the steel chair!! I hadn’t drawn any of them in like a month and then all of a sudden- I was 1000% not expecting to be hit with such a huge wave of inspiration but gosh and dang did this line of thought light me up. The implication! The jealousy! Wow that’s a lot all at once I wasn’t expecting ♥ Somehow these two never ended up on my shipping chart, dynamics I swear haha ✨
There’s September through February for the fourth go ‘round! Wild when I put it like that :0 Like clockwork, these lads ♪
#💟#Doodles#Art#Sketchdump#Edgar#Scriabin#Jake#Todd#Shmee#Nny#There's a few errant things in here as well - The Sims 2 - Handplates#......Furbies#Look it's fine don't worry about it lol#Oh this one was so nice to edit <3 I've made it once <3 <3 When was the last time I could say that about one of these ♥#And you know what that means right? Other than the fact that I've gotten a bit better at making these without breaking them lol#It means my art production is finally actually properly for realsies slowing down! Not as many to compile over a three month period!#That last one really did surprise me that inspiration hit me upside the head after quite literally a month of nothing#Even my scratch pages hadn't taken precedent for a bit! And yeah this technically still isn't all of what I've made in the meanwhile lol#Once I finish Ch. 4 of Blank Slate there might be another :) Or I might let it go for another chapter or so ♪#Either way! Only took - when did I first go on hiatus lol#July of '22 so a year and a half-ish lol#To finally start to taper off - this is tapering off this is my airtight example of tapering off lol#Handplates and the Sims 2 were my big driving forces this time around hehe <3 Who knows what will catch my attention towards them next!#Lots of Todd AUs around here when I look huh :0 He is best boy he deserves the attention ♪#As always I'll be back in April as well for my personal Vargasversary and to be a sap hehe ♥#Never empty of thoughts or love! Just progressively quieter - for now ♪
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